Axis Bank Project
Axis Bank Project
Axis Bank Project
Submitted to
Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Professional Studies Dwarka, New Delhi (affiliate to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University)
I affiliated to GURU GOBIND SINGH UNIVERSITY, hereby declare that the project report titledEVOLVEMETN OF AXIS BANK IN MODERN SCENARIO is an original work submitted by me to Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Professional Studies, Dwarka is a bonafide work undertaken during the period from 08/06/2011 to 19/07/2011 by me and same has not been submitted to any other institute for the reward of any other degree. The suggestions as approved by the faculty were duly incorporated
Date: /
/ 2011
This is to certify that as per best of my belief the project entitled Evolvement of axis bank in modern scenario is the bonafide research work carried out by Romita student of M.B.A., BCIPS, Dwarka, New Delhi, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Final Research Project of the Degree of Master of Business Administration. She has worked under my guidance.
Acknowledgement Executive Summary i ii
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose of the study 1.2 Research Objectives of the study 1.3 Literature Review 1.4 Research Methodology of the study 1.4.1 Research Design 1.4.2 Data Collection 1.4.3 Limitation CHAPTER -2 : COMPANY PROFILE About the Organization CHAPTER -3 Findings and Analysis CHAPTER -4 Conclusion CHAPTER -5 SWOT Analysis CHAPTER - 6 Suggestions and Recommendations
I wish to thank a number of people who provided constructive criticism, support and helped me during the processing of the project. This project was made possible due to the combined efforts under taken by and my Project Coordinator who supported me while working on this project. I am thankful to the rest of the staff the college, who rendered every possible help they could by helping me refer the right sources for data collection for the project. I am also thankful to my friends and users who operated my project and provided me with valuable and prudent suggestions that helped me to improve and enhance the usability of the project.
The traditional function of banking is limited to acceptance of Deposits and providing the credit in the market. Todays banking is known as Innovative banking. The coming together of information technology, communication and entertainment (ICE) has given rise to new innovations in the product design and their delivery in the banking and finance industry. Driven by new technologies, changing customer preferences, and increased competition, banks have taken to heavy investments in new distribution channels like advance automated teller machines, telephone systems, and on-line banking, one of the reasons for internet applications not to have picked up as expected so far have been the concerns about the security and lack of the legal framework related to such transactions. This hurdle has been reduced to a large extent in the recent past with framing of laws enabling financial transactions through electronic media. The most of the private and nationalized Indian banks have entered in the technology age and providing various types of electronic products and services to their customer. The objective of this project is to analysis the implementation of technology in Indian banks and understanding the customers perception. This study is based on the survey and the data which is collected through the issue of questionnaire to the banks customer. The results show that customers are satisfied with technology oriented banks products and services. The empirical findings not only determine the different parameters also provide guidelines to bankers to focus on the parameters on which they need to improve and spread the awareness of electronic banking products and services to each and every section of the society. In the successive chapters we will be talking about organization. .
We will also be discussing about the various products and services provided by the AXIS BANK LTD.
The Indian Banking system has been operating successfully over the last two centuries. Several major banks in India are either offering e-banking services or planning to do so in the near future. With the growing Internet awareness among customers, increase in role of banks in e-business and growing reach of the internet, e banking would become an important part of the Indian banking sector in the years to come. The use of most modern and advance methods of equipment in banking industries is called E-BANKING. E-banking has given an opportunity for banks to find solutions to management problems like saving time, money and energy, reducing/minimizing paper works, abolition of waiting in queues, lack of communication, and lack of efficiency. The E-Banking is changing the banking industry and is having the major effects on banking relationships. E-banking involves the use of electronic devices for delivery of banking products and services. In other words a successful e-banking solution offers the following e-banking products and services: ATM (Automated Teller Machine), Cards- Credit card/Debit cards/Smart card, Mobile banking, Phone banking, Internet/online banking, Electronic fund system (EFT), Electronic clearing services (ECS), Electronic data interchange (EDI), D-mat account, Digital signature, Society for world wide interbank financial tele communication (SWIFT), Corporate Banking Terminals, Core banking solutions (CBS) etc. E-Banking as a medium of delivery of banking services and as a strategic tool for business development, has gained wide acceptance international and is fast catching up in India with more and more banking entering the day. The objective of the project is to make the mass market aware about the introduction of new technology in banking and getting them an opportunity to avail it and know their perception about such revolution change in banking..
Further more objectives of study are-: To focus on Modernization & Diversification in banking sector. To study the nature of product & services of AXIS BANK.
