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Pump - Centrifugal Pumps

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Pumps (Centrifugal Pumps)

Pump is a mechanical device that is used to transfer different liquids from one
location to another by applying mechanical action.
The pumps most commonly convert electrical energy into hydraulic energy to
transfer fluids.
Type of Pumps
Radial flow

Dynamic (Centrifugal) Axial flow

Mixed flow Piston

Reciprocating Plunger


Positive Displacement


Positive displacement vs Dynamic pump
Positive Displacement Pump Dynamic Pump
Increase pressure by operating Increases pressure by using
on a fixed volume in a confined rotary blades to increase fluid
space velocity
Constant volume Variable volume
Variable differential head Constant differential head
Relatively insensitive to liquid Sensitive to liquid properties
Centrifugal Pumps
Centrifugal Pump purpose is to convert energy of a prime mover (a electric
motor or turbine) first into velocity or kinetic energy and then into pressure
energy of a fluid that is being pumped. The energy changes occur by virtue of
two main parts of the pump, the impeller and the volute or diffuser.
Generation of Kinetic Energy
The energy created by impeller is kinetic energy. The amount of energy given to
the liquid is proportional to the velocity at the edge or vane tip of the impeller.
The faster the impeller revolves or the bigger the impeller is then the higher will
be the velocity of the liquid at the vane tip and the greater the energy imparted
to the liquid.
Conversion to Pressure Energy
The shape of the volute permits the liquid to expand, which slows down the
motion of the liquid. As soon as the liquid slows down inside the volute, Kinetic
Energy is transformed into pressure according to Bernoulli’s principle.
Centrifugal Pump Components
A centrifugal pump has two main components:
• A rotating components: impeller and a shaft
• A stationary components: casing, volute, wear rings, bearings, shaft sealing
Cross-section of Centrifugal Pump
Rotating Parts - Impeller
Impeller - imparts Kinetic Energy to the liquid (accelerates the liquid).
Based on mechanical construction:
• Open - They are typically used in small-diameter, inexpensive pumps
and pumps handling suspended solids.
• Semi-open - They offer higher efficiencies than open impellers. They
can be used in medium-diameter pumps and with liquids containing
small amounts of suspended solids.
• Closed - Closed impellers are used primarily in larger pumps. These
types of impellers are commonly found in clear liquid applications.
Based on major direction of flow in reference to
the axis of rotation:
• Radial flow impeller - discharges the fluid radially
at 90° to the shaft axis.
• Axial flow impeller - discharges fluid along the
shaft axis.
• Mixed flow impeller– combines both radial and
axial design characteristics
Based on suction type:
• Single-suction: Liquid inlet on one side.
• Double-suction: Liquid inlet to the impeller symmetrically from both sides.
Shaft - transmits rotational energy from driver
(Used to spin the impeller)

Shaft sleeve - a hollow metal tube to protect

shaft from erosion, corrosion, and wear
Stationary Parts - Casing
Pump Casing – converts high velocity (energy) into a pressure head
There two basic types of pump casings: volutes and diffusers.
Wear Rings
Wear ring provides an easily and
economically renewable leakage
joint between the impeller and the
If no wear rings were installed, the
process liquid would be able to flow
from the discharge to suction side
of the pump in relatively large
quantities and this leads to a drop in
pump efficiency.
Shaft Sealing
Centrifugal pumps are provided with packing rings or mechanical seal, which
helps prevent the leakage of the pumped liquid.
Main Differences
Mechanical Seal Pump Packing

