Sound Propagation in Lined Ducts With Parallel Flow: WWW -
Sound Propagation in Lined Ducts With Parallel Flow: WWW -
Sound Propagation in Lined Ducts With Parallel Flow: WWW -
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Martien Oppeneer
Cover design: Geertje van de Weerdhof–Oppeneer.
ISBN: 978-94-6259-217-9
Martinus Oppeneer
geboren te Axel
Dit proefschrift is goedgekeurd door de promotoren en de samenstelling
van de promotiecommissie is als volgt:
Notation iii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation: ramp noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Context: aircraft duct acoustics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Problem description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.4 Objectives and main results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3 Numerical approach 37
3.1 Collocation to solve the BVP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
3.2 Path-following based on linear extrapolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
3.3 Finding bulk-absorber modes by using contour integration . . . . . . . . . 44
3.3.1 Eigenvalues as the roots of an analytic function . . . . . . . . . . . 45
3.3.2 Finding roots using contour integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
3.3.3 Implementation details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
3.3.4 Numerical results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
ii Contents
Bibliography 120
Index 121
Summary 123
Samenvatting 125
Operators / maps
³ ´
= ∂∂t + v ∇
³ ´
· total derivative
D ∂ ∂
= ∂t
+ u 0 ∂x
total derivative for parallel mean flow
∇⊥ , ∇⊥ · transverse gradient / divergence
〈〈F, F̃ 〉〉 bilinear map (arbitrary cross-section)
〈F, F̃ 〉 bilinear map (circular cross-section)
(·) y , (·) z y, z derivative
Latin symbols
b = d + dl [ m] liner outer wall radius
c [ m/s ] speed of sound
c p , cv [ J/(kg · K) ] specific heats at constant pressure, volume
d [ m] duct radius
dl [ m] liner depth
D [ J/(m3 · s) = kg/(m · s3 ) ] perturbation energy ‘dissipation’
e [ J/kg ] specific internal energy
E [ J/kg ] specific total energy
E [ J/m3 = kg/(m · s2 ) ] perturbation energy density
f [ 1/s ] frequency
h [ J/kg ] specific enthalpy
h j , h max continuation step size (Sec. 3.2)
(1) (2)
Hm , Hm Hankel functions of first and second kind
I [ J/(m2 · s) = kg/s3 ] perturbation energy flux vector
Jm Bessel function of the first kind
k [ 1/m ] axial wavenumber
L [ 1/m ] typical length scale / duct length
iv Contents
Greek symbols
α [ m2 /s ] thermal diffusivity (Sec. 2.1)
α [ 1/m ] radial wavenumber
β s , βT [ m2 /N = 1/Pa ] adiabatic, isothermal compressibility
β, γ coefficients of Pridmore-Brown eqn.
γ = c p /c v ratio of specific heats
δ [ m] boundary layer thickness
ε, ² small parameter
² j , ²tol error in k-prediction (Sec. 3.2)
Θ dimensionless mean flow temperature
κ [ W/(m · K) ] thermal conductivity
λ [ m] wavelength
λ continuation parameter (Sec. 3.2)
Λ = ω − µM dimensionless Doppler-shifted frequency
µ, µ v [ Pa · s = kg/(m · s) ] dynamic / volume viscosity (Sec. 2.1)
µ, ν radial mode order
µp [ 1/m ] propagation constant (porous material)
ν [ m2 /s ] kinematic viscosity
Π dimensionless mean flow pressure
ρ [ kg/m3 ] density
ρe [ kg/m3 ] effective density (porous material)
σ [ kg/(m3 · s) ] resistivity (porous material)
τ [ N/m2 = Pa ] deviatoric stress tensor
Φ [ kg/(m · s3 ) ] viscous dissipation term in energy equation
ω [ rad/s ] radial frequency
ω := ∇ × v [ 1/s ] vorticity vector
Ω = ω − ku 0 [ 1/s ] Doppler-shifted frequency
Ω porosity (Sec. 2.3.2)
Dimensionless numbers
Re Reynolds number
Ec Eckert number
Pr Prandtl number
Pe Péclet number
Chapter 1
2 Chapter 1. Introduction
Figure 1.1: Detail of the tail of an Airbus Figure 1.2: Schematic of an APU with its
A380 aircraft, where the exhaust duct of inlet and exhaust ducts. © Thomas Nodé-
the Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) can be rec- Langlois (Airbus S.A.S.) 2010.
ognized. © David Monniaux 2007.
As for basically any aircraft component, it is very important for an APU exhaust
duct to be light-weight. Moreover, geometrical constraints exist because of the coni-
cal shape of the aircraft fuselage tail. To find an optimum for the trade-off between
minimal weight and noise emissions there is a need for more insight in the main noise
source propagation mechanisms and accurate design tools. This was the main motiva-
tion for the research described in this thesis. Many results, however, are equally well
applicable to sound propagation in any other type of duct, like for example the turbo-
fan inlet and exhaust ducts. We therefore proceed by sketching the wider context of
aircraft duct acoustics [84].
of oscillations, e.g. a mode of higher order is more oscillatory then a lower order mode.
Some modes are more propagative than others; a mode which is (mainly) propagative
in character will be referred to as cut-on, whereas a cut-off mode exponentially decays
in the axial direction and does not propagate.
Classically, the field of duct acoustics was primarily concerned with musical in-
struments and air conditioning systems in buildings. For these applications the wave-
lengths are large with respect to the duct diameter, the mean flow speed is very small,
and the duct walls are rigid; hence models based on plane waves (the lowest order
mode) without mean flow could be used [37]. The field of duct acoustics significantly
broadened with the growth of commercial aviation after World War II.
Before the advent of the turbofan engine, the turbulent exhaust jet was the primary
source of aircraft noise. When the engine with bypass duct became prominent in the
sixties, noise from the compressor and the fan stages inside the engine became more
important. As the bypass ratio (the ratio of the mass flow rate through the annular
bypass duct to that of the engine core) increased, the importance of jet noise decreased
and fan noise became a relatively more important noise source. As a result, more atten-
tion was paid to sound propagating upstream through the inlet duct, and downstream
through the bypass ducts.
An important early development is the so-called Tyler-Sofrin rule [117]. Most of the
noise on the inlet side is due to rotor-stator interaction: rotor wakes are impinging on
stator vanes (which are present to recover energy from the swirl in the mean flow),
producing a specific set of interaction tones. By choosing the number of rotor blades
and stator vanes in a clever way it can be ensured that the first (few) harmonics are
cut-off. This greatly reduced the interaction noise.
Turbofans are very large with respect to the relevant wavelengths, so models based
on plane waves were not sufficient anymore, and higher order modes had to be taken
into account. Moreover, the velocity of the air flowing through the engine is high; even
at take off or landing the typical Mach number (the ratio of flow speed to sound speed)
is 0.7. Therefore, the Doppler-shift due to the convection of the sound waves can not be
neglected, and models based on uniform flow (sometimes referred to as plug flow) were
introduced [41].
The mean flow in the inlet duct is indeed almost uniform, with only a very thin
boundary layer. In the annular exhaust duct however, the flow is strongly sheared,
which requires models based on non-uniform mean flow velocities. For a fluid flowing
along a wall, the fluid velocity can be assumed to be approximately constant away
from the wall, and fall to zero in the boundary layer near the walls. As pointed out
by Pridmore-Brown [97], on a ray-acoustics picture, sound propagating downstream
through this fluid will be refracted towards the wall, while upstream sound rays will
be bent away from the wall. Pridmore-Brown derived an ordinary differential equation
for the acoustic duct modes in a parallel shear flow, which is usually referred to as the
Pridmore-Brown equation. This equation plays a central role in this thesis.
It is well known that sound waves refract towards the region with the lowest sound
speed, which is in stagnant flow the region with the lowest temperature. Consequently,
again on a ray-acoustics picture, it can be seen that cooling the duct wall leads to re-
fraction of the sound towards the walls for both upstream and downstream propagating
waves. The effect of transverse temperature gradients can be included in the Pridmore-
Brown equation [16, 56, 83]. The typical temperature gradients of the mean flow are
not very large in the inlet and exhaust ducts of a turbofan, yet they are important for
4 Chapter 1. Introduction
liner cavity
mean flow velocity temperature
profile u 0 ( r ) profile T0 ( r )
which is typically one order of magnitude smaller than the duct radius), and because
the mean flow is free of swirl (i.e. it is not rotating in the plane perpendicular to the
duct axis), we assume a fully developed parallel mean flow. In other words: only the
axial component of the mean flow velocity is non-zero and varies in the transverse di-
rection, and also the mean temperature varies only in the transverse direction. Typical
Mach numbers (i.e. velocity–sound speed ratios) range from 0.1 to 0.3, and the temper-
ature difference between the hot and cold flows is typically a few hundred degrees. The
uniform mean (ambient) pressure has a typical value of 1 bar. The mean density then
follows from the transverse temperature profile.
Due to the conical shape of the aircraft fuselage tail, the lining inside the duct wall
has an axially decreasing depth ranging from more than ten to a few centimeters. It
is covered with a (mostly resistive) facing sheet consisting of a perforated plate and a
wire mesh. The lining typically consists of a number of relatively large annular liner
segments, which may be open or filled with porous material. The duct wall may also
consist of Helmholtz resonator arrays (honeycombs) with axially varying depth.
To compute the sound inside the duct we formulate the problem in terms of acoustic
duct modes, i.e. the infinitely many eigensolutions of the boundary value problem con-
sisting of the Pridmore-Brown equation for parallel mean flow and transverse temper-
ature gradients subject to suitable boundary conditions. We assume that all acoustic
solutions can be described in terms of these modes (which might not be the case for
shear flow [23]). For this purpose it is important that all relevant modes (for example
with axial wavenumbers in a specific part of the complex plane) are found.
The Pridmore-Brown equation reduces to Bessel’s equation for the specific case of
uniform mean flow and temperature. Consequently, the eigenfunctions are in this case
Bessel functions and the eigensolutions follow from the roots of a function that is avail-
able in closed form. For boundary conditions corresponding to a hard wall these roots
are even real-valued, so they are easily found numerically, since the real numbers are
ordered. For the case of locally or non-locally reacting boundary conditions these roots
lie in the complex plane, so there is no natural ordering. A Newton-based root-finder
may be used, provided that good initial guesses are available. Depending on the lo-
§ 1.4 Objectives and main results 7
cation of the initial guesses and the basins of attraction of the actual roots, Newton’s
method may not converge to all of the relevant roots. This problem is often mitigated
somewhat in practice by using an excess number of initial guesses, but this does not
fundamentally solve the problem, hence there is a risk that some modes are missed.
For the more general case of non-uniform mean flow and temperature solutions of
the Pridmore-Brown equation are not known in closed form. Hence, we have to solve
the boundary value problem numerically. Also in this case good initial guesses are
important to ensure that all relevant modes are found.
For modes to exist it is necessary that, at least locally, the duct geometry is invari-
ant in the axial direction. More specifically: the duct should have constant boundary
conditions. For an APU exhaust duct the liner depth is axially varying even though
this variation is small scale compared to the duct length. Consequently, the boundary
condition varies in the axial direction. If this variation is continuous, then duct modes
in a strict sense do not exist.
If the boundary conditions are step-wise continuous, i.e. if the duct is subdivided
into a number of segments, each individual segment having a uniform depth, then the
duct is axially invariant within each segment. At the interface between two liner seg-
ments the boundary conditions are discontinuous, and both segments have a different
set of duct modes. An incoming wave from one segment is partly reflected and partly
transmitted to the other segment. These scattering effects are studied by means of
the mode-matching method, which relates the modal amplitudes in two adjacent seg-
ments via a scattering matrix. The entries of this matrix are integral inner products
of duct eigenfunctions. For uniform flow and temperature the values of these integrals
can be computed analytically since the eigenfunctions are available in closed form; for
non-uniform flow and temperature we have to use the numerically computed eigen-
functions, so the integrals are not available in closed-form. Numerical quadrature
can be used, but this is computationally expensive due to the oscillatory nature of the
eigenfunctions, and it has only a finite numerical accuracy.
A common design criterion for liner design is the transmission loss, which is defined
as the difference between the acoustic power that is radiated from the duct and the
input acoustic power. Knowledge about the noise source characteristics is therefore
required for its computation. Little is known about the specific characteristics of the
noise coming from the APU turbine; it is typically characterized as broad-band, having
frequencies ranging from 100 Hz to 10 kHz. As this thesis considers only the duct
propagation, no specific knowledge of noise sources is assumed, so we choose a very
general form if required. Furthermore, we assume that the duct end is reflection free,
or in other words, that it has infinite length. This is in general not true, specifically
for a hard-walled duct at low frequencies (wavelength comparable to the duct radius).
However, for higher frequencies and for waves not too close to cut-off, the reflections
are very small. In addition, when the duct wall is treated, the amplitude of the sound
field is reduced, and the influence of the end reflection may be even smaller. [105, 108]
equally well possible. For this purpose several ingredients are required. Firstly, we
need an eigenmode solver that is numerically efficient and robust; it is important that
all relevant eigensolutions are found. Secondly, we require methods to handle the axial
variation of liner properties.
Before we proceed by mentioning our specific objectives and results, we first men-
tion that the basic modeling steps that eventually lead to the Pridmore-Brown equation
are presented in Chapter 2. In this chapter we also describe how sound absorbing walls
can be modeled through the boundary conditions.
Our initial guesses of the eigensolutions are found with the aid of a robust and efficient
root-finding technique based on complex contour integration (this is the topic of Sec-
tion 3.3). Finding the solutions for a lined duct carrying uniform flow and temperature,
which serve as the initial guesses for the path-following algorithm, amounts to finding
the complex-valued roots of an analytic function. To compute these roots we first con-
struct a polynomial that has the same roots as the analytic function of interest by using
contour integration (i.e. numerical quadrature). Subsequently the roots of the polyno-
mial can be computed in a standard manner. The advantage of this method lies in the
fact that it is guaranteed that all roots inside a given area of the complex plane are
found (apart from finite numerical accuracy issues), whereas a Newton method only
converges to all of the roots if it is started from sufficiently close initial guesses. The
location of these initial guesses for the Newton method is not always self-evident, as for
example in case of surface waves and modes that exist only with non-locally reacting
One way to deal with axially varying liners is the mode-matching method, which is
essentially a projection method. For non-uniform flow, in the classical approach, the
necessary inner products need to be evaluated by numerical quadrature. We present
§ 1.4 Objectives and main results 9
We start this chapter by formulating the equations that govern acoustics in Section
2.1. Based on the modal approach described in Section 2.2 we subsequently describe in
Section 2.3 the boundary conditions that model sound absorbing walls, and derive the
Pridmore-Brown equation in Section 2.4. We conclude this chapter by presenting some
asymptotic approximations of solutions of this equation in Section 2.5.
2.1.1 Thermodynamics
In thermodynamics [109] a distinction is made between thermodynamic state prop-
erties, like for example the specific (i.e. per unit mass) internal energy e, and other
variables, like for example the amount of specific heat q that is transferred to the sys-
tem and the specific work w that is done by the system. Changes in thermodynamic
properties are described by exact differentials d·, since when they are integrated, the
result will be independent of the thermodynamic path1 . The specific heat q and work
w however, are not state properties, so changes are described by an inexact differential
δ·, and the value of an integral of δ q or δw depends on the specific path.
The first law of thermodynamics, which describes the conservation of energy, can
be expressed as
d e = δ q − δw. (2.1)
1 A differential form d q = a( x, y)d x + b( x, y)d y is called exact if the value of the integral
d q is path-
³ This
´ is³true ´ if a and b are the components of a conservative vector field with potential q, and
∂q ∂q
hence d q = ∂ x d x + ∂ y d y.
12 Chapter 2. Basic equations and model
The absolute temperature T , specific entropy s, pressure p, density ρ and specific vol-
ume v = 1/ρ are thermodynamic state functions as well. One formulation of the second
law of thermodynamics, which describes the concepts of entropy and reversibility, is
ds Ê , (2.2)
where equality only holds for reversible processes. For a simple compressible system
that can only do pressure-volume work δw = pdv it follows that
d e = T d s − pdv = T d s + dρ . (2.3)
The heat capacity, which describes the capacity of a material to store energy as the
temperature is increased, can generally be defined as
c heat = . (2.6)
At constant pressure it follows from the fundamental thermodynamic relation that
d h = T d s, where the specific enthalpy is defined as h = e + pv. For a reversible process
we have T d s = δ q, so d h = δ q at constant pressure. Similarly, at constant volume we
have d e = δ q. This motivates the definition of the specific heat capacity at constant
volume c v and the specific heat capacity at constant pressure c p , and the ratio of heat
capacities as µ ¶ µ ¶
∂e ∂h cp
c v := , c p := , γ := . (2.7)
∂T v ∂T p cv
For air γ ≈ 1.4. Generally the state functions c p and c v depend on two of the other
thermodynamic properties, e.g. pressure and temperature. For an ideal gas this is not
the case, as we will show next.
