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Species Recovery Program - Rau's IAS

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Species Recovery Program

Asian Wild Buffalo

The wild buffalo was once widely distributed over
the tracts of tall grasslands and riverine forests in
India and Nepal. The present population of wild
buffalo in its entire range is estimated to be lower
than 2,000 individuals.
Currently, found in North-East India and
Chhattisgarh where only a small population survives.
IUCN Status: Endangered.
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Schedule I of Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 (Highest
Protection). State Animal of Chhattisgarh.

Asiatic Lion
GIR forest, a dry deciduous forest ecosystem in the
Saurashtra region of Gujarat, is the abode of the last
surviving population of the free ranging Asiatic Lion
(Panthera leo persica).
The total distribution range of lion in this region is
estimated to be around 9000 sq.km in three
districts, i.e., Junagadh, Amreli and Bhavnagar, of
which GIR National Park, GIR Wildlife Sanctuary,
Paniya Wildlife Sanctuary and Mitiyal Wildlife
Sanctuary account for about 1,193 sq.km.
The conservation initiatives taken so far have
resulted in arresting the trend of population decline
of lions.
IUCN Status: Endangered
State Animal of Gujarat.
New sites identified for possible relocation of lion
in the future are:
Madhav National Park, MP
Sit amat a Wildlife Sanct uary, Rajast han

Mukundra Hills Tiger Reserve, Rajast han

Gandhi Sagar Wildlife Sanct uary, MP

Kumbhalgarh Wildlife Sanct uary, Rajast han

Kuno Palpur Wildlife Sanctuary, MP

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Brow-Antlered Deer or Sangai

It is a unique animal found only in Manipur, India. The
only deer which has adapted itself to swampy
Phumdis of Loktak lake is the residence of this
species. IUCN status: Critically Endangered

Dugong is the only herbivorous mammal that is strictly
marine, and the only member of the Order Sirenia found
in India. Dugongs are restricted to coastal shallow
marine habitats and grazes on the sea grass meadows
in coastal waters and are called as “Sea Cows.”
In India, it is one of the most seriously endangered
species of large mammals.
Dugongs are vulnerable to anthropogenic pressures
as they are solely dependent on sea grasses in
coastal areas, which now have been seriously
damaged by mining, trawling etc.
Dugongs have also been hunted for their meat, oil,
hides, bones and teeth.
IUCN Status: Vulnerable
Tamil Nadu Government in Palk Bay have established
a Dugong conservation reserve. It will be India’s first
dugong conservationFree
reserve. The
site isRegister
of the
coast of Thanjavur.

Edible Nest Swiftlet

Found in Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
IUCN Status: Least Concern.

Gangetic River Dolphin

Gangetic or River Dolphin is one of the most
endangered species found in the Ganges,
Brahmaputra and their tributaries.
They are the symbols of the ecological health of our
major river systems.
The emphasis on crocodiles, as the flagship species
of the river systems has helped this species to some
extent, but the waning of focused efforts of
conservation have again resulted in their decline.
IUCN Status: Endangered

Great Indian Bustard

The Bustards are an extremely endangered group of
birds dependent on grassland ecosystems.
Once upon a time, they used to occur in the arid,
semi-arid and moist grasslands across the country.
There are four species of Bustards in India Great
Indian Bustard, Lesser Florican, Bengal Florican and
Houbara Bustard. Free Prelims Mock Register
They are among the most threatened of the 22
Bustards found in the world.
The Great Indian Bustard is now locally extinct from
almost 90 per cent of its former range. The present
population is estimated to be less than 1000 only.
Similarly, perhaps, only less than 2500 Lesser
Floricans survive in the whole world. The total global
population of Bengal Florican could be between 400
to 500 individuals.
The status of Houbara Bustard is also no more
encouraging. These species have depleted, mainly
due to the degradation of grasslands.
IUCN Status: Critically Endangered

Kashmir Stag or Hangul is one of the most critically
endangered species found in the temperate
grasslands of western Himalayas.
Dachigam National Park in Kashmir represents one
such grassland habitat that supports Hangul, a highly
threatened and the only subspecies of the red deer
(Cervus elaphus) to be found in India, which is now
confined only to the Kashmir Valley.
IUCN Status: Critically Endangered

