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Kartick WK2 His G7 T2 Journal

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School of the Nations

Lesson Plan Template

Title of Lesson Early Mesopotamia. Grade Level Form 10

Week One: Two Periods
Subject HISTORY Time Frame Date:

Teacher (s) A. Kartick

Date Developed 06/01/2023
Date Modified

Stage 1 - Identify Desired Results

Established Goals (Transfer of Knowledge)

Students will be able to independently use their learning to:

Discover the emergence of villages and cities.

Discuss the way of life of the early societies.
Examine the early Mesopotamian society.

Learning Outcomes (Established Goals)

What relevant goals will this unit address?
(Must come from curriculum – Ministry of Education, IGCSE, AS/AL)

Identify and named events or activities practiced by the people of early societies.
Discuss the emergence of Mesopotamia.
School of the Nations
Lesson Plan Template

Enduring Understandings (Meaning) Essential Questions (Meaning)

What understandings about the big ideas are desired? (What you want What provocative questions will foster inquiry into the content? (Open-
students to understand & be able to use several years from now? ended questions that stimulate thought and inquiry linked to the content
of the enduring understanding)
 Students will understand that...
 What is Civilization?
 Who were the Sumerians?
 Contemporary civilizations share the same characteristics typical of  List the five characteristics of a civilization.
ancient civilizations.

Knowledge (Acquisition) Skills (Acquisition)

What knowledge will student acquire as a result of this unit? This content What skills will students acquire as a result of this unit? List the skills
knowledge may come from the indicators, or might also address pre-requisite and/or behaviours that students will be able to exhibit as a result of their
knowledge that students will need for this unit. work in this unit.

Students will know... Students will be able to…

 identify and describe the importance of the key characteristics of
 the key characteristics of civilizations and determine why civilizations.
they are important.

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence

Performance Task
Through what authentic performance task will students demonstrate the desired understandings, knowledge, and skills? Typically, the P.T. describes a scenario
or situation that requires students to apply knowledge and skills to demonstrate their understanding in a real life situation. Describe your performance task
scenario below)
By what criteria will performances of understanding be judged?
School of the Nations
Lesson Plan Template
Formative and summative assessments used throughout the unit to arrive at the outcomes.

Students will:

 Observe presentation and make notes guided by teacher.

 Define settlements.

 Identify the location of early villages and cities.

None for this Lesson.

Create the rubric/mark scheme for the Performance Task

Other Evidence Student Self-Assessment

Through what other evidence (work samples, observations, quizzes, tests, How will students reflect upon or self-assess their learning?
journals or other means) will students demonstrate achievement of the desired

- Given homework to research on names of images and familiarizing  Peer discussion

names of countries and continents on maps.  In class work (feedback on topic)
 YouTube Videos
 Pictures
 Reading textbook

# Lesson Title Lesson Activities Resources

The Near East History Textbooks
For bellwork instructs students to list what is necessary in order for a society to be Page 82 – 83.
classified as a “civilization”.
School of the Nations
Lesson Plan Template

Students will read page 28 of the textbook and note key points. Maps

The students will examine a ancient map of the world on page 29 – 30 of their text.
Teacher will guide students on noting key areas on the map.

Students will then identify Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Next, they will identify Sumer, Blank Maps
Babylon and Assyria.

The students will then examine a modern world map and identify Iran, Iraq and

Teacher will distribute blank maps to the students.

Students will complete a blank map by inserting given areas.


Students will do a pair share on what they learnt today and then some groups will
share their responses.
School of the Nations
Lesson Plan Template
THE ANCIENT Introduction
The Near East History Compilation
Text Book Page 32


Teacher will give short notes on ancient Mesopotamia to students and let them copy.

Teacher will explain and discuss the information given.

Students will ask questions for clarification.

Students will create a thought shape on what they learnt.

Assess and Reflect (Stage 4)

Considerations Comments
Required Areas of Study:
School of the Nations
Lesson Plan Template
What went well in this lesson/unit? Why Audio / Video explanations.
What challenges did I/we experience in this lesson/unit? Why?
What would we/I do differently?

Adaptive Dimension: For struggling students:

Have I made purposeful adjustments to the curriculum content More map work activities.
(not outcomes), instructional practices, and/or the learning
environment to meet the learning needs and diversities of all my
What went well? Why? For students who need a challenge:
What challenges did I/we experience? Nil
What would we/I do differently?

Instructional Approaches:
Did I use a variety of teacher directed and student centered Lesson was presented clearly and students were involved fully in discussion and activities.
instructional approaches? Some students still need to work on basic recall of facts.
Were students involved in the lessons? How? .
Were the lessons presented clearly?
What would we/I do differently?
Resource Based Learning:
Do the students have access to various resources on an ongoing
basis? History compilation texts
What additional resources could we/I make available to students?
Other notes of reflection
85% of class understood all concepts taught.

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