Due to time, the project shows limited scope. The topic covers condense data.
Literature Review
In the beginning of 90s, there were so many deficiencies were prevailing in the Indian economy, particularly in the financial sector and also in the banking sector. The major deficiencies prevailing at the time of early 90s were productivity and efficiency of the system has suffered, its profitability has been eroded, several public sector banks and financial institutions have become weak financially, some public sector banks have been incurring losses year after year, their customer service was poor, their work technology was outdated and they were unable to meet the challenges of a competitive environment. Keeping in mind all the above said distortions in the economic, financial and banking sectors, the government of India and the RBI thought it was necessary to introduce reforms in the financial and baking sector also, so as to promote rapid economic growth and development with stability through the process of globalization, liberalization and privatization in the financial system so that the financial system becomes more competitive and gets integrated with the world economy through internationalizations of financial markets in the world.
services decide a banks competitive position in the industry. The virtual financial services can be largely categorized as follows:
Smart Cards:
(i) Stored value cards (ii) As a replacement for all types of magnetic stripes cards like ATM Cards, Debit/Credit Cards, Charge Cards etc. - One smart card to carry out all these functions - One smart card can contain the functionality of several different types of cards issued by different banks while running different types of networks. - Smart card a truly powerful financial token, giving user access - STM - Debit facility - Charge facilities - Credit facilities - Electronic purse facilities at national and international level.
Internet Banking:
The latest wave in IT is Internet banking. It is becoming more obvious that the Internet has unleashed a revolution that is affecting every sphere of life. Internet is an interconnection of computer communication networks spanning the entire globe, crossing all geographical boundaries. Touching lifestyles in every sphere the Net has redefined methods of communication, work, study, education interaction, health, trade and commerce. The Net is changing everything, from the way we conduct commerce, to the way we distribute information. Being an interactive two-way medium, the Net, through innumerable websites, enables participation by individual in B2B and B2C commerce, visits to shopping malls, books-stores, entertainment sides, and so on cyberspace.
Bank Transformation
1. The term transformation in Indian Banking Industry relates to intermediately stage when the industry is passing from the earlier social banking era to the newly conceived technology based customer - centric and competitive banking. The activities of banks have grown in multi-directional as well as in multi-dimensional manners.
2. During transformation, all known parameters of the earlier regime continuously change.
3. The current transformation process in the Indian Banking has many aspects. They pertain to: (i) Capital Restructuring (ii) Financial Re-engineering (iii) Information Technology (iv) Human Resource Development
The Banking Regulation Act, 1949 defines the term Banking as accepting, for the purpose of lending or investment, of deposits of money from the public, repayable on demand or otherwise, and withdraw able by cheque, draft, order or otherwise [Section 5 (b)]. A banking company must perform two essential functions, viz., (a) accepting of deposits, and (b) lending or investing the same. If the purpose of acceptance of deposits is not to lend or invest, the business will not be called banking business. Accordingly, any company which is engaged in the manufacture of goods or carries on any trade and which accepts deposits of money from the public merely for the purpose of financing its business are not a banking company. The phrase deposits of money from the public is quite significant. The banker accepts deposits of money and not of anything else. The word public implies that a banker accepts deposits of money from any one who offers his/her money for such purpose. The banker, however, can refuse to open an account in the name of a person who is considered as an undesirable person, e.g., a thief, a robber, etc. Acceptance of deposits should be the major business of a banker. The definition also specifies the time and mode of withdrawal of the deposits. The deposited money should be repayable to the depositor on demand made by the latter or according to the agreement reached between the two parties. The essential feature of banking business is that the banker does not refund the money on his own accord, even if the period for which it was deposited expires. The depositor must make a demand for the same. The Act also specifies that the withdrawal should be effected through an order, cheque, and draft or otherwise. It implies that the demand should be made in a proper manner and through an instrument in writing and not merely by verbal order or a telephonic message. The underlying principle of the business of banking is that the resources mobilised through the acceptance of deposits must constitute the main stream of funds which are to
be utilized for lending or investment purpose. The banker is, thus, an intermediary and deals with the money belonging to the public. Section 7 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 makes it essential for every company carrying on the business of banking in India to use as part of its name at least one of the word- bank, banker, banking or banking company.
