Regenerative Agriculture
Regenerative Agriculture
Regenerative Agriculture
Outlook on Agriculture
Regenerative Agriculture: An ª The Author(s) 2021
Agriculture is in crisis. Soil health is collapsing. Biodiversity faces the sixth mass extinction. Crop yields are plateauing.
Against this crisis narrative swells a clarion call for Regenerative Agriculture. But what is Regenerative Agriculture, and
why is it gaining such prominence? Which problems does it solve, and how? Here we address these questions from an
agronomic perspective. The term Regenerative Agriculture has actually been in use for some time, but there has been a
resurgence of interest over the past 5 years. It is supported from what are often considered opposite poles of the debate
on agriculture and food. Regenerative Agriculture has been promoted strongly by civil society and NGOs as well as by
many of the major multi-national food companies. Many practices promoted as regenerative, including crop residue
retention, cover cropping and reduced tillage are central to the canon of ‘good agricultural practices’, while others are
contested and at best niche (e.g. permaculture, holistic grazing). Worryingly, these practices are generally promoted with
little regard to context. Practices most often encouraged (such as no tillage, no pesticides or no external nutrient inputs)
are unlikely to lead to the benefits claimed in all places. We argue that the resurgence of interest in Regenerative
Agriculture represents a re-framing of what have been considered to be two contrasting approaches to agricultural
futures, namely agroecology and sustainable intensification, under the same banner. This is more likely to confuse than to
clarify the public debate. More importantly, it draws attention away from more fundamental challenges. We conclude by
providing guidance for research agronomists who want to engage with Regenerative Agriculture.
Sustainable intensification, agroecology, soil health, biodiversity, organic agriculture
and political relations. It follows that many of the faults Box 1. Points summarizing the Regenerative Agricul-
ascribed to the food system – including hunger, food poverty, ture Philosophy as presented by Harwood (1983: 31).
poor labour relations, corporate dominance – will not be
successfully addressed by action within the food system, but 1. Agriculture should produce highly nutritional
only through higher level political and economic change. food, free from biocides, at high yields.
The paper proceeds as follows. The next section 2. Agriculture should increase rather than decrease
explores the origins of Regenerative Agriculture, and the soil productivity, by increasing the depth, fertility
various ways it has been defined. Following this, the two and physical characteristics of the upper soil
crises that are central to the rationale for Regenerative layers.
Agriculture – soils and biodiversity – are interrogated. The 3. Nutrient-flow systems which fully integrate soil
subsequent section looks at the practices most commonly flora and fauna into the pattern of are more effi-
associated with Regenerative Agriculture and assesses their cient and less destructive of the environment, and
potential to solve the aforementioned crises. The final dis- ensure better crop nutrition. Such systems accom-
cussion section presents a series of questions that may be plish a new upward flow of nutrients in the soil
useful for research agronomists as they engage with the profile, reducing or eliminating adverse environ-
Regenerative Agriculture agenda. mental impact. Such a process is, by definition, a
soil genesis process.
4. Crop production should be based on biological
interactions for stability, eliminating the need for
The origins of regenerative agriculture synthetic biocides.
The adjective ‘regenerative’ has been associated with the 5. Substances which disrupt biological structuring of
nouns ‘agriculture’ and ‘farming’ since the late 1970s the farming system (such as present-day synthetic
(Gabel, 1979), but the terms Regenerative Agriculture and fertilizers) should not be used.
Regenerative Farming came into wider circulation in the 6. Regenerative agriculture requires, in its biological
early 1980s when they were picked up by the US-based structuring, an intimate relationship between man-
Rodale Institute. Through its research and publications ager/participants of the system and the system
(including the magazine Organic Gardening and Farm- itself.
ing), the Rodale Institute has, over decades, been at the 7. Integrated systems which are largely self-reliant in
forefront of the organic farming movement. nitrogen through biological nitrogen fixation
Robert Rodale (1983) defined Regenerative Agriculture should be utilized.
as ‘one that, at increasing levels of productivity, increases 8. Animals in agriculture should be fed and housed in
our land and soil biological production base. It has a high such a manner as to preclude the use of hormones
level of built-in economic and biological stability. It has and the prophylactic use of antibiotics which are
minimal to no impact on the environment beyond the farm then present in human food.
or field boundaries. It produces foodstuffs free from bio- 9. Agricultural production should generate increased
cides. It provides for the productive contribution of increas- levels of employment.
ingly large numbers of people during a transition to 10. A Regenerative Agriculture requires national-level
minimal reliance on non-renewable resources’. planning but a high degree of local and regional
Richard Harwood, an agronomist who made his name in self-reliance to close nutrient-flow loops.
