Market Making and Mean ReversionTanmoy Chakraborty Michael Kearns CK11
Market Making and Mean ReversionTanmoy Chakraborty Michael Kearns CK11
Market Making and Mean ReversionTanmoy Chakraborty Michael Kearns CK11
Market making refers broadly to trading strategies that seek A market maker is a firm, individual or trading strategy
to profit by providing liquidity to other traders, while avoid- that always or often quotes both a buy and a sell price for a
ing accumulating a large net position in a stock. In this financial instrument or commodity, hoping to make a profit
paper, we study the profitability of market making strate- by exploiting the difference between the two prices, known as
gies in a variety of timeseries models for the evolution of a the spread. Intuitively, a market maker wishes to buy and
stock’s price. We first provide a precise theoretical charac- sell equal volumes of the instrument (or commodity), and
terization of the profitability of a simple and natural market thus rarely or never accumulate a large net position, and
making algorithm in the absence of any stochastic assump- profit from the difference between the selling and buying
tions on price evolution. This characterization exhibits a prices.
trade-off between the positive effect of local price fluctua- Historically, the chief purpose of market makers has been
tions and the negative effect of net price change. We then to provide liquidity to the market — the financial instrument
use this general characterization to prove that market mak- can always be bought from, or sold to, the market maker at
ing is generally profitable on mean reverting time series — the quoted prices. Market makers are common in foreign ex-
time series with a tendency to revert to a long-term aver- change trading, where most trading firms offer both buying
age. Mean reversion has been empirically observed in many and selling rates for a currency. They also play a major role
markets, especially foreign exchange and commodities. We in stock exchanges, and historically exchanges have often
show that the slightest mean reversion yields positive ex- appointed trading firms to act as official market makers for
pected profit, and also obtain stronger profit guarantees for specific equities. NYSE designates a single market maker
a canonical stochastic mean reverting process, known as the for each equity, known as the specialist for that stock. In
Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) process, as well as other stochastic contrast, NASDAQ allows several market makers for each
mean reverting series studied in the finance literature. We equity. More recently, fast electronic trading systems have
also show that market making remains profitable in expec- led trading firms to behave like market makers without for-
tation for the OU process even if some realistic restrictions mally being designated so. In other words, many trading
on trading frequency are placed on the market maker. firms attempt to buy and sell an equity simultaneously, and
profit from the difference between buying and selling prices.
Categories and Subject Descriptors We shall refer to such trading algorithms generally as market
making algorithms.
F.2.2 [Theory of Computation]: Analysis of Algorithms In this paper, we analyze the profitability of market mak-
and Problem Complexity; J.4 [Social and Behavioral Sci- ing algorithms. Market making has existed as a trading
ences]: Economics practice for a long time, and it has also inspired significant
amount of empirical as well as theoretical research [9, 5, 10,
General Terms 1, 2, 3]. Most of the theoretical models [5, 9, 2, 3] view mar-
ket makers as dealers who single-handedly create the market
Theory, Economics, Algorithms
by offering buying and selling prices, and there is no trading
in their absence (that is, all trades must have the market
Keywords marker as one of the counterparties). On the other hand,
Computational Finance, Algorithmic Trading, Market Mak- much of the empirical work has focused on analyzing the be-
ing, Mean Reversion havior of specialist market makers in NYSE, using historical
trading data from NYSE [10, 1]. In contrast, our theoretical
and empirical work studies the behavior of market making
algorithms in both very general and certain specific price
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for time series models, where trading occurs at varying prices
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are even in the absence of the market maker. This view seems
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies
appropriate in modern electronic markets, where any trad-
bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific ing party whatsoever is free to quote on both sides of the
permission and/or a fee. market, and officially designated market makers and special-
EC’11, June 5–9, 2011, San Jose, California, USA. ists are of diminishing importance.
Copyright 2011 ACM 978-1-4503-0261-6/11/06 ...$10.00.
