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Handling Editor: Petar Sabev Varbanov Climate change and energy supply are major driving forces for the promotion of sustainable fuels production. In
the aviation sector, due to inherent difficulties to adopt electrification methods for long distance flights, the
Keywords: successful implementation of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) is crucial for the achievement of greenhouse gas
Synthetic kerosene emissions mitigation strategies. This study presents four different pathways for the valorization of captured CO2
CO2 to jet fuel
into synthetic kerosene using hydrogen and demonstrates the comparative assessment in terms of various
technical and aspects such as hydrogen consumption, thermal energetic efficiency and produced e-kerosene
Methanol oligomerization
Aspen plus quality. Two pathways are based on Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, a low-temperature CO conversion though reverse
water-gas shift reaction and a high-temperature direct CO2 conversion, while the other two are based on the
valorization and upgrading of light alcohols (methanol and ethanol) derived from CO2 hydrogenation. The
process models were developed in Aspen Plus. Simulation results revealed that the low-temperature CO con
version pathway is the most efficient to maximize jet fuel yield with the lower energy and exergy losses.
Indicatively for that case, 90.7% of the initial carbon is utilized for kerosene fraction synthesis, the overall
thermal efficiency is 70.9% whereas the plant exergetic efficiency is 72.6%. The basic properties of the produced
e-kerosene for all pathways meet with the required Jet-A1 specifications or are close to them.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (V.J. Inglezakis).
Received 18 November 2022; Received in revised form 7 April 2023; Accepted 16 May 2023
Available online 23 May 2023
0360-5442/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
K. Atsonios et al. Energy 278 (2023) 127868
K. Atsonios et al. Energy 278 (2023) 127868
the GHG footprint of the final products. The CO2 either can come from considering the available energy of the main inlet and outlet streams. A
the atmosphere (Direct Air Capture) or can have biogenic (from bio term of exergy efficiency is introduced that is defined as the ratio of total
energy or biorefinery plant) or fossil carbon origin (industrial flue exergy output of the useful streams (i.e. liquid products) to total exergy
gases). In any case, the CO2 stream that will be used for the synthetic input:
kerosene production must meet certain specifications in terms of gas
Ejet˙ fuel + EDiesel+gasoline
impurities (i.e. nitrogen oxides, oxygen gas, sulfur oxides and hydro ηEx = eq 6
˙ ˙ ˙
carbons) concentration to avoid the reactors catalysts poisoning. In all EH2,in + ECO2,in + Pin + EQ,in
the examined cases, the CO2 flow rate is set equal to 100 kmol/h
whereas the hydrogen consumption is left as a dependent variable. This where Ejet˙ fuel and EDiesel+gasoline
˙ (in MW) are the chemical exergies of the
CO2 flow rate corresponds to an annual CO2 valorization of 40 kt/y and final liquid fuels calculated according to the following equation [18]:
an electrolyser capacity of 30–50MWe. This size selection has been done (∑ ∑ )
˙ fuel = N • εch = N •
Exliquid xi εo,i + RT xi lnxi eq 7
arbitrarily and although it corresponds to a rather small industrial scale
unit the overall process is definitely scalable and can be applied at larger
scales. The proper size determination is a matter of the techno-economic where N is the molar flow in kmol/s and xi the molar fraction of each
assessment, which is not part of that study. As far as the process analysis component i. The reference conditions used are the standard environ
in concerned, this is mainly based on the process simulation modeling of mental conditions (To = 298.15 K, po = 1.013 bar) and values of ε0,i for
the examined flowsheets performed with Aspen Plus. The reactors each component are obtained from Ref. [19].
modeling was based either on the assumption of the chemical equilib Exergy of power equals power itself and exergy of a heat stream Q
rium or on data from published experimental data. (EQ,i
˙ ) is evaluated with the help of the Carnot factor:
( )
˙ = Qi • 1 − T0 eq 8
2.1. Definition of performance indicators EQ,i
The following metrics are introduced for the performance evaluation where Ti is the temperature at which Qi is available and i = in or out.
