Bone Tumor

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���� ����� �������� �������� �� Diaphysis OO Es Ada

Epiphysis E=CG Ewings sar periosteal reaction True rosette

• Onion peel
Giant cell tumor Clinical sign-Eggshell cracking • Chemo+limb
Eww an onion Neuroectodermal cells origin
(osteoclastoma) Xray- soap bubble resection+adjuv
Pseudo rosette
Female ant radiation
Most radio sensitive
High chance of reoccurrence • Radio sensitive
Bone forming
but surgery>
RT cuz growth
plate damage
Osteoid osteoma Night pain relived by NSAID Excision
Ioc CTscan reast all MRI curettage
chondroblastoma Chicken wire Excision +ABG Oo that feels better 1st -xray

Adamantinomas Tibia

Osteo chondroma • Developmental malformation of 1. epiphyseal Extra periostel
growth plate (not a true tumor) 2. Epiphyseal resection after
Chondro sarcoma • Stalk away from joint line fusion skeletal maturity
Moth eaten • Large to feel but small on x ray 3. Eccentric
appearence Fibrous dysplasia • Bone tissue replaced by fibrous bisphosphanates
• Cartilage cap <2cm seen only on 4. Expansile
tissue + woven bone (immature)
MRI 5. Eggshell
• Ground glass
• Sheperd crook deformity
6. Extended

Osteo sarcoma Periostel rxn 1. Neo adjuvant others

osteoblastic • Sun ray--Sun burst ..sharpeys chemo(dec
osteoma Facial bones
fiber calcification metastasis)
• codmans triangle 2. Surgery/limb
most radio resistant disarticulation
..causes of secondary osteosarcoma - or amputation
pagets disease 3. Adjuvant
chemo –methotrexate high dose chemo(dec
Osteoblastoma vertebrae

Blasted with

Bone cyst Simple Aneurysmal Excision drainage

• Unilocular • Multi curettage
En chondroma Hands and feet Excision
• Symmetric • Asymmetric abg
Notochordal origin curettage
• centric • Eccentric bone cement
+ abg
• straw fluid • Blood filled
filled • Gct variant
• fallen leaf
• trapdoor path# broken fragment floating
sign Chondroma spine or skull
Aka.. base
Non ossifying fibroma Gct variant notochordal sacral tumor
M/c malignant bone tumor Secomdary tumor from metastasis– breast>prostate>lungs>thyroid>Kidney

Common in bOys

M/c primary malignant bone tumor –mm(osteolytic-osteoporosis)>osteosarcoma>chondrosarcoma

M/c benign bone tumor of spine --hemangioma


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