Copyright Transfer Form

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9/24/22, 3:21 PM Journal of Economic Integration

Copyright Transfer and Author Consent Form

TITLE OF ARTICLE, including all content in any form, format, or media (hereinafter, the Article):

Article Does economic freedom improve FDI inflow in Sub-Saharan Africa?

NAMES OF ALL AUTHORS in the order in which they appear in the Article:

In order for your Article to be distributed as widely as possible in Journal of Economic Integration
(the Journal) you grant the Center for Economic Integration (the CEI) an exclusive licence to publish
the above Article including the abstract in printed and electronic form, in all languages, and to
administer subsidiary rights agreements with third-parties for the full period of copyright and all
renewals, extensions, revisions and revivals. The Article is deemed to include all material submitted
for publication with the exception of Letters, and includes the text, figures, tables, author contact
details and all supplementary material accompanying the Article.

In consideration of the publication of the Article, you hereby grant with full title guarantee all rights
of copyright and related rights in the above specified Article which is intended for publication in all
forms and all media (whether known at this time or developed at any time in the future) throughout
the world, in all languages, for the full term of copyright, to take effect if and when the Article is
accepted for publication in the Journal.

If you are employed and prepared the Work on a subject within the scope of your employment, the
copyright in the Work belongs to your employer as a work-for-hire. In that case, the CEI assumes
that when you sign this Form, you are authorized to do so by your employer and that your employer
has consented to the transfer of copyright, to the representation and warranty of publication rights,
and to all other terms and conditions of this Form. If such authorization and consent has not been
given to you, an authorized representative of your employer should sign this Form as the Author.

It is the formal policy of the CEI to own the copyrights to all copyrightable material in its technical
publications and to the individual contributions contained therein, in order to protect the interests of
the CEI, its authors and their employers, and, at the same time, to facilitate the appropriate re-use of
this material by others. The CEI distributes its technical publications throughout the world and does
so by various means such as hard copy, microfiche, microfilm, and electronic media. It also abstracts
and may translate its publications, and articles contained therein, for inclusion in various
compendiums, collective works, databases and similar publications.

I confirm that I have read and accept the full Terms & Conditions below including my author
warranties, and have read and agree to comply with the Journal's policies on peer review and
publishing ethics. Especially, I warrant that this Article is not being considered for publication
elsewhere. In case of double submission, I am responsible for the misconduct.

Signature (on behalf of all co-authors (if any)) Ibrahima Dia Date Sep / 24 / 2022

9/24/22, 3:21 PM Journal of Economic Integration


If deemed acceptable by the Editors of the Journal, we shall prepare and publish your article in the
Journal. We may post your accepted manuscript in advance of the formal publication. We reserve the
right to make such editorial changes as may be necessary to make the article suitable for publication,
or as we reasonably consider necessary to avoid infringing third-party rights or breaching any laws;
and we reserve the right not to proceed with publication for whatever reason.

You retain the following rights to re-use the Article, as long as you do not sell or reproduce the Article
or any part of it for commercial purposes.
Prior to acceptance: We ask that as part of the publishing process you acknowledge that
the Article has been submitted to the Journal. You will not prejudice acceptance if you use the
unpublished Article, in form and content as submitted for publication in the Journal, in the
following ways:
- sharing print or electronic copies of the Article with colleagues;
- posting an electronic version of the Article on your own personal website, on your
employer’s website/repository and on free public servers in your subject area.
After acceptance: Provided that you give appropriate acknowledgement to the Journal and
the CEI, and full bibliographic reference for the Article when it is published, you may use the
accepted version of the Article as originally submitted for publication in the Journal, and
updated to include any amendments made after peer review, in the following ways:
- you may share print or electronic copies of the Article with colleagues;
- you may use all or part of the Article and abstract, without revision or modification, in
personal compilations or other publications of your own work;
- you may use the Article within your employer’s institution or company for educational
or research purposes, including use in course packs;
- you may post an electronic version of the Article on your own personal website, on
your employer’s website/repository and on free public servers in your subject area.
Electronic versions of the accepted Article must include a link to the published version
of the Article.

Please note that you are not permitted to post the CEI Publishing PDF version of the Article online,
unless it has been published as Open Access on our website.

Although authors are permitted to re-use all or portions of the Work in other works, this does not
include granting third-party requests for reprinting, republishing, or other types of re-use. The CEI
must handle all such third-party requests. Any permission fees will be retained by the Journal.

In signing this Agreement:

1. You hereby warrant that this Article is an original work, has not been published before and is not
being considered for publication elsewhere in its final form either in printed or electronic form;
2. You hereby warrant that you have obtained permission from the copyright holder to reproduce in
the Article (in all media including print and electronic form) material not owned by you, and that you
have acknowledged the source;
3. You hereby warrant that this Article contains no violation of any existing copyright or other third-
party right or any material of an obscene, indecent, libelous or otherwise unlawful nature and that to
the best of your knowledge this Article does not infringe the rights of others;
4. You hereby warrant that in the case of a multi-authored Article you have obtained, in writing,
authorization to enter into this Agreement on their behalf and that all co-authors have read and
agreed the terms of this Agreement;
5. You will indemnify and keep indemnified the Editors and the CEI against all claims and expenses
(including legal costs and expenses) arising from any breach of this warranty and the other
warranties on your behalf in this Agreement.

By signing this Agreement, you agree that the CEI may arrange for the Article to be: 2/4
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Published in the above Journal, and sold or distributed, on its own, or with other related
Published in multi-contributor book form or other edited compilations by the CEI;
Reproduced and/or distributed (including the abstract) throughout the world in printed,
electronic or any other medium whether now known or hereafter devised, in all languages,
and to authorize third to do the same;
You agree to the CEI using any images from the Article on the cover of the Journal, and in any
marketing material.

You authorize the CEI to act on your behalf to defend the copyright in the Article if anyone should
infringe it, although there is no obligation on CEI to act in this way.

This agreement (and any dispute, proceeding, claim or controversy in relation to it) is subject to
Republic of Korea’s law and the parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of
Republic of Korea. 3/4
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