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May, 8-9, 2017




May, 8-9, 2017

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Published by
Institute of Research and Community Services Yogyakarta State University
Kampus Karangmalang, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55281
Phone : (0274) 550839.
e‐mail : [email protected]

ICERI 2017 Proceedings

International Conference on Education, Research and Innovation
May 8th‐9th, 2017 — Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Edited by
Dr. Siti Irene AD
Dr. Mami Hajaroh
Dr. Lismadiana
Dr. Puji Yanti Fauziah
Prof. Dr. Sri Atun
Retna Hidayah, Ph.D
Prof. Dr. Siswantoyo
Prof. Dr. Sudji Munadi
Dr. Dyah Respati Suryo S.
Nunik Sugesti, S.Pd., M.Hum.
Apri Nuryanto, MT.
Surono, M.Pd.

Institute of Research and Community Services

Yogyakarta State University
in Collaboration with
Ministry of Research and Technology and Higher Education (RISTEKDIKTI)
Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Asia‐Pacific Network for Moral Education (APNME)
The American Indonesian Exchange Foundation (AMINEF)
Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)
ISSN: 2443‐1753
Book cover and layout designed by
Apri Nuryanto

All rights reserved. Copyright © 2017,

The papers published in these proceedings reflect the views only of the authors.
The publisher cannot be held responsible for the validity or use of the information
therein contained. Some conference presentations may not be available for


Assalanu'alaikum rvarahmatullah \\,abarakatuh.

\4ay peace antl Cod's blessings be upon all ofus.

Welcomc to Yogvakarta. Indonesia

It is a privilege ibl Yogy-akarta State Univcrsity to have the oppor-tur1il) to organise

this conlerence in which educatior'ral rescarchcrs and practitioners get togelher lo share ideas,
expe[ences. e\peclations. and research findings. This conference is one of fie agendas of
Yoglakarta State Ljniversity to cclcbrate its 5lrd anniversar). lt also marks the nerv era of
Yogyakarta Statc Llnivcrsity \rith its neu, leader-s and leaderships with ncu, prioriq programs
hoping ro excel this universit) to the Deu'level that is internationally recognized the World
Class llnivelsitl.
one el'1bfi thar this universit-v is doing is making sure that liuitlul lesearch is among
the piorilies. So far. horvever. the research lindings ploduced by univcrsitics. research
institutcs. schools. and practitioDers have not been optimally disscminatcd aud utilized and
have not produce n]axilnur impact on the inrprovcnrent of quality ol lile. Findings oI
research shouLd be able to bclcfit not only for the researchers themselves and their limited
contn'iuuitics. but also to thc widel conrmunities and u,or-ldwide. This is what Yogyakarta
State LJniversit)'u'ants to pronrotc. *hile irnploving ils impacts to the scielltific life
u,orlduidc bl cncouraging researchers to publish their aflicles ii internationally reputable
This fiflh Intemational Conl'erence o11 Educational Resear-ch and Innovation (ICERI),
in pa cular. aims at l'acilitating researcheN. educators, scicntists. and stlldents to exchange
and share their experienccs. ncu, idcas. and research findings about all aspects of education,
resealch and innovation, and discuss the practical challeiges encountered ancl the solutions
adofted 1() improve the qualit_,r- ol lii'e. \Vitl'r the commitme,rt to improve the impact of
rcsear-ch. this )ear therDe is "Oplimizing [ducational Rcscarch Findiugs to Improve the
Qualitr o1 Lile.'
Finalll. lct mc acknowledge the hard work ol all cofinittee membe1.s u,ho have
devoted their time and energ) to make the coiduct ofthis coDfere[ce possible. I u'ould also
use lhis opportLmilt to wish aii ofyou a irapp,v confelence and hopc thjs confcrcncc bc one of
the conlerences that reall) contribute to thc upbringing ofthc scientific life.

Wassalamrf alaikum warrahmatullah

,/ a.
8 May 2017
"E \i
r"x' Wibawa, M. Pd.
International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Assalamu’alaikum warrahmatullah wabarakatuh.

May peace and God’s blessings be upon you all.

First of all allow me to extend my warmest greetings and welcome to you all to the 5th
International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation, organized by Yogyakarta State
University to celebrate its 53rd anniversary. The conference is held for two days – May 8 and 9,

Raising the theme – Optimizing Educational Research Findings for Improving the Quality
of Life - this conference is designed to explore how various findings of educational researches
and applied researches from academicians, researchers, practitioners, educators, bureaucrats,
teachers, and students are optimized to improve the quality of life. Hopefully, this conference will
contribute various inspiring innovative thoughts and proactive strategies for the systemic and
sustainable improvement of the quality of lfe.
For your information, we will proudly present one keynote speech, three plenary presentation
sessions and four parallel presentation sessions. Seven outstanding speakers in the field of
character education and educational research have been invited. They are Prof. Laurance Splitter,
Ph.D. from Education University of Hong Kong, also representing Asia Pacific Network for
Moral Education (APNME), Prof. Richard Luke Daniels from the College of Idaho, USA, Dee
Dee A. Salle, Ph.D. , an Exercise Physiologist, Nutritionist, and Consultant from Singapore, Dr.
Minako Sakai from the University of New South Wales, Australia, Dr. Nurul Taufiqu Rochman,
M.Eng., Ph.D. from Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Indonesia, Dr. Deendarlianto from
Universitas Gadjah Mada,Indonesia, and Prof. Dr. Sri Atun from Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta,

We have done our best to prepare for this conference. So, my highest appreciation and
heartfelt thanks to all committee members. As to err is human, shortcomings may occur here and
there. On behalf of the committee, I would therefore like you all to accept our apologies.

At the end of my speech, I would like to kindly request the Rector of Yogyakarta State
University to officially declare the conference open.

To conclude, let me wish you a productive discussion and a fruitful conference.

Wassalamu’alaikum warrahmatullah wabarakatuh.
May peace and God’s blessings be upon you all

Yogyakarta, 8 May, 2017

Head of Research Institute and Community
Service of Yogyakarta State University

Dr. H. Suyanta, M.Si.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


MESSAGE FROM THE RECTOR ........................................................................ iii

MESSAGE FROM THE ORGANIZING COMMITTEE .................................... iv
TABLE OF CONTENT ..............................................................................................v


Laurance J Splitter ....................................................................................................................... 1


Ermawan Susanto........................................................................................................................ 8


Wasidi ........................................................................................................................................ 13


Muhammad E. M. Simbolon1, Dzihan Khilmi Ayu Firdausi2 ...................................................... 19


Ika Ningtyas Unggraini .............................................................................................................. 25


Hafizhah Lukitasari1, Sri Yamtinah2, Peduk Rintayati3 ............................................................. 33


Niken Wahyu Utami1, Suripah2 ................................................................................................ 38


Chandra Perwira Negara ........................................................................................................... 41


Salamia1 , Urip Tisngati 2 ............................................................................................................ 46


Samsul Hadi ............................................................................................................................... 53


Mustabirin Alam1, Rahayu Fuji Astuti2 ...................................................................................... 61

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Puji Nugraheni1, Dona Ningrum Mawardi2............................................................................... 68


Martinus Ariya Seta ................................................................................................................... 72


Rizky Ajie Aprilianto1, Pujiyanto2, Nur Anita3, Zia Putra Mashdiq4, Yohanes Primadiyono5 ... 77


Rani Kartika ............................................................................................................................... 82


Slameto ..................................................................................................................................... 91


Dhian Arista Istikomah1, Irma Ayuwanti 2 ................................................................................. 99


Sesmiyanti1, Yulmiati2, Rindilla Antika3 ................................................................................... 102


Ariefa Efianingrum .................................................................................................................. 107


Rafika Rahmadani1, Irwan Dinata Saputera2 ........................................................................... 111


Erick Burhaein ......................................................................................................................... 119


Nur Luthfi Rizqa Herianingtyas1, Ali Mustadi2 ......................................................................... 124


Syubhan An’nur1, Misbah2, and M. Noor Alifullah3 ................................................................. 130

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Lathifa Rosiana Dewi1, Bayuk Nusantara Kr. J. T. 2 ................................................................. 136


Nova Yunita Sari Siahaan Fitri Istria, Asti Widiani ................................................................... 139


Tuti Budirahayu1, Marhaeni Mega Wijayanti2 ........................................................................ 143


Theresia Yunia Setyawan ........................................................................................................ 148


Yohanes Budiarto .................................................................................................................... 153


Herfyna Asty1, Edwar Kemal2, Siska3 ....................................................................................... 162


Vina Anggia Nastitie Ariawan1, Rahman2 ................................................................................ 167


Inne Marthyane Pratiwi1, Tatang Herman2, Al Jupri3 ............................................................ 172


Mohamad Nur Fauzi1, Budi Usodo2, Sri Subanti3 .................................................................... 178


Nursiwi Nugraheni1, Wahyuningsih2 ...................................................................................... 183


Lasmita Sihaloho1, Juli Arianti2, Riris Lawitta Maulina Siahaan3 ............................................. 189

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Martin Iryayo1 , Devi Anggriyani2 ............................................................................................ 195


Djohar Maknun ....................................................................................................................... 202


M. Anas Thohir1, Habibi2 ......................................................................................................... 209


Fauziyyah Diyah Anggita Sari1, Titik Wulandari2, Annisa Widyastuti3, Haryo Rohmadiyanto4,
Septiana Eka Mufliha5 ............................................................................................................. 216


Lusi Rachmiazasi Masduki 1, Budiharto 2 ................................................................................. 221


P. Sarjiman .............................................................................................................................. 227


Julia Rizky Utami...................................................................................................................... 232


Siti Nurjanah ............................................................................................................................ 238


Frisca Trioktaviani1, AnitaWiani2, and Amanda Utari3............................................................. 243


Chairil Paif Pasani1, Ahmad Naparin2, Sri Hartini3 ................................................................. 249


Adi Suryani1, Soedarso2, Edy Subali3, Usman Arief 4 ............................................................. 255

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Yuli Bangun Nursanti ............................................................................................................... 262


Zahra Nugraheni1, Budiyono2, Isnandar Slamet3 ................................................................... 268


Aulia Rahmawati1, Didik G Suharto2, Rino A Nugroho3 ........................................................... 275


Marinda Mega Nurfitriani1, Puguh karyanto2, Baskoro Adi Prayitno3..................................... 285


Septri Rahayu1, Mohammad Azwar2, Parsaoran Siahaan3, Hernani4 ...................................... 289


Husna Yusrina1, Sri Yamtinah2, Peduk Rintayati3................................................................... 294


Hariyanti1, Misbahul Janatti2, Gigieh Cahya Permady3 ........................................................... 299


Annisa Yulistia1, Harun Rasyid2................................................................................................ 305


Ade Susanti1, Dewi Retno Sari Saputro2 .................................................................................. 311


Riya Wahyuni.a, Irmawatib, Yono Cahyonoc, Florentianus Dopod ............................................ 320


Herminarto Sofyan1, Wagiran2, Kokom Komariah3, Endri Triwiyono3..................................... 325


Rindi Liskasari1, Suparmi2, Puguh Karyanto3 ........................................................................... 328

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Novita Majid1, Rahmat2 ........................................................................................................... 334


Latif Agung Nugroho1, Puguh Karyanto2, Baskoro Adi Prayitno3 ............................................ 341


Losina Purnastuti1, Dibyo Waskito Guntoro2, Heni Dwi Iryanti3............................................ 346


Rizki A. Sambodo1, Baskoro A. Prayitno22, Puguh Karyanto33, Eka Sulistyowati4 ................... 351


Panji Hidayat ........................................................................................................................... 360


Tyas Kartiko Sutawi1, Ian Harum Prasasti2, Yasmika Baihaqi3 ................................................. 365


Hephi Meilinda1, Baskoro Adi Prayitno2, Puguh Karyanto3 ..................................................... 371


Janesa A. Tiong1, Ma. Joan P. Barlis2 ....................................................................................... 378


Tri Endro Pranowo1, Parsaoran Siahaan2, Wawan Setiawan3 ................................................. 401


Qodriah Siti Fatmawati1, Sri Yamtinah2, Peduk Rintayati3 ...................................................... 406


Farida Rahayu1, Edi Istiyono2................................................................................................... 412

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Trisna Helda1, Dina Ramadhanti2 ............................................................................................ 417


Darodjat .................................................................................................................................. 423


WISDOM PAINTING OF 4th Grade students in Elementary School
M. Iqbal Arrosyad1, Retno Winarni2, Tri Murwaningsih3 ......................................................... 429


Novri Pahrizal1, Petrus Ambarura2, Fitri Nur Mahmudah3 ...................................................... 435


Rukiyanto, S.J. ......................................................................................................................... 443


Umy Annisa Amaliana1, Sri Anitah Wiryawan2, Riyadi3 ........................................................... 452


Anip Dwi Saputro .................................................................................................................... 459


Ninit Alfianika1, Rahayu Fitri2 .................................................................................................. 470


Herliani and Sri Purwati ........................................................................................................... 476


Naniek Sulistya Wardani. ........................................................................................................ 484


Nurul Istiq'faroh ...................................................................................................................... 489

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


M. Firman Ramadhan1, Irwanto2 ............................................................................................ 494


Arif Sholahuddin1, Lenny Yuanita2........................................................................................... 500


Agung Setyawan ...................................................................................................................... 508


Budi Waluyo1, Favorita Kurwidaria2, Astiana Ajeng Rahadini3, Dewi Pangestu Said4 ............. 517


Neni Novitasari1, Nila Kurniasih2 ............................................................................................. 523


Ayu Choirul Mawar Sari Sugihatno1, Budiyono2, Isnandar Slamet3......................................... 528


Dyah Fitri Mulati ................................................................................................................... 534


Novi Safitri1,Yuyun Kurniasih2,Dita Amelia Putri3 .................................................................... 539


Endah Ratnaningsih ................................................................................................................. 546


Budiharti .................................................................................................................................. 550


Habibi1, Cally Setiawan2 .......................................................................................................... 554


Anatri Desstya1, Fitri April Yanti2 ............................................................................................. 560

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Ronny Setiawan ....................................................................................................................... 566


Agus Purnomo1, I Dewa Putu Eskasasnanda2, Nevy Farista Aristin3 ....................................... 572


A. Gathut Bintarto T. ............................................................................................................... 576


Suwarno Widodo1, Ririn Ambarini2 ........................................................................................ 583


Mita Yuliana1, Sri Anitah Wiryawan2, Riyadi3 .......................................................................... 588


Dayat Hidayat .......................................................................................................................... 594


Agustinus Rustanta1, Linus Kali Palindangan2 ......................................................................... 600


Cahyani Windarto.................................................................................................................... 608


Andika Adinanda ..................................................................................................................... 616


Andi Wibowo ........................................................................................................................... 621


Esti Yuli Widayanti ................................................................................................................... 625

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Irmayani Misrah1, Desiderius P Sudibyo2, Rina H Haryanti3 .................................................... 633


Darsono1, St. Y. Slamet2, Winarno3 ......................................................................................... 640


Fitriyane Laila Apriliani Rahmat1, Mahisa Silmi2 , Mia Sumiasih3 ............................................ 647


Cicilia Clara Devi Anggraini 1, Retno Winarni 2, Tri Murwaningsih 3......................................... 653


Siti Zubaidah1, Bambang Ismato2, Bambang Suteng Sulasmono3 .......................................... 660


Kartika Kirana1, Novi Dwi Rusmawaty2.................................................................................... 667


Wahyu Wido Sari ..................................................................................................................... 673


Nyna Adhitama1, Puguh Karyanto2, Sentot Budi Rahardjo3 .................................................. 676


Marlina Ummas Genisa1, Saleh Hidayat2................................................................................ 683


Linus Kali Palindangan1, Agustinus Rustanta2 ......................................................................... 690


Ria Wulandari .......................................................................................................................... 697


Moh Irma Sukarelawan1, Rif’ati Dina Handayani2, Moh. Toifur3............................................. 702

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Widyani Solihat ....................................................................................................................... 707


Hartini...................................................................................................................................... 716


Refa Lina Tiawati R. ................................................................................................................. 722


Anisa Putri Cahyani ................................................................................................................. 726


Naila Milaturrahmah1, Mardiyana2, Ikrar Pramudya3 ............................................................. 731


Yermia Tri Utami1, St. Y. Slamet2, Winarno3 .......................................................................... 737


Muamar Salameh .................................................................................................................... 741


Dimasfahrudin1, Jenny Ayu Rahmawati2 ................................................................................. 747


Nurjannah Mutiara Gayatri1, Eko Budi Wibowo2 ................................................................... 752


Irfa Ma’alina Li’illiyyina1, Fajar Nur Cahyani2 .......................................................................... 759


Latifatul Jannah1, Suharno2,Triyanto3 ..................................................................................... 765

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Hafidz Wahyu Nur Cholis......................................................................................................... 769


Jan Pieter ................................................................................................................................. 773


Iga Yolanda .............................................................................................................................. 780


Sari Rudiyati1, Mumpuniarti2, Pujaningsih3 ............................................................................ 787


Siska Yuniyati1, Suharno2, Triyanto3 ........................................................................................ 793


Erwinsyah Satria ...................................................................................................................... 798


Siti Irene Astuti Dwiningrum, Zamroni .................................................................................... 803


Budi Aryanto, Rizal Haqqi ........................................................................................................ 809


Badrun Kartowagiran1, Heri Retnawati2, Sutopo3, Faridl Musyadad4 ..................................... 814


Findy Citra Pelita Putri ............................................................................................................. 820


Prof. Dr. Margana, M.Hum., M.A. ........................................................................................... 829

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Laurance J Splitter
Education University of Hong Kong and the University of Melbourne
[email protected]; [email protected]

We are living in worrying, some would say in the global scenario that most graphically
dangerous, times. It is not difficult to identify reflects the obscenity – and the absurdity – of our
some of the large problems that are confronting times: countless numbers of people – already
us – where by “us” I mean everyone, indeed the among the world’s poorest and troubled – find
world itself. In this paper, I shall have to mention themselves betrayed by and/or expelled from
these problems, although they will be pretty their own countries, yet are unable to find places
familiar to most of you. But my message here of safe refuge in others. Taking a broader
will be that not all is doom and gloom. I will conceptual perspective – which philosophers
propose a certain kind of conceptual shift in the tend to do – against a background of
way we treat ourselves and one another, and unprecedented levels of scientific knowledge and
discuss some of the key implications of this shift technological advancement, there are disturbing
for various aspects of education. signs that we are living in a time of moral,
The problems I have in mind, along with the epistemological (knowledge and truth-based),
solutions I envisage, are linked to education in and logical (reason-based) crisis.
key ways. In general terms, what happens in  Moral crisis: Globalization may have the
schools (which are the state’s major institution potential to bring people, nations and
for educating its young people) is largely a cultures together, but the free-market
function of the social, cultural and political
economics driving it has widened the gap
environment in which they exist and are
managed. Secondly, and more to the point of my between the extremes of wealth and poverty,
paper, what happens – or does not happen – in and left millions feeling ignored and
schools has a direct impact on the events and trapped. As a visceral response to the
situations that lie at the heart of the problems. In “amorality” of the “free” market, citizens are
short, there is a mutual interaction here. In increasingly turning inwardly, to follow
particular, as painful as it may be for us educators those who promise them a better future, one
to concede, we and our institutions must bear a
that focuses on their needs, and not the needs
good part of the responsibility for the world
being in in such a mess. Conversely, however, of “others” whom they see as the
the challenge of “repairing the world”, especially beneficiaries of elitist policies and
for future generations, is one to which educators politicians. But this future is one of
today can make a valuable contribution. tribalism, nativism and nationalism; very
There are many dimensions to this “mess” much an “us versus them” moral framework,
and let’s be honest: they affect some people and
in which the dispositions of selfishness, fear
communities much more than others. The “one
step forward, two backward” approach to climate and even contempt for others have replaced
change politics is very concerning, even more so those of respect, care, benevolence and
for the millions of citizens of countries and cities acceptance. Such “populist” trends are on
that are literally either drowning or drying up. the ascendance in many countries.
Those angry and frustrated voters in the USA and  Epistemological crisis: Populism relies on
other “democratic” societies, who are feeling selling people an image of society that is
ignored or forgotten by their own governments,
may have made some questionable electoral appealing but almost certainly unrealistic
decisions, but their plight is very real. Likewise (one characterized by full employment,
for those living under the oppressive thumb of a widespread prosperity, lower taxation and
dictator or tyrant – and there are quite a few self-dependence). Its leaders make bold
around, particularly at a time when “democracy”, promises, accusations and threats (targeting
so called, is not doing so well (and it is worth others) with impunity, knowing that they
noting that in many of these countries, the leaders
will never be held to account if and when
have the support of a majority of citizens). And

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

these predictions fail to come to pass. Such models, especially since the end of the Cold War,
practices used to be called “lying” but now how we see ourselves independently of others.
are merely “alternative facts”. Climate- Morality, which provides guidelines for how
each of us should relate to one another, becomes
change policies and commitments interfere
withered, distorted and corrupted when it is
with a resurgent fossil-fuel industry, so they turned back on itself to consider only the well-
can be conveniently dismissed as false or, at being and interests of the individual. This is true
least, exaggerated. If, later, the promises fail both for individuals like you and me, and for
to materialize then, of course, they were individual states and nations (even for such
never made in the first place (or were made pseudo entities as corporations). Furthermore,
by someone else, etc.). Scientific and other knowledge – including self-knowledge –
becomes impossible when viewed as an
forms of expertise no longer matter,
individual project that each of us can somehow
especially if they interfere with what undertake alone, in isolation from others. And
populists want to hear. Ironically, populists thinking itself, when seen to be confined to each
tend to reject the wisdom and advice of individual thinker’s own mind, becomes
genuine experts, even as they swallow the impotent. In saying these things, I am effectively
lies and half-truths tossed around by those rejecting the West’s most common-place and
they are following at the time. intuitive conception of the mind, according to
which I know my own mind – including my
 Logical crisis: More than ever, the tools of thoughts, my feelings, ideas, etc. – subjectively
good thinking: reasoning, consistency, and intuitively, before I have knowledge of other
questioning, detecting fallacies, identifying minds and of the world itself. To a great extent,
hidden assumptions, expressing doubt… are our systems of education reflect such a
associated with “elitist” thinking and are subjectivist conception. After all, we still tend to
thus characterized as irrelevant, even see teaching and learning as relationships
between teachers and individual students; we still
dangerous. It is a waste of time attempting to
assess students independently of one another,
use logic and reason to persuade people according to what each of them “knows” and can
whose thinking is blinded by their emotions. do; and we still reduce education to various forms
As someone recently observed, “You cannot of “vocational training”. At a broader level, this
reason someone out of a position that they provides a picture of society as a collection of
have not reasoned themselves into.” individuals in competition with one another from
Likewise, it is pointless trying to tell an childhood on. It sees each person as one against
unreasonable person that they are being
In such an environment, whether in school
unreasonable. or later, in the workplace and society in general,
individuals are left alone and unprotected by
In the face of these crises – or this crisis, anything beyond their own internal resources.
since they are all one with where the world finds Depending on such factors as genetic inheritance,
itself right now – there seems to be little room, or basic intelligence, and just plan luck, some may
incentive, to consider something as apparently well thrive, at least in material terms; they are
esoteric and remote as the quality of life. After destined to take control in and over the kind of
all, where the focus is almost exclusively on capitalistic free-market structure that determines
issues of quantity – thanks to the obsession with who will succeed and who will fail (witness the
material wealth and consumerism – growing proportion of the world’s wealth in the
considerations of quality seem somewhat quaint, hands of fewer and fewer individuals). But many
even irrelevant. However, I do not believe that others will fail to thrive, including those who are,
we can afford to ignore the qualitative in due course, driven to embrace populist causes
dimensions of our experiences and lives, and I and leaders who offer hollow promises of success
am grateful for this opportunity to share some and prosperity, and divert the blame for their
thoughts with you who, I am sure, are in predicament away from their own failings onto
agreement on this point. the wrong-doings of “others”. It is, of course, no
I submit that the dimensions of crisis to coincidence that such an individualistic
which I am referring stem from a distorted sense perspective is very much in line with traditional
of how we see ourselves in relation to others – or male-centred or patriarchal lines of control and
rather, in the individualistic Western model authority. Needless to say, these have by no
which has dominated economic and political means been confined to the West.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

For some societies and cultures, particularly face of something bigger than them: a society,
those that have developed independently of culture, school or family standard, etc.
Western models whose origins lie in the The way forward here involves rejecting
Enlightenment that fostered liberal ideas in both individualism and collectivism, in favour of
schools, art, literature and politics, this kind of what I call a relational view of who we each are
individualistic thinking has long been rejected. in the world. Rather than seeing ourselves either
Instead, we find a commitment to some form of as isolated individuals in competition with
collectivist thinking, according to which our others, or as powerless creatures controlled by
sense of ourselves as moral, rational, truth- forces beyond our control (be they in the form of
seeking beings depends upon some-thing larger nations, religions, cultures, etc.), each of us is –
than ourselves, in the sense that it has an and should see her/himself as – one among
objective place in the world, independently of others, where the “others” here are other persons,
each of us. Historically, this larger thing has been just like me. The familiar concept of person is
a specific culture, nation, ethnicity, religion, crucial here; it goes beyond biology to highlight
tradition or way of life (also gang, cult, clan, what is most important in moral and intellectual
caste…). My existence, my morality and my terms: our capacity for self-awareness, not as
achievements are to be seen and judged in terms some mysterious insight arising out of nowhere,
of the existence and moral code of the whole, but as the inevitable by-product of interacting
outside of which I count for nothing. with others in a common world. I am saying that
The problem with such collectivist thinking the sense of ourselves as persons that each of us
is that it fails to provide any incentive or develops is linked directly to those relationships
guidance when we seek to go beyond this or that that we actually have with others. This sense of
specific collective (culture, tribe, nation, religion, groundedness is extremely important, as I shall
way of life, tradition), or merely to question its explain.
significance to our own lives (which is something Historically, morality and ethics come out
many adolescents tend to do). This problem must of philosophy, whether we are thinking of
have been evident even back when the interaction Confucius, Socrates, Aristotle, Kant or any of the
between and movement from one village or tribe great thinkers from different traditions. And in all
to another was extremely limited; but it is of these accounts, the concept of person is
especially pressing in our time, in which virtually central. This concept defines the domain and
no society or grouping, however small or limits of morality in the sense that moral rules,
isolated, can remain untouched by others. But the principles and values apply to all persons, and
so-called “clash of civilizations”, to use a only to persons. Our capacity for reflective
familiar term, can be viewed either negatively or thinking (self-awareness) implies that we are
positively; as a threat to the survival of the group able to ask questions about, and evaluate, our
in question or as an opportunity for the members behaviour, particularly in regard to others, and in
of different groups to broaden their horizons and this we find the grounding for morality.
move forward together. Regardless of the actual origins of this or that
Somewhat ironically, the surge of moral code or framework, morality itself
nationalistic, even tribal sentiment that we are transcends and overrides the various
seeing in many parts of the world, is attractive classifications that have both united and divided
both to individualists and collectivists, as I have humans ever since we sought out others who
characterized them. Individualists can claim that were like ourselves in one way or another.
their nation (or their religion…) is superior to Scholars may argue the merits of specific ethical
others (this is the idea of one nation/religion… theories, but it seems clear that those theories
against others), while collectivists can point to which have endured – including utilitarianism,
the importance of the whole over any one of its Kantian ethics, virtue ethics, Confucianism, etc.
parts. Similarly, we are becoming more aware of – prescribe behaviours and norms that apply to
the enormous psychological toll on many young all persons. In this brief outline, I am using the
people in different societies as they find terms “transcend” and “prescribe” deliberately,
themselves hostage to ever-increasing standards to signal a conceptual approach that is unifying
of “success” at school and in the work-place. rather than divisive, and that has important
Increased rates of youth suicide, depression, implications for education in general, and moral
alienation and isolation are now found in many education in particular.
countries. Here, too, we see the worst aspects of A comment about Confucianism as an
individualism and collectivism, where ancient model of personhood which can also be
individuals find themselves not just competing characterized as both relational and grounded.
with one another, but feeling powerless in the Perhaps inaccurately described as an ethical or

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

moral theory, Confucianism takes as the good life for man... (MacIntyre,
fundamental many of the relationships we 1984, p. 219, emphasis added)
experience during the course of living:
child/parent, student/teacher, etc. While it would Context and circumstance ‘constitute the
be extremely foolish to cast judgment on any given of my life, my moral starting point’, and
tradition that has stood the test of time and been we need to locate ourselves in these
so influential in the formation of entire nations particularities in order to know where to begin
and cultures, I do want to distinguish such an the quest, but ‘it is in moving forward from such
asymmetric or hierarchical relational account particularity that the search for the good, for the
from the one I wish to advocate. Without wishing universal, consists.’ (p. 221).
to comment on the tradition of not questioning or Crucially, MacIntyre acknowledges that the
challenging the power structures inherent in such quest we each undertake, which he sees as both
relationships, I am proposing that the ordinary end and means (i.e. both the good life and the
concept of person already focuses our attention search for the good life) cannot be taken alone:
on such key moral questions as how we ought to ‘What matters … is the construction of local
treat one another, what a fair and just society forms of community within which civility and the
looks like, etc. It may well be that certain types intellectual and moral life can be sustained
of relationship have inbuilt rules and through the new dark ages which are already
expectations concerning loyalty, obedience, upon us’ (p. 263, emphasis added). I shall come
honour and the like, but these are built on and are back to this point.
presupposed by, the relationships that persons In philosophy there is a well-known
have with one another in an ordinary non- distinction between statements of fact and
hierarchical sense. statements of value. To describe something in
To make sense of what I am proposing here, terms of what it is is quite different from
we need to be clear about certain types of what I prescribing something in terms of how things
call “powerful thinking” that go beyond the should or ought to be. The world of “what is” is
normal scope of empirical investigation and known by us through our own observations and
inquiry. Notwithstanding the dominance of experiences and, at higher levels of organization,
empirical research methods (i.e. those based on through such disciplines as the sciences –
experience, observation and experimentation) in including the so-called social sciences – but also
the social sciences – including in education – we history, anthropology, etc. Even when we refer to
need to go beyond the boundaries of what is to a specific culture or tradition to explain different
ask about what could be, and what should be. forms of practice – including moral and religious
Indeed, students, too, can engage in this kind of practice – we are still on the side of describing
thinking from a young age, for it is a natural by- what is. But when we make judgments – whether
product of inviting them to think together as one in ethics, logic or even aesthetics – we move to
among others. the domain of evaluation in which our values
To take the concept of person seriously is to play a key role. If I judge certain actions to be
be willing to separate the world of what has been morally wrong (bad, unfair, unjust, ….), I am not
and what is from the world of what could, might stating a fact but offering an evaluation or
or should be. We can accept the empirical truth prescription based, presumably, on certain values
that the moral values and norms which that I hold. As a generalization, I could say that
characterize individuals, societies and cultures where descriptive or factual conclusions rely on
are rooted in our traditions and life narratives, evidence, prescriptive, moral or value
including our affiliations with specific nations, conclusions rely more on reasons. But this won’t
ethnicities, religions, tribes and roles. But as quite work because in our best thinking across all
expressed by the philosopher Alasdair disciplines and domains, we insist on high
MacIntyre, in his classic work After Virtue, in the standards of both evidence and reasoning. It’s
quest for what constitutes a sense of “the good just that when it comes to ethics, the outcomes of
life for man”: our thinking are based on what Aristotle referred
…the medieval conception of a to as “practical reasoning”, which means
quest is not at all that of a search for “reasoning that provides a justification for
something already adequately action”; the conclusions of practical reason are
characterised… it is in the course of the prescriptions for how we should behave, not
quest… that the goal of the quest is descriptions of what is.
finally to be understood… the good life We are now faced with an important
for man is the life spent in seeking for question: if the evidence presented to us is of a
factual or descriptive nature, how is it possible –

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

in a logical sense – to justify conclusions that are emotion, and a society that ignores or
themselves moral or prescriptive? In short, how, violates the strong feelings of many of its
logically speaking, do we infer “ought” from citizens is asking for trouble, particularly in
“is”? The answer is” “with great care and
a democracy. But on the other hand,
humility, and always with a sense that we might
be mistaken!”. statements of feeling and emotion have to be
Those who ignore or underestimate the gap seen for what they are: descriptions, albeit
between “is” and “ought” often resort to one or partly subjective ones, that do not, in
more of the following – I would say fallacious – themselves, require any support. It’s just
procedures: how we (or I) feel. Most would agree (!!) that
1. They use descriptions or facts as justification this is a fairly flimsy basis for moral
of moral principles, rules, etc. Sometimes reasoning, although we all know the power
this seems ok, as in “There are millions of of emotion to move us to act in certain ways.
people in my own country, let alone This is also something I shall return to.
elsewhere, living in poverty; I have more 3. They appeal to a (higher) authority in order
than enough for my own needs; therefore I to justify claims of a moral nature. This is
should share some of my wealth with them”. really a special case of (1), in which the
But what about this: “That young woman factual justification is the “knowledge” that
disgraced herself and brought shame on her this is what the authority (e.g. God or Allah,
family by committing adultery; therefore it or our culture or tradition) demands. This led
is morally appropriate for the family to Socrates to ask, two thousand years ago, “Is
inflict the most severe punishment on her”? it good because the gods demand it, or do the
In both examples, there is a “gap” between gods demand it because it is good?”. If the
the starting premise and the conclusion. In former, then what counts as good (or bad)
the former, this gap could be filled with seems somewhat arbitrary, depending on
something like “Assisting the poor is a moral whether or not one happens to worship or
responsibility for the wealthy”, or “Some trust that particular authority. But if the
form of wealth distribution is necessary to latter, then it seems appropriate to ask for an
achieve social justice”; but notice that these independent justification of what is good.
additional claims are, themselves, ethical or
value statements, because they also state My interpretation of the “is/ought”
what should be done. This points to distinction is that moral claims can only be
something I shall come back to shortly. But justified by appealing to other moral claims
let’s look at the second example, concerning which are more or less acceptable. This can still
lead to disagreement, as happens in the ongoing
“honour killing”. One way to fill the gap
discussions about abortion; even if we agree that
would be to appeal to the prevailing culture: the killing of an innocent person (or human
“Our tradition/religion makes clear that being?) is morally wrong, it is not clear to
adultery is shameful and that the family must everyone that a human foetus is actually a person.
respond by executing the adulteress.” The Still, even such a modest understanding of the
difficulty here is that in appealing to culture key concepts involved seems relatively
and tradition, we do not move beyond what sophisticated, compared to the bitter, often
hysterical terms in which the issue is discussed in
is; it would be like saying “In our culture we some contexts.
burn women accused of being witches, so it When we look (back) to the institutions,
is morally ok to do this.” traditions, and affiliations that have divided
2. They base their moral judgements on strong people through history and in the present day, we
feelings or emotions that they, or society in may despair at the prospect of finding a way to
general, have about certain issues. move forward together. But those of us who have
sat down with young people from a wide
“Homosexuality is abhorrent/disgusting and
diversity of backgrounds – particularly in those
should be illegal”, is a familiar and still precious and still rare instances where these
current example in some parts of the world. different backgrounds are represented here and
On the one hand, it would be foolish to now (Jewish Israeli and Palestinian kids engaged
discount the link between morality and in dialogue together, Indian and Pakistani kids,

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Chinese and American…., etc.) – know from deductive or inductive reasoning, using
first-hand experience that if only we can analogical thinking, etc.
overcome the initial barriers of mistrust and
disrespect and encourage such communities of I regard dialogue as nothing more – or less
thinkers to talk with and listen to one another, – than both the means for, and the product of,
then as the dialogue progresses, the chasms of bringing together individuals who are striving to
difference recede and the bonds (which are become persons. In this process, there are
cognitive as well as affective) wrought by our actually three points of intersection that are in
common personhood or humanity strengthen. play from the perspective of each person
The point of introducing (more) involved: that person’s own ideas and awareness
opportunities for dialogue in our schools and of those ideas (self-awareness); that person’s
other institutions (where appropriate) is not to awareness of others with whom he/she is
seek agreement or consensus, nor to impose a engaged in dialogue (awareness of others); and
bland uniformity of ideas and values but, at the that person’s awareness of the world which
very least, to nurture a degree of mutual he/she is both constructing (with others) and held
understanding and appreciation both for our own accountable to. This kind of triangular
points of view and those of others. Returning to framework allows thinkers to maintain a healthy
the three-fold crisis that I described earlier: balance between what they and those around
 Communal dialogue requires and fosters them think and believe, on the one hand, and
mutual respect, i.e. respect for oneself and what they must be prepared to accept as
others as persons; each participant retains, reflecting how the world is, on the other. If we
indeed enhances her own sense of who she construe dialogue as a way of “thinking together”
or “thinking out loud together” – which matches
is in relation to others, but realizes that
the idea that thinking is the result of internalized
respect and care are mutually reinforcing: I dialogue – then improving and maintaining the
want to feel valued and so I must value you quality of dialogue – hence, of thinking – will be
in order to be valued by you…. seen by learners as their strongest tool in
 A community of dialogue (aka a community improving and maintaining the quality of their
of inquiry) is not defined by what its lives.
I noted the power of our emotions to distort
members know, or claim to know. But then
our thinking, but powerful thinking should not be
the sense of epistemological crisis to which viewed as emotion-free. Indeed, such thinking is
I referred earlier is not focused on how much energized and even driven by a sense of passion
is known, but on a growing indifference to for ideas. Thinkers of any age or in any subject
the value of knowledge and truth over area, like scientists and scholars generally, are
ignorance and falsehood. A commitment to intrigued and puzzled by things they do not
community and dialogue requires us to be understand and are determined to make at least
some progress along the path toward
honest and open in declaring what we
understanding and truth. They are courageous in
believe, and willing to have our beliefs being willing to “try out” new or unusual ideas,
subjected to scrutiny and evaluation by the to be the lone voice in dissenting from popular
whole community. Members of such a opinion, etc. But – and here I come to the very
community are passionate in their search for crux of the matter – they also display a certain
knowledge and understanding, but not for humility – a willingness, even eagerness, to self-
egotistical or narcissistic reasons. correct (change their minds) when given reason
to do so.
 Good or “powerful” thinking is inevitable in If I have to select one attitude or trait of
a community of thinkers because each character that is most urgently needed as an
member of the community comes to detest antidote to much of the madness and mess we see
weak or sloppy thinking, and seeks to around us today, it would be that of intellectual
improve it, whether or not that thinking is humility. Imagine the effect on students in
their own or another’s. Where one individual classrooms if their teachers are able to say – or
even just to reflect: “Well, I am not sure about
is good at generating or creating ideas as
that”, or “Perhaps I have to rethink my answer”.
hypotheses or hunches, another can detect And on a broader stage, imagine if political and
inconsistencies and fallacious thinking, civic leaders of all stripes and persuasions could
while yet another is particularly skilled at match the passion they profess to feel for their
own ideas and those of the parties and people

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

they represent, with a cautionary yellow warning

light: “Yes, but I might be wrong”. This may be
unrealistic in practice, but bearing in mind that
these individuals were school students at an age
when they might have been open to alternative
viewpoints and ways of thinking, I remain
optimistic that if teachers today can encourage
their students to acquire and internalize, not just
knowledge and skills, but those traits of character
that lie at the heart of powerful thinking, then we
are doing our best to leave the world in safe
References (to follow)

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Ermawan Susanto
[email protected]

An accident in the pool can happen to everyone, whether they can swim or not to swim. One type of
accidents that often occur in the pool is drowning and is one of the highest risks in aquatic learning. The
first phase of this research have succeeded in preparing 28 types of maintenance activities in the water that
has been identified to be implemented in primary schools. Draft handbook contains a wide variety of safety
activities in the water with the contents of the book include: Name of the event; Picture; Aim; Equipment;
Water depth; The place settings; Activity instructions. The purpose of this second phase of the study: (1)
Develop a model of safety in the water, (2) To test the model in water safety, (3) Test the level of
effectiveness, efficiency and attractiveness of the model of safety in the water. To achieve these targets, the
study was designed through research and development, which aims to create a model for safety in water in
the form of manuals and video tutorials. The subject of research to develop a model of safety on the water
is a physical education expert, aquatic learning experts, professional practitioners (supervisor pool). Subject
test models are elementary school students. Data analysis using descriptive statistics, t-test and analysis of
Keywords: water safety, aquatic learning, primary school

headaches, and fainting. In addition there is also

a safety risk to the health risks of student
Water accidents such as drowning can be participation in the learning aquatic. Health risks
resolved with a minimum standard rescue include, among others hipothermia, water
possessed by each individual. Some cases poisoning, skin irritation, eye irritation, and
illustrate the drowning incident caused by weak possible spread of infectious diseases. This
oversight, negligence swimmers, tools and incident is a serious problem that could threaten
inadequate facilities, and most importantly the health and safety of students. Reduce the
because of the failure in first aid for handling possibility of drowning or other water type of
emergency cases of accidents in the water. Based injury is a shared responsibility among PE
on cardiovascular physiology, then when teachers, parents, and lifeguard.
submerged within 5 minutes then it has a high However equip themselves with knowledge
degree of risk of death. Similarly, the time first of the security and rescue capability is a prudent
aid fast and precise, it is helpful to salvation action (Graver, 2003: 65). Lesson in the
(Meaney, Peter & Culka, Sarie, 2005: 102). curriculum of physical education, scope or
Currently not many places that are sufficient to aquatic material remains. This suggests that the
teach how children in particular, have knowledge role of PE is very important, which gives students
of the security and safety on the water. According the opportunity to be directly involved in a
to Sawyer (1998: 6), PE program is one of the variety of learning experiences through physical
media the right to teach kids about safety activity, play and sport (Bucher, C.A., Wuest,
behavior both in the pool and around the pool. D.A, 1995: 73). The experience of motion
Children can be introduced to the basic rules obtained student in PE is an important
about personal water safety while swimming or contributor to the increase in enrollment at the
during activities outside the classroom. An same time is an important contributor to the
accident in the pool can happen to everyone, welfare and health throughout life (Siedentop,
whether they can swim or not to swim. One type 1990; Ratliffe, 1994; Thomas and Laraine, 1994;
of accidents that often occur in the pool is CDC, 2000).
drowning and is one of the biggest risks in
aquatic activities.
Several other risks that may occur include
The study design using qualitative research
water injury, cramps, respiratory problems,
(Borg & Gall, 1989). Qualitative research is

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

expected to provide an overview of the schools concerned to implement on a regular

perceptions of students and teachers as the basis so that the learning aquatic preparation
manager or PE teacher aquatic program at the needs RPP becomes a necessity. Factors
school, about the level of safety needs in water infrastructure especially learning the complete
safety as well as the direction of the development pool is another success factor. Another analysis
of aquatic instructional program they expected. was that the school is limited to the cost to
Methods of collecting qualitative data used is the implement.
method of triangulation of data consisting of: (1)
b. Implementation (Introduction, Core
Focus Group Discussion on a group of school
Training, Cover)
students, (2) In-depth interview on PE teacher,
(3) Observation of non-participant in swimming In this study we want to know PE
pool. Sample was taken by purposive sampling pedagogical competence of teachers in preparing
in 5 schools (10 PE teacher’s). Justifying the lesson plans teaching elementary physical
selection of the study because the school would education in the implementation of the learning
have been and still perform the aquatic learning phase. The results showed that the average
programs regularly. proportion of teachers in preparing lesson plans
The research instruments used were: (1) To teaching aquatic, known to have a 60% or 6
reveal the level of teachers' understanding of the teachers pay less attention to safety norms in the
water safety using questionnaires and document aquatic learning process. There is a 40% or 4
analysis, (2) To reveal the pedagogical teachers who are already implementing learning
competence and water safety using observation by paying more attention water safety.
sheet instruments. Analysis of quantitative data, Implementation phase including less category.
the data is used to interpret the results of the
questionnaire technique. The steps of the data c. Evaluation (Assessment of Learning
analysis will be conducted: (1) data reduction; (2) Outcomes).
create a display of data; (3) presented the In this study we want to know pedagogical
findings, draw conclusions from the competence elementary school physical
implementation of water safety. education teachers in learning evaluation or
assessment of learning outcomes. The results
showed that the average proportion of teachers in
preparing lesson plans, known to have a 60% or
The research subjects a number of ten
6 teachers who have not carried out the
teachers. Criteria ability of teachers views of how
evaluation of aquatic learning.
to pour a safety element in the water within the
framework of RPP, among others: (1)
Preparation (Learning Objectives, SK, KD,
Indicators of Success), (2) Implementation Therefore, based on the instruments used in
(Introduction, Core Training, Cover), and, (3) this study, it was clear that pedagogical
Evaluation (Assessment of Learning competence of physical education teachers in
Outcomes). preparing lesson plans at this stage of evaluation
a. Preparation (Learning Objectives, SK, KD, including less category. When analyzed why
teachers have less ability in preparing the RPP at
Indicators of Success)
the stage of evaluation because more teachers
In this study we want to know PE teacher evaluate the sequence of motion or the motor
pedagogical competence in preparing learning swimming skills rather than on factors
Preparation aquatic learning in which there are of safety in the water.
elements of learning objectives, standards of This contrasts with the learning objectives
competence, basic competence, and indicators of that promote aquatic safety factor in the water.
success. The results showed that the average, Thus of the three stages of learning: Preparation,
known to have a 80% or 8 teachers who have Implementation, and Evaluation, it is known that
been carrying out aquatic learning and is an on the third stage has not been able to develop a
indicator of the Good category. There is a 20% or lesson plan teachers learning aquatic particularly
2 teachers who have not been able to prepare on safety factors in the water. The analysis can
lesson plans and learning aquatic an indicator on be broken is for the teachers still do not
the category of Less. understand how to convey the material safety in
When analyzed why teachers have a very the water on aquatic learning.
good ability in preparing the RPP aquatic Therefore it can be concluded that the form
learning at the preparation stage because the of water safety activity for elementary school

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

students can be used for small-scale trials. factors. In short title in the form of water safety
Feedback in the form of suggestions and are as follows:
comments on water safety products, is essential
for improvement at a later stage. The following
are various inputs and suggestions from experts DRAFT FORMS OF WATER SAFETY
and teachers: (1) The format of heating needs to ACTIVITIES
be uniformed with the core learning format that Kincir Bola
includes the focus of skills, activity description,
drawing, time allocation, and repetition; (2).
Some types of heating are considered endanger
the safety of students so it needs to be replaced
with other types of heating; (3). Given safety
signs with reference to the pool: knee, waist, or
deep pool; (4) Given group restrictions: beginner,
intermediate, or advanced; (5). Picture the
activity when quoting from the book, please
include the source of his book.
 Purpose: To train kicks (stroke) legs to
The results of the questionnaire filling is
be strong.
conducted by each expert and teacher obtained
 Level : Advanced
on average more than three (3) or into the
category ratings "good / right / clear". Thus the  Equipment: Ball of 15 cm or a float
product safety in the water can be used in trials. board.
There are 28 types of draft forms in water safety  Water depth: Waist.
activities that successfully created. The draft in  Number of Participants: Small groups
the form of the manual is validated by a physical throughout the class.
education specialist and aquatic learning media.  The setting: a single student or
The guidebook contains various forms of water alternating with activity other
safety with the contents of the book, among o groups.
1. Activity Name. Event name is another How to play :
name of the event title.
2. Drawings. The picture shows a Students on his back facing up and showed a
description of motion to make it look strong leg kick while crossing the width of the
3. Purpose. The purpose of the activity is pool, while the ball or float board from one hand
the main activity, for what is done and to the other hand with the arm fully stretched at
with what purpose is done.
4. Supplies. Shows what tools and the top of the body (see picture).
supporting equipment should be Pindah Batu
5. Water Depth. Consists of depth knee,
waist, or deep.
6. Place Settings. To form the formation
and preparation of the place.
7. Activity Instructions. The main
description of the order or water safety

In aquatic learning it is necessary to

consider the rules of implementation by
prioritizing safety principles. The introduction of
aquatic learning and habituation of water should
 Objective : To hone the courage to
consider the level of child maturity. The child's
swim in surface and diving while
reaction to the aquatic learning process depends
carrying an object.
on several factors such as age level, motor
 Level: Intermediate / Advanced.
characteristics, language, cognitive
development, socialization level, and emotional  Equipment: Two iron bucket and a
clean rock for each team.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

 Water depth: Depth.

 Number of Participants: Small groups
to the whole class.
 Settings: Each team consists of four to
six people with alternate
 format, cooperation along the pool. Mengirim Benda

How to play :
Two buckets placed at a distance both
approximately 5 meters placed in the bottom of
the pool with a stone in the bucket first. When
cue began, the first students to dive into the
water, swam to the first bucket, collecting bricks,
put them into the second bucket, to the surface
and swam until the end of the pool. All students
repeat all movement until everyone gets a turn.
Note: If necessary, swimmers can take the air at  Purpose: To train and eye-opening
the surface of the stone after taking the first dive in the water.
bucket.  Level: Beginner
 Equipment: One heavy buckets with
Renang Menolong  Water depth: Shallow.
 Number of Participants: Small groups
of up to the entire class.
 Setting: A team consists of six people.

How to play:
Student teams lined up on one side of the
pool. Buckets were placed in the bottom of the
pool, with coins of different face on it. The
students on the team are numbered one to six. On
cue starts, the first students into the water, the
dive as soon as possible to the bucket, looking for
 Purpose: To train the use of arms to coins with the lowest nominal, took him to the
push. other side of the pool and climbed to the top. The
 Level: Intermediate / Upper. second student repeat, until the sixth students
 Equipment: One sheet of paper for acquire the coins each. They then put it back into
each team. the bucket. The first team to finish is the winner.
 Water depth: Depth.
 Number of Participants: Small groups Menyelam dan Mengejar
of up to the entire class.
 Setting: A team consists of six people
in formation opposite.

How to play:
Each student each holding a newspaper.
When cue began, the first students into the water
along with his newspaper, swam towards the
second player and give the newspaper the second
student, who then swam toward third student, and
so on. The main objective of the game is to keep
the newspaper in order to remain dry. The first
team to finish with dry newspaper is the winner.
 Objective : To hone the techniques
contained in diving

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

 competition. [4] Graver K, Dennis. (2003). Aquatic Rescue

 Level: Intermediate / Advanced. and Safety. How to recognize, respond to,
 Equipment: None. and prevent water-related injuries. United
 Water depth: headshot. States: Human Kinetics Publisher Inc.
 Number of Participants: Small groups [5] Meaney, Peter & Culka, Sarie. (2005). Wet
of up to the entire class. Games: a fun approach to teaching
 Setting: Couples across the pond. swimming and water safety. 433 Wellington
St Clifton Hill, Victoria Australia 3068.
How to play:
[6] Siedentop, D. (1991). Developing Teaching
A pair of students were in the water on one Skills in Physical Education. California:
side of the pool, and is ready to cross; others Mayfield Publishing Company.
stood up, his back to the water. Teachers gave the
command "start" on the students in the water to [7] Thomas H. Sawyer. (1998). Aquatic facility
start swimming, and when they were far enough safety and responsibility. Journal of
from the pool wall, the teacher gestured to the Physical Education, Recreation & Dance;
other students started to dive and chase the first May/Jun 2000; 71, 5; ProQuest Education
student. The same process is followed by another Journals pg. 6.
couple and then switch roles. [8] Ratliffe, T. dan Ratliffe, L. M. (1994).
Teaching Children Fitness: Becoming A
Master Teacher. Illinois: Human Kinetics.
Based on the research and discussion above [9] Rink, J. E. (2002). Teaching Physical
and answer the problem formulation are then the Education for Learning. Fourth Edition.
results showed that aquatic learning in primary New York: Mc Graw Hill.
schools has not touched the aspects of safety in
the water. Thus made draft safety activities in the [10] Thomas dan Laraine (1994). Teaching
water and has arranged a number of 28 types of Children Fitness: Becoming a Master
maintenance water safety. Water safety contains Teacher. Illinois: Human Kinetics.
among other things: the name of activity, image,
goals, equipment used, the depth of the water,
place settings, number of participants, the
potential of developed water safety purposes

We thank you for the physical education
teacher who has taken the time to discuss the
development of water safety among athers: SD
Muh Suronatan, SD Tumbuh, SD Samirono, SD
Budi Mulia Dua Sedayu, dan SD Muh Gendol

[1] Borg, W. R., dan Meredith, D.G. (1989).
Educational Research: An Introduction.
Fifth Edition. New York: Longman.
[2] Bucher, C.A., Wuest, D.A. (1995).
Foundations of physical education & sport.
London, New York, Tokyo: Mosby Year
Book Inc
[3] Dougherty, Neil J. (1990). Risk
Management in Aquatics. Journal of
Physical Education, Recreation & Dance;
May 1990; 61, 5; ProQuest Education
Journals pg. 46.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Bengkulu University
[email protected]., [email protected]

The teacher should have pedagogical creativity at the time of teaching and learning activities. Currently,
the pedagogical creativity of the teacher students have not been studied. The purpose of this study was to
describe the pedagogical creativity of student teacher’s at FKIP Bengkulu University. Survey method was
applied in this research, moreover it used stratified proportional random sampling and 639 samples were
taken from any random major student. The variable in this research was pedagogical creativity. It was
contain of speed thinking, flexibility thinking, originality thinking, and elaboration thinking. A 32 question
WIN model open test were used to collect the data. The data was analyzed using item response theory
partial credit model and descriptive quantitative analysis. As a result, in term pedagogical creativity, there
were 90 (14.08%) of students classified as very low, 266 (41.63%%) of students classified as low, 172
(26.92%) of students classified as moderate, and 111 (17.376%) of students classified as high. The research
showed the average score of pedagogical creativity was 62.04, and it was in the moderate classification.

Keywords: pedagogical creativity, survey, IRT PCM, descriptive quantitative

ideas, and communicate with others at their

highest level. When educators fully understand
According to Eisner, teaching allows him to
how exploration, representation, and
participate in the world of great ideas, realize a
communication feed each other, they can best
form of immortality, and enact performance, or
help children to achieve this potential [5].
as Eisner describes it, “to play your own cello”
The concept of creativity is very difficult to
Teaching provides opportunities to create and
determine. Most of the leading authors in the
participate in forms of aesthetic experience,
field of creativity has been identified a range of
experience and represent a passion for learning,
activities deemed to be creative; including
and finally it make a difference in students’ lives
research that focuses on people who are deemed
to be creative such as politicians, scientists,
Rowe state that the quality of teaching and
artists and teachers.
learning provision are by far the most salient
Creativity as a process of becoming
influences on students’ cognitive, affective, and
sensitive to problems, deficiencies, gaps in
behavioral outcomes of schooling-regardless of
knowledge, missing elements, disharmonies, and
their gender or backgrounds [2].
so on; indentifying the difficulty; searching for
Desimon & Long found evidence that
solution, making guesses, or formulating
lower achieving students are initially assigned to
hypotheses about the deficiencies, testing and
teachers who emphasize basic instruction, and
retesting these hypotheses and possibly
higher achieving students are assigned teachers
modifying and retesting them; and finally
who emphasize more advanced instruction [3].
communicating the results [6] .
Creative teaching is not only necessary to
The observation of teachers in creative
meet the complex educational needs of diverse
action provides evidence of personality
student populations, but is a requirement to
characteristics similar to those of the creative
cultivate students’ skills to function effectively in
giants: curiosity, originality, independence, risk
the new knowledge economy [4].
taking, energetic, sense of humor, complexity
As we have seen children have amazing
seeking, artistic, open minded, privacy seeking,
capabilities to learn, and the best way of
intuitive. Creative teachers help students to
promoting and motivating their knowledge is
discover, and reconstruct by rediscovery making
through creativity, which also means the unity of
them capable of production and creativity and not
thinking and feeling thanks to which young
simply repetition [7].
children can explore their world, represent their

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

The literature on teacher behaviors that Teacher was aware that seven students were
influence the development of creative abilities in bullied, all of whom told their teacher about at
children was reviewed. A historical overview of least one bullying incident. Of these seven
the concept of creativity within an educational children, teacher had worked with five students
context served to highlight the importance of the prior to the interviews in variety of combinations
role of the teacher in providing the type of to stop the bullying e.g. victim, parents, and peers
classroom environment that is conducive to [18]
creative learning. Teachers who show a Globalization is not simply the name for a
humanistic philosophical orientation, have new epoch in the history of capital or in the
developed their own creative competencies, and biography of the nation state. He cited that it -
implement specific creative methods and globalization involves how people connect with
techniques in their classroom are more effective day to day life and function effectively together
in enhancing students' creative abilities than in communities and in groups across social and
teachers who follow more traditional instructional national boundaries. It, therefore, can be
approaches [8]. presumed that various facets of globalization
Creativity is understood as universal and may affect creativity in different societies [19]
holistic aspect of human in creative education, Increasing student engagement is serious
and the spheres of creativity can be classified into business. Paradoxically, bringing some
physical-physiological sphere, social sphere, lightheartedness to the process tends to make us
rational sphere, moral sphere, artistic sphere, and more effective. As we ponder and explore
religious sphere in human life and the properties various methods to connect with and to engage
of value ability in each sphere are presented [9] our students, humor, music, and movement
Creativity is the process of feeling and appear to be three valuable methods[20].
observing the problem, making guesses about the Craft argues it could be argued that
short comings of this problem, assess, and test teaching creatively, teaching for creativity and
the conjecture or hypothesis, then change and test fostering creative learning all involve a high level
it again, and finally preparing the results. Aspects of pedagogical sensitivity and skillfulness in
of product creativity emphasize that what comes being alert to the meld of the environment,
out of the process of creativity is something new, learner engagement and experience, moment,
original [6]. The characteristic of creativity is a domain and so on, as well as adopting
new product/thinking. A new products appropriate strategies to support creative learner
in/thinking of this case can be either develop environment. To be able to do this implies a high
mentor completely different from existing level of professional artistry, whatever the
products. A new product/thinking in the context[21].
development process is required divergent A creative teaching sequence is unified set
thinking [10, 11]. The thought of people came up of lessons and activities which seeks to develop
with a fairly new idea or with a number of the problem solving powers and proclivities of
alternative ideas, and then he said to the creative. students [22]
[12]. The characteristics of creative was Cropley listed nine conditions necessary for
associated with the ability to think creatively are teachers to foster student creativity as follows
fluency, flexibility, originality [13, 14], and one [23]. Independence: Encouraging students to
expert added elaboration into the creativity learn independently; Integration: Having a co-
concept [15]. operative, socially integrative style of teaching;
Creative teachers will be most successfully Motivation: Motivating students to master factual
when they use their personal intelligences to knowledge, so that they have a solid base for
choose projects that fit both their own values and divergent thinking; Judgment: Delaying judging
their student needs and interests [16] . students’ ideas until they have been thoroughly
Teacher’s experiences of finding worked out and clearly formulated; Flexibility:
themselves caught in the middle between valuing Encouraging flexible thinking; Evaluation:
creativity and helping students conform to the Promoting self-evaluation in students; Question:
constraints of the classroom are considered. Taking students’ suggestions and questions
Next, the role that constraints play in creativity is seriously; Opportunities: Offering students
discussed. Finally, a new way of thinking about opportunities to work with a wide variety of
creative expression, called ideational code- materials and under many different conditions;
switching, is proposed. Ideational code- and Frustration: Helping students to learn to
switching represents the ability to move between cope with frustration and failure, so that they
intrapersonal creative interpretations and have the courage to try the new and unusual.
interpersonal creative expression [17]

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

From theory description above, average until to M-0.75SD, the moderate

pedagogical creativity is the method or a way of categories was range average to M+0.75SD, and
improving teaching, learning, and education in the high categories was above M+0.75SD[26].
the school. The creativity pedagogy is various
ways incorporation effort has been done before,
or find a new way so that it becomes a relatively
new way to improve students' learning passion. The result of measuring pedagogical
creativity has obtained interval score from 13 up
In this research the creativity pedagogy consists
of four aspect, that are the speed of thought, to 96, the average was 29.17, the standard
flexibility of thought, originality of thought, and deviation was 18.3. The result of this research
was obtained pedagogical creativity score that
the elaboration of thinking about learning and
education. were converted to standardized score. The score
The pedagogical creative teacher is very standardized has interval score from 4.78 up to
113.6, the average was 62.05, the mode was
important to develop children potential i.e.
character, ability, academic achievement, 60.50, and the median was 60.31. The deviation
emotional intelligence, etc. The development of standard was 21.04. The distribution of
pedagogical creativity can be displayed in the
children's creativity is expected to help children
become self-sufficient in the face of life's Table 1.
challenges. The importance of teachers' The data was classified to 11 interval
scores. The distribution of pedagogical creativity
creativity in education has become a reason to
study the creativity of prospective teachers. The score can be displayed into the following table.
problem of this research is how the creativity of
student teachers. How many people classified as Table 1. The Distribution of Pedagogical
high creativity. Creativity
No Class Interval f
1 5 - 15 6
2 16 - 25 16
This research included survey method. The 3 26 - 35 41
population of this research was student teachers 4 36 - 45 74
at FKIP Bengkulu University. The student 5 46 - 55 118
teachers were 2250 in 2015/2016 academic year. 6 56 - 65 134
The sample was selected using proportional 7 66 - 75 85
random sampling, and was obtained 639 persons, 8 76 - 85 66
they were representative the population. 9 86 - 95 44
The variable in this research was 10 96 - 105 42
pedagogical creativity. That was consist of four 11 106 - 115 13
dimensions, they were thinking speed, thinking
flexibility, thinking originality, and thinking Table 2. The Classification
elaboration No Categories f Per cent
The data was collected by using WIN test 1 Very low 90 14.08
model that has been developed by Wasidi [24]. 2 Low 266 41.63
WIN is one method to reveal the respondent’s 3 Moderate 172 26.92
ability in solving problems if presented one 4 High 111 17.37
example of alternative solutions. Total 639 100.00
The number of each factor about
pedagogical creativity as much as 8 items, so that The speed thinking dimension has interval
the total number of items as many as 32 items. score from 4 to 24, the average was 18.56, and
The test have content validity, construct validity the deviation standard was 4.63. The flexibility
and reliability coefficient of 0.97. The examinee thinking has interval score from 0 to 24, the
answered each a question maximum 3 alternative average was 14.73 and the standard deviation
solutions. was 5.86. The originality thinking has interval
The raw score data was processed into score from 0 to 24, the average score was 12.80
standard score using item response theory, that and the standard deviation was 5.35.The
was Partial Credit Model. The data has been elaboration thinking has interval score from 0 to
standardized using MULTILOG software [25]. 24, the average score was 13.70 and the
The standardized data has been categorized standard deviation was 6.48.
into 4 categories. The very low categories was Over all the pedagogical creativity has
under M-0.75SD, the low categories was interval score from 13 to 96. The average score

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

59.18, the standard deviation was 18.32. The using that information to solve problems that can
mode was 55.91, and the median was 57.89. The be anticipated as a result rather than to know [27].
distribution has right skewness and it has 17.37% The ability of students to find new problem
of good pedagogical creativity. solving lacks the attention of teachers. Teachers
teach how to find solutions to students, where the
160 answer is known before. Learning is still tending
140 to existing learning and standard, so that the
120 development of creativity of students less
100 attention.
80 The Lessons that support the development
60 of new student creativity begin in 2013 known as
40 the new curriculum. The curriculum facilitates
20 learning by scientific approach. But until now not
0 all schools implement the curriculum.
This study was conducted on the students of
2014/2015 where they at high school still have
not known scientific learning. Thus their ability
to find a relatively new problem solving is very
Figure 1. The Distribution of Pedagogical The creativity is often used to develop
Creativity special activities, such as art, and this is not in the
syllabus. In general, university lecturers in
conducting conventional learning evaluation,
using multiple choice test, and description.
The teachers or lecturers rarely evaluate the
The Creativity pedagogy consists of the learning based on projects designed by students,
speed of thinking, flexibility of thinking, so that creativity in universities, especially in
authenticity of thinking, and expansion of educational institutions have not been developed
thinking. Each has an average of 18.56, 14.73, optimally.
12.80, and 13, .07. From this average it is clear Education in Indonesia is different from
that the highest average score is the dimension of education in developed countries. Education in
thinking speed. When viewed from the items of developed countries has taught creativity
the question, the problems asked around the education early on. The Creative research was
problem of daily students, such as lazy learning, very prominent during the years 1990 to 2007.
less interesting learning, student delinquency, The Creative teaching in primary schools has
student discipline. The Questions related to these been done by many experts [28]. Now, the
matters, the student quickly answered them. This creativity education has been implemented in
is because students often experience the problem. high school, the creativity material into all
The flexibility thinking has an average courses [29]
score of 14.73 lower than the speed of thinking. Today, the condition of education learning
This flexibility of thinking, students are given is still oriented to teacher, it is not base on
questions relating to other ways than usual in students. This condition is like the results of
finding a solution a problem. The flexibility of research conducted by Yamamoto which
thinking experienced a decrease in the score, this mentions that many students watch and accept
can be due to decreased brain resistance in rather than as learning actors [30]. This is what
answering the previous questions. causes the creativity of students are still far from
The average elaboration of thinking is what is expected.
almost equal to the average of originality Conventional teaching or traditional
thinking. Judging from the point of the question, teaching refers to a teaching method involving
elaboration is an extension of the authenticity of instructors and the students interacting in a face-
thinking, so it is natural that the average is almost to-face manner in the classroom. These
the same as the authenticity of thinking. instructors initiate discussions in the classroom,
The fact that the creativity of prospective and focus exclusively on knowing content in
teachers is largely low. Why does this happen? textbooks and notes. Students receive the
How is education at high school level so far? information passively and reiterate the
Much of the current educational implementation information memorized in the exam [31].
is concentrated on accessing information and The traditional conventional teaching
methods are teacher centered and include the use

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

of lectures and discussions while the problem [5] Szkolak, A., & Ana Martinez Lopez,
solving element is presented by and/or discussed Creative teacher of early childhood
with the instructor; the syllabus, the teaching education. Pedagogika Przedszkolna i
materials and the student assessment was Wczesnoszkolna, 2013. 12: p. 73-85.
determined by the tutor and transmitted to
[6] Torrance, E.P., Issues and advances in
students in various lectures [32].
educational psychology. 1969, Illinois: F.E.
Jeffrey & Craft found that creative
Peacock Publisher Inc.
instructors are innovative: goes beyond the
traditional border through a new combination [7] Lilly, F.R., & Gillian Bramwell, Reskind
whether planned or in connection to any benefit; The dinamic of creativity teaching. Journal
have ownership of the knowledge that is to of Creative Behavior, 2004. 38: p. 102-124.
modify or customize the curriculum to address
the special needs of students and/or educational [8] Esquivel , G.B., Teacher behaviors that
foster creativity. Educational Psychology
goals; control the teaching processes involved or
have the need for choice and the power to make Review, 1995. 7(2): p. 185-201.
it happen through practical involvement; and [9] Lee, Y.G., The teaching method of creative
operates in various social values that are education. Creative Education, 2013.
acceptable and at the same time adapted to the 4(8A): p. 25-30.
culture of the students [28].
This kind of learning is still happening in [10] Purwanto, Kreativitas berpikir menurut
schools up to universities in Indonesia. Guilford. Jurnal Pendidikan dan
Traditional learning is the cause of the lack of Kebudayaan, 2008. 74(14): p. 856- 867.
student creativity. Suggestions to improve the [11] Kaufman, J.C., Jonathan A. Plucker, &
creativity of students in learning is using creative John Baer, Essentials assessment of
learning model. creativity. 2008, New Jersey: John Willey
& Sons Inc.
[12] de Bono, E., Practical thinking. 1998,
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Educational and Teacher Training, Bengkulu
University, all of lecturers whom help to collect [13] Elliot, S., Thomas R. Kratchwill, Joan
the data, and all the students who have been Littlefield Cook, & John F. Travers, ,
willing to fill this test. Educational Psychology. 2000, Boston:
McGraw Hill Higher Education.
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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Muhammad E. M. Simbolon1, Dzihan Khilmi Ayu Firdausi2
Physical Education Health and Recreation Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Bangka Belitung
[email protected], 2 [email protected]

This research is aimed to provide an overview of students physical fitness in Kepulauan Bangka Belitung.
This research roadmap consists of several stages, namely the mapping profile, curriculum development,
and experimental implementation of the curriculum. In the end, this study aimed to realize that education
can produce a superior human resources. Not only excellent in cognitive and affective outcomes, but also
physical health outcomes. This research is at the stage profile mapping of the student physical fitness. This
research used methods of field research with documents technique in data collection. The document
contains the measurement results of students physical fitness by measuring speed (60 meter sprint test), leg
power (vertical jump test), abdominal strength and endurance (sit up test), arm strength and endurance
(push up test), and cardiorespiratory endurance (1000 and 1200 run test). The data analysis was used
descriptive statistics. The results show that in general (63%) students who are learned in high school
graduates or equivalent is in ‘middle category’. 109 people were included as participants, 82 are male and
27 are female. The participant physical fitness rating by gender showed most of the boy participant in the
average rating. The same result is show by the girl participant. The results of the study show greater physical
fitness in boys then girls. The conditions of physical fitness is good enough for learners in performing daily
activities, for learning in school and still be able to enjoyed their free time. Developed the Indonesian fully
human is a national education goals. Based on this condition are advised to stakeholders on the education
to be able to improve these conditions better then nowdays.
Keywords: Physical fitness, students, national education goals

that support active lifestyles.(5) Nevertheless, it

is still not a priority concern of the Indonesian
Obesity, poor physical fitness of children education stakeholders. These reference values
and their causal dependency are associated with constitute undoubtedly an important tool in the
many preventable diseases and present a serious educational setting.(2) The Information of
current and future public health problem.(1) physical fitness level allows physical education
Physical fitness is nowadays considered as a (PE) teachers to detect students with health
powerful marker of health and quality of life in problems early and provide improvement
childhood. (2) Children’s health and well-being interventions against these conditions.
is highly correlated with their physical fitness.(3) This study provides empirical information
Unfortunately, the importance of physical fitness of the student physical fitness level. This
tests as significant diagnostic information about research will be able to provide an overview of
the health status of children is commonly national education goals in developing the
ignored.(2) Physical fitness should be considered Indonesian people and to realize a superior
as a useful health marker already in childhood human resources. This study generally trying to
and adolescence, reinforcing the need to include answer the question: How does the physical
physical fitness testing in health monitoring fitness of students in Kepulauan Bangka Belitung
systems.(4) Province?
Schools are the most suitable settings to Physical fitness is the body’s ability to
identify children with poor levels of physical function efficiently and effectively.(6) The
fitness and to promote healthy behaviours.(2) ability to meet the ordinary as well as the unusual
The school is considered an excellent place to demands of daily life safely and effectively
provide students with the opportunity of daily without being overly fatigued and still have
physical activity, teach the importance of regular energy left for leisure and recreational
physical activity to health, and build the skills activities.(7) Physical fitness as the ability to

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

carry out daily tasks with vigor and alertness,

without undue fatigue, and with ample energy for
This study used quantitative approach. This
leisure-time pursuits, and to meet unforeseen
research is aimed to provide an overview of
students physical fitness in Kepulauan Bangka
Physical fitness is also mean a person's
Belitung. Participants was the students of senior
ability to perform a particular job quite well,
high school in Kepulauan Bangka Belitung
without causing fatigue.(8) Physical fitness is
generally achieved through exercise and is Province. 109 people were included as
considered a measure of the body‘s ability to participants, 82 peaople are male and 27
function efficiently and effectively in work and people are female. Participants selection is
leisure activities, to be healthy, to resist based the research objectives, namely to provide
hypokinetic diseases, and to meet emergency empirical information of the students physical
situations.(9) Physical fitness is generally fitness. Participants are on average 18 years old.
obtained through physical activity or exercise The data collection was used documents
and consider a measure of the ability of the body technique. The document contains the
to function efficiently and effectively in training measurement results information of students
and leisure activities, to be healthy, to prevent physical fitness by measuring speed (60 meter
excessive fatigue, and for dealing with sprint test), leg power (vertical jump test),
emergencies. abdominal strength and endurance (sit up test),
Physical fitness referred to in this study was arm strength and endurance (push up test), and
the student’s physical fitness both in carrying out cardiorespiratory endurance (1000 and 1200 run
their daily activities for learning and the test). Physical fitness was assessed by measuring
development of physical fitness which has been aerobic fitness, flexibility, muscular endurance,
obtained by student’s through the national and muscular strength.(12) Physical fitness was
education system. The Student’s physical fitness assessed by measuring balance, speed, agility,
is the student’s ability and the body's ability power, abdominal muscular strength and
adapt to the physical loading is given to him to endurance, and cardiorespiratory endurance.(2)
learn in school activities without causing The components of physical fitness that was
excessive fatigue, which means that students still measure is aerobic fitness, flexibility, muscular
have enough passion and energy to enjoy leisure endurance, and muscular strength.(13) Physical
time.(10) fitness of this study participants was assessed by
Physical activity has enhanced well-being measuring speed (60 meter sprint test), leg power
and increasing physical functioning also in (vertical jump test), abdominal strength and
people with poor health.(11) Physical exercise is endurance (sit up test), arm strength and
one of the main determinants.(4) In other words, endurance (push up test), and cardiorespiratory
their work more productive if increasing physical endurance (1000 and 1200 run test). The data
freshness. Dengan kata lain, hasil kerjanya kian collected comes from the study program, the
produktif jika kesegaran jasmaninya kian student department, and the new admissions
meningkat. committee of STKIP Muhamamdiyah Bangka
Physical fitness is classified into Belitung by 2015. The data analysis was used
several sections. Hoeger classified physical descriptive statistics.
fitness into health-related, skill-related, and
physiological fitness.(7) Physical fitness
comprises two related concepts: general fitness The descriptive statistics of participant
(a state of health and well-being) and specific characteristics by age for 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21
fitness (a task-oriented definition based on the years old (boys and girls) presented in table 1.
ability to perform specific aspects of sports or There is no significant differences were observed
occupations).(9) Physical fitness is classified between boys and girls mean and mode. The boys
into the health-related components and the skill- average age is 18,4 years old and the most age of
related components.(6) Each physical fitness boys is 18 years old. The girls average age is 18,3
consists of several components. The components years old and the most age of girls is 18 years old.
of health-related physical fitness are: body
composition; cardiovascular fitness; flexibility;
muscular endurance; and strength, and the
components of skill-related physical fitness are:
agility; balance; coordination; power; reaction
time; and speed.(6)

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Table 1. Characteristics of the Participants by The results of measured participants speed,

Age for All, Boys, and Girls. leg power, abdominal strength and endurance,
All Boys Girls arm strength and endurance, and
n Value n Value n Value
cardiorespiratory endurance by age 16-19 years
old presented in table 2 and 3. The table show
Mean 109 18.4 82 18.4 27 18.3 that only two of physical fitness component
Median 109 18 82 18 27 18 above average rating. The component is
Mode 109 18 82 18 27 18 abdominal strength and endurance (good rating)
Standard and arm strength and endurance (excellent
109 1.15 82 1.17 27 1.10
Deviation rating).
Variance 109 1.33 82 1.38 27 1.20

Table 2. Participant Quantity and Percentile in Item Test Rating.

Participant Quantity and Percentile
Score Rating S LP AbSE ArSE CE
5 Excellent 0 0 1 0,9 30 27,5 68 62,4 0 0
4 Good 26 23,9 15 13,8 53 48,6 24 22 2 1,8
3 Average 54 49,5 57 52,3 24 22 14 12,8 24 22
2 Fair 21 19,3 31 28,4 2 1,8 0 0 61 56
1 Poor 8 7,3 5 4,6 0 0 3 2,8 22 20,2
Σ 109 100 109 100 109 100 109 100 109 100

Notes. S = Speed (60 meter sprint test); LP = Leg Power (vertical jump test); AbSE = Abdominal Strength
and Endurance (sit up test); ArSE = Arm Strength and Endurance (push up test); CE = Cardiorespiratory
Endurance (1000 and 1200 run test); Q = Quantity/ Frequencies; P = Percentile (%).

Table 3. Descriptive Statistics Defferences of Participants Physical fitness Test Score.

Physical All Boys Girls
Fitness (n=109) (n=82) (n=27)
Item Test M Md Mo SD V M Md Mo SD V M Md Mo SD V
60 meter
3 3 3 0.85 0.72 3 3 3 0.76 0.58 2 2 2 0.82 0.68
sprint test
3 3 3 0.77 0.60 3 3 3 0.71 0.50 3 3 3 0.95 0.91
jump test
sit up test 4 4 4 0.76 0.57 4 4 4 0.70 0.49 4 4 5 0.92 0.85
push up
4 5 5 1.01 1.01 4 5 5 0.97 0.93 4 5 5 1.13 1.28
1000 and
1200 run 2 2 2 0.70 0.50 4 5 5 0.97 0.93 2 2 2 0.78 0.62

Notes. M = Mean; Md = Median; Mo = Mode; SD = Standard Deviation; V = Variance.

Table 4. Participant Quantity and Percentile in

The results of participant physical fitness Physical Fitness Rating
Boys (n=82) Girls (n=27)
(all and by gender) for age 16-19 years old could All (n=109)
be seen in table 4 and 5. The table show most of Score Rating
the participant in average rating. 69 participant or
63% of participant in the average rating. Most of 22 – 25 Excellent 0 0 0 0 0 0
the boy participant in the average rating. The 18 – 21 Good 13 12 24 29,27 7 25,93
same result is show by the girl participant. 14 – 17 Average 69 63 49 59,76 12 44,44

10 – 13 Fair 25 23 8 9,76 7 25,93

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

All (n=109)
Boys (n=82) Girls (n=27) study by Etayo found the same result, boys
Score Rating performance is better than girls in speed, upper
Q P Q P Q P and lower body strength, and cardiorespiratory
5–9 Poor 2 2 1 1,22 1 3,70 fitness.(16). Garber study result found the boys
Σ 109 100 82 100 27 100
better in cardiorespiratory fitness,
musculoskeletal fitness, and body mass index
Notes. Q = Quantity/ Frequencies; P = Percentile (%).
than girls.(17) Hanifah reported the boys were
fitter than girls.(15) Ramos study reported boys
Table 5. Descriptive Statistics Defferences of
better than girls in cardiorespiratory fitness,
Participants Physical fitness
lower and upper body strength, and speed/agility.
All Boys Girls Boys were physically more active than girls, and
n Value n Value N Value they had higher cardiorespiratory fitness than
Mean 109 16 82 16 27 15 girls.(18) Muthuri review found higher levels of
physical activity in boys than girls.(19) It is can
Median 109 16 82 17 27 15
be the reason that boys physical fitness better
Mode 109 17 82 17 27 15 than girls.
Standard This condition can be better through school
109 2.52 82 2.22 27 3.15
Deviation role. Schools have an important role in the
Variance 109 6.33 82 4.93 27 9.89 development of students. Through curriculum
development and intervention of stakeholders,
the physical fitness development can achieve the
goal. Schools are hence appropriate settings for
The correct interpretation of physical health promotion programs.(20) Ortega in
fitness levels requires comparing the scores Dobosz state that school is the most appropriate
obtained in a particular child with reference place to identify the physical fitness level of
values of population of the same gender and students and to educate the behavior of healthy
age.(2) In this context, the study provides living.(2) In addition, the effect of the
percentile values of the participant physical intervention varied with important school
fitness, the each componenets and also by characteristics, i.e. size, type, class schedule,
gender. gender composition, an space for physical
The finding of this study was that student activity.(20) Better effectiveness could be
physical fitness in average range, it’s showed in achieved by: introducing more health-oriented
table 4. The same result was reported in contents in physical education lessons in
Simbolon study, that student in accelerated and programme; inclusion of more cooperative,
regular classes in average range.(10) Anas was fitness and goal-oriented activi-ties in physical
reported, most of 297 students in average education lessons; providing sports equipment
range.(14) Speed, leg power, abdominal strength during recess periods and extracurricular
and endurance, arm strength and endurance, and schoolwork; parental involvement and support
cardiorespiratory endurance ranged in to five through homework assign-ments and through
clasification that is excellent, good, average, fair, supervision.(21)
and poor.(8) Physical fitness category is Based on the needs of the students, this
excellent, good, average, fair, and poor.(14) condition can be tolerated. The students need
Hanifah was reported only 9,6% of the endurance to continue and maintain their
participants were in the acceptable range, 47,1% concentration in learning activities at school.
were marginally acceptable and 43,3% were in This condition still requires the attention of
the unacceptable fitness level.(15) relevant parties in the education of learners can
Our result also showed by the components be increased in a better classification again. So
of physical fitness that only two component were that education can produce a superior human
more than average. Abdominal strength and resources. Not only excellent in cognitive and
endurance in good range and arm strength and affective outcomes, but also physical health
endurance in excellent range. And the other in outcomes.
average and fair range. The result showed in
Table 3.
The results of the study also showed greater
physical fitness in boys then girls. The The authors thank to head of STKIP
comparation of it’s showed in table 5. The same Muhammadiyah Bangka Belitung. Thanks to
results also found in Dobosz study, the physical who assisted in data collection, and others
fitness levels in boys is better than girls.(2) The involved in the project.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Ika Ningtyas Unggraini
Master of History Education, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta
[email protected]

As an agricultural country, the sustainability of farming in Indonesia is under threat because of stagnant
generation of peasant. In the Agricultural Census 2013 by Statistics Indonesia (Badan Pusat Statistik/BPS),
the number of peasant households dropped by 5 million within a period of 10 years (2003-2013). From the
existing peasant, 60.8 percent aged over 45 years and only 12.2 percent is under 35 years old. If there is no
serious attention of all parties to do the next generation of peasant, Indonesia will be difficult to achieve
food sovereignty. Education plays an important role to enthuse the young generation to the agricultural
sector, especially for schools that are in an agricultural region. The problemm of crisis of generations of
peasant could be lifted in the classroom on Indonesian History subject. Teachers can use a green history
approach that provides a new paradigm in learning the history from anthropocentrism to ecocentrism. With
ecocentrism paradigm, students are expected to understand that the human need of food is very dependent
on the presence of peasant and environmental sustainability, including the availability of agricultural land.
This study discusses two things: 1) Analysis of why the youth generation are not interested in agriculture
and 2) How to use the green history approach in teaching history to raise the issue of food sovereignty. This
research is a qualitative descriptive literature using theoretical data and documentation in the library. The
results of this research indicate that the younger generation is not interested be a peasant because the work
is less prestigious and closely linked with poverty. The young generation's perception is one of them formed
because the formal education curriculum, especially historical teaching material is very anthropocentric,
marginalize peasant and the agricultural world. Efforts to change perceptions are one of them can be
pursued by using a green history approach that provides a larger portion for the marginalized groups such
as peasants.
Keywords: peasant, historical learning, green history

International Food Policy Research Institute

(IFPRI) says at least 17 countries are at an
As an agrarian country, historical learning alarming level of food crisis (voaindonesia,
in Indonesia has not attention to food and peasant 2007). One such country is Indonesia - an irony
issues. Whereas in addition to water and air, food condition as one of the largest agricultural
is a basic need of every human being and every nations in the world.
nation, whose needs continue to increase as the The threat of the food crisis could become
population increases. The high school curriculum more serious in the future if the regeneration of
at the upper secondary level has been too peasant is stagnant. The Central Bureau of
politically centric, only about elites whose Statistics Survey (BPS) in 2014 showed that farm
impact reduces historical facts about food and households dropped 5.04 million families (16
peasant. percent) over 10 years, from 31.17 million in
Yet the global world is facing serious food 2003 to 26.13 million families in 2013. Of these,
challenges. Environmental degradation from 60.8% percent of peasant are over 45 years old,
forest clearing, climate change, water scarcity, and 73.97% of peasant only have elementary
air pollution and industrialization has resulted in education, and access to low technology
reduced agricultural land. Agricultural policies (Mongabay, 2016). Peasant' households that
that unilaterally benefit the corporation, causing experienced a decrease in the number of
farmers to be marginalized and ultimately households who control land less than one
experiencing serious poverty. Finally the case of hectare.
famine due to the food crisis is now a serious Result of National Socio-Economic
problem in many countries. The Global Famine Survey/SUSENAS 2008 shows that 51,7% or
Index (2012) published annually by the majority of Indonesia resident still live in rural

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

area. However, the opposite is true in the history, describes historical data about changes in
population categorized as youth (aged 16-30 the course of human history from time to time in
years). More than half of the youth (51.90 developing its life and its impact on the
percent) prefer to live in urban areas environment. Therefore, this research will
(Kemenpora, 2009). From the statistical data discuss two things: 1) Analysis of why the youths
shows, the youth expected by the next generation are not interested in agriculture and 2) How to
of peasant, now no longer interested into the use the green history approach in teaching history
agricultural world. They leave the village and to raise the issue of food sovereignty.
choose to live in urban areas that are considered
to have a better future.
There are many factors that cause youth not
interested in pursue the agricultural sector. The This research is a qualitative descriptive
result of research by Indonesian Institute of with using data collection techniques through
interviews and literature studies. Interviews were
Sciences (LIPI) said, modernization has
influenced the mobility of youth from village to conducted on students and history teachers at
town which caused them to leave small scale SMA Negeri 1 Rogojampi, Kabupaten
Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur as a case study in
farm that handed down from their parents.
Schools as formal educational institutions play a November 2016. The objective was to find out
role in shaping the options for youth. This the reasons for their disinterest to be peasant and
to know the historical learning model that was
includes constructing students' perceptions of
peasant and the agricultural sector. In other implemented. Interview data is used as a material
words, the school has alienated the youth to the analysis and literature study used to
environment in which it lives (Humas LIPI, conceptualize history learning with the approach
2015). Without the young generation who of green history to answer the issues raised in this
continue the tradition of agriculture, then
Indonesia will be difficult to achieve food
Learning history at high school level a. Perception and Interest of Youth to
actually has a big role to grow the identity of Become Peasant
youth as an agrarian nation. This is showed in
point 5 of Permendiknas 22/2006 that historical The low group of youth (aged 16-30 years)
material is useful to instill and develop a in the agricultural sector is not a new
responsibility attitude in maintaining the balance phenomenon. It's been a long time since we've
and environmental sustainability (Agung S, been faced with this situation and it's always on
2012). Unfortunately, the important contribution the rise. Traditionally, rural youth will continue
of the agricultural sector has not gained the farming traditions from their parents as a
substantial proportion in the learning of history. result of social reproduction that has been going
Yet before Indonesia became an industrial on for generations from their ancestors. But
country as it is today, the life of all its people is modernization in Indonesia, including education
to become a farmer. institutions that have expanded into rural areas
Historical teaching materials in schools since the 1970s, has changed the perception and
today still rely on textbooks, as an important part interest of youth towards agriculture.
of the government-made curriculum. Whereas Perception according to De Vito (1997) is a
what is contained in textbooks in schools is full conscious process in a person will be objects,
of stories about war and power struggles, human events, and others through the sense of sight,
actions that are full of violence and cruelty, smell, touch and hearing. Perception is an active
heroism or betrayal (Kartodirjo, 1976:66). process, not a passive, formed from the outside
Conventional history-centered politics, over a world, experience, desire, need, love and hatred.
century or so, is regarded as the highest form of As an individual the perception of youth is
historical thought, and even history is also influenced by internal factors such as age,
defined as past politics. Although in its education level, and gender. While external
development, there is a trend of social and factors concerning factors that are outside the
economic history research, but not yet individual such as land, technology and
accommodated in the history curriculum. socialization. The perception of an individual can
In order for learning history can raise the affect interest, motivation, and attitude.
issue of food sovereignty, then can use the From the interview results there are two
approach of green history. According to main reasons why youth are not interested in
Supriatna (2016: 106), the approach of green plunging into the agricultural sector. First, bad

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

image of farmers. The youth rate the farmers structures and public trust changed drastically
attached to the work of exhausting, rough, and and encouraged urbanization (Ibrahim, Abbassi,
dirty. They prefer to work in non-agricultural Adnan, 2011).
sectors such as doctors, civil servants, or Poverty in farmers is due to various factors.
industrial workers who are considered more First, low access to land. They do not have
prestigious. Negative image attached to farmers enough capital to buy land that costs soared.
as Shrestha (2001) in Basnet (2015) not only Another case, farmers lost their land affected by
occurs in Indonesia. Most in developing industrialization projects, mining extraction or
countries, the peasants and villagers are always plantation opening. The second factor is because
considered to be in the lower classes and are of the high cost of production. When farming,
defined as uneducated and uncivilized societies. farmers have to bear a large cost to buy seeds,
The second reason, peasant life is identical with fertilizers, and chemical pesticides produced by
poverty. The youth consider that agricultural corporations. Third, after harvest, farmers are
products are not sufficient for life. The risk of powerless in the market system because of low
failing in agriculture is greater than working in bargaining position to determine their own price.
other sectors due to uncertain weather and pest Not infrequently, farmers must bear kerugiaan
attacks that can cause the risk of crop failure. because pascapanen prices are lower than the
The youth's perception of a peasant is made production costs they have to spend.
up of many things. As a young man living in a These unfavorable conditions are the result
farming family, they see and feel how farmers of a number of government policies that
live even though they are not directly involved in marginalize farmers and agriculture. Indonesia
the production process. Some respondents said failed to comply with the UUPA 5/1960,
that their own parents who asked them not to be resulting in inequality of land controlled by the
farmers, and encouraged to work to other sectors state, private and farmers. The land holding land
that are considered better. In schools, the younger of 74% of the land in Indonesia is mostly for
generation also did not receive the subject matter large corporations such as mining activities,
which contained answers to issues concerning large-scale private plantations, the establishment
their identity as peasant children. The perception of new cities and tourism, and the development
of the young generation reflects the social of large-scale industrial estates. According to
situation that befell the Indonesian peasants. Rachman and Savitri (2015), the faucet of natural
Peasant' living standards, especially in the food resource liberalization was very clear when
agriculture sector, are lower than non- Soeharto's New Order came to power in 1967.
agricultural sectors. Most farmers in Indonesia This liberalization has robbed people's
are small farmers and some of them are also sovereignty over land, especially peasants, for
considered poor farmers because of their very the second time after the colonial government
small and landless incomes (Amir, Mulawarman, made similar means during the previous
Kamayanti, Irianto, 2014: 3). colonization.
The People's Coalition for Food Another policy that has a major impact on
Sovereignty/KRKP (2015: 13) notes, by 2014 the agriculture and the poverty of Indonesian peasant
level of agricultural income / capita in the broad is the Green Revolution imposed at the beginning
and narrow sense is about Rp 9,032 / capita / day of the New Order. Green Revolution in Indonesia
and Rp 7,966 / capita / day. Whereas based on the is a food security agenda which is also widely
World Bank, included in the category of poor if implemented in many countries. The concept of
income less than US $ 2 / capita / day, with food security is considered ideal for preventing
exchange rate US $ to rupiah in 2014 which has world hunger after World War II. The concept
passed Rp 10.000 / 1US $. Using this measure is was then enshrined in the Universal Declaration
known, the income of peasant as per capita of Human Rights 1948 and the International
income is the lowest, and less than half of the Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural
average of all sectors. Rights 1966. The World Food Organization or
These low income farm families then FAO (2008) provides the definition that food
choose to work in the non-agricultural sector or security is when everyone, at all times, has
move to the city in search of better livelihoods. physical access, Social and economic
The imbalance of development between rural and development for adequate, safe and nutritious
urban areas became the factor of urban food that meets their dietary needs and food
withdrawal leaving his village. Indonesia's rapid preferences for active and healthy living.
modernization since the 1970s has led to a shift In its development, the practice of food
from traditional agrarian society to modern security got a lot of criticism as thrown by
industrial society. Due to industrialization, social McMichael (2004) and Patel (2010b). According

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

to them from that definition food security makes Summit in Rome in 1996. The term Food
the food only a trade problem, rather than sovereignty refers to the right of the people to
strengthening control over the production and healthy food, produced according to culture,
consumption systems. In this conception, food is ecology and sustainable methods. As well as the
a commodity that is traded rather than the right community's right to determine their own food
of everyone and hunger is just a matter of food and farming systems (Wittman, 2011).
distribution. Rapidly the Green Revolution was In the eyes of food sovereignty, there are a
able to raise rice production, but technological number of points that the state must fulfill for the
change in agriculture was not without welfare of the peasants. That is, the control over
consequences for the environment and farmers. food and agricultural policy must be at the local
In addition to environmental degradation, this level. Food sovereignty emphasizes the ethical
conception makes a country focus only on how frame of control and access to food as a meeting
to meet food and technology development to between economic, social, cultural, political and
increase global food production, whose impact, environmental rights. The concept of food
food sources are controlled by corporations or the sovereignty also demands the provision of land
neoliberal food regime, and marginalize farmers for smallholders and peasants, protection for
as food producers. sustainable natural resources such as land, water
The New Order government implemented and seed; And reject the dominance of
the Green Revolution with an investment of multinational companies' control over
approximately $ 725 million. The funds are for agricultural policies facilitated by organizations
the establishment of a national research station, such as WTO, World Bank and IMF (Bernstein
improvement of irrigation systems, agricultural & Bachriadi, 2014).
extensions, along with agrochemical subsidies,
b. Raising the Issue of Food Sovereignty: A
and about 40 percent allocated to pesticides
Green History Approach
(Barbier 1989 in Mariyono, 2015). The impact of
the Green Revolution on the environment Educational institutions play an important
concerns the excessive use of fertilizers and role in shaping the perceptions and choices a
chemical pesticides on agriculture. Ammonia young man has for work. Including forming
produced from nitrogen fertilizer contributes to perceptions of peasant and the agricultural sector.
acid rain, whereas nitrate content can During this time, the curriculum of modern
contaminate water in the soil and ozone depletion education and schools contributes to the
due to greenhouse gases (FAO, 2009). stigmatization of farmers as a lowly job. Since
The Green Revolution replaced local rice kindergarten implanted that someone will be
seeds with high yielding varieties of IR-8 rice, a successful when he became a doctor, pilot, civil
result of the crossbreeding of Taiwanese rice servant, or office. Finally, the peasants' children
varieties with Indonesia made by DR Te-Tzu no longer make farmers a proud choice of jobs,
Chang in IRRI, Philippines. Finally, the large instead of being eco-friendly farmers. This
dependence on certain rice varieties leads to the condition has been criticized by Freire (2007),
loss of biodiversity in agriculture (Mariyono, that the educational practice that departs from the
2015). In the early period, the average rice positivistic philosophy of modernism products
production in Asia did increase. However, has made the students not only deprived of their
environmental degradation and the high cost of cultural roots but also The natural environment
fertilizer eventually reduced the rate of rice they are in.
production growth rapidly over a 10-year period, Attempts to change the perception of young
from 3 percent in the 1970s falling to 2.2 percent people about farmers one of which can be applied
in the 1980s (Notohadiprawiro, 1993). This in learning history. Why? Because the story of
condition causes Indonesia has not moved as one the history of the oppression of a rural faction in
of the largest rice importing countries in the Asian, African and Latin American countries is
world until now (, 2016). not a new story, especially for those who
So far, many peasants have emerged from research, write, read and teach history. The
the peasant group over the suffering and poverty theme of oppression and resistance has filled the
that hit them. Including lawsuits against food rural faces that stretch from the era of Dutch
security practices that are considered impoverish colonialism to the present (Fauzi, 2008). When
farmers. The wave of lawsuits came from La Via Indonesia's independence reached its age of more
Campesina, an organization that represents small than half a century, farmers as food producers
peasant communities from 56 countries formed continued to suffer. Agricultural land was
since 1993. Via Campesina led to a counterfeit threatened by exploitation of nature, agriculture
drama called food soveringty at the World Food

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

is not environmentally friendly and Natural resources. Thus history learning with the
industrialization. green history approach to change the paradigm of
Historical teachers can use the green history anthropocentrism into ecocentrism that puts
approach to address issues of food sovereignty human beings parallel to nature.
that require regeneration of youth farmers. While Wall (2004), explains, that green
According to Supriatna (2012: 105) green history history can examine the green movement (green
is a lawsuit against the historical paradigm that movement) that plays an important role to
puts humans as a determinant in the course of campaign and provide protection for the earth as
history. Green history is the opposite of Martinez-Alier said: "Human relations with the
conventional history laden with political content, environment have a history, and the perception
interests and ideology that often become a of such relations is also historical". The purpose
hegemonic tool to legitimize human actions of green history according to Wall (2004: 3) is
including actions in the exploitation of natural how the green movement and broader study of
resources. the relationship between humans and nature can
Green history was born in a situation invite everyone to seek solutions to
leading up to the 20th century, when the world environmental pollution and degradation. The
community is paying more attention to environmental past may, at times, demonstrate a
environmental conditions, following climate useful similarity to today's environmental
change that brings about disasters including the conditions.
food crisis. Environmentalists attribute this linear According to Supriatna (2012: 117), that
environmental degradation to the advancement history learning can be restored in its position as
of science and technology, industrialization, and a means of learning from past humanistic values,
human consumption patterns that change from a means of reflecting on historical actions and
traditional to modern after the Industrial inspiration of historical consciousness in
Revolution era. According to Supriatna (2016: empathizing with fellow human beings and all
105-106), the study of green history can be living and physical beings Nature then the
thematic in the physical history of nature, plants, required decontruction. Decontruction can be
all living things (animals and plants) in the used to dismantle the old order, ways of thinking
ecosystem and may also contain human studies and perspective and paradigm that is not in
as actors of history and their impact on the social harmony with nature conservation. An
environment , Animal environment, plant anthropocentric point of view that puts humans
environment and physical nature. The focus of as perpetrators of history must be dismantled and
this green history study, which sets it apart from re-constructed into a new way of ecosentrism that
conventional history, has largely elevated the is ideology in line with the paradigm of green
role of humans as a major historical agent history. Supriatna (2012: 119-122) provides five
(anthropocentrism), loaded with political new construction alternatives to the paradigm
content, interests and ideologies that often serve shift given the green history in history learning,
as a hegemonic tool to legitimize human actions which was then developed by researchers:
including actions in the exploitation of resources

New construction of history learning paradigm green Development for the issue of food sovereignty
history (researcher version)
1 The historical facts in the Curriculum 2013 are still The facts of historical teaching materials are developed
taught as a foundation to provide learners' by raising the issue of food sovereignty. The teacher
understanding, but the fact is further developed into connects the food crisis with unsustainable behavior, the
meaningful values about the importance of learners peasant’s impartiality policy and the possibility of a
having a caring character of the environment. worsening crisis if youth are reluctant to become peasant.
2 The contents of the 2nd Core Competencies in K13 Historical teachers can assign assignments to learners to
such as Care for the Environment should be the basis practice historical research methods with heuristics,
for developing ecocentric historical learning materials criticism, interpretation and historiography on food
and practiced through green history. sovereignty issues occurring in the villages where
learners live. Like the shrinking of agricultural land, the
difference between the past and present farm
management, or the types of local rice that once grew in
the village.
3 Green history paradigm can use if history strategy. Examples of teachers ask the question: "If you as a
Teachers can start by asking questions starting with the learner live in the New Order era and you as a farmer
word "if". This can be done to develop the analytical who must use chemical fertilizers and pesticides describe
and imaginative power of learners to a historical event the ecological actions that you will do?
and be able to reflect on the life in the present. If history

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

New construction of history learning paradigm green Development for the issue of food sovereignty
history (researcher version)
strategy can get closer learners with perpetrators of
history in the past ecosentrims.
4 Green history can use small narratives in the oral The teacher assigns the learner to write about the
history of society. These narratives can be the opposite ecological-agrarian wisdom practiced by the local
of the grand narrative about the anthropocentric actions peasant community or indigenous peoples. Teachers can
of Western society as the developers of world also invite farmers who successfully manage their farms
civilization. The oral history of local communities in an environmentally friendly way to the classroom to
occupies an important position in the development of share inspiration to learners.
historical learning to build a new, more eco-friendly
5 The learning approach in the green history paradigm For example, learners rewrite history about cultuurstelsel
that can be used is doing history. Through the process in the Dutch colonial era or the Green Revolution in the
of learning about the method of history, learners are New Order era
asked to rewrite the history he studied with the concept
of if history so that the event can be ecocentric

decontruction with a green history approach to

This ini an example of the development of the issue of food sovereignty:
history lesson curriculum 2013 results of the
Class History material Development for food sovereignty issues
X The life of pre-literate society Pre-literacy life that is in harmony with nature.
The belief system that gives respect to nature, the
existence of agrarian rituals and belief in Dewi Sri or
Goddess of Fertility
X Hindu-Buddhist kingdoms Traces of agricultural life in ancient kingdoms between the
4th and 15th centuries AD. Examples of Tugu Inscriptions
issued by King Purnawarman of Tarumanegara Kingdom
(4th century to 7th century AD). It contains about 12 km
of river excavation which is used as irrigation.
In the Majapahit period for example, agriculture gained
considerable attention as well. Dams or dawuhan are built
on the orders of the Matahas to irrigate the fields and the
landowners are protected in a law
XI European colonialism and imperialism to the The peasant resistance against colonialism such as the
archipelago Banten Peasant Rebellion and the Samin farmers
movement refusing to pay taxes
Changes in peasant life during culturstelsel and the
opening of private plantations
XII The system and political and economic Farmer life and agricultural policy during the Old Order
structure of the Old Order The birth of Law No. 5 of 1960 on Agrarian Reform and
its implementation
XII The system and political and economic Impact of Foreign Investment Law and Domestic Capital
structure of the New Order Law against environmental damage and narrowing of
agricultural land.
Impact of the Green Revolution on agricultural ecology
and the life of peasants in rural areas
XII The system and political and economic Environmental crisis and its impact on Indonesian
structure of the Reformation Era agriculture
The case of hunger and the threat of food crisis
Indigenous peoples and peasant communities that retain an
eco-friendly agricultural tradition

Based on an example of historical learning

development with the above green history
The low interest of youth to become farmers
approach, it gives a larger portion of the farmers
is caused by perceptions of peasant work that is
as a marginalized group. Efforts to intervene
less prestigious and inherent in poverty. The
through historical learning will provide
perception is one of them formed by the formal
maximum results if the curriculum of history
education institutions that have been affected by
learning is made by taking into account the
modernization since the 1970s, the main
sustainability of human future that requires food
historical curriculum is too political and elitist,
and healthy environment. Policies for the welfare
never to mention the issue of food sovereignty
of peasant' lives are also urged to make more and
and marginalize the role of farmers in the
more young people interested in plunging into
Indonesian historical stage. For historical
environmentally friendly agriculture.
learning to be more ecocentrismic by raising the

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

issue of food sovereignty, hence history teacher Food Sovereignty: Reconnecting Food,
can use green history approach, this approach Nature and Community, ed. Hannah
change paradigm of conventional history and Wittman, Annette Aurelie Desmarais, and
decontruksi anthropocentric teaching material Nettie Wiebe. Halifax: Fernwood.
become ecocentric. In the new paradigm,
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historical learning provides greater space in
Membangun Kecerdasan Ekologis dalam
marginalized groups such as farmers and raises
Pembelajaran IPS. Bandung: PT Remaja
issues of food sovereignty such as food crises,
poverty and stigma attached to farmers.
[12] Wall, Derek. (2004). Green History: A
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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Hafizhah Lukitasari1, Sri Yamtinah2, Peduk Rintayati3
Sebelas Maret University
[email protected]

The components of knowledge, understanding and critical thinking are strongly interrelated components
that students need to use simultaneously to approach intercultural and global problems. According to pre-
survey research, elementary school teacher had difficulty in use proper assessment to measure it, especially
critical thinking. This study develop an assessment design to measure critical thinking skills of elementary
school student in science which use two-tier multiple choice test. This is a development research that used
Borg and Gall RnD steps. The writer used quantitative and qualitative technique to analyze the data
obtained. The qualitative approach was used to analyze the input from experts and teachers by Aikens’
formula and the quantitative approach was used to analyze the results of product testing by ITEMAN.
Conclusion of this study are as follows: (1) The procedure of the two-tier multiple choice test development
follows the stages of research and development. The stages include research and information collecting,
planning, develop preliminary form a product, experts judgement and content validation, preliminary field
testing, main product revision, main and operation field testing, and final product revision; (2) The quality
of the developed products has a valid criterion as an instrument, reliable, and proper to use in elementary
school student to measure critical thinking skills.
Keywords: science, assessment, critical thinking

ranked 63 form 64 participating country with an

average score 382, it is far below the average
Skills as the outcome of 21st century score 4944. While, by the TIMSS survey,
learning emphasizes digital-age literacy, Indonesian student (8th grade) achievement in
inventive thinking, effective communication, and science ranked 39 from 41 participating country
high productivity. In short, 21st Century Skills are with score 409, far below TIMSS Scale
more than technological literacy, instead they Centerpoint 5005.
include proficiency in critical thinking, problem Low quality of education, including
solving, communication, and team work1. learning outcomes achieved above caused many
National Science Education Standards factor, among other the subjets characteristic, the
mention that critical thinking skills is needful for students, and the teachers6. Based on Badan
doing science inquiry2. OECD mention about Akreditasi Nasional have analyzed school needs
global competence, the target of education based on 8 National Standard of Education
nowadays. Global competence is a complex consists of Content Standard, Process Standar,
learning objective. Global competence is a Learning Outcomes Standard, Education and
capacity for analyze the global issue and inter- Educator Standard, and Evaluastion Standard it
culture critically from various perspective, was said that there are many weakness in
judgement, and idea independently and Evaluation Standard in school7. This is evidenced
classically3. by summative and formative assessment that
Critical thinking skills is the importance teachers used in school only measure lower-order
outcome of education, but it is not develop thinking skills.
optimally yet. It is appearance in TIMSS and Critical thinking can be empowered by
PISA results. The study show that Indonesian giving unsusual problem and uncertain such as
students achievement in international assessment questions or dillemas, so the successful
is still below average. implementation of this capability is when
In 2012, Programme International Student students can explain, decide, show, and solve the
Asessment (PISA) as a program from OECD problem in the context of knowledge and
have examined the student ability in literacy, experience8. Students with critical thinking skills
mathematic, sciene, and reading around the are not only developed in the learning process but
world, including Indonesia. PISA result show the must also be supported by an evaluation or test
Indonesian student science literacy getting that reflects critical thinking skills because

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

evaluation is an integral part of classroom Final product obtained after operational

learning. field testing when the validity is good criteria, the
Evaluation can be used to measure students reliability is more than 0.75, and the item
achievement of learning indicators conducted9. analysis good criteria. It can be implemented in
Evaluation instruments that measure critical classroom assessment in elementary school,
thinking skills can use different types of especially 5th grade students.
assessment such as modified multiple-choice,
short-answer, and long answers10.
One alternative modified multiple-choice
that can be used to measure critical thinking skills First stage of research and development
methods is research and information collecting.
is the two-tier multiple-choice test. The form of
two-tier multiple choice was developed by Researchers engaged 20 elementary schools and
Treagust11. Treagust uses two-tier multiple 40 teachers as responden in this prosses use
questionnaire and collected the datas about
choice to diagnose students' ability to understand
concepts. The stem consists of two levels of classroom assessment in critical thinking skills.
questions, the first level is the question with Researchers analyzed the teacher
alternative answers and the second level is the perceptions about critical thinking in elementary
reason for the answer chosen on the basis of first school. There are four criteria ‘very agree’,
choice. ‘agree’, ‘disagree’, and ‘very disagree’. The
This study aims to develop a two-tier result of research and information collecting as
multiple choice test instrument to measure follows:
critical thinking skills in science studies.
Table 1. Teacher perceptions about critical
thinking in elementary schools
No. Teacher Perception Indicator Score
This study used research and development
1 Critical thinking skills need 87%
methods12. The stages include research and to improve in elementary
information collecting, planning, develop schools instruction
preliminary form a product, experts judgement 2 The importance of critical 66%
and content validation, preliminary field testing, thinking has been describing
in elementary school
main product revision, main and operation field curriculum
testing, and final product revision. 3 Critical thinking skills should 62%
This study started in October 2016 until be learn from 1st grade
April 2017 in Elementary School around classroom
4 Teachers has implemented 67%
Purbalingga Regency. The population are 5th critical thinking skills
grade students, afterwards the subject selected by learning in classroom
multistage random sampling. There are 40 5 Classroom learning has 67%
elementary school teachers from 20 SD/MI improved critical thinking
skills in every instruction
engaged in research and information collecting, 6 Teacher has the qualification 65%
5 headmaster, 8 validator in experts judgement, to improve critical thinking
37 students in preliminary field testing, 100 skills assessment in
students in main field and operational field classroom
testing. Based on table 1, we can analyzed that most
Qualitative datas obtained from expert of teachers have critical thinking learning
judgements before the preliminary form of the awareness. But the implementation of critical
product was tested, it was collected using expert thinking learning has not implemented well yet,
validity instrumen grounded on Aikens formula. in classroom learning and also classroom
Quantitative datas obtain from the results of assessment. Based on in-depth interview with 5
preliminary field testing, main field testing, and headmasters, researchers find that teachers has
operational field testing. At preliminary field lack of reference about critical thinking skills
testing stage, researchers used questionnaire for assessment in elementary schools. They need
collecting students perception about the product, some manual just like ‘Pedoman Penulisan Butir
whereas at main field testing and operational Soal, from Depdiknas 2008, include planning
field testing, researchers examined the product in until scoring stage.
5th grade students classroom and analyzed it by
Iteman 3.0 to get data about reliability, difficulty Coincide with the teacher perception-
index, discriminating power, and alternative questionnaire and in-depth interview, researchers
statistics. provide three example about selected response
assessment. There are modified multiple-choice

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

test that considered to assess critical thinking thinking skills in classroom. Two-tier multiple
skills. choice test is a modified multiple-choice test as
selected respons item consists of two-tier
Table 2. Teachers response about modified-
alternative. First tier is the content of questions
multiple choice test that measuring
(stem) and the alternative answer, second tier is
critical thinking skills
the reason of why testee choose the first tier.
Test Have seen Have implement Reason in second tier have as a purpose for
Multiple true-false 78% 28% improve thinking skills and observe student
Two-tier multiple- 43% 8%
ability on giving a reason11.
choice with 2
Researchers develop 25 items of two-tier
multiple choice test and examine it by experts
Two-tier multiple 13% 0% judgement to get validity of the test. On this
choice with 4 stage, there are two kinds of experts judgements.
First, the product was examined by experts in
Based on table 2, it can be concluded that material experts, language experts, and
two-tier multiple choice test with 4 reason was instrument experts which describe the results as
recommended by teachers for measuring critical follow.
Table 3. Material experts judgement
No Indicator Persentage Score Category
1. The stem appropriate with the competency 77% B Good
2. The question appropriate with the purpose 75% B Good
of measurement
3. Alternative answer is homogeny and 83% A Very Good
reasonable based on material learning
4. There is only one correct alternative 85% A Very Good
5. The material appropriate with elementary 82% A Very Good
school students
Average 80% B Good
Table 4. Language experts judgement
No Indicator Persentage Score Category
1. Applying for language 81% A Very Good
appropriate to bahasa norm
2. The language is 80% B Good
3. Not use local language 96% A Very Good
4. Alternative option is not 92% A Very Good
repeat the same
Average 87,25% A Very Good

Table 4. Instrument experts judgement

No Indicator Persentage Score Category
1. The stem is writed consisely and clearly 84% A Very Good
2. The stem and alternative is a needful 85% A Very Good
3. The stem is not ambiguous and not 99% A Good
double-negative statement
4. The alternative answer is homogeny and 75% B Good
logical considered by stem construction
5. Figure, graphic, table, and chart are clear 74% B Good
and in useful
6. Relatively length of alternative answers 88% A Very Good
is same
7. Alternative answer is not using statement 100% A Very Good
of “all of them is true/false”
8. The question is not dependent by 100% A Very Good
previous question
Average 88,13% A Very Good

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Based on table 3, it can be concluded that students to get datas about the readable-
according to experts judgement the product of capability of the test. The results of preliminary
two-tier multiple choice test for measuring field testing as follow:
critical thinking skills is “good” in material,
“very good” in language, and “very good” in
instrument construction. Tabel 5. The Result of Preliminary Field Testing
The product of two-tier multiple choice test No Indicator
for measuring critical thinking skills also score
1 Items word and term are 2,76 69 Good
examined used content validiy based on Aikens comprehensive %
formula. The test was validated by 8 experts, they 2 The sentence is easy to 2,70 68 Good
are the lecturer of Sebelas Maret University understand %
Postgraduate Program. By considering the 3 The figure is clear and 3,76 94 Very
readable % Good
coefficient tabel of Aiken Validity, test items was 4 The figure is appropriate 3,11 78 Good
decided valid if its validity coefficient ≥0,75. with the items %
The results of experts judgement to the modified 5 The table is clear and 3,30 82 Very
multiple-choice test as follows: readable % Good
6 The material has been 3,30 82 Very
Table 4. Content Validiy based on Aikens learned in the classroom % Good
7 The material is appropriate 3,41 85 Very
Formula to the 5th grade instruction % Good
8 The items is interest 2,95 74 Good
Items Coefficient Validity Decision %
9 The items is good and 3,38 84 Very
orderly % Good
1 0,67 invalid
10 The items presentation is 3,05 76 Good
2 0,79 valid
helpful %
3 0,71 invalid
4 0,92 valid Based on the table 4., it can be concluded
5 0,88 valid
6 0,71 invalid that the product of two-tier multiple-choice test
7 0,71 Invalid is readable and applicable. It can be continued to
8 0,92 valid the next stage, main field testing.
9 0,67 invalid
10 0,88 valid Main field testing was doing in 2
11 0,83 valid elementary schools and enganged 100 students in
12 0,88 valid
13 0,79 valid
5th grade. The test had been done in average time
14 0,75 valid approximately 90 minutes. In this stage, the
15 0,88 valid researchers analyzed the reliability and item
16 0,88 valid analysis that consists of difficulty index,
17 0,75 valid
18 0,67 invalid
discriminating power, and alternative statistics.
19 0,63 invalid
There are 25 item that analyzed by Iteman 3.0
20 0,67 invalid
21 0,83 valid and 100 students which has done the test in this
22 0,88 valid analysis. The average of students score is 11,87
23 0,79 valid with 24,00 is the maximum score and 1,00 is the
24 0,92 valid
minimum score. The test is reliable when every
25 0,67 invalid
items has related with another items. A good
According to the Table 4. there are 9 items reliability coefficient is above 0,75. Therefore,
which must be improved and revised. It has to the two-tier multiple-choice test has a high
revise again until the experts decision is valid reliability because the reliability from alpha
(achieve validation coefficient ≥0,75). During formula is 0,85.
the first content validation process, there are Difficulty index from the test can be analyzed
qualitative analysis from some experts which is based on Mean P value in Iteman 3.0 which is
used as a guidance in revising the invalid items. 0,475 on average. It is mean that the two-tier
After revised the invalid items, the test was multiple-choice test is “optimum difficulty”.
validated again until the coefficient validation While, the discriminating power of two-tier
≥0,75. It need twice experts validation to get multiple choice test can be analyzed based on
whole valid instrument of two-tier multiple- Mean Item-Tot in Iteman 3.0. The difficulty
choice test. index is 0,471. It is mean that the modified
multiple-choice test has a very good items on
After the product was valid based on expert
average. Overall, it can be concluded that two-
judgement and content validity, furthermore the
tier multiple-choice test which developed to
product was examine in preliminary field by 37

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Niken Wahyu Utami1, Suripah2
Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta, 2 Universitas Islam Riau
[email protected], [email protected]

The professionalism of teachers remains a major problem in Indonesia. This paper aims to describe the
concept of learning community, and development strategy of professional teachers. Learning community
is one of the strategies to improve teacher quality. Teacher is a component of education, who was
instrumental in the achievement of educational goals. Improvement teacher professional can be done
through teacher collaboration, and shared learning essential. This paper is a pre-research based literature
studies. The results of this study concluded that the professional learning communities can improve
professional teachers
Keywords: professional teachers, learning community

accountability because they are expected to

contribute to the continous improvement of their
The paradigm of developing professional team and their school.
teachers is ready for a long time. The complex
issues of teaching are highlighted in establishing Professional Teacher
the professionalism of teachers in work. One of
Teacher is one of the vital component in
the practical agendas that govern teachers is to
school, more over education system cannot do
construct new classes and expectations about
without teacher. Teachers must have principles to
student outcomes and to teach them in ways, (V.
develop more professionally. King Newmann
Vescio., Et al, 2008, p 80). Developing teacher
(2001), who presented principles for professional
professionals in new innovations about what,
development, argue that teacher learning is most
how and when teachers teach needs the right
likely to occur when: 1) teacher can concentrate
strategy. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a
on instruction and student outcomes in the
Professional Learning Community model to
specific contexts in which they teach; 2) teachers
address the challenges that teachers have.
have sustained opportunities to study, to
The developed model is by supporting the
experiment with and to receive helpful feedback
existing paradigm with the Professional Learning
on specific innovations; 3) teachers have
Community. Louis & Marks (1998), states that
opportunities to collaborate with professional
praising the good of the learning community as
peers, both within and outside of their schools,
an important way to organize schools to
along with access to the expertise of researchers
maximize the time spent in professional
and program developers. Moore’s (1998)
development. It's just that this literature is more
suggestions for teacher learning opportunities,
dependent on empirical changes in teacher
based on principles of adult learning,
practice and student learning as a result of
participation, and working collaboratively in a
Professional Learning Community.
climate of mutual respect.
Improving teachers in professional learning
work becomes a necessity in order to meet future
needs. Teachers as one of the essential Professional Learning Community
components in an educational institution play an Professional learning community may have
important role. With improvements in shape and shades of interpretation in different contexts, but
shape. As R. Dufour, (2008, p.169) heard, there there appears to be broad international consensus
should be a difference between teaching teachers that it suggests a group of people sharing and
in a Professional Learning Community dengan critically interrogating their practice in an
teaching in a traditional school. Furthermore, R. ongoing, reflective, collaborative, inclusive,
Dufour, (2008, p 170) states that very important learning-oriented, growth-promoting way (Toole
to everyone operates within a built-in system of and Lewis, 2002).

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Astuto, et al (1993) define professional communities will enhance their professional

community of learners as: knowledge and enhance student learning,
(Buysse, Sparkman, & wesley, 2003). which the teachers in a school and its Many schools are interested in
administrator continuously seek and share implementing and developing teacher learning
learning and act on their learning. The goal of communities. Stoll et al. (2003) suggested that
their actions is to enhance their effectiveness professional learning communities are
as professionals for the students’ benefit; characterized by; 1) shared values and vision, 2)
thus, this arrangement may also be termed collective responsibility, 3) reflective
communities of continuous inquiry and professional inquiry, 3) collaboration, and 4)
improvement. group, as well as individual, learning.
Newmann et al, (1996) describes five
DuFour&DuFour, Eaker (2008) define the important characteristics of professional learning
four pillars of a professional learning
communities. First, shared values and norms
community: must be developed with respect to the content of
a. Mission: Why do we exist? the group's collective "learn about the children's
b. Vision: What do we hope to become?
collectivity, and the proper roles of the parents,
c. Values: What commitments must we make teachers, and administration. Second, collective
to create the school or district that will responsibility, there is a broad agreement in the
improve our ablility to fulfill our purpose?
literature that is consistent of collective
d. Goals: What goals will we use to monitor responsibility for student learning (King and
our progress? Newmann, 2001, Kruse et al, 1995). The third,
reflective dialogue that leads to "extensive and
Morrissey, (2000) state that a key purpose continuing conversations between teachers about
of professional learning communities is to
curriculum, instruction, and student
enhance staff effectiveness as professionals, for development" (Newmann et al., 1996, p 182).
the ultimate benefit of students. R. Balam (2005), Four, collaboration, this concerns the
report that research has steadily converged on
involvement of staff in developmental activities,
claims that professional community is an and goes beyond superficial exchange of help,
important contributor to instructional support, or assistance (Louis et al., 1995). Five,
improvement and school reform. Lewis et al
group, as well as individual, learning is
(1995) found that in schools with a genuine sense promoted. All teachers are learners with their
of community there was an increased sense of colleagues. Collective learning is also evident,
work efficacy, in turn leading to increased
through collective knowledge creation, (Louis et
classroom motivation and work satisfaction, and al., 1995).
greater collective responsibility for student Bolam et al, (2005, p.145), synthesize these
learning. Andrews and Louis (2004) also found
characteristics to define a professional learning
that where teachers developed a professional community as a community with the capacity to
learning community, it not only enhanced the promote and sustain the learning of all
knowledge base of the group, but also had a
professionals in the school community with the
significant impact on their work in their collective purpose of enhancing student learning.
Development Strategy
Characteristics of Professional Learning
Communities Strategy to improve learning can be done
The concept of Professional Learning
a. Teacher collaboration
Community is built on the thinking of the Teacher collaboration is important
business sector regarding organizational thing in increase their professional.
capacity. This modification is suitable for the
Teacher collaboration can be done with
educational world. The concept of learning share practice. Levin (2012) state that
organization is a collaborative work culture for shared practice is important because it is
teachers (Thompson, Gregg, & Niska, 2004).
more likely to be effective as each
Learning communities are grounded in two person learns from the experience of
assumptions. First, knowledge is situated in the colleagues, and it helps build the sense
day-to-day experience of teachers and best
of community and common purpose that
understood through critical reflection with others is vital to maintaining engagement.
who share the same experience. Second, actively
engaging teacher in professional learning

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

b. Shared learning essential we know with what we do. Exception

Teachers can share their learning Children, 69(3), 263-277. 2003.
essensial to the others to discuss about
[7] V. Vescio; R. Dorene; A. Alyson. A review
his teaching. Discussion about learning
of research on the impact of professional
essensial can improve quality of their
learning communities on the teaching
teaching. Levin (2012) state that
practice and student learning. Teaching and
effective learning to support better
Teacher Education Journal. USA, vol. 24, pp
teaching and learning requires what
80-91. Januari 2008.
several writers have called the
“deprivatization of teaching” – moving
away from teachers doing in their
classrooms to practices grounded in
evidence and shared across a school or

The results of this study concluded that the

professional learning communities can improve
professional teachers

We would like to thanks for BUDI DN
(merger from LPDP and RISTEK DIKTI) for his
funding in our study.

[1] F. M. Newmann; et al. Authentic
achievement: Restructuring schools for
intellectual quality. San Francisco: Jossey-
Bass Publishers. 1996.
[2] K.S. Louis & H. M, Marks. Does proessional
learning community affect the classroom?
Teachers’ work and student experiences in
restructuring schools. American Journal of
Education. Vol. 106 (4), pp 532-575. 1998
[3] R. Bolam; A. McMahon; L. Stoll; S.
Thomas; &M. Wallace.Creating and
sustaining professional learning
communities. Research Report Number 637.
London England: General Teaching Council
for England. Departement for Education and
Skills: 2005
[4] R. Dufour; R. Dofour, R. Eaker. Revisting.
Provessional Learning Communities at
Work. New Insights for Improving Schools.
Solution tree. 2008.
[5] S.C., Thompson; L.Gregg; & J.M. Niska.
Professional learning communities,
leadership, and student learning. Research in
Middle Level education Online, 28(1), 35,
20. 2004.
[6] V. Buysse; K.L. Sparkman; & P.W. Wesley.
Communities of practice: Connecting what

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Chandra Perwira Negara
LPDP (Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education) Awardee Department of Sociology Education
Postgraduate School of Indonesia University of Education
[email protected]

This article is back grounded by the effectiveness difference in applying lecture method and Team Based
Learning (TBL). This article present exploration analysis of which is better between lecture method or TBL
in teaching material content related to skill development such as critical, creative and responsible attitudes
in students. This study is aimed to explain the effectiveness of team based learning method. The approach
used in this research was a qualitative approach with literature studies. Data collection technique in this
study is literature study from various books and earlier journal articles. The study result concluded that (1)
TBL contribute to create critical, creative and responsible attitudes, (2) Learning with lecture method also
have certain advantage provided teacher can involve students, (3) Both TBL and lecture method give
positive result to material and concept mastery, (4) TBL give opportunity to students to know the group
members so it build good relationship.
Keywords: Team Based Learning/TBL, Critical Attitude, Creative Attitude, Responsible Attitude

interesting as possible, pleasant and easily

understood. The evident that students understand
Recently social and technology had
the material is if they can relate the real world to
changed rapidly which effected on people life.
textual learning material, then are able to observe
People who initially only familiar with
and confirm the truth of this material (Birsyada,
traditional life, now should live with the advance
2013). It means that students not only receive
of technology. It means that it influence life
information from teacher but there is reciprocal
aspects which comprise social structure, culture
relation in accessing the truth of information
and innovation, and interaction pattern
conveyed (Shaw, 2014). Students are given the
(Vijayaratnam, 2009). 21st century is marked by
freedom to examine and find the information
the advance of sophisticated information and
they learn.
communication technology. The sophistication
In practice, lecture method still become
of this advance not only give benefit for human
alternative for teacher in delivering the material.
but also bad effect (DeMotta, Chao & Kramer,
Lecture method is believed as the right method to
2016). The advance of ICT for example, give
convey information without losing its essence.
facilitation and quick access in receiving all
Nevertheless, because learning with lecture
information spread in the world. But on the other
method is one-way interaction, that is, from
side, it invoke the confusion to see the truth of
teacher to student, then students skills are not
this information as the result of the abundance of
developed maximally. Team Based Learning
information spread. In the broader scale, there are
(TBL) is present as alternative method from the
two categories of knowledge source, that is, true
existing conventional method. TBL is believed
or false (hoax).
capable to develop students skill in this 21st
The effect of ICT development also pervade
century. This article aimed to explain the
educational system in the whole world, without
effectiveness of TBL on critical, creative and
exception in Indonesia. This change is seen
responsible attitudes creation.
prominently in terms of technology usage,
reference source, and facilities used. In relation
to educational field, in learning process teacher
in class not only deliver the material (transfer of The approach used in this research was a
knowledge), but more that that. Teacher also qualitative approach with literature studies. This
should capable to deliver the material as literature studies aims to explain in depth through

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

the study of books, journals, and the results of weakness by involving students or using video
previous research. and power point.

The Effectiveness of Team Based Learning

Is Lecture Method Effective? Teacher role in delivering the lesson to
So far, traditional method in learning is students is a task and duty. The ideal is that this
oriented to one way interaction between teacher lesson should be delivered in enjoyable,
and students. Teacher explain teaching material interesting and useful way. Students not only
and students receive it without response at all. understand the text but also understand the
This is different from modern view which state context and capable to relate theory to practice.
that knowledge is constructivism, in which It will be realized if teacher has adequate
students are expected to be active in learning knowledge (Martin, Craft & Tillema, 2002). But
process and participate in discussion and in reality, there are many teachers who deliver
collaborative activity. That activity not only their knowledge by only relying on textbook,
make students perform well, but also encourage whereas many lessons contain knowledge which
more participation, self confident and leadership close with surrounding environment is
ability (Carpenter, 2006). increasingly dynamic for time to time (Purnomo,
Traditional method or often called as 2013).
lecture method emphasize on discourse brought Many science disciplines are important in
by teacher. It means that the delivered content developing education in Indonesia. For example,
depend on teacher understanding toward the Social Science. This is because these sciences
content of that material. The underlying problem are useful for students in order to have social
about learning method aroused from the question intellectual. The common barrier in learning felt
on how the best way to deliver the material in by students so far is learning process which is not
class so it can be retained by students. In the case interesting. Teacher enter the classroom, explain
of lecture method, Is that method effective in with lecture method, then student listen and
giving understanding and skill development in memorize the concepts which in the end not
students, or vice versa? (Eynde & Spencer, stimulate thinking. Whereas, critical and creative
1986). thinking ability is very needed in each learning.
Lecture method is most widely applied Critical thinking ability in learning is needed as
method in teaching field. This method is tool to analyze the reality which is increasingly
believed as economical and practical method for complex (Mehta & Al-Mahrooqi, 2015).
teaching a big class (Behr, 2006). Lecture Students should be given opportunity to build
method in class can be found in some forms, but their own knowledge in order to solve the
in general it is marked as didactic approach for problem related to surrounding environment
teaching which relied on an expert (teacher) in (Palincsar, 1998).
transfer the knowledge to listener (students). The Team Based Learning (TBL) not only a
main advantage of this method are (1) Efficiency, small group in learning, but the effort to build
because it can be implemented easily in very big team collaboration which prioritize the attitude to
class, (2) Readiness, teacher can perform trust each other among group members. In TBL,
optimally so it can give impression to students at students work together to solve the problem
that time, (3) Control over material content, given by teacher. This problem solving involve
information flow, and class environment communication and discussion which means that
(Bauerlein 2011; Jones, 2007). students explain each other the idea or solution.
However, the effectiveness of lecture That intensive interaction can strengthened
method in creating skill on students is still relationship between teacher and students. That
questioned. Lecture method had been criticized learning process can give opportunity to students
because it create learning environment which is to be involved in building their own knowledge.
passive and not involve students. But in study Learning process is not only one way from
conducted by Christopher M. Huggins and Janet teacher to students which is known as lecture
P. Stamatel about exploration study which method, but among students who give
compare lecture method and TBL, it stated that information to each other in discussion. TBL
both methods are successful in delivering the play big role in creating students’ critical and
content and developing synthesis, analysis and creative attitude. Because this learning process
application skill. Lecture method which is emphasize analysis, dialectic, and innovation in
supposed not effective in developing skill, in fact thinking (Stein, Colyer & Manning, 2016).
can be maximal if teacher can overcome this

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

TBL is a model made in order that students way to achieve the goal of team (Van Woerkom,
are responsible through learning activity. The Croon & Woerkom, 2009).
aim of TBL will be achieved if students can Discussion activity in TBL influence group
overcome difficult problem. After discussion, performance internally and externally. Internally,
students make conclusion which will be students capable to discuss the way to anticipate
explained to another team. Next, each team will the mistake, and can discuss the assumptions
evaluate their performance to arose their which are related to certain issue. Externally,
awareness (Stein et al, 2016). Team collaboration students capable to coordinate the answers to
can be build provided there are roles and another group, and another group can give
responsibility from each individual to contribute. information concerning what they discuss.
In TBL, each group consist of 5 until 7 persons Interaction of these two different groups train
in order that learning activity can be supervised students’ communication ability, creativity, and
and team collaboration performance can run critical attitude (Chan, Pearson & Entrekin,
optimally. The intensive relation build in TBL 2003). In addition, TBL is an effective teaching
manifest critical and creative attitude in students. method in solving the problem (Beatty, Kelley,
The study (Brookfield, 1987) showed that Metzger, Bellebaum & McAuley, 2009).
creative individual usually (1) often reject the TBL is learning with teacher as facilitator
standard technique in solving the problem. (2) who provide opportunity to students to expose
has broad interest in relevant or irrelevant their understanding and new experience in
problem for him/her. (3) Capable to see the discussion so it stimulate development of new
problem from various perspectives. (4) Tend to personality. TBL is focused on relevant problem
view the world relatively and contextually. not and interaction among groups (Hrynchak &
universally or absolutely. (5) Usually doing trial Batty, 2012). Before class is started, students are
and error approach in solving the problem which provided opportunity to prepare themselves for
give alternative, future oriented, and optimism in the topic discussed. This is applied in order to
facing the change for progression. Whereas, increase students’ participation in class (Grady,
critical attitude is used as tool to make decision 2011). Following is the process of TBL (Loo,
and solve the problem wisely and to make 2013):
consideration based on reason and evident.
Social Science learning which rich in
concepts, is more interesting to be explained by
active learning approach such as TBL which will
create new perspective which stimulate students’
mindset (Cheng, 2009). Students become close to
social reality, more familiar with their
community environment, and sensitive to
problems occurred. TBL create student who is
Figure: Cycles of TBL Activity in Class
cooperative, anticipative, active and competent.
However, there are weakness in TBL, that is,
learning not run optimally if students not In TBL, students first should learn
habituated in reading, many students do not independently before class is started. The
attend the class because they are not ready for teaching material used in TBL is not the same
that, answers in discussion sometimes are the with case study, but more on questions direct to
result of guessing, and students are shy to express application from knowledge (Macke & Tapp,
their opinion. 2012). Teacher choose teaching material or
Team based learning had became popular problem which is used to be studied together in
model among teaching method. One outcome students group. In TBL, the main focus of
expected from work in team is collective learning activity is skill development, such as
learning. As team, members are collaborated in students collaboration in team to solve the
exchanging information, which can enhance problem and make collective decision
learning (Van Woerkom & Van Engen, 2009). (D.Parmelee, Michaelsen, Cook & Hudes, 2012).
TBL give positive influence to team skill Each group is involved in analysis and reflection
creation. These skills can be efficiency, from the material given. Finally, as evaluation of
effectiveness (in achieving the goal), and learning, students do question-answer.
innovation. In TBL, students are confronted with To optimize TBL, the following tips can be
learning process to understand each other. considered. (1) Begin with good design of
Learning can help team to adapt with situation teaching material. (2) Use design in developing
change, refine process and practice, and find new TBL and module. (3) Arrange the module

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

activity as good as possible in order that students [5] Brookfield. 1987. Developing Critical
achieve learning goal. (4) Prioritize development Thinkers. San Fransisco: Jossey Bass
of critical attitude, contextual and discussion. (5) Publiser.
Do not underestimate the importance of
[6] Carpenter, J. M. 2006. Effective Teaching
evaluation report. (6) Explain to the class the
Methods for Large Classes. Journal of
reason why using TBL. (7) Focus on students’
Family & Consumer Sciences Education,
accountability. (8) Use reflection in learning
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(D.X.Parmelee & Michaelsen, 2010). In
principle, TBL is aimed to (1) Form [7] Chan, C. C. A., Pearson, C., & Entrekin, L.
heterogeneous team. (2) Emphasize on students’ 2003. Examining the Effects of Internal and
accountability. (3) Focus on task to solve the External Team Learning on Team
problem. (4) Give feedback to students (Sisk, Performance. Team Performance
2011). Management: An International Journal,
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responsible. Nevertheless, learning with lecture Coping Flexibility: A Multimethod
method also has certain advantage. For example. Approach. Journal of Personality, 77(2),
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For material content and concepts mastery, TBL
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and lecture method have similarity. Both
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teaching methods give positive result toward
the Integration of Contradictory
material mastery. However. when it is viewed
Information. Journal of Consumer
from skill enhancement, TBL has its own
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advantage. In TBL, students are required to
participate in solving the problem with creative
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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Salamia1 , Urip Tisngati 2
MTs Negeri 1 Balikpapan, 2 STKIP PGRI Pacitan
[email protected] , 2 [email protected]

This article aims to describe the reflection of social-cognitive theory Bandura developed in mathematics.
This theory became one of the important foundation in the theoretical framework and application in the
field of education. This used library research method as integrative literature reviews of books and scientific
articles include of concept and application of social-cognitive theory in mathematics. Data sources were
critically analyzed to answer the problem formulations. The descriptive analysis showed that self-
regulation, motivation, self efficacy become important variables in observational learning based on social-
cognitive theory so that individuals can learn optimally. The influence of important motivations on the
learning process observasional, both in the form of cognitive and motor skills, where the elements are goals,
expectations of results, values, and self efficacy. Self-efficacy is the expectations of an individual's beliefs
about his or her ability to learn or perform actions at a given level. Teachers become important subjects that
can affect students' self-efficacy. Peer modeling is also an effective suggestion for growing and improving
students' self-efficacy. Thus, this article is very important to improve the learning outcomes both of teachers
and students and to encourage the development of their further career achievements.
Keywords: Social-cognitive theory, mathematics education.

interactions become indicators of the functioning

of self-regulation in community life. Bandura's
Educators have learned Bloom's taxonomy
cognitive-social theory became one of the
as a way of sorting out the learning achievements
important foundations in the theoretical and
obtained by learners through the learning
implementation framework of education,
process. Center For Curriculum Redesign (CCR,
mathematics education, among others.
May 2015) mentions that there are four
Mathematics is learned in formal and non-
dimensions of education, namely knowledge,
formal education because of its function, ie 1) as
skills, character, and metacognition. For this, the
a tool for problem solving, 2) underpinning
variables of knowledge, character, and skills
science and technology studies, and 3)
become an important aspects to be possessed by
evidentiary tools for modeling real situations
learners in order to be able to hold the needs in
(Chambers, 2008, p 8). As a tool to solve
global era with their complex problems.
problems in the sense of mathematics has unique
The education study related to the
characteristics that are abstract, structured, tend
development of science, technology,
to be formal so that for individuals who learn
information, and art, which is about the influence
math needs to prepare the ability and special
of environmental factors, both social and
mental conditions. The critical thinking becomes
physical environment of human life. Especially
a mathematically of thinking way as knowledge
the social environment facet, as the human
ability and skills of critical thinking indicators,
interaction place have became a strategic issue of
that can be observed.
each period to be studied. Humans with their
Mathematics as a language has many facets
interactions will always create dynamic
(Chambers, 2008, p.10). It contained symbols,
phenomena. The connection with education and
mathematical expressions, images without
culture is clearly related to the social
meaning but attached to the unity of text and
environment that learners and educators become
context form that integrated it. This is very
part of the social environment so that the
important in contribution to explain science and
experience in social interaction is as one of the
technology. Products of science and technology
sources of knowledges.
development also result from using of
The social cognitive theory further
mathematical sciences.
developed into a contributor to education world.
The characteristics of individual in social

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Given the importance of mathematics, contents, and the results. Data sources were
students should appreciate it because critically analyzed to answer the problem
mathematics is not a static knowledge that is just formulations.
waiting to transmit knowledge into their minds.
In all aspects of culture, at any time, has evolved
and continues to evolve, reflecting the values and
expectations of exploring the multicultural aspect This section will analyze the descriptive
analysis of mathematical problems and the use of
(Haylock & Thangata, 2007). The mathematical
functions is covering the human life’s activities social-cognitive theory in mathematics
in the perspective of usability value. It can be said education.
that the source of mathematical knowledges
related of the individual and environment are Difficulties learning in mathematics
integrated with its behavior. This corresponds to Learning in mathematics indicates that
Bandura's social-cognitive theory. there is a continual divergence in performance
The practice of mathematics learning shows quality between those who succeed and those
some students learning difficulties as well as who fail which is exacerbated by qualitative
teachers' difficulties in transferring and differences in their thinking processes. The
transforming mathematics. The difficulties can differences could make variety of problems,
be related to understanding, reasoning, faced both students and teacher. One of the
representation, communication, problem solving student’s problem is difficulty learning.
in mathematics. Students' learning difficulties It was experienced by all the individuals
also relate to cognitive, preliminary knowledge, who study mathematics. It was as a common
information management skills, characters, problem in cross-cultural, place and time context
attitudes, skills, external conditions, physical, so teachers need to give attentions in
environmental, and so on. These difficulties can instructional practice. The reason was that there
be assessed through social-cognitive theory. This were difficulties in learning so that it might give
theory has become one of the psychological a direct or indirect effects to student
foundations in the science of education for how achievement.
to answer problems related to the practice of As stated by Cristina et al., (2000), that
learning in the classroom and outside the learners can experience difficulties at any or all
classroom. Thus, the purpose of this article is 1) of these stages and difficulty at one stage can
to describe the difficulties of mathematics affect the others. According to Frederickson and
learning, 2) to describe the concept of learning Cline (2009), there are three major sources of
based on social-cognitive theory, and 3) to difficulty: 1) Confusion between trying to
describe the use of learning concept based on achieve mathematical understanding, (2)
social-cognitive theory in mathematics Increased anxiety, relating to problems of
education. miscommunication, (3) Reading mathematics
and understanding the language of mathematics
is challenging.
There are three phase problem solving
It was as descriptive-analytical studies analysized of Polya (1981), Krulick & Rudnick
using library research or scientific studies based (1996), and Zalina (2005) process consists of; 1)
on an integrated literature review. Author used reading and understanding problem, 2)
the data sources from the literatures, both books organizing strategy and solving problem, and 3)
and scientific articles from journals and confirmation of the answer and process
proceedings. Books and scientific articles were (Tambychik, Subahan, & Meerah, 2010, p. 146).
selected based on the availability of informations Based on the identification of problems in
that supports the answers and problem mathematics above, there were factors could
formulations, related to the mathematical effect. Generally, cognitive problems were as
problems and the study of social-cognitive theory dominant factor but affective factors such as
in the conceptual and application perspective in motivation, math-anxiety, self-efficacy, self-
mathematics education. The consideration in concept, self-regulation also contribute to
selecting the literature of the books was taken influence the student achievement in
based on the degree of reliability of the author mathematics.
and the publishers, the level of depth of content. Instead we would see the way ahead
While the selection of journals viewed based on through using our descriptive analysis of
the quality aspects of the publisher, the difficulty in mathematics on the one hand, and
appropriateness of abstract discussion methods, the strategy of success of the more able on the

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

other by using learning theory-social cognitive knowledge is really considered or to complete the
Bandura, to help the less able develop suitable knowledge that has been stored previously, or
explicit ways that will help them be more new knowledge the same with previous or
successful in learning by special treatment. different memory, etc. then the student in which
will construct it into a behavioral form. This is
Overview of social-cognitive theory already as a student learning experience. That is,
Bandura (1999, p. 25) criticizes the the environment becomes a source of student
psychological theories that focused almost knowledge to manage aspects of cognition,
exclusively on learning through the effects of behavior, attitudes, self-emotional in order to
one's actions. Bandura did not agree that achieve goals. It can be said that social cognitive
performance and reinforcement were the theory becomes an individual agent for learning.
dominant factors of the learning process. That the Learning experienced by students can occur
reinforcement did not guarantee that individuals by natural practices or through modeling.
do things in the form of behavior. On the other Learning through direct practice, experiencing
hand, the personal, behavioral, environmental (enactive learning) is learning from the
aspects become a potential source for the consequences of its own actions. Another
individual to learn through observation. For learning resource is through vicarious learning
example when teacher taught in class, students because humans are more involved in seeing
would think about what the teacher said (the activity when social interaction with the
environment affected cognition-a personal environment. This is obtained by observing or
factor). If the student did not understand he listening to living, symbolic, or physical models,
would ask the questions (cognition affected electronic, or print media.
behavior). The teacher then repeated the Student learning process involves motor
explanation (behavior affected the environment). activity in the form of skills. Students learn
Teachers assigned tasks to students to complete complex skills through a combination of
(environment influenced cognition, which then observation and practice. The plot in general is
affected behavior). that students first observe models that explain
This means that the human brain works and demonstrate skills, students then respond in
when humans move in the form of behavior or the form of putting them into practice. It is not
attitude that can be observed. As when students conditioning because students are actively
learn as a behavior is a combination of internal experiencing cognitive changes through
self-aspects of students with external aspects, information processing or prior knowledge. After
including the environment. There were students observe the object of learning, students
interesting things studied further in this cultivate knowledge as a process of cognition
reciprocal relationship in the context of learning further transform information into learning
practices, namely 1) whether personal (learners) behavior. This behavior can be as a result of
have the confidence, confidence to be able to do impersonation or modeling activities.
behavior after interaction (learning) from the There are three main functions of the
environment; 2) how individual (behavioral) modeling, namely 1) facilitating the response; 2)
responses (teachers) to learners perform the removal of obstacles; and 3) observational
correct behavior; 3) how individuals (teachers, learning. Facilitating the response means that the
learners) regulate the environment so as to observation results serve as a social impetus for
support the improvement of confidence to the observer to behave in accordance with the
achieve goals. example or to refer to the actions most people do;
Students learn to involve many activities Removal of barriers means that the observation
such as observing, imitating, hearing results serve as an obstacle for the observer not
instructions, listening to explanations, reading to behave in the same way; observational
texts, speaking, writing, doing instruction, and so learning are processes that include attention,
on. This means that students learn by defense, production, and motivation.
experiencing themselves (enactive), by Observational learning is a complex
processing the information, then there is storage activity because it involves the motor, physical,
in the brain as a memory in the form of symbols, mental (cognitive) aspects, communication or
images, codes and others. This information language, attitude. This is not merely a process of
storage is a cognitive strategy that is imitating but requires the involvement of
characteristic for every individual who studies. cognition to make considerations so that it
This memory becomes the knowledge of students becomes a form of behavior. First, the observer
to be stocked in processing information or gives attention to the object, further
subsequent knowledge, whether the new understanding. The meaning of the process of

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

attention depends on the assessment of the in logical learning activities is triggered by

observer, whether large or vice versa, whether attempts to achieve something. This is because
positive or negative. The second process is the learning process is a mental activity with the
retention. This process requires organizing, interaction with the environment.
repeating, coding, and the transformation of The existence of a learning subject goal to
information by using a specific strategy to save achieve a certain target will logically affect
so that it can survive. Third, the process of learning behavior. This can be started from the
reproduction is a practical activity as an effort to building of commitment (Schunk, 2012. p. 138).
transform memory in the form of visual and However, there is no guarantee that the stated
symbolic modeling into real behaviors. After goals will improve the quality or quantity of
getting the model, students will practice, learning. There are several characteristics of the
improve, and repeat. This process has the objectives and their implications, namely the
potential difficulties for the students when specificity factor, proximity, and difficulty level
complex knowledge could not be translated (Schunk, 2012. p. 140).
precisely. Fourth is motivation. Individuals will In addition to the objective factor,
logically conduct a selection of what behaviors expectations of the learning outcomes also
will be done after processing knowledge of indicate motivational students. Students who
observations. Motivation is an important have high expectations of their learning efforts,
observational learning process by teachers e.g. want to get the highest score then the
attempted for the purpose of learning can be students will be excited and try earnestly. Of
achieved effectively. course students will do a good self-regulation.
Students process information of knowledge The existence of high self-efficacy of students to
to achieve their own learning goals. Self- the achievement of their expectations will
regulation is self-controlled learning in which encourage targeted student learning
individuals actively cultivate and retain performance. Teachers certainly play a big role
information, behavior, cognition, emotions to in efforts to improve self-efficacy in hope to their
achieve their goals. When interacting with the students getting their results achieved
learning environment, students perform the effectively. The consequences of student
process of self-observation, self-assessment, and judgment will trigger a motivation that includes
self-reactions. Student action results in the goals, expectations, as well as self-efficacy.
influence of self-reactions through performance Self-efficacy is one of the most influential
comparisons with personal goals and standards aspects of self-knowledge in human life. They
(Bandura, 2001, p. 8). Self-assessment influence thinking patterns that can increase or
encourages metacognitive ability to reflect on weaken performance (Bandura, 1999, p. 25). The
oneself. Through self-reflection, self-awareness, individual self-efficacy can affect the individual
students assess their motivation, values, and in determining the action to be taken to achieve a
meaning from their life activities (Bandura, goal, including in the learning process. Self-
2001, p. 9). This process must have different efficacy becomes one of the variables that can
emphasis or quality of results on each student influence one's behavior in doing learning action.
according to the internal and external Students who have high self-efficacy have the
characteristics. perception, confidence, beliefs about his ability
Self-regulation becomes an important to produce action. This is different from the
aspect for students to achieve optimization of meaning of hope and self-concept. Hope refers to
learning goals as expected. Teachers have an the opportunity or opportunity to get results
important role to help students so that students according to the intended purpose. While the
have good self-regulation. When observational concept of self refers to the view of self-formed
learning takes place, students not only capture through experience and interpretation resulting
information, but organize, hone cognition to from social interaction.
make the next decision so that the behavior is in Suppose students get information from
accordance with the modeling or not. The ability teachers that there will be written exams on
to regulate cognition and values or characters mathematics subjects. Students assess that the
becomes an important variable for students to test is important for graduation. Students set a
learn well. goal of passing a math test with a minimum grade
Motivations is important on the of 8. Student's commitment to achieve that goal.
observational learning process, both in the form Students are aware of their general ability, also
of cognitive and motor skills, where the elements aware of the difficulty of the test materials. But
are goals, expectations of results, values, and students still have optimism, hope for the results
self-efficacy. Student encouragement to engage to get the best value so that students will get

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

praise from teachers, friends, as well as their relate to the degree of meaningful knowledge of
parents. Before the test, the student remains mathematics for every student.
confident that the test will pass well because he One's experience during interaction in
has been prepared by learning. Students are mathematics education is a process that involves
confident with their skills and capabilities even cognitive because the individual will use the
though they are aware of their weaknesses. process of thinking, for example when receiving
During the test, students do or answer all information on something, both from the activity
questions. This is very different when the student of reading, listening, writing, communication.
avoids the task by not entering the test room even There were different strategies of learning used
though her positive expectation still wants to earn by students with high academic achievement and
praise. those with low academic achievement. The
Self-efficacy, purpose, and expectation of variable of self-efficacy was equally important to
outcomes are specific, limited to a particular field differentiate high academic-achieving students
of study and few generalizations to other fields of from low academic-achieving students at the
study (Schunk, 2012, p. 146). As part of the university level (Yip, 2012). That is, the
attitudes aspect, self-efficacy tends to vary environment becomes a source of student
according to the subject's situation compared to knowledge to manage aspects of cognition,
aspects of self-concept and other abilities. In behavior, attitudes, self-emotional in order to
general, however, if students have high self- achieve goals. Students learn complex skills
efficacy in the field of mathematics, psychology through a combination of observation and
tends to encourage students to develop self- practice. After students observe the object of
confidence in their abilities through positive learning, students cultivate knowledge as a
action in other areas, e.g. literature, although not process of cognition, then change the information
always positively correlated. That is, students into learning behavior. Thus self-regulation,
will be encouraged to have better business than motivation, self-efficacy becomes an important
with low self-efficacy. variable in observational learning so that
There is also a model of peers that can individuals can learn optimally by optimally in
enhance students' self-efficacy. This is when cognitive and social strategy. It can be said that
observed peer models that are much similar to the how important to make an adequate
observer and can do a good job (Schunk, 2012. p. representation of the problem and to reflect on
149). Another way is to model coping models, the outcomes (Hoek, Terwel, & Eeden, 2006).
mastery models, and model variations. Activities The role of self-efficacy associated with
involving cognitive and social and motor skills learning has been proven by many research
are strongly supported by self-efficacy. This is results. Bong & Skaalvik (2003) argued that self-
indicated by the subjects of learning who perform efficacy acts as an active precursor of self-
observational activities, then apply it in the form concept development. Teachers become
of action (skill) in accordance with the results of important subjects that can affect students' self-
information (cognition). Cognitive skill activity efficacy. As Skaalvik, Federici, & Klassen
is related to problem solving, whereas social (2015) wrote that “the relations between
skills is manifested by attitude when students’ grades and motivation were partly
communicating, when meeting, when facing mediated through emotional support and self-
exam, e.g. whether confident or anxious, and so efficacy”. Margolis & Mccabe (2006) presented
on. three sources of self-efficacy-enactive mastery,
vicarious experiences, and verbal persuasion-as
ways for teachers to figure out what to do and
what to say to strengthen struggling learners’
The mathematical absorption requires high beliefs in their academic abilities and increase
attention to create meaningful perceptions.
their willingness to engage in academic tasks.
Thinking logically and using memory effectively Teacher model as an adult model, acts to give
are important factors in learning skills and positive effect to the student because what is
problem solving. Cognitive and psychological
captured by student to teacher is what is owned
factors can also affect the ability to use by teacher. Those are transfer of knowledge,
mathematics. Students may think and show attitude, values and skills in directly or indirectly
attitudes about mathematics as they show
attention, describe the orientation of form and If teachers promote with high self-efficacy,
space, create perceptions visually and auditively, evidenced by their beliefs about the knowledge,
memorize simple things, comprehension, or
abilities, competencies to be transferred to the
students then the teacher will be encouraged to

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

perform activities to educate, to teach, to form of training or internships. Mentoring aims

facilitate the students well. Guo, Piasta, Justice, for self-development so as to relate to the
& Kaderavek (2010) showed a significant motivational. Participants will grow confidence
interaction among teachers' self-efficacy, in their abilities after learning from mentors.
classroom quality, and vocabulary gains: for Participants will feel the same experience as the
children of teachers with higher levels of self- mentor after the self-regulation process so that it
efficacy, higher levels of classroom quality will be motivated to practice it.
(emotional support) were associated with higher
vocabulary gains. It is meant that teachers will
open, execute, and close the earning activities
Frederickson and Cline (2009) noted that
with positive energy by giving positive
reinforcement, encouragement, motivation to there are three major sources of difficulty:
students. Teachers will give good examples in confusion between trying to achieve
mathematical understanding, increased anxiety,
words and deeds because teachers believe in
themselves as a real model for students. Teachers relating to problems of miscommunication, and
with high self-efficacy will have a resilient reading mathematics and understanding the
language of mathematics is challenging. Bong &
attitude, hard work, love challenges with many
innovations and creativity in self-development Skaalvik (2003) argued that self-efficacy acts as
efforts, misleading to training, seminars, an active precursor of self-concept development.
Teachers become important subjects that can
workshops, etc. because teachers have
confidence in how they will make students affect students' self-efficacy. Through peer
succeed only with progressive endeavors and tutors, the students' self-esteem and observer
beliefs. Beginner teachers will be more confidence will increase.
successful in their careers and tasks if they have
confidence in their abilities with concrete ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
actions, e.g. through study or internship from We would like to acknowledge the special
senior teachers or engaging in trainings and support by Mrs. Irene as a lecturer of the
mentoring to improve the quality of teaching schooling theory. Also all cooperation done by
methods. our colleagues of the science education study in
Peer modeling is also an effective mathematics education concentration,
suggestion for growing and improving students' Yogyakarta State University for motivation in
self-efficacy. Through peer tutors, the students' this paper finishing.
self-esteem and observer confidence will
increase. Students will have confidence to REFERENCES
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practice tutoring. Individual and collective Association of Social Psychology and the
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Another practice that can improve self- should student learn?. Boston,
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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Samsul Hadi
Master Program of Mathematics Education
Indonesia University of Education
[email protected]

School teacher still use traditional assessment approach in mathematics learning which cause students lack
in mathematical literacy. One alternative of assessment which can be applied by teacher is authentic
assessment. Authentic assessment is assessment activity which is done integrally in mathematics learning
when collecting information. Authentic assessment is assessment which more emphasize on students’
process and performance in learning. The aim of authentic assessment application in mathematics learning
is to enhance students’ mathematical literacy. The method used in this article writing is literature study
from result of study and field observation by searching and organizing literature resources which is suitable
with the problem studied. In implementation of authentic assessment, teachers can obtain information of
students through kinds of assignments in mathematics learning such as students’ journal, portfolio, project
assignment, and field observation. Based on analysis result of problem in article discussion, it can be
concluded that: 1) The application of authentic assessment in mathematics learning can enhance students’
mathematical literacy, 2) Students have positive response toward authentic assessment in mathematics
learning, and 3) Enhancement of students’ problem solving ability in mathematics learning.
Keywords: Assessment, Authentic Assessment, Mathematical Literacy

Therefore, in mathematics learning, teacher

not only should competent in delivering the
Assessment is a process integrated in
material but teacher quality in assessment should
learning to collect information. Assessment
also good. Thus, teacher should be more optimal
process is part of teacher’ tasks beside arranging
in assessment and evaluation activity in
learning program in school. Without assessment
enhancing the quality of learning program and
process, teacher will not know to what extent of
quality of student learning. Teacher in
success in learning program which had been
assessment process not only rely on students’
planned and implemented. In addition,
learning outcome but more on students’ learning
assessment is measurement tool to know to what
process. Related to assessment process done by
extent of success level achieved by students in
teacher in mathematics learning, the initial step
learning. Assessment can be done without
done by teacher is to make planning. Planning is
passing through evaluation process. But,
guidance in doing a learning process. Planning
evaluation cannot be done without doing
comprise content, method, media and learning
assessment process.
activity in class. There are three basic
Basically, assessment is done to enhance
components in learning planning, namely the
learning quality. Learning quality here is quality
goal of learning, teaching learning process, and
of teacher and student learning which can
assessment system. These three components is a
enhance directly the quality of education in
system which cannot be separated for each other.
Indonesia. Therefore, the role of assessment is
It means, teacher should know what assessment
very big in determining learning direction and
system which is applied in learning in class
education quality. The effort to enhance
(Ngalim, 2004).
education quality can be done by improving
Based on observation and interview result
quality of learning and assessment system. The
with a mathematics teacher in Senior High
two are interrelated, in which good learning
School in Bandung City, it is obtained the
system and assessment process will result in
information that in mathematics learning,
good learning quality. Good assessment system
assessment process still use traditional and
will encourage teacher to determine good
classic assessment, that is, pencil and paper test.
strategy in teaching and motivate students to
This test still become the only tool to measure
learn better (Djemari Mardapi, 2003).

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

teacher and student success in mathematics Because the process they know is based on
learning. Paper and pencil test only measure teacher solution by changing the form 2 ꞉ 2/3 =
student memory of factual information and 3 become 2 x 3/2 = 3. According to students and
algorithm procedure only. It means that in the also teacher, this solution had just accomplished.
process of searching solution for mathematical Based on the mathematical problem above,
problem in paper and pencil test, students only teacher can assess the process of student in
guess the answer. The form of paper and pencil getting the answer 3. For example, they can ask,
test usually only multiple choice, fill blank box, why, is there another way to get the answer 3
choose the true-false answer, and fill short beside that way, if yes, what is that. Of course, if
answer test. Such a test certainly will not reflect teacher do authentic assessment process which
the actual competence possessed by student can more emphasize on students’ process and
(Lantas et al, 2004). performance based on many sources to collect
The result of study conducted by Pantiwati information then students’ mathematical literacy
(2013) about assessment system profile used by ability will enhanced. Students’ literacy ability
teacher also shows that the form of objective demand students’ skill and higher order thinking
written test dominate measurement instrument to solve a problem in learning.
of students’ learning outcome. Besides, students’ Students use the quick strategy to answer
response also support written test compared with the problem in multiple choice and short essay
another form of assessment. Students also dislike tests. The time given to do the problem is limited
assessment through critical analysis of article whereas there are many problems given, so the
which demand higher order thinking. Students only way to do is using smart solution. As
also dislike portfolio assessment. consequence, students enter private class and
There are some critiques toward the use of enrolled in study guidance class which offer the
traditional test (paper and pencil test) as the only practical way or strategy to answer the problem
tool to take decision about students. Some by using smart solution method.
critiques about that test among other are: 1) only As we know, paper and pencil test still
assess scientific knowledge (Mokhtari et al, become a tool to measure whether student passed
1996); 2) the assessment tend to achievement or fail to be graduated from high school and their
level which assess limited dimension of learning eligibility to admitted in educational institution.
outcome (knowledge and skill); 3) cannot used to It means that if traditional test administered by
assess scientific reasoning in depth; 4) difficult teacher or in educational institution is continually
to measure understanding about the essence of done without trying another assessment process,
science and process of how scientist work then students change to finding the answer by
(Marzano, 1993); NRC, 2000); 5) often less guessing or smart solution method will persist.
show students’ actual ability; and 6) less suitable Even though we know that some people see that
to measure achievement of all important goal in there is creativity in the use of smart solution, this
science curriculum in school (Ana Ratna W, is contrast with ability possessed by students,
2007). because students get a way or strategy without
The use of paper and pencil test trigger knowing why and where the process come from.
teacher and student in mathematics learning to This situation make students’ ability in
pose the quick strategy to answer mathematics mathematical literacy become low. In process of
problem. The quick strategy in answering mathematics learning and assessment, teacher
mathematics test is often called as smart solution. should prioritize assessment of students’
Thus, it ‘s not wonder that many students often process/performance in solving mathematical
use smart solution method. Smart solution problem in order to enhance students’
method is the quick way to obtain the answer mathematical literacy ability.
from mathematics problem which is practical and Based on the problem above, the author is
brief. It means that this method is allowed to interested to conduct a descriptive literature
done by students if they really master well its study with title “Authentic assessment and
basic concept and know when to use it. In fact, students’ mathematical literacy ability”. The
students do not understand it. Students only use formulation of problem in this article is how the
it so this problem solving method not reflect relation of authentic assessment in enhancing
students’ understanding and mathematical students’ mathematical literacy ability. As for the
literacy ability. aim of this study is to find out to what extent of
One problem in mathematics learning is authentic assessment can enhance students’
students’ mathematical literacy ability, such as in mathematical literacy.
problem 2 ꞉ 2/3 = 3. When seeing this division
problem, students usually can answer it easily.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

take decision about learner, educational program

and educational policy. If it said “assess learner’s
This article is a descriptive literature study.
competence”, than it means collecting
The problem in this article is analyzed and
information to determine to what extent of a
studied based on the result of observation done
learner had achieved a learning target (Dantes,
by author in field which is supported by literature
study and result of study from relevant research.
Assessment is a process to assess individual
This article study to what extent of authentic
or group work in an activity. Shrock and
assessment in enhancing students’ mathematical
Coscarelli stated that assessment is an activity
literacy based on mathematical problem given by
done by collecting information both qualitative
and quantitative systematically without
considering decision about value (Karim, 2003).
Assessment in learning is an effort to obtain
Assessment various information regularly, continuously, and
Before we discuss what is authentic entirely about process and result of development
assessment, we need to know that there are three which had been achieved by students through
terms in learning evaluation, namely test, learning activity process (Setiatava Rizena,
measurement, and assessment. Test is one way to 2013).
in appraising one’s ability directly, through his or According to Bloom that evaluation is a
her response to stimulus or question given process to collect facts systematically to decide
(Djemari Marpadi, 1999). Test is one whether in reality there is change happen to
measurement tool to collect information and students and decide to what extent of the level of
characteristic of an object. Measurement is a this change (Daryanto, 2008). While Tatang
process to assign a number to individual based on Herman stated that evaluation is different with
certain rule and the nature of measurement is assessment in which evaluation is activity to
quantitative. In measurement, measurement collect, process and present information in
process is done by comparing making a decision and policy in enhancing the
something/someone to a benchmark (Daryanto, quality of students’ learning. That definition is
2008). delivered during regular class in “Evaluation of
Therefore, the essence of measurement tool Mathematics Learning” Course on Thursday, 2nd
is a process to quantify or assign a number in February 2017.
one’ characteristic or condition whether in Assessment which is done should fulfill
cognitive, affective and psychomotor abilities. some requisites as follow:
Measurement has broader concept than a test. a. Has validity, in which assessment should
Because measurement activity can be done measure something which is really to be
without using a test, for example observation or measured.
rating scale in obtaining information about an b. Has reliability, in which an evaluation tool
object measured. In assessment there is some has reliability if it shows the decision of its
steps which are should be passed through, result.
namely: 1) Planning, 2) Data Collection, 3) Data c. Objectivity, in which an evaluation tool
verification, 4) Data analysis, and 5) Data should really measure what is should be
interpretation. measured without interpretation which has no
Assessment has different meaning with to do with evaluation tool.
evaluation. Even though the term assessment d. Efficiency, in which an evaluation tool as
according to Popham (1975) is a term which is could as possible can be used without spend
often equated with evaluation. The word much time and cost.
assessment is thought more “friendly” than e. Practical, in which evaluation is useful to
evaluation. After two years, Popham (1995) obtain information about students so it can
more emphasize that in essence, the word give the best guidance to students (Oemar
assessment and evaluation in principle is not Hamalik, 2011).
different, and using it with the same meaning
(Dantes, 2008). According to Salvia and Aim, Function and Principles of Assessment
Ysseldike (1994), assessment is a process to The aim of assessment is to know what
collect data in order to make decision about an extent of students’ success in learning activity
object. Popham (1975) said that assessment is a which can enhance the quality of students’
formal effort to determine the status of object in learning. In general, the aim of assessment in
various aspects assessed. Nitko (1996) said that education are: 1) collect various information
assessment is a process to obtain the data used to which can be made to become development

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

evident experienced by students in learning attitude and confidence, and 5) students’ ability
activity, 2) measure and assess the effectiveness in mathematical literacy.
of teaching and various teaching method which
had been applied, 3) stimulate students activity in The Meaning of Assessment
pursuing educational program, and 4) seek and Assessment in educational field has very
find various factors which can determine the central role in building quality education.
cause of students’ success and failure in learning. Arikunto stated that assessment has some
The main aim of assessment according to Clarke meanings for students, teachers and school
in Tatang Suherman is to model effective (Setiatava Rizema, 2013).
learning, to monitor development of students’
ability, and to inform what action needed by a. The meaning for students
students in learning. With assessment being Assessment has meaning for students in
done, teacher can find out the method or learning which enable them to know what extent of their
approach which is appropriate to students. This success in learning given by teacher. There are
is certainly very important in making learning two possibilities of result obtained by students,
atmosphere which is effective, innovative, and namely:
creative for students which can enhance students’ First, satisfying. If students obtain
ability in mathematics learning in school. In satisfying result and it is make them happy, of
addition, teacher can reflect on learning process course they want to experience it again in another
experienced by students so teacher can make occasion. As a result, student will has strong
better learning in the future. motivation in learning to obtain good and
The function of assessment in general are to satisfying result. On the other hand, when
measure progression, to support the arrangement students obtain satisfying result, it also make
of plan, and to improve or refine. For teachers, them feel satisfied immediately and it will bring
didactic assessment has some functions, namely: negative effect to them. Therefore, the role of
1) give foundation to assess students’ learning teacher is very needed to motivate students in
outcome, 2) give important information to know order they not feel satisfied immediately in
students’ position in learning groups, 3) give achieving something.
important material in choosing and deciding Second, not satisfying. If students are not
students’ status, 4) give teacher a guidance to satisfied with the result obtained, then students
find solution for students needed, and 5) give will study harder in achieving something. These
teacher hints to what extent of learning applied students will try harder in another occasion to
had been achieved. achieve the target desired. However, the opposite
The main principle in assessment is how can be happened. Students who had not obtained
teachers can do good assessment so they can satisfying result will make their learning spirit
produce the right output and can describe become low because they felt depressed and
students condition in learning which is useful in pessimist.
enhancing the quality of students’ learning.
Basically assessment is problem solving by b. The Meaning for Teacher
collecting information to make a right decision in Some meanings of assessment for teacher
all aspects of learning. As for the principles of are:
assessment are: 1. With assessment result obtained, teacher
1. Assessment is done to enhance the quality of know the students who can continue their
learner and learning. study because they are success to master the
2. The method of assessment should be material and students who do not master the
designed appropriately in order that students material.
can demonstrate what they know. 2. Teacher know the right material who be
3. Assessment should be operational in taught to students, so they don’t need to do
mathematics learning in school. change in teaching in the future.
4. The quality of assessment not determined by 3. Teachers cannot identify the appropriate
the ease of scoring objectively. learning method for students in learning
5. Assessment tool is practical. process.
According to Prof. Tatang Herman in
“Evaluation of Learning” course that there are c. The Meaning for school
several aspects which are assessed in Some meanings of assessment for school
mathematics learning in school, namely: 1) are:
concept understanding, 2) mathematical skill, 3) 1. If teacher do assessment and then knowing
students’ problem solving ability, 4) students’ students’ learning outcome, then it can be

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

known also whether or not the learning learning process which cannot be described in
condition created by school had met the paper and pencil test.
expectation. Learning outcome is reflection According to Corebima (2004), talking
of quality in that school. about authentic assessment actually is talking
2. School can know whether or not the about non-authentic assessment; because “the
curriculum applied is appropriate based on opposite” of authentic assessment is non-
information or assessment result obtained authentic assessment. Therefore, it is not right to
from teachers. imagine that the opposite of authentic assessment
3. Information of assessment result obtained is paper and pencil test; not all paper and pencil
from year to year can be made to become test automatically is non-authentic. Similarly,
reference or guidance for school whether or traditional test not automatically become
not the assessment process done by school measurement tool in non-authentic assessment,
had fulfill the standard. so traditional assessment is not categorized as
non-authentic assessment (Pantiwati, 2013).
Authentic Assessment The difference between traditional
Hart (1994) stated that authentic assessment assessment and authentic assessment in detail is
is assessment done through students’ presented in Table 1. This explain that authentic
presentation or performance in doing assignment assessment should involve students in authentic
or another activities which have education tasks which are beneficial, important and
meaning directly (Pantiwati, 2013). Tatang meaningful. Besides, authentic assessment is
Herman in article “Assessment in mathematics integral part of learning in class.
learning” stated that authentic assessment is an
assessment done by using various sources, Table 1. Comparison of Authentic Assessment
during/after learning activity occurred, and and Traditional Assessment
become integral part of learning process. Traditional
Authentic Assessment
Based on these two opinions above, Assessment
authentic assessment is assessment activity done A certain period of Time determined by teacher
by teacher during or after learning in collecting time and student
Measure lower Measure higher order skill
information when students do assignments or
order skill
another activities. Therefore, performance based Apply drill and Apply critical and creative
assessment or process assessment is important exercise strategies
part in authentic assessment. Has narrow Has whole perspective
One form of authentic assessment in perspective
mathematics learning is process/performance Reveal the facts Reveal the concepts
assessment. Marhaeni (2007) said that Use group as Use individual as standard
performance assessment is an assessment of standard
process in acquiring knowledge and skill through Rely on Rely on internalization
learning process which shows students ability in
Only one correct Has many correct solutions
process and product. Performance assessment is solution
a procedure which use various forms to obtain Reveal competence Reveal a process
information about what had been done during Teach for exam Teach for needs
program and to what extent. Monirtoting is based (Source: Fraze and Rudnitski, 1995 in
on students’ performance in solving assignment Corebima, 2004:9 in Pantiwati, 2013).
or problem given
( Mathematical Literacy
Performance assessment often refer to According to Rod Welford, The Minister of
authentic assessment in which teacher asses Education and Culture, Quennsland, Australia,
performance by watching students involved in that “literacy is the heart of a student’s ability to
problem solving based on learning experience learn and succeed in school and beyond. It is
assessed in students. Performance assessment is essential we give every student from prep to year
needed by students to demonstrate skill which is 12 the best change to master literacy so they can
actually done. Thus, performance assessment is meet the challenges of 21st century life”
needed to observe and evaluate students’ skill. In ( In addition,
performance based assessment, students’ activity according to Campbell, I, Kirsch and A Kolstad
is very determined in accord with skill they have. (1992) that literacy can be understood as a set of
Therefore, teacher can find out and assess the ability to process information, elaborate and
achievement obtained by students in various understand a school reading. Based on this
understanding, literacy not only about reading

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

and writing, but also comprise another fields, by students to understand, think and get a
such as mathematics, science, social, solution based on process to read situation or
environment, financial, even moral (moral mathematical problem faced. Authentic
literacy). Based on opinion above, mathematical assessment demand students to use scientific
literacy is student ability to understand a knowledge based on existing concepts in
mathematical problem by involving student’s students’ thinking and experience scheme.
thinking ability in solving a problem. As for the assignment in authentic
From test and survey result of latest PISA assessment in helping students’ mathematical
in 2015, students’ literacy is still categorized literacy are: 1) portfolio, 2) journal/paper
low. This survey involved 540.000 students in 70 writing, 3) simulation, 4) make design and
countries, analyzed and published on 6th presentation, 5) critical observation, 6) doing
December 2016 in OECD web in address individual and group project, 7) report result of The survey result field study, 8) doing problem solving activity, 9)
showed that the first rank is Singapore. Then, make concept map, etc. Furthermore, assessment
what about Indonesia? From three materials strategies which are used in doing continuous
tested, namely science, reading and mathematics, assessment are as follow: performance
Indonesia was in 62nd, 61st, and 63rd rank assessment, observation, questioning,
respectively from countries which are evaluated. presentation, discussion, experiments/
The result of PISA 2015 showed that Indonesia demonstration, projects/ exhibition, story or text
rank is not much differ from earlier years. For retelling, investigation, portfolio, journal,
example, in 2012, literacy and mathematical interview, conference, and self evaluation
ability of Indonesian students was in 64th rank (Brown, Janet, H.S. & Richard, J, 1996).
from 65 countries. Whereas, Indonesia had Students’ literacy ability also play a role to
participated in Programme for International solve mathematical problem. Therefore, students
Student Assessment (PISA) since 2000 (Iswadi, who have good mathematical literacy ability will
2017). help students in thinking to find their own
Based on survey result above, it’s not problem solving strategy. In addition, students
wonder that government through Ministry of understand the process to obtain that solution. It
Education and Culture launch school literacy means that students not imitate or just memorize
movement or gerakan literasi sekolah (GLS). the knowledge. Because in authentic assessment
The goal of GLS are: in Table 1, students’ problem solving rely on
1. Cultivate reading and writing literacy culture internalization skill or knowledge.
in school. Internalization skill is created because students
2. Enhance capacity of community and school can construct new knowledge based on existing
environment to be literate. scheme and experience.
3. Make school as learning garden which are fun Students’ mathematical literacy ability can
and friendly in order that school members are be created if teachers do authentic assessment in
able to manage the knowledge. mathematics learning. Because students will be
4. Maintain learning continuity by presenting encouraged to continually enhance their literacy
various reading books and reading strategies. ability in learning to get the perfect working
As for principle of GLS are: result. This happen because without literacy
1. Appropriated with development stage of students will not be able to face existing
students based on their characteristic. mathematical challenge or problem. Given the
2. Implemented in balance by noticing students’ importance of literacy, mathematics teacher also
needs. should be aware of quality literacy learning and
3. Integrated. authentic assessment is the key of students’
4. Literacy activity is done continually. success in learning and mathematical problem
5. Involve students’ communication skill. solving. Therefore, mathematics and science
6. Consider diversity teachers are called as teachers of literacy.
( The application of authentic assessment
encourage students to show their mathematical
The Relation of Authentic Assessment to literacy ability. With good mathematical literacy
Students’ Mathematical Literacy Ability ability, students will quickly and easily to find
Authentic assessment encourage students to problem solving strategy of 2 ꞉ 2/3 = 3. Besides,
show students’ skill in solving mathematical students also will know why this strategy is used
problem. One skill which should be possessed by and can find another solution strategy. According
students is mathematical literacy ability. to Prof. Jozua Subandar, MA when delivered
Mathematical literacy ability is skill possessed Philosophy of Science course in Post Graduate

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Program of UPI, authentic assessment which can assessment in mathematics learning. In using
be given by teachers in mathematics learning is authentic assessment, teacher more motivate
to know to what extent of students’ ability in students in doing assignments through portfolio,
mathematical literacy, namely: 1) Why 2 ꞉ 2/3 = students’ journal, homework, field observation,
3? 2) How? 3) Is there any other way? and 4) and project assignment.
What if?
Students who have good ability in REFERENCES
mathematical literacy will start to think and find
problem solving strategy above. The possible [1] Brown, Janet. H. S. & Richard, J. 1996.
reactions of students are: Assessing Hands-On Science.California:
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2 ꞉ 2/3 = 2 x 3/2 = 3 why? Of course, which [2] Dantes, N. 2008. Hakekat Asesmen Otentik
is interesting here is that student can define the Sebagai Penilaian Proses dan Produk Dalam
number 3 and can find its process/strategy. Pembelajaran Yang Berbasis Kompetensi.
Student will start the process from the existing Makalah Yang Disampaikan Pada Tanggal
situation that is division. 22 Mei 2008 Pada Acara Jn House Training
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multiplication? Before student find the relation,
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taken by student is as follow: 6 ꞉ 2 = 3 and 6 x ½ Pembelajaran. Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara.
= 3. [4] Herman, T._. Asesmen Dalam
It means that students can find the relation Pembelajaran Matematika. .[On Line].
that 2 and ½ is invers. Therefore, students can Diunduh pada tanggal 4 Maret 2017.
find why 2 ꞉ 2/3 = 3 that is, 2 : 2x =2x
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= , = 0 Thus, 2- - =0 ( 3 times Membaca Matematika Berbasis Kelas.
Makalah Disajikan Pada Pelatihan Nasional
substraction by i, 2 : = 3. Based on problem Membaca dan Menulis Training of Trainer
solving process and strategy which is given as (TOT) Ungaran Jawa Tengah 14-16 Juli
above, then it is very important for teacher to 2003.
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[7] Lantas, Dkk. 2004. Matematika Materi
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and pencil test when doing assessment and not Penataran Evaluasi Pembelajaran
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should be integrated into learning. Nopember 1999 di PPPG Matematika
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The application of authentic assessment in jaminan mutu proses pembelajaran pada
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mathematical literacy, 2) students have positive mada yogyakarta.
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[10] Ngalim. 2004. Prinsip-prinsip dan teknik
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students’ problem solving ability in mathematics
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mathematics teacher in school can use authentic Autentik dan Penerapannya Dalam

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Pembelajaran Biologi. Jurnal Edukasi

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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Mustabirin Alam1, Rahayu Fuji Astuti2
LPMP Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah, email: [email protected]
Universitas Potensi Utama, Medan, email: [email protected]

School is still struggling to build a learning organization. Learning organization is an organization that
provides opportunities for all citizens of the school to improve their personal capacity and mutual learning.
School culture has a strategic role in achieving the intended learning outcomes. In the management of
curriculum implementation in 2013, the principal demanded to implement the change management
function, the development of school culture and instructional leadership. These three things are synergize
as input to produce the expected learning outcomes. School culture developed generally preferred to
construct a good attitude and behavior according to the character of the nation. But awareness to develop
the school as a learning organization is still not recognized by the whole school. Many schools consider
that school was guaranteed by the government can still stand up at any time. Many schools have forgotten
that schools also behave like a company where the organization did not develop the school will lose or less
desirable. Here was the importance of principals to enter school as a learning organization in its vision and
mission, as well as implemented in the school culture. Therefore, a good school has a good school culture.
This article aims: (1) to identify the problems of the school in creating a learning organization, (2) describe
the cultural role of the school to build a learning organization. This article is a pre-research using literature
by doing some study books related to school culture and a learning organization. Results of the study found
was the development of the school culture has a major impact in building a learning organization, the next
one can improve student achievement and school quality. School culture was developed with strong
leadership from the principal. Learning organizations can not exist just yet to be discovered. The school
principal as a leader in the school had to consciously perform the transformation of bureaucratic school into
a learning organization. Principals are expected to truly master the discipline of mental models and systems
thinking discipline to direct its vision and mission towards a learning organization, and together the school
community have the commitment and willingness to develop the capacity to realize the vision and mission.
Keywords: school culture, organizational learning

in change management, the development of

school culture and management of learning.
Education is a process of culture, that is to When this role encourages the principal to make
instill the values and norms in the order of life of continuous improvement, then this is relevant to
nation and state, making human beings become the learning organization. However, schools
virtuous, noble and cultured. School as an today are not yet aware of or most of the
organization has value and adab which difficulties of transforming into learning
subsequently became the school culture. School organizations. Therefore this paper, as a pre-
culture is created as a result of the acculturation research, examines how to build a school-based
of the value of the socialization process of fellow learning organization.
citizens, school residents with the community,
and the process of assimilation with the policies Learning Organization
issued by the government. The school culture Learning can happen to individuals and
will then create a different and distinctive school groups of individuals within the organization.
environment compared to other schools. The Peter Senge, The initiator of learning
atmosphere created by a positive school culture organization (1990) defines the learning
can be more comfortable, spur achievement, organization as follows.
foster competitive souls and other spirits that
have an impact on the educational process at " ... organizations where people
school. continually expand their capacity to
The principal has a very important role in create the results they truly desire, where
producing good quality learning through its role new and expansive patterns of thinking are

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

nurtured, where collective aspiration is Marquardt further describes that learning

set free, and where people are continually organization is a system consisting of five
learning to see the whole together." subsystems, namely: (1) learning, (2) knowledge,
(3) technology, (4) people, and (5) organization.
So learning organizations are organizations Learning is the essence of organizational
in which members continually expand their learning, but learning requires the support of the
capacity to create highly desirable outcomes, other four components. The five subsystems are
where new expansive patterns of thinking are depicted as shown in Figure 2.
grown, collective aspirations freed, and people
continually learn to see the organization as a
whole together. Peter Senge describes
organizational learning as five interrelated
disciplines: (1) shared vision, (2) system
thinking, (3) team learning, (4) personal mastery
), And (5) mental patterns. These five
interconnected disciplines are known as "The
Fifth Discipline" which is visualized in Figure 1.

Figure 2. Five subsystems of Learning


School Culture
School culture plays an important role in
improving school effectiveness. The school
culture is the soul of a school that gives meaning
to the school's educational activities, if the school
Figure 1. Learning Organizations culture is weak, it is not conducive to the
establishment of an effective school. Conversely,
In addition to the five disciplines above, a strong school culture will become a facilitator
Marquardt, further defines the learning for effective school improvement.
organization as a strong and collective learning School culture is the atmosphere of school
organization and constantly improves itself to life where learners interact with each other,
acquire, organize, and use knowledge for mutual teachers with teachers, counselors with learners,
success. Learning organizations also empower among educational personnel, between
human resources in and around and utilize educational staff with educators and learners, and
technology to improve learning and productivity. among members of community groups with the
Marquart defines the learning organization as citizens of the school (Kemendiknas, 2010: 19) .
follows. Zamroni (2011: 111) provides a limitation that
the school culture is a pattern of values,
" A learning organization... is an principles, traditions and customs that are formed
organization which learns powerfully and in the long journey of schools, developed schools
collectively and is continually for long periods of time and become a grip and is
transforming itself to better collect, believed by all citizens Schools so as to
manage, and use knowledge for corporate encourage attitudes and behavior of school
success. It empowers people within and residents. School residents according to UU No.
outside the company to learn as they 20 of 2003 on national education system consist
work. Technology is utilized to optimize of learners, educators, principals, educators and
both learning and productivity." school committee. One of the subjects taken in
this school culture research is students (students).

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

School culture can actually be developed may be created a new culture for better school
constantly towards a more positive. The core conditions. The creation of a new culture must be
culture aspects recommended for school done carefully and through in-depth study, the
development are as follows: (1) honest culture, changes that occur are not instantaneous but
(2) culture of mutual trust, (3) culture of proceed from simple to fundamental stages. New
cooperation, (4) reading culture, (5) disciplined cultural changes must have positive implications
and efficient culture, (6) ) Net culture, (7) and be able to anticipate future conditions, so that
achievement culture, (8) culture reward and the school organization will be better equipped to
admonish. face future challenges.
The school culture is not a rigid, but The efforts to develop a school culture
flexible and can be developed to adapt to the should refer to positive school principles and
environment. The format, form, and systematics cultural principles. The principles of school
of school culture as well as culture in an culture development (Pusbangtendik, 2014) are
organization will be largely determined by those as follows: (1) Focus on Vision, Mission and
who establish and lead the organization itself. School Objectives (2) Formal and Informal
Communication Creation (3) Taking into
School Culture Development Strategy account the risks because each change contains
The school culture as described above is a risks to be borne (4) Using clear and measurable
shared value system, beliefs and norms that are strategies (5) Strong commitment (6) Evaluating
shared and implemented with full awareness as school culture's success and success.
natural behaviors and shaped by the environment In addition to referring to a number of
by creating a common understanding for all principles above, efforts to develop a school
school sivita. Robbins (2002) states that the culture should also adhere to the following
founders of organizations usually have a big principles (Pusbangtendik 2014): (1) Teamwork,
impact on the early culture of the organization, (2) Referring to the ability to perform tasks and
they have a vision of how the organization should responsibilities, (3) , Refers to the willingness or
be. The values contained in the basic concepts of willingness to perform tasks and responsibilities
the organization will usually be the basic to satisfy learners and society, (4) Joy, The value
philosophy of organizational management and of this excitement must be shared by all school
development. Cultural changes that exist within personnel in the hope that our excitement will
an organization are the development and have implications for a friendly school
refinement of an existing culture. Robbins (2002) environment and climate And fosters feelings of
describes the process of creating an satisfaction, comfort, happiness and pride as part
organizational culture illustrated in Figure 3 of school personnel, (5) Respect, is a value that
shows appreciation to anyone both in the school
environment and with other education
stakeholders, (6) Honesty is the most
fundamental value in School environment, both
honesty to yourself and honesty to others, (7)
Discipline is a form of adherence to rules and
sanctions that apply in the school environment,
(8) Empathy is the ability to put themselves or
can feel what is felt by others but not dissolve in
Figure 3. The process of Creation of that feeling, (9) School stakeholders
Organizational Culture accompanied by the ability to gain trust from
anyone will give a reassuring impression to
Organizational culture is created as a result others.
of the process of management and socialization The development of a school culture is
among the components of the organization, the needed to anticipate the need, rapid technological
process is the implementation of the philosophy change or perhaps a change in government policy
as the basic value of the organization that has in education. This requires the principal to
been selected. This process can be cyclical so that innovate so that the new values are
a new organizational culture can be created that institutionalized. School culture development
can make the organization and the performance strategy can be through three stages, namely: pre
of the organization better. institutionalization, semi institutionalization, and
Given that culture can be created and full institutionalization (Tolber and Zucker,
developed it is appropriate if the culture that has 1996). In the pre-institutionalization stage,
been felt to have deficiencies made changes or Habitualization process occurs. Then increased

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

in the semi-institutionalization phase, and by the perpetuation of structures over a

Objectification process occurs. And on lengthy period of time.
institutionalization. There is a process of
Sedimentation so that values are cultured within Organizational Development Strategy
the school. The strategy for developing this Learning based on school culture
school culture is illustrated in Figure 4. Phillip C. Schlechty suggests learning
organizations are formal social organizations that
purposefully create, support, and use learn
communities and learners from the primary
means of inducting new members; Creating,
developing, importing, and exporting
knowledge; Assigning tasks and evaluating
performances; And establishing goals and
maintaining direction. Learning organizations
create and maintain networks.
Learning groups are the building blocks on
Figure 4. School Culture Development Strategy
the stands, but they are not formal organizations.
Learning organizations are formal organizations.
Habitualization. In an organizational
These formalized systems define the legitimacy
context, the process of habitualization involves
in the life of the organization, the kind of
the generation of new structural arrangements in
operating systems that will be employed.
response to a specific organizational problem or
Learning communities can exist in formal
set of problems, and the formalization of such
organizations based on bureaucratic principles,
arrangements in the policies and procedures of a
but their existence is always insecure and usually
given organization, or a set of organizations that
temporary. Indeed, one of the reasons that the
confront the same or similar problems. These
community movement movement is threatened is
processes result in structures that can be
that many people are trying to install learning
classified as being at the preinstitutionalization
communities in schools while leaving essential
stage. At the preinstitutionalization stage, then,
bureaucratic structures intact. These
there may be multiple adopters of a given
communities can not thrive without systems to
structure, but these are likely to be comparatively
support them
few in number, limited to a circumscribed set of
Phillip C. Schlechty calls the school in
similar, possibly interconnected organizations
general a bureaucratic or bureaucratic institution.
facing similar circumstances, and to vary
The notion of the school as a bureaucracy to
considerably in terms of the form of
show how to preference for compliance and
control has driven educators to model schools
Objectification. The movement toward a
and factories, aimed at the mass production of
more permanent and widespread status rests
products such as automobiles, and governmental
heavily on the next process, objectification,
agencies and other types of organizations that
which accompanies the diffusion of structure.
give preference to operating systems That reflect
Objectification involves the development of
compliance and control as core values. The
some degree of social consensus among
contrasting idea, the school as the learning
organizational decisionmakers concerning the
organization provides a way of describing a
value of a structure, and the increasing adoption
flexible and creative mode of organization, one
by organizations on the basis of that consensus.
where working on and working with knowledge
Sedimentation. Full institutionalization
and putting knowledge to work are primary
involves sedimentation, a process that
modes of operation. He compared the
fundamentally rests on the historical continuity
characteristics of bureaucratic schools and
of structure, and especially on its survival across
schools as learning organizations in the
generations of organizational members.
following Table 1.
Sedimentation is characterized both by the
virtually complete spread of structures across the
group of actors theorized as appropriate adopters,

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Table 1. Comparison of the characteristics of bureaucratic and school schools as learning organizations

Bureaucratic Schools Learning Organizations

The primary purpose of the school is identified in a way that Students are viewed as volunteers rather than conscripts, and
defines the student in a passive or submissive role — for it is assumed that for them to learn what the community
example, the student as product, raw material, client, or wants them to learn, they must be provided with work that
conscript has qualities and characteristics that respond to the students’
own motives.
The willingness and ability of students to comply with A well - articulated set of norms places task engagement and
uniform performance standards set by various “ end users ” profound learning at the center of the school’ s system of
— such as the business community or colleges and values and clearly defines the core business of school as the
universities — are usually of central concern. creation of engaging work for students
Teachers are customarily viewed as employees and as lower Teachers are viewed as leaders, designers of work for
– level members of the adult hierarchy students, and guides to instruction
The principal is usually viewed as a first - line supervisor, in The principal is expected to be a leader of leaders within the
the lower echelon of management school, as well as a member of the superintendent’ s
administrative team at the central office level
Routine, standardization, and predictability of response are The idea of continuous innovation aimed at continuous
desired end states improvement is embraced as a core value, and behavior is
guided by clear moral and aesthetic norms combined with a
fluid set of technical norms
Rules, procedures, and policies are elaborate and rigidly Local conventions place emphasis on fairness, equity,
enforced excellence, loyalty, courage, persistence, constancy of
purpose, and duty as values that define “ the way we do
business around here. ”
Communication flows from the top down with little attention Conversation and dialogue about the core business of the
to bottom - up communication or horizontal communication school and its success in doing that business are the primary
tools for building and maintaining the school culture and
ensuring the disciplined pursuit of a shared vision of the

organizations. The superintendent, teacher

From the above comparison, the school leaders, and principals must have the insights and
culture developed to bring a bureaucratic school skills needed to develop in others the
organization into a learning organization is: commitments and capacities required to move
this agenda forward.
There are many factors why schools have
difficulty building learning organizations in
schools. Among them:

Learning organizations do not happen by

chance; they are invented. School leaders must
make a conscious choice to transform their The lack of awareness about the importance
schools from bureaucracies to learning of organizational learning and also the lack of

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

ability to develop a school culture is the most building successful schools, and both sets of
important part that hinders the establishment of roles can shape a school ’ s culture.
learning organizations in schools. To realize organizational learning,
Transformation is not as simple as principals have an important role in shaping the
installing a new program, a new process or new school culture that supports the creation of
procedure. Unlike efforts to improve the learning organizations. The principal must be
operation of existing systems, transformation able to play his role as Peterson stated above, the
requires more than changes in what people do; it principal must also be adept at painting vivid
requires changes in what they think and what word pictures of the world as they see it and as
they feel about what they do. It requires changes they think it should be. This requires that they
in the images people have of the organizations in learn to think metaphorically as well as
which they work and live, as well as changes in systemically. It requires that they tell compelling
the way they envision the roles they play in those stories as well as present convincing data and
organizations. persuasive arguments. In brief, leaders must
Therefore it is necessary to cultivate a master the discipline of mental models as well as
school culture that supports for the establishment the discipline of systemic thought.
of learning organizations in schools. As
demonstrated in the school's cultural
development strategy, the above values in order
The development of school culture has a
to be embedded within the school community
requires a process. The process begins with major influence in building learning
habitualization, objectification and organizations, this will bring schools
sedimentation. All these processes require transformed from bureaucratic schools into
reliable school interference, which has the learning organizations. The development of
learning that is interesting, qualified, and
capability and insight in the five disciplines of
learning organization, namely system thinking, responds to student learning motivation in
personal mastery, mental models, shared vision, schools is part of the value that must be
inculcated to the learning organization.
and team learning.
Relevant to that condition, Peter Senge Development of such school culture, the next can
stated that the principal needs to portray himself improve student achievement and school quality.
School culture is developed with strong
as an example shown by an indicator:
a. Being a highly disciplined person in focusing leadership from the principal. The principal is
energy in realizing vision-mission, patience, expected to really master the discipline of the
mental model and the discipline of thinking the
and objectively understanding the facts.
b. Being a mental model in influencing and system to direct its vision and mission to the
understanding the circumstances around and learning organization, and together the school
community has a commitment and willingness to
as well as can respond appropriately.
c. Develop a shared vision-mission as a basis develop the capacity to realize that vision and
for developing a sustainable commitment that mission.
evolves so that principals not only develop
compliance REFERENCE
[1] Kemdikbud. 2013. Manajemen Budaya dan
Deal and Peterson (1994, 2009) in Peterson Lingkungan Berbasis Sekolah di Sekolah
(2009, p.208) states "As leaders, principals take Dasar. Jakarta: Kemdikbud
on eight symbolic roles: Historians- who delve [2] Kemdiknas. 2010. Budaya Sekolah. Jakarta
into stories of the past, Anthropological
detectives -who uncover current norms and [3] Marquardt, M. 2002. The learning
values, Visionaries - who articulate deeper organization : Mastering The 5 Elements for
purposes, Symbols or icons - who communicate Corporate Learning. Palo Alto, CA: Davies-
values through actions and attention, Potters - Black Publishing.
who shape culture by attending to rituals, [4] Peterson, Kent D. 2009. The Shaping School
traditions, and ceremonies, Poets - who use Culture Fieldbook 2nd Edition. San
language to articulate core values and purpose, Fransisco: Jossey-Bass
Actors - who take key roles in social dramas,
Healers- who minister to wounds that occur [5] Pusbangtendik (Pusat Pengembangan
during loss, conflict, or tragedy.” Both Tenaga Kependidikan), 2014. Manajemen
managerial and symbolic roles are critical in dan Kepemimpinan Sekolah. Jakarta:

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

[6] Robbins, Stephen P. 2002. Essentials of

organizational behavior (7th ed). Upper
Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson/Prentice Hall.
[7] Senge, P. 1990. The Fifth Discipline. The Art
and The Practice of Learning Organization.
New York: Doubleday
[8] Schlechty, Phillip C. 2009. Leading for
Learning: How to Transform Schools Into
Learning Organizations. San Fransisco:
[9] Tolbert, P. S. & Zucker, L. G. 1996. The
Institutionalization of Institutional Theory.
In S. Clegg, C. Hardy and W. Nord
(Eds.), Handbook of Organization
Studies (pp. 175-190). London: SAGE
[10] Zamroni. 2011. Pendidikan Demokrasi pada
Masyarakat Multikultural. Yogyakarta:
Gavin Kalam Utama

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Puji Nugraheni1, Dona Ningrum Mawardi2
Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo, 2 STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau
[email protected], [email protected]

Mathematics learning should receive special attention, so that the learning of mathematics is more
meaningful. Meaningful mathematics learning is expected to make students more creative, have a curiosity,
and self-regulated. This paper aims to identify the crisis in mathematics learning and provide an alternative
solution. This research is a literature study. Research is done by studying literature related to research
problem. The results of this study concluded that to solve the crisis of mathematics learning takes a
innovative teaching that encourages students to learn optimally both in the independent study or in the
classroom. There are 10 principles of innovative learning: student-centered, multiple intellegence, holistic
education, experiencial learning, problem-based learning, cooperative learning, contextual teaching and
learning, constructivist teaching and learning, metacognitive, systemic and systematic thinking, learning
with understanding. Applying innovative mathematics learning students are expected to be more creative
and independent.
Keywords: crisis, mathematical learning, innovative

cooperate, in groups, carry out, and less effort in

solving problems or tasks. Such conditions are a
As long as education exists, so long as the problem that must be addressed and will always
problems of education will always appear. Many be faced, especially in the learning of
discussions about education is concerned with mathematics. The problem continues to evolve
how to find the best way to achieve quality with the times and dynamics of change. To
education in order to create an independent, overcome this, the first step is to systematically
critical, productive, creative, innovative human identify the problems and then formulate various
being. efforts to resolve them in a flexible way.
School is one institution that has an
important role in preparing quality human
beings. At school, students are provided with a
This research is a literature study. Research
range of subjects from primary to intermediate
is done by studying literature related to research
levels. All of subjects given mathematics
problem. In this case, the authors collect the
subjects are considered to play a strategic role,
necessary data through various literatures,
because through mathematics education students
whether books or writings in the form of journals
are prepared to be able to face changing
and other writings relevant to this writing.
circumstances and the ever evolving world.
Mathematics education in schools aims to
develop students' reasoning so that students can
be trained in a person's way of thinking, being Based on literature review, the crisis of
consistent, active, creative, independent and mathematics learning that is still encountered to
having problem-solving skills, which are very date is that students are easy to forget with the
useful in social life. Therefore, learning material that has been studied. One reason is that
mathematics in schools need attention and very students prefer to learn by rote and teachers also
serious handling. Mathematics learning needs to sometimes ask students to memorize primarily
be directed to activities that encourage students related to formulas. This condition, of course,
to actively learn mentally, physically, and causes the achievement of the objective of
socially. mathematics education which is to develop
The expected mathematical learning is that students' reasoning so that students can be trained
students can actively engage in learning, conduct in their way of thinking, being consistent, active,
discussions with friends, and be able to solve creative, independent and having problem
math problems with pleasure without burden. solving ability, which is very useful in the life of
But in fact, students often show the opposite society.
situation, students are not active, reluctant to

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Ausubel states that "... if the learner's attributing personal meaning to the action,
intention is to memorise it verbatim, i, e., As a methods, and results involved [3]. Meaningful
series of arbitrarily related word, both the mathematical learning should emphasize the
learning process and the learning outcome must view that students are human beings who have
necessarily be rote and meaningless " [1]. Based the potential to learn and grow. Students must be
on Ausubel's opinion, learning by rote both the active in the search and development of the
process and the outcome will not be meaningful. knowledge they have. Mathematics is an activity
The problems appear from learning by that we do everyday that includes patterns,
memorizing are the students of great opportunity sequences, structures or forms, and relationships
can not answer a different matter with the given between them. The material in mathematics
example, because the mathematical material is learning is arranged regularly in a logical and
not a separate knowledge but is a knowledge hierarchical sequence, meaning that the taught
intact and mutually related to each other, then mathematical topic is a prerequisite for the next
every students must master some basic concepts topic. Someone will be easier to learn something
and skills first. After that, students should be able when learning is based on what has been known
to tie your new knowledge with their existing by that person. Therefore, to learn a new
knowledge that there is a learning process mathematical topic, past learning experiences
meaningful (meaningful learning). from a person will influence the learning process
Rote learning (rote learning) will occur if of mathematics. Through mathematics learning,
the students are not able to associate new students are expected to be active in learning,
knowledge with old knowledge. This is in active discussion, daring to express opinions and
accordance with the theory of information accept opinions of others, and have high
processing learning and memory [2] as stated in confidence.
Figure 1 below. Elementary teacher can take several steps to
increase opportunities for all children to be
successful in learning mathematics [4].
a. Safe intellectual environment. When
children feel confident that intuitive
responses and incorrect answers may lead
to important findings, they are more likely
to enter into discussions of concepts and
take inttelectual risks when solving
b. Math strands. Often children equate
mathematics with arithmetic. Emphasize
other important strands such as patterns,
Figure 1. Information processing model of
geometry, measurement, functions,
learning and memory.
statistics, and probability, which offer
alternate entry points for children to excel.
While information is in WM, related c. Problem solving. Start lessons with a
knowledge in long-term memory (LTM), or problem and introduce the concepts of
permanent memory, is activated and placed in the procedures needed to solve it.
WM to be integrated with the new information. d. Manipulative models. Use manipulative
The learning crisis is certainly not models when appropriate to explain
sustainable. It is the task of the teacher to mathematics concepts and procedures.
facilitate his students so that they can easily e. Calculators. The problem solving
associate their new experiences or knowledge performance of students, particularly girls,
with relevant knowledge already in their minds improves significantly with ready access to
or in their cognitive structure. The teacher must calculators because students are freed to
also change his role, no longer as the ultimate concentrate on higher level aspects of the
authority holder of the science he teaches in the problem instead of routine calculations.
classroom. The teacher can no longer feel the f. Cooperative groups. Use small-group work
greatest in the class and the student is considered when developing concepts and solving
to know nothing. Instead, teachers become problems.
facilitators who guide students toward the g. Literacy skills. Have students keep learning
formation of knowledge by themselves. logs and write about solutions to problems.
The learning of mathematics as a Writing helps students reflect on their
meaningful activity refers to the process of

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

learning and construct mathematical explain how they came to the solution, and why
meaning. they used a certain way to solve the problem.
h. Process orientation. The process involved The strategy can be used in the model of
in getting an answer may be at least as learning mathematics-oriented problem solving
important as the answer itself. open-ended math can adopt a common Problem
i. High expectations. Maintain high standards Based Learning strategy, for example starting
for every child regardless of or cultural with:
background. Distribute response a. Filed a problem (Problem posing).
opportunities among the class entire class Organize questions and the problem is very
as evenly as possible. important and must be personally
j. Importance of mathematics. Celebrate the endeavored to be meaningful for student.
contribution of mathematics to our society. Problems should be contextual, ie relating
Integrate mathematics concepts and to the situation real life and authentic,
procedures into other curriculum area such avoiding simple answers/guesses
as science, social studies, art, and music. (immediate solution), and allows the
k. Attitudes. Before you begin teaching, take existence of various solutions and A
stock of your own attitude toward reasonable solution.
mathematics and mathematics teaching. b. Focus the linkages between disciplines.
Review and solve problems open-ended
Efforts for meaningful mathematics mathematics as a whole with multi-
learning is by applying innovative learning. The perspective and multi principles discipline.
parameters to be regarded as "innovative From here the ability to think creatively and
learning" should at least adopt the following ten critically (creative and critical Thinking) is
principles [5]. The ten principles are as follows. expected to be well developed.
a. Student-centered: emphasis on active c. Authentic investigation. The real
student learning rather than students record, investigation mathematics problems. This
memorize. can be started by analyzing and defining
b. Multiple intellegence: accommodate all problems, developing hypotheses,
potential and learning aspects, because collecting and analyzing information, doing
students have multi and varied intelligence. experiments (if needed), making inferences
c. Holistic education: students regard as being and formulating Various possible solutions
learning intact. and their solution procedures, and
d. Experiencial learning: promoting merefleks fish, interpret and evaluate
meaningful learning experiences. return.
e. Problem based learning: open space for d. Work presentation. Presenting and
problem solving. demonstrating various works, for example
f. Cooperative learning: an opportunity to in the form of problem solving reports,
learn through collaboration. debate transcripts, physical models, video,
g. Contextual teaching and learning: learning or computer program, which represents
from the open space real life. Constructivist various troubleshooting mathematics that
teaching and learning: open meaningful has been done.
learning responsibly as an autonomous e. Cooperation. Motivate to learn in the form
learner. of collaborative work for example in pairs
h. Metacognitif: open space for meaningful or groups (between 4-8 students) in solving
learning through the process. the problems it faces. It can provide
i. Think as a whole, a systemic and motivation to continuously engage in
systematic. complex tasks to develop social skills.
j. Learning with understanding: promoting
meaningful learning With a deep From this, the open-ended approach
understanding. promises an opportunity for the student to
One of the innovative learning approach is investigate the various strategies and ways he
open-ended approach (open-ended approach). believes in accordance with the ability to
This learning approach provides an opportunity elaborate the problem. The goal is no other is that
for students to "experience infinding something the ability to think mathematics students develop
new in the process" [6]. This approach is optimally and on the same time the creative
appropriately used to evaluate the process, activities of each student are communicated in
because in this case students are required not the teaching and learning process.
only to find solutions to the problem, but also to

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

The crisis of mathematics learning that are

still encountered to date are easy to forget
students with the material already studied. One
reason is that students prefer to learn by rote and
teachers also sometimes ask students to
memorize primarily related to formulas. The
main component that can overcome the crisis is
the teacher. Teachers must play a facilitator who
guides students toward the formation of
knowledge by themselves. Teachers can apply
innovative mathematics learning. There are ten
principles of innovative learning is student-
centered, multiple intellegence, holistic
education, experiencial learning, problem based
learning, cooperative learning, contextual
teaching and learning, constructivist teaching
and learning, metacognitif, think as a whole, a
systemic and systematic learning with
understanding. By applying innovative
mathematics learning students are expected to be
more creative and independent.

[1] Bell, FH (1981). Mathematics teaching and
learning mathematics (in secondary
Scholls). Iowa: Brown Company Publishers.
[2] Schunk, D. H. (2012). Learning theories an
educational perspective. Boston: Allyn &
[3] Steffe, L. P., Nesher, P., Cobb, P., Goldin,
G. A., & Greer, B. (1996). Theories of
Mathematical Learning. New Jersey:
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publisher.
[4] Souviney, R. J. (1994). Learning to teach
mathematics. New York: Macmillan
Publishing Company.
[5] Sudiarta. (2010). Pengembangan Model
Pembelajaran Inovatif. Presented in the
Education and Training of MGMP
Mathematics SMK, Kabupaten
Karangasem, August 2010.
[6] Shimada, S. & Becker, P., (1997). The
Open-Ended Approach: A New Proposal
forTeaching Mathematics. NY: NCTM.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Martinus Ariya Seta
Sanata Dharma University
[email protected]

The research investigates the model of religion class in Sanata Dharma University. The reasoning and the
design of the religion class or religious education (RE) in Sanata Dharma University is the issue of the
study. It is a qualitative study and the data gathering method is interview. Sanata Dharma has been
implementing a religiosity model for the RE as of odd semester 2015. The religiosity model replaces the
religious study model. The religiosity model concerns with the personal dimension. The turn to the
religiosity model is triggered by the striking weakness of the religious study model in which the RE was
trapped into the transfer of knowledge and the study of dogma in each religion. The RE is considered to
play an important role in fostering one of the core value in Sanata Dharma, to love diversity. A great of
importance is attached to this value due to the diversity of religious confession in Indonesian and the
increasing number of intolerance incidents. An inter-religious dialogue is the target of the religiosity model
along with the making of religious identity. The learning method in the RE is reflection. Through
reflection the students are exposed to the existential questions such as happiness and misery. The
attractiveness and the relevance of the RE course count on the discovery of the meaningfulness through
reflection. The religious identity is considered to be established as long as they can apply the religious
tradition to shed light on the experience. In addition, the sharing model is also employed in the learning
process. The sharing model acts out the nature of the religiosity model as faith communication. The design
of religiosity based religion class does not address the problem of religious illiteracy.
Keywords: inter-religious dialogue, personal, reflection, religiosity, religious illiteracy, sharing, to love

is subordinate to the Minister of Research and

Technology. Therefore, it is possible to arrange a
In the Law 12/2012 on Higher Education, it
religion learning other than mono-religious
is mentioned that religion is one of the required
education in the higher education. Parker [1]
subjects in the higher education. The law does
promotes the coexistence or religious tolerance
not mention in detail the implementation of the
as the goal of RE in Indonesian due to the
religious education (RE) on higher education. It
diversity in religious confession. Is mono-
is different from the regulation in basic and
religious education able to address such issue?
secondary education, in which the
The seeking of model other than conventional
implementation is further mentioned. The joint
one to address such issue is urgent.
decree No 4/U/SKB/1999 issued by the minister
In mono-religious education model, the
of Education and Culture and Minister of
class is segregated on the basis of religious
Religious Affair requires the school to provide
confession. The multi-religious education
the RE for the students according to their own
introduces an integrated class. The students are
religious confession. The model of religion class
not segregated on the basis of religious
in basic and secondary education is mono
confession. Actually mono- religious and the
religious education. The segregation of students
multi-religious model shares the same goal of
on the basis of religious confession is typical of
building religious identity [2]. However each
mono religious education. It is the conventional
takes a different path. The mono- religious
model of RE in Indonesian. In addition,
education promotes religious identity through the
Education Law 20/2003 requires that the RE is
exposure of the religious tradition. It is a within-
delivered by the teacher with the same religious
faith education. In the multi-religious education,
confession with the pupils. The law strengthens
the building of religious identity counts on a
the policy of mono religious education for the
dialogue. The multi-religious education is an
inter-faith education.
The higher education is not anymore under
In addition, the multi-religious education
the Minister of Education. The higher education
enables an inter-religious dialogue due to the

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

diversity of students' religious confession. In the As a religious affiliated university, Sanata

mono-religious education, the inter-religious Dharma admits the necessity of the RE. The
dialogue is not possible because of the small credit of the RE course does not
homogeneity of the religious confession in the necessarily mean the minor role. The student
class. The multi- religious education is able to do earns 2 credit for enrolling the RE course. The
more than mono- religious one. design of RE is subject to change. Several times
Sometimes the term multi-religious the university changes the design of RE course.
education in the literature is used The latest change occurred on 2015. Since odd
undistinguishably with the term inter-religious semester 2015, Sanata Dharma has been
education [3]. However Hermans [4] implementing a new model of the RE.
differentiates between both. In the multi- The research investigates the reasoning
religious education, the disposition of the learner behind the implementation of new model and the
is neutral toward all religious confessions and the design as well. “What is the reasoning
including his own. In the inter-religious one, the underlying the latest changes of RE model and
learner has a personal relationship toward his the design as well in Sanata Dharma?” is the
own religious confession. reseach question in this paper. The focus of the
Sanata Dharma University is a religious research is the response of the new model to the
affiliated private school. The Societas Jesu, one challenges and considerations previously
of the prominent Catholic religious orders, runs mentioned. In addition, the expectation behind
the school. The religious affiliation of the school the changes is also mentioned in this research.
does not imply the introduction of the mono-
religious education. Sanata Dharma implements
a multi- religious education. The integrated class
is typical for multi-religious education. The The research is a qualitative one. The data
gathering method is interview. The interviewees
diversity of religious confession among the
students is the context of Sanata Dharma. Sanata are the persons who are responsible for the policy
Dharma declares the diversity as the core value. making of religion class in Sanata Dharma. In
addition, the interviewees know the ins and outs
Actually Sanata Dharma confesses four core
values and one of which is diversity, precisely to of the tradition and the practice of RE in Sanata
love diversity. Dharma. The number of respondents are three.
The 1st respondent is the 1st Rector Deputy of
It is a common opinion that RE in the higher
education is only an additional subject although Sanata Dharma University. The 2nd respondent is
the government declares that the RE is a the coordinator of MPK (Matakuliah
Pengembangan Kepribadian). The administering
compulsory subject. The students tends to play
down the subject. It is the challenge of the RE in of the RE in Sanata Dharma is arranged by MPK.
the higher education. The necessity of the RE The 3rd correspondent is the Coordinator of RE
Modul Team. The three interviewees are
conceptually does not get along with the students
engagement factually. The attractiveness and considered to be the key informants in this
relevance are the noteworthy aspects in reseach.
designing the RE.
Further, Hadir [5] and Noer [6] diagnoses
that the problem of religion learning in As of odd semester 2015, Sanata Dharma
Indonesian school is the stress on the intellectual have been implementing religiosity model in RE.
aspect and the ignorance of the affective and The religiosity model replaces the religious study
psychomotoric ones. The stress on the cognitive model. In the religious study model the students
aspect is a common critique toward the RE. are exposed to the authentic source of religions.
Furthermore, the RE in Indonesia fails in Sanata Dharma invited the lecturers from
fostering the tolerance spirit among the students different religious confession and provides the
and according to Arham et. al. [7] the root of the students with the opportunity to recognize the
problem is partly the lack of critical, reflective, other religons from the authentic and reliable
and constructive model of learning in dealing sources. The idea underlying this model is the
with the religious teaching. Raihani [8] promotes spirit to establish an inter-religious dialouge.
the incorporation of tolerance in the RE in which However, the religious study model has a
the exposure of other religions is incorporated in striking weakness. According to the 2rd and 3th
the RE. The increasing intolerance rate is a threat respondents, the question raised by the students
to Indonesian which is steep in diversity [9]. The were artificial and the learning was trapped in a
RE is expected to address this problem. transfer of knowledge. The 1st respondent added
that the religious study modell fell to the learning

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

of dogma in each religion. The common critique awe and the fascination toward religious
toward RE is the stress on the cognitive aspect. confession should be seeked. Throug this way,
The religion study model repeated the common the parental heritage motive will be replaced by
mistakes in the RE. It is necessary to go beyond a personal preference.
the the model of knowledge transfer in the RE. Although Sanata Dharma is a Catholic
Religiosity model is considered to be university, it is believed that the introduction of
able to go beyond the knowledge transfer model religiosity model does not do away the catholic
in the RE. The religiosity model proposes a faith identity of the university or of most students. The
communication [10]. The religiosity model 1st respondent said that the catholic identiy
provides the student the opportunity to deal with making is not solely attributed to the RE. In the
their religous experience. The diversity of RE, the students should find out the
religious confession in religion class is an asset meaninfulness of their own religious confession.
to establish an inter-religious faith The meaningfullness of RE consist in its
communication. In the mono religious education, relevance to the students' life.
the faith communication is also possible but it is According to the 3rd respondent, the
an intra-religious faith communication not inter- meaningfullnes of RE counts on the exposure of
religious one. existential questions to the students. The students
One of the pioners of religiosity model are exposed to the topic such as happiness and
in Indonesia is Fr. Mangunwijaya, a multi misery. The reflection method is employed to
talented person. Mangunwijawa [11] deal with such topics. The starting point of the
differentiates between religiosity and reflection is the students' own experience. The
religion.The differentiation does not necessarily personal aspect features in the learning model in
mean a polarization. Mangunwijaya admits the the RE. The approach employed in the religiosity
necessity both religion and religiosity. Religion modell is not deductive but inductive.
concerns with institutional and judicial aspect. The reflection method is not typical for
Religiosity concerns with the spirituality in the RE. Sanata Dharma in recent years has been
which the person instill a personal and intimate promoting Ignatian Pedagogy. Ignatian
relationship with God and others. Pedagogy is a paradigm not a method or
Groome [12] emphasizes that one of the procedure. Reflection is the main element of the
constitutive character of religious education in all Ignatian Pedagogy [14]. The reflection is the
religions is the encouragement of the pupils search of meaning from the human experience. In
toward the ultimacy. The human is able to bring the Ignatian Pedagogy, the reflection is the
together all his experience toward the ultimacy. search of meaning from the learning process.
It is what “to be religious” mean. The human The 1st respondent said that the reflection is the
experience is a the same time the encounter with main part of the learning process in Sanata
God. To be religious means to have in-dept Dharma. The university is on the progress to get
relationship with God in the human experience. into the habit of reflection in the the whole class
Groome emphasizes the personal dimension of learning.
the the religion. The personal dimension is so According to Boyer et al [15], the reflection
often ignored in the RE. The religiosity model is able to contribute to the transformative
embraces the personal dimension of religion in learning. In the religiosity model, the goal of
the RE. Otto [13] characterizes the religiuos learning is the transformation not the apologetics
experience as mysterium tremendum and [16]. What is apologetics? Apologetics means the
fascinans. In the religious experience the man art of defending the religious teaching from the
trembles (tremendum) in an awe (fascinans) objection and critique. The religiosity gives
before God. Otto also stress the personal aspect priotity to the transformation of life rather than
of religion in which the affection plays an the apologetic skill. Therefore, the reflection is a
important role in the relationship with God. suitable method in the religiosity model. Further,
The 3rd respondent stresses the personal the reflection is of great use in the learning
dimension of religion. It is necessary to explore because it facilitates the learner to discover the
the religious preference in order to go beyond the meaningfulness of the learning experience [17].
parental heritage reasoning. It is not enough to The reflection could address the problem of
think that the religious confession as something attractiveness and relevance of the RE.
given by the parents. A religious confession is The task of the university is not only
more than a parental heritage. The personal transfering scientific knowledge and technical
religious preference is the target of the religiosity skill, but also building the character. The 1st
model in Sanata Dharma. To be critical means to respondent put a hope on the RE to address the
have in-dept relationship and understanding. The last task. The latest changes in RE is the measure

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

to serve for building the character. It is expected secondary education. In addition, the 2nd
that the RE is capable of tranfering the values to respondent argues that the religious knowlede
the students. Without the transfer of values, the could be obtained by the students autodidactally
character building is not possible. due to the availibility of theological texts in the
The 1st and the 3rd respondent Sanata Dharma libraries and in the internet. The
emphasize the necessity of students own 3rd respondent only affirms the problem of
religious tradition in reflecting the given topics. religious illiteracy among the students especially
The starting point of the reflection is students' the catholic students. The problem is unsolved.
own experiences. The meaningfulness of the
experience is seeked in the light of the students
own religious tradition. Through this way, the
students are not detached from their religious The introduction of the religiosity
confession. The students are led to in-depth and model in RE addresses some issues regarding the
learning process, personality building and social
personal relationship with their own religious
confession. The religious identity is established problem in the society. The previous modell was
throug in-depth and personal relationship with not able to go beyond the model of knowledge
transfer. The religiosity model is implemented to
the religious confession.
The 3rd respondent said that the sharing addres the the weakness of the religious study
model is employed also in the RE. A group or model.
The religiosity model features the
class sharing is organized to provide the students
an opportunity to unveil their personal reflection. personal dimension of RE. The students are
The sharing model acts out the concept of exposed to theexistential questions and then
religiosity model as faith communication. The asked to do reflection. The inductive approach is
diversity of students' religious confession employed in the RE. The starting point is the
students' personal experience regarding the
enables an inter-religius faith communication. It
is expected that the religiosity model is able to happiness and misery. The meaningfullnes of
encourage the students to an inter-religious their experience is dug out in the light of students'
own tradition. Through this way, the personal
dialogue. It is not a dialogue of religious
knowledge but dialogue of the personal religious relationship with students' own religious
experience. The religion has an inspirational confession is established. The religious identity
consist in such personal relationship. The
power. The sharing of interreligious faith the
inspirational power of each religion. It is not a attractiveness and the relevance of the course
matter of religious conversion. count on the discovery of the meaningfullness of
their religious experience
In addition, the turn to religiosity model
has something to do with the university core The reflection method is strongly
values. Sanata Dharma confesses four core recommended in the RE course. The university
concerns on the development of Ignatian
values and one of which is to love diversity. The
religiosity model is designed to live up the value Pedagogy in which the reflection plays an
to love diversity. The religiosity model does not important role. The implementation of reflection
acts out the Ignatian Pedagogy as the learning
abolish the religious diversity but maintain it.
The 1st respondent hopes that in RE the students orientation in Sanata Dharma. The sharing
finds out the shared religious values and do not method is also employed in the RE. The sharing
focus on the gap of difference among the corresponds to the nature of religiosity model as
religions. The religiosity model is a response to faith communication. It is interreligious faith
the problem of increasing intolerance of the
society. To instil religious tolerance, the The religiosity model serves for broader
religiousity model fosters the spirit of goal. For the university, the religiosity model acts
out the value to love diversity. The fostering of
coexistence. The diversity is the context in
Indonesian and Sanata Dharma as well. The this value is the response to the diversity context
religiosity model takes into account the diversity of Indonesian and Sanata Dharma as well.
Further, the university is tasked to instill the spirit
of religious confession among the students.
The latest changes of RE model in Sanata of coexistence due to the increasing number of
Dharma accentuates the personal dimension of intolerance incident in recent years.
The problem of religious illeteracy is not
religion and The less emphasis on the cognitive
aspects leave the problem of religious illiteracy. solved in the design of RE in Sanata Dharma.
The 2nd respondent argues that addressing the The design of religiosity model in Sanata
Dharma does not address this problem. The
problem of the religious illiteracy is not the task
of higher education. It is the task of basic and personal dimension of the religion obtains a

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

considerable portion than the cognitive [12] T.H. Groome. Sharing Faith: A
dimension. The transfer of value is prefered to Comprehensive Approach to Religious
the transfer of knowledge in designing the Education and Pastoral Ministry. San
religiosity model in the RE. Fransisco: Harper, 1991.
[13] R. Otto. Das Heilige: Über das Irrationale
in der Idee des Göttlichen und sein
I would like to express my gratitude to Drs. T. Verhlätnis zum Rationalen. 3rd Ed.
Sarkim M.Ed. Ph.D., Dr. C. Teguh Dalyono M.S. München: C.H. Beck, 2013.
and F.X. Dapiyanta SFK. M.Pd. for their
[14] P. Suparno. Pembelajaran di Perguruan
kindness and in-dept information.
Tinggi Bergaya Paradigma Pedagogi
Refleksif. Yogyakarta: Universitas
REFERENCES Sanata Dharma, 2015.
[1] L. Parker, “Religious Education for peaceful [15] N. Boyer, P. Maher & S. Kirkman,
coexistence in Ind.onesian?” in South East
“Transformative Learning in online Setting:
Asia Research, vol. 22, 4, December 2014, The Use of Self Direction, Metacognition
pp 487-504. and Collaborative Learning”, in Journal of
[2] C. Hermans. Participatory Learning in a Transformative Education, vol. 4,4, Oktober
globalizing society. Leiden: Brill, 2003. 2006, pp 335-361.
[3] A.J. Giloni, “Interreligious Education”, in [16] Komisi Kateketik Keuskupan Agung
G.T. Kurian & M.A. Lamport (Eds.). Semarang & Komisi Pendidikan Keuskupan
Encyclopedia of Christian Education”. Agung Semarang. Pendidikan Religiositas:
Maryland: Rowman & Littlefeld, 2015. Gagasan, Isi dan Pelaksanaannya.
Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 2009.
[4] C. Hermans. Participatory Learning in a
Globalizing Society. Leiden: Brill, 2003. [17] K.L. Guthrie & H. McCracken, “Reflective
Pedagogy: Making Meaning in Experiential
[5] H. Baqir, “Gagalnya Pendidikan Agama”, Base Online Courses”, in The Journal of
Kompas 28 Februari 2003. Educators Online, vol. 7, 2, July 2010, pp 1-
[6] K.A. Noer, “Pluralisme dan Pendidikan di 21.
Indonesia: Menggugat Ketidakberdayaan
Sistem Pendidikan Agama di Indonesia”, in
E. Sarapung & T. Widiyanto (Eds). .
Pluralisme, Konflik dan Pendidikan Agama
di Indonesia, 2nd Ed., Yogyakarta: Institut
Dian / Interfidei, 2005.
[7] L. Arham & L. Gogali. Problematika
Pendidikan Agama di Sekolah Yogyakarta.
Yogyakarta: Institut Dian / Interfidei, 2007.
[8] Raihani, “Creating a Culture of Religious
Tolerance in an Indonesian School”, in
South East Asia Research, vol. 22, 4,
December 2014, pp 541-560.
[9] SETARA Institute reports the increasing
rate of the act of religious intolerance in
2016. In 2015, the institute records 236
incidents and in 2016, 270 incidents.
[10] Komisi Kateketik Keuskupan Agung
Semarang and Komisi Pendidikan
Keuskupan Agung Semarang. Pendidikan
Religiositas: Gagasan, Isi dan
Pelaksanaannya. Yogyakarta: Kanisius,
[11] Y.B. Mangunwijaya. Sastra & Religiositas.
Jakarta: Sinar Harapan, 1981.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Rizky Ajie Aprilianto1, Pujiyanto2, Nur Anita3, Zia Putra Mashdiq4, Yohanes Primadiyono5
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Semarang State University
Department of Economics Education, Faculty of Economics, Semarang State University
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Semarang State University
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Semarang State University
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected]

This paper presents a navigation aid for the blind, which used microcontroller system that is equipped with
a proximity sensor, sound database, and magnetic sensor. The purpose of research of prototype design of
walking aids and determinant of qibla direction is to expand navigational aids use sound recognition and
determinant of qibla direction tah easy and effective to be operated. This aid is portable and gives
information to the user about urban walking routes to point out what decisions to make. This research uses
Research and Development (RnD) research method with measurement indicator that is the distance of
obstacle object to prototype position and the direction of the wind to determine the position of Qibla. The
stages of research in this paper include 3 stages; First, design and testing of ultrasonic sensors; Second,
design and testing of magnetic sensors; Last, record and testing data basic of sound distance and qibla
determinant. The results obtained in this study include, prototype distance detection has the highest error
rate of 2.5%. Distance measurements start at 25 cm, 50 and proceed with an additional interval of 50 cm.
As for the positioning of the Qibla, the prototype can detect Qibla at 294⁰ angle to match the place of data
collection. Angle 294⁰ in accordance with the range of Indonesian qibla position which is at 290⁰-295⁰
angle. Conclusion in this research that is, prototype can be used as walker tool for blind with warning
indicator in the form of sound distance obstacle to user of prototype. In addition, this prototype can also
determine the direction of Qibla so that it will make it easier for people with blind Muslims to perform
prayer worship.
Keywords: blind, distance, prototype, qibla.

is a proposed electronic aid that senses the

obstacles in its path by continuing to transmit
The sense of sight is one vital source of ultrasonic waves. As obstacles appear around
information for human beings. Through the sense him, ultrasonic waves will soon be reflected on
of sight, humans can receive a variety of the system. Then, the ultrasonic receiver senses
information around them and facilitate the this ultrasonic wave [4].
mobility from one place to another. Meanwhile, Electronic navigation aids using current
for persons with visual impairment or commonly ultrasonic sensors generally use vibration and
known as blind, information in their surrounding alarm output indicators. However, in this paper,
is unacceptable. the suggested navigation system involves a
Navigation aids like walking stick is still microcontroller with speech output. It is a self-
used by the blind even today [1]. However, the contained portable electronic unit. In addition, it
use of blind stick as a navigational aid has many equipped with a compass sensor. This is because,
limitations. One of the limitations is that it does for the blind, knowledge of the direction of the
not provide information to the user of the wind is very useful, such as understanding the
situation and conditions beyond the reach of the direction, projecting the place to be directed from
stick. where they are located, and determine the
Current technological advances make some direction of Qibla when performing prayers for
electronic navigation aids [2] have been created Muslims with visual impairment [5].
to help the visually impaired. Most of the
common electronic navigation aids are made
using ultrasonic sensor [3]. The ultrasonic sensor

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Design and testing of magnetic sensor

Planning at this stage is done to determine
Research about prototype design of walking
the angle of the wind direction. The sensor used
aids and the determinant of Qibla direction for
to determine the angle of the wind direction is the
blind based on microcontroller ATmega328 at
HMC5883L sensor. This sensor uses I2C
Electrical Engineering Laboratory, Faculty of
interface, in which it has maximum output rate
Engineering, Semarang State University. This
up to 160 Hz (Single Measurement Mode) and
research uses Research and Development
output rate 0.75 Hz up to 75 Hz (Continuous
Measurement Mode) and has been equipped with
This research stage is divided into 3. The
internal ADC 12 bits therefore the output from
first research phase is planning and testing
the sensor has been shaped digital signal [7].
ultrasonic sensor. Then the second stage of
research is planning and testing magnetic
sensors. The last stage of research is planning,
manufacturing, and testing distance voice
databases and determining the Qibla.

Design and testing of ultrasonic sensor

Planning at this stage is done so that
distance measurement system can provide
information on the existence of the object in front
of the wearer precisely and accurately. The
sensor used to measure distance is the SRF08 Figure 2. Sensor HMC5883L
ultrasonic sensor. The SRF08 sensor principally
works as the transmitter emits a beam of
ultrasonic waves with a frequency of 40 KHz and
then measured the time required until the arrival
of the reflection of the object [6].

Figure 3. Flowchart How Sensor HMC5883L

Pricinpally Works

Figure 1. Flowchart How Sensor SRF08 Record and testing data basic of distance
Pricinpally Works voice and qibla determinantAt this stage the

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

process of recording and sound testing will be

integrated in the prototype system. Sound will
provide warning of the distance of hitch
detection and direction of qibla direction when
prototype is used. Here is voice data collection of
hitch detection:

Table 1. Sound Warning Data on Distance

No Distance Warning Sound
Stop, 25 more cm there is a
1. 20-30
hitch in front of you
Stop, 50 more cm there is a
2. 40-60
hitch in front of you
Danger, 1 more meter there is a
3. 90-110
hitch in front of you
Beware, 1.5 more meters there
4. 140-160
is a hitch in front of you
Be careful, 2 meters more there
5. 190-210
is a hitch in front of you
Be careful, 2.5 more meters
6. 240-260
there is a hitch in front of you
Be careful, 3 more meters there
7. 290-310
is a hitch in front of you
Be careful, 3.5 more meters
8. 340-360
there is a hitch in front of you
4 meters away there is a hitch
9. 390-410
in front of you
4.5 meters away there is a hitch
10. 440-460
in front of you
The sound database is stored in Mini
DFPlayer. To be able to call the sound according
to the distance measurement, therefore the
programs are as follow:

In this paper, prototype design uses Arduino

Nano V3 microcontroller, SRF08 ultrasonic
sensor to measure the distance, and HMC5883L
compass sensor is used to determine the angle of
the wind direction. While the sound warning
database is stored in Mini DFPlayer with sound
output on a speaker.

Figure 4. Prototype Schematic Diagram

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

The maesured distance is calculated on the basis s = Distance (meters)

of travel time. The formula to calculate the Speed of Sound = 340 m/s
distance is shown below. t = Travel time (secon)

Speed of Sound x t The ultrasonic waves travelled to and from

s the object hence the whole distance is divided by

Table 2. The Result of Prototype Distance Calculation

Actual Distance Measured
No. % Error Warning Sound
(cm) Distance (cm)
1. 25 25 0 Stop, 25 more cm there is a hitch in front of you
2. 50 50 0 Stop, 50 more cm there is a hitch in front of you
3. 100 100 0 Danger, 1 more meter there is a hitch in front of you
4. 150 148 1,3 Beware, 1.5 more meters there is a hitch in front of you
5. 200 205 2,5 Be careful, 2 meters more there is a hitch in front of you
6. 250 244 2,4 Be careful, 2.5 more meters there is a hitch in front of
7. 300 301 0,3 Be careful, 3 more meters there is a hitch in front of you
8. 350 348 0,5 Be careful, 3.5 more meters there is a hitch in front of
9. 400 410 2,5 4 meters away there is a hitch in front of you
10. 450 457 1,5 4.5 meters away there is a hitch in front of you

The result of measurement which is The results of the measurements obtained

equipped with warning sound to distance is further are the angles of the direction of the wind.
shown in table 2. Then Figure 4 shows the graph This measurement aims to detect the direction of
between actual distance and measured distance. qibla using prototype with the output of the voice
From 10 experiments with different distances, warning position facing. The direction of Qibla
the highest error rate obtained is 2.5%. Distance direction in Indonesia is in the range 290⁰-295⁰.
measurements start at 25 cm, 50 and proceed At the time of measurement, the direction of the
with an additional interval of 50 cm. qibla shows the angle of 294⁰.

Figure 5. Graph Between Actual Distance and Measured Distance

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Table 3. Data of Results of Measurement

No. Reading angle of sensor Angle of Qibla Difference Warning Sound
1. 180 o 294o 114o South You are facing the south
2. 90 o 294o 204o East You are facing the east
3. 360o/0 o 294o 66o North You are facing the north
4. 270 o 294o 24o West You are facing the west
5. 294 o 294o 0o Qibla You are facing the south

[3] P. Mihajlik, M. Guttermuth, K. Seres, and P.

Tatai, “DSP-Based Ultrasonic Navigation
Prototype of walking aids and determinant
Aid for the Blind,” in Proc. IEEE
of qibla direction can be used for people with
Instrumentation and Measurement
visual impairment as navigation aids. This
Technology Conference, Budapest,
prototype is able to know the existence of
Hungary, May 21-23, 2001, pp.1535-1540.
obstacles on their walk with warning indicator in
the form of sound distance obstacle to its user. In [4] R. Deshpande, S. Sayyad, R Nikam, T.
addition, this prototype can also determine the Madgavkar, M. Pathak, V. Jadhav, and S.
direction of Qibla. Chavan, “Multi-Use Wearable Device for
The results obtained in this study include, Visually Impaired,” Imperial Journal of
prototype distance detection has the highest error Interdisciplinary Research, vol. 2, no. 4, pp.
rate of 2.5%. Distance measurements start at 25 693-696, 2016.
cm, 50 and proceed with an additional interval of
[5] Handoko, Wawan Adi, 2009, “Media
50 cm. As for the positioning of the Qibla, the
Orientation Learning and Mobility Material
prototype can detect Qibla at 294⁰ angle to match
of Points of the Compass in SLB-A
the place of data collection. Angle 294⁰ in
Yaketunis Yogyakarta. Undergratuate
accordance with the range of Indonesian qibla
Thesis. Yogyakarta Sunan Kalijaga Islamic
position which is at 290⁰-295⁰ angle.
University,” unpublished.
[6] L. Koval, J. Vanus. P. Bilik, “Distance
Measuring by Ultrasonic Sensor,” IFAC-
This prototype can be one of the tools for PapersOnLine, vol. 49, no. 25, pp. 153–158,
people with visual impairment. The ability of the 2016.
prototype that can determine the direction of the
Qiblah makes it easy for people with visual [7] Honeywell. 2013. Datasheet HMC5883L.
impairment of Muslims when they will perform Retrieved from
the prayers.
This work was financially supported by the
Directorate General of Higher Education
(DIKTI), Ministry of Research, Technology, and
Higher Education, Indonesia through Activities
Student Creativity Programme (PKM).

[1] F. Gaunet, “Verbal Guidance Rules for a
Localized Wayfinding Aid Intended for
Blind-Pedestrians in Urban Areas,”
Universal Access in the Information
Society, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 338-353, 2006.
[2] A. Y. J. Szeto, “A Navigational Aid for
Persons with Severe Visual Impairments: a
Project in Progress,” in Proc. Int. Conf IEEE
Eng. Med Biol. Soc., Cancun, Mexico, Sep.
17-21, 2003.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Rani Kartika
Postgraduate Student
Indonesia University of Education (UPI)
[email protected]

In curriculum 2013, there are two programs that should be implemented, both are particular major and
cross-major. Social science major (IIS) and cross-major of sociology study with the same teacher, the same
material, the same number of lessons, and teachers have taught by the same methods. However, when
learning sociology subject, 11th grade students in cross-major of sociology are more active than 11th grade
students in social sciences major (IIS). Supposedly, the students in Social Sciences Major (IIS) are more
active, know and understand the sociology subject. This study aims to explain the factors that led to student
being active in sociology learning of cross-major in 11th grade in SMA N 1 Lubuk Alung. This study is
analyzed by behavioristic theory of Skinner. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with
the number of informants are 35 students. The data collection is done by non-participation observation,
deep interview and documentation. The results shows that students’ active participation in learning
sociology in cross-major is high. The factors that led to students being active in learning sociology in cross-
major in 11th grade in SMA N 1 Lubuk Alung are (a) the high interest of students towards sociology, (b)
learning sociology is easy to understand, (c) saturation of students towards the material count, (d) high
ability of students intellectual, and (e) the ideal of the students to chose the Social Sciences in Higher
Keywords: students’ activeness, learning sociology, cross-major

group of subjects according to their interests,

talents, and abilities during the learning in high
Curriculum 2013 (Daryanto, 2014)
school (SMA). The aim of the particular major is
concerned with the implementation of the
to provide opportunities for learners to develop
learning process in an interactive, inspiring, fun,
students’ interests in the group of subjects in
challenging, motivating students to actively
accordance with the scientific interest in
participate and provide sufficient space for
universities and to develop thier interests in a
innovation for creativity and independence
particular discipline or a skill. Particular major
according to their talents, interests, and physical
recommended in curriculum 2013 structure are
and psychological developments. The learning
Math and Natural Science Major (MIA), Social
process that is done by using a scientific
Sciences Major (IIS) and Language/Culture
approach with the assessment of learning
Major (IBBU). Each of these majors must take
outcomes based on processes and products.
group of compulsory subjects (Group A and B)
According to the legation of Indonesia
and Group C subjects (subjects of particular
government number 20, 2003 on National
major). Group A subjects are subjects giving
Education System article 12 verse (1) point (b),
more competences orienting to cognitive aspects
it states that learners are entitled to get education
(such as subjects of religion, civics, Indonesian,
services in accordance with their talents,
math, history, English). Group B subjects are
interests, and abilities. In order learners’ talents,
subjects more emphasis on affective and
interests, and abilities are underserved, so that
psychomotor aspects (such as subjects of art and
one of important policies in Curriculum 2013 is
culture, sports, crafts and entrepreneurship).
to give an opportunity to students to choose a
While Group C subjects are subjects related to
group subjects (particular major) that is
students’ interest such as Math and Natural
Sciences Major/MIA (mathematics, biology,
In accordance with the policies of the
physics, and chemistry), Social Sciences
curriculum 2013, it was set particular major and
Major/IIS (geography, sociology, history,
cross-major (Fadillah, M; 2014). Particular
economics), and Language/Culture Major/IBBU
major is a decision made by learners to select a

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

(Indonesian and its literatures, English and its interested-major and cross-major in running as
literatures, other foreign language and its desired, it is necessary to cooperate between the
literatures, and anthropology). committee of acceptance of new students
Cross-major is one of the Curriculum 2013 (PPDB) and the curriculum team under the
programs, which was held on the level of high principal coordination
school (SMA). According Permendikbud (
number 64, 2014 concerning on particular major implikasi- program-peminatan-bagi-guru-mata-
in secondary education article 1, verse 4, cross- pelajaran-di-sma).
major is a subject that must be taken by learners. Implementation of the curriculum 2013 has
These subjects are outside of group of interested already started in some schools either elementary
major. Students who come from Math and school, junior high school and senior high
Natural Sciences Major (MIA) must take cross- school. SMA N 1 Lubuk Alung is the first high
major subjects in Social Sciences Major school level designated by the Education Office
according with their interests and talents. of Padang Pariaman District to implement the
Likewise, students who come from Social curriculum 2013 programs as well as a pilot
Sciences Major (IIS) and Language and Culture school for other schools located around the
Major (IBBU) must choose subjects that will Padang Pariaman district. For interested-major
serve as a cross-major subjects outside of programs that are opened in SMA N 1 Lubuk
interested major subjects. The aim of Alung only Math and Natural Sciences Major
implementing cross-major in the curriculum (MIA) and Social Sciences Major (IIS). This is
2013 is to provide opportunities to students to because that there are no students in SMA N 1
study subjects they are interested but are not Lubuk Alung who choose Language and Culture
found in the group of interested major subjects. Major (IBBU) when they enroll in the 10th grade.
The rules on the implementation of the Therefore, the school do not open Language and
cross-major based on Permendikbud No. 69, Culture Major (IBBU).
2013 concerning on Basic Framework of Cross-major electoral provisions in SMA N
Curriculum Structure of Senior High School 1 Lubuk Alung has been according with the
states that student in 10th grade have to follow curriculum 2013 policy that the election of cross-
two cross-major subjects they have chosen as 6 major must be according with students’ interests,
hours of lessons. While in 11th grade and 12th talents and abilities in the following study.
grade, the cross-major subjects in 10th grade that Before they choose subjects that will serve as
is considered a higher value will serve as one cross-major subjects, students in SMA N 1
cross-major subjects as much as 4 hours of Lubuk Alung are asked to complete a
lessons. The elements involved in the interested- questionnaire that has been distributed by
major and cross-major which held by the school Counseling and Guidance Teachers with the
are as follows; (1) The principal as who is command that the group of Natural Science
responsible of all activities; (2) The deputy Major (IPA) should choose subjects from outside
principal of curriculum sector as executor of the Natural Sciences Major (IPA), as well as
Acceptance of New Students (PPDB) and groups of Social Sciences (IPS). The electing
coordinator of cross-major; (3) The deputy cross-major suggested by Counseling and
principal of students sector as executor of New Guidance Teachers is in accordance with
Student Reception Program (PPDB) and team students’ talents and interests in SMA N 1 Lubuk
members of cross-major; (4) The deputy Alung. In the questionnaire, there is a first choice
principal of public relations sector as executor of and a second choice. Counseling and Guidance
New Student Reception Program (PPDB) and Teachers with the teachers who will teach in
team members of cross-major; (5) The deputy cross-major disseminate the importance of each
principal of school facilities / infrastructure field of sciences. Then, the implementation of
sector as a member of cross-major who serve as cross-major held in SMA N 1 Lubuk Alung also
coordinator of human resources and facilities / has been according with the rules established by
infrastructure analysis; (6) Counseling and Permendikbud number 69, 2013 concerning on
Guidance teachers as a team member of Basic Framework and Curriculum Structure of
interested-major and cross-major who serve to Senior High School.
make interested-major and cross-major The subjects taught in cross-major in SMA
questionnaire and one of the key elements in N 1 Lubuk Alung for Natural Sciences Major are
determining the selection of major; (7) Geography, Sociology, Economics, Indonesian,
Curriculum team as member of interested-major English and Japanese; as for Social Sciences
and cross-major who serve to input data of new Major are Biology, Mathematics, Indonesian,
students. In order for the implementation of English and Japanese. The number of students

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

taking the cross-major subject of sociology in students in 11th grade of Math and Sciences
11th grade are 35 students consisting of six study Major (MIA) 4 consists of 5 students, students in
groups, they are, students in 11th grade of Math 11th grade of Math and Sciences Major (MIA) 5
and Natural Sciences Major (MIA) 1 consists of consist of 5 students and students in 11th grade of
7 students, students in 11th grade of Math and Math and Sciences Major (MIA) 6 consists of 8
Natural Sciences Major (MIA) 2 consists of 4 students. It can be seen in the following table:
students, students in 11th grade of Math and
Sciences Major (MIA) 3 consists of 6 students,

Table 1: Students Data of SMA N 1 Lubuk Alung who Choose Cross-Major School Year 2014/2015

Cross-Major of 10th Grade Math and Natural Social Sciences Language and
10th Grade Sciences Major Major Culture Major
a. Amount of rombels 7 2 0
b. Option of cross-major
Students Students
1. Mathematics 26
2. Biology 18
3. Physics
4. Chemistry
5. Geography 28
6. Sociology 41
7. Economy 119
8. History
9. Indonesian and its
10. Foreign language and its
230 65
11. Other language (Japanese) 42 21
Cross-Major of 11th Grade Math and Natural Social Sciences Language and
11th Grade Sciences Major Major Culture Major
a. Amount of rombels 6 3 0
b. Option of cross-major 0
Students Students
1. Mathematics
2. Biology 75
3. Physics
4. Chemistry
5. Geography 15
6. Sociology 35
7. Economy 81
8. History
9. Indonesian and its
6 1
10. Foreign language and its
36 0
11. Other language (Japanese) 31 6
Source: Data of students who take cross-major in 2014/2015 from Vice Curriculum

The author chose cross-major of sociology sociology of cross-major in 11th grade in SMA N
of 11th grade due to that in the learning process 1 Lubuk Alung.
when teacher held discussions, it is seen that In order to obtain first data in this study, the
students in cross-major are more active than author conducted interview with one of teachers
Social Sciences Major. Not only as holding of the Sociology subject at SMA N 1 Lubuk
discussion students of cross-major are active, but Alung namely Mrs. Mulyeni S.Pd. Based on her
also when teacher repeat previous matter, and explanation, that the 11th grade students of cross-
when they are welcome to ask questions and give major of sociology are more active than 11th
relevant examples of matter, they are always grade students of Social Sciences Major. Based
scrambling to raise their hands. This has led the on observations on March 16, 2015 until May 16,
author to examine more deeply about the 2015 it is seen in the learning process when the
students’ active participation in learning teacher explained the lesson, many students who
asked questions about the subject matter. Then,

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

when the teacher ordered them to discuss, it was Based on the background of problems
seen by the author when they were discussing, above, the author interested in writing about
they were enthusiastic to do tasks assigned by the students’ active participation in the learning
teacher. Each of them who is ready to do tasks sociology of cross-major in 11th grade in SMA N
rushes to perform the results of discussion to the 1 Lubuk Alung. The issues that will be discussed
class. When the group perform the results of in this paper are forms of students’ activeness in
discussion to the class, each group also seemed learning sociology of cross-major and factors
enthusiastic to give opinions and oppose groups that lead to students of cross-major of sociology
performing. in 11th grade in SMA N 1 Lubuk Alung are active
Yet, another case about 11th grade students to learn sociology subject?
in Social Sciences Major (IPS) 2 that in the same
material, the same teacher, the same learning
methods, the same resources and the same
This research was conducted in SMA N 1
learning materials were also given by sociology
teacher in 11th grade students in Social Sciences Lubuk Alung. The author chose this location
Major (IPS) 2. However, when discussion took because of SMA N 1 Lubuk Alung has been a
first piloting school designated by the
place, they are not same as students in cross-
major who are scrambling to perform discussion. Department of Education of Padang Pariaman
When they were instructed by the teacher to District to use the Curriculum 2013. SMA N 1
Lubuk Alung is also an excellent school that is
make assignments, analyze images and cases
relating to the subject matter, they instead cheat much in demand by students both in the area of
their friends, make a noise, and go out of the Padang Pariaman and outside the area of Padang
classroom again and again. When they are asked Pariaman. This school also received an
whether are ready or not to do task that has been Adiwiyata Mandiri Award from the President,
Joko Widodo in June, 2015.
given by the teacher, they always answer did not
understand the assignment of teacher. Then, This study used a qualitative and
when a student was given a question by the descriptive approach (Moleong, Lexy; 2007: 4).
Selection of informants was conducted by using
teacher, then the student is not trying to answer,
he said nothing. Likewise, when the teacher gave purposive sampling, that is, by determining
students the chance to ask the subject matter. Not informants based on the goal of research. The
criteria of informant for this study is teacher who
many students are trying to answer questions
from the teacher. Generally, student who often teachs in 11th grade of cross-major of sociology
answered questions given by the teacher and was and 11th grade students in SMA N 1 Lubuk Alung
of Math and Natural Sciences (MIA) who follow
active in the learning process is the students who
got rank and champion in the class. in learning cross-major of sociology subject. The
To confirm this paper, the author asked informants consist of Principal, deputy principal
of Curriculum sector, one teacher who teaches
values data both classes from the teacher. The
result shows that the majority of students in sociology at 11th grade of cross-major, and 35
cross-major of sociology have reached Minimum students of cross-major of sociology.
Collecting data is conducted by non
Criteria of Mastery Learning (KKM) has been
determined. Indicating from the mid value and participation observation (Basrowi and Kelvin;
the value of the second semester, there are only 2008: 109), that is, the author is directly involved
four students who did not reach Minimum with the activities of the person being observed,
Criteria of Mastery Learning (KKM) from 35 but the author is just as independent observer
such as observing teaching and learning process
students. While in 11th grade of Social Sciences
in 11th grade of sociology cross-major directly,
Major (IIS₂), it is seen that the value of mid
but the author is not directly involved in teaching
semester and second semester of students in
and learning activities. Things will be observed
Social Sciences Major (IIS), there are many
by the author in this study are the implementation
students who do not reach Minimum Criteria of
teaching and learning process which consists of:
Mastery Learning (KKM). In the value of mid
what activities are performed by students in
semester, the number of students who do not
teaching and learning process of sociology in
reach Minimum Criteria of Mastery Learning
cross-major class. Besides that, colleting data is
(KKM) are 17 students from 28 students. While
also conducted by indepht interview, which is an
in the value of second semester, the number of
unstructured interview between the author and
students who do not reach Minimum Criteria of
the informants which is done repeatedly. Then,
Mastery Learning (KKM) are 16 students from
collecting data is also done by documentation
28 students.
(Arikunto, Suharsimi; 2010: 274) which contains

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

secondary data such as photos, data of students’ knowledge by himself; (3) Working by himself
values, and the number of students from cross- the tasks assigned by the teacher; (4) Learning in
major of sociology as well as others data a group; (5) Trying specific concepts by himself;
concerning on the students’ activeness in (6) Communicating the results of thought,
learning sociology of cross-major of 11th grade discovery and knowledge of the values orally or
students in SMA N 1 Lubuk Alung. by performing.
In examining the validity of the data in this As for factors that affect student learning
study, author conducted a triangulation of data by activeness are internal and external factors. The
providing a relatively similar questions to the internal factors that affect in student learning
informants, comparing between observation and activeness are physiological factors that affect in
interviews data so that obtain valid and accurate student learning activeness are biological factors
data. The data obtained from the field will be which includes the physical state (the five
continuously analyzed using an interactive senses) and physical, and physiological factor
model developed by Miles & Huberman. which attention, responses, and memories
Analyzing data by this model is done through become factors supporting student learning
steps such as, data reduction, data presentation activeness. While the external factors that affect
and conclusion (Miles and Huberman; 1992: 20). the activity of students are non-social factors ie
place and fasilities, as well as social factors ie
teachers and peers. Place, facility and teacher
become the supporting factor of student learning
Nowadays, psychological tendency assume activity. While peers become factors that inhibit
that the child is an active creature. Child has students’ learning activities (Arbetta, 2005;
encouragement to do something, has willing and Sleap & Duffy, 1977).
aspirations. Learning can not be imposed by According to National Department of
others and can not be delegated to others.
Education (2003: 7) sociology subject is intended
Learning will be occurring child himself is active to develop and assess daily phenomenon. The
to experience. John Dewey, for example, material subject covers the basic concepts in
suggests that learning is about what should be
studying various phenomena and problems
done by students for themselves, so initiative encountered in real life in the community. In
should come from the students themselves. sociology learning, teacher is expected to
Teacher is only supervisor and director. Students
develop students’ abilities to apply their
learn actively when they are engaged understanding towards the concept of daily social
continuously during teaching and learning life phenomenon, especially in actualizing
process (Dimyati and Mudjiono, 1999: 45).
students’ potential in taking and revealling their
Student’s activeness in teaching and learning own status and roles. It would happen well, if in
process take diverse forms of activities, from learning sociology students were able to ask
physical activities which are easily observed
questions and express their opinions so they can
through psychic activities until psychic activities express their ideas, as well as students are
which are difficult to observe. Physical activity expected to think more critical in facing the daily
which can be observed such as reading, listening,
life phenomenon. Thus, in learning sociology,
writing, demonstrating and measuring. While the students are required to be active and
examples of psychic activity such as recalling participatory in questioning and expression. The
subject content of previous meetings, using role of the teacher in this case is a motivator and
knowledge in solving problems, concluding the mediator in order students’ activeness and
results of experiments, comparing one concept to
critical thinking can be channeled into a more
another, and other psychic activities. positive direction in accordance with the material
According Sriyono, (1992: 75) the subject of sociology. It can be seen from the
activeness can be viewed from two things:
interaction that exists between teacher and
physical activeness and spiritual activeness. Both students in teaching and learning process.
physical and spiritual activeness include (1) Based on observation that the author found,
senses activeness, namely hearing, sight, touch
11th grade students studying cross-major of
and others; (2) mind activeness; (3) memorizing sociology seem active and enthusiasm when they
activeness; (4) emotions activeness. learned sociology subject. Learning cross-major
Suryosubroto (2009: 59), the student will be said
of sociology is one of the subjects that are much
to be active in learning if there are characteristics, favored by students in SMA N 1 Lubuk Alung,
namely: (1) Doing something to understand the particularly by 11th students of Math and Natural
subject matter full-confidently; (2) Learning,
Sciences Major (IPA) who took sociology
understanding, deciding and processing subject as optional cross-major of subjects.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Implementation of 11th grade students of cross- exchange ideas, give or refute opinions, give
major in learning sociology subject is conducted advices and feedback if there are students who
on 9th lesson, that is, when going home from are confused with the material subject.
school in order not to disturb other subjects
lessons. Schedule of teaching and learning d. Students are Active in Summarizing Material
process (PBM) of cross-major is defined together Subject
between the teacher and the students. The Based on observation and interview
teaching and learning process of cross-major of during in SMA N 1 Lubuk Alung when the
sociology in 11th grade is done twice a week, both teaching and learning sociology was running, it
are, every Wednesday and Thursday with the is seen that many students are actively raising
number of each lessons is 2 hours lesson which hand when teacher order students to summarize
starts at 2:30 pm and finishs at 4.00 pm. The the material subject based on their own
following will be explained the forms and the understanding and their own words. The aim is
factors that cause 11th grade students being so they understand the concepts and
active in learning sociology subject of cross- understanding based on their own understanding.
major in SMA N 1 Lubuk Alung, as follows: Students are no rigid anymore to the
concepts/definitions in the books. However,
1) The forms of 11th grade students’ activeness students will be better understand when they
of cross-major of sociology in learning generate a concept / definition of social case
sociology are: sample given by teacher in their own language.

a. Students are Active in Observation 2) The factors cause students being active in
During observation and interview learning sociology of 11th grade cross-major
process, it is seen that students of cross-major of in SMA N 1 Lubuk Alung:
sociology are serious in listening, recording, and
listening to the material subject presented by the a. The high interest of Students towards
teacher. This is proven from the results of Sociology Subject
interviews with some students whom say that Based on observation and interview with
they are active in observing due to teacher is some students during the teaching and learning
discipline, and if they do not pay attention, listen sociology of 11th grade cross-major in Math and
to the material subject presented by teacher well, Natural Sciences Major (MIPA), it is seen that
so they will not understand the lesson, in students’ encouragement and willingness to learn
addition,when they follow exam, all of the in learning sociology is high, because most of
material subject explained by the teacher goes them who chose sociology subject as an optional
into the exam. cross-major based on their own interests without
any element of following friends only. It is seen,
b. Students are Active in Asking at which the teaching and learning process will
Based on observation and interview that begin precisely at the 9th lesson after school,
the author conducted in SMA N 1 Lubuk Alung many students who were waiting for teacher in
during the teaching and learning sociology, it is the classroom quietly while reading books
seen that students are active in asking in relating to sociology subject. This is evidenced
accordance with the material subject and when by sentences of Muhammad Dzaky, Husnul
they do not understand the material subject Abdi, and Dian Sartika that they chose to cross-
presented by the teacher. This is according with major of sociology merely by their own desire.
that expressed by some students that they are This is because they want to know more deeply
active in asking in accordance with the material the importance of sociology in life.
subject explained by teacher. The aim is that they
will be more familiar with the material that has b. Learning Sociology is Understandable
been explained by the teacher, so that when they The next factors that cause students of
follow exam they can easily answer questions. cross-major being active in learning sociology,
because sociology subject is easy to understand.
c. Students are Active in Group Discussion It is seen by the author during observation and
Based on observation and interview in interview that most of them answered that
SMA N 1 Lubuk Alung during the teaching and sociology subject is easily understood and
learning sociology, the implementation of group examples of sociology facts / phenomena are
discussion process in class is divided into small founded around daily environment.
groups consisting of 3 to 4 people. During the
discussion, they are active because they desire to

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

c. Students’ Saturation towards the Material of curriculum sector and sociology teachers of
Calculation cross-major in 11th grade in SMA N 1 Lubuk
Based on observation and interview Alung that students who choose cross-major of
during the research process, they are active and sociology mostly also are students who graduate
happy in learning sociology subject because without entrance test to SMA N 1 Lubuk Alung.
every day they are always addressed with About 15 students in cross-major of sociology
materials relating to numbers like chemistry, passed through a special line created by SMA N
mathematics and physics. They are active 1 Lubuk Alung named as Interest and
because they want refresh the brains from Capabilities Search (PMDK). These students
subjects relating to the calculations. This is mostly also come from the winners of the
caused that they are tired, dizzy, saturated and Olympics, both the local level even national
bored with subjects relating to the numbers. level. Most of them indicated that the results of
d. Intellectual ability High Students all their subjects in school are generally exceed
The next factors that cause the students from Minimum Criteria of Mastery Learning
being active in learning sociology of cross-major (KKM), that is, 80.
is high students’ intellectual ability. This is
evidenced from statements from deputy principal

Table 2: Values of Cross-Major Interests of Sociology in 11th grade in SMAN 1 Lubuk Alung academic
year 2014/2015
Minimum Criteria of Second Semester
No. Name Class Mid Values
Mastery Learning Values
1. Alya Anzira XI MIA 1 80 90 93
2. Alya Prisikalita XI MIA 6 80 80 96
3. Anugrah Andikmon XI MIA 6 80 70 90
4. Arvia Nella Z XI MIA 2 80 90 93
5. Chikyta Arnel XI MIA 5 80 90 90
6. Clarita Tifanny XI MIA 4 80 85 84
7. Dara Purnama Kessy XI MIA 1 80 80 87
8. Deri Kurnia Ilahi XI MIA 1 80 90 93
9. Dian Santika XI MIA 4 80 80 76
10. Dilla Intan Gustiyani XI MIA 2 80 80 93
11. Dwi Yuraq Lestari XI MIA 5 80 80 84
12. Facgrudin Putra XI MIA 6 80 80 93
13. Fitri Utami XI MIA 3 80 80 80
14. Gema Haresya XI MIA 3 80 90 95
15. Hayatul Aini XI MIA 4 80 80 85
16. Husnul Abdi XI MIA 1 80 80 87
17. Ichram Suminda XI MIA 6 80 80 72
18. Jumita Rahmi XI MIA 6 80 80 84
19. Kiki Khairunnisa XI MIA 1 80 85 93
20. Mona Amelia XI MIA 6 80 88 81
21. Muhammad Dzaky XI MIA 3 80 86 80
22. M. Pinto Nurhadi XI MIA 4 80 86 75
23. Muhanafi Sidiq XI MIA 5 80 85 90
24. Nada Izatil Hasanah XI MIA 2 80 85 93
25. Nila Novita Sari XI MIA 5 80 78 84
26. Novia Cania XI MIA 1 80 85 93
27. Putri Aulia Syarif XI MIA 2 80 85 90
28. Raynaldo Wan Oksa XI MIA 3 80 78 74
29. Ridha Pratiwi XI MIA 4 80 88 88
30. Rifai Rahman XI MIA 3 80 86 86
31. Sasgita Putri Yansari XI MIA 6 80 88 81
32. Winda Dwi Novita XI MIA 1 80 80 87
33. Yeltri Mairoza XI MIA 6 80 88 88
34. Yelvia Yulia XI MIA 5 80 78 92
35. Yusep Anwar Rio XI MIA 3 80 90 90
Source: Archive of Value in Second Semester of Cross-Interest Sociology Major of 11th Grade from
Sociology Teacher

e. Ideals Students of Choosing Social Sciences 11th grade of Math and Natural Sciences (MIPA),
(IPS) Programs in University it seems that many students who are serious and
Based on observation and interview during passionate in studying sociology. It is proven that
study in SMAN 1 Lubuk Alung, during the there are some students who want to choose a
teaching and learning sociology of cross-major in major of social sciences in university, such as

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

choosing international relations at UI, was a collaborative one. Students characterized

communication sciences in UNPAD, by the collaborative pattern worked in close
communication sciences in UGM, as well as cooperation on the assignment discussing
wants to become a psychologist. By learning sources, commenting each other’s texts and
sociology, it will be able to support them in writing together. They also asked the teacher to
continuing their study to state universities. comment on sources and texts. Typical for deep
students is to strive for a personal understanding
of a topic by linking learning experiences to
previous topical understanding and combining
The theory which is used to analyze factors subject areas to wholes. This analytical way of
of the students being active in learning sociology
approaching learning may result in a meta-
of cross-interest major in 11th grade in SMA N 1 cognitive awareness of how topics link together.
Lubuk Alung is behavioristic theory according to These students consequently found it easy to
Skinner (2005: 24 in the book Rahyubi, Heri
write an overview of the topic based on their
2012). Skinner concluded that behavior change readings(Heinstro & Sormunen, 2016).
as a result of the existence of stimulus and During learning sociology in 11th grade of
response which will bring consequences given by
cross-interest major in SMA N 1 Lubuk Alung, it
a person who in turn can affect or be considered is seen students’ activeness in learning.
about the behavior appearance. In other words, According to behavioristic theory, it is
learning is a form of change experienced by
influenced by the good interaction between the
student in terms of his ability to behave in a new stimulus and the response, so that causing the
way as a result of interaction between stimulus students are more active. If teacher provide a
and response. A person is considered to have good stimulus such as giving positive
learned something if he can show changes in his reinforcement to students, by giving pictures,
behaviors. Stimulus has very important role in
cases, and social phenomena that occur in the
learning, because stimulus is any form of community, then the students’ response will be
excitation given to students in learning which also good and getting stronger. The stimulus
would affect behavior of students in learning.
provided by the teacher is very important to help
The stimulus may be a factor that affects both students to be more active in learning in the
from outside or from within the students in the classroom. If the teacher provides a good
learning process. In teaching and learning
stimulus to students, so within students certainly
process in school, stimulus is what else provided will arise the motivation and interest in learning.
by the teacher to the student, while the response This can be seen in the learning sociology
is a reaction of students to the stimulus provided
process of cross-interest major in 11th grade in
by the teacher. SMA N 1 Lubuk Alung when the teacher gives
Student activities are the practical extension an example of the social problems to be
of the school curriculum. They have traditionally
discussed with the group, many students who are
provided students with avenus for expression and active in listening, observing, asking questions,
relevant experiences. They are not at odds with giving feedback or opposing group which is
academic pursuits. They serve as auxiliary
performing, as well as active in concluding the
laboratory for such curricula-and more. Here is material subject based on their own
where many opportunities are provided for understanding and language. A concept /
developing leadership and a concept of self- definition no comes from the teacher again, but it
worth and for meeting the social emotional needs was student who try to express it based on the
of students. A school with only student activities
knowledge he has obtained from the examples
would be as absurd as a school without them. given by the teacher. Thus, the teaching and
Student also place a high value participation in learning process will be fun by students and they
students activities. Student activities have
will be motivated continuously to be active in
become an accepted part of total school program. learning.
The literature reports benefits of leadership,
feeling of self-worth, self-actualization, useful
skills and knowledge, sosial an emotional
development , and motivation, and indicates that Acknowledgments in collecting data during the
success in college and later life derives from research process (observation, interviews and
participation in student activitie (Activities, n.d.; documentation) to all parties (Head of Education
Huie, n.d.; Madison, 1950). Where the teacher Department of Padang Pariaman, Principal SMA
specifically had instructed students to work N 1 Lubuk Alung, deputies principal, sociology
closely together, the most common work pattern teacher, as well as students cross-interest major

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

of sociology) who are able to create a good [16] Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan
relationship with the author, so that research Kebudayaan Nomor 64 tahun 2014 pasal 12
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ayat 4 tentang Peminatan pada Pendidikan

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana Salatiga
[email protected]

The objectives of this research were to measure the success rate achieved by the alumni of Open/ Distance
Learning (O/DL), the Bachelor Education In-service Teachers Program (BEITP), Satya Wacana Christian
University (SWCU), Salatiga in their critical thinking habit that lead to their success, and to find factors
which determined their critical thinking habit. The factors concerned were student factor (learning
motivation, alumni’s readiness to enter ICT community, prerequisite) or teacher factor (teacher’s ability in
creating and using a new instructional context). This quantitative research belongs to the causality ex-post
facto research. The data source was one class of O/DL, the BEITP, SWCU students, who were chosen out
of four classes, as many as 32 alumni in the academic year 2015/2016. Data were screened using a self-
rating scale, which consisted of 40 items tested valid and reliable, and then reduced to 5 variables. The
BEITP, SWCU Salatiga had graduated most of its alumni who owned critical thinking habit at a high rate.
The critical thinking habit was affected by the instructional contexts which enabled a new situation (Model
1), alumni’s readiness to enter the ICT community (Model 2), pre-requisite, i.e., mastery of previous lecture
materials (Model 3), and student’s learning motivation (Model 4) to reach 81%. The alumni’s critical
thinking habit of 51.20% was determined by the teacher’s role in developing instructional contexts which
made a new situation possible. This finding was useful for educational quality management for the
effectiveness and productivity of higher education, which should have been focused on the teacher in
developing an instructional strategy based on context, alumni readiness to enter the ICT community,
prerequisite, and student’s learning motivation.
Keywords: critical thinking habit, learning motivation, ICT community, prerequisite, instructional

The better the development of these abilities -

given such habit has been formed, we will be
Critical thinking skills are essential skills
more able to overcome complicated problems
for life, work, and function effectively in all other
which a satisfactory result.
aspects of life [1]. The role of teachers is now
Critical thinking includes activities, such as
more complex than ever before, for example,
detailed and thorough observation, identification
how teachers respond to the diverse needs of
of tendencies and patterns as in information
students is constantly changing as a result of such
mapping, identification of similarities and
rapid technological developments and the
dissimilarities, etc., repeating observation to
demands of the community to achieve
ensure there is no skipping, seeing the obtained
excellence, as well as changes in the social
information from various viewpoints, selecting
construction of society and globalization. Critical
preferred solutions objectively, and considering
thinking is a cognitive activity which is related to
impacts and long-range consequences from the
the use of reasoning. Learning to think critically
solutions that have been chosen [3].
means using mental process, such as listening,
Learning to develop critical thinking habit
categorizing, selecting, and assessing or
emphasizes the importance of student’s efforts to
deciding. Critical thinking ability gives a precise
actively analyze and solve various surrounding
direction in thinking and working, and helps in
problems including the learning process.
determining a relationship between things in a
Reference [4] asserted that teacher’s lack of
more accurate way. Therefore, the critical
understanding about critical thinking results in
thinking ability is very much needed in solving
the tendency to not teach nor assess the student’s
or finding a solution to a problem and in
thinking skills. Often, critical thinking
managing assignments [2]. In order to become a
instructions are thought of as problem solving,
habit, the development of critical thinking ability
despite solving problems are part of critical
involves the integration of a few abilities:
thinking ability [2].
observation, perception of information from
The development of critical thinking ability
various viewpoints, analysis, reasoning,
is an integration of some parts of ability
assessment, decision making, and persuasion.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

development, such as observation, analysis, teacher factor comprises teacher’s ability to

reasoning, assessment, decision making, and create and to use new instructional contexts in the
persuasion. The better the development of these ICT-based PJJ program (X4) [5].
abilities, we will be more able to overcome Motivation is a drive which arises
complicated problems or projects which a consciously or unconsciously to do an action for
satisfactory result. Instructional strategies which a particular purpose [9]. Motivation comes from
can increase critical thinking ability are 1) group the word motif, meaning a motor from the inside
learning through small group discussions, 2) and in a subject to perform a particular activity
using relevant contexts such as a problem in the for a purpose. Motif can also mean an internal
training material which is understood by the condition (alertness); therefore, motivation
participants can increase critical thinking ability, means an active motor power at particular times
and 3) assessment procedure which needs an in to achieve an urgent or felt purpose. For students,
depth study motivates participants to learn more their primary activity is to study. According to
meaningfully without rote memorization [5]. A Reference [10], motivation is a driving power or
group learning method or an ability to cooperate stimulus to achieve an objective. Student’s
is very much needed. Besides overcoming learning motivation is an internal state which
individual learning weaknesses which is often stimulates and directs their attitude for a purpose
caused by self-limitation, working in groups also to be achieved in participating in education [11].
characterizes modern development nowadays. What is meant by student motivation, therefore,
Effective collaboration is usually balanced by is the whole internal drive power which evokes a
individual skills in a continuous inquiry. learning activity [12].
One factor which determines the success of Student learning motivation should have
critical thinking instructional program is training been realized in the following attitudes: always
for teachers. However, we have to remember coming to classes, attending to lectures actively,
that training only will not be effective in making notes diligently, doing assignments
improving thinking skills if its application is not given by teachers on their own initiative and
as expected and not supported by appropriate awareness, reading in or borrowing from the
administration and management, and the on- library, and using leisure time to study. Besides,
going program is not compatible with the student students who have a high learning motivation
population [6]. Although it is not yet developed, possess a high target to achieve, a sense of
the ICT-based instructional management which appreciation to themselves, and a competition of
stresses on the importance of program achievement among classmates because for them
productivity (in this case critical thinking habit) attending classes is very important for their
enables teachers to make a reflection on the future life.
process of their instructions both at individual Education is a means for social
and group levels (for example, in a conference empowerment for the future and preparing
and a joint product on on-line electronic self- students to encounter global change challenges
assessment). Motivating teachers and students to [13]. Education must play its role and prepare
think critically about teaching-learning processes students for the constellation of global society.
(in the ICT-based instructions) can make some Despite its future orientation, it must be based on
aspects of teacher’s pedagogy more accurate and the present conditions [14]. The global society
efficient (cf. [7]). constellation is characterized by advances in
The problems in this research were limited science and technology, especially the
in the development of the critical thinking habit information and communication technology
of students of O/DL, the BEITP, SWCU Salatiga. (ICT). The ICT or information community is
The problem statements were: 1) how high is the often used to describe a community which uses
rate of critical thinking habit for the success of information technology in a high intensity in
the alumni? 2) what side factors of the everyday life. The community uses the same or
instructions determine critical thinking habit for compatible technology for various individual,
the success of the alumni? In the educational social, educational, business activities, and even
perspective as a system, the result (the alumni’s to spend leisure time. The technology has the
success in the form of critical thinking habit) was ability to send, receive, and exchange digital
directly affected by the process (instructional data in a high velocity between places regardless
management). Here, the students and the teachers of distances. The ICT community or the
play a primary role to be attended [8]. The information is also called digital community
student factor includes learning motivation (X1), [15].
readiness to enter ICT community (X2), and the Some of the indicators for the ICT
mastery of past materials (prerequisite) (X3). The community can be identified from the ability in

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

utilizing ICT individually or in a team work to understanding meaning and information

support critical thinking, creativity, and conveyed by the teacher including in the ICT-
innovation for educational purposes, networking, based instructions. The use of a relevant context
and recreational purposes; from the critical and such as the problem in the class materials which
reflective attitude when receiving information in is understood by participants may increase
a conscious way that there is a business motif in critical thinking ability, and furthermore, an
technology; from the understanding in the assessment technique which needs a deeper study
consequences of using ICT, owning competence encourages students to learn more meaningfully
in understanding the values and responsibilities but not only memorizing [5].
in communication and other qualities; from being The objectives of this research were to
responsible in using technology, having measure the rate of critical thinking habit as a
sensitivity in making the internet safe [16]. token for the alumni’s success, and to identify
In agreement with the principle of re- side factors in the instructions which became
constructionism, the condition of the society determinants for critical thinking habit, including
always wants basic changes [17]. In this case, student factor, namely, learning motivation,
education especially the Higher Education readiness to enter the ICT community, and the
should be able to produce products which are mastery of previous lectures (prerequisite).
needed by the changes towards ICT community. Teacher factor included teacher’s ability in
In the adverse condition of education in creating and using new instructional contexts in
Indonesia, the problem is whether the ICT-base O/DL classes. A new finding in this
education/higher education is still competent in research would have been very useful for
producing graduates who are ready for the ICT educational quality management, not only in
community: what factors are affecting? This is terms of efficiency but also effectiveness in the
critical for the quality management of education productivity of the ICT-based PJJ Program.
in view of effectiveness and productivity of
Higher Education.
Prior knowledge, which is also called pre-
This study was conducted on the basis of
requisite knowledge, is a group of students’
knowledge and experiences obtained throughout the assessment of the alumni of O/DL, the
their life time, and what they would bring to a BEITP, SWCU Salatiga. The O/DL program was
administered in 5 different regencies, namely,
new learning experience. What the students
know more or less affects what they are learning. Kebumen, Grobogan, Pati, Kudus, and Batang.
A student learns by connecting new ideas with The sample was randomly selected from one
regency, i.e., Batang regency, as many as 48
old ones. The significance of the prior knowledge
is to help students build a bridge between new people.
knowledge and that that they have already [18]. Based on the formulation of the problem,
this research was an inferential quantitative
Prior knowledge has at least four characteristics:
1) it is based on student’s life experiences, 2) research. The quantitative research revealed
student’s prior knowledge is sometimes different inferential relationship between two or more
variables that could examine the effect of
from that used by scientists or teachers, 3) it is
resistant to changes and tenacious, although it variables X1 (student learning motivation), X2
goes through a formal instruction, and 4) prior (readiness of graduates to enter the ICT
knowledge will affect the process of instruction community), X3 (prerequisite - the mastery of the
or conceptual development [19]. The student’s previous lecture material), X4 (instructional
context that allow new situations) and Y (the
prior knowledge is an important element in the
process of lectures because it can help students alumni’s critical thinking); then found the
find new things and understanding. It determines determinant variable among the four
independent variables in question. The time of
a possible, new learning [20].
Contexts are physical or social this study was the 2nd half of 2014/2015.
environmental aspects which are interconnected Statistical Hypothesis
with particular utterances. In addition, contexts In the ordinal order, the variable of the
are a set of knowledge which has the same alumni’s critical thinking, there was one
speakers and listeners selain itu, so that the dominant level among four categories: low,
listeners understand what is meant by the medium, high and very high. Among the 4
speaker. Contexts are a cause and a reason for a independent variables, there were positively
conversation to take place [21]. In an instruction, significant determinants on the critical thinking
contexts are related to participants (teachers and of alumni in the ICT-based program. In other
students) and they also play a role in words, the regression coefficient predictor

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

determinant (b1) was significantly positive. descriptively with the help of the SPSS for
Statistical hypothesis proposed were: windows program version 20. The result is
H0: b1 = 0 (there is no determinant influence on shown in Table 1 below.
critical thinking of alumni of BEITP for
teachers through open/distance learning) Table 1 Variable Statistical Index
H1: b1≠ 0 (there is a determinant influence on Mean Med. Sd. Min. Max.
critical thinking of alumniof BEITP for
X1 2.7273 3.0000 .51676 2.00 4.00
teachers through open/distance learning)
X2 2.5758 3.0000 .61392 2.00 4.00
X3 2.7273 3.0000 .57406 1.00 4.00
The effects on individual or multiple
X4 2.4848 3.0000 .83371 1.00 4.00
variables were discovered by looking at the value
Y 2.4394 2.5000 .47611 1.50 3.25
of b in the determinant variable. Furthermore, the
significance of value b will be tested by t-test. T
Based on the result of the descriptive
significance was seen in its value. If b was
analysis as presented in Table 1 above, most of
positive, and t was significant at an error rate of
the respondents (alumni) have learning
less than 0.05, the hypothesis H1 would be
motivation (X1) at the medium rate, readiness to
enter the ICT community (X2) at the medium
Instruments and Data Analysis Techniques rate, mastery of the prerequisite (previous lecture
The data of this study was quantitative data materials) (X3) at the mid-high rate, and teacher’s
in the form of numbers; Ordinal data was data ability in preparing instructional contexts to yield
that was expressed in forms of categories and a new situation (X4) at the medium rate, and
ranked. Ordinal scale used was the ranking scale students/alumni’s critical thinking (Y) at the high
(Likert Scale) that consists of statements and rate.
answers with low, medium, high and very high
corresponding to measurement purposes. Data Hypothesis Test
were collected through a self-rating scale The next analysis was to know whether the
consisting of 32 items that had been proven its four free variables (X1-4) affected the
validity and reliability; Score validity 0.199 to students/alumni’s critical thinking habit (Y). If it
0,827, with a reliability index Cronbach's alpha was true, how many models there were and how
= 0.93. significant was their models? The result of the
Data on values of variables were analyzed regression analysis is shown in Table 3 below.
by using frequency distribution and linear
regression (double) with Stepwise Model. The Table 3 Model Summary
collected instrument items used the calculation of
factor analysis. Furthermore, the researcher Std. Error of
created the model of relationship (causal Adjusted R
Model R R Square the
models). The patterns of the independent Square
variables influence (determinant) on the 1 .726a .527 .512 .33274
dependent variable was tested by F test at the 2 .862b .744 .727 .24886
0.05 level. This calculation was carried out with 3 .897c .805 .785 .22069
SPSS version 20. 4 .913d .834 .810 .20757
In the testing concept model, the
determinant coefficient from the independent a. Predictors: (Constant), X4
variable to the dependent variable was b. Predictors: (Constant), X4, X2
calculated. The calculation result of the c. Predictors: (Constant), X4, X2, X3
determinant coefficient from four independent d. Predictors: (Constant), X4, X2, X3, X1
variables in this study on the dependent variable
was adjusted by R2 coefficient. If the significance The result of the hypothesis test by
r was less than or equal to 0.05, this model was regression analysis as presented in Table 3 above
declared significant, as X1-4 (selected) influenced shows that 4 models were discovered; Model 1
Y, as much as adjusted R2 coefficient. Instructional context which yields a new
situation (X4) affected the alumni’s critical
thinking habit (Y): R gained = 0. 726 and
adjusted R Square = 0.512 or 51.20%. Model 2
Descriptive Analisis Instructional context which yields a new
After the data were screened by self-rating situation (X4) and Alumni readiness to enter the
scale which consisted of 40 items, the data were ICT community (X2) affected the alumni’s
then reduced to 5 and were analyzed critical thinking habit (Y): R gained = 0. 862 and

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Adjusted R Square = 0.727 or 72.70%. Model 3 and Student’s learning motivation (X1) affected
Instructional context which yields a new the alumni’s critical thinking habit (Y): F gained
situation (X4), Alumni readiness to enter the ICT = 35.091 at the significance 0.000. The rate of
community (X2), and Prerequisite, i.e., the significance level in the four models was 0.000
mastery of previous lecture materials (X3) which is smaller than 0.05. Therefore, the four
affected the alumni’s critical thinking habit (Y): predictor variables affected the alumni’s critical
R gained = 0. 897 and Adjusted R Square = thinking habit positively and significantly.
0.785 or 78.50%. Model 4 Instructional context
which yields a new situation (X4), Alumni Discussion
readiness to enter the ICT community (X2), The result of this research obtained 4
Prerequisite, i.e., the mastery of previous lecture models: Model 1 Instructional context which
materials (X3) and Student learning motivation yields a new situation had affected the alumni’s
(X1) affected the alumni’s critical thinking habit critical thinking habit at 51.20%. The
(Y): R gained = 0. 913 and Adjusted R Square = instructional process should have been able to
0.810 or 81%. Therefore, the hypothesis which create a conducive class atmosphere to support
asserted that there was a determinant for the the existence of quality instructional process,
alumni’s critical thinking had been supported by which results in meaningful learning for
data. students, and in turn facilitates the optimal
Table 4. ANOVAe development of competence and potentials of the
students, including their critical thinking habit. In
Sum of Mean an instructional process, the important thing is
Model df F Sig.
Squares Square not only the materials to be taught or whoever the
1 Regression 3.822 1 3.822 34.518 .000a teacher is, but how the materials are taught, how
Residual 3.432 31 .111
the teacher creates a conducive class atmosphere
Total 7.254 32
in the instructional process. Many factors need to
2 Regression 5.396 2 2.698 43.562 .000b
Residual 1.858 30 .062 be attended to in creating a quality and conducive
Total 7.254 32 class atmosphere in order to improve students’
3 Regression 5.841 3 1.947 39.978 .000c achievement. The factor to be attended to
Residual 1.412 29 .049 according to Reference [22] are among others,
Total 7.254 32 the instructional approach should be orientated to
4 Regression 6.047 4 1.512 35.091 .000d the way students learn (student centered);
Residual 1.206 28 .043 teacher’s appreciation to the students for their
Total 7.254 32 active participation in the learning process.
a. Predictors: (Constant), X4 Teachers should be democratic in administering
b. Predictors: (Constant), X4, X2 class activities, each problem that arises should
c. Predictors: (Constant), X4, X2, X3 better be discussed dialogically, various kinds of
d. Predictors: (Constant), X4, X2, X3, X1 learning resources can be easily accessed or
e. Dependent Variable: Y learned promptly. Class environment should be
set in such a way that motivates students and
Table 3 Anova above explains four models: leads to appropriate instructional process.
Model 1 Instructional context which yields a new The result of the research by Reference [23]
situation (X4) affected the alumni’s critical concluded that students’ learning motivation
thinking habit (Y): F gained = 34.518 at the varied: 8% were at the high category, 72% at the
significance level 0.000. Model 2 Instructional medium category, and 20% at the low category.
context which yields a new situation (X4) and Therefore, the motivation of most students (72%)
Alumni readiness to enter the ICT community was at the medium category. Meanwhile,
(X2) affected the alumni’s critical thinking habit Reference [24] asserted that learning motivation
(Y): F gained = 43.562 at the significance level gave a small effect (2%) on the students’ learning
0.,000. Model 3 Instructional context which result. In contrast, however, Reference [25] in
yields a new situation (X4), Alumni readiness to her research concluded that learning motivation
enter the ICT community (X2) and Prerequisite, affected positively on the 2008 students’
i.e., the mastery of previous lecture materials achievement in the Entrepreneurship subject at
(X3) affected the alumni’s critical thinking habit FKIP Pendidikan Akuntansi, Universitas
(Y): F gained = 39.978 at the significance level Muhammadiyah, Surakarta with the effective
0.000. Model 4 Instructional context which contribution of 6.9%. Reference [26] Sovia, A.
yields a new situation (X4), Alumni readiness to (2016) in her research found that the rate of
enter the ICT community (X2), Prerequisite, i.e., students’ learning motivation after taking a class
the mastery of previous lecture materials (X3) was at the very high category, which was

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

contrary to the research finding of Reference planning, implementation, and evaluation of the
[27] which indicated that the learning motivation instructions either individually or in groups, for
of most students was low. One of the things that example, in a conference and a joint product of
needs teacher’s attention in order to improve on-line electronic self-assessment. Stimulating
students’ learning motivation was by applying a teachers and students to think about teaching-
precise instructional model [17]. Unlike this learning processes (ICT-based instructions) may
finding, learning result being measured was the make some aspects of teacher’s pedagogy more
critical thinking habit, while the position of accurate, effective, and efficient [7]. This new
learning motivation has just played its role when finding will be very much useful for educational
three variables were followed: the instructional quality management in terms of effectiveness
context which yields a new situation, alumni’s and productivity of Higher Education as executor
readiness to enter the ICT community, and the of the ICT-based PJJ Program.
prerequisite, i.e., the mastery of previous lecture
materials. The contribution of motivation to
critical thinking habit was 2.50%.
The alumni’s readiness to enter the ICT This research has measured critical thinking
habit of the alumni of O/DL, the BEITP, SWCU
community in this research evidently went with
the instructional contexts which brought about a Salatiga. It was evident that O/DL the BEITP has
new situation contributed 72.70%; in other graduated most of its alumni with critical
thinking habit at a high rate. The alumni’s
words, the alumni’s readiness to enter the ICT
community alone contributed 21.50%. This critical thinking habit was affected by the
research agrees with the premise developed by instructional contexts which brought about a new
Reference [28] who revealed that an ICT project situation (Model 1) at 51.20%. The instructional
where children read books and then use email contexts with a new situation and the alumni’s
readiness to enter the ICT community (Model 2)
communication to exchange responses with other
learners will support critical thinking. Education affected the alumni’s critical thinking habit at
and instruction landscape is more and more 72.70%. The instructional contexts with a new
situation, the alumni’s readiness to enter the ICT
challenged by rapid changes through
technological advances and future community, and the prerequisite, i.e., the mastery
knowledgeable society, in which manpower is of previous lecture materials (Model 3) affected
the alumni’s critical thinking habit at 78.50%.
the key that makes education an integral part of
development with the ICT as the primary motor The instructional contexts with a new situation,
in changes and advances [29]. the alumni’s readiness to enter the ICT
community, and the prerequisite, i.e., the mastery
Skills involved in critical thinking into
three kinds: metacomponent, performance of previous lecture materials, and students’
component, and acquired knowledge component. learning motivation (Model 4) affected the
alumni’s critical thinking habit at 81%.
The study on critical thinking combines
educational tradition, philosophy, and This new finding will be very much useful
psychological reasoning. Critical thinking for educational quality management in terms of
effectiveness and productivity of Higher
comprises mental, strategic, and representational
processes that people use to solve problems, Education as executor of the ICT-based PJJ
make decisions, and learn new concepts [30]. Program. The primary determinant for critical
Therefore, it is appropriate if the mastery of thinking habit is the teacher’s role in developing
previous lecture materials (prerequisite) becomes instructional contexts which yield a new
situation. The alumni’s critical thinking habit of
an absolute requirement for skill development
and critical thinking habituation. Knowledge and 51.20% was determined by the teacher’s role in
experience are prerequisitet to critical thinking in developing instructional contexts which yield a
new situation. Therefore, it enables teachers to
the area in which the thinking is done [31].
This new finding is very much useful for make a reflection on the process of planning,
educational quality management in terms of implementation, and evaluation of the
instructions either individually or in groups. The
effectiveness and productivity of Higher
Education. The primary determinant for the management is focused on the teachers in
habit of critical thinking is teacher’s role in developing context-based instructional strategy,
alumni’s readiness in entering the ICT
developing instructional contexts which bring
about a new situation. Despite being community, the prerequisite, and student’s
undeveloped, the important characteristic of learning motivation.
management approach of the ICT enables
teachers to make a reflection on the process of

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Dhian Arista Istikomah1, Irma Ayuwanti 2
Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Lampung
[email protected]; [email protected]

One of the educational issues facing the nation is the low quality of education. Various attempts have been
made to improve the quality of education, including curriculum development, improving the competence
of teachers, improving school infrastructure. However, improving the quality of Indonesian education is
still not encouraging. Schools as an educational institution where the educational process is carried out, has
a complex and dynamic system. Schools must still have a standard amid the necessity to be able to adapt
with the times. In school activities is not just a gathering place for students and teachers, but the school is
a system where each structure must synergize creating quality education for learners. Quality school is a
school that was developed to achieve excellence in output education. To achieve these advantages the input,
the process of education, teachers and education personnel, management, education, and supporting
facilities should be directed to support the achievement of the human resources component tersebut. Every
schools should work equally well with the means to optimize infrastructures and implementing procurement
norms or rules that have been agreed for educational purposes in schools can be achieved optimally. Schools
are expected to become an efficient educational institutions to educate students not only from intellectual
capability can give an educational character or personality of students so that they can grow into a complete
human being. In this article will discuss the improvement of the quality of schools in terms of several
aspects, namely: a) an effective learning; b) good leadership management; c) The pattern of discipline
without coercion; d) quality of the school curriculum. This article is a pre-study using literature relating to
the quality of education. The results of this research may be used as a reference to improve the quality of
Keywords Quality Schools, Education Problems, Effective Learning, Leadership Management

the student must do without compromising with

the students, (2) the teacher always commands
Quality education is the only way to address rather than giving the example, the student must
the problems at school. There are so many submit to what the teacher instructs, 3) the
problems facing schools. Various school failures teacher assesses the student's work without
are now in the spotlight in educational involving the students in the evaluation, (4) the
development. The increasing number of school student will be punished if the teacher refuses
dropouts, low test scores and students are instruction (Glasser, 2012). The learning process
reluctant to attend math and science lessons, that implements the relationship of teachers and
these are forms of school failure. One of the students as employers and workers will not
problems causing school failure is that students produce a quality product. Students will indeed
do not want to do quality work (Glasser, 2012). perform the tasks assigned by the teacher.
Many factors that cause students not to do However, students will not consistently perform
activities well in the learning process. One of the high quality tasks. Students do their job just
factors is the relationship system between because they try to avoid punishment, not
teachers and students who are less good in the because of their willingness to do quality work in
learning process. In the existing learning process the learning process. The process of learning is
teachers tend to apply the relationship of forced to students is a form of equating students
superiors and workers who do anything with inanimate objects, students dianggaap dead
according to his will. In this connection the objects that can be processed in accordance with
teacher as a boss and students as workers in the the will of teachers (Freire, 2011). This kind of
learning process. The teacher applies the learning process will not produce a quality
following four things in the learning process, (1) product. The issues in this education will be
the teacher sets out the tasks and standards that discussed in this study with a view to knowing

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

the problems and what causes them and finding school. School leaders manage teachers'
solutions to solve the problem. Look for ways performance better, encourage teachers to
that can be used to improve the quality of schools perform their tasks and functions as well as
to improve the quality of education. possible, encourage teachers to make learning
effective and fun for students, encouraging
teachers to make effective learning processes that
enable students to be able to carry out learning
This research is a study conducted by
without coercion.
conducting literature review on sources related to
the quality of education. The pattern of discipline without coercion

It is difficult for teachers and administrators at

Based on the results of the literature review school to understand the handling process of
conducted there are several ways used to improve students who are not law-abiding. A well-
the quality of schools to improve the quality of managed school has little need for many rules
education. These ways will be discussed below: with an easy-to-accept concept. This requires
support from all elements of the school. The
Effective learning number of regulations and sanctions inherent in
Effective learning is a way that can be used management is the cause of almost all discipline
to improve the quality of student work in problems that teachers complain about.
learning. Effective learning process that makes Regulation seems to be the only advantage for the
students able to carry out learning without any school leadership. A person obeys the rules of
coercion. Teachers should manage the learning inflammation only as a formality, with the excuse
process more fun and not boring (Glasser, 2012). of avoidance of negligence which results in
The teacher creates an atmosphere of learning punishment. Punishment does have something to
that makes students feel comfortable in the do with the implication of a violation, but the
learning process and does not feel compelled. main thing is to prevent that negligence does not
In the learning process teachers should use a happen. Punishment will further alienate students
learning system with good leadership to a good view of school, often becoming
management. In this connection teachers become antipathy. Punishment will sometimes also
leaders for their students. Leaders in learning are generate a sense of resentment.
different from superiors in learning. In a system For example the rule is that students must attend
with good leadership management implements everyday at school. Cases in some schools are
Four basic elements namely, (1) teachers engage still many who do not attend without reason, even
students in a discussion about the quality of work if present too late. Based on Glasser's observation
to be done and the time required to do so to have of students that this violation is due to the
an opportunity to add their input, the teacher following 3 reasons: 1) too difficult to understand
makes a continuous effort in accordance with the the material, 2) boring, and 3) the teacher (or
activity Learning and learning needs, (2) teachers important people) do not care. Of these three
show or model student work so that students who reasons, according to Glasser is no one seems to
do the work can see exactly what the teacher care about the most important, and it is clear that
expected. At the same time students ask their punishment will only increase the problem.
input on what they believe to be a better way, (3) Teacher's concern can generate student
the teacher asks the students to examine or motivation.
evaluate their own work for quality with the When a student has a problem of any kind (even
understanding the teacher accepts that they know with a teacher), the teacher should not assume the
a lot about how to produce high- Because it will student is wrong. Instead, students are listened
listen to what they say, (4) the teacher is a with respect and given the opportunity to solve
facilitator who helps students in the learning the problem. If students have problems with
process by providing an atmosphere conducive to regulatory violations, teachers and managers
learning. should focus on how it can not happen to either
the students or other students. Students are
Good leadership management encouraged to deal with problems that cause
Efforts that can be done to improve the them to be undisciplined.
quality of work students are leaders of schools to
do educational practices that can improve the A quality school curriculum
quality of student work. School leaders can One of the factors that determine the quality
create a policy that can make changes within the of schools is the curriculum. When some

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

improvement breakthroughs have been taken, but

the spirit of students and school quality is still not
maximized then one of the things that must be
studied is the curriculum. Glasser argues that
much of the current academic curriculum is not
worth the effort it takes to learn it. The question
is how is the quality curriculum? Students at
school (and even at colleges and graduate
schools) are asked to study innumerable facts and
the irony of that is only a condition for passing
the exam. An important element in a quality
curriculum is that students can show how what
they have learned can be used in their lives. If
they can do this, the teacher will know that the
student has actually learned something. Almost
all students will have no trouble accepting that
reading, writing, and arithmetic are useful skills,
but in good schools with a good curriculum they
are required to show that they can use them.
Students are given problems to solve and are
asked to show how the solution is. A good
curriculum is what students learn how to operate,
such as how to multiply numbers. If you are able
to master the theory, then directed to be able to
practice with tools, such as calculators to
calculate and so forth. Writing skills should be
the main focus as well, and not just emphasize
reading skills. Submission of material with
practice is more appropriate than the mere
theory. Students are expected to have the skills to
be an active contributor to their community.
Students should know about what they have
learned and how learning can benefit them in the
future. With a good curriculum the expectations
can increase the number of students that match
our expectations.