the international farming systems research movement
(Escobar et al., 2000), was Director of Rodale Research In what is probably the first journal article on Regen-
Centre when he published an ‘international overview’ of erative Agriculture, Francis et al. (1986) link it closely to
Regenerative Agriculture (Harwood, 1983). The review organic and ‘low external input agriculture’, and highlight
goes to great pains to contextualize Regenerative Agricul- the importance of biological structuring, progressive biolo-
ture in relation to the historical evolution of different gical sequencing and integrative farm structuring. They
schools of organic and biodynamic farming, but it also also associate it with a number of ‘specific technologies
highlights Rodale’s suggestion that Regenerative Agricul- and systems’ including nitrogen fixation, nutrient cycling,
ture was beyond organic because it included changes in integrated nutrient management, crop rotation, integrated
‘macro structure’ and ‘social relevancy’, and seeks to pest management (IPM) and ‘weed cycling’. Figure 1
increase rather than decrease productive resources (Rodale, depicts the Regenerative Agriculture theory of change as
1983). Harwood summarizes the ‘Regenerative Agriculture articulated by Francis et al. (1986).
Philosophy’ in 10 points (Box 1). He further states that this
philosophy emphasizes: ‘1) the inter-relatedness of all parts
of a farming system, including the farmer and his family; 2)
A shifting timeline of attention
the importance of the innumerable biological balances in After an initial flurry of interest, Regenerative Agriculture
the system; and 3) the need to maximise desired biological left the scene for almost two decades before regaining
relationships in the system, and minimise use of materials momentum. To illustrate this, we look at the extent to
and practices which disrupt those relationships’. which the terms Regenerative Agriculture and
Giller et al. 3
Regenerative Farming have been integrated into both the frequently than other terms such as sustainable agriculture,
public and academic spheres. For the public sphere we organic agriculture, organic farming and agroecology.
draw from Google Books (Ngram Viewer) and the Nexis Regenerative Agriculture and Regenerative Farming
Uni database, which searches more than 17,000 news first appear in the Nexus Uni database of news stories in
sources. As seen in Figure 2, the occurrence of these terms 1983 and 1986 respectively, both with reference to the
in books first peaked in the mid-late 1980s, but by the mid- Rodale Institute (Figure 3a), and neither term occurred in
2000s they had virtually disappeared. The occurrence of more than 15 news items each year until 2009. Their use
Regenerative Agriculture then increased dramatically after increased dramatically after 2016, and since then the com-
2015. It is important to note that over the period 1972– bined occurrence of these terms has doubled each year,
2018, Regenerative Agriculture appears in books much less reaching 6163 news items in 2020. To place this in per-
spective, in 2020 organic agriculture and organic farming
appeared in 6,870 and 18,301 news items respectively.
Turning to the more academic literature, in the first 30
years following the publication of Francis et al. (1986),
only seven other papers are identified by Web of Science
having the terms Regenerative Agriculture or Regenerative
Farming in their title or abstract (Figure 3b). The year 2016
marked a clear turning point in academic interest, and by
2020 a total of 52 academic papers had been published, and
together these have been cited some 250 times.
Thus, while the terms Regenerative Agriculture and
Regenerative Farming have been in use since the early
1980s, to date they have not been as widely used as other
related terms such as sustainable agriculture or organic
agriculture. Since 2016 their occurrence in books, news
stories and on the internet has increased dramatically,
which reflects the fact that they have now been adopted
by a wide range of NGOs (e.g. The Nature Conservancy,4
the World Wildlife Fund,5 GreenPeace,6 Friends of the
Earth7), multi-national companies (e.g. Danone,8 General
Figure 1. Early theory of Regenerative Agriculture in developing Mills,9 Kellogg’s,10 Patagonia,11 the World Council for
countries. Source: Authors’ interpretation of Francis et al. (1986). Sustainable Business Development 12 ) and charitable
Figure 2. The frequency of key terms in books (3-year rolling averages). Source: Google NGram Viewer, Corpus ‘English 2019’ which
includes books predominantly in the English language published in any country.
4 Outlook on Agriculture XX(X)
Figure 3. (a) Occurrence of Regenerative Agriculture or Regenerative Farming in news items and (b) Academic peer-reviewed
publications on Regenerative Agriculture or Regenerative Farming. Sources: (a) Nexis Uni database, (b) Web of Science.
foundations (e.g. IKEA Foundation13). In relation to this the public commitments to Regenerative Agriculture being
newfound popularity, Diana Martin, the Director of Com- made by NGOs, corporations and foundations. Navigating
munications of the Rodale Institute, cautioned ‘It’s [Regen- the rhetoric and potential for greenwash will be a major
erative Agriculture] the new buzzword. There is a danger of challenge for research agronomists who seek to work in
it getting greenwashed’.14 this area.