of each case. The overall exergy that is destructed according to the second ther
The Carbon Utilization (CU) determines the portion of initial carbon modynamic law (Eloss ˙ ) is calculated from the exergy balance of the
that exist in the form of CO2 that is finally found in the synthetic kero overall system (see Fig. 3):
sene stream. ( ) ( )
˙ = EH2,in
Eloss ˙ + ECO2,in ˙ − Ejet˙ fuel + EDiesel+gasoline
˙ + Pin + EQ,in ˙ ˙ heat
+ EQ,waste
ṅC,e− jet
CU = eq 1 eq 9
The term ηwasted expresses the amount of exergy that is wasted in the
where ṅC,e− jet the carbon molar flow (kmol/h) at the produced jet fuel form of unexploited heat to the total exergy input:
stream and ṅC,CO2in the C flow (kmol/h) at the CO2 inlet stream.
˙ heat
The Energetic Jet Fuel Efficiency (EJFE) measures the thermal effi ηwasted = eq 10
˙ + Pin + EQ,in
˙ + ECO2,in ˙
ciency of the process and the ratio of heat input of the produced SAF EH2,in
(MW on a LHV base) to the total used hydrogen heat input plus the
Whereas the term ηloss expresses the ratio of irreversibilities (Eloss) of the
external heat (Qext) if necessary:
overall process to the total exergy input:
ṁe− jet • LHVe− jet
EJFE = eq 2 ˙
ṁH2,in • LHVH2 + Qext ηloss = eq 11
˙ ˙ ˙
EH2,in + ECO2,in + Pin + EQ,in
In order to take into account all the external heating and power demands
for the effective and stable operation of the proposed systems the term of 3. Pathways description
overall plant efficiency (ηtot) is defined as:
ṁe− jet • LHVe− jet 3.1. FT based pathways
ηtot = eq 3
ṁH2,in • LHVH2 + Qext + Pext
In this work, as is the common practice in plant level simulation
For the cases where refrigeration loads are required, the respective studies, only the main FT reactions were considered. This approach is
loads are converted into electricity, assuming a constant coefficient of followed in conceptual design and simulation studies to avoid unnec
performance (COP) of 3.14 [17]. essary complexity which can lead to convergence problems, as the
The e-kerosene yield (Ye-jet) defines the amount of produced syn production of other organic groups such as alcohols, aldehydes and acids
thetic aviation fuel mass flow (ṁe− jet ) to the inlet CO2/H2 feed gas mass have negligible impact on the overall process.
flow (ṁH2,in + ṁCO2,in ):
3.1.1. High-temperature Fischer-Tropsch synthesis without rWGS (CO2FT)
ṁe− jet
Ye− jet = eq 4 The available studies on high-temperature Fischer-Tropsch (FT)
ṁH2,in + ṁCO2,in
synthesis without separate reverse water-gas shift (rWGS) reactor are
The e-kerosene fraction (fe-jet) defines the portion of the produced rare and are limited to laboratory experimental research. This process is
synthetic aviation fuel mass flow among the mass flow of other side called non-methanol mediated CO2 hydrogenation [20] and combines
products (i.e. diesel and gasoline):
ṁe− jet
fe− jet = eq 5
K. Atsonios et al. Energy 278 (2023) 127868
FT and rWGS reactions in a single reacrtor by use of Fe catalysts. The As seen in Table 1, all the reaction processes take place under high
reactions considered are [21]: pressure and temperature. All reactors apart from ATR produce excess
heat because of the exothermic nature of the reactions that are carried
CO2 + H2 ⟺ CO + H2 O (12)
out. The excess heat is utilized either for the effective preheating other
streams or for low pressure (LP) steam generation. The same strategy is
nCO + (2n + 1)H2 ⟺ Cn H2n+2 + nH2 O (13)
also followed in the remaining cases.
