Calcium Hydroxide
Calcium Hydroxide
Calcium Hydroxide
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1 author:
Alok Dubey
Jazan University
All content following this page was uploaded by Alok Dubey on 03 November 2016.
Review Article
Calcium Hydroxide in Dentistry
Baranwal R*, Singh BD**, Dubey A***, Avinash A****
*PG Student, **Prof.& HOD, ***Reader, ****Sr. Lecturer, Department of Pedodontics & AMP, Preventive Dentistry, Rungta
College of Dental Sciences, Bhilai(C.G), India.
Dr. Rashmi Baranwal is pursuing her Post Graduation in Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry. She
has presented scientific paper & posters at national level & speciality conferences.
Calcium hydroxide has been used in dentistry for almost a century. Its mechanism of actions are achieved through
the ionic dissociation of Ca(2+) and OH(-) ions and their effect on vital tissues, the induction of hard-tissue depo-
sition and the antibacterial properties. Some of its indications include inter-appointment intracanal medicaments,
endodontic sealers, pulp capping agents, apexification, pulpotomy and weeping canals. The purpose of this
article is to review the properties, mechanism of action, applications, advantages, disadvantages and various
indications for the use of calcium hydroxide in endodontics.
Characteristic of calcium hydroxide paste 3. Can be rendered soluble or resorbed within vital
tissues either slowly or rapidly depending on the
When calcium hydroxide powder is mixed with a
vehicle and other components;
suitable vehicle, a paste is formed and, because the
main component is calcium hydroxide, Maisto (1975) 4. May be prepared for use at the chairside or
classified these formulations as alkaline pastes because available as a proprietary paste;
of their high pH. According to some authors (Maisto 5. Within the root canal system they are used only as
1975, Goldberg 1982, Leonardo et al. 1982), these a temporary dressing and not as a definitive filling
pastes should have the following characteristics: material7
• Neutralizes low pH of acids. 8) Graham L, Cooper PR, Cassidy N, Nor JE, Sloan
• Stops internal resorption. AJ, Smith AJ. The effect of calcium hydroxide on
solubilisation of bio-active dentine matrix
• Inexpensive and easy to use. components. Biomaterials 2006;27(14):2865-73.