Cs Unitec Annular Cutters For Portable Magnetic Drills
Cs Unitec Annular Cutters For Portable Magnetic Drills
Cs Unitec Annular Cutters For Portable Magnetic Drills
Pilot Pin
included with
every annular
cutter up to
4" DOC
The pilot pin accurately During drilling, the pilot pin When hole is complete,
centers cutter over area to retracts and allows internal the slug is automatically
be drilled. coolant to reach the cutting ejected from the cutter.
For Cobalt Cutters, Rail Cutters and special sizes, see page 63. For One-Touch TCT Cutters, see page 62.
600 Mild Steel
550 80 ft./min.
High Tensile
450 Steel
400 (Stainless)
30 ft./min.
150 See page 65 for HSS
Annular Cutter Starter Kit.
0 * Pilot pins supplied with annular cutters up to 4" DOC.
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Other pilot pins can be purchased separately.
Annular Cutter Diameter (inches)
Unibroach® Stack Cutters are available in diameters from 9/16" to 1 1/8" in 1", 2" and 3" depths. Drill multiple layers
of steel without stopping to remove the center slug. Please contact us or consult our price list for more information.
6-1-126 13/16" 6-1-226 13/16" 6-1-326 13/16"
6-1-128 7/8" 6-1-228 7/8" 6-1-328 7/8"
6-1-130 15/16" 6-1-230 15/16" 6-1-330 15/16"
6-1-132 1" 6-1-232 1" 6-1-332 1"
Shank size:
6-1-134 1-1/16" 6-1-234 1-1/16" 6-1-334 1-1/16"
6-1-136 1-1/8" 6-1-236 1-1/8" 6-1-336 1-1/8" 3/4" for cutters up to 3" dia.
6-1-138 1-3/16" 6-1-238 1-3/16" 6-1-338 1-3/16" 1-1/4" for cutters 3-1/16 to 5-1/8" dia.
6-1-140 1-1/4" 6-1-240 1-1/4" 6-1-340 1-1/4" Pilot pin included with
6-1-142 1-5/16" 6-1-242 1-5/16" 6-1-342 1-5/16" every annular cutter up to 4" DOC
6-1-144 1-3/8" 6-1-244 1-3/8" 6-1-344 1-3/8"
6-1-146 1-7/16" 6-1-246 1-7/16" 6-1-346 1-7/16"
6-1-148 1-1/2" 6-1-248 1-1/2" 6-1-348 1-1/2" Cutter Kits
6-1-150 1-9/16" 6-1-250 1-9/16" 6-1-350 1-9/16" Each HSS steel cutter kit comes with the
6-1-152 1-5/8" 6-1-252 1-5/8" 6-1-352 1-5/8" following: 9/16",11/16", 13/16", 15/16",
6-1-154 1-11/16" 6-1-254 1-11/16" 6-1-354 1-11/16" 1-1/16", pilot pins & carrying case.
