6th STD Term III Science EM - V22
6th STD Term III Science EM - V22
6th STD Term III Science EM - V22
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_1.indd 1 26-10-2022 19:04:11
Government of Tamil Nadu
Content Creation
The wise
possess all
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_1.indd 2 26-10-2022 19:04:11
The Science textbook for standard six has been prepared following
the guidelines given in the National Curriculum Framework
2005. The book is designed to maintain the
paradigm shift from the primary General
PREFACE Science to branches as Physics, Chemistry,
Botany and Zoology.
The book enables the reader to read the text,
comprehend and perform the learning experiences with the help
of teacher. The Students explore the concepts through activities and
by the teacher demonstration. Thus the book is learner centric with simple
activities that can be performed by the students under the supervision of teachers.
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Table of Contents
Unit Titles Month
1. Magnetism 1 January
2. Water 14 February
3. Chemistry in Everyday Life 32 March
E - book Assessment
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1 Magnetism
Learning Objectives
To know about the discovery of magnets
To identify Magnetic and Non Magnetic Materials
To distinguish between north and south poles
To list out the properties of magnets
To explain the principle of Maglev Train
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What happens?
You might have
seen magnets. Have
you ever enjoyed Observe the same activity performed by
playing with them? your teacher and note it.
Take a steel glass
with a small magnet
in it. Take a needle
through which thread Does the needle stand vertically up without
is passed. Press the thread with a finger touching the glass? Why does this happen?
near the hole of the needle as shown in the
figure and raise the glass upward slowly.
People wondered about this incident. Each and everyone expressed their views. What might
be the reason for the stick, to get stuck on the rock?
Yes, you are right. That is a magnetic rock. People found it attracting not only for the stick
of Magnus, but also for all the materials made of iron. The more rocks of these kinds were
found worldwide. These magnetic rocks were named 'Magnets' and the ore is called as
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'Magnetite' after the name of the boy Magnus. The name is also supposed to come after
the name of the place (Magnesia) in which it was found.
Magnetite, the ore with attracting property was found in that region. Magnetites are
natural magnets. They are called magnetic stones.
Bar-magnet, Horseshoe magnet, Ring magnet and Needle magnet are generally used
artificial magnets.
Activity 1: Take a magnet. Take the magnet closer to the objects surrounding you.
Which substances are used to make the objects attracted by the magnet?
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1.3 Magnetic and Non
Magnetic Materials
Substances which are attracted by
magnet are called magnetic substances.
Iron, cobalt, nickel are magnetic substances.
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(i.e) a line parallel to the bar magnet). Turn 1.6 Magnetic compass
the magnet gently and let it come to stop
A compass is an instrument which
again. Repeat it three or four times.
is used to find directions. It is mostly
Does the bar magnet stop in used in ships and airplanes. As a rule,
the same direction each time? mountaineers also carry a compass with
them so that they do not lose their way in
unknown places.
In which direction does the magnet stop
every time?
6 1 1 6
1 6 6 1
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What do you observe? When do the properties if they are heated or dropped
magnets attract each other? from a height or hit with a hammer.
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Activity 3: Make your own magnetic compass
Insert the magnetized needle, that you made in the activity 2, in
to two styrofoam balls (Thermocol balls) and place the needle in
bowl of water. Test whether the floating needle is always turned in
rest on north - south direction.
For a horse-shoe magnet a single piece of soft iron can be used as a magnetic keeper
across the poles.
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1.11 Science Today – Bullet Trains
We Know that Like poles of the magnet repel each
other. Keep two Bar magnets as shown in the Figure.
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Passenger Seats
Levitation By using attraction and repulsion at the same time the train move
forward. The magnets are controlled by electricity. Propulsion
attraction S repulsion N
Key features
each other
Which Countries? No friction
No noise
In India
320 km/h
SCMaglev 603 km/h
350 km/h
Mumbai-Delhi, Mumbai-Nagpur, China
Chennai-Bengaluru-Mysuru routes Shanghai Maglev Train 501 km/h
are considered for proposal.
300 km/h
South Korea
KTX 421 km/h
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How does the electromagnetic train Write the differences between a
work? normal train and an electromagnetic
Electromagnets are
used in Electromagnetic
train. Electromagnets are
magnetised only when
current flows through
them. When the direction of current is
Points to remember
changed the poles of the electromagnets
are also changed. Like poles of the magnets Magnetites are natural magnets. They
which are attached at the bottom of the are called magnetic stones.
train and rail track repel each other. So, the
Man-made magnets are called artificial
train is lifted from the track up to a height
of 10 cm.
Substances which are attracted
We know that we can move any by magnet are called as magnetic
magnetic object with the force of attraction substances.
or repulsion properties of magnets. This
train also moves with the help of the Substances which are not attracted
magnets attached on the sides of track and by magnet are called non-magnetic
the magnets fitted at the bottom sideway substances.
of the train. By controlling the current we A freely suspended magnet always
can control the magnets and movement of comes to rest in north-south direction.
the train.
The end of the magnet that points to
As there are no moving parts, there is the north is called the North Pole. The
no friction. So, the train can easily attain end that points to the south is called
a speed of 300 km per hour. These trains the South Pole.
are capable of running up to 600 km/hour.
A compass is an instrument which is
They do not make any noise. They require
used to find directions.
less energy and they are eco-friendly.
Like Poles (N-N, S-S) repel each other
Many countries have taken effort to
and unlike poles (N-S, S-N) attract
use these trains. Such trains are used for
each other.
public transport only in China, Japan and
South Korea. In India the possibilities Magnets lose their properties if they
of introducing these trains are under are heated or dropped from a height
consideration. or hit with a hammer.
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ICT Corner
Step 1: Type the URL given or scan the QR code to launch the activity page.
Step 2: A diagram of a bar magnet and a magnetic needle are there. Click and
drag the magnetic needle with the use of mouse, around the bar magnet.
Observe the position of the magnetic field lines and how the needle rotates
according the poles.
Step 3: Click the 'Next navigation icon'. A grid of magnetic needles around a bar
magnet will appear. Click and drag the bar magnet. Observe the changes of
the needles.
Step 4: Click the 'field lines' check box at the bottom of the activity window to see
the magnetic field lines.
