Examining The in Uence of Short Videos On Attention Span and Its Relationship With Academic Performance

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Examining the Influence of Short Videos on Attention Span and its

Relationship with Academic Performance

Article in International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) · May 2024

DOI: 10.21275/SR24428105200


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2 authors, including:

Mohd Asif
Sanpada college of commerce and technology


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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2022): 7.942

Examining the Influence of Short Videos on

Attention Span and its Relationship with Academic
Mohd Asif1, Saniya Kazi2
Bachelor of Management Studies, Sanpada College of Commerce and Technology, Mumbai University

Abstract: This research examines the relationship between time spent watching short videos and academic performance. A mixed
methods approach was employed, utilizing semi-structured questionnaires with Likert scale and open-ended questions. The questionnaire
was distributed to over 200 students to gather data on short video usage and exam scores. Additionally, 10 heavy short video users (4+
hours daily) were interviewed regarding effects on attention span. Quantitative results revealed a negative correlation between hours spent
on short videos and exam scores in secondary school. Interview data found frequent short video viewing contributed to perceived attention
deficits among students. Taken together, findings indicate high short video consumption can adversely impact academic achievement due
to reduced attention span. This suggests a need to raise awareness of appropriate short video usage among students to mitigate risks of
Overuse. Limitations and future search directions are discussed.

Keywords: Attention span, Short videos, media consumption, screen time, concentration

1. Introduction employs a multifaceted approach, combining quantitative

analysis with qualitative insights. By collecting data through
The emergence of videos has been a breakthrough, in the semi-structured questionnaires and in-depth interviews, we
digital era. Platforms such as TikTok, YouTube Shorts and aim to uncover the nuances of short video consumption
Instagram Reels have enabled individuals to produce and among students. We examine the number of hours spent on
distribute captivating video content. Consequently, there has short videos, the frequency of usage, and students' academic
been a surge, in the duration of time people dedicate to performance in their 10th and 12th grades. Furthermore,
consuming these bite videos. through direct conversations with students who report
substantial daily short video consumption, we seek to gain a
Nevertheless, there is a growing worry regarding the deeper understanding of the challenges they face concerning
consequences of brief videos, on our ability to concentrate attention and concentration.
and perform well academically. Several studies have
indicated that short videos can hinder our focus on tasks and This research is vital in the context of modern education,
even contribute to attention deficit issues. Moreover the where the lines between digital and physical learning
condensed nature of these videos often results in an overload environments are increasingly blurred. As technology
of information which can strain our abilities. continues to shape educational practices, educators,
policymakers, and parents alike must grapple with the
In todays world marked by advancements and the widespread implications of short video consumption. Our findings aim to
influence of digital media short videos have emerged as a provide valuable insights into how students interact with short
prevalent form of content consumption among young people. videos and how this interaction affects their ability to succeed
These captivating snippets of information and entertainment academically. Ultimately, our goal is to inform strategies that
have captured the interest of millions across the globe. balance the benefits of multimedia engagement with the
maintenance of robust attention spans and academic
However the widespread use of videos has also given rise to achievements among today's students.
concerns about their impact, on aspects of student life
particularly their capacity to concentrate and achieve 2. Literature Review
academic excellence. The main objective of this research is
to explore the urgent matter at hand aiming to comprehend Nitesh Tripathi's (2021) Paper in the International Journal of
the impact of videos, on students ability to concentrate and Creative Research Thoughts explores how excessive
more significantly the tangible outcomes this might have on smartphone use negatively affects youth's attention spans. It
their academic performance. With the proliferation of cites increased smartphone use among young people and
smartphones and high speed internet students now have discusses issues like constant distraction, reduced focus, and
access to a range of short video content spanning from multitasking's impact on filtering information. The paper
educational tutorials to viral trends. This accessible content recommends setting time limits, turning off notifications, and
gives rise, to queries; How do these apparently harmless parental role modeling to address these concerns. In summary,
videos influence students attention spans? Do they contribute it highlights the need to manage smartphone use to support
positively to the learning process. Do they act as distractions healthy attention span development in youth.
that impede accomplishments?
K. Bhushan (2021): The impact of shorts and reels on
To answer these questions comprehensively, our study attention span & strategies to enhance focus” The article
Volume 13 Issue 4, April 2024
Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed Journal
Paper ID: SR24428105200 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.21275/SR24428105200 1877
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2022): 7.942
discusses the potential impact of short-form content, such as were employed to understand the attention span of students
TikTok and Instagram Reels, on attention span. The author who spent more than four hours on short videos.
argues that these platforms can lead to a decline in attention
span by conditioning our brains to seek immediate Participants: A total of 200 selected through a purposive
gratification and novelty. When we are constantly bombarded sampling technique, participated in the quantitative phase of
with short, attention-grabbing videos, it becomes more the study. Additionally, ten students who reported spending
difficult to focus on tasks that require sustained attention, over four hours daily on short videos were interviewed during
such as reading or learning. the qualitative phase.