Market Making vs. Statistical Arbitrage. and sell limit orders with some quoted prices at any time,
Before describing our models and results, we first offer and may also cancel these orders at any future time. For
some clarifying comments on the technical and historical dif- simplicity, we assume that each order requests only one share
ferences between market making and statistical arbitrage, of the equity (a trader may place multiple orders at the same
the latter referring to the activity of using computation- price). If at any time after placing the order and before its
intensive quantitative modeling to design profitable auto- cancellation, the market price of the equity equals or exceeds
mated trading strategies. Such clarification is especially (respectively, falls below) the quoted price on a sell order
called for in light of the blurred distinction between tra- (respectively, buy order), then the order gets executed at
ditional market-makers and other kinds of trading activity the quoted price, i.e. the trader pays (respectively, gains)
that electronic markets have made possible, and the fact one share and gains (respectively, pays) money equal to the
that many quantitative hedge funds that engage in statisti- price quoted on the order. We shall refer to the net volume
cal arbitrage may indeed have strategies that have market of the equity held by a trader at a given point of time as
making behaviors. inventory. Note that inventory may be positive (net long
Perhaps the hallmark of market making is the willingness position) or negative (net short position). To evaluate the
to always quote competitive buy and sell prices, but with profit made by a market making algorithm, we shall fix a
the goal of minimizing directional risk. By this we mean time horizon when the algorithm must liquidate its inventory
that the market maker is averse to acquiring a large net at the current market price.
long or short position in a stock, since in doing so there is Our first and most general theoretical result is a succinct
the risk of large losses should the price move in the wrong and exact characterization of the profit obtained by a sim-
direction. Thus if a market maker begins to acquire a large ple market-making algorithm, given any market price time
net long position, it would continue to quote a buy price, series, in the model above. If the sum of absolute values
but perhaps a somewhat lower one which is less likely to get of all local price movements (defined below) is K, and the
executed. Alternatively (or in addition), the strategy might difference between opening and closing prices is z, we show
choose to lower its sell quote in order to increase the chances that the profit obtained is exactly (K − z 2 )/2. The positive
of acquiring short trades to offset its net long inventory. In term K can be viewed as the product of the average volatil-
this sense, pure market making strategies have no “view” ity of the price and the duration for which the algorithm is
or “opinion” on which direction the price “should” move — run. The negative term z 2 captures the net change in price
indeed, as we shall show, the most profitable scenario for during the entire trading period. Thus this characterization
a market maker is one in which there is virtually no overall indicates that market making is profitable when there is a
directional movement of the stock, but rather a large amount large amount of local price movement, but only a small net
of non-directional volatility. change in the price. This observation matches a common
In contrast, many statistical arbitrage strategies are the intuition among market makers, and provides a theoretical
opposite of market making in that they deliberately want foundation for such a belief. An unbiased random walk (or
to make directional bets — that is, they want to acquire Brownian motion) provides a boundary of profitability — the
large net positions because they have a prediction or model algorithm makes zero expected profit (as do all trading al-
of future price movement. To give one classic example, in gorithms), while any stochastic price process whose closing
the simplest form of pairs trading, one follows the prices of price has comparatively less variance from the opening price
two presumably related stocks, such as Microsoft and Ap- makes positive expected profit. The last observation leads
ple. After normalizing the prices by their historical means to our second result.
and variances, one waits for there to be a significant gap in
their current prices — for instance, Apple shares becoming Mean Reversion.
quite expensive relative to Microsoft shares given the his- We next exhibit the benefit of obtaining a succinct and
torical normalization. At this point, one takes a large short exact expression for profit by applying it to some classes of
position in Apple and an offsetting large long position in stochastic time series that help in understanding the circum-
Microsoft. This amounts to a bet that the prices of the two stances under which the algorithm is profitable. We identify
stocks will eventually return to their historical relationship: a natural class of time series called mean-reverting processes
if Apple’s share price falls and Microsoft’s rises, both po- whose properties make our market making algorithm prof-
sitions pay off. If the gap continues to grow, the strategy itable in expectation. A stochastic price series is considered
incurs a loss. If both rise or both fall without changing the to be reverting towards its long-term mean µ if the price
gap between, there is neither gain nor loss. The important shows a downward trend when greater than µ and upward
point here is that, in contrast to market making, the source trend when less than µ. Prices of commodities such as oil
of profitability (or loss) are directional bets rather than price [11, 13] and foreign exchange rates [8] have been empirically
volatility. observed to exhibit mean reversion. Mean-reverting stochas-
tic processes are studied as a major class of price models, as
Theoretical Model and Results. a contrast to stochastic processes with directional drift, or
We first summarize our theoretical models and our three with no drift, such as Brownian motion. One widely studied
main theoretical results. We assume there is an exogenous mean-reverting stochastic process is the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck
market where an equity can be bought and sold at prices process [7].