Step 1 Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Magnet URL:
*Pictures are indicative only
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_1.indd 11 26-10-2022 19:04:24
3. Paper is not a ______ material.
4. In olden days, sailors used to find
direction by suspending a piece of
1. Artificial magnets are made in 1. Iron nail, pins, rubber tube, needle.
different shapes such as __________, 2. Lift, escalator, electromagnetic train,
__________ and ____________. electric bulb.
2. The Materials which are attracted
3. Attraction, repulsion, pointing direction,
towards the magnet are
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VI. The following diagrams show two IX. Answer in detail
magnets near one another. Use
1. You are provided with an iron needle.
the words, 'Attract, Repel, Turn
How will you magnetize it ?
around' to describe what happens
in each case. 2. How does the electromagnetic train
(c) (e)
b. Which part of the bar magnet
N S attracts more iron filings? Why?
2. Two bar magnets are given in the figure
A and B. By the property of attraction,
identify the North pole and the South
pole in the bar magnet (B)
Fig-A Fig-B
VII. Write down the names of
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2 Water
83% 79%
Lungs Brain
80% 75%
Muscles Liver
75% 68%
22% 64%
Bones 83% Skin
Learning Objectives
To recognize the sources and availability of water
To clarify the composition of water and the process of water cycle
To develop skills in suggesting ways to conserve water
To realize the importance of water for life on earth
To appreciate the efforts made to conserve water
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_2.indd 14 26-10-2022 19:04:41
Introduction in ice bergs and ice caps on top of tall
mountains, galaciers and polar regions.
Water is one of the basic substance
present in the earth. It plays a vital role Liquid form of water – Water – It
in the evolution and survival of life. It is is present in oceans, seas, lakes, rivers
impossible to imagine life on the earth and even underground.
without water. Water helps to regulate the Gaseous form of water – Vapour –
temperature of our planet. It also helps to It is present in the
maintain the temperature in organisms. air around us.
Solid form of water - Ice - It is present 5LYHUV
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_2.indd 15 26-10-2022 19:04:41
From the pie chart, it can also be noted
that 97% water is saline water. Only 3% Activity 1: Relative amount of
found is the freshwater and that too in water at various sources
polar ice caps and glaciers. So this portion
of water is not readily available for drinking.
The distribution of the totally
available freshwater is as follows:
Polar ice caps and glaciers 68.7%
Ground water 30.1% Take 20 litres of water in a bucket, a
Other sources of water 0.9% 500 ml mug, a 150 ml tumbler and a 1 ml
Surface water 0.3 % spoon. If the capacity of the bucket is 20
litre, then it represents the total amount
The distribution of total surface
of water present on the Earth. Now,
water is as follows:
transfer a mug of water from the bucket
Lakes 87% and it is 500 ml and then it represents
Rivers 2% the total amount of fresh water present
Swamps 11% in the Earth. The water left in the bucket
represents seas and oceans. This water
Thus the above pie chart explains
is not fit for human use.
that we have a very small amount of fresh
water available for human usage and The water present in the mug
so maintaining the water table and the represents the freshwater which is
conservation of water is very essential. present in frozen form on snow-covered
Isn’t it? mountains, glaciers and polar ice caps.
This water is also not readily available
for human use. Next, transfer 150 ml
Water while passing of water to the tumbler from the 500ml
through layers of soil mug, then it represents the total amount
dissolves salts and of ground water. Finally, take one-fourth
minerals to a maximum spoonful of water while the capacity of
extent. These salts and minerals have the spoon is 1 ml, then it represents the
been deposited in seas and oceans total amount of surface water (i.e) water
for millions of years and are still being in all the rivers, lakes and ponds of the
deposited. In addition, the oceanic world. It can be taken as potable water.
volcanoes which are present inside, also
When such a small amount of
add salts to the sea. Water with large
potable water is available, then we
amounts of dissolved solids is not potable
should be more economic in using
or suitable for drinking. Such water is
water. Is it not?
called saline water.
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(Sources, Usage & Water Cycle)
in Panchayat
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Activity 2: Conduct the activity with common salt,sand, chalk powder, charcoal powder
and copper sulphate.
Fill up the following table.
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2.5 Water cycle changes into tiny water droplets that form
clouds in the sky.
The water on the
earth evaporates into the Precipitation : The millions of tiny
atmosphere due to the droplets collide with one another to form
heat of the sun. The water larger droplets. When the air around the
vapour in the atmosphere forms clouds. clouds is cool these drops of water fall in
From the clouds water falls on the earth in the form of snow or rain.
the form of rain or snow. By this natural
Activity 4: Spread a piece of wet cloth
process, water gets renewed. This is called
in the sunlight. Observe after some
water cycle.
time. Where has the water in the wet
Water cycle is a continuous process. cloth gone?
It involves three stages - evaporation,
condensation and precipitation. It is
also called the hydrological cycle.
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Have you heard of transpiration? 2.6 Natural Sources of fresh
It is the process of loss of water from
the aerial parts of a plant in vapour form. Three types of natural sources of
fresh water are available on the earth.
There is a continuous cycling of water
and it exists in three forms in nature. Surface water
Frozen water
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Loam Water
Impermeable rock (limestone)
obtained through springs, open wells, tube More to know: Water, is measured
wells, or hand pumps etc., in litre and millilitre. Gallon is also a
measure of volume of liquids.
The Himalayas 1 Gallon = 3.785 litre. Water level in
The Himalayas, the reservoirs is measured in TMC (One
contain ice caps, ice thousand million cubic feet). Water
bergs and glaciers. released from dams is measured in
Ten of Asia’s largest rivers flow from cusec (cubic feet/sec).
the Himalayas and more than a billion Aquatic animals
people’s livelihoods depend on those
rivers. During winter, water in
lakes and ponds in the
cold countries will be
frozen and a solid layer of ice is formed
on the surface of water. Still aquatic
animals living under the ice do not die.
This is because the floating layer of ice
acts as a protective coat, and doesn’t
permit heat to escape from water. So as
the water at the surface alone turns to
ice, lets the existence of aquatic animals.
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2.7 Conservation of water c. Minimizing the use of chemical fertilizers
in agriculture. It reduces the pollution
There is no change in the total quantity
of underground water.
of water available on the earth. It remains
d. Controlling deforestation
the same. But the water useful for plants,
e. Adopting drip irrigation and sprinkler
animals and man is decreasing day by day.
irrigation in agriculture. By this way
It is called scarcity of water.
lesser amount of water can be used for
What are the reasons for scarcity of the irrigation
2. Rainwater harvesting
The main reasons for water scarcity Direct collection and use of rain water
is called rainwater harvesting.