The author cites a number of studies that support this claim. Data Collection Methods:
For example, one study found that people who watched short- Quantitative Data Collection: For the quantitative aspect,
form videos for 30 minutes a day had shorter attention spans data was collected through surveys and questionnaires
than those who did not watch short-form videos distributed to the participants. These surveys focused on
assessing students' academic performance. Data collection
Yao Qin, Bahiyah Omar, and Alessandro Musetti (2022) commenced on July 30, 2023, and concluded on September
The addiction behavior of short-form video app TikTok: The 12, 2023.
information quality and system quality perspective, The
article investigates why TikTok is addictive. The authors Qualitative Data Collection: To explore the attention span of
argue that TikTok's addictiveness is due to its high-quality students with extensive short video usage, semi-structured
information and system. TikTok's algorithm shows users interviews were conducted with the ten selected participants.
videos that are relevant to their interests, and the videos are These interviews provided in-depth insights into their
generally accurate and up-to-date. TikTok's user interface is experiences and challenges.
easy to use and navigate, and the system is reliable and secure.
More research is needed to better understand the causes and Variables: The independent variable in this study is the time
consequences of TikTok addiction. spent on short videos, while the dependent variable is
students' academic performance.
3. Objectives of the study
Data Analysis: To determine the correlation between the
1) Examine the relationship between short video independent and dependent variables, correlation analysis and
consumption and student’s attention span regression analysis were employed. These statistical
2) Assess the impact of short video usage on academic techniques allowed us to examine the relationship between
Performance among students short video consumption and academic performance.
3) To evaluate students' ability to retain educational content
from short videos. Qualitative data obtained from interviews underwent thematic
analysis. This qualitative approach helped identify common
Hypothesis themes and patterns related to attention span among students
Null Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant relationship with prolonged short video exposure.
between the time spent on short videos and academic
performance among students. Ethical Considerations: Ethical guidelines were strictly
adhered to throughout the research process. Informed consent
Alternative Hypothesis (H1): There is a significant negative was obtained from all participants, and their responses were
relationship between the time spent on short videos and treated with utmost confidentiality.
academic performance among students.
Data Presentation: Research findings will be presented using
4. Research gap a combination of tables, graphs, and narrative descriptions to
provide a comprehensive understanding of the study's results.
While existing literature has extensively explored the
influence of social media and short videos on attention span, 6. Finding
there is a notable gap in understanding how these digital
distractions specifically relate to and impact the academic To enhance the accuracy of our analysis, we categorized the
performance of students. This research seeks to bridge this students into four distinct groups based on their short video
gap by investigating the direct relationship between short consumption habits, with a particular focus on Instagram
video consumption, attention span, and academic outcomes, Reels. This categorization aimed to capture the diverse
shedding light on an important aspect of digital media's spectrum of usage patterns among students and shed light on
impact on education that has received limited attention in the potential correlations between their digital media
prior research. engagement and academic performance. By segmenting the
student population into these categories, we gained valuable
5. Methodology insights into how varying levels of short video exposure
might impact their educational outcomes. These categories
Research Design: This study employs a mixed-methods allowed us to explore the intricate relationship between the
research design, combining both quantitative and qualitative time spent on short videos, the frequency of engagement, and
approaches. Quantitative methods were used to assess the resulting effects on class 10th and class 12th academic
students' academic performance, while qualitative methods performance.
Volume 13 Issue 4, April 2024
Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed Journal
Paper ID: SR24428105200 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.21275/SR24428105200 1878
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2022): 7.942
6.1 Category :1

Students in this category spend an average of 1 hour on short

videos and open them approximately 17 times. This indicates
moderate engagement with short videos, neither too excessive
nor too limited.