2 We use := to denote a definition.
§ 2.1 Governing equations 13
³ ´ ¡ ∂s ¢
Differentiating (2.3) and using one of the so-called ‘Maxwell relations’ ∂T v
= ∂v T
(which follow from the fact that for exact differentials mixed partial differentials com-
mute) yields
µ ¶ µ ¶
∂e ∂s
=T −p
∂v T ∂v T
µ ¶ µ ¶
∂p ∂( p/T )
=T − p = T2 . (2.8)
∂T v ∂T v
In this research we assume that we can use the equation of state of an ideal gas
p = ρ RT, (2.9)
d e = c v dT, d h = c p dT (2.10)
Using these relations as well as d h = T d s + vd p it can also be found that for an ideal
cv cp
d s = d p − dρ . (2.12)
p ρ
For constant entropy, i.e. d s = 0, it then follows from this relation that the sound speed
of an ideal gas can be computed as
µ ¶
2 ∂p γp
c = = = γRT. (2.13)
∂ρ s ρ
For a perfect gas c p and c v are constant so (2.12) can be integrated to find
where s init , p init , and ρ init denote the initial entropy, pressure and density of the fluid.3
3 This particular form of the integration constant between brackets makes clear that the dimensions are
³ ´ ³ ´
p ρ
correct (i.e. the arguments of log p and log ρ are dimensionless).
init init
14 Chapter 2. Basic equations and model
the specific internal energy: E = e + 12 |v|2 . The conservation laws in differential form
describing conservation of mass, momentum and total energy are respectively
+ ∇ (ρ v) = 0, (2.15a)
(ρ v) + ∇ (ρ vv) = −∇ p + ∇ τ, · (2.15b)
· · ·
(ρ E ) + ∇ (ρ Ev) = −∇ q − ∇ ( pv) + ∇ (τ v). · · (2.15c)
Often these equations are referred to as the compressible Navier-Stokes equations. The
fundamental thermodynamic relation (2.3) can be used, together with (2.15a) and the
inner-product of (2.15b) with v to obtain a different form of the energy conservation
law (2.15c), namely µ ¶
ρT + v ∇ s = −∇ q + τ : ∇v,
· · (2.15d)
where the double dot product ( : ) of two tensors can be computed as a : b = a i j b ji .
i, j
Constitutive equations are required to solve this system; there are more unknowns
than equations in (2.15). Here we choose Fourier’s law of heat conduction and the
stress relation for a Newtonian fluid. For a fluid with thermal conductivity κ, dynamic
viscosity µ and volume viscosity µv (also called second viscosity coefficient) these are
q = −κ∇T, (2.16a)
³ ´
τ = µ ∇v + (∇v)T + µv (∇ v)δ, · (2.16b)
where δ is the unit tensor4 . For many applications the Stokes assumption µv = − 32 µ is
found to be sufficiently accurate.
For a fluid element that is carried with the flow along a stream line we can use the
convective derivative, which is defined as
µ ¶
d ∂
+v ∇ . · (2.17)
We also assume that the physical parameters µ, µv and κ are constant. The conserva-
tion laws can now be formulated as
+ ρ ∇ v = 0, · (2.18a)
+ ∇ p = µ∇2 v + (µv + µ)∇(∇ v), · (2.18b)
ρT = κ∇2 T + Φ, (2.18c)
1 ³ ´ ³ ´
Φ = µ ∇v + (∇v)T : ∇v + (∇v)T + µv (∇ v)2 (2.19)·
is the viscous dissipation term. The system of (2.18) together with the ideal gas law
(2.9) and the thermodynamic relation (2.12) now form a complete system.
i j = 1 if i = j and 0 otherwise.
§ 2.1 Governing equations 15
where γ p = ρ c2 is used, or as
+ T (γ − 1)∇ v = 0, · (2.23)
by using the ideal gas law p = ρ RT . Generally p = p(ρ , s), but for homentropic flow we
have ³d s =´ 0 so s = s 0 is uniformly constant, and consequently p = p(ρ ). It follows that
∇p = ∂ρ s
∇ρ , so we have
∇ p = c2 ∇ρ . (2.24)
This relation holds generally for homentropic gas flows ( c p and c v not necessarily con-
From the conservation laws (2.18) we find that the steady mean flow field satisfies
∇ (ρ 0 v0 ) = 0, (2.26a)
ρ 0 (v0 ∇)v0 + ∇ p 0 = µ∇2 v0 + (µv + µ)∇(∇ v0 ), · (2.26b)
ρ 0 T0 (v0 ∇) s 0 = κ∇2 T0 + Φ0 . (2.26c)
16 Chapter 2. Basic equations and model
In this section we will motivate why it is reasonable to assume that the mean flow is
inviscid and non-heat conducting [60].
We start by considering the effect of viscosity in the momentum equation. Because
the viscosity is very small the dominant balance in the flow is between the pressure
and inertia forces, so we scale the pressure on ρ ∞ v∞ , where ρ ∞ and v∞ are the typical
mean flow density and velocity. Thus we use
v0 ρ0 ∆ p0 x
ṽ0 = , ρ̃ 0 = , ∆ p̃ 0 = 2
, x̃ = , (2.27)
v∞ ρ∞ ρ ∞ v∞ L
where we also introduced the typical length scale L. The conservation laws for mass
and momentum then take the form (tildes omitted)
∇ (ρ 0 v0 ) = 0,
· ¸
1 µv + µ
ρ 0 (v0 ∇)v0 + ∇ p 0 =
∇2 v0 +
∇(∇ v0 ) , · (2.28b)
ρ ∞ v∞ L
Re := . (2.29)
For ρ ∞ = 1.25 kg/m3 (the density of air), v∞ = 100 m/s, L = 1 m, and µ = 1.8·10−5 kg/(m · s)
(the dynamic viscosity of air) this results in a Reynolds number of the order of 106 .
Thus we conclude that for the free mean flow viscous forces can be neglected.
Close to the wall, however, a very thin boundary layer develops [60]; its typical
thickness δ is much smaller than the length scale L. Since the inviscid equations have
no solutions that satisfy the no-slip boundary condition at a surface, viscosity does play
a role here. As a simple prototypical example, consider a uniform flow that impinges
on a flat surface that is oriented in the direction of the flow. We use a two-dimensional
Cartesian coordinate system with x along the surface and y normal to it. The longitudi-
nal and transverse velocity components are u and v. Assume that compressibility plays
no role in a small region of interest along the boundary, i.e. ∇ v0 = 0. The longitudinal ·
component of the momentum equation is then
µ 2 ¶
∂u ∂u 1 ∂p ∂ u ∂2 u
u +v =− +ν + , (2.30)
∂x ∂y ρ ∂x ∂ x 2 ∂ y2
where ν = µ/ρ is the kinematic viscosity. The boundary layer changes in the x-direction
on a length scale L, and in the y-direction on a length scale δ. Furthermore it follows
from ∂∂ux + ∂∂vy = 0 that v ∼ v∞ δ/L, where ∼ means ‘of the order of’. Hence we can estimate
the magnitude of the advective terms as
∂u v∞ ∂u
u ∼ ∼v . (2.31)
∂x L ∂y
∂2 u ν v∞
ν ∼ . (2.32)
∂ y2 δ2
§ 2.1 Governing equations 17
If the viscous and advective forces are of equal importance we can estimate the devel-
opment of the boundary layer thickness as
L Lv∞
δ= p , with ReL = . (2.33)
ReL ν
We see that the boundary layer develops very slowly; its thickness is typically of the
order of millimeters at one meter from the edge of the surface. We therefore consider
the mean flow to be parallel.
Next we consider the effects of viscosity and thermal conductivity in the energy
equation. In order to make it dimensionless we first rewrite this equation as
· ·
ρ 0 c p v0 ∇T0 − v0 ∇ p 0 = κ∇2 T0 + Φ0 . (2.34)
dT0 Φ0
dT̃0 = , Φ̃0 = 2 /L2
, (2.35)
∆T µ v∞
1 2 Ec
ρ 0 v0 ∇T0 − Ec v0 ∇ p 0 = · Pe
∇ T0 +
Φ0 , (2.36)
with dimensionless Eckert and Péclet numbers Ec and Pe, which will be described next.
The Eckert number, which is defined as
Ec := , (2.37)
c p ∆T
expresses the relation between the kinetic energy and the enthalpy of a flow. Here we
assume that Ec / Re ¿ 1. Before we introduce the Péclet number we define the Prandtl
number Pr and the thermal diffusivity α as
ν c pµ κ
Pr := = , α := . (2.38)
α κ ρ∞ c p
The Prandtl number is a measure for the ratio of momentum diffusivity to thermal
diffusivity. It is a property of a fluid; for most gases it is of order one. The Péclet
number for the diffusion of heat is defined as
Lv∞ Lv∞ ρ ∞ c p
Pe := = = Pr Re . (2.39)
α κ
It measures the ratio of the advective and the diffusive transport rate of heat, so ther-
mal diffusion plays a small role for large Péclet numbers. Because the Prandtl number
is of order one we can conclude that the Péclet number is large for gases. This leads us
to conclude that the heat conduction and viscous dissipation terms in the energy equa-
tion are small so that they can be neglected. It follows that the mean flow is isentropic
along stream lines, i.e. ddst0 = 0.
18 Chapter 2. Basic equations and model
∇ (ρ 0 v0 ) = 0, (2.40a)
ρ 0 (v0 ∇)v0 + ∇ p 0 = 0, (2.40b)
(v0 ∇) s 0 = 0. (2.40c)
· ·
v0 ∇ p 0 = c20 v0 ∇ρ 0 . (2.41)
cv cp γ p0
ds0 = d p 0 − dρ 0 , c20 = = γRT0 . (2.43)
p0 ρ0 ρ0
• parallel flow with v0 = u 0 ( r ) e x , with e x denoting the unit vector in the x direction;
(Note that parallel flow is not rotation free, which means that it is not possible to
formulate a non-uniform flow in a straight duct in terms of a velocity potential.) For
these types of flows it follows from the momentum equation (2.40b) that the mean
pressure p 0 is constant. The density and the entropy then follow from the temperature.
We assume one of the following:
The temperature profile T0 ( r ) can be chosen independently of the mean flow velocity
profile. If the temperature T0 (and consequently the density ρ 0 ) is constant, then the
mean flow is homentropic, meaning that it has constant entropy s 0 .
linearization matches with our common experience: we can distinguish multiple con-
versations in a room—each linear combination of solutions of the governing equations
is a solution itself, so the individual sound fields do not influence each other [39].) Sub-
sequently we will motivate why we neglect viscosity and thermal conductivity also for
the acoustic problem [17, 94].
In the following we again use ∞ to denote reference values that are used to make
the equations dimensionless; these are the typical values of the mean flow variables.
For simplicity we allow the reference speed v∞ to be identical to the reference sound
speed c ∞ . We then have
v0 ρ0 p0 T0 s0
ṽ0 = , ρ̃ 0 = , p̃ 0 = , T̃0 = , s̃ 0 = , (2.44)
c∞ ρ∞ p∞ T∞ s∞
where prms
1 is the root mean square of the acoustic fluctuation. The sound pressure
level corresponding to the threshold of pain is about 140 dB, which corresponds to a
pressure signal with prms
1 = 200 Pa. Consequently, the ratio p10 is (for our purposes) of
the order of 10−3 or smaller. As this ratio is small we can linearize the thermodynamic
relation for an ideal gas (2.14) to find
cv cp cv ¡ ¢
s1 = p1 − ρ 1 = p 1 − c20 ρ 1 (2.47)
p0 ρ0 p0
ρ1 p1
if we can assume that ρ0
is of the same order as p 0 . It will be shown later that
s 1 = 0 for uniform temperature, in which case p 1 = relation can be used c20 ρ 1 . This
p ρ
to find p10 = γ ρ 10 , which justifies our previous assumption. For the temperature per-
turbations, differentiate the logarithm of the ideal gas law and use γ p = ρ c2 to obtain
dp c 2 dρ T1
= dTT . Based on this result we can estimate T
p − γp = (γ − 1) ρ 1 . To estimate the size
0 0
of the velocity perturbations we consider a plane wave traveling through a medium at
rest having uniform temperature. The acoustic particle velocity is then u 1 = p 1 /(ρ 0 c 0 ).
Dividing this relation by c 0 and using again p 1 = ρ 1 c20 yields uc01 = ρ 10 . Finally, dividing
³ ´
(2.47) by s ∞ results in ss∞1 = T
∆T γ p 0 − ρ 0 , where ∆T /T∞ is of order unity.
Based on these estimates we therefore use the ratio ρ0
as a small parameter ² and
use the scaled variables
p1 ρ1 v1 T1 s1
p̃ 1 = , ρ̃ 1 = , ṽ1 = , T̃1 = , s̃ 1 = . (2.48)
² p∞ ²ρ ∞ ² c∞ ²T∞ ²s∞
Furthermore, we scale time on the acoustic frequency f , and distances on the acoustic
wavelength λ = c ∞ / f . Upon substituting the scaled variables in the conservation laws
20 Chapter 2. Basic equations and model
(2.18), subtracting the mean flow terms that are of zeroth order in ², and neglecting
the terms of order ²2 , we obtain
ρ 1 + ∇ (v0 ρ 1 + v1 ρ 0 ) = 0, (2.49a)
³∂ ´
· · ·
+ v0 ∇ v1 + ρ 0 (v1 ∇)v0 + ρ 1 (v0 ∇)v0 + ∇ p 1 = µ∇2 v1 + (µv + µ)∇(∇ v1 ), (2.49b) ·
³∂ ´
ρ 0 T0
· ·
+ v0 ∇ s 1 + ρ 0 T0 v1 ∇ s 0 = κ∇2 T1 + Φ1 , (2.49c)
¡ ¢ ¡ ¢
with the linearized viscous dissipation term Φ1 = µ ∇v0 + (∇v0 )T : ∇v1 + (∇v1 )T +
· ·
2µv (∇ v0 )(∇ v1 ). Note that gradients of mean flow and perturbation variables do not
necessarily have the same length scale. Suppose that the mean flow changes over a
length scale L and the perturbations over the distance of one wavelength λ. Terms
of the order ²λ/L then arise in the first order equations. However, even for very low
frequencies ²λ/L ¿ 1, so the linearization is still warranted.
To illustrate why viscosity does not play a role at the frequencies of interest we
consider a plane wave propagating in the x-direction without mean flow and at uniform
mean temperature. The linearized mass and momentum equations then reduce to
∂ρ 1 ∂u1
+ ρ0 = 0, (2.50a)
∂t ∂x
∂u1 ∂ p1 ∂2 u 1
ρ0 + = µ Nv , (2.50b)
∂t ∂x ∂ x2
has order of magnitude one. Together with the relation p 1 = c20 ρ 1 this leads to a viscous
wave equation
∂2 u 1 1 ∂2 u 1 µ Nv ∂3 u 1
− + = 0. (2.52)
∂ x2 c20 ∂ t2 ρ 0 c20 ∂ x2 ∂ t
By substituting a plane-wave solution of the form e−iω t+i kx we find the dispersion rela-
tion à " #!
2 ωµ Nv ω2
k 1−i 2
= 2. (2.53)
ρ 0 c0 c0
The term between square brackets, which is not present in the dispersion relation for
inviscid wave propagation, can be interpreted by defining an acoustic Reynolds number
ρ 0 c0 λ ωµ Nv 2π Nv
Reac := , so that = . (2.54)
µ ρ 0 c20 Reac
no mean flow and uniform mean temperature (and consequently constant s 0 ). The
linearized energy equation (2.49c) then becomes
∂s1 ∂2 T 1
ρ 0 T0 =κ . (2.55)
∂t ∂ x2
By using the linearized versions of the fundamental thermodynamic relation (2.62) and
the ideal gas law (2.61) we find
à ! à !
∂ p1 ∂2 γ p 1
ρ0 c p − ρ1 = κ 2 − ρ1 . (2.56)
∂ t c20 ∂x c20
From (2.50) it can easily be seen that the inviscid mass and momentum equations can
be combined to find
∂2 ρ 1 ∂2 p 1
− = 0. (2.57)
∂ t2 ∂ x2
Together with (2.56) this leads to
à ! à !
∂ ∂2 1 ∂2 2π ∂2 ∂2 γ ∂2
− p1 = − p1 , (2.58)
∂ t̃ ∂ x2 c20 ∂ t2 Peac ∂ x̃2 ∂ x2 c20 ∂ t2
where the acoustic Péclet number is defined as
ρ 0 c p c0 λ
Peac := . (2.59)
We also introduced dimensionless numbers t̃ = ω t and x̃ = xω/ c 0 in order to compare
the two terms between brackets. The bracketed term on the left hand side describes
adiabatic wave propagation with sound speed c20 , whereas the bracketed term on the
right describes isothermal wave propagation with sound speed c20 /γ. The acoustic Pé-
clet number is of the same order of magnitude as the acoustic Reynolds number since
they are related as Peac = Pr Reac , where the Prandtl number Pr is of the order unity
for most gases. We therefore conclude that heat conduction can be neglected for sound
within the audible frequency range.
Very close to walls, viscosity and thermal conductivity give rise to thin acoustic
boundary layers. We assume here that the wavelength is much larger than the thick-
ness of these boundary layers, so that they can be neglected. For more details we refer
to [94] and [17].
To summarize, it follows that the perturbations satisfy the Linearized Euler equa-
tions (LEE)
ρ 1 + ∇ (v0 ρ 1 + v1 ρ 0 ) = 0, (2.60a)
³∂ ´
· ·
+ v0 ∇ v1 + ρ 0 (v1 ∇)v0 + ρ 1 (v0 ∇)v0 + ∇ p 1 = 0,· (2.60b)
³∂ ´
+ v0 ∇ s 1 + v1 ∇ s 0 = 0. · (2.60c)
We also include here the linearized versions of the ideal gas law and the thermody-
namic relation:
p 1 = R(ρ 0 T1 + ρ 1 T0 ), (2.61)
cv cp cv ¡ ¢
s1 = p1 − ρ 1 = p 1 − c20 ρ 1 . (2.62)
p0 ρ0 p0
22 Chapter 2. Basic equations and model
which will be used later in Section 2.4. Yet another alternative to the energy equation
based on (2.23) is
µ ¶
· · ·
+ v0 ∇ T1 + v1 ∇T0 + T0 (γ − 1)∇ v1 + T1 (γ − 1)∇ v0 = 0, (2.64) ·
which will be used in Section 5.1.
Three types of wave-like solutions to the LEE can be distinguished, namely entropy,
vorticity and acoustic waves, although in general they are coupled. It has been shown
[58, 114] that for uniform mean flow and temperature the three different waves are
decoupled. Pure entropy and vorticity waves are convected with the mean flow. En-
tropy waves carry only density perturbations (no pressure and velocity perturbations),
vorticity waves carry only velocity perturbations, and acoustic waves carry density,
pressure and velocity perturbations. In case of non-uniform mean flow or temperature
however, and in the presence of boundaries, the three waves interact [13, 14], and it
is less clear how to distinguish them. Therefore, in this case we cannot strictly speak
about ‘acoustic’ perturbations, as any disturbance may consist of acoustic, entropic and
vortical components. In this thesis we will often refer to small perturbations as ‘acous-
tics’, even though they may contain entropic and vortical components.