6-1-156 1-3/4" 6-1-256 1-3/4" 6-1-356 1-3/4" Order No. Description
6-1-158 1-13/16" 6-1-258 1-13/16" 6-1-358 1-13/16" 6-1-001 1" depth Cutter Kit
6-1-160 1-7/8" 6-1-260 1-7/8" 6-1-360 1-7/8" 6-1-002 2" depth Cutter Kit
6-1-162 1-15/16" 6-1-262 1-15/16" 6-1-362 1-15/16"
6-1-164 2" 6-1-264 2" 6-1-364 2"
6-1-166 2-1/16" 6-1-266 2-1/16" 6-1-366 2-1/16" Pilot Pins for 6-Series
Order No. Description
6-1-168 2-1/8" 6-1-268 2-1/8" 6-1-368 2-1/8"
6-1-170 2-3/16" 6-1-270 2-3/16" 6-1-370 2-3/16" For 3/4" Shanks
6-1-172 2-1/4" 6-1-272 2-1/4" 6-1-372 2-1/4" 7-3-102 7/16" - 3" dia., 1" depth
6-1-174 2-5/16" 6-1-274 2-5/16" 6-1-374 2-5/16" 7-3-202 7/16" - 3" dia., 2" depth
6-1-176 2-3/8" 6-1-276 2-3/8" 6-1-376 2-3/8" 7-3-302 3/4" - 3" dia., 3" depth
6-1-178 2-7/16" 6-1-278 2-7/16" 6-1-378 2-7/16"
6-1-180 2-1/2" 6-1-280 2-1/2" 6-1-380 2-1/2" For 1-1/4" Shanks
6-1-182 2-9/16" 6-1-282 2-9/16" 6-1-382 2-9/16" 7-3-1002 3-1/16" - 5-1/8" dia., 1" depth
6-1-184 2-5/8" 6-1-284 2-5/8" 6-1-384 2-5/8" 7-3-2002 3-1/16" - 5-1/8" dia., 2" depth
6-1-186 2-11/16" 6-1-286 2-11/16" 6-1-386 2-11/16" 7-3-3002 3-1/16" - 5-1/8" dia., 3" depth
6-1-188 2-3/4" 6-1-288 2-3/4" 6-1-388 2-3/4"
6-1-190 2-13/16" 6-1-290 2-13/16" 6-1-390 2-13/16" Option for Cutters 3" and 4" Depth
6-1-192 2-7/8" 6-1-292 2-7/8" 6-1-392 2-7/8"
6-1-194 2-15/16" 6-1-294 2-15/16" 6-1-394 2-15/16"
6-1-196 3" 6-1-296 3" 6-1-396 3" 7-3-402 2-piece pin for 3" and 4" depth
cutters with 8mm pilot hole.
6-1-198 3-1/16" 6-1-298 3-1/16" 6-1-398 3-1/16"
6-1-1100 3-1/8" 6-1-2100 3-1/8" 6-1-3100 3-1/8" Option for Cutters 6" and 8" Depth
6-1-1102 3-3/16" 6-1-2102 3-3/16" 6-1-3102 3-3/16" 9-3-602 C Pin for 6" depth cutters with
6-1-1104 3-1/4" 6-1-2104 3-1/4" 6-1-3104 3-1/4" 8mm pilot hole.
6-1-1106 3-5/16" 6-1-2106 3-5/16" 6-1-3106 3-5/16" 9-3-802 C Pin for 8" depth cutters with
6-1-1108 3-3/8" 6-1-2108 3-3/8" 6-1-3108 3-3/8" 8mm pilot hole.
6-1-1110 3-7/16" 6-1-2110 3-7/16" 6-1-3110 3-7/16"
† e also stock 8" depth HSS cutters and Metric
6-1-1112 3-1/2" 6-1-2112 3-1/2" 6-1-3112 3-1/2"
6-1-1114 3-9/16" 6-1-2114 3-9/16" 6-1-3114 3-9/16" HSS cutters. Larger diameters and special sizes
available upon request. Please call us for pricing
6-1-1116 3-5/8" 6-1-2116 3-5/8" 6-1-3116 3-5/8" and delivery.
6-1-1118 3-11/16" 6-1-2118 3-11/16" 6-1-3118 3-11/16"
6-1-1120 3-3/4" 6-1-2120 3-3/4" 6-1-3120 3-3/4"
6-1-1122 3-13/16" 6-1-2122 3-13/16" 6-1-3122 3-13/16"
6-1-1124 3-7/8" 6-1-2124 3-7/8" 6-1-3124 3-7/8"
6-1-1126 3-15/16" 6-1-2126 3-15/16" 6-1-3126 3-15/16"
6-1-1128 4" 6-1-2128 4" 6-1-3128 4"
* Cutters with 3" depth
have an 8mm dia.
pilot hole.
TiAlN Carbide coating for up to 4x tool life, less friction and more power
Less Friction = Less Heat = More Holes!
ARMOR-PLATED Unibroach™ Cutters, at 90Rc
hardness, are the state-of-the-art in hole cutting
700 Aluminum
200 ft./min.
Recommended RPMs
600 Mild Steel
550 80 ft./min.