Table 1: Category 1 specifications

Marks in Marks in Time Spent Time
10th 12th (Hours) Opened
Average 62.9 63 1 17
Figure 2: Marks trend (category 2)
The average marks in both class 10th and class 12th are
relatively similar, with class 12th marks slightly higher. This
suggests that, on average, students in this category maintain a
consistent level of academic performance from class 10th to
class 12th.

Figure 3: Predicted marks in 12th (Category 2)

The linear regression analysis shows a downward trend for

class 12th predicted marks. This means that as students spend
more time on short videos, their predicted marks for the 12th-
grade examinations tend to decrease. This finding aligns with
Figure 1: Marks trend (category 1) the negative correlation coefficient (-0.088) observed earlier,
indicating a modest negative relationship between time spent
6.2 Category:2 on short videos and class 12th marks
In Category 2, comprising students who dedicate 1-3 hours to
short video consumption, our research reveals a nuanced 6.3 Category.3
relationship between their digital media habits and academic
performance. On average, these students spend In Category 3, which comprises students who invest more
approximately 2.14 hours watching short videos and open than 4 hours in short video consumption, the research findings
them around 30 times. In their 10th-grade examinations, they reveals that
achieve an average score of 64.97, which is slightly higher
than Category 1 students. However, in their 12th-grade Table 3: Category 3 specifications
exams, their average marks drop to 58.41, indicating a decline Marks in Marks in Time Spent Time
in performance. 10th 12th (Hours) Opened
AVERAGE 69.3 63.9 5.43 44
Correlation 0.2304 -0.3217
Table 2: Category 2 specifications
Marks in Marks in Time Spent Time
10th 12th (Hours) Opened On average, students in this category achieve impressive
AVERAGE 64.97 58.41 2.14 30 marks in their 10th-grade examinations, with an average
Correlation 0.03921 -0.0882 score of 69.3. This demonstrates that in the early stages of
their education, these students excel one of the main reason
Correlation analyses were conducted to scrutinize this was that they were not exposed to short videos (Revealed in
relationship further. Surprisingly, a weak positive correlation interview)
of 0.0392 ,Conversely, a weak negative correlation of -0.088
was observed between time spent on short videos and class As these students progress to their 12th-grade exams, their
12th marks, indicating that as students devote more time to average marks decrease to 63.9. This indicates a notable
short videos, their 12th-grade marks tend to decrease decline in academic performance as they advance to the later
modestly . stage of their education. Students in this category invest an
extensive amount of time in short video consumption,
dedicating an average of 5.43 hours to these platforms

This represents a significant commitment to digital media

engagement. Furthermore, they exhibit a high frequency of
short video access, opening these videos approximately 44
times on average. This suggests a frequent and intensive
interaction with short video content
Volume 13 Issue 4, April 2024
Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed Journal
Paper ID: SR24428105200 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.21275/SR24428105200 1879
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2022): 7.942
experiences concerning their engagement with short videos

Questionnaire-based data collection

We engaged with a diverse pool of 200 respondents through
questionnaires to gain insights into their personal experiences
and challenges associated with short video consumption.
Through a series of carefully crafted questions, we probed
respondents about the specific problems they encounter while
Figure 4: Marks trend (category 3) engaging with short videos. These questionnaires provided us
with a wealth of valuable data, enabling us to understand the
Correlation analyses were conducted to examine the subjective aspects of attention span and the multifaceted
relationship between time spent on short videos and academic challenges posed by short video platforms. Following are the
performance thematic analysis of the survey questionnaires

Lack of Focus: A significant subset of respondents reported

experiencing a diminished ability to focus as a consequence
of engaging with short videos. Phrases such as "Can't focus"
and "Sometimes can't focus" were recurrent in their remarks,
indicating a perceived challenge in maintaining concentration
and attention.