In this thesis we investigate time-harmonic perturbations at a fixed wave frequency,
and assume that turbulence does not play a role. Because we assume that the pertur-
bations are linear it follows that time-harmonic and turbulent perturbations can be
considered independently. Moreover, sound induced by a free turbulent flow is gen-
erally very quiet [31]. In other cases, such as a turbulent flow near the edge of a fan
blade, turbulence is more efficient in radiating sound. However, in this thesis we are
interested in sound propagation; we assume that the sound source is given, and do not
investigate sound source mechanisms.
perturbations, and consecutively higher order systems of equations. In the same way
the zeroth, first, second, and higher order systems of equations can be found for the
energy conservation law. An energy conservation law for the linear perturbations q 1
is necessarily of the order ²2 . It is shown in [81] that it is possible to express this sec-
ond order part of the general energy conservation law exactly in zeroth and first order
quantities only, i.e. the perturbations of second order and higher are not required to be
When we denote the perturbation energy density by E , the energy flux by I , and
the dissipation term by D, Myers’ Energy Corollary can be formulated as
+ ∇ I = −D (2.65)
p21 1 ρ 0 T0 s21
E= +
2ρ 0 c20 2
ρ 0 | v 1 | 2
+ ρ 1 v ·
0 v 1 +
2c p
, (2.66a)
µ ¶
I = (ρ 0 v1 + ρ 1 v0 )
+ v0 v1 + ρ 0 v0 T 1 s 1 , (2.66b)
and the vorticity is denoted by ω := ∇ × v. This relation is valid for arbitrary steady
flows, i.e. also for flows with non-uniform mean velocity and temperature. These equa-
tions show that the energy of the linear perturbations is not strictly conserved—a
‘source’-term D is required, which is non-zero for cases with non-zero vorticity and en-
tropy perturbations. Note that for homentropic flows (constant temperature) s 1 = 0, in
which case Myers’ Energy Corollary reduces to the energy relation reported by Morfey
[75] and Goldstein [46]. If the fluid is quiescent (v0 = 0) as well, it is equivalent to
Kirchhoff’s acoustic energy relation [94], the more classical result.
Taking the time average of (2.65) for time-harmonic perturbations yields
∇ I = −D . (2.67)
By taking the volume integral of (2.67) over a volume V with boundary ∂V and applying
the divergence theorem we find
I n d A + D dV = 0. (2.68)
∂V V
This relation will be used to assess the validity and internal consistency of numerical
each mode having a certain amplitude A µ such that the series converges. For non-
uniform mean flow there is also continuous part of the spectrum, next to the discrete
set of eigenvalues. In this thesis we assume that this contribution is small, so that it
can be neglected [23, 33], and we will use (2.70) also for cases of non-uniform flow. We
will comment on this again at the end of Section 2.4. Since the problem is linear, the
modes can be determined separately. Once these modes are known, the amplitudes can
be found from the initial conditions at a certain axial position.
If the geometry is circularly cylindrical it is most natural to use cylindrical coordi-
nates ( x, r, θ ). Because of the periodicity in θ it is possible to express the solution as a
Fourier series in θ ,
X ∞
p 1 ( x, y, z, t) = A mµ P mµ ( r ) e i k mµ x−iω t+i mθ , (2.71)
m=−∞ µ=−∞
For hard walls a finite number of wavenumbers k µ is real-valued; the rest is complex-
valued. In the first case the wave is purely propagative, referred to as cut-on, while in
the second case the wave decays or increases exponentially, referred to as cut-off . For
frequencies below the cut-off frequency only the plane wave (for which the mode shape
is constant) exists—all higher order modes are cut-off.
p̌ 1
Z (ω) = , (2.72)
v̌1 n
where the normal n is pointing into the wall. The impedance is a frequency-domain
As discussed in Chapter 1, the acoustic field in an acoustically absorbing wall (for
example made of foam) and the acoustic field in the duct are coupled; a part of the
sound waves that travel inside the wall material will propagate parallel to the wall. As
a result, the impedance may vary for each position at the wall, so the wall can not be
described by just a single impedance value. These walls are referred to as non-locally
reacting. This is in contrast to locally reacting walls, which have an internal structure
that prohibits this parallel propagation (for example through a honeycomb structure),
and can consequently be described by a single impedance value Z = Z (ω) that depends
on ω only. It is also possible for non-locally reacting walls to find a single impedance
value that describes the entire surface if we consider only a single mode, since modal
solutions retain their shape as they propagate along the wall. Hence, for non-locally
reacting walls the impedance Z = Z (ω, k) depends on both ω and k. This can also be
interpreted as follows: for a non-locally reacting surface the impedance depends on
the angle of incidence of the sound wave, whereas for a locally reacting surface it is
Due to viscosity, the mean flow velocity at the wall is zero—the flow is not slipping.
This gives rise to a boundary layer. Due to the very low viscosity of air this boundary
layer can be very thin (as is the case for the inlet duct of an aircraft jet engine). In the
limit of vanishing thickness the mean flow can be considered an inviscid slipping flow,
in which case the boundary layer can be modeled as a vortex sheet. This has implica-
tions for the impedance boundary condition. Ingard [52] proposed a boundary condition
for slipping flow, based on the continuity of particle displacement. This was later gen-
eralized by Myers [80] for a smooth but not flat surface. For this reason the commonly
used boundary condition bears their name; the Ingard-Myers boundary condition can
be formulated as
p̌ 1 p̌ 1
· ·
v̌1 n = (−iω + v0 ∇) −
−iω Z −iω Z
· ·
n ( n ∇ v 0 ). (2.73)
This condition is equivalent to continuity of particle displacement for the specific case
of parallel flow along a flat surface. We will first derive the boundary condition for
parallel slipping flow along a straight wall in the next section, as this is the geometry
26 Chapter 2. Basic equations and model
u = u0 p+ +
1 , v1
u=0 p− −
1 , v1
p̌− −
1 = Z v̌1
Figure 2.1: Schematic overview for the derivation of the Ingard boundary condition.
pertinent to this research. This boundary condition is valid for both locally ( Z = Z (ω))
and non-locally reacting ( Z = Z (ω, k)) walls when we interpret ∂ x as i k.
In Section 2.3.2 the propagation of sound through porous material will be discussed.
Porous materials can be characterized into three different skeleton types: rigid (e.g.
metal foam), limp (i.e. soft fibrous material) or elastic. Materials with an elastic skele-
ton are generally described by Biot theory, which governs the fluid density and the
displacement of the skeleton (i.e. four degrees of freedom). In this case both compres-
sion and shear waves may exist. However, to simplify the problem often an equivalent
fluid model [2, 76, 89] is used, in the same way as with rigid and limp materials. Only
the compression waves are considered in an equivalent fluid model, modeled through a
Helmholtz equation depending on two parameters: usually an effective density and an
effective sound speed, or equivalently, a characteristic impedance and a propagation
constant [110]. The various material properties like porosity, resistivity, flow resis-
tance, etc., are modeled through these two parameters. For this purpose many different
expressions exist, on both theoretical and empirical bases, such as the ones proposed
by Delaney and Bazley, Allard and Champoux, and Miki [3, 35, 71, 72].
where s 1 is a small perturbation of the streamline due to the incoming sound wave.
Instead of looking at one particle that happens to be at position x = [ξ( t), η( t), ζ( t)] at
time t we can also consider a stream of particles for all x and t, so that we can take
partial derivatives to space and time. By taking the time derivative of η we then find,
at y = δ + s 1
∂s1 ∂s1 ∂s1
v1± = + u± + w± . (2.75)
∂t ∂x ∂z
Hence we have after linearization, above and below the streamline, at y = δ
µ ¶
∂ ∂ ∂
v1+ = + u0 s1 , v1− = s 1 . (2.76)
∂t ∂x ∂t
Eliminating s 1 yields µ ¶
∂ ∂ ∂
+ u0 v1− = v1+ . (2.77)
∂t ∂x ∂t
Across the surface S we have p+ − − −
1 = p 1 . Together with p̌ 1 = Z v̌1 we find for time-
−i t
harmonic signals ∼ e ω
µ ¶ +
+ ∂ p̌ 1
− iωv̌1 = −iω + u 0 . (2.78)
∂x Z
If s 1 ¿ δ ¿ 1 as δ → 0, i.e. if the perturbed streamline does not cross the liner surface
as we take the limit, then we can use (2.78) as the boundary condition at y = 0 [101].
Upon using the y component of (2.60b) to eliminate the velocity and assuming that Z
is constant in the x-direction we find for modes of the form P e−iω t+i kx the boundary
condition, in Cartesian or cylindrical coordinates
iρ 0 (ω − ku 0 )2 ∂P iρ 0 (ω − ku 0 )2 ∂P
P= , P= at the wall. (2.79)
ωZ ∂y ωZ ∂r
ρ 1 = ρ 0 βs ( p 0 ) p 1 . (2.82)
If the sound perturbations are isothermal instead of isentropic we can replace βs with
the isothermal compressibility βT , which is defined as
µ ¶
1 ∂ρ
βT := . (2.83)
ρ ∂p T
We could use (2.82) to formulate a relation in terms of p 1 and u1 , however, the com-
pressibility β is frequency dependent. For low frequencies the presence of the porous
material causes the temperature to be constant—we need to use the isothermal com-
pressibility βT . For high frequencies there is not enough time for heat exchange, so we
need to use the adiabatic compressibility βs . For intermediate frequencies (typically of
the order of a few kHz) the process is neither isothermal nor adiabatic. Thus, we use a
compressibility β p that is frequency dependent, and we formulate the mass conserva-
tion law in the frequency domain. For time-harmonic solutions ∼ e−iω t it becomes
− iωβ p Ω p̌ 1 + ∇ ǔ1 = 0. (2.85)
ρ p can be frequency dependent as well. In the frequency domain the momentum equa-
tion can be written as µ ¶
− iωρ p 1 + ǔ1 + ∇ p̌ 1 = 0. (2.87)
ρ pω
The linearized mass and momentum conservation equations (2.85) and (2.87) can
be combined into a dissipative Helmholtz equation
∇2 p̌ 1 + ω2 ρ p β p Ω p̌ 1 + iωβ p Ωσ p̌ 1 = 0. (2.88)
The wave speed can thus be defined as c2p := 1/(ρ p β p Ω). If we define an (again fre-
quency dependent) effective density as
µ ¶
ρ e := ρ p 1 + , (2.89)
ωρ p
we obtain
∇2 p̌ 1 + ω2 ρ e β p Ω p̌ 1 = 0. (2.90)
This motivates the definition of the effective wave speed as
c2e := , (2.91)
In that case the wave equation (2.90) and the momentum equation (2.87) have the form
∇2 p̌ 1 + µ2p p̌ 1 = 0, (2.93)
−iµ p Z c ǔ1 + ∇ p̌ 1 = 0. (2.94)
Note that for air we have ρ p = ρ 0 , Ω = 1, σ = 0, and β p ( p 0 ) = βs ( p 0 ) = γ p0
u0 (r) p+ +
1 , v1
Figure 2.2: Schematic overview for derivation of boundary conditions, for bulk absorbing
and Helmholtz resonator array liners.
If we use
p̌ l
Z = Z0 + at r = d (2.96)
v̌ l
we find again p̌− −
1 = Z v̌1 .
Here we consider a circularly cylindrical geometry, so the wave propagation in the
porous material can be described in terms of modes of the form Q ( r ) e i kx+i mθ . It follows
from the wave equation ∇2 p̌ 1 + µ2p p̌ 1 = 0 that Q satisfies Bessel’s equation
µ ¶
d2 Q 1 dQ 2 2 m2
+ + µ p − k − Q=0 (2.97)
dr2 r dr r2
Taking into account the hard-wall boundary condition dr = 0 at r = b with b := d + d l ,
the solution to (2.97) is:
Q = A [ Jm (ζ r )Ym 0
(ζ b) − Ym (ζ r ) Jm (ζ b)], with ζ2 = µ2p − k2 . (2.98)
0 0
N (ζ) = Jm (ζ d )Ym (ζ b) − Ym (ζ d ) Jm (ζ b), (2.99b)
0 0 0 0
D (ζ) = Jm (ζ d )Ym (ζ b) − Ym (ζ d ) Jm (ζ b), b = d + dl . (2.99c)
This expression for Z can be combined with the Ingard-Myers boundary condition
(2.79) to formulate the boundary condition for slipping flow along a bulk-absorbing
cavities (tubes) covered with a facing sheet and having a cross-wise diameter that is
smaller than the wavelength. This prohibits the propagation of sound in the axial and
circumferential directions, so we can use m = k = 0. When the cavities are air-filled we
can also use µ p = ω/ c 0 , Z c = ρ 0 c 0 , and ζ2 = ω2 / c20 . It then follows that (2.97) reduces to
d2 Q 1 dQ ω2
+ + 2 Q = 0, (2.100)
dr2 r dr c0
J0 (ω d / c 0 )Y00 (ω b/ c 0 ) − Y0 (ω d / c 0 ) J00 (ω b/ c 0 )
Z = Z0 + iρ 0 c 0 . (2.101)
J00 (ω d / c 0 )Y00 (ω b/ c 0 ) − Y00 (ω d / c 0 ) J00 (ω b/ c 0 )
d ωd
If it holds that dl ¿ 1 and c0 l = O(1), then it also holds that ωc0d À 1 and ωc0b À 1. By
using the fact that the Bessel Jm ( z) and Ym ( z) functions approximate cosine and sine
functions for fixed order m and large argument z (see [98], equation 10.7.8) we can find
the commonly used expression [101]
µ ¶
Z = Z0 + iρ 0 c 0 cot dl . (2.102)
∇ v0 = 0, ∇ p 0 = 0, ·
(v0 ∇)v0 = 0, ·
v0 ∇ρ 0 = 0,
∂ v1 D D ∂ v1 (2.104)
· ·
∇ (v1 ∇)v0 =
· ∇⊥ u0 , ∇ · D t v1 = D t ∇ · v1 + ∂x
· ∇⊥ u0 ,
where ∇⊥ is used to denote a transverse gradient operator in y and z.
It follows from the linearized mass (2.60a), momentum (2.60b) and energy (2.63)
32 Chapter 2. Basic equations and model
ρ 1 + ρ 0 ∇ v1 + v1 ∇ρ 0 = 0, · · (2.105a)
D 1
Dt ρ0
v1 + v1 ∇v0 + ∇ p 1 = 0, (2.105b)
D 1 D
ρ 1 + v1 ∇ρ 0 = 2
c0 D t
p1 . · (2.105c)
The last equation (2.105c) can be used to eliminate ρ 1 from the first equation (2.105a)
to find
1 D p1
ρ 0 c20 D t
+ ∇ v 1 = 0. ·
When we take the convective derivative of this equation and subtract from it the diver-
gence of the momentum equation (2.105b) we obtain (note that γ p 0 = ρ 0 c20 is constant)
µ ¶
1 D2 p 1 1 ∂ v1
ρ 0 c 0 D t2
−∇ · ρ0
∇ p1 − 2
∇⊥ u 0 = 0. (2.107)
D3 ∂ ³ ´ D ¡ ¢
Dt 3
p 1 + 2 c20
∇⊥ u 0 ∇⊥ p 1 −
∇ c20 ∇ p 1 = 0 · (2.108)
P ( d ) = 1. (2.115)
As mentioned in Section 2.2: the modal approach assumes that the modes form
a complete set, i.e. that all (acoustic) perturbation fields can be described in terms of
these modes, according to (2.71). This is in general not the case for sheared mean flow.
The coefficient of the first order term of the Pridmore-Brown equation is singular when
ω − ku 0 = 0; this happens when the phase speed of the perturbation wave, which is
ω/ k, is equal to the local mean flow velocity. The radial location where this happens
is referred to as the critical layer. By applying a proper forward and inverse Fourier
Transform in the axial direction, it follows that the total perturbation field may consist
of contributions not only from the discrete set of eigensolutions, but also from a contin-
uous part of the spectrum, which is due to the critical layer. However, it can be shown
that this last contribution is small in most cases of interest [23, 33]. In this thesis the
continuous part of the spectrum will be neglected.
P T0 r u0 ωd
P̃ = , T˜0 = r̃ = , M= , ω̃ = , k̃ = kd, (2.116)
ρ ∞ c2∞ T∞ d c∞ c∞
P = A ( r ) e i φ( r ) . (2.119)
where the terms have been sorted based on order of magnitude. It then follows from
the terms of order ω2 and ω respectively that
p ω − kM
φ0 = ± γ, A=C p , (2.121)
γ1/4 rT0
Note that the exp(·) terms are oscillatory on the interval where γ( r ) > 0 and expo-
nentially small otherwise. Generally γ is negative near r = 0 when m 6= 0 (γ ≈ − m2 / r 2
yielding the P ∝ r m behavior near r = 0), with a zero at say r 1 . Depending on details
of the velocity and temperature profiles γ may also be negative near r = 1, with a zero
at say r 2 . The zeros r 1 and r 2 of γ are known as turning points [103]. If γ is indeed
negative near r = 1, in which case the solution is exponentially small near the wall,
§ 2.5 High-frequency approximations 35
then the effect of the boundary condition is negligible and the solution is practically
independent of the wall impedance. In that case the wave numbers k can be found
from a quantization condition [44] that requires that an integer number of radial semi-
wavelengths fits between the turning points r 1 and r 2 . On each side of the interval
( r 1 , r 2 ) an extra 14 π is required due to the matching of the oscillatory to the decaying
solution at the turning points [82]. If m 6= 0 (and γ has no more zeros than r 1 and r 2 )
this quantization condition is
Zr 2q
γ( r, k) d r = ( n − 12 )π, n = 1, 2, . . . (2.123)
Zr 2q
γ( r, k) d r = ( n − 14 )π, n = 1, 2, . . . (2.124)
0 4 4
−1 2 2
−2 0 0
−3 −2 −2
−4 −4 −4
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
r r r
0 2 2
1 1
0 0
−1 −1
−3 −2 −2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
r r r
2 2 2
0 0 0
−2 −2 −2
−4 −4 −4
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
r r r
2 1 1
1 0.5
0 0
−1 −0.5
−2 −2 −1
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
r r r
Figure 2.3: Eigenfunctions of the first six upstream (left)-running modes in non-uniform
mean flow, refracted away from the duct wall.