1. Population explosion
There are two types of rainwater
2. Uneven distribution of rainfall harvesting.
3. Decline of ground watertable a.
Collecting water from where it
4. Pollution of water falls.
(e.g): Collecting water from the roof tops
5. Careless use of water
of the houses or buildings (Roof water
We should take care to prevent scarcity harvesting).
of water. Otherwise,it is impossible for b. Collecting flowing rain water
organisms to live on the earth. The only (e.g): Collecting rainwater by constructing
method of preventing scarcity of water is ponds with bund.
conservation of water. Saving water for the
future generations by using water carefully
Coovam is an
and in a limited way is conservation of
Estuaries are wetlands
Methods of water conservation:
where water bodies
Mainly, two methods can be followed meet the sea. It is a combination of
for the conservation of water. fresh water from land meeting the
1. Water management salty seawater. Estuaries are home
to unique plants and animal species.
Water management consists of the
following factors:
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2.8 Importance of water Agriculture: Water is also essential
for the healthy growth of farm crops and
In human body: Water in all cells,
farm stock and is used in the manufacture
organs and tissues helps to regulate
of many products.
body temperature and maintain other
functions. On an average, the human Industry: Industry depends on water
body requires 2 – 3 litres of water per at all levels of production. It is used as a
day for proper functioning. Water helps material, a solvent and for generating
in digestion of food and removal of toxins electricity.
from the body.
Domestic uses: Apart from drinking, Activity 6: Estimation of water
people use water for many other purposes. consumed by a family on a day
These include: cooking, bathing, washing
Activity Amount of water
clothes, washing utensils, keeping houses
used (in litres)
and common places clean, watering plants,
etc. Brushing
Washing clothes
Swamps are wetlands Toilets
that are forested. Cooking
They occur along large
Washing utensils
rivers or on the shores
of large lakes. The water of a swamp Cleaning floor
may be freshwater, brackish water Any other purpose
or seawater. Swamps are important Total amount of
for providing fresh water and oxygen water used by a
to all life. Pichavaram Mangroves in family in a day
Chidambaram, Muthupet mangrove
wetland. Pallikkaranai wetland in
Chennai, Chembarambakkam in 2.9 Water distribution and
Kancheepuram are a few examples of treatment system
swamps in Tamilnadu.
We know that water is distributed by
local bodies. In some areas which water is
obtained from river, lake and ground water
is treated and distributed. Model of water
distribution and treatment plant is shown in
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The Water distribution and water treatment system
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ICT Corner
Step 1: Type the URL or scan the QR code to launch the activity.
Step 2 : A page of 3 games will open, click on the first game 'Melbourne water cycle',
and click the "Play the Melbourne water game" button to start the game.
Step 3: Play the game by following the instructions and using the navigation keys.
Observe the steps of water usage and the process of recycling the used
Step 4: Play the other two games to know about the Natural water cycle and Sources
of water.
Step 1 Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_2.indd 25 26-10-2022 19:04:53
The Revolution in Chemistry
Lavoisier studied chemistry, Botany, Astronomy In 1771, he married
and Mathematics in Mazarin College. He also Mary Anne.
studied Law as per his father’s wish.
But, I am most
interested in
Lavoisier couldn’t do his research Lavoisier decided to redo Boyle’s
without the precise instruments experiment precisely. Lavoisier
designed by burned the iron plate in an air-
Mary Anne. tight Jar.
We should
In a chemical reaction, the initial and final mass accurately measure
should be same. so matter can never be created the mass
nor destroyed. With a chemical reaction, chemical
compound may be changed. We can change the
chemical composition of substances
by chemical reaction
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_2.indd 26 26-10-2022 19:05:00
There was an another surprise Yes! This should be the quantity
Lavoisier repeated his experiment
for him of the oxygen in this jar.
so many times, and concluded
that the quantity of the oxygen in
the air should be 20%.
While respiration, we inhale Oxygen and exhale Carbon dioxide. Even when rusting,
burning of substances, the same oxidation is occurred. So he told that our respiration
is equivalent to slow burning.
Experiments of Lavoisier showed Lavoisier proved that water is In consequence of proving water
that air is a mixture. made up of oxygen and hydro- and air is not basic elements
Oh! Is air not a gen. the concept ‘Panchaputha’ was
basic element? obsolete. Objects are made up of
different kind of atoms.
The book,
‘ Elements
of Chemistry’
published by him in 1789
laid the foundation of
modern chemistry.
Lavoisier remembered
as the pioneer of the
revolution in
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_2.indd 27 26-10-2022 19:05:04
b. use it for watering plants
c. to drink the expelled water after
boiling and cooling
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_2.indd 28 26-10-2022 19:05:04
V. Arrange the following statements refrigerator and keep it on a table. After
in correct sequence some time you notice a puddle of water
around it. Why?
1. These vapours condense to form tiny
droplets of water. 4. We could see clouds almost every day.
Why doesn’t it rain daily?
2. The water droplets come together to
form large water droplets. 5. Name the places where water is found
as ice.
3. The heat of the sun causes evaporation
of water from the surface of the earth, 6. How do aquatic animals manage to live
oceans, lakes, rivers and other water in Arctic and Antarctic Circle?
7. What are the types of rain water
4. The large water droplets become harvesting?
heavy and the air cannot hold them,
VIII. Give short answer
therefore, they fall as rains.
1. Differentiate between surface water
5. Water vapour is also continuously
and ground water.
added to the atmosphere through
transpiration from the surface of the 2. Write a few slogans of your own on the
leaves of trees. topic “Save Water”.
6. Warm air carrying clouds rises up. 3. About 71% of earth’s surface is covered
with water, then why do we face scarcity
7. Higher up in the atmosphere, the air is
of water?
4. Give reason for the following statement
8. These droplets floating in the air along
– Sewage should not be disposed of in
with the dust particles form clouds.
rivers or oceans before treatment.
VI. Analogy
5. Give the reasons, why water scarcity is
1. Population explosion : Water scarcity :: in India? Explain.
Recycle :
IX . Answer in detail
2. Ground water : :: Surface
1. What is potable water? List down its
water : lakes characteristics.