Nationalized Banks
Indian Banks
The industry is currently in a transition. On the one hand, the Public Sector Bank`s, which are the mainstay of the Indian Banking System are in the process of shedding their flab in terms of excessive manpower, excessive non Performing Assets (NPA`S) and excessive governmental, while on the other hand the private sector banks are consolidation themselves through mergers and acquisitions. The private players however cannot match the Public Banker`s great reach great size and access to low cost deposits. Therefore one of the means for them to combat the Private Sector Bank`s has been through the merger and acquisition (M & A) route. Over the last two years, the industry has witnessed several such instances. Private sector Banks have pioneered internet banking, phone banking, anywhere banking, mobile banking, debit cards, Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs) and combined various other services and integrated them into the mainstream banking arena, while the Public Sector Banks are providing safety to their money kept in bank. Meanwhile the economic and corporate sector slowdown has led to an increasing number of banks focusing on the retail segment. Banks with their phenomenal reach and a regular interface with the retail investor are the best placed to enter into the insurance sector. Banks in India have been allowed to provide fee-based insurance services without risk participation invest in an insurance company for providing infrastructure and services support and set up of a separate joint venture insurance company with risk participation. The last decade has seen many positive developments in the Indian banking sector. The policy makers, which comprise the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), Ministry of Finance and related government and financial sector regulatory entities, have made several notable efforts to improve regulation in the sector. The sector now compares favorably with banking sectors in the region on metrics like growth, profitability and nonperforming assets (NPAs). A few banks have established an outstanding track record of innovation, growth and value creation. This is reflected in their market valuation. However, improved regulations, innovation, growth and value creation in the sector
remain limited to a small part of it. The cost of banking intermediation in India is higher and bank penetration is far lower than in other markets. Indias banking industry must strengthen itself significantly if it has to support the modern and vibrant economy which India aspires to be. While the onus for this change lies mainly with bank managements, an enabling policy and regulatory framework will also be critical to their success. The failure to respond to changing market realities has stunted the development of the financial sector in many developing countries. A weak banking structure has been unable to fuel continued growth, which has harmed the long-term health of their economies. In this white paper, we emphasise the need to act both decisivelyand quickly to build an enabling, rather than a limiting, banking sector in India
which the banks have to retain as cash or specified government securities - have been left untouched.Some short-term deceleration in growth may be unavoidable in bringing inflation under control and the central bank needs to persist with its anti-inflationary stance, the Reserve Bank of India said in its mid-quarter policy review
New areas have been opened up for bank financing: insurance, credit cards, infrastructure financing, leasing, gold banking, besides of course investment banking, asset management, factoring, etc. New instruments have been introduced for greater flexibility and better risk management: e.g. interest rate swaps, forward rate agreements, cross currency forward contracts, forward cover to hedge inflows under foreign direct investment, liquidity adjustment facility for meeting day-to-day liquidity mismatch. Several new institutions have been set up including the National Securities Depositories Ltd., Central Depositories Services Ltd., Clearing Corporation of India Ltd., Credit Information Bureau India Ltd. Limits for investment in overseas markets by banks, mutual funds and corporates have been liberalized. The overseas investment limit for corporates has been raised to 100% of net worth and the ceiling of $100 million on prepayment of external commercial borrowings has been removed. MFs and corporates can now undertake FRAs with banks. Indians allowed to maintain resident foreign currency (domestic) accounts. Full convertibility for deposit schemes of NRIs introduced. Universal Banking has been introduced. With banks permitted to diversify into long-term finance and DFIs into working capital, guidelines have been put in place for the evolution of universal banks in an orderly fashion. Technology infrastructure for the payments and settlement system in the country has been strengthened with electronic funds transfer, Centralised Funds Management System, Structured Financial Messaging Solution, Negotiated Dealing System and move towards Real Time Gross Settlement. Adoption of global standards. Prudential norms for capital adequacy, asset classification, income recognition and provisioning are now close to global standards. RBI has introduced Risk Based Supervision of banks (against the traditional transaction based approach). Best international practices in accounting systems, corporate governance, payment and settlement systems, etc. are being adopted.