Table 2.1: Modal wave numbers k of the first six modes, corresponding to figures 2.3, found
from the WKB quantization condition and by our numerical approach.
Chapter 3
Numerical approach
In this Chapter we describe our numerical approach for finding the eigensolutions of
the Pridmore-Brown equation for acoustic duct modes in parallel flow with tempera-
ture gradients.
One could ask: why would a semi-analytical approach based on modes be advan-
tageous over a fully numerical approach, based for instance on a direct discretization
of the Linearized Euler Equations (LEE) that govern the acoustic field? Computing
power is ever increasing; however, computational costs for complex geometries are still
prohibitively high for design calculations. This is especially the case for the high pre-
vailing frequencies in turbofans, with Helmholtz numbers up to 100 and circumferen-
tial wavenumbers up to 50. State of the art time-domain LEE computations for a 3D
exhaust analysis with a Helmholtz number of 28 take 40 hours on a cluster consisting
of 12 processors [12].
To reduce computational complexity, numerical codes used in aircraft industry are
therefore often based on the assumption that the mean flow and acoustic perturba-
tion field are irrotational. In this way a formulation based on a velocity potential can
be used [10], which amounts to one degree of freedom per grid point, where a full
discretization of the LEE would require four. However, the modeling of swirling or
parallel sheared flow, which is by definition not rotation-free, is then limited, although
some efforts have been made to compute sound propagation in sheared flow based on a
formulation in terms of the total fluid enthalpy (which is a scalar) [64]. The commercial
code ACTRAN/TM is an example of a finite element method based on the Helmholtz
equation for the acoustic velocity potential [43]. In [6] this code has been used to com-
pute sound propagation through a 3D bellmouth intake. The CPU time is about 2 hours
for a Helmholtz number of around 40. It is also noted in [6] that memory requirements
prevent computations for higher Helmholtz numbers.
Our approach is based on modes, which are the eigensolutions of a boundary value
problem (BVP) with a free parameter. We first describe in Section 3.1 how we solve this
BVP numerically. This enables the application of a path-following approach based on a
prediction-correction scheme, which will be described in Section 3.2. Finally, in Section
3.3 we describe how a good set of initial guesses for the duct modes can be obtained
with the aid of a root-finding method based on complex contour-integration.
38 Chapter 3. Numerical approach
−i (ω − kM )2
1 T0 2 kM 0 (ω − kM )2 m2
β= + + , γ= − k2 − 2 , κ= . (3.1c)
r T0 ω − kM T0 r ω ZT0
The impedance of a bulk reacting liner is made dimensionless by using the scaling
b dl
µ̃ p = µ p d, ζ̃ = ζ d, b̃ = = 1+ = 1 + d˜l ,
d d
which results in (tildes omitted)
iµ p Z c N (ζ)
Z ( k) = Z0 + , (3.2a)
ζ D (ζ )
N (ζ) = Jm (ζ)Ym 0
(ζ b) − Ym (ζ) Jm (ζ b ), ζ2 = µ2p − k2 ,
0 0 0 0
D (ζ) = Jm (ζ)Ym (ζ b) − Ym (ζ) Jm (ζ b ), b = 1 + dl .
subject to
PR + κR P R − κ I P I = 0 PR = 1
0 and at r = 1,
PR + κ I P R + κR P I = 0 PI = 0
( (3.3b)
PR = P I0 = 0 if m 6= 1
at r = 0.
P R = P I = 0 if m = 1
k(λ1 ) prediction
k(λ2 ) = k corr
k(λ0 ) correction
M ( r ) = (1 − λ) M0 + λ M t ( r ),
T0 ( r ) = (1 − λ) + λT t ( r ), (3.4)
Z = (1 − λ) Z∞ + λ Z t .
(Other continuation parameterizations are also possible, but this was found to work
generally well.) The impedance, mean flow velocity and temperature are gradually
changed to their target values in parallel, or one after another.
Path-following has been used before for the case of uniform mean flow and temper-
ature [24], and a path in the impedance plane from hard wall to the target impedance
[42]. We will take into account, however, that not any path is suitable to find all
modes, as has been noted in [100]. It is known that surface modes exist for certain
impedance and mean flow values. Depending on the specific trajectory that is chosen
for the impedance variation, some of these surface modes may appear from or move
towards infinity as the impedance approaches a hard wall value. It was shown [100]
that the surface modes start from a finite value (and do not appear from infinity) if the
impedance is varied (in the right direction) along a specific trajectory in the complex
plane: starting from a nearly hard wall value we follow a straight vertical path (i.e.
with Re( Z t ) fixed) upwards to the target impedance. For our sign convention e−iω t and
mean flow in the positive x direction this ensures that (the axial wavenumbers of) any
possible surface waves start from a finite value and disappear to infinity.
Since each eigensolution is characterized by an eigenfunction and an axial wavenum-
ber k we can trace k(λ) as a curve in the complex plane (some examples are shown in
Figure 3.2 and more will be presented in Chapter 6). To determine the number of in-
termediate solutions and the corresponding values of λ we use a prediction-correction
scheme [4], see Figure 3.1. We use linear extrapolation of two previously computed k-
values for the prediction step. In general, the prediction will not satisfy the BVP. The
prediction is therefore corrected subsequently with the aid of COLNEW.
We trace the eigenvalue k = k(λ) and solution vector u = u(λ) for λ ∈ [0, 1] using
steps h j := λ j − λ j−1 . From two previous solutions k j−2 = k(λ j−2 ) and k j−1 = k(λ j−1 ) we
42 Chapter 3. Numerical approach
k j−1 − k j−2
k̃ j = k j−1 + h j . (3.5)
h j−1
The prediction of u is performed similarly. By substituting λ j−1 and λ j−2 in the Taylor
series expansion of k(λ) around λ = λ j we find expressions for k j−1 and k j−2 that can
be used with (3.5) to find
where k j is assumed to be sufficiently smooth (such that c ∼ k00j is not too large). Given
this j -th step error, we can compute the next step size h j+1 such that the error remains
around some tolerance ²tol = ch2j+1 . This leads to
u 2 s
h j+1 u ch j+1 ²tol
h j+1 = h j = h jt = h j . (3.8)
hj ch2j ²j
In some cases, a small change in λ results in a big change in the solution. It is even
possible to jump to the trajectory corresponding to another mode. This is especially
relevant when the minimum distance between the (a-priori unknown) trajectories of
two different modes is very small, in which case we wish to set a strict error tolerance.
On the other hand, if the trajectory of the mode under consideration is far away from
the trajectories of the other modes (as is the case of some surface modes) we can relax
²tol . This motivates the choice
²tol = ²̃tol ∆ k ref , (3.9)
where ∆ k ref depends on the mode considered and ²̃tol is a parameter, equal for all
modes, that has to be chosen.
One option is to base ∆ k ref on the distance between the axial wavenumbers corre-
sponding to a hard wall, uniform flow with Mach number M0 and uniform temperature.
In this case the axial wavenumbers k̂ of circumferential order m and radial order µ are
given by q
−ω M0 ± ω2 − α2mµ (1 − M02 )
k̂ mµ = , (3.10)
1 − M02
with αmµ the µ-th zero j 0mµ of the derivative of the Besselfunction Jm . These zeros can
be approximated by j 0mµ ' (µ + 21 m − 34 )π. Consequently, the difference ∆ k = | k̂ j+1 − k̂ j |
between two adjacent cut-off axial wavenumbers is approximately constant π/ 1 − M 2 ,
whereas for cut-on modes ∆ k depends on ω. Another option is to base ∆ k ref on the
distances of a set of a-priori known axial wavenumbers, if available. For example the
set of wavenumbers corresponding to a sound absorbing wall, uniform flow and uniform
temperature can be used. This set can be found by using the approach that will be
described in Section 3.3. Since now any possible surface waves are also known ²tol can
be relaxed on these modes.
§ 3.2 Path-following based on linear extrapolation 43
10 10
5 5
0 0
−5 −5
−10 −10
Figure 3.2: Trajectory of axial wavenumbers when the solution corresponding to uniform
flow and temperature (blue) is slowly varied to the solution for non-uniform flow and tem-
perature while keeping the duct wall hard.
In practice there is a trade-off in choosing the parameters ²̃tol , ²̃max , h max and the
initial step size h 1 ; we would like to travel through the path quickly, while at the same
time maintaining a certain confidence that we do not jump to another mode.
Unfortunately, it is difficult to devise a method that prevents this jumping with
full confidence, since the trajectories of the modes may become arbitrarily close or they
might even collapse, depending on the specific choice of the problem embedding in the
continuation parameter λ. One such example is depicted in Figure 3.2. In this example
we are interested in the modes corresponding to non-uniform flow and non-uniform
temperature in a hard-walled duct. Figure 3.2a shows the trajectories when, starting
from the solution for a hard wall, uniform flow and uniform temperature (blue), we
44 Chapter 3. Numerical approach
follow the path to the target solution (red) while keeping the wall hard. It can be
seen that the trajectories of the lowest order right-running and left-running modes
collapse at the point where they change from cut-off to cut-on. For some choices of the
parameters ²̃tol , ²̃max , h max and h 1 this can result in jumping to the wrong mode, as
depicted in Figure 3.2b. In this case it is useful to choose a different embedding. With
Z = 2− , 0 É λ É 1, (3.12)
4λ(1 − λ)
(ω − kM0 )2 Jm (α)
Z+ 0 =0 (3.15)
iωα Jm (α)
for bulk absorbers. The eigensolutions that we are after can be found by searching for
k’s that satisfy these equations.
The root-finding approach that will be described in the next section can only be ap-
plied to analytic functions. Hence, we first rewrite the eigenvalue equation of (3.16) in
the form of an analytic function. First note that the Bessel functions have the following
power series representations (see for example [98])
It follows that the logarithmic terms in N (ζ) and D (ζ) vanish; we can write
The idea is to avoid difficulties related to the multi-valuedness of the square roots in α
and ζ by making sure that we construct a function that has a series representation in
even powers of α and ζ. This can be achieved through multiplying (3.16) by ζ2 D (ζ) and
α−m+1 Jm0
(α). This results in
· µ ¶ ¸
(ω − kM0 )2 Jm (α)
F ( k) = α−m+1 ζ2 D (ζ) Jm
(α) Z0 + 0
+ i µ p Z c ζ N (ζ ) J m (α) , (3.23)
iω α
46 Chapter 3. Numerical approach
Note that in a quadrature implementation the function values f 0 ( z)/ f ( z) that are re-
quired to compute N can be reused for S n , n > 0. Moreover, since the integrand is
periodic if the contour Γ is smooth we can use a trapezoidal rule very efficiently, as will
be discussed in the next section.
These power sums S n , which are also sometimes referred to as Newton sums, can
be used to construct a polynomial that has the same roots as f ( z). Let us define this
polynomial as
p( z) = ( z − z i ) = ck zk . (3.28)
i =1 k=0
We use a monic polynomial, i.e. c N = 1. The remaining coefficients can then be com-
puted recursively by using Newton’s identities [55], which can be written as
1 NX −k
ck = S j c k+ j , k = N − 1, N − 2, . . . , 0. (3.29)
k − N j=1
Once the coefficients of the polynomial are known, the roots can be computed using a
standard polynomial root finding algorithm, like for example the following one. The
companion matrix to a monic polynomial of N -th degree is the N × N matrix
0 0 ··· 0 − c0
1 0 · · · 0 − c1
A= 0 1 · · · 0 − c 2 . (3.30)
. . .
. . .. .. .
. . . . .
0 0 · · · 1 − c N −1
§ 3.3 Finding bulk-absorber modes by using contour integration 47
The roots of the polynomial are equivalent to the eigenvalues of the companion matrix.
In this formulation the computation of the power sums requires the evaluation of
the derivative f 0 ( z). In practical application f 0 ( z) may not be available or computation-
ally very expensive to compute. A slightly different approach [34] does not require the
derivative. Firstly, N can be computed by considering the total change of the argument
of f ( z) as z makes one round-trip along the contour Γ:
N= [∆ arg f ( z)]Γ . (3.31)
where z0 is an arbitrary point inside Γ. Let us write the logarithmic term as log( g( z)) =
log(| g( z)|) + i θ with g( z) = ( z − z0 )− N f ( z). Note that, since g( z) has no zeros or poles, this
logarithmic term is single-valued along the contour Γ: θ returns to its original value
after traversing the complete contour. In a practical computer implementation, where
the available subroutines for computing a logarithm usually return its principal value
(for which the imaginary part is in (−π, π]), care must be taken that the imaginary part
of the integrand in (3.32) is continuous while traversing Γ.
Hm decreases exponentially in the upper half of the complex plane, so the two terms in
N (ζ) are of order one, which avoids the cancelation problem. Similar reasoning holds
for H m , which decreases exponentially in the lower half of the complex plane. The
computation of D (ζ) can be done analogously. The various types of Bessel functions are
evaluated by using the subroutines developed by Amos [5].
We use circular contours centered at z = z0 with radius r 0 , which can be described
Γ : z ( t ) = z 0 + r 0 e 2πi t , t ∈ [0, 1], (3.35)
Z1 h i
S n = −n ( z0 + r 0 e 2πi t )n−1 log ( r 0 e 2πi t )− N f ( z0 + r 0 e 2πi t ) r 0 e 2πi t d t + N z0n . (3.36)
48 Chapter 3. Numerical approach
A suitable quadrature rule must be chosen to evaluate the integral. We choose the
trapezoidal rule since it shows exponential convergence for periodic integrands. De-
pending on specific preliminary knowledge about the locations of the roots other con-
tours than circles might be more suitable, but they must always be smooth to ensure
exponential convergence of quadrature. The m-point trapezoidal rule approximation of
(3.36) can be written as
m µ ¶
n X i
T nm = − g , (3.37)
m i=1 m
n ϕmax ³ ³ϕ ´´
² = |T nm − S n | ' exp −π cot , (3.38)
N 2π 2
where ϕmax is the maximum jump in the argument of f ( z) for the given m-point dis-
cretization of the contour. When evaluating the logarithmic term in the integrand of
(3.36) it must be ensured that this term’s imaginary part is continuous, as mentioned
above. This amounts to adding or subtracting the required multiples of 2π to the com-
puted principle value of the logarithm.
In order to make the algorithm robust we implemented a number of checks. We
first start the algorithm with m function evaluations to compute N using (3.31), and
compute the maximum jump ϕmax of arg( f ( z)) along the contour. The computed N is
accepted if ϕmax < 43 π and m is not too low. If m is too low for this first test to be
accurate, we perform a second test [26]
¯ ¯
1 ¯ fk ¯
< ¯¯ ¯ < 6.1, k = 0, . . . , m − 1. (3.39)
6.1 f k+1 ¯
We also check whether the accuracy of the quadrature rule for n = N meets a given
tolerance: ² < tol. If one of the criteria is not met we double the number of function
evaluations by adding new function evaluations for the midpoints between the old grid
Since the mapping from the sums S n to the zeros becomes ill-conditioned if the
number of zeros inside the contour is too large, we subdivide the circular contour into
9 smaller circular contours of radius r 1 = 5/12 r 0 . One of the smaller circles is centered
at z0 , the other circles are centered at
This subdivision is repeated recursively until the number of zeros inside each con-
tour N < Nmax , a predetermined number for which the polynomial can be reliably con-
structed from the sums S n . Based on our experience we choose Nmax around 5 to 10.
Note that the smaller circles are overlapping, so some zeros might be found multiple
times. To remove these multiple zeros we first group zeros that are located within a
distance d < grouptol from each other and subsequently compute the center z g of this
group. Suppose that the maximum distance from the zeros in the group to the center
is d max . We then apply the foregoing root-finding algorithm on a contour centered at
z g with radius r g = max(1.5 d max , quadtol) to find a new set of roots that replaces the
old roots in the group.
§ 3.3 Finding bulk-absorber modes by using contour integration 49
−15 −10 −5 0 5 10 15
Figure 3.3: Axial wavenumbers for a bulk absorbing liner (209 modes are found using
106688 function evaluations).
−300 −200 −100 0 100 200 300
Figure 3.4: Illustration of root-finding strategy; circles with many roots are subdivided
into smaller ones.
Chapter 4
In the previous chapter we considered the numerical solution of the boundary value
problem that governs the modes of an axially invariant duct. In many applications,
however, the properties of the duct may suddenly change along the axial direction, for
example the cross-sectional area or the wall impedance. The incoming acoustic wave is
partly reflected and partly transmitted at the discontinuity. In an early work [32] the
scattering of plane waves is studied by applying the equations for conservation of mass,
momentum and energy to a small control volume around a sudden area discontinuity.
For higher frequencies also higher order modes must be taken into account; an in-
coming mode may scatter at a liner discontinuity into multiple outgoing modes in both
directions. In [61] the field is expressed as a summation of modes, and the unknown
modal amplitudes are found by matching the pressure and axial velocity at the axial lo-
cation of the liner discontinuity—this is the mode-matching method, which is the topic
of this chapter.
Mode-matching based on continuity of acoustic pressure and axial velocity has been
used more recently to study a turbofan inlet duct with a wall impedance discontinuity
due to a different liner depth [68]. At supersonic fan speeds the rotor-alone pressure
field is well cut-on. With the aid of mode-matching the liner could be designed such
that most of the acoustic energy of the fan tones is scattered into higher radial order
modes, which are better absorbed by the lining. A slightly different mode-matching
approach for non-axisymmetric configurations has been used to study the effect of cir-
cumferential liner splices [11]. Here, the finite element method was used to find the
eigensolution at a duct cross-section.
Besides mode-matching also the Wiener-Hopf technique has been used to investi-
gate problems with axial discontinuities [57, 74, 86]. However, this technique requires
a considerable amount of complex mathematical machinery and can only be applied to
very canonical geometries, which might explain the fact that its use is not widespread
in engineering contexts.