Negligible leakage Leaks

Medium to high cost Low Cost

Less frequent maintenance More frequent maintenance

More downtime during repairs Simple Maintenance

Bearings carry the axial and radial loads generated by the pump when it is
stationary and in service.
Horizontal Split vs Radial Split
API 610
Relevant industry operating experience suggests pumps produced to this International
Standard are cost effective when pumping liquids at conditions exceeding any one of the
• discharge pressure (gauge) 1 900 kPa (275 psi; 19,0 bar)
• suction pressure (gauge) 500 kPa (75 psi; 5,0 bar)
• pumping temperature 150 °C (300 °F)
• rotative speed 3 600 r/min
• rated total head 120 m (400 ft)
• impeller diameter, overhung pumps 330 mm (13 in)
API 610 Material Class Selection Guidance
API 610 Material Classes for Pump Parts
API 610 Material Specifications for Pump parts
Pump Mechanical Datasheet – Material Section
Single Stage vs Multistage
A single stage pump is a pump with only one impeller
A multi-stage pump is a pump with more than one impeller.
Pump Classification as per API 610
Overhung Pump - uses one impeller installed on a shaft that is suspended at one end by bearings.
Between Bearing Pump - The impeller is mounted on a shaft with the bearings at both ends.
Vertically Suspended Pump - The casing and impellers of these pumps are submerged in the
pumped fluid, suspended on a vertical column below a support plate at the top of the tank to which
the motor and thrust bearing are mounted.
Main Characteristics
OH - For moderate applications, overhung pumps are the first economical choice. As
a rule of thumb, their head, flow rate and power are approximately limited to the
following figures: Hmax= 300 m, Qmax= 1500 m3/h, Pmax= 400 kW.
BB - These pumps are designed in multi-stages configuration for high pressure
applications. Maximum flow rate for these pumps can be more than 15000 m3/h.
VS - Vertically suspended pumps mostly used for extracting underground (sump)
fluid and where NPSH available is low. This class has relatively limited range of
applications in oil, gas and petrochemical industry.
Typical Applications
• OH – Overhung pumps: Produced Water; Feed Pump; Booster Pump;
Hydrocarbon Transfer; Condensate
• BB – Between bearing pumps: Cooling Water; Boiler Feed; Well Injection;
Feed Water; Crude Transfer
• VS – Vertically suspended pumps: Open Drain; Closed Drain; Crude Oil
Transfer; Firewater; Seawater Lift
Centrifugal Pump Curve
When a centrifugal pump is designed, its performance characteristics are defined
for a range of flows and head (energy) produced for fixed impeller geometry and
a variety of impeller diameters.
Definitions (Performance Curve)
• The Best Efficiency Point (BEP) is the point on the pump curve where the
pump operates at maximum efficiency.
• Shut-Off Head is the pump head that occurs when the volumetric flow rate
is zero which is achieved if the outlet of the pump is blocked-off while the
pump is running.
• Minimum Flow is the lowest possible flow that must be pumped to prevent
potential damage.
• NPSHr is the minimum head required at the suction port of the pump to
keep the pump from cavitating.
Centrifugal Pump Curve
• API 610 recommends that the rated flow is
located between 80% - 110% of BEP
• API 610 states that the preferred operating
region should be between 70% - 120% of
the BEP.
Rated flow - This is a point the customer
chooses to rate the pump at (to allow for other
losses such as system losses or adjustments that
may occur as the pump begins to wear over
time). The pump generally will not operate
permanently at its rated point, but it is designed
and tested by the manufacturer there.
API 610
Allowable operating region is the region set by
the manufacturer and the pump must be able to
operate in whilst conforming to predefined API
610 vibration limits.
API 610 states that vibration levels must be less
than 3mm/s for horizontal pumps and less than
5mm/s for vertical pumps within the Preferred
operating region and that this can increase by 30%
when moving outside the Preferred operating
Centrifugal Pump Curve
System Curve
The pump curve describes how a
centrifugal pump performs in
isolation from plant equipment.
How it operates in practice is
determined by the resistance of
the system it is installed in:
restrictions in the pipework and
downstream frictional losses as
well as static inlet or outlet
pressures. A graphical
representation of these factors is
called the system curve.
System Curve
By plotting the system head
curve and pump curve together,
it can be determined:
• Where the pump will operate
on its curve.
• What changes will occur if
the system head curve or the
pump performance curve
Starting the pump with discharge valve closed
Pump Affinity Laws

Q – Volumetric flowrate
H – Pump head
BHP – Brake Horsepower
D – Impeller diameter
N – Rotational speed
Pump Power
BHP = Pump input power = Pi

– Density
g – Gravitational constant
H – Pump head
Q – Pump flowrate
– Pump efficiency
Exercise: A centrifugal pump
equipped with a variable
frequency (speed) drive running
at 3500 rpm is discharging 240
gallons per minute
corresponding with a head of
287 feet. The horsepower is
35.5. If the pump’s speed is
reduced to 2900 rpm, what will
be the revised flow rate, head,
and power required.
Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) is a measure of the pressure experienced by a
fluid on the suction side of a centrifugal pump.
There are two ways of expressing NPSH relative to a centrifugal pumping
• NPSHa: The Net Positive Suction Head Available at the pump impeller inlet.
• NPSHr: The Net Positive Suction Head Required by the pump to operate
without experiencing damaging cavitation and a dramatic reduction in
pumping production.
Cavitation happens when bubbles, or voids, form within a fluid because the
pressure quickly drops below the vapor pressure. When the bubbles experience
higher pressures they collapse, creating small shockwaves that, over time, damage
Pump Cavitation Damage
NPSH Margin
• The difference between the NPSHA and NPSHR shall not be less than 0.5 m
throughout the allowable operating region of flow.
Cavitation Prevention
The best way to prevent pumps from experiencing cavitation is to increase the
pressure upstream from the pump’s impeller. Some ways are shown below:
• Increase the upstream reservoir’s water level
• Optimize impeller design
• Minimize upstream flow losses
• Operate the pump at lower flow rates
• If possible, reduce motor speed (RPMs)
Centrifugal Pump Piping Design
• Keep Suction Piping as Short as Possible (ensures inlet pressure drop is as low
as possible)
• Pipe Diameter on Suction Side Should be Equal or One Size Larger Than
Pump Inlet
• Use Eccentric Reducers on the Suction Side
Centrifugal Pump Piping Design
• Include a straight run pipe length equal to 5 to 10 times the pipe diameter
between the pump inlet and any obstruction (elbows, tees, valves).