Productivity Impact: The notion of reduced productivity

surfaced, with participants describing feelings of
unproductivity, stating "Nothing" and highlighting their
Figure 5: Predicted marks in 12th (Category 3) struggles with concentration, which they attributed to
excessive short video consumption
The correlation coefficient for class 10th marks and time
spent on short videos is 0.2304, indicating a moderate positive Negative Impact on Brain: Several participants voiced
correlation. This means that, in class 10th, there is a concerns about the detrimental effects on their cognitive
substantial positive association between the time these faculties, describing the impact as "Very bad" on the human
students allocate to short videos and their academic brain. This theme underscores the potential cognitive
performance. consequences of prolonged engagement with short video
Conversely, the correlation between class 12th marks and
time spent on short videos is -0.3217, signifying a moderate Addiction: Addiction was a recurring topic, with participants
negative correlation. In class 12th, longer engagement with acknowledging that while short videos could be entertaining,
short videos is linked to a considerable decline in academic they could also become highly addictive. Phrases like "It's
performance very much addictive" and "For fun it is okk but addiction is
not good for all" exemplified this sentiment, indicating that
For students in Category 3, who invest more than 4 hours in some individuals felt compelled to continuously scroll
short video consumption, the linear regression analysis through short videos.
indicates a significantly downward trend in their predicted
class 12th marks. This implies that, on average, as these Life Changes: Short video consumption was perceived as a
students allocate more time to short videos, their predicted factor contributing to changes in daily routines and habits,
marks for the 12th-grade examinations tend to decrease with participants noting shifts in patience, discipline, and a
notably. heightened urge to check their phones. These alterations
underscored the dynamic nature of individuals' daily lives.
These findings for Category 3 underscore a complex
relationship between short video consumption and academic Time Management: Concerns related to time management
performance. While these students excel in the early stages of were evident, with participants mentioning time wastage and
their education, their academic performance declines difficulty in balancing short video consumption with other
significantly as they start spending more times on short activities, especially during study sessions.
Waste of Time: A recurrent theme was the perception that
6.4 Qualitative data analysis short videos often resulted in wasted time. This sentiment was
captured in phrases like "Time wastage" and "Waste of time,"
To comprehensively assess the attention span of the underscoring concerns about unproductive engagement.
participants in our research, we employed a multifaceted
approach that included both qualitative data collection These thematic categories provide a comprehensive
methods, namely interviews and surveys via questionnaires. understanding of the diverse experiences and perspectives of
These methods allowed us to gain rich insights into the individuals regarding the impact of short videos on their daily
participants' attentional behaviors , perceptions, and lives. This analysis sheds light on the complex interplay
between entertainment, distraction, knowledge acquisition,
Volume 13 Issue 4, April 2024
Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed Journal
Paper ID: SR24428105200 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.21275/SR24428105200 1880
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2022): 7.942
and productivity in the context of short video consumption. years ago signifies a perceived change in their attention
span. Short video consumption may contribute to this
In-depth interview shift.
To delve deeper into the experiences of individuals who
dedicate more than 4 hours to short video consumption, we These interview findings provide qualitative evidence of how
conducted in-depth interviews with 10 selected respondents. short video consumption can impact various aspects of
These interviews allowed us to explore the nuances of their attention span, memory, task management, and overall focus.
engagement with short videos, uncovering personal The responses collectively reflect a trend where short videos
anecdotes, motivations, and challenges. Through these may contribute to reduced attention span and increased
qualitative interviews, we gained a richer understanding of distractibility, potentially influencing academic and daily life
how extended short video usage impacts attention span and
the potential consequences it may have on academic 7. Solution
7.1 Ease of access
Following are the highlight of interview:
1) Difference in Ability to Concentrate: This question Dopamine is a neurotransmitter connected to motivation and
reveals that 7 out of 10 respondents acknowledge a reward. When we anticipate a rewarding activity, our
noticeable difference in their ability to concentrate on dopamine levels rise, generating excitement and happiness.
academic tasks on days when they've viewed a lot of This is a normal and healthy process. However, problems