In this chapter we consider mode-matching for mean flow with non-uniform veloc-
ity and temperature. As will be discussed in Section 4.2, the system of mode-matching
equations results from taking inner products of the duct eigenfunctions with certain
test functions. These eigenfunctions are Bessel functions for a duct with a uniform
52 Chapter 4. Mode-matching for segmented ducts
medium. Since closed-form integrals are known for products of Bessel functions [121],
the choice of a suitable set of Bessel functions as test functions allows us to determine
the inner products analytically exactly. For non-uniform flow and temperature, how-
ever, the duct eigenfunctions are not Bessel functions anymore, and no exact integrals
of products of these eigenfunctions are known. For the classical mode-matching ap-
proach a set of Bessel functions may still be used as test functions, although the inner
products cannot (to our knowledge) be computed in closed form, so numerical quadra-
ture is needed. We here present a new approach [91] that uses the same Pridmore-
Brown modes as test functions, but instead of the standard inner product we use an
associated bilinear form1 that resembles an inner product. We will show that in this
way the integrals we need are available in closed form.
The outline of this chapter is as follows. We start in Section 4.1 by presenting
integrals of weighted combinations of products of eigenfunctions that can be evaluated
in closed form. These closed-form integrals, which will also be referred to as a bilinear
maps (BLM), form the basis of a new mode-matching approach which is described in
Section 4.2. First we describe classical mode-matching in Section 4.2.1 followed by
our new approach based on the bilinear map in Section 4.2.2. Mode-matching yields
a system of equations for the modal amplitudes of any two adjacent segments, hence,
to investigate the effect of more than two segments several of these systems have to
be combined. This will be done by using the scattering matrix formalism, which is be
described in Section 4.2.3. Finally, we compare the classical and BLM-based mode-
matching approaches based on some numerical results presented in Section 4.3.
∇2 φ + α2 φ = 0, (4.1a)
2 2
∇ ψ + β ψ = 0. (4.1b)
1 Strictly speaking it is not an inner product. Although imprecise, we will refer to it here as inner product
because of the role it plays in the mode matching procedure.
§ 4.1 Exact integrals of Pridmore-Brown eigenfunctions 53
When we subtract φ times the second equation from ψ times the first and integrate
over A we obtain
¡ 2 ¢ ¡ ¢
(α2 − β2 ) φψdS = φ∇ ψ − ψ∇2 φ dS = ∇ φ∇ψ − ψ∇φ dS. ·
After using the divergence theorem this inner product of φ and ψ is given by an integral
along the boundary
1 ¡ ¢
φψdS = 2
α −β 2
φ∇ψ n − ψ∇φ n d`. · · (4.3)
If α = β, this result can not be used. Suppose that we replace equation (4.1b) with the
far more general
∇2 χ + α2 χ = f , (4.4)
where f is an arbitrary (integrable) function. When we again cross-wise multiply and
subtract as before, we find
¡ 2 ¢ ¡ ¢
φ f dS = φ∇ χ − χ∇2 φ dS = φ∇χ n − χ∇φ n d`. · (4.5) ·
This result was derived without specifying any boundary conditions on χ, so they
can be chosen arbitrarily as long as there exists a solution χ. This is guaranteed if (the
boundary conditions on χ are such, that) α is not an eigenvalue of the homogeneous
version of equation (4.4). This result is related to the Fredholm alternative for linear
operators [59]. Assume that A χ = B∇χ n on Γ and suppose that there exists a nonzero
solution w of ∇2 w + α2 w = 0 withÎ the same R boundary
¡ conditions.
¢ Then we obtain, for
arbitrary f , the contradiction A w f dS = Γ w∇χ n − χ∇w n d` = 0. · ·
The advantage of the result of (4.5) is its generality. We can substitute for f any
function we need, for example f = φ, the solution of (4.1a). The disadvantage is of
course that it requires the solution of the additional inhomogeneous equation (4.4). So
in practice we will use this result only if (4.3) breaks down. Note that the equation
∇2 χ + α2 χ = φ can be found by differentiating the homogeneous equation for φ to −α2 .
In the specific case of a circular disk of radius 1 and circularly symmetric solutions
φ = Jm (α r ) e i mθ and ψ = Jm (β r ) e−i mθ (we choose opposite signs of i mθ for non-trivial
results later) substituted in (4.3), we obtain the well-known [121] relation for Bessel
1 £ 0 0
Jm (α r ) Jm (β r ) r d r = β Jm (α) Jm (β) − α Jm (α) Jm (β) . (4.6)
α2 − β2
For the case when α = β one approach is to take the limit and use l’Hôpital’s rule, which
Z1 µ ¶
1 m2 1 0
Jm (α r )2 r d r = 1 − 2 Jm (α)2 + Jm (α)2 . (4.7)
2 α 2
A more generic approach is the one discussed above. Suppose that we have χ( r, θ ) =
χ̂( r ) e−i mθ , regular in r = 0, where χ̂ is a solution of the inhomogeneous Bessel equation
µ ¶
1 m2
( r χ̂0 )0 + α2 − 2 χ̂ = Jm (α r ), (4.8)
r r
54 Chapter 4. Mode-matching for segmented ducts
(for example χ̂( r ) = − rJm (α r ) 2α), then we have the equivalent result
Jm (α r )2 r d r = Jm (α)χ̂0 (1) − α Jm
(α)χ̂(1). (4.9)
Again, the boundary conditions on χ can be selected arbitrarily, except for the restric-
tion that A χ̂(1) + Bχ̂0 (1) 6= 0 if A Jm (α) + αBJm
(α) = 0.
The above manipulations (4.1)–(4.5) can be repeated for (2.111) (with u 0 ≡ 0) to
obtain weighted inner product integrals of the type
c20 P P̃ dS, (4.10)
but for the general case (2.110) this is not possible because Ω = Ω( k). Indeed, no closed
form expressions can be found for the standard inner products with eigenfunctions of
the Pridmore-Brown equation, which are required to set up the mode-matching equa-
tions, so it seems that we have to resort to numerical quadrature to compute the inte-
grals. With increasing radial order the eigenfunctions become more and more oscilla-
tory, resulting in increasingly more difficult numerical computations.
Moreover, note that the integrand is based on a numerical computation, since the
eigenfunctions of the Pridmore-Brown equation have to be determined numerically.
This requires that either the quadrature rule has its abscissas on the same grid points
as the BVP solver, or that the eigenfunctions can be interpolated on any location on or
around the grid points. All this is not the case if we replace the standard inner product
integrals with a dedicated integral associated to the prevailing equations, which we
call (since it is not really an inner product as mentioned before) a bilinear form or
bilinear map.
In the following we will construct two bilinear forms that are integrals of weighted
combinations of products of eigenfunctions. One for the general case of parallel mean
flow (applicable for example in distortion mode problems [111, 112]), much in the same
fashion as discussed above, and one for the particular case of circular ducts with ra-
dially symmetric mean flow, the Pridmore-Brown modes. This result was inspired by
[29], where a related integral was used to obtain a solvability condition for a multiple
scales solution of the disturbance field for a slowly varying duct with mean swirling
where Ω = ω − ku 0 , and R follows directly from the other amplitudes, for example with
2.105c. (Note that the system reduces to (2.110) if U , V and W are eliminated.) To-
gether with suitable boundary conditions this is an eigenvalue problem with eigen-
value k, but this will not be used here; k will be considered as a given constant.
When the individual equations in (4.12) are multiplied by suitable combinations
of other solutions of the same equations (say P̃ , Ũ , Ṽ and W̃ ) with constant k̃ and
corresponding auxiliary function Ω̃ = ω − k̃u 0 , and subsequently added together, we
¡ ¢ P̃
−iΩP + iρ 0 c20 kU + ρ 0 c20 Vy + ρ 0 c20 Wz
ρ 0 c20
¡ ¢ k̃ P̃
+ −iΩρ 0U + ρ 0 u 0 y V + ρ 0 u 0 z W + i kP
ρ 0 Ω̃
¡ ¢ ¡ ¢
− −iΩρ 0 V + P y Ṽ − −iΩρ 0 W + P z W̃ = 0. (4.13)
This choice of combinations of shape functions is clearly not self-evident; it was found
by first taking the products of the governing equations with arbitrary functions, and
then imposing the required conditions on these functions. The resulting equations
appeared to be equivalent to our original equations for P , U , V and W . For more
details see Appendix A. After reordering and splitting off a cross-wise divergence (4.13)
is equivalent to
à !
Ω k k̃ Ω k̃ − Ω̃ k ¡ ¢
−i − P̃P − i P̃U + iρ 0 Ω(Ṽ V + W̃W ) − V P̃ y − W P̃ z + Ṽy + W̃z P
ρ 0 c20 ρ 0 Ω̃ Ω̃
µ ¶ µ ¶
k̃ ¡ ¢ P̃V − Ṽ P P̃W − W̃ P
+ u 0 y Ṽ + u 0 z W̃ P + Ω̃ + Ω̃ = 0. (4.14)
Ω̃ Ω̃ y Ω̃ z
We can use the defining equations for U , V and W in case we want to write the left hand
side in terms of P only. When we integrate (4.16) over a cross section A with bound-
ary Γ and use the divergence theorem we obtain an integral over A of parallel-flow
shape functions, in particular (with suitable boundary conditions and eigenvalues k)
parallel-flow eigenfunctions, expressed
£ as an¤ integral along boundary Γ. We introduce
the vector of shape functions F = P,U, V ,W and denote this integral by
Ï "Ã ! #
1 u0 k̃ ω
〈〈F, F̃ 〉〉 = + P̃P + P̃U − ρ 0 u 0 (Ṽ V + W̃W ) dS
Ω̃ ρ 0 c20 ρ 0 Ω̃ Ω̃
i P̃ (V n y + W n z ) − (Ṽ n y + W̃ n z )P
= d` , (4.17)
k − k̃ Ω̃
where n y and n z denote the y and z components of the outward normal vector on Γ and
k 6= k̃. If a symmetric form is preferred, we can replace 〈〈F, F̃ 〉〉 by 21 〈〈F, F̃ 〉〉 + 12 〈〈F̃, F 〉〉
and the right-hand side correspondingly.
If u 0 ≡ 0 this reduces to a regular integral inner product (with a weight function
1 2
∝ ρ− 0 ∝ c0 )
k + k̃ P̃P 1 P̃ (P y n y + P z n z ) − (P̃ y n y + P̃ z n z )P
〈〈F, F̃ 〉〉 = dS = d`, (4.18)
ω2 ρ0 ( k − k̃)ω2 ρ0
a result very similar to (4.3), which could have been obtained directly from (2.111).
For a slipping mean flow along an impedance wall at Γ we apply Ingard-Myers
conditions V n y + W n z = ΩP /ω Z and Ṽ n y + W̃ n z = Ω̃P̃ /ω Z̃ and obtain
Z µ ¶
i P̃P Ω Ω̃
〈〈F, F̃ 〉〉 = − d` . (4.19)
k − k̃ Ω̃ω Z Z̃
The integrals vanish for hard walls, i.e. when Z = Z̃ = ∞. For a no-slip mean flow
with u 0 = 0 along Γ and impedance boundary conditions P = Z (V n y + W n z ) and P̃ =
Z̃ (Ṽ n y + W̃ n z ) we obtain
Z µ ¶
i P̃P 1 1
〈〈F, F̃ 〉〉 = − d`. (4.20)
k − k̃ ω Z Z̃
Interestingly, the integral vanishes for different modes corresponding to the same Z .
Although this surface integral resembles a non-standard inner product between
vectors F and F̃ , it is not an inner product because it lacks positive-definiteness for
〈〈F, F 〉〉. We therefore refer to it as a bilinear map, although occasionally it may be
referred to as an inner product since it plays the same role as an inner product in the
classical mode matching procedure.
The above result is evidently not valid for k = k̃. In practice, the limit of k = k̃
corresponds with F = F̃ when we deal with modal eigenfunctions which all satisfy the
same boundary condition, so we will consider that situation here.
We start with the associated inhomogeneous system of (4.12) with solution [P̂, Û, V̂ , Ŵ ],
with the same k as in the original system, and a solution vector [P,U, V ,W ] satisfying
§ 4.1 Exact integrals of Pridmore-Brown eigenfunctions 57
with boundary conditions such that k is not an eigenvalue of the left-hand side in
order to guarantee the existence of a solution [P̂, Û, V̂ , Ŵ ]. (Note that this system can
be found by differentiating (4.12) with respect to k.) This system is equivalent to an
inhomogeneous variant of (2.110)
µ ¶ µ ¶ µ 2 ¶
c20 k2 c20 c20 c0 u0
∇⊥ · Ω2
∇⊥ P̂ + 1 −
P̂ = 2
k ω P − 2∇⊥
∇⊥·P . (4.22)
If u 0 ≡ 0 this reduces to
2k P2 1 P̂ (P y n y + P z n z ) − (P̂ y n y + P̂ z n z )P
〈〈F, F 〉〉 = dS = 2 d` . (4.24)
ω2 ρ0 ω ρ0
With slipping flow and impedance walls along r = d we apply Ingard-Myers boundary
conditions V = ΩP /ω Z with Ω = ω − ku 0 ( d ) for both solutions and obtain
µ ¶
i d P̃P Ω Ω̃
〈F, F̃ 〉 = − , (4.28)
( k − k̃)Ω̃ω Z Z̃
which vanishes if Z = Z̃ = ∞. With no-slip flow u 0 ( d ) = 0 this simplifies to
µ ¶
i d P̃P 1 1
〈F, F̃ 〉 = − . (4.29)
( k − k̃)ω Z Z̃
If k and k̃ are different eigenvalues from the same impedance condition Z̃ = Z , then all
integrals vanish in this case.
To find the degenerate case of k̃ = k and F̃ = F we consider with constant k the
solution F e−i mθ = [P,U, V , −W ] e−i mθ of (4.25), and the associated solution F̂ e−i mθ =
[P̂, Û, V̂ , −Ŵ ] e−i mθ of the inhomogeneous system (with the same k)
µ ¶
1 im
−iΩP̂ + iρ 0 c20 kÛ + ρ 0 c20 V̂ 0 + V̂ + Ŵ = i( u 0 P + ρ 0 c20U ), (4.30a)
r r
−iΩρ 0Û + ρ 0 u00 V̂ + i k P̂ = i(ρ 0 u 0U + P ), (4.30b)
−iΩρ 0 V̂ + P̂ = iρ 0 u 0 V , (4.30c)
−iΩρ 0 Ŵ +
P̂ = iρ 0 u 0 W. (4.30d)
(Note that this system can also be found by differentiating (4.25) with respect to k.)
In actual practice the system (4.30) will be reduced to the following inhomogeneous
Pridmore-Brown equation in P̂
à ! à !
Ω2 ³ rc20 0 ´0 Ω2 2 m2 ω u00 0 u0 Ω
P̂ + 2 − k − 2 P̂ = 2 2 P − 2 + k P, (4.31)
rc20 Ω2 c0 r Ω c20
which may be solved by almost the same numerical routine as is used for the Pridmore-
Brown equation itself. Note, however, that it is not an eigenvalue problem in this case
since k is fixed, which reduces the required computational effort. The surface integral
(divided by 2π) of (4.23) now simplifies to
Zd "Ã ! # · ¸
r u0 k 2 ω 2 2 P̂V − V̂ P
〈F, F 〉 = + P + U P − ρ u
0 0 (V + W ) d r = i d ,
Ω ρ 0 c20 ρ 0 Ω Ω Ω r=d
§ 4.2 Mode-matching at an interface 59
l −1
l +1
l +2
l −1
l b−
l +1
l +1
l +2
xl −1 xl xl +1
where we assumed that the solutions are regular in r = 0. As before, it should be noted
that the inhomogeneous equation (4.31) has no solutions if the problem for P is an
eigenvalue problem with homogeneous boundary conditions, and the same conditions
are applied to P̂ . Finally, if u 0 ≡ 0 we obtain
Zd · ¸
2k r 2 d P̂P 0 − P̂ 0 P
〈F, F 〉 = P dr = 2 . (4.33)
ω2 ρ0 ω ρ0 r=d
In a numerical implementation this infinite series has to be truncated; the finite num-
ber of modes µl to represent the field of the l -th segment depends on the type of liner.
We use µmax modes to represent the field for segments with a locally reacting liner. For
bulk-reacting liners we use µl = µmax + µadd
modes, where the number of extra modes
depends on the depth of the liner (it can be different for different segments). In
the following, we consider the general case of an interface between two segments with
60 Chapter 4. Mode-matching for segmented ducts
where q and Q are used for the pressure field in the bulk region.
Consider the hard-wall uniform flow eigenfunctions Ψν ( r ) = Jm (αν r ) where αν are
the hard-wall radial wavenumbers, which satisfy Ψν0 ( d ) = 0. These functions form a
complete L 2 -basis and are at least locally, for high orders, similar in behavior as the
Pridmore-Brown modes. Therefore they are suitable to serve as test functions when
we set up the matrix system for the modal vectors.
Inside the duct region we impose continuity of pressure and axial velocity (approx-
imated due to the truncation) at an interface at xl and subsequently project onto the
set of test functions Ψν , ν = 1, . . . , νmax , which yields
X µX
l +1
b+ + − −
l,µ (P l,µ , Ψν ) + a l,µ (P l,µ , Ψν ) = a+l +1,µ (P l++1,µ , Ψν ) + b− −
l +1,µ (P l +1,µ , Ψν ), (4.36a)
µ=1 µ=1
X µX
l +1
b+ + − −
l,µ (U l,µ , Ψν ) + a l,µ (U l,µ , Ψν ) = a+l +1,µ (Ul++1,µ , Ψν ) + b− −
l +1,µ (U l +1,µ , Ψν ), (4.36b)
µ=1 µ=1
The axial velocity amplitudes follow from the pressure amplitudes via the relation
k u00
U= P− P 0, (4.38)
ρ0Ω ρ 0 Ω2
which follows from (4.25b) and (4.25c).
