Study and Calibration of A Pi Tot Static Tube: Experiment No: 8 Date: - )

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Experiment No: 8

Date: •) 5 ) 3 l,z. '1

Study and calibration of a Pitot static tube
Aim: To determine co-efficient of discharge of the Pitot tube. •
Basic concept: The pitot tube can be used to measure the velocity of water in an open
channel as well as in a closed pipe. For an open channel, a simple pitot tube will serve the
purpose. However, for a closed pipe in which the water is flowing under pressure, it is
necessary to measure the static pressure also. Then the velocity head will be equal to the .
total Pitot-tube reading minus the static pressure. The static pressure is measured by
inserting another L-shaped tube with its end pointing towards the flow downstream. The
water will be drawn in this tube by means of suction. If, now, the tubes are connected by
an inverted U-tube manometer, the difference of water height 'h' will give the velocity
head. Such an arrangement is known as "Pitot-meter". The static pressure can also be
measured by inserting the other end of inverted U-tube to the pipes.
A Pitot tube is fixed inside a pipe connected to a supply water tank The Pitot tube
is connected to an inverted water manometer. The flow rate in the pipe is measured from
given collecting tank of size 0.5 m x 0.5 m x 1.0 m. The flow rate is varied by adjusting the
delivery valve.
1. Prandtl pitot tube
2. Pipe
3. Manometer
4. Stop watch
5. Collecting tank fitted with a valve
The following formulae are employee} to find the theoretical velocity and Pitot tube
Theoretical discharge, V,h =

where, h = (h. -h2 ) (Sm -1)

100 s,
Sm= Specific gravity ofmanometric liquid (for Mercury= 13.6)
Si= Specific gravity of the flowing liquid (for Water= 1.0)

Actual discharge, Qa = AH/T
A = Internal plan area of collecting tank
H = Rise ofliquid in collecting tank
t =Time taken to collect liquid in the collecting tank
Va= Qa/a
a =Cross-sectional area of the pipe
Error of the Pitot tube, cp= Va/ Vth
1. The diameter of the inlet pipe and internal plan dimensions of the collecting tank are
2. The control valve in the pipe line is opened for maximum discharge.
3. The pressure difference between the Pitot tube and Pitot static probe are measured.
4. The outlet valve of the collecting tank is closed and time taken for a rise of "H" cm in
the collecting tank is noted down.
5. The above procedure is repeated for different discharges by controlling the gate valve.
Observations and tabulation:
Results of flow through Prandtl Pitot tube
S.No. Manometer reading, m Time
h1 hz for10
(h1 +h2) ( s m - lJ
100 s, rise of
('<f\) water,
,., '\
(J' ,o T (s)

IG 15
,\\ 15 10,
35 3S
II, l-f
5 ss sS I

Diameter of the pipe, d 0 IO 2-5 vY)

:o. { l 0,01.S J2· .:- l\ ''lo i )I lb-~

Dimensions of collecting tank = 40 O X 4Oo - (),~xo,~

rf\lY'\. M 'fY'\

Model calculations:

~- ~l ,,u r~

~tt.,ffr, vs ~ /b ,4 1

J- 6M 1~~---
~ - _ h\ 1

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Sri Balajl Stores, Cell: 98946 61515
The following graph is drawn by taking Va on y-axis and vh on x - axis.


(From experiment)
Error of the pitot tube, q, = _g_~_!~-----------
(From Va vs graph)

Marks scored:


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