VII. Give very short answer 2. Who is known as waterman of India?
Browse the net and find the details
1. Name four different sources of water
about the award, the waterman
2. How do people in cities and rural areas received for water management. State
get water for various purposes? the findings by drafting a report.
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3. What is rainwater harvesting? Explain in a few sentences how it can be used in houses.
1. When there is no pond or lake in an area, will there be formation of clouds possible in
that area?
2. To clean the spectacles, people often breathe out on glasses to make them wet. Explain
why do the glasses become wet.
3 2 4 6
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_2.indd 30 26-10-2022 19:05:04
XII. (1). Observe the given graph carefully and answer the questions.
Tomato Chicken Fish Human Water Pine
body melon apple
b. Name the food item that has maximum amount of water in its content.
c. Name the food item that has minimum amount of water in its content.
e. Specify the food item that can be consumed by a person when he / she is suffering from
(2) Look at the map of Tamilnadu showing annual rainfall and answer
the questions given
below West
South Thiruvallur
Krishnagiri Tirupattur Thiruvannamalai
The Cuddalore
High Rain Fall
Medium Rain Fall
Low Rain Fall
Map not to Scale
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_2.indd 31 26-10-2022 19:05:05
3 Chemistry in Everyday life
Perfume Chemistry in
every day
Mosquito coil
Learning Objectives
To understand the importance of science in everyday life
To understand the preparation of soaps and detergents
To know about kinds of fertilizers and its uses
To know about uses of cement, gypsum, Epsom, and plaster of
To know about uses of phenols and adhesives in day to day life
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_3.indd 32 26-10-2022 19:04:56
We have studied earlier about the
physical changes and chemical changes.
Can you identify, from the following list
which are physical changes and which are
chemical changes?
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We use chemical changes in various chlorine. Even our body is made up of a lot
forms in our daily life. Chemistry is the of chemical particles.
branch of science which deals with the
We could prepare soft idly as a result
study of particles around us. The beauty of
of a chemical change named fermentation
chemistry is that, it explains the properties
takes place in the idly batter. During
of the basic components of particles such
fermentation the idly batter undergoes
as atoms and molecules and the effects of
a chemical change by bacteria. While
their combination.
cooking, the food products undergo so
We can consider all the particles around many chemical changes. As a result there
us as chemicals. The water (H2O) we drink are favourable changes in colour, flavour
is the combination of hydrogen and oxygen. and taste in the food.
The salt (NaCl) we use in our kitchen is a
We can use chemical changes to
combination of the chemicals, sodium and
produce certain materials. For example,
some of the objects such as soaps,
fertilizers, plastics and cement which we
When we cut onion, use in our daily life can be prepared by
we get tears in the making chemical changes in some naturally
eyes with irritation, occurring objects.
because of the presence of a chemical,
propanethial s-oxide in onion. This Activity 1: Discuss with your group
is easily volatile. When we cut onion and list out few chemicals which we
some of the cells are damaged and use in our home and school.
this chemical comes out. It becomes
vapour and reach our eyes result in
irritation and tears in eyes. When we
crush the onion, more cells will be
We can study about the manufacturing
damaged and more chemicals come
processes and usages of certain materials
out. Why the tears are less produced
we use in our daily life such as soaps,
when onion is cut after soaking in
fertilizers, cement, gypsum, Epsom,
plaster of paris, phenol and adhesives
in this lesson.
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using washing powder to remove strong
stains on the clothes. Activity 2: Preparation of Soap
Materials Required: 35 ml of water
Activity 3: Collect various kinds of
soap’s wrapper. Complete the following
$ table based on the information provided
in the wrapper.
S. Name of the Soap Ingredients
1. Bathing soap
2. Washing soap
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6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_3.indd 36 26-10-2022 19:05:00
3.2 Fertilizers
Apart from water, sunlight and air, certain nutrients are also needed for the growth of
plants. We know that the plants get their nutrients from the soil.
Nitrogen (N), Phosphorous (P) and Potassium (K) are the three important
nutrients among the various nutrients needed for the growth of plants. These three are
called as Principal Nutrients.
The table given below depicts the quantity of elements absorbed by certain common
What would happen to the nutrient content of the soil, if the field is farmed continuously?
Fertilizers are organic or inorganic materials that we add to the soil to provide one
or more nutrients to the soil.
Fertilizers given to plants can be classified into two. They are organic and inorganic
Organic fertilizers
Inorganic fertilizers
The fertilizers prepared by using natural elements by making them undergo chemical changes
in the factories are called inorganic fertilizers. (e.g) Urea, Ammonium sulphate, Super
phosphate and Potassium nitrate
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The table given below lists the nutrients in inorganic fertilizers
Urea 46 0 0
Ammonium sulphate 21 0 0
Potassium nitrate 13 0 44
If we use 50 kg of urea, then according to the table, 23 kg of nitrogen (46 percent) will
be added to the soil.
3.3 Cement
In ancient period, the houses were constructed by using the mixture of lime, sand
and wood. At present, the people are widely use the cement for construction of houses,
dams and bridges. The cement is manufactured by crushing of naturally occurring
minerals such as lime, clay and gypsum through milling process.
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_3.indd 38 26-10-2022 19:05:02
Cement becomes Reinforced Cement Concrete
hardened when it is Reinforced cement concrete is a
mixed with water. composite material by mixing iron mesh
Gypsum plays a with cement. This is very strong and firm.
very important role Cement
It is used in the construction of dams,
in controlling the bridges, centering works in houses and
rate of hardening construction of pillars. Huge water tanks,
of the cement. water pipes and drainages are built with
During the cement this.
manufacturing process, a small amount
of gypsum is added at the final grinding
process. Gypsum is added to control the
“setting of cement”.
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_3.indd 39 26-10-2022 19:05:07
Plaster of Paris is CaSO4 . 1/2H2O. Known
since ancient times, plaster of paris is so
called because of its preparation from the
abundant gypsum found near Paris, capital
of France. Plaster of paris is prepared by
heating gypsum, where it gets partially
Used as fertilizers.
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_3.indd 40 26-10-2022 19:05:10
It is a colorless solution, but changes A practical experience
into red in the presence of dust.
Do you notice how puncture of your
It irritates when exposed on human bicycle is repaired by the shop keeper? He
skin. It is widely used for industrial ensures the punctured surfaces are clean,
purposes. dry and free of dust, and roughens the
area around the hole using a metal scraper.