The seminar was sponsored by UPY and

[1] Danuwiyata, F. 2011. Pendidikan yang
Tertindas (Paulo Freire). Pustaka LP3S:
[2] Glasser, William. 1992. The Quality School.
HarperCollins Publishers: New York

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Sesmiyanti1, Yulmiati2, Rindilla Antika3
STKIP PGRI Sumatra Barat
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

The purpose of this study is to analyze reading text book that was used by the lecturers in reading subjects
and to design and develop reading textbook oriented to character education by using multimodality.
Multimodality is the use of modes in the text and relating to education character is the aim of Indonesia
national education. The method of this research is qualitative by using document checklist. The data was
taken from reading textbook used in reading subjects at English Department of STKIP PGRI Sumatera
Barat. The indicator of the analysis is based on multimodality theories from Kress and van Leeuwen (1996)
and character values of Ministry of Education (2010). The result of this research are the book that was used
by the lecturer at English Department of STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat has not indicated multimodality and
characters education yet. Based on multimodality indicators, only pictures, variation of writing style, and
graphic/tables that have been found. There is no utterance in the text book used. Meanwhile, based on
characters education, there are only some indicators that have been found in the reading textbook, they are;
tolerance, discipline, hard work, creative, love of homeland, friendly/communicative, sociable and
responsibility. Unfortunately, some others have not indicated the character values yet, they are; religious
value, honesty value, independent, democratic, curious, nationality spirit, achievement appreciation,
peaceful, fond of reading, and care to environment. Referring to the problems in reading text, the products
of this research is the development of reading textbook using multimodality; combination of some modes
in communication; oriented to character education that can make students interested in reading process.
Keywords: reading textbook, multimodality, character education

unmotivated to read the text because of several

reasons. First, the students have lack of
Character has the important role in
vocabulary in understanding the passage because
education. Based on college education standard,
some of the passages in the reading textbook
character education demands the students to have
consist of particular topic which they do not have
pedagogic, professional and social skill.
background knowledge of it. Then, some of the
Learning material is needed to achieve character
students cannot concentrate while reading
instructional purpose. Learning material is
because the reading textbook used are not
teaching aids that can be used to achieve
interesting for them.
instructional purpose maximally. Instructional
Besides that, students’ soft skill
purpose involves cognitive and academic skill
achievement is also still far from learning out
(hard skill) and social skill (soft skill).
comes. It can be seen in the teaching and learning
Ideally, the instructors in college need to
process in which some of the students not
improve the learning outcomes effectively and
participate in the classroom activities. They tend
efficiently including cognitive, psychomotor and
to silence and not active in the discussion.
affective ability of the students. Based on the
Moreover, in the reading subject, they do not
observation, it is found that the teaching and
show their interest to read, not creative, weak in
learning process in the college still not achieve
communication and use their critical thinking.
the learning outcomes of the college yet. It can
Having good soft skills means having good hard
be seen from the students’ hard skills
achievement., students’ hard skill in STKIP
Soft skills is needed in job life while
PGRI is still low in every semester especially in
someone has to have 82% soft skills and 18%
reading subject in English Department of STKIP
hard skills (NACE,2005). It means soft skills is
PGRI West Sumatera. It is not easy for them to
more important in working than hard skills.
comprehend English text. Thus, they are
Moreover, based on the standard of college

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

curriculum Pasal 54 UU No 12 Tahun 2012 and written text in order to achieve the aims and
Permendikbud No 49 Tahun 2014 in which one context. Multimodality text means the
of college learning outcome is character comprehension of how the use of verbal and
education. Character education is one of visual language are used in order to create
government national education issue in UU No dialogue involvement in the text which can be
20 tahun 2003 in which the function of national represented in the paper or electronic model and
education is to develop students’ ability and can use voice (Chen, 2010:486; Walsh, 2011:9).
characters and also to develop students’ potential Character education is a system of
characters such as responsibility, noble and generation characters building through education
religious. Hasan et al (2002) states that the aim that involve knowledge, willingness and action
of national education is to develop citizens’ to do the values. Character building is the
characters quality which is included in teachers effort to help the students in
educational standard. It can be said that national understanding, caring and behaving in
education is the pillar of citizen characters accordance to aesthetics values in order to form
building. students good behaviors (Elkinf & Sweet
Based on the aim of national education, 2004;Ramli 2003). Based on the aims of national
STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat also develops the education, there are eighteen characters that
curriculum based on KKNI in which the learning should behave by the students; they are religius,
outcomes has to have soft skills. It can be seen honest, tolerance, discipline, hard work, creative,
from each competency components such as independent, democratic, curious, nationality
pedagogic, professional, social and behavior spirit, love of homeland, achievement
competency components. Pedagogic and appreciation, communicative, peaceful, fond of
professional competency demands the students reading, care to environment, sociable, and
to have hard skills ability meanwhile social and responsibility (Ministry Education 2010). Those
behavior competency demands the students to characters should be acquired by the students in
have intrapersonal and interpersonal soft skills. order to produce Indonesia characterized
The reading material used in the classroom citizens.
has not been able to create interactive teaching Based on the problem above, this article
and learning process. It is caused by the materials discusses the reading textbook which is used in
used are monotone text. It means the material reading subject at English Department of STKIP
used in the reading book does not have PGRI Sumatera Barat. It is done to evaluate the
interesting pictures and variation of writing. textbook that has been used as the consideration
Meanwhile, the reading textbook used in reading of the development of reading textbook oriented
subject does not motivate the students to achieve to character education using multimodality in
hard skills and soft skills ability. Therefore, it is college.
needed to develop a reading textbook which can
achieve hard skills and soft skills learning
outcomes. It is needed to develop a reading
textbook which has character education and The design of this research is descriptive
qualitative. In this research, the researchers
using multimodality.
Multimodality is the utilization of some analyze text book that was used by the lecturer in
modes in order to develop material. The mode teaching reading. The researchers used document
can be pictures, videos, colors, graphics, and analysis as the technique of data collection and
figures. The development of reading textbook document checklist as the instrumentation. The
data are analyzed qualitatively in which the
oriented to character education using
multimodality which can help the educator to researchers describe the reading textbook used in
improve communication quality in learning. reading subject by using multimodality and
characters education indicators. The reading
According to Callow (2013:11) multimodality is
a theoretical perspective which emphasize to textbook is compilation book taken from some of
communication meaning which is done by using reading textbook which is arranged for fourteen
(14) meetings.
some modes started to writing, speech, pictures,
voice, gestures, typography, moving pictures.
Nowadays, the text used can involve complex
interaction of writing, pictures and graphics a. Multimodality
elements so the meaning can be communicated There are four indicators of multimodality,
through mode synchronization (Kress & Van they are pictures, variation of writing style,
Leeuwen, 2006:17; Walsh, 2012:1). The modes graphic and table, and utterances (Callow, 2013;
are combined to strengthens and complete the Walsh 2012). The reading textbook used at

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

English Department of STKIP PGRI Sumatera 3) Tolerance

Barat in reading subject is analyzed based on The result of document analysis shows that
those indicators. The results are explained below; there is tolerance value in the textbook. It can be
1) Pictures found in the form of simple sentences in context
Based on the results of documents analysis, clues and major details topic. However, the it has
it is found that there are some pictures in the not representated the tolerance value yet since it
book, but the pictures does not have color. The is only in the form of sentence.
pictures used are black and white which are not 4) Dicipline
interesting. Moreover, the picture used not in the The dicipline value is found in using
text. The pictures were placed in the beginning of punctuation topic. However, it has not reflect
the chapter and it is used as brainstroming. dicipline value yet because it is only found in the
2) Variation of Writing Style form of a sentence.
The result shows that the reading textbook 5) Hardwork
used has variation of style such as italic and The result of document analysis shows that
underline, but there is no bold and different font hardwork value is found in a chapter which the
size and style in it. The italic and underline are topic is context clues.
used in order to emphasize the content of 6) Creative
materials. The creative value is found in the context
3) Graphic and Tables clues topic which is the material for meeting
The table is found in the textbook, but the three and four. However, since the topic is using
textbook does not have graphic. Only three context clues, the explanation only in a form of
chapters have table. The table and graphic do not simple sentence.
have color. 7) Independent
4) Utterances There is no independent value in the
Based on result of the document analysis, it textbook. The text and the exercise do not reflect
is not found utterances in the textbook used in independet value.
reading subject. 8) Democratic
The result of document analysis shows that
Based on the results, it can be said that there there is no democratic value found in the reading
are three of four indicators of multimodality textbook.
which are found in the reading textbook used at 9) Curious
English Department of STKIP PGRI Sumatera
There is no curious value in the textbook.
Barat. They are pictures, variation of writing
The text and the exercise do not reflect curious
style and graphic and tables. However, there is
no utterances in that textbook
10) Nationality Spirit
b. Character Education It is no found nationality spirit value in the
reading texxtbook used.
One of the national education aims is to
11) Love of Homeland
produce charaterized generation. Based on the
Ministry Educational Curriculum 2010, there are There is love of homeland value in the
eighteen characters that should be learnt and had reading textbook which is found in
by the students. Those characters are the understanding supporting details in a paragraph
indicator in analyzing the content of reading topic. Moreover, in that chpater, the topic talks
textbook used at the English Department of about general ideas such as politics, bilogy and
STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat in reading subject. geography.
Each of character is explained as follow; 12) Achievement Appreciation
1) Religius The result of document analysis shows that
The result of document analysis shows that there is no achievement appreciation in the
there is no religius value in the reading textbook. reading textbook
The texts and the exercises in the book not 13) Friendly/Communicative
contain religius values. There is a friendly or communicative value
2) Honest found in the use of punctuation topic which is
There is no honesty value in the textbook. taught in the second meeting. The learning
The text and the exercise do not reflect honesty outcomes for the second meeting is the students
value. are hoped to understand the use of punctuation in
the text. However, the value only in a form of

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

simple sentence which is not reflect friendly or characters education, the reading textbook used
communicative value yet. still not meet charaters education yet. Based on
14) Peaceful the results, it can be seen that there are several of
There is no peaceful value in the textbook. characters education that have been written in the
The text and the exercise do not reflect peaceful reading textbook but it has not indicated the
value character values which are stated by Education
15) Fond of Reading Ministry. The character values in the reading
It is no found fond of reading value in the textbook used has not conform character
reading textbook used. education because it only stated in simple
16) Care to Environment sentence. The students cannot learn about
character education through it. The character
The result of document analysis shows that
education should reflect in the text and exercise
there is no care to environment value in the
given in the textbook in order to make the
reading textbook.
students learn and develop good characteristics
17) Sociable
which are hoped by the aims of national
There is sociable value found in the reading education.
textbook used. However, the value only stated in
the form of simple sentenc which is not reflect
the sociable value yet.
18) Responsibility In conclusion, the researcher has founded
The result of document analysis shows that some indicators of multimodality and character
there is responsibility in the reading textbook values in reading textbook. Here, the reading
which is found in the use of punctutation topic. textbook have contents character values that is
However, it is only stated in the simple sentence. needed in education. Character education is one
of the purposes of National Education where the
The results show that there are eight values students not only have academic skill or hard
of character education which are found in the skill but also they have to have good soft skill in
reading textbook. They are tolerance, dicipline, learning process.
creative, love of homeland, creative, hardwork,
sociable and responsibility. However, there are ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
no religius, honesty, independent, democratic, The researchers express their gratitude to
curios, nationality spirit, achievement the Head of English Department and colleagues
appreciation, peaceful, fond of reading and care at STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat for their support
to environment found in the textbook. in doing this research.

Textbook is one of learning material which [1] Callow, J. (2013). The Shape of Text to
plays an important role in teaching and learning Come: How Image and Text Work. Sydney:
process. Textbook helps educator in delivering Primary English Teaching Association of
the material and also helps the students in Australia.
understanding and repeating the materials. The
learning material used should achieve [2] David Elkind & Freddy Sweet. 2004.
instructional purpose maximally which involves Caracter Education. New York : Oxford
cognitive, academic skills (hardskills) and social [3] Greene and Petty (1995), Developing
skill (soft skill). Thus, the textbook uses should Language Skills in The Elementary Schools,
be interesting. Boston : Allyn and Bacon, Inc.
Based on the results, it is shown that the
reading textbook used at English Department of [4] Jewitt, C., Kress, G., Ogborn, J., &
STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat is not interesting. Tsatsarelis, C. (2001). Exploring Learning
This caused by the book only found some Through Visual, Actional and Linguistic
multimodality criterias. Multimodality is used to Communication: The multimodal
simplify the readers in comprehending the text environment of a science classroom.
being read. The result shows that the reading Educational Review, 53(1), 5–18.
textbook used has three out of four indicators still doi:10.1080/00131910123753.
it does not help the readers in getting the point of
[5] Kress, G. R., & Van Leeuwen, T. (2006).
the text and motivate them to read the text.
Reading Images: The Grammar of Visual
Relating to the aims of Education Ministry
Design (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology
that the learning outcomes of college has to have

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Press. Lauer, C. (2009). Contending with

Terms: “Multimodal” and “Multimedia” in
the Academic and Public Spheres.
Computers and Composition, 26(4), 225–
[6] T. Ramli. 2003. Pendidikan Karakter.
Bandung : Angkasa
[7] Thompson, M. (2008). Multimodal
Teaching and Learning: Creating Spaces for
Content Teachers. Journal of Adolescent &
Adult Literacy, 52(2), 144–153.
[8] Van der Akker, J. 1999. “Principles and
Methods of Development Research” in Jan
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[9] Van Leeuwen, T. (2005). Introducing Social
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[10] Walsh, M. (2010, October). Multimodal
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[11] Walsh, M. (2011). Multimodal Literacy:
Researching Classroom Practice. New South
Wales: Primary English Teaching

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Ariefa Efianingrum
[email protected], [email protected]

Violence might happen in a variety of contexts including violence in the family, schools, and society. This
study aimed at describing forms of student violence found in the school context. This study used a
qualitative approach through interpretive method to discover the meaning behind the actions of the students.
This research was conducted in two schools, namely SMAN 10 and SMA Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta. The
results showed that student violence was considered as a part of youth violence. Moreover, student violence
has intensively increased. Student violence could be done individually or collectively. Student violence
consisted of various forms, ranging from verbal violence to physical violence. Verbal violence performed
by teasing each other. In addition, there was an intimidation done by the senior student to the junior student
as a part of gang member acceptance. There was a gang known as SMUTEN at SMAN 10 Yogyakarta that
has involved in fights among the schools. In the context of violence among schools, physical fights occurred
as the result of provocation during sports competition among schools. Moreover, verbal and physical
violence were frequently marked at Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta senior high school. In daily school life,
students often speak harshly and expletives (misuh-misuh). However, according to the students and the
teachers, students were used to do that as a symbol of intimate friendship. In addition, there was a gang
named HOOLIGANS at SMA Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta that also involved in fights among schools. Not
every student involved as a gang member and became the perpetrator of the violence, but student violence
happened as the implication of the habitus of violence and capital possession of the students. There are
kinds of social capital such as extensive social networking, and social support system. Additionally, there
are also types of cultural capital in the form of courage and bravery which are achieved naturally from the
family, the previous academic level at school (junior high school), and the previous school for transfer
Keywords: students violence, forms of violence

many as 160,000 students went home early

everyday because they were afraid of being
The reality of student violence has raised
bullied. Violence can cause physical injuries
some concerns. Ongoing student violence
such as bruises, broken bones, head trauma and
appears repetitive and cyclical in nature.
other serious injuries. However, not all wounds
Whereas schooling is ideally a vehicle for
can be seen. Violence can also cause other effects
establishing character values. Vertices of pupil
such as depression, anxiety, and other
violence always exist among students. This study
psychological problems, including fear.
aimed at describing forms of student violence
According to Pedro Mateu-Galabert; Howard
found in the school context.
Lune (2003), teenagers do not fight in a vacuum,
Violence in school is a part of youth
but in the selection of peer-group, gang, and
violence, even wider violence in the community.
group conflict, they reflect the organizational
Youth violence is a behavior that may be a
arrangements and the culture of the school and
continuation of the previous period (childhood).
the environment. They need a gang affiliates for
Violence includes various behaviors such as
their own safety. Students are vulnerable to crime
bullying, slapping, punching, and use of
while away from school. In fact, living far from
weapons. Victims may suffer serious physical
the school might be dangerous for some students.
injury, social, emotional, and even death. Young
Society has a weak social control of its members.
people can be a victim, perpetrator, or witness
Student violence is a part of youth violence.
violence (
Young people, in relation to the generation of a
Data showed that in 2007 5.5% of national
society, are not only the agent in the redefinition
high school students did not go to school because
of values. The term young people have
they did not feel safe at school or on their way to
demonstrated in defiance story or stories about
or from school. Another study found that as

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

the protest. Society is also understood as devian appropriation of the dominant culture and thus
behavior, which is out of the common values or their monopoly of that culture (Bourdieu,
of normative rules in a particular social 1973:58)
environment. According to Bradley (Irwan, It is necessary to realize that not every
2006) this occurs because: 1) there is a violence can be directly observed. This issue is
presumption that the value that we have in not merely about the physical action which is
general should also be owned by young people easy to investigate. In fact, the violence possibly
(because of the learning process), so that when occurs in the form of subliminal non-physical
the value is not found, there would be some actions which are basically hard to detect (Irwan
irregularities, 2) when we conducted a study of a Abdullah, 2006). The subliminal violence
heterogeneous community, a variety of involves psychological violence, verbal
categories such as gender, generations, classes violence, and symbolic violence.
have been intermingled into one. Bourdieu (Haryatmoko, 2014) defined
Developing tolerance and the ability to symbolic violence as the invisible violence. In
prevent conflict have been spearheaded by many this case, the victim considers this type of
countries. The role of education is very important violence is just a natural thing rather than
in developing the ability to promote peace. violence. The effect leaves no physical wound.
Training is a vital and effective media to raise However, it will cause uncomfortable feelings
awareness and abilities required to perform the and depression.
action more equitable (Francis, 2006: 38).
Training can be facilitated by the parties that are
competent and committed to the prevention of
violence. This research used interpretive/qualitative
Each school where students have approach to find out the meaning and
intentionality of the action of the actor. This
experienced violence cases usually has different
ways to cope with and handle. In some extent, method required the researcher to do a careful
there are schools that are so persistent in various analysis in order to gain detailed qualitative data
so that a deep understanding on the subjects.
ways repeatedly remind the students to solve
problems without violence. However, several This research was conducted in two high
schools are losing authority in front of students schools in Yogyakarta, namely: SMA N 10
Yogyakarta and SMA Gadjah Mada. The
(Hasballah M. Saad, 2003). Responding to the
violent behavior of students, various parties often subjects of this research are: school
speak from the point of their own interests and administrators, teachers, and students.
are usually sporadic and not comprehensive. In
addition, not many people parse the problem
concretely by involving themselves in seeing the a. SMA N 10 Yogyakarta
problems in the field.
The educational system reproduces all the SMA N 10 Yogyakarta is included at the list
more perfectly the structure of the distribution of of the risky state schools. Academically, it is at
cultural capital among classes (and section of a the low rank of new student enrolment using Real
class) in that culture which it transmits in closer Time Online (RTO) system. The school does not
to the dominant culture and that the mode of have sufficient facility and is situated on a dense
inculcation to which it has resource is less and hustle environment. I addition, the existence
removed from the mode of inculcation practiced of Smuten makes the school more at risk.
by the family (Bourdieu, 1973:57). An institution The violence among students at the school
officially entrusted with the transmission of the happened in the forms of: mocking among the
instruments of appropriation of the dominant students, motorcycle destruction, mocking
culture which neglects methodically to transmit among supporters of sport team, and gang
the instruments indispensable to the success of its fighting. The cases which have been recorded by
undertaking is bound to become the monopoly of the teacher of guidance and counselling involve:
those social classes capable of transmitting by bullying among the students and intimidation
their own means, that is to say by that diffuse and done by the seniors. Bullying and physical
implicit continuous educational action which violence are considered as the most frequent
operates within cultured families (often unknown violence happening at the school. The difference
to those responsible for it and to those who are of dialects and the voice intonation are the causes
subjected to it), the instruments necessary for the of the violence.
reception of its message, and thereby to confirm There was a gang known as SMUTEN at
their monopoly of the instruments of SMAN 10 Yogyakarta that has involved in fights

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

among the schools. In the context of violence around with their motorcycle after school often.
among schools, physical fights occurred as the Those students usually have low ranks at school,
result of provocation during sports competition not because they are stupid but their spirit to learn
among schools. Vandalism and the member of is low and their time is wasted for less important
the gang have been decreased. The violence thing than learning.
among schools rarely occurs. There is no Moreover, verbal and physical violence
students scratch their own uniform anymore. In were frequently marked at Gadjah Mada
addition, they still do convoy, yet can keep other Yogyakarta senior high school. In daily school
schools calm. life, students often speak harshly and expletives
(misuh-misuh). However, according to the
b. SMA Gadjah Mada students and the teachers, students were used to
SMA Gajah Mada has gained stigma and do that as a symbol of intimate friendship. In
negative labeling because it is known as a addition, there was a gang named HOOLIGANS
gathering place for students who are wasted and at SMA Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta that also
marginalized. Most students in SMA Gadjah involved in fights among schools.
Mada is students transferred from other schools. Students violence occurred partly because
The reason of this transfer is usually due to the of competition among schools (school
problems they had from the previous school that competitiveness), especially the competition
they are returned to their parents. One of the among sport supporters (basketball, football,
cases that led students to be returned to their futsal) from each school, as well as competition
parents is their accumulation of foul reached 100 between school gangs.
points. It is true that violence occurs even in
Most students who feel "dumped" and educational practices (Abdul Munir Mulkan,
transferred here make a very strong solidarity. 2002). It implies that education serves two roles
Moreover, they cherish the greatness of yet contradictive. In the one hand, education is
Hooligans name. The great name of school is the instrument to spread out humanity values to
important to maintain the existence and to mark decrease violence, but in the other hand, it can be
the identity of the students and the shool itself. the determinant and the arena of violence (Jamil
GAMA (short term of SMA Gadjah Mada) Salmi, 2005). The violence among students is a
students have such habit to hang out with other reality to be concerned because it involves two
students sometimes with the alumni. Violences contradictive concept. Attempts to minimize it is
that stand out in GAMA are verbal and physical strongly needed.
violence. In daily life, a lot of students are yelling
and swearing often. According to students and
teachers, it is a common thing taken as a joke; a
Not every student involved as a gang
symbol of friendship and solidarity. This
member and became the perpetrator of the
happens among students, and between students
violence, but student violence happened as the
and teachers. A number of cases of verbal
implication of the habitus of violence and
violence occurred in SMA GAMA, even there
modality possession of the students. There are
was once that had to be handled by the police.
kinds of social capital such as extensive social
In the beginning of new school regulation,
networking, and social support system.
SMA GAMA students will go on a motorcycle
Additionally, there are also types of cultural
convoy passing certain schools that have been
capital in the form of courage and bravery which
planned as a sign that they own the region; in
are achieved naturally from the family, the
other words SMA GAMA students show their
previous academic level at school (junior high
existence in front of other high school students.
school), and the previous school for transfer
In each convoy, SMA GAMA students always
prepare a ‘weapon’ in the form of a plank with
Student violence consisted of various
nails. However, it depends on the situation that
forms, ranging from verbal violence to physical
the ‘weapon’ is used or not.
violence. Verbal violence performed by teasing
Students’ act of violent always happens
each other. In addition, there was an intimidation
because there are always new potential students
done by the senior student to the junior student
who are ready to be recruited to the gang. The
as a part of gang member acceptance.
characteristics of students involved in school
Physical violence is the simple case to
brawl such as: having the habit to act violently in
observe. However, non-physical violence is
the learning process, experiencing the fact that
needed to get more attention. This subliminal
they cannot go on to the next grade, intimidating
friends at school, and hanging out or going

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

violence occurs frequently and potentially causes [11] Thomas Santoso. 2002. Teori-teori
other kinds of violence. Kekerasan. Jakarta: Ghalia Indonesia.
Many parties have offered a variety of
solutions for preventing and overcoming
violence among students. But the root of the
problem would have to be parsed first, so that
intervention touches on a more extensive and
comprehensive aspects.

[1] Assegaf, Abd. Rahman. 2003. Pendidikan
Tanpa Kekerasan, Tipologi, Kasus, dan
Konsep. Yogyakarta : Tiara Wacana.
[2] Camara, Dom Helder. 2000. Spiral
Kekerasan. Yogyakarta: Insist Press.
[3] Estévez, Estefanía; Jiménez, I. Teresa, and
Musitu, Gonzalo. 2008. Violence and
Victimization at School in Adolescence.
School Psychology. ISBN 978-1-60456-
521-8 Editor: David H. Molina. Nova
Science Publishers, Inc. pp. 79-115.
[4] Francis, Diana. 2006. Teori Dasar
Transformasi Konflik Sosial: Analisis
Konflik Sosial, Dialog, Negosiasi, &
Pencegahan Kekerasan, Membangun
Gerakan Perdamaian, Resolusi dan
Transformasi Konflik, Peranan Kebudayaan
dalam Transformasi Konflik, serta
Merencanakan Pelatihan dan Workshop.
Yogyakarta: Quils.
[5] Galabert, Pedro Mateu; Lune, Howard.
2003. School Violence: The Bidirectional
Conflict Flow Between Neighborhood and
School. City & Community 2:4. December.
Pg 353.
[6] Hasballah M. Saad. 2003. Perkelahian
Pelajar: Potret Siswa SMU di DKI Jakarta.
Yogyakarta: Galang Press.
[7] Jamil Salmi. 2005. Violence and Democratic
Society: Hooliganisme dan Masyarakat
Demokrasi. Yogyakarta: Pilar Media.
[8] Neuman, W. Lawrence. 2000. Social
Research Methods: Qualitative and
Quantitative Approaches. Boston: Allyn and
[9] Ponny Retno Astuti. 2008. Meredam
Bullying: 3 Cara Efektif Mengatasi
Kekerasan Pada Anak. Jakarta: Grasindo.
[10] Sumijati, As. Manusia dan Dinamika
Budaya, dari Kekerasan sampai
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Sastra UGM.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Rafika Rahmadani1, Irwan Dinata Saputera2
Economic Education
Indonesia University of Education (UPI)
[email protected], [email protected]

The purpose of this research to know is there any influence of education on poverty levels in Indonesia.
Poverty is one of the economic diseases that is very difficult to cure result in a person is not able to meet
their needs. However, most people look at poverty as stigmatizing and humiliating experience that no one
wants to admit that a person is considered poor, but one thing is that everyone did not escape their attention
to poverty. Education is an important component in the development of human resources is widely
recognized for poverty reduction. This study uses secondary data for the type of time series data were
obtained from The Central Bureau of Statistics and National Team to Accelerate Poverty Form of education
data is correlated with poverty data by means of simple regression test and a cross section consisting of 33
provinces, making it a panel of data or combined data that the combination of the time series data with a
cross-section of data. Based on the data processing is carried out, the result that 61.7% of education has an
influence on poverty. This means that there are other variables that affect the level of poverty. It can be
concluded that the increase in the quality of education means that is born of human resources will be better
quality and improve productivity expected to reduce the level of poverty in Indonesia.

Keywords: education, poverty

word 'poor', according to the World Bank is that

if a person's income is less than $ 1.9 or Rp.
Poverty is conventionally in terms of
25,000 per day. If it is calculated as a monthly
income (is the number of people below the
salary, then salary of less than Rp. 750,000 per
poverty line) and is measured in different ways,
month will be declared as the poor, and this limit
especially in terms of income, inability to raise
will make the highest level of poverty in the
the necessary (Tilak, 2002). Some indices were
world. Previously, the poverty threshold is in the
developed in the literature related to the
range of $ 1.25, or Rp. 16,250 per day set by the
phenomenon shows that the poverty line is
World Bank in 190. And to increase human
defined at the national level.
welfare, the World Bank raised the minimum
Poverty is one of the main issues of interest
income threshold to indicate the level of poverty
to the government. According to the Central
to 1.9 dollar. (Buchanan et al., 2016)
Bureau of Statistics, Indonesia's poverty rate has
The increase in the number of the poverty
fluctuated, but not significantly. The last 6 years
level will increase the number of poor in East
data obtained in 2008 showed that the poverty
Asia, Latin America, South Asia and Africa. For
rate stands at 34.96 million and a row up to 2010
the African region alone, the increase in the level
decline. In 2011, the poverty rate fell to 29.95
of this calculation does not change the number of
million, while in 2012 the largest number 28.86
poor in the region that currently amount to 416
million and in 2013 dropped to 28.31 million
million poor people with less than $ 1.25 a day.
(CBS, 2014). The opinions expressed in poverty
South Asia is the region most affected by the
Robert Chamber (2010) explains that poverty is
increase of the poor population that previously
a unitary concept (integrated concept) that has
only 7 million people, to 407 million people. The
five dimensions, namely: 1) Poverty; 2) Lack of
poverty rate also increased in Latin America,
empowerment (Powerless); 3) address
which previously only had 157 million people
vulnerability to emergency situations (state of
rose to 293 million people fall into the poor.
emergency); 4) dependency; 5) Insulation.
(Clemens, et all, 2016) .
Limit financial capacity shows the level of
poverty just published by the World Bank, made
a number of people who are poor will be more
and more. World Bank review and emission of
economic level that are poor that were never
made in the last quarter century. Limiting the

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

the way of thinking, in which through education

for someone to achieve a great deal of
knowledge, science and information are
constantly evolving. Through education, people
can relate to their environment.
( According to Sumitro
(1994) in Fitriana (2014), he has said that
education is a prerequisite for improving human
dignity. Through education, citizens have the
opportunity to develop their skills and adjust
According to Bullock, Williams, and
Figure 1 The Poverty Rate Varies Greatly Limbert (2008), apart from marriage, education
Among The Top 10 Countries with Largest is one of the most common ways to achieve
Number of Poor upward mobility. Bettie (2002) found that high
school, people recognize the importance of
higher education, especially to college. However,
Indonesia ranks ninth in the list of countries Higginbotham and Weber (1992) found that
with the largest number of poor people in the although the family emphasized the importance
world. Similarly, according to data from the of getting an education, they often seemed to
World Bank. Madagascar is ranked as the differ from expectations. For example, compared
country with the highest number of poor. to individuals who grew up in a middle-class
Followed by Congo, Monzambik, Nigeria, family, they received less emotional and
Tanzania, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia economic support from their families.
and China. ( In addition, for the poor, the value of
The World Bank found that about 10 education often does not translate into
percent of the world's population will suffer operational objectives. In particular, the
acute poverty for the first time by the end of individual can not have access to educational
2015. The World Bank mengestimastikan resources, or resources available and difficult to
whether the number of the world's poor would be obtain. (Lichter dan Crowley, 2002).
702 million people by 2015, or Approximately
9.6 percent of the world's total population today. Poverty
In 2012, all that 12.8 percent of the 902 residents One of the indicators of well-being in the
live in absolute misery. Global financial field of education is an indicator of the number
institutions set the standard by counting the of people who declare to read and write. This
number of poor people, who originally USD1.25 indicator reflects the ability of residents in an
were USD1.9. This reflects inflation and the area to access facilities, public services, and
prevailing energy prices. (Eichenauer, 2016) other facilities that require reading and writing
The World Bank also reported increased skills, including the job search requirement
poverty in the countries of the southern African (Suryawati, 2004). The greater the number of
desert region. The International Monetary Fund people who can read and write, the greater the
(IMF) reported a decline in the growth rate of the ability of the public to access the facility or
world economy. Economic growth in several facilities to improve their well-being.
countries in Asia and Africa is negative, and the The poverty line is an indicator of poverty
member countries of the European Union is in that establishes that the average expenditure of
the zero percent range. It should be underlined food and non-food per capita in the reference
whether investments are needed in education and group (reference population) has been
social security programs to reduce poverty established (CBS, 2014). The reference group is
around the world. ( defined as a resident of a marginal class, ie those
Poverty is one of the economic diseases that whose lives are considered to be slightly above
is very difficult to cure. Poverty leads a person is the poverty line. Based on the CBS definition, the
not able to meet their needs. Based on Law (UU poverty line can be interpreted as a minimum
No. 24 of 2004), poverty is the socioeconomic consumption limit of marginalized groups that
condition of a person or group of people who do are in the reference income is slightly larger than
not fulfill their basic rights to maintain and the lowest incomes. In principle, the poverty line
develop a decent life. The approach adopted to indicator measures the ability of incomes to meet
address the problem of poverty is one of satuny basic needs / basic measure or minimum, the
is in terms of education. Education can change purchasing power of people in an area.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Consumption is intended to include the poverty standard of living so that these conditions
line of consumption of food, clothing, housing, cause their poverty.
health and education. Under the conditions of poverty that is seen
The opinions expressed in poverty from as a form of multidimensional problem, poverty
Robert Chamber (2010) explain that poverty has four forms. As for the four forms of poverty
is a unitary concept (integrated concept) that has (Suryawati, 2004):
five dimensions: a. Absolute poverty
a. Poverty (Proper) Absolute poverty is a condition in
The problem of poverty as well as in which a person or group income was below
the original view is the inability of income to the poverty line and therefore not sufficient to
satisfy basic kebutuhankebutuhan. The meet the standard needs for food, clothing,
concept or idea is true not only in the group health, housing and education Necessary to
that does not have an income but can also improve the quality of life. The poverty line
apply to a group that already has an income. is defined as the average or average
b. Powerless expenditure of consumption for basic needs
In general, low income capacity will in relation to compliance with welfare
have an impact on the social (social) energy standards. Forms of absolute poverty is the
forces of a person or group of people, most widely used as a concept to determine
especially in obtaining justice or the right to or define the criteria for a person or group of
a decent life for humanity people called poor.
c. The vulnerability of an emergency situation b. Relative poverty
(state of emergency) Relative poverty is defined as a form
of poverty that occurs due to the influence of
A person or group of people called the
development policies that are not reached to
poor do not even have the capacity to deal
the whole society that cause the inequality or
with unexpected situations in which this
inequality of norms of well-being. Areas not
situation requires the allocation of income to
reached by development programs of this
complete. For example, a situation of
type are generally known as less-favored
vulnerability, such as natural disasters, health
conditions that require relatively expensive
c. Cultural Poverty
medical expenses, and other emergency
situations that require inadequate income Cultural poverty is a form of poverty
capacity. Conditions in poverty are that occurs as a result of the attitudes and
considered to be incapable of coping with this habits of a person or people who generally
situation. come from a culture or customs are relatively
d. Dependency unwilling to improve the living conditions of
the modern form. Habits like these can be
Limited ability of income or social
lazy, spender or never save, less creative, and
power of a person or group of people called
relatively dependent on other parts as well.
the poor had led up to the level of dependence
d. Structural Poverty
of others is very high. They do not have the
ability or power to create a solution or Structural poverty is a form of poverty
solution to problems primarily related to the caused by lack of access to resources, which
creation of new sources of income. You need usually occurs in a social order or socio-
to help another part to overcome problems political culture that is less support for the
primarily related to the need for a source of liberation of poverty. Such forms of poverty
income. also sometimes have discriminatory
e. Isolation elements.
The dimensions of alienation as
predicted by Chambers is the factor of
Education, as noted by Harbison and Myers
location that causes a person or group of
(1965), is difficult to isolate the causal effect of
people to be poor. In general, people call
education. Many theoretical debate on the role of
these poor are located in areas away from
education in economic development and
economic growth centers. This is due to the
economic growth if productive educational in an
fact that most welfare services are more
economic sense. There is much evidence that the
concentrated in centers of economic growth,
level of education of the population is highly
such as in urban areas or in large cities.
correlated with the level of economic
People living in remote or inaccessible areas
development in order to avoid poverty.
in relative welfare services have a low

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Tetapijika's causality goes from income growth process, starting from primary school to
to the expansion of education, and this is still university and is on par with, (b) Informal
discussed. education is a process that lasts all ages so that
The theory of human capital establishes that each person values gain, attitudes, skills and
education creates skills that facilitate a higher knowledge that comes from the experience of
level of productivity among those who have everyday life, environmental influences,
against those who do not (Schultz, 2007). including the influence of family life,
Education at a high cost to bring associated relationships with The neighbors, work and play
benefits that can be compared to costs in the same environment, markets, libraries and media, (C)
way as with the investment project. Non-formal education is any organized and
To support the above assertion, human systematic activity, outside the school system
capital theory holds that there is a strong and independently or in an important part of the
empirically verified positive relationship broader activities, deliberately made to serve
between all people between wages and salaries specific students in achieving the learning
that people in the workplace and the level of objectives. Higher level of Culture education or
education they receive. According to the abbreviated as TPT is the percentage of the
"normal" market hypothesis of labor and population, which are still in school or out of
competitive goods, it showed that those with school, according to the highest education had
higher levels of education seem to have averaged been reached higher. TPT to demonstrate the
a higher level of productivity (Schultz, 2007).. achievement of educational development in an
Employers use education as an indicator of the area. TPT is also useful for planning the job offer,
suitability characteristics and potential especially to see the titles of studies of the
productivity of their employees. The most workforce in the region.
educated age benefit not only from the highest Agung Eddy Saputro (2010) In his research
levels, but rose rapidly to peak compared to the revealed three main factors affecting poverty is
earnings of employees with lower educational the employment factor, educational factors and
level profiles. In fact, employees who have no housing factors. Poor educational outcomes of
education tend to have income remained the poor can not compete with the non-poor to
relatively stable throughout life. It is said that work in a formal job, so the poor do not tend to
these patterns indicate not only education makes work or to work in the agricultural sector, and
people more productive, but also improve the work with informal employment status. Low
ability to learn on the fly, making productivity educational factors caused by the cost of
and meretaskan poverty, therefore, income will education is very expensive, so since society
increase at a faster rate Fast than for those who often second priority to education in high tinggat
have an education that is missing. as the cornerstone of society is how to find
Education is a form of investment in human money for day to day life. Level of education is
resources. The level of education also affects the a positive function of income level, education is
level of poverty because education is a the first step in the development process and the
component that is emphasized in the cause of the basis for improving socio-economic conditions
vicious circle of poverty. One way to achieve this in a country, where it is necessary to train all the
is through compulsory basic education, which necessary instruments poorer communities a By
the government translates into the nine-year establishing a positive attitude and making them
compulsory education program. more productive in penelitiaannya revealed three
The level of education is the indispensable main factors affecting poverty is the employment
element that the HDI (after purchasing power). factor, educational factors and housing factors.
HDI (Human Development Index) International Poor educational outcomes of the poor can not
uses as an indicator of well-being and compete with the non-poor to work in a formal
development success in a region or country, so job, so the poor do not tend to work or to work in
high and low levels of health education (as the agricultural sector, and work with informal
measured by literacy rate) will affect the HDI in employment status. Low educational factors
overcoming poverty. caused by the cost of education is very
expensive, so since society often second priority
The relationship of education and poverty to education in high tinggat as the cornerstone of
Education in Indonesia has many types, society is how to find money for day to day life.
ranging from formal, non-formal and informal Education level is a positive function of the
education. Here is an explanation of each every income level, education is the first step in the
type of education in Arlen Etllng: (a) Formal development process and the basis for improving
education is a systematic, multilevel / level the socio-economic conditions of a country,

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

where it is necessary to train all the necessary of resources is also important, without good
instruments more impoverished communities textbooks or classroom resources, more teachers
through Establishing a positive attitude and can not improve the quality of learning.
making them more productive. (Thapa, 2013) Education and learning are recognized as an
Two research in social sciences in essential component of the development and
economics, found no relationship between poverty reduction process. In many developing
economic variables and education. Educational countries, the problem of access to education,
research has the consistent underlying and the quality of education has diidentifikan as
socioeconomic status is an important factor of a prerequisite for achieving the goals of physical
educational outcomes, and this research has education, building. Education helps to reduce
identified education greatly affects productivity. poverty by influencing labor productivity. (Aref,
Poverty is not just the absence of financial 2011)
resources. According to (Amartya Sen, 2001) Poverty occurs due to low incomes and less
poverty is the lack of capacity to function education (Thapa, 2013: 148). Education is the
effectively in society. Inadequate education can formation of human capital (human capital) in
be seen as a form of poverty. Absolute poverty or economic development, but it is also a form of
lack of adequate resources can be found in long-term investment. The quality of human
developing countries with poor nutrition, health, resources will be increased by investing in
circumstances of origin (lack of facilities for education, it is demonstrated by the increase of
learning or the environment outside of school) knowledge and skills that support a person to be
and education of parents. more productive in improving their well-being
Education can reduce poverty in a number and avoiding poverty. The level of education also
of ways. First, people who are more educated are affects the level of poverty because education is
more likely to get a job, more productive and a component that emphasized the causes of
earn more income. Second, although poverty. One way to achieve this is through a
international literature found no simple government program that will nine years of
relationship between the level of education and a compulsory education.
country's economic growth, a recent study
showed that the quality of education adjusts
important for economic growth. Good education
This study uses secondary data for the type
can boost economic growth in poor countries and
thus generate economic opportunities and of time series data during the period 2008 to
income. Third, education (especially women) to 2013. Data required in this research are
secondary data obtained from the Central Bureau
bring the social benefits that improve the
situation of the poor, such as low fertility, of Statistics and the national team to accelerate
improve children's health, and the participation poverty In the form of education data is
correlated with poverty data by means of the
of women in the labor market. (Connell, et all,
1994) simple regression test and a cross-section
Background residency is the most consisting of 33 provinces, which is a panel data
or pooled data than the combination of the series
important factor influencing educational
outcomes. Poverty is closely correlated with a of Data times (2008 to 2013) with a cross-section
variety of other variables in a household, such as (33 provinces).
parental education, so it is difficult to distinguish The variables of this study consisted of
between limited financial resources in the exogen and endogen variables. Exogen variables
are independent variables, while the endogen
context of other households. Londoño and
Gemmelt (1996 in the journal Thapa, 2013) variable is the dependent variable. The variables
found that lack of education has become the most used in this study were two variables :
a. Variable education (X) are classified as
important factor in economic growth and
therefore decrease inequality and poverty. exogen, and acts as the independent variable
Gemmelt found that primary education is more is the variable that affects diversity other
important for economic growth in low-income variables in the model;
developing countries, secondary education for b. Variable poverty (Y), classified as an
middle-income developing countries, and higher endogen variable, and serves as the
education for rich countries.
intermediate variable (variable intervening)
Lack of educational resources in poor
schools sometimes impede learning. Economic is the variable that diversity is influenced by
incentives are good teachers often prefer to teach other variables in the model.
in schools are more qualified. The combination

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Data analysis begins with a descriptive confidence) which means that the model used to
analysis, which statistics used to analyze data has predict educational regression against poverty.
been collected as unintentional conclusions or
generalizations (Sugiyono, 2012: 29) to Table 3. Coefficientsa
generally accepted. We used processing data
using SPSS version 21.0 and the simple
regression analysis model to analyze the pattern
of the relationship between variables in order to
determine the direct and indirect effects of a set
of independent (exogen) variables on the
dependent variable (Endogen) (Riduwan and
Engkos, 2008: 2).
The test of the model and the calculation of
the coefficients first, made by the formulation of In Table 3 is a constant (a) is 94.733 while
hypotheses: the keofisen (b) value of education is such that
the regression equation -247 can be described:
Hypothesis: significant educational impact on
poverty reduction in Indonesia Y = 94,733 + (-247)X

Model: The analysis used in this research is in which Y is poverty and X is education,
simple regression established by so that from the constant equation previously can
Y= a + bX be translated amounted to 94,733 states that if
where Y is poverty and X is the education, a is a there is no education, the poverty of 94,733. The
constant and b is the coefficient of X. regression coefficient of -247 education states
that education will reduce the poverty rate to -
Data processing on poverty and education Table 3 also describes the results of
in the period 2008-2013 with a simple linear significance tests with the t test to determine the
regression were processed using SPSS version 21 actual effect of poverty terdahap educational
described in the following table: level. -3,011yang known tcount is lower than
ttabel 7.71 with df = 4 (2008-2013) and the
Tabel 1 Model Summary significant value of 0.001 which is less than 0.05,
which means that there is a significant
(significant) education effect on the levels of

The results of this study are relevant to the

Table 1 shows the correlation (R) to 0.833 results of previous studies by Thapa (2013) with
with the coefficient of determination (R2) of a clear analysis concluded that the level of
0.694 implying that education has an influence education is a positive function of reducing
on poverty, 61.7%, while the remaining 38.3% poverty levels. Subsequent studies (Lacour and
Influenced by other factors. Tissington, 2011) establish the relationship
between student achievement in poverty
Tabel 2 ANOVA
Sum of Mean education and the prosperity of the student's
Model f F Sig. family. Londoño (1996) argues that inadequate
Squares Square
1 Regression 23,208 1 23,208 9,064 ,040b education has been the most important factor
Residual 10,242 4 2,561 holding back Latin American economic growth
Total 33,450 5 and thereby sustaining high levels of inequality
a. Dependent Variable: poverty
and poverty. Gemmelt (1996) finds that primary
b. Predictors: (Constant), education education is most important for economic growth
in low income developing countries, secondary
Table 2. explains that there is a significant education for middle income developing
(significant) effect between education and countries, and tertiary education for rich
poverty Fcount figures show 9,064 greater than countries. Compared with the Aref (2011) study
Ftable 5.05 in 5 df (N-1) with a significance level results across groups shows that there are some
of 0.04 or probability of less than 0.05 Level of structural barriers in the education system with

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

regard to rural poverty reduction in rural areas, REFERENCES

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reliable forms of poverty, education times the
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Education is recognized as a component in [3] Aref, A. (2011). Perceived Impact of
the process of development and poverty Education on Poverty Reduction in Rural
reduction. In many developing countries, the Areas of Iran, 8(2).
issue of access to education, equality and quality
[4] Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), 2014 Jumlah
has been identified as a prerequisite for the
Penduduk Miskin, Persentase Penduduk
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Developing the world in this era of globalization
is demanding changes to a better national [5] Bettie, J. (2002). Gender & Society.
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fairly in all fields. One way in which it should be 008
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World Bank Development Projects on Sites
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Beliefs About Inequality Predicting Support
writer for more abundance of His mercy and
for Welfare Policies : The Impact of
grace so that this article can be solved. There is
Attributions and Beliefs About Inequality,
also the researcher sends his greetings and
(January 2015), 37–41.
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brought the Muslims the blessed Almighty God.
The realization of this research can not be [8] Chambers R. (2010). Provocations for
separated from the participation and support of Development. Rugby: Practical Action
several parties. Therefore, we would like to Publishing
sincerely thank you for Teachers and Profesor in
Indonesia University of Education (UPI), The [9] Clemens, M., Kremer, M., & Kremer, M.
Central Bureau of Statistics and National Team (2016). The New Role of the World Bank
to Accelerate Poverty Form, and our families. Working Paper 421 January 2016, (January
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is still far from perfect. Therefore, the authors [10] Connell, R. (1994). Poverty and Education.
apologize if there are errors in the writing of this Harvard Educational Review (Vol. 64).
research. We appreciate criticism and
suggestions for improving similar research in the
future. With luck the author, this research can be [11] Eichenauer, V. (2016). Poverty and Policy
useful and can be positive for all those in need. Selectivity of World Bank Trust Funds,
[12] Fitriana, Nina (2014) Pengaruh Tingkat
Pencapaian Pendidikan Terhadap
Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Kota Palembang.

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Jurnal Kompetitif: Vol. 3 No. 2 Edisi Juli- [27] Thapa, S. B. (2013). RELATIONSHIP
POVERTY IN NEPAL, 15(1), 148–161.
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No. 03, Edisi September (121-129).

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Erick Burhaein
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
[email protected]

This paper examines science theoretically with literary methods that aim to provide insight into the
traditional game-based neuroscience learning for children with behavioral emotional and social disorders.
Based on some previous research results, character education can be directed also to children with
behavioral emotional and social disorders. The physiological state of child behavior and emotional
disorders basically have central nervous system dysfunction resulting in psychological responses in the
form of behavior that tend to deviate such as personality disorder and social interaction. Traditional games
based on Neuroscience learning develop problem-based learning elements, simulation and role playing,
active discussion, visual display, positive climate. Traditional games contain elements of physical activity,
so it is also possible to affect the secretion of hormones that trigger improvements in the mood of children
such as endorphin hormone, serotonin, dopamine. The impact of this will then affect the behavioral and
emotional conditions of children, for example because of the influence of the increased secretion of various
hormones so that it may be able to suppress behavioral and emotional disorders in children. Some previous
research results suggest that the adaptation of these mechanisms will be able to overcome problems with
behavioral and emotional disorders so that children are more controlled emotional and social side. Based
on the problem analysis with theoretical studies it can be concluded conceptually that the traditional game
activity based on neuroscience learning can be used for children with behavioral emotional and social

cause stress, if the body meets with a stressor, the

body activates the neural and hormonal
Children with behavioral emotional and responses to carry out defensive measures to
social disorders have characteristic emotional reduce stress Inflicted.
and behavioral disorders both individually and Sports activities can improve behavior
socially. Aini Mahabbati (2013: 5) explains that because it affects hormones and chemicals on the
children with behavioral emotional and social neurological level. According to Ratey in
disorders based on their type are defined as Rachmah Laksmi Ambardini (2009: 72) explains
children with emotional and behavioral disorders that physical exercise has a tendency to increase
that include: 1) conduct disorder / CD levels of glucose, serotonin, epinephrine,
(behavioral disorder), 2) oppotitional deviant dopamine. The chemical component is known to
disorder (ODD) , 3) other types of emotional have an effect on the behavioral setting. In
disturbance. Various forms of behavioral connection with these problems the condition of
disorders can be overcome with sports activities, children with behavioral emotional and social
According to Jennifer I. Gapin, et al (2013: 7) in disorders have a performance disability element
his research journal that physical activity (sport) in the central nervous system, the disorder affects
have a positive effect on changes in behavioral the tendency of aggressive nature or
disorders of children. Children with behavioral temperament. According to Andri
emotional and social disorders need to get special Kusumawardhani (2007: 124), several
treatment because if untreated it can lead to a researchers in the field of neurobiology and
condition that affects the mindset and behavior of psychopharmalogy have deep approaches to
children with behavioral emotional and social brain function, neurotransmitter, genetic, and
disorders difficult to control. As mentioned in neuroendocrine, concluded that serotoenergic
Sherwood in Akmarawita Kadir (2012: 1), the and brain regions that trigger and be directly
response to untreated behavioral disorders will involved in impulsive and aggressive behavior in

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

people with behavioral disorders . Related to that, emotional character is characterized by an

Pamuji Sukoco (2016: 4) explains that character aggressiveness that causes disruption to his or her
education through traditional games can serve as friend.
a stimulus that can cope with special needs 3. Physical Characteristics and Health
children including tunalaras in improving from Physical Characteristics and Health are
aggressive, opposing, and other behavioral not much different from children in general, but
disorders. if the child's side of aggressiveness is high, it
Based on the background exposure affects the health patterns of eating disorders,
mentioned above, the authors want to reveal sleep disorders, and obscene trends (not paying
study theoretically learning model in the form of attention to health).
application of traditional games as a means of
character education in the optimization of Physical Education of Sport and Health
behavioral and emotional changes of children Helmy Firmansyah (2009: 42) defines
tunalaras. physical exercise and health education as a
learner's activity to improve motor skills and
functional values that include cognitive,
psychomotor, and affective, so that through these
Characteristics Children with behavioral activities are expected to learners can grow and
social and emotional disorders develop healthy physical. Please note that
General characteristics of children with
physical education activity seen from three
behavioral social and emotional disorders aspects of cognitive, psychomotor, and affective.
described by Hallahan et al (2009: 4), that there The earliest process of these three aspects is
are four dimensions are: 1) Chaos behavior, 2) cognitive aspects related to brain development in
Often anxious and withdrawn, 3) Less mature, learners. Affective behavior and psychomotor
and 4) Aggressive in theocialization .Nandiyah
movement are based on whether or not the brain
Abdullah (2013: 6) provides a classification of performance through neural responses. This
children social behavior disorders including means it is important for educators to know the
psychotic and neurotic children, children with
performance system of neurons (nerve cells) for
emotional disorders and delinquents improving psychomotor movement and affective
(delinquent). Based on the source of the behavior of learners. The general picture of the
occurrence of behavioral disorders social
effect of exercise on behavior change is
behavior is classified into: (1) Emotional, that is described as follows:
deviation of extreme social behavior as a form of
emotional disturbance, (2) Social, that is
deviation social behavior as a form of
abnormalities in the social adjustment because it
is functional.
More detailed characteristics are
described I.G.A.K Wardani, et al (2007: 31-32)
that the characteristics of children with
behavioral and emotional disorders into three
aspects, among others:
1. Academic Characteristics
Behavioral disorders of children with
behavioral and emotional disorders imply on the
barriers of achievement of learning outcomes
below the average child of the same age.
Children with behavioral and emotional
disorders have a lazy tendency to learn and want
to do something as they wish.
2. Social and Emotional Characteristics
Characteristics of social children with
behavioral and emotional disorders influenced
emotional characteristics. Social character is
usually characterized by causing harm to others, Figure 1. General Mechanism of Behavioral
with characteristics: behavior is not accepted by Change due to Physical ActivityLaurale
the environment and usually violates the norms Sherwood (2013, 128-136)
in family, school, peers, and society. The

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

In figure 1 above, it is generally described 1. Norepinephrine, serves to improve mood,

by Laurale Sherwood (2013, 128-136), in general intrinsic motivation, and confidence,
that a properly managed exercise (sport) activity improve perception, and cellular level
will lead to a series of mechanisms in affecting learning. It is said, acute or chronic physical
organ performance centrally. The existence of exercise can increase norepinephrine brain.
changes in organ performance can not be 2. Serotonin, regulates mood, controls
separated from the control of the central nervous impulses, creates confidence, counteracts
system (Central Nervous System / CNS). These toxic effects of stress hormone levels, and
activities take place as an effort of the body in improves learning at the cellular level.
response to stimuli due to physical activity 3. Dopamine, physical exercise is said to affect
(exercise). As a result, when the homeostatic the synthesis, release, and retrieval of
system is in this state of stress, the body responds dopamine. Dopamine increases during
to stressors in the form of negative feedback by motor behavior. The greater the intensity,
activating other system mechanisms, such as the greater the increase. Regular exercise
stimulating the secretion of some hormones that can increase the amount of enzymes that
specifically have certain roles and functions to make dopamine and alter the work of
help maintain the body's homeostatic condition. dopamine in the postsinaptic membrane.
According to Rachmah Laksmi Ambardini
(2009: 6-7) the secretion of some hormones such Traditional Games
as norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine are According to Agus Mahendra (2007: 4),
thought to have an effect on psychological the traditional game is a form of game and or
changes such as behavior because the hormone sport activities that develop from a certain
can improve mood (psychological atmosphere). community habits. In subsequent developments
the traditional game is often used as a type of
The mechanism of communication between game that has characteristics of the original
neurons regional and adapted to local cultural traditions.
Physical activity involves a series of Hakimeh Akbari, et al. (2009: 126), traditional
mechanisms of organ systematic performance in games contribute effectively to character
a systematic way the mechanism is inseparable formation in learning through manipulative and
from the control of the central nervous system locomotor motion skills. In this regard,
from biochemical communication of the body. traditional games are thought to have a positive
Related to this case Rachmah Laksmi Ambardini effect on the improvement of character education
(2009: 68) explains that physical activity in schools.
involves the performance of nerves in the brain In general, traditional games in
electrochemically. Along the nerve fibers, the Indonesia have begun to experience a shift by
impulse flow runs electrically, due to the modern games. As a result not too many types of
difference in ion levels inside and outside the traditional games that still survive or sustainable
cell. In synapses the nerve communicates (awake) until now. Traditional games in
chemically through a neurochemical chemical Indonesia are spread from Nanggroe Aceh
called a neurotransmitter. Darussalam Province to Provinces in Papua. In
particular, traditional games in the Special
Region of Yogyakarta and Central Java are
allegedly still potentially sustainable (awake) in
the middle of society, such as gasing, egrang,
gobak sodor, patok lele, kasti, jamuran, and
cublak suweng.

Optimizing traditional games based on

neuroscience learning
Physical education is divided into three
Figure 2. communication between neurons domains: cognitive, psychomotor, and affective.
The earliest process of the three domains is
Rachmah Laksmi Ambardini (2009: 68) cognitive related brain development, it is because
Ratey in Rachmah Laksmi Ambardini affective behavior and psychomotor motion
sourced on whether or not the brain performance
(2009: 6-7) describes three major
neurotransmitters related to physical activity, as through neuron response (nerve). Learning is
follows: based on neuroscience learning approach that
occurs dominant in the left hemisphere learners.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

According to Dale H. Schunk (2012: 89), behavioral and emotional disorders such as
educational practices of neuroscience learning figure 3. follows:
approaches include: problem-based learning,
simulation and role playing, active discussion,
visual appearance, and positive climate.
Children's learning generally uses
psychomotoric and affective approaches only,
but children with behavioral and emotional
disorders should be accompanied by a neuro
learning approach. It is known that the condition
of children with behavioral and emotional
disorders have a disruption in neurons, shown by
child behavior disorders such as the emergence
of aggressive behavior, opposing, and other
behavioral disorders. Therefore, physical
education of children with behavioral and
Figure 3. Optimizing traditional games in
emotional disorders can occur optimization if
physical education
there is implementation of learning approaches
neurosciences learning through traditional games
Traditional game activity based on
to respond to stimulation on psychomotor so that
neuroscience learning for children with
there is improvement of child's motion and
behavioral and emotional disorders, can be made
affective to behavioral and emotional changes in
more detailed application described as Figure 4.
the positive direction. The description of the
Optimalization of Traditional Games based on
neuroscience learning of children with

Figure 4. Implementation Scheme Neurosciences through the traditional game "Gobak Sodor"

and emotional disorders so that children are more

controlled emotional and social side. In this
Learning optimization occurs through the regard, it can be concluded that traditional game
contribution of synergy between traditional activity based on neuroscience learning can be
games with neuroscience-based learning. The used for children with behavioral and emotional
adaptation of these mechanisms can reduce disorders.
behavioral disorders in children with behavioral

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

REFERENCES Journal of Physical Education of Indonesia.

Volume 6, No. 1, April 2009. P
[1] Agus Mahendra (2007: 4). Kids Games and
Rhythmic Activities: Traditional Games.
[2] Aini Mahabbati. (2013). Orthodidaktik
Anak Tunalaras. Course Material.
Yogyakarta: PLB FIP Yogyakarta State
University. Unpublished.
[3] Andri Kusumawardhani (2007). The
Neurobiology of borderline Personality
Disorder: Biological Approach in impulsive
and Aggressive Behavior. Maj. Kedokt.
Indon, Volum: 57, No. 4. April 2007. Pg.
[4] Dale H. Schunk. (2012). Learning Theories:
an Educational Perspective. Translation.
Yogyakarta: Student Literature
[5] Hakimeh Akbari, et al. (2009). The Effects
of Traditional Games in Fundamental Motor
Skill Development in 7-9 Year Old Boys.
Iranian Journal of Pediatrics, Volume 19
(Number 2), June 2009, Pages: 126.
[6] Hallahan, et al. (2009). Exceptional Learners
an Introduction to Special Educational 11th.
Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
[7] Helmy Firmansyah. (2009). Relationship
Motivation Achievers Students with
Learning Outcomes Physical Education.
Journal of Physical Education of Indonesia.
Volume 6, No. 1, April 2009. H.42
[8] I.G.A.K Wardani, et al. (2007). Introduction
to Extraordinary Education. Bandung: UPI
[9] Jennifer I. Gapin, et al (2011). The Effects ff
Physical Activity on Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms: The
evidence. Journal Preventive Medicine. Vol.
52. No. 70. Pages 1-8
[10] Laurale Sherwood (2013). Introduction to
Human Physiology. Translation. Jakarta:
EGC Medical Book
[11] Nandiyah Abdullah. (2013). Know the
Children with Special Needs. Journal of
Magistra No. 86 Th. XXV December 2013.
pg 6.
[12] Pamuji Sukoco. (2016). Development of
Traditional Games in the Learning of
Physical Education. Jurnal Penjas Indonesia.
Vol. 12 No. 1. Hlmn. 4
[13] Rachmah Laksmi Ambardini. (2009).
Physical Education and Academic
Achievement: Neuroscience Review.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Nur Luthfi Rizqa Herianingtyas1, Ali Mustadi2
Yogyakarta State University
[email protected],[email protected] 2

Book is one of the most factor in supporting success on learning process. This paper discussed about
developing a fairy tale book based on sainsmatika. This fairy tale book is designed to presents interesting
tale with integrative learning of science and mathematics. This book assist student in engaging real activity
through problem-solving activities, experiments, exercises, test, and explain science and mathematics
context. The purpose of the research is to develop fairy tale book based sainsmatika which using valid.
Developing a fairy tale book through five stage. The first stage is research and information collection that
is need analysis with questionnaire, observation, interview, and document analysis. Planning, to know basic
competencies and indicator. The third stage is develop preliminary product, this stage to product validation
from expert. The validity of research development involves material validator, media validator, and
linguistic validator. The result from the validation of fairy tale by expert is found that the overall result have
a very good rating. Of a score range of 1 to 5 likert scale, the material validation show a mean score 4,65,
the media validation show a mean score 4,81, and the linguistic validation show a mean score 4,73. This
show that the fairy tale book based sainsmatika is valid and feasible to be implemented in the learning
process for elementary school.
Keywords: book, fairy tale, sainsmatika

a curriculum revitalization policy from KTSP

into Curriculum 2013. To support the
Education in Indonesia is formulated into
implementation of the Curriculum 2013, the
four main levels namely preschool, primary
government has prepared teaching materials in
school, secondary school, and high school. Basic
the form of textbook as teacher's handbooks and
education or commonly referred to as Education
teacher manuals. Overall, the Primary School
in Primary School is the level of education that
teacher's manual contains some aspects such as
must be taken by Indonesian children before
Core Competencies (KI), Basic Competencies
going to junior high school. Primary School is a
(KD), learning objectives, learning activities and
system of national education organizers in charge
assessment. While the students’ primary school
of laying the foundations of knowledge, skill,
textbook contains lesson materials and exercises
and values. So, it is very important as a stepping
to be taught on each theme.
stone process at the beginning of a person to get
However, start from its publishing in 2013,
the basic concept of true knowledge, life skills,
the textbook continues to be revised from the
character building which are relevant to current
government because its weaknesses and
life and the future.
shortcomings. As the results of the analysis
The statement above is in accordance
conducted by researcher on Friday, June 10,
with the national educational function as stated
2016, researcher found some weaknesses in the
in Law number 20 Year 2003 that "National
textbook for students of class IV, including: (1)
education functions to develop the ability and
the material explanation contained in the book is
form the character and civilization of a dignified
very limited; (2) the composition of the lesson
nation in order to educate the nation, aims to
content presented is unbalanced, more inclined
develop students’ potential to become human
towards a particular learning content; (3)
beings who believe and devote to God the
incomplete learning indicator only leads to the
Almighty, have a noble character, healthy,
achievement of students' concept of
knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent,
understanding not toward high-level thinking
and become democratic and responsible
yet; (4) the presentation of exercise and
citizens". In order to realize the function and
evaluation is very limited, not even all the
purpose of education, the implementation
content of the lesson is presented about the
continues to make changes and development to a
exercise and evaluation.
better direction from time to time as an example

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

The result of the analysis of the fourth- is needed on both subject in order to learn
grade book turned out to illustrate the fact that optimally. One of the programs to optimize is
also occurred in schools, as perceived by fourth developing teaching materials in the form of
graders in state elementary schools in Danurejan fairy tale book based sainsmatika.
District. Based on the interviews conducted to 10 Teaching materials is one of the supporter
students at Lempuyangwangi State Elementary elements to facilitate teaching and learning
School and 10 students in Lempuyangan State process. The Ministry of National Education
Elementary School I on June 18, 2016, obtained (2008: 6) explains that teaching materials are all
a statement that according to them the theme of forms of materials utilized to assist teachers in
the book is indeed interesting in the terms of carrying out teaching and learning activities. It
appearance, but they feel the textbook materials means that the teaching materials are arranged
presented incompletely and the activities systematically so that it can support the students’
presented are limited so they are not optimal in learning process in which there are students’
facilitating the achievement of basic achievements as well as some guidance that can
competencies and learning indicators. lead to the desired achievement. Teaching
Furthermore, based on the results of the materials can be either written or spoken depends
interview, it revealed 17 of 20 students like on the learning needs. Prastowo (2014: 138)
stories and lesson elements in the textbook very defines teaching materials as all materials
much. The story they love is an adventure fairy (whether information, tools, and texts)
tale, so their great hope is the presence of an systematically arranged which displays the
adventure fairy tale book contains the subject complete figure of competence to be mastered by
matter. learners and used in the learning process for the
Along the research finding process, the purpose of planning and reviewing the learning
results of a questionnaire given to 100 fourth implementation. For example: textbooks,
graders of Lempuyangwangi State Elementary modules, hand outs, worksheets, models or
School and Lempuyangan State Elementary replica, audio teaching materials, and interactive
School I on June 19, 2016 also provide evidence teaching materials.
that 100% of students stated the book is very Teaching materials that will be developed
important in supporting their learning process, in this research is a textbook. The book according
91% of students loved the adventure book, 88% to Sitepu (2012: 13) is a collection of papers
of students liked books containing many pictures containing information, printed, and arranged in
and writings, and 98% of students wanted an a systematic, boundary, and exterior with a
adventure fairy tale book contains learning protective sheet made of thick paper, cardboard
materials and exercises. or other material. In this case, the book as a
Diana Mitchell conducted a children-like- teaching material should be systematic, and
to-read survey in 2010 and she found that most leading to the achievement of competence that is
children liked to read adventure, fiction, and in accordance with the curriculum. Referring to
imagination textbooks. In their developmental these provisions, the developing fairy tale book
stage, elementary school students need more based sainsmatika must also be systematic and
imaginative books that have a storyline, so they support the achievement of learning objectives.
expect to have experience and find knowledge A fairy tale, according to Haerkötter (2002:
through a fun and adventurous process of 168) through the Germany as follows: Das
imagination when they read. This can be Märchen ist eine kurze, frei erfundene
obtained when children read fictional readings, Erzählung, die weder zeitlich noch räumlich
such as fairy tales. Therefore, there should be gebunden ist noch Wirklichkeitscharakter
interesting teaching materials such as fairy tales besitzt; Vielmehr ist sie voller phantatischer
to support learning in their textbook. Ereignisse, die sich gar nicht haben ereignen
Science and Math learning are two of the können, weil sie gegen die Naturgesetze
important highlights because the two lessons are verstoβen. The tale is full of fantasy occurrences
deemed most difficult and low in achievement by of miracles. Thus, the reader can bring his mind
students compared with others. As based on the to his own fantasy world freely unbounded by the
results of interviews and document studies in setting of place and time through the fairy tales.
Lempuyangwangi State Elementary School and So a fairy tale is a book that contains literary
Lempuyangan 1 State Elementary School works in the form of fantasy stories to illustrate
obtained the facts of the lowest score of all the image of the metaphor of life. It also provides
subjects are on science and math lessons even opportunities for students to imagine as well as
some students has score below KKM as Criteria internalize the message of knowledge and life
Completed Minimum, therefore special attention values are reflected in it.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

The tale can give its usefulness through the based tale book is an educational tale book that
story told. Kready (2004) reveals that fairy tales presents an adventure story to study the content
bring joy in the children life. The pleasure is not of science and mathematics lessons in an
only to be felt, but to have an effect on the integrated manner. It contains imaginative
physical health, mental development, and moral stories, interesting illustrations to make learning
value. Kilic (2015) reveals the result of his materials easy to understand and can be well
research is children can reflect their sensitivity to conveyed and clear to students.
consider toward their environment through the The book as a teaching material presents in
imagination they get from the fairy tale. the education room must require some
Indirectly, the sensitivity will encourage the mandatory criteria that can ensure the book is
emergence of child curiosity to the problems that really worthy of use both in terms of content and
occur in the environment. They will take their physical. The standardization is intended to
part as an agent who wants to help to solve accommodate the meaningful changes in the
problems in the environment as part of the development of science and technology as well
exemplary influence they get from the fairy tale. as the on-going curriculum. According to the
Sainsmatika is an idea that starts from a Ministry of National Education (2008) the
desire to integrate the content of science and criteria of instructional materials should meet the
math lessons as a whole and comprehensive following aspects: (1) Content Aspects, namely
subject. By adopting integrative thematic styles (a) Competency standards appropriateness, and
in the Curriculum 2013, sainsmatika brings a basic competencies; (b) Conformity with the
mission to facilitate students in understanding development of children, (c) The appropriateness
science and mathematics subjects deeper by of teaching materials need, c) Truth learning
assuming that science and mathematics are the materials, (e) Benefits to add insight, (f)
excellent study at this time. Conformity with morals and social values. (2)
In its position as content of lessons, science Linguistic Aspects, namely: (a) Readability, (b)
and mathematics can be studied in an integrative Clarity of Information, (c) Conformity with good
way to be more interesting through the and proper Indonesian language rules, (d)
developing a fairy tale book based sainsmatika. Utilization of language effectively and
It can be a learning material to support the efficiently. (3) Presentation Aspects, namely: (a)
implementation of science and mathematics Clarity of the objectives (indicator to be
learning in an integrated and optimal ways. achieved), (b) Performance order (c) Provision
Marpaung (2012) assured this idea that science is of motivation, attractiveness, (d) Interaction
fun, many ways to learn it like reading a book. (provision of stimulus and response), (e)
The students can learn Science through textbooks Completeness of information; (4) Design include
and fairy tales book. Thus the fairy tales book can Aspects: (a) Use of font (type and size), (b)
be a means of delivering knowledge such as Layout, (c) Illustrations, drawings, photographs,
material about science, so that students not only (d) Display design.
learn Science through formal media such as Therefore, in this case, a developing fairy
textbooks, but can through as fun as fairy tales. tale book based sainsmatika can be considered
The developing a fairy tale book based feasible if it has fulfilled the following aspects:
sainsmatika that has its potential as a teaching (1) Providing material aspects that include:
material has several potential advantages among material completeness, material accuracy,
others: (1) developed based on the achievement activities that support the material, material
of basic competencies and indicators of science matters, critical thinking skills and curiosity
and mathematics learning, (2) presents facilities, organizing scientific systematics
illustrative images with interesting figures, (3) materials, and using notation and symbols; (2)
presents the experiences of science and math Having media covering aspects: Cover (cover of
fairy tales (4) presents a challenging and the book), Preliminaries (preliminary pages),
problem-solving, (5) presents experiments Text matter (main part), and Postliminaries
guideline to facilitate students practice (cover); (3) Language Aspects that include:
concretely, (6) present the material of science conformity with spelling standard rule, simple
and mathematics completely in accordance with sentences, effective sentences, unbiased
basic competencies and indicator learning. sentences, easy to understand vocabulary, clarity
Contents of science-based fairy tales are (1) fairy of meaning, accuracy of word selection, clarity
tales; (2) illustration drawings; (3) now I know; of sentences, alignment of foreign terms,
(4) I will try; (5) I will observe; (6) I will practice; language style, letter clarity, And punctuation,
(7) I can conclude; (8) this is my collection. clarity of instructions, ease of reading
Therefore, it can be concluded that the science-

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

comprehension, text order), and language

suitability with supporting images.
Based on description above, it can be
formulated that the problem of the study is how
to develop a fairy tale based sainsmatika for the
fourth grade of elementary school. The purpose
of this study is to produce a worthy fairy tale Figure 1. Validation Results
book based sainsmatika for grade 4 elementary
school students.
According Figure 1 validation results can
be illustrated on diagram.

This research is Research and Development

(R & D). According to Borg and Gall (2003:
569), "Educational research and development is 4
an industry-based development model in which 3
the findings of research are used to design new 2 Score
products and procedures ..." Research and
development research in education is a research 1
model used to design new products and working 0
procedures. It means that research and Media MaterialLinguist
development in this case oriented to design
products, develop, and validate products for Figure 2. Diagam Validation
quality and appropriate in the world of education.
Borg & Gall (2003: 570) describes the steps
of research and development as follows: (1) Based on the figure, it can be concluded that
Research and Information Collecting; (2) the average media validation score is 4.81
Planning; (3) Development of Product Design included in category A which mean it has a very
(Develop Premilinary Form of Product); (4) good predicate. Related to the standard value of
Preliminary Field Testing, (5) Main Product feasibility applied in this study is at least get "B"
Revision, (6) Main Field Testing, (7) Revision of with the criteria of "Good", so it can be seen that
Product II (Operational Product Revision), (8) ) the fairy tale book based sainsmatika has been
Operational Field Testing, (9) Final Product declared feasible by media experts. They give
Revision, and (10) Dissemination and some suggestions as follows: (1) the colour of the
Implementation. table in the glossary section should be in a lighter
Dealing with this R & D research, the and contrast with the text colour; (2) adding a
researcher produced a product in the form of table of contents in the beginning page of the
fairy tale book based sainsmatika for fourth story, and (3) adding the title of the story to the
grade students of elementary school that will be beginning of the story.
validated by material experts, linguists, and A good book is where the readers can hear,
media experts before the initial field trial. It feel, and see in it (Saxby, M., 1991: 30). To
applied value of feasibility of fairy tale book realize those three aspects, there must be
based sainsmatika at least get "B" with the foundations to build the book formation. They
criteria of "Good". Thus, if the results of the are book cover, prelimenaries (preliminary
expert of learning media, learning material, and pages), text matter (main part), and
the linguist are "B" or "Good" then the developed postliminaries (cover section). For book cover,
product is feasible to be used as instructional Nurgiyantoro (2013: 92) conveyed that the cover
material of learning. design consists of images and text should be seen
persuasively related to a particular scene in the
story content. The cover image should be
The results of this study is producing a attractive with suitable colours and illustrations.
worthy fairy tale book based sainsmatika for Illustrations are needed to beautify the book so it
grade IV elementary school. The results of media enthusiasts the child to read it. The cover type
and material experts and linguists’ validation used for is hardcover, consider to the target that
obtained as follow: will interact factually, so the book should be
resilient. According to Rachmawati (2004), the
good prelimenaries (preliminary pages) include:
title page, table of contents, list of images, table

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

list, introduction, and preface. The main section suitability of the language should pay attention to
consists of detailed descriptions of each chapter, spelling standard rule. It does not contain double
sub chapters accompanied by examples of meaning, effective, and easy to understand. In
exercises to be completed by learners, while this case, Nurgiyantoro (2013: 88) writes that the
cover pages consist of attachments, literature, language in the story for children should be
answer keys, and glossary. simple, both in terms of lexical, structure,
Furthermore, the development of fairy tale discourse, or designated meaning. Some of the
book based sainsmatika also get a worthy aspects that linguists assess are: (1) language
description of the material experts, it is proved by conformity, (2) language use, and (3) language
the average validation score which is 4.65 from readability.
scale 5 and belong to the category of Very Good. Based on the three experts’ validation, it
The material experts provide some suggestions can be obtained the average validation score of
among the following: (1) the text type should be the development of fairy tale book based
consistent, (2) each picture is given information sainsmatika as a whole is 4.73 which is included
to be clearer, and (3) exercises need to be added. in the category of Very Good and declared
Aspects that are used as a reference eligible for using in grade IV of elementary
assessment by the material experts are: (1) the school learning and teaching process.
completeness of the material; (2) material
accuracy; (3) activities that support the material;
(4) the recent material; (5) critical thinking skills
facility; (6) curiosity characters facility; (7) the A worthy fairy tale book based
scientific system material organization; and (8) sainsmatika in grade IV primary school learning
the use of notations, symbols, and units. The has received a proper statement from media
material raised in this book is science and experts, material experts, and linguists that is
with a minimum worth of "B" with the "Good"
mathematics. Its concept is started from a desire
to integrate science and mathematics in its criteria. Based on the results and discussion it is
entirety and thoroughly, so that it is literally known that the science book has been declared
eligible by the experts where the media experts
Science-Mathematic integrated in an essential
theme. Sainsmatika is the continuity of score is 4.81 of scale 5 included in the category
integrative thematic concepts applied in of very good, the material experts give 4.65 from
scale 5 so that categorized very well, and also it
Curriculum 2013. Prasetyo (2016) also affirmed
that learning with an curriculum integrated will has been declared feasible with a score of 4.73
motivate learners to learn because the learning of from a scale of 5 that also belongs in very good
integration is relevant to the needs and
development of children and follow the The researcher suggests such as for
principles of constructivism. Thematic learning grade 4 primary school teachers and students. For
the teachers are expected to be able to use fairy
is a learning whose development begins by
defining a particular topic as a central theme or tale book based sainsmatika on learning to
topic. Once, the theme is established then it is support the content of science and mathematics
lessons. For students, they can use fairy tale book
subsequently used as the basis for determining
the basis of sub-themes from the field of study based sainsmatika according to the directions
(Fogarty, 1991: 54). Therefore, in thematic and in order to make them enjoy the learning
learning there is one theme that became the basis process well.
for the materials development or sub themes that
are connected to each other. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
The development of fairy tale book based The acknowledgment is special to Dr.
sainsmatika is also considered feasible by Muhammad Nur Wangid, M.Pd and Dr. Ali
linguists. The average validation score in this Mustadi, M.Pd as the researcher’s supervisor
study reached 4.73 from scale 5 which means it who has provided guidance and review. The
is Very Good. Linguists give some suggestions researcher also say thanks to experts, that is Prof.
about the background selection for improvement Dr. Suhardi, M.Pd and Dr. Ali Muhtadi, M.Pd,
should not be too crowded for the text to read furthermore thanks a lot to ICERI which has
clearly. organized an international seminar and give me
The language used in children's literature opportunity to publish this article on ICERI
including fairy tales must be communicative and proceeding.
easy to understand by them. It means that the
message is to be conveyed by the author through
fairy tales can be conveyed well to the child. The

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

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Sekolah Dasar.” Jakarta: Departemen
Company. 1991.
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[12] Mitchell, D. Children’s Literature, an
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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Syubhan An’nur1, Misbah2, and M. Noor Alifullah3
Physics Education Study Program, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Less the maximum utilization of the technological sophistication of current impact on the learning materials
used in the learning process in schools still haven't been fullest. Especially in MAN 1 Banjarmasin, the
available facilities are already adequate, but it is used which is not yet effective. This research aimed to
describes the validity, the practicality, the effectiveness of learning materials assisted Flip Book Maker.
This research is a research and development which refers to the ADDIE model. The subject of the trial is a
student of Class XI IPA 3 1 MAN in Banjarmasin. The data obtained through the sheet validation of media
and materials, sheet observations lesson plan implementation, and learning outcomes test. Research result
showed, (1) the category of validity learning material is valid, (2) the category of practicality learning
material is very well, (3) the category of effectiviness learning material is effective or high. Conclusion of
the research that the learning material on the subject of static fluid assisted Flip Book Maker is eligible to
Keywords: learning material,static fluid, flip book maker.

conveyed when the teacher delivering the

material monotonously in front of the students.
The development of science and technology
But on the other hand, the lecture method can
increasingly encourages renewal efforts in the
lead to low quality of learning because it can
utilization of technology results in the learning
make students become bored while listening to
process. Teachers are required to be able to
the end that decreases student learning interest
develop teaching materials in accordance with
[4]. lack of creativity in creating innovative
the media to be taught. So through the utilization
teaching materials makes the quality of learning
of media in the learning process is expected to
to be low when educators are only fixated on
optimize the quality of learning and student
conventional teaching materials [3].
learning outcomes [1].
Based on the observation of physics
Advancement of science and technology in
learning process in MAN 1 Banjarmasin found
the media, very influential on the preparation and
that there is no teaching materials that can attract
implementation of learning strategies. As Lee
students' attention and the use of conventional
and Owen (2000) that the use of technological
aids. It has an effect on the lack of interest of
media not only facilitates and streamlines the
students in following the subjects. Whereas, if
learning process but also makes learning more
using the existing electronic media to create
interesting [2].
teaching materials that are taught to be more
Teachers as an educator are required
interesting, the student interest will rise to follow
creativity to be able to arrange innovative
the lesson certainly. The teaching needs to
teaching materials and can attract students'
observe to interests and needs, because both of
attention. Harvest (2011) states that teaching
them will be the cause of attention. "Something
materials are all kinds of learning materials are
that interests and needs learners, will attract
arranged systematically that can be used teachers
attention, so they will be serious in learning" [5].
and students in the learning process [3], in the
Therefore, with the development of
form of: learning implementation plan (RPP),
teaching materials assisted flip book maker is
student activity sheet (LKS), test Learning
expected to attract the attention of students in
outcomes (THB), and teaching materials.
teaching and learning process. Because this
However, teachers use only simple or
application makes learning interesting, with
conventional teaching materials in the learning
unusual appearance so learning is more fun and
process, such as material that is delivered only by
innovative. Flip book maker is an application that
lecture method. The teacher can freely speak the
can change the look of Portable Document
length and the students calmly, carefully, and
Format (PDF) file, Microsoft Word, Excel, and
while noting the important points that are
Power Point (PPT) become more interesting that

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

can make it likes a book. The end of result can made, and (3) learning result test, to measure the
be saved in .swf, .exe, .html format [6]. With the effectiveness of developed teaching materials.
application of flip book maker this can make the The test design in this study used one group
presentation to be interesting and by applied into pretest and posttest [9] as follows:
the learning is expected to make the learning O1 X O2 (1)
process will also be interesting and innovative, where:
so it can get students' attention. O1 = pretest (preliminary test before learning
This is in line with research conducted [7], states with flip book maker assisted teaching
that the media learning of flip book is effective to material)
improve student learning outcomes. And the X = apply learning with flip book Maker
development of Flip Book Maker oriented e- assisted teaching materials
module media can develop students' math O2 = posttest (final test after learning with flip
problem solving abilities [6]. book-assisted teaching material)
Based on the above description it is
necessary to effort developing a teaching The data obtained from the validation of
material assisted flip book maker that can attract RPP, teaching materials, LKS, THB, and media
students' attention. In this study developed were then analyzed by comparing the average
physics teaching materials assisted flip book score of the academician and practitioners'
maker on static fluid teaching materials. assessment, and compared with Table 1 for the
The general problem formulation how is the assessment criteria [10].
Feasibility of Teaching Material Flip Book
Maker on Static Fluid Discussion Class XI in Table 1. Criteria of learning device validation
MAN 1 Banjarmasin ?The purpose of this aspect
research is to develop Flip Book Maker assisted No Interval Category
teaching materials that are suitable for learning 1 X > 3,4 Very good
process, in terms of validity, practicality, and 2 2,8  X ≤ 3,4 Good
3 2,2  X ≤ 2,8 Enough
4 1,6  X ≤ 2,2 Less
5 X ≤ 1,6 Very less
The research is conducted of research
development. The steps in this development The data result of RPP implementation is
study are using the ADDIE development model. used to know the practicality of the developed
The stages of activities that contained in the teaching material. The implementation of the
ADDIE model are consist of analysis, design, RPP contains are the steps for the teacher should
development, implementation, and evaluation do, the score that the observer should be given
[8]. based on the existing assessment guidance and
Research subject of this research is teaching the observer's suggestion. Percentage of overall
materials that using Flip Book Maker especially RPP implementation is obtained by using the
teaching materials, the object of research is the following equation:
feasibility of teaching materials viewed from the
validity of teaching materials that is the validity Implementation of RPP 100 % (2)
of media, materials, RPP, LKS, and THB, the
practicality of teaching materials and the For the criteria of the implementation of
effectiveness of teaching materials. The subject RPP [11] can be seen in the table below.
of the test is class XI IPA 3 MAN 1 Banjarmasin
academic year 2015 / 2016. The location of the Table 2. Criteria of implementation
research at Jalan Pahlawan, Kampung Melayu
No. Percentage Category
Darat, Banjarmasin. The reseach begins from
February to June 2016. 1. 76 – 100 Very good
The research instruments used in the study 2. 51 – 75 Good
are as follows: (1) validation sheet, to know the 3. 26 – 50 Enough
validity of the teaching materials that will be 4. X ˂ 26 Less
tested. Includes validation sheet of RPP, LKS,
Media, THB, and Flip Book Maker-Oriented
Material, (2) RPP Activity Sheet, to know the The effectiveness of learning is measured
practicality of teaching materials that have been from the test of learning outcomes by performing
pretest and posttest, to find out the improvement
of students' cognitive learning outcomes is

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

determined using the normalized gain (N-gain) Table 6. Result of LKS validation
[12]. For the effectiveness criteria of student
argumentation skill can be seen in Table 3 as Validator score
Aspect item
follows. No
assessment number
1 2
Table 3. Criteria for learning effectiveness 1 Asepekct of
6 20 22 21
format LKS
No Value Criteria 2 Aspect of
3 11 11 11
1 <g> ≥ 0,7 High 3 Aspect of
7 19 23 21
2 0,3 ≤ <g> < 0,7 Medium contents
Total 16 50 56 53
3 <g> < 0,3 Low
Average 3,13 3,50 3,31
Validity valid

Table 7. Result of learning outcome test

The results of the analysis of Flip Book
Maker assisted teaching materials consisting of item Validator
RPP, teaching materials, LKS, and THB can be Aspek Averag
No numbe score
assesment e
seen in Tables 4,5,6,7, and 8. r 1 2
1 General
8 28 29 28,5
Table 4. Result of RPP Validations construction
2 Validation
Validator score 15 56 58 57
Aspect item item
No average
asssment number 1 2 Total 23 84 87 85,5
1 Aspect of Average 3,65 3,78 3,72
5 18 19 18,5
format Validity Very valid
2 Aspects
of 3 9 11 10
language Table 8. Result of learning media validation
3 Aspect of
17 59 61 60 item Validator
content Aspect Averag
No numbe score
Total 25 86 91 88,5 assesment e
Average 3,44 3,64 3,54 1 2
1 Aspect of
Validity Very valid 2 7 8 7,5
2 Aspect of
3 10 10 10
3 Aspect of media
Table 5. Result of teaching materials completed
2 6 6 6
validations 4 Aspect of media
2 6 8 7
item Validator design
N Aspect score Avera 5 Aspect of full
numb 1 4 4 4
o asessment ge view
er 1 2
1 Aspects Total 10 33 36 34,5
7 24 23 23,5
of format Average 3,3 3,6 3,45
2 Aspect of
19 60 60 60 Validity Very valid
3 Aspect of
11 37 36 36,5
4 Aspect of To Know the practicality of teaching
presentati 17 56 55 55,5 materials using Flip Book Maker can be seen in
on the implementation of RPP observed by two
5 Aspect of
2 6 6 6 observers. The results of the analysis of the
Total 56 183 180 181,5 implementation of RPP can be seen in the
Average 3,09 3,18 3,24
Table 9. Result of analysis implementation RPP
Validity Valid
No RPP Percentage Criteria
1 RPP 1 86,84% Very good
2 RPP 2 85,00% Very good
3 RPP 3 85,37% Very good
4 RPP 4 83,13% Very good
The overall average 85,08% Very good

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

The effectiveness of the teaching materials that the teaching material with Flip Book Maker
is reviewed through the test of learning is worthy to be used to the students in the learning
outcomes. The results of the analysis using the process.
gain test can be seen in the table below. Table 6 shows that the result of the
validation of LKS covers the aspects of the LKS
Table 10. Result of average gain format, the language aspects, and the content
aspects are categorized as valid. The results of
Average gain Criteria
the assessment by the validator with very good
0,70 High criteria in each category and the validity of the
entire LKS has a valid category indicates that the
developed LKS have good quality, so it can be
concluded that LKS developed valid used as a
The expedience of physics-assisted supporter of learning.
teaching materials Flip Book Maker viewed from Table 7 shows that the overall THB
the validity, practicality, and effectiveness. This validation assessment results include general
is based on the opinion of Nieveen [13] states in construction aspects as well as validation of
the development process, the main criteria used items in highly valid categories. The test result of
to meet the quality of development is validation, learning that has been made in accordance with
practicality, and effectiveness. Validity of the statement Purwanto [16] which states that
teaching materials used in terms of expert made THB able to measure students' mastery of
validity, practicality of teaching materials the material taught by the teacher or studied
through the implementation of RPP, and the students. A good THB issue must meet the
effectiveness of learning through student requirements that have validity and reliability.
learning outcomes. The test question said to be valid is when it is
Based on table 4 above, the results of RPP used to (measure) the skills of students who can
validation as a whole show that the result of measure the skills it should be. The highly valid
validation assessment of learning THB proves that the test developed is able to
implementation plan which includes aspect of measure what is desired [17], and can reveal data
assessment of RPP format, language and RPP from the variables studied appropriately [18]
contents included is in category very valid. As In Table 8 it can be seen that the results of
explained in Permendiknas no. 41 of 2007 on the whole validation show that the results of the
Process Standards for Basic and Secondary assessment of learning media validation covering
Education Units, that each teacher in an aspects of assessment of variation of
educational unit is obliged to formulate a presentation, implementation, media
complete and systematic RPP as disclosed completeness, media design and overall look
Adyatma [14] in order that the learning takes included in the category is very valid. The results
place interactively, inspiration, fun, challenging, of the assessment with good category / valid in
motivating students to participate actively , And each category shows that the components
provide sufficient space for initiative, creativity, contained in the media has been met correctly, so
and independence in accordance with the it can be concluded that the media developed
students' physical, physiological talent, interests, appropriate and appropriate for use as a medium
and development. The results of the assessment of learning because according to Sudjana [1] can
with good category in each category indicate that be a teaching tool Support the use of teaching
the components of the compilers RPP has been methods that teachers need. Because of the
met correctly, so it can be concluded that the RPP position of the media as one of the efforts to
appropriate and it is reasonable as a teaching enhance the process of teacher-student
material. interaction and student interaction with the
Based on table 5 above, the results of the learning environment.
whole validation show that the results of the Based on Table 9 it can be seen that the
validation of teaching material which includes value of the implementation of the RPP given by
aspects of the format, language, content, 2 observers for four times the average overall
presentation and benefits are included in the valid percentage meeting of 85.08% was stated to be
category. The material has been made in very well executed. This means developed
accordance with Daryanto [15] which states that learning materials that can be used with realistic
the subject matter is prepared and presented in setup [13].
such a way that the readers are expected to absorb The effectiveness of teaching materials can
the material themselves. Thus the material that be seen through the test of learning outcomes.
has been made has a match to other devices so Based on table 10 on the criteria of the

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

effectiveness of learning outcomes, the test [5] Ibrahim, R, dan Syaodih, S, N, “

results that have been tested tested high Perencanaan Pengajaran”, Jakarta : PT
categorized. From the results of the analysis can Rineka Cipta, 2010.
be known THB instruments can be said worthy
[6] Wijayanto, “Pengembangan E-Modul
of use because the problems are made in
Berorientasi Flip Book Maker dengan
accordance with the purpose of learning. Warsita
Model Pproject Based Learning untuk
[19] states "the effectiveness of learning is often
Mengembnagkan Kemampuan Pemecahan
measured by the achievement of learning
Masalah Matematika”, Semarang : PGRI
objectives". The use of flip book maker media
Semarang, 2014.
can increase learners' learning interests and can
also affect student achievement or learning [7] Wahyuliani, Y., Supriadi, U., & Anwar, S.
outcomes. The use of Flipbook can also improve “Efektivitas Penggunaan Media
understanding and improve the achievement of Pembelajaran Flip Book Terhadap
learning outcomes [20]. This is also supported by Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Mata
Searmadi & Harimurti [21] research that the Pelajaran Pai Dan Budi Pekerti Di SMA
application of flipbook innovation as a learning Negeri 4 Bandung, “TARBAWY:
media can improve learning outcomes. Indonesian Journal of Islamic
Education, 3(1), pp22-36, 2016.
[8] Pribadi, B, A. “Desain dan Pengembangan
Based on the results of the experiment, it Program Pelatihan Berorientasi
can be concluded that: Flip Book Maker assisted Kompetensi, Implementasi Model ADDIE”,
teaching materials on the static fluid discussion Jakarta: Prenada Media Group, 2014.
is feasible to use. Based on the findings data as
[9] Setyosari, P, “Metode Penelitian Pendidikan
dan Pengembangan edisi ke tiga”, Jakarta :
The validity of instructional materials using
Prenada Media Group, 2013.
Flip Book Maker is categori valid for teaching
materials and LKS, and highly valid for RPP, [10] Widoyoko, “Evaluasi Program
THB, and teaching media. Pembelajaran”, Yogyakarta: Pustaka
Practicality of teaching materials using Flip Pelajar, 2013
Book Maker categorized very well.
The effectiveness of teaching materials [11] Arikunto, S, “Prosedur Penelitian Suatu
Pendekatan Praktik”, Jakarta: Rineka Cipta,
using Flip Book Maker is effectively categorized.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT [12] Hake, R.R, “Analyzing Change/Gain
Score”. Woodland Hills : Dept of physics
Thanks to Allah SWT. Thanks to the Dean
Indiana University, 1999.
of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
University of Lambung Mangkurat. Thanks to [13] Nieven, N, etc, “An Introduction to
And then thanks MAN 1 Banjarmasin for all help Educational Design Reseacrch”. Enschede:
and support along this research. And thanks to all Netzodruk, 2010.
whoever help and support this research.
[14] Adyatma, S, “Bahan Ajar Pendidikan Guru
Bidang Geografi”, Banjarmasin : CV Jaya
Putri, 2009.
[1] Sudjana, N, “Penilaian Hasil Proses Belajar
[15] [15] Daryanto, “Menyusun Modul Bahan
Mengajar”, Bandung: PT Remaja
Ajar Untuk Pesiapan Guru dalam
Rosdakarya, 2013.
Mengajar”, Yogyakarta : Gava Media, 2013.
[2] Musfiqon, “Pengembangan dan Sumber
[16] Purwanto., “Evaluasi Hasil Belajar”,
Pembelajaran”, Jakarta : Prestasi Pustaka,
Yogyakarta : Pustaka Pelajar, 2014.
[17] Sukardi, ”Evaluasi Pendidikan : Prinsip dan
[3] Prastowo, A, “Panduan Kreatif Membuat
Operasionalnya”, Jakarta : Bumi Aksara,
Perangkat pembelajaran Inovatif”,
Jogjakarta: Diva Press, 2013.
[18] [18] Sundayana, R, “Statistika Penelitian
[4] Hartono, R, “Ragam Model Mengajar yang
Pendidikan”, Bandung: Alfabeta, 2014.
Mudah diterima Murid”, Jogjakarta : DIVA
Press, 2014.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

[19] Warsita, B, “Teknologi Pembelajaran,

Landasan dan Aplikasinya”, Jakarta Rineka
Cipta, 2008.
[20] Hidayatullah, M. S., & Rakhmawati, L,
“Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran
Berbasis Flip Book Maker Pada Mata
Pelajaran Elektronika Dasar Di SMK Negeri
1 Sampang.,”Jurnal Pendidikan Teknik
Elektro, 5(1), 2016.
[21] Searmadi, B. P. H., & Harimurti, R,
“Penerapan Inovasi Flipbook Sebagai Media
Pembelajaran Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil
Belajar Pengenalan PHP Kelas XI RPL Di
SMK Negeri 2 Mojokerto,” Jurnal IT-Edu.
1(2), pp42-48, 2016.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Lathifa Rosiana Dewi1, Bayuk Nusantara Kr. J. T. 2
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
[email protected], [email protected]

Innovation in education plays an important role to increase the quality of life. English speaking program in
a private senior high school becomes one of the innovations. This is caused by when students are fluent in
English, they can be more confident in facing the future, at least they will not worry to read English
literature. This study aimed to evaluate the discrepancy between desired standard and the actual
performance. Desired standard for this program is letting students to speak English and minimize the using
mother tongue. Participants of this study were three students of English speaking program class. They were
interviewed one by one. The result of this study showed us about there is discrepancy between desired
standard and the actual performance from the regulation of using English in a class. Students just worked
with their worksheet based on some observations. They did not speak English except while they read the
text in the worksheet. The instructor stated that this was caused by students who asked for it. For last,
stakeholders should supervise the English speaking program in order to achieve the objective.
Keywords: discrepancy, speaking program, innovation

important one is the active interaction by using

English (Richards & Rodgers, 2001)
Language is a tool of communication. To overcome this situation, one of senior
There are a lot of languages in the world, one of high school in central java has English speaking
them is English. English becomes a lingua program. The aim of this program is to train
franca. Lingua franca is the language which can students to speak English. However, this
be understood by people which has different program has not been evaluated. The evaluation
language for daily conversation as stated by of the program is the important thing to be done.
Hynninen (2016). For example, if you meet This is caused by when a program has been
people from different country like Japan, you evaluated, people will know about the strength
cannot speak Japanese, then you can speak and weakness of the program (Irambona &
English so that you can communicate with them. Kumaidi, 2015). Then, the policymaker can
The impact for using English as a lingua decide whether the program should be continued,
franca is people should speak English, learn need a revision, or should be stopped.
about both language and culture, and also reading There are some model evaluation which can
some English literature. That is why people or at be used to evaluate the program namely CIPP,
least students in Indonesia should mastering Kirkpatrick, Countenance Stake, Discrepancy,
English. and many others. Each model evaluation can be
The government has worked for that. This used based on the aim of the evaluation. This
means that they make a rule about how English study use discrepancy model evaluation.
should be taught. Unfortunately, Indonesia is a Discrepancy model evaluation is the model
country which makes English only as a foreign evaluation which want to know is there any
language. Foreign language means that English discrepancy between desired standard and the
is only taught in the classroom. Students do not actual performance (Kaufman &Thomas, 1980).
have obligation to speak English outside the The aim of this study is to find out the
classroom. That is why some students in discrepancy between the standard and the real
Indonesia cannot speak English fluently. situation.
The English learning should be taught as
right as possible. This means that teacher should
find the right or the suitable technique to teach
This study was held in one of senior high
the students. Brown (2001: 275) stated that
school in central java. Data was gathered
teacher should find out the technique which can
qualitatively by using interview from different
fulfill students’ need. Besides that, students
participants. Three students were interviewed
should be given a chance to have interaction by
one by one. The interview question is about is
using English both passive and active. The most
there any discrepancy between the desired

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

standard and the actual performance. Besides Supervisor never came to the
that, to confirm about what participants said, the class while program.
instructor was also interviewed. The observation
was done as an additional data. The data analysis Based on the observation, instructor did
of this study consisted of three phases namely not speak English except the text in the
data reduction, data display, and conclusion textbook. This minimized the chance to speak
drawing/verification (Miles & Huberman, 1994). English for students actually.

c. Instructor speak Bahasa to confirm the

Actually, there are some standards from this meaning only. This was never happened
program, namely instructor should write a lesson based on the observation and interview. One
plan which is appropriate to standard, instructor participant stated that
should deliver the material by using English,
Instructor can speak another language just to In the class, instructor speak
confirm the meaning, and instructor let the Bahasa except the text in the textbook
student to speak English as often as possible. Another participant also mentioned that
a. Instructor writes a lesson plan which is Instructor spoke Bahasa during
appropriate to the standard. Based on the the class, he only spoke English while
document analysis, instructor has written the reading the text in the textbook but he
lesson plane which is appropriate to standard. confirmed the meaning when we did
This can be seen from the analysis of not know the meaning of the text.
document. Researchers compare the lesson
However, the instructor confirmed the
plan and the standard. meaning of the text.
b. Instructor should deliver the material by d. Instructor let students to speak English as
using English. Based on the interview, often as possible. Based on the observation,
instructor just spoke English while reading a during the class instructor only worked with
text in the textbook. This can be seen from the the textbook. This minimized the chance for
interview below, students to speak English. Insctructor stated
Instructor only spoke English that
while reading text in the textbook. He Students asked for that. This
did not speak English after that. means that the students wanted to
work with the textbook whereas that
Another participant also textbook is for their homework so that
mentioned that I cannot make them to speak English
in the class.
Instructor spoke Bahasa while
delivering the material. Students Actually, this can be overcome if the
spoke English while instructor asked instructor be more creative. This means that
for us to read the text. instructor should create the situation which is
really fun for students so that they want to
Then, researcher confirmed it to the speak English.
instructor, he mentioned that students did not
ready for that. This means that if instructor
speak English during the class, students did
not get the meaning as mentioned below The instructor is on the right track in the
planning session. This means that instructor has
If I did that, students will be appropriated to standard. This can be seen from
bored and did not get the meaning. the document analysis. The policymakers have
written the appropriate standard and it is suitable
This can be concluded that instructor with the lesson plan written by the instructor.
understand the situation of the class so that he However, there is a discrepancy for another
decided not to use English. standard namely the regulation of using English
This was happened may be caused by in the classroom. This means that there is two
the supervisor who never came to the class interactions here, from student to teacher and
while program. This can be seen from the student to student. Instructor did not let students
interview with the participants to speak English except the text in the textbook.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

This is caused by student asked to the instructor REFERENCES

to discuss about the textbook only. Instructor
[1] Brown, H. D. 2001. Teaching by Principles:
played an important role here. This means that
An Interactive Approach to Language
instructor should facilitate the students’ need.
Pedagogy. (2nd Ed.). New York: Pearson
This is in line with Brown (2001) who stated that
Education co.
teacher should find out the technique which
fulfills students’ need. Although students asked [2] Hynninen, N. (2016). Language Regulation
the instructor to discuss about the textbook, the in Engliash as a Lingua Franca: Focus on
instructor should find out the technique to Academic Spoken Discourse. Berlin: Walter
overcome that problem. Another discrepancy de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG.
comes from the standard which let students to
speak English as often as possible. Students [3] Irambona, A., & Kumaidi. (2015). The
should have active interaction by using English Effectiveness of English Teaching Program
in Senior High School: A Case Study.
so that they can speak English fluently as
mentioned by (Richards & Rodgers, 2001). Research and Evaluation in Education, 1,
After some discrepancies have known, the 114–128.
policymakers should do some things to revise the [4] Kaufman, R., & Thomas, S. (1980).
program considering its important to the Evaluation Without Fear. New York: New
students’ English speaking ability. Policymaker Viewpoints.
should supervise the classroom. Besides that, the
training for instructor can be a consideration. [5] Miles, M., & Huberman, A. (1994).
Qualitative Data Analysis. Thousand Oak,
CA: Sage Publications.
My appreciation comes for all participants [6] Richards, J. C., & Rodgers, T. S. (2001).
in this study. I would like to thank you for the Approaches and methods in language
teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University
time that given to me so that I can evaluate this
program. My gratitude also comes for the Press.
instructor who let me to disturbing the class for
observation, thank you.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


DEBT IN 2014-2016
Nova Yunita Sari Siahaan Fitri Istria, Asti Widiani
Program Magister Pendidikan, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Foreign debt is really helpful in supporting the Indonesian government to whitewash the budget deficit of
National Income and Spending Budget (APBN). Foreign debt payment is the biggest budget of all funded
from National Income and Outcome Budget (APBN). The condition of domestic investment sources which
is limited causes the foreign debt of Indonesia in both commercial and non commercial become increased.
Consequently, there is still budget deficit and balance sheet payment. One of the causes is that the
government keeps providing infrastructure and superstructure to fulfill economical development and the
needs continuing to increase. Inflation is one of the factors causing the increasing National Debt. Inflation
is a trend where there is an increase of the cost from one period to another period continuously. This research
was aimed at finding out the correlation between the inflation rate and the foreign debt of Indonesia in 2014
- 2016. The data used in this research was gotten from the Indonesian Statistics which is secondary data.
The data were analyzed by using simple linear regression method processed by using SPSS 2.2 Version.
Based on the data processing gained, the inflation rate did not have significant impact towards Indonesia’s
Foreign Debt.
Keywords: inflation, foreign debt

Investment need is increased

The foreign debt has become a serious
Investment is investing capital for one or
problem. If a country has foreign debt, then there
more assets usually in long term investment with
will be problems such as the task to pay the main
a hope to earn profit in the future. It is almost
debt and its interest. Foreign debt can be defined
annually that Indonesia is lack of investment.
as one of the national income in the kind of
Besides being caused by the lack of investment,
foreign exchange whether it is in form of goods
the increasing foreign debt is also caused by the
or services from the foreign loan provider
significant difference of interest rate.
(PPHLN) must be paid in particular
circumstances. Foreign debt can also be defined
as national budget sources provided by foreign The structure of economy is not efficient
countries, board/institution of international based on ICOR indicator
Incremental Capital Output Ratio (ICOR) is
finance or from international monetary market in
form of currency exchange, goods and merit or the ratio between the last year investment and
services including assurance causing Indonesia output growth (PDRB). Large scale is needed
when there is wasting because of inefficiency of
must pay the debt back according to agreements
of both country have been reached. the capital investment.

On Going Deficit Transaction The Inflation rate is increased

Ongoing deficit transaction is the ratio or Inflation is a process of the cost increase
cost comparison between budget received from continually which is related to market
mechanism caused by some factors. The inflation
abroad and the payment to foreign countries. In
other words, the transaction showed the total rate affect the interest rate, because the inflation
operation of foreign trade, foreign currency of expectation is the component of the nominal
interest rate. Low interest rate caused low desire
trading, the balance between export and import
and transfer payment. Ongoing deficit in investment, then to meet the national budget
transaction causes foreign debt increases. spending, the government used foreign debt. The
inflation phenomenon in Indonesia is not just
short term phenomenon happening situationally,
it is also happen in other growing countries. Data

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

of inflation gained from Bank of Indonesia in earnings and unemployment rate will also
2014 was 8.36 %, in 2015 was 3.35 % and in increase. Foreign loan is a part of debt total of a
2016 was 2.59%. Inflation issue is a long term country gotten from crediting countries. The
problem because there are still structural debtor may be government, a company, or
obstructions in national economic matter. In individual. The type of the debt can be money or
short term, the foreign debt really supports the funding gotten from private bank, foreign
government to fulfill the deficit of national government, or other financial institutions like
earnings and spending budget which is caused by IMF and World Bank.
the routine spending and large scale national The Inflation pressure is caused by the
construction. Therefore, the growth rate of increasing rate of public sector aggressiveness in
economy can be prodded to achieve the target doing business expansion, supported by
made before. However, in long term case, the developing banking. In the condition of domestic
foreign debt can cause some economics problems capital sources which is relatively limited, the
in Indonesia. Data from The Bank of Indonesia foreign debt, whether it is commercial or non
showed that the Indonesian foreign debt commercial, increases. As the result, there is still
continuously decreased from 2014 US $ 292.94 deficit of earnings and spending budget and
million, in 2015 US$ 290.341 million and in foreign exchange payment. This is caused by the
2016 US$ 319.070 million. The foreign debt government keeps providing infrastructure and
accumulation and its interest will be paid through superstructure in supporting the development of
National Earning and Spending Budget or APBN economy in which the need is increasing. This
RI by paying it partially every year. role of government in this case can be understood
The foreign debt has positive and negative because the capability of the private sector in
impacts as following: constructing infrastructure to support the
a. Positive Impact development of economy is still limited.
In short term case, foreign debt help the Inflation is a process of the increase of the
government to fulfill the deficit of national cost generally and continuously related to market
earning and spending budget, which is caused by mechanism that can be caused by some factors.
b routine spending payment and infrastructure Inflation growth rate affects the interest rate
construction spending on a large scale. The because the expectation of the inflation is the
foreign debt support the development in components of nominal interest rate. Increasing
Indonesia. By using extra funding from other inflation trend caused Bank of Indonesia cut the
countries, the growth rate of economy can be interest rate of currency. Low interest rate will
prodded and achieve the target made before. also make the people’s desire to investment low.
b. Negative Impact So, the government fulfilled the national
In long term case, foreign debt can cause spending budget by borrowing money from other
various problems to national economy. One of countries. To fulfill the lack of capital investment
them is the value of Rupiahs collapse as it is sources, the government try to attract foreign
called inflation. Foreign debt can cause the investors through various kind of loan.
National Earning and Spending Budget or APBN Previous studies investigate the economic
in danger or burdened because Indonesia must growth and the inflation in different rate from
pay the main debt and its interest. government and foreign debt. Analysis was
based on the new data of forty four countries in
The Correlation between Inflation and last two hundred years. The data collected
Foreign Debt combining more than 3.700 annual observations
Inflation is a monetary phenomenon consisting of various political system,
(Michelis & Iacoviello: 2016). Inflation can be institutions, currency exchange regulation, and
defined as the process of the increase of costs historical conditions. The main finding was:
generally, or inflation can also been defined as firstly, the correlation between government debt
the decrease of currency value continuously. and real PDB growth was weak for the ratio of
Inflation is a phenomenon, not about how high debt/PDB which was under the threshold of 90
and how low the cost is. It means that, the high percent from PDB. Above 90 percent, the growth
rate cost does not certainly show the inflation. rate was decreased one percent. We found that
So, Inflation happens when the cost is increased the threshold for public debt with advanced is
continuously and affects each other. similar with the growing economy. Secondly, the
If the high rate inflation occurs growing countries are facing low threshold of
continuously, the economic activity rate will debt (government and public) which is usually
decrease. Then it will cause the national earnings paid in foreign currency. When foreign debt
decreased and will cause regression to national reaches 60 percent of PDB, annual growth

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

decreases two percent; for the higher rate, the

growth rate is cut a half of gross growth. Thirdly,
Method used in this research was
there is no clear correlation between
explanatory survey by using simple linear
contemporary relationship between inflation rate
analysis. We collect the time series data from the
and public debt to develop. Country as a group
inflation, foreign debt in 2014 - 2016.
(some countries, like USA, has experienced
higher inflation rate at the time of high PDB debt.
Another study was done by Bestari (2013).
She analyzed the impact of foreign debt, Variables in this research were inflation and
inflation, and investment towards the growth of Indonesian foreign debt in 2014 - 2016. The
economy. The result of the study showed that (1) variables were analyzed to find out how they can
foreign debt has significant impact toward the interrelate one another. The data of inflation and
growth of economy in Indonesia, (2) inflation foreign debt were processed in 2014 - 2016 by
had significant negative impact towards the using linear regression and correlation which was
growth of economy in Indonesia. (3) Investment processed by using SPSS 2.2 version as figured
has significant positive impact towards the out as following:
growth of economy in Indonesia, (4) both foreign
debt and investment has significant impact
towards the growth of economy in Indonesia.

Tabel 1. Model Summary

Change Statistics
Adjusted R Std. Error of the R Square Sig. F Durbin-
Model R R Square Square Estimate Change F Change ddf1 ddf2 Change Watson
1 .213a .045 .016 18.574333 .045 1.524 11 332 .226 .483
a. Predictors: (Constant), inflasi
b. Dependent Variable: foreign debt

Table 1 showed that the correlation (R) was foreign debt, while the rest was 95,5% influenced
0.231 with determination coefficient of (R2) was by other factors.
0.045. it means that inflation has 4.5 % toward

Tabel 2. ANOVAa
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 525.668 1 525.668 1.524 .226b
Residual 11040.187 32 345.006
Total 11565.855 33
a. Dependent Variable: foreign debt
b. Predictors: (Constant), inflation

Table 2 showed that the impact of inflation It maight be caused by the occurrence of
towards foreign debt with the degree of deflation in some periods affecting foreign debt.
significance 0,05, df 1 = 1 dan df 2 = 32. It was
gained that the value of F = 4.15. from the data REFERENCES
above, it was found that f counted was1.524,
because 1.524 is smaller than 4.15, then null [1] Badan Pusat Statistik. 2005-2015 (diakses
hypothesis or H0 is accepted. Therefore, it can be pada tanggal 14 Desember 2016)
concluded that the inlation does not have any
impact towards foreign debt or the probability bjekViewTab3|accordion-daftar-subjek1).
0,226 which was higher than 0.05 (degree of [2] Machmud, Amir.2016. Perekonomian
freedom) that means that regression model Indonesia Pasca Reformasi. Jakarta:
cannot be applied to predict foreign debt. Erlangga.
[3] Suparti dan Alfi Faridatus Sa, 2015.
Staf Pengajar Jurusan Statistika FSM
Based on the discussion above, it can be
UNDIP Data inflasi indonesia
concluded that inflation does have impact
towards foreign debt in the period of 2014 - 2016. menggunakan model autoregressive

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

integrated moving average (arima) [5] Ismail H.M , Ekonomi Politik sebuah teori
dengan penambahan outlier. dan aplikasinya. Surabaya: IAIN Sunan
Ampel, 2010.
ak-dan-pengaruh-hutang-luar-negeri.html [6]

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Tuti Budirahayu1, Marhaeni Mega Wijayanti2
Universitas Airlangga, Universitas Airlangga
[email protected]; [email protected]

The model of inclusive education is important to be applied in school in order to gain equal right for all
students towards education. Inclusive education defined as a system which provides equal opportunity to
all students with different ability who possess intelligence with/or implementation talent to pursue an
education in conjunction with students in general. Inclusive education has been agreed by many countries
as a tool to combat discrimination in education. Inclusive education model applied differently in different
school according to each school's tradition, culture, and region. This research intended to observe the
implementation of inclusive education in public school, including how actors or related parties in school
applied the norms and values as a part of inclusive culture in school. This study applied qualitative method
and conducted in SMPN 29 Surabaya. Research subjects are parties and communities in school who posses
knowledge and experience in inclusive education implementation, namely teachers, headmaster, students
with special needs, and regular students. Data gathered through in-depth interview and observation. This
research found that school had succeed in creating an inclusive culture on the learning process even
inclusive culture was not previously hold in the school. The conclusions of this study are: (1)
implementation process of inclusive culture were achieved through internalization, externalization, and
objectification toward behavior which ignites differences or discrimination; (2) inclusive culture
internalization is preferably started in the period of student's orientation, which further practiced in many
internal and external school activities which requires participation from entire part of the school.
Keywords: implementation, education, culture, inclusion, internalization, externalization, objectification,

conjunction with students in general.

Unfortunately, inclusive education through
Inclusive education has been agreed by
inclusive school in Indonesia, especially in the
many countries as a tool to combat
major cities is facing many constraints. Identified
discrimination in education. Strategies, methods,
problems in the education implementation
and approaches to inclusive education applied
include the lack of appropriate facilities to
differently in diverse countries [1] (UNESCO,
children with activities, the lack of companion
2000; Stubbs, 2002). The diversity of the
teacher, and the lack of support from society in
education implementation appears as a result of
implementing inclusive education programs
different cultures and traditions hold in those
which cause inconvenience for many parties.
countries. The difference of inclusive education
Children with special needs in Indonesia
implementation also occurred in province, city,
have received assistance without their self-
and school. Indonesian Government has
consideration on their wants or opinions. This
attempted to implement inclusive education in
situation was due to the dominance of charity
various programs and activities served by
model is than empowerment model. Moreover,
Ministry of Education and Education Authorities
awareness of people in the school to create a
in provinces, cities, and residences.
comfortable environment for whole parties is still
According to PERMENDIKNAS [2]
low. This circumstance emerged due to belief in
(Regulation of Ministry of Education) number.
the society which stated that children with
70, 2009, article 1; inclusive education defined as
special needs are curse or punishment for sinner
in system implementation which provides equal
ancestors. They were seen as unreliable children
opportunity to all students with have different
or children who bring misfortune and carry other
ability who possess intelligence with/or
negative perceptions from society. Moreover,
implementation talent to pursue an education in
children with special needs are often regarded as

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

children with no ability to reach the equal music, intra-personal, nature, and spiritual
intelligence level of children in general. intelligence; (8) learning difficulties include:
Therefore, those kids are experiencing isolated hyperactive, ADD/ADHD/, dyslexia or difficulty
living. They often faced alienation from school in learning to read, dysgraphia or inability to
and excluded as a part of the school [3] (source: write coherently, dyscalculia or difficulties in accesed 2 Desember performing math-related tasks, dyspraxia or
2015). motor disorder, learning disorder (IQ=70-90),
Surabaya is one of the major cities in autism, victim of drug abuse, HIV-AIDS patients
Indonesia that has the school with the inclusive [6] (Regulation of Ministry of Education , 2009)
education system. Several public schools had The inclusive school was expected to create
started to develop inclusive education system for equal learning atmosphere without
children with special needs as school's effort for discrimination towards student’s diversity and
students with special needs. The goals are difference. This is obviously not an easy task for
students with special needs will be able to a public school that appointed by the government
interact with school community and they won’t to held inclusive education model. One of public
be considered as children with disability. The school which appointed to held inclusive
implementation of inclusive education model in education model in Surabaya is Junior High
public school was first operationalized in School (SMPN) 29. Designation of SMPN 29 as
Surabaya during 2008/2009 periods. Currently, inclusive model school ignited various reactions
Surabaya has 52 public elementary schools, 20 from parties in school which previously applied
junior high schools, and 4 vocational high exclusive education model. Various forms of
schools that implement inclusive education discrimination and violence were admitted by the
system. school principal and teachers due to the absence
A decent school has the ability to create a of information regarding children with special
conducive atmosphere for the every party in needs in the beginning of the implementation of
school. The atmosphere defined as the inclusive education model. As the development
environment within school formed by interaction of the system, teachers gained more knowledge
between the prevailing individual [4] from considerable training about inclusive
(Depdikbud, 1982) In this case, individual school model management. Therefore, changes
interaction consists of interaction between in interaction pattern within school community
teachers and students, students and students, have emerged which further formed a conducive
teachers and teachers, and teachers and school atmosphere in the school.
elites. The conducive atmosphere in school was
shown by intimacy, competition, and order for Formulation of Problems
school organization, security, and school As an attempt for deeper understanding
facilities. The conducive relationship will help about how school implement education and
the development of student’s self-potential inclusive culture in its daily operationalization,
according to the designed direction that they feel the problems in this study are: (1) how do parties
the satisfaction of learning. Inclusive cultures in school comprehend model of inclusive
will be formed with decent school atmosphere education in daily learning activities in school?
which indicated by convenience ambience, (2) What strategies are applied by headmaster
acceptance, and collaboration which every party and teachers in embedding inclusive culture in
at school feel valued and appreciated. Those school? (3) How will inclusive culture
basic values guide the creation of wisdom and accommodate different needs of students in
custom in school [5] (Junaidi, 2015:2) school?
Different schools have the different
environment, no exception for inclusive-labeled
school which consists of students with various
necessities. Children with different needs are This study is a qualitative study and uses
classified as following: (1) blindness (2) constructivism as the main perspective. The
perspective applied to explore the discourse, the
handicapped, (3) children with emotional
disturbance, (4) speech impaired, (5) children notion of meaning and symbols which
with multiple disabilities, (6) down syndrome reproduced by research subject. Therefore, novel
knowledge can be made and can be used to define
which consists of three categories; (a) mild
(IQ=50-70); (b) moderate (IQ= 25-50); (c) a reality. The analysis focused on the
severe down syndrome (IQ<25); (7) special interpretation of individual awareness toward
reality. This research aims to analyze social
talent potential with multiple intelligence in
language, mathematic logic, visual, kinetic, reality and how the reality constructed.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

The research was conducted in SMPN 29 respecting each other are relatively successful.
Surabaya. The location was chosen based on Students in general and students with special
several considerations: (1) SMPN 29 Surabaya is needs are empathic to each other and being
one of public school which operates inclusive considerate towards capability and restraints of
education for the first time (in 2009/2010); (2) their friends.
SMPN 29 Surabaya is an inclusive school with Strategies used by headmaster and teachers
biggest facilities for children with special needs in embedding inclusive culture to their students
in Surabaya. performed in various approaches. The first
Research subjects were chosen purposively strategy strived through providing companion
by considering their ability to explain and to teacher for students with special needs. The
comprehend the whole process of inclusive companion teachers were obliged to provide
education and daily activities in SMPN 29 therapist and self-development services. The aim
Surabaya. Other than parties in school, research of those services was to strengthen students with
subject also includes parents of children with special needs so that they were well-prepared to
special needs and children in general. Research join learning processes and school activities. The
subjects were listed as following: (1) Vice of second strategy conducted by teachers who
headmaster; (2) homeroom teacher; (3) inclusive continuously socialize and internalize values and
teacher coordinator; (4) companion teacher for norms about responsibility, togetherness,
children with special needs; (5) parents of dignity, appreciation, and self-awareness
children with special needs; (6) parents of towards the surrounding environment. In the
student in regular class; (7) students with special process of internalizing those values and norms,
needs; (8) students from regular class; (9) school teachers also gave example, explanation, or
canteen staff; (10) academic staff in school warning and penalty to all students equally; not
environment. only to students with special needs but also
In this research, data gathered by using regular students if they made mistakes.
several methods which mentioned by Miles and The third strategy was a structured strategy
Huberman [8] (1992) as data triangulation, where headmaster and teachers formulated a
specifically are in-depth interview and program in school which involves the whole
observation. Research applied structured and students.
unstructured interview. Observation conducted
in order to gain conception about
operationalization of inclusive education and
implementation of inclusive culture in school.
Data that had been collected was processed
and selected; it was further analyzed based on the
appointed research design. Data processing
performed by using two methods. The first
method is classifying data to find similarity and
difference or variation emerged from the
available data. The second method is linking data
with theory.

Based on the finding in the field, it was

apparent that inclusive education model can be Figure 1. shows interaction between student
comprehended by students and teachers, with special needs with regular student.
especially in the learning process. This was Physically impaired student was accompanied
reflected in daily activities performed by by his friends on their way to the canteen.
students, teachers, headmaster, and academic
staffs that support the implementation of The first method performed when the
inclusive education. Based on the observation, school held school orientation training week
students could interact well in learning activities, program. This program requires all students,
whether in class or outside the class, especially whether those with special needs or regular
for students with special needs. Students did not students, to participate. The goal of this program
mock each other if one of them could not is to introduce students as well as embedding
complete school tasks. The role of the teacher in inclusive culture as an academic culture in
socializing the value of cooperation, helping and school. Achieving this goal is important for

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

school since not every student in SMPN 29

understand the importance of practicing
This study uses social construction
inclusive culture in the school. The second
approach by Peter Berger. Social construction
method pursued through the extracurricular
regarding inclusive education was initiated by
program. There is extracurricular program which
awareness of many actors in school about
designed for all students and obliged all students
diversity and difference as a part of their social
to join the program. Through this method,
reality. The reality about inclusive education was
students from diverse ability could mingle with
realized by actors through their experiences
each other in one routine program to educate
which formed an academic atmosphere or
them to respect and help their friends in need.
inclusive culture. The process of academic
The third method conducted by combining
atmosphere formation until it became an
students with special needs with regular class in
inclusive culture can be explained by using the
the same class. Therefore, students will naturally
theory of social construction stated by Peter L.
interact with their friends and know each other
Berger [9]. ( Berger & Luckman, 1990)
better. Students would also learn to face
The formation of awareness and thought
challenges and difference that occurred in
about inclusive education until it became a part
learning activities in class.
of the academic atmosphere and academic
However, even the strategies implemented
culture in school can be achieved through three
are appropriate to introduce school community
simultaneous momentum, namely: socialization
with inclusive education, school is still facing
(and internalization), objectification, and
several constraints in the implementation of
inclusive education, such as inability of several
By socialization and internalization, people
parties in school to quickly adapt and accept
in school started to acknowledge and accept
differences. Despite the ability of many students
diverse characters of students, including students
and teachers to communicate and interact in a
with special needs. Socialization and
differentiated environment, growing an inclusive
internalization about inclusive education were
culture in school is still considered as a great
not only aiming parties within the school but also
challenge. Based on interviews with students and
parents and all students of SMPN 29 Surabaya.
teachers, students who were lacking the ability to
Therefore, all parties which involved in school
understand and to catch up with lesson were still
activities could gain adequate understanding
experienced discrimination and underestimation
about inclusive education and realize the
by the teacher. Moreover, teachers still faced
existence of students with special needs.
hardships in providing learning tools for students
By internalization, people in school were
with special needs due to limitedness of material
able to receive comprehension about supporting
resources. Another difficulty in implementing
values to inclusive education. Methods and
inclusive education was inequality in training to
strategies performed to internalize values and
teachers about students with special needs. As
inclusive culture are through student orientation
the result, several teachers forced their students
training, extracurricular activities, learning
to catch up with learning materials which for
activities in class, et cetera.
students with special needs are difficult to
Not only experiencing socialization and
understand. Therefore, several students feel
internalization, the people in school also undergo
threatened when they could not understand
the momentum of objectification. In this
learning materials from their teachers.
momentum, actors in school construct their
Another constraint experienced by the
knowledge about education and inclusive
school in providing best services for all students
culture. Knowledge gained from socialization
was limited therapeutic services for students with
and internationalization processes conducted by
special needs. This restraint was mostly caused
teacher in order to define reality of academic
by the lack of companion teacher who capable to
atmosphere in school. After comprehending
provide therapy for all students with special
knowledge transferred by teachers, students
needs in school. The problem was also occurred
started seeking the meaning of the ongoing
due to the lack of props and therapy supporting
situation on their environment. Students with
tools availability in school. As school was
special needs and regular students attempted to
unable to fulfill student's needs on its entirety,
define their behavior and interpret their custom
big amount of students with special needs were
which formed into a part of inclusive values and
often feel neglected.
cultures such as helping each other and
respecting and appreciating the others. These
processes happened continuously and formed

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

knowledge about the current circumstances in REFERENCES

their surroundings.
[1] Stubbs, Sue, “Inclusive education where
The momentum of externalization was an
there are few resources,” The Atlas Aliance.
inseparable part in actualizing knowledge that
has been constructed by an individual.
Comprehension about education and inclusive [2] Regulation of Ministry of Education and
culture experienced by all parties in school Culture, 2009 article 1)
would mean nothing unless they perform a real
action related to values and norm within [3] [accessed
inclusive education and culture. Through the Descmber 2 2015].
momentum of externalization, people in school [4] Keputusan Menteri Pendidikan dan
were able to actualize the meaning of inclusivity Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia No.
in their activities. Respecting and not humiliating 0211/U/1982
each other are several kinds of actualizations and
externalization act. Also by externalization, [5] Junaidi, A.R, “Mengembangkan budaya
school community could act, behave, and using inklusif di Sekolah,” Sebuah presentasi
language suitably according to inherent values in makalah di SMPN 29 Surabaya. 2015.
inclusive culture. School community should also [6] Regulation of Ministry of Education and
adapt to the socio-cultural world in order to be Culture 70/2009 article 3 section 1.
accepted by their environment as a genuine part
of the school. [7] Mattew B. Miles & A. Michael Hubberman,
“Analisis data kualitatif,” Jakarta: UI Press.
[8] Berger, P.L. and T. Luckmann, “Tafsir
sosial Atas Kenyataan, Risalah Tentang
Sosiologi Pengetahuan. (terj.),” Jakarta:
LP3ES, 1990.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Theresia Yunia Setyawan
Primary School Teacher Education Program, Sanata Dharma University
[email protected]

This study was a qualitative survey study aiming at describing the perceptions of primary school pre-service
teachers of Scratch programming software. It also intended to unfold their viewpoints of the software’s
roles in supporting their own learning process as well as in facilitating primary school students to learn
coding. The data gathered in this study was derived from a questionnaire distributed to 50 primary school
pre-service teachers of Sanata Dharma University taking the Media Pembelajaran Berbasis ICT course.
The questionnaire was in the form of open-ended and semi open-ended questions and was distributed to the
respondents after they had attended Scratch programming sessions during the course. The data gathered
through the questionnaire was coded and classified into categories to form patterns of primary school pre-
service teachers’ perceptions of Scratch programming and their viewpoints of the software’s roles in
supporting their own learning process as well as in assisting their future role as primary school teachers
facilitating their students to learn the skills of coding. The results of the data analysis showed that the
primary school pre-service teachers had positive perceptions of Scratch. They considered the program as
good and attractive for young learners. It was also found out that the program was beneficial not only in
improving their digital literacy skills by facilitating them learn simple coding or programming but also in
helping them advance their thinking as well as problem-solving skills.
Keywords: primary school, pre-service teachers, perceptions, scratch, coding

discarding unnecessary elements, diagnosing

errors, and inventing new approaches when the
Digitalization has become inseparable part
conventional ones do not work. In short, coding
of everyday life and it makes it inevitable for
teaches them to learn to think [6].
people to become more and more reliant on the
Coding can also power creativity and
use of technology to perform their day-to-day
innovation [12]. It encourages learners to work
works. As the world becomes increasingly
things out for themselves and be problem-solvers
digitalized and automated, children of today
as well as empowers them to be digital makers
needs to learn to be creators and not just
for jobs in the future. The skills of coding also
consumers of digital technology [2]. In order to
equip them with the ability to keep up with rapid
embrace their role as digital creators, these
changes in the digital world by providing them
millennial children need to familiarize
with the ability to cope with uncertainties of the
themselves with and learn the skills of coding.
programming results while at the same time keep
In its broad sense, coding is programming.
their logical thinking in scripting the
It means writing the step-by-step instructions that
programming instructions [6].
tell a piece of technology – usually a computer –
One of the best software that can help
what to do [3, 4]. Coding also means arranging
student start learning coding is Scratch. It is a
the instructions so that the program works as
visual programming software developed
smoothly and quickly as it can, and doing all this
specifically for children by the Lifelong
in a way that other coders or programmers can
Kindergarten Group at the Massachusetts
follow in case they need to look at or modify
Institute of Technology (MIT) Media Lab. As it
them [13].
is intended for young learners, Scratch is without
Coding has become increasingly important
doubt easy to use. It consists of attractive colorful
because it teaches children to problem-solve by
blocks of texts with simple written instructions
performing computational thinking. It requires
on them. What makes it even easier is that these
them to think like a computer by breaking down
blocks snap together like Lego or puzzle pieces
tasks into a logical sequence of smaller steps,
to create basic programs. By using this software,

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

learners can easily adapt already-made codes to The data gathered from the questionnaire
make their work faster and better or even make were classified into two main categories. Those
their own games, quizzes, or animations [1, 8, categories were respondents’ general thoughts
11]. about Scratch and their follow-up actions
The importance of coding for working and regarding the use of the program in their later
living in the digital era has urged teachers to start professional life as primary school teachers. The
thinking about teaching its skills to their students two categories were then elaborated into a few
as early as possible [6, 12]. As millennial sub-categories detailing the respondents’
teachers, they should prepare their students to thoughts about Scratch (i.e. its advantages,
face life and work in the digitalized future. benefits, and constraints) and the kind of follow-
However, as coding is still a relatively new up actions they would take after learning the
subject to primary schools in Indonesia, teachers program.
at this level of education need to get themselves
familiar with the subject. Providing them with
the opportunities to learn coding using
unsophisticated software such as Scratch is just The results of the data analysis phase
showed that the majority of the respondents
an initial effort to evoke their awareness about
the benefits of coding for the future generation. (96.15%) thought that Scratch was not easy to
This paper is trying to identify the learn. Their responses revealed that they had
difficulty in assembling the Scratch command
perceptions of primary school pre-service
teachers learning coding for the first time using blocks to generate their own scripts (84.32%).
Scratch. It intends to reveal how these pre- They also stated that they strived to use the
service teachers view their learning experience program because of their unfamiliarity with its
with the program. These perceptions are central user interface (7.84%) and because of the fact
that the program used English as its language
not only to reveal their genuine feelings towards
the process of learning Scratch itself but also to interface (7.84%). It was also found out that
predict the probability of their adopting and some respondents had difficulties in using and
creating their own sprites (3.92%), and in using
making use of the program to facilitate their
future millennial students to learn coding. sound features of the program (3.92%).
Apart from the difficulties, however, the
respondents testified that Scratch was good
because of its ability to help them create simple
This study was a one-shot survey study games and animations (80.39%). The rest of the
taking qualitative approach as its framework. respondents noted down that the program was
Unlike quantitative surveys aiming at describing attractive because it contained colorful command
statistical parameters of the data gathered from blocks that made it easy for users to choose
their respondents, this study aimed to identify the among the scripts. They also agreed that the fact
variation of the respondents’ perceptions of the that it had cute cartoon sprites with varieties of
topic under study [7]. As a one-shot survey costumes or movements made the program even
research, this study followed only one empirical more attractive for beginners.
cycle of (1) identifying research problems, (2) When asked about the benefits of learning
determining research respondents, (3) gathering Scratch for them, 33.33% of the respondents
data from the respondents, (3) analyzing the data mentioned problem-solving, critical thinking,
gathered, and (4) generating hypotheses based on and digital literacy skills as the skills that they
the data analysis process. learned while learning the program. The rest of
The respondents of this study were fifty the respondents stated that they were compelled
sophomores from Primary School Teacher to use two, or at least one, of the skills while
Education Program of Sanata Dharma University learning coding with Scratch. However, these
who learned coding using Scratch as part of their respondents noted that they were also required to
ICT course. At the end of their five-week be more creative and think logically in order to
learning experience using the program, the generate their own scripts and make their own
students were given a written questionnaire games or animations. As follow-up actions, the
containing five questions about Scratch. Four questionnaire responses showed that the majority
questions were open-ended questions while one of the respondents (98.04%) said they would
was semi open-ended where they were asked to continue learning the program because they
choose among the options or add their own wanted to use it to create educational games as
response when they thought they had other well as animations for their future students. In
applicable responses for the question. addition, they also wanted to teach Scratch to

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

their students because they believed that the Provided with more time and learning
program could help their students improve their experience, it is expected that these student
digital literacy skills, learn to think creatively and teachers can familiarize themselves with the
logically as well as to problem-solve. program and, therefore, dealing with their
difficulty in producing novel scripts of their own
by continuing advancing their digital literacy
skills as well as their thinking and problem-
The data analysis process showed that the
solving skills as they learn to create something
majority of the primary school pre-service using the program.
teachers considered Scratch as a not-so-easy The data analysis process also showed that
program to learn because they experienced
80.39% of the primary school pre-service
difficulty in assembling the command blocks teachers thought that Scratch was good because
while trying to make characters (sprites) do it could help them create simple games and
something. Despite their five-week learning
animations. This simplicity could due to the fact
experience with Scratch, this struggle could be that the program was actually designed for young
rooted from the fact that it was their first learners with little or no programming skills. As
encounter with the program as well as with
revealed in the data analysis process, the student
coding in general. As indicated by their teachers felt more confident with the program
responses, they found it challenging to think of because they did not need to memorize any bits
and pick up specific command blocks for specific
of code to program and because they could
instructions because they were not yet familiar minimize the risk of syntax errors while using the
with the script tab and its contents. Simply put, program [10].
they still strived to decide which blocks to use The primary school pre-service teachers
and under what categories they belonged to. also reported that Scratch was attractive because
Scratch was developed with constructivist
of its colorful interface. This colorfulness was
learning theory in mind [10]. Accordingly, it is perceived from the different colors of its ten
acknowledged that learners will learn to use the categories of commands (i.e. motion, looks,
program at their best when they are personally
sound, pen, data, events, control, sensing,
involved and engaged in the processes of operators, and more blocks) in the scripts tab. In
designing their own projects. While Scratch only practice, as they noted, the color difference
required its users to drag and snap command
between categories were helpful in choosing and
blocks together to move sprites or characters, arranging block commands in the block palette.
learners still need to think of correct sequences Because a series of instructions for a sprite
of blocks in order for their sprites to move or do
consisted of blocks from multiple categories, the
specific things. Experimenting with different difference in colors made it easier for them to
categories of block commands and trouble- switch between categories and locate appropriate
shooting the generated scripts from time to time
block commands they needed [9].
will help novice users to familiarize themselves The built-in costumes of Scratch sprites or
with the block palettes and the commands under characters were also part of the program the
each category [8]. It is through these processes of
primary school pre-service teachers considered
experimenting and trouble-shooting that learners as interesting. The costume sets were not only
attempt to use their logical thinking to work attractive but also helpful in easily moving a
things out for themselves and find solutions to sprite. As a costume functions as an alternate
solve problems concerning their own generated appearance of a sprite, they did not need any
instructions in the program.
specific block commands and were only required
The difficulty of which the primary school to use multiple costumes of the sprite to give it
pre-service teachers had to deal with in the impression of movement, or put it simply, to
assembling command blocks to create instruction
move it [5].
scripts, creating their own sprites as well as The responses given by the primary school
adding sounds in Scratch could result from the pre-service teachers also showed that the
lack of intensive practices and experiences in
majority of them (98.04%) would continue to
using the program. The amount of time provided learn Scratch because they wanted to create their
for them to experience and learn to use the own games and animations using the program.
program was presumed to have effect on their
They noted that Scratch was advantageous not
familiarity with the program. Considering their only in visualizing learning materials but also in
experience with Scratch and coding in general, it advancing their digital literacy skills and making
was quite likely that they did not have sufficient
them learn to think logically as well as problem-
time to learn and use the program autonomously. solve creatively. Considering its benefits, the

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

pre-service teachers said they would later make categories of scripts and find ones appropriate for
attempts to teach their students to use Scratch their projects. Most importantly, the pre-service
and hence help the future millennial generation teachers were motivated to learn more about
to develop their own digital literacy, thinking and Scratch and teach their future students to use it
problem-solving skills by creating something because they were aware that learning Scratch
novel using the program. was not merely learning about coding or
The benefits of Scratch stated by the programming but also learning to continuously
primary school pre-service teachers underline the develop and use digital literacy, thinking and
important characteristics of the program, i.e. problem-solving skills necessary to live and
tinkerable and meaningful [11]. It is considered survive in millennial era.
tinkerable because it lets learners experiment
with commands and code blocks in a way they ACKNOWLEDGMENT
might tinker with mechanical or electronic
Many people have contributed to this
components. This tinkerability characteristic
encourages hands-on learning and supports a research. The researcher would like to thank
bottom-up approach to creating scripts where sophomore students of Primary School Teacher
Education Program of Sanata Dharma
blocks of code are assembled, tested and put
together into larger units. In other words, University, who had been willing to take part in
tinkerability helps learners discover the the Media Pembelajaran Berbasis ICT course
offered in the department and participate as
functionality of various blocks of codes
autonomously [8]. respondents of the research. The researcher
Scratch is also considered as providing would also like to thank fellow ICT teachers of
meaningful learning experiences for its novice Sanata Dharma University, who had helped in
users because it allows them to choose among validating and verifying the instrument used in
this research.
different types of projects (such as such as
stories, games, animations, or simulations), so
they can work only on projects they are really REFERENCES
interested in. The program also makes it easy for [1] A. Wilson and D. C. Moffat, Evaluating
learners to personalize their chosen projects by Scratch to Introduce Younger
importing photos and sound clips, as well as Schoolchildren to Programming, 10 October
creating graphics of their own. As the learners 2010,
work on their own personally meaningful
projects, it is more likely that they use their Accessed 11 April 2017.
thinking and problem-solving skills to learn by
using essential mathematical and computational [2] B. Quinn, Computer Coding more in
concepts needed to make their projects work Demand than Languages, Survey Shows, 3
properly [11]. March 2014,
Accessed 11 April 2017.

Based on their five-week learning coding [3] C. McCue, Coding for Kids. Hoboken, NJ:
experience with Scratch, it was found out that the John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2015.
primary school pre-service teachers of Sanata [4] C. Vorderman, J. Woodcock, S. McManus,
Dharma University had positive perceptions of C. Steele, C. Quigley, and D. McCafferty,
Scratch and of its role in supporting the process Help Your Kids with Computer Coding.
of learning to code. Even though the pre-service New York: DK Publishing, 2014.
teachers thought that the program was not easy to
learn, they noted that it was good because they [5] E. A. Vlieg, Scratch by Example:
could create their own animated projects such as Programming for All Ages. New York:
games and interactive stories without any Springer Science and Business Media, 2016.
specific knowledge of programming skills. In [6] G. Hinsliff, Should Kids Learn to Code?, 3
addition, it could also help them visualize their December 2015,
learning materials and so provide more engaging Accessed 11
learning experiences for their future students. April 2017.
The primary school pre-service teachers
also indicated that Scratch was attractive and [7] H. Jansen, “The logic of qualitative survey
advantageous. The simple colorful interface of research and its position in the field of social
the program helped them move around different research methods,” Forum Qualitative
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[8] J. Maloney, M. Resnick, N. Rusk, B. [11] M. Resnick, et al., “Scratch: Programming
Silverman, and E. Eastmond, “The Scratch for all,” Communication of the ACM, vol.
programming language and environment,” 52 (11), pp. 60-67, November 2009.
ACM Trans. Comput. Educ. 10, 4, Article
[12] N. Morrison, Teach Kids how to Code and
16, 15 pages, November 2010.
You Give Them a Skill for Life, 27
[9] J. Woodcock, Coding Projects in Scratch. December 2013,
New York: DK Publishing, 2016.
Accessed 11 April 2017.
[10] K. A. Peppler and Y. B. Kafai, “Creative
Coding: Programming for Personal [13] S. Andrews and A. Dixon, Coding for Kids:
Expression,” The 8th International Scratch. London: Dennis Publishing Ltd.,
Conference on Computer Supported 2014.
Collaborative Learning (CSCL), Rhodes,

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Yohanes Budiarto
Faculty of Psychology, Tarumanagara University
[email protected]

In Christianity, worship and praise music is very common practice as expression of worshipping God The
Creator. Worshipping and praising God have solid foundation found in the Bible as “giving glory to God
in which thanksgiving is delivered.” Through praise and worship songs, people are connected each other as
well as connected to God and building faith and hope. Singing undoubtedly has beneficial effect on human’s
well-being (Menehan 2013). The study of well-being involving spiritual aspects reveals that attachment to
God may be risk factor of psychological well-being. In such case, avoidant and anxious attachment to God
may hinder personal relation to God. This study focused on how Christian students’ praise and worship
practices differentiate the relationship between attachment to God and psychological well-being. 105
Christian students classified their attachment to God into anxious and avoidant attachment (AGI; Beck &
McDonald, 2004) and psychological well-being (PWB; Diener & Biswas-Diener, 2008). The nominal
measure for students’ praise and worship practices (yes/no) was functioned as multi-group moderation on
the relationship between attachment to God and psychological well-being. Analysis using SMARTPLS 2
found that only avoidant attachment which decreased students’ psychological well-being (1.96 < 2.713).
However, it was found that praise and worship practices did not moderate the relationship between
attachment to God and psychological well-being.
Keywords: psychological well-being, praise & worship, multi-group moderation, and attachment to God

been considered as solid, empirically verified

theoretical foundation in explaining the
Killmer (2002) stated that a greater
dynamics of a relationship (Rholes & Simpson,
acknowledgement shift to religion and
spirituality are believed to have substantial
The attachment theoretical framework
impact to human’s mental health. Supporting
views the dynamics and processes underlying the
studies regarding such phenomena involve the
relationship between human and God are similar
study of Haber, Jacob, & Spangler (2007) and
to those underlying man’s relationship (Leffel,
Koenig (1998). The term religion is mainly
2007). In Christianity, God is viewed as a secure
defined as an organized system of beliefs and
attachment figure as indicated by characteristics
practices (Koenig, McCullough, & Larson,
as written in the Bible: the helper, comforter,
2001). Monotheistic religion such as Christianity
Father, personal friend, provider, healer,
focuses on the people’s experience of their
protector and one who loves them
relationship with God (Edwards & Hall, 2003).
unconditionally (Thackeray, 2001). As the
Hill and Hall (2002) clearly explains that a
consequence, the quality of attachment to God
common idiom among Christians, Christianity is
may influence Christians’ mental health.
not a religion but relationship. In this case, the
Brennan, Clark, and Shaver (1998)
emphasis lies on the active experience with God,
proposed that there were two dimensions
not in the cognitive knowledge about God and
underlay most attachment classification models:
the teachings. In Christian faith, the centrality of
avoidance of intimacy and anxiety about
an intimate relationship with God is depicted as
abandonment. As the concept indicates, this
desiring personal relationship with humans
model is dimensional in nature allowing
(Miner, 2009).
individuals to vary along the two continuous
The most prominent theoretical framework
dimensions of avoidance in one continuum and
dealing with relationship with God (particularly
anxiety on the other continuum. Avoidance
Christianity) is attachment theory (Hill and Hall,
intimacy with God is characterized by difficulties
2002). Attachment theoretical framework has
to depend on God, need for self-reliance, and

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

reluctance to emotionally intimate with God.

Anxiety to attach with God is characterized with
This was a Partial Least Square (PLS)
perception toward God as inconsistent in
study, a soft modelling approach to Structural
reactions to individuals. Research indicates that
Equation modelling (SEM) (Vinzi et al., 2010).
anxious attachment to God experience less
There are no assumptions of normality as well as
satisfaction in life, increases in anxiety and
big sample size requirement in this approach. All
negative affect (Rowatt and Kirkpatrick, 2002).
PLS data were analysed using SMARTPLS 2
The consequences of avoidance intimacy with
(Ringle, Wende and Will, 2002). The sample of
God toward psychological well-being only in
this study comprised Christian university
positive relations with others and personal
students which were taken conveniently. The
growth dimensions. The relationship has been an
choice to use a Christian sample for the current
inverse relationship in seminarian community
study was that the more homogeneous in
(Okozi, 2010). However, in the same study,
religious practices and rituals the participants
anxious attachment to God had negative
were, the less a chance factor to confound the
correlation with all of psychological well-being
result. Other reason is researcher’s familiarity
sub scales: autonomy, positive relations with
with the Christian tradition at a personal level.
others, environmental mastery, personal growth,
A total of 105 Christian participated in the
self-acceptance and purpose in life. Regarding
study consisted of 25 (23.8) males and 80
the above findings, the author wants to study
(76.2%) females, with age range from 15-23
other possibilities outcome of the relationship
years old (M = 18.53, SD = 1.309). From those
between attachment to God and psychological
participants, 65 (61.9%) practiced praise and
well-being. The use of PWBS (Ryff, 1989) to
worship ritual to God while 40 (38.1%) did not.
measure psychological well-being may be
Instruments in the study involved
inappropriate in collectivistic culture especially
Attachment to God Inventory (AGI; Beck &
the autonomy subscale. Thus, the author
McDonald, 2004) consisting 28 items on 7-point
preferred to use PWB scale (Ed Diener &
Likert scales. AGI has two sub-scales: avoidance
Biswas-Diener, 2009) which is short but
attachment and anxious attachment. The
comprehensive measure.
avoidance attachment and anxiety attachment
In Christianity, music has been playing
were based on Brennan et al.’s (1998)
important role as a way to worship God. Study
explanation, in this case it referred to avoidance
on a Pentecostal charismatic youth group
of intimacy with God in the forms of self-
indicates that religious-spiritual involvement and
reliance, a difficulty in reliance upon God, and
musical-emotional engagement flourished their
unwillingness to be intimate with God
psychological well-being (Tshabalala, 2010).
emotionally. Sample items of avoidance
Historically, music has been involved in the
attachment were: “I am totally dependent upon
practice of early church and has biblical
God for everything in my life”, “It is uncommon
foundations as a way to give thanks and glory to
for me to cry when sharing with God”, and “I just
the God. At the mass or meetings, music
don’t feel a deep need to be close to God.”
connects people of God and builds hope and
The anxious attachment to God subscale
faith. Through praise and worship, experiencing
was indicated by angry protest in which one
God’s presence, love and peace are possible
perceived his experience as lack of God’s
(Seifert, 2011). Religious practices including
affection, jealousy over God’s differential
praise and worship, praying and reading religious
intimacy with other people, perception of not
materials have been reported increase the
being loved by God, as well as worries
psychological well-being (Shuler, Gelberg, &
concerning one’s relationship quality with God.
Brown, 1994).
The sample items of the measurement were as
From the above description, the hypothesis
follows: “I worry a lot about my relationship with
of the study are as follows:
God”, “I am jealous at how God seems to care
Hypothesis 1: Attachment to God influence
more for others than for me”, and “I often worry
the Christian students’ psychological well-being.
about whether God is pleased with me” The
Hypothesis 2: The practice of praise and
composite reliability for avoidance attachment
worship differentiate the attachment to God
subscale was 0.789 and the composite reliability
influence on the Christian students’
for anxious attachment subscale was 0.889.
psychological well-being.
Psychological well-being was measured
using psychological well-being scale (Ed Diener
& Biswas-Diener, 2009) consisting 8 items. This
scale measured important aspects of human

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

functioning covering positive relationship, model is needed before meaning can be applied
feelings of competence, having meaning and to structural model analysis. Bagozzi (1981) also
purpose in life. The PWB items’ responses were previously argued that measurement model
1-7 scale ranging from Strong Disagreement to analysis should be considered as criterion to
Strong Agreement. The sample items of this causal analysis. The analysis of measurement
measure were as follows: “My social model in this study was calculated by PLS
relationships are supportive and rewarding”, “I algorithms.
am optimistic about my future”, and “People The measurement model of psychological
respect me.” The composite reliability of PWB well-being scale resulted in good composite
scale was 0.874. Having met data screening, the reliability (CR) CR >0.7 (Hair, Anderson,
data was analyzed using SMARTPLS 2.0 . Tatham, & Black, 1998). The PWB scale also
possessed good convergent validity (0.504) as
indicated by Average Variance Extracted (AVE)
above 0.5 (Dillon and Goldstein, 1984). All of
The measurement model is the part of the factor loadings were above 0.5. The
model that examines relationship between the measurement model analysis summary is
latent variables and their measures. Anderson presented below.
and Gerbing (1982) stated that measurement

Table 1. Measurement model of PWB scale

Items Factor loadings Composite reliability Average Variance Extracted (AVE)
PWB_1 0.838694
PWB_2 0.761831
PWB_3 0.661835
PWB_5 0.545966 0.874 0.504
PWB_6 0.727318
PWB_7 0.819033
PWB_8 0.560749

The PWB scale has also good discriminant following Table 2 presents the cross loadings of
validity as indicated by higher factor loading in the PWB items (bold).
its construct, not in other constructs. The

Table 2. Cross loadings of the PWB items

Items Anxious Attachment Avoidant Attachment Psychological Well-Being
ANX_10 0.741744 0.248825 -0.186254
ANX_12 0.691965 0.171462 -0.262233
ANX_14 0.859819 0.335741 -0.279270
ANX_2 0.570339 0.189198 -0.242138
ANX_3 0.829694 0.323197 -0.272025
ANX_4 0.773061 0.288323 -0.178374
ANX_5 0.631016 0.095504 -0.168571
AVO_10 0.249158 0.872083 -0.343471
AVO_5 0.120458 0.636199 -0.133873
AVO_6 0.344944 0.716228 -0.236695
PWB_1 -0.317503 -0.261884 0.838694
PWB_2 -0.217213 -0.205028 0.761831
PWB_3 -0.139055 -0.149115 0.661835
PWB_5 -0.209134 -0.118746 0.545966
PWB_6 -0.213857 -0.257490 0.727318
PWB_7 -0.313567 -0.404049 0.819033
PWB_8 -0.009222 -0.178951 0.560749

The measurement model of avoidant possessed good convergent validity (0.559) as

attachment to God sub scale showed good indicated by Average Variance Extracted (AVE)
composite reliability (CR) CR >0.7. The above 0.5 (Dillon and Goldstein, 1984). All of
avoidant attachment to God sub scale also factor loadings were ranging from 0.636 to

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

0.872. The measurement model analysis

summary is presented below.
Table 3. Measurement model of avoidant attachment to God subscale
Items Factor loadings Composite reliability Average Variance Extracted (AVE)
AVO_10 0.872
AVO_5 0.636 0.789 0.559
AVO_6 0.716

The discriminant validity of avoidant following table shows the information of the
attachment to God subscale is good as all items’ cross loadings of avoidant attachment to God
factor loadings nested in their own construct. The (bold).

Table 4. Cross loadings of avoidant attachment to God items

Items Anxious Attachment Avoidant Attachment Psychological Well-Being
ANX_10 0.741744 0.248825 -0.186254
ANX_12 0.691965 0.171462 -0.262233
ANX_14 0.859819 0.335741 -0.279270
ANX_2 0.570339 0.189198 -0.242138
ANX_3 0.829694 0.323197 -0.272025
ANX_4 0.773061 0.288323 -0.178374
ANX_5 0.631016 0.095504 -0.168571
AVO_10 0.249158 0.872083 -0.343471
AVO_5 0.120458 0.636199 -0.133873
AVO_6 0.344944 0.716228 -0.236695
PWB_1 -0.317503 -0.261884 0.838694
PWB_2 -0.217213 -0.205028 0.761831
PWB_3 -0.139055 -0.149115 0.661835
PWB_5 -0.209134 -0.118746 0.545966
PWB_6 -0.213857 -0.257490 0.727318
PWB_7 -0.313567 -0.404049 0.819033
PWB_8 -0.009222 -0.178951 0.560749

The measurement model of anxious Average Variance Extracted (AVE) above 0.5
attachment to God sub scale showed good (Dillon and Goldstein, 1984). All of factor
composite reliability (CR) CR >0.7. The anxious loadings were ranging from 0.570 to 0.859. The
attachment to God sub scale also possessed good measurement model analysis summary is
convergent validity (0.539) as indicated by presented below.

Table 5. Measurement model of anxious attachment to God subscale

Items Factor loadings Composite reliability Average Variance Extracted (AVE)
ANX_10 0.741744
ANX_12 0.691965
ANX_14 0.859819
ANX_2 0.570339 0.889 0.539
ANX_3 0.829694
ANX_4 0.773061
ANX_5 0.631016

The anxious attachment to God subscale following table shows the information of the
shows good discriminant validity as all items’ cross loadings of anxious attachment to God
factor loadings nested in their own construct. The (bold).

Table 6. Cross loadings of anxious attachment to God items

Items Anxious Attachment Avoidant Attachment Psychological Well-Being
ANX_10 0.741744 0.248825 -0.186254
ANX_12 0.691965 0.171462 -0.262233
ANX_14 0.859819 0.335741 -0.279270

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Items Anxious Attachment Avoidant Attachment Psychological Well-Being

ANX_2 0.570339 0.189198 -0.242138
ANX_3 0.829694 0.323197 -0.272025
ANX_4 0.773061 0.288323 -0.178374
ANX_5 0.631016 0.095504 -0.168571
AVO_10 0.249158 0.872083 -0.343471
AVO_5 0.120458 0.636199 -0.133873
AVO_6 0.344944 0.716228 -0.236695
PWB_1 -0.317503 -0.261884 0.838694
PWB_2 -0.217213 -0.205028 0.761831
PWB_3 -0.139055 -0.149115 0.661835
PWB_5 -0.209134 -0.118746 0.545966
PWB_6 -0.213857 -0.257490 0.727318
PWB_7 -0.313567 -0.404049 0.819033
PWB_8 -0.009222 -0.178951 0.560749

Structural Model avoidant attachment to God and psychological

well-being. The coefficient of determination (R2)
The structural model analysis was
is 0.156 for the psychological well-being
performed using 5000 samples bootstrapping
endogenous latent. This means that the two latent
(Hair, et al., 2001) and 105 cases bootstrapping.
variables (anxious and avoidant attachment to
The first analysis deals with all of path
God) explain 15.6% of the variance in the
coefficient analysis which involved all of
psychological well-being. The following figure
relationship paths between both anxious and
describe the result of algorithm analysis.

Fig. 1 The PLS path modeling estimation for psychological well-being

The analysis of T-statistics for generating significance level of 5%, the path coefficient will
significance testing of both measurement model be significant if the T-statistics is larger than
(outer model) and structural model (inner model) 1.96. From the analysis, anxious attachment to
conclude that only avoidant attachment to God God – PWB path coefficient is not significant
which was significantly affect the psychological (1.894 < 1.96). The following figure depicts the
well-being. Using a two-tailed t-test at a T-Statistics of path coefficients result..

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Fig. 2 The PLS path coefficient significance.

The PLS multi-group moderation coded “1”. The SMARTPLS 2, however, is not
designed to do the multi-group moderation
PLS multi-group moderation: Praise and worship
analysis. The analysis is done through the
group vs non praise and worship group
application of the Kock’s formula (2013) by
The PLS multi-group moderation in this employing the pooled and Satterthwaite standard
study is intended to see whether the effect of error methods. This method is implemented in
avoidant attachment to God toward PWB is the Excel spreadsheet in which standard error
significantly different between those who and path coefficients are calculated. The
practice praise and worship and those who do not following is the formula how to obtain the T-
practice praise and worship to God. Technically, statistics and p-value (two-tailed).
those with praise and worship practices are coded
“0” and those without praise and worship are

m = the sample size of the first model
n = the sample size of the second model
SE1 = Standard Error for the path coefficient in the first model
SE2 = Standard Error for the path coefficient in the second model
t = T-Statistics

From the analysis, the two groups did not than 0.05 (0.683). The following table depicts the
differentiate the effect of avoidant attachment to information of the calculation.
God toward PWB since the p-value is greater

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Table 7. The multi-group moderation of praise and worship practices

Sample size 65 40
Regression Weight -0.418 -0.371
Standard Error 0.066 0.102
t-statistic 0.409
p-value (2-tailed) 0.683

PLS multi-group moderation: gender. which means gender do not differentiate the
Does gender differentiate the effect of effect of avoidant attachment to God toward
avoidant attachment to God toward PWB? The PWB. Table 8 below shows the comprehensive
analysis shows that the p-value is 0.907 > 0.05 statistical output.

Table 8. The multi-group moderation of gender

Male Female
Sample size 25 80
Regression Weight -0.373 -0.390
Standard Error 0.059 0.079
t-statistic 0.118
p-value (2-tailed) 0.907

found in individuals with avoidant attachments to

God as compared to those who are securely
The current results indicated that avoidant attached to God. Individuals with avoidant
attachment to God was a significant predictor of attachment to God are also considered as not
psychological well-being in Christian university having secure attachment to God. Rowatt and
students. To be specific, this result supported the Kirkpatrick (2002) place secure and avoidant
theoretical prediction of avoidant attachment to attachment as being opposite ends of a single
God and psychological well-being. As framed in continuum. Thus, individuals with avoidant
the attachment literature, the avoidance attachment to God will rarely experience greater
dimension resembles a negative view of others. life satisfaction (Kirkpatrick and Shaver, 1992).
Thus, avoidance themes might present in Only individuals with secure attachment to God
relationship with God as Christian teachings were reported to have greater life satisfaction. In
view God in personification way such as a conclusion, Christian individuals who develop
“Father”. Avoidance with God might be their attachment figure without feelings of love,
expressed in the forms of discomfort with approval, closeness and warmth but with
depending upon God, self-reliance without the perception of attachment to God as consistently
help of God (Belavich & Pargament, 2002). cold and distant will reduce their psychological
Individuals with avoidant attachment to God wellbeing.
believe that God is distant and has little concern This study does not support the hypothesis
about their lives (Kirkpatrick & Shaver, 1992). that anxious attachment predicted the decrease in
This condition created a dissonant cognition in psychological wellbeing. In anxious attachment,
that Christian teachings adopt God as Father individuals experience inconsistency and
figure / character while on the same time the confusion, and attachment figures are
individuals do not feel the closeness of God in experienced as warm and loving at some times,
their lives as their humanly father. This condition but removed and unreliable at the other time.
influences the quality of psychological wellbeing This supposedly predicted decrease in
of Christian university students. Bowlby (1989) psychological wellbeing. The possible answer
stated that the development or general lack of for this uncommon finding is that the participants
attachment behavior might impact the of this study experienced more avoidant
psychological wellbeing. To be specific, increase attachment to God than anxious attachment to
in avoidant attachment to God decreases the God. In this case, the participants did not
positive relation with others and personal experience ambivalent situations in their
growth. relationship with God because they eschewed
Kirkpatrick and Shaver (1992) found that closeness with God. The participants might have
lower levels of anxiety and depression were rational choice for not to get dependent to God

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Herfyna Asty1, Edwar Kemal2, Siska3
STKIP PGRI West Sumatra1
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Backgrounds of the research were the lectures got difficulties to find the appropriate teaching material for
listening subject; many students were not interested to study listening and got bad grades, and there is no
appropriate teaching material for Listening subject. The research is to find out about the development of
teaching material of Listening Subject at English Department of STKIP PGRI West Sumatra. This research
used descriptive qualitative method with the instruments such as questionnaire, document checklist and
interview. Data were derived from the result of questionnaire filled by students Academic Year 2016/2017,
document checklist from teaching material used, and interview with the lecturers. Population of the research
was 72 students and the sampling was total sampling. After analyzing the data, from questionnaire filled
up by students, it is found that almost all students agree about the items of teaching materials proposed by
Hutchinson and Water. The results are 92.75% for 2016 A, 98.87% for 2016 B, and 92.46 % for 2016
C. The total is 94.69% students agree with the teaching material. From document checklist shows that
the teaching materials used on Listening subject have not fulfilled provide a stimulus to learning, help to
organize teaching learning process, use nature of language and learning, provide nature of learning task,
broadening the teacher’s knowledge, and provide correct and appropriate language use. Interview
information shows that teaching materials for Listening subject are combination from many sources
without being analyzed and investigated by lecturers. They also are lack of information about the
learning outcomes, so that they could not predict or interpret the student’s ability or input. Finally, the
most important aspect is an appropriate teaching material must be made in order to fulfill the learning
outcomes. By having the material, it will aso help the lecturers to teach the student, guide the student
to reach their learning objectives and improve their grades.
Keywords: development, interactive CD, audio visual media, listening subject

well-connected each other in producing an

English Skills.
National and global change, AFTA and
One of the learning media used in teaching
MEA requires Universities to increase the
and learning is audio visual. It consists of audio
quality of its graduated students. The changes
and visual. Audio means that it has sound or
also make the university to renew and find out
voice, while visual means that it has moving
the new innovation in a matter of strategy,
pictures. So, audio media visual means a media
method and learning media. It has a purpose to
consists of information sources both moving
make the university be able to compete with
pictures and sound. It makes the learners can
other universities nationally and globally in an
study through listening and sight. One of the
education field. It also causes STKIP PGRI West
audio visual media is based on interactive CD.
Sumatra to improve its educational quality from
Interactive CD means that the CD has
lecturers, students, learning materials.
appropriate learning materials in it. It is set
There are 4 skills must be mastered by
based on the newest communication topics. So
students in English such as speaking, writing,
that, it can be applied directly in a daily life.
reading and listening. Listening is one of the
Based on the preobservation and
required skills for student to be mastered
interview toward Listening Subject in English
because it will be a problem if it is not clearly-
Education program of STKIP PGRI West
informed, well-set, fast delivery. Those items
Sumatra, there were problems faced on the
will give influence for both sides in a
teaching and listening of listening subject.
communication process. Each of the items are
Firstly, there was no appropriate and suitable

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

learning media. The lecturers got difficulties to out the students opinion about the teacher’s
find out the materials. teaching material used during teaching and
Secondly, the learning materials had not learning. Informants are also used in order to
well-organized yet. The media used was just observe that the data possessed similar to the
media that had already had the audio where the phenomenon. There were two lecturers teaching
audio itself was not clear or even too difficult the Listening Subject. They had made a single
for students. The effects were the student’s syllabus to be used in teaching and learning of
grades were low and they were not interested to English skill. So, the researchers only observe
study the listening. one of the teaching materials used by both
Thirdly, there were no interactive CD lecturers.
beside TOEIC and TOEFL as teaching and Instruments of the research are really
learning media. Mostly, the TOEIC and importance to collect, analyze data and even
TOEFL media were used to teach the Listening present the result. On this research, the
skills. Though these interactive CD were researchers used document analysis,
important but it was not appropriate for questionnaire and interview. Yusuf (2007:252)
teaching the Listening 1 for the students. It is states that analysis document is one of data
clear that an appropriate Listening CD collection techniques. By using this technique,
Interactive is important. the researchers go the data to be analyzed.
This research is limited on how English Population of the research for questionnaire was
teaching media development is used on all of students studied Listening I registered on
Listening Subject at STKIP PGRI West Academic Year 2016/2017 consisting 72
Sumatra. The research has purpose to produce students. The researchers used total sampling for
an appropriate teaching material for students the research.
and lecturers and to increase the learning Then, the researchers also used
outcomes of students studying Listening questionnaire taken from the students. This
Subject. It also improves the English Education questionnaire is very important to find out what
Study Program to have effective and efficient the students feel and expect about the teaching
teaching materials. materials given by lecturers. Last, they also used
interview to collect the data. Interview is really
useful to find out the hidden information from the
existing phenomenon. Creswell (2013: 217) one
Design of the research is descriptive on one interview means that the researchers asks
qualitative. The researcher selects the design in question and record the answer from only one
order to describe about developing material in
informant at the time. So that, the researchers
Listening subject of English Education Study conducted the interview by face-to face
Program at STKIP PGRI West Sumatra. Gay and interaction. By collaborating these three
Airasian (2000:275) states that descriptive
instruments, it is expected that the original and
qualitative research determines and describes the real data found on the site.
way things are and it can be used to investigate Technique of data analysis really influences
the educational problems and issues. In other
the result of the data. By having a correct and
words, it means that the descriptive qualitative appropriate technique, it will give appropriate or
shows the existing phenomenon on the site. So valid data. Gay and Airasian (2000: 239) inform
that, the researchers analyze the data based on the that there 6 components of data analyzing. They
occurring phenomenon. are data managing, reading/memoing,
On other idea, Parse (2001: 57) mentions
describing, classifying, interpreting, and writing
that descriptive qualitative is to study intensely a the report.
phenomenon to discover pattern and themes To analyze the data, the researchers used
about live events, social sciences, and discipline-
the theory from Hutchinson and Water (2006:
specific theoretical perspective in education. It is 106). It talks about some components in defining
clearly stated that this kind of research design can objectives of teaching material development.
find out an appropriate pattern to solve the
They are teaching material should provide a
problems in live, social sciences and prospective stimulus to learning, help to organize teaching
in education. learning process, use nature of language and
Source of data of the research are document
learning, provide nature of learning task,
of teaching material, questionnaire and broadening the teacher’s knowledge, and provide
information from the informants. The document correct and language use. They also used theory
of the research was teaching materials in lesson
of taxonomy of the cognitive domain by Bloom
plan from the lecturers. Questionnaire was to find in Huitt, W (2011). This theory gives significant

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

effect for the researchers in order to manage or

set the quality of teaching material and
organization of teaching material from easy to
difficult topic.

The researchers analyzed the instruments

used on the researched started from the
questionnaire, document checklist and interview.
The analysis used the theories from Hutchinson
and Water for questionnaire and document Figure 2. Questionnaire Result From 2016 B
checklist. Then it is added by Bloom’s theory
about cognitive domain. Based on the questionnaire from 2016 B, it
Having analyzing the data, the researchers is found that very agree 24.32%, agree 42.99%,
find some findings from the instruments used on adequate agree 25.15%%. The total is 92.46%
the research. First is from the student’s where students agree about the criteria of
questionnaire about the evaluation of teaching teaching materials proposed by theory. It can
materials given by lecturers during teaching and be seen as the following figure.
learning on Listening subject. The samples were
of students on Academic Year 2016/2017
consisting three classes. The total of the samples
were 72 students. They are 2016 A, 2016 B and
2016 C.
After analyzing the questionnaire from the
2016 A, it shows that very agree 24.64%, agree
42.99%, adequate agree 25.12%. The total is
92.75 % where students agree about the teaching
materials that should provide a stimulus to
learning, help to organize teaching learning
process, use nature of language and learning,
provide nature of learning task, broadening the Figure 3. Questionnaire Result From 2016 C
teacher’s knowledge, and provide correct and
language use. It can be seen as the following It is concluded that from those
figure. questionnaire, almost all students agree about
teaching materials provide a stimulus to learning,
help to organize teaching learning process, use
nature of language and learning, provide nature
of learning task, broadening the teacher’s
knowledge, and provide correct and language use
for students with the total 94.69%.
Next, the researchers used document
checklist to observe about the teaching materials
given by lecturers to students. It is found that,
first, from provide a stimulus to learning, the
teaching materials could not stimulate the
Figure 1. Questionnaire Result From 2016 A students to study Listening. There are some
reasons of it. They are the teaching materials
Based on the questionnaire from 2016 B, it were not really appropriate for the students. It is
is found that very agree 31.48%, agree 52.17%, because they were first semester students. They
adequate agree 14.68%. The total is 98.87% were lack of knowledge about listening.
where students agree about the criteria of Meanwhile, their topics were too broad and
teaching materials proposed by theory. It can heavy for them.
be seen as the following figure. Next, the teaching material did not make
them enjoy to study, was not built from student’s
existing knowledge, and did not consider the
student’s level. It is because the teaching
materials did not consider the level of the item

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

difficulties. There was no prior student’s the curriculum of English Education Study
knowledge about the topics. Program, Listening I is focused on mastering the
Second is about help to organize teaching letter until the words. Regarding to the Blooms
and learning process. It shows that the lesson theory, the student’s ability should be in the level
plan made did not relate to the learning of application firstly.
objectives. Listening I is supposed to teach the The application level shows that student
students to master only until the level of words. selects, transfers, and uses data and principles to
Anyway, this lesson plans made the students complete a problem or task with a minimum of
study more than it should be. It also did not direction. On the contrary, the lesson plan and
consider the complexity of language learning. teaching materials given to the students by
Complexity of language learning must be drilled lecturers are not appropriate for the students.
and explained more clearly. They should be study the basic knowledge of
Third is about embodying a view of nature Listening. The students have been required to
of language and learning. The teaching make structure of a statement, assumptions, and
materials and lesson plan show that it did not some questions about the certain topics.
brainstorm the student’s background stimulate Teaching materials should consider the student’s
task in teaching and learning process. It makes input or ability and even the learning outcomes
the students get difficulties to understand about of each subject.
the topics given. The teaching material also did Third instrument is interview. There were 2
not correlate the student’s skill in understanding lecturers of Listening subject interviewed by
the material. It can be seen that there was not researchers in relation to this research. After
clear or specific objectives what skill will be interviewing the lecturers, it is found some
possessed by students after learning. Then, it was information. They stated that there was no well-
not so clear that which part was important for set or organized material. They combine the
students. materials from many sources. Perhaps, they did
Fourth is providing nature of learning task. not select the level of the item difficulties of the
Based on the observation, it was seen that the source. Next, they were also lack of information
materials was not clearly defined and set. From about the learning outcomes of Listening I. It is
the lesson plan, it was clearly informed that the seen that the level of teaching materials given
topics given were not arranged systematically located on the level of analysis. Meanwhile, the
based on the level difficulties. Then, the teaching first semester students should only select,
materials were not simply-explained. The transfer, use data and complete the task with a
materials were not well-informed and the minimum direction.
students got difficulties about the topics and
unfamiliar vocabularies.
Fifth is broadening the teacher’s
After analyzing those instruments,
knowledge. The lesson plan showed that the
teaching materials did not attract the lecturer to generally, it can be seen that that students as the
be more creative in teaching. The lecturers only ones who learn the English skill require that the
teaching material should consider provide a
relied on the student themselves. The teaching
materials also did not synchronize with teaching stimulus to learning, help to organize teaching
strategy in reaching the leaning objectives. It is learning process, use nature of language and
found that that the teaching strategies used on learning, provide nature of learning task,
lesson plan were quite monotone. It was lack of broadening the teacher’s knowledge, and
provide correct and appropriate language use.
variation of it. By having monotone strategies, it
also influenced the teaching and learning It is evidenced by the percentages of the
process. questionnaire. They are 92.75% for 2016 A,
98.87% for 2016 B, and 92.46 % for 2016 C.
Sixth is providing correct and appropriate
language use. It can be seen that the teaching By having considering the items, it will make
materials used still applied language learning them interest to study and even increase their
than language practices. Listening I should be
focused more to language practices because it Document checklist shows that many
will be a basic knowledge for the students to items have not been fulfilled by the given
teaching materials. Teaching materials has not
comprehend and master their English skills,
especially in Listening. yet reached the learning outcomes and the
In relation to Bloom’s theory about the sources of it also are not well-organized from
the level of easy until difficult.
taxonomy of the cognitive domain, the teaching
material is quite far from it should be. Based on

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Interview information shows that teaching Anggraini, M.Pd for giving guidance to make the
materials for Listening subject are combination research. Finally, it is special thank for yalmiadi,
from many sources without being analyzed and M.Pd for being validator of the research.
investigated by lecturers. They also are lack of
information about the learning outcomes, so REFERENCES
that they could not predict or interpret the
student’s ability or input. [1] Creswell, Jhon W. “Research Design
Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed
The most important aspect is an
appropriate teaching material must be made in Methods Approaches". California: sage
order to fulfill the learning outcomes. By Publication. 2009.
having the material, it will aso help the [2] Gay, L.R & Peter Airasian. “Educational
lecturers to teach the student, guide the student Research Competencies for Analysis and
to reach their learning objectives and improve Applications”. New Jersey: Prentice
their grades. Hall.2000
[3] Hutchinson, Tom &Alan Waters, “English
For Spesific Purposes: A learning Centred
Firstly, the researchers would like to Approach”. New York: Cambridge
express their gratitude to Dr.Zusmelia, M.Si as University Press. 2006.
the President of STKIP PGRI West Sumatra for
giving permit to conduct the research in STKIP [4] Hwit, W. “Educational Psychology
Interactive”.Valdosta: Valdosta State
PGRI West Sumatra. Then, they also want to
express their gratitude to Armilia Riza, M.Pd for University.2011.
giving them a permit to conduct the research in [5] Parse, Rosiemarie Rizzo. “Qualitative
the laboratory and English Education Study Inquiry the Path of Sciencing”. London:
Program. Next, they also want to thank to Villia Jones and Bartlet Publisher. 2001.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Vina Anggia Nastitie Ariawan1, Rahman2
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
[email protected], [email protected]

The causes of writing problems in primary school are (1) students used to using mother tongue; (2) the
theme specified in writing does not match the characteristics of students. The problem of writing is very
influential on the ability of other students because many assessments in schools to universities rely on
writing skills. Thats why, this study aims to investigate the effect of experiential learning model on narrative
writing skill of primary students. In addition the research was conducted to determine whether there are
differences in the increase in narrative writing skill among students who received experiential learning and
direct instruction. Samples of this research were fourth grade primary students in Karangpucung subdistrict,
Cilacap. This research is using quantitative approach. This research is quasi experimental within
nonequivalent control group design. Data collection techniques use narrative writing tests whose
instruments have been validated by the expert or obtained an expert judgment. Therefore, data was analyzed
by mann-whitney test because n-gain data is not normal distribute. The results of this research show that:
there was a significant difference between the increase in narrative writing skills of students who received
a model of experiential learning and direct instruction; there was a significant effect of model experiential
learning on narrative writing skill and proved by mann-whitney test amount 0,000 and N-gain result was
0,53 in medium category. Therefore, the researcher suggests for the next researcher to make a further study
of experiential learning model on other writing skills such as writing a report or writing argument or to
other language skills.
Keywords: experiential learning, narrative, writing skill.

Meanwhile, the causes of writing problems

in primary school are students used to using
One of the writing skills taught in mother tongue. Students have a tendency to use
elementary school is narrative writing skill. mixed language while doing writing
Narrative is a form of writing that seeks to create, assignments. The lack of a second language
tell, and sequence the actions of human beings in vocabulary possessed by students makes it an
an event chronologically or take place in a unity obstacle in writing so students have difficulty in
of time[7]. Narrative writing aims to train putting ideas[3]. Writing problems experienced
students' skills in pouring ideas based on events by elementary school students next ie the theme
they have experienced or experience[24]. specified in writing does not match the
Therefore, writing learning needs to get serious characteristics of students. The choice of writing
attention so that students have a confident theme is very influential on students'
attitude to pour ideas. However, data from the attractiveness towards writing. The mismatch of
National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) themes with the characteristics of students has an
in 2012 shows that students' writing skill from impact on the limitations of students' ideas in
primary to tertiary education are still very low. writing[21]. If you want to bring up a different
The results of the writing skills test by NCES theme then try to give the teacher experience to
state that only three out of ten students have the students. Experience will give students an
sufficient writing skills[17]. Based on data idea of new themes in writing. Students will
obtained from the NCES proves that writing is write well if the theme is written according to
one of the skills difficult to master students. their wishes. The idea of writing would be better
Therefore, students' difficulties in writing need to if the students had a memorable experience[12].
be identified so that students can be trained in The problem of writing is very influential
writing early[13]. Writing training aims to enable on the ability of other students because many
students to have further writing skills at the next assessments in schools to universities rely on
level[9]. writing skills[22]. Therefore, writing needs to be

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

familiarized and carried out routinely since experience as the basis for the development of
students get primary school education. Teachers ideas in writing.
have an important role in improving students' Another researcher have applied
writing skills. Teachers can not force all students experiential learning model to improve students'
to be proficient in writing but teachers can writing confidence[16]. This study is a classroom
encourage students to like writing activities[8]. action research on students who attend leadership
One of the keys for students to have high writing class. The results show experiential learning
skills is that students must have a lot of model can improve students' writing confidence
vocabulary and understand the use of grammar which is proven through test result,
and spelling[1]. questionnaire, observation, and interview[16].
Based on the problems of writing that have Based on previous research, the researcher
been described then it is necessary an attempt to conducted quasi experimental research with the
improve students' writing skills through aim to experimential learning experiment model
innovative learning. Various attempts have been influence to the writing skill of elementary
made by previous researchers to refer to the use school student.
of cooperative learning model or image media.
However, the use of cooperative models focuses
more on inter-student collaboration and thus less
experience as an idea in writing. Therefore, This research uses quasi experimental
research method with nonequivalent control of
learning needs to give students a lot of
experience. Experiential learning is a learning group design. Quasi experimental research is a
model based on Kolb's theory[11]. This theory design that can not fully control in group
emphasizes the needs of the learning determination through random assignment so
environment by providing opportunities for that the sample is selected not randomly[23].
Quasi experiments involve placement (but not
students to learn to develop and build knowledge
through their experience[26]. random placement) of participants to the group
Experiential learning provides an because the experimenter can not create the
group artificially for his experiment[4]. The
alternative to learning and provides a real
understanding of how to gain meaningful sample of this research is the fourth grader of
students in learning. Experiential learning elementary school in Karangpucung, Cilacap.
The experimental and control group was
centers on one meaningful purpose for students,
continuous with student life, interaction with the subjected to pretest first and then the
environment, and increasing student experimental group was given special treatment.
Subsequently, the experimental and control
integration[20]. Experiential learning model has
five steps that start from experience process, groups were subjected to posttest to see the
share, analyze experience, summarize effects of treatment on the experimental group.
The following is a quasi-experimental research
(generalize), and apply[2]. Through experiential
learning students gain abstract or concrete design drawing by researchers:

Group A O1 X O2
Group B O3 O4

Picture 1. Nonequivalent Control Group Design[5]

X : Treatment uses experiential learning model
O1 : Pretest on experimental group
O2 : Posttest on experimental group
O3 : Pretest on control group
O4 : Posttest on control group

Data collection techniques use narrative entering the n-gain data of narrative writing test
writing tests whose instruments have been to be tested for normality. If the test result is
validated by the expert or obtained an expert normally distributed then it is continued with
judgment. Data analysis in the study using homogeneity test. If the test results show
inference statistics to test the research hypothesis homogeneous data then continued with t-test or
with = 0.05. Hypothesis testing is done by independent sample test. Meanwhile, if the

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

normality test results state that the data is not earning model on narrative writing skill of pr
normally distributed then the next step is to use imary students.
nonparametric mann-whitney test[19]. H1: There is significant effect of experiential lear
ning model on narrative writing skill of prim
ary students.
This study aims to test the influence of the Hypothesis testing is done based on the
experiential learning model on the skills of
acquisition of n-gain. The gain value obtained in
writing the narrative of fourth grade students of this study is 0.53 and is in the medium category.
elementary school. Hypothesis of this research as Next, the researchers tested normality against n-
gain. The result of n-gain normality test can be
seen in Table 1 below:
H0: There is no significant effect of experiential l

Table 1. N-gain Tests of Normality

Tests of Normality
Statistic Df Sig. Result

H0 rejected
eksp ,901 28 ,012
H0 rejected
kontrol ,586 28 ,000

Based on table 1 it can be seen that the n- not normally distributed, the next step is
gain normality test obtained a result of 0.012 for nonparametric test with mann-whitney.
the experimental class and 0,000 for the control Nonparametric test results can be seen in table 2
class. The scores are smaller than 0.05 so the data below:
is not normally distributed. Because the data is

Table 2. N-gain Tests of Mann-Whitney

Test Statisticsa
Mann-Whitney U 104,000
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
Result H0 rejected
a. Grouping Variable: kelas

Based on table 2 it can be seen that the test learning model on narrative writing skill of
results mann-whitney get a score of 0.000. The primary students. Meanwhile, the result of mann-
result is smaller than 0.05 so that H0 is rejected. whitney test on narrative writing skill between
The result of mann-whitney test shows that there classes with experiential learning and direct
is There is significant effect of experiential instruction can be seen in table 3 below:

Table 3. Posttest Results of Mann-Whitney

Test Statisticsa
Mann-Whitney U 161,000
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
Result H0 rejected
a. Grouping Variable: kelas

Based on table 3 it can be seen that the score experiential learning and direct instruction. The
obtained from the mann-whitney test is 0.000. result of hypothesis test shows that there is
The result is smaller than 0.05 so it can be influence of experiential learning model to the
concluded that there are differences in narrative writing skill of elementary school student.
writing skills between students who have Improving students' narrative writing skills is

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

particularly prominent in aspects of developing interviews with students stated that experiential
ideas of essay, vocabulary, and spelling use. This learning has a positive impact. Students are
shows that experience is one of the most accustomed to writing down everything that
important components of learning. Through happened and no day pass without writing[15].
experience students can find meaning in Learning through experiential learning
learning. helps students to write based on the experience
According to Ausubel, meaningful learning gained so that writing feels great fun. Therefore,
will occur if the new information received by teachers need to improve their writing skills to
students has a close relationship with existing support students' writing skills. Teachers who
concepts that have been / received previously and have a lot of insight and give students the
stored in the cognitive structure. Ausubel freedom to express feelings will motivate
explained that experience gives students a way to students to write [18]. Themes in writing do not
find understanding instead of accepting have to be determined by the teacher because
understanding[6]. Therefore, experiential learning writing will be better if the student determines
has an effect on student writing skill. Each the story idea. What teachers need to do is to
experience gives meaning so that students can direct students to write by looking at aspects of
write ideas about their experiences. writing [10].
Meanwhile, hidden effect of experiential
learning that students seem to follow learning
with enthusiasm and joy. Enthusiasm when
learning occurs because students get a fun Based on research and data research results
learning experience such as playing dragon that have been implemented, it can be concluded
snake, bentengan, and doing adventure. Every that there is a significant effect of experiential
learning there is a reading activity so that it can learning model on the writing skill of elementary
school students. In addition, there are differences
add and update students' vocabulary. Student
involvement in learning will give experience so in writing skills between students who get
that students can construct their knowledge. This experiential learning with those who get only
direct instruction. The results of this study is
is in line with experiential learning theory
proposed by Kolb that learning is a process for proved by the test mann-Whitney who earned a
building knowledge through a series of concrete score of 0.000 so H0 rejected. This study aims to
test the effect of experiential learning model on
and abstract experiences[25].
Student involvement in learning can be an narrative writing skills. Therefore, the researcher
experience that plays an idea in writing. suggests for the next researcher to make a further
study of experiential learning model on other
Therefore, experiential learning can be an
alternative in improving students' writing skills. writing skills such as writing a report or writing
The results of this study are in line with previous argument or to other language skills.
research conducted by other researchers. First
researcher conducted quasi experimental
research in class X SMA to experimential [1] Bitchener, J. (2008). Evidence in support of
learning experiment influence on recount text written corrective feedback. Journal of
writing skill[14]. The result of this research shows Second Language Writing, 17, pp.102-118.
that there is influence of experiential learning
model on recount text writing skill in class X [2] Cahyani, I. (2014). Pembelajaran menulis
SMA. This is evidenced based on the results of t- berbasis karakter dengan pendekatan
test that obtained a score of 1.75 is greater than t experiential learning. Bandung: Dwitama
table is 1.67 so the research hypothesis is Asrimedia.
accepted[14]. [3] Cole, J., & Feng, J. (2015). Effective
Furthermore, second researchers conducted strategies for improving writing skills of
a classroom action research to improve the elementary english language learners.
writing skills of fourth grade students of Chinese American Educational Research
elementary school through the application of and Development Association Annual
experiential learning model[15]. The result of this Conference, April 15-16, 2015 in Chicago.
research shows that the application of
experiential learning model can improve the [4] Creswell, J.W. (2015). Riset pendidikan
writing skill of fourth grade students of perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi
elementary school. Improvement is evidenced riset kualitatif dan kuantitatif edisi kelima
from the writing of students who almost fulfill [Soetjipto, H.P dan Soetjipto S.M, Trans].
aspects of authorship. In addition, the results of Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.

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[5] Creswell, J. W. (2016). Research Design. study. Universal Journal of Educational

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[6] Dahar, R.W. (2012). Teori belajar dan (2010). The effects of experiential learning
pembelajaran. Erlangga: Jakarta. with an emphasis on reflective writing on
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Journals of Leadership Education, 9 (1), pp.
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[8] Graham, S., dkk. (2016). Assesing the
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writers: Application of generalizability
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[18] Relles, S., & Tierney, W. G. (2013).
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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Inne Marthyane Pratiwi1, Tatang Herman2, Al Jupri3
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

This study based by Farida’s result in 2015 about error analisys of eight grade students at one of secondary
school who have solving mathematics story problems badly. That problems caused by low mathematical
understanding skills at students. That problems also can be avoid when low mathematical understanding
skills has taught since in primary. This research aimed to describe data of enhancing student's mathematical
understanding skills by using discourse learning within Mathematical Bet Line strategy. This research is
quasi experiment within nonequivalent control group design. Samples of this research were fourth grade
students in one of primary school at Kuningan subdistrict, Kuningan region. Instrument of this research
was mathematical understanding tests. Statistic analysis in this research used independent sample t-test.
The result of this research shows that student’s mathematical understanding skills who used discourse
learning within Mathematical Bet Line strategy was better than student’s mathematical understanding skills
who used Direct Instruction at fraction subjects. The conclusion of this research shows that discourse
learning within mathematical bet line strategy can improve student’s mathematical understanding skills and
proved by N-gain 0,67 in medium categories. Based of study results, I suggest to the other researcher to
advanced this study with the other subject and mathematical skills.
Keywords: discourse learning, mathematical bet line, mathematical understanding

that students can solve real life problems by

applying the mathematics that they have learned
In everyday life, people will find problems
and understood.
to be solved and related to mathematics, such as
Mathematical understanding classified in
numeracy, social arithmetic, and others.
two levels as follows [6]: (a) Instrumental
Mathematics is important in everyday life for
understanding: memorizing concepts/principles
activities such as counting, cooking, managing
with no other connection, can apply formulas in
money, and building things [1]. One of the
simple calculations, and work on algorithmic
process skills students have through mathematics
calculations. This ability belongs to a low level
learning is the ability of mathematical
of ability. (b) Relational understanding: linking
understanding. Conceptual understanding is the
one concept/principle to another. This ability
ability to understand concepts, operations, and
belongs to a high level of ability.
relationships in mathematics [2, 3].
This study has done by researcher before
Understanding can be defined as a measure of the
[7] about error analisys of eight grade students at
quality and quantity of an idea relationship with
one of secondary school who have solving
an existing idea [4]. Students who have
mathematics story problems badly. That
conceptual understanding will understand the
problems caused by low mathematical
importance of mathematics as well as the
understanding skills at students. This study also
usefulness of a context in mathematics.
done by the other [8] that the level of
In the 21st century, there are four minimal
understanding of mathematical concepts of
learning competencies that must be mastered by
students at one of secondary school is still low.
students: high comprehension ability, critical
The low understanding of mathematical concepts
thinking ability, collaboration and
of students at the junior level can be avoided
communication ability, and creative thinking
early on ie at the elementary level. Mathematics
ability [5]. High understanding ability is the main
education in primary school as the basis for
competence that must be developed in the current
children has an important role in supporting
learning. The ability of mathematical
higher education process [9]. Mathematics
understanding is important to be developed so
learning in elementary school has a very

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

important position in the effort to realize the to explain and evaluate their thinking. A focus on
purpose of teaching mathematics that has been the details of student thinking and what students
established [10]. are able to do, as opposed to what they cannot do,
Improved mathematical understanding can may assist teachers in leveraging students’
not be achieved by students if learning is oriented existing understandings and experiences to
only on procedural and routine issues. Teachers design instruction that matches the needs of the
should apply approaches, strategies, and learning learner [21]. Written discourse has certain
models that enable students to engage in learning advantages because the act of writing is a
both mentally, physically, and socially so that reflective process that can further improve
students' abilities can flourish and planned understanding [22]. The written discourse also
learning objectives can be achieved. creates a record of student work, enabling
One of the alternative learning strategies educators to assess the strengths and weaknesses
that can be applied is the learning of discourse. of metacognitive and student problem solving
Mathematical discourse is one of the core skills [23].
mathematics learning in building a decent The Mathematical Bet Line is designed to
argument and criticizing the opinions of others promote discourse classes and support sense-
[11]. Mathematical discourse allows students to making when teachers offer lessons on
explain, justify, and debate their individual mathematics stories [24]. Bet Line is adapted
techniques for solving math problems and from English learning that teachers give a story
supports the development of conceptual then the teacher asks students to dialogue about
understanding [12, 13]. Effective mathematics the story they just read and make predictions of
learning is learning that facilitates discourse the continuation of the story.
among students to build an understanding of In mathematics learning, the Mathematical
mathematical ideas through the activities of Bet Line is used as a conversation between
analyzing and comparing student arguments [2]. teacher and student that begins by opening the
Mathematics discourse is seen as a vehicle for problem and stops when students can anticipate
enhancing student learning [14]. To engage and predict what will come up later in the
students in a productive mathematical problem. The goal of discourse learning with the
discussion, it is important for teachers to create a Mathematical Bet Line strategy is to help
learning environment that supports student students understand the story by focusing on the
involvement [15, 16]. Such learning can provide context of the story given to the problem and then
an opportunity for students to share mathematical making predictions. This strategy requires
ideas and clarify their mathematical teachers to facilitate class discussions and
understanding. monitor sense-making through questions about
There are two aspects of discourse, namely the implications of student predictions. That way
cognitive discourse and motivational discourse students can understand the context of the story,
[17]. Cognitive discourse refers to what the predict the problem, and think to solve the math
teacher says to promote the conceptual story problem.
understanding of mathematics itself. Discourse Discourse learning with Mathematical Bet
motivation refers not only to praise students, but Line strategy has been done by previous
also to support students to participate in researchers to improve the students'
classroom discussions. mathematical understanding of second grade
Discourse learning requires students to about sum and subtraction counting operations.
evaluate and interpret the views, ideas, and other The study was conducted by another researcher
mathematical arguments and construct valid [24] with the results of the study showed that
arguments by themselves. Discourse develops a students' mathematical understanding ability
more creative and independent thinker while increases. Based on that, the researcher will
strengthening procedural knowledge [18]. The conduct quasi experimental research with the aim
learning of mathematical discourse supports to describe the data of improvement of
students in mathematical communication, both mathematical understanding ability of fourth
written and oral that occur in the classroom as graders of elementary school that follow
they develop a new mathematical understanding discourse learning with Mathematical Bet Line
[19]. Meaningful discourses occur when strategy better than students who follow learning
carefully chosen tasks and when the teacher with Direct Instruction.
returns in the previous step allows students to
move to their own learning center [20]. Student
engagement in meaningful structured
mathematical discourse provides an opportunity

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

test to the two classes to find out the students'

early mathematical comprehension skills. After
This research uses quantitative approach
the pre test, followed by carrying out the learning
with quasi experiment method. The experimental
in the experimental group that is by applying the
design in this study was to refer to the
discourse learning with Mathematical Bet Line
Nonequivalent Control Group Design design.
strategy and learning with Direct Instruction in
The population of this study is the fourth grader
the control class. After all the learning activities
of one of the public elementary schools in
completed post test in both classes. Post test
Kuningan District. The sample of research is all
provides an overview of the influence of learning
students of class IV which amounts to 55
on the students' mathematical understanding.
students. The researcher classifies the research
Phase data analysis is done by processing and
samples into two groups, namely the
analysis of research data as well as writing the
experimental group of 27 students and the
results of the research in full. Data analysis used
control group of 28 students. The selection of
was test of difference of two mean with pay
group of research sample is done by purposive
attention to normality and homogeneity.
and not done randomization. This is because the
The instrument used in this study is a matter
subject to be studied is a subject that has been
of test. This test is used to measure students'
registered in its class. So do not do random
mathematical understanding. The test of
grouping. If the formation of a new classroom
mathematical comprehension ability in the form
will probably cause the learning process in
of a description prepared by the researcher in
school is disrupted. Quasi experiment involves
accordance with the indicators.
placing (but not random placement) participants
to the group because experimenter can not create
groups artificially for his experiments [25].
The research procedure consists of three The research was conducted on the
stages namely, the preparation stage, the application of discourse learning with
implementation stage, and the data analysis Mathematical Bet Line strategy on mathematics
phase. The preparatory phase begins with a learning about the concept of fractions in class
preliminary study by identifying research IV. The implementation of the study was
problems, conducting literature review, conducted during eight meetings. In this study
developing research hypotheses, preparing steps data analyzed include pre test score and post test
in implementing actions, and selecting research of mathematical pemaaman ability. Based on the
subjects consisting of experimental and control pre test and post test scores were calculated the
class. At this stage is also done preparation of N-gain value of mathematical understanding in
research instruments, instrument testing, and both classes. The following are descriptive
instrument repairs, so that at this stage obtained statistics of pre test, post test, and N-gain scores
a research instrument that is ready and worth in the experimental and control class.
using. The second stage begins by giving a pre

Tabel. 1 Descriptive Statistic of Mathematical Understanding Ability

Experiment Class Control Class
N Min Score Max Score Average N Min Score Max Score Average
Pre Test 27 7 26 17,7 28 10 31 19,89
Post Test 27 9 40 32,63 28 12 37 25,536
N-gain 27 -0,12 1 0,67 28 -0,17 0,86 0,28

Before doing the learning, the researcher mathematical understanding between the
first pre-tested the two classes. The result of the experimental class and control class before the
preliminary data analysis shows that the action is done or both classes come from the
experiment class data is not normally distributed, same conditions.
while the control class data is normally After getting different treatment, it can be
distributed. Mann Whitney test was then seen that the post test data of mathematical
conducted to determine the difference of the understanding ability of the two classes is
average ability of mathematical understanding of different. It is also proven on the basis of
control class and experiment class before action. statistical tests with the result that both classes
The result shows Sig value. (2-tailed) is 0.353 are normally distributed and homogeneous
greater than the significance level α = 0.05 so variations. Then, then tested the average
there is no difference in the average ability of difference with the Independent test t-test. The

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

test results show the Sig value. (2-tailed) is 0.001 student tries to build his argument, criticize the
is smaller than the significance level α = 0.05 so arguments of others, and defend his own
that there is difference in post-test average ability argument.
of mathematical understanding between In the first three meetings, students are still
experimental class and control class. embarrassed in giving their arguments. Learning
To know the data of improvement of discourse with active students and giving each
mathematical comprehension ability based on other arguments and analyzing the arguments of
learning is analyzed using N-gain ability of others then emerged at the fourth meeting. It is
mathematical understanding in experiment class not easy for the teacher to have all students
and in control class. The average difference test participate in discourse learning. For that reason,
of N-gain of mathematical comprehension ability it is important for teachers to create a learning
is done to prove the research hypothesis that the environment that supports student involvement
average N-gain of students' mathematical [15, 16]. Teachers should come up with
understanding ability following the learning with questions that provoke students to argue.
Mathematical Bet Line strategy is better than the Therefore, knowing what questions to ask as well
students who follow the learning with Direct as when and how to ask them is crucial [26].
Instruction. Based on statistical test through Questioning is used to facilitate classroom
Independent test t-test known Sig value. (2- discourse that offers room for students to build
tailed) is 0,000 smaller than the significance level their understanding [27]. In addition, teachers
α = 0.05, meaning that the average N-gain provide motivation to students. As revealed
students' understanding of mathematical ability others [17] that there are two aspects of
of the experimental class is better than the control discourse, namely cognitive discourse and
class. In other words, the mathematical motivational discourse. Giving motivation is
understanding of the students following the done by the teacher by giving praise and reward.
discourse learning with the Mathematical Bet In the process of staking the argument, the
Line is better than students who attend the Direct teacher gives the students an opportunity to give
Instruction lesson. their opinions by continuing the story. The
Based on the results of processing and data teacher insists that there is no wrong student
analysis, it is found an increase in the ability of opinion, all student opinions are declared correct
mathematical understanding of students who and written on the board. For example, in the
follow the discourse learning with Mathematical learning process of counting fractional counting
Bet Line strategy and students who follow the operations, there are student opinions that are not
learning with Direct Instruction. The related to the context of the unfinished story. The
improvement of mathematical understanding of teacher keeps writing her opinion, prompting
the experimental class is evidenced by the N-gain other students to risk different opinions by
of 0.67 is in the medium criterion. Meanwhile, in responding to inappropriate opinions.
the control class N-gain of 0.28 is on the low The next learning process, students are
criteria. The result of testing of statistical test grouped into several groups consisting of four
shows that the ability of mathematical students. In the group, students answer group
understanding of fourth graders in one of the worksheets that must be solved with a
public elementary schools in Kuningan sub- mathematical bet line strategy, ie all students risk
district that follow the learning of discourse with their opinions, so the best opinion is chosen
Mathematical Bet Line strategy is better than the according to each group. That way students can
students who follow the learning with Direct understand the context of the story, predict the
Instruction on the fractional material. problem, and think to solve the problem of
The results of this study complement the mathematics. To increase student involvement in
results of previous research conducted by others the discourse with the group, the teacher provides
[24] that learning with Mathematical Bet Line motivation and rewards for the best three groups
strategy can improve students' mathematical at each meeting.
understanding. Improvement of students' The application of discourse learning with
mathematical understanding ability can not be Mathematical Bet Line strategy emphasizes the
separated from the activity of learning done. On involvement of students actively finding and
learning discourse with Mathematical Bet Line constructing their own knowledge through the
strategy begins with conversation between experience they experience based on prior
teacher and student. The teacher gives the knowledge. As the meaning of learning proposed
problem of unfinished stories and stops when by Bruner [28], the active process in which
students can anticipate and predict what will students constructing new ideas or concepts that
come up later in the problem. In this stage the have been previously owned. This is in line with

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

the view of constructivism, that one's knowledge TIMSS & PIRLS International Study
comes from outside the student's self but is Center.
constructed within the student [29].
[2] National Council of Teacher of
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Mathematics. (2014). Principle to acions:
a role in improving the ability of mathematical
Ensuring mathematical success for all.
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Zone of Proximal Development (ZDP) concept (Eds.). (2001). Adding it up: Helping
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so that students can build their own mathematical [8] Anggraeni, F. (2016). Analisis kemampuan
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students' success in the learning process can lead kemandirian belajar siswa. [Online].
to student involvement. Thus, the improvement Accessed from:
students' mathematical comprehension skills that
follow discourse learning with Mathematical Bet LISIS_KEMAMPUAN_PEMAHAMAN_
Line strategy is better than students who follow KONSEP_MATEMATIS_DAN_KEMAN
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H. Tatang Herman, M.Ed. and Mr. Al Jupri,
M.Sc., Ph.D who gave a lot advices to this article, matematika. Jurnal Prima Edukasia, 1 (1),
the teachers and students who participate in this pp. 17-29.
study, and ICERI staffs who gave me chance and [11] Ratzel, M. (2013). A common core challenge
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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Mohamad Nur Fauzi1, Budi Usodo2, Sri Subanti3
Master of Mathematic Education, Sebelas Maret University
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

The aim of the research was to determine the effect of learning models on mathematics achievement. The
learning model compared were student facilitator and explaining with scientific approach (SFEs), student
facilitator and explaining (SFE), and direct learning. This research used quasi-experimental research. This
research used random sampling technique. The instruments used were documentation, questionnaire, and
test. The data analysis technique was used unbalanced one ways anova at the significance level of 0.05.
Based on the data analysis, it can be concluded as follows: (1) SFEs with scientific approach gives better
achievement than SFE and direct learning, and SFE gives better achievement than direct learning, 2) the
participation of students in f the process of learning using SFEs learning models on the material of retrieved
the lowest percentage was 75%.
Keywords: Student Facilitator and Explaining, Scientific Approach, Participation

resolve the problems that exist in everyday life.

But in fact, over the development of science is
Education is one of the factors that support not accompanied by the results of learning math.
the development of an individual, good education According to PAMER UN data 2015 and 2016,
obtained informal, non-formal or informal. Each average maths exams the country nationally by
place or the institution has a very important role 2014/2015 i.e. 56.28 whereas the year 2015/2016
in the development of an individual, for example, dropped to 50.12. It shows that there are still
education in formal institutions such as schools, problems linked to the descent of the
madrasah, and etc. The development of achievements learning of students.
individual institutions in a directed through the The decline in the results of the study are
learning process in accordance with the level of also experienced in the various provinces that
education. Every level has a criteria or standards existed in Indonesia, one of which is the province
that must be achieved in the process of learning of Central Java. According to PAMER data 2015
or commonly called the criteria standard for and 2016 there are four competencies are to be
graduates (SKL). Through this SKL educators, tested in a national exam that is operating the
educational units, as well as the Government can operating numbers, algebra, geometry and
see the extent to which the development of the measurement, as well as statistics and odds. The
student in following the process of learning. geometry of the four competencies and
Developing learning paradigm is currently measurements have lowest absorption than
a student-centered learning. According to others. The percentage of absorption of geometry
Permendikbud 23 number 2016 that "Learning is and measurement school year 2014/2015 i.e.
a process of interactions between students, 53.60% whereas the academic year 2015/2016
between students with teachers and learning dropped to 50,39 percent. Further views of the
resources in a learning environment", in this case students examined the question of indicators is
there are students who are less interested in still a difficulty in understanding and
following the process of learning with subjects circumference related story problem area which
that they deem such difficult math lessons. is specified already. These data indicate that
Mathematics is the very lesson was there are certain factors which resulted in
instrumental in the development of the difficulty students to studying the geometry and
knowledge science and technology. On the other measurements of material such as a quadrangle.
hand mathematics can also be used to help

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

From the results of an interview with one of students with substantially better than individual
the teachers in Surakarta, the difficulties of the learning in the task or test. Therefore,
students is less understand the concept of the cooperative learning can make students
circumference of a quadrangle, the number of motivated in following the instruction. As for one
angles, and understand the problem of the story. of the learning model.
In addition, the time required to deliver the SFE learning model which has advantages
material in terms of the four less because the i.e. gives the opportunity to students to present
material is pretty much that the material ideas or opinions to the other students. In
delivered in a nutshell. This teachers are more addition, students are also trained independent in
likely to use direct learning rather than the face of every problem solved as well as
discussion, because the discussion takes time encourage the growth of students ' courage in
enough so that students can truly understand the presenting opinions. According to the results of
concept of a quadrangle. Further discussions took the research Haresti (2014), models of learning
place some students also still confused wanna be approach with scientific SFE can increase
work out. Props or media used to denote objects motivation and achievements learning of
that resemble a square also has not been students. This is shown from the results of the
adequate. Lack of attention when students awarding of the question form and observation.
followed the learning process so that students are From the students more active research and
still not motivated. This shows that the teacher is participate in the learning process.
a source of information for students. Klinger (2006) declared that learning with
Source of information not only from the peers can increase participation and interaction
teacher alone but could with other friends, from for following the process of learning. Peers can
printed books or internet. Along with the also foster the motivation of the student.
development of information technology, new Toumasis (2013) concluded that learning groups
information obtained by students are also more can help motivate students. In addition,
and more. This shows that the direct learning-and according to the research results of Muslims
teachers centered less affective. In line with the (2014) ability of critical thinking and problem
opinion of Silberman (2006: 23), "I hear, I solving mathematics students who follow the
forget" This means students will easily forget cooperative learning type SFE better than the
what they heard. In addition, the concept is students who follow direct learning. The research
studied in mathematics not only memorizing but objectives one:
also require understanding. Therefore, the need 1. To determine the achievement of
for changes in the process of learning so that students using model Student Facilitator and
students can interact as well as improve student Explaining (SFE)
learning outcomes. One way is to used a model
2. To determine the participation of
of learning. The intended learning model is a
students using model Student Facilitator and
model of learning which may give rise to
Explaining (SFE)
interactions between students as well as students
with a teacher that is a cooperative learning
In accordance with the opinion of the Tran This research is quasi experimental
and Lewis (2012), show that cooperative learning research using the True Experimental Design. In
is more effective than the conventional learning. this research used 90 participants and divided
The application of cooperative learning have vast became 3 groups. Experiment groups 1 with
influence both in the group room as well as in SFEs learning model, Experiment groups 2 with
private life a person as expressed by Kupczynski SFE learning model and control group used
et al. (2012: 82) that, “The positive impact of direct learning.
Cooperative Learning has far reaching effects Data collection techniques used in this
that extend beyond the group room, into research method documentation, observation,
participant professional and personal lives”. and test. The documentation methods used to
In line with the results of research collect data about the student's exam results in
conducted Hsiung (2012) concluded “that given the matter of quadrangle. Observation methods
a sufficient period of time for the cooperative used to explore the student participation find out
learning teams to mature, the students in the the participation of the students. The test method
cooperative learning condition performed was used to measure student achhivement in
substantially better in both the homework and quadrangle.
unit tests than those in the individualistic Test the hypothesis of research conducted
learning condition”. Cooperative learning with the t-test, to test a prerequisite before test

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

hypotheses include normality and homogeneity Table 3 ANOVA

test. Data normality test uses the Lilliefors test Nilai
and homogeneity test data uses Bartlett test with Sum of Mean
significance level (α) = 5% (Budiyono, 2009). Squares df Square F Sig.
2202.822 2 1101.411 8.880 .000
Normality test is done on experimental Groups
10790.967 87 124.034
group and a control group. Normality test uses Total 12993.789 89
Kolmogorof - Smirnov test. The result of
normality tests at the beginning ability is shown
on the table below. Of results calculate the one way anova in
Table 1 Tests of Normality the table above was obtained sig (. 000) which
Kolmogorov- means less than 0.05. This shows that there is a
Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk difference between experimental groups 1,
perlakuan Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig. experimental groups 2, and control group.
Nilai 1 .136 30 .162 .933 30 .060
Table 4 Multiple Comparisons
2 .115 30 .200* .967 30 .464
3 .095 30 .200* .970 30 .548 Scheffe

a. Lilliefors Significance 95% Confidence

Correction Mean
(I) (J) Difference Std. Lower Upper
*. This is a lower bound of the perlakuan perlakuan (I-J) Error Sig. Bound Bound
true significance. 1 2 3.96667 2.87558 .390 -3.1950 11.1283
Based on the 1st table above, on each 3 11.90000* 2.87558 .000 4.7384 19.0616
sample gets sig > α=0,05 so that H0 is accepted. 2 1 -3.96667 2.87558 .390 -11.1283 3.1950
It means, each sample that will be attached 3 7.93333* 2.87558 .026 .7717 15.0950
treatment and being control in this research come 3 1 -
2.87558 .000 -19.0616 -4.7384
from populations that normal distribute. 11.90000*
2 -7.93333* 2.87558 .026 -15.0950 -.7717
Table 2 Test of Homogeneity of Variance *. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.
Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
nilai Based on Mean 1.654 2 87 .197
Based on table 4 models of learning have
SFE and SFEs differences that significantly to
Based on Median 1.663 2 87 .196
direct learning. While the learning model SFEs
Based on Median and SFE are same.
and with adjusted 1.663 2 79.517 .196
df Student Achievement Data
Based on trimmed in this study student learning achievement
1.675 2 87 .193
mean data measured using tests given to students in
group room experiments after the learning
process is complete. The student achievement
Next, doing the homogeneity test, to know were group ified into five categories, namely
whether the sample that will be attached high, medium, and low. As for the description of
treatment and being control in this research has achievements learning of students data on
the same variance. The result of the homogeneity experimental group es can be seen in table 5.
test at the beginning ability between the
experimental group and control group is get sig >
Table 5. Student Learning Achievement data of
α=0,05. so that H0 accepted. It means the sample
experiment 1 Group
that will be attached treatment and being control
in this research has homogent variance. Criteria Average Sum
High X > 77,87 12
Middle 70,73 77,87 10
Low X <70,73 8

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

From the table 5 above shows the overall

value of student learning achievement at group 20
room experiments as much as 30 students.
Student achievement in high category as much as 10
12 students, middle category as much as 10
students, and low categories as 8 students on 0
average by 74.33. In addition to a group High Middle Low
experiment, learning achievement tests are also
given in the control group. eksperimen1 experiment 2 control class

Table 6. Student Learning Achievement data of Figure 1. Diagram of achievements learning of

experiment 2 Group Students experiments Group and control Group
Criteria Average Sum On the diagrams to can be saw that student
High X > 80,678 8 learning achievement on high criteria as much as
Middle 68,788 80,678 16 12 students in experiment 1 and 13 students in
experiment 2, whereas in group controls only 7
Low X <68,788 6
students. on the criteria being the large number
of experimental group students by as much as 16
From the table 6 above shows the overall students jn experiment 1, 11 students in
value of student learning achievement at group experiment 2, and a control group by as much as
room experiments as much as 30 students. 10 students. On the low criteria on control group
Student achievement in high category as much as more than 7 students group experiments. Based
8 students, middle category as much as 16 on the results of data analysis, retrieved the
students, and low categories as 6 students on average test scores of students who obtained a
average by 66,8. In addition to a experiment 2 model of learning SFE X1 = 81,33 and the
groups, learning achievement tests are also given average test score students use direct learning
in the control group. As for the description of model X2 = 6.84. From the calculation by using
student learning achievement data control group the techniques of t-test, tobs = 3,175 and obtained
is shown in table 7. with α = 0.05 and critical area = 24 ttable = 2,064
obtained then it can be inferred that the
Table 7. Learning Achievement data of control mathematics studied achievement students who
group acquire the learning model is better than the SFE
Achievement learning math students that obtain
Criteria Average sum the conventional learning model.
High X > 72,986 10 As described by Sudjana (2009:23)
Middle 60,6149 72,986 9 achievements learning is the ability-an ability
possessed by students after he accepted their
Low X <68,788 11 learning experience. In line with the results of
research conducted by Andriana (2012) that the
application of the model of learning SFE
From the above table 7 shows the overall
achievements learning student can be increased.
value of student learning achievement on the
Research conducted by Kusmiati (2010) States
control group s as many as 30 students. The
that Reciprocal Teaching method, SFE and
achievements learning of students in high
conventional effect on student learning
category as much as 10 students, the middle
achievement, accomplishment of learning
category as much as 9 students, and low
students are taught using the method of
categories as much as 11 students on average by
reciprocal teaching and SFE better than is taught
using conventional methods, but the method of
From table 5 and table 6 shows that the
reciprocal teaching and learning mathematics
achievements learning of students from the group
achievement is SFE the same.
of experiments and also the group of the control.
On the table there is a difference visible
Students Participation Data
achievements of student learning in group
The following is the data obtained from the
experiments with group room control. As for the
observation result participation students on group
differences was showed in Figure 1.
learning model using SFEs on experimental

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Table 3. Data of Participation Experiments Group [2] Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan
Pendidikan Kementerian Pendidikan
Criteria Average (%) Sum Nasional. Program/Software Laporan Hasil
Good X > 85 6 UN 2015.
[3] Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan
Enough 80 85 14
Pendidikan Kementerian Pendidikan
Less Good X < 80 10 Nasional. Program/Software Laporan Hasil
UN 2016.
From Table 3 above shows that students
with good criteria may be as much as 6 students, [4] Budiyono. Statistika untuk Penelitian.
are good enough there are 14 students, and less Surakarta : UNS Press. (2009).
good as much as 10 students. Participation of [5] Hsiung, C.M. The Effectiveness of
students in learning using learning SFE the Cooperative Learning. Journal of
lowest percentage was obtained 75%, 97% and Engineering Education.Vol. 101.1. pp: 119-
the highest average 83%. The criteria may be 137. (2012).
average with 83% of these showed that students
in the group of experiments may be group ified [6] Kupczynski, L., Mundy, M. A., Goswami,
as either. J., & Meling V. Cooperative Learning in
Based on the results of the analysis of the Distance Learning: A Mixed Methods
obtained t-obs (4.772) greater than ttabel (1.699) Study. International Journal of Intruction.
with a significant level of 5% and 29 degrees of 5(2):81-90. (2012).
freedom. Then it can be made the conclusion that [7] Kusmiati, H.D. (2013). Pengaruh Metode
the participation of students in following the Reciprocal Teaching, Student Facilitator and
process of learning using learning models SFE on Explaining dan Langsung Terhadap Prestasi
the material of the rectangular retrieved the Belajar Matematika Kelas VII SMP Al-
lowest percentage was 75%. Learning models Islam Surakarta. Skripsi. Tidak
means SFE to the participation of the students, as Dipublikasikan. Surakarta: Universitas
expressed by Suprijono (2009:129) model of Muhammadiyah Surakarta.
learning SFE making students can create a
concept map or chart to improve creativity of [8] Muslim, S. R. Pengaruh Penggunaan
students, active students, and student Metode Student Facilitator And Explaining
achievement. Dalam Pembelajaran Kooperatif Terhadap
Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah
Matematik Dan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis
Matematik Siswa SMK Di Kota
Peer teaching is very effective for Tasikmalaya. Jurnal Pendidikan dan
enhancing the achievement of learning math. The Keguruan, 1 ( 1), 10. (2014).
student can be a facilitator of the other students,
where students will be interacting with each [9] Silberman, M.L. Active Learning: 101 Cara
other. Interactions will also provide a pleasant Belajar Siswa Aktif. Bandung : Nusamedia.
atmosphere in the study. Therefore, teachers (2006).
need to use a model of learning which varies [10] Sudjana, N. Penilaian Hasil Proses Belajar
according to the material to be taught. This Mengajar. Bandung: PT Remaja
research was conducted only for one month with Rosdakarya. (2009).
a large number of respondents as many as 60
students. It is recommended for the next [11] Suprijono, A. Cooperative dan Aplikasi
researcher can perform similar research with PAIKEM. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
large scale and relatively longer time. (2009).
[12] Toumasis, C.. Cooperative Study Teams in
REFFERENCES Mathematics Classroom. International
[1] Andriana, F. Penerapan Pembelajaran Journal of Mathematicsal in Science and
Student Facilitator And Explaining Dalam Technology. Vol. 35, No. 5, 669-679.
Meningkatkan Keaktifan Dan Hasil Belajar (2013).
Siswa Terhadap Materi Relasi Dan Fungsi [13] Tran, V. D., & Lewis, R. Effects of
Pada Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Pawyatan Daha Cooperative Learning on Students at An
1 Kediri. Skripsi. Tidak Dipublikasikan. Giang University in Vietnam. International
Kediri : UNP Kediri. (2012). Education Studies, 5(1), 86-99. (2012).

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Nursiwi Nugraheni1, Wahyuningsih2
Elementary School Teacher Education Program of UNNES
[email protected], [email protected]

Understanding the learning theory from the psychology experts are very important to achieve a success
mathematic learning psychology in class. By understanding the learning theory that already exist, the
teacher candidate students hopefully can design and doing the learning process in their class better. The
fact in Elementary School Teacher Education Program (PGSD) of UNNES gathered from the earlier
observation shows that the developing skill of mathematic learning is till low. It can be seen from the
developed learning were made from their own thoughts, not referring to a learning theory, so the developed
learning are not right. 55% of the students can not implement the learning theory that they have designed
yet. The aim of this research is to know how to grow the ability of Elementary School Teacher Education
Program students of UNNES in applying the Bruner learning theory in mathematic subject in elementary
school. The type of this research is qualitative research. The data source samples in this research are: a
mathematic lecturer and a group that consists of 5 students who took the numbers learning and data
management subjects, field note is a note by the observer along the learning process, happened, the
document data in the form of lesson plan, and students’ score. Data gathering was done by using
documentation technique and field note. The data analysis technique following Miles and Huberman was
done interactively through data reduction process, data display, and verification. Observation was done to
see the mathematical relativity, learning motivation, self esteem, interaction and communication of the
students. The result is there are 3 students that already master the implementation of Bruner learning
material, while 2 students are in quite mastering category. The suggestion in teaching the students to
develop the learning is the students need to be provided with learning theory.
Keywords: Bruner learning theory, students’ skill

the existed learning theory, the teacher is hoped

to design and do a better learning process
Learning process that being practiced
because they already have learning theories as
nowadays mostly in the form of one way
their reference (Shadiq, 2011). The fact in
lecturing. When attending lectures or hearing
Elementary School Teacher Education Program
preaches, the students will hard to follow or catch
(PGSD) of UNNES gathered from the earlier
the essence of the material, so the learning is just
observation shows that the developing skill of
making some doubtful notes. This active lecturer
mathematic learning is till low. It can be seen
and passive students learning process pattern has
from the developed learning were made from
a low effectiveness and can not grow the active
their own thoughts, not referring to a learning
participation process in learning. It is against the
theory, so the developed learning are not right.
UU Sisdiknas no 2 year 2003 which stated that
55% of the students can not implement the
what is meant by learning is an interaction
learning theory that they have designed yet. It can
between educator, student, and learning source in
be seen when they implement the Bruner theory
a certain place. So by describing every related
they just apply the phases, not including the
aspect in the learning process, a student centered
learning characteristic can be learned.
Student of Elementary School Teacher
One of the mathematic learning
Education Program is the teacher candidates that
characteristics nowadays is the deliverance is
have to be able to teach the students by
based on learning psychology. Understanding the
implementing innovative approach with learning
learning theory from the psychology experts is
theory. Mathematic is one of subjects that being
very important in order to achieve a success
taught in elementary school. so the students who
mathematic learning in class. By understanding
joined elementary school mathematic learning

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

development subject, number learning and data used a proper notation that suited with the
management in elementary school subject, and students’ cognitive development level.
geometry learning in elementary school subject According to contrast and variation theorem, a
must be able to develop mathematic learning by mathematic concept will be easier to be
implementing mathematic theory learning. One understood by the students if the concept is
of the ways for the students to get the experience contrasted from the other concepts so the
about developing mathematic learning is by differences between those concepts become
training to develop the mathematic learning for clear. In connectivity theorem stated that every
elementary school by implementing learning concept, principle, and every skill in mathematic
theory from what have been taught by the are related to another concepts, principles, and
lecturer. skills.
Based on the background above, a fixation This research only studied Bruner’s
is needed in mathematic learning development learning theory. It is meant to make a deeper
subject through a research entitled: Growing the learning theory and because of the time limit.
elementary school learning activity development This research was conducted by Dewi Lestari in
skill through learning theory implementation to Tadulako Creative Journal Vol 3 No 2 / year
the students of Elementary School Teacher 2014 entitled Bruner theory increase to increase
Education Program of UNNES. Learning theory the student’s study result in fold symmetry
is an activity of someone to change their learning in 4th grade students of SDN 02 Makmur
behavior. All learning activities are always Jaya of North Manuju Residence which stated
followed by a change that including prowess, that the implementation of Bruner theory may
skill and behavior, understanding and pride, increase the study result of the students in fold
character, interest, self adjustment, and so on. symmetry learning.
Those changes include cognitive, psychomotor, Beside that, a research conducted by Tutut
and affective change. Umi Wulansari in COPE Teacher Scientific
Bruner as one of the psychologist and a Journal number 02/year XVI/November 2012
thinker has developed a learning theory that entitled The increase of mathematic study result
based on constructivism view and very related to by implementing Bruner theory towards 4th grade
cognitive learning theory. In the material students in SDN Cepit in Pendowoharjo, Sewon,
deliverance, there are 3 important steps that have Bantul shows that the use of Bruner theory may
to be watched in implementing this theory, which increase the study result of the students.
are: (a) Enactive Phase: in this phase, the
students learn by manipulating concrete things, Based on the background above, the
(b) Iconic Phase: the knowledge mostly built researchers formulate that the common problem
from visual pictures to create new information, of the research is “How to grow the elementary
(c) Symbolic Phase: in this phase, knowledge are school mathematic learning activity
already built by using mathematic and language development skill in Elementary School Teacher
symbols. Education Program students in UNNES? “
The implementation of Bruner learning
theory can be done by serving examples and the
non examples from the concept that being taught,
helping the students to see the relation between This research revealed about the learning
concepts, giving a question and let the students development by implementing mathematic
to look for the answer by themselves, giving learning theory in elementary school learning by
the students of Elementary School Teacher
spirit to the students to give their opinion based
on their intuition. Besides developing cognitive Education Program of UNNES. This research is
development theory, Bruner stated theorems a qualitative research. The research was
conducted in Elementary School Teacher
which related to mathematic learning. Those
theorems are: (a) Contruction theorem, (b) Education Program of UNNES. The instrument
Notation Theorem, (c) Contrast and Variation in this research is the researcher. The data source
samples in this research are: a mathematic
Theorem, (d) Conectivity Theorem. Inside
construction theorem stated that the best way for lecturer and a group that consists of 5 students
a student to learn something or a principle in who took the numbers learning and data
management subjects, field note is a note by the
mathematic is by constructing or conducting a
representation from the concept. According to observer along the learning process, happened,
notation theorem the representation of a the document data in the form of lesson plan, and
students’ score. Data gathering was done by
mathematic material will be easier to be
understood by the students if the representation using documentation technique and field note.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

The data analysis technique following Miles and The teacher prepared red and blue
Huberman was done interactively through data colored cards. To find the result of 5 +
reduction process, data display, and verification. (-3) they use red cards (to state
The data validity test in this research is data positive numbers) and blue cards (to
credibility test that has been done by increasing state negative numbers). The students
the perseverance, the researcher did it more were asked to pick 5 red cards and 3
carefully, the researcher re check for the data blue cards. Those cards were paired,
credibility. and the result is there are 2 red cards
that do not have a pair. So 5 + (-3) =
(2) Iconic Phase
a. Description of Lecturer’s Activity In this phase, to explain 5 + (-3), they
Description of lecturer’s activity in growing used different cards as shown below.
the students’ skill in developing mathematic
learning activity in elementary school by
implementing learning theory towards the
students of Elementary School Teacher
Education Program of UNNES is shown below. The students were asked to pair the red
1) Planning Phase cards with the blue cards as shown
In planning phase the researcher with the below.
team designing learning device including lesson
plan, observation sheet, and field note.
2) Execution Phase
The lecturer asked the students to represent From the picture above, it can be seen
the paper that they have made before the meeting. that there are two red cards that do not
Next the lecturer will strengthen it. From the have a pair, so 5 + (-3) = 2
presentations, it can be seen that Bruner theory (3) Symbolic Phase
implementation in elementary school The teacher wrote the problem and
mathematic is not being fully understood. In then explained the relation between
every material, the serving is not vary and the the problem with the paired cards. 5 +
chosen material is very easy and not challenging, (-3) = 2
not giving a chance for the students to construct
their knowledge. To fix this problem, at the end b) Material: The Subtraction of Round
of the meeting the students are given a task about Number with Positive and Negative Mark
develop round number learning for calculation, Example: 5 - (-3)
subtraction, multiplication, and division of (1) Enactive Phase
positive and negative number by implementing In this phase, the students were
Bruner’s theory. In the next meeting, the lecturer involved directly in manipulating the
asked the students to represent the given task and objects by using concrete things.
gave a feedback. 5 - (-3) being thought as 5 red cards
3) Scoring Phase and 3 blue cards. Step 1: pick 5 red
In the end of the activity, the lecturer gave cards. Subtracted by 3 means pick 3
a final test. blue cards, because there is no blue
cards available so 3 blue cards and 3
b. Description of Students’ Activity red cards must be taken (the value of
Description of students’ activities in those 3 pairs are 0) next pick 3 blue
developing elementary school mathematic cards so the result is 8 red cards and
learning activity by implementing learning we can conclude that 5 -(-3) = 8.
theory toward the students of Elementary School (2) Iconic Phase
Teacher Education Program of UNNES is shown In this phase the activity was done by
below: using pictures.
1) The result of students’ work in developing the Example: 5 - (-3)
learning by implementing Bruner theory as Step 1: Draw 5 red cards
a) Material: Calculation of Round Number
with Positive and Negative Mark.
(1) Enactive Phase Step 2: Add 3 pair of blue cards and
red cards as below.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

A stated the number of inserting

activity or spend the cards from or
to the container.
Step 3: Cross 3 blue cards  If A is positive, the inserting
or adding the cards to the
container is A times.
 If A is negative, the spending
The rest are 8 red cards and the value or subtracting the cards from
is +8, so 5 -(-3) = 8 the container are A times.
B is the amount of the cards that
(3) Symbolic Phase have been moved (inserted/ spent)
In this phase, the students can explain  If B is positive, the amount of
the mental shadow in the form of positive cards that have been
language and symbol. 5 - (- moved (inserted or spent)
3) = 8 or 5 - (-3) = 5 + 3 = 8  If B is negative, the amount of
negative cards that have been
c) Material: The Multiplication of Round moved (inserted or spent)
Numbers with Positive and Negative The last cards left in the container
According to Bruner’s Leaning Theory are the result of the multiplication.
(1) Enactive Phase
For this phase, a container and cards Example: (-2) x (+3) =
with positive and negative mark are
needed. To do the multiplication 2 (-2) x (+3) means: to times of
round numbers A x B there must be spending 3 positive cards from the
deal like these: container.
It can be seen like this:

(2) Iconic Phase for (-2) x (-3) is the same with the
In the enactive phase above, the pictures above.
activity is inserting/moving the (3) Symbolic Phase
cards from/to the container. The In this phase, the students are
enactive phase is just the same with already know that negative numbers
the enactive phase but by using have a (-) symbol while positive
pictures. The iconic phase pictures numbers have (+) symbol. From
doing some multiplication, we got 2

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

same value round numbers that

being multiplied (positive x positive
or negative x negative) have a
positive result while a positive round Step 2: Prepare 2 blue boxes
numbers that multiplied with
negative round numbers or vice
versa will resulted a negative
numbers. Step 3: divide 6 positive cards into
those 2 boxes
d) Material: dividing positive and negative
First, we have to make a deal:
Each box will be filled with 3 red cards, so the
The required tools: a positive result is 6 : -2 = -3
and negative cards and containers
(3) Symbolic Phase
A : B, if A is positive it will be
6 : (-2) = x thought as x (-2) = 6
stated with positive card in positive
container, A negative will be stated
c. Students’ Study Result
with negative card in positive
From he learning activity that done by the
lecturer, it can be seen that the students’ study
If B is negative, it will be put in result in developing learning activity by
implementing learning theory are as follow: the
the negative container, if B is positive
students’ study result increased from there is no
then we will use positive container. students in “not quite mastering: category. There
are 3 students in “mastering” category and 2
The result is if the cards and the
students in “quite mastering” category in
container is in different color, the learning development by implementing Bruner’s
result is negative. When the cards and
the container is in the same color
means the result is positive. From the activity done by the lecturer, it can
be seen that there is an effort to prepare the
Example: 6 : -2 students’ learning preparation and increasing the
(1) Enactive Phase students’ learning motivation by doing things
like: giving a challenging tasks that will make the
Step 1: Prepare 6 red cards (positive) students look, study and decide; giving a chance
in red container (positive). for the students to be actively involved; growing
a close relation between students and lecturer
Step 2: Prepare 2 blue boxes based on the trust; giving a good and detail
(negative) feedback both in indoor or outdoor tasks. It is in
accordance with the constructivism learning
Step 3: 6 cards from step are divided theory of Jean Piaget (in Dahar, 2011) which
equally in the 2 blue boxes so there stated that knowledge is built in the thought of
will be 3 red cards (positive) in each the children by assimilation and accommodation
blue box (negative) process according to their schemata.
The constructing process, as explained by
The cards and the container is in Jean Piaget is as follows:
different color which means the  Schemata. A group of concepts that
result is negative, so 6 : (-2) = (-3) being used when interacting with the
environment called as schemata.
(2) Iconic Phase Through the experience in children’s
cognitive structure a scheme was built.
Step 1: Draw6 red cards in red A schemata perfection process is done

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

through assimilation and be provided with learning theory in developing

accommodation process. the learning activity.
 Assimilation. Assimilation is a
cognitive process where someone REFERENCES
integrating their perception, concept or
[1] Brumer, Jerome S. 1999. The Process of
new experience into a scheme or pattern
Education. London: Harvard University
in their mind.
 Accommodation. In facing a
stimulation or new experience, a person [2] Dahar, retno Willis. 2011. Teori-teori
cannot assimilate the new experience Belajar dan Pembelajaran.Jakarta:
with their schemata. Accommodation Erlangga.
happened to create a suitable new
[3] Heruman. 2013. Model Pembelajaran
scheme for the new stimulation or
Matematika di Sekolah Dasar. Bandung:
modify the existed scheme so it can suit
Remaja Rosdakarya
the stimulation.
 Balance. Equilibration is a balance [4] Slameto. 2010. Belajar dan Faktor-faktor
between assimilation and yang Mempengaruhinya. Jakarta: Rineka
accommodation while disequilibration Cipta.
is a state where there is no balance
[5] Shadiq Fajar dkk, 2011. Penerapan teori
between assimilation and
belajar pada pembelajaran Matematika SD.
accommodation, equilibration may
make someone to combine the outside
experience with their inside structure. [6] Dewi Lestari dalam Jurnal Kreatif Tadulako
Vol 3 No 2 / tahun 2014 berjudul
Peningkatan teori Bruner untuk
meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada
The conclusion of the activity conducted by pembelajara simetri lipat di Kelas IV SDN
the lecturer in order to grow the students’ skill in 02 Makmur Jaya Kabupaten Manuju utara.
learning development by implementing learning
theory toward elementary school mathematical [7] Tutut Umi Wulansari dalam jurnal Ilmiah
learning; the activity of the students in guru COPE nomor 02/Tahun
developing learning activity by implementing XVI/November 2012 berjudul Peningkatan
Bruner’s learning theory; the students’ study hasil belajar matematika dengan penerapan
result in implementing learning theory is good, teori Bruner pada siswa kelas IV SDN Cepit
so they are in “mastering” and “quite mastering” Pendowoharjo Sewon Kabupaten Bantul.
category. The suggestion is the students need to

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Lasmita Sihaloho1, Juli Arianti2, Riris Lawitta Maulina Siahaan3
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is one of the main issues in the discussion of world development
joint by the members of United Nations (UN) in the city of Rio De Je’nairo to replace Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs). In Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), there are four goals; the fourth
goal is to ensure the education quality which is fair and inclusive and to increase long-life education
opportunities for all. This study is aimed at describing the essentials of Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) program, especially rights related to education as the basic right of every citizen in Indonesia as it
is written in the basic laws (UUD’1945). Moreover, this study is also aimed at describing some strategies
to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in developing good quality of education and evenly
spread learning opportunities. The method used in this study was descriptive method. The data showed that
the achievement of Indonesian national educational development is improved year after year through the
government policy made in case of education sector.
Keywords: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), education development, learning opportunities

In Indonesia, education development is

based on the national law Number17, 2007 about
Sustainable development can be achieved
long term development plan (RPJPN) from
through education, because education is media
2005—2025. In the first period, the long term
for transforming perception, attitude and
national development of education was focused
behavior of the human (Pusat Penelitian
on building capacity of the school as the
Kebijakan Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan
education administrator in enlarging service and
Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional, 2010).
increase the quality of the way to conduct
United Nations through education for
learning process. In the second period, the
sustainable development goals (ESDGs) in 2005-
government support to enforce the services so,
2014 assumed that education has a very
education can be gotten and felt by all society. In
important role in achieving sustainable
the second period, today, education development
development (Report Happenings, 2016).
is planned as an education step to prepare human
The millennium program has been done and
resources having regional competitiveness
ended in 2015. New development era has been
(Undang Nomor 17 Tahun 2007 tentang Rencana
arranged, to follow up the post development of
Pembangunan Jangka Panjang Nasional
2015’s, which is Sustainable Development Goals
(RPJPN) Tahun 2005—2025).
(SDGs). Several discussions done to
accommodate discussion on sustainable
development. The development accommodating
to several principles which goes detail to The method used in this research was a
participation, equality and attempts to enforce descriptive method. By using this method, the
global capacity and partnership(United Nations, writer describes the education development
2014). which has good quality and evenly spread
UNESCO also promotes education policies learning opportunities as one of Sustainable
and practice can be used to support nations facing Development Goals (SDGs) in Indonesia. The
global challenges trough education for data were collected by conducting library
sustainable development. UNESCO tries to research through secondary data collection
ensure that all students gain knowledge, skill, published by The Indonesian Statistics, The
attitude and values needed for sustainable future Ministry of National Development Plan &
(UNESCO, 2012).

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

BAPPENAS and other relevant sources of imbalance towards gender in secondary

publication. education. One of the examples was significant
decrease in the ration indicator of minimum
participation rate between women and men in
Senior High School joining Paket C from 93,67
Sustainable development means many percent in 1993 became 101,40 percent in 2011
things for many people. Rio+20 officially define (BAPPENAS, 2012).
sustainable development into three dimensions
SDGs is expected one of the development
mus be achieved at once such as economy, social agenda that can solve what have been decided
and environment (Clémençon, 2012). before to replace MDGs and becomes agenda
Sustainable development can be said as the
which is able to face previous and new
parallelization of two separated purposes and challenges which is continuously increased.
processes that can be assumed as equality: SDGs is expected to be a transformation agenda
sustainable development = development +
reshaping global development that is beneficial
sustainability (Lele, 1991 in journal Sharpley, for the next generation. Based on the data from
2010). the Indonesian Statistics (Badan Pusat Statistik,
(Moldan & Dahl, 2007) express the
understanding that sustainable development can The achievement of the education on
be defined as a development that is able to make Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2016
the development itself become unlimited.
in Indonesia can be seen in picture 3 with
Study claimed that the concept of the indicators such Percentage of Children Attending
sustainable development is based on three Preschool Education in 2016 was 47,45% It was
important things such as: satisfying people’s decrease 1,07% compared to the previous year
need, ensure social justice and respect to the which is 2015. While for the graduation rate of
environment limit (Holden, Linnerud, &
Elementary School was increased in 2016
Banister, 2016). namely 33,08%, it was increased 5,29% from the
The term of SDGs has become the topic of previous year. For the graduation rate of Junior
global development for the first time proposed by
High School in 2016 was 16,49%, it was
the government of Columbia, Peru, Guatemala decrease as much as 4,95% from the previous
and United Emirates of Arab before the Rio+20 year. The graduation rate in Senior High School
conference in 2012. The conference of the UN on
was 34,27% in 2016. It was increased as much as
Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro on 2,02% from the previous year. The last indicator
June became the important key for the initiative was that the Gross Participation Rate of Higher
agreement of sustainable development globally
Education in 2016 was 23,44%, it was increased
in the future. The result of High Level as much as 2,55% from the previous year. The
Conference is the launching of Sustainable achievement in each indicator of the educational
Development Goals (SDGs) that will guide the
development goal of SDGs was not as it was
international sustainable development, as the expected. Although a few indicators were
important contribution to continue the increased, the target was not as expected.
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) which
Meanwhile, the SDGs’ achievement, especially
ended in 2015 (Lingán, Cornforth, Pollard, & in education, is expected to be increased in the
Forum, 2012). following years.
In Indonesia, the national long term Chapter 1 Verse (1) of National Laws
development plan in 2005-2025 is based on the Number. 20, 2003, defined education as
national law Number 17, 2007 about actualizing
conscious and planned attempts to actualize
Indonesia to move forward, independent, and learning condition and learning process so the
equitable. Natural resources and environment learners can actively develop self potency to
must be proportionally produced to ensure the
have spiritual power, self control, personality,
sustainability of national development (UU intelligence, characters, and skills needed to be
Nomor 17 tahun 2007 tentang Rencana accepted as citizen and society. (Undang-Undang
Pembangunan Jangka Panjang Nasional Tahun
Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 Tentang Sistem
2005-2025). Pendidikan Nasional) as has been addressed in
In Indonesia, MDGs has given big positive national laws Number 20, 2003 about National
changes. Although there were several targets
Education System that well spread access of
still needs hard work to achieve it. However, education and development of education will
there were many targets showed the significant make Indonesian society have life skills so can
progress some even had been achieved. The
promote holistic human development and civil
government had succeeded to decrease the and modern society and conscious with the

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

values of Pancasila. In the period of 2000—2015, allowance. However, there are still many
there have been several initiation and weaknesses or unsatisfying results from the
breakthrough done in educational development efforts and attempt done. The strategic plan of
trough MDGs. There are many monumental Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is
cahevements such as; the implementation of expected to be a new breakthrough especially in
National Laws about Teacher and Lecturer, educational development, so that positive
National Standard of Education, Teacher changes can be brought, improved and increased
Certification, and the allocation of teacher for better people and environment.

50 48,52 47,45

40 33,08 32,25 34,27

30 21,44 20,89 23,44
20 16,49

Percentage of The Gross
The graduation The graduation The graduation
Children Attending Participation Rate
rate of Elementary rate of Junior High rate in Senior High
Preschool of Higher
School School School
Education Education
2015 48,52 27,79 21,44 32,25 20,89
2016 47,45 33,08 16,49 34,27 23,44

2015 2016

Adopted from: Central Beureau of Statistic (CBS), 2016

Figure 3. Educational development achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

in 2015-2016 in Indonesia

The juridical foundation of strategic plan in Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Tahun
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015-2019) are as following:
education as the actualization of the 1. Provide good quality service for Early
implementation of regulations and national laws Childhood Education
involve: There are several challenges such as, a)
a. Basic Laws of 1945 Chapter 31, Verse increase access of Early Childhood
17, Capter 34. Education especially for poor people; b)
b. National Laws number 20, 2003 about training; c) extend the accomplishment of
National Education System. service standards in Early Childhood
c. National Laws number 25, 2004 about Education; d) increase coordination among
System of National Development Plan sectors and empower the public sector for
d. Government Regulation Number 19, holistic and integrated Early Childhood
2005 about National Standard of Education, improve the teacher’s
Education (SNP). competence, assisting teachers and the
e. Strategic Plan of the Ministry of caretakers of Early Childhood Education
National Education in 2010-2014. through education and
f. National Laws number 17, 2007 about 2. Accomplish mandatory education for 12
National Long Term Development years with good quality.
Plan2005—2025. a. Giving rights of good quality of Primary
Strategies done to achieve SDGs in Education Services by; a) providing
developing education quality and evenly spread financial aid to all society through
learning opportunities (Lampiran Peraturan Operational School Aid and providing
Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nomor 22 Smart Indonesian Card (KIP) to all poor
tahun 2015 tentang Rencana Strategis society; b) providing special affirmation
to all students in most outer, neglected

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

and foremost area and students with development of course and training
special needs. institution with the needs in workplace.
b. Increasing access of middle education 7. Spread evenly effort of removing illiterate
with good quality, by; a) providing people to Indonesian Success, the literacy
access of middle education in every achievement rate needs improving
district; b) providing financial aid of especially students in most outer, neglected
education to all society through and foremost area.
Operational School Aid, and Providing 8. Improving family education so that the
Indonesian Smart Card to all poor parenting education can be spread larger
society; c) providing special affirm to area until the rural area. Another challenge
all students from most outer, neglected is to enlarge the educational scope not only
and foremost area and students with in improving knowledge, but also good
special needs; d) to make people realize practice introduction.
about how important the middle 9. Balancing and harmonizing the solution of
education is; e) increasing people’s Indonesian Language and Local language;
role/public sector in providing middle Improving reading culture and the enlarging
education. Indonesian Language use as the mother
c. Improving the relevancies of vocational tongue consistently as the official language
education which doesn’t meet in education and government organization in
workplace criteria by; a) synchronizing line with the spirit to keep and to protect
the availability of Departments in Local Literature and National Language
Vocational Education with the Heritage.
competencies and skills needed in 10. Strengthen the students’ character and
workplace; b) developing curriculum Nation’s prestige/dignity; the cultures in
fitting the workplace need based on Indonesia must be developed to improve life
KKNI or The Indonesian National quality, strengthen national character and
Criteria of Qualification dignity, strengthen the national unity,
3. Improve the Learning Quality increase understanding about historical
a. Empower the quality assurance of values and knowledge about nation, and
education service. increase the prosperity of society; empower
b. Empower the curriculum development society to oversee the law upholding;
and its implementation by; a) supervise providing training and building the proper
dan evaluate the curriculum use of Indonesian Language; Increasing
implementation tightly, research, assessment and validity
comprehensively, and sustainably; b) determination of communication and
developing the teacher’s competences information.
about best learning practices in the 11. Increase students appreciation to Art,
school; c) enhance cooperation among Cultural Work Creativity and Conserve
government, teachers, principals, Cultural Heritage; challenges faced by the
supervisors, and society to watch over Ministry of Education and Culture are;
the curriculum implementation. providing facilities of Artwork and Cultural
4. Empower educational assessment system Work Actualization; encourage the growth
by; a) improving teachers’ competences in of the creativity and the productivity of
assessment at school b) strengthen the cultural creator and the affection of using
credibility of national examination system National product; increasing the cultural
and using national examination to watch resources capacity for protection,
over the quality of education; c) strengthen development and the utilization of cultural
credible and independent educational heritage; increase the potency and the
institution on assessment. productivity of the culture for the social
5. Improve teacher’s management, teacher prosperity; promoting art work and cultural
education, and the reform of Educational work in international level.
Institution of Teacher Education (LPTK). 12. Increasing the promotion, diplomacy, and
6. Improving professional skill and cultural exchange; future challenges faced
strengthening adult people by the Ministry of Education and Culture are
education/society education by; increasing the interlocal cultural promotion
Providing literacy education; b) through the establishment of national culture
conducting accreditation process of course house as promoting and diplomacy facility
and training institution; c) synchronize the in national and international level and

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

develop the cultural work creativity and quality education and evenly spread learning
cultural exchange as international cultural opportunities can be provided in all areas around
and diplomacy facility. Indonesia.
13. Optimizing the utilization of educational
budget which is still ineffective and REFERENCES
inefficient. Challenges faced by the Ministry
of Education and Culture are; reviewing [1] Central Beureau of Statistic (CBS). (2016).
regulations of budget transfer use to increase Statistik Pendidikan. Jakarta.
the quality of education; supervising and [2] BAPPENAS. (2012). Millennium
evaluating budget use of education by local Development Goals Report 2012.
[3] Clémençon, R. (2012). Welcome to the
Various strategies have been developed and Anthropocene : Rio + 20 and the Meaning of
planned that are expected to improve the Sustainable Development. Journal of
development of quality education and learning Environment & Development, 21(3), 311–
opportunities equally for all Indonesian people. 338.
Whatever the circumstances, the Government
has shown a serious effort in realizing the [4] Darajati, W., Kementrian PPN, &
development of education as one of the SDGs. BAPPENAS. (2016). Upaya Pencapaian
These efforts have shown a comprehensive step Target Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan
in improving educational development, but its (TPB).
implementation is not yet optimal and uneven
across Indonesia. [5] Holden, E., Linnerud, K., & Banister, D.
(2016). The Imperatives of Sustainable
Development. Sustainable Development, 1–
Discussion The development of good
quality education and evenly spread learning [6] Lampiran Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan
opportunities as Sustainable Development Goals Kebudayaan Nomor 22 tahun 2015 tentang
(SDGs) has been discussed in several previous Rencana Strategis Kementerian Pendidikan
studies such as done by (Sulistyastuti, 2015) with dan Kebudayaan Tahun 2015-2019. (n.d.).
the result of the study showed that indonesian Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan
grade for APS was well achieved, the APS was Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia.
above 90 %. The achievment on literacy was also [7] Lingán, J., Cornforth, J., Pollard, R., &
above 90 %, however, in case of the learning Forum, S. (2012). Sustainable Development
length, the achievement of MDGs still needs Goals: Building The Foundations For An
more struggle. Study done by (Lisbet, 2013) Inclusive Process. Bond Development &
showed that Indonesia has reached some goals of Environment Group.
MDGs. However, there are still some other goals
needing hard work from the government of [8] Lisbet. (2013). Pencapaian Millenium
Indonesia. Development Goals ( MDGs ) di Indonesia
Melalui Kerjasama Internasional. Politica,
4(1), 129–156.

The achievement of new Suistainable [9] Moldan, B., & Dahl, A. (2007). Meeting
Development Goals (SDGs) entering Conceptual Challenges dalam Hak T,
development era replacing Millenium Moldan B, Dahl AL (Ed.) Sustainability
Development Goals (MDGs) had ended in 2015 Indicators: A Scientific Assessment.
had not been as it was expected. It is because Scientific Committee on Problem of the
there are still educational improvement because Environment (SCOPE).
there are many things must be improved. [10] Report Happenings, E. (2016). International
Strategies planned by the government to increase Conference on Education as a Driver for
the achievement of SDGs which were expected Sustainable Development Goals. Journal of
can compete the other countries’ development Education for Sustainable Development,
globally. Some strategies planned before should 10(2), 214–218.
be implemented step by step, continually and
needs collaboration between government of the
nation and local government. The achievement [11] Sardjoko, S., & Deputi Bidang
must also be evaluated periodically so the good Pembangunan Manusia, Masyarakat, dan K.

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(2016). Pendidikan Tinggi dan Nasional (RPJPN) Tahun 2005—2025.

Pengembangan SDM untuk Meningkatkan (n.d.).
Daya Saing dan Inovasi. In Kementrian
[15] Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003
Tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional. (n.d.).
[12] Sharpley, R. (2010). Tourism and
[16] UNESCO. (2012). UNESCO and
Sustainable Development : Exploring the
Sustainable Development.
Theoretical Divide. Journal of Sustainable
Tourism, 8(1), 1–19. [17] United Nations. (2014). Delivering the Post- 2015 Development Agenda. United Nations.
. New York.
[13] Sulistyastuti, D. R. (2015). Pembanguna [18] UU Nomor 17 tahun 2007 tentang Rencana
Pendidikan dan MDGs di Indonesia Sebuah Pembangunan Jangka Panjang Nasional
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Indonesia, 2(2), 19–44.
[14] Undang Nomor 17 Tahun 2007 tentang
Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Panjang

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Martin Iryayo1 , Devi Anggriyani2
[email protected], [email protected]
Yogyakarta State University-Graduate School

The purpose of this research was to ensure how far the school is on the promotion and implementation of
innovative education with tangible facts, prove whether there is change in life quality and wellbeing among
individuals and society in general, resulted from innovative activities. Research was conducted from 26th
January until 24th March 2017 at Muhammadiyah Vocational Secondary School (SMK Temon
Kulonporogo). Qualitative research was adapted with case study strategy for the research scope. A semi-
structured interview, documentation and observation with factual notes were used as data collection tools.
Before using the interview form, it was tested at Imogiri Vocational Secondary school (SMK Imogiri/Bantul
district) for validity and reliability purpose. Semi- structured interview form was used to get information
from school members, staff, student, teacher, and parent, about innovative activities triggering positive
change in the school. Triangulation counted a lot. Content analysis and descriptive analysis techniques were
used for all the data were collected. Based on the interview held and findings obtained from observation,
there are some tangible facts that Muhammadiyah vocational secondary school (SMK Temon) has been
reaching some achievements in terms of innovative education because everything said in the interview has
its evidence. Comparing to the situation before 2014, the school members have been feeling improvement
in terms of life quality. There are many indicators, at the school, that showed the relationship between
innovative education and life quality of students, teachers, and the community in general. However, there
is still a long way to go for satisfaction.
Keywords: Innovation, innovative activities, life quality, SMK, and wellbeing

resource being able to foresee the new trends and

adapt to them.
Specialists (E.g: Purdue University)
Innovation is an idea, practice, or object
consider that innovation in education is closely
perceived as new by an individual or other unit
related to social innovation. Social innovation
of adoption. Innovative activities are all the
has as its sphere of action the domains:
activities with a scientific, technological,
education, administration, health, economy, and
organizational, financial and commercial
aims to improve public awareness regarding the
character and which update or are oriented to
innovation meant for individual, social and
lead to the implementation of innovations. Some
economic development.
innovative activities contain in them novelty,
According to Nina, 2016, Innovative
while others are only auxiliary activities
learning is learning that stimulates innovative
necessary to implement innovations.
changes in a corresponding culture and social
To improve their activity, people need
environment and acts as an active reaction to the
change. The factors triggering change are
problem situations, which appear in front of each
internal and external (Bessant & Tidd, 2007). At
single person and the society in general.
the same time, three perspectives can be
Innovative learning can be defined as: 1) a
distinguished regarding the need for innovation
specific type of mastery the knowledge,
in education (Bush & Bell, 2005): technological,
alternative to the traditional normative learning;
political and cultural, pillars of progress by
2) a process that provides personality
innovation. Innovation in the educational system
development in teacher and students through
is the factor triggering innovation in the
democratization of the teacher’s position and
economic and business environment, the human
inclusion of everybody in the cooperative

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

creative and productive activity; 3) a change in students’ skills for cooperative actions in new
the nature of educational cooperation, which situations.
creates high level of readiness for a certain future According to Spring Singapore;
and increases the level of intellectual- handbook for education innovators (2015),
communicative activity development and innovative education is characterized by the
creativity; 4) a specific type of mastering the following concepts:
knowledge, which implies the development of

The fact is that given the challenges we people to function effectively in society,
face, education doesn’t need to be reformed it Governance; so whether there is democracy,
needs to be transformed, Sir Ken Robinson. fairness and freedom of expression.
Quality of life is defined as the wellbeing of According to the definition of quality of life
individuals and societies. There is an increasing (QL) presented by World Health Organization
emphasis on the importance of quality of life and WHO (World Health Organization Quality of
wellbeing. Jordan suggests some of the major Life Group, 1998), QoL is defined as individuals
factors that need to be taken into consideration perceptions of their position in life in the context
when measuring quality of life in his 2010 paper, of culture and value system in which they live
‘The Good Society Framework’: Relationships; and in relation to their goals, standards, and
the quality of our social, family and interpersonal concerns (p. 1570). Furthermore, quality of life
relationships is the single most important factor is a comprehensive evaluation of the actual
in measuring quality of life or wellbeing, conditions of the one‟s life. Primary, it is a
Economy; this refers to people’s degree of subjective perception of well- being, which
economic spending power and the extent that includes physical, psychological and spiritual
jobs develop and reward individuals, dimensions (Frytak, 2000; McDowell, 1996). It
Environment and infrastructure; this is about is satisfaction with ones living conditions
how pleasant, effective and efficient our (residential and work environment), with various
environments are, Peace and Security; this refers other aspects of lifestyle, material well-being,
to levels of crime and if people feel safe in their social organization of society, cultural and
homes and public spaces and whether or not spiritual life, relations with nearest people, with
society is affected by war or terrorism, Culture community and self-expression opportunities
and leisure; this is about identifying if there is a (Oleson, 1990).
rich and rewarding culture and opportunities to
participate in leisure activities, Spirituality; the Problem Formulation
choice to practice which religion you choose, This study was to provide with answers to
access to spiritual and philosophical teachings, the research questions. The questions formulated
Education; this places the importance on below are sourced from the theories stated in the
enriching educational opportunities the enable first section.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

1. Are there any activities in this school that . The findings for the questions were analyzed
can factually prove innovative education? using “content and descriptive analysis”.
2. Is there improvement of life quality as results The model of content analysis used in this
of innovative education at SMK study was explained in the book by Cohen L. et
Muhammadiyah 1 Temon? al., 2013 (Research Method in Education, Pp 483
3. Are innovative education and quality of life - 487) whereby five stages were gone through:
related at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Temon? extract the interpretive comments that have been
written on the data, sort data into key headings/
Research Purpose areas, list the topics within each key area/
Based on the theories previously stated heading and put frequencies in which items are
such as Nina, 2016, Bessant & Tidd, 2007, mentioned, go through the list generated in the
Frytak, 2000; McDowell, 1996), World Health previous stage and put the issues into groups
Organization Quality of Life Group, 1998 and (avoiding category overlap), comment on the
Oleson, 1990 , this study aimed at ensuring how groups or results in previous stage and review
far the school is on the promotion and they massages. The notes taken during the
implementation of innovative education, with observation and documentation were
tangible facts, Proving whether there is change in descriptively analyzed.
life quality, among individuals and society in Seven questions were directed to every
general, resulted from innovative activities at member of the school about the innovation in
SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Temon, Providing with terms of education and the quality of life in terms
facts/ proofs that there is relationship between of economy, health, spirit, infrastructure, social
innovative education and wellbeing conditions relationship, and so forth.
(quality of life) at SMK Temon, Kulonporogo.
Analysis (Content and Descriptive)

Stage I
A qualitative research method and
techniques were adapted in this research. In this Questions’ main points
context, a case study strategy was benefited.
1) Technologically, scientifically,
Case study is one of the qualitative strategies
organizationally, financially
widely used in qualitative researches. More than
innovative activities.
one data collection methods can be used in case
2) Internal and external factors triggering
studies to achieve data variety (triangulation);
these are interview, participant observation, and
3) Relationship of innovative education to
documentation analysis techniques (Yildrim &
social innovation in terms of education,
Simsek, 2011). Semi- structured interview,
administration, health, and economy.
observation, and document analysis techniques
4) Prove about shift from traditional to
were used to ensure the variety in the acquisition
innovative way of teaching,
of data. Hence, improvement of validity and
cooperative, creative and productive
reliability of qualitative section of the research
activity, educational cooperation
was aimed by using different data resources and
creating readiness for future, students’
different data analysis methods. All the
skill for adapting themselves in new
interviews were recorded and all observed
features were penned. The participants in this
5) Relationship among student, teacher,
research were staff, teacher, student, and parent
and staff.
who has a student at the same school. The
6) Economic, infrastructural, spiritual, and
research was conducted from 26th January to
educational situations after innovative
24th March 2017.
education was started.
7) Satisfaction about school environment
in terms of material, wellbeing, social
Three problems were determined in the organization, relationship with nearest
scope of this section of the research: “Are there people, and self expression.
any activities in this school that can factually
prove innovative education?, Is there Key points and Codes
improvement of life quality as results of  Working together with five industries
innovative education at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 (AXIO, Daihatsu, PT Cemko, Evercoss,
Temon?, Are innovative education and quality of and Honda) EIP
life related at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Temon?”

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

 Muhammadiyah Organization for  Student representative was taken to

character education SOS other schools for fetching skills on
 Garage and car wash generate money treating each other AE
FA  For convincing teachers about new
 Message from praying (preaching) LLC strategies for betterment of school, the
 School members are ambitious LLC  staff prepared study tour to other
 Competition with homologue schools schools ISMT
ISMT  School members became
 Confidence from surrounding society extrovert/open to each other CSEO
RNP  Teachers salary was risen once within 2
 Some teachers engage interactive years LLC
activities in class TLA  New standardized buildings MW
 Some study tours to learn from more  There is so called hotel room for visitors
advanced schools AE MW
 The schools has improved internal  Installation of projectors in few classes
health care LLC MW
 As results of cooperation with  There are fans in all classes MW
different technical companies, the  Collective prayer (dzuhur) LLC
school always gains financial support  Student have been trained to share
FA spiritual skills with colleagues LLC
 Shift from expository to participatory  Share school activities with
way of teaching TLA stakeholders in shape of photos RNP
 Preparing students for daily life ISMT  The school is at the satisfactory level
 Using power point in teaching TLA because of cooperation and partnership
 Broadening and enriching the library with international companies such as
MW Honda and Axio LLC
 Looking for sponsor to equip  Teachers are now punctual after
multimedia option (30 juta rupiah) MW positive sanction ISMT
 Students from multimedia option can  Everybody in the school community is
make short movies and participate in welcome to criticize and praise CSEO
competition EIP
 Sometimes, teachers are send by school Stage II: Headings /Areas
for technical internship AE All the points that have been used fall into two
 Students are prepared on how to behave big areas.
in outside to school environment DMC

Innovation Codes Quality of Life ( QoL) Codes

Transformational Learning Approaches TLA Lifestyle & Life Condition LLC

Exploiting Intellectual Property EIP Material Wellbeing MW

Deploying management Controls DMC Social Organization of Society SOS

Innovative Staff Management ISMT Relations with Nearest People RNP


Accelerating Education AE Community and Self CSEO

Expression Opportunities
Financial Activities FA

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Stages III and IV: Key Points and Frequencies against the number of times the key point of
For each main area, the relevant data either innovation or quality of life has been
presented together, and tally marks (/) is placed mentioned.

A. Innovation Key Points

Transformational Learning  Some teachers engage interactive activities in class

Approaches (TLA)
Frequencies: (///)
 Shift from expository to participatory way of teaching
 Using the power point in teaching
Exploiting Intellectual Property  Working together with 5 industries.
Frequencies: (//)  Student from multimedia option can make short movies and
participate in competition
Deploying Management Controls  Students are prepared how to behave on outside of school
(DMC) environment
Frequencies: (/)

Innovative Staff Management  Competition with homologue schools

Techniques (ISMT)
Frequencies: (////)  Preparing students for their life
 For convincing teachers about new strategies for betterment
of school, the staff prepare study tours to other schools
 Teachers are now punctual after positive sanction

Accelerating Education  Some study tours to learn from more advanced schools
(AE)  Sometimes, teacher are sent by school for
Frequencies: (///) technical internship
 Students representative was taken to other schools for fetching
skills on treating each other

Financial Activities (FA)  Garage and car wash generate money

Frequencies: (//)
 As results of cooperation with different technical companies,
the school always gains financial support.