Credit delivery mechanism has been reinforced to increase the flow of credit to priority sectors through focus on micro credit and Self Help Groups. The definition of priority sector has been widened to include food processing and cold storage, software upto Rs 1 cr, housing above Rs 10 lakh, selected lending through NBFCs, etc. RBI guidelines have been issued for putting in place risk management system in banks. Rish management Committees in banks address credit risk, market risk and operational risk. Banks have specialised committees to measure and monitor various risks and have been upgrading their risk management skills and system
The face of banking is changing rapidly. Competition is going to be tough and with financial liberalisation under the WTO, banks in India will have to benchmark themselves against the best in the world. For a strong and resilient banking and financial system, therefore, banks need to go beyond peripheral issues and tackle significant issues like improvements in profitability, efficiency and technology, while achieving economies of scale through consolidation and exploring available cost-effective solutions. In today scenario the technology captures the banking sectores. It provides a no. of solution to the customer and helps to upsurge the growth of ti. The dramatic changes in banking sector that brought technology services are listed below:Technology-Oriented Services in Indian Banks: 1. ATM (Automated Teller Machine) 2. Plastic Money 3. Electronic Payment System 4. EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) 5. Mobile Banking 6. Tele Banking 7. Internet Banking 8. Online shopping and electronic payment
3. AXIS Bank: One of the top private banks in India, it was earlier known as the Unit Trust of India (UTI) since it was promoted by the same organization. It was first among the new private banks to have started its operations in the year 1994. AXIS has its significant presence in about 4509 districts of India with a wide network of over 729 branch offices and Extension Counters. With around 3171 ATMs, the bank provides round the clock banking convenience. This Indina bank has amassed a capital of more than Rs. 350 crores and enjoys equal sway over retail and corporate banking. 4. HDFC Bank: It is also among the top banks of India offering various banking services for the customers like Personal Banking, NRI Services, Net Banking, Online Remittances and others. The year 2008 has been very prosperous for HDFC as it won a host of awards for being the best retail bank and also the best among other Indian banks to adopt Information Technology. With a total income of more than Rs. 5,400 crores, it demands a significant position in Indian banking industry. The bank has about 1,500 branches and 2,890 ATMs in 530 Indian cities. 5. HSBC: The first ATM provider of India, HSBC Bank is one of Indias top banks with its operational base extending consitently. This commercial bank of India first started to function in 1853. It opens up ample banking services for the customers apart from cash management, financial planning and business banking facility. It has a provision of 150-in-branch and off-branch ATMs and phone banking for 24 hours. 6. Reserve Bank of India: Referred as the Central Bank of India, RBI is a premier bank of India having about 22 regional offices across the nation and most of the offices are in the capitals of the Indian states. RBI is fully owned by Government of India and it performs myriad range of services from supervising and regulating financial system to managing exchange control. Established
in 1935, RBI remains the most prestigious entity playing the guardian of all commercial banks of India. 7. Punjab Bank of India (PNB): Has been in operation since 1895, PNB is a trusted name in the banking segment of India. It is among the few other public sector banks of India that runs special schemes for senior citizens, army personnel, students and women. Despite the recessive tendency in Indian economy, PNB has managed to eke out profit on a sustained manner. 8. Central Bank of India: This is one of the largest and oldest commercial banks in India. The bank has its office in about 27 states in India with 270 extension counters and 3,168 branches. Founded in the year 1911, this is Indias first commercial bank that was completely managed and owned by Indians. With an average business of around 2,000 crore, Central Bank of India has a significant presence in Indias financial orbit. 9. Union Bank of India: This PSU unit has convinced the customers that they are Good people to bank with. More than 50% of share capital of Union Bank of India is held by Indian government. Around 27,000 employees work together to fulfill the banks mission to reduce the gap between expectations and deliverables. 10. Bharat Overseas Bank Ltd Bharat Overseas Bank (BOB) was a private bank based in Chennai, India. In 2007 it merged with Indian Overseas Bank, which took over all the bank's employees, assets, and deposits. BOB was established in 1973 order to take over for the Bangkok branch of the Indian Overseas Bank. It was one of the few private banks that the Reserve Bank of India permitted to have a branch outside of India, and was the only bank representing India in Thailand.
Axis Bank was the first of the new private banks to have begun operations in 1994, after the Government of India allowed new private banks to be established. The Bank was promoted jointly by the Administrator of the specified undertaking of the Unit Trust of India (UTI - I), Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) and General Insurance Corporation of India (GIC) and other four PSU insurance companies, i.e. National Insurance Company Ltd., The New India Assurance Company Ltd., The Oriental Insurance Company Ltd. and United India Insurance Company Ltd. The Bank as on 30th June, 2011 is capitalized to the extent of Rs. 411.88 crores with the public holding (other than promoters and GDRs) at 52.87%. The Bank's Registered Office is at Ahmedabad and its Central Office is located at Mumbai. The Bank has a very wide network of more than 1281 branches (including 169 Service Branches/CPCs as on 31st March, 2011). The Bank has a network of over 6270 ATMs (as on 31st March, 2011) providing 24 hrs a day banking convenience to its customers. This is one of the largest ATM networks in the country. The Bank has strengths in both retail and corporate banking and is committed to adopting the best industry practices internationally in order to achieve excellence.
