The Drivers-Pressures-State-Impact-Response Model to
Structure Cause-Effect Relationships between Agriculture and
Aquatic Ecosystems
Alexandre Troian 1, * , Mário Conill Gomes 1 , Tales Tiecher 2 , Julio Berbel 3 and Carlos Gutiérrez-Martín 3
1 Eliseu Maciel Agronomy School, Federal University of Pelotas, Campus Universitário, s/n,
Capão do Leão 96010-610, RS, Brazil; mconill@gmail.com
2 Faculty of Agronomy, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Bento Gonçalves 7712,
Porto Alegre 91540-000, RS, Brazil; tales.tiecher@ufrgs.br
3 WEARE—Water, Environmental and Agricultural Resources Economics Research Group, Campus Rabanales,
Universidad de Córdoba, Ctra N-IV km 396, Edificio Gregor Mendel CP, 14071 Córdoba, Spain;
es1bevej@uco.es (J.B.); carlos.gutierrez@uco.es (C.G.-M.)
* Correspondence: xtroian@gmail.com
Abstract: Different segments of society have shown interest in understanding the effects of human
activities on ecosystems. To this end, the aim of this article is to analyze the scientific literature on the
application of the Drivers-Pressures-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) conceptual model to identify
the parameters used to describe the causal interactions that occur between agriculture and aquatic
ecosystems at the watershed scale. In this way, descriptive indicators were established for the data of
63 publications collected through Scopus, Web of Science, and Science Direct. The results confirm
Citation: Troian, A.; Gomes, M.C.;
the great heterogeneity in the interpretation of the pressure, state, and impacts components. Part
Tiecher, T.; Berbel, J.; of this discrepancy can be attributed to the use of different indicators, as the model is flexible and
Gutiérrez-Martín, C. The Drivers- generic. Overall, the DPSIR is a tool used not only in the scientific field, but also has demonstrated
Pressures-State-Impact-Response its potential to guide public policy formulation, planning, and decision-making in water resource
Model to Structure Cause-Effect management.
Relationships between Agriculture
and Aquatic Ecosystems. Keywords: conceptual framework; water management; agriculture
Sustainability 2021, 13, 9365. https://
In academia, it is also possible to identify the use of the DPSIR framework in differ-
ent approaches: in the integrated management of water resources in coastal zones [5,6],
mobility and growth of urban populations [7], in the management of surface and ground-
water [8–10], as a tool to support decision processes [11,12], to assess the impacts of climate
change [13,14], to assess issues related to sustainable development [15,16], and for the
development of environmental indicators [17–19].
Although different applications of the DPSIR structure can be identified, to the best
of our knowledge, no analysis has been conducted to organize and systematize studies
focusing on the socioeconomic and environmental problems derived from the development
of agricultural activities, which is important to consider given that agriculture plays an
elementary role in this debate, as it uses approximately 50% of the planet’s habitable land
and consumes more than 60% of its fresh water volume [20]. Several studies have been
conducted at a watershed scale that correlate aquatic ecosystem degradation and pollution
to agricultural activities [21–25]. For example, agricultural land use is one of the main
factors affecting nutrient status and sedimentation in streams [26], with its effects extending
to fish community composition [27]. The poor status of many aquatic ecosystems requires
the restoration of catchments and improving agricultural practices [28].
In this way, through an interdisciplinary perspective, the aim of this paper is (a)
to develop a bibliometric analysis of current scientific production to examine the use
of the DPSIR framework in assessing interactions between agricultural activities and
aquatic ecosystems. In addition, we seek to (b) point out how authors have ordered the
parameters observed in the DPSIR chain, and to (c) synthesize the elementary parameters
for a cause−effect analysis in watersheds. To this end, the following section describes
the methodology used to assemble the database. The third section portrays the historical
evolution of the structure, and lastly, the main results of this research and the considerations
are presented.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 9365 (EEA) contained data not only on the pressures, state, and response, but also3on their ori-
of 17
gins in economic activities. Thus, the EEA proposed a second restructuring in the causal
chain [31], organized by five components arranged in cyclic systems [32] (Figure 1).
