Kartick WK2 His G7 T2 Journal
Kartick WK2 His G7 T2 Journal
Kartick WK2 His G7 T2 Journal
Identify and named events or activities practiced by the people of early societies.
Discuss the emergence of Mesopotamia.
School of the Nations
Lesson Plan Template
Performance Task
Through what authentic performance task will students demonstrate the desired understandings, knowledge, and skills? Typically, the P.T. describes a scenario
or situation that requires students to apply knowledge and skills to demonstrate their understanding in a real life situation. Describe your performance task
scenario below)
By what criteria will performances of understanding be judged?
School of the Nations
Lesson Plan Template
Formative and summative assessments used throughout the unit to arrive at the outcomes.
Students will:
Define settlements.
The Near East History Textbooks
For bellwork instructs students to list what is necessary in order for a society to be Page 82 – 83.
classified as a “civilization”.
School of the Nations
Lesson Plan Template
Students will read page 28 of the textbook and note key points. Maps
The students will examine a ancient map of the world on page 29 – 30 of their text.
Teacher will guide students on noting key areas on the map.
Students will then identify Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Next, they will identify Sumer, Blank Maps
Babylon and Assyria.
The students will then examine a modern world map and identify Iran, Iraq and
Students will do a pair share on what they learnt today and then some groups will
share their responses.
School of the Nations
Lesson Plan Template
THE ANCIENT Introduction
The Near East History Compilation
Text Book Page 32
Teacher will give short notes on ancient Mesopotamia to students and let them copy.
Students will create a thought shape on what they learnt.
Instructional Approaches:
Did I use a variety of teacher directed and student centered Lesson was presented clearly and students were involved fully in discussion and activities.
instructional approaches? Some students still need to work on basic recall of facts.
Were students involved in the lessons? How? .
Were the lessons presented clearly?
What would we/I do differently?
Resource Based Learning:
Do the students have access to various resources on an ongoing
basis? History compilation texts
What additional resources could we/I make available to students?
Other notes of reflection
85% of class understood all concepts taught.