Medical Bulletin - Chickenpox
Medical Bulletin - Chickenpox
Medical Bulletin - Chickenpox
Chickenpox Symptoms
It is a contagious viral disease • Cold or flu-like symptoms
characterized by the appearance of • Abdominal pain
itchy rash or spots that look like • Headache
blisters on the body, accompanied • General feeling of illness
by flu-like symptoms. • Fever that goes higher in the first few days after the rash appears
• Rashes come as small, itchy, red bumps and spots on the face,
scalp, shoulder, chest and back. It may also appear inside the
mouth, on the eyelids, and in the genital area.
Severity factor o Early bumps are usually flat, red marks with clear central
It may be severe in infants, adults, and people with o These blisters dissolve and become dry crusts or scabs that fall
impaired immune system. off within two weeks
o Some people may have just few bumps and spots while others
may be covered on their entire bodies
Mode of transmission
It is usually spread by breathing in droplets that are Complications
coughed, sneezed, or exhaled by an infected person. An
infected person can spread it to others before he or she • Herpes zoster or shingles is the reactivation of virus in some
even shows any symptoms of the disease. The adults but this is actually rare
contagious period begins about 2 days before the rash • For pregnant women who get infected a few days before delivery,
appears and continues until new sores stop appearing. her newborn baby can get a severe form of the disease
Once all the sores have turned to scabs, the contagious • Cellulitis- A serious bacterial infection affecting the skin, which
period is over. becomes red, swollen and unusually warm
• Viral pneumonia-An infection of the lungs caused by viruses, with
symptoms such as fever, cough and shortness of breath
Incubation period • Encephalitis-A viral infection of the brain with symptoms such as
fever, mental confusion, forgetfulness, tiredness and stiff neck.
After exposure, it can take 10 to 21 days before
symptoms appear.
What you can do
1. Increase oral cold fluids.
2. Take paracetamol every 4-6 hours to reduce fever.
Reye’s syndrome 3. Have a soft, bland diet to relive mouth ulcers. Do not eat salty
Children and teenagers should not take aspirin because food, citrus fruits, and juices.
it may be linked to Reye’s syndrome, a dangerous 4. Apply petroleum-based ointment on painful or itchy pox in the
condition of the liver and brain. It is uncommon but it genital area.
occurs more often in children who have been treated 5. Use antibacterial soap if sores seem to be infected
with aspirin.
When it is safe to return to
What you can do with the sores school or work?
When the fever is gone and all sores are crusted, the contagious
1. Have a cool bath every 3 to 4 hours.
period is over. If other people suspect exposure to the disease,
2. Add an oatmeal bath product or baking soda (about a
advise them to watch out for spots about 2 weeks from date of
half cup) to tub water to relieve itchiness.
3. Keep fingernails trimmed short.
4. Wash hands often to prevent spread of infection.
5. Apply calamine lotion on itchy areas. HealthGuide 13th Edition
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