Axis Bank Ltd. has been promoted by the largest and the best Financial Institution of the country, UTI. The Bank was set up with a capital of Rs. 115 crore, with UTI contributing Rs. 100 crore, LIC - Rs. 7.5 crore and GIC and its four subsidiaries contributing Rs. 1.5 crore each.
To be the preferred financial solutions provider excelling in customer delivery through insight, empowered employees and smart use of technology
Core Values
terms and conditions from UTI AMC to use the name. UTI Bank decided to choose the new name considering the bank's pan-Indian as well as international presence. The bank would go in for international expansion sometime down the line. "Moving on to Axis would only reinforce the fact that they are a board-driven private bank, as against the previous image which had a quasi-governmental touch, and in that sense, the brand-change will be actually beneficial," The bank is likely to spend around Rs. 50 crore ($12.5 million) in the re-branding exercise in the year 2008. The change in name was considered for avoiding confusion as several unrelated entities were using the UTI brand. The board of directors of UTI Bank had, on April 30 2007, approved the proposal to change its name to Axis Bank. UTI Asset Management Company owns the UTI brand.
YEAR 1993 MAJOR EVENTS Incorporated as UTI Bank Limited by the Administrator of the specified undertaking of the Unit Trust of India (UTI -I), Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) and General Insurance Corporation of India (GIC) and other four PSU insurance companies.
The bank along with Global Trust Bank (GTB) had a merger proposal to create the largest private sector bank, but due to media's issues both the banks withdraw the merger proposal.
It was authorized to handle Government transactions such as collection of Government taxes, to handle the expenditure related payments of Central Government Ministries and Departments and pension payments on behalf of Civil and Non-civil Ministries such as defence, posts, telecom and railways. Also, it launched merchant acquiring business.
The Bank raised $239.3 million through Global Depositary Receipts. It won the award 'Outstanding Achievement Award' for the year 2005 from Indian Banks Association for IT Infrastructure, delivery capabilities and innovative solutions. Also, it set up Axis Securities and Sales Ltd (originally incorporated as UBL Sales Ltd) to market credit cards and retail asset products
It set up Axis Private Equity Ltd, primarily to carry on the activities of managing equity investments and provide venture capital support to businesses.
Again, it raised $218.67 million through Global Depository Receipts and opened 153 new branches & extension centres during the year. Also, it opened new overseas offices at Singapore, Dubai and Hong Kong and a representative office in Shanghai. The name of the bank changed to Axis Bank with effect from July 30, 2007.
It established Axis Trustee Services Company Ltd as a wholly owned subsidiary company, which is engaged in trusteeship activities. In December 2008, it launched new investment advisory service exclusively for High Net Worth clients.
The Bank set up Axis Asset Management Company Ltd to carry on the activities of managing a mutual fund business. Also, it incorporated Axis Mutual Fund Trustee Ltd to act as the trustee for the mutual fund business. Axis Bank launched the private banking business
Launch of 'Idea MyCash', Powered by Axis Bank And E wallet card Idea MyCash', a facility aimed at providing basic banking services including money transfer, using the mobile platform, was flagged off by IDEA Cellular, the third largest mobile operator in the country, in association with Axis Bank. The eWallet Card is an electronic payment service which is offered by the Bank to its customers without any cost.
Name of subsidiary
Axis Securities and Sales Limited
Marketing credit cards and retail asset products. It is also into retail broking It is primarily to carry on the activities of managing equity investments and provide venture capital.
It is into the trusteeship businesses such as acting as a debenture trustee, the trustee to various securitisation trusts
Axis Mutual Fund Trustee Limited Axis Asset Management Company Limited
The company was formed to act as the trustee for the mutual fund business It is in the mutual fund business
In corporate section, Axis Bank offers products and services like accounts, treasury, credit, cash management services, capital market products and services and government business. Services and products like accounts, remittances and deposits are provided to its customers by Axis Bank in non-resident Indian banking category.