short videos. This suggests that, for a majority of arise when dopamine drops below baseline levels after
participants, short video consumption impacts their receiving a reward, creating a Chronic Dopamine Deficit
attention span and academic focus. State. In this state, we can't experience pleasure and happiness
2) Duration of Focus: With 7 out of 10 respondents as intensely, leading us to seek more stimuli for the same
reporting that they can't focus for extended periods effect.
without getting distracted, it indicates a common
challenge in maintaining concentration. Short video This concept applies to cigarettes,drugs and even short
usage appears to affect their ability to sustain attention videos. Short videos are easily accessible and offering quick
on tasks. rewards, continuously stimulate our brains. As we receive
3) Retention of Information: The finding that 8 out of 10 constant rewards in short bursts, our attention span is
respondents have difficulty recalling information from impacted, making it challenging to focus on other tasks that
short videos underscores the impact on memory don't provide immediate gratification.
retention. This supports the idea that short videos may
hinder the retention of knowledge or information. To tackle this problem following Steps can be taken:
4) Impact on Enjoyment of Longer Content: All 10 1) Delete the Apps: Remove short video apps from your
respondents highlighting that short videos impact their phone (You can still you it in your browser) This reduces
satisfaction with longer content, such as movies, books, ease of access and prompts conscious decisions to use
or lectures, indicates a preference for shorter, easily them.
digestible content. This shift in consumption patterns 2) Logout and Secure Passwords: If you want to keep the
may be linked to attention span and the desire for instant apps, regularly log out and create lengthy, complex
gratification passwords for them, making access less convenient.
5) Remembering Appointments and Obligations: All 10 3) Awareness of Triggers: Identify triggers that lead to app
respondents reporting difficulties in remembering use, such as boredom, and actively avoid these situations.
appointments or obligations suggests that short video 4) Engage in Alternative Activities: Replace short video
consumption may lead to lapses in organizational skills consumption with activities like exercise, puzzles,
and memory, potentially affecting daily responsibilities. meditation, or music to boost concentration, attention, and
6) Avoiding or Delaying Tasks: The revelation that 9 out mental sharpness.
of 10 respondents often delay starting tasks requiring 5) Social Interaction: Interact with people to improve
deep thought implies procrastination tendencies. This communication and listening skills, reducing reliance on
procrastination could be linked to short video short videos for social connection.
7) Difficulty Concentrating on Verbal Communication: 7.2 Educational Awareness Campaigns:
The observation that 7 respondents have difficulty
concentrating on verbal communication highlights Implementing educational campaigns is a vital strategy to
potential issues in active listening and maintaining address the impact of excessive short video consumption on
attention during conversations. attention span and academic performance. These campaigns
8) Distraction by Activity or Noise: should target three key audiences: students, educators, and
The agreement of 9 respondents that they are often parents. Here's how these campaigns can be structured:
distracted by surrounding activity or noise reinforces the
idea that short video usage may lead to heightened Students: Conduct workshops or seminars for students, both
distractibility. in schools and online, focusing on digital literacy. Teach them
9) Changes in Focus Duration: to recognize the potential consequences of excessive short
All respondents noting that they find it harder to maintain video consumption on their academic performance and
focus on tasks for extended periods compared to a few overall well-being.
Volume 13 Issue 4, April 2024
Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed Journal
Paper ID: SR24428105200 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.21275/SR24428105200 1881
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2022): 7.942
Educators: Offer professional development for educators to 8. Limitations
understand short video challenges and equip them with
classroom strategies, including recommending monitoring The limitations of this research stem from budgetary
tools to track student screen time and offer guidance when constraints, which prevented the acquisition of advanced
necessary. technology for directly assessing students' attention spans, the
absence of advanced technology limited the exploration of
Parents: Parenting Workshops: Organize workshops and certain technology-related variables
webinars for parents to inform them about the effects of short
video consumption on attention span and academic 9. Conclusion
performance. Equip them with practical strategies for
managing their children's screen time.
In this research, we embarked on an exploration of the
7.3 Digital Wellbeing Tools for Managing Screen Time influence of short videos on attention span and its
consequential impact on academic performance. Through a
Promoting digital wellbeing tools and applications is a blend of quantitative and qualitative methodologies, we
