BHW 171
BHW 171
BHW 171
doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhw171
Advance Access Publication Date: 15 June 2016
Original Article
Creativity is widely recognized as an essential skill for entrepreneurial success and adaptation to daily-life demands. However,
we know little about the neural changes associated with creative capacity enhancement. For the first time, using a prospective,
randomized control design, we examined longitudinal changes in brain activity associated with participating in a five-week
design-thinking-based Creative Capacity Building Program (CCBP), when compared with Language Capacity Building Program
(LCBP). Creativity, an elusive and multifaceted construct, is loosely defined as an ability to produce useful/appropriate and novel
outcomes. Here, we focus on one of the facets of creative thinking—spontaneous improvization. Participants were assessed pre-
and post-intervention for spontaneous improvization skills using a game-like figural Pictionary-based fMRI task. Whole-brain
group-by-time interaction revealed reduced task-related activity in CCBP participants (compared with LCBP participants) after
training in the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, anterior/paracingulate gyrus, supplementary motor area, and parietal
regions. Further, greater cerebellar–cerebral connectivity was observed in CCBP participants at post-intervention when
compared with LCBP participants. In sum, our results suggest that improvization-based creative capacity enhancement is
associated with reduced engagement of executive functioning regions and increased involvement of spontaneous implicit
Key words: creativity, fMRI, functional connectivity, intervention, randomized control trial
© The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail: [email protected]
Neural Correlates of Enhanced Creativity Saggar et al. | 3543
Introduction inferior parietal cortex and the left middle temporal gyrus. In an-
other study, Cousijn et al. examined changes in resting-state
Creativity is considered the driving force behind all human
functional connectivity (RSFC) associated with a short 2-week
progress—in science, business, politics, arts and even interper-
at-home computerized divergent-thinking-based training pro-
sonal relationships. It is no surprise that creativity is now widely
gram (comprised of 8 20-min sessions) in adolescents (Cousijn
recognized as an essential skill for personal and entrepreneurial
et al. 2014). Although no training-related changes in RSFC were
success (Stavridou and Furnham 1996; Amabile 1997; Kern 2010),
observed, Cousijn et al. reported that performance over time
successful adaptation to daily-life demands (Csikszentmihalyi
was predicted by connectivity between left supramarginal gyrus
1997; Reiter-Palmon et al. 1998; Sternberg and O’Hara 1999;
and right occipital cortex at baseline.
Carson et al. 2003), psychological well-being (Cropley 1990; Solso
Taken together, these studies provide first steps towards un-
2001; Runco 2004; Gobel et al. 2011) and resilience (Runco 1991; derstanding changes in brain activity/connectivity associated
Metzl 2009). Given the importance of this cognitive faculty, it with creative capacity enhancement. However, several knowledge
is vital to examine the neural correlates of creative capacity en- gaps need to be addressed to further advance our understanding
hancement so that effective augmentation strategies, informed of this area. For example, both the Fink et al. and Cousijn et al.
by cognitive neuroscience, can be developed.
Materials and Methods the given 30 s in each block and continue to add elements to
the illustration in case they wanted to finish early. Each block
Participants and Study Design was separated by a fixation period with a random duration within
Thirty-six healthy adults (18M, 18F) were enrolled in the study. the range of 10–15 s. There were a total of 10 blocks per condition
Half of the participants were randomly assigned to either a and the total duration of task was approximately 14.5 min. For
5-week CCBP or a parallel 5-week LCBP. Participants were as- more details, see Supplementary Methods.
sessed before and after intervention. See Figure 1 for a visual re-
presentation of the study design. Additional details regarding
Behavioral Assessments
assessments are provided in Supplementary Methods.
