6 рівень
6 рівень
6 рівень
9.Did you have to bring only good marks when you went to school?
10.Make a prediction of a mark that you are going to have after your next English
2.If you go to the cinema this weekend, what film will you watch?
3.What will happen if you are late to your next English class?
4.If you leave your house at 8.30. tomorrow morning ,will you be late for work?
5.Will you pass your next English exam, if you don’t study?
6.What were you doing when you were in queue for tickets last time?
7.Are there any laws in our country against drinking in the street?
8.How often do visit your in-laws?
12.Have you ever been in the situation when police alerted about strange package in
the shopping center?
17.Did you run away from home when you where a small child?
19.Сan you do the washing up in 3 hours after meal or you always need to it
immediately ?
22.Have you ever had a situation when you spilled water and you had to retake it?
23.Is it easy for you to catch a cold if you get soaked? What treatments do you
normally do?
27.Do you throw away your old clothes or do you give it your younger siblings?
29.Will you be able to speak to you boss ,if you aren’t satisfied with some rules?
19. Якщо ти ляжеш спати раніше ,то завтра зранку ти будеш відчувати себе
1.Якби б у мене була машина ,я б їздила на роботу.
2.Якби б я побачила тарантула,я б страшно налякана.
3.Я б не знала що робити якби б побачила мишу у себе на кухні.
4.Щоб ти робила якби б ти втратила роботу?
5.Якби моя сестра була старша вона б ходила зі мною на вечірки.
6.Якби мої батьки мали більше грошей вони б купили більший будинок.
7.Якби б я побачила акулу я б кричала .
1. Have you ever gone all in(ва –банк) in making important decisions?
2. Do you know any programs that help students to study about some carrier
options ?
3. Have you already decided what to do I summer or you are looking for some
other possibilities?
4. Ha your teacher ever found any similarities between your test work and the
test work of your classmate?
5. Do you think that worrying about marks is the biggest stupidity in our life?
6. What are your weaknesses?
7. What is your idea of a strong government?
8. Can you say that your English results show the signs of improvements?
9. What things do women have to do for self-improvement?
10.What is the frequency of elections in our country?
11. Do you sometimes feel confusion when you study English grammar?
12.What job needs to have big imagination?
13.What are the illnesses that affect our minds?
14. Do you need to be decisive in telling people NO?
15.Why are men sometimes indecisive in making a proposal?
16.Has the weather ever decided your plans for weekends?
17.Will be able to ask your boss for bringing you coffee?
18. How do you understand the saying the we shouldn’t take what doesn’t
belong to us .
19.Do you know a person whose beauty is beyond compare?
20.Why is it difficult to stick to the grocery list when you are on a diet?
21.What are going to do tonight?(may\might)
22.Do you always change your mind about something?
23.What is next thing you are going to buy?
24.DO you have problem deciding what to wear when you go out?
25.Do find it difficult to make decisions?
1.Якщо таксі скоро не приїде , ми можливо пропустимо поїзд.
2.Я почуваю себе не добре сьогодні , тому можливо я піду сьогодні
3.Нам дуже подобається кататись на лижах тому можливо на нашу
наступну відпустку ми поїдемо в Альпи.
4.Вона не дуже готувалась до екзамену ,тому можливо вона завалить свій
екзамен з водіння.
5. Я вже дуже довго не бачила Тіма і Кейт разом. Можливо вони вже
більше не будуть разом.
6.Мене болить голова і у мене висока температура.Мабуть ти захворів.
7.Можливо мої батьки не прийдуть на вечірку , тому що вони будуть на
1.Give me some advice against flu.
2. I don't know what to wear tonight - do you have any suggestions?
3.Are you always opened to new suggestions ?
4. What does it mean if you have jealousy of your partner?
5.Have you ever had a situation when you massaged to a boy but you didn’t get a
6.Do freshmen always live in the campus of University?
7.Do you need to work hard for your daily bread?
8. What conversation topic is sensitive for you?
9.Are you obsessive about punctuality when you talk with people via massagers?
10.Do you always remember to lock your door when you go out?
11.Does your best friend have good taste for clothes?
12.Do you easily get offended ?
13.Have you ever had a situation when you got offended by your boss?
