Read Rodwell
Read Rodwell
Read Rodwell
5th EUROPEAN OPEN BRIDGE CHAMPIONSHIPS ing. If RHO is the dangerous opponent, you can often lead away from a holding like AJx in dummy toward holdings in the closed hand headed by the ten, on the theory that RHO wont go up with Q x (x). A common variation is where you lead low from K J x toward 10 9 x x x in hand. Of course, you must be able to afford to lose a trick to RHO later on. This play is most valuable when you have something like Qx opposite AJx in hand in the suit they led (dummys queen having won Trick 1), where East cant hurt you later, only now. This play is so named because East will play low at the speed of lightning, as a matter of habit. In fact, if he knows that he is the dangerous opponent, there is every reason for him to play the queen (danger hand high!) since if he ducks, declarer will doubtless try some coverage ducking play. Heres a full deal showing the play in its purest form:
Poznan, Poland Rodwells newest book is not his first. He and Audrey Grant collaborated on four books, one of them on the 2/1 game force bidding system. He has consistently resisted suggestions to put RM Precision the bidding system he and partner Jeff Meckstroth use into book form. As for The Rodwell Files, the author says its a matter of sharing what he has learned over the years. If I have discovered some things, he says, at some point I should put them out there. If the book helps his opponents play better, Rodwell adds, at least he will know that my opponents opponents will play better, too.
Championship Diary
Yesterday morning Tacchi decided to abstain from the 20 minute walk to the office and took the tram, where he was accompanied by Patrick Jourdain. Two remarkable things happened. First Patrick gave him a ticket. Second a young lady offered Patrick her seat.
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W [ ] { }
S AJ5 K3 10 9 6 5 4 AK3
Pass Pass
2} 3NT
1NT 2{
Everyone is talking about the brilliant scoring system. Moments after the session has finished you put the bar code on your badge into the reader and your results are printed out. If you are a journalist and not a player it prints out the Daily Bulletin. After our dauntless copy-editor had added schedule to his list of typographical errors the opinions of the journalists were divided. Was it a case of monkeys and typewriters? It was decided that it was more a case of Invent an idiot-proof system and they will breed a better idiot. We get a lot of email about the Bulletin. The latest one reads: I hope you got a lot of credit and good comments regarding Thursdays bulletin. It was really good. (To slightly misquote, as is frequently stated during Prime Ministers Question Time, I refer the honourable gentleman to the observation made in the paragraph above.) If (like us) you are a fan of Waldemar Malicki, you can enjoy a lot of his work on YouTube. One cute piece is Emmanuelle - Waldemar Malicki & Filharmonia Dowcipu : Muza
West leads the [6 to dummys queen, East playing low. With only six top tricks you need to develop the diamonds. As long as East doesnt get in on the first diamond lead, with the queen, you are safe. So your best shot is to lead the {3 from dummy at Trick 2, hoping East, dealt {Q x, plays low at the speed of lightning. The whole deal is:
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K 10 8 6 4 Q85 A82 10 6
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W [ ] { }
S AJ5 K3 10 9 6 5 4 AK3
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972 J 10 7 6 Q7 QJ92