Criteria Description
1. Use of DPSIR Single or in conjunction with other methodologies.
Interest in qualitative (analyzing attributes related to water quality),
quantitative (collecting and quantifying data related to the quantity and
2. The research approach
availability of water), or mixed information (using data related to water
quantity as well as in information related to water quality).
Documents that organized secondary data but did not conduct a case study,
3. The nature and use of the information generated documents that used secondary data to present a case study, or documents
that generated new data and information from empirical studies.
Greater concern with the indicators, greater interest in the nature of the
4. Approach to the problem phenomena, or presents a balance between measuring and understanding
Exploratory (although it characterizes a problem, is more concerned with
exploring and presenting the approach), descriptive (aims to describe the
5. Contribution of the analysis characteristics of a problem from the approach), and explanatory (seeks to
determine the nature of the relationship between the causes and the doings
of the analyzed problem).
6. Collaborations between institutions for the
National or international.
development of research
7. Interaction with stakeholders for the development Nonparticipative analysis or with the participation of stakeholders in the
Sustainability 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 19
of the model problem.
Figure Stagesof
4. Results
In the first stage, the theme of interest was defined and the concepts that best repre-
this theme were explored
bibliometric in the titles,
analysis of DPSIRabstracts,
keywords shows
of the scientific docu-
that scientific
ments. In the
production second
applied tostage, databases
the structure of were consulted and
the interactions 115 documents
between agriculturewere
and collected
from the Scopus
ecosystems (58),concentrated
has been Web of Science in (39), andtwo
the last Science Directtotaling
decades, (18) platforms. After exclud-
63 documents since
ing duplicate
2004. publications,
These documents werewe analyzed
published thejournals,
in 37 content as
of 3the 63 publications
books available
or chapters, and as partin
of 3 conferences. The majority of this production is as digital articles (85.7% of the total).
In thethe
Although third and last stage,
63 publications the
are information
distributed in was synthesized
17 research areasand the results(Environ-
or categories were pre-
sented Science;
mental through Agricultural
descriptive indicators regarding
and Biological the areas
Sciences; of Sciences;
Social knowledge, authorship,
Decision and
Earth and Planetary
geographical Pciences;
location of the Engineering; Computer
authors’ affiliation. Science; Biochemistry,
In addition, the documents Genetics
make up the Biology; Business,
bibliometric Management,
sample and Accounting;
were classified Energy;
so as to compare the Multidisciplinary;
way specialists ap-
proached the possible cause−effect interactions between agriculture and aquatic ecosys-
tems. As an analysis parameter, seven criteria were used to identify the instruments and
procedures adopted (Table 1).
Sustainability 2021, 13, 9365 5 of 17
Figure 3. Geographic
Figure location
3. Geographic of of
location thetheauthors affiliation.
authors affiliation. Source:
Source: Elaborated
Elaborated by theby the authors.
number of occurrences and the distribution word frequency among all of the documents.
Vertical axis shows word frequency in documents analyzed; while the length of segments
in the horizontal axis represent the set of words found in the documents. Figure 4B shows
the words arranged graphically according to their frequency (words occurring at least
tainability 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of
20 times), the more centralized and larger the spelling, the more expressive is the frequency
of words in the documents.
The compiled documents were assembled into large topics (according to highlighted
The compiled documents were assembled into large topics (according to highlight
color), according to the purpose of the investigation. Next, they were organized according
to according tocriteria
the following the purpose ofinthe
presented investigation.
Table 2. Next, they were organized accordi
to the1.following criteria presented in Table 2.
Use of DPSIR—(A) single or (B) in conjunction with other methodologies;
Predominant indicators in the analysis—(A) water quality, (B) water quantity, or (C)
both 2. Characterization
attributes of documents.
(quality and quantity);
3. Source and use of information—(A) generate information from already prepared
eference Object
Analysis 1 2data 3in a specific
does not present a case study, (B) use secondary 4 5case 6 7
study, or (C) produce primary data and, together with secondary data, analyze a
[38] Participatory approach to water quality problems
specific case study;
[12] Combination of 4.