While the academic literature referring to Regenerative
Agriculture is growing, the published corpus remains very
limited, and only a fraction of this corpus addresses what Evolving definitions
might be considered agronomic questions. It is likely that Within the recent resurgence of interest in Regenerative Agri-
additional funding for agronomic research will accompany culture, there is a lack of consensus around any particular
Giller et al. 5
definition (Merfield, 2019; Soloviev and Landua, 2016). environment, human health and economic prosperity
Early (and continuing) efforts have struggled to draw a clear (Schreefel et al., 2020). The authors go on to define Regen-
distinction between regenerative, organic and other ‘alterna- erative Agriculture as ‘an approach to farming that uses soil
tive’ agricultures (for example, Whyte, 1987: 244): indeed conservation as the entry point to regenerate and contribute
the Rodale Institute continues to refer to ‘regenerative to multiple provisioning, regulating and supporting ecosys-
organic agriculture’ (Rodale Institute, 2014). tem services, with the objective that this will enhance not
Since the 1980s, both more broad and more narrow only the environmental, but also the social and economic
definitions of Regenerative Agriculture have been pro- dimensions of sustainable food production’.
posed, with most highlighting or developing one or more While for some organizations Regenerative Agriculture
of the elements originally identified by Rodale (1983). For is unequivocally a form of organic agriculture, others are
example, some authors have emphasized the idea that open to the judicious use of agrochemicals. Nevertheless,
regenerative systems are ‘semi-closed’, i.e. ‘those designed from an agronomic perspective the two challenges most
to minimize external inputs or external impacts of agron- frequently linked to Regenerative Agriculture are:
omy outside the farm’ (Pearson, 2007) or ‘those in which
inputs of energy, in the form of fertilisers and fuels, are 1. Restoration of soil health, including, the capture of
minimised because these key agricultural elements are carbon (C) to mitigate climate change
recycled as far as possible’ (Rhodes, 2012). Regenerative 2. Reversal of biodiversity loss
Agriculture as ‘a system of principles and practices’ is
Figure 4 shows what we understand to be the most com-
central to some definitions, but not all. For Burgess et al.
mon current articulation of the Regenerative Agriculture
(2019) Regenerative Agriculture ‘generates agricultural
theory of change. For the purposes of this agronomically
products, sequesters carbon, and enhances biodiversity at
oriented paper, the critical question is: How far and in what
the farm scale’, and for Terra Genesis International it
contexts do the proposed regenerative practices restore soil
‘increases biodiversity, enriches soils, improves water-
health and/or reverse biodiversity loss? Given the diversity
sheds, and enhances ecosystem services’.15
of understandings of Regenerative Agriculture, and the dif-
This raises the question whether Regenerative Agricul-
ferent contexts within which it is promoted, it should not be
ture is an end, or a means to an end. As noted by Burgess
surprising that a wide variety of agronomic practices are
et al. (2019) a number of definitions of Regenerative Agri-
promoted under the Regenerative Agriculture rubric. We
culture focus on the notion of ‘enhancement’, e.g. of soil
return to these practices later, but first take a closer look at
organic matter (SOM) and soil biodiversity (California
the two crises that Regenerative Agriculture aims to address.
State University, 201716); of biodiversity, soils, water-
sheds, and ecosystem services (Terra Genesis, 201717); of
biodiversity and the quantity of biomass (Rhodes, 2017);
and of soil health (Sherwood and Uphoff, 2000). Carbon The crises addressed by Regenerative
Underground argues that Regenerative Agriculture should Agriculture
be defined around the outcome, claiming that ‘Consensus is
In this section we briefly review the purported crises of (1)
mounting for a single, standardized definition for food
grown in a regenerative manner that restores and maintains soil health (including C sequestration) and (2) biodiversity,
which are central to most articulations of Regenerative
natural systems, like water and carbon cycles, to enable
Agriculture. In each case we discuss how the crisis is
land to continue to produce food in a manner that is heal-
framed and the strength of the evidence to support this
thier for people and the long-term health of the planet and
its climate’.18 Finally, the Rodale Institute comes back to
the idea of a ‘holistic systems approach’, but now with an
explicit nod to both innovation and wellbeing, suggesting
that ‘regenerative organic agriculture [ . . . ] encourages
A crisis of soil health
continual on-farm innovation for environmental, social, Soil health receives particularly strong attention in narra-
economic and spiritual wellbeing’ (Rodale Institute, tives surrounding Regenerative Agriculture (Schreefel
2014). A specific certification scheme, Regenerative et al., 2020; Sherwood and Uphoff, 2000). Indeed, the idea
Organic Certified was established in 2017 in the USA that soil, and soil life in particular, is under threat underpins
under the auspices of the Regenerative Organic Alliance most, if not all, calls for Regenerative Agriculture. None-
within which the Rodale Institute is a key player.19 Certi- theless, the term soil health is inherently problematic
fication is based on three pillars of Soil Health, Animal (Powlson, 2020). Just like soil quality, soil health is a con-
Welfare and Social Fairness – each of which, it is sug- tainer concept, which requires disaggregation to be mean-
gested, can be verified using existing certification stan- ingful. While it can be understood as something positive to
dards. A perceived need to move beyond the standards of strive for, underlying soil functions need meaningful indi-
the USDA Organic Certification scheme has driven the cators which can be measured and monitored over long
establishment of this new standard.20 periods of time. Moreover, agronomic practices which ben-
In a review of peer-reviewed articles, the most com- efit one aspect of soil health (such as soil life) often have
monly occurring themes associated with Regenerative negative effects on other functions (such as nitrate leach-
Agriculture are improvements to soil health, the broader ing, primary production or GHG emissions, ten Berge et al.,
6 Outlook on Agriculture XX(X)
Figure 4. Regenerative Agriculture: Authors’ interpretation of the commonly used theory of change in 2021. Our analysis focuses on
the lower blue box: ‘agronomic considerations’.
