Everyday Article 7
Everyday Article 7
Everyday Article 7
But I’m going to assume you’re someone who suffers from distractions.
I do too.
Especially if you have the luxury of being able to use modern technology.
10,000 hours
His argument is that it takes 10,000 hours of intense focus to achieve mastery
in any field.
60 weeks.
14 months.
You need to engage in other activities that make the human experience
But one of the main things you should be doing with your time is mastering a
It doesn’t matter what it is necessarily, but sadly, some skills are more valuable
than others.
The only problem is, your potential would be limited because of the nature of
the niche.
Whereas if you chose to pursue marketing as your passion, your earning
potential is literally unlimited.
Because someone who’s good at marketing is more valuable than someone who
can catch a big wave (in the eyes of businesses).
Either way, it’s important you find the skill you want to master as fast as
Every single website and social media app is designed to keep you on their
platforms for as long as possible.
Your video games are addictive and constantly occupy your thoughts.
In short, we’re in trouble.
You can start by leaving your phone outside your bedroom at night.
These may seem like extreme suggestions to you, and if you want these things
in your life, you can keep them.
And then has the audacity to say you didn’t have time.
I mean it.
I’m 24 now.
Now I look back at all the wasted time and regret every second of it.
Stop everything you’re doing in the present and start looking towards your
Now that I’m aware of how precious time is, I’m confident I’ll be a millionaire
by 30.
You only get one life, you might as well start living it.
I hope this article made you want to run through a brick wall.