High Tensile
450 Steel
400 (Stainless)
30 ft./min.
250 See page 65 for ARMOR-
200 PLATED Unibroach™ TiAlN
Carbide-Coated Annular Cutter
Starter Kit.
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 * Pilot pins supplied with annular cutters up to 4" DOC.
Annular Cutter Diameter (inches) Other pilot pins can be purchased separately.
Unibroach™ Cutters, at
90Rc hardness, are the
state-of-the-art in hole
cutting technology.
They multiply service
life, reduce cost and
increase productivity.
1" Depth 2" Depth 3" Depth* Pilot pin included with every
Order No. Diameter Order No. Diameter Order No. Diameter annular cutter up to 4" DOC
8-1-114 T 7/16" 8-1-214 T 7/16" N/A
8-1-116 T 1/2" 8-1-216 T 1/2" N/A ARMOR-PLATED Cutter Kits
8-1-118 T 9/16" 8-1-218 T 9/16" N/A
Each armor-plated cutter kit comes with
8-1-120 T 5/8" 8-1-220 T 5/8" N/A the following: 9/16",11/16", 13/16", 15/16",
8-1-122 T 11/16" 8-1-222 T 11/16" N/A 1-1/16", pilot pins & carrying case.
8-1-124 T 3/4" 8-1-224 T 3/4" 8-1-324 T 3/4"
8-1-126 T 13/16" 8-1-226 T 13/16" 8-1-326 T 13/16" Order No. Description
8-1-128 T 7/8" 8-1-228 T 7/8" 8-1-328 T 7/8" 8-1-001 T 1" depth Cutter Kit
8-1-130 T 15/16" 8-1-230 T 15/16" 8-1-330 T 15/16" 8-1-002 T 2" depth Cutter Kit
8-1-132 T 1" 8-1-232 T 1" 8-1-332 T 1"
8-1-134 T 1-1/16" 8-1-234 T 1-1/16" 8-1-334 T 1-1/16"
8-1-136 T 1-1/8" 8-1-236 T 1-1/8" 8-1-336 T 1-1/8" Pilot Pins for 8-Series
8-1-138 T 1-3/16" 8-1-238 T 1-3/16" 8-1-338 T 1-3/16"
Order No. Description
8-1-140 T 1-1/4" 8-1-240 T 1-1/4" 8-1-340 T 1-1/4"
8-1-142 T 1-5/16" 8-1-242 T 1-5/16" 8-1-342 T 1-5/16" For 3/4" Shanks
8-1-144 T 1-3/8" 8-1-244 T 1-3/8" 8-1-344 T 1-3/8" 7-3-102 7/16" - 3" dia., 1" depth
8-1-146 T 1-7/16" 8-1-246 T 1-7/16" 8-1-346 T 1-7/16" 7-3-202 7/16" - 3" dia., 2" depth
8-1-148 T 1-1/2" 8-1-248 T 1-1/2" 8-1-348 T 1-1/2" 7-3-302 3/4" - 3" dia., 3" depth
8-1-150 T 1-9/16" 8-1-250 T 1-9/16" 8-1-350 T 1-9/16"
8-1-152 T 1-5/8" 8-1-252 T 1-5/8" 8-1-352 T 1-5/8"
Option for Cutters 3" and 4" Depth
8-1-154 T 1-11/16" 8-1-254 T 1-11/16" 8-1-354 T 1-11/16"
8-1-156 T 1-3/4" 8-1-256 T 1-3/4" 8-1-356 T 1-3/4"
8-1-158 T 1-13/16" 8-1-258 T 1-13/16" 8-1-358 T 1-13/16" 7-3-402 2-piece pin for 3" and 4" depth
8-1-160 T 1-7/8" 8-1-260 T 1-7/8" 8-1-360 T 1-7/8" cutters with 8mm pilot hole.