nCO + 2nH2 ⟺ Cn H2n + nH2 O (14)
3.1.2. Low-temperature Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (LTFT)
To reach satisfactory CO2 conversions and C5–C15 yields it is neces In the examined pathway, CO2 is firstly transformed into CO in the
sary to use high temperature, pressure and excess H2 in combination to a rWGS reactor:
catalyst that suppresses CH4 production [22]. In the present paper
experimental data of a Fe-based catalyst containing K as a promoter CO2 + H2 ⟺ CO + H2 O (18)
were used [23]. The transformation of CO2 to CO is thermodynamically favored by
The process flow diagram is shown in Fig. 4. The FT reactor product high temperature because it is reversible and endothermic and is pres
is cooled and sent to adsorption units for the removal of CO2 and H2 and sure independent. The rWGS is always accompanied by undesired CO2
then is decanted to separate water, light gases and the hydrocarbons. methanation, also called the Sabatier reaction, which is exothermic,
The light gases are recompressed and sent to an oligomerization reactor favored by lower temperature and high pressure [26]:
where the light olefins (C2–C9) are dimerized. The products are sent to a
flash drum where the gases and olefins are separated. The gases are sent CO2 + 4H2 ⟺ CH4 + 2H2 O (19)
to a H2 adsorption unit, a flash drum to separate the remaining olefins Hence to maximize the CO production low pressures and high tem
and then to an autothermal reactor (ATR). Reforming of light gases, peratures are required. The process flow diagram is shown in Fig. 5. The
mainly CH4, produces syngas and increases overall conversion [24]. The rWGS reactor products are sent to flash where water is separated and
main reactions are [25]: then to an adsorber for the removal of CO2. The syngas compressed and
CH4 + 3/2 O2 ⟺ CO + H2 O (15) then is transformed into hydrocarbons by low-temperature Fischer-
Tropsch (FT) synthesis (LTFT). When Co is used as catalyst in LTFT, it is
CH4 + H2 O ⟺ CO + 3H2 (16) commonly assumed that only paraffins are produced and the main re
action is accompanied by the water-gas shift reaction (WGS) [27–29]:
CO + H2 O ⟺ CO2 + H2 (17)
nCO + (2n + 1)H2 ⟺ Cn H2n+2 + nH2 O (20)
Besides CH4 all light hydrocarbons are converted to syngas. The
excess H2O is separated in a flash drum and the syngas is mixed with CO + H2 O ⟺ CO2 + H2 (21)
fresh CO2 and H2. The hydrocarbons separated at the decanter and the The FT reactor product is cooled and decanted to separate water,
olefins produced in the oligomerization reactor are sent to a hydro
light gases and the hydrocarbons. The light gases are recompressed and
treater where olefins are transformed to paraffins and heavy paraffins sent to a H2 adsorption unit and then to an autothermal reforming
(C24+) are cracked to smaller paraffins. The products are sent to
reactor (ATR). The excess H2O is separated in a flash drum and the
adsorption units for the removal of CO2 and H2 and then to the first syngas is mixed with fresh CO2 and H2. The hydrocarbons are sent to a
distillation column where kerosene is taken at the bottom and the lighter hydrocracker where the heavier molecules are broken to lighter mole
hydrocarbons at the top. The top product is sent to a second distillation cules [28]:
column where gasoline is taken at the bottom and light tail gas at the
top. The latter is sent to the ATR for reforming. C2n H4n+2 + H2 ⟺ 2Cn H2n+2 (C24 and C2 8) (22)
Fig. 4. Process flowsheet of the CO2 to Jet fuel pathway via CO2FT (direct CO2 into FT liquids).
K. Atsonios et al. Energy 278 (2023) 127868
Fig. 5. Process flowsheet of the CO2 to Jet fuel pathway via LTFT (through rWGS).
K. Atsonios et al. Energy 278 (2023) 127868
Fig. 6. Process flowsheet of the CO2 to Jet fuel pathway via methanol synthesis.
reactions were obtained from Ref. [34]. The recovered propene un The produced DME is recovered after a subsequent distillation col
dergoes oligomerization for the production of various oligomers (di umn and a flash separator whereas the unconverted methanol is sepa
mers, trimers, tetramers, etc.). The process parameters and the rated from water in a second column. Part of the unreacted gas is split
associated reactions were obtained from Ref. [35]. All the produced and mixed with DME that is needed for the Ethanol synthesis according
oligomers mix and send to the hydrotreatment unit for hydrogenation to the following set of reactions.