dictated by a given time series process. At any given point Formally, our second result states that out market mak-
of time, there is a single market price at which the equity can ing algorithm has expected positive profit on any random
both be bought as well as sold. The price evolution in the walk that reverts towards its opening price. This result is
market is captured by the time series. The market making quite revealing — it holds if the random walk shows even
algorithm is an online decision process that can place buy the slightest mean reversion, regardless of how complex the
process may be (for instance, its evolution may depend not 2. A GENERAL CHARACTERIZATION
only on the current price, but also on the historical prices We first describe our theoretical model formally. We as-
in an arbitrary way, as well as the current time). It iden- sume that all events occur at discrete time steps 0, 1, 2 . . . T ,
tifies mean reversion as the natural property which renders where T is the time horizon when the market making al-
market making profitable. gorithm must terminate. There is a market price Pt of the
Our third result shows that simple market making algo- equity at every time step 0 ≤ t ≤ T . Thus P0 , P1 . . . PT
rithms yield stronger profit guarantees for specific mean- is the market price time series. We assume that all prices
reverting processes. As an example, we consider the Ornstein- are integral multiples of a basic unit of money (regulations
Uhlenbeck (OU) process. If the price series follows this pro- in NYSE/NASDAQ currently require prices to be integral
cess, we show that a simple market making algorithm is multiples of a penny).
profitable when run for a sufficiently long time. Moreover, A trading algorithm may place and cancel (possibly both)
the profit grows linearly with the duration for which the al- buy and sell orders at any of these time steps, and each order
gorithm is run, and the profit guarantees hold not only in requests a single share at a quoted price Y . A buy (respec-
expectation, but with high probability. We prove this by tively, sell) order at price Y placed at time t gets executed
showing that while E[K] grows linearly with time, E[z 2 ] is at the earliest time t0 > t such that Pt0 ≤ Y (respectively,
upper bounded by a constant. Unlike our second result, we Pt0 ≥ Y ), provided that the order is not canceled before t0 .
do not need the assumption that the price series begins at If the buy (respectively, sell) order gets executed, then the
the long-term mean — the initial price appears in the upper algorithm pays (respectively, earns) Y units of money due to
bound on E[z 2 ]. the execution. We assume no market impact — the orders
We also show an analogous result for another mean revert- placed by the algorithm (which may get executed) do not
ing process that has been studied in the finance literature, affect the prices in the future. We leave to future work the
a model studied by Schwartz [14]. In this model, the local important topic of incorporation of market impact into our
volatility is a linear function of price, while the OU process results.
models volatility as a constant. The inventory held by the algorithm at time t is the num-
We remark that the results outlined above assume a model ber of shares held by it at that time. The inventory is in-
where the market maker can place and cancel orders as fre- cremented upon every executed buy order, and decremented
quently as it likes, and in fact our algorithm does so af- upon every executed sell order. The initial inventory is, nat-
ter every change in price. In practice, however, a market urally, assumed to be zero. At time T , the algorithm must
maker cannot react to every change, since the price may liquidate its inventory at market prices (mark-to-market). If
change with every trade in the market. We thus also ana- the algorithm has inventory x (x may be negative) at time
lyze the profitability of our market making algorithm when T , then it earns or pays xPT from the liquidation. The
it is allowed to change its orders only after every L steps, by profit obtained by the algorithm is then its net cash position
simulating our algorithm on random samples from the OU (positive or negative) after liquidation.
process. If the price series is the OU process, we show that A trading algorithm is considered to be an online process
the expected profit continues to grow linearly with time. — it makes its decisions (about placing and canceling or-
ders) at time t after observing the price series up to (and
Other Related Work. including) time t. The algorithm may or may not have ad-
To our knowledge, no previous work has studied market ditional information about the price series. Note that we
making in an exogenously specified price time series model. assume no latency and arbitrary frequency — the algorithm
Most of the theoretical work, as mentioned before, considers can look at current prices and place buy and sell orders in-
a single dealer model where all trades occurred through the stantaneously, and it can do so as frequently as it wishes.
market maker at its quoted prices [5, 9, 2, 3]. This includes Again, we leave the relaxation of these unrealistic assump-
the well-known Glosten-Milgrom model for market making tions for future work.