8-1-162 T 1-15/16" 8-1-262 T 1-15/16" 8-1-362 T 1-15/16"
8-1-164 T 2" 8-1-264 T 2" 8-1-364 T 2"
8-1-166 T 2-1/16" 8-1-266 T 2-1/16" 8-1-366 T 2-1/16"
3"+ Diameter Cutters
* Cutters with 3" depth
have an 8mm dia. Metric and larger diameter cutters
pilot hole.
available on request.
9-1-128 C 7/8" 9-1-146 C 1-7/16" 9-1-162 C 1-15/16"
9-1-130 C 15/16" 9-1-148 C 1-1/2" 9-1-164 C 2"
9-1-132 C 1" Shank size:
2-3/8" Depth 3/4" for cutters up to 3" dia.
Order No. Diameter Order No. Diameter Order No. Diameter 1-1/4" for cutters 3-1/16 to
9-1-216 C 1/2" 9-1-266 C 2-1/16" 9-1-2114 C 3-9/16" 5-1/8" dia.
9-1-218 C 9/16" 9-1-268 C 2-1/8" 9-1-2116 C 3-5/8" Pilot pin included with every
9-1-220 C 5/8" 9-1-270 C 2-3/16" 9-1-2118 C 3-11/16" annular cutter up to 4" DOC
9-1-222 C 11/16" 9-1-272 C 2-1/4" 9-1-2120 C 3-3/4"
9-1-224 C 3/4" 9-1-274 C 2-5/16" 9-1-2122 C 3-13/16" Cutter Kits
9-1-226 C 13/16" 9-1-276 C 2-3/8" 9-1-2124 C 3-7/8" Each hornet carbide cutter kit comes with
9-1-228 C 7/8" 9-1-278 C 2-7/16" 9-1-2126 C 3-15/16" the following: 9/16",11/16", 13/16", 15/16",
9-1-230 C 15/16" 9-1-280 C 2-1/2" 9-1-2128 C 4" 1-1/16", pilot pins & carrying case.
9-1-232 C 1" 9-1-282 C 2-9/16" 9-1-2130 C 4-1/16"
Order No. Description
9-1-234 C 1-1/16" 9-1-284 C 2-5/8" 9-1-2132 C 4-1/8"
9-1-236 C 1-1/8" 9-1-286 C 2-11/16" 9-1-2134 C 4-3/16" 9-1-001 C 1" depth Cutter Kit
9-1-238 C 1-3/16" 9-1-288 C 2-3/4" 9-1-2136 C 4-1/4" 9-1-002 C 2-3/8" depth Cutter Kit
9-1-240 C 1-1/4" 9-1-290 C 2-13/16" 9-1-2138 C 4-5/16"
9-1-242 C 1-5/16" 9-1-292 C 2-7/8" 9-1-2140 C 4-3/8" **We also stock Metric Carbide cutters.
9-1-244 C 1-3/8" 9-1-294 C 2-15/16" 9-1-2142 C 4-7/16" Please call us for pricing and delivery.
Larger diameters and special sizes are
9-1-246 C 1-7/16" 9-1-296 C 3" 9-1-2144 C 4-1/2"
available upon request.