and their conversion into alkanes. The same reactor that has been
CH3 O CH3 + CO ⟺ CH3 COOCH3 (30)
employed in the MTO/MOGD pathway was used, enriched with the
respective hydrogenation reactions of the olefins that are not considered
CH3 COOCH3 + 2H2 ⟺ CH3 OH + CH3 CH2 OH (31)
in the former scenario (i.e. same conversion rate = 90%). The Auto
thermal Reformer (ATR) reactor is pressurized, oxygen blown, in order The first is the DME carbonylation where methyl acetate (MA) is
to avoid some of the compression duty of the recycling gas and to exploit formed in the presence of H-Mordenite (H-MOR) zeolite, whereas the
the oxygen that is produced as the electrolyser together with the second one is the produced ester hydrogenation over the Cu/ZnO
hydrogen. catalyst. The reactions take place in a dual bed reactor sequentially, at
15 bar and 220 ◦ C. Moreover, CO2 and ethyl acetate (EA) are also by-
3.2.2. Ethanol-based pathway products [37]. After the products separation, DME, MA and EA reenter
Fig. 7 present the process flow diagram of the fourth pathway. to the reactor, whereas the CH3OH and CO2 are sent at the DME syn
The main idea of this pathway is to transform CO2 into ethanol and thesis unit. To accomplish that, a series of two distillation columns and a
the latter to be the basis for the medium/long chain hydrocarbons based flash separation is employed as seen in Fig. 7. This way of producing
on an alcohol-to-jet (ATJ) scheme. The fresh H2/CO2 stream after synthetic ethanol from CO2 has been introduced earlier in Ref. [38] and
compression is mixed with the recycling streams (internal gas loop, is adopted it again in the present study as the direct catalytic conversion
external gas loop coming from the Ethanol Synthesis unit and methanol) of CO2 into ethanol does not yield high conversion and selectivity rates
and undergoes dimethyl ether (DME) synthesis: together, according to the recent relevant studies [39].
The third section of the process consists of the ethanol upgrade into
CO2 + H2 ⟺ CO + H2 O (27)
medium/long chain hydrocarbons based on four consecutive catalytic
reactions: ethanol condensation, n-butanol dehydration, light olefins
CO2 + 3H2 ⟺ CH3 OH + H2 O (28)
oligomerization, and oligomers hydrogenation [40]. In the first step,
2CH3 OH ⟺ CH3 O CH3 + H2 O (29) ethanol is converted into n-butanol according to the following Guerbet
In order to produce DME in one step, bifunctional catalysts should be
applied, where the first reaction is catalyzed by an acidic catalyst such 2C2 H5 OH → C4 H9 OH + H2 O (32)
HZSM-5 and the rest two by a methanol synthesis catalyst such as Cu/ High ethanol conversion rates and selectivity in n-butanol can be
ZnO/Al2O3 [36]. achieved if a catalyst such as RuCl2 is applied [41]. Apart from butanol,
K. Atsonios et al. Energy 278 (2023) 127868
Fig. 7. Process flowsheet of the CO2 to Jet fuel pathway via DME/ethanol synthesis.
K. Atsonios et al. Energy 278 (2023) 127868
Table 3 catalytic zone of the reactor by using steam with H2O/C ratios ranging
Reactors models specifications for the CO2FT pathway. from 0.2 to 3.5 [44]. In this study, the estimated optimum O2/C and
Reactor name Reactor Process Associated Fractional H2O/C molar ratios were 0.7 and 4, respectively.
model specifications reactions conversion
Fischer-Tropsch RSTOIC 300 ◦ C/25 bar CO2 + H2 ⟺ 0.417 (CO2) 4.2. Low-temperature Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (LTFT)
H2/CO2 = 3 CO + H2O nCO
+ (2n+1)H2 ⟺ Table 4 presents the models parameters that are used for the reactors
CnH2n+2 + nH2O
nCO + 2nH2 ⟺
simulation. The H2/CO molar ratio at the FT reactor inlet was kept equal
CnH2n + nH2O to 2 in order to maximize the selectivity for hydrocarbons within the
Oligomerization RSTOIC 350 ◦ C/40 bar 2C2H4 → C4H8 1 kerosene chain length [45]. The overall CO conversion was set to 0.85.