Easy Access Account
The product is an endeavor by the Bank to understand the consumers' needs and redefine banking to suit your requirements for a truly comfortable banking experience. Easy Access gives customer instant access to your money anywhere, anytime. Possessing a range of unmatched features, it has been devised to better suit the convenience of bank eclectic client base. Customer can avail of all these services with a minimum average balance of Rs 5,000 in metro or urban centers, and Rs 2,500 in semi urban centers. Some of its features are: At Par Cheque Book: ATM Network: Anywhere Banking:
various centres, through centralised database), but also provide customer with a range of value added benefits. Some of its features are: No minimum balance required. Anywhere Banking. International Debit cum ATM card with withdrawal upto Rs 25,000 daily.
Timely communication to the customer on receipt of the PPO No delays in commencement of pension disbursals - The Bank is handling the disbursement of Pension under a Centralised Pension Disbursement Module wherein the Pensioner records are credited centrally through its Centralised Pension Payment Hub (CCPH) at Mumbai.
Timely issue of Form- 16A for tax deducted at source in the immediately previous financial year.
Timely revisions based on changes in rates of Pension or Dearness Allowance, done centrally from the CCPH.
(b) Encash 24
The ENCASH 24 (Flexi Deposits) gives the liquidity of a Savings Account coupled with high earnings of a Fixed Deposit. This is achieved by creating a Fixed Deposit linked to Savings Account providing you the following unique facilities:
Maximum Returns: As soon as the balance in Savings Account crosses over Rs 25,000, the excess, in multiples of Rs 10,000 will be transferred automatically to a higher interest earning Fixed Deposit Account.
Maximum Liquidity: The money parked in Fixed Deposits as a result of the above mentioned sweep out from Savings account can be easily accessed by issuing a cheque, withdrawing through ATM etc.
Auto Renewal: On maturity of linked Fixed Deposits, the bank will automatically renew it for a maximum period of 181 days.
Recurring deposits are accepted in equal monthly installments of minimum Rs 1,000 and above in multiples of Rs 500 thereafter.
The fixed number of installments for which a depositor can opt are 12, 24, 36, 39, 48, 60, 63, 72, 84, 96, 108 and 120 months.
A recurring deposit account can be transferred from one office of the Bank to another branch.
1. 2. 3. 4.
Attractive interest rates Balance Transfer facility Doorstep service Nil Prepayment charges
Attractive interest rates. Balance Transfer facility available with additional finance. Doorstep service.
Only individuals are permitted to apply. HUFs, limited companies, partnerships and sole proprietors are not eligible. Facility available against more than 500 approved scrips. Shares can be pledged from any Depository Participant across the country.
Only individuals are permitted to apply. Maximum limit upto 50% of valuation. Overdraft possible against more than 250 schemes.
(a) Gold Credit Card
Axis Bank's Gold Plus Credit Card goes beyond meeting expectations. There is always more to enjoy and more to gain with a Gold Plus Credit Card. Apply for Gold Plus Credit Card and claim a complimentary return flight voucher.
customers, it is a result of bank constant endeavour to understand customer requirements and design products and services with you in mind. Some of benefits are:
Flexibility of usage. Worldwide reach. Zero petrol surcharge. Special offers and discounts at merchant establishments on card usage.
hassle free. Thereby rendering the age-old instruments like Demand Drafts and Pay Orders obsolete. This card is brought in association with , a global online money transfer service of Times Online Money Limited. Funds remitted through are directly loaded onto the Remittance Card, which customer, as the beneficiary of the remitted funds, have access to anytime and anywhere.
card designed to replace the inefficient paper voucher system in the market. It is a far more operationally efficient way to provide customers employees with a meal allowance and eliminates the logistical hassles associated with the procurement, stock-keeping and distribution of paper-based Meal Vouchers.
which may not be covered under other policies. Jewellery Insurance safeguards this asset for customer, securing it against all risks. The only product of its kind in the industry, provides complete security for jewellery, when it is worn by the policyholder in person or while being carried to the bank lockers. Absolute security & coverage is given against burglary & fire, in respect of items kept at bank locker.
citizens have to pay out of their hard earned savings to meet the expenses. Bajaj Allianz's Silver Health Plan for senior citizens protects them and their spouse in case they need expensive medical care. They get cashless benefit or medical reimbursement for hospitalization expenses due to illness or accidents.
(a) Bill Pay
Axis Bank's Bill Pay service enables to make secure payments from the comfort of customers home or office. So its time to say goodbye to late payment fines, long queues, lost bills, and commissions paid to local errand boys.