Approachfor agricultural
to the problem—(A) management B interest
concern with indicators, (B) C inBthe nature
C ofAthe N
phenomena, or (C) balance between measuring and understanding the phenomena;
[39] Agricultural5. management and theofenvironment
Level of contribution A descriptive,
the analysis—(A) exploratory, (B) B B or (C)
C explana-
[40] tory; for socio-ecological systems
Participatory policies B C C A C N S
6. Collaboration for the development of research—(N) national or (I) international; and
[41] Seasonal human
7. migrationofin
Participation search of water
stakeholders—(S) A B C construction
participatory or non-participatory B C I S
[42] model.
Sustainable water management A C C C C I S
[43] Soil and water conservation policy A C B C C N
[44] Cognitive engineering in the management of water resources A A C A B N S
[45] Groundwater management A C C C C I
[46] Criteria for the use of wastewater B C C B B N S
[47] Scenarios for management of environmental resources B C B A B N
[7] Integrated management of water resources A C C B C N
[48] Planning for large-scale water management B C C C B N S
[49] Strategic planning for risk management B C C C B N S
Sustainability 2021, 13, 9365 7 of 17
Although in most documents the DPSIR framework was used as a discrete tool, a
considerable proportion of the researchers used it in combination with another approach.
This was the case for the use of multicriteria decision support methods applied to test
Sustainability 2021, 13, 9365 8 of 17
Frequently, the following indications prevailed among the driving forces: population
growth (in 13 documents), urbanization (5 documents), and industrialization (7 documents).
In addition, at least 23 of the documents highlighted agriculture as a driving force, while 7
of them highlighted animal husbandry (Table 4).
Change in Water Nutrients/ Amount/
Agricultural Livestock Fertilizers Eutrophication
Land Use Extraction Contaminants Quality Water
[65] D P P S
[12] D P P I S
[53] D P P S I
[38] D P S S
[40] P D S
[41] D D D P I
[10] P S
[71] P P S
[39] P P S
[19] P P I
[42] D D I P S S
[83] D P S
[43] D P P
[67] * D P I/S I/S I/S
[82] P S S P S
[60] I P S P
[78] D P S I
[88] S
[85] P P S
[68] D D P P S I I
[47] D P I
[8] D P P P S I I
[44] * D D P P S/P
[69] I S
[48] I P S
[73] D D P P S
[81] D S S I
[51] D D P P P S S I
[11] D P
[57] D P P S I
[5] D D P I S S
[52] D D P S I I
[64] D P P I
[76] D P S I
Note: (D) drivers, (P) pressures, (S) state, (I) impacts, (R) responses, and (*) combined use of components.
Among the authors who included land-use change as a parameter, most classified it in
the pressures category (in 8 documents); in these cases, population density and agriculture
formed the driving forces. Land use change was analyzed for a wide range of possibilities,
the most frequent ones being based on indicators of the intensification of production and
crops in mountain environments, which in turn cause increased water extraction rates,
deforestation, and changes in biotic and abiotic landscape conditions.
For example, in 16 cases, the authors of the compiled documents allocated water
extraction as a pressures component. Overexploitation, water management, and water
demand were the main indicators used. On the other hand, in five documents, water
extraction was specified as a state, impact, or driving force component.
In one scenario, water extraction was classified into two categories simultaneously:
impact and state. In this case, excessive water extraction from the Sarno River
(10,515 × 106 m3 y−1 ) aggravated the water resource conditions and caused changes
in the state of the river. On the other hand, water extraction results in large domestic
and industrial effluent discharges from that region of Italy, which worsened qualitative
indicators such as the concentrations of nitrite, nitrate, phosphorus, metal, and the chemical
oxygen demand. Therefore, it may also have a form of impact on aquatic ecosystems [61].
Sustainability 2021, 13, 9365 10 of 17
Another aspect that needs to be clarified is the use of fertilizer. Although fertilizers
and nutrients are often considered synonyms [64], in the DPSIR chain they can be evaluated
differently. One mode of evaluation is when fertilizers used in agriculture are observed
with regard to dosage and application techniques; another is when they are observed based
on the presence of residues found in water as mineral or organic nutrients. In the first
case, in view of the DPSIR proposal, fertilizers are considered to be substances that can put
pressure on the environment and water resources, while in the second case, the presence of
phosphates, nitrites, and nitrates in the water are indicators of the natural state of change
in water resources.