14. Why do teenagers sometime treat their parents badly?
15. Are you in a habit to make an excuse if you are late on a date?
16.Would you make an excuse if you stepped on smb feet?
17. Would you flirt with your teacher if he were two or three years older that you?
18. Have you definitely decided to go to Costa Rica this summer?
19.IS it worth having insurance if you don’t have a lot of experience in driving?
20.What can be the reasons to get divorced?
21.Do you know a person who has had an affair with married man?
22.How long have you got married to your husband?
23. When are going to get married?
24.Are you going to go to the gym in order to get fit to summer?
25.Are you seriously afraid of getting older?
26. What treatments do you do to make your hair better?
27.How can we get rid of a couple of extra kilos?
28.Will it get on your nervous if your child makes noise all day?
29.Do you get on well with all your colleagues, or there are some of them who get on
your nervous ?
30. Does it take more time for you husband than for you?
1.Я боюсь павуків з десяти років.
2.Вона боїться літати на літаку вже багато років.
3.Ми не повертались сюди з того часу як стався цей інцидент.
4.З того часу як народилась дитина вони мало сплять.
5.Вона не каталась на коні з того часу як вона впала з нього, коли їй було 10.
6.Як довго ти знаєш свого чоловіка? Я знаю його вже сто років.Ми зустрілись з
ним коли нам було 17 і з того часу ми разом.
7.Люди які бояться висоти уникають того щоб підніматись на високі будівлі.
8.Якщо ти страждаєш клаустрофобією, тоді ти боїшся перебувати в закритих
9.Як довго твої батьки живуть в цьому районі?Вони живуть тут з того часу як
народилась моя сестра.
10.Як довго вони одружені? Вони одружені майже 10 років.
11.Як довго вона вагітна ?Вона вагітна з лютого.
12.Коли твоя колега стала професійним фотографом?Приблизно шість років
13.Як довго вона працює фрілансером? Вона працює з того часу як покинула
працювати в своїй газеті.
14.Коли вона отримала машину? Вона отримала її на своє 21 день народження.
1.Did you use to eat junk food at school breaks?
2.Did you use to have some students in your class who didn’t study but they got
good marks?
3.If you are not sure in your legal rights , do you always check it with lawyer?
4.Did you have to pay educational fees when you went to school?
5.What would you do if your child ,were a rebel?
6.Have you ever had a situation when you had to pay for taking the exam?
7.What foreign languages are the best for studying at the university?
8.What is more important history or geography ?Why?
9.What do student study at nursery school?
10.What do students study at primary school?
11.Would you take a gap year if you failed your exams? What would you do?
12.Have you ever heard about cases when teachers humiliated students because of
13.Were you afraid to climb ropes when you attended PT lessons?
14.What qualities should ideal teacher have?
15.Where you bright student in high school? What about university?
16.What ASIAN countries are at war now?
17.Have you ever broken rules at school?
18.Why are some university students make protests against the educational system?
19. What did you use to do after school when you were a kid?
20. Where did you use to go on vacation with your parents?
What is a food that you used to hate but now you like?
Who used to be your hero when you were young?
Did you use to have a pet?
Did you use to get good grades in high school?
What used to be your favorite game to play?
How often did you use to get in trouble when you were younger?
1.Він був удостоєний честі працювати в уряді США.(He was honored to work in
the USA)
2. В нашій школі не було протестів з того часу як ми випустились (There have
not been any protests in our school since the moment we graduated)
3.У моїх дітей завжди була жахлива поведінка коли вони ходили в початкову
школу(My children used to have appalling behavior when they went to school)
4. Якщо вона вступить в цей університет ,то ми будемо платити велику плату
за навчання.
5.Наш вчитель географії –найгірший вчитель з яким мені доводилось коли
небудь працювати.
6.Вона б перейшла в інший клас ,якби однокласники її принижували.
7.Усім дітям обовязково ходити в дитячий садок?(Do all children have to got to
the nursery?
8.Вчителям старшої шкли заборонено застосовувати болючі способи покарання
для дітей.(Teachers musn’t apply aching methods of punishments to children)
9.Що б трапилось з твояэю карэрою якщо б ти не здав екзамен?(What would
happen to your carrier if you didn’t pass an exam?)