Phenol itself is used (in low
He takes an appropriate patch of tyre-tube
concentrations) in mouthwash and as a
and applies a suitable adhesive to both the
disinfectant in household cleaners. Phenol
roughened area and to the underside of
used as surgical antiseptic since it kills
the patch, apply firm pressure and allows
micro organisms.
drying completely. Why does he apply
3.8 Adhesives pressure? This increases the adhesive
capacity at both the surfaces and ensures
What will you do
proper binding.
when a page of your book
is torn accidentally? It
can be fixed by using a
cello tape. How cello tape works? There is
a paste like material in one surface of the
cello tape. Have you ever discussed about
this material? The paste like substance is
called adhesive. It is commonly known as
glue, mucilage, or paste. The substances
applied to one surface, or both the surfaces Types of adhesives
of two separate items that binds them
There are two kinds of adhesives, one
together and resists their separation are
is natural made from starch and another
called adhesives.
one is artificial made from chemicals. The
one used in puncture shop is an artificial
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_3.indd 41 26-10-2022 19:05:13
Points to Remember
Soaps are prepared by heating the mixture of olive oil, animal fat and concentrated
sodium hydroxide solutions.
Vermi compost has high nutrient benefits and it is useful for sustaining the land fertility.
Adhesives are substances that are used to join two or more components together.
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_3.indd 42 26-10-2022 19:05:14
ICT Corner
Nutrients for life
Step 1: Type the following URL in the browser. 'NUTRIENTS FOR LIFE' activity page
will open.
Step 2: Click the ' X ' icon on the top left of the activity window to close the welcome
note and start the activity or click on 'Next' on the bottom to read the
Step 3: A corn field , 4 cubes and 4 dials are shown, Using the mouse grab the
cubes at the bottom which are labelled WATER , N, P, K and drop them over
the crop.
Step 4: Each time you apply water or nutrients on the crop it will rise the dial.
Keep all the dials in the green. Repeat the same process till the crop is fully
Step 1 Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_3.indd 43 26-10-2022 19:05:22
II. Fill in the Blanks
1. ______________ gas causes tears in
our eyes while cutting onions.
3. Gypsum is added to the cement for 4. Adhesives are the substances used to
______________________. separate the components.
a. fast setting b. delayed setting 5. NPK are the primary nutrients for
c. hardening d. making paste
IV. Match the following
4. Phenol is ________________.
1. Soap - C6H5 OH
a. carbolic acid b. acetic acid
2. Cement - CaSO4.2H2O
c. benzoic acid d. hydrochloric acid 3. Fertilizers - NaOH
5. Natural adhesives are made from 4. Gypsum - RCC
___________. 5. Phenol - NPK
a. Protein b. fat
V. Arrange the following statements
c. starch d. vitamins in correct sequence
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_3.indd 44 26-10-2022 19:05:22
2. Take necessary quantity of water in a VIII. Give short answer
1. Why earthworm is called as farmer’s
3. Then add coconut oil drop by drop and friend?
stir it well.
2. Explain the process of manufacturing
4. Add concentrated sodium hydroxide in
the jar and allow it to cool.
3. What are uses of Gypsum?
5. Try this soap to wash your hand
IX. Answer in detail
6. Cover your work area with old
newspaper. 1. Explain what is RCC and give its uses?
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_3.indd 45 26-10-2022 19:05:22
4 Our Environment
Learning Objectives
To acquire knowledge about ecosystems and their components
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_4.indd 46 26-10-2022 19:05:11
The surroundings or space in which a person, animal, or plant lives, is known as an
environment. Environment is everything that surrounds us. It can have both living (biotic)
and non-living things (abiotic). Abiotic factors are non-living things such as sunlight, air,
water and minerals in soil. Biotic factors are living things of our environment such as
plants, animals, bacteria and more. Organisms live, constantly interact with one another and
adapt themselves to conditions of their environment.
Activity 1: Think of the objects in your home. Just keep in mind, the books, toys,
furniture, food materials and even pets of your home. These living and non-living
things together make your home. Look at the following picture and list out the living
and non-living things, in the pond.
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_4.indd 47 26-10-2022 19:05:11
Natural ecosystem Forests, Mountain regions, Deserts etc., are
Ecosystem originated without human examples of natural terrestrial ecosystems.
intervention is called a natural ecosystem. Artificial ecosystem
This can be an aquatic ecosystem or a Artificial ecosystem is created and
terrestrial ecosystem. maintained by human. They have some of
The ecosystem in water is called the characteristics of natural ecosystems.
aquatic ecosystem. Sea, river, lake, pond They are much simpler than the natural
and puddle are some examples of natural ecosystems.
aquatic ecosystem. These can be the terrestrial ecosystems
Ecosystems outside the water body and such as paddy fields, gardens etc. or the
on land are called terrestrial ecosystems. aquatic ecosystem such as fish tank.
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_4.indd 48 26-10-2022 19:05:16
4.2 Food Chain and Food Web
Living organisms
Aquarium is a place in
need food to perform their
which fish and other physiological activities.
water creatures and Some organisms can
plants are maintained. An aquarium produce their own food,
can be a small tank, or a large building such as plants, while other organisms
with one or more large tanks. cannot do this and depends on other
organisms to obtain their food.
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_4.indd 49 26-10-2022 19:05:17
There are many types of consumers E.g. Food chain in a terrestrial
and we can classify them into specific (Grassland) ecosystem
groups depending on the food that they
consume. These are:
S un
Animals which eat plants or plant
products e.g: cow, deer, goat and rat.
E.g. Food chain in an aquatic (Lake)
Animals that eat both plants and
animals e.g: Humans, dog and crow
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_4.indd 50 26-10-2022 19:05:17
The micro organism degrade the Animals that eat the secondary
excreta and the dead bodies of animals consumers (mostly predators) are the
into primary simple components and puts tertiary consumers.
them back into soil. It is this material that
There may even be large predators that
help the plants to grow. Thus we can see
eat tertiary consumers. They are called as
that there is a cyclic movement of materials
quaternary consumers.
from primary producers to highest level
predators, then back to the soil. Each of these levels in the food chain is
called a trophic level.
Trophic levels
Animals that eat primary consumers
are called secondary consumers.