2019); there is usually not one direction in soil health, but are made using run-off plots which tend to overestimate the
multiple trade-offs. rates of loss as they do not account for deposition and
Many websites and testimonials concerning Regenera- transfer of soil across the landscape. Nonetheless, Evans
tive Agriculture highlight the importance of soil biodiver- et al. (2020) suggest that the rates of soil loss exceed those
sity, and in particular the macro- and micro-organisms of soil formation by an order of magnitude, suggesting a
which are responsible for the biological cycling of nutri- lifespan less than 200 years for a third of the soils for which
ents. Reports of declining soil biodiversity under intensive data were available.
agriculture and the simplification of soil food webs (de A related long-term trend that draws attention to soils, is
Vries et al., 2013; Tsiafouli et al., 2014) have led to wide- the reduction in the global soil C pool and its contribution
spread alarm concerning soil health. For example, a recent to global warming. Recent modelling estimates the historic
report of an advisory body to the Dutch government was soil C loss due to human land use to be around 116 Pg C
entitled ‘De Bodem Bereikt’21 – literally, ‘The bottom has (Sanderman et al., 2017, 2018), comparable to roughly one-
been reached’ – a double entendre based on the word fifth of cumulative GHG emissions from industry. Most of
‘bodem’ that means both bottom and soil. The report argues these losses are due to changes in land use. Conversion
that soil quality has declined to a critical point – at least from natural vegetation, especially forests, almost always
partly due to loss of soil biodiversity. Whilst studies clearly results in a decrease in SOM content (Poeplau and Don,
reveal differences in soil food webs between cultivated 2015) due to non-permanent vegetation, export of biomass
fields, grasslands and (semi-) natural vegetation, the links and consequently, reduced amounts of organic matter
with soil function are largely established through correla- inputs. The loss of soil C through land use conversion is
tion – there is little evidence for any direct causal link however a different matter than the losses or gains which
can be made by altering management practices on existing
between soil biodiversity and any loss in function (see
agricultural land. We discuss the impacts of changing man-
Kuyper and Giller, 2011).
agement practices below.
The mantra to ‘feed the soil, not the crop’ has long been
central to organic agriculture while the importance of
building soil organic matter was highlighted by the propo-
nents of organic or biodynamic agriculture, and in more A crisis of biodiversity
conventional agricultural discourses in the USA (e.g. Those who promote Regenerative Agriculture frame the
USDA, 1938, 1957, 1987) and elsewhere. Soil takes cen- crisis of biodiversity around the widespread use of mono-
turies to form and significant soil loss through erosion is cultures along with strong dependence on external inputs
unsustainable. The Dust Bowl in the 1930s in the USA was and a lack of ‘biological cycling’ (Francis et al., 1986). No
a foundational experience for both the scientific and public doubt, large areas of genetically uniform crops can be sus-
appreciation of soil. It is commonly claimed that a quarter ceptible to rapid spread of pests and diseases and add little
or more of the earth’s soils are degraded, although the value to the quality of rural landscapes.
precise numbers are contested (Gibbs and Salmon, 2015). If we consider biodiversity more broadly, there is little
Commonly quoted estimates of soil loss through erosion doubt that the earth has entered a sixth mass extinction
Giller et al. 7
Table 1. Agronomic principles and practices considered to be part of Regenerative Agriculture and their potential impacts on
restoration of soil health and reversal of biodiversity loss.
