Unit 2 Climate
Unit 2 Climate
Unit 2 Climate
In much of Pakistan, the climate is tropical or subtropical, semi-arid or desert, but in the
north there are also: an area near the mountains which is quite rainy, a cold mountainous
area, and a frigid area on the peaks of the Himalayas.
In the cold half of the year, from late autumn to early spring, the north is reached by
weather fronts of Mediterranean origin, which cause rainfall in the lowlands and snowfall in
the mountains. In spring (i.e. March and April), the clash between air masses can cause
thunderstorms and strong winds. In summer, from July to mid-September, the country is
reached by an offshoot of the Indian monsoon, but in most of the country it is not able to
bring heavy rains, while it doesn't arrive at all in the western part. However, the warmest
months are those that precede the monsoon, especially June, which is very hot in plains
and hills, and up to quite high altitudes.
The monsoon has an irregular pattern: during some years, it may have an unusual force,
generating floods, while in other years, it doesn't even arrive. Rivers may overflow even at a
great distance from the area where the heaviest rainfall occurred, which typically happen in
the north. So, the great valley of the Indus and its tributaries may also be affected by
widespread flooding in the southern area, where normally it doesn't rain much.
The cycle called ENSO can affect the monsoon's performance: in La Niña years, rainfall is
heavier than normal, while El Niño brings drought.
• Climate is a generalization of the day to day weather conditions over a long period of
time, usually over 30 years.
• Weather refers to the atmospheric conditions e.g. temperature, humidity, rainfall and
pressure of any place for a short period of time. It is often localized.
• Humidity is the amount of water vapor present in air.
• Condensation is the conversion of water vapors into liquid due to which clouds are
Temperature key Climate zones
• 40°C and above (very hot) • Highland climate
• 31°C - 39°C (hot) • Lowland climate (semi – arid)
• 21°C - 30°C (warm) • Coastal climate (humid)
• 10°C - 20°C (mild) • Arid climate (arid)
• 03°C - 09°C (cool)
• -5°C - 02°C (cold)
• Below -5°C (very cold)
Highland climate
Northern mountains Western mountains Semi – arid/lowland (UIP+ LIP +
1. Cold/very cold 1. Cold winters 1. Cool/cold winters
winters 2. Warm summers 2. Hot summers
2. Mild summers. 3. Winter 3. High monsoon rainfall
3. Rainfall in all rainfall/western 4. Dryness increases north to south
seasons (snow in depression 5. Large daily range
winter) 4. Large daily range
4. Large daily range
Humid/coastal climate
Karachi coast Makran coast
1. Mild winters 1. Mild winters
2. Warm summers 2. Warm summers
3. Monsoon rainfall (Arabian sea) 3. Rainfall from winter depressions (from Iran)
4. Tropical cyclones 4. Tropical cyclones
5. Short daily range 5. Short daily range
Arid climate (Deserts e.g. Thar and Kharan)
1. Mild winters
2. Hot/very hot summers
3. Extreme aridity due to little rainfall
4. Large daily range
5. Dust storms
Advantages Disadvantages
1. Fills reservoirs and rivers – so more 1. Many fall as snow so of little use
storage 2. This is because rivers/lakes are frozen
2. Water available for HEP production 3. Damage to environment – landslides,
3. Water for Barani crops avalanches, etc.
4. Water for rabi/winter crops/fruit trees 4. Damage to roads – blockage, slippery,
5. Water when everything else is frozen in etc.
northern areas 5. Silt collects in reservoirs/dams
6. Lighter form of rain – can suck in therefore 6. Difficulty meaning farmers must do
more ground water transhumance or they are to live a nomadic
7. Snow for tourism due to scenic beauty life
Convectional currents
• At the start and end of summer due to high temperatures
• Moisture evaporates from rivers/lakes/vegetation, etc.
• (moist) air rises
• Air cools as it rises
• Causes condensation of moisture – which causes rainfall often as thunderstorms
• Northern and north – western areas get this rainfall mainly in Peshawar and
• They are caused from April to June
• They are also caused from September to November
Tropical cyclones
• These may bring a few hours of very heavy rainfall with destructive winds to the coastal
• Originate from Arabian Sea quite often but rarely reach coastal areas of Pakistan
• They are caused from April to June
• They are also caused from September to November
Q: Explain how storms such as these may affect industry and communications in
urban areas.
• Flooding/heavy rain
• Strong winds
• Lightning strikes
• Damage or closure of buildings, roads, bridges and airports
• Lack of deliveries
• Loss of production/work stops
• Labor cannot get to work
• Lack of experts/investors linked to airports being closed
• Loss of telecommunication
• Loss of power (electricity)
Relief rainfall
• Relates to height of a land
• Occurs where moist unstable air moves up after striking against a mountain side
• It is chilled on reaching a certain height
• This chilling causes heavy condensation and precipitation on the ‘wind ward’ side
• The leeward side (the other side of the mountain) receives sinking warm air and a dry
rain shadow area is usually formed
• Areas having high altitude receive this rainfall e.g. northern mountains
Effects of climate
highland zones Lowland zones (semi – Arid zones
arid) (Punjab, Sindh, etc.)
1. Stops growth of trees 1. Crops can be grown in 1. Very hot in summer and
2. Makes farming both summer and winter dry - not ideal for cultivation
impossible 2. Densely populated due to and habitation
3. Transhumance farming is bearable temperature 2. Nomadic life…
practiced 3. Monsoon rainfall suitable
4. Landslides & avalanches for Barani crops
5. People forced to stay 5. Flood hazards 3. Karez system is practiced
indoors - cottage industry due to high evaporation in
Kharan desert
4. Thick clothes worn to
protect from hot winds
5. Frequent dust storms
6. Less drinking water
Causes of floods
Natural Human
1. Melting of snow in summer 1. Cutting of trees on foothills increases
2. Heavy monsoon rainfall surface run – off
2. Failure to strengthen or heighten
embankments along river sides
3. Lack of storage facilities e.g. dams and
4. Siltation is caused
Effects of flooding
Positive Negative Precaution
1. More fertility of land 1. Farmers cannot practice 1. Planting trees to check the flow
through fresh alluvium agriculture of running water
2. Floods also recharge 2. Loss of lives & livestock 2. Enlarging river channels to hold
ground water supply 3. Destruction of crops more water
3. More fish in 4. Loss of food supplies 3. Building embankments on river
rivers/lakes 5. Loss of infrastructure sides to reduce overflow
6. Spread of water – borne 4. Building reservoirs on rivers to
diseases e.g. cholera store water
5. Preventing building in areas
where flooding is common - AFP
• Permanent: exists when crop cultivation is not possible e.g. Thal desert
• Seasonal: areas with well-defined rainy and dry seasons e.g. Potwar Plateau
• Invisible: is the result of a water deficiency that reduces crop yield but is not severe
enough to destroy them
• Unpredictable: is the result of abnormally low rainfall in areas which have humid
Effects of drought
• Shortage of water
• Shortage of grazing grounds for livestock
• Crops may fail
• This may lead to food shortages
• Loss of lives due to starvation and thirst
• Loss of livestock
• Weak animals with low outputs
• Diseases e.g. of skin
• More rural – urban migration
• More reservoirs to store water
• Desalination of salty water to increase the amount of fresh water for agriculture, etc.
• More plantations to reduce soil erosion and for more moisture in air for rainfall