10.Я думаю ми провалимо цей кзамен ,оскільки ми не готували добре до нього.
11.Студенти здають екзамен з літератури після того як здадуть екзамен з
біології(Students are passing literature exam after they pass biology exam)
Can you think of an interesting political plan or invention that would help everybody?
1. Have you been to a gym recently (спортзал)? How do you stay fit?
(сонцезахисний крем)?
3. How do you keep track of your schedule? Do you use a calendar (календар)?
4. Have you ever been in a tense (напружений) situation? How did you handle
5. Do you notice that you become more irritable (дратівливий) when you're
hungry or tired?
6. Are you generally optimistic, or do you tend to be more pessimistic
at a restaurant?
8. Have you ever tried playing squash (грати в сквош)? What was your
experience like?
9. Have you ever had to give up (кинути щось) a bad habit, like smoking or
unhealthy eating?
10. Do you like cooking with garlic (часник)? What's your favorite garlic-infused
11. Have you ever been in a car accident (дорожня пригода, аварія)? How did
15. What do you do when you have a stomachache (біль в животі)? Any home
17. Do you experience backaches (біль в спині) frequently? How do you alleviate
the pain?
18. Have you ever had an earache (біль у вусі)? What did you do to ease the
19. How do you handle a headache (головний біль)? Any tips for relieving the
20. Have you or someone you know ever dealt with a serious illness like cancer
23. What's the worst injury you've ever had? How did it happen, and how did you
24. Have you ever had stitches (шви) or needed a plaster (пластир) for a wound
25. Have you ever needed to visit a chemist or pharmacy (аптека) for medication
or supplies?
26. How's your eyesight (зір)? Do you wear glasses or contacts?
27. What are your thoughts on weapons (зброя) and their place in society?
28. Have you ever needed a prescription (рецепт лікаря) for medication? What
was it for?
29. Have you ever had to call an ambulance (швидка допомога) for yourself or
fitness routine?
32. Have you ever suffered from (страждати від) allergies or a particular health
33. Do you tend to get/catch a cold (застудитися) easily, especially in cold
34. How do you take care of yourself when you feel sick (нудить)? Any favorite
35. Have you ever twisted your ankle (вивихнути щиколотку) or had a similar
36. What's your reaction when you see someone bleeding (кровоточити)? How do
you help?
37. How do you feel when you're in good health and everything is going well
conversation afterward?
40. What do you do when you or someone else comes round (приходити в себе)
Have you ever had to stay up all night for a project or research paper?
2. What's the most interesting thing you've ever found out while doing research?
3. Are you allergic to any specific foods or substances?
4. Can you think of a time when you had to put away something really valuable
to keep it safe?
5. How often do you look up unfamiliar words when you're reading a book?
6. Do you prefer to fill in forms online or on paper?
7. Have you ever had to make something up on the spot to cover for a mistake or
8. When was the last time you had to leave something out of a project or
9. What's the most challenging problem you've had to sort out recently?
10.Have you ever had to turn down an invitation or opportunity because of a
scheduling conflict?
11.Can you recall a time when your computer or phone suddenly broke down
when you needed it the most?
12.What's your favorite time of year to take off on a vacation?
13.Have you ever witnessed someone trying to break into a place or object?
14.What would you do instead of going to work or school on a perfect day?
свій проект.
5. Будь ласка, прибери свої іграшки, коли закінчиш гратися.
12. Вона випадково залишила без уваги важливий деталь у своєму виступі.
16. Перш ніж літак може злетіти, екіпаж виконує перевірки безпеки.
18. Замість того, щоб йти в кіно, давайте влаштуємо пікнік у парку.
1. Have you ever met twins in real life? What was your first impression of them?
2. What's an amazing place you've visited recently? Tell me about it.
3. Do you believe that everyone has at least one thing in common with someone
else? What could that be?
4. Have you ever been convinced to try something new, even if you were hesitant
at first? What was it?
5. What's the most enormous animal you've ever seen in person?
6. Can you think of a time when you had to investigate a problem or mystery?
What was it about?
7. Have you ever voted in an election? What was the experience like for you?
8. Tell me about a time when you had to determine the best course of action in a
difficult situation.