2C3H6 → C6H12 1 The distribution of the C4+ hydrocarbons in the FT reactor is calculated
2C4H8 → C8H16 1
through the Anderson-Schulz-Flory (ASF) distribution which define the
2C5H10 → 1
C10H20 stoichiometry of the overall reaction or the selectivity of the products.
2C6H12 → 0.85 The chain growth probability factor (α) depends on the process condi
C12H24 tions and in this paper the value of 0.92 was used [27]. The ASF dis
2C7H14 → 0.85 tribution fails to represent the data for light hydrocarbons and the
following fractional selectivity for light hydrocarbons and the produced
2C8H16 → 0.8
C16H32 CO2 though the WGS reaction were used [28]: CH4 = 0.05, C2H4 =
2C9H18 → 0.8 0.0005, C2H6 = 0.01, C3H6 = 0.02, C3H8 = 0.01, C4H8 = 0.02, C4H10 =
C18H36 0.01 and CO2 = 0.01. Stoichiometric amount of H2 was fed to the hy
Hydrotreater RSTOIC 300 ◦ C/30 bar C3H6 + H2 → 0.9
drocracker. For the ATR the estimated optimum H2O and O2/C molar
C4H8 + H2 → 0.9 ratios were 0.6 and 0.2, respectively.
C5H10 + H2 → 0.9 4.3. Methanol-based pathway
C6H12 + H2 → 0.9
C6H14 Table 5 presents the models parameters that are used for the reactors
C7H14 + H2 → 0.9 simulation. The adopted methodology for the methanol synthesis is
C7H16 based on the assumption of the chemical equilibrium. The methanol to
C8H16 + H2 → 0.9
olefins products yields were obtained from Avidan [46]. The oligo
C9H18 + H2 → 0.9
merization reaction process specifications for ethylene was adopted
C9H20 from Ref. [33], propylene from Ref. [35] and butane from Ref. [34].
C10H20 + H2 → 0.9 Finally, for the hydrotreatment reactor process specifications it is
C10H22 assumed that all the olefins are converted into their respective n- and
C11H22 + H2 → 0.9
i-paraffins with a conversion rate of 90%.
C12H24 + H2 → 0.9
C12H26 Table 4
C13H26 + H2 → 0.9 Reactors models specifications for the LTFT pathway.
C15H30 + H2 → 0.9 Reactor name Reactor Process Associated Fractional
C15H32 model specifications reactions conversion
C16H32 + H2 → 0.9 Reverse Water REQUIL 900 ◦ C/5 bar CO2+H2 →CO + –
C16H34 Gas Shift H2O
C17H34 + H2 → 0.9 CO2+ 4H2
C17H36 →CH4+2H2O
C18H36 + H2 → 0.9 Fischer- RSTOIC 240 ◦ C/35 bar nCO + (2n+1)H2 0.85 (CO)
C18H38 Tropsch H2/CO = 2 →CnH2n+2 +
C19H38 + H2 → 0.9 nH2O
C19H40 CO + H2O →
C20H40 + H2 → 0.9 CO2 + H2
C20H42 Hydrocracker RSTOIC 240 ◦ C/35 bar C24H30 + H2 → 1
C24H50+ H2 → 1 2C12H16
2C12H26 C28H58 + H2 → 1
C24H48 + 2H2 → 1 2C14H30
2C12H26 C32H66 + 3H2 → 1
C28H58+ H2 → 1 4C8H18
2C14H30 C36H74 + 3H2 → 1
C28H56 +2H2 → 1 4C9H20
2C14H30 C40H82 + 3H2 → 1
C48H98 + 3H2 → 1 4C10H22
4C12H26 C48H98 + 3H2 → 1
C48H96 + 4H2 → 1 4C12H26
4C12H26 C56H114 + 3H2 → 1
Autothermal RGIBBS 950 ◦ C/5 bar – – 4C14H30
reactor O2/C = 0.7 C64H130 + 3H2 → 1
H2O/C = 4 4C16H34
The distillation columns are modeled as RADFRAC. The Peng-Robinson property Autothermal RGIBBS 950 ◦ C/5 bar – –
reactor O2/C = 0.6
method with Boston-Mathias modification is selected with STEAMNBS as free
H2O/C = 0.2
water method.