Easily Available Available over the counter, at a large network of licensed Money Changers and 192 centrally located Axis Bank branches
o o o o o o o o o o o o
Convenient One-time conversion of foreign currency at competitive exchange rates Load upto Rs. 50,000 on the card at any point of time Reloadable at 192 Axis Bank branches Fully refundable to Indian Rupees
Simple to use Shop at over 470,000 outlets Withdraw cash anytime, anywhere at over 59,000 ATMs Safe More secure way of carrying currency Facility to change PIN at over 5000 Axis Bank ATMs Request for a new PIN / Lost card replacement at 192 Axis Bank branches Check usage with online statements
b) Outward Remittance
Send money abroad in a secure and convenient way. Axis Bank offers Outward Remittance facilities enabling you to remit money abroad through reliable and quick transactions.
Send money abroad for reasons more than one: education, medical purpose, gifting, maintenance for loved ones or donation for a cause. c) Foreign Currency Travellers Cheques A tried and tested way of carrying foreign exchange overseas. American Express Traveler's cheques are widely accepted globally as a mode of payment in many parts of the world. It is always worthwhile taking some of your foreign exchange in travelers' cheques as it is a great backup to cash and cards. The beauty of Travelers' Cheques is that they can be replaced if they are lost or stolen. It always helps if you keep a record of your travelers' cheque numbers in a safe place, preferably a copy with you (but not with your cheques) and another copy at home (or somewhere where someone can fax them to you if you need to make a claim for lost cheques).
d) Foreign Currency Cash Cash is the oldest and commonest method of carrying foreign exchange overseas. Carrying small amount of local currency or internationally acceptable currency variants in your wallet when you travel overseas is reassuring and convenient - especially to make payments for the services you may require on your arrival at the destination. According to FEMA guidelines, the maximum amount of currency that can be availed of for any purpose of travel is the equivalent of USD 2,000.
(a) Mobile Refill
With Axis Bank's mobile refill facility, customer no longer have to worry about losing their mobile connectivity anytime of the day or night. Axis Bank's mobile refill facility enables to refill mobile over the Internet, on the ATM and even through SMS.
(b) Lockers
Axis Bank also provides lockers to its esteemed customers. Any customer that wants locker facility can contact to any branch of Axis Bank. No need of any documentation.
d) E-Statement Axis Bank offers the facility of E-Statement. E-Statement are secure and electronic way to receive statement of accounts from the Bank.
Prompt delivery Person specific delivery No hassle of physical record maintenance Monthly statements on email id within a week of the following month Password protected for security
Environmental Scan
Internal Analysis
External Analysis
Weaknesses Opportunities
SWOT Matrix
Support of various promoters High level of services Knowledge of Indian markets
Not having good image Market capitilazation is very low Not been fully able to positon itself correctly
Growing Indian banking sectors People are becoming more service oriented
From different competitors Foreign banks Governments banks Future market trends
40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 4% 0% bank of baroda standard charted a bank axis bank hdfc bank sbi 4% 3% 22% DEALING 31% 36%
Among the total customers, 36% customers are in favor of SBI. These customers prefer to deal with SBI, the reason being it is a public bank and it is located in every nook and corner of the city. The second preference of the customers is Axis bank, 31% customers favor this bank for banking activity. Thus, giving tough competition to SBI. 22% customers are in favor of HDFC Bank. Bank of Baroda, Standard chartered and Karnataka bank are also preferred by some customers.
All the respondents have acknowledged their awareness of the e-banking concepts (i.e. 100%)
3) Do you think E-banking is more convenient & suitable as compare to traditional banking ?
Agreed Disagreed
Almost 92.1% of the respondents agree that the electronic services are more convenient and suitable in present life. On the other hand 7.9% respondents disagree
Yes NO
It is revealed that 90.7% of the respondents think that using an ATM is easier, authenticated and safe for conducting banking transaction and 9.3% of the respondents deny this statement 5) Which banks ATM you use the most, for cash withdrawal?
Using ATM
40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 36% 26% 22%
6% 2%
Among the total no. of customers, 36% customers said that they use Axis banks ATM the most for cash withdrawal because its location covers almost all the areas of the city. The next preference is HDFC Bank and 26% customers said that they use HDFC banks ATM because they are convenient with it. The third preference is SBI and 22% people are in favour of this
bank. The reason being it is a public bank. 6% are totally loyal to their existing ICICI bank. PNB, BOB and Standard chartered are also preferred by some customers.
6) Kindly rate the below mentioned banks as per the ambience and infrastructure facilities provided to the customers?