Reversal of
Restoration biodiversity
Principles Practices of soil health loss
Minimize tillage Zero-till, reduced tillage, conservation agriculture, controlled traffic *** –
Maintain soil cover Mulch, cover crops, permaculture *** *
Build soil C Biochar, compost, green manures, animal manures *** –
Sequester carbon Agroforestry, silvopasture, tree crops *** **
Relying more on Animal manures, compost, compost tea, green manures and cover crops, *** –
biological nutrient maintain living roots in soil, inoculation of soils and composts, reduce
cycles reliance on mineral fertilizers, organic agriculture, permaculture
Foster plant diversity Diverse crop rotations, multi-species cover crops, agroforestry ** ***
Integrate livestock Rotational grazing, holistic [Savory] grazing, pasture cropping, ** ?
Avoid pesticides Diverse crop rotations, multi-species cover crops, agroforestry * ***
Encouraging water Biochar, compost, green manures, animal manures, holistic [Savory] *** –
percolation grazing
Based on McGuire (2018), Burgess et al. (2019) and Merfield (2019).
(Ceballos et al., 2020). The increase in the human popula- stringent controls since Rachel Carson published ‘Silent
tion, the clearance of native habitats and the expansion of Spring’ in 1962, concerns remain. Attention has been
agriculture over the past century are clearly root causes. focused on impacts on non-target organisms, with consid-
How best to arrest this loss of biodiversity is less clear. erable alarm at the loss of bees and other pollinators (Hall
Optimistic projections suggest that the world’s population and Martins, 2020). A recent report that attracted consid-
will peak at around 9.8 billion in 2060 (Vollset et al., 2020), erable attention in the media indicated a 75% decline in
whereas the United Nations Population Programme proj- flying insect biomass in Germany in only 27 years (Hall-
ects a population of 11.4 billion by the end of the century. mann et al., 2017). A global meta-analysis painted a more
In either case, the increase in population will without doubt complex picture, suggesting (still alarming) average
require the production of additional nutritious food. Mod- declines of *9% per decade in terrestrial insect abundance,
erating consumption patterns and changing diets can reduce but *11% per decade increases in freshwater insect abun-
the extent of this demand, as can reducing food loss and dance, and strong regional differences (van Klink et al.,
waste, but conservative estimates suggest that overall, glo- 2020). Echoing the concerns about DDT raised by Carson,
bal food production must increase by at least 25% (Hunter declines in populations of insectivorous birds were found to
et al., 2017). be associated with higher concentrations of neonicotinoids
In simple terms, there are two ways to meet this future in the environment (Hallmann et al., 2014). Further, neo-
food demand. The first is to increase production from the nicotinoids have been implicated in a new pesticide tread-
existing area of agricultural land: here, what is commonly mill, where pesticide resistance and reduced populations of
termed a ‘land sparing’ strategy, involves closing yield natural enemies lead to increased dependence on chemical
gaps by increasing land productivity. The second is to control (Bakker et al., 2020b). With respect to weed con-
increase the area of land under cultivation. But converting trol, the introduction of glyphosate was widely lauded as it
land use to agriculture has direct impacts in terms of habitat was seen as environmentally benign compared with alter-
loss, as well as multiple indirect effects through altering native herbicides. However, its widespread use combined
biogeochemical and hydrological cycles (Baudron and Gil- with ‘Round-up Ready’ varieties of maize, oilseed rape and
soybean, and reduced tillage, has led to the proliferation of
ler, 2014). In many areas an expansion of agricultural lands
herbicide-resistant weeds (Mortensen et al., 2012). With
to increase food production will mean that inherently less
increasing concerns over human toxicity, glyphosate use
productive soils are brought under cultivation, requiring
has become highly controversial, leading to an earlier
disproportionate land use conversion. Against this back-
re-assessment of its license in the EU.23
drop, calls for, and commitments to Zero (Net) Deforesta-
tion are changing to calls for Zero (Net) Land
Conversion.22 Both aim specifically to protect areas of high Regenerative Agriculture practices
conservation value for biodiversity, with the latter focused
on the use of degraded lands for any future expansion of The practices
agriculture, while restoring ecosystems with high value for McGuire (2018), Burgess et al. (2019) and Merfield (2019)
biodiversity conservation. provide lists of practices associated with different variants
Another major concern for impacts on biodiversity of Regenerative Agriculture which we order in Table 1
relates to the effects of the chemicals used for plant pro- around agronomic principles. It should be noted, that to
tection, and in particular insecticides. Despite increasingly qualify as Regenerative Organic Agriculture, no chemical
8 Outlook on Agriculture XX(X)
fertilizers or synthetic pesticides can be used and ‘soil-less’ the available biomass stock and inputs of organic matter to
cultivation methods are prohibited. the soil (van der Esch et al., 2017). But even if SOM
Many practices associated with Regenerative Agricul- increases due to improved management, the rate of annual
ture, such as crop rotations, cover crops, livestock integra- increase in soil C is temporary. As a new equilibrium is
tion, are (or in some contexts were) generally considered to reached the rate of C accumulation attenuates (Baveye
be ‘Good Agricultural Practice’ and remain integral to con- et al., 2018) and this new equilibrium is reached at a lower
ventional farming. Some are more problematic: conserva- level under cultivation than under natural vegetation cover.