B. Quality of Life Points and Frequencies

Lifestyle & Life Condition (LLC)  Message from praying (preaching)

Frequencies: (///////)
 School members are ambitious
 The school has improved internal health care
 Teachers salary was risen once within 2 years
 Collective prayer
 Student have been trained to share spiritual skills with
 The school is at the satisfactory level because of cooperation
and partnership with international companies

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

B. Quality of Life Points and Frequencies

Material Wellbeing (MW)  Broadening and enriching the library

Frequencies: (//////)
 Looking for sponsor to equip multimedia option
 New standardized buildings
 There is so called hotel room for visitors
 Installation of projectors in few classes
 There are fans in all classes
Social Organization of Society  Muhammadiyah organization for character
(SOS) education
Frequencies: (/)

Relations with Nearest People  Confidence from surrounding society

Frequencies: (//)  Share school activities with stakeholder in shape of photos

Community and Self Expression  School members became extrovert/open to each other
Opportunities (CSEO)
Frequencies: (//)
 Everybody in the school community is welcome to
criticized and praise

Looking at the tables on stages III and IV, committed to accomplishing their daily tasks. All
it was found that the first innovative activities are these innovative activities have been improved a
concerned with Innovative Staff Management day in a day out.
Techniques with four frequencies (26.7%), the Innovative education and quality of life are
second were Transformational Learning completely and undoubtedly related. The signs of
Approaches and Accelerating Education with life condition or life style, at SMK
three frequencies each (40%), the third were Muhammadiyah 1 Temon, such as health, salary,
Financial Activities and Exploiting Intellectual and satisfaction of school members are the fruits
Property with two frequencies each (26.6%), and or results of some innovative activities which are
finally, Deploying Management Controls with financial, educational, and managerial.
one frequency (6.7%). Therefore, the quality of life cannot take place
For quality of life, it was found that unless there are innovative activities.
Lifestyle And Life Condition has seven The purpose of this research; ensuring the
frequencies (38.9%), Material Wellbeing has six implementation and promotion of innovative
frequencies (33.3%), Relationship with Nearest education by SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Temon
People and Community and Self Expression with tangible facts, proving whether there is
Opportunities have two frequencies each changes in life quality of school member as result
(22.2%), finally Social Organization of Society of innovation, proving whether there is
has one frequency (5.6%). (Stage V) relationship between innovation and quality of
life, was met because there are tangible proofs
even though the school is still going a long way
to be fully satisfied.
In nutshell, it can be concluded that there
are innovative activities at SMK Muhammadiyah
1 Temon. The innovative activities at the school
can be proven by transformational learning [1] Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K.
approaches that have been used and improved, (2013). Research methods in education.
exploration intellectual property through Routledge.
creating strong cooperation with technical
[2] Şimşek, H., & Yıldırım, A. (2011).
companies, applying multimedia related skills to
Qualitative research methods in social
promote creativity, the school management
sciences. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
techniques such as mobilizing all the teachers,
staff in general, and even students to be

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

[3] Handbook for Education Innovators – [11] Akin, U. (2016). Innovation Efforts in
Spring Singapore. (2015). Education and School Administration:
Views of Turkish School Administrators.
[4] Bessant, J., & Tidd, J. (2007). Innovation
Eurasian Journal of Educational Research
and entrepreneurship. John Wiley & Sons.
(EJER), (63).
[5] Heck, R. H., & Hallinger, P. (2005). The
[12] Panachev, V. D. (2016). Innovative
study of educational leadership and
Problems of Improving the Quality of Life
management: Where does the field stand
of the Welfare State. International Journal
today?. Educational Management
of Environmental and Science Education,
Administration & Leadership, 33(2), 229-
11(12), 5164-5170.
[13] Dede, H., Yilmaz, Z. A., & Ilhan, N.
[6] Hirsch, D., Ordóñez, R. C., Alburquerque,
(2017). Investigation of the Self-efficacy
F., Rodríguez, P., Román, C., Ruiz, R., ... &
Beliefs of Pre-service Science Teachers in
Lubias, F. R. (2001). Learning to innovate:
Terms of Following and Using the
learning regions. C. R. del Río (Ed.).
Innovations in the Field of Education.
Institute for Regional Development,
Journal of Education and Training Studies,
University Foundation.
5(2), 21-30.
[7] Jordan, P. W. (2010). THE GOOD
[14] Wilson, S. (2016). Quality of Life: Domains
for Understanding Maths Anxiety in First
Year Pre-Service Teachers through Identity
[8] Ravens-Sieberer, U., & Bullinger, M. Work. Mathematics Education Research
(1998). Assessing health-related quality of Group of Australasia.
life in chronically ill children with the
[15] Al-Zboon, E., Ahmad, J. F., & Theeb, R.
German KINDL: first psychometric and
S. (2014). Quality of Life of Students with
content analytical results. Quality of life
Disabilites Attending Jordanian
research, 7(5), 399-407.
Universities. International Journal of
[9] Halvorsrud, L., & Kalfoss, M. (2007). The Special Education, 29(3), 93-100.
conceptualization and measurement of
[16] Stukalenko, N. M., Zhakhina, B. B.,
quality of life in older adults: a review
Kukubaeva, A. K., Smagulova, N. K., &
of empirical studies published during
Kazhibaeva, G. K. (2016). Studying
1994–2006. European Journal of Ageing,
innovation technologies in modern
4(4), 229-246.
education. International Journal of
[10] Oleson, M. (1990). Subjectively perceived Environmental and Science Education,
quality of life. Journal of Nursing 11(15), 7297-7308.
Scholarship, 22(3), 187-190.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Djohar Maknun
Institut Agama Islam Negeri Syekh Nurjati Corebon
[email protected]

There is no action without purpose. All that a person definitely has a purpose. So even at the time of
learning. Someone willing to learn cause it has a purpose. Activities to achieve the goal can be written or
not in the curriculum. The curriculum is not written often called hidden curriculum. Various studies have
proven that there is indeed a hidden curriculum in every lesson. This paper was a descriptive explanatory
about the hidden curriculum in science learning, especially in junior high school (SMP). Data were collected
by observation, interviews and questionnary. The observations were made by observing the behavior of
students during recess, from Monday until Saturday. Interviews were conducted randomly to some students
and some teachers. Data was collected by interview openly. Questionnaires administered twice to 182
students, in the first time at school and before the semester exams. The validity of the Data taken by
triangulation, triangulation method, triangulation of researchers, and triangulation theory. The study was
conducted at SMPN 17 Cirebon, class VII using an interactive model analysis. Competence number five
(5) on science learning in junior high, raising awareness to participate in preserving, maintaining, and
preserving the environment and natural resources. Based on the analysis concludes that the hidden
curriculum on these competencies include: 1) train students to work together and worked together to
preserve the environment, 2) teach students how to plant and care for plants that can grow and evolve, 3)
teaches students how to process waste, as well as 4 ) cultivate students faith in God Almighty.
Keywords: curriculum, hidden, learning, sains, SMP

environment and natural resources; 6) increase

awareness to appreciate nature and all its
One of the subjects were given at the level
regularity as one of God's creation; and 7)
of secondary school (SMP) is IPA. This course
improving the knowledge, concepts, and skills of
can also be called a lesson science. Science
science as a basis to continue their education to
subjects also have learning targets set out in the
the next level.
curriculum. IPA teaches students can compare
Curriculum required to achieve the learning
the differences in the phenomenon, exploring the
objectives. [2] that "the curriculum is a set of
interrelationships among living things, interpret
plans and arrangements regarding the objectives,
environmental changes, make conclusions from
content and learning materials as well as the
the data, formulate hypotheses, observe and
manner used to guide the activities of the
classify, develop the habit of inquiry, and so on
organization of learning activities to achieve
[1]. Therefore, studying the three is very useful
specific educational objectives". [3] concerning
for life.
the content of the curriculum standard states that
Expected competencies include seven,
the substance of science teaching in junior high
namely: 1) increased confidence in the greatness
school is an integrated learning. Learning science
of the Almighty God by the existence, nature
should be between the various aspects are
beauty and order of creation; 2) develop an
associated with combining multiple subjects or
understanding of a wide variety of natural
materials science studies [4]. The pattern of
phenomena, concepts and principles of science
integration can be done in several ways, among
that are useful and can be applied in everyday
others, to do interdisciplinary and
life; 3) develop curiosity, positive attitude, and
awareness of the relationship interplay between
One of the benefits of integrated science
science, environment, technology, and society;
teaching is getting students to learn, answering
4) conduct a scientific inquiry to cultivate the
his own questions that, practice the knowledge
ability to think, behave and act in a scientific and
they have learned, as well as discovering the
communicate; 5) raise awareness to participate in
usefulness of the findings in everyday life [5]. On
preserving, maintaining, and preserving the

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

the Curriculum 2013, the Basic Competency oil jelanta. This material is associated with
(KD) science subjects already incorporate the learning physics. As a result, students not only
concept of physics, biology, chemistry and Earth have the knowledge, but also skills and concern
and Space Sciences (IPBA). It is expected to for the environment. Ref [18] in his research on
form a knowledgeable students (have a body of Lombok concluded that (1) the teachers still have
knowledge), skilled scientific (scientific skills), a poor understanding both of the nature of
skilled thinking (thinking skills) and think the science, (2) the teachers are very rarely apply the
strategy (strategy of thinking) [6]. essence of science learning, (3) there is a
Hidden curriculum is a curriculum that is mismatch of material lessons with the allocation
not a part that should be studied or every aspect of time, the orientation of aspects of cognition,
of the school, but not in the curriculum. Although the mental preparedness of students, and (4)
not in the curriculum, these aspects is able to give teachers more dominant in discussion and lecture
effect to the changes in values, perception, and method than the method of inquiry in managing
behavior of students [7]. According to [8], the learning.
hidden curriculum is the events that occurred and Ref [19] conducted a study design
was not planned, but can be used by teachers to development to the core activities which include:
achieve the learning objectives. This curriculum collaborative investigation or experimentation,
can be formed out of the school environment, the the presentation of the work, awards, and
atmosphere of the class, the pattern of teacher problem-solving exercises. The learning
interaction with students in the classroom. Even outcomes can enhance the role of students and
more broadly on policy and management of the opportunities for students to perform scientific
school as well as the behavior of all the work; and (2) enhance the problem solving,
components of the school in the interaction of mastery of concepts, and develop the habit of
vertical and horizontal [9] and [10]. thinking in addressing the problem. Ref [20] in
According to Elizabeth Vallance in [11] the his study mentions that integrated science
hidden curriculum has several functions, namely: teaching must integrate the various disciplines of
(1) the inculcation of values (value investment natural sciences, because it takes a
students); (2) political socialization (political comprehensive teaching materials and meet the
socialization of students); (3) training in learning needs. Selection of the latest social issue
obedience and docility (train obedience and and up to date may have an impact on increasing
submission), and (4) the perpetuation of the curiosity and motivation to learn. Indicators
traditional class structure (preservation of developed learning of basic competence.
traditional class structure). Hidden curriculum in The results of the study [21] showed that the
schools is an important thing in the form of the profile management model of science learning in
character formation of students, such as values, junior high school in Yogyakarta is still partial,
attitudes, beliefs, and rules [12]. Ref [13] states less humane, and individualized teaching.
that the hidden curriculum is more effective than Research [22] mentions that matters is to be
the curriculum itself. This is similar to the results achieved in science, which make students
of research [14] which states that the hidden knowledgeable and skilled excellence, work
curriculum have influence beyond the formal ethic, training doing research in accordance with
curriculum. Research [15] concluded that the the process or the scientific method, and learn to
hidden curriculum is capable of forming a child apply the knowledge of his best , disciplined,
to be more concerned about the surrounding honest, and responsible. One of the things that
circumstances, can work together, and have can achieve this is, teachers must understand the
nationalism. This means that educational success concept of the nature of science.
is not only determined by the written curriculum, Based on the above, it is necessary to do
but the curriculum is not written or hidden research related to the hidden curriculum
curriculum. contained in learning science or science in junior
Ref [16] conducted a science lesson by high, particularly on the achievement of
using the Subak. Subak is an irrigation system competence number. 5, that is to raise awareness
and cropping pattern of rice in Bali. This to participate in preserving, maintaining, and
integrated science learning makes the students preserving the environment and natural
also learn social studies, mathematics, law, and resources.
language. The hidden curriculum, students are
expected to learn the local culture related
characters in Bali. Ref [17] hidden curriculum
This study was a descriptive explanatory.
development with the concept of
environmentally friendly energy sources, namely This is because the data collected in the form of

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

words, pictures, and not the numbers [23]. Data care of the plants that are around. The results of
were collected by using observation, interviews, this questionnaire will be analyzed using
and questionnaires [24]. The observations were descriptive analysis.
made by observing the behavior of students The validity of the data at this stage of
during recess, from Monday to Saturday. research pursued by triangulation, triangulation
Interviews were conducted randomly to some method, triangulation of researchers, and
students and some teachers. Data was collected triangulation theory. The study was conducted at
by interview openly. This is done in order to get SMPN 17 Cirebon class VIII. Analysis of data
a complete and valid data. using an interactive model [25]. The study was
Questionnaires distributed to all eighth conducted from August to November 2016.
grade students numbering 182 children. The
questionnaire contains indicators maintain,
preserve, and conserve the environment and
Here is the data obtained by questionnaire
natural resources. Questionnaires given twice,
namely at the first sign of school and before the before eighth grade students receive an
semester exams. This questionnaire serves to integrated science subjects and after getting these
subjects. As for the learning method used is an
determine the awareness of students, from before
and after the learning science in an integrated integrated learning with some KD relating
manner. The indicators of the questionnaire, learned through a theme. This is expected to help
students associate learning materials with
including: 1) to dispose of waste in place, 2)
separating organic and inorganic waste, 3) everyday life. Through this method, students can
reduce the use of plastic, 4) efficient use of water immediately apply their knowledge in the
and electricity, 5) do not step on the grass, 6) do environment.
not pick flowers carelessly, as well as 7) taking

Table 1. Questionnary Before and After Integrated Learning Sains

Before After
Total Student Indicator Student Total
Girl Boy Girl Boy
Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
67 31 5 30 1 1 35 2 31 0 68
21 1 10 1 9 2 5 2 4 3 14
11 1 5 1 4 3 4 3 4 2 13
23 4 8 4 7 4 8 2 7 4 21
25 6 7 5 7 5 8 2 7 4 21
15 2 8 3 2 6 9 3 4 3 19
20 3 8 5 4 7 13 4 6 3 26
182 48 51 49 34 82 18 63 19 182

In this case, the teacher should be to map

and classify SK and KD to be achieved. Teachers
determine the theme and analyzes it to be applied
to the basic competencies appropriate. Therefore,
in the face several times, only one of the themes
discussed. However, one theme can contain some
Based on data in Table 1 it can be seen that
there is an increase in the role of students in the
preserve, maintain, and preserve the environment
and natural resources that exist, especially in the
school environment. At the time of learning, the
teacher always gave the example of the negative
impact of bad behavior. Teachers also often
placed various images that expressed concern for
the environment. For example, on the following
plastic waste. Figure 1. Infographics Plastic Waste (from

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Through these images, the teachers would teacher gives an impression or a video about how
like to invite students to maintain and preserve to process plastic into plastic pellets. The
the environment by not littering. In addition, explanation is expected to sensitize and motivate
students are also invited to a little might produce students to get used to sort plastic instead.
plastic waste. This habit needs to be delivered In addition, students are also expected to
and implanted to students early on. Given the reduce the use of plastic. For example, to bring
current, almost in every activity always use their own food place. The cleanliness of the food
plastic so that in the end these plastics into the places certainly clearer and more secure so
trash and damage the environment. students could avoid the various diseases caused
Through information about plastic waste, by dirty food. In this case, the teachers also teach
the students became concerned and began to sort students about healthy living. It is also associated
plastic and not plastic. Teachers introduce to the with religious teachings about living a clean and
students about recycling goods. One item is a healthy living. Therefore, subjects received the
plastic recycling. Plastic waste is processed to be student is not simply a theory or knowledge, but
used as plastic pellets. After that, the plastic can can be applied directly in everyday life. The
be formed again as desired. In order to help teacher also explained the usefulness of water for
students understand the plastic recycling, the human life through the figure below.

Figure 2. Infographics Need of Water (from Google)

Teachers build students' awareness about This is done by asking some students to bring a
the importance of preserving water. One of the tree and plant it in the yard or school garden.
teachers is by playing a video on rain water Students in one class were divided into five
treatment. Through these movies can be known groups. Each group of six students. Each group
functions utilizing rainwater, among others to: 1) is responsible for the trees planted. The shape of
save on the use of groundwater, 2) hold 10 cubic the responsibility it is to maintain, nurture, and
meters of water during the rains, 3) reduce the maintain that the tree or plant life, grow, and
burden of the river during heavy rains, 4) thrive. Therefore, these plants need to be watered
increase the amount of water that goes into land, and fertilized. Each group shared the duties to
5) maintaining groundwater levels, 6) lowering watered and nurtured. The final assessment is
the concentration of ground water pollution, 7) done by measuring and observing of grow up and
improve the quality of shallow groundwater, 8) development of the plant. This activity is very
reducing the rate of erosion and sedimentation, beneficial for the students, both when at home
9) reducing the dimensions of drainage network, and in the community.
10) maintain equilibrium groundwater hydrology Teachers also associate water with electric
so that it can prevent sea water intrusion, 11) to material. In this case, water for power generation,
prevent land subsidence, and 12) into water or commonly abbreviated with hydropower. The
supply in the dry season. Things can be done by students were asked to view a presentation on the
the students is to use water as necessary. The process water as electric power. Through this
students are expected to start using water show is expected the students to better
sparingly. understand and care about the presence of water.
In addition, students also begin to get used In addition, students are also expected saving in
to plant trees as absorbent and water reservoir. the use of water and electricity. As it has been

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

known that this time, the use of plastic and Related to the motor fuel savings, the
electricity are already unavoidable. Virtually all teacher displays a video on the use of motor
around the students always have something to do vehicles in Indonesia. Impressions provides
with electricity. Nevertheless, the students begin information on the number of vehicles is
to get used to downsize. This is because the need increasing. The road no longer able to
for water and electricity not only for today, but accommodate the number of these vehicles. The
also for the future. One thing that is always program also displays the increasingly poor state
delivered by the teacher is the link between all of the earth and barren. This is because the
that exists in the world with the existence of God. contents of the earth that keeps explored and
Indirectly, the teacher would like to instill and exploited without updating. Here is a picture
strengthen the faith of the students. taped to the class related to it.

Figure 3. Infographics Formulation of Oil and Gas (from Google)

Through these images, the students are watering and caring for plants. The students are
expected to come to know and understand the taught to have a sense of responsibility through
meaning of keeping and frugality. Young people collective bargaining or mutual cooperation. No
who would experience a shortage of oil and gas. students feel dominant and mastering. All
The teacher asks the students to remember the students feel equal and mutual help. Some
type of fuel used by the general public. Most students also began to familiarize themselves
answered using a gas stove. Teacher displays a with the foot in order to reduce air and noise
picture of a mother who was cooking by using a pollution as well as saving motor fuel, namely
furnace. The furnace is made of bricks and using gasoline. The students go to and from school on
firewood. All students expressed have never foot. The distance from the school to the highway
seen. Teachers also gave the example of the oil about 2 km. A long the way, students are family
burner. Ten years ago, students can still find oil- like mutual pleasantries and enjoy the ride.
fired stove. But right now, the kerosene stove is Likewise, the results of interviews with
no longer found. Oil stove has been replaced with teachers. The teachers were delighted because
a gas stove. Teachers try asking a question, "if students no longer feel most able. The teachers
the gas is not there, what would be used for assess that the cooperation between the students
cooking?" has a good impact on the formation of character.
Based on the interview can be concluded
that students feel happy because it has a variety
of experiences related to environmental
preservation. Students feel they have experience Based on the analysis concludes that the
in planting and caring for plants. Students also hidden curriculum on competence number 5
learning science: 1) to train students to work
feel the benefits of cooperating alternately
together and worked together to preserve the

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

environment, 2) teach students about [11] Morrison, Kristian Accles. Free School
responsibility in terms of planting and caring for Teaching: A Journey Into Radical
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and Dr. Siti Irene Astuti D, M.Si for giving an Eskisehir, Turkey pp. 1526-1534.
opportunity to the writer so that can deliver paper
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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


M. Anas Thohir1, Habibi2
STKIP Bina Insan Mandiri, 2 IKIP Mataram
[email protected], 2 [email protected]

Recently, internet is essential tool in the school. This study aimed to describe how to apply the internet in
schools, what impacts are expected in the application of the internet, and problems in its application. Data
was collected by literature review and observation. The results of this study show that the internet can be
applied on the basis of its use, the form of learning, the device that used, and the platform. The benefits of
using the internet include improving high-level thinking, learning achievement, culture, and morality.
Nevertheless, the use of internet is still experiencing obstacles, such as infrastructure, knowledge of
teachers/students in using the internet, and negative impact on users. The suggestion that can be done is the
challenge of integrating pedagogy, technology, content, morale, and multicultural.
Keywords: internet application, advantage, problem, and integrated.

information and communication for learning

purposes [7]. The use of "internet" in schools is
The Internet is becoming an important need
heavily dependent on school policies.
for Indonesian society including the school
Specifically the policy will be implemented by
community. When viewed from an active
the teacher. But schools must calculate the
internet user, its usage has reached 51%, its
positive and negative impacts of using it. It is
growth 51% from 2016 to 2017, time spent
therefore important to know how the negative
accessing via PC 8 hours 44 minutes and almost
impact of using the "internet", in addition to its
4 hours for mobile phone every day [1] and
positive impact. The hope after knowing it can
Internet users among adolescents aged 10-24
minimize the negative impact and optimize the
years reached 18.2% [2]. This phenomenon also
positive impact, rather then avoid the use of the
affects the skills that must be possessed by
internet at school.
teachers and students in the form of 21st century
Focus on this study to answer the question
educational skills, namely digital skills of life
how the form of internet applications in school?
style including in the use of the internet [3]. To
What are the specific problems teachers have for
achieve these skills, it is necessary to integrate
using the internet at school? How to solve the
the use of the Internet in school learning.
problem in the use of internet in school?
Integrating knowledge of technology, pedagogy,
and content is more effective than technology
itself [4]. Kohler and Mirza incorporate
technology in the concept of PCK (pedagogical The research method used is study
content knowledge) into TPACK (technological literature with six stages [8], that is (a) prepare
pedagogical content knowledge) [5]. PCK is an the article by collecting research articles google
integration concept by incorporating teaching scholar indexed. (b) Identify relevant articles ie
skills with learning materials [6]. Currently, articles relating to the use of internet in schools,
technology is incorporated into PCK so that the especially at the elementary to high school levels.
original three components become six, namely (c) Structure a review based on (i) the use of the
technological knowledge (TK), pedagogical Internet in schools is the basis of the internet such
knowledge (PK), content knowledge (CK), as web, social media, mobile learning, (ii)
technological pedagogical knowledge (TPK), problems of use are differentiated based on
technological content knowledge (TCK), problems of infrastructure and teacher readiness,
pedagogical content Knowledge (PCK), and use process, and negative impact on students.
technological pedagogical content knowledge (iii) As for problem solving techniques can be
(TPACK). grouped into the problem of use. (d) Then the
Based on the regulation of the Minister of results of the structure are discussed for
Education and Culture No. 16 of 2007 that recommendations, (e) theoretical evaluation
teachers should have "pedagogic competence" materials, and (f) discussions and inferences.
which one of them can use technology,

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

The "platforms" that can be used as "internet-

based" learning, among others, the web [12],
3.1 Research Internet applications in schools [13], blog [14] - [16], social media [17] - [19],
and blog videos [20]. Web learning is usually
In total, there are 43 research that have been
developed by itself through a content
selected for synthesis. The research method is management system (CMS) basis, some of which
qualitative (n = 15), quantitative (n = 11), survey have been provided by platforms like WordPress,
(n = 8), literature study (n = 5), and mix method
Moodle [21], or Edmodo. The learning models
(n = 4). Research has been published in 2016 (n that can be integrated with the internet are well
= 7), 2015 (n = 3), 2014 (n = 9), others below known for various names such as blended
2014 (n = 24). Most discuss about how the model
learning [22] - [25], online learning [26], [27], e-
in application internet as learning, internet learning [27], [28] and hybrid learning [28] -
function, and negative impact of internet. [30].
All forms can then be integrated with
3.2 Internet Application Structure in schools various purposes. In language education
Learning through "internet" can be applied research, "blended learning using video blogs",
by using various forms. The platform for uses blended learning models by incorporating
interactive digital learning materials (IDLM) interactive video models, video blog platforms
provides various forms of interactive models and computer / laptop tools to develop foreign-
such as: texts, images, interactive diagrams, language speech [20]. To explain the behavior of
audio, social networking systems, digital electrons and lines of force in electricity and
storytelling, data analyzing tools, animation, magnet can be used multimedia-based material
video, and scheme [9], [10]. Device that can be [31]. In addition, it can also combine tools with
utilized as internet-based learning is computer, tools such as using blogs and social media [19],
laptop, tablet, iPod / IM3, and mobile phone [11]. more clearly can be seen in Figure 1.

Figure 1. The concept of research in using the internet as a learning in school

Table 1. The advantages of internet-based learning

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Maria Karyotaki, Athanasios Drigas [1]

Joyce Terumbur Dankaro [9]

J. Sriarunrasmee, al [7]
Kuo, Chen, & Hwang [5]
Benefits of internet usage

M. M. Lauren Breen [8]

D. R. Amy L Baylor[6]
Larson & Murray [4]

G. Andersson [11]

P. C. Gorski [12]
DeSchryver [2]

A. Barak [10]
Simon [3]
Improving high-order thinking
skills (Critical thinking, problem √ √ √ √ √ √
solving, creative thinking)
Achievement of learning (learning
√ √ √
achievement, learning chievement)
Integration with local wisdom √ √ √
Moral Learning √ √ √ √ √ √
√ = evaluable

Blended learning is often associated with

3.4 Application Problems at school
proportion in face to face versus distance online
learning [41], [42]. Face to face is a learning The application of internet in schools is still
activity between teachers and students without not optimal both in terms of intensity and quality.
applying the internet. In contrast distance The lack of internet usage intensity can be
learning, online is a full learning using the understood if the reason is the infrastructure and
internet. Learning integration is reported to be lack of knowledge in using internet in learning.
more effective than face to face and distance The quality of internet usage can be seen to what
learning. Internet integration in effective learning extent the internet function can be helpful in
when it meets 80% [43] or more than 50% [44]. learning and used negatively. Examples of
Therefore, internet-based learning really internet functions that have not been optimal,
guarantees that the internet is given much more teachers in Central Java use computers and the
than lectures by teachers. Nonetheless teacher internet only to seek teaching materials, but not
guidance is urgently needed especially in yet used in the learning process [45]. Then the
explaining the use instructions or technical internet example is used as a negative function in
factors. which the teachers in South Sulawesi say the use
of computers and the internet in schools is very
3.3 Objectives Internet applications in schools minimal, its use is limited to playing internet and
games [45]. In fact, the lack of internet use in
Based on the literature in Table 1 the
schools can be caused by concerns about the
function of the internet in learning is mostly used
negative effects of mass media on juvenile
to improve high-order thinking skills. Internet-
delinquency [46].
based learning with the goal of higher-order
Internet gaming has a negative impact on
thinking is mostly applied because of its
mental health or also called internet gaming
compatibility with 21st century skills such as
soldering (IGD). Four factor IGD cognition is (1)
problem solving, critical, and creative thinking.
trust to reward provided by game. This factor
Fortunately, the use of the Internet is also capable
occurs when the student / teacher of a game
of incorporating moral elements and integration
player believes that the gifts given by the game
with local wisdom. Moral education in learning
are real. They will feel happy if the characters
and teaching using the internet is like plagiarism,
win the game. Even in this factor student /
scientific attitude, and so on. Local wisdom is
teacher game players will do like what is in the
specified as an online video in which alludes to
game. The next factor is (2) incomplete and
local wisdom.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

inflexible rules of the game. Students / teachers The third constraint is the fear of teachers in
will give up even their money for the game. In using the internet because of the negative impact
the next stage, they will reload and try again if of the internet. This constraint can be minimized
the game being played failed or game over. They with the existence of ethical code-based
will not be comfortable when they do not solve technology education. Friendly internet usage
the challenge in the game. Next (3) games based can be done partially or simultaneously. Partially
on self-esteem. In this factor, they will feel the can be done by providing knowledge on how to
failure if not reach a certain level. They usually use the internet to develop knowledge, while
feel better and will also lose stress if playing simultaneously means learning internet and
games. The final factor (4) is the socializing content integrated which learning is not only
game. This factor is characterized by distrust of aimed for content also aims for moral even local
others who do not play games. They assume that wisdom.
other people will not understand about him and More research is needed on how to integrate
that playing games keeps them from people or technological knowledge, content knowledge,
situations that do not make him comfortable [47]. pedagogical knowledge, moral knowledge, and
Another study mentions that not only internet multicultural knowledge. This is intended to
gaming is impacting addicting, but also the reduce the negative impact of technology as well
internet as a whole. [48]. as other goals such as multicultural issues.
Juvenile delinquency cannot be separated
from the internet presence in schools and in the ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
neighborhood. Juvenile delinquency through the
internet can be done through various activities, We gratefully acknowledge the support and
such as making hoax issues, violent gangs, generosity of Lembaga Pendanaan Dana
promiscuity, and cyberbullying [49], [50]. This Pendidikan, without which the present study
could not have been completed.
problem may be caused because of the increasing
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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Fauziyyah Diyah Anggita Sari1, Titik Wulandari2, Annisa Widyastuti3, Haryo Rohmadiyanto4,
Septiana Eka Mufliha5
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Yogyakarta State University
[email protected]

Availability of fossil fuels are increasingly depleted and the reduced supply of crude oil raises deep concern
for the source an alternative energy. DMFC is one of alternative energy which does not cause environmental
pollution, high efficiency, and operated at a relatively low temperature. In DMFC membrane is the main
component for function as a means of transportation other than a hydrogen ion (H+) generated from the
oxidation reaction at the anode as well as a barrier between the two electrodes. Membranes are widely used
Nafion, but it has problems that may occur methanol cross-over. To reduce methanol cross-over through
the membrane is an alternative electrolyte membrane modification. From some research on composite
membrane that has been done shows that the type of material used for the manufacture of membranes,
methods of manufacture, and operating conditions the characteristics of the resulting membrane. However,
the study has not been about the effect of concentration of the solution, the quantity, the type of solution
and method of coating in the manufacture of composite membranes biopolymers to application for direct
methanol fuel cell (DMFC). Therefore, need for research on the effect of concentration of the solution, the
quantity, the type of solution and method in manufacture of biopolymer chitosan composite membrane. The
research was conducted by making backer layer (porous membrane), the membrane lining the manufacture,
characterization of the membrane with water permeability test, swelling test, scanning electron microscopy
(SEM), and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), proton conductivity and methanol permeability. Results
SEM showed that the morphology of the membrane surface tightly, and the asymmetric porous membrane
depends on the composition of the biopolymer. So with the biopolymer chitosan membrane-based polyether
sulfone with the specific composition in the membrane structure is expected to reduce methanol cros-over
when applied to direct methanol fuel cell system.
Keywords: DMFC, Composite Membranes and Polyethers Sulfone.

The main component of this type of direct

methanol fuel cell is the membrane. Membrane
Availability of fossil fuels are increasingly
serves as a means of transport of hydrogen ions
thinning and reduction in world crude oil supply
(H+) generated from the oxidation reaction at the
raises a deep concern for the source - an
anode, and also as a barrier between the two
alternative energy source that is kinder to the
electrodes. Ability Nafion as a proton conductor
environment. Through Indonesian Presidential
has been quite good with proton conductivity of
Regulation No. 5 of 2006 on National Energy
0.082 S/cm. Use of Nafion for PEMFC
Policy, the Government has set a national energy
applications has been very good, but when
mix by the year 2025 in which the role of
applied to the DMFC will decrease the
petroleum as energy will be reduced from the
performance of the fuel cell (FC) for the
current 52% to less than 20% in 2025. In 2025
occurrence of methanol cross-over. The
also, alternative energy is expected to begin to
methanol permeation can lead to the loss of a
take on the role of more important to supply 17%
small portion of fuel used and causes the rate of
of the national energy mix (Legowo, 2007).
the reaction at the cathode to be slow, which
Among the sources - alternative energy source
means degrading the performance of the overall
which does not cause environmental pollution,
cell voltage (Handayani and Goddess, 2009).
high efficiency, portable, operated at a relatively
Some research on composite membrane
low temperature (typically below 100°C) is a
that has been done shows that the type of material
direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) (Zulfikar dkk.,
used for the manufacture of membranes, methods
of manufacture, and operating conditions greatly

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

affect the characteristics of the resulting The method used in this study includes the
membrane. However, the study - the study has step of making a layer of backer (porous
not been much study about the effect of membrane) and the stage of manufacture of
concentration of the solution, the quantity, the composite membrane (dense layer coating).
type of solution and method of coating in the The research steps as follows:
manufacture of composite membranes apikasi 1) Adoption advocates Layer (Porous
biopolymers for direct methanol fuel cell Membrane)
(DMFC). Therefore, the need for research on the Membrane made by phase separation
effect of concentration of the solution, the method (phase separation) using water as
quantity, the type of solution and method of nonsolven. To make a solution of 13% PES,
coating in the manufacture of biopolymer PES fifteen grams of polymer dissolved in
chitosan composite membrane. PES selected as 100 ml of NMP solvent and stirred until
the membrane support, as it has a mechanical completely dissolved. Six ml soluble then
strength, chemical stability and high thermal and cast with a thickness of 200 microns above
the perfect film formation (Susanto and Ulbricht, the surface of the glass substrate size 15cm x
2009). 25 cm. The result of casting then fed into a
The use of chitosan as a thin layer of non- bath containing one liter of distilled water and
porous is based on hydrophilic properties, the soaked for one hour. The resulting membrane
ability of forming a good film, adhesion was rinsed and soaked in distilled water for
(adhesion) is strong on a support, biocompatible 24 hours to remove the solvents residu. After
and easy to chemically modified because it has that, membrane dried at room temperature for
chemical groups/functional reactive (Uragami, 2 hours and followed by drying in an oven at
2005; Bhat and Aminabhavi 2007). The a temperature of 40°C for 24 hours.
existence of chitosan are abundant in Indonesia
is another attraction of this kind of use of 2) Preparation of Composite Membrane
biopolymers. The concentration of biopolymers, (Coating Dense Layer)
the quantity of the coating layer, the type of For the manufacture of composite
biopolymer (chitosan) and a coating method membranes by dip-coating technique, the
(casting and localized), predicted to influence the surface of the membrane active proponent of
characteristics of the resulting composite PES coated using a solution of chitosan or
membrane. So with the biopolymer chitosan alginate. One gram of chitosan dissolved in
membrane-based polyether sulfone with the ninety-nine ml of a 1% solution of acetic acid
specific composition in the membrane structure in water and stirred to obtain a homogeneous
is expected to reduce methanol cros-over when solution. Chitosan solution then dicastingkan
applied to direct methanol fuel cell system. the active surface of the membrane backer.
After the membrane was dried at room
temperature for 2 hours and was followed by
a drying temperature of 40°C in an oven for
This study was conducted at the Laboratory 24 hours.
of Chemical Research, Yogyakarta State
University. In the present study, the resultant composite
Subjects in the study are the manufacture of membrane products were then analyzed to
composite membranes Polyethers Sulfone-based determine the characteristics of the membrane
biopolymers. While the object of study is the that covers: (1) Test the water permeability; (2)
result of making a composite membrane Sulfone
Test swelling; (3) Test FTIR (Fourier Transform
Polyethers based biopolymer with a specific Infrared); and (4) Test SEM (Scanning
composition for application Direct Methanol Microscopy Electrone).
Fuel Cell (DMFC).
1) Water Permeability Test
In this study, the tools used is a plate of Permeability is the volumetric rate of
glass the size of 15 cm x 25 cm, blade casting, fluid passing through the membrane
tub for soaking, oven, balance of electrical and
(permeate) per membrane area per time per
appliance permeability test, FTIR (Fourier unit pressure across the membrane.
Ttransform Infrared) and SEM (Scanning Permeability is a basic indicator used to
Electron Microscopy) ,while the materials
determine the productivity of a membrane.
needed are PES, N-Methyl Pyrrolidone, The amount of membrane permeability can
Chitosan, acetic acid glacial, Aquadest, Ethanol be expressed in kg / Water
technical, and Ethanol pa.
permeability was measured with pure water
stream into a membrane module with a

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

certain pressure. The resulting permeate 6510) with a magnification of 5000x with
volume will be measured gravimetrically for ASTM E 1252. SEM Test conducted at the
a certain period. Pure water permeability is National Atomic Energy Agency (BATAN).
the gradient of the graph of flux with the
pressure. Data processing method used was a
2) Swelling Test descriptive study, the method of study that
Swelling test performed in water, examines a situation with the aim of making the
ethanol and ethanol pa technical. The dried description and picture of systematic, factual,
composite membrane was weighed, then and accurate information on the facts on the
soaked in water for 2 hours. After that the ground as well as the relationship between the
membrane surface in a state swollen wiped phenomenon investigated. Data processing is
with a tissue and then weighed. The same intended to obtain important information that
procedure is carried out to test the technical will be interpreted later.
and swelling in alcohol alcohol pa.
3) FTIR Test
Using FTIR analysis aims to determine
The process of making a composite
the functional group contained in each
sample. The working principle of FTIR membrane polyether sulfone-based biopolymer
spectroscopy is the interaction of energy and applications for direct methanol fuel cell
(DMFC) includes the step of making backer
matter. Observation of the functional groups
using a test Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) layer (porous membrane) and the stage of
performed at the Center of Polymer manufacture of composite membranes (dense
Technology (STP) -BPPT. In this study will layer coating).
be compared fourier transform infrared In this study, use a solution of 1% acetic
acid as the solvent of chitosan. This study aimed
spectroscopy (FTIR) IR spectra of the
membrane and membrane composite to assess the effect of chitosan solution
advocate and influence of the coating layer to concentration, the quantity of coating and
coating method possible to the characteristics of
the intensity levels of the wavelength
obtained. To Chitosan will be a spectrum of PES membrane-Chitosan.
groups OH and NH2, while the alginate will In research Pratiwi (2011), the effect of
chitosan on the permeability of the solution
see the spectrum of the OH group and
COONa. concentration and the degree of swelling in
4) SEM Test water, technical alcohol and absolute alcohol
from PES- chitosan composite membrane is
Surface morphology of the membrane
can be observed using scanning tools presented in “Figure 1”.
electrone microscopy (SEM JEOL JSM

Figure 1. Levels of Chitosan Solution (%)

In “Figure 1” shows that the increase levels an impact on the increase in the thickness of the
of chitosan solution on PES-chitosan composite coating layer. The thicker the coating layer
membrane prepared by casting method, an contained in the composite membrane, will cause
impact on the decrease in permeability. This is the permeability of getting down (Mulder, 1996;
due to increased levels of chitosan solution have Zhang and Drioli, 1995).

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Although chitosan is hydrophilic (Bhat and competitive than its effect on the permeability of
Aminabhavi 2007; Uragami, 2005) that are hydrophilic properties. It is also supported by the
expected to increase permeability, but it turns out results of SEM analysis.
the thickness of the coating layer is more

Figure 2. Top view Figure 3.

PES membrane Magnification 500x

By comparing “Figure 2” and “Figure 3” on increasing the impact on the decrease of

SEM photograph appeared on the PES permeability as evidenced in this study.
membrane and membrane Chitosan PES- seen The results of FTIR analysis Pratiwi (2011)
that the coating affect the pore blocking. In as presented in “Figure 4” and “Figure 5”
“Figure 3” appears that the rising levels of supports the phenomenon.
chitosan solution pore blocking an impact on

Figure 4. FTIR Analysis of PES-chitosan composite membrane of 0.5%.

Figure 5. FTIR Analysis of PES-chitosan composite membrane 2.5%

In the picture it appears that the rising levels intensity in the area owned by the wave number
of chitosan solution resulted in increased of hydroxyl and amine ,

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

In research Pratama (2011), the highest dehidrasi bioethanol-Tesis. Semarang:

permeability of 4.119 kg / obtained UNDIP.
on the use of chitosan solution concentration of
[4] Susanto, H. and Ulbricht, M. 2009.
0.5%, and 0.520 kg / m2 permeability.jam.barlow
Characteristic, Performance and Stability of
as obtained in the use of chitosan solution
Polyethersulfone Ultrafiltration Membranes
concentration 2,5%.
Prepared by Phase Separation Method Using
Different Macromolecular Additives.
Journal of Membrane Science. 327 : 124-
[1] Handayani S dan Dewi E.L. 2009. Blending 135.
Akrilonitril Butadien Stiren dengan
[5] Uragami, T. 2005. Dehydration
Polietereterketon Tersulfonasi untuk Sel
Performance of Alcohol from Biomass
Bahan Bakar Metanol Langsung, Seminar
Fermentation by Various Chitosan
Nasional Teknik Kimia Indonesia – SNTKI,
Membranes. Journal of Metals, Materials
ISBN 978-979-98300-1-2.
and Minerals. 15(1) : 49-57.
[2] Legowo E.H. 2007. Pengembangan
[6] Zulfikar M. Ali, Wahyuningrum D dan
Bioenergi di Indonesia. Hambali E.
Berghuis N.T. 2009. Pengaruh Konsentrasi
[3] Pratiwi, Mumpuni Asih. 2011. Pembuatan Kitosan terhadap Sifat Membran Komposit
membrane komposit pervaporasi berbasi Kitosan-Silika untuk Sel Bahan Bakar.
polyether sulfone-biopolimer untuk Prosiding Seminar Kimia Bersama UKM-
ITB VIII Bandung.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Lusi Rachmiazasi Masduki 1, Budiharto 2
[email protected] - Universitas Terbuka-UPBJJ Semarang
[email protected] ‐ Universitas Terbuka-UPBJJ Yogyakarta

Believe it or not, please take a look at the phenomenon of life that everything happens because of a causal
relationship. When we experience a pleasant or sad event and then try to introspect ourselves then ask why
this is happening, surely we can find the cause as the answer. This study aims to reveal the importance of
training the mindset of students based on the concept of mathematical logic from an early age, so that
unpleasant events will not be repeated again, so as to improve the quality of life of students in the future.
Through ex post facto research with survey method shows that not many teachers are able to give stock to
the students so that later can live quality. The result of the research is the data obtained from 58 active
students from teacher and education faculty who have worked as teachers in elementary, junior high school.
Samples were randomly assigned from those who enrolled the teaching practice course. Through an
interview questionnaire, 93% said it was unthinkable to associate the concept of mathematical logic with
the preparation as a provision of quality living for their students. As many as 7% say they've tried to link
it, but still doubt whether the way that is done is correct or not. It can be concluded that they need training,
motivation to become teachers who are able to use the concept of mathematical logic as the basis of logical
mindset in order to familiarize the students avoid disappointment. Furthermore, teachers and parents who
have elementary school age children are expected to be able to familiarize and instill logical mindset for
elementary students. Habits can be started through simple examples such as when teachers’ pay attention,
are there students who are sleepy when listening to teacher explanations? If there is then the student should
be approached, asked for example what time of night sleep, why sleep late?, from student answers can be
used as an example of a bad result and please remember not to be repeated again so tomorrow can lead a
better life.
Keywords: mathematics education, quality of life, elementary school.

concept of logical thinking through the concept

of logic implications and biimplications.
In everyday life must be many kinds of
Learning mathematical logic means
events that can be used as material for example
learning to think or reason which is a regular
or media learning for any field of study,
activity of human reason with the knowledge we
especially the field of study of mathematics
receive through the five senses and then
education. No matter believe it or not, but it's all
processed and aimed to achieve a truth. By
the reality of life that everyone likes to live
thinking we learn to judge something so that it
happily and everyone would not want to live
can be concluded the benefits of learning logic is
hard. Please research by looking at every life
that we manifest the mind to be able to consider,
phenomenon that everything that happens
ponder, analyze, convey the argument, prove
because of a causal relationship. When we
something, classify, compare, draw conclusions,
experience events that are either fun or sad events
examine the way of thinking, find causes, discuss
then try to introspect ourselves by trying to ask
in reality and others, other. Another benefit of
ourselves why this happens, surely we can find
studying logic, in order to think logically,
the cause as the answer. Attention to this
critically, precisely, coherently, consistently, and
phenomenon is so important that unpleasant
events will not happen again. If associated with
There are several reasons that can be put
character education then this introspection habits
forward by Sumaryono (1999) why we need to
can make a person who is not arrogant because
study logic [1]: 1) Logic educates us to think
whatever happened to him is definitely no
clearly and critically, 2) Logic enables us to carry
reason. Mathematics education teachers are
out the necessary intellectual discipline in
expected to have been able to inculcate the
concluding or drawing conclusions, 3) Logic

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

helps us to interpret facts and opinions of others Implication

adequately, 4) Logic trains us on how to set
Implication according to Rachmiazasi
assumptions and Implications, 5) Logic helps us
(2016) is a mathematical logic with the concept
detect erroneous and unclear reasoning, 6) Logic
of logical conformity. Both statements will be
provokes scientific and reflective thoughts, so it
linked by using symbol (=>) meaning read "if p
can be said that the Logic of Mathematics is
then q". For more details please note in the
closely related in everyday life.
following truth table [2]:

p q p => q Mathematical Logic

B B B If initially TRUE then finally TRUE then concluded TRUE
B S S If initially TRUE then finally FALSE then concluded FALSE
S B B If initially FALSE then finally TRUE then concluded TRUE
S S B If initially FALSE then finally FALSE then concluded TRUE

p => q otherwise read "if p then q"; can Biimplication

also be read "q only if p"; "p requirement is
On biimplication, Rachmiazasi (2016) the
necessary for q"; "q sufficient condition for p";
statement will be concluded correctly if both of
For statement "p" called antecedent or hypothesa
them have equally true or false values.
and "q" are called consequence or conclusion.
Additionally, statement will be inferred
Implication p => q is true if the
incorrectly. The bi ation is indicated by the
consequences are true or antecedent and
symbol () meaning can be read "p if and only
consequently both are false, and are false if the
if q" [2].
antecedents are true, whereas the consequences
are false.

p q pq Mathematical Logic

B B B p is TRUE if and only if q is TRUE (concluded
B S S p is TRUE if and only if q is FALSE (concluded
S B S p is FALSE if and only if q is TRUE (concluded
S S B p is FALSE if and only if q is FALSE
(concluded true)

p q otherwise read "p if and only if q" training program. Yet by having logical thinking,
(often abbreviated "p jhj q") can also be read "if we can create a better and more mature life plan
p then q and if q then p"; "p is necessary and and able to make a good priority in determining
sufficient for q"; q necessary and sufficient a decision-making choice. Not only that, by
conditions for p thinking logically, we are not easily fooled and
Biimplication p q is true if both antecedents cheated by others. Logical thinking makes us
and consequences are either true or both are able to analyze what other people are talking
false. If this is not the case then the biimplication about and doing, what is the purpose of both, and
is false. what we should do or what our response is to
In carrying out the task of teaching avoid that we are not stuck with what people say
mathematics, often the most important for the and do around us. Logical thinking can make us
teacher is how to understand the material to be not only follow the flow without having a clear
taught, choosing the right learning strategy when rationale of what we decide. For teachers it
about to deliver the material, prepare the media becomes very important to understand the
and examples in the events of everyday life that concept of logic especially on the concept of
is appropriate and has been experienced by implication, biimplication and trying to develop
students for easy concept Understandable it through various examples it will form a logical
students. How can a teacher to train students to mindset that can be utilized as stock when it
think logically in every problem, and how comes to making decisions to avoid wrong
appropriate solutions to solve them, this is a decision.
phenomenon untouched by the teacher education

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Many factors influence when people have p⟶q

to make decisions, including the ability to ∼p
communicate and the ability to argue. Zins ∴∼q
(2001) has compiled from various studies on the
positive effect of children's emotional
In understanding the concept of argument
intelligence on success in school. There are
on mathematical logic can be used as a habit of
several risk factors that cause child failure in
discussion in the group of teachers or can also be
school. The risk factor does not lie in intellectual
used as a form of training that can motivate
intelligence, but in emotional intelligence is
teachers to be able to familiarize students think
often called character [3], such as the ability to
logically, systematically and consistently so that
work together, self-confidence, ability to
later can achieve quality life.
concentrate, and communication skills.
Communication ability is closely related to the
ability to argue, as the basis of argumentation is
a logical mindset that comes from arguments in Through research ex post facto aims to
mathematical logic. According Hartati (2013) in investigate and reveal the truth whether the
general there are two kinds of arguments, conditions that have occurred is due to the
namely: valid and invalid arguments [4]. behavior that has been suspected before. The use
of survey methods along with interviews aims to
Valid arguments consist of: increase confidence and ensure various
allegations that have been previously owned.
1) Silogisme Disjungtif (DS) :p∨q Through interviews and surveys it is generated
(Disjunctive Syllogism) ∼p that it is true then recognized by all teachers
∴q when a person is able to use his logical,
systematic, consistent, mind-set of minds, and
can be ascertained when a person has attained the
In the disjunction syllogism, the initial happiness of life or feels he has a better quality
statement "p or q", if that happens "not p" then of life It can be classified that they use the
the conclusion is "q". Teachers should be trained analysis of logical thinking when making
to be able to create the feel of a statement decisions. When the daily use of WhatsApp
sentence that can be given as an example in (WA) can not be avoided by everyone as well as
everyday learning such as "pingin your life teachers, we can then make the most of the group,
successful or your life miserable", if your life is from 58 members of elementary, junior high, and
not successful then the conclusion of your life senior high school teachers, aged 35-45. They are
miserable. all still reminiscing of the time when they were
in elementary school of both pleasant and sad
2) Modus Ponens :p⟶q events. So the ability to remember this is proof
(Modus Ponendo Ponens) p that the elementary school is a golden period that
∴q is difficult to forget. Since elementary school,
most of them have dreams as vision and mission
3) Modus Tollens (MT) :p⟶q of their future life. Only 10% of those teachers
(Modus Tollendo Tollens) ∼q get motivated by their elementary teachers, while
∴∼p 90% remember getting motivation from parents
and family to find their goals. As respondents
4) Hipotetikal Silogisme (HS) :p⟶q these teachers claim to have felt a better life when
(Hypothetical Sylogism) q⟶r compared with his friends first. The experience
∴p ⟶ r of the interviews made the researcher want to
express the importance of training the mindset of
Invalid arguments consist of: students based on the concept of mathematical
logic from an early age, so that later can improve
1) Membenarkan Konsekuen (MK) (The the quality of life of their students in the future.
fallacies of affirming the consequent) Through ex post facto research with survey
p⟶q method shows that not many teachers are able to
q provide supplies for students who lead to quality
∴p life. From the data of respondents 58 active
students from the faculty of teacher and
2) Menyangkal Antiseden (MA) (The fallacies education who already served as teachers in
of denying the antecedent) elementary, junior high school. A random sample

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

of those who enrolled the teaching practice is in line with Johnsons in Kleden (2013) which
course. Through interview questionnotes suggests that solving math problems is a complex
indicate that they need training to become mental process that requires visualization,
teachers who are able to familiarize students with imagination, analysis, abstraction, and the
their logical, systematic and consistent mindset. unification of ideas [5]. So the teacher needs to
Through an interview questionnaire, 93% said it understand that the material presented will be
was unthinkable to associate the concept of more easily accepted if the student begins with
mathematical logic with the preparation as a the story and not the story about the story is
provision of quality living for their students. As placed or delivered at the end when conveying
many as 7% say they've tried to link it, but still the concept.
doubt whether the way that is done is correct or It is reinforced in NCTM (2000) that
not. It can be concluded that they need training, communication makes mathematical thinking
motivation to become teachers who are able to observable and encourages students to reflect on
use the concept of mathematical logic as the basis their own understanding of mathematics and the
of logical mindset in order to familiarize the understanding of others [6]. In line with NCTM
students to have a quality of life expectancy. (2000), in Permendiknas No 22 of (2006) on
Mathematics Subject Matter Standard affirmed
that the purpose of learning mathematics, among
others [7], are (1) problem solving which
In Mathematics education has been instilled
includes the ability to understand the problem,
the concept of logical thinking through the design mathematical model, complete the model,
concept of implications and biimplications. This and interpret the solution obtained; (2)
concept can form a logical mindset that can be communicating ideas with symbols, tables,
utilized when making decisions to avoid wrong diagrams, or other media to clarify circumstances
decisions. It would be nice if the teachers and
or problems; (3) has an attitude of appreciating
parents who have elementary school children are the usefulness of mathematics in life, which has
able to utilize the golden time to equip and instill a curiosity, attention, and interest in learning
logical thinking. A logical mindset for
mathematics, as well as a tenacious attitude and
elementary school students can be started confidence in problem solving. If until now still
through a simple example like the teacher found teachers convey the concept of
noticing that there are sleepy students when
mathematics begins with cotoh about the
listening to teacher explanations? If a student is numbers, then this is the cause of the story it
approached, asked what time of the night sleep, looks very difficult. Many elementary students
why sleep late?, from student answers can be
still ask the teacher when they are going to work
used as an example of a bad result and please on the story, "what's the number 1 pack plus what
remember to not be repeated again so tomorrow is reduced?" And often makes the teacher
can lead a better quality of life. When having a
annoyed or angry. This phenomenon must be
sick child, parents should immediately ask "you followed up immediately by self-reflection and
ate anything, drink anything?", The child is immediately make improvements to the delivery
invited to recall what has been done so that cause
of material, from proper planning,
illness. In this way familiarized it will be implementation, reflection, accurate
patterned dipikiran child to be more careful in improvement.
choosing food and drink so as not to hurt Furthermore in the Education Unit Level
anymore. The problematic life is closely related Curriculum it is also said that students as learners
to the problem or math problem, so it is wrong if
are expected and required to have (1) Problem
the teacher starts the lesson does not use solving skills in mathematics, as well as other
examples of stories related to the life of his subjects, as well as real life related issues; (2)
Ability to use mathematics as a means of
Characteristics in the mathematics lesson communication; And (3) The ability to use
that has an object of study that is increasingly mathematics as a viable means of reasoning in
abstract in accordance with the level of education
every situation, such as critical thinking, logical
that makes students have difficulty in learning. and systematic. Observing the purpose of
This is because mathematics is not just a matter mathematics education and NCTM standard
of counting but how to choose, to use
above can be said that the ability of mathematical
information accurately, accurately, and communication is needed in learning
efficiently in solving problems, and how to mathematics. By having this ability, students will
formulate and interpret solutions that are made to
appropriately explore the mathematical ideas and
be understood by yourself as well as others. This strategies they use to solve a problem in the form

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

of language both orally and in writing. Through able to interact based on 3 natural, including the
good communication, students are able to natural objects that utilize the nature of things on
convince themselves and others about their the basis of mutual care. The social realm, which
thoughts and have confidence in learning math. is capable of building intersubjective
This communication capability should be based relationships with other human beings on the
on logic concepts such as implications and basis of mutual love, and able to build noogenik
biimplications, in order to avoid mistakes in interaction (culture, ideas, and values). This
word selection decisions as well as decision- means that every individual who wants a better
making. life and quality needed interaction skills with
everything that is around us. Do not let when
Quality of life have ideas, do not consider the surrounding
culture, do not have a positive value for the
Professor emeritus field of Clinical
environment. The last realm is transcendent
Psychology Faculty of Psychology (Fapsi)
nature, that is to believe and grateful that all the
Unpad, Prof. Dr. H. Soetardjo A. Wiramihardja
good that exists is the rachmat and the grace of
in Maulana (2013) reveals, mental health (mental
Allah SWT, so that a better quality of life can be
health) associated with the condition of the soul
easily achieved.
and healthy behavior. Mental health is also
associated with mental hygiene that supports the
body to be healthy (healthy life) [8]. If the
condition has been owned by someone, it will Elementary School Teachers and parents
create a good quality of life (quality of life). who have children are still in elementary school
Quality of life is how a person's quality when should recognize the important time in this
viewed from the interaction with life around him. golden age. Embed in elementary students
Mental health is an optimal condition that logical, systematic, and consistent mindset
concerns the intellectual, emotional, and social through a real example of mathematics education
side without any disturbance. Optimal conditions as a provision to improve the quality of life later
occur when the presence of a person does not if grown. Their memories are so strong that they
interfere with his environment, especially in the need to be exemplary every day and every time.
social environment. If a person has great Contribution of special mathematics education to
intellectual power, but is used to do actions that the logic of implications and biology can be the
destroy the environment for his pleasure, it can basis for thinking, arguing, and making correct
not be said to be healthy. In addition, many decisions. Mathematical ability is the basis of the
people are clever but they are not ready to use ability to communicate with surrounding
intelegensinya, it also can be said is not healthy. environment full of confidence.
For example, a student is clever but apparently Teachers need continously in training, as
likes to interfere with friends, like to quarrel with this era of life also develops. Teachers also need
friends, it can also be said is not healthy. Then, exemplars to be able to familiarize their students
how to characterize people who have good using a critical, systematic and consistent
mental health? Prof. Seotardjo explains that mindset. Do not expect students to live quality if
people who have good mental health is able to the teacher has not had a healthy mental and a
maintain self, temperament, ready-made quality life yet.
intelligence, behave with social considerations,
have a happy tendency, and able to adjust REFERENCES
according to their environment. Adjusting here
means that one is able to actively adapt to its [1] Sumaryono, E. (1999). Dasar-dasar Logika.
environment according to plan, without any Kanisius. ISBN 978.979.672.384.3.
compulsion to conform. How to get students to [2] Rachmiazasi, M.L., Eem Kurniasih. (2016).
have provision of Quality of life and mental healt Benefits Mathematical Mindset of
early on, it is definitely needed more qualified Management Education. Conference
teachers in mental and life. If mental health has Proceedings. The 4th International
been maintained, then automatically the quality Conference On Educational Research and
of life will be good. This is because, between Innovation. Yogyakarta State University.
mental health and quality of life is part that can
not be separated. Mental health will improve the [3] Zins, J.E., Weissberg, R.P., Wang, M.C.,&
quality of life and quality of life will improve Walberg, H.J. (2001). Social and Emotional
mental health. To improve the quality of life, Learning and School Success: Maximizing
Prof. Soetardjo suggested that humans should be Children’s Potential by Integrating
Thinking, Feeling and Behavior. The CEIC

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

(Centeron Education in the Inner Cities) [6] NCTM. (2000). Principles and Standards
Review, 10, 1-9. for School Mathematics. Reston, VA: The
National Council of Teacher of
[4] Hartati, E.S. (2013). Argumen dan Metode
Mathematics, Inc.
Deduksi. Materi Inisiasi 5 Tutorial Online
Matematika Dasar 1. [7] Depdiknas. (2006). Peraturan Menteri
Pendidikan Nasional Nomor 22, Tahun
[5] Kleden, M. A. (2013). Kemampuan
2006, tentang Standar Isi.
Komunikasi Matematis Dan Self-Directed
Learning Mahasiswa. Jurnal Matematika [8] Maulana. (2013). Kualitas Hidup Seseorang
dan Pendidikan Matematika Vol. 2, No. 2, Terlihat dari Interaksi dengan Kehidupan di
Oktober 2013. Sekitarnya.
p/deltapi/article/view/111. Diakses tanggal hidup-seseorang-terlihat-dari-interaksi-
14 April 2017. dengan-kehidupan-di-sekitarnya/. Diakses
tanggal 20 April 2017.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


P. Sarjiman
[email protected]

This research aimed to develop teaching-learning material about the interger and how to carry out the
teaching-learning it in elementary schools. The material was for students of the elementary school teacher
education. This research is a research and development (R&D) by using Plomp Model. The modification
of this model was test, evaluation and revision changed to be validation, try out and revision. This research
was carried out in steps namely: prelimany research, planning, developing and products realization,
validation, revision and to be continued with the field test, and the last revision. When the design had been
realized and considered to be enough, expert validation was carried out to determine whether the material
about interger and its teaching-learning in elementary schools was valid or not. . Eveffectivity test, was
carried out by trying out the product through the following steps; trying out of the material , result
analysis about anquetes and students’ opinion about the material . Data technique analysis comprised:
(1) the worth of instrumens; (2) the worth of teaching-learning material; (3) whether or not the material of
interger was valid and (4) the result of field test. The research result showed that the expert validators
recomended that the teaching-learning material about interger, either from the material, prensentaion,
language, and the completeness of the material point of view were fairly good. So, the teaching-learning
material about interger and how to teach it at elementary schools could be used by both students and
lecturers. After trying out , the student anquetes results showed that either from material, language, interest,
standard or suitnesss with the modern era point of view, were fairly good or effective. It could be concluded
that the material about interger and its teaching-learning in the elementary schools was effective and could
be used as a reference in the teaching learning of elementary school teacher education.
Keywords: Teaching-Learning Material of Integer, Elementary School Teacher Education Students

eduction has to be motivated in order to master

sicience and technology, but they should have
The development of technology and its
Indonesian character and culture. The
application needs mathematics as the basic
development of science and technology is
knowlede. Mathematics could be the servant of
almost created by mathemathics’ discovery.
any knowledge especially for the development
Mathematics is a key to many opportunities. It
of technology. Technological development is
opens doors to careers, enables inform decisions,
very important for Indonesian people, because
and helps us compete as a nation ( Bavaristuta:
Indonesia is a developing country. It is
2010). That is why mathematics education plays
acknowledged that Indonesia has potensial of
an important role in developing the quality of
natural resources for the wellfare of the
human reources with Indonesian personality.
population; but Indonesian people have not been
Elementary students have to master the basic
able to explore and manage the resources by
kowlegde of mathematics, who have Indonesian
themself. The mining of natural resources like
character and personality, as well as believe in
gold, oil and the like is still carried out by the
God. The effort that has been carried out by the
forein companies. In order to be able to explore
govermant are upgrading the quality of teachers,
and manage the natural resources, the Indonesian
developing the curriculum, realizing many
young generation beginning from elementary
medias, and any other efforts. Nevertheles, the
schools has to master basic knowlege especially
result has not been in accordance with the
Indonesian’s hope.
Science and technology always developes
Syarwan (Kompas, 2013 : 11) stated that
in accordance with the needs of modern lifes of
the result of International Comparative Study
human being. The indonesian young generation
from IMQ (International Mathematics
beginning from an elementary level up to higher
Olympiad) and PISA (Program for

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

International Students Assessement) showed that Realising the situation described early, it
the study quality of Indonesian students was necessary to search for solution, and one of
everagely were in the lower stage compared with them is developing interger material and how to
students from Asian countries. This is because of teach it in elementary schools. Though it had
the mathematics mastery is still low. According aready been known what had happened in
to Russeffendi ( in Setijab, 2011:207) , the elementar school teacher education students
importance of mathematics mastery in related to the integer material, this research was
elementary schools were as follows: (1)students also preceded by preliminary investigation both
would be able to do counting (arithmetics) and in elemenary school teacher eduations and
other mathematics activities; (2) mathematics elementary schools. After the information
could be a requirement to study other completed, the desaign was constructed up to
knowledges; (3) by studying mathematics, interger material was realized. Vlidation and
counting something would be easier and revision was carried out after the material was
simplier; (4) students would be able to think complete. Ater validation finished, trying out
logically and critically, and they would be was also carried out; up to the integer material
responsible students. It may not be denied, qualified and valid.
many students said that mathematics was
difficult to be studied and some of them were
afraid of it.
Since this is a research and development,
Integer is mathematics material that should
be studied from early students of elementary the research design used was Plomp Model
schools. This material is a basic for the (2001). There was a modification of this model
development of other numbers like fraction, namely test fase, evaluation and revision were
rational and irational numbers and the like in the changed to be validation, experiment and
revision. Developing teaching-learning material
mathematics system. Many students of
elementary schools were still confused of in this research consisted of four stages; namely:
addition, subtraction operation and (1) early investigation, (2) planning, (3)
realization, (4) validation , evalution and
multiplication as well as division of integer. This
situation caused students confused when they revision. The activities carried out in the
faced problems about integer. The preliminary research were gathering information
about the problems of teaching - learning of
characteristics of divisibility was always not to
be learned in elementary schools. The mean integer in elementary schools especially in
score of integer achievement in Temanggung sub elementary school teacher education study
programs. By the information got, the researcher
districk was 50,5 in the sccore range of 0 -100
(Septi Setyorini: 2010:3) stated to develop teaching-learning material of
Elementary school teacher eduction interger and the method of how to teach them in
the elementary schoosl, focusing on the interger
students as candidates of elementary school
teachers have to master the basic consept of material in the elementary school teacher
mathematics related to the mathematics material education study progam. To develop teaching-
learning material of integer which was in
in the elementary schools. As long as the
researcher’s experiance, when he was in the accordance with planning model of integer, in
elementary school teacher eduaction, the basic this stage, the early investigation about the
knowledge of interger hasnot been mastered by teaching-learning of integer was carried out in
the students. The method how to teach interger in elementary schools and elementary school
teacher education.
the elementary schools has not been mastered
weel, so when the students paractise teaching in To prepare the quality human resources in
the elementary schools, some elementary school the future, it was necessary for the elemenatary
school teacher education students master the
students were confused. Not all lectures
discussed about the characteristic of divisibility material of interger and how to teach it in the
when they were carrying out the teaching- elementary schools. In the development process,
in order to get the material as the element of
lerning. Besides, the source material of interger
considered match with the students was very teaching-learning or lecturing modul, it should
limited. Though there was material about be valid and efective. Developing research
instrumens was conducted in the same time with
interger, it doesnot contain the method how to
teach it in the elementary schools. That’s why it the development of teaching-learning interger
was very necesary todevelop the interger material and how the method of teaching-
learning in elementary schools.
material in the elementary school teacher
education study program.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

The activities in the satge of validation and condition of the place where students study and
revision were: (1) asking for exsperts to give the like. Determining mathematics material,
suggestions, inputs and other advices tomake the especially integer was also analized. Based on
construction draft of interge to be better (2) the result of observasion and interview, it was
discussing with students, pratisioners, and found that the teaching-learning of mathematics
mathematics education experts (3) revising the especially the material of interger had not in
construction of interger material ad its teching - accordance with the hope; among theam were:
learning in the elementary schools based on the (1) teachers’ mastery about interger has not been
inputs from experts, praticioners and students. satisfied; it caused the teaching-learning of
The data collection technique was mainly interger was wrong conseptually and the material
by anquetes, to measure the teaching-learning wa not in wright occurence; (2) teaching-learning
material of interger was used validation principles like from concrete to abstract, easy to
instruments about integer. That instrument was difficult, simple to complex, enactive to iconic
used to measure the validity comprising content, and symbolic did not occur; (3) the running of
construction, material, the truth and language. In teaching-learning depended on the teachers’
other words, the validity in this research was preference only; (4) methods, aproaches,
logical and content validity. Determing the strategies of teaching-learning was the same as
samples used as the research subject was by when the teachers studied in elementary schools
using purposive sampling. The subject was along time ago; (5) it was clear that teachers had
elementary school teacher education students not been ready to carry out the teaching-learning
who faced problems of mastering integer and its about integer, it was characterized that when
teaching – learning in the delementary schools. students asked her, she could not answered
The instruments’ worth and match with correctly; (6) students faced difficulties when
subjects were analized by the following steps: they tried to understand integer concept, the
(a) the result valuing from every experts was in counting operation of integer and problem
the table, (b) whenever data frequention worth to solving connected with integer; (7) students often
be used with revision, compared with the data complained when the time of learning
frequention unworth, for a certain informan, mathematis arrived. The result of observation
then the instrument was ususally continued to be and interview with students of elementary school
used; (c) whenever, there was input from experts, teacher education sowed that: (1) not all lectures
and it was written in the instruments, then it will agreed with integer material avalilable; (2)
be as a consideration to determine the revision. students did not study interger material
This analizes should be in accordance with field comprehensively (3) every mathematics lecturer
condition. used their own interger material reference; (4)
Validity of the teaching-learning of integer they did not get the whole interger material and
and its teaching-learning in elementary schools, how to teach it in the elementary schools
was determined by competenced experts. completey.
Besides, the integer material was also tested to
elementary school teacher education students to
make sure whether the material was effective or
not. To make sure the degree of effectivity, the This stage was the time for constructing a
students are also asked to fill the anquets. All solution about problems had been designed from
aspects and indicator scores from experts, the early investigation. There was the fact that
practisions, and students were counted to searh there was no teaching-learning about integer
material agreed by all mathematics education
for the mean of the them.
lectures.That was why it was neccesary to make
agrement about the interger material that could
be a reference or the source of teaching-learning
material of integer in elementary school teacher
education. The construction comprised integer
In accordance with the early design, to
concept, counting operation of integer, prime
develop the teaching-learning material of integer,
number, composite number and all of them were
there should be identification and information
followed by the method of theaching-learning in
analizes of research subject condition. Those
the elementary schools. Teaching–learning
anlizes comprised elementary students who were
addition and subtarction of integer specialized on
stuying integer, teachers, and teaching-learning
the positive and negative number, where as the
material about integer. The analizes consisted of
construction of other counting operation on
early students’ capability about interger
consept, students family economics backgound,

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

multiplicatin and devision was illustrated in other material model which was mactched with
opportunities. elementary school teacher students, the expert
The teaching method of prime number by agreed because he gave 4 as score. It meant that
using the serve of Erasthothenes was also the material had been in accordance with the
illustrated in this research. All the material students’ principles.
presented, was completed by methods of According to the expert, the language used,
teaching-lerning of that material in the had been in the good category, though he gave 3
elementary schools based on the up to date as a score. He stated that in this integer material,
material sources. By constructing this teaching- there were foreign terms that might make
learning material, the mathematics lecturers were students difficult to understand. In using
expected to have the same sources of book; and symbols and other mathematical atributs had
the material development depends on lecturers’ allready been good and the expert gave 4 as a
creativity. By realizing that teaching-learning score. In short, this interger material had
integer material, the students could be able to motivated the students and had been interesting
master the interger and how to teach it in the for both students and lectures in teaching-
elementary schools easily. The construction learning activites, for the expert gave 4 as a score.
planning comprised : (a) construction containing Based on the validation from the
reasons of the importance of construction of mathematics expert, it could be concluded that
integer material for the students, main materials the teaching-learning of integer material and its
discussed in the teaching-learning material; (b) teaching-learning in elementary schools could be
description of detail material comprising used by both students and lectures in the
interger concept, divisibility, prime and elementary school teacher education study
composite number, and how to teach them in program, though to make the the material really
elementary schools. Besides, the greatest complete needs other efforts
common factor, and the least common multiple
and the teaching-learning of them in the
elementary schools and square number as well
The test was carried out to 20 elementary
as cubic number were also presented in this
ocassion. school teacher education students in Oktober 10
2016. The constructed interger material was
distributed to students and the material was as
teaching-learning material in that time. The
Expert validation was carried out by students participated actively in that teaching –
mathematics expert from the faculty of learning. Finishing discussion about integer
mathematics and sciences, in the month of followed by its exercisises, angquates were
September 2006. It happened when we together distributed and the students were requested to fill
tested the students’ last task paper; the reseacher the angquets carefully.
negozited with him, and he agreed to validate the Based on the anquets sheet collected from
material. The score range that had been students, in the case of whether or not the
constructed in the validated sheet was between 1 material was intersting; the students gave 3,25 as
– 4. A week later, the validation had already the mean score, so it was good and not
finished, and the validation result was as the individualistic. Students were able to understand
following written form. At the beginning of the the integer material easily. In the case of good
discussion, that was about the introduction, the looking , the mean score given by the students
validator gave 3 as a score and it was meant to be was 3,13 or in the interisting category. According
good, though there were some cases of material to the students, the materials should also in many
that should be repaired. The good category interesting colours. The mean score given by
showed that introduction in “teaching-learning the students was 3,13 in the case of languange.
of integer material and its teaching-learning in It meant that the languange is also interesting
elementary schools”, could be used, though the though as the languane of mathematics is
revision should be continously carried out. In the denotative and not connotative as the language in
discussion of early concept; was it in accordance literature. Besides, some terms were in
with every day life? In this case, the expert gave international language because their national
4 as the score. In other words, the early concept language was Indonesian. The figures given in
presentation was really in accordance with the material to illustrate and to make clear the
eveyday real life. It showed that the validator concept of interger was given 3,26 as a score by
agreed with the early concept, with his students. It meant that the pictures was also
interpretation was very good. About the interesting, thought it was not as interesting as in

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

the art pictures. From the point of view of directly carried out field testing to elelemntary
interest, it could be concluded that the integer school teacher education students. The field
material was worth to be used as the teaching- testing was just the same as the usual lecturing or
learning material in elementary school teacher teaching-learning on the integer material. The
education study program. From the point of following week, after the process of lecturing had
view of material, the mean score given by the already finished, the researcher directly
students was 3,26; which meant that the material distributed the anquet sheets to the students and
was not too difficult to understand. Besides, the they were asked to fill the questionaries, give
problem exercises were up to date and mached inputs and suggestions. Marry Hagen (2009) said
with situation problems in this modern time. The that “ The construction of lecturing material in
source of material taken by the research was higher education would be better supported by
given 3,20 as the mean score; which meant that students‘ opinions and suggestions“
the source of material were all fairly ineresting Students’ opinion expressed on the anquate
and in accordance with the modern expectation. sheets that teaching - learning material of integer
Based on the anquets from the students, it were in a good category, it meant that the
was concluded that the integer material being material could be used by the students. Besides,
discussed by students at that time was good and the students’ opinion about the integer material
worth to be used by students of elementary was good, worth, interesting, and the like, it
school teacher education as the teaching-learning could be concluded that the material was
material. Besides, that material was in effective effective to be used by both students and lectures.
category. This material had of course not been
complete; that was why constructive suggestions REFERENCES
and inputs were still expected.
[1] Bavaristuta, E. “An implementation of
interger in social life.“ The international
journal of mathematics education,,
Based on the preliminary investigatins, it 63,21(2011):27
showed that there were some problems in
[2] Bray, Renold. R. (2007). Aplied Research
teaching learning of interger either in elementary
and Development in the Field of Education
schools or in elementary school teacher
and Psychology. Boston : Boston
education study program. In PGSD study
University Press.
program there had not been integer material as
the teaching-learning resources for students and [3] Hagar, P & Donny Humble. (2006). The
lecturers. It was very necessary to establish the Important Aspects in the Success of
integer material especially for elementary school Teaching and Learning. Philadelpia : The
teacher study students. It was in accordance with Jeniver Brothers Inc.
Hagar (2006) had an opinion that “The success
of teaching and learning is also determined by [4] Plomp. T (2001). Design methodology and
Developmental research on education and
the arranged material compromised among the
teachers“. training. Enchede : Fest.
Teaching-learning material consisted of [5] Septi Seyorini. (2010). Pengembangan
natural number, whole number, prime and MediaSederhana untuk Mata Pelajaran
composite number , and it was added by the Matematika pada Materi Penjumlahan
greatest common divisor and the least cmmon Bilangan Bulat Kelas V Sekolah Dasar.
multiple. The last one was quadratic and square Yogyakarta: Skripsi PGSD. PSD FIP
root number. From the validation result it showed Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.
that the material was good; it meant that the
material could be used in teaching- learning both [6] Setijab, A. (2011). Pengembangan Media
by the students and mathematics education Konsep Volume dan Kapasitas pada Siswa
lectures. It was in accordance with Bray (2007 SD : Bandung: Thesis PPS UPI. Tidak
who said that “ The teaching-learning material diterbitkan.
that has been validated by an expert validator is [7] Syarwan, P. ( 2013). Prestasi matematika
worth to be used buy teachers and ready to be individu dan kelompok tertentu
admistered to studets“. membanggakan; tetapi secara rata-rata
When expert validation followed by nasional masih memprihatinkan. Kompas,
revision had already finished, the reseacher 2010, blan 6, h. 11.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Julia Rizky Utami
Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Kampus Terpadu UMY, Jl. Lingkar Barat, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul, DI.Yogyakarta 22183
[email protected]

This article aims to describe policies formed by the Government of West Nusa Tenggara as a means to
increase the foreign investment in West Nusa Tenggara. In recent years, West Nusa Tenggara’s foreign
investment tends to be in stagnation and did not reach its maximum level as shown in their past investment
realizations. Yet in 2015, the investment realization of West Nusa Tenggara rose drastically and reached
Rp. 9,9 billion in numbers. That number exceeded national target and West Nusa Tenggara’s Regional
Medium Term Development Plan (RMTDP) target of 2015. By using qualitative research method through
interviews and library research to gather primary and secondary data, the writer did a deep analysis using
agent and public policy theories as the main research tool. This research found that the West Nusa Tenggara
Government have formed and executed several vital policies related to foreign investment in order to reform
previous policies and maximize the foreign investment in West Nusa Tenggara by applying one door
integrated service, accelerate the infrastructure development and giving incentive in the form of remission
of retribution for tourism investment.
Keywords: foreign investment, regional government, regional autonomy, economic development, one –
door integrated service.

trillions. And in 2014, the record reached Rp 6.22

trillions (BKPM PTSP Provinsi NTB, 2015).
The province of West Nusa Tenggara has Many investor have shown their interests after
several potential commodities on many sectors noticing the big potential in West Nusa
such as tourism, mining, stockbreeding, farming, Tenggara, but couldn’t do any investments due to
fishery, to industry. This is proven by massive various obstacles whether it’s physically or
number in regional production such as corn procedural such as lack of road access and
which reach 642.674 tons a year, 756.355 tons a electricity (BKPM PTSP Provinsi NTB, 2016).
year for seaweeds, 1.1 millions cows in unit, 0.38 Meanwhile, in its development, surprising
tons a year for pearl production, and 35.000 tons increase in investment realization happened in
a year for tobacco which filled 85% of the needs 2015 which reached Rp 9.99 trillions (BKPM
of virginia tobacco in Indonesia (Antara NTB, PTSP Provinsi NTB, 2016). The rate of
2015). The province’s regional potential and investment in 2015 increased to 60,53% and
eminency play an important role in raising its exceeded the original target which was only
economic development through the attempt to 8,4%. It even exceeded Indonesia’s national
increase foreign investation (Business target which targeted to reach Rp 6 trillions in
Environment, 2007). Since recent years, the numbers. Moreover, 2015 investment realization
province of West Nusa Tenggara has been trying even exceeded West Nusa Tenggara’s Regional
to increase its investment climate significantly Medium-Term Development Plan which
through domestic investment and foreign targeted Rp 6.752 trillions (BKPM PTSP
investment. Provinsi NTB, 2016). These data is a prove that
However, in spite of the significant raises in the government of West Nusa Tenggara have
terms of investment since 2012, the increase is achieved a big accomplishment in terms of
seemed to be stagnant and has not been able to investment climate. In regards to that, this
fully maximize West Nusa Tenggara’s regional journal will elaborate the efforts made by West
potencies. In 2012, West Nusa Tenggara’s Nusa Tenggara government to increase foreign
investment realization ony reached Rp. 1.7 investment in 2015-2016. Furthermore, the
trillions (BKPM PTSP NTB, 2013). While in writer will also provide deep analysis based on
2013, investment realization reached Rp 4.91

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

agency and public policy theories in the number 97 year 2014 articles 10 paragraph 4
discussion. about the One-Door Policy system (Maga, 2013).
With this One-Door Policy being applied, the
process has become easier, quicker, transparent,
and well organized because of all investment
The methods used to collect data are procedures are handled by one institution which
interviews and library research. In interviews, is the Regional Capital Investment Coordinating
data researching is supported by recording
Board (RCICB).
technique, noting, and selection with data Under the rules of One-Door Policy,
enhancement. Interview method is a technique to licensing that is handled by the RCICB covered
collect primary data from parties that act as
two types of licenses which are capital
research informan. The source of primary data of investment licensing and non-licensing. The
this research was the sub-section chief of the licensing type contain various sectors such as
regional regulation draft from Law Bureau of the
union, small and medium businesses, farms,
West Nusa Tenggara’s Government and the sub- environment, marine and fishery, forestry,
section chief of investment plans from West mining, transportation, healthcare, land, tourism,
Nusa Tenggara’s Government. Both of the
regional development planning, trading,
informans are the person in charge whom industrial, general affairs, plantation, and capital
directly involved to the West Nusa Tenggara investment. And the non-licensing type is almost
efforts to increase its foreign investment. This
identical with the licensing type but exluded in
research also used qualitative method which is union and small/medium businesses sectors
based on literary and library research where the (Jaringan Dokumentasi dan Informasi Produk
collected data is a secondary data that was taken Hukum Provinsi NTB, 2015).
from multiple sources such as: Scientific books Previously, all sectors that have been
or research results, documents or other media
mentioned before were handled directly by the
like journals, magazines, newspapers, internet governor of West Nusa Tenggara. The governor
and other relevant sources. This research used then bestowed those sectors authority to related
qualitative method with deductive technique
institutions in accordance with the type of
based on multiple theories. Then the result of investment being requested by the investor. All
collective data and facts being used as the source process are being handled by the various type of
to analyze the relation between theories and data
authority within the province until the license
systematically. comes out. Because of that, the processes could
take up three to four months due to the lack of
cooperation between the institutions involved in
Investment plays a key role that is needed the business (Suaidi SE, 2017). However, after
by one region to improve its public welfare. As a the One-Door Policy is applied, all licensing
key factor that is needed to accelerate economic processes are handled by a single institutions
development, regional government have always which is the RCICB of West Nusa Tenggara
tried to increase the number of foreign starting from the process of submitting an
investment through various means. In this case, application until the license comes out. All of
the government of West Nusa Tenggara also these process can only take up 3 hours. With this,
made similar efforts through forming new rules the investor no longer needs to be involved in
to reform and evaluated previous regulation complicated administration processes that could
regarding foreign investment. Several waste a lot of time and the licensing processes
improvement have been done in order to enlarge becomes more efficient.
opportunities related to foreign investment.
Accelerate Strategic Infrastructure
Applying One Door Policy System Development
The government of West Nusa Tenggara The next policy that is issued by the
have applied the one-door policy system in government of West Nusa Tenggara in order to
regards to process investment licenses through improve foreign investment is accelerating the
the governor’s decree number 503-484 year development of strategic road access. To
2015 on August 13th, 2015, that contains partial accommodate this purpose, the government of
delegation of authority to the Head of The West Nusa Tenggara issued a local regulation
Investment Coordinating and Licensing about the acceleration in developing a strategic
Agencies of West Nusa Tenggara (Suaidi SE, road access with multi-year financing pattern as
2017). The application of this system is a form of stated in Local Regulation number 9 year 2016.
implementation of the President’s Decree Multi-year financing pattern is a working

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

contract pattern or a program that ties the regulation are reduction, relief and waivers of
developing budget for more than one year local taxes and regional charges in the form of
budget. This also applied to the construction Motor Vehicle Tax (PKB), Motor Vehicle Title
activities, making it last longer than one year. Fee (BBN KB), Surface Water Tax (PAP) and
The funding source of this program is the user charges on extension of Permit for Hiring
regional budget of West Nusa Tenggara Foreign Workers (IMTA).
province. By these funding, Rp 650 billions are For motor vehicle taxes, motor vehicle
allocated to build twelve roads and eleven name and surface water taxes fees are subject to
bridges in West Nusa Tenggara (Jaringan 50% reduction and waiver of local taxes on the
Dokumentasi dan Informasi Produk Hukum determination of taxable principal and
Provinsi NTB, 2016). administrative sanctions. Then, BBN KB is also
Road access, specifically, is one thing given tax exemption including exemption of
that is absolutely needed in order to support principal and exemption from administrative
economic activities and mobilization of people. sanctions (Jaringan Dokumentasi dan Informasi
It is also considered as one important aspect by Produk Hukum Provinsi NTB, 2016). Then for
the investor before they decide to invest in some regional levies, business entities in the
region. Therefore, this regulation is issued by the Mandalika Special Economic Zone are granted
government of West Nusa Tenggara to maintain relief on the extension of the permit to employ
functionality of their programs (Hadijah SH.MH, foreign workers. The nominal reduction given by
2017). In the region of West Nusa Tenggara, the West Nusa Tenggara government is 50% of the
length of national roads and provincial roads by principal amount of levies owed and
the end of 2010 was recorded at the number of administrative sanctions. To obtain facilities and
2.474 km. Where the portion of national road was incentives for tax and retribution, business
632.17 km and the rest is provincial road. entities or entrepreneurs only need to apply the
However, the data noted that road with well registration form to the Governor of NTB and
maintained facility was only 45.61% by the total complete the required terms. This request will be
road and length. processed by the local government with the
After the issuance of these local output in form of a decree from the proposed
regulation, development of road building in West petition.
Nusa Tenggara showed a significant Provision of ease and relief of local taxes
improvement. By 2012, roads that are and levies is fairly very profitable for investors
categorized as well maintained improved to and business entities because of the varied
916.50 km. At the end of 2014, the record of incentives ease of taxes ranging from relief,
paved road reached 1.438 km. On the other hand, reduction to exemption. Moreover, deductions
number of gravel roads is decreased over time. may reach up to 50% of indebted taxes and
With the constant improvement of infrastructure administrative sanctions. Not only that, these tax
quality and quantity in West Nusa Tenggara, the facilities are valid for three years for investors or
government expects to increase the interest of business entities who have applied to the
investors in the future (BPS Provinsi Nusa Governor since the business operated. Although
Tenggara Barat, 2016). the government only give incentives in the minor
tax types such as PKB, BBN KB, PPA and
Provision of Local Tax Incentives and IMTA, but if we accumulated the total incentives
Regional Levies in Special Economic Zones of from the economic side, this is a big advantage
Mandalika for investors who run businesses in the Special
The next regulation that is issued by the Economic Zone of Mandalika (Jaringan
government of West Nusa Tenggara in order to Dokumentasi dan Informasi Produk Hukum
increase foreign investment is to give provision Provinsi NTB, 2016).
of local tax incentives and regional levies in
special economic zones of Mandalika through Establishment of a Pro Investment Policy
local regulation number 8 year 2016. The goal of Strategy
this regulation is to increase foreign investment The next effort by the West Nusa Tenggara
through providing facilities and conveniences on Provincial Government to increase foreign
local taxes and regional levies for businessmen investment in West Nusa Tenggara is through the
in the special economic zones of Mandalika establishment of a pro-investment policy
which is one of several zones planned by strategies like the Investment’s Local Regulation
Indonesia’s President, Joko Widodo (Hadijah number 3 year 2015. This investment regulation
SH.MH, 2017). The forms of facilities and is the first written rule established by the West
conveniences that is provided in this regional Nusa Tenggara Provincial Government related to

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

investment. Previously, the investment-related David Easton's thinking, views public policy as
policy in West Nusa Tenggara was fully guided the authoritative allocation of value for the whole
by National Law number 25 year 2007 without society, but it turns out that only the government
any local regulation in the region that regulates can authoritatively act on the whole society, and
investment specifically (Hadijah SH.MH, 2017). everything the government choosed do or not to
The investment regulation was formed on do result in the allocation of values (Winarno,
the basis of a number of considerations, namely 2008).
as an effort to improve, regulate and protect Definitively, public policy can be
investment in NTB through the establishment of understood as a policy established by the
regulations that provide guidance and legal government as part of a political decision to
certainty for investors who invest in the region. address issues that develop in society. In the
This will be applied through enhancing the role current era of globalization, the dynamics of
of local governments in preparing facilities and politics and the development of society also lead
improving services to investment through easy, to the arise of more complex problems. The
fast, accurate, integrated and sustainable Government in this case is required to take
licensing services. Broadly speaking, this decisions and policies carefully and promptly in
investment regulation consists of 10 chapters and its capacity as a decision-making authority to
40 articles covering general provisions, resolve the problems in the community. Public
principles and objectives, scope, authority of policy in this case is a decision and policy taken
local government, regional investment policy, by the government in the framework of
community participation, incentives and ease of administration in order to overcome the problems
investment, administrative sanctions, transitions that arise. If evaluated using public policy theory,
and closing conditions. the steps taken by the West Nusa Tenggara
The first rules governing investment in Provincial Government to increase foreign
West Nusa Tenggara in its development include investment through a number of policies are
a large number of scopes such as investment- important actions to be taken to address common
related cooperation, promotional activities, issues that are occurring in the community.
investment services, investment implementation Then the next theory, the agency theory, is
control, data management and investment definitively understood as a contractual
information systems as well as dissemination and relationship between principals and agents in
investment training in West Nusa Tenggara. This which the principal party give mandates to the
policy also covers all sectors of business in every agent to perform all activities on behalf of the
investment sector in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB principal. Jensen and Meckling explain the
B. H., Jaringan Dokumentasi dan Informasi agency relationship as agency relationship as a
Produk Hukum Provinsi NTB, 2015). contract under which one or more person (the
Compared to previous years, new policies principals) engage another person (the agent) to
issued and implemented by local governments to perform some service on their behalf which
increase foreign investment by 2015 are more involves delegating some decision making
firmer and have a permanent legal force with a authority to the agent (Jensen, Michael C., 1976).
range of various sectors and arrangements. This In detail, it is understood that in the agency
regulation lead to the capability to grant a legal theory, there is a contract whereby one or more
certainty for business actors or business entities principals ruling the agents, to carry out a policy
who invested in West Nusa Tenggara. In on behalf of the principal. This action is then
contrast, local government policies applied in followed by authorizing the agents to make the
previous years were more directed to appeals in best decision to achieve principal interests
the form of circular letters with limited (Universitas Negeri Surakarta, 2012).
regulatory coverage and without binding legal In this case, West Nusa Tenggara
certainty. Provincial Government as an agent formed some
policies to increase foreign investment in the
region that needed to support economic growth
and regional development for the benefit of the
To study more deeply on this topic, the people who in this theory apply as principal.
author uses two theories as the main unit of West Nusa Tenggara Provincial Government in
analysis which are public policy theory and the
this case has the capacity to take the decisions
agency theory. According to Thomas R. Dye, and policies necessary to meet the interests of the
public policy is interpreted as whatever people. Through these efforts to increase
government choose to do or not to do (Dye,
investment, the government tried to create a
1984). While in Budi Winarno's book, citing better investment climate in West Nusa Tenggara

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

in order to improved the welfare and quality of especially in tourism sector by providing various
life. incentives for investors. In its development, to
The government then established One- further strengthen the standard rules on
door integrated service as a form of reform and investment policy in, the government then took a
evaluation for the previous investment licensing big step by forming regional regulations on
policy that tend to be complicated and investment through forming a local regulation
convoluted. Before the existence of integrated number 3 year 2015 as a part of a pro-investment
services, investment licensing procedures in policy strategy. Through the establishment of
West Nusa Tenggara even take a long time up to this regulation, the local government seeks to
three to four months. Investment permit improve the investment outcomes in West Nusa
requirements also tend to be difficult for Tenggara by offering legal guarantee, assurance
investors. This is causes by the lack of of protection and security guarantee for all
transparency and accountability of the licensing investment activities in West Nusa Tenggara.
administration pattern in West Nusa Tenggara. In
addition to spending a considerable time in terms
of licensing, the cost incurred by the investor also
Government of West Nusa Tenggara
counted quite a lot due to the absence of a
standard rule that integrates all investment Policies in order to escalate foreign investments
policies in West Nusa Tenggara. Therefore, as a are shown by various policies such as
establishing and implementing a one-stop
form of evaluation to overcome this problem
which is considered as a big stumbling block to integrated service system, accelerating the
increase the investment in West Nusa Tenggara, development of strategic road infrastructures,
the regional government then issued the providing incentives for local tax breaks and
Governor Decree concerning the delegation of regional levies for investment in the Special
Economic Zones of Mandalika and forming an
some of the Governor's authority to the Head of
Regional Capital Investment Coordinating Board investment law. By these actions, investment
(RCICB). realization in West Nusa Tenggara tends to
increase significantly year by year starting from
Not enough just by reforming and
reforming the investment licensing policy in 2015. In the future, the government will continue
West Nusa Tenggara, the government also trying to evaluate all policies implemented to continue
renewals so that the obstacles hindering the
to accelerate the development of infrastructure,
especially the strategic road to increase the investment development in West Nusa Tenggara
investment achievement. West Nusa Tenggara can be overcame.
province in particular has a variety of potential
areas that are very promising for the business ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
world. But the limitations of strategic road access Acknowledgments are conveyed by the
often become a stumbling block. In response to author to the interviewees who have contributed
this problem, West Nusa Tenggara Provincial by providing the required data during the
Government subsequently issued local research process of this scientific work. In
regulation number 9 year 2016 which is a addition, gratitude is also sincerely addressed to
renewal of regulation number 9 year 2010 on the other parties who have been involved and assist
acceleration of strategic road infrastructure the process of writing this scientific paper.
development with multi-year financing pattern. Without the assistance of such parties, this paper
After conducting direct survey and research to a will not be properly structured. In the end, the
number of locations in West Nusa Tenggara, it author apologizes for all the shortcomings and
can be found that the strategic road infrastructure limitations of this paper. The limitations of this
in has increased significantly since 2010 to the paper should be used as a future reference for the
present time. The previously remote areas now reader to explore the things that are not listed in
can be accessed easily and quickly due to the this paper.
availability of many new roads interconnected
with each other. REFERENCES
Then, to continue to attract investors to
invest, local governments also apply regional [1] Business Environment. (2007, january 5).
regulation number 8 year 2016 which regulates Retrieved February 1, 2017, from
the granting of local tax relief and levies in the Penanaman Modal dalam era otonomi
special economic region of Mandalika. Through daerah:
the establishment and enforcement of this rule,
local governments seek to boost the investment

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

/2007/01/05/penanaman-modal-dalam-era- [11] NTB, Biro Hukum (2016). Jaringan

otonomi-daerah/ Dokumentasi dan Informasi Produk Hukum
Provinsi NTB. Retrieved March 20, 2017,
[2] Universitas Negeri Surakarta. (2012, july
from Perda nomor 9 tahun 2016:
30). Retrieved february 1, 2017, from
Hubungan keagenan dalam organisasi
pemerintahan: [12] NTB, Biro Hukum (2016). Jaringan Dokumentasi dan Informasi Produk Hukum
ubungan-keagenan-dalam-organisasi- Provinsi NTB. Retrieved March 20, 2017,
pemerintahan-perspektif-dari-agency- from Perda nomor 8 tahun 2016 :
[3] Antara NTB. (2015). Retrieved February 1, [13] NTB, BKPM PTSP (2013). BKPM PTSP
2017, from Perusahaan Asing Beroperasi di NTB. Retrieved february 1, 2017, from
NTB: Realisasi Investasi 2012:
[4] BPS NTB (2016). BPS Provinsi Nusa
Tenggara Barat. Retrieved March 20, 2017, [14] NTB, BKPM PTSP (2015). BKPM PTSP
from NTB Dalam Angka 2016: Provinsi NTB. Retrieved february 1, 2017, from Realisasi investasi 2014:
[5] Dye, Thomas. R. (1984). Understanding
Public Policy V Edition. Michigan
University. [15] NTB, BKPM PTSP (2015). BKPM PTSP
Provinsi NTB. Retrieved february 1, 2017,
[6] Hadijah SH.MH, Siti. (2017, March 14).
from Realisasi investasi 2014:
Kebijakan Pemerintah NTB guna
meningkatkan investasi asing. (J. R. Utami,
[7] Jensen, Michael C. (1976). Theory of the
Provinsi NTB. Retrieved february 1, 2017,
Firm : Managerial Behavior, Agency Cost
from penduduk dan tenaga kerja:
and Ownership Structure. Journal of
Financial Economics. V.3, No. 4, 305 – 360.
[8] Maga, Anwar. (2013, June 20). Antara NTB. umum/penduduk-dan-tenaga-kerja
Retrieved March 20, 2017, from BKPM
PTSP NTB Tangani Seluruh Perizinan:
Provinsi NTB. Retrieved february 1, 2017,
from Realisasi investasi 2015:
[9] NTB, Biro Hukum (2015). Jaringan
Dokumentasi dan Informasi Produk Hukum
Provinsi NTB. Retrieved february 1, 2017,
Provinsi NTB. Retrieved March 20, 2017,
from Rekap perizinan:
from Surat Keputusan Gubernur NTB
nomor 503-484 tahun 2015:
[19] Suaidi SE, Muhammad. (2017, Maret 14).
[10] NTB, Biro Hukum (2015). Jaringan
peningkatan investasi asing di NTB dari
Dokumentasi dan Informasi Produk Hukum
sudut pandang BKPM PTSP NTB sebagai
Provinsi NTB. Retrieved March 20, 2017,
praktisi. (J. R. Utami, Interviewer)
from Perda Penanaman Modal nomor 3
tahun 2015 : [20] Winarno, Budi. (2008). Kebijakan Publik;
Teori & Proses. Yogyakarta: Media

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Siti Nurjanah
Sebelas Maret University
[email protected]

The need of providing specific speaking materials for the students of international relations department has
not received much attention in the teaching and learning process of English as a compulsory subject. Little
has been done to investigate the actual need of the students of international relations department toward
speaking materials in the teaching and learning process of English. To gain a deep understanding on the
actual needs of the students of international relations department, multiple sources of data collected from a
semi-structured interview, classroom observation, and questionnaires are employed. The findings of the
current study reveal that (1) the students want a specially designed objective of speaking class that
corresponds to their study program and future jobs (2) the students want to be able to speak English
depending on the context they deal with; (3) the students want materials/activities that enable them to speak
fluently using sufficient vocabulary, accurate grammar and correct pronunciation based on their study
program and their future professions, (4) the students need various speaking activities and approach to make
them develop their speaking better and (5) the existing book’s layout needs to be improved. It can be
concluded that there is a crucial need to develop speaking materials based on students’ specific need and
interest. It is expected that this exploration will be of beneficial contribution to English teachers working
with EFL students in higher education context and the related institution to understand the importance of
providing speaking materials that correspond to the students’ specific needs. Moreover, it shows that
revisions of the current speaking course seem to be necessary to provide more effective English language
courses for students.
Keywords: need analysis, international relations department, speaking materials

transferred effectively if the materials are

appropriate to the needs of the learners.
One of the objectives of higher education in
The idea proposed by Dar (2012, p. 113)
the article 5 of Higher Education System Act
leads to a claim on the importance of providing
Number 12/2012 states that university graduates
students materials that are appropriate with their
are expected to be capable of using the
need. In this case, materials that can
knowledge/ technology to meet the nation’s
accommodate the need of a particular group of
interest and improve the nation’s competiveness.
students belong to the area of English for
In order to achieve the objective, English as one
Specific Purposes, in short ESP. This is in line
of the language skills is taught in nearly all higher
with what is stated by Tsao, and Xu (2008, p. 1)
education institutions in Indonesia.
in Rasekh & Simin (2011, p. 40). They state that
Ideally, English teaching and learning
as English continues to dominate in business,
process should be designed in such a way to
technology, media, education, medicine, and
make their students truly get everything related
research, the demand for English for specific
to the needs of their future professions. Thus,
purposes (ESP) is rapidly growing to fulfill
they can compete both locally and globally
people with an instrumental purpose. In addition,
better. Among various factors that should be
Andriani (2013, p. 4) argues that teaching
taken into consideration, materials are one of the
English in higher education should be directed to
most influencing factors in determining the
the specific purpose of a certain major. She adds
success of students in learning a particular
that teaching of English for Specific Purpose is
language. As stated by Dar (2012, p. 113),
necessary in higher education due to the demand
materials are vital funnel through which
in academic setting or workplace later on.
knowledge is transferred from the teachers to the
Therefore, it can be clearly concluded that
learners, and such knowledge can only be
in order to make the students learn English more

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

effectively as an effort to meet their future existing course book in the teaching and learning
professions’ demand, materials that are used in process of speaking. Secondly, the interview
the English teaching and learning process of guideline was used to explore relevant
higher education institutions should meet their information related to the existing English
needs. Seeing how English for specific purpose learning material and its usage in teaching and
plays a significant role in creating students’ learning process of speaking in the international
success in using English in their future relations department. Finally, closed
workplace, there’s no doubt that a particular questionnaire was given to 27 students in order
group of students having certain needs of to get data from the students about the strengths
learning English should be given English and weaknesses of the existing course book and
materials that contribute to their future career. to know their needs toward speaking materials.
However, in Indonesia, there are still few The obtained data were then analyzed using data
instructional materials designed for specific analysis proposed by Miles and Huberman
purposes to enhance the English language (1992) in Novitasari (2014, p. 67), namely data
proficiency of students and specifically aimed to reduction, data display and data verification.
meet their certain needs. Most of the time, the
materials used in the teaching of English are
general English materials. Those materials are
believed by some scholars can’t help the students 3.1. Results of teacher’s interview
to get deeper insight of the language appropriate
with their major and their future career later on. This interview is aimed to find out the
Those facts lead to an urgent call to provide general condition of the students’ need and the
students of higher education with particular materials used to teach speaking. In addition, it’s
needs and more appropriate English materials used by the researcher to investigate whether the
that are related to their field of study and ones students majoring in International Relations
that can truly help them in their specialty or their Department need English speaking materials that
future working conditions. corresponds to their study program and future-
The similar condition also happens in related jobs. Two English instructors/teachers
Universitas Muhamamdiyah Yogyakarta. This teaching the students of International Relations
university focuses on preparing its students to go Department were interviewed by the researcher.
global as written in its tagline ‘muda mendunia’ This interview reveals that there is a need to
or young and global in English. To achieve this develop supplementary speaking materials for
objective, English is taught as a compulsory the students of International Relations
subject in nearly all departments. International Department for some reasons: (1) the existing
relations department is one of the departments in course book used to teach speaking is not
this university believed to be one of the majors sufficient yet since teachers need to find
closely related to English use. However, the additional speaking materials for their teaching
speaking materials used are the general one. practices;(2) the book used to teach speaking
Therefore, investigating the actual need of lacks of input;(3) the book is not related to a
international relation department students toward specific study program and has not provided
speaking materials should be conducted as a way specific materials for the students of IR;(4) as
to give a deeper insight on the students’ actual stated by the teachers, it’s important to provide
need in speaking class. specific materials for students having particular
needs; and (5) the book has not covered all
indicators of speaking.

Need analysis is a study conducted to find 3.2. Result of students’ interview

the actual needs of students to learn English. This
study will enable the teachers or the stakeholders The researcher conducted a semi-
to design materials that meet students’ need. The structured interview with the students. This
participants of the research were the English interview is aimed to find out the students’
teachers and the students of International perspectives toward their need and necessities as
Relations Department. well as their perspectives on the condition of the
To investigate the need of international existing speaking materials. The overall findings
relations department students, semi-structured of the interview reveal that: (1) the students of
interview, classroom observation, and international relations department want the
questionnaires were carried out. Firstly, the objective of the speaking class corresponds to
observation was used to observe the use of the their study program;(2) the book used to teach
speaking is not specifically designed to prepare

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

the students in their future jobs;(3) the students Table 1: The result in the aspect of Objectives
believe that it’s important to study something
that is related to their study program and future
career;(4) as stated by the students, they want to
be able to speak English depending on the
context they deal with; and(5) the book’s layout
needs to be improved. Thus, there is a need to
develop speaking materials based on students’
specific need and interest.

3.3. Result of observation

Observation was conducted by the
researcher to observe how the existing course
book of speaking is used in the classroom. Some
important aspects related to the implementation
of “Free Conversation”-the existing course book-
for teaching the students of international Table 2: The result in the aspect of input
relations department. Ideally, the students of
international relation department should be given
materials that are specifically designed to
accommodate their need and interest and help
them use their English better in their future work
places. However, the materials given to the
students were not yet relevant to their study
Based on the finding in the observation,
there was no material specifically written for
enabling the students to speak using correct
grammar. In addition, ideally a course book
should be equipped with sufficient vocabulary, Table 3: The result in the aspect of speaking
but the existing vocabulary doesn’t reflect the skill
ideal condition. The vocabulary in the course
book should be added, and contextualized to their

3. 4. Result of questionnaires
To find out more information about the
students’ opinion toward the course book
currently used to learn speaking, the researcher
distributed questionnaire. It focused on the
students’ needs towards the English speaking
materials as well as the weaknesses of the
existing course book. There were five aspects in
the questionnaire, namely objectives, input,
Indicators of speaking skill, methodology, and
organization. The results of the questionnaires
are presented as follow.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Table 4: The result in the aspect of methodology Firstly, the materials used by the teachers to
teach speaking were general materials. Secondly,
there were few materials specifically written for
enabling the students to speak English using
correct grammar. Lastly, ideally a course book
should be equipped with sufficient vocabulary,
but the existing vocabulary doesn’t reflect the
ideal condition. Thus, it was important to give the
Table 5: The result of the book’s organization students materials that are relevant to their study
programs and related to their future professions
that provide sufficient materials on grammar and
After doing the observation, the researcher
interviewed two English instructors and some
students. The interview with the English
instructor reveals that that there is a need to
develop supplementary speaking materials for
the students of International Relations
The result of questionnaires reveals that in Department for some reasons: (1) the existing
the aspect of objective, the students really prefer course book used to teach speaking is not
having learning objective that is relevant to their sufficient yet since teachers need to find
study program, and prefer to be taught using additional speaking materials for their teaching
materials that are relevant to their study program. practices;(2) the book used to teach speaking
Second, in the aspect of input, it was found that lacks of input;(3) the book is not related to a
the students need to be given language specific study program and has not provided
expressions that are relevant and contextual to specific materials for the students of IR;(4) as
their fields, and pictures that are related to their stated by the teachers, it’s important to provide
major as well. Third, in the aspect of indicator of specific materials for students having particular
speaking, the result reveals that the students want needs; and (5) the book has not covered all
to have sufficient vocabulary focusing on their indicators of speaking.
specific need, materials on how the English On the other hand, the interview with the
words are pronounced correctly, materials on students of International Relation Department
grammar to make them speak English more reveal that: (1) the students of IR want the
accurately, materials/activities that enable them objective of the speaking class corresponds to
to speak fluently based on their study program, their study program;(2) the book used to teach
and materials/activities that enable the students speaking is not specifically designed to prepare
to speak fluently based on their future the students in their future jobs;(3) the students
professions. Fourth, in the aspect of believe that it’s important to study something
methodology, the students need various speaking that is related to their study program and future
activities and approach to make them develop career;(4) as stated by the students, they want to
their speaking better. At last, in the aspect of be able to speak English depending on the
organization, the students need well-organized context they deal with; and(5) the book’s layout
book to make them use the book as well in order needs to be improved. Thus, there is a need to
to speak English better. develop speaking materials based on students’
specific need and interest.
The last data of need analysis was obtained
As stated by Hutchinson and Waters (1986, by distributing questionnaires to the students that
p. 58 & Richards, 2001, p. 60-61), include the aspects of objectives, input, the
questionnaires, interviews, observation, informal indicators of speaking, methodology, and
consultation with sponsor, teacher and student organization. The result of questionnaires reveals
are used to analyze the students actual need in that in the aspect of objective, the students really
learning. Thus, in conducting the need analysis, prefer having learning objective that is relevant
the researcher employed observation, interview, to their study program, and prefer to be taught
and questionnaires to obtain data on the students’ using materials that are relevant to their study
need toward speaking materials used to learn program. Second, in the aspect of input, it was
speaking. found that the students need to be given language
Based on the preliminary observation, three expressions that are relevant and contextual to
main findings were obtained by the researcher. their fields, and pictures that are related to their

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

major as well. Third, in the aspect of indicator of background knowledge with English and are
speaking, the result reveals that the students want learning the language in order to communicate a
to have sufficient vocabulary focusing on their set of professional skills and to perform
specific need, materials on how the English particular job-related functions
words are pronounced correctly, materials on
grammar to make them speak English more REFERENCES
accurately, materials/activities that enable them
[1] Andriana, Gita. ( 2013). Problems in
to speak fluently based on their study program,
and materials/activities that enable the students Teaching English for Specific Purposes (
to speak fluently based on their future ESP) in Higher Education. State University
professions. Fourth, in the aspect of of Malang
methodology, the students need various speaking [2] Dar, Fatima. 2012. Textbook Materials and
activities and approach to make them develop Their Successful application in the
their speaking better. At last, in the aspect of Classroom: Implications for Language
organization, the students need well-organized Development. Volume: 2 Issue: 4 Article: 13
book to make them use the book as well in order ISSN: 2146-7463
to speak English better.
Based on the findings in need analysis, it [3] Rasekh, A.E, & Simin, S. (2011). Teaching
was found that speaking materials that specially English for specific purposes: A no man’s
designed based on the students’ field of study and land area of activity: Investigating ESP
future professions as well as speaking materials courses administered in Iranian universities.
that accommodate all indicators of speaking skill English for Specific purposes World: Online
along with other related aspects including design, Journal for Teacher,32. Retrieved from
organization and etc need to be designed. Since Articles_32/
it’s based on certain needs of the students of DOC/Simin.pd
International Relation Department, ESP would [4] Richards, Jack. 2001. Curriculum
be the important basis in developing the Development in Language Teaching.
materials. Strevens (1988) in Rasekh & Simin Cambridge University Press; UK
(2011) describes ESP as English language
teaching that is designed to meet the specified [5] Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor
needs of a learner in which ESP students are 12 Tahun 2012 Tentang Pendidikan Tinggi
usually adults who already have some

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Frisca Trioktaviani1, AnitaWiani2, and Amanda Utari3
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
[email protected], [email protected],3 [email protected]

Students’ motivation learning is assessed very important for learning process. The background of this
research is the level of students’ motivation learning in SMK Bina Wisata Lembang is less optimal. One of
factors which influences students’ motivation is learning communication which is effective. This research
aims to find the effectiveness of communication in learning and the level of students’ motivation
communication in learning and also the effects of that. This research uses descriptive and verifikatif
methods. Population in this research are 43 students of office administration in SMK Bina Wisata Lembang
as the subjects. Analisis technique that is used in this research is simple regression test. The result of present
research shows that learning communication has positive effects and significant of 37,22% toward
students’ motivation learning in SMK Bina Wisata Lembang.
Keywords: Learning Communication, Students 'Learning Motivation

change. Another factor which is bound to reduce

the motivation to learn is the subject matter itself
One of the problems encountered in the
and the teachers who deliver the subject matter.
process of learning that students' motivation to
Students complained about the delivery of
learn where motivation can improve the quality
content by teachers as being boring, too difficult,
of education. Good quality education can be
there is no benefit to daily life - today, too much
achieved by the faculty that is able to do their job
material for a limited time (Sarwono, 2007,
properly, but unfortunately the problem of low
communication teacher in delivering information
According to GR Terry in J Smith (2003, p
learning materials to students in the learning
130) Motivation can be defined as an effort for
process almost unnoticed at this time so that the
someone to finish the job with passion because
result of the students' motivation is not good.
there are goals to be achieved. Motivation to
Ecless, et al. (Hattip, 1997, p 2) concluded
learn has some of the indicators proposed by
on student motivation, as follows: 1) lack of
Wena (2010, p 33), namely: enthusiasm in
interest in school, 2) the lack of motivation of
learning, interest or attention on learning,
academic self-concept, 3) and its self-perception,
engagement in learning, curiosity in learning
4) easy to degrade sara believe him after a failure,
content, perseverance in learning, always trying
5) failure to respond to helplesness,6) easily
to try and actively cope challenges that exist in
Motivation to learn is one of the problems
of learning in students. A strong motivation in
Table 1.1 Subjects Productive Value AP
the students themselves will increase the interest,
willingness and enthusiasm high learning.
Motivation is important in learning peoses, with
the motivation of these students be diligent in
teaching and learning, and with the motivation
was also the quality of student learning outcomes
can be realized well.
Motivation to learn is influenced by several Source: List Values Administration Master Class
factors, both from within the students as well as X AP SMK Bina Wisata Lembang Odd Semester
from outside the student. Environmental changes year 2010-1014
that occur may result in students' motivation to

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Based on the observed aspects of the year increased by approximately 20%, and in 2013
2010 - 2014 the data obtained in 2010, students has decreased by about 8% and in the last year
who take remedial as much as 58% in 2011 rebound about 10% of students who take
students who take remedial decreased about remedial.
48%, in 2012 students who take remedial

Figure 1.1 Graph Earning Results The AP Administrative Class X Odd Semester 2010-2014

Based on the previous graph it can be seen teaching less suited to the school environment.
that the level results for students at SMK Bina Based on these aspects, the authors assume that
Wisata Lembang quite volatile meaning was the problems occurred mangakibatkan low level
raising and decreasing every year. In 2010 of motivation for students at SMK Bina Wisata
students who take remedial increased by around Lembang.
58% with the number of students of about 31 The author conducted observations at SMK
students and in 2011 has decreased by about 6% Bina Wisata Lembang to see aspects that
to become 52% of students who take remedial by represent students in schools, including: (a) the
the number of students is the same as the student motivation in learning activities is low,
previous year. Then in 2012 students who take (b) learning is still dominated by the teacher
remedial approximately 68% with the number of (teacher center), (c) students less pay attention to
students increased by about 40 students and in the teacher's explanation and tend to chat with
2013 students who take remedial decreased 8%, friends, (d) the language used by teachers tend to
so that students who take remedial approximately default. The characteristics of students with low
60%. In 2014 has increased from about 10% so motivation, among others, (a) rapid desperate in
that students who take remedial approximately the face of adversity, (b) are not eager to follow
70% with the number of students of about 43 the lessons, (c) is not active in the learning
students. Through these data can indicate that the process, (d) crowded with friends when the
Bina Wisata of vocational students have learning teacher presenting the material , (e) is not happy
motivation level is still low. with routine tasks, (f) can not maintain his
To know directly the students' motivation in opinion. Based on these aspects of the data
school, researchers conducted field observations obtained a few students who still do not have
are at SMK Bina Wisata Lembang. The results of compatibility with the criteria of students'
the field observations the author had various motivation in school. There are aspects that have
problems such as the learning process found not been fulfilled, namely, (a) the students'
many who were less than enthusiastic about the motivation should be enhanced in the learning
learning process, the lack of activity of students process. (b) in the learning process of a teacher
in learning, many students who are outside the must provide the opportunity for students in gave
classroom during school hours take place, the the opinion that the learning process is not
classroom atmosphere rowdy during the learning dominated by any teacher. (c) if the learning
process, many students come late to class. process there are still students who pay less
Another issue I have found in the field to the gap attention to the task of a teacher is to give a
between teachers and students, this happens warning to students. (d) use learning methods
because of a lack of good communication and that require students to be more active bertidak.
communication methods used by teachers (e) use the language that is easily understood by

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

students, so the students. Thus the authors is influence of communication influence learning
assume that the level of student motivation in on students' motivation in SMK Bina Wisata
SMK Bina Wisata Lembang still low so Lembang
important to know the factors that can affect
According to Pace and Don F. Faules in
Mulyana (2001, p. 158) "communication climate This research uses survey research
methods, descriptive and verification, in order to
can be one of the most important factors in the
productivity of the organization, because of one's obtain an overview of the communication
understanding of the communication climate will effectiveness of learning (including respect,
empathy, can be heard, quite vague, humble) is
result in motivation to work". Communication in
principle be done to find a consensus as win-win supported by observations of student activity and
solution to the various problems (Aziz, 2012). student questionnaire responses on motivation to
learn students on the subject matter productive
The learning process is essentially a process
of communication, the process of delivering a office administration. Of these variables is seen
message from a source of the message through is whether there is influence between learning
communication variables (X) on the students
the channel/ particular medium to the message
recipient (Pontoh, 2013). As a reciprocal good motivation (Y).
communication skills, students as learners should In this study a questionnaire is a tool
(instrument) primary data collection.
have good communication skills to teachers.
Communicative interactions like these that will Questionnaire or research instruments must first
bring the convenience of students and have a be tested and consists of instructional
positive impact in following the teaching and communication variables (X) and the students'
learning activities in schools (Rozaq, 2012: 2) motivation variable (Y).
The survey was conducted by using a
Learn the science of communication to the
context of learning in educational activities are questionnaire. Questionnaire that contains a list
very important for effective learning to some of questions from the variables X and Y were
distributed to 22 students in grade 21 student
extent will depend on effective communication.
Good communication between people who class X1 and X2 at the same time. Each student
membelajarkan with people who study provides received a questionnaire, once completed filled
good learning motivation and therefore
contributes to good learning outcomes as well. Testing activities of research instruments
Poor communication will lead to poor motivation include two things, namely the validity and
reliability testing. Testing the validity and
to learn.
The opportunity to communicate actually reliability is extremely important for maximizing
started by teachers in teaching, seen from the the quality of the measuring instrument, so that
errors can be minimized. Testing the feasibility
discussions and question and answer that is often
done in class. However, the expected of these instruments is done through the analysis
communication skills yet developed in learning. of reliability and validity. Data collection
instrument is feasible if it meets the requirements
Students tend to communicate less interactive,
less use of technology, less assertive and valid and reliable.
effective in the delivery of the message or The purpose of data analysis is to describe
information. The communication skills are the data and make the induction or draw
necessary to achieve success in learning. With conclusions about the characteristics of the
population. Data analysis techniques used in this
communication skills, students will easily
communicate the various matters relating to research is descriptive data analysis techniques
learning materials, both orally and in writing. and inferential data analysis techniques.
Students who do not communicate well skilled in
learning activities can cause learning outcomes
gained less than the maximum (Dipalaya, Susilo, Description of Communication Learning
and Duran Corebima, 2016). This is in line with (Variable X)
research Maryanti, et al (2012) which states that Variable communication learning in this
there is a significant relationship between study was measured using five indicators of
communication skills with students' learning indicators Respect, Empathy, Audible, Clarity,
activity. and Humble. These five indicators are broken
The purpose of this study is to describe the down into 17 statements taken as a measure of
communication effectiveness of learning, student learning communication variables, based on a
motivation level and to determine whether there calculation of 43 respondents.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Recapitulation of the above scoring more Test requirements for data analysis
clearly illustrated in the following graph: hypothesis test including normality test,
homogeneity, and linearity test.

Homogeneity Test
Table 3.2 Summary of Homogeneity

Figure 3.1 Respondents to the Communication

Variables Pembelajara Source:data processing

Based on the score of the above it can be Linearity Test

concluded "Overview of learning Calculation result that has been done can be
communication effectiveness as described in the concluded that the X and Y the linearity test
table and diagram above shows that by 36.0% obtained Fcount equal to 0.7418 with
with frequency Score 262 average - average 3.06. RJKvaluereg(a) of 79765.2093.RJK valueReg(b / a) of
If dihubunngkan with scale interpretation in table 1693.140231. RJK valuetc at 386,749.9317. RJK
4.1, these figures are in the range of scores from RatedE for 521,395.8058. The value of Ftable at
2.82 to 3.72 in the category quite effective. Thus significant level of 95% or 5% and db α TC = k -
it is empirically known that the effectiveness of 2 = 22-2 = 20 and db E = n - k = 43-22 = is F(0.05)
learning in vocational communication Lembang (20) (31) = 1.9196. Thus the value of Farithmetic <Ftable
Travel Bina is quite effective. (0.7418 <1.9196). These results indicate the
variable x (communication learning) on the
Description Variable Student Motivation variable y (the students' motivation) is linear.
(Variable Y)
Variable student motivation in this study Normality Test
was measured using six indicators of indicators Table 3.1 Summary ofNormality Test Results
enthusiasm, interest in learning, involvement in
activities in class, curiosity in learning content,
perseverance in learning, always trying. Six
indicators are broken down into 16 statements
taken as a measure of students' motivation
Recapitulation of the above scoring more
Source: data processing
clearly illustrated in the following graph:

Based on the calculation above, that proved

to communication learning has a significant
impact on students' motivation. It will be
explained and described as follows:

Analysis of Communication Learning SMK

Bina Wisata Lembang
Data obtained by processing the picture that
Figure 3.2 Respondents to the Student the rate the category of learning in vocational
Motivation Variables communication in SMK Bina Wisata Lembang
quite effective. This is evidenced by the results
The graph above shows that the average of calculation of the percentage frequency
total of 3.11. When converted to a scale of questionnaire answers.
interpretation in Table 4.1 of recapitulation score The calculation result obtained on the basis
criterion, the figure is in the range 3.00 to 3.99 or of the answers to questionnaires regarding the
are in the category of High enough. This shows learning of communication in which there are
that student motivation is perceived quite high. indicators about teaching communication can be
illustrated in the diagram below, namely:

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

the teacher so well that two-way communication

can be established.
In order to provide maximum learning
outcomes that students need motivation to learn
arising from within him that will affect the spirit
of learning thereby increasing the sense of spirit
to achieve better results. Therefore, in creating a
learning motivation to learn is affected
communication. With the clear communication
of learning in the delivery of its meaning and can
Figure 4.1 Summary of Calculation of Variable effectively improve students' motivation.
Data Communication Learning. Based on the calculation results of research
is simple regression between the variables of
learning communication on motivation to learn
Based on the data obtained by researchers then obtained a regression equation Y = 16.329
in the field can be described that for the + 0,647X. This equation implies that if the
perception of the minimum sufficient answer variable learning effective communication, the
scores are at a clear indicator (clarity) with a level of students' motivation high. from the
score of 48.1% and a maximum score enough regression model are obtained (a) of 16.329
answers are in the indicator respect (respect) with means the direction of positive regression shows
a score of 60.5%. the relationship between independent variables
and the dependent variable goes in one direction,
Analysis of Student Motivation in SMK Bina whereby any increase or decrease in the
Wisata Lembang independent variable (communication learning)
Empirically students' motivation level in will be followed by an increase / decrease in the
SMK Bina Wisata Lembang is at a fairly high dependent variable (the students' motivation).
level. It is based on the calculation of the
percentage frequency of 43 respondents answer
by 46% which is quite high in the category.
The results showed the influence of the
communication effectiveness of learning can
increase students' motivation. Learning
communication at SMK Bina Wisata Lembang,
which consists of five indicators, namely: 1)
Respect, Empathy, 3) Audible , 4) Clarity and 5)
Humble. Motivation for students at SMK Bina
Wisata Lembang, as measured by the 6
indicators, namely: 1) Enthusiasm; 2) The
interest in learning; 3) Involvement in class
activities; 4) Perseverance in learning; 5)
curiosity pasa learning content; and 6) Always
Figure 4.2 Summary of Variable Data try.
Calculation Student Motivation.
Based on the data obtained by researchers
in the field can be described that to score a This Penilitan not escape from that ideas,
minimum sufficient answer categories that are in contributions, sharring information of lecturers,
the Active indicator in Always try with a post-graduate economic education UPI. Teachers
percentage of 39.5% and the percentage of the offices. And the active role of class X AP 1 and
maximum response sufficient category currently 2 in SMK Bina Wisata Lembang, Bandung.
on indicators curiosity in learning content with a
percentage of 93.0%. REFERENCES
[1] Aziz, MA (2012). Effect of Interpersonal
Learning Communication Influence Analysis
Communication Master's in Realizing
Of Student Motivation.
Performance Achievement Motivation
Based on the theory of experts concluded
Master, 9-17.
that learning communication is essential in order
to achieve a sense of learning and students are [2] Dipalaya, T., Susilo, H., & Duran Corebima,
expected to receive the information provided by A. (2016). Available online EISSN: 2502-

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

471X Effect of Learning Strategy PDEODE [7] Pontoh, WP (2013). Interpersonal

(-Discuss Predict-Observe-Explain- Communication Role in Improving
Discuss- Explain) In contrast Against Knowledge Master Son, I(I), 1-11.
Academic Ability Communication Skills
[8] Rozaq, Fadli. 2012. Journal of Thesis:
Students, 1713-1720.
Interpersonal Communication Relationship
[3] Hattip, M. (1997). Contributions Motivation between Teachers and Students with
Against Student Attitudes and Habits. liveliness Student Class XI Automotive
Dissertation. Faculty of Graduate Teachers' Engineering Program at SMK
Training College Bandung. Unpublished. Muhammadiyah 4 Middle Klaten School
Year 2012/2013.
[4] J. Smith DFM (2003). Volume I. learning
motivation Jakarta: Erland. [9] Sarwono, J. (2007). Path To Business
Research Analysis with SPSS. Yogyakarta:
[5] Maryanti, Z & Nurfahanah. 2012.
Andi CV.
Relationship Between Communication
Skills with Student Activities. Padang: [10] Wena, Made (2012). Contemporary
Thesis not published. Innovative Learning Strategies. Jakarta:
Earth Literacy.
[6] Pace and Don F. Faules (2001).
Communication Studies: An Introduction.
Translation: Mulyana. Bandung: PT.Remaja

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Chairil Paif Pasani1, Ahmad Naparin2, Sri Hartini3
Departement of Mathematic and Natural Sciences Education, Faculty of Training Teacher and
Education, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

We have researched to identify of ratio public junior high school teachers at Hulu Sungai Selatan (HSS)
regency as efforts to provide basic data. Focus of the research is the teachers whom teach in 10 major course
on junior high school that is Religion Education, Civic Education, Indonesian Language, English Language,
Mathematics, Natural Science, Sosial Science, Physical Education Sport and Health, Art and Culture, and
Guidance and Counseling. The type of this research is a survey. Population and sample of this research are
all teachers in public junior high school who teach in 10 major subjects at HSS regency. The technique of
collecting data used observation, questionnaire, and interview. The result show that: (1) there are 68% of
all schools are overage teachers in Mathematics course, 60% of all schools are overage teachers in Natural
Science course, 44% of all schools are overage teachers in Indonesian Language course and Social Science
course, and 32% of all schools are overage teachers in English Language course; (2) there are ideal teachers
off all schools in Religion Education course, Civic Education course, and Physical Education Sport and
Health course. (3) there are 84% of all schools are less teachers in Art and Culture course, and 36% of all
schools are less teachers in Guidance and Counseling course; (4) the distribution of public junior high
school teachers at HSS regency are uneven.
Keywords: rasio of teachers, junior high school, Hulu Sungai Selatan regency

enactment of Law No.14 of 2005 on Teachers

and Lecturers. The law defines teachers as
Teaching is a changing profession and, professional educators with the primary task of
therefore, the work of teachers has been educating, teaching, guiding, directing, training,
profoundly affected over the years. assessing, and evaluating learners[4].
Intensification and bureaucratisation, increased Firestone [5] claims that ‘professionalism’
forms of managerialism, and greater is bound up in the discursive dynamics of
accountability and public scrutiny are but a few professionals attempting to address or redress
examples of the most recent changes [1]. The the dilemmas of the job within particular
terrain of teacher professionalism is highly cultures. Boyt, [6] claims that
contested, particularly within the context of professionalism consists of the attitudes and
industrial negotiations between teachers and behavior one possesses toward one’s profession.
employers. It would seem, however, that teachers It is an attitudinal and behavioral orientation that
and employers are not the only stakeholders in individuals possess toward their occupations’.
the struggle over teacher professionalism, but Recognizing teaching as a profession and
that governments, teacher unions, parent and developing professional teachers has also been
community groups and universities all play set forth as a possible solution. If teachers are to
significant roles [2]. Issues of teacher be empowered and exalted as professionals, then
profesionalism and teacher professional identity like other professionals, teachers must have the
are now evident in much research literature freedom to prescribe the best treatment for their
emerging from the USA, UK and Australia. students as doctors/lawyers do for their
Recent education reforms and the asociated patients/clients [7]; Kartowagiran [8] states that
changes in working conditions and professional teachers are professional educators, so that in
expectations have meant that issues of teacher carrying out their duties teachers apply skills,
professionalism and profesional identity are skills that meet the quality standards or certain
being contested at both the level of policy and of norms obtained through professional education.
practice [3]. The issue of professionalism of The professionalism of a teacher has an
teachers also occurred in Indonesia, with the impact on the quality of education. One of the

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

factors that influence the professionalism of attributes of the large population of which
teachers is the ratio and uneven distribution of entities are members.
teachers in schools. Head of the Human This research was conducted in 25 SMPN
Resources Development and Quality Assurance in Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency. Population and
Agency Syawal Gultom [9] said that the ratio of sample of research are all teachers who teaches
teachers to the number of learners in Indonesia is 10 major course on junior high school that is
around 1:18. The ratio is better than Korea Religion Education, Civic Education, Indonesian
(1:30), or Germany (1:20). However, it is not Language, English Language, Mathematics,
balanced with a good distribution system. Based Natural Science, Sosial Science, Physical
on a preliminary survey conducted by Education Sport and Health, Art and Culture, and
researchers at several public junior high school Guidance and Counseling.
in HSS Regency indicated that there was an Data were collected through observation,
excess ratio of teachers on certain subjects and interviews, questionnaires, and documentation.
the distribution was uneven. Data analysis in this study used quantitative
Such conditions need to be considered by descriptive. According to McMillan [11] the
the Department of Education and the Regional descriptive study simply describes a
Employment Board especially in the placement phenomenon. The description is usually in the
of new teachers or mutation to avoid excess and form of statistics such as frequencies or
shortage of teachers in schools. It is very precentages, averages, and sometimes
important to note, especially to meet the variability.
requirements for eligibility and obtain teacher
certification requires a number of teaching hours
is large enough that 24 hours per week. This is a
factor that determines the success of the Teacher ratios were analyzed based on the
needs and availability of public junior high
development efforts of professionalism and
education. Based on this, it is necessary to school teachers in HSS District in terms of the
conduct a comprehensive study on teachers of subjects and curriculum that are applicable:
Education Level Curriculum (KTSP) and
public junior high school in HSS regency. It is
expected to obtain complete and accurate data Curriculum 2013. This study focuses on the ratio
about the ratio and distribution of teachers in of teachers to the main 10 major course, namely:
Religion Education, Civic Education, Indonesian
each school for the provision of basic data so that
it can be used as a basis for teacher placement Language, English Language, Mathematics,
policy making. Natural Science, Sosial Science, Physical
Education Sport and Health, Art and Culture, and
Guidance and Counseling. Table 1 shows 12% of
all schools are overage teachers, 80% of all
The type of this research is a survey. schools are ideal teachers, and 8% of all schools
According to Sudman, [10] a’’survey” is a are less teachers in religion education. This
systematic method for gathering information indicates that Religion Education teachers in
from (a sample of) entities for the purposes of HSS regency are in ideal, but not evenly
constructing quantitative descriptors of the distributed.

Table 1. Ratio of Religion Education teachers

No Category Number of school Percentage (%)
1 Overage teachers 3 12
2 Ideal teachers 20 80
3 Less teachers 2 8

Table 2 shows 12% of all schools are in Civic Education. This shows that Civic
overage teachers, 64% of all schools are ideal Education teachers in HSS regency are in ideal
teachers, and 24% of all schools are less teachers condition but not evenly distributed.

Table 2. Ratio of Civic Education teachers

No Category Number of School Percentage (%)
1 Overless teachers 3 12
2 Ideal teachers 16 64
3 Less teachers 6 24

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Table 3 shows 44% of all schools are in Indonesian Language. This shows that
overage teachers, 32% of all schools are ideal Indonesian Language teachers in HSS District
teachers, and 24% of all schools are less teachers are overless and also the distribution is uneven.

Table 3. Ratio of Indonesia Language teachers

No Category Number of school Percentage (%)
1 Overless teachers 11 44
2 Ideal teachers 8 32
3 Less teachers 6 24

Table 4 shows 68% of all schools are Mathematics teachers. This shows that the
overage teachers, 24% of all schools are ideal Mathematics teachers in HSS Regency also
teachers, and 8% of all schools are less overless teachers and uneven distribution.

Table 4. Rasio of Mathematics teachers

No Category Number of school Percentage (%)
1 Overless teachers 17 68
2 Ideal teachers 6 24
3 Less teachers 2 8

Table 5 shows 60% of all schools are Science teachers. This shows that Natural
overage teachers, 32% of all schools are ideal Science teachers in HSS regency are also
teachers, and 8% of all schools are less Natural overless teachers and uneven distribution.

Tabel 5. Ratio of Natural Science teachers

No Category Number of school Percentage (%)
1 Overless teachers 15 60
2 Ideal teachers 8 32
3 Less teachers 2 8

Table 6 indicates that 44% of all schools are Science teachers. This shows that Social Science
overage teachers, 48% of all schools are ideal teachers in HSS Regency also overless and
teachers, and 8% of all schools are less Social uneven distribution

Table 6. Ratio of Social Sciences teachers

No Category Number of school Percentage (%)
1 Overless teachers 11 44
2 Ideal teachers 12 48
3 Less teachers 2 8

Table 7 shows 32% of all schools are Language teachers. This shows that English
overless teachers, 52% of all schools are ideal Language teachers in HSS Regency also overless
teachers, and 16% of all schools are less English and uneven distribution

Table 7. Ratio of English Language teachers

No Category Number of school Percentage (%)
1 Overless teachers 8 32
2 Ideal teachers 13 52
3 Less teachers 4 16

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Table 8 shows 0% of all schools are Culture teachers. This shows that Arts and
overless teachers, 16% of all schools are ideal Culture teachers in HSS District are less.
teachers, and 84% of all schools are less Arts and

Table 8. Rasio of Art and Culture teachers

No Category Number of school Percentage (%)
1 Overless teachers 0 0
2 Ideal teachers 4 16
3 Less teachers 21 84

Table 9 shows 4% of all schools are Health. This shows that teachers of Physical
overless teachers, 68% of all schools are ideal Education, Sport and Health in HSS regency are
teachers, and 28% of all schools are less of in ideal conditions but the distribution is uneven.
teachers in Physical Education, Sport, and

Table 9. Rasio of Physical Education, Sport and Health teachers

No Category Number of school Percentage (%)
1 Overless teachers 1 4
2 Ideal teachers 17 68
3 Less teachers 7 28

Table 10 shows 20% of all schools are Guidance and Counceling teachers. This
overless teachers, 44% of all schools are ideal indicates a less of Guidance and Counceling
teachers, and 36% of all schools are less teachers in HSS Regency.

Tabel 10. Ratio of Guidance and Counceling teachers

No Category Number of school Percentage (%)
1 Overless teachers 5 20
2 Ideal teachers 11 44
3 Less teachers 9 36

teachers, and the challenge of living in unknown

areas. As a result, remote areas usually have a
Research in Hulu Sungai Selatan shows the number of teachers who are less than the amount
ratio of teachers in course of Mathematics, needed and have teachers whose qualifications
Natural Science, Indonesian Language, Social are lower than teachers in urban areas.
Science, and English languange is overless, the Various policies were made by the
ratio of teachers in Religion Education, Civics Government to improve teacher distribution. One
and Physichal Education, Sport and Health is of the Government introduced a remote area
ideal and rasio of teachers Arts and Culture and allowance in 2007 to encourage teachers to be
Guidance and Counceling is less. The results of willing to teach in remote areas. These
this study also show the teacher distribution is incentives are likely to improve teacher
uneven. In general schools in rural and remote performance. A study conducted in Papua [12]
areas lack teachers, while schools in regency found that teachers absenteeism that received
capitals have more teachers. In addition, more incentives for teaching in remote areas was lower
qualified and experienced teachers are generally than teachers who did not receive incentives. The
concentrated in the regency capital. Uneven results also suggest that such incentives need to
distribution of teachers exacerbates be strengthened to maximize their impact on
inefficiencies and strengthens the pattern of teacher distribution.
imbalances. The cause of uneven distribution of In addition, the distribution of teachers is
teachers is that teachers are reluctant to teach in regulated through a letter of mutual agreement
remote environments. This is influenced by signed between October 2011 between The
several factors, among others: the availability of Ministry of Education and Culture, the Ministry
adequate shelter, schools for the children's own of State Apparatus Empowerment and

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Bureaucratic Reform, and the Ministry of Home junior high school teachers at HSS regency are
Affairs. These measures were taken to overcome uneven
the dilemma to solve the problem of distribution Base on the results obtained in this study
of teachers [9] In the implementation of the suggested the following matters: (1) improving
distribution of teachers through a letter mutual the recruitment and placement of teachers
agreement has constraints. The letter mutual according to the letter of mutual agreement of
agreement often collide with Law Number 32 five ministers; (2) increasing incentives for
Year 2004 regarding regional Government. teacher placement in remote areas; (3) review
According to Siswintari [13] the decentralization opportunities to incorporate schools adjacent to
of education resulted in regional euphoria and low student enrollment rates.
tends to politicize education resulting in central
government difficulties in controlling the quality ACKNOWLEDGMENT
of education.
The authors thank to Universitas Lambung
Through various policies implemented by
the Government, it is expected that the problem Mangkurat due to the funding of BOPTN 2015
of teacher distribution can be overcome. for this research.
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Fundamental For The Consumer, United Educational Studies, vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 20-
States Of America: Pearson, 2008. 38, 2008.
[12] W. Bank, "Mendayagunakan Guru denga
Lebih Baik: Memperkuat Manajemen Guru
untuk Meningkatkan Efisiensi dan Manfaat

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Adi Suryani1, Soedarso2, Edy Subali3, Usman Arief 4
ITS (Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember)
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

Students’ learning success is not only dependent on how they think, but also how they feel. Students’
positive affection can enhance their learning outcomes, while negative emotion can significantly affect their
learning motivation, reduce energy to learn, even stimulate stress. This indicates that teachers should not
only build their students’ cognition, but also their affection. Students’ positive affection can be enhanced
through harmonious teacher-student relationship. This relationship can be disturbed when teachers or
students feel upset or dissatisfy with other party’s behavior or decision. Students’ anger and dissatisfaction
can burn teachers’ emotion and may potentially destroy harmonious relationship with their teachers. Thus,
it is significant for teachers to manage and respond to their students’ anger and feeling of dissatisfaction
wisely. This study is focused on students’ anger and feeling of dissatisfaction towards their teachers’
(grading) conduct and how teachers manage this situation. It is a qualitative-phenomenological study which
explores our relational experiences with our students. Thus, it is a self-experienced study. Some open ended
questions are used as our research instruments to express our direct experiences. The data show that conflict
and tension between teachers and students stimulate teachers’ caring behaviors. This tensions can be tools
for teachers to educate/implant positive social and emotional characters and values, including honesty,
politeness, humbleness and respect, not only for their students, but also for teachers own selves. The
teachers perform self and social emotion regulation in which they are not only controlling their emotion,
but also their students’ emotion. The teachers are also aware that restoring their relationship with their
students is significance for both teachers’ and students’ wellbeing. This study shows that students’ and
teachers’ learning excellence is not only affected by content-material development, but also teachers’
capacity to perform situated learning from their social environment and care for students’ emotion.
Keywords: teacher-student relationship, students’ dissatisfaction, teacher and student well-being, learning
motivation, students’ emotion, relational experiences

their difficult task or quiz, but also learning

implicit emotional and social content/element
Students’ academic excellence is the
from their experiences. These emotional and
combination of multifaceted elements. It is not
social learning can be stimulated from their
only determined by their cognitive capacity, but
daily/everyday learning situation. Successful
also their social and emotional capacities. Many
social and emotional learning can enhance their
cases in academic settings show that it is possible
learning character which can be invaluable asset
that bright and high intelligent students fail to
for their future learning. One of some common
adapt to their social environment or unsuccessful
social and emotional learning experiences which
to manage their negative emotion. These
students frequently encounter is feeling of anger,
incapacities may result in various learning
resentment or any emotional dissatisfaction with
problems, such as failure to cooperate with others
their teachers’ behaviour, policies and decision.
and learn from other people, unsuccessful effort
For instance, students can be angry or dissatisfied
to restore motivation from negative emotional
with their teachers’ grading behaviour or
experiences. This indicates that social and
decision. This experience can bring significant
emotional management is significance to support
impact for students if it is not managed properly.
students’ learning.
It can decrease students’ motivation to learn,
Social and emotional learning is required
increase academic stress and apathy, and
during their learning experiences. This indicates
stimulate students’ unworthy sense. Moreover, it
that it is expected that during their learning
can endanger harmonious relationship between
process, students are not only concentrating on
teachers and students. Thus, it is becoming a big

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

challenge for teachers to behave positively to positive and negative impacts [2, p.20]. Teacher-
respond their students’ anger and associated student relationship can affect students learning
feelings of dissatisfaction. since learning is “experiencing with” [3, p.26].
Teachers perform multiple roles in both Reference [3, p.18] mentions that teacher-student
their students and their own learning process. relationship also affect students’ character,
They are not only obliged to deliver materials, knowledge and understanding, and skills.
but also facilitate their students to learn. This Moreover, Bukowski and Hoza [1989, cited in 2,
indicates that teachers should guide their students p.20] mention “…the benefits of various
to be conscious of students’ own learning and be relationship provisions, such as emotional well-
able to improve their own learning through self- being, a sense of cohesion and connectedness,
knowledge exploration. Teachers are not only instrumental help, a secure base and a sense of
obliged to support their students’ cognitive- identity for promoting positive developmental
knowledge learning, but also social-emotional outcomes.” Quality of relationship also affects
learning which is frequently processed through students’ motivation in academic engagement.
direct experience. This indicates that teachers As mentioned by Connell and Wellborn [1991,
have a role to support and facilitate students’ cited in 2, p.22], social relationship satisfy an
learning from experiences which can contribute individual need of affective connectedness and
for their learning character building and becoming members of social group. Moreover,
maturity. Teachers are also should enhance and through their interaction, students expect being
always up-date their capacity through knowledge cared by their teachers which can increase their
searching and learning from experiences. It is active engagement in academic setting [2, p.22].
expected that teachers’ increased professional Students may assess how they teachers are
and self capacity can influence their students’ even before their teachers start delivering
learning outcomes. materials. Before students absorb materials
This study is focused on exploring some given, they may assess context/situation in their
teachers’ behaviour when their students are classroom. Reference [3, p.16] mentions that
angry or dissatisfied with their grading process or teachers should give positive first meeting
decision. It is relating to teacher-student experiences by planning procedures of greeting,
relationship, teacher anger management, situated how activity will be organized, boundaries and
learning and character education. how they will interact. Thus, teachers have
This study aims to explore several main power to direct and determine how teachers and
issues relating to teacher student relationship. students engage [3, p.17]. How teachers relate
Those are: with their students can increase students’ sense
1. How do some teachers respond and behave of liking to their teachers. This liking feeling
to their students’ anger and feeling of because of being cared can enhance students’
dissatisfaction? This includes teachers’ quality of work [Phelan, et., al., 1992, cited in 4,
anger management and feeling related to p.145]. Teachers should not only be smart, but
their students’ behavior. teachers’ selves are constellations of significant
2. How do some teachers repair/restore their learning elements. Reference [5, p.13] lists
relationship with their students? several components that build effective teachers
3. What the teachers can learn from their “(1) processor of desirable personal traits, (2)
experience and what they expect their users of effective methods, (3) creator of a good
students can learn or their students’ classroom atmosphere, (4) master of a repertoire
perceived learning? of competencies, (5) professional decision maker
who has not only mastered needed competencies
Many researches in the area of classroom but learned when to apply them and how to
management suggest that students’ learning orchestrate them.” Teacher-student relationship
outcomes are determined by not only what is not one way, but it is bidirectional. This means
teachers teach, but also how they teach and how that teachers’ behavior towards their students is
they relate with their students. This indicates that not only affecting students’ emotion, but also
teachers’ communication behavior is a matter. teachers’ own emotion. As mentioned by
Reference [1] mentions that teachers’ verbal and reference [6, p.458] teachers have basic need to
nonverbal immediacy affect students’ cognitive connect. Furthermore, how teachers relate to
and affective learning by influencing students’ their students can affect their belief about their
learning motivation. Teacher-student self, students, relationship with their students,
relationship involves multi-dimensions of stress and teachers’ well-being [6]. Teacher-
continuity, interdependency, shared activity, student relationship can stimulate teachers to feel
trust, intimacy, positive emotion, closure,

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

being rewarded and acquire sense of worth [6, place may have its own emotion display
p.460]. regulation, including higher education
As an individual, student has feeling, institution. McPherson et al. [2003, cited in 8, p.
preferences, subjectivity and inclinations 264] observe accepted and unaccepted emotion
towards things. When what students want is in expression rules in higher education institution
agreement with teachers, harmonious and they find “very intense and aggressive forms
relationship can be established. However, when of anger display, such as yelling at, criticizing, or
students do not agree with their decisions, they threatening students, were regarded as
may be upset, angry or dissatisfy, their inappropriate anger reactions, as students
relationship with their teachers can get worse or experiences these forms of anger display as
deteriorate. Reference [7, p.19] mentions that if violations of the expected norms. On the
it is not managed properly, students’ anger can contrary, if teachers discussed their anger with
cause discordant teacher student relationship, their students and attempted to understand their
disturbed learning, displeased with the class perspectives, students considered the teachers
activity, even withdrawal from topics. This reaction appropriate.” Reference [9, p.229]
students’ anger can also affect teachers’ mentions that one of hard elements in teaching
wellbeing. Thus, it has double impacts. profession is managing emotion to build
Students may angry because of various harmonious relationship with their students.
reasons. Frequently, they may feel being treated Teachers are expected to be able to establish
unfairly by their teachers. Reference [7, p.18] professional relationship with their students.
identifies five main causes of students’ anger: Parsons [1951, cited in 9, p.229] offers five
injustice, inflexibility, gender, ethnic issues and components: affective neutrality-affectivity,
race. Students may express their anger specificity-diffuseness, achievement-ascription,
differently. Some students may display their self-collective, universalism-particularism.
anger aggressively or passively [7, p.19].
Furthermore, reference [7] suggests several ways
to handle students’ anger: listening without
The problem of the study is explored and
interrupting, understanding students’ stand point,
displaying empathy, handling teacher’s own analyzed by using qualitative approaches.
emotion, encouraging tearful students to stay Phenomenology is used as the epistemology of
the research. This phenomenology directs and
calm and reflecting the incidents to plan future
teaching method. provides ground for collecting, viewing and
Since students’ anger can exert impact on analyzing the collected data. The data are
collected though distributing open ended
teachers and how teachers react/behave can
affect students’ future learning process, teachers questions to some teachers relating to their
should be able manage their own anger. Anger is responses and behavior to their students’ anger
and the teachers’ strategies to restore their
two-ways emotion [7, p.21]. Teachers’ capacity
to manage their negative emotion is significant relationship with their students. Their responses
since it can affect teachers’ individual stress and are compared and contrasted with my own
experiences. This indicates that direct
wellbeing and impact their teaching [8, p.262].
Garner [2010, p. 311, cited in 8, p.262] finds that experiences are our primary data. This is relevant
students can adjust to their teachers emotion to the perspective of phenomenology. As
which can positively or negatively affect mentioned by van Manen [1990, p. 26, cited in
students’ capacity to understand or comprehend 10, p.59] phenomenology involves interpreting
process which is done by researchers to
the materials or impair their learning.
Many researchers put concerns on teachers’ understand the essence of lived experience. The
emotion since it can classroom climate, students’ essence of phenomenology is comprehending the
essential meaning of daily experiences [11, p.9].
motivation and teachers’ own job satisfaction
and longevity. Reference [8] suggests that The phenomenological researchers are collecting
teachers should be able to manage and hide their data from participants who experienced the
issues, selecting key data, and finding themes
negative emotion and cover it with more positive
emotion, such as humour. Constanti and Gibbs [11, p.60].
[2004, cited in 8, p. 263] suggest teachers to
embrace emotional labor as demanded within
educational institution. “Emotional labor” refers The following section represents the
to an individual’ capacity to follow demanded data/findings, discussion and link between
particular emotion expression to reach certain job practice with educational concept.
need [Hochschild,1983, cited in 8, p.264]. Every

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

The teacher-participants are aware that “ …a) students have various personalities,
characters, motivations and goals to school. I view
teaching profession is full of challenges. One of this situation as normal things because they are
the up and down moments on becoming teachers nurtured in different family background, social
is becoming the target of their students’ anger cultural environment and school/educational
and dissatisfaction. The data show that the background…b) I observe that today’s students learn
just to get good mark, they want to achieve high
teachers view students’ anger as stimulant for GPA…c) I perceive that today’s students are
teachers’ learning, teachers’ social-humanity motivated to get good mark because they do not care
character building, teachers’ ethical-academic about quality, do not have sufficient discipline, tend
behavior and students’ learning. This is as to find instant way and they satisfy and give up so
easily…d) as a teacher, I should understand the
conveyed by the teacher-participants as follows: meaning of harmony, compromise…” (Teacher-
“…for me, being complained by my students is one of
up and down moments to be a teacher. So…if we
choose teachers as our professions, we should be Every teacher should develop emotion-
ready to be frustrated by our students…through these anger management strategies which bring
experiences and sharing with colleagues, it is constructive/positive impacts for both teachers
expected that teachers can manage their classroom
problems.” (Teacher-Participant-1)
and students.

Figure 1. Interrelationship of teachers’ learning, students’ learning and teacher-student relationship

The data show that the teacher-participants

are aware that teachers’ emotive response can “in the process to find truth, the teacher should be
transparent…” (The Teacher-Participant-1)
deteriorate their relationship with their students.
To respond, the teacher-participants perform Aftermath:
anticipatory-protective, during anger
management/strategies and aftermath behaviour. “ What we should do to restore relationship with
Below are several samples of data representing students is respecting them. As teachers. We should
appreciate and respect them. That
the teachers’ behavior and feeling. appreciation/reward can be through greeting them,
Anticipatory-protective behavior: smiling, joking, chatting…The main point is giving is
better than accepting…” (The Teacher-Participant-
“…at the first meeting, I socialize a procedure that
the students can ask their mark and convey
dissatisfaction relating to that.” (Teacher- The data also show that students’ anger and
Participant-1) dissatisfaction can be used by teachers to insert
character education. This character education is
Managing during Anger/dissatisfaction display: emerging through everyday situation. This
character education tends to be practical,
“…mistake can occur because of either the students
or the teacher. If, it is coming from me, I should ask
emerged and learned through direct experience.
apology and fix the mark. But if it is coming from the The data also show that this experience is not
students, they are expected to accept the mark.” only stimulating teachers to educate their

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

students, but also encouraging their own selves various environment backgrounds. It is vital for
to learn from experience. teachers to stay calm and use unemotive
language/tone of voice [7, p.20]. Besides self
“values which I hope my students can learn are: a) regulation, the teachers perform social regulation
honesty, b) ethic (politeness), c) being humble, d)
capacity to express their view and argument, e)
in which they educate their students to be polite
capacity to accept fact, f) capacity to forgive and ask and aware of the ethic in communication.
forgiveness, g) self-awareness on human nature …to Teachers’ behavior in responding their
avoid arrogance…things which I can learn for my students’ anger or feeling of dissatisfaction can
own are: a) students have rights to express what they
feel deserve to get, b) follow social norm, c)
be divided into three main categories: avoiding,
maintaining relationship.” (The Teacher- managing and restoring. Avoiding/protecting is
Participant-1) performed by inserting rules/procedures that
students can confirm the result of their evaluation
to their teachers in their first meeting. This
indicates that teachers aim to develop
Teachers are not only responsible for harmonious teacher-student relationship through
facilitating students’ cognitive learning, which is open classroom communication. Supportive
frequently clearly stated in the curriculum, but
relationship can be established by teachers
also assuring that the students acquire social and through in and out classroom communication
emotional competencies. These competencies [18, p.19]. The teachers tend to listen attentively
are frequently not directly stated in the
and passively when their students are angry or
curriculum and difficult to measure, yet it can expressing felling of dissatisfaction as the
significantly support and sustain students’ manifestation of respecting their students’
success. Emotion control and emotionality voices/feelings. To manage students anger, while
substantively determine students’ academic maintain their own self-respect, teachers should
success [Blair, 2002, cited in 12, p.180].
listen all students’ feeling without interrupting
Students’ academic emotion, if it is not and challenging/attacking their students [18,
regulated/controlled, this emotion can affect p.19]. The data also show that the teachers
students’ future/next learning process. This is
perform relationship restoration by engaging in
because emotion can stimulate cognitive and short informal conversation with students outside
physiological changes and the following classroom. The out-class-communication can
behavior, even it can persist across different
increase trust in teacher-student relationship [18,
situation [13]. Furthermore, anger may cause p.214]. How the teachers behave to their students
decreased social support and heighten an reflecting the balance of control and affiliation.
individual’s loneliness, which may impact on
Control represents power, while affiliation is
development of self-esteem [14]. Thus, it is manifested in emotional closeness [Gurtman,
important for teachers to regulate his/her own 2001; Kiesler, 1996, cited in 2, p.4]. Control is
emotion and their students’ emotion. Well being
manifested in how teachers arrive at their
can be achieved through emotion regulation decision to maintain their students’ grade or
[Gross & John, 2003, cited in 15, p.250]. change it, while affiliation is represented in how
Teachers’ responses may affect teachers’ well
they keep on giving support and emotional back
being. Professional/self satisfaction and up for their students to learn more.
professional identity. This indicates that there is The data also show that the teachers are not
a reciprocal relationship between teacher-student only managing students’ emotion, but also
relationship, teacher-student behavior and expect that this experience can be a good teacher
teacher-student well being. Teacher-student
to learn and practice good conduct. By
relationship tends to be bidirectional [16, p.626]. responding in wise manner, the teachers are
Thus, teachers are obliged to create positive showing and exemplifying good conduct to their
classroom climate through establishing
students. Moral character should be imparted
supportive and connected relationship [17]. through “teaching and exhortation” [19, p.25].
The data show the teacher participants This experience can be part of lifetime process in
perform self and social regulation. This self
which students constantly learn and practice their
regulation is reflected through inward self character. Reference [19, p.23] mentions that
awareness to calm down their own selves. They character education is not an instant process, but
develop tolerance on their students’ human
it developed and practiced through long time
nature to seek for fairness, objectivity and process. The teachers are not only educating
truthfulness. They are also aware that their performance character, but also moral character.
students have different personalities which they
The moral character is manifested in how the
bring and characters as nurturing process of students should convey their anger/feeling of

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Yuli Bangun Nursanti

The purpose of this research was to produce a mathematical learning of PEMATERI model that came with
the measures valid, practical, and effective. This study development a learning mathematical of
PEMATERI models device and learning support to students of class XI SMA second semester. Learning
Model consists of syntax, the social system, the principle of reaction, support systems, and the impact of
instructional and accompanist. Learning support device consists of a lesson plan (RPP), sheet activities of
learners (LK) and achievement test (THB). Learning model development starts from a) the preliminary
study stage, b) the model development stage, and c) the test phase effectiveness model that includes stage
learning model developed PEMATERI. Aspects of the development of product quality refers to the quality
of the product development according to Nieveen which consists of three aspects, which are valid, practical,
and effective. Subject research trial that is class XI IPA second semester. Instruments in this study consisted
of 1) the validity of the instrument consisting of a sheet of validity Component Model Indonesian Realistic
Mathematics Education (PMRI); 2) Practicality instrument consisting of practicality evaluation sheets
teachers and learners; and 3) the effectiveness of the instruments comprising achievement test and
questionnaire character of students in learning math of the PEMATERI models.
The tests showed the learning model that includes syntax, the social system, the principle of the reaction,
and the impact of instructional and companion fit for use with very valid category. The trial results indicate
the level of practicality of teacher assessment at all meetings of the average meets the criteria very practical.
In addition, the level of practicality based on the assessment of learners also indicated that mathematics
learning model PEMATERI have met the criteria very practical. The effectiveness learning of the
PEMATERI model based on the results of THB has met the criteria effectively with the percentage of
classical completeness achieved by 76%. The effectiveness of mathematics teaching model through the
PEMATERI models significantly to the improvement of learning outcomes and strengthen the character of
learners compared with conventional, proven by cognitive value, the average learning outcomes of the
groups using the model PEMATERI= 4.10> 3.44 mean learning outcomes using the conventional group.
As well, the value of the character group of experiments above the group average Conventional, that is
4.10> 3.06.
Keywords: Model of Learning, Mathematics, PEMATERI, characters, High School Wonogiri

in schools can influence the mindset of a nation

in the face of a constantly changing and evolving
Mathematics is one of the basic lessons
era. The era of change does not mean that
taught from elementary school in formal and
learners are only required to have good
non-formal level. Mathematics is a deductive
competence in the subjects in school, but also
science, in this case as an ornate science, to learn
have the personality or character that applied in
it is not enough just by rote and reading, but it
real life.
requires thought and understanding.
Meanwhile, in the direction and policy of
Mathematics is a very useful science to solve
education priorities in senior high schools it is
problems in everyday life and play an important
asserted that character education has become an
role in the development of science and
integral part of the effort to achieve the vision of
national development formally set forth in Law
The above description is reinforced by the
no. 20 of 2003 on National Education System,
opinion of Suherman (2003: 56) which states that
Law no. 17 Year 2007 on the National Long
the function of mathematics subjects is as a tool
Term Development Plan 2005 - 2025, PP No.19
of thought, and science or knowledge. Thus it can
of 2005 on National Education Standards,
be said that the success of learning mathematics

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Presidential Regulation no. 5 Year 2010 on the learn and fear for them. This is in accordance
National Medium Term Development Plan 2010- with the opinion Ruseffendi (in Puspita, 2009:
2014, Presidential Instruction No. 1 Year 2010 23) which states that the lesson of mathematics
on the Acceleration of National Development (exact science) is generally a subject that is
Year 2010. unpopular. The assumption is already attached to
Based on observations made by researchers the students, so that a negative impact on the
found various problems related to the process of learning mathematics. The problems
implementation of character education in often encountered in the learning of mathematics
subjects especially mathematics. From the that the majority of teachers in teaching is still
observation that learners still feel reluctant or less attention to the ability to think learners, or in
even afraid to study mathematics because too other words not doing meaningful learning. In
many formulas to be learned, mathematics is addition, the lack of accuracy in determining the
considered a boring lesson, because the objectives and practice of mathematics learning
mathematical material is abstract then, learners today, the practice of learning mathematics is
find it difficult to understand and confused in less balanced in developing the mind with the
applying the concept of mathematics in life Day- heart, less mathematical learning oriented on
to-day, tests provided teachers less stimulate the values that should be internalized, educational
mind and creativity of learners. practices and less mathematical learning
The various problems above lead to low appreciate human humanity. The following table
ability of learners knowledge (cognitive) but also presents the percentage of strengthening the
aspects of attitude (attitude). Most learners still character values of high school students of class
consider mathematics to be a difficult subject to XI semester 1:

Table 1.1 Percentage Strengthening Character Values Students High School Class XI IPA Semester I
Based on Results Distribution Questionnaire
Percentage Strengthening Values Character
Character Values
Year 2013
Attempts to know more deeply and extensively from 72,71
mathematics on the derived matter of the function he
studied, viewed, and heard
Serious efforts, in overcoming the various barriers to 58,95
learning and the task of derived mathematics of
material functions, and complete the task of
mathematics derived material functions as well as
Thinking and doing things to produce new ways or 55,13
results from the mathematics of the derivative material
the functions already possessed.
The way of thinking, acting, and acting that judge 59,45
equally the rights and obligations of himself and others.
Actions in problem-solving or problem-solving 66,65
exercises, conducting discovery activities, conducting
questioning related to mathematical material and
linkages with contextual issues with the value of
Actions that show the pleasure of talking, getting 71,98
along, and working with others
Attitudes and behaviors that are not easy depend on 71,52
others in completing tasks.

Furthermore, the average value of UN High

School mathematics subjects in Wonogiri
District in 2012, as follows:

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Table 1.2 Percentage of UN Average Score of High School Year 2012

School Status UN Average Score
State School 5.95
Private School 4.69
School Average 5.32

Problems in learning mathematics and strengthening the value of the characters above, the researcher
suggests one effort for character education this study adapted the model of Sukmadin theory
can be embedded in the learners by collaborating which was divided into three stages, namely (1)
with the subjects, one of them is mathematics. In preliminary study, (2) model development, and
mathematics the most important is not ability, but (3) model effectiveness testing .. The sample in
rather attitude. This suggests that without this study was taken by stratified cluster random
sufficient initial knowledge of mathematics, one sampling technique, Sample got sample of
can succeed in mathematics, provided that it has research that is SMAN 1 Jatisrono amounted 2
a supportive character and attitude in learning class as control and experiment class, SMAN 1
mathematics (Prabowo and Sidi, 2010: 169). Purwantoro taken 2 class as experiment and
The researcher then did the development of control, and SMAN 1 Sidoharjo taken 2 class as
mathematics learning model with the approach of control class and experiment. The research
Inquiry of Realistic Indonesia-based variables consist of independent variables of
Mathematics Education which abbreviated with learning model PEMATERI and dependent
PEMATERI. The PEMATERI learning model variable that is test result of learning
develops cognitive and psychomotor abilities, as mathematics and character of learners.
well as affective (characters), which impact on Instruments that have been validated in.
increasing the character's values by way of This study includes an instrument to assess
internalizing the characters' values in learners. product quality that includes aspects of validity,
Thus, it is expected that the model of learning practicality, and effectiveness. Data collection in
that researchers develop with the name this research use documentation method,
PEMATERI really contributes to improve the questionnaire, and test method while t test is used
quality of mathematics learning and the to analyze attitude questionnaire data.
increasing values of the character of the students
in his hands.
Thus, the purpose of this research is to
The development of the mathematics
know the development of mathematics learning
model through the model PEMATERI in an learning model through the PEMATERI model
effort to improve learning outcomes and using the Sukmadinata theory is divided into
three stages: (1) preliminary study, (2) model
strengthen the character of learners. In addition,
this study also to determine the effectiveness of development, and (3) model effectiveness
learning models PEMATERI as an effort to testing. The syntax of PEMATERI mathematics
learning syntax consists of steps that are (1)
improve learning outcomes and strengthen the
character of learners. orientation on the problem, (2) learners'
organization to learn, (3) problem solving
individually or group, covering stage: (a)
formulating problem, (b ) Proposed a hypothesis,
The research method uses research and (c) planned problem solving, (d) made
development research and development (R & D), observations and data collection, (e) data
which is a research method used to produce a analysis, (f) conclusions and findings. (4) discuss
specific product and test the validity and answers and presentation of the work, and (5)
effectiveness of the product. The procedure in analysis and evaluation.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Table1.2. Performance Percentage of Mathematics Learning PEMATERI

Percentage (%) of implementation at the meeting
No Syntax
1 Orientation on
Contextual 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
2 Organisation of
66.67 100 100 100 100 100 67 67
learners to learn
3 Trouble shooting
individually or in 100 83.34 83.34 100 66.67 100 50 66.67
4 Discuss the
answers and
80 80 80 100 80 100 100 80
5 Making
100 50 100 100 100 50 50 50

Based on Table 1.2 it can be seen that the Mathematics learning has been entrenched in the
principle of learning reaction mathematics daily life of learners.
PEMATERI can be created at every meeting.
The social system starts to be done 100% at the
second to sixth meeting. At the seventh and final
meeting there are some learners who do not Through the stages of model testing both
perform the problem-solving process. qualitatively and quantitatively can be known the
Furthermore, the supporting system of effectiveness of the PEMATERI learning model.
PEMATERI mathematics learning model began The activity continued with the implementation
of effectiveness test through quasi experiment in
to be fulfilled at the second meeting until the last.
The planting of character values is an effort SMA Negeri 1 Jatisrono (high group), SMA
to internalize the values of characters contained Negeri 1 Purwantoro (medium group) and SMA
Negeri Sidoharjo in Wonogiri (low group) was
in SMA Mathematics Learning to Wonogiri High
School students such as religious, nationalism, able to improve the quality of learning.
love of the homeland, willing to sacrifice, Based on the hypothesis test, it is known
that H0 is rejected, it means there are differences
appreciate achievement, reading, critical,
discipline, social care , Independent, creative, in the effect of learning models on the learning
honest and hard work. These values are outcomes of learners. To find out which one is
better, it should be seen in the following table.
integrated in Syllabus and RPP, implemented in

Marginal Rate Table of Learning Result Test

Early Ability MargRate
High Med Low
PEMATERI 87.25 86.13 83.63 85.67
Conventional 78.88 78.13 77.38 78.13
Marginal Rate 83.07 82.13 80.51

From the table above shows that the of learning outcomes of students in class XI IPA
effectiveness test result of test results on after following the learning of mathematics
experimental group has a marginal rate of 85.67 PEMATERI that is 85.67 for the experimental
is greater than the control margin average group and 78.13 for the control group
(conventional) of 78.13. One criterion of the (Conventional) .KKM value that must be
effectiveness of PEMATERI learning model in achieved Ie75.
development research is indicated by the Based on the hypothesis test, it is known
strengthening of competence of learning that H0 is rejected, it means there are differences
outcomes that the learner achieved. Based on the in the effect of learning models on the character
results of competency achievement test using values of learners. To find out which one is
THB, as shown in Table 4.21, the marginal rate better, it should be seen in the following table.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Marginal Rate Table of Strengthening Character Value

Early Ability Marginal Average
High Med Low
Learning Model PEMATERI 118.03 113.94 112.03 114.67
Conventional 88.56 84.91 82.16 85.21
Marginal Average 103.30 99.43 97.10

From the table above, it is known that the [6] Cooke, B.D., & Buchholz, D. (2005).
result of the effectiveness test of the Mathematical Communication in the
strengthening of character values of Classroom: Teacher Makes a Difference.
experimental group learners (PEMATERI) has a Early Childhood Education Journal, 3(6),
marginal rate = 114.67 greater than the control 365-369.
margin average (Conventional) of
[7] Depdiknas. (2003a). Curriculum 1994:
85.21.Meanwhile, from the questionnaire
Standard of Competence for Math in High
attitude attitudes of participant characters
School and Islamic High School. Jakarta:
Educate on learning PEMATERI as presented in
Table 4.22., It can be said that learners have
strengthened the values of character as a school [8] Dick W. and Carrey L, (1985). The
culture on the model of mathematics learning systematic Design of Instruction. Second
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Based on all the above studies it can be Kim, Sang-Hyeok Lee, Hyuncheul Lim, and
stated that the development of PEMATERI Jane Yoo. mathematical model for volatility
mathematics learning is a learning that has been flocking with a regime switching mechanism
tested validity, practicality, and effectiveness, so in a stock markeMathematical Models and
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Education, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta.
And the authors' declare that there is no conflict Indonesia. Jakarta: Pustaka Jaya.
of interest regarding the publication of this paper [13] Kohlberg, L. (1973). The Calim to Moral
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[5] Budiyono. (2003). Educational Research
Indones8-10 November 2010.
Method. Surakarta: UNS Press.

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[16] Putra, N. (2012). Research & Development, Berns, J. Sestefano, & S.Pritz. (Core Team).
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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Zahra Nugraheni1, Budiyono2, Isnandar Slamet3
Magister Department of Mathematics Education, 3 Department of Mathematics and Science
Sebelas Maret University
[email protected]

This study examined whether there was different geometry strategic competence between sexes by using
mix method research. In quantitative stage, there were 60 Junior High School students (consist of 34 girls
and 26 boys) were chosen using classified random sampling and given geometry scholastic task of strategic
competence. The score obtained was analyzed by using independent t-test to compare the mean value of
score between two groups. In qualitative stage, the score obtained was classified into high, medium, and
low level. Semi-structured interview was conducted to six students (3 girls and 3 boys) whom represented
each level as subjects. It purposed to determine the natural differences in strategy use between sexes. The
result obtained that there was no different in geometry strategic competence between girl and boy. Girl
students had more positive attitude than boys toward mathematics problem in the low level score and had
the same strategic competence with boys in the medium level score. In the high score level, boy students
were likely to use insight strategies to solve problems whereas girls likely to use algorithm strategies.
Keywords: sex difference, geometry, strategic competence

In mathematics education, Ref. [2] state that

mathematical proficiency is a goal of mathematics
During this globalization era, there were
learning process. Mathematical proficiency consist
needed so many improvement in all aspect,
of (1) conceptual understanding, (2) procedural
especially in science and technology. Based on
fluency, (3) strategic competence, (4) adaptive
14 principles of Kurikulum 2013 [1], education
reasoning, and (5) productive disposition. Among the
must promote the development of personal skills,
five strands of mathematical proficiency, this study
thinking skills, social skills, academic skills, and
focused on strategic competence as an ability to
vocational skills. All these skill needed to create
formulate, represent, and solve mathematical
the balance of hard-skill and soft-skill. In soft-
problems. Thus, strategic competence has high
skill needed high capability of analyze as the
correlation with geometry problem solving process.
demand of this digital era.
Recently some research conducted to explore
Mathematics is closely related to
and create mathematical proficiency of students,
improvement of science and technology.
such as Samuelsson [3], Widjajanti [4], and Susie
Mathematics was not only worked with several
Groves [5]. They were focused on strategic
number, but also emphasized the process of
competence such Suh and Seshaiyer [6], Niss [7],
deductive thinking which is structured, logic and
Turner [8]. Ref [6] stated that strategic competence
consistent thinking. By enhancing the
included problem solving and problem
capabilities of the human mind, mathematics has
formulation which requires solving a problem by
facilitated the development of science,
performing mathematical, numerical, symbolic,
technology, engineering, business, and
oral, or graphical representation. Ref [8] stated
government. Therefore mathematics indicated as
that strategic competence as strategic thinking
one of humanity’s great achievements [2].
which are selecting or devising, and
Geometry is one of the branches of
implementing, a mathematical strategy to solve
mathematics that concern with the properties and
problems arising from the task or context.
relations of points, lines, surfaces, solids, and
Thus, in this study strategic competence
higher dimensional analogs. Geometry is closely
defined as a skill about the use of strategies in
related to daily life and technological development.
problem-solving activities, which includes
Thus, it seems necessary to raise geometry skill in
understanding, representing, and solving a problem.
learning mathematics. It can be executed by initiate
The indicator of strategic competence consist of: (a)
students with geometry problem solving.
understand the problem, (b) represent the problem

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

mathematically, symbolically, verbally, or possible that males have better spatial abilities
graphically, (c) determining the right strategy to than females. Besides, there is different of the
solve problems, (d) apply formulas or approaches to brain anatomy between males and females. In the
solve problems, (e) re-examine the solution obtained. male’s brain, the right hemisphere is thicker than
There are a lot of factor influenced the left. This is likely to be the reason that male
mathematics achievement. Researchers had been are better at spatial and mathematical abilities. In
explored these along this term. A lot of study contrast, the female brain is mostly thicker in the
discussed about the different capability of working left hemisphere, which is closely related to
on mathematics problem between boy and girl communication [16].
students and the variables along it. The previous Based on the previous discussion, the main
research findings showed that boys had higher point of this study was: (1) to compare strategic
performance in mathematical problem solving as girl competence of boys and girls in solving
has higher anxiety and lower confident than boys, geometry problems and (2) to determine the
such as ref. [9] and [10]. However, other research natural differences in strategy used based on
findings showed that there were no difference sexes.
mathematical performance between boys and girls,
in fact girls had more positive attitude in math such
as ref. [11], [12], [13]. This research findings
indicated that the difference of mathematical skill The method of this study consist of two
stage, that is quantitative and qualitative stage.
based on sexes might change dynamically.
Sex difference refers to the biological, The quantitative stage aims to know whether
chromosomal, hormonal, and internal-external there was difference mean value between boy
sexual organs between male and female [14]. Sex students and girl students. To gain the
is closely related to the body's appearance and information deeply, held the second stage, that is
qualitative stage to know how obvious problem
reproductive function between male and female,
where male produce sperm while female produce solving ability in each sex difference.
egg cells and biologically able to menstruate, In the quantitative stage, data of problem
solving ability were score of student’s
conceive, and breastfeed. Besides, sex difference
is closely related to the term of ‘gender’. But performance in doing geometry problem solving
actually, these are different. Gender can be task. About 60 students (consist of 34 girls and
26 boys) were chosen by using cluster random
interpreted as differences in the roles, functions,
status and responsibilities of men and women as sampling as a sample of population SMPN 2
a result of socio-cultural constructions Ngawi. They were given 14 geometry problems.
The score of this stage were analyzed by using
(construction) which is embedded through the
process of socialization from one generation to independent t-test to compare the mean value
the next. Therefore, sex difference is categorized between boys and girls group.
The qualitative stage were about analyzing
as male and female whereas gender is
distinguished as masculine and feminine [14]. and describing the students problem solving
Based on biology and anatomy point of ability based on the indicators that had been
discussed before. The whole score interval in
view, Ref. [15] state that androgen influence the
mathematical capability of boy and girl students. each group composed to be 3 interval score, that
A person with higher levels of androgens has is high, medium, and low. The method of
better spatial and mathematical skills. It is grouping shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Grouping Guidelines of Score

No Score Criteria Category
1. Low
2. Medium
3. High

After composed the group of score in each triangulation. This study used triangulation of
main group (that is boy and girl), for the sample method, that is compare the data of performing
taken 3 students of each subgroup that is (high, test and the data of structured interview. By this
median, low) score range by using purposive stage, the writer could indicate the obvious
sampling. The chosen students were asked to re- problem solving ability based on the sex
perform the test while given semi-structured difference. Further, the method of these stage
interview to acquire the level of problem solving were shown in the Figure 1.
ability. To obtain the data validity, used

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

solving. The result of this stage shown in Table

The first stage examined whether there was
a sex difference in students’ geometry problem

Table 3. Sex Difference to Mean Value of Task

Sex Difference N Mean Std. Dev
Boy 26 60.9250 20.67492
Girl 34 60.9904 24.43135

From the table above, known that the mean This showed that there was no difference mean
value of boy students is 60.92 and the mean value value of two groups compared. Thus, concluded
of girl student is 60.99. Standard deviation that there was no different mean value between
indicate the gap between high score and low boy and girl students on geometry strategic
score. From the Lavine Test, obtained: competence.
. . The second stage, examine how geometry
This is indicate the variance of two groups is strategic competence of boy and girl students in
equal (homogenous). Then, the significant 2-tails each score range. By using descriptive statistics
obtained: as shown in table 4, obtained the interval value as
. shown in table 5 and Table 6.

Table 4. Descriptive Statistic of Each Group

Details Boy Score Girl Score
Mean 60.9904 60.9250
Median 64.2900 64.2900
Mode 64.29 64.29
Std. Deviation 24.43135 20.67492
Variance 596.891 427.452
Range 71.43 71.43
Minimum 21.43 21.43
Maximum 92.86 92.86

Table 5.The Interval Score of Boy Group

No Score Criteria Category
1. 36.56 Low
2. 36.56 85.42 Medium
3. 85.42 High

Table 6. The Interval Score of Girl Group

No Score Criteria Category
1. 40.25 Low
2. 40.25 81.59 Medium
3. 81.59 High

The result of semi-structured interview in

each group of high problem solving ability
shown in the Table 7.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Figure 1. Method of the Study

Table 7. Sex Difference into Strategic Competence in High Score Range

Indicator High score
Boy Student Girl Student
Understanding problem Understand the problem of questions Understand the problem of questions
quickly quickly
Can write what was known specifically. Can write what was known specifically.
Can explain what the purpose of all Can explain what the purpose of all
questions clearly questions clearly
Represent the problem mathematically, Can reconstruct the shapes needed in all Can reconstruct the shapes needed in all
symbolically, verbally, or graphically. questions. questions.
Determining the right strategy to solve Can create the right, simple and quick Can write and explain the right strategy.
problems. strategy Likely to work on algorithm.
Likely to work on creative and simple
Apply formulas or approaches to solve Can apply the appropriate formula to solve all Can apply the appropriate formula to
problems, problems solve all problems
Work on task quickly Work on task thoroughly
Can work on counting number well Can work on counting number well
Re-examine the solution obtained. Can re-examine the answer by create Can re-examine the solution by recheck
another solution and check the validity the formulas and approaches used step
both of them. by step.
Can explain the way to re-examine the Can explain the way to re-examine the
solution obtained solution obtained

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

The result of semi-structured interview in

each group of medium problem solving ability
shown in the Table 8.

Table 8. Sex Difference into Strategic Competence in Medium Score Range

Indicator Medium Score
Boy Student Girl Student
Understanding problem Take times to understand the problem Take times to understand the problem
of high logical question of high logical ques-tion
Can write what is known in every Can write what is known com-
ques- tion but sometimes missed pletely.
some of them. Can explain what the pur-pose of the
Can explain what the pur- pose of the question.
Represent the problem mathematically, symbolically, Can reconstruct the shapes in all Can recons-truct the shapes in all
verbally, or graphically, questions questions
Determining the right strategy to solve problems, Can write and explain one strategy to Can write and explain one
solve problems, except in high logical strategy to solve problems, except
question. in high logical question.
Apply formulas or approaches to solve problems, Can apply the appropriate formula Can apply the appropriate formula
to solve the problems, except the to solve the problem, except the
high logical question. high logical question.
Re-examine the solution obtained. Can re-examine the solution Can re-examine the solution
obtained by checking the obtained by checking the
propriety of each step. propriety of each step.

The result of the semi-structured interview

each group of low problem solving ability shown
in Table 9.

Table 9. Sex Difference into strategic Competence in Low Score Range

Indicator Low Score
Boy Student Girl Student
Understanding problem ‐ Can’t under-stand all the ‐ Can’t understand the difficult and
question. medium question
‐ Can’t write what is known ‐ Take much time to understand the easy
completely in all questions (applicative) problem
‐ Can’t explain what the pur-pose ‐ Can’t write what is known completely.
of the problem. ‐ Can explain what the purpose of the
‐ Can’t under-stand the applicative question uncertainly.
question (such as count the ‐ Hard to understand the applicative
travelled distance by applied con- question , such as count the travel-led
cept of cir-cumference distance by applied concept of
‐ Almost easy to give up when circumference
found the difficult question ‐ When working on difficult question,
she tried to solve it even by inap-
propriate solution
Represent the problem Can’t recon-struct the shape in ‐ Can’t recon-struct the shape in
mathematicall,symbolically, all questions. medium and high logical question.
verbally, or graphically ‐ Can reconstruct the shape of
applicative question
Determining the right strategy ‐ Didn’t know the right ‐ Didn’t know the right strategy to
to solve problems strategy to solve problem. solve problem.
‐ Applied the wrong concept ‐ Applied the wrong concept to solve
to solve problem problem
Apply formulas or Didn’t apply any formula to Applied wrong formula to solve
approaches to solve problems solve problems. problems.

Re-examine the solution Can’t re-examine the solution. ‐ Can’t re-examine the solution

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Aulia Rahmawati1, Didik G Suharto2, Rino A Nugroho3
Postgraduate Program, Master of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Sebelas
Maret University, 2,3 Public Administration Department, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Sebelas
Maret University
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

This paper shares the experience of research on development planning strategy in Metro city. Metro, a city
that located in the western part of Indonesia, put education as their strategic planning goal toward the
achievement of knowledge city. The purpose of the study is to evaluate strategic planning in Metro city.
The strategic planning was started in 2005 and will be due in 2025, it means that the planning is considered
to be valid for 10 years. Mixed method research design was used in the study with qualitative approach
worked as the first phase and followed by quantitative ones in the second phase. Document analysis and
interview were used to obtain the data in qualitative phase, followed by survey in the second phase. The
purpose of the survey is to complete the findings in the qualitative phase, thus no generalization will not be
taken in this study. The result of the study shows an interesting result. The data taken from the document
analysis and interview indicate that strategic planning of Metro city has not been achieved although it has
been more than ten years from initial implementation in 2005. On the other hand the result from survey
indicates the opposite result. Most respondent thought that Metro city and its government have reached the
target in strategic planning. The result indicates that there have been inconsistencies between the
government and the public. The government, through its official and documents, indicated that the strategic
planning was not working well, while the respondents showed the opposite. Lack of communication
between government and public may be the reason behind this inconsistency. Theoretically this study
suggests further research to probe David’s strategic planning (2004), as it might need to be adjusted in
different context. Further suggestions are discussed in the paper.
Keywords: Development Planning, Strategy Evaluation, Education City

plan needs some choices (wisdom) on the way to

achieve the goal, for the example is the life
Since the autonomy era, every single condition of the society. Rinaldi (2016) said the
district have had their own authority to manage wisdom of the development of region is an
their importance which means that they have an approximation to integrate the different program
authority to rule and to develop their own region, and wisdom in local scale (region/district) to
so it is expected the development will create a build the coordination, so that increase the
good governance based on the physics, social, managerial of the government by involving some
economic and culture of every region. Every politicians to define the wisdom. Sjafrizal (2015)
single district has different focus and orientation explained about the role of the development plan
from another district. Nurman (2015) said if like the development plan of the developing
every single district has different characteristic in countries, included Indonesia, still have big role
growth from another district, the development as the instrument to push and to control the
plan become important thing which need to be development process aimed and quickly. The
concern to know the characteristic of economic, plan of the development in Indonesia keeps
social and physic of the region. Generally the growth along with the changes of era and the
characteristic of economic, social and physic of difficulties of development which are being
the region become the basic in arranging the faced.
development plan that indicates the vision and When arrange and execute the development
mission of the region. The plan is a process to plan, it needs some strategies so that
decide the goal and the steps to achieve it. development can be achieved effectively and
Rahman (2016) said that the plan is the important efficiently, as Donnelly (1984) said (in Salusu,
thing for every initiative of the development. The 2015) that to apply the strategies, we must

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

analyze how much cost and time needed and strategy to achieve Reading Society (RS) and
what the goal achieved. The decision of the Learning Society (LS). In the Long Term of
strategies usually makes the organization to have Region Development Plan (RPJPD) Metro city
commitment or aim in the long time (Robinson 2005-2025 explained that the City of education
& Pearce, 1997). For that, the strategies are has meaning that in 2025 condition of society in
expected can facilitate some plans for applying which the education have become the culture
long time execution. which is based on the religious values in the
Metro city is a city with 68, 74 km2 large or society by the steps of reading, learning,
it just 0, 19 % of Lampung province large with transformation of learning so it will make
traditional society, but it has high enough vision condition of society which is have learning
to be a city of education. In 2005, the government culture (internalizing), so that will create an
of Metro city declared the city as the city of excellent human being who has capability.
education. To reach that, the government of While prosperous means prosperity in
Metro city formulates some strategies of moral/religion, soul, mind, family and wealth
development. The strategies to achieve the vision (Bappeda Kota Metro, 2012). This research will
of Metro city as the city of education have been focus on the evaluation of Metro city vision as
decided in four steps, there are: Reading Society the city of education which has been seen from
(2005-2010), Learning Society (2010-2015), the strategies of development plan and will be
Learning Tranformation Society (2015-2020) analyzed by using strategy evaluation theory by
and Learning Internalization Society (2020- David (2004).
2025). This research will evaluate the step of

The First Activity: Review the Base of Strategy

Compare the revised internal Compare the revised external

factor evaluation with the factor evaluation with the existed
existed one one

Is it caused
significant changes?


The Third
The Second Activity: Measure the Organization Take the corrective
Works step
Compare the progress of the goal accomplishment which
is planned with the reality

Is it causes Y
significant changes? ES


Continue the step

Figure 1: Strategy Evaluation Model by David (2004)

Conceptual Framework present the policy, the proposal which is arranged

Basically, plan is the interpretation of the to achieve the plan which is mentioned on the
decision to achieve the goal. Yusoff et al (2014) goal of region foundation and the development of
explain about the purpose of the plan, the plan and strategy structure. As mentioned on UU
purpose of the region development plan is to No.25 year 2004 about National Development

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Plan System, the main aim of the development activity by David (2004) i.e. (1) review the base
plan is to support the coordination between the of strategy, (2) compare the results with the
subject of development, make sure the integrity, reality, and (3) take some corrective
synchronize and synergize between region, make measurement to make sure the performance is
sure the connection and consistency between the appropriate with the plan. In the first activity, the
plan, the cost, the implementation and control, indicator of internal and external factor also use
optimize the participation of the society in the the environment observation indicator of strategy
plan of foundation, also make sure the management model from Hunger & Wheelen
achievement of the use of sources effectively, (2003) which means the internal factor indicator
efficiently and fair. The development plan is that will be reviewed in this research, they are the
conducted for achieving the aim of the region and structure culture and the natural resources.
it can be shown on that region vision. Since 1990 Structure is the way how the organization runs
the vision has been become the important along with the communication, authority and the
instrument to decide the priority of the society current work. Culture is the pattern of the belief,
and to develop the purpose of the region hope and values which are distributed by the
continuity (John et al, 2015). This approximation member of organization. Natural resources are
(region vision) in the urban plan can promote the the assets which are include with people skill,
region and as direct innovation and also the ability, and gift managerial, such as wealth assets
decision interpretation at the city in some and internal region functional facility. While the
aspects. Moreover, it is disposed to solve the external factor indicators are the social
continuity difficulties and facilitate the environment and the work environment. The
continuity of the development transition work environment includes of elements or group
(Ferguson, Frantzeskaki, & Brown, 2013; which are directly influence or influenced by the
Minowitz & Wiek, 2012; swilling, Robinson, main operations of the organization of social
Marvin, & Hodson, 2011; UN Habitat, 2010 at environment included general power. Several
Jhon et al, 2015). Vision is the process of the plan aspects that includes the social environment are
which has strategic characteristic (Chen et al, economic, socio-cultural, technological and
2015). Koncoro (2004) said that the formulation political-legal
of the vision is very important as the aim of the
strategy and the orientation to implement the
formulated strategy. Besides, the vision can be an
instrument to promote a region or district. The research design used in this research
Oliveira (2015) said that brand of some region is was evaluative research with quantitative and
qualitative research methodology or Mixed
the efforts to increase the position of the country
or region in the purpose of infestation. Method, which evaluated the strategies of Metro
In Indonesia the vision of region can be city vision on two periods in 2005-2010 and in
2010-1015 by seeing the development
found in the region plan document (RPJPD for
long range and RPJMD for middle range), which foundation plan strategy. Mixed method model
is going to be the main priority of region used in this research was combination model,
Sequential Explanatory. This research was done
foundation for one year period in the work plan
of district government (RKPD). Then the vision in three steps, i.e., the first step is documentary
is described more concrete in the region study, the second step is interview, and the third
foundation purpose. Sjafrizal (2015) said that the step is survey. The qualitative approach was
purpose of the region development include the employed to find out how the development plan
strategy of Metro city through the documentary
condition and the result that are expected to be
achieved until the end of the period of the plan in study and interview. The quantitative approach
the certain sector and aspect to achieve the whole was conducted for answering the strategy
evaluation theory by David (2004) in which the
of development vision. So this research will see
how the planning of strategy in the efforts to first activity was reviewing the base of the
achieve the Metro city vision as the City of strategy through the survey. By this Mixed
Method, this research was looking for the
education. Therefore, this research will evaluate
the vision strategy of Metro city which has been complete understanding about the context of the
done for two periods. strategy of plan evaluation in Metro city
The strategy evaluation theory by David
(2004) is used to find out wheter the vision of The data sources in this research were the
strategy achievement needs the corrective primary data and the secondary data. The
primary data were obtained by the survey and
measurement or continue the aim of the strategy.
There are three bases of strategy evaluation interview. The secondary data were obtained

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

from documentary study. The qualitative data research was the interactive analysis technique
resources in this research were the secondary which is presented by Miles dan Huberman
data and the primary data. The secondary data (1994). It is the reduction data by decreasing the
used in this research were (1) RPJPD Kota Metro data which are not relevant with the problem, the
2005-2025; (2) RPJMD Kota Metro 2005-2010; data display is data that is presented in the table,
(3) RPJMD Kota Metro 2010-2015; (4) APBD picture which are supporting the conclusion as
Kota Metro 2005-2015; (5) Renstra Dinas the final result of the research. Besides, to
Pendidikan, kebudayaan, pemuda dan olahraga evaluate the vision strategy of Metro city,
2005-2010; (6) Renstra Dinas Pendidikan, strategy evaluation theory from David was
kebudayaan, pemuda dan olahraga 2010-2015. employed by using strategy evaluation indicator
To get the primary data of interview, the from Hunger & Wheelen. Descriptive analysis
information was obtained from: (1) Bappeda was used to analyze the quantitative data.
Kota Metro; (2) Disdikpora Kota Metro; (3)
Dinas Pustakarda Kota Metro; (4) One of the
highest decision makers in Metro city on the
period that will be evaluated in this research; (5) The city of education has been chosen by
the government of Metro city as the ideals of
The community leaders of Metro city. The
quantitative data resource is the primary data Metro city development plan. This vision is
there is the result of the survey. The sample of based on the potential of the area of Metro city
whereas ex Middle Lampung district. Metro city
the survey was 100 respondents. The respondents
were taken from every circle of the society, i.e., has excellent human being resources and social
the government of Metro city, academicians, community which has been educated in
teachers and some social groups. The aim of the Lampung Province. It can be seen in the table 1.
survey in this research was to make the invention From table 1 it shows that Human Development
Index (HDI) of Metro city becomes the highest
of the qualitative approach completely, but the
decision will not be taken in generalization. The in every year than the other district in Lampung
analysis technique of qualitative data used in the Province.

Table 1. HDI Lampung Province 2005-2015

District/ 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
66,0 66,78 67,74 68,21 68,83 60,93 61,92 62,51 63,21 63,54 64,54
Tanggamus 67,7 69,02 69,62 70,19 70,84 60,09 60,63 61,14 61,89 62,67 63,66
67,2 67,76 68,39 68,79 69,51 61,07 61,95 62,68 63,35 63,75 65,22
67,9 68,64 69,23 69,68 70,20 63,23 64,10 65,10 66,07 66,42 67,10
68,8 69,09 69,40 69,93 70,38 64,14 64,71 65,60 66,57 67,07 67,61
68,0 68,49 68,97 69,40 69,40 61,82 62,67 62,93 64,00 64,89 65,20
Way Kanan 67,4 68,08 68,46 68,98 69,46 61,27 62,04 62,79 63,92 64,32 65,18
67,8 66,20 68,63 69,14 69,14 63,21 63,67 64,11 64,91 65,83 66,08
Pesawaran - - - 68,73 69,43 58,64 59,44 59,98 60,94 61,70 62,70
73,9 73,76 74,29 74,86 74,86 71,11 72,04 72,88 73,93 74,34 74,81
Metro 74,5 75,19 75,31 75,71 75,98 71,37 72,23 72,86 74,27 74,98 75,10

The city of education which is aspired city as the city of education. As the previous
means not only on the formal education, but also explanation, the government of Metro city
the education in every aspect of life. Metro city formulates the development plan strategy to
becomes the place of study not only for the achieve the vision of Metro city as the city of
student but also for every circle. It has been seen education in four steps, they are: the first step is
from the strategy which is formulated by the produced Reading Society (2005-2010), the
government of Metro city in achieving Metro realization of the society behavior which is have

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

reading culture, the second step is produced In period 2005-2010 is the beginning of the
Learning Society (2010-2015), the realization of Metro city vision as the city of education. The
permanent behavior pattern of society and condition of education at this period was still in
becomes a good guidance for another (Self the structuring and maintenance process. So that
Responsibility / Self Adoption), the third step is the government policy of Metro city in this
produced Learning Tranformation Society period was prioritized on the formal education
(2015-2020), the realization of the distribution of especially in three aspects, i.e., increasing the
behavior pattern of society which is quality of the students, increasing the facilities
Extrapolizing (Difution), and the fourth step is and the infrastructures, and increasing the quality
produced Learning Internalization Society of human resources. Besides, to create cultural
(2020-2025) , the realization of the reading society or RS (Reading Society) the
independence of behavior culture of society or government of Metro city through the region
independence culture center (Internalization). library agency of Metro city approached the
The steps of the strategies above shows that the society in order to increase reading interest in the
government of the Metro city wants to build society. The approach for the students was done
Metro city as the city of education by applying early from pre-elementary until university. To
educational culture values in society. Every step introduce the library in the pre-elementary grade,
of strategy is focused on the behavior pattern of the goverment invited every pre-elementary
educated society. The four strategies above are school at Metro city once every week alternately.
explained in every period of RPJMD of Metro In this activity, pre-elementary students were
city. This research will evaluate the step in two introduced and explored the library of Metro city,
periods, they are the step of strategy to achieve furthermore they also chose and read books
RS (Reading Society) and LS (Learning which they loved in order to increase reading
Society). interest early. In elementary grade, a part of
In the first step or period (2005-2010), it students have been familiar with the library of
was intended to establish the basic framework of Metro city because they have been introduced
study, progress and prosperity of the region in when they were on the pre-elementary grade. For
order to create the behavior of society which has the elementary school around the library of
reading culture. The basic framework of region Metro city, a part of students are coming there
progress was created based on the structure of the after school. In junior and senior grade, schools
room area layout, infrastructure maintenance, gave some exercise to find out some references
also the improvement of apparatus quality and from the books in the library of Metro city. In
institutional management in every division. This approaching general public, the library agency of
step was directed to the maintenance and the Metro city created smart house program. Smart
restoration of the exist condition such as social house program is downtown library program
and religious condition, facilities and which has been served in every village in Metro
infrastructure, health service and the quality of city since 2006. Smart house library of Metro
human resources, so that the improvement and city served public books which relate with the
prosperity could be achieved quickly. The Goal life of the people in society. Such as cooking
in this period was to create RS (Reading Society) book, gardening book, farming book etc. next
in the society of Metro city. RS (Reading Society) there was also the mobile library program which
can be produced if reading becomes culture and distributed books to increase the reading interest
needs in the society. To create RS (Reading of society, the mobile library went around four
Society) the government of Metro city times a week from school to school and also
determined the policy in education sector to prison.
produce the quality of human resources through The government of Metro city did many
formal and non-formal education, and increase things through the programs above to increase
the quality and the relevancies of education. The the reading interest in the society and to create
strategy taken by the government of Metro city RS (Reading Society). But that programs have
to execute the policy was upgrading the quality not used yet by all of people in Metro city
of human resources in education which is based because they are still have low consciousness.
on the faith and belief, science, technology and Until this time those programs are used only by
cultured; teaching system development and few people in the society of Metro city.
efficient education curriculum, integrated and According to the result of interview conducted
right on target; increase of the quality and by the government of Metro city, whereas one of
competitiveness of the college; increase of the factors that RS have not been achieved yet is
education facilities and infrastructure. because people in the society still have low
consciousness and participation. From the result

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

of documentary study, it also found out that the down the television from 18.00 till 21.00 for
amount of visitor in the library include of the learning especially for the students. But those
kind of achievement indicator of main work in programs were not supported by some
Metro city (IKU). In RPJMD of Metro city 2010- socializations and continuity monitoring.
2015 was recorded that in the beginning of the Besides, the role of the society itself especially
period (2010), the amount of the library visitors for parents had low consciousness of
in a year were 53.549 and the target of the end of participation in order to create conducive
the period (2015) reached 315.000. But in fact, at situation at the learning time program. So that
the end of period the amount of library visitors program could not be maximized.
were just 55.262 people in a year. This Metro city as the city of education can be
achievement is so far from the target. It can be realized in phases like the strategy which is
one of indication that RS have not been achieved formulated in the step of foundation in RPJPD
till the end of the second period. So it can be Metro city 2005-2025. So LS (Learning Society)
concluded that RS could not be realized yet till will be realized if the RS (Reading Society)
the end of period 2010-2015. realized as well. The result of analysis of study
Furthermore the period 2010-2015 was documentary and interview in this research find
aimed to increase the progress and prosperity of out that until the end of period 2010-2015 RS
the region as learning process in the (Reading Society) has not been realized yet, so it
establishment of the behavior pattern of society can be said that people of Metro city are not
which is established. In this step, those activities ready to realize LS (Learning Society). Peoples
preferred for increasing the human resources of Metro city are still need to be strengthened on
through the understanding of social and religious the RS (Reading Society). But the different result
values in the society. The existed social and is found out from the analysis of strategy
religious values were shown from the expansion evaluation theory with the evaluation strategy
of social and religious institution which has been theory by David (2004). The first activity in this
build, so people would understand the values theory is reviewing the base of strategy. The base
which has been exist to build an ethic society and of strategy in this case reviews the internal factor
religious in life. The partnership of the of environment and the external factor of
government and the city stakeholders was kind of environment are changed significantly or not. To
cooperation between agent of development analyze it in the vision of Metro city, the
which has synergy and also standing for the law researcher conducted survey for 100 respondents
which is occured. It will grow believes and consist of the government, teachers, college
become public guidance. The Goal of this period students, and social community.
was to create LS (Learning Society) in the The indicator of internal fator consists of
society of Metro city. LS (Learning Society) can structure, culture and resources, while the
be realized if learning become culture in the indicators of external factor consist of the social
society, it means that learning about every aspect environment and the work environment. Those
of life has been become culture in the society. For indicators are taken from the observation of
realizing LS (Learning Society), the government environment based on strategy management
of Metro city determined some strategies which model by Hunger & Wheelen (2003) and they
were taken, there are: certification of the breaks down into 16 questions with sub-indicator
educators; preparing the religious educators and from each indicator as follows:
religious activity; increasing the reading interest 1. The internal factors of environment
and learning culture in the society; giving a. Structure indicator, with sub-indicators;
facilities for the learning community in the 1) Communication
society; supplying facilities and infrastructures 2) Authority
of the house of worship and religious education. 3) Current works
The difference between the strategy of this b. Culture indicator, with sub-indicators;
period and the previous period is in the previous 4) Belief
period, the strategy which was made just focused 5) Hopes
on the formal education and the strategy of this 6) Values
period focused on the non-formal education like c. Resources indicator, with sub-
religious education which is increased. In order indicators;
to realize the LS (Learning Society), the 7) Skill
government of Metro city made learning time 8) Managerial
program (JBM). Through the learning time 9) Facilities
program the government of Metro city asked
every people to support the program by shutting

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

2. The external factors of environment shows that peoples of Metro city consider the
a. Social environment indicator, with sub- social environment indicators are experiencing
indicators; significant changes on the vision strategy of
10) Economic power Metro city as the city of education. The most
11) Technology power experiencing factor which is change significantly
12) Politic-law power is economic power. In the work environment
13) Socio-cultural power indicator, there are 221 answers or 74% declaring
b. Works environment indicator, with sub- very agree and agree with, 70 answers or 23%
indicators; declaring neutral, and 9 answers or 3% declaring
14) Government not agree and so do not agree with. It shows that
15) Society peoples of Metro city consider the works
16) Competitors environment indicators are experiencing
significant changes on the vision strategy of
Every question has 5 answer choices, they Metro city as the city of education. The most
are very agree, agree, neutral, not agree, and so experiencing factor which is change significantly
do not agree. For very agree and agree answers is society.
are classified as YES answers, while not agree Overall the result of the survey between
and so do not answers are classified as NO internal and external factor of the environment
answers. The result of this survey shows in the shows that the most experiencing factor which is
structure indicator that there are 251 answers or changes significantly in the internal environment
84% declare very agree and agree with, 45 is structure indicator and the most influential
answers or 15% declare neutral and 4 answers or factor in the external environment is social
1% declare not agree. It shows that people of environment. In the internal factor there are 690
Metro city consider the structure indicators are answers of very agree and agree with, which
experiencing significant changes on the vision of means that 77% for answering YES, there are 68
Metro city as the city of education. The most answers of not agree and so do not agree with or
experiencing factor which is change significantly 8% for answering NO, and also 142 or 16% for
is communication. For culture indicator, there are answering neutral. While for the external factor
235 answers or 78% declaring very agree and there are 465 answers of very agree and agree
agree with, 41 answers or 14% declaring neutral with, which means that 66% for answering YES.
and 24 answers or 8% declaring not agree and so There are 53 answers of not agree or so do not
do not agree with. It shows that people of Metro agree with or 8% for answering NO, and 182 or
city consider the culture indicators have 26% for answering neutral.
significant changes on the vision strategy of The analysis result on the first activity of
Metro city as the city of education. The most strategy evaluation theory by David (2004)
experiencing factor which is change significantly shows that the perception of Metro city people
is values. Furthermore in resources indicator, assesses the significant change in the internal and
204 answers or 68% declaring very agree and external environment achievement of Metro city
agree with, 56 answers or 19% declaring neutral, vision as the city of education. Based on the
and 40 answers or 13% declaring not agree and strategy evaluation theory by David (2004) in the
so do not agree with. It shows that peoples of figure 2, without continuing the second activity
Metro city consider the resources indicators have from the result, it can be concluded that the
significant changes on the vision strategy of government of Metro city must take the
Metro city as the city of education. The most corrective step in order to continue the vision of
experiencing factor which is change significantly Metro city as the city of Education. In this case
is skill. the government needs to continue the strategy of
Furthermore for social environment Learning Transformation Society. For clearly
indicator, there are 244 answers or 61% declaring explanation about evaluation strategy theory by
very agree and agree with, 112 answers or 28% David (2004), it can be seen in figure 2 as
declaring neutral, and 44 answers or 11 % follows:
declaring not agree and so do not agree with. It

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Figure 2: Strategy Evaluation Theory by David (2004)

According to picture 4, it can be seen that will make the implementation of the plan easier
there is discrepancy between the result of for long time. The strategy is expected to give
strategy evaluation theory by David (2004) with more significant guidance, so the implementation
the result of the analysis of documentary study will be suitable with the expectation. The
and interview. From the result of the research of Urgency of the strategy also delivered by Joel
documentary study and interview about the Ross in David (2004) who said that without
achievement of Metro city vision, Metro city has strategy, some organization just like a war ship
not succeed to achieve the vision as the city of without control which is just go around in the
education which is seen from the development circle. So the strategy in plan and implementation
plan strategy by the government of Metro city, of the development becomes critically important
Metro city was not capable to realized the RS to be implemented. The strategy which has been
(Reading Society) in period 2005-2010 and LS made must be implemented constantly.
(Learning Society) in period 2010-2015. In other Based on the result of the research, the
side, the result of survey from Metro city people development plan and strategy, Metro city has
shows that people’s perception about significant not succeed yet to achieve the vision as the city
change in the internal and external environment of education, while Metro city citizen perception
of Metro city vision as the city of education. In claim that Metro city has been successful become
other words, peoples of Metro city consider that the city of education. This result of the study is
Metro city has been succeed become the city of not suitable with the evaluation strategy theory
education in two periods. If this situation is seen by David (2004) about the vision of Metro city
from another perspective from David’s strategy that must take some corrective steps to continue
evaluation theory, it will be meant as success of the strategy to be Learning Transformation
strategy and must conduct the corrective step to Society because the vision has been achieved.
continue the strategy for the next level, in this Otherwise the reality shows that it must continue
case to continue the strategy of Learning the strategy of RS (Reading Society) because the
Tranformatioan Society. But the reality is not vision has not been achieved. But the survey in
suitable with this theory, in which the this research was done with limited respondent
government strategy to realize the vision is not and it was not capable yet to represent the entire
achieve and the government must be focus to citizen of Metro city. This research is considered
continue the strategy to develop the society for as illustration and not concluded in general,
achieving the RS (Reading Society). that’s why this research cannot pull larger
population. So the next research will take larger
sample and it will represent the entire citizen of
Metro city.
The region vision can be described as the
Factors that make the strategy has not
future of that region which is want to be achieve. achieved yet is the lack of participation and low
Without that vision, it can be said that the region consciousness in the society. Like the study
have not aim which is want to be achieved and
which was done by Nadwah (2014) who took the
the region will run without clear direction. reading interest development program related to
Furthermore, within vision, the region can Metro city vision as the city of education in sub
arrange the development strategy to achieve that district west Metro. The study found out that the
vision. With some strategies it is expected that it program has not been realized yet to increase

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

reading interest in the society and the several with larger respondent, which is expected can
problem were the lack of people’s participation represent the entire citizen of Metro city.
and also the facilities and infrastructure which is
not adequate. Furthermore, the anotherstudy was REFERENCES
done by Oliveira (2010) who investigated about
local brand of layout strategy plan in Portugal. [1] BAPPEDA Kota Metro. RPJPD Perubahan
The study found out that local brand can support Kota Metro tahun 2005-2025.
the people’s participation because it involves a [2] Chen et al, 2015. From vision to action – a
lot of people. The contrary thing also found in strategic planning process model for open
this study, that the local brand from Metro city as educational resources. Procedia - Social and
the city of education cannot support people’s Behavioral Sciences 174 pp 3707 – 3714.
participation. But people claim that Metro city
has been succeed become the city of education. [3] Conyers, Diana, 1981, Perencanaan Sosial
From this analysis, it is happened because of di Dunia Ketiga Suatu Pengantar,
Metro city citizen are not know the reality of the Yogyakarta : Gadjah Mada University Press.
city of education which are idealized and [4] David, Fred R. , 2004, Manajemen Strategis,
formulated by the government (even though it Konsep-konsep. Jakarta: Indeks Gramedia
needs more researches according to this case).
The citizens only see the condition of formal [5] Hunger, J.David & Wheelen, Thomas L,
education in Metro city which is become better 2003. Manajemen Strategis. Yogyakarta:
and excellent in Lampung Province. But, as the Andi
explanation before that from the beginning of the [6] Jhon et al, 2015. How much sustainability
period Metro city declared as the city of substance is in urban visions? An analysis of
education, and the formal education condition visioning projects in urban planning. Cities
has been excellent in Lampung Province. The vo. 48 pp. 86–98.
city of education which has been idealized is not
only on formal education, but education values [7] Kuncoro, Mudrajat, 2012. Perencanaan
for all grades, profession, and circles. Daerah, Bagaimana Membangun Ekonomi
In UU (Code of law) No.25 year 2004 about Lokal, Kota dan Kawasan?. Jakarta:
SPPN said that one of the purposes of the Salamba Empat.
development plan is to optimize people’s [8] Miles, M.B & A.M Huberman, 1994.
participation. For that Sjafrizal (2015) said that Qualitative Data Analysis. California:
the good vision and mission of region foundation SAGE Publications Inc.
is taken from the people’s will and aspiration as
the main target of development. Conyers (1981) [9] Nadwah, Hani Lina, 2014. Visi dan Misi
stated that some reasons about the important of Kota Metro sebagai Kota Pendidikan (Studi
people’s participation in the development is the Evaluasi tentang Program Pengembangan
participation as the facilitator to get information Minat Baca Melalui Perpustakaan
about the condition, needs and the culture of Kelurahan/ Rumah Pintar di Kecamatan
society in every problem of development. Metro Barat). Tesis, Universitas Lampung.
Therefore, the government of Metro city has to [10] Nurman, 2015. Strategi pembangunan
execute the continuity socialization to increase Daerah. Jakarta; Rajawali Press
people’s participation to achieve the vision of
Metro city as the city of education. [11] Oliveira, Eduardo Henrique da Silva, 2015.
Practically, this research implies that the Place branding in strategic spatial planning
study of strategy evaluation in qualitative (a content analysis of development plans,
analysis gives less good result, but in quantitative strategic initiatives and policy documents
analysis, in this case is people’s perception, gives for Portugal 2014-2020). Journal of Place
a good result. Thus, the finding in this research Management and Development Vol. 8 No. 1,
can be developed in the next research with the 2015 pp. 23-50.
different context and substance. The next [12] Rahman, Md. Ashiq Ur, 2016. Urban
research can examine the strategy management sustainability through strategic planning: A
theory from David (2004) with different location case of metropolitan planning in Khulna
in Indonesia by using different indicator to assess city, Bangladesh. Journal of Urban
the internal and external environment. The Management vol.5 pp.16–22.
research which is suggested is also for assessing
the vision of Metro city especially which focuses [13] Rinaldi, Francesco Mazzeo, 2016. From
on the literation culture of the Metro city citizen local development policies to strategic

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

planning—Assessing continuity in
institutional coalitions. Evaluation and
Program Planning 56 pp.76–87.
[14] Robinson, Richard B, JR & John A. Pearce
II, 1997, Manajemen Strategik Formula,
Implementasi, dan Pengendalian. Jakarta:
Binarupa Aksara.
[15] Salusu, 2015. Pengambilan Keputusan
Stratejik untuk Organisasi Publik dan
Organisasi Nonprofit. Jakarta; Grasindo
[16] Sjafrizal, 2015. Perencanaan Pembangunan
Daerah dalam Era Otonomi. Jakarta:
Rajawali Prers
[17] Yusoff, Suhaini Mohamed, 2014. An
Analysis of Local Plan for Development
Control at Local Planning Level in the State
of Selangor. Procedia - Social and
Behavioral Sciences 15 3pp.574 – 584.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Marinda Mega Nurfitriani1, Puguh karyanto2, Baskoro Adi Prayitno3
Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Sains, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta
Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta
[email protected]

The main goal of EfSD is enhancing people’s environmentally behaviour. This research aims to reveal
student’s intention towards environmentally friendly behaviour. 117 student’s participant from three
prominent highschools of Surakarta were involved in this research. NEP questionaire followed by interview
were used to ascertain the degree of student intention towards environmentally friendly behaviour. A
qualitative analysis were used to analyse the obtained data. The results of NEP measurement showed that
student’s intention towards environmentally friendly behaviouris low due to the misfocus of the applied
biological curriculum.
Keywords: Behavioural intention, Environmentally behaviour

Environmental attitudes can be defined as

sensitivity or respect toward environment in
Education for Sustainable Development terms of responsible attitudes towards pollution,
(EfSD) had been proclaimed by UNESCO since technology, economics, conservation, and
2004 which aim was to ensure the sustainability activity related with environment and its problem
of our future generation through education [1]. [6]. School is place where environmental
Education for sustainable development is an sensitivity, attitudes and environmental behavior
educational vision which seeks equality between are formed. In developing countries,
human and economic activities in order to environmental education is considered an
respect culture and natural resources. effective method for improving environmental
Education for sustainable development attitudes among students [7]. Thus,
emphasizes in learning aspect which echoes its environmental education needs to be integrated
main purposes, which is education of protecting into the curriculum system of primary and
and managing natural resources [2]. The secondary education.
education of protecting and managing natural The interesting part of indonesian education
resources is designed to develop human is they integrated the environmental education
population who is aware and careabout whole with other subjects at secondary level, such as
environment and to create human being with craft and entrepreneurship subjects and biology
knowledge, attitude, motivation, commitment subjects. As [8], argued that middle school
and skills of caring environment [3]. Therefore, education played important role in improving
improving the amount of environmental students’ awareness toward environmental.
education is important to develop a world According to that notion, it is believed that
population which is conscious and care to students have a role in providing solution and
environment. Based on [4], the goal of encouraging behavior which tended to
environmental education is to develop a world sustainable lifestyles, thus it is essential to know
population with knowledge, skills, attitudes, students’ profile related with their attitude
motivation and commitment to work either toward eco-friendly behavior. Moreover,
individually or collectively to solve current appropriate program with suitable training
environmental problems and to prevent future activities can be designed to achieve this goal.
Environmental caring behavior is
influenced by several factors; one of them is the
This study examined students’ intention
attitude toward environment. As [5], stated
toward environmentally friendly behavior. A
attitude is important factors in behavior.
qualitative approach was used to answer the

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

research question. The participants of this study interviews which were guided by NEP
were 117 student from three prominent high statements were conducted to corroborate the
school in Surakarta, they are; SMA SMA Negeri students’ responses.
1 Surakarta, SMA Negeri 4 Surakarta, and SMA The data was analyzed by scoring their
Negeri 5 Surakarta. answer statements. Furthermore, these score
To measure the students’ intention on were converted into percentage and interpreted.
environmnetaly friendly behaviors, a Data interview was used to profound the results
questionnaire was created based on New of NEP scores.
Ecological Paradigm (NEP) which was designed
by [9]. In order to fit the questionnaire with this
study, the researchers did some revision.
Students were asked to response to 15 questions The results of the students’ intention
on a five-point Likert scale (from 5= strongly toward environmentally friendly behavior using
the New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) scale can be
agree to 1= strongly disagree), for the purpose of
this study, negative statements (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, shown in Table 1. :
14) were reversed designed. Instrument

Table 1.Ten-grade Students’ intention toward eco-friendly behavior

% Total Number Scale of environmentally friendly behavior
90-100% - Positive
80-89% - Positive
70-79% 9 (5,98%) Positive
60-69% 92 (78,63%) Negative
59% or less 18 (15,48%) Negative

Table 1.shows based on NEP, 110 high Surakarta do not have the impetus to behave in
school students in Surakarta have an environmentally friendly manner.
environmentally friendly intention under 70%. The results of students’ interview have
This indicates that most high school students in some findings as shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Findings of students’ interview

Aspect Findings
Students Most of students have appropriate knowledge about environment
Students are able to understand the current environmental issues both in
national and global context.
Students deem that subjects related with environment is important
Teacher Teachers are able to comprehend the subject which related bout
Teachers deliver the information using PPT
Curriculum There are sufficient hours for subject class
The learning goals of eco-friendly environment are emphasized on the
knowledge aspect of environment.
The learning model doesn’t facilitate students in experiencing real life
situation (project based oriented or problem solving oriented)

Table 2.shows the results of interviews to

students. The findings prove that they have good
environmental knowledge;in addition the
teachers also have good mastery level of The results of data analysis show that most
environmental material. However, the school high school students in Surakarta do not have the
attitude to behave in an environmentally friendly
curriculum only focus environmental knowledge
rather than to encourage students to behave in an manner. The results were obtained after an
environmentally friendly manner. The learning assessment using a NEP questionnaire and it was
followed by conducting interviews to support the
model used is also limited to conventional
material; students had a very limited opportunity results of the NEP score.
to have real experience on the environment. The result of the interview indicates that
most participants have good environmental
knowledge. Surprisingly, they are also aware of

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

the ongoing environmental issues. This result oriented, for the purpose of developing
could be due to the fact that environmental environmental attitudes (practice, project, group
knowledge is more emphasized than the attitude work, discussion, case study, etc.).
of the environment in the education curriculum
of Indonesia [10]. The study found that not all REFERENCES
environmental education objectives received the
same attention in Indonesia. Components related [1] Sancayaningsing, R. P. (2013). Education
for Sustainable Development: Pedidikan
to environmental knowledge are more
emphasized, while some other components are Etika Lingkungan di Perguruan Tinggi.
ignored. These results are consistent with studies Prosiding Seminar Nasional Biologi,
Lingkungan, dan pembelajarannya X UNS.
conducted in other countries [11][12]. These
findings are in accordance with previous study Surakarta: UNS.
conducted by [13], have good environmental [2] Wals, A. E., & Kieft, G. (2010). Education
knowledge. However, knowledge does not for Sustainable Development. SIDA.
always lead to practice. Thus, there is a weak
correlation between students' level of knowledge [3] Belgrade Charter. (1976). A Global
and sustainable environmental practices. Framework for Environmental Education.
We observe that the environment Paris: UNESCO-UNEP.
knowledge can be more accessible for students to [4] UNESCO-UNEP. (1976). The Belgrade
access from various media, while attitudes Charter A Global Framework for
toward the environment need to be nurtured and Environmental Education. UNESCO-UNEP
practiced inhigh school. It is expected by having Environmental Education Newsletter.
knowledge of environment can demonstrate
behavior that is beneficial to their environment [5] Pe'er, S., Goldman, D., & Yavetz, B. (2007).
[14]. In other hand, having an environmental Environmental Literacy in Teacher
knowledge is not sufficient for people to show a Training: Attitudes, Knowledge, and
positive attitude towards their environment [15] Environmental Behavior of Beginning
[16][17]. Students. Journal of Environmental
This research also found that the role of Education , 39 (1), 455-59.
educational institutions which promotes [6] McBride, B. B., Brewer, C., Berkowitz, A.
environmental knowledge is enough to R., & Borrie, W. T. (2013). Environmental
encourage eco-friendly behavior. However, the literacy, ecological literacy, ecoliteracy:
role of the family is also important to ensure What do we mean and how did we get here?
environmental knowledge is achieved because it Ecosphere .
should be started first from the family. This is
consistent with [18], who stated that [7] Hoang, T. T., & Kato, T. (2016). Measuring
environmental education should start from home the effect of environmental education for
because parents teach their children to respect the sustainable development at elementary
environment by engaging them in a sustainable schools: A case study in Da Nang city,
culture. Vietnam. Sustainable Environment
Thus, it can be concluded that based on Research , 26 (6), 274-286.
NEP, 110 ten-grade high school students in [8] Altin, A., Tecer, S., Tecer, L., Altin, S., &
Surakarta have the intention to behave Kahraman, B. F. (2014). Environmental
environmentally friendly under 70%. This awareness level of secondary school
indicates that most high school students in students: A case study in Balıkesir
Surakarta do not have the attitude to behave in an (Türkiye). Procedia - Social and Behavioral
environmentally friendly manner. They do not Sciences , 1208 – 1214.
have positive attitude toward it. This
phenomenon occurs due to the lack of emphasis [9] Dunlap, R. E., Liere, K. D., Mertig, A. G., &
on environmental attitudes in the implementation Jones, R. E. (2000). Measuring Endorsement
of the Indonesian education curriculum. Having of the New Ecological Paradigm: A Revised
knowledge about the environment is not enough NEP Scale. Journal of Social Issues , 56 (3),
for people to show a positive attitude towards 425–442.
their environment. Education intuition cannot [10] Ministry of Culture and Education of the
stand itself to promote the eco-friendly behavior; Republic of Indonesia. (2016).
it needs cooperation between school and family. Permendikbud Nomor 24 Tahun 2016.
This study suggests the curriculum should me Jakarta: Ministry of Culture and Education
move from theoretical oriented into project based of the Republic of Indonesia.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

[11] Erdoğan, M., Kostova, Z., & Marcinkowski,

T. (2009). Components of Environmental
Literacy in Elementary Science Education
Curriculum in Bulgaria and Turkey. Eurasia
Journal of Mathematics, Science &
Technology Education , 5 (1), 15-26.
[12] Karimzadegan, H., & Meiboudi, H. (2012).
Exploration of environmental literacy in
science education curriculum in primary
schools in Iran. Procedia - Social and
Behavioral Sciences , 404 – 409.
[13] Ahmad, J., Noor, S. M., & Ismail, N. (2015).
Investigating Students’ Environmental
Knowledge, Attitude, Practice and
Communication. Asian Social Science , 11
(16), 284-293.
[14] Sadik, F., & Sadik, S. (2014). A study on
environmental knowledge and attitudes of
teacher candidates. 5th World Conference
on Educational Sciences - WCES 2013 (hal.
2379 – 2385). Procedia - Social and
Behavioral Sciences.
[15] Bamberg, S. (2003). How does
environmental concern influence specific
environmentally related behaviors? A new
answer to an old question. Journal of
Environmental Psychology , 23, 21–32.
[16] Sadık, F., Çakan, H., & Artut, K. (2011).
Perceptions about environmental problems
in elementary school children’ drawings.
Interactive Discourse: The International
Online Journal of Higher Education
Learning and Teaching , 1-25.
[17] Barrett, B. F., & Kuroda, A. (2002).
Ecological modernization, environmental
knowledge and societal change: Attitude and
behaviour of young people in Japan.
International research in geographical and
environmental education , 11, 237-261.
[18] Otto, E., & Wohlpart, A. J. (2009). Creating
a Culture of Sustainability: Infusing
Sustainability into the Humanities. Journal
of Education for Sustainable Development ,
3 (2), 231-235.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Septri Rahayu1, Mohammad Azwar2, Parsaoran Siahaan3, Hernani4
Student of Science Education Study Program on School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan
Universitas Persada Indonesia,
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
[email protected]

This study aimed to describe the profile of reasoning ability junior high school students in 8th grade which
has been learned environmental pollution topic in the 7th grade. The study was conducted in one of state
junior high school in Bandung to study subjects were 28 students. The method that is used in this study is
descriptive research. This study used essay test that contains three questions about air pollution, two
questions about water pollution, and two questions about soil pollution. Problem reasoning ability tests
made using Toulmin Argumentation Patterns (TAP), so as to encompass students claim, data, and warrant.
Scoring is based on the assessment rubric, the highest score of any given problem to assess the students'
answer is 3 and the lowest is 0. The total average score of 54,59 reasoning abilities of students with a
standard deviation of 3.65. Based on these data we can conclude that the reasoning abilities of students are
relatively low on environmental pollution topic.
Keywords: Reasoning ability, environmental pollution

language and operations;(8) use of aids and tools

(OECD, 2016). Based on that, one of them
Learning science is an active activity needed reasoning ability.
because students are required to think Reasoning is one ability that is important,
scientifically and to apply the concept in order to because this reasoning involved in the process of
overcome problems in daily life. Therefore, in analysing/solving problems, integrate/synthesise
science learning students are involved in parts, designing/planning experiments, draw
cognitive processes that represent scientists' way conclusions, make generalisations, evaluate and
of thinking such as posing scientifically oriented prove, and apply these capacities to unusual
questions, seeking evidence in response to problems (TIMSS 2007 in Waldrip, 2012).
questions, compiling explanations based on Reasoning ability is very useful for students
evidence obtained, linking explanations with because it can help in decision making and
scientific knowledge, and communicating and problem-solving (Matlin, 2009). Another
proving explanations (NRC, 2000 in Dolan & opinion, the reasoning skills that are involved in
Grady, 2010). the process of inquiry, experimentation,
The involvement of students in the assessment of evidence, drawing conclusions,
cognitive process of training students for science and arguments to support changes in the
literacy. Science literacy or better known conception or scientific understanding
scientific literacy as learning objectives include (Zimmerman, 2005).
the students' understanding of the nature of Various studies on reasoning abilities of
science and students scientific reasoning students in science have been widely studied
(Lawson, 2009, in Piraksaa et al., 2014) (e.g. Eggert et al., 2016; Zeidler et al., 2013; Bao,
The results for scientific literacy held PISA 2009; Frutak, 2008). Students reasoning skills
2015, Indonesia was ranked 64 out of 72 can be identified through the output arguments
countries in 2015 (OECD, 2016). It can be said (Herawati, 2015). Students need strong evidence
that Indonesian students' science literacy is still to make their arguments acceptable to others.
low. The PISA questions have the The reasoning habit is important in everyday life
characteristics: (1) thinking and reasoning; (2) because it serves to make the right and logical
The problem posing and solving; (3) decisions about controversial issues (Yang and
communication; (4) modelling; (5) Tsai, 2010).
argumentation; (6) and using a symbolic The controversial issue that is currently
representation; (7) the formal and technical emerging in society is environmental pollution.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Environmental issues become an emergency semester of the academic year 2016/2017.

issue since human domination against the Participants of this study are students of 8th
environment one of them is exploitation of grade, amounted to 28 students, with the duration
environmental resources, and the development of of charging reasoning answers for 60 minutes.
technology that is not environmentally friendly. The main instrument in this study is a set of
Thus, education plays an important role in reasoning questions with essay form. Reasoning
educating students to care for the environment. questions prepared using Toulmin Argument
Based on the above, the problem in this Pattern (TAP). The reasoning questions used in
research is "how the reasoning ability profile 8th this study has been validated by 3 experts and
grade junior high school students on the based on the validation result of the instrument is
environmental pollution topic?". In line with the feasible to use.
formulation of the problem, this study aims to The question consists of 7 questions,
describe the student reasoning ability of junior namely 3 questions to analysing the problem of
high school 8th grade as measured through air pollution, 2 about analysing the problem of
students' written arguments. water pollution, and 2 about analysing the
problem of soil pollution. Each question has
three points that must be answered to see claim,
data, and warrant given by the students.
The method used in this study is descriptive Furthermore, to assess the students' answers
method. The study was conducted in one of state
using an assessment rubric adapted from the
junior high school in Bandung in the even Zohar and Nemet (2002) as in Table 1.

Table 1. Reasoning Rubric through Argument Strength

Score Description
3 (Strong) Claim logical, supported by the grounds (data, warrant, backing) right * and relevant
Claim logical, supported by most grounds (data, warrant, backing) right * and
Some claim logically, supported by the grounds (data, warrant, backing) right * and
2 (Self-Strong)
Some claim logically, supported by most grounds (data, warrant, backing) right *
and relevant
Claim logical grounds (data, warrant, backing) true * but irrelevant
Claim logical grounds (data, warrant, backing) not right * and irrelevant
1 (Weak)
Claim illogical grounds (data, warrant, backing) not true * but irrelevant
Claim illogical grounds (data, warrant, backing) true * but irrelevant
*) the determination of "right" is based on the validity of the concept and my response rationality n
contained on the basis of the filing of the claim, grounds (data, warrant, backing)

Maximum scores that can be achieved by scale of 100, further categorised into very good
students in each question is 3 and the lowest predicate to less once follow the rule of Purwanto
score is 0. Then the raw score is converted into a (2008) as Table 2.

Table 2. Category and Scale Values

Scale Category
100-86 Very Good
85-76 Good
75-60 Adequate
59-55 Less
≤ 54 Less Once

total average score. Question indicator with the

highest average is analysed the impact of water
Table 3 shows that the reasoning abilities of pollution and the lowest is analyse
students classified as less once seen from the countermeasures of water pollution.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Table 3. Result of Reasoning Ability Test

Aspects of Indicator Problem Score
Argument No.
Analyse the causes of air pollution 3 60.7
Analyse countermeasures of air pollution 1 54.7
Make a claim, Analyse countermeasures of air pollution 2 60.7
data, and Analyse the impact of water pollution 4 64.7
warrant Analyse countermeasures of water pollution 5 33.3
Analyse the impact of soil contamination 6 45.2
Analyse countermeasures of soil pollution 7 63.0
Average Score Total 54.59

Based on table 3 it can be seen that students to extract data/evidence that students have in
reasoning abilities are low with average score supporting the answer (Osborne, 2001).
total are 54.59. Students can not use scientific Results of interviews with teachers,
knowledge in everyday life to the fullest. students have not been familiarised with the
Questions used in this study requires students to questions that require reasoning. In addition,
be able to apply what they have learned in a students are rarely held discussions to sustain the
problem but in fact, the learning process that argument and provide strong evidence for the
students do not fully lead the students to it. influence of other people agree with his opinion.
Question number 5 is the lowest average It has been suggested by previous researchers
score of 33.3 with indicators Analysing that the reasoning ability can be developed
countermeasures of water pollution. Question through practice (Adey & Shayer, 19944; Chen
number 5 is a discourse related to the water filter, & Klahr, 1999; in Chen & She, 2014) scientific
so students have not fully understood the water reasoning can be trained through various
filtering tool as a solution to water pollution. In activities such as discussions, lab work, exercises
addition, the question with other low scores is that require both the ability reasoned.
question number 6. Students have not been able Argumentation is a process of
to thoroughly analyse the impact of soil communication in the form of written or spoken
pollution. Question presented related to the use a very important role in science and should be
of pesticides and their impacts on soil pollution. taught and learned in science class as part of the
More than 60% of students provide weak inquiry and scientific literacy (Enduran et al.,
arguments, especially in providing warrant and 2015). Students’ ability to propose arguments
can not relate to the impact of soil pollution that can be stimulated through problems or questions
occurred. that ultimately the students file a claim based on
Question number 4 is the highest average the data they have and the reasons underlying the
score of 64.7 with an indicator to analyse the submission claim. Students’ reasoning ability
impact of water pollution. Problem number 4 can also be stimulated by the submission of an
related to the pollution of the river by the argument because students must be able to
manufacturer of the textile industry in West Java. connect the evidence that they have with the
Students can provide a strong warrant, many proposed claim. The process of linking evidence
students who argue that water is contaminated to the claim involves reasoning skills, so the
with harmful metals to use because it will cause more often students are stimulated to argue with
various digestive diseases. reason and evidence that is, the more often
Based on observations, teachers are more students are trained to reason.
likely to ask questions in the form of C1 Discussions are used in the classroom,
(mentioning) and C2 (explaining). Thus, when referring to the free communication to express
students provide answers students are not asked ideas between teacher and students and between
to include reasons and evidence to support that students and other students (Salandanan, 2000).
answer. In fact, the teacher acts as an initiator in Discussions were held by students in both study
argumentative discussion activities through a groups and class discussions involving all
series of questions such as, "Why do you think students can improve students' reasoning
like that?, What is your reason?". Both of these (Osborne et al., 2001; Salandanan, 2000).
questions can trigger students to find a The inability of students to propose an
reason/warrant. Other questions such as "how do argument that due to learning process in the
you know?, what is your evidence?" can be used classroom is still teacher centred and lack of
learning activities that emphasise the process of

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

argumentation to stimulate students' reasoning can be trained by the program activities that
abilities. Science program involving the familiarise students to argue. The distribution of
implementation of the argument needed to the strength of students arguments can be seen in
improve the investigation and discussions in Figure 1.
science lessons. Thus, students reasoning ability

Figure 1. The Strength of Students Arguments 8th Grade

Mostly students argument including weak students have been able to provide claims, data,
category can occur because the learning activities and/or warrant, but the concept or scientific facts
are undertaken by teacher not emphasise student that are used as data and warrants is still weak.
to submit arguments mainly on socio-scientific So the argument is invalid, rational and relevant.
issues. Observation results in schools when Therefore, teacher as a facilitator and initiator of
teachers evaluate students' answers, teachers learning process need to habituate students so
only give correct or incorrect responses so that that students' reasoning ability to reason logically
teachers do not explore the reasons and evidence to help solve problems in everyday life.
that students can submit. Therefore,
argumentation activities rarely occur effectively. REFERENCES
Some researchers (e.g. Lemke, 1990;
Newton, Driver & Osborne, 199, in Mc Donald, [1] Bao, L. (2009). Learning and Scientific
2014) revealed that the argument that rarely Reasoning. International Journal of Science
occurs effectively in science class can be caused and Mathematics Education, 8 (5), 323-331.
because most classes are dominated by teachers [2] Chen, C. T., & She, H.C. (2014). The
so that less provides the opportunity for students Effectiveness of Scientific Inquiry
to engage in argument. In addition, teachers also with/without Integration of Scientific
generally do not have sufficient skills to teach Reasoning. International Journal of Science
argumentation to students. Based on research and Mathematics Education.
Herawati (2015) factors that may affect students'
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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Husna Yusrina1, Sri Yamtinah2, Peduk Rintayati3
Post Graduate, Sebelas Maret University
[email protected], 2 [email protected], [email protected]

This research is aimed to obtain perspective on planning, execution, and possible obstacles of integration
of discipline and responsibility character in thematic learning at elementary school. The methods used in
this research is qualitative research methods. Qualitative method is used in this research with eight fourth-
graders teachers in Pattimura cluster, Klaten as research samples. Research data consists of observation
notes at actual teaching session and interviews. The result of the research shows that existing teaching plans
are made in general and do not include teaching indicators that integrate discipline and responsibility
character. However, in actual practice, teachers have integrated those characters into class activities despite
being more focused on integrating discipline character than responsibility. Responsibility is introduced to
students only in certain activities, while other characters are introduced occasionally. These characters are
introduced to students by teachers’ behavior and by discussing them in certain activities, but are not
incorporated into current teaching material. Obstacles faced by the teachers in integrating discipline and
responsibility include long preparation time needed to prepare teaching materials, other work load that
needs to be done within the school and the community, and the lack of teachers’ understanding on
integrating discipline and responsibility character in thematic learning.
Keywords: integration, character, discipline, responsibility, thematic learning

deprivation in children’s morals. Therefore, a lot

of subjects at school starts to include character
The current focus of learning process, as education aspects for everyday life in addition to
known by most people, still relies more on vast the scientific aspects.
academic knowledge and less on character Elementary education, especially in
education. The result can be seen every day in Indonesia, started to conduct thematic learning in
television, radio, newspapers, or even in our 2013 under the title of the 2013 Curriculum.
neighborhood, where a lot of children tends to Thematic learning is a learning system that
disobey moral customs. The examples of this integrates several competencies from various
disobedience are being late to school, littering, subjects into various themes (Ministry of
not doing their homework, copying their friends’ Education and Culture of the Republic of
homework and cheating on exams. These Indonesia, 2013: 9)[1]. Thematic learning
examples show that within the learning process, enables students to optimize their knowledge. In
students are more encouraged to get vast thematic learning systems, the students are
knowledge, proven by high grades.This may be expected to also understand character education
caused by parents’ perspective which prioritize through the teacher. G. Skaggs & N. Bodenhorn
their children’s good grades at school over their (2006) states that character education encourages
behavior and character, or teachers’ lack of behavioral improvement [2], therefore thematic
competence in delivering certain value and learning process is expected to give the
character that relates to everyday life to their understanding of character education in addition
students. to scientific knowledge for the students to
Nowadays, the importance of implementing improve their behavior.
character education aspects into students’ Character education should be delivered to
learning process is gaining more attention in the students besides scientific knowledge because it
country. Several activities are done to give is believed as an important aspect to improve
students a necessary understanding towards human resource quality, thus determining a
character educationaspects. This activities are nation’s progress (H. Gunawan, 2012: 28)[3].
needed to counter the increasing number of Character education consists of several aspects

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

that need to be understood and implemented by create responsible individuals in the future, and
students in their everyday life. According to there needs to be a curriculum that includes the
Ministry of Education and Culture of the immersion of responsibility character in learning
Republic of Indonesia (2010: 9-10) character activity [7].
education materials for learning includes, for Based on this condition, a research is
example: religious, honest, tolerant, discipline, conducted as an attempt to obtain a perspective
hardworking, creative, independent, democratic, on the integration of discipline and responsibility
curious, nationalist, loving the home country, characters into thematic learning of public
respecting achievement, friendly and elementary schools in Pattimura cluster, Klaten.
communicative, loving peace, eager to read,
environmentally & socially considerate, and
responsible [4]. These aspects should be given to
students for them to be able to behave Qualitative research method is used in this
research. Qualitative research is a research
Nowadays, a lot of behavior deprivation of method used to assess scientific objects in which
students can be found especially within the the result emphasizes the meaning rather than
generalization (Sugiyono, 2015: 9) [8]. Research
school area. According to a research by X.P.
Ding, Danielle S.O., Angela D.E., Genyue Fu, results are written as it is, in the form of
Guopeng, dan Kang Lee. (2014), kids tend to descriptive text. Sample for the research is eight
teaches of fourth-grade students in public
have poor behavior, one of them in the form of
cheating, which is commonly found [5]. Students elementary schools of Pattimura cluster, Klaten.
tend to aim only for higher grades instead of Data for the research is obtained by
understanding the character education lesson observation and interview of the teachers. Class
behind it. Discipline and responsibility are the activity observation is aimed to understand the
teaching plan and actual practice of teaching. The
most important characters among others to be
understood by students. There are a lot of teaching plans are assessed on whether or not
problems related to students’ discipline and they include indicators of discipline and
responsibility. Class activity observations are
responsibility that can be found in the learning
process. At a research by M. Demire, D. Ozmet, done afterwards. Observation result consists of
and I.O. Elgun. (2016) it is shown that nowadays teachers’ activity and students’ condition during
class, which will be analyzed using observation
student lack of respect and responsibility, and
they believe that character education conducted checklists according to research needs. Teacher
at schools is not enough for student [6]. Students’ interview takes place afterwards to obtain data on
teachers’ obstacles of integrating discipline and
textbooks also do not include in-depth
understanding and examples of character responsibility in thematic learning at elementary
education in them, resulting in the lack of schools. Interviews are done using interview
guidelines that is specially made to obtain
understanding on the meaning of several aspects
of character education. obstacles in integrating character education in
Several behavior deprivation of students thematic learning and to understand type of
character education given by teachers in class
show that the implementation of character
education in learning system is obligatory in activity.
order to prevent further deprivations. Addition of
character values into learning systems does not
only make students smarter, but also enables Research result on teaching plan condition
them to understand good characters to adopt to in accordance to integration of discipline and
themselves, which will benefit each individual responsibility character in thematic learning at
and also the society. According to S. Guven, A. public elementary schools of Pattimura cluster is
Ozturk, and S.N. Duman. (2016), character of as follows:
responsibility is very important for students to

Table 1. research result on teaching plan condition

No. Indicators Percentage
Teachers attend 2013 curriculum workshop with emphasis on thematic 100%
learning activity.
2. Teachers implement thematic learning in class. 100%
Teachers can deliver thematic learning according to guidelines and 62,5%

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

No. Indicators Percentage

Character education has been implemented into indicators in teaching 0%
The objective of integrating character education into thematic learning is 0%
included in the teaching plan
Teaching plan has included some character education that will be given 25%
in the class

The result of class observation and teacher

interview analysis are as follows:

Table 2. Integration of discipline and responsibility character in thematic learning result

No. Type of character taught Percentage
1. Discipline 100%
2. Responsibility 37,5%

From class observation and teachers character in thematic learning vary, mainly
interview, it is found that discipline character is because teachers do that without a proper plan.
more often brought up by the teacher than Teachers will bring up character education lesson
responsibility. Responsibility character is when a certain event or condition happens and
brought up to the students occasionally on certain can be related with character education. Table
condition that is considered relevant. below shows teacher interview result in
Obstacles faced by the teachers on the integrating character education understanding in
integration of discipline and responsibility thematic learning at elementary schools.

Table 3. Obstacles in integrating discipline and responsibility characters in thematic learning at

elementary schools
No. Indicators Condition
1. Obstacles in integrating Teachers do not have enough time to compose teaching
discipline and responsibility plan for each day. Many teachers make their teaching plan
characters in thematic learning simply covering general requirements, without properly
at elementary schools. adjusting specific character education that may be relevant
with the teaching material.
Character education aside, there are already a lot of
teaching materials to be delivered so the character
education aspect is yet to be properly planned.
2. Complaints in integrating Teachers have difficult time adjusting specific types of
discipline and responsibility character education to be given in different teaching
characters in thematic learning topics, because they have a lot of work to do at home and
at elementary schools in their society. Therefore, creating a specific teaching
plan that includes character education aspects will take
longer time.

lack of understanding about the system

Integration of discipline and responsibility 100% of fourth grade teachers from public
into teaching plan of thematic learning at fourth elementary schools in Pattimura cluster didn’t
grade public elementary schools of Pattimura describe the integration of discipline and
cluster is not optimized yet. This issue can be responsibility character, or even any other
seen from the lack of indicator that specifically character education aspect in their teaching
mention character education in the teaching plan plans. They usually deliver the character
for the students. Despite having attended a education lesson verbally without prior plan.
workshop on 2013 Curriculum that emphasizes However there are two teachers that already
thematic learning, a lot of teachers still have a mentioned character education-immersed

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

activities in their teaching plans, albeit not in lessons about discipline character are needed
every teaching subjects. almost every day. Some lessons about discipline
Teaching plan made by respective teachers that teachers usually give out are reminding their
in each class activity is not utilized to the students to arrive at school before 7 a.m., making
maximum extent, since a lot of teachers rely on a sure the students attend flag ceremony with
generic teaching plan that will later be developed respect, and telling students to obey the rules
according to needs and condition during class during examinations. These reminders indirectly
activities. gives an understanding of discipline character to
The content of teaching plans is also the students. As for responsibility character, the
lacking, because the teachers had to struggle to examples of lessons given by the teacher are
develop teaching materials for each session. On giving back pencils after borrowing it and doing
the other hand, thematic learning system requires homework as a responsibility of a student.
teachers to be able to develop teaching materials Obstacles faced by teachers in practicing
for their students. The understanding of thematic learning are struggle of implementation
discipline and responsibility character is mostly and other responsibilities besides teaching. In
delivered during the beginning of class activity thematic learning, teachers are expected to
and on assignments, both individual assignments improve the teaching material provided by
and group assignments. These understanding is textbooks. On the other side, some of the teachers
also delivered when a certain condition that is are busy with certification process and structural
relevant for character education lesson occurs. position raise. There are some teachers who
On practice, all the fourth grade teachers in make up the lesson plans in general, but some
the research have implemented thematic learning teachers plan their lessons by downloading the
during class activities. All teachers also conduct material and then adjusting to their classroom
the thematic learning by integrating character conditions that take a long time.
education aspects that need to be understood by Teachers need long preparation to make a
the students. Despite being delivered in a specific teaching plan that integrates character
thorough sequence, there is barely an education into students’ learning process. If not
improvement of teaching materials from student prepared thoroughly, the outcome of the teaching
textbooks. Teachers only deliver what is in the process may not match the plan as expected. In
textbook rather than developing them, because the planning process of a thematic learning,
searching for additional materials that aligns with teachers also struggle to detach from the previous
the basic competence takes time. Teachers in this curriculum. As the result, the thematic learning
research tend to prioritize material delivery to the feels like separated subjects and the integrated
students and point out several character characters are limited to discipline and
education aspects during class activities. responsibility.
As a matter of fact, students’ textbooks do Besides needing to prepare their teaching
not include any understanding towards character plan, teachers also need to complete various tasks
education aspects. However there is a guidebook at school, such as managing and improving class
for teachers to determine character education activities. Teachers are also expected to
aspects to deliver to the students. The character communicate with students’ parents to cooperate
education aspects are not delivered evenly to the towards their mutual objective for the children.
students as several characters were brought up The teachers’ responsibility doesn’t end at
more often than another. Discipline character is school as they are also members of families and
one aspect that 100% of fourth grade teachers in neighborhoods. Their house chores also needs to
this research often give to the students. Another be done, and as a member of the neighborhood,
character is responsibility, which is delivered by they also need to socialize and attend
two fourth grade teachers. On the other hand, neighborhood events. The lack of teachers’
there are 18 character education aspects that understanding on integrating discipline and
needs to be understood by students, according to responsibility in thematic learning also
Ministry of Education and Culture of Republic of contributes to this.
Indonesia (2010: 9-10). These other character
education aspects are given occasionally to the
students in adjustment to current activities or
Based on the research result, it can be
relevant teaching materials.
On average measures, teachers always try concluded that teachers of fourth grade students
to give students the understanding of discipline in elementary schools at Pattimura cluster of
Klaten have not included teaching indicators that
and responsibility character. There are a lot of
school situations that needs discipline acts, so integrate discipline and responsibility characters

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

into their teaching plan. However, in actual [6] M. Demire, D. Ozmet, and I.O. Elgun.
practice, teachers have integrated those Primar School Teachers’ Perceptions about
characters into class activities despite being more Character Education. Educational Research
focused on integrating discipline character than and Reviews, Vol. 11(17), pp. 1622-1633.
responsibility. Responsibility is introduced to Academic Journals. September, 2016.
students only in certain activates, while other
[7] S. Guven, A. Ozturk, and S.N. Duman. Need
characters are introduced occasionally. These
Analysis of Responsibility Curriculum for
characters are introduced to students by teachers’
Primary School Student. Educational
behavior and by discussing them in certain
Research and Reviews, Vol. 11(19), pp.
activities, but are not incorporated into current
1831-1840. Academic Journals. October,
teaching material. Obstacles faced by the
teachers in integrating discipline and
responsibility include long preparation time [8] Sugiyono. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif,
needed to prepare teaching materials, other work Kualitatif, dan R&D cetakan ke-22.
load that needs to be done within the school and Bandung: Alfabeta. 2015.
the community, and the lack of teachers’
understanding on integrating discipline and
responsibility in thematic learning.

We would like to thank the fourth-grade
teachers who have been the source of this
research. And also we would like to thank the
headmaster of the school principal at the state
primary school as the Patimura cluster, Klaten
district who has assisted, and supported the

[1] Ministry of Education and Culture of the
Republic of Indonesia. Kurikulum 2013:
Kompetensi dasar Sekolah Dasar (SD)/
Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI). Jakarta: Ministry
of Education and Culture of the Republic of
Indonesia. 2013.
[2] Skaggs, G., & Bodenhorn, N. Relationships
between Implementing Character
Education, Student Behavior, and Student
Achievement. Journal of Advanced
Academics, Volume 18, (1), pp. 82-114.
ProQuest Education Journals. Fall 2006.
[3] H. Gunawan. Pendidikan Karakter Konsep
dan Implementasi. Bandung: Alvabeta.
[4] Ministry of Education and Culture of the
Republic of Indonesia. Pengembangan
Pendidikan Budaya dan Karakter Bangsa
Pedoman Sekolah. Jakarta: Curriculum
Center. 2010.
[5] X.P. Ding, Danielle S.O., Angela D.E.,
Genyue Fu, Guopeng, dan Kang Lee.
Elementary school children’s cheating
behavior and its cognitive correlates. Journal
of Experimental Child Psychology 121
(2014) 85–9. January, 2014.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Hariyanti1, Misbahul Janatti2, Gigieh Cahya Permady3
Departement Of Civic Education, Postgraduate School, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

This study aims to describe the implementation of voter education class shaped the election conducted by
the Commission in cooperation with MGMPs Padang Civic Education (Civics) SMA/SMK/MA Padang.
This type of research was descriptive qualitative research. The selection of informants are using purposive
sampling technique. Types and sources of data are the words and actions, writing sources and collected
images through interviews and documentation. Analysis of the data used was data reduction, data display,
and conclusion. The validity test of the data was done by triangulation. The findings showed that there are
some obstacles in the implementation of electoral classes:(1) the timing of the elections are relatively
narrow class;(2) the determination of the participants who did not use the system as well as the class
representative;(3) the class module elections could not be applied outside of school goals. Therefore, to the
front of the election should be carried out by integrating them into Civics syllabus. This effort at least
contains some advantages:(1) the efficiency of time because it does not require special hours;(2) it does not
interfere with other subject matter in the Civics syllabus. Class elections was a form of voter education
which have purpose at improving citizens' political awareness, political participation of citizens through
the provision of the right to vote in general elections properly and responsibly determine the course of the
democratic process in Indonesia. Educational approach in the deliver of the electoral materials was
necessary for citizens to be introduced on the rights and obligations as citizens early and avoid the ways in
doctrine active.
Keywords: Voter Education, Election Commission of Padang, MGMPs Civics SMA/SMK/MA Padang

the event must be in accordance with the correct

The general election is a core requirements Civic Education is a vehicle for the
as well as the measure of democracy. The results implementation of voter education in schools.In
of the general election was held in an atmosphere the citizenship education curriculum (this game
of openness with freedom of speech and freedom also helped) Senior Secondary material about
to organize is considered to reflect a fairly elections and democracy are studied in class
accurate participation and public aspiration XI.Consultating the Teachers of Civic Education
(Miriam Budiardjo,2013:461). But in fact there High School (MGMP this game also helped
is a general election with the level of political SMA/MA) is an association the teachers of Civic
participation is low.In other words, relative many Education secondary school level in the City of
citizens who do not use voting rights or known Padang. MGMP this game also helped the
by golput or using the right to choose but only to cooperation with the commission the City of
just run these rights without really understand the Padang in educational implementation of voters
importance of the general election.Against this against learners. This cooperation is done
problem, one of them can be reduced through considering the delivery of election material is an
education voters.According to Nur Budi integral part of the Civic Education
Hariyanto (2012:144) voter education contained (SumbarOnline.Com/Senin, 22 October 2012 -
about the understanding of the electoral 17:59:44 WIB). Voter education cooperation
procedures for citizens who have been entitled to done ahead of the election of the Mayor and Vice
choose. It is hoped that this education from Mayor of The 2013.
beginner voters participate by coming to the Vote The class is part of the general election
Centers to choose. Not only that, they are voter education conducted by the Election
expected to monitor the way the election, at least Commission the City of Padang and MGMP this
game also helped, done in 5 area manager that is

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

specified by the Commission the City of Padang. reduction, display data, and the withdrawal of the
This research done Area Manager Pauh-Kuranji, conclusion. Test the validity of the data was done
there is 2 (two) school which is determined by by means of triangulation source.
the election Commission of Padang as target
schools classroom activities election, namely
SMA N 9 represents the secondary schools in the
sub-district Pauh Village Head and SMA N 5 The class is part of the general election
voter education done by the Election
represents the secondary schools in the sub-
district produced small. There are several reasons Commission counties/City as regulated in Act
in the determination of the area manager Pauh- No.15 2011 about Election Organizer.An
elaboration of more information about the
Kuranji as a research location: First, the number
of voters beginners.Learners who have the right obligation of the Commission/cities in the event
to choose in these two schools is big enough in of socialization of the election set in the
Regulation of the General Election Commission
SMA N 9 there are around 300 learners while in
SMA N 5 there are around 325 learners. Second, (PKPU) No.11 2010 about the socialization of
golput figure in the sub-district Pauh Village Regional Head and Vice. Voter education/Voters
Education is not a program that can only be done
Head and produced small countless high
enough.Second, golput figure in the sub-district by stretching back a latrine Elections but more to
Pauh Village Head and produced small countless the pattern of sustainable activities from time to
time.As part of the effort to take part in the role
high enough.In the sub-district Pauh Village
Head, there are 37.544 people registered in the of the voter education for the community
list but around attained 15,398 people are not especially the beginner selector, then the General
using the right to select the alias golput.While in Election Commission Padang City realize the
the sub-district produced small, from the total activities through the Program Class
elections.The goals of the class activities of the
87.421 people registered in the voters list, around
36.927 people do not use the right select. Allows election is still a beginner voters sitting on a
from 15,000 people more who do not choose in bench high school. The class the election held by
the Election Commission of Padang, this is the
the sub-district Pauh Village Head and 36.927
who also does not use the right to select in the result of a study visit to the election commission
sub-district produced small there are learners Bantul District.
According to the election commission
who are voters beginners. Third, school status,
SMA N 9 and SMA N 5 is the leading schools in Module: Election for beginner (2010:48) Voters
each sub-district so that students studying in the beginners is the voters for the first time using the
voting rights because it has been eligible to
school is a smart learners and critical so that they
have a concern for election information that has choose. Beginner selector is one of 11 (eleven)
been given and awareness to hasten. the target groups in the implementation of
socialization and delivery of Election
Voter education urgent given to voters
beginners because of the lack of experience and information as regulated in Article 7 paragraph
the limitations of the knowledge that belongs to (1) PKPU No.10 2011 about the Guidelines
Implementation of socialization of the
so that they are susceptible to not use the right to
choose and have a relatively low awareness of implementation of regional head elections and
the meaning and strategic role of the general vice regional head.Cooperation with various
election in the state of Indonesia. parties that done by the Election Commission of
Padang especially with this game also helped
MGMP done in considering the creation of an
intelligent selector and quality general elections
This research used qualitative descriptive is not just the responsibility of the election
method, author aims to describe the process of organizer solely but all elements of the
the implementation of voter education in the nation.Voter education class shaped the election
form of the class election which is done by the held by the Commission the City of Padang done
Election Commission of Padang cooperation with tries to election module class that have been
with the MGMP of civic education arranged earlier.
SMA/SMK/MA of Padang. The election of The activities of the election dki using the
informers research was done with the technique BRIDGE method (Build Democracy Resources,
of purposive sampling. The type and the data the government and the election)".The BRIDGE
source is the words and actions, written source method help learners understand the stages of
and photos collected through interview and general pemililihan through senses
documentation. Analysis of the data used the data owned.Learners hear the given materials, see

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

examples shown through the slides and materials return schools.It was the first kan disrupt the
image by come, practice the materials provided breaks the students themselves where the times
through the materials and equipment that is used of drowsiness usually.
in the election process directly as voice box, Second, the determination of the
chambers, voice mail, until directly involved as participants of the general election which does
executive general elections.This is a new thing not use the class representative system as applied
for learners because they do not have previous in SMA N 9 and SMA N 5 .The strategy
experience in the election process.The implementation of election class previously
implementation of class election by the Election planned that learners who follow the activities of
Commission of Padang in cooperation with the the election comes from the representatives of
MGMP have a few obstacles in the field both the class so that later they who attend classes this
from internal and external. Obstacles found in the election can deliver information to their friends
implementation of the class of the election will in their own classes in relation to the matter the
be explained and discussed as follows: general election they get.The Election
First, the implementation of the class Commission City of Padang has previously
election which is too narrow. The allocation of requesting delivery participants through the
time specified in the election module class is representative of the class but school gives
around 120 minutes but in its implementation is learners in one local without mixed with students
only conducted for 90 minutes. The problem of from other classes. Beginner selector is
implementation time become constraint due to important to get full information about the
convey the material of the general election that general election one only through class the
quite many and more in-depth like that had been election because some factor such as mentioned
arranged in election module class and by Nur Budi Hariyanto (2012:129) that voters
interspersed with games and group discussion beginners are often described as follows (1)
and simulation needed a long time.The material voters who still unbalanced and tend to be
class of the election should not be submitted in apathetic; (2) voters who have knowledge of the
outline for the purpose of election class is the politics of relative low; (3) voters who tend to be
dissemination of information about the general dominated by the group (peer group); (4) voters
election in detail to voters. This is done by who do elect because aspects of the popularity of
considering the importance of the role of the a political party or candidate proposed political
class of the election as a form of voter education party; (5) voters who come to the vote centers
to the community mainly voters simply cancel or invalidate the right. Based on
beginners.According to the Voter Education the above characteristics, voters beginners
Network/Coordinator JPPR (2014), voter relative does not yet have the knowledge and
education is a process that has a strategic role for understanding of the general election is good and
the general election.This process is not only to tend to be used for certain political interests.
provide an understanding of the techniques and The system of the determination of the
procedures for the election and the things that are participants through the representative of the
other technical, but can touch on the value is class well enough because of the general election
pointing on the meaning and the important role information can be delivered by the participants
of the general elections to the community. It is to his friends informally as while discussion and
expected that there will be a change in the chat in the class so the atmosphere became more
mindset of people not only assume the general relaxed and they can also exchange of mind
elections as a selection routines once five year. In because it does not feel awkward with one
the public order, voters smartphone has the another. In addition, the determination of the
position and the role of that very stategis to create class participants of the election by
democratisation.Even so, in some schools class representatives of the class is also the strategy of
activities the general election was held on the commission to solve the limitations of the
Saturday but the implementation is also no Election Commission in terms of time and
longer.The general election was held class energy to include all learners class XI.
usually via hours 10 to the first of course is not Participants in the class election which is not
in the schedule this game also helped subjects, of derived from the representative of the class of
course interfere with the school schedule and course inhibit the purpose of the commission in
then because of the time only a little less than 2 providing the even distribution of the general
hours of course the target of this election class election information to all learners class XI.
less reached also means implemented in time- Schools tend to only take practical steps to
time that less accurate. There are some schools provide one class because it was considered to be
that the election was conducted in class hours able to inhibit the lessons in progress in each

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

class. If the participants of the election class only game also helped teachers as facilitators but also
from one class only then infomasi general supported by the school. According to the
election which will they get will not spread Election Commission Module for beginner
evenly at least to each class XI. (2010:48) The Commission was assisted by other
Third, module class election relatively related parties must be able to provide a good
cannot be applied on the outside of the target initial impression about the importance of using
schools class elections. The election commission the right to vote in the election.
of Padang only specifies 11 target schools The knowledge and a good understanding
implementation of election class so that other of the process of the general election is expected
schools outside the school targets are not visited to be a motivation to become voters smartphone
by the election Commission of Padang to the and responsible.The material kepemiluan is one
implementation of the class of the election. This of the material in pancasila education and
causes the beginner voters who attend outside the citizenship, but material special elections do not
target schools did not get the information about always there along the Civic education syllabus
the general election in a more from class X,XI and XII SMA/SMK.MA. In the
complete.According to Nur Budi Harianto (2012: curriculum of civic education SMA/SMK/MA,
130) voter education is important to the voters materials about elections and democracy are
remember beginner beginner selector is often studied in class XI.In the material contained on
considered new on stage acceptance the basis of the law of the general election,
(acceptability) and have not yet come to the understanding elections, the election system,
political choices. The general election materials participants elections, until the relationship
given in the class of the election is not only between elections and democracy.Therefore,
intended to invite voters using voting rights but civic education plays an important role in
also foster his realisation as early as possible increasing the knowledge and understanding
about the meaning and importance of the general learners especially for those who fulfill the
election so that the beginner voters will no longer requirements as voters to be able to transmit the
be the object of a particular political interests voting rights in a smart and responsible.To create
during the process of the general election in a sustainable voter education, election materials
progress. If the module class election could not can be integrated into the learning the RPP
be applied in schools that did not become target through the material related to the election as the
schools and the purpose of the election political culture and system of government. This
commission of Padang to increase the was handed over on wisdom and a sense of
participation of the main selector beginner voters responsibility of teachers in the form of learners
not achieved because of the understanding of the to become a smart and rational voters to realize
information the general election is still limited. active citizens and participative.
Based on explanation obstacles to the The MGMP of civic education plays an
implementation of the class election which has important role directly, Citizenship teachers in
been explained above, this research provide the the integration of matter election in RPP through
solution in the form of inputs for motivating the discussions with related to the material election
efforts that can be done as innovation for the that can be integrated into the competency
implementation of the class of the election as part standard (SK) and basic competencies (KD), the
of voter education sustainable development, method used, media needed to straegi are needed
namely through the integration of the activities of to not reduce the achievement of the purpose of
the election in class syllabus subjects civic integration SK KD related.This is done so that
education.This can be done by considering the the voter education can be ongoing, does not
matter of the general election is an integral part require the time or special schedule that can add
of the subject Civic Education. Voter education the burden of learning learners.This step is
is one of the way to form the pattern of supported by pocket books election made
understanding and political awareness of the together by the Election Commission and the
people to explain how the election was MGMP of civic education so that the learners
established and assessed the implications for the have ingredients that will be discussed in every
general election for his life and the consequences meeting allows Citizenship teachers monitor the
of what will be accepted by wishing in the understanding of the learners related materials
election process in relation to the political election. The election commission of Padang
choices.To realize the wishes, then the class of later can also provide entrepreneurship or a kind
the election must be inserted into the syllabus of of technical assistance/technical guidance to this
this game also helped so that later in the game also helped teachers so that they can
implementation is not only supported by this convey the general election materials to learners.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

This is done in considering the ingredients or participants of the general election which does
topic that is taught by this game also helped not use the class representative system; (3)
teachers also many, not only the problem of module class relative election could not be
election, sometimes this game also helped applied in the outside of the target schools class
teachers also do not have concern with the elections. The next effort that can be done as
problem of kepemiluan so that in explaining the innovation to overcome the obstacles to the
matter of the general election to the learners only implementation of the class of the election can be
in general only according to that which is in the more effective is to integrate the activities of the
syllables. In addition, the mechanism and election/matter kepemiluan class into the
technical general election also has changed such syllabus of subjects Civic Education so that the
as the procedures for the voting. delivery of the material class of the election does
The efforts are offered for the not need special hours and does not interfere with
implementation of the effectiveness of the class the subject of other materials as well as the
of the election to the front of the revealed by the delivery of the material to become more long.
Head of the election commission City of Padang
at least have some advantages compared with the REFERENCE
way the implementation of previously, namely:
First, the implementation of the class of the [1] Andi Faisal Bakti, dkk.,Eds. 2012. Literasi
election is no longer hindered by the problem of Politik dan Konsolidasi Demokrasi.
the narrow time because provided some meeting Churia:Jakarta.
times in hours this game also helped lessons [2] Hariyanti. 2016. “Pendidikan Pancasila dan
associated with the matter of the general election Kewarganegaraan (PPKn) Sebagai
until the time of the giving of the material Wahana Pendidikan Pemilih dalam
become more length so that the participants can Meningkatkan Literasi Politik Pemilih
be more asked about the materials that is not so Pemula. Proceeding seminar internasional
understood. Second, class participants of the AP3KNI, bandung, 15-16 November 2016.
class election is no longer derived from the class
representative system but the material class of [3] Moh.Kusnardi dan Harmaily Ibrahim. 1983.
the election is given to all learners because the Pengantar Hukum Tata Negara Indonesia,
material presented in the hour lesson so that this cet. Kelima. UI Press:Jakarta.
game also helped the general election [4] Miriam Budiardjo. 2013. Dasar-Dasar Ilmu
information become more evenly to all learners. Politik. Gramedia Pustaka: Jakarta.
Third, election material can be integrated into
syllabus of civic education, so that the teacher [5] Komisi Pemilihan Umum. 2010. Modul 1:
has set a time for the delivery of the material of pemilu untuk pemula, cet. Pertama. Komisi
the general election and the materials lessons this Pemilihan Umum: Jakarta.
game also helped other related with the process [6] Peraturan Komisi Pemilihan Umum No.11
of democracy in accordance with the curriculum Tahun 2010 Tentang Pedoman Sosialisasi
2013. For example, while learning about the Penyelenggaraan Pemilihan Umum Kepala
rules and regulations can be integrated on Daerah dan Wakil Kepala Daerah.
legislation regarding the election into it as the
legal basis of the establishment of the election in [7] Komisi Pemilihan Umum Kota Padang.
Indonesia. 2012. Modul Kelas Pemilu.
[8] Marratu Fahri. 2008.“Peranan
Penyelenggara Pemilu dalam Pendidikan
The class is part of the general election Pemilih untuk Mewujudkan Pemilu yang
voter education which is designed by the Berkualitas.”Jurnal Dinamika Online FISIP
Election Commission as the organizer of the Universitas Batubara. (Volume 1, Nomor 2,
election in cooperation with the teachers of Desember 2008). Hlm. 4-6.
citizenship education, this strategy is done in [9] Suara KPU Edisi Juni 2011
considering election material is an integral part
in citizenship education. But in the [10] Undang-Undang No.15 Tahun 2011
implementation of the class election, there are Tentang Penyelenggara Pemilihan Umum.
some problems that is found in the field in the [11] (accessed on 22
class activities of the election, (1) the September 2014)
implementation of the class election which
relatively narrow; (2) the determination of the

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

[12] http://.www.SUMBARONLINE.COM.
(accessed on 17 Desember 2013 - 17:59:44
[13] (accessed
on 22 September 2014).

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Annisa Yulistia1, Harun Rasyid2
Yogyakarta State University,
[email protected]

The form of picture-story book as a learning material that compatible with implementation of “Kurikulum
2013” is not available. Picture-story book as an inovation of learning material book for student which filled
with some story is needed for student’s learning. Stories are based on scientific approach through discovery
learning. One means in which the story step is covering the steps of scientific approach. Picture story book
based on scientific approach through discovery learning is the development of learning material for grade
3 elementary student. This study aims to produce the picture story book based on scientific approach
through discovery learning which is eligible for used by elementary student.
The kind of this study was part of the development research. Development procedures adapted by
Borg&Gall procedures with steps including: (1) Research and information collecting; 2) Planning; 3)
Develop preliminary form of product; 4) Preliminary field testing; 5) Main product revision; 6) Main field
testing; and 7) Operational product revision. The preliminary field testing subject consisted of 6 students at
grade 3 from School A in Yogyakarta. The main field testing consisted of 15 students at grade 3 froma SD
B in Yogyakarta. Data collection instrument is in the forms of validation sheet by experts and questionaire
responses by students.
The results showed that this picture story book based on scientific approach through discovery learning
developed valid for use. This matter is known by the expert assessment and the students response at schools.
Keywords: picture story book, scientific approach, discovery learning

In the learning activities should insert a

learning method that support the scientific
Currently, Indonesia is trying to realize the approach, where could pass some activities like
ideals of the nation in the field of education observing, asking, trying, processing, presenting,
which is listed in UUD 1945. One of the ideals associating, and communicating. Based on
of the nation is the intellectual life of the society. Permendikbud No.103 year 2014 Pasal 2
For the intellectual life of the society of course in explains that learning activities use approache,
serving the education must be quality for all strategy, model, and method which referring to
children of Indonesia. Improving the quality of several activities with characteristics that support
education is not easy, the need for innovations scientific approach. Various characteristics are;
and efforts in preparing the nation's youth to face 1) interactive and inspirational; 2) fun,
the increasing complexity of the future. In order challenging, and motivating learners to
to create a quality education, the application of participate actively; 3) contextual and
thematic learning will be better done with a collaborative; 4) provide sufficient space for the
scientific approach. Learning activities with initiative, creativity, and independence of
scientific approach as intended include activities learners; and 5) in compatible with the talent,
of observing, asking, trying, processing, interest, ability, and physical and psychological
presenting, associating, and communicating. development of learners.
Learning with scientific approach promises a Need analysis for learning resources has
quality education product in accordance with the been done specifically in analyzing the textbook
demands of the times, because it can lead to material used by students. Books which used by
activities that are scientific and encourage students in learning activities is the form of K13
children to work scientifically. This is because student’s book from the government. At the same
learning must be able to develop things that are time, the one and only book from government is
more than knowledge, but also process, used by teachers as a reference in making the
creativity, attitude, and application. implementation plan of learning. In the teacher's

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

book there are scenarios of learning, although the according to the storyline. The meaning of the
learning scenarios are detailed clearly so as to picture book is added by the opinion of Huck,
facilitate teachers in making the planning, but it Hepler & Hickman (1987: 197) that picture book
resulted in the lack of creativity of teachers in is a book that conveys the message through two
making learning resources that more interesting. ways, namely through illustration and writing.
There are many books for students that can be Related to this, Nurgiyantoro (2013: 152-155)
used as a source of learning in the library school, explained about picture books in a narrow sense
but the book did not contain a scientifically and broad meaning. The narrow meaning allows
contented story on the step story. Usually, this book to be viewed as a picture book format,
student’s learning resource books are too much meaning books in which there are images, while
material intake, so students could not construct the broad meaning is that it can include different
their own subject matter. This means less types of picture books, picture books,
stimulating high order thinking skill students. information books, concept books, arithmetic
Students will read the book more often than do books, etc.
something or experiment about the subject As an assumption from Nurgiyantoro
matter. Learning activities will be more (2013: 68), the groove keeps everything that tells
meaningful when students do the learning by moves and takes place. A story for grade 3
involving the hands-on / minds-on/and hearts-on children should provide a coherent and clear
learning. In addition, the book has been used as a storyline, since student reasoning is limited.
learning material less color and image, so that is Meanwhile, according to Lukens (2003: 97) flow
not attract students' attention. is a sequence of events that show the behavior of
The result of need analysis questionnaire characters in the action.
that was given to the students of grade 3 as a Nicholas (2007) added that the story will be
whole concluded that most students liked difficult for the reader to understand without any
reading, especially on child's story reading which connection between the text and the illustrations,
there is illustration and colorful. As many as 80% for good text and illustration must be in balance.
of students froms SD A and 75% of students from Illustrations in picture books should attract
SD B have children story books with more than children's attention. The illustrations are clear,
five titles in their homes. Most students love colorful, communicative, and displayed variably
picture books with interesting colors and (almost) on every page of the book. The story in
pictures. According to the most students, the text the picture book has elements of the story as
book is too heavy and the material content is too follows; 1) theme, 2) plot, 3) background, 4)
much. The K13’s book have been confusing style, and 5) characterization.
students, the students prefer to study with the Daryanto (2014: 51), learning with
other books like story book, science fiction, and scientific approach is a learning designed so that
others. students can actively construct concepts, laws or
Book is a window to the world. Books can principles through several stages such as
bridge children to understand and see the outside observing, formulating problems, proposing /
world through reading activities, whether read by formulating hypotheses, gathering information /
the children themselves or read out others. Books experiments , Associate / process information,
that consumed by children are different from and communicate. This opinion implies that the
adults. Winch (in Nurgiyantoro, 2013: 7) scientific approach has stages in line with the
assumes that a good children's book is a book that scientific method. Just as Kurniasih (2014: 53-
delivers and departs from the child's lens. These 56) argued that the scientific approach has
assumptions underlie that books consumed for several learning processes designed to enable
children should come from the child's point of learners to actively understand concepts and
view as the center of telling. principles through several steps: observing,
The child's motivation for reading is seen questioning, gathering information /
from the images contained in the book, in experimenting, associating or processing
accordance with the cognitive development of information, and communicating . The opinions
elementary school children who characterize the of such experts refer to Permendikbud No. 81 A
world of children which full of hope, happiness, Year 2013 Pasal IV, ie the learning process
and colorful. This can be reflected in a picture consists of five basic learning experiences; 1)
book whose story is tailored to the child's observe; 2) questioning; 3) collect information /
developmental level. Mitchell (2003: 87) defined experiments; 4) associate / process information;
picture storybooks are books in which the pitcure And 5) communicate.
and the text are tightly interwined. Picture book According to Sani (2014: 97-98), discovery
books are books where there are images and texts is to find a concept through a series of data or

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

information obtained through observation or procedures, which then are systematically

experiment, while discovery learning is a fieldtested, evaluated, and refined until they meet
cognitive learning method that requires teachers specified criteria of effectiveness, quality, or
to create more creative situations that can make similar standards.
learners actively discover their own knowledge. Research and development product was to
This is in line with Petter (2002) that revealed know validity and feasibility of picture story
discovery learning is a learning situation in book based on scientific approach through
which the principal content of what is to be discovery learning.
learned is not given but must be independently This method included with steps:
discovered by the student. 1) Research and information collecting;
According Zuhdan Kun Prasetyo, et al Researcher did preliminary research
(2001: 1.7) discovery learning is usually divided and collected information. Analyze the need
into two, namely free discovery (discovery by interviewing the grade 3 teachers and
discovery) and guided discovery (guided study documentation of student learning
discovery). In the implementation of the guided outcomes. This needs analysis aims to know
discovery guided discovery is more common the teacher's view of learning resources in
because with guidance teachers will work more the form of textbooks that have been used, to
directed students in order to achieve the goals set. get a perspective of the learning process in
This is in line with the opinion of Carin & Sun the classroom, to obtain the variables that
(1989: 91-91) associated with the form of the need to be improved, and to know the
method that is, free discovery, where students are characteristics of students in general.
most active and the teacher acts as a facilitator 2) Planning;
(less dominant and in the “background”) for This stage resulted the product design
developing student skills. Teacher dominance is that was prepared based on literature study,
low. Between the extremes of the teaching needs analysis, and field study. The design
continuum is guided discovery, where teacher is of the product to be developed includes the
active and a facilitator and students are active as purpose of using the product, who the
well. product users are, and the description of the
From various viewpoints of these experts, components of the product and its users.
the product developed in the form of picture story Preparation of initial product or early draft
books. The story presented contains a scientific of science-based illustrated story book. The
approach that inserted discovery learning method results of this stage are used as a
in the storyline. Previous research developed consideration for the planning and
comic books as part of a picture-story book development of picture story book based on
which developed by Hengkang Bara (2015). It scientific approach.
was found that comic book based on character 3) Develop preliminary form of product;
education on integrative thematic learning has Develop an initial product form.
been valid and improve the character of student Prepare all the components that exist in
discipline. Together with other studies which picture books, such as storylines,
developed by Lestari (2016) about comic as a characterizations, backgrounds and formats
learning media has been valid and could improve in picture books. Customize the story with
analytical thinking ability and scientific attitude. learning materials and objectives and
Based on the need analysis, hereby evaluation tools to be used. The products are
researcher did a research and development of still draft and tentative. This initial product
picture story book based on scientific approach will be validated by validators (subject
and discovery learning for the student grade 3. material expert and children literature
This book is expected to answer the needs of expert). This initial validation product
teachers for learning resources in the form of a design aims to obtain criticism and
picture story book based on scientific approach suggestions and judgments from the
through discovery learning. validators. Criticism and suggestions are
used as reference to improvements to the
product design before it is tested.
4) Preliminary field testing;
This research used Research and
The first trial have done at SD A (6
Development model. Borg and Gall (2003:569) students and 1 teacher). During the
defined Educational R&D is an industry based experiments conducted observations and
development model in which the findings of the
responses of students about picture story
research are use to design new products and book based on scientific approach through

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

discovery learning. This step aims to Instruments of Data Collection

determine whether the product developed Instrument in this research divided into two
effectively used in the learning process. parts. The instrument to measure the validity of
Prior to the trial, teacher were invited to the product which included: (1) validation sheet
understand the learning procedures that will of material subject expert, (2) validation sheet of
be conducted in the classroom. children literature expert.
5) Main product revision;
Revise 1 to the main product (in Data Analysis Technique
accordance with suggestions or reflections Qualitative data in this research are
of preliminary field testing results). The criticism and suggestion by expert. These data
revisions were made to correct the are collected and summarized to improve the
deficiencies of the validated products, and product being developed. While the quantitative
then revised the product I in the form of data in the form of scores on each instrument
product design II to be used for the test of item that has been filled by the expert.
the product again after being validated by
the experts. Analysis of Expert Validation Results
6) Main field testing; and In this research the data is analyzed to get
The second trial have done at SD B (15 picture story book based on scientific approach
students and 1 teacher). The purpose of the through discovery learning that valid and
main field trial is to determine whether the effective. When these requirements are met, the
product is better or not. The second product product developed is feasible for use. To know
design results as a reflection of the previous the quality of product development result both
product to be used at this stage. Another goal from aspect of subject matter and children
of this stage is to gather information that can literature, and also to know student response to
be used to improve learning. product from data which initially in the form of
7) Operational product revision. score, converted into qualitative data (data
Completion of operational products is interval) with scale five. This is in accordance
to revise the product design II that has been with the reference table adapted from Sukarjo
used in the learning process. Completion of (2010:100-101).
operational products is based on findings
when conducting major field trials. The
revised results are product design III which
will be tested widely in three elementary Data Analysis from Subject Matter Expert
In the data analysis of product validation
results of this subject material expert there are 6
aspects developed. The results of the subject
material experts as follows:

Table 1. The results of the subject material experts

Aspect Total score Criteria
Conformity with scientific 27,00 Very good
Conformity with discovery 14,00 Very good
Subject material suitability 19,00 Very good
Activities that support material 14,00 Very good
Conformity with student 25,00 Very good
Organization of material 24,00 Very good

Data Analysis from Literature Expert 4 aspects developed. The results of the subject
In the data analysis of product validation material experts as follows:
results of this children literature expert there are

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Table 2. The results of the subject material experts

Aspect Total score Criteria
Anatomy of books 25,00 Very good
Contents of book 27,00 Very good
Language suitability 16,00 Very good
Quality of illustration 19,00 Very good

The next stage is the first trial test. The first in the category is very good. Suggestions
trial test were given to 9 students of grade III. obtained from the limited test are the use of
Data obtained in the form of student response language in a conversation and the correction of
data to the use of product during the learning some lost images. Data result of student response
process. Analysis of student responses included to product usage can be seen in the table below:

Table 3. The Result of Student Response to Product

Response aspect Student
Total score Category
Subject matter 11,07 Very good
Language 15,90 Very good
Content of book 18,00 Very good
Attitude insertion 8,0 Very good

Data obtained from trial test is student 3. All partners in this research. Thanks for
response data. From student response data about many help. I always remember all your
learning by using picture story book product is in kindness.
very good category. 4. All the student I care about.
5. My family, thanks for all hope, love, care
for your beloved daughter here.
The picture story book based on scientific
approach through discovery learning product
The product has been assessed by the experts and [1] A.A.Carin,. & Sund, Robert B, Teaching
declared valid based on the result of the Science Through Discovery, Ohio: Merrill
assessment. Based on validation result from Publishing Company, 1989.
subject material expert and children literature
[2] B. Nurgiyantoro, Sastra Anak Pengantar
expert, all aspects of picture story book based on
Pemahaman Dunia Anak, Yogyakarta:
scientific approach through discovery learning
Gadjah Mada University Press, 2013.
covering all aspects, got an "Excellent" rating. In
accordance with the product quality, the product [3] C. S. Huck, S. Hepler, & J. Hickman,
developed is considered feasible if all aspects Children’s Literature in The Elementary
assessed achieve the minimum category of School, New York: Holt, Rinehart and
"Good". Thus, the picture story book based on Winston, (1987).
scientific approach through discovery learning
[4] D. I. Lestari, “Pengembangan Media Komik
has been valid and is ready for further testing.
IPA Model PBL untuk Meningkatkan
Kemampuan Berpikir Analitis dan Sikap
Ilmiah,” Inovasi Pendidikan IPA Journal,
Researchers give many thanks to: vol 2, no 2, pp. 145-155, 2016.
1. Prof. Dr. Zuhdan Kun Prasetyo, M.Ed. as a
[5] D. Mitchell, Children’s Literature, an
thesis supervisor who gave a lot of criticism
Invitation ton the world. Boston:
and suggestions in this study.
Ablongman, 2003.
2. Dr. Harun Rasyid, M.Pd. as a thesis
supervisor. Thanks for your criticism and [6] Daryanto, Pendekatan Pembelajaran
suggestions in this study. One more I really Saintifik Kurikulum 2013, Yogyakarta:
give thanks to you for your patience during Gava Media, 2014.
the study began.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

[7] Hengkang Bara S, “Pengembangan Media

Komik Berbasis Pendidikan Karakter Pada
Pembelajaran Tematik-Integratif Kelas IV
SD,” Prima Edukasia Journal, vol 3, no 1,
pp. 61-72, January 2015
[8] I. Kurniasih, & B. Sani, Sukses
Mengimplementasikan Kurikulum 2013:
Memahami Berbagai Aspek dalam
Kurikulum 2013. Surabaya: Kata Pena,
[9] J.L. Nicholas, An Exploration of The Impact
of Pitcure Book Ilustration on The
Comprehension Skills and Vocabulary
Development of Emergent Readers.
Dissertation: Louisiana State University,
[10] R.A Sani, Pembelajaran Saintifik untuk
Implementasi Kurikulum 2013, Jakarta:
Bumi Aksara, 2014.
[11] R. J. Lukens, A Critical Handbook of
Children’s Literature. New York: Longman,
[12] Sukardjo, “Evaluasi Pembelajaran, Diktat
matakuliah evaluasi pembelajaran,” Prodi
teknologi PPs UNY, unpublished, 2005.
[13] W.R Borg, M.D Gall, & J.P Gall,
Educational Research: An Introduction. (7th
Ed), New York: Pearson Education Inc,
[14] Z. K. Prasetyo, et al,. “Pengembangan
Perangkat Pembelajaran Sains Terpadu
Untuk Meningkatkan Kognitif,
Keterampilan Proses, Kreativitas Serta
Menerapkan Konsep Ilmiah Peserta Didik
SMP”, Yogyakarta: Program Pascasarjana
UNY, 2011

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Ade Susanti1, Dewi Retno Sari Saputro2
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret
[email protected]; [email protected]

Regression model is used to model the relationship between predictor variables and response variable. In
case that the response variable are Poisson distributed, Poisson regression model can be used to model the
relationship. An assumption that must be fulfilled on Poisson distribution is the mean value of data equals
to the variance value (or so-called equidispersion). If the variance value is greater than the mean value, it
is called overdispersion. Overdispersion occurs due to such factors as the presence greater variance of
response variable caused by other variables unobserved heterogeneity, the influence of other variables
which leads to dependence of the probability of an event on previous events, the presence of outliers, the
existence of excess zeros on response variable. If the equidispersion is not met, the Poisson regression is
no longer appropriate to model the data. Moreover, the resulted model will yield biased parameter
estimation and underestimated standard error, leading to invalid conclusions. To handle overdispersion, the
generalized Poisson regression model can be employed. The present study seeks to overcome
overdispersion of the Poisson regression model using generalized Poisson regression model and to apply it
to data of maternal deaths in Central Java. The study found out the generalized Poisson regression model,
its parameter estimation using maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), as well as iterative solution using
Newton-Raphson method. The iterative estimation obtained is and
, where represents the number of iterations required and is dispersion parameter. The
analysis results in the generalized Poisson regression model, expressed as
⋯ .
Keywords: Poisson regression model, overdispersion, generalized Poisson regression model, Newton-

distributed but the distribution belongs to

exponential family. It implies that response
Regression model is used to model the
variable can be assumed to have Poisson,
relationship between predictor variables (or so-
binomial, exponential, negative binomial, and
called independent variables, X) and response
Gamma distributions. The relationship between
variable (dependent variable, Y) [1, 2]. It is
predictor variables and response variable-
divided into linear regression and nonlinear
Poisson distributed can be modeled using
regression models. The linear regression models
Poisson regression models. The model should
has linear parameters and is normally distributed.
meet the assumption that variance equal to the
In case that data of response variable are not
mean (equidispersion). According to references
normally distributed and do not have linear
[6,7,8], the assumption of equidispersion can
parameter, the nonlinear regression models is
sometimes be not met. Variance are sometimes
employed [3]. To model data of nonlinear
greater than the mean (overdispersion), or
regression models, generalized linear model
smaller than the mean (underdispersion). The
(GLM) is made use of. Three components of the
underdispersion is rare in practice due to the
GLM involve random component, systematic
presence of greater variance than the conditional
component, and link function [4]. One of
mean of response variables [8,9].
nonlinear regression modeled with the GLM is
Overdispersion is resulted from the
Poisson Regression.
presence greater variance of response variable
Reference [5] developed generalized linear
caused by other variables, unobserved
model (GLM) to model the relationship between
heterogeneity, the influence of other variables
a response variable and predictor variables,
which leads to dependence of the probability of
where the response variable is not normally

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

an event on previous events, the presence of regression model, overdispersion, and GPR
outliers, the existence of excess zeros on model. First, we conducted literature review on
response variable [10]. One of the consequences Poisson regression model, overdispersion, and
of overdispersion is the standard deviation of the GPR model. While conducting literature
parameter estimates downward biased and review on Poisson regression model, we carried
significance of predictor variables upward out literature review on Poisson probability
biased, so that leading to invalid conclusions density function, Poisson regression model,
[11]. Overdispersion can be detected using score assumptions which should be met in Poisson
test statistics. According to Reference [5], regression, and violation of assumptions that
overdispersion occurring in Poisson regression occur in Poison regression model
models results in underestimated standard error (overdispersion). The literature review on
and consequently invalid conclusions. If data overdispersion covered the ways to detect
with overdispersion are analyzed using the overdispersion, causes of overdispersion, and
Poisson regression models, there will be some consequences of overdispersion.
missing information due to unmodeled Next, we conducted literature review on the
dispersion parameters in the formulated GPR model, including the generalized Poisson
regression model. Dispersion parameters refer to probability density functions, as well as the GPR
parameters which appear as a result of the model and its parameter estimations. In order to
absence of equidispersion. estimate parameters , , ,…, and ,
Some regression models can be used to maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) was
overcome overdispersion; two of which are employed by formulating likelihood functions, as
negative binomial regression model and well as ln-likelihood functions, deriving towards
generalized Poisson regression (GPR) model and , and optimizing parameters and . Due
[11,12]. The present study focuses on the GPR to the difficulty in determining the solution,
model. GPR model is developed from Poisson Newton-Raphson method was used by finding
regression by assuming the response variable is out initial values of parameters and , and
generalized Poisson distributed. The GPR iterating parameters and until converging
enables to model data with overdispersion [13]. parameters were obtained.
In addition, the GPR can include regression We also applied the results of the literature
parameters, altogether with dispersion review to data of the number of maternal deaths
parameters. The present study seeks to review the in 2014 in 35 regencies/cities of Central Java.
GPR model to handle overdispersion in Poisson The data were obtained from Health Department
regression. The model was applied to model the (Dinas Kesehatan) of Central Java province. The
number of maternal deaths in Central Java in variables comprise one response variable and ten
2014. predictor variables assumed to exert an influence
on the number of maternal deaths, as shown in
Table 1.
This study reviews literature from books,
journals, and articles on theories of Poisson

Table 1. Predictor variables assumed to exert an influence on response variable.

Variable Description
response variable the number of maternal deaths
predictor variable 1 ( the percentage of obtainment of antenatal care service 1
predictor variable 2 ( the percentage of obtainment of antenatal care service 4
predictor variable 3 ( the percentage of labor with the help of medical professionals
predictor variable 4 ( the percentage of obtainment of Fe1
predictor variable 5 ( the percentage of obtainment of Fe3
predictor variable 6 ( the percentage of midwifery complication handling
predictor variable 7 ( the percentage of hygienic and healthy households
predictor variable 8 ( the percentage of hospitals
predictor variable 9 ( the percentage of public health centers (puskesmas)
predictor variable 10 ( the percentage of poor population

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Afterwards, we conducted goodness of fit Poisson regression model belongs to

test for Poisson distribution on response variable, nonlinear regression model resulted from
determine the Poisson regression model, and Poisson distribution which includes the
tested overdispersion on the model, determined application of generalized linear models (GLM).
the GPR model, estimated its parameters, and It explains the relationship between response
analyzed the GPR model. variable and predictor variables, where the
response variable cover discrete/count data [3, 5,
7]. The probability density function of Poisson
distribution is defined as
Poisson Regression Model

, , 1,2, … , (1)

where represents the mean of response variable to exponential family, (1) can be written in the
which is greater than 0, and is the number of form
observations. Since Poisson distribution belongs
, ln .
To find out whether response variable is represents the number of observations, then the
Poisson distributed, goodness of fit for response variable is Poisson distributed. The
distribution is tested using the Kolmogorov- formula of is expressed as
Smirnov test. If is greater than , , where

sup| |

Poisson regression enables to model the , ,…, , were provided;

relationship between predictor variables 1,2, … , , where , ,…, are the th
, ,…, and one response variable observations of variables , , … , and is
assumed to be Poisson distributed [7]. the th observations of variable . The Poisson
Independent samples with observations regression is formulated as

⋯ .
In the form of matrix, it is expressed as

where is response variable-Poisson distributed form of 1 1 sized vector, and is the

in the form of 1 sized vector, represents number of observations [7].
predictor variable in the form of 1 If conditional mean of towards
sized vector, is regression parameter in the , ;…, is expressed as

| , ,…, , ;…,
, ;…, ⋯ (2)

where 1,2, … , and represents the number of observations, (2) can be expressed as

ln , ;…, … (3)

Equation (3) is equivalent to

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

, ;…, ⋯

References [1,9] point out that in Poisson heterogeneity, the influence of other variables
regression an assumption should be met, i.e. which leads to dependence of the probability of
response variable should be Poisson distributed. an event on previous events, the presence of
Assumption of Poisson distribution is that the outliers, the existence of excess zeros on
variance value and the mean value are equal response variables [10]. One of the consequences
(equidispersion), or are expressed of overdispersion is the standard deviation of
. If the assumption is not met, parameter estimates downward biased and
overdispersion (the variance value are greater significance of predictor variables upward
than the mean value) occurs, or is expressed biased, so that leading to invalid conclusions
. To test the overdispersion on [11]. If overdispersion in Poisson regression
Poisson regression, score test statistic is used. If occurs, the resulted model will be less accurate,
the statistic results in a value of less than / , leading to underestimated (lower than the true
then overdispersion occurs. The formula of the value) standard error of parameter estimation and
score test statistic is expressed as therefore invalid conclusions. In addition, the
∑ resulted deviance value will exceed and this
. triggers complex model selection and wrong
interpretation on the model [8,9].
Several factors contributing to the
occurrence of overdispersion in an observation The GPR Model
include the presence greater variance of response The function of the generalized Poisson
variable caused by other variables, unobserved distribution is expressed as

1 1
; ; , 1,2, … ,
1 ! 1

where represents dispersion parameter and is , respectively. The formulated regression

the number of observations. The mean vue and model based on the GPR employs the GLM with
the variance value of the generalized Poisson link function
distribution are and 1

The parameter estimation of the GPR is subsequently done using MLE [6]. The likelihood function
for the GPR model is:

1 1
, ,
1 ! 1

Afterwards, the likelihood function is transformation and the following function is

simplified by running a natural logarithm obtained

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

ln , , ln ln 1 1 ln 1 ln !

where ∑ . In order to parameter on GPR model is the result of

obtain maximum value of parameter estimation, Poisson regression model estimation and to
ln-likelihood function should be maximized. It estimate the parameter on GPR model is 1.
can be met if the function derived to each 2) Conducting iterative process with the
parameter ( and is zero valued. The following procedures
derivation results in difficult-to-solve system of
nonlinear equation, and therefore approximate
solution using Newton-Raphson method is
employed [15]. Below are procedures to estimate where represents gradient vector, is
parameters , , , … , and using Newton- Hessian matrix, and is the number of
Raphson method: iterations. , , , and can be written as
1) Determining initial value of parameters and
. The initial value that used to estimate the

ln , ,

ln , ,

ln , , 1
, , , , and
⋮ | |

ln , ,

ln , ,

ln , , ln , , … ln , , ln , ,

ln , , ln , , … ln , , ln , ,

ln , , ln , , … ln , , ln , ,

⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ⋮
ln , , ln , , … ln , , ln , ,

ln , , ln , , … ln , , ln , ,

3) Conducting iteration to obtain estimation of converges to , or and

parameters and by taking the , where is a really small
convergence into account. The iteration is number.
regarded convergent if the value of Therefore, the estimation of generalized
converges to and the value of Poisson regression model using MLE is obtained

⋯ , 1,2, … , .