Two task-related behavioral assessments were employed in this
study: 1) expert-rated representation and creativity ratings for
Interventions each drawing (from the word-drawing condition) and 2) self-
Details of the CCBP and LCBP interventions have been described rated subjective rating of difficulty (as difficult, medium, or
elsewhere (Hawthorne et al. 2013; Bott et al. 2014; Kienitz et al. easy) in drawing each word by the participants during postscan
resolution = 0.9 × 0.9 × 0.9 mm. The images were reconstructed as size for between-group longitudinal differences in creativity rat-
a 256 × 256 × 190 matrix. ings. We observed a medium effect size (Cohen’s d = 0.44) for be-
Functional MRI data processing was carried out using FEAT tween-group longitudinal differences in creativity ratings,
(FMRI Expert Analysis Tool) Version 6.00, part of FSL (FMRIB’s suggesting a tendency towards larger increase in creativity rat-
Software Library, Details regarding the ings in CCBP when compared with LCBP. Table 1 reports descrip-
data preprocessing and functional analysis are provided in tive statistics for pre- and post-intervention scores for each rating.
Supplementary Methods.
Task-Related Correlates of Changes in Brain Activity
Results Associated with CCBP
To reveal task-related changes in brain activity associated with
Task-Related Behavioral Performance
CCBP when compared with LCBP, group (CCBP vs. LCBP) × time
To examine the intervention-related changes in behavioral per- ( pre- vs. post-intervention) interaction was performed for the
formance, we ran repeated measures MANOVA on the factors of primary task contrast (i.e., word- vs. zigzag-drawing). Five signifi-
time ( pre- and post-intervention) and rating scores (expert cre- cant clusters were observed encompassing the supplementary
Mean expert creativity ratings (scale of 1–5) 2.66 (SD = 0.30) 2.78 (SD = 0.28) 2.70 (SD = 0.21) 2.74 (SD = 0.26)
Mean expert representation ratings (scale of 1–5) 3.43 (SD = 0.72) 3.25 (SD = 0.78) 3.69 (SD = 0.77) 3.24 (SD = 0.91)
Mean subjective difficulty in drawing each word (scale of 1−3) 1.83 (SD = 0.23) 1.78 (SD = 0.24) 1.84 (SD = 0.26) 1.95 (SD = 0.18)
Figure 2. Neural correlates of creative capacity enhancement. (A) Shows the clusters found for the group by time interaction. (B) Average time course for a representative
cluster (R. dorsolateral prefrontal) before and after training. Similar pattern of longitudinal change in activation, across groups, was observed in other 4 clusters. Band
around the mean time course represents SEM across participants. (C) Mean change in activation for each of the 5 clusters, bars represent SEM across participants. (D)
Observed relation between reduction in activity and hours of CCBP training (r(15) = −0.563, P = 0.029).
Neural Correlates of Enhanced Creativity Saggar et al. | 3547
evident across all clusters, i.e., the CCBP participants had reduced we also estimated the effect size for between-group longitudinal
activity after training relative to baseline, whereas LCBP partici- differences in cerebellar–cerebral connectivity. A medium-size
pants had increased activity after training (Fig. 2B,C). effect was observed (Cohen’s d = 0.52), suggesting a tendency
Although we asked participants to attend all sessions, due to toward larger increase in connectivity after participating in the
unavoidable circumstances, a few participants received less than CCBP when compared with LCBP.
10 h of training (see Materials and Methods). This discrepancy,
however, provided an opportunity to assess whether longitudin-
al changes in neural activity were related to the amount of CCBP Discussion
training received. Significant negative association was observed Using a randomized control study design, we previously showed
between training hours and reduced activity in the left occipi- that participation in CCBP relative to LCBP was associated with: 1)
tal/parietal regions [r(15) = −0.563, P = 0.029], suggesting that the increased creative capacity as measured by the standardized test
“dose” of CCBP training affected task-related reductions in of figural creativity (TTCT-F; Kienitz et al. 2014) and 2) increased
brain activity at post-training (Fig. 2D). Negative associations automatic or implicit processing as measured by standardized
were also observed between training hours and reduced activity neuropsychological testing (Bott et al. 2014). In this paper, using
Figure 3. Differences in cerebellar–cerebral (PPI) connectivity between groups (CCBP > LCBP) at post-intervention. No significant group differences in PPI connectivity were
observed at pre-intervention. (A) Shows the cluster with significant PPI differences between-group (CCBP > LCBP). (B) Visualization of the change in cerebellar–cerebral
connectivity over time (i.e., before and after training). The cluster found at post-intervention (see A) was used to extract values at pre-intervention.