For the annular liner region we use (similarly to the duct region) hard-walled duct
eigenfunctions as test functions, of the form (2.98). Let
0 0
Φl,ν ( r ) = Jm (η l,ν r )Ym (η l,ν ( d + d l )) − Ym (η l,ν r ) Jm (η l,ν ( d + d l )), (4.39)
where η l,ν are the hard wall radial wave numbers, which satisfy Φ0l,ν ( d ) = Φ0l,ν ( d + d l ) = 0
(note the l -dependency due to the fact that the depth d l of the bulk absorber can be
different for each segment). Furthermore, for the axial velocity in the bulk region it
follows from (2.94) that
U bulk = Q. (4.40)
µp Zc
Consequently, imposing vanishing axial velocity at at the left side of the liner wall at
x = xl and subsequently projecting onto the set of hard-wall bulk eigenfunctions Φl,ν ,
ν = 1, . . . , νadd
X ¡ + + ¢ ¡ − − ¢
b+ −
l,µ k l,µ Q l,µ , Φ l,ν + a l,µ k l,µ Q l,µ , Φ l,ν = 0. (4.41)
§ 4.2 Mode-matching at an interface 61
We again use the standard inner product (4.37) here, except the domain of integration
is now the bulk region d É r É d + d l .
All matching conditions for the duct and bulk regions together yield the following
system of equations:
+ +
A A− B B−
· ¸ · ¸
C+ C− b+ + D− a+
l = D l +1 . (4.42)
E+ E− a− 0 0 b−
l l +1
+ −
0 0 F F
The matrix entries corresponding to the duct region are inner products of Pridmore-
Brown eigenfunctions and Bessel functions; for the matrices that correspond to the
pressure equations we have
Zd Zd
νµ = (P l,±µ , Ψν ) = P l,±µ ( r )Ψν ( r ) r d r, B±
νµ = (P l±+1,µ , Ψν ) = P l±+1,µ ( r )Ψν ( r ) r d r.
0 0
The matrix entries of C± and D± corresponding to the axial velocity equations are
computed analogously. The matrix entries E± corresponding to the liner region can be
computed in closed form by using the well-known [121] relation
r £ ¤
Cm (αr )C˜m (βr )r dr = 2 2
βCm (α r )C˜m
(β r ) − αC˜m (β r )Cm
(α r ) , (4.44)
α −β
which holds
± for two different solutions Cm (α r ) and C˜m (β r ) of the Bessel equation. The
term d (µ p Z c ) cancels out so we find (superscripts ± and subscripts l omitted)
E νµ = k µ Q µ0 ( d )Φν ( d ). (4.45)
ζ2µ − η2ν
From the boundary condition P = ZV bulk at r = d (see Section 2.3.3) and the momentum
equation for the liner region (2.94) we find
iµ p Z c
Q µ0 ( d ) = i µ p Z c N (ζ µ )
P µ ( d ). (4.46)
Z0 + ζ µ D (ζ µ )
The matrix entries of F± corresponding to the liner segment to the right side of the
interface can be computed analogously.
We consider the amplitudes of the modes propagating towards the interface as the
the unknowns. Rearranging leads to
µl +1 µl µl µl +1
νmax B −A− νmax A+ −B−
D+ − · a+ ¸
C+ − · b+ ¸
−C l +1 νmax
−D l
0 − = E+ . (4.48)
−E al−
0 b−
l +1
l +1
F+ 0 νadd
l +1
0 −F −
62 Chapter 4. Mode-matching for segmented ducts
where the dimensions of the submatrices have been included. Thus, we have 2νmax +
+ νadd
l +1
equations and µl + µl +1 = 2µmax + µadd
+ µadd
l +1
The solution to the matching problem at a liner discontinuity is not unique. This
is due to the fact that at the discontinuity the boundary condition is not defined. This
problem is very similar to the problem of determining the electromagnetic field around
a sharp edge [18, 40, 70]. The solution can be made unique by imposing the so-called
edge condition: the requirement that the stored energy in the field around the edge is
finite. For the case of a duct with uniform cross-section and a locally reacting liner it
can be shown that this edge condition is automatically satisfied if the number of modes
on both sides of the matching interface is equal. Ducts with non-locally reacting liners
that have a discontinuity in liner depth can be viewed as ducts with a discontinuity
in cross-sectional area. For these cases the ratio of the total radii on both sides of the
interface must be chosen equal to the ratio of the number of modes in order to satisfy
the edge condition [66, 73, 88, 110]. For non-locally reacting liners with a discontinuity
in depth µadd (and νadd ) could be chosen based on a similar criterion.
Finally we note that in [11] the matching conditions are formulated as a varia-
tional statement based on the time-harmonic linearized continuity and momentum
equations for parallel flow and uniform temperature. For zero mean flow these condi-
tions are equivalent to continuity of pressure and axial velocity at the interface. For
non-zero mean flow, however, these conditions include an extra term: an integral over
the boundary of the cross-section, which is due to the Ingard-Myers boundary condition
for slipping flow.
The total field for a given circumferential wavenumber m in each segment is a super-
position of all modes
∞ ³
X ´
i k+ ( x− xl −1 ) i k− ( x− x l )
f l ( x, r ) = a+l,µ F +
l,µ ( r )
e l,µ + a− −
l,µ F l,µ ( r )
e l,µ , xl −1 É x É xl , (4.50)
for ν = −νmax , . . . , −1, 1, . . . , νmax . When we split the range of ν into left (ν < 0) and right
(ν > 0) running parts we again obtain in matrix format
· + ¸· ¸ · + ¸· ¸
A A− b+l = B B− a+ l +1 . (4.53)
C+ C− a− l
D+ D− b − l +1
{ A, C }±
νµ = 〈F l µ , F nν 〉, (4.54a)
{B, D }±
νµ = 〈F l +1,µ , F nν 〉, (4.54b)
The values of the bilinear forms in (4.54) can be computed as follows. Suppose that
we know the set of eigensolutions for two segments l and n, with possibly different liner
properties. When Z l 6= Z n then the sets of axial wavenumbers have in general (except
for a rare coincidence) no values in common, so it holds that k l µ 6= k nν . Consequently
we can use (4.28) to compute
· ¸¯
i dP l µ P nν Ω l µ Ω nν ¯
〈 F l µ , F nν 〉 = − ¯ , for Z l 6= Z n . (4.55)
Ω n ν ω( k l µ − k n ν ) Z l µ Z n ν ¯ r = d
For the case when Z := Z l = Z n we can have µ 6= ν, which means that k l µ 6= k nν , so we
can compute
i dP l µ P nν u 0 ¯
〈 F l µ , F nν 〉 = − ¯ , for Z l = Z n , µ 6= ν, (4.56)
Ω nν ω Z ¯ r = d
which is identically zero for non-slipping flow ( u 0 ( d ) = 0) or a hard wall ( Z → ∞). When
µ = ν we have k µ := k l µ = k nν and Pµ := P l µ = P nν . We require the solution P̂µ of the
inhomogeneous Pridmore-Brown equation (4.31) to compute
· ¸
d 0 u0 0 0
〈 F l µ , F nν 〉 = P̂ P
µ µ − P P µ − P̂ P
µ µ , for Z l = Z n , µ = ν. (4.57)
ρ 0 Ω2µ Ωµ µ r=d
Note that this implies that A+ and C− are diagonal matrices, and A− and C+ zero
matrices for non-slipping flow or hard wall.
The use of this new inner product for mode-matching thus may require the com-
putation of an extra set of Pridmore-Brown modes to be used as test functions, or the
solution of an inhomogeneous Pridmore-Brown equation. Any of these solutions have
to be computed only once, regardless of the number of segments, whereas for the clas-
sical approach we need to compute all inner products at each interface. Furthermore,
in some occasions the off-diagonal inner products are zero, which simplifies the cal-
culations even more. Since the computational work to determine the extra set of (in
some cases inhomogeneous) Pridmore-Brown modes are, to our experience, at worst
comparable to the numerical quadrature for a single interface while the inherent nu-
merical integration errors are avoided, we conclude that our new approach is both more
accurate and cheaper than the classical mode matching methods.
64 Chapter 4. Mode-matching for segmented ducts
1 a+
2 a+
3 a+
l−1 a+
l a+
1 a−
2 a−
3 a−
l−1 a−
l a−
| {z }
S̄1 = S1 segment segment segment
| {z } l−1 l l+1
S̄2 = S̄1 ∗ S2 = S1 ∗ S2
interface interface
| {z }
l−1 l
S̄3 = S̄2 ∗ S3 = S1 ∗ S2 ∗ S3
| {z }
S̄l = S̄l−1 ∗ Sl
M− 1
1 M2
z }| {z }| {
B+ −A− A+ −B− µl µl +1
· ¸ − · b+ ¸ · 11 12 ¸· ¸
a+ +
l +1 = D
− +
−C C −D l µl +1 Ŝ Ŝ b+l
= 21 , (4.58)
al− 0 −E− E+ 0 b− l +1 µ l Ŝ Ŝ22 b−
l +1
+ −
F 0 0 −F
where we introduced the interface scattering matrix Ŝ, including the sizes of the sub-
matrices. Next, we want to combine the effect of scattering at the interface and propa-
gation through the segment. We therefore introduce the segment scattering matrix Sl
according to
· ¸ · 11 ¸· ¸· ¸ · 11 ¸· ¸
l +1 =
Ŝl Ŝ12
0 a+l
Sl S12
= 21 . (4.59)
a−l Ŝ21
0 X−
l +1
l +1
Sl S22
l +1
§ 4.2 Mode-matching at an interface 65
i k+ h −i k− h
l )µµ =
e l,µ l , (X−
l +1 )µµ =
e l +1,µ l +1 , h l = xl − xl −1 . (4.60)
The cumulative scattering matrix of a certain set of segments can be computed by using
the Redheffer star product, which is defined as
· 11 ¸ · 11 ¸
A A12 B B12
∗ 21
A21 A22 B B22
· ¸
B11 (I − A12 B21 )−1 A11 B12 + B11 A12 (I − B21 A12 )−1 B22
= 21 . (4.62)
A + A22 B21 (I − A12 B21 )−1 A11 A22 (I − B21 A12 )−1 B22
The Redheffer star product can be constructed as as follows. We would like to construct
the cumulative scattering matrix S̄l in order to compute the effect of segment l . Let us
assume that we can describe the effect of all segments up to segment l − 1 via
· ¸ · 11 ¸· ¸
l =
S̄l −1 S̄12
l −1
1 .
21 (4.64)
1 S̄ l −1
l −1
Substitute the second row of (4.65) into the first row of (4.64) to obtain
11 + 12 − 11 + 12
£ 21 + 22 −
l = S̄ l −1 a1 + S̄ l −1 a l = S̄ l −1 a1 + S̄ l −1 S l a l + S l a l +1 . (4.66)
£ 12
21 −1 11 +
£ ¤
21 −1 12
l = I − S̄ l −1 S l S̄l −1 a1 + I − S̄12
l −1 S l S̄l −1 S22 −
l a l +1 . (4.68)
Analogously, we can substitute the first row of (4.64) into the second row of (4.65) to
£ ¤ −
I − S21 12 21 11 + 22 −
l S̄ l −1 a l = S l S̄ l −1 a1 + S l a l +1 , (4.70)
from which follows
£ ¤
21 12 −1 21 11 +
£ ¤
12 −1 22 −
l = I − S l S̄ l −1 Sl S̄l −1 a1 + I − S21
l S̄ l −1 Sl al +1 . (4.71)
These equations can still be used when the number of modes is different for each
segment (i.e. when the four blocks of the scattering matrices are not square). To see
this, consider the total number of amplitudes for the three segments numbered 1, l and
l + 1, which is 2µ1 + 2µl + 2µl +1 . Of these amplitudes the µ1 + µl +1 amplitudes of the
incident waves in segments 1 and l + 1 are known. Hence, the other amplitudes can be
determined by using the µ1 + 2µl + µl +1 equations of (4.64) and (4.65). Also note that
the dimensions of the terms between square brackets in (4.69) and (4.72) are µl × µl , so
only the solution of square systems is required.
Consequently, if all of the segment scattering matrices and the incoming ampli-
tudes a+ −
1 and a N of the outer segments are known, then the outgoing amplitudes and
hence the total field in the outer segments can be computed. To compute the field in-
side the entire duct the amplitudes in intermediate segments are required as well. We
compute these by using (4.66) and the second row of (4.65). Note that we did not invert
the propagation matrices Xl , which would have caused growing exponentials (which
might provoke numerical problems).
Configuration I II III IV
Helmholtz & azi. ω = 13.86, m = 5 ω = 8.86, m = 5 ω = 15, m = 5 ω = 15, m = 5
Temperature T =1 T =1 T = 2 log(2)(1 − r2 ) T =1
Mean flow M = 0.5(1 − r 2 ) M = 0.3 · 34 (1 − r2 ) M = 0.3 · tanh(10(1 − r )) M = 0.3 · tanh(10(1 − r ))
Soft-wall impedance Z = 1 − 1i Z = 1 + 1i Z = 1 − 1i Z = 1 − 3 i, . . . , 1 + 3 i,
N = 20
Incident rad. mode nr. µ=1 µ=1 µ=2 µ=1
0.1 0.5
r (m)
0.05 −0.5
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
x (m)
0.1 0.5
r (m)
0.05 −0.5
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
x (m)
as a uniform flow with Mach number 0.3. The non-uniform temperature profile of
configuration III has the same mass flow as a flow having uniform mean temperature
(T = 1). The flow profile of configuration III is more representative of a uniform flow
with a thin boundary layer. Configuration IV is a duct with N = 20 segments, where
the impedances of the segments have an imaginary part that varies linearly between
−3 and 3. For all configurations we use µmax = 50 modes to represent the field and an
equal number of test functions.
To compute the solutions of the boundary value problems we use the approach that
is described in Chapter 3. It is important to note that it is not necessary to use path-
following for the inhomogeneous problem, since the axial wave number k µ is given and
not part of the solution, and the inhomogeneous problem (with homogeneous Dirichlet
boundary condition at r = d ) has a unique solution. Consequently, it is much cheaper
to solve the inhomogeneous problem than the original eigenvalue problem.
Figure 4.3 shows the acoustic pressure field for both the classical (CMM) and the
bilinear map (BLM) based mode-matching approaches for configuration I. Figures 4.4,
4.5 and 4.6 compare the pressure, axial and radial velocity for both mode-matching
methods at several radial locations. The figures show that the results of the two ap-
proaches are in very good agreement for all configuration I–III.
68 Chapter 4. Mode-matching for segmented ducts
Re(P) (dimless)
Re(P) (BLM), r=0.035m
Re(P) (CMM), r=0.035m
Re(P) (BLM), r=0.075m
−1 Re(P) (CMM), r=0.075m
Re(P) (BLM), r=0.15m
Re(P) (CMM), r=0.15m
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Re(U) (dimless)
Re(V) (dimless)
Re(V) (BLM), r=0.035m
Re(V) (CMM), r=0.035m
−0.2 Re(V) (BLM), r=0.075m
Re(V) (CMM), r=0.075m
−0.3 Re(V) (BLM), r=0.15m
Re(V) (CMM), r=0.15m
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Re(P) (dimless)
Re(P) (BLM), r=0.035m
Re(P) (CMM), r=0.035m
Re(P) (BLM), r=0.075m
−1 Re(P) (CMM), r=0.075m
Re(P) (BLM), r=0.15m
Re(P) (CMM), r=0.15m
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Re(U) (dimless)
Re(U) (BLM), r=0.035m
−0.4 Re(U) (CMM), r=0.035m
Re(U) (BLM), r=0.075m
Re(U) (CMM), r=0.075m
−0.6 Re(U) (BLM), r=0.15m
Re(U) (CMM), r=0.15m
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Re(V) (dimless)
Re(V) (BLM), r=0.035m
−0.3 Re(V) (CMM), r=0.035m
Re(V) (BLM), r=0.075m
Re(V) (CMM), r=0.075m
−0.4 Re(V) (BLM), r=0.15m
Re(V) (CMM), r=0.15m
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Re(P) (dimless)
Re(P) (BLM), r=0.035m
Re(P) (CMM), r=0.035m
Re(P) (BLM), r=0.075m
−1 Re(P) (CMM), r=0.075m
Re(P) (BLM), r=0.15m
Re(P) (CMM), r=0.15m
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Re(U) (dimless)
Re(U) (BLM), r=0.035m
−0.4 Re(U) (CMM), r=0.035m
Re(U) (BLM), r=0.075m
Re(U) (CMM), r=0.075m
−0.6 Re(U) (BLM), r=0.15m
Re(U) (CMM), r=0.15m
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Re(V) (dimless)
test1 (BLM)
test1 (CMM)
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
The validity of the numerical results can be assessed by checking whether they
satisfy the balance of energy. For that purpose we use Myers’ Energy Corollary (see
Section 2.1.5), which holds exactly for the disturbance field. Figure 4.7 shows the sum
of the acoustic fluxes through the wall, the inlet and the outlet plane, and the volume
integral over the source term. We use a relative numerical accuracy of 10−6 for the
boundary value problem solver, and use Simpson’s rule for the numerical quadrature
on a grid of 151 by 1001 grid points to compute the energy terms. Thus, this sum (which
is normalized on the flux through the inlet plane), which ideally should be zero, is not
expected to be bigger than 10−6 . Figure 4.7 shows that the energy balance is satisfied
better as the number of modes µmax increases, which is to be expected. Furthermore,
the BLM-based mode-matching method performs even better than the classical one
for this configuration I. Incidentally, the energy integral being so accurately satisfied
confirms the assumption of a negligible continuous spectrum contribution.
To verify the regular behavior of the solution at the liner discontinuities along the
wall (where the edge condition has to be satisfied, which is that any volume surround-
ing the edge carries finite energy, as discussed on page 62) we check the uniform con-
vergence of the modal series via the convergence rate of the found modal amplitudes
A n . If we assume that A n = O( n p ) for n → ∞ such that log | A n | = p log n + O (1), then p n
defined as
log | A n |
p n := (4.73)
log n
is expected to approach p with p n = p + O(1/ log( n)). Anticipating a local behavior of
the modal functions that is asymptotically similar to a Fourier series, a convergence
rate p < −1 will be sufficient for uniform convergence. As shown in Figure 4.8, p ' −2
for the considered configurations I–III, so we see that the condition is indeed satisfied,
in particular for both mode matching methods in the same way.