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Application households ( ), the percentage of hospitals

( ), the percentage of public health centers
The study models the relationship between
(puskesmas) ( ), and the percentage of poor
maternal deaths ( ) and the percentage of
population ( ). Data include 35 regencies/
obtainment of antenatal care service 1 ( ), the
cities in Central Java province, obtained from
percentage of obtainment of antenatal care
Central Bureau of Statistics (Badan Pusat
service 4 ( ), the percentage of labor with the
Statistik) and Health Department (Dinas
help of medical professionals ( ), the
Kesehatan) of Central Java province. Table 2
percentage of obtainment of Fe1 ( ), the
signifies the characteristics of each variable in
percentage of obtainment of Fe3 ( ), the
descriptive statistics
percentage of midwifery complication handling
( ), the percentage of hygienic and healthy

Table 2. The Descriptive Statistics for Data of Maternal Deaths and the Influencing Variables
Variable Mean Variance Min Max
Y 3.0571 9.408 0.0000 14.0000
X1 99.4226 4.441 93.0800 105.4300
X2 93.0923 11.382 86.0000 98.4200
X3 99.1914 2.313 94.3000 101.1000
X4 97.0114 29.096 72.3000 106.2000
X5 92.2886 19.873 78.1000 98.9000
X6 103.9200 547.182 60.3000 168.0000
X7 76.1934 154.407 44.5500 96.4600
X8 94.2771 219.054 33.3000 100.0000
X9 93.3400 128.885 59.3000 100.0000
X10 13.0406 18.493 5.0400 21.4200

Based on Table 2, it is clear that the lowest highest is 68%. The lowest percentage of
number of maternal deaths is 0 occurring in such hygienic and healthy households ( ) is 44.55%,
regencies as Banjarnegara, Kebumen, while the highest is 96.46%. The lowest
Wonosobo, Boyolali, Karanganyar, and percentage of hospitals ( ) is 33.30%, while the
Grobogan, as well as such cities as Magelang, highest is 100%. The lowest percentage of public
Surakarta, and Salatiga. Meanwhile, the highest health centers (puskesmas) ( ) is 59.30%, while
number of maternal deaths is 14 occurring in the highest is 100%. The lowest percentage of
Brebes regency. The mean of maternal deaths is poor population ( ) is 5.04%, while the highest
3 and the variance is 9. is 21.42%.
The lowest percentage of obtainment of Prior to the determination of Poisson
antenatal care service 1 ( ) is 93.08%, while the regression model, Poisson distribution testing on
highest is 105.43%. The lowest percentage of response variable using Kolmogorov-Smirnov
obtainment of antenatal care service 4 ( ) is test is performed to find out whether or not the
86%, while the highest is 98.42%. The lowest response variable is Poisson distributed. The
percentage of labor with the help of medical procedures include
professionals ( ) is 94.30%, while the highest is 1) Hypothesis: : Poisson distributed response
101.10%. The lowest percentage of obtainment variable; : Non-Poisson distributed
of Fe1 ( ) is 72.30%, while the highest is response variable
106.20%. The lowest percentage of obtainment 2) Significance level: 0,05.
of Fe3 ( ) is 78.10%, while the highest is 3) Critical Region: | ; ; ,
98.90%. The lowest percentage of midwifery 0,2299
complication handling ( ) is 60.30%, while the 4) Test Statistics:

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Frequency | |
0 9 0.257143 0.257143 0.047023 0.047024 0.210119
1 4 0.114285 0.371429 0.143757 0.190781 0.180648
2 4 0.114285 0.485714 0.219739 0.410520 0.075194
3 4 0.114285 0.600000 0.223921 0.634441 0.034441
4 5 0.142857 0.742857 0.171138 0.805579 0.062722
5 4 0.114285 0.857143 0.104637 0.910216 0.053073
6 1 0.028571 0.885714 0.053314 0.963530 0.078161
7 2 0.057142 0.942857 0.023283 0.986814 0.043957
9 1 0.028571 0.971429 0.003022 0.989837 0.018408
14 1 0.028571 1.00000 0.000003 0.989840 0.010160
| | 0,210119

5) Conclusion: Since ∉ , is not Afterwards, Poisson regression model is

rejected. This implies that the response determined. The model is obtained
variable is Poisson distributed.

29,093 0,335 0,022 0,005 0,094 0,007

0,01 0,003 0,022 0,005 0,013

Next, overdispersion testing is conducted. Overdispersion can also be seen from the value
The presence of overdispersion on data of of the score test statistics. The result of the score
maternal deaths in Central Java in the year of test statistics is:
2014 is demonstrated by Table 2. The variance
value of is greater than the mean value of .


Since the value of 49.24078 is greater in Central Java in the year of 2014. Therefore,
than / 1.96, it can be concluded that GPR model can be used to overcome the
overdispersion occurs on data of maternal deaths overdispersion. The model is obtained

25,549 0,3348 0,0199 0,0171 0,0867 0,0155

0,0107 0,00226 0,0178 0,00000599 0,00898

Parameter estimation is conducted and

below are the procedures to estimate parameters 1) Determining the initial value of parameters
, , , … , and and .
The initial value of the parameters:

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

0,007 and 1
2) Conducting iteration of parameters and to obtain its convergence. Parameter and are convergent
after 8 iterations. This results in 25,549; 0,3348; 0,0199; 0,0171;
0,0867; 0,0155; 0,0107; 0,00226; 0,0178; 0,00000599;
0,00898; and 0,6028.

Based on these results can be drawn conclusions

a. The generalized Poisson regression model to handle overdispersion on Poisson regression model is

The probability density function is expressed as

1 1
; ; , 1,2, … ,
1 ! 1

where n represents the number of observations.

b. Based on the application, Poisson regression model is obtained

25,549 0,3348 0,0199 0,0171 0,0867 0,0155 0,0107

0,00226 0,0178 0,00000599 0,00898 .

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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Riya Wahyuni.a, Irmawatib, Yono Cahyonoc, Florentianus Dopod
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia
e-mail: [email protected]

This paper is written based on the results of experimental use of file items into a means of expression in art
and music at school MTSN Kasomalang Subang. This paper is written to eliminate the students' perception
that in the art and music can not be done simultaneously, In addition to cognitive and psychomotor activities
in work of art, This research was carried out to further improve the affective attitude starts from the sense
of mutual respect and cooperation among students. Therefore, It is hoped that using learning strategies to
utilize secondhand and art in art can foster a sense of togetherness, appreciate others and not work
individually but able to cooperate with others. This paper was written with either a qualitative design with
The application of action research methods in the implementation, starting from the Choose a used goods
that will be used as a media work and determine the theme art is percussion music, Used goods and then
decorated with a touch of painting done with students in school. Cultural art that includes skills taught to
students is an activity where students are taught to be able to develop and take advantage of all that is
around the environment as an ingredients work, These activities try to develop and creativity that unused
goods around the environment still has value to the beneficial. The results of this research are students are
able to think creatively and Work together in utilizing used goods into musical instruments, Students are
able to process used goods into beautiful goods by giving a touch of painting on used goods. During the
process of the art work in progress students are expected to show the attitude of valuing the work of others,
to listen to the opinions of a group of friends as well as the cooperate in completing the work of art.
Keywords: art educations, afektif, secondhands.

the results of the study (tim pengembangan

MKDP, kurikulum dan pembelajaran 2011:176).
Art and culture are the subjects given at Therefore, The media shown should also contain
schools ranging from elementary school level of about one entity, Where a media can show all art
education, middle school and high school, the and cultural material activities (music, dance and
subjects of art and culture is given to students is fine arts) and skills. The presence of the media
useful to give the knowledge of aesthetic value when the learning process is expected to enhance
and improve creativity of students. The subjects the spirit of learning and memberikan a good
of art and culture is divided into knowledge of evaluation of the learning task. Art and culture
dance, music, and fine arts. and skills taught to students to be able to develop
The art is taught in schools on subjects of and make use of the environment as an
art and culture and skills (seni budaya & ingredients work, for example the utilization of
keterampilan), students are not only skilled work used goods.
but know their own culture and can give you the Used goods used as materials for expression
appreciation of a work of, Purnomo (2016) stated and creativity will be decorated with color and
“in learning the art appreciative attitude painted, then used goods will be revamped its
developed culture, i.e. attitude pointing on a function into an instrument for percussion.
whim and the ability to appreciate and love the Through learning this art students are taught how
art and culture of the nation”. to cultivate and designing a product. The
Teaching and learning culture requires activities of pengolaan this will be an integrated
media to be able to produce a good evaluation, art in which the skills of fine art and the art of
media are tools or materials that can be used for music is done for one purpose. As said by
the benefit of learning in an attempt to improve Giebelhousen (2016) in the MENC Task Force

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

for national standards in arts and music education hand used is selected according to the needs of its
National Conference, 1994; The National function will be what once processed back, on the
Association for music education, 2014 “starting creativity of this time is the thrift will serve as
with the 1994 national standards in music and Art percussion instruments, Used goods to be used
with the standard National 2014, I really hope among others: buckets, barrels, cans, drumsticks,
that the art of music in education can create the glass, and to further maximize the function of
relationship between the music with other art”. used goods that have been selected at the time of
Furthermore, how is the art of learning can lead playing it will dikolaborasikan with a keyboard
to affective attitude to learners?. instrument. The goal so that there is conformity
Art has a lot of good sense from the experts between instruments with second-hand
as well as the notion of a dictionary that has electronic music.
recognized the truth, “herbert Read in the book is When finished with the selection of
The Meaning of Art (1959). Declaring that art is materials and creativity, the next step that will be
the human endeavor to create fun shapes.” worked on educators and learners are cultivate
(Dharsono Sony, 2004, hlm 2). like is the thrift is becoming more interesting to have
American Heritage Dictionary (dalam Sudjoko. aesthetic value, The thing done is to give a touch
2000. pp. 57) art is, as said AH: 1. Human efforts of art in the form of graphic technique Stencil
to draw, complement, change, or oppose the Srint. Stencil Srint is types of mold that are using
work of nature. 2. The making or conscious cliches in a State with wholes are places of
arrangement of sounds, colors, shapes, passage of pigment due to pressure on the ink on
movements, or other elements, In a way that the field in the bottom of the cliche.
touches the beautiful taste, especially in the (Budiwirman. 2012. pp. 165-166). After
making of beautiful things through a line or style changing the used goods into goods more
liner. 3. Fields or classes of art, such as music, valuable aesthetic further stage is experienced
ballet dance, or literature. with the materials into a musical instrument.
The number of understanding of art The selected music is percussion ensemble.
basically has the same purpose that is art is an “the percussion ensemble is a music game using
attempt to convey a sense of someone in and the instruments at” (Agus salim, 2010). All activities
feeling is inside in good shape, the sound are done in combining art with the art of music,
produced through the instruments as well as This activity is an attempt in developing a school
voice, motion generated by sports bodies, the culture in art education at the same time an effort
form is generated from a two-dimensional or in the development of students ' creativity
three-dimensional. In the learning of art and because basically “art education is the approach
culture in school students are given an that most vital of all to foster creative talent and
understanding of all forms of art are poured into culture " (Shuqin, 2012).
the art of dance, art, music art.
Seni rupa is the work or an expression of
feeling the results encouraged creativity and
imagination of someone who has the skills and The research method used in this research
uses qualitative design with the application of
the race of life. (Sulasmi Darma. 1989, pp. 5).
While music art is Wahyu Purnomo & Fasih action research methods in its implementation,
Subagiyo (2010) in his skillful musical for junior the research was carried out in Kasomalang
high school, explain: Music terms derived from MTSN Subang, Bandung. With the sample as
the Greek, mousikos. The word is derived from many as 10 students. This research was done in 1
month, with Groove training the students learn
the name of one of the gods of Greece named
Mousikos. Mousikos symbolized as God of the basic tone in the music of percussion then
beauty and master the field of Arts and science. Choose a used goods that will be used as a
medium, Used goods will be used as a musical
Music can be interpreted as the expression of
feelings that is poured in the form of sounds. The instrument for percussion music that has been
resulting expression through the voice of the man previously decorated with a touch of painting
done with students in school.
called the vocal, while expression generated via
a tool called instrumental music. (pp. 3). Results achieved in this study is Students
Although, the output of the different art. are able to think creatively and Work together in
utilizing used goods into musical instruments,
However, basically both can be connected into
one, in accordance with the creativity of learners Students are able to process used goods into
and educators in expanding it. How used is with beautiful goods by giving a touch of painting on
the goods. During the process of the ongoing
the utilization of used goods are pouring in as the
means of creativity fine arts and music. Second- work of art students can indicate an attitude to

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

appreciate the work of others, to listen to the concepts. All activities activities recorded using
opinions of a group of friends and cooperate in a camera and edited into audio visual works of
completing the work of art, This became the main art"match by name, This medium is a
subject in the process of work carried out. Other combination of audio and visual, or commonly
than that students are able to play a music called point of view heard” (tim pengembangan
instrument made from materials found on the MKDP, kurikulum dan pembelajaran 2011, pp.
theme of percussion music. 163) Which can be used as a medium for learning
art and culture to increase the creativity of
learners because with the media, especially audio
visual media will be able to grow interest in
The process of performing art and artistic
students' creativity.
creativity in the learning of art and culture is done Before the work product students are taught
by direct practice method implemented for 1 the basic tone in play music, that became the
month at MTSN Kasomalang Subang, worked
basis of the beam in the musical. The beams,
together with educators and learners in among others:
accordance with the prevailing theories and

Gambar 1,

Patterns in music percussion: the pattern punch boosas, accented blows which fell on the
one called by the single stroke technique. Single step count after starting with two weak punches
stroke technique is blow to alternate between In the implementation the students will be
right and left hand tanagn 4/4 tone bars with a given a referral about what is not the basis of
constantly recurring with each one beats to knock percussion and beams in the music itself. From
into four. The pattern of two so-called double the above table it can be seen in column form
stroke technique, This technique is the instant contained symbols are referred to as “not”. The
punch between the left hand and right hand, each notes will be placed on the line with a line called
of his knock has doubled with a tone of 4/4 beats, pranada. The line consists of the five pranada line
This means that the the right hand on the first it parallel to the size of the same length. As
beats his shot constant temperatures doubled to described by Subagyo (2010) explain “the line
knock in two left hand value his shot it twice consists of five pranada line paralleled the same
turns to knock into three and four. The pattern length. The distance of the numbered from
of three called with engineering paradiddle. This bottom to top, i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. The hose or the
technique is a combination of a pattern 1 pattern distance between the two arms of a notation
2, the pattern among other ka-ki-ka-ka-ki-ki, Ka called a space. High places and each tone is set
and ki meaning right mean left. The pattern of on line fixed and pranada unchanged-change "
four called by arrangement, arrangement by Why it is directed in advance, because, It is
combining the pattern one, two and three patterns basically cultural arts learning on learner level of
of patterns as well as blending measure drum junior high school and above is students are
blues. The pattern is called the five techniques expected to understand and be able to explain
samba. This technique is a blow to do to create a what they are doing either in criticism as well as
harmonious tone. Six patterns is called pattern appreciation, they are not only playing music can

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

be prosecuted but understand by what they play

as well as they used to do.
During the process of working with
students it looks awkward in cooperation and
students look very hard to communicate with
each other, and some even think of doing their
own work. To eliminate a State researchers chose
the material to be used in decorating the thrift is
by using the techniques of graphic stencil print.
Budiwirman in him book Seni, Seni Grafis, dan c) put the Catapult on paper cartons that will be
Aplikasinya dalam Pendidikan (2012. pp. 165- in print. Then sprinkle paint using brush on the
166) explain: Stencil Print technique print filter hole until evenly distributed.
is a type of mold using a Cliche that has a
perforated into the limits of Piqment or color.
The stages are done in the thrift to decorate
using graphic techniques stenil print is Choose a
motif that will be depicted on objects, namely,
themed i.e., flora and fauna of butterflies and
flowers, where such motifs are arranged on a
plastic sheet which will be deducted on a certain
part. As in the following process: Tools and
materials that are prepared, among others; a)
cover of plastic, paper, cardboard,b) cutter, c)
paint, d) foam, brush.
Machining process: a) make a picture or
design that will be used as the object of the image
on the cover of the Catapult.

d) lift up the perforated paper and leave color on

cardboard to dry out while giving the effect of
finising at work.

b) the object to use to trim your cutter, becoming

hollow (the hollow is the part that will be given

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

[1] Budiwirman. (2012). Seni, Seni Grafis dan
Aplikasinya dalam Pendidikan. Padang:
UNP Press Padang.
[2] Giebelhausen, R. (2016). Video Inspired the
Radio Star: Interdisciplinary Projects for
Media Arts and Music. General Music
Today, 30(2), 29–32.
[3] Purnomo, W., & Subagyo, F. (2010).
Terampil Bermusik. Jakarta: Pusat
Perbukuan Pendidikan Nasional. Retrieved
e) Results after applied on used items
Based on research conducted on top
indicates that the importance of fostering a sense
of sympathy towards children or whatever he [4] Purnomo, sigit. (2016). Modul Pelatihan
learned as well as the importance of socialization Guru Mata Pelajaran Seni Budaya
and mutual valuing between friends, especially in SMP:Dasar-dasar Seni Rupa. Jakarta:
learning the art with the selection of appropriate Direktorat Jendral Guru dan Tenaga
materials and methods that can provide benefits Kependidikan, Kementerian Pendidikan dan
to students. Kebudayaan. Retrieved from
The results of this research note that by
learning the fine arts can provide skills to guru-pembelajar-sbk-seni-budaya.html
students about the utilization of used goods
[5] Salim, Agus. (2010). Adaptasi Pola Ritme
unused products that have the functionality of
Dangdut pada Ansambel Perkusi, vol.11 n.
other tools in the form of sharing music, by
20, desember 2010; 106-123. Retrieved
learning the art of being able to give musical
skills in students with learning and the arts can
lead to affective attitude of students in
cooperating to resolve the issue and appreciate
the opinion as well as the work of others. [6] Shuqin, S. (2012). Cultural and Creative
Industries and Art Education. Physics
Procedia, 33, 1652–1656.
Based on the results of the creation of the
creativity done and outlined above the [7] Sudjoko. (2000). Pengantar Seni Rupa.
conclusion that can be drawn is like any kind of Jakarta: Proyek Pendidikan Tenaga
art being taught basically have an affinity and can Akademik, Departemen Pendidikan
be connected to each other, as well as in the Nasional, Intitut Teknologi Bandung
process of implementation can be used as a
Tim Pengembangan MKDP. (2013). Kurukulum
medium when done recording and edited it as
& Pembelajaran-ed. 3-cet. 3.-. Jakarta:
interesting as possible. Then, learning takes place
Rajawali Pers
when students are expected to know and
understand what is being taught and can think
creatively by creating new things from art work
especially activities harnessing the goods unused
around the neighborhood. The main thing is to be
expected in the study above are students able to
appreciate the opinions provided the other person
and capable of issuing opinions and are able to
work together in solving group and does not
stand alone.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Herminarto Sofyan1, Wagiran2, Kokom Komariah3, Endri Triwiyono3
Yogyakarta State University

This study was aimed at describing effectiveness of problem-based learning implementation at vocational
high school in 2013 curriculum context. This descriptif study done at Vocational High School in the Special
District of Yogyakarta: SMKN 2 Depok, SMKN 1 Selenga, SMKN 2 Yogyakarta, SMKN 4 Yogyakarta,
SMKN 6 Yogyakarta, SMKN 2 Sedayu, SMKN 2 Pengasih, SMKN 2 Wonosari, and SMKN 3 Wonosari.
The Subject in this study were teachers at Vocational High School, especially in automotive, machinery,
and culinary programs that implemented problem based learning. Data were collected through teacher’s
observation. The data were analyzed using descriptive methods. The result of descriptive analysis showed
that problem based learning was effective to improving anthusiasm, perhatian and activity of students.
Keywords: problem based learning, vocational high school, 2013 curriculum

Curriculum to 2013 curriculum needs a change

of learning paradigm from teaching centered
Background of Research Problem learning to student centered learning, from
Vocational education are education for teaching community to learning community.
vocation or education for occupation. Billet Teachers have to be creative and innovative in
(2011) says that vocational education are designing a learning so the students are
education for occupation. Preparation for work motivated and pleased when a learning occurs.
was the main goal of vocational education Therefore, there must be efforts from teachers on
(Pavlova, 2009). It was perceived as providing how to develop learning process to be interesting,
specific training that was reproductive and based pleasing, and motivating the students to do self-
on teachers’ instruction, with the intention to learning (Sofyan, 2014)
develop understanding of a particular industry, One of effective learning methods to
comprising the specific skills or tricks of the improving quality of learning with student
trade. Students’ motivation was seen to be centered learning paradigm is Problem-Based
engendered by the economics benefit to them, in Learning (PBL). Problem based learning is a
the future. constructivistic learning method orienting at
Vocational education aspeciallly student able to grow a spirit that is creative,
vocational high school have strategic role in collaborative, metacognitive thinking,
preparing human resources, specifically a mid- developing high-level thinking, improving the
level workforces. Vocational education understanding of meanings, improving
especially vocational high school are education independence, facilitating problem-solving, and
that prepare graduates to entering world of work developing teamwork. The question is, how
(Act of The Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of problem based learning improving the quality of
2003). So, relevancy between education and learning. This study is expected to describe
world of work is key factor to determine effectiveness of problem based learning to
effectiveness of vocational education. improve quality of learning.
Kurikulum 2013 in vocational MacDonald and Isaacs (2001) offer this
education is innovative policy to improving the distinguishing characteristic of problem-based
quality of graduates suitable to the goal of learning: “The characteristic that distinguishes
education (entering world of work). This policy PBL from other learning methods centring on
is expected to produce Indonesian humans who what students do, rather than what teaching staff
are productive, creative, innovative, and do (student-centred methods) is that the problem
affective through integrated improvements of comes before the knowledge (in the broadest
attitude (know why), skills (know how), and sense) needed to solve or resolve it.” Maastricht
knowledge. The change of curriculum from 2006 (Graff and Kolmos, 2003) show that problem

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

based learning is an educational approach

whereby the problem is the starting point of the
This research is a descriptive research
learning process. The type of problem is depent
conducted to teachers in five vocational high
on the specific organisation. Usually, the
schools (SMK) of machinery, light vehicle
problems are based on real life problems which
engineering, and culinary fields. Subject is
have been selected and edited to meet
teachers that implementing problem based
educational objectives and criteria.
learning in machinery, light vehicle engineering,
Barrows and Tamblyn (Barret,
and culinary fields. Data gathering was done by describe an operational
teachers’ observation. Data was analyzed
definition of problem-based learning is as
1. First students are presented with a problem
2. Students discuss the problem in a small group
PBL tutorial. They clarify the facts of the Problem-based learning (PBL) is a learning
case. They define what the problem is. They strategy that used real-world problems as a
brainstorm ideas based on the prior context for learners to learn about critical
knowledge. They identify what they need to thinking and problem-solving skills. Problem-
learn to work on the problem, what they do based learning is used to stimulate high-level
not know (learning issues). They reason thinking in problem-oriented situations. To
through the problem. They specify an action achieve this, teachers help learners to identify
plan for working on the problem. relevant information and learning resources to
3. Students engage in independent study on their conduct investigations in resolving the issue. In
learning issues outside the tutorial. The developing these skills, cooperation among
information sources they draw on include: learners in groups is needed to identify relevant
library, databases, the web and resource information and learning resources to solve the
people problems. PBL is a student-centered learning,
4. They come back to the PBL tutorial (s) while the teacher facilitating learners to actively
sharing information, peer teaching and solve problems and build knowledge.
working together on the problem An overview of the implementation of
5. They present and discuss their solution to the Problem Based Learning conducted in
problem Vocational High School in Yogyakarta with
6. They review what they have learnt from three different departments: machining,
working on the problem. All who participated automotive engineering,and culinary can be
in the process engage in self, peer and tutor shown in Table 1.
review of the PBL process and each person’s
contribution to that process.

Tabel 1. Observation of Student Behavior by Teacher

No. Aspect Machining Aotomotive Cullinary Mean
1 Very Very
Enthusiastic in learning 4,00 High 4,00 High 4,33 4,13
High High
Positively Responce 3,57 High 3,33 High 4,00 High 3,67 High
Very Very
Define the task completion target 3,86 High 4,67 4,00 High 4,07
High High
2 Very
Attention to teacher explanations 3,86 High 3,33 High 4,50 4,00 High
Very Very
Attention to the work instructions 4,14 4,00 High 4,00 High 4,06
High High
Attention to problem solving process 3,71 High 3,67 High 4,17 3,88 High
Attention to the opinions of other students 3,29 High 3,33 High 4,33 3,69 High
3 Very Very
Asking 3,14 High 4,00 4,00 3,63 High
High High
Bring ideas
3,29 High 3,67 High 3,83 High 3,56 High
Very Very
Demonstration / presentation 3,43 High 4,33 4,17 3,88 High
High High
Very Very Very Very
Doing the exercises 4,00 4,00 4,17 4,06
High High High High
4 Student busy 3,14 High 2,33 Low 2,50 Low 2,75 Low
Very Very
Annoying their friends 2,00 2,67 Low 1,83 2,06 Low
Low Low
Noisy students 2,14 Low 2,67 Low 1,67 2,06 Low

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Observations were made on several aspects are identical and appropriate to the learning of
in the application of Problem Based Learning in vocational education especially practice.
Vocational High School. Table 1 shows that Problem Based Learning will be better applied as
enthusiasm students in learning with Problem an action research. In addition to supporting
Based Learning is very high. This high infrastructure, another important factor is the
enthusiasm is supported by the high positive teachers to make grade on the problems given to
responses of students to teacher encouragement students. In general, the given case has not been
and task completion targets. During the learning divided into categories easy, moderate or
process implemented, students are highly valued difficult.
in attention to teacher explanations, work
guidance and problem-solving process as well as
observing the opinions of other students. In
addition, the activities of students during the The study result shows that problem based
learning is effective to improving quality of
learning such as asking, suggesting ideas, doing
demonstrations/presentations and doing learning. Implementation of problem based
exercises in general are high. learning can improve anthusiasm, perhatian and
activity of students.
Implementation of Problem Based Learning
which is considered new, potentially causing
some conditions that make the class less REFERENCE
conducive. The existence of student freedom in [1] Barret, What is Problem Based Learning?
the learning process such as discussion and
presentation can cause a crowded class, noisy
and disturbing other students in learning. The [2] Billet, S. (2011). Vocational education
observations made seemingly crowded students purposes, traditions, and prospect. London:
and do not pay attention to the lessons for Springer Science+Business Media.
Automotive Engineering and Catering is low, [3] Graaff, E. de & Kolmos, A. (2003).
while for Mechanical Engineering is high. Less Characteristics of Problem-Based Learning.
conducive students also seen students who International Journal of Engineering
interfere with his friends. In general, students Education
who interfere with his friends are low. Likewise,
the classroom noise is also low. The results of the [4] MacDonald, D & Isaacs, G (2001)
observations above show that Problem Based Developing a professional identity through
Learning does not cause less conducive class. problem-based learning. Teaching
The results of self-evaluation of each Education. 12 315-333.
teacher shows that the implementation of [5] Pavlova, M. (2009). Pavlova M. (2009). The
Problem Based Learning considered necessary to vocationalization of secondary education:
be followed up because Problem Based Learning the relationships between vocational and
can improve the quality of learning. Problem technology education. In R. Maclean, D.
Based Learning enables students to more easily Wilson, & C. Chinien (Eds.), International
to understand practice techniques, provide more Handbook of Education for the Changing
students opportunities to learn, students are World of Work, Bridging Academic and
accustomed to developing critical skills and Vocational Learning (pp. 1805-1822).
problem solving. Implementation of Problem Bonn: Springer.
Based Learning can also improve students' self-
reliance through initiative, creative thinking [6] Sofyan, H. (2016). Potential Implementation
demands, creativity and competition. In addition, of Problem Based Learning in Kurikulum
social skills can also be enhanced through
cooperation and discussion. 2013 Context at Vocational High School.
Implementation of Problem Based Learning Proceedings of the 2015 International
can directly add the source of student reference.
This is because students are given freedom in Conference on Innovation in Engineering
searching for learning resources such as books, and Vocational Education. Indonesia:
the internet, and journals.
Problem Based Learning has a well- Bandung
planned and clear syntax. Teachers as facilitators
should follow the syntax and prepare the learning
support infrastructure. The syntax and rules of
Problem Based Learning according to the teacher

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Rindi Liskasari1, Suparmi2, Puguh Karyanto3

Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Sains , PPs UNS, Surakarta, 57126, Indonesia
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

The importance of scientific-approach teaching and learning has been urged by Indonesia’s Ministry of
Education. However, its implementation may vary according to school condition. This research aims to
assess the implementation of scientific-based learning in Karanganyar. A comparation between Indonesia
and Malaysia is Assed. This assessment will be very useful in giving real representative portrait of the
implementation of scientific-based approach teaching and learning. A classroom-based observation trough
in depth interview has been conducted at SMPN I Karanganyar, one of the most prominent midlle schools
in Karanganyar. This research focused on three domains i.e. teachers’ professional skill, teachers’ readiness,
and school. A qualitative analysis was used to assess the obtained data. The result showed that the root of
cause of why teachers do not prefer to use scientific-based approach in their teaching and learning activities
is related to the duration of teaching and learning. Insufficient time alocation allocated by school becomes
the main determinant affecting teachers’ teaching and learning strategy.
Keyword: duration of teaching, education, scientific-based learning

objectives of scientific learning [4] are based on

the advantages of scientific approach: 1)
The Indonesian National Education
scientific approach can improve students'
Philosoper [1] in 2013 curriculum learly states
thinking ability, especially high-order thinking;
that curriculum is used as a constitutional praxis.
2) scientific approach can form systematic
The curriculum as a contextual praxis means that
problem-solving skills; 3) the students will get
the curriculum is expanded with the addition of
the results of meaningful learning, 4) scientific
the need for mutual commitment to agree on the
approach is able to assist students in
necessary activities as part of the learning
communicating their ideas.
process to achieve a certain target, that is, to
Scientific approach is important to be
achieve meaningful learning. One way to achieve
implemented in the learning process to achieve
meaningful learning is to use a scientific
meaningful learning. Scientific learning becomes
approach in the 2013 Curriculum.
the instrument that connects students'
Two important things based on scientific
perspectives to organize a learning process in
learning are interpreting and explaining [2].
order that they can design their own learning
Interpreting is done to obtain data based on
activities and find solutions to learning problems
scientific steps, whereas explaining is done to
systematically and scientifically [5]. Learning
explain the result of data interpretation.
with scientific approach is a learning that has the
Scientific learning is an important type of
characteristics of inductive thinking where
learning to be conducted in school. Scientific
students are taught to construct the knowledge of
learning helps students to think systematically so
various information obtained and then conclude
that students will understand the lessons taught
information into a new concept [6]. The scientific
more easily. Concepts derived from scientific
approach will enable students to investigate,
approach are testable. Each concept is
develop, and present the work they compile to
systematically explained by confirming and
achieve innovative, productive, creative, and
investigating to obtain the acceptable concept.
affective learning outcomes useful for their
Daryanto (2014, p.51) reveals that scientific
learning is a learning process designed to enable
The government has changed education
students to construct concepts, laws, or principles
system so that we can keep in pace with the new
through observing, questioning, associating,
curriculum adopted in the 2013 curriculum.
experimenting and networking which consists of
Kemendikbud [7] stated that the learning process
communicating and implementing. The
in the 2013 curriculum for all levels is carried out

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

by using scientific approach. The approach is

enriched with problem-based and project-based
Teachers’ Professional skill
learning models.
Teachers’ professional skills are related to
a. Observing
their thinking skills. Based on the results of
Activities done in the process of observing
observations, teachers’ thinking are reflected
are reading, listening, and perceiving.
from teachers’ teaching styles [10]. Teachers’
Observing helps students to find
ability in mastering the course materials effects
information accurately.
the way they deliver the materials. The material
b. Questioning
presented by the teachers is relevant to the
Questioning process develops students’
student's level of ability. The material is
creativity, understanding, and ability to
delivered according to the guidebook used in
formulate questions in order that they are
school. When delivering the material, the
able to develop their active skill and
teachers did not face difficulties, the teachers
critical thinking.
could explain the material smoothly. This is
c. Gathering information / experimenting
because teachers often joined seminars and
Activities conducted are experiments,
training that can increase their science
reading sources other than manuals,
knowledge. At the beginning of learning,
observations, and interviews
teachers checked the readiness of students by
d. Asociating / information processing
greeting them, motivating, and checking whether
Activities done are aimed to process the
the students brought the science books or not.
information collected used to generate
However, teachers rarely invite students to study
new conclusions relevant to the theory.
outdoors, in the school environment or in the
e. Comunicating
community. The tasks assigned to the students
Activities done are delivering the results
are mostly taken from the students’ handbook
from observing to associating activities.
and students’ worksheet. Teachers rarely provide
Structurally, the learning process set by the tasks related to the surrounding environment and
government in 2013 curriculum is using society so that the knowledge and skills taught
scientific approach in the learning process. In are not yet practical. According to the teachers,
fact, the learning process conducted in SMP N 1 this happens because of the time constraints.
Karanganyar is still far from the scientific
process. Therefore, this study aims to obtain Teachers’ Readiness
information about the implementation of Students’ and teachers’ learning readiness
scientific learning in SMP Negeri 1 Karanganyar are related to how well both the students and the
conducted by teachers. teachers prepare to learn to develop hardskill and
soft skills. Based on the observation results, it
was found that the teachers have prepared
syllabus, lessonplan and worksheet before the
This study was considered as a case study. learning started. Syllabus, lessonplan and
Case study is appropriate because it allows the students’ worksheet prepared were in accordance
researcher to focus on a certain unit to produce with K-13 format which is standardized by
an in-depth description by looking at a process permendikbud. However, in the teaching and
with a small amount of respondents (Sugiyono, learning process, the lesson learned was not the
2010). This study focused to the implementation same as the lessonplan made. Teachers still used
of scientific-based learning in middle school in traditional methods, discussions, and
karanganyar. This research was conducted in presentations. Teachers often used traditional
SMP N 1 Karanganyar, one of the most method such as question and answer section.
prominent midlle schools in Karanganyar. To Based on teachers’ recognition, in the first
collect data, there were two techniques used in semester, teachers taught in accordance with
this research, those are observing and interview. lessonplan and used scientific approach. But
The researcher focused on collecting the data after several meetings, the expected learning
related to the teachers’ professional, teachers’ outcomes were not achieved. That is why
readiness, and school. The data were analyzed by teachers often use traditional learning methods
using Miles and Huberman principle [9] that are considered more effective and get more
consisting of three steps as data reduction, data material targets even though a certain method is
display, and conclusion drawing. not necessarily appropriate to be used to teach
other materials. Teachers rarely used innovative
learning models that build students' creativity,

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

motivation, and interest. This is what makes and has sufficient tools and practicum materials
learning activities were not effective. The for practice. In addition, SMP N 1 Karanganyar
learning was teacher-centered where the teacher also has a library that has a fairly complete
was the only source of learning for students. collection of books. The facilities and
Teachers still dominated classroom learning. infrastructure can be used to support the learning
Based on the results of data analysis, the process. But in reality, teachers rarely invite
researcher found that the lessonplan used in SMP students to do lab working in laboratories.
N 1 Karanganyar consisted of three main Occasionally, teachers bring a laboratory tool
activities, namely introduction, main activities and do demonstrations in the classroom, but
and closing. Introduction is an activity to guide rarely do lab work in the laboratory. In addition,
learning and motivate students to learn. Main teachers also rarely facilitate students to find
activities are the main stages in learning where other learning resources in the library through the
five scientific steps must be done. Closing tasks that are given. Teachers' tasks can already
activity is an activity of reflecting and drawing be done by reading worksheet and student
conclusions based on the knowledge learned. At handbooks. This makes students less creative and
the observing stage, the activities done by the less able to solve the problems. Reasons teachers
teachers during the learning process were: 1) rarely use the facilities and infrastructure of
observing the powerpoint of the material, 2) schools owned because of insufficient time to
listening to the teacher's explanation, and 3) achieve targeted learning objectives. The
reading the book. At the questioning stage, the teachers invited students to do practicum once,
teachers invited the students to ask unclear the practicum is about temperature and heat. In 3
material. Some students asked the material that JP (Jam Pelajaran) teachers have to achieve 3
was difficult. At the stage of collecting indicators of learning, but the results showed that
information, the teachers did not become a 3 JP can only complete 1 indicator because the
facilitator for students to find their own time was already out.
information, but the teachers directly explained
the material to the students through traditional
method. At the stage of associating and
communicating, teachers did not facilitate Learning activities are educational
students to communicate their opinions. The processes that provides opportunities for students
to develop their potential to grasp the expected
teachers explained the material in front of the
class by lecturing while the students were asked competencies [11]. In order to achieve the
to listen to the explanation from the teacher. expected competencies, learning needs to apply
several principles: student-centered, fun and
Then the students were asked to answer
questions given by the teachers based on the challenging conditions, and providing a diverse
teachers’ explanation. Therefore, students were learning experience. Therefore, teachers should
be able to choose a learning strategy that can
less active in the learning process. Students in the
front row were paying attention to the teacher, facilitate students to develop their potential.
while the students in the back row were busy with
their own activities, some were playing alone, Teachers Professional Competencies
and there were students who talked with their Teachers have an obligation to plan lessons,
friends, and some even yawned. This proved that implement quality learning processes, and assess
students were less motivated in following the and evaluate learning outcomes. In addition,
learning process in the classroom. This will result teachers are required to improve and develop
in low understanding of students on the learning academic qualifications and competencies in a
materials. sustainable manner with science, technology,
and art (UU No.14 Tahun 2005). Based on the
standards of the UK Training and Development
The use of Facilities and Infrastructure in the
Agency [12], the key to teacher professionalism
Learning Process
Aspects of the use of facilities and is determined from several aspects:
infrastructure in the learning process are related a. Critical understanding when teachers learn
and teach
to the learning resources used. Facilities and
infrastructure in this research consisted of two b. Knowledge of effective learning and
things, 1) facilities and infrastructure in the form teaching
c. Knowledge of managerial-strategy habits,
of room and experiment tools, and 2) facilities
and infrastructure in the form of technology. and
Based on the observations, SMP N 1 d. Understanding in using learning
approaches and methods that can be used in
Karanganyar has a pretty good IPA laboratory

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

accordance with the characteristics of the According to Zamus & Mokelas [17],
material Malaysia currently uses a national curriculum
which is applicative in learning and analogous to
In Malaysia, the criteria of professional real-life examples. The characteristics of the
teachers according to Ming-ming [13], teaching and learning process in Malaysia are:
commonly called Excellent Teacher Scheme, a. Based on community welfare
are: b. Based on the idea that humans are social
a. The ability to improve students' motivation creatures that need to live together and
in teaching
face conflict
b. The role of teachers as learning facilitators
c. The use of instructional approach c. Learning in the form of social problems
d. The use of technology to improve students’ that exist around the students
learning d. Integrating learning materials with the
e. The support of good leaders surrounding natural
e. Using problem-based approach (PBL)
Based on UU No.14 Tahun 2006 on f. Integrating the other lessons
teachers and lecturers, the teacher criteria at SMP
N 1 Karanganyar have fulfilled the professional The teacher’s readiness in conducting
competence applied by government regulation,
teaching and learning process is already
i.e. planning the lesson (by making lesson plan),
conducting good learning, and doing assessment
based on the lessonplan made, in accordance
and evaluation. Compared to the UK Training with criteria of scientific approach, yet the
and Development Agency standard, science learning process was not in line with the
teachers of SMP N 1 Karanganyar use the whole prepared lessonplan and tended to focus on
key of teacher professionalism. Meanwhile, the teacher. The teachers only fulfilled the
compared to the criteria of teachers in Malaysia, scientific process at the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd
the science teacher of SMP N 1 Karanganyar has stages. The teaching and learning process
4 of the 5 points expected on points 2), 3), 4) and was dominated by the teacher, thus causing
5). Thus, teachers have to be able to develop the students to feel bored quickly and less
learning performance skills in accordance to the
motivated. If the teachers apply a scientific
scientific approach recommended by the
approach, the students can be more active
and get repeated information from other
Readiness of Teaching Process group explanations. Based on Martin &
Teachers’ readiness is the condition of Gueguen (2015), children in the repeating
teachers in which they are able to develop condition will achieve better performance
students' creativity, and is a state of learning that and improve personal information and
depends on the teacher's strength and influence learning, motivation, and
motivational structure [14]. The readiness of evaluation of the learning context. Readiness
teacher in teaching and learning process is of the teachers compared to the readiness of
related to the integration of soft skills in teaching learning process conducted in Malaysia, the
and learning activities. Based on Permendikbud
teachers did not integrate lessons with the
[15], education in the 2013 curriculum aims to
develop students' potentials into reflective problems faced in the environment.
thinking skills for social problems solving in According to Simone (2014), it shows that
society, and to build a better democratic society. problem-based learning is a pedagogical
Based on Permendikbud [16], the process of approach that brings attitude to meet the
preparation of learning that needs to be done by demands of 21st century educational reform.
teachers includes the preparation of learning Teachers must be able to innovate and
process that meets the criteria: continue to practice to be able to bring
a. From being told to find out students in the process of framing,
b. Various relevant learning resources based analysing, and problem solving.
c. Using a scientific approach Linkage of Facilities and Infrastructure in
d. Aiming for integrated learning Learning
e. Inductive principle emphasized learning Facilities and infrastructure are two of the
f. Learning at home, school, and community factors affecting the achievement of learning

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Novita Majid1, Rahmat2
Civic Education Department, Indonesia University of Education
[email protected], [email protected]

Currently youth behavior that is inconsistent with the character of the nation and the declining youth
awareness of the maddawa-dawa tradition. This study aims to obtain a picture of the role of youth and the
implementation of maddawa-dawa tradition that reflects the mutual cooperation character is part of the
civic culture. The formation of character is one of the main focus of the government in education.. The
study used a qualitative approach, descriptive methods. Subjects were young, village, and community
leaders. Data collection technique used observation, interview, and documentation study. Data were
analyzed using data reduction, and conclusion. Results of the research is the role of youth in the maddawa-
dawa tradition should be improved as a form of community service. Youth in the community became a
major role in continuing the traditions that exist. Youth are in the middle generation between the old
generation and the generation underneath. Thus, should be able to balance between the two. Therefore, the
role of youth in the community as Karang Taruna is As the next generation of tradition, learn and understand
the traditions and habits of the elderly, apply in everyday life among his generation, accompanying the next
generation in the process of understanding, implementation and evaluation of maddawa-dawa tradition and
the latter, can provide the experience of this tradition to the next generation. Maddawa-dawa tradition form
is together in completing the work, for example, in celebration of the event, tasmiyah, thanksgiving, and
and the annual festival held in the village that is Kaluku makkiana. Maddawa-dawa tradition as a medium
that can build youth paradigm of mutual cooperation.
Keywords: Youth, Maddawa-dawa Tradition, Mutual Cooperation, Character

As a form of implementation efforts

Strengthening the Character Education (PPK) as
Development of national character is a
a mandate delivered President Joko Widodo
great idea initiated by the founding fathers. The
stated in Nawa Cita on the importance of moral
existence of a nation is determined by the
education and character, the Ministry of
character it has. Only the nation has a strong
Education and Culture held a discussion forum to
character that makes it a dignified and respected
listen to the best practices for deploying PPK
nation other nations. Because of the importance
from school has implemented in the learning
of the character of the formation of character is
process. The components of the implementation
part of the national education goals set forth in
of Character Education Strengthening (PPK) is
the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20
respect for local knowledge and empowering
of 2003 concerning the national education
local advantages. Only with a strong character,
system Article 1 states that among the objectives
national identity is established and growing
of national education is to develop students'
competitiveness of the nation that is able to meet
potentials to have the intelligence, personality
the challenges of this time.
and noble character [1]. The mandate of the
The characters are to be developed in this
National Education Act of 2003 intended that
program is a character education philosophy
education is not only an intelligent form
initiated by Ki Hadjar Dewantara. The characters
Indonesian people but also character, so that will
in the form of synergy between the liver process,
be born generation of people who grow up with
cultivate body, cultivate taste, and imagination
a character that breathes the noble values of the
that appeared in the 18 character values that is
nation and religion.
independent, democratic, curiosity, the spirit of
nationalism, love of the homeland, recognize

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

excellence, friendship, love peace, love reading , caterers or catering. It is feared maddawa-dawa
care for the environment, social care, activities becoming obsolete society and affects
responsibility and others. Those values are the solidarity of rural communities and youth are
expected crystallizes on students that have a generally solid.
main character value that consists of religious, Through maddawa-dawa, a family can also
nationalist, independent, mutual cooperation and directly provide socialization functions as a
integrity. Indonesian society is known for legacy Maddawa-dawa existing habits in the
friendly attitude, familiarity and mutual family, relatives and the community. This
cooperation in everyday life. With mutual cultural inheritance has the function of respect
cooperation will foster a sense of togetherness, for elders or their ancestors and also serves to
promote social solidarity, strengthens kinship, maintain the integrity of which has been built in
public awareness of general interest and social the family.
responsibility, creating a harmonious, high In the modern era of globalization is
tolerance and a sense of unity in Indonesian currently expected character of mutual assistance
society. is able to remain strong and deeply imprinted on
Mutual cooperation is an activity carried the psyche of society, especially the youth as the
out jointly and voluntarily for the activities that younger generation successor to the nation.
is being done to run smoothly, easily and lightly. Youth actually has a role and strategic function
Thus, there is sincerity and awareness to help in the development of construction for the nation
each other for the sake of the completion of the and the state, the good and bad of a country can
work. The existence of a cooperation that be seen from the quality of its youth, because
requires people to be responsible in society. As they are the future generation should have a
stated by reference [2] cooperation is intended as strong character to build the country, has a high
a collaborative effort between individuals or personality, the spirit of nationalism, is able to
groups of people to achieve one or several goals understand the knowledge and technology to
together. compete globally. However, the current reality
One of the growing value of local turned out to youth also have a wide range of
knowledge and potential, especially in society issues as proposed by reference [3] that the
Bugis village in Kutai Kartanegara, whose problem of youth today who become urgency is
majority ethnic Bugis is Maddawa-dawa the declining spirit of idealism, patriotism and
tradition as heritage. Maddawa-dawa as tradition nationalism youth. The occurrence of
generally Bugis tribes that in practice this must promiscuity, drug abuse and illegal drugs.
be done collectively or jointly. This tradition According to the authors, another problem faced
contains the values of teamwork, compactness, by youth are more inclined youths especially
tolerance, solidarity, and concern as a form of liked to imitate the cultures outside of the native
mutual aid character of the community. This culture of our own. They considered that
tradition is carried collectively meaningful as a Indonesian culture is a culture that is ancient,
medium of communication between the families monotonous and boring. Love and pride in their
and relatives, or media for friendship and own culture has been lost. Youth with all its
promote integration between people. Society in problems should be directed to something that is
the tradition of maddawa-dawa generally come positive.
to help without any invitation or summons by the Karang Taruna youth as a social
person who will hold a wedding party or other organization is the right sphere in growing young
activities, but people will come by itself to characters in Kampung Bugis with positive
participate as mutually inform one another or activities undertaken may be an example for
spread by word of mouth the communities in other communities, especially the local youth. In
around. society, youth is the successor to the ideals of
Social reality, especially the youth today national struggle and a resource for development
was already much different from the past due to of the nation for the youth as the hope of the
the rapid globalization become more dense as nation can be interpreted that the young master
well as all public activity in his life. The impact who will control the future. Therefore, the youth
caused by a very busy activity has resulted in as a central point which is located between the
cultural values ever built by the ancestors elderly and young people is essential for learning
increasingly eroded over the times. At the very to defend and learn how to give a good example
rapid development period is then born ideas or to the next generation. The importance of youth
ideas of society by leveraging the use of services as the hope of the nation must be nurtured in
in a variety of ways, such as the use of courier order to face global challenges, as mentioned
services, services of a housekeeper and many above, the need to maintain the character of

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

today's youth, for the youth in Indonesia is c. West borders the village of Batu-batu,
expected to be back in spirit to preserve the d. East with Makassar Strait.
tradition of maddawa-dawa as a culture of
mutual cooperation and civic culture. The role of the youth mentioned in the Law
Based on some of the above, it is very of the Republic of Indonesia Number 40 of 2009
important for the preservation of traditions of Article 16 that, the youth play an active role as a
mutual aid youth through tradition "Maddawa- moral force, social control, and agents of change
dawa" committed in the village of Muara Badak in all aspects of national development [6]. Role
Ilir Bugis Village to preserve the national culture to adopting this should be an important point in
is used as the foundation of unity in the his daily life. Certainly inherited this is a good
community, state and nation. Especially the thing.
youth as the nation's future should have the As a moral force, the youth in this regard
character and citizenship skills that suits the are the subject of the implementation of
character of Pancasila. Maddawa-dawa is an maddawa-dawa tradition. Moral in the society
example of the mutual cooperation and a should be strengthened with a good character and
manifestation of the good citizens of skills. This youth should be the main pioneer as a community
study aims to obtain a picture of how the role of that has a good strength. Youth also play a role
youth in community activities and the in social control, what happens in the public good
implementation of maddawa-dawa tradition in or bad, all must remain within the corridor
Kampung Bugis of the village Muara Badak Ilir. defined the character of Pancasila. All the
ugliness and social change must be controlled
and monitored. In this case maddawa-dawa
tradition as a youth media in controlling what
This study used a qualitative approach. The happens in society. Lastly is as an agent of
method used is descriptive with reviewing
change in all aspects of national development.
critical analysis of information or data. The The expected changes is a change for the better.
research was conducted in the village of Muara Of course, youth also need to be able to balance
Badak Ilir, Subdistricts Muara Badak, Kutai
social change by maintaining the traditions that
Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan exist in society. As a pioneer and innovator in
Province. The informant is the village, the board change for the better.
of youth, and community leaders. Considerations
Youth not only as a subject in the
in the selection of informants is because society preservation of traditions maddawa-dawa. The
as an observer and implementer maddawa-dawa role of the elderly also play a role as a builder or
tradition. Instruments in this study were
directing so not out of line there. Character
researcher fully engage in activities that are education is long proclaimed government in
supported by the guidelines informant education. However, its implementation can be
interviews, and additional questions. Data was
said to half the center if it is not offset by the
collected through interviews, observation and positive environmental conditions.
documentation. Data analysis was conducted Implementation maddawa-dawa tradition in
according conception of reference [4] with the
community activities is more specific activities
steps of data reduction, data display and to help aid in terms of public interest and private
conclusion/ verification. interests.
In accordance with what is stated in the Law
on Youth, the youth of Village Bugis including
Reference [5] “Kampung Bugis” of the those aged over 30 years are also still involved in
village Muara Badak Ilir, located in youth activities. It was to help the passage of the
Subdistricts Muara Badak, Kutai Kartanegara activities and reminded the youth if there is a
Regency, East Kalimantan Province with a total mistake because on the other hand there are
area of 62,000 hectares. Muara Badak Ilir have 1 young men who feel insecure or afraid to make
mistakes in maddawa-dawa. Therefore, the role
(one) Hamlet consisting of 14 Neighborhood
of youth in the community can be concluded that,
association (RT) as follows, (1) generation successor to the
The boundaries of the village of Muara tradition, (2) study and understand the traditions
Badak Ilir is: and habits of the elderly, (3) apply in everyday
a. North side adjacent to the village of Gas life among his generation, (4) accompany the
Alam, next generation in the process of understanding,
b. South side is bordered by the village of implementation, and evaluation of maddawa-
Muara Badak Ulu,

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

dawa tradition and finally, (5) provide Indonesia contains four concepts: (1) Man is not
experience this tradition to the next generation. alone in this world but surrounded by society,
The conclusion can be seen in the character and the universe around him, ( 2) thus humans
traits expressed at the reference [7] private are essentially dependent in all aspects of life to
character traits such as moral responsibility, self- others, (3) Therefore, he must always strive to the
discipline and respect for the human dignity of extent possible should maintain good relations
each individual. While the public character traits with others motivated by the same spirit and
that concern as a citizen, courtesy, heeding the flavor (4) always try as far as possible be fair, did
rule (rule of law), critical thinking, and a the same with each other in the community,
willingness to listen, negotiate and compromise. driven by the same spirit at a low height.
So that the youth cannot think just for the sake of In these quotations, explain the relation of
the person himself. They also have to think of the mutual cooperation as a cultural value. With
interests of others in relation to the cultural these values make their mutual cooperation is
values that can cooperate well with each other. always maintained and required in many aspects
Maddawa-dawa is a word derived from the of life with a form adapted to the cultural
Bugis language if translated into the Indonesian conditions of communities.
language means helping together. Tradition Based on the interviews that have been
maddawa-dawa is the cultural heritage contained done, there are some forms of mutual
in the Bugis community in accordance with the cooperation activities as a form of Maddawa-
message that has been given by the ancestors. dawa tradition in society. Mutual cooperation by
Maddawa-dawa tradition illustrates the Bugis residents is very natural and does not require
community from time to time. The cultural much time. Very natural meaning is derived from
heritage serve as guidelines, philosophy and the conscience of the citizens who are directly
values that reflect the cooperation, tolerance, aware of the importance of tradition maddawa-
tolerance, solidarity, togetherness and care as a dawa. There is awareness of self that each
form of mutual aid character Bugis society. maddawa-dawa is important to keep a sense of
Mutual cooperation is a form of mutual understanding of each other. In public life
cooperation between individuals and between certainly cannot live alone, we need others to
groups that make up the status of norms of help our troubles. Before we need the help of
mutual trust to cooperate in addressing issues of others, we should help others first. As expressed
common interest. These forms of cooperation of by (E) that, no sanctions for people who do not
mutual cooperation is one form of social participate in maddawa-dawa activities. Maybe a
solidarity in society. In line with that reference little social sanction of the norm habit that can
[8] states that mutual cooperation is the key to only be felt by those who are sensitive to other
contemporary Indonesian culture, which people's behavior. They feel uneasy or
describes the community togetherness in it and embarrassed when meeting with other people and
all the measures taken in public life should be older people. Activities that reflect the mutual
based on the concept of mutual cooperation. cooperation as a manifestation of the tradition
Rural communities is very strong maddawa-dawa in society is (1) together helps in
togetherness therefore every individual is aware place people who want to hold a wedding
of the social relationships between one another. celebration, (2) together to help place people who
Hereditary maddawa-dawa tradition has become want to hold an event tasmiyah, (3) together to
part of the Bugis community life that has help place people who want to hold a
meaning to help people who will hold the circumcision ceremony, (4) kaluku makkiana
wedding ceremony and also establish friendship festival, (5) community service cleaning up the
between the members of the family, relatives and environment, (6) when there are unfortunate
the community that there are about participating death of the neighbors with their automatic
in the tradition of the maddawa-dawa. comes to preparing everything, (7) assist citizens
Mutual cooperation is the hallmark of in the exercise of thanksgiving into new homes.
Indonesian culture is done for generations so as Some traditions maddawa-dawa is a routine
to form a real social behavior in the values of real activity carried out in Kampung Bugis village of
social life. Values that make the activities of Muara Badak Ilir. These activities can be divided
mutual cooperation has always nurtured in into two types, namely maddawa-dawa tradition
community life as a cultural heritage that related to individual interests and activities
deserves to be preserved. In this regard, reference related to the public interest. The activity can be
[9] argues that the value of the system culture of presented in the following table:

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Table 4.10 Forms Maddawa-dawa tradition activities related to individual interests and the public interest
Individual Interests Public Interest
Wedding celebration Kaluku makkiana festival
Tasmiyah event Community service cleaning up the environment
Circumcision ceremony
Thanksgiving into new homes.
Unfortunate death

Maddawa-dawa tradition can shape a responsibility, is able to solve its own problems
person's character or personality. In this case, the and also problems of society intelligently
young man who should contribute for himself according to the function and its role (socially
and for the next youth generation. The benefits sensitive, socially responsible, and socially
gained for itself are connected harmoniously. intelligence), have an attitude of self-discipline,
One maddawa-dawa tradition in the capable of critical thinking creative and
community that is packaged in a festive event is innovative in order to achieve personal qualities
to be a festival ceremony. On March 5 2017, and behavior of citizens and residents who either
kaluku makkiana festival held in the village of (socio civic behavior and desirable personal
Muara Badak Ilir and Muara Badak Ulu. This qualities).
event was attended by all the people that live in In this regard, that the Citizenship
the village, residents from other villages can also Education has an important role in delivering
follow in order to enliven. Kaluku makkiana supplies to the youth to mingle in society. The
festival is an annual ritual that is coupled to the ability to socialize must be honed and trained
village mappanre events, including mappanre through association and participation in the
tation 'and sijempo'e. Youth in this case followed public interest and the private interests of others.
by a mandate or suggestion from the village head From the examples or a little thing about the
to indicate that the Youth are still active in concern for the surrounding environment, it is
various activities, especially activities was expected the youth able to form his character
witnessed by people from different regions. So it becomes better again and according to Pancasila
becomes a place to prove Karang Taruna have as well as for the advancement of the nation.
activities and a desire to come together to
produce work.
With the other festive activities such as
these, can train maddawa-dawa tradition can Karang Taruna have a very strategic
continue to exist and become habit of the youth. position in increasing knowledge about character
education. Youth organization as a container and
In this activity, the preparations are done requires
a lot of people. Each person has a sense of the association of youth in community activities.
responsibility for the implementation of these Gathering of youth in youth gives the sense that
the youth in the village active in carrying out its
activities. Furthermore, the necessary
deliberations together to prepare the material and duties and functions as a young man who cares
equipment needed. Increased life care and about everything that happens in the community.
Maddawa-dawa tradition is habitually
responsibility can be started through activities
such as hobbies of youth. resident in mutual cooperation, mutual assistance
Youth as good citizens are required to have in daily life for personal interest and the public
interest. Mutual cooperation is jointly complete a
a strong character to build the country by
understanding their rights and responsibilities as job that can be completed quickly and lightly.
individuals, but it can be active in community Willingness to follow maddawa-dawa required
activities, socialization with people around. The sincerity and concern without expecting anything
presence of youth is expected to support change in return from anyone. Therefore, maddawa-
dawa tradition can train and shape the character
and renewal for the community and the state.
Action to reform in every field is the agenda of of young men who care about the environment.
civil society towards the young man. Reform The existence of this tradition can prove
that in our modern society, there are habits of
cannot be done by parents and children.
Reference [10] identifying that a good citizen is residents who are very concerned about the
a citizen who understands and is able to carry out interests of others. In order to maintain the
tradition and the establishment of a better
properly the rights and obligations as an
individual citizen has the sensitivity and social character that youth be very instrumental in this

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

regard. Youth must be able to learn and retain 6) When there are unfortunate death of the
this tradition that lives for the better future. neighbors with their automatic comes to
In addition to maintaining the tradition of preparing everything,
maddawa-dawa, the economic life of the young 7) Assist citizens in the exercise of
man must also be considered. When a young man thanksgiving into new homes.
is able to work and earn money to make ends
meet, it did not become a major obstacle again in
a follow maddawa-dawa tradition. Youth clubs Efforts to overcome the constraints of
should be able to create a comfortable condition preservation maddawa-dawa is as follows:
and situation for youth to gather and discussion 1) Subtly give understanding to the youth
about community life. Therefore, Karang Taruna about the importance of community life.
create training activities to provide supplies to Conversations through formal and
the youth to develop their talents in accordance informal meetings as do youth typically in
with the purpose of Coral cadets that have been the assembly
set by the government. 2) Maximizing organizations that exist in
society. Youth Union of Muara Badak
Role of Youth In Maddawa-dawa Tradition in (PPMB) is one of the organizations /
Kampung Bugis associations to revive the tradition
Very important role of young people in maddawa-dawa it,
public life. Especially in community activities 3) Building a sense of community through
that require a lot of people. Activities that cannot interesting activities, apply it in daily
be resolved individually, so that the solution activities, supervision and assistance to
takes some people. Youth in the community young parents, especially to his own son.
became a major role in continuing the traditions Creating a new innovation or a festive
that exist. Youth are in the middle generation that event of maddawa-dawa tradition by
is between the older generation and the linking culture is something that is well
generation below it. Thus, should be able to and good to do with eliminating the
balance between the two. Therefore, the role of meaning of the tradition maddawa-dawa
youth in the community can be summed up as it. In essence maddawa-dawa is a job that
follows: requires sincerity and good mentally to
1) Generation as heirs to the tradition, get through it. Resulting in the formation
2) Learn and understand the traditions and of character really comes from their
habits of the elderly, individual youth.
3) Apply in everyday life among his
4) Accompanying the next generation in the This paper is made possible through the
process of understanding, implementation help and support from parents, family, and my
and evaluation of maddawa-dawa son Muhammad Rasya Alfaro. I would like to
tradition and the latter, express my great appreciation to Dr. H. Rahmat,
5) Provide experience this tradition to the M. Si for Reviews their constructive suggestion
next generation. and recommendation during the study.

Forms Maddawa-dawa Activities That REFERENCES

Reflects The Mutual Cooperation in [1] Republic of Indonesia, Act of The Republic
Kampung Bugis of Indonesia, Number 20, Year 2003, On
Implementation maddawa-dawa tradition in National Education System.
a variety of activities can be described as follows: [2] Soekanto, Sosiologi Suatu Pengantar,
1) Together helps in place people who want Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada, 1990.
to hold a wedding celebration,
2) Together to help place people who want [3] Widiatmaka, “Peran Organisasi
to hold an event tasmiyah, Kepemudaan Dalam Membangun Karakter
3) Together to help place people who want Pemuda dan Implikasinya Terhadap
to hold a circumcision ceremony, Ketahanan Pribadi Pemuda”, Jurnal
4) Kaluku Makkiana Festival, Sosiologi. Vol 22, 2. 2016.
5) Community service cleaning up the [4] Miles and Huberman, Analisis Data
environment, Kualitatif, Buku Sumber Tentang Metode-

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

metode Baru, Diterjemahkan Oleh Tjetjep [8] Bowen, “On The Political Construction of
Rohendi Rohidi dari Judul Qualitative Data The Tradition : Gotong Royong in
Analysis, Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia Indonesia", dalam Journal Of Asian Studies,
Press. Vol. XLV, No. 3, pp. 545-560, 1986.
[5] Pemerintah Desa Muara Badak Ilir, Data
kembangan-nilai-budaya.html (diakses
Profil Desa, Desa Muara Badak Ilir, 2016.
tanggal 15 September 2016).
[6] Republic of Indonesia, Act of The Republic
[9] Bintarto, Gotong Royong Suatu
of Indonesia, Number 40, Year 2009, On
Karakteristik Bangsa Indonesia,
Yogyakarta: PT Bina Ilmu Surabaya.
[7] Budimansyah dan Suryadi, PKn dan
[10] Aziz Wahab dan Sapriya, Teori dan
Masyarakat Multikultural, Bandung:
Landasan Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan,
Sekolah Pascasarjana Program Pendidikan
Bandung: Alfabeta, 2011.
Kewarganegaraan Universitas Pendidikan

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Latif Agung Nugroho1, Puguh Karyanto2, Baskoro Adi Prayitno3
Sebelas Maret University
[email protected]

The importance of environmental education is well known globally among societies. Environmental
education is gradually promoted as a sustainable tool in protection of the environment. Environmental
education is found across school curriculums in Indonesia. The objectives of the curriculum is ecological
literacy where has been investigated in the current study. Studies related to ecological literacy that have
been done showed varieties of interconnection pattern between knowledge and attitude. This research aims
to ascertain lingkage between ecological knowledge and attitude in high school student in Surakarta
Indonesia. An ecological literacy survey was applied towards 60 student participants in Surakarta in the
11th grade. The data were collected using the Ecological Literacy Scale. Correlation analysis was used to
correlate data of ecological knowledge and attitude. The result showed there is significant correlation
between ecological knowledge and attitude. The ecological knowledge has a power to affect student
attitude, this because of that the cognitive structure has an impact to the affect.
Keywords: ecological literacy, ecological kowledge, ecological attitude

Ecological literacy [3] in its broadest sense

can be defined as an ability to “read” the many
Since the Earth Summit in 1992,
interwoven relationships (biotic and abiotic) that
sustainable development has become a popular
are built of the Earth [4]. Ecological literacy is a
term, and education has been viewed as one of
sustainability indicator measuring how much the
the major vehicles for achieving sustainability.
products are is consumed at the end of human
The UN has declared 2005 to 2014 as the Decade
activities and at which point the consumption has
of Education for Sustainable Development
exceeded the national and global limits.
(DESD) [1].
Ecological literacy emphasizes the ecology that
The term sustainable development is
underlies this economy. It places humans as
subject to many different interpretations and
integral parts of ecosystems and recognizes the
definitions. The United Nations World Summit
impact of relationships among humans and other
(2005) 5 affirmed the concept of three pillars of
species. Ecological literacy includes the need for
sustainability - the economic, social and
understanding ecological relationships and basic
environmental factors that need to be taken into
thermodynamic laws and doing so through
consideration, and their cultural context. There is
immersion in the natural environment.
increasing recognition that these three factors are
Ecological literacy is holistic, emphasizing
interconnected, overlapping and interdependent.
connectivity and continuity with fewer divisions
Drawing on both the 1987 definition and its 2005
and disciplines, recognizing commonalities
recalibration, the present guidance defines
among organisms and promoting the strength
education for sustainable development as
that exists in diversity. It gives great importance
follows, Education for sustainable development
to relationships within human communities and
is the process of equipping students with the
social infrastructures, highlighting interactions
knowledge and understanding, skills and
amongst humans as most important in the
attributes needed to work and live in a way that
educational experience rather than the scores
safeguards environmental, social and economic
embedded within testing priorities. Ecological
wellbeing, both in the present and for future
literacy’s approach begins with the development
generations [2]. The other important concept
of care and the voices of individuals. It works its
accompanying the concept of “sustainability” is
way out and up, not from the top-down, with
“ecological literacy”.
authoritative commands. Ecological literacy
fosters respect and care for other humans, for

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

other species and their ecological needs for conservation managers, landscape planners,
survival, especially those species whose voices environmental engineers, or public health
are not being “heard.” Ecological literacy is more managers, among others, should be able to
than a simple name change from the modify current practices or to conceive novel
environmental literacy goal for the U.S. solutions for environmental issues within their
educational system set forth by the government fields of activity.
in 1965, with this statement: “It is also vital that Within this context, it is necessary for
our entire society develops a new understanding students to complete their education equipped
and a new awareness of man's relation to his with required knowledge and skills. Therefore,
environment” [5]. Ecological literacy does not students should be introduced to the concept of
necessarily require the ability to read ecological ecological literacy before they pass from senior
literature or the ability to read at all. It does, high school. That’s why ecological literacy
however, include “reading” the patterns, cycles concept absolutely should be included in the
and systems of the Earth, knowing that the whole current contents of the subjects, especially
of the Earth as an ecosystem is greater than the science and technology programs. Determining
sum of its many parts [6] and realizing that the students current status in ecological literacy
human actions should nurture the integrity of the awareness issue will be beneficial in the
Earth [7]. reconstruection of education programs. An
Actually ecological literacy means more analysis of the contents of the subjects shows that
than an indicator with regards to sustainability especially science and technology students have
owing to the benefits of being an educational more duties and responsibilities. Therefore,
approach for sustainability and getting over the science and technology students should be
physiological perspectives of especially some equipped with necessary knowledge and skills
current global environment problems In this regarding the issue before they pass from senior
context, we think that the ecological literacy is high school. Therefore, in this study, science and
more than an indicator for sustainability. It has technology students’ ecological literacy
the merits of being an educational approach to awareness levels were aimed to be evaluated.
sustainability, especially concerning overcoming
some of the physiological perspectives of current
global environmental problems [8]. With this
The present research is a quantitative study,
point of view, it can be said that, the basic
emphasis on ecological literacy is on the and a descriptive research model was used. Since
sustainability concept, which stipulates the the survey method is one the most commonly
used methods, descriptive studies are generally
increase in the bio-productive areas that have the
capacity to renovate themselves and to maintain known as survey studies [11]. Survey studies are
their renovation abilities, including the idea of the ones in which researchers provide detailed
information about the current situation [12]. In
leaving a preserved environment to next
generations. this research, the cross-sectional survey model,
Within this context, for the sustainability of in the descriptive research model, was used in the
determination process of the ecological literacy
life, it is imperative for individuals to adapt their
life conditions and economic activities with levels of senior high school students.
regards to the bearing capacity of the Earth [9]. Senior high school students studying at the
By learning our ecological literacy, we can see State Senior High School of Surakarta in grade
the size of the damage that we give to the 11th were the research population. To determine
the sample of the research, the stratified
environment and we can identify the measures
that need to be taken against them. Therefore, the purposive sampling method was applied. Total
importance of involving the concept of Individuals in the population were 60 students.
To determine the population features and to be
ecological literacy in environment education
curricula becomes clear. We can raise able to compare between the units, stratified
individuals who are sensitive to the environment purposive sampling method was chosen.
The ecological literacy instrument was
and have high awareness levels with the
integration of the ecological literacy applications developed through a validation process with a
to the education setting [10]. pilot test to measure the level of students'
ecological literacy.
Students are the next generation who will
be responsible for the preservation of the The first part of the ecological literacy
environment in the future. Students who have a instrument contains knowledge relating to the
concept of ecology. In this dimension of
high environmental awareness will be capable of
protecting the environment. Later, future knowledge there are 33 items. The second part of

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

the ecological literacy instrument contains 52 items in the concern dimension, 15 items in
concern for the environment. This section the attitude (NEP) dimension. The reliability
contains 52 items. The third section is a new coefficient for each dimension was found as 0.65
ecological paradigm (NEP) adapted from for knowledge, 0.71 for concern, 0.89 for attitude
Dunlap’s scale ecological [13]. (NEP).
During the preparation of the Ecological Five-point Likert scale was used for all
Literacy Scale, firstly related literature was items. Decreasing points were given as 5 points
reviewed, and the 120-item scale that was drafted to “Definitely agree”, 4 points to “Agree”
was presented to 1 field expert, 1 education statements, and so on. The items left blank by
expert, 1 language expert, and 1 evaluation and participants were considered as 0 point.
assessment expert for their critical review. The To determine the ecological literacy level
scale was reduced to 100 items after the first of students, descriptive statistics was used.
round of review, which was reviewed again by 2 Correlation analysis was used to determine the
field and 1 language expert. The final version of lingkage between ecological knowledge and
the scale included 100 items with 3 sub- ecological attitude.
The Ecological Literacy Scale includes 3
dimensions, namely knowledge, concern and
attitude (NEP). There are 33 items in knowledge,

Table 1. The relationship between knowledge and attitude among high school
Knowledge Attitude
Knowledge Pearson Correlation 1 .442**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 60 60
Attitude Pearson Correlation .442** 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 60 60
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

The Pearson test was used to observe the environmental love activities, forest
relationship between two variables. This test is conservation, energy saving, recycling waste,
only explaining the strength of the relationship and and buying and using goods that are
also whether there is a significant relationship or environmentally friendly. Knowledge factor is a
not between level of ecological knowledge and very supportive factor for students to behave.
attitude of the high school students. Significant This is in accordance with the theory proposed
level used is the confidence level of p<0.05. by Soekidjo Notonegoro that one of the factors
The relationships were investigated among that influence one's behavior is the level of
knowledge and attitude. The result showed that knowledge. Student behavior in keeping the
there was significant relationship between environment will be closely related to the
awareness and knowledge but it was low positive students' knowledge of the environment. More
correlation. Based on the table of Guildford Rule knowledge of the environment will encourage
of Thumb, the strength of relationship was low students to reduce the form of environmental
about environmental topics [r =0.442, sig= damage [14].
0.000]. The issue of environmental issues is an
unsolved issue, requiring a very serious and
thorough handling. Through various things can
be cultivated so that environmental damage can
Student behavior is an implementation of
be prevented and reduced. One of them is a
the knowledge they have gained in learning. This
comprehensive explanation through lessons at
behavior is realized in the form of deeds
the senior high school level. It is expected that
associated with prevention of environmental
with increasing knowledge of the environment in
degradation such as participating in

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

schools, it also improves students' behavior in REFERENCES

preventing environmental damage [15].
[1] UNESCO, 2011. Education for Change:
Students' knowledge of maintaining the
Past, Present and Future. proceedings of
environment has a positive relationship with
the“1st Sub‐regional Country Report
student behavior in preventing environmental
damage. This happens because students gain Meeting 2010 on Education for
knowledge about environmental damage one of Sustainable Development in South‐East
them is global warming and environmental Asia: Centredon the Five Cluster
pollution learned in science lessons [16]. Countries of UNESCO Office, Jakarta”,
Knowledge factor is one of the factors that held on 27‐28 September 2010, Jakarta.
support student to behave. This is in accordance [2] McBride, Brooke Baldauf. 2011.
with the theory proposed by Soekidjo “Essential Elements of Ecological
Notonegoro that one of the factors that influence Literacy and the Pathways to Achieve
one's behavior is the level of knowledge [17]. it: Perspectives of Ecologists.”
Student behavior in preventing global warming Dissertation:University of Montana. 1-
will be closely related to the students' knowledge 290.
about pollution. The more knowledge about
pollution will encourage students to reduce the [3] Orr, David. 1992. Ecological Literacy.
form of environmental damage. According SUNY Press: New York.
Soekidjo Notonegoro there are several factors [4] McGinn, Anna Elizabeth, "Quantifying and
that influence one's behavior such as experience, Understanding Ecological Literacy: A
facilities, beliefs, and socioculture. One of them Study of First Year Students at Liberal
is the lack of waste facility in Pakuan University Arts Institutions" (2014). Dickinson
causing the students not to dispose of the garbage College Honors Theses. Paper 169.
in their place, the different condition of socio-
cultural background of the students also causes [5] Odum, Eugene P. 1996. Dasar-dasar
unequal behavior although they have the same Ekologi; Edisi Ketiga.Yogyakarta.
level of knowledge [18]. Gadjah Mada University Press.
In addition there are factors of perception, [6] Gottlieb D, Vigoda-Gadot E, & Haim A
desire, will, attitude, motivation, and intentions (2013). Encouraging ecological
that can also affect a person's behavior form. behaviors among students by using the
Although having a high level of knowledge but ecological footprint as an educational tool: a
not balanced by a strong desire or intention of the quasi experimental design in a public high
heart, will have a low effect on changes in school in the city of Haifa. Environ.
student behavior to prevent environmental Educ. Res. 19(6), 844-863.
damage [19].
The issue of environmental damage is a [7] Young, J. L. M. (2009). All education is
very important issue that requires a very serious environmental educaion. Master’s
and comprehensive treatment. Through various Thesis, Queen’s University, Canada.
things can be cultivated so that environmental [8] O'Gorman, L. & Davis, J. (2013). Ecological
damage can be prevented and reduced. One of footprinting: its potential as a tool for
them is a comprehensive explanation through the change in preservice teacher education.
curriculum in the preparation of environment- Environmental Education Research,
related learning at the senior high school level. It 19(6), 779-791.
is expected that with the increased knowledge of
the environment in high school, it also improves [9] Tanrıöğen, A. (Ed.). (2012). Bilimsel
students' behavior in preventing environmental araştırma yöntemleri. Ankara: Anı.
damage. [10] Fraenkel, J.R., & Wallen, N.E. (2006).
How to design and evaluate research in
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT education. New York: McGraw-Hill.
The sincere thanks goes to the Sebelas [11] Soekidjo Notoatmojo (2003) Pendidikan
Maret University for finding the project. The dan Perilaku Kesehatan, Jakarta: Rineka
research was conducted at the Senior High Cipta.
School of Surakarta. Thanks to my lecturer for
his guidance. [12] Hines, J.M., Hungerford, H.R.& Tomera,
A.N..1986r87.Analysis and synthesis of
research on re-sponsible environmental

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behavior: a meta-analysis.Journal of [15] Soekidjo Notoatmojo. (2003). Pendidikan

Environmental Education. dan Perilaku Kesehatan. Jakarta: Rineka
[13] Kaiser, F.G.1998.A general measure of
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Social Psychology attitudes and behavior: a Pennsylvania
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[14] Levenson, H.1974.Ecological knowledge
and per-ception of environmental

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Losina Purnastuti1, Dibyo Waskito Guntoro2, Heni Dwi Iryanti3
Graduate School, Yogyakarta State University,
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Poverty is a major threat for many developing countries including Indonesia. The Indonesian government
has strongly pursued poverty reduction through some programs and policies, yet the issue of high rate of
poverty is still problematic. Education in every sense is one of the fundamental factors of achieving
sustainable economic development. Furthermore it is believed that education is a key weapon against
poverty. Hence it is important to investigate the impact of education on poverty reduction. The aim of this
study is to examine the effect of different levels of education of the individuals as determinants of poverty
in Indonesia. The data for this study come from the Indonesia Family Life survey wave 5 (2015). A logistic
regression model is estimated based on the cross-sectional data, with the probability of an individual being
poor as the dependent variable and a set of educational levels and other control variables as explanatory
variables. The results indicate depict that improvement on educational attainments reduce the probability
of being poor of the individuals.
Keywords: Poverty, education, policy

income and educational cost) in the hope that

he/she will confer benefits in the future
Education confers personal benefits to (long-term investment).
individuals (private returns) and also social
benefits to society (social returns) as a result of
improvement in education level of average
people. Private returns, as discussed in human
capital theory, are defined as net earnings for
those who invest for their private education.
Becker (1964) suggests a comprehensive
theoretical framework about educational
investment in various levels. Meanwhile, social
returns from educational investment can be
measured, for example, to what extent education
has impacts on productivity and economic
According to Fattah (2004: 28), the success Figure 1.The Number of Poor People by
of educational attainment in individuals can be Provinces, 2013 – 2016 (BPS:2017)
measured from four indicators, including: (1)
their ability to pursue higher level of education One of incisive critics towards national
(2) their ability to look for employment, (3) their education is its inability to take society away
earnings, and (4) their attitudes and behavior from a poverty cycle. It is clearly noticeable that
within social, cultural, and political contexts. there has been a vicious circle between education
The amount of income earned by an and poverty. Because of being poor, people
individual is an easiest indicator for measuring. cannot afford to go to school, and this makes
This income indicates the amount of benefits them difficult to get rid of poverty. It is widely
from the return level of to education. Human perceived that education in Indonesia has
capital theory explains that education is a form of considerable impacts on a large number of
an investment. An individual will spend a certain educated unemployment and also creates
amount of money on short-term investment (lost disparity between poor and rich, and dumb and

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

smart, rural and urban, or men and women Gujarati (2009: 552): (1) the non-normality of ui,
(Wahid, 2008). (2) the heteroskedasticity in ui, (3) the unbounded
As shown in Figure 1, the number of poor
predicted probability (
ŷi may have nonsensical
people in Indonesia fluctuated over four years,
from March 2013 to September 2016, but this values that are less than 0 or greater than 1, out
number also tended to decrease by 2015. In 2014, of the interval 0-1), and (4) LPM is not a quite
the number of poor people increased interesting model because of its linear
significantly compared to the previous years, but characteristic which leads to inconstant marginal
then it decreased in 2015 and 2016. effects. To alleviate those problems, a logit
Improving education is a possible way to model is used to analyze categorical dependent
reduce poverty in society. According to Blundell variables with two categories. Since the unit
(2001), there are three measures can be used to analysis in this research is at the individual level,
see the impact of education on labor force income we used logit for individual data or ungrouped
as the following: (1) the private return which logit.
consists of cost and benefit gained and expended The probit model based on the cumulative
by an individual, (2) the social return which logistic probability function has the following
clarifies various externalities or spill-over effects specification (Pindyck 1981:287):
and includes transfer and tax, and (3) the labor 1 1
Pi = F(Zi)= F( + Xi)= Zi
= ( Xi )
productivity return which connects the rise of 1 e 1 e
gross income with labor market productivity. The Notation (e) is the base of natural
key component of those three measures is the logarithms that have a value of 2.718, while Pi is
impact of education on income. the probability of an individual choosing an
It is well documented in the literature that alternative to Xi. The solution of the equation is
education and poverty are strongly related, but to multiply both sides by 1 + e -Zi in order to get
mostly within the context of developed countries (1 + e –Zi)Pi = 1
(Ngwane: 2002, Bracho: 2000). Only very few Divide the equation by Pi then subtracted by
related studies have been conducted within the 1, so the equation can be written as:
context of developing countries. With regard to 1  Pi
this issue, the authors are interested to conduct
research to estimate the impact of educational P
e –Zi = i - 1 =
attainment on poverty reduction in Indonesia
using the data from Indonesian Family Life Pi
Survey. 1  Pi
Recall that e-Zi = 1/eZi thus, e Zi =
by inserting natural logarithms on both
sides, we obtain
Data description and source
The data used in this research was taken
Pi Pi
from the Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS)
Zi = log
1  Pi or log
1  Pi = Z =
wave 5 (2015). IFLS, known as SAKERTI
(Survei Aspek Kehidupan Rumah Tangga α+βXi
Indonesia or Indonesian Household Living
Aspects Survey) was conducted over 5 periods in In the above equation, as stated by Gujarati
1993, 1997, 2000, 2007/2008 and 2014 to collect (2003: 596), notation Pi is the probability of
contemporaneous information about a wide array choosing an alternative and (1 - Pi) is the
of family life topics for a representative sample probability of choosing another alternative. The
of the Indonesian population with high success value Pi/(1 - Pi) is the probability ratio of
(more than 90%) in rediscovering respondents. choosing an alternative and another alternative
For this study, we used 18.431 respondents called the odds ratio. The logarithm (log) of the
consisting of male and female respondents aged odds ratio is called logit, where Xi is the
16-65 years old. independent variable, α is the intercept, and β is
Data Analysis Technique the slope that measures the change of Z for each
The maximum-likelihood (ML) estimation change of X.
method with probit regression was utilized in this To evaluate the statistical significance of a
research to analyze individual probabilities of coefficient, we use the Z statistic (normal
being poor. This technique was chosen with standard) compared to the normal table, or
consideration that linear probability model compare prob value with α (significance level).
(LPM) has several problems as asserted by For the conformity test of the model or goodness
of fit, R2 or something like pseudo R2 is used,

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

but this value does not have strong enough this research are significant. There are 7 variables
meaning in binary regress and models because it with significance at 5% level, consisting of
tends to be less than 1 (Gujarati, 2003: 605). dummy variable for residential status, marital
Goodness of fit for a logit model is considered status, gender, Junior High School, Senior High
sufficient by only considering the significance School, Vocational High School, and Bachelor.
and marks of its coefficient (Gujarati, 2003: 606). Meanwhile, dummy variable for Diploma is
The strength of association and/or overall significant at the 10% level.
test (F test) for a logit model is determined by
looking at the value of X2 (chi-square). The value Table 1. The Estimated Results
is a comparison value (a likelihood ratio/LR test) of Probit Model
between log-likelihood over a large model Variable Coefficient
Residential Statuso (1= .1639371
(whole model) and a small model (not whole or urban) (.0243811)**
only a constant). If significant, there is a Marital Statuso -.1320771
difference between a large or whole model with (1= Married) (.026954)**
a small model or only a constant (Gujarati, 2003: Gendero -.5396765
(1= Male) (.0227)**
Junior High Schoolo -.106852
Logit model was used in this study to (1=JHS) (.0316019)**
analyze the probability of economically Senior High Schoolo -.3792644
prosperous individuals. The value of Pi in this (1=SHS) (.0340924)**
study is the probability of individuals whose Vocational High Schoolo -.2585246
(1=VHS) (.0363663)**
welfare status is higher, with the value of engel Diploma Educationo -.5712494
coefficient above average. The value of (1-Pi) is (1=Diploma Education) (.0628664)*
the probability of individuals whose welfare Bachelor Education o -.5482532
status is below average. (1=Bachelor Education) (.0401475)**
1, if the respondent’s monthly income is _cons -.4626319
equal to or below poverty line in each province Log Likelihood -7881.9136
(poor).) LR chi2 (8) 903. 11
0 = otherwise Prob > Chi2 0.0000
Based on that situation, the probit model Pseudo R2 0.0542
can be formulated as follows: ***,**,* indicate significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10%
levels respectively
β6iX6+ β7iX7+ β8iX8+ε
Table 2. The Estimated Results
Yi: Prosperity Status (poor=1, otherwise=0) of Marginal Effect
X1: Dummy Variable for Residential Status Variable Coefficient
(urban=1, rural=0) Residential statuso .0381301
X2: Dummy Variable for Marital Status (1= urban) (.0055369)***
(married=1, otherwise=0)
X3: Dummy Variable for Gender (male=1, Marital Statuso -.0326233
female=0) (1= Married) (.0068971)***
X4: Dummy Variable for Junior High Gendero -.1358286
(1= Male) (.0059176)***
School Education
Junior High Schoolo -.0245526
X5: Dummy Variable for Senior High (1=JHS) (.0070083)***
School Education Senior High Schoolo -.0795552
X6: Dummy Variable for Vocational High (1=SHS) (.0062168)***
School Education Vocational High Schoolo -.0557939
(1=VHS) (.0070618)***
X7: Dummy Variable for Diploma Diploma Educationo -.1015674
Education (1=Diploma Education) (.00776)***
X8: Dummy Variable for Bachelor Bachelor Education o -.1046147
Education (1=Bachelor Education) (.0059068)***
Ε : error term (o) dF/dx is for discrete change of dummy variable from
0 to 1
Z and P> | z | Correspond to the test of the underlying
(1=JHS) coefficient being 0
(1=SHS) ***, **, * indicate significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10%
(1=VHS) levels respectively

Based on the marginal effect test, there is a

statistically significant difference in the
As summarized in Table 1, the estimated probability of poverty between urban and rural
results show that 8 independent variables used in

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

areas (higher probability in urban areas by 3.8%). REFERENCES

Respondents who live in urban areas are more
[1] Becker, G. (1964), “Human Capital: A
likely to suffer from poverty than those who live
theoretical and empirical analysis, with
in rural areas. The density of urban population
special reference to education”, New York:
increases the poverty rate. Poverty is relatively
National Bureau of Economic Research.
higher in the densely populated areas (D.
Weziak-Bialowolska, 2014). [2] Bhatta, Saurav.D&Sharma, Suman K.
In addition, the high rate of poverty in urban (2006). The Determinants and
areas can also be attributed to the greater number Consequences of Chronic and Transient
of employment in formal sectors, thus requiring Poverty in Nepal. CPRC Working Paper 66.
much more educated workers. In rural areas, on
the other hand, there are more employment in [3] Blundell, R., Dearden, L., Sianesi B.(2001)
informal sectors, and thus requiring more skilled Estimating the Returns to Education:
Models, Methods and Results. CEE
workers than educated workers.
In contrast to the result of the study Discussion Papers 0016, Centre for the
conducted by Wardhana (2010), poverty profile Economics of Education, London School of
indicated that higher rates occured in rural areas Economics.
than urban areas, and dynamic analysis showed [4] Bracho, Teresa, (2000) Poverty and
higher presence of poverty in the period of 1993 Education in Mexico, in Reimers (ed) (2000)
compared to 2007. It was further found that
poverty was more characterized as chronic rather [5] Dorota Weziak-Bialowolska. (2014). Spatial
than transitory. Poverty declined marginally Variation in EU Poverty with Respect to
between 1993 and 2000, but dropped Health, Education and Living Standards.
significantly between 2000 and 2007. Journal Springer 125:451-479. I
The likelihood of poverty is also due to the [6] Fattah, Nanang. (2004). Ekonomi &
marital status. Married people are less likely to Pembiayaan Pendidikan. Bandung: PT
suffer from poverty (lower probability in married Remaja Rosdakarya.
people by 3.2%). In Indonesia, households with
a single female without children have the lowest [7] Gujarati, Damonar N (2003). Basic
probability of becoming chronic poor, whereas Econometrics, Fourth Edition. The Mc-
single males with children suffer the highest Graw-Hill Companies.
probability (Xenia and Stefan, 2011). This [8] ------- (2009), Basic Econometrics, Fourth
condition is possibly caused by a family Edition. The Mc-Graw-Hill Companies.
dependency which makes someone who has
married attempts to earn a living. Furthermore, [9] Ngwane, Z (2002) in Kallaway P (ed) The
based on the estimated result, male respondents History of Education under Apartheid, New
are less likely to suffer from poverty than females York, Peter Lang
(lower probability in males by 13.5%). [10] Pindyck RS, Rubinfeld DL. (1981).
The rate of poverty in Indonesia can also be Econometric Model and Economic
attributed to the educational attainment. Forecasts, 2nd ed., Mc Graw-Hill Co., New
Respondents who completed only primary school York.
level (a sixth-grade education) and lower levels
are more likely to suffer from poverty. From the [11] Xenia van Edig and Stefan Schwarze.
marginal effect test, it can be estimated that the (2011). Short-term poverty dynamics of
probabilities for each education attainment are as rural households: Evidence from Central
follows: Junior High School (2.4%), Vocational Sulawesi, Indonesia. Journal of Agriculture
High School (5.5%), Senior High School (7.9%), and Rural Development in the Tropics and
Diploma (10.1%), and Bachelor (10.4%). It Subtropics vol. 112 No 2 141-155.
means that the higher people attain education [12] Wahid, bdu. (2008). Pendidikan Vs
levels, the less they are likely to suffer from Kemiskinan. Jurnal Nadwa Vol 2. No1, Mei
poverty. Higher education significantly reduces 2008.
the probability of a household to be chronically
poor or vulnerable (Widyanty, Sumarto, and [13] Wardhana, Dharendra. (2010).
Suryahadi, 2009; Bhatta, 2006). Multidimensional poverty Dynamics in
Indonesia (1993-2007). Dissertation The
University of Nottingham: Nottingham.

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[14] Widyanty, W., S. Sumarto, and A. Suryahadi

(2009). ‘The Relationship Between Chronic
Poverty and Household Dynamics: Evidence
from Indonesia’, SMERU Working Paper,
January, Social Monitoring & Early
Response Unit, Jakarta.
ew/id/1119 (retrieved on 25 April 2017)

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Rizki A. Sambodo1, Baskoro A. Prayitno22, Puguh Karyanto33, Eka Sulistyowati4
1, 2, 3
Sebelas Maret University, 4Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]

One prominent alternative in science learning is using of lab work or practicum. Practicum enables students
to engage in activities that enhance their mastering of practical and theoretical science. Teaching ecology
effectively could means involving an active data gathering in the field. Great challenge conducting a field
work in Ecology is, how to make student focusing and concentrating in their tasks because, a complex
situation will lead to an overworked working memory. Tree-layer observation framework is one of the
mobile learning frameworks in field practicum activities. Tree-layer observation framework can help
working memory steeply and orderly in accomplishing the tasks. This study was aimed at developing
mobile learning application that operate on Android smartphone using three-layer observation framework.
This study used research and development method ADDIE consisting of Analysis, Design, Development,
Implementation, and Evaluation but in this study, it is restricted on Analysis, Design, and Development.
The study was conducted in Biology Education Studies Program at State Islamic University of Sunan
Kalijaga. The result of research is mobile learning applications for practical exercise in ecology using tree-
layer observation framework with the quality of “Very Good” with the percentage value 81.8%. Base on
questionnaire responses of students, it can concluded that the quality of “Very Good” is with the percentage
value 82.5%. Application can be used for practical exercise in ecology.
Keywords: ecology, mobile learning, three-layer observation framework

argumentations [3]. Lab work also plays an

important role in building scientific skill process
The fast changes of sciences, environment,
and widening students' scientific perspectives [2]
technology, and society enforce bring changes in
[4] [5]. In addition, several researches in the
methods and strategies in learning science.
lower level of education (for example high
Today, science learning is not only related to
school) show that lab work brings positive
mastering of declarative-knowledge but also
correlation to students' scientific perspective [6].
related to procedural knowledge in studying the
It is also preferable that lab work could be
nature systematically. When students just learn
delivered together with the delivery of scientific
to memorize or re-study science, there is a
theory as it is normally given in a traditional
possibility that they may fail competition in the
global arena [1]. Therefore, ideally, science
Lab work based teaching is needed in
learning ideally is not just aimed at answering
biology, especially subjects requiring direct
questions of "what", but also ‘why’ and ‘how’.
experiences in the field. A specific subject that
Being able to answer why and how questions
meets these criteria is ecology. Ecology is the
clearly need students ‘participation through
study about the interaction between living things
active learning.
and the environment. The objects of Ecology
One prominent alternative in science
include species, community, population,
learning is the using of lab work or practicum [2].
interaction pattern, material and energy flow, and
Practicum enables students to engage in activities
climate change [7]. Generally, ecology deals
that enhance their mastering of practical and
with macroscopic objects and is a multidiscipline
theoretical science. Lab work help students to
subject. Teaching Ecology effectively could
train scientific skills including: formulating
means involving an active data gathering in the
research questions, making observation, dealing
field, thus students' participations and
with data uncertainties, analyzing and
collaboration with others is necessary [8].
interpreting data, and composing data-based

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Conducting a field work in Ecology bring a In general, the commonly found mobile
great challenge for both the teacher and students, learning only presents course materials and
especially to help student focusing and feedbacks in the form of multiple choice
concentrating in their tasks. The complexity of questions. Such a mobile learning is not effective
the field situations may exacerbate the issue, as instructional guides in practicum activities.
especially related to on how students' brain using Students tend to learn the materials only by
storing and processing information. Human brain reading so that the inquiry ability is less
works similar to the work of a computer's practiced. An alternative to overcome this
memory. As a consequence, similar to that of a problem is by integrating mobile learning using
computer, a complex situation will lead to an a particular framework. We call the framework
overworked working memory [3]. In the context as three-layer observation learning.
of human beings, working memory is equal to Three-layer observation learning is one of
cognitive system derived from human's brain, in the mobile learning frameworks in field
which the information is stored and used [9]. It practicum activities. Three-layer observation
also applies to lab work, requiring cognitive learning consists of three stages: 1) guided
system and memories stored in the brain. Yet, observation, 2) Independent observation, 3)
interestingly the storing capacity and duration of extended inquiry [13]. The three-layer
working memory are limited [10] [11]. An observation learning framework not only
overload working memory will interfere how provides feedbacks in the form of multiple-
information is processed in the brain. Important choice questions but also provides worksheets.
information’s compete with un-important ones, Students’ working memory is gradually guided
so that sometimes it leads to failure in so the students will focus on completing the tasks
accomplishing the task, especially a complex at hand [3]. Based on the background, this work
task requiring a practicum -a field data gathering. is titled" Developing Mobile Learning for
Working memory works more effective if Practical Exercise in Ecology using the Three-
the information is loaded accordingly based on Layer Observation Framework".
the tasks [3]. Cognitive Load Theory (CLT)
states that instructional guides ease the task of
working memory [10] [11]. The instructional
guide acts as a scaffolding. In this regard, This study is classified as a research and
development (R&D) with the aim to develop
instructions help structuring ang putting
cognitive works in order. The guide will also mobile learning application products based on
deepen comprehension, improve learning three-layer observation learning framework
which will be used as a field practicum tool in
independence, and facilitate knowledge transfer
[3]. Ecology. We used Procedures the ADDIE model,
Our observation to the teaching and which stands for Analysis, Design,
Development, Implementation, and Evaluation
learning Ecology in UIN Sunan Kalijaga shows
that the practicum is just guided by lab modules. [16]. Due to limited time and cost, the research is
Yet, the modules are lack of illustrations only carried until the development stage while
the evaluation stage is formatively conducted at
explaining the working procedure step by step.
Nonetheless, the contents are not arranged every stage of the research.
systematically. The initial finding concludes that The research was conducted in the Biology
50% of the students hardly understand the Education Departemen of UIN Sunan Kalijaga
modules, while 67 % of the students state that the Yogyakarta. The study involved 1 media expert,
1 course-content (material) expert, 1 biology
mathematical operation in the module is difficult,
and 71% students state they could not use the lecturer, 3 peer reviewers, and 25 students
directions independently. majoring in Biology Education.
The quality of the product is measured
Based on the presented problems, our idea
is to incorporate smart phone technology in using questionnaires. Questionnaires are adapted
teaching and learning Ecology. Smartphone is an from the development researches conducted by
[17] and [18]. The assessed aspects consist of:
IT technology that can be used to facilitate self-
learning. Smartphone has benefits of portability, curriculum, material presentation,
flexibility, and high connectivity. Therefore, implementation, evaluation, language, technical
quality, usability, visual media elements, and
smartphone can support learning carried out
inside and outside the classes [12]. Some compatibility. Meanwhile the aspects of students
literature also show that the phone can be used are the level of interest in the media, mastery of
the course content, appearance, and
as a tool for field activities [4] [13] [14] [15].
accomplishment. The data collected in this

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

research are then analyzed using descriptive Materials submenu contains the explanation of
statistics that is by calculating the average score freshwater gastropods and the roles of gastropod
and percentage of ideal assessment. The scores in the environment. The research submenu
are analyzed with descriptive quantitative and contains the steps of field ecology practicum as
qualitative analyses. well as the explanation of field data gathering
Discussion submenu serves as a
communication platform among students
The result of the research is an android- through the Internet network. Students can send
based mobile learning application that can be messages and comments using the platform. The
used as a tool for practicum activities in Ecology.
evaluation submenu serves to evaluate students'
For the purpose of this research we chose a topic understanding of freshwater gastropod materials
called "estimation of fresh water gastropods and the practicum activities. The Evaluation
population". Then, our Android application is
submenu serves to test students' understanding of
named “Gastropoda Air Tawar" (Freshwater ecological practicum materials, especially study
Gastropoda). The application is saved into a practice estimation of freshwater gastropods. The
master installer file with the extension *.APK
Info submenu contains a brief explanation of the
(application package). The installer application app usage and contact info of the app developer
master is used to install the application on the that can be contacted.
student's Android mobile phone.
Expectedly, the product aimed at improving
The application consists of several sub the quality of learning, especially practicum in
menus including: Course Contents (Materials), Ecology. The application has high portability and
Research, Evaluation, Discussion, and high flexibility because it runs on Android
Information. Each menu has a specific function phones. App product display can be seen in the
to facilitate students in the practicum. The
following picture:

Figure 1. (a) Layout of welcome screen, (b) Layout of main menu

The app runs both online and offline. The Education students of UIN Sunan Kalijaga.
menu that runs on online mode is only the Observations were carried out during pre-
Discussion menu as it relates to its main function: practicum activities, field work (data collection),
facilitating the discussion process among and data processing.
students through internet network in real time. Based on our initial finding, it could be
The Development stage of the application is reported that 89 % of the student’s did not carry
described in more detail as follows: reference books, 74% students did not carry
identification books, and 11% students did not
carry worksheets during practicum activities,
The analysis phase started the with a although all of these were given before the
preliminary study and a little literature review. practicum was due. Student’s ad admitted that
The preliminary study was conducted through they were lazy to bring references and
observation of practicum activities, identification books because the physical books
questionnaires, and interviews with Biology are too thick so they were less effective when

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

taken to the field. 84% students preferred to store that the students were more familiar with the
materials and references in soft files rather than practicality given by smartphones, especially
hard files. when taking pictures. It was also concluded that
48% students admitted to have difficulties smartphones were more preferable than digital
in understanding the worksheets because they cameras, although they have high image quality.
were not equipped with illustrations or pictures. When further observed, 98% of the students
All of these brought an impact on students' brought smartphones during the field practicum.
performances. Out of 7 groups, 3 felt difficulties These data were similar to those obtained from
in understanding the steps of practicum activity. UNESCO which showed that the number of
4 of 7 groups made procedural errors in mobile devices users in Indonesia reached 91.7%
collecting practicum data without direction from of its total population [19].
the course assistant. 1 of 7 groups made a mistake In terms of operating systems, the students
of using the practicum tools. 4 of 7 groups failed reported to used Android, iOs, Blackberry, and
to perform titration - in measuring Dissolved Java. Android operating system had the highest
Oxygen / DO - properly. percentage of users (88%). Blackberry and iOs
Based on our observation, it can be users were the second rank, with the percentage
concluded that the student’s found it difficult to of users at 5% each. Java operating system was
perform field practicum without guidance from used by only 2% of the user. The data are
experts. In fact, the given worksheets is not presented in Figure 2.
functioning effectively. This is in line with The percentage data of students' mobile
Hung's opinion that the challenge of field device operating system is similar to the data
practicum is lack of expert guides and obtained from which
appropriate field practicum tools [13]. Therefore states that the android operating system occupies
an efficient practicum guide are needed to help the highest percentage of market share of mobile
the students when conducting practicum in real- device sales in Indonesia in a period March 2016
time. until March 2017 that is 76.3%. Percentage of
Interestingly, we noted that most students android operating system outperformed other
used smartphones to help their work, as well as operating systems like iOs and Blackberry.
to documents the practicum activities. It shows

Figure 2. Percentage of the OS users

One of the factors that led to the increasing community, and interaction, patterns of material
number of smartphone users is price, comparably and energy flow, and climate change in an area.
cheaper than PCs. From the hardware side, the Ecology deals with keeping nature in order to
technology developed for smartphone has been have the carrying capacity of the living creatures
claimed to be advanced, rapidly developed, and that live in it. Therefore, ecological materials
efficient. For example, the technology related to must be connected to real-life problems and
processor speed has been increasing significantly actions that can be done to overcome them [7].
from 1.4 GHz in 2011 to 3 GHz in 2014. Also,
mobile connectivity support capacity has
increased from 2G, 3G, to 4G LTE [20]. The next step is the design phase. In this
Moreover, the low-cost device operating system phase, we developed a prototype of mobile
is preferred and widely used by students. learning application for Ecology Practicum. We
The objects of ecological materials have the designed interfaces, material frameworks, and
characteristics observed directly. The reviewed the application frameworks. The interface
objects start from species, population, application refers to the 7 principles of mobile

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

learning design, i. e. customized display with [3] which consists of 1) guiding students with
small screens, short and simple arrangement of multiple choices, 2) guiding students with short
materials, easy to operate with one hand, simple questions, and 3) giving back answers directly in
color elements, relevant content to the needs, and the application. The result of the design stage
easily updated on a regular basis [17]. was an application prototype which was then
The framework used in the practicum continued at the develop stage.
menus refers to three-layer observation learning

Figure 3. Tree-layer observation learning [3]

Develop content (material) expert, 1 media expert, 1,

ecology lecturer, 3 peer reviewers. The reviewers
The Develop stage aims at assessing the
are chosen based on his competence in the field.
quality of the product based on the assessment of
The assessment results of all reviewers and peer
the experts. The experts consist of 1 course
reviewers are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Product quality

No Aspect Percentage Quality
1 Curriculum 84% VG
2 Material Presentations 80,8% VG
3 Accomplishment 82% VG
4 Evaluation 78% G
5 Linguistic 80% G
6 Technical Quality 85% VG
7 Usability 72% G
8 Elemen Visual 88% VG
9 Compatibility 82% VG
Rerata 81,8% VG
Explanation: VG-Very good, G-Good

At this phase, we assessed aspects such as 98.20 with an ideal percentage of 81.8%. The X
curriculum, presentation of material, score (98.20) lies in the range X> 72 which falls
implementation, evaluation, language, technical into category Very Good (VG). Similarly, the
quality, usability, visual media elements, and ideal percentage (81.8%) is categorized as very
compatibility. Our product gained a total score of good (VG).

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

The visual aspect gets the highest score, 72% and it shows that the application is quite
88%. The visual element aspect measures the use complicated in use when compared to the print-
of visual elements such as text, text alignment out worksheets.
with background, and illustrations (images and Assessments and feedbacks from reviewers
videos). The ideal score of 88% indicates that the are used as a basis for improvements in mobile
product displays visual elements very well, such learning application products. After we refined
as: text size, font selection, proportional text the product, then we performed a limited product
color, matching text and background, and high trial to 25 students majoring in Biology
resolution. Education at UIN Sunan Kalijaga. The purpose
The lowest percentage is in the product's was to explore students' responses to the
usability (72%). The usability measures the ease application. The data can be seen in Table 2.
of operating application. The ideal score is only

Table 2. Product Quality

No Aspects Percentage Quality
1 Media Interest 84,4% VG
2 Material mastery 76,8% G
3 Display 86,4% VG
4 Accomplishment 82,4% VG
Total ideal percentage 82,5% VG
Explanation: SB-Very Good, B-Good

Table 4 shows that based on students Observation Framework consists of three stages:
‘response, the product received a total score of 1) Guiding observation with multiple choice
61.88. Based on the ideal scoring category, the X questions, 2) Providing self-observation with
score (61.88) lies in the range X> 60 or Very worksheets, and 3) Deepening observation with
Good (VG). The ideal percentage is 82.5% which data in the format of journal entry [3] [13].
falls in Very Good (VG) category. The first step, guided observation with
multiple choice questions, is implemented by
giving the students multiple choice questions in
order to clarify the students' factual knowledge.
Overall, this mobile learning application
The questions consist of 10 questions taken at
has met the qualifications as a good source of random from the data base. The database
learning. This criterion is based on the reviewers’ provides 20 variations so that each student will
assement of 81.8%, which falls into Very Good get the questions in different order and form.
(VG) category. The results obtained from the Each question answered by the students will be
limited trial on the students get the ideal
directly accompanied by the answer key. The key
percentage of 82.5% or Very Good (VG) is displayed immediately to help the student
category. In general, the application has met the remembering the answers directly. At the end of
4 criteria of learning media, i. e. Relevance,
the multiple choice session, students are
ease, attractiveness, and expediency. presented with the score and the review of the
This mobile learning application plays role answer. The score is used as a reference for the
as a tool in ecology practicum. Humans have
next step in the second phase. Only students who
limited working memory capacity so they need have scored above 60 are allowed to continue.
to control the information processing [3]. One The students who have score 60 or less than 60
effort to improve control of the process in
should repeat answering the multiple choice
working memory is by applying the tree-layer questions.
observation framework. The Tree Layer

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Figure 4. (a) Exercise Screen shoot, (b) Discussion Screen shoot

In the second stage, the students are Students explore the observation data more
encouraged to perform self-observation by filling deeply at the third stage. The data collected in
out a short spreadsheet on the application. The each worksheet is collected in a screen so that
worksheet consists of location, DO water, pH of students can see in advance the data that have not
water, temperature, current velocity and yet been collected. If the data are incomplete or
sampling of species. The students can choose the do not reflect the normal trend of measurement,
worksheet that will be answered first. The view the students can repeat inputting data to the
of the worksheet menu is shown in Figure 6a, worksheets. The purpose of editing this data is to
whereas figure 6b is the view on the temperature allow the students to reflect their work.

Figure 5. (a) layout of practicum menu, (b) layout of temperature worksheet

Ecology practicum activities by using the students easier to identify gastropods

mobile learning application are expected to encountered in the field. 4).The application can
increase the students’ focus on the tasks and the run in offline mode so it is not completely
practical activities can run more effectively and dependent on the internet connection.
efficiently. The application has several Besides that, the application also has
advantages, such as: 1) running through a drawbacks including 1) the application does not
smartphone which is very flexible and portable support automatic material updates from
to be operated for field activities. 2) The material lecturers to students so that if there are new
comes with interesting drawings, icons, and practicum activities, it will have to develop the
panels. 3) The application is equipped with a application from scratch; 2) Menu of discussion
gastropod identification key in order to make the

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Panji Hidayat
Ahmad Dahlan University / BUDI-DN
[email protected]

Educational Objectives By Ahmad Dahlan, Islamic education should be aimed at forming a human Muslim
noble character, learned in religion, Broad view and understand the problems of the earth, and willing to
fight for the betterment of society. The purpose of education is the reform of the educational objectives are
conflicting at the time that education in schools and education models Netherlands.
Ahmad Dahlan is the type of action that is in place when enough left many charitable efforts not writing.
Note the long history of struggle Ahmad Dahlan in Developing and promoting backwardness of Muslims,
was very persistent fight Ideals magnitude.
Relevance Ahmad Dahlan thinking about the current education curriculum found or educational materials
should include: Moral education, morality is an attempt to instill good character man based on the Qur'an
and Sunnah, Education Individuals, such as efforts to raise awareness of the Individual whole sustainable
development between the mental and the idea, between faith and intellect, as well as between the world and
the hereafter. Education community is an effort to foster a willingness and desire Lake community.
Keywords: Ahmad Dahlan, Education, Schools, and Relevance

1888, it changed its name to Ahmad Dahlan. In

1903, he traveled back to Mecca and settled for
Muhammadiyah organization's place as a two years. During this time, he had learned to
charity and implement ideas updates Ahmad Sheikh Ahmad Khatib who also teachers from
Dahlan is very attracted the attention of observers the founder of NU, KH. Hasyim Asy'ari. In 1912,
of developments in Islamic world. Scholars and he founded the Muhammadiyah in Kauman
authors from both East and West are very focused village, Yogyakarta.
attention to the Muhammadiyah. The name of Since human history born of natural
Ahmad Dahlan more famous in the world. In the coloring routine mortality, education is an
forefront of the struggle for independence of the "important things" in the social community.
Republic of Indonesia, the role and the (Barizi, 2005: v). Ahmad Dahlan is the type of
contribution him is very big. Dahlan with all man of action that is in place when enough left
ideas of renewal he teaches is a very large stock many charitable efforts not writing. Note the long
for national revival in the early 20th century. history of the struggle of Ahmad Dahlan in
Ahmad Dahlan described from many developing and promoting backwardness of
disciplines kiai i.e. KH. Muhammad Saleh in the Muslims, was very persistent struggle ambition
fields of jurisprudence; from KH. Muhsin Nahwu level. And he said the fight was going to work
science-Sharaf (grammar); from KH. Raden while supported by two component main
Dahlan astronomy Science (astronomy); of Kiai underlying, namely education and workshop.
Mahfud and Sheikh KH, Hadith science; Sayid Hence Ahmad Dahlan so eager to make a
Amin and Shaykh Bakri Satock science of the breakthrough in the reform of the two elements.
Holy Qur’an, as well as from Shaykh Hasan in For educational institutions are still regarded as
the field of medicine and poison animals. the most channel strategis in convey ideals
At the age of 15, he went to Hajj in Makkah change. (Heri Sucipto: 112).
and stayed for five years. In this period, Ahmad With his efforts in the field of education, he
Dahlan began interacting with the thoughts of can be regarded as a "model" of the rise of a
reformers in Islam, such as Muhammad Abduh, generation that is "central point" of a movement
Rashid Al-Afghani, Ridha and Ibn Taymiyyah. that rose to the challenge faced by the Muslims
When returned to his community of the year in the form of backwardness in education

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

systems and islamic stagnation understand. In good character man based on the Qur'an and
contrast to the national figures of his day, which Sunnah. Education of individuals, namely an
is more concerned with political and economic effort to raise awareness of a whole individual
issues, Ahmad Dahlan devote themselves sustainable development between the mental and
entirely in the field of education. the idea, between faith and intellect as well as the
Adam is starting a new life in the universe world and the hereafter. Education community is
is always equipped to understand the sense of it an effort to foster a willingness and desire to live
and then find out the concept as a matter of life. in a society.
There are a number of internal factors and Teaching Methods, there are two systems of
external factors, which encourage why Ahmad education that developed in Indonesia, Boarding
Dahlan established organization (Sairin, ttt: 24). school and Western education. View Ahmad
Internal factor religious life is not in accordance Dahlan, there are fundamental problems
with the Holy Qur'an and the Hadith, because the associated with educational institutions in the
prevalence of imitation, innovation and churafat Muslim community, especially educational
(TB), which led to Islam being frozen. The institutions boarding. According to Syamsul
situation of the Indonesian people and the Nizar, in his Philosophy of Islamic Education,
Muslims who live in poverty, ignorance, explains that the problem is related to the process
backwardness and conservatism, not the of teaching and learning, curriculum, and
realization of the spirit of brotherhood in Islamic educational materials. From the reality of
and there is no Islamic organization strong. education, Ahmad Dahlan offers a method of
Islamic educational institutions can not fulfill synthesis of modern educational methods with
their functions properly, and the system of Western methods of education boarding school.
schools that are very ancient. The influence and From this it appears that the institution was
encouragement, the reform movement in the founded by Ahmad Dahlan different educational
Islamic world. The external factors include: the institutions run by indigenous peoples today.
availability of Dutch colonialism in Indonesian, Learning methods developed Ahmad Dahlan
activities and progress achieved by the Christian contextual patterned through a process of
and Catholic in Indonesian, the attitude of the dialogue and awareness.
majority of Indonesian intellectuals who view A classic example is when he describes al-
Islam as a religion that is outdated, there is a plan. Ma'un to santri repeatedly until the students
The goal of education according to Ahmad realize that the letter suggested that we pay
Dahlan, Islamic education should be aimed at attention to and help the poor, and to practice it.
forming a human Muslim noble character, Educators of instilling confidence in the
learned in religion, comprehensive view and understanding of Islamic education system and
understanding of the problem of the earth, and teaching.
willing to fight for the betterment of society. The Implementation of this system of education
purpose of education is the reform of the was found to be not worth the price of progress,
educational objectives are conflicting at the time the people of Indonesia in general and Muslims
the boarding school education and typical school in Indonesia. Of the opinion that teachers play an
education in Netherlands. important role in the school in order to produce
On the one hand educational boarding children as students who aspired to
primary objective is to create a virtuous people Muhammadiyah. What is important for the
and learn about Islam. On the other hand, teacher is to understand and appreciate and
education is a Dutch type of secular education in participate in the work of. By understanding and
which religion is not taught at all. Seeing the practicing and participating in teaching, teachers
imbalance Ahmad Dahlan believes that the can carry out its functions in accordance with
purpose of education is to produce a broad range what is aspired Muhammadiyah.
of individuals who complete master of science Students of trying to restore the teachings of
and science in general, as well as material and Islam at its source, namely the Qur'an and the
spiritual worlds. Ahmad Dahlan For both of these Hadith. Research aims to expand and enhance the
(religious-public, material-spiritual world and education of Islam, so that people realize the true
the hereafter) is a matter that can not be separated Islam. To achieve that goal, Muhammadiyah
from each other. This is the reason why Ahmad established schools throughout Indonesia. In the
Dahlan teach religious education and science as world of education and the teaching of
well as in public school teaching. educational reform has entered into religion.
Educational materials Ahmad Dahlan found Modernization of the education system is run by
curricula or educational materials should include: changing the system of boarding school with
Moral education, morality is an attempt to instill modern education in accordance with the

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

demands and requirements of Islamic era. to receive a lesson from the teacher and this is a
Learning given in public schools, both public and well established which must be maintained. (Adi
private. Muhammadiyah was founded schools Asmara, 2010: 629-630)
both distinctive religion and of a general nature. Education of thinking was born from the
The new method adopted by the school to idea of education promoted by Ahmad Dahlan
encourage understanding of the Qur'an and the then. Heri Sucipto evaluate educational
Hadith independently by the students orientation that built Ahmad Dahlan is the
themselves. Q & A and discussion of the modern education system with clasical system.
meaning of certain verses and also organized The Dutch education system mixes with the
class. "The boys thought freedom (children are traditional educational system integrally. At the
given freedom of thought)," a statement quoted time, what it does is something still quite rare
by the speaker of Congress in 1925, described the carried out by educational islamic institutions.
atmosphere both schools of first (Nizar, 2002: Ahmad Dahlan is known as a reformist
112). With an education system that is run movement that accentuates amaliah.
Muhammadiyah, the Indonesian people are Additionally Ahmad Dahlan Kauman is known
educated to become the nation's personal as a driving force of the Islamic struggle
qualities intact, not split into private or public formidable, visionary far ahead, and featuring the
knowledge knowledgeable religion. work of pioneering. (Haedar Natsir: 117)
Haedar Natsir said that Ahmad Dahlan was
human-charity, because in his life he preferred
the works of theorizing. It is known as the
The idea of creative ideas and Ahmad practitioner directly in education. He did more
Dahlan in the field of education to be one of the than theorize. Proven track during his difficult
keys to success for the development of. work of his writings, but that shownAhmad
Kuntowijoyo underlines the success of Ahmad
Dahlan is doing and practicing direct his thoughts
Dahlan in developing of it related to two things. are so far we can see and feeling. Apart in the
First, the cultural movement in the field of religious field, Idea reform also poured in to
education are at the forefront. Second, social
spearhead the establishment of a modern Islamic
movements, economic as well as cultural school. In fact, since 1911 Dahlan has founded a
position forefront. With the new education school named Elementary School Diniyah
system through the introduction of a merger of
Islamiyah. (Adaby entitled, 2000: 13).
traditional education and secular education to School as a pilot extension of "school"
modify the methodology of modern education developed Ahmad Dahlan informally in giving
lessons containing Islamic religious sciences and
According to Mitsuo Nakamura (1993), of general knowledge to their students than in the
obtaining the education that a double. First, of the King's School (Kweek School) and School of
national strengthen awareness through the
Civil Service (OSVIA) at his home. This is the
teachings of Islamic. Second, through the schools "School of" first, a religious school, which is held
of Islamic reform can Muhammadiyah idea in a mosque as usual activities Muslims at that
widespread. Third, Muhammadiyah has also
time, but located in a room measuring 2.5 x 6 m
contributed to the increase in modern Science in the house of Ahmad Dahlan.
praktis. So question what exactly the system used The school is using the table and the board,
by the institution Muhammadiyah Education've who teaches religion and general knowledge in
missed. If we look at the education system of that new ways evil of Western education. (Haedar
is until now more inclined to a liberal system on
Natsir, 2010: 121).
the one hand and on the other side of Thus managed to close two of the people,
conservative. Liberal system in the management the Indonesian intellectuals who get education
of the school system and the conservative system
with the Western model that the rest get only
of teaching. As we know that the education religious subjects, the two groups that have
system more liberal solve problems with started separate and detached. (Amin Rais et al,
education efforts "Cosmetic Reform" (Popular
1985: 15).
Education) emphasizes the new facility, modern Muhammadiyah has made reform of
equipment and efforts school to improve student- religious education by modernizing the education
teacher ratio. The education system is a
system, change the system and the boarding
conservative educational system like (sorogan lodge with modern education system that is in
and publishing) put existence children in accordance with the requirements of the times.
absolute ignorance and teachers in the absolute
Of establishing schools that special religion but
truth that students are not allowed to think, only of a general nature, from kindergarten to college.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

For Slamet Abdullah, which distinguishes education, it can briefly be said that the
between socialist with college of other religious educational process must be able to produce
is a serious concern for the problems of the graduates who: have the personality of a strong,
education agency. balanced between the physical and spiritual
Ahmad Dahlan are reformers in education excellences, general knowledge and religious
inspired by the ideas of Muhammad Abduh of knowledge, worldly and hereafter, have a social
Egypt. According to him, one of the life of dedication, moral which is based on the
backwardness of Muslims Indonesia due to Holy Qur'an and Sunnah.
improper mechanism and an education system
that is used by Islamic educational institutions
that are unable to produce the caliphs. The
education system is driven only by rote, poor Relevance Ahmad Dahlan thinking about the
criticism and poor skill makes Muslims stagnant current education curriculum found or
educational materials should include: Moral
and backward. (Slamet Abdullah, MuslichKS,
2010: 90-91) education, morality is an attempt to instill good
The typical captures more, but less character man based on the Holy Qur'an and
Sunnah, individual education, as an effort to raise
successfully understand the ethos of reform when
Dahlan established the modern school. Similarly, awareness of the individual whole sustainable
various other charitable efforts that include using development between the mental and the idea,
between faith and intellect as well as the world
the system and organizational management in
practice the teachings of Islam. If we want to and the hereafter. Education community is an
capture the narrative effort, it is important to look effort to foster a willingness and desire to live in
at the conclusions Abdul Munir Mulkan that state a society.
as pragmatical understanding and practice of
Islam and relative or inclusive (Abdul Munir REFERENCES
Mulkan, 2000: 90). [1] Abdullah, Slamet, et al, 2010, the Centennial
The potential for the movement to fulfill the of the National Culture Struggle,
function as a torch lightening people with Yogyakarta: Global Pustaka Utama
considerable number of institutions that are
relatively stable and well organized, in particular [2] Al-Munawar, Said Agil Huin, et al, 2000, of
in the field of education. Similarly, the human the Criticism, Surakarta: University Press
resources are featured in the system of the [3] Massawa, Adi et al, 2010, Reflection A
organization with adequate facilities. Decade of Muhammadiyah, Yogyakarta:
Unfortunetly, opportunities that have not PWM B-Press
been taken when the movement trapped in
routine bureaucratic rigidity and charitable [4] Barizi Ahmad A. Malik Fajar, 2005. Holistic
efforts. Compared with the past, Ahmad Dahlan Thinking Education, Jakarta: King Grafindo
can take advantage of existing opportunities of Persada
various parties, both in their participation in the [5] Darbar, Ahmad Adaby, 2000, Kauman
organization joined Budi Utomo and when the History: Revealing the identity of the
Dutch government a little soft on the legality of village, Yogyakarta: Falkirk
Islamic organizations at the time. He used it to
establish the beginning of the idea of education [6] Nasir, Haedar, 2010, of Renewal Movement,
reform. England: Voices of
Relevance minds KH. Ahmad Dahlan on [7] Rais, Amin, et al, 1985, Educational
the current education curriculum found or Psychology and Social Change, Yogyakarta:
educational materials should include: moral LP2M
education, morality is an attempt to instill good
character man based on the Holy Qur'an and [8] Sucipto, Hery, 2010, KH. Ahmad Dahlan,
Sunnah. Education of individuals, namely an the Enlightenment, Educator and Founder of
effort to raise awareness of a whole individual South Jakarta: Best of Media
sustainable development between the mental and [9] Sutarmo, 2005, of the Movement of Social-
the idea, between faith and intellect as well as the Religious Modernists, England: Voices of
world and the hereafter. Education community is
an effort to foster a willingness and desire to live [10] Sukrianta AR, 1985, Development of
in a society. Thinking over time, England: Two
The above description is part of the Islamic Dimensions
concept of man. With regard to the issue of

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

[11] Syamsul Nizar, 2002. The Philosophy of

Islamic Education, Jakarta: Guildford Press,
[12] Weinata Sairin, the Reform Movement of
[13] Zamroni, 2003, Revitalization of Education,
(paper Tanwir of Nottingham 26-29 June

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Tyas Kartiko Sutawi1, Ian Harum Prasasti2, Yasmika Baihaqi3
PEP Yogyakarta State University, 3Muhammadiyah University of Metro
[email protected], 2 [email protected], [email protected]

Learning music is an effort in education to improve the quality of one’s life. When it is connected to its
function, learning music for autistic children can be associated with therapeutic activity. However, these
efforts must be directed to one of which is to conduct the evaluation. This study applies Goal Free evaluation
models with a descriptive quantitative approach. The population of this research is Extraordinary School
teachers in Yogyakarta, with three extraordinary schools for children with Autism as the samples. The data
were obtained through open and closed questionnaires and analyzed by using descriptive statistics. The
results showed that the purpose of learning music in schools specified for children with autism was achieved
well evidenced by the total score of the teacher's perception on learning objectives that are in good category
or by 80,83% supported by a statement regarding music learning that music can improve the concentration
and motoric movement, reduce stress as a result of not being able to communicate and music therapy affects
the development of children with autism. The side positive influence aside the goals of music therapy is
that it can create a fun atmosphere as well as to install the concept of vocabulary to the children and the
side negative effects of music is that it can cause dependence on certain music and children can lead to
tantrums. Obstacles in learning music for children with autism can be caused by internal factors of the
children themselves or external factors.
Keywords: evaluation, perception, learning music for autistic children

well as a unified response in the individual

(Walgito, 2010: 6). Therefore, the response that
Music is one of the objects of perception
is implemented into action, is determined by the
that is often used as a medium of learning to
perception of each individual. Extraordinary
develop student creativity in school. The media
teacher perceptions related to music as a medium
is not only applicable to "general" students, but
of therapy for children with autism, determine
also for students with special needs, such as
their ways to address the psychological needs of
Autism. Conceptually, music can be used in two
children with autism.
forms but still as a whole that is therapy and
In the process of perception, individuals
learning (Eren, 2014: 2594). For Autism
often project their experiences. Therefore the
students, music is used as a medium of therapy to
object of perception will be interpreted according
cure abnormalities/ disorders experienced. In this
to individual experience. Slameto (2010: 25)
study, the authors are interested to examine the
states that through perception, humans continue
application of music as a medium of therapy
to make contact with the environment. Thus,
applied in learning music in special schools for
objects in the environment have a distinctive
Autism, starting with first research the
meaning for the individual. Perception covers a
perception that developed among educators for
wide variety of things, including music. The
children with autism. As a response, perception
music in this article concentrates on learning
determines the response that will appear to a
music that is specifically performed on autistic
particular object or event.
children, or close to the activities of music
Perception itself is related to the process of
interpreting an opinion or idea. The process is
Campbell (2010, 45) describes the
related to the stimulus, whether it comes from
influence of music on various diseases, whether
within and outside of the individual self and the
physical or psychological, for example is the
sense or receptor device. Perception is the
positive effect of music for people with
organizing or interpretation of the stimulus that
schyzophrenia, autism, stroke and others. With
has been perceived to be a meaningful object, as
the belief that music is already present in a

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

person, Montello (2002, 79) implements the soul sensitivity of children with autism to their
by using music as a medium in psychotherapy. It environment. The process can be done with a
can help overcome physical ailments and variety of simple musical activities, such as
abnormalities in the patient. playing a musical instrument, moving to the
Several studies have shown that musical rhythm of music, creating music or singing
intervention given through an experiment can activities. This is corroborated by Baron-Cohen
have a positive impact on people with autism. (2001) which states that for some children with
Music therapy has a role in restoring temporal special needs, singing is the easiest way to
disruptions in adults diag- nosed with a substance communicate. Singing activities performed for
use disorder (Mössler & Schmid, 2016); children with autism as a facility to
Thoroughness in accepting duties (Fong & Lee, communicate, which regulates the verbal
2012); Enhance creativity and ability to take communication skills that have been owned
initiative (Holck & Geretsegger, 2016); Better autistic children.
perception / response development (Based & Learning music for autistic children aims to
Support, 2010); And better motor awareness and incite a child's willingness to express and channel
interpersonal skills. his feelings more purposefully and freely, so that
Djohan (2009: 235) argues that there are the psychological pressure they experience by
several musical reasons that need to be presented not being able to express their feelings can be
in education, among others: music can provide reduced. It can restore their emotional
assistance in improving student achievement; development which will also impact physical
Music combines behavior and other thinking recovery, cognitive and social behavior. Judging
skills; Music provides the way for images and from the various benefits that can be obtained,
creations, contributes to self-expression and music is an excellent medium for children with
creativity; Singing, listening and creating, is a autism to be implemented in school learning in
fun and rewarding activity. In addition, music the form of therapy.
enhances sensitivity, music develops perception The music therapy exercises commonly
of cognition and motor, music creates teamwork used in Indonesia and implicated in music
and unity, music stimulates creativity as well as learning for children with autism (Danuatmaja,
individuality, helps music improve discipline and 2003) include: fine motor and rough exercise
commitment, music is a source of excitement and where music therapy aims to improve the ability
success, music as therapy for humans, and music of children to move the body smooth and rough;
develops Intelligence. Exercise perceptual ability to improve the child's
Learning music is done for children with perception of objects or events around him;
autism are not intended to form a child to be a Concentration exercise by walking following the
professional musician. Moreover, learning music floor pattern according to the given musical
for children with autism has a function as a rhythm; Practice singing songs that are easy to
therapy to improve the pattern of life of autistic remember and simple; Atihan play a simple
children who are not sensitive to the environment musical instrument to follow the rhythm and play
around them. Kern, Rivera, Chandler, & the tone well; Performing movements and songs
Humpal, 2013) says that ASD has a new level of that can train the child to perform certain
service, and is a trend to serve clients in home movements according to musical rhythm and
and Community settings. Music learning for improvisation exercises by following the
autistic children is intended to reduce the movement of objects such as animals or vehicles.
psychological burden of children due to not Compared with general education as the
being able to communicate with others. Therapy object of research, the study of the effect of
is done by using music media in a structured and music on autistic children has a special area in
consistent. Danuatmaja (2003: 125) says that the view of the objectives. Learning music for
goal of music therapy is to develop and improve children with autism is more directed to the side
physical ability, train perceptual abilities, of therapy. Prawitasari (2011: 105) argues that
develop and actualize their potential, develop music therapy refers more to musical concepts
emotional skills, and develop socialization skills. with certain forms, conventions, theories and
In addition, music also acts as a motivator as musical instruments with the support of scientific
revealed Lee (Fong & Lee, 2012: 808) that music methods. The development of research makes
can be used as a motivator and alternative music that was not so popular for therapy became
learning methods for children to improve certain increasingly known. Music as a therapy for
skills if non-musical methods have no effect. children with autism needs further attention to be
Through experience and appreciation of studied. Music therapy itself can be a process of
musical activities, music can develop the teaching music either with the term music

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

therapy or just include music as a lesson outside Sanders, & Worthen, 2004), and focus on
the learning / extracurricular hours (Djohan, behavioral change in individuals as a result of
2006: 64). program implementation, see both expected and
Learning music that is applied to expected side effects Which is not expected, and
extraordinary schools refers more to the process compare it with the circumstances before the
of musical activities aimed at training the program is implemented. In other words the free
emotions of autistic children and helping goal evaluation model focuses on the actual
children to get out to social reality. These results of a program or activity, not just the
activities are planned and structured and identified goals.
consistent. Starting from simple things, children This study uses a quantitative descriptive
are also trained in concentration and taught basic approach, which is intended not to propose a
things related to their cognitive and physical. hypothesis but describes and explains the
Through music learning, will create a problem as it is with the support of tables and
comfortable learning atmosphere and fun so that graphs (Creswell, 2012). The study was
children can pay attention to their subject matter. conducted at a special autism school in Sleman
In addition, music can also be a cure for children District, which performed music lessons and was
who are experiencing tantrums or rage because conducted during April - May 2014.
of psychological distress. The population in this study is all teachers
Furthermore, there will be a problem when of Special Schoolfor Special Autism In Sleman
there are extraordinary educational institutions District. The respondents as the sample in this
special autism that have not implemented study were the special Autism class teachers who
learning music well or just simply random, or taught in three Autism Schools of Sleman
even apply the learning without realizing the Regency which amounted to 32 people.
influence that should be achieved by the students. Sampling technique used is the quota sampling
The more positive the perception of teachers to that is by determining the sample of the
learn music for children with autism, the better population that has certain characteristics to the
the influence of learning music for children with desired amount (Sugiyono, 2013). It is
autism. Therefore, this study intends to evaluate implemented with minimum sampling rules of 30
the learning activities of music for Autistic subjects (Emzir, 2009).
children based on the perception of extraordinary Researchers use open and closed
teachers who handle autistic children about the questionnaires as data gathering instruments. The
influence of music for them, especially the side data obtained is ordinal data processed using
effects beyond the purpose of learning music for SPSS program. Closed questionnaire is prepared
Autistic children and the obstacles that arise in using five alternative answers, which are
the implementation of learning. described in both positive and negative
statements, ie strongly agree, agree, hesitate,
disagree, and strongly disagree to get a broader
gradation of the answer (Arikunto, 1999). In
This study uses Goal Free evaluation addition to closed questionnaires, researchers
model. The Goal Free Evaluation Model is an
also used an open questionnaire that discusses
evaluation model developed by Micheal Scriven obstacles, and teacher advice in music learning
(1972). Evaluators in this model have no specific for autistic children.
knowledge or reference of objectives and pre- To test the validity of the instrument used
defined outcome objectives. According to expert's judgment and reliability using Alfa
Scriven the model not only wants to see the true
Cronbach (0.871). To analyze the data,
influence of a program, and its emphasis on researchers used descriptive statistical
assessing the effect of the program regardless of techniques by describing or describing the data
predetermined criteria. Evaluators try to observe
as it is without intending to make general
and measure all outcomes, effects and impacts, conclusions. Teachers are said to agree if the total
expected or not, without leading to program score is greater than the Theoretic Mean while
objectives. The actual effect of the program may
the teacher is said to disagree if the total score is
be different or more or wider than the stated smaller than the Theoretic Mean.
objectives of the program.
The goal-free evaluation model effectively
reduces bias and improves objectivity. This
model is held for a variety of unanticipated Based on the results of the calculation and
matters from programs that might overlook the analysis, it can be seen that the respondents have
evaluation model of the objectives (Fitzpartrick, a positive perception of the influence of music

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

learning, as evidenced by the Mean Indicator of song while singing. Limitations of intelligence,
12.1 higher than the Ideal Mean of 9. Positive the ability to understand instruction and imitation
perceptions can also be seen from the percentage skills, the tendency of autistic children to be in
of respondents’ score of 93.75 %. In addition, their own world, and the state of autistic children
teachers' perceptions are in the very good who have not been able to speak / communicate
category with a percentage of 72%. verbally can also be an obstacle in the learning
Tabel 1. Frequency categories learning Technically, teachers argue that musical
objectives instruments can be a constraint, whereas autistic
No. Category Interval Percentage children simply use simple instruments that are
1. Very Good 12 ≤ x ≤ 72% easily obtained from the surrounding
15 environment. Limitations of methods and
2. Good 9 ≤ x ≤ 12 28% guidelines on the process of learning music is
3. Pretty 6≤x≤9 0 good and effective also become one of the
Good obstacles, in addition to not all teachers can play
4. Less Good 3≤x≤6 0 a musical instrument for the learning process of
music for children with autism.
The success criteria used are:
1. If the total score of teachers is more than or
equal to 85%, then learning music for Positive perceptions between the
children with autism is categorized very
components of learning music show that the
well. purpose of learning music is achieved well,
2. If the teacher's total score is between 75% -
which means music has a positive effect on
84%, then music learning for autistic children with autism. Extraordinary teacher
children is categorized well. perceptions related to music as a medium of
3. If the total teacher scores below 75%, then
therapy for autistic children determine their ways
music learning for children with autism is to handle the psychological needs of children
categorized less well. with autism maximally (Kern, Rivera, Chandler,
& Humpal, 2013). However, there are some
Based on these criteria, then the result of the statements in a closed-ended questionnaire that
evaluation of music learning for Autistic children get hesitant answers that is: children learn faster
included in the "Good" category that is equal to
with music media than with other media, singing
80.83%. is a way of communication that is easier to do
In addition to using a closed questionnaire, than talking for children with autism and music
researchers also used an open questionnaire that
to make children more careful in doing task.
discusses the process of learning music for Based on the results of interviews, it can be
autistic children based on their teaching seen that the results are influenced by the
experience as a teacher. The following analysis
characteristics of each child who is also different
of the question: What are the constraints / autism. In some cases, there are still children
problems found in music learning for children with autism who have not been able to respond
with autism?
to music because they are still in their own world.
The majority of respondents said that So it is with singing. Some autistic children love
children with autism have different interests with
to hum, but not all speak verbally. In an open
each other because every child with autism has a questionnaire, respondents expressed their
different character. Even some autistic children opinions about the obstacles in learning music
sometimes close their ears when listening to the
for autistic children that can be caused by internal
kind of music they do not like. However, other factors of the children themselves (such as lack
autistic children just too enjoy the music so angry of concentration, intelligence and lack of verbal
if the teacher finished playing music. Such
or motor skills) or influenced outside factors
autistic child attitude can disrupt the process of (teachers and facilities), where teachers The
learning music, let alone to cause tantrums. learning should be the music therapist who
However, some teachers argue that mood may
specially trained in music, nonverbal
affect the autistic child's interest in music. communication and therapiutic techniques in
In addition, another obstacle faced by order to elicit an emotional response from the
teachers is the lack of autistic children's ability to
children (Graham, 2011). The material needed by
concentrate because children with autism easily children with autism is a simple material and in
distracted. For example, sometimes an autistic accordance with the characteristics of children
child utters a sentence or a word unrelated to a

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

with autism. The appropriate method according This study has some drawbacks, ie limited
to the respondents is the method of repetition / sampling. In addition, the resulting data will be
drill so that children with autism who have low more profound if the researcher uses a qualitative
ability to develop themselves gradually. In approach with indepth interview. From the
general, respondents suggested various methods results of the study is expected every educator,
and materials that they deem necessary for especially each extraordinary special teacher
autistic children. Autism as one component of music learning
Agreeing with some research on the continues to develop music learning creatively
influence of music for autistic children and innovatively. In addition, for further
(Subagyo, 2012; Fong and Lee, 2012; Whipple, research, it is expected that the results of this
2004), this study shows similar results that music evaluation can be used as a basis for the making
has a positive effect on their daily lives. This can of appropriate music learning method for autistic
be seen from their positive responses to music children to be able to learn music and feel the
based on teachers' perceptions. Respondents say influence of music in their lives.
that music is one part of the world of children,
not the exception of children with autism. In ACKNOWLEDGMENT
some cases, music can calm a child with autism
when experiencing tantrums. The autistic child The author's gratitude to say to the teachers
can respond to the music played by following the who have been willing to be respondents in this
tone and performing the motion. Music can make
a child enjoy and calm. In other words, music
affects the emotional response of the autistic REFERENCES
children they embody in speech, humming and [1] Arikunto, S. (1999). Dasar-Dasar Evaluasi
motion. In other words, this study supports Pendidikan. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
Graham's (2011) research on the effectiveness of
music as a treatment that affects the client's [2] Baron-Cohen. (2001). Theory of Mind in
emotions. However, since autistic children have Normal Development and Autism (Paper).
different characteristics, educators are expected Prisme.
to perform individualized music learning [3] Based, E., & Support, P. (2010). Autism
processes as suggested because autistic children Spectrum Disorders : Music Therapy
have different characteristics that have different Research and Evidence Based Practice
needs. Support, (June).
[4] Campbell Edward. (2010). Boules, Music
and Philosophy. New York: Cambridge
From this study it can be concluded that University Press.
positive perceptions of all special Autism Special
School teachers can prove that music has an [5] Creswell, J. W. (2012). Research Design.
effect on autistic children, seen from a higher California: SAGE.
ranking than the theoretical Mean. The results [6] Danuatmaja, B. (2003). Terapi Anak Autis
show that the purpose of learning music at school di Rumah. Jakarta: Puspa Swara.
is the result of the teacher's perception on the
objective that is in good category or by 75% [7] Djohan. (2006). Terapi Musik Teori dan
supported by a statement about music learning Aplikasi. Yogyakarta: Galang Press.
that music can improve the concentration and [8] Djohan. (2009). PPsikologi Musik.
motoric movement, reduce stress as a result of Yogyakarta: Penerbit Buku Baik.
not being able to communicate and music
therapy affects the development of children with [9] Emzir. (2009). Metodologi Penelitian
autism. The side positive influence beyond the Pendidikan, Kuantitatif dan Kualitatif.
goals of music therapy is that it can create the Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada.
concept of vocabulary to the children and the side [10] Eren, B. (2014). Use of Music in Special
negative effects of music is that it can cause Education and Application Examples from
dependence on certain music and children can Turkey. Procedia - Social and Behavioral
lead To tantrums. Obstacles in learning music for Sciences, 116, 2593–2597.
children with autism can be caused by internal
factors of the children themselves or external
factors. [11] Fong, C. E., & Lee, C. S. (2012).
Communication Responses of an Indian
Student with Autism to Music Education.

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Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, [23] Whipple, J. (2004). Music Therapy for
65(ICIBSoS), 808–814. Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An analysis of The
Literature Based on Theoretical Approach.
[12] Graham, Sharon. (2011). The Effect of
Music Therapgy in the Emotional
Expressivity of Children and Adolescents
Who Have Expeienced Abuse or Neglect.
Florida: Florida State University Library.
[13] Holck, U., & Geretsegger, M. (2016).
Musical and emotional attunement: unique
and essential in music therapy with children
on the autism spectrum. Nordic Journal of
Music Therapy, 25(sup1), 34–35. 08098131.2016.
[14] Kern, P., Rivera, N. R., Chandler, a., &
Humpal, M. (2013). Music Therapy
Services for Individuals with Autism
Spectrum Disorder: A Survey of Clinical
Practices and Training Needs. Journal of
Music Therapy, 50(4), 274–303.
[15] Montello, L. (2002). Essential Musical
Intellegence: Using Music as Your Path to
Healing, Creativity and Radiant Wholeness.
Illionis: The THeosophical Publishing
[16] Mössler, K., & Schmid, W. (2016). What’s
this adorable noise? Relational qualities in
music therapy with children with autism.
Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, 25(sup1),
[17] Prawitasari, J. E. (2011). Psikologi Terapan
Melintas Batas Disiplin Ilmu. Jakarta:
[18] Sarwono, S. W. (1992). Psikologi
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yang Mempengaruhinya. Jakarta: Rineka
[20] Subagyo, R. (2012). Pelaksanaan
Pembelajaran Musik Bagi Anak Autis Kelas
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[22] Walgito, B. (2010). Pengantar Psikologi
Umum. Yogyakarta: Andi Yogyakarta.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Hephi Meilinda1, Baskoro Adi Prayitno2, Puguh Karyanto3
Post Graduate Program in Science Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta 57126
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education , Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta 57126

Many cases of environmental issues and problems are mainly caused by environmentally in friendly attitude
and concern. Hence, sthregthening environmental attitude and concern is critically needed in improving the
quality of the environment. Better environmental attitude and concern has become one of the main
objectives of environmental education. The main goal of environmental environmental education has a
good environmental attitude and concern. These two constructs are interlinked with varieties results and
depend on condition and terms. Here in this research, linkage between these two construct are scrutinized.
This research aims to examine linkage between attitude and concern in high school student in Surakarta.
This type of research is quantitative research. This research use sampling randomtechnique. Environmental
literacy instrument was applied towards 117 student participant from 3 prominent schools in Surakarta.
Correlation analysis using the SPSS was used to examine linkage between student’s attitude and concern.
According to the result of statistical correlation, the x value (0,205) is greater than the y value (0,165).
Hence, it can be concluded that there is a correlation between x and y. It means that attitude is positively
correlated with concern. Based on these results, it is concluded that the most effective factor contributing
to solving environmental problems is environmental education through the improvement of attitudes and
awareness of the environment with a positive effect on sustainable development education. Perception
towards five aspects of attitude namely anti anthropocentrism, anti exemptionalism, balance of nature, limit
to grow and eco-crises has influenced perception and behavior that build the construct of concern.
Keywords: Environmental attitude and concern

environment or things related to environment [5].

Dunlap (2000) developed New Ecological
Environmental problems have become a
Paradigm (NEP) Scale to measure humans’
troubling global issue. They are resulted from
concerns about living environment.
lack of humans’ concerns in environmental
NEP Scale was designed to identify five
preservation; humans have less optimum thought
core components of individuals’ environmental
and efforts to repair and stop environmental
concerns, or so called dimensions of NEP [6]
damage [1]. Therefore, some countries’ top
involving: 1) limit to growth, which gives a
priority to attempt to raise societies’ concerns by
perspective to individuals on the existence of a
taking preventive measures towards declining
limitation to grow in terms of population
environmental conditions through environmental
accommodation and human exploitation, 2) anti-
education by improving towards attitudes and
anthropocentrism, which gives a perspective on
concerns about environment [2].
pro-environmental attitudes if ego as humans can
Attitude is defined as humans’ point of
be put aside, 3) balance of nature, which gives a
view on the environmental conditions which
perspective on vulnerable natural balance and
emerges due to motivation and real evidences of
damage, as well as humans’ contributions in
humans’ treatment towards environment which
nature damage, 4) anti-exemptionalism, which
later influence environment-friendly attitudes
gives a perspective on rejection to an idea that
[3]. The aspects of attitudes include
humans are creatures who should be responsible
environmental concerns and motivation to
for their environment, 5) eco-crisis, which gives
preserve environment [4]. Environmental
a perspective on ecological crisis and nature
concerns bring up individual perspective of
damage as impacts of environmentally
either pro or counter, advantageous or
unfriendly acts.
disadvantageous, towards certain aspects of

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Table 1. NEP Instrument

Number Statement
1 We are approaching the limit of the number of people the earth can support.
2 Humans have the right to modify the natural environment to suit their needs.
3 When humans interfere with nature it often produces disastrous consequences.
Human ingenuity will ensure that we do NOT make the earth unlivable.
5 Humans are severely abusing the environment.
6 The earth has plenty of natural resources if we just learn how to develop them.
7 Plants and animals have as much right as humans to exist.
The balance of nature is strong enough to cope with the impacts of modem
industrial nations.
9 Despite our special abilities humans are still subject to the laws of nature.
10 The so-called 'ecological crisis' facing humankind has been greatly exaggerated
11 The earth is like a spaceship with very limited room and resources
12 Humans were meant to rule over the rest of nature.
13 The balance of nature is very delicate and easily upset.
Humans will eventually learn enough about how nature works to be able to
control it.
If things continue on their present course, we will soon experience a major
ecological catastrophe

Concern is, by definition, a worry over lifestyle, one of which is by purchasing

several current environmental problems along environmentally friendly products, attempts to
with attempts to actively participate in actions preserve resources, environmental law
related to environmental issues and to solve enforcement, encouragement of environmentally
problems [8]. The aspects of attitudes cover: friendly practices, and supports for
response on environmental problem through environmentally friendly policies [7].

Table 2. Environmental concern Instrument

Number Statement
1 Having a car is part of a good lifestyle
2 Restriction of chemical fertilizers can loss farmers comodity
If my work field poses environmental problems, I better look for another job
4 In the shopping daily, we can use the plastic for the containers of groceries
5 I will be friendly environment if others do it too
Human activity does not have a significant impact on global temperature
7 I prefer to hand over the task of in print than in the form of soft file
8 I will use the recycle paper despite the costs that higher
9 Limitations on the availability of natural resources is a concept that is not real
Technology will always provide the right solution to the problem of the
availability of resources
11 The loss of one species will not disturb the balance of the ecosystem as a whole
Increasing the abundance of polar ice caps are melting because of the thinning
of the ozone layer is a common phenomenon
The Government should bring in foreign investors to manipulate the natural
resources of Indonesia to boost the country's foreign exchange
The industry requires modern equipment to process residual smoke production
despite having to spend the cost of an expensive
In the area of dense population , need for water installation processing for
drinking water even though the cost is expensive

It is in accordance with commitments of outcome of Agenda 21 in the 1992 United

Agenda 21 which seek to realize Education for Nations Conference on Environment and
Sustainable Development [9] Education for Development held in Brazil’s Rio De Janeiro. It
Sustainable Development (EfSD) was the has been the goal of education to strengthen

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

sustainable development-oriented environmental lack of good environmental literacy, in practice,

literacy [10]. Similarly, Hungerford & Volk the implementation of the science is often
(1990) assume that environmental literacy has limited. The fact is strengthened by the argument
specific characteristics in learning which are of Lugg & Hodgson (2009) that upper secondary
important to implement in class to topics related education gives small contribution to
to environment. environmental actions in association with
With regard to EfSD, environmental environmental problems since the existing
education serves a purpose of creating students’ curriculum has not been designed progressively
environmental literacy. It confirms the statement to adjust to the purpose of EfSD.
of Lewinshon et al (2014) that environmental In reference to the aforementioned
science gives a great contribution to solve problems, a research on environmental attitudes
environmental problems; however, due to the and concerns in Surakarta is required.

Table 3. Attitude and Concern Environmental Aspect

Number Dimension Aspect
1 (Attitude) a. Environmental sensitivity
(Dunlap, Liere, Mertig, & - Attitude attention and environmental friendly
Jones, 2000) - Participate actively in settlement directing and
(Erdogan & Marcinkowski, solving of environmental problems
2015) - Apply attitude attention in daily lifestyle
(Ajzen I. , 2001) - implementation environmental regulation

b. Motivation and intention to act in participating

actively towards environmental protection and
- participate actively towards environment
improvement and protection
- confidence to make decisions and assessing of
environmental problem

2 Concern a.Response towards environmental problem

(Hesham & Dajeh, 2011) describe and present the facts about environmental
(McBride, Brewer, problems
Berkowitz, & Borrie, 2013) describe the factors that cause or contribute to the
environmental problems
being able to distinguish the sorts of kinds of
environmental problems

The dependent variable is represented by

environmental attitudes (X), while the
The present research belongs to quantitative independent variable includes environmental
research with correlational approach. It was concerns. The 5-point Likert scale was employed
conducted from January to March 2017 in three to measure parameters of such variables as
senior high schools in Surakarta, namely SMA N environmental attitudes and environmental
1 Surakarta, SMA N 4 Surakarta, and SMA N 5 concerns. Data were analyzed using inferential
Surakarta. The population includes Grade 11 and statistics with bivariate correlation.
Grade 12 students (one class in each school was
selected) with total number of 117 students.
Samples were taken using Random Sampling
Considering the condition, it is important to
technique. Data sources include primary and
carry out a research on the relationship between
secondary data. The former were directly
environmental attitudes and environmental
obtained from respondents by using
concerns in senior high schools in Surakarta.
questionnaires in data collection, while the latter
were obtained through observation and

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Very Very
Number Statement Agree Undecided Disagree
Agree Disagree
1 We are approaching the limit of 94.83 5.17 0.00 0.00 0.00
the number of people the earth
can support.
2 Humans have the right to modify 1.15 1.72 4.60 33.33 59.20
the natural environment to suit
their needs.
3 When humans interfere with 56.32 38.51 2.30 2.87 0.00
nature it often produces
disastrous consequences.
4 Human ingenuity will ensure that 54.60 29.89 2.87 5.75 6.90
we do NOT make the earth
5 Humans are severely abusing the 83.33 16.67 0.00 0.00 0.00
6 The earth has plenty of natural 45.98 20.11 1.15 25.86 6.90
resources if we just learn how to
develop them.
7 Plants and animals have as much 78.74 16.09 1.72 0.00 3.45
right as humans to exist.
8 The balance of nature is strong 69.54 22.41 4.60 1.72 1.72
enough to cope with the impacts
of modem industrial nations.
9 Despite our special abilities 65.52 18.97 0.00 10.34 5.17
humans are still subject to the
laws of nature.
10 The so-called 'ecological crisis' 0.00 0.00 0.00 72.41 27.59
facing humankind has been
greatly exaggerated
11 The earth is like a spaceship with 86.78 13.22 0.00 0.00 0.00
very limited room and resources
12 Humans were meant to rule over 39.66 43.10 0.00 11.49 22.99
the rest of nature.
13 The balance of nature is very 91.38 8.62 0.00 0.00 0.00
delicate and easily upset.
14 Humans will eventually learn 50.00 35.63 1.72 6.90 5.75
enough about how nature works
to be able to control it.
15 If things continue on their present 90.80 9.20 0.00 0.00 0.00
course, we will soon experience a
major ecological catastrophe
SD 30.11 13.28 1.67 19.66 16.18
Average 16.17

Figure 1. Precentage of Environmental Attitude Statement

From this figure can describe that ingenuity will ensure that we do NOT make
1. Respondent statement use Likert Scale, and the earth unlivable.. (54.60%), 2) The balance
format of range from 1 ( Very disagree) to 5 of nature is strong enough to cope with the
(Very agree) impacts of modem industrial nations.
2. The number of positively statement are 8 (69.54%), 3) The so-called 'ecological crisis'
(1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15). facing humankind has been greatly
3. The number of negatively statement are 8 exaggerated (65.52%), 4) Humans were
(2,4,6,8,10,12,14) meant to rule over the rest of nature (43.10%)
4. The majority of students statement disagree 5) Humans will eventually learn enough
from this instrument is like : 1) Human

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

about how nature works to be able to control that student of senior high school in Surakarta
it (50.00%) have positive attitude to protecting and
From this figure shows that standart deviation of improvement environment.
environmental attitude is 16.17%. This indicates

Figure 2. Environmental Concern Statement

From this figure describe that participants Correlation Testing

were asked about the global environment issues The results of Pearson’s Product-Moment
and standar deviation is 17,25%. This indicates Correlation are presented below. The results of
that the most students have concern about 15 hypothesis test can be found out by referring to
issues. p-value and comparing to the determined p-value
(0.05). Table 1 indicates the results of correlation
hypothesis testing.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Attitude Concern
Attitude Pearson Correlation 1 .205*
Sig. (2-tailed) .027
N 117 117
Concern Pearson Correlation .205* 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .027
N 117 117
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

The analysis results point out that a. There is a positive and significant
environmental attitudes have correlation value of relationship between environmental
0.205 with p-value of 0.027. The p-value of attitudes and environmental concerns of
0.027 which is less than 0.05 implies that there is high school students in Surakarta, as
a relationship between environmental attitudes indicated by the correlation values of
and environmental concerns. Both have positive variable x and y (0.205>0.165).
correlation, meaning that the higher the level of b. Environmental attitudes involve
environmental attitudes is, the higher the level of readiness to behave towards
environmental concerns will be, and vice versa. environment, for instance readiness to
This signifies that curriculum and affective help, support, get close to, and accept
learning have resulted in actions showing surrounding environment to raise
environmental concerns. The results are in line concerns for the balance in
with the statement of McBride, Brewer, environment.
Berkowitz, & Borrie (2013) which explain an c. Environmental attitudes and
attitude as response on environmental problem environmental concerns are associated
through lifestyle, one of which is by purchasing to create humans who realize, have
environmentally friendly products, attempts to concerns about environmental
preserve resources, environmental law problems, have thoughts towards a
enforcement, encouragement of environmentally situation, possess skills, motivation, and
friendly practices, and supports for commitments enabling them to give
environmentally friendly policies which raise solution and to carry out preventive
environmental concerns. measures towards environmental
The hypothesis,is accepted. There is a threats. This is in accordance with the
significant relationship between environmental purpose of Education for Sustainable
attitudes and environmental concerns. The Development (EfSD).
correlation results yield significant relationship
between environmental attitudes and REFERENCES
environmental concerns surrounding high
[1] UNESCO. (2009). Review Contexs and
schools in Surakarta. It is indicated by correlation
values of variable x and y of 0.205>0.165 (rtable Structures forEducation For Sustainable
with significance level of 5%, where the number Education. Paris: Division for the
Coordination of United Nations Priorities in
of samples is 117). In addition, descriptive
analysis outlines that the main factor influencing Education UNESCO.
environmental attitudes is environmental [2] Al-balushi, S. M., & Shamsa.S.Al-Aamri.
concerns. Dunlap (2003) illustrates (2014). The effect of environmental science
environmental concerns as respondents’ projects on students ’ environmental
concerns regarding environmental protection. knowledge and science attitudes.
Environmental concerns involve attitudes
indicating concerns related to limit to grow, [3] Ajzen, I. (2001). The Theory of Planned
pollution, economical establishment, and natural Behaviour. Journal of Organizational
resource conservation. Behaviourand Human Decision Processes ,
[4] Erdogan, M., & Marcinkowski, T. (2015).
Development and Validation of Children ’ s
Environmental Affect ( Attitude , Sensitivity
and Willingness to take action ) Scale.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science &

Technology Education , 577-588.
[5] Dunlap, R. E., Liere, K. D., Mertig, A. G., &
Jones, R. E. (2000). Measuring Endorsement
of the New Ecological Paradigm :A Revised
NEP Scale. Journal of Social Issues , 56 (3),
[6] Kopnina, H. (2011). ‘ People are not plants ,
but both need to grow ’: qualitative analysis
of the new ecological paradigm scale for
children. International Journal Of
Environment , 5 (3), 1025-1034.
[7] McBride, Brewer, Berkowitz, & Borrie.
(2013). Environmental literacy , ecological
literacy , ecoliteracy : What do we mean and
how did we get here ? ecosphere , 1-20.
[8] Hesham, & Dajeh, A. (2011). Assessing
Environmental Literacy Of Pre-Vocational
Education Teachers In Jordan. The
University of Jordan , 1-17.
[9] Ozsoy, Sibel, Ertepinar, Hamide, Saglan, &
Necdet. (2012). Can Eco-Schools Improve
Elementary School Students’
Environmental Literacy Levels?Asia-
[10] Jickling, B., & Wals, A. E. (2008).
Globalization and environmental education :
looking beyond sustainable development. J
Curriculum Studies (1-21).

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Janesa A. Tiong1, Ma. Joan P. Barlis2
Alphamarine Corporation, Baguio City, Philippines1, Saint Louis University,
Baguio City, Philippines2

Financial literacy is a person’s ability to understand how money operates, how someone manages to earn,
how that person manages it, how it will be invested to earn more, and how it will be used to help others.
Financial literacy may lead to improved quality of life and increased desirable life outcomes. Investment
behavior is defined as how investors’ judge predicts, analyze and review the procedures for decision
making. The Cradle to Grave Model was used to evaluate the financial literacy and investing behavior of
200 young Filipino professionals, who are between the ages of 19 through 34, and are doing technical or
professional work. Research findings reveal that there is a direct and moderately strong correlation between
financial literacy and investment behavior. Educational agents, socialization agents, and the media have
varied results to the young professionals’ financial literacy and investing behavior. Regardless of age and
gender, young professionals lack financial literacy skills. Media is most influential to a young
professional’s financial literacy and investing behavior. Young professionals save and budget for life’s
necessities and for future needs, and which may improve the quality of their lives, but they lack the skills
to apply in investing on financial products that can aid in the growth of their available funds. The best option
for these young professionals’ to improve their financial literacy skills and to invest wisely is in their
workplace, now that they are already working, the organization where they are part of and their colleagues
have a critical role to play in building up financial literacy levels.
Keywords: financial literacy, investing behavior, cradle to grave model

After the 2008 global financial crisis,

personal finance has become increasingly
Financial Literacy and Investing Behavior of important. Many people faced many financial
Young Professionals problems such as lost jobs and not enough
savings. These experiences indicate the
Capitalism began when money-form came importance of financial literacy knowledge and
to encompass the totality of society. Money that financial management skills should start at a
contains the power to extend the system of young age because it will be difficult to correct
slavery over all life. Money itself has become the in the future. Financial planning mistakes should
master. Money is a medium through which be made in the first stages of independent life,
everything passes between a person’s life and his training the person to be financially independent
means of life. Money has a powerful effect that (50).
commands all things, commodities and humans In Asia, its economy is considered a
alike. It is the universal form of exchange value. developing society. It has extremely diverse
Money represents commodity. Commodities are levels of financial development. Financial
tangible objects which a person needs in order to literacy is a requirement for the improvement of
survive. What lies behind commodity is the the welfare of its citizens and society as a whole
labor-power extracted from the worker. (28). The Asian economy was also negatively
Capitalism arises when humans enter their labor- affected by the global financial crisis.
power into the market as a commodity to be President Nakao, the head of the Asian
bought and sold. Money is still a secondary development bank, developed the three “I”’s in
function. It does not permit the exchange but building financial literacy for the ASEAN
merely facilitates the exchange. Nevertheless, (Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao
money still is the equivalence of humans and People’s Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar,
commodities by bringing both together under a Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam)
single universal form of value (19). nations. These are Innovation, Inclusion, and
Integration. The mix of financial access and

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

financial education gives a foundation for a good subprime mortgages. Alternative financial
market conduct that leads to economic growth services like pension funds, pawnshops and auto
and improvement of the individuals’ financial loans have increased thus pushing the
behavior. Good financial behavior has become responsibility to save and invest wisely. In the
the core goal of many countries (28). A past, people mainly relied on pension plans given
financially good education in an individual is not by the company, now, disintermediation required
enough. It should also be a financial education the people to decide where to invest and save to
of the society, and of the whole nation. The meet their needs and not outlive their assets (42).
exponential impact where the government Financial education and inclusion play a
financially educates everyone can progress a vital role in achieving financial well-being
nation economically. What makes up a country combating poverty and maintaining long-term
are its people who are innovative, productive and economic growth (28).
financially educated where it can withstand any Financial literacy is the ability to
financial storms from the outside economic understand how money operates, how someone
world. manages to earn, how that person manages it,
Innovation is equivalent to risk-taking and how it will be invested to earn more, and how it
organizations that create new products or will be used to help others (25). The demand for
technologies take on the greatest risk because financial literacy has become magnified as
they create new markets (12). One such financial services industries have grown in the
innovation is the invention of paper money, last two decades providing various services and
which started in Asia. Today, one of Asia’s products.
developing countries, the Philippines, introduced Everyday basics of savings, choosing the
the Smart money from Smart and the G-Cash right investment strategy or obtaining the right
system from Globe, with the authorization from mortgage require a degree of financial skill.
the Central Bank (28). These two mobile phone Individuals here are not only faced with greater
companies created a new concept of electronic choices and opportunities but face the greater
cash transactions which includes money risk of making poor decisions. Financial literacy
transfers, utilities, and salary disbursements just can reduce money mistakes such as overspending
by using the handset (3). and under-saving. Financial literacy should be
Inclusion means having a universal access taught in every person’s stage of life to become
at reasonable cost to a wide range of financial most effective in their money management skills.
services, provided by sound and sustainable Financial planning involves analyzing the
institutions. The government is responsible for financial position and the setting of short-term
promoting financial literacy to its citizens since and long-term goals. It is important to have skills
this is an integral part of the inclusion (28). in personal finance to make correct decisions
While the Philippines has financial access, the from their day to day living, such as what to buy,
most population who lack budgeting and money or what not to buy. Financial planning helps save
management skills still face money as a money in the long term as not so important items
challenge. would seldom be bought. One of the best ways to
Moreover, on integration, cooperation increase personal finance management skills is to
remains the core value to many global and track a budget and fix all the incomes and
regional societies. For example, the Alliance for expenses. That is why financial literacy
Financial Inclusion (AFI) is a global network of knowledge is vital (50).
financial policymakers from more than eighty Financial literacy is a cure for effective
(80) developing and emerging countries working money management and wealth optimization.
together to increase access to appropriate Ideally, individuals should be taught at every
financial services for the poor (28). stage of their lives, while attending school, high
Based on empirical observation many school, and university, the financial matters such
people around the globe are still financially as exposing them the importance of savings,
illiterate. Econometric models and experiments money management. Moreover, employers
proved that there is a causal impact of financial should educate and engage employees in
literacy on economic decision making. After the investments for retirement, and strategies on the
worldwide financial crisis, policymakers around preservation of capital. Financial literacy is
the globe are deeply concerned about the taught in the form of money management skills,
widespread lack of financial knowledge. such as budgeting, spending, saving and
Consumer credit and mortgage borrowing have investing. Through educational agents (e.g.,
sprouted. People now are able to decide how Parents, school, university, and employers),
much to borrow by using credit cards and socialization agents (e.g., Peers and colleagues),

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

and media (e.g., social media, electronic media, of neuroeconomics hints that humans may be
television, and print media), financial literacy neurally wired to be bad investors (59).
will eventually lead to wealth optimization. Investment Behavior defined as how the
Wealth optimization is predominantly investors’ judge, predict, analyze and review the
composed of diversified investments (e.g., procedures for decision making, which includes
Investment in properties, stocks, trust funds, and investment psychology, information gathering,
insurance) and will result to financial defining and understanding, research and
independence (62). analysis. The whole process is investment
In the Philippines, where a study was done behavior (60, 2).
in Iligan City, evaluating financial knowledge What can help investors avoid mistakes in
and skills of micro and small entrepreneurs found asset allocation and improve future performance
that college education is positively related to is to have a good knowledge about investor
financial knowledge but years of operation in the behavior, particularly the cognitive judgment
business negatively affect financial skills. biases and the process of decision making that
Financial knowledge composed of taxation, can enable investors to construct appropriate
time value of money, financial institutions, and tools to support making decisions more efficient
investment securities. These findings give policy and effective (72).
makers a basis on what interventions and Financial literacy has the power to change a
programs are necessary to the contribution of the person’s investment behavior to become better in
economy’s growth and employment generation budgeting, saving money, and controlling
(30). This emphasizes the need for financial spending, planning on retirement and successful
literacy education may be taught formally in accumulation of wealth (9).
schools because of the complexity of the Junior Achievement Park in southern
financial transactions today. California was established to educate students in
Investing can be in many forms. People can the field of business, economics and free
invest in stocks, or invest in putting up a enterprise through practical experiences. An
business. In the Philippines, micro- experiment done in 2012 showed that students
entrepreneurs play a significant role in the exposed to financial literacy education
development of the economy, because it bridges completed the program faster. Financial choices
the purchasing power of the greater number of are made by delaying immediate gratification
the population. A low financial literacy might with long- term rewards (14).
adversely affect the future of the business. Financial literacy statistically links to
Financial literacy for micro-entrepreneurs covers financial behavior concerning cash flow
the ability of record keeping, savings, financing, management, credit management, savings, and
and budgeting (61). investments. Those who are knowledgeable and
Financial literacy is quite low, especially those who consult from family, friends, and
among micro-entrepreneurs. The government, personal experience had higher index scores than
through its local arm, should intervene by those who are not (33).
providing basic financial education, a low-cost The difference between spending and
funding for support, and provide linkage to investing is that spending is to use money in
organizations with aligned advocacy in helping exchange for goods or services. It includes non-
small businesses (7). durables, semi-durables, and durables while
Investing in the stock market is another investing is the decision to use money into
form of measuring financial literacy. However, investments to increase one’s personal or
research shows that even financial literate business income (12).
investors are not good with general investment Spending habits between Men and Women
decisions. Further suggestions suggest that differ on some aspects. It can be observed that in
cognitive abilities have a more predominant the Next 11 countries namely, Bangladesh,
factor in influencing financial decisions (49). Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, South Korea, Mexico
Financial literacy to effective money Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Turkey and
management can change investment behavior. Vietnam, gender equality is also improving.
Every investor wants to buy low and sell Gender equality gives women more influence on
high, but investors face many challenges with decision-making power among households and
rational investment management such as social markets. Women’s spending priorities differ
obstacles like herding (the comfort of behaving from men. Men prioritize their needs first like
similarly to one’s peers) and career risk (the risk buying alcohol, cigarettes, high-status consumer
of failing unconventionally). An emerging field goods and even “female companionship” while
women spend money for the improvement of the

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

family’s welfare like household goods has led to the qualification of more diversified
specifically for children, food for the family, microfinance services like micro-deposits and
healthcare, education, clothing, and personal care micro- insurance. The Philippines is considered
products (36). However, regardless of gender as one of the pioneers of mobile banking.
differences money still gives a feeling of However, bank penetration is still low, especially
pleasure and satisfaction. in remote places. Even if the Philippine
The National Statistics Office of the microfinance sector is ranked as one of the top in
Philippines conducts Family Income and the world, there are still a large number of unmet
Expenditure Survey (FIES). The most recent demands in the country (3). Some of the unmet
showing the characteristics of female-headed demands are the education for the poor, lack of
households (FHH) and male-headed households infrastructures, and lack of adequate jobs for
(MHH) where a study was done in the year 2009 adequate potential employees. Corruption has
(Appendix B, Table 5). taken its toll in the country that these unmet
The study showed that: demands may be difficult to fulfill.
a. Male headed households spend more on According to Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
alcoholic beverages and tobacco while (BSP), financial inclusion is defined as “a state
Female-headed households spend more on wherein there is an effective access to a wide
personal care. range of financial services for all. In the World
b. Male headed households spend more on Bank’s Financial Literacy Index Survey, only
food than female-headed households by 5% 27% of adult Filipinos had formal bank accounts,
percentage points. way below the average for the world economy of
c. Female-headed households spend more on 46% and the East Asia and Pacific Region of
education and medical services. 42%. (Appendix B, Table 6). While 19% of
A study in the Philippines reported that firms have sourced their working capital from
women who have control over the savings shift banks, a significant majority of small enterprises
expenditures to family-targeted durable goods in the informal sector still face severe financial
such as washing machines or kitchen appliances constraints. At the end of 2012, microloans
(71). represented a meager share (less than 1% or P 8.4
For the Philippines, there remains a great billion) of total banking loans in the country (P
barrier between the educated and the uneducated, 3,622 billion) despite the fact that this micro,
and poverty remains high. Curing the corruption small and medium-sized enterprises account for
in the system can achieve long-term economic 99.6% of industries in the Philippines (3). People
growth. who do not have the right financial education
Master Card’s Financial Literacy Index may not participate in the financial services of
(2014H1) has been created based on a survey the bank. They are most likely to participate in
conducted between July 2014 and August 2014 the financial services of illegal informal sectors
based on 8,087 respondents aged 18-64 years old like loan sharks who charge extremely high
in 16 countries across the regions: Asia/ Pacific, interests that drain the borrowers’ savings in a
Middle East, and Africa (Appendix B, Figure 3). short time.
The financial literacy index is the 4th survey of
financial literacy conducted since 2010. Conceptual Framework
Taiwan advanced to top rank from the 3rd Characteristics of young professionals.
rank with 73 points. Emerging markets like India
gains the most from its previous 15th to 12th The study will focus on young
rank. Developing country Malaysia moves from professionals, where financial literacy has a great
the 5th to 6th place with a score of 69. The impact on them. Young professionals value
Philippines remained unchanged on the 8th spot financial planning more as compared to high
but its financial literacy declined from 68 to 66 school students or college students. The reason is
points across Asia/Pacific, Middle East, and that financial decisions may directly affect them,
Africa (46). and this is the phase where they earn and spend
In the Philippines, the combination of the their savings, and they see the value of money.
good policy environment and strong support Young professionals are between the ages
proved to be an effective technique to financial of 19 through 34 who are working in a technical
inclusion. It showed that technological or professional workforce, and they are also
innovations supported by good business models considered critical to the economic workforce as
and government policies could be utilized to a whole. More young professionals graduate
deliver low-cost, efficient financial services to from college works in fast-growing occupations
the poor. The same market-oriented approach

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

and are considered more diverse in skills as because of the need to improve their financial
compared to the past generations (17). literacy (34).
The profile of the Philippines’ young
professionals is as follows: college-educated Agents influencing financial literacy.
Filipinos between the ages 19 to 24, and 25-34 Sundarasen, Rahman, Rajangam, and
years old. They are employed in well-paying Sellappan (62) originated the conceptual
professions. The majority are females in their framework on ‘cradle to grave’ financial literacy
mid-20 to 30s and predominantly single and programs and money management. The
employed in intellectual and idea based job conceptual model emphasizes that individuals
functions with the majority holding positions in should be exposed to perpetual education from
knowledge process outsourcing, financial school to work and finally in the preparation for
institutions, and fast-moving-consumer-goods retirement. There is no one-time cure
companies. They make up 3% of the population, educational program that would improve
and 7% of the total workforce. On average, they financial literacy, but it should be a lifetime
make P471,000.00 ($11,000) annually in the practice that will change the behaviors of
NCR Region, which is 3.5 times the per-capita individuals to become financially literate.
gross national income. The money they spend
comprises more than 20% of the discretionary Educational agents.
consumption or money spent on luxury goods, As parents, the family is the most
recreation, vacations, and other non-essential significant source for most of a child’s financial
goods and services (18). knowledge. Parents must realize this because
Income mobility in the Philippines is still they play an essential role in transferring
low despite the growth in the GDP of 4.1% knowledge of the realistic and sensitive aspects
annually from 2009 to 2012. Average per capita of money. Usually, the financial attitude of
household income increased only by 0.36% parents reflects that of their children. They play
annually. The reason is for the offsetting of the the role of primary educator. Young adults feel
upward and downward mobility. High economic financially equipped if they get a good financial
growth contributed to upward mobility, but still education at home. It shows that the best
natural calamities and the Philippine education starts at home because schools play
government’s ineffectiveness in minimizing only a small part in a child’s financial education
poverty inflows like lack of social protection (68). A child’s brain development starts at an
services and inefficient redistribution policies early age, and this is the time where parents teach
contributes to the downward mobility (44). them the importance of money. Usually, this is
According to the Philippine Statistics the best time to coach a child on financial literacy
Authority, as of October 2014, the labor force in because their brain development is still ongoing,
the Philippines increased by 2.8% for the which means absorption of knowledge is more
employed and decreased by 4.6% for the ingrained and have a lasting effect on them.
unemployed. The age group of 25 to 54 years old Financial education is necessary for young
in the labor force of the Philippines increased by adults that will lead them to make good decisions
0.5% from 35,082,000 to 34,503,000. Female in their money management and also to better the
participation in the labor force increased by 0.4% economy. When young people learn about
while male participation increased by 0.3%. In personal finance, they will take with them those
the CAR region, employment rate increased by skills and habits into their adult years. Parent’s
2.1% from 726,000 to 741,000 (53). personal feelings affect how they pass on
The average income in the Philippines for financial information to their child. If parents
the CAR Region is P219,000.00 annually and the feel uncomfortable about their personal finances,
average expenditure is P174,000.00 annually as or think that their children will not understand, or
of 2009 (54). do not want their children to stress about it, they
Low-income employees may have the most will not teach their children basic financial
positive impact on their financial behaviors after matters. Moreover, if parents want their children
having been exposed to financial information to have strong knowledge of personal finance to
from financial advisors, as opposed to middle- have a better future, they will be comfortable
income or high-income employees. The reason talking with their children about financial
is that the information from formal advisors has matters. There should be more emphasis on
no significant effect on their already positive parents helping their children’s financial
financial behaviors. Low-income employees are knowledge. The confidence of parents’ sharing
more motivated than high-income employees financial knowledge to their children connects
between lifestyle and financial capability of the

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

household (68). Parents can teach the promo packages. Another is going to the market
importance of budgeting by identifying wants and asking for a discount from the vendor, or
versus needs, savings systems like allocating looking for the produce that has the lower price
money from their allowances for long term goals in a different location. Everyday living where
and also be a role model by having a healthy parents can incorporate financial literacy in
relationship with money (64). almost all transactions that involve cash is
The Jumpstart Coalition for Personal essential to the development of a child’s financial
Financial Literacy which is a USA organization literacy.
is recognized as one of the most widely Teaching financial literacy to young
referenced resources in understanding what students using motivational experiences to allow
young people know about personal finance. them to look beyond the current situations and
Their research suggested that financial literacy envision a life of self-sufficiency, in which needs
programs might be wasted on those too young to are met, and dreams become reality. The best
grasp key concepts, the research indicates that way to teach young students is by providing
teenagers are not interested in, or are not capable simulation experience that will create a lasting
of, taking money management issues seriously learning environment that has a connection to the
until they are in their late teens and early real world beyond the school walls that will help
twenties. The Jumpstart Coalition surveyed the them through their future decisions as workers,
college level and showed that financial literacy community leaders, and consumers. Confidence
has a positive impact on self-beneficial behavior. in financial literacy is the key to achieving
Students are more likely to be receptive to success, socially and economically in adult life.
behavioral change where they can see that it Experiential learning is the optimal learning
would immediately and directly benefit them because it uses one’s knowledge and skill in a
personally (63). practical experience. Examples are working as
One reason why financial literacy scored an employee or supervisor, balancing a
low among the high school students, even if they checkbook, paying loans, being responsible for
have taken the course on personal finance, is the their safety and the safety of others in the real
lack of motivation to learn or retain these skills world of work (11).
(47). Another reason is the lack of training from Most university students live apart from
their parents, which is why there is no motivation their parents, in this regard, they make financial
or encouragement on learning financial matters. decisions on their own from savings, spending,
Financial literacy and decision support go to investing based on their financial knowledge
hand in hand. There is an interaction between (58).
financial education and decision support that College life is the best time to become
help students improve their behavior on financial independent financially because there is no risk
decision making (14). involved yet. Allowances given by parents are
Another organization is the Junior one form of budgeting one’s money to divide it
Achievement (JA) Biz Town. It is an into savings and expenses.
organization based in Central Indiana, USA. It is Among the college students in Malaysia,
a simulated town facility particularly focused on studies show that most students are interested in
elementary students to help them achieve the learning financial skills, they emphasized that
workings of the real world. Some of the career planning to be the most important,
activities are operating banks, managing followed by social interaction, and time
restaurants, writing checks, and voting for the management. Results indicate that students are
mayor of JA Biz Town. The program provides concerned about their future life after graduation
in-class learning with a daylong visit to the fully because they are at the age when their financial
interactive simulated real world community. behavior has a significant effect on their future
Elementary school students need a lifetime (20).
of learning and academic achievement through To enhance financial literacy among its
career exploration and financial literacy. university students, Bank Negara Malaysia has
According to research, career development put up a program that includes developing and
begins in early childhood and peaks at age ten disseminating educational materials on financial
(10) when students model their behavior and products and services, using booklets and
career aspirations after their parents (11). Often, websites with the collaboration of the Ministry of
Parents’ behavior towards handling money Education and Financial Institutions. Financial
reflects that of their children. For example, going educational outreach programs are also
to the grocery and buying what one needs, or administered through strategic partnerships with
choosing the cheaper alternative, or choosing other organizations. The Malaysian government

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

offered educational loans under the National parties. There would be an increase in
Higher Education Fund (PTPTN) as an satisfaction and confidence for the employees
alternative to lessen the parents’ burden by and increase in profit for the employers.
supporting the cost of education. Since most of Financial educational programs in the workplace
the populations in Malaysia are university have demonstrated significant success. Well-
students, increasing their financial literacy can planned programs emphasize that personal
increase their purchasing power, making them finance has an impact on personal financial
one of the important customer market segments behavior (6).
in the economy. In the Philippine industry, employers
As university students, there are higher helping employees on budgeting and other
levels of financial responsibility like paying bills, management skills are not present. Only in large
use of credit cards, savings, budgeting monthly multinational corporations where employees are
expenses and managing student debts. When encouraged to join cooperatives to obtain loans
there are more pressures on the students, learning are common.
financial literacy becomes easy. Issues today,
state that high school students are reluctant to Socialization agents.
deal with finances because high school often Investors with higher financial literacy are
emphasizes on the preparation of college or more likely to use formal sources of information
acquisition of skills to get a good job and to earn and advice such as newspapers, the internet, and
income rather than personal financial literacy. financial advisors, than with informal ones such
There are nearly 32% of college students who as friends, relatives, colleagues, and neighbors
asserted that they are not very well prepared for (56).
managing their money during their first year of Research shows that peers have an impact
college (58). on savings, financial decisions making, and
Studies have shown that when employers pension participation and contribution. They are
include financial literacy programs in their one of the important contributors of information
organization, an increase in productivity and and financial advice. Peer characteristics such as
increase in retention and employee engagement peers who planned to attend college, peers who
will arise. The increase in productivity and attend church, and peers who smoked also play a
reduced absences results from employees who role in the differences in financial literacy (43).
are financially confident. The increase in Often, one is a reflection of his friends because
retention and employee engagement results from they have the same personality and usually have
employees who believe their employers are the same perception regarding money matters.
trustworthy sources of information. Financial In a study conducted in the United States,
literacy in the workplace promoted older women are more financially illiterate than
organizational pride and increased morale the other older population as a whole. There is
resulting in work satisfaction, reduced turnover evidence that retirement planning tools are used
and the attraction of qualified workers. by women who are more financially literate. The
Employees who participate in financial literacy planning tools used for retirement by older
programs improve on their decision making and women are information from family, friends, and
increase in their confidence because they gain a financial experts. Those consulting financial
sense of control over their lives and enjoy higher planners are more likely to become successful in
standards of living. Employees also have a their retirement plans (40). One reason for older
chance to build assets, reduce debt and plan for women being financially illiterate is that women
their retirement with the right financial literacy are stay-at-home and take care of their children
skills. Some of the financial literacy education while men are more exposed to different kinds of
programs include budgeting/money situations outside the home like dealing with
management, debt management, savings for customers, bargaining, and negotiating.
family needs, and retirement planning. But, even Financial literacy is strongly and positively
if employees and employers will both benefit associated with planning for retirement.
from the financial literacy programs, employers Knowledge about risk diversification best
still are concerned about the high cost and differentiates between sophisticated and
liability issues for providing poor financial unsophisticated investors and depth of
advice. There may also be concerns about knowledge matters on how likely it is to succeed
employers becoming too personal on their in planning for one’s retirement (41).
employees’ personal financial matters. In this Employers, by setting up a workplace with
instance, employers should implement effective educational activities that foster financial literacy
programs and practices that will help both can lead to an open policy environment where

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

employees become comfortable to open up about right questions and get the right answers on
issues affecting them financially. Colleagues are money matters. Examples are, the American
supporting each other can ultimately impact the Savings Educational Council has a one-page
bottom line by creating a positive environment worksheet called Ballpark Estimate that guides
(48). people quickly on how much money they should
Studies have shown in Chile that save per year for retirement, and the Mutual Fund
individuals who have low education, income, and Cost Calculator, which allows investors to
financial literacy depended more on employers, compare in dollars and cents how mutual fund
friends and co-workers for advice than on cost costs add up over time (38).
fundamentals when selecting a pension fund for Financial literacy from Rosen Digital
retirement (31). prepares K-12 students for their financial future
right from their computer, iPad, iPhone, iPod
Media. Touch or Netbook. This program helps users
In Australia, the government is encouraging learn to manage credit and debt, save and invest,
all its citizens to learn financial literacy. One of plan for college and retirement and avoid fraud
the ways is through social media. As new and scams, which makes economics and money
communication channels emerge, it is important management easy to understand, and also, it
that all organizations, especially the government translates to fifty (50) languages, another form is
to communicate to consumers about financial the Smart Investing at your Library: from the
matters. Social media can do this by creating an American Library Association which helps
opportunity to engage consumers in a two-way address the growing need for unbiased financial
conversation. Other social media channels like and investor education at the grassroots level for
Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube engage people who need help financially (32).
consumers and investors on financial literacy Parents who lack money smarts will have a
themes (4). tough time raising money-smart children. It will
As an example, Facebook has a financial be up to the media with the help of the
literacy education on its website. Facebook have government to teach these skills.
pages that contain financial literacy programs The problem is putting these programs to
and researches which are open to anyone use, even if many projects are created, it would
interested in learning financial education. The be useless if no one is interested. Electronic
only problem is the lack of motivation from the media financial literacy are not pushed to its
Facebook members, only a few are interested in users enough, only games for entertainment that
joining these programs. can enhance brain flexibility on reasoning and
Technology can help expand financial logic are in trend today but not financial literacy
literacy through the use of the internet and skills.
realizing the vision of anytime anywhere Government officials and financial
financial education by targeting specific needs, professionals have become increasingly
expanding possibilities for educational concerned with consumer financial illiteracy and
participation, supporting diverse educational the effects of poor financial decision making. In
types and providing more engaging approaches 2008 an en masse mortgage mania resulted in an
to teaching and learning (67). en masse foreclosure meltdown in the United
In the speech delivered by Chairman Arthur States. A record of 3,157,806 foreclosures was
Levitt (38) of the Securities and Exchange filed, an increase of 81% over 2007 and a 225%
Commission in 1999, he emphasized that increase over 2006. This was a result of
financial literacy is one of the most important and problems arose from the household mortgage
profitable lessons that one can learn in life. Too market where investors wanting more money
few have had the opportunity to learn the money caused lenders to increase their supply of
basics in school, work, or at home. The media mortgage which sells to investors as mortgage-
can help fill this gap. People at every age and backed securities in the secondary markets. Just
income level must understand the basics of to increase sales, the mortgage was given at low
savings and investment. The SEC and a rates to less creditworthy borrowers by ignoring
partnership of nearly 50 government agencies, credit assessment and income verification.
business groups, and consumer organizations Eventually, these high-risked loans defaulted
launched the “Facts on Savings and Investing because borrowers were unable to pay resulting
Campaign” with its slogan “Get the Facts, It’s in mass foreclosures. Foreclosed houses were
your Money, and it’s your Future”. The sold to the market, but since everyone was in
campaign serves as a vital source for the media. deep debt, there were no buyers willing to buy
Partners developed tools that help people ask the even at a low price. This resulted in a $700 billion

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

financial rescue government bail-out in the printed matter such as newspapers or magazines
mortgage market. Another reason is parents’ lack (66.).
of financial literacy. There’s a general feeling of Sparkassenstiftung für International
financial discomfort that they cannot teach their Kooperation, a German organization, acts as an
children the necessary financial skills. agent for the development aid in strengthening
Educational institutions have been called to teach the capabilities of financial literacy in Mexico,
students, but the follow through has been limited Botswana, South Africa, Namibia and Vietnam.
in effect. Consumers equipped with limited It measured and assessed the various media used
financial education and low self-confidence are to communicate financial literacy to its citizens.
faced with making high impact financial One form of media used is the printed media.
decisions despite the unstable economy. The The use of manuals, brochures, flyers, posters
media can play a significant role in financial and newsletters, are the most common form of
education by providing financial advice and communication. In the case of Mexico’s
giving examples of financial decisions and their Comisión Nacional para la Protección y Defensa
consequences. Consumers desperate for de los Usuarios de Servicios Financieros
financial guidance can use the media as another (CONDUSEF), it distributed its publications to a
educational resource. Television has a history of national network of universities, bookshops, and
presenting itself as an educator in particular to unions, or through publication in independent,
lower income individuals. Studies showed that national, and or regional newspapers and
when Channel One in the United States was magazines. These media may be effective in the
created in 1989, it provided free video and sense that they deliver more direct messages to
satellite equipment to school districts in the receiver. Southern African countries favor
exchange for the opportunity to broadcast ten this kind of approach to financial education
minutes of current events plus two minutes of (Bank of Botswana, Standard Chartered, Bank of
commercials daily. Schools with a majority of Namibia, and Mindset Network of South Africa.)
low-income students were twice as high as to In Vietnam, only a single provider plans to
participate in the program as compared to implement literacy projects using printed media
schools with a majority of higher income (Association of Vietnamese Insurers) (21).
students. It clearly showed that these public In Uganda, the framework for
schools have established the role of television as strengthening financial literacy is to improve the
an educator to their students. One example of population to manage their personal finances
financial literacy incorporated in the media is the well. The strategy for financial literacy is to
cable television reality show, King of Cars. King improve people’s knowledge and understanding
of Cars shows a major Las Vegas car dealership and to help them behave in a financially capable
sales techniques and their buyer’s car buying manner. The government agency Bank of
decisions. The show presents the sales and Uganda (BOU) created five priority strands that
marketing tactics of the car dealer trying to focus on schools, youth, rural outreach,
convert potential buyers to become new car workplace, and media (5). Uganda is not an
owners. The show was helpful to viewers by affluent country but their government still takes
effectively showing that buyers with excellent the initiative to invest in financial literacy
credit have a better ability to negotiate a price knowledge.
while buyers with bad credit were encouraged to The mass media can reach a whole range of
seek help from their friends (55). Viewers can audience using radio, television, and print media.
learn the techniques of the car dealer and the Media, if used the right way has the power to
buyer with good credit standing on how to bring about behavioral change.
negotiate a good deal. Good financial literacy Printed media is one of the methods used.
involves the application of financial skills that is It is used to develop and distribute user-friendly
critical to certain financial decision making. printed financial literacy resources (illustrated
In the media industry, credit ratings are leaflets) that can be made available to individuals
more important than ever. Reality TV shows, who participate in financial literacy initiatives.
games shows, and miniseries make up most of Another way is to develop provisional content
the television industry. People are more (regular columns, articles, features, and pull-
interested in being entertained than being outs) in newspapers and magazines and to
educated. It will be up to the government to support print journalists to include financial
implement financial educational programs to the literacy in their output work (5).
television media industry. Print media is the oldest form of
Print Media is a means or instrumentality communication to the public since the inception
for storing or communicating information on of media. For developing nations,

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

communication is limited, accessing the internet computing interest rates and understanding
is scarce, and there is underdeveloped overall different kinds of investments. The 2008 global
technology, printed media can fill this gap by financial crisis magnified the importance of
using newspapers, brochures, and pamphlets to financial literacy in an economy. The
reach people in the rural areas. Print media is the Philippines is no exception. In this study, the
most effective and basic way of communicating best candidates to participate in financial literacy
financial education to people. are young professionals, who are risk takers and
Financial literacy is understanding how have disposable incomes to invest. In particular,
money works in the financial system of the Baguio city young professionals are chosen to
economy. It is now more important than ever measure their financial literacy and investing
that almost all money transactions today requires behavior.
a degree of complex financial skills such as

Figure 1: Cradle to Grave Model (62).

Respondent's Profile


Agent's influencing investing behavior

Educational agents
Parents H2
Financial literacy
Socialization Agents
Peers H4
Colleagues H3
Investment Behavior
Social Media
Print Media
Television Media
Electronic Media

Figure 2: Conceptual paradigm of the study

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Hypotheses of the Study.

H1: Young Professionals differ in financial Investment behavior of an individual may
literacy on age and gender. be significantly improved if the agents affecting
financial literacy such as the educational agents,
Financial literacy differs on the type of socialization agents, and the media are fully
respondents who will answer the survey based on optimized for acquiring financial literacy
their age and gender which can show the knowledge. Improved investment behavior is
differences in their financial literacy levels. being able to know how to budget, manage, save,
Master Card’s financial literacy index 2014 invest, and control one’s money that may lead to
surveyed in Asia and Pacific showed that people financial independence.
aged 30 and above are more financially literate People should have a good understanding
than those who are below 30 years old. of money management and financial literacy, to
(Appendix B, Figure 4). In general, developed be able to reduce bad behaviors like corruption
markets such as Australia, New Zealand and or obsessive materialism. Through education
Singapore, consumers aged 30 and above have and self-awareness, one can achieve a neutral
further improved in financial literacy as love for money and reduce cognitive obsession
compared emerging markets such as Philippines, over money and enhance self-control (37).
India, and Indonesia. Women in emerging Financial education is a way of objectively
markets were able to remain at par with their dealing with the subjective behavior towards
male counterparts in financial literacy (Appendix money. Money is just a form of exchange, how
B, Figure 5). It shows in countries such as China, society puts weight on it changes its value and
India, and Vietnam. In the Philippines gender meaning. One should be self-aware that money
parity improved by 4 points from 2013 to 2014, should not control one’s behavior, but it should
this is due to women who have become familiar be the other way around.
with other financial instruments with their male
counterparts. (46). H4: There is an association between financial
literacy and investing behavior.
H2: Financial Literacy is influenced by
educational agents, socialization agents, and the Good financial literacy skills can change a
media. person’s investing behavior positively. This
behavior can help an individual improve his
Agents that may affect financial literacy are money handling skills not just in the short-term
educational agents, socialization agents, and the but in the long-term as well. The long-term
media. Educational agents are parents, school, effect in investing behavior is being able to have
university, and employers. These agents are the a financially secure lifestyle without debt, having
primary influencers in financial literacy. They a positive cash flow and extra money to spend,
usually are the foundation for building financial and investing in a retirement fund. The positive
literacy skills. Socialization agents are peers and impact of financial literacy on investing behavior
colleagues. These are the secondary influencers is to have the confidence to use one’s money
for financial literacy. Peers and colleagues wisely without doubting one’s own ability to
usually give indirect advice based on their have bad investments.
experiences and are not backed up by the Given that situation, the study will assess
fundamentals of financial literacy knowledge. how far widespread is financial illiteracy among
Moreover, the media are the social media, print the young professionals in Baguio City, CAR
media, television media, and electronic media. region.
These are also secondary influencers for
financial literacy. The media usually fills the gap
for the financially illiterate when educational
agents and socialization agents cannot give good Research Design.
financial advice. Examples are the newsletters Survey research was used as a tool to learn
how individuals behave and think. To achieve
distributed to promote financial literacy,
television shows that educate the public, and high-quality survey results, traditional academic
computer software that enhance the cognitive disciplines such as statistics was used to have a
quantitative foundation to examine the sources of
abilities on financial literacy.
error and to summarize their effect (“Overview
H3: There is an association between investment of survey methodology”, n.d.).
The descriptive research methodology was
behavior and educational agents, socialization
agents, and the media. used for this study. Questionnaires were

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

administered to a selected sample from a specific V Validity Coefficient (1). Three experts in the
population, which covers young professionals in field of business and commerce were chosen to
Baguio City. rate each indicator in the questionnaire, as not
The questionnaire was divided into four relevant, somewhat relevant, quite relevant, and
parts. The first part consists of the respondent’s very relevant. The computed validity coefficient
personal details. The second part consists of is 0.88. It is greater than the threshold of 0.70.
questions regarding agents that influence Hence, the questionnaire is assumed to be valid.
financial literacy such as educational agents, The reliability of the questionnaire was
socialization agents, and the media. The third pretested using the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient
and fourth part consisted of financial literacy and of reliability by floating 43 questionnaires to
investor behavior questions respectively which young professionals in universities, government
are adopted by the Organization for Economic offices, and dental clinics. The computed
Cooperation and Development (OECD) (51) reliability coefficient is 0.915. It implies that the
Financial Literacy Questionnaire and questionnaire is reliable since the computed
Methodological Guidance. It was developed by reliability coefficient is greater than the threshold
the International Network on Financial of 0.70.
Education (INFE) which aims to measure
financial literacy and to provide a baseline and
set benchmarks for strategic national programs of
Two hundred questionnaires were floated
a country.
and retrieved. The survey covered the three
Population. industries: the academe particularly the
The target population consisted of young universities, medical organization industries, and
professionals of Baguio City. Young government offices. The results of the survey
questionnaire used T-test, ANOVA, and Pearson
professionals aged between 25 to 34 years old.
The study likewise covered the ages 19 to 24 Correlation.
years old since they are considered the working
Hypothesis 1 stated that young professionals
group within the legal age and they also earn
independent income from their parents. differ in financial literacy according to age.
According to the Credit Lyonnais Securities Asia
Results show that the older group (26-34
(CLSA), an organization focused on institutional
broking, investment banking and asset years old) were more financially literate than the
management to corporate and institutional clients younger group (19-24 years old) (see Table 1).
The mean difference, however was not
around the world, which is also Asia’s leading
equity brokers and investment groups, said that significant as validated by the result of the t-test
from the growing sector of the Philippine wherein the computed value (0.65) was lower
than the critical value (1.97), for the two-tailed
population, a young professional class has
emerged, making up just 3% of the population. test. This means that there was no significant
On average, they make P471,000 annual incomes difference between the levels of financial literacy
of the two groups at the 5% level of significance
in the NCR region, which is 3.5 times the average
Filipino per-capita gross national income. (Appendix B, Table 7).
Young professionals are estimated to save some Both age groups clearly acknowledge that
25% of their income. In the long run, young money is important by having some budget and
professionals will shift to long-term significant savings to avoid taking out a loan either through
legal or illegal means. However, both young
investment assets such as property and vehicles,
making this group’s economic impact even more professionals aged 19-24 years old and aged 25-
pronounced and sustainable. The role of young 34 years old see savings in an informal savings
club as not important while young professionals
professionals in the purchase of cars and housing
units, as well as shares of stocks in the Philippine aged 19-24 years old see buying financial
Stock Exchange, will be increasingly investment products such as bond or stocks as not
important (see Table 1). It means that both
predominant (18). In the CAR region, average
income approximates P18,250.00 per month groups of young professionals sometimes save
(54). money but do not know where to put their
savings into (Appendix B, Table 11).
Samples. A study done in Taiwan stated that savings
Pretesting was first conducted to test the peak from ages 50 to 60 years old. The savings
rate rose 20% from the 1980s to 1900s to invest
validity and the reliability of the questionnaire.
First, the validity test was done using the Aiken’s in pension funds because of the increase in life

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

expectancy. In this effect, a steady rise in savings in the US showed that people aged 25 to 65 years
was observed in all age groups (10). old are 5% better in answering financial literacy
In China, its savings ratio remains very high questions than those people under 25 or over 65
as 40% as compared to other nations. People in years old (70).
urban areas are shifting their investments from In the study, the two groups aged 19-24 and
savings to more risky investments such as stocks 25-34 years old were surveyed. The older group
and mutual funds to get higher returns on their were more financially literate than the younger
savings (39). group but not on a significant level. Statistics
According to a study by the World Bank, show there was no significant difference, but it
Financial literacy follows an inverted U-shaped can be noted that on buying financial investment
for age. Financial literacy is its highest among products like bonds or stocks, the older group
adults in the middle of their life cycle than those sees this as moderately important while, the
young people and the old people. A survey done younger group sees this as not so important.

Table 1.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Hypothesis 1 stated that young professionals social institutions, the family, religion, the
differ in financial literacy, according to gender. educational system and the mass media (57).
The three agents that influence financial
It was shown that male professionals were literacy are the educational agents, socialization
more financially literate than the females. This agents, and the media (Appendix B, Table 9 and
implied that men have the greater ability to Table 10).
understand how money works or can manage Educational agents compose of parents,
their earnings better than the females. The mean school, university, and employers. These agents
difference, however, was not significant as only sometimes influence the financial literacy of
validated by the result of the t-test, wherein the young professionals. Parents do not often teach
computed value (1.79) was lower than 1.97. This their children about the importance of money
means that there was no significant difference management. Only rarely did those students
between the levels of financial literacy of the two actively participate in any financial education
groups at the 5% level of significance. Looking programs during college years. Moreover,only
at a different angle, the mean rating of the males rarely do employers give financial educational
was significantly higher than that of the females programs at work or become supportive of the
as shown in the result of the one-tailed test welfare on the financial literacy of their
(Appendix B, Table 8). Men view savings in the employees.
form of a savings account or simply letting the Socialization agents are those peers and
family keep the money in his behalf as more colleagues at work or outside of work. Peers and
important than women. However, men rarely colleagues only sometimes influence financial
save in an informal savings club as compared to literacy of young professionals on giving useful
women (see Table 2). financial advice on the day to day decisions like
Master Card Worldwide surveyed financial budgeting or saving.
literacy among women across Asia/Pacific, The media, composing of social media,
Middle East and Africa (APMEA) in 2010. television media, and print media. On social
Philippine women have a fairly good grasp of media, only selected sites like Google Plus and
financial literacy with a score of 68.5% based on others give good financial advice as compared to
basic money management, financial planning, other sites like Facebook or Twitter. Television
and investment as compared to Korea with a media sometimes give financial advice to its
score of 56% and China with a score of 59.8%. viewers through shows or infomercials. Print
(Appendix B, Figure 6, Figure 7). It shows that media can also be sometimes become useful in
women in developed countries are not giving good financial literacy advice like how to
necessarily more financially literate as compared manage money through brochures or booklets.
to women in developing countries. The gender Results show that young professionals
gap between male and female financial literacy agreed that money should be saved, spent
by dividing the female financial literacy scores correctly and should have a budget without
over men’s. Philippine women as compared to taking out a loan either through legal or illegal
men based on financial literacy skills are fairly means. However, they rarely invest their money
equal as compared to New Zealand, Singapore, in any financial instruments like through stocks,
and Taiwan which are slightly lower than their insurance or bonds other than a savings account
male counterparts (45). Although women overall (Appendix B, Table 12).
have lower financial literacy almost everywhere Since young professionals rarely got
from developed nations to developing nations. financial educational from their parents and also
The reasons are a lack of access to financial from their academic years, it is best that they get
products. Women in Asia have higher financial it now from their work especially from their
literacy than those in African countries and some employers, to be able to manage their money and
Middle East countries (70). plan for their retirement. Research showed that
In the Philippines, as a patriarchal society, financial education in the workplace has a strong
women in the labor force do not have the same influence on the personal financial decision, and
privilege as men with regards to employment it can enhance decision-making skills on
opportunities such as promotion and bonuses. retirement planning, savings plan, and other
They tend to occupy lower positions in the investment planning. (8)
workforce and get lower pay. Patriarchy is still
ingrained in the Filipino culture through various

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Table 2.

Hypothesis 2 states that financial literacy is through magazines, newspapers, televisions, and
influenced by educational agents, socialization the internet.
agents, and the media. Studies showed that targeted financial
training like a formal education in a classroom
Educational agents are positively but has a weak effect on financial literacy and that
weakly correlated with financial literacy. It financial socialization has a direct effect on a
means that educational agents affect financial positive financial behavior. Financial
literacy to a little extent only. This relationship socialization refers to individuals who acquire
is very significant, which means the association financial knowledge through learned attitudes
between the two is not just by chance (see Table and behaviors aside from theoretical knowledge.
3). Studies done by Grohmann and Menkhoff (29)
It showed that educational agents conclude that parental teaching and experiences
composing of parents, teachers, and employers with money in childhood have a strong impact on
give weak financial literacy skills to its children, financial literacy and that family has the
students, and employees respectively. Friends strongest effect on financial socialization.
and colleagues can positively influence the Although in the Philippine setting, financial
decisions on money management and budgeting education is seldom or not taught at all. Basic
of a person and much more with the media math subjects or economics are targeted more on
numeracy. According to research, classroom

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

teaching on money management indirectly Results show that professionals rarely

affects financial literacy but directly affects invest in any form of financial products other
investment behavior because it focuses more on than a savings account. Opening a current
numeracy. account comes in second, then followed by
Rarely does the business here in the investing in stocks, and then followed by the
Philippines give financial training on personal other investment products (Appendix B, Table
finance to its employees. Green (27) stated that 12).
employees are often frontline contributors on the It clearly shows that young professionals
operations of the business and should be taught lack the knowledge and skills to understand the
financial literacy courses to understand the other investment products that could potentially
business’ operations like its inventory turnover produce higher returns, than by merely
or return on assets. To get a good grasp of the depositing it in a savings account.
company’s operations, it will most likely One reason why young professionals do not
contribute to the success of the business because use other investment products is the lack of
employees are more aware of the actions that financial literacy among Filipinos, where the
they make can impact business results. This average Filipino was only able to answer 3.2 out
program will not only benefit the company as a of 7 financial literacy questions, and one out of
whole but also the employees on a personal level. ten black the basic understanding of financial
Socialization agents are positively and concepts (69).
moderately correlated with financial literacy. It Individuals who lack financial literacy are
means that socialization agents affect financial also more prone to information-framing when
literacy to a moderate extent; the higher the level given two investment choices with their relative
of socialization, the higher is the financial benefits (31). Information-framing is true among
literacy. This relationship is very significant, low-educated individuals because they are less
which means the association between the two is confident and are more likely to be influenced by
not just by chance. others’ opinion as compared to educated
Media is positively and moderately individuals who have their opinions on financial
correlated with financial literacy. It means that matters.
the different kinds of media affect financial Framing effect is an example of cognitive
literacy to a moderate extent; the higher the level bias, in which people react to a particular choice
of exposure to media, the higher is the financial in different ways depending on whether it is
literacy. This relationship is very significant, presented as a loss or as a gain (23).
which means the association between the two is According to studies, 34% of Filipinos use
not just by chance. informal savings such as saving at home as the
Results show that peers or colleagues and most common financial behavior. Filipino adults
the media play an important role in influencing scored 67% in planning for unexpected expenses,
financial literacy of the young professionals as 66% in achievement orientation, and 64% in
compared to educational agents. Peers and farsightedness, but they still have a struggle with
colleagues at work become dominant influencers daily money management, and long-term
when parents, teachers, and employers cannot planning for old age expenses (69).
contribute to an individual’s financial literacy In the Philippines savings rate across the
development. Media also contribute to financial population declined significantly in the 2000’s.
literacy since they are considered as viewing One reason is the establishment of the social
socialization agents through television, the security system, health insurance, and home
internet, or in print. loans, which negatively affects saving and also
Socialization includes a collection of life reduces the household’s precautionary savings
events and personal interactions to develop motive. However in the 1990’s precautionary
financial literacy skills. Socialization agents savings was strong among the Filipino household
commonly are the peers, family, and school. when the social security system was still limited.
Peers seem to show to be the most influential The increasing social security coverage will
factors in consumer socialization (22). Peer further decline private savings among the
interaction and the media, particularly in households in the future (65).
television have a positive impact on financial In 2005, 36% of the total Philippine
socialization and are considered secondary population was composed of ages 0-15 years old.
influencers on financial socialization while the It means that there is an increase in the number
family are considered the primary influencers of dependents and health expenditures resulting
(16). in lower savings in the household. On the other
hand, excess savings, particularly in China, is

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

caused by increased uncertainty in their economy pays interest, and it is used a means for sending
and lack of support by the government on or receiving payment transactions. By
healthcare, pension system and education (35). establishing a relationship with both the
In China, before the 1990’s, equity markets household and the bank, a savings account is a
were not available, Chinese investors have no gateway to other financial products for the
other choice but to invest their money merely in improvement of the household welfare. Savings
banks (39). The most basic and most important accounts are the most common way where
financial service are bank savings account household participation in the formal financial
because it secures the households from theft, it sector begins (15).

Table 3.

Hypothesis 3 stated that there is an association do not delve into economics subjects may lead to
between investment behavior and educational weak financial literacy leading to weak
agents, socialization agents, and the media. investment behavior.
Employers as educational agents directly
Investment Behavior is defined as how the affect investment behavior through the
investors’ judge, predict, analyze and review the introduction of various investment tools like
procedures for decision making, which includes pension or insurance. Cakebread (13) says that
investment psychology, information gathering, workplaces are the next venue for incorporating
defining and understanding, research and financial literacy after schools. Employers can
analysis. The whole process is investment implement savings program for retirement or
behavior (60, 2). deduction for pension plans, and help employees
Investing behavior is the application of save and budget through various training. These
financial literacy. Results show young benefits also improve the productivity of
professionals use a savings account as an employees by reducing their financial stress.
investment tool. It also means that investing Socialization agents have a moderate
behavior of young professionals, in general, is impact on financial literacy but a weak impact on
weak for lack of investment in other products like investment behavior. Peers and colleagues also
a pension fund, mortgage or a current account. seem to invest rarely in other financial products
Educational agents have the least influence other than a savings account and this behavior
on investing behavior. Since parents, teachers, affects the behavior of the individual.
and employers seldom teach financial literacy in Colleagues and peers are considered
effect there would also be a weak correlation to informal tools for providing financial decisions
investing behavior. and indirectly affect investment behavior
Studies in Bangkok show that financial because it relates the most to the financial help-
literacy directly affects parental teaching while seeking behavior of the individual involved.
investment behavior indirectly affects school Those who seek help from a professional on
teaching represented through the investment of personal financial matters are more confident
various assets like pension or stocks and bonds about their behaviors and attitudes towards
(29). In the Philippines the influence of money than those who seek help from informal
educational agents have a weak association with sources (26).
investment behavior because financial literacy is The Media only has a moderate impact on
rarely taught by parents and teachers. Parents financial literacy and also a moderate impact on
who have poor financial literacy have weak investment behavior. It shows that people are
investment behavior. Moreover, schools which

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

more influenced by television, the internet, and targeted behaviors like smoking, diet, or drug use
the newspapers and magazines. have been effective to change the behavior of the
Media has the effectiveness to change community. The only issue is the credible source
investment behavior through the mass media that would promote the behavioral change like
public information campaign. Examples of savings and budgeting (24).

Table 4.

Hypothesis 4 stated that there is an association

between financial literacy and investing
The results show that young professionals
here in Baguio City still lack financial literacy
The Pearson correlation coefficient is 0.673
which means that the correlation between skills, regardless of the two age groups and
financial literacy and investing behavior is direct regardless of gender, where they have a similar
level of financial literacy. Lack of financial
and moderately strong. It implies that if financial
literacy is high, investing behavior is also high. literacy, in turn, leads to weak investment
Investing behavior is a financial behavior, behavior where diversifications of investments
are lacking. The Media is most influential in
where the individual learns to have good
behavior in budgeting, saving, and control financial literacy and investing behavior.
spending (52). Educational agents such as parents, school, and
There is a correlation between financial employers rarely contribute to financial literacy
literacy and investing behavior. The result shows of young professionals, and their influence on
investment behavior is weak. Socialization
that respondents have a weak financial literacy
and in effect have weak investing behavior. agents such as peers and colleagues moderately
Young professionals agree to save and have a impact financial literacy but have a weak impact
on investment behavior. Young professionals
budget but do not invest in other financial
products other than a savings account. save and budget, but still, lack the necessary
When people know more about financial skills to invest in other financial products.
Current evidence of the study shows that
literacy in money management, savings, and
budgeting, they would be able to invest in other young professionals still lack the necessary skills
financial products that can produce higher to be financially literate to improve investment
behavior for both genders and age groups of 19-
returns through interest, and profit.
A study in Bangkok shows that higher 24 years old and 25-34 years old.
financial literacy has a positive effect on Evidence also shows that there is a strong
correlation between financial literacy and
investment behavior. Factors affecting financial
behavior are diversification of assets such as investing behavior. Of the three, educational
investment in other products in addition to a agents, composing of parents, teachers, and
employers rarely teach financial literacy to their
savings account. There is an increase of 12% in
the diversification of assets when respondents children, students, and employees respectively.
answer correctly financial literacy questions. Further studies may include some issues
(29). such as, to know the current financial literacy
level of the youth from the high school and
university levels, employers’ current program on

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

financial literacy to help young professionals on master’s degree. And my thesis advisor Professor
their money management skills and long-term Ma. Joan Barlis. She directed me to the topic,
financial plans and governments’ initiative to gave me advice and continuously pushing me to
improve financial literacy, using the mass media give my best. Without her guidance I would not
and putting policies that encourage people to be able to finish my paper.
save and budget. Secondly, I would like to thank Michelle
The government should intervene to Ventura for helping me float the questionnaires.
promote financial literacy through education, For the most part she handed out the
media, and in the workplace. Young questionnaires to the various organizations in the
professionals are no longer students in universities, government offices and the
universities, and most are already independent hospitals. Ms. Melody Banawa and Ms. Jennifer
from their parents in earning income, they should Trinidad, both of them helped me float the
look for other sources of financial literacy questionnaires in their respective places of work
training or skill building to help them to be in the government office. And Mr. Robby
financially independent. Chester Ang for helping me in the editing of my
Firstly, young professionals should take the paper, if not for him I would not be able to
initiative to encourage financial literacy in the graduate on time.
household by teaching their family what they’ve Thirdly, I would like to thank the panelists,
learned. Financial literacy training programs to Professor Allan Silva, Professor Conrado Chan,
teach parents how to budget and save in each and Ms. Christine Clemente, and the Graduate
household. In turn, parents can use these tools to Coordinator Professor Richel Lamadrid, for
teach their children. And financial literacy giving me advice on how to improve my paper
training programs to help teachers be equipped during my defense. I also would like to
with personal financial management skills. acknowledge Dr. Jim Ballena for the pretesting
Financial literacy subjects should be emphasized done and Professor Zenaida Garambas for doing
in high school subjects like economics or math my stat work and giving all the necessary
subjects. It will improve numeracy among the information in accomplishing my paper.
students that in turn will have a positive impact And finally, I want to express my gratitude
on financial literacy and will lead to good to my family for supporting me and giving me
investment behavior. Schools can partner with time to finish my paper. Thank you.
banks and government institutions to hold
seminars and training on financial literacy REFERENCES
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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Tri Endro Pranowo1, Parsaoran Siahaan2, Wawan Setiawan3
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi 229, Bandung 40154, Jawa Barat
SMP Negeri 1 Warungkondang Cianjur, Jawa Barat
[email protected]

The purpose of this research is to know the difference of improvement of critical thinking skill of seventh
grade student in heat transfer materials through science learning using guided inquiry method with in aided
multimedia and without the aided multimedia. The research method used is quasi experiment with design
“pretest-posttest control group design” The subjects of the research were seventh grade students of 66
people in one of the secondary schools in Cianjur district, which is divided into 2 groups. The first group
as the experiment class as many as 33 people using guided inquiry learning in multimedia and second group
as control class as many as 33 people using guided inquiry learning without aid multimedia. The data was
collected using the critical thinking skills test instrument. Based on the data analysis, the average
normalized gain score (N_gain) was 0.41 for the experimental class and 0.33 for the control class. It shows
that the improvement of critical thinking skills of the experimental class is greater than the control class.
hypothesis test using Mann-Whitney test samples with SPSS 16 shows that the sig (2-tailed) = 0.044. This
result is lower than the value of  = 0.05. So it can be concluded that there is a significant difference
in the improvement of students' critical thinking skills in heat transfer materials who get learning using
guided inquiry method with in aided multimedia and without aided multimedia.
Keywords: guided inquiry; multimedia; critical thinking skills

Media is a tool or means used to convey a

message. Learning media has a function to
Education is a conscious and well-planned
convey the message of learning so that it can
effort to create an atmosphere of learning and
stimulate the thoughts, feelings, attention, and
learning process so that learners actively develop
interest of students that lead to the learning
their potential to have spiritual power, self-
process. Hamalik (1986) argues that instructional
control, personality, intelligence, noble
media is "the tools, methods and techniques used
character, as well as the skills needed
to further streamline communication and
themselves, society, nation and country, Which
interaction between teachers and students in the
is contained in the National Education System
learning process in school".
Act of 2003.
The use of learning media will greatly help
Education plays an important role in the
the effectiveness of the learning process as well
progress and future of the nation, without good
as the delivery of messages and content of the
education it is impossible for to develop nation.
lesson so that it can help students improve
Success or failure of an education in a country
understanding and thinking ability because it
one of them is because the teacher. Teachers have
presents information in an interesting and
a very important role in the development and
reliable way.
progress of their students. From here teachers are
Learning media continue to develop along
required to be able to perform the tasks as well as
with the development of information and
possible. [3] said that to be able to achieve the
technology world. [1] said that new technology,
expected teaching objectives, teachers must be
especially multimedia, has an increasingly
good at choosing the appropriate learning
important role in the learning process.
methods and instructional media and in
Associated with the media presence, [2] explains
accordance with the needs of students, so that
that a well-organized media systematically
students feel happy during the learning process
affects educational institutions such as family,

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

religious, school and scout institutions. The use aided multimedia. The design of this study can
of multimedia in the learning process is intended be described as follows :
to improve students' understanding of the
information or learning materials provided Table 1. research desaian
Multimedia utilization is expected to Class Pre- Treatment Post-
provide optimal results when combined with test test
appropriate learning methods. One of the Experiment O Y1 O
learning method that will be studied is guided control O Y2 O
inquiry method. The use of guided inquiry
method is caused by the intellectual development Y1 : guided inquiry method with in aided
of students at the age of junior high. According multimedia
to Piaget, the age is at a formal operational level Y2 : guided inquiry method with out aided
(Wood et al, 2011: 4-5). That is, in this period multimedia
children can already think logically, O : Observasi
The use of multimedia in learning will
improve the efficiency, motivation, and facilitate
The subjects of the research were seventh
active learning, experimental learning, consistent
grade students of SMPN 1 Warungkondang
with student-centered learning, and guide
Cianjur in academic year 2016/2017 totaling 66
learners to learn better. [6] states that people are
students divided into 2 classes ie experiment
only able to remember 20% of the views and 30%
class (33 students) and control class (33
of what is heard. But people can remember 50%
students). The sampling technique used was non-
of what is seen and heard and 80% of what is
random sampling , This is because it is not
seen, heard and performed at once.
possible to change the composition of class
According to Bruner (Dahar, 1996) inquiry
members that have been established by the
learning is a learning that is in accordance with
school, meaning researchers choose the subject
the nature of humans to seek knowledge actively.
of research based on the available class
Furthermore Dahar argued, by applying inquiry
learning students are used to experimenting and
finding their own concepts learned.
The purpose of this research is to know the
difference of improvement of critical thinking Data on critical thinking skills are obtained
skill of seventh grade student in heat transfer through pre-test values and pos-test values at the
materials through science learning using guided end of the learning for the experimental class and
inquiry method with in aided multimedia and control class. The test of critical thinking skills
without the aided multimedia. consists of 10 essay questions on heat transfer
Before the learning begins, the
experimental and control classes are tested to
This research is a quasi experiment research
determine students' early abilities. Statistical test
with pretest-posttest control group design
analysis for data processing early ability of
research design, which is design involving two
critical thinking skills processed by using
class groups. The first class as the experimental
software SPSS version 16.0 for Windows.
class using guided inquiry method with in aided
Descriptive statistics pre-tests Critical
multimedia, and the second class as a control
thinking skills can be seen through the following
class using guided inquiry methods without

Table 2. Data for Pre-test Critical thinking skills

Experiment 33 25 60 42,88 9,685
control 33 20 55 42,58 10,392

Based on table 2 above, the minimum value experiment class and Class control has different
of experimental pre-test experiments of class 25 value, Ie 42.88 and 42.58. Although on average,
and control class 20. Maximum grade of the pre-test value of critical thinking skills in the
experiment 60 and control class 55. The average experimental class is higher than the pre-test
pretest value of critical thinking skills of value of critical thinking skills in the control

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

class but the difference is not much. The Table 3. Mann Whitney Test Results for data
difference in the average pre-test value in the pretest critical thinking skills
experimental class and control class is 0.30. Sig. (2- Decision on
From these simple data, it can be deduced that the tailed) Ho
experimental class and the control class have the 0,907 Ho accepeted No
same initial ability of critical thinking skills. difference
The assumption that the average value of
both groups of data above is the same will be Based on the above table, the sig value. (2-
analyzed through statistical tests. The test was tailed)> α, so it can be said that Ho is accepted.
performed by non parametric test with Whitney This means there is no difference in the average
Man test. The hypotheses were tested as follows: pretest value of critical thinking skills between
H0 :
1   2 the experimental class and the control class. It
can be concluded that students' critical thinking
There is no difference in the mean value of skills between the experimental class and the
pretest critical thinking skills between the control class at the beginning of the study are the
experimental class and the control class. same.
H1 :
1   2 After the learning, the experimental class
applying multimedia in learning with guided
There is a difference in the mean value of inquiry method while the control class applied
pretest critical thinking skills between the guided inquiry learning without aided of
experimental class and the control class. multimedia is done critical thinking skill test
Hypothesis test criteria by using P-value with the same instrument as the initial test.
(significance or sig), if sig. (2-tailed)> α, then Ho Achievement of critical thinking skills is seen
is accepted. Man Whitney test results pretest data through an analysis of the postes value in the
can be seen in the following table. experimental class and control class. The
description of postes value of critical thinking
skill can be seen in the following table.

Table 4. posstest data critical thinking skills

Experiment 33 40 95 65,45 13,599
control 33 30 90 59,85 14,710

Based on the above table, it appears that the There is difference in the mean value of
minimum posttest value of the critical thinking posttest critical thinking skills between the
ability of the experimental class is 40 and the experimental class and the control class.
control class is 30, while the maximal postcode Hypothesis test criteria by using P-value
grade of critical thinking skills is class 95 and (significance or sig), if sig. (2-tailed)> α, then Ho
control class 90. In addition, Postes The is accepted. Man Whitney test results posttest
experimental class is 65.45 times greater than the data can be seen in the following table.
control class with an average score of 59.85.
Furthermore, statistical tests were performed to Table 4. Mann Whitney Test Results for data
determine the improvement of both classes. postest Critical thinking skills
The next step, to know how far difference Sig. (2- Decision on
of posttest value of critical thinking skill of tailed) Ho
experiment class and control class is done by non 0,099 Ho accepeted No difference
parametric test by using Man Whitney test. The
hypotheses were tested as follows : Based on the above table, the sig value. (2-
H0 :
1   2 tailed)> α, so it can be said Ho accepted. This
means there is no difference in the mean score of
There is no difference in the mean value of postes of critical thinking skills between the
posttest critical thinking skills between the experimental class and the control class. It can be
experimental class and the control class. concluded that critical thinking skills between

H1 :
1   2 the experimental class and the control class at the
end of the study are the same.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

After the postes data of critical thinking critical thinking skills are described as follows.
skills is obtained, further data on the The improvement of students' critical thinking
improvement of critical thinking ability is skills is described as follows.
formulated with N-Gain. Increased students'

Table 5. N-Gain Result Data for Critical thinking skills

Experiment 33 0,09 0,90 0,41
Control 33 0,00 0,86 0,30

Based on the above table, it can be seen that is that there are differences in the improvement
the mean value of N-Gain in experimental class of critical thinking skills of students applying
students applying multimedia in learning with multimedia in learning with guided inquiry
guided inquiry method is 0.41 greater than the method with students who do not apply
mean value of N-Gain in the control class multimedia in learning with guided inquiry
students whose learning used guided inquiry method
method without aided multimedia of 0.30. it can Based on the score and the result of post test
be seen that the minimum value of N-Gain in data analysis of critical thinking skill in heat
experimental class 0.09 greater than the transfer materials, the experimental class
minimum value of N-Gain in the control class students applying multimedia in learning with
students of 0.00. it can be seen that the maximum guided inquiry method as a whole are more
value of N-Gain in experimental class 0.90 improved than the control class students who get
greater than the maximum value of N-Gain in the the learning with guided inquiry method without
control class students of 0.86 the aid of multimedia .
The next step is to examine the average This is indicated by the difference between
difference in N-Gain in critical thinking skills the average gain of the final test and the
between the experimental class and the control normalized gain of the two classes. Higher
class. The hypothesis is constructed as follows. acquisition of final test scores and experimental
H0 : class gain compared to the control class is the
effect of the application of multimedia in
The average N-Gain critical thinking skills
learning with guided inquiry method.
of the experimental class did not differ
Overall gains normalized students' critical
significantly from the control class.
thinking skills on higher heat transfer materials
H1 :
1   2 in the experimental class. This happens because
in experimental class that apply multimedia in
The average N-Gain critical thinking skills learning with guided inquiry method gives
of the experimental class differ significantly opportunity for students to construct or build
from the control class. concepts learned through scientific method,
Hypothesis test by using P-value either with group investigation activity, or with
(significance or sig) If sig.> , it can be the help of simulation so that can help student In
concluded that Ho is accepted.An average understanding abstract concepts becomes easier.
difference test N-Gain critical thinking skill of While the learning done in the control class of
experimental class and control class is done by giving abstract material information is done by
Mann Whitney test. Average N-Gain critical the teacher by way of lecture, so there is
thinking skills as follows. dependence of student on what informed by
Table 6. Mann Whitney Test Results for data N- This is in line with previous research
Gain Critical thinking skills conducted by Wahyudin (2010) states that the
Sig. (2-tailed) Decision on Ho implementation of inquiry based learning in
0,044 Ho rejected guided multimedia provides an increase in
students' understanding [8].
Based on the above table, the significance
value (2-tailed) N-Gain data of critical thinking
skills is 0.044 less than α (5%), so Ho is rejected.
This means that the average N-Gain critical Based on the results of research and
thinking skills of the experimental class and discussion as described, the conclusion is
control class differ significantly. The conclusion obtained that there is a significant difference in

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

the improvement of critical thinking skills of [5] Hamalik, Oemar. (1986). Media Pendidikan.
students who receive guided inquiry learning Bandung: Alumni
with in aided multimedia and without aided
[6] Munir. (2001), Aplikasi Teknologi
Multimedia dalam Proses Belajar Mengajar.
Bandung: Mimbar Pendidikan Volume 3
Tahun XX.
[1] Ahmadi, Lif Khoiru. 2010. Strategi
[7] P.I. Wijayanti, Mosik, N. Hindarto. 2010.
Pembelajaran Sekolah Berstandar
Eksplorasi Kesulitan Belajar Siswa Pada
Internasional dan Nasional. Jakarta: PT
Pokok Bahasan Cahaya Dan Upaya
Pustaka Raya.
Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Melalui
[2] Dimyati, Mudjiono,(2006). Belajar dan Pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing. 6 (2010)
Pembelajaran. Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta. 1-5. Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Indonesia
[3] Djamarah, Syaiful Bahri. 2006. Strategi [8] Wahyudin, Sutikno, A. Isa. 2010. Eksplorasi
Belajar Mengajar. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta Kesulitan Belajar Siswa Pada Pokok
Bahasan Cahaya Dan Upaya Peningkatan
[4] Hamalik, Oemar. (1986). Komputerisasi Hasil Belajar Melalui Pembelajaran Inkuiri
Pendidikan Nasional. Bandung: Mandar
Terbimbing. 6 (2010) 56-62. Jurnal
Pendidikan Fisika Indonesia.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Qodriah Siti Fatmawati1, Sri Yamtinah2, Peduk Rintayati3
Post Graduate Program, Sebelas Maret University
[email protected] , [email protected], [email protected]

The 2013 curriculum supports the fulfillment of the students’ learning needs by implementing integrative
thematic. Learning cannot be separated from its context, thus the role of environment especially the socio
and cultural environment is very important in supporting students’ cognitive growth. Thematic learning in
the 2013 curriculum is very relevant with the socio-cultural aspect. The base of socio-cultural aspect is the
essence of the community’s social processes. Socio-cultural aspects can be in the form of cultures, nature’s
potentialities, community’s job, and the social order of society and many more which can be included as
region’s potentialities. The objectives of the research were: (1) to find out the implementation of integrative
thematic learning of the first grade of elementary school, (2) to find out the constraints in implementing
thematic learning on socio-cultural based of the first grade elementary school. The qualitative descriptive
approach was used in this research. The subjects of the research were: (1) seven elementary schools in
Pedan District of Klaten City; (2) first grade homeroom teachers in Pedan District. The objects of the
research were the implementation and the constraints in socio-cultural based learning of the first grade in
the second semester. The techniques of data collection were observation, interview, and documentation.
The data analysis used Miles & Hubberman which is implemented through data reduction steps, data
display, and conclusion drawing. The data validity testing used source triangulation and technique
triangulation. The result of the research showed that: (1) the implementation of integrative thematic learning
on socio-cultural based run well, but it was not in the maximum stage yet, the first grade homeroom teachers
still needed more knowledge related to integrative thematic learning on socio-cultural based; and (2) the
general constraints faced in implementing socio-cultural based learning were the limitedness of schools
means and infrastructures, and the lack of teachers’ abilities in developing learning books.
Keywords: integrative thematic learning, socio-cultural based learning

out the identification of local social and cultural

elements (local socio-cultural) in students’
The educational curriculum in Indonesia, learning resources to create the effective
especially in elementary school has changed classroom in acquiring meaningful learning
from KTSP Curriculum to the 2013 Curriculum. experiences.
The 2013 Curriculum stresses more on thematic The learning process is arranged by
learning (integrating some subjects into one considering socio-cultural aspects to maximize
theme). The thematic learning in the 2013 students’ potentialities. The students get socio-
Curriculum inserts the scientific approach into cultural aspects from their families and societies,
the learning model. The prospect of this change thus if those socio-cultural aspects owned by the
is to focus more on the students’ learning results students being integrated in teaching and
through total evaluation and meaningful learning learning process, it will ease them in
process, thus there will be born the next understanding the lesson. The 2013 Curriculum
generations who have broad knowledge, good supports the fulfillment of students needs by
attitudes and skills, and be able to compete in implementing thematic. The students’
global society. involvement in learning process is being more
In implementing the 2013 Curriculum, it’s prioritized and the purpose of learning is to
identified that school’s learning emphasize more activate them to give them direct experiences in
on learning experience aspects which are in line order to camouflage the separation between one
with students’ talent and interest. Considering lesson and another.
the fact that students’ characteristics in Indonesia The learning process which is suited with
are different each other, so it needs to be carried socio-cultural life can be possibly to enable the

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

students to construct their own knowledge and to The introduction to the social and cultural (socio-
apply it. The learning process is packed in such cultural) environment around the students was
process that involves students’ special social and very limited. From the explanation above, it can
cultural, thus after teaching and learning process be seen that some public elementary schools in
is over, the students are able to construct socio- Pedan District still have problems and constraints
cultural, for example the teachers are regarded as in implementing thematic learning based on
knowledge sources and the students are regarded socio-cultural for first grader. Based on those
as passive receivers, that way is opened for the findings, it can be drawn the objectives of the
students to accept it without being critized even research namely (1) to find out the
though it is being performed in any form based implementation of integrative thematic learning
on their knowledge. This socio-cultural theory of the first grade of elementary school, (2) to find
approach uses society and cultural as inspiration out the constraints in implementing thematic
in learning process[9]. That opinion is suitable learning on socio-cultural based of the first grade
with the research from John_Steiner and Mahn elementary school.
[6] entitled “Socio-cultural Approaches to
Learning and Development: A Vygotskian
Framework” that says:
“Socio-cultural approaches emphasized The research used descriptive qualitative
the interdependence of social and individual approach. It was an approach that describe and
interpret the objects as it were[12]. The
processes in the construction of knowledge. The
role played by culture and language in human population of the research was first grade of
development is an essential aspect of the elementary schools in Pedan Disctrict which
Vygotskin framework and work is examined, have implemented the 2013 Curriculum. The
particularly as it contrasts with other locations of the research were seven elementary
schools, namely SD 2 Kalangan, SD N 2
perspectives on the process of internalization of
social interaction in the construction of Jetiswetan, SD N 1 Keden, SD N 2 Keden, SD N
knowledge”. 3 Keden, SD N 2 Tambakboyo and SD N 1
Sobayan. The subjects of the research were first
The social customs, beliefs, values and grade homeroom teachers in Pedan District. The
languages are parts of the things that forming objects of the research were the processes and the
constraints in socio-cultural based learning for
one’s identity and reality. Someone’s thinking
pattern is built based on his social and cultural first grader in the second semester. The main data
background. This is in line with constructivism collection technique was interview, while the
supporting data collection was observation and
theory from Vygotsky that explains knowledge is
not the collection of facts from a statement that documentation.
being learnt but as someone’s cognitive The interview was carried out by the
researcher by digging as much as possible data
construction towards objects, experiences, and
environments[3]. Knowledge is not a determined that had any relation with the research objects to
thing before hand but a forming process. The find out the implementing of thematic learning
based on socio-cultural in public elementary
more someone interacts with objects and
environment around him, his knowledge and schools in Pedan Disctrict through learning
understanding toward the objects and those process and daily life in the schools. The
environment will improve and is detail. interview was carried out to the first grade
The implementation of the 2013 teachers.
In this research, the observation was done
Curriculum in Pedan District was in phase and
limited. In the academic year of 2013/2014, the to find out the learning process, extracurricular
2013 Curriculum was implemented in all activities, and observing cultural life or daily life
in the schools, thus the researcher would know
schools, and then being stopped for one semester,
and was continued in the academic year of deeper about how the implementation of socio-
2016/2017 just for seven elementary public cultural based learning was carried out in those
schools in Pedan District. Based on the result of
the observation and interview carried out on The observation that was done in this
January 16-March 15, 2017, it was still found out research was participative observation, since the
research involve directly into the daily activities
some constraints in implementing thematic
learning based on socio-cultural. According to of the observed people or the people who were
the observation of the thematic learning process, used as data sources in the research, thus the data
collected would be more complete and clear. For
the learning process runs as one way process. It
meant that the students less active in the process. example: observing the extracurricular activities,

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

the learning process in the classroom, and and lesson plans which were used by the teachers
students’ habitual in the school’s environment to in Pedan District. The first syllabus was made by
keep the environment. the KKG Team, while the second syllabus was
The documentation as supporting method in made by the teacher. According the result of the
the effort to get data from special activities could document analysis, some of the elements of
be used as documentations to explain the syllabus and lesson plan contained socio-cultural
condition by the researcher. In this research, the based thematic learning, but some of them did
documentation was used to support the data not have it. The elements that showed socio-
acquired from the interview and observation, so cultural based thematic learning were main
the data would be more credible. The materials, learning activities, and the indicators
documentation in this research included: the of competencies accomplishment. Meanwhile,
2013 Curriculum and lesson plans/syllabus made the elements which did not show socio-cultural
by the teachers based on socio-cultural based based thematic learning were the evaluation and
learning that was implemented, the list of learning resources which were going to be used.
teachers’ evaluation related to the However, in the syllabus and lesson plan did not
implementation of socio-cultural based learning. contain the noble values of social and cultural
The data analysis technique used analysis which were implicitly implied in the learning
technique by Miles and Hubberman cited in activities.
Ariesto Hadi Sutopo, [1]. The qualitative The second syllabus and lesson plan were
data analysis consisted of three activities that the syllabus and lesson plan used by one teacher.
occurred simultaneously, which were data According to the result of the document analysis,
reduction, data presentation, and conclusion the elements in the syllabus and lesson plan that
drawing/verification. The researcher used showed socio-cultural based thematic learning
credibility testing as sources triangulation and included main materials, learning experiences,
technique triangulation. the indicators of competencies accomplishment,
and evaluation. Meanwhile, the elements that did
not show socio-cultural based thematic learning
was learning resources, since he did not utilize
The research was carried out in elementary the cultural community that scattered around the
schools in Pedan Distcrict of Klaten City where students as learning resources, but only in the
located on around Pedan District office. There
form of pictures. However, in this syllabus and
are seven elementary schools in Pedan District lesson plan has already contained the socio-
which implemented the 2013 Curriculum. The cultural value which was implied in the learning
distance between each elementary school around
the district was not so far. All of the seven When the researcher was conducting the
elementary schools in Pedan District did not use interview, all of the seven first grade teachers
pararel class system. The location and the
gave statements about their understanding of
atmosphere in this district were very conducive socio-cultural based thematic learning. From the
for learning process, since it was laid at the statements of those seven teachers, almost all of
countryside which was quite calm. Besides that,
them did not understand the essence of socio-
the social and cultural in this countryside was cultural based thematic learning. There were
still strong. It was proved by the quite amount of only two teachers who clearly understand, they
lurik craftsman and the local art was still well were TP and SS whose statements contained the
kept, such as “wayang orang”, moreover, the keywords “relating social and cultural around
social care and the care between people was still
society”. However, their understandings were
well being kept. not one hundred percent true about the essence of
Based on the document analysis results and socio-cultural based thematic learning. This
interview done by the researcher, the lesson plan
matter, however, of course would implicate in
for learning in Pedan District elementary schools learning process in the classroom.
was made by the KKG Team. Therefore, almost But the researcher also has analyzed the
all the first grade teachers had the same syllabus
result of the observations at each school. Each
and lesson plan. From all of the seven elementary school was being observed for three meetings. In
schools, just one teacher made his own lesson general, it could be concluded that the teachers in
implementing socio-cultural based thematic
Based on the result of the interview and learning have given their best efforts. All of them
document analysis about the lesson plan which have implemented the form of socio-cultural
was used by the seven teachers, it could be
based thematic learning. In general, at the
concluded that there were two types of syllabuses introduction activity (conditioning), the teachers

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

had been relating the students’ experiences with students with learning experiences that are based
the material to be taught. In the main activity in real-world application and structured to
(creating meaning), the teachers tried to encourage higher-order learning”.
implement the form of socio-cultural based Thematic learning in the 2013 Curriculum
thematic learning. If it was seen based on the demands the teachers to make learning
form of cultural physically, there were five instruments that enable the learning process in
teachers who could be said to use learning the classroom to run well. For the teachers, it is
through culture since the teachers presented very important to design the learning in the
concrete media from cultural products to deliver classroom that enables the students to be more
the lesson. Meanwhile, the other two teachers did active and creative in order to improve the
not use learning trough culture. All of the seven quality of the students. The teachers with their
teachers have given role model through their own experiences will succeed the learning only
actions while teaching. if it is suited with the students’ socio-cultural life.
Based on the result of the interview with the It is way far away with the facts on the fields,
seven teachers, it could be concluded that the based on the results of interview and observation,
constraints in implementing socio-cultural based there are still many teachers who did not have
thematic learning were the limitation of books, understand the essence of socio-cultural based
learning media, teachers’ comprehension toward thematic learning. When observing the fields,
social and cultural around the environment thus there were some teachers in the learning process
they still had difficulties in integrating socio- implemented one way learning process.
cultural learning into the material of the 2013 Therefore, the teachers still needs more
Curriculum. The implementation of the 2013 guidelines about the 2013 Curriculum and socio-
Curriculum was presented in the model of cultural based thematic learning.
integrative thematic learning. Integrative Socio-cultural is more known as social
thematic learning was describes as a learning aspects and cultural in the society. The students
system that enabled the students, both start learning from these aspects, culture in the
individually and group, actively digging and home, in the school and in the society. Socio-
finding the concepts and scientific principals cultural aspect is basically the essence from the
holistically, meaningful, and authentically. This social process in the society. [8] explains that the
model used thematic approach that involved essence of socio-cultural is learning viewed from
some subject matters to give meaningful social process, in which lays on the cultural
experiences to the students. context, organization, and history. The socio-
The process of integrative thematic learning cultural aspects can be in the form of culture,
which was carried out in the schools did not pay nature potentiality, communities’ job, and social
much attention the local socio-cultural values order of society and many more that can be used
where the schools were belong. It was because as local potentiality. Local potentialites of course
the books provided by the government were the are really useful in learning. According to the
teacher’s books and students’ book which were principals, learning process starts from the
arranged nationally so there were some materials concrete to abstract and from the near to the far.
that were not suitable with local socio-cultural By utilizing all the potentials around the region,
values. of course it will ease the students to start
The teachers very needed books that were learning. Based on the result of the observation
based on the 2013 Curriculum aside from and interview, there are still found out some
Kemendikbud. All this years, the teachers just teachers who do not deeply understand about
used the books provided by Kemendikbid. The their local potentiality, viewed both from social
teachers needed interesting learning books to aspects and cultural aspects.
encourage the students to be creative. Based on the result of the observation, the
teachers unconsciously, in fact have
implemented socio-cultural based learning. It is
proved as they used learning through cultural in
The 2013 Curriculum implemented
the learning process. The teachers used media
integrative thematic learning model which did form their cultural products around the students,
not leave the previous model and teaching likes “kain lurik” to explain the example of
methods. Each learning which has purpose to
improve certain skill was still conducted in the Socio-cultural is regarded as the connection
integrative thematic approach. [10] adds between learning subjects and objects. [2] that
“Integrated Thematic Instruction based curricula
learning through connection or mediation as
stress the integration of all disciplines to present culture happens when people use symbolic tools

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

to organize their activities, in the form of cultural it is influenced by parenting patterns and the
symbols that they have. This interpretation is society. [7] that students’ behaviors in the
supposed to be that culture could be the schools are determined by the cultural norms
connection and mediation in learning. The they got from the home, especially the behaviors
students will learn easier about the knowledge by from the mothers. Parents’ roles really influence
mediating the culture they already know. Learn students’ behaviors. These behaviors will be
from the closest things with them will be more showed in the school. The teachers should pay
easily understood by them. attention to these aspects in teaching, the
The teachers as the educators should use aspirations from every student should be taken
socio-cultural as the connection in delivering into account in order to form balance
knowledge. [5] explains that the teachers, who multicultural class.
use social cultural theories in teaching, will The implication of socio-cultural based
mostly probably encourage their students to thematic learning is to insert the students’ social
interact in the classroom and arranging various cultural elements into learning process. Socio-
learning activities. Learning that is conducting cultural elements which are inserted are local
by using socio-cultural aspect will be easier to be potentialities and variation of jobs around them.
taken by the students. Media which is used are Socio-cultural aspects become the bridge in
also easily taken and varieties. Knowledge conducting learning process in order to ease the
transfer will be easily conducted. students conducting learning process.
The students build their knowledge easier if Conducting learning process needs preparation
they interact with their surroundings. It is in line and arranged in curriculum. The teachers are
with Vygotsky [11] as follows: counting the socio-cultural aspects around them.
a. Social interaction is very important in The responsibility senses, tolerances toward
helping building knowledge for a student culture which are brought by the students needs
b. Self-arranging is developed through to be aroused so those tolerances between
internalization students can be formed.
c. Human development takes place through Socio-cultural aspects have not yet been
cultural tools inserted to the maximum by the teachers in the
d. Language and cultural tools are very learning process. It is because the lack of
important teachers’ understanding about socio-cultural
e. ZPD is the difference between what cannot based thematic learning, the limitedness of
be done and can be done by students learning media, and learning resources like
themselves books. The books are really needed as learning
resources. The books make the creation of
Based on Vygotsky’s above, the students’ environment and atmosphere that enable the
knowledge forming process does not separate students to learn. The books covered knowledge
from social interaction and the use of as learning resources to ease the learning process
surrounding social cultural. in order to reach the objectives of learning to the
Socio-cultural approach relates to the optimum.
integrative thematic approach. It is in line with According to the result of the interview can
the Dolya’s opinion [4] who says that learning be explained as socio-cultural based thematic
which implements elements from the learning still relies so much to the books
surrounding offers integrative thematic provided by the government. The books provided
approach. The students’ knowledge will be by the government in the form of teacher’s book
acquired as a whole without being separated and students’ books are arranged nationally thus
from every subject matter being taught. The some of the materials are not suitable enough
students learn plants for example; from the plants with the local socio-cultural values. The schools
the students learn colors, simple counting, and have not yet developed another book. So the
other subject matters. Human development that learning activities have not yet developed by the
includes many aspects is considered as the teachers. The schools still use books provided by
aspects from socio-cultural discipline. This the government or buy it from the publishers.
interconnection underlies the conducted This dependence of course will cause the
integrative thematic learning based on socio- learning that does not involve socio-cultural
cultural. aspects around the schools’ environments. The
The implementation of socio-cultural based learning is still general and national.
learning should pay attention the social cultural The teachers need interesting learning book
component to students themselves. The students and encourage the students to be creative.
bring social cultural aspects around them, where Therefore, it is needed to develop learning books

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

that are appropriate with the 2013 Curriculum by ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

inserting socio-cultural aspects (socio-cultural
Finally, I would like to thank everybody
values). The socio-cultural based integrative
who was important to the successful realization
thematic learning books are developed according
of this paper. This paper is far from perfect, but
to the elementary students’ characteristics in the
it is expected that it will be useful not only for the
stage of concrete operational thinking and
researcher, but also for the readers. For this
learning from the surrounding. The socio-
reason, constructive thoughtfull suggestion and
cultural based learning books development has a
critics are welcomed.
purpose to give learning resources which can
build students’ knowledge by using cultures
around them as material contents. REFERENCES
Learning books that implementing the 2013 [1] Ariesto Hadi Sutopo & Adrianus Arief, dkk.
Curriculum socio-cultural based and developing (2010). Terampil Mengolah Data Kualitatif
students’ characteristics are really needed to dengan NVivo. Jakarta: Kencana
support the learning process. The socio-cultural
values are integrated into integrative thematic [2] Boreham, N and Morgan, C. (2004).
learning in the elementary schools. Since the Asociocultural analysis of organisational
elementary educational as the base of education, learning. Oxford Review of Education
thus succeed of the elementary education Vol.30, No 3, September
determines succeed to higher level of educations. [3] Budiningsih, C.A. 2004. Belajar dan
Based on the result of the result and the pembelajaran. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.
discussion above, it can be concluded that: (1) in
the matter of conducting learning, the activities [4] Dolya G. (2010). Vyotsky in action in the
done by the teachers has not yet refer to the early years. New York: Routledge
lesson plan. The teachers also do not understand [5] Eun, N. (2010). From learning to
the essence of socio-cultural based thematic development: a sociocultural approach to
learning. But, the teachers have implemented instruction. Cambridge Journal of
socio-cultural based thematic learning. All the Education. Vol. 40, No.4, December, 401-
teachers tend to implement learning form with 418
culture and through culture. Besides that, the
teachers also insert noble social values to the [6] John-Steiner and Mahn . 2010. Sociocultural
students through learning activities. (2) the Approaches to Learning and
constraints faced by the first grade teachers in Development:A Vygotskian Framework.
elementary schools in Pedan District in Journal of Educational Psychology, 31(3/4),
implementing socio-cultural based thematic 191-206
learning are the teachers have little knowledge [7] Knapp, M.S (2008). How can organizational
media and learning sources in socio-cultural and sociocultural learning theories shed light
based thematic learning. Media and learning on district instructional reform. American
sources in socio-cultural based thematic learning Journal of Education 114 (August) by The
do not only in the form of learning tools, but also University of Chicago. All rights reserved
through thinking and culture behaviors which are
integrated into learning process. [8] Konzulin, A, 2003. Vygotsky’s
Based on the conclusion above, it can be educational theory in cultural context. New
drawn the suggestion to the teachers should York: Cambridge University Press
develop and add their knowledge about [9] Randle, I. (2011). The measure of success:
implementing socio-cultural based thematic integrated thematic instruction. ProQuest
learning, learning equipment development, and Educational Journals, 71, 85-87
learning resources thorough KKG or the 2013
Curriculum seminar. The headmaster should [10] Schunk, D.H., Pintrich, P.R & Meece, J.L.
motivate the teachers to be able developing and (2012) . Learning Theories an Educational
conducting socio-cultural based thematic Perspective. (6th ed). (terjemahan Eva
learning way better, especially with the relation Hamdiah dan Rahmat Fajar). BostonL
to the evaluation activity. Pearson. (Buku asli diterbitkan tahun 2012
[11] Sukardi. (2011). Metodologi Penelitian.
Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Farida Rahayu1, Edi Istiyono2
Physics Education Department, Graduate School, Yogyakarta State University
[email protected], [email protected]

This research aimed to make improvements of learning related to the assessment of physics learning by
developing a Creative Thinking test. The stages of research included preparing the test content outline,
writing the items, validating the items by experts, improving and preparing the two sets of Creative
Thinking tests. The subjects of the research were 300 students of senior high school in Gunung Kidul
Regency of Special Region of Yogyakarta, inter alia, Public Senior High School 1 of Patuk, Public Senior
High School 2 of Playen, Public Senior High School 1 of Karangmojo, and Public Senior High School 1 of
Wonosari. The items were validated by physicists and experts in physics education, producing Aiken's V
index. The tests items scoring was using a polytomous scale of four categories and Partial Credit Model
(PCM). Characteristics of the tests consisted of goodness of fit, reliability, and difficulty level of items. The
research findings showed the instrument reliability of 0.71 with sufficient criterion. Guided by the highest
and lowest limit criterion of INFIT MNSQ of 0.77 to 1.30 fit with PCM model as many as 65 items. Index
of difficulty items was between -0.90 to 1.66, meaning that the items were in good category for the value
was between -2.0 to 2.0. Based on the characteristic all of the tests were considered eligible to use to
measure creative thinking abilities of students.
Keywords : Creative Thinking, Partial Credit Model (PCM), Politomus.

only acts as a facilitator (providing facilities for

students), a mentor (improving wrong
Physics is assumed as a difficult,
understanding of students), a motivator
frightening subject (Angell, Guttersrud &
(increasing the spirit of learning of students), and
Henriksen, 2007). This is because there are many
an innovator (triggering students to be creative
mathematical equations in physics and students
with the models formed).
assume the mathematical equations must be
Evaluation and assessment are needed to
memorized. The assumption does not rise itself,
monitor students' progress related to the learning.
indeed. The approaches and methods used by
Evaluation and assessment can guide students to
teachers in teaching the concepts of physics as
determine the change of more complex learning
though emphasized that the concepts of physics
outcomes (Gardner, 2013). Assessment is an
are the collection of mathematical equations
interrelated part of evaluation. Assessment is a
(Loviza, 2011). Most of the teaching of physics
process that is very important in the learning
is performed by giving the questions and
process (Binkley, 2012). Assessment can provide
exercises, so that the students are more getting
a picture of the extent to which the learning
stuck on the discussion of the questions and less
process has been achieved, thus a test as an
revealing the actual process.
assessment tool or instrument is necessary to
Learning physics requires students to be
determine the level of achievement.
active to improve the understanding of the
Test is a planned measurement tool used by
concepts of physics. This is in accordance with
teachers to provide opportunities for students to
the principles of constructivism, which
show the achievement and its relation to the
knowledge is constructed by students
intended purpose (Cangelosi, 1995: 23).
themselves. Passive students cannot acquire the
Furthermore, Scott (1993) explains the variation
knowledge transferred by the teacher directly.
in developing the written test, namely, multiple
The students who are active continuously will be
choice, sentence completion, listing, true-false,
able to acquire the knowledge, thus, there is
matching, essay, and modified form. The tests
always a change in concept to a more complex
used by teachers so far are not able to measure
direction. Marilyn (2013) explains that teacher

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

the thinking abilities of students, one of which is Multiple choice test is more widely used
the ability of creative thinking. than other forms of test. From the results of a
Multiple choice is a form of test often used. preliminary survey by conducting interviews
In general, the form of multiple choice questions with senior high school physics teachers in
has not been able to measure the ability of Gunung Kidul Regency of Special Region of
creative thinking of students. The development Yogyakarta, multiple choice test is commonly
of Reasoning Multiple Choice is necessary to used both in midterm test and in final test.
measure the ability of creative thinking. On the However in reality, the multiple-choice test used
test, reasoning multiple choice questions requires in senior high school in physics subject has not
students to think about the suitable reason for the measured students' ability to think creatively.
answer selected. Therefore, the process of The test results scoring is using
thinking directly determines the right reason, dichotomous model, i.e., 1 score for correct item
thus training the ability of creative thinking of and 0 score for incorrect item. Fairer polytomous
students. model has not been used because of the
The abilities of creative thinking include considerations of the steps to complete the test.
the ability to see new possibilities then discover This dichotomous scoring model has not
relationship among the different ideas and can appreciated the steps of completing the test,
reconstruct or find ways to solve the problem because a different error also generates the same
(Van Velsor et al, 2010). Its characteristics are: score, namely, 0. Thus, this scoring model is
(1) Fluent: have lots of ideas and solutions; (2) certainly unfair.
Flexible: have many variations and alternative Based on the description above, a reasoning
answers and be able to see the problem from multiple choice test named Creative Thinking
different perspectives; (3) Original: have unique Test is used to measure the ability to think
and unusual ideas; (3) Elaborate: adding details creatively in physics. Therefore, the assessment
to the ideas got (Jill & Schirrmacher, 2009). Each instruments of the ability to think creatively
of the characteristics of the abilities of creative consisting of tests and assessment guidelines as
thinking have different indicators. Thus, the well as the characteristics of Creative Thinking
indicators of creative thinking include answering Test need to be compiled.
several questions with a number of facts,
expressing ideas fluently, finding the error of an
object, giving perspectives, thinking of ways of
solving the problem, classifying things in The development model used was
different categories, solving new problems, Thiagarajan's 4-D (1974) which includes four
stages, namely, Define, Design, Development,
looking for a deeper meaning to a solution to the
problem, enriching the ideas of others, and trying and Dissemination.
to make something new.

Figure 1. 4D Model

Define stage includes: (1) Determining the number of subjects of the trial test used were 300
purpose of the test, (2) Determining the students.
competency to be tested, (3) Determining the The instruments of Creative Thinking test
materials. Design stage includes: (1) Preparing were validated by 2 physicists and 2 experts in
the test content outline, (2) Writing the items. physics education. All items of the test are valid
Development stage includes: (1) Validating the if the Aiken's V index value is in the range of
items of the test, (2) Improving and preparing the 0.37 to 1 (Kowsalya et al, 2012: 702).
items of the test. Dissemination stage includes:
(1) Determining the subjects of the test (senior ......................................... (1)
high schools), (2) Conducting trial test.
This research used the subjects of trial test
of four (4) senior high schools in Gunung Kidul
V = Aiken's V index
Regency, namely, Public Senior High School 1
n = the number of rater
of Patuk, Public Senior High School 2 of Playen,
s = the number of s of n rater
Public Senior High School 1 of Karangmojo, and
c = skor from rater
Public Senior High School 1 of Wonosari. The

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

The reliability value of all instrument is in subject for senior high school. Which PCM was
accordance with the interpretation of the the development of Rasch model which is a 1-PL
reliability value with Rasch model. model. The data analysis was performed on
The data analysis of this research was using several aspects, such as goodness of fit,
Partial Credit Model ( PCM) for fit testing of reliability, and difficulty level of items.
items of creative thinking ability test for physics

Tabel 1. Distribution of Creative Thinking Test

Indicator of Material
Aspect Sub Aspect Creative Elasticity and Temperature &
Static Fluid Optical Device
Thinking Hooke's Law Heat
Fluency Formulate Answering
Answers Questions
with a 2(1A,6B) 2(3A,8B) 2(4A,9B) 2(5A,10B)
number of
Express ideas Current
makes ideas / 2(9A,14B) 2(10A,15B) 2(11A,16B) 2(12A,17B)
Criticize an See the
object errors of an 2(14A,19B) 2(13A,18B) 2(15A,20B) 2(16A,21B)
Flexybility Interpreting. Gives a point
2(18A,23B) 2(17A,22B) 2(19A,24B) 2(20A,25B)
of view.
Looking for Think of
Alternative ways of
- 2(21A,26B) 2(22A,27B) -
answers solving the
Categorize Categorize
things by
different 2(24A,1B) 2(25A,2B) 2(23A,28B) 2(24A,29B)
parts or
Originality Plan new Fixed a new
- 1(26A,31B)* 2(33A,3B) -
things. issue.
Elaboration Solving Looking
Problems with deeper
detailed meaning 2(7A,12B) - 1(30A,35B)* 1(25A,30B)*
procedures about a
Develop 2(8A,13B)
2(2A,7B) 2(6A,11B) 1(34A,4B)*
Testing. Trying to
create 1(29A,34B)* 2(27A,32B)
2(35A,5B) 2(28A,33B)
Note : *) ancror items

Table 1 describes the items distribution of

Creative Thinking tests consisting of two sets,
The results of this study show
namely, set 1 is Paket A (Package A) and set 2 is
characteristics of craetive thinking test to use to
Paket B (Package B) which each consisted of 35
measure creative thinking abilities of students,
items. Each test covering the materials of
such as
Elasticity and Hooke's Law, Static Fluid,
a. The reliability of instruments of the
Temperature & Heat, and Optical Device. Both
research results was 0.71.
test instruments have 5 anchor items.
b. The values of goodness of fit of all
items were in the range of 0.84 to 1.14.
c. The difficulty level per item or the
difficulty value is -0.90 - 1.66.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Tabel 2. Results of Results Estimates Item and Testi in Creative Thinking Test
No Information Estimates item Estimates Testi
1 Average value and standard deviation -0,01 0,66 -0,49 0,38
2 Reliability 0,71 0,73
3 Average value and standard deviation INFIT MNSQ 1,00 0,05 1,01 0,25
4 Average value and standard deviation OUTFIT MNSQ 1,04 0,26 1,06 0,66
5 Average value and standard deviation INFIT t 0,00 0,57 -0,10 1,11
6 Average value and standard deviation OUTFIT t 0,14 1,10 0,06 0,66

category of the answers of students. An item is

considered good if the difficulty index is more
The responses and assessments of the two than -2.0 or less than 2.0 which can be expressed
experts in physics education and two physicists by (-2.0 < b < 2.0). The calculation results of the
generated Aiken's V index value of 0.72 of the 65 difficulty level of 65 items of questions about
items of questions developed. The overall Creative Thinking in two packages of questions
Aiken's V index per item of question was developed showed a good value, that was in
between 0.37 to 1.00, so that all the developed between the range of -0.90 - 1.66 categorized
items of questions were considered valid by the high medium low. It was in accordance with the
physicists and experts in physics education. This theory of Hamleton & Swaminathan (1985: 107),
was consistent with the interpretation steps taken that a difficulty level is considered good if it is
(Kowsalya et al, 2012: 702). between -2.0 and +2.0.
The reliability of instruments of the
research results was 0.71. The reliability value of ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
all the instruments can be seen in Table 2. Thus,
We thanked the DP2M (Directorate of
the reliability interpretation by 0.71 was said
Research and Community Services), which has
sufficient. This was in accordance with Rasch
funded this research.
model, which the reliability value in the range of
0.67 to 0.80 is said quite reliable. So, these
instruments can be used for research. REFERENCES
The findings obtained goodness of fit of all [1] Adams, R. J. & Khoo, S. T. (1996). Quest:
items of questions developed based on mean of The interactive test analysis system version
INFIT Mean of Square (Mean of INFIT MNSQ) 2.1. Victoria: The Australian Council for
and its standard deviation or observing Mean of Educational Reearch.
INFIT t and its standard deviation. If the mean of
INFIT MNSQ is around 1.00 and its standard [2] Angell, Guttersrud & Henriksen. (2007).
deviation is 0.00 or mean of INFIT t approaching Creativity as a framework for a modelling
0.00 and its standard deviation is 1.00, then the approach to physics education.[online 23
entire test fits the 1 PL PCM model. The limit of Februari 2016]
the acceptance of items using infit MNSQ was [3] Cangelosi. (1995). Merancang Tes Untuk
between 0.77 to 1.30. The findings showed the Menilai Prestasi Siswa. Bandung : Penerbit
values of goodness of fit of all items were in the ITB.
range of 0.84 to 1.14. All items fitted because
they were in between the two limit lines of [4] Hambleton, R.K., Swaminatha, H., 7
goodness of fit. Rogers, H. J (1991). Foundamental of item
These findings concluded that the items response theory. Newbury Park, CA: Sage
developed fitted the Partial Credit Model (PCM), Publication Inc.
in accordance with the theory developed by [5] Jill, E.F & R. Schirrmacher. (2009). Art &
Adam & Khoo (1996: 30) and were valid based Creative Development for Young Children.
on empirical test with the Distribution Goodness USA: Wadsworth
of Fit by INFIT MNSQ 65 Items of Questions
About Creative Thinking in the range from 0.77 [6] Kowsalya, D. N. et al. (2012). Development
to 1.30. The criteria of items were considered and Validation of a scale to asses self
valid (fit) by seeing the criteria (Sumintono & concept in mild intellecctualy disabled
Widhiarso, 2009: 115). children. International journalsoc. Sci &
The difficulty level per item or the Education.
difficulty value is the difficulty level per

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

[7] Loviza, U. (2011). Penggunaan Pendekatan

Multi Representasi Pada Pembelajaran
Konsep Gerak Untuk Meningkatkan
Pemahaman Kosep dan Memperkeceil
Kuantitas Miskonsepsi Pada Siswa SMP.
Program Pacasarjana Universitas
Pendidikan Indonesia. Bandung.
[8] Marilyn. (2012). Defining Twenty-First
Century Skills. Dalam Grifin,P., Care, E.,
&McGaw, B (eds), Assessment and
Teaching of 21st Century Skills (pp.17-66).
London: Springer.
[9] Sumintono, Bambang & Widhiarso,Wahyu.
(2009). Rasch Model metode pengukuran
modern dalam ilmu-ilmu social. Cimahi:
Trim Komunikata publishing House
[10] Thiagarajan, S., Semmel, D. S & Semmel,
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Training Teachers of Expectional Children.
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Training Institute/Special Education,
University of Minnesota.
[11] Van Velsor, Ellen et al. (2010). The Center
For Creative Leadership. Handbook of
Leadership Development. San Fransisco: A
wiley Imprint.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Trisna Helda1, Dina Ramadhanti2
PGRI STKIP West Sumatra
Jalan Gunung Pangilun Padang, West Sumatra
[email protected]

This research is motivated by the limited ability of students to understand the learning materials syntax
Indonesian in Language Study Program and Literature Indonesia. One strategy is to use PBL faculty. PBL
is used to allow students to solve problems in everyday environments with subjects linked to the Indonesian
Syntax. Therefore, the lecturers were very large role in developing Semester Learning Plan (RPS) and
Teaching Unit Class (SAP) syntax. One way that can be used lecturer is to provide a syntax-based SAP
RPS and Problem Based Learning (PBL). This study aims to describe the development of RPS and SAP-
based PBL valid syntax, practical, and effective for use in the learning process in the course of Syntax
This type of research is the development model. Test samples in this study is the semester students of four
(IV) courses of study Indonesian language and literature education STKIP PGRI West Sumatra took a
course of syntax. The instrument used was the instrument validity, practicality and effectiveness. Data
obtained through the instrument analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The initial analysis we concluded
that students need a learning device designed by RPS and SAP-based PBL learning syntax. The results of
this study are prodak ie learning device consisting of RPS and SAP courses Indonesian syntax based PBL.
Keywords: Semester Learning Plan (RPS), Teaching Unit Class (SAP), Problem Based Learning (PBL)

references when not all the material that must be

mastered by students is contained in the
Syntax is studied by the students of
reference. (3) When lecturers provide
Indonesian Language and Literature Education
reinforcement during lecture not all students can
Study Program in the fourth semester with the
absorb well because of lack of motivation of
requirement that they have passed the general
students to read other references that contain
linguistic introduction course in the first
syntactic material. (4) When asked to analyze the
semester, phonology in the second semester and
sentence, the student seems to understand what is
morphology in the third semester. Syntax is a
described by example. However, when told to
compulsory course for students with BIND80047
analyze the sentence they have difficulty. This
code. This lecture contains a discussion of
proves the students do not understand the
syntactical understanding and its relationship
concept of syntax.
with other language study subsystems, phrase
Problems like this will certainly have an
structure characteristics; Clause; And sentences,
impact on the students. Students will not be able
analyzing the types of phrases; Clause; And
to understand the concept of syntax let alone use
sentence based on certain point of view and apply
the syntax concept in planning research and
it in research and teaching Indonesian language.
teaching in school. Therefore, lecturers should be
Based on the observation and learning
able to plan and implement quality learning
process that was implemented it was difficult for
process so that students can understand the
students to understand the syntactic concepts.
syntactic concepts. Lecturers can use learning
Syntactic learning process has not been done
methods that are more varied than the method of
well. This is influenced by the following aspects.
discussion in the learning process. Lecturers can
(1) The learning process is conducted by way of
develop learning device by using complete
discussion, students are instructed to write group
resources that contain all learning materials that
papers. In the process of making papers, students
must be mastered by students. Lecturers can use
are involved only one or two people and only use
resources and learning materials that are close
one or two sources. (2) Students use one or two

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

and often encountered by students in their daily combining phrases into clauses, and combining
academic environment. clauses to form sentences.
Based on the literature revision, the
Semester Learning Plan (RPS) and Teaching The Nature of Problem Based Learning (PBL)
Unit Class (SAP) used by the students have been Relevant theories related to the nature of the
incomplete and interesting since the PBL include the definition of PBL, PBL
competencies to be achieved in RPS and SAP are characteristics, and PBL measures.
not in accordance with the standard of teaching
syntax teaching Indonesian. In it only described Understanding PBL
the conventionally delivered learning materials. According to Fogarty (1997: 2) PBL is
This method makes students not challenged to described below.
learn mastering the science of syntax. Problem based learning is a
One of the learning models that lecturers curriculum model design around
can use is the Problem Based Learning model real life problem that is ill
(hereinafter abbreviated and written PBL). PBL structured, open ended, or
is a learning model that aims to assist students in ambiguous. An ill structured
developing the ability to think and solve problem is fuzzy, unclear, or not yet
problems. Students can learn by getting involved indentified. It is often a situation that
in the real experiences they encounter in is a confusing and complex, with a
everyday life. When done with the syntactic number of interrelated concerns.
learning process then the problems found in The problem may only be sensed at
everyday life are associated with syntactic first. It is not fully delineated. For
concepts. Therefore, the lecturers need to arrange Example, students to teachers may
the device in the form of Semester Learning Plan sense that there is a problem on the
(RPS) and Teaching Teaching Unit (SAP) of playground at lunchtime. Homever,
PBL-based learning is to assist students in the they do not know exactly what the
process of understanding the concept of syntax. problem is
The application of PBL in the development of
RPS and SAP learning is assumed to help Fogarty states that PBL is a curriculum
students understand the concept of syntax and designed to solve real-life problems in a
can apply the concept in everyday life. structured, open, and still needs to be resolved. A
Based on the above, it is necessary to do this structured problem that is still vague, unclear, or
research to develop RPS and SAP based Problem unidentified yet creates an interconnected
Based Learning (PBL). situation. The problem can only be felt in the
This research was formulated to describe beginning. The problem is not fully illustrated.
the development of Semester Learning Plan For example, students feel there is a problem at
(RPS) and Teaching Unit Class (SAP) of PBL rest, but they do not know the problem. Sanjaya
based learning. Relevant theories as the basis and (2008) said that PBL is a series of learning
reference in conducting this research include the activities that emphasize the process of solving
syntactic nature, the nature of the PBL, and the problems scientifically. PBL is also a learning by
learning device (RPS and SAP). exposing students to practical problems as a
foothold in learning so that students learn
The Nature of Syntax through problems.
Syntactically etymologically comes from Thus, PBL is a learning strategy that can
the Greek word sun meaning 'with' and tattein make student-centered learning. They can use
which means 'put'. Thus, the syntax based on the their thinking ability to solve problems more
two terms means putting together words into openly. This is because the PBL requires students
groups of words. In Dutch the term syntaxis is to be more active in participating in solving
used which means 'to organize together'. In problems close to them.
English the term syntax is used which means'
sentence'.Verhaar says syntax is the science of Characteristics of PBL
language that investigates all interrelationships Sanjaya (2008: 214) pointed out that there
and between groups of words (phrases) in the are three main characteristics of PBL strategy:
basic unit of the sentence. Thus, it can be (A) PBL strategy is a series of learning activities,
concluded that syntax is one of the branches of there are a number of activities that must be done
linguistics that studies the ins and outs of the by students. (B) Learning activities are directed
formation of sentences with the word being the at solving problems. (C) Problem solving is done
base, the combination of words forming phrases, by using a scientific thinking approach. Thus, the

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

characteristics of PBL begin with the application learning, which are real problems, links to other
of real problems close to the student. Students are disciplines, international insights, the use of
required to think creatively in solving such information and communication technologies,
problems and report their work in front of the creativity, innovation, and leadership.
Teaching Materials
Steps PBL Depdiknas (2008: 6) explains that teaching
According to Fogarty (Wena, 2009: 92) the materials are all forms of materials used to help
PBL measures are finding problems, identifying teachers in carrying out teaching and learning
problems, collecting facts, preparing hypotheses, activities. The teaching materials in question can
conducting investigations, refining defined be either written materials or unwritten materials.
problems, concluding collaborative solutions, Teaching materials classified as printed materials
and testing outcomes (Solution) troubleshooting. are handouts, books, modules, student
Ibrahim (2000: 24) says that the PBL consists of worksheets, posters, brochures, leaflets,
five stages: student orientation on issues, wallcharts, and photos/pictures. Teaching
organizing students to learn, guiding individual materials that can be developed by lecturers in
inquiry, developing and presenting the work, and the learning process is a module.
analyzing and classifying problem-solving
Atmazaki (2013: 17) states that assessment
Learning Device is an effort to collect data and facts to make
Relevant theories relating to instructional decisions in learning. Assessment is always
device include the definition of learning device associated with the purpose of learning so that
and learning device components, the after making an assessment can be stated whether
development of learning device based on PBL a learning process has reached the goal or not.
syntax, and assessment of learning device. Assessment can be done by conducting tests.
Good tests must meet valid, reliable, thorough,
Understanding Learning Device and practical requirements. The validity of the
Learning device are all device and materials test includes the validity of the content, the
used by lecturers to support the smoothness and validity of the size, the validity of the dish, the
implementation of learning. validity of the concept, and the validity of the
display. The test should be done thoroughly, the
Components of Learning Device test is made taking into account all aspects of the
Learning device consist of SAP, RPS, material to be tested. The test is said to be
teaching materials and assessment. practical when it is economical, easy to scratch,
and easily interpreted.
SAP contains components of competency
standards, basic competencies, competency This research type is research of
indicators, lecture materials, and descriptions,
development with 4D model (define, design,
learning experiences (learning strategies), media developed, disseminate), that is defining,
/ learning device, assessment systems, and designing, developing, spreading. Objects
references. SAP is a projection of activities or
developed are syntax learning device consisting
activities to be undertaken by lecturers in of RPS, SAP, teaching materials, and
lectures. The preparation and development of the assessment. In this paper is limited to the
syllabus is an integral part of the development of defining stages of learning devices in the form of
the curricula. RPS and SAP.
Development Procedures
RPS or Semester Learning Plan (RPS) is a This study aims to develop learning device
learning process planning document to achieve in the form of RPS and SAP syntax based on
the output of quality learning process. This is due
PBL. The development stages are done in this
to the implementation of RPS consistently can first stage of the new phase of analysis with the
create a conducive academic atmosphere so that following procedure. The first stage, the analysis
the excitement arises in the learning process. In
phase, at this stage the need to analyze RPS and
addition, RPS is the preparation of lecturers to SAP Syntax Indonesian students STKIP PGRI
teach and to arouse students' independence in West Sumatra and analyze the problems
learning. RPS contains the main pillars of

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

contained in it. Processes performed as barikut; Semester Learning Plan Analysis (RPS) and
A) Analyze the RPS for the purpose of knowing Teaching Lecture Unit (SAP) course Syntax
whether the material taught is in accordance with
Analysis of RPS and SAP is done to see the
the applicant's standard of competence, b) to
material that has been taught has been in
analyze SAP in order to know the accuracy of the
accordance with the standard of competence. The
material with the standard of subject
standard of syntactic subject competence is the
competency, c) to see references that are
syntactical definition and its relation to other
appropriate to the development of syntactical
language study subsystems, phrase structure
characteristics; Clause; And sentences, analyzing
the types of phrases; Clause; And sentence based
Test Subject
on certain point of view and apply it in research
The test subjects in this study are students
and teaching Indonesian language. From these
of the fourth semester of the Indonesian language
results obtained that the existing material in the
and literature education program STKIP PGRI
RPS and SAP has been in accordance with the
West Sumatera who take the Indonesian
competence that must be achieved by students.
language syntax.
Interviews with Friends
Research Instruments
Interview with colleagues conducted on
The instrument used to collect data of this
March 25, 2017 aims to determine the problems
research is.
encountered during the learning process on
a) Instruments of validity
syntactic material. Based on the interviews, the
a. RPS validation sheet
following information is obtained. In the
b. SAP validation sheet
sentence function material, determine the
c. Instrument validation sheet
sentence pattern. Students difficulties understand
b) Instrument of practicality
about the sentence one of them determine the
a. Observation sheet of the implementation
sentence pattern of the subject, predicate, object
of RPS
and description. If a sentence belongs to a short
b. Questionnaire student response to SAP
category they can still determine it. However, if
c) Instrument effectiveness
the sentence structure has been changed and
a. Observation sheet of student activity
randomized its form, the students find it difficult.
b. Test the learning outcomes
This is because the students only focus on the
mastery of examples only. And can not analyze
it appropriately.
Development of RPS and SAP syntax based
Questionnaire Student needs
on PBL. The first stage is the analysis phase. The
results obtained from this stage are. Questionnaire is aimed to know the needs
of students to their understanding of the materials
that will be taught each time face to face that is
during 16 times a meeting for a semester that is
diracang in RPS and SAP.

Table 1. Result of Student Needs Questionnaire

No Question Answer Student Percentag
1 Do you like the syntax course? Likes 85%
2 Does it matter to you the syntactic course? Important 81%
3 How is the teaching material material designed Already 76%
in the RPS and is it in accordance with the PBM
process undertaken?
4 How is syntactic RPS used, is it using a Not 98%
learning model?
5 Agreed you if our syntactic RPS is designed agrees 100%
using PBL based learning model
6 Which matched material is designed in RPS All material that is in 75%
using a PBL-based learning model? accordance with the
7 Do you know the steps to use PBL in syntax No 52%
learning process

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

No Question Answer Student Percentag

8 Do we need to mention steps using PBL-based Need 90%
learning methods in syntactic learning on RPS?
9 If you like what material syntax learning is best Phrases and clauses 80%
10 What do you think is the elusive material of Sentence, determining the 70%
syntactic learning? sentence pattern
11 How do you think of the learning resources Withdraw 90%
used in syntactic learning?
12 What should you do to easily understand More to understand the 73%
syntactic material? material and read other
13 What kind of problems do you easily Describe the steps in a 78%
understand in syntactic learning? coherent and easily
14 How do you think the best way to describe the Brief, clear, solid and easily 95%
material? understood
15 Is it necessary to explain the nature of syntax Need 93%
and its relation to science?
16 Do you think the tips are being made to make it More work on exercises 82%
easier to understand syntactic learning? that match the syntactic
17 How do you think syntax lectures are Very fun and not stressful 87%
conducted by lecturers in the classroom?
18 Are syntactic learning materials being sought Provided lecturer 100%
by themselves or provided with lecturers?
19 If provided by the lecturer how do you think Teaching materials are 88%
about the resource? compatible with RPS and
easy to understand
20 In general, do you think the teaching materials Worth 100%
can or should be a textbook?