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_4.indd 51 26-10-2022 19:05:19
10% of energy goes into new body cells A food web is very useful to show
and will be available to the next animal different feeding relationships between
when it gets eaten. This loss of energy different species within an ecosystem.
at each trophic level can be shown by an
energy pyramid.
Activity 2: Take a square paper. Fold
A rat eats grains; and in turn we know
its diagonals. Draw
snake eats rat. Now snake is a prey for Eag
triangles as shown in
Se ice
the picture.
Triangle 3
l d
Primary Consumer
their impacts.
Secondary Consumer
Glue triangle 4 to the
Food web
back of triangle 1
Seeds of Plants
Triangle 2
Triangle 4
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_4.indd 52 26-10-2022 19:05:20
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_4.indd 53 26-10-2022 19:05:23
Activity 3:
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_4.indd 54 26-10-2022 19:05:24
it is acted upon by several micro- Give some examples for Biodegradable
organisms like bacteria, fungi or small and Non-biodegradable waste.
insects in a time period. Biodegradable
S. Biodegradable Non-bio-
waste includes vegetable and fruit peels,
No. waste degradable
leftover food and garden wastes (grass,
leaves, weeds and twigs).
1. Food Waste Plastic Bottles
Natural elements like oxygen,
water, moisture, and heat facilitate
the decomposition thereby breaking
complex organic forms to simpler units. 4.
Decomposed matter eventually mixes
or returns back to the soil and thus the
soil is once again nourished with various Discuss with your teacher and friends.
nutrients and minerals.
1. Are animal bones
Non-biodegradable waste biodegradable?
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_4.indd 55 26-10-2022 19:05:27
Sometimes, there are fires in the The waste hierarchy or pyramid shows
open dump. When waste like Rani’s the best ways to manage solid waste.
chips packet burns, unhealthy chemicals
pollute the ecosystem. These chemicals
are present in the air we breathe. The
leftover ash from burning waste pollutes
the soil.
4.5 Solid Waste Management Reuse means using a thing again and
again, rather than using and throwing after
It is our duty to reduce creating
a single use. (e.g) Instead of using plastic
waste and protect environment. 3R's are
bags, use and throw pens and batteries, use
important in protecting environment. The
cloth bags, fountain pens and rechargeable
first R is reduce and the second R is reuse
batteries. Reuse glass bottles for other
and the last R is recycle.
purposes. Repair foot wears and use them.
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_4.indd 56 26-10-2022 19:05:27
4. Recycle
Creative reuse
The process by which waste materials
Creative reuse or Up-
are used to make new products is called
cycling is the process
recycling.(e.g) Using old clothes to make
of converting waste
paper and melting some plastics to make
materials or useless products into new
floor mats, plastic boards and hose pipes.
materials or products of better quality
or for better environmental value. When 5. Compost
you upcycle, you are giving an item a
The process of degradation of organic
new purpose. (e.g) Used tyres into
wastes into manure by the action of
chairs. Used PET bottle into penstand.
microorganism is called composting. The
manure thus obtained becomes natural
fertilizer for the plants as well as increases
the soil fertility.
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_4.indd 57 26-10-2022 19:05:34
6. Incinerate 1. The first step should always be to
reduce waste. Think of the 3R’s and
The burning of solid waste in
the waste pyramid and remember the
incinerator is called incineration. (discarded
order of the levels.
medicines, toxic drugs, blood, pus). During
incineration, the enormous heat kills all 2. The second step is to keep waste
contagious disease-causing germs. separate. This way the waste will
remain clean and can be easily reused
or recycled. Mixing different types of
waste together (e.g. biodegradable
and non-biodegradable) makes that
place dirty.
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_4.indd 58 26-10-2022 19:05:34
Learn how to separate waste correctly into 3 waste bins so you can keep Tamilnadu clean
and beautiful!
How much waste does each person make around the world
every day?
The average person in India produces 0.45kg of waste every day. It may
be small amount of
waste. But, India has
a large population
and imagine you 0.30 kg 0.45 kg 0.63 kg 1.69 kg 2.58 kg
would fill so many tractors that you could create a traffic jam
approximately 2,800 kilometres long. Imagine, a road all the
way from Kanyakumari to New Delhi completely blocked with
tractors carrying garbage and no space to walk in between.
This is how much waste we create in India each day! If we
reduce the waste, we reduce the pollution.
Every day 532 million kilos of solid waste is generated in India.
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_4.indd 59 26-10-2022 19:05:36
4.5 Pollution fine particles (such as ash and soot) into
the air causing air pollution. Air pollution
Pollution occurs
is also caused by burning solid wastes, like
when the environment
some plastics, gases or chemicals released
gets contaminated by
from factories and fumes from aerosols
wastes, chemicals and
(like deodorant spray cans) or paints.
harmful substances.
Certain toxic gases produced by
Pollution is the damage caused to the
industries mix with raindrops in the
environment mainly because of human
atmosphere and make rain unusually acidic.
activities. Any substance that causes
This is called acid rain. It damages plants,
pollution is known as a pollutant. Pollution
washes the nutrients out of soils and kills
is an unwanted change in the physical,
fish. Air pollution is harmful to all living
chemical and biological characteristics of
organisms including humans. Polluted air
our land, air and water.
affects skin, eyes and respiratory system.
4.6 Types of Pollution
How can we reduce air pollution?
There are four major kinds of pollution: 1. Cycle or walk short distances instead
of using a motor vehicle.
1. Air pollution
2. Travel by public transport (bus or train)
2. Water pollution 3. Do not burn solid waste.
3. Land (soil) pollution 4. Avoid fireworks.
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_4.indd 60 26-10-2022 19:05:37
The most significant sources of and other materials), factories (industrial
water pollutants are waste) and the solid waste from our own
homes like plastics and broken electronics.
1. Sewage (water we use at home for
Soil pollution affects animals, humans and
bathing, cleaning, cooking).
even plants because soil or land acts like a
2. Industrial effluents (liquid wastes from sponge. When it rains, pollutant sinks into
factories). the soil. If we grow plants to eat in polluted
3. Agricultural pollutants (chemical soils, these dangerous chemicals can get
pesticides and fertilisers that get into our food.
washed from farms).
How can we reduce land pollution?
4. Solid waste (when waste gets dumped
1. First try to reduce waste, then recycle
into water bodies).
the rest.
How can we reduce water pollution? 2. Always use a waste bin and never litter.