Indian Rhino or Great One-horned

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The great one-horned or Indian rhinoceros once
existed across the entire northern part of the Indian
subcontinent from Pakistan to the Indian-Burmese
border, and including parts of Nepal and Bhutan.
The species now exists only in a few small
population units generally situated in the north-
eastern India and in Nepal.
The latest population estimation of the species
shows that only less than 2,700 animals remain in
the wild. T
he preferred habitat of an Indian rhinoceros are
primarily areas that contain grasslands and wetlands
located in the foothills of the Himalayas and the
Brahmaputra and Ganges valley.
At present, the species are restricted to small
patches in the Indo-Nepal Terai, northern parts of
West Bengal, and Assam. Formerly they were
extensively distributed in the Brahmaputra and
Gangetic valley.
Successfully, reintroduced in Dudhwa National Park.
IUCN Status: Vulnerable
1. Sumatran Rhino: IUCN Status – Critically
2. Javan Rhino: IUCN Status – Critically endangered
3. Black Rhino: IUCN Status – Critically endangered
4. White Rhino: IUCN Status – Near Threatened

Jerdon’s Courser
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It is a nocturnal bird endemic to India. It is found in
small geography in the Eastern Ghats of Andhra
Its principal habitat is the Sri Lankamalleswara
Wildlife Sanctuary, in the Rayalaseema region of
Andhra Pradesh.
IUCN Status: Critically Endangered.

Malabar Civet
The Malabar large spotted civet was once a common
species in the coastal districts of Malabar and
Travancore in southwest India in the low elevation
moist forests of the Western Ghats.
By the late 1950s it was reported to be almost
‘extinct’. None were seen for a long period of time
until 1987, when it was rediscovered about 60 km
east of Calicut in Kerala.
Extensive deforestation has reduced the Malabar
IUCN Status: Critically Endangered

Marine Turtles
Leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) is one of
the most charismatic creatures inhabiting the
tropical and temperate waters from Pacific to North
Atlantic and throughout the Indian Ocean (Shanker
It is the largest extantFree
marine turtle
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in theRegister
world and
follows the longest migratory route known for
The species is currently listed as Vulnerable under
the IUCN red list and has been given the highest
level of protection under Schedule I (Part II) of the
Indian Wildlife protection Act, 1972.
In India, Leatherback nesting is specific only to the
Andaman and Nicobar archipelago (Namboothri et.
al 2010).
Pioneering work done by ANET/MCBT, IISc (CES) and
Forest department in the past three decades has
highlighted Little Andaman and Southernmost Great
Nicobar Islands as the potential nesting sites

Nicobar Megapode
Found in Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
IUCN Status: Vulnerable

Nilgiri Tahr
Nilgiri Tahr, a mountain goat, is the highly
threatened flagship species occur on the crest lines
and ridge forests of the southern Western Ghats.
The ideal habitat of this species is the rocky
outcrops adjacent to the shola-grasslands and other
ridge forests.
Only less than 2000 individuals of this species are
remaining in the wild in the whole world with the
major population confined to Eravikulam National
Park in Kerala and Grizzled
Sanctuary in Tamil Nadu.
IUCN Status: Endangered

Snow Leopard
Snow leopard is perhaps the most endangered of
the large cats, with an estimated population of only
400 to 700 individuals in five Himalayan states in
This species suffers from intense conflicts with rural
communities, habitat degradation and depletion of
natural prey base, poaching for its exquisite fur and
valuable bones (used in traditional Chinese
The UT of Ladakh has the distinction of harbouring a
major portion of existing snow leopard population in
IUCN Status: Vulnerable

Swamp Deer
Swamp deer or Barasingha were once abundant
throughout tall wet grasslands of North Indian Terai
region, Brahamaputra flood plains & Central Indian
grasslands bordering sal forests. Currently, swamp
deer populations are confined to Uttarakhand, Uttar
Pradesh, Assam & Madhya Pradesh in India. It differs
from all other Indian deer species as its antlers carry
more than three teeths.
It has three sub-species:
Western Swamp Deer: Free
It is adapted
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flooded tall
grassland habitat in the Indo-Gangetic plains and
terai in India (UP and Uttarakhand) and Nepal.
Southern Swamp Deer: It is adapted to hard
ground in open sal forests with a grass
understorey. It survives only in Kanha National
Park. It has also been reintroduced in Satpura
National Park
Eastern Swamp Deer: Found only in Assam mostly
in Kaziranga & Manas National Park.
State Animal of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh.
IUCN Status: Vulnerable