practical strategy to help students monitor and manage their uncovered essential insights that shed light on the complex
screen time, including their engagement with short videos. relationship between students' engagement with short videos
These tools are designed to empower individuals to make and their educational outcomes. Our quantitative analysis,
informed choices about their digital consumption habits and drawing from responses of over 200 students, unveiled a
foster a healthier relationship with technology. Digital concerning trend. As the time spent on short videos increased,
wellbeing tools offer a range of features to help users manage academic performance, particularly in 12th-grade
their screen time effectively. They enable the tracking of app assessments, exhibited a noteworthy decline. This statistical
and activity usage, providing valuable insights into screen correlation signifies the tangible repercussions of excessive
time patterns. Users can set limits on specific apps to prevent short video consumption on academic achievements.
excessive use and employ focus modes that block distracting
notifications during work or study sessions. Bedtime features In parallel, our qualitative investigation, comprising
promote healthier sleep habits by reducing screen brightness interviews with 10 students spending more than 4 hours on
and notifications at night. Customizable app notifications help short videos, provided a profound understanding of the
minimize interruptions, while usage insights empower subjective experiences. These students reported difficulties in
individuals to make informed decisions about reducing their concentration, retention of information, and a preference for
screen time and fostering a healthier digital balance. instant gratification over longer content. These qualitative
findings align with the quantitative data, reaffirming the
Examples of Digital Wellbeing Applications: adverse influence of short videos on attention span and
1) Apple Screen Time (iOS): Apple's Screen Time feature, academic focus.
available on iOS devices, offers detailed insights into app
usage, allows users to set app limits, and provides a daily To address these challenges, we proposed a multifaceted
summary of screen time. solution. Firstly, we emphasized the need to reduce ease of
2) Google Digital Wellbeing (Android): Google's Digital access by deleting apps, logging out regularly, and identifying
Wellbeing provides similar features for Android users, triggers for short video usage. Secondly, we advocated for
including app timers and a dashboard to track screen time. educational awareness campaigns targeting students,
3) Forest: Stay Focused (iOS and Android): This app allows educators, and parents to promote digital responsibility and
users to "grow" virtual trees while focusing on tasks. If provide practical strategies. Lastly, we recommended the use
they leave the app to use distracting apps, their tree of digital wellbeing tools to help students manage their screen
withers, encouraging them to stay on track. time effectively.
4) Freedom (iOS and Android): Freedom blocks access to
selected websites and apps for set periods, helping users This research highlights the undeniable impact of short video
maintain their attention span during work or study consumption on attention span and academic performance
sessions. among students. It underscores the urgency of addressing this
5) StayFree (Android): StayFree offers a detailed analysis of issue through a combination of individual actions, educational
app usage and enables users to set usage limits for initiatives, and digital tools. By adopting these strategies, we
individual apps. can empower students to strike a balance between digital
6) Calm (iOS and Android): While primarily a meditation engagement and academic success, fostering a more focused
and relaxation app,Calm includes tools to track and and resilient generation in the digital age.
manage screen time, encouraging mindful tech usage.
By implementing these solutions, we can work towards The authors would like to express their deep gratitude to their
mitigating the negative effects of short video consumption on research supervisor, Professor Sanjana Salunke, for her
attention span and academic performance, fostering a more invaluable feedback and mentorship throughout this research
balanced and focused digital lifestyle for students project. Her expertise and guidance were instrumental in
shaping the direction of this work and ensuring its quality. We
are particularly grateful for her insightful comments on the
methodology and assistance in navigating research hurdles
We are fortunate to have had her support and are incredibly
thankful for her contribution to this research.
Volume 13 Issue 4, April 2024
Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed Journal
Paper ID: SR24428105200 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.21275/SR24428105200 1882
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2022): 7.942
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Volume 13 Issue 4, April 2024

Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed Journal
Paper ID: SR24428105200
View publication stats DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.21275/SR24428105200 1883

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