The distillation columns are modeled as RADFRAC. The Peng-Robinson property
method with Boston-Mathias modification is selected with STEAMNBS as free
water method.
K. Atsonios et al. Energy 278 (2023) 127868
Table 5
Reactors models specifications for the MeOH-based pathway.
Reactor name Reactor model Process specifications Associated reactions Fractional conversion
All the distillation columns are modeled as RADFRAC. The Peng-Robinson property method is selected for all subsections apart from the methanol synthesis, where
NRTL-RK is used.
reactions occur in series.
the DME synthesis reaction model, a more simplified approach based on CO2 flow in kg/h 4401 4401 4401 4401
equilibrium is adopted (REQUIL). Table 6 presents the models param H2 flow total kg/h 771 669 906 622
Oxygen demand kg/h 1176 374 1514 0
eters that are used for the reactors simulation.
Steam demand for ATR kg/h 3783 105 1669 0
The hydrotreatment model and the distillation columns modeling are Liquid products kg/h 1420 1420 1357 1355
based on the same approach to former case. The property method that is Jet Fuel flow kg/h 1073 1288 1165 885
used for that model is ENRTL-RK. Wastewater flow kg/h 8711 4129 6284 3666
CU % 75.7% 90.7% 82.7% 62.4%
Ye-jet % 20.8% 25.4% 22.0% 17.6%
5. Results and discussion
fe-jet % 75.5% 90.7% 85.8% 65.3%
Table 6
Reactors models specifications for the ATJ section.
Reactor name Reactor model Process specifications Associated reactions Fractional conversion
Guerbet reactor RSTOIC 150 ◦ C/1.5 bar 2Ethanol → n-butanol + H2O 0.271
3Ethanol → hexanol + 2H2O 0.026
3Ethanol→2ethyl-hexanol+ 2H2O 0.009
Alcohols dehydration RSTOIC 285 ◦ C/1 bar Ethanol → C2H4+ H2O 1
Propanol → C3H6+ H2O 1
n-butanol → 1-C4H8+ H2O 0.8
2ethyl-hexanol→ C6H12+ H2O 1
Hexanol→ C6H12+ H2O 1
Hexene oligomerization RSTOIC 350 ◦ C/10 bar 2C6H12→C12H24
Butene oligomerization RSTOIC 350 ◦ C/10 bar 2 1-C4H8 →C8H16 0.2
3 1-C4H8 →C12H24 0.7
4 1-C4H8 →C16H32 0.1
K. Atsonios et al. Energy 278 (2023) 127868
to the other two cases. Supposing that the green hydrogen flow comes greater than then final product streams (both jet fuel and diesel). This is
from a renewable driven electrolysis unit, the amount of oxygen that is attributed to the inevitable selectivity in light olefins at the oligomeri
co-produced is enough to cover the oxygen demands at the three cases zation catalyst.
where an ATR unit is considered. Special attention should be paid on the In the case of the EtOH route (Fig. 11), it is obvious that there is a
proper water management, as the wastewater is the largest stream of all considerable large amount of gas recycling between the DME and the
at four cases. This effluent must be purified and reused either at the Ethanol synthesis which is more than 5 times greater than the heat input
green hydrogen production unit or at the steam generation for ATR of the hydrogen feed. The Sankey diagram indicates that a more efficient
operation. This represents around 64% (MeOH case) to 81% (CO2FT way to handle the CO/H2 stream that is needed for DME carbonylation
case) of the total process water demands. should be adopt in future improved versions of that pathway. As for
upgrading part of ethanol into advanced paraffinic fuels, the energetic
efficiency is 95.6% implying that the heat content of the inlet steams
5.2. Energy balance (ethanol and hydrogen) has a minor degradation during the 3-step
ethanol conversion into jet fuel and diesel .