In addition, some authors have assigned water contamination due to the presence
of nutrients, suspended solids, pesticides, and other toxic substances to the pressures
component. Another group of authors assigned the different forms of water pollution to
the impact component. In summary, fertilizers, nutrients, and pollutants can easily be fitted
to any of the components, including: state, pressures, and impact. For example, nitrogen
could be considered a driving force when mistakenly applied to crops; when evaluating
the process of erosion and leaching, nitrogen concentrations would become part of a state
change; and it can be considered a pressure when assessing the efficiency of its use on
crops [52].
Water quantity and quality parameters were used in combination and sometimes
under separate conditions. Although the quantity and quality parameters were represented
by a change of state in 15 documents, impact in 8 and pressures in 2, the indicators found
in this set of documents were similar.
Water balance, decreased availability, nutrient concentration, presence of toxic compo-
nents, and salinization of water stand out as state indicators [39,51]. Among the documents
that considered impact, the main indicators used were dissolved oxygen, electrical conduc-
tivity, hydrogen potential (pH), increased biochemical oxygen demand, and chlorophyll
concentration [8,68]. Finally, water scarcity and droughts, which characterize the reduction
in the amount of water available, were among the pressure indicators.
Eutrophication of water resources was one of the parameters considered in 13 docu-
ments. Nine of them established this phenomenon as an impact, because they considered
the eutrophication process to be an event triggered by factors that “exert pressure” on
water resources. Eutrophication was considered as a change in the conservation status
of water resources in only four documents. In some cases, eutrophication was used as
an indicator of water quality; in others, it was synonymous or complementary to water
quality, measured through the concentration of chlorophyll, nitrogen, and phosphorus.
Although in the compiled documents there were different views on the dividing line
that defined the driving forces, the greatest divergences focused on the definitions of what
constitutes pressures, impact, and state.
With respect to responses, a wide variety of actions and policies have been verified,
ranging from monitoring to technical, regulatory, and subsidy provisions to prevent,
compensate, or adjust possible changes in the state of the environment, and may be
directed at individuals or public or private social groups. Among the actions verified,
the most common were water use restrictions, water and watershed management plans,
economic mechanisms related to water prices and tariffs on pollutants, technical and
financial incentives to modernize irrigation systems, training programs for water users, etc.
No references were made to wastewater treatment by small towns or rural populations,
which is a recurrent problem in river basin studies [22].
Although the answers mentioned are apparently consistent, the implementation of
actions has been minimal. In addition, there is a predominance of global or national re-
sponses. Local or social group responses are virtually nonexistent. In fact, the responses
are presented as suggestions; they do not express objective proposals, with timelines, im-
plementation costs, or anything similar, that technically support the suggested arguments.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 9365 11 of 17
5. Discussion
In general, while there is consensus on the use of spatial and temporal indicators to
identify an anthropogenic effect on the environment, the distinction between pressures,
state, and impact is not uniform among authors. There are cases in which impact is
described differently by social and natural scientists, as negative changes in human well-
being, in contrast with unfavorable changes in the natural environment, respectively.
Analogous ambiguities are also found for other references. For example, in a review
of 24 papers aiming to assess the potential of the DPSIR framework in coastal social-
ecological systems, the authors indicated that there was consistency in the formulation of
the parameters that make up a driving force; however, they highlighted that there was
little consensus on the definitions of pressures and impact [1].
x FOR PEER REVIEW In another review, the authors concluded that the extensive diversity of13 terminologies
of 19
used among scientists from different fields of knowledge contributes to the discrepancies in
definitions regarding the categories of the DPSIR framework. There are cases where driving
forces are subdivided into primary and secondary or into underlying and immediate,
and other examples refer to driving forces as physical and socioeconomic; natural and
According to our systematization presented in Figure 5, first, driving forces are de-
anthropogenic, indirect, and direct, endogenous and exogenous, etc. [91].
fined by the coexistenceAccording
of genuine natural
to our factors presented
systematization and factors associated
in Figure with the
5, first, driving devel-
forces are defined
opment of human activities. In the first
by the coexistence case, the
of genuine natural
natural factorsenvironment is highlighted
and factors associated in the
with the development
of human
form of climate, geology, andactivities. In the first
topography, case, the
which natural environment
determine is highlighted
the underlying in theof
character form of
climate, geology, and topography, which determine the underlying
watersheds. These factors generally have a positive influence by ensuring the renewal of character of watersheds.