9-1-248 C 1-1/2" 9-1-298 C 3-1/16" 9-1-2146 C 4-9/16"
9-1-250 C 1-9/16" 9-1-2100 C 3-1/8" 9-1-2148 C 4-5/8"
9-1-252 C 1-5/8" 9-1-2102 C 3-3/16" 9-1-2150 C 4-11/16" Pilot Pins for 9-Series
9-1-254 C 1-11/16" 9-1-2104 C 3-1/4" 9-1-2152 C 4-3/4"
Order No. Description
9-1-256 C 1-3/4" 9-1-2106 C 3-5/16" 9-1-2154 C 4-13/16"
9-1-258 C 1-13/16" 9-1-2108 C 3-3/8" 9-1-2156 C 4-7/8" For 3/4" Shanks
9-1-260 C 1-7/8" 9-1-2110 C 3-7/16" 9-1-2158 C 4-15/16" 9-3-101 C 1/2" - 1-1/2" dia., 1" depth
9-1-262 C 1-15/16" 9-1-2112 C 3-1/2" 9-1-2160 C 5" 9-3-102 C 1-9/16" - 2" dia., 1-3/8" depth
9-1-264 C 2" 9-1-2162 C 5-1/8" 9-3-202 C 1/2" - 3" dia., 2-3/8" depth
3-3/8" Depth 9-3-302 C 3/4" - 3" dia., 3-3/8" depth
Order No. Diameter Order No. Diameter Order No. Diameter
For 1-1/4" Shanks
9-1-322 C 11/16" 9-1-368 C 2-1/8" 9-1-3116 C 3-5/8" 9-3-202A C 3-1/16" - 5-1/8" dia., 2-3/8" depth
9-1-324 C 3/4" 9-1-370 C 2-3/16" 9-1-3118 C 3-11/16"
9-3-302A C 3-1/16" - 5-1/8" dia., 3-3/8" depth
9-1-326 C 13/16" 9-1-372 C 2-1/4" 9-1-3120 C 3-3/4"
9-1-328 C 7/8" 9-1-374 C 2-5/16" 9-1-3122 C 3-13/16"
9-1-330 C 15/16" 9-1-376 C 2-3/8" 9-1-3124 C 3-7/8" Option for Cutters 3-3/8" and 4" Depth
9-1-332 C 1" 9-1-378 C 2-7/16" 9-1-3126 C 3-15/16"
9-1-334 C 1-1/16" 9-1-380 C 2-1/2" 9-1-3128 C 4" 2-piece pin for 3-3/8" and 4"
9-1-336 C 1-1/8" 9-1-382 C 2-9/16" 9-1-3130 C 4-1/16" depth cutters with 8mm pilot
9-1-338 C 1-3/16" 9-1-384 C 2-5/8" 9-1-3132 C 4-1/8" hole.
9-1-340 C 1-1/4" 9-1-386 C 2-11/16" 9-1-3134 C 4-3/16" Option for Cutters 6" and 8" Depth
9-1-342 C 1-5/16" 9-1-388 C 2-3/4" 9-1-3136 C 4-1/4"
2-13/16" 9-1-3138 C 4-5/16" 9-3-602 C Pin for 6" depth cutters with
9-1-344 C 1-3/8" 9-1-390 C 8mm pilot hole.
9-1-346 C 1-7/16" 9-1-392 C 2-7/8" 9-1-3140 C 4-3/8"
9-3-802 C Pin for 8" depth cutters with
9-1-348 C 1-1/2" 9-1-394 C 2-15/16" 9-1-3142 C 4-7/16" 8mm pilot hole.
9-1-350 C 1-9/16" 9-1-396 C 3" 9-1-3144 C 4-1/2"
9-1-352 C 1-5/8" 9-1-398 C 3-1/16" 9-1-3146 C 4-9/16"
9-1-354 C 1-11/16" 9-1-3100 C 3-1/8" 9-1-3148 C 4-5/8"
9-1-356 C 1-3/4" 9-1-3102 C 3-3/16" 9-1-3150 C 4-11/16"
9-1-358 C 1-13/16" 9-1-3104 C 3-1/4" 9-1-3152 C 4-3/4"
9-1-360 C 1-7/8" 9-1-3106 C 3-5/16" 9-1-3154 C 4-13/16"
9-1-362 C 1-15/16" 9-1-3108 C 3-3/8' 9-1-3156 C 4-7/8"
9-1-364 C 2" 9-1-3010 C 3-7/16" 9-1-3158 C 4-15/16"
9-1-366 C 2-1/16" 9-1-3112 C 3-1/2" 9-1-3160 C 5"
9-1-3114 C 3-9/16" 9-1-3162 C 5-1/8"
• Pilot pin included with each 4-Series cutter
• Armor plating available upon request
1-3/8" Depth
Order No. Diameter Order No. Diameter
4-1-124 C 3/4" 4-1-140 C 1-1/4"