Table 8 summarizes all the aggregated main aspects of the heat and Table 9 summarizes the hot and cold utilities for the examined cases.
energy balance of the four pathways. The electrolyser consumption that CO2FT case has the lower hot utilities (only 0.11 MW HP steam) and a
is roughly calculated based on the assumption of a specific energy considerable amount of LP steam (10.6 MW) can be exploited externally
consumption of 53.79 kWh/kgH2 [48] for a typical PEM electrolyser is or sold in the framework of industrial symbiosis. Similarly, at the LTFT
included in the table results for comparison purpose but it is not taken case, 8.2 MW of LP steam is produced but 1.2 MW of heat with tem
into account at the overall calculations. Following the previous analysis perature >900 ◦ C is required for the rWGS reactor operation. The MeOH
on mass balance, LTFT demonstrates the best performance of all in terms case has practically no need for external heat as the amount of HP/IP/LP
of energy efficiency. More than 70% of fresh hydrogen energy content is steam can be fulfilled from the IP/HP steam that is generated internally.
finally converted into synthetic aviation fuel proving the effectiveness of The EtOH case has considerable amount of energy inflows and outflows
this pathway. at different forms (steam and refrigerants with multiple properties). All
An illustrative view of how the energy is distributed along each the cases apart from the last one have positive balance at inlet/outlet
process is granted by the Sankey diagrams. The flows that represents the utilities, having thus an additional beneficial environmental impact by
heat content of material streams are expressed on Higher Heating Value providing steam with zero carbon footprint.
basis. In addition, the sensible heat of these streams has been taken into Although a life cycle analysis is not considered in that study, it is
consideration in order to close the heat balance. easily extracted that the environmental impact of the produced synthetic
In Fig. 8, the important role of ATR is illustrated. The gas (reformate kerosene and its potential GHG emissions reduction after replacement of
gas) that is produced from all the low-quality, low-importance gas from fossil derived aviation fuel is mainly depended on the way that hydrogen
the oligomerization and hydrotreatment has slightly higher heat content is produced and the origin of the CO2 stream. Moreover, the effective
of the fresh hydrogen that enters the FT synthesis reactor. Oligomeri management of the utilities at the three first cases further decreases the
zation and hydrotreatment are set to operate in high efficiency as the carbon footprint at the produced synthetic fuels.
waste heat from these reactors is low. The waste heat from the ATR can
be potentially exploited for the steam generation (this part has not been 5.3. Exergy analysis
taken into detail in the CO2FT analysis).
Fig. 9 shows the Sankey diagram for the LTFT case. Although rWGS is The results from the exergy analysis are presented in Table 10.
an endothermic, energy demanding process, the required heat for its CO2FT pathway is characterized from the high exergy that exits the
stable operation is 5.7% of the fresh hydrogen heat content. The ratio of process in the form of (waste) heat. The exergetic efficiency (ηex) of LTFT
the recycling streams to the fresh gas stream is the lowest of all the pathway is the highest, verifying what has been previously mentioned in
examined cases, this has beneficial impact on the reactors size and the energy analysis section. The high final products yield, the low exergy
consequently to the total equipment cost. Thanks to the effective heat inlet because of the low power demand and relatively low heat input are
integration network, the waste heat from the overall process is 29% of the main factors for that. On the other hand, there is room for
the hydrogen heat input. improvement in the performance of the alcohol-based pathways as it is
Fig. 10 depicts the impact of the ATR use for the light gas/purge gas illustrated from their high exergy loss. Especially for the ethanol-based
utilization. A recycling stream of 19.8 MW with CO and H2 is created pathway, new ways for producing DME more effectively or direct
and reused for methanol synthesis. As a result, this stream has a com ethanol from CO2 should be investigated. For the methanol-based
parable heat content with that of hydrogen. The methanol to oligomers pathway, the olefins oligomerization was based on certain studies that
process chain has a very good energy conversion efficiency, as almost handle each light olefin separately. If their oligomerization can be
10% of the heat content is lost as unexploited (waste) heat. Nevertheless, accomplished as much as effectively even with the presence of the rest
the paraffins that are final formed after the hydrotreatment process and compounds after the MTO reactor, the refrigeration loads and the
their carbon number is < 9 and are not suitable for aviation fuel is respective electricity consumption can be avoided at the MTO section for
the light olefins separation.