From the table above, it can be concluded students interested to understand them, so that
that 100% students agree if syntactical RPS is students are less participating in the syntax
designed using PBL model, then 100% also learning process in the classroom.
mahaiswa answer agree if the teaching material
Review Literature of Textbook and RPS with
is provided by the lecturer and deserve to be a
PBL Method
textbook. Explain the material in the learning
process students answer should be short, clear, The RPS used by the students is
solid and easily understood 95%. To explain the incomplete, because the basic competency to be
steps to use PBL in learning syntax students achieved in the RPS is less in line with the
answer 90% need to be interesting in the learning syntactic teaching curriculum already used in
process. So, based on the questionnaire needs of universities. RPS and SAP used by students have
students above 88% of students answer the been less suitable with college competency
material is matched with the RPS provided standards and have not used PBL-based learning
lecturers and 100% of students answer the methods. Furthermore, the SAP has not clearly
teaching material is worthy of a textbook. explained the activities of lecturers and student
activities and does not use PBL-based learning
Textbook Analysis
A textbook designed and developed aims to Based on these findings and analysis, the
help students understand the material in syntax RPS and SAP PBL-based Syntax Designs are
lectures. Textbooks that have been used are not designed. With this the students are more clear
used maximally by students. Students are more and easy in understanding matere-syntax
likely to record what the lecturers say. His learning materials by using PBL-based methods.
textbooks were not studied and even not read. In RPS given to students by lecturers make it easier
addition to syntactic textbooks, syntactic for students to understand the materials they will
textbooks that have not existed have made learn because they have been loaded directly by

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

using PBL method. And so is the SAP designed General of Primary and Secondary
by lecturers to facilitate the lecturers in Education Management, Directorate of High
undergoing activities or learning process, School Development.
because it has been described the stages of PBL
[3] Fogarty, Robin. 1997. Problem Based
method. Thus, learning of PBL-based syntax is
Learning and Other Curriculum Models for
very helpful for lecturers and students in
The Multiple Intelegences Classroom.
understanding syntactic materials.
Illinois: Sky Light Training and Publishing.
REFERENCES [4] Sanjaya, Vienna. 2011. Learning Strategy
Oriented Learning Process Standards.
[1] Atmazaki. 2013. Alternative Assessment in
Jakarta: Kencana Media Group.
Indonesian Language Learning. Padang:
UNP Press. [5] Trianto. 2009. Designing Innovative-
Progressive Learning Model. Jakarta:
[2] Depdiknas. 2008. Guidance on Teaching
Materials Development. Jakarta: Directorate

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto,
[email protected]

This study aimed to valuate an akidah (Islamic doctrine and beliefs) and akhlak (Islamic morals) subject
matter of State Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTsN) utilize an evaluation model, i.e. Logic model. A logic model
is a systematic and visual way to present and share understanding of the relationships among the resources
program have to operate, activities plan, and the changes or results to achieve. The subjects of this research
determined by simple random sampling and then, those subjects are taken randomly. For the data analysis,
the researcher made use of questionnaire and test and analysis technique utilized Confirmatory Factor
Analysis (CFA), Structural Equation Modeling/SEM version 8:51. The conclusions of this study are that:
(a) it's sequently, the four exogenous variables gave contribution to an Islamic doctrine (aqidah) and Islamic
morals (akhlak) subject matter of State Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTsN), i.e.: learning facilities (0.349),
learning material and method (0.232), teacher performance (0.228), class and madrasah culture (0.216); (b)
Variabel of an Islamic doctrine and beliefs (aqidah) and Islamic morals (akhlak) learning gave contribution
(15.3 %) to students' motivation changes in akidah akhlak learning participation; (c) Variable of students'
motivation changes in akidah akhlak learning participation gave contribution (11.9 %) to akidah akhlak
performance of students.
Keywords: aqidah akhlak learning, Madrasah Tsanawiyah, logic model evaluation

certainly weaken the establishment of learning

participants’ noble characteristics and attitudes.
According to Mastuhu (1999, p.59) that the
Psychologically, the learning participants in the
learning in the madrasah had several weaknesses
Madrasah Tsanawiyah are in the age of juveniles.
as follows: (1) the learning process has put more
In this age, the learning participants are at the
emphasis on the learning materials; (2) the
edge of their developmental period because the
learning process has put more emphasis on the
age of juveniles is a transition time between the
memory upon the analysis and the dialogue; (3)
childhood and the adulthood. Within the
the learning process has put more emphasis on
transition period, the learning participants grow
the strengthening of the “left brain” than that of
quickly both in terms of physics and of mental
the “right brain”; (4) the distributed learning
and the quick growth covers the aspects of body
materials have been traditional and have not
shape, attitude, way of thinking and way of
touched the rational aspects; (5) the learning
acting. The learning participants are not children
materials have put more emphasis on the science
anymore. Unfortunately, they may not be
as a final product rather than on the
considered as adults yet because they have not
methodological process; and (6) the learning
reached the maturity in terms of paradigm.
process has put more emphasis on the orientation
In order to improve the use of indoctrinative
of “possessing” than that of “becoming.”
method implemented in the Akidah Akhlak
Similarly, Darodjat, Zuchdi, and Zamroni
learning, Zuchdi (2010, p.6) explains that in case
(2016, p.13) stated that the learning in the
the use of indoctrinative method might not be
madrasah has also a weaknesses, especially in the
avoided several ways should be performed in
aspects of method, the active, innovative,
order to improve the use of indoctrinative
creative and interesting learning has not been
method and some of the ways would be as
implemented in the learning process of akidah
follows: (1) the school altogether with the overall
and akhlak. The learning materials for the subject
components should create a social setting that
are still based on the indoctrinative materials and
enables the implementation of the knowledge
the contents of these materials are limited to the
they have attained in order to solve the problems
normative-theocentric one. Such conditions
that the society encounters; and (2) the learning

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

participants should be stimulated or be facilitated pivotal concept in most theories of learning.

in order that they find the reasons that underlie Keller believed that external conditions could be
their moral decisions. Thereby, the education successfully constructed to facilitate and increase
implemented in the middle of the society, learner motivation. Based on this notion, Keller
including the madrasah, will be more effective so (1984, 1987) integrated several learning theories
that the learning participants will attain the noble and developed the ARCS (Attention, Relevance,
characteristics, the complete personality and the Confidence, and Satisfaction) model.
humanistic attitude. Teaching of akidah and akhlak in Madrasah
Teaching of akidah and akhlak (Islamic Tsanawiyah should be evaluated in accordance
doctrine-beliefs and morals) is a essential matter with the Minister of Religious Affairs Regulation
to give Muslims young generations convincing Number 2 Year 2008, especially on item (6) to
answers to these world modern challengers. teach the information, the knowledge, the system
According to Noh and Kasim (2012) the main and the functionality of faith and akhlak.
objective of teaching Islamic theology should be Evaluation in this context use a logical model,
to reinforce our young Muslims with the include if-then relationship, the input, the
intellectual and spiritual weapons that can stand process, and the output of the learning (Porteous,
to the onslaught of western ethical globalization. et al. 2002).
Thus, the greater challenge to Islamic doctrine The objectives of the research, then, are as
and beliefs (aqidah) at present is no longer follows: (1) to generate a valid and reliable
revolving around the theological differences of learning evaluation instrument in order to
the past but rather around ideological challenges evaluate the Akidah Akhlak learning in the state
advocated by western thought such as, madrasah tsanawiyah; (2) to know some
positivism, secular humanism, liberalism and relationships among input, activities, and output
post-modernism. Furthermore, the learning of or changes of akidah akhlak learning in State
Akidah Akhlak has a big role for the process of Madrasah Tsanawiyah. These relationships also
saving the critical times that the juveniles called as logic model evaluation (Kellog, 2004).
experience and of developing the self-potentials The second objective of implementing the CFA
that the juveniles have altogether in the same method was to identify the instrument
time. dimension, to test whether the dimension might
The Akidah that believes the existence of be confirmed and to identify the appropriateness
Allah the Almighty as its core might serve as the between the actual and the empirical data.
supporting and the directing factor in order that
all of the activities and the prayers, in their wider
sense, are done only for finding the blessings of
Allah the Almighty (Letter of al-Annam: 162). The experiment was designed in order to
The learning students who have already had the attain the complete data that might be used as the
materials for revising the product that would be
proper and the well-established akidah will sense
that wherever they go they will always be generated. The experiment was conducted in two
overviewed by Allah the Almighty. Such Akidah phases: (1) sample experiment, 50 learning
participants; and (2) sample experiment, 255
teaches that Allah the Almighty will always
listed and see every movement of His creations learning participants.
(Letter of Yunus; 61; Letter of al-Baqarah: 129) The study was a research on Akidah Akhlak
because Allah owns the Highest Perfection of all learning evaluation, used a logical model. The
creations (Letter of ar-Rahman: 27). On the other focus of the research emphasized on four
components, namely: input, activities, and
hand, the akhlak as an incarnation of well-
established faith in themselves will become the output, utilized quantitative method. The results
motivator and foundation for actualizing the faith provided by the data gathering instrument with
the learning participants as the respondents
within their way of thinking, behaving and acting
within the search of His blessings. would be analyzed by means of Confirmatory
Many studies of human learning (also Factor Analysis (CFA). There were several
objectives of implementing the CFA method.
in this case is learning on akidah akhlak) have
shown that motivation is a key to learning. The first objective was to analyze the validity of
Psychologists also consider motivation as one of data gathering instrument. If the items for the
index of factor loading (λ) > 0.30, then the
the major determinants of academic achievement
and work productivity. (Keller, 1987). instrument would be considered valid because
Motivation is the most frequently used the items might explain the existing construct or
variable. On the other hand, if the items for the
explanation for success or failure in completing
any complex task and has been considered a

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

index of factor loading (λ) < 0.30, then the items Index would be bigger than 0.70 then the
should be eliminated (Fernandes, 1984, p.28). instrument might be considered reliable.
By means of Confirmatory Factor Analysis
or CFA method, the research was also able to
find whether each of the indicators that had been
In the first field testing, there were two estimated would be valid or not in measuring the
prominent characteristics namely: (a) the concepts under the test. In other words, the
subjects would be focused to the learning
researchers would pay attention to the values of
participants, in this case the students, because the factor loading. In the next phase, the researcher
keyword in the components of second logic performed a model test. A model would be
model was the activities related to the students;
considered fit if the model met the following
(b) the number of the students who were involved requirements. First, the Chi Square resulted from
in the field testing was 50 students of 8th grade the testing had probability (p) bigger than 0.050
from three state madrasah tsanawiyah. Based on
(p > 0.050). Second, the GFI should be between
the results analysis by means of SPSS for 0 and 1. The value of GFI should be bigger than
Windows 16.00, the researcher was able to attain 0.900 (GFI > 0.900) and the score would show a
the index.The parameter that would be
good model fitness. Third, the Root Mean Square
implemented for finding the reliability was the of Approximation (RMSEA) < 0.050. RMSEA >
values of Cronbach Alpha in each of output table. 0.100 showed that the model had not been fit.
According to Nunally (1981, p.230), if the Alpha

Figure 1 showed the empirical model as a result of SEM analysis.

Teacher Performance Measurement had factor loading (λ)> 0.300; (2) the Chi-Square
= 5.30; (3) the GFI = 0.892; (4) the RMSEA =
The test of performance measurement
0.081; and (5) the p-value = 0.07083.
model should be conducted as a latent variable
and the test would be conducted to the Materials and Methods Measurement
pedagogical, attitudinal, social and professional
Next, the researcher performed a testing
aspect as the apparent variables. Therefore, the
toward the measurement model for the learning
scores of apparent variable in the model of
materials and the learning methods as the latent
Akidah Akhlak teacher performance
variables and each of the learning material and
measurement were the composite scores from the
the learning model consisted of the following
measurement model of each teacher performance
apparent variables: programming,
aspect. In order to test the fitness between the
encompassing, modeling, inculcating,
hypothetical model and the empirical data, the
facilitating and developing the academic and the
researcher performed an analysis based on the
social skills. Therefore, the scores of apparent
five indicators namely: (1) all of the variables

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

variables in the Akidah Akhlak Learning the endogenous variables. Based on the output,
Materials and Learning Methods were the the researcher found that the value of first
composite scores from the measurement model standardized gama parameter estimation = 0.228
of each aspect in the learning materials and the as the direct effect from the Akidah Akhlak
learning methods. teacher performance toward the Akidah Akhlak
There were five indicators that might be learning, the value of second standardized gama
made as the guidelines for testing the fitness parameter estimation = 0.232 as the direct effect
between the hypothetical model and the from the Akidah Akhlak learning materials and
empirical model. The indicators were as follows: learning methods toward the Akidah Akhlak
(1) all of the variables had factor loading (λ) > learning and the value of third standardized gama
0.300; (2) the Chi-Square = 23.980; (3) the GFI= parameter estimation = 0.349 as the direct effect
0.969; (4) the RMSEA = 0081; and (5) the p- from the Akidah Akhlak learning facility toward
value = 0.00434. Based on the results of analysis the Akidah Akhlak learning and the value of
by means of Lisrel toward toward the instrument fourth standardized gama parameter estimation =
of Akidah Akhlak Learning Materials and 0.216 as the direct effect from the madrasah
Learning Methods, the researcher found that the culture toward the Akidah Akhlaklearning.
factor loading (λ) > 0.300 with the following
Beta (β) Parameter
details: programming = 0.72; encompassing =
The beta parameter explained the size of
0.72; modeling = 0.78; inculcating = 0.72;
the influence between the endogenous variables.
facilitating = 0.75; and developing the academic
The columns showed the independent
and the social skills = 0.72. Thereby, the
endogenous variables and the cell showed the
measurement model had been fit for gathering
dependent endogenous variables. From these
the data regarding the Akidah Akhlak Learning
outputs, the researcher found that the value of
Materials and Learning Methods.
standardized influence between the Akidah
Learning Facility Measurement Akhlak learning and the changes of motivation
was 0.391, the value of standardized influence
The researcher performed a test toward the
between the Akidah Akhlak learning and the
learning facilities of Akidah Akhlak as the
Akidah Akhlak behavior was 0.345 and the value
variable latent and each of the latent variables
of standardized influence between changes of
consisted of the following apparent variables
motivation in attending the Akidah Akhlak and
namely: classroom condition, table-chair
the changes of learning participants’ Akidah
availability, learning media and learning
Akhlak behavior was 0.345. The influence of
textbook availability. Therefore, the scores of
Akidah Akhlak learning toward the Akidah
apparent variables in the measurement model
Akhlak behavior was insignificant; however, the
were the composite scores. Then, in order to test
influence of Akidah Akhlak learning toward the
the fitness between the model and the empirical
Akidah Akhlak behaviors through the changes of
data there were five indicators that would be
motivation was significant.
made as the guidelines namely: (1) all of the
apparent variables had factor loading (λ) > 0.300; Zeta (ξ)
(2) the Chi-Square = 1.93; (3) the GFI = 0.996; The zeta parameter was an estimation of
(4) the RMSEA = 0.000; and (5) the p-value = measurement errors that had been standardized in
0.381. Thereby, the measurement model had the endogenous latent variables. Consecutively,
been fit for gathering the data regarding the the error variance in the endogenous variables
Learning Facility. above were as follows: the error variance for the
Akidah Akhlak learning was 0.502; the error
Madrasah Culture Measurement
variance for the changes of motivation was
The researcher performed a test toward the 0.847; and the error variance for the Akidah
Madrasah Culture as a latent variable and the test Akhlak behavior was 0.881.
consisted of the following apparent variables
Total & Indirect Effect
namely: behavioral culture, artifact and verbal
The coefficient for the influence of the
message. Therefore, the scores of apparent
teacher performance toward the Akidah Akhlak
variables in the measurement model fo Madrasah
learning was 0.228, while the error value was
Culture were the composite scores from the
0.061. If the score 0.228 would be divided by the
model of each Madrasah Culture.
error value (0.061), then the researcher would
Gamma (λ) Parameter have the following t-count: 3.728. As a result,
The gamma parameter was a direct there was a significant positive influence
influence from the exogenous variables toward between the Akidah Akhlak teacher performance

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

and the Akidah Akhlak learning because the toward the changes of motivation and the
attained t-count (3.728) was much bigger than changes of behaviors in implementing the
the t-table (1.960) under the significance rate 5% Akidah Akhlak values was positive and
(3.728 > 1.960). Respectively, the t-values for significant, because the t-count coefficient were
each aspect would be as follows: materials and bigger than the t-table coefficient (5.738; 3.840;
methods (3.856); learning facilities (5.437); and 4.951. > 1.960).
classroom and madrasah culture (3.727). All of The coefficient of indirect influence from
these aspects had significant and positive the Akidah Akhlak learning toward the changes
influence toward the Akidah Akhlak learning of learning participants’ behavior in
because the attain t-value was bigger than the t- implementing the Akidah Akhlak values was
table (1.960). 0.135 and the indirect influence was positive and
Akidah Akhlak teacher performance, significant. The reason was that the t-count
Akidah Akhlak learning materials and learning coefficient (3.840) was bigger than the t-table
methods, Akidah Akhlak learning facilities and coefficient (1.960).
classroom and madrasah culture had total
influence toward the changes of learning
participants’ motivation positively and
significantly because t-count values were bigger The results of data analyses showed
than the t-table values (2.739; 2.789; 3.242; and positive findings in the testing of the research.
The findings include:
2.739 > 1.960). In addition, the Akidah Akhlak
teacher performance, the Akidah Akhlak a. The logical model had been empirically
learning materials and learning methods, the tested and the researcher had attained a fit
Akidah Akhlak facilities and the classroom and model that met the indicators from the Chi-
the madrasah culture had total influence toward Square and p > 0.05, and
the changes of learning particpants’ Akidah b. The influence of Akidah Akhlak learning
Akhlak behaviors in the madrasah environment toward the changes of motivation was
positively and significantly because the t-count significant. However, the influence of Akidah
values were bigger than the t-table values (3.231; Akhlak learning toward the changes of
3.312; 4.163; and 3.230 > 1.960). behaviors in implementing the Akidah
The Akidah Akhlak teacher performance, Akhlak values through the changes of
the Akidah Akhlak learning materials and motivation was insignificance.
learning methods, the Akhlak and Akidah
learning facilities and the classroom and the ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
madrasah culture had indirect influence toward
the changes of learning participants’ motivation I would like to thank all the participants
and positively and significantly because the t- who actively participated in this research: all
count values were bigger than the t-table values head master and theirs students on the 8th grade
(3.201; 3.350; 4.166; 3.321 > 1.960). Similarly, of MTsN in Banyumas Regency, and also for
the Akidah Akhlak teacher performance, the support and advice from Prof.Darmiyati Zuchdi,
Akidah Akhlak learning materials and learning and Prof Zamroni, both from Yogyakarta State
methods, the Akhlak and Akidah learning University.
facilities and the classroom and the madrasah
culture had indirect influence toward the changes REFERENCES
of learning participants’ behaviors in [1] Darodjat, Zuchdi. "Model Evaluasi
implementing the Akhlak and Akidah values Pembelajaran Akidah Akhlak di Madrasah
positively and significantly because the t-count Tsanawiyah (MTs)", Jurnal Penelitian dan
values were bigger than the t-table values (2.739; Evaluasi Pendidikan. Vol. 20, pp. 11-26,
2.789.; 3.242; and 2.739.> 1.960). Juni 2016.
The coefficient of total influence from the
Akidah Akhlak learning toward the changes of [2] Fernandes, H.J.X. Evaluation of educational
motivation was 0.391 and toward the changes of programs. Jakarta: National Educational
behaviors in implementing the Akidah Akhlak Planning, Evaluation & Curriculum
values was 0.135. On the other hand, the Development, 1984.
coefficient of total influence from the changes of [3] Keller, J. M. "The use of the ARCS model
motivation toward the changes of behaviors in of motivation in teacher training". In K.E.
implementing the Akidah Akhlak values within Shaw (Ed.), Aspects of educational
the madrasah environment was 0.345. The total technology, XVII: Staff development and
influence from the Akidah Akhlak learning career updating. London: Kogan Page. 1984.

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[4] Keller, J. M. "Development and use of the

ARCS model of instructional design".
Journal of Instructional Development, 10
(3), 2-10, 1987.
[5] Kellogg, W.K. Foundation. Using logic
models to bring planning, evaluation, and
action. Michigan: WK Kellogg Foundation,
[6] Mastuhu, Memberdayakan sistem
pendidikan Islam. Jakarta: Logos, 1999.
[7] Nunally, J.C., Psychometric Theory (2nd ed).
New Delhi: McGraws-Hill Publishing
Company Limited, 1981. .
[8] Porteous, N.L., "Introducing program
team to logic models: Facilitating the
learning process" in Canadian Journal of
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pp. 113-141.
[9] Zuchdi, Humanisasi pendidikan:
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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


M. Iqbal Arrosyad1, Retno Winarni2, Tri Murwaningsih3
University of Sebelas Maret Surakarta
[email protected], 2 [email protected], 3 [email protected]

This study aims to develop learning materials to paint the insights of local knowledge of 4th Grade students
in Elementary School. The methods of the research based on the researchs and developing by Borg and
Gall. The Material of learning consisti of local wisdom in Klaten district which cover of field of tourism,
culture, handicrafts, and culinary which are integrated with teaching materials. The results of the scientist
research shows that the characteristic of teaching materials paint has a conception of local wisdom is valid
and very feasible to use. The characteristics of teaching materials by paint with local wisdom consisting of
hand on and mind on activities, discussions, and practice questions. The catagories of teaching materials
by painting local wisdom from tearchers’ respons is very good on physical appearance aspects. The
students' responses of teaching materials by painting with local wisdom is very good category. The highest
score is on aspects of physical display of teaching materials.
Keywords: learning materials, painting, local wisdom

Painting requires a wide range of thoughts

and also different from ordinary things or can be
Painting in education is not something that said out of everyday life, in expressing art in
is only formed from talent alone, a lot of painting different life there are several ways expressed
lessons that initially only often practice but such as in drawing, painting, forming one thing,
finally students can paint well even follow the or making a pile of ideas through space The
race and get the champion, as stated by Pamadhi narrow. It is as expressed Jordan E. Ayan (2002:
(2009: 11.8) art is a human spiritual activity that 182) the power of art comes partly from his
reflects reality (reality) in a work which thanks to ability to bring us out of everyday life. The arts
its form and content has the power to evoke push us to think in a whole new way. Visual art
certain experiences in the recipient's spiritual uses images, shapes, colors, and space to convey
realm. a stack of ideas through a narrow space and in a
Indeed someone who has a talent can be short time.
easier to become a master of painting. But if the According to Jordan E. Ayan (2002: 186)
talent is not honed properly, then the results also Scratching is an art form which has formed.
can not be maximized. In contrast to someone However, although it only consists of simple
who has an enormous interest despite a very shapeless lines, scratching is a great technique
minimal talent, he or she can become more expert for letting go of self-criticism, and giving hands
than the example given. free to draw whatever it takes. With the child's
In education, especially primary school actual abilities, techniques for generating
level, education directed by parents to their children's character values are necessary in
children need to pay attention of their problems painting materials on SBK learning, therefore
related to psychological needs to developed of doodling needs to be improved for students'
intelligence, emotional and motivation, and emotionality.
developing of children's creativity. As revealed At this time the learning of Cultural Arts
by Munandar (2009: 9) Context of human and Skills in SD / MI received less attention. This
resource development, education of children. occurs for several reasons, including: (1) SBK is
Especially the education of Primary School not one of the lessons tested nationally, so it is
children should be done through the provision of not very important to be taught; (2) Not all
educational stimuli to form optimal growth and teachers have the maximum ability to teach SBK
development. Actualized abilities move from the learning, especially drawing materials with form
functioning of the child's brain. drawing materials also have advantages as a

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

basis for developing students' cognitive, book is packed as a supplement book or a book
affective, and psychomotor aspects. on painting learning.
The facilities lesson in the classroom of The preliminary study stage is the first stage
teaching are still lacking, such as drawing in conducting research and development. In the
facilities using crayons, watercolors, brushes, or preliminary study begins with observations and
other materials that support painting materials on interviews with classroom teachers, as well as
SBK learning and this is also experienced in SD conducting library reviews that are sourced from
N 2 Pugeran, Pedan Subdistrict, Klaten District the school curriculum. Learning messages
is better and Impressed by students so that delivered with the use of teaching materials in
students experience of their creativity. this case is painted insightful wisdom that is
The material taught to learners tends to be tucked in every student learning process. Besides
monotonous and non-varied, painting material the literature study in analyzing the needs, field
with crayons with natural theme, school theme, studies are also conducted through observation
God-created theme, but the teacher give the and interviews conducted to obtain information
material to the learners by spontant, so the about learning and use of teaching materials at
material taught is less fun, but there will be elementary schools in Kecamatan Pedan.
differences if there are guidelines for Teaching The results of the observations that have
and also briefing that can help teachers to prepare made by researchers include: 1) the process of
materials and steps in learning proceses, and they implementation of learning in schools; 2) the
will be more helpful in teaching proceses. type and condition of teaching materials used; 3)
To grow the idea in painting creatively, the problems or constraints faced by teachers in
earliest to note that a lot of practice and leave the learning activities; 4) student learning outcomes
fear to be wrong so that the body condition more especially painting materials on SBK learning; 5)
controlled dap will provide improvement in body the level of student creativity.
performance, it is as expressed Jordan E. Ayan The data collected is then done by
(2002: 184 ) Plunging into the art world can be identifying problems and analyzing the needs of
more soothing compared to activities like reading teachers and students in the use of teaching
a book or watching television. Through the materials to paint with local wisdom. In order to
process of a work of art, the mind is free from all analyze the first objective of research and
worries and will in itself dissolve in the work. development, used descriptive qualitative
The existence of today's dizaman many children analysis with interactive model from Miles and
are always on the guidance to be able, not in the Huberman in (Sugiyono, 2011). Including the
guidance to know, the actual circumstances that following. (1) Data validation results by expert
actually started from the mistake, without error lecturers, (2) Data on learning resources treated
the person will not experience an increase name, by elementary school teachers of class IV as a
without failure that person will not experience consequence of the implementation of learning
the name of success, After that all experienced Arts and Culture Arts painting materials
then will experience satisfaction of what is done. analyzed qualitatively. (3) Data on the potential
contendant of local wisdom koteks that have
been exploited and which have not been utilized
in painting learning are analyzed qualitatively.
The method of the research uses (4) data on the quality of instructional materials
observation and development method (Research are analyzed through the alteration of the
Ana Development). This type of research, assessment results of teachers and students from
mengembangankan teaching materials to paint
a qualitative form to a quantitative form of scale
the insights of local wisdom. (Syaodih, 2009) 5.
suggests that the results of research and
development (product) are not always hardware
but can be software. The research and
development aims to produce a product teaching The teaching materials for painting with
materials, but also leads to efforts in formulating local wisdom are developed to gain a learning
learning techniques so ready to be used as a that is feasible, effective and easy to use in
product model of teaching materials that can be learning. Knowledge of local wisdom of students
used teachers and students in painting learning. is still low and students are less aware of cultural
The Teaching materials are consist of 2 values in the learning. The learning of painting
books, namely teacher book (BG) and student can be developed based on local wisdom values
book (BS). The teacher's book is packed for of a region. The existence of teaching materials
teachers' guidance in painting, while the student's to paint the insights of local wisdom students can

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

know the meaning and value of local wisdom wisdom. The next stage after the revision so that
characters in the areas described especially in it can be tested on a limited test.
Klaten regency.
Context and Context of Local Wisdom
The Result of Feasibility Test Relevant to Art and Cultural Art Materials in
Grade IV Classroom
The results of the feasibility test show the
teaching materials to paint the insights of local The initial research that has been done is to
wisdom of the fourth grade students of conduct appropriate material analysis in class IV.
Elementary School has met the aspects and The results of the analysis are presented in Table
criteria of assessment of the points of language, 1. From the analysis of Cultural Arts and Skills
design, and materials. material, the researcher develops material with
This is seen from the results of the very high relevance level that is the material of
feasibility test of teaching materials to paint the painting. This is done so easy in developing
local wisdom that shows good results. As for teaching materials to paint the insights of local
suggestions and feedback on the validation of wisdom of fourth grade students of elementary
language, design, and materials so that the school.
improvement. Improvements are made by After analyzing the material, the researcher
linking materials and cultures that correspond to then describes the content and context of local
local wisdom in the area of the researcher and wisdom that can be integrated into the selected
improving the order of the material structure material. These contents and contexts are
from the easy to understand to the elusive and relevant to be integrated into the painting
then the image layout that adjusts the material on the ground that the existing learning
instructional material to make it look more objectives are closely related to the painting
attractive, and also combines colors that match materials with the insights of local wisdom.
the image and Writing to be easy to read and look Content and context of local wisdom that can be
more synchronous with each other. The addition integrated into the material can be observed in
of indicators and learning objectives so that Table 2.
students can find out what will be learned on
teaching materials to paint the insights of local

Table 1 Analysis of Art and Culture Materials Skills Class IV SD

Content to Material title Relevance with local wisdom
Content I Knowing Applied Arts Very high
Materi II Drawing Illustrations Very high
Materi III Understanding Variety of Songs and Ritmis Musical Instruments Less
Materi IV Playing Ritmis Musical Instruments Less
Materi V Know the Dance Nusantara Elements Enough
Materi VI Demonstrating Nusantara Dance Enough
Materi VII Mengenal Karya Kerajinan Nusantara Enough
Materi VIII Working Batik Craft and Construction Material High
Materi IX Know Fine Art High
Materi X Working Relief High

Table 2 Content and Context of Local Wisdom that Can Be Integrated into Matter
No Content and Context of Local Wisdom
1 Klaten tourist attractions, such as Umbul Ponggok, Prambanan Temple, Plaosan Temple,
Agrowisata Tondang Winangoen, and others.
2 Art such as Memetri Embung on the slopes of Merapi, Babat Alas Wonomarto, Gambyong and
Jathilan, and others.
3 Culinary Tour, Restaurant Bu Mayar Cawas, Chicken Sop Pak Min Klaten, New Merapi Resto,
and others.

Characteristics of Painted Materials Painted local wisdom. Specifically this instructional

with Developed Local Wisdom material is prepared for students Cho
Residing in Klaten District, Central Java.
This instructional material is arranged so
Characteristics of teaching materials developed
that teachers get a clear and detailed picture in
are as follows.
the implementation of learning activities with the
knowledge of content wisdom and context of

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

1) Mapping of learning indicators, developing the potential of language,

displaying indicator maps for linking imagination, critical thinking, active,
and focusing on each lesson. This creative, and direct students to ask
indicator map connects and simplifies questions and also other potential
the teacher's thinking flow in delivering underlying mastery of science and
and managing the learning and students technology for further education.
can follow the pattern by being
integrated based on the material raised. Teacher's Response to the Painting
2) Learning activities are structured in a Ingredients Painted with Local Wisdom of 4th
materialist so that learning can unite and Grade Students of Primary School
flow. Learning activities consist of This teaching material is then trialed in a
various activities that support the limited way involving fourth grade elementary
overall learning objectives in hand on school teachers. The test results show that the
activities (such as "let's do") and mind quality of teaching materials is based Teacher
on (like "let's practice"). responses are in very good category. The highest
3) The material presented is complete with score is on the presentation aspect of the
examples of paintings and drawings of attractiveness of the display of teaching
local wisdom, allowing students no materials. The limited trial results of teachers'
longer need to look for other sources of responses to teaching materials can be seen in
material. This is intended so as not to Column 1 Limited Teachers and Trial
complicate the students in learning, and Responses.
also can overcome the lack of teaching
materials used. Students' Responses to the Painting Materials
4) A meaningful learning experience to the Insight of Local Wisdom of Grade IV
through "let's practice" activities to Primary School Students
build positive attitudes and behaviors, This instructional material is then trialed in
conceptual understanding, scientific a limited way involving 11 students of grade IV
thinking skills, procedural abilities that elementary school. The results of the
are tailored to the learning objectives. experiments show that the quality of teaching
5) Teaching materials are flexible, can be materials based on student responses is in very
used both for learning klasikan, group good category. The highest score is on aspects of
and independent. the physical appearance of teaching materials
6) The design of teaching materials is and the literacy aspects of teaching materials can
made in a simple format and interesting, be seen in Column 1 Limited Teachers and Trial
colorful and not monotonous, so as to Responses.
stimulate the development of all the
basic potential of students. For example

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

In the above column can be slightly Development of teaching materials to paint

explained that the criteria are very good on the with local wisdom should be done by fulfilling
score of 4 to 4.5, whether there is a score of 3 to Scientifiec standard of development. This is
3.5, then there are enough on the score 2 to 2.5, supported by Wahyudin (2015), which states that
and less on the score 1 to 1.5 , Then very less is the development of local culture-based value-
present in the score 0 to 0.5. So from the limited driven activities contributes positively to
test that has been done, the teacher's response has improving the alliteration of competency-based
the highest score lies in aspects of physical students. The integration of local cultural values
appearance, and student responses have the in curriculum development such as making
highest score lies in aspects of physical learning goals, designing learning materials,
appearance. determining learning strategies, learning media,
In general the development of this resource and learning evaluations is essential for quality
is composed of four main sections. The sections of learning (Northcote, et al., 2014).
are among others: a. Mapping of learning From the above discussion can be
indicators, b. Learning activities, c. Current concluded that is. (1) The content and context of
information, and 4. Exercise questions. local wisdom that is relevant to the learning
materials in the fourth grade element includes
Development of learning indicator mapping
tourist attractions, local crafts, and culinary. The
Mapping of learning indicators, showing a developed teaching materials are painting
map of indicators for all materials to be conveyed materials that include, an understanding of
in each lesson. The map of this indicator can applied art, pencil painting, with crayons, and
connect and facilitate the course of learning, so with watercolors. (2) the characteristics of
that the management of learning by teachers and teaching materials to paint the wisdom of the
students can follow the pattern with reintegration students developed, namely the mapping of
based on the material raised indicators of learning, learning activities
consisting of hand on and mind on activities,
Learning Activities discussion activities, and practice questions. (3)
Learning activities consist of various responses than teachers to teaching materials
activities. Activities based on hand on and mind painted with the local wisdom of students, the
on. Hand on activities such as work activities, ie quality of the physical appearance of teaching
activities to train skills in doing or producing materials produced is in very good category. (4)
something, especially works of painting, for students' responses to teaching materials to paint
example drawing with pencils, painting with the insights of local wisdom of students, the
crayons, and painting with watercolors. Other quality of physical display of teaching materials
activities are mind-on activities, such as that are generated in the category very well.
activities in the ability to discuss, or observe. Suggestions that researchers provide in this
Diana in this activity students are driven ability study is. (1) A deeper study of other local
to think and ability in understanding a trick or wisdom that is integrated with the appropriate
steps that correct in solving a problem. learning materials is needed to strengthen the
nation's culture. (2) It is necessary to socialize the
Additional informatif use of teaching materials to paint the local
Additional information that is compiled is wisdom of the students to the relevant parties
the provision of information to add students' such as the Education Office and education
knowledge, especially concerning the potential providers, especially elementary schools.
of the region, especially Klaten Region. This is
done to increase students' curiosity about their
own area, but still within the scope of the From the discussion above it can be
material presented.
concluded that is. (1) The content and context of
Exercises local wisdom that is relevant to the learning
materials in the fourth grade element includes
Exercise this reintegration problem in every tourist attractions, local crafts, and culinary. The
learning activity. This exercise is not arranged developed teaching materials are painting
separately with learning materials. Thus the materials that include, an understanding of
consideration of learning this material has a applied art, pencil painting, with crayons, and
variety of points of pursuit, so that every learning with watercolors. (2) the characteristics of
activity is always included with the exercise teaching materials to paint the local wisdom to

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

improve the creativity of students developed,

namely the mapping of indicators of learning,
learning activities consisting of hand on and
mind on activities, discussion activities, and
practice questions. (3) responses from teachers to
painting materials with local wisdom to improve
students' creativity, ie the quality of the physical
appearance of teaching materials produced is in
very good category. (4) students 'responses to
teaching materials to paint the local wisdom to
improve students' creativity, the quality of the
physical appearance of teaching materials
produced is in very good category.
Suggestions that researchers provide in this
study is. (1) A deeper study of other local
wisdom that is integrated with the appropriate
learning materials is needed to strengthen the
nation's culture. (2) It needs to be socialized
about the use of teaching materials to paint the
local wisdom to improve the creativity of
students to relevant parties such as the Education
Office and education providers, especially
primary schools.

[1] Jordan E. Ayan. (2002). Bengkel
Kreativitas. Bandung: Mizan Media Utama.
[2] Munandar, Utami S.C. (1999). Kreativitas
dan keberbakatan Strategi Mewujudksn
Potensi Kreatif. Jakarta: Gramedia
[3] Northcote, M., Kilgour, P., Reynaud, D., &
Fitzsimmons, P. (2014). Engaging in Deep
Cultural Learning through the Intersection
of Multiple Contexts. Australian Journal of
Teacher Education.
[4] Pamadhi, Hadjar. (2009). Pendidikan Seni di
SD. Jakarta: Universitas Terbuka.
[5] Sugiyono. (2011). Metode Penelitian
Pendidikan. Bandung: Alfabeta.
[6] Sukmadinata, Nana Syaodih. (2012).
Metode Penelitian Pendidikan. Bandung: PT
Remaja Rosdakarya.
[7] Wahyudin, U. (2015). The Quality of a
‘Local Values Based’ Fuctional Literacy
Program: Its Contribution to the
Improvement of the Learner’s Basic
Competencies. International Education

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Novri Pahrizal1, Petrus Ambarura2, Fitri Nur Mahmudah3
Graduate School, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


This study aims to analyze 1) payback period (PP), 2) benefit / cost ratio, 3) return on investment (ROI), 4)
net present value (NPV), and 5) internal rate of return (IRR) in the perspective of education for education
personnel. This study is an evaluation using the discrepancy model. The instrument for collecting data was
in the form of questionnaires addressed to education personnel with Guttman scale. The validity of the
instrument included logical validity and empirical validity and was calculated by using the Pearson product
moment. The reliability was measured by using Kuder Richardson (KR20) technique. The data were
analyzed using descriptive and percentage techniques. The results show that: 1) the period of time of return
on investment in the form of education for education personnel who improved their education qualification
did not exceed the time limit, so investment in the form of education is feasible, which is also proved by
achieving score above average by 83.69 %; 2) the benefit / cost ratio of investment in education provides
positive benefits for education personnel themselves and is proved by accomplished score on average
77.56%; 3) the return on investment in education perspective for education personnel has a positive value
so the investment is worth considering (ROI achieved scores by an average of 77.07%); 4) the obtained net
present value is positive, so it can be said that investment in education perspective for education personnel
is feasible. The score resulted is also above average by 84.07%; 5) the internal rate of return is greater than
the cost of capital so investing in education perspective is feasible, which is also proved by the resulted
score of 97.07%.
Keywords: human capital investment, payback period, benefit/cost ratio, return on investment, net present
value, internal rate of return.

Indonesia challenge for developing the potential

of human resources are that in fact Indonesia has
In 21th century, Indonesia has been aware been on 106 rank 2010 years by score 0,687 of
the importance of improving human resource 108 countries in Asia and Africa based on survey
educated, honest, skilled and professional in of Human Development Index (HDI). Human-
knowledge and management. The success of related Development Index (IPM) stated that
national development is determined by the Indonesia is been on 112 ranks of 175 countries.
quality of human resources. The developing In Gender-related Development Index (GDI)
social capital can create human perfectly. Indonesia is been on 19 ranks of 144 countries.
Globalization era become a challenge itself for Then, technology achievement index (IPT)
education institution. Beside of creating the Indonesia has been on 60 rank of 72 countries.
competence human resources, it must be able to
provide the acculturation of amazing culture.
In this era, education world prosecuted have
the multiple roles, they are providing a quality
human and high competence related to the
advancement of science and technology,
providing human affecting mental and skill
(professional) readiness, and providing the
competence human.
Indonesia must be able to be competitive
with other countries in aspects of product,
services, and providing a competence human.
The quality of Indonesia human resources is still Figure 1. Human Development Index (HDI)
been under other country. Some examples of

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Indonesia also has been on 121 ranks of 187 Indonesian workers and US workers reached 36
countries compared by an institution under PPB % in productivity subject.. That is, working hours
UNDP (United Nations Development Program). spent by Indonesian workers are only 36% above
From three dimensions measured by UNDP, the American workers. While Cambodian workers
higher quality weight of developing human is accounted for 46%, Malaysia reached 43%,
healthy (0,785), education (0,557) and economy Thailand 37% and Singapore 36%. Indonesian
(0,550) with total HDI 0,629 as the following workers are only more productive than Filipians
graph: 30% and Vietnam 13%.
Asian Productivity Organization (APO)
notes that every 1,000 Indonesian workers in
2012 are only about 4.3% of the skilled
workforce. The amount is far behind compared
to the Philippines which reached 8.3%, Malaysia
32.6% and Singapore 34.7%. In the global
competitiveness index shows the productivity
from natural resources and human resources,
Indonesia is still far behind from other ASEAN
countries. Indonesia ranks 5th in ASEAN (50th
Graph 1. HDI in Indoensia 2012 world) in the 2011-2012 Global Competitivenes
Index report released by the World Economic
This number had a increasing year-on-year Forum. Here is the table of the sequence.[1]
although it is still below the average of East
Asian and Pacific countries (0.683). The trend of Table 1. Competitiveness Index Rating of
increasing HDI for Indonesia can be seen in the Countries
graph below.

The reliable human resources (HR) is a

strong foundation in facing the changing period
and achievement of excellent performance in an
Graph 2. Trend of HDI in Indonesia 1980 – organization. Teachers are an important element
2012 years that has a great role and it is an inescapable fact.
Teachers are a production factor which moving
At the level of ASEAN, Indonesia is still and changing continuously, preparing the ability
been in the sixth rank (6). Indonesia is been under of intellects, feelings and motivation. If teacher
Singapore (18), Brunei Darussalam (30), as a production factor which feel happy to work
Malaysia (64), Thailand (103), and Philipines in passion, it is certain that the goals set by the
(114). While countries under Indonesia are organization will be more easily achieved.
Vietnam (127) and Myanmar (149) in end rank. Improving the quality of human resources
Interestingly, the data show that in education (HR) to the attention of all aspects in entering this
dimension, the average length of Indonesian era of globalization. Especially in the atmosphere
school is only for 5.8 years. It is far below other of multidimensional crisis, the community needs
ASEAN countries such as Singapore (10.1 the support of various parties to face free
years), Malaysia (9.5 years), Philipines (8.9 competition/global. So that, education has a
years), Brunei Darussalam (8.6 years), and important role for improving the quality of a
Thailand (6.6 years). Then if it is referred to in a resources owned. Increasing education becomes
quality domain of education include curriculum, one of factor for increasing the basic potential
educators, educational infrastructure and others. possessed by employees. Indicators of quality of
Productivity is still a problem for the human resources (HR) can be the level of
workforce in Indonesia. The comparison of education.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Minister of Administrative Reform and improve the competence of vocational graduates

Bureaucratic Reform, said that of the 4.7 million and has been ready to compete in the work world.
Civil Servants (PNS), 95% of civil servants are History notes that organizations implemented the
incompetent, and only 5% have competence in human-dimensional development paradigm have
their work (Pikiran Umum Rakyat, Thursday, been able to be developed although it has not the
March 1, 2012). riches of physical resources. Emphasis on human
The Statement of Minister of investment believed is the basis for increasing
Administrative Reform and Bureaucracy Reform productivity. Land, employees, physical capital
tends to give some responses from various can experience diminishing return, while science
communities/groups, both civil servants is not.
themselves and those working in the private Human resource investment as a money-
sector. For civil servants is one of self investment for teachers in SMK aimed to buy an
introspection materials to improve and improve expected asset in future can be resold with a
the competence, because the civil servant is higher value. Investment can also be said as a
located as an element of the state apparatus in delay of current teacher consumption for future
charge of providing services in general to the consumption as hope for future profits.
community professionally, honestly, justly and Investments for teachers in SMK can be
equitably in the implementation of state duties, done in non-physical domains such as education,
government and development. training, field work practices, health care and
Law Number 8 Year 1974 and Law Number employment. Non-physical investment or better
43 Year 1999[2] about the Principles of Personnel known as human resource investment is an
is explained that Civil Servant is every citizen of amount of funds spent and an opportunity to earn
the Republic of Indonesia who has fulfilled the income during the investment process. This
determined requirements, appointed by the investment plays a role in progress of economic
authorized official and assigned the duty in a growth. Human capital investments through
state office , or entrusted with other state duties, education in developing countries are vey
and is paid under applicable laws and needed. Although investment in education is a
regulations. Further it is explained that Civil long-term investment.
Servant consists of: Civil Servant (PNS), Factors can cause in developing levels of
Member of the Indonesian National Army (TNI); education in SMK are vocational higher
and Members of the Indonesian National Police education, expanding community knowledge,
(POLRI). and heightening the rationality of teacher
Civil Servants (PNS) consists of: Central thinking. This allows teacher to take a more
Civil Servants and Regional Civil Servants. It rational step in acting or making decisions.
can be described that if this civil servant has no Education allows teachers to learn the technical
competence, it will affect the service to the knowledge needed to lead and run modern
community, such as service become slow, work management and other modern activities. The
arbitrarily, not maximal, inefficient and the result better knowledge gained from education
is not related to standard operational procedures becomes a stimulus to create innovations in
(SOP) that have ;been determined. engineering, economics, and in other aspects of
The fundamental problem of the quality of community life.
human resources (HR) faced by many Increased experience of a teacher in a work
organizations is one of the organizations world, it will also increase knowledge, skills,
government that is SMK, it changes the reward capabilities and dexterity in the devotion of his
system from pay for position to pay for person. work in organizational institutions. The more a
The salary system has changed, if previously the person's work experience or the longer person's
basic salary portion is greater than the salary time for work duration will be able to improve
variable (rewards or bonuses), now increasingly the ability of cooperation or in other words will
enlarging the portion of the salary variable, it affect the performance improvement of the
means that each person is assessed based on his person.
performance (pay for performance). Experience is important, but it will be more
Civil Servants as teachers in SMK, teachers optimal if it is balanced with the level of
need to be improved in terms of education and knowledge constantly updated. Science is
skills on a more intense occasion. Teachers as constantly evolving, as same as times. New
one factor of production except natural resources, problems, new tools and procedures, and new
capital, entrepreneurs to produce output. The jobs always create new needs for the
higher quality of teacher make more efficiency organization. If an organization does not want to
and productivity of an organization and can

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

be left behind must also keep up with the times. investment in human capital to address today's
That fact can not be denied the existence. global challenges.
When an organization wants to form a (Fitz-ens, 2000, pp.xii)[5] states that the
teacher for an organization following the definition of human capital can be explained as a
development of changing time/era, the time is combination of the following factors: a) The
needed is a teacher's level of education required characteristics of a person brought from birth into
by the organization. In education there is a work, intelligence, energy, generally positive
continuous process running and not just for a attitudes , Reliability, commitment; b) A person's
moment. But education can also be called as an ability to learn, talent, imagination, creativity,
effort to improve one's general knowledge and what is often referred to as street smart
including mastery of the theory to decide the (intellectual intelligence); c) Motivation of a
issues concerning the activities of achieving person to share information and knowledge, team
organizational goals. spirit and goal orientation.
Teacher in an organization is very The components of educational investment
important about innovation process. Except the include output of education in the form of
achieving of education improves the learning gain, such as increased knowledge,
performance teacher but it can improve skills, understanding, and attitude changes. The
individual capability, individual motivation, benefits in education are obtained only when the
leadership, the organizational climate, dan output of learning is used effectively in the
workgroup effectiveness (Mayo, 2000, pp. 521- community. Thus, the benefits of education are
533)[3]. The components become main purpose of not on the output of the educational process, but
teachers’ role in organization especially in SMK. rather how the output of education is used. The
Many of teachers in SMK have a long use of effective learning output is not a function
working period, generally above fifteen years of educational cost input, as it is influenced by
dedication. Ironically they only belong to high many factors beyond education.
school of education level. If this is maintained so (Stockley, 2003, pp.41) noted that human
they will have competitors from different fields capital have meaning;
of science that will keep them far behind. As we “the term of human capital is
all know that from period to period are changing, recognition that people in organization
and those follow as well as the demands of work. and business are an important and
Educational investment provides a higher essential asset who contribute to
rate of return than physical investment in other development and growth, in a similar
fields. The return value of education is the ratio way as physical asset such as machines
between the total cost incurred to finance and money. The collective attitude, skill
education with the total income which will be and abilities of people contribute to
earned after a person graduates and enters the organization performance and
workforce. productivity. Any expenditure in
The concept of human capital investment training, development, health and
that supports economic growth, has existed since support is an investment not just an
the days of Smith (1776), Thunen (1875) and expense”.
other classical theorists prior to the 19th century Similar with human capital investment,
which emphasized the importance of human SMK provides opportunities for teachers to
capital investment. Human capital is a stock of continue their education at a higher level. The
the productive capabilities and knowledge that number of teachers (PNS) in SMK is 536 ranging
occur in society (Becker, 1975, pp. 334)[4]. from elementary to postgraduate level/degree. In
Human capital is a long-term investment in fact the number of teacher education graduate
human resource development to increase high school level/degree is more than college
productivity. The importance of human capital is graduate (D2 / D3 / S1 / S2).
the existing knowledge on human resources is the There are things that need to be analyzed
driving base in increasing productivity. why the amount of high school level/degree is
Human Capital in an organization consists still a lot. Whereas the basic assumption of
of individuals who work in it. Human capital is human capital investment theory is that a person
also the basis of organizational activities. SMK is can increase his income through improving
an organization that owns and manages teachers. education. Each additional one level of education
The institution has many teachers that can be means on other hand improving the ability in
developed. The reason why education as a human working and increase his income and delay the
capital investment for teachers working in SMK receipt of income during a certain period of
is because education is the most important education.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

The attention of the leadership in SMK to vocational school who continue education has
human capital or human capital as one of the never been done. Starting from that point, it is
main production factors for most organizations is important to do an analytical activity to know the
often compared with other production factors measurement of human capital investment and
such as technology, infrastructure, and money. rate of return for teachers in vocational schools
Many institutional leaders are less aware that the that will make improvements in education.
benefits derived from the organization derive
from human capital. This is cause by the activity
of the organization only seen from business
perspective. Leaders in SMK do not see human Types of research
This research was an evaluation research
resources (HR) as a unique unit of knowledge
and skills needed to be developed. Not only using quantitative approach.
human resources of the educators, but teachers Time and Place of Study
The time conducted in this evaluation
also need to be considered.
Teachers in SMK are not yet fully aware research is on September-December 2016. An
of the function of human capital investment. It evaluation research was conducted at SMK of
DI.Yogyakarta province.
can be identified that most of teachers enjoy the
enjoyment of existing jobs today. It's hard to get Target / Research Subject
out of the comfort domain and develop his Subjects in this evaluation research were all
teachers working in vocational schools
knowledge. Most teachers are not concerned with
the knowledge they possess, because everyday (especially those already civil servants)
tasks in work can be trained intensely and do not amounted to 536 teachers. The sample for
require further education. Promotion and validation amounted to 30 teachers while the
position, are waiting for his time to arrive. sample of the research amounted to 205 (Samples
obtained from the Population Table Issac and
Teachers working in vocational schools
and continuing education at higher levels will get Michael).
quality in good work. It can be seen in some Procedure
The procedure in this research is by making
teachers who have completed educational
improvement, it is belong to theory of human lattice questionnaires, documentation guides, and
capital investment, that education affect on interview formats. After the data collected then
analyzed using Human Capital Investment
economic growth because education plays a role
in increasing productivity in work. The higher formula and by using Descriptive Statistics with
the formal education obtained by someone will the help of SPSS Software version 21.
Data, Intruments, and Data Collection
increase the work productivity of the person.
Improving the quality of human capital Techniques
investment can not be done in a short time, but it Data were collected by using questionnaire
and interview, then analyzed and concluded by
takes a long time. Human capital investment is
actually the same as other production factor using descriptive.
investments. Need to take into account the rate of Data analysis technique
Data analysis technique is done by two
return (benefit) of human capital investment.
Teachers in vocational schools that will make an things that is by using Human Capital Investment
investment, it should do a cost benefit analysis formula, covering: 1) calculation of Payback
(cost benefit analysis). The cost is the cost Period for teacher who is conducting education;
incurred for school and the opportunity cost of 2) calculate Benefit / Cost Ratio; 3) calculate
Return on Investment; 4) calculate Net Present
schooling is the income it receives when the
teacher is not in school. The benefit is the income Value; And 5) calculate the Internal Rate of
(return) that will be received in the future after Return. The second analysis to evaluate using
software with the help of SPSS version 21 with
school is over.
Simarmata (1985: 156)[6] declare to descriptive statistical analysis.
classify investment analysis in general into 2
parts: 1) static investment analysis, including: a)
profitability, b) payback period, c) B / C ratio, Payback Period
and d) return on Investment); 2) dynamic Payback Period calculation results are the
investment analysis, including: a) net present total time required for return on investment does
value, b) internal rate of return, and c) not exceed the specified study time limit. This is
profitability index). evident in the calculation results of both teachers.
Measurement of human capital Teachers from S1 to S2 have a payback period of
investment and rate of return for teachers in 1 year 7 months 9 days does not exceed the time

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

limit specified for 4 years, while the teacher who The rupiah figure illustrates that the income to be
continue on S3 has Payback Period 2 years 3 received by teachers in the coming year does not
months 21 days from the standard time specified decrease due to inflation, meaning that the NPV
that is 5 year. Descriptive statistical calculation in the educational perspective takes into account
results using SPSS version 21 has an the value of money that varies between the
achievement score of 83.69%. This figure present and the future. Descriptive statistical
indicates that the ability of teachers working in calculation results using SPSS version 21 above
vocational school in return for investment of the average of 84.07%. The average is greater
education does not exceed the time limit than the gap so that the NPV in educational
specified, so Payback Period investment in achievement is feasible to do. This figure
education is effective because it has a smaller indicates that teachers who work in SMK
gap. understand the things in estimating the results of
Benefit / Cost Ratio higher education which is a way of estimating the
The calculation result of Benefit / Cost results of education in monetary with attention to
Ratio is the money used by the teacher in cost factors and changes in the value of money.
education investment gives positive benefit for Internal Rate of Return
the teacher itself, it is proven on the result of the The calculation result of Internal Rate of
calculation on the teacher who continue the S2 Return for teachers who are continuing education
level that is 1.48% and the teacher who continue at level S2 is 20,09% while result of IRR
the S3 level of 1.54 %. These figures indicate that calculation for teacher continuing at level of S3
the benefit.cost Ratio in education provides equal to 15,72%. IRR numbers are above cost of
accuracy in utilizing the budget by giving capital (7.50%), it can be interpreted that the
priortias on input factors in the field of teacher discount rate that equates the results of
education that can spur achievement of work continuing higher education with total cost can
performance so as to provide good benefits for provide good income. Descriptive statistical
the teacher. Descriptive statistical calculation calculation results using SPSS version 21 above
results using SPSS version 21 shows 77.56% and the average of 97.07%. These figures show that
greater than the gap value. 77.56% can be teachers working in SMK are familiar with the
interpreted that the strategic policy in the method of calculating investments by calculating
management of cost in education by principal the interest rate that equates the present value of
teachers on the balance between the cost (cost) of the investment with the present value of future
education issued with benefits received, so that B net receipts. The conclusion of these figures
/ C Ratio can be effective. implies that investment in the education can be
Return on Investment declared effective (feasible).
The results of the Return on Investment of The result of this research in education
teachers who continue S2 is 48% while teachers perspective for teacher at SMK can be seen on
who continue S3 by 54%. The percentage is not table 2.
small, so the ROI for teachers who make
improvements to educational qualifications is not Table 2. The Result od Descriptive
adverse. Figures percentage is the greater can Analysis by Using SPSS 21.
provide greater returns as well. Higher ROI will No. Aspek
Skor Capaian Kesenjangan
provide a high profit. Descriptive statistic (%) (%)
1. Payback 83,69 16,31
calculation result using SPSS version 21 equal to Period
77,07%. This figure shows that the ROI for 2. B/C Ratio 77,56 22,44
teachers investing in education agrees that ROI 3. Return on 77,07 22,93
can provide good benefits for teachers, so Investment
4. Net Present 84,07 15,93
investment in teacher education is acceptable,
because it has fewer gaps than the percentage rate 5. Internal Rate 97,07 2,93
generated. of Return
Net Present Value Total 419,46 80,54
Net Present Value calculation result is Mean 83,892 16,108
Deviation Standard 8,07 8,07
Positive, it can be proven on the result of teacher
counting that continue S2 which equal to
Rp17.059.305, - while the teacher who continue While the recapitulation data as described
S3 equal to Rp7.027.573, - Estimation of result on diagram below.
of education monetize with pay attention to cost
factor and change value of money Does not
directly affect the investment investments made.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

1. Return on 77,07 22,93

HCI dalam Perspektif Investment
2. Net Present 84,07 15,93
Pendidikan bagi Tenaga Value
Kependidikan di… 3. Internal Rate 97,07 2,93
of Return
Two others include aspects by below
mean in the implementation of educational
Series1 Series2 qualification improvement for teachers in SMK.
These aspects can be seen in table 4.
Graph.3. Result Data of Descriptive
Table.4. Aspects of Human Capital
The data above are described that Investment below mean
implementation of increasing educational
qualification for teacher at SMK has three No. Aspects Performance Asymmetry
Score (%)
aspects belong to near standard. It is shown by (%)
performance score above mean can be seen on 1. Return on 77,07 22,93
table 3. Investment
2. Net Present 84,07 15,93
Table.3. Aspect of Human Capital
Investment above mean.
Based on the five methods of feasibility
No. Aspects Performance Asymmetry on the financial aspects used in assessing
Score (%) investment of Human Capital Investment can be
(%) seen in table 5.

Table. 5. Result of Investment Feasibility Analysis

Assessment Method Score/Value Defined Standard Explanation

Payback Period (PP) 1 tahun 7 bulan 9 hari Umur Ekonomis UE > PP Investasi layak
2 tahun 3 bulan 21 hari 4 tahun
5 tahun
B/C Ratio 1.48% B/C Ratio (+) B/C Ratio +
1.54% Investasi layak
Return on Investment (ROI) 48% ROI (+) ROI +
54% Investasi layak
Net Present Value (NPV) Rp17.059.305 NPV (+) NPV +
Rp 7.027.573 Investasi layak
Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 20.09% WACC: 13% IRR +
15.72% (Weight Average Cost of Investasi layak

77,07%. The figure shows that the ROI for

teachers is effective.
Master from S2 level has a payback The results of Net Present Value of
period of 1 year 7 months 9 days does not exceed teachers who continue S1 that is Rp17.059.305, -
4 years, while S3 level has Payback Period 2 while the S2 power of Rp7.027.573,-. The result
years 3 months 21 days not exceeding 5 years. of descriptive statistic is 84,07%. The figure
Descriptive statistical results have an shows positive so investment is considered
achievement score of 83.69%, so Payback Period effective.
investment in education efektf. The calculation result of Internal Rate of
The calculations on the teacher who Return S1 level is 20,09% while S2 level equal
continue the S2 level of 1.48% and S3 level of to 15,72%. IRR numbers are above the cost of
1.54%. Descriptive statistic 21 shows 77.56%, it capital (7.50%), Descriptive statistics are
can be interpreted that there is a balance between 97.07%. This figure means that investment in the
the cost (cost) of education issued with benefits education can be declared effective (feasible)
received, so the B / C Ratio can be effective. This suggestion is for the institution
The result of ROI S1 is 48% and S2 is where the research is conducted, that is SMK.
54%. The result of descriptive statistic with The suggestions are: 1) Need of work program

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

related to Human Capital Investment so that

teacher is institutionalized by institution in
improving education qualification at higher
level; 2) Leaders of the organization should
understand human capital because the concept of
human capital can measure the ability of teachers
to transform data into a valuable outcome for the
organization; 3) The organization leadership
recognizes the value and contribution of existing
teachers, thereby making the organization grow
and growing rapidly.

This article will be presented at The
1st Yogyakarta International Conference on
Educational Management/Administration and
Pedagogy (YICEMAP 2017) in May 13 2017.
We would also like to show our
gratitude for head of Education and Cultural
Office of DI. Yogyakarta province and
Headmasters of all Vocational Senior High
School of DI. Yogyakarta province in giving a
permission to conduct this research and then for
all teachers of all Vocational Senior High School
of DI. Yogyakarta province in helping us as
respondent of this research.


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with special reference to education. New
York: Columbia University Press. pp.334
[5] Fitz-enz, Jac. (2000), How to measure
human resources management-International
Edition, McGraw. pp.xxi
[6] Dj.A. Simarmata. (1984), Pendekatan sistem
dalam analisa proyek investasi. Jakarta:

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Rukiyanto, S.J.
Religious Education Department, Sanata Dharma University
[email protected]

The world of education in Indonesia has mourned when various kinds of violence in school and campus
environment have occurred. Recently, a student of a famous high school killed his roommate because of
shame experience. In Yogyakarta, there is a new dangerous hobby of young students, called nglithih, a
group of students going around the city in the night with motorcycles bringing swords to threaten people or
other groups.
Facing this situation, we need to develop anti-violence education which is expected to stop many forms of
violence that occur at school and campus. Character education which offers good values of the society can
become an alternative form of education that can be applied to improve the education system in Indonesia
amidst the challenges of fundamentalism, radicalism and conservatism. Character education needs to be
developed to foster an attitude of openness, inclusiveness and dialogue which embraces all people from
various cultural backgrounds, religions, beliefs, tribes and ethnic groups in Indonesia as well as to help to
nurture young people to be fully human.
One of the methods to enhance character of the students is what we call Reflective Pedagogical Paradigm
approach. It can be used for more effective anti-violence education to achieve the goal of complete and
comprehensive education. Reflective Pedagogical Paradigm approach is a method developed by the Jesuits
since sixteenth century. The Jesuits are famous with good education since the order manages many schools
and universities all over the world. The Jesuits have a strong educational tradition since the beginning of
the order in the sixteenth century.
This paper develops non-violence education, an application of character education based on Pedagogical
Paradigm of Reflection approach. By this approach, the students can develop sense of humanity, sister-
brotherhood, openness and inclusiveness among the students from different backgrounds, religions, beliefs
and ethnics to foster a basic unity of the nation.
Keywords: non-violence education, character education, Reflective Pedagogical Paradigm.

indeed planned klithih action. They ride the

motor around at night while carrying sharp
On March 12, 2017, the people of weapons.
Yogyakarta were shocked by the tragic event, Another tragic incident occurred when
namely the death of a student of Piri 1 Junior three students of Islamic University of Indonesia,
High School named Ilham Bayu Fajar (17 years Yogyakarta, namely Muhammad Fadli, Syaits
old), due to a group of students clashing at around Asyam and Ilham Nufadmi Listya Adi died after
00.30 at Jalan Kenari, near Yogyakarta City attending the activities of Mapala (Nature Lovers
Government Center ( Ilham Students) in Tawangmangu January 13-20, 2017
was killed after being hit by a sharp weapon that (Kompas, January 25, 2017). The management of
hit his chest through the lungs. No less than two University of Islam Indonesia (UII) recognized
days the Police Criminal Investigation and Crime the violence against the participants. As a form
Unit Yogyakarta arrested seven of the nine of moral responsibility for the disaster, UII
children allegedly involved in the attack. The Rector. Ir. Harsoyo M.Sc. resigned from his post
perpetrators were still in junior and senior high as Rector (Kedaulatan Rakyat, January 27,
school. This incident started when the group of 2017).
the victim and the group of perpetrators met, then Previously, several times Indonesian
came out the word of curses from the mouth of educational world has mourned a number of
the victim. According to Police Chief, Brigadier violence that occurred on campus (Kompas,
General Ahmad Dofiri, the perpetrators have January 25, 2017): at the College of Marine

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Sciences, Marunda, North Jakarta (Dimas Dikita Regenstreif-Ortlieb. Illich spoke many
Handoko died, persecuted by his senior on 25 languages, including Italian, Spanish, French,
April 2014, six other cadets injured; Amirulloh German, Portuguese, Hindi, English and
Adityas Putra died, persecuted by his senior on Croatian. He studied histology (micro-anatomy)
January 10, 2017), at the Djadajat Maritime and crystallography at the University of Florence
Academy, Marunda, North Jakarta (David (Italy), theology and philosophy at the Pontifical
Richard Djumaati died, persecuted by his senior Gregorian University in Rome (1942-1946), and
on February 25, 2013), at the Jambi State Police medieval history in Salzburg, Austria
School (two students died on June 1, 2013, 11 (
other students were hospitalized after cross- In 1951, as a priest Illich was assigned to a
country exercises). poor county in New York, on the northern tip of
The Director of Family Education, Ministry Manhattan, then moved to the area of Puerto
of Education and Culture, Sukiman in Rican immigrants. In 1956, Illich was appointed
educational seminar at the Faculty of Education, as vice-chancellor of the Catholic University of
State University of Malang, East Java Puerto Rico, where he met Everett Reimer. Both
(November 29, 2016) stated that the number of became educational figures, offering an
violence at school environment experienced by education outside school. In 1961 Illich founded
students is still quite high. There is still a the Centro de Documentación Intercultural
perception that violence is part of education, (ClDOC) in Cuernavaca, Mexico, a Research
discipline needs to be done through violence. Center offering language courses for
Based on data from the International Center for missionaries and volunteers of the Alliance for
Research on Women (ICRW) in 2015, as many Progress program established by John F.
as 84 percent of students in Indonesia claimed to Kennedy, and documenting the roles of the
have experienced violence at schools. As many Vatican in developing the Third World. Through
as 45 percent of male students and 22 percent of CIDOC, Illich criticized groups working to
female students mentioned that teachers or develop the Third World, including missionaries
school staffs were perpetrators of violence. In and foundations, which ultimately led him to
addition, 75 percent of students admit to having conflict with the Vatican. In 1976 Illich closed
committed violence at schools. Other facts, based CIDOC. Some members continued it as a
on the data of United Nations International language course center.
Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), 50 In the 1970s, Illich’s thought was very
percent of children claimed to have experienced influential among French leftist intellectuals. In
bullying at schools; 40 percent of students aged the 1980s, Illich taught at universities in the
13-15 years claimed to have experienced United States, Mexico, and Germany. He was a
violence by peers ( [1]. visiting lecturer at the University of
Recognizing the prevalence of violence in Pennsylvania, University of Bremen and Hagen
education, the author is interested in bringing University. At the end of his life, Illich was
forward the view of Ivan Tillich, a famous strongly influenced by Indian economist who
Austrian philosopher, who reflects much on the became adviser of Mahatma Gandhi, J.C.
educational world in the United States and Latin Kumarappa, who appeared in his book, Economy
America. This paper will present who Ivan Illich of Permanence.
was and his views on non-violence education.
For the context in Indonesia, non-violence The Thought of Ivan Illich
education needs to be combined with character
In 1971, Illich published the book
education so that education that aims to form a
complete human being can be realized. The Celebration of Awareness: A Call for
approach of Paradigm of Reflective Pedagogy Institutional Revolution. In this book Illich
discussed the following themes: American
can be used to further strengthen non-violent
education. violence in Vietnam, the fight against poverty,
Latin America, Puerto Rico and immigration to
the United States, issues within the Catholic
Church, the Church’s role in social change and
Ivan Illich (September 4, 1926 - December its development, the waste of educational school,
2, 2002) was an influential Croatian Catholic and and family planning programs in the third world.
Austrian-Croatian philosopher who wrote much Each theme raises the theory and practice
about educational institutions. Illich was born in towards a cultural revolution.
Vienna from the Croatian Catholic father, Ivan Illich questioned all forms of certainty as
Illich Peter, and the Jewish mother, Ellen née truth [2]. He criticized the processes and methods

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

of industrialization in the United States applied values that should be developed and
in the third world, especially in the field of disseminated to the community through school.
education. According to Illich, the institutional Ivan Illich offered a way out by developing
approach applied in the United States has a unique and personal education that was
resulted in dehumanization and creating separated from the existing school system. Good
backwardness for the poor. Illich reflects that the education was education organized by peers. One
social structure and systems that existed at that should be freed from the shackles of pursuing
time (1960s) led to the destruction of human diplomas, from the curriculum rigor, and from
beings. Illich criticized the Church and its efforts the whole process of mass production work
for the development of the poor in Latin America organized by private bodies as well as
and called on radical social and institutional governmental institutions. Learners should be
change within the Catholic Church, which can be freed from the feudalism of school structures.
easily applied to larger social contexts. Illich One should be free to choose and demand
invited everyone to fight together to create a new knowledge from whomever he likes, so that one
world. Illich called it a “call to celebration” [3]. likes the knowledge he learns and has a passion
in the mutual relationship between the learner
Deschooling Society and his teacher. Educational goals that uphold
human values can only be achieved when people
The second book written by Ivan Illich was have the respect and awe of the educator. Thus it
the Deschooling Society which addressed the
takes the network of science networks that can be
issue of education. Illich protested the existing utilized by every citizen in need [4].
educational system and institutionalization of Ivan Illich’s thought was motivated by the
learning. In the early 1960s Illich believed and social and political crisis situations in the United
convinced in the benefits of people at school as a States and the failure of educational planning
means of “human liberation” through the
programs that were funded by US agencies in
awareness and excitement of science and Latin American countries. There was a belief that
knowledge [4]. Towards the end of the 1970s schools opened up equal opportunities for
Illich changed his attitude and believed that
everyone who wanted to learn. Everyone who
schools should be dissolved, because education wanted to go to school could succeed to be a
held in schools had deviated from the real scientist or a technocrat as long as he got the
purpose of education. Schools no longer
work practices and lessons he chose. In fact,
distinguished between teaching and learning, every opportunity used by A would be
between pursuing test scores and education, detrimental to B. The progress obtained by A in
between the skills of doing a particular job and
school would limit the equal opportunity for B.
creating new thoughts and ideas. The person who The scoring system formed a sort of academic
entered the school was directed to the worship of achievement hierarchy. Based on the hierarchy,
the value of services in the community work
it was measured by anyone who was
market, not to mention the provocation and scientifically qualified, and who was not.
dissemination of new thoughts which are
expected to help the effort to uphold human
The Challenges in Indonesia
The danger of excessive worship of the There are many challenges faced by
value of the service market in a society that had society. News about violence, fraud, corruption,
developed both technology and economic system drugs, free sex and the like are still a lot of
had been reminded since the early 1950s about coloring newspapers in Indonesia [5].
the sense of alienation experienced by human Recent events in Yogyakarta as well as
beings in a complex society. The courses in terror events that have also occurred in several
schools in the United States and Latin America places in Indonesia have shown that violence and
tended to lead to the killing of human basic conflict have still been widespread in Indonesia.
values [4]. Illich saw schools as authoritarian, In general, the violence that occur has
repressive, one-sided, overpriced, social characteristic terroristic or sectarianistic violence
institutions only benefit the rich over the sacrifice [6]. What often happen are interreligious
of the poor, and even more the school became a conflicts (Muslims against non-Muslims).
place of gaining useless knowledge. Schools Sectarian-style conflicts, as experienced by
were places to continue and perpetuate existing Ahmadis and Shiites, are based on interreligious
social myths and contradictions. Schools were spirit.
places to mold the oppressors of basic human Violence can be divided into three stages:
first, the stage of radicalism in the form of belief

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

and thought. This stage is constituted by an Instant and consumeristic cultures that fill
exclusive attitude, feeling self-righteous. Other the mass media and become a lifestyle of society
groups are seen with negative labels that do not also affect our young people. They also follow
deserve to be well received and equal. This stage the instant and consumeristic cultures. They do
of violence has the most support, though it is not not want to work hard or struggle, but tend to find
visible visually. This stage of violence can form an easy way to solve problems through shortcuts.
the basis for the violence at later stages. Looking at those concrete situations of our
The second stage is the violent stage of youth and society as such, we can conclude that
extremism, which is already in the form of it is not easy to expect formal education to
anarchistic actions from conversation to real educate children to be noble, smart and good. We
action. The actors and supporters of this stage are need character education that serves to form a
smaller in number than the first stage. The act of personal character, to be able to maintain peace
physical violence is used to uphold what is right and harmony in interfaith communities.
in itself and to combat what is perceived as In the following section, we will discuss
misguided and wrong in self and other groups. character education as a means of forming the
The Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) is included in personality of responsible children.
this stage.
The third stage is the stage of terrorism. At Character Education
this stage exclusive beliefs are fought through
The 1945 Constitution article 31 obliges the
organized and trained weapons struggles,
including by using bombs in public places that government to “establish and conduct a national
often cause casualties from innocent people. The education system, which increases the faith and
perpetrators and supporters of this stage of piety and moral character in order to educate
violence are much less than the previous two people, which is set by law.” For the realization
of the mandate of the 1945 Constitution, the
stages. But this third stage is often considered the
most serious problem and gets the greatest government issued the Law on National
attention from all parties, especially security Education System in 2003, which is also one of
them emphasizes the importance of education to
forces and policy makers.
Nowadays many criminal forms are improve moral behavior. In the Law on National
committed by young people [5]. The Education System no. 20 of Chapter I, Article 1,
paragraph 1, education is defined as “conscious
development of the times also influence the
development of our young people. Globalization and deliberate effort to create an atmosphere of
and technological advancement not only bring learning and the learning process so that students
are actively developing the potential for him to
positive benefits, but also have a negative impact
on the development of the character of our young have spiritual power of religion, self-control,
children [7]. They are easily influenced by personality, intelligence, good character, as well
as the skills to build society and nation.
negative things coming from other cultures,
which are easily accessible via the internet or Character is “positive values and attitudes
through television and movies, such as free sex of a person that affect the person’s behavior,
ways of thinking and acting, and ultimately the
culture and individualist culture.
The culture of corruption that has been character of his/her life” [8]. Character is innate
rooted in various layers in the society also gives element from birth, some are good and some are
effect on our youth. At school they cheat on not good, which can be developed and changed
examinations, or just copy-paste someone else’s through education. The task of education is to
develop a good character and to help to eliminate
writing, buy an answer sheet of National
Examination, falsify laboratory data, etc. The bad character. Character education, therefore, is
value of honesty implanted in schools simply “education aimed at helping students to
experience, acquire, and possess strong
disappears because of the influence of culture of
dishonesty in society. character” [5].
The violent culture that is widely aired on Educational leader whom we can refer to
his views on character education is Prof. Dr. N.
television, in movies and in print media
influences many young people so that they are Driyarkara, S.J. (1913-1967). Driyarkara was a
easily ignited by violence, murder, brawl and Jesuit priest who took a doctorate in philosophy
at the Pontifical University of Gregoriana, Rome
other acts of violence. Porn videos which are
very easy to get through the internet and the black (1950-1952), who later became a professor of
market make young people easy to do free-sex or philosophy at Saint Ignatius College, Kotabaru,
Yogyakarta. In 1955 Driyarkara co-founded
PTPG (institute of teacher training) Sanata

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Dharma and became its leader until 1967 when upholds the value of humanity. This approach
Sanata Dharma changed its status into IKIP suggests the students to enter into an experience,
(Institute of teacher and education) [9]. not only getting some information.
According to Driyarkara, education is a This learning method aims to form a
process of hominization and humanization [10]. complete human, which consists of 3 C:
“Hominization” comes from the Latin word competence, conscience, and compassion.
homo (human); it is defined as a general Competence means capability in science or skills
education process that awakens a person as according to the field or specialization.
human; while “humanization” derived from the Conscience means having a conscience that can
Latin word humanus (humanly); it is a further distinguish between good and bad. Compassion
educational process, more specifically, that means having sensitivity to do for others in need,
produces culture and good and measurable having concern for others, especially the poor
behavior that shows civilization. In other words, and the needy (option for the poor).
education is a process of “humanizing young The dynamics of the Pedagogical Paradigm
people” or the process of “personization,” a of Reflection consists of three main elements,
process that is constantly perfect to achieve a full namely experience, reflection, and action,
personality. completed by the element before learning,
namely looking at the context and by the element
Pedagogical Paradigm of Reflection after learning, namely evaluation. Therefore the
dynamics of PPR include five elements: (1)
To develop a strong character, we need a context, (2) experience, (3) reflection, (4) action,
whole and comprehensive education that touches and (5) evaluation.
all student life [11]. The intellectual, social, In the following section, I will explain the
spiritual, moral, affective, physical, aesthetic, process of each element of the Pedagogical
and emotional aspects, all need to be developed.
Paradigm of Reflection.
In complete and comprehensive education,
critical, innovative, cooperative, honesty, high
morality, including computer networking skills,
need attention. In whole and comprehensive As teachers, we need to understand the
education many people are involved such as context of the students: their environment, their
lecturers, scientists, artists, parents, community, background, their community and their potential,
businessmen, government, NGOs, and others. their family, friends, peers, and their cultures
One of the methods to develop a full and [13]. By knowing their context, we can teach
holistic education is the method of Pedagogical them well.
Paradigm of Reflection, developed by Jesuit We need to build an authentic personal
education since 1586. This educational method relationship between teacher and student: mutual
has been practiced throughout the world and is trust and respect so that the teacher and students
always updated in accordance with current can become genuine companion.
situations and conditions [5]. We need to build a conducive environment
This learning method invites the students to of the school for integral human growth, in which
a deeper understanding of what is experienced, the moral development and religious formation
especially looking for what the teaching means in of adolescents takes place. Thus, a genuine love
terms of solving problems. Through the learning and personal care for each student (cura
process, the Pedagogical Paradigm of Reflective personalis) is essential for a conducive
can improve the motivation of learning by environment of the school.
involving them as critical actors in the learning We need to talk about values that we want
process. This makes teaching and learning more to develop, such as brotherhood, solidarity,
personal because it brings teachers' experiences respect for others, responsibility, hard work,
closer to the students. This method is a model of love, shared interests, respect for the
the pattern of accompaniment advancement of environment, and other values of humanity [14].
students both intellectually and emotionally Some challenges of Indonesian situation
(heart) in order to help to develop them to the need to be handled to help the students avoiding
fullness of human person [12]. those challenges, such as enforcement of one
This learning method has an approach that culture, corruption, plagiarism, copyright
applies reflection in finding the values of life in violation, the lack of ethos of study, creativity
the educational process as a foothold in and critical thinking, looking for certificate
determining attitude or behavior. This method instead of competence, instant culture, passivity
helps students nurturing their personality that

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

in class, copy-paste culture, feudal relationship The term ‘reflection’ means “a thoughtful
between teachers and students, and so on. reconsideration of some subject matter,
experience, idea, purpose or spontaneous
Experience reaction, in order to grasp its significance more
fully” [13].
In any experience, data is perceived by the At this level of reflection, “the memory, the
student cognitively [13]. Through questioning, understanding, the imagination and the feelings
imagining, investigating its elements and
are used to capture the meaning and essential
relationships, the student organizes this data into value of what is being studied, to discover its
a hypothesis: What is this? Is it like anything I relationship with other aspects of knowledge and
already know? How does it work? Then there is
human activity, and to appreciate its implications
an affective reaction: I like this. I’m threatened in the ongoing search for truth and freedom.”
by this. It’s interesting. I’m bored. This reflection is a “formative and
The Pedagogical Paradigm of Reflection
liberating process” [13]. It forms the conscience
aims to ensure that the student will have a full of students (their beliefs, values, attitudes and
learning experience of mind, heart and hand [15]. their entire way of thinking) in such a manner
The learning experience is expected to move
that they are led to move beyond knowing, to
beyond rote knowledge to the development of the undertake action.
more complex learning skills of understanding, In reflection, students are impelled to
application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.
consider the human meaning and significance of
The affective/evaluative stage of the what they study and to integrate that meaning as
learning process is very important, because the responsible learners who grow as persons of
‘sense and taste’ can deepen one’s experience. competence, conscience and compassion [15].
Affective feelings are motivational forces that Reflection is the process by which meaning
move one’s understanding to action and
surfaces in human experience, becomes more
commitment. clearly. Reflection leads individual to look ahead
The task of teachers is to provide to build a new framework in attitude, thinking,
‘experience’ for students so that the students can
and behaving. That reflection reconsiders every
experience by themselves as well as learn and experience for further development of the self.
find the meaning of the experience [16]. Reflection leads individual into agent of social
Human experience may be either direct or
transformation. The individual is challenged to
indirect [13]. Direct experience is experience reorganize attitudes, thoughts, and behaviors
engaged by students so that they are involved towards others and the environment. Reflection
fully. Thus, direct experience usually is fuller,
gives individual the power to do something for
more engaging of the person. Direct experience the sake of a better life. It is a path to pioneering
in education usually occurs in interpersonal the changing world into a just, peaceful, and
experiences, such as conversations or
loving community [12].
discussions, laboratory investigations, field trips, A major challenge to a teacher here is to
service projects, participation in sports, and the formulate questions that will broaden students’
awareness and impel them to consider
Indirect experience is achieved in reading viewpoints of others, especially of the poor [13].
or listening to a lecture. In order to involve It is important to note that teacher may not
students in the learning experience more fully, impose his/her viewpoints. Thus, teacher
teachers can stimulate students’ imagination and respects the student’s freedom. It is possible that,
use of the senses precisely so that students can
even after the reflective process, a student may
enter the reality studied more fully. Simulations, decide to act selfishly and to reject growth.
role playing, use of audio visual materials and the At this stage, students and teachers can have
like can help students to feel as real “historical
reflection together, to share their reflections and
settings, assumptions of the times, cultural, thereby have the opportunity to grow together. In
social, political and economic factors affecting this case, teachers and students make reflection
the lives of people” [13].
orally in class. Meanwhile written reflection can
also be done as homework.
This is the key to the Pedagogical Paradigm Action
of Reflection. Reflection is “the process whereby
Reflection in the Pedagogical Paradigm of
the student makes the learning experience his/her Reflection should not end only in understanding
own, gets to the meaning of the learning or affective reactions. The Pedagogical Paradigm
experience for self and for others” [15].

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

of Reflection, just as it begins with the reality of to find its meaning. Their conscience will grow.
experience, necessarily ends with that same They will be aware of the good and the bad
reality in order to effect it. Reflection is only values, and can decide for the better life. Finally,
useful when it fosters decision and commitment they become persons who have compassion for
[13]. others as well as for environment. They are
Action is not mere activity. It refers to “the helped to grow more holistic in study, not only in
student’s attitudes, priorities, commitments, cognitive aspect and skills, but also in morality,
habits, values, ideals, internal human growth spirituality, emotion, psychic, and their inner life.
flowing out into actions for others” [15]. They will not think for themselves, but they will
Action is the activity of students who want have good will, good character, and especially to
to be done as the practice of knowledge that has have social awareness to think and to act for both
just been studied together. Action plans need others and the nation [11].
accompaniment from teachers that can be
implemented for real activities outside the class. Evaluation
The term ‘action’ refers to “internal human
growth based upon experience that has been Evaluation is a review to know the progress
achieved in both student and teacher learning.
reflected upon as well as its manifestation
externally” [13]. It involves two steps: The focus of assessment is not only academic but
i) Interiorized Choices: After reflection, the also the growth and development of students as a
whole both as personal and social beings.
student considers the experience from a personal
point of view. Here in light of cognitive Evaluation aims to assert the already good, and
understanding of the experience and the to correct the still lacking for improvement.
affections involved (positive or negative), the It is important to evaluate a student’s
will is moved. Then the student will make some progress in academic achievement. Daily
quizzes, weekly or monthly tests and semester
choices. Such choices may occur when a person
decides that a truth is to be his or her personal examinations are familiar evaluation instruments
point of reference, which will affect any number to assess the degree of mastery of knowledge and
skills achieved. Periodic testing is useful for the
of decisions. At this point, the student chooses to
make the truth his or her own, while remaining teacher and the student both to intellectual
open to where the truth might lead. growth and to the shortages which are necessary
to be improved. Feedback can alert the teacher to
ii) Choices Externally Manifested: In time,
these meanings, attitudes, values which have improve methods of teaching and the student to
been interiorized, made part of the person, impel be encouraged and adviced for academic
the student to act, to do something consistent
with this new conviction. If the meaning was The Pedagogical Paradigm of Reflection,
positive, then the student will likely seek to however, “aims at formation which includes but
goes beyond academic mastery. Here we are
enhance those conditions in which the original
experience took place. For example, if the goal of concerned about students’ well-rounded growth
physical education has been achieved, the student as persons for others. Thus periodic evaluation of
the student’s growth in attitudes, priorities and
will be inclined to have some regular sport during
his free time. If the student appreciates better the actions consistent with being a person for others
needs of the poor after service experiences and is essential” [13]. Comprehensive assessment
reflection on those experiences, this might needs to be planned at intervals, at least once a
influence his or her career choice or move him or semester.
There are many ways to assess the fuller
her to volunteer to work for the poor. If the
meaning was negative, then the student will human growth. All must take into account the
make some changes, avoid the conditions in age, talents and developmental levels of each
student. Useful pedagogical approaches can be
which the original experience took place. For
example, if the student appreciates the reasons applied, such as mentoring, review of student
for his or her lack of success in school work, he journals, student self-evaluation in light of
personal growth profiles, as well as review of
or she may decide to improve study habits in
order to avoid repeated failure. leisure time activities and voluntary service to
From the process of deep experience, others.
Based on the above exploration on the
reflected deeply, the students will arrive to action
which will change their lives and their attitude to Pedagogical Paradigm of Reflection, we can
others and to environment. In this ongoing summarize that learning is:
process, the students will be really competent in  situated in a specific context;
their fields, being able to explain the matter and

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

 rooted in previous experience and the result as critical active participants in the teaching-
of new learning experiences; learning process. It aims for more personal
 dependent upon – and deepened by – learning by bringing student and teacher
reflection about those experiences; experiences closer together. It invites integration
 made meaningful when new knowledge is of learning experiences in the classroom with
put into some kind of action; those of home, work, peer culture, and so on.
 reinforced by explicit evaluation (and It encourages close cooperation and mutual
ultimately, self-evaluation) of those actions sharing of experiences and reflective dialogue
and the degree to which learning has among students. It relates student learning and
occurred [15]. growth to personal interaction and human
Ultimately, these five elements should be relationships. It proposes movement and
understood as representing a process, not a progress toward action that will affect the lives of
prescription, for teaching. They function not as others for good. Students will gradually learn that
discrete segments or stages of a linear process, their deepest experiences come from their
but as interdependent facets of any deep learning relationship with and experiences of persons.
experience. Reflection should always move toward greater
The Pedagogical Paradigm of Reflection appreciation of the lives of others, and of the
can become an effective ongoing pattern for actions, policies or structures that help or hinder
learning as well as a stimulus to remain open to mutual growth and development as members of
growth throughout a lifetime [13]. the human family. This assumes, of course, that
teachers are aware of and committed to such

In our contemporary world, the Pedagogical

Paradigm of Reflection can be an immense help
in winning the minds and hearts of new
generations; for the Pedagogical Paradigm of
Reflection focuses upon education of the whole
The Benefits of Pedagogical Paradigm of person, heart, mind and will, not just the intellect
Reflection [13]. It challenges students to find meaning in
what they study through reflection rather than
The continual interplay of context,
rote memory. It encourages adaptation which
experience, reflection, action and evaluation
demands openness to growth in all of us. It
provides a pedagogical model that is relevant to
demands that we respect the students at varied
our cultures and times. It is a substantial model
levels of their growth; and the entire process is
of the teaching-learning process [13]. It
nurtured in a school environment of care, respect
addresses the importance and integrity of the
and trust, where the student can honestly face the
interrelationship of teacher, learner and subject
challenges to being human with and for others.
matter within the real context in which they live.
Thus, the Pedagogical Paradigm of
It is comprehensive and complete in its approach,
Reflection is a pedagogy which can help students
explaining the method of teaching in practical
growing more holistic in study, not only in
and systematic ways while, offering the means of
cognitive aspect and skills, but also in morality,
our educational mission of forming young ‘men
spirituality, emotion, psychic, and their inner life,
and women for others.’
because this paradigm can help students being
It enables teachers to enrich the content and
competence in their fields, help them to build
structure of what they are teaching. It gives
their conscience, to have good will, good
teachers additional means of encouraging student
character, and especially to have social
initiative. It allows teachers to expect more of
awareness to act for others.
students, to invite them to take greater
Hopefully with the cooperation and the
responsibility for and be more active in their own
seriousness of the lectures and students in
learning. It helps teachers to motivate students by
implementing the Pedagogical Paradigm of
providing the occasion and rationale for inviting
Reflection, the students are helped to become a
students to relate what is being studied to their
whole person and devoted to others [16]. In the
own experiences. midst of the Indonesian situation that needs
It asks students to reflect upon the meaning people who are sensitive to the needs of others,
and significance of what they are studying. It especially those who are poor and displaced,
attempts to motivate students by involving them

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

hopefully with this approach, many students are Refleksi, Yogyakarta: Penerbit Universitas
increasingly sensitive to others and are involved Sanata Dharma, 2015.
in developing our nation. Hopefully there are
[12] Petrus Sunardi, “Mengenal Lebih Dekat
more students who have good characters to
Paradigma Pedagogi Reflektif. Dalam
enhance the unity of the nation.
artikel-7#.WQTvNYlTLIU. Accessed on
April, 15, 2017.
[13] NN, Ignatian Pedagogy – A Practical
Approach, London: Jesuit Institute, 1993.
alami.kekerasan.di.sekolah. Accessed on
March 10, 2017. [14] Y. Subagya SJ, dkk., Paradigma Pedagogi
Reflektif: Alternatif Solusi menuju
[2] Richard A. Underwood, Review on
Idealisme Pendidikan Kristiani, Yogyakarta:
Celebration of Awareness: A Call for
Kanisius, 2008.
Institutional Revolution by Ivan D. Illich.
Journal of the American Academy of [15] “Ignatian Pedagogy Overview,” in
Religion, Vol. 43, No. 2, Book Review
Supplement (Jun., 1975), 405-406. tips-and-resources/ignatian-pedagogy,
accessed on April 20, 2017.
[3] Ivan D. Illich, Celebration of Awareness: A
Call for Institutional Revolution (New York: [16] Paul Suparno SJ, Pembelajaran di Perguruan
Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1970), 13. Tinggi bergaya Paradigma Pedagogi
Refleksi (PPR), Yogakarta: Universitas
[4] Juwono Sudarsono, “Tinjauan Buku: Ivan
Sanata Dharma, 2015.
Illich, ‘Deschooling Society’,” Prisma, no.
3. (April 1972), 58-59.
[5] B.A. Rukiyanto, “Pendidikan Karakter dan
Pendidikan Agama untuk Pembinaan Kaum
Muda,” Prosiding Seminar Nasional
“Reforming Pedagogy,” Fakultas Keguruan
dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sanata
Dharma (24 November 2016), 148-149.
[6] Hasibullah Satrawi, “Meruntuhkan Piramida
Kekerasan,” Kompas, 20 Februari 2016.
[7] Paul Suparno, “Relevansi pendidikan
Driyarkara untuk masalah pendidikan
akhlak orang muda zaman Ini,” dalam I.
Praptomo Baryadai (ed.), Membaca Ulang
Pemikiran Driyarkara (Yogyakarta:
Penerbit Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2013),
[8] Paul Suparno, Pendidikan Karakter di
Sekolah: Sebuah Pengantar Umum
(Yogyakarta: PT Kanisius), 2015.
[9] Anton Haryono, “Prof. Dr. Nicolaus
Driyarkara, S.J.” dalam I. Praptomo
Baryadai (ed.), Membaca Ulang Pemikiran
Driyarkara, Yogyakarta: Penerbit
Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2013, hlm. vii-
[10] A. Sudiarja, Pendidikan dalam Tantangan
Zaman, Yogyakarta: PT Kanisius, 2014.
[11] Paul Suparno, Pembelajaran di Perguruan
Tinggi Bergaya Paradigma Pedagogi

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Umy Annisa Amaliana1, Sri Anitah Wiryawan2, Riyadi3
Post Graduate, Universitas Sebelas Maret
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Since 1945 to 2013, Indonesia has experienced curriculum changing for eleventh times. Nowadays, the
used curriculum in Indonesia is the 2013 Curriculum and KTSP. The 2013 Curriculum is the curriculum
that has been implemented in some chosen schools in Indonesia. The learning instruments of the 2013
Curriculum have been provided by the government, one of them is learning materials. Learning materials
provided here are the teacher’s books and students’ books. This research aimed to: 1) analyze the learning
materials in Elementary School; 2) describe the needs of learning materials in Elementary School to develop
students’ critical thinking. This is a qualitative method. The data resources of the research were teachers,
headmasters, and the documents of learning instruments. The data collecting used observation, interviews,
and documenter study. The data validity testing used triangulation, both of technique triangulation and
source triangulation. The data analysis technique used was interactive data analysis technique by Miles and
Hubberman. The results showed that the learning materials in the Elementary School have developed a
thematic learning but did not to the maximum stage in improving students’ critical thinking skills. Teachers’
need of learning materials enhanced critical thinking skills. Critical thinking skills could be developed using
a learning model based on the constructivism learning theory, where the students built their own knowledge.
One of the learning models is discovery learning. The steps of discovery learning were stimulation, problem
statements, data collection, data analysis, verification, and drawing conclusion. Discovery learning showed
that the students should discover their own knowledge by themselves. For elementary students, the
discovery still needed teacher’s guidance. Therefore, discovery learning recommended for learning
materials because it can improve students’ critical thinking skills.
Keyword: learning materials, critical thinking, and discovery learning

The 2013 Curriculum is a curriculum that

implementing scientific approach. The steps of
Curriculum is regarded as a system that scientific approach are observing, asking,
organizes the learning process. Curriculum also reasoning, trying, and communicating. Those
can be regarded as a tool which is used to acquire steps are supposed to be able in improving
educational objectives. Since 1945 to 2013, students’ critical thinking skills.
Indonesia has been experiencing curriculum Students’ critical thinking skills ability
changing for the eleventh times. It shows the should be built since the early stage. It is needed
effort of the government to improve educational in this globalization era which it needs
aspect in Indonesia. The improvement in the competence of human resources products and has
educational aspect conducted by the government skills in every life aspects. It becomes the
clearly has a purpose in order Indonesia be able schools’ responsibilities to sharpen students’
to create good human resources. abilities in order to enable them to compete in the
The 2013 curriculum is not a completely globalization era.
new thing in Indonesian’s educational world. One ways to train the students in critical
This curriculum has been implemented in some thinking is by using implemented learning
chosen schools. The government plans to materials. It is because the learning materials
implement the 2013 Curriculum altogether in have important roles for both teacher and
Indonesia. Therefore, for some schools which students. Learning recourses are the manual for
have implemented the 2013 Curriculum will be the teachers in order to guarantee the learning
regarded as model schools. process can be conducted effectively and

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

interactively. Besides that, learning materials for carried out by analyzing some documents related
the students can help them to learn to the learning materials such as, syllabus, lesson
autonomously. plan, and learning materials used by the teachers.
The learning materials used in the 2013 The instruments needed in data collection
Curriculum are thematic learning materials. were the interview guidelines and observation
Thematic learning materials used are learning guidelines. The interview guidelines which were
materials which hire a theme to integrate some used contained some main questions to be
subject matters. It is conducted to ease the developed according to the condition. The
students in learning. recording or noting of the data when conducting
Learning materials are one of the important the interview was done in order to look back the
components in conducting learning process to needed data and to ease the researcher to analyze
acquire learning objectives and all at once as an the obtained data. The conducted observation
effort to reach national educational objectives. was a non-participatory observation, where in
Regarding the importance of these learning this observation, the researcher did not join in the
materials, thus this research focuses on learning learning process, but just observe. The
materials used in the schools that implement the instruments needed when conducting
2013 Curriculum. observation was observation guidance in which
The findings about learning materials in the contained the outline of the observed learning
school with the 2013 Curriculum showed that the activities. When conducting observation, it also
learning materials were not enough to improve needed field note that could be used when the
students’ critical thinking skills. Therefore, it is observation was taking place to write the
needed learning materials that enable to improve important things as the results of field
students’ critical thinking skills. This research observation.
aims to: (1) analyze the learning materials in The validity test was analyzed using data
Elementary School; (2) describe the needs of triangulation. The data triangulation was not only
learning materials in Elementary School to used to analyze the data but also to enrich the
develop students’ critical thinking. data. The data triangulation used in this research
was technique triangulation and source
triangulation. Technique triangulation in this
research used interview, observation, and
Research method used in this research was
documenter study. Meanwhile, the source
qualitative research method. Qualitative research triangulation in this research used informant, in
was a research with the purpose to understand the this case were the teachers and the headmasters.
phenomenon about what happen to the research
The data analysis used was interactive
subject. Qualitative research method was used model data analysis. Qualitative data analysis in
since it was regarded as the most suitable method this research used interactive model by Miles and
for this research.
Hubberman (1984) that consisted of data
The research was carried out in elementary reduction, data display, and conclusion [1]. The
schools in Gemolong Districts which has data reduction was an activity to re-summarize
implemented the 2013 Curriculum. The data
the field notes by choosing the important things
sources in this research were the headmasters and and focused on related research matters. The data
fourth grade elementary schools teachers in reduction had a purpose to create the clear images
Gemolong District which have implemented the and to ease the researcher in collecting the next
2013 Curriculum. data. The data presentation in the qualitative
The data collection techniques used was
research runs narrative in order to understand
observation, interview, and documenter study. what happen and to plan the next work. The
The interview was conducted in the beginning conclusion drawing and verification in
stage of the research to find out the condition and
qualitative data were used to obtain the research
the need of learning materials in the fields. The results based on the problem statements.
subjects of the interview were fourth grade
teachers and the headmasters of the schools
which has implemented the 2013 Curriculum.
The interview was conducted orally and face to The data on the field showed that there were
face. Meanwhile, the observation hired in the some chosen schools which had implemented the
introduction study stage was a non-participative 2013 Curriculum. The facts of the field also
observation, where the researcher did not join the showed that those schools had owned learning
learning process but just observing the learning instruments provided by the government. One of
process in the classroom. The documenter study the learning instruments provided by the

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

government was learning resources in the form deficiencies laid on the materials in the book. The
of teacher’s book and students’ book. learning materials in the 2013 Curriculum had
The documenter study result data toward not been enough.
learning materials being provided were not The result of the interview with the
suitable with the needs of the 2013 Curriculum. headmasters showed that the learning materials
The 2013 Curriculum actually needed learning were not enough. It is because the materials
materials that enable to improve students’ critical which were delivered in the learning materials
thinking skills. However, based on the conducted were just the outline of the materials. Thus, in the
documenter study, it showed that the provided implementation, the teachers needed supporting
learning materials did not yet improve students’ books or supplement books to broaden the
critical thinking skills to the maximum. materials taught to the students.
These facts were strengthening with the In line with the headmasters’ explanation,
results of the observation. The results of the the result of the interview with the teachers who
observation showed that in the process of implemented the 2013 Curriculum also
learning, the students’ critical thinking skills had complained about the learning materials in the
not been treated to the maximum. In the learning students’ book. According to them, the content
process, just few of the students who actively materials in the students’ book were not deep or
involved in the process, while the others tended not wide. They also added that the less broad of
to be passive. It was clearly shown when the the learning materials resulted in the students’
teacher asked some questions that required them difficulties in doing the examination test,
to think critically, but only some of them especially in the midterm test and final test.
willingly and was able to answer. As the result, Therefore, the teachers needed other referenced
there was imbalance between the active students books in conducting learning process.
and the passive students in the learning process. The teachers could deepen the materials by
The result of the observation in some using references or other learning materials.
classes also showed that in the learning process, However, based on the conducted observation, it
the teachers just hold on to the teacher’s book showed that the learning materials used by the
without using the lesson plan. The result of the teachers to deepen the materials were the books
interview to some of the teachers showed that for KTSP. Whereas, the 2013 Curriculum
actually the teachers had lesson plan, but to implemented thematic in the process, while
conduct learning process was enough just by KTSP did not implement thematic. This caused
using the teacher’s book as the guidance. Thus, the conducted learning process were not suitable.
the conducted learning process had not yet be The conducted learning process could be said as
able to improve students’ critical thinking skills less suitable since the learning process used
since the teachers did not develop learning thematic based while the supplement books used
process instead of just following the groove of by the teachers were KTSP books.
the teacher’s book. Even though KTSP books which were used
The result of the interview with some just to support the learning process, but it could
teachers showed that the teachers agreed if the cause another difficulty, such as the teachers
learning in the 2013 Curriculum should train were hard to come back to the theme or
students’ critical thinking skills. However, the reconnected the materials between one subject to
teachers had difficulties to improve students’ another. Whereas, the ideal thematic learning
critical thinking skills. They acknowledged that was the interchange between one subject to
all these years their ways in improving students’ another less viewed, in order to keep the students
critical thinking skills were just by giving stayed focused to the taught theme without
questions or giving problem examples to the separate the competencies or contents of the
students and then asked them to find the solution subject.
of those problems. However, the teachers The 2013 Curriculum used thematic in the
explained that at that time, it was carried out learning process. Thematic learning used a theme
since there were few students who were actively as the umbrella from various subject matters,
involved. Whereas, the demanding thing was all where the theme contained some competencies
of the students could be actively involved in the which were should be mastered by the students.
learning process. Through thematic, there also was scientific
The data obtain from the field showed that approach that had stages as followed: observing,
beside it had not yet showing students’ critical asking, and information collecting, associating,
thinking skills, the learning materials in and communicating.
elementary schools which had implemented the The implementation of scientific approach
2013 Curriculum had other deficiencies. Those was in line with the 2013 Curriculum which was

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

basically demanded students’ autonomous in be demonstrated by the students as the shape of

learning and demand the students to think their understandings toward the concept that are
critically. Since the role of the teachers regarded learnt contextually [3]. It is in line with the results
as the facilitators whom had a duty to provide of the research which shows that in the 2013
learning experiences, learning activities, Curriculum, the students’ competencies
students’ knowledge stimulating tools, and development are not only in the area of cognitive
monitor and evaluate students’ learning results. competencies, but also in the area of affective
Thus it was needed a learning model that enable competencies as well as psychomotor
to help the teachers to create their roles altogether competencies.
to help the students to be autonomous in learning The combination between competencies
and to improve students’ critical thinking skills. and students’ characteristics in the 2013
Autonomous learning model that was suitable Curriculum can be seen from the learning
with the 2013 Curriculum was the learning model materials used. One of the benefits of the 2013
based on constructivism learning theory. Curriculum is the components of the text books
Constructivism learning theory believed that and the guidance of the discussion has been
knowledge as the product of we construct that provided [4]. This is in line with the results of the
involved the five senses and our experiences. research that shows there is a complete learning
One of the learning models based on the instrument for the schools that have implemented
constructivism learning theory was discovery the 2013 Curriculum. However, those learning
learning. It is because in the discovery learning, instruments have some deficiencies in which one
the students were demanded to do the discovery of them is the lack of number of teachers who
activities as the effort to build their own analyze the standard competencies, basic
knowledge to create meaningful learning and the competencies, and main competencies of
results of the learning could hold on much longer students’ book and teacher’s book [4]. In result,
compared to the conventional learning model. when conducting learning process, the teachers
The reason for using discovery learning in just follow the learning guidance provided
this research was because discovery learning was without being developing it.
viewed as the most suitable to support the run of The learning activities stated in the books
thematic learning in which has been are actually quite good, but if the teachers do not
implemented in the elementary schools. The develop it, the learning process does not improve
suitability between thematic and discovery students’ critical thinking skills. Thus, the
learning was seen from the use of scientific conducted learning process seems to be
approach in the thematic learning. The students’ monotonous since the teachers only follow the
activities through scientific approach were one of learning steps stated in the books. Meanwhile, to
the efforts to train autonomous and improving improve students’ critical thinking skills, the
students’ critical thinking skills in learning. It teachers need to do the learning process that
was in line with the discovery learning which demand students’ autonomous.
demanded the students to create their knowledge One of the ways to improve students’
by themselves through activities of observing critical thinking skills is by using learning
and trying. Thus, it could be concluded that both materials. Learning materials regarded as the
in the scientific approach and discovery learning, material forms or learning materials which are
stressed more on the students’ autonomous arranged systematically and are used to help the
which could improve students’ critical thinking teachers in learning process, in order to create the
skills. Therefore, discovery learning based environment or the atmosphere that enables the
materials were the most suitable for improving students to learn [5]. Learning materials are also
students’ critical thinking skills. considered as programs arranged by the teachers
in order to develop knowledge, skills, and
students’ positive behaviors toward learning
which is demanded by the curriculum [6]. It
The 2013 Curriculum regarded as the shows the importance of learning materials in the
perfection of KTSP and one of the government’s
classroom learning process, since the learning
efforts to improve educational in Indonesia [2]. materials help the teachers and the students to
The 2013 Curriculum also considered as the conduct leaning activities in the classroom.
effort of the government to obtain the educational
The learning materials also can attract
objectives as stated on UU No. 20 Year 2003. students’ learning passion and ease the teachers
The 2013 Curriculum forms competencies and to develop students’ cognitive abilities so the
students’ characteristics by combining
conducted learning can be meaningful [7]. The
knowledge, skills, and behaviors which are can results of the field observation shows that

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

learning materials used by the teachers can materials should encourage learners to develop
develop students’ cognitive abilities through the learning skills, and skills in learning; materials
materials stated in the books. However, the should encourage learners to apply their
students’ cognitive abilities have not been developing skills to the world beyond the
develop to the maximum since the current classroom.
learning materials have not yet perfectly improve Critical thinking is a fundamental skill that
students’ critical thinking skills. develops early learning exercises and attractive
Critical thinking skills are generally activities, teaching and learning methods as
considered a desirable outcome of the diverse and varied, depending on the actual
educational process [8]. It is because, critical educational situation and critical thinking
thinking is considered the highest intellectual development stage [11]. Based on [11] critical
activity in human interaction and enables people thinking can be presented to the students both in
to engage in the process of making meaningful the form of physically activities and mental
decisions [9]. Critical thinking skills should be activities. The learning model that is suitable are
part of student’s learning and schools should be the learning models based on the constructivism
responsible to develop and evaluate critical learning theory.
thinking skills through teaching and learning Learning in constructivist term is: Both the
process [10]. Critical thinking is learning to process and the result of questioning,
interact with information actively to bring pros interpreting, and analyzing information; Using
and cons, evaluate them to determine the truth, this information and thinking process to develop,
transform information and generate new ideas build and alter our meaning and understanding of
[11]. Therefore, critical thinking skills are concepts and ideas; Integrating current
needed to be learnt from the early stage, experiences with our past experiences and what
especially since the elementary school. we already know about a given subject [15].
Elementary schools are considered as the Constructivism learning theory is very suitable to
places to train students’ critical thinking skills. train students’ critical thinking skills; since this
The teachers should give effort to create more theory considers that the students should form
interesting and meaningful learning. One of the and construct their own knowledge. The teachers
ways that can be done by the teachers are trying in the constructivism theory are regarded as
to have all students focused, motivated, and facilitators to help the students build the
engaged to learn each day [12]. knowledge.
Students’ critical thinking skills can be Constructivism learning theory has one of
trained by creating active and fun learning the learning models that are suitable to improve
atmospheres in order the students are able to students’ critical thinking skills that are
focus, being motivated, and being bind with the discovery learning. The educational process
learning process all day long. In order to create consist of providing aids and dialogues for
the active and fun learning process, the teachers translating experience into more powerful
can use learning materials as the instruments to systems of notation and ordering [16]. There is a
improve students’ critical thinking skills. vast amount of skilled activity required of a
However, the result of the research showed that ‘teacher’ to get a learner to discover on his own-
students’ critical thinking skills have not been scaffolding the task in a way that assures that
arisen to the maximum in the used learning only those parts of the task within the child’s
materials. reach are left unresolved, and knowing that
Bruner explains that the teachers should elements of a solution the child will recognize
modify the information to be taught in certain thought he cannot yet perform them [17]. Based
format to ease the students in understanding the on [16] and [17] discovery learning is highly
delivered information [13]. Based on the recommended as the learning materials since it
statement above, it means the teachers should try can improve students’ critical thinking skills.
to develop the learning materials in order to ease It is in line with the results of the
the students in processing the information. The observation that shows the students are more
learning materials which are developed also enthusiastic when they join the learning
should pay attention to the learning material experiments activities rather than just listen to the
development principals. Based on [14] materials teachers’ explanation. It is because, when the
should be clearly linked to the curriculum they students do the experiment, they get new
serve; materials should be authentic in terms of experiences and skills. Experiments also can give
text and task; materials should stimulate better learning experiences to the students, since
interaction; materials should allow learners to the students collect the data and then analyze it
focus on formal aspects of the language; and draw the conclusion.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

The steps of discovery learning include participants as long as they follow the activities
stimulating, problem stating, data collecting, data and training [22].
analyzing, verificationing, and conclusion
drawing. Those steps can be used as the
instruments for the teachers to improve students’
critical thinking skills. However, in the process, Learning materials in the Elementary
the teachers still need to guide and direct the School has developed a thematic learning.
However, the current learning materials have not
students, in order to keep the flow of the learning
process. yet in the maximum stage to improve students’
Actually, the learning model that is based critical thinking skills. Actually the elementary
school students should be trained to think
on the constructivism learning theory is not only
discovery, but also inquiry. Based on the logically in order they are used to critically think
meaning of the word discovery, it has a meaning the next days. Therefore, the teachers need
learning material that can be used to improve
of finding, while inquiry means investigate. The
inquiry training model can be highly structured, students’ critical thinking skills.
with the teacher controlling the interaction and The learning theory that is suitable to
improve students’ critical thinking skills is
prescribing the inquiry procedures [18]. Thus the
inquiry is less suitable to be used for the constructivism learning theory. It is because,
elementary school students since in the process constructivism learning theory sees the needs of
students to build the knowledge by themselves in
of investigating demands high thinking structure,
while in the age of elementary students, they are order that knowledge can be meaningful and long
not able yet to do it by themselves. Therefore, in lasting. One of the learning models based on the
this research uses discovery to suit with the constructivism theory that improve students’
thinking stage of elementary school students. critical thinking skills is discovery learning.
Discovery learning can improve students’
According to the Piaget cognitive
development theory, the children at the age of 7- critical thinking skills. Discovery learning
11 have the concrete operational thinking where demands the students to do some steps to obtain
their own knowledge by the teachers’ help.
the children can think logically about the
concrete events and clarify the things into Those steps include stimulating, problem stating,
difference forms [19]. Ref. [20] states that data collecting, data analyzing, verificationing,
and conclusion drawing. Those steps are seen to
cognitive level of the elementary school students
in seeing the surrounding world as holistic, be able to improve students’ critical thinking
beautiful, playful, and concrete, thus the students skills.
at that age cannot understand the concept without
the presence of real and contextual things. Based ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
on the students’ thinking level, thus discovery Many gratitudes are delivered to the
learning is highly recommended in developing teachers and the headmasters of elementary
the nest learning materials. schools in Gemolong Districts who are willingly
The development of learning materials can to be the data sources of this research.
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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Anip Dwi Saputro
Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo (The Reog University)
[email protected]

The Islamic boarding school born on the basic of obligations of propaganda Islamiyah, all at once spread
and develop the teachings of Islam, as well as scoring a cadre of scholars or da’i. In general boarding
schools can be classified into two, namely salaf pesantren (traditional Islamic boarding school) and khalaf
pesantren (modern boarding school). Civilized culture is a culture that is only possessed by humans. With
the culture which is owned by the community or communities will the brith lifestyle, system of values,
thinking, knowledge, certain norms are measured and realized according courtesy corridor that compliance
with the courtesy it showed a better condition than before. In the context of Islam, then Islam is not born
out of culture, but Islam that gave birth to the culture and the result is an Islamic science. Between culture
and courtesy have a strong bond, culture is a number of all the results of the copyright insani and ways to
adapt to the circumstances and his life. As for the courtesy myself is an introduction and recognition of the
right state of things and the position of a person who arranged rated in the dignity and the degree of which
is a nature apply in the nature of the universe. From this it can be understood that the Islamic boarding
school expected to produce because of the element courtesy culture and art in it. If there is no culture and
art then it will not probably be able to adjust to the circumstances and his life. Basically every culture
anything that is not accompanied by culture and art will be wild, and it directly affects only recognize a
single object, whether it is the introduction of no recognition or otherwise. Courtesy and art itself already
includes cultural values either directly or indirectly. In the Islamic context it can be said that without culture
is impossible to be born the Islamic culture, Islamic identity and eventual revival in accordance with Islam.
The world boarding school is no longer an exclusive and was considered the periphery. But that is regarded
as one alternative for Developers College in the future.
Keywords: Islamic Boarding School, Culture, Courtesy and Art

the thought and contemplation of Allah's creation

and its beauty in this universe. In the early period
Education is developed to develop the of Islamic education is very concerned about the
ability and form the character and civilization of activities of educating children to live a true
a dignified nation in order to educate the life of religion so that they grow into adults who have
the nation, develop the potential of learners to noble character, and conduct activities of his life
become human beings who believe and pious to according to true religious norms (Al-jumbulati,
God Almighty, have noble character, healthy, 2002: 12).
knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, Islamic education in our country is very
and become a democratic and responsible citizen. declining which is happening today. The number
Islamic education is developed to glorify human of children who do not have the right adab
beings or humanize humans. It should be for an because of the influence of environment around
educated person that means the knowledgeable them or the influence of social media. However,
person, who understands and understands the in our country has established many educational
provision to improve the dignity and human institutions such as boarding schools that educate
dignity. Human dignity and dignity are built by morals, adab and morals of students to be better.
faith and virtue. A good measure of manners is Islamic Boarding School community educational
compatible with religious guidance, prevailing institutions to the corners of the plot the
rules, and norms in society. (Basri, 2010: 29). homeland of Indonesia that educate children of a
The Qur'an became the basic and original religious and character of the nation.
source of Islamic education, more encouraging to

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Islamic Boarding School is a place for On the other hand, various models of
students to study Islamic religion. The word tradition and culture have been the subject of the
pesantren comes from the word "santri", meaning culture spirit of the Islamic Boarding School it
students who study Islamic religion. Then, self. Between the scientific tradition and cultural
getting the prefix of the suffix-an, became a transformation within the boarding school
apprentice. Letter i and an change so that the term community are complementary, mutually
apprentice become Islamic Boarding School. supportive, and touch each other.
Called pesantrian or Islamic Boarding School From the basic idea above, the boarding
because all students who study or tholabul 'ilmi school on every movement of his journey wants
in Islamic Boarding School called santri term. to bring together the tradition of science and
Unknown to students or students. The term santri cultural transformation as an initiative to spark
concept is raw, although its meaning is the same ideas or ideas that the pesantren community
as students, students or students. The term itself, whether consciously or not, is often denied
apprentice (santri) has a substantial difference as well as marginalized.
with the students or students. The apprentice From here, too, some founders of Islamic
(santri) only applies to students studying in Boarding School try to arrange ideas and
Islamic Boarding School and the object of study thoughts that are emancipatory and explorative.
that they study Islamic religious knowledge, Either religious or cultural; Closer to our big
while students or students are generally religious problem, leads more to the cultural
applicable to all learners, who are not specifically phenomenon, or whether all of the above
studying Islam (Basri, 2010: 227). questions are to be fought in one moment "
Man is called as a cultured creature is none Islamic Boarding School as a Center for
other than a creature that always utilize his mind Culture and Art".
to create happiness, because the happiness of
human life is essentially something good, right
and just, then only people who always try to
create goodness, truth and justice are entitled to The type of research conducted by
researchers is qualitative research, which
bear A cultured human title. Culture is a way of
life that is developed and shared by a group of consists of; (1). Field research, ie data collection
people and passed down from generation to techniques in which researchers observe and
participate directly in small-scale social studies
generation. Cultures are made up of many
intricate elements, including religious and and observe local cultures. In a simple method
political systems, customs, language, tools, Field observation research field (Field Research)
can be defined that is directly held observations
clothing, buildings, and artwork.
By being cultured, man can meet the needs to obtain information required in the preparation
and answer the challenges of his life. Man is of scientific research. (2). Library research, is a
data collection technique with which researchers
different from other creatures. Human beings live
according to the existences and cultures that are observe and participate directly in small-scale
applied in the environment. Therefore, humans social studies and observe local cultures and
conduct a review study of books, literatures,
must socialize and meet behavior that has been
socialized by the people before. Those who do records, and reports Has something to do with the
not exercise or oppose the existing culture and problem solved (Nazir, 1988: 111).
culture will be considered savage men. Along There are at least four main characteristics
with the development of knowledge and cultural of literature research that need to be considered
by students or prospective researchers and the
civilization, there was a cultural evolution that
causes some problems that we must review and four characteristics that will affect the nature and
think together the solution. manner of research apes are: (Mestika, 2008: 4-
In the context of our nation, Indonesia,
Islamic Boarding School is not only to build a 1. The researcher deals directly with the text
scientific tradition with kiai and ajengan as the (nash) or numerical data rather than by direct
knowledge of the field or an eye witness of an
intellectual center of par-excellent, but also to
build a tradition and culture that position society event, person, or other object. The text has its
not only as objects but as subjects simultaneously own characteristics and requires its own
approach as well. Textual criticism is a method
formulate cultural strategies. Here, creativity in
traditions and cultures is concerned with the commonly developed in the study of physiology,
macro context of the changes that exist in the etc. So the library is a literature research
laboratory and therefore text reading techniques
diverse layers of society.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

(books, articles, and documents) are a In general, these words of culture have
fundamental part of literature research. cultural roots that mean reason, reason, customs,
2. Reader data is ready (ready mode): researchers something about the growing culture (civilized,
do not go anywhere except just face to face with advanced), something that has become a habit
the source material already available in the that is difficult to change. Meanwhile, the word
library. The only way to learn to use them culture itself has the meaning of the activities and
properly is to use them directly. Nevertheless, the creation of human mind (mind) such as trust,
prospective researchers who want to take art, and customs. Overall human knowledge as a
advantage of library services, of course still need social being used to understand the environment
to know the ins and outs of library studies for the as well as experience and which is the guideline
benefit of research or making papers. 3. The of his behavior.
library data is generally a secondary source Meaning of the word culture in Arabic there
meaning: that the researcher obtains the material are several words used for the meaning of
from the second hand and not the original data culture, among others Ats-Tsaqafah (‫)ﺍﻟﺜﻘﺎﻓﺔ‬, Al-
from the first hand in the field. Hadlarah (‫)ﺍﻟﺤﻀﺎﺭﺓ‬, Al-Madaniyyah (‫)ﺍﻟﻤﺪﻧﻴﺔ‬, or
4. That condition of library data is not limited by At-Tamaddun (‫)ﺍﻟﺘﻤﺪﻥ‬. The word Tsaqofah comes
time and space. The researcher deals with static from the verb Tsaqifa (‫ )ﺍﻟﺜﻘﻔﺎ‬which has the
info: it still means that whenever He comes and meaning of thinking, intelligence, improvement,
goes the data will not change because it is already adjustment, specific adjustment, and culture. The
a "dead" data stored in a written record (text, last two words are words that come from the
numbers, pictures, tape or film recordings). same just change shape.
Systematics in the study of literature is The root of the word madana is then born
intended as a research process by using methods, the noun tamaddun which literally means
approaches, ways, and analysis tools are civilization (civilization) which means also city
designed and applied appropriately. based culture (city base culture) or city culture
Regarding the analytical tools that must be used, (Fahmi, 2015: 5).
of course, the approach with literature study is Once we know the operational definition, of
different pattern of work when compared with course, it can be understood by the purpose of
the study of non-literature. The analytical tools in culture, but it should be remembered that each
literature study are: region has its own language in translating this
1. Comparative analysis, namely: by comparing tamaddun, that is based on their respective
the object of research with the concept of territories.
comparison. In this research will be produced 2 Some figures also have their own views on
possibilities: culture or culture. According to
a. The conclusion states that the concept under Koentjoroningrat, etymologically the word
study is similar to the concept of comparison, and culture comes from Sanskrit, budhayah which is
b. The observed conclusions reveal the the plural of the word budhi which means mind
inequality.The main purpose of this kind of or reason. Thus the culture can be said "matters
research is to compare whether the case studied of reason and reason." Because it is related to the
has similarities to the concept of the test. mind and human reason, the scope is so vast
2. Historical analysis, namely: by way of (Journal Walisongo, 2011; 11).
analyzing the events of the past to find out why Koentjoroningrat states that the culture has
and how an event that has happened. The results at least three forms;
found useful to determine whether the sequence 1. The form of culture as a complex of ideas,
of events is very important to be a consideration ideas, values, regulatory norms and so forth.
in decision making. 2. The form of culture as a complex of activity,
patterned behavior of humans in society.
3. The form of culture as objects of human works.
(Journal of Walisongo, 2011; 11)
Culture While Selo Soemardjan and Soeleman
Society in general would have known what
Soemardi formulated that culture are all the
it is culture, whether it is directly or indirectly. At work, taste, and creation of society. The work of
least human intersections with these cultures society produces technology of material or
actually have a positive enough impact for the
physical culture needed human to control the
development of reason. In addition, humans are natural surroundings so that the power and the
also called the cultured beings for utilizing the results can be enshrined for the purposes of
mind-fikirnya to always create good-goodness
society (Ranjabar, 2006: 21).

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Regarding this culture is not only the local H). A. Hassan poured his educational concepts in
Indonesians who speak, but from Western figures a Qanun / regulation whose contents, among
there are also many who have different opinions other things, regulate curriculum and education
about the culture, but in essence toward the same system based on adab. In some qanun, for
point. example in Qanun chapter three mentioned the
When we talk about cultural issues, of purpose of Islamic Boarding School and general
course, can not be separated from the role of description of the sciences to be taught, namely:
Muslims, especially from the leaders who also "This pesantrenen toejoennja merely wants to
have views about this culture. One of the leaders mengeloearkan moeballigh-moeballigh by
who speak loudly about culture is the greatest teaching Arabic and its tools and the perla of
intellectual of this century, that is Prof. Dr. Syed Islamic scholars, and a little from the lessons of
Naquib Al-Attas, according to his views, culture other religions, and a little of ilmoe
is the sum of all human creativity and ways of menghitoeng, jiografi, ilmoe alam And others
adapting himself to his circumstances and life that will help a moeballigh in his work. "
(Naquib Al-Attas, 2001: 66). Cultural form is divided into three, namely
Prof. Dr. Syed Naquib Al-Attas adds that in the form of ideas, behavior and the
"The meaning which is meant in the ideology of physical/material. As the culture develops to its
'all creation of human beings' has also been peak, then cultural forms such as ideas, behaviors
erroneous by incorporating the religious ideology and cultural products become evidence of the
as part of the culture". The point of this is, that culture's owners have a high adab (Sri
there are some opinions that assume that religion Wuryaningsih, 2010: 9). The form of culture in
is part of the culture. Even some are born from the form of this system of ideas (ideas) is
the culture itself (Naquib Al-Attas, 2001: 66). abstract, commonly also called the system of
Islam has a meaning far from it, that Islam cultural values, such as ways of thinking.
is what causes the culture, not the opposite The form of culture in the form of behavior
(culture that gave birth to Islam). Society is then in the system of action is concrete. Behavior of
affected by Islam in all areas of his life. And the this behavior, such as investigation. Scientists,
influence and creation of Islam which is meant as using certain skills in conducting investigations
Islamic culture. Still according to Al-Attas, the to uncover these natural phenomena, are
culture is roughly divided into two real parts: the preceded by observation.
object and no object (Naquib Al-Attas, 2001: 66).
Based on some of the above description that Islamic Boarding School
culture is only owned by humans. Given the Islamic Boarding School is an Islamic
culture possessed by a particular community or educational institution that grows and is
community, will give birth to patterns of life, recognized by the people of Indonesia by using
value system, thought, knowledge, norms better the boarding system (pondok) which apprentice
than ever. In the context of Islam, then Islam is receive education and teaching of Islam through
not born from culture-but Islam is what gave congregation classical Islamic scriptures and/or
birth to culture and the result is science and so Madrasah education under the leadership and
forth. upbringing by one or several kyai Which is
Basically about the definition of operational characteristically independent and full of
culture is not much there perbedan the naked eye, simplicity.
it's just that should be memahmi is when we talk Prophet Muhammad SAW has
about culture then as a Muslim should involve implemented Islamic education with direct
elements of Godhead, not vice versa. The one learning system to print the cadres of successor
who can shape culture or culture is man himself, of Islamic leadership with the education held by
through civilized groups and individuals. the Messenger of Allah then appeared the Sahaba
In our simple thought, if culture itself is and Tâbi'în who are experts in various Islamic
associated with civilized cultures then, inculcate religious disciplines both tafsir, hadith, fiqh,
a civilized culture with all its potential in order to (Zaini, 1999: 77).
become a full genersi. In every high culture, of Jusuf Amir Faisal stated that Islamic
course, it has put forward the existence and high Boarding School is an Islamic educational
art of each generation. institution that has a purpose - which is
According to Dadan Wildan (in primordial - is; First, to print cadres of scholars
Muhammad Suidat, 2017) that "A. Hassan who are knowledgeable and skilled in one or
initiated the establishment of an educational more areas of Islamic science, such as fiqh,
institution called " Islamic Boarding School aqidah, tasawwuf, Arabic, art and others. This
Unity", on March 4, 1936 (10 Dhul-Hijjah 1354 group is those who later appear as leaders of the

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

people who can master the sciences of Islam that limited to the internal environment of the
can simultaneously implement it in an Islamic organization itself, by establishing direct
civilization society order. communication through meetings.
Second, print the Muslims who can carry
c. Optimal strength considerations
out their religious teachings. With this Islamic
Boarding School graduates are expected to be Islamic Boarding School should be able to
able to implement the teachings of Islam well consider in it the balance of forces in all units
even though they can not arrive at the level of and lines of organization, so as to contribute
scholars. So they can develop a civilization in an to the progress of the organization. Besides,
Islamic perspective. In this community more to collaborate between units because they feel
emphasis on practical aspect. the dependence between them.
Third, to produce skilled and skilled
personnel relevant to the formation of religious d. Moral dimensions
communities, which can integrate skills and The moral dimension is closely related to the
skills within the Islamic framework, culture, art attention to individual responses affecting the
and framework (Faisal 1995: 182). Islamic Boarding School organization.
In line with the above objectives of Islamic Individual response in each organization is
education in boarding schools, according to the not the same. The organizational policy of
formulation of the Directorate of Religious Islamic Boarding School should be able to
Affairs Ministry of Religious Affairs Ministry of open the responses of each member and carry
Religion of the Republic of Indonesia in 1986 on out those responses, and this is what is called
the Standardization of Religious Teaching in the moral dimension of the organization.
Islamic Boarding School, are: (1) master the
science of religion and able to bear the human e. Adaptation
beings mutafaqquh fî (2) to live and practice the Adaptation is needed in the realization of the
teachings of Islam diligently, sincerely solely to relationship of Islamic Boarding School
devote to Allah SWT, (3) able to live the Sunnah organization to the demands of
of the Prophet and disseminate Islamic teachings environmental development. If there is a
kâffah, (4) noble noble, critical thinking, (5) discrepancy there must be problem solving
great spirits, strong mental and physical, simple and reformulation through several new
life, endurance, worship, tawadhu', affection approaches involving the environment and
towards others, mahabbah and tawakkal to Allah Islamic Boarding School (Hasibuan, 2004:
SWT (Rashid, 2003: 88). 74-77).
In achieving the objectives mentioned
above, it is necessary to formulate a renewal of The education system in boarding schools
the Islamic Boarding School education system on generally still uses the traditional system. This
the organizational aspects, curriculum and system is still used in almost all existing boarding
learning methodology. Relating aspects of schools, although there has been innovation or
boarding organizations should be organized development of some of the learning systems
organizational patterns are clear, structured by used.
adhering to the principles of innovation as According to Mastuhu and Nurcholish
follows: Madjid as quoted by Ahmad Salim in his journal
entitled Improving Competence of Madrasah
a. Focus on objectives Educative Students through Islamic Boarding
Islamic Boarding School should be able to School-Based Education of Character explain in
determine the focus of the organization's general the method of education in Islamic
goals so as to be clearly identified by all Boarding School using some system as follows
members of the organization. Through the (Salim, 2012: 178-180):
focus of these goals each side positioned 1. The Sorogan method. Is a method of individual
itself to achieve the goal. learning where a student/students face to face
with a teacher/teacher, and interaction
b. Adiation of communication between them.
2. Bandongan/Weton. Where the santri megikuti
Islamic Boarding School should be able to
develop multi-level or multi-dimensional the lesson by sitting around the kyai who
communications (top down, side, left and explain the lesson, santri listening to each
book and make notes. Evaluation on this
right). Communication must be built
vertically and horizontally with method is done by kyai member test to the
comprehensive components that are not only

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

students at face-to-face or at the moment have education without any clear administration.
finishing assessment on a certain book. Students learn not to know the ladder and type,
3. The Discussion Method/Bahtsul Masa'il. Is a not certified, and many more that characterize
learning method that is more similar to the traditional Islamic Boarding School. Nowadays,
method of discussion or seminar. Some santri in modern Islamic Boarding School santri follow
with a certain number form halaqah led classical education, tiered and manifold. They
directly by kyai or ustadz, or maybe also have diplomas that are equalized, accredited, and
senior apprantice (santri), to discuss or all are entitled to continue education to various
review a problem that has been determined universities, not even a few dropouts pesantren
sebelmnya. become civil servants, officials, artists, and so
4. The Market Study Method. In this method the forth (Basri, 2010: 242).
learning activity of apprantice (santri) is done Various efforts to arrange the pattern of
through studying certain material (books) on boarding school in terms of curriculum as the
kyai which is done by group and its activity basis of cultural center can be described as
continuously (marathon) during certain time follows, namely:
period. Pattern 1, the subject matter taught in this
5. Rote Method. Learning activities of the pesantren is a religious subject that comes from
students by memorizing a certain text under the classical books. The method of delivery is
the guidance and supervision of kyai. The wetonan and sorogan, not using a classical
apprantice (santri) are given the task of system. The sons are judged and measured by the
memorizing certain readings. Memorized books they read. General subjects are not taught,
santri are then memorized to kyai periodically do not pay attention to a diploma to find work.
or incidentally depending on the cleric or The most important is the deepening of the
ustadz in question. religious sciences solely through the classical
In its development, Islamic Boarding books.
School cottage does not merely grow on the old Pattern 2, this pattern is almost the same as the
traditional pattern, has done an innovation in the pattern I above, it's just that the process of
development of a system. In addition to the teaching and learning is done in a classical and
traditional methods that include the non-classical, as well as educated skills and
characteristics of salafiyah huts (traditional huts), organizing education. At some level a little
the khalafiyah movement (modern cottage) has general knowledge is given. The santri has
entered the development of Islamic Boarding divided the level of education from the level of
School booths. There are several methods of ibtida'iyah, tsanawiyah, aliyah. The methods
modern learning applied, among others; used are wetonan, sorogan, rote, and discussion.
Classical, Courses, Training, Travel, Pattern 3, in this pattern the subject matter has
Experiments, Sociodramas, Simulations, Work been complemented by general subjects, as well
and Groups (Nurhayati, 2016: 58-62). as some other kinds of education, such as skill,
Some of the learning methods are intended scouting, sports, arts and organizational
to train the students to be able to process education, and some have carried out community
psychomotor, talents and interests in order to development.
develop. It is expected that in addition to having Pattern 4, this pattern emphasizes skill lesson
the provision of religious knowledge, students besides religious lesson. Skills intended for the
also have the basis of the formation of provision of life for a apprantice (santri) after
independence so that it can be useful for his life. graduating from this Islamic Boarding School.
While the subject matter taught in the Skills taught are agriculture, carpentry, and
boarding school includes; Lessons of Akidah, farming.
Akhlak, Fiqh, Arabic, ulumul Qur'an, al-Hadith, Pattern 5, in this pattern the material presented
Ushul Fiqh, science of mantiq, Ethics of Islam, is; a) teaching of classical books, b) madrasa, in
siroh Prophet Muhmmad Saw, lesson tasyri this Islamic Boarding School education model is
'Islam, English, Physics, chemistry, done, in addition to teaching the subjects of
mathematics, Islamic heritage, astronomy, religion, also teaches general subjects. The
Indonesia language, Citizenship, Skills, madrasah cottage curriculum can be divided into
muthala'ah, Fiqh Five schools, Tafsir, tajwiz, two parts, first, the curriculum created by the hut
Polar bahtsul and art (Basri, 2010: 235-236). itself and the second, the government curriculum
The development of boarding school by modifying the religious subject matter. c)
education system as a center of culture and art skills are also taught with various skills activities,
follows the pattern of national education. d) public schools, in this Islamic Boarding
Previously, Islamic Boarding School held School equipped with public schools.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

The subject matter in the public schools in be able to create good achievements by utilizing
the pesantren is entirely guided by the curriculum the development of science and technology
of the Ministry of Education and Culture. While today. Islamic Boarding School like this looks
the religious subject matter is prepared by the hut like in the pattern III - V above.
itself. Beyond the curriculum taught in schools, In the concept of modern Islamic Boarding
at scheduled times students receive religious School the existence of kyai is no longer a central
education through reading the classic books. e) figure, but shifts more democratically and the
universities, in some Islamic Boarding School division of labor becomes professional and does
belonging to large pesantren have opened not give the impression authoritarian. The lesson
universities or universities (Daulay, 2001: 33- is no longer limited to the yellow book but also
35). the books of general knowledge.
In its development, not all Islamic Boarding With this change, it does not remove
School make changes, there are some boarding Islamic Boarding School from its cultural roots.
schools that choose to maintain the traditional Islamic Boarding School still serves as an
teaching side. It looks like the patterns I and II institution that teaches religious knowledge and
described above. But there are also Islamic instill Islamic values as well as religious
Boarding School who try to take various ways to institutions that become social filters of society.

Table 1. Modern Islamic Boarding Shool And Tradisional Islamic Boarding Shool
Modern Islamic Boarding Islamic
No. Komponen
Shool Boarding

Open to the changing world, Closed to change and tend to suspect

Basic Characteristics accept innovation and be able innovation as something threatening
to adjust to the changes that

2. Dominan proporsional
The Role of kyai/ustadz
Dominan mutlak
Having a standardized Only the pesantren curriculum
curriculum for Islamic
3. Boarding School and adopting
government curriculum

There is a classroom with The classroom has not been fully

Facilities and infrastructure
4. complete support equipment equipped

Donations /government/donor Government contributions/

Financial Resources
5. assistance assistance

6. Orientation Adaptive Less adaptive

custom or morals. Ethics is the science of good

behavior habits. Culture is the parent of the
Pondok Pesantren as the Center for Cultural various kinds of institutions that humans have
and Art Values in the life of society. Ethics is part of the
Cultural values are values that are agreed complexity of cultural elements. Ethical and
upon and embedded in a society, the scope of the unethical sizes are part of the cultural elements.
organization, the community environment, Humans need culture, in which there are
rooted in a habit, beliefs, symbols, with certain elements of ethics, to be able to maintain
characteristics that can be distinguished from one survival. Cultivated human beings are human
another as a reference of behavior and Responses beings who keep the rules of life.
to what will happen or are happening. Ethics can be created, but ethical and
a. Ethics civilized societies can only be created with
The term ethics comes from the ancient some basic requirements requiring support,
Greek, which is 'ethos' which means good such as political support, policy, leadership and

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

courage to make decisions, and consequent filter new cultures by still prioritizing the
execution. In addition, accommodation space, culture of their origin do not samapai our
both locally and nationally, where ethics is culture lost only because of a new culture that
applied, supervision, observation, and the we consider more advanced in our own culture
presence of those who maintain an ethical life. and to become a civilized society.
Ethical awareness can grow because of c. Moral
accommodation. Moral is a habit of doing good. People are
Ethics (ethics) is born because of the said to be moral when they can manifest their
awareness of the existence of similar instincts nature to do good, honest and fair in their
to the living creatures to preserve their life, then actions. As a pluralistic nation, Indonesia has
in this ethical man into social consciousness, two kinds of cultural systems that both must be
giving a sense of responsibility and if fulfilled nurtured and developed, namely the national
will be transformed into a sense of happiness cultural system and the local ethnic cultural
(Djelantik, 2010: 4). system. The national cultural system is
In this ethical human society serves to something relatively new and is in the process
maintain the life of groups and individuals. At of its formation. This system is generally
first Ethics is known to a group of people who applicable to the entire nation of Indonesia, but
already have a higher civilization. There is a at the same time is outside the local ethnic
sensory process that is obtained visually and cultural bond.
acoustically (instrumental). Cultural values formed in the national
Both (indrawivisual and acoustic processes) cultural system are prospective, such as
take on the additional role of performing much religious belief in God Almighty; The search
higher functions, not only performing vital for worldly truth through a scientific way; High
functions, but have involved processes that appreciation of creativity and innovation,
occur in the mind and intellect and are more efficiency of action and time; Respect for
aimed at giving physical and spiritual others on the basis of his achievement more
knowledge and happiness. (Djelantik, 2010: 3). than on the basis of his position; High
b. Aesthetics appreciation of popular sovereignty; As well as
Aesthetics is the science that examines and tolerance and sympathy for ethnic cultures that
discusses aspects of the beauty of something, are not the tribe of its own nation.
that is, about the taste, the nature, the norm, the These values become an image of Indonesia
way of responding, and the way to compare it because it is combined with other values of the
with the use of feelings. old cultural values contained in various local
The term Aesthetics was popularized by ethnic cultural systems. Local wisdom can
Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten (1714 - 1762) basically be regarded as the foundation for
through several descriptions that developed national identity formation. Local wisdom is
into the science of beauty. (Encarta what makes a nation's culture has its roots.
Encyclopedia 2001, 1999) Baumgarten uses Local ethnic cultures often serve as a source or
the term aesthetics to distinguish between reference to new creations, such as in language,
intellectual knowledge and sensory knowledge. art, community order, and technology, which
Seeing that the new aesthetic term emerged in are then featured in crosscultural life.
the 18th century, the understanding of beauty Culture in Indonesia is very diverse because
itself must be distinguished from the aesthetic it has many differences between people
sense. residing in the land of Indonesia, but Indonesia
Cultured, besides based on ethics also has motto bhineka single ika which is
contained aesthetics in it. If ethics concerns the interpreted although different but still one. In
analysis and application of concepts such as each region has different customs, that is what
right, wrong, good, bad, and responsibility, distinguishes the rules in each region. Such as
aesthetics discusses beauty, how it can form, tribe asmat in papua with clothes typical for
and how one can feel it. men who use koteka and even the inhabitants
The benefit of ethical and cultural aesthetic there who do not wear clothing, but it is not
values for people's lives is to realize that broken because it has become a tradition there.
maintaining and saving the culture of a region If such a thing exists in the Jakarta area it can
or nation should be put at the earliest. And be ascertained has violated the applicable law
make the value of culture as a reference to rules. That's why the regulation in every region
pursue the future life of society, by continuing in Indonesia is quite diverse. Culture in
to contextualize and actualize the various Indonesia is very strong because of the culture
dynamics of the times. Society must be able to that passed from generation to ancestor until

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

now. And there are still many traditional events technology, the impact of globalization will be
in various regions to preserve their respective very wide and complex. As a result, akn change
cultures. the culture, adab, mindset, attitude, art and
Behavior of a civilized person is a behavior human behavior. It may be possible to alter other
that is carried out in accordance with the moral, aspects of life, such as kinship, community,
norms prevailing in the community, in nationality, or generally affecting the nation's
accordance with the command in every religion cultural system.
that is believed, and in accordance with The flow of globalization gives influence in
applicable state law. In behaving, cultured various life, such as politics, economy, social,
human beings do not carry out attitudes or culture, art and defense. The influence of
actions that distinguish from the rules either in globalization on ideology and politics is the
the form of existing norms in society and law strengthening of the influence of liberal ideology
that apply. in the politics of developing countries marked by
Therefore, the human nature that is cultured the strengthening of ideas of kebebaan and
that must be owned by every human being, democracy. The influence of globalization in the
especially the Indonesian nation that is field of politics, among others, brought
recognized as a large country with many internationalization and the spread of ideas and
cultures owned. Be human being who has a democratic values including human rights.
high culture that makes man as a human being The effects of globalization on the economy
cultured and certainly a cultured human being include the strengthening of capitalism and free
must also human beings who are educated, but markets. This is indicated by the growing growth
otherwise educated human being is not of transnational corporations that operate without
necessarily a human being who is cultured. knowing national boundaries. Capitalism also
Many examples in this country are intelligent demands a freer market economy to enhance the
or educated people who commit many crimes principle of benefit, entrepreneurship, capital
or deviate for example like corruption. It all accumulation, profit making, and rational
happens because they do not become a cultured management.
human And consequently they have no moral, The influence of globalization on socio-
honesty, and sense of responsibility. cultural and art will be the entry of values from
Therefore be a cultured human being. By other civilizations. This resulted in the erosion of
becoming a cultured human society will have socio-cultural values and the art of a nation that
the attitude of intelligent, moral, polite and became its identity. This influence is more
courteous in living the life of self or nation and smoothly with the rapid media of information
state. Attitude And the human nature of the and communication, such as television,
cultured it also will make the nation of computer, satellite, internet, and so forth. So that
Indonesia a great nation that has the identity of the boarding school as a center of civilization in
itself as a civilized nation and dignified. the past should be able to synergize with the
Globalization is a special phenomenon in development of globalization and advancement
the civilization and development of human of technological and information progress.
culture that continues in the global society and is
part of the global human process. The presence Problematic in Culture and Art (Islamic
of information technology and communication Boarding School)
technology accelerates the acceleration of this Cultural problems in Indonesia arising from
globalization process. Globalization touches all globalization can be seen in the fields of
important aspects of life. Globalization creates language, art, and most importantly - social life.
new challenges and problems that must be Due to rapid technological developments,
answered, solved in an effort to exploit transculture occurs in the traditional arts of
globalization for the benefit of life. The discourse Indonesia. Such transcultural events will
of globalization as a process is marked by the inevitably affect the existence of our art.
rapid development of science and technology so Where as Islamic Boarding School as a base
that it is able to fundamentally change the world of our traditional arts is part of the national
and boarding school as a center of culture and art cultural treasures that need to be preserved. With
in the past to date. increasingly sophisticated information
The development of globalization as a technology like today, we are treated to many
phenomenon of the present century has far- alternatives offering entertainment and more
reaching implications for all nations and the diverse information, which may be more
international community. With the support of interesting when compared with our traditional
advanced communication and transportation arts. With television, the public can watch a

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

variety of entertainment that is global that comes Boarding School lecturers, without reducing the
from different parts of the world. role of kyai, for the development of adaptive
Social life is also one of the constituents of Islamic Boarding School would need special
civilization that is much influenced by criteria in recruitment of educators
globalization. The dimensions of values in (ustadz/ustadzah).
previous lives based on the concept of In order to maintain the existing boarding
collectivism are now transformed into school in Indonesia, both as a center of culture
individualism. Humans no longer feel the same and art to survive to this day. It needs a container
fate, with other human beings (as in the days of that can accommodate all the religious activities
struggle) because the development of technology of the santri. So that boarding school institutions
and information demands them to compete with can follow the development of the era (adapt to
each other in meeting the increasingly urgent the influence of modernization) while
needs of life. It also affects the decrease of social maintaining the culture, in this case is needed
contact between fellow human beings in the innovation Islamic Boarding School As Culture
context of community relations. and Arts Center in modern society today.
Since the first boarding school as a center Where the boarding school as a container
of culture and art lifted in the intellectual activities, while the culture and art as a santri
discourse of the Muslims in Indonesia, along activity activities contained in it. With the
with the issue of mobilizing community expression of the pesantren community
participation in development and modernization "almuhaafadha'alal qodiemi ash-shooli ma'al
issues. Through the touch of some activists who akhdzi bi al soediel ashlah", maintaining a good
mostly post graduate, traditional institutions that old tradition by taking on new traditions better
have been engraved di Indonesia experience the (Faiqoh 2003: 247).
actualization process, both in the form of The era of globalization encourages Islamic
resinstensi and integration. Boarding School cottage in the process of
In the form of resistance, Islamic Boarding cultural change and acculturation. Acculturation
School n still retains its characteristic as a processes that arise in a group of people with a
traditional institution with a unique system of particular culture confronted with elements of a
cultural and artistic values, while striving to foreign culture. The foreign culture is gradually
direct its ability to serve the lower classes. accepted and processed into its own culture
Meanwhile, in the form of integration, Islamic without causing the disappearance of the cultural
Boarding School n is integrated and integrated element of the group itself due to the existence of
with modern institutions, starting from the aspect a deconstructive method at the stages in the
of leadership, curriculum, building, until in its process of local cultural development. Changes
orientation. and developments that occur in the current era
Efforts to develop Islamic Boarding School encourages the mixing of cultural and artistic
cottage in the context of regional autonomy, values between local elements (archipelago) and
there are at least two things that require special elements of immigrants (Islam).
attention, both external and internal. From the entire analysis, Islamic insights,
Developments that are external, among others, concepts and designs in Islamic Boarding School
namely: keep the image of boarding school in the as the center of Culture and art, Islamic Boarding
eyes of the community according to the School is a building characterized by culture and
expectations of the community, the hope of art as a place for all the activities of the santri,
parents who enter their children to the hut, for and gradually this building not only as a Culture
that quality graduates should have added value and Art Center, But will make an icon itself and
from other graduates of education are equal, bring change for the Islamic Boarding School
santri- Santri should be prepared to be able to itself.
compete in a pluralistic society, Islamic Boarding
School should be open to every development and ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
change that happened, to scientific findings,
including new findings in the world of education, I think to:
meaning that boarding school does not drown in 1. LPDP KEMENKEU (BUDI-DN)
its own.
While that is internal in developments 2. My Family’
Islamic Boarding School, should be done things 3. Civitas Academic Program Doctoral
such as: curriculum boarding schools should be Educational Science concentration State
designed in such a way to meet the needs of University of Yogyakarta.
students, either interest, talent, or ability. Islamic

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Ninit Alfianika1, Rahayu Fitri2
Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program STKIP PGRI West Sumatra
[email protected], [email protected]

Purpose of this study is to produce the RPKPS and SAP based on the valid inquiry in the subject planning
teaching indonesia langauge course. Type of this research is development research with using addie model,
such as: analysis,design, development, implementation, and evaluation. However, in this study only until
the development stage. Instrument in this research is validation questionnaire of RPKPS and SAP learning.
The data of this research are validity questionnaire of RPKS and SAP that were obtained from 2 experts
and I practitioners. Scoring is done by using a Likert scale and analyzed by using description statistics.
Based on the results of the analysis that has been done, it can be concluded these things. First, the
development of RPKPS learning which based on inquiry in the subject planning teaching indonesia
language is stated very valid with the general value of 83.52. The value is derived from 4 aspects of
assessment, namely the content feasibility aspect with the value of 84.67 with the category is very valid.
Aspects of language worthiness with a value of 87.61 with the category is very valid. Aspect of feasibility
of presentation with value 84 with category very valid. Aspect of feasibility of graduation with value 77,78
with valid category. Second, the development of SAP learning which based on inquiry in planning teaching
indonesia language is stated very valid with the general value of 86.80. The value is derived from 4 aspects
of assessment, namely the content feasibility aspect with a value of 86.67 with the category is very valid.
Aspects of language worthiness with a value of 85.56 with the category is very valid. Aspect of presentation
feasibility with value 88,83 with category very valid. Aspect of feasibility of graduation with value 86,67
with valid category. So, it can be concluded that the RPKPS and SAP which based on inquiry are
considered very valid and can be used in the course of planning teacing Indonesian language.
Keywords: development of RPKPS and SAP, inquiry, planning of teaching, Indonesian language.

important subject that ought to be mastered by

the students.
However, the current facts that has found
Indonesian Language and Literature in the class indicate that the students' ability is
Education Studies Program STKIP PGRI West
still weak in the Indonesian language teaching
Sumatra is one of the study programs that planning courses, especially in the design of
produce graduates of bachelor field of education. learning or other words of the Lesson Plans
To obtain the degree, students are equipped with
(RPP). Husen and Ramlan (1997: 3) said that
various fields related to the field of teaching, learning planning is a process of arranging a
language, and literature. One of the subjects that series of activities to make the people learn.
must be studied by students is the Indonesian Planning is the first step before learning and
Teaching Planning. This lecture is filled with the evaluation. In making RPP students should
discussion of the components that exist in the
consider the components that exist in the RPP.
RPP. According Ika (2013: 12) components in the
In this subject, there are some basic RPP, such as the identity of subjects; competency
materials, such as the nature of SK, KD,
standards; basic competencies; learning
indicators, learning objectives, teaching objectives; Indicators of Competence
materials, media, learning methods, and the steps Achievement; Time Allocation; Learning
of making RPP. This subject demands the
Resources; Teaching material; learning methods;
students to be able for writing RPP that will be Learning activities consisting of preliminary
used later when they become a teacher. Thus, the activities, core activities, and closing activities;
course of Indonesian Teaching Planning is an
Assessment of learning outcomes.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Beside that, the bad scores that have been instruction which includes one or several
obtained by students in the subject planning subjects to be taught during one or several
teaching of indonesia language caused by lack meetings. SAP provides detailed guidance,
from learning textbooks of Indonesian Teaching meetings by meeting, about the objectives, scope
Planning. Students rely on only one textbook. of materials that educators must teach, teaching
Textbooks used by students have not been able to and learning activities, media and evaluation that
motivate students. It is also stated by Wena must be used
(2011: 229) that the availability of quality A good learning tool is when it has been
textbooks is still very lacking. This thing can be declared valid, practical, and effective. In this
looked the textbooks that used in schools / study only in validation step. Arikunto (1988:
colleges are designed with only emphasis on the 278) states that validation is a series of activities
mission of the delivery of knowledge / facts which aimed to pursuing something to be valid,
alone. The authors of textbooks are less or righ, trustworthy. Emzil (2010: 273) says
concerned with the ease of understanding the validation is a process of assessing product
book. And the impacts of those things students design that is done by providing an assessment
are difficult to understand the book they read so based on rational thinking. Zainuddin, et al
they may feel bored. In addition, there are also (2012: 67) said that the module validation is done
other factors, namely many lecture tools used by on the aspect of the content, language, and
current lecturers who have not precisely the presentation by expert. Validation indicators
preparation. The lecturer should be able for cover four aspects, such as: content aspect,
making lecture materials. Teaching materials that language aspect, presentation aspect, and aspects
are used as learning support tools (Mulyani, et al of graph (Department of national education and
2013, p. 53). government regulation number 19 year 2005 on
Meanwhile, students are required to be National Education Standards Agency (BSNP),
active in lecture process and lecturers act only as article 43 paragraph 5). The category of validity
facilitators. This is in accordance with the from RPKPS and SAP is modified based on the
approach of SCL (Student Centered Learning). theory proposed by Riduwan (2012: 15), namely
As a facilitator, lecturers play a role to provide the level of achievement 0-20 is in invalid
services to facilitate students in lectures. category, 21-40 are in the less valid category, 41-
Lecturers should be able to facilitate students in 60 are in the category quite valid, 61- 80 is on a
lecturing process. One way that lecturers can do valid categorization, and 81-100 are in very valid
to facilitate students is by providing lectures as category.
one learning resource that will help students in One of the manner to develop that lectures
achieving the learning objectives that have been tools is by using the inquiry strategy. According
set. Devi, et al (2009: 1-5) states that learning Sanjaya (2006: 194), inquiry strategy is a series
tools are a tool used in teaching and learning. of learning activities that emphasize the critical
Therefore, every educator is obliged to develop and analytical thinking process to find and find
learning tools that take place interactively, answers themselves from a questionable
inspiration, fun, motivate students to actively problem. The inquiry strategy has several steps.
participate. Learning tools are needed in Sanjaya (2006: 204) explains that in general the
managing the teaching and learning process, learning process using inquiry strategy consists
especially in the college like form of RPKPS, of seven steps, as follows. (1) orientation is a step
SAP, and teaching materials. But in this study to foster a responsive atmosphere or learning
only up to RPKPS and SAP. climate, (2) formulating a problem is a step in
According to Nunan (1988: 65) RPKPS is bringing students to a puzzle-filled problem, (3)
one of the learning tools that describes the formulating a tentative answer hypothesis of a
specific and complete learning steps with its problem that is studied, 4) to collect data for
assessment. RPKPS contains components such gathering information that needed to test the
as; Standards of competence, basic proposed hypothesis, (5) to test the hypothesis is
competencies, competency indicators, lecture the process of determining the accepted answer
materials and descriptions, learning experiences according to the data or information that obtained
(learning strategies), media / learning tools, by data collection, and (6) to formulate the
assessment systems, and references. Furthermore conclusion is the process of describing the
he said that RPKPS is a projection activities or findings Which is obtained based on the results
activities that will be conducted by lecturers in of hypothesis testing.
the lecture. Based on the background of the problem
In addition, according to Suparman (2011: above, the purpose of this research is to produce
52) Teaching Events Unit (SAP) is the subject of the valid RPKPS and SAP based on the

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

ingredients of the Indonesian language teaching Learning Implementation Plan (RPP). All of
planning course. these concepts are contained in the RPKPS and
SAP lectures.
The student's analysis has a purpose to find out
the problems of learning, characteristic, and
This research is a development research. RPKPS that students are interested in. Based on
According to Borg and Gall (in Arlitasari, 2013: the results of the analysis that has been done can
85), research and development (R & D) is a
be concluded that in learning RPKPS used by
research method used to develop or validate students not yet interesting and the materials
products used in education and learning. This contained in the RPKPS not clearly listed. In
development research uses the ADDIE addition, the tasks and exercises that have been
model, such as : analysis, design, development, given are not clearly visible in the RPKPS. In
implementation, and evaluation. However, in this addition, The learning method used in the lecture
study only carried out until the development process is not yet illustrated. Therefore, in this
stage. Research instrument in this research is research will be produced RPKPS that will
validation questionnaire of RPKPS and SAP facilitate students in learning and equipped with
learning. The data of this research are validity sub-material in each meeting and the clear
questionnaire of RPKPS and SAP obtained from assignment.
2 experts and I practitioners. Before the data were After did the definition stage it will be
analyzed, it was done by using Likert scale. continued with the design stage or design. Steps
Technique of data analysis that has been used in that mustbe done at the design stage are
this study is descriptive. Technique of descriptive designing RPKPS and SAP based inquiry on the
analysis is done by using descriptive statistics. Indonesian language teaching planning course.
Inquiry-based RPKPS that is designed consists of
course identity; Course description; Number of
hours; Lecture schedule; Course material;
Based on the result of the research, it can be Assessment; reference; Monitoring and
concluded that RPKPS and SAP which based on feedback. The mercury strategy is visible in the
inquiry in Indonesian language teaching lecture schedule.
planning course are very valid. Data analysis was SAP-based inquiry that are designed consist
done by three stages, such as: analysis, design, of the identity of the course; Learning
and development. achievement; Course material; learning methods;
The analysis phase has a purpose to define and teaching and learning activities; evaluation;
define the learning requirements. The things that reference. The SAP is created at each meeting.
are done in the analysis phase starts from Strategies of inquiry are illustrated in the
curriculum analysis, concept analysis, until methods and learning activities.
student analysis. After did the design stage than it will be followed
Based on the results of curriculum analysis by the development stage. Development stage
can be concluded that the course of planning includes validation of RPKPS and SAP. RPKPS
teaching Indonesian language must be taken by and SAP based inquiry in the course of
students majoring in Indonesian Language Indonesian language teaching planning is
STKIP PGRI West Sumatra. This course consists evidenced by 2 experts and one practitioner.
of 3 credits and taught to students of the fourth Based on the results of the analysis that has
semester. been done can be obtained the validation results
The concept analysis has a purpose to RPKPS and SAP based inquiry in the course of
identify, detail and formulate main concepts that teaching planning Indonesian language as
will be presented in RPKPS and SAP learning. follows.
Based on the analysis of curriculum that has been
done, can be determined the main concepts of
materials in planning teaching Indonesian
language. The main concept of Indonesian
language teaching planning materials is the
essence of Indonesian language learning
planning; Formulation of learning objectives;
Planning of learning materials; Selection and
determination of learning strategies; Selection
and use of instructional media; Preparation of
evaluation tools; Preparation of syllabus and

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Table 1. result of validation generally Regulation No. 19/2005 on the National

Education Standards Board (BSNP), article 43,
No Aspect that Average category paragraph 5, that module validation concerns
want to be score four aspects, namely content feasibility,
feasibility of presentation, language feasibility,
1 Content 84,67 very valid
feasibility and feasibility of graph.
Aspect Based on the results of data analysis that has
2 Language 87,61 very valid been done, it can be concluded RPKPS and SAP
worthiness which based on inquiry in the course of planning
3 Feasibility 84 very valid teaching of Indonesian language developed
aspect of pertained very valid. So, RPKPS and SAP can be
presentation used by lecturers and students. The validity of
4 Aspect graph 77,78 Valid that RPKPS can be illustrated from four aspects,
Average generally 83,52 very valid namely as follows.
The content feasibility aspect illustrated
RPKPS that has been designed has illustrated
After did the validation analysis of RPKPS based
the description, indicators, and lecture
on inquiry in the course of planning teaching
objectives. In addition, the material and its
Indonesian language. Next step, validation
assessment have also been clearly described. It's
analysis SAP-based on inquiry in the course of
just that there are some methods that have not
planning teaching indonesian language. The
been concrete. When it is viewed from its
results of SAP validation analysis can be seen in
reference, the RPKPS that has been designed has
the table below.
listed the main references and supporting
references that can be used in lectures. If it is
Tabel 2. Result of validation SAP generally viewed from the aspect of language language
feasibility is used in accordance with Indonesian
No Aspect that Average category Spelling (EBI) only there are some terms that are
want to be score difficult to understand by students.
observed If it is viewed from feasibility aspect of
1 Content 86,67 very valid presentation of RPKPS based on inquiry, The
aspect presentation of title and subhead is short and easy
2 Language 85,56 very valid to be understood by lecturer and student. In
worthiness addition, learning achievements, lecture
aspect descriptions, lecture schedules, and assessments
3 Feasibility 88,83 very valid
aspect of are presented in a simple and in accordance with
presentation inquiry strategies. When it is viewed from the
4 Aspect graph 86,67 very valid aspect of the graph feasibility of RPKPS which
feasibility based on inquiry that produced has the form and
Average generally 86,80 very valid
the size of the letters that can be read by students.
In addition, the look of the contents and design
of RPKPS is also interesting.
After analyzing the data has been done, the The validity of SAP is also illustrated from
next step is to discuss RPKPS and SAP based on four aspects, namely as follows. The content
inquiry in the course of planning teaching feasibility aspect illustrates that the designed
Indonesian language which is produced based on SAP has correctly illustrated the description,
data analysis result. Before being tested to indicators, and lecture objectives of each
students, the product must be validated. This is in meeting. In addition, the materials, learning
the same line with Emzil’s opinion (2010: 273) activities, assessment have also been described in
that before tested the product must be validated. detail. It's just that in the learning activities there
Validation is a process of assessing product are several meetings that have not described the
design done by providing a rationale based inquiry strategy clearly. When it is viewed from
judgment, without field trials. In this study, its reference, the designed RPKPS has listed the
RPKPS and SAP were validated by 2 expert main references and supporting references that
validators and 1 validator practitioners. Valid can be used in lectures. If it is viewed from the
aspects include 4 aspects, namely the content aspect of language feasibility, the language used
feasibility aspects, language feasibility aspects, in writing SAP is in accordance with the
feasibility aspects of presentation, and aspects of Indonesian Spelling (EBI) and language that has
graph. This is in the same line with Government

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

been used is communicative so that it is easy to ACKNOWLEDGMENT

understand by lecturers and students.
Praise and gratitude is pronounced in the
When it is viewed from the feasibility
presence of Allah SWT which has given health
aspect of the presentation of SAP-based inquiry,
and opportunity to the author so that this research
has presented the title, achievements,
paper PEKERTI with titled "RPKPS and SAP
descriptions, and assessment clearly. When it is
Mining Based Inquiry on course planning
viewed from the aspect of the graph feasibility
teaching Indonesian" can be finished. This paper
of RPKPS which based on inquiry that has been
is structured as one of the PEKERTI research
produce has form and the letter size that can be
outcomes that are being implemented.
read by students. In addition, the display of
The writing process from this paper can be
content and SAP design can inspire students to
succes because of the help of various parties.
Therefore, the authors would like to thank the
Based on the discussion above, it can be
following parties. First, Kemenristek Dikti who
concluded that RPKPS and SAP which based on
has been willing to fund this PEKERTI research.
inquiry that has been developed can be declared
Second, Hj. Dr. Zusmelia, M. Si as chairman of
very valid. The validity of RPKPS and SAP are
STKIP PGRI West Sumatra. Third, Sri Imelwati,
reflected from 4 aspects of the assessment,
Ph. D., and Jarudin, Ph. D. as vice chairman of I
namely: content feasibility aspect, language
and II STKIP PGRI West Sumatra. Fourth, Villia
feasibility aspects, feasibility aspects of
Angraini, M.Pd. As head of UP3M STKIP PGRI
presentation, and language feasibility aspects.
West Sumatra who has given permission to the
Therefore, it can be concluded that RPKPS and
research team to carry out this research. Fifth,
SAP have been tested or implemented to
Iswadi Bahardur, S.S., M.Pd. And Dra. Indriani
Indonesian language education students who take
Nisja, M.Pd. As chairman and secretary of the
courses in Indonesian language teaching
Indonesian Language and Literature Education
Studies Program STKIP PGRI West Sumatra.
Sixth, both parents are always encouraging.
Seventh, colleagues from the lecturers of
Based on the results of research and Language and Literature Studies Program of
discussion that has been done can be concluded STKIP PGRI West Sumatera. Eight, to validators
the following. First, the RPKPS based on inquiry and students who have participated in this
in the Indonesian language teaching subjects research.
developed are quite valid with an average grade
of 83.52. The value is derived from 4 aspects of REFERENCES
assessment, namely the content feasibility aspect
[1] Arikunto, Suharsimi. 1988. Penilaian
with the value of 84.67 with the category is very
Program Pendidikan. Jakarta: PT Bina
valid. Aspects of language worthiness with a
value of 87.61 with the category is very valid.
Aspect of feasibility of presentation with value [2] Arlitasari, oni. 2013. Pengembangan Bahan
84 with category very valid. Aspect of graph Ajar IPA Terpadu Bebasis Salingtemas
feasibility with value 77,78 with valid category. dengan Tema Biomassa Sumber Energi
Second, the development of learning SAP which Alternatif Terbarukan. Jurnal Pendidikan
based on inquiry in the course of planning IPA, (Online), Vol.1, No.1, (http:// jurnal
teaching indonesia language is stated very valid fkip. Uns. ac. id/in./1276, diakses 8 Juli
with the general value of 86.80. The value is 2013).
derived from 4 aspects of assessment, namely the
[3] Devi, Poppy Kamaila, dkk. 2009.
content feasibility aspect with a value of 86.67
with the category is very valid. Aspects of Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran
language worthiness with a value of 85.56 with untuk Guru SMP. Jakarta: PPPPTK IPA.
the category is very valid. Aspect of presentation [4] Depdiknas. 2008. Panduan Pengembangan
feasibility with value 88,83 with category very Bahan Ajar. Jakarta: Direktorat Jenderal
valid. Aspect of feasibility of graduation with Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah Direktorat
value 86,67 with valid category. So, it can be Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah Atas.
concluded that the RPKPS and SAP based
inquiry are considered very valid and can be used [5] Emzir. 2010. Metodologi Penelitian
in the course of planning teaching Indonesian Pendidikan: Kuantitatif dan Kualitatif.
language. Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada.

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[6] Hanafiah, Nanang dan Cucu Suhana. 2009.

Konsep Strategi Pembelajaran. Bandung:
Rafika Aditama.
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Perencanaan Penggajaran Bahasa. Jakarta:
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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Herliani and Sri Purwati
Biology Study ProgramTeacher Training and Education Faculty
Mulawarman University
E-mail:[email protected]

Higher education institutions was given the authority to establish and develop a curriculum that is based on
SNDIKTI number 44 year 2015 and Presidential Decree number KKNI 8 year 2012. Higher education
institutions need the readiness of human resources professionals in the implementation of curriculum
development. The purpose of this study was to describe the validation results of learning device, the
effectiveness of the curriculum learning outcomes in accordance SNDIKTI and KKNI in Plant Physiology
courses for students as a biology teacher candidates in terms of mastery of concepts and science process
skills of students. The object of research is the curriculum in accordance with SNDIKTI and KKNI. This
research is quantitative descriptive. Data were analyzed by using quantitative analysis. The population of
this research is the students of Biology Education Mulawarman with the study sample were students who
programmed course Plant Physiology. The results showed that implementation of the curriculum in
accordance SNDIKTI and KKNI in the subject plant physiology can encourage students to participate
actively in the investigation, experiment, develop a sense of responsibility for their own learning, actively
asking questions and solving problems. Curriculum development plant physiology courses that accordance
to KKNI and SNDIKTI have met the eligibility criteria of a model, that is valid, practical and effective.
The validity of the learning device which consists of Semester Lesson Plan and Worksheet declared 100%
complete and proper for use in learning. Learning devices are arranged in a practical and its
implementation can be conducted properly, and it also can improve student mastery of concepts with an
average post test amounted to 85.71% and the average value of the gain medium and 48.86 with the classical
criteria of science process skills obtained an average value of 3.4 with good criterion. Curriculum to
SNDIKTI and KKNI on plant physiology courses can effectively improve student’s learning outcomes in
terms of mastery of concepts and science process skills.
Key Words: Curriculum, SNDIKTI, KKNI, Physiology of Plants

development, including planning, preparation,

execution, and evaluation of the curriculum.
Education Workforce Education Some of the policies advanced in the field of
Institutions (LPTK) was commissioned to education that must be anticipated by LPTK as
prepare prospective teachers in Indonesia. contained in the following documents: according
Teachers need to educate and teach well, to set to Education Law Article 3 No. 20 of 2003
up a Human Resources (HR) Indonesia qualified national education goals to be achieved are: 1)
in accordance with the demands of Faith and fear of God Almighty (spiritual
ever-changing society. People want a attitudes), 2) noble, healthy, independent, and
quality education and produce graduates who are democratic and responsible (social attitudes), 3)
ready to work and ready to conduct further study. knowledge (knowledge), 4) capable and creative
LPTK should follow the needs of the field, which (skills) (Education in the Ministry of National
not only provided supplies to prospective Education, 2013: 19).
teachers about the implementation of the Regulation of the Minister of Research and
curriculum but should be more comprehensive, Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia
which give provisions on curriculum Number 44 of 2015 on National Education

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Standards include: 1) Standard Competency, 2) that occur in the plant life. Biology student
Content Standards of Learning, 3) Standards of teachers in Mathematics and Science Education
Learning Process, 4) Assessment Standards of Programs FKIP environmental education courses
Learning, 5) Standard Lecturers and Personnel, 6 to get college biology Plant Physiology. Plant
) Infrastructure Standards of Learning, 7) Physiology courses weighs 3 credits with course
Management Standards of Learning and 8) code 05015333. Competence plant physiology
Financing Standards of Learning. National courses implemented to date has not led to
Education Standards referred to such a reference Permenristek No. 44 2015 on the National
in preparing, conducting and evaluating curricula Standards for Higher Education (SNDIKTI) and
(Research and Higher Education, 2015: 6). Presidential Regulation no. 8 of 2012 on the
Indonesian Presidential Regulation No. 8 of Indonesian National Qualifications Framework
2012 on the National Qualifications Framework (KKNI), in this case need to be arranged Plant
Indonesia (KKNI) Chapter I of Article 1.1 and Physiology curriculum subjects that refer to
Article 1.2 states that KKNI is the framework SNDIKTI and KKNI.
penjenjangan competence and qualifications to To prepare students managed to live in the
reconcile, equalize, and integrate the field of future necessary to change the form of improved
education and field work training and work curriculum Semester Lesson Plan (RPS) and the
experience in order granting recognition of the Student Activity Sheet (MFIs) in Plant
competence of work in accordance with the Physiology courses that refer to SNDIKTI and
structure of employment in various sectors. KKNI. If implemented this curriculum are able
Learning gains is the ability gained through the to prepare students managed to live in the future,
internalization of knowledge, attitudes, skills, namely the students: 1) be able to apply the
competencies, and the accumulation of work concepts and principles of didactic-pedagogic
experience (Deputy Public Affairs, 2012: 2). biology and the science of biology for the
Competency framework of the 21st century planning, management, implementation,
to improve the learning process to achieve evaluation by utilizing science and technology-
proficiency: (1) Skills lives and careers (life and oriented skills / life skills ( life and career skills),
carrier skills) consisting of: 1) be flexible and 2) have the skills / learning and innovation skills
adaptive, 2) took the initiative and (learning and innovation skills). Students as
independently, 3) skilled social and cultural prospective teachers have the ability to work not
rights, 4 ) productive and accountable, 5) only prepared as a teacher, but had a job skills.
leadership skills and responsibility; (2) learning Concept is a unit of meaning which
and innovation skills (learning and innovation represents a number of objects that have the same
skills) consisting of: 1) creative and innovative 2) characteristics (Winkel, 1991). While Dahar
critical thinking in solving problems, 3) (1989) defines concept as the foundation of
communication and collaboration skills; (3) the thinking, which is obtained through the facts and
capacity to obtain information, media, and can be used to solve the problem.
technology (information media and technology Mastery of concepts by Dahar (2003), as the
skiils) consisting of: 1) literat information, 2) student's ability to understand the scientific
literat Media, 3) literat ICT (Tucson, 2009: 1). meaning both theory and its application in
Universities have the authority to develop everyday life. While the definition of the concept
or construct an effective curriculum appropriate according to Bloom's is the ability to capture
to the circumstances and needs of the region, notions like being able to disclose a material that
building on the National Standards for Higher is presented in more understandable form, able to
Education (SNDIKTI) in accordance with the provide interpretation and able to apply. Based
Minister of Research and Higher Education on those opinions can be concluded that students'
regulations number 44 in 2015 and mastery of concepts is the ability to understand
peraturanPresiden Republic of Indonesia the significance of learning and applying it to
Number 8 of 2012 concerning KKNI. It holds the solving problems in everyday life.
promise of a more tangible to improve the quality In this research, through a series of learning
of education for the creation of quality human implementation using SNDIKTI and KKNI
resources who have high competitiveness amid accordance curriculum on plant physiology
increasingly sharp global competition. Higher courses, students can master the concept of
Education authority in preparing the curriculum material provided so that students can resolve the
requires the readiness of human resources problems associated with such materials. If a
professionals in their implementation. student can master the concept, it can be used as
Plant Physiology courses aimed at a basis for science process skills.
understanding the basic concepts and processes

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

According to the Beaumont-Walters & the study sample were students who programmed
Soyibo; Germann & Aram, 1996a; Eilam, 2002 course Plant Physiology. The variables into the
(Karamustafaoglu, 2011: 26) science process study of this study are:
skills are grouped into two categories, namely: 1) 1. Practicality seen from keterlaksanaan
The basic process skills are: skills: observing, learning curriculum and obstacles encountered
classifying, measuring and predicting. These after the implementation of the learning
skills provide the intellectual foundation in curriculum and KKNI accordance SNDIKTI in
scientific inquiry, such as the ability to describe Plant Physiology Course
the events that occur in nature. 2) Integrated 2. The effectiveness of a curriculum model
Process Skills comprising: identifying and seen mastery of concepts and science process
defining variables, collecting and processing skills after learning implementation using
data, building data tables and graphs, depicting SNDIKTI accordance curriculum and KKNI in
the relationship between variables, interpret the Plant Physiology Course.
data, manipulate the data, formulate hypotheses, The instruments used to collect data in this
designing an investigation, make conclusions study are as follows: 1) The instrument
and generalizations. Practicality Curriculum National Standard of
Based learning skills improvement process Higher Education (SNDIKTI) and the National
is the strategy of "guided discovery" that help Qualifications Framework Indonesia (KKNI)
students learn how to learn, helps students Subjects Plant Physiology and 2) Instrument
acquire knowledge in a way to find it yourself. In effectiveness of learning outcomes Curriculum
this model also included the discovery of National Standard Higher Education (SNDIKTI)
meaning, the organization and structure of the and the Indonesian National Qualifications
idea or ideas, so that gradually the students learn Framework (KKNI) Plant Physiology courses in
how to organize and conduct research. Science terms of mastery of concepts and science process
process skills emphasis on students' ability to skills
find their own ( "discover") knowledge based on The data collection is done by setting up: 1)
experiential learning, laws, principles and The instruments used to obtain data on student
generalizations, so it provides an opportunity for mastery of concepts before and after the
the development of thinking skills high level implementation of appropriate learning tools and
(Houston in Haryono (2006: 4). Thus students KKNI SNDIKTI. The shape of the test given in
are more empowered as a subject of study that the form of essay test with a number of 10
should play an active role in the hunt for questions that have been adapted to the learning
information from various sources of learning, objectives. Pre-test given before the learning
and teachers act more as an organizer and begins while the post-test was given after
facilitator of learning. learning. 2) instrument science process skills that
According to the Beaumont-Walters & are used for troubleshooting or performing
Soyibo; Germann & Aram, 1996a; Eilam, 2002 science experiments. Results of the assessment of
(Karamustafaoglu, 2011: 26) science process science process skills that students have
skills are grouped into two categories, namely: 1) meaningful learning experiences. Tests used in
The basic process skills are: skills: observing, the science process skills, students carry out the
classifying, measuring and predicting. These activities contained in the MFI and define
skills provide the intellectual foundation in problems, formulate hypotheses, designing
scientific inquiry, such as the ability to describe experiments, carry out experiments, collect data,
the events that occur in nature. 2) Integrated analyze the data, draw conclusions, and
Process Skills comprising: identifying and communicate. With the provision of the section
defining variables, collecting and processing were scored: 1 if it is not done, 2 if it is done but
data, building data tables and graphs, depicting not quite, 3 if done correctly, but less precise, and
the relationship between variables, interpret the 4 if done correctly and appropriately.
data, manipulate the data, formulate hypotheses, Data Analysis Techniques, consisting of:
designing an investigation, make conclusions 1) Analysis of Concept Mastery. Data
and generalizations. analysis techniques to determine the
completeness of the indicators is to use
descriptive with the following formula:
This research is quantitative descriptive. P = (ΣA) / (ΣN) x 100% ............ (Ratumanann
Data were analyzed by using quantitative and Laurens, 2012)
analysis. The population of this research is the
students of Biology Education Mulawarman with P = Percentage of completeness indicator

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

ΣA = Number of students who answered success in science process skills are expressed in
questions correctly on each of the indicators a range of customized SNDIKTI (2014): number
ΣN = Total maximum score on each 4 (four) category is very good; number 3 (three)
indicator good category; number 2 (two) categorized
To determine the learning outcome in this enough; number 1 (one) category lacking.
study using techniques normalized gain. The use
of this technique as to determine the
effectiveness of learning outcome of each student
as indicated by the value of G (normalized gain) 1) Description Results of Learning Device
and with the following formula: Test On Standards Compliance Implementation
of the National Curriculum of Higher Education
(SNPT) and the Indonesian National
(g) = ............ (Hake, 2008: 1) Qualifications Framework (KKNI) In Plant
Physiology Course
Information: Enforceability learning device was
(G) = Value gain observed by 2 observers. Observations were
Spre = Value pre-test made during three meetings (activities carried
Spost = The post-test out in the classroom), which is an
S max = maximum value implementation of the RPS. On average
enforceability of learning at the 1st meeting
Furthermore, from the calculation of the N- obtained a score of 3.85 and reliability of 95.6%.
gain is then converted to the following criteria: On average enforceability learning at the 2nd
Table 1. Criteria Normalized Gain meeting obtained a score of 3.96 and reliability
of 98.9%. On average enforceability learning at
Skor N-Gain Criteria Normalized the 3rd meeting obtained a score of 3.92 and
Gain reliability of 97.8% (Ratumanan and Laurens,
N-Gain 0,70 High 2011).
0,30 N-Gain Medium 2) Learning Outcomes Implementation of
0,70 National Curriculum Standards Compliance
N-Gain < 0,30 Low Higher Education (SNDIKTI) and the Indonesian
(Hake, 2008: 1) National Qualifications Framework (KKNI) In
Plant Physiology Course:
Sensitivity index of an item is basically a a. Students Concept Mastery
measure of how well items that differentiate Learning outcomes assessment to
between students who are receiving students who determine the extent of students' mastery
have not received learning. An item is said to be learning concept that has been done. Pengusaan
sensitive to learning when S ≥ 0.30. To calculate concept of students in the subject of Plant
the sensitivity of the item, then use the following Physiology obtained from achievement test
formula: conducted prior learning (pre-test), and after
learning (post-test). Giving tests before learning
S= ...... (Grounlund dalam Ibrahim, is done to look at the initial capabilities of
students and giving the final test of learning aims
2005: 50) to look at the ability of students after learning to
do. Both the data is processed to calculate the
Information: achievement completeness mastery of concepts,
S = Sensitivity with reference to the criteria in accordance with
Ra = Number of students who answered SNDIKTI with learning assessment criteria with
correctly on the test end numbers ≥ 3 lettered B categorized either
Rb = Number of students who answered equivalent to number ≥ 75. The pre-test results
correctly on the test early show there is one goal of the items mastery of
T = Number of students who take the test concepts plant physiology who finished with a
percentage of completeness average of 10%.
2) Science Process Skills Analysis However, at the post test eight (8) the purpose of
Data were analyzed using descriptive item number completed with an average
analysis is to look at the average value of the percentage of 80%. Sensitivity whole good item.
results of each meeting on the course. After the This is because an item is said to be sensitive to
data are the focus of the research and collected, learning when S ≥ 0.30 (Gronlund and Linn,
then the next data obtained in the form of 1995). Furthermore score results of pre-test and
qualification assessment reporting student

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

post-test is used to determine the N-Gain of each Table 3. Average Value At Every Indicators
student. Process Skills Student Class A

Table 2. Scores Results Concept Mastery Indicators of Science Student’s number

Test Plant Physiology, Percent Complete Process Skills Average indicator
Students, and N-Gain. 1 3,72
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3,57
1. 67,5 TT 85 T 0,54 M
2. 65 TT 80 T 0,43 M
3 3,56
3. 70 TT 90 T 0,67 M 4 3,56
4. 65 TT 82,5 T 0,50 M 5 3,33
5. 67,5 TT 82,5 T 0,46 M 6 3,21
6. 62,5 TT 77,5 T 0,40 M
7. 70 TT 90 T 0,67 M
7 3,13
8. 65 TT 85 T 0,57 M 8 3,05
9. 75 TT 90 T 0,60 M Average of Science 3,34
10. 50 TT 67,5 TT 0,35 M Process Skills
11. 50 TT 60 TT 0,20 M
12. 67,5 TT 85 T 0,54 M
13. 62,5 TT 77,5 T 0,40 M Description: Indicators of Science Process
14. 67,5 TT 82,5 T 0,46 M Skills:
15. 67,5 TT 82,5 T 0,46 M 1 = formulating the problem
16. 72,5 TT 90 T 0,64 M
17. 67,5 TT 85 T 0,54 M 2 = formulate hypotheses
18. 72,5 TT 85 T 0,45 M 3 = designing experiments
19. 57,5 TT 75 T 0,41 M 4 = carry out experiments 8 = communicate
20. 65 TT 87,5 T 0,64 M 5 = collect data
21. 55 TT 70 TT 0,33 M
% Kts 0 TT 85,71 T 6 = analyzed data
7 = draw conclusions
8 = communicate

Reporting in the form of qualification

assessment by referring to student success
1 = Students’s number
criteria in accordance with the National
2 = PreTest Score
Standards for Higher Education (SNPT) with
3 = Information
learning assessment criteria with numbers ≥ 3
4 = Post Test Score
lettered B categorized either equivalent to ≥ 75
5 = Information
6 = N-Gain
Based on Table 4.6 in mind that the average
7 = Information
value of science process skills in formulating
Qty = Complete
indicators of problem 3.72, 3.57 formulate
T = Completed
hypotheses, designing experiments 3.56, carry
TT = Not Completed
out experiments of 3.56, 3.33 collecting data,
M = Medium
analyzing the data of 3.21, draw conclusions and
communicate 3,05 3,13. In classical science
Based on the data in Table 1 above it can be
process skills gained an average value of 3.4 with
seen that there is no classical completeness at
good criterion.
pre-test and post test amounted to 85.71% and the
average value of its gain of 0.49 with the criteria
being. It shows that the learning process is given
to increase student mastery of concepts in the 1) Description Results of Learning Device
subject of Plant Physiology students. Test On Standards Compliance Implementation
b) Science Process Skills of the National Curriculum of Higher Education
Science process skills used for (SNPT) and the Indonesian National
troubleshooting or performing science Qualifications Framework (KKNI) In Plant
experiments. Results of the assessment of science Physiology Course
process skills that students have meaningful Implementation of the application of the
learning experiences. Science process skills learning device was observed by 2 observers.
assessment results can be seen in Table 2. Observations were made during three meetings
(activities carried out in the classroom), which is
an implementation of the RPS. Based on the
observed data can be seen that all the learning

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

activities very successfully. On average a. Mastery of Plant Physiology Concepts

enforceability of learning at the 1st meeting Implementation of the curriculum that has
obtained a score of 3.85 and reliability of 95.6%. been developed according to the National
On average enforceability of learning at the 2nd Standards for Higher Education (SNDIKTI) and
meeting obtained a score of 3.96 and reliability the Indonesian National Qualifications
of 98.9%. On average keterlaksanaan learning at Framework (KKNI) In Plant Physiology courses
the 2nd meeting obtained a score of 3.92 and can improve student mastery of concepts. It is
reliability of 97.8% (Ratumanan and Laurens, shown from the results of the evaluation data
2011). analysis concept mastery in the subject of plant
The average score of the high and the physiology students between before and after the
excellent category were able to be obtained implementation of both the class A and class B.
because all aspects of the learning activities Pre-test was used to determine student mastery of
successfully implemented so that students have a the initial concepts before learning takes place,
learning experience. Scope curriculum subjects while the post-test was used to determine mastery
Botany Advanced not only the content but also a of concepts students after the implementation of
learning experience (Rezulli, 1986). Important the National Standards Compliance Curriculum
aspects of the observation are: the lecturer clearly implementation of High Education (SNDIKTI)
communicate the learning objectives and and the Indonesian National Qualifications
activities undertaken ensure achievement of Framework (KKNI) in the subject of Plant
objectives. Step-by-step learning activities are Physiology.
interrelated and facilitate students to understand Based on data analysis (Table 4.4) it can be
the concepts learned. Hands-on / teaching seen that the success of the students completed
materials used in the study support the the test items on concept mastery indicator has
achievement of objectives. increased after the implementation of learning in
The method used in the teaching and the subject of plant physiology. Increased
learning process have been effective and have thoroughness of items contained in the item
been appropriately with the goal of learning. number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 10. Meanwhile, on
Some of the methods used in the classroom is the items 6 and 9 is not finished, it is because on item
method of discussion, question and answer, number 6 percentage completeness 70% and
presentations, assignments, observation, items number 9 percentage completeness 67%. It
experimentation and practice material processing is not yet meet the criteria in accordance with
for further needs, as well as the practice field. SNPT with learning assessment criteria with
Methods provided are appropriate to the learning numbers ≥ 3 lettered B categorized either
strategy. The strategy used is the PPP approach, equivalent to ≥ 75 numbers.
PBL, inquiri, STAD cooperative. Learning The results of the analysis of the average n-gain
activities carried out in conformity with the students with moderate criteria. Based on the
characteristics of the High Level Botanical assess data in Table 4.5 above it can be seen that there
learning theory can be used and a basis for is no classical completeness at pre-test, whereas
achieving the objectives through learning, ie in the post test amounted to 85.71% and the
learning theory of constructivism. James (2000: average value of the gain was 48.86 criteria
31) states that constructivism widely embraced (Hake, 1999). It shows that the learning process
by the science teacher as a constructivist is given to increase student mastery of concepts
epistemology is fully consistent with the in the subject of plant physiology.
approach of inquiry, we see the principles are Increasing student mastery of concepts in
realized through laboratory investigation plant physiology due course curriculum coverage
activities, cooperative learning to produce a includes: content, experience, and product
positive thing in science. Furthermore Driver et provided to students as a biology teacher
al (1994); Kearney (2004) in Lee (2006: 8) states candidates. Materials / subject matter combined
that constructivism provides a perspective on with experiential learning (learning experiences),
teaching and learning of science in the so the scope of the curriculum in terms of
classroom, with a view to increasing the curriculum subjects plant physiology is not only
effectiveness of the teaching of science in the content of the form of understanding the basic
improving student learning. principles of taxonomy, nomenclature and
2) Learning Outcomes Implementation of classification and function Spermatophyta, but
curriculum based on the National Standards for the learning experience using a variety of
Higher Education (SNDIKTI) and the Indonesian teaching strategies teaching and learning process
National Qualifications Framework (KKNI) In (Herliani, 2016: 6). Teaching strategies used are:
Plant Physiology Course PPP approach, PBL, Inquiry, kooperatip STAD

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

and experimental methods, discussions, The explanation above shows that the
presentations, frequently asked questions, students are able to carry out activities with good
experiment and practice LAB, assignments, science process skills. Science process skills is an
observation, and practice field. Colin (2009: 4), intellectual activity that is practiced by scientists
states that the curriculum emphasizes the to solve problems and produce the products of
development of reflective thinking, developing science. Skills processes performed by the
individual and emphasizes the strategies used to students in accordance SNDIKTI curriculum
achieve the curriculum, so that there is a implementation and KKNI on plant physiology
curriculum that sense until the determination of courses among which define problems, formulate
the strategy is not just limited to the material to hypotheses, designing experiments, carry out
be learned by the students. Furthermore, experiments, collect data, analyze the data, draw
Kennedy (2005: 37), paying attention to the conclusions, and communicate. Science process
curriculum in the context of a very important skills approach provides the opportunity for
experience for the students a chance to add his students to begin learning to understand learning
experience. problems first, then engage actively in activities
At the time of the learning process takes and group discussions, and eventually skilled in
place looks all students are actively involved in science process learning outcomes obtained. On
the activities and the orientation changes in science process skills focused on understanding
learning, namely: learning more empowering all the problem first, is expected to provide exercise
aspects of students' abilities; student-centered and abilities of each individual to be able to
learning (student centered learning), independent resolve the problems faced.
study (self-directed learning) and self- Process skills approach provides the
understanding; learn to 'find' and 'build' opportunity for students to explore. It is seen
(construct) its own draft, which is proven to from the students' ability to perform any
improve student mastery of concepts; and a activities both activities in formulating the
group of cooperative and collaborative learning problem, formulate hypotheses, designing
are not only to teach thinking skills but also the experiments, carry out experiments, collect data,
capacity to teach students other skills. analyze the data, draw conclusions, and
communicate. Karamustafaoglu (2011: 26),
b. Science Process Skills states that the science process skills are skills that
Skills approach is part of the enable students to develop a sense of
implementation process of learning in the responsibility in their own learning, improving
curriculum of the National Standards learning permanency, and to teach them methods
Compliance Higher Education (SNDIKTI) and of research.
the Indonesian National Qualifications
Framework (KKNI) In Plant Physiology Course.
Science process skills can help students to solve ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
the problem or performing science experiments.
Indicators of science process skills consist of: 1) In this study, the authors would like to thank
the Dean of the Faculty of Education
to formulate the problem, 2) formulate a
hypothesis, 3) designing experiments, 4) carry Mulawarman University has provided the
out the experiment, 5) collecting data, 6) opportunity to the author to carry out research
analyzing the data, 7) draw conclusions, and 8) with DIPA funds Mulawarman 2016. On this
to communicate. Results of the assessment of occasion the author would like to thank validator
and observers who helped research progress.
science process skills is students have
meaningful learning experiences. From the
analysis of the data evaluation process skills in
the subject plant physiology, student values REFERENCES
obtained with both criteria. [1] Akinbobola and Afolabi, “Analysis Of
Based on the analysis of the data in Table Science Process Skills In West African
4.6 in mind that the average value of each Senior Secondary School Cerficate Physics
indicator with the science process skills criteria. Practical Examinations In Nigeria,”.
The lowest value of 3.13 on the indicator and the Bulgarian Journal of Science and Education
highest score of 3.72 on the criteria formulate Policy (BJSEP), Volume 4, Number 1, 2010.
problems. In classical results science process Nigeria: University of Uyo, University of
skills gained an average value of 3.4 with good Ibadan

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

[2] Aktamis, H and Ergin, O, “The effect of [15] Padilla, M.J, “The Science Process Skills,”
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Pembelajaran: Mempersiapkan Generasi di
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Abad 2,”.
Kepez/AYDIN, 2008.
[3] Dahar,R.W, “Teori-Teori Belajar,” Jakarta: 0/02/16/reformasi-pendidikan-dan-
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Keterampilan Proses Sains,” 2006, On line. [17] Ratumanan, T. dan Laurens, “Penilaian
Hasil Belajar pada Tingkat Satuan
[5] Deputi Bidang Kesejahteraan Rakyat,
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“Peraturan Presiden RI Nomor 8 Tahun
University Press.
2012 Tentang Kerangka Kualifikasi
Nasional Indonesia,” Jakarta. 2012. [18] Rezulli, J.S, “The Schoolwide Enrichment
Model: A Comprehensive plan for
[6] Direktorat Pembelajaran dan
Educational Excellence,” Manfield Center.
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Nasional Indonesia,” Kementrian
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Indonesia. Jakarta: Depdikbud. 2012. Skills has Developed a Vision for Student
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Bumi Aksara

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Naniek Sulistya Wardani.
Satya Wacana Christian University - Salatiga Indonesia
e-mail: [email protected]

The objective of this research was to increase the character of Elementary School Teacher Education
(ESTE) student implementation of the spiritual attitudes in learning of social studies. The spiritual attitudes
as “one’s attitudes for and experience of connection with the essence of life,” which encompasses three
main dimensions: connectedness with oneself, connectedness with others and nature, and connectedness
with the transcendent. Connection with the essence of life is expressed by such aspects as experiencing
meaning in life; gratitude, and God. The character of student is a discipline and work together. The research
method used in this research is classroom action research. Design research used spiral models from
Kemmis and Targatt and using procedure two cycle. The data collection technique was an observation,
angket and test. Data analysis technique using percentage technique. Subjects of this research are ESTE
student grade one in Salatiga Centre Java. The research result showed that: 1) implementation of the
spiritual attitudes in learning of social studies is there is increasing the character of students, 2)
implementation of the spiritual attitudes is love, kindness, wisdom, awareness, and integrity 3)an increase
in the student's character in the form of an honest character, discipline, responsibility, work together and
Keywords: implementation, the spiritual attitudes, learning of social studies, the character of student

the aspect of knowledge and technology, but also

teachers life morals and life values.
Nowadays we know that globalization and Fishbein (1967), the notion that attitudes
developmental of information technology have consist of three components--affective,
positive impact on humans, but also cause cognitive, and conative (action). Spirituality
negative impacts that need to be aware of Crisis define as “one’s striving for and experience of
of ethics and morals of the nation like corruption, connection with the essence of life,” which
integrity, and violence, or the emergence of encompasses three main dimensions:
conflicts originating from difference and connectedness with oneself, connectedness with
conflicts of different cultures are the negative others and nature, and connectedness with the
impacts. transcendent. (Eltica de Jager Meezenbroek,
According to the National Education 2012: 141-167).
System of 2003 that education is a conscious and Connectedness with oneself is expressed by
deliberate effort to create an atmosphere of such aspects as authenticity, inner harmony/inner
learning and the learning process so that learners peace, consciousness, self-knowledge, and
are actively developing the potential for the experiencing meaning in life (Chiu et al., 2004;
student have the spiritual strength of religious, Elkins, Hedstrom, Hughes, Leaf, & Saunders,
self-control, personality, intelligence, noble 1988; Howden, 1992; Hungelmann, Kenkel-
character and skills needed them. Furthermore Rossi, Klassen, & Stollenwerk, 1985; Mahoney
according to UNESCO, education should be built & Graci, 1999; Young-Eisendrath & Miller,
with the four pillars, namely learning to know, 2000). Connectedness with others and with
learning to do, learning to be and learning to live nature is related to compassion, caring, gratitude,
together. Education is not only oriented towards and wonder. Connectedness with the
purely academic but also put it into practice to transcendent includes connectedness with
solve the problems of everyday life. Education is something or someone beyond the human level,
the basis for preparing a quality human being. such as the universe, transcendent reality, a
Education as part of efforts to produces higher power, or God. Aspects related to the
quality human recources should not only develop latter dimension are awe, sacredness, adoration

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

of the transcendent, and transcendental

experiences. Although some reviews have
The research method used in this research is
mentioned other main themes besides
classroom action research. Design research used
connectedness, such as meaning in life,
spiral models from Kemmis and Targatt. The
transcendence, power/energy and sacredness
research procedure is at least two cycles. The
(Chiu et al., 2004; Hill et al., 2000; Tanyi, 2002),
subjects of the study were Elementary School
these themes can be considered part of one of the
Teacher Education (ESTE) students. The
three domains of connectedness.
research variables consisted of a attitude spiritual
According to Peterson and Seligman (2010) and character.
the values are mentioned character strengths. The spiritual attitudes as “one’s attitudes for
Park, Peterson, and Seligman (2004) told that and experience of connection with the essence of
character strengths can be defined as positive life,” which encompasses three main dimensions:
traits reflected in thoughts, feelings, and connectedness with oneself, connectedness with
behaviors. Wright and Huang (2008) define others and nature, and connectedness with the
character as those interpenetrable and habitual transcendent. The character of student is a
qualities within individuals, and applicable to discipline and work together.
organizations both constrain and lead them to
The data collection technique was an
desire and pursue personal and societal good.
observation, angket and test. The research
Alwison (2006) said Positive character marked
instruments used were observation sheet,
by behaviour that highlight the good and the true
questionnaire and test. Data analysis technique
that is explicitly or implicitly. On the other said,
using percentage technique.
Thomas Lichona (1999) said Children with
positive character marked by moral knowing,
moral feeling, and moral behaviour that
continuously manifested either explicitly or
Children with positive character require a
fertile environment intentionally created, thus
allowing the potential for children to grow
optimally into character. Through a variety of
experiences since the early development of the
child have a great influence in their lives later on.
The experience various instrumental in bringing
about the formation of the so-called personality Fig 1
intact, which cannot be achieve except by Classroom action Research Spiral Model by
developing the potential of children from an early C. Kemmis and MC. Taggart
age properly. Family environment filled with
love bonds, mutual help, and the warmth of the
relationship with each other has a big hand in
Learning social studies are designed using
shaping the personality of children with positive
character. Therefore, the role of communication the natural environment and focus in spiritual
and public information of parents of children attitudes. The steps of social studies are
with all the content and complexity formulate the problem, review the literature,
The character of students is learning organize the instrument, data collection, data
outcome of students achieved as the result of analysis, and make conclusions, presentation.
their exploration through science learning Learning social studies is a cooperative learning.
procces that cover of three aspects: 1) scientific Implementation of learning in groups. Each
attitude, 2) knowledge of science product, and 3) group consists of 5 students.
science proccess skills. The study of social studies uses the theme
The objective of this research was to of self. Implementation of learning is observed
increase the character of Elementary School using observation sheets. The grid of the
Teacher Education (ESTE) student observation sheet on the implementation of
implementation of the spiritual attitudes in social studies study for spiritual attitudes as
learning of social studies “one’s attitudes for and experience of connection
with the essence of life,” which encompasses
three main dimensions: connectedness with
oneself, connectedness with others and nature,

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

and connectedness with the transcendent. assessment of student character. Character

Connection with the essence of life is expressed enhancement seen from the activity inside the
by such aspects as experiencing meaning in life; campus which includes the activity of
gratitude, and God. The grid of the observation formulating the problem until the activity of
sheet on the execution of social study for spiritual organizing the instrument as a cycle 1, and cycle
attitudes is: (1) connectedness with oneself, (2) 2 is the activity on campus for data analysis until
connectedness with others and nature, and (3) presentation of data collection results in the
connectedness with the transcendent. natural environment that is in the tourist location
From the observation of the activity of
spiritual attitude in the study of social studies it The character of student is a discipline and
appears that: work together.
1. in the step of formulating the problem of
From the class interval, it is known that the
self identity, students discuss to discuss the name
thresholds of each class and then the value of
of the tourist location in their respective areas.
each student will be included as in Table 1
Students who discuss with their friends discuss
about the problem of tourism location identity,
Table 1 Mean Categories of the honor a friend,
meaning that students think about the identity of
discipline and work together.
the tourist location is an activity related to
yourself. Thus, student attitudes related to Interval Category Value
friends, is a spiritual attitude 4,21<mean≤5,00 Very good 5
3,41<mean≤4,20 Good 4
2. In literature study, each student in the group 2,61<mean≤3,40 Pretty good 3
listened to the material and internet browsing to 1,81<mean≤2,60 Poorly 2
study one tourist location near the campus. 1,00<mean≤1,80 Not good 1

3. In preparing the instrument, students

Elementary Teacher Training and Pedagogy
prepare instruments to collect data with friends in
student has character
groups. Thus, student attitudes related to friends,
The results of the student are presented in
is a spiritual attitude.
Table 2 below:
4. The data collection was done at tourist location
that is Rawapening. Students collect data in Table 2 Student Character
Rawapening in groups, by bringing their own
instruments according to the social studies No Indicator Min Max Mean Notes
1 Discipline 2 5 3,85 Good
learning theme. Data collection was done by 2 Work 3 5 4,25 Very Good
observation, measurement and interview. After together
completion of collecting data and information, Total 4,05 good
when the reflection is done, then the gratitude for Average
the beauty of nature, thanks to the data collection
activities have been obtained and completed,
gratitude can work with friends. This attitude is a Based on table 2, student has character
spiritual attitude. which has a total average value of 4,05 is
included in the good category, it means that
4.In the data analysis and make conclusions students of Elementary Teacher Training and
conducted on campus by discussing with friends Pedagogy have character is good. Meanwhile, in
in 1 group. detail, each of the indicators is as follows:
Students have a very good character of discipline
5. After all the steps are done, the last step is the
which has mean of 3,85 is included in the good
group presentation. In the group presentation
category, it means that students of Elementary
more emphasis on the confirmation means that
Teacher Training and Pedagogy have character
the report submitted whether it is correct and
of discipline is good. In addition, for work
input the necessary input.
together, which has mean value of 4,25 and 3,82
All the learning steps have been done in is included in the very good category, it means
accordance with the planning. This means that that students have character is verygood.
learning that focuses on the cultivation of
Improvement of student discipline character
spiritual attitudes has been achieved.
is shown in detail through table 3 below.
Furthermore, whether learning that focuses
on this spiritual attitude can improve the
character of students. Here are the results of the

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Table 3 Frequency Distribution Of Student Discipline attitudes. The steps of social studies are
Character Of Cycle 1 And Cycle 2
formulate the problem, review the literature,
Catego Cycle 1 Cycle 2
organize the instrument, data collection, data
ry Frekuen Percenta Frekuen Percenta analysis, and make conclusions, presentation.
cy ge (%) cy ge (%)
Good 11 44 16 64
Spiritual attitudes is: (1) connectedness
Enoug 8 32 5 20
with oneself, (2) connectedness with others and
h nature, and (3) connectedness with the
Less 6 24 4 16 transcendent. There is an increase in student
Total 25 100 25 100 character that can be pursued through spiritual
attitudes in acceptable social study learning. This
Table 3 shows the student discipline character is indicated by the improvement of the character
associated with the spiritual behavior of cycle 1 of discipline with the criteria from cycle 1 to
which is: (1) connectedness with oneself, (2) cycle 2 ie from 44 % to 64%; And the
connectedness with others and nature, and (3) improvement of the character of work together
connectedness with the transcendent activities with the criteria from cycle 1 to cycle 2 from 44
showing good discipline character, and overall % to 64%.
there are 44% of all disciplinary students in cycle
1 and increasing in cycle 2 to 64 %. Activities
showing less discipline character, and overall
there are 6% of all disciplinary students in cycle REFERENCES
1 and increasing in cycle 2 to 4 %.
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Improvement of student work together certain integrals of Lipschitz-Hankel type
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Good 10 40 13 52
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Less 5 20 5 20 Spirituality as a Universal Human
Total 25 100 25 100 Experience: Development of the Spiritual
Attitude and Involvement List (SAIL)”
Table 4 shows the student work together Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 30:2,
character associated with the spiritual behavior (2012): pp141-167
of cycle 1 which is: (1) connectedness with
oneself, (2) connectedness with others and [4] Fishbein, “A consideration of beliefs, and
nature, and (3) connectedness with the their role in attitude measurement,” in M.
transcendent activities showing good work Fishbein (Ed.), Readdings in attitude theory
together character, and overall there are 40% of measurement. New York: John Wiley &
all work together students in cycle 1 and Sons, 1967, pp 257-266.
increasing in cycle 2 to 52 %. Activities showing [5] J. Clerk Maxwell, A Treatise on Electricity
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are 5% of work together students in cycle 1 and Clarendon, 1892, pp.68-73.
stabil in cycle 2 to 5 %.
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thing for improving competency student, 350.
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Training and Pedagogy is innovation in teaching. [7] K. Elissa, “Title of paper if known,”
Learning social studies are designed using the unpublished.
natural environment and focus in spiritual

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

[8] Carol J. Lysne and Amy B. Wachholtz ,Pain,

Spirituality, and Meaning Making: What Can
We Learn from the Literature?, Religions vol
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[12] Park, N., Peterson, C., & Seligman, M.
Strengths of character and well being.
“Journal of Social and Clinical
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[13] Peterson, C., & Seligman, M. Character
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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Nurul Istiq'faroh
University of Nahdlatul ulama Sidoarjo
[email protected]

The learning Community is learning activity done by kinds of group in the community. The learning result
is obtained from the community cooperation. Learning community is an effort to involve community in
developing education for the public interest in their role in life. Learning community requires willing
attitude, interest to learn and lifelong learning. This study used a qualitative approach. This approach was
used to provide a deep and detailed understanding with respect to an event or social phenomena that was
contribution of the learning society "Kampung Sinaoe" in Sidoarjo as a form of educational improvement
in the area of Sidoarjo. The purpose of this study was to describe the role of community in building a good
quality of education in their environment. The strategy used in this study was a case study. The type of
selected case studies is instrumental case study to overview a particular case to gain knowledge on an issue
or insight for the improvement of the theory. This study examined the meaning of "Kampung Sinau"
existence for people around Buduran subdistrict, Sidoarjo district, concerning on thie role to run "Kampung
Sinaoe" " in the context of community development, and see how far the efforts undertaken by the
"Kampung Sinaoe" to improve the quality of education for community local. The results showed that the
main purpose of "Kampung Sinaoe" was to creatively share and serve, especially for supporting orphans
and the poor often marginalized in their right of education. For the poor children and orphans around,
Kampung Sinaoe encouraged them to come and learn together freely because their tuition was taken from
subsidies of regular students’ the payment.

considerable effect on student because of their

existence in the community life that every day
The development of science and technology they can see (Slameto, 2010: 60-72).
brings great influence to human life, that causes To achieve maximum education requires
problems from various aspects especially the support of various resources from the family,
western culture coming into the country. One of community and government in order to realize a
the problem is the difficulty to adapt in good quality of education. The support is not
grobalization era for the citizens who have low only in terms of material but also contribution in
education are not able to sort good culture to the form of personnel, participation in school
follow and possiblely harm nation. Therefore, activities and thoughts related to school
people who have a good level of human progress. In addition, the community can also
resources need to compete in the future. In the serve as a role model for students that can be seen
effort of human empowerment, education everyday in the school environment. Nana
becomes a very important thing that can Syaodih Sukmadinata (2005) mentioned that the
determine the success especially in facing the era formation of learning communities preceded by
of globalization. the individuals formation who become
Education has several factors that support citizens. The transformation of individuals
the process of implementation; such as internal causes them to be marture and hard-working
factors that include physical condition of individuals, consumptive individuals to be
students both physical and spiritual, while the productive, recipients to be givers. Individuals
external factors are family environment, school who easily give up on people are persistent in
and society. Both of these factors must run changing circumstances, demanding a
equally because they have an equally important fundamental change for individual
role to create education that can achieve the personality. The change begins with perceptions
intended goals. Society is a factor that has a and attitudes changes, both to themselves, and to

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

the environment, opportunities, threats and settlement in which the population is quiet,
obstacles encountered. Then, it proceeds with beautiful, and comfortable. The nuance of nature
growing confidence, and motivation to move and conducive environment to teaching and
forward. The confidence characteristics is about learning process. Kampoeng Sinaoe
having the strength, potential and ability to grow Sidoarjo emphasizes learning on the spiritual,
motivation to change, willing to learn, willing to moral, emotional, and social that are paralleled
try, then can begin learning activities. the cognitive, affective, and
The concept of learning community psychomotor. Implementing the value of
originated from John Dewey. In 1916, John decency, honesty, togetherness, sincerity,
Dewey observed that children will learn when independence, and responsibility along with
they participate in social settings. Then, a few intelligence, critical thinking, and analytical
decades later, Jerome Brunner (1996) states that skills becomes the main foundation for success in
a person makes meaningful knowledge based on learning. Kampoeng Sinaoe Sidoarjo provides a
his relationships and one’s participation in range of support facilities to support successful
specific communities or cultures. This shows learning for learners in the form of Hot Spot, a
based on the observations of the two experts that library, classrooms open (Gazebo), parking area,
the learning community becomes one of the shop sianoe and many others. Similarly, various
aspects in one's learning. Similarly, the model community activities are provided free of
developed by Getzels and Thelan explaining how charge. Even so, the cost of learning is affordable
a class exists in relation to the roles and for all walks of life. Cheap but not cheap, cheap
expectations in a classroom setting to meet the but good quality.
objectives of the system (school / class). This Kampoeng Sinaoe Sidoarjo provides
dimension is called the dimension of a several optional concentration such as Al Falah
class group. From this perspective, class Islamic Learning Course (FIC) which provides
behavior is determined by school or class norms intensive English language learning, guides
(expectations). Life in the classroom is domestic and foreign scholarships,
ultimately determined by students who are etc. Institutions Tutoring Visca Aflah (VIA)
individually motivated and the teacher's response which provides specialized learning for Subjects
to each student in a social setting. Thus, it will mastery were tested in the National Examination
eventually form a learning community to obtain (UN) and the preparatory for State University
the desired environment that is creating a class subjects (PTN) such as Mathematics, Indonesian,
that is motivated to learn both academically and Natural Sciences (IPA), Social Sciences ( IPS),
socially. and others. Salam Al Fa lah (SAF) provides
Based on those phenomena, the most mastery in learning computer skills. There are
important thing to be considered by teacher is the about five neighborhoods that permit their area
motivation of students to learn. Motivation for learning. Each concentration of learning is
becomes one of the most important factor taught in people’s homes. This shows that there
compared with student's personality or students is an important role of community learning
character, and student's motivation to learn is community to promote education in the
very fragile and changeable. in fact, being surrounding environment. With this fact, the
motivated this day, but not tomorrow. The author has thought to investigate more about The
concept of the learning community is the most Contribution Of Learning Community To
important factor in social life in relation to the Improve Quality Of Education In Indonesia: (A
teaching and learning process. In contrast to a Case Study "Kampung Sinaoe" In Sidoarjo).
collection of individuals, the learning community There are several problems that will be
is a setting where the learning objectives studied in this research, they are the factors that
are mutual for both parties (mutual), and shows influence the community in advancing education
their concern for the learning of each individual in the learning community in Siwalan panji
member. The learning community becomes kampoeng sinau, the role given by the
medium that will encourage the learning process community in improving the quality of education
of each member. through Siwalan panji kampoeng sinau,, the
One of the learning community integrated constraints that become the obstacles in the
with the surrounding community can be found in implementation of learning community in
Sidoarjo, East Java, Kampoeng Siungapanji village. The condition of society in
Sinaoe. Kampoeng Sinaoe Sidoarjo is a set of Siwalan Panji Village is a form of contribution
learning community education center located in and participation of society in supporting the
Sidoarjo. Located in the village of Siwalanpanji progress of education either in the form of
Buduran subdistrict, in the middle of the

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

thoughts or as personnel owned by the education, economic conditions and education

community. Siwalan Panji villagers.

Documentation method
Documentation method is the activity of
This research used qualitative approach by looking for data or variables in the form of
describing words or phrase based on written objects such as books, documents,
phenomenon seen so that can yield a conclusion
regulations, photos, inscriptions and so on
(Arikunto, 1998: 245). According to Bogdan and (Arikunto, 1998: 151). This method aims to
Taylor (in Moleong, 2002: 3) qualitative method obtain data relating to research on the role of
is a research procedure that produces a data in the
society in advancing education through the
form of a written word or oral from the behavior program of Sinau Village. Documentation is very
of people who can be observed. important to be used as evidence in which it can
Researchers use qualitative methods
be justified its validity and can be used at any
because this study is more concerned with the time.
process than the results. In addition, the issues
discussed are not related to the figures but in the
form of words and images processed in such a
way that can create a description, description, Implementing roles in education will
description of what efforts and roles undertaken definitely bring a change for the community. The
by the community in building kampoeng sinau to purpose of the implementation of the role in t
establish advance Education in the surrounding education is the main aspect to help improve the
environment. quality of human resources in the
The sources of data used in this study are: community. The purpose of the education itself
Primary data is to build the intellectual life of the
The data were collected from parties nation. However, in the implementation of
related to the object of research on the role of education is not separated by the role of the
society in advancing education through kampung community as written in Law number 20 Year
sinau in Siawalan Panji Village, district of 2003 Article 8 and 9 which explains that the
Sidoarjo. The related party / informant is the community is entitled to participate in the
founder of Kampung Sinau, named Pak Ahmad planning, implementation, supervision and
Zamroni, S, Hum. and also the community and evaluation of education programs and is obliged
village heads in Siwalan Panji village of Sidoarjo to provide source support Power in the
district. organization of education. From the article is
Secondary data very clear that the role of the community is
Secondary data in this research is a needed for the progress of education in their
document, in the form of notes about various respective regions.
events or conditions that have value or Relating to the implementation of the
significance to support data in this research. The role of the community can be realized by
document is in the form of books, photos of establishing good relationships with the
activities, interview notes, or recordings used community to build a trust in the community, in
when the researchers conducted research on the order to obtain support that can help the
role of the community in advancing education implementation of teaching and learning process
through the learning community of kampoeng and provide progress for both the school and
sinau in Siwalan Panji village, district of community. Thus, the relationship between
Sidoarjo. Siwalan Panji Sidoarjo communities with
The method used in this research are: kampoeng sinau Program to produce a good
Interview Method progress in the academic and economic for the
In this study the interview was surrounding community is needed.
conducted to obtain data and information from
Siwalan Panji villagers to know about the role Factors influencing the establishment of
that is done in advancing education through the kampoeng sinau in Siwalan Panji Village of
village program sinau. Sidoarjo districtt.
Method of observation The realization of kampoeng
In this study, researchers conducted a sinau inspired the desire of its founder,
direct study on the implementation of the role Mohammad Zamroni to teach since first grade of
provided by the community to promote junior high school until college graduation in
2005 in Malang. In early 2006, one by one the

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

neighbors around him began to trust him to teach well as to the learning students. Learning
privately at home. Then the people around community is a learning activity to invite
Siwalanpanji know him better as an English involvement of students in the learning process,
teacher. By the time Kampoeng Sinaoe at and ultimately the achievement of learning
Sidoarjo was originated from the name of Al- goals.In order to realize a good and cohesive
Falah Islamic Course (FIC) is a place in the learning community, in a class must have various
centre of Sidoarjo and surrounding positive characteristics such as:
communities. There are several factors that Relationships among individuals to care
influence the establishment of Kampung Sinau for each other
namely the impetus to share that is not compete, High expectation of teacher for
the desire to help people around the less students’ learning outcomes
fortunate, and want to empower the surrounding Inquiry (the process of finding out) is
community to promote mutual education and productive in learning
economic seiktar through learning community
known as the village of sinau. A positive learning environment
Creating a learning
The role of communities to improve the quality community (learning community) is not
of education through kampoeng sinau in Sidoarjo easy. There is no good learning process that can
The role given by the community in be created without a good learning
improving the quality of education by providing community. The creation of such conditions
yard and their their living room for learning for requires the actions of the surrounding
students or adults who want to study in community that fully support the progress of the
kampoeng sinau. the locations are spread in five quality of education.
neighborhood (RT) that provide yard as a means Recalling the framework of the
of learning. There are several classes included in relationship between individual and groups by
kampoeng sinau program like social classes, famous social psychologist: Kurt Lewin (1939,
literacy classes, and camp. Social class consisted and 1956) and some of his colleagues, who are
of students who are invited to share by looking interested to know how a combination of human
for less fortunate communities in the village to be needs and environmental conditions to explain
given donations. It is very helpful for the human behavior. Getzels and Thelan (1960)
economically disadvantaged citizens. The apply these ideas in the field of education. They
community also provides facilities for students then developed a two-dimensional model to
who are attending camp programs. There are explain how the relationship between individual
several houses that are ready to be used as student needs and living conditions in the
lodging for foreigners or domesticers who want classroom.The first dimension of the model
to stay to study in the village of sinau. describes how, in a class, there are students with
various motives and needs. This perspective can
Constraints as obstacles in the implementation of be termed as the individual dimension of
learning community in Siambapan, Siwalapanji classroom life. From this perspective class
village behavior will be produced as a manifestation of
Constraints existing are the belief of the personalities and behaviors of all students and
parents to entrust their children to study in their actions in the effort to fulfill the motives and
Kampung Sinau. This is triggered by several needs of each individual.
factors because kampoeng sinau does not The second dimension of the model
prioritize cognitive factors instead of developing developed by Getzels and Thelan describes how
the character of learners. For example, students a class exists in relation to the roles and
are invited to review all materials with teachers expectations in a classroom setting to meet the
on Thursday and also students are invited to objectives of the system (school / class). The
establish a hut together as a place to second dimension is called the dimension of a
learn. Teachers who teach in Kampung Sinau are class group. From this perspective, class
alumni not from other graduates of other behavior is determined by school or class norms
institution. Thus, there are other perspective of (expectations). Life in the classroom is
on kampoeng sinau. ultimately determined by students who are
individually motivated and the teacher's response
to each student in a social setting. Thus will
eventually form a learning community to obtain
The learning community built through
the desired environment that is creating a class
the village gives benefits to the community as

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

that is motivated to learn both academically and

The concept of the learning community
is the most important factor in social life in the
classroom relating to teaching and learning
process. In contrast to a group of individuals, the
learning community is a setting where in the
community are learning objectives that
are mutually (mutual), and shows their concern
for the learning of each individual
member. Community learning becomes medium
that will encourage the learning process of each

Acknowledgments to the BUDI-DN
program that participated in completing paper

[1] Qomar, Mujamil. 2012. Kesadaran
Pendidikan Sebuah Penentu Keberhasilan
Pendidikan. Jogjakarta : Ar-Ruzz Media.
[2] Rifa’I, Muhammad. 2011. Sosiologi
Pendidikan (struktur dan interaksi sosial
di dalam institusi pendidikan). Jogjakarta :
Ar rruz Media.
[3] Slameto. 2010. Belajar dan faktor – faktor
yang mempengaruhinya. Jakarta : PT Rineka
[4] Soekanto, Soerjono. 2006. Sosiologi
Suatu Pengantar. Jakarta : Raja Grafindo
[5] Suhartono, Suparlan . 2009. Wawasan
Pendidikan. Jogjakarta : Ar-Ruzz.
[6] Suryadi, Ace. 2002. Pendidikan, Investasi
SDM dan Pembangunan. Jakarta : Balai
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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


M. Firman Ramadhan1, Irwanto2
Muhammadiyah University of Mataram, 2Yogyakarta State University
[email protected], [email protected]

Educational problems are very complex problems, so it takes a solution to overcome those problems,
especially in the 21st century. Educators are expected to disseminate learning by utilizing the development
of 21st century technology, educators must also be able to develop technology-based learning media with
reference to the school curriculum. The transformation of technology in the digital era provides a wide
range of beneficial effects on the science learning process. One important impact of the development in
digital era that can be utilized in science education is virtual laboratory. Virtual laboratory is a media that
can provide direct experimental visualizations, interactive virtual environment, practical experimentation,
to de experiments more efficiently, and be able to save on purchasing experimental tools. Learning by using
a virtual laboratory can also be done anywhere and anytime without taking the class lessons. This study is
aimed to determine the effect of virtual laboratory based learning model on students’ thinking abilities,
skills, and scientific attitudes. This research used qualitative descriptive research method. The data analysis
techniques used refers to the data analysis model by Miles & Huberman (1994), including components:
reduce data, display data, draw conclusions, and verify. This paper reviews the 23 articles on students'
thinking abilities, skills, and scientific attitudes toward virtual laboratory. This paper has been published in
Indonesia and several journals have a scopus index reputation from 2010 to 2016. The results showed that
the virtual laboratory is able to enhance students’ problem solving, critical thinking, creativity, conceptual
understanding, science process skills, lab skills, motivation, interest, perception, and learning outcomes.
Therefore, educators need to use virtual laboratories to improve teaching quality and student learning
Keywords: virtual lab, thinking abilities, skills, scientific attitudes

development of the digital age that can be

utilized in the field of education is a virtual
Science is a subject related to laboratory laboratory. The virtual laboratory offers exciting
activities. It is a knowledge of natural lab processing and simulation facilities, the ease
phenomena involving inquiry and discovery of use of tools, and more accurate results [4]. The
through the hands-on and experiments under the virtual lab is a learning medium that can provide
guidance of the teachers [1]. In the science direct experimental visualization, interactive
learning, the laboratory activity is much more virtual environment, practical experimentation,
important as providing opportunities for the and do the experiments more efficiently.
students to perform various kinds of hands-on Through the virtual lab activity, the students have
[2]. The laboratory activities are expected to help the opportunity to repeat the wrong experiment
the students acquiring the technical skills. and deepen the experience independently [5-6].
Through the experimental activities, the students In practice, virtual labs provide various
will have direct experience, conceptual benefits in achieving the expected learning
understanding, and long-term memory. outcomes. The use of virtual laboratories
Furthermore, current experiments can be carried addresses some of the problems encountered in
out using developments in the field of traditional laboratories and contributes positively
information technology [3]. in achieving learning goals [3]. The virtual labs
The development of digital era technology provide opportunities for learning by doing at a
provides various positive impacts in supporting cheaper, more secure, and widely used cost [7].
the success of science learning process. Although the virtual labs cannot replace
Information technology can be used as an traditional laboratories, the use of the virtual labs
alternative to facilitate the needs of interactive greatly facilitates the learning process of science.
laboratories in schools. One impact of the However, the development of computer

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

hardware and software enables educators to titration is categorized high with an average score
incorporate virtual technology into future of 73.28% [16]. Virtual Laboratory can influence
teaching strategies recently [8]. psychomotor students on Reaction Rate
The virtual laboratory uses computerized practicum in Class XI Science SMAN 7
models, simulations, and various other Sarolangun. The results showed that there was a
instructional technologies to replace traditional significant effect on student psychomotor on
lab activities [5]. It provides many advantages. It reaction rate material in class XI Science 1
is done in the cyberspace so experimentation (experimental class) SMAN 7 Sarolangun [17].
does not harm yourself or others. The affordable While [18] conducted the application of Virtual
simulation costs, once developed, the tool can be Laboratory-based PHET Simulation with direct
used repeatedly at no additional cost. The virtual instruction. Student activity using the Virtual
lab allows students to work independently or Laboratory (PHET Simulation) on the reaction
collaboratively regardless of the school rate material is categorized high. There is a
laboratories, chemicals, and equipment available difference in mean scores before and after
[9]. Thus, this study aims at determining the learning, but there is no difference in the progress
effect of the application of virtual lab aided of experimental class learning with the control
learning to students' thinking, skills, and class. 87.72% of students said the virtual
scientific attitudes. laboratory as the latest learning, ease to
understand the lessons of 94.76%, help complete
the task and make it easier to solve the problem
of 56.14%, Increase student motivation 89.47%,
This study uses qualitative research and virtual lab suitable for use in other subject
methods. The qualitative research is an activity equal to 82.46%. [19] Virtual laboratory on
of collecting, analyzing, interpreting data, and chemistry subjects as an alternative learning to
reporting of interpretation result [10-11]. Content
improve student learning outcomes at chemical
analysis is one of the qualitative research tadris program at IAIN Walisongo Semarang.
methods used to analyze and interpret textual The use of Virtual Laboratories can effectively
data content [12]. In the research method, there
improve student learning outcomes. [6] The use
are various data collection procedures, including of laboratory applications in learning chemistry
tests, questionnaires, interviews, observations, is very important, so as to increase the influence
diaries, and journals [13]. The data analysis
of student achievement 90 students from 3
techniques used refers to the data analysis model different classes in class IX. Data collection was
by Miles & Huberman [14], including collection, used before and after learning using virtual lab
reduction, presentation of data, and conclusions.
and analyzed using SPSS version 16. The
In this study, the researchers conducted a content development of virtual laboratory applications
analysis of 23 papers about the benefits of virtual developed has the same effect with the lab as well
labs in science learning. The papers have been
as in the introduction aspects of laboratory
published in Indonesia from 2011 to 2016. This equipment and the improvement of student
study has been being conducted from February to learning outcomes. The same is also explained by
April 2017.
[3] in his research entitled The Effect of the
Virtual Laboratory on Students’ Achievement
and Attitude in Chemistry. Learning chemistry
Research on the influence of learning model using a virtual laboratory can help students
(assisted by Virtual Laboratory) and interest in understand learning and improve student
learning on the ability of creative thinking learning interest, since learning using virtual
chemistry. This research shows that there is laboratories is rarely used in Turkey. Prepared 16
influence of learning model with Virtual experiments using virtual laboratory applications
Laboratory assisted on creative thinking ability, to help Turkish public schools and the results
interest in learning, interaction between learning have a positive influence on improving student
model and interest in learning on creative achievement and attitudes compared to
thinking ability in chemistry subject. The results conventional learning. [20] reveals that learning
showed that there were two groups with different is more interesting, more effective, can
mean values of creative thinking ability on summarize learning time, can improve the
chemistry subjects and two groups did not have quality of learning and teaching and learning
an average difference [15]. The Virtual process can be done anywhere and anytime by
Laboratory is able to increase students' learning utilizing virtual labs and E-Reference in the
motivation on chemistry subjects, the students' learning process and research on Chemistry. Cost
learning motivation on acidic and bases titration savings of research and research that cannot be

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

done because of the limitations of tools in the real There is a better understanding of concepts than
laboratory. The weakness of the Virtual before using a virtual lab. [27] conducted a study
Laboratory for troubleshooting can be synergized entitled The use of virtual and simulated teaching
with E-References. and learning environments: Inviting gifted
students into science, technology, engineering,
Research conducted by [21] that the use of
and mathematics careers (STEM) through
virtual lab media on physics subjects can
summer partnerships. Based on the research
influence student problem solving. The guided
result, it is found that students have motivation in
Inquiry learning model based on the real
learning by using technology. [28] research on
laboratory and virtual laboratory is better than the
Effects of 3D virtual simulators in the
direct learning model as an effort to improve
introductory wind energy course: a tool for
students' physics learning outcomes. The guided
teaching engineering concepts, This research
inquiry learning model in the real laboratory and
provides innovative solutions in effective
virtual laboratory has significant interaction with
learning and is able to improve the postsecondary
the direct learning model so as to increase the
education by developing virtual simulators that
activity and the students' learning outcomes on
can be integrated with the school curriculum.
the subject of physics [22]. While [23] developed
Critical acquisition of educating and training a
a virtual laboratory on kinematics material with
professional generation in industry, the
vector analysis on physics lessons in Class XI.
development and implementation of virtual
The virtual laboratory on Kinematic materials
simulators in the accompanying curriculum will
and Vector Analysis in the XI class of SMA
foster national reform in the United States, Thus
deserves to be used in physics, practical and
meeting the needs of the wind energy industry
effective learning used in Physics learning can be
movement and addressing the broader
seen from the increasing student learning
educational issues in a number of disciplines.
outcomes. The activities and perceptions of
[29] Research on virtual laboratory and learning
students in applying virtual laboratory as a media
management system in optimal control theory
of learning on modern physics in high school are
education, learning using virtual lab and Remote
in 80% of each criterion with regard to
in technical education designed using Java
demostration, concept, calculation, problem
programming language. Development of a
practice, categorizing, explaining, presenting and
virtual laboratory that uses Java Simulations and
creating process in learning. Whereas learners'
is integrated with Moodle in control theory
perceptions about virtual lab implementation are
education. While [30] the use of virtual
in the strongly agreed category shown by 91.03%
laboratory can improve students' skill in biology
[24]. So also with the Student Perceptions of the
education program in using microbiology tools
Virtual Laboratory Utilization in Physics
for 45 students taking microbiology courses. [31]
Learning Straight Motion Topics (Survey of
Researching on Virtual Laboratory
Students of Class X SMAN 87 South Jakarta)
Implementation to Support High School
received a positive response. Student
Learning, some subjects require activity in
understanding and learning experience can be
laboratories such as Biology, Mathematics,
improved by using a virtual laboratory, this is
Chemistry and Physics. It takes a laboratory tool
reinforced by student statements that most
that can be used anytime and anywhere so as not
expressly agree to use virtual labs and students
to interfere with the lesson, virtual lab is a
better understand the concept of straight motion
computer application that can be used to
[25]. The development of learning media in the
experiment with low cost.
form of virtual laboratories conducted by [26] to
overcome misconceptions on core physics Effectiveness of the development of Virtual
materials at SMAN 1 Binamu revealed the result Laboratory can improve the ability to increase
that the instructional media in the form of virtual critical thinking but has no significant difference
laboratory as a presentation model and tutorial on to the scientific attitude of high school students
radioactive activity and the penetration of on the concept of metagenesis of moss and nail
radioactive rays obtained valid results and plants. This is indicated by the difference in mean
Reliable. The virtual lab view comes with value of critical thinking ability of class X
navigation, hints, hyperlinks to make it easier for students of MIA 4 (Control class) with class X
users; Learning tools in the form of RPP, reading MIA 3 (experiment class) whereas students'
books, LKS made in softcopy and hardcopy so scientific attitude there is no difference of
easy on autorun via CD; Learner activity above average value in Control class and Experiment
85% and learners' perceptions about virual class [32] . Meanwhile, according to [33] who
laboratory of 93.05% indicating strongly agree; did research on A Virtual Lab in Research

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Methods. Virtual labs are superior to the real

laboratory for the overall value earned. Because
The results showed that the virtual
students prefer the convenience and ease in doing
laboratory is able to enhance students’ problem
research. When compared to traditional learning,
solving, critical thinking, creativity, conceptual
more time is needed in completing tasks and
understanding, science process skills, lab skills,
communicating with students. The results
motivation, interest, perception, and learning
provide an overall assessment of the aspects of
outcomes. Therefore, educators need to use
leadership, exercise questions, and values. There
virtual laboratories to improve teaching quality
is a significant difference in the leadership aspect
and student learning outcomes.
shown by F (5.185) = 5.8, p <0.0001. Possible
aspects of leadership have an effect on the
exercise value rating and its parts. The leadership ACKNOWLEDGMENT
aspect correlates with exercise rank, r (191) = The authors would like to express profound
0.37, p <0.0001, and the assessment aspect, r thanks and appreciation to Directorate of Higher
(191) = 0.46, p <0.0001. Virtual labs can be Education, Ministry of Research, Technology
easily applied to modifications that can be and Higher Education Republic of Indonesia
adapted to the curriculum. It is also suggested by through “BUDI-DN” for the financial support.
[34] who studied the Out of the classroom and
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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Arif Sholahuddin1, Lenny Yuanita2
Science Education Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
Lambung Mngkurat University Banjarmasin, Indonesia
Science Education Department Postgraduate Program of Surabaya State University
Surabaya, Indonesia
[email protected], [email protected]

In the context of learning, process skills are skills used by students in finding knowledge through a learning
process. They are important element of in depth learning so that the knowledge will be processed into long-
term memory. In addition, they will form an indispensable scientific literacy which is needed in solving the
problems. This study is part of the research and development of cognitive style-based learning strategy for
elementary students. It performed Dick and Cary’s R & D model to investigate effect of the learning
strategy to students’ conceptual understanding of science and process skills. Research subjects in the tryout
are 6 grade student of SDN Pasar Lama 1 Banjarmasin. Base on the Mann-Whitney U or t test, it found that
students’ conceptual understanding of science and process skills increased significantly as the effect of
learning strategy. Students’ conceptual understanding as well as their science process skills have increased
from poor to good category. Science process skills most developed are classifying and measuring skills,
while experiment skill is an integrated process skill less developed. Students with field independent (FI)
cognitive style tend to have conceptual understanding and process skills better than field dependent (FD)
one. This findings show the important of the learning strategy to consider students’ characteristics
especially their cognitive style to facilitate them learn optimally. This learning strategy combines hands-on
and mind-on activities in the frame of guided scientific problem solving by considering the student's
cognitive style. Therefore, this learning strategy can be applied to increase students’ conceptual
understanding of science and process skills even problem-solving skills.
Keywords: cognitive style, learning strategy, science concept, science process skills, field independent,
field dependent

for junior high school students average score of

integrated science process skills of grade 7 <
Science should be taught as the scientists grade 8 < grade 9, while the high school students
carry out investigations to explain the grade 10 < grade 11≈ grade 12; the average score
phenomena of the universe or discover new of students' science process skills both junior and
knowledge [1]. Ref. [1] assert that all students senior high school students are still relatively
have to learn about the nature of science and the poor, 49.7 and 60.83 respectively; integrated
work that scientists do; learn to do science (i.e., science process skills that is less developed
developing the abilities to design and conduct involve formulating hypotheses and making
scientific investigations); and understand operational definitions.
scientific concepts and principles [2]. So, Generally, science learning in elementary
learning science requires the use of process skills schools do not reflect the learning process in
and supported by various scientific attitudes such accordance with the nature of science, yet.
as skepticism, curiosity, and open to ideas. In the Learning process still emphasize to master the
context of learning, this process skills are skills knowledge through expository learning strategy
used by students to investigate the world around [4]. Such strategy would not be able train the
them and to construct their knowledge process skills [5], i.e. basic process skills include
Ref. [3] reported that there is a tendency observing, communicating, classifying,
that the higher the grade level of students, the measuring, relating the object with time and
better the integrated science process skills them space, as well as integrated process skills as

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

predicting, concluding, controlling variables, processing (perceiving, organizing, and

making operational definitions, and conducting analyzing) information, using cognitive brain-
experiments. based mechanisms and structures. Many research
Science process skills have an important show that cognitive syle affects the students
role in developing communication skills, critical learning outcomes [15], as well as students
thinking, problem solving, and the ability to use ability in problem solving. Students with a field
and evaluate the evidence [6]. Mastery of science independent (FI) cognitive style shows many
process skills enable learners to learn in depth characteristics as analytical, individual and
and meaningful, and vice versa meaningful independent, while students with a field
learning can be done by applying the process dependent (FD) cognitive style tend to be global,
skills. social and less independent in perceiving,
Science learning can take place in depth remembering, thinking, and problem solving
only if students fully engaged in the activity of [16], [17]. Although there is a tendency that FI
multilevel analysis in achieving learning student achieve learning outcome better than FD
outcomes (content or new skills). student, both FI and FD can be successful in
Psychologically, fully engagement can be learning as long as it is used the appropriate
achieved when the science learning take place strategy to their style [18].
meaningfully [7]. It mean that learning should This study have examined effect of
involve scientific approach activity like identify cognitive style-based learning strategy to
and formulate the problems, make predictions or students’ conceptual understanding and science
hypothesis, collect data, interpret data and make process skills, which indicate the effectiveness of
inferences, are the stage of finding a fact or that strategy in science learning.
knowledge [8].
Science process skills will help students to
connect new experiences with previous
knowledge and develop the critical thinking This research applied the design research
skills in finding solutions to the problems. and development model of Dick & Carey [19].
This study is the step of field trial evaluation to
Process skills may support development of
scientific literacy [9], [10], [11], the individual’s evaluate effectivity of the cognitive style-based
scientific knowledge and the use of knowledge to learning strategy. Field trial evaluation was
conducted at SDN Pasar Lama 1 Banjarmasin.
identify questions, acquire new knowledge,
explain scientific phenomena and draw This learning strategy concise of following
conclusions based on evidence and willingness to stages: Attention (@), Understanding Problem
(Un), Exploration (E), Sharing (Sa), Game (G),
engage in science-related and scientific ideas.
Learning science is just not transferring Assesment (A) and Individual Task (In) or be
knowledge to students, but learning science abbreviated to @UnESa-GAIn.
Students' conceptual understanding and
should be able to develop process skills as the
basis of scientific literacy development. science process skills were measured by using
Therefore, students not only know about the test both before and after learning science that
applied cognitive styles-based learning strategy.
facts, concepts, principles, laws and phenomena
of science, but they are also able to apply this The effect of applying the learning strategy was
knowledge to solve problems in everyday life. At determined based on the n-gain scores of
Indonesia, learning science has not been able to conceptual understanding and science process
improve the scientific literacy of students. In skills. In order to justify significantly of the
learning strategy effect, pretest and posttest score
2012, Indonesia was placed at rank 64 of 65
countries, with scores below the OECD average were analyzed by difference test using SPSS
score [12], and in 2015 was placed at rank 63 of version 17. It is also conducted difference test to
know the difference between FD and FI students’
71 countries [13].
Achievement both science knowledge and achievement.
process skills are highly depend on the learning Rating category of science concept
understanding and process skills score are 80-
strategy and student characteristics such as
cognitive development and cognitive style. 100 = excellence; 70-79 = good; 60-69 =
Cognitive development related to one's readiness moderate; 0-59 = poor. Meanwhile, n-gain score
rating category are 0.70 < n-gain = high, 0.30 ≤
and ability to perform a certain development
tasks including learning, while cognitive style n-gain ≤ 0.70 = moderate and n-gain < 0.30 =
refers to a person’s preferred way to process low.
information. According to [14], "Cognitive styles
refer to differences in people’s preferred way of

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

increasing of conceptual understanding between

FD and FI students is significantly different in
a. Conceptual Understanding
conductor insulator concept, but not in in F
Fig. 1 shows the science conceptual substance change concept.
understanding of SDN Pasar Lama 1
Banjarmasin students based on indicators of b. Process Skills
learning materials.
Fig. 3 shows the students’ process skills
before and after participating learning process
that applying cognitive styles-based learning
strategy. The average of students’ science
process skills has achieved a good category.
Based on t difference test (Table 3) show
significantly different between students’ science
process skills before and after participating the
learning process. Science process skills with the
low score are conducting experiments, which is
an integrated process skills.
Fig. 4 show the n-gain score of students'
science process skills of SDN Pasar Lama 1
Banjarmasin base on their cognitive style.
Students with FI cognitive style have the process
skills n-gain score higher than students with FD
cognitive style. Difference t test (Table 4) show
Fig.1 Science conceptual understanding of that the process skills of FD and FI students differ
SDN Pasar Lama 1 Banjarmasin students
■ Pretest; ■ Posttest

Fig.2 show the n-gain score of students'

conceptual understanding of science after they
have participated in learning process applying @
UnESa-GAIn strategy. The students' conceptual
understanding have achieved a moderate to a
good category. Based on Wilcoxon/t difference
test using SPSS version 17 (Table 1) shows that
students’ conceptual understanding of science
before (pretest) and after participating (posttest)
the learning process is significantly different.

Fig. 4 N-gain score of process skills of SDN

Pasar Lama 1 Banjarmasin students base on their
cognitive style

Fig. 2with
Students N-gain score of science
FI cognitive styleconceptual
tends to
understanding of SDN Pasar Lama 1 Banjarmasin
increase their science conceptual understanding
better than students with FD cognitive style.
■ FD student; ■ FI student
Based on the paired samples of Mann-Whitney
U/t difference test (Table 2), suggest that the

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Table 1 Difference Test of Science Conceptual Understanding of SDN Pasar Lama 1

Banjarmasin Students Before and After Participating the Learning Process

Difference Test of Conductor Difference Test of Substance

Insulator Conceptual Change Conceptual
Understanding between before Understanding between before
Conclusion Conclusion
and after Participating the and after Participating the
Learning Process Learning Process
(α = 0.05) (α = 0.05)
Wilcoxon Test Note Wilcoxon Note
P value Data are not Ho is rejected, P value Data are not Ho is rejected,
0.000 < 0.05 normally significantly 0.000 < 0.05 normally significantly
distributed different distributed different

Table 2 N-gain Score of Students' Science Conceptual Understanding of of SDN

Pasar Lama 1 Banjarmasin Base on Their Cognitive Style

Difference Test of Conductor Difference Test of Substance

Insulator Conceptual Change Conceptual Understanding
Understanding between Students Conclusion between Students with FD and FI Conclusion
with FD and FI Cognitive Style Cognitive Style
Isolator (α = 0.05) Isolator (α = 0.05)
Mann-Whitney Note T Test Note
U Test
P value = 0.029 Data are not Ho is rejected, t value 0.789 < Data are Ho is
< 0.05 normally significantly 2.03951 (t table normally accepted, no
distributed different at df = 31; α = distributed significantly

Table 3 Difference Test of Science Process Skills of SDN Pasar Lama 1 Banjarmasin
Students before and after Participating Learning Process

Difference Test of Science Process Skills

between Before and After Participating the
Learning Process
(α = 0.05)
t test Note
t hitung 36.590 Data are normally Ho is rejected, significantly different
>2.03693 (α = 0.05; df distributed
= 32)

Table 4 N-gain Score of Students' Science Process Skills of SDN Pasar Lama
1 Banjarmasin Base on Their Cognitive Style

Difference Test of Science Process Skills between

Students with FD and FI Cognitive Style (α = 0.05)

t test Note
t value 4.373 > 2.03951 (t Data are normally Ho is rejected, significantly different
table at α = 0,05; df 31) distributed

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

occurred in the concept of the conductor

Cognitive styles based learning strategy is Many studies have been reported that FI
designed to train students the ability to solve students tend to have a better ability than FD
problem scientifically by considering their students related to cognitive function in various
cognitive development and cognitive styles. disciplines of subjects such as science [21],
Because elementary student have a concrete mathematics [22], the science-physics [23],
cognitive development, therefore, it is needed writing skills: general, narrative, argumentative
enough guidance in solving the problem so we [24], and some of the lessons [25].
also call this learning strategy as guided problem The less difference in increasing of science
solving learning strategy. In addition, the conceptual understanding between FD and FI
differences in information processing between students indicate that the design of learning
FD and FI students, it is need to provide strategy was able to accommodate both of
scaffolding in accordance with each cognitive styles and students’ psychological
characteristics so they can learn optimally. Ref. aspects as attention [25] and perceptual ability
[15] states that this learning strategy have [26], [27], which give a great contribution on
evaluated by experts and have stated as very cognitive abilities.
valid. Cognitive style accommodation is given in
The learning strategy is designed not only the form of stage variation and scaffolding
to deliver the science content knowledge, but activities in accordance with the needs of each
also to train process skills as the basic of science student's cognitive style. The learning activities
problem-solving. The study showed that the concise of analysis, synthesis, individual tasks
average students' conceptual understanding of (preferred by FI students), collaborative games
science concepts after learning process achieved (preferred by FD students). Scaffolding given in
a good category. Students tend to better in order to facilitate each of them to learn optimally.
understanding of conductor-insulator concept It is performed integrate to student worksheet in
than substance change concept. It may be caused the form of guidance in problem solving, verbal
the former was more known by the students in guidance and others. They are delivered during
daily life than the latest one. So it help students the learning process. Even, before teacher apply
in constructing their knowledge. For instance, the this learning strategy, it is suggested to habituate
use of equipment associated with conductors and student with problem solving and inquiry
insulators such as kitchen apparatus, iron, and activities using direct instruction strategy. Ref.
other home apparatus, have been very well [28] and [29] assert that students' understanding
known by students and even they often use them. of science concepts is enhanced when students
Meanwhile, the substance change concept may are actively engaged in the learning process and
be foreign for them although the phenomenon when it is coupled with guidance and scaffolding.
also occurs in everyday life such as corrosion, Application of learning strategy @ UnESa-
water evaporation and food spoilage. GAIn can improve students’ conceptual
Science learning by applying this strategy understanding of science as well students'
can facilitate student in depth learning so that science process skills to good category. Students
information processing will take place into long- were trained in applying the process skills
term memory. This strategy also involve the (formulating problem, making prediction,
rehearsal game stage, which gives students the measuring, classifying, making
opportunity to repeat and deepen concepts inference/conclusion, and communicating data)
through fun games. Based on the Atkinson & to solve science problems. This study prove that
Shiffrin information processing theory [20], the use of the learning strategy is able to enhance
repetition and fully involvement in the learning students’ science process skills significantly.
process will provide a greater opportunity to Improvement of science process skills reach a
information to be processed into long-term moderate category, according to n-gain score.
memory. This finding support to the findings of [30], [31],
This study find that science conceptual and [32], where inquiry-based learning can
understanding of students has increased in the improve students' process skills significantly.
moderate to good category where FI students This research also found that science
tend to increase better than FD students, which is process skills most developed are classifying and
indicated by n-gain average score of 0.63 and measuring skills, while experiment skill is an
0.75 or in medium and high category, integrated process skill is less developed. These
respectively. The significantly difference results support the findings of [32] that students’
increasing between FD and FI students was sub-scientific process skills were improved and

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Agung Setyawan
Program Studi D3 Keperawatan
STIKES An-Nur Purwodadi, Indonesia
[email protected]; [email protected]

Education in the context of the wider community life can not be separated in the context of social and
cultural change. Culture is a reflection of a nation. Indonesia has thousands of diverse cultures. Entry of
foreign culture and mingle with globalization, urbanization, the influx of technology and communication.
Slowly and unwittingly pushing to shift what we have included culture. A cultural shift for the better or the
worse is always an option with real consequences and tend to shift to the decline of culture possessed. The
role of education is important in maintaining and preserving the culture. The purpose of Indonesian culture
is a sustainable and independent culture. Independent in the sense that no other culture but the culture
colonized Indonesia awake and side by side with other cultures based educational course with continuous
culture in accordance with their respective regional culture. Education and culture like north and south
magnetic poles are mutually strengthened when put together. Culture can not be sustainable without an
education as well as education without culture would have been meaningless. This qualitative study
involves collecting litaratur are supported by interviews a variety of sources in order to find appropriate
educational concept for the preservation of the culture of each region. The advantages and potential of
regional culture needs to be preserved in the form of multicultural education. Regional culture needs to be
developed in order to be sustainable. Sustainable culture will be the hallmark and character of Indonesian
culture which culminated in a national culture. This study is expected to be referansi in determining the
direction of education policy both at local and national levels.
Keywords: culture, education, school.

education is important in maintaining and

preserving culture.
Along with the advancement of the times, Education is practically inseparable from
the traditions and culture of the region which is cultural values. In preserving and preserving
firmly held, has been maintained and maintained their own culture, the process of transferring
by every tribe, is now almost extinct. In general, them most effectively by way of education. Both
people feel prestige and shame still exist and use are very closely related to complement each other
local culture or regional culture. Cita people and support between satru each other.
choose to display and use the arts and modern The goal of education is to preserve and
culture from the culture that originated from the always improve the culture itself, with education
region itself which is the original local culture or we can transfer the culture itself from generation
local culture that is in accordance with the to generation. And also we as society aspire to
personality of his nation. the realization of society and better culture in the
Education in the wider context of future, then by itself our education should be
community life can not be interdependent in the better again.
context of social and cultural change. Culture is Education can not be accepted with cultural
a reflection of a nation. Indonesia has thousands values. In maintaining and passing on the culture
of cultural diversity. The entry of foreign culture of the nation itself, the most effective trantransfer
and mingle with globalization, urbanization, the meda is with education. Between Education and
entry of technology and communication. Slowly Culture are very close to complement each other
and unwittingly pushes to change what we and support each other.
include culture. Shifting the culture into better or Education is practically inaccessible with
worse is always an option with real and cultural values. In preserving and preserving
consequential consequences. The role of oneself, the most effective way of transferring

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

them is by education. The hands are so tight passed on from generation to generation.
because they complement each other and support According to Hasan Langgulung in his language
each other. on education is an activity done by education and
The purpose of education is to preserve and philosophy to explain the process of education,
always improve the culture itself, with the align, criticize and change it based on the
education we can transfer the culture itself from problems of cultural contradictions.
generation to generation ini. And also we as the Viewed from an individual point of view,
community aspire to the realization of society education is an attempt to weigh and link
and better culture in the future, it is by itself individual potential. As for from a societal point
education we should be better. of view, education is an effort to inherit the
For that education has a very big role in the cultural values of the older generation to the
process of cultural inheritance so that the value younger generation, so that cultural values are
of national culture is needed is applied. preserved, Hasan Langgulung writes.
Education as a pillar of culture and from the So it is clear that education and culture are
culture that will be developed later education for very closely related because both are sustainable,
the welfare of the people of Indonesia. both are mutually supportive of each other.
In this context can be seen the relationship
between education with cultural traditions and
the personality of a society however simple the
This qualitative study involves collecting
community. It can be seen that tradition as a
lithologies supported by interviewing various cultural content is always preserved in every
sources in order to find an educational concept society, from generation to generation. This
appropriate for the preservation of the culture of relationship would only be possible if the
each region. proponents of that value could write it to the
Literally the meaning of culture (culture)
younger generation as the next generation.
comes from the Latin Colere, which means The most effective transfer of cultural
working on the ground, cultivate, or maintain the values is through the educational process. In
fields. By Ashley Montagu and Cristper Dawson,
modern society the process of education is based
culture is defined as the way of life, which is a on formal education programs. Therefore, in the
certain way of life that exudes a certain identity implementation of institutionalized formal
of a nation. Meanwhile, according to
Koentjoroningrat, culture is the whole system of As stated by Hasan Langgulung that
ideas, actions, and all the work of human beings education includes two main interests, namely
in the framework of community life which is
the development of individual potential and the
made man's self by way of learning (Gering inheritance of cultural values. So it is clear that
Supriyadi: 2003). the two things are education and culture is
Culture as a result of human beings, in its
closely related to the view of life of a society or
various forms and menifestasinya, is known nation, respectively, the two things can not be
throughout history as a human property that is separated because of mutual need between each
not rigid, but always evolving and changing and
nurturing human beings to adapt to the cultural It is said with the opinion of Hasan
changes and challenges of the traditional age to Langgulung that education in relation with
enter the modern age. individuals and society, but can be seen how the
Humans as intelligent and cultured beings relationship between education and human
are always trying to make changes. With its
resources. From the point of view of individual
creative and dynamic nature, humans continue to education is an attempt to develop the potential
evolve to improve the quality of life that of individuals, otherwise from an educational
continues to advance, when nature is controlling
society point of view is the inheritance of cultural
humans with an iddiness that is not idel values.
curiousity (the growing sense of curiosity) the In this view, education carries two main
longer the sense of power, inventiveness and the
tasks, namely increasing individual potential and
cargo has dadpat change the nature into preserving cultural values. Man as a civilized
something Useful, then nature is controlled by being, is essentially the creator of culture itself.
humans. Culture is a human work that includes
The culture then improves as the human potential
philosophy, art, literature, religion, interpretation of the culture creator increases.
and assessment of the environment.
Education is an activity of receiving and
providing knowledge so that culture can be

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

by education in Indonesia, which are culture-

based learning.
Cultural inheritance can be done by means
The central core of culture itself is the
of education, both formal and nonformal. In
historically acquired and historically selected
order for the cultural tradition to survive and
ideas, especially the relevant values. Cultural
develop every society can pass it on to the
systems can be regarded as the result of action
younger generation through education. But in the
and as an element that influences subsequent
cultural context many people question our
action. Viewed from the form, there are two
education. Why does the education system not
forms of culture, namely subjective culture and
strengthen and develop its own culture? Why is
objective culture. A subjective culture is the
our nation easily influenced by foreign cultures?
inner value of truth, virtue, and beauty. While the
Why is our indigenous culture unable to
ojektif culture is the birth of the form of
withstand the coming globalization
materialization and institutionalization.
interventions? Is our education so far can be used
One of the new and developing learning
as a means of cultural inheritance or not?
strategies is cultural-based learning. Cultural
These questions illustrate anxiety about
learning is the creation of learning environments
how education actually works. The education
and the design of learning experiences that
that has been hoped to be an effort to establish
integrate culture as part of the learning process.
the behavior / culture process and cultural values
This approach is based on the recognition of
planting, has not succeeded in bringing learners
culture as a fundamental part of the education,
to develop their own attitude and culture. Instead,
expression, and communication of ideas, as well
they are trapped in cultural contact with foreign
as the development of knowledge.
cultures that do not necessarily have value Which
In cultural-based learning, culture is
is good to apply in social life. Therefore, the
integrated as a tool for learning to motivate
values that have been inherent in the community
students to apply knowledge, work
(local wisdom) need to be developed through
cooperatively, and perceive the interrelationships
national education, because indirectly in the
between different disciplines. As a learning
process of learning (education) in schools has
strategy, culture-based learning encourages
occurred the process of culture to learners.
imaginative, metaphorical, creative thinking, and
Education is an effort to develop the human
cultural awareness. Culture-based learning
potential of learners both the potential physical
potential of creativity, taste, and karsanya, so that
The learning process as an exploration
potential becomes real and can function in the
arena for students and lecturers in achieving
course of his life. The basis of education is the
understanding and achieving a rational scientific
universal aspiration of humanity. Education aims
understanding in a particular field of science. It
to prepare the individual in balance, unity.
also embodies skills development to the extent of
Organic, harmonious, dynamic. To achieve the
expertise, and seeks strategies to achieve
goal of human life
understanding and develop those skills.
One element of that culture is science.
Cultural-based learning also makes culture
According to Suriasumantri (1999), science can
an arena for learners to transform their
be viewed as a product, process and ethical
observations into creative forms and principles
paradigm. As a product, science is the result of
about nature and life. Through this approach
social activities that seek to understand nature,
students do not simply imitate and / or accept
man and his behavior either individually or in
only the information conveyed, but to create
groups. What science produces as it is today is
meaning, understanding and meaning of the
the objective reasoning (ratio). Science as a
information obtained.
process, means science is derived from the
The learning process in culture-based
results of scientific methods that are generally
learning focuses on the student's strategy
recognized and universal nature. Therefore
1. Be able to see connectedness between
science can be tested truth, so it is not impossible
concepts / principles in the field of knowledge,
that an established theory can be subverted by
with culture, in a variety of new contexts and
other theories. Science as an ethical paradigm,
cultural communities.
because science other than universal, communal,
2. Gain an integrated understanding of the
as well as convincing and skeptical tools, not
field of science and culture as the foundation of
easy to accept the truth (Soelaeman, 2001).
critical thinking, solve various problems in the
In addition to the strategies and learning
context of cultural communities, and make
models we have studied together, there are other
new learning strategies that are being developed

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

3. Can participate actively, happy, and kind of study is naturalistic and has not been
proud to learn the field of science and culture raised as a scientific research, if put into the
4. Can create meaning based on the initial category of positivism theory. Scientific studies
knowledge and experience possessed, through of cultural partics are designed just like a judge
various active interactions with other students asking peskitan; The question will lead to the
and teachers answer of the prisoner, so that the 'dictator of
5. Can gain an understanding that there are judges' is instrumental in determining the death
rules of science in everyday life in the cultural sentence and free of charge against the prisoner.
community, and also there is a culture in the If so then cultural studies as a research base
context of the field of science should be 'punishment design'.
6. Can gain an integrated understanding and Seminars on cultural research (this time)
scientific pregnancy in perceiving something will not only view culture as a prisoner; Will be
around it. declared successful according to the definition of
In terms of faculty, culture-based learning culture by
focuses on creating a dynamic learning 'Judge researchers' who notabenenya is the
environment, which recognizes students' domination of desire. The perfect researcher does
existence with all their background, experience, not use the powers of deciding which research
and initial knowledge, and gives students the objects and the results are like but rather the
opportunity to freely ask, mistake, express, and combination of the cultural rails and the thinking
draw conclusions about Various things in life. In of the research direction. Cultural objects are no
this case, the role of teachers becomes changed, longer as cultural 'potential' but determined to
no longer as the sole informer that dominates the find those provisions. This pattern of naturalism
learning activities, but becomes the designer and is lifted up in scientific studies. So; If an artist
guide of the learning process. finds a work of art through oproses the practice
Culture as a research discourse is lifted and of work, has not been recognized as the process
measured through a compelementary study from of research, but as experience of work.
various points of view. The culture that has been The object of research becomes very rigid,
revealed only revolves around the issue of positivism groups look from the corner of the
'cultural practice' and even 'strives for a high eye, not the taste. The process of human work can
cultural dichotomy - low culture, national not be incorporated into the category of cultural
culture-foreign culture and / or local culture' process research, so that the object of cultural
(Hikmat Budiman, 2001). 'Cultural phenomena' research is no longer a human experience that
have not been alluded to in cultural discourse, poured in the systematic but rather like a bill to
whereas the constellations are very strong with ensnare the people.
the science fondamen referring to the above. Culture-based education is a mechanism
Cultural symptoms are signs that are predictive that provides an opportunity for everyone to
and can depart from the historical culture of enrich science and technology through lifelong
practice above. learning. The emergence of a cultural-based
education paradigm is further fueled by two
Culture is a unit of knowledge, beliefs and major currents. First, depart from the assumption
habits that are relative; Depending on the human of modernism that has reached the point of
ability to learn and pass it on to others or to the culmination that tends to make people to return
next generation. Culture can also be interpreted to things that are natural (natural).
as a habit of trust, social order and custom of Secondly, modernization itself requires the
racial groups, beliefs or social groups. However, creation of democracy in all demands of human
Kuntowijoyo (1995) draws on cultural life. Departing from it, education is to be
understanding from history ... "culture is one of managed more optimally by providing the widest
the forces of history." Therefore, understanding possible place for the participation of the
historical progression can not leave abandoning community with the content of the value cultur
analysis or sight of culture. " (local policy) as part of the content objectives of
Lately present a cultural study (cultural As an implication, education becomes a
Studies), which is a scientific study and cultural collaborative effort involving participation and
praxis that is raised critically through intuition the role of the cultural value system wisdom in it.
and deepening of knowledge. The study of Participation in this context is cooperation
cultural praxis as if the reviewer or researcher did between citizens and government in planning,
not do research work, but cultivate cultural implementing, maintaining and developing
events from the historical roots experienced. This educational activities.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

As a cooperation, the society with its has a material review in terms of cultural value
culture is assumed to have aspirations that must as a transfer to learners, while community-based
be accommodated in the process of planning and education refers more to community involvement
implementation of an educational program that is itself in education operations.
based on the roots of its own cultural value Conceptually, culture-based education is a
system. model of education that rests on the principle of
Furthermore, the era of decentralization- "cultural concept, culturally driven and to create
autonomy also has an impact on the increasing a new culture of more than the previous culture".
freedom that people have for designing and Education with the concept of culture
implementing education according to their own means education provides answers and solutions
needs. As a result, efforts to provide education to the creation of a culture based on the needs of
based on culture bassed education today are society, of course with the values and systems
increasingly widespread15. that apply in it. Culture education means the
In the traditional view, education is seen as community as the owner of the culture with all
an activity that aims or as a way to achieve goals the order of value and the system is placed as the
that are outside the educational process itself. subject / actors of education, not the object of
For example, Aristotle's view of education education. In this context, all the elements
as a means to assist in the achievement of surrounding society can play an active role in
happiness, a better life, and a final state. That is, creating a culture that surrounds the society
it is understood here that education is a means to itself, more specifically by other researchers.
an end, assuming that the process is separate16.
It is still growing in the community, as if it Often we hear words or statements about
has become a kind of eternal aikon. That the culture of a society. Society is a collection of
education is one way to be smart as well as living people who live in a certain area in a long time
well. Has a high honor and prestige in society, a and have rules that govern them to the same goal.
symbol of authority and various other idioms While humans are a source of culture and society
associated with material achievement. is like a big lake where the water from the sources
Another case, according to Leo Toltoy, that flow and accommodated in it. Humans take
education has no primary target outside water from the lake, so closely the relationship
education itself. Precisely the goal to be achieved between society and culture. Culture is
in education is derived from the process itself, impossible without society. Similarly, the
namely the process of how to "understand" the existence of a society can only be maintained
reality that exists. Thus, education is closely with the existence of culture.
related to culture. That is, this concept
summarizes all values in the culture of society Society, population and culture there are 3
that still exist. important things that will not be separated role in
From the exposure can be seen no doubt the life of society. Society has an important role
that the link between education and culture is in the development of the culture around us. So
very absolute. Education is the "process" also the population, without any community and
(culture) of human beings to develop their culture, the lives of the residents in a region will
qualities towards a better direction17. be monotonous. As an example, in the absence of
Culture-based education is a a cultural society will not be preserved. Imagine
democratization of education through the if in a region there are people who are rich in
expansion of educational services for the benefit culture, but none of them have the awareness to
of society. Culture-based education becomes a preserve the culture, then the culture will
community awareness movement to continue disappear just like that.
lifelong learning in overcoming all life changing
challenges and increasingly severe. Culture has a close relationship with the
The concept and its application have in community. Everything that is contained in
common with the pattern of community-based society is determined by the culture owned by the
education, as Zubeidi wrote in his book society itself. The term is "cultural-
"Community Based Education" 2005. But note determinism". The relationship between the
also that the community itself is in the great population, society, and culture that is the
auspices of a culture. population causes the happening of society and
The society that creates culture, and then society have their own culture. These three things
the culture that colors and affects society. can not be separated from human life. Population
Cultural-based education, of course, has more and culture are concepts that are closely related
significance. It's just that culture-based education to one another. Settlement of the population

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

within a certain area within a certain time, allows be developed by each unit of education.
for the formation of communities in the region. Therefore, the formulation of national education
This means that the community will be formed objectives is the basis for the development of
when there is a population so it is unlikely there cultural education and the character of the nation.
will be a society without population, society
To gain insight into the meaning of cultural
formed by the population. Culture is a
education and the character of the nation should
characteristic possessed by a community resident
be expressed understanding of the term cultural,
who was born from generation to generation
national character, and education.
from a region or country. Culture among others
is in the form of beliefs, customs, arts, morals, The notions herein are put forth technically
values and norms, and so on. and are used in developing these guidelines.
Rapid population growth encourages the Teachers of Anthropology, Citizenship
growth of aspects of life that include social, Education, and other subjects, whose terms are
economic, political, cultural, and so on. Unlike the subject of related subjects, still have the
other creatures, humans have advantages in life. freedom to fully discuss and argue about those
Man can exploit and develop his mind. The use terms academically.
and development of reason has been revealed in
the development of culture, both spiritual Culture is defined as the whole system of
kebudayan and cultural kebendaan.Akibat of this thinking, values, morals, norms, and beliefs
(beliefs) of human beings produced by society.
cultural development, has changed the way of
thinking in fulfilling the needs of human life. The system of thinking, values, morals, norms,
Similarly, the relationship between society and beliefs is the result of human interaction with
and culture, this is a singular duality, a two- each other and their natural environment. The
relationship one in the sense that culture merukan systems of thought, values, morals, norms and
beliefs are used in human life and produce social
results of a society, culture can only be born,
grow and develop in society. But otherwise there systems, economic systems, belief systems,
is not a society that is not supported by culture. systems of knowledge, technology, art, Humans
as social beings become producers of systems of
The relationship between society and culture is
also a determining relationship. thinking, values, morals, norms, and beliefs; But
also in interaction with fellow human beings and
the realm of life, man is governed by the system
of thinking, values, morals, norms, and beliefs he
The superiority and potential of regional has produced. As human life continues to grow,
culture need to be preserved in the form of the real is the social system, economic system,
multicultural education. Cultural areas need to be belief system, science, technology, and art.
developed in order to be sustainable. A Education is a planned effort in developing the
sustainable culture will characterize and potential of learners, so that they have a system
characterize the Indonesian culture that of thinking, values, morals, and beliefs that are
culminates in the national culture. This research inherited by their community and develop the
is expected to be a reference in determining the heritage in the direction appropriate for present
direction of education policy both at local and and future life.
national level.
Character is the character, character,
Law of the Republic of Indonesia number morality, or personality formed by the
20 of 2003 on National Education System (UU internalization of virtues that are believed and
Sisdiknas) formulates the functions and used as the basis for the worldview, thinking,
objectives of national education that should be acting and acting. Virtue consists of a number of
used in developing educational efforts in values, morals, and norms, such as honest,
Indonesia. Article 3 of the National Education courageous, trustworthy, and respectful to others.
Law states, "National education functions to The interaction of a person with others fosters the
develop and shape the character and civilization character of society and the character of the
of dignified nation in order to educate the nation's nation. Therefore, the development of the
life, aiming for the development of the potential character of the nation can only be done through
of learners to become human beings who believe the development of one's individual character.
and pious to God Almighty, noble, healthy, ,
However, since humans live in certain
Capable, creative, independent, and become a
social and cultural environments, the
democratic and responsible citizen ". The
development of one's individual character can
purpose of national education is a formulation of
only be done within the social and cultural
the quality of Indonesian human beings that must

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

environment. That is, the development of culture the Indonesian nation, religion, culture, and
and character of the nation can only be done in values that are formulated in the goals of national
an educational process that does not release education.
learners from the social environment, cultural The planning and implementation of
society, and culture of the nation. cultural education and the character of the nation
are carried out by all members of the school
The social and cultural environment of the
community and apply them into the curriculum
nation is Pancasila; So the cultural education and
through self-development programs, integration
character of the nation must be based on the
in subjects, and school culture.
values of Pancasila. In other words, educating the
ducation culture and character of the nation
culture and character of the nation is to develop
in the learning process using a learning process
Pancasila values in learners through liver, brain,
approach that is now developed is student-
and physical education.
centered active learning and is done through
Education is a conscious and systematic various activities in the classroom, school, and
effort in developing the potential of learners. community.
Education is also an effort of society and nation Starting from the implementation of
in preparing its young generation for the decentralized government system, it also affects
sustainability of life of society and nation better the reorintation of Vision and Missions of
in the future. Sustainability is characterized by National Education in which also concerning the
the cultural inheritance and character possessed Standards of Management of National Education
by society and nation. Therefore, education is the System. The impact also on the Principles of
process of cultural inheritance and character of Implementation of Education, Development and
the nation for the younger generation and also the Development Strategy of National Education.
process of developing the culture and character These things, especially based on the nature of
of the nation to improve the quality of life of decentralistic itself, given the geographical,
society and nation in the future. In the process of social-cultural and economic conditions of each
cultural education and character of the nation, the region (provinces) are different from each other.
learner actively develops his potential, performs Therefore, the implementation of education to
the process of internalization, and appreciation achieve more optimal results, effective, efficient
and successful, requires the linkage of various
Values become their personalities in
elements. Implementation of autonomy towards
socializing in society, developing a more educational institutions materialized in School
prosperous society, and developing the life of a Based Management or School Based
dignified nation. Management. Because School Based
Management is an effort of independence, school
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT creativity in enhancing partnership, participation,
The purpose of Indonesian culture is a openness, and accountability in quality
culture that is sustainable and self-sustaining. improvement through cooperation or
Independent in the sense that there is no culture empowerment of government and society, hence
other than the colonized culture of Indonesia also necessary administration of education in
awake and coexist with other culture-based school relation with society.
education courses with sustainable culture in The relationship of education with the
accordance with their respective regional culture. community has the same interrelationship and
Education and culture such as north and south dependency each other (symbiotic). The
magnetic poles are mutually strengthened as they community desperately needs a good education
are unified. Culture can not be sustained without service, and of course it can be passed through
education and education without culture will be educational institutions to prepare themselves
meaningless. and meet the needs and expectations of a perfect
Cultural values are values that are agreed life. To fulfill this, the institution needs the
upon and embedded in a society, the scope of the community to service according to their wishes.
organization, the community environment, Educational institutions can not exist without
rooted in a habit, beliefs, symbols, with certain society, otherwise society can not achieve a
characteristics that can be distinguished from one perfect life without educational institutions. In
another as a reference of behavior and Responses various educational issues especially with regard
to what will happen or are happening. to the weakness (problematic) of education
Cultural education and character of the management of an educational institution, it can
nation is basically the development of values not be burdened or blamed the community as a
derived from the viewpoint of life or ideology of user of education services. The relationship of

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Budi Waluyo1, Favorita Kurwidaria2, Astiana Ajeng Rahadini3, Dewi Pangestu Said4
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Javanese Language Education, Teaching and Education Faculty
Sebelas Maret University Surakarta

Kethoprak is one of the traditional performing art derived from Java. As one of the local culture, kethoprak
contains various noble values which can be source of Javanese wisdom. The combination of art values and
cultural values in its every performances can reflect cultural local wisdom that can be source of knowledge
and as the way to establish education character values, especially for young people. Exploration of the
values which is contained in kethoprak are studied based on kethoprak performance, covering language
aspect, stories material (literature), its staging strategy and education character values than can be
relevanced in learning. In this research, the data is collected by observations, doing interviews and
document analysis. The data is analyzed through interactive technique which appropriate with research
purpose. This research is expected to increase the utilization of Javanese cultural form especially kethoprak
performances as a way to build good character of young people.
Keywords: kethoprak; character education; cultural preservation

Historically kethoprak first appeared

around the 1930s. There are several opinions on
Java society especially in Central Java, East the history of kethoprak appearance. Kethoprak
Java dan Yogyakarta should be proud of the was born in Surakarta in 1908, created by Raden
cultural varieties they have. The rich noble Mas Tumenggung Wreksodiningrat. At that time,
values culture which grew and developed until the play was told about a farmer who was hoeing
now is inherited from the ancestors. Looking in the fields. The main actors are Mbok Gendro
deeper, Javanese culture not only unique, aka Nyi Badur and Wisangkoro. Sometimes they
aesthetic, or distinctive from its outer structure, acted excessively and very funny, so the
but also contained rich values in the cultural, audience called it with badutan or jokes also
moral, social, and religion in it. One such cultural callled lawakan. In accordance with the name of
form is kethoprak performance. Kethoprak is a the main dancer, dance performed at the time
form of folk theater art, which currently often called joget Gendro (Gendro dance).
staged, particularly in Central Java and Conversation or dialogue is partially performed
Yogyakarta. Various themes used in many in the form of song or tembang (poetry), in part
kethoprak stories, such as the spirit of struggle, with colloquial language (prose) or in Javanese
patriotism, romance, sacrifice, power struggles, literature is called gancaran. Thus the
and other human life problems. Generally the conversations used in kethoprak covering three
stories is adapted from folklore, whether in the types, namely poetry, prose and drama
form of fairy tales, legends, myths, panji stories, (Lisbijanto, 2013: 6).
which has grown and developed in Java. Another opinion told by R.M. Soedarsono
However in its development Kethoprak also (1972), kethoprak is a folk dance that is not so
showed legends or myths from out of Java. old enough. Kethoprak is a dance drama society-
Kethoprak never took the story that comes from based created by Raden Mas Tumenggung
the story of Mahabharata or Ramayana, because Wreksodiningrat from Surakarta in 1914. The
these stories are located in the category of puppet next source is based on Serat Pustaka Raja
story. Purwa. It is said that regardless of where it from,

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

when it was born and who its creator, kethoprak behavior manners. This can be an example for the
really grew from and for the people of whose life Javanese young generation, who today is further
from agriculture. away from the value of manners. The discussion
As a form of role art, kethoprak is created of Javanese arts and cultural values in kethoprak
based on drama script which has purpose to be arts performances will be more meaningful if
performed on stage. It also can be said a theather associated with the values of character education,
proccess. Diranagara (2011: 17) said a theater as an effort to optimize the function of cultural
proccess, kethoprak refers to the formula of forms in order to improve the quality of human
dramaturgy. The term dramaturgy itself resources, which are competitive, but still use the
originates from the Dutch 'dramaturgie' which cultural values as it base.
means the doctrine of drama art (leer van de The study of Javanese arts and culture
dramatische kunst), or from the English values found in kethoprak performance, will be
'dramaturgy', that means the art or technique of reviewed based on kethoprak story, ever
drama writing and its presentation in the form of performed by the students of Javanese Language
theater, or briefly can be called art theater Education, Teaching and Education Faculty,
(Harymawan, 1993: iii). In the theater, the Sebelas Maret University Surakarta. It is
elements that need to be considered not only importan to note that Java Language Education
about the text content of the story but also the programme, is one of the new courses established
technique of presenting the story. Aspects such in 2011. For about six years since its founding,
as the voice of a character, motion, acting ability this program has produced many achievements
and improvisation will support the success of and hold activities, both academic and
story telling. So, in kethoprak performance, it performing arts. One of the routine art activities
does not only involve the story aspect but also the which is held annually is staging kethoprak. The
ability of the performers in presenting the story inserted, created and empowered local wisdom
on stage. values is intended to provide a wealth of
The attractiveness of a kethoprak story is Javanese cultural knowledge, except to create an
substantially supported by several aspects, from exciting and dramatic performance.
the story itself to the presentation of the story. In
general, the audience will see both aspects as a
unity that can not be separated from each other.
The exploration values in Javanese arts and
When viewed more deeply, kethoprak has a lot
of lessons from each segment that is displayed, culture of kethoprak performances is the result of
both from the aspect of the story structure and the research. To achieve research objectives,
researchers need to apply the appropriate
presentation on the stage. For example in terms
of story structure, kethoprak not only shows the method. The method used in this research is
dialogues between the troops directly, but the qualitative descriptive with interactive analysis
technique. In collecting data, the researchers use:
dialogue is often packed in the form of tembang
macapat or Javanese song. The contents of (i) observation, (ii) interview, (iii) content
tembang macapat or Javanese song adapted to analysis, and (iv) literature study. Observation
technique is used to observe the performance of
the theme raised in the story, as well as the type
of tembang macapat. Tembang macapat ketoprak show. Through direct observation
Asmarandana for example, suitable for sung at researchers can find out how the characters’
romance scene or romantic segment. The types of attitude and behavior in performing their role in
tembang macapat itself is essentially a stage and to find out how the setting of
atmosphere and gesture shown by the characters,
description of the human life cycle from birth to
death. Similarly in kethoprak scenes. The story which is not contained in the text / script story.
shown could be a fragment of the phases of Some of them can reflect Javanese customs, for
example: bersila (sitting cross-legged when
human life. Therefore, the combination between
dialogue that is conveyed directly and the facing the king, looking down when given advice
discourse which is packed in tembang macapat, by older people) and so on. In addition, interview
and story content analisys also used to collect the
is a form of communication that is full of
philosophy and the value of Javanese art and data. The aim of content analysis is to find out
culture. the aspects of the story structure builders as well
as the relevance of the story with the value of
Beside from the substantive aspect of the
story, there is a lot of value that can be related as character education.
a means of character education for the young In analysing the data the researchers use
interactive analysis technique. It is a
generation from the side of the show. Many
kethoprak scenes that reveal attitudes and continuously and gradually analysis, covering

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

analysis components, they are data reduction, by goodness and pure heart, even though the
data presentation as well as verification or good comes from the weak. This has more or less
withdrawal of conclusion (Miles and Huberman, influenced the mindset and worldview of
2007: 18). The three analysis components are Javanese. Likewise in the process of creating
made in the form of interaction on a reciprocal literary works such as kethoprak. The director
basis with the process of collecting data as a will generally choses such a themes.
cycle. Based on the story theme, it can provide a
concrete reflection of education value that can be
modeled and exemplified in life, especially for
the young generation. Human in their life will
Based on the earlier explanation, the
definitely face problems, opposition, and
discussion section will explain about the resistance. However, how powerful and tough a
exploration of the values contained in kethoprak person is, if he does not have a good heart, he will
performances, especially the value of Javanese
be defeated by the good person, even though that
arts and culture. Furthermore, these values are person is not as powerful and as tough as his
related with the values of character education that opponent. The lesson can provide character value
can be used as a means for growing a good
learning, so that people always have to continue
attitude and behavior for the younger generation. to do good, and choose to solve problems based
Kethoprak which is a representation of the on sincere and good intentions as well. That is
community social life, especially the Javanese
because God is the most powerful among all. He
society, contains two main components, namely will give reward those who have the good deeds,
kethoprak story script and kethoprak and reward punishment to those who do evil. The
performances. Like drama script structure, reward will surely come, either directly or
kethoprak script is composed of elements that undirectly in the future. This lesson can give a
build the story. Satoto (2012: 39) described the
warning to humans, to always continue to do
important elements that build the structure are good in every aspects of his life.
theme, characterization, plot, setting, space In the beginning of the story, kethoprak
aspect, time aspect, conflict and conversation
often showed protagonists scenes who have
(dialogue, monologue). experienced many conflicts, trials, failures,
Besides kethoprak script, kethoprak staging obstacles, even defeats but in the end of the story
also involves several supporting elements, such
protagonists will have happy ending story. As
as: how to do the dialogue, movement, makeup, Kleting kuning in Andhe-Andhe Lumut story.
costum, voice and music, lighting, dance. All Kleting kuning is the stepdaughter of Mbok
kethoprak components builders, storytelling,
Randha (The Widow), who has kind heart and
language and staging if observed and analyzed good behavior but she often gets the
deeply, contain many values that can be related discrimination and unpleasant treatment of her
as a means of character education. Each of these
mother, and her two half sisters. She often
components will be discussed as follows. ordered to do household chores. One day Andhe-
Values of Javanese Art and Culture on Andhe Lumut held a contest to find a wife, finally
Drama Script Structure he chose Kleting kuning as his wife. During that
The story of kethoprak raised many time Andhe-Andhe Lumut did a lot of meditation.
traditional themes, although at present kethoprak Although he had never met Kleting kuning
story has much been developed and the theme directly, but he has been able to feel Kleting
adapted the existing conditions in society. If kuning’s aura of kindness and sincerity which at
refering to kethoprak story in Javanese society
that time she did not want to seduce by Yuyu
that has been exist from time to time commonly Kangkang. So in the end they can live happily
it has traditional theme. Nurgiyantoro (2012: 77) ever after.
provided several statements related to traditional
Kethoprak stories generally showed
themes: (i) themes that contrast between truth protagonist who experienced trials, challenges
and justice defeat evil, (ii) good act or evil act and even suffering at the beginning of the story.
each will get the rewards (Java: becik ketitik, ala
However after experiencing tests, obstacles and
ketara) , (iii) or as the proverb, no pain no gain. bitterness, protagonist can raise his strength, so
Traditional themes that are commonly at the end of the story, he can gain victory or
raised in kethoprak, can provide a reflection on
experience a fun event. This can be a way to learn
the Javanese life philosophy. Javanese in general character value, especially for the young
still adhere to the principle “Suradira generations, so that they always keep trying,
jayaningrat, lebur dening pangastuti”, which
never give up, struggle (prihatin) and do good in
means how great evil power it will be defeated reaching hope and aspiration. They have to be

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

patient when experiencing failure. Failure will they can think maturely, not based on revenge
only make them tough and strong, because they feelings or personal ego, it is better that they
can learn from the failure. Thus they will be able showh their wisdom, humility and forgiveness.
to achieve success in the end. Aspects of Language in Performing
The characters attitude in every kethoprak Kethoprak
scene is a representation of Javanese the real life Comunication form in kethoprak
condition. Good attitude and good behavior can performance consist of monologue and dialogue.
be an example in life. Kethoprak stories often The dialogue will follow the storyline, so that
show the main character whose has simple life, through the dialogue the audience will be able to
full of struggle, and willing to do laku prihatin. understand the story. Tembang or javanese song
Laku prihatin is like being alone to meditate, also used to deliver the message. That message
fasting, avoiding wasting time with the intention delivery has Javanese high values of art and
to pray to God. This can provide education culture. It is also has education function.
character value related to religious attitudes. The There are two kinds of tembang which sung
young generation should be able to learn that in kethoprak (i) ordinary speech derived from a
religious attitudes, always obeying God orders’ dialogue or developed monologue which is sung,
by praying to Him and avoiding God’s or (ii) quotations from Javanese songs that are
prohibitions, such as hanging out with no reason, still related to the theme of the story. The rhythm
playing games without considering time, brawl, of tembang should be adjusted to the scene.
and other bad deeds. Javanese think the delivery of dialogue with
The setting which relates to the atmosphere singing not only more gentle and has a deep
can show a descripton about life situation and impression, but it also can support the story
customs of Javanese when the story occurs. The setting. For example in a romance scene, the
most notable educational value is described when delivery of dialogue with tembang will be able to
a character is facing a king or a more respected support a romantic and memorable atmosphere.
person. When facing the king, they generally Similarly, in conveying opinions or advice, the
bersila (sit down with folded legs). They also use of tembang feels more appropriate, full of
bowed when given advice by older or more meaning and can build the wise impression.
respected people. When wanting to interrupt the Every dialogue in kethoprak can include
conversation, they will ask for permission and three kinds of Javanese languages namely ngoko,
apologize first. At expressing refutation they use krama and krama inggil. Actor will do dialogue
subtle intonations and tones. That description of using Javanese language according to their status
situation can indicate the value of politeness in level in society and their role in the story.
attitude, behavior and language. This should be Javanese variety of krama and krama inggil used
used as an example for the young generations in by speakers to honor their speaking partner.
behaving in society, especially to older people or Speakers usually use krama when talking to a
people who more respected. speaking partner who is older or more respected
Kethoprak stories always serve message than the speaker. While krama inggil used for the
behind the conflict presented. The message is most respected people, such as: King, Vice
explicitly in the dialogue between the characters, regent (Patih), and commander (Panglima).
the behavior of the characters, or implicitly in the Ngoko is used by speakers to younger speaking
whole story. Lisbijanto (2013: 37) stated that on partner, same age partner, peers, or someone who
every kethoprak performances, the performing have a close relation with speaker. The king will
artists have a mission to be delivered to the use ngoko to his subordinates, while his soldiers
audience through dialogue or their acting. will use krama inggil to the king. The children
Explicity message often inserted in a king's also use krama inggil to speak with their parents.
dialogue to his subordinates (abdi), or in parents As the dialogue between Andhe-Andhe Lumut
dialogue with his children. That message is often and his mother bellow.
seen in the main character’s reactions in solving
problem. As in Cindelaras. The character of
Ibu: “Putraku si Andhe-Andhe Lumut,
easily to forgive and wise is shown by the attitude
tumuruna ana putri kang unggah-
of the empress and Cindelaras. The empress and
unggahi, putrine sing ayu rupane,
Cindelaras easily to forgive the mistakes that the
Kleting Abang iku kang dadi
King has made. The good attitude shown by the
empress brought peace and harmony to the
(‘My son Andhe-Andhe Lumut, go
family and the surrounding community. This can
down stairs please, here is a
imply the education character values for the
princess who wants to marry you,
young generation, so in facing the life problems

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

she is beautiful, her name Kleting which means that humans always have the lust
Abang ‘). and they always want to always win, and so forth.
Andhe-Andhe Lumut: “Dhuh Ibu, kula It is instinctive. However, if they can not control
boten purun, Dhuh Ibu, kula boten their lust, it will lead them do bad things both to
mudhun. Nadyan ayu sisane si their own self and others.
Yuyu Kangkang”. It can be said that the use of language in
(‘Oh Mom, I don’t want to, sorry kethoprak always considers the aspects of
mom, I won’t go there, Although Javanese cultural values besides the aesthetic
she’s beautiful but she’s the ex of aspects. The language used is adjusted to the
Yuyu Kangkang’) . context and the story setting. The use of language
This scene occurred when a mother asked in kethoprak also provide knowledge about the
her son, Andhe-Andhe Lumut, whether he willing politeness in the language, so it can support the
to stop his meditation to receive a proposal from embodiment of good character values, especially
a princess named Kleting Abang. Andhe-Andhe for the young generation in Java society.
Lumut refused it using krama to be more polite to
her mother.
The use of Javanese language in accordance
with unggah-ungguh or level based on age or There are many aspects of Javanese art
position in the society can provide the education values and Javanese culture values in the
kethoprak performance which can be explored
value for the young generation which can show
respect and politeness especially to their parents. and used as a tool to support the establishing
Attitudes like this should be imitated by the good character for the young generation. These
young generation of Java. When speaking to an aspects can be seen through the story builders
older person, they should: (i) use Java language structure, linguistic aspects, as well as in the
kethoprak performance. Therefore, kethoprak
that suit with unggah ungguh, (ii) speak politely,
(iii) No talk back (ing Javanese called performance should be maintained and brought
wangsulan), (iv) If you do not agree with the closer to the community as a means of
entertainment, communication and educational
opinion of your parents and want to say other
opinions, you should be speak politely. Therefore media, especially for the young generation and
the use of these language aspects can provide Java society.
concrete examples of good language attitudes
that can support the establishment of good REFERENCES
character in everyday life. [1] Diranagara, Diwasa KRT. 2011.Inovasi dan
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ngoko, krama and krama inggil, but also use the diSekolah dalam http:
rinengga to beautify the utterance. Rinengga is a //
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beautiful and interesting, both in terms of
pronunciation and structure without ignoring its [2] Lisbijanto, Herry. 2013. Ketoprak. Graha
substance. In rinengga often found the word of Ilmu
Kawi (Javanese-ancient), Javanese phrase, [3] Nurgiyantoro, Burhan. 2012. Teori
paribasan or proverbial, wangsalan or parikan. Pengkajian Fiksi. Yogyakarta Gadjah Mada
The aspects that build rinengga which used in University Press.
kethoprak speech are the use of word from Kawi,
wangsalan, sanepa and parikan. The use of word [4] R.M. Soedarsono. Edisi Ketiga. Seni
from Kawi (Javanese-ancient), for example, to Pertunjukan Indonesia di Era Globalisasi.
refer to 'heart', is often expressed by the words Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.
'driya', 'nala', 'tyas', 'manah', all synonymous [5] R.M.A. Harymawan. 1993. Dramaturgi.
with the word 'heart'. The use of this word can Bandung: CV Rosda.
build an arkhais (ancient) speech nuanced, so it
can beautify the pronounciation. In conveying [6] Satoto, Soediro., 2012. Analisis Drama dan
the purpose and the advice, it can be expressed Teater Bagian I. Yogyakarta: Ombak.
by using paribasan or proverb to make it more [7] Pramayoza, Dede. 2013. Dramaturgi
polite and not insult the audiences feeling. For Sandiwara Potret Teater Populer dalam
example: A king who gives advice to his people, Masyarakat Postkolonialisme. Yogyakarta:
to always keep their lust in order not to do Ombak.
harmful deeds is expressed through the proverb
“angkara gung ing angga, anggung gumulung”,

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

[8] Waluyo, Herman.J. 2003. Drama: Teori dan

Pengajarannya. Yogyakarta: Hanindita
Graha Widia.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Neni Novitasari1, Nila Kurniasih2
Jurusan PGSD, Universitas Borneo Tarakan
Prodi Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo

Education’s common problem in Indonesia is the uneven of quality education, especially in border areas.
The quality of education, one of which can be seen from the quality of the graduates. Qualified graduates
usually come from good schools. The school is said to be good if it fulfilled several aspects include:
learning, assessment, classroom management, professional development, parent involvement and school
management. This article aims to describe the role of the primary school teachers in building a good school
in the border area of North Borneo. This article describes the role of a teacher in school that is either based
on in-depth interviews with the principal and some teachers. Data analizedby qualitative analysis. The data
obtained through interviews, observation and documentation. Interviews conducted with principals and
teachers. Observations made at the school and classroom environment. While the documents used to obtain
data about the condition of the school include: school management, the physical condition of the school,
the achievements of teachers, students and schools, learning tools. Results of the study concluded that the
retrieved description of the role of teacher in school that is either appropriate conditions on the border of
North Borneo.
Keywords: building, a good school, the border of North Borneo

goals. But whatever the number, according to

their school will not be said whether by students,
Education’s common problem in Indonesia parents, and other community, as long as the
is the uneven of quality education, especially in school is not successful in teaching basic skills.
border areas. It is influenced by several factors, A good school is actually not only seen
including: teacher quality is not yet on par with from the basic skills possessed by students but
the existing teachers in urban areas; the more than that. If only to measure basic skills
availability of the infrastructure of the school then no more school just as a machine printer
many of which are not yet adequate, constraints Postman and Weingartner (1979) argued
in accessing information and communication; that the school as an institution has a set of
school management has not been as good as in essential functions that should be owned by every
urban areas; geographic factors less support e.g. school. Essential functions include: 1) time, 2)
school locations that are difficult to reach; still structuring activity to follow students, 3)
limited educators who meet the qualifications; definition of intelligence, intellectual abilities,
and others. The quality of education, one of accomplishments, and good behavior, 4)
which can be seen from the quality of the assessment, 5) separation of roles and
graduates. Qualified graduates usually comes responsibilities among teachers and students, 6)
from a good school. supervision and surveillance against students,
The school basically is also an organization. and 7) accountability. In addition to essential
Thus, schools can be said to be well in achieving functions, there are also referred to as the
the objectives that have been set. Usually the Convention, i.e. procedures that followed the
level of achievement was marked by school to meet the seven essential functions so
achievements in the field of school graduates that the essential functions really makes school
basic skills measured through terstandar was able to provide a valuable learning
achievement test (Frymier, et al, 1985, experience for students. An example is sructuring
Sergiovanni, 1984). According to Edmons which is the essential function of time first. Each
(1979), Brookover and Lezotte (1979) they has school has a time when school starts and ends.
the assumption that the school does have a lot of The school also has a time when certain activities

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

carried out and the time is certainly different b the humanistic approach) are used and the
from one activity to another activity. Without individual; c) covers aspects of the
setting the time we do not have a school. While koprehensif; d) advance be made explicitly
the Convention is specific ways in the school to possible type se the desired behavior of the
arrange for ten months of the year, six days a school; e) less used test terstandar; f)
week, six hours a day, and 35 to 40 minutes in specialized in evaluating teachers and
one hour lesson. Further the Postman and administrators use constructive procedures.
Weingartner convey an actual konvensilah object 5. Review of the supervision and the
is an organizational change in the school. In their supervision of students, the school can be
opinion a school is rated good in konvensinya are good if: a) teachers and their students do
the actual increase the valuable learning collaborative efforts; b) students are given the
experience for students. Finally this is all based opportunity to mensupervisi himself; c)
on Postman and Weingartner describe based number of students who tackled a supervisor
characteristics of a good school as follows: is not much, so the problem can be handled
1. Review of the structuring time, the school is personal.
said to be good if: a) the sequence of time a 6. Review of the role of the difference can be
day at school it's not arbitrary (45 minutes for said either in school: a) all his teacher always
this, 45 minutes for it, and so on), but rather develop ideas about learning communities
based on what needs to be done students; b) where teachers functions more as a
between one person and the other students are coordinator and facilitator; b) teaching a
students at the school are not required to work variety of roles in it not only played by the
on the same thing in the same time period; c) teacher; c) various roles of teaching is
students not required solely to comply with organized and then assigned in accordance
the time in lessons, but mastering the skills; with the capabilities of the teacher; d)
d) students are directed to organize their own students are considered not as an object on
time. each activity, but rather encouraged to
2. Review of the structuring activities, school actively forming his own experience; e)
can be good if: a) activities were tailored to students are not constantly placed in the
the needs of individual students; b) between competitive roles, but also collaborative.
one person and another student students are 7. In terms of accountability to the community,
not required to follow the same activity; c) the school can say if casualties: a) a greater
school recognizes that teaching and learning emphasis on participation rather than
almost not worth for the students in her less bureaucratic with paternalistic; b) not afraid
entangled in it; d) activity is the activity of performansinya accountable.
students; e) activity is not limited to a 8. Review of accountability towards the future,
building, but also includes all of the resources the school can say be a good in casualties: a)
on the community; f) activities meet all has a concept of knowledge, attitudes, and
differences of background and ability of skills oriented at the future; interpret the
students. future responsibilities as responsibility to
3. Review of the definition of intelligence, students, and then to social institutions.
knowledge, or behavioural, schools can be From the explanation above, researchers
said to be good if: a) the process of teaching intend to examine in depth the related role of the
and learning process more emphasis on teacher in establishing a good school in SD N 006
dikelolanya inkuiri, problem solving, and Sebatik.
research than memorisasi; b) their students
away from the habit of accepting passively
lessons; c) communicating the various skills
training to students; d) to their students The Role
always stressed to use science in daily life The term role in "great dictionary of
instead of merely acquiring the science for Indonesian Language" has the meaning of
showman (film), the humour in the game
the sake of science; band's style e)
acknowledge the development of knowledge makyong, the expected behavior of a device
in various fields and try to consider it within owned by people who are domiciled in the
community. Role according to Soekanto
the definition of knowledge; f) knowledge of
oneself is part of the definition of knowledge. (2009:212-213) is the process of dynamic
4. Review of the evaluation, the school can be position (status). When a person is carrying out
rights and obligations in accordance with his
good when in the process of his: a) a greater
emphasis on providing an inverse that drive; position, he exercised a role. The difference

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

between the position with the role was for the The position of teachers and professors as
benefit of science. Both of them can not be split professionals aiming to implement the national
because one depends on the other and vice versa. education system and realizing national
Meanwhile, according to Merton (in 2007:67 educational goals, namely the development of
Raho) says that the role is defined as a pattern of potential learners in order to become a man of
behavior that is expected from a person who faith and piety to God Almighty, precious,
occupied a particular status. A number of roles healthy, have learned, accomplished, creative,
are known as device roles (role-sets). Thus the independent, as well as being a citizen of a
device role is the completeness of relations based democratic and accountable (Law No. 14 article
on the roles that are owned by people because it 6 in 2005).
occupied a special social status-status. The Meaning of a Good School
Furthermore, according to Dougherty & A good school according to Peter Robert
Pritchard (in Bauer 2003:55) theory this role (Headmaster of The King's School, Canterbury)
provides a conceptual framework in the study of was not merely educational opportunities, but
behavior in the organization. They stated that the more on the supportive environment to serve as a
role was "involves patterns of product creation as second home.
opposed to a behavior or action". Characteristics of a Good School
According to Soekanto (2002:242) role is According to Ramond l. Young, the
divided into three, namely the role of active, characteristics of a good school is: 1) High
participatory role, and the role of the passive: expectations for every student; 2) Parent and
1. An active role is "the role given by the Community support; 3) a rigorous curriculum
members of the group because of its position and fair assessment, 4) Sufficient resources to
in the group as groups such as katifis, such as help all students achieve; 5) Safe, healthy, and
the Administrators group, officials, etc". supportive learning environments; 6) Schools
2. Participatory Role is "the role given by the and classroom equipped for teaching and
members of the group contributed a very learning; 7) Qualified teachers in every
useful for the group itself". classroom; 8) strong school leadership.
3. Being a passive role is the "donation of the Sedangkan menurut McGuire, karakteristik
passive group members", whereby groups of sekolah yang baik adalah: 1) students want to be
restraint. there; 2) Highest expectation for the school,
The Definition Of a Teacher teachers, and students; 3) Dedicated teachers; 4)
The teacher is a professional educator Effective Discipline; 5) There is a Variety of
with the main task of educating, teaching, Instructional Techniques; 6) Individualized
guiding, directing, train, assess, and evaluate Instruction and Approaches to Students; 7)
learners in the early childhood education path of Leadership.
formal education, elementary education, and Previous Research Studies
secondary education (Law No. 14 of 2005 about Habel (2015) conducted research on the
the teachers and professors). Professional is the role of master class in building social behavior
work or activity undertaken by someone and Grade V primary school in the village of Setarap
being the life source of income requires Sub-district 005 Malinau Malinau Regency
expertise, finesse, or proficiency that meet Downstream South obtained the results that the
certain quality standards or norms as well as the role of the teacher in establishing social behavior
need of the education profession. grade V State primary school in the village of
The Position, Function and Purpose of Setarap Have 005 well-executed and provide
Teacher benefits for the students classes in particular v. as
The teacher had a position as professional for barrier in the role of the teacher is the
personnel at the level of basic education, limitations of teachers , the lack of cooperation
secondary education, and early childhood of parents and teachers and the lack of facilities
education on the formal education to be and infrastructure are lacking.
appointed in accordance with the legislation Uri Wahyuni (2014) conducted research
(Law No. 14 of article 2 paragraph 1 of 2005). on the role of Teachers in shaping the character
The position of teachers as professionals of the students in SD N Jigudan Triharjo Lesson
referred to in article 2 paragraph (1) serves to 2014/2015 Year Pandak, Bantul obtained the
enhance the dignity and the role of teachers as results that the role of teachers in shaping the
agents of learning function to improve the quality character of the influence on students ' characters
of national education (Law No. 14 of article 4 in displayed students at SDN Jigudan; the values of
2005). character, formed by the students at the religious,
namely Jigudan SDN honest, discipline,

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

responsibility, hard work, creative, independent, Techniques of Data Collection and Data
curiosity, an avid reader, tolerance, love of peace, analysis
democratic, communicative, valuing Data collection techniques used are
achievement, nationalism, love the motherland, interviews, documentation and review the
social care, care for the environment, and documentation. Data research results are
integrity; supporting factors in shaping the analyzed using descriptive analysis techniques.
character of the students is the teacher already This research uses of data analysis techniques
understand correctly about the concept and belonging to Miles and Huberman, namely the
application of character education, school reduction of data (data reduction), the
facilities and infrastructure support in the process presentation of data (data display), as well as the
of learning and character education, and teachers withdrawal of the conclusion (verification).
in character education plays an active role while 1. Data Reduction
the penghambatnya factor is the learners who Data obtained from the field are noted or
have the habits and family factors, environment recorded in mobile with voice recorder in the
factors of society who are less supportive. form of a descriptive narrative, namely the
breakdown of the data acquired in primary
school teacher Education Majors UBT is
without any comment on the use of learning
The Type Of Research media researchers on five basic subjects (sd)
Type of this research is descriptive
in the form of small notes and transcripts of
research that illustrates the data obtained for what interviews.
it is according canvassed problems. Descriptive 2. Data Display
research is research that is intended to investigate The data presented at this stage results in
the circumstances, conditions or other things the field in the form of narrative, that the
already mentioned that the results are presented
written description of the learning media use
in the form of research reports (Arikunto, 2010- on five basic subjects (SD) with a purpose
12:3). designed to combine the information
The Stages of Research arranged in the form of a convenient and easy
The stages in this study are: (1) to understand.
Preliminary Studies, (2) the study of 3. Withdrawal of Conclusions (verification)
librarianship, (3) the study of the field, and (4)
The conclusions in the study is qualitative
Data analysis data that has been analyzed, described, and is
Location Research meant in the form of words to
This research was conducted to obtain an
mendiskripsikan the fact that there are in the
overview that is descriptive and profound about field, or purport to answer questions research
the role of the primary school teachers in building on objects that were previously still dimly lit
a good school in the border area of North Borneo
or dark so that once researched became clear
in particular the in SD Negeri 006 Sebatik. and further taken its essence. In drawing the
Informants and Objects of Research conclusion has always done a review against
The informant of the research is the
the presentation of the data and notes in the
principal and several teachers in the primary field through the triangulation technique.
Country 006 Sebatik. While objects in this study
are all the data and information relating to data
obtained from the results of interviews and the
examination of documents. Research is carried out in SD N 006
Sources and Research Data Sebatik, Nunukan Regency, North Kalimantan
Primary data in this study were obtained province. SD limit N 006 Sebatik middle is as
from the results of the interview against the follows:
principal and which will then be processed and 1) North side bordering the residential
described in the discussion in this research. population
While secondary data in this study is a document 2) The East is bordered by Palm
concerning the physical condition of the school, 3) Borders the South side of banana garden
photos of teaching and learning activities and 4) West borders the SMP 01 Sebatik Middle
learning device SD N 006 Sebatik Middle have
Research Instrument infrastructure that is still minimal. The number of
The instruments used in this research is students in elementary N 006 Sebatik Middle as
the examination sheet sheet of interviews and much as 131 students consisting of 73 students
documents. are male and 58 female students. While the

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

number of teachers are CIVIL SERVANTS as 6 [5] Uri Wahyuni. 2014. Pendidikan Guru
people, teachers and educational personnel honor Sekolah Dasar Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu
as much as 8 people. As for the condition of the Pendidikan Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta
building in SD N 006 are: 1) the land area of
[6] UU No. 14 Tahun 2005 Tentang Guru dan
20,000 m2, building 459 m2, spacious yard 1,800
m2; 2) permanent building construction; 3) Status
of ownership belongs to the local government. [7] eJournal Sosiatri-Sosiologi 2015, 3 (2): 14 –
The Role of The Teacher in Building a 27, ISSN 0000-0000, ejournal.sos.fisip-
Good School in The Border Area of North
Borneo (SD N 006 Sebatik, Nunukan Regency,
Kalimantan Utara)
Based on the exposure can be found some
of them namely research findings that teachers
have an important role in establishing a good
school because the teacher is the one who most
determines success of educational purposes in
addition to other factors that support the. The
teachers roles such as: 1) gives motivation to
students, 2) instill discipline to students, 3) being
a role model, 4) foster the student's character, 5)
fostering of students in writing, reading and
arithmetic, 6) completes the necessary
administration for preparation, 7) in
collaboration with the teachers, the principal and
the community. From the findings may imply
that, teachers have a central role in determining
good as bad an institution called the school.