9. Compare your favorite book to a movie adaptation of it. What similarities and
differences did you notice?
10.Do you have anything in common with your best friend? What is it?
11.What's something amazing that you've learned recently?
12.Have you ever had to reunite with someone after a long time apart? How did it
13.Describe a place you'd like to visit that's similar to somewhere you've been
14.What's something about you that's different from most people you know?
15.Have you ever considered adopting a pet? Why or why not?
16.Tell me about a time when you found out a surprising fact about a family
member or friend.
17.How do you think twins feel about their identical appearance? Is it a positive or
negative experience for them?
18.Have you ever had a disagreement with someone as a result of a
19.What's your favorite food? How does it taste compared to something else you
20.In comparison with your childhood, how has technology changed your daily
21.Is there something you're really good at that most people might find amazing?
22.Do you believe in fate or do you think we have control over our lives, except
for certain events?
23.What's something you would like to learn more about or investigate further in
the future?
24.Tell me about a time when you had to make a decision based on a small
amount of information. How did you handle it?
25.What's your favorite season, and how does it compare to the others, except for
the weather?
26.Have you ever traveled to a country where the language was different from
your native language? What was that like?
27.Do you have any hobbies or interests in common with your family members,
except for one?
28.If you could meet any famous twins, who would they be, and what would you
ask them?
29.What's an enormous goal or dream you have for the future?
30.Have you ever had to apologize to someone for a mistake you made? What was
the situation?
10. Він може вільно розмовляти французькою мовою." "Я теж можу."
1. Have you ever been told a fiction by your friends?
2. Do you know a couple which were supposed to keep up a fiction that they were
happily married in another countries?
3. What's a selection interview?
4. What are good raffle prizes?
5. What is the coast used for?
6. Is there a fine for not having health insurance in our country? Should it be?
7. Can motorway be a good place for having the first date?
8. Name me some of the most important skills for porters.
9. What happens to an Alcoholics brain? Do heavy drinkers have the lowest IQ’s?
10.Do you consider rum to be really great night cup in order to make better your
sleep hygiene ?
11.What information does application form include?
12.Can you be arrested for trick or treating over 12?
13.Have you ever had a situation when your boyfriend behaved in a really silly
way with your parents?
14.Who tends to commit more violent crimes girls or boys? What is the
psychological background for that?
15.Would you jump with the parachute for a bet?
16.Do you know about the situations in our town when people had been robbed
before they were shot?
17.What would you do if you were robbed of your clothes in the beach?
18. Have you ever had a situation when you robbed Peter to pay Paul?
19.Do you find screaming at your staff really effective way to run the company?
20.Did you use to live with a flat mate whose snoring kept you awake all night?
1.До того часу як він повернувся ,я вже закінчив працювати над звітом.
2.До того часу як ми приїхали ,концерт вже почався.
3.Перед тим як вимити свою машину ,він почистив гараж.
4.Він думав,що вже поїхала в Лондон.
5.Ми подивились п’єсу перед тим як обговорили її.
6.Я був в Лондоні минулого року. Раніше я там не був.
7.Вона надрукувала шість сторінок звіту до 10 години.
8.До вчора нього дня,я не бачив цієї людини в нашому офісі.
9.Коли вони перетелефонували ,вона вже пішла.
10.Ми вже відправили всі листи ,коли прийшов менеджер.
1.Who is a bride?
2.Give me some advantages and disadvantages of speed-dating
3.What is arranged wedding? Would you like your parents to arrange you meeting
with your future husband?
4. Do you agree that “Success in business is simply a matter of knowing when to take
a chance”Why?
5. Is it true that when you hold someone too tight, you will end up driving that person
6. When someone starts to cry, is it better to hold them tight right away or let them
cool off first?
7.How to ask girl out if you are shy?
8. Would you sacrifice a football game to go out with a girl?
9.Did your parents use to give you a permission to go out with boys in your
10.Are you familiar with person who is hard to put up with?
11.Could you put up with some bad work conditions If you had really satisfying
salary? turn blind eye
12.What is the typical children’s behavior if their parents are splitting up?
13.Would you get over losing smb who is really close for you?
14.Could you get over your shyness , and ask a boy out?