tion agriculture, for example, can be practiced within an Limiting the conversion of forest and natural grasslands to
organic framework or as GMO-based, herbicide and ferti- agriculture is therefore essential to protect soil C stocks.
lizer intensive (Giller et al., 2015). Others, such as perma- Among the practices associated with Regenerative Agricul-
culture, have rather limited applicability for the production ture, agroforestry in its many shapes and forms perhaps has
of many agricultural commodities. Still others, such as the greatest potential to contribute to climate change miti-
holistic grazing are highly contentious in terms of the gation through C capture both above- and below-ground
claims made for their broad applicability and ecological (Feliciano et al., 2018; Rosenstock et al., 2019).
benefits in terms of soil C accumulation and reduction of A synthesis of 14 meta-analyses across the globe indi-
greenhouse gas emissions (Briske et al., 2014; Garnett cates that crop yields mainly benefit from increased SOM
et al., 2017). The potential of perennial grains has aroused due to the nutrients, in particular N, which it supplies (Hij-
substantial interest in relation to Regenerative Agriculture. beek et al., 2018). Nevertheless, the global N budget over
Deep rooting perennial grasses such as intermediate wheat- the last 50 years, suggests that half of the N taken up by
grass (Thinopyrum intermedium), cereals (e.g. sorghum) or cereals came from mineral fertilizers (Ladha et al., 2016),
legumes (e.g. pigeonpea) have the advantage of supplying indicating that global food production would collapse with-
multiple products such as fodder as well as grain, and pro- out external nutrients. If a field is used for crop production
vide continuous soil cover that can arrest soil erosion and without any external source of nutrients, as espoused by
reduce nitrate leaching (Glover et al., 2010). On the down some proponents of Regenerative Agriculture, this will
side, perennial grains tend to yield less than annual vari- degrade the soil resource base and lead to a decline in
eties and share constraints with monocultures in terms of yields. Symbiotic nitrogen fixation through legumes can
pest and disease build up. They may also encounter diffi- provide a truly renewable source of some N, but to sustain
culties with weed control. Snapp et al. (2019) provide a production in the long term, external sources of other nutri-
nuanced analysis of the potential of perennial grains. ents are required to compensate for the nutrient offtake
through harvested crops.
As with the external nutrient supply, other technical
Regenerative Agriculture practices, the soil crisis and options can mimic, supplement or substitute for some of
climate change the contributions that SOM makes to soil fertility. Irrigation
A majority of the Regenerative Agriculture practices focus and tillage, for example, can have positive effects on soil
on soil management, with a particular emphasis on increas- water availability and soil structure respectively (van
ing soil C, under the premise that it will increase crop yields Noordwijk et al., 1997). This is one of the reasons why
and mitigate climate change. SOM is an important indica- increasing SOM does not always directly benefit soil ferti-
tor of soil fertility (Reeves, 1997) as it serves many func- lity or crop yields (Hijbeek, 2017). Additional SOM only
tions within the soil, for example in the supply of nutrients, increases crop yields in the short term if it alleviates an
soil structure, water holding capacity, and supporting soil immediate constraint to crop growth. In the longer term it
life (Johnston et al., 2009; Watts and Dexter, 1997). would be expected that increased SOM leads to crop yields
The amount of C stored in soil is largely a function of that are more resilient to abiotic stresses due to improved
the amount of organic matter added to the soil and soil soil physical structure, but evidence on this is scarce.