3548 | Cerebral Cortex, 2017, Vol. 27, No. 7
and parietal lobules, left temporal-occipital fusiform, lingual overall intelligence might serve as a proxy (Sternberg and O’Hara
gyrus, and cerebellum. The ACC and DLPFC regions are known 1999; Carson et al. 2003). Building upon these previous results and
to preferentially activate during effortful monitoring, evaluation the fact that our participant sample had high intelligence scores
and selection of relevant responses (MacDonald et al. 2000; (∼120; Table 2), reduced activity in the top-down cognitive control
Koechlin et al. 2003). Reduced activity in these regions after train- regions after CCBP training (when compared with LCBP training)
ing could be explained by two plausible mechanisms. First, it is might have enhanced improvization and creative capacity by
possible that CCBP training led to efficient utilization of cognitive facilitating diverse associations between ideas.
control regions and thus, after design-thinking-based training, It is important to question, however, whether creativity re-
participants could exert such control effortlessly, that is, with quires evaluation or selection of ideas at all. Some might argue
less neural resources. Previous research using various cognitive that to choose an original or unusual response, one has to evalu-
tasks indicated that “efficient” utilization of neural resources ate and reject other less novel responses (Runco 1991). Thus,
occur with other kinds of training (a.k.a. expertise or practice ef- evaluation seems to be a necessary component in creative think-
fect) (Gobel et al. 2011). Alternatively, it is also possible that after ing. In a recent study, Beaty et al. (2015) showed engagement of
CCBP training, participants focused less on monitoring, evaluat- large-scale brain networks of executive functioning, in addition
The two groups had equal number of participants, females, and students. Groups did not differ at baseline in terms of age, intelligence, gross household income, previous
creative achievements and performance on the standardized test of creativity (TTCT-F).
Neural Correlates of Enhanced Creativity Saggar et al. | 3549
deactivations in the executive functioning regions (especially the capacity enhancement. Using Ito’s model for the cerebellum’s
DLPFC) during musical improvization (Liu et al. 2012; Pinho et al. role in mental activities (Ito 2008), we can speculate that an in-
2014) and poetry generation (Liu et al. 2015) as a sign of reduced crease in functional connectivity between dorsolateral prefrontal
monitoring and volitional control. cortex and cerebellum would allow the cerebellum to emulate
Interestingly, although we observed a reduction in task- the “controller” function of prefrontal cortex using inverse in-
related activity in some cerebellar areas associated with CCBP ternal models and, in turn, facilitate efficient improvization of
training, we also observed greater functional connectivity be- word-drawings.
tween the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and cerebellum in CCBP Previous neuroimaging work has shown activations in specif-
(when compared with LCBP) participants at post-intervention. ic cerebellar regions while participants learned to acquire input–
Cerebellar–cerebral functional connectivity has been previously output properties of controlled objects, including tools (see
hypothesized to facilitate implicit processing during creative Imamizu and Kawato 2012 for review). In the current work, parti-
thinking (Vandervert et al. 2007; Ito 2008). Especially when con- cipants used an MR-safe drawing tablet for sketching word
fronted with novel situations (as in the case of improvization), representation. Thus, it is possible that some of the longitudinal
prefrontal-cerebellar connectivity has been postulated to provide changes in cerebellar activation/connectivity could be due to
“rapid” manipulation of conceptual ideas for making a quick
of working memory (Baddeley 2003), our results again suggest 98 participants may be required to observe significant differences
that creative capacity enhancement could be associated with for the group by time interaction of interest. Nonetheless, sig-
emulation of the prefrontal “controller” function by internal cere- nificant group differences in cerebellar–cerebral connectivity
bellar models. at post-intervention provide an interesting avenue for future
Although we mainly focused on examining the neural corre- research.
lates of creative capacity enhancement, a brief discussion is war- Lastly, although we endeavored to keep the CCBP and LCBP
ranted regarding the longitudinal changes associated with LCBP. trainings comparable in all aspects, except that of creativity, it
Opposite to the pattern observed in CCBP participants, the group is possible that some of the results presented in this study
× time interaction revealed an increase in task-related activity in could be associated with differences in instructor motivation
LCBP participants after training. Furthermore, the PPI analysis re- and teaching style.
vealed reduced cerebro-cerebellar task-related connectivity at Altogether, for the first time, we reveal the neural correlates of
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