42% people said that AXIS BANK is the best 23% people said that SBI is the best 16% people said that HDFC is the best 13% people said that ICICI is the best 6% people said that PNB is the best
No Yes
It is revealed that 63% respondent are not aware about the e-wallet card and rest of are aware 8) Do you agree the product that purchased was according to your need?
Yes No
72% respondents said that they were satisfied where 28 % respondents didnt find the products as per their needs.
9) Competition between Axis bank ,Hdfc bank, UTI bank and Central bank on basis of their no. of debit card holders
45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% ICICI UTI AXIS BANK CENTRAL
10) What do you think is Debit better card than Credit card ?
As per respondents feedback, it is found that 76.3% respondent think that use of Debit card is better than Credit card and 23.7% negated this statement.
Yes No
It is also found that 81.2% think that card transaction is safe and secure and 18.8% respondents faced problem
12) Have you Encountered the processing error while transaction with card?
Yes No
Yes No
On the basis of analysis of respondents feed back, it is found 85% respondents feel that online banking system save time and 15% doesnt support it.
Yes No
It is found that 81.1% respondent think that learning to use a net banking/online banking is easier but 18.9% disagree with this statement.
It is further observed that 77% respondents think that mobile banking services are more useful but 23% do not agree
16) Do you find EFT services is more secure and Time saving?
Yes No
80.9% respondents feel that it is more secure and 19.1% said that it is not safe and secure.
E-banking has provided ease and flexibility in banking operations. Today, in India, almost every private as well as nationalized bank is providing IT based products and services to their customers and co-operative banks have recently entered in the same. The Financial Reforms that were initiated in the early 90s and the globalization and liberalization measures brought in a completely new operating environment to the Banks that were till then operating in highly protected milieu. Services and Products like Anywhere Banking, Tele-Banking, Internet Banking, Web Banking, E Banking, e-commerce, e-business, etc. have become the buzzwords of the day and the Bank are trying to cope with the competition by offering innovative and attractive packaged technology-based services to their customers. On the basis of the analysis, it can be concluded that usage of banking services is still not wide open. In a country like India, where urban population is less educated, the utility of banking services is not properly realized. It is found that only educated, well to do persons, and male forms the majority of the users. Even though a majority of Indian and Foreign banks have introduced the advance e-banking facilities, but it is observed that a large numbers of bank users do not proper to use these services. This may be due to the ignorance of the system of e-banking or because of the distrust in the computer system. From the above, this can be concluded that there is an urgent need of spreading the awareness among the common people. They should feel that their money is more safe and secure with the banks. As a conscious strategy of building a network of branches and ATMs with effective penetration, the Bank continued to enlarge its geographical coverage of centres with potential for growth, especially in the areas with potential for low-cost CASA deposits, lending to retail, agriculture and SME segments and the distribution of third party products. During the year, 407 new branches were added to the Banks network taking the total number of branches and extension counters (ECs) to 1,390. Of these, 564 branches/ECs are in semi-urban and rural areas and 826 branches/ECs are in metropolitan and urban areas. The Bank is present in all states and Union Territories (except Lakshadweep) covering 921 centres. The ATM network of the Bank increased from 4,293 last year to 6,270 as on 31 March, 2011. During the year, the Bank also opened a Representative Office in Abu Dhabi.
Personal Information
1. Gender Male Female
2. Age 25 years and below 36-45 years 26-35 years Above 45 years
1) If given an option, which bank will you prefer to deal with as a customer?
a) Bank of Baroda.. b) sbi c) axis bank. D) Hdfc e) standard chaterterd ..f) Other bank. 2) Are you aware about the e-banking? Yes . No
3) Do you think E-banking is more convenient & suitable as compare to traditional banking? Yes . No
5) Which banks ATM you use the most, for cash withdrawal? a) Bank of Baroda.. b) sbi c) axis bank. D) Hdfc e) standard chaterterd .. f) other bank 5) Are you satisfied with bank charging amount on ATM access? Yes . No
7) Which bank credit cards do you prefer to use? a) Bank of Baroda.. b) SBI c) Axis bank. D) HDFC e) Standard Chaterterd .. f) Other bank . 8) In your opinion credit card charges are heavier? Yes . No
10) Does Credit transaction very safe and secure? Yes. No 11) Have you Encountered the processing error while transaction with card? Yes. No 12) Do you think online banking transitions are financially secured? Yes. No
13) Learning to use a net banking is very easier for customer/user Yes. No
15) Do you find EFT services is more secure and Time saving? Yes. No
16) What changes would you recommend so as to enhance your satisfaction level? .