Moreover, there is another interesting observation possible from these plots. The
behavior of p n from the classical mode-matching method is not as smooth as from the
72 Chapter 4. Mode-matching for segmented ducts
0 10 20 30 40 50
0 10 20 30 40 50
0 10 20 30 40 50
Figure 4.8: Convergence rate of amplitudes for classical and bilinear-map-based mode-
matching, for configurations I, II and III.
§ 4.3 Numerical results 73
0.15 1
r (m)
0 −1
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
x (m)
In the previous chapters we considered configurations whose properties are (at least
locally, in case of a segmented liner) invariant in the axial direction; the shape of the
cross-section, the mean flow and the wall impedance were independent of the axial
position. This permitted us to describe the sound field in terms of duct modes. Modes
in a strict sense cease to exist if one of the problem parameters varies with the axial
Fortunately, if this variation is slow it is possible to find a small parameter that may
be used for solutions of multiple scales or WKB type (a special case of multiple scales
analysis). This approach is based on slowly varying modes, for which it is assumed
that the fast scale of the wave motion and the slow scale of the axially varying ‘wave
envelope’ (mode shape and wave number) are independent. (Note that in Section 2.5
we also employed the WKB method, but in cross-wise direction.)
One specific example is the case of sound propagation through flow ducts with a
slowly varying cross-section [103, 104]. The usefulness of the approximation was shown
by a numerical comparison for a geometry that is very typical of the shape of an aero-
engine duct [107]. Moreover, the reflection of modes at turning points was studied,
where a mode changes from cut-on to cut-off due to a decrease in cross-sectional area.
WKB solutions for slowly varying cross-section have also been used to match the flow
perturbations of the source region (in and near the region of rotor and stator blades,
computed from fully numerical simulations) to the acoustic region in the inlet and
bypass duct [92, 118].
The multiple-scales method can in principle be used for the variation of any of the
problem parameters [22, 28, 29, 63, 93], but with the mean flow it is difficult since we
do not have an analytic expression available for a slowly varying ducted shear flow.
We will consider here a slowly varying impedance. As mentioned in Chapter 1 and
depicted in Figure 1.2, the sound absorbing liner of an APU exhaust duct has an axially
decreasing depth, which results in an axially varying wall impedance.
In Section 5.1 we present a solution1 in terms of slowly varying modes for a duct
with an axially varying impedance and a mean flow with non-uniform velocity and
1 The work described in this chapter is the result of a collaboration with W. Lazeroms, who derived most
of the analytical results of Section 5.1, which can also be found in [63].
76 Chapter 5. Asymptotic solutions for slowly varying impedance
temperature [63, 90]. The cross-wise mode shape of a slowly varying mode is given
by the Pridmore-Brown equation, which is therefore solved at each axial location with
the numerical approach described in Chapter 3. In Section 5.2 some numerical results
obtained with the WKB approach will be compared to some mode-matching results.
If the impedance varies in the axial direction, the problem is not axially invariant
anymore, so strictly speaking it is not possible to describe the field in terms of modes
of the form P ( r ) e i kx . However, if we assume that the inherent length scale L of typical
variations of Z ( x̄/L) (where x̄ = xd and x are the dimensional and dimensionless axial
coordinates) is large compared to the duct radius d , i.e.
µ ¶ µ ¶
x̄ d d
Z =Z x = Z (ε x) = Z ( X ), ε= ¿ 1, X := ε x, (5.4)
we can use this small parameter ε to construct so-called slowly varying modes by a
variant of the WKB method. Assuming that the axial wavenumbers are typically equal
or larger than O(1), we approximate the acoustic field by modes of which the amplitude,
mode shape and axial wavenumber vary only slowly in the axial direction; we look for
modal solutions of the form
£ ¤ £ ¤ i
P , U , V , W , D, T (r, X ; ε) = P,U, V ,W, D, T (r, X ; ε) exp µ(η)dη , (5.5)
µ ¶
1 ∂
∂D im ∂U
− iΛD + ε M ( rRV ) + R
+ W +ε + iµU = 0, (5.6a)
∂ X r ∂r r ∂X
µ ¶
∂U d M 1 ∂P
− iΛU + ε M + V+ ε + iµP = 0, (5.6b)
∂X dr R ∂X
∂V 1 ∂P
− iΛV + ε M + = 0, (5.6c)
∂ X R ∂r
∂W i m
− iΛW + ε M + P = 0, (5.6d)
∂ X rR
· ¸
∂T dΘ 1 ∂ im ∂U
− iΛT + ε M + V + (γ − 1)Θ rV
( ) + W + ε + i µU = 0, (5.6e)
∂X dr r ∂r r ∂X
γP = RT + ΘD, (5.6f)
µ ¶
iΛ ∂ P
− i ωV = − P + εM at r = 1. (5.6g)
Z ∂X Z
£ ¤ £ ¤
P,U, V ,W, D, T ( r, X ; ε) = P0 ,U0 , V0 ,W0 , D 0 , T0 ( r, X )
£ ¤
+ ε P1 ,U1 , V1 ,W1 , D 1 , T1 ( r, X ) + O (ε2 ). (5.7)
78 Chapter 5. Asymptotic solutions for slowly varying impedance
The leading order equations obtained after substitution of this expansion in (5.6) are
µ ¶
1 ∂ im
− iΛD 0 + ( rRV0 ) + R W0 + iµU0 = 0, (5.8a)
r ∂r r
dM iµ
− iΛU0 + V0 + P0 = 0, (5.8b)
dr R
1 ∂P0
− iΛV0 + = 0, (5.8c)
R ∂r
− iΛW0 + P0 = 0, (5.8d)
rR · ¸
dΘ 1 ∂ im
− iΛT0 + V0 + (γ − 1)Θ ( rV0 ) + W0 + iµU0 = 0, (5.8e)
dr r ∂r r
γP0 = RT0 + ΘD 0 , (5.8f)
− iωV0 = − P0 at r = 1. (5.8g)
The system of equations that arises for modal solutions of the form P ( x, r ) = P ( r ) e i kx
has the same structure as (5.8), except that in (5.8) the modal amplitudes and the axial
wavenumber depend on X , which serves as a parameter. It follows that P0 satisfies the
Pridmore-Brown equation (2.117), i.e.
· µ ¶ µ 2 ¶¸
∂2 1 2 dΛ 1 dΘ ∂ Λ 2 m2
L P 0 := + − + + −µ − 2 P0 = 0, (5.9a)
∂r2 r Λ dr Θ dr ∂r Θ r
∂P0 iΛ2 R
− P0 = 0 at r = 1. (5.9b)
∂r ωZ
For every fixed axial location X this problem (together with the regularity condition at
r = 0) is exactly the same as the constant impedance problem described by (3.1). The
general leading order solution will be of the form
P0 ( r, X ) = N ( X )ψmn ( r, X ), (5.10)
where ψmn is again an eigenfunction (for clarity considered normalized), this time
parametrically depending on X , and N ( X ) is a slowly varying amplitude function that
is still unknown. As before, solving the Pridmore-Brown equation to find the eigen-
function ψmn ( X ) of radial order n also yields the axial wavenumber µmn ( X ) for any
given frequency ω and circumferential wavenumber m.
To determine N ( X ) the first order equations obtained after substituting the ex-
pansion (5.7) in (5.6) are needed. N ( X ) can be determined from a condition that the
asymptotic expansion remains uniform in X and the first order problem is solvable, as
we will see later—we do not have to solve this first order system explicitly. These first
§ 5.1 WKB solutions 79
In a similar way as before we can find a single equation for P1 with a right-hand side
that only contains P0 . The result is
· µ ¶ ¸ ·µ ¶ ¸
2i M ∂ ∂ Λ ∂P0 M ∂ Λ µ
L P 1 = F := − ln −i + P2 , (5.12a)
Λ ∂ X ∂r M ∂r P0 ∂ X Θ M 0
Instead of solving for P1 , which would lead to yet another undetermined amplitude
function analogous to N ( X ) in (5.10), we will derive a solvability condition [82, chapter
15] for (5.12) that only contains leading order terms. If this condition holds, then the
solution of the form (5.5) exists, and the leading and first order systems (5.9) and (5.12)
are consistent with a regular asymptotic expansion. This solvability condition can be
found as follows.
We start by multiplying (5.12a) by r ΘP0 /Λ2 , (5.9a) by r ΘP1 /Λ2 , subtracting the two
equations and integrating the result. This yields
Z1 Z1
(P0 LP1 − P1 LP0 ) r d r = P0 F r d r. (5.13)
Λ2 Λ2
0 0
¡ ¢
Because the operator r Θ/Λ2 L is the self-adjoint form of L (compare with (2.112)), i.e.
· ¸ µ ¶
rΘ ∂ r Θ ∂P r Θ Λ2 2 m2
L P = + − µ − P, (5.14)
Λ2 ∂ r Λ2 ∂ r Λ2 Θ r2
the left-hand side of (5.13) can be reduced to an expression containing only boundary
80 Chapter 5. Asymptotic solutions for slowly varying impedance
terms, i.e.
Z1 Z1 · µ ¶¸
Θ ∂ rΘ ∂P1 ∂P0
(P0 LP1 − P1 LP0 ) r d r = P 0 − P 1 dr
Λ2 ∂ r Λ2 ∂r ∂r
0 0
· µ ¶¸ µ ¶¯
rΘ ∂P1 ∂P0 r=1 Θ ∂P1 ∂P0 ¯¯
= P0 − P1 = 2 P0 − P1
Λ2 ∂r ∂r r =0 Λ ∂r ∂ r ¯r=1
à !
2 ¯
MZ ∂ ΛP0 ¯¯
=− , (5.15)
ωΛ2 ∂ X Z 2 ¯ r =1
where we used the boundary conditions (5.9b) and (5.12b) and the relation R Θ = 1 in
the last step. Using this result together with (5.12a) in (5.13) then leads to the following
solvability condition for the first order problem:
Z1 ½ · ¶µ ¸ ·µ ¶ ¸¾ à !
2 ¯
2MΘ ∂ ∂ Λ ∂P0 MΘ ∂ Λ µ 2 MZ ∂ ΛP0 ¯¯
i P0 ln + 2 + P rdr = .
Λ3 ∂X ∂r M ∂r Λ ∂X Θ M 0 ωΛ2 ∂ X Z 2 ¯r=1
The next step is to substitute the general solution of P0 shown in (5.10) into (5.16).
After working out and rearranging terms we arrive at a first order equation for the
amplitude function N
g( X ) [ N ( X )]2 = − f ( X ) [ N ( X )]2 , (5.17a)
with (in principle known) functions
Z1 ½ · µ ¶ ¸ ¾ µ ¶¯
2ψ ∂ ∂ Λ ∂ψ 1 ∂ h¡ ¢ 2i MZ ∂ Λψ2 ¯¯
f ( X ) := i M Θ ln + M Λ + µ Θ ψ r d r − ,
Λ3 ∂ X ∂r M ∂r Λ2 ∂ X ωΛ2 ∂ X Z 2 ¯r=1
Z1 ½ ¶ µ ¾ ¯
ψ Λ ∂ψ M Λ + µΘ 2
∂ M ¯
g( X ) := i M Θ ln + ψ rdr − ψ . (5.17b)
Λ3 ∂r M ∂r Λ2 ωΛ Z ¯r=1
where N0 is a normalization constant that can be determined from the source, e.g. at
the beginning
± of the duct. (Note that any normalization of ψ drops out in the term
f ( X ) g( X ) .) ±
±In principle (5.10) can now be computed, provided that the derivatives ∂ψ ∂ X and
dµ d X are known. Since µ( X ) and ψ( r, X ) are only known from the solution of the
Pridmore-Brown equation, which are solved numerically (unless flow and temperature
are uniform), the X -derivatives have to be computed numerically as well.
The results can be simplified for some special cases. For uniform mean flow and
arbitrary temperature we have
µ ¶
f (X ) 1 ∂
= a( X ) − h( X ) , (5.19a)
g ( X ) a( X ) ∂ X
§ 5.2 Numerical comparison between WKB and mode-matching 81
Z1 · ¸ · ¸
¡ ¢ iMΛ 2 i MΛ 2 dZ
a ( X ) := M Λ + µΘ ψ2 r d r + ψ , h ( X ) := ψ , (5.19b)
ωZ r =1 ωZ2 dX r =1
For zero mean flow and arbitrary temperature this can be reduced even further, to
N ( X ) = N02 µ 2
Θψ r d r . (5.21)
± ±
Note that for these special cases it is not required to compute ∂ψ ∂ X and dµ d X .
The result in (5.18) may be compared with the one given by [28], where the duct
varies in diameter and the mean flow includes swirl, but the impedance is taken con-
stant. With the APU geometry in mind of a constant duct but varying impedance,
we could obtain a simpler result, that is relatively easily applicable when numerical
solutions of the Pridmore-Brown equation are available.
Finally we note that the small parameter ε only acts as a bookkeeping parameter;
since (5.17a) does not depend explicitly on ε and both sides of the equality sign contain
only single X -derivatives we can replace X by x.
and temperature we compare the (axial) WKB results with mode-matching2 results
(see Chapter 4). The eigenfunctions are normalized according to
|ψ|2 r d r = 1, ψ0 (1) ∈ R+ , (5.23)
i.e. the phase is chosen such that ψ0 (1) is real-valued and positive.
For the WKB results we first compute the eigenfunctions and axial wavenumbers
for 200 equally spaced axial positions along the duct with the numerical approach de-
scribed in Chapter 3. The amplitudes N ( X ) are computed by using (5.18) or the special
cases (5.20) and (5.21). The integrals over η are computed with a trapezoidal rule,
which has equally spaced grid-points; this enables us to use all computed eigenfunc-
tions (for all axial positions) for the field plot. The integrals over r in (5.17b), (5.19b)
and (5.21) are computed by using the QUADPACK [95] code (which is based on an
adaptive Gauss-Kronrod rule). We motivate this choice by noting that the eigenfunc-
tion (and hence the integrand of the radial integral) can be oscillatory, while the inte-
grands of the axial integrals are only slowly varying. For non-uniform mean flow we
need to compute f ( X ). Working out f ( X ) in (5.17b) yields
Z1 ½ · ¸ · ¸¾
2ωψΘ ∂ M ∂2 ψ ∂µ ∂ψ ψ 2 ∂µ ∂ψ
f (X ) = i − Λ +M + 2 (Θ − M ) ψ + 2( M Λ + µΘ) rdr
Λ5 ∂ r ∂r∂ X ∂ X ∂r Λ ∂X ∂X
· µ ¶ ¸
Mψ ∂ψ ∂µ ∂Z
− 2Λ Z − ZM + 2 Λ ψ . (5.24)
ωΛ2 Z 2 ∂X ∂X ∂X r =1
± ±
The X -derivatives ∂ψ ∂ X and dµ d X (which are not available analytically, as men-
tioned before) are computed by using a second order finite differences approximation.
To test the WKB approach we first let Z ( x̄) vary linearly from 1.5 − i to 1.5 + i, which
corresponds to an estimated ε = 0.2. Figure 5.1 shows the piecewise impedance for the
segments that are used in the mode-matching approach. From Figure 5.2a and Figure
5.2b it is clear that the difference between constant impedance and axially varying
impedance is significant, so the x̄-dependency of Z has to be taken into account. Figure
5.2b shows that the WKB and the mode-matching results agree reasonably well for
this not very small choice of ε. From Figure 5.2c, with the same parameter values and
mean flow mass flux as before but a parabolic mean flow profile, we conclude that the
effect of a non-uniform mean flow should not be neglected. The present difference is
explained by the fact that downstream running sound waves are refracted towards the
lined wall [108], which results in more damping.
In the next configuration we let Z ( x̄) vary linearly from 1.5 − 2i to 1.5 + 2i along
the same interval, which corresponds to a higher estimated ε of 0.4. The truncation
error in the WKB approximation is now larger and we may expect a bigger difference
between the WKB and the mode-matching solutions. This is indeed the case, as is
shown in Figure 5.3. Near x̄ = 0.7 m some signs of intermodal scattering are visible,
which is explicitly not taken into account by the WKB method.
To evaluate the applicability of the WKB method for a realistic APU exhaust duct
geometry we now consider a locally reacting liner with a cell depth d̄ l ( x̄) that is axially
2 In [90] (on which this chapter is based) we referred to the NLR-developed mode-matching code
BAHAMAS, which handles uniform flow and temperature, since a mode-matching code that handles non-
uniform flow and temperature was not available at the time of writing.
§ 5.2 Numerical comparison between WKB and mode-matching 83
Im(Z/(ρ0 c0))
−1 modematch
constant impedance
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
(b) Same as Figure 5.2a, except Z varies linearly from 1.5 − i to 1.5 + i so ε ≈ 0.2.
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
(c) Same as Figure 5.2b, except mean flow velocity M(r) = M0 43 (1 − 12 r 2 ) with M0 = 0.3.
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Figure 5.3: ω = 10, m = 2, n = 1, uniform mean flow velocity M0 = 0.3, Z varies linearly
from 1.5 − 2i to 1.5 + 2i so ε ≈ 0.4.
Im(Z/(ρ0 c0))
Im(Z/(ρ0 c0))
−2 −10
−3 modematch
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
x (m) x (m)
Figure 5.4: Z modeled as Helmholtz resonator with liner depth that varies linearly from
7 cm to 1 cm. Left: ω = 6 (ε ≈ 0.3), right: ω = 10 (resonance occurs).
varying from 7 cm to 1 cm along the duct. The liner is modeled as a Helmholtz resonator
array (see Section 2.3.4), which has an impedance given by
µ ¶
Z̄ = Z̄0 + iρ ∞ c ∞ cot d̄ l ( x̄) , (5.25)
where the overbars are used to denote dimensional quantities, and Z̄0 is the face sheet
Z̄0 = R̄ 0 − iω̄χ̄. (5.26)
We choose a facing sheet resistance of R̄ 0 = 400 kgm−2 s−1 , and a mass reactance of
χ̄ = 0.001 kg/m2 . We remark that this is only a model and the reference sound speed
c ∞ may be different from the sound speed at the wall for non-uniform temperatures.
Figure 5.4 shows the imaginary part of the impedance as a function of x̄ for two differ-
ent frequencies. Note that for ω = 10 resonance occurs; close to x̄ = 0.4 m the impedance
becomes very large so the liner behaves as a hard wall.