[9]. On the other hand, there has been a fair amount of
work in algorithmic trading, especially statistical arbitrage, Market Making Algorithms.
that assumes an exogenous price time series. The closest The basic class of market making algorithms that we con-
line of research to our work in this literature is the analy- sider is the following: At time t, the algorithm cancels all un-
sis of pair trading strategies under the assumption that the executed orders, and places new buy orders at prices Yt , Yt −
price difference between the two equities show mean rever- 1, Yt − 2 . . . Yt − Ct and new sell orders at prices Xt , Xt +
sion (e.g. [4, 12]). As discussed before, such strategies are 1, Xt +2 . . . Xt +Ct , where Yt < Xt and Ct is a non-negative
qualitatively very different from market making strategies. integer. Such ladders of prices are set up to ensure that large
Moreover, most algorithmic trading work, to our knowledge, sudden fluctuations in price causes a proportionally large
either analyze price series given by very specific stochastic volume of executions. Ct is called the depth of the price
differential equations (similar to Sections 3.1 and 3.2 of our ladder at time t, and intuitively, the algorithm believes that
paper), or empirically analyze these algorithms against his- the price fluctuation |Pt+1 − Pt | shall not exceed Ct . Un-
torical trading data (e.g. [6]). In contrast, we also give profit executed orders are canceled and fresh orders are placed at
guarantees for the weakest of mean reversion processes with- every time step (changes are necessary only if Xt+1 6= Xt or
out assuming a specific form (Theorem 3.1), and in fact de- Yt+1 6= Yt ). Thus the algorithm is determined by the choices
rive an exact expression for arbitrary price series (Theorem of Xt , Yt and Ct for all t, and these choices may be made
2.1), inspired from the notion of worst-case analysis in the- after observing the price movements up to time t.
oretical computer science. We begin by presenting our basic result for a simple mar-
ket making algorithm, that sets Xt = Pt +1 and Yt = Pt −1.
Theorem 2.1. Let P0 , P1 . . . PT be a market price time
price of an equity would change by more than a few dollars
within a few seconds. In that case, one may set Ct = C ∀t.
+%&'( 1!!!!!!1
2 3 In this section, we use Theorem 2.1 to relate profitability
1 to mean reversion.
prices separated by less than a penny. Thus the volatility E[Qt ] = eαt +βt /2
2 2
needs to be sufficient for integral changes to occur in the Var[Qt ] = (eβt − 1)e2αt +βt
price series. If the unit of money could be made smaller,
the loss due to rounding should diminish. Then σ in terms Suppose the unit of price is small enough so that ln µ >
of the new unit increases linearly, while γ remains constant 2γ
(again, this is essentially equivalent to choosing a finer
(Qt becomes cQt for some scaling factor c). Thus for any granularity of placing orders). Note that shrinking the size
constant σ, a sufficiently small granularity of prices allows us of a unit step by a factor c leaves both σ and γ unchanged,
to apply Theorem 3.2. In fact, it is not difficult to see from but inflates µ by c. Since αt and βt are upper bounded
the above analysis that the profit will grow linearly with by constants, so are E[Qt ] and Var[Qt ], and hence E[z 2 ] is
time as long as the limiting variance of the process σ 2 /2γ bounded by a constant.
is larger than (or comparable to) the granularity of bidding It remains to show that E[K] = Ω(T ). It suffices to show
(normalized to 1). If this does not hold, then the algorithm that E[|Qt+1 − Qt |] is at least some constant. Note that Qt
will rarely get its orders executed, and will neither profit nor is always positive, since it has a lognormal distribution. We
lose any significant amount. shall show that E[|Qt+1 − Qt | Qt ] is at least some constant,
Moreover, in the proof of Theorem 3.2, one may note that for any positive Qt . Since Qt is a Markov process, this is
z is a normal variable with variance bounded by a constant, equal to E[|Q01 − Q00 | Q00 = Qt ] for an identical but indepen-
while the lower bound on K grows linearly with T , and oc- dent process Q0t . Observe that α1 ≥ (ln µ− σ2γ )(1−e−γ ) > 0,
that satisfies the formal restrictions.
150 Acknowledgments
100 We give warm thanks to Yuriy Nevmyvaka for helpful com-
ments and suggestions.
0 10 20 30 40
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