texture: clay soils can store much more C than sandy soils With current trends in greenhouse gas emissions, most
(Chivenge et al., 2007). Soil tillage has only a minor effect IPCC scenarios include net negative emission technologies
(Giller et al., 2009). The degree to which the amount of C to limit global warming to a maximum of 1.5 C above pre-
stored in the soil can be increased depends on the starting industrial levels (Rogelj et al., 2018). These technologies
conditions. A continuously cultivated, degraded clay soil, include carbon capture and storage, but also reforestation
heavily depleted of soil C, can store much more extra C and soil C sequestration (Rogelj et al., 2018). In this light,
than a degraded sandy soil. A fertile soil may already be Regenerative Agriculture is said to hold a promise of ‘zero
close to what is called its C ‘saturation potential’ (Six et al., carbon farming’ or even offsetting GHG emissions from
2002). Thus under continuous cultivation, soil C can only other sectors (Hawken, 2017). The most recent offering
be increased marginally by changing management prac- from the Rodale Institute ‘confidently declares that global
tices, such as the use of animal manure, cultivation of green adoption of regenerative practices across both grasslands
manures or return of crop residues (Poulton et al., 2018). and arable acreage could sequester more than 100% of
The greatest opportunities to increase soil C are found in current anthropogenic emissions of CO2’ (Moyer et al.,
low yielding regions, where increasing crop yields increase 2020). The confidence in this claim was rapidly dented
Giller et al. 9
by other protagonists of Regenerative Agriculture, who disease is observed, rather than preventative spraying at
concluded the figure was probably closer to 10–15%.24 particular times in the cropping calendar. Recommended
A recent study in China investigated potential soil C practices such as rotations and (multi-species) cover crops
sequestration across a range of different cropping systems. fit within IPM, as do approaches such as intercropping and
The results show that – for a wide range of crop rotations strip cropping which are largely ignored in discussions of
and management practices – soil C sequestration compen- Regenerative Agriculture. IPM is knowledge intensive,
sated on average for 10% of the total GHG emissions (N2O, requires regular crop monitoring and the skill to identify
CH4, CO2), with a maximum of 30% (Gao et al., 2018). early signs of outbreaks of multiple pests and diseases. The
Although there were many examples of soil C increasing in reasons for the lack of uptake of IPM approaches are com-
response to increased crop yields, the climate change ben- plex, but include the perceived risk of crop damage (Bakker
efits (expressed as CO2-equivalent) were considerably out- et al., 2020a). Alongside IPM, integrated weed control
weighed by the greenhouse gas emissions associated with (IWM) combines the use of mechanical weeding through
the practices themselves, especially N fertilizer and irriga- tillage and cover cropping with a much more strategic use
tion. In the UK, Powlson et al. (2011) reported similar of herbicides (Mortensen et al., 2012). IWM is promoted as
outcomes using data from the Broadbalk experiment: asso- an environmentally friendly approach that can harness
ciated GHG emissions of crop management (tillage, ferti- diversity to manage deleterious effects of weeds (Adeux
lizers, irrigation, crop protection, etc.) were four-fold et al., 2019), but again, is highly knowledge intensive.
greater than the carbon sequestered. Of course, in Regen- Whether it is possible to continue intensive forms of
erative Agriculture the use of some of these GHG emitting agriculture which will meet global demands for agricultural
crop management practices and external nutrient inputs, produce without the use of chemicals for plant protection is
such as mineral fertilizers are abandoned. But while the subject of much debate. There is a danger that bans on
organic fertilizers such as manure can increase SOM and the use of some products could lead to wider use of even
have additional yield benefits beyond nutrient supply, they more toxic ones, at least for a period before environmental
are also more prone to nutrient losses. A recent global controls catch up. Few could disagree with the aspiration to
meta-analysis showed that manure application significantly limit the use of chemicals in agriculture: in addition to
increased N2O emissions by an average 32.7% (95% con- biodiversity concerns, the misuse of pesticides in develop-
fidence interval: 5.1–58.2%) compared with mineral ferti- ing countries has serious negative effects on human health
lizers (Zhou et al., 2017), thereby offsetting the mitigation (Boedeker et al., 2020; Jepson et al., 2014).
gains of soil C sequestration. Finally, much of the discussion of Regenerative Agri-
The exclusion of external inputs is even more proble- culture, pesticides and biodiversity concerns biodiversity
matic, considering that nutrients are needed to build SOM on-farm, rather than biodiversity across landscapes, or
and sequester soil C (Kirkby et al., 2011; Richardson et al., enhancing yields to spare land for biodiversity conservation
2014). This phenomenon can be explained by stoichio- and prevent the need for further land conversion to agricul-
metric arguments and has been coined ‘the nitrogen ture. This is a theme we return to when considering the
dilemma’ of soil C sequestration (van Groenigen et al., broader implications of Regenerative Agriculture below.
2017). As shown by Rice and MacCarthy (1991), the ele-
mental composition of SOM (ratios of C, H, O, N and S)
has a narrow range. If C is added to a soil in which there is
no surplus N, P or S, there will be no increase in SOM and Agriculture all over the world faces serious challenges, as
the carbon will be lost to the atmosphere as CO2. Besides governments, corporations, research agronomists, farmers
the associated energy requirements to build SOM, this also and consumers seek to negotiate a critical but dynamic
raises the question whether those nutrients are most useful balance between human welfare (or the ‘right to food’),
to human society when stored in the soil, or when available productivity, profitability, and environmental sustainabil-
for plant growth (Janzen, 2006). ity. However, given the high degree of diversity of agro-
ecosystems, farm systems and policy contexts, the nature of
these challenges can vary dramatically over time and space.