Vultures are scavenging birds of prey.
They have been divided into New World vultures,
which include the Californian and Andean condors,
and the Old-World vultures, which include the
White-rumped and Red-headed vultures. Old World
vultures are found in Europe, Africa, and Asia.
There are no vultures in Australia and Antarctica.
Distinguishing characteristics of most vultures
includes a bald head, devoid of normal feathers and
feathery neck. The bare head is supposedly to
maintain hygiene while feeding on carcass and also
for thermoregulation.
Nine species of vultures exist in India, which five
belong to the genus Gyps. Three Gyps vultures,
namely White-rumped Vulture, Long-billed Vulture
and Slender-billed Vulture are residents, and
remaining two, Eurasian Griffon Vulture and
Himalayan Griffon Vulture
are largely
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Vultures are nature’s most efficient scavengers. The
Gyps vultures are specialized to feed on the soft
tissue of the large ungulate carcasses. They play a
vital role in the ecosystem by cleaning up the rotten
carcasses left in the open.
The population of Gyps vultures in the Indian
subcontinent has crashed since 1990s onwards. The
populations of White-rumped Vulture, Long-billed
Vulture and Slender-billed Vulture had declined by
around 97% during the last two decades.
Veterinary use of the non-steroidal anti-
inflammatory drug ‘diclofenac’ is the main cause
attributed for this drastic population decline.
Government of India has banned the use of
diclofenac in veterinary medicine, has initiated
Vulture Breeding Program for ex situ conservation
and enhanced in situ protection of the remaining
Vulture Breeding Centre has been established at
Pinjore, Haryana.
Species of Vultures in India and their IUCN Status:
White-rumped Vulture (Critically Endangered)
Red-headed Vulture (Critically Endangered)
Slender Billed Vulture (Critically Endangered)
Indian Vulture (Critically Endangered)
Egyptian Vulture (Endangered)
Cinerous Vulture (Near Threatened)
Lammergeyer Vulture (Near Threatened) 8.
Himalayan Griffon (Near Threatened)
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Northern River Terrapin – Species
of riverine turtle
Rivers that flow in Eastern India.
Hunted for meat and carapace.
IUCN Status: Critically Endangered

Clouded Leopard
Himalayan foothills from India, South-East Asia and
South China. State animal of Meghalaya.
It uses its tail for balancing when moving in trees. It
can climb down vertical tree trunks headfirst. It rests
in trees during the day and hunts by night on the
forest floor.
Habitat loss: poached for its skin and is also as a
live pet trade.
IUCN Status: Vulnerable

Arabian Sea Humpback Whale

All major oceans
Threatened due to ship strikes, unforgiving fishing
gear and seismic explorations
IUCN Status: Endangered
Red Panda Free Prelims Mock Register

Closely associated with montane forests with dense

bamboo-thicket, is found in Sikkim, West Bengal and
Arunachal Pradesh.
Poached for its meat, and for use in medicines, and
as a pet.
IUCN Status: Endangered

Noble’s Helen
The Noble’s Helen butterfly, a rare species, was
discovered for the first time in India at the Namdapha
National Park in Arunachal Pradesh. It has been
reported to be disappearing from its known ranges in
Myanmar, China, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and
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About Noble’s Helen

It is a swallowtail butterfly with a wingspan of 100-
120 mm, and it has an additional white spot in the
dorsum of the forewing.
Its scientific name is Papilio noblei.
It is found in Myanmar, Yunnan, Hubei (China), North
Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam.

Indian Skimmer
Characteristics, Habitat and Behaviour:
The Indian skimmer grows to a length of 40-43 cm.
It breeds colonially on large, exposed sand-bars and
It feeds on surface-dwelling
small crustaceans
and insect larvae.
IUCN status – Endangered
Distribution: More widespread in winter, the Indian
skimmer is found in the coastal estuaries of western
and eastern India. It occurs primarily on larger, sandy,
lowland rivers, around lakes and adjacent marshes
and, in the non-breeding season, in estuaries and

Indian bison
It belongs to the family of wild oxen and is the
tallest living and the second heaviest among oxen.
The Gaur is a social animal. They generally live in
group size of about 30 to 40.
It is native to South Asian Region and Southeast
In India, – Western Ghats, the forests of central India
and forest patches in the Northeast.
85% of the global population present in India.
They prefer evergreen forests and moist deciduous
forests. However, they can survive in dry deciduous
forests also. They are attracted to grounds which are
impregnated with salts and minerals.
The Indian Bison is deemed as vulnerable according
to the IUCN list.
Hence, the Indian Government has already included
the protection of wild bison in the Schedule I of the
Wildlife Protection Act, 1972.
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It calls for the proper regulation in the
indiscriminate grazing of cattle around the areas
where the gaurs stay.

International Union for Protected Areas in NEWS

Conservation of a Nature(IUCN)

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