4-1-128 C 7/8" 4-1-142 C 1-5/16"
4-1-130 C 15/16" 4-1-144 C 1-3/8"
4-1-132 C 1" 4-1-146 C 1-7/16"
4-1-134 C 1-1/16" 4-1-148 C 1-1/2" Pilot Pin for
4-1-136 C 1-1/8" 4-1-152 C 1-5/8"
4-1-138 C 1-3/16" 4-1-154 C 1-11/16" 4-Series
Order No. Description
For 3/4" Shanks
4-3-102 3/4" - 1-11/16"
dia., 1-3/8" depth
Order No. Diameter Order No. Diameter Order No. Diameter Order No. Diameter
1-1-118* 9/16" 1-1-166 2-1/16" 1-1-1114 3-9/16" 2-1-118 9/16"
1-1-120* 5/8" 1-1-168 2-1/8" 1-1-1116 3-5/8" 2-1-120 5/8"
1-1-122 11/16" 1-1-170 2-3/16" 1-1-1118 3-11/16" 2-1-122 11/16"
1-1-124 3/4" 1-1-172 2-1/4" 1-1-1120 3-3/4" 2-1-124 3/4"
1-1-126 13/16" 1-1-174 2-5/16" 1-1-1122 3-13/16" 2-1-126 13/16"
1-1-128 7/8" 1-1-176 2-3/8" 1-1-1124 3-7/8" 2-1-128 7/8"
1-1-130 15/16" 1-1-178 2-7/16" 1-1-1126 3-15/16" 2-1-130 15/16"
1-1-132 1" 1-1-180 2-1/2" 1-1-1128 4" 2-1-132 1"
1-1-134 1-1/16" 1-1-182 2-9/16" 1-1-1136 4-1/4" 2-1-134 1-1/16"
1-1-136 1-1/8" 1-1-184 2-5/8" 1-1-1144 4-1/2" 2-1-136 1-1/8"
1-1-138 1-3/16" 1-1-186 2-11/16" 2-1-138 1-3/16"
1-1-140 1-1/4" 1-1-188 2-3/4" 1-Series Accessories 2-1-140 1-1/4"
1-1-142 1-5/16" 1-1-190 2-13/16" 2-1-142 1-5/16"
Order No. Description
1-1-144 1-3/8" 1-1-192 2-7/8" 2-1-144 1-3/8"
1-1-146 1-7/16" 1-1-194 2-15/16" 1-1-drill Center Pilot Drill
1-1-148 1-1/2" 1-1-196 3" 1-1-spring Spring
1-1-screw Screw
2-Series Accessories
1-1-150 1-9/16" 1-1-198 3-1/16"
Order No. Description
1-1-152 1-5/8" 1-1-1100 3-1/8"
1-1-154 1-11/16" 1-1-1102 3-3/16" 2-1-pilot Pilot/Ejector Pin
1-1-156 1-3/4" 1-1-1104 3-1/4" 2-1-screw Screw
1-1-158 1-13/16" 1-1-1106 3-5/16"
1-1-160 1-7/8" 1-1-1108 3-3/8"
1-1-162 1-15/16" 1-1-1110 3-7/16"
1-1-164 2" 1-1-1112 3-1/2"
* These cutters do not include springs.
HSS Steel Cutter Starter Kit
ZST 100S Kit Includes:
Set of 5 annular cutters (one each of the following):
9/16" dia. x 1" depth (6-1-118) 11/16" dia. x 1" depth (6-1-122)
13/16" dia. x 1" depth (6-1-126) 15/16" dia. x 1" depth (6-1-130)
1-1/16" dia. x 1" depth (6-1-134)
2 pilot pins • 1 cutter storage box • 1 Power Worker magnetic stick (POW 100)
1 quart high-performance cutting oil (ZHS 006)
See pages 56-57 for more information on HSS annular cutters.
Upgrade your drill's cooling system: see page 67 for arbors with automatic cooling.
Cutting Oil
• High-performance, biodegradable, non-hazardous oils and pastes
• Oils for heavy removal of metal, including stainless steel
• Chlorine-free (MSDS on bottle/tub)
Cutting Oil:
• Not necessary to dilute with water Part No. ZHS 006 (quart)
Part No. ZHS 005 (gallon)