Regenerative Agriculture practices and the
This fact undermines any proposition that it is possible to
biodiversity crisis identify one meaningful and widely relevant problem def-
Although reversing loss of biodiversity is a central tenet of inition, or specific agronomic practices which could alle-
Regenerative Agriculture, it receives surprisingly little viate pressures on the food system everywhere.
attention in discussions of recommended practices. The Neither the ‘soil crisis’ nor the ‘biodiversity crisis’, both
principle ‘foster plant diversity’ is of course central, and of which are central to the rationale for Regenerative Agri-
is one means to address the principle to ‘avoid pesticides’. culture, is universal; and across those contexts where one,
Yet little attention is paid to approaches such as integrated the other or both can be observed, their root causes and
pest and disease management (IPM). The principles of manifestations are not necessarily the same. This tension
IPM – to minimize chemical use and maximize the effi- between, on the one hand, a compelling, high-level narra-
ciency when used – are well established. Genetic resistance tive that identifies a problem, its causes and how it should
is key, and regular crop scouting is used to trigger respon- be addressed, and on the other, the complexity of divergent
sive spraying when a particular threshold of the pest and local realities, arises with all universalist schemes to ‘fix’
10 Outlook on Agriculture XX(X)
agriculture and the ‘failing’ food system. In this sense, lines, Regenerative Agriculture will continue to struggle
Regenerative Agriculture, while using new language, is to differentiate itself from other forms of ‘alternative’ agri-
no different than sustainable agriculture, sustainable inten- culture, while the practices with which it is associated will
sification, climate-smart agriculture, organic farming, (continue to) vary little if at all from those in the established
agroecology and so on. canon of ‘Good Agricultural Practices’. The questions will
To date the discussion around Regenerative Agriculture also help to separate the philosophical baggage and some of
has taken little account of the wide variety of initial starting the extraordinary claims that are linked to Regenerative
points defined by the variation in local contexts and farming Agriculture, from the areas and problems where agronomic
systems and the scales at which they operate. For example, research might make a significant contribution.
the problems caused by over-use of fertilizer or manure in The growing enthusiasm for Regenerative Agriculture
parts of North America, Europe and China may well allow highlights the need for agronomists to be more explicit
for reductions in input use and result in significant environ- about the fact that many of the categories and dichotomies
mental benefits, without necessarily compromising crop that frame public, and to some degree the scientific debates
yields or farmer incomes. In contrast, in many developing about agriculture, have little if any analytical purchase.
countries, and especially in Africa, crop productivity, and These include e.g. alternative/conventional; family/indus-
thus the food security and/or incomes of farming households, trial; regenerative/degenerative; and sustainable/unsustain-
is tightly constrained by nutrient availability (i.e. because of able. Regardless of their currency in public discourse, these
highly weathered soils, and the limited availability of fertili- categories are far too broad and undefinable to have any
zer, manure and compostable organic matter) (e.g. Rufino place in guiding agronomic research (although the politics
et al., 2011). Under such circumstances continued cultivation behind their use and abuse in discourse remains of consid-
inevitably leads to soil degradation, and the use of external erable interest).
inputs, including fertilizer, is essential to increase crop yields, It is clear from many farmer’s testimonials on the Inter-
sustain soils and build soil C (Vanlauwe et al., 2014, 2015). net that their moves towards Regenerative Agriculture are
Although not all interpretations of Regenerative Agri- underpinned by a philosophy that seeks to protect and
culture preclude the use of agrochemicals, all argue to enhance the environment. The core argument is most often
reduce and minimize their use. In writings on Regenerative around soil health, and in particular soil biological health,
Agriculture, surprising little attention is paid to alternative which is seen as being under threat and is attributed some-
methods of pest and disease control, although this appears what mythical properties. In much of the promotional mate-
to be one of the major challenges that farmers will face in rial available in the public domain, exaggerated claims are
order to reduce or phase out chemical control methods. made for the potency and functioning of soil microorgan-
Some interpretations of Regenerative Agriculture are isms in particular. By contrast, for many campaigning
uncompromisingly anti-GMO, despite the potential genetic NGOs, the locking up or sequestration of carbon in the soil
engineering has to confer plant resistance and reduce the is paramount, with a vision of an agriculture free of exter-
need for chemical sprays (Giller et al., 2017; Lotz et al., nal inputs or GMOs, that mimics nature and contributes to
2020). Further, all types of agrochemicals are lumped into solving the climate crisis. Not surprisingly the claimed
the same basket, whereas the concerns for both human and potential of Regenerative Agriculture has attracted consid-
environmental health associated with pesticides and ferti- erable critique – as McGuire (2018) aptly captures in his
lizers are vastly different. blog entitled ‘Regenerative Agriculture: Solid Principles,
As academic and other research agronomists now seek Extraordinary Claims’. It seems unlikely that Regenerative
to engage constructively with the individuals, organizations Agriculture can deliver all of the positive environmental
and corporations championing Regenerative Agriculture, benefits as well as the increase in global food production
we argue that for any given context there are five questions that is required. Reflective engagement by research agro-
that must be addressed: nomists is now critically important.
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