1. Do not pour leftover oil, old medicines 3. Do not burn waste, the ash mixes
or waste down the drain or into the easily with soil.
4.6.4 Noise pollution
2. Reduce the use of chemical pesticides
and fertilizers to grow crops.
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_4.indd 61 26-10-2022 19:05:40
disturb animals. Birds have to communicate quality of soil and even move chemicals
(talk) louder so that, they can hear each into plant parts which are eaten by
other in noisy areas. Even underwater noise people. I am _____ pollution.
pollution from ships, can make whales lose
Points to remember
their way as they use sounds to navigate.
Living (biotic) and non-living (abiotic)
How do we reduce noise pollution?
components interact with one another.
1. Turn off your electronics when you do
There are two types of ecosystems
not use them.
terrestrial (on land) and aquatic (in
2. Lower the volume when you watch TV water).
or listen to music.
The feeding relationship in an
3. Remind drivers not to use the horn too ecosystem is called a food chain.
Biodegradable and non-biodegradable
4. Avoid fireworks. waste should be kept separate
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_4.indd 62 26-10-2022 19:05:40
ICT Corner
Our Environment
Step 1: Type the URL given or scan the QR code to launch the activity. Food chain
page will open.
Step 2: With the use of mouse drag the parts of the food chain - the animals or
plants given to their correct place - in the empty boxes.
Step 3: When the chain is complete you can watch the food chain in action.
Step 4: Continue the activity by click on the next icon. Play and observe the various
complex levels of food chain.
Step 1 Step 2
Step 3 Step 4
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_4.indd 63 26-10-2022 19:05:45
3. __________ is the process of
converting waste materials into new
1. Primary consumers that eat plants are V. Arrange the following in a correct
called __________. sequence and form a food chain
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_4.indd 64 26-10-2022 19:05:45
VI. Give very short answer X. See the diagram and answer the
following questions
1. Define ecosystem.
7. What are the pollutions caused by the 1. Explain what is happening in the
objects given below? picture?
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_4.indd 65 26-10-2022 19:05:46
5 Plants in Daily Life
Learning Objectives
Able to acquire knowledge about various types and uses of plants
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_5.indd 66 26-10-2022 19:05:24
Introduction 1. Why are the farmers harvesting paddy?
We are living in a green planet. Plenty 2. A woman makes rope using coir. Where
of natural plant resources are around us. does the raw material come from?
Economic botany basically deals with all 3. Neem leaves are being collected in a
pervading plants in relation to human plate. Do you know the uses of neem
welfare as food, clothing, shelter and leaves?
medicine either directly or indirectly.
4. What material is used by the man to
Indirect usage includes the needs make a chair?
of man’s livestock and the maintenance
of the environment; the benefits may be In this lesson, let us discuss about
domestic, commercial, environmental, or the different crop plants of economic uses
aesthetic. in relation to mankind. Based on their
economic values and uses, plants may be
Plants bring about economy to the
broadly classified as follows.
country in large extent and it is a fact that
the wealth of any country largely depends 1. Plants as Food
upon its agriculture and plant products. 2. Spice yielding plants
Economic botany is the study 3. Medicinal plants
of relationship between people
4. Fibre yielding plants
and plants and the uses of plants in
economy. 5. Timber yielding plants
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_5.indd 67 26-10-2022 19:05:25
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_5.indd 68 26-10-2022 19:05:26
1. Vegetables
2. Cereals
3. Pulses
Roots: eg:
Bengal gram Green mung bean
eg: Green Activity 1: Tabulate the names of
Vegetables vegetables, Cereals and pulses you know.
Curry Leaves, S.No. Vegetables Cereals Pulses
Stems: eg:
Potato, Yam,
sugarcane. 3.
Flowers: eg:
Banana flower, 5.
Fruits: eg:
Activity 2: How do Rava, Maida, Sago
Amla, Guava.
and Vermicelli are made? Discuss with
Cereals your friends.
5.2 Spices
Spices are aromatic parts of tropical
plants traditionally used to flavour the
Rice Wheat food. Spices come from the bark or roots of
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_5.indd 69 26-10-2022 19:05:34
India is the second World Food Day,
largest producer of October-16.
fruits and vegetables The aim of celebration
in the world. of this day is to promote
worldwide awareness and action for
certain plants, leaves, flowers or stems of those who suffer from hunger and for
plants primarily used for flavoring, coloring the need to ensure food security and
or preserving food. nutritious diets for all.
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_5.indd 70 26-10-2022 19:05:35
5.3 Medicinal plants 5.4 Fibre yielding plants
Some of the plants around us are good Plants which give us fibres necessary
in healing our diseases. We call these plants for our uses are called as Fibre yielding
as medicinal plants. They alleviate burns, plants. The fibre from these plants can
cut, cold, fever, sneezes and more. Some be spun into thread , rope and cloth. These
chemical compounds in the medicinal fibres are called as natural fibres.
plants act against insects, fungi and certain
We can classify the Fibre yielding plants
germs. Medicinal plants are considered as
into two types based on the uses and the
rich resources of ingredients which can be
parts of the plant from where we get the
used in drug preparation.
Here is a list of plants that have the
Based on Use
highest medicinal value.
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_5.indd 71 26-10-2022 19:05:35
Activity 4: Take a small quantity of
cotton swap. Hold it between your Hardwoods come from angiosperms
thumb and fore finger. Now, gently (flowering plants), the largest group of
start pulling out the cotton, while land plants. High-quality furniture, desks,
continuously twisting the Fibres. flooring, and wooden construction are
being made only using hardwood. eg. Teak,
Are you able to make a yarn?
The process of making yarn from Fibres
is called Spinning. Softwoods
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_5.indd 72 26-10-2022 19:05:37
What are the ornamental plants grown Bright colours of flowers, smell and
in your locality? honey attract insects. As the insects go
from one flower to another, they leave the
pollen grains from their body. This results
in cross-pollination and the formation of
vegetables and fruits.
Honey bee
Silk worm
Animals, pests, and birds are essential
for cross-pollination of flowers.
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_5.indd 73 26-10-2022 19:05:43
Animals and birds play an important Pala spinach
role in spreading seeds of various plants.