The role of the teacher in establishing a

good school occupies a central position in
determining good schools as bad. Therefore the
teacher should have the competence that support
to run his profession i.e. mengembankan
potential learners in order to become a man of
faith and piety to God Almighty, precious,
healthy, have learned, accomplished, creative,
independent, as well as being a citizen of a
democratic and responsible.

[1] Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2010. Prosedur
Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik.
Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta.
[2] Bauer, Jeffrey C. 2003. Role Ambiguity and
Role Clarity.Clermont: A Comparison of
Attitudes in Germany and the United States
[3] Soerjono Soekanto. 2009, Sosiologi Suatu
Pengantar, Edisi Baru. Jakarta: Rajawali
[4] Pattie Thomas. 2014. Raymond L. Young
Elementary School Talladega City Board of

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Ayu Choirul Mawar Sari Sugihatno1, Budiyono2, Isnandar Slamet3
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Recently, the teaching process which is conducted based on teacher center affect the students interaction in
the class. It causes students become less interest to participate. That is why Numbered Head Together
(NHT) is offered to overcome this situation. NHT, one of teaching model, is a variant of group discussion
whose aim is giving a chance to the students to share their ideas related to the teacher’s question. By using
NHT in the class, a teacher can give a better understanding about the material which is given with the help
of Realistic Mathematics Approach (RMA) which known for its real problem contex. Meanwhile, the
researcher assumes instead of selecting teaching model, Adversity Quotient (AQ) of student also influences
students’ achievement. The population is junior high school students grade VII in Surakarta, and the aim
of the research is to investigate the effectiveness of NHT-RMA teaching model which is seen from AQ.
Key words:numbered head together, realistic mathematic, teaching mathematic.

of state junior high school Year 2016 in

Surakarta with the number of participants 6214
Education is an important thing for a nation, with the acquisition value is shown in Table 1.
because quality education will create intelligent, The table shows that the average score of
productive, responsible and independent people. UN mathematics in state junior high school in
Along with the development of society, Surakarta year 2015/2016 is lowest of all, with a
education in Indonesia faces many challenges value of 55.60. So, it can be seen that the average
related to the quality of education in Indonesia. value of mathematics gets last rank of all
There are several factors causing the low quality subjects.
of Indonesian education. These factors are the Based on PAMER result of National
high cost of education, the low quality of Examination of State Junior High School in
educational facilities and infrastructure, the Surakarta City 2015 and 2016, it was found that
learning process is less than optimal, and low the absorption of students in Surakarta Year 2015
student achievement. of the ability to solve the problems related to the
Mathematics is a subject in which there is area and circumference of plane is 66.30% while
the ability to count, think logically, and think in 2016 Is 55.64%.
creatively. Mathematics is one of the most These results indicate that students in
important subjects. Surakarta have difficulties in working on math
According to Kline [1] mathematics is a related to the area and circumference of plane.
symbolic language and its main feature is the use
of deductive reasoning but not to forget the Table 1 The average of National Examination
inductive reasoning. score of state junior high school in Surakarta in
The reality of the field shows that there are academic year 2015/2016.
still many students who consider mathematics as
a difficult lesson and become a scourge in the Bahasa
Score English Mathematics Science
national exam which impact on student
Averag 81,04 62,81 55,60 62,07
achievement. e
This can be seen in the indicators of The 34,0 18,0 12,5 12,5
achievement of learning outcomes which are lowest
relatively lower than other subjects. It can be The 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0
seen from the results of the National Examination

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

The difficulties of learning faced by junior such as Adversity Quotient (AQ). AQ is an

high school students in Surakarta in solving intelligence or ability to change or cultivate a
problems related to plane area is influenced by problem or difficulty and make it a challenge that
internal and external factors. The internal factors must be solved in order not to obstruct passion
are factors that come from within students, for and achievement that want to be reached [5]. AQ
example independence, self-esteem, learning is an assessment used to measure how a person's
motivation, confidence or logical intelligence. response in dealing with problems to be
Meanwhile, the external factors are factors which empowered becomes an opportunity. AQ can be
are derived from outside students, such as used as an indicator for a person's mental
learning environment, learning tools, teachers, viewing. So, the high and low one can show how
curriculum, and teaching methods [2]. The factor a person can survive in the face of difficulty in
that influences the success of learning the struggle until someone can come out as a
mathematics is the use of approaches, learning winner in the end or backed up in the middle or
models, and intelligence which is had by the even unwilling to accept the slightest challenge.
students. So, AQ can be very influential to the students’
The use of the right approach will affect achievement.
student achievement. One approach that can be AQ is divided into several levels; climbers,
used to motivate students to affect their interest campers, quitters. Climbers are a group of people
in learning mathematics is the approach of who choose to continue to survive and struggle
Realistic Mathematics Education (RMA). RME in the face of various kinds of things that will
is a learning approach that combines the views of continue to hit both in the form of problems,
mathematics, how students learn mathematics, challenges or other obstacles such as things that
and how to teach math. In addition, research happen in everyday life. The group chooses to
which is conducted by Uzel and Uzangor [7] struggle regardless of their background and
states that learning with RME has better abilities, they will continue to try to get a
mathematics learning achievement than learning solution. Campers are a group of people who
with traditional methods because it can stimulate already have the willingness to try dealing with
students’ positive attitude to learn mathematics. the problem, but they choose to give up because
Thus it supports the assertion that RMA is well they feel unable to continue the struggle. Quitters
used in learning. are a group of people who lack the willingness to
Teaching learning which use RME accept the challenges of their lives.
emphasizes the achievement of an active learner AQ is concerned with the attitude student in
interaction pattern with an approach understanding the mathematical concepts that
incorporating an understanding of concepts, the affect student learning achievement of
use of knowledge and math skills in everyday mathematics, especially in understanding the
life. In addition, the selection of appropriate problem triangle and quadrilateral. Conditions in
learning models will also have a positive impact the field, there will be children who strive to
on student achievement. A model of learning understand and solve the problems that it faces
should be able to create a good interaction regardless of the end result. But there will also be
between teachers and students, so that it can be children who stop midway in solving the
achieved learning objectives. The use of problems because they give up and feel unable to
cooperative learning can improve student finish it. There are even children who
achievement and can develop intergroup immediately give up without making efforts in
relationships, acceptance of classmates having finding a solution of the questions. So, that AQ
weaknesses in the academic field, and increased can affect student's learning achievement in
self-esteem [4]. Based on that opinion, the use of understanding and solving the problem
cooperative learning model with RME can be one especially on plane. This is supported by the
alternative solution that can be applied in results of research Sudarman [6] who states that
learning mathematics. the potential AQ is required by the students who
There are many cooperative learning have difficulty in learning mathematics.
models, including Numbered Head together Based on the previous description, the
(NHT). The NHT learning model is a variant of researcher conducts a study by applying the NHT
group discussions aimed at giving students an learning model on triangle and quadrilateral
opportunity to share ideas and consider the material with RMA in terms of AQ for students
answers to each question. grade VII in Surakarta in the academic year
Beside factor selection of learning model 2016/2017.
that will be applied to students, the learning
process will also be influenced by other factors

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

4) Critical area
This research was conducted in state junior | ; , with is
high school located in Surakarta with the sample measurement
research population is all students of class VII 5) Result test
(seven) in Surakarta in the academic year H0 is accepted if is in the outside
2016/2017 with sample of SMP Negeri 26 of critical area
Surakarta. 6) Conclusion
The type of research used in this study was If is accepted, sample comes
quasi experimental research because the from normal distribution
researcher did not possible to control or
manipulate all relevant variables except for
several variables studied. This study aimed to b. Homogeneity test
provide treatment of samples, then researcher Homogeneity test was done with
want to know the effects of the treatment. The Bartlett test with the steps as follows:
intended treatment is a learning strategy using 1) Hyphotheses
cooperative learning model type NHT-RME and H0 : 12 = 22 = 32 =…..= k2
direct learning model. While the instrument used (homogeneous population of
to obtain data category AQ students was a variance)
questionnaire, and the instrument used to obtain H1 : not all of variance are similar (
student achievement data was tests. nothomogeneous population of
The research design used in this research variance)
was 2x3 factorial design which is shown in Table 2) Significant level :  = 0.05
2. 3) Statistics test:
Table 2. Research Plan
Adversity Quotient (b) 2,303
Climbers Campers Quitters . log .
Model (a)
(b1) (b2) (b3) with :
NHT-RMA (ab)11 (ab)12 (ab)13
(a1) ~
Direct (a2) (ab)21 (ab)22 (ab)23 k : number of population
In this research, the data analysis which was : degree of freedom for
used is two way anova with unequal cell. Before RKG  N  k =∑
conducting variance analysis, a prerequisite test : degree of freedom for = 1,
of variance analysis was conducted, the
normality of the population used to find out the with : 1, 2, 3, … ;
samples came from whether normal or not N : number of all measurement
distribution populations and the homogeneity : number of measurement for the
test of the population which was used to find out sample of-j
whether the sample came from a population 1 ∑
having homogeneous variances.

1. Prerequisite Test

a. Normality Test

Normality test which is used in this ∑ 1
research was Lilifors test with the steps as
follows [3]:
1) Hypotheses
4) Critical area:
H0 : sample comes from normal
DK =  |  ;
distribution population
H1 : sample does not come from 5) Final test:
normal distribution population H0 is rejected if  DK of Ho is
2) Significant level : α = 5% accepted if  DK.
3) Statistics test : L = Max | | 2. Equilibrium Test
With the formula: To determine whether the first
∑ ∑
experimental group, the second experimental
; group and the control class were in balance or
=P not before giving treatment, an equilibrium
test was conducted with a one-way variance
S z = whole number proportion
analysis with the same unequal cell as

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

1) Hyphotheses : at least there is a

H0 : (three of the which is not nol
population have similar average) b. Significant level =0,05
H1 : at least there are two of c. Statistics test
average which are not equal a) For H0A is which the value
2) Significant level:  = 0,05
of the random variable having
3) Computing
distribution F with the degrees of
To simplify the calculation in
freedom p - 1 and N – pq.
this study, form is defined the amount
as follows: b) For H0B is which the value
G2 of the random variable having
(1)= ;(2)=∑ , ;(3) distribution F with the degrees of
N freedom p - 1 and N – pq.
=∑ c) For H0AB is which the
∑ value of the random variable having
distribution F with the degrees of
=sum hole number data
freedom p - 1 and N – pq.

d. Critical area: | ∝
=sum of data; with = sum of cell ; 1 1 ,
data of- e. Final test: H0 is rejected is Fhitung is
∑ located in critical area. The summary
of anova can be seen at table 3.
Sum of squares: JKA= (3) – (1); 4. Double Comparison Test
JKG= (2) – (3); JKT= (2) – (1) After the result of two ways variance
Degree of freedom: dkA= k – 1; analysis, double comparation test was
dkB= N – k; dkT= N – 1 conducted which consists:
Average of squares: RKA = a. Post-anava test for comparison between
JKA JKG rows
;RKG = b. Post anava test for comparison between
dkA dkG columns
4) Statistics test which is used c. Post anava test for comparison between
RKA cells
RKG Table 3 Summary of Variance Analysis
5) Critical area Source Fhitu
JK Dk RK Ftabel
DK = {F | F > F;k-1;N-k} s ng
6) Final test Row JK RK
Fa ∝; ,
(A) A 1 A
H0 is rejected if FobsDK, H0 is
Colum RK
accepted if FobsDK. which means if (B)
1 B
Fb ∝; ,

H0 is rejected, the population have Interact

different average (unbalanced ion 1 Fab ∝; ,
(AB) 1
population), if H0 is accepted, it means
Error JK RK
the population has equal average (G) G G
(balanced population).
Total JKT
3. Hypothesis Test of two-way variance
analysis with unequal cells
a. Hypotheses
1) : 0 for each = 1, 2, 3, .
Prerequisite test
: at least there is an
a. Normality test
which is not nol
The result of normality test from
2) : 0 for each j= 1, 2, 3, . mathematics achievement test with Lilifors
: at least there is a test were obtained statistic test as follows:
which is not nol
3) : 0 for each i= 1, Table 4. Normality test
2, 3, ... and j= 1, 2, 3, . Normality
, ;
Result Conclusi
Test on

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

1 Initial 0,119 0,161 Ho is normal Teaching 69221,87 1 69221,87 976,551

ability of accept Model
control ed AQ 80064,27 2 40032,14 564,76
class Interaction 30983,7 2 15491,5 218,55
2 Initial 0,074 0,159 Ho is Normal Error 3898,604 55 70,884
ability of 4 accept Total 184168,4 60
experimen ed
tal class
3 Achievem 0,082 0,161 Ho is Normal With each critical area:
ent test of 7 accept 1. Critical area for , DK={F> , ; ;
control ed 4,00.
4 Achievem 0,041 0,159 Ho is normal
2. Critical area for , DK={F> , ; ;
ent test of 2 accept 3,15.
experimen ed 3. Critical area for , DK={F> , ; ;
tal class
b. Uji homogenitas As a result, it was found that the three
The results of homogeneity test hypotheses were rejected. It can be conclude that
using Bartlet are as follows: there were differences between mathematics
achievement between students who learned with
Table 5. Homogeneity test NHT-RMA model and directly. It also was found
Homogen Result Conclus
eity test
, ;
ion that there were significant differences on
1 Initial 1,818 3,841 Ho is Homog students’ achievement at each AQ, and
ability 82 accept en interaction between teaching model and each
ed category students’AQ.
2 Achieve 2,119 5,991 Ho is Homog
ment test 1 accept en
ed Double comparison test between cells at
3 AQ 1,217 3,841 Ho is Homog same row
accept en The result of double comparison test
between cells at the same rows as follows:
c. Equilibrium Test
The result of equilibrium test for initial Table 7. The summary of double comparison
students’ achievement is as follows: between cells at same row
1,02744 Ho 1
= 4,00
DK={F| 1
Because = 1,02744 < =
4,00 290,3616 0,476 8,61
So, the result of equilibrium test is Ho is 8204,7364 0,383 302,22
accepted, then it can be concluded that the 5408,1316 0,193 395,31
average of both of population is equal. It means 1500,919 0,242 87,49
that the students’ achievement of the two groups 12441,551 0,542 323,84
in a balanced condition. 5299,84 0,7 106,811

The analysis of two-way anova with

unequal cells It was found that all of hypotheses are
In order to know whether there are rejected, so each category of students’ AQ
differences in students’ learning achievement resulted different achievement in both models.
with NHT model and directly, the differences of
students’ learning achievement depend on
category of students’ AQ, and whether there is Based on the study of theory and supported
interaction between teaching model used and by the results of research, it can be concluded
student's AQ toward learning mathematics; thus, that:
the result of two ways variance analysis was a. The use of NHT learning model with
shown as follows: RMA approach gives a better learning
achievement of mathematics than direct
Table 6. The summary of two way learning model..
variance analysis b. In the NHT learning model with the RMA
Sumber JK RK Fobs
approach, students with high AQ have

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

better mathematics learning achievement [6] Sudarman. 2012. Adversity Quotient:

than students with moderate or low AQ, Kajian Kemungkinan Pengintegrasiannya
and students with moderate AQ have dalam Pembelajaran Matematika.
better mathematics learning achievement AKSIOMA. Vol 1 (1): 55-62.
than students with low AQ.
[7] Uzel, D. dan Uyangor, SM. 2006. Atitudes
c. In direct learning model, students with
of 7th Class Students Toward Mathematics
high AQ have better mathematics learning
in Realistic Mathematics Education.
achievement than students with moderate
International Mathematical Forum 1, 39:
or low AQ, and students with moderate
AQ have better mathematics learning
achievement than students with low AQ.

All praises to Allah SWT who has bestowed
His guidance so that researcher can complete this
article. On this occasion the researcher would
like to thank:
a. Prof. Dr. Budiyono, M.Sc as the first
supervisor who provides guidance to the
researcher in this writing.
b. Dr. Isharyanto, M.Si as the second
lecturer who provides guidance to the
researcher in this writing.
c. The lecturers for being patience in
providing guidance to the author to
validate of achievement test and
d. A big family for their prayers and
e. Student friends especially Nur Leala
S.Pd who provides assistance and
advice to the author in translating the

[1] Abdurrahman, M. 2003. Pendidikan Bagi
Anak Berkesulitan Belajar. Jakarta: Rineka
[2] Artut, P. D. 2009. Experimental Evaluation
of The Effects of Cooperative Learning on
Kindergarten Children’s Mathematics
Ability. Intenational Journal of Educational
Research, No. 48, Vol. 1, pp 370-380.
[3] Budiyono. 2009. Statistika Untuk Penelitian.
Surakarta: Sebelas Maret University Press.
[4] Slavin, Robert E. 2009. Cooperative
Learning: Teori, Riset, dan Praktik.
Bandung: Nusa Media.
[5] Stoltz, P.G. 2003. Adversity Quotient
Mengubah Hambatan Menjadi Peluang
(Edisi terjemahan T. Hermaya). Jakarta:

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Dyah Fitri Mulati
Universitas Sebelas Maret
E-mail: [email protected]

Sociolinguistics studies more in linguistic phenomenon happens in the society where people start to interact
in a community. As the result, code mixing and code switching are widespread phenomena in bi- or
multilingual communities as the proof of language existence in communication. This study investigates the
occurrences of code mixing and code switching which substantively appear in Dewi Lestari’s S
Supernova : Akar. Totally 169 cases of conversation produced by the characters were found and
analyzed to identify: 1). How six types of code switching and code mixing proposed by Mahootian and
Muysken’s Theories take a part in Dewi Lestari’s Supernova : Akar; 2). The proportions (percentage) of
code switching and code mixing produced in the Novel of Supernova : Akar. The writer used discourse
analysis qualitative method to analyze the data. There are some steps of analyzing the data by using taking
note. They are reading and understanding, choosing, classifying, describing, counting the proportions, then
drawing the conclusion of code switching and code mixing which is produced by characters in
Supernova : Akar by Dewi Lestari novel comprised of totally 209 pages. The findings show nine
languages were mixed in this novel both in code mixing and code switching.
Keywords: Code Switching, Code Mixing, Supernova 2: Akar.

into five sections. The first contains the

introduction of study. Second is the definition of
Sociolinguistics studies more in linguistic concepts. It is in the third that the previous
phenomenon that happens in the society where investigations of scholars on code-switching and
people start to interact in a community. Further, code- mixing are examined. The entire procedure
Coulmas [1] claims that clearly, sociolinguistic for the current research constitutes the fourth
studies in multilingual communities must include section, while the fifth contains the conclusion.
“code-switching,” “code mixing,” and the use of
“mixed codes”. Those twin sociolinguistic
phenomena, code switching and code mixing, are
The writer used d is c o u r s e a n a ly s is
also engaged as a fair couple in the linguistic
qualitative method since the result of the data
term and normally occur in the bilingual or
analyzed according to Denzin and Lincoln [3] is
multilingual speech community as the proof of
generally broader in what it studies, utilizing
language existence in communication as
pretty much any naturally occurring text,
proposed by Alcnauerová [2] that code-
including (existing) written texts, lectures,
switching and code-mixing as communicative
documents, and so forth. There are some steps of
strategies are studied mainly in connection with
analyzing the data by using taking note.
the bi- and multilingualism. And those two
They are reading and understanding,
linguistic phenomena substantively appear in
choosing, classifying, describing, counting the
second sequel of Supernova by Dewi Lestari
2 proportions, then drawing the conclusion of code
which published in 2002 under title Supernova : switching and code mixing which is produced by
Akar. 2
characters in Supernova : Akar by Dewi Lestari
This case study examines the occurrences of
novel comprised of totally 209 pages.
code mixing and code switching produced by
characters in Supernova : Akar by Dewi
Lestari. The main body of the paper is divided

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

segments. Excerpt (2) represents example of

intra- sentential switching.
Definition of Concept
(2) Dia memanggil saya just to say hi!
In this section, the concepts to be
defined are multilingualism, code switching and In this case, participant uses the
Indonesian sentence as the first sentence,
code mixing. but when it comes to finding a sentence to
1. Multilingualism translate “hanya untuk berkata hai”
Several scholars have attempted to participant embedded English to switch the
define multilingualism. Among them are Holmes language at the rest of sentence.
[4] , Thomason [5] and Wardaugh [6]. For
instance, Bhatia & Ritchie [7] specifically c. Tag switch
proposed that multilingual is respectively refer to Tag switching refers to a mix involving
knowledge and the use of three or more an utterance and or interjection (or tag). It is at
languages. Coulmas [3] further noticed there the bottom of the scale. These include
will be linguistic consequences toward interjections, fillers, tags and idiomatic
multilingualism: 1). Lexical transfers and their expressions. Tags are isolated words or phrases
integration; 2). Grammatical transference and which are not related syntactically to the rest
grammatical change; and 3). Code Switching. of the utterance. The occurrence of a tag does
2. Code Switching not break any grammatical rule either. Excerpt
People, then are usually required to select (3) represents example of tag switch.
a particular code, a system used for (3) Uuumh I mean, kakakmu yang di
communication between two or more parties, Jakarta.
even within sometimes very short utterances In this case, participant involves
and thereby create or mix codes in a insertion of tag (in English) before
process known as code-switching, Wardhaugh delivering Indonesian sentence. This tag
[6]. The term, which also appears as does not break any rules of grammatical.
‘codeswitching’ and ‘code- switching’ in the
literature, broadly refers to the systematic use of 3. Code Mixing
two or more languages or varieties of the same Code mixing also called intra-
language during oral or written discourse, sentential code switching or intra- sentential
Mahootian [5]. code-alternation occurs when speakers use two
Further, Mahootian [8] divided code
or more languages below clause level within
switching into three types according to the
conversations occur, as follows: one social situation, Cardenas-Claros &
a. Inter-sentential switching Isharyanti [9]. Additionally, Muysken [10]
This is the highest on the scale are inter- defines code mixing into three types, consist of:
sentential switches, switching occurs between
a. Insertion
conversation from sentence to sentence or clause.
Mixing occurs in the term of material
This type combines the grammar of each
(lexical items or entire constituents) from one
language. The speaker knows how these two
language into structure from the other language.
languages interact and, thus, is able to avoid
Figure 1 illustrates a graphic representation of
ungrammatical utterances. Excerpt (1) represents
example of inter-sentential switching.
(1) A: The picture looks so cool.
B: Which picture?
A: The one you have in your
B: Ah…Ya, saya suka sekali.
(Ah…Yes, I liked it a lot.)
In excerpt (1), show participant
B interacted in English during
most of the conversation and Muysken [10]
suddenly switched into Indonesian Figure 1 scheme of insertion code mixing
language grammatically. In the diagram “a” represents lexical
b. Intra-sentential switching items of the first language and “b” stands for
Switches within a clause involving a the lexical item of the second language that
phrase, a single word or across morpheme has been inserted in the utterance by the speaker.
boundaries. Hence, the switched units are larger Instances of this category of code mixing found

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

in the data can be seen in excerpts (4). Excerpt c. Congruent Lexicalization

(4) occurs when an Indonesian speaking Mixing occurs on situation where two
participant discusses a photo of Blackberry languages share grammatical structures
Messenger recently updated at the afternoon, he which can be filled lexically with elements
finally embedded English utterance. from either language. This definition is
(4) A: Saya comment foto profilmu yang illustrated in Figure
a b a
tadi siang itu.
(I commented on your profile
picture which was posted this afternoon)
On this case, the speaker inserted
English utterance ‘comment’ (as b) in the
middle of sentence which the utterances
‘saya’ clearly related to utterances ‘foto
profilmu yang dipasang tadi siang itu’.
b. Alternation
Mixing occurs when structures of two Muysken [10]
languages are alternated indistinctively both at Figure 3 scheme of congruent
the grammatical and lexical level. This
definition is illustrated in Figure 2. lexicalization code mixing.
Excerpt (6) is the example of
congruent lexicalization. It occurs
when the participant try to confirm the
picture that has been sent by him.
(6) A. Tadi saya send picture. Sudah di
a b a b
Muysken [10] (I just sent you a picture. Have you
Figure 2 scheme of alternation code accepted?)
mixing Excerpt (6) consists of two
languages (Indonesian Language
In the diagram, A & B represent structures
and English) spoken in Indonesian
of the two languages that reflect the alternation
that takes places in the utterances produced by
the speakers. In a brief, a constituent from
Previous Study
language A (with word from the same language)
Also, language experts across the
is followed by a constituent from the language
globe have investigated in their experiments the
B (with word from that language). The language
causes, functions, characteristics and effects of
of the constituent dominating A and B is
code- switching and code mixing. One them, for
unspecified. Instances of this category of code
instance is Redouane [11] “Codeswitching and
mixing found in the data can be seen in
Codemixing of Bilingual Moroccan Arabic-
excerpts (5). Excerpt (5) occurs when an
French Speakers in Canada”. He found the
Indonesian speaking participant discusses about
data generated about 249 switches (154
Monopoly game and invited his friend to play.
switches in the formal setting and 95 switches in
(5) A: The game has been started, mari the two phone conversations). Cárdenas-Claros
bermain! and Isharyanti [9] then studied on Code
a b switching and code mixing in internet chatting:
(The game has been started, between ‘yes’, ‘ya’, and ‘si’ a case study. They
let’s go and play) found the data which the participants are
In this case, he uses the participants in this study were 12 male
Indonesian sentence as the first participants. Regarding code mixing, both
sentence, but when it comes to finding Indonesian and Spanish participants used more
a sentence to translate “mari beranjak insertion than alternation or congruent
dan bermain” he switches into English lexicalization. In fact, the number of insertion
at the rest of sentence. occurrences is significantly higher than the two
other types, 83% and 92% respectively.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

insertion of code mixing which is done for 24

The findings show there are nine languages times or 32. 88% of total code mixing. Then,
existed formally or informally. They are congruent lexicalization is done only for 5 times
Indonesian language, Spanish, English, Malay, or 6. 85 % of total code mixing.
Thai, French, Pali language, Mandarin, and
Vietnamese, which make Indonesian
language as the major language and English as ACKNOWLEDGMENT
the second language among other languages.
This condition occurs on totally 169 cases In performing this research, we had to take
2 the help and guideline of some
in the Supernova : Akar by Dewi Lestari
respected persons, who deserve our greatest
consisted of 213 of total switching. The intensity
gratitude. The completion of this research gives
rating of code switching or inter-sentential
us much Pleasure. We would like to show our
switching is higher than code mixing or intra-
gratitude to Ms. Fita Lianasari and Ms. Merli
sentential switching. It is found that inter-
Agustin, Lecturer of English Education
sentential switching is done for 127 times and
Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah
intra-sentential switching is done for 73 times
Pringsewu Lampung and who provided insight
while tag switch gets lowest for 13 times. It
and expertise that greatly assisted the research.
means that the characters often use inter-
In addition, a thank you to Mr. Siswoyo
sentential switching than intra- sentential
Hadie, Chief of English Education Department
switching and tag switch.
of STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu
The percentage shows inter-sentential
Lampung, who introduced us to
switching or code switching reaches 59. 62%
the Methodology of work
of total code switching. Intra- sentential
switching or code mixing reaches 34. 28% of
total code switching. Tag switching gets lowest, REFERENCES
only 6. 10 % of total code switching. In the
[1] Florian Coulmas, The Handbook of
case of intra-sentential switching, the highest
Sociolinguistics, Victoria: Blackwell
rating comes to word alternation code mixing
Publishing, 1998, p. 21, p. 211.
that is done for 44 times, the lowest rating
comes to congruent lexicalization which is [2] Alcnauerová, Zuzana, Thesis: Code-
done only for 5 times, and the average goes to Switching and Code-Mixing as Persuasive
insertion of code mixing which is done for 24 Strategies in Advertising, Masaryk
times. The percentage has proven that alternation University Faculty of Arts: Department of
code mixing reaches 60. 27% from total code English and American Studies of English
mixing. Insertion of code mixing reaches 32. Language and Literature, 2013, p. 4.
88% of total code mixing. Then, congruent
[3] Denzin and Lincoln, Handbook of
lexicalization reaches only 6. 85 % of total code
Qualitative Research, Thousand Oaks: Sage
Publications, 2010, p. 771.
[4] Janet Holmes, An Introduction to
Sociolinguistic, New York: Long Man
After gaining the analysis, the findings Publising 1995, pp. 19-40.
show there are nine languages existed formally
[5] Sarah G. Thomason, Language Contact: an
or informally. This condition occurs on totally
2 Introduction. Edinburgh: Edinburgh
169 cases in the Supernova : Akar by Dewi University Press, 2001.
Lestari. The intensity rating of code switching
[6] Ronald Wardaugh, An Introduction to
or inter-sentential switching is 127 times or 59.
Sociolinguistics. Victoria: Blackwell
62% of total code switching. Intra-sentential Publishing, 2006, p. 101.
switching is done for 73 times or 34. 28% of
[7] Tej K Bathia, & William C Ritchie, The
total code switching. Tag switching gets 13
Handbook of Bilingualism, Victoria:
times or only 6. 10 % of total code switching. Blackwell Publishing, 2006 p. xxi.
While in case of intra- sentential switching or
[8] S. Mahootian, Code Switching and Code
code mixing, the highest rating comes to word
Mixing, Northeastern Illionois University of
alternation that is done for 44 times or 60. 27% Chicago USA: Elsevier, 2006, p. 512
from total code mixing. and the average goes to

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

[9] Neny Isharyanti & Cardenas-Claros, Monica

Stella, Code Switching and Code Mixing
in Internet Chatting: Between ‘Yes’,
‘Ya’, and ‘Si’ a Case Study. JALT
CALL Journal. Vol 5, No. 3, pp. 67-78,
[10] Pieter Muysken, Bilingual Speech: A
Typology of Code- Mixing, United
Kingdom: Cambridge University Press,
2000, pp. 7-8, 40.
[11] Rabia Redouane, Linguistic Constrains on
Code Switching and Code Mixing of
Billingual Maroccoan Arabic-French
Speakers in Canada, Sommerville:
Cascadilla Press, 2005, p. 1925.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Novi Safitri1,Yuyun Kurniasih2,Dita Amelia Putri3
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


The rules of debit credit is the basis of accounting subjects. Reviews these rules must be understood by the
students to work on the problems - a matter of accounting. Empirical experience of students is difficult, to
understand about the rules of discharge, even difficult to memorized. The use of music in the form of "song"
as a media of learning in understanding credit debit rules. This study aims to Determine the influence of
media on learning outcomes songs in the sub-chapter of the rules of credit discharge. The method used is
the which is music as a media of learning in the classroom and to apply it in solving problems. This study
is a Quasi-experimental that uses the experimental class and the control class. Experimental class that uses
the song as a learning media Reached 86% of students KKM, whereas only 65% control class. Classes that
use song as a media of learning gives better results than not using the song. Music and song can the make
the students relax and ready to accept the subject matter Easily so it can be stored in memory longtherm
Keywords: Songs, media of learning, debit credit rules.

The use of the song in instructional media

will certainly have a positive impact on the
The learning result is determined by the learning process. That's because the song is one
success or failure of students to absorb learning way to stimulate the mind, so that students can
undertaken by teachers. One of the educational accept the subject matter well. In addition to
goals effectively improve student learning stimulating the mind, the songs also can improve
outcomes in cognitive and affective (Tran, 2013). concentration, memory, improve cognitive,
For more than two decades the question of how physiological, and emotional intelligence. Songs
best to improve learning achievement in schools affects the feelings of students will affect the
has gained increased (Greenwald, Hedges, and teaching and learning process. The song is not
Laine, 1996) a good learning process necessarily always there so that the learning
menghasilakn satisfactory academic results. One process can take place but the track can make the
of the factors that affect learning outcomes is the learning process more fun and not boring. The
instructional media (Al-rahmi, Othman, and songs in this learning is one of the alternatives to
Moses, 2014) (Matnuh & Triani, 2014) (Tahar, be motivating to students in the learning process.
2016) (Anjarwati, Winarno, & Churiyah, 2016) Through song, the atmosphere becomes more fun
(Nanda, Vena, Wiyasa , & Suniasih, 2016). A learning, and students are more motivated to be
study will work well if the process is running fun. active in the learning process. With media
Instructional media in the learning process student song could be given the material
is used to convey the message / material in order provided by the teacher.
to achieve the intended learning objectives. A media is a communication channel, is
Media in the learning process has two roles: first, derived from the Latin word meaning "between".
the media as a tool in the learning process, the This term refers to anything that carries
media is used to describe materials that are easy information between the source and the receiver.
to understand students so that learning objectives The definition of media focus on the use of
able to be achieved. Second, the media as a technology plus the concept and context
learning resource as a source of material used in (Dewdney & Ride in 2006, flew in 2004,
the learning process. Heinich, 1996). Media is a means for the
transmission or delivery of messages, and in the

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

perspective of the teaching-learning content that the students were motivated to participate
delivery to students, to achieve effective and become more engaged in classroom
instruction. (Naz & Akbar, 2010) activities when the songs used in the classroom.
Media for teaching and learning process (Aguirre, Bustinza, & Garvich, 2016)
provides tools to engage students in the learning Conveys a song in accounting subjects
process. This greatly increases the effectiveness allow them to open his thoughts on topics in
of communication. If designed properly, which they might not have thought of. A study at
skillfully produced and effectively used has a Yale, published in the Journal of Experimental
major influence on the teaching and learning for Psychology, notes that "the reduction of anxiety
generating impact: saving time, increasing is positively correlated with learning" (Crowley
interest, hold the attention ,, clarify ideas, & Kramer, 2013, track 1 in Phillips & Crowley,
concepts Strengthening (Naz & Akbar, 2010) 2012). In a related experiment, anxiety and
.According to Arif S. Sadirman ( 1984) argues performance is measured in a learning situation
that "the media is all the physical tools that can that shows a lower propensity performance-
present the message and stimulate students to anxiety assisted more often than high-anxiety,
learn as Filn, books, and tapes (Arief S Sadiman, where the music can be effectively introduced
2012). Instructional media in the learning process into the classroom environment to reduce
is used to convey the message / material in order anxiety. One example of enterprising subjects of
to achieve the intended learning objectives. In accounting is to create their own songs that help
media learning plays an important role, as well as them learn (Crowley & Kramer, 2013, the track
teaching methods. Peraanan instructional media 1 in Phillips & Crowley, 2012).
such as 1). The media as a tool in the learning When teachers and students are accustomed
process, the media is used to describe materials to using music and songs in the classroom, it can
that are easy to understand students so that be an incredible way for them to achieve success
learning objectives able to be achieved. 2) .Media in learning. This will happen if the learning
as a learning resource as a source of material used conditions in the classroom centered on students
in the learning process. and teachers become facilitators for students.
The different authors (Borich 2002, Brown, Creative teacher will create a learning very
Lewis, Harcleroad 1998, Kemp, 1998, Mehra, menyenang for siswa.Sehingga purpose of
1992, Chandra, 1989, McArtney, 1973) provides learning to be achieved simultaneously.
a classification of media in different ways on the According Molinsky (2000) in his research has
basis of the classification is a grouping of public shown that music can enhance memory, improve
/ media types can be made as the print media, concentration, cause to make learning fun,
graphic media, photography, audio media, remove stress, increase a sense of community to
television / vidio, computers (Naz & Akbar, the group, improve motivation (Farmand1 &
2010). Gagne and Briggs (1979) explained that Pourgharib2, 2013).
the learning media is a tool that is physically used Willis (1994) states, to develop a lesson
to convey the contents of the subject matter, plan around a song that could be a way to teach
which consists of books, modules, text grammar, phonetics, culture, geography, etc., in
programmatically, tape recorders, cassettes, which students can practice the five skills, if we
video camera, video recorder, films, slides, can use a song with enough endurance to remain
photographs, images , chart, television, in the mind long enough for students to
computers, and so on. Furthermore Arsyad experience success with certain language
(2011) explained that if the media were carrying structure. (Farmand1 & Pourgharib2, 2013).
messages or information aimed at containing Suharto (Wardah, 2005: 37) revealed that the
instructional or teaching purposes, then the song is a means of informationand education for
media is called a media of learning. Thus, it can the state and for society. As a means of
be concluded that the learning media is physical information, the song as a means of delivery
tools that are used in conveying of information, expression of the heart or a poet expression of
namely in the form of learning materials to feelings to the listener. As an educational tool
students. tracks can be used as a media of learning in
Music is the expression of thoughts and school because the song is one form of art. The
feelings are unique, music, children learn about song is the work that is aesthetically significant,
responsibility, team and individual efforts: meaningful not just something that is emptied of
quality is highly appreciated in business and all all meaning. Therefore, before reviewing other
levels of society. Music developing a positive aspects need first to be studied song as a
self-concept, self-expression, self-discipline and meaningful structure and aesthetic value. The
social skills. (McBurnie, 2002) results showed creation of a song can give pleasure also hope for

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

the audience to understand the meaning The rules of debit credit is the basis of
contained in the track which is a communication accounting subjects, these rules must be
fabric. understood by the students to work on the
Gustiani (2006: 30) defines the song as a problems of accounting. Empirical experience of
literary rhythmic variety in talking, singing, students is difficult to understand the rules of
reading, and so on. Songs included in audio debit, even difficult memorized, therefore the
media because the song is or something related author would like to discuss about the use of the
to the sense of hearing. Physiologically, the song as a media of learning in understanding
hearing is a process of sound waves enter through credit debit rules.
the outer ear and on to the eardrum, and then In this study, the audio track media are used
converted into mechanical vibrations in the as a media of learning. That is, in the learning
middle ear, then turned into nerve impulses, and process, the media in the form of song lyrics
transmitted to the brain. The song is a rhythmic played to the students to use as a learning tool.
noise variance (the talking, singing, reading, and The purpose of this study is to see whether or not
so on); song; variety of sounds; and behavior the media's influence on student learning
(KBBI: 2008: 771). outcomes song on credit debit rules pad material
According to Brewster et al (2002: 162) the Kela XI.IPS student at SMAN 1 Bunut
song is affective / psychological resources. Kab.Pelalawan Riau.
Besides fun, the songs are also able to motivate
students sekakigus foster a positive attitude
towards learning. Song is also a cognitive
resource. Songs help improve memory, The research is a quantitative study
concentration also coordination. The song can be using a quasi-experimental method / quasi
a culture of resource and social resource. experiment (Sugiyono, 2012). It said the results
of measurements of quantitative research
According to Schoepp (2008), the song
became an integral part of the experience of because many are required to use numbers,
human language. Flattum (2008) adds bahwalagu ranging from data collection, interpretation of the
data, as well as the appearance of the results
is a combination of melody and lyrics with
harmony, rhythm or bits. Songs usually have a (Arikunto, 2010).
structure in the form of repetitions verse and A quasi-experimental method used for
this research aims to control or control any
chorus. The song creations are meant in this
study are songs whose lyrics adapted to the symptoms that appear under certain conditions,
rhythm of the subject matter taken from popular so that can know the causal relationship of
symptoms. The research design is "design of the
songs. Furthermore, Shtakser (2012) explains
that music and song can create a good learning control group did equifalen (Pretest-Posttest
atmosphere in the classroom. Nonequivalent Control GroupDesign)". This
study was conducted to determine whether or not
Media track is a tool that uses magnetic tape
cassettes or compact disk using only produce the media's influence on learning outcomes in the
audio without images. Tape and compact disc form of song concept mastery on the material
Debit-Credit rules. Indicators assessing
should be played using a cassette player or CD
audio. Gustiani (2006: 32) The advantages of this conceptual understanding of the rules of Debit -
media is the first to be played repeatedly credit. In other words, the test results of students
according to the needs of students, both songs rated accordingly. The population of this
can be removed and reused, the three were able research is all class student XI.IPS SMA N 1
Bunut kab.Pelalawan Riau totaling 63 students.
to develop the imagination of students, four very
effective for language learning, fifth The sampling technique is simple random
penggandaann program is very easy so that it can sampling. The study sample consisted of two
groups: the experimental group and the control
be given to each of the students. The weakness of
this media is first its range is limited and the cost group. Class XI. IPS 1 consisting of 22 students
is relatively more expensive duplication tool. as an experimental class and class XI.IPS 2
consisting of 20 students as the control class.
Therefore, if there are students who need it, then
have to spend to buy a tape or CD of the song as Thus, the assessment is carried out to 22 students
one of the tools in the information and spark of in class and 20 students XI.IPS.1 XI.IPS.2 class.
The main data in this study is the result
feeling very loved many people, including young
children. The song is included into learning of the test rules of debit-credit. Data obtained
media audio by Hamalik (1986: 50) can be used from tests given at the end of the sample. Data
were analyzed through the following steps. First
as an alternative media of learning.
change the score value. Second, classifying the

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

final test results. Third determine the arithmetic

mean of students and interpreted by KKM. Table 2 describes the changes that occur
Kempat, comparing the experimental group and after learning about credit debit rules. In the
the control group using t-test to see how that experimental class using the song as a media, 19
happened. The fifth summing up the results of students (86%) managed to achieve complated
research and discussion. and 3 students (14%) have not yet reached
completeness, average value is 86 higher than
KKM (75) with the highest score 100 and the
lowest 55. Classes control using conventional
Data obtained dangan conducted two tests media 13 students (65%) achieve complated and
both in class and in the class experiment control.
7 students (35%) have not yet reached
The tests conducted there was the pre-test and completeness, the average value is equal to the
post-test. Pre-test was conducted to see the initial KKM is 75 with the highest score 90 and lowest
capabilities of the students, like any good
classroom control experimental class. Pre tests Table 2 shows the experimental class
conducted on the experimental class and control students who use the media songs on the material
class showed many students who do not
debit-credit rules more likely to achieve mastery
understand the concept of rules debit - credit, over the KKM. The average value obtained by
seen many students who have not reached the the experimental class is also better than the
KKM is equal to 75. It can be seen in Table 1
control class. The average value of the
Tabel.1 experimental class is 82 while the control class
Results Pretest Rules Debit - Credit has an average of 74 which is still below the
Experiment class KKM. This shows the song media can help
class Experiment class Control
(XI.IPS.1) (XI.IPS.2) students to better understand the rules of debit.
F % F % Normality test used to determine whether
the data obtained from each of the variables
normal distribution or not. Calculation test for
Completed 6 27 Completed 4 20
Not 16 73 Not 16 of normality using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov
Completed Completed 80 formula with significance level of 5%. The entire
Average 45 Average 42 process of calculation performed with SPSS
Value Value version 20 for Windows. Normality test was
Source: Results processed pretest conducted on the post-test scores of students in
the material debit rules, either the experimental
In table 1, there are 6 student (27%) of group or the control group. The criteria used is if
students XI. IPS.1 (experimental class) were the price p> 0.05 then the frequency distribution
completed, 16 (73%) did not complete. While in of normal, otherwise if the price of p <0.05, the
class XI. IPS.2 (control group only 4 (20%) of frequency distribution is not normal. The results
students who reached KKM, 19 uncompleted. show that the value of the normality of the
Average value achieved for the experimental experimental class and control class by using the
classrooms is 45, and the control class is 42. The formula obtained by Kolmogorov-Smirnov
rules of debit - credit must be mastered by the normality experimental class of 0.973 and 0,862
student in order to follow the stages of learning control class normality. From these data it can be
more accounting services company. in the seen that the distribution of the data obtained Sig
experimental class used media songs that explain greater than 0.05 is the velue of alpha
the rules of debit, while the control class using eksperiment 0,3 class and control class 0.448.
conventional media. This means the data distribution post test in
After the learning process in the 2 x 45 experimental and control groups of normal, can
minutes then do post-test, the results obtained are be used for parametric statistical tests.
shown in Table 2: Homogeneity test is used to determine
Table 2 whether the samples taken had the same variant,
Results of post-test rules Credit Debit- or do not show any significant differences from
Class Class Control(XI.IPS.2)
each other. Homogeneity test in this research use
F % F % levene test test. The criteria used are from
Completed 19 86 Completed 13 65 research data which said homogeneous levene
Not 3 14 Not Completed 7 35 test if the result is greater than alpha of 0.05.
Completed Result that the value Levene in the post test
Average 82 Average Value 74
Value experimental group-control 0.111 with Sig
Source: Post test processed. 0.747. From these data it can be seen that the

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

distribution of the data obtained Sig greater than capable of, but also the less well-off, have an
0.05 alpha velue. impact on improving their learning outcomes
Hypothesis testing is done after all the data This is in line with research Tejo
collected from the research results. The purpose Nurseto the use of instructional media can
of the Paired t-test to test whether the use of facilitate learning and optimizing learning
instructional media shaped track has a positive outcomes. Teachers should be able to choose and
impact on student learning outcomes XI.IPS develop the right media (Tejo, 2011). Handayati
class in SMA N 1 Bunut Kab. Pelalawan Riau. Wiwit research results demonstrate the effective
Technically, the calculation process performed use of media track can enhance students' skills
with SPSS version 20 for Windows. The (Wiwit Handayati Syahrul R., 2013). These
hypothesis in this study are: results are also in line with the opinions Gustiani
Ho: The use of instructional media (2006: 32) states that one of the advantages of
shaped track has not had a better effect on media track is to develop student's imagination.
learning outcomes XI.IPS graders in SMA N 1 In addition, the playback is very effective in
Bunut Kab. Pelalawan Riau than using making students' learning. This finding is
conventional media supported by Yassaei (2012) that the media are
Ha:The use of instructional media shaped very conscious can create a meaningful learning
track has had more influence on student learning context, can increase the interest, motivation and
outcomes XI.IPS class in SMA N 1 Bunut Kab. involvement of students in learning, so that the
Pelalawan Riau than using conventional media effect on improvement of learning outcomes.
Analysis of T-test results showed that the t- Hamalik (in Arsyad, 2011: 15) which
count of post test experimental group 2,172 and confirms the use of instructional media in
1,729 t table. From these data it looks t count > t teaching and learning can arouse desire and
table in such Ha accepted and Ho rejected. This interest in the new, the motivation and
means that the use of instructional media shaped stimulation of learning activities, and even bring
track or song has a better effect on the results of a psychological impact on students. This is in
student learning outcomes XI.IPS class in SMA accordance with the opinion of Scott & Ytreberg
N 1 Bunut Kab. Pelalawan Riau compared to (2000) and Shin (2006) that in order to increase
conventional media. the attention and involvement of students in
learning, the main strategy is through the use of
support tools or a variety of learning media.
Ratminingsih research shows audio media
Learning media-shaped track in this shaped track proved effective to improve
study is proven to improve student undertanding
learning outcomes (Ratminingsih, 2016).
against credit debit rules, this is evidenced by the
much better learning outcomes in both
experimental class diliat of the achievement of
KKM and of the average value that is superior - The results showed the use of media
rata 8 points compared to the class who do not songs on the material debit-credit rules can
use the learning media shaped track/song. This improve student learning outcomes. Media are
proves that helped students improve learning needed to help students understand the concepts
outcomes through activities that interest him, provided by the teacher. Teachers must be
namely through the media of song. Based on creative to create a new learning media are
observations during the learning process, the use effective in improving student learning
of media track very attractive to students. This is outcomes.
evidenced by the enthusiasm of students to
participate in learning.
In addition, the playback is very ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
effective in making students' learning. Judging
This Penilitan not escape from that ideas,
from the results of post-test on the rules of debit.
The test results using the media of song higher contributions, information on post graduate
than without using the media track. It prove more lecturers UPI economic education. Teachers
MGMPs kab economy. Pelalawan Riau province,
students reach KKM in a class that uses the song
as a learning media. The results of this study are Indonesia. And the active role of class XI IPS in
also consistent with Griffee (1992) that a song SMA Negeri 1 Bunut Kab. Pelalawan, Riau
province, Indonesia.
can create a learning atmosphere that is fun, so it
can give pleasure not only for students who are

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Endah Ratnaningsih
Faculty of Education and Teachers’ Training, Tidar University
[email protected]

This study is aimed to discuss the early education and the quality of life, especially English for Young
Learners (EYL) or in this article is called as English for Children from the students’ perspectives, which
must be delivered in a way that reduces barriers to access for the children. Qualitative research method in
the form of case study is conducted to obtain the data. Thirty six students of English for Children in Practice
(hereafter EFC in Practice) were employed as participants in this study. The research instruments were
open-ended questionnairre and interview. The result reveals that the students’ perspectives cover two
aspects that include benefits and barriers of the EFC in Practice and the quality of life, both for the young
learners and the students themselves. One of the benefits shows that participants have positive perspectives
of the EFC in Practice (early education). Participants view that this practice is a valuable experience that
motivate them to teach better. Then, the quality of life is not only about the level of richness but also about
the richness of attitude, character, and the way in bringing the moral value.
Keywords: children characteristics, early education, quality of life

to become a communicator when beginning to

use eye contact, smile, and begin to gaze at or see
No country can achieve sustainable in different directions.
economic development without substantial The main focus of this point is the
investment in human capital. Education enriches characteristics of the child. [2] mentions the
people’s understanding of themselves and world. characteristics of children, such as children can
It improves the quality of their lives and leads the tell what they are doing, the child can tell what
broad social benefits to individuals and society. they have just heard, the child has the possibility
Those ideas are related to the early education, to plan the activity, the child can argue, the child
especially English for Young Learners Field. In has a short time span to focus on learning or
relation to that, this paper aims to discuss the doing something, and others. In detail, [2]
relationships between early education and the explains that the characters of children aged eight
quality of life, especially English for Young to ten (elementary school age), among them can
Learners (EYL) or in this article is called as distinguish between fact and fiction, they ask
English for Children from the students’ questions every time, they start to work together
perspectives, which must be delivered in a way in teams, and so on.
that reduces barriers to access for the children. Furthermore, [3] argues that children tend to
The formulation of the problem of this have shorter periods of attention and more
research was “What are the students’ enthusiasm for activities that involve physical
perspectives toward the English for Children in (physical activity). In this regard, [3] adds that
Practice subject (hereafter EFC in Practice) to the for children, especially the age of five to ten
quality of life?” years, rapid activity is needed. No more than 10
or 15 minutes for an activity because children
1.1. Children Characteristics have a tendency to quickly get bored. As children
Children have special characteristics and age, the tendency for concentration becomes
require a special approach when a teacher wants more elevated.
to teach their language, especially English. It is
said to have special characteristics because from 1.2. English for Children in Indonesia Context
birth the children are able to grab the attention of Learning English for elementary school
adults around him. Imagine, for example, as students can be said as the beginning of foreign
suggested by [1], the infant embarks on a journey language learning in Indonesia. As a preliminary

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

process in learning foreign languages, learning that each individual is different. Teachers also
English for elementary school students needs to want fun learning with various strategies but
receive great attention. Not just teaching, such is because of the limited time that teachers have to
the initial understanding when will teach English make the best use of time in learning.
for elementary school students. However, given A strong home, school, community
the attractive and special characteristics of connection built on mutual respect and
elementary school students, it is certainly appreciation increases opportunities for learning
necessary to approach, methods, or techniques and collaboration. Sensitivity to and support for
that are effective in their implementation. diversity in culture, ethnicity, language and
Learning English for children or English for learning must be woven into the daily activities
Young Learners since 1994 began to be and routines of the early childhood classroom.
introduced in Indonesia. Nevertheless, this field It is essential for teachers to understand
of study remains attractive and invites great cultural variations and practices and to create a
curiosity to pursue. child-centered classroom that celebrates the
Teaching a child is different from teaching diversity of all the children in the classroom.
an adult, then not all teachers can teach at all Various aspects of culture can have a direct affect
levels that each have different principles. on verbal and non-verbal communication, and it
Teachers who teach in secondary schools may is vital for teachers to understand, embrace and
not succeed in teaching in elementary schools celebrate the background and variations of all
because the students' characteristics is different their students, particularly their culturally and
including their motivation. linguistically diverse students.
Children usually have a good motivation to
learn from within himself. This is seen when he 1.3 Early Education and the Quality of Life
heard the word he first understood or his favorite Early education is not only teachers’
toy he has. Yet this motivation decreases when it responsibility but also other social elements
acquires abstract knowledge. Therefore keeping surrounded. That is why, universal provision of
the child's motivation to stay high is the most quality early childhood education, delivered with
important teacher job. greater intensity for the children who need it, is a
Some principles that must be held when a key strategy for changing the trajectories of
teacher wants to teach the language (English) for children. Moreover, reference [6] states that
elementary school students, including the “Early education is one of the most significant
following. investments in education and productivity that
governments make. It has positive impacts on all
1) Introducing English for children is a big step, children and is a key strategy for overcoming the
so be careful. impact of early disadvantage on educational
2) Children are children, not adults. outcomes and life chances.”
Therefore, taking into account the characteristics
of children, appropriate new strategies can be
The research method used was a case study
3) Teaching children is different from
teaching adults, so objectives, materials, learning to describe a phenomenon about students’
activities, and evaluations must be designed in perceptions of English for Children in Practice to
accordance with their abilities. the quality of life. Reference [6] proposes “Case
Therefore, an elementary school English studies are empirical investigations of
contemporary phenomena within real-life
teacher should know about the characteristics of
the child and how the child learns the language. contexts in which they comprise a bounded
With this knowledge will help them be able to system, including an individual or entity and
setting in which they act.”
teach well and show the best. In other words,
good teachers will be able to help students learn Furthermore, the subject of the study was
and know how students achieve the best results. thirty six students of EFC in Practice Subject.
EFC in Practice was one of selection subjects in
In addition, it cannot be denied that in the
implementation of learning, teachers cannot be the English Department of Tidar University.
separated from several obstacles such as the Therefore, there were thirty six students who
involved in the process of collecting the data.
ability of different students, there are students
who are less active, and limited teaching time [4]. Open-ended questionnaire and interview
However, for different students' abilities for were used as the instrument of data collection.
The questionnaire consisted of eight questions
teachers it is not an obstacle that can disrupt the
learning process because teachers also realize that covered the purpose of the study. Moreover,

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

the data collection procedures of this study were be quiet different when we were practicing to
as follows. teach our own friends in the class room. Third,
1. Making the questions for open- when we practice teaching it is also not only
ended questionnaire. about what we teach the student, but it is also
2. Giving the questionnaire to the about how to handle the students during the
participants (students). lesson. Sometimes they don't listen to the teacher,
3. Asking the participants to fill in the sometimes they are so passive. That is the
questionnaire. obligation of the teacher to motivate them, and
4. Collecting the questionnaire that had make them enjoy the lesson. I believe that in
been answered. learning you will teach, and in teaching you will
After the data collection procedures had learn.
been completed, the data were analyzed in
order to answer the research question. For Data 18 : In my opinion, EFC in practice
analyzing the data, the researcher had several can train me as a college student to improve our
data analysis techniques such as: ability to teach students in different ages before I
1. Reading all responses. attend real teaching or PPL. In fact, students with
2. Sorting the data. different ages have different characters and ego;
3. Organizing, coding, and analyzing therefore, we need to understand the character of
the data in order to make the research every student in order to handle the class in a
themes. proper way. Besides, this practice can help me to
4. Elaborating the analysis of the data understand the subject of the study because
to get the research findings. practice is effective way to master the material
rather than writing or reading the material. So, I
have a chance face up the class situation and
learn solve the problem in the class before attend
English for Young Learners seemed to be a the real teaching practice.
special field which involves extra attention and The next discussion is related to the quality
interest from many people. This condition also
of life. This can be analyzed from the students
happens in Indonesia context. Further and the young learners. As stated by reference [6]
expalanation about the findings of the research about the life chance. Further information can be
can be seen below. read from the data below.
Referring to the purpose of this study that Data 22: “Attending EFC in Practice
was to describe the students’ perspectives toward Subject help me to improve the quality of my life
the EFC in Practice subject and the quality of life, and the quality of young learners’ life.”
especially for the young learners’ quality of life, Reason: I do agree with that statement
this part presented the findings and discussion of because honestly when I do the teaching practice
this study. The findings were based on the I have to manage my behavior. I have to be the
interview and the questionnairre that were good example for my students. Although
displayed as follows. sometimes there are so students that naughty but
I am not allowed to get angry with them. I have
There were many advantages in relation to to be patient and talk to them so that they can be
the EFC in Practice subject. The students get real nice. I believe that if you want to be accepted
experience in eaching young learners. They can when you teach the young learners, sometimes
see taht the characteristics of the young learners you have to put yourself in their condition.
is special and unique. As stated in reference [2] Furthermore, it also help the students to be nice
about the characteristics of the children. Also, the and understand what you want them to be and to
children tend to be passive or active. Actually, do.
this statement is related to the reference [3] that Data 25: “Attending EFC in Practice
children tend to have shorter periods of attention Subject help me to increase my teaching and
and more enthusiasm for activities that involve problem solving abilities”
physical (physical activity). This can be Reason: I strongly agree with that
concluded based on the data below. statement. In my opinion, attending EFC in
Data 17: In my opinion there are so many Practice is the best way for me to develop my
advantages of EFC in Practice. First, we can teaching skill and it is really suitable for the
practice what we have been learned in the last students who want to be a good teacher. When
semester about how to teach, especially the we are studying about how to teach probably we
young learners. Second, we also can know what just think that it wilk be so easy, but in the real
actually happen in the real life of teaching. It will teaching it will be totally different. During the

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

EFC in practice I just realized that sometimes [4] H.U. Kaltsum dan R.D. Utami,”
what we think will be good for students will be Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Bahasa
difficult for them to understand. We also cannot Inggris di SD 1 Surakarta,” The Second
push the students to do what we want them to do. University Research Coloquium, 2015.
What is in our mind and what are in their mind
[5] J. Heigham and R.A. Crocker, “Qualitative
are sometimes totally different. Me as the teacher
Research in Applied Linguistics: A Practical
have to think like what they think. It is also help
Introduction,” London: Palgrave Macmillan,
me to handle the classroom that probably
different with when we were teaching our
friends. [6] M. O’Connell, S. Fox, B. Hinz, and H. Cole,
“Quality early education for all,” Mitchell
Institute, April 2016, in press.
Based on those (some of the research
finding), it can be said that English for Children
Subject used to give opportunity to the English
Department Students of Tidar University who
took this subject to do practices in teaching
young learners. There were some advantages can
be taken by the students by joining this subject.
Those are experience in teaching young learners,
knowing the children characteristics, managing
the young learners, and giving contribution for
their own quality of life and the young learners’.
To sum up, this subject facilitate the
students of Tidar University and the young
learners in relation to the quality of life.
Moreover, the quality of life is not only about the
level of richness but also about the richness of
attitude, character, and the way in bringing the
moral value.

This article has become of reality through
the hard work, contributions, and support of
many individuals whose contributions and efforts
are greatly appreciated. Without the help and
contributions of the students and other
supporters, this article would not have been
possible. A special thanks for the wonderful
contributions over time that so many in the early
childhood field. Thank you.

[1] A. Pinter, “Children Learning Second
Language,” Hampshire: Palgrave
Macmillan, 2011.
[2] W.A. Scott dan L.H. Ytreberg, “Teaching
English to Children,” New York: Longman,
[3] J.K. Shin, “Ten Helpful Ideas for Teaching
English to Young Learners,” English
Teaching Forum Journal Volume 2, Tahun

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta
[email protected]


The existence of a gap in the quality of education and education inequality is the reason in writing this
article. Therefore, this article aims to answer some questions.. What are the forms of education quality gap
that occured in Indonesia? What are the forms of injustice eduation that exist in Indonesia? The method
used was a literature review based on secondary data. Ther result int this study were getting other forms of
disparity of quality of education both culturally and structurally. In Indonesia there is still inequality of
eduation quality and educational inequalitis as well. These forms of education quality gap seen from the
existence of a gap between each province in terms of APM, Transition Rate, Repetition Rate, and Drop-out
Rate. There is a striking difference between the areas outside Java and Java. In addition, the existence of
inequality of education whether it is from the level of elementary, Junior High and High School seen from
the qualification of teacher education an schooll infrastructure. There is striking difference in Java and
outside Java.
Keywords: quality gap, inequality, education

Rough Participation Rate (Angka Partisipasi

Kasar/APK), Pure Participation Rate (Angka
Education is one of the most important Partisipasi Murni/APM) and School
aspects in nation building. Many experts claim Participation Rate (Angka Partisipasi
the success of state development is supported by Sekolah/APS). APK is the percentage of the
the availability of an educated population in number of pupils in an educational unit of the
sufficient numbers. Therefore, almost all age-related population either in aggregate or by
countries place education development as a top student characteristics. APM is the percentage of
priority in national development programs. the number of pupils at a fixed age to the school-
Quality Human Resources which is a livelihood aged population at the educational unit level,
product is the key to the success of development. both on aggregate and by student characteristics.
Development in a country can not be APS is the number of students in a certain age
separated from the development of human group that is represented in several educational
resources (HR). In economic theory states that units, both in aggregate and by student
human capitalis one important factor in the characteristics. Furthermore, educational
economic growth process. With berkualita development indicators can be assessed by
human capital, it will encourage creativity and participation rates, drop-out rates, repetition
productivity of the people who will ultimately rates, teacher teacher and teacher teacher ratios,
affect the performance of the economy that will teacher eligibility, school conditions, teacher
affect the increase in social welfare. Increasing eligibility, schooling conditions, and school
people's welfare is one of the goals of national quality (Siti Irene, 2015).
development. Therefore the quality of human
resources in Indonesia needs to be considered,
especially the attention to the field of education
The method used is literature review based
is the quality of education.
on secondary data.
The development of national education
should be able to ensure equal distribution of
educational opportunities and equitable quality
of education. Indicators of equity can be seen Education Quality Gap in Indonesia
from three things (Riant Nugroho, 2008), namely

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

From the description in the introduction level of education. The following is a repetition
mentioned that one of the indicators of rate table from some provinces.
educational development is the Pure
Participation Rate (APM). The following is a
table on APM in 2016/2017 from several
provinces. Table 3. Percentage of Repetition Rate
Province Primary Junior High
Table 1. Percentage of Pure Participation School High School
Rate (APM) DKI Jakarta 0,53 0,37 0,16
Province Primary Junior High High DI Yogyakarta 1,06 0,18 0,11
School School School Aceh 1,04 0,35 0,31
DKI Jakarta 96,15 84,79 71,87 Kalimantan 1,83 0,74 0,57
DI Yogyakarta 90,58 80,39 76,48 Utara
Aceh 91,53 78,19 63,27 Sulawesi Barat 1,51 0,30 0,21
Kalimantan 92,99 69,91 58,70 Maluku Utara 1,69 0,25 0,26
Utara Nusa Tenggara 3,84 0,23 0,27
Sulawesi Barat 91,13 78,57 59,23 Timur
Maluku Utara 93,38 76,99 64,66 Papua 3,03 0,80 0,74
Nusa Tenggara 93,66 69,67 56,91
Timur Source:
Papua 72,30 42,86 33,24
Source: From the table it can be seen that the Repeat
Rate for the provinces of East Nusa Tenggara and
From the table above, it can be seen that Papua is high. This shows the gap in the quality
there is a gap between the regions in of education among provinces in Indonesia.
Indonesia. The most striking area is the province The next indicator is the School Breakout
of Papua which has the lowest percentage of indicator. Drop Out Rate is the percentage of
APM compared to other provinces. This shows students who do not complete school at a certain
that there are still educational gaps visible from level of education. The following is the
the result of inter-regional education percentage table of drop out rates in some
development. provinces in Indonesia.
Indicators of continuing education
development can be seen through Transition Table 4. Percentage of School Drop Out
figures. The following table presents the Rate
percentage of Transition Rates in some Province Primary Junior High
School High School
provinces. School
DKI Jakarta 0,12 0,29 0,39
Table 2. Percentage of Transition Rates DI Yogyakarta 0.06 0,18 0,50
Province Primary School Junior High Aceh 0,21 0,31 0,87
to Junior High School to High Kalimantan 0,19 0,43 0,48
School School Utara
DKI Jakarta 87,50 105,84 Sulawesi Barat 0,27 0,54 0,83
DI Yogyakarta 85,86 112,28 Maluku Utara 0,32 0,51 0,59
Aceh 80,07 102,27 Nusa Tenggara 0,24 0,79 1,45
Kalimantan Utara 86,81 97,30 Timur
Sulawesi Barat 72,42 95,46 Papua 0,59 0,71 0,75
Maluku Utara 75,69 94,80 Source:
Nusa Tenggara 90,80 91,33
Papua 83,33 91,90
Based on the data in the table, it is found
Source: that the drop out rate in Java is lower than outside
Java. This also shows the gap that exists between
From the table, it is seen that the Resume provinces in Indonesia.
Rate in each province is not much different. In Inequality of Education in Indonesia
addition, it is evident that the Transition Rate In the development of education in
from Junior High School to SM are higher than Indonesia there has been an increase in the
the Transition Rate from elementary to junior Participation Rate of Rough and Pure
high school. Participation Rate from year to year. This is
Another educational development indicator shown in the following table.
is the Repetition Rate. Repeat rate is the
percentage of students who repeat at a certain

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Table 5. Percentage of APK and APM concentrated in big cities and on the island of
APK dan 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Java. This needs to be considered in terms of
APM placement of educators and mapping educators
APK SD 109,05 108,00 106,44
sederajat need to be considered again.
APM SD 93,53 93,38 93,73 Furthermore, the inequalities of
sederajat education in addition to the views of teacher
APK SMP 100,51 100,70 101,05 qualifications and mapping of educators in each
region in Indonesia, can also be seen from the
APM SMP 80,76 81,01 76,29
sederajat existing infrastructure. Here is a table that
APK SM 75,53 76,45 81,87 outlines the educational infrastructure of the
sederajat classroom. There are several categories of
APM SM 57,15 59,10 61,20 classroom conditions, from being lightly
damaged, moderate, heavy and totally damaged.
However in this table it will only highlight the
severely damaged conditions.
Based on the table it is also seen that 6.27%
of children aged 7-12 years, 23.71% of children
Table 7. Number of Classrooms Based on
aged 13-15 years, and 38.80% of children aged
Heavy Damage Condition
16-18 years are not attending school or have not Province Primary Junior High
attended an education compatible with age. This School High School
shows the need for government attention in the School
context of national development and DKI Jakarta 313 177 11
DI Yogyakarta 211 101 16
improvement of human resource
Aceh 1.520 676 155
competitiveness. Kalimantan 175 39 4
Another indicator of educational Utara
development is that of the educators themselves. Sulawesi Barat 877 136 18
Below is a table about Teacher qualifications that Maluku Utara 713 209 62
Nusa Tenggara 3.945 911 242
are still under S1 in some provinces in Indonesia. Timur
Papua 1.292 232 43
Table 6. Percentage of Teacher Education Source:
Qualification and Principal Under Bachelor
Degree Based on data from the ministry, there are
Province Primary Junior High
School High School
still gaps as well as teacher qualifications. In the
School outer islands of Java there are many class
DKI Jakarta 8,20 5,20 2,11 buildings that are damaged, even classified as
DI 9,61 7,91 2,87 seriously damaged. Therefore, the government
Yogyakarta should pay attention to this, adequate
Aceh 23,24 9,20 2,91
Kalimantan 27,83 6,81 3,18
development should not only be concentrated in
Utara the city beasr only, but also in areas outside Java.
Sulawesi 33,21 12,81 3,47
Maluku Utara 49,25 23,09 5,05
Nusa 32,88 14,06 3,77 Education is a human right of every
Indonesian citizen and for that every Indonesian
Papua 45,08 16,64 3,78 citizen is entitled to obtain quality education in
Source: accordance with the interests and talents he
has. Equitable access and quality improvement
From the table above shows that there of education will make Indonesian citizens have
are some provinces whose teachers or teachers life skills that encourage the full development of
are still not S1. Whereas the Law on Teachers people as well as civil society and modern that
and Lecturers number 14 of 2015 mandates that imbued the values of Pancasila.
the minimum qualifications for elementary, In reality, education in Indonesia still lacks
junior and senior high school teachers are S1. quality gaps as well as inequality. The
The province is a province outside of Java. This educational quality gap is seen in the uneven
is seen in the province of Maluku for elementary form of quality in every province. The form of
school teachers who have not S1 almost half. injustice can be seen from the unequal educators
This shows that there is no equity in educators, and infrastructure development in every region.
most qualified and qualified S1 educators are

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

According to Slamet PH (2014), to address

educational equity in the form of educational
gaps, it is necessary to manage through
structural, cultural, and figural
interventions. Strukutural that is through policy,
planning, and budgeting of education which is
more pro poverty and pro lagging area, isolated,
scattered and isolated. Therefore, the SM3T
program needs to be implemented every year and
there is also a need for sustainability in the
placement of teachers.

In Indonesia there is still an imbalance in

the quality of education as well as inequalities of
education. The forms of educational quality gap
are evident from the gap between the provinces
in terms of NERs, Repetitive Figures, Continuing
Rates and School Drop Outs. There are striking
differences between the areas outside of Java and
the regions of Java. In addition, there is also an
injustice of education both from elementary,
junior high and high school level visible from the
teacher education qualifications as well as school
infrastructure. There are striking differences in
Java and outside Java.

[1] Riant Nugroho. 2008. Pendidikan
Indonesia. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar
[2] Siti Irene Astuti Dwiningrum. 2015.
Desentralisasi dan Partisipasi Masyarakat
dalam Pendidikan. Yogyakarta: Pustaka
[3] Slamet PH,. 2014. Politik Pendidikan
Indonesia dalam Abad ke-21. Cakrawala
Pendidikan, Oktober 2014, Th. XXXIII, No.
3, 324-337
[8] Undang Undang Guru dan Dosen no 14
tahun 2005

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Habibi1, Cally Setiawan2
Universitas Wiraraja Sumenep, 2 Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
[email protected], [email protected]

Student dropouts are complex problems in Indonesia. Some of the dropouts living in rural areas have
migrated to the large cities. It contributes to the child labor growth which is already one the major problems
in Indonesia. Knowledge about the meaning of school from their perspective could be helpful for policy
and programs related to dropout prevention. The purpose of this research was to explore the meaning of
school according to the dropouts and the barriers of getting back to schools. This study was a
phenomenological study involving 5 adolescents who have dropped out from schools. In collecting the data,
we conducted open-ended interviews. Triangulation and reflection of researchers being used to ensure
trustworthiness and authenticity of the data. The results show 4 themes regarding the meaning of school
emerged from the data. These are to make more friends, to please parents, to get the diploma, and a place
to study. We also found 3 themes about the barriers to get back to school such as feeling ashamed, having
no friends, and having already jobs. The forms of educational systems that encourage schools and teachers
to pay attention to group activities, friendship in schools and job schedule seemed to be in line with the
findings about condition of school dropouts in this study.
Keywords: student dropouts, meaning of school, phenomenological study

central working place of children under 18’s was

the city of Jakarta, followed by other cities in
School dropouts were still a problem of East Java, West Java, Central Java and Banten.
Indonesian education. According to UNICEF & BPS & ILO data (2009) says there were 3.6
UIS data (2011) there were 3.79 million dropout million children under the age of 18 who become
children in Indonesia, and this was the largest workers.
number in Southeast Asian countries. Utomo, The number of native dropouts in
Reimondos, Utomo, McDonald, & Hull (2014) Yogyakarta city may said to be very small.
mentioned that the main cause of dropping out of Yogya city's BPS data shows that there were only
school was economic reasons. Although 0.01% of school dropouts at 2013. But as
elementary and junior high schools had been explained above, urban areas including Yogya
free, but parents still had to pay for transport, city became the destination of school dropouts
uniforms and reading instruments. In addition to from the surrounding area to work. Some of the
economic reasons, geographical and socio- rough work they do such as peddler and
cultural conditions also cause many children to shopkeeper.
drop out of school. The remain high number of dropouts in
The existence of school dropouts in Indonesia required holistic solutions, not only
Indonesia were a serious problem that must be physical treatment such as providing free schools
addressed by the government. In Government and packaged programs. Dewi, Zukhri, Dunia, &
Regulation No. 47 of 2008 state that compulsory Erg (2014) found that some causes of drop out
education was a minimum education program among them were parental factors, child's
that must be followed by citizens on the interest and culture. A qualitative approach
responsibility of government and local studies were required for Solutions of these
government. factors.
Many Children, who drop out, were looking Itsnaini's (2015) qualitative study about the
for job in big cities. The work gained, according causes of Junior High School dropouts in Yogya
to their educational capacity and skills, was a City found that the internal causes of the students
menial job. Based on data from SUSENAS drop-out were due to laziness, weak academic
(Patunru & Kusumaningrum, 2013) the highest ability and the economic condition of the parents.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Demartoto's research (2008) in Surakarta found busy on their job. Interviews were conducted in
that insufficient program to solve the problem of their free time between 30 minutes to an hour.
dropouts was due to the ineffective Data collection was done throughout two month
communication of the organizers to the parents starting from February until March 2017. Besides
or the children. interview also used participant observation and
Man is a conscious being, in which every photo elicitation technique as complementary.
behavior was strongly influenced by meaning Data analysis technique is based on
and values. A person who was hungry can be Creswell's (2007) explanation about important
survive to not eat even though there were plenty and meaningful search statements for
of food in front of him while fasting, because constructing textural and structural descriptions.
there was something more valuable to him than Three important steps to make it happen were to
eating. Therefore, other things can be extracted arrange transcripts from interviews, observation
to solve the problem of dropouts are about the and photo elicitation, read them entirety, coding
school meaning for dropouts, as well as the and composing themes. The second step was the
reasons why they do not want to returned to preparation of textural and structural
school. These reasons can sometimes be known descriptions. The final step was the synthesis of
directly but are often hidden in their innermost the textural-structural description.
views and thoughts. Qualitative research is very Triangulation and reflection of researchers
useful. being used to ensure trustworthiness and
authenticity of the data. Triangulation applied
between participants and data collection
techniques. Reflections of researchers are
The epistemological base for this study was recorded consistently in the form of journals,
constructionism. The nature of knowledge each stage of data retrieval and analysis.
according to constructionism perspective is that
the meanings of human reality are not
discovered, but are constructed by human beings
(Crotty, 1998). The construction of meaning The results of the researched on dropout
required active engagement in the real world. students who work in Yogya city showed that the
The process of meaning construction, from this meaning of school for them includes four themes:
perspective, always involves intentionality and to make more friends, to please parents, to obtain
consciousness (Crotty, 1998). diploma and as a place to study. While the
The study used phenomenological barriers to go back to school include three
approach, which assumes that reality was the themes: feel ashamed, have no friends and
construction of human consciousness. It means already work.
that experiences in human beings will produced A. Meaning of School from dropout view
certain meanings because of his consciousness. point
The data collected by in-depth interview 1. Made More Friends
technique to five drop outs who work in The most consistent theme about meaning
Yogyakarta city. The selection of five of schools appears in the data was as a place
participants was done by purposive technique where they have many playmates. The most
and snow ball. Their age was between 16 to 18 memorable thing and always remembered or
years old. School dropout they experienced was missed by all the participants was their friends
more than a year on the grounds of having during school. Some documents on their
sufficiently experienced as a school dropout facebook account confirming friendship was
identity, according to the phenomenon that very meaningful for them. The most painful thing
became the focus of the study. Phenomenological they felt in early phase of out from school was
methodologists suggest considering how a the breakup from their relationship with friends
phenomenon is experienced at the level of at school. Statements about the experience were
“immediate experience,” during the participants "tidak bisa main-main lagi bareng mereka," or
experience the phenomenon in a deep "pingin aja, temen-temen kan bareng, bermain,
engagement (Langdridge, 2007) belajar."
Interview protocol was semi-structured, This theme not only arise in the initial
which reason it can obtain advice from other question about the meaning of the school, but
researcher before using and still possible to also on other questions like the most memorable
adjust according to conditions during the experience in school and was there a desire to go
interview took place. Interview time adjusted to back to school. The period of school dropouts,
the condition of participants who were always before and after work was also much influenced

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

by friendship. The phases of their lives will pass natured than children who were not in school.
well if they have many friends. They even told that children who were not in
2. To Please Parents school were used to lazing around and fighting
The second theme of school meaning that parents.
also often arises was schooling as an activity that B. Barriers to Get Back to School
will please their parents. Meaning of schooling as 1. Feel Ashamed
something that will please their parents The most consistent theme of the barrier to
especially they experience after dropping out of get back to school in this study was being
school. One reason they want to work after ashamed. The causes of out from school such as
dropping out was to please parents who feel moving home too often, economic reason,
embarrassed when they were not in school. running away from home or failed to pass the
Statements about it, "orang tua seneng kalau kita class gave them embarrassed feeling to go back
kerja, tapi sebenernya lebih seneng lagi kalau to school. The embarrassment they experienced
sekolah" and "orang tua susah mas kalau aku was in the presence of new friends at school and
nggak sekolah, nggak kerja juga, mau jadi apa their neighbors.
kataya." The embarrassed feeling they often said
The initial motive of the school process was refer to a barrier to back to school was not
generally asked by parents. School become a explained in depth. They mentioned that the
liability caused by the demand of parents. shame they also experienced when the first time
Children in this study did not explained their to work, but eventually disappeared by time.
future when discussing school periods. Internally Shame was portrayed as an uncomfortable
driven by the desire to have many friends, condition and a tendency to avoid meeting
externally driven by the demand of parents. others. Discomfort as a student who once gone
3. To Get the Diploma out of school make them feel uncomfortable and
Meaning of the school appears in some finally choose to delay or even not go back to
participants was as a place to obtain the diploma. school.
Not every participant expresses this meaning. It 2. Having No Friends
expressed by participants who want to get job in The next theme about barrier to return to
factory that requires the diploma. Participants not school because they have no friends in the new
expressed it were those who want to continue class to be entered. The absence of friends makes
self-employment. Statements that showed this them feel alienated and ultimately embarrassed.
theme for example, "Pentingnya sekolah itu, kan As explained before, the world of friendship was
karena ada ijasah. Kan gampang kerja, misalnya a very meaningful experience for these children,
kerja di pabrik." either during school or when dropping out and
For children who intended to continue work after work. Statements about this theme for
independently, the diploma become unimportant. example, "Pernah dibilangin mau lanjut apa
Even one of the participant admitted losing his nggak, gitu. Aku bilang nggak, malu. Mau pindah
certificate. It showed that the diploma was less ke situ, ke Dasem. Tapi aku nggak mau, malu."
meaningful for him. But other participants argue The embarrassment to go back to school
that the diploma was very important, especially will be dissappear if they found new friends. But
to get a decent job. the experience of participant who tried to go back
4. Place to Study to school, it was difficult to get new friends. It
The meaning of school as a place to study, caused them finally become uncomfortable and
both science, religion and attitude, expressed by did not want to go to school anymore. They feel
all participants. But this statement only appears unfamiliar when trying to get back to school,
to the question of what was done in school. This even though there were nice teacher but did not
statements did not reappear when discussing the have friends completely dispelled the spirit to
importance of school or what most memorable continue school.
thing in school. 3. Having Already Job
The learning content described by the The last barrier to go back to school was
participants did not directly mention the name of because already have a job. Job has been quite
any particular subject. They explained that pleasant for parents after dropping out of school.
school was a place where teachers taught so In addition, because they have their own money,
many things therefore students become smart. no need to asked to their parents. Some are
Things were taught include general knowledge, already convinced to continue working and not
stories of the prophets, discipline and counting. going to school, but some still want to rethink to
The impact of learning for them was made continue schooling (ie through a packaged
children in school generally smarter and good-

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

program). If later they can go to school while children who drop out of school will inhibit their
working, they will return to school. development to actually develop into a fully
The children who dropout of school in this person with their intellectual, emotional, social
study came from outside areas of the Yogya city. and spiritual potential. At the end it will cause
These geographical conditions made it very many problems when the children get in to
difficult for them to go back to school if they still society.
want to work. That’s caused they should delay Kelly's dissertation research (2012) was an
desired to going back to school. They also said in example of how dropouts are influenced by
working they learn many things directly, so it's external factors (family and friends) and internal
actually similar with school. (prior learning experience) factors. Dropouts will
experience inhibition of various potentials, in the
study focused on the potential literacy
Children are our next generation or future
Lower self-concept cause by the previous poor
of the nation, therefore their existence was learning will turn out to be more severe in
considered very valuable. Quality of children's inhibiting literacy of children when dropping out.
development determine how the quality of the
The third perspective was education serves
nation in the future. Children themselves to foster awareness and strength for human to
according to Law Number 13 Year 2003 are male change themselves and the environment. Brazil
or female under the age of 18 years. From the
Freedom critical education leader, Paulo Freire,
social aspect, child was an individual who not yet states that education should foster participatory
autonom and really still need protection, from awareness and not treat students like empty
other responsible people like their parents and bottles that ready to be filled with the
teachers. competencies or skills desired by educators
School dropouts, viewed from several
(Tilaar, 2005). Freire does not obligate education
perspectives of the function of education will to take place in schools only, in fact he opposes
make children experiencing some consequences educational practices in schools that precluded
in their life. The first perspective, and perhaps the
the awareness and creativity of children. Based
most prominent in the industrial world, was to on this perspective, school dropouts can not be
prepare children with skills so they can be part of directly deemed to be failed. Conditions that
the industrial workplace. As explained by
cause the child to drop out of school and how the
Goodlad (1984) the existence of industry life process happened after that determined how
changed the demands of society to school, one of the impact of the drop out of school experienced.
them to prepare children to play a role in
In many cases we found successful people who
industrial world or work in general. From this were the ones drop out of school.
perspective children who drop out will The critical perspective of education
experience obstacles to enter the workplace. As a
becomes the foundation, especially to explore
result, when they have grown up and married, the how the conditions owned by students who
chances of their children experiencing an experience social oppression and
educational problem will be even greater.
marginalization. For example, West's (2013)
Studies showed how the financial condition study of the poor outcomes of black children in
and family profession affect education and then the United States, especially because the children
children drop out and look for work. Dewi et al. feel disconnected from teachers and educational
(2014) in their research suggest that the main processes.
cause of drop outs is the economic factor.
In this study the main perspective was the
Ambarwati's (2010) study of school dropouts and second perspective of education that serves to
work showed that they finally decided to no guide the child to grow and develop into a fully
longer continue their schooling.
human person. Although schools have
The second perspective was education as a weaknesses, but long history of schools in
space to develop the child's personal as a whole Indonesia ranging from the birth of many
person. Thinkers like Abraham Maslow and Carl
national independent heroes to become one of the
Rogers view children as human beings with basic main national development motor was the
needs and potentials to develop (Sularto, 2016). foundational reason of optimism about the great
Indonesian education figure, Ki Hadjar
power of schools to build the child's personality.
Dewantara, in accordance with this second It should be emphasized that schools were not the
perspective, states that education must be tailored only educational institutions for children. This
to the nature of the child, not through coercion
was consistent with Tilaar's (2005) view that
(Tilaar, 2002). Based on this perspective, education in childhood was largely determined

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

by the family, when switching to adolescence education of children who were still in school.
will be more determined by the community Job that also have important meaning for their
(including school and peers), whereas to life should get attention. The concept of informal
adulthood education should be taken place education that treated learners as partners in
Independently determined by the person itself. learning, as well as accommodating their various
Parents and teachers become central figures living conditions (in this case work), become one
in the process of childhood education of early of the educational character suitable for dropout
age. But along with the development and children. Milligan, Littlejohn, & Margaryan
expansion of the child's relationship will (2014) mentioned that very important aspect of
emerged a new world that influenced their informal education based on the world of work
lifestyle, namely the world of peers. Sigelman & were self-regulatory capacity, and effectively
Rider (2009) mentions that children from 2 to 12 utilizing technology.
years of age will experienced shift in interaction, Friendship in school is one of hidden
from interaction with parents to interaction with education. Schools and teachers may provide
peers. In addition boys did more interaction in support for the creation of a friendship process
groups compared with girls. among students. Brighi, Mazzanti, Guarini, &
Tendency to interact with peers creates a Sansavini (2015) in their research explained that
strong desire to be accepted into the group, this the role of teachers primarily was to create
also occurs in the interaction of students in the conditions that allowed each student to get
classroom or school. Dopplinger’s research benefit positively from their interactions with
(2014) showed that acceptance of friendships in friends. The forms of educational systems that
the classroom was selected by students' encourage schools and teachers to pay attention
perceptions of their peers, and it was also to group activities and friendship in schools
influenced by the teacher. Peer support at school seemed to be in line with the findings about
based on Kiefer, Alley, & Ellerbrock (2015) had condition of school dropouts in this study.
an impact on motivation, involvement and
ownership of the school. Such support can be ACKNOWLEDGMENT
academic or emotional, and have unique
implication for each child. The authors gratefully acknowledge the
Findings in this study indicated a link Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher
Education and LPDP for the funding through
between the meaning of the school and the
barrier of drop-out children to return to school. Beasiswa Unggulan Dosen Indonesia Dalam
The main meaning of school was as medium of Negeri (BUDI DN). At last but not least, we
would like to thank to UNY Doctoral Program
socialization, with their peers. As explained by
Sigelman & Rider (2009) that from preschool age for being supporting institution during this
children have undergone a shift in social research.
interaction, from home to peers. Similarly, the
results of research Kiefer et al. (2015) which REFERENCES
showed that friendship in school affects the [1] Ambarwati, Krismi Diah. “Setelah Putus
motivation and sense of belonging to the school. Sekolah Aku Bekerja: Tinjauan
The meaning of friendship is what seems to Fenomenologi tentang Pengalaman Remaja
create the feelings of ashamed and also lack of yang Memutuskan Tidak Melanjutkan
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have worked, should be differed with the bekerja di sektor Informal di Kota

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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Anatri Desstya1, Fitri April Yanti2
PGSD FKIP Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta,
Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Nahdatul Ulama Lampung, Indonesia
[email protected], [email protected]

The role of the teacher as a manager in the learning process in the classroom is one determinant in the
achievement of student achievement. Management class that has not done well, resulting in a huge gap on
student achievement. Thus, teachers are required to be able to manage it well. This paper describes the
management classes conducted by teachers linked to student achievement Elementary School Grade 3 SDIT
Darul Falah Solo Baru, Sukoharjo. This research is a case study. Data collection techniques using in-depth
interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis was performed with data reduction, data
presentation, and conclusion. 3) SDIT Darul Falah in improving student achievement are: 1) Physical
management, covering: Physical management through seating arrangement, cleaning classroom, and
arranging and preparing facilities , Such as stationery, learning media, learning resources. Non-physical
management through activities: student management through habituation, tadarus juz amma, understanding
the characteristics of each student, from academic, social, and economic conditions, establishing
relationships with parents / guardians, and creating learning conditions by habituation to be honest,
confident , And discipline in doing the task.
Keyword: classroom management, learning, academic achievement.

pedagogic, kepribadian, professional, dan

kompetensi social. Responsibility for
In the Law of the Republic of Indonesia professional competence is realized by the
Number 20 Year 2003, the function and purpose teacher through the understanding of the
of national education is to develop the ability and substance / material / content / subjects that
form the character and civilization of dignified become his area of expertise. Professional
nation in order to educate the life of the nation, responsibilities, or intellectual responsibilities,
and the development of the potential of learners are manifested through the mastery of the various
to become human beings who believe and pious tools of knowledge and skills necessary to
to God Almighty, Be noble, healthy, support their duties. Being an effective teacher
knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, involves not only deep-seated knowledge, but
and become a democratic and responsible citizen. also organizational, management and
The function and purpose of the education communication skills, being able to organize
implies that education is organized to create instruction, and providing relevant assessments
qualified human beings. For the sake of the and fair evaluations (Moreno Rubio, 2009).
achievement, then the role of a teacher is needed. Teachers are able to manage their teaching and
Teachers have a very important position for learning programs as well as their interactions,
education in Indonesia. The law also explains Managing classes, performing performance
that teachers as educators are professionals in appraisals, simple research, and school
charge of planning and implementing the administration. A teacher who has personality
learning process, assessing learning outcomes, competence can be seen in the ownership of
providing guidance and training. Professional commitment and willingness, compassion, and
teachers can be seen in the implementation of the solid responsibility in carrying out every task.
duties of duties and responsibilities in Teachers who are socially competent, are shown
implementing all devotion, which is reviewed in their defense of the various influencing factors
from four competencies, namely competence in creating a learning environment that supports

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

the teaching and learning process. In this social SDIT is an oddity requiring further solutions to
competence, teachers are required to understand resolve it.
the various socio-cultural and economic factors Based on the background of the problem,
that affect the educational process of their this research will describe classroom
students, to understand the relationship between management conducted by third grade teachers
the school with parents and community leaders, when conducting classroom learning activities.
to understand the importance of the values and
norms prevailing in society, and to master the
changes due to impact Globalization.
Efforts to realize the goals and functions of The design of this research is a case study
study. With the population are 3rd graders in the
national education towards the creation of quality
human beings, it is necessary to improve the Darul Falah Sukoharjo Integrated Islamic
quality of education that can be synergized in the Primary School. The research variables are class
management and student achievement. Sources
learning process conducted by teachers in the
classroom. Teachers who have good professional of data were obtained from documents, in the
competence are seen in the process of quality form of student progress reports, archival records
(in the form of teacher diaries containing student
learning, in the sense that this process will
provide a good learning achievement. Teachers activity records and behaviors, and teacher and
who are able to manage the class, by creating and parent contact letters), focused interviews
addressed to grade 3 teachers, and open
maintaining optimal learning and teaching
conditions and return it when a disturbance interviews Addressed to the parent / guardian of
occurs, will affect the achievement of student the student; Direct observations made in the
learning achievement. Usman (2003: 97), classroom while learning is taking place. The
effective classroom management is an absolute instruments used for data collection are interview
sheets and observation. Classroom management
prerequisite for the effective learning process.
This is in line with the results of research from data collection is done with interview sheets,
Abdul Muiz (2010), that there is a positive and observation and documentation. The data
collected in this research is primary data. The
significant correlation between classroom
management conducted by teachers with student collected data is tabulated according to the nature
achievement. Good classroom management will of the data and the purpose of data analysis. Data
analysis is done by data reduction, data
have a significant effect on student achievement.
Meanwhile, in SDIT Darul Falah, Grogol, presentation, and conclusion.
Solo Baru, in third grade students, there is still
gap in the highest and lowest learning
achievement. Many scored high, but found also Classroom management is an effort
the lowest value between the two have a large undertaken by the organizer or person in charge
difference. SDIT Darul Falah is one of the of teaching and learning activities or who assist
Integrated Islamic Primary Schools owned by an with the intention to achieve optimal conditions
orphaned foundation located in Pepe, so that the expected learning activities can be
Langenharjo, Grogol, Solo Baru, Sukoharjo, accomplished. The description of classroom
with accreditation status A. SDIT darul falah has management in this study refers to two elements,
a motto to build an Islamic generation to the namely physical and non-physical. Physical
divine ridlo. This school combines the management related to the management of
curriculum between the department, depag and physical conditions in the classroom includes
boarding school is expected to graduate from room where the learning process, seating
SDIT darul falah have noble akhlaq, intelligent, arrangement, ventilation and lighting
creative, mastered science and technology but arrangement, arrangement and storage of goods,
still firm in faith and devotion. To that end, the while non-physical management includes student
school seeks to organize the educational process management, with socio-economic conditions,
based on Islam by collaborating the national and forms Human relations. Based on this, the
education curriculum with the curriculum of the results of classroom management in the Darul
religious department. The existence of such a Falah SDIT are listed in Table 1 below.
huge achievement gap from the Darul Falah

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Table 1. Type of Classroom Management

No Type of Management Aplication

1 Physical The teacher regulates the physical condition of the
class every day, when learning will begin, including:
a. Arrange the seating
b. Clean up the classroom
c. Organize and prepare facilities, such as
stationery, learning media, learning resources
2 Non physical a. Student management through habituation, the
first 15 minutes before the lesson begins
tadarus juz amma
b. Understanding the characteristics of each
student, from academic, social, and economic
c. Make connections with parents / guardians
d. Create learning conditions with the habit of
being honest, confident, and disciplined in
performing the task.

Classroom Management Physically

Classroom management is physically done
through student seating arrangements, cleaning
up classrooms, and organizing and setting up
facilities, such as stationery, learning media,
learning resources.
Every day, the teacher in the third class is The purpose of this seating arrangement is
managing the student seat. Female students sit for male and female students to interact with each
between women. Likewise male students. In this other and discuss tasks as group learning takes
class there are 16 female students and 12 male place. This is one component to be able to apply
students. All students are playing their seats, with cooperative learning. Students are divided
rules like Figure 1 below: heterogeneously, both in the aspect of academic
ability, social conditions, religion, and gender.
With this kind of grouping, the gap of some
aspects will gradually fade.
The seating is rotated, from the one sitting
in front of the teacher's desk will shift to the left,
so also for the one who sits at the back will move
to the front of the teacher's desk. This rotation is
done every day.
The activity of managing the dudu place by
turning every day turns out to be a bad thing for
passive students. In addition to having less
academic ability, when the child is sitting in the
back, learning conditions are not very supportive.
Seating positioning is done in order to:
Figure 1. Plan of Student Seat Arrangement Minimize the occurrence of saturation in
Information : students, so that the condition of the class is
considered to be more supportive in learning.
a. Growing intimacy among students.
With more intimate, the spirit to work
together more easily achieved.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

b. Facilitate teachers in understanding The next classroom management is to clean

the advantages and disadvantages of students. up the classroom, organize and prepare learning
facilities. The condition of clean classrooms and
c. Class life will be more easily formed
the completeness of learning facilities affect the
in dynamic conditions, so it tends to be
learning and teaching activities. In line with the
opinion of Rasdi Ekosiswoyo (2000: 67), that the
d. Able to encourage students to know terms of a good class and eligible to learn among
each other's character karaktitikitik, so the others are neat, clean, healthy, and enough light.
socialization process will be formed Classroom Management Non-Physically
naturally. Student management through habituation,
the first 15 minutes before the lesson begins with
Seating arrangements can improve student the memorization of juz amma, understand the
achievement. Sitting in the front row in the characteristics of each student, from academic,
classroom leads to a higher learning increment
social, and economic conditions to establish
between 5 percent and 27 percent compared to relationships with parents / guardians.
seats in other lines that are away from the Based on the observations, the habit of
blackboard (Ngware, Ciera, Musyoka, & Oketch,
memorizing juz amma for 15 minutes has been
2013). Seating arrangements that can deliver cultivated in this school starting from grade 1.
these results are shaped horseshoe or U-format, Thus, if students memorize juz amma together
U-closed format, large circle, and small box.
with certain targets for a certain time, then this
However, in the class we observed, the teacher will also entrust to every subject that Given at
had never made arrangements with the forms. school. However, not all students are able to
This is because the classroom is minimally sized, complete the memorization. When viewed from
while the tables in the class are rectangular, the academic ability, that is, by looking at the
which is less dynamic if always done such a
average value of mid rapot in each semester, the
seating arrangement. Management of student top ten rank almost has almost the same average
positions must also pay attention to physical value, and only have the difference of zero coma.
conditions, such as wearing glasses and physical
Such as the data presented in Table 2 below.
condition of the body. Students who tend to have
a high physical, placed on the back and front, but
the position when at the front is at the very end. Table 2. Average Mid-Semester Gasal Class III
Seating arrangements as well to create specific Score
study groups preventing the grouping of high Peringkat Jumlah nilai Rerata
achieving students or the two lowest performing 1345
students should be avoided this will lead to 1 89.6667
difficulty adjusting in the learning process 2 1344 89.6000
(Szparagowski, 2014). 3 1342 89.4667
The learning achievement obtained shows a
4 1339 89.2667
large gap when compared with the highest mean
value. There are two factors that influence it, 5 1337 89.1333
namely internal and external factors. Internal 6 1335 89.0000
factors are factors of self, which include, (1)
7 1334 88.9333
physical factors (physiology), for example about
the condition of the five senses, disability, (2) 8 1332 88.8000
psychological, such as attitude, personality, 1331
9 88.7333
achievement motivation, interest in learning,
10 1330 88.6667
learning independence, study habits , And others,
and (3) psychic maturity factor. External factors,
namely factors that come from outside include Even those whose academic abilities
social factors, culture, physical environment, and beyond the top ten, up to the fifteenth, also have
spiritual environment. Social factors include the a high average score of 88.5; 88.4; etc. Children
family environment, school, community. with the lowest academic ability, have a very
Cultural environment such as customs, and large average range with the highest average
physical environment include learning facilities. score. It is this student whose rote ability can not
Student seat conditioning is one of the external reach the set target. Juz Amma is the content of
factors that affect student achievement. The the Quran in juz 30. Ahmad (2013), someone
condition of student performance is determined who has a good Quran recitation, then the
by the people around him (Hong & Lee, 2011). learning achievement will increase. WS Winkel

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

expresses the learning achievement as a result of activities, the students will be able to show a
the learning process in the form of changes in the more solid academic activity. Parents can have a
field of knowledge or experience, the field of strong influence on various school outcomes, in
skills, the field of attitudes and values of a person terms of developing and maintaining positive
in learning. This means that the high level of a motivation, completing homework, helping
student's learning achievement is not at the high students with home studying tasks, good
value earned, but on the changes within him. preparation in learning and most importantly,
Therefore, the teacher must understand the parents' beliefs, expectations and experiences
characteristics of the student. Perhaps not only (Afolabi, 2014; Munirwan, 2015; Palar & Kallo,
students who have problems in their schools, but 2015; Perriel, 2015; Usher & Kober, 2012).
also the characteristics of each student in his There are many ways in which parents engage in
class, both from academic, social, and economic it, taking time to talk about activities at school,
conditions. In the case of students who have low such as learning what it is today. Another
academic ability, teachers will provide additional involvement is to assist them in completing
hours outside the school hours, for approximately homework, engaging in school council election,
1.5 to 2 hours are held for three days in a week. helping schools manage academic standards,
Teachers will always monitor their progress. The limiting time to watch TV shows in no more than
added material is about the material that has been two hours.
given in the class, so this extra hour just simply Parents feel the need to engage in the
repeats the material already delivered by giving educational activities of their children so that
further practice questions in different forms. they can encourage and encourage for the
The teacher understands the social and achievement of learning. Martin (2015) found
economic characteristics of the student through some reasons why parents of minority ethnic
family data, ie from work and parent income, groups were not involved in their children's
parental education, and with whom he lives. educational activities, because of low levels of
These conditions need to be understood by the education, language difficulties, time constraints,
teacher because the teacher must know and feeling undesirable.
everything that affects in learning. With such
knowledge, the teacher will be able to take an
appropriate action as a solution to solve the
Classroom management by Darul Falah
problems that occur in the students.
The management of the next class is to SDIT teacher in class III is done by physical and
establish communication with the parent / non physical management. Physical management
through seating arrangements, cleaning up
guardian, through a liaison book. This liaison
book serves as a communication medium classrooms, and arranging and setting up
between teacher and parent / guardian. The facilities, such as stationery, learning media,
learning resources. Non-physical management
teacher will write something, especially the
obligations that are not done by the students, such through activities: student management through
as not doing homework and not running the habituation, tadarus juz amma, understanding the
characteristics of each student, from academic,
Dhuha prayer and Dhuhr prayer. After school,
parents are expected to check what their children social, and economic conditions, establishing
are doing during school, and then follow up in the relationships with parents / guardians, and
form of a reprimand or advice to avoid it. creating learning conditions by habituation to be
But it turns out, not all parents / guardians honest, confident , And discipline in doing the
read and respond to the liaison as a form of their
involvement in the education of their sons and
daughters. This involvement is influenced by
socioeconomic conditions, educational ACKNOWLEDGMENT
background, parental confidence level, and
ethnicity. (Ratcliffe, 2006). Cole (2003) also We would like to thank SDIT Darul Falah
identifies that the relationship between parent Grogol, Solo Baru, Sukoharjo, who has taken the
and school is a good predictor of student time to know the condition of the school
achievement. In this case, the parent / guardian
has a position as a school partner. REFERENCES
Houtenvillenand Conway (2008), shows that
parental involvement has a positive influence on [1] WS Winkel, Psikologi Pendidikan dan
student achievement. When their parents, both Evaluasi Jakarta: Erlangga, 1984. hal.102.
mom and dad are involved in the day-to-day

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

[2] Slameto, Belajar dan Faktor-Faktor yang Motivation ? The George Washington
mempengaruhinya, Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, University, (2009), 1–14.
1995, hal. 102
[3] Martin J.A R & Melissa, Schools that Make
the Grade, Paulh Brookes, Baltimore
London Sydney, 2015.
[4] Rasdi Ekosiswoyo dan Maman Rachman.
Manajemen Kelas. Semarang : IKIP
Semarang Press, 2000.
[5] Afolabi, O. E. (2014). Parents involvement
in inclusive education: An empirical test for
the psycho-educational development of
learners with special educational needs
(SENs). International Journal of
Educational Administration and Policy
Studies, 6(10), 196–208.
[6] Hong, S. C., & Lee, J. (2011). Who is sitting
next to you? an analysis of peer effects
inside the classroom. Review Literature on
Educational Peer Effect, (February).
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profesional and personal skills. Ensayos:
Revista de La Facultad de Educación de
Albacete, (24), 35–46. Retrieved from
[8] Munirwan, U. (2015). Peranan Orang Tua
dalam Peningkatan Prestasi Belajar Anak.
Ilmiah Edukasi, 1(1), 20–28.
[9] Ngware, M. W., Ciera, J., Musyoka, P. K.,
& Oketch, M. (2013). The Influence of
Classroom Seating Position on Student
Learning Gains in Primary Schools in
Kenya. Creative Education, 4(11), 705–712.
[10] Palar, P. M., & Kallo, V. D. (2015). Anak
Usia Sekolah Di Sdn Inpres I Tumaratas
Kecamatan Langowan Barat. Ejournal
Keperawatan, 3.
[11] Perriel, Y. M. (2015). Parental Involvement
and Academic Achievement : A Case Study.
IASL 2015 Proceedings.
[12] Szparagowski, R. (2014). Effects of Altering
Student Seating Position on Student
Learning in an 8th Grade Mathematics
Classroom. Spring, 115.
[13] Usher, A., & Kober, N. (2012). What Roles
Do Parent Involvement , Family
Background , and Culture Play in Student

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Ronny Setiawan
Semarang State University
[email protected]

Character education is education which aims to improve the quality and results of education that leads to a
good character and personality. Someone who has a good personality will positively impact to the
surrounding environment. It was by observing the values in character education such as religious,
responsibility, tolerance, and others. In Indonesia, the character education given at various level formal
schools ranging from elementary school to middle school. For example there are books with characters
education content in a variety of subjects at school. However, there are still many young people in Indonesia
who are lacking in character education. Based on the data of KPAI that perpetrators of violence by young
people has increased. By 2015 there are 79 cases of children who become perpetrators of violence. This
suggests that an individual is not only influenced by the environment in the school, but also the environment
outside of school. In the current era, the use of smartphones in the world. Android operating system users
is increasing rapidly, especially for the younger generation. BOCHE is an Android-based application that
contains about character education. There are two main content on this application namely learn and mini-
games. Learn is content that contain material about the character education while mini-games is educational
game which contain the values of character. BOCHE is an interactive application, easy to use, and consists
of interesting content. The method of collecting data uses review of literature. This research aims to develop
application and introduce the values of character education to the younger generation.
Keywords: Android, Application, Character Education, Innovative

who become perpetrators of violence.

Furthermore based on the police noted that the
Education is a planned venture in which a data from the entire report cases of violence, 30%
person embodying the atmosphere of learning of which were performed by the children, and the
and the learning process to develop potential violence of 48% occurred in the school
actively. The process of learningin education environment with varied motifs and levels
started from an early age. This can be seen by the (Hertinjung, 2013).This suggests that an
existence of formal schools like the playground, individual is not only influenced by the
primary or secondary school. Mentioned also that environment in the school, but also the
education is key to achieving a maturity. environment outside of school.
Nowadays, education is closely related to In the current era, the use of smartphones in
the character of the person. The character of an Indonesia greatly improved especially on the
individual formed since he was small due to the Android operating system. Android is an open
influence of genetics and environment. The source operating system developed by Google
process of the formation of character, whether Inc. use of Android devices itself consists of a
realized or not will affect the way that looked at wide range of ages, from children to adult
from an individual themselves in their societies. However, the development of the
surroundings and will be reflected in the daily Android operating system still felt less than
behavior (Chrisiana W, 2005). optimal, especially in educational applications.
In Indonesia itself, the implementation of Based on the foregoing, the need for an Android-
character education are still considered based education application which aims to
insufficient. Based on the data that develop character education for the younger
perpetrators of violence by young people has generation in Indonesia.
increased. By 2015 there are 79 cases of children

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

applications. Android is an operating system for

smartphones and tablets. The operating system
Character Education
can be illustrated as a ' liaison ' between the
Character education is education which
device and the user, so the user can interact with
aims to improve the quality of organizing and
the devicenya and run the applications available
educational outcomes that lead to the
on the device. Android is an operating system
achievement of moral character's formation and
which is open source. Called open source
began the students as a whole, integrated, and
because the source code of the Android operating
balanced. Character education is education that
system can be viewed, downloaded, and
involves the cognitive aspects, feelings, and
modified freely. This makes it easy for the open
actions aimed at improving the quality of the
source paradigm in the development of the
process and results of the education by forming
Android technology because interested parties
behavior of learners involves the noble (Muslich,
will contribute, both on the development of an
application or operating system (Satyaputra et al,
According to Judiani (2011:282), the
function of education consists of three characters,
namely as the development, improvement and
In the mobile device (smartphone and
filter. Development, i.e. the development of an
android), the operating system that the current
individual to be personally well behaved,
market is Android. According to market share
especially for individuals who already have the
data from Gartner Inc. in 2013, Android holds a
attitude and behaviour that reflects the character
79% smartphone market share around the world.
of the nation. Repair, namely, strengthening the
The second place is occupied by the iOS i.e.
participation of national education responsible
14.2% and followed by the Windows Phone
for the development of potential learners are
operating system that is 3.3%. Other than that
more dignified. Filters, namely to select their
based on data from by 2015, Android
own nation's culture and the culture of other
ranked first with percentage 82.8% market share
nations which do not comply with the values a
around the world while the second position with
dignified character.
iOS percentage 13.6% of the windows phone
Character education refers to a series of
operating system and ranked third with
attitudes, motivation, behavior,
percentage of 2.6%. This suggests that the
sertaketerampilan. In this case, character
development of the android operating system
education has the same meaning and essence
very rapidly, especially for the younger
with moral education and moral education. The
goal is to form a personality, that it may be an
individual that is good for the environment. As
App Inventor
for the criteria of an individual that is good for
App Inventor is a web-based application
the surrounding environment in general have a
developed by Google (released December 15,
particular social values, which are heavily
2010), where the research originally done by
influenced by popular culture and her people
Google with the intention of as computing
(Mustopa et al, 2016).
education on online development environment.
In Indonesia today, the implementation of
App Inventor shaped Web application that allows
character education more done in a formal
users to create applications that are qualified and
school. One is to insert the content of character
can be used on android-based mobile phone by
education on the student Worksheet on certain
understanding the concept of programming
subjects. It is judged less effective because of the
without having to master a programming
content of character education in the book bulum
language as a whole. It can be said that the App
optimally serves the values of character
Inventor is an "application" to create Android
education. With the development of today's
applications with browser, all the projects that we
digital media presence is indispensable, or the
create can be stored online that helps us to
application that contains the values of character
develop it gradually, without having to do some
coding, but enough with drag and drop (Putra et
Android is an operating system developed
by Google Inc. for linux-based mobile devices
that includes an operating system, middleware Research Design
and applications. Android provides an open This research is a descriptive research.
platform for developers to create their Descriptive research is one of the type of basic

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

research to describe phenomena, include non- it is connected with the young generations who
fiction or fiction (Sukmadinata 2012:72). The faced gadget addicted.
purpose of this research is to make sistematic,
factual, accurate descriptive about facts and
characteristic of population in the certain object.
The steps in this research are (1) to identificate The result of this research is the Android-
the significant problem to be solved (2) to limit based application named BOCHE which are used
in learning process for the young generation can
and formulate the problem (3) to determine
purpose and objective of the research (4) to do build character value. According to Putra et al, by
review literature (4) to collect, organize, and 2016, as for web-based applications that can be
used to create android applications is app
analyse the data with relevant statistic technique
(6) to make research report. inventor. On the use of app inventor is required
to login through your Google account users. The
Subject Of The Study
following is a flowchart from BOCHE
Research publish that
perpetrators of violence by young people has application.
increased. By 2015 there are 79 cases of children
who become perpetrators of violence.
Furthermore based on the police noted that the
data from the entire report cases of violence, 30%
of which were performed by the children, and the
violence of 48% occurred in the school
environment with varied motifs and levels. This
suggests that the lack of character education on
the young generation

Method Of Collecting Data

The method of collecting data uses review
of literature. It is one of the method of collecting
data with accumulating and analysing
documents, includes written, pictures or
electronic documents. The following figure is the
review of literature of the study.

Steps Of The Study

Steps of the study from this research are
planning, doing, and collecting data.
Figure 1. Flowchart of BOCHE application
In this research, the research collects and Early Appearance Of The User Interface
learn literature books which relate to the
problem. Those books are book of the character
education, and Android application. Moreover,
the researchers search data through internet and
collect the related theories.

In this step, the data has been collected to
be corpus. Then, the researcher do a electronic
study to test the accurate of corpus. After the
testing step done, its result become the main data.

Collecting Data
In this research, researchers arrange and
process of main data, then clarify it based on the
character of application. After that, the data is
analysed further by identificating character value Figure 2. User Interface Of BOCHE
in the application including the mini-game. Then

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

In the first display of the user interface of username and password. After both of them filled
the application, there is the option to create an out press OK to to the next part.
account or log in first. In addition, on the bottom
there is the language setting that can be adjusted. The Main Menu

Account Sign-In User Interface Overview

Figure 3. Main Menu Of Application

On the main Menu, there are five menu

namely Learn, mini-games, about and Exit.
Figure 2. Account Sign-in User Interface

On the display of the sign-in user interface

your account there are two required fields are the


Figure 4. Learn Menu

On the menu made up of basic material the meaning of character education and also there
about the character education. The definition is are the values of character education. Based on

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Juliani in 2010 there are 18 values of character

Table 1. The Values of Character Education and Description
No Value Description
1 Religious Attitudes and behaviours that comply in carrying out the
teachings of the religion adhered, tolerant of other faiths,
execution and life get along well with other religions.
2 Honest Behavior that is based on the effort of making himself as
someone who can always be trusted in the word, action, and
3 Tolerance Attitudes and actions that respect differences of religion,
tribe, ethnicity, of opinions, attitudes, and actions of others
who are different from themselves.
4 Discipline Action which shows the behaviour of an orderly and obedient
at various conditions and regulations.
5 Hard Work Behavior that shows an earnest effort in overcoming the
various barriers to learning and assignments, as well as a job
as well as possible.
6 Creative Thinking and doing something to make the way or new
results from something that has been owned.
7 Standalone Attitude and behaviour that is not easily depending on others
to complete tasks.
8 Democratic How to think, behave, and act the same rate that the rights
and obligations of himself and others.
9 Curiosity Attitudes and actions are always striving to know more
profound and pervasive than anything he had learned, seen,
and heard.
10 The Spirit Of The Nationality Ways of thinking, acting, and insightful that puts the interests
of the nation and the country above the interests of himself
and his group.
11 Love The Motherland The way of thinking, being, and doing that show of loyalty,
awareness, and appreciation toward the language, the
physical environment, social, culture, economy, and politics
of the nation.
12 Appreciating The Achievements Attitudes and actions that encourage him to produce
something useful for the community, and recognizes, as well
as respect for other people's success.
13 Friendly/Communicative Action that shows a sense of love to talk, hang out, and
working with others.
14 Love Peace Attitudes, words, and actions that cause others to feel happy
and secure over the presence of himself.
15 An Avid Reader The custom of providing a time to read the various readings
which give virtue for him.
16 Care For The Environment Attitudes and actions that are always working to prevent
damage to the surrounding natural environment, and
developing efforts to repair the damage that has already
17 Social Care Attitudes and actions that always want to give help to other
people and communities in need.
18 Responsibility Attitude and behavior of a person to perform the duties and
obligations, which he should do, towards oneself, society,
environment (natural, social and cultural), country and God.

In addition, there are examples menu which games consist of several levels with different
contains animated content or video that describes levels of difficulty. success in any game can be
the behavior of the educational values of the monitored through the score on each level.

on the mini-games menu there are two BOCHE (Build Our Character Education)
application that have applied in children learning
educational games include Question & Quiz and
Puzzzle. Question & Quiz about the questions can introduce the character education and build
which related to character education. This characteristic values. In addition with the
advancement of technology, the use of this
includes questions concerning everyday events
based on behavior, personality and social. application on the Android operating system is an
Furthermore there is a puzzle game which innovative solution to be used by younger
contains the game images. Each game on mini-

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

[1] Chrisiana W, “Upaya Penerapan Pendidikan
Karakter Bagi Mahasiswa (Studi Kasus di
Jurusan Teknik Industri Uk Petra),” in
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Bullying Di Sekolah Dasar,” in Prosiding
Seminar Nasional Parenting: 450 – 458.
[3] Juliani S, “Implementasi Pendidikan
Karakter di Sekolah Dasar Melalui
Penguatan Pelaksanaan Kurikulum,” Jurnal
Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Vol. 16, Edisi
Khusus III, Oktober 2010.
[4] 2015. Pelaku Kekerasan
Terhadap Anak Tiap Tahun Meningkat.
Accessed on April 23th 2017 from
[5] Masnur Muslich. (2011). Pendidikan
Karakter Menjawab Tantangan Krisis
Multidimensial Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
[6] Mustopa et al, “Pengembangan Aplikasi
Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Karakter Dalam
Kitab Al-Akhlaq Lil Banin Berbasis
Android,” in Jurnal Algoritma Sekolah
Tinggi Teknologi Garut Vol. 13 No. 1 2016:
309 – 314.
[7] Putra et al, “Game Edukasi Berbasis
Android Sebagai Media Pembelajaran
Untuk Anak Usia Dini,” in Jurnal
Informatika Merdeka Pasuruan Vol.1, No.1
Maret 201 : 450 – 458.
[8] Satyaputra et al. (2010). Let’s Build Your
Android Apps with Android Studio. Jakarta:
Elex Media Komputindo.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Agus Purnomo1, I Dewa Putu Eskasasnanda2, Nevy Farista Aristin3
State University Of Malang, 3 Lambung Mangkurat University
[email protected], 2 [email protected], 3 [email protected]

This article aims to explore the application of mobile learning (m-learning) in teaching at the college. M-
learning is learning that promote the concept of flexibility. These advantages can overcome the
disadvantages of electronic learning (e-learning) that while this is seen as an additional supplement to the
regular teaching at the State University of Malang. This study uses a relatively risk analysis to see the trend
of m-learning opportunities in the future. Its population is students of social studies education program,
with a purposive sample technique to determine three of the eight classes. The result shows that smart
phones are connected to the network has become part of everyday life. If it is removed when the learning
takes place then it will limit one source of information that can be accessed by learners. Utilization as a
controlled learning environment is an attempt to avoid deviations. Maximum utilization can make m-
learning into a stretch zone, meaning they learn outside the comfort zone because they feel challenged and
interested in learning offered. Increased the challenge in learning is necessary so that learners stay
motivated. Then it would be wise if the smart phone is incorporated in the learning environment learners.
But if this new learning environment is not managed properly will be a distraction during the learning
process. Inability to manage this new learning environment will build the perception of educators that smart
phones have only negative side during the learning process.
Keywords: m-learning, learning environment, stretch zones

create a learning environment according to the

needs of a modern, diverse learners where
Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) and educators involve participants in various
smart phones evolve in tandem with advances in activities such as interaction, collaboration,
communications technology. Various types of conversation and problem solving (Kukulska-
use in education has been carried out, such as Hulme, Agnes. 2007). The Internet allows e-
teaching the language to use short message learning to be part of the art for distance
services (Cavus, Nadire and Ibrahim, Dogan, education worldwide and m-learning will be the
2008), vocabulary and practice questions and next generation of distance education (Sarrab,
answers (Douglas, McConatha, et al., 2008), and Mohamed, et al. 2012).
a lot of experiential learning situations and Mobile device that can be carried and used
problem solving. everywhere by learners access to knowledge
Mobile devices (smart phones and PDAs) anytime and anywhere. Now the use of smart
become much more affordable option than a phones as a means of learning started to become
desktop computer to meet the learning needs. a lifestyle (Peter, Kristine. 2007). The main
Mobile learning or short term m-learning refers target of the next generation of education systems
to the use of communication devices, such as cell by using modern technology to provide new
phones, laptops, PDAs and tablet PC technology, learning techniques, training and education that
in training, learning, and teaching. M-learning is is accessible and available to everyone.
a technique that uses mobile and wireless Although m-learning began to be used to
technology for education and training. M- support a variety of learning activities there is not
learning allows educators to incorporate their much research done to know the requirements of
learning experience in a collaborative the student or understand the types of mobile
environment (Farooq, U, et al. 2002). Today, the applications that need the students to use on their
Internet and world wide web (www) has mobile devices and how software can be
improved the learning activities. Providing a high designed to support education in an educational
level of interaction between student and teacher environment (Singh, Devinder and Olive AB
educators geographically separated. In fact, the 2006).
Internet is not just a way to distribute and State University of Malang in 2016 started
distributing knowledge and learning content, but working electronic educational calling, e-learing.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Education is packaged in a blended learning that Lower Upper

combines the benefits of a combination of Odds Ratio for smart phone
1,018 , 273 3,796
(Yes / No)
education-face and online model (Dwiyogo. For cohort Facility = Yes 1,004 , 733 1,376
2016). In practice, this education is still seen as For cohort Facility = No , 986 , 363 2,684
an additional supplement. Limitations in terms of N of Valid Cases 50
facilities, capabilities, and study habits of Source: Processing of primary data in 2016
students made a lot of problems in
implementation. On the basis of the rational then Intrepetasi results of the analysis above
this article will discuss how the implementation, suggests that education that does not use a smart
opportunities, and challenges of m-learning. phone or use the same opportunity in facilitating
student seeking information. They still rely on
information from educators. Only a few models
of education that requires them to find
This study used quantitative analysis information in the classroom are able to make
techniques odds ratios. Odd ratio is a simple smart polsel into a learning environment for
analysis of the results of the cross tabulation to them.
calculate the probability of such events in the This calculation technique is accurate
future (A Westergren et. Al. 2001). Interview enough to describe how participants' perceptions
techniques used to complete the description of of educators on their smart phones and whether
data. Variables were measured using cross the facility mempu facilitate their learning
tabulation is (1) Perceptions of students using activities. The reason is that the analysis is
smart phones in the classroom, and (2) Is the use equally compare the proportion of each column
of smart phones can facilitate learning activities. of the matrix in the cross tabulations. So that not
only illustrates the tendency but also able to
generate predictions of opportunities this
Participants educator at the State University relationship between two variables in the future.
of Malang tendency to have a smart phone. The
use of smart phones to facilitate their
communication and information needs. The use Communication devices such as smart
of smart phones to search for information (source phones, laptops and PDAs with wireless network
learning) is a new learning environment (Berge, connection to facilitate m-learning. M-learning
Zane. 2007). allows learners and educators to go beyond the
This new learning environment will traditional classroom. Communication devices
intersect with the two aspects, namely educators provides the ability to increase flexibility and
and learners. Many educators in the State offer new interaction opportunities. Benefits of
University of Malang who realize that the smart m-learning are as follows:
phone is a new learning environment. But only a
few are entering the learning environment in the i. Access to information anytime.
class. Poor understanding of the use of new ii. Access anywhere for content.
technologies in the learning environment by iii. Support of distance education.
learners coupled with the limitations of educators iv. Can improve participant-centered
to maximize its potential to produce the education educator.
perception that e-learning or m-learning is only v. Supporting the differentiation of students'
supplements alone. learning needs and personal education.
Table 1. A cross tabulation between vi. to promote interaction among learners or
perception using smart phones in education by educators by educators participants.
educators and smart phones can facilitate the vii. Reduce the barriers of culture and
perception of education. communication.
Agree Using smart phone Can Facilitate
(connected to the network) Education amount M-learning is a natural extension of E-
in Education Yes No learning. One of the main benefits of m-learning
Yes 16 5 21 is likely to increase the productivity of learners
No 22 7 29 to make knowledge and education available
50 anytime and anywhere, and allow it to participate
Source: Processing of primary data in 2016 in learning activities without restriction of place
Table 2. Analysis of odds ratios and time. M-learning performance support with
Risk Estimate easy access to information, which can directly
95% Confidence
Value Interval
affect the performance of educators participants

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

in the learning environment (Cramton, Ragusa, conveyed (Sulisworo, Dwi, et al. 2014).
and Cavanagh, 2012). However, most learners have still have the
perception that they are a major source of
M-learning to manage different learning
knowledge in learning activities. A similar
needs, in which ideally is intended to allow
perception is on the student. They still assume
learners to gain knowledge at their own pace. M-
that the main source of information comes from
learning boost two-way interaction where it
supports direct communication between learners
and their educators. M-learning is also
encouraged learners are embarrassed or hesitant
to communicate more easily than in a classroom.
The above opportunities come together
with challenges. At least the identification of
external factors that the biggest obstacle is of
rapid technological developments so difficult to
offset by the development of education. Degget
(1992) says that the world our children stay nati
will change four times faster than the current
Internal factors consist of two variables,
namely educators and learners. Here are
descriptions of the challenges of the external
factors. Figure 1. (a) The perception of the position of
Table 3. Challenges of m-learning from internal educator at the State University of Malang in m-
factors learning, (b) The position of educators who
No Variable Educator Learners
should be in m-learning
1 Resources Some learners Learners
still consider undergoing Good facilitation in m-learning, educators
that the involution,
educator is the meaning that
must be actively involved in all developments
main source of they consider student (Sturisno, Ashari and Eko Istiyanto, Jazi.
information in themselves 2009). Limited ability to access it will be an
learning already doing obstacle in education. Because of the limitations
Activities student center
but what is done
of m-learning was finally brought into the regular
is still teacher classroom as an additional supplement. Some
center educators were able to use to facilitate the
2 Devices Learners have Learners still characters of this instant generation (Purnomo et
not been able to lack motivate
maximize their educators to use
al. 2016). But that can not maximize the potential
device as a new the new learning of these devices that they use would be a
learning environment nuisance.
environment, (devices
they are still connected to the Educator participants' perceptions of the
waiting for Internet) devices they have still limited to the means of
instructions communication. That functionality is already
Source: Processing of primary data in 2016 well understood and fluent they use to interact
with people far away, and it becomes addictive.
Many who use the device interaction when
The biggest challenge of the learning takes place. This is what being a bully
implementation of m-learning at the University and a compelling reason for educators to prohibit
of Malang is a rigid system. To-face meetings 16 use of devices for learning.
times must be performed by learners in the
classroom.Regulations provide opportunities for M-learning is an opportunity to motivate
online classes twice. Odds are it while still seen learners that support learning with waste their
as an extra supplement when learners can not go time, anywhere and anytime. The State
to class because of the additional task or duty. University of Malang has been facilitated for two
meetings using the online system. However, the
Educator positions in m-learning as a limited ability of educators manage m-learning
facilitator between the information that must be classes make it just be a supplement in a credible

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

form of learning. In fact, if it can be maximized Research in Open and Distributed Learning
device connected to the Internet network can be Journal.Vol 8. No 2. 2007.
a new learning environment that supports student
[8] A Westergren et. al. (2001). Informastion
education center.
Point: Odd Ratio. Journal of Clinical
Nursing. 2001. Blackwell Science Ltd.
[9] Dwiyogo, Wasis D. (2016). Pembelajaran
Thanks to the students of Social Studies
Berbasis Blended Learning. Modul
Program, Faculty of Social Sciences, State
Pelatihan Blended LearingUniversitas
University of Malang for his willingness to be the
Negeri Malang, LP3 UM. Tidak diterbitkan
subject of this research.
[10] Berge, Zane. (2007). Students' Expectations
and the Online Educational Experience.
International Review of Research in Open
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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


A. Gathut Bintarto T.
Indonesia Institute of The Arts, Yogyakarta e-mail: bintarto [email protected]

The psalms is one of the responsorial song types on Catholic Church ritual. It is usually sung by one of the
choir singer chosen by the choristers or merely by the choir conductor. The actual background of this
research is found in the resemblance situation faced by the classical singer that the psalmist have to make
a solo singing performance in front of public. The research is based on the findings of weekly routine cases
in performing the psalm. As the psalmist is freely chosen by the leader of the choir, they are usually lacking
of preparation. The common constraints happened in their services are related to the problem of striking
the right notes, breathy and out of tune voice, and nervous feeling caused by unpredictable situation as the
psalmist made different tempo preparation from the accompanist or organist. Subject on this research are
restricted on the psalmist members, men or women, who has passed their puberty period and has an adult
voice character. The developmental approach in a one by one direction method is chosen to make a
betterment concept in understanding their performing situation. During the research period, the selected
psalmists were introduced to the basic concept of vocal cord mechanism, healthy supported breathing, and
basic knowledge of music theory such as pitch, keys, rhythm, and voice range. The important improvements
found in this research are found on the comfort feeling to execute the high notes that never trained before,
understanding to make a proportional warming up and elaborating the detailed elements of the psalms music
to overcome their nervous and strengthen their confidence
Keywords: psalmist, singing, techniques, improvement

The authors of the book further stated that

the psalmist should have to prepare himself well,
The Eucharist Mass is a worship of the to understand the content, form, and the
Catholic Church liturgy containing at least 12 atmosphere of psalms so that he can carry it well.
songs or hymns. Among the twelve songs, there Someone who served as the psalmist is expected
are certain partthat is sung in a solo voice by to at least have a fairly loud voice and can sing or
liturgical officers called the psalmist. The song is recite the chorus part and the verses of the psalm
commonly referred to Responsorial Psalm and response steadily, loud enough and clear in front
Alleluia. Martasudjita and Kristanto in their book of the parish members.
entitled A Guide to Choose The Liturgical Songs The psalmist role is leading the parish
stated that the psalmist sing or recite psalms as people to provide response on the reading of first
the response to the reading of the scripture. He scripture. The most perfect place to bring the
can also sing the verse as an introduction to the responsorial psalm was on the podium, however,
gospel. (2007: 72) if it is not available pulpit then psalmist is placed
at appropriate place that can be seen by people
(Martasudjita & Kristanto; 2007: 72) This role
given some consequences, namely that as an
officer of the liturgy who was in charge of
leading the response to the reading of the holy
Bible in front of people, he or she at least
mastersthe tones of the psalm that will be
imitated again by the people and has enough self-
confidence to sing it.
The real situation that happened on that
Figure 1. Antiphon and Verses of Responsorial liturgical duty is that the psalmist officers
Psalms generally chosen from members of the choir of a
specific community that get scheduled on weekly

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Mass. The member chosen to be the psalmist are discussions.The developmental research
generally appointed by the choir leader who at type from Watanabe’s (1967: 5) is used as
least have to know and consider the singing the basic method of research.The selected
capacity of the selected person. This member at psalmists (6-7 persons over at least 30
least have enough courage to sing in front of members) were given the direction to
people. Limited knowledge and experience in improve their singing abilities through a
solo singing activity coupled with the lack of series of activities in a structured
preparation caused some unexpected moments observation and practice singing. The
such as missing to strike the right notes, the voice method are made in an action research
becomes hoarse or shaking, even in a certain scheme described by Paul Suparno in his
moments, the psalmist then stopped and resumed book entitled Action Research for Teachers
with different notes blindly. Observations of the and Educators (2008: 4-5) He noted that
psalmist tasks in this research conducted at the
some researchers like Kemmis and Mc
Catholic Church of St. Franz Xavier Loji Kidul,
Taggart explains the type of research acts as
Yogyakarta. Initial findings indicate that the
a form of collective selfreflection which in
church was located in the center of the city and
this case is done to improve singing quality
has thequite largenumber of potential psalmist.
However, this parish require specific treatment of the psalmist.
onthe issues related to the preparation and Variables that will be reviewed in this study
direction of existing psalmistsand regeneration of were the basic knowledge of reviewing the
the psalmist officers who still need a lot of psalm, the singing constraints encountered by the
experience to make a well prepared service. participants and the impact of the given
Based on the above facts, the issues examined by solutionon the psalmist services.
this study are related to three aspects. The first is This research was conducted through two
related to the singing techniques constraints faced phases: observation of current conditions
by the psalmist St. Franz Xavier Loji Kidul in experienced by the psalmist and make the initial
Yogyakarta. The second is related to the documentation and structured evaluation phase
anticipation to overcome the technical obstacles conducted by researcher together with the
of the psalmist's vocals both practically and in a selected participant. At this stage of the research,
longer period of time. The third is related to the the gradual evaluation are made to determine the
development of musical competence carried out constraints faced by each participant. This is
in stages to support the optimization of psalmist related to the bettermentof singing practice and
service. systematically efforts to follow up the particular
cases of singing.The conclusion carried out
within the framework of the psalmist
improvement and preparation to anticipate of the
This research is based on the problems next service after they underwent a series of
encountered by the psalmist of St. Franz Xavier evaluations and technical briefing of singing.
Catholic Church Kidul Loji Yogyakarta and used The data analysis are performed by the
the action research approach. This study will practice achievements made by the psalmist.The
produce research data that can be used for assessment of learning outcomes and impression
practical purposes, namely: that is expressed by the psalmist during the
a. to determine the current condition of process of data collection will be taken into
psalmist’s activities in Catholic Church St. consideration in the process of provision of
Franz Xavier Kidul Loji, material relating to the next service tasks.
b. 2. to determine the form of vocal effective
treatment for the psalmist Catholic Church
St. Franz Xavier Loji Kidul,
c. 3. and to determine the impact of the The psalmist is the person chosen from the
provision of musical practice in a structured choir members that were given additional duty
knowledge in enhancing the potential of the The involvement as a psalmist is based on the
psalmist musicality. The population of observation that is generally done by choir
research are the selected psalmists who are conductor who then see their potential to be able
members of the Church of St. Franz Xavier to sing in solo style. Their selection is based on
Kidul Loji. The detailed singing problems their ability to strike the right note as they sing in
faced by the psalmist are gathered fromthe the choir. The experience as soloist could even
documentation of the services and individual say very minimal because in general, the songs
notes from the psalmist group

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

used and practiced in a choir are rarely using the This causes discrepancies of tempo that
solo part. often can not be easily anticipated between
The constraints that commonly occured to the psalmist and accompanist.
the psalmist are associated with minimum d. The psalm which prepared with quick tempo
knowledge and concern to the musical signs that by the psalmist can not be adjust
are supposed to be deeply comprehend. The immediately as the accompanist make it in a
structure of the psalm is a song with the numbers slower tempo in his preparation. The result
of bars between 2-16 and has a catchy melodic is the psalm carried out of context in
pattern to be sung. This Psalm is using certain according to the message to be conveyed in.
scale and is specifically arranged with a certain e. A common obstacle faced by the psalmist is
melodic pattern. Some of them are made based that he often felt the introduction tone of the
on traditional melodic patterns that are used in a
accompaniment was too high to be attacked.
specific area in Indonesia.The others are using a
This case adds to the list of anticipation that
pattern that refers to the melodic scales of the
must be faced by the psalmist. Some parts of
Gregorian chants. After the psalmist sang the
the refrain can not be performed perfectly
refrain, immediately that part is repeated by the
congregation. The psalmist then would sing the and the psalmist should recite psalm with an
verses that generally have a long sentences uncomfortable feeling.
written between 2-4 lines, but generally ranges f. The psalmist are the ordinary person that
from 4 lines. After each verse, the chorus would does not have sufficient technical singing
be sung back together with the congregation. The skill. They almost never trained their
number of verses that are provided in a psalm are breathing control, even it can be said that
four verses. But at this Frans Xavier’s Church, they do not care about these things when
The Church Ministry generally agreed that bringing the psalm.
the psalmist would only sing three verses of the g. The have minimum knowledge of
entire paragraph that has been provided in the coordinating of the muscles of the vocal
book of psalms. cord. They are almost never realize to make
The real situation shows that the songs sung a preparation as a soloist. It can be said that
by the psalmist indeed are relatively easier when they are only singing psalm based on the
compared to the songs used in worship. The knowledge that they can understand.
relatively short refrain lead to a habituation that Besides, they also never get a lesson about
this song is simply prepared only if the psalmist the use of imagination in singing psalms.
was going to carry out their duties. It can be said
that the psalmist rarely give special attention to
the detail of the psalm parts.
Most of the psalmist are rarely doing the The psalmist in general can actually be seen
preparation exercise with the as a soloist with the capacity to chant the
organist or accompanist because the responsorial psalm. They are mostly taken from
song is relatively easy and the tone is not too members of the choir who has natural singing
difficult to be sight read. However, there are talent and courage to appear in the podium.The
occurrences showing that there are several things minimum knowledge of music and vocal training
that are not expected to happen: did not deter them to perform the singing service
a. The psalmist rarely concerned the detail of because inevitably they have to be be ready when
psalm to be expressed. The sentence is they got the turn to be a
cutted not in the place where it should be. psalmist. The psalmist at St. Franz Xavier
b. Some of the psalmist with limited Kidul Loji Yogyakarta can be considered as the
preparation are missing to strike the right beginner in learning singing techniques so that
notes on certain places. This leads to a researcher could make observations about
various vocal cases they faced in performing the
situation that can not be anticipated quickly
by an accompanist who then have no choice
Richard R. Terry in his book entitled
instead to follow the new tone made by the
Catholic Church Music reviews about two main
psalmist. This situation sometimes lowered
things pertaining to the church music. The things
the level of confidence of the Psalmist. are about the music itself and how to deliver the
c. The limited time to meet and to make a music. (1907: 81) The review relates to customs
proper preparation with an accompanist tend of the liturgical officers in managing the church
to lead the psalmist did their own personal music and bringing the music to accompany the
preparation with limited control of pitch. mass. The psalmist as an active actors of church

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

music who are familiar with a routine schedule requires a positive suggestion and actions in
feel that the music activities they do in church is order to demonstrate their ability to achieve their
something that is done automatically for they optimum capacity in giving their best
already done so many times. It often happens that performance to serve the people.
their service is done without preparation at all and Singing activities as a skill that is ultimately
they do not feel burdened at all with this. This form a habit so that the trained voice become
routine activities blunting their musical ready to use and meet the comfort and pleasant
sensibilities against the executions to strike right criteria. Maribeth Bunch Dayme, one of vocal
tone, and even they do not pay attention seriously expert who wrote the book entitled Dynamics of
to this musical matters. The service without the Singing Voice (2009: 31-34) emphasize a few
preparation means that they just rely on custom things that need to be known by a singer in
music / singing without proper evaluation. bringing their voices. They are:
Besides that, the lack of singing exercise a. Coordination
becomes one problem The tone adjustment with The ability of coordination
accompanistt even conducted shortly before presupposes that a singer can manage
advancing to the pulpit. their physiological factors, mental and
To be the psalmist becomes tantamount emotional perfectly.
to build a skill. Meanwhile on the other hand the b. Spontaneity
skill that built is related to coordinate the muscles The ability of the singers
of the vocal cords work and even the muscles of spontaneity is determined by the nature
the brain. Being the psalmist is as well as build of which is formed during their practice.
an awareness that good sound is produced from If this thing is associated with the
the right imagination about striking a tone that psalmist then it concerns with the best
was delivered. Many little things are taken into singing preparation and the thorough
account in establishing the imagination like understanding of the contents of the
setting deep breath in carrying carries a long responsorial psalm.
sentence would be an important factor in c. The artistic dimension The
providing the execution of sound which are development of the ability to sing
desired. psalms sparked a passion to love
Nancy Telfer an expert vocal of singing activities and dedicate more
America reiterated a statement in early writings time to put singing activities into the
on the successful warming up in singing. She main priority.
stated that Each voice is unique: a gift to explore The singing skill make them
and develop (Telfer, 1995: 3) It is confirmed that possible in allowing them to see their
the learning vocal for any reasons included in own potential from different sides.
shaping the voice of the psalmist basically refers
to the uniqueness of each individual. Therefore Singing requires a wide range of knowledge
paying attention on every aspect of singing about musicianship, song style, knowledge of the
become the primary focus. Clippinger in his book language, the self development ability and
entitled The Clippinger Class Method of Voice communication skills. Being aware of the
Culture (1932: 1) also confirmed that the capabilities they can best develop in singing
development of the singer's voice can be could grow the spirit to explore the potential of
categorized into two main topics, namely: their singing ability and give their best efforts in
a. Development of a musical mentality every opportunity.
b. Development of a correct setting of vocal

Singing in front of crowds like done by the

psalmist in front of the parish members can be Anticipation of the constraints faced by
said is a musical show that needs to be prepared. the psalmist is to provide an overview of the
Basically, the psalmist has had a very appropriate technical challenges of singing that are contained
place to learn their skills to perform in public in each psalm. However despite the psalm refrain
space. The routine service schedules make them that being sung every week weekly and quite well
see the inappropriateness of shooting the tone, memorised, interpretation of the psalm is not
singing with minimum expression and a variety always easily done by the Psalmist itself. They
of unpreparedness which they do become a always find that every psalm that they bring is
common practice because they feel they are like bringing a new song that needs to be given
professional musician. This way of thinking some information that can be used as a guide to

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

them in anticipation of psalms they will bring. eventually they stopped singing with the
Here are the things that becomes a thought to reason "I can not sing". A description of the
anticipate the various technical constraints faced mentally blocked is used to illustrate the
psalmist: challenge for the participants because in
a. Before giving exposure to the anticipation reality they are indeed have minimum
that can be done by the psalmist, first the rehearsal experiences as the psalmist and ask
meeting is held in order to discuss the them to think that they could sing but just
background or motivation that lead them have not been trained properly.
into a psalmist activites. The initial intention d. Participants are invited to observe and
or motivation to become a psalmist needs to search carefully any information contained
know and contemplate first because it can in each
serve as the basis for developing the desire c.
of the participants to sing better. psalm and shows that every
b. The beginning of the meeting is used to song is created using a range of
provide an overview of the unique sounds of common ambitus of human voice
the typical human-related activities of without any special training.
singing. One possible way to show the They briefed that the discomfort
uniqueness of these is through the video feeling occured when singing the
content from Youtube website provides a psalm and in certain occasions is
description of an ability to make voice that common. The participants are
can be created by humans through their given an explanation of the range
vocal cords. These videos are: of human voice that is used as a
1) Video Greg Pritchard of Britain's Got material for composing psalms.

The lack of technical information and

guidance to the tasks and constraints of becoming
a psalmist need an activities that requires a
continuous awareness of the importance
of singing prepaarations and performance of the
vocal organs
d. in the process of singing. This fact
Figure 2. Greg Pritchard has the counter tenor inspired to give sufficient knowledge of music to
voice the psalmist and solutions that can be done as a
(His voice has a female character) long term anticipation. These activities considering the power of thinking logically and
2) Video Female to male singing voice. the priority to give most neede technical solution
(source: b. required by the psalmist. Some activities were then carried out as follows:
bKMWC accordance with the verses mentioned in the
9ow22U psalm.
3) Video Choir Advertisement of Honda Settling habits to repeat the exercises and
Civic Source: performed with disciplines until the participants have a confidence in bringing a psalm. This is
gjy WP2LfbyQ related to the mastery of lyrics that are used in the
melody. This is requiring the adaptation process
It becomes a trigger for and would not be possible without a discipline of
respondents to open up to the thought regarding the interpretation and
various challenges to be faced in application to the song while singing. The
the process of establishing them partcipants are presented a reflection on the
as the psalmist. performance of the human body. Participants are
c. The beginner participants have a similar reminded to be aware of their growth process that
experience to their voices. It can be seen as has been developed from infancy until now.
they given the opportunity to sing solo for Participants are reminded that the body created is
the first time. Usually they felt insecure and not without limitations. The philosophy

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

collecting little by little is very fitting to explain

this phenomenon. Participants were invited to
The psalmist as a singer has the
become increasingly sensitive to the needs of his
responsibility to prepare themselves to lead the
own body and be wise with regular exercise so as
people in giving a responsorial psalm on a
to eat. The vocal exercises need to be thinking as
Catholic Mass. The relatively simple song form
something that can be done only by a process
of a psalm, the routine services schedules of the
even though it requires a relatively long period of
psalmist, and the lack of preparation with the
time and the psalmist should not feel that this
accompanist become the trigger to uncontrollable
activities weighing his mind.
condition for the flourishing different expression
Participants are reminded that the
between the psalmist and the accompanist. The
performance of the organs used to sing can not be
technical constraints that arise from lacking
touched or modified because it lies in the human
preparation namely error-reading of the scores,
throat. Participants are given the awareness that
feeling nervous as the psalmist has to make
the vocal cord they used to sing is a muscle that
adaptation to a high register range heard instantly
needs time in adjusting its performance to
from the accompanist that goes beyond his
produce the desired sound. Besides, the
preparation, cutting the sentence in wrong place
constraints that might occur in the process of the
because of lack in breathing control, and the
exercise will be easily solved with a wide range
tempo that isn’t fit with the expression of the
of ideas that are more imaginative. Some things
words or sentences. The solution given in this
that can be done in this way is when the
research are mainly concerned with the formation
participant will shoot a high note but has a voice
of a complete self-image of the position as solo
that broke in the middle range of his register.
singer, identify strengths and weaknesses when
Participants need to be explained about the
anticipating the routine services schedule as a
strategy to manage the inconvenience by the
psalmist and take a close look on musical aspects
exercise that serves to establish a comfortable
which are important for generating the optimum
sound based on what can be imagined through
image of the psalm. Singing practice are
the sound produced.
developed to form good habits by analyzing the
Convenience needed in shaping the
psalms to be sung, realizing the vocal cord
beautiful sound with joyful and comfortable
muscle mechanism using imagination and the
feeling. All they have to do is to imagine things
forming an idea that singing is a activity that
that are done by the body in achieving a balance
requires proper preparation and patience to obtain
as when someone requires more oxygen as
the best results. The simple look-like song form
someone do their yawning.
element inherent in the responsorial psalm
Free of tension is become the main goal of
requires hard work in preparation that is not as
the training classical singing style, so that the a.
simple as it look. Comfort feeling in singing,
Participants were introduced to the signs of the
good control breathing, and the development of
psalmist need to consider that sing a new song is
appropriate imagination to build the comfort
as music that will be used to help them to express
feeling became the keys to make betterment in
samel as make the song that initially could not be
singing the psalms. The singing technique
and interpret the psalm tune. The explanation
material and the basic music theory need to be
sung comfortly, can be later performed in very
applied and to be comprehend continuously over
easy includes the scales used in the psalm, the
certain time in order to achieve the best quality of
and convenient way of singing. It can be said that
the psalms recitation. The main goal is to arouse
number of measures, time signatures, melody the
the people to be actively involved in the
psalmist has to make their exercises to achieve
and tessituras arrangement in relation to the the
level of spontaneous. (Singer can do so at any
interpretation of the production of sound time
even if in certain circumstances do not allow ACKNOWLEDGMENT
produced by the psalmist. This is done in
for adequate warming up previously). The The author wish to thank Lembaga
psalmist is suggested to perform muscle Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat The
stretching through humming and singing activity Indonesia Institute of The Arts Yogyakarta for
with a soft voice first. The muscles have to be the opportunity and fund to conduct this research.
relaxed first before they start to sing the psalm. Many thanks to Dr. Andre Indrawan, M.Hum.,
M.Mus. and Drs. R Sukotjo, M.Hum for the
useful insight and suggestion. Albertus
Rahardyan, Mrs.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Lucy and the Psalmist team of The Franz

Xavier’s Church for providing many useful
discussion. Dr. Nur Sahid, M.Hum, Edi Subagya,
SIP, and the team of LPM ISI Yogyakarta for the
technical help during the research. Last but not
least, thank you for Father Maryana Pr, who has
given permission to make this research on his

[1] D.A.Clippinger, The Clippinger Class
Method of Voice Culture. Bryn Mawr,
Pennsylvania: Oliver Ditson Company,
[2] M. Bunch Dayme, Dynamics of the Singing
Voice. New York: Springer Wien, 2009.
[3] Angela Hobart and Bruce Kapferer (ed.)
Aesthetics in Performance. New York:
Berghahn Books, 2005.
[4] Martasudjita, Pr & Kris, Pr, A Guide to
Songs of the Liturgy, Yogyakarta: Penerbit
Kanisius, 2007.
[5] Paul Suparno, Action Research for
Educators. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia
Widiasarana Indonesia, 2008.
[6] Nancy Telfer, Successful Warmups, Book 1.
California: Neill A. Kjos Music Company,
[7] Richard T.Terry, The Catholic Church
Music. London: Greening & Co., Ltd., 1907.
[8] Ruth T. Watanabe, Introduction to Music
Research. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey:
Prentice Hall, Inc., 1967.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Suwarno Widodo1, Ririn Ambarini2
Universitas PGRI Semarang, 2 Universitas PGRI Semarang
[email protected] [email protected]

There have been so many efforts that have been done to reduce poverty. The existence of economic
turmoil, such as work termination and the rising fuel prices and electricity would quickly raise up poverty.
High economic growth often ignores the condition of the poor and marginalized people. Therefore, the
empowerment programs can play an important role in alleviating poverty. The research question is how
the poverty alleviation programs which have already met sustainable elements in Semarang are. This
qualitative study used descriptive qualitative method that aims to understand the social phenomenon from
the viewpoint or perspective of the participants. This research takes the view that since people are
instruments, beneficiaries as well as victims of development, their active involvement in the process is the
key to any sustainable efforts. In that way, without the continuous improvement of the welfare of the people,
the empowerment programs will not succeed. This research is aslo supposed to identify the sustainable
empowerment programs related to poverty reduction, as well as develop a self-helping program for poverty
alleviation. The impact of thus program implementation is certainly expected to increase public welfare,
especially poor people. Thus required the existence of this study to see the effects of the implementation of
poverty reduction programs for poor people in Semarang.
Keywords: Empowerment, poverty, alleviation, sustainable. Introduction

services and basic capacity to participate

effectively in society. In other words, poverty is
Indonesia is a huge country, divided with a violation of human dignity with a denial of
Islands, and with a diversity of languages, choices and opportunities. The inability to access
religions, and culture and with a wide credit is also a cause of poverty. (Tavanti, M.
geographical location. The country faces a lot of (2013).
the development challenges which include Poverty is a social-economic phenomenon
poverty and incompetent human resources where in which a section of society is unable to fulfill
the majority of the people are poor. This makes even its basic necessities of life. The minimum
education and poverty alleviation as the main of needs are food, clothing, housing, education and
the national development agendas. To eliminate other basic minimum human needs. Humanity
poverty, empowerment programs have been in faces pains and miseries if it does not attain a
place for a number of years. However, despite the subsistence level of such needs. Poverty is about
successful stories on empowerment programs as denial of opportunities and fulfilment of human
one way to alleviate poverty, studies continue to potential. Poverty and inequality are closely
show that poverty is still a big problem for the related, and inequality appears to have been
developing world. The rate at which it affects the on the rise worldwide in recent decades at both
poor is alarming. (Hadi, R., Wahyudin, U., national and international levels. (Kumari, L.
Ardiwinata, J. S., & Abdu, W. J. (2015). (2013)
Poverty is a multi dimensional There are many factors that influnce the
phenomenon encompassing a person’s poverty in our society. Major determinants of
economic, social, health, education, security, and poverty are lack of income and purchasing power
capacity. Alleviating poverty is a complicated attributable to lack of productive employment
business. and considerable underemployment, inadequacy
Therefore, poverty is not only a lack of of infrastructure, affecting the quality of life and
economic resources but also lack of access to employability etc. Empowerment programs have

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

a significant role in assisting the rural poor to takes the view that since people are instruments,
break out of the vicious circle of poverty. A beneficiaries as well as victims of development,
major source of the strength of empowerment their active involvement in the process is the key
programs comes from their idealism and values, to any sustainable efforts.
which include a strong spirit of volunteerism and In order to obtain the required data, this
independence. Most empowerment programs study used some data collecting technique, that
consider empowerment of the poor as their major is:
goal and objective. The empowerment can be as 1) Documentation. This method is used to
basic as enabling groups to improve their map the current conditions of poverty,
conditions through socio-economic development projections and identify the various programs
programmes or projects. (Devi, R. U. (2013) that have been undertaken by the government to
"Empowerment is the ownership of the reduce poverty.
development process by the people themselves. 2) Interviews (face to face interview).
All development stakeholders – government, Interviews is used to obtain data from the
private sector, banks, NGOs and other members primary target group of the positive characters,
of civil society – must recognize the capacity of economic potency, cultural (customs), local
the poor to develop themselves as free, wisdom as well as their expectations.
responsible and self-reliant groups and
communities and create the environment for
individuals to come together and organize
themselves." (Devi, R. U. (2013) In this study, it can be found out that there
Empowerment literally means making are five empoverment programs that are
someone powerful; facilitating the weak to attain considered good to be implemented in Semarang.
strength, enabling someone to confront injustice The first program is called PNPM-MP program.
The second is PNPM Mandiri, the third is Gerdu
and oppression. Empowerment is a process
which makes the powerless to acquire and Kempling as Poverty Alleviation program. The
control over power through awareness, capacity fourth is Model of Poverty Alleviation for
Coastal Community and the fifth is the model of
building, participation in decision making,
acquiring information, attaining confidence and non formal education based on local potential. In
self employment. the implementation of the first program that is the
implementation of PNPM-MP in Semarang is
SHG (Self Help Groups) is a very good idea
and this encourages poor people to save small influenced by the aspects of supporting the
amounts and use money cautiously in implementation, and also the aspects that can
become the stumbling blocks for the
emergencies like unexpected health problems,
natural calamities etc. They deposit money into implementation of PNPM-MP in Semarang.
bank and they get interest for that money. Besides that, there are also the formulation of the
institutions PNPM–MP that gives the
Whenever they take loan they are charged at a
very low rate than interest given on deposit contribution to the successful implementation of
amount (Jain, D., & Jain, B. (2012) the program. Eventhough the program is
successful there are some weaknesses that should
The research question in this paper is how
the poverty alleviation programs which have be considered so that those can be the evaluation
already met sustainable elements in Semarang for the improvement of the ongoing program.
are. The second empowerment program that is
implemented in Semarang is PNPM Mandiri in
Kelurahan Mangunsari. This program is
implemented to give the solution of some
The problem of poverty is multi-
problems in the area of social, health, education,
dimensional so it is not quite solved simply by
and housing complex, environment, and also
granting subsidies or cash assistance to the poor.
economics. The first step of the implementation
One of the best ways to come out of poverty is
program is by identifying the characteristics of
the empowerment of self. Therefore, the general
poverty in Kelurahan Mangunsari. After that it is
purpose of this research is to develop a model of
decided the program of PJP Pronangkis that is the
self-empowerment or self-helping program to
medium term of poverty alleviation. After the
come out of poverty.
program is implemented, it is necessary to
This qualitative study used descriptive
evaluate the outcome of PNMP effectiveness to
qualitative method that aims to understand the
give the poverty mobility especially in Kelurahan
social phenomenon from the viewpoint or
Mangunsari. In order to give better evaluation for
perspective of the participants. This research
the program implementation, it is important to

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

find out the supporting factors and the stumbling The fourth empowerment program that is
blocks during the implementation of the implemented to eliminate poverty is model of
program. poverty alleviation for coastal community. The
first thing that needs to consider is the aims of
The third empowerment program is Gerdu
the program especially for the long terms. Those
Kempling as the poverty alleviation program in
are the development of society independence, the
Kota Semarang. This program is trying to cover
development of coastal society ability, and the
five areas to eliminate poverty in Semarang.
development of partnership. The second thing to
Those are economics, infrastructure, health,
consider is the synergy of the general structure of
environment, and education. In the economics
organisation that has responsibility on the
empowerment, the program should be able to see
successful program. Those are central
the potential and the problems in the area that
government, local government, village assistant,
becomes the target of program contribution so
cooperative, and bank executor. Furhermore,
that there will be no unhealthy competition and
there should be the strategy for strengthening the
the most effective subsidy is the help of
cooperative institution that is based on the
marketing the products. It is important to make
optimalism of roles and performance of
sure that the contribution of goods or products
cooperative institution, the expansion of
are in good quality so that the poor people will
institution and enterpreneurship networking, and
not spend lots of money for the maintanance. On
the roles of cooperative for the fishermen in
the other hands, at the point of infrastructure
coastal area.
development, it is very crucial to be considered
that the materials used are in good quality so that The last empowerment program is model
it can last longer. And most importantly this of non formal education based on local potential
program is very valuable for those who that is hoped to be able to alleviate poverty in
especially live in remote areas. Then, in the Semarang. In order to get the ideal model of non
health section, the program of Jamkesmas for the formal education that is able to empower the poor
poor society in which people can get the health society and able to alleviate poverty, there must
facility freely should be sustainably held for be approach that should be implemented well.
them. This program is very important as it gives Those approach are community organization,
direct effect on the prosperity of the poor people. participatory approaches, and education for
For the environment program, the programs that justice approach. If the model implemented, it
are related to the preservation of the nature has to be sure that the model has the
ecosystem and environment should be more characteristics of need oriented, endegenious,
added because it gives great influence on the self reliant, ecologically sound, and based on
physical quality of the society environment. And structural transformation. Moreover, it is
for the last program that is education, it is very important to be considered that there are five
important to upgrade the programs that have basic strategy of non formal education that can
relation with the development of skills of the job be used to empower poor people. Those are
applicants so that they can have more humanistic approach, participatory approach,
opportunity to survive and get better jobs. collaborative approach, continuing approach,
and cultural approach.

Figure 1. PNPM MP in Semarang

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Figure 2. PNPM Mandiri

Figure 3. Gerdu Kempling as Poverty Alleviation Program

Figure 4. Model of Poverty Alleviation for Coastal Community

Figure 5. Model of non formal education based on local potential

In the implementation of empowerment involved in the management and the
programs, it is very important to make the use of implementation of society empowerment.
humanistic approach where the society, Sustainable element in the implementation of
especially the poor people is considered as the empowerment programs mean that it is
subject of the development and they are sustainably done where there is cadre coaching
acknowledged to have the potential to develop that has become the most important thing. It is
and grow in order to improve their own self also important to include collaborative approach
development. On the other hand, the in the implementation of society empowerment
participatory approach means that society, the where there is the cooperation with the other
related institution, and or community are stakeholders that are integrated, coordinated and

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

synergized. Most importantly, there should be REFERENCES

cultural approach where there is the appreciation
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of culture and capability, vogue growing in the
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life need of the poor people. The society
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empowerment is a poverty alleviation program
indonesia. SpringerPlus, 4(1), 1-9.
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the economics, social or even the other aspects of
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success of the policy implementation depends on
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all conservation situations. In some, site and
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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Mita Yuliana1, Sri Anitah Wiryawan2, Riyadi3
Sebelas Maret University, JL. Ir Sutami 36 A Kentingan, Surakarta, Indonesia 57126
[email protected], 2 [email protected], 3 [email protected]

The aims of the research are (1)implementing the 2013 curriculum on teaching-learning process in
Elementary school in Wirosari (2)learning innovation model of project based learning that is used on
teaching-learning process, and (3)the impact of innovation using project based learning model that is used
by teacher on teaching-learning process. The subject of the research is some teachers and students of grade
4 in elementary school in Wirosari. Technique of collecting data uses observation, interview and analyzing
the document. The technique of data analysis uses interactive model that is developed by Miles and
Hubberman. The result of the research such as (1) the implementation of 2013 curriculum on teaching-
learning process in elementary school in wirosari run very well. The teachers teach by using scientific
approach and autenthic assessment. (2) on teaching-learning process that is implementing 2013
curriculum,teacher uses project based learning that is active and joyful. (3)the impact of learning innovation
model of project based learning is students can understand the learning well, so the quality of the output is
Keywords: innovation, project based learning, 2013 curriculum.

knowledge, capable, creative, and autonomous.

Therefore, the education should give optimal
Improving the quality of education in function as the way to build the character of
Indonesia is one of education system that has human. It is based on 2013 curriculum to make
function to improve the quality of human students have high character. In education, the
resources. School is format institution and part of implementation of 2013 curriculum will be
plans that are made by the government in successful if the teaching-learning process is fun
education using curriculum as the operational and the students are active. Thematics learning in
base. Curriculum is as one of the important some schools, mainly in primary school is using
components in education. It becomes main part thematics to implement 2013 curriculum. By
in government. Curriculum changes time by time thematics learning using 2013 curriculum, hope
in Indonesia. The changing of curriculum is it can improve teachers’ competence, give
made to make the quality of education better. The qualified output, and make Indonesia’s education
changing of curriculum in the recent time are better. It is suitable with the aim of national
KTSP curriculum and 2013 kurriculum. 2013 education that is based on the Pancasila and UUD
curriculum has its own characteristic namely RI 1945. These has function to make the nation’s
thematics. The changing of curriculum has two life inttelegent.
reasons. These are internal and external 2013 curriculum learning implemented in
reasons.the internal reasons are education SD/MI uses thematics because as we know that
reformation using eight of national education primary school’s student is still in concrete
standart and the total of productive human operation. Besides, based on Permendikbud
resources. Besides, the external reasons are the Nomor 22 Tahun 2016 about Process Standart
challange of the future, the future competence, mentions that “learning processes in classroom
citizen’s perception, the development of have to be interactive, inspirative, funny, full of
pedagocic and knoweldge and the negative challenge, full of motivation to the students in the
phenomena. classroom”. Therefore, the principle of learning
Based on the rules of UU no. 20 th 2006 about should focus on the students (student center). The
national education system, education in teacher is only facilitator. A teacher have to make
Indonesia will build educated human who trust to innovation within curriculum development that
the God, has islamic pity, healthy, rich of is implemented in learning activity. Integrated

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

thematics learning is one of the implementations to do or finish a project. One of the superiorities
of curriculum that is suggested to be of this model is that project based learning is a
implemented in primary school. Chon Min et al. very good way to develop basic skills. It is a must
(2012:273) through the research entitled to the students to have the skills such as thinking
Teachers' Understanding and Practice towards skill, decision skill ability, creativity ability,
Thematic Approach in Teaching Integrated solving problem avility and developing self
Living Skills (ILS) in Malaysia said that confidence and self management.
“Thematic approach is one of the teaching Some researches have proved the effectivity
strategy that uses themes towards creating an of Project Based Learning (PjBL). Therefore, to
active, interesting and meaningful learning”. It strengthen the opinion about project based
can be translated that thematics approach is one learning there are two researches. The first
of learning strategy that is active, attractive and research is done by Aziz, et. Al (2013) about
meaningful.thematics klearning can create project based learning came from Journal of
students to understand the main concepts and Primary Education, 5 (4): 82-84 yang berjudul ”
connect among concepts in thematics learning. Project Based Learning to Pose Reasoning Skills
Students can gain direct experience so they can for Year 1 Pupil”. The result in the journal shows
add motivation to find, save and apply the that PjBL can attract the students in their
concepts that have been learned. By this way, learning. PjBL is also helps students to improve
students can find the concept comprehensive, their mind skill in learning. Then, the second
meaningful, authentic, and active. research is done by Woro Sumarni (2015) about
The implementation of 2013 curriculum in the strength of PjBL implementation that came
Indonesia has some challenges.Abidin (2016:24) from International Journal of Science and
said that some challenges of 2013 curriculum in Research, 4 (3): 478-484 yang berjudul ”The
primary school are teacher, time, TIK, materials, Strengths and Weaknesses of the Implementation
assesment and learning strategy. One of the of Project Based Learning: A Review”.The result
challenges faced by teacher in implementing of the research in the journal shows that the
2013 curriculum is learning strategy. Learning strength of implementation of PjBL as learning
strategy is one of the important components to model with scientific approach can improve
the teachers and the students in learning process. education quality. In this research, it stresses that
The selection of suitable learning will give effect by using PjBL the students’ learning will center
to the quality of learning. so it can make the students easy to be innovative
In the implementation in primary school, the and creative in transferring their knowledge in
implementationof 2013 curriculum is based on real situation.
the activity using scientific approach of Based on the observation in primary school in
integrated thematics. Basen on the Kecamatan Wirosari about the implementation
Permendikbud no. 65 about process standart said of 2013 curriculum done by some teachers in
that to strengthen the scientific approach and grade IV. So, this research is used to know how
integrated thematics, it needs to is the implementation of 2013 curriculum, the
implementdiscovery learning. The effort to give implementation of PjBL and the effect of the
stimulus to the students to make contextual implementation of PjBL on thematics learning of
creativity individually or grouply. It is suggested 2013 curriculum in primary school in Kecamatan
to use problem solving approach that can create Wirosari.
creativity (based on project). therefore, one of
the solutions to complete the deficiency in
learning is implementing learning innovation
model “project based learning” because this Contemplated from the kinds of the data, the
learning model can make students active in approach that is used in this research is
qualitative approach. The data that is used is
thinking easy to solve the problem, and creative,
cooperative with the other students. Boss and qualitative data. Sugiyono (2015: 7)said that
Kraus (2007) defined that project based learning qualitative data is form of word, sentence, body
motion, face expression, draft, picture, and
model is a model that based on project. It is as a
learning model that centered students’ activity image. Qualitative research will have some
within solving open-ended problem and apply ralation with meaningful qualitative data.
Therefore, the qualitative researcher have to be
their knowledge in doing a project to cteate an
authentic product. It is suitable with the opinion able to give meaning and interpretation towards
of Abidin (2016:167) said that project based facts in range. In this activity, the researcher
doesn’t give change, addition or manipulation
learning model is learning model that directly
involves students in learning trough observation towards the objects in the research. The

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

researcher only captures what has happened with researcher only writes the sequences of the
the objects in the range, then explain the research learning process using instrument. The
simple based on the situation. So, in qualitative instrument is suited with the project based
research , the research doesn’t decide the total of learning in 2013 curriculum of grade IV in
the informant but they decide as they need. primary school in Kecamatan Wirosari
The determination of the informant is suited Kabupaten Grobogan using scientific
with the focus of the research; learning approach.
implementation and the obstruction of learning c. Interview
implementationtherefore, the researcher chooses The interview is done deeply to the
the teacher and students of grade IV as the research subject by using orientation that is
informant. They are onvolved in learning process made before. The interview activity is used to
so they know clearly the condition of thematics clarify if there is difference between the plan
learning implementation. and the implementation.
The kind of the research is desrciptive. The consideration that is used to choose
Descriptive wualitative method is selected to the informant is people that is direct or
imagine the thematics learning implementation indirectly involved in learning process. One
of 2013 curriculum, the use of PjBL of 2013 of the informants is the principle that know
curriculum, and the effect of PjBL of grade IV in well about the school. Thematics teacher of
primary school in Kecamatan Wirosari. Based on grade IV as the agent and the planner of the
the data and information that is gained from the learning activity. Besides, the students are as
informant trough document, observation, and the subject of the learning process and the
interview. The document that is needed is RPP. target of the curriculum
It is needed to know the plan that is arranged by In data analysis, the researcher uses
teacher. The observation is used to cross-check analysis model that is sparked by Miles and
between RPP that has been arranged by teacher Hubberman, namely interactive data analysis
and the learninf activity at classroom. Besides, model. It means that activity in analyzing the
the interview ia used as analysis tool if there is qualitative data is done interactively. So, the
deviation between RPP with learning activity at data that is gained is saturated. The saturated
classroom. There are two data sources namely data shows that informant informs the same
primary data source and secondary data source. fact. There is no changes. There are three
Primary data source consists of document is activities in data analysis namely data
syllabus and RPP, observation result towards the reduction, data display, and conclusion or
fact and object of 2013 curruiculum and the verification.
implementation of project based learning on This activity is done by the research exactly
2013 curriculum and the effect of PJBL of Grade to get the accurate data. The process can be seen
IV in primary school in Kecamatan Wirosari in this schema:
Kabupaten Grobogan along with informant that
consists of the students. The secondary source is
school curriculum archive namely the presence
form and assesment form. The technique of
collecting data is done by the researcher such as:
a. Documentation
The documentation that is done by the
researcher is studying RPP. RPP is
orientation of learning process that guides
teacher in classroom activity. RPP is a tool to
decide the step of classroom activity in 2013
curriculum. So, RPP is arranged should be Gambar 1. Components in data analysis
based on scientific approach by using 5 M, (interactive model)
namely observing, questioning, collecting
data, analyzing and communicating.
b. Observation
The research observes towards the
teacher of grade IV in primary school when Based on the results of documentary studies
they are doing the learning process. The of seven elementary schools in Wirosari sub-
observation is done to suit between the plan district that have applied the 2013 curriculum,
in RPP and the activity at classroom. The some have indicated a standard planning,
researcher will not do intervension, but the meaning that what is planned entirely refers to

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

thematic learning with students as subject of activities that are dominated by students. The
learning. In the selection of learning models, whole flow of information happens both ways
learning materials, learning resources have been from teacher to student. Most students become
entirely partly based on scientific-based learning active. Closing learning involves students in
in line with the demand for the 2013 curriculum making conclusions. Most of the teachers have
but from the seven primary schools there are two already provided reinforcement in the form of
schools that have not been perfect in the questions or tasks to prepare for the next lesson.
implementation of the 2013 curriculum. Lessons learned with project-based learning
Based on the observations made for models have constraints when teachers
crosscheck of the learning activity program implement project-based learning materials that
written in the Lesson Plans (RPP). Observations teachers use are not fully supported for project-
made during the implementation of learning in based activities. Thus the need for more
the classroom. From the observational data from dominant and varied teaching materials that
the seven schools, it shows the learning steps that refers to project-based learning. Obstacles
lead to the learning of curriculum 2013 which is experienced by students is that students need a
based on saintific. While in several learning variety of equipment or materials to be purchased
activities have shown project-based learning for each project activity. Barriers to students lead
activities. Of the seven primary schools, only two to the costs involved in project creation.
schools have not demonstrated the appropriate
learning steps in the 2013 curriculum and there
are 4 primary schools that have implemented
project-based learning. The implementation of the 2013 curriculum
Interview activities were conducted with the in elementary schools in Wirosari has been
aim of seeking information related to the largely positive in its implementation. However,
in the preparation of the Lesson Plans (RPP)
discovery of some progress in learning using a
project-based model. Interviews from fourth- made by fourth grade teachers, most have a
grade teachers indicate that thematic learning tendency or impression that the preparation of
the Lesson Plans (RPP) just fulfills the target of
using a project-based model in the scientific-
based 2013 curriculum has a positive impact on completing the learning tool. More badly the
learning. Some arguments about the thematic Lesson Plan is made for the consumption of the
principal or school supervisor, in other words,
learning activities conducted by the fourth grade
teacher can be concluded that each model of aborting the administrative liability. Teachers as
learning used by teachers must have a separate educators, teachers, coaches and coaches are not
enough to be delivered only verbally. Real work
role in creating active learning in the classroom.
Of course, every model of learning has demonstrated through classroom learning in the
advantages and disadvantages. The use of form of experiments, inquires, discovery, makes
the project more memorable for students as they
project-based learning models conducted in the
classroom is felt by teachers and students experience it directly, not only reading the tables
themselves making students more active and but instead creating the tables, not only listening
to the success stories of science but doing it on
cooperation among students also increases. In
addition, making project activities can also their own and reporting that He can perform
improve the reasoning skills in learning. activities like that done by a scientist. Inquiri,
In the implementation of the 2013 curriculum discovery, problem-based learning models,
implementation of course there are various project-based learning is most appropriate and
recommended by the 2013 curriculum.
obstacles dilami by teachers. Based on the
assessment of RPP, some teachers have no Every curriculum change is always a process
difficulty in preparing the RPP. It's just for of socialization, pilot projects, desemination that
all aim to the curriculum implementers soon
teachers who are old, making the RPP is usually
made RPP used before the teacher tingga edit it. adapt. The obstacles in the form of teachers'
In writing RPP some teachers have been coherent mental attitude toward curriculum change are
very diverse because of various factors, among
writing down the steps of learning curriculum
2013. Based on the observations of the seven others: age, employment, socioeconomic
elementary schools can be concluded that some background, educational background including
background experience of self development
learning components have been met. Beginning
teacher preliminary activities motivates students, activities. Elements of school leaders in this case
so that the psychological condition of students is the principal also contributes to factors that
become obstacles implementation of the 2013
entirely within the learning climate. While in the
core activities, indicates the existence of curriculum. The principal should have an in-

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

depth background on the theory and practice of them to actively participate in the process of
the curriculum. The principal is an important role acquiring knowledge and skills with limited
in the development of the curriculum. While the teacher supervision. The research findings show
same as teachers, the headmaster has not been a that EFL-based project classes not only produce
reliable resource for the implementation of this positive learning, but also help students to
2013 kuriukulum process. Means of supporting improve their ethical reviews of cognition, work,
the implementation of thematic learning for and interpersonal skills.
example, teaching materials used by teachers is It shows that the positive impacts from the
inadequate, so the need for additional teaching implementation of project-based learning model
materials Books of learning resources with is to make students more active thinking, solving
insufficient quantities while independently the problems, enabling students to innovatively and
school has not been able to provide but waiting creatively transfer their knowledge to real world
for droping from the government, tools and situations and to cooperate with other students.
materials practicum is not far Different from The impact of course makes the output of
textbooks. The readiness of the government in students who are still qualified.
this case the education office in socializing the It shows that the impact of project-based
new curriculum has not reached most teachers or learning can improve the quality of education
not all teachers due to various obstacles such as which means that the quality of good education
the number of teachers so much that it takes a will certainly make the quality of life of the
long time, while the new school year has started. output is also good.
All the above obstacles can be minimized
because of factors such as: The government
through the Ministry of Education and Culture
has issued several Ministerial Regulations as the Implementation of thematic learning that
refers to the 2013 curriculum in the fourth grade
judicial basis for the implementation of the 2013
curriculum. This regulation is the legal umbrella at elementary school in Wirosari with model of
as well as guidelines in the curriculum project-based learning most of it is going well.
Obstacles faced in project-based learning
implementation 2013 curriculum; The science-
based 2013 curriculum is based on a student include: teaching materials used by teachers in
centered paradigm, with creative and innovative applying project-based learning inadequate. In
the implementation of project-based learning the
learning models opening wider discourse for
students. The flexibility in obtaining information students must should costs in each project
and utilizing the environment as a source of activity. The impact of project-based learning
implementation can improve the quality of life of
learning to make students free to exploit its
potential. students.
Implementation of project-based learning has Required mental readiness of fourth-grade
thematic teachers in elementary school in
been partially implemented by fourth grade
teachers. Based on the results of interviews with Wirosari to face up the curriculum change,
teachers who teach fourth grade it can be especially curriculum 2013 through
socialization, workshop, school level and district
concluded that teachers using project-based
learning model feel that students are more active level. The principal in his duties and functions as
in the class because the learning is done by group supervisor should perform these tasks and
discussion and produce the product at the end of functions more optimally. With programmed and
the activity and the presentation of the student's continuously implemented supervision, teachers
are gradually improving pedagogical
product. The advantages of project-based
learning model presented by the teacher is this competence, social competence, competency and
learning helps students more active in thinking, professional competence.
It is necessary to increase the carrying
solving problems, more creative and can
cooperate with other students. Students also capacity of facilities and infrastructure and the
better understand the material presented by the quality of human resources in the
implementation of learning through school
teacher through activities to make the project.
According to research conducted by Cameen policies oriented to entrepreneurial spirit.
Kettanun (2014) entitled ". Project-based Preparation of learning tools should be addressed
as a means to improve the quality of learning and
Learning and Its Validity in a Thai EFL
Classroom. Procedia Social and Behavioral teacher performance With the RPP is properly
Sciences "shows that project-based learning is arranged learning will be controlled and if there
is irregularity will soon be controlled and
used to promote the intellectual and social
development of students, therefore requiring returned to the actual path.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

This research is held in elementary school in

fourth grade in Wirosari with population all S187704281503565X
fourth graders in elementary school in Wirosari. main.pdf?_tid=8241ec5c-bc03-11e6
Researchers hope there is further research in 9a100000aab0f01&acdnat=1481063573_08
terms of region or location. f78622b7812090649775d8d713bcc6
(accessed on November 29 2016).
[4] Chon Min, Rashi, and Nazri, 2012.
In arranging the paper, the writer gets Teachers' Understanding and Practice
guidance and motivatior from some sides. So, the towards Thematic Approach in Teaching
writer will convey gratitude deeply to: Integrated Living Skills (ILS) in Malaysia.
a. Postgraduate Director of Sebelas Maret International Journal of Humanities and
University who has given the permission Social Science. 273.
of this research.
b. Dr. Riyadi, M. Pd as the chief of Master o_23_December_2012/31.pdf
of Elementary School Teacher and
[5] Depdiknas. 2006. Kurikulum Tingkat
Training Education Program of Education
Satuan Pendidikan. Jakarta: Depdiknas.
Faculty in UNS.
c. Prof. Dr. Sri Anitah Wiryawan, M. Pd is [6] Kemendikbud. (2013). Kurikulum 2013.
as lecturer who alway gives motivation, Jakarta. Kementerian Pendidikan dan
guidance, direction, idea, and thinking in Kebudayaan
arranging this thesis, so it can be finished.
[7] Kemendikbud. 2013. Permendikbud No. 65
d. The lecturers of Master of Elementary
tentang Standar Proses. Jakarta: Kementrian
School Teacher and Training Education
Pendidikan dan Kebudaayaan.
Program of Education Faculty in UNS
who always give guidanvce and [8] Sugiyono. 2015. Metode Penelitian dan
knowledge during the writer’s study. Pengembangan Research and Development.
e. The principle and the teachers of primary Bandung: Alfabeta
schools in Kecamatan Wirosari who has
[9] Sumarni, Woro. The Strengths and
given permission during the research.
f. Parents, sister and all families who always Weaknesses of the Implementation of
give du’a, motivation, and support, so the Project Based Learning: A Review.
International Journal of Science and
writer can finish the thesis well.
g. All friends of postgraduate students of Research (IJSR). (2015).
Elementary School Teacher and Training
Education Program 2015. Thank you for 3.pdf (accessed on November 29 2016).
your motivation and support. [10] Yunus Abidin. 2016. Desain Sistem
Pembelajaran Dalam Konteks Kurikulum
2013. Bandung: PT Refika Aditama.

[1] Aziz, Z. Shamsuri, S.M. & Damayanti, L.
Project Based Learning to Pose Reasoning
Skills for Year 1 Pupil. Journal of Primary
Education. Vol. 5, No. 4. 2013. Canadian
And Center Science Of Education
es/article/view/29094/17357 (accessed on
29 November 2016).
[2] Boss, S. Dan Kraus. J. 2007. Reinventing
Project Based Learning: Your File Guided to
Real-World Project in Digital Age.
Washington: ISTE.
[3] Cameen Kettanun. Project-based Learning
and Its Validity in a Thai EFL Classroom.
Procedia Social and Behavioral

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Dayat Hidayat
Nonformal Education Department
Faculty of Teachers' Training and Education,
University of Singaperbangsa Karawang
Jl. HS. Ronggowaluyo, East Telukjambe, 41361 Karawang, Indonesia
email: [email protected]


This study focused on the empowerment strategy to increase the independence and the economic welfare
of the Paket C learners in CLC Karawang. This study aimed to analyze : 1) the strategy of economic
empowerment through entrepreneurship training society, 2) the results of the public entrepreneurial training
for community economic independence, and 3) the impact of economic independence for the welfare of the
Packet C learners. The study was conducted using a qualitative approach through the case study method.
The research subjects consisted of a manager of CLC, a trainer, and three of the Paket C learners in CLC
Karawang. Data were collected using observation, interviews, and documentation. Data were analyzed
using an interactive model. The data analysis involved the following stages: data collection, data reduction,
data display, and conclusion drawing/verifying. Authenticity technique of data was carried out through
triangulation with multiple sources through peer discussion. Results of the study revealed that: 1)
entrepreneurship training was implemented using a participatory strategy. Entrepreneurial training plan
involved learners, training managers and trainers in identifying learning needs, training resources, and
possible barriers to training activities. The training process used the inquiry approach, flocking methods,
and various techniques according to community entrepreneurship training materials. Entrepreneurship
training assessment used self-evaluation that prioritizes indicators of success obtained and perceived
learners. 2) The results of training can improve knowledge, attitude, and skills of entrepreneurship for
economic independence learners. 3) economic independence has an impact on improving the welfare of the
Paket C learners’ family.
Keywords: Empowerment strategy, Economic independence, Learners’ Welfare.

competence is strengthening as the provision of

various inputs, and the opening of access to the
Empowerment is part of a development various opportunities that will make people
paradigm that focuses its attention on all aspects become empowered. Economic empowerment
of the principle of man in his environment, from for the independence of the community not only
the aspect of knowledge, attitudes, and skills of includes strengthening individuals, but also
human beings, both material and physical educational institutions that exist in society.
aspects, to managerial. These aspects are The purpose of community
developed into a socio-cultural, economic, entrepreneurship training for Paket C learners in
political, security and the environment. In the CLC Karawang is to encourage and create new
economic aspect, the community empowerment entrepreneurs, supported by business and
program serves to increase people's income, industry, business partners and offices/agencies,
supporting the national economy. so as to create jobs/new ventures or pioneering
In the context of non-formal education, business opportunities, instilling a mindset and
empowerment through entrepreneurship training entrepreneurial attitude, giving the stock of
aims to strengthen the potential or community- knowledge in entrepreneurship, provide supplies
owned power (empowering) by enhancing the of skills in the field of production of
knowledge, attitudes, and skills of goods/services, and training in entrepreneurship
entrepreneurship. Increased entrepreneurial skills through the practice of entrepreneurship.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Community entrepreneurship training aims manage the business, either by themselves or by

to improve new, innovative and creative others. The learners learn to be able to manage
entrepreneur. So that people should always want the revolving fund, set up the administrative and
to know, try, play, and intuitive. Entrepreneurial financial management in a transparent manner,
training purposes provided supplies for the so as to contribute to various aspects of
community through three dimensions: the aspect development. Economic independence through
of managerial skills, technical production skills, entrepreneurship training was implemented to
and personality development skill. The third improve the economic welfare of the learners.
major aspect of the essence is to instill the The independent learners who can ultimately
attitude and spirit as well as the ability to work express the aspirations and needs and are able to
independently and embedded entrepreneurial influence the decision-making process of public
paradigm. policy at the local level to be more oriented to the
The purpose of community empowerment poor (pro-poor), both in terms of social,
is the community's independence, especially economic and environmental.
from poverty and Based on the above background, the
underdevelopment/powerlessness. In practice, problem in this research is focused on the
conducted community empowerment is not empowerment strategy to increase the
limited to economic empowerment in order to independence and economic prosperity in detail
alleviate poverty (poverty alleviation) or poverty analyze the strategy of economic empowerment
(poverty reduction). Community empowerment through entrepreneurship training, the result of
program carried out not only in the form of entrepreneurial training for economic self-
development of productive activities increased reliance of society, and the impact of economic
income generating. But basically, community independence for the welfare of the Paket C
empowerment is an effort to improve, encourage learners at CLC Karawang.
the willingness and courage, as well as provide
an opportunity for community efforts with or
without the support of outside parties to develop
their independence in order to realize The approach used in this study is
improvement of their economic, social, physical qualitative. The research objective was written
and mental sustainable manner. with the terms "technical" language studies
To achieve the goal of community derived from qualitative research (Schwandt
empowerment, there are three lines of activities 2007 in Cresswell, JW, 2013: 167). The case
that can be implemented, namely: 1) creating an study method of research trying to find meaning,
atmosphere or climate that allows the potential of to investigate the process, and gain
the community to develop. Point of departure is, understanding and deep understanding of
the recognition that every man and society have individuals, groups and the research situation
the potential/power that can be developed, 2) (Emzir, 2010). Researchers noted the problems
empowerment is an attempt to build a power that, arising in respect of the research object carefully,
by encouraging, motivating, and raise awareness then naturally it is described in accordance with
of its potential, and seeks to develop it, 3) the facts about the implementation of the
strengthen the potential or community-owned empowerment strategy to increase the
power (empowering). Community independence and the economic welfare of the
entrepreneurship training developed to improve citizens learn Paket C in CLC Karawang. The
people's economic independence. research subjects consisted of CLC managers,
Independence meant not mean rejecting the trainers, and learners Paket C.
help of "those outside", but the ability and Data collection techniques used in this
courage to take the best decision based on study is the researchers themselves as key
considerations: 1) the state of the resources they instruments are supported interview,
have and can be used, 2) acquisition and the observation, and documentation. The study was
ability of the technical knowledge to harness conducted through the following stages: 1)
science and technology, 3) the attitude of orientation, in order to obtain information about
entrepreneurial and managerial skills are the focus of the research problem, 2) exploration,
mastered, and 4) the suitability of the socio- to determine the focus of research purposes, and
cultural and local knowledge. 3) member check, to check the research findings
The impact of independence after in accordance with procedures and obtain the
entrepreneurial training activities to the final (Nasution, S. 1996: 33-34). Data processing
economic welfare of Paket C learners is analysis techniques using Interactive Model,
characterized by the ability and responsibility to through the following phases: 1) the data

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

collection. 2) Datareductional,3) the data attitude, which includes: habituation attitude,

display,and 4) conclusion/verifying. behavior, work ethic, teamwork, leadership,
personality, discipline, work honesty,
responsibility, and so on. The practice of
entrepreneurship, which includes practice work
skills, and managerial practices to improve the
management of entrepreneurship. In
entrepreneurial practice, people learn Paket C
training to improve the quality of production,
packaging quality, increased business
Gambar 1. partnerships, business development and
Komponen Analisis Data Model Interaktif management assistance, capacity building, and
(Miles, M.B. & Huberman, A.M., 1994:19-20) marketing of products.
Evaluation community entrepreneurship
training for Paket C learners in CLC is
participatory. The manager of CLC, tutors, and
learners together measure the increase of
Strategy Economic Empowerment knowledge, attitude and entrepreneurial
Through Community entrepreneurship entrepreneurship is perceived and experienced
Training by learners. An assessment carried out regularly
during the process and at the end of training and
mentoring. Indicators of the success of
Entrepreneurial training for the community
entrepreneurial training is a minimum of 90%
of Paket C learners in CLC is done through the
completion of the entrepreneurship training, and
planning, implementation, and assessment. In the
at least 70% able to self-employed
planning stage manager and tutor in CLC
independently. Assessment is to determine the
identifying learning needs, advantages,
independence of trying learners after having
disadvantages, and business opportunities that
entrepreneurial competence. Assessment of the
will be developed. Formulate objectives set forth
impact of entrepreneurship training conducted to
in the guidelines for the implementation of
determine the economic welfare of the learners.
community entrepreneurship training.
For the implementation community
Guidelines for the implementation of
entrepreneurship training for Paket C learners in
entrepreneurship training society consisting of 1)
CLC is participatory is in line with the opinion of
the planting of life, attitudes, and ethical
Sudjana, D. (2007: 31) who argued that the
entrepreneurship, 2) knowledge of
typical characteristics of Nonformal and
entrepreneurship, 3) skills in the field of
Informal Education Program training program is
production of goods/services, 4) practice
a structure that is flexible and approach to
entrepreneurial skills are supported by business
democratic start planning, implementation, and
and industry, business partners and
evaluation of the feedback.
departments/agencies, so as to create jobs/new
Empowerment is a translation of the word
business or to access employment
empowerment is emerging in medieval Europe,
opportunities/existing businesses.
continues to grow until the end of the 70-80's,
Training is defined as teaching or giving
and early 90's. This concept affecting
experience to develop behavior (knowledge
empowerment theories that developed later.
skill/skills and attitudes) in order to achieve
Conceptually, "empowerment is a process of
something desired (Robinson, 1981: 12).
helping disadvantaged groups and individuals to
Implementation of community entrepreneurship
compete more effectively with other interests, by
training for Paket C learners in CLC uses
helping them to learn and use in lobbying, using
participatory training strategies that involve all
the media, engaging in political action,
citizens to learn to learn and practice the skills of
understanding how to 'work the system' and so on
entrepreneurship. Given entrepreneurship,
". (Ife, J. W, 1995).
training materials consist of : Theory of
Community empowerment strategies
entrepreneurship, which includes strengthening
through entrepreneurial training community for
knowledge about entrepreneurship; an
Paket C learners in CLC Karawang is the
understanding of the tools, materials, and
entrepreneurial development of local potential
procedures for the field of business skills,
that focuses on the process of economic growth
understanding of the attitudes, behavior, and
driven by the learners by utilizing local potentials
mindset of an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurial
for development in an effort to improve the

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

economic welfare of local communities. This is skills on how to process raw materials into
in line with the opinions Lincolin. A, and Elan. finished materials with indicators of
S, (2011: 95) which suggests that this entrepreneurial skills practice. The practice of
entrepreneurial development strategy that uses a creating a learning experience expected results of
territorial approach that relies primarily on the operations are able to create a marketable
needs, potentials, and local actors of a certain production output for the indicator was able to
area (locality). calculate profit and loss results of production
Theoretically, empowerment can be marketing.
attributed to the transformation of the social, In the context of entrepreneurship training
economic and political (power). Empowerment for Paket C learners to enhance the
is the process of growing power and authority to entrepreneurial competence it, Riyanto, A.
act greater for the poor is one of the implications (2000: 5-6) argues that entrepreneurship training
of the notion of development as an increased is a kind of education that train them to be able
capacity to influence the future. Empowerment to create their own business activities. Such
refers to the effort reallocation of power by training was accomplished by means of : a) build
changing the social structure (Swift and Levin, faith, soul and spirit, b) establishing and
1987). Rappaport (1984) suggested that developing the mental attitude and the nature of
empowerment is a means by which people, self-employment, c) develop the power of
organizations, and community directed to be able thought and how entrepreneurship, d) promote
to control (or reign) life". (Ife, J. W, 1995). and develop the power of driving themselves, e)
Community empowerment is an economic understand and master the technique in the face
development concept that encapsulates the social of risk, competition, and a process of
values. This concept reflects the new cooperation, f) understand and master the ability
development paradigm, namely that is "people- to sell an idea, g) has the management or
centered, participatory, empowering, and processing capability, and h) have particular
sustainable" (Chambers, R., 1995). This concept expertise include certain foreign language skills
is wider than merely satisfy basic needs (basic for communication purposes.
needs) or provide a mechanism to prevent the Entrepreneurship above training aims to
further impoverishment (safety net), whose ideas foster and build an entrepreneurial mindset,
recently been developed as an effort to find an improve attitudes and behaviors of business, and
alternative to the concepts of growth in the past. business management for Paket C learners.
This concept evolved from the efforts of many Entrepreneurship is a combination of creativity,
experts and practitioners to find what among innovation, and courage to face the risks
others by Friedman, J. (1992) referred to as undertaken by way of hard work to establish and
alternative development, which requires maintain business new. Creativity is the ability to
inclusive democracy, Appropriate economic develop new ideas and discover new ways of
growth, gender equality and intergenerational looking at problems and opportunities
equity". (Kartasasmita, G., 1996). (Zimmerer, TW, 1996: 51). "Entrepreneurship is
the process of creating something different with
Result Entrepreneurship Training The Necessary value by devoting time and effort,
Society for Community Economic assuming the Accompanying financial, psychic,
Independence and social risk, and receiving the resulting
rewards of monetary and personal satisfaction
The results of entrepreneurship training and independence. Further stated that
community Paket C learners are the increased "entrepreneurship is applying creativity and
knowledge, attitude, behavior, and innovation to solve the problem and to exploit
entrepreneurial skills so that they can start small opportunities that people face every day".
businesses by utilizing pioneering skills, (Hisrich-Peters, 1995: 10) in Alma, B. (2007:
business opportunities and potential of the area. 26).
Paket C learners in CLC led pioneering efforts in In connection with entrepreneurial training
accordance with their skills in producing goods results learners, Paket C is enhancing knowledge,
and/or services to meet the needs of the market. attitude and entrepreneurial skills to develop the
Independence of entrepreneurship that has business in accordance with the potential of each.
been obtained learners Paket C based on "Entrepreneurship is the ability to create a new
improving knowledge, attitudes, and skills. The and different thing. In fact, entrepreneurship is
Learners learn to independently use the ability to simply often also be interpreted as a principle or
select materials and use the necessary tools to entrepreneurial skills. Entrepreneurship is the
process the results of operations. Knowledge and

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

ability to create new and different" (Drucker, PF, the ability to improve and enhance the social
1994: 27). status, economic and political community.

Impact of Economic Independence

against Citizens Welfare Learning
Entrepreneurial training for community The planning stage entrepreneurial training
Paket C learners is expected to have an impact on for community Paket C learners in CLC was
self-reliance and economic prosperity through done by identifying learning needs, advantages,
the development of business in accordance with disadvantages, and business opportunities that
the type of business and the potential of locally will be developed to formulate and develop a
owned. Community entrepreneurship training community entrepreneurship training program.
impact for the economic empowerment of Entrepreneurship training materials include
citizens to learn Paket C is characterized by attitude and entrepreneurial ethic,
increased entrepreneurial competence by entrepreneurial knowledge and skills in the field
enhancing the knowledge, attitudes, skills and of production of goods/services. Implementation
enterprise independent individual or part of a of community entrepreneurship training used
business incubator that developed CLC, the participatory training strategies that involve all
formation or development of business citizens to learn to learn and practice the skills of
units/business incubators and strengthening entrepreneurship. Rate participatory community
institutional as pilot centers of entrepreneurial entrepreneurship training involving CLC
community in accordance with its potential, and managers, tutors and learners together measure
the creation of sources of funding opportunities the increase of knowledge, attitude and
derived from profit institutions business entrepreneurial entrepreneurship is perceived
unit/business incubator developed to improve the and experienced by learners. Assessment is done
economic welfare of society. periodically during the training/mentoring and at
Community empowerment strategies in the end of the training/mentoring.
Nonformal Education, which one of them The results of community entrepreneurship
through community entrepreneurship training training to Paket C learners are the increased
program, according to Kindervatter, S. (1979) knowledge, attitude, behavior, and
can be implemented through eight principles: 1) entrepreneurial skills that have the independence
study conducted in small groups, 2) giving utilize his skills are looking for business
greater responsibility to learners during the opportunities in accordance with the potential of
learning activities take place, 3) leadership of the the area. Paket C learners at CLC have the
group, played by learners, 4) educators to act as independence pioneering efforts in accordance
a facilitator, which provides support with their skills in producing goods and/or
(encouragement, guidance, etc., 5) the process of services to meet the needs of the market.
learning activities take place in a democratic, 6) The impact of community entrepreneurship
the unity of views and step between learners by training for Paket C learners is the increasing
educators in achieving the goals, 7) using economic welfare through appropriate business
methods and techniques of learning that can lead development potential of the business and locally
to confidence in learners, and 8) the final aim to owned. Paket C learners learned to have sought
improve the social status, economic and/or independence as individuals or part of a business
political learners in the community. incubator developed by CLC in accordance with
In an effort to raise awareness and the its potential to improve the economic welfare of
ability of the world lives of young people as part society. The impact of entrepreneurship training
of the community, in accordance with the for economic empowerment of community Paket
proposed educational awareness Freire, C learners is characterized by increased
Kindevatter, S. (1979) put forward the concept of economic welfare families.
empowering process. This concept means that Based on the conclusion, suggestions are
"people gaining an understanding of and control given: CLC managers distribute the resulting
over social, economic, and/or political forces, in yield citizens to learn Paket C to the market so as
order to improve Reviews their standing in to further increase its revenue. CLC can provide
society". The process of giving power or entrepreneurial training and ongoing mentoring
empowerment is any educational efforts aimed at to enhance the independence of entrepreneurial
raising awareness, understanding, and sensitivity of the learners so that the production and
of learners to the social development, economic marketing will increase. PKBM help eases
and/or political so that in turn the students have access to capital for Paket C learners in

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

developing and expanding its business to the [16] Sudjana, D., Sistem dan Manajemen
bank with a low repayment rate. Pelatihan, Teori dan Aplikasi. Bandung:
Falah Production. 2007.
[17] Zimmerer, T. W., & Norman, M. S,
REFERENCES Entrepreneurship And The New Venture
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[2] Chambers. R, Rural Development : putting

the last first. London ; New York: Longman,
[3] Cresswell. J. W, Research Design.
Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2013.
[4] DuBois. B. & Milley. K. K, Social Work:
Empowering Profession (3rd ed). Boston:
Allyn and Bacon, 2005.
[5] Drucker. P. F, Innovation and
Entrepreneurship, Practice and Principle.
New York: Harper Business, 1994.
[6] Emzir, Metodelogi Penelitian Kualitatif,
Analisis Data. Jakarta: Raja Grasindo, 2010.
[7] Friedman. J, Empowerment The Politics of
Alternative Development. Cambridge:
Blackwell Publishers, 1992.
[8] Ife, J. W, Community Development:
Creating Community Alternatives Vision,
Analysis and Practice. Melbourne:
Longman. 1995.
[9] Kartasasmita. G, Pembangunan Untuk
Rakyat, Memadukan Pertumbuhan dan
Pemerataan. Jakarta: PT. Pustaka Cidesindo,
[10] Kindervatter. S, Nonformal Education as An
Empoworing Process. Massachusetts:
Center for International Education
University of Massachusetts, 1979.
[11] Lincolin. A, & Elan. S, Strategi
Pembangunan Perdesaan Berbasis Lokal.
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[12] Milles. M. B. & Huberman. M. A, Analisis
Data Kualitatif. Jakarta. Universitas
Indonesia Press, 1994.
[13] Nasution. S, Metode Penelitian Naturalistik
Kualitatif. Bandung: Tarsito, 1996.
[14] Riyanto. A, Kapita Selekta Kewirausahaan.
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[15] Robinson, K.P, A Handbook of Training
Management. London: Kogan Page Ltd.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Agustinus Rustanta1, Linus Kali Palindangan2
School of Communication and Secretarial Studies Tarakanita
[email protected], [email protected]


This research is about source credibility and source attractiveness. It was hypothesized that motivation to
learn is determined by the source and attractiveness. It is a positivistic paradigm research with quantitative
approach and questionnaire is used to collect data. This research was done at The School of Communication
and Secretarial Studies Tarakanita, a school for ladies. The population is all ladies (900 persons) and the
sample is determined by stratified random sampling. There are 200 respondents who filled out the
questionnaires. Data were analyzed by using SPSS. The research indicated that motivation is not
significantly influenced by source credibility and attractiveness though partially, both variables give
positive impact on motivation (α ˂ 0.000). When further analysis was done, motivation to study of ladies
is only influenced by source attractiveness (44%). This research result indicated that source credibility does
not always give positive impact to motivation. Young ladies do not pay attention to whether the
source/lecturer is competence or not but the source must be attractive. She/he must be physically attractive
or good looking, have good reputation, and have charisma. It is a very special case finding that happens in
a homogenous population. It might not be generalized in heterogeneous population.
Keywords: credibility, attractiveness, motivation.

useful for every lecturer to motivate students to

be active learning and to be more dillident to
Source credibility is very important for attend the class. When they are dilligent, it is an
educators. Previous researches indicate that indicator that students can complete their study
boredom of students were increasing when their on time.
teachers were not credible. Their trust to their The assumption about sourse credibility
teachers is on the teachers’ ability a certain field. and source attractiveness was supported by a
This will increase the students’ interest to research findings by Kelly (2012). It was found
involve in the class. out that there has been a positive relationship
Besides credibility, teachers must be between source credibility and students’ interest
attractive. Source attractiveness will increase the to study Dewi (2014). Dewi found out that there
students interest to listen to the teachers. was a positive relationship between source
Djamarah (2002:132) breaks down indicators of credibility and motivation.
interest to learn. They are liking, interest, These backgounds drive the researcher to
motivation. Slmeto (2010:180) said that indicator see further about source credibility and
of students’ interest to learn are happiness, attractiveness especially at woman higher school
attractiveness, acceptance, and involvement. (Tarakanita) in Jakarta. The research question of
Based on the above explanation, it was this research is “Do source credibility and self
hypotizised that a sense of being happy and self attractiveness give positive and significant effect
attrativeness and acceptance to the teacher by the towards students motivation of Tarakanita
students will increase their savior to be in the Students”. The research objective is to answer
class room. Leacturers are supposed to develop the reseach question namely to see and analyse
the students interest to study. Based on rhetoric, the effect of sourse credibility and source self
Aristotle assumed that lecturer should be able to attractiveness towards the students’ motivation
boost up the students’ interest to study. Teachers to learn in classrooms.
must have ethos, pathos, and logos. Ethos deals
with the teacher’s credibility, pathos is in line
with selt attractiveness, whereas logos means the
logic of the communicator. These three will be

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

family. Delivery of every teacher will influence

the student’s motivation. Delivery is not the same
Learning Interest
as the readiness of the teacher. Delivery relates
Djamarah (2008:132) said that interest is a
to teaching techniques of delivering the learning
tendency to pay attention and to recall some
materials. Monotonous learning activity will of
activities. Someone who is interested in a certain
course degrade students’ motivation to learn.
activity will give attention to it consistently.
Conflict between student and teacher will reduce
Personal interest is a liking to and interest to
the students’ motivation to learn or even will kill
certain thing or particular activity without any
the students’ interest to learn. Environment
external driven (Slameto, 2010:180). She/he will
includes the environment of school or campus. It
be interested in a thing or activity and she has a
includes school environment, learning climate,
passion to get involved in it without any support
situation, the classroom, and school facilities.
from outside. A student who is interested in a
Family is another external factor. Broken home
certain activity will stay to love it. Jacob W
family, personal attention from his or her parents
Getels as summarized by Syaiful Bahri Djamarah
will give effect to the students. Conducive family
(2008:75) said that “an interest is a characteristic
will support him/her to study and vise versa.
disposition, organized trough experience, which
According to Hilgard (in Suryabrata,
impels an individual to seek out particular
1984:252) said that learning is a process of an
objects, activities, understanding, skill, or goals
intentional action that lead to a change. The
for attention or acquisition”. An interest is a
change is realtively permanent and will not turn
learning outcome and it will support other
back. It is not just a temporary change as fatique,
learning activities as mentioned by Djamarah
feeling sick and so on.
Gagne (1977) in his book ’The Condition of
According to Syah (2006) defined learning
Learning’ said that learning is a transformation
as a tendency and a passion or a desire to achieve
which is shown by a change of behaviour. There
the goal. Zanikhan (2008) defined learning
is a significant change of behavior before and
motivation as a psychological aspect in a form of
after. An alternation of behavior takes place due
passion, desire, and a good feeling to do some
to an experience or a training. It is of course
processes of behavioral change via any activities
different from a change because of a suddent
such as persuing experience and knowledge. In
reflect or instinctive bahavior.
short, learning interest is a personal driven to
Surya (1981:32) defined learning as a
learn. The indication is anthusiasm, participation
process of personal experience to the change of
and activeness to learn.
behavior as a result of individual experience and
It is condulded that learning interest is a
his/her interaction to the environment. It is
happy feeling to do some processes of behavioral
concluded that all mental activities or
changing which is shown by the students in a
psychological activities will effect to the change
form of continuous attention and it will drive
of behavior differently from one person to
her/him to overcome any obstacles.
another between before and after the process of
There are factors that influence interest
(Surya, 1999). First, internal factors. This
includes the absence of clear learning objective.
Indicator of Learning Motivation
If he does, he tends to learn harder. Learning is a
There are four indicators of learning
necessity. When a person puts learning as
motivation liking, interest, attention, and
necessity, she/he will learn without any external
involvement (Safari, 2003). First, when students
motivation. Learning interest, then, depends on
are happy with the subject she/he learns, she/he
the objective of the student. Then, internal factor
will be interested in learning or involving in the
deals with the benefits of learning to the students.
lesson. He/she is not compelled to learn
When it is not beneficial for her/his life, he/she
something. Second, interest. It is the power
tends to avoid it. Health is another reason.
which drive someone to like to something,
Students’ physical health such as sicknes, lack of
someone, some activities of some affective
vitamin or other pysical disorders will give
experience which is driven by the activity itself.
negative impact on the interest of doing school
Third, attention. It is a matter of psychological
work or homework. The last one is mental
activity or concentration to observation and an
disorder such as emotional disorder, hatret, and
understanding by eliminating something which
other distractions in the thinking process that will
disturbs his/her concentration. Fourth,
influence the learning interest.
involvement. It is someone’s feeling to a certain
Second, external factors. It includes the
thing that will attract him/her to do an activity or
delivery, personal conflict, environment, and

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

to come closer to the object that interests change attitudes or behavior. Someone can only
her/him. activate their desire and show them the logic
behind the ideas. Their devotion and total
Persuasion commitment to an idea come only when they
Persuasion basically means trying to fully understand and buy in with their total being.
influence the way someone thinks or behaves. Persuasion involves the transmission of a
There are all kinds of different ways to persuade message. The message may be verbal or
someone to do something. An advertisement is nonverbal. It can be relayed interpersonally or
using an appeal to emotion. The students at the through mass media. It may be reasonable or
debate club are doing something different. unreasonable, factual or emotional. The message
Instead of appealing to emotion, they're trying to can consist of arguments or simple cues, like
persuade each other with logical arguments that music in an advertisement that brings pleasant
use facts and evidence. Being persuasive isn't the memories to mind. Persuasion is a
same thing as being right. communicative activity; thus, there must be a
It takes time, consists of a number of steps, message for persuasion, as opposed to other
and actively involves the recipient of the forms of social influence, to occur. News
message. Symbol is a means used by a unquestionably shapes attitudes and beliefs.
communicator to change an opinion, attitude, and Books, movies, plays, and songs have a strong
behavior. It is different from opinion. Persuasion influence on how we think and feel about life.
needs more time and longer steps to receive Persuasion requires free choice. Self-
messages. Persuasion involves symbols of persuasion is the key to successful influence,
messages through language. Persuasion also then an individual must be free to alter his own
involves the use of symbols, with messages behavior or to do what he wishes in a
transmitted primarily through language with its communication setting.
rich cultural meanings. Symbols include words
like freedom, justice, and equality. Symbols are The Impact of Persuasion
persuaders’ tools, harnessed to change attitudes Attitudes are “shaped” by associating
and mold opinions. pleasurable environments with a product, person,
There should be an effort to persuade. or idea. Contrary to popular opinion, many
Persuasion involves an attempt to influence. persuasive communications are not designed to
Persuasion does not automatically or inevitably convert people, but to reinforce a position they
successful. Like companies that go out of already hold. Changing. This is perhaps the most
business soon after they open, persuasive important persuasive impact and the one that
communications often fail to reach or influence comes most frequently to mind when we think of
their targets. However, persuasion does involve a persuasion. Communications can and do change
deliberate attempt to influence other persons. attitudes.
The persuader must intend to change another
individual’s attitude or behavior, and must be Attitude and Persuasion
aware (at least at some level) that she is trying to Hutagalung (2015:79) mentioned that
accomplish this goal. attitude consists of three parts cognitive (belieft
Persuasion is effortless successful. Certain and awareness), affective (feeling) , and conative
efforts are needed to be able to persuade other (behavior). Cognitive attitude includes
people. A communicator is supposed to change component consisting of belieft and some
someone’s attitude or behavior. Everyone can be thoughts about certain objects. Cognitive is
persuaded, given the right timing and context, categorized in the process of thinking. Affective
but not necessarily in the short term. He/she can is someone’s feeling or emotion to objects. It is a
never persuade somebody who's not interested in feeling of being happy or not happy towards an
what you're saying. We are most interested in object. The feeling includes anxiety, love, hatret,
ourselves, and spend most of our time thinking anger, and so on. Component of conative consists
about either money, love or health. The first art of readiness to interact or to act towards objects.
of persuasion is learning how to consistently talk If he/she is happy to look at a certain object,
to people about them; if he/she does that then she/he tends to be closer, to touch and to behave
he/she'll always has their captive attention. specifically.
One of the great myths of persuasion is that Perloff defines attitude as power or the
persuaders convince us to do things we really quality of thinking. Attitude is a psychological
don’t want to do. They supposedly overwhelm us construct. Attitude is one’s mental and emotional
with so many arguments or such verbal condition. Attitude is a learned, global evaluation
ammunition. People persuade themselves to

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

of an object that influences thought and action. It inferential judgment. When elaboration is high,
is clear that attitude is not behavior. the central persuasive route is likely to occur;
Attitude can be learned. Human beeings conversely, the peripheral route is the likely
are born with a certain attitude but it is learned result of low elaboration. Persuasion may also
though social interaction. Although attitude can occur with low elaboration. The receiver is not
be genetically constructed, it develops becase guided by his or her assessment of the message,
he/she interacts with others. It is global, as in the case of the central route, but the receiver
emotional and evaluation. When someone has an decides to follow a principle or a decision-rule
attitude, she/he is able to judge something, she is which is derived from the persuasion situation.
no longer neutral but she should select her Persuasion is very much associated with
position. Then, attitude involves affection and our daily life. Persuasion occurs when readers,
emotion as it will be useful to uncover hatret, listeners or viewers learns a message from what
attractiveness, liking and unliking. they read, listen or watch. We remember the
Attidute will effect toward thoughts and message as ideas and we will be persuaded by it.
actions. Attitude manages the world. She/he is That is how we remember them. If we did not
able to categorize people, places, or even events learn something, it is not possible to remember it
or certain occations. Attitude will create and we will not be persuaded by it. However
perception and it will then influence judgement. learning may not be always combined with
Attitude will also influence behavior as it will persuasion. For example there might be some
lead our action and will direct us to certain advertisements that we hate, we don’t want to
action. learn or remember the message from the
What should we do to maximize advertisement and we are not being persuaded by
persuasion? To be more persuasive, the message it. The Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM)
should fall into the acceptance sphere. The explains how persuasion message works in
arguments should be logic and be able to be changing the attitude of reader or viewer.
received by normal sight. The other way is by The question is ’what is meant by
implementing statement which takes place in a elaboration likelihood? Elabrotation refers to
non-commitment sphere but it is followed by how an individu thinks or mentally modify
logic and positive thinking. Based on Social arguments in communication. Likelihood refers
Judgement Theory, an argument or message to probability of communication events because
might be in the acceptance sphere or rejection elaboration creates likely or nonlikely.
sphere by three components source credibility, Elaboration will place a range of elaboration
ambiguous message, and dogmatic thinking starting from elaborated and non elaborated.
(Morisan, 2010:28). Likelihood elaboration is a probability where
semeone will evaluate the message critically.
Elaboration Likelihood Theory One who is critical is those who are carefull,
Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) is digest every message, idea, information or
developed by Richard E. Petty and John T. message received (Morrisan, 2010:33).
Cacioppo in 1980s. The ELM is based on the idea ELM is about how an individual
that attitudes are important because attitudes processing messages. It about when and how an
guide decisions and other behaviors. While individual is persuaded and change his/her mind
attitudes can result from a number of things, through the messahe she/he receives. There are
persuasion is a primary source. The model two ways of processing messages, central and
features two routes of persuasive influence: peripheral routes.
central and peripheral. The ELM accounts for the Central route processing involves
differences in persuasive impact produced by a high level of elaboration. Here, the audience (or
arguments that contain ample information and user) scrutinizes the message’s contents (rather
cogent reasons as compared to messages that rely than reads casually) because of
on simplistic associations of negative and a high motivation level. Users know what’s
positive attributes to some object, action or important to them; consequently, they will invest
situation. The key variable in this process is in examining a credible design’s message. So, if
involvement, the extent to which an individual is users are persuaded via central route processing,
willing and able to ‘think’ about the position they will have focused on the message’s
advocated and its supporting materials. When strengths. They’ll also be more likely to focus
people are motivated and able to think about the and ignore distractions (such as pop-ups) as they
content of the message, elaboration is high. seek their goals.
Elaboration involves cognitive processes such as Peripheral route processing involves
evaluation, recall, critical judgment, and a low level of elaboration. The user isn’t

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

scrutinizing the message for its effectiveness. As dresses, the way she/he speaks, and the way
such, other factors can influence him/her, she/he delivers the message.
including distractions. These include such users Perloff (2010:175) mentions indicators
as those who know that they want an item, but do of attractiveness. First, likability. He/she has
not know much about the detail of that item. likability means she is able to make the audience
feels comfortable and certain. She/he looks in a
Interpersonal persuasion good mood so that the audience feels
One of interpersonal persuasions is comfortable to listen to him/her. Second is
discussed in Social Exchange Theory. A similarity. Similarity indicates similar
relationship is going on if both sides are equal. A physically, origin, culture, education, fate, and so
relationship might be in trouble if there is no on. Similarity according to Goethals and Nelson
balance between cost and rewards. They might (1973) will be effective in making decision
close or stop a relationship if one of them will not personally and emotionally (Perloff, 2010:176).
receive rewards. Cialdini (2001) in an article Third is physical attractiveness. She/he seems to
titled “Harnessing The Science Of Persuasion” be physically good looking. Jalaluddin Rachmat
mentioned 6 principles of persuasion, liking, (2009:111) mentions self attractiveness such as
reciprocity, social proof, people align with their likability, emotion.
clear commitment, authority, and scarcely.
Previous Research
Dimensions of Persuasion In this part it will be discussed some
Based on the theory of Elaboration researches that have the same issue. The first is a
Likelihood Theory, he/she will be persuaded research was by Yudi Perbawaningsih (2012).
depending on how he/she manages the message. The title is ”About Elaboration Likelihood
In order to persuade, there are two components Model and Rhetoric Theory”. It is a survey
to complete, message source and the message research. The finding is that effective persuasion
itself. Hutagalung in Sears et al (1985:172) said is determined by message and non message.
that source is the most important factors in Peripheral factor plays very important role than
persuasion. The change of attitude of the receiver the message itself. It is impossible to separate
depends on the message and the target of the message with its source in persuasion. Both the
message (Hutagalung, 2015:75). Perloff message and the source of message are one. This
(2010:175) said that the success of persuasion research is supported by another research entitled
depends on message source and the message ”Source Factors and the Elaboration Likelihood
itself. So that’s why in this research, the concept Model of Persuasion” by Richard E Petty and
of persuasion is divided into two components, the John T Cacioppo (1984) found out that
message source and the message itself. Elaboration Likelihood model is a model of
When talking about persuasion, persuasive communication. Message source is
charisma is always the keyword. It is related to very effective in persuading audience. He will be
the authority, attractiveness, or a speacial person powerful in his persuasion when his argumen is
who has the power of persuasion. Charisma is a very strong and it will be weak when the
concept which connotatively positive but argument is also weak.
sometimes it is interpreted vice versa. Charisma
is identical with violence such as persuasion by
Adofl Hitler who used words and symbols to
protect his authority and his power. It is a posivism paradigm research. Truth is
single and objective. Hypothesis is implemented
There are atributes of persuasive source,
authority, credibility, and attractiveness. First, it as a temporary answer to the research question.
is aauthority. It is about someone who is This research is a quantitative research. Data
were collected from questionnaires. Samples
appropriate to deliver the message. He has the
power to deliver the message to the receiver. were taken from stratified random sampling.
Second, it is credibility. A communicator is There were 200 students of Tarakanita became
the samples of this research. Data were analyzed
credible if he has a certain qualification to deliver
a message. A person who has the authority is not using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
always credible to deliver a message. Credibility (SPSS) 16th edition.
is a perception of receiver towards the quality of
the message source because of his/her expertise. Data Analysis
Third is attractiveness. A communicator might In this part, there will be discussed the
regression analysis starting from determining the
be successful in persuading if she/he is attractive.
Attractiveness can be seen from the way she/he hypothesis, specify the criterion to reject nul

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

hypothesis, statistical analysis, interpretation and variables and 71.4% are caused by other
discussion. components excluding in this research.
Hypothesis F test is used to see the effect of both
H0 : there is no positive and significant variables towards the motivation. Table 2
effect between source credibility (X1) indicates that the two independent variables give
and source attractiveness (X2) towards positive and significant effect to motivation
motivation to learn (Y) (sig.000<0.05).
H1 : there is a positive and significant effect When further analysis is done, Table 2
between source credibility (X1) and indicates that the effect of teacher’s credibility to
source attractiveness (X2) towards motivation is only 1.9% with α= 0.301>0.05. It
motivation to learn (Y) means that teacher’s credibility is not
significantly influencing student motivation.
Criterion Then, the effect of self attractiveness towards
F test, to reject H0, the P-value of F test is motivation is only 11.6% with α=0.000<0.05. It
<0.05 is indicating that self attractiveness gives positive
T test, to reject Ho, the P-value of T test is and significant influence to the student
<0.05 motivation though it is too small (11.6%)
whereas 88.4% are influenced by other factors.
Statistical analysis

Table 1
Model Summary Tarakanita is a woman school. There are
R Adjusted Std. Error of two study programs, communication science and
Model R secretarial training. It has been operating since
Square R Square the Estimate
1 .534 .286 .278 1.84706 1968 for secretarial study program and since
Predictor: Credibility and Attractiveness 2009 for communication science study program.
There have been thousands of alumni graduated
from this school especially from the secretarial
study program. This campus is very popular
Table 2 because of its discipline and its quality. This
ANOVA campus is leading in producing competent
Sum of
Mean secretaries and communicators. There are three
Square df F Sig.
Square main competencies, English language
Regressio 271.33 135.66 39.76 .00 proficiency, Information and Communication
n 1 6 6 0 Technology, and Secretarial skills or
Residual 678.91 19 communication skills. This campus also equips
1 9
Total 950.24 20
its training by complete, high-end, and up-to-date
3 1 learning infrastructure and facilities. The quality
Predictor: Credibility and Attractiveness of alumni is supported by high quality lecturers.
The organizational culture is also very unique.
Table 3 The first impression about this campus is clean,
Coefficients discipline, punctual, and neat. The lecturers are
Unstandardized not always women. Its high quality alumni make
Coefficients this campus source of skillful human resources
Model t sig
Error for national, foreign, and multinational
(Constant) 4.733 1.218 3.886 .000 companies in Jakarta and overseas. So that’s why
Credibility .019 .018 1.036 .301 it is not balance between the supply and demand.
Attractiveness .116 .028 4.155 .000 The demand is higher that its supply. No wonder
Dependent Variable: Motivation that there are no alumni who are unemployment.
This condition might be one of the reasons why
Interpretation the students do not really care about teacher’s
Table 1 shows that there is a moderate credibility and attractiveness. Their motivation is
relationship between teacher’s credibility and not determined by whether the lecturers are
attractiveness with .534. The effect of teacher’s credible or not or whether the lecturers are
credibility and attractiveness towards the attractive or not but their motivation is the work
motivation to learn is 28.6%. It means that the itself. They decide to study in this campus to get
change score of on motivation can be explained a good job with high salary.
by the change of credibility and attractiveness

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

It is clear that credibility of the lecturer REFERENCES

is only giving 1.9% to the students’ motivation to
[1] Cialdini, Robert. Harnessing the Science of
learn. Their motivation is always high though the
Persuasion. Harvard Business School
credibility of the lecturer is not really good.
Publishing Corporation. 2001
Lecturers are not the main factors to motivate
them. It might be other variables such as the [2] Djamarah, Syaiful Bahri. Psikologi Belajar.
speed of completing the study since this school is PT. Rineka Cipta: Jakarta. Guru dan Anak
campus for its high price. The second variable Didik Dalam Interaksi Edukatif Suatu
might be the promising job. They want to get a Pendekatan Teoretis Psikologis. Rineka
good job so that they may have a good income. Cipta: Jakarta. 2002.
Lecturers’ attractiveness is not the main
factor for motivating students. It is only 11.6% of [3] Dwi. Hubungan antara tindakan bullying
self attractiveness will influence the students dengan prestasi belajar anak korban
bullying. Jurnal psikologi udayana vol 1.
motivation. In other words, it seems that the
students do not really care about the lecturers’ 2014.
attractiveness which is divided into three [4] Gagne, R.M, The Conditions of learning.
attributes namely physical attractiveness, New York: Holt Rinehar atnd Wiston. 1977.
charisma, and reputation. One of the three is the
charisma though it is also very small. It is only [5] Hutagalung, Inge. Communication Theories
21.7% of lecturers’ charisma give positive in Psychological Influence. Indexs
motivation of the students, 9.1% of the physical Publication Jakarta. 2015
attractiveness and 7.6% of the reputation. [6] Littlejohn, Stephen W & Karen A. Foss.
Theories of Human Communication. (9th ed.)
Table 4 (Hamdan, Mohammad Yusuf. Terj.) Jakarta
Coefficients : Salemba Humanika. 2009.
Coefficients [7] Ma, Ringo Ma & Chuang, Rueying.
Model t sig
Std. Persuasion Strategies of Chinese College
Error Students in Interpersonal Contexts. 2001.
(Constant) 5.567 1.168 4.766 .000
Physical [8] Morissan. Psychology of Communication.
.091 .071 1.290 .198
Ghalia Indonesia. 2010.
Charisma .217 .064 3.409 .001
Reputation .076 .104 .729 .467 [9] Perbawaningsih, Yudi. About Elaboration
Dependent Variable: Motivation
Likelihood Model and Retorica Theory.
Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Vol. 9, No. 1. 2012.
[10] Petty, Richard E & Cacioppo, John T.
The purpose of this research is to see the Sources Factors and the Elaboration
influence of source credibility and source self Likelihood Model of Persuasion. Journal of
attractiveness towards students’ motivation to Advances in Consumer Research Vol. 11
learn. The research result shows that source page 668-672. 1984
credibility and source self attractiveness give
positive impact to the students’ motivation to [11] Perloff, Richard M. The Dynamics of
learn (28.6%) but when further analysis is done, Persuasion: communication and attitudes in
it is found out that the influence of credibility is the 21st century. 4th Edition. The Taylor &
only 1.9% and self attractiveness is only 11.6%. Francis, E-Library. 2010.
This statistical result indicates that the students [12] Rakhmat, Jalaludin. Psychology of
of Tarakanita are always motivated to learn Communication. Remaja Rosdakarya
though motivation is not from their lecturers. Bandung. 2009.
There might be other factors that motivate
students to learn at Tarakanita. In short, the [13] Safari. Teknik Analisis Butir Soal instrumen
research is informing that this research is Tes dan non tes. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.
supporting the previous research about source Asosiasi Pengawas Sekolah Indonesia
credibility and source attractiveness. DEPDIKNAS. 2005.
[14] Slameto. Belajar dan Faktor-faktor yang
mempengaruhinya. Jakarta. 2010

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[15] Syah. Psikologi Pendidikan dengan

Pendekatan Baru. Bandung: PT Remaja
Rosdakarya. 2008.
[16] Suryabrata, Sumadi. Psikologi Pendidikan.
Jakarta: Rajawali. 1984.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Cahyani Windarto
Balai Latihan Kerja Surakarta, Direktorat Jenderal Bina Lattas Kemnaker RI
e-mail : [email protected]

This study aims to determine the effect of the external environment of friends and family factors in the
decision making of a job training participant in choosing training programs; internal environmental
influences which consists of the achievement of the target, another motif, and perceptions that influence
decision making of a job training participant in choosing training programs. The method used in this study
was a quantitative approach. The sampling technique was simple random sampling on the seven majors in
the Surakarta Vocational Training Center. The number of samples of responden to the questionnaire were
352 respondents. Data was collected using questionnaires and interviews, while the processing of data was
editing, coding and tabulating.
The result of this research is the external environment was not significant influence on decision making of
a job training participant in choosing training programs at Surakarta Vocational Training Center; internal
environment consists of the achievement of objectives, other motives and perceptions significantly
influence decision making of a job training participant in choosing training programs.
Keywords: decision making, vocational, external environment, internal environment.

production, free trade investment, capital

transfer, labor market based on common and
In the current era of globalization every same for all ASEAN member countries. By
organization both profit-oriented and non-profit, 2015, ASEAN will have become a community.
should respond to the changes of environment. In place of ten heterogeneous labor markets there
Globalization has a broad impact, not only on the will be a large labor market in which nations
economic sector but also affecting the education recognize one another’s qualifications [2].
sector. Future employment challenges increase Vocational training programs should be
heavily and more complex. Availability of developed base on labor market demands and
employment opportunities in accordance with needs of the industry. Thereby industry will get
the level of workforce education increased in line advantages directly when hire competent worker
with the opening of the free market. So, it was be from vocational training programs. If the
mandatory to improve quality in order to graduates have a high quality, the industry will
compete in the international market and domestic get benefits directly, because at initial time of
market [1]. Improving quality of labor is done by recruitment, industry no need to spend more cost
holding a job training that aims to improve and to provide industrial training. Therefore it is
develop competence, productivity, discipline, proper if the industry has a responsibility to care,
attitude, and work ethic at a certain level of skill concern and take charge together with vocational
and expertise and qualifications in accordance training institutions.
with the level of office or employment. The Vocational education provides services to
Association of Southeast Asian Nations job seekers to reduce skill gaps, therefore the
(ASEAN) concentrates its emphasis on regional quality of vocational training institutions should
cooperation on security, sociocultural and match with the needs of the working needs.
economic integration with ASEAN Economic Recognizing the importance of the external and
Community (AEC) by 2015. Establishing the internal environments of individuals in
AEC creates additional values in regional scope vocational training and in view of the keen
such as a common market economically competition for trainees, the management of
connected through the basis of consistent vocational institutions is also required to respond

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

proactively and read the opportunities and wishes 1. The influence of the external environment on
of prospective workers as their service users. decision-making of trainees in selecting
Such enormous environmental changes also have training programs.
an impact on changing the fundamentals of 2. The influence of the external environment on
vocational management. The Training Center decision-making of trainees in selecting
needs to consider a new approach to managing training programs.
the vocational education management system. 3. The influence of the external and internal
These demands are reinforced by the environment on decision-making of trainees
implementation of the Training Center in selecting training programs.
revitalization program through accreditation that
provides standards for the management of
vocational training institutions according to the
needs of stakeholders. The method used in this study was a
quantitative approach. The sampling technique
The competition between vocational
institutions was not only occurring between was simple random sampling on the seven
Vocational High School (SMK) and Vocational majors in the Surakarta Vocational Training
Center. The number of samples of responden to
Training Center (Balai Latihan Kerja), but
greater competition occurs between the the questionnaire were 352 respondents. Data
Vocational Training Centers. Therefore the was collected using questionnaires and
interviews, while the processing of data was
Training Center needs to pay attention to the
external and internal environments of individuals editing, coding and tabulating. Primary data
to win the competition. Similarly, the Surakarta were derived from observations, and conduct
Vocational Training Center seeks to win the focus group interviews with trainees. Secondary
competition with other Vocational Training data were obtained from websites, policy
documents, curriculum and syllabus documents
Centers. With a vision of “Being a leading job
training institute according to the needs of and teaching materials.
industry and global labor market”. And mission Population in this research was all candidate
trainee Batch I of year 2017 as many as 1264
“Creating a competent, disciplined and ethical
workforce through training, empowerment, and people registering at 7 department. To determine
labor competency certification. the number of samples, used the formula of
Sevila [3] as follow :
To gain the excellence of the institution
with the policy, leadership and good / reliable
management were built seriously to improve the 2
training resources. Good management begins by 1 N(e)
increasing training resources consisting of Where :
infrastructure, facilities, equipment, machinery, n = sample quantity needed
equipment and more. Thus the trainees will get a N = population amount
conducive and fun learning environment. They e = The percentage of sampling errors that
can get what they need such as proper training can still be tolerated by 5 %
programs, competent instructors, adequate ased on the above formula, the minimum sample
equipment and learning tools, a classroom / quantity to be taken is as follows:
workshop and a comfortable learning
environment, and were supported with adequate 1264
information and communication. Thus they will n 2
feel satisfied studying at the Surakarta 1  1264(5%) = 303,84 = 304
Vocational Training Center. Satisfied training trainee
participants will tell others about the excellence In this study the number of samples used
of practicing in Surakarta Vocational Training were 16 trainees from 7 vocational, total 352
Center that will eventually create a good trainees.
impression in the community as well as on the The study use qualitative and quantitative
stakeholders. Stakeholders will conclude that we data analysis. To answer the problem
have a superior training institution. Then they identification used correlation analysis.
will not worry about establishing cooperation Correlation analysis was used to know the
with us. relationship between variables X 1 and X2 to
From the description above defined problem variable Y expressed in double correlation
statements as follows. coefficient (r). Because of the data interval, then
the correlation analysis used is the product
moment correlation. According Sugiyono the

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

formula is as follows [4] : a : Constants or when value X = 0

b1 : egression coefficient independent
variable external environmentl
b2 : Regression coefficient independent
variable internal environment
X1: The value of the independent
where, variable X1
X = otal score of answers to external X2: The value of the independent
environment or internal environment variable X2
Y = otal score of decision-making answers
r = correlation value Training Programs in Surakarta Vocational
n = The number of respondents in this Training Center.
study was 352 people
Public non-formal vocational training
After the relationship between each variable providers (known as Balai Latihan Kerja / BLK),
was obtained, then the three variables are that are under the responsibility of district
reconnected, to find the influence of two governments or Ministry of Manpower and
independent variables to the dependent variable Transmigration, provide training programs for
that is variable X1, variable X2, to variable Y is poor individuals who dropped out of primary or
used double correlation (Ryx1x2)` with the secondary school [5]. BLKs are also divided into
following formula: 3 types:
1. Type A (largest training providers located in
urban areas)
2. Type B (training providers located in smaller
urban centers)
3. Type C (the smallest training providers
located in rural areas
Larger centers provide industrial and service
Where, skills training, while smaller ones offer training
Ryx1x2 = Correlation between variables in different technologies and skills for self-
X1, variable X2, together to variable Y employment. There are 4 types of training offer
ryx1 = Product Moment Correlation by BLK:
between X1, with Y 1. Institutional training (job training programs
ryx2 = Product Moment Correlation which aim to increase the skills of job
between X2, with Y seekers)
rx1x2= Product Moment Correlation 2. Non-institutional training (training programs
between X1, with X2 for people in remote areas organized through
Mobile Training Units)
To find whether the correlation coefficient 3. Apprenticeship programs
can be generalized or not, then it must be tested 4. Demand-based trainings (trainings based on
its significance with the formula :
the demand of industries)
The success of vocational training can be
measured from the absorption rate of graduates
in the work market. If graduates have the
capabilities as required work market, it can be
said vocational institution learning process have
Where, direct and prepared learners for entrance work
Fh = Multiple correlation coefficient market. To achieve this, vocational training
k = Number of independent variables provider, i.e. BLK, always improved the quality
n = Number of samples of learning through the curriculum in accordance
In double correlation and then followed by with the demand of job markets [6].
double regression, this aims to see the level of
influence if there is a change of independent Four types of training that be held in BLKs
variables to the dependent variable with the will succeed attempts aiming at measuring
formula: training provided by the employers tend to focus
Y = a + b 1X 1 + b 2X 2 on formal training only and to neglect therefore
Where, the informal learning processes we can approach
Yˆ : Multiple regression informal training using information on whether

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

young workers declared they learnt their job on industry-specific skills and company/employer
their own, and not through the three other forms specific skills as shown in Figure 2.
of training. The apprenticeship in a large firm is
another form of formal training, with traditional
apprenticeship [7]. The categorization of
vocational education and training was described
in Figure 1.

Figure 2. Structure development of vocational

education and training skills

Figure 1. Categorization of vocational Competency-based curriculum can be

education and training developed with a “field research” or a
Vocational Training Curriculum “benchmark, adopt and adapt” as well as a
combination both of them [11]. Field research
Vocational training curriculum must done by conducting research in the job markets
accommodate all of the needs of both the to collect primary data on the jobs that exist and
physical needs of learners, non-physical, and then formulated into a draft of competency
moral as well as their future to be able to live a standards, validated, tested, reviewed, and
safe, comfortable, good welfare, and harmony establishment. Benchmark, adopt and adapt was
with nature and the surrounding communities. a way to study and compare the standards of
On the other hand based vocational training competence which has existed in various
curriculum needs matching with job markets developed countries or develop the required
(demand-driven by job markets). The emphasis standards adopted and adapted to the needs. After
was on the mastery of the competencies required passing the validation, testing and reviewing,
by industry job markets [8]. The world of work these standards could be set as the first edition of
requires seven basic skills as follows [9]: the competency standard. This combination
1. Critical thinking and problem solving. approach was to combine the two methods
2. Collaboration across networks and leading by above, to reduce weaknesses and improve the
influence. advantages of both methods.
3. Agility and adaptability; President Decree No. 8, 2012 for Indonesian
4. Initiative and entrepreneurship. Qualification Framework has been a basic rule to
5. Oral and written communication effectively. develop competency based curriculum matching
6. Accessing and analyzing information. with job level in various industry. IQF consists
7. Curiosity and imagination. of nine (9) qualification levels. Stage of levelling
up of IQF can be shown in Figure 3.
Competent graduates must have good
fundamental skills and generic work skills.
General skills consist of basic skills, thinking
skills, and personal qualities [10]. Basic skills
include listening skills, reading, writing,
speaking, and math. Thinking skills include how
to learn, how to create and solve problems , and
make decision. Personal qualities affect in the
form of responsibility, integrity, confidence,
moral, character, and loyalty. Theoretically, the
basic skills will support and become foundation
of development individual career. Vocational
training curriculum development, teaching and
learning should provide a sufficient portion for
the development of basic skills. Over
fundamental skills were built generic work skills, Figure 3. IQF Levelling up stage

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Each BLK has develop its own programs argues that consumer behavior as the actions of
base on levelling of IQF appropriate with its individuals who are directly involved in the
district characteristics. Now, some of BLKs type business of obtaining, using and determining
A (large training provide) try to standardize economic goods / services, including the
training program which be held in BLKs. decision-making process that precedes and
Curriculums were be derived from these determines those actions [13]. Consumer
programs. The structure of each core training behavior was the activities of individuals who are
programs consists of eight parts: (1) training directly involved in obtaining and using goods
program tittle, (2) training program code, (3) and services, including in decision-making
training program level, (4) goals, (5) list of unit processes in the preparation and research of such
competence, (6) duration of training, (7) trainee activities. Consumer behavior varies by segment,
pre requirement, (8) instructor requirement. Over for it is used common variables that have been
80 training programs at BLK are now listed in the stated in many marketing books that have been
field of creative industry, business and recognized credibility. Individual consumer
management, automotive, electrical, environment was a general condition or
construction, welding, information technology condition around the consumer that’s natural.
and manufacturing technology [12]. This environment has unique characteristics,
In general, vocation training programs in which in such a way can affect or be influenced.
BLKs can provide competent workforce until
From the above definitions are obtained two
level 5 which able to complete the work in
important things from consumer behavior,
extensive scope, select the appropriate method
namely the decision-making process and
from various options. In managerial competency,
physical activity in an effort to assess, obtain and
able to manage group work and prepare a
use goods and services economically. Each
comprehensive written report. Training duration
individual has different behaviors in fulfilling his
vary from 40 hours (equivalent with 1 weeks),
needs and wants. There are several factors that
160 hours (equivalent with 1 month), until 640
mempengruhi behavior as follows [14] :
hours (equivalent with 7 months). Trainee
a. Culture, cultural factors have a broad and
education requirement as a pre requisite vary
deep influence on behavior, among them are
from elementary school (SD), junior high school
cultural roles, sub-cultures and social classes
(SMP), senior high school (SMA/SMK),
of buyers.
Diploma and Bachelor. It means, vocational
b. Social, included here is a reference group,
training programs with Indonesian Quality
family and role and status.
Framework scheme were a flexible process in
c. The personal characteristics, which include
giving competency recognition.
here are the age and stages of the life cycle,
Factors Affecting the Selection of Training occupation, economic circumstances,
Programs lifestyle as well as the personality and self-
concept of the buyer
Decision-making in choosing a training
d. Psychological, which includes their
program at the Surakarta Vocational Training
motivation, perception, knowledge, stance
Center was not only based on rational economic
and beliefs.
reasons, but there were some other influences
that follow the consumer's decision process. The
Clearly, the four factors that influence
decision to choose a training program was
consumer behavior were seen in figure 4 below :
essentially the same as the decision to become a
buyer in the purchase of goods. Consequently,
the theory of consumer decision-making as well
as many experts in the study of consumer
behavior becomes relevant to explain the
decision-making process of trainee candidates to
select training programs.

The individual environment both external Figure 4. Factors that influences behavior.
and internal was the deepest part (core) of
consumer behavior. Consumer behavior was The reference group consists of all groups
defined as a direct action in obtaining, that have a direct and indirect influence on one's
consuming, and depleting products and services position or behavior. Family members were the
including the preceding decision process and the most influential primary group on the decision to
completion of such actions [3]. While Engel

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

use a service. Role / status was the position of a descriptively result of questionnaire in order to
person in each group. give more comprehensive picture about The
object under study.
The internal environment in this case was a The external environment consists of
psychological factor that includes motivation, reference (Friends and Family) and Roles /
perception of learning and attitude. Motivation Status. Based on the description of the
acts as a driving force within the individual that respondent's response to the statement regarding
drives an action. Action or action is a process that the External Environment consisting of the
involves perception. Perception is a process Reference Group (Friends) and (Family) and the
within the individual to select, organize and Role / Status on the questionnaire then all
interpret information to form a meaningful responses can be averaged into the form of the
product picture. The act of choosing will also be following average table
influenced by past consumer experiences. This
Table 2. Average Respondents Response to
experience leads to a learning process. Learning
Positive Statements Regarding External
was a change in the behavior of an individual that
comes from his experience. Attitudes were the
evaluation, emotional feelings and tendencies of External
a favorable or disagreeable and long-lasting Factors
agree agree nor disagree
agree disagree
action of a person against some object or idea disagree
Friends 23,30 26,70 29,26 7,39 13,35 100
Family 24,43 32,39 26,14 9,38 7,67 100
Surakarta Vocational Training Center should Roles & Status 32,67 26,99 24,43 9,38 6,53 100
Rata‐Rata 26,80 28,69 26,61 8,71 9,19
pay attention to the internal and external
Based on table 1. regarding the average of
environment of the individual, so that the
respondents' responses to positive statements
negative impact of student decision making in
about the external environment, almost half of
choosing the department can be minimized and
respondents stated strongly agree (26.80%) and
avoided, thus the students feel satisfied with the
agreed (28.69%). This indicates that the external
services offered. To find out the trainee's wishes,
environmental factors influence the decision
the Surakarta Vocational Training Center should
making in choosing the training program at the
have extensive knowledge of the behavior of its
Surakarta Vocational Training Center.
The internal environment consists of
Consumer behavior is a study that studies
Achieving Goals, Other Motives, Perceptions
how an individual makes the decision to spend
(Targets and Situations), and Learning
on existing resources (time, money) to meet his
(Information and Attitudes) Based on the
needs including what to buy, why they buy, when
description of respondents' responses to
they buy, where they buy, how much they buy
statements about the internal environment, all
And how long they will use it [15]. So thus there
responses can be averaged into the following
are two important elements of the meaning of
average table form this internal.
consumer behavior that is 1) decision-making
process and; 2) physical activity, all of which Table 3. Average Respondents Response to
involve individuals in assessing, obtaining and Positive Statements Regarding Internal
using goods and services. Environment
Based on the above framework, hypothetical Internal
formulation can be formulated: External Factors
agree agree nor disagree

environment (Family, role / status and reference Motivation 39,77 28,41 22,73 5,68 3,41 100
group) and Internal Individual (Motivation, Perception 36,36 37,78 21,02 1,99 2,84 100
Learning 32,95 33,81 21,59 4,55 7,10 100
perception of learning and attitude) attitudes Beliefs &
32,67 39,49 16,76 6,53 4,55
towards the decision maker In selecting training Attitudes 100
Rata‐Rata 47,25 46,50 27,37 6,25 5,97
Based on table 2. about the average of
respondents' responses to positive statements
Before discussing the effect of X1 variable regarding the decision of choosing majors, the
(external environment) and variable X2 (internal majority of respondents stated strongly agree
environment) to variable Y (decision of trainee (47.25%) and agree (46.50%). This shows that
in choosing training program at Surakarta decision making in choosing a training program
Vocational Training Center), will be reviewed

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

at Surakarta Vocational Training Center is quite dominant in influencing the potential trainees
steady in choosing the training program. Therefore,
the promotion should be done by the agency
Based on the calculation results obtained by does not neglect the parents as the object.
multiple regression equation: 2. From the results of the research turns out
Model Summary motivation factor was a dominant factor in
Change Statistics influencing new student candidate in
Model R
Adjusted Std. Error ofR Square
R Square R Square the Estimate Change F Change df1 df2 Sig. F Change choosing training program especially attitude
1 a
,486 ,236 ,108
a.Predictors: (Constant), X2, X1
1,17650 ,236 1,851 2 12 ,199
factor. Therefore, the promotion should be
done by the agency to be more to self-
awareness of the need for expertise and work
Sum of
Model Squares df Mean Square F Sig. competence in each training program.
1 Regression 5,124 2 2,562 1,851 ,199a
Residual 16,610 12 1,384
Total 21,733 14 ACKNOWLEDGMENT
a. Predictors: (Constant), X2, X1
b. Dependent Variable: Y The authors would like to acknowledge
Coefficientsa Directorate of Instructor and Personnel Training
Coefficients Correlations
at Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration of
1 (Constant)
Std. Error
Beta t
Zero-order Partial Part
Republic Indonesia for its support to this work.
X1 ,618 ,354 ,477 1,747 ,106 ,485 ,450 ,441
X2 -,054 ,671 -,022 -,080 ,938 -,203 -,023 -,020
a. Dependent Variable: Y

The regression equation was : Y = 3,930 + REFERENCES

0,618X1 - 0,054X2
[1] M. o. M. a. T. Decree, "Decree No 12,
Meanwhile, the relationship between X1 and X2 Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Panjang
together to Y is r = 0.486 and the effect of X1 and Bidang Ketenagakerjaan dan
X2 together with Y is: r2 = 23.6% (significant). Ketransmigrasian Tahun 2012 - 2025,"
So the research hypothesis was accepted. 2012.
The partial effect of X1 to Y is not significant, [2] H. X. Hung, I. W. Ratnata, B. Soysouvanh
and the influence of X2 on Y signifies that the and W. Jiping, "Cooperative, regional
internal environment has an effect on the development and implementation of new
participant's decision in the selection of training Curricula in Vocational Teacher Education
program at Surakarta Vocational Training – experiences and reflections," TVET
Center. @Asia, no. 2, pp. 1-15, 2013.
[3] U. Husein, Riset Pemasaran dan Perilaku
Konsumen, Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka
From the discussion results can be concluded : Utama, 2000.
1. From the results of the study found that the [4] Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Bisnis,
variables X1 (external environment) and Bandung: Alfabeta, 2010.
variable X2 (internal environment) together
affect the variable Y (decision making in [5] UNESCO-UNEVOC, "TVET formal, non-
choosing training program). formal and informal systems," [Online].
2. Partially, the variable X1 (external Available:
environment) was not significant effect on
the variable Y (decision making in choosing nts.xml. [Accessed 18 March 2014].
a training program) [6] T. Sukardi, "Peranan Bimbingan Kejuruan
3. Partially, the variable of X2 (internal terhadap Pembentukan Karakter Kerja pada
environment) significantly influences the Pembelajaran Teknik Pemesinan," Fakultas
variable Y (decision making in choosing the Teknik UNY, Yogyakarta, 2012.
training program) means the greater the
internal environment (eg. motivation in itself [7] C. J. Nordman and L. Pasquier-Doumer,
/ motivation), the more determined in "Vocational Education, On-the-Job Training
choosing the training program. and Labour Market Integration of Young
Workers in Urban West Africa," UNESCO,
Given suggestions: EFA Global Monitoring Report: Youth,
1. From the research result, the family Skills and Work, Paris, 2012.
environment (father and mother) is quite

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

[8] M. Tessaring, Anticipation of Skill

Requierements: European Activities and
Approaches in International Handbook of
Education forthe Changing World of Work,
Bridging Academic and Vocational
Learning, Germany: Springer
Science+Business Media, 2009.
[9] T. Wagner, The Global Achievement Gap,
New York: Basic Books, 2008.
[10] B. Stern, Career and Workforce
Development Trends: Implications for
Michigan Higher Education White paper,
Michigan: Ferris State University, 2003.
[11] P. Sudira, "Kurikulum dan Pembelajaran
Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Vokasi
Menyongsong Skill Masa Depan,"
Pengembangan Kurikulum Politeknik Negri
Bali , Bali, 2011.
[12] C. Windarto and Sukiyo, "Curriculum
Integration of Vocational Training and
Apprenticeship Based Training to Fulfill
Competent Workforce Market," 3rd
International Conference on Vocational
Education and Training (ICVET), vol. 1, no.
1, pp. 207-215, 2014.
[13] Budiyanto, Perilaku Konsumen, Jakarta:
Bina Rupa Aksara, 1996.
[14] K. Philip, Manajemen Pemasaran : Analisa
Perencanaan, Implementasi dan Kontrol,
Jakarta: Prenhalindo, 2000.
[15] K. L. Laza and S. L. G, Consumer Behavior,
New Jersey USA: Printice Hall
International, Inc, 1997.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Andika Adinanda
Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura
[email protected]

This aims of this research to describe learning strategies used in primary schools suitable with the
implementation of the curriculum in 2013 (2) analyzing authentic assessment used by teachers in
curriculum implementation in 2013 (3) provides solutions strategy and the creation of an effective authentic
assessment in primary schools. This research is a qualitative descriptive research. Respondent was carried
out in the fifth grade primary school district Bangkalan. with school samples as many as 10 schools. Data
collection techniques used were observation, interviews, and documentation. Based on observations result,
learning strategies often used is problem solving, and inquiri. Both of them make childereen think critical.
The results of the interviews conducted, the implementation of the curriculum in 2013 also experienced
some constraints in the assessment. Only 40% of respondents said that implementation authentic assessment
is effective. 60% of respondents said that authentic assessment in primary schools are constrained from the
type of assessment that is in accordance with the instructional objectives, not according with prior
knowledge, and requires a lot of time. Based on the results, that the learning strategies appropriate to the
curriculum in 2013 that is strategy-based issues such as problem solving. In accordance with the purpose
of learning, it takes a lot of time. So the learning assessment process is more effective and efficient.
Keywords : Learning Strategy, Authentic Assessment, Primary Education

strengthening of attitude, knowledge and skill

competence (Puskurbuk, 2012). To achieve these
Asean Economic Society (MEA) should objectives, the curriculum emphasizes the
improve the quality of education in order to meet scientific learning process that embraces the
the needs of learners to live in society during the paradigm of constructivism. Thus the students
competition with foreign nations. Competition in are expected to understand the concept so that the
the world of work with foreign nations learning process can enter in longterm memory
competitors can not be denied, where the and students can understand the essence of
Indonesian people are still minimal creativity and learning.
innovation in the work. In harmony with this, it The thing that makes a striking difference
is necessary to improve the improvement of between the 2013 curriculum and the previous
education especially learning, The skills that curriculum is the emphasis of the learning
should be formed in the learners are: 1) sphere. The 2013 curriculum emphasizes
cooperative skills, 2) communication skills, 3) educational processes that are touching on a
creativity, 4) critical thinking skills, 5) skills of wider range of cognitive, affective, and
using information technology, 6) numerical psychomotor domains. The 2013 curriculum
skills, 7) problem-solving skills, 8) self- classifies it in four core competencies: social
organizing skills, and 9) learning skills. Through attitude competence, spiri-tual attitude,
these skills, Indonesia is expected to compete knowledge, and skills. In this way, the potential
with other nations in the work. of students other than the cognitive domain can
One indicator of the achievement of also be developed.
Education in our country with the The role of learning strategies in achieving
implementation of the Curriculum effectively. curriculum goals has a very important. Learning
The implementation of Curriculum 2013 is strategy consists of all components of learning
expected to generate productive, innovative and materials that will be used to assist students in
affective creative human resources through the achieving learning objectives (Gropper, 19).

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Teachers do not just master Rules and principles strategy used and the implementation of the 2013
of teaching, but more importantly integrate and curriculum assessment in primary school.
construct those rules to form a more memorable Population in this research is class V primary
learning strategy in their learning. school in Bangkalan regency. Determination of
In addition to the role of strategy, samples by purposive sampling, 20 schools in
assessment has a major role in determining Bangkalan District consisting of SDN in Kamal,
educational success. Good judgment has an Socah and bangkalan areas.
impact on the learning process (Popham, 2009, Data Collection Techniques were collected
p.13) and serves as a reference to its next policy using questionnaires, and observations. The
(Mardapi, 2008, p.5). The accuracy of the scope to be explored in this research activity are
selection of assessment methods will greatly (1) techniques and assessment instruments
affect the objectivity and vali- ditas of the results (including the types of assessments and
of the assessment, whose end is objective and measured competencies); (2) assessment
valid information on the quality of education. mechanisms and procedures undertaken by
Conversely, errors in choosing and applying the educators and; (3) the suitability of instructional
assessment method also impact on invalid strategies applied by educators in relation to the
information about learning outcomes and implementation of the curriculum2013.
education. The various data collected were then
Implementation assessment in the 2013 analyzed by quantitative or qualitative
Curriculum more complexity than the previous descriptive approach developed by Miles and
curriculum assessment system. Although the Huberman. Miles & Huberman's (1994, p.12)
government has prepared teachers through analysis of the stages of qualitative data analysis
various trainings, there are still many complaints are data, reduction, display, and conclusions. The
that appear in the field regarding the assessment. analysis process starts from the data recap, the
Allen & Friedman (2010) states that the most data reduction involves simplifying the data by
complex of learning is the integration of sifting through the data needed. The data of the
furniture-the teachings of the various domains of reduction is classified according to the design of
cognitive, behavior, and feelings. According to the analysis that has been designed and then in
Retnawati 92015, pp. 398-400) one of the aspects the Display After the data display has been
that obstacles the implementation of the 2013 verified then taken conclusion.
curriculum is a complex assessment system and
it takes a long time to compile the report. The
really new thing is the attitude assessment, where
Planning Stage
the judgment is the majority complained of by
the teacher because it is considered difficult. Planning stage is the activities undertaken
Retnawati (2015, p.400) states that one of the by the teacher before the implementation of
strategy development and assessment done.
biggest obstacles in the assessment is attitude
assessment. The teacher's insight in choosing the Planning is a very important initial concept and
right meto-de and developing the assessment supports the smooth assessment process.
Learning and Assessment Structure in
instrument is lacking.
Given the importance of good assessment Curriculum 2013 is relatively complex and
in support of curriculum implementation, there complicated so that without good preparation,
should be a review of how the implementation of the implementation of learning process will be
the strategy and assessment of the Curriculum disrupted. Teachers should develop instructional
strategies relevant to the application of a
2013 in the field. Specifically, the objectives of
this study were to: (1) describe the relevant types scientific approach to learning. Design and
of learning strategies used in the 2013 develop assessment instruments based on
competencies to be achieved. Teachers are
curriculum, (2) to obtain facts and figures in the
field of implementation of the assessment in the required to be able to develop assessment
Curriculum 2013; (3) identifying constraints instruments that can measure students' abilities
according to the learning objectives.
(constraints) and success factors for the
implementation of the assessment in the In the research process identified the efforts
Curriculum 2013. of teachers in seeking the development of
strategies that appear in the planning of learning.
The results showed that 50% of primary school
teachers use Direct instructional strategies, and
This research is an explorative descriptive Cooperative Learning as a form of
study that describes and reveals the learning implementation of the 2013 curriculum.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Tabel 1. Precentage Of Using Learning Strategy In Bangkalan Primary School

The Using Of Strategy Learning
Cooperativ Ekspository PBM Strategy Other Strategy
Strategy Strategy


In relation to the assessment techniques clearly emphasized, Curriculum Values 2013

used in the lesson plan, few conduct the more emphasis on authentic assessment with
assessment bergam types and techniques.
instrument analysis (based on empirical Implementation Phase
data) on formative evaluation, in addition the Implementation stage is a phase of strategy
teacher does not analyze the learning implementation and assessment based on
achievement instrument that meets the substance, planning that has been prepared by the teacher.
construction, and language requirements is also The result of the observation shows that the
relatively small. The absence of instrument attitude assessment conducted by teachers in the
analysis process also shows that there is no classroom is relatively small, especially by
revision process. The type of assessment used is teachers of elementary school teachers.
still in the dominance of written tests. Though

Tabel 2. Precentage Of Using Authentic Instrument at Lesson In Bangkalan Primary Schools

The Using Of Authentic Instrumen at lesson

Observation sheet Self Asessment Inter friend Create Jurnal

Type Of Authentic Asessment in Primary Schools

Based on observation result, we can show authentic assessment observation sheet, than
that some primary school in Bangkalan district only 30% attitude competence assessment with
still implement authenthic assessment not yet. self assessment sheet. than assessed attitudinal
From the table above, we can describe that competencies with a 30% inter-friends
approximately 40% teachers who conduct assessment, and who conducted an attitude

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

competency assessment by creating a 30% readability of values with new ranges is a matter
journal. of concern because parents have difficulty in
Learning strategy planned in RPP. representing the meaning of value symbols in the
Cooperative strategy implemented well, direct report card. Many parents propose reporting to
instructional strategy also still dominated return to the 0-100 value range. Thus, schools
expository strategy. The 2013 curriculum have a central role in educating parents about the
emphasizes the ability of children to think new appraisal system so that parents can properly
critically based on a scientific approach. So it is access information on the report card.
not appropriate if expository strategies used by A report card is the end product of an
teachers when implementing learning in the assessment. The report card contains a student's
classroom. compilation capability. The format of the 2013
The various problems that occur in the curriculum report card also differs from the
atmosphere lead to a conclusion that the teacher's previous curriculum. Ten in-forman agreed that
insight is lacking in the judgment technique. the Curriculum report card 2013 is complicated.
Teachers are still unable to choose an objective The report card is filled with descriptions of
assessment technique effective and efficient. student learning outcomes. The making of
When the teacher is able to choose the right descriptions is the problem. There are still many
technique then the assessment process will be teachers who are not used to writing so that the
accomplished with better without adding a process of writing the description seemed
significant burden on the teacher so that it complicated and requires a relatively long time.
interferes with his role as a learner facilitator in Writing report cards involves classroom
the class. teachers. Collaboration is often constrained
Especially for elementary level there is a because of mutual waiting. The writing pattern of
thematic learning that can combine several the report card in general is the subject teacher
subjects in one particular theme. It was found that describes the value and submits the result of the
there are still many elementary school teachers assessment. Such conventional systems are not
who complain that it is difficult to conduct effective in time and effort. Many teachers
thematic assessment. To anticipate the problems complain about the system because it is very
that occur in the implementation process of draining. It takes a system that can facilitate
Curriculum assessment 13 on elementary teachers in writing report cards. The efficiency of
thematic learning, it is necessary to have training time and energy is the focus of need. Teachers
or workshop for elementary school teachers on need a system that can link between the judges
thematic learning assessment. In the assessment and the eagle in one bundle of report cards with
of thematic learning, the important thing to note ease.
is the clarity of the competition that will be
measured, so that later because it also clearly
measures what we want to measure or the matter
is valid. Based on the results of data analysis and
Reporting Stage discussion can be concluded as follows. First, at
the planning stage, there were many teachers in
FGD findings show that many teachers face
problems in report generation, especially in the the field who did not understand about: the grid
use of the 1-4 range range. Teachers face problem and its usefulness, also analyzed the
problems because no conversion table has been inquiry and created scoring guidelines or rubric
created on Governmental Rules to convert the of description. The use of learning strategies does
not reflect problem-based learning with a
range from 0-100 to a range of values 1-4 on the
assessment of knowledge and skills. For science scientific approach. Secondly, at the
teachers, especially in mathematics, the value implementation stage, it was found that many
teachers have difficulties in implementing
conversion process is not a complicated issue.
However, for IPS subject teachers, the value assessments in the Curriculum 2013, especially
conversion process is a major obstacle. Thus, the difficulties in attitude assessment, and judgment
of thematic learning, as well as difficulties in
availability of a standard table for conversion or
an IT-based student who can assist in the analyzing assessment instruments and revised
conversion of values is necessary. items. The strategies teachers use in learning are
still conventional. The method of learning is
Value scales impact not only on teachers
but also on students and parents. Implementation more emphasized on talking various method.
of a 0-100 range that has been running for a very Thirdly, in the field of reporting, it was found in
the field that many teachers experienced
long time makes the parent accustomed or even
the value is already identical to the scale. The difficulties in reporting using a range of values 1-

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

4 on the assessment of knowledge and skills, [7] Custer, R. L., & et al. (2000). Using
scores 1-4 on the scale difficult to read by authentic assessment in vocational
parents, and the difficulty of writing the report education. clearinghouse on adults, career,
card . and vocational education. The Ohaio State
The suggestions as an alternative way to University.
overcome various problems in the
[8] Eraslan, A. (2013). Teacher’s reflection on
implementation of Curriculum 2013 as follows.
the implementation of the new elementary
To solve the problem in the planning phase it is
school mathematics curriculum in Turkey.
suggested to the Head of Schools, teachers and
HU Journal of Education, 28(2), 152–162.
the Education Office to socialize and train the
first lattice to make the problem instead of the [9] Fernandes, H. J. X. (1984). Testing and
opposite, also the analysis of the analysis of the Measurement. Jakarta: National Educational
instrument and also make the rubric Or scoring Planning, Evaluation and Curriculum
guideline for a simultaneous description of the Development.
problem as they make their case.
Repairing the various problems in the [10] Permendikbud No 66 Tahun 2013. Jakarta:
implementation phase, it is suggested that Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
teachers, principals, and education offices to [11] Permendiknas No 20 Tahun 2007. Jakarta:
create and simplify assessment guidance in the Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
Curriculum 2013, need to be given appropriate
assessment techniques training on thematic [12] Puspendik. (2011). Tes tertulis. Jakarta:
lessons, and guide teachers to perform Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan, Badan
instrumental analysis activities and revise items Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kementerian
As well as training the use of a scientific Pendidikan Nasional.
approach. [13] Sudjana, N. (2010). Penilaian hasil proses
belajar mengajar. Bandung: PT Remaja
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Affective learning: A taxonomy for teaching Theory and Practice. Foundations, process,
social work values. Journal of Social Work design, and strategy for planning both
Values and Ethics, 7(2). primary and secondary curriculum. New
[2] Allen, M. J., & Yen, W. M. (1979). York: Harcourt, Brace and World.
Introduction to measurement theory. [15] Tanner, D., & Tanner, L. (1975).
Monterey, CA: Brooks/Cole Publishing Curriculum development: theory into
Company. practice. New York: Macmillan.
[3] Anderson, L. W., & Krathwohl, D. R. [16] Uno, H. B., & Koni, S. (2012). Assesment
(2001). A taxonomy for learning, teaching, Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
andassesing: A revision of bloom’s
taxonomy of educatioanl objectives. New [17] Wheeler, D. K. (1967). Curriculum process.
York: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. London: University of London Press Ltd.
Zakaria, R. T. (2011). Penilaian sikap.
[4] Bloom, B. S. (1956). Taxonomy of Jakarta: Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan, Badan
educational objective cognitive domain. Penelitian dan Pengembangan, Kementerian
New York: Longmans, Green and Co. Pendidikan Nasional.
[5] BSNP. (2015). Laporan pemantauan
standar penilaian pendidikan. Jakarta:
Sekretariat Badan Standar Nasional
[6] Chung, B. M. (1994). The Taxonomy in the
Republic of Korea. In L. W. Anderson & L.
A. Sosiak (Eds.), Bloom’s taxonomy: A
forty-year retrospective, ninety-third
yearbook of the national society for the study
of education. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Andi Wibowo
Semarang State University [email protected]

History is crucial to study. National history learning contribute positively towards the integration of nations.
The function of the study of history as a moral education, reasoning, politics, policy changes, and the future.
The younger generation is becoming a necessity to find out about the history of the nation of Indonesia.
Elementary school students have gained historical material on the subjects of IPS and PKn. Submission of
material history typically delivered with a method of speaking engagements or in the form of full text,
which tends to make students feel bored. In the current era of technological advancements, increased
rapidly. The utilization of technologies as media of education are familiar. Based on that, there is the idea
in media education called HISTO as media introduction of the history of Indonesia in elementary school
students. HISTO is a media education developed from software flash. The advantages of flash software
including easy-to-operate, an interesting look, and the material becomes more easily understood. HISTO
designed by optimizing the capability of understanding the history of Indonesia in effective and fun. There
are two main menu in HISTO, namely SINAU and DOLANAN. SINAU menu contains material of history
for elementary school students, for example the chapter material imitation figure and the chapter on history,
while DOLANAN menu contains material relating to the game history on the menu of SINAU. The method
of collecting data uses review of literature. HISTO is innovative and effective media in an effort to improve
the quality of the young generation to love the nation of Indonesia through history education.
Keywords: Characters, Elementary School Students, HISTO, Media

past, maintained and adjusted to the life of the

present, and further developed for the life of the
Love of the homeland and the nation is the future. The purpose of history education on
sense of pride being part of the motherland and secondary basic education gives signs about
the nation who eventually want to create the selection of historical events to be subject.
something that makes land and her people. Love With these signs then selected historical events
the motherland or nationalism is a sense of pride, should provide awareness to students about this
a sense of belonging, a sense of honor and nation, values that championed the unification of
cherish, a sense of loyalty that is owned by any the nation, is experiencing the various
individual in the country where he lived that is challenges and obstacles but can always be
reflected in the behavior of defending his resolved properly. (Hasan, 2012)
homeland, safeguard and protect his homeland, Pedagogical strategy history of Indonesia is
willing to make sacrifices in the interest of the still very weak. History education in schools is
nation and the country, loves the customs or still dwelling on approaches that tend to demand
culture of the country with their preservation and a child to recite the entire occasion. Students are
preserving nature and the environment. The not conditioned to interpret an event in order to
younger generation as the next generation of the understand the dynamics of a change. The
nation even used on other cultures which do not teaching system is one of the things that are
reflect the identity of the nation. History is important in the process of learning history. The
crucial to study. Study the history of which teacher's role is very important in attracting
functions as a moral education, intellectual, students to learn them. The subject matter is
political, policy changes, the future, the beauty, generally concerned the history of human life in
and the science of AIDS (Sartini, 2011). the past, therefore teachers are required to be able
The educational material of history are able to pack the material history lesson with a good
to develop the potential of students to get to know and fun (Alfian, 2011).
the values of a nation that was championed in the

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Child Protection Commission of Indonesia problem. Those books are book of the history
(KPAI) States, violence on children is always book and flash software. Moreover the
increased every year. The results of the researchers search data to internet and collect
monitoring of KPAI from 2011 to 2014, there the related theories.
was significant improvement. "The year 2011
going 2178 cases of violence, 2012 there is 3512
In this step, the data has been collected
cases, 2013 there is 4311 cases, and 2014 there is
to be corpus. Then, the researcher do a
5066 cases, "(, 2015). This has to be
electronic study to test the accurate of corpus.
one of the evidence that the character to keep
After the testing step done, its result become the
order of the community is still low, and became
main data.
one of the evidence has not yet been effectively
history education in Indonesia. Collecting Data
In this research, researchers arrange and
process of main data, then clarify it based on
the character of value.
Research Design
This research is a descriptive research.
Descriptive research is one of the type of basic
research to describe phenomena, include non- The result of this research is the
fiction or fiction (Sukmadinata 2012:72). The application named HISTO which are used to
purpose of this research is to make sistematic, innovation characters education media of love
factual, accurate descriptive about facts and the motherland in elementary school students.
characteristic of population in the certain The Following is a flowchart from HISTO
object. application.
The steps in this research are (1) to
identificate the significant problem to be
solved (2) to limit and formulate the problem
(3) to determine purpose and objective of the
research (4) to do review literature (4) to
collect, organize, and analyse the data with
relevant statistic technique
(6) to make research report.
Subject of the Study
Research published by shows
that cases of violence on the always increasing
every year. The results of the monitoring of
KPAI from 2011 to 2014, there was significant
improvement. "The year 2011 going 2178 cases Figure 1. Flowchart of HISTO Application
of violence, 2012 there is 3512 cases, 2013
there is 4311 cases, and 2014 there is 5066
Method of Collecting Data
The method of collecting data uses
review of literature. It is one of the method of
collecting data with accumulating and
analysing documents, includes written,
pictures or electronic documents. The
following figure is the review of literature of
the study.
Steps of the Study
Steps of the study from this research are
Figure 2. The front page of HISTO Application
planning, doing, and collecting data.
In this research, the research collects and On the home page of HISTO application
learn literature books which relate to the contains two main menu is a menu SINAU and
DOLANAN. SINAU menu contains material of

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

history for elementary school children in fourth

grade. SINAU, menu will contain two content
are. historical relics and learning from heroes.

Figure 5. Historical relics in DKI Jakarta

Learning from Heroes on the menu, give a
Figure 3. Two content on menus SINAU description biography of Indonesian heroes, for
example Ir. Soekarno.
Historical relics on the Menu, give a
description of the existing historical buildings in
Indonesia, one of which, namely the national
monument (MONAS) in DKI Jakarta.
The expected output from the historical
relics include:
a) know the historical heritage that exists
in Indonesia
b) know the things that need to be done
to preserve the historical heritage
c) enhance the sense of love for the
motherland of Indonesia

Figure 6. Learning from heroes

The expected output from the

imitation of the character include:
a) know the hero in Indonesia
b) know the things that need to be made
to appreciate the services of the
c) enhance the sense of love for the
motherland of Indonesia
Figure 4. Historical relics in Indonesia

Click on the map in an area in Indonesia, the

area will bring up a picture and description of the
historical relics in the area. example when
clicking DKI Jakarta, then the image will appear
along with the national monument at the

Figure 7. Puzzle game in menu DOLANAN

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

DOLANAN menu contains material [6] Sartini. “Guna Sejarah: Kenapa Harus
relating to the game history on the menu of Belajar Sejarah”. Jurnal SOSIO e-KONS
SINAU. Vol. II No. 4, 2011.
The expected outputs from DOLANAN
menu are:
know the biography of a hero.
know the name of the historical relics in
know the things that need to be done to
boast of Indonesia.

According Hartika, by 2016, the form of the

cultivation of the sense of values of love of our
homeland should be able to appreciate our fellow
human and loving the motherland by means of
working together, the discussion about lessons
and could apply that past events. The fighters can
learn from the times first who willingly sacrificed
and struggled selflessly in order for free from
colonialism as well as the his passion to fight for
the nation of Indonesia, then we will be more
proud of the own culture and not to forget the
nation's own identity.

HISTO application that have applied in

lementary school students learning can introduce
the history of Indonesia to build love the
motherland character. In addition with the
advancement of technology, the use of this
application on the flash software is an innovative
solution to be use by elementary school students.