• Reducing or Eliminating Air Entrainment in the System

Typical Pump Diagram
Typical Pump Diagram
Pump Selection
Pump Selection – Pump Curve
Estimated Operating Point
Pump Curve Information
Underestimated Operating Point
Overestimated Operating Point
• Which HP Motor is suitable to choose in below case?
Impeller change – Pump Curve
Actual System Curve for Overestimated Operating Point
Pump Throttling for Overestimated Operating Point
Pump Throttling effect on Power
Pump Speed Change
How Density & Viscosity Affects Centrifugal Pump

Density Mass Flow rate Viscosity Head

Density Pressure Viscosity Flow Rate
Density Pump Power Viscosity Pump Power
Viscosity Efficiency
Pump Specific Speed
Specific speed, or Ns, is an index of impeller design that describes the relationship
between the amount of head generated by the rotation of an impeller relative to the
amount of flow produced by the impeller.

Flow rate and differential head in the formulas are at the pump’s Best Efficiency Point.
• Impellers that generate a lot of head, but very little flow have very low specific speeds.
• Impellers that generate very little head but a great deal of flow have very high specific
Impeller Design
When selecting a pump for a particular application, and knowing the shaft speed, flow and
differential head, a calculation of specific speed will identify the impeller shape most suited to
the task
Pumps in Parallel
Pumps are operated in parallel when two or more pumps are connected to a
common discharge line.

Pumps are often installed in Parallel in systems which exhibit considerable

variations in flow and when this requirement can be achieved by switching the
parallel pumps on and off. Typically, pumps installed in parallel are of a similar
type and size.
Pumps in Parallel
Pumps running in parallel will increase flow (Q),
but not head (H).
Htotal = H1 = H2
Qtotal = Q1 + Q2
Pumps in Series
Pumps are operated in series when the discharge end of the first pump is connected to the suction end of
the second pump.

Centrifugal pumps in series are used to overcome larger system head loss than one pump can handle alone.

Pumps running in series will increase head (H), but not flow (Q).
Htotal = H1 + H2
Qtotal = Q1 = Q2
Pumps in Series
When Pumps are operating in Series, the effects of Pump failure is more serious than Pumps which are set to
operate in Parallel.
• If the failed pump is Pump-B, then Pump-A would suddenly have a serious System Resistance causing its
flowrate to be very low or even zero.
• But if it is Pump-A that fails, then this would eliminate the suction flow to Pump-B, which would result in
cavitation or even loss of prime if Pump-B wasn’t immediately stopped.

A means of protecting Pump-A and Pump-B against damage due to a pump failure, would be to connect each
Motor driver with a PCM (Power Control Monitor).
Multistage Pump
Multistage Centrifugal Pump have multiple impellers (or stages) that are connected in series.

Fluid enters the first stage at suction line pressure and leaves at some elevated pressure. Upon
leaving the first stage, the fluid enters the second stage where the pressure is increased further.
Thrust Balancing
In multistage centrifugal pump, each impeller tends to produce some amount of
thrust because of different pressures on the two sides of the impeller. In a high
pressure multi-stage pump the number of impellers is high, thus the net thrust
would be large unless something is done to balance it out.
The two main ways to reduce the net thrust are to oppose the impellers (back-
to-back impellers) or to use a balance disc.
Back-to-back Impeller Pump
Back-to-back impeller pumps are fitted with several impellers in back-to-back
arrangement on a common pump shaft .
Balance Disc
• The balance disc is installed just after the last stage so it has full discharge
pressure on one side. A line is routed from the other side of the balance disc
back to the suction. The size of the drum is made so that it provides almost
as much net thrust as all the impellers combined.

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