Table 8
Heat and Energy balance main results. 5.4. Energy analysis of the LTFT pathway
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K. Atsonios et al. Energy 278 (2023) 127868
conventional LTFT process) and two new (light alcohols based) path
Table 11
ways for CO2 catalytic conversion into synthetic jet fuel. They were
Produced synthetic jet fuel properties.
developed in such way that the jet fuel fraction is maximized compared
Jet A-1 CO2FT LTFT MeOH EtOH to other liquid fuels fraction (gasoline and diesel) and the main prop
LHV MJ/kg >42.80 44.12 44.15 42.50 44.10 erties to follow the respective Jet-A1 specifications. The analysis of these
Density kg/m3 775–840 747.4 744.3 740.6 754.0 pathways was on the basis of the process design and comparative
Viscosity (-20oC) mm2/s 4.32 5.28 3.36 5.44
assessment was made in terms of process performance, energy and
Flash Point C >38 45.6 44.4 37.9 49.7
Distillation 10% o
C <205 163.6 153.1 156.1 171.45
exergy. The process simulations results revealed that LTFT pathway
Distillation 100% o
C <300 308.5 288.7 282.9 279.30 presents the best performance as it is illustrated from the highest values
of jet fuel yields and the energy & exergy indices. This implies that the
most efficient way to produce synthetic kerosene from CO2 with ther
Table 12
mocatalytic techniques is first to convert it into CO and then the CO/H2
KPIs from various synthetic fuels production systems and comparison. stream to be transformed into hydrocarbons via Fischer-Tropsch syn
thesis. The alcohol-based routes presented also good performance in
Study technology Ye-jet fe-jet EJFE ηtot ηtot fuels
terms of the target product yield and the respective carbon utilization
König et al. [14] rWGS - FT 9.3% 43.9% 29.3% 28.5% 67.0% and have the potential to be competitive to the FT-based pathways if
Zang et al. [51] rWGS - FT 6.3% 46.7% 27.0% 26.7% 57.8%
certain improvements in catalysts performance (higher selectivity in
Ruokonen et al. MeOH 7.6% 21.8% 21.8% 21.8% 77.4%
[13] C12–C14 compounds) is achieved. All the proposed pathways demon
this study CO2FT 20.8% 75.5% 51.2% 51.6% 69.2% strated improved performance compared to other similar approaches in
this study LTFT 25.4% 90.7% 70.9% 66.4% 78.1% the literature as concerns the maximization of the aviation fuel fraction,
this study MeOH 22.0% 85.8% 45.5% 45.5% 52.9% when it is considered as the desired end-product. However, a weakness
this study EtOH 17.6% 65.3% 52.4% 25.3% 79.9%
is the higher level of complexity for that cases as a certain number of
catalytic reactors and recovery units of the intermediate products are
ṁi • LHVi required in order to convert methanol and ethanol into long chain
ηtot,fuels = eq 33 paraffinic fuels. An overall assessment in terms of production cost and
ṁH2,in • LHVH2
environmental impact is needed as a future work in order to get a clear
where i = jet fuel, diesel, gasoline, gas fuel etc. insight of the examined pathways prospects. Such a holistic analysis will
It makes clear that the four pathways investigated in this study address to determine the proper plant capacity and the influence of the C
present a significant advancement in maximization of jet fuel production utilization unit on the total investment compared to the rest parts of the
yield, as illustrated from the Ye-jet and fe-jet that are higher than the system i.e. the hydrogen and pure CO2 production units.
respective performance values found in the literature. Moreover, the
way that the inlet energy (hydrogen heat input, heat and electricity) are Author contribution
converted into the desired synthetic aviation fuel is more efficient. The
EtOH based route presents the highest performance in terms of hydrogen K. Atsonios: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investigation, Soft
conversion into all the liquid fuels, even though the e-kerosene yield (Ye- ware, Validation, Visualization, Writing – original draft, J. Li: Software,
jet) is the lowest of the four new processes but not lower that the two Validation, V.J. Inglezakis: Project administration, Conceptualization,
studies from the literature. Methodology, Validation, Software, Writing – review & editing.
6. Conclusions
Declaration of competing interest
This study presents two Fischer-Tropsch based (one unconventional
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
high temperature FT without a reverse WGS reactor in addition to a
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
K. Atsonios et al. Energy 278 (2023) 127868
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