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Permasalahan yang Dihadapi,” in jurnal
Ilmiah Kependidikan, Vol. III, No. 2, 2011
[2] GN, Bambang, at all. 2010. Ilmu
Pengetahuan Sosial. Jakarta: PT. Grasindo
[3] Hartika. 2016. Penanaman Nilai Cinta
Tanah Air Disekolah. Skripsi. Pendidikan
Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan. Fakultas
Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan. UMS.
[4] Hasan, S. Hamid. “Pendidikan Sejarah untuk
Memperkuat Pendidikan Karakter”. Jurnal
Paramita Vol. 22 No. 1, 2012
[5] 2015. Pelaku Kekerasan
Terhadap Anak Tiap Tahun
Meningkat. From
meningkat/. Acces on 23 April 2017

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Esti Yuli Widayanti
Yogyakarta State University / IAIN Ponorogo
[email protected]

Islamic Elementary School (Madrasah Ibtidaiyah/MI) in the last decade, especially in East Java, continued
to be promoted its competencies through various institutions and workforce development programs. Higher
education institutions, which producing MI’s teacher candidates, have a very significant role in generating
prospective teachers who have a good competence. One of the competencies to be developed is the
prospective teachers’ mastery of science materials at MI in the realm of process skills. By mastering basic
and integrated science process skills, student teachers will also mastered the concept of science and
scientific attitude. This study aims to optimize integrated science process skills of prospective teachers by
using field investigations strategy in science course. Learning outside the laboratory is the solution used for
the students to be involved directly with the problems that exist in the environment and can find realistic
solutions of the problems. A classroom action research approach was applied for science practice class of
STAIN Ponorogo prospective teacher’s students in second semester of 2015/2016 academic year (52
students). By doing two cycles of the action, the mastery of science process skills could be optimized. Each
cycle consist of planning, acting, observing, and reviewing activities. In the first cycle, students of
prospective teachers got low skills mastery which based on the carried review it was occurred because of
students’ lack understanding of the strategies to be carried out. In the improved next cycle, the strategy of
field investigation could finally improve the integrated science process skills in designing, doing, and
reporting investigation. Doing field investigation strategy to complement the laboratory activities, students
feel free to elaborate their ideas of investigation which have real contribution to their life environment.
Keywords: field investigation, science learning, integrated science process skills, prospective teacher
students, islamic elementary school (madrasah ibtidaiyah)

model for the students. To fulfill the need for

classified teachers, prospective teacher should be
Mastering science process skill is the main trained with the skills. By mastering the skills,
domain in science learning. It will drive students university students as prospective teachers would
to master scientific concepts and attitudes. For have two advantages, mastering the skill itself
prospective elementary teachers, the mastery of and experiencing pedagogical aspect in teaching
this skill is on the integrated level, as mentioned the skill.
in the curriculum. To achieve these expectations, in
Prospective teachers for Islamic elementary accordance with the vision and mission of the
school who have good competency in science Department of Islamic Elementary School
process skill is very needed for teaching learning Teacher Trainer (Pendidikan Guru Madrasah
process in Islamic elementary school (Madrasah Ibtidaiyah-PGMI) in STAIN Ponorogo, the
Ibtidaiyah/MI). Previous research showed result material Science became one of the subjects who
that SPS mastery level of Islamic elementary receive enough attention in the department
school students in Ponorogo was only 54.47% curriculum. In 2015’ Curriculum, subjects
(Widayanti, 2015). This empirical result showed related with science have 12 credits of
that the schools need improvement in their compulsory courses and 10 credits of elective
science learning process. Teachers who have courses. The subjects consist of Science-1,
good competency in SPS mastery would be the Science-2, Science-3, Science Practice-1,

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Science Practice-2, and Materials and Learning To optimize students’ mastery in integrated
for Islamic elementary science. While the SPS, it is necessary for improvements in
elective courses are simple chemistry, Learning instructional process. The change will be
Methodology Science for Elementary Students, achieved by making some improvements by:
Environmental Education, Biology, Physics, and fulfilling the need for laboratory tools and
Basic Earth-Space. materials; doing kind of investigation activities
Science Practice courses allow the students which not need fully supervision by lecturer or
fully perform the learning with practical assistant; and making the learning strategy so
approach / hands on learning. Hands on learning that students shall be engage actively in the
has an important role in the mastery of science investigation activities.
process skills by students of prospective teacher. To make those improvements, investigative
To achieve this goal, learning strategies are activities should not only be done in the
applied during laboratory-based learning laboratory but also can be executed in the field,
strategies. Obstacles faced with this strategy namely in the environment around students’
were: 1). the limited availability of tools and home or university building. Various studies on
materials laboratory which cause practical the mastery of science process skills in addition
implementation be less than the maximum, to laboratory investigations suggest for the
because they have to take turns with students or application of doing investigations in the field of
other groups; 2). Lecturer was the only students’ environment. Field investigations
supervisor and mentor for students of one class recommended by many researchers as best
numbered which have more than 30 students, so practices in learning science, i.e: Falk in 1983,
that there is less supervision and assessment of Falk and Dierking 1997, and Orien & Hofstein
student performance; 3). Not all students have 1994. Falk & Dierking (1997) found that
the opportunity to work actively in the group. It research in the field can improve long-term
is caused by several things, namely the lack of memory.
motivation of students, too large number of Science learning using field investigations
students of each group, and the lack of student for prospective teachers has been studied by
ability to pass up lab activities; 4). The process Flores conducting action research field-based
of learning shows low ability to implement science learning to develop self-efficacy of the
practical activities , although the result of applicants (Flores, 2015). The combination of
understanding the concept of materials science learning strategies laboratory and field
students are good. investigations was often used by scientists to test
The obstacles that occurred in learning various scientific hypotheses about the problems
process of Science Practice course as described in the neighborhood. Both are used
in above paragraph, tended in low achievement simultaneously as well as further investigation of
of the learning objectives. Student has not the others. For example the study by Connolly
mastered the science process skills as expected. and Fellow conducting field investigations and
Efforts to improve the quality of learning has laboratory on the effect of salinity on dynamic
been carried out continuously, for example by decomposition of water in the Hudson River
constantly improving lab management, striving (Connolly and Fellow, 2012). By doing such
to keep tools and lab materials provided with investigation, student is expected to know well
sufficient and improving practical handbook the problem faced by the local people and learned
which easily understood by students. However, the best solution to overcome.
this effort was not enough to make students An action research was done in the
master the SPS well, especially in integrated classroom course which its goals are in line with
science process skills (integrated SPS). the desire improvements, which is to optimize
Integrated Science Process Skills (SPS), students’ mastery on SPS. Actions to be taken is
according Rezba includes: identificating of the application of learning strategies using
variables, constructing hypothesis, designing an laboratory and field investigations in the
investigation, finding and processing the data, classroom learning process, in Science Practice
analyzing the investigation, describing the course (Praktikum IPA). By applying these two
relationship between variables, conducting strategies simultaneously to the same material,
experiments, and communicated results in more students are expected to have better skills
complicated way. According Abrucasto, because each strategy will complement the other.
integrated SPS includes: controlling variables, This action research also describes how was the
interpreting data, preparing hypotheses, drawing implementation of these two strategies in the
up an operational definition, conducting context of student mastery of the integrated SPS.
experiments. (Bundu, 2006) The stated problems of this study are:

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

(1). How is the students’ mastery of integrated watched; 6) process and interpret data; and 7)
science process skills through field reports. (Madya, 2007).
investigations ?; (2). How is the implementation The research subjects were the students of
of field investigations in the Science Practice PGMI (Department of Islamic Elementary
course so that students of prospective teacher in Teacher Trainer) STAIN Ponorogo in second
PGMI STAIN Ponorogo mastering the integrated semester of academic year 2015/2016 class PG-
science process skills? E, who are taking the course Science Practice-1.
The number of students were 28 people,
comprising 11 male students and 17 female
students .
This study aims to improve students' ability
Data were collected through participant
in mastering advanced/integrated science process observation, audio-visual recordings, interviews,
skills. Integrated science process skills improved and photos. Data was collected at the time the act
by the students in this research is skill of
done. Data collected included all performed by
designing research, skills of doing experiment, lecturer and students as the parties involved in
and skills of making a written report. the situation created, the effect of laboratory and
By looking at these objectives, the study
field activity-based learning to study
seek to provide an orderly framework for solving participants, changes need to be made on what
the problem in learning that have been was applied to the action, interaction patterns
mentioned. The researchers propose an action
between students, students-lecturer, and
research design that has a clear intention to students-environment, and data on the process.
intervene into and improved understanding and Having regard to the necessary data, then
practice of a person and to accept responsibility the data source is the students who are engaged
for themselves (Madya, 2007). This study will in research, faculty as a lecturer and researcher,
intervene on learning subjects/course ‘Science
and colleagues as collaborators to help see the
Practice’ department of Islamic Elementary implementation of measures in a comprehensive
Teacher Trainer (PGMI) STAIN Ponorogo to manner.
improve advanced science process skills of the
The data collection was done by
students who take this course. The intervention observation, interview, documentation, and
will be carried out on a small scale specialized discussion. Observation was used to obtain data
course of PG-E class of the academic year of
on the students’ ability to perform experiments.
2015-2016. Number of students are 28 people, Researchers conducted observations during the
comprising 11 male students and 17 female research process with the assistance of research
students. Research was conducted in the second
collaborators. Interviews were conducted to
semester of the 2015/2016 academic year. Using obtain data on the implementation of learning
action research, the problems in the class would approaches laboratory and field investigations. A
be resolved immediately. Research actions will
technical documentation was also used, namely
also generate real learning procedure that can be by documenting student worksheets about the
run well by teachers and learners. (Mertler and study design and research reports. While
Charles, 2005)
discussions with colleagues and other
Action research is research that integrates collaborators carried out to obtain reflection
research and action in a series of cycles and result of the action in the cycle.
flexible and holistic (Somekh, 2006). The study Tool or instrument used to collect data in
adopted the basic process of action research the form: observation sheet, interview,
presented by Kemmis, et al consisting of
assessment rubric worksheets and reports, as well
planning, implementation, observation, and as a discussion guide sheet. The research
reflection. The cycles of action continues until instrument indicators divided into the mastery of
the desired change is achieved with a note that it
integrated science process skills and the
is impossible to achieve mastery of change implementation laboratory and field
because circumstances change continuously investigations. The integrated science processes
dynamically class.
skills to be investigated in this study consist of:
This action research followed the steps skill of designing investigation, skill of carrying
proposed by Cohen and Manion, Taba and Noel, out/doing the investigation, and skills of making
and Winter. Such steps are as follows: 1) identify
the investigation report.
and define problems; 2) analyze the problem; 3) Indicators for designing investigation skill
formulate action hypotheses; 4) make a plan of include: determining the tools and materials
action and monitoring; 5) carry out the action and
used, determining variables, determining what is
observed, measuring, determining the pace of

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

activity, determining how the data was processed

and concluded. Indicators for carrying out/doing
investigation skills include: job skills in
laboratory and field, seriousness in work,
completion of assignments, attitude and effort,
use of time, cooperation. Indicators of reporting
investigation include: the suitability of the
contents of the report with the provisions, the
clearness of used language and systematic use of
appropriate graph-table-images, communicate
the conclusions based on reality. Figure 1. Profile of Prospective Teacher Students’
Science Process Skill (SPS) before the Action

Pre Condition First Cycle

Before the action, of integrating field The research started the first cycle with
investigation on Science Practice course, planning an action, engaged these activities:
students were doing laboratory-based activities developed and discussed lesson plans with other
with the guidance of practical guidebook. lecturer; prepared research equipment (camera
Students had to follow all the steps, included unit, observation sheets, sheets interview guides,
design, practical activities, and activity reports. stationery, investigation manuals, tools and
The profile of students’ integrated science materials, and attendance list. Researcher and
process skills in designing, doing, and reporting collaborators also set up all equipment and
of the investigation before the action is figured materials on the groups table; prepared reference
out in fig. 1. It showed quite good score. The books; checked availability of the Internet
students seemed to be mastered on the skills as connection. Everything is prepared prior to the
well. In this time, students of prospective time the lab, so it would not waste time.
elementary teacher did the investigation with The next step was doing the action. Here are
good guidance which systematically directed the the activities.
students understanding the design, doing science  First meeting of the cycle did in the
investigation, and reporting investigation result. laboratory room: opened with saying prayer,
It means that the students didn’t do the presence, and giving learning motivation.
investigation themselves with their own Given motivation includes frequently asked
creativity and idea. questions about the lab results back, review
This research intended to optimize students’ the lab report, as well as materials for lab
mastery in integrated SPS which obliges students check today. The need to be prepared was
to do the autonomy investigation in advanced stationery, striped folio paper, reference
way. Doing investigation out of the laboratory, books (at least one group of two books related
without any direct guidance, motivated the reference material), and prepared the internet
students to do all their effort investigating and connection.
solving problems.  At the first meeting of the 1st cycle, students
in groups of 5/6 people designed plant
vegetative reproduction.
Table 1. Percentage of Prospective Teacher  Students then discussed the design of t
Students based on SPS Score before the Action artificial plant reproduction used reference
books and online recourses.
SPS Score Designing Doing Report-  Students decided the best design they found
ing and can be practiced as well.
>85 53.57% 39.29% 7.14%  Then students had to write the investigation
60-85 32.14% 21.43% 92.86%
design in foolscap striped: consist of: the
investigation objectives, time and place, tools
< 60 14.29% 39.29% 0.00% and materials, theoretical background,
investigation questions, and hypothesis.
 Each group choosed two activities on
vegetative reproduction design . No group
chose the exact same activities. After writing
the design, representative of the group

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

presented the draft design and consulted with that the confusion happened because of students’
lecturer and friends from other groups. lack of good understand in new strategy.
Student had to revised the design in So, for the solution, lecturer should explains
accordance with the advice in discussion slowly and systematically about what students
forum. have to do, step by step. Lecturer should provide
 The next meeting of the same cycle executed a longer opportunity for students to digest and
in the field, in the students’ house understand each step. 100 minutes is not enough
environment. Students doing practical work time to complete the action at the first meeting,
in accordance with the draft which has been the 15 minutes time delay effected on
compiled. They conducted observations and inefficiency, on the other hand students should
writing in the observation sheet. They also arrive on time, then the class to begin. Students
made practical reports of each students own. tended to duplicate friends’ design from another
 2 weeks after the field investigation, students group that is so, because of the similarity of the
brought plant breeding results to the topic. For the next cycle, different topics should
classroom/laboratory room. For plants that do be delivered among a distinguished group.
not allow to carry, can be represented by a Another problem as the reflection was that
clear photo or video. Group representative student has just rely on internet search to find
presented its investigation as well as the investigation design ideas and not using other
results of observations that have been made. reference sources. As the result, the design was
The group observed that results using not varied and less accountable. On the other
different ways could be had the different hand, students had limited time to read the
outcomes. It happened for the same type of resources. The solution was that they should be
the plant which being reproduced using asked to read the sources/references before
enzyme or without enzyme growth. Summing entering the laboratory room (reading at home).
practicum and the results in class discussions.
Then, lecturer provides reinforcement and 2nd Cycle
review reports. The 2nd cycle began with the planning
activity. Researcher as a lecturer developed and
The activities observed are: students’ discussed lesson plans together with other
activities in designing investigation. It began lecturer of the same subject. The discussion of
with finding the sources of reference, lesson planned made more attention on the
determining the appropriate design, discussing students’ preparation activities. Other activities
with friends, consulting with lecturer; making includes; preparing research equipment
investigation observation sheet; and reporting the (cameras, observation sheets, sheets interview
results of investigation design. guides, stationery, laboratory manuals, tools and
Indicators for the design activities are: materials, and attendance list; setting up
determining the tools and materials used, equipment and materials on the table practicum
determine which variables, determine what is groups; Preparing reference books; checking
observed, measured, determine the pace of availability of the internet connection.
activity, determines how data is processed and Everything was prepared prior to the class time,
summarized. While indicator to be observed for so it's not time consuming.
‘skills of carrying out experiments’ include: job The action was the implementation of
skills laboratory / field, seriousness in work, laboratory and field-based investigation on
completion of assignments, attitude and effort, 'environmental pollution'. The steps included:
time management, cooperation. Indicators of prior to this meeting, the lecturer had asked the
‘skills of reporting investigation result were: the students to read and examine practical guidance
suitability of the contents of the report with the for environment pollution and given attention to
provisions, the clearness of language used and the task of their own group respectively. A large
systematic use of graph-table-picture, group, in prior cycle changed to a small one
accordance of the conclusions and results. which consists of 3/2 people. Lecturer gave
Reflection activity done by discussing what guidance in discussion and shares them with the
have been observed with collaborator. The group leader. Since the students had read good
reflections were: Students looked confused with books or the internet reference at home, then in
new strategies; students only have practical class, students continued to discuss the design of
guidebook, not in detail steps of investigation. investigation in efficient time.
They had to fill their own investigation purpose, Students present the design of the
tools, materials, steps, activities, observation investigation in front of the class, and seek input
sheets, and sentence conclusion. It concluded

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

from other friends and lecturer. After that, they by implementing field investigation for
revised the design of appropriate practical input complementing laboratory investigation . For the
obtained. Students were collecting the results of first goal of the study, it showed that students’
the design to be checked by the lecturer. Taking skill in designing was improved finally at the end
back the next day and then in practice. of the 2nd cycle. Although the students got worse
The next session of the action was done by average score compare to pre cycle condition, it
student in the ‘field’ outside the laboratory, for didn’t mean that students lost their experience of
example in students home surroundings. science skills. Indicator of designing skill are
Students was doing practical work in accordance determining the tools and materials used,
with the draft which has been compiled and determine which variables, determine what is
conduct observations and writing in the observed, measured, determine the pace of
observation sheet. Later, they made practical activity, determines how data is processed and
reports as individual work. summarized. For pre cycle activity, students
The next 2 week from field investigation doing activity based on the guidance book of
started, students had to attend classroom meeting laboratory activity, which contain laboratory
in laboratory. Student has brought the results of work design, work step, and form of work report.
investigation of contamination to the class, for So students had patent guidance to be followed.
example plant experimental results. Group’s While being move to the ‘new’ strategy, which
representation presented the investigation result stressed on mastering integrated skill (students
as well as the results of observations that have are being more autonomous), students have to
been made. find the best investigation design by their selves
The activities observed were: students’ fitting to the condition and problem they faced.
activity in designing investigation which began This condition is very new to them, so they need
with finding the source of reference, determining more experiences. After doing 2nd opportunity,
the appropriate design, discussing with friends, finally they coped the confusion and mastered the
consulting with lecturer; credible form of skill.
practical implementation; and reporting the
results of investigation activities. Table 2. Changes of Skill’s Mastery Score in
For the reflection, there were resulting in Cycles
these statements: Students were able to work SPS Skills Pre Cycle 1st cycle 2nd
systematically; Students could create a better cycle
design for investigation, because they already Designing 84.11 67.86 87.32
had various ideas. Friend of other group also
Doing 72.50 77.86 87.14
gave feedback in varied. Time management of
designing time was more orderly and efficient. Reporting 85.00 84.82 86.61
Students arrived on time and did not waste time.
Students also didn’t copy another student’s idea
of the investigation design, because each group For designing investigation skill, students
received a different topic. There are only two had significant improvement, for average score
small groups that have the same topic, The design of 67.86 in 1st cycle become 87.32 in 2nd cycle.
idea can be controlled to find the best ideas. For the skill of doing investigation, there were
Lecturers can better control the design of the two almost 10 point upgraded in 2nd cycle (77.86 
groups only. From the observation of the skill 87.14). There were no significant lifted score for
activities, reflecting the increase in average students’ reporting skill. Not like the first two
scores compared to the results of the first cycle. skills, students’ reporting skill of the cycles
Thus, the cycle can be stopped because it had (cycle 1 and cycle 2) seems to be similar to them
been achieved the desired objectives. in pre cycle. Reporting activity using report
format have the same content for all learning
strategy, laboratory or field investigation. So
Implemented two cycles, this action there were no differences, event students doing
research has reached its objective in optimizing different learning strategy for their investigation
students’ integrated science process skill (SPS). activities.
The score’s changes of each skills showed in Fig. 2, showed percentage of SPS score
Table 2. compared to each cycle. Students’ level score
Based on the goal of the study, it divided were in good progress. Figure 2 (a) showed that
into three sub goals, i.e.: to describe students’ percentage of ‘designing skill’ score in 2nd cycle
skill in designing, doing, reporting investigation had significant fluctuation from 1st cycle. It also

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

happened in ‘doing skill’ (b). For all the three show our gratitude for Dr. Hj S. Maryam Yusuf,
skills of integrated SPS, finally in 2nd cycle, M. Ag., as her approval of doing this research and
students got high level score (>85). for all her support. Thanks to all my colleagues
in STAIN Ponorogo for our sharing to improve
the research advantage. For the students of PG-E
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS class and collaborator, many thanks for the
cooperation of such 3 month working together.
This research was supported by Indonesian
Ministry of Religious Affair in 2015. I like to

Figure 2. Profile of Prospective Teacher Students’ Science Process Skill (SPS) before the Action
Field-based Science Teaching Practice with
Elementary Students, Research in Higher
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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Irmayani Misrah1, Desiderius P Sudibyo2, Rina H Haryanti3
Postgraduate Program, Master of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Sebelas
Maret University, 2,3 Lecturer, Master of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Science,
Sebelas Maret University
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
*on going research

This paper shares the experience of research to be conducted on exclusive policies in Jayawijaya district,
Papua, Indonesia. The form of exclusive policy is the development of Potikelek traditional market. The
market is a market devoted to Papua people (OAP). The purpose of the market development is to improve
the quality of life of the Papua people (OAP) who have not been able to compete with migrants with large
capital. The dominance of non-Papuan entrepreneurs, most of whom dominate the economy in Papua and
the social gap between migrants and indigenous Papuans, triggered conflict. The conflict was largely
influenced by economic and political problems. The horizontal conflict also occured, ie between migrants
from outside Papua with Papua people (OAP). Horizontal conflicts include cross-ethnic violence, religion,
and political entities in Papua that occured sporadically. The results of the pre-survey of this study found
that Potikelek traditional market has been implemented for approximately two years but has not been
effective to improve the prosperity and quality of life of Papua people (OAP). After the development of
Potikelek traditional market in Jayawijaya regency, there was a conflict that was rejected by traditional
traders who refused to be relocated to Potikelek traditional market due to the lack of visitors and the
decrease of traders' turnover. The purpose of this research was to analyze the implementation process of
development policy of Potikelek traditional market. This research will use a qualitative approach. The data
were collected by observation, documentation and in-depth interview method, and analysis conducted by
the descriptive-analytical process.
Keywords: excusive policy, traditional market Potikelek, increase Natives prosperity, Papua.

made a major impact on traditional markets, so

the existence of traditional markets is slightly
In general, the society recognizes two types disturbed because of a large number of
of markets; traditional markets and modern consumers who prefers shopping in the modern
markets. Kotler (2006) stated that traditional market. The deregulation of the real business
markets are a place where sellers and buyers sector that aims to increase Foreign Direct
meet and are characterized by direct transactions, Investment as having an impact on the
kiosks or outlets, stalls, and open bases opened development of supermarket chains (Reardon &
by both the seller and the market manager. Both Hopkins, 2006). According to Reardon et al.
have different characteristics viewed from (2003) and Shepherd (2005), in many countries,
buildings, selling places, and selling & it is believed that supermarkets and the same
purchasing system. Traditional markets kinds have dominated 50% more food retail.
generally consist of tents, impermanent places, Traill (2006) predicted that by 2015, supermarket
and uncomfortable environment like being will reach 61% in Argentina, Mexico, Poland,
muddy, dirty, smelly, & unsafe. On the other 67% in Hungary and 76% in Brazil. The rapid
hand, the modern markets usually have development of modern markets is felt by many
magnificent buildings, permanent places, parties that impact on the decline in the number
adequate facilities, being comfortable, safe, & of sales of traders so that they will potentially
certain price. fold.
The growth of the modern market is very The rapid development of modern markets
rapid (Collett & Wallace, 2006). The also occurs in Indonesia and its existence can
development of the times and the change of undermine the existence of the traditional
lifestyle are promoted greatly by various media, markets. According to a survey conducted by
and the establishment of the modern market has AC. Nielsen, number of traditional markets in

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Indonesia reached 1.7 million or about 73% of With the presence of special autonomy,
the overall markets. However, the growth rate of then Government of Papua Province more freely
the modern markets is much higher than the to govern and exploit all the potential that exist
traditional markets (Masitoh, 2013). Another in its territory. It is also one of the triggers of the
study conducted by Nielsen (2005) found that emergence of a range of policies that are
since the emergence of the modern markets in exclusive or special. One of them is the policy
2001, the contribution of modern markets started issued by the Government on the development of
from 24.8% and increased to 34.4% in June 2006 the Jayawijaya Regency Potikelek traditional
and vice versa, the traditional markets decreased market. Potikelek traditional market is one
from 75, 2% in 2001 to 65.6% in June 2006. manifestation of a concept of exclusivity policy,
Papua is one of the provinces located in whereby the market specializes for Papua people
East Indonesia that currently gets special (OAP). As the exclusive sense literally according
attention from the Central Government. One of to the great dictionary of the Indonesian
the attention from the Government to the Papua language, that is separated from the other or
people with the implementation of the special. While the exclusivity that is specialized
revitalization of the 15 public markets or separated more appropriate from the others. It
funded from Medebewind funds or Tugas is also the same as what Supian (2009) said that
Pembantuan (TP) in Papua and West Papua. exclusivity means limiting ourselves so that the
These 15 markets are part of 47 markets funded different parties do not enter into in scope. As the
by the central government in 2015 case in the traditional market, Non-Potikelek
( These public markets traders of Papua are not allowed to sell the
are known by the markets of mama-mama market because that market is indeed earmarked
Papua. The markets of mama-mama Papua are specifically for the Papua people (OAP).
markets that have long been expected by Papua The market is a manifestation of the
people, especially traders who are Papua People concern of local governments in the framework
(OAP). The desire to have their own market is of accelerating development, improving
motivated by the increasingly visible competition economic prosperity and progressing for
between Papua people (OAP) and non-Papua Papuans, especially Papua people (OAP). Bupati
people which in the term of economic Jayawijaya said that the existence of this
competition, non-Papuans are faster developed traditional market is a model market for
and developing than Papua people (OAP). It can districts/cities throughout Papua
be seen from the dominance of non-Papuan ( The policy is contained
entrepreneurs who continue to take roots, almost in the instructions of the Regent of Jayawijaya
all business sectors are controlled by non-Papuan No. 01 of 2014 on the utilization of traditional
businessmen ( markets Potikelek and traders regulation who sell
Similar conditions also occur in Jayawijaya on the roadside.
District where in the term of economic Potikelek traditional market has been
competition, the migrants are faster developed implemented for about two years. However, from
and developing than Papua people (OAP). This the results of pre-survey, it was found that there
can seen by the number of buildings in were still many traders found Papua people
Jayawijaya Regency which is used as a place of (OAP) who returned to sell in the original place.
business either in the form of foodstuff seller They returned again peddling merchandise on the
shop, the seller of kitchen spice, stationery, food sidewalk as a street vendor. Even those traders no
stalls, the seller of building materials and other longer heed the warnings given by the local
basic needs, which are managed by immigrants government. Most of them complained that since
or non-Papua people. Papua people (OAP) sell the relocation of Potikelek traditional market,
more on the shopfronts as well as on the their income has decreased due to the lack of
sidewalks of street vendors, which they do not visitors. Problems that occur in the market
have a decent and comfortable place to sell. Potikelek cause traders native Papua (OAP)
Papua is one of the Provinces in Indonesia prefer to return to sell in the original place as on
which has a special autonomy policy. As stated the roadside and areas that are easy to reach by
in Law no. 21 of 2001 on Special Autonomy for the buyer. As a result, the available market
Papua Province which states that special locations are empty. Until now, the activity of
autonomy for Papua Province is basically a grant indigenous traders of Papua (OAP) on the side of
of broader authority for the Province and Papua the road still continues even though it has
people to organize and manage themselves provided a decent building to sell. Some of them
within the framework of the Unitary State of the prefer to re-sell at the original place under the
Republic of Indonesia. pretext that it is more profitable to sell back to the

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

roadside than in traditional markets Potikelek. In (OAP) complained about since they traded in the
addition, the problem of the designation of traditional market Potikelek, their income is
Potikelek traditional markets also began to be declined because of the lack of visitors and
questioned. Because at this time non-Papua ultimately the merchant any incoming non-Papua
traders are also allowed to sell in the market. This and selling in the market. Then the research will
is certainly contrary to the content of the policy focus on the process of implementation of the
contained in the instructions of Regent policy on Potikelek traditional markets in
Jayawijaya No. 01 of 2014 on the utilization of Jayawijaya Regency.
traditional markets Potikelek and traders Grindle (1980) introduced the
regulation who sell on the street, which in the implementation model as a political and
regent's instructions are affirmed that the administrative process. The model describes the
Potikelek traditional market is a special market decision-making process undertaken by multiple
business for Papua people (OAP). In addition, the actors, in which the final outcome is determined
construction of Potikelek traditional market is to by both the program material already achieved
create the order of business actors in the city of and through the interaction of decision-makers
Wamena, to prevent chaos and traffic accidents, within the administrative political context. The
and to maintain the cleanliness of the city of political process can be seen through a decision-
Wamena. However, the fact of the field shows making process involving various policy actors,
that the traders of Papua people (OAP) prefer to while the administrative process is seen through
return again selling on the sidewalks as street a general process of administrative action that
vendors. can be investigated at the level of a particular
The situation showed a discrepancy in the program. Successful implementation by Grindle
policy. It is clear from the content of his policy is influenced by two major variables, namely the
that shows the existence of the exclusivity that content of policy (content of policy) and the
aims to improve the prosperity of Papua people implementation environment (context of
(OAP), but this exclusive policy does not run as implementation).
expected where the merchants of Papua people

Figure 1: Implementation Process Model (Grindle, 1980)

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

According to Grindle, the policy content one of the pillars of the economy in Indonesia.
variable includes: (1) The extent to which the Although at present, the existence of traditional
interests of the target group are contained in the markets is under pressure from the growth of
content of the policy; (2) Types of Benefits modern markets, but we can not deny that the
received by the target group; (3) To what extent existence of traditional markets has existed since
is the desired change of a policy; (4) Whether the tens or hundreds of years ago. In addition, many
location of a program is correct; (5) Whether a people still need the traditional market in looking
program has specified the implementor in detail; for income and also the need in buying and
(6) Has the resources been adequate. While the selling transactions. Pfeffermann (2000)
implementation environment variables include: mentioned that the informal sector, including
(1) How much power, interests, and strategies are traders in traditional markets, accounts for 58%
shared by actors involved in policy of job opportunities and is able to free a person
implementation; (2) Characteristics of the from the shackles of poverty. The absorption of
institutions and regimes in power; (3) The level labor that can reduce unemployment is another
of compliance and responsiveness of the target advantage gained from the existence of
group. Based on the theory of Grindle, this traditional markets. Thus, the position of
research aims to analyze the implementation traditional markets is still important and integral
process of the traditional market policy of in the life of the community because the
Potikelek in Jayawijaya Regency. traditional market is one of the economic heart of
a society that is able to provide a life for the
economy, especially the lower class society.
Traditional markets have functions and
This research uses descriptive qualitative roles that are not only for the place of trade but
approach, which describes the implementation also as a cultural heritage that has existed since
process of development policies Potikelek
the first (Vedas and Rahadi, 2012). Traditional
traditional market. The location of the research is market has always been considered as a place to
conducted in the Jayawijaya Regency, Papua meet all the needs of the community, because the
Province, Indonesia. The data source in this
traditional market is the pulse of the economy of
research is the primary and secondary data the small community that is still the majority in
sources. Primary data can be obtained through this country, and the existence of the livelihood
interviews and observations. Informants in this
of the people, so that traditional markets have a
study set by purposive sampling, i.e. people who very important and strategic role In national
are seen to know and get involved in the process development. As said by the Minister of
of the market development policy of Potikelek.
Cooperatives and SMEs (Small and Medium
On the other hand, secondary data source can be Enterprises) Anak Agung Gede Ngurah
obtained through market development policy Puspayoga, that the traditional market is one of
related to documents of Potikelek. To ensure the
the backbones of the national economy
validity of data, this research uses a triangulation (
source. Triangulation of sources can be done by Based on Government Regulation No.
obtaining data from different sources with the
66/2001 on regional charges states that
same technique. For the data analysis done with traditional markets can contribute to state
the interactive analysis, data reduction by revenues derived from taxes and user charges.
reducing the data was deemed not relevant to the Thus, a traditional market is one of the sources of
issue, namely the presentation of data display Original Regional Income (PAD). Regional
data in the table, the supporting image, and
Original Revenue (PAD) is the right of Local
conclusion as a result of the research objectives. Government that can be recognized as an
increase in net worth value in a period of the
government concerned. Defitri (2011) said that
The existence of traditional markets is one Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) through
of the most obvious indicators of the economic intensification and extensification of sources of
activities of people in a region. Based on data PAD, one of which comes from the retribution of
from the Business Competition Supervisory market services. The market plays an important
Commission (KPPU) in 2010, the number of role and is related to the Pendapatan Asli Daerah
traditional markets in Indonesia reached 13,450 (PAD) because it will support the economic
markets with the number of traders around 12.6 development of a region, so as to maintain the
million people ( The data shows a existence of traditional markets, there are various
large enough amount so it is not excessive when policies that regulate the market management,
there is a statement that the traditional market is

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

including the revitalization and relocation of Based on the instructions of Regent

traditional markets. Number 01 Year 2014 on the utilization of
Studies on traditional market relocation and Potikelek traditional market and curbing traders
revitalization policies occur in many parts of selling on the sidewalk, affirmed that the
Indonesia. One of them at Piyungan traditional traditional market Potikelek is a special market
market in Bantul Regency, Masitoh (2013) in his of Papua people (OAP) business people that aim
research found that Bantul regency government to create order of business actors in the city of
has proven its support to society through Wamena, to prevent chaos and accidents Traffic,
traditional market revitalization policy. and keep the city cleanliness Wamena. The
Revitalization is done not only on the physical policy is one form of policy that is an affirmative
building but also the management of traditional action that is by giving privileges to certain
markets in more modern ways. But the constraint groups. The groups that get special treatment and
of revitalization in Piyungan Traditional market special here are the Papua people. As Sayuti
is that traders post-market relocation complains (2013) suggests that Affirmative action is the
about the lack of visitors and decreased turnover. preferred way by the state in response to
Another Study conducted by Hadiaro (2016) discriminatory social conditions, inequality and
found that the implementation of the Caruban marginalization in all spheres of life due to
traditional market relocation program in Madiun patriarchal strata at the public and private levels,
District has not been effective. All traders have which is a positive done to accelerate the
been moved to a new market but the buying and achievement of justice and equality.
selling activities are not in accordance with the The empirical results of several findings
desired expectations. Issues related to from a study by Sumardi (2012) related to
accessibility to poor new market locations have specific policies in the district of North Aceh that
become a constraining factor in program found that the special autonomy policy program
implementation. From both studies, it can be seen in North Aceh district in eradicating poverty and
that the policy of revitalization and market prospering the community is not optimal and the
relocation from the government has not been able poverty rate is increasing. The main obstacles are
to solve all the problems and still leaves the the inadequate human resource issues, including
problem to the traders in the traditional market. the leadership problems of regional heads who
The traditional market policy of Potikelek in should prioritize development in the prosperity,
Jayawijaya Regency is also a policy of market education and health sectors. In line with the
relocation and revitalization. The difference is study conducted by Kubangun (2014) regarding
that the Potikelek traditional market is a market the enactment of affirmative action policy in
devoted to Papua people (OAP). However, from Manokwari which found that the affirmation and
the pre-survey results indicated that the representation policy in bureaucracy contained in
traditional market policy of Potikelek is not able the special autonomy law in favor of the
to overcome problems and gaps of traders in the indigenous Papua people can be said to be
market, especially Papua people (OAP) traders. successful. However, the problem is that these
The horizontal conflict also occurs, ie placements are not native Papuans in general, but
between migrants from outside Papua with Papua placements that lead to tribalism. The impact that
people (OAP). Horizontal conflicts include arose in the form of the birth of the New
cross-ethnic violence, religion, and political Autonomous Regions (DOB) tribal-oriented, the
entities in Papua that occur sporadically. emergence of various demands of society that led
Likewise, the conflict and violence in the district to the action to be obstructed public budget and
or provincial capital centers in Papua are full of public services, to corruption cases.
political competition, both Papua people and Another study conducted by Fretes (2015)
migrants. Where both parties share the necessary which reveals that the policy of special autonomy
powers to seize political and economic power. in Papua led to various attitudes of local elites in
Politically, Papua people is supported by a Papua. The results confirm that local Papuan
special autonomy law which gives priority to elites who are part of the bureaucracy in local
Papua people (sons and daughters of indigenous government tend to support special autonomy as
regions) to become political leaders, but migrant a way to utilize the policy for the sake of its
settlers in Papua are economically more allocation of interests. The rejection of special
established and seem more ready to fight than autonomy comes from local elites who are
natives Papua. That is why until now immigrants outside government structures, for this particular
have always been representatives in political group of special autonomy is deemed to fail and
office and also hold the role of economy and only benefit the elite or certain groups. Local
business in Papua (Ajoi, 2016). elites are apathetic assessing special autonomy is

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Darsono1, St. Y. Slamet2, Winarno3
University of Sebelas Maret Surakarta
[email protected],2 [email protected], 3 [email protected]

This research is aimed to develop the textbook writing of children's stories based characters education for
elementary school students in Surakarta. The approach of the study uses Research & Development (R&D)
that is adopting from the model of development of version Borg and Gall. The subjects are the teachers and
elementary school students in Surakarta. The data collection techniques used in this study are
questionnaires, observation, interviews and documentation study, which is supported by the Focus Group
Discussion (FGD) and field note/ logbook. The data are analyzed using descriptive quantitative and
qualitative. The results of the study showed that (1) based on the results of the preliminary studies, it is
known that the primary school in Surakarta has not the textbook writing of children's story based character
education, especially in Grade IV, (2) the FGD results indicate that the internalization of the character
values into Indonesian subjects is significant to do; and (3) the product of a textbook writing of children's
stories based characters education for elementary school students in Surakarta has validated by some
Keywords: textbooks, writing, character education.

range of material to students in the process of

learning, so that students become easier in the
The activity of writing or composing is a process of achieving competence and is able to
problematic linked to the lives of the children, interpret the learning activities as well as
especially related to the writing skills of students corresponding national values (Sadhono, 2014:
that occur at elementary school of Surakarta. 99-106).
This happens because most people, including The textbook that contains the material that
teachers and students are less interested in and will be delivered later in the process of learning
make sense of the importance of writing activities, and will be absorbed by the students,
including writing a story. The learning activities is a necessity or requirement that is essential in
in Indonesian subject (write stories) are not the world of education, then the existence of an
simply and common learning as a provider of appropriate book in supporting the educators
competence alone, but it is widely learning the proficient and skilled competent in their field
Indonesian language as a benchmarked of an undoubtedly the success of a series of learning
attitude of love for the homeland, Indonesia that activities will be realized.
is proudly as a nation of Indonesia. It is through In the journal, Novianto (2015: 34-47)
writing of students who are able to organize ideas states that things that need to be considered in the
or concepts into a delusion of imagination that preparation of textbooks was taken from the
are inspiring the next writing in a structured and closest to the students in a way introduced to the
sustainable. So that, it can be communicated to imagination about something then taught how to
others through the medium of writing or a series write based on what is perceived with what is
of stories in an essay as a process of knowledge seen and with what words to be expressed so that
transfer as well as the meaning of identity of a a particular meaning and the other people can
nation of Indonesia realized effectively (Higher understand it.
Education, 2013: i). The conditions of the textbooks that exist in
The textbook is one reference to learn or the field have not showed the availability of
one of the materials. The usefulness of textbooks properly yet, this can be proved by some facts in
to help teachers facilitate the delivery of the the field documentation. The teacher in teaching

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

and learning activities just used textbooks that The problem in this research is focused on
have been published a long time ago. In addition, how the textbook writing of children's story
the delivery technique performed monotonically based character education at the elementary
so that the students become enthusiastic, less school can be used in the process of learning
exploratory, less imaginative in growing ideas, activities, so that the results of this study will
resulting in a low level in terms of thinking into contribute to the development of book learning
explained ideas through writing, besides writing resources at the elementary school primarily: (1)
activities often nature ruled out that as a mere instill skills writing in students from children to
formality in learning activities Indonesian become skilled at writing stories, (2) cultivating
(Mariatna, 2015: 21-37). an attitude of soul character in the personality of
The writing skills of children's stories are students, (3) be the latest breakthrough as an
all ways or steps appropriate in the process of effort to improve and support the process of
writing a story, according to the ability to think learning activities attractive to students relation
of someone's imagination in expressing his idea to writing stories in learning Indonesian.
into an article that sort of coherent or said to be This study aims to develop the child's
systematic in accordance groove thinking, based textbook writing stories based character
on the reality in the field the ability to write education in elementary school Surakarta. The
stories on the students very low that their writing focus of this research is to conduct a preliminary
skills in a very minimal, even students are now study of the needs of books in the field, as well
reluctant to write or record in this case because as the availability of books in the field and its
the learning stimulus offered less attractive implementation in the field. This preliminary
teachers so that students become confused and study was carried out by observing the analysis
reluctant concerned will write about something of the implementation process of learning that is
of interest. (Winarni and Slamet, 2014: 39). held at the primary school. It also conducted an
Writing skills required for essentially analysis Implementation use books to internalize
writing skills is not just the ability to write the character values in it so it will bring into the
graphic symbols to form words, and words are personality of students.
arranged into sentences according to certain The innovation in this research is to
rules, but the writing skill is the ability to pour produce a textbook writing children's story is
ideas into written language through sentences more than just writing the steps but is equipped
that are arranged in intact, complete and clear so with animated images and integrated with the
that, the ideas can be communicated to the reader planting of character values. Thus Hopes through
successfully. The writing skills require the ability textbook writing children's story based character
to use patterns in written language to express an education teachers can to exploration and
idea. This writing skill sufficiently covers a range attractive in presenting the process of further
of capabilities, such as the ability to use language learning students may find the idea of the idea
elements precisely, the ability to organize that imaginative that can be contained in the text
discourse in essay form, the ability to use as well as grow the value of a character in it, so
appropriate language style, word choice, and the that through the delivery of the right to prove that
other (Winarni and Slamet, 2014: 39). the child can imagination earnestly stimulus if
The conditions virtuous character is quite there is good interaction between students and
alarming current students with the development teachers as well as the environment that could be
of modern globalization and less balances shaped like books, instructional media and
development of mental attitude characteristic atmosphere as well as good conduciveness.
value in identity as creatures of God, then we (Heintz and Svensso, 2015: Pg.15-28).
often encounter forms of student misbehavior The Products of this development study is
that deviate from the value of virtuous character. the textbook writing of children's story based
So that the necessity of cultivation characters in character education for students in fourth grade
all aspects of learning activities uses textbook elementary school in Surakarta. Textbook
writing of children's story based character writing children's stories based character
education. The character itself is a noble value education is a product of research that produces
that become the pillars of the joint life which textbooks containing internalization of character
attitude moral ethics and Matching with an values that are aligned with the current process of
aesthetic to realize a person virtuous filled with changing times. Facilities and infrastructure
the spirit of nationalism true that makes the needs including learning resources is an
creation of atmosphere conditions expected important part in learning activities, and by the
(Kesuma, 2011: 12). requirements of learning resources through the
textbook writing children's story based character

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

education is the latest breakthrough to address which has been used to teach writing stories on
the need for textbooks in elementary education the students, and the analysis of the needs of
unit Surakarta City. textbook writing children's story based character
The textbook writing children's stories education field is the process of applied learning
based character education in the process of in elementary School Surakarta and
learning activities can help teachers deliver the implementation of character education level at
ability or skill to write good stories, so that from Primary School Surakarta.
this textbook will be obtained a handbook of a The fact-finding process in the field is done
new orientation in giving lessons to students on with data collection are: 1) interview, 2)
how to write a children's story based character observation, 3) questionnaire, 4) analysis of the
building. For students of course easier to find the document. The next in-depth data analysis with
idea of a creative idea imagination. The idea of peer-debriefing techniques is to test the
imagination as well as capable poured in a work credibility of the findings from the previous
or student writing an interesting story. study. In the process of the feasibility needed role
The use of textbook writing children's story of experts media textbooks and expert literature
based character education that is used in the Indonesian language experts in the process of
process of learning is very easy and interesting assessing the feasibility of textbooks that can
especially combined with the situation of the later be used in primary school. For the next
learning conditions and the delivery of the right process is test validity and reliability for test
will arise meaningfulness of the results of instruments used in this study, next to assess the
learning activities, so as to materialize the effectiveness of the book is done by testing
outcome learn that featured and able to achieve stages including homogeneity test, test for
the expected competencies. normality until the ANOVA one way, so we get
the results of the fact finding field testing the
control class and classroom experiments to
measure students' skills in writing children's
This study uses the approach of Research stories based character education.
and Development (R & D), which adopted a
The Procedure of development research is
development model version of the Borg and Gall to design textbook writing children's story based
(2003, pg. 237-256). Simplified by Sukmadinata character education to the fourth grade
(2012: 189) describes the tenth stage of the Borg
elementary school in Surakarta, which will be
and Gall can be simplified into three stages, used in the learning process, the base of the steps
namely; (1) the exploration phase or preliminary of this development begins with a needs analysis
studies; (2) the stage of the model development;
in the field and problems in the field as well as
(3) stages of testing models and product the necessary solutions and suggestions of
dissemination. experts subsequently drafted the prototype
The collecting data in this preliminary study
further implemented in the process of learning
conducted using questionnaires and observation activities, after the first implementation done
reinforced by interviews and document analysis next stage is the evaluation and revision of the
study field. The results of this field survey serve
product that the process of analysis conducted by
as the foundation in the development of researchers at how to prepare for the
textbooks to the specifications expected. From implementation of the Focus Group Discussion
the data of empirical cover in several aspects: (a) (FGD), which aims to open up horizons of
document / devices supporting the teaching of thinking and understanding of teachers to the
writing stories, (b) the field findings about the
importance of story writing skills in students and
condition of textbooks available, (c) the the process of how to internalize the character
availability of textbooks appropriate, (d) the values in the process of learning to write stories,
process of teaching and learning (learning
especially in fourth grade elementary school in
teaching), and (e) the implementation of the Surakarta. FGD become a reference for
current character planting activities in the researchers in designing product enhancements
textbook writing children's story based character
The targets in this study were teachers and education, to comprehensive subsequent trials
students, as subjects in the field of course this conducted on the activities of the learning
research involves various elementary schools in
Surakarta conducted with determination by To make it easier to understand the flow of
cluster random sampling technique. begins with this study, the researchers visualized in figure
a preliminary study on the condition of the book
1.1. as follows:

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Figure 1.1. Research design

properly.Teachers complain about the difficulty

to build attitudes skilled in writing precisely
The findings of the preliminary study many because students tend to be monotonous or
elementary schools that do not have a device to passive when writing learning activities so that
support activities that implement learning how to the students' rated much copied from others, this
write a story that is good and right in accordance led to the creativity of the students are not
inspiring students so that the students be optimal. It also complained about the difficulty
difficulties in arranging or writing stories and teachers inculcate character in students.
often they follow the example of others. All From the interviews with teachers, there is
teachers in the pilot study said that for the a statement that the teacher had tried optimum to
condition of the book that is often used is a book instill character values in the learning activities,
published is not the newest but it is also the type but by observation it proved to be far from the
of book that isue quite a bit that is one of the stages of internalization of the right character. So
textbooks and worksheets, therefore such things teachers are only representations advice or
difficult for teachers to explore students' writing suggestions that are less meaningful and
skills. reminisce on the inners students.
The all schools in the preliminary study The technique of collecting data gathered
stage does not have sufficient textbooks in by one interview was successful in gathering
particular textbook writing children's story based some answers from the teachers of fourth grade
character education for students, it is very at the elementary school in Surakarta related to
influential on student success in mastering write the story as follows: (1) teachers'
writing skills appropriate children's story. It also difficulties in teaching ways to find ideas for
led to the teacher in delivering learning to be students to be more imaginative and creative , (2)
limited due to the availability of means of the difficulty teachers instill character values
supporting books have not been fulfilled through writing stories, (3) during which the

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

delivery is what the book improvise without

innovation in the delivery.

5 Not Good
4 Enough
Very Good
Availability Teachers in Interest, the Character is
of relevant teaching enthusiasm of built
textbooks skills student

Diagram 1.1. Results of a preliminary study on the mapping of elementary

school in Surakarta

Based on the findings of fact in the field that appropriate required as a media escort (other than
we propose that the importance of meeting the textbooks) in learning primary school. In
needs of textbook writing children's story based addition it also receives inputs from related
character education to support the process of experts of relevant textbooks.
learning the Indonesian language, as a follow-up The stages of preparation of an initial
effort in the development of textbook writing prototype is based on the results of the analysis
children's story based character education, of the needs and actual conditions in the field are
researchers continue with the activities of FGD and come along role of teachers and experts, then
for fourth grade teachers and heads of schools to to do trial limited to textbook writing children's
equate the perceived need for other supporting story based character education to elementary
facilities are textbook writing children's story school students in Surakarta through sampling
based character education. FGD implementation techniques cluster random sampling, after testing
of this research aims to open perspective or a limited evaluation and revision of the product
paradigm and teachers' understanding of the through the second stage FGD, FGD's role in this
process of learning to write stories and important research is primarily in an effort to revise
to internalize the character values in the learning validate and enhance children's textbook writing
process and to formulate the concept of textbooks stories based character education.

Teacher's ability to deliver

student the idea/notion
Cultivation of Character
2 Cultivation of Character

1 student the idea/notion

Teacher's ability to deliver
limited product test
extensive product testing

Diagram 1.2. Development phase

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Based on the findings of the field in It thus in line with the opinions Skaggs &
accordance with step limited trial and trial area is Bodenhorn (2012, pg. 82), which states that the
obtained from the revision and validation of validation of products which includes the value
products this textbook, compliance with which is of good character is consistent in applying the
projected to be able to answer the needs on the principles, respect others, stand for truth, justice
ground, then test the effectiveness of the test and responsibility when facing the choice of
results of experiments as follows Tobs> t ( behavior and ethics. Planting writing skills by
0,025'114) (5.06195> 1.98099), so H0 is putting bright ideas of students as well as the of
rejected. This shows that there are differences in the characters in the learning will generate an
the experimental class and control class. In the appropriate output is expected to learn, as
experimental class figures show more significant evidenced in this study and in line with research
improvement than the control class, this is conducted by Kessler Craigh (2013 pg79-95)
because the experimental class using the founded creations a brilliant student started from
textbook writing children's story based character a simple idea to created students according to
education. While the control class using a their interests and their ability to compose, draw,
conventional book. Certainly from the results of write, and all experiments or lab facilitated a
these studies showed textbook writing stories teacher.
based child a decent education and relevant The produced a textbook writing children's
character in accordance with the needs and story based character education is able to
conditions in the field. optimize the abilities and skills of students in
writing stories, the other it was also a positive
effect that changes the character of virtuous are
becoming more positive towards the better. In a
At the stage of exploratory study found the study conducted Matthews, Robert (2012, pg
problem of teachers and students in writing
386-399) use the textbook as a source of learning
stories children and low virtuous character, to appropriate learning in the world capable of
overcome these problems so make design a carrying a child to learn that according to its
prototype textbook writing children's story based
development and in line with the instructional
character education can optimums ability and goals so that the target be achieved with optimum
skilled students in writing the story. In competence.
development studies carried out several steps,
The results of the above studies can be
including validation tests involving experts and drawn conclusions as follows: (1) the
teachers and in trial limited and extensive testing preliminary studies it is known that many
to assess the feasibility of this research
elementary schools in the city of Surakarta yet
performance product. At the last stage performed have a specifications book in the teaching of
a test to determine how significant the writing a children's story, so the reality in the
effectiveness of the positive influence the use of
field tend to be dominated textbooks and
the study product. worksheets, so that it is viewed not optimal in
The starting from these preliminary studies learning activities writing children's stories. It
conducted in-depth analysis into the field which
makes students become less than optimal in some
then formulated a prototype development of idea from their imagination to be an interesting
textbook writing children's story based character article, the necessary textbooks with special
education. The role of teachers and experts will specifications to teach the technique to write a
validate not only filling but the value of the story that can facilitate teachers to deliver and
characters in it were also rated whether it is in
facilitate students in honing skills and abilities to
accordance with the characteristics of students write the story. (2) on the internalization process
and easily and practically implemented currently virtuous character need to be embedded in the
in the process of learning, the next one is
personality of students from an early age as a
undertaken extensive testing. Textbooks product form of preparedness in the face of the pace of
validation is done either by testing the the changing times that are modern and dynamic,
effectiveness outlined in the descriptive
then the FGD revealed the importance of
quantitative shows the level of eligibility of textbook technique to write a story that
products for use in the fourth grade elementary internalize the character values in it so that the
school. And proven textbook writing children's
process learning activities student mental attitude
story based character education deserves to be embedded in character. (3) the produced
used in the process of learning activities and textbook writing children's story based character
ready disseminated more widely.
education validated the feasibility test by experts
/ specialists and execution of test effectiveness.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Based on a series of these tests concluded that the [6] Maria Heintz dan Kertsin Svensso. 2015.
development of textbook writing children's story “Complitical of interaction the children
based character education is feasible and can be making powerfully of our imagination.”
used in the process of learning activities in the Language Learning and Technology.
field. Although the future is possible for further Volume 7, Number 3. Page 53-67.
[7] Matthews, Robert. 2012. “Constructivism
Philosophical Educationaly Examined”.
International Educational Journal, 2012,
6(3), 386-399.
In this research process cannot be separated
[8] Novianto, A., & Mustadi, A. (2015).
from the role of advocates, especially some
Analisis buku ajar technical integrated
elementary schools in Surakarta directly
environment scientific approach, dan
involved in the study. The respondents in the
authentic assessment sekolah dasar. Jurnal
field such as the teachers and students who
Kependidikan, 45(1), pg1-15.
continue to give the information to build a
construct of thought for researchers, as well as [9] Saddhono, Kundharu. 2014. “ Penyusunan
the expert or experts as valuator development of dan pengembangan Buku Ajar untuk
a major book in the assessment process to create Meningkatkan Kualitas Pembelajaran di
products for the improvement of textbook Perguruan Tinggi”. Akademika. Volume III,
writing children's story based character Nomor 2. (pg 99-106). Surakarta: Lembaga
education. Pengembangan Pendidikan UNS.
Therefore, researchers like to thank all
[10] Skaggs, G., & Bodenhorn, N. (2012).
components involved in the research process of
Relationships between implementing
this development study. In addition, researchers
character education, student behavior, and
intend to receive some suggestions and feedback
student achievement. Journal of Advanced
to construct in advancing research development
Academics, 18(2), pg 82-114.
textbook writing of children's story based
character education. [11] Sukmadinata, Nana Syaodih. 2012. Metode
Penelitian Pendidikan. Bandung: PT
Remaja Rosdakarya.
[12] Winarni, Retno dan Slamet. 2014. Menulis
[1] Borg, W. R., & Gall, M. D. (2003). Cerita Tematik Integratif Berbasis
Educational research: An introduction Pendidikan Budi Pekerti. Surakarta: UNS
(4thed.). New York & London: Logman. Press
[2] Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi
Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
Republik Indonesia. 2013. Salinan Sub
Materi Kuliah: Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta:
Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi.
[3] Kesuma,D.,Cepi Triatna, Johar P. 2011.
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Praktik di Sekolah. Bandung: PT Remaja
[4] Kessler, Craigh. 2013. “Student-Initiated
Attention to Form in Wiki-Based
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and Technology. Volume 13 Number 3, 79-
[5] Mariatna. 2015. “Dasar-Dasar Proses
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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Fitriyane Laila Apriliani Rahmat1, Mahisa Silmi2 , Mia Sumiasih3
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
[email protected] , [email protected], [email protected]


This research is conducted in SMK Negeri 1 Cianjur. The raising issue of this research is about the low of
students learning motivation. Students learning motivation is assessed very important for learning process.
The research core is focused on one of the factors that influence students learning motivation that is teachers
teaching skills. Based on it, the principal problems revealed in this research is there any influence of the
teachers teaching skills to students learning motivation. This research consists of two variables, there are
teachers teaching skills as X variable and students learning motivation as Y variable. The method that used
in this research is explanatory survey method. The technique to collect data was gotten from the
questionnaire on the Likert Scale, that is analyzed using simple regression. The number of population was
149 from class X of Office Administration program at SMK Negeri 1 Cianjur, and the sample taken was
60 respondents using Slovin Formula.Based on research results, obtained information that (1) teachers
teaching skills of Productive Office Administration at SMK Negeri 1 Cianjur is including the medium
category, (2) students learning motivation on class X of Office Administration major at SMK Negeri 1
Cianjur is including the medium category. It means that this school should pay attention and improve the
teachers teaching skills, so the students learning motivation is increase, (3) teachers teaching skills has a
positive effect on students learning motivation in class X on the subject of productive Office Administration
at SMK Negeri 1 Cianjur.
Keywords: Teachers Teaching Skills, Students Learning Motivation.

learning outcomes. In line with the statement,

motivation has long been identified as a key
The education process is an activity to parameter for success and academic achievement
mobilize all components of education by of students. Motivation to learn is the
educators directed towards the achievement of commitment of students to learn and acquire
the goals of education, it means that the quality academic value and to support their future career
of educational outcomes depending on how the (Misiran, Yusof, Mahmuddin, Lee, & Hasan,
educational process takes place, if the process is 2016). In line with that proposed by Bomia et al.
carried out properly then the results have to be that motivation is the willingness, need, desire
well and according to expectations. It produce and encouragement students to participate in the
quality human resources created through learning process and succeed in the learning
educational activities are effective. process (Yung Feng, Jun Fan, and Zhen, 2013).
The problem in this research is the low It means when students do not have a strong
motivation of students in learning, where enough motivation to learn it is likely that
motivation has a great impact on the behavior students will not have success in the learning
and attitude, the phenomenon of motivation is process has been gone through.
indicated either by the presence of students in The success in the learning process is
class, both physically and in mind, when students generally evidenced by student achievement in
lack the motivation to learn he would not be pay grades, while Theoretically, according to
attention when the teacher is teaching, so that Benjamin S. Bloom, the purpose of education is
students can not absorb the material being taught divided into three domains: (1) Cognitive
by the teacher, resulting in unsatisfactory Domain, which contains behaviors that

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

emphasize the intellectual aspects, like activity; (3) persistence; (4) grit, tenacity and
knowledge, understanding, and thinking skills, ability in the face of obstacles and difficulties; (5)
(2) Affective Domain, contains behaviors that devotion (devotion); (6) the level of aspiration;
emphasize aspects of feelings and emotions, such (7) the level of qualifications of achievement; (8)
as interests, attitudes, appreciation, motivation toward attitudes toward the target activity.
and means of adjustment, (3) Psychomotor (Syamsuddin, 2007).
Domain, contains behaviors that emphasize As for some of the ways that can be done by
aspects of motor skills such as handwriting, a teacher to motivate students through teaching
typing, swim and operate machinery. methods varied, for repeating information,
(Kyriakides, Creemers, and Antoniou, 2009). provide a new stimulus for instance through
Based on these three domains, academic questions to the learners (Ahmad Rohani, 2004:
achievement can be interpreted as a real skill that 12). Lots of other things that can be done by a
can be measured in the form of knowledge, teacher other than those mentioned above such as
attitudes and skills as an active interaction account the readiness of students to start
between the subjects studied with the object of learning, using a variety of props, to explain
learning during the learning process to achieve things that are interesting and useful for life as
learning outcomes. well as associated with the ideals associated with
Motivation consists of internal and external the material being studied. To do that the teacher
factors that stimulate the desire to achieve the must have good skills, in this case the teachers'
goal. (Ersalin, 2015). Intrinsic motivation teaching skills, because in teaching skills there
involves learning the inherent gratification are various strategies to be able to motivate
prompted by the feeling that learning is students to take an active role in learning so that
interesting and fun (Duda& Nicholls, 1992). the learning process is effective. Skills in the
Then extrinsic motivation involves external teaching is one of the most important skills that
incentives for learning, such as getting a reward must be mastered by teachers to achieve teaching
or avoid punishment (Black & Deci, 2000). In objectives effectively and quickly (Barakat,
terms of student engagement in the learning Saadany, and Abdelrahman, nd, 2015). Teaching
process of which is influenced by two factors, skills for a teacher is necessary so that teachers
namely that comes from within the individual can carry out its role in managing the learning
itself as it needs the involvement in teaching, and process, so that the learning can be run
because the motivation arising from the outside, effectively and efficiently. Besides, the skill is an
such as stimulation of the teacher or of the absolute requirement that teachers can
learning environment. (Ahmad Rohani, 2004: implement a variety of learning strategies (Wina
130). Sanjaya, 2009: 32)
With the existence of the opinion it is clear Johnson (2009) Teaching skills drive from
that teachers have an effect on the growth of their learning through reflective practice in the
student motivation, is through learning activities classroom by applying the theoretical Ideas
that are well managed. Creativity and activity gained in the process of teaching students to
teachers should be able to be an inspiration to the consolidate practical knowledge of teaching,
students so that students will be more motivated there by contributing to personal development
to learn, work and creativity. Teacher in charge and motivation. And Siwatu (2007) said that
strengthen student motivation through Teacher's teaching skills assist student
presentation of a lesson, sanctions and personal development in practice Student knowledge
relationships students. In this case the teachers relates to teaching reality and reflective capacity
carry out activities that activate children in through self-regulation of learning activities,
learning. The role of teachers to manage the such as reflective discussion and writing.
motivation to learn is very important and can be Specifically, teachers' teaching skills should give
done through a variety of learning activities. students opportunities, Teachers reflect motives
Through these efforts the weakening of intrinsic and feelings in past and present learning
motivation can be control by factors that are experiences so as to cultivate awareness and
beyond the students which is a teachers, so that it challenges embedded in the context of the future
can be concluded that teachers can affect student and discuss strategies to be more resilient in the
motivation through extrinsic motivating face of challenges (Yuan & Jun, 2017)
expected regularly able to build intrinsic The skills of teachers relate to students'
motivation of students. academic self-development (Bandura, 1986),
Student motivation in this study was internal values for learning (Deci & Ryan, 2000),
measured through eight indicators are: (1) the goal orientation (eg, Maehr & Zusho, 2009), and
duration of the activity; (2) the frequency of the Efforts for Student Effectiveness (Skinner &

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Pitzer, 2012). The teacher acts as a mediator in techniques in this study is used to measure the
the learning model as social support for academic level of teaching skills of teachers and students'
outcomes. In this case, hope and value motivation level. Data obtained through
communication, relief provision, and emotional inferential data analysis techniques used in this
support in the context of learning are believed to study to determine the effect of teaching skills of
foster interest and assessment of academic teachers to students' motivation. on inferential
activities (Connell & Wellborn, 1991; Eccles, data analysis, the methods used are using
2005; Skinner et al., 2009). Teacher skills have a parametric statistics.
positive effect on support Communication The purpose of this study to determine the
expectations and standards for behavioral and effect of teaching skills of teachers to student
affective positive interactions (eg, emotional motivation, then the hypothesis in this study is a
support), also encourage positive beliefs about positive influence between the teaching skills of
kempuan to complete students' academic tasks teachers to students' motivation.
(Bandura, 1989; Connell & Wellborn, 1991) in
(Wentzel et al., 2016)
At least eight skills that must be possessed
by a teacher when there is in learning activities Teachers Teaching Skills
that reinforcement skills, questioning skills, Results from this study are described
stimulus variation skill, explaining skill, opening based on the responses of respondents then the
description is described according to the Likert
and closing the lesson skill, small group and
individual teaching skill, classroom management scale score category. Teaching Skills for
skill, and skills to guide small group discussions Teachers variable is measured based on eight
(JJ. Hasibuan and Moedjiono, 2012: 58). With indicators are broken down into 23 statements
the teachers teaching skills, its expected that taken as a measure of teachers' teaching skills
variable, based on the calculation of the 60
teacher can be able to create a creative learning
and fun that encourages students to be actively respondents. The following is a recapitulation of
involved in learning. Teachers who are skilled in each indicator in the variable teachers' teaching
teaching to be one of the causes of failure in
teaching, but it also can cause negative effects for
the students they teach, they would show a lack Table 3.1 Teachers’ Teaching Skills
of enthusiasm for the lessons that it faces so that No Indicator Average Category
learning objectives can not be achieved 1 Reinforcement skills 3,03 Medium
optimally, The problem can be solved when
2 Questioning skills 2.99 Medium
teachers master various skills to manage the
learning process. 3 Stimulus variation 3,25 Medium
4 Explaining skill 3,01 Medium
5 Opening and closing 3,17 Medium
The method used in this research is the lesson skill
Explanatory SurveyMethod. To obtain the data 6 Small group and 3,14 Medium
that is accurate and relevant to the problems individual teaching
examined, this study using techniques rating 7 Classroom 3,29 Medium
scale questionnaire with answers to the management skill
questionnaire used is a Likert scale of five 8 Guide small group 3,23 Medium
categories of models. Sources of data in this discussions skill
study is one of the students at Vocational High Average 3,13 Medium
School in Cianjur in Office Administration
Program in class X. Based on the sample The table shows that the average score of
calculations using figures obtained 59,83 Slovin respondents to a variable free variable Teaching
formula rounded up to 60 then to the sample size Skills Teacher is by 3,13. Acquisition of the
is rounded up to 60 and then the sample size in scores obtained from the average score on each
this study will be distributed into 4 classes. Data indicator in variable teachers' teaching skills. If
analysis technique used is multiple regression our analysis is based on the criteria description
and correlation product moment. scale interpretation of data, the acquisition of
Data analysis techniques used in this these scores are in the range of scores from 2,60
research is descriptive data analysis techniques to 3,39 or middle category.
and inferential data analysis techniques. Data
obtained through descriptive data analysis

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

StudentsLearning Motivation value calculated χ2 = 0,3825,and the table values

Variable student motivation in penelitiann χ2 at α = 0,05 by χ2= 14,0671.Thus the value of
measured through eight indicators is broken the table X2>calculatedvalue. χ2 These results
down into 21 statements taken as a measure of indicate variable data Teachers teaching skill (X)
students' motivation variable, based on the otherwise homogeneous distribution. Likewise
calculation of the 60 respondents. The following with the students' motivation variable based
is a recapitulation of each indicator in students' homogeneity concluded that on Student
motivation variable. Motivation variable (Y), the value of count X2 =
0,1984, and the table values X2 at α = 0,05 by X2
Table 3.2 Students’ Learning = 14,0671. Thus the value of the table X2>count
Motivation value X2 These results indicate variable data
No Indicator Average Category Students Learning Motivation (Y) expressed
homogeneous distribution.
1 Duration of activities 2,88 Medium
2 Frequency of activity 3,25 Medium Linearitytest
3 Persistence on 2,17 Low Testing linearity variable data X
activities of interest (Teaching Skills Teacher) on variables Y
4 Fortitude, tenacity, and 3,08 Medium (Student Motivation), obtained Fcount equal to
ability 1,4016. The value of Ftable at a significance level
5 Devotion (devotion) 2,99 Medium
and sacrifice of 95% or α = 5% and db TC = k - 2 = 31-2 = 29
6 Their aspirations depth 2,79 Medium and db E = n k = 60-31 = 29 is: F (1-.05) ( 1.8068.
29.29)= Thus the value of Farithmetic<Ftable (1,4016
7 Levels of qualification 3,28 Medium
achievement <1,8068). These results show the X variable data
8 Directions attitude 3,22 Medium (Teachers teaching skill) on variables Y
toward the target (Students Learning Motivation) is linear. Based
activity on the above results it can be seen that the data
Average 2,95 Medium
on the dependent variable has linearity with data
The table shows that the average score of on independent variables.
respondents to the dependent variable is the In the calculation results of hypothesis
variable students' motivation is at 2,95, the testing showed that Fcount>Ftable or 19,7951>
acquisition of the scores obtained from the 4,0069 then H0 is rejected and Ha accepted. It can
average score on each indicator in students' be concluded that a statement stating, "There is
motivation variable. If our analysis is based on no a positive and significant influence between
the criteria description scale interpretation of teachers' teaching skills to motivate students of
data, the acquisition of these scores are in the class X of Office Administration on subjects
range of scores from 2,60 to 3,39 or middle productive in SMK Negeri 1 Cianjur" rejected.
Test requirements for data analysis
hypothesis test including normality test,
Based on the calculation above, that
homogenity, and linearity test.
proved teaching skills have an influence on
students' motivation. It will be explained and
Normality Test
described as follows:
On teachers' teaching skills variable, the
value Dcount= 0,1112 and a Dtable at a = 0,05 for
Analysis of Teachers Teaching Skills
D(60, 0,05) = 0,1144. Thus the value of Dcount<value
Based on these results, we can conclude
Dtable (0,1112 <0,1144). These results indicate
that the level of teaching skills of teachers on the
variable data Teaching Skills Teacher otherwise
subjects of productive Administration in SMK
normal distribution. Meanwhile on learning
Negeri 1 Cianjur middle category or can be quite
motivation variable values obtained Dcount=
skilled. The highest score of respondents on the
0,1110 and a Dtable at a = 0,05 for D(60, 0,05) =
variables that teachers' teaching skills that are in
0,1144. Thus the value of Dcount<value Dtable
indicator classroom management skills with the
(0,1110 <0,1144). These results also show
acquisition of a score of 3,29 while for the
variable data motivation to learn otherwise
acquisition of the lowest average score on a
normal distribution.
variable teaching skills of teachers are indicators
of questioning skills of 2,99 but is still in the
Homogeneity test
moderate category.
Homogeneity test results concluded that
the Teachers Teaching Skills variable (X), the

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Analysis of Students Learning

The level of teachers' teaching skills
Based on the acquisition of these results,
positive effect on students' motivation level, it
we can conclude that the level of student
means that the higher level of teachers' teaching
motivation on the subjects of productive
skills, the higher the level of student motivation.
Administration in SMK Negeri 1 Cianjur middle
Thus the implication that can be taken in an effort
category. The highest score of respondents'
to improve the results of student motivation, need
answers on students' motivation variable that is
to improve the teaching skills of teachers.
currently on the qualification level indicators of
achievement with the acquisition of a score of
3,28 while for the acquisition of the lowest
average scores on students' motivation variable is ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
an indicator of persistence on activities of interest This research not escape from that
was 2,17 or are in the category low. ideas, contributions, sharring information of
Influence Of Teachers Teaching Skills to lecturers, post-graduate economic education
Students Learning Motivation Analysis UPI. Teachers offices. And the active role of
A teacher has an important role in class X AP in SMK Negeri 1 Cianjur.
motivating students that several ways to motivate
is through teaching varied, for repeating
information, provide new stimulus for example REFERENCES
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motivation resulted in the regression equation Y= Professional. Bandung: PT. Remaja
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variables. Furthermore, to determine the Belajar Mengajar. Bandung: PT. Remaja
contribution of variable teaching skills of Rosdakarya.
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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Cicilia Clara Devi Anggraini 1, Retno Winarni 2, Tri Murwaningsih 3
Master of Elementary School Teacher Education
Post Graduate University of Sebelas Maret Surakarta
[email protected], 2 [email protected], [email protected]


The research objectives were analyzed the condition, quality, and feasibility of fairy tale learning materials
insight of character values of third grade students of elementary school. The research method was used
descriptive qualitative method. Qualitative data collection was used interviews, observation and
documentation of pre-survey research and initial field research. Research was performed in Grobogan
District which is implemented in some elementary school especially for third grade students of elementary
school. The learning materials consist of storytelling insight of character values developed in this research
covering 10 character values including characters of religious character, honest character, discipline
character, independent character, hard work character, creative character, peaceful character, friendly/
communicative character, caring character, and responsibility character that was integrated with learning
materials. In these learning materials there are a few examples of fairy tale insight of character values and
some questions about the fairy tale content insight of character values. The preliminary research results
were performed in some elementary schools in Grobogan District, especially for third grade students of
elementary school is still need additional learning materials because the existing learning materials are still
broadly, incomplete and the absence of elementary school teachers who design and create learning materials
that tailored to the subjects characteristics, the students development, and relevant to the learning objectives
at the elementary school. Therefore, there was needed new innovation on the learning materials
development insight of character values of third grade students of elementary school as additional learning
material for teachers and students of third grade of elementary school.
Keywords: learning materials, fairy tale, character value.

Various efforts have been done to improve

the education quality in Indonesia through
In the reformation era, the science and various trainings of teacher competency
technology, improvement of teaching and improvement, procurement of books and
learning activities should be maximized in order learning tools, improvement of educational
to improve the education quality. Education is a facilities and infrastructure, improvement of
very important factor that affects the attitude and school management quality, and improvement of
actions of humans in life, so do not be surprised learning staff quality. One of the efforts to
if the nation quality is identical to the education improve the education quality is through learning
quality. As stated in the Act of the Republic of materials were expected bring a positive impact
Indonesia Number 20 of 2003 on National on education in Indonesia, especially on the
Education System Chapter I Article 1 paragraph Indonesia Language subjects.
1 that education is a conscious and planned Learning materials become the connector
efforts to create an learning atmosphere and between teachers and students currently acting as
learning process so that students actively develop facilitators, so the use of learning materials can
their potential to have spiritual strength, self- bridge the problems of students’ absorptive
control, personality, intelligence, noble capacity and the teachers’ ability to manage
character, and skills needed him/his, society, learning in the classroom. According to Daryanto
nation and country (Act of the Republic of (2014: 171), “Learning materials are all forms of
Indonesia, 2003: 2). materials used to assist teachers/instructors in
carrying out teaching and learning activities in

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

the classroom, the material can be either written tale reading is incomplete. Teachers should used
or unwritten material”. learning materials that match to the subjects
Learning materials as one of the supporting characteristics, student development, and
tools in learning process must be in accordance relevant to the learning purposes.
to the desired competence, without Based on the empirical facts and the
understanding of it, then in learning materials interviews results with the Indonesian Language
development will face difficulty. This learning teachers about learning materials and students,
materials development activity is an effort to especially students in third grade in some State
support the education process. The analysis of Elementary School in Purwodadi District on 2
learning materials were done based on systematic November 2016 that used the learning materials
process. In the analysis of learning source is a made by teachers own that have value-added as
children fairy tale. learning resources as an additional supplement of
Fairy tale is a story that contains about the learning materials for students is still lacking.
fantasies on children’s stories that contain the This was reinforced by interviews conducted by
character values of taken from the fairy tale. researchers with third grade teachers of
According to Ibnoe (2016: 13), “Storytelling is Elementary School in Purwodadi District
one excellent method to improve children’s Grobogan Regency and observation during the
intelligence”. This opinion was supported by the learning that (1) the absence of fairy tale learning
research (Febriani, 2012: 2) entitled of materials insight of character values created by
“Development of Banyumas Fairy Tale teachers in the Elementary School as a learning
Appreciation Learning Material for Lower Class source in the student learning activities. (2) The
Students of Elementary School” stated that fairy tale learning material that was used still
“Fairy tale was used as a learning method to simple and conventional in the form of material
obtain information of nation cultural wealth, and test course so that not yet available the right
before the people known writing, the fairy tale is learning materials in accordance to the students
a medium for the cultivation of noble social needs which is useful for the daily life of the
values from parents and ancestors to the next students. (3) The involvement of students in the
generation. “ fairy tales learning process is still low (4)
Researchers have been done the field Students are only given Student Worksheet
observations on 2-10 November 2016 to the third (LKS) that have not been able to develop
grade students of elementary school in some knowledge and thinking skills so that students are
State Elementary School of Purwodadi District in still difficult in solving the problems posed to
academic year of 2016/2017. Based on the initial them, (5) The fairy tales learning materials are
interviews results with third grade teachers in full with the explanation that not in accordance
several elementary schools, the results were to the learning material. (6) student activities are
obtained that teachers use the handbook from the in the form of assignments/exercises that exist in
publisher only, the teachers were revealed that the learning materials, (7) there is a material
they presents their learning just like in the book. description is not in accordance with basic
Books from publishers provide very little competence, (8) the learning materials were not
contextual problems in presenting the learning equipped with scoring criteria, and (9) the
material. The learning material about the fairy appearance of textbooks less interesting because
tales reading is incomplete. In general, the book used blurry paper and black and white images.
is still broadly and only provides understanding, Based on the above reality problems, its
a few examples related to the story type, and the need the fairy tales learning material made by
question is writing exercises. The material was teachers used interesting value-added and can
considered to be lacking because without motivate students to create a more active,
material on how to write a story. Therefore in the creative, collaborative, and constructive learning
learning process of fairy tale reading, teachers atmosphere. So the development of fairy tale
only ask students to read the fairy tales without learning materials were required the added and
being taught how to process of fairy tales used values for the daily life activity of students
reading. So, learning materials have very by embedding the characters values in it. The
important position in the learning process. This fairy tale learning material should have the
is in line with research conducted by Mustafa et character values, so it becomes an example to the
al (2016: 1-8) which mentioned that the teacher child’s behavior to be implemented in everyday
presents the lesson same as in the textbook. life in studying the subject matter. One of the
Textbooks that circulate very little to give learning sources is a fairy tale learning material
contextual problems in the presentation of the that is able to develop the knowledge and skills
learning material. The learning material of fairy of Indonesian language in absorbing the subject

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

matter in the fairy tale learning material with the personality/ character is important implemented
implanted character values. to equip learners to live independently and better.
Several elementary schools in Purwodadi Based on the above background, it is
District Grobogan Regency found little fairy tale necessary to analyze the condition, quality and
material with good quality for students and the feasibility of the fairy tale learning material,
teachers in each level of education unit, because the researcher intends to conduct a research
the location which is slightly away from urban entitled of “Analysis of Fairy Tale Learning
cause lack of human resources and professional Materials Insight of Character Values of Third
teachers in create a work of learning materials, Grade Student of Elementary School”.
especially fairy tale learning materials insight of Based on the background described above,
characters values. the problem in this research are: 1) What was the
Referring to the above experts’ description, condition, quality and feasibility of fairy tale
the character values are one of the right solutions learning materials insight of character values in
for third grade students of elementary school on the third grade students of elementary school in
fairy tale learning material. Because in the Purwodadi distric Grobogan regency?
analysis, the fairy tale learning materials were The research purpose was described and
contained the characters values that can be taken explained the condition, quality and feasibility of
from the wisdom of behavior that is told through fairy tale learning materials insight of character
the characters contained in it to improve the values in the third grade students of elementary
intensive reading skills in Indonesian language school in Purwodadi district of Grobogan
learning in elementary school. This was regency.
supported by the development research that has The research benefits are theoretical and
been done by Febriani (2012: 2) entitled of practical benefits. The theoretical benefits are: 1)
“Development of Banyumas Fairy Tale The fairy tale learning material insight of
Appreciation Learning Material for Lower Class character values can give contribution to the
Students of Elementary School” stated that the Indonesian language learning theory; 2) Enrich
planting of character values can be done through the treasures of knowledge, especially
communication efforts, the fairy tales reading is Indonesian language learning. While practically
one of efforts that can be made to establish benefit for some parties such as students,
communication and understanding and planting teachers, schools, researchers, and policy
the character values through fairy tales will give makers: 1) This research result can increase the
a deep impression that will be easily applied by teachers’ motivation for offer one of the
students in everyday life. alternatives of fairy tale learning models insight
According to Mustari (2014: 8), “Character of character values to the third grade students of
values are character education efforts that can elementary school in Indonesian language
improve the quality of current and future learning; 2) As a reference or example of
generations”. The character values developed in motivation to develop a fairy tale learning model
the fairy tale learning material development to insight of character values for grade 3 students of
improve the intensive reading skills as elementary school to be more varied and
supporting data have been measured using innovative.
indicators in 18 character values are summarized
into 10 character values that can be applied in the
daily life of the student including characters of
religious, honest, discipline, independent, hard This research was used descriptive
qualitative research method (Sugiyono, 2015:
work, creative, peace, friendly/communicative,
caring, and responsible. 78). This research was used techniques of
Besides that, Mustari (2014: 4) stated that if interview, observation, and documentation based
on research needs analysis (field and literature
you have a year plan then plant seeds, if you have
a decade plan then plant a tree, if you have all study), through field trial process. The study
time plan then cultivate character education. So purposes were disclosed the events or facts,
circumstances, phenomena, and variables that
it is very important to implement the characters
values in learning, one of them through the occur when research takes place by presenting
development of fairy tale learning materials the reality events. This study was interpreted and
described the data concerned with the current
insight of character values. This is reinforced by
the development research conducted by Ulum, situation, attitudes and views that occur within a
(2014: 131) entitled of “Development of society, the contradiction between two or more
circumstances, the relationship between
Intensive Reading Textbooks Based on Character
in Elementary School” said that the education of

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

variables that arise, differences between existing learning materials used in the teacher that will be
facts and their effects on a condition, etc. easily applied by students in everyday life.
This stage is an activity in the preliminary The condition of teachers and students
study by collecting initial information through learning materials related to the fairy tales
observation and interview. Observation was done learning material. This activity purposes were
to find out the old learning materials in the determined: (a) the quality of fairy tale learning
learning process of intensive reading skills of materials; (b) the implementation of fairy tales
fairy tale learning material. Interviews were learning used old learning materials; and (c)
conducted to students to support observation identification of the needs of teachers and
results as well as to classroom teachers. students related to the improvement of fairy tale
The research objectives in the preliminary learning material; 2) Literature study, aimed to
stage are (a) to review the feasibility and quality find the based concepts or theoretical that can
of existing fairy tale learning materials; (b) to strengthen or support efforts to improve the
review the condition of learning materials of quality of fairy tale learning in Indonesian
teacher and students on fairy tale learning language learning in elementary schools; 3)
material insight of characteristic values. A more Based on the description of the findings and
detailed explanation of the implementation of conditions of materials learning of teachers and
this stage was described as follows: students in the field were equipped with a variety
The first stage of this research is an of theories and concepts in the literature study
exploratory study that is generally intended to then prepared the prototype of fairy tale learning
track the quality of existing fairy tale learning materials insight off character values.
materials and used by third grade students of Data collecting technique at the
some state elementary schools in Purwodadi introduction stage were used techniques of
District Grobogan Regency. The main purpose of interview, observation, and documentation,
this activity was provided an overview of the referred to Sugiyono, (2015: 73) about the data
quality or feasibility of existing fairy tale collection step of interview and documentation.
learning material. The next activity was analyzed In-depth interview was performed to the resource
the condition of the fairy tale learning material persons. Interviews were focused on the scope of
insight of character values to be developed. fairy tale learning materials insight of character
Specifically, research at this stage was done to values were used third grade students of some
obtain in-depth information about the following: elementary school in Purwodadi District
1. Direct responses from teachers and students Grobogan Regency. Interviews were conducted
related to the fairy tale learning material. on third grade teachers and students of
2. Determined the fairy tales learning materials Elementary Schools in some elementary schools
that need to be developed based on the in Purwodadi District Grobogan Regency.
assumptions of teachers and students. Interviews were conducted on the teachers,
3. The real condition in the field about the namely Mr. Nardi as the third grade teacher of
existence and the feasibility of fairy tale SD Negeri 1 Danyang, Mrs. Desi the teacher of
learning materials used by third grade SD Negeri 2 Danyang, the Mrs. Etik teacher of
students in some elementary schools in SD Negeri 3 Purwodadi, Mr. Anto the teacher of
Purwodadi District Grobogan Regency. SD Negeri 4 Purwodadi, and Mr. Untung teacher
4. The real condition about the needs of of SD Negeri 16 Purwodadi. Interviews with
teachers and students on Indonesian students were conducted on 8 randomly selected
language subjects of third grade students in students. Interviews were conducted in this study
some elementary school in Purwodadi are in-depth interviews and observations about
District Grobogan Regency related to the field conditions in the elementary school.
fairy tales learning material insight of Afterwards was documented all the interview
character values and observation activities in the elementary
Preliminary study through several stages: 1) school. Observation was conducted in a planned
Exploration study, namely the study to some and controlled manner. This observation activity
elementary school in the Purwodadi District also comes with pre-prepared field notes. The
Grobogan Regency. Researchers was conducted researcher also observed the learning activities in
field studies into 5 elementary schools namely the classroom on the Indonesian language
SD Negeri 1 Danyang, SD Negeri 2 Danyang, subjects on fairy tale learning material insight of
SD Negeri 3 Purwodadi, SD Negeri 4 Purwodadi, characteristic values used by third grade students
and SD Negeri 16 Purwodadi. Field study by using pre-existing learning materials and
purposes were determined the condition of asking some informants to fill out questionnaires
that have been prepared by researchers.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Researcher was performed observations about Grobogan Regency in the academic year of
the learning process in the class then prepared the 2016/2017. Indonesian teachers beside as a data
field note about data obtained from observations. source also become collaborators in this research.
Research population is all of third grade It is said that because the key to successful
student of elementary school in Purwodadi research that tests the effectiveness of learning
District Grobogan Regency. The research lies in the collaborator that is teachers.
samples are third grade teacher and student of SD Data research sources of preliminary stage
Negeri 1 Danyang, third grade teacher and is a number of information about fairy tale
student of SD Negeri 2 Danyang, third grade learning material used by third grade students of
teacher and student of SD Negeri 3 Purwodadi, some elementary school in Purwodadi District
third grade teacher and student of SD Negeri 4 Grobogan Regency.
Purwodadi, third grade teacher and student of SD Data analysis techniques were data
Negeri 16 Purwodadi. collected in this research is non numerical data
The reasons for choosing this location that is in the form of behavior and oral language.
are as follows: Data analysis in the exploratory study stage was
1. The researcher is one of the teachers who conducted by interactive qualitative analysis
have taught in elementary schools in the according to Miles and Huberman (1984)
Purwodadi district Grobogan regency. consists of three components: (1) data reduction;
2. State Elementary School in Purwodadi (2) data display; and (3)
District, Grobogan regency has never been conclusions/verifications (in Sugiono, 2015:
used as an object similar research, so avoid 247).
the other people study. The selection also
was expected to facilitate researchers in
conducting a series of research process
activities. a. The analysis result of Fairy Tale Learning
3. Some of elementary school chosen as Students have difficulty in fairy tales
research objects has the same quality of reading learning. Until now the reading skill of
school accreditation. fairy tales in understanding the fairy tales
4. The grade chosen is the third grade in the contents is not maximal. Then in the learning
elementary school used the same curriculum process found that (1) the absence of learning
that is the Education Unit Level Curriculum materials insight character values created by
5. Development of fairy tale learning materials teachers in the Elementary school as a learning
insight of character values are not yet source in the learning activities. (2) The fairy tale
contained in the elementary school in learning material that be used is still simple and
Purwodadi District Grobogan Regency. conventional in the form of material and test
The data sources of in this stage are: (a) course so that not yet available the right learning
analysis of learning materials documents used by materials in accordance with the students needs
teachers and students and supported by which is useful for the students daily life activity.
complementary sources in the form of documents (3) The involvement of students in the fairy tales
related to the problems in this research, such as learning is still lower and student response is
curriculum, syllabus, lesson plan, score list, passive. (4) Students are only given Student
evaluation tools, and others relevant documents; Worksheet (LKS) that have not been able to
(b) interview data from informants such as: develop knowledge and thinking skills so that
teachers and students in the written form students are still difficult in solving the problems
according to research needs; (c) the field that they faced. (5) The fairy tales learning
observations results during the learning process material is too much with the explanation that not
take place; (d) description of finding of learning suitable to the learning topic. (6) Student
materials needed by teachers and students; and activities in the form of assignments/exercises
(e) document analysis in accordance to the that exist in the learning materials. (7) There is
guidance of the assessment of the feasibility of material description is not in accordance to the
learning materials and research questionnaire basic competence. (8) The learning materials are
results at this stage. The data sources are generally not equipped with scoring criteria. (9)
qualitative information. The appearance of textbooks less attractive,
Data sources were obtained from using blurry paper, and black and white images.
informants who act as research subjects. The
research subjects were Indonesian language
teachers and third grade students in some
elementary schools in Purwodadi District

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

b. The analysis results of learning materials about fairy tale learning materials insight of
document character values for third grade students of
Teachers were disclosed that they present elementary school; (2) learning materials should
the lessons same as in the book. Books from be prepared with appropriate approach to the
publishers are provided very little contextual student ability so that can improve student’s
problems in presenting the material. The material reading skill in the fairy tale learning material
about fairy tales reading learning is incomplete. insight of character values in third grade students
In general, the book is still broad and only of elementary school.
provides understanding, related to the type of
story, the exercise in the form of writing exercise,
the material was considered less because without
materials about how to read the fairy tale
especially for third grade students of elementary Alhamdulillah, all of praise and
school in Purwodadi District Grobogan Regency. thanksgiving I pray to Almighty God who has
provided various kinds of goodness so I can
finish this paper. I sincerely thank to my parents
for giving me the best support and prayers.
The discussion results was they present the
Thanks to Prof. Dr. Retno Winarni, M.Pd
lessons same as in the book. Books from
and Dr. Tri Murwaningsih, M.Si who has
publishers are provided very little contextual
provided guidance, direction, motivation, and
problems in presenting the material. The material
extraordinary attention so this development
about fairy tales reading learning is incomplete.
research can be completed properly.
In general, the book is still broad and only
I would like to thank all the teachers and
provides understanding, related to the type of
students of the Elementary School in Purwodadi
story, the exercise in the form of writing exercise,
District Grobogan Regency who has provided
the material was considered less because without
suggestions, inputs, and constructive criticism to
materials about how to read the fairy tale.
the learning materials.
Therefore, in the learning process teachers only
The author realized that the paper writing is
ask learners to read fairy tales without being
still a lot of shortcomings; therefore, authors
taught how the process of fairy tales reading. So,
expect suggestions and constructive criticisms to
the learning materials have a very important
improve this paper. Finally, the authors hope that
position in the learning process. This is in line
this paper will be useful for education as a
with research conducted by Mustofa, et al. (2016:
reference and alternative to increase the
1-8) which stated that teachers present lessons
knowledge and learning materials innovation.
just like in textbooks. Textbooks provide very
little contextual problems in presenting material.
The learning material about fairy tales reading is
incomplete. Teachers should used learning REFERENCES
materials that are appropriate to the subject
characteristics, student development and relevant [1] Daryanto. (2014). Pengembangan Perangkat
to the learning objectives. Pembelajaran (Silabus, RPP, PHB, Bahan
Ajar). Yogyakarta: Gava Media.
[2] Febriani, Meina. (2012). Pengembangan
Bahan Ajar Apresiasi Dongeng Banyumas
Based on the research entitled of “An
bagi Siswa SD Kelas Rendah. Jurnal
Analysis of Fairy Tale Learning Materials
Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, 1 (6), 1-8.
Insight of Character Values of Third Grade
Student of Elementary School of Purwodadi [3] Ibnoe. (2016). Mari Mendongeng.
District Grobogan Regency” it can be concluded Yogyakarta: Zora Book.
that the existing learning materials in elementary
school is still not extensive and still less complete [4] Kurniawati, Eni Dewi. (2014).
Pengembangan Model Bahan Ajar Berbicara
and learning materials from publishers are not
from the teacher work himself. The learning Secara Tematis dengan Pendekatan SAVI
implementation using fairy tales learning (Somatis, Auditorial, Visual, Intelektual) di
SMA Kabupaten Gambas. Desertasi.
materials in elementary schools has not fully
meet the principles of fairy tale learning Fakultas Ilmu Kependidikan Sebelas Maret
materials insight of character values. Surakarta.
The suggestions that can be given about the [5] Mustafa, dkk. 2016. Pengembagan Bahan
learning materials are (1) Need new innovation Ajar Pembelajaran Menulis Cerita Berbasis

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Pendekatan Proses Bagi Siswa SMP

Lingters Volume 3 Nomor 1.
[6] Mustari. (2014). Nilai karakter untuk
Refleksi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo
[7] Sugiyono. (2015). Metodologi Penelitian
Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R&D. Bandung:
[8] Ulum, Wisda Miftakul. (2014).
Pengembangan Pengembangan Buku Teks
Membaca Intensif Berbasis Karakter di
Sekolah Dasar. Junal Penidikan Humaniora,
2 (2), 130-143.
[9] Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor
20 tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Siti Zubaidah1, Bambang Ismato2, Bambang Suteng Sulasmono3
Program Pasca Sarjana Magister Manajemen Pendidikan
FKIP-Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]


The study aimed to evaluate the context, input, process, product of Healthy School program in SD Negeri
Kutowinangun 04 Salatiga. This study was evaluative research using CIPP model of evaluation (Context,
Input, Process, Product). The technique of collecting data using interviews, observation and
documentation. Some of the steps being taken in the analysis of the data included: data collection, data
reduction, data display and verification. Validation of data using triangulation techniques and resources.
The results showed: (1) from the aspects of Context, the Healthy School program was the policy of the
central government to improve the quality of education through the improvement of students health, in
addition to the schools' needs, especially the students in SD Negeri Kutowinangun 04 Salatiga were still
low level of health, (2) from the aspect of Input, design program proved to be able to answer the need for
the program to address the low level of students health, and supported by human resources, facilities and
infrastructure, adequate cost, 3) from the aspect of Process, Healthy School Program has been run in
accordance with program planned but on its implementation there were obstacles where schools have
limited funds and inadequate infrastructure, and (4) from the aspect of Product, all targets to be achieved
in program planned has been reached so that impacted the improvement of the quality of education in SD
Negeri Kutowinangun 04 Salatiga and therefore eligible to continue in the next period with several aspects
Keywords: Evaluation Program, Healthy School, CIPP

behavior program can result in a low quality

school environment and high rates of illness
Hamiyah dan Jauhar (2015) stated that affecting school-aged children. Therefore the
unhealthy behavior is caused by unhealthy Government issued a policy as an effort to
environment, such as the lack of clean house, improve the health of students with the program
school, or community environment. The low named "Healthy School".
level of effort to raise the awareness of clean and Healthy School is a school that successfully
healthy life to learners, impact on elementary helps students excel optimally by promoting
school students who have not fully know how is health aspects. Healthy School is always trying
the right way to maintain personal or to build physical health and spiritual health
environmental health. This is in line with the through understanding, ability, and responsible
results of study by Teguh (2012) that there are behavior, the best decision to create health
still students who suffer from skin diseases, independently can be realized (Arthur dan
letting the hair and nails extend unkempt, Barnard, 2011:4). Understanding above in line
suffering from cavities, less clean and tidy in with research conducted by Hermiyanti
dress, less serious in exercising every Friday (2016:14) that the Primary School of Clean
morning, often littering, students snack Health is an Primary School whose citizens
carelessly and do not pay attention to the hygiene constantly civilize clean and healthy life
of snacks. The results are also in line with the behavior, and has a clean, beautiful, cool, fresh,
study Diana (2013:48) which indicated that the neat, orderly, and safe school environment.
implementation of a low clean and hygienic

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

According to the Healthy School Model This study uses the CIPP evaluation model
Development Guide in Indonesia (2009: 4), the developed by Stufflebeam in 1966. According to
benefits of the Healthy School program includes: Arikunto & Jabar (2014), if evaluation activities
1) for the community as a place to produce use CIPP model, program analysis must be based
students who have a healthy and active life, 2) for on those components (CIPP), components in
the government as a place of learning that can be CIPP evaluation model can be explained as
used as a model for other schools because it is follows: 1) context evaluation seeks to identify
expected that the school can produce Quality unmet environmental needs, sample populations
resources, and 3) for the private sector or the served and program / project objectives, 2) input
work world that can provide opportunities for the evaluation seeks to identify the initial capabilities
private sector to play a role in the development of existing components (students or schools) in
of Healthy School. supporting the implementation of the program, 3)
While the National Education Ministry of process evaluation identifies the implementation
Directorate General of Basic Education (2009: 9) of a program that may include what program will
explained that the Healthy School standard be implemented, who the program organizer is,
includes: 1) Physical school standards that the timing of the program, and 4) product
include: school buildings that meet minimum evaluation seeks to identify the things or changes
standards of the national education department, a that occur in the implementation of the program,
school has accreditation from government, at as well as the achievement of the program
least B, schools that meet health requirements implementation.
(physical, mental, environmental), schools with Based on the above problem, this research
fences, schools that have adequate open space for will evaluate context, input, process, and product
physical education, and schools have a certificate of healthy school program at SD Negeri
of property. 2) standards of infrastructure Kutowinangun 04 Salatiga. The purpose of this
facilities that include: having infrastructure for study is to provide recommendation to SD N
adequate health education, having infrastructure Kutowinangun 04 Salatiga about the
for physical education, having supporting implementation of good and correct Healthy
facilities for School Health Unit activities, 3) School program and to evaluate context, input,
standards of human resources include: having process, and product of healthy school program
physical education, sports and health teachers, at SD Negeri Kutowinangun 04 Salatiga.
having a School Health Unit teacher, having a
school health cadre (small doctor, youth health
cadre), 4) standards of learners that include: have
This research includes evaluative
the optimal health, optimal growth, and have an
optimal level of physical fitness. research using CIPP model. The research was
SD Negeri Kutowinangun 04 Salatiga is conducted at SD Negeri Kutowinangun 04
Salatiga with the address of Jalan Butuh 1-A RT
one of the State Elementary School in Salatiga
city that has implemented Healthy School 004/09 Kota Salatiga. Sources of information
program since 2009. Based on interviews with include: Principal, Teacher, Healthy School
Program Coordinator, and State Elementary
the Principal, since the beginning of the program
of Healthy School in elementary school that has School Teacher Kutowinngun 04 Salatiga. Data
never been done research to evaluate the on feasibility studies, analytical results,
implementation of the program. Therefore, organizational decisions, schedule of activities,
researchers are interested to evaluate the Healthy program plans, charters and program
implementation reports are also sources of data
School program that has been running for about
7 years. Arikunto dan Jabar (2014: 17) stated that in research. Data collection techniques used in
the evaluation of the program is an effort to research evaluation of Healthy School program
at SD Negeri Kutowinangun 04 Salatiga is
determine the effectiveness of program
components in supporting the achievement of interview, observation, and documentation
program objectives. The purpose of program study. Some of the steps taken in data analysis in
this study include: (1) Data collection, (2) Data
evaluation is to determine whether the service or
intervention has achieved the stated objectives Reduction, (3) Display Data, (4) Verification /
and to know with certainty whether the Conclusion data. The data validity test used in
this research using triangulation technique of
achievement of results, progress and obstacles
encountered in the implementation of the source and tringulation of technique.
program can be assessed and studied for
improvement of future program implementation
(Wirawan: 2011).

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

involved human resources, infrastructure and

costs necessary to support the implementation of
Context Evaluation of Healthy School
every activity in the school program health. All
Program at SD Negeri Kutowinangun 04
school residents from principals, teachers,
education personnel, school committees,
Based on the results of interviews and
students were also involved in the planning.
document review, the background of the
In running the Healthy School program, SD
implementation of this program was the direct
Negeri Kutowinangun 04 Salatiga receives
appointment by the central government to SD
financing assistance from the Central
Negeri Kutowinangun 04 Salatiga to organized
Government through Directorate of Physical
the program because the central government
Quality Development Center-Ministry of
viewed the school as capable and decent in terms
National Education. The amount of aid provided
of human resources (principals, teachers,
was 67.6 million rupiah granted in Year 2009.
education personnel , student, committee),
The funds were used at the beginning of the
environment and infrastructure in supporting the
implementation of a healthy school program at
smoothness of the implementation of healthy
SD Negeri Kutowinangun 04 Salatiga to
school programs in addition to answer the needs
complete infrastructure facilities (physical
of schools as an effort to improve the health of
construction of schools). In the following years,
students who were still classified as low. The
the school used school operational assistance
goal of establishing a Healthy School program at
funds and grants from the committee or the
SD Negeri Kutowinangun 04 Salatiga was to
private sector in running the School of Health
improve the health and physical fitness of the
programs, especially those related to non-
school's citizens; In order to have adequate
physical areas. The mechanism of the
facilities and infrastructure for physical
implementation of a healthy school program
education and to create a clean and healthy
implemented in SD Negeri Kutowinangun 04
school environment which will also affect the
Salatiga was guided by the government and
process of teaching and learning in school and
technical guidelines in which the principal, the
the ultimate goal was to improve the quality of
head of the healthy school program and the
school education both academic and non
teacher who has been appointed as the
academic achievement. The expected benefits of
responsible person in the implementation. The
the Healthy School program were the increased
mechanism of channeling funds from the center
level of health and physical fitness of students
to schools was also very clear from the process,
that impact on improving the quality of education
the amount, and the use of funds for healthy
in schools, making the environment cleaner and
school programs were in accordance with the
healthier and making learning conditions more
procedures of the government.
comfortable and school performance improving,
Evaluation Process of Healthy School
parents and communities were more calm to
Program at SD Negeri Kutowinangun 04
entrust their children because the healthy
lifestyle in school will carry on in community
Development of Learning Program
life, and schools can produce the resources of the
Implementation of Learning Program
next generation of quality nations. The target of
Development, running well and even from 2014
Healthy School program was student, teacher,
and 2015 has increased. Constraints faced so can
education personnel, principal, environment,
not reach the target 100%, which was the budget.
facilities and infrastructure.
The active role of "peer educators" in healthy life
Input Evaluation of Healthy School
skills education has not yet reached 100%
Program at SD Negeri Kutowinangun 04 Salatiga
success. This was caused by the knowledge and
In terms of input SD Negeri Kutowinangun
ability of students in terms of healthy life skills
04 Salatiga has made the planning before the
education was also still limited. In addition,
implementation of a healthy school program.
many students were not confident when
There were several areas in that planning that
explaining their knowledge about health to other
will be developed in the Healthy School program
friends. While on the aspect of reporting
which covered 6 areas: Development of Learning
assessment to parents in 2014 and 2015 already
Program, Facility and Infrastructure
run according to desired target. Factors that
Development, Development of Human
supported the smoothness of these activities can
Resources, School Management Development,
not be separated from the participation of all
Partnership Program Development, and
school residents ranging from principals,
Financing. In addition, this plan also has a set of
teachers, education personnel, school
implementation schedule, responsible and

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

committees, students and also parents of indicators of support from local governments and
students. councils. These indicators have not been able to
Development of Facilities and materialize well due to the lack of attention given
Infrastructure by the local government and the council towards
In the subprogram of health education the healthy school program. Obstacles that hinder
facilities and facilities the school did not have a the development of partnership were derived
counseling room specifically used to guide and from the limited time held by principals and
provide direction to students in need. The teachers who should be responsible for
absence of counseling room in SD Negeri collaborating with partners.
Kutowinangun 04 Salatiga was caused by the Development of Financing
school did not have enough land to build a Implementation of financing development
counseling class and also not yet available funds of healthy school program at SD Negeri
to expedite the development process. In the Kutowinangun 04 Salatiga has been running
implementation of UKS infrastructure well. The attention given from the Local
development, most of the equipment was already Government was very minimal; it was evidenced
available in school health unit at SD Negeri by the lack of financial support from the
Kutowinangun 04 Salatiga. In implementing the Regional Expenditure Budget for Healthy School
development of physical education infrastructure program. School used school operational grants
facilities, there were still many indicators that and financial support from private parties and
have not reached the 100% target, which was the parents. Factors supporting the development of
classroom indicator fulfills the health the financing were the existence of a great
requirements (ventilation and lighting), has open awareness of parents to support every activity of
field and / or hall, and the existing field was a healthy school program. In addition, the ability
feasible for PBM physical education. This was to establish cooperation with private parties and
caused by the school has not been able to manage the financial of school operational grants
renovate the classrooms that meet health funds by the school also greatly affects the
requirements such as those in the regulations. financing of healthy schools.
Development of Human Resources Product Evaluation of Healthy School
Most indicators in human resources Program at SD Negeri Kutowinangun 04 Salatiga
development have reached the target, but there SD Negeri Kutowinangun 04 Salatiga has
were 2 indicators that were still less than the achieved the goal and target of Healthy School
target namely having less counseling teacher and program well. Achievement of objectives and
also school health unit teachers trained at SD initial targets was evidenced by the value of
Negeri Kutowinangun 04 Salatiga. There was no physical fitness tests students per semester,
teacher who specifically became a counseling improvement of clean and healthy lifestyle of
teacher to handle child issues. Counseling school residents was evidenced by student
teacher was also a homeroom teacher which achievement that has increased 5% per semester,
supervised and guided by the principal. the improvement of facilities and infrastructure
Development of school management of physical education previously only available
Implementation of school management 50% increased to 85%, the creation of a clean and
development aimed at fulfilling the design of comfortable school environment for learning
Healthy School criteria at SD Negeri activities was evidenced by environmental
Kutowinangun 04 Salatiga has been documentation SD Negeri Kutowinangun 04
implemented well, in which from 12 indicators in Salatiga.
the school management development program
there was only 1 indicator that was still far from
the expectation that there was a focus group
Context Evaluation
discussion forum from peer educators or peer
counselor. Factors that become obstacles were Evaluation of the context of the Healthy
peer educators who were still aged children and School program at SD Negeri Kutowinangun 04
Salatiga showed that a healthy school program
should be made an example by other friends were
still less confident to discuss and exchanging was needed by school stakeholders. In addition
their opinion. to the Government's policy, the School Healthy
Program is also needed by schools considering
Development of Partnership Program
Almost all activities have been done well the very low student health levels. The goals and
but there still was an increase in each indicator benefits of the Healthy School program are also
strongly felt in helping schools achieve optimal
from 2014 to 2015 although all indicators have
not reached 100% success. But it was contrary to quality of education. The results are in line with

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

the study undertaken by Sari (2013) that the goal found that good facilities and infrastructure have
of health education wasis to change unhealthy greatly contributed to the success of the quality
behaviors to be healthy both in individuals, of education. The more complete and utilized
groups, and communities. Students as subjects in optimally, the facilities and infrastructure of a
learning health education are expected to school would make it easier for students and
implement healthy living in everyday life. teachers to achieve the target together.
Input Evaluation Development of Human Resources
Healthy School Program at SD Negeri Development of energy in SD Negeri
Kutowinangun 04 Salatiga viewed from the Kutowinangun 04 Salatiga is good enough. The
aspect of the input has answered the needs of school already has qualified physical education
schools through 6 (six) areas of development teachers. In line with Act Number 14 Year 2003
namely (1) Development of Learning Program, which states that teachers are professional
(2) Development of Facilities and Infrastructure, educators who are tasked with educating,
(3) Development of Human Resources, (4) teaching, training, guiding, and evaluating
Development School Management, (5) learners. Teachers are experienced educators in
Development of Partnership Program (6) the field of profession that provides some
Financing Development. Each development field knowledge to students in school. With his
consists of several subprograms and activity knowledge, teachers can make students become
indicators that are prepared in accordance with smart and have a good person.
the Government-defined Guidelines and Development of School Management
equipped with human resources, facilities and Development of school-based management
adequate infrastructure and funds. The results to meet the needs of design criteria for healthy
above are in line with the research by Ahmad school at SD Negeri Kutowinangun 04 Salatiga
(2013) which states that the success of a program has been running well. Cooperation and high
is influenced by the availability of funds. In line responsibility of all school residents is the key to
with these studies, the results of the study by successful school management. The results are in
Handayani (2008) also stated that facilities / line with opinion by Danim (2012) who said that
infrastructure facilities positioned as a supporting one of the factors supporting the improvement of
factor for the success of a program. education quality in schools is the Cooperation
Process Evaluation Network, where the cooperation network is not
Development of Learning Program only limited to school and community
Development of learning programs environment (parents and community) but with
in SD Negeri Kutowinangun 04 Salatiga other organizations, such as companies /
institutions so that the output from schools can be
has been running well that is reached absorbed in working world.
more than 80%. The school has tried to Development of Partnership Program
maximize the development of the The development of partnership program in
learning program; because they are SD Negeri Kutowinangun 04 Salatiga runs quite
aware of the quality of learning programs well, only support from local government and
council for Healthy School program is still very
will also create quality human resources. low. The low support from the local government
It is in line with opinion stated by Abdul is contradictory to the opinion of Dwiyanto
Majid (2006) that the development of learning (2005) who said that the Regional Government
needs to be managed well in order to achieve should have a policy to provide services to the
optimal results. To achieve this program, the community or educational institutions related to
management of learning is the key to success existing programs and run by the community or
towards quality learning. related institutions.
Development of Facilities and Development of Financing
Infrastructure The development of the financing of a
The development of health education healthy school program in SD Negeri
infrastructure facilities at Healthy School Kutowinangun 04 Salatiga has been running
program in SD Negeri Kutowinangun 04 Salatiga well. Funds of healthy school programs come
has been well implemented; from 11 indicators from the Central Government and assistance
there are 10 indicators that have 100% from parents. The school principal and treasurer
achievement. A complete infrastructure will have must be good at allocating part of the schools
an impact on the quality of education in the operational grants to be used in the
school. The results of this study in accordance implementation of the Healthy School program.
with research conducted by Setyorini (2009) who It is in line with opinion of Fattah (2009) who

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

said that if it is not possible to rely fully on

government subsidies, it is necessary to absorb
There are several recomendations that the
public funds, but not to burden learners from
researchers convey to improve the
disadvantaged family backgrounds.
implementation of Healthy School program in
Product Evaluation
the next period, namely:
SD Negeri Kutowinangun 04 Salatiga has
1. For the school
achieved the goal and target of Healthy School
a. Schools should be more intensive
program well. The impact that has been felt is the
in collaborating with other parties
health of students and other school residents
(private sector, committees,
become more optimal so as to improve student
parents, Regional Expenditura
achievement both academic and non academic.
Budget) and those associated with
Health is one of the determinants of student
other healthy school programs to
learning success, in line with opinion of Kartono
obtain financial support in support
Kartini in Tulus Tu’u (2004) said that factors that
of program implementation.
hamper student achievement include inhibitors
b. Schools should provide the
from within and external obstacles. Inhibitors
facilities and infrastructures such
from within include one health factor. Students
as counseling teacher room, hall
whose health is often disturbed cause children
room, a special room for garbage
left behind lessons, therefore parents and schools
bank collection and also a place or
should pay attention to the health of their
making compost.
children with nutritious food and healthy
2. For the Education Agencies
lifestyle. Otherwise if the students health is
Education Agencies need to
optimal then the they will be maximized in the
monitor and evaluate the
lesson. The Healthy School Program should be
implementation of healthy school
continued in SD Negeri Kutowinangun 04
programs in every school implementing
Salatiga for the following years although there
such program, especially in SD Negeri
are still many improvements in the
Kutowinangun 04 Salatiga. Thus, the
implementation of program activities.
Education Agencies can take policy in
the form of improvement or completion
of the process of organizing a Healthy
In terms of context, the Healthy School School program in the future.
program is needed by stakeholders in SD Negeri 3. For Funding Agencies (Center
Kutowinangun 04 Salatiga. In terms of input Directorate for Quality Development of
Healthy School Program at SD Negeri Physical)
Kutowinangun 04 Salatiga has answered the The Healthy School Program
needs of the program through six areas of should be continued with refinement
development prepared in accordance with the and financial support considering the
Government Technical Guidence and equipped many benefits of this program.
with human resources, facilities and
infrastructure as well as adequate funds. In terms REFERENCES
of process of Healthy School program in SD
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has resulted in a) physical school becomes better FKM UNHAS.
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Abdul Jabar. 2014. Evaluasi Program
establishment of clean and healthy lifestyle of
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more clean and comfortable to learn. [4] Arthur Sue, Matt Barnard, DKK. 2011.
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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)



Kartika Kirana1, Novi Dwi Rusmawaty2

Dinamika Edukasi Dasar-SD Kanisius Mangunan
[email protected], [email protected]

Indonesia is an archipelago. There are more than 17.000 islands which also consist of hundreds of culture,
languages, and religions all over the country. This is a fortune to have great diversity, but on the other hand
this is also a threat for the country if the people do not have great tolerance. Nowadays, there are some
problems related to race and religion tolerance. Therefore, education institutions have to do something to
prepare the students, early from basic education to prepare the next generation to be more tolerant for better
humanity in Indonesia. Father YB Mangunwijaya, Pr., a clergyman who dedicated his rest of life in basic
education, introduced ‘Interfaith Communication’ as a subject at school. In SD Kanisius Mangunan
(Mangunan Experimental Elementary School), the subject is called ‘Komunikasi Iman’. Father YB
Mangunwijaya did the experiments at SD Kanisius Eksperimental Mangunan Yogyakarta since 1994 until
he died in 1999. In fact, ‘Komunikasi Iman’ (Interfaith Communication) is not only a subject in class, but
also directly being practiced by the students. As a subject at school, ‘Interfaith Communication’ is held
once a week in class. Students learn about religiosity, as the language of communication beyond all
religions. They learn about life and how they should have good relationship with themselves, others, nature,
equipments, and God. In Indonesia they are called ‘5A’ (Aku (Self), Anda (Others), Alam (Nature), Alat
(Equipments), and Allah (God)). As a practical life, all the materials in the subjects are designed based on
students’ everyday life. Therefore, they reflect their experiences; learn to choose which is good and which
is not good in relation to the ‘5A’. The reflection has impact on students’ everyday life. By practicing this
‘Interfaith Communication’, hopefully students will have better quality of life.
Keywords: interfaith communication, elementary school, religiosity, reflection, Mangunwijaya

Communication’ (it is called ‘Komunikasi Iman’

in SD Kanisius Eksperimental Mangunan). We
Indonesia is an archipelago. There are 34 need religion, but what we need most is to be
provinces in about 17.000 islands [1]. This religious [3].
condition makes Indonesia rich of cultures, In article 1 of UUD 1945 (Indonesian
languages, resources, and also religions. Constitution) third revision, stated that Indonesia
Therefore, the motto ‘Bhinneka Tunggal Ika’ is a state law (constitutional country). Indonesia
(means ‘Unity in diversity) is very important for is not a theocracy. But religion is important for
Indonesia. The large etnic groups are Javanese, Indonesians, because it is one of the things which
Dayak, Malay, etc. The religious diversity occurs state personal identity. We state our religion in
between people with different religions and even Identity Card [4].
within people in the same religion [2]. This Ruslani, in his paper “Multikulturalisme
means that this country has a big duty to deal with dalam Pendidikan Agama Antara Kenyataan dan
diversity. Harapan” indicated three things about
There are many studies has made about interpersonal relationships: firstly, religion is the
diversity, and in this writing, the writers are most dominant part to identify a person;
going to review what Father YB Mangunwijaya, secondly, a kind of religion is not one religion but
Pr, an Indonesian clergyman, who was also an in one religion there are more than one stream
architect, a writer, a religious, and also an (mazhab) or ideologies; and thirdly, doctrines of
educator. He did an experiment about dealing truth that is being taught through early formal
with Indonesia’s diversity since 1994 in a small education has grown fanaticism in most people.
elementary school ‘SD Kanisius Mangunan’ in Then it influences their attitudes toward other
Berbah, Sleman, Yogyakarta Special Regency. religions as ‘the other’ [4].
In this school, he introduced ‘Interfaith

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

In fact, religion is not a goal. Religion is the represents the middle grade in elementary school,
way to reach the goal. And the goal of all and grade 6 represents the highest grade in
religions is to be religious [5]. Therefore we can elementary school.
state that religiosity is the ‘language’ beyond all In this paper, the writers chose one example
religion. of the Interfaith Communication, started from the
Religiosity is about the relationship class subject and how it affected children’s
between human and the Creator. It is about attitude. The sample is an experience in grade 3,
loving and admiring every great and wonderful which happened in the first semester (about
creature, but also respecting every small and August to November 2016).
weak creature as the integral part in the cosmos
where we live. It becomes important to reach Data Gathering and Analysis
social justice and humanity [5]. The data gathered in this research were
Father YB Mangunwijaya stated in his from interview to teachers and the reflection of
book, Menumbuhkan Sikap Religius Anak-anak students.
that Indonesians are talented about religion, The researchers used descriptive qualitative
because Indonesians have the character of method to get interview data [7]. The writers had
collectivistic; in Javanese it is called anut in depth interviews to three teachers of SD
grubyug. Meanwhile, religiosity is more difficult Kanisius Eksperimental Mangunan. The
because it needs reflection toward personal way questions are “How the subject ‘Interfaith
of life. Becoming religious person is not easy, it Communication’ was conducted in the class?”;
needs great effort for Indonesians [6]. “What topics of religiosity that mostly discussed
This paper discusses about the children and in the class?”; “How the topic discussed in the
religiosity concerning the way children sees class at ‘Interfaith Communication’ time affects
religiosity, interfaith communication to grow the children’s attitude?”
religiosity among the children and its application. The analysis of the interview results is
There is also an example of how to conduct the using narrative analysis. It is done in order to
subject ‘Interfaith Communication’ in class and prevent of loosing details of the story from the
how the process of what being discussed in the interviewees [7].
subject affects to children’s attitude.

Description of the school

Research design Before talking about the result, the writers
This paper is a review of YB would like to explain briefly about the school, so
Mangunwijaya who did the experiment about that it will be easier to understand the context of
Interfaith Communication in 1994 until 1999 at this study.
SD Kanisius Eksperimental Mangunan. After he SD Kanisius Eksperimental Mangunan is a
died on February 10th 1999, the practice of formal elementary school located in Solo Street
Interfaith Communication is continued by the km. 11.5, Mangunan village, Berbah district,
teachers of the school. Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Province.
The methods of the study are: This school is a formal school with various
1. Reviewing the thought of Mangunwijaya in diversity; religion, ethnics, economic and social
comparison to Montessori’s idea about background, and also disable children. The
cosmic education. religions of students are Christian, Catholic, and
2. Interviewing teachers at SD Kanisius Islam. Most of them are Catholics. There are
Eksperimental Mangunan about Interfaith students from poor families, but some of them
Communication as a subject in the class. come from rich families. Majorities are Javanese,
3. Interviewing teachers at SD Kanisius but there are also students from other ethnic
Eksperimental Mangunan about the groups such as Dayak, Bataknese, Minangkabau,
student’s concrete action of ‘Interfaith Tionghoa, etc. This school also has some special
Communication’. needs students. There are students with autism,
students with dyslexia, slow learners,
Population and Samples handicapped, and students with special treatment
The writers had several interviews with in behavior. All students do the same activities
some teachers from different grades at SD whether it is in the classroom or outside.
Kanisius Mangunan. They are teachers of grade Sometimes teacher creates some special target or
1, grade 3, and grade 6. Grade 1 represents the activities for the special needs, but basically
lowest grade in elementary school, grade 3

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

children are treated the same. They are children the family, and asked for apologize for their
who have the same right at school. improper behavior.
The curriculum of this school is basically In the day after, they did the plan, going to
the National Curriculum, plus several special their friend’s house one more time. There, they
subjects. The special subjects are Interfaith change the attitude. They could act properly and
Communication (Komunikasi Iman), Box of respect the family.
Questions (Kotak Pertanyaan), Reading Good
Books (Membaca Buku Bagus), Table Magazine 2. Grade 3
(Majalah Meja), and Music of Education (Musik In grade 3, there are 22 students with one
Pendidikan). These special subjects are created to home teacher. The topics for Interfaith
help students become more explorative, creative, Communication are mostly about care and
and integral which are the visions of SD Kanisius responsibility.
Eksperimental Mangunan. There is one special need student in that
class. He has to move on a wheel chair because
Result of the Interview he has problem with his legs. In the beginning of
1. Grade 1 the class, his friends were not really care to him.
In grade 1, the topic that mostly discusses One day, he didn’t attend the class. After that
in class is about love and respect. It is a class of day, he did not attend the class for almost one
23 students with one home teacher. There is a month.
child with dyslexia, a student with indigo, a The teacher tried to find the reason of his
student with autism, and two students with being absent for about a month. On the first time
behavioral problems. The different conditions of visiting him, the teacher did not get the reason.
the children become a great barrier for the teacher The teacher then brought his findings into
in the beginning of the class. It is very hard for the class and discussed it with the other children.
teacher to manage the class. After lots of The teacher told children that ‘this boy’ didn’t
dialogue with students in the topics of love and want to study again. His friends wrote letters for
respect, there is a great attitude change among the ‘the boy’, asked him to come to school again,
students. wrote that they miss him to be together again.
One good example is related to social Finally, in the next discussion with the
studies. One day, children were learning about boy’s parents, it was found that ‘this boy’ feels
healthy house. They planned to visit a friend’s lonely when the class having outdoor activities.
house near the school. Before visiting the house, He could not move as easily as the other children
teacher had discussion with the students about because he was on a wheelchair. At that time, his
what would they do and how should they behave friend left him behind.
in that house (we call it classroom’s agreement). The next meeting in class, the teacher told
At the time of visiting the house, seemed children about the reason why ‘the boy’ did not
that most children forgot their agreement about want to go to school anymore. Children then had
what should they do and behave during the a dialog about ‘the boy’. They expressed their
visitation. Children didn’t ask permission, they feeling about him. One admitted that he did not
even directly went into the house, entered the help ‘the boy’. The other said that he has made
bedroom, dining room, kitchen, garage, etc ‘the boy’ fell down once, etc.
without asking the owner’s permission. Some Teacher then brought the class into a
students tried to sit on the motorbike in the discussion focusing on ‘responsibility’. Teacher
garage; the other turned on the TV, and jumped asked students whether they love ‘the boy’ or
on the sofa. not; did they like to have ‘the boy’ as a friend.
The next day, teacher conducted Interfaith How they should show their responsibility as
Communication with the topic ‘respect’. Teacher friends when having a handicapped friend. Most
asked children to tell their experiences of visiting children said that they have to help ‘the boy’.
their friend’s house. What were they doing, how Then, they wrote letter again, promised to be
they behaved. By the help of the teacher in good friends for ‘the boy’.
focusing to ‘respect’, children came to the Finally, ‘the boy’ came to school again.
awareness that they had acted improperly in their They happily greeted ‘the boy’. The class
friend’s house. It did not show that they respect situation was changing. Students became more
to their friend’s family. Then, teacher brought open. ‘The boy’s friends became more honest to
children to a dialogue again, what should they do him about their feeling on his attitude. They told
for their improper behavior. Students wanted to him that he needs to control his emotion and to
go there once again, behave properly, respect to say thank you any kind of help done by other
friends, etc. The other children then change their

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

way in treating ‘the boy’. They become more reflected, and finally made a concrete action
helpful to ‘the boy’. The one who did not want to toward their experiences. Lowest grade made a
help ‘the boy’ to move the wheelchair, then was more simple action, while highest grade can do a
willing to do it. The other helped to take books bigger project as a concrete action toward their
and other things for ‘the boy’, etc. ‘The boy’ also experience.
becomes friendlier and appreciate his friends’ In comparison to Montessori, it is stated
help by saying thank you. ‘The boy’ is getting that “the elementary age is the ideal time in life
happier to go to school and never want to be to have a child develop the mindset and context
absent again. for asking the ‘who am I?’ question.” [8]. It
means that teachers’ role in elementary classes
3. Grade 6 becomes very important.
In grade 6, there are 24 students with one Children need good model, which is from
home teacher. There are two slow learners in this the teacher, to be the “compass” of their attitude
class. The topics of Interfaith Communication are [8]. What they got in the process of learning in
responsibility, struggle, persistence, care, the classroom will be their guidance when facing
helpful, serenity. situation in their daily life. It is clear from the
For the final project of Interfaith result above, children from higher level are more
Communication in Elementary School, children care and can see bigger problem, not only in the
had to make a concrete action to help people school, but also in wider context, that is the
around Mangunan village, the village where the village where they study.
school is located. Once a week, children in SD Kanisius
The teacher told them to discuss it in class. Eksperimental Mangunan have the subject
They, they made a plan to do charity project Interfaith Communication. It is about life and
toward the sick people in Mangunan village. The how they should have good relationship with
class was divided into four groups because from themselves, others, nature, equipments, and God.
their investigation, there were four people who In Indonesia they are called ‘5A’ (Aku (Self),
got seriously ill and they might need lots of Anda (Others), Alam (Nature), Alat
money for medicines. They had discussion in (Equipments), and Allah (God)). This made the
group and come to conclusion that they needed subject Interfaith Communication differs from
to earn money to help the people. Character Education. The two subjects are
They did not ask money from their parents, related, but Interfaith Communication involved
teachers or other people for this project. They set God in the process, God, The Creator of all
aside some of their pocket money for the capital. beings. Character education talks about the
They planned to sell something to make money. horizontal relationship between individual, while
One group bought doughnuts in the market and Interfaith Communication also talks about
sold it at school, one group made juice, one group vertical relationship, between individual and the
made camcao drink (a kind of drink made from Creator. An atheist can be religious. What
camcao leaves), and the other group made Interfaith Communication would do is children
stickers and sold them at school. having good character and good horizontal
During the process of earning the money, relationship (with themselves, other people,
two of the people that they planned to help were nature, and equipments); and then reflect and live
dead. They felt sad, but they kept in struggle, earn the experience as an offering to God [5].
money for the other two persons. From the As a subject, the goal of Interfaith
beginning of the project until this paper was Communication is to help children to grow their
made, this project has not finished yet. The religiosity, which means to have good basic
children are still earning and collecting money characters, conscience toward the good, fair,
for their charity project. true, to be helpful, and to be happy. Besides,
children also should have character of refusing
the bad, mocking friends, unfair, etc.
From the interview result, the three classes
experience the horizontal relationship. In grade
From the interview result, it is found that all 1, the students experience the relation between
grades, whether it is lower grade, middle grade, themselves, the other (the family of their friends),
and highest grade can do the process of Interfaith
equipment (house that should be in well
Communication. Children learn religiosity by the condition so that the people who are living there
help of the teacher. The teacher here only plays a will be healthy). In grade 3, the students
role as a facilitator. It is clear from the interview
experience the horizontal relationship between
that children themselves who then discussed, themselves, other person (the boy, their

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

handicapped friend), nature (‘the boy’ was born Second step: dialogue and respond from
handicapped), equipment (the wheelchair of ‘the other children. They may express their feelings
boy’). In grade 6, the students experience the or comment on the experience or situation.
horizontal relationship between themselves, the Third step: teacher guides the students to
others (communication with friends in group, the focus on certain consciences; e.g. love, hope,
people that they are going to help, the people or faith, etc to be discussed.
friends who buy their products), nature (making Forth step: dialogue about the consciences
food or drink with ingredients from the nature and students get confirmation from the teacher.
such as water, fruits, camcao leaves, etc.), Fifth step: make ‘intention’ or a concrete
equipments (money, tools for making the food action, whether it is big action or very small
and drinks). action [5]. pp.154
It is clearly seen that all students do are From the description of the five steps, it is
nature, it is about everyday life, something they clear that the teacher asks students to make
really experience in daily life. And everything reflection about what they experience in their
they experience used to be offered to God. They daily life.
used to talk to God in a writing, a poem, a picture, The important thing to remember is that
making diary, and pray. The prayer is also Interfaith Communication is basically not a
special. Children in SD Kanisius Eksperimental subject matter but good practices, examples from
Mangunan say a prayer by singing songs. The people surroundings. At school, teachers are
songs were chosen from songs or Psalm which students’ role model. Therefore, teachers have
speaks about the vertical relationship (relation to very big responsibility to grow children’s
God). religiosity.
Teachers always prepare the materials for Children will learn firstly by copying what
each week based on the real problems or situation others do, especially what the grownups around
that children face on the recent days. Teacher them do. Copying what grownups do is the way
chooses one topic related to the problem or children learn to face the world, to solve
situation. The problem or situation can be taken problems, to understand the ‘5A’s (Aku (Self),
from their own experience, from the story of a Anda (Others), Alam (Nature), Alat
friend, from the newspaper, or from a question of (Equipments), and Allah (God)), to be religious.
a child related to the 5A (Aku (Self), Anda From the interview results, the three
(Others), Alam (Nature), Alat (Equipments), and teachers conducted the five steps to help children
Allah (God)). to have deep reflection towards the experience.
The possible topics are love, honesty, In Grade 1, the experience is about
responsibility, simplicity, respect, living the life, improper behavior when visiting their friend’s
empathy, care, hope, serenity, etc. Teacher will house. Then teacher brought the situation into the
help students to relate the topics with the class’ dialogue. Everybody had a chance to
‘5A’(Aku (Self), Anda (Others), Alam (Nature), express their feelings about their attitude.
Alat (Equipments), and Allah (God)). Teacher helped them to focus on the related
There are five steps in learning process of conscience that is respect to the others. Teachers
Interfaith Communication as a subject: confirmed the things right to do, that is to respect
the others in certain ways. Then they together
made a plan of concrete actions to visit their
friend’s house once again and asked for
apologize for their improper attitude.
In Grade 3, the situation is they went
through was about a handicapped boy who were
absent for about a month. The teacher tried to
gain information about the reason and finally
found that the reasons involved his friends’
attitude towards him. The teacher brought it into
the class dialogue; they express their feelings
about the boy. Then the teachers focused the
dialogue to one of consciences which is
responsibility. They had another dialogue to
confirm about what they should do in relation
First step: dialog about an experience from with their responsibility for having a
one or some children. It can also be dialog about handicapped friend. They made letters for the
certain situation around the children. boy and finally he come back to school and feels

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

happier to be at school. The other children Yohanes Carol Kurnia Awan V. J.; and teacher
experience the attitude changing (into the good for grade 6, Ms. Martha Gita Setyandari Pertiwi.
In Grade 6, the class found that there are
four people around Mangunan School who need REFERENCES
a help. The 4 people are having serious illness
and they brought it into the class dialogue. They [1] Zane Goebel, “The Idea of Ethnicity in
Indonesia”. La Trobe University/Tilburg
decided to bring the situation for their final exam
project for Interfaith Communication in group of University, September 2013. pp. 2
six. The teacher focused the dialogue into two [2] Bernard Adeney-Risakotta, ed., “Dealing
consciences, care and struggle. They discussed with Diversity. Religion,
about the way to help the four people by earning Globalization,Violence, Gender and
money through making and selling food and Disaster in Indonesia” Geneva:
drink. The teacher confirmed the plan and began / Yogyakarta: Indonesian
to work on the plan. Consortium for Religious Studies, 2014. pp.
[3] YB Mangunwijaya, Pendidikan
From the result of the interviews, we can Pemerdekaan. Yogyakarta: Dinamika
draw conclusion that the children see religion in Edukasi Dasar, 2004. pp. 24
different ways from some adults do. They never
[4] Ruslani, Multikulturalisme dalam
think about the difference, they only know about
how to treat other friends based on the teacher Pendidikan Agama published in ‘Pendidikan
model or guidance through the process in the Multikultural Yang Berkeadilan Sosial,
class. Yogyakarta: Dinamika Edukasi Dasar
Interfaith communication really helps to bekerjasama dengan Misereor/KZE (2006)
grow the children’s religiosity. They learn to use pp. 83-89
their conscience in their relation towards [5] YB Mangunwijaya, Mgr. I. Suharyo, Y. Sari
themselves, the others, nature, equipments and Jatmiko, Dari Pelajaran Agama ke
God in their practical life. When the children Pendidikan Religiositas. Yogyakarta:
have a deep conscience within their heart and Dinamika Edukasi Dasar, Des 2005. pp.
soul, it is easier for them to respect and have 115-153
tolerance to other people and their religion.
Being religious is beyond all religions in this [6] YB. Mangunwijaya, Menumbuhkan Sikap Religius
Anak-anak. Jakarta: PT Gramedia, 1986.
universe. No one at school brings religion when
they have conflict with others. [7] Michael Quinn Patton and Michael Cochran. “A Guide
The characters of children should be managed to Using A Qualitative Research Methodology”, 2002.
from the early age with the help of people [8] Michael and D’Neil Duffy, Children of the
surround them, in this case, the teachers. Universe: Cosmic Education in the
Hopefully, the world will be better when more Montessori Elementary Classroom.
people are religious. Being religious should be Hollidaysburg: Parent Child Press, 2002.
carried on from the early age. One of the practical
ways to carry it on at school is through the
Interfaith Communication as a subject and also
practical life.

Great acknowledgement is dedicated to
Father CB Mulyatno, Pr and Father Basilius Edy
Wiyanto, Pr for the kindness and generosity
while consulting this paper.
Great thank also to all friends in Dinamika
Edukasi Dasar, who teach ‘Komunikasi Iman’ in
SD Kanisius Eksperimental Mangunan,
especially teachers from grade 1, Ms. Gabriella
Detty Primandani; teachers from grade 3, Mr.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Wahyu Wido Sari
Elementary Teacher Training Program, Sanata Dharma University
[email protected]

Pope Francis in his encyclic of Laudato Si warning us about the broken earth. The pope concern about the
current condition of mother earth because of human destructive and capitalism activity. In the last chapter
of Laudato Si, he put a new hope of life by education and spiritual ecology. According to that issue, it is
important to design a learning approach that empowering students to design their lesson plan that contain
independent learning based on their interest and social background. The research method was action
research that applied in the Inovative Learning Natural Science Subject. The lesson approach is called
emancipatory education that means an approach that humanizing, involving critical awareness, and
questioning the system. In this courses, the students was facilitated to develop their efforts in making use
of the natural sciences concepts and laws in daily life. The learning process was designed based on
emancipatory approach. Students were studied about Laudato Si, document about environmental crisis,
movies, and also journal and resume it into an article independently. Then, they designed an instrument to
interview the activist of environmental conservation. The instrument was made based on 6 point in the
Laudato Si. The humanizing showed in their way to chose subject of interview, how they delivered the
question, how they worked in peer group, and also how they design the lesson plan that based on students
background and contect. In that interview, the students showed their critical awareness that implicit in their
question. After they resumed the result of interview, they applied it into their lesson plan to teach natural
science in elementary school.
Keywords: emancipatory, natural science, Laudato Si

relationship among concepts related with natural

sciences. In addition to involving the conceptual
Laudato Si is divided into six chapter understanding, this course also includes
consisting (1) the thought about the condition of laboratories practice. This activity is meant to
the current mother earth; (2) the Bible related support and develop the students’ ability to
with God’s creation; (3) the human root of the observe.
ecological crisis; (4) an integral ecology; (5) the For the students who are interested in
rules of policy, approach and real action; and (6) developing innovative learning natural sciences,
education and spiritual ecology. PGSD offers two other courses, namely
In the thought about the current condition of Innovative Learning Natural Sciences 1 and
the mother earth, it is described that our mother Innovative Learning Natural Sciences 2. In these
earth is apparently broken because of the climate courses, the students are facilitated to develop
change, water problem, the decrease of the their efforts in making use of the natural sciences
biodiversity, the decrease of the quality life and concepts and laws in daily life. Students as the
social deteriorated, and global imbalances. This will-be elementary school teachers are
discussion is closed with the fact that we have encouraged to develop their own experiments
given weak response towards these social and modifying a simple laboratories equipment,
problems. The either the national or the and to develop their learning activities based on
international politics move towards the global a particular theme.
technology and finance. In this situation, a It is important to note that most of the
critical response is highly needed. students in PGSD do not have sufficient
Based on PGSD curriculum, the teaching of background in natural sciences. Most of them
Learning Natural Sciences is that by the end of have social sciences as their background
the course, the students are able to (1) observe the knowledge. Some of them even attended
natural phenomena, either directly or indirectly; vocational school when they were in their high
(2) make use of the natural sciences concepts and school. Most of them have the difficulties to
laws in daily life; (3) understand the structure of understand the natural sciences concepts and
natural sciences, including functional laws. There was a time that the students obtained

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

45.55 of 100 when they did the test containing them read novels, articles from newspaper and
the basic biology for elementary students. short movie from Youtube. That was struggling
to them to resume all literacy that they had beed
collected. They did not understand the difference
between resume some articles and made
This action research begun with designed synopsis. They needed a week more to reviewed
the Inovative Learning Natural Science Subject’s and revised their resume.
lesson plan and rundown. The researcher chose
Identifying that the students were not well
project based learning as the method and mix it trained in handling an interview, the researcher
with emancipatory approach. encouraged the students to propose what to do to
There were 35 students that took this
gather these information. Two aspects were
subject. They were devided into 5 groups to did involved in assessing this ability. One was the
the project. The theme of the project was Laudato ability to gather the information, including the
Si. the rundown of the subject were devided into
ability to develop the interview and two was the
8 steps: richness of the data they gained. The assumption
a. Literacy studies of the richness of the data was based on the idea
b. Observation to environmental studies
of qualitative data that the richness of the data is
center based on the ability to develop the question for
c. Design interview instrument based on 6 interview (Kvale & Brinkmann, 2009).
point of Laudato Si.
d. Interview the activist of environmental The instrument for inteview had been done
conservation in the fourth week. They developed the question
e. Analysis the data by coding and wrote based on 6 point of Laudato Si.
The students came to Environmental
f. Design elementary natural science
Studies Center of Sanata Dharma Univeristy to
lesson plan with environmental topic
interviewed some conservation activists there.
g. Implemented the lesson plan in
The result of 5 subject of interview, they had the
elementary school
similar point of view about human as the center
h. Evaluated and reflected all the process
of environmental crisis. But, they devided into 2
Researcher collect all the students’ portofolio,
point of view about ecological crisis. One group
studied it, observed them in every step, and built
belived that the environmental crisis was
a conclusion.
becaused human exploitation and activity. The
The point that had been observed in the
other group believed that nature had ability to
students’ process based on 3 core of
adapted with what had been done in the surface.
emansipatory approach: humanizing, involving
critical awareness, and questioning the system. By that information, students did reflection
and evaluation. The result of that activity was
used as the core of natural science lesson plan
that they arranged. The lesson plan was
In the first meeting of Innovative Natural developed by Tomlinson model and
Science Subject, 35 students was asked to emancipatory approach. The model had 16
observed a short movie that showed them the
criteria that showed in the implementation.
condition of 70 years later, when all the trees Beside that, the emancipatory approach had 3
gone and the water is created syntheticaly in criteria. Meanwhile, the principles of learning
factory. After that, the students discuss about materials development in language teaching from
broken environmental based on their real Tomlinson (1998) that can be adopted into this
experience. The critical awarness showed in
study is that materials should achieve impact,
some students question in the discussion. “What help the learners to feel at ease, help the learners
will happened if all the water is taken by to develop confidence, be relevant and useful,
corporation?”(P-Q1). They also questioning the
require and facilitate the learners’ self-
system “in my experience, in my home town, the investment, not rely too much on controlled
government agree to let hundreds of developer to practices, and provide opportunities for outcome
build hotels in the same city, how can it be?” (A-
feedback. The materials that had been developed
Q2). then was implemented in the classroom setting.
Students collected literacy to help them The process and the results of the implementation
understand the contect of broken earth. The first of the materials were studied using qualitative
book that highly recommended to read was the phenomenological approach.
encyclic Laudato Si by Pope Francis. Some of

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

The emancipatory approach encourage

students to be more independent to dig
information from the expert and phenomenon
source. That because the emancipatory approach
let them learn by their own experience and
background (humanis), express their opinions
and feelings (critical), and aware to the system of
social life (questioning the system).
Their product (lesson plan of natural
science for elementary school) was implemented
as an answer of the lack of conservation
education for young learners.

We wish to express our appreciation to our
colleagues: Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian
kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Sanata Dharma
University, Eny Winarti, PhD, and all of the
students who participated in this program

[1] Encyclical Letter Laudato Si’ of the Holy
Father Francis: On Care for Our Common
[2] Ittekot, V & Milne, E. 2015. Encyclical
Letter “Laudato Si”: A gentle but firm nudge
from Pope Francis. J Environmental
Development .
[3] Sukmadinata, N.S. 2011. Metode Penelitian
Pendidikan. Bandung: PT. Remaja
[4] Tomlinson, B. (ed). (1998). Materials
Development in Language Teaching.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Nyna Adhitama1, Puguh Karyanto2, Sentot Budi Rahardjo3
Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Sains, PPs UNS, Surakarta, Indonesia
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

The purpose of this study was to analysis of students’ misconception. There are many students in science
education that report students have alternative conceptions and these alternative affect students’ learning
and understanding. Final examination was used to indicate background students’ misconception in middle
school. Therefore, it means that we are required to analysis of students’ misconception based on learning
process conducted by a teacher. This research aims to assess analyse of final examination result based on
learning process in Magelang. This assesment will be easy very useful in giving an information about
implementation concerning with learning process and the final examination results obtained by students in
environmental material. A qualitative analysis was used to assess the obtained data. The sample of this
assessment consisted of science teachers and students in SMP Muhammadiyah Magelang, one of most
development school in Magelang. A classroom – based observation though in depth interview about
learning process, and misconception test result have been conducted at SMP Muhammadiyah Magelang.
This research used Miles and Huberman framework for qualitative data analysis. Analysis has three main
components, data reduction, data display, and verifying conclusions. The results showed that science
teachers had concept understanding about environmental material, but the root of the cause of why students
had misconception in environmental material it’s because of learning process in classroom was not effective
to explore potential of students’ knowledge. Most of students understand however which is understood is
a wrong concept, or misconception. Students had misconception due to the lack of proper methods of
teachers in teaching environmental material.
Keyword: misconception, learning process.

one of parameter achievement to learning

outcomes. Final examination is a test given to
Quality of learning in school showed from students at the end of a course of study. Final
process and learning outcomes in the school [1]. exam also activity to measuring graduates
One of the characteristics curriculum of 2013 is competency achievement in certain subjects
an assessment that emphasizes the process and nationally with reference to graduate competency
learning outcomes in an effort to measure the standards (SKL). Stakes attached to the test lead
mastery or achievement of a competence that has to positive impacts and negative impacts on the
been learned. A national final evaluation of teaching and learning process [4].
learning conducted by the National Education Final examination result year 2015/2016 in
Standards Agency (BSNP) based on government Central Java province is ranked 21 out of 34
appointment is an activity of measuring and provinces in Indonesia for science subjects is
assessing the competence of learners at middle 53.73. Based on the city in Central Java, the
school [2]. highest result of science subjects is Magelang
The level of achievement of students' city with an average value of 65.79. Achievement
cognitive abilities can be known from each end score at middle school students in the city of
of the educational program carried out the Magelang on science subjects, the highest value
assessment activities on a national scale known is 88.33 and the lowest value is 33.96.
as the Final Examination. Several studies have shown that there are
The assessment held because students can several factors that influence the students before
know how far students managed to follow the facing the final examination namely the learning
lessons given by teachers [3]. Score final process of teachers [5], students' self-confidence
examination has been students result, become

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

[6], student attitudes and skills [7] and student

knowledge [8][9]
This study was finding data collection to
There are many students in science
reduction the process of selecting, focusing,
education that report students have alternative
simplifying, abstracting, and transforming the
conceptions and these alternative affect students’
‘raw’ data that appear in written-up field notes.
learning and understanding [10]. Weakness in
Data reduction occurs continuously throughout
concept understanding is one of the factors that
the life of any qualitatively oriented project. As a
support the lack of achievement level of learning.
next step, misconceptions were identified by
The occurrence of the weakness of understanding
misconception test. First of all, semi-structured
the sustainable concept would make it difficult
interviews with science teachers were conducted
for students to receive advanced materials at
in order to determine whether there are learning
higher levels of education.
process and any misconceptions that do not
The concept in the material is channeled to
appear in literature. In this study, data reduction
the students through a learning process [11]. The
used to selecting middle school in Magelang and
science-learning process emphasizes the
focus observation though in depth interview
provision of hands-on experience to develop
about learning process, and misconception test.
competencies to explore and understand the
SMP Muhammadiyah Magelang is one of the
natural world scientifically. Science education
schools that developed as a leading school with
aimed to inquiry and skill process so that it can
full day school and boarding school system.
help learners to gain a deeper understanding of
Score of final exam on science education
the natural surroundings [12].
2015/2016 in these middle school is 51,61.
Difficulties in studying environmental
The value of his achievement is below the
materials which is one of the competencies tested
national value of 56.27. The percentage of final
in the final examination are 1) the students have
exam absorption in science subjects of SMP
a simple understanding so difficult to understand
Muhammadiyah can be seen in Table 1. In
if students do not see directly, 2) students
relation to the above, it is necessary to do
difficulty in identifying and analyzing the
coaching activities that the achievement of final
problems given about the environment, 3)
examination score increases. For that, the first
students trouble the changes that happen to the
step is to identify difficult materials on science
environmental material in the long term.
subjects for students in SMP Muhammadiyah
This is not separated from the supporting
factors in the learning process are creativity of
Table 1. Percentage of Science’ Concept
teachers, with various models, methods,
Understanding Final Examination of SMP /
strategies, media, learning resources and
approaches in process learning [13].
This research is generally aimed to reveal The capabilities School City
the analysis of the absorption power of the The structure and 33,67 51,23
national exam result of the students on the function of living things
environmental material in SMP Muhammadiyah Mechanics and solar 50,36 62,89
Magelang from the above description, the system
absorption or the students' understanding can be Living creatures and 55,43 72,74
influenced by various factors. environment
Electrical and magnetic 55,51 65,67
Measurements, 70,36 82,78
The study was conducted on science substances and nature
subjects and VII students in SMP
Muhammadiyah Magelang. Data were collected
using interviews to IPA teachers, conceptualized
conception tests in the form of multiple-choice to
teachers and students as well as student skill
observation. The collected data is then analyzed
using qualitative analysis using Miles and
Huberman analysis. As the analytical framework
of Miles and Huberman[14], there are three
components: data reduction, data display and
verifying conclusion

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Source: Final Examination Result Report quality from the observation /

by the Education Center, Research and case
Development Agency of the Ministry of National Source: Final Examination Result Report
Education. by the Education Center, Research and
In a general way, the less present Development Agency of the Ministry of National
competency in students of concept and precisely Education.
the key digital competency to perform Environmental materials require contextual
professional acts with noticeable results in the aspects of learning, since the scope of
world of education. That is to say, the know how environmental issues is closely related to daily
to use and integrate appropriately the information life that involves not only knowledge, but also
and communication technologies in the teaching concerning attitudes and skills to address and
learning activities. solve existing environmental problems[15].
Environmental material is one of the Weakness in understanding a concept, is one of
subjects in science class VII. The material is a the factors that support the lack of absorption so
material that is often used as a matter of Final low level of learning achievement. The
Examination SMP / MTs with various variations occurrence of low absorbency and weakness of
therein. Quality of education in Indonesia can be understanding of the concept of sustainable,
seen through the evaluation of educational would make it difficult for students to receive
process that has lasted. The evaluation was done advanced materials at higher levels of education
to see how big achievements that have been because it will make misconceptions. Factors that
achieved by learners. Based on data from the cause low absorption of students are factors of
Research and Development Agency of the the school include teaching methods, learning
Ministry of National Education shows that the methods, relationships between students and
percentage of students absorption in SMP learning facilities. Ideally, these weaknesses are
Muhammadiyah Magelang about the ability to identified as the first step in determining
solve problems related to the environment is still academic policy, so that the learning objectives
low, both at the district, provincial level. The data can be achieved optimally. The practice of
are listed in Table 2. studying arithmetic concepts in isolation not only
prolongs the debate on how to define conceptual
Table 2. Percentage Final Examination knowledge but actually may run counter to
SMP / MTs Environmental Material currently accepted definitions of conceptual
The Capabilities School City knowledge [16].
Presented in the case of 57,14 75,94 Finding of the semi-structure interviews are
pollution, students can analyze shown at tables 1-5 below with science teachers
the impact.
Describes the relationship 58,57 65,79
(A1 and A2). As showed in table.
between density of human
population with environmental

Question 1: develop a learning process to use in class for enhance science learning
Table 3.Science teachers’ description on the learning process in class room
Nodes Science Teachers’ ideas
True descriptions A process in which there is an interaction activity between teacher-
student and reciprocal communication that takes place in an educational
situation to achieve the learning objectives (A1)
The process of teaching and learning activities as well play a role in
determining the success of student learning (A2)

Question 2: aware of the learning model, what kind of references did you benefit from?
Table 4. science teachers’ source of information about learning model
Nodes Free Nodes Science Teachers’ ideas
Awareness a ways Bachelor degree I learnt at the university (A1)
The first time in my bachelor degree (A2)
Seminary I became aware of the learning model at the
seminaries (A1)
Guide book Besides, we can see it guide books (A1 and A2)
Internet I became aware of the learning model at the
internet (A1)

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Question 3: what do you think about to take concept understanding?

Table 5. Science teachers’ description to take concept understanding
Nodes Free nodes Science Teachers’ ideas
Description of : Misunderstanding The condition that students really do
not understand a concept, not even
memorize or know it (A1)
Misconception The incidence of errors in translating
and applying the concept (A1)
Students’ concept Learning process Inconsistent conceptual knowledge,
or different from the scientist's
agreement (A2)

Question 4: in your opinion, are the activities (based learning model, media and evaluation ) in the class
and students’ concept?
Table 6. Science teachers’ ideas about the activities in the class and students’ concept
Nodes Free nodes Science Teachers’ ideas
Activities Learning model With the learning process and the right learning
model, the misconception will decrease (A1) Students
centered activities which give chance to students make
concept (A2)
Evaluation Using appropriate judgment will identify
misconceptions that occur in students (A2) In our times,
student need to have some media to support that students
solve problems to enhance the concept (A2)
Media In our times, student need to have some media to
support that students solve problems to enhance the
concept (A2)

Question 5: can you prepare the suitable learning and applying environment to improve your students’
Table 7. Science teachers’ ideas about the suitable learning and
applying environment to improve your students’ concept
Nodes Free nodes Science Teachers’ ideas
No Not suitable I cannot provide suitable environments because school’
source are limited and I have overcrowded class (A2)
Yes Suitable I can. But what I can do is limited with school’ sources
so I wants to provide suitable environments with
learning media, model to enhance environmental

A classroom – based observation though in Materials used amplifier through lecture method,
depth interview about learning process with quiz and practice questions.
science teachers (A1 and A2). The results of In the learning process, students tend to be
interview analysis with teachers and observations active in learning activities, especially when
on students of SMP Muhammadiyah Magelang there are practical in the laboratory, but the
using qualitative methods referred by Miles and method is only as a confirmation rather than
Huberman framework. Interviews were discovery [18]. This can be seen from the
conducted to obtain data on factors causing low observation, the students are skilled in using the
absorption of students, observations made to tool and doing the measurement, reading the
know the mastery of the material by teachers and graph but it is difficult to make hypothesis and
students, and documentation on the results of the conclusion. Students are more enthusiastic when
value of the final examination and the student's knowing that the material to be studied is close to
daily test [17]. It is known that teaching methods everyday life. However, students feel not
used in the classroom are quite varied, are motivated to learn on the material that is
lectures, lab and demonstrations, students tend to memorize, so that when held the assessment of
be passionate when practicum, but the concept of students very difficult in answering because
matter cannot be formed when practicum. glued to the material that must be memorized.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Everyone can learn from seeing, listening, students on the same question, the students
touching, moving or doing. Therefore, included in the criteria of misconception.
organizing the learning stimulation or activities Students consisted of 10 questions and their
in various formats; then stimulating the senses of follow-up probes, these questions were adapted
learning and posing questions to arouse the brain from the literature about environmental material,
to think is one of the inquiry teaching processes. concepts in science. The concept test is
From the result of identification test of developed based on indicators developed from
misconception of teacher and student in SMP basic competencies along with consideration of
Muhamadiyah Magelang, it was found that the need for concepts that are contextual and
mastering of material by teacher in global necessary to stimulate student skills. Further
warming material included in good category with search through interviews revealed that teachers
understanding criterion, seen from 5 question prefer conceptual concepts due to basic
which is obtained is average 90,5. This result is competence demands (KD). Master assumes that
reversed with the students (Table 8) from 10 the concepts are hard to master. So the teacher
considers too heavy if added other concepts.

Table 8. Data of students’ misconceptions

No Concept Percentage Interpretation
1 Apply human role in environmental 70% Misconception
management to overcome 30% Understanding
environmental problems
2 Students are able to mention the 50% Misconception
impact of global warming on the 50% Understanding
environment and ecosystem
3 Students are able to mention human 40% Misconception
efforts in overcoming global 60% Understanding
4 Students can explain the meaning 70% Misconception
of greenhouse effect 30% Understanding
5 Students can explain the process of 90% Misconception
global warming 10% Understanding

The findings of student misconception in important role in understanding students'

Fariyani's research [19] showed that students concepts [21].
experienced misconceptions of 37.25% in Table 3 it is stated that the teacher has
choosing answers, 45.10% in choosing reasons, understood the learning process. It is supported
and 62.75% in choosing both. This means by table 4 that teachers have provided themselves
students tend not to distinguish what students with the following sources of learning models for
understand and what students do not understand use in the classroom.
correctly. According to [22], in achieving the
objectives of science subjects requires a student-
oriented approach that seeks learning by
applying methods and models that refer to
This study aims to analyze misconceptions student activity. To help students understand the
in SMP Muhamadiyah Magelang based on
various concepts taught in schools by finding
students' understanding of the concept of them themselves need to distinguish "learning
learning process conducted by teachers. concepts" and "learning process skills". Seen in
Understanding the concept that is formed in
table 5 it is known that the teacher has understood
students comes from the learning process applied about misconception. This can make teachers
in the classroom. In the learning process there are able to manage student acquisition. Teachers will
several learning components that are interrelated
also involve the environment for cognitive or
between one another: 1) teachers, 2) students, 3) intellectual, manual, and social skills, so that the
learning materials, 4) learning methods, 5) students 'learning experience is more meaningful
instructional media, 6) evaluation of learning
and can reduce students' misconceptions on
[20]. The learning process at SMP environmental material as can be seen from table
Muhammadiyah Magelang is categorized quite 7.
well by the variation of strategy and learning
The low level of student concept
method. The process of learning plays an comprehension test (Table 8), disclosed that

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

students experience misconception, whereas in

teachers do not experience misconception. This
This study used analysis qualitative
categorization was made as indicated by Pesman
researches from Miles and Huberman. Analysis
and Eryilmaz [23]. Based on this categorization
divided into 3 components: 1) data reduction, 2)
students’ responses can be analyzed into
data display and 3) verifying conclusions. Data
different level of understanding and pattern that
reduction used to select middle school and focus
a student’s response can give an idea whether
to topic observation and simplifying data. The
that the student responded to the first tier
outcomes of this research can inform science
consciously since the second tier sought for its
teachers used learning process observation and
reason. If a student answered incorrectly for the
interview. For this purpose, student’s
first and second tiers and finally sure, it could be
misconceptions about environment were
determined the student has misconception on that
determined using the misconception test.
particular concept. Some students expressed
According to the results from interview the
difficulties in the analysis of the first problem in
use of science teachers’ understanding at schools
the matter of the story form involving problems
about learning process and students’
in it. Students have not been able to understand
misconceptions. In addition, teachers need to
well about the discourse outside the student
give more effort to try to improve more practice
environment. Students also have not been able to
in applying learning process in classroom to
analyze the problem well so that it is not able to
enhance students’ concept. Misconceptions
finish it correctly. Students feel confused when
experienced by students on environmental
they have to solve problems that involve more
material occurred in SMP Muhammadiyah
than one problem. It can be concluded that the
Magelang. So there needs to be an alignment by
delivery of learning by teachers there is a mistake
the teacher through proper learning process. The
in a case. In interviews that have been done can
results showed that science teachers had concept
be concluded that the learning process
understanding about environmental material, but
undertaken by teachers in SMP Muhammadiyah
the root of the cause of why students had
Magleng not exactly used to build understanding
misconception in environmental material it’s
of student concepts. The results of interviews and
because of learning process in classroom was not
observations more deeply in table 6, researchers
effective to explore potential of students’
can analyze that the components of the learning
knowledge. Most of students understand
process undertaken by teachers have not fully
however which is understood is a wrong concept,
explore the concept of understanding.
or misconception. Students had misconception
According to De Smet [21] and Ifinedo [24]
due to the lack of proper methods of teachers in
there is a positive correlation between students'
teaching environmental material.
cognitive and learning processes and students
feel more happy and have an opportunity to be
actively involved in learning. Learning is a REFERENCES
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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Marlina Ummas Genisa1, Saleh Hidayat2
Muhammadiyah University of Palembang
[email protected], [email protected].

The aim of this study was to examine the implementation of learning in Indonesia in elaborating national
education goals especially for senior high school students in learning. The method used in this analysis was
the study of document or literature study with a qualitative approach. Aspects which became the object of
analysis were the basis of learning objectives and competencies that include attitudes, knowledge and skills
related to matter or subjects and syllabus of learning and its components. The research data derived from
the literature about the objectives of learning, implementation of learning in senior high school especially
for biology class x and circumstances that occurred in learning. The steps in analyzing the data including
literature study on national education goals and its elaboration to the implementation of teaching in school
especially senior high school, identify the suitability of learning with learning objectives and competence,
compared the implementation of learning objectives in Indonesia with other countries and according to the
expert. The results of the study showed that learning objective that explained in syllabus for biology class
x has been consistent with the objectives of curriculum and national education, but in practice needs to pay
attention to the achievement of competencies that must be mastered students and teachers. Suggests that
education process need to reduce the load of subjects matter at each level of education, reduction the lesson
adjusted to the stage of development of learners, and the educational evaluation system that does not
emphasize the assessment on a certain quantity.
Keywords: Keywords: Revitalization, Education Purposes, Implementation of learning, Senior High
School In Indonesia

Achieving the results of national education

can be starting from the level of local education
Education is the main thing that will sustain coverage, whether the implementation is wise
the progress of a nation because the progress of a and actually implemented in the field, or not
nation can be measured from the quality and the really implemented properly, where quite clearly
education system. Improving the quality of explained and documented, but its
education in Indonesia continues to be pursued in implementation is not appropriate. One form of
order to meet the national education objectives as thinking in the field of education has a very
described in the 1945 Law on the national important meaning in the process of educating
education objective No. 20, Year 2003 part 3 Indonesian nation and society is Panca Dharma
explains that the function of National education conception formulated systematically by Ki
to develop the ability and form the character and Hajar Dewantara, a pioneer and leader of Taman
civilization of a dignified nation in order to Siswa Foundation. It is said to be important
educate the nation's life, aims to develop the because of some conception of thought could
potential of learners to become a human being occupy positions and important roles in the
who believes and pious to God, noble, healthy, Ministry of Education and environment Culture
knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent , (Solehan, 2010). Based on the point of view of
And become a democratic and responsible the contents, the education initiated by Ki Hadjar
citizen (Sisdiknas, 2003). With a formula of Dewantara has criteria that explicitly contain six
educational objectives, then the educational elements, namely: (1) educational freedom
process will be easily assessed or measured (independence), (2) the education of humanity
success rate. The success of education will be (Humanism), (3) spiritual education (natural
easily and quickly can be seen from the aspect of nature), (4) character education, (5) Social
achieving the goal. It also makes it easy to education and (6) leadership education (Tut Wuri
compile and define the materials, methods and Handayani) (Muthoifin, 2015). The concept is
tools or media used in the educational process. expected to be able to build students into human
who believes and cautious to God, independent

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

inward, noble sense, intelligent and skilled, and challenge in ensuring the national curriculum is
physically and spiritually healthy to become a well understood and used by teachers and that
member of an independent society and they also understand the extent to which they can
responsible for the welfare of the nation, adapt the curriculum to ensure it is relevant to
homeland, and humans in general. Despite the their local context (Andreas, 2015).
different sentence structure, but the educational Curriculum 2013 which is now beginning to
objectives of Taman siswa is in line with national be implemented either in elementary, Junior high
education objectives. school and senior high school can’t be separated
In effort to realize the goal of national from the spotlight of various parties, both
education objectives is necessary means of the positive and negative. Based on the national
curriculum. Curriculum can be defined as a plan education objectives, the concepts of content,
for achieving goals. The plan involves a learning materials and methods that used in
sequence of steps. Curriculum is an organized set learning activities formulated in curriculum 2013
of formal education and training intentions. Jon that consists of 3 domains, there are attitude,
Wiles and Joseph Bondi view curriculum as a knowledge and skills. The domain of attitude
development process that (1) identifies a divided into two aspects, spiritual and social
philosophy; (2) assesses student ability; (3) attitudes. All of domains, including curriculum
considers possible methods of instruction; (4) tools, one of which is a syllabus that describes the
implements strategies; (5) selects assessment competencies that students need to achieve in
devices; and (6) is continually adjusted (Ornstein every subject matter. Syllabus is a reference for
& Hunkins, 2017). The curriculum is a set of the preparation of learning framework for each
plans and arrangements concerning objectives, subject matter study (Permendikbud, 2016).
content, and instructional materials as well as Assessing the curriculum being carried out
used as guidelines for the implementation of at every level of education can be done by
learning activities to achieve the goals of learning analyzing the syllabus that has been developed
and education (Sisdiknas, 2003). Richards (2001) and enforced in schools. Based on the results of
defines curriculum as something that includes the the analysis on the syllabus can provide an
processes that are used to determine the needs of overview of various information, among others
a group of learners, to develop aims or objectives (1) whether the curriculum in its implementation
for a program to address those needs, to has been well interpreted, including in
determine appropriate syllabus, course structure, accordance with national education objectives
teaching methods, and teaching materials, and to (2) basic competencies to be learned, materials to
carry out an evaluation (Muth’im, 2014). be given, Which is expected to occur, as well as
curriculum essentially contains three basic the means used to measure learners' learning
components, namely, (1) the educational aim of success, and (3) whether each component has
the program (as the ends), (2) the content, harmonious relationships. In addition to the
teaching procedures and learning experiences position, syllabus also has a very important
which will be needed to achieve this objective (as function. The function is as a guide or reference,
the means), and (3) some instruments for by providing an overview of the main programs
assessing whether the educational ends have that will be implemented in achieving the
been achieved or not (as the assessment) learning objectives. As a guide or guide, syllabus
(Muth’im, 2014). The curriculum is constantly can guide or direct the learning process that will
changing with the times and needs of education. be implemented so that there is no deviation. As
Curriculum changes can be partial that is on a a benchmark or a controller, a syllabus can be a
particular component, can also be whole that tool for measuring or controlling how far the
involves all components of the curriculum. achievement of what has been planned in the
The course of national education learning process and syllabus as a written
curriculum since 1945 has changed, ie in 1947, document, the syllabus can be a proof of what
1952, 1964, 1968, 1975, 1984, 1994, 1999, 2004, will be done and at the same time can be a tool of
2006, then the most recent curriculum is 2013. accountability of a learning process. According
The new curriculum aims to improve the quality to (Parkes & Harris, 2002) the important
of instruction in schools and providing the right functions of syllabus includes (1) serving as a
support to help teachers and leaders to change contract, (2) serving as a permanent record, and
their practice will be critical in achieving a lift in (3) serving as an aid to student learning. Syllabus
teaching quality and student outcomes. Although will provide information about how to plan for
the curriculum is developed and disseminated the tasks and experiences of the semester, how to
centrally, teachers are trained, monitored and evaluate and monitor one’s performance, and
supported at the district level. This creates a how to allocate time and resources to areas in

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

which more learning is needed. This information

can help students develop self-management skills
The method used in this study using the
that are valuable beyond the demands of a
method of document study analysis or literature
particular course.
study with a qualitative approach. Documents,
In the implementation of learning in
books and literature are analyzed by mutual
classroom, teachers refer to the syllabus and
comparison. The aspect of the object analysis in
learning objectives based on the existing
syllabus for senior high school class x are; Core
syllabus. Where the syllabus is based on the
competence, is a categorical description of the
curriculum and syllabus is the elaboration of the
competencies in attitude, knowledge and skills
national education objectives. The purpose of
that learners should learn for a level of school,
national education which is the ultimate goal of
class and subject, Basic competence, is a specific
the educational process, bring up to institutional
ability that includes attitudes, knowledge, and
goals or objectives of educational institutions.
skills related to the content or subject matter,
The purpose of the educational institution is
subject matter, contains facts, concepts,
further elaborated into several curricular
principles and procedures that are relevant and
objectives or objectives of the study field, and
written in the form of items in accordance with
then translated into learning objectives, or
the formulation of indicators of achievement of
objectives to be achieved in a single meeting.
competence, learning Activities, an activity
Although the goals formulated by the teacher is
undertaken by educators and learners to achieve
the purpose of learning, but actually the goal to
the expected competence, assessment, is the
be achieved is the objectives that are above it,
process of collecting and processing information
namely the curricular goals that come from the
to determine the achievement of learning
institutional goals and goals of national
outcomes of learners, allocation of time
education. This needs to be understood, because
corresponds to the number of lessons learned in
in the implementation of teaching and learning
the curriculum structure for one semester or one
process teachers are often trapped by the
year, learning resources, can be books, print and
achievement of a very special purpose, so that the
electronic media, the surrounding or other
end goal as listed in the national goals to be
relevant learning resources. Analysis is also
carried out on the implementation of learning in
Based on the previous explanation, if the
high schools conducted by teachers to obtain
goal is implemented properly, especially teachers
description of whether the implementation of
as developers of the field will be easy to achieve
learning has been in accordance with the
the objectives of the curriculum and learning that
objectives of learning and has covered all the
has been prepared. In fact the implementation of
competencies contained in the syllabus and
curriculum 2013 still has many problems. There
educational goals.
are many pros and cons about the
Instruments are structured to analyze the
implementation. Syllabus as the important part of
suitability and feasibility of the syllabus. The
curriculum that determines learning process in
instrument used in this research is the syllabus
school, especially in class needs to analyze and
conformity analysis table. Every aspect
the result can confirmed with the curriculum that
contained in the syllabus is judged to be
formulated. Therefore, the syllabus as the
appropriate by using an assessment rubric
elaboration of the curriculum and educational
consisting of three categories that is highly
objectives, needs to be considered, both in the
appropriate, appropriate, and less suitable to use
syllabus content itself and its implementation,
likert scale.
hence the need for further analysis on the
Data collection is done by collection and
feasibility and suitability of the syllabus used in
review of related document (Wiersman and Jurs,
the curriculum of 2013, especially at senior high
2009). Scores are given based on Likert scale.
school on biology matter class x over towards the
Very appropriate criteria are given a score of 3,
goals of national education and educational
the criteria according to score 2 and criteria less
objectives according to the experts as well as
appropriate given score 1. Scores obtained are
their implementation. So that can be obtained
presented by means of scores of all syllabus
description of the extent of educational
components divided by the ideal score multiplied
objectives, especially at senior high school that
by 100 percent.
has been implemented and can be considered in
the implementation of learning in school.

The results of the analysis show that in

general the syllabus used for the class x biology

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

course is appropriate and feasible with the 2013

curriculum and its educational objectives with a
The public demand for education is
feasibility and suitability of syllabus of 0.79 or
translated in the purpose of national education,
79% appropriate. Suitable syllabus components
educational goals of education level and
are identity of syllabus, core competence,
educational objectives of educational
assessments, time. While belonging to the
institutions. The purpose of national education is
eligible category is the basic competence, subject
the great goal of education of the Indonesian
matter and learning. While for the less
nation that is expected to be achieved (Ibrahim,
appropriate category is the source or
instructional media.
In an attempt to analyze the suitability of
education that has been carried out with the
Table 1. Summary Analysis of Syllabus
Aspect of Syllabus Score
objectives of education by law, the goals of
No Category national education and the curriculum, of course
Syllabus Identity 3
Very it is necessary to analyze the instruments covered
appropriate in the curriculum. One of them is the syllabus.
2 Core Competence Very
3 The analysis undertaken in this study is based on
(KI) appropriate
3 Basic Competence the 2013 curriculum syllabus used in high school
2 Appropriate on the subjects of class x biology. Then the
4 Subject Matter 2 Appropriate results of this analysis can be an illustration of
5 Learning 2 Appropriate the suitability of learning objectives in schools
6 Very
Assessment 3
and classes, especially on biology subjects.
7 Very The analysis was done by literature study
Time Allocation 3 on the class 10 biology syllabus released by the
8 Instructional
Less education ministry. Syllabus as the elaboration of
Media appropriate educational objectives more specifically explains
Total 19
the learning objectives to be achieved students.
Based on the 2013 curriculum, the syllabus
The core competencies contained in the X
should include core competencies and basic
class biology syllabus of the 2013 curriculum
competencies, where core competencies consist
consist of 4 competencies namely core
of attitude, knowledge and skills domain. The
competence 1 for spiritual competence, core
core competencies are then explained in the basic
competence 2 for social attitude competence,
competencies students must have in one subject
core competence 3 for knowledge competence,
matter. The basic competence should include the
core competence 4 for skills competence. Core
three domains of core competence. The analysis
competence is analyzed based on two
is based on 3 categories with the rubric that has
components namely content and rules of writing
been prepared. Very appropriate, appropriate and
according to the reference contained in
appropriate. If the syllabus component includes
Handbook Developing and writing behavioral
all the components or ideal syllabus criteria as
described in the 2013 curriculum. Ideally, the
The content of core competencies should
syllabus should include components; Identity of
include (1) competency categories in the attitude
syllabus, core competence, basic competence,
aspects of being honest, disciplined, responsible,
subject matter, learning, time allocation,
caring, responsive, pro-active, problem-solving.
instructional media. The core competencies and
(2) Categories of competence in aspects of
basic competencies are analyzed based on
knowledge that is factual, conceptual, procedural
syllabus content and rules that refer to the
and metacognitive. (3) Competence category in
syllabus writing rules.
skill aspect is scientific attitude. (4) These three
Based on the analysis on the suitability and
aspects must contain the lowest level to the
feasibility of the syllabus in elaborating the
highest ie for the attitude competence from the
national education objectives, it is found that the
aspect of receiving to characterizing, the
syllabus has been feasible and in accordance with
knowledge aspects of the C1 to C6 levels and
the percentage of 79 percent. This means that the
skills including imitation skills to naturalization.
percentage of biology syllabus of X class at
Aspects these attitudes, knowledge and skills are
senior high school curriculum of 2013 is equal to
emphasized both on core competencies and on
79% or equal to 0.79 and is included in very
other syllabus components as they are in line
suitable category. So in writing, syllabus has
with national education objectives.
been in accordance with the curriculum 2013.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

The identity of the Biology syllabus senior on Bloom’s taxonomy. Bloom’s taxonomy made
high school class 10 has showed the criteria very a major contribution to the science of designing
feasible. This is because the identity of the educational objectives. Indeed, prior to its
syllabus has been in accordance with the publication, there was not much agreement as to
description contained in Permendikbud. Number the nature of objectives. Bloom adopted Ralph
65, 2013 that the identity of the syllabus should Tyler’s (Airasian, 1994) notion that an
contain subjects, educational units, and class. educational objective should contain a clear
Content or content of core competence (KI) reference to a specific type of knowledge as well
includes affective, cognitive, and psychomotor as the behaviors that would signal understanding
domains. Affective domains are illustrated in KI or skill related to that knowledge (Marzano &
1 which includes the spiritual aspect and KI 2 Kendall, 2008). Bloom divided level of
includes the social aspects, the cognitive domains knowledge into 6 major classes there are
depicted in KI 3 that include factual, conceptual, knowledge, comprehension, application,
and procedural knowledge, and the psychomotor synthesis, evaluation (Bloom, et al 1956). Now
domains depicted in KI 4 that include scientific the taxonomy revised especially on the
skills and attitudes. All aspects of the three operational word that used and showed in
domains are consistent with Permendikbud. 69, indicator of basic competence in syllabus.
2013 based on the basic framework and structure In terms rules of writing basic competence,
of high school curriculum. For the biology generally already fulfill with the grammar and
syllabus of SMA 10 class itself the aspect has the standard sentence. But in terms of
been fulfilled, so the core competency is declared competency there are still difficult to measure or
very feasible. In terms of rules of writing was observe, even though in operational verbs are
also the core competence in the syllabus Biology almost separated from one object to another. So
high school class 10 declared very feasible, no one give rise to different perceptions.
because there is no ambiguous and ambiguous Similarly, the relevance of competence with the
sentence. Each competency can be measured and rules of everyday life has been linked too. Thus,
related to everyday life. the basic competence of the Class 10 of Biology
Basic competencies for each material have syllabus is declared to have been feasible and in
met the relevance of KI 1 and KI 2. For KI 3 and accordance with the terms of the writing
KI 4 generally have met the linkage as well, but principle.
for KI 3 still leads to more conceptual and factual In general, the subject matter in the syllabus
knowledge, while procedural knowledge is still of High School Biology class 10 contains
poorly explored. The use of operational verbs of knowledge in terms of facts, principles, and
the knowledge domain of each competence has concepts. But there are still deficiencies in
shown up to the level of C4 that is analyzing, loading procedural knowledge. In fact, the
although most are still at the level of C3 that is relevant procedures can be combined with the
applying. The linkage of basic competence with psycomotoric ability to explore the skills of
KI 4 that emphasizes psychomotor or skill, in learners after understanding the material in the
every basic competence is generally still less form of facts, principles, and concepts. A good
visible, it is because the use of operational verbs learning activity as stated in Permendikbud No.
for the psychomotor realm seems to be much less 65 of 2013 that directs learners in the mastery of
suitable. It is shown in 7 basic competencies with attitudes, mastery of knowledge, and mastery of
the same operational verbs that present, but the skills. In the class 10 Biology syllabus, the
verb is not contained in the psychomotor domain, learning activities have been referring to the
nor is it in the affective and cognitive domain scientific approach method, which performs 5 M
there is no "present" verb. The use of operational (observing, questioning, gathering data,
verbs in these basic competencies is still general associating, and communicating), but learning is
in nature as stated in core competencies, whether still emphasized on the mastery of knowledge
in the cognitive or psychomotor realm. and skill, while the mastery of attitude is still
Regarding the relevance of the subject matter, it lacking. In Permendikbud No. 66 Year 2013, the
seems that the description of each basic assessment standard is based on authentic
competency is sufficient to meet the relevance. authentication that involves input-process-
So in terms of content, basic competence in the output. So the assessment is done continuously
syllabus of Biology of high school class 10 is seen from three aspects, namely affective,
declared already feasible. The classification of cognitive, and psychomotor. Teaching quality is
level knowledge in cognitive domain that a key determinant of learning outcomes, the main
explained in basic competence and implemented mechanisms can used are concerted effort to
to classified level of knowledge in syllabus based improve the quality of teachers through training

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

and certification, and improvements to the size 2013 curriculum that emphasizes the existence of
and distribution of the teaching force (Tobias et learning-centered learners, but in reality the
al, 2014). learning process that took place not in
Sources or learning media some still rely on accordance with ideally. This is due to inhibiting
books, charts, and print media. Where biology factors such as lack of teacher readiness,
material for senior high school class 10 is a lot inadequate educational facilities, and character.
that can utilized the nature around as a source or Another disadvantage is the evaluation system
media learning. This source or instructional which still emphasizes quantity not quality. The
media is still not feasible even though some important thing that can be an input for the
media have been widely used. Recommend that advancement of education in Indonesia is the
the utilization of the surrounding nature is more emphasis on the quality of education not
optimized with the support of scientific approach quantity. For example by reducing the subject
considering in our country a lot of biodiversity matter at each level of education, the reduction of
that can be used as a source of learning. the lesson adjusted to the stage of development
Based on the analysis for each aspect, and of learners, and the educational evaluation
the implementation of syllabus for learning system that does not emphasize the assessment
process, however syllabus appropriate with on a certain quantity (certain value). In addition
curriculum of 2013, in fact of learning process the government needs to improve the
still faced problem in implementing learning professionalism of teachers with the program.
because to implement all of component of
syllabus in learning is difficult because the reality
in schools and classroom, teacher meet different REFERENCES
condition and problem. Based on the interview
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goal of national education cannot be reached. To Classification of Educational Goals:
provide future opportunities to students, it would Handbook I Cognitive Domain. New York,
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according to local conditions respectively: such
Dalam Aspek Kurikulum Indonesia. Islamic
as local agricultural curriculum, fisheries,
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are less adaptable. Diversity conditions in Designing & assessing educational
Indonesia which are not yet all children in objectives: applying the new taxonomy.
Indonesia, especially those who are not from big Designing and assessing educational
cities, know life modern society with all forms of objectives. Retrieved from
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understanding from the implementers, including
Responding to the Change of Curriculum in
teachers, towards the essence of the curriculum
the Context of Indonesian Education.
also becomes another obstacle in the
American Journal of Educational Research,
implementation of the 2013 curriculum
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and teacher because to reached the ideal
[7] Ornstein, A. C., & Hunkins, F. P. (2017).
education must attention to all component of
Curriculum: Foundations, Principles, and
education. In general, the education system in
Issues (Seventh Ed). Pearson Education
Indonesia is good if implemented in accordance
with the ideal rules in force. For example in the

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Development Progress Case Study Report,

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Linus Kali Palindangan1, Agustinus Rustanta2
School of Communication and Secretarial Studies Tarakanita
[email protected],[email protected]

Children are a blessing to the family. Therefore, they should be nurtured, well groomed and educated, and
later, shall be able to contribute to their families, community, and nations. Family is the first place a child
experiences education. In this case the role and function of parents in educating children becomes very
important especially for the growth and development of children. But what happened to the family of female
migrant workers in Tracap Village, Kaliwiro Wonosobo is very unique. A mothers who should stay home
take care of children, instead going abroad and become migrant workers. This fact raises a question mark.
How is the parent's communication pattern with her child intertwined? The purpose of this research is to
know about parent communication pattern with children of the family of female migrant worker in
Wonosobo and the impact of the communication pattern to the development of child's behavior and talent.
This research is using qualitative research method. The data obtained through direct observation,
interviews, documentation and literature study on women migrant workers from Wonosobo. After passing
the data validity test by using data triangulation and data analysis technique through interactive process
hence we can convey result of research as follows: 1) communication pattern between parent to their
children in the family of female migrant worker in Tracap Village Kaliwiro Wonosobo is permissive
communication pattern. 2) Such pattern of communication will have further affects on the formation of
child unusual behavior and talent. An example is when a 8-year-old child whom never wear a clothes, and
have no shame on doing so. Or the habit to eating white rice with raw water. Or drink raw water. Or other
behavior in the form of taking his brother to take the neighbor's crop without feeling guilty when he was
10 years old.
Keywords: migrant workers, communication pattern, communication, care

the language, the one he heard around and what

he did not hear.
Children is a blessing to a family. Here we recognize the important role of
Therefore, they have to be nurtured, well parents to consistently, greet, guide, guide,
groomed, well educated, and later give support, safeguard, care and compassion become
contribution to the family, community, nation very important to normal development of their
and state. The first place a child experiences basic abilities.
education is family. In this case, parents role and Another important role for parents at this
function in educating children becomes very stage is to educate children to grow into
important especially for their growth and individuals who can understand and learn social
development. At that stage development of institutions, cultural symbols, and invent values
fundamental aspects such as cognitive, affective, of what they learn as a guide in meaningful
psychomotoric, communication and social behaviour in his social life (Rohidi 1994: 11). In
begins to find concrete forms and articulations. this case, parent provides the basis for character's
At this stage, children begin to learn to behavior formation, morals, and children's
walk, run, jump, climb, and learn to do some education. Parents experience in communicating
complicated move. At about the same time they either orally or non-verbally with the child will
also begins to learn some syllables or simple influence the formation of behavioral patterns,
words. One of the important thing is repetition as talents and child character.
a key to progress, a neural connection which is When the process of communication
then reinforced by the use of both large and small between parents and thier children takes place
muscle movements. At the same moment, it will openly, the interaction that is entwined in the
begin to appear also chidren ability to distinguish family runs in harmony, and dynamic which later

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

on shall bring up a natural family cooperation. apply this pattern of communication just
In other words, harmonious interaction will be want to avoid conflict with their children.
able to facilitate the process of socialization of (Debri, 2008).
children. However, if the communication process Based on the previous description, we
is less harmonious, then the process of become interested to examine the pattern of
socialization of children will also be hampered, it parenting communication in families of women
will have an impact on children pattern of migrant workers. Considering an interesting life
behavior. Often heard cases of deviation they are having, where almost 80% women and
behavior of children whether in childhood, many of them are mothers. The fact shows that
adolescents and adults actually reflect the they are away from their children as they are
success or failure of the process of socializing the migrant workers abroad. While their children live
formation of personality in his own family. The together with their grandparents and fathers. In
pattern of children's communication is this case it is interesting to find out what kind of
influenced by ethnographic background, ie living communication patterns they are doing to their
environment in the form of habitat, settling children and husbands considering their distance
pattern, social environment, history, livelihood from their families. In one side, a mother should
system, kinship system, community system, be close to her child to nurture and educate them;
belief system, religious ceremony, Therefore, the however, the fact stated that they work and live
way of child care differs in different societies and fact far away from their children.
cultures (Danandjaja 1998). Communication pattern in female migrant
Referring to dr. Baumrind, there are 3 types workers in Wonosobo within their families as
of communication pattern between parents and very interesting to be studied. Based on the
children which are democratic, authoritarian and description, the researcher will try to find out
permissif. how the parent child's communication pattern to
1. Democratic pattern : is a communication the female migrant worker family of Wonosobo
pattern which prioritize child need, but never by choosing the title of Parenting
hesitate to controll them. Parents with this Communication Method of Child on Family of
behavior are rational, underlying their Female Migrant Workers in Wonosobo Regency,
actions on common sense. Democratic type Central Java. Based on the background, therefore
parents are also realistic about the child's we can identify several problems, for examples :
abilities. They have no hope beyond the (1) Mothers are away from their children: how
child's abilities. Giving children the freedom can the communication pattern between parents
to choose and take action. They also have a – children occur? (2) The fact that mothers are
warm approach to their child. (Bdk. Ira away from their children: How can parents
Petranto, 2005). develop their childrens aptitudes? (3) Childrens
2. Authoritarian pattern : is a communication are away from their mother: How is the impact of
pattern which tend to tends to set an absolute parents’ communication pattern to their children?
standard to be obeyed by their child. These Based on problem identification, therefore it can
standards are usually followed by threats be formulated as (1) how is the communication
such as the parent does not want to talk to pattern between parents and children on
when the child does not eat. Authoritarian Wonosobo female migran worker family? 2)
type parents tend to force, rule and punish. If What is the impact of the chosen communication
their children do not want to do as told, then pattern to their children development? The
they never hesitate to punish them. They also objectives of this research is to see (1)
do not know compromise and doing one- communication pattern between parent and
way communcation. (Bdk. Ira Petranto, children at Wonosobo female migrant worker
2005). family, (2) impact on the pattern to children’s
3. The permissive communication pattern is development?
the parent's communication pattern that
gives opportunity to do something without
adequate supervision. They tend not to warn
their child when in danger. They also tend to Communication is a process of delivering
give little guidance to their child. Maybe messages from one party to another with a
specific purpose. In this case there are parties
that's what causes them so they tend to be
liked by children. (Cf Ira Petranto, 2005). acting as the source of the message, which
For example a child slamming his toys left, conveys the message to the recipient of the
message. The recipient then responds to the
naked from the bathroom left so without
being reprimanded. In fact, parents who message. Meanwhile Rogers and Kincaid

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

(Wiryanto 2004: 6) define communication as a communication consists of Equality Pattern,

process whereby two or more parties exchange Balance Split Pattern, Unbalance Split Pattern
messages between each other, for the sake of and Monopoly Pattern.
mutual understanding. Equality Pattern is family
While the term communication pattern or communication pattern where each family
commonly called communication model is member sharing the same rights in
defined as a system consisting of various communication opportunities. The role of each
communication components related to each other family member is run evenly. Communication
to achieve certain goals. The communication runs honestly, openly, directly, and free from
pattern is a system of delivering messages power sharing. For example in decision making,
through certain symbols, meaningful, and every family member has the same rights. It is
stimulating passengers to change the behavior of believed to provide the highest satisfaction to all
other individuals. It can also be understood as family members when decisions are made in
patterns of relationships between two or more equality.
people in the transmission and reception of Balance Split Pattern is family
messages in an appropriate way so that the communication pattern where each member has
intended message can be understood (Djamarah, each person has a different domain of power in
2004:1). the equality of the relationship that is maintained.
Application of family communication In this pattern each family member is regarded as
patterns as a form of interaction between parents an expert in a different field. For example, in a
and children or between family members have normal family, the husband is trusted in business
implications for the process of emotional or politics. Wife is trusted for child care and
development of themselves. In the process of cooking. But the division of roles by sex is still
communication, every family member will learn flexible. Conflict that occurs in the family is not
to know him/herself and understand his/her own seen as a threat because each individual has their
feelings as well as the feelings of others. own area and individual expertise.
Simply communication pattern can be Unbalanced Split Pattern is family
divided into: 1) one-way communication pattern communication pattern where one person
which is the process of delivering messages from dominates the situation, considering or he
the communicator to the communicant either consider himself as the only one who knows
using the media or without media, without any better than the rest. The dominates take control in
feedback from the communicant in this case the the family. He is trust to have higher intelectual
communicator acts as a listener only. 2) Two- ability, wiser or a bread winner. The other
way communication (two way traffic members shall follow his lead, let him to win the
communication) is the process of delivering argument and take the decision by himself.
messages that occurs reciprocity between Monopoly Pattern is family
communicator and communicant for a particular communication patter where one member is seen
purpose. But in essence who started a as power holder. The family members are usually
conversation is a communicator. In more instructive than communicating. He has a
communicating, communicators have a specific full right to make decisions so rarely or never ask
purpose. Through the communication process or ask for opinions from other family members.
communicators strive to achieve these goals, He holds the power of ordering to other family
both through the process dialogue, feedback that members what they can and should not do. If any
occurs directly (Siahaan, 1991: 57), supported family member is willing to take a decision then
non-verbal languages. 3) Pattern of multi-way he will seek permission, and opinion, and make a
communication is the process of communication decision based on the decision of the sole ruler.
occurs in one group with more members in which This distinction in communication
communicators and communicants will patterns describes the division of roles and
exchange ideas dialogically. position of each individual in a family. Family
Forms of Communication Pattern in the communication patterns play a role in receiving
Family messages and feedback that occurs between
One important factor in family family members. For example in the pattern of
communication is the communication patter. monopoly communication, only one family
Why? Family is the first social institution known member is entitled to take a decision in the
to the child during the early socialization process. family. This causes other family members are not
Devito (1986: 157) divides four patterns of entitled to voice opinions or participate in
family communication that are common to decision-making. The result is that family
families. In essence, the pattern of family communication tends to be a one-way

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

communication. Similarly, with the planting and The next question is whether each family
development of values in the family, the only has the same pattern of family communication?
absolute role is the holder of power. Thus the The answer is of course not! Why? Because there
communication of power holders to other family are factors that influence it. These factors are
members is merely instructional. family socioeconomic factors consisting of
Families have a big role in teaching, parents education level, occupation type, family
guiding, determining behavior, and shaping the social status, residence environment, and beliefs
child's perspective on values prevailing in and cultures.
society. Families shall provide the cultivation of
values that children need through an appropriate Parents
pattern of communication so that communication Parents in this paper are defined as a
goes well, creating a harmonious relationship, as family component consisting of father and
well as messages and values to be conveyed mother, the result of a legitimate marital bond
acceptable and well practiced. and forming a family. In addition, they also
nurture and guide the child. Parents in a family
Some of Communication patterns have a responsibility to educate, nurture and
between parents and children guide their children to reach certain stages and
Meanwhile Baumrind shares three prepare them to enter a social life. Thus father,
kinds of communication patterns of parents with mother and children form what is commonly
children. First, the pattern of democratic called the family.
communication is a communication pattern that After all, the first knowledge a child
prioritizes the interests of the child, but does not receives is from his parents. Because her parents
hesitate in controlling them. Parents with this are the center of the children's lives. Through
behavior are rational, underlying their actions on parents also children get acquainted with the
common sense. Democratic type parents are also outside world. So every child's emotional
realistic about the child's abilities. They have no reactions and thoughts formed later on are in fact
hope beyond the child's abilities. They also give strongly influenced by his attitude and the way
children the freedom to choose and take action. his parents live. Of course it is assumed that the
They also have a warm approach to their child. child is born cared for and cared for by both
The democratic communication pattern becomes parents. Thus, parents or mothers and fathers
the demand to be applied in the family play an important and very influential role in the
considering the timing, as children will have their education of their children.
own goal to have their independence, the courage
to express their ideas, honing the ability to solve Children
interpersonal problems, the courage to express Children are defined as individuals who
feelings, and responsibility. are between 0-12 years of age. While the nature
Second, authoritarian communication of the child is a unique individual who has
pattern is parent communication whom tend to growth patterns and developments in aspects of
have definite standart which need to be applied physical, cognitive, socio-emotional, creativity,
by their children. Mostly, their standard is filled language and communication that are specific to
by threats. Such as unwillingly to talk when the stage that is being passed by the child in
children refused to eat. Authoritarian type are question. Ordinary childhood is also known as
pushy, orderly and tend to punish. When their golden age or golden period. Because at this time
children are unwilling to do as told, they do not almost all the potential of children to have
hesitate to punish them. They dont compromise sensitive period to grow and develop rapidly and
and only having one-way communication. extraordinary. Nevertheless the development of
Third, permissive communication each child at that time is not the same. Nutritious
pattern is patterns that give the child an and balanced diet and intensive stimulation are
opportunity to do something without adequate among the factors that cause such differences.
supervision. They tend not to warn their child Children have specific characteristics,
when the child is in danger. They also tend to both physically, socially, morally and so on. Siti
give little guidance to their child. Maybe that's Aisyah, et al (2010: 1.4-1.9) describes the
what causes them so they tend to be liked by characteristics of children as follows. 1) has a
children. For example a child slamming his toys great curiosity, it can be seen in how often
left, naked from the bathroom left so without children ask about what they see. If the question
being reprimanded. In fact, parents who apply remains unanswered, they will keep asking until
this pattern of communication just want to avoid he gets the answer. 2) Unique person, derived
conflict with their children. from genetic, environmental or combined

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

factors. 3) like to fantasize and imagine. They providing appropriate supervision to the child's
like to imagine and develop something beyond developmental level.
real conditions. For example: a child can imagine
a carton as a toy car. 4) the most potential time to
learn, because at this time the most sensitive and
potential children to learn something. Because at The method used in this research is
this time the child's curiosity is very big. 5) show qualitative research method. Data collected
through observation, interview, field notes and
egocentric attitudes that can appear in their
frequencies thinking and talking about literature study. The purpose of this study is to
themselves and their actions with the purpose of see the empirical reality behind the phenomenon,
deep and thorough about the pattern of
benefiting itself. For example, children like to
fight for toys and cry when his wishes are not communication with female migrant workers in
fulfilled. 6) has short concentration power range. Wonosobo regency. Therefore the use of
qualitative approach in this research is by
The attention span of 5-year-olds to be able to sit
quietly watching something is about 10 minutes, matching between empirical reality with existing
except for the things that usually make her happy. theory by using descriptive method. In this
research, researchers act as data collectors and as
Children often feel bored with one activity only.
Even the child can easily turn his attention to active instruments in an effort to collect data in
other activities that he considered more the field. While data collection instruments other
than humans are various forms of aids such as
interesting. 7) as part of social beings, often
playing with friends in the neighborhood. By tape recorders and cameras that can be used to
playing, children learn to socialize. support the validity of the results of research, but
serves as a supporting instrument. Therefore, the
presence of researchers directly in the field as a
Impact of Communication Pattern on
measure of success to understand the case under
parents to Childrens Aptitude and Characters
If it further observed, every human study, is absolutely necessary. The location of the
being is born with potentials, if the potential is study is the place where the research will be
conducted, along with the complete address. In
not fostered and developed, he can deviate from
his nature. Naturally, it should be adapted to the this study the researchers took the location in the
situation of the household and the state of the Village of Women Migrant Workers Tracap
Village District Kaliwiro, Central Wonosobo
environment. Families as primary educators at
home must understand the ways to develop every Answer, in the Year 2016 and early Year 2017.
potential that the child has. The potential
possessed by each person is very varied, this Data Validity
shows the basic ability of children in certain The validity of the data is an important part
areas. in a study, as a form of responsibility for the truth
data that has been obtained. In examining the
A democratic pattern of education that
focuses on the freedom to act according to the validity of this data, researchers used data
ability, will make it easier for children to triangulation. Triangulation is a validity check
technique or valid whether or not the data using
recognize their own abilities and make it easier
to express their potential. Giving freedom to the something else outside the data for the purposes
child by providing opportunities to interact with of checking or as a comparison of the data
his environment makes him familiar with his (Moleong, 2007: 330). For the technique itself, in
environment. Thus through the environment he this research used triangulation technique with
source. Triangulation of sources means
can learn a lot and gain a lot of knowledge.
Similarly, authoritarian pattern of education will comparing and checking the degree of
obscure or even eliminate the potential of the confidence of information gained through
different times and tools in qualitative research.
However, parental supervision in the According to Patton in Moleong (2007: 330) it
meaning of giving freedom to children to choose can be achieved through:
1. Comparing the observed data with
and interact with the environment, is not left
alone. In order for children to interact more interview results.
broadly (within positive-value boundaries) and 2. Compare what people say in public with
what they say personally.
have knowledge of the norms contained in the
religion as well as the norms that exist in the 3. Compare what people say about the
community, at school, and wherever the child is research situation with what it says all
the time.
located parents must Taking into account and

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

4. Compare the situation and perspective communication, mother father is hampered by

of a person with different opinions and the situation.
views of people like ordinary people, What about father communication with
middle or high educated people, people a child at home? Dad is usually busy working for
residing, people of government. a living every day. So the child is fostered by
5. Compare the results of interviews with grandparents at home. So practically who
the contents of a related document communicate intensively with children every day
is grandparents grandmother.
Based on these facts it can be concluded
that the pattern of parent child communication on
Village Tracap, District Kaliwiro,
the family of women migrant workers Tracap
Wonosobo regency, Central Java is a village of Village, Kaliwiro District, Wonosobo District, is
Women Migrant Workers founded by Ms. a permissive communication pattern. The
Maizidah Salas, a retired migrant worker. This
permissive communication pattern was formed
research is a continuation of research we have as a result of the separation of children and
done previously in the same place. From the husbands from mothers and wives because
previous research we realized that the theme of
mothers became female migrant workers.
parenting child communication is interesting to We must admit that the first knowledge
be researched in the Female Migrant Workers' a child receives is through his or her parents.
Village. Because from previous research we get
Because her parents are the center of the
information that almost all women who become children's lives. Through parents also children
migrant workers have or have been married. And get acquainted with the outside world. So every
that they left their children to go to work as child's emotional reactions and thoughts formed
migrant workers. later on are in fact strongly influenced by his
The informants interviewed were five
attitude and the way his parents live. Thus,
women migrant workers. The five persons can be parents play an important and important role in
detailed as follows: one person has been a the development of their child. Of course it is
migrant worker in Saudi Arabia, two in Hong
assumed that the child is born cared for and cared
Kong and two others in Taiwan. All of them are for by both parents.
married when leaving as migrant workers. For However, the permissive
reasons of secrecy the researcher did not further
communication pattern that occurs between the
elaborate on the personal data of these informants parents and children of women migrant workers
.Parent- child's communication pattern to in Tracap Village, Kaliwiro Subdistrict,
the workers' family. At first time mother decided
Wonosobo has an impact on the unnatural
to work as a migrant worker abroad. The decision formation of children's behavior and talents. Like
then had a direct impact on the separation of the never wearing clothes even though his age is 8
mother from her husband and child. Meanwhile,
years without any shame. Or used to eat food in
fathers who are de facto living with their children the form of white rice sprinkled with raw water.
face the demands of making a living for the Or drink raw water. Or other behavior in the form
family. This fact indirectly forces the child to be
of taking his brother to take the neighbor's crop
cared for by his grandparents. Practically those without feeling guilty when he was 10 years old
who interact intensely with children every day
are his grandparents. The father interacts with
their children in the morning or in the afternoon
until the evening. While the mother There are five research findings:
communicates with her child can only be done a. Process Permissive communication
through telephone assistance. That is if they are pattern between parents and children
allowed by their employers. Generally their of women migrant workers Tracap
employers do not allow them to use mobile Village, Kaliwiro Wonosobo, was
phones. formed because mother went to work
Based on the results of interviews with as migrant woman overseas.
full time migrant workers it is known that they b. Communication between mother and
are prohibited by their employers using Mobile. child is very minimal.
That means communication with husband and c. Father who stayed at home with his
child is not intertwined every day or every week. son also minimal communication with
In addition they do not get permission from the his son because father busy working
employer, long distance direct costs are not for a living.
cheap. Consequently mother and child

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

d. Intense communication occurs [7] Siahaan, S.M. Komunikasi, Pemahaman dan

between the children with his Penerapan.Jakarta: BPK Gunung Mulia.
grandparents. 1991.
e. From the permissive communication
[8] Wiryanto. Pengantar Ilmu Komunikasi. PT.
pattern, there is an unnatural impact
Grasindo, Jakarta. 2004.
on the formation of children's
behavior and talents.

The permissive communication pattern

between the child's parents in the family of
women migrant workers in Tracap Village,
Kaliwiro Wonosobo was formed through the
process. The process occurs as a result of the
departure of mothers working abroad as migrant
workers. This fact keeps the child and father
away from his mother and his wife. Meanwhile,
fathers who live with children at home have very
little communication time with their children
because the father is also more outside the home
to earn a living for the family. So practically
grandparents who have intense communication
with will. The impact of this permissive
communication pattern is the formation of
unnatural behavior and talent. It is suggested that
child care and care should be one of the key
considerations in making decisions so that
children are not victimized. Suggestion for the
local government is that women go abroad
leaving their children partly because of the
absence of jobs that can support their families in
the village. For that it is a good thing if these
women are unemployed.

[1] Aisyah, Siti, dkk. Perkembangan dan
Konsep Dasar Pengembangan Anak Usia
Dini. Jakarta: Universitas Terbuka. 2010
[2] Djamarah, Bahri, Syaiful. Pola Komunikasi
Orang Tua dan Anak dalam Keluarga.
Jakarta : PT. Reneka Cipta. 2004.
[3] Devito, J.A., The Interpersonal
Communication Book (4thed.). New York :
Harper & Row Publishers. 1986.
[4] Lexy J Moleong. Metode Penelitian
Kualitatif (Bandung: Remaja Rosda Karya.
[5] Nasution, S. Metode Research, Bumi
Aksara, Jakarta. 2004.
[6] Nazir, Moh. Metode Penelitian (Jakarta:
PT. Ghalia Indonesia. 2003

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Ria Wulandari
Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo
Surel: [email protected]

Education is one area that is vulnerable to political dynamics. As in Indonesia, politics towards education
makes education work statically. Schools as educational institutions feel directly the impact of this political
dynamics. Changes in political policy in education that have been done by the government politically, such
as replacing education ministers in half of government journey have an impact in education policy. It has a
direct impact on schools, which is difficult for schools to grow.
This study aims to describe how to improve the quality of schools that are resistant to political dynamics in
Indonesia, and to describe the attitude of educators in responding to the political dynamics in Indonesia.
The method of research used in this research is qualitative descriptive with data collection technique of
literature study which aims to study about how to improve the quality of schools that are resistant to political
dynamics in Indonesia and the attitude of educators in responding to the political dynamics in Indonesia.
The results of this study are; To improve the quality of schools that are resistant to political dynamics in
Indonesia can be done by doing various innovations that are always evaluated in building the school system
both regarding the policy and learning process in school. The attitude of educators in responding to the
political dynamics in Indonesia can be done by communicating openly, honestly, and focusing on the
priorities of schools with the parents, stakeholders and community on an ongoing basis.
Keywords: School Quality, political dynamics in Indonesia

field of education that is dynamic, consequently

the school in improving its quality becomes
Education is an effort to develop the static. Supposedly, the politics of education is
potential of learners, whether physical potential, done in a sustainable and national way, as do
inventiveness, taste, and initiative aims to developed and developing countries, such as
prepare the person in balance, unity, organic, Singapore, Japan, China, and a number of other
harmonious, and dynamic to achieve the purpose developed countries. Singapore is advancing
of life. Education in its development is because of the quality of its citizens in the service
inseparable from politics, therefore politics in / service sector, both tertiary services and quarter
education is called education politics. Political services so that the country is called a service
education is the strategic policies undertaken by country. Japan is advancing due to the quality of
the government in the field of education. its citizens in mechanical (automotive) and
Indonesia is a developing country with electronic technology. China is advancing due to
special attention in the field of education. This its innovative power and strong work ethic in
can be seen from the allocation of state budget in developing new products and services that tend
the education sector by 20% of the State Budget. to be cheaper compared to other countries.
The amount of education budget makes the
government to target high standards in improving
the quality of education to stakeholders and
The Dynamics of Political Education in
educational players. The change in education
policy caused by the turn of the minister
Lasswels (1958) states that politics is who
politically becomes a problem that must be faced
gets what, when, and how (Slamet, 2014: 326).
in the field of education, especially schools.
In line with that statement, Miriam Budhiardjo
School as a place of formal education
argues that politics is a diverse activity in a
becomes difficult to develop, due to the strategic
political system, concerning the process of
policies undertaken by the government in the
determining and implementing political goals in

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

a political system (Sarnoto, 2012: 32). Based on Improving the quality of schools that are
the above opinion, it is concluded that politics is resistant to political dynamics in Indonesia
an activity that aimed to obtain the established
political goals. Education is a conscious effort to prepare
Politics runs in all fields, both economic, learners through teaching, guidance and or
social, and cultural. Political education is part of training for their future roles. Education can take
politics in the field of culture. Educational place in families, schools, and communities.
politics is a process of selecting values and Education is a process of humanity and prepares
allocating limited resources in decision-making people to face the challenges of life.
processes involving different groups that have The development of society that has entered
different interests in order to influence decision- the century of information technology demands
making so that the values and allocation of the the mastery of science and technology
limited resources desired by particular groups are professionally. This has implications for the
included in the taking Decision (Slamet, 2014: strengthening of the demand for improving the
326). Furthermore Slamet explained that in quality of education, which includes:
politics the emphases are more on short-term professional teachers who have a role to improve
interests with the importance of the group the quality of education in schools. In the current
(constitution). The political platform may change era, schools are required to serve as educational
if the regime changes as well. In fact, the world institutions that prepare graduates who are ready
of education requires continuous professional to face the competition of the future. In playing
services in the long term and if the world of the role, the school can not avoid to always make
education mixed with the world of politics, it is improvements and improve the quality of
feared there will be distortion of education. schools.
However, in reality in Indonesia, especially in the In relation to efforts to improve and
current era of reform, education and politics improve the quality of schools in the dynamics of
interact and even the world of education has politics in Indonesia can be done by considering
become the arena of political interests, both at the five main aspects, namely: 1) teaching and
central level, provincial, district / city, and learning process, 2) school leadership, 3) school
educational unit (Slamet, 2014 : 326). management, 4) facilities and infrastructure, and
At the central level, for example, the 5) School culture (Depdikbud, 1999: 10). Efforts
dissolution of the Directorate General of Quality to improve the quality of education in schools
Improvement of Teachers and Education have tended to use structural approaches with
Personnel (Ditjen PMPTK) was protested by the emphasis on the technical-administrative (format
Teachers' Association of Indonesia (PGRI). At oriented), rather than on goal oriented that refers
the urging of PGRI, then established the Human more to the cultural approach because it involves
Resource Development Agency for Education values. Yet the improvement of education quality
and Culture and Quality Assurance of Education in schools can not be separated from the school
as a substitute of the Directorate General of culture base. With this culture base, principals,
PMPTK. At the provincial and district / teachers, students, and parents will be able to feel
municipal levels, the role of governors and (possessing sense of belonging), so that it will
regents / mayors, especially in the allocation / nurture, improve, and strive for improved school
placement of the head of the education office is quality.
so dominant that it is difficult to guarantee the In an effort to improve the quality of
quality. Luckily Law No. 5/2014 has been issued schools, a cultural approach can be used that is
on State Civil Apparatus where recruitment and linked to a number of supportive activities, as
selection of heads of education offices are no described by M. Sastrapratedja (2001) below:
longer dominated by governors and regents / 1. Establishment of work teams from
mayors, but by the State Civilian Apparatus various elements and levels to dialogue
Commission (nonstructural institutions which and negotiate.
are independent and free from political 2. Oriented to vision development rather
intervention). At the educational / school unit than focusing on deficiencies. If the
level, interest interests among stakeholders are deficit model overemphasizes the
dynamic, for example between school shortcomings and problems within an
committees, parents, and teacher councils in the institution, the visionary approach
allocation of funds among subjects is a dynamic emphasizes a collective view of the
process (Slamet, 2014: 326). ideal.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

3. Collegial relationships to strengthen service training and in-service

group identity, jointly responsible, and training, provision of educational
mutually supportive. facilities, book provision and
4. Trust and support as part of social curriculum improvement.
capital is essential for the operation of b. The centralized management of
an institution. education causes education
5. Shared values and interests, rather than institutions to lose their
power and position are essential to independence in school planning
reconcile the various interests that exist. and development, quality
6. Access to information is essential to improvement is done top down, and
achieving institutional goals and based on rational planning model.
improving performance. c. The quality improvement policy of
7. Lifetime growth is an opportunity that this model proved unsuccessful in
needs to be provided for all institutional improving the quality of education
citizens to develop themselves and significantly, since the
become professionals. improvement of input quality was
Efforts to improve the quality of the school not always followed by the
should be accompanied by various innovations expected improvement of output
and evaluated the school system both regarding quality. Here, it appears that the
the policy and learning process in school. role of the process, which has
In addition to the approach as outlined tended to be ignored.
above, to improve the quality of education in 3. Unesco Model:
schools, there are four models of educational Unesco as an international institution
quality improvement as described by engaged in education and culture emphasizes the
Zamroni (2009), the following: improvement of education quality on the quality
1. The World Bank Model, which is based of output produced, namely:
on: a. That the output / output of
a. The production function approach, education must meet four pillars,
which assumes that the quality of namely: (1) learning to do (solve
educational output is the result of a daily problems); (2) learning to
process that is a function of input, know or learning how to learn
both raw input and instrumental (keep learning); (3) learning to be
input. This approach assumes that (ethically responsible); And (4)
the process aspect is an learning to live together (the ability
unidentified black box, so output of respect and work with others).
quality is assumed to be a direct and b. In line with the Unesco model, Kay
linear function of input quality. (2008) identified five competencies
This model is implemented in the that should be developed through
form of policy that to produce education related to the context of
quality output the only strategy life that will be faced by the
pursued is to improve the quality of students. The five competencies
inputs. are: (1) the condition of global
b. The production function approach competition requires global
also rests on the assumption that awareness and independence; (2)
policies or forms of intervention the conditions of global
that have been successfully cooperation, requiring global
implemented in a country will also awareness, the ability to cooperate
be successfully implemented in and communicate globally with
other countries. ICT; (3) the development of
2. New Order Model: information is very fast, requires
a. The quality improvement model of the ability of technology literacy,
education implemented in the New critical thinking and problem-
Order era tends to be compliant and solving skills; (4) work and career
follows the World Bank model, development requires the ability of
through a production function critical thinking, problem solving,
approach. This policy is innovation, flexibility and
implemented in the form of teacher adaptability are high; And (5)
quality improvement through pre- service-based economic

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

development, requires ICT literacy learning revolution, Pakem,

skills, critical thinking and problem Paikem, CTL, and the application
solving skills. Thus, according to of ICT in learning.
Kay the competencies that need to e. Establishment of educational
be supplied to graduates in the face standards: National Education
of the global era are: (1) global Standards (PP 19/2005), which are
awareness, that we must follow the outlined in 8 standards
flow of globalization intelligently, (Permendiknas), and
or in javanese terms "ngeli ning ora implementation of UAN.
keli"; (2) the character of f. School development stages:
independence; (3) ability to MPMBS, Mandiri School, SSN,
communicate and cooperate RSBI, SBI and SPM.
globally; (4) ability to master ICT; The four models have advantages and
(5) technological literacy; (6) disadvantages in improving the quality of
critical thinking and problem- education. However, the model can be adopted to
solving skills; (7) ability to improve school quality. For use in improving
innovate; and (8) have flexible and school quality should be tailored to school
adaptable knowledge and skills. conditions. Given each school has different
c. Meanwhile, the Ministry of problems in improving its quality.
Education of New Zealand, made
efforts to improve the quality of Attitudes of Educators in Political Dynamics
education through improving in Indonesia
curriculum content, with the aim 1. Focus on school priorities.
that graduates of education have In responding to the dynamics
the following basic skills: (1) of educational politics, an educator
critical thinking and problem- must focus on the priorities of the
solving skills; (2) the ability to school, which is to carry out the duties
communicate both orally and in of a professional educator, that is to
writing; (3) self-managing ability provide science, experience, and
(self-motivated, confident, and able exemplary. In carrying out its duties
to plan for the future); (4) ability to especially in the learning process, an
relate, cooperate and negotiate with educator must:
others; And (5) the ability and a. Understand individual differences
willingness to participate and of learners
contribute to the welfare of the b. Identify or strength and lack or
people. weakness learners
4. Reformation Model: c. Group students in the classroom
a. Education democratization according to the level of problems
policies, implemented through that need to be addressed
decentralization of education d. Work with parents and other
management authority to regions, professions to achieve optimal
and schools or educational units. learning outcomes
Decentralization policy is realized e. Prepare materials, strategies, and
in the form of: (1) school-based instructional media needed by
management and MPMBS; (2) learners
block grant model assistance f. Teachers modeled enrichment
system; And (3) development of models for children who have
KBK curriculum, which later speed and set up remedial services
developed into KTSP. for children with low learning
b. Improved quality through speeds
improved school management and g. In conducting the evaluation,
school culture development. teachers should not be sufficient to
c. Policy on improving foreign only measure academic aspects, but
language learning and ICT. non-academic aspects need to be
d. The application of learning considered
methods that fun and educate, such h. Provide feedback on the success
as: joyful learning, quantum achieved and report to the principal
learning, cooperative learning, and parents (Saat, 2014: 107)

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

2. Communicate openly, honestly with d. Teachers cooperate wisely with the

guardians, stakeholders and the community to improve the prestige
community on an ongoing basis. and dignity of the profession.
In responding to the dynamics e. Teachers make every effort to
of educational politics, an educator jointly with the community play an
must be able to communicate with the active role in education and
pupil, stakeholder and community on an improve the welfare of learners.
ongoing basis, as mentioned in the code f. Teachers should not divulge the
of ethics of teacher pasal 6 on the basic secrets of their colleagues and
values of operational relationships of learners to the public.
teachers with students in pasal 2 and the g. Teachers should not present
relationship of teachers with the themselves exclusively in public
community in pasal 3, as follows: life (DKGI, 2012).
Relationship between teachers and
student’s parents:
a. Teachers trying to foster effective
The improvement of school quality in
and efficient cooperation
relationship with Parents / political dynamics in Indonesia can be done by
Guardians students in carrying out considering five main aspects: 1) teaching and
learning process, 2) school leadership, 3) school
the process of education.
b. Teachers provide information to management, 4) facilities and infrastructure, and
parents honestly and objectively 5) school culture. While the attitude of educators
about the development of learners. in the dynamics of politics in Indonesia that
c. Teachers keep the information of educators should focus on the priority of the
school, which is carrying out the duties of a
each learner informed to others
who are not parents. professional educator, among others: provide
d. Teachers motivate parents to adapt science, experience, and exemplary. Able to
communicate openly, honestly with guardians,
and participate in promoting and
improving the quality of education. stakeholders and community on an ongoing
e. Teachers communicate well with basis.
student’s parents about the
condition and progress of learners REFERENCES
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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Moh Irma Sukarelawan1, Rif’ati Dina Handayani2, Moh. Toifur3
Student of Postgraduate of YSU, 2 University of Jember, 3 Ahmad Dahlan University
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

This study aimed to characterize the electrical properties of the thin film of Cu/Ni based on resistivity
function. A thin film of Cu/Ni is fabricated using electroplating methods. Variations of current density
which used in a coating process is 0.2 A/cm2, 0.4 A/cm2 and 0.6 A/cm2. The thin film of resistivity values
measured using the Four Point Probe at room temperature (± 26°C). the results show that the resistivity
linear function followed a linear equation are Rs = -0,00007t + 0,00133; Rs = -0,00006t + 0,00127 and Rs
= -0,00005t + 0,00121, respectively.
Keywords: resistivity, thin film of Cu/Ni, electroplating method

process in copper, such as electroplating method

[12]. Electroplating methods have several
Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) advantages: low process temperature, process
utilizes the properties of a material that conditions at ordinary atmospheric pressure,
undergoes a change of resistance as result of relatively inexpensive equipment, fast sediment
ambient temperature changes [1]. RTD is the best rates, porosity in relatively low coatings and can
standard as a temperature sensor when compared produce multiple layers. In this method, two
thermocouple or thermistor, because of its linear, factors that determine the success of the thin
strong, have good sensitivity [2] and high layer manufacturing are electric current density
accuracy for wide measurement range [3]. and electroplating duration [12] - [14].
Generally, RTD elements are made from metal or According to the considerations above, this
alloy [4], both in coils and thin films. Materials research will characterize the resistivity of the
that can be used as RTD elements are copper [5], Cu/Ni thin films using electroplating method.
[6], Platinum, and Nickel [2]. Economically,
RTD elements can be made from copper and
nickel material [7], because Platinum has a fairly
The sample was made using a combination
expensive price.
of current density and the length of a deposition
Copper is good candidate element as a
process. Current density used is 0.2 A/cm2, 0.4
platinum replacement RTD element to measure
A/cm2, and 0.6 A/cm2 respectively. While the
very low temperatures because it has good linear
variation of deposition time is 1 minute, 2
properties in response [8]. A copper also has a
minutes, 3 minutes and 4 minutes. All variations
high Thermal Contact Resistance (TCR). This
of the deposition were carried out at room
coefficient determines the sensitivity of the
temperature (± 26°C). The thickness of the layers
copper but is still lower than the platinum. The
of each sample is determined before the
greater change in the copper resistivity of each
characterization of its electrical properties. To
temperature is more sensitive. The presence of
determine the thickness of the formed layer was
impurities increased the resistivity of the copper.
used the Lowenheim equation [14]. The
The magnitude of copper resistivity depends on
Lowenheim equation is as follows:
the type of impurities and its contents [9].
Besides that, the way that can be done to increase w
 (1)
the resistivity is made copper in a thin layer [10]. A
One of the materials that can be used as an Where:
impurity on copper is Nickel [11]. Mixing Nickel δ = layer thickness (cm)
and copper can reduce the purity and increase the w = m1 – m2 = mass of layer (g)
resistivity of copper itself. ρ = metal density (g/cm3)
To produce a thin layer, there are several
methods that can be used for the nickel plating

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

A = surface area of layer after coating ln 2

process (cm2) V  Rs I (2)

Mass of layer was measured before and
after the coating process repeatedly. The density
of nickel is 8.908 kg/m3 with the cross-sectional Test layer thickness
area of 5.5 cm2. Characterization of electrical Electroplating is one of the methods
properties of the Cu/Ni thin film through which used to create a thin film based on the
resistivity is performed using four point-probe direct electric current movement through an
method. As the name implies, the working electrolyte solution. Determination of Ni layer
principle of the measuring device is based on the thickness that formed on Cu substrate through
presence of 4 probes, with 2 probes functioning electroplating process is using indirect
to carry out an electric current and 2 other probes measurement that calculates substrate mass
used to measure electrical voltage, the probes are difference before and after the coating process.
touched on the sample of material. The resistivity This mass difference is the mass of nickel
value of the Cu/Ni thin film determined by using overlaid on the copper (Cu) substrate. FIG. 1 is a
the linear regression equation as follows: regression result of each current density by
varying coating time.

Figure 1. Graph of coating time relation to Cu / Ni layer thickness.

The graph provided that the longer of
the coating process performed for each current Table 1. The linear equation between the coating
density will produce a great thickness, this is due time and the thickness of the Cu/Ni
to the oxidation reaction on the nickel anode, so layer.
the nickel ions are attached to the cathode (Cu N Current density Linear
substrate). For each coating time, the thickness of o. (A/cm2) equation R²
the layer will increase as long as current density δ = 0,00005t - 0,95
increases. This occurs because the reduction of 1. 0,2 0,00004 555
the ions takes place more rapidly at larger current δ = 0,00011t - 0,98
densities. 2. 0,4 0,00004 971
The relation between time and thickness δ = 0,00020t - 0,99
mathematically is shown in Table 1. From the 3. 0,6 0,00012 313
result of the regression performed that the nickel Note : δ = thickness (cm)
ions do not directly attach the cathode when the t = time of coating (minute)
switch starts turn on. It is indicated by the Although in Table 1 the use of current
appearance of intercept values on each curve. density of 0.6 A/cm2 is much longer than the
The use of 0.4 A/cm2 current density has the attachment of Ni ions but the rate of attachment
relatively fastest attachment time and the current is greater than other current densities, so that
density of 0.2 A/cm2 has the slowest attachment each sample for this current density has a greater
time. The starting time of this attachment can be thickness than the others. It is supported by the
seen from the ratio between intercept and slope existing slope values. This is in line with the
on each regression. theory that at small current densities that the

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

reduction of Ni metal ions is slower [15]. The

thickness value of the Cu/Ni thin film for each
variation provide in table 2.
Table 2. Coating thickness at time variation
No. Sampel (A/cm2) time (minute) δ (cm) Sδ (cm)
1 1 0,000022 0,000001
2 2 0,000041 0,000002
3 3 0,000108 0,000002
4 4 0,000168 0,000001
5 1 0,000053 0,000002
6 2 0,000194 0,000001
7 3 0,000275 0,000002
8 4 0,000389 0,000002
9 1 0,000084 0,000002
10 2 0,000287 0,000002
11 3 0,000449 0,000002
12 4 0,000700 0,000002

The variation of coating time at each conductor, an insulator or a semiconductor. Cu

current density value having a thickness value metal used as a RTD element for low temperature
proportional to coating time. The largest sensors is expected having better sensitivity. In
thickness at 4 minute time variation is (0.000700 this study, to increase the sensitivity is done by
± 0,000002) cm. The smallest thickness is reducing the level of purity of Cu, so it will
obtained at a time variation of 1 minute, which is impact on increasing the resistivity value. The
(0.000022 ± 0.00001 cm). coating time relation to the resistivity value of
Cu/Ni pieces for each sample is presented in
Test layer resistivity figure bellow.
Electrical resistivity is the basic
parameter for classifying a metal whether as a

Figure2. Graph of coating relation between time of coating and resistivity value of Cu/Ni

The resistivity value is inversely coating, the smaller of current density used to
proportional to the coating process time. This is make a greater the resistivity value. Result of
an implication of the large thickness formed linear regression from data analysis obtained
during the coating process. The smaller the relations between coating time and resistivity
thickness of a layer will lead to inhibition of value of Cu/Ni chip for each sample.
electron flow so that the resistivity becomes more
increase. From the current density point of view,
the graph also shows that for each time the same

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Table 3. Linear equations between coating If the figure 2 is extrapolated at t = 0

time and Cu / Ni chip resistivity. minutes further on each regression result, it
N Current
Linier equation R²
assumed that Cu substrate has not coating yet, the
o. density(A/cm2) average Cu chip resistivity value of 0.001 Ω/sq.
Rs = -0,00007t + 0,884 This value is close to the result of the analysis of
1. 0,2 0,00133 48
Rs = -0,00006t + 0,978 Cu chip resistivity value before the coating
2. 0,4 0,00127 32 process. To determine the increase of resistivity
Rs = -0,00005t + 0,946 value, measuring of resistivity was done before
3. 0,6 0,00121 55 and after coating process by using four point
Note: Rs = Resistivity strips of Cu/Ni probes. The change of resistivity value of layer
t = time of coating before and after coating process is presented in
table 4
Table 4. Resistivity of thin film Cu/Ni
Rs ± SRs (Ω/sq)
No. Sampel (A/cm2) Time (minute)
Before After
1 1 0,00115 ± 0,00006 0,00129 ± 0,00001
2 2 0,00114 ± 0,00002 0,00115 ± 0,00003
3 3 0,00109 ± 0,00004 0,00110 ± 0,00003
4 4 0,00104 ± 0,00001 0,00107 ± 0,00003
5 1 0,00109 ± 0,00003 0,00122 ± 0,00004
6 2 0,00113 ± 0,00002 0,00114 ± 0,00003
7 3 0,00108 ± 0,00001 0,00110 ± 0,00001
8 4 0,00103 ± 0,00004 0,00104 ± 0,00006
9 1 0,00115 ± 0,00002 0,00117 ± 0,00003
10 2 0,00107 ± 0,00005 0,00109 ± 0,00002
11 3 0,00103 ± 0,00002 0,00107 ± 0,00002
12 4 0,00093 ± 0,00009 0,00102 ± 0,00001

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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Widyani Solihat
Postgraduate Student of Sebelas Maret University
[email protected]

The objective of this research is to find out whether there is an influence on using mind mapping technique
toward students’ reading comprehension in narrative text at the eighth grade of SMPN 7 Kota Serang. The
researcher conducted this research by applying quantitative approach with quasi experimental design. In
this research, the populations were 335 students. The study was carried out in two classes; they are the
control class and experimental class. The researcher used cluster sampling as a sample and the sample were
80 students. The data were gathered through tests which were delivered into pre-test and post-test. The
result of the study showed that mind mapping technique is effective to use in teaching reading
comprehension of narrative text. Average of post-test score of the experimental class (82.75) is higher than
the control class (72.625). Based on the statistical using t-test analysis with the significant level 0.05 and
the df = 78 showed the value of tcount > ttable = 6.14 > 1.99 which indicated that H0 was rejected and Ha
was accepted, so it indicated there was an influence of using mind mapping technique toward students’
reading comprehension in narrative text at eighth grade of SMPN 7 Kota Serang. Based on the result above,
mind mapping technique is effective to use in teaching reading narrative text for junior high school. So,
teachers can apply this technique in teaching reading to make the students become more creative and their
learning can be more fun.
Keywords: reading comprehension, narrative text, teaching reading, mind mapping technique,
experimental design, quantitative approach

still have difficulties in understanding the text

well especially narrative text because they were
Reading is one of the basic English skills not able to comprehend the text. They could not
which should be mastered by the students. In find the elements of the narrative text including
reading, the students must comprehend all the main idea, supporting details, generic structure,
contents and also the information in the text and purpose in the text. Commonly the students
clearly. Comprehending English is a difficult are taught through the method that they are not
thing for students if they do not have basic interested like there is no media and the
knowledge, especially in comprehending reading technique that used in teaching and learning
text. The best way to become a better reader is process of reading comprehension. So, the
by reading a lot. Best readers are people who love students’ reading comprehension achievements
to read and who read often. In order to understand are low. This is because they did not know
and learn many things, students must be able to specific technique that can guide them to
comprehend what they read, so they know how understand the text.
to obtain information and apply concepts to their Based on the problem, it needs to create
learning process. Brown (2004:185) argues that teaching and learning process that can facilitate
reading as the most essential skill for success in students to learn English easily. The need of
all education contexts. reading comprehension requires teachers to
Based on observation at SMPN 7 Kota facilitate students through interesting technique
Serang, minimal score criteria of English subject in learning process. If reading came naturally,
in this school is 76. Based on pre-research, the teaching would be a much easier task. The
teacher stated that there were some students who researcher gave a solution to the teacher by
got low score or did not achieve minimal score implementing mind mapping technique in
criteria in reading skill. Most of the students got teaching and learning process. According to
score around 60-75. In this school, the students Buzan (2002:82) mind mapping is a modern

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

learning tool and technique that arranges one’s comprehension narrative text to the students and
visual ideas and tries to interconnect them. shows students’ result of the test
Drawing mind mapping is an activity which
makes the brain easier to accept and remember The table above presents both groups
visually stimulating, multi-coloured mind maps, received pre-test (Y1) and post-test (Y2), but each
rather than monotonous, boring linear notes. The groups received the different treatments (X).
researcher considers that mind mapping can be Mind mapping technique was administered as the
an alternative technique for students when doing treatments in the experimental group, while the
reading comprehension in achieving their control group was not given the treatment.
academic success later. Mind Mapping was Arikunto (2002:111) stated that population is
supposed to be an interesting alternative number of object that will be researched. The
technique that helped the students to organize population of this research is the eighth grade
ideas about the text that have read by own students of SMPN 7 Kota Serang in 2015/2016
scheme, so that students can comprehend the text academic year. There are 8 classes at the eighth
easily. It is a good way to make the students grade from class 8A until 8H and each class
understand more about what they read. This contain about 40-42 students. The total numbers
study focused on students’ mind mapping in of the students are 335 students.
interpreting the text, not on their creativity. Selecting of the sample is very important step
Formulation of the problem: Is there an in conducting a research study. Sukardi
influence in using mind mapping technique (2003:54) stated that the sample is any group of
toward students’ reading comprehension in individual which is selected to represent a
teaching narrative text? population. Sample is a part of representative of
population investigated. The researcher has used
the cluster sampling to choose the sample that is
one of the types in probability sampling.
This research was conducted quantitatively According to Ary et al. (2010:154), cluster
through quasi-experimental design. Creswell sampling is the unit chosen is not an individual
(2009:149) stated that in quasi-experiment, the
but, rather, a group of individuals who are
investigator uses control and experimental naturally together. The researcher mixed all
groups but does not randomly assign participants population (class) to get the sample and two
to groups (e.g., they may be intact groups
classes that have chosen from it are class 8E and
available to the researcher). Quasi experimental 8D. Both classes have 40 students for each class,
design is implied to know the influence of using so the sample is 80 students. The groups which
mind mapping technique to improve reading
the researcher has chosen for the research are 8E
comprehension in narrative text. The researcher as the experimental group and 8D as the control
used this design because the researcher wanted to group.
know the differences between experiment group
There are two variables in this research,
and control group, is there any differences when dependent and independent variable. Dependent
the researcher gave post-test and pre-test to the variable is students’ reading comprehension and
groups. The design represented as follow:
independent variable is mind mapping technique.
Students’ reading comprehension is influenced
Grou Prete Independent Postte by mind mapping technique.
p st Variable st The writer used test as the instruments. There
E Y1 X Y2 are two kinds of test used to get the data through
multiple choice questions:
C Y1 - Y2
1. Pre-test
E : experimental group
C : control group At the first meeting, the researcher
Y1 : the pretest given to the experimental gave a pre-test to the students. It was
group conducted to know the students score in
Y2 : the posttest given to the experimental reading. This test was given in order to
group know how far the students ability in reading
Y1 : the pretest given to the control group comprehension of narrative text. The pre-
Y2 : the posttest given to control group test comprised 20 items, in the form of
X : treatment at experimental group by multiple choices items.
using mind mapping technique in reading

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

2. Post-test research, to test the homogeneity used this

following formula:
Post-test is to measure their ability F= Variance Greatest
after treatment process, this test was given Variance Smallest
to know the basic competence for 40 Compare the value of Fcount and Ftable
students and to know their earlier then specified whether homogenous or not
knowledge after they got treatment. It was homogenous with the following criteria (
done to know the final score and to know significance level = 5 % and df1 = v1-1 df2
the students, difference competence before = v2 – 1 ) :
and after they got treatment. A post-test was If Fcount ≤ Ftable : Hence the
given in order to know the scores of the data homogeneous
students after they are taught by using If Fcount ≥ Ftable : Hence the
mind-mapping technique. This test was data not homogenous
used to measure the students’ achievement 3. T-test Analysis
after they were given treatment.
In this quantitative research, the writer used To determine whether the hypothesis
test for collecting data. The researcher collected is accepted or rejected, by comparing t-
the data from the students’ score of pre-test and count with t-table, the calculation used T-
post-test. The researcher gave students pre-test to test. T-test was used to measure whether or
know the students’ reading ability before the not differences on students’ average score
researcher gave treatment. Researcher gave post- between two variables by take a look at the
test to the students after the researcher giving average score of two samples. In this
treatment. The result of pre-test and post-test and research, the researcher used t-test. T-test is
then the researcher compared them. There were done by some following steps:
20 items of multiple choices in pre-test and post- Step 1 : Stating the hypothesis
test. The tests were given both to the H0 : there is no influence of using
experimental and controlled classes’ students. mind mapping technique
The data was gained through test (pre-test toward students’ reading
and post-test) and it was analyzed by using some comprehension in narrative
formula as follows: text at eighth grade of SMPN 7
1. Test of Normality of the Distribution Kota Serang.
Ha : there is influence of using
Normality test used to know the mind mapping technique
distribution data normal or not. According to toward students’ reading
Sugiyono (2012:79) normality test is comprehension in narrative
performed to determine whether the test data text at eighth grade of SMPN 7
of students’ written test in the experiment Kota Serang.
and control class are normally distributed or Step 2 : finding ttest-count value
not. In this research used Chi-Square ttest-count was calculated by t-test used
formula (Arikunto, 2002:153) as follows: the formulas follows :
X2 = ∑
Notes : ∑ +∑ 1 1
X2 : The Chi-Square +
fo : The frequency that is
observed t = T-Test
fh : The frequency that is hope Mx = mean of deviation of
Testing criteria (significance level = 5 experimental group
% and degrees of freedom df (n-1): My = mean of deviation of control
If X2 count ≥ X2table it indicates the group
distribution of data is not normal. ∑x2 = sum of squared
If X2 count ≤ X2 table it indicates the deviation of experimental group
distribution of data is normal. ∑y2 = sum of squared
2. Test of Homogeneity deviation of control group
Nx = subject of experimental class
Riduwan (2012:184) said that Ny = subject of control class
homogeneity test is performed to determine Step 3 : finding the value of ttest table
whether the data obtained from a with df = ( Nx + Ny – 2 ) with α = 0,05
homogeneous population or not. In this Step 4 : criteria testing

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

If ttest count ≥ ttest table, H0 is refused , it most of the students still found difficulties to
means that alternative hypothesis is understand the text which was given by the
accepted. researcher. The students got difficulties to
If ttest count ≤ ttest table, H0 is accepted, it comprehend reading in narrative text. It could
means that alternative hypothesis is refused. be seen from the average of data which is
67.5. However they tried to give their best
answer of the test given. Afterwards, the pre-
test of control class conducted on Monday,
March 21st, 2016 showed that the minimum
3.1 The Result of Pre-test
score is 40 and the maximum score is 75. The
Pre-test was conducted in experimental students in control class got difficulties as
same as experimental class on answering the
class that is 8E and control class that is 8D.
The pre-test of experimental class was test. They got difficulties when they
conducted on Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016 comprehended and answered reading in
narrative text. It could be seen from the
showed that the minimum score is 45 and the
maximum score is 80. The test aimed to average of score which is 64.375. The result
measure students’ reading comprehension in of students’ pre-test scores in experimental
and control class can be seen at below table.
narrative text before they got treatment by
using mind mapping technique. From this test
Table 1. Pre-test score
Control Class' Pre-test score Experimental Class' Pre-test Score
No Name Score No Name Score
1 AF 65 1 AF 50
2 ALN 60 2 AM 75
3 ALP 60 3 AS 75
4 ALD 60 4 ASE 60
5 ARP 75 5 BRF 75
6 ARPI 75 6 CA 70
7 ASM 75 7 EN 70
8 DS 70 8 FAD 75
9 ELM 70 9 FAH 45
10 ELS 75 10 FAP 60
11 FA 65 11 FAZ 75
12 GB 60 12 FC 60
13 GS 65 13 JA 70
14 GT 60 14 KH 75
15 KA 50 15 MF 70
16 LS 65 16 MR 70
17 MG 70 17 MU 65
18 MW 70 18 MUF 70
19 MUA 75 19 MUHS 70
20 MUH 70 20 MUP 80
21 MUR 70 21 MUSN 60
22 MURA 65 22 NA 65
23 MUS 60 23 OW 70
24 RH 55 24 PA 60
25 RI 75 25 PAS 75
26 RIR 50 26 PP 60
27 RIT 40 27 RAY 75
28 RON 40 28 RDP 80
29 ROS 60 29 RIF 55
30 SA 55 30 RIR 70
31 SIS 70 31 RIZ 65
32 SIN 55 32 RO 60
33 SYA 60 33 SA 75
34 T EM 75 34 SU 75
35 T IA 75 35 VG 60
36 T RI 75 36 WN 75
37 UHA 55 37 YA 65
38 UYA 70 38 YUL 70
39 VR 75 39 YWP 65
40 ZI 60 40 ZM 60
T otal 2575 T otal 2700
Mean 64,375 Mean 67,5
Max score 75 Max score 80
Min score 40 Min score 45

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

3.2 The Result of Post-test score is 70 and the maximum score is 95. The
data showed that there are increasing of the
The post-test of experimental class was minimum score, 45 to 70 and the highest
conducted on Tuesday, April 5th, 2016. In the score 80 to 95.
post-test, the result showed that the minimum
Table 2. Post-test score

Control Class' Post-test score Experimental Class' Post-test Score

No Name Score No Name Score
1 AF 70 1 AF 70
2 ALN 70 2 AM 90
3 ALP 65 3 AS 80
4 ALD 70 4 ASE 80
5 ARP 80 5 BRF 90
6 ARPI 85 6 CA 85
7 ASM 80 7 EN 85
8 DS 80 8 FAD 85
9 ELM 75 9 FAH 70
10 ELS 80 10 FAP 75
11 FA 75 11 FAZ 85
12 GB 75 12 FC 75
13 GS 70 13 JA 80
14 GT 75 14 KH 95
15 KA 75 15 MF 80
16 LS 80 16 MR 85
17 MG 75 17 MU 75
18 MW 80 18 MUF 80
19 MUA 80 19 MUHS 85
20 MUH 75 20 MUP 95
21 MUR 85 21 MUSN 75
22 MURA 70 22 NA 80
23 MUS 65 23 OW 90
24 RH 70 24 PA 80
25 RI 80 25 PAS 95
26 RIR 60 26 PP 85
27 RIT 60 27 RAY 90
28 RON 50 28 RDP 95
29 ROS 65 29 RIF 75
30 SA 65 30 RIR 90
31 SIS 75 31 RIZ 75
32 SIN 60 32 RO 80
33 SYA 65 33 SA 80
34 TEM 80 34 SU 85
35 TIA 85 35 VG 75
36 TRI 70 36 WN 85
37 UHA 65 37 YA 80
38 UYA 70 38 YUL 85
39 VR 80 39 YWP 85
40 ZI 70 40 ZM 80
Total 2905 Total 3310
Mean 72,625 Mean 82,75
Max score 85 Max score 95
Min score 50 Min score 70

The post-test aimed to measure the technique. Based on the data, student’s reading
students’ reading comprehension in narrative text comprehension in narrative text increased. It can
after they got treatment by using mind mapping be seen from the different score of pre-test and

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

post-test. Moreover, the average also increased more confidence in answering the test. It showed
from 67.5 to 82.75. from their result also in the post test is higher than
The post-test of control class was conducted the pre test. The result of students’ post-test
on Monday, April 4th, 2016. The result showed scores in experimental and control class can be
that the minimum score is 50 and the maximum seen at below table.
score is 85. The aimed of post-test in control
class, such in experimental class, to measure the
3.3 The Result of Normality Distribution
students’ reading comprehension in narrative text
after they learned the material by using technique To test the normality of test, Chi-Square
which the teacher usually use in the class. Based formula was used by researcher to process the
on the data, it showed that the experimental class normality test. If the X2count is lower than
had the higher score than the control class. The X2table (X2count ≤ X2table), the data distribution
data could draw the influence of using mind was normal. The table below showed the
mapping technique on students’ reading result of chi-square calculation.
comprehension. In the post test, students were

Table 3. Normality Test of Pre-test in Control Class

Fo Fe Fo - Fe
Interval (Fo - Fe)2

40-45 2 -0,6 2,6 6,76 -11,267

46-51 2 -2,28 4,28 18,3184 -8,034
52-57 4 -5,72 9,72 94,4784 -16,517
58-63 9 -9,36 18,36 337,089 -36,014
64-69 5 -10,28 15,28 233,478 -22,712
70-75 18 -7,12 25,12 631,014 -88,626
40 -183,170
Significance 5% = 11.070
If X2 > Xtable = The data distribution is not normal
If X2 < Xtable = The data distribution is normal
Then, -183.170 < 11.070 = The data was normally distributed

Table 4. Normality Test of Post -test in Control Class

Class Interval Fo Fe Fo – Fe (Fo – Fe)2

50 - 55 1 -0.616 1.616 2.61146 -4.2394

56 – 61 3 -2.516 5.516 30.4263 -12.093
62 – 67 6 -6.572 12.572 158.055 -24.05
68 - 73 9 -10.516 19.516 380.874 -36.219
74 - 79 8 -10.248 18.248 332.99 -32.493
80 - 85 13 -6.376 19.376 375.429 -58.882
40 -167.98
Significance 5% = 11.070
If X2 > Xtable = The data distribution is not normal
If X2 < Xtable = The data distribution is normal
Then, -167.98 < 11.070 = The data was normally distributed

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Table 5. Normality Test of Pre -test in Experimental Class

Class Interval Fo Fe Fo - Fe (Fo - Fe)2

45 - 50 2 -0.712 2.712 7.35 -10.33

51 - 56 1 -2.692 3.692 13.63 -5.06

57 - 62 9 -6.644 15.644 244.73 -36.84

63 – 68 5 -10.136 15.136 229.10 -22.60

69 - 74 10 -10 20 400 -40

75 - 80 13 -6.328 19.328 373.57 -59.03

40 -173.87
Significance 5% = 11.070
If X2 > Xtable = The data distribution is not normal
If X2 < Xtable = The data distribution is normal
Then, -173.87 < 11.070 = The data was normally distributed

Table 6. Normality Test of Post -test in Experimental Class

Class Interval Fo Fe Fo - Fe (Fo - Fe)2

70 – 74 2 -2.068 4.068 16.5486 -8.0022

75 – 79 7 -6.188 13.188 173.923 -28.107

80 – 84 11 -10.652 21.652 468.809 -44.011

85 – 89 11 -11.084 22.084 487.703 -44.001

90 – 94 5 -6.672 11.672 136.236 -20.419

95 – 99 4 -2.328 6.328 40.0436 -17.201

40 1323.26 -161.74

Significance 5% = 11.070
If X2 > Xtable = The data distribution is not normal
If X2 < Xtable = The data distribution is normal
Then, -161.74< 11.070 = The data was normally distributed

Therefore, it can be concluded that the data Sample Homogeinity of Pre-Test

distribution of pre-test and post-test from both ∑ Xc 2 2575 2
∑ Xc2 - 169275 -
n 40
groups was normal. SC = = =
n 40
169275 - 165765.625
3.4 The Result of Homogeneity Variances 40
= = 87.73 (Biggest Variance)
The scores were taken from the eighth ∑ Xe 2 2700 2
∑ Xe2 - 184750 -
grade students of SMPN 7 Kota Serang. Total SE =
= =
n 40
variances from the students’ scores were 184750 – 182250
calculated to be compared. The result of 40
homogeneity test was obtained by comparing the = = 62.5 (Smallest Variance)
value of the highest variance and the lowest Biggest Variance 87.73
variance with the significance level 0.05 for dk = Fcount = = = 1.40
Smallest Variance 62.5
78 in Ftable = 1.70. The significance value data Fcount < Ftable or 1.40 < 1.70
calculated from both of class. So, the sample were homogenous
Sample Homogeinity of Pre-Test

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

∑ Xc 2 2905 2
∑ Xc2 - 213425 -
n 40
SC = = =
213425 - 210975.625
n 40 In the experimental class, the researcher
40 took class 8E as experiment class. In the first
= 61.23 (Biggest Variance) meeting, the researcher gave pre-test to measure
40 the students’ reading comprehension before they
∑ Xe 2 3310 2
∑ Xe2 - 275650 - got the treatment by using mind mapping
n 40
SE = = =
275650 – 273902.5
n 40 technique. It used for about 40 minutes. It was
hold on March 29th, 2016. After that, the
= 43.69 (Smallest Variance) researcher gave the material how to apply mind
Biggest Variance 61.23
mapping technique on narrative text to improve
Fcount = = = 1.40 their reading comprehension. The students must
Smallest Variance 43.69
Fcount < Ftable or 1.40 < 1.70 apply mind mapping technique to comprehend
Pre-test : Fcount < Ftable or 1.40 < 1.70 the text. The second meeting, the researcher gave
Post-test : Fcount < Ftable or 1.40 < 1.70 the same treatment held on April 1st, 2016. The
As the conclusion, the varians of those of material was narrative text too, but had different
those two classes were homogenous because the text with the first treatment. In this activity, the
calculation of Fcount is lower than Ftable. students apply mind mapping technique. Mind
mapping technique could make the students more
3.5 The Result of T-Test Analysis interested and understand well in teaching
learning especially in learning reading
To know the influence of using mind comprehension narrative text. Mind mapping is
mapping technique toward students’ reading an important technique that improves the way to
comprehension in narrative text, t-test was used record information, support and enhances
to calculate the result of pre-test and post-test. students’ creative problem solving. It can be said
After that, the mean and standard deviation of that mind mapping is one of the essential or
control and experimental class scores were important technique to improve student’s
gained, they were put into t-test formula to test creativity to solve problem, especially to conduct
the hypothesis. The calculation as follow: their reading comprehension (Buzan, 2005:4).
Mind mapping is a diagram used to represent
Txy = words, ideas, tasks, or other items linked to and
∑ +∑ 1
1 around a central key word or idea. It can be seen
in the treatment process, the students are more
interested and they felt enthusiast in learning
15.25 – 8.25 reading comprehension narrative text. The
897.5 + 1127.5 1 1
40 + 40 -2
40 40
students become cooperative and responsible in
learning reading. By using mind mapping
7 7 7 7 technique, the learners can summarize the story
= = = = = in the form of map. It can help the learners to
2025 2 25.96 0.05 √ . 1.14
78 40
comprehend the story. And the last meeting on
April 5th, 2016 the researcher gave the post-test
6.14 to know if there was an influence on their reading
comprehension after learned by mind mapping
After getting the Tcount, it will be compared technique. On the post-test the researcher gave
multiple choices test and it still about narrative
to Ttable. text.
In control class, the researcher took class
The t-test result was 6.14 it was higher than 8D as control class. The first meeting on March
ttable 1.99 with df (40+40-2) = 78 and significance 23th, 2016 the researcher gave teaching and
0.05. Tcount > Ttable = 6.14> 1.99 it means that tcount learning process to the students about the
> ttable. elements of narrative text. The second meeting
Based on the data above, the null hypothesis on March 28th, 2016 the researcher gave
(H0) that there is no influence using mind treatment using lecturing and discussion. The
mapping technique on students’ reading teaching and learning process using lecturing and
comprehension in narrative text was rejected. discussion has some steps, they are: each groups
And the alternative hypothesis (Ha) that there is are given one of narrative text copies, the
an influence using mind mapping technique on students read and find the generic structure of the
students’ reading comprehension in narrative text text, answer some questions from the text and
was accepted.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

discusses the text together with the students and opportunity to do the research in his
teacher. And the last meeting on April 4th, 2016 school.
the researcher gave post-test after they got 4. Anang Suryana, S.Pd as the English
teaching and learning process using lecturing and teacher of SMPN 7 Kota Serang, who
discussion. has given detail information that the
From the research finding, it was known researcher needed.
that tcount was higher than ttable and the alternative 5. Her beloved parents, H. Nana, S.Pd and
hypothesis (Ha) was accepted, while the null Hj. Yeti Rohyati who never stop to
hypothesis (H0) was rejected. It means that there support and pray their child to finish her
was any significant different score of the reading study.
comprehension of the eighth grade students of 6. Her beloved brother and sister, Ir. Arief
SMPN 7 Kota Serang before and after being Rahman and Rakhmini Juwita, S.E.,
taught using mind mapping technique. M.Si who have given her motivation
Mind mapping technique was very useful in and support in finishing her research
teaching reading comprehension narrative text paper.
because the students made mind mapping and 7. Her big family who always support her.
could memorize what they read easily. Finally,
the researcher concluded that mind mapping REFERENCES
technique had influence the students’ reading
[1] Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2002. Prosedur
comprehension in narrative text. So, there was
influence of using mind mapping technique Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktek.
toward students’ reading comprehension in Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta.
narrative text at the seventh grades of SMPN 7 [2] Ary, D, 2010. Introduction to
Kota Serang. Research in Education: Eight Edition.
Canada : Cengage Learning.
[3] Brown H. Douglas. 2004. Language
First of All the researcher would like to Assessment-Principles and Classroom
thanks to Allah SWT for the salvation and our Practices, New York: Longman.
great prophet Muhammad SAW. This research
dedicated to all who always gave patience and [4] Buzan, Tony. 2002. The Mind Map Book.
support, so the researcher could finish this London: BBC Worldwide Limited.
research paper entitled “The Influence of Using [5] Buzan, Tony. 2005. Buku Pintar Mind Map.
Mind Mapping Technique in Teaching Narrative Jakarta. PT. Duta Prima.
Text Toward Students’ Reading
Comprehension”. The researcher would like to [6] Cresswell, J. W. 2009. Research Design
express her sincere gratitude to all who always Qualitative and Quantitative Approach.
gave guidance and help, they are: California: SAGE Publication.
[7] Riduwan. 2012. Dasar –Dasar Statistika.
1. Dr. H. Masrupi, M.Pd and first advisor Bandung: Alfabeta.
who has given me best guidance to write
quality content of the research. [8] Sugiyono. 2012. Statistika untuk Penelitian.
2. Ledy Nurlely, M.Pd as the second Bandung: ALFABETA.
advisor who has given me help to show [9] Sukardi. 2003. Metodologi Penelitian
the best way to write the research. Pendidikan. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
3. Juharta, S.Pd as the principal of SMPN
7 Kota Serang who has given me

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Language Training Centre
Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah University
[email protected]


This paper is aimed to investigate the effects of computer- based national examination to the students. The
methodology used is quantitative method with desciptive analysis to explain the result of the study. The
researcher had collected the data by questionnaire and interview to the students of nintth grade of SMP N
2 Panggang. The respondent of this research is the ninth grader of SMP 2 Panggang. The study results show
that computer- based national examination affects the students’ preparation, students’ feelings and teaching
focus and parents’ involvement. It increase the students’ preparation for the test. whereas for the students’
feeling it covers the students’ unfamiliarity of the computer- based test, technical problem that may happen
in the computer- based test, the examination session and the students’ readiness. Whereas for the teaching
focus and parents’ involvement, most students do not have any objection to the situations since they feel
that it helps them to face the examination.Thie highlighted issues are decreasing students’ anxiety and worry
by guarante the examination process and providing adequate number of computer so the students do not
need to have second or third session. To sum up, the researcher reveals that the computer- based national
examination is need to be applied all over Indonesia since it increases the quality of national examination
and thus the quality of the test takers.
Key words : computer- based, national examination, high- stake testing

classroom to everywhere, from cycle time to real

time, from paper to online, and from the physical
Technology has been widely used in facilities to the web.
educational area. It is used in the teaching Recently, technology is used in not only in
learning process to improve the quality of the the teaching learning process, but also in the
teaching learning result. It can be seen in the use assesment. Starting on 2014, Indonesia
of movie, television, computer, application, government decides to held the national
internet and many other things that made the examination through online process. It is caused
students interested to participate in the class. by the weaknesses of the paper- based national
Class that merely contains white board and examination. The weaknesses of paper- based
marker is so yesterday and regarded as the boring national examination come from many factor
one. such as the high cost to held the exam, the
The use of technology in the teaching security of the paper, the leakage of the answer
process is gradually takes bigger portion as the key and many other that triggerred the need to
development of information and communication use more advanced method.
technology. The learning process using Considering those weaknesses, Indonesia
information and communication is widely known students of the twelft grade in 2014 had the first
as e- learning. Reference [10] defines e- learning computer based national. From the year on, not
as a learning process that done through the use of only the twelfth grader, but also the ninth grader
technology or internet to be specific or computer- that have computer- based national examination.
based learning. Reference [11] states the benefits of
The use of internet in the teaching and computer- based national examination are the
learning process surely make differences. The saving of printing costs, the security of the script,
students are more interested since the learning and the facilitation to distribute the exam
material is delivered in a more attractive way. materials. Moreover, computer- based national
Reference [1] states that it also changes the examination also give easiness in reaching the
learning process which used to be merely in the entire area and scoring process. It also gives
possibility to know the examination’s score at the

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

end of the test completion. It is also possible to scores or national examination that determine the
print the certificate of test completion right after students’ graduation from secondary schools.
the test. The use of computer for national
Yet, there are also barriers of conducting
examination has been since years ago by the
the computer- based national examination that
caused by the condition of the test that largely Education Assesment Centre/ Pusat Penelitian
depend to the technical problem. The barriers of Pendidikan. In the beginning the used model is
impementing the model include the wide area or CAT (Computer- Assisted Test) which is a model
vast territory, computer hardwares, internet that allow direct interaction to the provided
facilities, and the support of stakeholders. computer in the test number and test takers are
Although, computer- based national tested suited to their abilities. The test will be
examination can be said as the answer of the
stopped if the test takers answer a number of test
paper- based national examination, still there are
some weaknesses of computer- based national items with certain difficulty level.Based on the
examination. The weaknesses include the difficulty level of the test items that answered
stability of the internet connection, the electricity correctly and incorrectly, the computer
supply and students’ readiness. automatically estiamtes the test takers’ maximum
Thus, the researcher are interested in abilities. CAT result is decided by the test taker’s
investigating the effect of the new technology to estimated ability based on the taken test.This
the students.
model has been tried out in 2008. It was
considered to be a good model since each test
Computer- Based National Examination
taker was tested in the same difficulty level
National examination is the test that seen as
because the test was contionue going on until the
the most important high- stake tests. Thus it tends
maximum ability was reached.
to influence the students, the teachers and the
CAT model also was considered to be
parents psychologically. It is caused by their
effecient since it did not need too many number
perspective that this examination will influence
of test items because the computer- based
their future. Most of the teachers investigated
examination automatically gave test items that
admitted that the test aroused their anxiety and
suited to the test taker’s ability. It is different with
fear of the test results. This was caused by the
the old method which is paper- based test that
assumption that the test results will reflect their
needs a lot of test items. Yet, considered its very
competence as a teacher. Most students reported
complicated test items development process that
that the test icreases their anxiety of getting low
is based on item responsy theory, calibrated test
items that are suited the test takers’ abilities
The level of students’ ability determine the
while almost all schools still used paper- based
leval of anxiety, weaker and average students are
examination. So, CAT can not be applied
significantly more adversely affected by the
recently, but still use the computer- based test
potential failure in the test than the higher level
that is now called as computer- based national
students are.
Beside the negative influences, high- stake
In the computer- based national
tests also make teachers and parents pay more
examination, the test takers have direct
attention to the students and children especially
interaction with the computers which provide test
those with learning problem. Students also
items of the tested course. The test takers answer
icrease their intensity in learning. This might be
test items as in paper- based examination but in
seen as positive but since the increased attention
the form of computer. The number of test items
and involvement of the teachers, parents and
are provided as paper- based examination and
students may also lead to negative effects as
test items characteristics are ignored.
indicated by these following studies. Reference
To support the computer- based national
[9] states that if a test regarded important, if the
examination, there are two preparations needed
stakes are high, preparation for it can dominate
namely the hardware preparation and software
all the teaching learning process. Moreover in
preparation. The hardware preparation includes
Indonesia, national examination is a high stake
the providing of computer, internet connection,
test with a decisive contribution to the total final

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

and local computer web. It is done by the school test taker do not need to worry in blackened the
and or Education Board of the province. To avoid answer as in paper- based test. This decrease the
of high cost assumption, it is advised to take the test taker’s worry that they might not blackened
hardware preparation as not a mere examination the answer properly while they still be able to do
equipments but also the learning process and re- check their answer as long as the time is
supporting equipments. The needed computer is not over yet.
one computer for one test taker. In the practice, Computer- based national examination is
one computer can be used three times by three held offline to manage any obstacle locally. The
different test takers in the same day. Besides test material in the software prepared for each
computer, the school also need to provide school is the same for one province. The test
internet with local web. material is divided into three zone which east
Another preparation which is software Indonesia, central Indonesia, and west Indonesia.
preparation is provided by the Education There is one technician for each school and
Assesment Centre (Puspendik). This software two staffs in the examination room which are
preparation includes computer software and proctor and supervisor. Proctor is responsible to
examination software. Computer- based national guarantee all computers can be used to do the
examination is developed in the purpose that the examination, whereas technician has to make
computer can provide the test item regularly sure the provided hardware is well functioned.
during the test for each test taker. Examination The supervisor’s role is to supervise the
software provide a group of test items that has the examination process
test item characteristics. The examination may
end when the time is up or the test takers have Effects of high stake testing
finished the examination. National examination as one of bases to
In the examination, that software is determine students’ graduation has always
connected to the local web in the school. This became a controversy. In 2003 and forth, it
local web connects one computer to the other so became the main aspect of the graduation.
that there is only one center for the national Starting 2007, the asesment for the graduation
examination or server for each school. The changes following the protest that three years
computer- based national examination is held in learning process should not be counted in three/
group with a decided time allotment. There are four days examination. Even in the recent time
three sessions in one day examination so that one there are also some aspects in deciding students’
computer can be used by three test takers. graduation, national examination still considered
The computer- based national examination to be very important and have big effects to the
is started when the test takers come into the future. Thus, national examination is regarded as
examination room. The test takers fill in their high- stake testing.
identity in their computer then complete the user As referennce [6] and [13] said that stake
identity and password. If the user identity and that always followed a test caused positive and
password are correct, the identity of test taker’s negative effects.Studies on the the effects of
page will be displayed. It also displays the high- stake test such as national examination can
course, time allotment and general direction. The be found under the term “washback” which in
next step is activate the token. Token is a code to this study is defined as the effects of the national
access the test items and test time. If there are any examination to the students of having the
obstacle in the computer activation, there will be computer national examination.
a staff that will help the test takers. There are many previous researchs that
In the computer- based national reveal the effects, then will be called as
examination, the test takers have to do the test washback, of high- stake test may be either
items without consideration of item difficulty positive or negative. These researchs are done in
and test taker’s ability as in the computer- China ( Qi, 2005), Taiwan ( Chen, 2002), and
assisted test (CAT). The test takers are asked to USA ( Stecher, Chun, &Baron, 2004). Those
choose the most appropriate answer so that the

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

researchs reveal the various washback of high- teaching process is allocated increasingly to the
stake testing. nationally tested subjects. Whereas for the
Some of positive washback of high- stake dominant learning activity is drilling for the
test are the increasing of teachers’ attention to the national examination.
students especially to those who have learning
problem and higher involvement of parents’
participation in the examination preparation. This reseach is a descriptive quantitative
Inspite of the positive washback, high stake test research. Using micro approach, this research
may result in different aspects. The first is the highlights the effects of computer- based national
refocus of teaching activities which will have examination.
domino effects to the teaching allotment. More The population of the study is ninth grade
time is devoted for the computer- based national students of SMP N 2 Panggang.the school is
examination than by spending more time to teach chosen since it is one of rural area that is wished
the tested subjects. Reference [14] also shows to be able to describe most schools in Indonesia
that more curriculum is spent on on exam classes that are not in the city. The total students is 104
than in regular ones, this reallocation of time is students. all students in the ninth grade is taken
done at the expense of non- tested subjects , as the respondent.
resulting in the sort of washback labelling as The data of the research is taken by
narrowing the curriculum or narrowing the scope questionnaire and interview. The questionnaire
and the content of teaching and learning consists of 30 items which is in Likert scale.
(Reference [13]). Score for each item is classified as:
Changes in the content of teaching happen Strongly agree :5
only superficially instead of beinng directed Agree :4
substantially to meet the achievement standards Neutral :3
based on which a high- stake test is onstructed. It Disgree :2
is superficial in that teachers only teach the parts Strongly disagree :1
that the student will meet in a test. For example, In analyzing the questionnaire result, the
Not only the changes of teaching, the researcher use percentage and then describe the
negative washback of high- stake testing also percentage to reveal the researh result. Whereas
found in the students’ anxiety. Anxiety itself has for the interciew, the researcher uses semi-
two effects. Medium level anxiety may result in structured interview. The interview eewsult is
increasing learning achievement. On the other used to complete the descrption of the
hand, high- level anxiety unfortunately may questionnaire result.
result in decreasing students’ learning
In the Indonesia context, reference [8]
Students’ Preparation
investigates the washback of paper- baased
Most of the students feel that they are ready
national examination to the teachers. the research
to do the computer- based national examination.
reveals that the washback are shown in four
The multiple simulations held by the school are
aspects namely teaching focus, material, time
considered helpful by the students in preparing
allocation, and learning activities. Teachers
for the national examination. Only, 30% of the
prefer to have TOS (table of specification) of
students are not ready to do the examination. It
national examination to be their teaching focus.
is caused by both the lackness of the
The increased focus was given only to reading
understanding the material and the use of
and listening skill. This condition indicates
computer. They are afraid of the internet
teacher’s tendency to teach and narrow the
connection instability and electricity. Log in and
curriculum. Whereas for the teaching material,
log out that must be done by the students
the teacher prefers to use national examination-
themselves increase their worry that they might
like material. As national examination is
spend too much times in the log in.
considered as a high stake test, more time of the

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Students’ Feelings students. Eighty three percent students agree with

The dominant feeling of the students are the condition since they feel more ready to face
worry and anxious. There are four highlighted the test because of dominant test preparation. On
cause of this condition. Those as follows. the other hand, the rest feels that teaching focus
1) Unfamiliarity of the computer on test preparation is exhausting. Thus, the
Most of them do not have computer in their teaching focus of facing the test increases their
home and their computer use frequency is low. anxiey of facing the test. Whereas for the parents’
The students lack of having contact with involvement ninty four percent think that it is
computer outside the school. good for them since family support is needed in
2) Technical problem facing crucial time of their school life.
It turns out that internet connection and
electricity is not merely the examination comitte
concern. The students also concern about those Analyzing the effect (washback) of the
problem. They are worried if they have to redo computer- based national examination, the
the examination for some error. They are fear of researcher finds that computer- based national
blackout that may disturb the run of computer- examination brings many positive effects to the
based national examination. students. The use of computer and internet arouse
3) Examination session their proudness as todays generation which close
The time of doing the examination also to the newest technology.
influence the feeling. Most of the students who The smaller chance of cheating also
have the first session feel ready for the test, but motivate them to study harder since they realizes
the students that have the second and third it is almost impoosible for them to get the correct
session say that they have objection since they answer since they do not know whether they have
think having examination in the noon is more the same paper code.
tiring than the morning session. Yet the most highlighted cause of the
4) Students’ readiness negative effect is the students’ discomfort of
Students’ readiness consist of material having the second or third session. They said that
readiness and test readiness. Most of students are having the second and third session lower their
ready for the material since they realize that energy. They feel less energetic compared than
computer- based national examination allows no those who have first session.
leakage for the examination and any cheating in To sum up, the researcher reveals that the
the examination process. The students study computer- based national examination is need to
harder and have more frequent exercise of the be applied all over Indonesia since it increases
examination. the quality of national examination and thus the
Whereas for the test readiness, there is quality of the test takers.
lower percentage of students who state their To minimize the negative washback, the
readiness, yet the percentage of ready students is school have to guarantee the stability of the
still high. The higher percentage of students who internet connection and electricity. It is also
state that they are not ready for the test is mostly important to have adequate computers for all the
of their nervous of having a computer- based test students so they do not need to have different
although they already did some simulations sessions which affect their feeling in having test.
before the examination.

Teaching Focus and Parents’ ACKNOWLEDGMENT

The researcher would like to express her
It has been widely known and is proven in gratitude to the Head of the Language Training
some researchs that having national examination Centre of Yogyakarta Muhammdiyah University
also depress the teacher. The teaching process who has been kindly cover the cost of this
unconsciously became mere examination research and the conference registration. Also to
preparation. This condition has two effects to the the headmaster of SMP N 2 Panggang and all
teachers of the ninth grade for the permition to

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

conduct data collecting. Big thanks also [8] Furaidah, Saukah. A., & Utami, W.
addressed to all ninth grade students that nicely Washback of English national examination
fill in the questionnaires for the research data. in Indonesian context. TEFLIN Journal, 26
Last but not least, the researcher really thankful (1), 36 - 58
to his husband who has supported and helped the
[9] Hughes. (2003). Testing for language
process of this reaserch.
teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge University
REFERENCES [10] Nurchaili. (2010). Pengaruh media
pembelajaran berbasis teknologi informasi
[1] Abdullah, S. (2009). Pemanfaatan teknologi dalam proses pembelajaran Kimia terhadap
informasi untuk mencapai standar proses hasil belajar siswa. Jurnal Pendidikan dan
pembelajaran Matematika. Fasilitator, 4, Kebudayaan 16 (6), 648 - 686
43- 47
[11] Pakpahan, R. (2006). national exam: Its
[2] Al- Jamal, Du& Ghaldi, N. (2008). English benefirs and barriers. Jurnal Pendidikan dan
languagegeneral secondary certificate Kebudayaan. 1 (1): 19- 35.
examination washback in Jordan. Asian EFL
Journal, 10(3), 158- 186 [12] Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan
Kebudayaan No. 5 Tahun 2015 Tentang
[3] Bailey, K. M. (1996). Working for Kriteria Kelulusan Peserta Didik,
washback: A review of the washback Penyelenggaran Ujian Nasional, Dan
concept in language testing. Language Penyelenggaraan Ujian Sekolah/ Madrasah/
Testing, 13 (3), 257- 279 Pendidikan Kesetaraan Pada SMP/ MTs atau
[4] Chen, L. M. (2002). Washback of a public Yang Sederajat Dan SMA/ SMK/ MA atau
exam on English teaching. Retrieved from Yang Sederajat.
ERIC Database (ED 472167) [13] Qi, L. (2005). Stakeholder’s conflicting aims
[5] Cheng, L. (1997). The washback effect of undermine the washback function of a high-
public examination change on classroom stake test. Language Testing, 22 (2): 142-
teaching: An impact study of 1996 173.
Hongkong certification in English on the [14] Spratt, M. (2005). Washback and the
classroom teaching of English in Hongkong classroom: The implication for teaching and
secondary schools. (Doctoral Dissertation, learning of studies of washback from exams.
University of Hongkong). Language Testing Research, 9 (1), 5- 29
[6] Cizek, G. J. (2005). High stake testing: [15] Stecher, B. M. (2002). Consequences of
Context, characteristics, critques, and large scale high- stake testing on school and
conseqeunces in R. P. Phelps (Ed), classroom practice in L. S. Hamilton, B. N.
Defending standardized testing. Mahwahn Stecher & S. P. Klein (Ed.). Making Sense
NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates of test- based accountability in education.
[7] Cizek, G. J. & Burg, S. S. (2002). Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation.
Addressing test anxiety in a high- stake
environment.: Strategies for classroom and
schools. Thousand Oaks, CA: corwin Press

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Refa Lina Tiawati R.
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia
STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat
e-mail: [email protected]


In its development, the Indonesian language now provides a significant contribution to the Indonesian
nation. This is evidenced by the growing interest of foreigners to learn the Indonesian language. It looks at
the program BIPA (Indonesian for Foreign Speakers) which has been held in almost all major universities
both public and private. The great interest of foreigners to learn Indonesian language, also increase the
interest of Indonesian language study students to choose and study course BIPA. This study aims to describe
the learning of BIPA as the profile of graduates and achievement of learning Program of Language
Education and Literature of Indonesia in STKIP PGRI West Sumatra. The study of BIPA as the elective
course, in three semesters with three courses and one practice are (1) learning strategy of BIPA, (2) BIPA
Teaching Materials, (3) Learning Media of BIPA, and (4) Practice of BIPA. Therefore, this research is to
describe the form of learning organization of BIPA in STKIP PGRI West Sumatera. This research is a
qualitative research with descriptive method. From the analysis of research data, in the form of planning
and execution obtained BIPA learning as learning outcomes (CP) and the graduate profile BIPA teachers.
Keywords: BIPA learning, and Profile of graduate STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat

education personnel. The study program that

opened STKIP PGRI West Sumatera Is a S1 / A
Indonesian great potential to become an IV (undergraduate program) that prepares
international language (especially in southeast teachers with the authority to teach one field of
Asia) must be supported by a variety of study. One of them is the study program of
components, ranging from components Indonesian language and literature education. In
academia, language practitioners, and other the Indonesian language and literature education
stakeholders. One of them is the implementation program, Has one of the elective courses of
of teaching Indonesian language for foreign teaching BIPA. The BIPA Teaching Package has
speakers . Teaching BIPA became one of the four courses; 1. Learning strategy of BIPA, 2.
spearheads of the ideals support the BIPA Teaching Materials, 3. Learning media
internationalization of Indonesian language. BIPA, and 4. BIPA Practice.
Through these activities the dissemination and However, until now in developing and
improvement of the quality of speakers of the organizing the teaching of BIPA there has been
Indonesian language can be achieved. no definite standardization, leading to diverse
Therefore, in its development, the Indonesian educational backgrounds, ranging from linguistic
language is now giving a significant share for the and non-linguistic. Likewise with the
nation of Indonesia. This is evidenced by the background of his educational qualifications
growing interest of foreigners to learn the from S1 to S3. What is certain is the
Indonesian language. It looks at the program standardization of BIPA teaching now has good
BIPA (Indonesian for Foreign Speakers) which and true Indonesian language skills, mastering
has been held in almost all major universities Indonesian language language theory and
both public and private one of which is College Indonesian language teaching methodology.
of Teacher Training and Education (STKIP) Therefore, various methods should be done by
PGRI Sumatera Barat. STKIP PGRI West the teacher or teaching BIPA organizing
Sumatra is an educational institute of education institutions for teaching Indonesian to foreign
(LPTK) which aims to produce professional speakers, the planning of teaching, develop
education personnel such as teachers and other

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

teaching materials, develop instructional media, 3) Provisions on promotion, awards, and

and draw up an evaluation. certification of educators as referred to
Implementation of Teaching BIPA in paragraphs (1) and (2) shall be further
STKIP PGRI West Sumatra is an regulated under a government
education service group that conducts education regulation.
on a formal path, which is an educational force
educator institution (LPTK) that is eligible to So the BIPA teachers are at least S1
conduct or have a BIPA-chasing selection qualified in the BIPA professional
course. In line with Law No. 20 of 2003 article education.
43 which states that: Profile of Graduates and Learning
1) Promotions and awards for educators Achievement (CP) BIPA in STKIP PGRI
and education personnel based on West Sumatra
educational background, experience, Policy Directorate General of Higher
ability, and job performance in the field Education on the National Qualifications
of education. Framework Indonesia (KKNI) which sets
the CP and Profile graduates. In general, the
2) Certification of educators organized by stages of preparation of CP qualification
universities that have accredited graduates KKNI can be coveted as in the
educational procurement programs. following Figure.

Profile of graduates and learning achievement of Study Program

Graduate Profile Capaian pembelajaran
1 As an Indonesian language and Able to become master of the relevant basic sciences of linguistic and
literature teacher literature in order to get a deep study of sasatra and linguistic on the
subjects of Indonesian language.
Able to master the concepts and techniques of learning, development of
learning programs, presentation (methods, procedures, and information
technology), classroom management, and evaluation of Indonesian
language and literature learning
Able to apply basic sciences relevant to the field of linguistic and
literature to obtain a deep and comprehensive linguistic and literature
2 Print media journalism Able to master basic theories about print media journalism
Able to apply print media journalism theory in the world of work
Able to apply print media journalism theory in the world of work
Able to maintain and develop a network of counselors, colleagues,
colleagues both within and outside the journalism institutions print media
that shelter
3 Television media journalism Able to master basic theories about print media journalism
Able to apply journalistic theory of television media in the field of
journalism, scenario writing, news coverage, and news coverage for
television media
4 Teacher of BIPA Able to master basic theoretical concepts of BIPA teaching and master
basic theories about BIPA.
Able to apply the basic theory of BIPA in learning Indonesian for foreign

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Thus, the profile of graduate and Sumatra has one of the elective courses of BIPA
learning achievement (CP) of BIPA teachers in teaching. The BIPA Teaching Package has four
STKIP PGRI West Sumatra is the object of study courses; 1. Learning strategy of BIPA, 2. BIPA
in this research. This study aims to describe the Teaching Materials, 3. Learning media BIPA,
learning of BIPA as the profile of graduates and and 4. BIPA Practice
achievement of learning Program of Language a. Learning strategy of BIPA (2 SKS)
Education and Literature of Indonesia in STKIP This course discusses the theory of
PGRI Sumatera Barat. Learning BIPA as the strategy in learning and teaching BIPA. In
elective course, in three semesters with four this course we discuss about the types of
courses and one practice that is (1) learning learning strategies of BIPA, techniques
strategy of BIPA, (2) BIPA Teaching Material, and methods that can be used in teaching
(3) Learning Media of BIPA, and (4) Practice of Indonesian language to foreign speakers.
BIPA. Therefore, this research is to describe the
form of learning organization of BIPA in STKIP b. Teaching Materials BIPA (3 SKS)
PGRI West Sumatera. This course discusses the types,
characteristics and characteristics of
teaching materials that can be used in
BIPA learning.
This research uses qualitative approach
with descriptive research design. This study only c. Media Learning BIPA (3 SKS)
describes the implementation of BIPA learning This course discusses the media of
in STKIP PGRI West Sumatra. The research learning, understanding, types and
report is descriptive and creative in depth by characteristics, and characteristics in the
showing its natural characteristics. Sources of learning media suitable for teaching BIPA.
data in this research are documentation data of
d. Practice BIPA (3 SKS)
National Standard of Higher Education (SN
This course discusses the practice of
DIKTI) in 2014, academic guidebook of STKIP
learning Indonesian for foreign speakers.
PGRI West Sumatra (which is arrangement of
In this course is also discussed about the
organization), and RPS (Semester Learning
various characteristics, characteristics, and
medel pengajara appropriate for BIPA.
The main instrument in this study is the
researchers themselves who are directly involved BIPA learning planning in the program
in the activities pengajran, collection, Elective courses in STKIP PGRI West Sumatra
completion, and analyzing data research data. which opened in the academic year 2015/2016 in
Besides the researcher as the main instrument, the odd semester. Selected courses are prepared
this research also use supporting instrument to by making syllabus, RPS and Course Events Unit
support the research data that is in the form of (SAP) for each course. Aspects in the syllabus
document analysis guideline. are as follows. First, general information, which
Data collection techniques are includes about the name of course, course, course
observations as the main technique. The data code and lecturer Pembina. Second, the course
obtained are documents and drawings obtained description: 1. The position of the course, the
from data collection activities in the form of synopsis of the course, and the standard of
documentation observation activities. competence. The three libraries / references,
main books and supporting books, Fourth, the
assessment system; Components / aspects
The results of this study describe assessed: attitudes, general skills, special skills
(planning and implementation) of BIPA learning and mastery of knowledge. And fifth, description
as the preferred subject in the Indonesian of basic competence, subject matter and
language and literature education program indicator.
STKIP PGRI West Sumatra, with four subjects Components in the Semester Learning Plan
and one practice namely (1) learning strategy of (RPS) of the Indonesian language and literature
BIPA, (2) Materials Teach BIPA, (3) Learning education program STKIP PGRI West Sumatra
Media BIPA, and (4) Practice of BIPA. include: First, the learning achievement (CP),
Learning Planning of BIPA as the which is divided into the CP study program and
Elective Course at STKIP PGRI Sumatera CP, the courses. Second, a brief description of the
Barat Course. Third, the library: main and supporters.
In the course of Indonesian language Fourth, learning media: software and hardware.
and literature education, STKIP PGRI West Fifth, team teaching. Sixth, CP subject 9

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

according to the learning stage), learning gradually. The theme of the conversation also
materials, methods / learning strategies and varies according to the needs of the students.
assessment. Teaching materials designed should consider the
While the planning contained in the SAP level of learning is the level of basic,
component is first, indentisa course. Second, intermediate, and advanced.
learning achievement / leraning Outcome (LO). In BIPA learning media, the students
Third, lecture material. Fourth, the method of who take this elective course must be creative,
learning. Fifth, learning activities perpertemuan. and can use the learning media to help foreign
Sixth, penilian, attitude indicators and speakers quickly understand the learning
bibliography. materials. Learning media BIPA that can be used
include a. Graphics media, b. Audio media, c.
Implementation of BIPA Learning as the Audio-visual media, d. Game media and
Elective Course at STKIP PGRI Sumatera simulation, e. And surrounding environmental
Barat media. While the practice of BIPA in its
implementation at evaluation of BIPA, BIPA
In the implementation of BIPA learning seminar, and research on BIPA.
as an elective course in the study program of
language education and literature of Indonesia
STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat and as a graduate
The great interest of foreign nation to learn
profile and learning achievement study program
of learning activities carried out in four courses the Indonesian language, make the study
in the form of learning in the classroom. The program of education of language and literature
course of learning strategy of BIPA is some of Indonesia STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat open
specific method which must be mastered by subject of BIPA teaching choice and make BIPA
teaching as the profile of graduates and learning
students, in BIPA learning. Among them: a.
Direct method, b. Grammatical translation achievement of study program. With good
methods, c. Audio Lingual method, d. planning and execution, increasing the interest of
students of Indonesian study program to choose
Community learning method, e. Silent way, f.
Suggestive method, g. Method of total physical and study the course of BIPA learning.
response and h. Method of communicative
Subject of Teaching Materials BIPA, a REFERENCES
course that discusses the design of teaching [1] Peraturan Presiden Republik Indonesia
materials for foreign speakers. The level of Nomor 8 Tahun 2012 tentang Kerangka
material difficulty for BIPA students at Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia.
elementary level will be different from the
material for middle and advanced level. Material [2] Pedoman penyelengaraan prosese
that is too difficult or too easy will affect the pendidikan tinggi atas dasar system kredit
motivation of BIPA students. Thus, the prepared semester yang telah digaris bawahi oleh
material should pay attention to gradient dirjen dikti departeman pendidikan dan
difficulties. The material should be composed kebudayaan republic Indonesia (diakses,
from easy to difficult and concrete to abstract. November 2016)
The third principle is varied. Material that does [3] Hamid,Fud Abdul. 1987. Proses belajar
not vary will cause saturation. Variations are manager bahasa. Jakarta: Dirjen Dikti
done both on choosing the type of skills and
theme options. For example in learning speaking [4] Larsen-freeman & Long. Michaek (1991).
skills, teachers not only train students in An Introduction to second language
dialogue. Other types of speech should be given acquisition research. Longman, New York

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Anisa Putri Cahyani
Sebelas Maret University
[email protected]

Due to the increasing needs of qualified employees with good English proficiency for various positions in
airlines field, this study is conducted due to the need of a good material composition in teaching English
for the students prepared for the careers. This qualitative study shortlisted the conversational skills needed
in passenger-handling, based on what frequently performed in the reality. Data were collected through
questionnaires distributed to working alumni and staffs and interviews with airport manager, staffs, also
school coordinator. This paper presents the elements of English conversational skills the students need to
master, related to their job in passenger-handling, and the plan of technique to apply in teaching. The skills
are classified into general conversation and on-the-job conversation. The various teaching techniques are
possible if focusing on how students are able to perform the conversations well. Hopefully, this paper could
foster initiative thinking among ESP teachers in evaluating and revising their course material preparing
students to have a better quality of English proficiency in global communication.
Keywords: conversational skill, english for specific purpose, aviation english, need analysis, passenger

such area, and this one might be the initial study

for further researches.
The realization of ASEAN Economic The business growth of airports and airlines
Community (AEC) started as of 2016 concerns in Indonesia seemed to be a new promising area.
on the service of several following sectors: The need of young qualified workers is
airline, online service, tourism, medical and increasing year by year. Mostly found in big
logistics as stated by Abdurrahman, 2015 in [1]. cities, there are a lot of aviation schools and
The language used in the workplace as the training centers in Indonesia offering such
communication tool is English. Consequently, course. Depart from this, there are individuals in
teaching ESP (English for Specific Purpose)- private sector saw this fact as an opportunity to
EOP (English for Occupational Purpose) and its open aviation training centers with short-term
material relevance should not be neglected, course preparing the students to start career in
considering the fact that the number of studies airlines industry as soon as possible in a very
presented in TEFLIN (Teaching English as young age of nineteen or twenty. Meanwhile,
Foreign Language in Indonesia) conference these students must compete for job opportunity,
during 2011 until 2014 on ESP-EOP topic is and possessing good English proficiency is one
extremely few. Thus, the trend of ESP especially of the preferred skills.
EOP seemed to be an unpopular area of research In Indonesia, ESP teachers shall put a
in Indonesia [1]. greater effort than some other ASEAN countries
In fact, there have been a number of ESP since English is a foreign language, not a second
researches in business [2], tourism as in [3],[4]; language. In order to help these students who
pharmacy [5] and others, but not in the area of mostly still have low English proficiency to learn
Aviation English especially for airport passenger English used in their target job, needs analysis
handling. The reference found about Aviation has been the most popular and relevant
English were mostly about the communication methodology in ESP area [9]. Reference [10]
between pilot and air traffic controllers [6]; [7]; also confirmed that needs analysis is the method
[8]). Therefore, considering the urgency of the teachers should use to compose the material
attention given in this particular field, the which suits the learners’ need.
researcher perceived the need of more studies in Beside needs analysis, ESP could be
studied by using three other methodologies:

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

etnography, English as lingua franca (ELF), and questionnaire contained about the staffs’
corpus, which was also mentioned by [1]. As the experience related to the conversation with
heart of ESP is that it must be fulfilling the English-speaking passengers and their reflection
learners’ need [9], ESP teachers need to evaluate,
toward their own performance.
revise, and update their teaching materials in
order to help the students to master English well The researcher gathered the data from the
and to be competitive. In the context of Aviation respondents working in an operating company at
English for passengers handling, what are the Adi Sumarmo International Airport in Surakarta.
topics in teaching conversational skills which are After collecting the responses from the
relevant to the needs; that is the frequently operational manager and station coordinator who
performed conversation in the job site? had been working in the company since 14 years
ago, also from five staffs out of twenty five
working staffs in passenger handling position
This study objects needs analysis for with various length of working experience, the
designing teaching-learning material of English researcher clarified several responses through
conversational skills for candidates of airport in-depth interview. The data were analyzed
passenger-handling staff. Regarding with related through triangulation and categorization to list
conversational skill, there are two aspects the conversational skills needed by ESP students
studied: 1) The feedback/perception from in context of aviation industry – passenger
stakeholders; the manager and station handling.
coordinator, who managed and supervised
airport staffs, 2) the experience of airport staff in
passenger-handling position when they
From the coordinator’s response, it revealed
performed conversation with English speaking that there were five sub-positions in passenger
passengers in their job. handling, namely; service (greeting), check-in
Research instruments were designed to find (pasasi), AVSEC (Aviation Security), boarding
out those two aforementioned aspects by (waiting room), also lost and found. The station
designing a list of questions in the questionnaire coordinator and operational manager confirmed
and interview. Arranged as open-ended that each subposition had different job
description and the urgency of English
questionnaire, there are 15 questions for manager
conversational skill.
/ coordinator and 10 questions for the staffs. The Table 1 below displays the subpositions
earlier questionnaire consisted of two parts: and their job descriptions, given the rank based
general information about the job of passenger on the urgency of English conversational skill,
handling and the perception about English from the most urgent subposition to the less
conversational skills among the staffs. The latter urgent ones respectively.