These factors generally have a positive influence by ensuring the renewal of natural
natural resources, while anthropogenic
resources, interference
while anthropogenic tends to
interference be predominantly
tends to be predominantly of aofnega-
a negative
tive character. character.
Figure 5. Elements
5. Elements of theof the DPSIR
DPSIR chain forchain for agriculture
agriculture and water
and water resources. Note:resources. Note:
(*) parameters (*)toparameters
added the analysis chain
added to the analysis chain not mentioned in
not mentioned in the literature consulted. Source: [33]. the literature consulted. Source: [33].
Similarly, there are pressures derived from the natural environment, in particular
variations in the rainfall regime, such as changes caused by extreme events such as “El Niño”
and “La Niña”, which occur with great intensity in Amazonia and Northeast Brazil and
in some regions of Australia and Indonesia. Other phenomena derived from the natural
environment, which can also put pressure on the balance of ecosystems, are hurricanes,
snowfalls, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, earthquakes, etc.
On the other hand, anthropogenic pressures are generally characterized by the descrip-
tion of how natural resources are used and the amount of waste transported and deposited
in the environment, especially in aquatic systems. Changes in the landscape, which include
land use and natural resource management, in the case of agriculture, are among the main
drivers of anthropogenic pressures in our assessment. In this case, land use can be analyzed
against a wide range of possibilities, the most common ones are based on indicators of
crop intensification in environments with a low agricultural potential, deforestation, and
changes in biotic and abiotic conditions of the landscape. The inputs used in agricultural
production systems are also part of the set of pressures to be observed, especially pesticides
and fertilizers, as these are not fully absorbed in the production processes and residues
that are harmful to the environment accumulate.
Situations in which ecosystems are considered in relation to the conditions of conser-
vation or degradation are evaluated on the basis indicators related to the state of the natural
environment (physical, chemical, and biological state). According to our approach, these
indicators should basically portray quantitative information regarding the water balance
and identify the presence of toxic components in watersheds (qualitative and quantitative
Impacts are characterized by indirect and diffuse disturbances, i.e., their indicators
generally include measures of the health of natural systems (animal morbidity, extinction of
species, etc.) and measures of human well-being (diseases transmitted by microorganisms,
fraction of the population with access to water below quality standards, etc.). Contingencies
that affect the economy, such as environmental investment costs, compensation costs for
environmental services, provisioning, and regulation, can be considered reverse impact
measures [3,31,32].
As a result, society generally reacts with the fundamental aim of mediating the
observed conflicts between agriculture and ecosystems. Society’s responses aim to mitigate
the state of environmental degradation provided by agriculture and the impacts that may
affect ecosystems and human well-being. Above all, the current challenge with regard
to responses should be to overcome and transcend conflicts to exploit the potentials and
synergies arising from the interaction of agriculture with its environment.
In summary, the aim of this bibliometric survey was not to organize agri-environmental
indicators, but it has been acknowledged that these indicators should measure the scalar,
temporal, and multidimensional effects. In our study, we observed difficulties in integrat-
ing indicators of plural dimensions. Moreover, most of them described outcomes on a
global scale or one that did not consider local knowledge. Existing inequalities between
actors and stakeholders have often been ignored, which minimizes the relevance of social
diversity across most fields of research [15].
Another aspect that deserves emphasis in this approach concerns the rich diversity
of habitats, the distinct threats to these habitats, and the great variety of conservation
challenges that aquatic ecosystems face [28]. Hydrological flows form a broad and continu-
ous river system along which sediments and dissolved agricultural substances disperse.