The digestive enzymes in the digestive Osteo arthritis is a joint
system of the birds soften the protective disease affecting joints
layer of the seeds and make it easier to and knee of any age
germinate. people. Currently Indian scientists at
CDRI (Central Drug Research Institute –
If these natural relationship between Lucknow) have made a nano formulation
animals and plants are affected, it shows from the Palak (Pala spinach) to cure
its impact on economy too. this disease.
Other uses of plants
4. Rubber and Natural plastic
1. Maintain soil fertility
We obtain rubber for tyre, wiring,
Plants maintain
seats etc from plants. Natural plastics
soil fertility. Their
are also produced from plants which are
droppings and shedding
biodegradable. So it does not do harm to
of leaves, fruits and
our environment.
other parts degrade
in the soil to form humus. This humus
increases soil fertility. Eg. Plants like blue
green algae and bacteria Pseudomonas are
extensively used to fix nitrogen in the soil
for agriculture.
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_5.indd 74 26-10-2022 19:05:43
Points to remember
Human beings directly or indirectly depend on plants for food, clothes, shelter and
The branch of science which deals with the relationship between plants and human
beings and the economical usages of plants is called economic botany.
Plants are the main sources of food for human beings. The plants which give food to
us are called food plants.
Spices are the aromatic parts of tropical plants traditionally used to flavour food.
Some chemcial compounds in some plants act against insects, fungi and certain germs.
They are called as medicinal plants
Plant fibres are classified into Textile Fibres, Cordage Fibres and Filling Fibres based on
Timbers are classified as hard wood and soft wood depending on their strength and
When the interrelationship between animals and plants are affected, our economy is
also affected.
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_5.indd 75 26-10-2022 19:05:43
Kill or Cure?
ICT Corner
Step 1: Type the following URL in the browser. ‘Kill or Cure?' activity page will open.
Step 2: Click the ' PLAY ' button then ' START ' button given in the activity window
to start the activity.
Step 3: A small Figure of a Doctor will asking for a medicine/ drug by giving some
Step 4: Click and Select the correct plant given at the bottom , from which the
drug is extracted. For more information about the drug click the ' i ' icon at
the top right of the activity window. Repeat the process to answer all the
Step 1 Step 2
Step 3 Step 4
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_5.indd 76 26-10-2022 19:05:46
5. The edible seeds of leguminous plants
are called
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_5.indd 77 26-10-2022 19:05:46
VII. Give short answer b. Honey bees are essential for the
reproduction of the plants Why?
1. What is a symbiotic relationship?
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_5.indd 78 26-10-2022 19:05:47
6 Hardware and Software
Learning Objectives
To identify Software and Hardware of a computer
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_6.indd 79 26-10-2022 19:05:37
Introduction possible but we can see the functions of
the software in the form of output.
Computer is a device comprising both
hardware and software. The functions
of hardware and software combines
together to make the Computer functional.
A hardware device helps to enter input
information. The software processes the
input data and gives the output in the
monitor, a hardware device. Thus computer
is like a human body, where human body is
the hardware and soul is the software.
6.1 Hardware
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_6.indd 80 26-10-2022 19:05:38
6.3.2 Application Software
Application software is a program or a group of programs designed for the benefit of
end user to work on computer. The application programs can be installed in the hard disk for
the usage on a particular computer. This type of application program completes one or more
than two works of the end user. The following are the examples of application program:
Video player, Audio player, Word processing software, Drawing tools, Editing software, etc.
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_6.indd 81 26-10-2022 19:05:39
or development of new software. Examples d. Passive and Traditional source
of Free and Open source software: LINUX,
3. LINUX is a
Open office, Operating System, Geogebra
etc. a. Paid Software
6.4.2 Paid and Proprietary b. Licensed Software
Software c. Free and Proprietary software
There is software that is to be paid d. Free and Open source software
to use either permanently or temporarily, 4. Find out Paid and Proprietary software
these types of software are paid and need from the given list
The Open Source
a. Windows b. MAC OS
Initiative (OSI) is an
c. Adobe Photoshop d. All the above
organization dedicated
to promote Open 5. is a Operating System
Source Software.
a. Android b. Chrome
a license to use it. The license of the c. Internet d. Pendrive
software would not be provided unless it
II. Match the following
is purchased. Similarly the end users are
legally prohibited to steal the software 1. MAC OS - Free and Open source
program or to use the pirated version of the Software
Paid and Proprietary Software. Some of the 2. Software - Paid and Proprietary
examples of Paid & Proprietary Software Software
are: Windows, Microsoft office, Adobe 3. Hardware - Input Device
Photoshop, etc.
4. Keyboard - RAM
Evaluation 5. LINUX - Geogebra
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_6.indd 82 26-10-2022 19:05:39
Artificial magnet - செயற்கை காந்தம் Magnetic attraction - காந்த ஈர்ப்பு
Adhesives - ஒட்டும்பொருள்கள் Magnetic repulsion - காந்த விலகல்
Aloe - ச�ோற்று கற்றாழை Non – Magnetic - காந்த தன்மையற்ற
substances ப�ொருள்கள்
Bio degradable - உயிரினச் சிதைவிற்கு
waste உள்ளாகும் கழிவுகள் North pole - வட துருவம்
Bio - fuel - உயிரி எரிப�ொருள் South pole - தென் துருவம்
Consumers - நுகர்வோர்கள் Natural Indicator - இயற்கை நிறங்காட்டி
Compost - மட்கிய உரம் Non Bio degradable - உயிரினச் சிதைவிற்கு
Cereal - தானியம்
waste உள்ளாகாத கழிவுகள்
Natural pesticides - இயற்கை
Decomposers - சிதைப்பான்கள்
Disinfectant - கிருமி நாசினி Organic fertilizer - கரிம உரம்
Electromagnet - மின் காந்தம் Ornamental Plant - அலங்காரத்
Estuary - முகத்துவாரம் தாவரங்கள்
Producers - தயாரிப்பாளர்கள்
Ecosystem - சூழ்நிலை மண்டலம்
Pollution - மாசுபாடு
Food Chain - உணவுச் சங்கிலி
Pulses - பருப்பு வகைகள்
Food web - உணவு வலை
Pollinators - மகரந்தச்
Ground water - நிலத்தடி நீர்
Herbivore - தாவர உண்ணி Surface water - மேற்பரப்பு நீர்
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Authors List - VI Science
M. Sathya
New Perunkalathoor.
6th Science_IIIrd Term English Book_Unit_6.indd 84 26-10-2022 19:05:39