Table 1. Passenger Handling’s Subpositions and Their Job Description

Rank Subposition Job Description

1. Check-in Assisting check-in passengers, handing boarding pass,
managing passengers’ seat number, accepting baggages
2. Services (Greeting) Greeting passengers, assisting passengers with special
needs (wheelchair, disabled), pregnant women, and VIP
3. Lost and Found Handling and checking passengers’ baggages after
flight, dealing with lost and found
4. Boarding Greeting and assisting passengers in waiting room,
(waiting room) proceed boarding to the plane
5. AVSEC (Aviation Ensuring security and safety of passengers and their
Security) bag(s)

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

The percentage of passengers speaking with both obstruction and ineffectivity of

English was predicted by the operational communication in explaining delayed flight or
manager around 10% out of all passengers, while mishandled baggages.
the staffs confirmed that they handled English- Even though the company management had
speaking passengers approximately 6 to 10 times not given any control, check, or evaluation
per week. Additionally, based on the interview related to the staffs’ English conversation, they
with the manager and coordinator also the staffs had monthly program to train English
as well, it revealed that the staffs of passenger conversational skill among the staffs of
handling still need much improvement related to passenger handling. This is important for the
their English communication skills either passive staffs, who still seemed frustated related to their
or active. All the staffs interviewed stated that low proficiency in performing conversation
they did not have confidence regarding with their (showed in the next figure of data from
English proficiency. This problem, according to questionnaire and interview with the staffs).
the coordinator, often caused troubles regarding

Respondent A B C D E
Sub-position Services Check-in Check-in Lost and Found Boarding
Length of 7 months 6 months 5 months 5 months 3 months
Frequency More than 8 per About 8 times in a Often, may be 9 Around 4 or 5 Often, may be 6
week week times per week per week times
Topic Greeting and Security question Check-in General Asking for
Performed in welcoming Giving direction conversation introduction boarding pass
the Conversa- Asking for ticket Warning about Excess baggage Casual topic and checking
tion or ittinerary valuable Giving direction Complaining identity
Giving direction belongings, Informing missing baggage Ensuring the
electronic, and passengers about (left at the gate of the flight
fragile in the delayed or cancelled previous airport)
baggage flights Lost and found
Giving direction
(gate, toilet)

Problem Need Understan-ding Understanding their Lack of Sometimes

encountered improvement in their utterance utterance vocabulary difficult in
during the understanding Responding their Able and fluent Low skill in pronoun-cing
conversation uncommon question or enough to give listening and words when
utterance commun-ication response for responding doing boarding
Lack of Lack of common questions Cannot express call
vocabulary vocabulary about procedure responses Cannot
Asking the Understan-ding Cannot comfortably understand their
condition or need English in various communicate utterance very
f‘ i l’ f bl ll

Figure 1. Summary of Questionnaire and Interview with PH Staffs

Fig. 1 presents the responses from the staffs The figure shows that all the staffs have less
divided on categories namely; sub-position, than one year experience working in the airport.
length of work, frequency of handling English- Performing different conversational topic for
speaking passengers per week, topic they each sub-position in their job, the staffs still
performed in the conversation, and the problem encountered problems when doing so, showing
encountered during the conversation. The that they still really need skill improvement both
researcher, however, could not find any passive and active. These findings, can be either
respondent whose job is in AVSEC or Aviation evaluation or reference for ESP teachers in
Security. From the further explanation of the aviation industry.
station coordinator, the staffs working in AVSEC
still need English skill and related vocabulary
primarily to perform instruction (imperatives)
Based on the data analysis, it proves that the
and prohibition to handle passengers going
through security check. passenger handling staffs still need to improve

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

their English conversational skill. This is d. Strengthening passive and active

understandable, since English is not a second communication skills
language in Indonesia, but a foreign language. As e. Teaching pronunciation
[11] stated, teaching and training conversational
skill in the classroom will lead the students to ACKNOWLEDGMENT
gain both linguistic and communicative
competence. Thus, in the context of ESP, the The researcher would like to express her
deepest gratitude for the respondents, who are the
class environment should be friendly for the
students to express their idea, enhancing social employees of airport operation companies in Adi
interaction based on the topic of the assumed Sumarmo International Airport, Boyolali, for
setting based on the ‘real’ topic. supporting this study whole-heartedly.
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[10] H. Basturkmen. “Ideas and Options in Airport Information Desk Staff”. Chinese
English for Specific Purposes.” London: Journal of Applied Linguistics vol. 33 (4)
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 2016 August 2010
[11] R. D. Eckard and, M.A. Kearny. “Teaching
Conversation Skills in ESL. Language in

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Naila Milaturrahmah1, Mardiyana2, Ikrar Pramudya3
Department of Mathematics Education, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training Sebelas Maret
Jl. Ir Sutami 36A Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Education today are expected to provide hard skills and soft skills for learners to form a competent human
resource to enable them to compete in the international. The ASEAN economic community provides a
major challenge for developing countries like Indonesia in improving the competitiveness of products and
labor. Therefore, the necessary education that can provide learning experiences for students so that students
have the ability to solve problems, think deeply, manage projects, and use a variety of technology and
information tools. Learning patterns, which could give it is STEM. Math is an important lesson because
mathematics is very useful in human life. Mathematics also can be integrated with a wide range of
disciplines such as science, social studies, art, health, reading/language arts, and physical education. The
21st century requires competent human resources in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
This paper aims to describe the importance of STEM as mathematics learning approach in Indonesia in the
21st century. This paper uses a descriptive analysis research method, and the method reveals that STEM
education growing in developed countries today can be a framework for innovation mathematics in
Indonesia in the 21st century. STEM education integrate understanding of science, math skills, and the
available technology with the ability to perform engineering design process. Implementation of
mathematics learning with STEM approach makes graduates trained in the use of mathematical knowledge
they have to be creative innovative products that are able to solve the problems that exist in society.
Keywords: stem, learning approach, mathematics learning, 21st century education.

with a variety of disciplines such as science,

social studies, art, health, reading / language arts
Education today is expected to provide hard and physical education. The 21st century requires
skills and soft skills to students to form a competent human resources in science,
competent human resources to enable them to technology, design engineering and
compete in the international world. The existence mathematics. Related to economic growth in the
of the Asean Economic Community (AEC) 21st century, workers should have a science and
present major challenges for developing math skills, creativity, expertise in information
countries like Indonesia in improving the and communication technology, and the ability to
competitiveness of products and labor. Therefore solve problems with complex (Jayarajah, Saat,
we need various measures to be able to realize and Abdul Rauf, 2014).
these expectations. The most important aspect in Akgunduz (2016) revealed that in order to
the development of a country is education. be able to compete in the global economic system
Education is needed now is education that can in the 21st century, a country must establish
provide learning experiences of students so that education where students gain an understanding
students have the ability to solve problems, think of science (Science), mathematics
deeply, manage projects, and use a variety of (Mathematics), engineering (engineering) and
tools and information technology. computers (Technology), and produce by using
In education, there are some subjects that the necessary skills in the field. Furthermore, he
are important to study because it has many also said that the education of Science and
benefits both in real life and in integration with Technology recently is a constructivism and
other subjects. One of the subjects that are very investigations aimed at integration with other
important to learn in school is math. Mathematics disciplines such as the effective use of
is an important lesson because mathematics is technology (Engineering) and problem solving
very useful in life. Math can also be integrated

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

skills (Mathematics) in building the basis of begin with real world problems. Benacka (2016)
STEM education. also says that learning to the real world is very
This is supported by research of Wijaya, important in the STEM subjects, therefore the
Karmila, and Amalia (2015) that STEM-based STEM learning should be more emphasis on
learning can train the abilities and talents of investigation and authenticity.
students face the problem of the 21st century Chew Cheng Meng (2014) say that STEM-
addition to a primary school teaching is based on based education is interdisciplinary field that
a theme based on STEM is expected to produce connects the four disciplines, namely Science,
the final output (Output) in the form of products Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
and designs created by the students associated Power of STEM workers in the field regarded as
with the design. one of the indicators of a nation's ability to
The development of approaches STEM in generate innovative ideas in several countries.
education in developed countries shows that This is because students who master STEM has a
STEM need to exist in education in Indonesia for lot of capabilities, such as the ability to identify,
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and implement, and integrate the concepts of
Mathematics) is a paradigm that creates inter- Science, Technology, Engineering and
disciplinary learning and provide achievement of Mathematics to understand complex issues and
the results of science, mathematics, engineering, have the ability to innovate in solving problems.
and technology while doing so (Akgunduz, The pattern of mathematics learning
2016). approach STEM emphasizes the principles of
STEM is implemented in schools from an practice, where in each student's learning is
early age to be a major influence for a State to always facilitated to practice so that students get
meet global challenges, as said Fadzil & Current the learning experience not to be forgotten as
(2013) that the presence of information research Chew Cheng Meng (2014) concluded
technology, knowledge-based economy, the that STEM must emphasize on the learning
mastery of Science and technology for students, experience of students in schools, the concept of
schools must produce human resources eye an integrated lessons, connections between
knowledgeable and competent with adequate subjects, the student's ability to solve problems,
ability and creativity to lead the country forward. methods of thinking in depth, the ability to
Based education through Science, Technology, manage projects types of tasks, understanding
Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), the and skills regarding the design engineering, as
development of technology can be scaled to meet well as the use of information and technology.
global challenges. This is also supported by Fadzil & Current
The findings of the study (Han, Rosli, research (2013) which concluded that the
Capraro, Capraro, 2016) showed that students in practice can improve students' manipulative
the school STEM PBL showed higher scores on skills and competence in manipulative skills can
the material geometry, probability, and problem enhance STEM education in Malaysia.
solving than those in non-STEM schools PBL. It Some studies say that learning approaches
shows that STEM is suitable to be applied to that support STEM is the discovery or inquiry-
most materials Mathematics. based learning as well as research of Blessinger
In mathematics, using the concepts of & M. Carfora (2015) who argued that the
STEM will make students more frequently apply inquiry-based learning (IBL) is currently used in
the material in everyday life so that students will various STEM program. The study strongly
get used in solving mathematical problems in suggest IBL for IBL has great potential to
everyday life by thinking scientific, using improve and transform teaching and learning.
technology to obtain a variety of information, Based education STEM is recognized as a
and data processing with engineering capabilities way to motivate children to enjoy math as said
, As said Wang, (2011) that the training of Jayarajah, When, and Abdul Rauf (2014)
students in this way (paradigm STEM) is increment based education STEM into how to
considered beneficial because it is a motivate young people to be more interest into
multidisciplinary world which relies heavily on science and math because math knowledge
the concept of STEM, in which students must use affects the economy of the State such opinions
to solve real world problems. Abdullah Halim and Zakaria (2014) that the
Wang, (2011) explains that the whole economy of the country related to math,
multidisciplinary integration requires students to science, accounting, transportation, engineering,
connect the components of the various subjects economics and geology so that the main
taught in different classes at different times, responsibility as an educator is to instill the
while the interdisciplinary integration could importance of STEM into the mathematics

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

curriculum. One way is to increase the ability of Based Learning (PBL) on Students’
mathematical problem solving among school Achievement in Four Mathematics Topics dari
children. Journal of Turkish Science Education (JTSE),
In general, how to teach mathematics what Is STEM? A discussion about conceptions
focuses on exercise and given the facts and of STEM in education and partnerships from
procedure, while this does not encourage the School Science and Mathematics (SSM), STEM
thinking and problem solving for students do not Integration: Teacher Perceptions and Practice
learn the importance of math in everyday life from Journal of Pre-Collage Engineering
because just being students memorize math. Education Research (JPEER), Secondary
Math problem solving skills can be achieved by Students' Perceptions of Assessments in Science,
applying complex thinking through systematic Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
awareness (Abdullah Halim & Zakaria, 2014). It (STEM) from Eurasia Journal of Mathematics,
reveals the importance of innovation in learning Science & Technology Education (EJMSTE),
mathematics that can provide in-depth Innovative Approaches in Teaching and
knowledge to the students in order to become a Learning: an Introduction to Inquiry-Based
competent resource of the 21st century. Based on Learning for Stem Programs dari Innovations in
some opinions about STEM education above, it Higher Education Teaching and Learning
is offered as an approach approach to STEM (IHETL), and VStops: a Thinking Strategy and
learning of mathematics in the 21st century. Visual Representation Approach in
Mathematical Word Problem Solving toward
Enhancing STEM Literacy dari Eurasia Journal
of Mathematics, Science & Technology
This investigation focused on several Education (EJMSTE).
articles published in 2011 through 2016 that talks Nine of the article, then taken matters
about STEM. Obtained nine articles were
relating to the benefits and applications of STEM
analyzed to reveal the STEM approach which is then analyzed to be applied to the study of
then analyzed to be applied to the study of mathematics that will be the approach to
mathematics. Articles obtained among others A
mathematics that can sustain the needs of
Review of Science, Technology, Engineering & countries in the 21st century.
Mathematics (STEM) Education Research from
1999–2013: A Malaysian Perspective from
Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science &
Technology Education (EJMSTE), a Research The findings of this study provide a
about the Placement of the Top Thousand descriptive analysis of the nature of research
Students in STEM Fields in Turkey between currently being done in the field of STEM
2000 and 2014 from Eurasia Journal of education. The findings demonstrate the
Mathematics, Science & Technology Education frequency of article method/research design in
(EJMSTE), Enhancing STEM Education during the published articles, the frequency of research
School Transition: Bridging the Gap in Science focus/outcome in the published articles, the
Manipulative Skills from Eurasia Journal of frequency of each type of participant group, and
Mathematics, Science & Technology Education the affiliation of the first and second author of the
(EJMSTE), The Effect of Science, Technology, published articles.
Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Project

Table 1. Frequency of Article Method Sorted by Journal

Description 1 1
Literature 1 1
Quantitative 2 1 3
Qualitative 2 1 1 4
Total 5 1 1 1 1 9

Of these, there are 9 articles that can be In the previous study, Brown conducted
analyzed to obtain the results of the content analysis to identify seven types of
implementation of STEM education. research methods in the published articles. The
What is the Scope of the Research being present study utilized the same categories in the
Conducted in STEM Education? spirit of the original definitions:

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

a. Activity, Any article that described a f. Quantitative, Articles in which authors

classroom activity, along with specific performed a research study solely by
instructions for a teacher to follow and collecting and analyzing quantitative
an analysis of the effectiveness of the data.
lesson. g. Qualitative, Articles in which authors
b. Descriptive, An article that described a performed a research study solely by
process, event, or pedagogy without a collecting and analyzing qualitative
specific activity. data.
c. Editorial, Articles that were based
solely on the author’s opinion, but that Table 1 shows that the method used to
specifically discussed STEM education discuss and report findings were heavily
research. concentrated in mixed methods, quantitative
d. Literature Review, Articles that research, and editorials. Descriptive articles,
reviewed and summarized existing activities, and literature reviews were the least
literature on the topic of STEM frequently used approaches. The articles are
education. sorted by the journal in which they were
e. Mixed Method, Articles in which published to demonstrate the type of research that
authors performed a research study with each journal tends to publish.
both quantitative and qualitative
Table 2. Article Outcome Sorted by Journal
Science Education
Technology Education
Engineering Education
Math Education 2 1 3
Integrative STEM 3 1 1 1 6
Total 5 1 1 1 1 9

Table 2 shows which type of article is most E into M. As said Breiner, (2012) that the
frequently published by each of the journals in vision of an integrated approach to STEM
the study during the research period. education aims to remove the walls between each
of the STEM fields in the silo approach and the
approach embedded (embedded), as well as to
teach students as one of the subjects. But in
One of the characteristics of STEM
mathematics learning of STEM is used as a
education is to integrate science, teknonogi, paradigm of thinking where in the study of
engineering, and mathematics to solve real mathematics, students are taught to think
problems. However, there are various methods
scientific, using technology to obtain a variety of
used in practice to integrate disciplines - the information, and data processing with
STEM disciplines, pattern and degree of its engineering skills. In the context of primary and
integration depends on many factors (Roberts, secondary education is common in many
2012). If the subjects of science, technology, countries, including Indonesia, only the subjects
engineering, and mathematics are taught as
of math and science that are part of the
subjects are separate from each other and are not conventional curriculum, while the technology
integrated (referred to as "silos"), this situation is and engineering subjects only a minor part or
more aptly described as an S-T-E-M than STEM
even not in the curriculum. Therefore, more
(Dugger, n.d). The second way is to teach each terpumpu STEM education in math and science.
STEM disciplines that are more focused on one In this regard Bybee (2013) conceptualize a
or two of the STEM disciplines. The third way is
continuum of integration STEM consisting of
to integrate one into three STEM disciplines, nine alignment patterns, ranging from
such as engineering content integrated into the disciplinary S-T-E-M as a "silo" (subjects stand
subjects of science, technology, and
alone) to STEM subjects as transdisciplinary.
mathematics. A more comprehensive way is the Integrating deeper into subjects form
fourth fuse STEM disciplines and taught as an transdisciplinary curriculum requires a thorough
integrated subject, for example, the content of
restructuring, so that a relative may be difficult in
technology, engineering and mathematics in the context of the structure of a conventional
science, so the math teachers integrate S, T, and curriculum in Indonesia. One intergasi patterns

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

that may be implemented without restructuring d. Want to be involved in the study of STEM
the curriculum of elementary and secondary related issues (eg energy efficiency,
education in Indonesia is to incorporate the environmental quality, natural resource
content of science, engineering, and technology constraints) as constructive citizens,
in mathematics learning, as illustrated in Figure concerned, and reflective by using the ideas
1. of science, technology, engineering and

STEM education is a global movement in

educational practice which integrate with
different patterns of integration to develop the
quality of human resources in accordance with
the skills to claim the 21st century. Learning
math STEM-based education curriculum
compatible with the system prevailing in
Indonesia today. STEM-based learning
mathematics is learning the subject matter of
mathematics, in which the integrated design
system designs and the use of technology for
solving real problems. It is expected the learning
Figure 1. illustrated of science, of mathematics-based STEM education
engineering, and technology in mathematics contribute to improving the competitiveness of
learning Indonesia. STEM-based implementation of
mathematics learning requires learning mode
Full integration patterns are relatively easy shift from teacher-centered learning to the
to do at the primary school level, when learners learner-centered learning, of individual learning
are taught by a classroom teacher. Meanwhile, a towards collaborative learning and emphasizes
form of "embedded STEM" is more appropriate the application of mathematical knowledge,
for middle school. STEM education embodied in creativity and problem solving. In addition, the
certain situations when learning math or science implementation of STEM-based mathematics
involves akitivitas authentic problem-solving in instruction also requires a shift in valuation
the context of social, cultural, and functional methods, from conventional assessment relies on
(Roberts, 2012). Mathematics and Science testing toward authentic assessment that
deemed fit to be a vehicle to bring Education emphasizes performance appraisal and work
STEM, because both of these subjects is the main products. In mathematics, an assessment of the
subject in primary and secondary education, and cognitive aspects of using a test description that
became the foundation for students to enter will encourage students to be able to solve
careers in the disciplines of STEM, which is seen complex problems and encourage students to
as fundamental to technological innovation and high-level thinking. Therefore, STEM can be
economic productivity. innovative approach to learning mathematics in
STEM education aims to develop a STEM- the 21st century, especially in Indonesia to
literate learners (Bybee, 2013: 5), which has: establish a competent human resources and is
a. Knowledge, attitudes, and skills to identify expected to help the country.
questions and problems in his life situation,
explain natural phenomena, designing, and ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
draw conclusions based on the evidence of The authors thank to the Faculty of
STEM related issues. Education and Teacher Training UNS for this
b. Understand the characteristic features work, and Sampoerna Academy for finding real
STEM discipline as a form of knowledge, application of STEM Education.
investigation, and the design was initiated
by humans. REFERENCES
c. Awareness of how the disciplines of STEM
forming material environment, intellectual [1] Abdullah, Nasarudin., Halim, Lilia., and
and cultural. Zakaria, Effandi, “A Thinking Strategy and
Visual Representation Approach in
Mathematical Word Problem Solving

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

toward Enhancing STEM Literacy” Eurasia Effect of Science, Technology, Engineering

Journal of Mathematics, Science & and Mathematics (STEM) Project Based
Technology Education. 10(3), pp.165-174, Learning (PBL) on Students’ Achievement
2014. in Four Mathematics Topics,” Journal of
Turkish Science Education, vol. 13, pp. 3-
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Mathematics, “A Research about the
Placement of the Top Thousand Students in [9] Jayarajah, Kamaleswaran., Mohd Saat,
STEM Fields in Turkey between 2000 and Rohaida., and Abdul Rauf, Rose Amnah, “A
2014,” Science & Technology Education, Review of Science, Technology,
vol. 12, pp. 1365-1377, 2016. Engineering & Mathematics (STEM)
Education Research from 1999–2013: A
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“Innovative Approaches in Teaching and
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Learning: an Introduction to Inquiry-Based
Education, vol. 10, pp. 155-163, 2014.
Learning for Stem Programs,” Innovations
in Higher Education Teaching and Learning, [10] Mohd Fadzil, Hidayah and Mohd Saat,
vol. 4, pp. 3-19, 2015. Rohaida, “Enhancing STEM Education
during School Transition: Bridging the Gap
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in Science Manipulative Skills,” Eurasia
and Koehler, C.M, “What Is STEM? A
Journal of Mathematics, Science &
discussion about conceptions of STEM in
Technology Education, vol. 10, pp. 209-218,
education and partnerships,” School Science
and Mathematics, vol. 11, pp. 3-11, 2012.
[11] Roberts, A., “A justification for STEM
[5] Bybee, R. W, “The case for STEM
education,” Technology and Engineering
education: Challenges and opportunity,”
Teacher, vol. 74, pp. 1-5, 2012.
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(NSTA), Press, 2013. [12] Strayhorn, Terrell L, “Sense of Belonging
and African-American Student Success in
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Stem: Comparative Insights Between Men
Mathematics, “Secondary Students'
and Women,” African Americans’ Paths to
Perceptions of Assessments in Science,
STEM Fields Diversity in Higher Education,
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
vol. 11, pp. 213–226, 2011.
(STEM),” Science & Technology
Education, vol. 10, pp. 219-227, 2014. [13] Tipps, Steve., Johnson, Art., & M.K.,
Leonard, Guiding children’s learning of
[7] El-Kafafi, Siham, “Why is it hard to engage
mathematics. Amerika: Thomson, 2008.
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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Yermia Tri Utami1, St. Y. Slamet2, Winarno3
Universitas Sebelas Maret1, Universitas Sebelas Maret 2, Universitas Sebelas Maret 3
[email protected], [email protected], 3winarno_uns@

The research aims to analyze the quality and the decency of teaching materials related to the matter on
writing kid stories in the fourth grade of elementary school in Surakarta. Data collecting technic in the
research is done by interviewing, observing and doing Forum Group Discussion (FGD) together with some
the fourth grade teachers of elementary school. Method used in the research is descriptive qualitative. The
result of the research show that in elementary school especially the fourth grade, the learning of kid stories
writing still has some problems. Its problems are only available some teaching materials on writing stories
and they are still to common and incomplete in the teaching materials available in elementary school, they
are only some examples on kinds of kid stories and kid stories writing exercise. The matters look in
suffucient because there is no matter about how to write kid stories. The teachers say that they only present
the lesson which are similar to the books in their teaching. Therefore the students can not maximize their
ability on writing kid stories. The teachers still need the addition of teaching materials on writing kid stories
as support. So we need the new innovation about the developing og teaching materials on writing kid stories
as the additional materials helping the teachers and the students of the fourth grade controll the matter of
kid stories writing. The result of the research is gotten the prototype of teaching materials on writing kid
stories on contextual basis which can help the teachers as the teaching media in enlanging the sight on
writing kid stories and the students are motivated in expressing idea, opinion and mind in a story.
Keywords: teaching material, writing, kid story.

matter of stories writing should be more

Language plays an important role in the According to Puryanto (2008:7), kid story
development of the students intelectual, social contains the educating theme, its story way is
and emotional and supports the success in straight and fluent, using the setting which is
learning all subjects. Writing skill is one of four around or in kid world, figure and figuration
aspects in language skills tought at school. The contain a good example, its style language is easy
four aspect are paying attention, speaking, to know but can develope kid language, sight
reading and writing skills. They alwayss relate corner of right man and its imagination is still in
one another. By writing, the students study to children mind. Tarigan (1995:5) defines that kid
express what are in their minds. story is a book which focuses children’s eyes as
Writing skill is the last langguage skill. The the main observer, children’s eyess as ust focus.
writing activity is the last competency form Kid literature is a literature that reflects a feeling
controlled by a language student after listening, and experience from today’s children, which can
speaking and reading skill (Nurgiyantoro, be seen and understood through children’s eyes.
2012:422). The writing skill is considered as the Kid story writing skill is one of the
most difficult skill to be controll even for a native activities whicch the students have to do. Kid
speaker. The writing activity no only expresses story is a story which the readers are espicially
the idea, but also has the ability to express idea, children. According to the readers purpose, kid
knowledge, experience, concept, feeling and story is required to be made in the different form
hope which will be delivered through their from adult story so they can be accepted and
writing for other people. Due too the importance understood by children well. Kid story is the
of writing in Indonesian teaching at shcool, the shadow or the description of the life of
teaching of writing needs to be more efective. imaginative child into the shape of kid language
Being tought the writing skill. The students are structure kid story is one of the literature form
axpected to have the better skill. Explaining the which is arranged on the rality or the imagination
with content and language of the children and so

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

they can understand and do the goodness. exercise. Therefore, in the teaching process of
According to Kurniawan ( 20113:43), kid story writing, the teachers often ask their students to
is a story which is written with children’s write without being taught how to write. So the
imaginatin. Kid story, in kid literature theory teaching materials has the most important
included kid fiction, that is kid literature which is position in the teaching process.
told narratively with the fictionality aspect. There
are some kinds of kid stories. They are realism
kid story, formula kid story, fantasy kid story,
science kid story and traditional kid story. The research uses descriptive qualitative
In the learning process, kid stories writing method which try to describe phenomenom,
situation, event or actual event about the teaching
needs the support teaching materials. The
teaching materials or education content is the materials of story writing. The observer acts as
learning matter which is given by the teachers to instrument and data collecting. The research is
done in five christian schools in Surakarta. The
their students. In the book “Pedoman Memilih
dan Menyusun Bahan Ajar” (Depdiknas 2006:4) data analysis done descriptively is exploring all
is stated that teaching material or intructional materials which are got from the document
analysis, observation result, interview and Forum
materials mostly consist of knowledge, skill, and
attitude that must be learnt by students in order to Group Discussion (FGD)
reach the determined competency standard. In
detail, kinds of teaching materials consist of
knowledge( fact, concept, principle, procedure), a. The Result og The Teaching Analysis on
skill and attitude. The role of the teaching Writing Story
materials for teachers and students is very Based on the observation and interview in the
important in teaching process. According to fourth grade of elementary schools in Surakarta,
National Center For Vocational Education in the teaching process of Indonesian, especially
Research Ltd/ National Center For Competency the kid stories writing matters still has some
Training (Majid, 2007:173-174), there are two problems both from the teachers and from the
meanings of teaching materials :a) teaching student. In the teaching, the teachers are not
materials is information, instrument and text that maximum to teach about writing. So they give
is needed by teachers or instructors for the plan theory on writing but they are not maximum to
and exploration of teaching implementation, b) practice. The percentage of writing skill matters,
teaching materials is every materials which are especially on sub writing of stories in textbook is
used to help teachers or instructors do the activity to small. Basides, the students only focus on the
of teaching and studying in class. The materialss exercises than the story making process. Because
can be written and unwritten. of the lack of explaination and practice on
According to Amri (2010 :159), the writing, it affects the low creativity of the
teaching materials have the important position in students. They don’t realize the importance of
the teaching. The teaching materials is all kid stories writing. They have the difficulties on
materials used to help teachers/insttructor do the the teaching of story wriitng. Up to now, the skill
activity of teaching and learning in class. The of students on expressing ideal and opinion into
materials can be written an unwritten. According story is not maximal yet.
to Arsyad (2011:89), a teaching material has to
have the interest to attract the students attention b. The Result of Teaching Materiaals
and willingness to study. The interest of teaching Document
materials can be put in some parts, like : cover, From interview, observation and Forum
content with pictures or illustrations and Group Discussion (FGD) with the teachers of the
exercises which are made interentingly. fourth grade from elementary schoool in
Introduce each chapter or new parts differently. Surakarta, the result i get is the teachers use the
Based on the result of observation and teaching materials tp supprot and help them when
interview to the fourth grade teachers in some they teach in class. They teach the some lesson
school in Surakarta. They use textbook from as what is in the textbooks. The books from
publishers. They state that in their teaching, they publishers give the contextual problem in giving
teach what are in the book. The book from matters. The matters about the teaching of story
publishers only give some contextual problem of writing is not complete. In generall, the textbooks
each material. The materials about stories writing are still common on some language skills which
are not complete yet. In general, the books are consist of listening, speaking, reading and
still common and only give meaning, only some writing skill in a book. Besides, the books only
example on the story and quenstions on writing present meanings, examples of the story and lack

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

of writing exercise. At school, there is no specific especially in kid story writing skill. So the
book in a certain skill, like writing skill. The students can controll and increase their creativity
materials are considered too small because there well. Beside as the support for students for
is no materials about how to write story. Beside student, the teaching materials also help the
the teaching materials are unsufficient, the other teachers enlarge their sight about the kid story
problem the schools have, is the lack of the writing skill. So it is needed the development of
teaching materials. The teachers in the teaching the teaching materials about the kid story writing
process only use a textbook as a guide and an on contextual basis which can help the teacher
exercise book as the addational evaluation, relate between the taught materials with the
besides there is no the used teaching materials. situation of the real world and support the
This affects the lack of the maximal ability on students to make relation berween knowledge
writing kid story for the students. The teachers they have with their application in their life as the
still need the additional teaching materials on society family membersand it is implemented
writing kid stories as a support, so it will make into the indonesia onwriting kid story. The
easier for the teachers in the teaching process. students can lift up the problem in their daily life
The expected teaching materials are the materials and it up to the kid story writing skill.
which can relate the matters with the daily
surrounding, so the students are easier and
motivated in their learning process. The teaching
Based on the research above can be
materials should contain about story writing
technic and contextual materials in order to be concluded that there is unsufficient materials in
understood by the students. Beside the materials elementary schools. The activity of learning with
about kid story writing, the teachers also hope the availabilityof teaching materials at schools
that the teaching materials contain the exercises does not fullfill the principle of teaching
materials yet. So it’s needed the development of
of kid story writing and work sheet of kid story
teaching materials about kid story writing of the
fourth grade in elementary schools to support the
teaching materials especially the kid story
writing skill. So the students can controll and
Based on the result of abservation, increase their creativity well.
interview and Forum Group Discussion ( FGD ), The result of the researck is got the
the teachers state that they present the lessons prototypeon the teaching of kid story writing on
which are in textbook. The books from publisers contektual basis which can help the teachers as
only give contextual problem in presenting the teaching media in enlarging the sight on kid
materials. The materials about the teaching of story writing skill and the students are motivated
story writing is un sufficient. In general, the in expressing idea, opinion and mind in a story
books are still cammon and only present The suggestion given to the used teaching
meanings, some examples of the story and the materialsare : 1) it is needed next innovation
exercises of writing. The materials are about the teaching materials for elementary
considered too small because there is no schools. 2) the teaching materials which will be
materials about how to write stories. Because of arranged later, should be arranged with the
this, in the teaching process, the teachers only ask approach on student’s ability and characteristics
their students to write story without being taught in order that it can increase the student’s skill in
how to write. So the teaching has the most using language.
important position in the learning process. It
goesa long with the research done by Mustofa ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
and Effendi ( 2016: 1 – 8 ) which state that the
teachers present the lessons which are similar to Many problems in writing the proposal, but
the books their teaching. Today’s books only they can be salved because of the other people’s
help. In the opportunity, the writer would like to
give contextual problem in presenting matters.
The materials about the theaching of story gratitude to ;
writing are insufficient. By looking the reality in 1. Prof. Dr. St . y. Slamet . m.pd . as the first
field on the availability of the teaching materials counsellor theses on scholar program of
about kid story writing in elementary schools to sebelas maret university who guides in the
maximize the teaching process, so we need a new research.
innovation about the teaching materials of kid
story writing in the fourth grade of elementary 2. Dr. Winarso. S.pd as the second
schools. It is for supporting the teaching process counsellor theses on scholar program of

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

sebelas maret university who guides in [2] Arsyad, A. 2011. Media Pembelajaran.
research. Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada.
3. The headmasters and the headmistresses [3] Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Dasar dan
around the Education Departement Of Menengah. 2006. Pedoman Memilih dan
Surakarta who have permitten the writer to Menyusun Bahan Ajar. Jakarta.
do the researh.
[4] Majid, A. 2008. Perencanaan Pembelajaran
4. The teachers around the Education Mengembangkan Standar Kompetensi
Departement of Surakarta wo have helped in Guru. Bandung: PT Remaja Rodsakarya.
the research.
[5] Mustafa, Devi Anggraeny dkk. 2016.
5. The students of the fourth grade of Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Pembelajaran
elementary school who have participated in Menulis Cerita Berbasis Pendekatan Proses
the research. Bagi Siswa SMP. Lingtera Volume 3 nomor
[6] Nurgiyantoro, Burhan. 2010. Penilaian
REFERENCE Pembelajaran Bahasa Berbasis
Kompetensi. Yogyakarta: BPFE.
[1] Amri, S. & Ahmadi I. K. 2010. Konstruksi
Pengembangan Pembelajaran Pengaruhnya [7] Puryanto, Edi. 2008. Konsumsi Anak dalam
terhadap Mekanisme dan Praktik Teks Sastra di Sekolah. Makalah dalam
Kurikulum. Jakarta: Prestasi Pustaka. Konferensi Internasional Kesusastraan XIX

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Muamar Salameh
Assistant Professor, Law Department, Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University, Alkhobar, Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia
[email protected]

Since the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was founded in 1932, its constitutional system has always been based
upon the provisions of Islamic law, which is considered the supreme law that trumps all state’s regulations,
decisions as well as the ratified regional and international conventions.
The Basic Law of Governance of 1992 has validated this principle in many of its articles, such as article 7,
which asserts: “Governance in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia derives its authority from the Book of God,
and the Sunnah of his Messenger, both of which govern this legal system and all institutions of the State ".
Moreover, article 46 affirms as well that “the judiciary shall be an independent authority. There shall be
no power over judges in their functions other than the power of the Islamic Shari‘ah." In addition, article
48 states: " The courts shall apply the provisions of Islamic Shari‘h to all cases before them, as indicated
by the Qur’an and the Sunnah, and all laws issued by the ruler which are in conformity with the Qur’an
and the Sunnah ". Finally, article 67 affirms that “the regulatory authority shall have the power to
promulgate laws and rules, which are conducive to the realization of common good or warding off harm
to State affair,s in accordance with the principles of the Islamic Shari‘ah. It shall exercise its jurisdiction
in accordance with this Law, and Laws of the Council of Ministers and the Shura Council"
Examining the Saudi legal system, it is evident that it is an amalgamation of both written and unwritten
laws. On one hand, there are some basic principles of law that are not written and thus rely on the provisions
of Islamic law, such as Civil Code and Penal Code. On the other hand, codified written laws are also to be
found such as Commercial Law, Labor Law, Criminal Procedure Law, and the Shari'a Procedure law.
Consequently, due to the fact that Islamic Shari’a law is considered the supreme law of the state, this study
will focus on whether the education system in the Kingdom must take this principle into consideration when
designing its curricular, questioning the importance as well as the feasibility of requiring all future legal
professionals to study the provisions and regulations of Sharia Law with all its components, provided that
Sharia Law is a comprehensive discipline that is considered to be an independent discipline of the study of
Law in general.
Analyzing the degree plans of law programs in several universities in KSA, one can note that most of them
do offer compulsory Islamic Law courses. However, one must question whether these courses are sufficient
to qualify the law graduates to have comprehensive knowledge of provisions of Islamic law, and secondly
whether these courses can influence the strength of the overall degree plan since it might affect the
concentration balance between the Sharia Law courses and other courses in different bodies of law in
One of the expected results of this study is that such law programs should offer courses that allow the law
graduates not just to have a strong foundation of the law in general but to be acquainted with all bodies of
law including non-codified rules that are based on Islamic law, such as the Civil Code and the Penal Code
as well as the newly codified laws by the state. Therefore, the law graduate would have a comprehensive
as well as all-encompassing knowledge and understanding of all bodies of law enlarging their legal
Keywords : Development, legal education, sharia, Saudi Arabia.

is evident in the growth of the legal education in

Saudi Arabia. The law in Saudi Arabia is an
Due to the recent developments of the legal amalgamation of both written and unwritten
system of the Kingdom, especially with the laws, which includes the Islamic laws that are
codification of several rules, a prominent interest considered supreme law and trump all state’s

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

regulations and decisions, and also modern based on the reviewing of curriculum regarding
codified laws and rules. Consequently, there has its up-to-date and it’s not comprehensive , the
been an urgent need for legal professionals, who qualification of the high school students based on
have the expertise and the skills to analyze and selection and admission criteria and exchange
apply such laws. Therefore, several universities program , in addition to criticize the background
in Saudi Arabia have decided to offer such of the professors and the overall environment. He
education and have introduced law bachelor concluded that graduates are not able to succeed
degrees. However, due to the expansion as well in the future legal work based on weakness in
as the advancement of the legal education previous examined four elements, as the
internationally, the development of such curriculum not following the realistic market
education in KSA has been encountering several applied in KSA, professor from different
hindrances, making the progression slow and background where they were not assessed
difficult and thus requiring more research about properly, and the lack of qualifications to the
the development of the legal education as high schools students to join Taibah university.
evolved by other countries. One of the important reasons that the
development of the legal education is considered
as sensitive subject is due to the fact that some
believe the legal specialization is a drift of
Islamic Law and abandonment of Islamic law.
The main aim of this research is to
Therefore, only few academic studies have
scrutinize the development of the legal education researched the matter and most information
in KSA by examining how the supremacy of could only be found in other kind of sources such
Sharia Law might have an effect on the study of as newspaper articles, websites and social media
law in general. platforms. Those who advocate the advancement
While there are several studies that have
of the legal education development often come
focused on the development of the legal under attack from those who believe that such
education, only few have taken into development undermines the power of Sharia
consideration the effect of study of Sharia Law
such as:
A. Dr. Ayoub Algarbouh, “The assessment
Research problem
of legal education in the Kingdom of Saudi
The main purpose of this study is to
Arabia”, a working paper presented at the examine the importance of the development of
Education and Learning Conference, which was legal education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
held in the in January 2011 at Prince Sultan
and how it is intertwined with the study of Sharia
University. In this paper, the researcher has Law, leading occasionally to the confusion of the
recommended the restructuring of the legal law student between the Islamic provisions and
education in KSA by requiring the law graduates
newly codified laws, as well as how future judges
to acquire extensive knowledge of Sharia Law. are required to obtain a certificate in Sharia and
This would be achieved by extending the future lawyers are required to acquire a degree in
duration of the degree to five years and
law or Sharia.
introducing a foundation year, where the
undergraduate would obtain sufficient
Research Question
understanding of Sharia Law and how it The main research question of this study is
undermines all laws and decisions issued by the addressing the most important obstacles facing
state. As a consequence, such graduates would be
the process of developing legal education in
able to work in all legal fields and practice areas Saudi Arabia.
even the judiciary, while Sharia Law universities
would still offer a bachelor in Islamic Law which
would benefit those interested in academic
B. Rayan Alkhalawi, Legal education This study will be based on analytical
reform in Saudi Arabia: A Case study of Taibah research of legal education through the
University, Master Thesis, Indiana University examination of the legal systems (constitutions,
Maurer School of Law, 2015. laws and codes) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,
The objectives of his research whether the as well as assessment of the degree plans and
current plan of Taibah University prepares its curricular of the various legal education
graduates to the opportunities available in the institutions in the Kingdom.
legal market. The tool of data collection was

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

affirms that “the regulatory authority shall have

the power to promulgate laws and rules, which
Objectives of the study are conducive to the realization of common good
This study aims to evaluate the legal or warding off harm to State affairs in accordance
education system in the Kingdom of Saudi with the principles of the Islamic Shari‘ah. It
Arabia by assessing the following: shall exercise its jurisdiction in accordance with
1. The legal systems in KSA this Law, and Laws of the Council of Ministers
2. The judicial systems in KSA and the Shura Council"
3. The legal practice in KSA The Shura Council established by Royal
4. The structure of the legal education in Decree in 19921 affirmed the same principle, as
KSA stipulated in Article 2: “The shura council shall
5. The assessment of the degree plans and hold fast to the bond of Allah and adhere to the
curricular of the various legal education sources of Islamic legislation. All members of the
institution shura council shall strive to serve the public
6. Implications of legal education system’s interest, and preserve the unity of the community,
fragmentation. the entity of the State and nation interests.."

Sources of legislation in Saudi legal

Research Plan As previously stated, article 48 asserts that
1. The legal systems in KSA “the courts shall apply the provisions of Islamic
2. Sources of legislation in Saudi legal Shari‘h to all cases before them, as indicated by
system the Qur’an and the Sunnah, and all laws issued
3. The judicial system in KSA by the ruler which are in conformity with the
4. The legal profession in KSA
Qur’an and the Sunnah”. Examining this
5. Teaching Law in KSA statement, it is evident that such principle might
6. References lead to a conundrum. It is not clear whether, in
case of disputes, the judge is obliged to utilize the
The legal system in Kingdom of Saudi written laws applicable to the cases or has the
Arabia power to ignore such modern rules and follow
Since the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was
the provisions of Sharia Law, upon his discretion.
founded in 1932, its constitutional system has Taking the commercial law as example,
always been based upon the provisions of Islamic which is the oldest written law in KSA and was
law, which is considered the supreme law that
promulgated as the Law of Commercial Courts in
trumps all state’s regulations, decisions as well as 1970. The problems that arose when such law
the ratified regional and international was issued are firstly there are specialized
judiciary that would adjudicate over commercial
The Basic Law of Governance of 1992 has dispute according to the 1970 Law and secondly
validated this principle in many of its articles, the Saudi judges have their expertise on Sharia
such as article 7, which asserts: “Governance in
Law, which will be discussed in more details
the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia derives its later in the research. Most importantly, there are
authority from the Book of God, and the Sunnah number of judges who refuse to apply positive
of his Messenger, both of which govern this legal laws, since they believe that such laws are man-
system and all institutions of the State ". made and prohibited by Sharia and must apply
Moreover, article 46 affirms as well that “the
the basic provision of Islamic law. Therefore, the
judiciary shall be an independent authority. state has established the so-called "quasi-judicial
There shall be no power over judges in their committees", which are in fact administrative
functions other than the power of the Islamic
committees that are are specialized in
Shari‘ah." In addition, article 48 states: " The adjudicating disputes related to commercial or
courts shall apply the provisions of Islamic financial matters. The existence of such
Shari‘h to all cases before them, as indicated by
committees is considered to be important
the Qur’an and the Sunnah, and all laws issued because firstly it leads to the rapid dispute
by the ruler which are in conformity with the resolution due to the competence and
Qur’an and the Sunnah ". Finally, article 67
specialization of its members and secondly and

ra+Council+and+the+rules+and+regulations+jo b/Shura+Council+Law/

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

most importantly, because it resolves the e. Labor courts

problems that usually arise when the judges Each shall have jurisdiction over matters
refuse to apply newly codified laws and resort to brought before it in accordance with this law, the
customary Sharia provisions. law of procedure before sharia courts and the law
Examining the written laws in Saudi of criminal procedure.
Arabia, such as the Judicial Code of 2006, Labor The supreme judicial council may establish
Law of 2004 legal and court proceedings of 2014, other specialized courts upon the approval of the
criminal procedures of 2014, it is evident that King.
none of these codes and laws include the
legislative sources. The only exception is the Qualification of Judges (conditioned by a
Labor Law, where article 223 asserts that “none degree in Sharia Law)
of the organs of these institutions has the power To be appointed as a judge, a candidate
to issue any codes claiming that there is a lack of shall fulfill the following requirements:
procedure or law and must draw upon the (a) He shall be of Saudi nationality by
principles of Islamic law and rely either on case descent.
law, custom or the rules of justice". Nevertheless, (b) He shall be of good character and
this article did not establish the hierarchy of the conduct.
sources, leaving it to the discretion of the judicial (c) He shall be fully competent to hold the
body. Moreover, when handling labor disputes a position of a judge in accordance with Sharia.
body formed by the Minister of Labor would be (d) He shall hold the degree of one of the
responsible over adjudication rather than a Sharia colleges in the Kingdom or any equivalent
regular competent court to adjudicate over such degree, provided that, in the latter case, he shall
disputes. pass a special examination to be prepared by the
In the light of the above, due to supremacy Supreme Judicial Council.
of Sharia law over state’s regulations, decisions (e) He shall not be less than forty years of
as well as the ratified regional and international age if he is to be appointed to the rank of an
conventions one can assert that all future legal appeals judge, and not less than twenty two if he
professionals such as lawyers, advisors, judges is to be appointed to any other rank in the
and legislations must obtain the education and judiciary.
qualification to have sufficient knowledge and (f) He shall have not been convicted of a
understanding of both Sharia Law and codified crime impinging on religion or honor or been the
positive laws. subject of a disciplinary action dismissing him
from a public office, even if rehabilitated.
The judicial system in KSA
The new judiciary system was developed in Examining the fourth paragraph of the
2007 to replace the old of 1975 and is considered above mentioned article, one must note that to
a positive step in the reform of the judicial system quality as judge, he is required to obtain a
in KSA. One of the notable advancement is the qualification in Sharia Law or equivalent. As
development of the two-tier litigation system. mentioned earlier in this paper, the highest
Other progress perceived are firstly the evolution source of law in KSA is Sharia law, and not all
of Supreme Court of Justice, which was laws are codified. For example, the Civil Code
established to ensure the adequate implantation and the Penal Code are not codified, and they rely
of the law, and secondly the development of on the provisions of Islamic law, yet the Code of
competent courts Article 92 “courts shall consist Civil Procedure and the Code of Criminal
of the following: Procedure, are very important procedural laws in
the legal system. Therefore, the fact that the
1. The Supreme Court judge has only legal qualification in Sharia and is
2. Courts of appeals not sufficiently familiar with the procedural laws
3. First instance courts, which are: leads to the weakness of the application of the
a. General courts law. In many cases, these laws are not properly
b. Penal courts applied by the Saudi judiciary3 because of the
c. Family courts lack of the expertise of judge in procedural laws.
d. Commercial courts

2 3
Bureau of experts at the council of Ayoub Algarbouh, “The assessment of
ministers, legal education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia”, a working paper presented at the Education and

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

The legal profession in KSA the fact that such colleges allow the admission of
The legal profession is an emerging males and females, where a large turnout of
profession in the Saudi society, and has no females interested in studying law is noticeable,
significant effect in the courts. The Saudi since courts recently started to accept the
procedure for lawyers was issued in 2001. The presence of female lawyers in the corridors,
third article4 stipulates the conditions for while many still do not accept females’ lawyers.
practicing law in KSA: among these requirement
is that the lawyer must a bachelor's degree in Degree Plans of Law Programs in KSA
Sharia. However, as mentioned earlier, since the The law degree plans in the Saudi
lawyer will have only enough comprehension of universities are highly influenced by legal
Sharia and will not be familiar with the modern education in Egypt, Jordan and France. Most of
laws, this leads to the weakness of the overall the degree plans are fairly similar in terms of the
legal structure and the overpowering of judicial number of credit hours, duration and the nature
rulings. of the courses they offer. The Sharia courses
offered, alongside the other law courses, depend
Teaching Law in KSA on the department/college but usually do not
The first department of law was established exceed 15% of the total. For example, there are
in Saudi Arabia under the name of the basic Sharia courses taught in all departments of
Regulations Department at King Saud University law such as: Principles of Jurisprudence, Rules of
in 19805. It was one of the departments in the Jurisprudence, Family Law, Rules and
Faculty of Administrative Sciences. In 2006, the Inheritance, Zakat, Sharia policies.
Regulations Systems and the Political Science When examining the law programs in KSA,
Department in the Faculty of Administrative one can find the main problems relies in the Civil
Sciences was transferred to an independent law and Criminal law courses. As mentioned
college of Law and Political Science. This above, these laws are not codified in Saudi
department offers a bachelor's degree in law, Arabia, so they depend on the Islamic Sharia.
where the admission was opened for both boys However, since the law colleges rely on the plan
and girls. Years later, the second Regulations of other countries, such courses will be offered
Department was established in the Faculty of with same content and syllabi that are influenced
Management and Economics6 in King Abdul by the Latin legal system, such as Jordan and
Aziz University in Jeddah in 1987. This Egypt. Moreover, another issue is the fact that a
department offers a bachelor's degree in law as huge number of teaching faculties in the law
well. In 2012, the department was transferred to colleges in KSA are of different Arab
an independent college under the name of the nationalities, who have bachelor’s degrees in law
Faculty of Law. and do not have extensive knowledge in Islamic
In the past ten years, many Saudi law and consequently affecting the students’
universities have been established. The number comprehension and understanding of Sharia.
of public universities in Saudi Arabia is now 27,
distributed among different regions of the
Kingdom, in addition to 10 private universities,
many of which offer law undergraduate Examining the findings of this research, one
programs. Some universities offer such degree can assert that the fundamental problem in the
under the College of Sharia and others under the legal education in Saudi Arabia is due to its
Faculty of Business. It is noteworthy only unique system that combines Islamic law that is
considered supreme with written codified laws
recently that such departments or colleges have
been established under the name of the Faculty of and regulations, which has led to confusion in the
Law, and were previously named the Department education system.
According to the researcher, to develop the
of Regulations because of the belief that the term
Law should not be since it composed man-made legal education in the Kingdom, it is necessary to
laws, contrary to the provisions of Islamic law. carry out comprehensive reforms of the legal
system, the legal practice structure and the
Significant development is evident in the current
alternation of the names of the departments as judiciary system.
colleges of law. Another noticeable progress is

Learning Conference, which was held in the in

January 2011 at Prince Sultan University, p 30. stemid=126&versionid=156
4 5
Bureau of experts at the council of

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

For the sake of positive solutions leading to procedural laws (legal proceedings,
the development of legal education in Saudi criminal proceedings).
Arabia, the researcher recommends the 5. Developing educational curricula in law
following: faculties that are on par with developments
1. There must be clear and explicit legal in the local and international community.
provisions that force the judiciary to apply 6. Teaching Sharia courses in law schools in
the written laws, which do not violate the line with the developments and therefore
provisions of Islamic law. It should not be not keeping traditional curricula.
left up to the judge's discretion to decide
which to choose between Sharia provisions
and written laws. REFERENCES
2. There must be reform of the judicial system
in the Kingdom, since the new judicial [1] Ayoub Algarbouh, “The assessment of legal
education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia”,
system was founded ten years ago and has
not yet been fully implemented, especially a working paper presented at the Education
with regard to the development of and Learning Conference, which was held in
the in January 2011 at Prince Sultan
specialized courts.
3. The judges of the specialized courts shall be University
holders of the certificates of both modern [2] Rayan Alkhalawi, Legal education reform in
laws and Shari'a to be able to apply the laws Saudi Arabia: A Case study of TaiMaster
adequately. Thesis, bah University, Indiana University
4. Amendments to the legal practice are Maurer School of Law, 2015
required so that only holders of legal
certificates can practice the profession of [3] The Basic Law of Governance of Saudi
law. The holders of Shari'a certificates are Arabia
allowed to practice the profession of law [4] Saudi Shura Council Law
only in matters of legality, which are
adjudicated according to the provisions of [5] Saudi Council of Ministers law
Islamic law. Certain merit must be created [6] Saudi judiciary law
to be to obtain a certificate of practicing the
profession of law. Therefore, those who are [7] Saudi legal profession law
holders of certificate in law must be [8]
familiar with Sharia law provisions and the
holders of the certificate of Sharia must [9] Bureau of experts at the council of ministers,
acquire the knowledge of the legal subjects
necessary for the proceedings, such as

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Dimasfahrudin1, Jenny Ayu Rahmawati2
Biology Education Semarang State Universty, 2Physics Semarang State University
[email protected], [email protected]

Corruption is a crime that might ruin the integrity of the nation and threaten national stability. According
to, Indonesia ranks 90 corruption clean country. Several attempts have been made by the
government to eradicate corruption in Indonesia and one of them is through KPK. Though KPK is still
working to overcome many coruuption cases but Indonesia is not going better at all. The Government effort
should be supported from many different areas, particularly from anti-corruption education. The
effectiveness supporting education requires the existance of a learning resource. Giving education for
people could be expressed with interesting and informative educational learning. ICM (Indonesia
Corruption Museum) comes as a solution for preventing the criminal offence of corruption in Indonesia.
ICM is a museum education which provides many crimes of corruption case, the corruptors and their debt,
the cause -impact of corruption, and moral messages packaging simplicity that easy to understand for all
Keywords: corruption, anti-corruption education, museums of corruption, learning resources, cultural
integrity of nation

Indonesia ranked 90 of 176 countries with 37

GPA. Indonesia still lags behind with other
Criminal acts of corruption is a crime that Asean countries in Malaysia such as (50 GPA),
can ruin the integrity of the nation and threatened Brunei (GPA of 58) and Singapore (IPK 84). A
national stability (Aerlang, 2016). This led to the third of the country has a higher ranking for
system of Government did not go well. Why is berintegitas Government free from corruption.
said to be the case, for the criminal offence of Based on the above phenomenon, the next
corruption already extends to vital sectors such Government in the era of President Jokowi Dodo
as Executive, legislative power even the do accelerating the eradication and prevention of
judiciary. An example is the alleged cases of corruption through the signing of the presidential
corruption in the judiciary involving Patrialis instruction (presidential instruction) no 7 by
Akbar as Chairman OF Mahkamah Kontitusi 2015, about Action Prevention And Eradication
(MK). The case is the second case after the Of Corruption (APPK). The presidential
Chairman of the Constitutional Court earlier on instruction is a translation of the Perturan
behalf of the Akil Mokhtar has become a suspect Government (PP) number 55 in 2012 about the
of the crime of corruption (, national strategy for the prevention and
2017). Such events is a threat to the nation eradication of corruption is a long-term,
because of the integrity and existence of the shortterm and 2012-2025 2012-2014. Do not stop
judiciary that became the estuary in search of until there is reform of the bureaucracy, denial of
Justice will be in doubt. criminalization against KPK and mental re
According to the corruption perceptions volution also became the main focus of the
index (CPI), which is quoted from the Government in preventing the existence of the
International Transparency by 2015 criminal offence of corruption (,
(, 2016), Indonesia has a 2015).
GPA low score in list order of the The presidential instruction to respond to
country clean from corruption. The low GPA the corruption eradication Commission (KPK) do
score shows that still spread over the extent of some criminal acts of corruption prevention
bribery, public institutions that do not respond to strategies through socialization, campaigns, as
people's needs, as well as the lack of public well as anti-corruption cadre recruitment.
knowledge against the criminal acts of corruption Nevertheless, the effort is far from optimal,
itself (, 2016). In the year 2016 because the education provided is not contextual,

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

sustainable, andthorough. Education is only techniques descriptive argumentative, and

conducted in big cities only because of limited descriptive in nature, describing and analyzing
human resources. As a result many strategic the potential of the ICM as a learning resource in
goals have not been achieved as the younger anticorruption education the community.
generation and the kids that are in the area. How to Conclusion
(LAKIP KPK, 2015).
Based on the description of the problems After the analysis process, conducted
above, the author seeks to offer an idea of the the process of synthesis with the compile andlink
idea in the form of INDONESIAN the formulation of the problem, the purpose of
CORRUPTION MUSEUM (ICM): AS a writing and discussion. The nextdrawn
SOURCE of LEARNING for the conclusions are General then recommended a
COMMUNITY TOWARDS EDUCATION few things in an effort to transfer the idea.
nation. the establishment of the Indonesia
Corruption Museum is expected to help the Learning resources
Government especially the KPK in
anticorruption education effectively to the public Education cannot be separated from the
especially the young generation and their activities of the study. To gain individual skills
children. either in cognitive,
Formulation of the problem
How the concept of Museum Indonesia psychomotor or affective. The expansion of
Corruption as a learnin g resource solutions the education revolution demands the traffic of
effective anti-corruption education for society in students in solving problems arising from both
Indonesia the everyday lives of the learners as well as the
The purpose social environment community learners as
This paper aims to formulate a concept of well as corruption. The problems that often
Museum Indonesia Corruption as an arise in consequence of the education revolution
alternative solution learning resources is the existence of a wide range of resources for
effective anticorruption education for learning needs to be designed and optimized
communities in Indonesia. (Alimah,2016).
Benefits Learning resources are materials that
The idea of student creativity programs include media studies, props, games, tools to
written in this idea is as follows. provide information as well as a wide range of
Assist the Government in preventing the skills to the children as well as adultswho
occurrence of the crime of corruption accompany the children in the study (yunanto,
throughout Indonesia. 2005). Beside that, Warsito (2008) the source
Help the KPK in manifesting the cultural also revealed that the sytem is comprised of
integrity of the nation via the ICM as a materials or situation created intentionally and
learning resource. are made so that the students can learn along with
Assist the Government in realizing the individually.
younger generation through the
implementation of anti-corruption ICM as Based on the type or origin, AECT in
an effective learning resources in Komalasari (2010) dividing the study into two
anticorruption education. sources: (1) learning resources by dsign i.e.
learning resources that are specifically designed
for or developed to achieve specific learning
objectives the textbook example, module, dvd
Data Collection pembelajran, and others. (2) learning bylearning
Writing scientific papers using the method resource utilization that is already available and
of the study of the literature based upon the can be directly utilized a learning resource that is
results of a study of the literature that has been indirectly designed or developed for learning
tested validitasnya, relate to each other, are purposes but can be chosen and utilized for
relevant to the study of the writing as well as learning. Examples of newspaper, broadcast
supporting the descriptionor analysis of the television,and others.
discussion. Learning resources can be grouped into
Data Analysis processing of data in a a message, people, materials, tools, techniques,
systematic and logical to use analytical environment. Messages: messages can be plain,

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

meaning, facts. Either written or pres ented b) Presents something that cannot be found
through the media. People: mean people here are in the learning in the classroom-for
people who are involved in the delivery of example: museums
information good writers, lecturers, teachers,
experts, media c) provides positive motivation when
and procedures etc. Material: material that properly planned and systematic.
is a group of tools are often referred to d) Spurred scientific and critical attitude in
assoftware. Materials serves as a repository of accordance with the data and facts
information or messages before the message contained on the learning resources
disampaiakn using a tool that has been designed.
So the material can be written text, print, web, (Syukur, 2008)
electronic recording, and A good source of learning is the learning
others that can be used as a source of resources that are designed with the needs of,
learning. Tools: tools that dimaksuk is a efficiency, effectiveness of their use. Therefore
hardware device that can convey the message learning resources ideally is a learning resource
contained on the materials. The tool serves to that is safe, fun, easy to
present the study materials. Where is the learning obtain and use the most up-todate and
resources can be a computer, a camera, a radio capable of providing the needed information
television, tape recorder. LCD. The method: the (Holden, 2008).
method is a procedure of rawor the guidelines
that are used to deliver the message. In other ICM as an anti-corruption education
words, the method is the way that people use in learning resource.
their activities in the implementation of learning
suberutilization of learning resources. Anti-corruption education is an important
Environment: is a place that can be used as a factor in the eradication of corruption in
source of learning, for example, library, Indonesia. Yet the presence of anti-corruption
market, museum, mountain streams, ponds, etc. education learning resource are contextually
(Butcher, 2006). demands the existence of a solution in providing
such education.
Based on the above classification then To facilitate anti-corruption learning
learning resource has several functions, namely pelakasanaan then diperlukanya an effective
(1) can save you time learning so as to reduce the learning resources so as to facilitate the
burden on educators in presenting information. understanding of the people will be the danger of
So the time available can be used for learning criminal acts of corruption. Indonesia Corruption
enrichment. (2) provide a learnin g can be a group Museum (IC M) is a solution of the problem of
as well as the improvement of the skills of anticorruption education in Indonesia. Learning
learners in developing bersosialisai ability. (3) resources in an interesting design in the ICM and
the use of the learning resources provide a contextual for raising awareness and
scientific attitude and to students with planning a understanding of the public about the criminal
systematic learning and implementation of acts of corruption in Indonesia.
learning that are lmiah. (4) memunkin are Basically the corruption comes from everyday
contextual le arning because studentscan come actions like cheating, lying, ac ceptingbribes on a
into contact with a source of learning. (5) the use small scale, the giving of information about
of the learning resources can provide learning corruption through ICM already approp riately to
that is broader and is not limited to, geographic
be implemented. the people of Indonesia has the
boundaries that can penetrate because the
learning process can be done anywhere as long as right to know the information is valid and reliable
there are disan learning resources (Abdullah, about the corruption going on. So that people
2012). would be more megetahui, understand and care
As an important component of the about the danger of corruption in Indonesia and
teaching and learning process in learning then all the people of Indonesia will matter
resources are some of the benefits; together in a joint anti-corruption movement to
proud KPK and other anticorruption institutions.
a) Provide learning experiences directly so
Increasing knowledge and awareness on
as to accelerate the understanding of corruption will essentially improve a GPA of
learners. Indonesia and criminal acts of corruption can be
suppressed. Such is the case that occurred in
Hong Kong. Anticorruption education

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

implemented in Hong Kong since 1974 has The 3rd floor Is the floor action. At lanta
proven successful with ranking hongkang bei ng this will presented some educational games
ranked 15 of 176 countries with 77 GPA in 1974 corrup tion eradication, a short film about the
after Hong Kong became one of the world's history of the eradication of corruption in
corrupt countries (Montessori, 2012). indonesia and also various ways of eradicating
The widespread criminal acts of corruption in different parts of the world. After
corruption to various areas in Indonesia give that the pengunung will be served with posters or
consequences is need for anti-corruption pictures of interesting on what can be done to
education extensively in various settlement in eradicate corruption in Indonesia. Travel with
Indonesia. In an effort to help the KPK in informative and educative museum are expected
disseminating anticorruption education the visitors can take lessons about cause
thoroughly then Indones ia kedepanya Corruptor andprevention soluti ons that can be implemented
Museum will be built in various cities in in daily life.
Indonesia. With the anticorruption education in
Indonesia in a comprehensive manner then the
prevention of criminal acts of corruption
effectively will be achievedso that the cultural Realization of the existence of Corruption
integrity of the Nations will be realized. Indonesia Museum is an effective solutionin
providing the anticorruption education to
The Concept Of Museum Indonesia society especially children and young people.
Corruption. The concept and design of the Museum is
As a source of learning an effective anti- interesting and easy to understand can boost the
corruption education Museum in the wake of spirit of the young generation to counter criminal
Indonesia's corruption with the concept is acts of corruption in Indonesia. the creation of the
interesting and educational. The selected design anti-corruption generation will ultimately create
in the making of the museum this is Indonesia's a culture of integrity of Nations towards Nations
corruption with the architecture of the head of a
that Indonesia has integrity.
rat. In addition to attract tourists with such
architecture canmake a reminder of the dangers
of corruption to the people of Indonesia. REFERENCES
As a learning resource that is efficient [1] Aerlang M, Reginarasi A, Annisa V. 2016.
and informative then museum of corruption in Membangun sanksi Psikososial Bagi
indonesia will wake up with some floors that are terpidana kasus korupsi. Jurnal Integritas.
designed with the function of each of the different 1(2):-
floors. The visitors of the museum will explore
the museum through an educational journey t hat [2] Abdullah, R. 2012. Pembelajaran Berbasis
started from the 1st floor. Visitors will be Pemanfaatan Sumber BELAJAR.
presented a variety of facts and cases of [3] Jurnal ilmiah Didaktita. 12(2): 216-231.
corruption in Indonesia. Painting and sculpture of Alimah, Siti dkk. 2016. Jelajah Alam
the corruptor. Complete data on corruption cases, Sekitar. Semarang: FMIPA Universitas
punishment, arrest, liberation as well as the loss Negeri Semarang.
of the State can be seen in the real by visitors. In
addition information on outstanding corruption [4] C. Butcher, Designing Learning: From
cases with the largest amount of losses, Module Outline to Effective Teaching,
Indonesia's corruption Ranking in the world, as Oxford: Routledge, 2006, hal. 132-133.
well as data loss impact on countries that [5] Herudin. 2017. Akil Dan Patrialis Disebut
annually can also be seen on the 1st floor. Pengkhianat Tertinggi Terhadap Publik
The 2nd floor is the floor of the
education. Visitors will find information on the [6] Indonesia.
reasons for the occurrence of corruption. Starting /nasional/2017/01/28/akil-danpatrialis-
from daily activities such as cheating, lying, disebut-pengkhianattertinggi-terhadap-
skipping school and living style of hedonism. republik-indonesia. Diakses pada 30 Januari
Once satisfied with the cause of the corruption. 2017.
The appearance of information on law not [7] Holden, Jolly T., An Instructional Media
criminal corruption, anti-corruption and the Selection: Guide for Distance Learning,
introduction of a book about gratuities can be New York: UNCLA, 2008.
enjoyed by visitors on the 2nd floor.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

[8] Komalasari, Kokom. 2010. Pembelajaran [13] Tim penyusun laporan kinerja KPK. 2016.
Kontekstual (Konsep daan Aplikasi) Laporan Akuntabilitas Kinerja
[9] .Bandung: Refika Aditama [14] Institusi Pemrintahan (LAKIP) KPK Tahun
2015. 2015, Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi
[10] Montessori M. 2012. Pendidikan antikorupsi
2016. Jakarta.
sebagai pendidikan karakter di sekolah.
Jurnal Demokrasi. 11(1). 293-301. [15] Transparency, I. 2016. Corruption
Perception Index
[11] Sekertaris Kabinet Repubik Indonesia.
2015. 2015.
2015. Penegasan Komitmen Anti Korupsi
Diakses pada selasa 24 Januari 2017.
masi-birokrasi/penegasan-komitmenanti- [16] Warsita, Bambang. 2008. Teknologi
korupsi-pemerintah.html Pembelajaran Landasan dan Aplikasinya.
Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.
[12] Syukur, Fatah.2008. Teknologi Pendidikan.
Semarang: Rasail [17] Yunanto, Sri Joko. 2005. Sumber Belajar
Anak Cerdas. Jakarta: Grasindo.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Nurjannah Mutiara Gayatri1, Eko Budi Wibowo2
Student of English Department, State University of Semarang (Unnes)
Student of Mechanical Engineering Department, State University of Semarang (Unnes)
[email protected], [email protected]

This study focused on identifying vocational high schools students’ English-learning motivation and their
needs for general English courses. To achieve this, qualitative approach was used as the method of this
study because it provides a general picture of the research. The data were collected by using three
techniques, those are observation, interview, and survey. Observation was conducted to examine the
process of English teaching in five vocational high schools. Face-to-face interviewwas done with English
teacher of the schools in order to investigate the teachers’ perception toward English teaching, students’
enthusiasm, motivation, and needs. Meanwhile, survey was completed by distributing 150 questionnaire to
the students with the return rate of 100%. In all, there were 2 English teachers and 150 students from
different vocational high schools (SMK), those are SMK Negeri 11 Semarang, SMK Teuku Wisnu, and
SMK Jateng Semarang, coming from different grade years and different majors served as the subjects of
the study. It was found that passing exam and fulfilling job requirement became the highest motivations of
students to learn English. The result revealed that students with high motivation of learning English tended
to be more interested and active during English learning, develop autonomous learning, and gain better
achievement in English test. In addition, need analysis showed that students demand general English for
communication, English for job requirement, fun learning by teachers, and speaking skill. There were also
slight differences between students’ expectations and teachers’ view. It was suggested that English teaching
focus on the learner and the development of English curriculum correspond to the needs of the students.
Keywords: vocational high school, English-learning motivation, need analysis

goods, services, capitals, and investment can

move around ASEAN countries without any
In Indonesia, vocational high school (SMK) significant difficulties. Therefore, vocational
is one the secondary schools equal to senior high high school students, who will be jobseekers
school (SMA). However, the main difference after graduating from schools and will compete
among them is on their goals. Vocational high with other graduates from various background
schools focus more on the practice rather than and country, undoubtedlny should prepare
theory and prepare students for work instead of themselves with necessary language, in this case
higher education. English.
According to government regulation In vocational high schools, besides
17/2010 article number 76, vocational high Indonesian and traditional language, English is
schools intend to facilitate students with given as compulsory subject. This can be seen
knowledge and technology as well as vocational through the the teaching of English in grade 10,
skills of the related professions. In other words, 11, and 12 with two learning hours every week.
students of vocational high school are prepared To lead English teaching to be successful,
to enter the world of work and make them able to educational authorities, especially teachers and
survive and succeed in the work challenges. To curriculum planners, should never ignore the
achieve these goals, it is needed profession level of students’ motivation and their needs in
competence and personal competence of the learning English.
students. According to Guay et al (2010), motivation
In order to fulfill the needs of personal refers to reasons that underlie behaviours. It is
competence, language proficiency must be characterized by willigness and volition. Keller
improved. This requirement is also triggered by (2008a) categorized two levels of motivation.
the impelementation of ASEAN Economic The first one is about “will”, which refers to a
Community since 2015, in which all trades of person’s intentions, wants, or purposes with a

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

belief to achieve them. Meanwhile, the other framework and curriculum school structure.
level is when “will” is converted into action. English is included in compulsory with a time
With those roles, motivation can influence what allocation of 2 lesson-hours per week.
we learn, how we learn and when we choose to Chen (2008) suggested that motivation with
learn (Schunk and Usher 2012). the infusion of cooperative learning instruction in
In learning process, motivation is a crucial an English as a Foreign Language (EFL)
element because motivated learners are more classroom at a vocational high school in Taiwan
likely to be involved in challenging activities, be for low-achieving language learners in Taiwan is
actively engaged, enjoy and adopt a deep ideal when the teacher (a) practices constructivist
approach to learning and showed performance, pedagogy, (b) builds a caring EFL classroom,
persistence and creativity which are gradually and (c) implements reflection and action research
enhanced, (Ryan and Deci, 2000). in the EFL context.
Previous research suggested that motivation Another research conducted by Tsao (2008)
can be manipulated by doing certain instructional showed that although college students of
efforts. In changing motivation, ones can use Technological University Students in Taiwan
rewards, by either encouraging or diminishing generally show interest in English and
motivation, depending on the type of rewards and acknowledge its importance, they spend less than
the context. Tsao (2008) defined motivation as enough time and efforts studying it out of class
the combination of motivational orientation and and usually rely on classroom instruction as the
motivational intensity. The former refers to the only channel of learning; rarely do they have an
reasons that the learner hold for learning, and the autonomous type of learning out of class. One of
latter means the efforts that the learner do. the factors causing these conditions is the lack of
Keller (2008b) suggested that motivation to students’ motivation.
learn is increased and maintained when learners According to Faridi et al. (2016), there was
apply volitional strategies to keep their a highly need of a model of student-centered
intentions. This implies that after becoming syllabus for being a guideline in designing their
motivated to achieve a goal, it is necessary to syllabus so they can design and adapt their
persist in one’s efforts to achieve it. In this paper, syllabus matched with their students needs in
those efforts are called motivational intensity. vocational high schools. Moreover, they also
Frendo (2012) advised that needs analysis need a teacher development program such as
is quite fundamental in learning English, seminars and workshops to train them the ways
especially in vocational high schools. Teachers in to implement the student-centered syllabus
vocational high schools need to make sure that successfully in their teaching with the majority of
the teaching is as effective and efficient as the students were passive during the lessons.
possible based on the specific purposes As a follow up of previous research, our
vocational high schools. Hopefully, the teaching research will focus on motivation and needs
is not just about teaching English, but it is about analysis of vocational high school students on
teaching the specific English the students need to English subjects. Overall, this study attempted
use successfully in their chosen field. With this (1) to measure how motivated vocational high
importance, this paper also aimed to identify the school students are in learning English, (2) to
students’ need in learning English. identify vocational high school students’
Vocational High School (SMK) is one form motivation in learning English, and (3) to analyse
of formal education units that provides vocational high school students’ needs in
vocational education in secondary level. Besides learning English.
Vocational High School (SMK), there are also
Madrasah Aliyah Kejuruan (MAK), or other
similar forms [Law of National Education
In order to achieve the goals and to answer
System (Sistem Pendidikan Nasional) Number
20 Year 2003]. According to the Central Bureau the questions of this research, the qualitative
of Statistics (Badan Pusat Statistik) data in the approach was used because it provides general
picture of vocational high school students’
academic year 2014/2015 there are 12,421
schools and 4,211,245 students. motivation and need analysis in learning English.
The application of English subjects for It has long been used to probe the perceptions of
a group concerning a particular phenomenon
Vocational High Schools is set forth in the
regulation of Ministry of Education and Culture (Babbie, 1990).
of the Republic of Indonesia (Kementerian The data were collected by employing three
kinds of data collection techniques, those are
Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Republik
Indonesia, 2013) 70 /2013 concerning basic observation, interview, and survey. Observation

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

was conducted by the researchers to investigate that the respondent is strongly disagree, point 2
the process of English teaching at vocational high is disagree, point 3 is neutral, point 4 is agree, and
schools. A face-to-face interview was conducted point 5 is strongly agree.
with the English teacher of the three schools. It The population of this study was students
aimed to investigate the teachers’ perception from three vocational high school in Semarang,
toward English teaching, as well as the students’ Indonesia, those are SMK Negeri 11 Semarang,
enthusiasm, motivation, and needs in English SMK Teuku Wisnu, and SMK Jateng Semarang.
learning. Moreover, further information on Meanwhile, the sampling technique used was
English curriculum used by the teachers were cluster random sampling. In all, 150
explored. questionnaires were distributed to the students,
The questionnaire was distributed to with a return rate of 100%. The demographic
investigate both the opinion of the respondents characteristics of the respondents are presented
about their feeling, their motivations, and their in Table 1.
needs in English learning. It consists of 30 scaled
questions showing the degree of students’
agreement in a five-point scale. Point 1 indicates

Table 1. Demographic Characteristics of Participants Surveyed

Characteristics Count Percentage
Gender Male 66 44%
Female 84 56%
Grade Ten 46 31%
Eleven 65 43%
Twelve 39 26%
Majority SMK Negeri 11 Semarang
Graphics Preparation 11 22%
Graphics Production 8 16%
Multimedia 17 34%
Animation 14 28%

SMK Negeri Jawa Tengah

Industrial Electronics Engineering 8 16%
Electric Power Installation Engineering 7 14%
Mechanical Engineering 10 20%
Agricultural Processing Engineering 5 4%
Automotive Body Engineering 6 24%
Automotive Light Vehicle Engineering 9 6%
Business Engineering Construction and
Property 5 16%

SMK Teuku Umar Semarang

Office administration 7 14%
Accounting 13 26%
Marketing 8 16%
Software engineering 10 20%
Light Vehicle Engineering 12 24%

Data gathered through observation were studied in this research (Moleong, 2007). Then,
then identified into some categories. Data from the data from questionnaire were calculated
interview was analyzed by adopting Spradley’s based on its point, so that the final score will be
four-step analysis method, those are (a) domain an integrated score.
analysis to obtain decriptive view, (b) taxonomy From the data analysis, there was reduction
analysis to focus the interview result based on the to put away unnecessary information. The data
purpose of the study, (c) component analysis to were than presented in form of table, percentage,
deepen the interview result, and (d) theme and graphics to draw conclusions.
analysis to understand the whole problems

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

orientation and motivational intensity. The result

of questionnaire on students’ motivational
There are two kinds of students’ motivation
orientation is presented in
examined in this study, those are motivational
No Item of Motivational Orientation
5 4 3 2 1

1 Compulsory subject 25 42 59 21 3
2 Success in National Exam 68 42 33 7
3 Job requirement 20 34 57 27 12
4 Communication with foreign people 31 26 63 19 11
5 Knowledge enrichment 65 45 15 17 8
6 Work abroad 68 42 33 7
7 Interest in English 34 46 52 1 17
8 Mastery of English terms in other subjects 27 61 51 9 2
Total 330 353 349 115 53
Total in percent 27.5% 29.4% 29.1% 9.6% 4.4%
Table 2.
Table 2. Students’ Motivational Orientation

Table 3. Students’ Motivational Orientation in Integrated Score

No Item of Motivational Orientation Integrated Score In percent

1 Compulsory subject 515 11.73%

2 Success in National Exam 621 14.14%
3 Job requirement 473 10.77%
4 Communication with foreign people 497 11.32%
5 Knowledge enrichment 592 13.48%
6 Work abroad 613 13.96%
7 Interest in English 529 12.04%
8 Mastery of English terms in other subjects 552 12.57%
Total 4392 100%

Table 4. Students’ Motivational Intesity

No Item of Motivational Intensity
5 4 3 2 1

1 Using English in daily life 7 38 63 21 21

2 Participating actively in classroom teaching 10 35 53 15 37

3 Asking questions to the teacher 9 14 60 43 24

4 Studying English regularly at home/dormitory 18 17 62 29 24

5 Doing homework thoroughly 30 24 51 23 22

Total 74 128 289 131 128

Total in percent 9.9% 17.1% 38.5% 17.5% 17.1%

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Table 5. Students’ Motivational Intesity in Integrated Score

No Item of Motivational Intensity Integrated Score In percent

1 Using English in daily life 439 20.5%

2 Participating actively in classroom teaching 416 19.5%
3 Asking questions to the teacher 391 18.3%
4 Studying English regularly at home/dormitory 426 20%
5 Doing homework carefully 467 21.8%
Total 2139 100%

Table 6. Students’ Needs

Category Item Integrated score Percentage

Types of English taught Technical English 517 25%

Academic English 488 23%
Literacy English 512 25%
General English 571 27%

Teaching objectives Communication competence 607 34%

Prepare job reqruitment 563 32%
Prepare future education 610 34%

Qualities of English teacher Make learning fun 677 38%

Care 665 37%
Based on worksheet and textbook 463 26%

Language skills Listening 610 25%

Reading 594 24%
Speaking 656 27%
Writing 610 25%

Basic English ability Pronunciation 621 26%

Grammar 570 23%
Spelling 625 26%
Vocabulary 613 25%
Total 10627

29.1% of the repondents neutral. 27.5% are

strongly agree. Meanwhile, 9.6% of them do not
As shown in the Table 2, there are 8 items agree with, and only 4.4% strongly disagree.
about motivational orientation that are addressed Motivational orientation of the students is then
in the questionnaire. From the table, 29.4% explored further by calculating integrated score.
respondents in average agree with motivational Integrated score for each item is presented in
orientation the researcher asked. The other Table 3.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

In the Table 3, based on the result, the language skills and basic English ability. Most of
respondents revealed that the highest item of the participants in types of English taught want
motivational orientation of the students in know English in generally. which means that
English learning is to be successful in National they have not experienced a lot of English and
Exam for English subject. It represents 14.14% need basic of English language. However, there
of the total respondents. In Indonesia, English is no many differences percentage between the
becomes one of the compulsory subjects tested in three other items.
National Exam. Therefore, this undoubtedly In the teaching objectives, preparing future
motivates students to learn English. education are the highest percentage. This may
The next two highest items are working imply that many vocational high schools have
abroad and enriching knowledge. On the other willingness to continue their study in higher
hand, the lowest item of motivational orientation education.
is to fulfill job requirements, which takes only In category of qualities of English teachers,
10.77% respondents. One factor causing this the respondents revealed that they need fun
result is most of the jobs for vocational high English learning, including the media, methods,
school graduates do not require applicants to and teachnique of teaching in the classroom by
master certain level of English proficiency. the teacher.
Meanwhile, motivational intensity, as Regarding language skills, speaking
presented in Table 4, 38.5% respondents becomes the skill the students mostly want to
conveyed that they are neutral, meaning that in master. The next skills are listening and writing
average, they have less effort to promote their with equal number, and the last one is reading.
motivational orientation. The similar percentage The respondents are also addressed
(17%) goes to point of agree, disagree, and question about basic English ability. The highest
strongly disagree. These conditions can be a ones to the lowest ones are are spelling,
reflection for techers and curriculum planners in pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar.
the related schools to apply some strategies, so
that students’ motivational orientation can be
In the Table 6, the result showed that the
highest item of motivational intensity of the Alhamdulillahirobbilalamin. All the
praises be to Allah, the Lord of the 'Alamin. This
students in English learning is doing homework
carefully (21.8%). This implies that the students research would not have been possible without
are lack of the awareness in studying indepently the support of many people. We would like to
extend our gratitude: First of all, we are indebted
because they still depend on the homework given
by the teacher. The next highest item is actively to our university where we are studying,
using English in their daily life. This can be in Universitas Negeri Semarang (Unnes). Our
gratitude is also for the headmasters, teachers,
form of listening to English music and movies,
speaking to their friends, and writing status in and students of the schools where we conducted
social media. It represents 20.5% of the total research. Last but not least, we thank all
members of UKM Penelitian Unnes who never
respondents. The next item (20%) are studying
English regularly outside classrooms. This can be stop inspiring and motivating us in research and
mtivated by the homework given. Moreover, in writing.
Indonesia, English becomes one of the
compulsory subjects tested in National Exam. REFERENCES
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2008, 175–185. Routledge. 2008b. In Proceedings of the 84th Anniversary and
Basic Research Conference of Chinese
[8] Ministry of Eductaion and Culture of
Military Academy, Foreign Languages
Republic of Indonesia. Nasional, Undang-
Section (pp. 326-344). 2008.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Irfa Ma’alina Li’illiyyina1, Fajar Nur Cahyani2
Department of Educational Research and Evaluation,Yogyakarta State University
[email protected], [email protected]

The specific aims of this study are (1) to know the item characteristics of Certification exam in personality
development program and Tahsin Al Quran that is used to be the requirements in proffering munaqosah
session in one of the islamic university in yogyakarta; and (2) to know the items that fits to Rasch model.
There are 30 items used in this research in multiple choices and it tested to 295 participants with simple
random sampling. The data gathered through documentation. Quantitatively, the data were analyzed using
winstep 3.73 to estimate the item parameter. The results are; there are 5 items (16.67%) includes to difficult
categorization, 10 items (33.33%) includes to average categorization, and 15 items includes to easy
categorization. There are 25 items that fits to Rasch model and others’ not. The reliability of this test is 0.98
then it’s reliable.
Keywords : Test item, Rasch model, Tahsinul qur’an

able to memorize juz 30 of Qur’an. Instead,

assessment is an activity of interpreting data from
One of the educational support fund (Dana the measurement result. Measurement can be
Penunjang Pendidikan) program in Tarbiyah and gathered from the examination process; in this
teacher training faculty of UIN Sunan Kalijaga case, certification exam is conducted to get a
Yogyakarta is in the field of personality score. Then, the score will be interpreted as a
development program and Tahsin Al Quran. It result from assessment. Assessment focuses on
focused on personality development through the individual, so its decision is also for
tabaruk Qur’an approach and morality. To be individual only. It will make each individual has
more specific, it also increases and guides the the different result based on their own ability. For
university students intensively in understanding example in education, assessment focuses on the
Qur’an. The background of establishing this students’ achievement. Meanwhile, in PKTQ
program is started from the result of some certification exam has several assessment
speeches that is done by the lecturers about the components, those are memorizing Qur’an juz
condition in this faculty, especially in mastering 30, tahsin, and tajwid. These three components
Qur’an (Modul PKTQ: 2015)[1]. PKTQ program will be the area of assessing PKTQ for the
aimed to all students in Tarbiyah and teacher students, which has to be done by the students
training faculty with no exception. The through the written test, as we know that every
implementation of this program has the authority assessment needs assessing instrument.
with a certification who signed by the vice dean One of the assessing instruments in PKTQ
III, PKTQ is LKM that has the most certification exam is written test. A qualified test
responsibility in tarbiyah among others. The is a test that has tested the validity and reliability.
standardization of PKTQ program is showed by The test in this certification exam has not already
certification exam as a requirement of KKN and tested the validity and reliability yet, so its
munaqosyah. A certification exam cannot be function as a measurement tool is suspicion to
separated from examining students’ ability in measure the understanding of tahsinul quran
mastering the components of the passing criteria, competency in FITK UIN Sunan Kalijaga. So, it
and then it needs measurement and assessment needs to conduct a research to give some
process to know how well the students can information about these items characteristics in
master the standard competency in this program. certification exam. The objective of this research
Theoretically, measurement is scoring is to know the item characteristics of tahsinul
determination activity in declaring individual quran certification exam in FITK UIN Sunan
circumstances systematically. In PKTQ, Kalijaga.
individual circumstances are the ability of each
student to understand the rules of tajwid and be

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

using winstep 3.73 to determine the item

characteristics and the fitness of each item to the
This research used quantitative approach in
analyzing items characteristics of tahsinul quran
certification exam in FITK UIN Sunan Kalijaga
on March 2017. It used simple random sampling
in deciding the sample of the participants. The The result of the item characteristics
participants consist of 295 university students. analysis used Rasch Model in this research will
The data gathered from documentation, in the be explained below.
form of worksheets and answer sheets of the Reliability instrument
students in certification exam. It is a written test
The data is analyzed by using winstep
consists of 30 items multiple choices and has four
options. After that, the data will be analyzed by 3.73, here the output analysis:

Table 1. Output of summary statistics

| MEAN 20.0 30.0 1.01 .49 |
| S.D. 5.0 .0 1.11 .17 |
| MAX. 30.0 30.0 5.14 1.84 |
| MIN. 5.0 30.0 -1.95 .41 .61 -2.7 .31 -1.8 |
| S.E. OF Person MEAN = .06 |
| MEAN 196.2 295.0 .00 .16 .99 .0 .99 .1 |
| S.D. 52.3 .0 1.13 .05 .14 2.4 .22 2.3 |
| MAX. 289.0 295.0 2.12 .42 1.46 8.4 1.73 8.4 |
| MIN. 84.0 295.0 -3.36 .13 .82 -3.9 .74 -3.1 |
| S.E. OF Item MEAN = .21 |

Based on summary statistics table above, conclude that the consistency of students’
we know that person reliability value is 0.98 and response is sufficient, but the quality of the items
the value of Alpha Cronbach is 0.80. The average in this instrument reaches the extraordinary
score of students’ ability can be seen from the reliability because the minimal reliability score is
value of person measure, that is 1.01, it means 0.7. Based on the statement above, it can show
that the average score is higher that the logit that the person reliability and item reliability of
score 0.0. It means that students’ ability is higher the test is good. The alpha cronbach value shows
than the item difficulty. that there is an interaction between person and
The value of item reliability is 0.98, it items in entirely. The alpha cronbach value is
means that this instrument is extraordinary. The 0.80, it means that there is an interaction between
value of person reliability is 0.77, it means that it person (students) and the items entirely are good.
includes to sufficient category. Based on the
value of item reliability and person ability, it can

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Item difficulty

Table 2. Item Difficulty of Tahsinul qur’an Certification Exam

TABLE 13.1 SOAL UJIAN PKTQ ZOU358WS.TXT Apr 18 13:56 2017
INPUT: 295 Person 30 Item REPORTED: 295 Person 30 Item 2 CATS WINSTEPS 3.73
Person: REAL SEP.: 1.83 REL.: .77 ... Item: REAL SEP.: 6.74 REL.: .98


| 14 84 295 2.12 .14| .98 -.2|1.01 .2| .43 .42| 75.3 75.5| I0014|
| 28 90 295 2.00 .14|1.21 3.1|1.38 3.3| .23 .43| 69.9 74.2| I0028|
| 26 109 295 1.64 .13|1.12 2.1|1.20 2.3| .32 .43| 66.8 70.9| I0026|
| 17 138 295 1.14 .13| .82 -3.9| .80 -3.1| .57 .43| 80.1 68.5| I0017|
| 29 139 295 1.12 .13|1.14 2.7|1.21 2.8| .31 .43| 64.7 68.5| I0029|
| 23 147 295 .99 .13|1.00 .0|1.02 .3| .42 .43| 67.1 68.3| I0023|
| 21 148 295 .97 .13|1.05 1.0|1.08 1.2| .38 .43| 66.1 68.3| I0021|
| 18 156 295 .84 .13| .93 -1.5| .95 -.7| .48 .42| 74.0 68.3| I0018|
| 19 157 295 .82 .13| .87 -2.7| .86 -2.0| .52 .42| 72.9 68.3| I0019|
| 13 162 295 .74 .13|1.46 8.4|1.73 8.4| .02 .42| 47.3 68.4| I0013|
| 30 174 295 .53 .13|1.30 5.6|1.33 3.8| .17 .41| 53.8 68.8| I0030|
| 20 183 295 .38 .13| .84 -3.2| .77 -3.0| .54 .41| 75.3 69.6| I0020|
| 24 200 295 .07 .14| .90 -1.8| .87 -1.3| .47 .39| 75.7 72.0| I0024|
| 27 200 295 .07 .14| .95 -.9| .86 -1.4| .44 .39| 73.6 72.0| I0027|
| 16 201 295 .05 .14| .87 -2.4| .80 -2.1| .50 .39| 76.7 72.2| I0016|
| 12 209 295 -.10 .14|1.03 .4|1.12 1.0| .36 .38| 72.3 73.8| I0012|
| 5 220 295 -.32 .15|1.11 1.5|1.12 1.0| .27 .36| 72.9 76.3| I0005|
| 1 223 295 -.39 .15| .90 -1.4| .83 -1.3| .44 .36| 78.8 77.1| I0001|
| 6 225 295 -.43 .15| .97 -.4| .87 -.9| .39 .35| 78.1 77.6| I0006|
| 15 225 295 -.43 .15| .91 -1.2| .79 -1.6| .44 .35| 78.1 77.6| I0015|
| 25 229 295 -.52 .15| .92 -1.0| .78 -1.5| .43 .35| 78.1 78.6| I0025|
| 3 237 295 -.71 .16| .94 -.6|1.01 .1| .36 .33| 83.2 80.9| I0003|
| 9 242 295 -.83 .16| .94 -.7| .89 -.6| .38 .32| 82.9 82.4| I0009|
| 11 242 295 -.83 .16| .98 -.2| .97 -.1| .34 .32| 82.2 82.4| I0011|
| 22 244 295 -.89 .16| .86 -1.5| .77 -1.3| .44 .32| 84.2 83.0| I0022|
| 2 251 295 -1.09 .17| .91 -.8| .74 -1.4| .39 .30| 85.3 85.2| I0002|
| 7 252 295 -1.12 .17| .95 -.4|1.03 .2| .33 .30| 85.6 85.5| I0007|
| 8 252 295 -1.12 .17|1.03 .3|1.24 1.1| .25 .30| 85.6 85.5| I0008|
| 4 259 295 -1.35 .19| .91 -.7|1.02 .2| .33 .28| 88.7 87.8| I0004|
| 10 289 295 -3.36 .42| .95 .0| .75 -.3| .18 .13| 97.9 97.9| I0010|
| MEAN 196.2 295.0 .00 .16| .99 .0| .99 .1| | 75.8 76.2| |
| S.D. 52.3 .0 1.13 .05| .14 2.4| .22 2.3| | 9.9 7.4| |

The information we can get from the table can correctly answer these questions are 289
above are; item which has the highest difficulty from 295 students. The standard deviation logit
is item number 14 with logit value +2.12. value is 1.13.
Students who can correctly answer these Another results support the information
questions are 84 from 295 students. Meanwhile, about the item difficulty can be seen at variable
item which has the lowest difficulty is item map. Here is the variable map of this analysis:
number 10 with logit value -3.36. Students who

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

TABLE 12.2 SOAL UJIAN PKTQ ZOU358WS.TXT Apr 18 13:56 2017

INPUT: 295 Person 30 Item REPORTED: 295 Person 30 Item 2 CATS WINSTEPS 3.73
Person - MAP - Item
4 # +
.# |
.# |
3 T+
### |
.####### |T
| I0014
2 ##### S+ I0028
######### |
| I0026
.###### |
.####### |
|S I0017 I0029
1 .###### M+ I0021 I0023
##### | I0018 I0019
##### | I0013
.####### | I0030
| I0020
###### |
.####### | I0024 I0027
0 .### S+M I0016
#### | I0012
### | I0005
## | I0001 I0006 I0015
| I0025
.## | I0003
.# | I0009 I0011 I0022
-1 .# +
T|S I0002 I0007 I0008
| I0004
. |
-2 . +
-3 +
| I0010
-4 +
EACH "#" IS 3. EACH "." IS 1 TO 2

Figure 1. Output of Variable Maps

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

The result of the output above shows the Item fit

distribution value of logit item. The value of logit Item fit in rasch model explains the function
person (mean measure) at table 1 is 1.01 is used of the item in doing measurement. If the item
to give upper limit to the difficult category data, doesn’t fit, so it will make misconception
data that placed between upper and lower limit between students and items. It can be seen to
include to average category. The analysis result determine the fitness of the item based on the
shows that tahsinul qur’an certification exam value of Outfit Mean Square (MNSQ), Outfit Z-
which consists of 30 questions can be divided Standard (ZSTD), and Point Measure
into three categories. The first is difficult Correlation (Pt Mean Corr). The criteria to see
category, in this category consists of 5 questions the item is in fit model are;
(16.67%), and the item number are 14, 28, 29, 26, The value of Outfit Mean Square (MNSQ)
and 17. The second is average category, in this received : 0.5 < MNSQ < 1.5
category consists of 10 questions (33.33%), and The value of Outfit Z-Standard (ZSTD)
the item number are 21, 23, 18, 19, 13, 30, 20, 24, received : - 2,0 < ZSTD < +2,0
27, 16. The last category is easy category, in this The value of Point Measure Correlation (Pt
category consists of 15 questions (50.0%), and Mean Corr) : 0,4 < Pt Mean Corr < 0,85.
the item number are 12, 5, 1, 6, 15, 25, 3, 9,11, If items in those three criteria are not
22, 2, 7, 8, 4, 10. fulfilled, we can make sure that the items aren’t
good, so it needs to repair or replace.

Table 3. item difficulty tahsinul certification exam Qur'an

Entry Total Total
Measure Keterangan
Number Score Count MNSQ ZSTD
13 162 295 1.73 8.4 0.02 Tidak Fit
28 90 295 1.38 3.3 0.23 Tidak Fit
30 174 295 1.33 3.8 0.17 Tidak Fit
8 252 295 1.24 1.1 0.25 Fit
29 139 295 1.21 2.8 0.31 Tidak Fit
26 109 295 1.20 2.3 0.32 Tidak Fit
5 220 295 1.12 1.0 0.27 Fit
12 209 295 1.12 1.0 0.36 Fit
21 148 295 1.08 1.2 0.38 Fit
7 252 295 1.03 0.2 0.33 Fit
23 147 295 1.02 0.3 0.42 Fit
4 259 295 1.02 0.2 0.33 Fit
14 84 295 1.01 0.2 0.43 Fit
3 237 295 1.01 0.1 0.36 Fit
11 242 295 0.97 -0.1 0.34 Fit
6 225 295 0.87 -0.9 0.39 Fit
10 289 295 0.75 -0.3 0.18 Fit
18 156 295 0.95 -0.7 0.48 Fit
27 200 295 0.86 -1.4 0.44 Fit
9 242 295 0.89 -0.6 0.38 Fit
25 229 295 0.78 -1.5 0.43 Fit
15 225 295 0.79 -1.6 0.44 Fit
2 251 295 0.74 -1.4 0.39 Fit
1 223 295 0.83 -1.3 0.44 Fit
24 200 295 0.87 -1.3 0.47 Fit
19 157 295 0.86 -2.0 0.52 Fit
16 201 295 0.80 -2.1 0.50 Fit
22 244 295 0.77 -1.3 0.44 Fit
20 183 295 0.77 -3.0 0.54 Fit
17 138 295 0.80 -3.1 0.57 Fit

Based on the above table, we can see that items itend to not fit. Those 5 items are 13, 28,
from 30 items in multiple choices, there are 5 30, 29, 26. Meanwhile, others are fit. If we take

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

a look from those three criteria, item number 13 and 5 essay that has not known its characteristics
is not fulfilled the requirement in Outfit MNSQ yet. The analysis using rasch model doesn’t give
and ZSTD (each value are 1.73 and 8.4) and the us the information about the quality of item
value of Point measurement correlation is 0.02. differences and the possibility of the participants
Then, the other items which aren’t fit namely that is only guessing. Beside, this research
item number 28, 30, 29, and 26. Those items doesn’t show the ability of the participant in
aren’t fulfilled the requirement in two criteria answering the worksheet as an appropriateness
that is the value of outfit ZSTD and PT-measure comparison between students’ ability and items
corr. The value of outfit ZSTD in those four items difficulty. So, the future researcher can identify
is more that +2.0 and the value of PT-measure the item difference, the quality of short essay and
correlation are less than 0.4. So, we can conclude essay, and also the comparison between students’
that those five non-fit items need to repair or ability and item difficulty.
[1] Tim 10 PKTQ. (2015). Pengembangan
Based on the analysis result which is used Kepribadian dan Tahsinul Qur’an.
rasch model, it can be concluded that this Yogyakarta: PKTQ Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah
instrument in the form of 30 items in multiple dan Keguruan UIN Sunan Kalijaga
choices is reliable with the reliability score 0.98. Yogyakarta.
The item difficulty based on the logit value
[2] Allen, Mary., & Yen, Wendy. (1979).
shows that item number 14 includes to the most
Introduction to Measurement Theory.
difficult item with logit value +2.12, and then the
California: Bookks/Cole Publishing
easiest item is number 10 with the logit value -
3.36. The result of variable maps shows that there
are 5 item include to difficult category (16.67%), [3] Mardapi, Djemari. (2012). Pengukuran,
10 items (33.33%) include to average category, penilaian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan.
and 15 items (50.0%) include to easy category. Yogyakarta: Nuha Medika.
After that, there are 25 fit items and 5 non-fit
[4] Mardapi, Djemari. (2008). Pengukuran,
items which are analyzed by using rasch model.
Those five items are 13, 28, 30, 29, and 26, so penilaian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan.
those items need to repair or replace. Yogyakarta: Nuha Medika
[5] Sumintono dan Widhiarso. (2015). Aplikasi
Pemodelan Rasch Pada Assessment
Pendidikan.Cimahi: Trim Komunikata.
This research has several weaknesses such
as; the item analyzed in tahsinul qur’an [6] Sumintono, & Widhiarso. (2014). Aplikasi
certification exam is only discussed about Model Rasch untuk Penelitian Ilmu-ilmu
students’ response in dichotomous, while the Sosial. Cimahi: Trim Komunikata.
other type of question consist of 10 short essay,

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Latifatul Jannah1, Suharno2,Triyanto3
SebelasMaret University1,2,3
[email protected] , [email protected], [email protected]

The aims of research consist of the following (1) to conduct need analysis of Curriculum 2013 instructional
materials in elementary school (2) to develop instructional material based on multicultural values. The study
employs descriptive qualitative method which the data are collected by interview, observation, and
document analysis. The observation and interview results about instructional materials of Curriculum 2013
in some elementary school in Surakarta consist of the following: (1) there is no applicable instructional
material for Curriculum 2013 yet (2) teachers need additional materials in order to deliver suitable material
of Curriculum2013 for students. (3) teachers get difficulties in selecting suitable additional material. (4)
teachers need additional material which can develop students good characters by adding Indonesian
multicultural knowledge in all subjects thematically and integrating it through the following steps: (1)
wrapping multicultural knowledge as connector among basic competencies (2) adding multicultural
knowledge in all students’ books thematically (3) highlighting multicultural values in the end of material.
(4) exemplyfying multicultural knowledge in arts in SBdP subjects. (5) adding real photographs of
multicultural diversities around Indonesia. By enriching and developing multicultural values for students
so it can be integrated in instructional materials such as tolerance, nationalism, and spirit of unity in
Keywords: Multicultural, instructional materials, Curriculum 2013

using Curriculum 2013, SD Muhammadiyah 24,

SDN Begalon II, SDN Kleco , SDN Keratonan,
In the teaching and learning process there SDN Bayan and SDN Semanggi Kidul. The
are various variables in order to deliver result of in-depth interviews was found that; (1)
knowledge for students optimally. Instructional there are still many shortcomings in students'
materials is one of main support. Instructional books (old Instructional materials); (2) the need
materials can be applied as information source for additional new unique Instructional materials.
which is needed for teacher in order to plan, The addition of Instructional materials is not
select, and implement learning process [1]. In authentically made but is always tailored by
short, instructional materials is tool used by many things so it is more than the existing
teacher to support learning process which can be Instructional materials needed.
obtained from various sources and arranged The development of Instructional materials
sistematically. An elementary school textbook is not only can increase knowledge but also can
organized thematically. Books are provided by help to overcome the current educational
the government which can led to innovative problem of students’ character formation [2]. The
learning, but Instructional materials are limited students’ character in the modern era that needs
for teacher books and student books. Thus, to be improved and developed, such as respect
teachers should provide additional Instructional for diversity, tolerance and nationalism. The
materials independently from various sources. destruction of a nation will begin with the decline
Observations in several primary schools in of its character [2]. So, character issue needs
Surakarta have found that in seeking additional special attention in the world of education.
materials teachers used Instructional materials in Indonesia is well-known as a country which
the previous curriculum such as book packages rich in cultures. Ki HajarDewantara has three
published by Yudistira and Erlangga. concepts about culture that are creativity, values
These statements are reinforced on the basis and intention. Culture comes from budhi and
of observations made by in-depth interviews on dhaya, which is then simplified into mind
teachers in some elementary schools in Surakarta (intelligence) and power (ability and strength)

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

[4]. Culture is one way of building the character

of learners because it has useful values. Culture
and education have a very close correlation and
influence each other. One way to involve culture
in education does not have to make its own
subject, but it can be attached in the Instructional
materials. Multicultural education is education
about cultural diversity [5]. The essence of
multicultural education is to foster nationalism,
tolerance and unity in diversity. Multicultural can Figur 1. Analysis Iinteractive Model
be used as reference of additional element in
Instructional material to form good character. For
example is theme 7 "Beautiful Diversity in My The results of study on the old Instructional
Country" for grade IV elementary school. materials (Curriculum 2013 material) can be
Epistemologically,multiculturalism obtained that: (1) the material contained in the
consists of the word multi which means plural, theme book of theme 7 is suitable with the basic
culture which means culture, and ismewhich competencies but the material presented is still
means belief. So multiculturalism is a pluralistic not complete; (2) students' books (old
culture. Multiculturalism is a policy in the Instructional materials) are appropriate to the age
practice of education in acknowledging, of learners and can motivate learners; (3) there
accepting, affirming human differences and are some materials that are less adaptedrelated to
similarities associated with gender, race, and the theme; (4) need additional glossary (5) need
class [6]. Thus, that multicultural is the canal of to add values that can be taken from multicultural
multiculturalism that emphasizes the various knowledge.
cultures. Multicultural has two goals: the initial Results of research on the need analysis of
goal and the ultimate goal. The initial goal is a additional Instructional materials consist of the
temporary goal because this goal serves only as following (1) need Instructional materials which
an intermediary for the ultimate goal to be is more complete and applicabe; (2) Instructional
achieved well [7]. The goal of multicultural materials that can motivate students; (3)
education that focuses on helping learners is to Instructional materials that are support for
understand the group's background in society, to learners’ development; (4) Instructional
respect and appreciate ethnic cultural and ethno- materials featuring authentic examples. The
cultural diversity, to resolve ethnocentric and integration of multicultural values into
purely prejudicial attitudes, to comprehend Instructional materials is one form of renewal in
critical analysis skills - routine issues and the development of Instructional materials.
political issues through a democratic process The integration of multicultural values in
through a vision of justice and free society, the development of old Instructional materials
developing a meaningful identity for everyone can be described as follows: (1) multicultural
[8]. knowledge becomes the liaison among basic
competencies. (2) attaching multicultural values
in all subjects. (3) Emphasizing multicultural
The method of this research is descriptive values in the process of delivering materials, (4)
qualitative which aims to (1) describe the state of exemplyfying multucultural values in arts for
Instructional materials at elementary school in SBdP subject. (5) giving authentic photographs
Curriculum 2013, (2) to investigate teachers' of multicultural cultures in Indonesia.
need for additional Instructional materials, (3) to
describe how to integrate multicultural in the
development of Instructional materials. In this
research data collection obtained by interviews,
observation, and document analysis. The
researches are conductedin SD Muhammadiyah
24, SDN Begalon II, SDN Kleco 1, SDN
Keratonan, SDN Bayan and SDN
SemanggiKidul involving teachers and some
students. Data analysis is done by using Miles
and Huberman interactive model. Figure 2. The Example of Multicultural in

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

(6) Giving additional multicultural values In attaching multicultural values in

as supplement in the end of chapter which consist thematic textbook should consider these
of nationalism, tolerance and unity in diversity. following things: (1) analyze potential factors of
multicultural values such as giving the students
introductional knowledge, life skills, ethics, and
its characters; (2) the teachers’ competence in
1.1. Why does it need multicultural values?
applying multicultural approach which consider
The core values of multicultural education students’ cultural background (3) analyze
students background in order to support their
are democracy, humanism, and pluralism. 1)
Democracy is a comprehensive term in all forms, culture of learning styles (5) integrate it in
whether cultural, political, or social justice. 2) textbook as instructional material.
The humanist value is essentially an
acknowledgment of plurality, heterogeneity, and
human diversity. The diversity can be ideology, Instructional materials are very important in
religion, paradigm, ethnicity, patterns of thought, the learning process, in Curriculum 2013 the only
needs, economic level and so on. 3) The value of Instructional materials provided are teacher
pluralism is an understanding that recognizes books and student books. The results of research
diversity in the nation, as it exists in Indonesia on the need of old Instructional materials of
[8]. The difference of the students themselves Curriculum 2013 conducted with interviews on
must be acknowledged in multicultural teachers, students and literature study to get the
education, including ethnic, racial, religious, result that the old material need applicable
ethnic, religious, ethnic, ethnic, religious, additional Instructional materials. The results of
economic, regional, origin, age group and other research on the need of old Instructional
ethnic minorities [9] materials get the result that the additional
Instructional materials must be backed up from
4.2 Principal Values for Developing Instructional the old Instructional materials, the need for
Material values that can be taken, the Instructional
There are 6 principal for developing materials are compiled attractively and not out of
instructional material, consist of the following: the provisions of the old Instructional materials.
(1) make the simple and authentic material which From the results of the analysis of the state of the
accessible for students (2) repeating to perform old Instructional materials, the need for
instructional materials in order to strenghten and additional Instructional materials has been
to train the teachers to performs it accurately and obtained that the way to integrate multicultural
variously. (3) give positive feedback for students insight is by packing multicultural into liaison
to stimulate students’ confidence and motivation. between basic competence, incorporating
[1]. multicultural in all subjects in student's book,
4.3 Steps in Developing Instructional Material accentuating multicultural values in the end of
material, using multicultural examples in
There are six steps in developing Examples of artwork in SBDP lessons, adding
instructional material which consist of the authentic multicultural photographs in various
following: 1) preparing the primary objective of cultures around Indonesia, adding additional
instructional material, 2) conducting reasearch, multicultural insights as supplement in the end of
3) testing the available material, 4) arranging or materials.
modificating the available material 5) providing
and creating a new instructional material, 6)
selecting or providing learning activities [10]. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
The techinique for developing printed
instructional material consist of the following: 1) I would like to give a respectful appreciate
the title and material must cover basic for head master of SD Muhammadiyah 24, SDN
competencies or primary maerial that must be Begalon II, SDN Kleco 1, SDN Keratonan, SDN
achieved by students. 2) attractive and clear Bayan, SDN Semanggi Kidul, and the teachers
appearance, 3) the language is easy to and some students who give me a legal
understand, 4) the availabilty of stimulant, 5) permission and participate very well in order to
easy to read [1] conduct this research.
4.4 Development of Multicultural Instructional

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

REFERENCES [7] Suryana, Y. &Rusdiana, A. 2015.

Pendidikan Multikultural. Bandung:
[1] Prastowo, Andi. 2013. Pengembangan
Bahan Ajar Tematik.. Yogyakarta: Kencana
[8] Farida Hanum dan Setya Raharja (2011).
[2] Mustari, Mohammad. 2014. Nilai-
Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran
NilaiKarakter. Jakarta: Rajawali Pers.
Pendidikan Multikultural Menggunakan
[3] Panjaitan, dkk. 2014. Korelasi Kebudayaan Modul Sebagai Suplemen Pelajaran IPS di
dan Pendidikan. Jakarta: OborPustaka. Sekolah Dasar. Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu
Pendidikan, Volume 04, Nomor 2, Hlm 113-
[4] Mahfud, Choirul. 2005. Pendidikan 128.
Multikultural. Yogyakarta: PustakaPelajar
[9] Baker G.C. 1994. Planning and Organizing
[5] Thobroni M. &Mustofa, A. 2013. for Multicultural Instruction (2nd).
BelajardanPembelajaran. Yogyakarta: California : Addison- Elsey Publishing
Arruz Media Company.
[6] Yaqin, M. Ainul. 2005. Pendidikan [10] Rothwell, William J. & Kanzas, H.C. 2004.
Multikultural. Yogyakarta: Pilar Media Mastering the Instructional Design Procces.
San Francisco : Pfeifer

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Hafidz Wahyu Nur Cholis
Universitas Sebelas Maret
[email protected]

English recently is used as universal means in communication. Therefore, seeing English speaking ability
from students’ perspective is very important in this modern era when media, propaganda, and mass
communication dominate nowadays. This makes everyone to be fully desired earning the advantages of
modern education such online and multimedia resources. This study aims to investigate students’
perspective on the quality of the materials given by the teacher, the students’ chance to get correct
pronunciation either from the teacher or other resources, and whether there is activity to improve students’
speaking ability in English or not. The nature of this study was descriptive. The setting of the research was
at Drop-In Class Self Access Center at one of private university in Yogyakarta. The sampling technique
used was purposive sampling. A questionnaire with close-ended question was administered as the
instrument to collect the data. The data was obtained from 30 students in the freshmen year. The collected
data were tabulated in the form of frequencies and then analyzed using percentages. The results show that
students’ perception on the quality of the material given by the teacher in the classroom is not good to
support students in improving their speaking ability. Students also experience unclear pronunciation from
the teacher. On the other hands, students argue that other resources like videos and music provide clearer
pronunciation for them. In addition, the activity provided by the teacher to enhance students’ speaking
ability is found in few numbers.
Keywords: ELT, speaking ability, students’ perspective on speaking ability.

and the main cause of this problem is students’

assumption on their performance which is either
Along with the development of education wrong or incomprehensible (Brown, H.D.,
system, considering the students’ perspective 2001). Teachers must be very careful to cover
nowadays seems to be important to gain those things to be well-provided, well-managed,
successfully teaching and learning process. and well-delivered to students. When those
When teacher is the only one who controls factors are not fulfilled, it may decrease the
students’ language production, students will face quality of students’ speaking ability.
difficulties in transferring knowledge from People say that practice makes perfect.
learning-situation into using-situation or real life Thus, teachers should provide enough time for
(Bygate, M., 2003). Teacher, in this case, is the students to practice their speaking to increase
one who has a responsibility to be aware dealing their speaking ability. This will gradually
with students’ perspective and making them decrease the problems that frequently emerge in
conscious that their perspective is fully respected speaking activity such anxiety, nervousness, fear
to be shared. Then, there will be cooperation of misspelling. Besides, teachers should
between students and teacher to reach the same encourage students to do those variant activities
goals in the classroom. and make classroom to be constructive
Dealing with speaking, there are a lot of environment where all students support each
things to be considered like pronunciation, other to improve their speaking ability. The
grammar, anxiety, fear of public speaking, etc. activities applied by teachers should appropriate
Students who are competent in communication for students. This can be reached by teachers who
are also competent in linguistic (Hedge, T., have completed English proficiency test e.g.
2008). So, when they have no competency in TOEFL (Fayyaz, M., as cited in Khan & Ali
linguistic, they cannot communicate well. 2010). In the end, The Commission on English
Besides, the most frequent problem emerges in Curriculum stated that the most crucial factors to
speaking especially in front of public is anxiety enhance students’ English speaking ability are
(Dörnyei, 2005; Ehrman, 1995; Gardner & how teachers encourage students’ speaking
MacIntyre, 1993; Harmer, 2004; Humphries, activities by relating them to students’ personal
2011; MacIntyre, 1999; Wang & Chang, 2010)

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

interest and how teachers deal with both boys and

girls (as cited in Khan & Ali, 2010).
The nature of this research was descriptive.
This study focuses on investigating
The sampling technique used was purposive
students’ perspective on three aspects in
sampling to 1st year students who attend speaking
speaking classroom. The first is the quality of
class in Drop-In Class Self Access Centre in one
materials given by teacher in speaking
of private university in Yogyakarta. An adopted
classroom. Secondly, students’ opportunities
questionnaire from Khan and Ali (2010) was
given by teacher to get correct pronunciation
used to collect the data. The collected data were
from either teacher or other resources. The last,
tabulated in the form of frequencies and analyzed
this research aims to investigate the
through percentages.
implementation of activity applied by teacher to
improve students’ speaking ability.

The obtained data from questionnaire

which was spread to students can be seen in the
Table 1 below:
Table 1. Response of students about English Speaking Ability

Question Yes No
Enough time for speaking ability 10 (33.33%)
Different excercise given for speaking ability 12 (40%) 18 (60%)
Speaking on given topic for limited duration 11 (36.67%)
Teacher Scold for speaking English incorrectly 11 (36.67%)
Do not speak English in class, fear of teachers 17 (56.67%)
Shy in speaking due to laughing of the class fellows 21 (70%) 9 (30%)
Do not know how to speak correctly 16 (53.33%)
Teacher speaks English most of the time 13 (43.33%)
Students are the main cause of poor speaking 12 (40%) 18 (60%)
Teachers are main cause of poor speaking 17 (56.67%)
Teachers and students are equally responsible for poor speaking 20 (66.66%)
Different activities i.e. Debate regularly arranged 8 (26.67%)
Teachers help regarding academic problems 23 (76.67%) 7 (23.33%)
You like English 25 (83.33%) 5 (16.67%)
Speaking in English class with class fellows and teachers 2 (6.67%)

Table 1. shows that 10 (33.33%) students incorrectly, whereas 19 (63.33%) denied in this
said that they were given enough time for regard. 17 (56.67%) students argued that they do
speaking to enhance their speaking ability not speak English in classroom because of the
whereas 20 (66.67%) students denied it. When fear of teachers, while 13 (43.33%) argued
asked that different exercises were given to them oppositely. In relation to a question that the
to enhance their speaking ability, 12 (40%) students are shy in speaking because they think
students answered that it was so, while 18 (60%) that their class fellows will laugh at them, 21
believed such was not the case. 11 (36.67%) (70%) students said “Yes,” but 9 (30%) said
students agreed that they can speak on a given “No” in this relation. 16 (53.33%) students
topic for a limited time, but 19 (63.33%) did not responded in positive, while 14 (46.67%)
agree. 11 (36.67%) students replied that their students in negative regarding the question that
teacher scold them for speaking English they did not know how to speak correctly.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Teachers speak English most of the time, 13 competitions were not regularly arranged as told
(43.33%) student said “Yes”” whereas 17 by great number of the students.
(56.67%) said “No” in this connection. 12 (40%)
According to the result, the researcher
students answered that they are responsible for
suggests several points. The first is that students
the poor speaking ability, while 18 (60%)
should get motivation, encouragement,
students replied “No” in this regard. Teachers
counselling, and reassurance to remove their
were the main cause of poor speaking ability 17
shyness due to fellows laughing in classroom.
(56.67%) students replied “Yes” but 13 (43.33%)
Secondly, teachers should be trained not to
answered “No” in this relation. 20 (66.66%)
discourage students and they can control
students believed teachers and students were
problems faced by students to create conducive
equally responsible for the poor speaking ability
milieu for learning in classroom. Then, teachers
whereas 10 (33.33%) did not think so. Regarding
should emphasize more on linguistic skill e.g.
the question, different activities such as
vocabulary, grammar, and phonetic to make
seminars, group discussions and debates
students be able speaking correctly. The last one
competitions, etc. were regularly being arranged,
is that teacher should provide various activities
8 (26.67%) students responded positively but
for students to practice their speaking to enhance
maximum students, i.e. 22 (73.33%) responded
their speaking ability.
negatively. Teachers help regarding academic
problems, 23 (76.67%) students agreed, while 7
(23.33%) denied it. When asked about a last ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
question that the students speak in the class of The researcher would like to send the
English with their class fellows and teachers, 2 gratitude for all students engaged in this research
(6.67%) said “Yes”, while 28 (93.33%) said who were willingly being this research’s subject.
“No” in this regard.
[1] Bygate,M. (2003). Language teaching,a
Most of the students complained that scheme for teaching education: Speaking,
enough time was not given to enhance their UK, Oxford: University Press ( p.56).
English speaking ability in the classroom. It can
be safely concluded that teacher was failed to [2] Brown, H. D. (2001). Teaching by
encourage students to enhance their English principles. New York: Pearson Education.
speaking ability. Most of the students agreed that [3] Dörnyei, Z. (2005). The psychology of the
different exercises were not given to them language learner: Individual differences in
regarding speaking ability. Some students agreed second language acquisition. New Jersey:
that they could speak on a given topic for a Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
limited duration, while more than half did not
agree in this connection. Some students were [4] Ehrman, M. E. (1995). Understanding
scolded by their teachers for speaking incorrectly second language learning difficulties:
in English but more than half did not think so. Looking beneath the surface. Thousand
Some of the students could not speak in the Oaks, CA: Sage.
classrooms of English because of the fears of [5] Gardner, R. C.& MacIntyre, P. D. (1993). A
their teachers. Another important point to be student’s contributions to second language
added over here was that big number of the learning. Part II: Affective variables.
students was shy because of the fear that their Language Teaching, 26, 1-11.
class fellows would laugh at them. According to
the data, half of the students knew how to speak [6] Harmer, J. (2004). The Practice of English
correctly. More than half the students responded Language Teaching (6th ed.). Harlow:
that their teachers did not speak English most of Pearson Education Limited.
the time in the classes of English. Students and [7] Humphries, R. (2011). Language anxiety in
teachers were equally responsible regarding one international students. Griffith Working
of the question asked from the students in Papers in Pragmatics and Intercultural
connection with poor speaking ability, most of Communication 4, 1(2), 65-77.
them said “yes” but the teachers are more
responsible by having the professional [8] Khan, N., & Ali, A. (2010). Improving the
knowledge and skills. Different activities such as speaking ability in English: The students'
seminars, group discussions and debates perspective. Procedia Social and Behavioral
Sciences, 2, 3575-3579.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

[9] MacIntyre, P. D. (1999) Language anxiety: [10] Wang, L. J., & Chang, H. F. (2010).
a review of the research for language Applying innovation method to assess
teachers. In D. J. Young (Ed.) Affect in English speaking performance on
foreign language and second language communication apprehension. Belt Journal,
learning: A practical guide to creating a low- 1(2), 147-158.
anxiety classroom atmosphere. Boston:

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Jan Pieter
FKIP UniversitasCenderawasih Jayapura, Papua
e-mail: [email protected]


The purpose of this study is to describe: factors that cause high rates of illiteracy, public participation in
implementing literacy programs, obstacles faced and impacts of such programs for the community.This
research is a descriptive study using a qualitative approach. Sources of data is consisted by head of PNFI
Jayawijaya regency, Chief of Yalengga district, Chairman of the Department PNFI Kemah Injil Church
Synode, Chairman of PKBM Yalengga and Tirluk, citizens of illiterate. Analysis data used in this research
is qualitative method.The results show that the causative factors in height illiteracy figures in Yalengga
District consists of: poverty population, school dropout basic level, drop out PLS program, social
conditions, culture and gender equality, teacher absenteeism in schools and the geographical location of
schools away from some of the villages/districts. Implementation of the programs required participation
from government and society. Government supports on these programs are to build cooperation and
partnership, strengthen of human resources and providers, facilitate issuance of SUKMA and perform the
functions of control and evaluation. Community participation is directly involved as program providers
(Church and PKBM), facilitators directly involved as tutors and directly involved as illiterate learners.
Obstacles encountered in the implementation of the program are the level of participation of the community,
tutors, learners; agency management, methods and teaching materials, cooperation, partnership and rural
development. Literacy programs have a positive impact for the community, they were able to continue their
education equally, spiritual impact, economics and for individual with self-esteem and confidence.
Keywords: Public participation, literacy program, Rural Area Papua

continues to change it, various policies and

programs for the elimination of illiteracy in
Science, skills, and education are the Indonesia through formal, non formal and
basic elements that determine the dexterity of a informal education.
person thinking about himself and his Due to the importance of these illiteracy
environment. A person who is able to change problems, in international become one of the
himself to be better will be able to change his determinants development level of a nation,
family, later can change the region and then able which is measured from the level of literacy of its
to change the country to a better direction. But population to determine the Human
the fact, ideal condition is still far from Development Index (HDI). The results of United
expectations. Nations Development Program (UNDP)
Education conditions in Indonesia now assessment in 2013 Indonesia show an increment
days still require various improvements in from ranked 111 in 2004 and 2009 into rank 108
various fields. There are still backward people in 2013, but still below China and Thailand. One
and untouched by decent education, many Indicator causes of low HDI rating is the high
dropout rates and also many people who suffer population of illiterate people. The low human
from illiteracy status. Literacy in Indonesia development index indicates the low
existed since the colonial era and the beginning competitiveness of the nation in life.
of Indonesia independence, and Government

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Table 1.1 Indonesia Rank Based on Human Development Index (HDI) In comparison with some Asian
country, Year 2000 – 2013

2000 2002 2003 2004 2009 2013

Thailand 76 70 74 76 87 89

Malaysia 61 59 58 59 67 62

Philipina 77 77 85 83 115 117

Indonesia 109 110 112 111 111 108

China 99 96 104 94 92 91

Vietnam 108 109 109 112 116 121

Source: UNDP HDI Rank (2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2009&2013)

The data show high rates of illiteracy There are some people cannot read, counting and
throughout Papua especially in rural areas speaking Indonesian correctly.
especially for young girls. There are 40% of Davis (1962) said "Participation is defined
population aged between15-59 classified as as the mental and emotional involvement of a
illiterate, high drop-out rates and Children that person in a group situation which encourages him
out-of-school and imbalances gender to get an to contribute to group goals and share
access for education in all levels of education. responsibility in them." Community
The high rates of teachers and headmasters development always seeks to maximize
defaulters in districts at mountain areas (up to participation that aims to get everyone in
48% of teachers and 70% of school principals) Communities are actively involved in
(ACDP, 2014) are very serious concerns and community processes and activities to recreate
tremendous damage to the quality and trust of the future of society and individuals. Thus
education services in hinterland of Papua. participation is an important part of
Total data of illiteracy in Papua reach empowerment and growth of consciousness. The
634,243 people in 2012. 2013 Program, Central more active participants, the more complete their
Government prioritizes to completing illiteracy participation, the more ideal the sense of
in 26 districts in Papua Province and Year 2014 ownership and community processes will be
prioritizes 60,000 people to complete the realized (Jim & Frank, 2008).
program in 15 densely populated districts, Based on participatory systems and
namely Jayawijaya regency, Lani Jaya, mechanisms, Cohen and Uphoff (1977) in
Yahukimo, Puncak, Tolikara, Paniai, Puncak Kannan, (2002) differentiate participation into
Jaya, Nduga, Pegunungan Bintang, Deiyai, four types: a) participation in decision making, b)
Yalimo, Asmat, Dogiyai, Intan Jaya and participation in implementation, c) participation
Mamberamo Tengah. in benefit, and participation in evaluation.
In 2014 Jayawijaya Regency comes as the Participation in decision making is community
first of 15 districts that an illiteracy rate in Papua participation in decision-making processes and
Province must be completed with total number of organizational policies. Participation in this type
people illiteracy reach 65,965 people. The total is giving the opportunity to the public in
target has to be completed in 2014 is 9,200 expressing their opinion to assess a plan or
people. Yalengga District is one of the districts in program to be determined. The community is
Jayawijaya regency that participate in the also giving an opportunity to assess a decision or
program. The illiteracy completion program has policy in progress.
been implemented by several institutions in the Literacy (Literacy) is simply defined as the
Yalengga district since 2000. But until today ability to read, write and count. For illiterate
there are many people found with illiteracy status adults, literacy skills are not only able to read,
despite various literacy education services has write and count, but rather emphasize function in
been widely held using various methods, everyday life (Archer, 1996). Widely, Literacy is
strategies in learning. People in Yalengga defined as the basic knowledge and skills
District have not been able to develop the required by all citizens and become one of the
potential and improve their life to be better. foundations for the mastery of other life skills.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Literacy education is a type of non formal below the poverty line and making basic needs a
education service for people who have not and priority for their lives.
want to have the ability to read, write and count b. Forms of community participation on
(calistung), which is functional for their life. implementation of illiteracy completion
People learning not only have calistung abilities, program
communicate in Indonesian language and Forms of community participation in the
business or livelihood skills, but can also adapt implementation of basic literacy programs
and survive in an ever-changing life. Literacy are: (a) Community institutions (Church,
education program is oriented to everyday life by PKBM, Yayasan) are directly involved as
exploiting the potential that exists in surrounding program organizers. (B) The pastor
environment, so that citizens learn and society voluntarily assumes the responsibility of
can improve the quality and standard of living. being a tutor / facilitator of basic literacy
Priority of basic literacy education is between programs; and (c) citizens as illiterate status
ages 15-49 years old with status of tuna akara and reporters, directly involved as basic literacy
has commitment to follow the activity. learners.
The purpose of this research is to know the c. Constraints faced by program organizers in
factors causing high number of illiteracy, to get implementing illiteracy programs.
information about type of public participation in The implementation of the illiteracy
implementation of the illiteracy completion program in Yalengga district, there are many
program, to know the constraints faced by the obstacles faced by various parties. Some
organizers in the implementation of the program obstacles faced by the local government as
and to get information on the impact of the an extension of the central government, the
program in completing the tuna Script for organizers, tutors and residents learn
community life in Yalengga District of illiteracy: (a) Low understanding of the
Jayawijaya Regency. importance of education, especially basic
literacy education, (b) in general community
needs is to fulfill of basic needs, therefore
learning/education is not their priority (c)
This research was conducted in Yalengga both tutor and people not active in learning
District, Jayawijaya Regency for six months, (d) lack of training funding, evaluation and
form December 2014 until May 2015. The type
monitoring, (e) lack of coordination of work
of research used in this study is descriptive among local governments and program
qualitative. Researchers are one of important providers, (f) geographical factors for
element in qualitative research or called as key
monitoring functions, (g) lack of learning
instrument. Sources of data used in this research guidance book/teaching manual, (h) no
are PNFI field of Jayawijaya Regency, Head of electricity / lighting to study at night, (i) and
Yalengga District, Head of Department of PNFI
lack of self learning reference.
Synod of Gereja Kemah Injil in Tanah Papua, d. The impact of illiteracy programs on
Chairman PKBM Yalengga, Chairman of PKBM community life in Yalengga District
Tirluk, Tutor and Residents Learning illiteracy.
Findings impact of basic literacy education
Data collection methods used was in-depth programs for local communities are: (a)
interviews, observation and documentation. Data continuing education of equality, (b)
analysis techniques used are data reduction, data independence to learn and develop, (c)
presentation, conclusion and verification (Miles potential development, and (d) to raise self-
&Huberman, 1994). Validity testing of data was
esteem and self-confidence from the citizens
done by using reference, peer examination / learning itself
supervisor and Discussion Group (FGD).

a. Factors contributing to the high rate of

a. Factors that cause high levels of illiteracy illiteracy
The findings of factors causing high rates From the findings factors causing the high
of illiteracy are: a) never schooling, b) family
lift of illiteracy in Yalengga District, the
factors not giving support and motivation for following is a further discussion.
children to remain in school, c) drop out, d) 1) Cultural factors include: customary
teacher absenteeism in school, e) Geographical,
festivals, which in those events disturb the
f) Not supportive environmental factors, g) lesson schedule of illiteracy and education in
cultural factors that people still hold and live in, general; Pig farming and marriage systems,
and h) economic factors that society is generally

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

where parents find it difficult to sell pigs for 3) Strengthening the organizing agency: by
educational purposes; And the role of men issuing a decision letter for 40 PKBMs,
and women, in which the residents learn another 24 were in process. Provide
illiteracy is more dominant on women. The operational assistance, organizer fee, and
role of Dani female influences the equality education teaching materials,
participation of women in education and laptop, printer and physical building that has
illiteracy learning. been realized with 4 PKBM buildings that
2) Economic factors: Yalengga community have been built.
routines and priorities exist in the fulfillment 4) Facilitate the issuance of SUKMA.
of basic needs. 5) Perform monitoring and evaluation
3) Political factors: Population data are quite functions: although there is still limited
diverse from several sources. Population application of monitoring and evaluation
data is data for political needs, thus function in field.
impacting on the increase of illiteracy rate.
4) Social factors of social consideration: The type of participation in the
encompassing geographic conditions for less implementation of illiteracy impairment program
strategic locations of schools, poor parental is participation in implementation (Cohen and
understanding of education. Uphoff, 1977) which means participation or
5) Learning conditions: covering limited participation of the community in illiteracy
learning facilities and infrastructure; completion activities based on established
Teaching materials and reading materials programs.
was lack, administrative tools and financial
were not functioned maximum; The Types of community involvement in the
limitations of tutors that coming from program are:
different educational backgrounds, there are 1) The Church Institution: to be involved as an
17 letters are rarely or not used in the local organizer with the responsibility to exercise
language, making it difficult on the learning spiritual literacy for Church Congregation
process; As well as a lack of understanding with illiterate status; Fundraising for tutor
on graduation standards of learning citizens. training funds; Procurement, printing and
6) Factors of teacher absenteeism: where distribution of teaching manuals; As well as
teachers are not on duty for long periods of Church building donations used as learning
time, thus children does not get their right to venue.
learn. 2) PKBM Institution: involved as an organizer;
Tutors who come from the Church, are
Yalengga District is district with 32 km committed to teaching; Citizens learn to be
from Wamena, Capital city of Jayawijaya directly involved as illiterate citizens to
Regency, with 30 minutes milage by Car. support the program.
But in rainy season, the street will come as
mudhole. Community participation in the
implementation of the acceleration program for
b. Community participation model on illiteracy is urgently needed, but there are several
implementation of acceleration program for factors that sometimes hamper the participation
illiteracy in Yalengga District of the community itself, among others: the level
The form of support from the Regional of education; The step of feeling 'trust' or
Government through the Office of Education and 'confidence'; Society has not experience yet or
Culture of Non-Formal Education in the uplifted its interests; As well as the program's
implementation of literacy education in goals and benefits are not clear enough for
Jayawijaya Regency, especially in Yalengga public.
district is by: The Church is an organization that exists
1) Establish cooperation and partnership with in every region inland of Papua. If in a district
the organizing institutions such as the does not have a school, it is certain that the
Church, PKBM, NGO / Foundation and also church exists and provides services to the
universities in the region to implement the community. Inland of Papua, the church not only
illiteracy programs. provides spiritual services, but provides health
2) Strengthening human resources: by care, agriculture, livestock and education. In the
providing training / comparative studies for case of PKBM in Yalengga District, Church in
PKBM leaders at home and abroad. cooperation with the community to provide a
package of learning services in the form of a

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Teaching and Learning Center. The entry of empower the community or learners how to
Christianity in Papua in 1855 marked the grow. Efforts to empower the community or
beginning of modern education in untouched learners can be seen from three sides namely,
area (Modouw, 2013). first: create an atmosphere / climate that allow
potential learners Develop (enabling).
Based on the above obstacle factors, the Empowerment is an effort to build, encourage
following is a solution or strategy taken to foster and motivate and raise awareness of their
community participation according to Jim and potential as well as to develop it. Second,
Frank (2008): bottom up approaching; Focusing strengthen the potential or power owned by
on the process rather than on results; Raising student (empowering). Third, increase the
public awareness of the purpose and benefits of participation of student in the decision-making
activities; Collaborate and coordinate process that concerns himself and society.
effectively; And oriented to build society. Functional of Literacy can be interpreted
as ability to read and write. According to Arief
c. Obstacle faced in organizers of illiteracy and Napitupulu (1997), literacy is defined as the
programs basic knowledge and skills that required by
From the results of interviews with universe in a rapidly changing, as a human right.
informants and observations conducted at the Meanwhile, according to Kusnadiet al. (2003:
program organizers, the obstacles that become 53), functional literacy is one type of Non formal
interference are: public participation in general; School Education services for people who have
Tutor participation; Participation of illiterate not and want to have the ability to read, write and
citizens; Institutional management; Methods and count and then use it and meaningful for his life.
teaching materials; cooperation; And village They not only have the ability to read, write and
development where Yalengga district has no count as well as having skills to do business or
electricity yet. livelihood skills only, but also can survive in life.
From some of the above obstacles, the Literacy is a catalyst for participating in
program of acceleration of illiteracy completion social, cultural, political, economic and
is still carried out. Strategies taken are: change community empowerment, and as a part for
the approaching from the bottom; Institutions are lifelong learning. Functional literacy emphasizes
always oriented on process rather than outcomes; an ability to handle a new condition that created
Giving motivation for learning or inactive tutors; by the community environment, thus learners
Cooperation between Dinas and teachers who have the functional ability that is functioning for
manage their promotion by involving them in self and community. The purpose of functional
completing illiteracy; As well as institutional literacy is how to pursue the ability,
orientation to build communities with transparent understanding and adjustment to adjust the
funds usage. conditions of life and their working activity.
More broadly, literacy seeks to build society,
d. The analysis impact from illiteracy through the change of individuals level and
completion program for community life in society, with this equity, opportunity and global
the Yalengga District understanding. With the existence of PKBM in
Literacy is a right for everyone. This the Yalengga District, the community is able to
concept is related to the principle of benefit, pursue the opportunity to improve in the
namely literacy education provides benefits to education field which leads to increase their self-
individuals, families, communities and nations. confident and self-esteem.
The results of impact interviews of illiteracy
completion program for the Yalengga district
community are: a) Education: illiterate people
Based on the results of research and
can continue their education by learning. B)
Spiritual: the Church's seriousness in carrying discussion that have been analyzed, below are the
out illiteracy programs has an impact for the conclusions from this research:
a. The factors causing high illiteracy rates in
congregation to be able to read and study the
Bible itself. C) Economics: literate learners can Yalengga district of Jayawijaya Regency
improve their knowledge, business and income. are: population poverty, dropout rate, drop
out of PLS program, social condition,
D) Social: people's self-esteem and their
confidence are lifted through literacy education. cultural factor, political factor and gender
With the program of accelerated equality, teacher absence in school for some
time and the geographical location of
completion of illiteracy for the illiterate people,
indirectly the government and the organizers

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

schools is far enough for some villages or REFFERENCES

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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Iga Yolanda
Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia
Email : [email protected]


Teaching speaking in procedure text means teaching speaking about the directions of how to create/do
something in English. However, there is no activity provided from the book in which the students have
proper activity to express the direction of how to create something in spoken. This research was conducted
to: formulate the teaching speaking procedures that the students need in procedure text; design a Micstraw
task to encourage the students to speak about the directions of how to create something in English; and
know the experts’ perceptions whether the design of Micstraw task is meaningful, interesting and contextual
or not in teaching procedure text to encourage the seventh grade students to speak about the directions of
how to create something in English. This research was carried out at seventh grade students of SMP Negeri
2 Siantan in academic year 2015/2016. This research is a development research which consists of four
phases; analyze, design, develop, and evaluate. Analyze phase was done by analysing the students’ need in
speaking about the directions of how to do/create something by using interview and observation. Design
and develop phase were done by considering the result of need analysis in analyze phase. Evaluation was
the validation toward a Micstraw task which was done by the experts. The result of evaluation was 3.25
which was categorized as good. It convinced that Micstraw task is meaningful, interesting and contextual
to be used but it still needs little revision.
Keywords: contextual learning, development research, micstraw, procedure text, TBLT, teaching speaking

the students have to learn about the procedure

text which requires them to express the
Teaching speaking in procedure text means procedures/directions to do/make/create
teaching speaking about the something in English. Therefore, speaking about
procedures/directions of how to do/make/ create the procedures of how to do/make/create
something. Many of activities in the books do not something is necessary in learning process.
provide proper activities which facilitate the Speaking is about considering the use of
students to speak about the procedures/ vocabularies, tenses, grammar, and
directions of how to do/make/ create something pronunciation so the students need teaching
in English. The activities of speaking in procedures/ activities which are meaningful,
procedure text only based on the teacher’s interesting and contextual in teaching speaking
initiative that provides the students to speak about the procedure of how to do/create
about the procedures/directions of how to something in English naturally. In addition, the
do/make/ create something in English. students have to be able to take risk, be confident,
Meanwhile in the syllabus, the students have to and eliminate anxiety to speak fluently. In other
express the procedures/directions to do/make/ words, speaking about the procedures is very
create something in written and spoken. important but it is not an easy work to be done
Therefore, the activities which are given in the because of the many factors which must be
class should provide the students to speak about considered by the teacher.
the procedures/directions of how to Based on the curriculum which mostly used
do/make/create something which are in in academic year 2015/2016, that is KTSP
meaningful, interesting and contextual way. So Curriculum, the book which was used is “Let’s
that, the students can understand the lesson easily Talk”. In the book, there is no the activities which
and enjoy the teaching and learning process. provide the students to speak about the
According to the basic competence designed procedures/directions of how to do/create/make
for seventh grade students of Junior High School,

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

something in English. The book only provides will do some preparations for the task. Next, the
reading and writing procedure text activities. teacher introduces the topic and task. After that,
Based on the observation of learning process the teacher provides the students to learn useful
in the class VII A in SMP Negeri 2 Siantan, the words and phrase. The students will note down
activities of speaking were based on teachers’ the phrases from the pre-task activities. In the
initiative because the activities were not provided task cycle, it can be subdivided into three stages,
from the book. During the learning process, the including task, planning, and report. In the task
students learned about “how to make the stage, the students do the task in pairs or small
omelet”. The content of the procedures were groups by using the target and the teacher
determined by teacher. The students were not monitors the students from the distance. In the
given the opportunity to choose the content of planning and report stage, the students are able to
procedure text based on their interest. The complete the task and prepare to report an
students also did the practice in the classroom; outcome, for instance, some groups present their
the teacher asked the students to bring material reports to the class. This cycle is the main phase
needed to do the presentation and the equipments where the students use the target language to do
needed were brought by the teacher. It was the task. The last phase is the language focus. In
useful, but the script already prepared by the this stage, the students discuss the text in groups
teacher so the students did not develop the words and the teacher encourages them to focus their
used. All of the students had the same attention on forms of the language which they
presentation that was “how to make omelet (telur have already processed for meaning based on the
dadar)” and the same talks. Besides that, only texts or transcripts used earlier in the task cycle.
several students who did speaking, the rest of Mistakes will be corrected and the students get to
them just kept silent. There were some students practice the language form more extensively and
seemed not interested with the lesson. Based on lead them to a deeper understanding of their
the activities in the classroom, it can be seen that meaning and uses.
the activities in the classroom did not give the A Micstraw task is a set of procedures of
opportunity to the students to explore their ability meaningful, interesting and contextual speaking
to speak about the procedures/directions of how activities about telling the procedures/directions
to do/create/ make something in English of how to create any kinds of straw crafts in front
naturally. This research is aimed to design a of the classroom in pairs/small groups in natural
meaningful, interesting, and contextual task in way. Straw/plastic straw is the instructional
teaching procedure text by using straw as the media which is used in a Micstraw task. Scanlan
media of doing the task to encourage the seventh as cited in Ministry of National Education
grade students to speak about the (2009:2) states that instructional media includes
procedures/directions of how to do/create/make all the materials and physical means which
something in English. This task is named facilitate students to achieve learning objectives.
Micstraw task where the students learn in The use of instructional media in teaching and
meaningful, interesting and contextual way by learning process also help students to keep their
using straw crafts as the media of learning attention and interest, adjust the learning climate,
English. Considering how important the and promote better understanding to the lesson
Micstraw task is, the researcher uses TBLT (Seth, 2009: 22-23).
method. Nunan (2004: 1) mentions that the use
of task-based language teaching (TBLT)
emphasize the learning to communicate purpose
The researcher used development research
using target language, provides contextual
learning, helps the students focus on the language method to design a Micstraw task as the
and the learning process, enhance the learner’s alternative way to teach speaking about the
procedures of how to create something in
own personal experiences as important
contributing elements to classroom learning, and English. The participants in this research were 30
links the classroom language learning with seventh grade students of class A and an English
teacher in SMP Negeri 2 Siantan. To formulate
language use outside the classroom. It can be
concluded that by using TBLT method, the the procedures of teaching speaking that the
students have the opportunities to explore their students need in procedure text, the researcher
interviewed an English teacher and observed the
ability by doing the task and it focuses not only
on the language but also on the learning process. students in the classroom and books. To evaluate
Willis (1996: 38-40) states there are three a Micstraw task, the researcher prepared expert
evaluation for expert validation towards the
stages in TBLT design which consist of pre-task,
task cycle, and post task. In pre-task, the teacher Micstraw task. The data collecting instruments

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

consisted of interview sheet, field notes and observation, the students did not have their own
assessment rubric. The techniques of data English book or LKS, the teacher just gave them
analysis that were used were need analysis data the handout as the material for the teaching and
and expert validation data. learning process. Sometimes, the teacher lent the
This research used one of Instructional students the LKS from the library to do the
Design (ID) that is ADDIE model as the process exercise. While studying, only several students
guiding in conducting the research. According to that brought the dictionaries. It was caused some
Branch (2009: 1), ADDIE is an acronym for students did not have the dictionaries and some
Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation of them were lazy to bring it because it was
and Evaluation. He also states that ADDIE is a heavy. Some students liked to walk around to see
process that serves an appropriate guiding their friends’ work. When their friends did the
framework for developing educational products presentation in front of the classroom, some
and other learning resources. This research only students paid attention to the presenter and some
used the four phases of ADDIE; analysis, design, were busy with their own business so it seemed
develop and evaluation. that several students were not interested with the
Analyze lesson and the rest of them gave good responses
The purpose of analyze phase is to identify in learning process. Based on the interview, the
the probable causes for a performance gap students were already familiar with straw
(Branch, 2009: 17). The researcher did the creativities. In SBK (Seni Budaya dan Kesenian)
analysis from the teacher and students’ interview subject, the students ever created straw craft but
and observation result. An English teacher and in English subject they never used straw as the
three students were the sources of the media in learning. The students also claimed that
information. The data which were analyzed was they would feel more interested learning English
the procedures of teaching speaking that the if it was done by doing creativity.
seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Siantan The English subject had two meetings a
need in procedure text by doing interview and week with the duration 2x40 minutes for each
observation. meeting. The speaking activities are about the
Design procedures/directions of how to do/create/make
In this phase, the researcher started something was based on the teacher’s initiative.
designing the first draft of a Micstraw task as At the first, the teacher did not mention the
useful teaching procedure to encourage the purpose of the lesson so many students looked
students to speak about the procedures/ confused about what they were going to learn and
directions of how to create something in English what was it for. The teacher divided the students
based on the result of collected data from analysis into groups which consisted of 4-5 students.
phase. After that, the teacher gave the handout with the
Develop title “how to make the omelet”. Without
After designing the product the researcher explaining what the lesson was about, the teacher
developed the procedures in the product so this asked the students to read it in 5 minutes and
research can produce useful procedures of a task present it in front of the classroom. The students
to encourage the students to speak about the already brought the material needed, so it seemed
procedures/ directions of how to create that the teacher already asked the student to bring
something in English. it in the previous meeting. The stove and bowl
Evaluate were brought by the teacher.
This phase is to evaluate and validate a Based on the teacher’s perspective, the
Micstraw Task if it was meaningful, interesting lesson in procedure text had to relate with the
and contextual to be used for seventh grade students daily life to make it contextual. The
students of SMP Negeri 2 Siantan in teaching teacher only taught the procedure that already
speaking about the procedures/directions of how known by students and for the content of the
to create something in English. procedures itself were determined by teacher so
the students did not have the opportunity to
choose the procedure based on their own but the
students were asked to read the some content of
This research was conducted for seventh procedures from different resources. The teacher
grade students on second semester of class A in
usually gave some tasks to the students such as
SMP Negeri 2 Siantan based on KTSP translate the text, making note, and presentations.
Curriculum. There were 30 students in the These tasks increased the students’ vocabularies
classroom with the range ages were around 12-
and knowledge practiced their speaking and
16 years old. Based on the classroom confidence, and the students could study at home.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

For the students, these tasks could increase their

understanding, increase the vocabularies and also
According to the problems above, the
could study at home.
researcher provided an alternative way for
Based on the classroom activity, the students
teaching speaking in procedure text, which was a
had to present and explain or tell how to make
Micstraw task for teaching speaking about the
omelet step by step in front of the classroom with
procedures/directions of how to create something
their groups that consisted of 4-5 students. When
in meaningful, interesting and contextual way.
doing the presentation, only 2-3 students who
The use of straw was because it was safe, simple,
spoke, the rest of them just kept silent and did not
cheap, easily find in the environment, had many
say anything. Some students still looked shy and
variant colors, had many kind of creativities such
were afraid to make mistake. It looked from their
as flower, jewelry, room decoration, frame,
voice; quite voice. The students’ talks were
game, and the creativities from straw were
exactly the same with the script which was given
familiar for the students because they ever learnt
by the teacher so they did not develop the words
about it in SBK (Seni Budaya dan Kesenian)
and explore their ability. The words that they
subject so it was easier for the students to create
used were from the teacher and they were not
the creativity from straw. A Micstraw task used
from their own. Based on the teachers’
Task-Based Language Teaching method which
perspective, the difficulties in teaching speaking
gave the opportunity for students to explore their
were the amount of vocabularies, pronunciation,
ability by doing the task and it focused on its use
students’ anxiety to make mistake and the source
to achieve communicative purposes so this
of book that the students had.
method was fit to encourage the students to speak
Based on the students’ perspective, they had
English about the procedures/directions of how
the difficulties in pronunciation, vocabulary,
to do/create/make something naturally.
understanding the meaning, they were also afraid
Micstraw task was a set of procedures of
to make mistake and shy to stand in front of the
meaningful, interesting and contextual speaking
classroom, and sometimes they forgot about they
activities about telling the procedures/directions
were going to say. The students liked to do
of how to create any kinds of straw creativities in
speaking with friends rather than did it alone in
front of the classroom in small group. According
front of the classroom.
to its name, a Micstraw task was a set of
Based on the curriculum which mostly used
procedures which was designed to have
in academic year 2015/2016, that was KTSP
meaningful, interesting, and contextual activities.
Curriculum, the book which was used is “Let’s
This was interesting because the students
Talk” According to the basic competence
creating the creativity by using straw as the
designed for seventh grade students of Junior
media based on their interest. Each group had
High School in KTSP Curriculum, students learn
different creativity to be presented. Every student
about the procedure text which requires them to
had the opportunity to develop their language.
express the directions to do/make/create
Interesting was one of the criteria for having
something. In the book, their is no the activity
meaningful activity. The lesson also had clear
which provide the students to speak about the
objective and it was started from the simple
procedures/directions of how to do/create/make
procedure which the students have already
something. The book only provides reading and
known then it was continued to new procedures.
writing procedure text activities by using cue
In addition, the students not only learn the
words and wordless pictures. It can be concluded
theories, but also did the practice directly. The
that the book only provides the activities in
creativities from straw were also familiar in
which the students can express the directions to
students’ real life because they ever learnt it in
do/make/create something in written, there is no
SBK subject so the language used in this lesson
the activity in spoken.
can be applied in their daily activities. Therefore
Besides the book, the SMP Negeri 2 Siantan
it was contextual.
also used LKS (Lembar Kerja Siswa) with the
A Micstraw task consisted of three stages.
title “Cakrawala: cakap, kreatif dan berkualitas”.
They were pre-task, task cycle and language
The teacher lent the LKS to the students from the
focus. Every stage had its sub-task which must be
school library. LKS was used to give the
done by the students to achieve the learning
exercises to the students. For the speaking
objectives. Below was the model of a Micstraw
activity, the LKS provides the activity in which
the students have to do dialogue in pair but the
content of dialogue is not suitable for expressing
the directions to do/make/create something.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Figure 1. Specification of Micstraw task

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Based on the model of a Micstraw task to be presented. After deciding the kind of
above (Figure 1.), the explanations of the task is creativity, the students started to write the
as follows: procedures and did planning for the
Pre-task 2. In planning phase (meeting 2), the students
Micstraw task is a kind of task which is were given the opportunity to practice how
taught in the first teaching. In the pre-task to present their procedures when they had to
(meeting 1), the teacher told the purpose of the perform in front of the classroom in the next
lesson so the students would not get confused meeting. They were also given the
about what they were going to learn and what it opportunity to ask the teacher about their
was for in their daily life. After that, the teacher task if they still got confused.
gave brainstorming related to the topic without 3. In report phase (meeting 3 and 4), all of the
directly contribute on a given topic that was groups had to present their findings and did
procedure text. Then, the teacher started monologue of how to create the creativity by
explaining about procedure text and gave the using straw in front of the classroom. All of
example directly. The examples were started the presenter had to speak up and explain the
from the simple procedure that the students had procedures. The teacher provided the
already known such as how to sharpen their observation sheet for the other groups who
pencil by using sharpener then it was continued be the audience while watching their friends’
to create straw crafts. The teacher showed how to performance. It was to control all of the
create a necklace from straw directly. To made students to pay attention to their friends’
sure that all of the students understood the lesson performance and were not busy with their
and the task, the teacher gave the opportunity to own business.
the students to ask. If there were no students who
asked, the teacher had to ask the students some Language Focus
questions related to the lesson and the task. In language focus stage (meeting 4), after
the presentation, the teacher changed the focus
Task cycle into the language forms used in procedure text.
Task cycle consisted of three phases. They All of the groups had to analyze the language
were task phase, planning phase, and report form used based on their text or transcripts which
phase. The directions of task cycle are as follows: was used to do the presentation or try to
1. In the task phase, all of the students were remember their presentation when they did the
divided into small groups which consisted of report if they did not have the transcript. Then,
2-3 students. It was because to force all of submitted their works to the teacher. After that,
the students to have the opportunity to speak both teacher and students gave feedback from the
so not only several students could speak. Big whole activities that they had already done.
group tend to let not all of the students could The last process in this research was
speak. By working with group, the students evaluating the product. This process was done by
could share their ideas one another and the experts from a lecturer in English Department
helped each other when their friend forgot of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of
about what to say. In addition, the teacher Tanjungpura University and the Head of English
also provided some verbs and prepositions Learning Center of Pontianak State Polytechnic.
which may be used in procedure text related The assessment rubric was constructed of six
to create straw crafts. The theme of the task criteria/standards which consisted of
was “creativity by using straw”. All of the instructional media, meaningful activities,
groups were free to choose the kind of interesting activities, contextual activities, TBLT
creativity by using straw they intended to and speaking activities. There were 38 criteria
use. The students had a week to prepare which were filled by the experts. The analysis of
themselves to do presentation in front of the the result of expert evaluation was based on the
classroom. The teacher limited the time of likert scale system. The table of result can be seen
presentation around ±10 minutes so the below:
students had to choose the simple creativity

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Table 1. Result of Expert validation

Score from validator

No. Criteria Item Mean Category
1 2

1. Instructional Media 46 42 14 3.14 4 Good

2. 19 18 6 3.08 4 Good
3. 8 6 2 3.5 4 Good
4. 8 6 2 3.5 4 Good
5. TBLT 33 27 9 3.33 4 Good
6. Speaking Activities 19 15 5 3.4 4 Good
Total 133 114 38 3.25 4 Good

Based on the result of expert evaluation, the Language Teachers and Education
mean of instructional media was 3.14 which was Personnel.
categorized as good. The mean of meaningful
[3] Nunan, D. (2004). Task-Based Language
activities was 3.08 which was categorized good.
Teaching. United Kingdom: Cambridge
The interesting activities was scored 3.5 which
University Press.
was categorized good. The contextual activities
was also scored 3.5 which was categorized good. [4] Seth, O. K. (2009). Instructional Media as a
The mean of TBLT and speaking activities were Tool for Ensuring Quality Teaching and
3.33 and 3.4 which were categorized good. So, Learning for Pupils in the Junior High
the total mean of a Micstraw task was 3.25 of 38 Schools (Selected Schools in the Kumasi
items which was categorized as good that means Metropolis). Department of General Art
it is meaningful, interesting, and contextual to be Studies. Retrieved from
used but it needs little revision to encourage the
seventh grade students in SMP Negeri 2 Siantan
[5] Willis, Jane. (1996). A Framework for Task-
to speak about the procedures/directions of how
to create something in English fluently, Based Learning. Harlow: Longman Pearson
confidently and systematically. Education.

Alhamdulillah, in the Name of Allah SWT,
the Almighty, the writer is truly thankful for the
shed blessing and spirit on her path of
accomplishing the writing of this paper. By the
grace of Allah, the writer can ultimately finalize
this paper.
The writer also would like to convey her
great appreciation, honor and gratitude to her
supervisors Urai Salam, Ph. D and Drs. Zainal
Arifin, M. A., her beloved mother Ika Kartika
and her beloved father Drs. Syamsidar, for their
time, guidance, kindness, contribution, and
patience during the writing process.

[1] Branch, R. M. (2009). Instructional Design:
The ADDIE Approach. New York:
[2] Ministry of National Education. (2009).
Instructional Media. Jakarta: Center for
Development and Empowerment of

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Sari Rudiyati1, Mumpuniarti2, Pujaningsih3
1, 2, 3
Faculty of Education Yogyakarta State University
Colombo Street No: 1, Karangmalang, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


The aim of this study is to descript the skills of elementary inclusive teachers of teaching accommodation
and modification for students with learning disabilities. This research is a descriptive research. Subjects
were 40 regular teachers and 20 special teachers of Inclusive Elementary School using proportional
sampling technique. Data was collected by using questionnaires, observations, interviews, and
documentation and analyzed descriptively qualitative using interactive techniques. Findings from this study
indicated that the skills of 60 teachers in teaching accommodation and modification for children with
learning disabilities had done still not adequately. Flexibility in teaching accommodation and modification
for children with learning disabilities is done in four things: (1) the provision of material and the way of
teaching, (2) giving assignments and assessment, (3) the demands of time and schedules, and (4) the
learning environment. Model of teaching accommodations and modifications is proven to be effective to
improve the skills of teachers in the handling of children with learning disabilities.
Keywords: the skill of teachers, teaching accommodation and modification, children with learning

there are 3-4 students with learning difficulties in

class and declare it as a burden.
In developing country, the number of
There are views of importances of the
children with specific learning difficulty or
research related to problems about children with
children with learning disabilities is greater than
learning disabilities. Teacher Preparation
children with other special needs. A research of
Program does not give any material about
Pujaningsih et al. (2002) in Berbah, Yogyakarta,
children with learning disabilities. It makes
Indonesia, found that 36% children have specific
almost all of regular teachers are difficult to
learning difficulty. In detail, 12% is slow learner,
handle the children with learning disabilities.
16% is having specific learning difficulty, and
Then, the level of acceptance of teachers also
17% is mentally retarded.
affects their way to treat the children with
The problem of learning disabilities is being learning disabilities. Unfortunately, the
a serious matter. Unfortunately, there is no acceptance of teachers is very rare (Bryan, 1997;
sufficient action for handling the problem. In Sale & Carey, 1995 on Pavri & Lutfig; Cook,
addition, people, especially teachers, are 2000) so it is no wonder if a negative judgment
uncommon with the term of learning disabilities. concentrated to the children with learning
This condition makes teachers misjudge their disabilities. Lopes et al. (2004) agreed with the
student as “stupid child”, “lazy child”, statements. They said that regular teachers are
“underachiever”, and so on. difficult to handle the children with learning
disabilities and feel that the children with
In the other side, the existence of children
learning disabilities are burden for them. The
with learning disabilities is the causal factor of children with learning disabilities need more
stress experienced by teachers. It happens time and attention to learn compared to other
because the children show divergent attitude
children but they are underachiever. A research
continually and low motivation and attention of Sari Rudiyati et al. (2009) about learning
towards learning. Teachers in 18 elementary model of accommodation to handle children with
schools in Yogyakarta municipality clarify that
specific learning difficulty in various classes is
difficult to apply because the low percentage of

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

the acceptance of teachers towards the children The research will reveal facts such as the
with learning disabilities. There is bad impact existence of children with learning disabilities
caused by neglecting children’s needs. Litch and the need of knowledgeand skill by the
(Smith, 1998) said that wrong adaptation is the teachers explicitly. The difficulty faced by
cause of failure faced by children with specific researchers is children with learning disabilities
learning difficulty. Then, they are difficult to are difficult to recognize; the existence and the
socialize and rejected by their friends (Farmer needs. Then, there are some similarities between
kin, 1996; Nabasoku & Smith, 1993 on Pavri & children with learning disabilities with slow
Lutfig, 2000). Lackaye and Margalit (2006) learner so an accurate selection through reliable
found that children with learning disability feel instruments is needed.
lonely and have bad emotion. The feeling can be
developed to depression (Magg & Reid, 2006)
and tendency to commit suicide. When teacher
This research is descriptive research.
give a bad example to neglect student with
learning disability, another students will imitate Subjects were 40 regular teachers and 20 special
the teacher’s attitude. Favazza et al. (2000) teachers of Inclusive Elementary School using
purposive techniques. The design of the research
explained that the rejection towards children with
learning disabilities happens in unsupported were preparation, implementation, data analysis,
places to do rejection. Kim (2011) clarified that and reportation. Data was collected by using
questionnaires, observations, interviews, and
the existence of teachers is important to make a
better situation that can encourage children with documentation and analyzed descriptively
learning disabilities to interact with another qualitative and quantitative using interactive
children. techniques.

The main focus of the research is the The research population was children with
learning disabilities in Special Province of
existence of teachers as the main actor to
establish situation of the class. Teachers expected Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This research samples
to accept the children with learning disabilities were undertaken in some different places in 15
inclusive elementary schools in Special Province
and to develop strategy which is suitable for
children needs. It will be the foundation of of Yogyakarta, Indonesia; each of regency
developing model of learning accommodation Yogyakarta, Sleman, Bantul, Gunungkidul and
Kulon Progo. The details of distribution is 3
and modification. The model aims to educate
teachers how to treat student with learning inclusive school in each of regency/city with
disabilities without being unaware with another criteria: 1) high prevalence of student with
learning disability, 2) high commitment from
school to apply inclusive education, 3) has at
Learning model of children with learning least 1 special teacher within the school. The
disabilities based on learning accommodation variable of this research is teachers’ skills of
and modification compiled in previous research teaching accommodation and modification for
needs to perfect because it focused only on students with learning disabilities in elementary
general children with learning disabilities. inclusive classrooms.
Hopefully, this research can perfect previous
research by focused on children with learning This research used the instruments of
disabilities. It will be a guide-book which gathering data such as questionnaire, observation
contains various alternatives to accommodate guide, interview guide and documentation
and modify the learning activity with clear investigation guide. This questionnaire was used
to reveal understanding, attitude and skill of
applying steps.
teacher nowadays in implementation of learning
Researcher team consists of researchers accommodation and modification of children
specialized in several studies that are: Inclusive with learning disabilities. The documentation
Learning (Sari Rudiyati), Slow Learner Teaching investigation about service regulation for
and Intellectual Disability (Mumpuniarti) and children with learning disabilities in inclusive
Study of Children with Specific Learning schools in national and regional level also
Difficulty (Pujaningsih). The problem of becomes target in this research. Observation is
national regulation and technical guidance which directed to gain more information about: 1)
uninvolved the topic of children with learning implementation of teacher mentorship to
disabilities should be solved. It needs the understand guide book of learning
contribution of universities to support accommodation and modification for children
government’s policy about inclusive learning. with learning disabilities, 2) implementation of

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

learning needs assessment of children with absolute must have. Therefore, teachers need to
learning disabilities, 3) the making of design of look at the needs of children with learning
learning accommodation and modification based disabilities and have adequate knowledge.
on student needs, 4) implementation of learning Flexibility in the four domains described as
accommodation and modification in high class follows: (1) materials and teaching ways,
(3, 4 and 5). Interview is aimed to gain including: (a) The use of the learning method
information: 1) quality of implementation of VAKT (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, tactile); (b)
learning accommodation and modification and the provision of more frequent during the
supporting and obstructing aspects, 2) learning process; (c) use of tools (computers,
conformity between selection of learning calculators, tape recorders); (d) use of peer
accommodation and modification with children tutors; (e) assurance of the child's attention to the
needs, 3) conformity between learning teacher before explaining the material; (f) the
accommodation and modification guide book repetition in explaining the material; (g)
and teacher needs. Documentation is in form of flexibility of the children out of the classroom to
student task before and after the implementation receive any other additional learning. (2) the
of program, and lesson plan containing learning assignment and assessment, consisting of: (a)
accommodation and modification. writing a list of tasks for the students who cannot
write; (b) making homework somewhat different
Data analysis was undertaken by
from his (adjustable capability); (c) provision of
descriptive qualitative techniqueusing interactive
tasks easier/less than other friends; (d) question
directly to students; (e) provision easier question;
(f) provision of assistance in the task; (g) reading
matter for students who cannot read. (3) the
The teachers of Inclusive Elementary demands of time and schedule: (a) giving a break
School had done handling children with learning to rest; (b) giving more time to do the task. (4)
disabilities by model-based learning the learning environment, among others: (a)
accommodation and modification that contains provision of a separate examination for children
management class situation, the flexibility of the with limited attention / easy switch; (b) the
process and evaluation of learning. Flexibility is placement of a child in the front row of seats; (c)
done in four things: (1) the provision of material reuest to parents to pay more attention to
and the way of teaching, (2) giving assignments children's learning at home; (d) the placement of
and assessment, (3) the demands of time and students in a particular group (equivalent to their
schedules, and (4) the learning environment. ability).
Four points are supported by management that The application flexibility of learning that
supports the academic climate situation had been adapted to the needs of children with
"supportive learning environment". Climate learning disabilities. Some things to note in this
academic support/enabling is anything related to stage is a response to children with learning
the attitude, the behavior of the teacher and other disabilities and friends/other students (verbal and
students who demonstrate acceptance of the non-verbal) and the smoothness of Teaching and
existence of children with learning disabilities. Learning (whether learning competencies can be
Acceptance of the teacher in this case is achieved).
associated with positive teacher expectations Based on the results of questionnaires,
towards children with learning disabilities. interviews and observations, the activity of
Procedures for application of the model of which was never performed teachers among
learning accommodation and modification were others are: (1) provide easier question when
divided into two sequences of implementation. having test/quiz; (2) provide a separate test for
First, preparations are made to realize a children which have easily switch attention; (4)
conducive academic atmosphere. This is not allow the use of calculators, tape recorders, or
done by the teachers adequately, it is evident that computers; (5) allow the child out of the
there are still teachers who leave the classroom classroom to earn extra lessons from a special
situation that is not conducive to such a rowdy teacher.
class, students did not pay attention to the Activity ever undertaken of teachers,
teacher's explanation. Second, the among others: (1) exploiting the potential of
implementation of collaborative material another from children with learning disabilities
accommodation and modification between to raise the motivation to learn; (2) create a task
teachers and sustainable. To realize the that can be corrected itself by children with
conducive academic atmosphere, the acceptance learning disabilities; (3) create a task with graded
of the diversity of the student by the teacher an

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

difficulty levels, easy, rather difficult and tough; about 115 children, but after done with screening
(4) consult with other experts. only 50 children indicated as children with
The activities of teachers rarely performed, learning disabilities. This empirical fact showed
among others: (1) encourage other students to the similarity condition between Indonesia and
help children with learning disabilities; (2) allow Thailand about identification of children with
another student to help students who have not learning disabilities.In Chiang Mai Thailand 18
completed the task; (3) placing children with elementary inclusive schools were predicted by
learning disabilities on certain groups (the the teachers of children with learning disabilities
equivalent of their ability) while working on the about 120 children, but after done with screening
task; (4) using media that can be touched by the only 68 children indicated as children with
children. learning disabilities (Ratchaneekorn
Activities which are often done by the Tongsookdee, 2015).
teachers among others are: (1) ensure the Based on result of the questionnaire that the
children's attention to the teacher before teachers answer show that most of teacher of
describing the material; (2) provide additional elementary inclusive school still less of
lessons to explain the material outside of the knowledge, acceptance response and skill to
effective; (3) create a task with graded difficulty handle the children with learning with
levels, easy, rather difficult and tough . disabilities.This fact also similar with the finding
Activities which are always performed by of researcher from Chiang Mai University that
the teachers among others are: (1) inquiry most of teacher of elementary inclusive school
directly to the student to make sure he still less of knowledge, acceptance response and
understands the material presented; (2) ask skill to handle the children with learning with
parents/families pay more attention to children's disabilities (Ratchaneekorn Tongsookdee, 2015).
learning; (3) provide repetition in explaining the Teachers still not accepted, adapted and
material. developed yet strategies appropriate to the
conditions and needs of the children with
learning disabilities in learning. It became a
strong foundation in the early efforts to model
The result of handling models of children development of the learning accommodations
with learning disabilities that the teacher of and modifications. This model seeks to meet the
elementary inclusive school had done based on
needs of teachers' knowledge, acceptance and
learning accommodation and modification. It teaching skills of children with specific learning
was fond the previous model is a general difficulties without sacrificing other children.
guideline which has not pointed at children with
Findings from this study indicated that the
learning difficulties and specifically to learning skills of 60 teachers in teaching accommodation
accommodation and modification. The model and modification for children with learning
contains flexibilities in 4 aspects: a) material
disabilities had done still not adequately. Torey
giving and way of teaching, b) task giving and (2004) explained about the accommodation
assessment, c) time demand and scheduling, d) coverage which applied in the process of
learning environment. There were in line to the
teaching and learning. There are some coverages
model design of children with specific learning of accommodation as follows: (1) material and
difficulty handling based on accommodation and way of teaching; (2) assignment and assessment
modification had developed from previous model in the class; (3) time demand and scheduling; (4)
obtained from Pujaningsih (2007) and continued area of learning; (5) use of special
by research by Sari Rudiyati et al (2009). The
communication system. Children with learning
previous model is a general guideline which has disabilities can communicate with surroundings
not pointed at children with specific learning through language with no special specification so
difficulties and specifically to learning
that the use of special language is not discussed
modification. This model contains flexibilities in in this research.
4 aspects: a) material giving and way of teaching,
b) task giving and assessment, c) time demand
and scheduling, d) learning area.
The result of analyzing children with Based on the research results and
learning disabilities and identifying an initial discussion, conclusions can be presented as
ability in mathematics and Indonesian language follows:Findings from this study indicated that
to recognize learning needs of student. In 15 the skills of 60 teachers of elementary inclusive
elementary inclusive schools were predicted by schools in teaching accommodation and
the teachers of children with learning disabilities modification for children with learning

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

disabilities had done still not adequately. The [7] Fore III, C., Riser, S., & Boon, R. (2006).
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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Siska Yuniyati1, Suharno2, Triyanto3
University of Sebelas Maret Surakarta1,2,3
Jalan Ir. Sutami No. 36A, Jebres, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57126
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

The objectives of the study are (1) to analyze the need of instructional materials for 2013 curriculum; (2)
to describe the need of local wisdom-based instructional materials for 2013 curriculum. The study applies
research and development method by Borg and Gall which is modified as needed. The descriptive
qualitative research is carried out based on document study, field observation and the development of
instructional materials. The collecting of qualitative data is carried out through interview and field
observation at some state elementary schools in Bendosari subdistrict of Sukoharjo regency which adopt
2013 curriculum. The results of study are: (1) Based on the analysis of field implementation, it can be
concluded that there has not been any instructional material which is able to fulfill the students’ needs, the
existing instructional materials are unable to reach students’ familiar environment, moreover, the
application of instructional materials by the teacher is hardly able to implement character values towards
the students’ themselves; (2) The need of thematic instructional materials development which is suited to
students development, is able to reach students’ familiar environment in order to support the teaching and
learning process of 2013 curriculum. The development of thematic instructional materials is carried out by
integrating local wisdom that is familiar to students in any learning environment. The local wisdom to be
developed is the Javanese one. The local wisdom can be obtained from folklores, traditional artifacts,
traditional songs, traditional dances, traditional houses, and traditional ceremonies which are conformed
with 2013 curriculum. The result of instructional materials development is prototype of local wisdom-based
instructional materials for elementary school students. It has a good validation from experts’ assessment
including subject matter, language, and design.
Keywords: local wisdom, instructional materials, 2013 curriculum.

globalization. Globalization should be responded

by implementing strong character towards
The implementation of 2013 curriculum is students. This is important because they need to
utilized by providing teacher’s book and have filter to anticipate the negative effect of
students’ book as the instructional materials in science and technology advance.
teaching and learning process. Instructional The implementation of character value in the
materials play important role to determine school learning process will be easier to do if it
whether or not learning process and learning is closer to students themselves. It happens
objectives can be achieved. By utilizing because they interact with their surrounding
instructional materials teacher has more time to environment every day. Local wisdom which is
guide the students in learning process, to assist the product of local people is very familiar to
the students to acquire new knowledge from any students’ self. Local wisdoms should become the
source or reference used in instructional principle for Indonesians to face the influx of
materials, and teacher’s role as the only source globalization[2]. Local wisdom is local ideas
for knowledge would be diminished[1] which bear traits of wisdom, prudence, virtue,
Instructional materials not only contain tranquility and are followed by their people,
learning materials but also learning objectives as created as the product of past culture that are
the existing curriculum demanded. Instructional important to behold as way of life persistently[3].
materials should fulfill needs and are suited to the Local wisdom is ability to perceive and make use
students’ characterictistics and the students’ of potential of high-regarded local culture. Hence
living environment. New challange is faced after integrating local wisdom into education is very
the government decrees the implementation of important to implement[4]. Local wisdom is the
2013 curriculum in spite of heavy influx of result of people’s experience and ideas to cope

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

with ever-present problems in every aspect of The Techniques of Collecting the Data
human life which contains character values that Collecting the data is carried out using the
are very suitable with the personality of techniques of observation, in-depth interview,
Indonesian people. It is important to study, and document analysis. Observation is done to
accustom and preserve it because the value itself observe the teaching and learning process using
is the most suitable and the nearest to students. the old learning materials, the teacher’s activity
The next challenge is how to design in teaching them, and the students’ interest in
implementation of local wisdom in education responding them. The result of observation data
through learning. Instructional materials are is field notes about anything obtained during the
believed to be a breaktrough in the effort of observation.
implementing local wisdom in learning. In-depth interview used in this study is
Instructional materials should reflect various semi-structured interview. It is expected to find
virtues which the students should be aware the problems about thematic learning more
of[5].Virtue in local wisdom can be seen in every openly. It is carried out towards the teacher and
region, for instance of local wisdom in Central the students of fourth grade. Document analysis
Java, there are ancient Javanese proverbs like is carried out to analyze instructional materials
“Memayu Hayuning Bawana”, “Adigang which are used in the teaching and learning
adigung, adiguna”, and “Lembah Manah” process of 2013 curriculum such as teacher’s
which are full of meaning to preserve lasting life book and students’ book. It is carried out to find
among people and also people wisdom to live out the suitability between the existing materials
with the nature in harmony. Javanese peole (students’ books) and the degree of students’
preserve those proverbs and teach them to every development, students’ characteistics, and the
generation ever after. Those local wisdoms are implementation of character value.
needed to be used as the materials to engrave
character value in every learning process. The The Techniques of Data Validity and Data
urgency of the aforementioned intstructional Analysis
materials signals the need of their This study employs triangulation.
implementation which contains local wisdom. Triangulation of data collection is used to obtain
findings and to interpret data more accurately.
Triangulation used in this study is technical
triangulation. Data analysis used in the field
This study uses research and development study is done through interactive qualitative
method by Borg and Gall [6] which is modified analysis according to Miles and Huberman
as needed. The descriptive qualitative research is
encompasses: data reduction, data display, and
carried out based on document study, field conclusion drawing/verification [7].
observation and the development of instructional
materials. The document analysis, field
The Techniques of Expert Assessment
observation and development of instructional Feasibility assessment of instructional
materials were carried out towards fourth-grade materials used by the teacher and the students
students at some state elementary schools in
employs Peer-debriefing technique, which is
Bendosari subdistrict of Sukoharjo regency that mainly carried out by conductiong more in-depth
adopt 2013 curriculum. The instructional interview with the collaborators and nine related
materials then assessed by the experts, among experts to assess whether ot not the prototype
them are thematic learning media experts and instructional materials are feasible to use.
language experts.
Language experts assess the feasibility and
the suitability of prototype content based on
assessment criteria on the language suitability
and the characteristics of elementary students.
The aspects emphasized on assessment by the
instructional materials experts are the feasibility
of instructional material design (presentation,
graphics, systematics, language and readibility)
related to the good ones. Thematic instructional
material experts give assessment on the
suitability of the prototype arranged with
thematic learning in accordance with the theme.
Figure.1 Sequences of Development Research The assessment of feasibility-quality is carried
with Necessary Modification out by the initial draft design stage.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

help comprehend the story. The contents of old

instructional materials which are thematic
The need of instructional materials
learning have not been completely related to each
Teaching and learning process of 2013
other. Furthermore, the materials in students’
curriculum using the old instructional materials
book have not given emphasize to
is still focused on the teacher. The teacher is
implementation of meaningful character values
known to still dominate the teaching and learning
for the students.
process. To utilize the instructional materials,
Based on the findings above, it can be
teacher must guide through every learning step in
concluded that thematic learning in 2013
the students’ book. The teacher gives a lot of
curriculum needs development of instructional
lecture because the students have difficulties to
materials which is suited to the needs, the
comprehend the materials. Due to lack of any
characteristics and it is necessary to adapt them
task to explore the students’ activity, there is
to students’ familiar environment. This is
limited interaction between the teacher and the
important to support the achievement of research
students. The students look less attentive to the
objectives, the achievement of meaningful
learning process. It can be seen from whenever
learning, and the integration of character values
the teacher asks them about materials in their
into students’ personality.
book; there are only small numbers of students
who show willingness to answer.
The development of local wisdom-based
Based on the result of interview with the
thematic instructional materials
teacher, it is known that the teacher has
Local wisdom-based thematic instructional
difficulties to convey materials in the old
materials are based on the need analysis of data
instructional materials. There has not been
taken from field study. Local wisdom contains
enough context of material for the students to
virtues that can be taken to implement character
understand in advance; hence they have not built
into students’ personality. Local wisdom is
knowledge of field about the material. It urges
human’s knowledge and way to solve problem of
the teacher to re-explain and reintroduce the
both social-related life and nature-related life. In
material from the beginning in every learning
this regard, the local wisdom to be developed is
process. The teacher finds difficulties to
Central Javanese one. Learning materials in the
implement character values using old
students’ book are developed by implementing
instructional materials because their content is
local wisdom in the form of folklores, traditional
far removed from the students’ actual
artifacts, traditional songs, traditional dances,
environment. It makes them to spend more time
traditional houses, and traditional ceremonies.
to fully comprehend the material before finding
The development of thematic instructional
the meanings and understanding its character
materials can be conducted by integrating the
value herein. Due to the process needed by the
virtues of local wisdom which is familiar to the
students to make them comprehend the material
students’ life and providing with the supporting
and find meanings through the learning, the
pictures, explanations, and activities that enable
teacher urgently needs practical instructional
students to self-construct their knowledge in
every learning. The learning materials are
From the interview conducted with the
developed by still referring to standard
students, it is identified that the students do not
competence and basic competence of 2013
really like the old instructional materials. They
curriculum. It is also necessary to employ any
are unable to identify their content well so that
activities to support scientific learning
they have difficulties to comprehend the
(observing, asking, experimenting, associating,
materials herein. Moreover, they do not
and communicating). In the end of learning
understand the meaning lies in the learning
session, it is needed to show local wisdom which
material. They do not understand the values that
is suited to the existing learning material.
can be taken from the existing material.
The result of the instructional materials
From the document analysis, in this regard is
development is prototype of local wisdom-based
the old instructional materials, it can be identified
learning material for elementary school. It has a
that there are many materials which are far
good validation from experts’ assessment
removed from the students’ daily life, such as
including subject matter, language, and design.
fictional stories related to the origin of certain
Therefore, the prototype is suitable to be
region. It causes difficulties for the students to
implemented to the students as instructional
comprehend because they have never witnessed
the region directly. From the students’ book it
can be said that there lacks supporting pictures to

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

The implementation of local wisdom in

thematic learning through instructional materials
is solution to respond recent need of thematic
learning material. Local wisdom is very closely-
related to the students. For the students, familiar
environment will be easier to understand hence
meaningful learning will be easier to achieve.
Therefore, character values taken from local
wisdom will also be easier to implement.
Character-building education should be initiated
from local culture which is manifested in the
exploration of virtues found in local wisdom [10]
Furthermore in a research conducted by
Mannan, Sopyan, and Sunarno (2015), they
Figure.2 The Example of Implementation Local found that the development of local wisdom-
Wisdom in thematic Instructional Materials based teaching instruments are able to develop
students’ positive characters and are positive to
improve students’ cognitive aspects [11]. It is
supported by a research conducted by
Azizahwati, Maaruf, Yaasin, and Yuliani that the
achievement of students’ learning outcome after
undergoing learning process by using local
wisdom-oriented teaching instruments improves
as well. [12]

The development of thematic instructional

materials that fulfill the students’ needs, are
suitable to their characteristics, and are familiar
to the students’ environment is urgently needed
to support successful learning. The
Figure.3 The Example of Intergration Local implementation of local wisdom in thematic
Wisdom in thematic Instructional Materials instructional materials has resulted in a prototype
which is presented according to the need analysis
of thematic instructional material in elementary
school. The prototype has been well-validated by
The result of need analysis of instructional the experts so that it is fit to implement it in the
materials in thematic learning shows that the teaching and learning process at elementary
development of instructional materials that is school.
best-suited to the students’ need is quite
necessary. The teaching and learning process at
school requires instructional materials which are ACKNOWLEGEMENT
able to fulfill the students’ needs, are suitable to We would like to thank the principals and the
the students’ characteristics, and are familiar to teachers of state elementary schools in Bendosari
the students’ environment. To support optimum subdistrict who showed great willingness to give
teaching and learning process, instructional opportunity and spare time so that this field study
materials are vital components, hence they can be conducted. We would also like to thank
deserve special attention, because there are still our consultants and the experts who helped us to
many learning materials which do not have finish the prototype so that it is fit to implement.
suitable conformity and depth relative to the level
of students’ development [8]. It causes the
students difficulties to comprehend them. REFERENCES
Instructional materials do not merely encourage
the students to do, but also learn to be, and learn [1] Widodo, C. dan Jasmadi. 2008. Buku
to live together both holistically and Panduan Menyusun Bahan Ajar. Jakarta: PT
authentically aimed to plan and study the Elex Media Komputindo
learning implementation[9].

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[2] Rosidi, A. 2011. Kearifan Lokal dalam

Perspektif Budaya Sunda. Pabelan : Kiblat.
[3] Panjaitan, dkk. 2014. Korelasi Kebudayaan
dan Pendidikan Membangun Pendidikan
Berbasis Budaya Lokal. Jakarta: Pustaka
Obor Indonesia
[4] Sugianto. 2015. Kearifan Lokal Masyarakat
Kelayakan Tanjung Luar Lombok Timur,
Nusa Tenggara Barat. Yogyakarta: Kepel
[5] Abidin, Y. 2014. Desain Sistem
Pembelajaran dalam Konteks Kurikulum
2013. Bandung: Refika Aditama
[6] Borg, Walter and Gall. 1989. Educational
Research. San Fransisco. DMC and
[7] Yusuf, A. M . 2015. Metode Penelitian.
Jakarta : Prenada Media.
[8] Anwar, S. 2014. Bahan Perkuliahan
Pengolahan Bahan Ajar, Pengolahan Bahan
Ajar. Bandung : Universitas Pendidikan
[9] Prastowo, A. 2014. Pengembangan Bahan
Ajar Tematik. Jakarta: Prenadamedia
[10] Wibowo & Gunawan. 2015. Pendidikan
Karakter Berbasis Kearifan Lokal di
Sekolah. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar
[11] Mannan, Sopyan, and Sunarno. 2015.
Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran
BerbasisKearifan Lokal Untuk
Mengembangkan Karakter Positif Siswa SD.
Jurnal Inovasi Dan Pembelajaran Fisika,
Volume 2, Nomor 2, November
2015.Semarang : Universitas Negeri
Semarang (UNNES). Diunduh pada tanggal
2 November 2016.
[12] Maaruf, Yaasin, and Yuliani. 2015.
Pengembangan Modul Pembelajaran Fisika
SMA Berbasis Kearifan Lokal untuk
Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa.
Prosiding Pertemuan Ilmiah XXIX HFI
Jateng & DIY, Yogyakarta 25 April 2015
ISSN : 0853-0823. Diunduh pada tanggal 2
November 2016.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


[Times New Roman 14, bold, centered]

Erwinsyah Satria
Elementary School Teacher Education Program, Faculty of TeacherTraining and Education,
Bung Hatta University, Jl. Sumatera Ulak Karang
North Padang West Sumatera, Indonesia
[email protected]

The quality and performance of teachers are always considered as determining factors for the success of
educational system and quality life of person in a nation. Pre service teachers in the primary education
should be well equipped to meet the challenges of teaching primary science effectively in 21 century. The
purpose of this research was to describe the implementation of Science-Technology-Society approach in
Advanced Natural Science Learning on application of optical and electrical instruments’ material by the
pre service teachers in Elementary Schools Teacher Education Program, Faculty of TeacherTraining and
Education, Bung Hatta University in Padang West Sumatera to accommodate this challanges. One of the
reasons is the lack of pre service teachers’ ability in making application of STS approach and the application
of optical and electrical instruments’ material in advanced natural science learning. This research also aim
to encouraging the culture of learning to be the power to improve the quality of teacher life. This research
applied descriptive method. The instrument of the research was the researcher himself. The data were
gathered through observation and documentation. Based on the results of the research, it was figured out
that the students or pre service teachers, in groups, were creatively, innovatively, and successful to produce
the models of optical and electrical instruments assigned such as projector and microphone, door bell or
series circuit. It was suggested that the construction of the instruments models should be better and more
attractive, used a flat mirror and it could use speaker box and AC power.
Keywords: STS, natural science, optical and electrical instrumens

individuals or learner as males or females in life,

is seen from the cultural context and the value
Issues concerning quality of life still system where the student live, and its
become crucial topics in the human life to deal relationship to their living standard, hope, and
with through comprehensive approaches as the attention, and is combined in a complete way
problems of quality of life remain a primary with various aspects, covering the social
concern in Indonesia and even worldwide. Such relationship and their connection with the
problems are very complex for they can result tranquility of the learning environment. This
from both stuctural and cultural sources research findings in education or learning and its
especially in education. The structural ones are innovation is utilized to improve the learner’s
related to the determinant of the situation and quality in science elementary teacher education.
condition of the society education’s structure that Their application, dissemination, adoption, and
has not been optimally managed whereas the difussion enable the learner to make use of them
cultural ones are related to the society to improve the quality of their learning in
education’s behaviour of not encouraging the science.
culture of learning to be the power to improve the Science knowledge, in all its applications,
quality of student thinking. permits humans to solve the problems of
Studies on the quality of life from invironment in which they exist. Science is a
educational perspectives remain important issues process of the discovery of the nature of things
as they relate to the continuing viability of the via observation [Lawson, 1995:28]. Science is a
society and country. Even the existence of a human activity that has evolved as intellectual
country is determined by its society’s level of life tool to facilitate describing and ordering the
quality in education. The quality of educational environment [Carin and Sund, 1980:2). Scientific
life which is understood as the perception of concepts, theories and laws put forward by

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

scientists have an impact on the invention of who are awake, alert, expert and skillful, and was
technology. The development of science impacts not left behind in the application of science and
the creation of technological progress. technology. To deal with this expectation, the
Technology is the collection of techniques, skills, government has formulated the goals of Natural
methods and processes used in the production of Science education from Elementary School level.
goods or services or in the accomplishment of As stated by the Ministry of Education in the
objectives [Liddell, Henry and Scott, 1980]. curriculum (2006:484) that the learning
Technology was born by the needs of society. objectives of Natural Science in primary schools
Society is a large group of people who live are to develop knowledge and understanding of
together in an organized way, making decisions the concepts of science that are useful and can be
about how to do things and sharing the work that applied in everyday life, and to develop curiosity,
needs to be done [Cambridge English positive attitude and awareness of the existence
Dictionary]. of mutual relationship among science,
The advancement of science and environment, technology and society. Science is
technology are dedicated not only to facilitate the one of the subjects in elementary schools that
quality of human life, but also to educate human could facilitate the students to develop the
beings themselves with values to be high quality knowledge and the concepts of science to create
beings and more humble people to God. The a simple and applicable technology for society.
development of science and technology basicly To realize the goals of Natural Science
aim to further simplify all activities performed by education, knowledge enrichment, improvement
humans [Poedjiadi, 2010:59]. The development and innovation over the learning process are
of science and technology lately is highly needed.
astonishing and generates several changes Natural Science education in primary
affecting almost every aspect of human life. Such schools has been less "grounded" because a lot of
development has also changed the cultural value, materials seemed to be unrelated to the students’
behavior and habits of people in doing interaction real life. Consequently, many students felt that
with others. It has connected and facilitated learning Natural Science was less meaningful.
people to do their jobs and to deal with their life. The natural Science learning process in
Its also aim to improve the efficiency of doing Elementary School was not able to facilitate the
our activities. One of the rapid developments in students to develop technology as if science and
science and technology for society occurs in the technology are not interrelated. To deal with the
field of communication; phones, computers, and development of science and technology, the
internet which has diminished the physical learning process at elementary schools teacher
barriers among people to communicate and has education should be adjusted to and must be
allowed them to interact freely on a global scale more innovative to improve the quality of
easily, cheaply and fast. The development of student’ learning. Hence, the Natural Science
science and technology, basically, is intended to learning process could keep pace with the
increase the welfare of human beings and the advancement of technology and be more
quality of human life. The quality of human meaningful for the students and the society in
beings is the key to using or applying the general (Asy’ari, 2006:2).
advancement of science and technology. The quality of science and technology
The development and progress in the field learning process is highly dependent on the
of science is highly essential for the advancement quality of teaching. The quality and the
of technology. The principles of science are performance of the teacher always become the
needed for technological development. When factors determining the success of education in
science is developed, technology then will also Elementary School. If the children of Indonesia
go forward. In order to make Indonesian people want to move forward and be able to keep pace
move forward and not left behind in science and with the developments in science and technology
technology, they must keep pace with the in the 21st century, the quality of Natural Science
development from the beginning. A growing learning process in Elementary School must be
number of science educators believe we should improved and made innovative. In addition, the
recognize and have our students study the teachers’ education about science and technology
problems solving related to the interface of also should be increased. The improvement could
science, technology, and society need or human be done by applying science and technology in
existence as early as in the elementary school the learning process that can be used for the
grades [Esler and Esler, 1996:178]. This notion future development of science learning media.
implies that science must be learned earlier by the The availability of the media of simple
children of Indonesia to produce a generation technology is expected to increase the quality and

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

the effectiveness of learning process. They would required to have willingness and be able to apply
help the teacher in delivering the learning the principles of science to produce simple
materials and enable them to explain the way the technology as well as offer a solution to reduce
principles of science work and the way they are the negative impacts that may arise.
applied in real life. The use of technological STS is also defined as the teaching and
media in the learning process which has been learning of science/technology in the context of
adjusted to the development of 21st century human experience. STS is to relate science
would motivate and raise the students’ interest in specially to technology and to the society that
learning. Educational institutions need to prepare supports and produces new conceptualizations of
either the teachers to be or the official teachers both. It focuses on a method of teaching that
with the knowledge of this need. It is highly recognizes the importance that experience in the
dependent on the educational programs offered real world has on the learning process. And it
and the expertise of the lecturers of the institution recognizes that real learning can occur only when
in Natural Science subject. the learner is engage and able to construct her or
The teachers’ lack of knowledge and their his own meaning (Yager, 1996).
low level of education were assumed as the Thus, the teachers in teaching science can
factors generating the low quality of Natural use STS approach to build the students’
Science learning process and innovation. The conceptual understanding and to develop the
teachers never applied the principles of science concepts for the benefit of society (Ash'ari,
to design simple and applicable technology. This 2006:55). According to National Science
also was not supported by the availability of the Teachers Association (NSTA), STS approach is
books about application of science and learning and teaching science and technology in
technology in the market. the context of human experience (Yager, 1996).
Based on the researcher’s experience in In the STS approach of Yager, it is suggested that
teaching Elementary School teachers in the the learning process should be conducted
Elementary School Teacher Education Program, constructively. Yager (1996:32) states that there
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Bung are four phases of the syntax of STS learning
Hatta University Padang since 2010 in Advanced model covering invitation phase, exploration
Natural Science subject and the result of phase, explanation and solution phase, and taking
observation done with the students doing their action phase.
final task, it was revealed that the quality of the In this research, the principle of science
Natural Science learning process conducted by applied by students to create a simple project was
the students was not yet as it was expected. It the application of optical and electrical
covered the science conceptual understanding, instruments’ material in daily life. Optical
the application of science in daily life and the use instrument is an instrument designed to aid
of the principles of science in designing simple vision. The products made are a projector, a
technology in the learning process. Based on the doorbell, and microphone. Optical and electrical
observation done toward the students while material was chosen as it was closely related to
studying Advanced Natural Science in even the advancement of technology in the field of
semester 2016, it was figured out that less than today communication aid. In addition, its
1/7 of 41 students felt that they have good application is easily found in everyday life with
qualifications in teaching science. Most of the easily available materials at low cost. So that, the
students felt uncomfortable and had lack of students, by applying science and technology,
qualifications in teaching application of science could design simple communication aid
and technology. To be able to apply scientific instruments. The product designed could be used
concepts in simple technology that is useful in as learning media to see how the principles of
elementary school, the quality of the teacher’s ligh properties and series circuit exactly work.
education should be enhanced. The research from Yager and Casteel (1966,
Science, technology and society learning 1968) indicated that students were able to attain
should be applied in Elementary School. This and to retain many skills and competencies
was conducted by applying Science-Technology- defined as science literacy. Such skills and
Society (STS) approach. STS approach is a competencies were not developed as a result of
learning approach that basically discusses the study in standard social studies or science
application of science and technology in the courses.
context of everyday life. Therefore, the STS In order to increase the quality of Advanced
approach is also known as an integrated approach Natural Science learning process in Elementary
between the scientific and technological issues in School Teacher Education Program, to make the
society. With this approach, the students are pre service teachers not left behind and to make

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

the learning process more meaningful and give been prepared by the teachers previously. In this
the students opportunities to apply their phase, they collected the data, practiced scientific
knowledge through simple technological projects process skills and carried out scientific work.
which can be used as an interesting learning Firstly, before the product was made, the students
media for the students, conducting descriptive were divided into six groups in which they
research with application of STS approach was discussed about designing the prototype of
viewed relevant and important. simple technology project by applying the
principles of science given by the researcher.
Each group discussed about the picture of
product prototype including what materials were
This research used descriptive method
needed, what kind and where to get it, how to
through which the researcher tried to describe the make it, how it worked. They also could ask
application of STS approach in Advanced questions about other things they did not
Natural Science subject for the pre service
understand especially about the picture given.
teachers at Elementary School Teacher The students also asked about the shape or the
Education Program, Faculty of Teacher Training construction they could possibly make, whether
and Education Bung Hatta University Padang in
it is acceptable or not. Because to produce the
implementation STS approach in Advanced product took a long time, the students could do it
Natural Science learning by applying the at home and brought it in the next meeting (next
principles of science. The objects of the research
were 41 students; 7 male students and 34 female Furthermore, in the second meeting,
students in program of PGSD (Primary School explanation and solution phase was done. In this
Teacher Education) study program taking phase, each group of students delivered their
Advanced Natural Science course. This research explanation regarded to the solution of making
was conducted in one of the classes at Building
the prototype of simple technology project that at Campus II Aia Pacah University Bung had been already done. They explained about the
Hatta Padang, West Sumatera on Mei 2016. The way the product worked and how it could work.
research was done in three meetings on
The researcher would give clarification when
Thursday. The data were collected through they made mistakes in delivering the
observation and documentation. The researcher, information. Other groups observing the
in this research, also had a role as the instrument.
presentation were allowed to ask questions and
The data gathered in this research were in the responded to what had been delivered and done.
form of qualitative data. The data obtained then The respective group was also asked to submit a
were analyzed by using descriptive analysis.
summary and a conclusion of a given task. In this
The implementation of STS approach in phase, the students integrated the solution with
this research can be described as follows. In the theories found in the books, and build new
invitation phase, the researcher encouraged the
understanding (according to the theory of
students to show their initial knowledge about the constructivism) about the concepts of properties
application of concepts and principles of of light and electricity; series circuit that can be
dynamic electricity in accordance with the
generated by the electricity they had already
materials to be learned. In this phase the learned.
researcher asked several questions to the students The fourth or the last stage of the
about the use of optical instrument and electric implementation of STS approach was taking
instrument in their daily life. The students were action phase. In this phase, the respective group
given opportunities to communicate and
shared information and ideas, asked follow-up
illustrate their understanding of the concepts and questions regarded to the possibility of further
principles of properties of light and dynamic development of the products, and gave
electricity. Furthermore, the students’ answers
suggestions. They also could share knowledge
were connected to the materials to be taught. and skills they acquired to be used in the learning
Then, the explanation about optical instrument process of Optical Instrument and Electricity in
and dynamic electricity and the examples of its
grade IV. Finally, after each group had presented
application and uses were given. their work, the researcher, as a lecturer,
In exploration phase, the students had explained other applications of optical
chances to do investigation to find the concepts
instrument and electricity that had been and
of properties of light and electricity and the use possibly be made by the experts. This was done
of properties of light and electrical principles to give meaning to the work the groups had
through activities of designing prototype of
already done.
simple technology project whose design had

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

2, pp. 740-741, August 1987 [Digests 9th

Annual Conf. Magnetics Japan, p. 301,
Based on the implementation of STS
approach in Advanced Natural Science course in
designing simple technology products by [7] M. Young, The Technical Writer’s
applying the concepts of properties of light and Handbook.Mill Valley, CA: University
electricity, it was revealed that all of the groups Science, 1989.
were creatively and successful to complete the
tasks given. All of the tools produced on optical
instrument especially projector that used
incandescent lamp as projector worked
appropriately as they were expected. Projector
that used magnifying glass didn’t result clear
picture in the screen. This is can be fixed with
additional flat mirror in it construction box. The
groups could well explain the principles of
science that work on the tools. The only shortage
found in these tools was in their construction
which is still less attractive and not well-built. In
addition, the tools could not use AC power and
more sound can be hear loudly if projector and
microphone use speaker box.

The writer delivers his massive gratitude to
his Advanced Natural Science 2016’ students,
and Rina, S.Pd., M.Pd. who have given
constructive suggestions and significant
contribution for impovement this paper.

[1] G. Eason, B. Noble, and I.N. Sneddon, “On
certain integrals of Lipschitz-Hankel type
involving products of Bessel functions,”
Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, vol. A247,
pp. 529-551, April 1955.
[2] J. Clerk Maxwell, A Treatise on Electricity
and Magnetism, 3rd ed., vol. 2.Oxford:
Clarendon, 1892, pp.68-73.
[3] I.S. Jacobs and C.P. Bean, “Fine particles,
thin films and exchange anisotropy,” in
Magnetism, vol. III, G.T. Rado and H. Suhl,
Eds.New York: Academic, 1963, pp. 271-
[4] K. Elissa, “Title of paper if known,”
[5] R. Nicole, “Title of paper with only first
word capitalized,” J. Name Stand. Abbrev.,
in press.
[6] Y. Yorozu, M. Hirano, K. Oka, and Y.
Tagawa, “Electron spectroscopy studies on
magneto-optical media and plastic substrate
interface,” IEEE Transl. J. Magn.Japan, vol.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Siti Irene Astuti Dwiningrum, Zamroni
Faculty of Education , Yogyakarta State University
[email protected]
[email protected]

In the 21 century multicultural education became a global commitment. There is a strong need toward the
development of multicultural education model to face the global challenge . This research aims to answer
two problems : 1) how the programs developed for multicultural education at school; 2) how the strategy
of schools in implementing multicultural education to build in schools. The research was conducted in
Senior High Schools Yogyakarta in Indonesia. The research is qualitative research study in which the
subjects were teachers and students.The data analysis was done by reducing the data collection and
presenting the data. Data triangulation was performed by the repetition of information obtained through a
variety of methods, sources of data, time, and settings. The data were collected through interviews and
observations. The research reveals some points school strategy in implementing multicultural education
among others :1). school programs which are developed should pay attention to students’ socio-economic
and cultural background, as well as the students’ talents; 2) the strategies in multicultural education in
school , among others: a) content integration, b) an equity pedagogy, c) prejudice reduction d) an
empowering school culture and social structure.
Key word : multicultural education, school, strategy

to possess the understanding of national and

global culture. The world changes from time to
Multicultural education became a global time, therefore, Indonesia has to be ready and
commitment as recommended by UNESCO in more open to interact globally.
October 1994 in Geneva. This recommendation Multicultural education is a process of
contains four ideas. First, education should social transformation. In this context, a
develop the ability to acknowledge values of progressive approach is needed to transform
individuals, sexes, societies, and cultures and the education comprehensively by removing
ability to communicate, share, and cooperate weaknesses, failure, and discriminative
with each other. Second, education should processes in education. Multicultural awareness
establish identity and encourage convergence of is not introduced in the process of teaching and
ideas and solutions to strengthen peace, learning, or considered important in education. In
brotherhood, and solidarity among individuals in this case, Zamroni’s ideas on the paradigm of
the society. Third, education should increase the multicultural education are not yet implemented.
ability to overcome conflicts peacefully. Fourth, In fact, the paradigm is important since
therefore, education should promote multicultural education is the center of education
peacefulness in the mind of students so that they equality for all. Second, multicultural education
can build a higher quality of tolerance, patience, is not simply a change in term of curriculum or
and will to share and maintain peace. method of instruction. It leads to the direction of
In the 21st century they need to increase education. A wrong effort to decrease inequality
their understanding on the cultures of others. in education will result in more inequality.
They need to have a modern vision in this global Multicultural education aims to bridge the gap
era. In Indonesian context, youth need to take in between curriculum and teacher’s character,
the values of Unity in Diversity and have them pedagogy, class situation, and school culture to
implemented in the society. Positive appreciation promote equality in education (Zamroni, 2011).
on ethnic identities, which are composed of The ideas on multicultural education keep
culture, language, physical appearance and skin to be reviewed and developed to be implemented
color is strikingly important (Zamroni, 2011). in the teaching and learning process. There is a
Indonesia has to become a nation with both strong need toward the development of
national and global competence. That is why multicultural education model to face the global
schools play an important role to prepare youth challenge. In reference to this, a country that is

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

successful in implementing multicultural FGD (teachers) , and documentation. The data

education. Indonesia needs to learn about it from collected were those related to the practices and
this country because in Indonesia it is not widely problems of multicultural education. Moreover,
applied. There are structural and cultural data collected within this research were in the
constraints to establish multicultural education form of quantitative data.
policy in all educational levels. In addition, social
problems due to the lack of understanding of
multicultural education perspective keep
occurring. Goals of Multicultural Education
Understandings of multicultural education Muliticultural education is important
for all students Nieto (1992) explains that
and diversity in education involve ideas, beliefs
and understandings that social or societal change, multicultural education aims to provide an anti-
even social transformation is possible via racial education, which takes into account basic
skills and knowledge for all. It can break barriers
schooling. The reduction of prejudice and racism
in a heterogeneous society, for example, can be present in all aspects of education system. It
reduced by using sectors within the national contributes to the development of attitudes,
knowledge, and skills that enable students to
compulsory education system to help young
people learn tolerance, mutual understanding for increase social welfare, in which culture is a
difference and diversity, in all its forms, by not variable that is important for academic success.
It allows a critical education emphasizing on
only learning about difference, but also how to
interact with others who are different via social knowledge and helps students develop
language, respecting and being able to enact their skills of making social decisions and
other cultural mores and perform with attitudes.
competence in other socio-cultural contexts and Banks (2002:14) states that
multicultural education is a way of thinking to
Schools have a strategic role to develop face reality, not simply some knowledge of
programs to support multicultural education ethnicity, race, and culture. To be exact, Banks
describes five dimensions of multicultural
However, most schools do not specifically create
a program associated with the implementation of education, i.e.:
multicultural education. Schools are the sites of 1. Content integration, which is concerned
with how teachers use examples and
enactment of such policies – the main players
within these sites will be school leaders—for various cultural content to describe
example, principals—and teachers. This concepts, principles, generalizations, and
main theories used in their subjects or fields
proposed study focuses on the examination of
school understandings of multi-cultural of study
education and principles of diversity. In addition, 2. Process of knowledge building, which is
related to how teachers help students
perspectives on how these beliefs and
understandings are experienced and understand, observe, and learn implied
implemented in their respective schools are of cultural values, perspectives, and prejudices
3. Reduction of prejudices, which focuses on
the characteristics of students racial
attitudes and how these attitudes can be
reshaped using a certain teaching method
This research is part of a larger project that and material
aims to reveal the characteristics of multicultural 4. Pedagogy of equality, which is present
education in high schools in a cross-cultural when teachers transform their way of
comparison between Yogyakarta, Indonesia teaching to promote the academic
Specific research questions are: achievement of students coming from
various ethnicity, culture, and social class
1) how the programs developed for multicultural 5. School culture and structure, which include
education at school; the practices of grouping and naming sport
2) how the strategy of schools in implementing participation, achievement, and interaction
multicultural education to build in schools. among staff and students of various
ethnicity and race

Fulfilling all these five dimensions,

Research conducted in Senior High Schools students will have the capability to construct their
Yogyakarta. Data were collected through ideals on the basis of what they learn. They will
questionnaires, active participation, observation,

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

also develop an understanding of how they react g. Students understand the relationship between
to social problems. what they learn and their nation’s problems
The main goal of multicultural and conditions.
education is to improve academic environment Based on the opinion that the outcome of
and atmosphere by increasing the respect or the process Zamroni multicultural education can
attention addressed to various cultural groups to develop the personal dimension and the social
facilitate equality in education (Banks, 1987: 29- dimension, both teachers and students.
30). In addition, Pay (1990: 109) explains that
multicultural education is the most important Strategies of Multicultural Education
goal of lifelong learning. The main issues related Multicultural education is developed
to multicultural education are social justice, differently from one country to another. Its
democracy, and human rights (Tilaar, 2003: 67). development is based on the problems that a
These aspects, even though closely related to country experiences. Banks (1993) explains that
economy, politics, and law, are also related to there are four approaches, which are relevant to
education. Education is important for producing Indonesian education, in integrating
people who are oriented toward social justice, multicultural education in school curriculum,
have democratic political vision, and respect i.e.:
others’ rights. In short, multicultural education 1. The contribution approach
deals with political, social, cultural, moral, This is the most common approach,
educational, and religious issues (Tilaar, 2003: which is also the first stage of ethnic
168). It would be difficult to achieve a complete revival. One of the examples of its use is
understanding of multicultural education without putting the images of national heroes
investigating these issues. coming from various ethnicity and culture
In its efforts to minimize conflicts, in related school subjects. Indonesia has
multicultural education helps students: (1) implemented this.
understand personal and cultural background of 2. The additive approach
an individual or group in the society, (2) respect In this stage, there is an effort to enrich
and appreciate the variety of culture and learning materials, concepts, themes, and
ethnicity, (3) reduce ethnocentric and prejudicial perspectives in the curriculum without any
way of thinking, (4) understand social, economic, changes in the basic structures, objectives,
psychological, and historical factors that cause and characteristics of the curriculum. This
ethnic polarization, (5) increase the capability of approach is supplemented with books,
analyzing problems critically through a modules, or discussions that do not lead to
democratic process to envision a better, fairer, any substantial changes in the curriculum.
and free society, and (6) develop a meaningful 3. The transformation approach
identity for everyone. This approach is different from the
Some of the expected outcomes of previous ones since it changes the basic
multicultural education according to Zamroni assumptions of a curriculum and promote
(2011) are: students’ competence in addressing
a. Students possess a high level of critical concepts, issues, themes, and problems
thinking, so that they can review learnt using some ethnic perspectives that center
materials critically and comprehensively. on the main item discussed in subjects.
b. Students obtain the awareness of the 4. The sosial action approach
prejudices they make to others, review why This approach includes all elements in
and how these occur, and keep learning to the transformation approach, with an
remove these prejudices from them. additional component that inquires students
c. Students understand that every discipline has to make actions related to learnt materials in
both positive and negative aspects, which will school subjects. Its main goal is to teach
emerge depending on those learning it. students to deliver social criticisms and
d. Students have the skills to use and implement make decisions. In this case, schools help
the knowledge they get. students become reflective social critics and
e. Students act as learning persons who will trained participants to respond to social
always learn throughout their life. changes.
f. Students understand that the ideals they With the above strategies teachers can
construct based on their disciplines can only select and design a learning process about
be achieved by hardworking. socialization concept of multicultural education
in accordance with students' backgrounds

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Programs of Multicultural Education at education such as programs for multi-talents to

School develop diverse potencies, understandings
An interesting thing which should be towards tolerance, and respects in accordance
appreciated is Indonesian schools, especially with the students’ religious teachings. The
High School because even though there is no religious teachings can be in the forms of
policy associated with multicultural education, freedoms for students to pray according to their
schools in general have applied a principle of religious beliefs or a chance to do other religious
multicultural education. The principle is that activities. Besides, the principles of multicultural
schools facilitate and accommodate talents and education also covers other programs such as
interests in accordance with the students’ wishes visitation, student exchange, GVT (to introduce
regardless their ethnics, regions, and groups. cultures), Multi Talent Program (to
Schools cooperate with domestic schools or accommodate cultures and talents), ICEF (an
schools from other countries. School programs interregional and international student exchange
which are developed should pay attention to program), Aminef Program (teacher exchange),
students’ socio-economic and cultural interregional Student Exchange, AFS (student
background, as well as the students’ talents. exchange across countries).
Therefore, schools hold classes which Schools wants to implement the
accommodate the students’ talent, similar to principles of diversity and multicultural
talent classes such as language class, research education. It is revealed in the Senior High
class, tahfid class, and National Science School teachers’ FGD results stating concluding
Olympiad (OSN) class. Besides, schools have that some schools have a plan to implement the
held corporation programs with other regions, principles of diversity or multicultural education.
provinces, and countries; schools have also held For example, students and teachers are prepared
corporation program at the national level, i.e. to join a contest associated with culture, an
character building program and student exchange application of school order, or a boarding service.
program. Program being developed by schools Besides, schools require a boarding school which
focus on multicultural education and principles enables teachers to identify each student and help
of diversity which cover : them to cope with the differences. Similarly,
a. Schools facilitate students in holding classes Senior High School teachers state that
which accommodate their talents such as multicultural education has not been
language class, research class, tahfid class, implemented in all schools. However, several
and National Science Olympiad (OSN); schools have directly and indirectly done
b. Schools cooperate with schools in the same activities mirroring values of multicultural
country and in the foreign countries; education by being fair to every student in giving
c. Schools hold interregional, interprovincial, them education service. Some programs
and international coperation programs and associated with students’ interests is appreciated
character building programs, and student and become as a superior program at school.
exchange programs; According to Senior High School
d. Schools hold a graduation ceremony teachers, initiative mentoring originating from
according to the students’ areas; organizations outside the school will be done if it
e. Schools hold an outdoor learning; is needed such as educational institutions, police,
f. Schools implement local content and law institutions, Faculty of Psychology, IBBS
extracurricular programs; (Indonesian Boarding Bilingual School), Ocean,
g. Schools hold social services, literation, pojok courses in cooperation with IBBS, BLH and
baca, pesantren, tadarus, or music other relevant institutions agencies in accordance
performances; with the needs of the school, i.e. UAD which
h. Schools hold interregional and international sends its foreign students to teach in schools.
student exchange, i.e. Asian’s corner and While high school teachers found out that the
final performance at the end of a semester; optimal assistance has not been done, some
i. There are four programs with a person in schools have started for establishing cooperation
charge in each room, i.e. sister school and with several organizations and institutions from
short course. outside the school for improving the quality of
schools. School accepted visits from outside the
Senior High School teachers give an region and the country; GUT (Gladi Vidya
illustration about various and interesting Teladan), in the program, it is introduced the
multicultural programs. As explained by FGD of culture which must be understood; Multi Talent
Senior High Schools, the results show that Program: Accommodates culture values and the
programs related to principles of multicultural talents; ICEF program; Student exchange

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

programs between regions / countries; Aminef g. Exploring and demonstrating the cultural
program (teachers exchange), Student Exchange diversity that the students are able to see,
Program among regions, Student Exchange understand, and respect through various
programs among countries (AFS). programs. Schools are also designing a
curriculum that implements multicultural
School Strategy in Implementing education;
Multicultural Education h. Applying the choices of extra curriculum;
School strategies in implementing i. Placement of students of different religions in
multicultural education and principles of each class;
diversity have been implemented by the school. j. Students are expected to have better
It is revealed from the FGD with senior high understanding and to respect the existence of
school teacher who claimed that school strategies diversity;
in the implementation of multicultural education k. Learning with a variety of cooperative
have directly and indirectly been done by the learning model (a cooperation which does not
school in several ways: distinguish the individual);
a. Inserting principles of diversity in every l. Not accentuate the differences and show
learning process for using a possible method unity in in the school services.
which can emerge and implement m. Such as social service like Eid al-Adha
multicultural education in all subjects; (Qurban) to the target area;
b. Singing Indonesia Raya before the teaching- n. Integrating multicultural eduction in each
learning process is started; subject.
c. Holding the study exchange activity with
schools from other countries such as Japan, According to the results of FGD,
Korea, Thailand, and Malaysia; teachers, observation, and documentation at
d. Class division is randomly arranged, it does Senior High School in Indonesia, there are
not consider the students’ label; tendncies that schools have implemented five
e. Familiarizing and applying full respect for dimensions of multicultural education
diversity in the school; formulated by Bank as follows:
f. Creating policies that develop school;

Content integration, which is concerned with how Teaching students to respect and tolerate others;
teachers use examples and various cultural content to Integrating values of diversity in all subjects;
describe concepts, principles, generalizations, and main Putting quotations for students to respects differences at school
theories used in their subjects or fields of study.
Process of knowledge building, which is related to how Analyzing movies with cultural themes
teachers help students understand, observe, and learn Holding an interracial meeting to discuss about cultural issues
implied cultural values, perspectives, and prejudices Holding international stage performance
Holding student exchange program
Dividing classes based on races or abilities in the class
Reduction of prejudices, which focuses on the Forbidding bullying
characteristics of students racial attitudes and how these Building justice and wisdom for students
attitudes can be reshaped using a certain teaching method Supporting students to understand and respect other students’
and material culture
Requesting students to avoid verbal or physical quarrels due to
racial difference
Pedagogy of equality, which is present when teachers Holding cultural stage performance on the scheduled school
transform their way of teaching to promote the academic orientation and farewell
achievement of students coming from various ethnicity, Improving an extracurricular cultural study
culture, and social class Offering foreign language learning
Inviting educators from the country or other countries
School culture and structure, which include the Holding cultural week
practices of grouping and naming sport participation, Holding a student exchange program
achievement, and interaction among staff and students of Inviting students for a study tour to other region or other country
various ethnicity and race. Holding a seminar on international coorporation
Exhibiting cultural products from other country or race to describe
their cultural diversity.

implementation of multicultural education by

observing the different socio-economic-cultural
Schools have a variety of programs in and student talents. Schools develop a variety of
accordance with the principles in the learning strategies in implementing

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

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culture and social structure.
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International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Budi Aryanto, Rizal Haqqi
Faculty Sports Science Yogyakarta State University
[email protected]

This research aims to find out how to analyze the match of basketball based on the statistics of the match on
the IBL (Indonesian Basketball League) series III Yogyakarta 2016. This research method using
the deskrptif statistic. The population of this research is the participant of Indonesian Basketball
League Series III of Yogyakarta 2016. Research on sample taken using six teams from the twelve
teams Indonesian Basketball League (IBL) Series III of Yogyakarta 2016. Instrument in this
study was FibaLivestat. Data obtained in this study either a print out of the statistic team form
of quantitative data and processed into qualitative data are described in detail. The researcher found some
aspects of the team ability in this research. These aspects include: (1) shooting ability, (2) ball handling
ability, and (3) defending ability. The ability to shoot consists of: (1) field goal, (2) 2 point shoot, (3) 3
point shoot, and (4) free throw. Ball handling ability consists of: (1) assists, (2) turn overs, and (3) offensive
rebound. The defending ability consists of: (1) steals, (2) intercepts, (3) block shoot, and (4) defensive
rebound. The results showed that the IBL Series Yogyakarat 2016 basketball team ability was still under
standard that is 0,51 shots per game. Beside, their ball handling ability was still low. They were only able
to do 12.5 assists per game and an average of 24.75 turn overs per game. Then, the low ability in defense
was shown by 15.9 steals and intercepts per game and only 6.3 blocked shoots per game.
Keywords: game analysis, statistics, IBL, team, basketball

who will face an opponent's abilities to apply the

tactics in the match. Importance of statistical
Technological developments in a basketball benefit in a basketball game is supposed to be
game today is more advanced, this is evidenced followed up with the assistance or the need
by the many media or gadgets that are used in the statistics team in contingent prepared to face
process of training and competition or game. Any either event IBL, or other national events. In
tools or gadgets that already exist do indirectly February 20-26 2016, Indonesian Basketball
contribute significantly to the process of training League Series Yogyakarta will be held in
and competition. Expectations of the Yogyakarta Special Region of Yogyakarta,
development of technology in the game of where teams from each region would represent
basketball are expected to further advance the like a CLS Knight Surabaya, Garuda Bandung,
development also basketball in the world. Some Stadium Happy 8 Jakarta, Satya Wacana
countries are using technology in the process of Salatiga, Bimasakti Nikko Steel Malang, dan
training or during a match we can observe the Pacifik Caesar Surabaya.
results, so that our country should also adopt Need to be addressed and also realized that
some of the technologies that can be applied in in theory and reality that athletes should be given
the basketball national team and local estuary an appreciation for the power struggle and hard
capability makes basketball Indonesia par with work in practice and also indirectly bring the
other Asian countries such as Philipine, Japan, good name of the area, have to spend for costs
China, Iran and Australia. The reality at this point represent the area in the national event. It is
in the area, namely statistics team, especially in highly inappropriate, it is necessary to change the
the sports world has not been significantly system of sports in Indonesia. Last Achievements
exploited or used. In fact, if we see tremendous at the Sea Games in Thailand men's basketball
benefits should though statistics team must have team lost a large 4, which is the material then the
a team to support valid data and appropriate team Indonesia is still dominated by young
analysis to see the ability of the team that is athletes who still less experience. In the year
prepared to face the competition, namely when 2016, the material from clubs is pretty good
practicing. team.
At the time of the competition or match the
benefits of statistics to help the team coach to see

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

data that has been collected as it is without

making inferences or generalizations apply to the
Types of research
public. Data analysis techniques used in this
In accordance with the existing problems,
research is by calculating the mean or mean or
this kind of research is quantitative descriptive
central tendency measurements, median, mode,
approach for the results of the research presented
and standard deviation. The explanation is as
in the form of images. Descriptive is the kind of
follows:1) The mean, median, and modes; 2)
research that give an idea or commentary on a
Table inclination variables. According to
situation as clear as possible without any
Saifuddin Azwar[7] to determine the category
treatment of the object under study.
score components used norms as follows:
Table 1. Category Score
Place and time of research
Research Sites
This research will be carried out on GOR
UNY Yogyakarta.
Research time Meanwhile, to clarify the frequency
The time in the conduct take the statistic per distribution data dissemination in the
game in February 20-28 2016 in GOR UNY presentation of the data, it can be presented in the
Yogyakarta. form of a graph or diagram, which diagram is
based on the frequency data that has been shown
Population and Sample in the frequency distribution table.
Population Research
Population is the generalization region Statistic in FIBALiveStat
consisting of: objects / subjects that have certain The role of statistics in the sport of
qualities and characteristics defined by the basketball today are very important, in which
researchers to learn and then drawn conclusions technological developments rapidly, teams that
Sugiyono[8]. From the definition above, the have large funds typically use help technology to
population of the population in this study were support the work of coaches on the field during
teams which participants in Indonesian practice or matches or competitions. The result is
Basketball League Series Yogyakarta 2016. maximum performance can also be expected to
Sample Research coach because it is supported by a team of
In this study the sample was six teams from supporters in particular about the athletes
tweleve teams male which participants in capability and statistical data are also opposed to
Indonesian Basketball League Series Yogyakarta aregular partner. Specific statistics in the sport of
2016. The six teams are CLS Knight Surabaya, basketball is the FIBALive-Stat. FIBALive-Stat
Garuda Bandung, Stadium Happy 8 Jakarta, contain of:
Satya Wacana Salatiga, Bimasakti Nikko Steel 1. Field Goals
Malang, dan Pacifik Caesar Surabaya. In 2. 2 points
this study using purposive sampling is a
sampling technique based on the rank or the 3. 3 points
needed resources to research. 4. Free throws
Data Collection 5. Rebound
Data collection techniques in this study 6. Assist
using an instrument namely FIBALive-Stat.
Once the necessary data is collected, we then 7. Turn over
analyze the data. According Sugiyono[8] 8. Steals/Intercepts
Descriptive statistics are statistics used to
analyze data in ways that describe or depict the 9. Block shots

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Table 2. Statistics in Basketball (FIBA Livestat)

Based on the data team stats will deliver

analysis results linked the ability of both the team
and the opposing team, so the coach has a valid
basis picture data to determine the decisions Results
Based on the results of game CLS Knigth
taken. This research is a quantitative descriptive
study, which examines the statistical capabilities Surabaya (1st rank) versus Pacific Caesar
male team Indonesian Basketball League Series Surabaya (12th rank).
Yogyakarta. According Suharsimi Arikunto[9]
descriptive research is research that is intended to Game 1: Quarter 1
investigate the circumstances, conditions, or CLS ‐ CLS Knight Surabaya vs PCF ‐ Pacific
other things that have been mentioned, the results Caesar Surabaya
are presented in the form of a research report. The CLS 17 ‐ 14 PCF
method used in this study is a survey and data
collection techniques assisting with the
assessment rubric. According Sugiyono[8] Field Goals
population is the generalization region consisting 90%
of: objects / subjects that have certain Points in
characteristics quality and defined by the 30% 2 Points
the Paint 20%
researchers to learn and then drawn conclusions. 0%

According Suharsimi Arikunto[9]. The data is all

the facts and figures that can be used as material Free
3 Points
to compile the information, while the information Throws
is the result of data processing that is used for a
Picture 1. Diagram indicators shot

From this diagram in picture 1 we can

know: (1) CLS field goal are 33% and PCF field
goal are 41 %, (2) CLS 2 points are 57% and PCF
2 points are 50%, (3) CLS 3 points are 18% and
PCF 3 points are 0%, and (4) CLS free throws are
100% and PCF free throws are 0%.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Table 3. Diagram indicator others in Q1

Offen Defen Turn Fouls Point Secon Fast Benc Steal Block
sive sive Overs s d Break h
Rebo Rebo from Chan Point Point
und und Turn ce s s
Overs Point
CLS 7 8 7 0 5 3 12 6 3 0
PCF 2 5 3 2 8 2 2 0 5 1

From table 3: (1) CLS rebounds are 15 (7 includes assist, turnover, and offensive rebound.
offensive rebounds and 8 defensive rebounds) In basketball an assist is a player‘s ability pass a
and PCF rebounds are 7 (2 offensive rebounds ball to a teammate that directly leads to a score
and 5 defensive rebounds), (2) CLS turn over are by field goal. Turnover is when a player loses
7 and PCF turn over are 3, (3) CLS fouls are 0 possession to the opposing team including out of
and PCF fouls are 2, (4) CLS points from turn bound, travelling, double dribble, travelling. This
over are 5 and PCF points from turn over are 8, can happen if a player has lower ability.
(5) CLS fast break points are 12 and PCF fast Offensive rebound is the act of successfully
break points are 2, (6) CLS bench points are 6 gaining possession of the basketball after a
and PCF bench points are 0, (7) CLS missed field goal or free throw It is a routine part
stesal/intercepts are 3 and PCF steal/intercepts in the game, as all possessions change after a shot
are 5, and the last (8) CLS block shots are 0 and is successfully made.
PCF block shots are 1. The results of the data analysis showed that
Based on the research results obtained and the assisting ability of the IBL Series Yogyakarta
carried out the study it can be concluded that the 2016 basketball team was as many as 12.5 assist
ability of basketball teams in IBL Series per game, the turnover or error of the team was
Yogyakarta 2016 have the following capabilities: as many as 24.75 per game, and the offensive
1. Shooting ability rebound ability was as many as 12.34 offensive
rebound per game.
Shooting ability includes field goals, 2
3. Defense ability
points shot, 3 point shot. Field goal is any shot
that is attempted by team. Field goal is ability Defense ability is a basketball player‘s
team for score from field. 2 points is a player’s or ability to defend the team. It includes steals and
team ability to score two point and 3 points is a intercept defensive rebound, block shoots, and
player’s or team ability to score three points for a fouls. Steals and intercept is the ability to take
shot. Free throws are unopposed attempts to ball possession over the opposing team.
score points from a restricted area on the court Defensive rebound is a player‘s ability to possess
and are generally awarded after a foul on the the ball after a missed shot in defending situation.
shooter by the opposing team. Each successful Blocked shoots depends on the defensive
free throw is worth one point. player‘s ability to legally deflect a field goal
The three abilities are basically the shooting attempt from an offensive player. Meanwhile,
ability of the each player. Based on the data foul is a break of the rules that concerns illegal
analysis, the shootingl ability of IBL Series personal contact with an opponent.
Yogyakarta 2016 basketball team was 0.51 or 51 Based on the data analysis, it can be IBL
in percentage, in category less. Ideally shooting Series Yogyakarta basketball team‘s steals and
ability team should be above 80%. intercept were 15.9 steals/intercept per game, the
2. Ball handling ability defensive rebounds were 15.6 rebounds per
game, blocked shoots were 6.3 blocks per game,
Ball handling ability is a players‘ ability in
and fouls were 20.14 fouls per game.
passing, receiving, and dribbling the ball. It also

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

basic defense, most importantly for stance. This

due to their 20.14 fouls per game. Based on
Statistic analyze from game is important for
Krause, Meyer, and Meyer [2], defensive players
a team in training, pra-competition, and
must maintain defensive quick stance at all times.
competition. Which statistic analysis a coach can
look deeply in detail about progress in team and
individual development. Coach also can look
about lack in team or individual which must be
fixed in training or competition season. REFERENCES
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However, he was a statistician at once video man. penting dalam
Erik Spoelstra, Heat coach who bleeds the Olahraga”.
Philippines from the mother, years into video keiramaunakea/ statistic-itu-penting-dalam-
man. As the video interpreter, Spoelstra have a olahraga_ 552e17416ea834a3378b45a4. Di
lot of time studying the performance of players akses tanggal 22 Februari2016.
and opponents. He was also expert of analyzing
because during college he played as point guard. [4] Morrow. James. R, Allen W Jackson, James
So when Pat Riley decided Spoelstra as G Disch, and Dale P Mood, 2011,
coach replacement, Spoelstra has already had a Measurement and Evaluation in Human
deadly weapon that is not owned by LeBron Performance. United States: Human
James, Dwyane Wade, and Chris Bosh, i.e. the Kinetics.
ability to analyze statistics. The Indiana Pacers [5] Nining Widyah Kusnanik, 2013, Evaluasi
also have a head coach who whiz read data: Manajemen Pembinaan Prestasi Prima
Frank Vogel. Don't be surprised if Vogel also Pratama Cabang Olahraga Panahan di
became coach of the fastest rising in the 2012/13 Surabaya, Jurnal IPTEK Olahraga Volume
season of the NBA with the Indiana Pacers 15, Nomor 2, Mei-Agustus 2013.
brought to the top of the Eastern finals
competition. How the use of statistics in [6] Sarwiji Suwandi, 2011, Model-model
Indonesia? In basketball a branch of the statistics Asesmen dalam Pembelajaran. Surakarta:
already used but still in very small scale. Only a Yurna Pustaka.
few are using statistical data to prepare for [7] Saifuddin Azwar. (2012). Penyusunan Skala
practice or games Miranda Devayani[3]. Psikologi Edisi 2. Yogyakarta:
[8] Sugiyono, 2007, Metode Penelitian
After analyzing the data using FIBA Pendidikan (Pendekatan Kuantitatif,
Livestat analysis, the researcher concludes that: Kualitatif, dan R&D). Bandung Alfabeta.
(1) The IBL Series Yogyakarta 2016 basketball
team need better ball handling practices as their [9] Suharsimi Arikunto, 2002, Prosedur
turnovers were 24.75 per game. As suggested by Penelitian. Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta.
Krause, Meyer, and Meyer [2], ball handling
encompass all offensive moves with basketball
(passing, catching, dribbling, shooting,
individual moves, and rebounding); (2) The IBL
Series Yogyakarta 2016 basketball team need
better shooting practices to increase the
percentage of field goal and free throws.
Moreover, Krause, Meyer, and Meyer [2]
mention that field goal and free throw scoring
percentages are the most important statistical
factor related to winning; and (3) The IBL Series
Yogyakarta 2016 basketball team need better

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Badrun Kartowagiran1, Heri Retnawati2, Sutopo3, Faridl Musyadad4
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]

Indonesian government imposed Curriculum 2013 in the national education system since year 2013 in order
to improve the quality of education. Curriculum 2013 is different from the previous curriculum, especially
on approach to learning and assessment techniques used. In the academic year 2015/2016, the Directorate
of Vocational High School of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Republic of Indonesia has provide
assistance program to assist schools in implementing Curriculum 2013. The assistance program needs to
be monitored and evaluated in order to know its effectiveness and its results can used to formulate education
policy related to improvement of implementation Curriculum 2013. The purpose of this study is to describe
(1) the readiness of educators in implementing Curriculum 2013, (2) realization of assistance program in
implementation Curriculum 2013, (3) the impact of assistance in implementation Curriculum 2013, and 4)
obstacles encountered by educators in implementing Curriculum 2013. This research is a descriptive
exploratory evaluation with quantitative and qualitative approaches. This study was conducted in 104
districts/cities and selected 208 schools that have implemented Curriculum 2013. Data were collected using
a questionnaire for teachers, principals, and students. Data were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively.
Decision criteria determined by using the ideal criteria which categorize less, fair, good, and excellent. The
results showed that (1) the readiness of educators in implementing Curriculum 2013 is in good category, 2)
the assistance program in implementation Curriculum 2013 is in good category, 3) assistance program has
a positive impact on teachers and principals in implementing Curriculum 2013, and 4) some obstacles
encountered by educators namely teachers feel less ready to implement Curriculum 2013 due to ineffective
training and socialization program; teachers are constrained on implementation of teaching and learning,
difficulties in assessment and writing the student report, obstacles related to textbooks, facilities and
infrastructure for use in the implementation Curriculum 2013.
Keywords: curriculum 2013, vocational high school, monitoring and evaluation

to guide the implementation of learning activities

to achieve specific educational objectives. Based
Education plays an important role in on those opinions, it can be concluded that the
shaping quality of human resources. The curriculum is a set lesson plan includes several
existence of qualified human resources is components that are used to guide the
expected to improve the quality of life and global implementation of learning to achieve
competitiveness. In order to achieve it, education educational success. The curriculum is not just
must be supported by a curriculum that is able to learning the subjects, but rather developing the
equip students with a variety of thinking skills mind, adding insight, and developing knowledge
and good character. Thus the curriculum has a [4]. Thus a good curriculum demands a balance
vital role in determining the quality of human between the development of cognitive, affective,
resources where it is a reflection of the quality of and psycho-motor aspects.
education of a nation. In order to realize the curriculum that is able
The curriculum can be interpreted as the to develop cognitive, affective (religion and
composition of materials or subjects that will be social) and psychomotor aspects, the Indonesian
used as a reference in educational activities government implements Curriculum 2013.
[1][2]. In Indonesia the meaning of the Another reason for the implementation of this
curriculum refers to Law of Republic of curriculum is because still low of students’
Indonesia Number 20 Year 2003 [3]. According HOTS in Indonesia [5]. Indonesian government
to Law of Republic Indonesia Number 20 of imposed Curriculum 2013 in the national
2003 [3], the curriculum is a set of plans and education system since 2013 in order to improve
arrangements regarding the objectives, content the quality of education. Curriculum 2013 is
and learning materials as well as the means used different from the previous curriculum,

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

especially on approach to teaching and learning principals of vocational high school in

and assessment techniques used. This curriculum implementation Curriculum 2013, the
emphasizes learning in the scientific and Directorate of Vocational High School Founding
authentic assessment approach in the assessment of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the
of learning outcomes competences include Republic of Indonesia gives assistance program
spiritual, social, knowledge, and techniques used through its pioneering funds and own school
varied assessment and reporting description funds. This assistance program is conducted on
model. Curriculum 2013 is applied to all levels the first semester of academic year 2015/2016.
of education ranging from elementary school To know the effectiveness of assistance
(SD/MI), junior high school (SMP/MTs), senior programs related to implementation of
high school (SMA/MA), and vocational high Curriculum 2013, monitoring and evaluation
school (SMK). Given Curriculum 2013 is a new activities are required.
curriculum applied in the education system in Monitoring and evaluation program starting
Indonesia then it is necessary to do monitoring from the planning stage and continued with the
and evaluation. implementation stage. Monitoring and
Evaluation is the process of delineating, evaluation program include monitoring activities
obtaining, reporting, applying descriptive and in the field when activities are on going to ensure
providing useful information to guide decision the suitability of the process and outcomes
making [6][7]. The decisions taken serve as according to plan or not. Of monitoring activities
performance assessment indicators or conducted found the findings or deviations in
performance assessments at each evaluation fields to be the result of monitoring and
stage in three categories namely low, medium evaluation. Monitoring results into the material
and high [8]. In relation to specific programs or for the next process. Furthermore, monitoring
policies, the evaluation process is known as and evaluation officers also identified deviations
program evaluation. Program evaluation is to occurred in the field based on the results of
gather information about a program or some monitoring conducted. From existing findings
aspect of a program to make important decisions and deviations then analyzed the suitability of the
about the program [9]. Thus through the program research findings with the theoretical basis and
evaluation is expected to know the extent of the applicable legal basis.
implementation of program or policy and Based on the background, it is necessary to
obstacles encountered in the implementation. monitor and evaluate the implementation of
Curriculum 2013 as one of the Curriculum 2013 in vocational high school and
government’s policy in the field of education its results can be utilized to develop educational
needs to be monitored and evaluated. It aims to policies related to the implementation of
find out the extent of implementation of Curriculum 2013 and efforts to improve it.
Curriculum 2013 and its obstacles. Related to the Related to this, the purpose of this research is to
implementation of Curriculum 2013 research describe (1) the readiness of educators in
results indicate that training and socialization has implementing the Curriculum 2013, (2)
not been able to foster a good and comprehensive realization of the implementation assistance of
understanding about Curriculum 2013 [10]. The Curriculum 2013, (3) the effectiveness of
obstacles encountered by senior and vocational assistance in implementation Curriculum 2013,
high school teachers in implementing and 4) obstacles encountered by educators in
Curriculum 2013 namely difficulties in preparing implementing Curriculum 2013.
teaching and learning, time allocation
management; difficulties in preparing
instructional learning kits; and difficulties in
preparing assessment instruments and scoring This type of research is categorized as
research evaluation, to be able to provide
rubrics, especially on attitude assessment
[10][11]. Based on these findings, it is necessary information such as the level of success of the
to keep monitoring related to the implementation mentoring Curriculum 2013, making it useful for
solving problems faced and to consider whether
of Curriculum 2013 at all levels of education,
especially in vocational high school level. the assistance program should be continued,
Vocational high school (SMK) is a different discontinued, or repaired.
This research is a descriptive exploratory
school with senior high school (SMA) because it
has special characteristics. Assistance programs evaluation with quantitative and qualitative
are needed to help teachers and principals approaches. This study was conducted in 104
districts/cities and selected 208 schools that have
understand Curriculum 2013 and its
implementation. In order to assist teachers and

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

been implemented Curriculum 2013 as sample,

both from the pioneering work or self categories.
Data were collected using a questionnaire
for teachers, principals, and students. Data were
analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively.
Decision criteria determined by using the ideal
criteria, which categorize the preparation,
implementation, and impact of assistance
program in Curriculum 2013 namely less, fair,
good, and excellent.

Figure 1. Percentage of Teachers Based on

Level of Readiness
There are some informations obtained from Implementation assistance activities of
the data activities of monitoring and evaluation Curriculum 2013 implementation aimed to the
of Implementation of Curriculum 2013 supervisors, principals and teachers. With their
vocational high school in 2015. One of the many assistance activities for principals are expected to
such data is data relating to the preparation of evaluate and provide solutions for them in
teacher assistance. Before implementation solving problems at school in the implementation
assistance, advance the capabilities and of Curriculum 2013. Evaluation of the
knowledge of teachers with regard to Curriculum implementation of assistance of curriculum 2013
2013 is measured. The measurement is carried implementation addressed to the principal is
out against several components, namely the given in Figure 2.
teacher’s knowledge of the Regulation of the
Minister of Education and Culture related to
Curriculum 2013, the understanding of teachers
to the formulation of competence of the student
in Curriculum 2013, the teachers’ understanding
of the level of thinking in the learning process,
understanding the teacher to model and learning
materials in Curriculum 2013, as well as teachers'
understanding of the assessment and how to
create lesson plans. The results of teacher
knowledge evaluation of the Curriculum 2013 Figure 2. Implementation of Assistance
are given in Figure 1. Based on Quality
The percentage shown on the pie chart Implementation of assistance to principals
(Figure 1) is the number of teachers based on already well underway based on the results of
their level of preparedness. The results provide data analysis in the field that most of the
an overview that most teachers are already ready implementation of assistance included in good
to implement the 2013 curriculum. This is categories.
demonstrated by 79% of teachers have Assistance implemented in order to
understood the curriculum 2013 well. maximize the implementation of Curriculum
Meanwhile, only 20% of teachers have enough 2013 in schools carried out of this curriculum.
readiness, and the other 1% have less readiness. Based on the results analysis obtained the
Furthermore, the analysis shows that the teacher's average implementation assistance were 59.13.
knowledge of the curriculum 2013 has a mean of The results of the comparison of mean with
6.6. This results indicate that the teacher's measurement criteria indicate that the
knowledge of the Curriculum 2013 included in implementation of the assistance included in
good categories. good category.
Learning and assessment process is
something that has a very striking change
compared to the previous curriculum. The
process of learning going on with the scientific
basis using 5M sequence (observe, ask, try,
associate and communicate). The data shows that
the post-mentoring teachers have a better insight

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

about good learning process according to the learning outcomes, difficulty determining
curriculum 2013. effective attitude assessment, and the complexity
The impact of the post-implementation of of reporting student outcomes. Fourth, learning
Curriculum 2013 can be identified from three resources include textbooks have not spread
aspects: the impact on students (interesting and evenly, the material in the textbooks is relatively
fun learning process, students are more active, complicated, there are misprints and
motivation and enthusiasm for learning misconceptions in textbooks, lack of quality
increases, it becomes more skilled, innovative printed textbooks, and library functions that have
and productive, reasoning power better, not been maximized. Fifth, facilities and
increasing willingness to read and the formation infrastructure include inadequate practice
of learners character). Referring to the details of facilities and limited information technology
aspects which are summarized into these facilities.
indicators show that the curriculum 2013 gives a
positive impact on learners. The learning process
becomes more conducive and friendly so that
every learner has a good opportunity to maximize The results of this study revealed that most
of vocational high school teachers have good
their potential.
The second is the impact on teachers. readiness in implementing Curriculum 2013. In
Curriculum 2013 puts the teacher as one of addition, the implementation of assistances was
considered well implemented, thus giving
important aspect in the success of the educational
process. Various formulas included in positive impact for students, teachers, and
Curriculum 2013 requires teachers to become principals. Nevertheless, there are some
more personal detail to observe the problem, obstacles encountered by teacher in
planning appropriate learning curriculum, implementing Curriculum 2013. First, the lack of
readiness of some teachers to plan the lessons
assessing in detail, and creative. The condition is
a positive impact on teachers. Thus, the that lead to difficulties in the management of
implementation of Curriculum 2013 is not just learning time in learning process. Second, the
limitation of learning resources and the limitation
about the growing competence of learners, but
also teachers as educators has developed a good of infrastructure have resulted in difficulties of
competence. teachers to implementing the learning process
that appropriate with Curriculum 2013. Third,
The third is the impact on the Principal.
Principal has a central role in a school teachers have difficulties in planning and
managerial. Various measures taken can implementing the assessment. Fourth, there are
teachers who have difficulty writing school
determined quality curriculum implementation
process. Various efforts have been made well by report cards. The results obtained from this study
the principal so that the macro implementation of is one of the evidence that teachers need to make
changes in learning to fit the demands of the
Curriculum 2013 has given a very good impact
on the learning process in schools. curriculum [12]. In addition, the obstacles
In addition to these findings, from encountered by teachers were in accordance to
previous researches which reveal that teachers
monitoring and evaluation can be found various
obstacles encountered by educators in implement have difficulties in planning and implementing
Curriculum 2013. First, some teachers feel that learning [10], as well as carrying out assessments
they are not ready to implement Curriculum 2013 based on Curriculum 2012 [11]
because of the ineffectiveness of training and The obstacles in implementation of
Curriculum 2013 are due to uneven and
socialization of Curriculum 2013 (training is not
evenly distributed, trainer is not in accordance unsustainable of assistance program and limited
with teacher’s field/subject, training time has not duration of training time resulting various
interpretations of implementation of Curriculum
been effective, interpretation of Curriculum 2013
varied, lack of the continuous training and lack 2013. Various interpretations indicate that some
of the productive teacher training). Second, of teachers have lack of understanding on the
implementation of Curriculum 2013. This is in
obstacles in carrying out learning activities in
accordance with lesson plan, the burden of accordance to the results of research which
teaching is too high, i.e. 50 hours lesson/week, revealed that obstacles to the successful
implementation of Curriculum 2013 were found
the volume of duties and homework are quite a
lot, and teachers difficult to condition students to to root in the teachers’ fixed mindset and within
ask. Third, in assessment, teachers have the implementation [13]. Lack of teacher
understanding includes pedagogical practice
difficulty compiling assessment points, no
uniform assessment rubric, difficulty describing promoted by the new curriculum [14]. It means

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

that implementation of Curriculum 2013 is still Indonesia which has funded this research and all
done partially. There are some teachers who have participants who have been supported and
not done the lesson in accordance to Curriculum involved in this research.
2013. Some teachers in schools who never
attended the curriculum training still encounter a REFERENCES
number of problems in implementation
Curriculum 2013. Therefore, training and [1] A. Nata, Ilmu Pendidikan Islam, Jakarta:
assistance of implementation of Curriculum 2013 Kencana Pustaka, 2010.
still needed to continued and maximized so that [2] O. Hamalik, Dasar-dasar Pengembangan
all teachers have good understanding about the Kurikulum, Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya,
implementation of Curriculum 2013. 2011.
[3] Republic of Indonesia, Law of Republic of
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Based on the results and discussion National Education System, 2003.
obtained the following conclusions: (1) the
readiness of educators in implementing [4] S. Sagala, Konsep dan Makna Pembelajaran
Curriculum 2013 is in good category, (2) the untuk Membantu Memecahkan
Problematika Belajar dan Mengajar,
assistance program in implementation
Curriculum 2013 is in good category, (3) Bandung: Alfabeta, 2007.
assistance program has a positive impact on [5] E. Apino, H. Retnawati, “Developing
teachers and principals in implementing instructional design to improve
Curriculum 2013, and (4) some obstacles mathematical higher order thinking skills of
encountered by educators namely teachers feel students,” Journal of Phisics: Conference
less ready to implement Curriculum 2013 due to Series, vol. 812, pp. 1-7, 2017
ineffective training and socialization program;
teachers are constrained on implementation of [6] D. L. Stufflebeam, G. F. Madaus, T.
teaching and learning, difficulties in assessment Kellaghan, Evaluation Models: Viewpoints
and writing the student report, obstacles related on Educational and Human Services
to textbooks, facilities and infrastructure for use Evaluation, 2nd ed., New York: Kluwer
in the implementation Curriculum 2013. Academic Publisher, 2002.
The recommendations that can be given [7] R. Kaufman, S. Thomas, Evaluation without
based on the research results are: (1) the Fear, New York: New Viewpoints, 1980.
assistance program needs to be continued with
some improvements and more intensified starting [8] S. Issac, W. B. Michael, Handbook in
from trainer competences and the way of Research and Evaluation, 2nd ed., San Diego,
assistance, as well as this program implemented CA: Edits Publisher, 1981.
equally, trainer who provides training should [9] C. McNamara, “Where program evaluation
come from the same field; (2) A detailed is helpful,” unpublished.
guideline for implement Curriculum 2013 should
be developed, starting from the preparation of the [10] H. Retnawati, “Hambatan guru sekolah
lesson plan, the implementation of the learning menengah pertama dalam menerapkan
process, and the implementation of assessment; kurikulum baru,” Cakrawala Pendidikan,
(3) Should be developed support software that is vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 390-403.
easy to operate for reporting student outcomes in [11] H. Retnawati, S. Hadi, A. C. Nugraha,
Curriculum 2013; (4) Should supervisor duties as “Vocational higher school teachers’
partners in the implementation of Curriculum difficulties in implementing assessment in
2013 can be improved; (5) There should be good curriculum 2013 in Yogyakarta Province of
coordination among subject teachers in assigning Indonesia,” International Journal of
tasks to students, so that students are not Instruction, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 33-48.
overloaded with the tasks assigned by the
teacher. [12] I. K. Ahmadi and S. Amri, Pengembangan
& model pembelajaran tematik integratif.
Jakarta: Prestasi Pustaka, 2014.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT [13] D. Ahmad, “Understanding the 2013
Thanks to the Directorate of Vocational Curriculum of english teaching through the
High School Founding (PSMK) of the Ministry teachers and policymakers perspectives,”
of Education and Culture of Republic of

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Int. J. Enhanc. Res. Educ. Dev., vol. 2, no. 4, new curriculum initiatives in relation to
pp. 6–15, 2014. teaching writing in lower primary school,”
Int. J. Educ., vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 53–72, 2015.
[14] Sulfasyah, Y. Haig, and C. Barratt-Pugh,
“Indonesian teachers’ implementation of

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)


Findy Citra Pelita Putri
Postgraduate Program, Master of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political, Surakarta
Sebelas Maret University,
[email protected]


Indonesia is one of countries with the greatest tourism destination. Cilacap is one of cities in Indonesia.
Cilacap has abundant natural resources that can be managed to improve the welfare of society. The problem
research about the empowerment potential in activities through community to meet their needs, so the
principle can help community to help themselves. This research is intended to provide skills for the people
that can contribute to increase family income and awareness importance of management of tourism in the
region. Data collection consisted of site observation, interview and study documents. Analytical technique
used in this research is the analysis of interactive. The research results about four elements of community
development proposed by Dunham in Government of Cilacap is not applied yet. The Government does not
involve the community in early stages of program planning. This program still use patterns top-down
intervention programs who do not uphold the aspirations and potential of the community. First element is
related to the third element of the proposed Dunham. Supported by the Government, the public power that
is generated as the capital to expect the establishment of autonomy in order to meet the needs of the
community, improve the quality of life in tourism management.
Keywords: tourism, community based, community development

Realizing independence of society in politic,

economy and culture aspects.
Indonesia has a diversity of tourism, from In this autonomous region, implementation
natural, artificial tourism and culture. Tourism of the principle of decentralization emphasize the
destinations need to be developed because it has authority of local governments to manage their
the potential of nature, culture and wisdom of own regions with a variety of policies and
local communities. Development of destinations programs by itself. The principle of
precisely can increase income, so it can prosper decentralization is not just local government’s
communities living around tourism area. responsibility toward the Central Government
Development of tourism destinations in a way of but also the local government accountability
community development around the tourism towards society in order to create a prosperous
sector. Community Development is a model society. Realizing prosperous society is not as
approach to development as an attempt to easy as that, also needed participation of
involve the active role of the community and its community. Active participation of community
existing local resources such as tourism manage their territory aiming to create sense of
resources. Community Development program belonging toward it and responsible for the
has three main characters, namely: community- implementation of policies in their territory.
based, local resource based and sustainable. The implementation of Government's
According to Achda in Elvinaro (2011:54) that tourism destinations, Cilacap involve
the purpose of the implementation of community communities living around tourist attractions.
development is to: 1. Enhance the ability of Community involvement in the development of
communities to find alternative economic in tourism destinations urgently needed to promote
long-term. 2. Improve the quality of people's tourism destinations as well as to improve the
living in economic, social and culture aspects. 3. livelihood of communities around the tourist
Strengthened local institutional that are capable areas. Cilacap Government policies make the
to heading growth of local initiatives. 4. Group aware of tours (Pokdarwis) in accordance
with regulation of the Minister of Culture and

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Tourism No. PM. UM 04/001/MKP/08 about are organized and implemented stage by stage,
Conscious Tourism. Conyers (1992:156) who starting from the beginning to the stage on the
argued that public participation in the stage of the follow-up and evaluation of activities
development can be accomodated in several – followup activity and evaluation. 2. Second, the
ways, one of them is by using a community community development aims to fix and improve
development approach, this approach focus on conditions of economic, social, and cultural
the concept of self-help in local resources’s communities in order to achieve a better life
application with all activities well-managed will quality. 3. Third, community development
help whole community to survive. focused the activities through empowerment of
The conception of community development community potentials to meet their needs, so the
as a method of allowing people can improve the principle of “to help the community to help
quality of life and was able to enlarge the themselves” can be reached. 4. Fourth,
influence on processes that affect their lives community development gives emphasis on the
(AMA in Suharto, 2005:38). Community principle of self-reliance. It means, active
building Empowering People: Strategic Study of participation of group action in solving problems
the development of social welfare and social and meeting the needs are done based on
work. Bandung: Rafika Aditama. Arthur Durham community potentials. Community development
(1958), an expert on Community Development to program focused on empowering local
formulate a definition of Community communities and partnership program involving
Development as follows: "Organized effort to all stakeholders.
improve the conditions of community life, and Arthur Dunham in his book entitled
the capacity for community integration and self "Outlook for Community Development Review"
direction. Community development seeks to quoted from the book Elvinaro Wxfz (2011:54)
work primarily through the enlistment and that development community can be classified
organizations of self help and corporative effort into: a. Development for Community, is an
and the part of the residents of the community, approach that puts society on a position "objects
but usually with technical assistance from gove development". Because of initiative, planning,
nment or voluntary organization". (Arthur and execution of the activities performed by
Dunham 1958:3). Community development as an actors from the outside. This approach is suitable
organized effort which aims to improve the to be applied to the community awareness and
living conditions of the community and empower culture is still dominated. However, based on
the community to be able to unite and steer by research in the field, approaches in this way often
self. Community development work primarily creates a dependency of communities against
through the increase of the non-governmental outsiders. b. Development with Community, is
organizations and the joint efforts of individuals the approach that carried out in the form of
within the community, but usually with technical collaboration between actors and local
assistance from either the Government or community. The decision which taken was a joint
voluntary organisations. Dunham argued 4 decision, and resources used came from both
elements of Community development as follows. sides. This form of community development is
1. A plan program with a focus on the total needs the most popular and applied by various parties
of the village community; 2. Technical widely. Rationale for this approach is potential
assistance; 3. Integrating various specialties for that owned by local community and which
the help of the community; 4. A major emphasis controlled by actors outside need to be
upon self -help and participation by the residents synergized. c. Development of Community, is an
of the community. From the definition of approach that emplace community as agents of
community development in the above development by themselves. All of initiative,
conclusions can be drawn: 1. First, community planning, and execution is conducted by the
development is a process of sustainable community. They became owner of development
development. It means, activities implemented process and outsider actors as a support system.

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

Community Development Model for Tourism Towns

Illustration 1 : Community Development for Tourism Towns

Source: Butler (1980) in Bruce (2005, 16-17)

During the involvement stage, the number structures as the area moves out of tourism.
of visitors increases and is accompanied by more Hotels may become condominiums or retirement
regularity. Some local residents begin to become homes, and the attraction of tourism areas make
involved by providing facilities primarily or them equally attractive for permanent settlement,
exclusively for visitors (Butler in Bruce (2005, particularly for the elderly. However,
16-17). In the development stage, a well-defined rejuvenation may develop, although it is rare for
tourist market area has developed, accompanied this stage to develop without a complete change
with heavy advertising in tourist-generating in the attractions on which tourism is based. For
areas. As this stage progresses, local involvement example, the village of Aviemore, Scotland was
and control of development will decline rapidly. rejuvenated by developing a winter sports
Some local facilities will disappear being market, thus allowing the area to experience
replaced with larger, modern facilities created by year-round tourism. While this model offers a
external organizations, particularly for visitor detailed model tailored to the unique
accommodation. During peak periods, the developments of a tourism town, it does not
number of tourists may equal or exceed the local describe the characteristics of tourism town
population. Imported labour may be utilized and during a stable or plateau period.
auxiliary facilities for the tourist industry, such It is important to note that, depending upon
as laundry facilities, emerge. During the the tourism activities, tourism communities can
consolidation stage, the rate of increase in exhibit a range of characteristics during its
numbers of tourists declines, although the development. For example, these places may
numbers will still increase. The total visitor either have a young-oriented population or an
numbers exceed the number of permanent older oriented population (Gill 2000). As these
residents and a major part of the area‟s economy communities develop, they tend to have a young,
will be connected with tourism. When the peak mobile workforce. It may also be characterized
number of visitors is reached, the community has by female, part-time employment (Hall and Page
entered the stagnation stage. Capacity levels 1999; Kessab et al. 1995).
have been reached or exceeded, and are In general, these community development
accompanied with environmental, social, and models provide examples of measures which
economic problems. Cottage resorts in Ontario describe what is taking place in communities
have displayed these characteristics. During the with varying economic activities. These
decline stage, the area is not able to compete with measures, though, are not predictive in nature.
newer attractions and experience a declining They simply describe trends that are taking place.
market. Property turnover is high and tourist Development of tourism destinations in
facilities may be replaced by non-tourism related Indonesia more facilitated by the state, while

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

society tends to be passive. As a result, local informants in various position by depth interview
capacity in responding to innovation sponsored technique, so all of that information could be
by the state through the construction of a tourist compared each other. In addition, researchers
village is still facing a number of crucial issues digging information from sources of documents
(Damanik, 2009:131-133)."The Crucial Issues In and archives related to community development.
The Management Of Tourist Villages Researchers will compare the interview results
Nowadays". Journal of tourism Indonesia 5 (3): with main document that expected to get data
127-137. The involvement of citizens in the validity.
development of village tourism is crucial,
potential of the region can be known and
understood because of them. In addition, this
involvement is very important to get support and
ensure that things will be obtained with regard to Cilacap Regency Government and
the needs and benefit local people. Finally, the Community cooperation in developing tourism
destinations at Cilacap Regency. In this study,
role of citizens in the development of tourism is
researchers take location research at
very urgent to be developed and deployed as an
Widarapayung beach and the Cemara Sewu Jetis
integrated part.
beach. This study describes Community
Community participation not only
encourage the onset of this process of Development in Cilacap tourism destination
strengthening the capacity of local communities, development using theory of Dunham. The
stages as follows:
but also can act as a mechanism to improve the
empowerment of citizens to engage in
development together. In the context of tourism A plan program with a focus on the total needs
development, it seems important to keep society of the village community
participation is encouraged in order to distribute In the development of tourism destinations
the benefits of tourism activities that took place requires planning so that it can become one of
tourist objects become memories for travelers
to the public directly. The spirit of
(Permanasari, 2010:64). Permanasari, Ika. 2010.
decentralization and the granting of full authority
"poverty alleviation through community
for citizens to manage tourism in their territory is
empowerment in tourism village". Indonesia
a requirement for realizing a community-based
tourism. The description shows community Tourism journal 5 (1): 57-69. Society as a subject
participation is necessary, because they are who or perpetrator community development must be
actively involved in each stage, ranging from
carry out the program ultimately.
planning. In the planning stages, tourism and
Cultural District Cilacap form groups aware of
tourism which is the community around tourist
This research use descriptive-qualitative attractions. The beginning of formation of a
approach. Research on the location of capture is group tour is aware of the role of the Government
in the District of Cilacap, Central Java. Research as well as from Central Java province with a
analysis unit is a unit of Work Device area system of race-conscious tour groups. Starting
(SKPD) Cilacap Regency and conscious from there, the emergence of a group of
community group tours (POKDARWIS). communities that care or feel to have the term
Sampling techniques using a purposive with the existing tourism potential in their
sampling. In purposive sampling, researchers respective regions. After they feel concerned and
chose informants considered knowing in have led to some sort of community care, they are
implementing community development as United in the village rembug in the forum to
tourism and Cultural District Cilacap and discuss government programs namely programs
knowing in depth permasalahnya as well as aware of tourism. The methods used by focus
involved in it as a conscious community group group discussion (FGD). Discussion held the
tours (POKDARWIS). Government together with the elements of the
Data collecting with interview, observation community include a tour manager, caretaker of
and documentation by researchers. Data analysis the village representatives and community
using qualitative descriptive analysis of leaders. The Forum meeting is formally run
interactive analysis models, which is data guided facilitators from the Government. FGD
reduction, data presentation and ended with a this beginning with the goal and purpose of the
conclusion. To ensure data validity in this meeting presented the facilitator. The target of
research used the source of data or triangular. the meeting is obtained along with awareness
Researchers compare information from (collectives awarness) of potential development

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

opportunities along with possible destinations background and white

can run relic. In the forum formed a group writing.
conscious community tours with the term Transportation There is no public
pokdarwis, be a legal organization. The vehicle to reach tourist
community was taken by the Government to attractions.
establish community development, this is a form Human Resources Limited opportunities
of initiation of relevant agencies in the field of for tourism training.
tourism area (Provincial Tourism Tourism Traditional
Office/Government Tourism Office/City) on Supporting performances ae rarely
potential locations both in the preparedness Facilities held.
aspect of tourism as well as the readiness of the Sources: The Primary Data
people. In this case, the public has not been
included in the planning stages. Viewed from above, the problem can be
minimized by the existence of a potential
Technical assistance classification will include the components of the
In the development of tourism destinations physical, biotic and social culture, as follows:
as a tourist attraction needs to be understood
from the beginning if the local community is not Table. 2
a passive object but rather as an active subject. A Classification of Potential development
rural environment can be viewed as an object as opportunities and Widarapayung beach.
well as a tourist object. As an object, it means
that the village is the destination of tourism Classification Potential Development
activity, while as the subject is the organizer, Potential Attraction Opportunities
what is produced by the village will be enjoyed Physical Waves Surfing
by the community directly and the active role of Landscape Outbond
the community will determine its continuity scenery Beach, tour
(Soebagyo, 1991 in Raharjana, 2005). guide,
Local government and provincial trekking,
government APBD and APBN funds to build the swimming
accessibility of tourist destinations. Technical pool, culinary
assistance provided to be headed to the Beautiful
Biotech Fish Make fish
beach of Widarapayung attractions in the form of
Processing crackers,
signs of objects either on specific points, making
make salted
the streets of trails and haul roads heading to
destinations for tourism. Meanwhile ¸ for
Socio- and Cultural Enable
technical assistance that was in the sights of the
culture arts cultural event,
Beautiful beach of Widarapayung in the form of
Enable a tours
gate counters, a prayer hall, a stage attraction,
packing of
gazebo and viewing. All facilities in the beautiful
Widarapayung Beach tourist attraction is the
technical assistance from the Government.
established a
Integrating various specialties for the help
of the community
dance studio.
The next stage, a variety of potential
Sources: The Primary Data
resources contained on the beautiful beaches of
Widarapayung. Before looking at the potential
Based on the above data, implementation of
assignment, will be discussed regarding
existing potential in attractions can open
classification problems in Widarapayung from
opportunities for citizens, which is
perspective of POKDARWIS, as follows:
POKDARWIS, into tourism services. It makes
additional income aside from catching fish in the
Table. 1
sea. It means, inclusion of the development of
Classification Problems in Widarapayung from
tourism destinations is not replace main
POKDARWIS Perspective
economic activity of citizens, but provide
additional alternatives for households of
fishermen from tourism services. For travelers,
Acessibility The absence of special
as long as they are not only enjoying charm of
tourist signs with brown

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

the beach but also can facilitated with great facility homestay tour guide. Tourist activity on
tourism services provided by POKDARWIS. the beautiful beach of Widarapayung includes
attractions and accommodation. Activities
A major emphasis upon self -help and attractions include traditional ceremony of
participation by the residents of the community. activities, activities of the arts, sports and others.
First step to see potential has been made Temporary accommodation needed to shelter
independently by POKDARWIS in tourists desirous of settling for a while as
widarapayung is provide insight POKDARWIS availability of homestay.
that in the development of tourism destinations is
not solely the responsibility of the community. It Development Stage
also through cooperation and partnership that For community development, local
could be developed would encourage the governments do a training guide, training
acceleration of the implementation of the training, there's the homestay tourism cluster,
development of tourism destinations. there are culinary training, dance training,
POKDARWIS serves as a partner of application training, training SAR charm of sapta
Government and become facilitator for and there is also a training to its institutional
implementing and monitoring of the activity of improvement of pokdarwis itself. In addition,
tourism which takes place in the beautiful local Governments facilitate a variety of facilities
Widarapayung beach. POKDARWIS in and infrastructure such as the creation of
Widarapayung have tried open various basecamp, a bathroom/sanitary facility, souvenir
businesses to support tourism activity, such as outlet, making the procurement of equipment and
selling food, arranging fish market, processing procurement of equipment art tourist facilities.
salted fish, processing fish cracker, providing a In the development of tourism destinations
homestay and tour service business examples as tourist attractions should be understood from
horse excursions, parking, bicycle storage, the beginning when the local community is not a
seating or gazebo rental. Location of tourism passive object but instead as an active subject.
object also began to expand, which originally just An environmental tourism can be seen as the
about few hundred fifty meters, now 300 meters. object of a subject at once. As an object, which
In addition, there are efforts from the means that the destination is the destination of
community. There was only one pool, but now tourism activities, whereas as the subject is as
there is one more in about 100 meters from it. organizers, what generated by tourism will be
enjoyed by the people directly and an active role
Butler (1980) in Bruce (2005, 16-17) of the community very decisive
Community Development for Tourism Towns kelangsungannya (Soebagyo,1991 in Raharjana,
A four stage development model for 2005). The activities that will be interwoven
tourism towns: interaction with society guests as tourists as the
host will give rise to experience cultures and
Exploration Stage attractiveness of tourism will increase.
Indirect exploration is provided with
leaflets, CD of tourism profile, information, Consolidation Stage
booklets, brochures, radio, counseling from From pokdarwis there is a system of
school to school, transportation information Musrembang village, meeting once a month to
heading to Cilacap and vice versa. Information discuss about the development of tourism. In
can be accessed through the website addition, once in 2 months the existence of a, Tourism consolidation between local governments with
Information Center (TIC) as well as promotions each pokdarwis.
conducted outside such exhibitions. Ideal perspective of how a community
development should be, researchers compared
Involvement Stage the process of community development for
The involvement of POKDARWIS by tourism destinations by using development
providing a variety of visitor needs tourism. stages of Community Development for Tourism
Concerned with the attractiveness of tourism Towns expressed by Butler (1980) and the
destinations, they will put themselves in community development process expressed
accordance with their respective portions. There Cavaye (nd: 8) as presented:
are communities that make restaurants, a Illustration 2. : Ideal perspective of how a
swimming pool on the edge of the beach, the community development should be.
stalls souvenirs, handycrafts place to stay for
business, as well as the existence of a sanitary

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

accepted in society. Granting of knowledge and

skills about waste management before he did the
planning can equip communities to plan
activities suitable to be implemented. Study the
appeal in this model is not a necessity, but to
carry out a study on the general appeal will
increase the motivation of people to immediately
carry out the planning. This enthusiasm will
make participatory planning to life, society has
enough knowledge and will provide inputs
towards alternatives community development
The main objective of community
development is to increase the community's
ability to manage change by utilizing existing
resources, thus constitute a point weighs not only
on the success of running an activity with good
but there should be a better value to be achieved
such as increased capacity in determining choice,
identify the problems and needs and ability to
organise the resources. The results and the
process of walking side by side, the result of the
There are several stages that traveled to implementation of the activities of the
prepare knowledge and public participation so as Foundation of the previous knowledge to plan
to produce a better community participation. further activities on an ongoing basis so that what
Before the planning stages community already was aspired to achieve self-sustaining
know the information and the benefits of these community that is concluded.
activities, the participation of the community in The process of community development
providing input is very useful for refining that are implemented through the planning has
activities offered. Active participation seen in improved the capacity of Community decision
community development do not appear suddenly making by leveraging resources owned such as
but rather results from a phase is skipped. infrastructure, manpower and knowledge. This is
From the results of the research note that the indeed to be achieved from the community
actual phase of awareness raising and public development process, involving a lot of
participation is not the result of something that participation of citizens in a process will enhance
was planned earlier but rather the result of a the community's ability to address collectively
process of extracting information about the incurred utilize tourism resources independently
needs, expectations and resources community Cavaye (nd: 2) describes this as described in
support against activities that can overcome the illustration 2.
permasalaahan tourism. See the results of this
research, although the stage of increased
awareness and participation which do not result illustration 2. Community Development
from the planned activities but it can overcome Enhances
the constraints of the current participatory Community Decision About The Employment
planning i.e. low quality of public participation. of
By comparing the two approaches can be Resources. Cavaye (nd:2)
composed a model by adopting an approach to
community development, where prior to the
participatory planning activities conducted in
advance stages of awareness raising and public
participation. We can see the existence of a phase
of increased participation, knowledge and skills
of community development it is meant to provide
understanding, awareness and skills used in
carrying out the planning in accordance with the
existing potential. With an increase in the
understanding of this tentunnya activity
generated in the planning to be more easily

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

quantity so as participatory planning is able to

make more done weight.
Based on influence of participation against
the decisions taken, community participation in
tourism destination development community
development is at a third degree of citizen power
more specifically on partneship ladder where
citizens have the power in decision making that
allows them to negotiate and compromise with
the power holders do. The actors involved in this
planning process are the community itself, local
governments and private sector. Local
government acts as a facilitator, namely as the
information givers and support activities by
providing training and necessary infrastructure
needed by citizens. The private sector acts as a
donor of activities and provides support to
complement local government training.

In illustration 2, Cavaye explained the

process of community development is packaged REFERENCES
in form of activities involving an intensive
community working together will improve and
give the ability to decide and coordinating [1] Ardianto, Elvinaro dan Dindin M.
potential that exists within the community as the Machfudz. 2011. Efek Kedermawanan
source of the funds, labor, natural resources, Pebisnis dan CSR. PT. Jakarta: Elex Media
public awareness, infrastructure and Komputindo.
environment. It was the main target of
community development process that is [2] Bruce, Ryser and Halseth. 2005. Economic
community building and fostering initiatives. Development Framework of Small
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Mortgage and Housing Corporation.
[3] Cavane, Jim,nd. “Understanding
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program patterns of intervention, the program [4] Conyers, Diana. 1992. Perencanaan Sosial
created from top to down. It means, the program Di Dunia Ketiga. Diterjemahkan oleh
does not derivied from community itself but Susetiawan. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada
rather from the Government so that the lack of University Press.
independence of the community pokdarwis. A
planning approach that is used in the planning of [5] Damanik, Janianton, 2009. “Isu-Isu Krusial
this participatory approach is considering Dalam Pengelolaan Desa Wisata Dewasa
activities undertaken will involve communities Ini”. Jurnal Kepariwisataan Indonesia 5 (3):
directly. Participatory planning process was 127-137.
carried out in two stages, the first group is the [6] Dunham, Arthur. 1958. Outlook for
increased participation and the second stage is Community Development Review New
the stage of planning itself. The excavation phase York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company.
information is done with some activities 1. A
plan of the program with a focus on the total [7] Miles, Mattew B dan Huberman, A Michael,
needs of the village community, 2. Technical 2009. Analisa Data Kualitatif, Buku Sumber
assistance, 3. Integrating various specialties for tentang Metode-metode Baru, Penerjemah
the help of the community, 4. A major emphasis Tjetjep Rohendi Rohidi, Jakarta: UI-PRESS.
upon self-help and participation by the residents [8] Moleong, Lexy J. 2011. Metodologi
of the community. This step is done through Penelitian Kualitatif, Bandung: PT. Remaja
formal meetings with the aim to increase the Rosdakarya.
participation of both the quality as well as

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[9] Permanasari, Ika. 2010. “Pengentasan [11] Suharto, Edi. 2005. Membangun
Kemiskinan Melalui Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Memberdayakan Rakyat:
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Kepariwisataan Indonesia 5 (1): 57-69. Kesejahteraan Sosial dan Pekerjaan Sosial.
Bandung: Rafika Aditama.
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Desa Wisata Berbasis Budaya: Kajian [12] Peraturan Menteri Kebudayaan dan
Etnoekologi Masyarakat Dusun Ketingan, Pariwisata No. PM.04/UM.001/MKP/08
Tirtoadi, Mlati Sleman DIY. Tesis Master, tentang Sadar Wisata
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Kreatif Indonesia

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)



Prof. Dr. Margana, M.Hum., M.A.

English Education Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts
Yogyakarta State University
E-mail: [email protected]

The development of English textbooks for students of secondary school levels oriented to Higher Order
Thinking Skills (HOTSs) enhancement becomes one of the hot issues among scholars on the grounds that
it confers students to establish their critical thinking skills which serve as one of the fundamental aspects
to enhance students’ creativity and self-regulated learning. In reference to the issue, this paper articulates
the voices of English language teachers and students toward the embedment of HOTSs in the development
of English textbooks designed for the tenth grade students of Vocational High Schools (VHS) in
Yogyakarta. To obtain the objective, there were 5 English teachers and 120 students of VHS of Depok 1
voluntarily involved in this study. Two techniques: questionnaire distributions and interviews were
administered to get data. Then, the gathered data were analyzed using a descriptive qualitative method. In
reference to data analysis, the result reveals that the development of the English textbooks oriented to
HOTSs is positively responded by English teachers and students as the English textbook triggers students
of VHS to establish their critical thinking skills which lead to enhancing students’ creativity and self-
regulated learning practices.

Key words: English textbook, higher order thinking skills, creativity, self-regulated learning

production. In addition, some experts believe that

critical thinking skills as a part of HOTSs serve
Nowadays the integration of Higher Order as an important competence for SLLs to
Thinking Skills (hereafter HOTSs) in the intensively gain the academic language of target
development of English textbooks for students of language (Connolly, 2000; Davidson, 1994,
secondary school level and university one has 1995, 1998; Davidson & Dunham, 1997;
become one of the hot issues among scholars. Chamot, 1995; Tarvin & Al-Arishi, 1991). This
This relies on the theory that the integration of suggests that the inclusion of HOTSs
HOTSs in the English textbook development is development in the English textbooks should
believed to facilitate second language learners become the concern of English textbook writers
(SLLs) to acquire high level of English language as it could facilitate SLLs to deal with the
proficiency (Renner, 1996). In support of this, analysis of use of language critically.
Margana & Widyantoro (2017) highlights that In reference to the importance of the
the import of HOTSs in the English textbooks integration of HOTSs in the development of
could establish learners to enhance their English textbooks, English language teachers of
creativity and self-regulated learning habits on any level of education including English teachers
the grounds that SLLs are accustomed to of vocational high school should make some
applying the skills of deconstructing and efforts to explicitly integrate the aspects of
constructing the texts as found in the English critical thinking skills in the development of
textbooks with the employment of their critical English textbooks or English materials. More
and creative thinking skills. Such practices specifically, they have to import the aspects of
provide SLLs with language learning habits to critical thinking skills in developing and
analyze, evaluate, and construct the English texts selecting any tasks of English materials.
both spoken and written forms as manifested in Apart from the English textbook
the process of language perception and development, English language teachers should

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

intensely invest HOTSs in a series of English

learning practices: lesson planning,
This study is categorized as descriptive
implementing, and evaluating. In the lesson
qualitative study on the grounds that it
planning stage, English language teachers have
documents the voices of English language
to integrate the aspects of HOTSs in lesson plan,
teachers and students toward the integration of
material development, media, and the like. In the
HOTSs in the development of English textbooks.
implementation stage, English language teachers
To achieve the objective, this study voluntarily
have to explicitly integrate the aspects of HOTSs
invited 5 English language teachers and 120
in the proses of English language teaching and
students of Vocational High School of Depok 1,
learning which can be realized in some activities
Yogyakarta. They were asked to complete a set
in the form of deconstructing and constructing
of questionnaire which accentuated the
texts. In the evaluation stage, English language
integration of HOTSs. To support the data
teachers have to highlight the level of the
collection, this study also employed an interview
development of the items which are mostly
with 20 students and 5 English language
categorized as C4 (analyzing), C5 (evaluating)
teachers. The collected data were then analyzed
and C6 (creating). Those three skills are labelled
with the use of qualitative method.
with the term HOTSs.
The emphasis of HOTSs in the educational
contexts is believed to effectively gain the
success for English language learning on the As previously mentioned, this study is
parts of SLLs. In line with this statement, some primarily aimed at describing the voices of
experts strongly claim that the investment of students and English language teachers toward
critical thinking skills in English language the integration of HOTSs in the development of
teaching trigger SLLs to effective acquire the English textbooks. In reference to the data
target language (Chapple & Curtis, 2000; analysis, both students and English language
Davidson, 1994, 1995). teachers of Vocational High School of Depok 1
In support of the above statement, positively perceive the integration of HOTSs in
Kabilan (2000) criticizes that the current popular the development of English textbooks. More
communicative approach to language teaching, specifically, 125 students out of 130 students
which highlights the employment of language as voiced that the integration of HOTSs in the
a communication device, does not really English textbooks could facilitate them to
facilitate SLLs to become proficient in the target establish their language enhancement as they
language. In order to be proficient target were trained to apply their critical thinking skills
language learners, SLLs should be trained to in deconstructing and constructing English texts
think creatively and critically when they are as found in the English textbooks. Only 5 out of
involved in the process of ELT with the use of 130 students claimed that they negatively
English textbooks oriented to HOTSs perceived the use of HOTSs in the development
investment. of English textbooks as they might find
With regard to the importance of the difficulties in answering comprehension
investment of HOTSs in educational practices questions which are initiated with the use of why,
one of which is English textbook development, it and how. According to them, the English
is necessary to reveal the voices of English textbooks which oriented to HOTSs may only
language teachers and SLLs to the investment of consume much time to search out the answers of
HOTSs in the educational practices which focus why and how as these need further justification
on the embedment of the critical thinking skills and references.
in the development of the English textbooks used The positive perceptions were also voiced
for students of VHS who have the same English by English language teachers serving as the
textbooks as Senior High School (SHS) level. respondents of this study. All of the respondents
This relies on the fact that a great number of agreed that the development of the English
English textbooks used for students of VHS or textbooks should put an emphasis on HOTSs
SHS are not intentionally designed for the enhancement. They further said that the
development of HOTSs. This study seems to be employment of HOTSs in the English textbook
interesting to do as HOTSs serve as the icon of development likely facilitated their students to
the English language teaching in the twenty first critically deconstruct and construct the English
century as recommended by the Indonesian texts as performed in the tasks of the English
government. textbooks. Further, they highlighted that the
presentation of receptive language skills
(listening and reading) so far was oriented to

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

LOTSs as most of the tasks of the listening and

reading focused on the testing practices which Comprehension 1
highlighted the factual questions such as who, 1. How does Hannah contact
what, where, when, how many, how long, and the Alia?
like. Rarely did they drag their students to deeply Is there anybody introducing
search out the references for the answers. The Hannah to Alia?
following presents the example of the reading 2. Does Hannah want to be
tasks highlighting the use of Lower Order Alia’s friend?
Thinking Skills (LOTSs). 3. Where does Hannah study?
Task 2 Answer the following questions in 4. Tell me about Hannah’s family!
reference to the text below. 5. What are Hannah’s hobbies?
6. Does she like animals?
What animals does she have?
Assalamu’alaikum Alia, 7. What do Hannah and her
It was very interesting to read your letter about among friends love to do?
yourself and your hometown. I would really like to 8. What profession would she like
be your pen friend. to have after graduating
I’m a sixteen-year-old school student from from her school?
Johor Bahru in Malaysia. Actually I attend an 9. She isn’t interested in fashion.
Islamic boarding school just outside the city but my Why?
family live in Kuala Lumpur. My eldest sister is a
medical doctor. She will get married soon. My
younger brother is an elementary school student
in KL but he often writes to me via email. In reference to the above comprehension
My favorite subjects are social sciences. I questions, all questions are classified as the
like history very much; it helps me know more how factual questions which require LOTSs, namely
different countries existed in the past. At school comprehending and memorizing of the provided
we are supposed to use English at all times, even texts as the questions are not accompanied by
when we are in the dormitory, so we have become criticizing skill as one of the aspects of HOTSs.
quite fluent although sometimes we slip back into For example, Q3 asks the place of Hannah’s
Malay, which is our mother tongue. study which can be easily answered in reference
As for hobbies, I’m really into songs and to the text. Such question can be followed by the
music. My favorite singer is Yusuf Islam whose reason why Hannah studies there which requires
former name was Cat Steven. He’s so cool! an analyzing question. The same type of question
Another singer I like is Maher Zain with his religious is also found in Q5 which deals with the hobby
songs. My favorite Malay singer is of course Siti of Hannah. This is also a type of a LOTSs
Nurhaliza. I also like watching movies, especially
question as it only deals with asking factual
comedies. The actor I like best is Tom Cruise.
information which can be easily found in the text.
I’m really into books. I like reading novels
The same cases happen in the following
and short stories, mostly by Malay authors who
Comprehension 2.
you probably haven’t heard of. I like some writers
in English, like JK Rowling and Indonesian writers
The above task also shows that all questions
too, like Andrea Hirata and Ahmad Fuadi. My are categorized as questions of LOTSs as the
dream, when I’m older, is to be a writer of science questions are classified as factual questions.
fiction books set in the distant future. In reference the above examples, all of
I’d really love to come to Indonesia some English teachers realized that the above tasks did
day. I heard that it has the largest number of not facilitate students to critically comprehend
Muslims of any country. A book that I’ve just read the tasks as they were trapped to only answer the
mentions that there are some magnificent places questions without justifying the reasons for the
to visit, such as, Bali, Sulawesi, Papua and Borneo! answers. In other words, students are dragged to
What about you, do you want to visit my country? deal with testing practices which accentuate the
Wassalam, Saidah. answers of the questions. Such testing practices
drive students to put the memory in short term
(Adapted from Buku Bahasa Inggris untuk memory space which is potential to easily go
SMA/SMK/MA untuk Kelas X) with the wind. The English teachers further
claimed that so far they highlighted the outer
layer of language which mainly dealt with
deconstructing the language elements and

International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2017)

ignoring how those language elements were used creativity which is required for the success for
in social contexts. the target language attainment.
In reference to the inequal investment of
LOTSs and HOTSs in the English textbooks as
Comprehension 2 voiced by both cohorts, English language
teachers should make an effort to equalize the
Answer the following questions investment of HOTSs in the process of English
briefly. language learning by providing SLLs with
1. Does Saidah want to be Alia’s additional HOTSs questions. This is of great
friend? importance to deal with in order that SLLs are
2. Where is she from? accustomed to employing their critical and
3. Where does Saidah study? creative thinking skills which directly or
4. Tell me about Saidah’s family! indirectly contribute to the success for the
5. What are Saidah’s hobbies? language attainment.
6. Does she have favorite singers?
(If yes, who are they?)
7. Does she like reading books? With regard to the above findings, it is
Which authors does she like? evident that the integration of HOTSs in the
8. What profession would she like development of English textbooks for students of
to have later? VHS of Depok 1 Yogyakarta is positively
9. Is she interested in visiting Lia? perceived by both student and teacher cohorts.
How does she know Indonesia? This suggests that English textbook writers
should be concerned about the investment of
HOTSs on the grounds that the integration of
The voice is line with what students HOTSs could establish SLLs’ creativity and self-
utter. Most of students of vocational high school regulated learning which serve as one of the
of Depok 1 claimed that they mainly dealt with determinant factors for the success for the target
memorizing the vocabulary and language language attainment.
structure arrangements and answering the
questions of the reading and listening tasks REFERENCES
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