Examining The in Uence of Short Videos On Attention Span and Its Relationship With Academic Performance
Examining The in Uence of Short Videos On Attention Span and Its Relationship With Academic Performance
Examining The in Uence of Short Videos On Attention Span and Its Relationship With Academic Performance
0 722
2 authors, including:
Mohd Asif
Sanpada college of commerce and technology
All content following this page was uploaded by Mohd Asif on 05 May 2024.
Abstract: This research examines the relationship between time spent watching short videos and academic performance. A mixed
methods approach was employed, utilizing semi-structured questionnaires with Likert scale and open-ended questions. The questionnaire
was distributed to over 200 students to gather data on short video usage and exam scores. Additionally, 10 heavy short video users (4+
hours daily) were interviewed regarding effects on attention span. Quantitative results revealed a negative correlation between hours spent
on short videos and exam scores in secondary school. Interview data found frequent short video viewing contributed to perceived attention
deficits among students. Taken together, findings indicate high short video consumption can adversely impact academic achievement due
to reduced attention span. This suggests a need to raise awareness of appropriate short video usage among students to mitigate risks of
Overuse. Limitations and future search directions are discussed.
Keywords: Attention span, Short videos, media consumption, screen time, concentration
The author cites a number of studies that support this claim. Data Collection Methods:
For example, one study found that people who watched short- Quantitative Data Collection: For the quantitative aspect,
form videos for 30 minutes a day had shorter attention spans data was collected through surveys and questionnaires
than those who did not watch short-form videos distributed to the participants. These surveys focused on
assessing students' academic performance. Data collection
Yao Qin, Bahiyah Omar, and Alessandro Musetti (2022) commenced on July 30, 2023, and concluded on September
The addiction behavior of short-form video app TikTok: The 12, 2023.
information quality and system quality perspective, The
article investigates why TikTok is addictive. The authors Qualitative Data Collection: To explore the attention span of
argue that TikTok's addictiveness is due to its high-quality students with extensive short video usage, semi-structured
information and system. TikTok's algorithm shows users interviews were conducted with the ten selected participants.
videos that are relevant to their interests, and the videos are These interviews provided in-depth insights into their
generally accurate and up-to-date. TikTok's user interface is experiences and challenges.
easy to use and navigate, and the system is reliable and secure.
More research is needed to better understand the causes and Variables: The independent variable in this study is the time
consequences of TikTok addiction. spent on short videos, while the dependent variable is
students' academic performance.
3. Objectives of the study
Data Analysis: To determine the correlation between the
1) Examine the relationship between short video independent and dependent variables, correlation analysis and
consumption and student’s attention span regression analysis were employed. These statistical
2) Assess the impact of short video usage on academic techniques allowed us to examine the relationship between
Performance among students short video consumption and academic performance.
3) To evaluate students' ability to retain educational content
from short videos. Qualitative data obtained from interviews underwent thematic
analysis. This qualitative approach helped identify common
Hypothesis themes and patterns related to attention span among students
Null Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant relationship with prolonged short video exposure.
between the time spent on short videos and academic
performance among students. Ethical Considerations: Ethical guidelines were strictly
adhered to throughout the research process. Informed consent
Alternative Hypothesis (H1): There is a significant negative was obtained from all participants, and their responses were
relationship between the time spent on short videos and treated with utmost confidentiality.
academic performance among students.
Data Presentation: Research findings will be presented using
4. Research gap a combination of tables, graphs, and narrative descriptions to
provide a comprehensive understanding of the study's results.
While existing literature has extensively explored the
influence of social media and short videos on attention span, 6. Finding
there is a notable gap in understanding how these digital
distractions specifically relate to and impact the academic To enhance the accuracy of our analysis, we categorized the
performance of students. This research seeks to bridge this students into four distinct groups based on their short video
gap by investigating the direct relationship between short consumption habits, with a particular focus on Instagram
video consumption, attention span, and academic outcomes, Reels. This categorization aimed to capture the diverse
shedding light on an important aspect of digital media's spectrum of usage patterns among students and shed light on
impact on education that has received limited attention in the potential correlations between their digital media
prior research. engagement and academic performance. By segmenting the
student population into these categories, we gained valuable
5. Methodology insights into how varying levels of short video exposure
might impact their educational outcomes. These categories
Research Design: This study employs a mixed-methods allowed us to explore the intricate relationship between the
research design, combining both quantitative and qualitative time spent on short videos, the frequency of engagement, and
approaches. Quantitative methods were used to assess the resulting effects on class 10th and class 12th academic
students' academic performance, while qualitative methods performance.
Volume 13 Issue 4, April 2024
Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed Journal
Paper ID: SR24428105200 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.21275/SR24428105200 1878
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2022): 7.942
6.1 Category :1