Although interconnected, aquatic ecosystems can be divided into marine and freshwater
systems. Marine systems, located in coastal zones, tend to absorb disturbances from urban-
ized; highly populated; and, generally, industrialized regions. In turn, freshwater regions
present a more diverse mosaic with respect to human occupation patterns and land use.
In addition to the differences in use and occupation, different aquatic ecosystems
respond differently to driving forces, and consequently to impacts, and therefore have
different habitat restoration and recovery needs. In freshwater watersheds, impacts can
Sustainability 2021, 13, 9365 13 of 17
be scaled locally, and there is more scope for active restoration work. On the other hand,
in coastal marine areas, contaminating pollutants may present cumulative impacts, and
there is a greater dispersion and connectivity of species; consequently, there is a need to
consider regional scales and a better possibility of taking advantage of the natural recovery
of systems [28]. In this sense, we highlight the need to rethink the structure and functioning
of these ecosystems.
Finally, the DPSIR framework has contributed to organizing and describing the an-
thropogenic interactions with the environment; however, it is not categorical to minimize
contemporary environmental problems. Operationally, the DPSIR has functioned as a
support tool, giving a medium- to long-term vision; therefore, cross-cutting issues, which
refer to human capital, health, education, and gender, which have indirect relationships
with environmental issues, need to be incorporated into the current concerns.
6. Conclusions
This literature review presents documents with applications in different scientific fields
in the social and environmental dimensions, which illustrates the flexibility of the DPSIR
framework to establish causal relationships between agriculture and aquatic ecosystems.
We highlight the employment of the DPSIR framework to identify and evaluate
pollutants of an agricultural origin in water; examine the environmental status of water
resource stressors; analyze changes in the use of land and climatic changes; qualify eco-
systemic services; address sustainable development; and to manage and make decisions.
Overall, this analysis concluded the following:
• The DPSIR framework demonstrates the capacity to organize and present causal
relationships between agricultural activities and the environment related to ecological,
social, or economic perspectives.
• DPSIR is a simple and generic application model; however, the interpretations of the
variable components of pressures, state, and impact are not homogeneous. Thus, it is
difficult to establish a standard of socioeconomic and agri-environmental indicators.
• In the documents analyzed here, the DPSIR model was not used to explain synergic
situations between the environment and agricultural activities, that is, to present
sustainable development scenarios. In contrast, they have been directed to illustrate
situations where agricultural activities lead to environmental degradation.
• The stress factors of an anthropogenic origin that affect ecosystems are difficult to
measure, and the available data are often limited.
In summary, this bibliometric survey demonstrated that the DPSIR approach has
virtues to promote a dialog between different scientific disciplines with respect to complex
environmental problems. In this sense, based on the results of the literature review, it
is suggested to establish a research agenda among scientists and experts interested in
this instrument to equalize the establishment and employment of indicators related to
agricultural externalities. For managers, it is recommended to adopt the guidelines of the
DPSIR approach as an integrated and participatory strategy for environmental assessment
to support decision-making processes in the field of water resources at the watershed scale.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, J.B.; methodology, A.T.; software, A.T.; validation, M.C.G.,
C.G.-M. and J.B.; formal analysis, T.T.; investigation, A.T.; resources, J.B., C.G.-M. and M.C.G.; data
curation, A.T.; writing original draft preparation, J.B. and A.T.; writing review and editing, A.T.,
C.G.-M. and T.T.; visualization, A.T. and C.G.-M.; supervision, J.B. and M.C.G.; project administration,
J.B. and M.C.G.; funding acquisition, M.C.G., A.T. and J.B. All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
Funding: Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) funded this
research (grant number PDSE 88881.189405/2018-01) for Alexandre Troian, as well as the Andalusian
Department of Economy and Knowledge and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
through the research project SEKECO (UCO-1263831-R).
Sustainability 2021, 13, 9365 14 of 17
Data Availability Statement: The data were organized from the following websites: Scopus, Web of
Science, and Science Direct.
Acknowledgments: Department of Economics and FinanceUniversity of Cordoba and University of
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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