Figure 5.5 show the acoustic field for ω = 6. On the interval considered there is no
location where the Helmholtz resonator is in resonance; Z ( x̄) is slowly varying with an
estimated ε = 0.3. The WKB and mode-matching results show rather good agreement,
about what can be expected from this value of ε.
However, for ω = 10 we do have resonance near x̄ = 0.4 m so the assumption of a
slowly varying Z ( x̄) is, at least near this point, not valid anymore. This can indeed be
§ 5.2 Numerical comparison between WKB and mode-matching 85
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
identified from Figure 5.6, where the region of resonance seems to excite the second
radial mode, an effect which cannot be described by (straight-forward) application of
the WKB method [92].
In a realistic APU exhaust duct cool air is let in near x̄ = 0 m along the wall (see
Figure 1.4). This produces a strong radial temperature gradient. We modeled this
by the tanh-type profile that is depicted in Figure 5.7. The effect of this temperature
gradient is that it creates effectively two concentric ducts, each with its own propaga-
tion properties. These duct fields are not completely independent of each other. Sound
waves from the center region (with the highest sound speed) will refract (by a form of
Snell’s law) to the colder annular region. However, sound waves in the annular region
refracts only if the angle between duct axis and their propagation direction is not too
small. Otherwise the annular region will act as a duct on its own.
This is illustrated in Figure 5.8, where the fields are plotted for the first two right-
running radial modes. In case of the first mode the field is virtually only existent in
the colder outer region. The field of the second mode exists in both, but such that the
sound waves refract from inside to outside.
86 Chapter 5. Asymptotic solutions for slowly varying impedance
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
¡ 5£ ¢¤
Figure 5.7: Temperature profile Θ(r) = 14 + 8 1 + tanh 50( 43 − r) .
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Figure 5.8: ω = 10, m = 2, n = 1 and n = 2, uniform mean flow velocity M0 = 0.3, strong
temperature gradient (see Figure 5.7), Z(x) varies linearly from 1.5 − i to 1.5 + i.
Chapter 6
In this chapter we present numerical results based on the theory that was described
in the preceding chapters. The parameters have been chosen with the application of
an APU exhaust duct in mind. We aim to illustrate the practical applicability of the
methods developed above and to present results and insights that facilitate design
For easier interpretation, all parameters and variables in this chapter are made
dimensionless by scaling on the duct radius d , a reference density ρ ∞ and a refer-
ence temperature
p T∞ . This implies that velocities are scaled on reference sound speed
c ∞ = γRT∞ , time on d / c ∞ and impedance on ρ ∞ c ∞ (note that for non-uniform tem-
perature the local sound speed at the wall might be different from c ∞ ). The dimension-
less frequency, also referred to as Helmholtz number, is computed as ω = 2π f d / c ∞ . The
dimensionless mean flow axial velocity is denoted by M (the Mach number) and the di-
mensionless mean temperature is by T , in other words, u 0 = c ∞ M ( r ) and T0 = T∞ T ( r ).
Unless mentioned otherwise, we choose the duct length L = 1 m, radius d = 0.15 m,
the reference density ρ ∞ = 0.5 kg/m3 , and reference temperature T∞ = 700 K, and the
gas to be a perfect gas (see Section 2.1.1) with γ = 1.4. This amounts to a reference
sound speed c ∞ = 531.7 m/s and pressure p ∞ = ρ ∞ RT∞ = 100800 Pa. We choose the
kinematic viscosity ν = 6.8 · 10−5 m2 /s.
As mentioned in Section 1.3, we assume that the duct end is reflection free. We
justify this by noting that for high dimensionless frequencies, and for modes not too
close to cut-off, the reflections are very small. In addition, when the duct is treated,
the amplitude of the sound field is reduced, and the influence of the end reflection may
be even smaller. Finally, we note that including the duct-end reflection and radiation
could obfuscate the propagation effects that we wish to investigate.
88 Chapter 6. Application to APU exhaust duct
0.2 0.4
0.4 0.5
0.15 0.7
0.3 100
0.2 0.1
0.1 3 0.05
0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0.8 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.9 0.92 0.94 0.96 0.98 1
r (dimless) r (dimless)
(a) M(r) = M0 b+ b
2 (1 − r ) with M0 = 0.4 for var-
(b) Blasius-like profile of (6.2) with M0 = 0.3 at
ious b values. several values of x = ξ d.
Figure 6.1: Mean flow profiles with varying boundary layer thickness.
( b + 2)
M ( r ) = M0 (1 − r b ), b ∈ (2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100), (6.1)
see Figure 6.1a. This profile has the same mass flux for all b, equal to that of a flow
with uniform temperature and Mach number M0 .
Figure 6.2a shows the trajectories of the ten axial wavenumbers that are closest to
the real axis for dimensionless frequency ω = 10, circumferential wavenumber m = 5
and locally reacting impedance Z = 1 + 1i. It is seen that the influence of the mean
flow profile is relatively minor, except for the wavenumber ending at k = −11.3 − 3.6i.
For the highest b-values, when the mean flow profile is closest to uniform, this mode
behaves as a surface wave, which is transformed into a mode which does not exhibit
this surface wave behavior as the boundary layer is widened. This is also illustrated in
Figure 6.2b, which depicts the modulus of the eigenfunctions. This figure shows that
the eigenfunction of the third left-running mode (µ = −3) changes its character, from
surface wave to regular mode, whereas the other modes do not.
Furthermore, it can be seen that the right-running mode starting at k = 6.1 + 1.4i,
which is close to cut-on, becomes more cut-off as the boundary layer is widened. The
reverse effect can be seen for the left-running mode starting at k = −11.4 − 0.8i, which
becomes more cut-on. In the direction of the flow the wave is refracted towards the
wall and hence damped more strongly. In the upstream direction the wave is refracted
away from the wall, which almost annihilates the damping (see also Section 2.5). This
refraction effect increases when the flow becomes less uniform.
Next we consider a more physically inspired profile, which is an approximation of
the Blasius solution for the boundary layer development of a flow parallel to a semi-
infinite flat plate, see Appendix B. We choose the mean flow profile M ( r ; x) at a given
(dimensionless) axial location ξ = x/ d with respect to where the flow is still uniform
§ 6.1 Effect of non-uniform mean flow 89
(a) Trajectory of axial wavenumbers, which move from from blue to red pass-
ing the b-values b = 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 3 (indicated by dots).
µ=−1, k=−13.8 −0.1i µ=−2, k= −7.3 −8.6i
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
µ=−3, k=−11.3 −3.6i µ=−4, k= −7.1−14.6i
4 3
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
µ=−5, k= −7.2−19.5i µ=−6, k= −7.3−24.1i
4 4
3 3
2 2 20
1 1 5
0 0 3
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
(b) Magnitude of normalized eigenfunctions of the first six left running modes
as a function of the radial coordinate, for different values of b.
Figure 6.2: Influence of boundary layer thickness for mean flow profile (6.1).
90 Chapter 6. Application to APU exhaust duct
−5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Figure 6.3: Trajectory of axial wavenumbers for the mean flow profile of (6.2) with x = 1 m,
Z = 1.5 + 0.5i.
Figure 6.4: Trajectory of axial wavenumbers for the mean flow profile of (6.2) with varying
x = 0.1, . . . , 1 m, Z = 1 + 1i.
of the mean flow profile is in this case very small, which is to be expected in view of the
very thin boundary layer (99% of the centerline Mach number is reached at a distance
from the wall of approximately 1.0–3.5% of the duct radius). The surface wave in the
third quadrant is influenced most strongly.
T (r) = 1 + tanh ( q( r 0 − r )) , (6.3)
where the parameter q is used to set the magnitude of the gradient, and the parame-
ter r 0 to set its radial location. We take a dimensionless impedance close to hard wall
( Z = 100 + 1i), in order to avoid the special embedding of (3.12) for non-uniform flow and
temperature combined with a hard wall as described in Section 3.2. The circumferen-
tial wavenumber m = 0. With zero mean flow, the left and right axial wavenumbers are
identical except for their sign, so we plot only the right-running modes.
For a hard-walled duct with uniform flow and temperature we have the dispersion
(ω − kM )2
α2 = − k2 . (6.4)
92 Chapter 6. Application to APU exhaust duct
2 2
1.5 1.5
1 1
0.5 0.5
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
r (dimless) r (dimless)
(a) Temperature profile of (6.3) with q = 50 and (b) Temperature profile of (6.3) with r 0 = 0.8
r 0 = {0.65, 0.8, 0.95}. and q = {100, 22.3, 5}.
The radial wavenumber α follows from the boundary conditions; the axial wavenumber
is then p p
−ω M ± T ω2 − α2 (T − M 2 )
k= . (6.5)
T − M2
For cases where M 2 ¿ T (which is reasonable for an APU since T is typically close to 1
and M to 0.3) it follows that
k≈± − α2 for M 2 ¿ T. (6.6)
This means that the cut-on modes move towards the origin as T increases. For the cut-
off modes (for which holds α2 > ω2 /T ) that are close to cut-on the wavenumbers move
away from the origin, and for the modes that are strongly cut-off (α2 À ω2 /T ) there is
little influence of the temperature on k.
Figure 6.6a shows the trajectories of the axial wavenumbers when the temperature
gradually varies from a uniform T = 1 to the non-uniform profile of (6.3) with r 0 =
0.95 and q = 30. The dimensionless frequency ω = 10. This figure illustrates that
for this case, with the location of the gradient close to the wall, the behavior of the
wavenumbers can be understood like above, in other words, for the axial wavenumbers
the situation is very similar to uniform temperature.
Looking at the eigenfunctions depicted in Figure 6.6b it can be seen that the first
mode (µ = 1) is strongly influenced by the non-uniform temperature. As waves refract
towards the pregion with the lowest wave speed (the region with the lowest temperature,
since c20 = γRT0 ) the energy of each mode is mostly concentrated in the region near
the wall. This is also visualized in Figure 6.6c, where the time-averaged perturbation
(‘acoustic’) energy flux vector field is plotted on top of the pressure field.
It is also clear from Figure 6.6b that the influence of the temperature gradient
decreases for the higher order modes. Let us assume that a mode is made by two
waves bouncing back and forth between the duct wall and the center of the duct, these
waves having a propagation direction along the vector with axial component k and
radial component ±α. (This is a strongly simplified description, which is nevertheless
§ 6.2 Effect of non-uniform temperature 93
−10 −5 0 5 10 15 20
(a) Trajectory of axial wavenumbers, which move from from blue to red as
the temperature varies from T = 1 to T(r).
µ=1, k= 8.7 +0.0i µ=2, k= 7.4 +0.0i
2.5 4
2 3
1.5 2
1 1
0.5 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
µ=3, k= 4.4 +0.0i µ=4, k= 0.0 +6.1i
6 6
4 4 0.95
2 2
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
(c) Pressure field and time-averaged acoustic intensity vectors for the first mode.
Figure 6.6: Influence of the non-uniform temperature profile T(r) of (6.3) with q = 30 and
r 0 = 0.95 (see Figure 6.5a), ω = 10, m = 0 and Z = 100 + 1i.
94 Chapter 6. Application to APU exhaust duct
5 0 5 10 15 20 25
0 5 10 15 20 25
Figure 6.7: Trajectory of axial wavenumbers, which move from from blue to red as the
temperature varies from T = 1 to T(r) of (6.3) with q = 50 and r 0 = 0.8, with ω = 20, m = 0
and Z = 100 + 1i. The inset is a vertical zoom of the area close to the real axis.
suitable for our purposes; a more precise description of the ray structure of circular
duct modes can be found in [27].) The higher radial orders, for which α becomes larger,
make a larger angle with the duct axis. Consequently, the wavefront of these modes
becomes more perpendicular to, and hence is less influenced by, the radial temperature
For the next test cases we increase the frequency to ω = 20. We first consider a
temperature profile with q = 50 and r 0 = 0.8. Figure 6.7 shows that only the first order
mode moves away from the origin, contrary to what would be expected in view of the
average temperature increase. Note also that modes can change from cut-on to cut-off
or vice versa.
To investigate the effect of the location r 0 of the temperature gradient we now con-
sider a temperature profile with q = 50 and r 0 = {0.65, 0.8, 0.95}. Figure 6.8 illustrates
that the steep temperature gradient can produce a tunneling effect. Considering the
case for which r 0 = 0.95 we see that only the first radial-order mode is fully trapped
inside the low temperature region (it is zero elsewhere). For r 0 = 0.8 the first two
radial-order modes are trapped, and for r 0 = 0.65 the first three modes.
Finally we investigate the influence of the magnitude of the temperature gradient
by considering a profile with r 0 = 0.8 and q = {100, 22.3, 5}. The tunneling effect is
clearly the most pronounced for the steepest temperature gradients. However, it is
still present for the smaller temperature gradients as well. As before, for higher radial
orders the influence of the temperature profile decreases.
§ 6.2 Effect of non-uniform temperature 95
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
µ=3, k= 19.1 +0.0i µ=4, k= 15.9 +0.0i
6 6
4 4
2 2
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
µ=5, k= 14.4 +0.0i µ=6, k= 11.7 +0.0i
8 8
6 6
4 4 0.8
2 2
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Figure 6.8: Magnitude of normalized eigenfunctions of the first six right running modes as
a function of the radial coordinate, for T = 1 or the temperature profile of (6.3) with q = 50
and r 0 = {0.65, 0.8, 0.95}, with ω = 20, m = 0 and Z = 100 + 1i.
96 Chapter 6. Application to APU exhaust duct
2 2
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
µ=3, k= 16.0 +0.0i µ=4, k= 14.6 +0.0i
5 10
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
µ=5, k= 12.0 +0.0i µ=6, k= 7.3 +0.0i
10 10
5 5
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
µ=7, k= 0.0 +7.6i µ=8, k= 0.0+13.8i
10 10
5 5 100.00
0 0 5.00
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Figure 6.9: Magnitude of normalized eigenfunctions of the first six right-running modes as
a function of the radial coordinate, for T = 1 or the temperature profile of (6.3) with q = 50
and r 0 = {0.65, 0.8, 0.95}, with ω = 20, m = 0 and Z = 100 + 1i.
§ 6.3 Role of source in transmission loss 97
Zd ½· ¸· ¸∗ ¾
P j := π Re uj + ρj p j + MRu j + MR τ j s∗j r d r. (6.7)
The power of the combined field due to two source modes 1 and 2 with phase shifts e iφ1
and e iφ2 can then be computed as
More generally, the power of a combined field due to multiple source modes con-
sists of the sum of the powers of the individual fields plus their interaction terms, so
generally X
Ptot 6= P j . (6.9)
One option to obtain a representative transmission loss while taking into account the
random phases of the source modes would be to compute the power of the combined
field for multiple realizations of a set of random input phases, and then average the
results. This is computationally expensive for many realizations. However, by taking
the expected value of (6.8) the cross-terms vanish, since the phases are random. More
generally we have X
E {Ptot } = P j . (6.10)
Consequently, we can compute the expected value of the transmission loss directly
based on the output powers due to separate source modes.
Therefore, in the following we compute the transmission loss as
ÃP in !
m, j P m j
TL := 10 log10 P out
, (6.11)
m, j P m j
where the sum is over all cut-on modes for a given (ω, m) combination and add two extra
cut-off modes. The extra cut-off modes are included to capture a possible near field
that might be scattered into propagating modes after the first segment. We compute
the power flux through the duct entrance and exit due to the separate incident modes
by means of numerical quadrature. In order to produce easily reproducible results and
adhere at the same time to the ‘equipartition of energy’ assumption mentioned earlier,
we set the amplitudes of the individual source modes to one. This approximates
R1 equal
energy per mode, since the eigenfunctions are normalized according to 0 P 2 r d r = 1,
and the power through a hard-walled duct cross section carrying uniform flow is similar
P Re(kµ )
to µ ω | A µ |2 . We could have included a factor ω, but this term cancels in (6.11).
where f is the (dimensional) frequency and Z0 the dimensionless face sheet impedance,
here Z0 = 1.5. The imaginary part of the dimensionless impedance is plotted for all
frequencies in Figure 6.10.
The non-uniform mean flow profile that we use here is in dimensionless form
¡ ¢
M ( r ) = 0.3 tanh 20(1 − r ) . (6.13)
For the case with non-uniform temperature we use the profile (again in dimensionless
form) £ ¡ ¢¤
T ( r ) = N 1 + 12 tanh 30(0.8 − r ) , N = 1.10594, (6.14)
where the normalization constant N is computed such that this profile has the equiva-
lent mass flux as a constant temperature (T = 1) profile.
For the mode-matching the field is expressed as a sum of µmax = 15 modes in both
directions. Bilinear map based (BLM) mode-matching is used; classical mode-matching
gave identical results, which are not included here.
The transmission loss is computed based on all modes that are cut-on in the hard-
walled segments at a given frequency plus two extra cut-off modes. Figures 6.12, 6.13
and 6.14 show the number of cut-on modes for all (ω, m) combinations for case I, II and
III respectively (for m > ω cut-on modes are not to be expected, so they have not been
Figure 6.15a depicts the transmission loss versus the frequency for case I. For very
low frequencies the transmission loss is very small; this can be explained by the fact
that the lower radial order modes propagate mostly in the axial direction and hence do
not interact with the wall. It can be seen from Figure 6.10 that for ω = 7 and ω = 14 a
nearly hard-wall segment (a liner resonance) is close to the source plane. This matches
with the local minima at these frequencies in the transmission loss curve.
When the transmission loss is split out for individual m-values up to 5, as depicted
in Figure 6.15b, we see that the lowest m-values are least attenuated, and hence are of
the most interest for design calculations. The figure also shows that the transmission
loss decays far stronger with frequency if m is high. This trend can be explained on a
simplified ray-acoustics picture (for details of the ray structure of duct modes, see [27,
99]). The wave vector of length ω has axial and radial components k and α. For the
angle θ between the wave vector and the duct axis we have θ = arcsin(α/ω). Further-
more, the radial eigenvalue of the first radial-order mode αm1 = j 0m1 ≈ m, where j 0m1 is
the first zero of the derivative of the Bessel Jm function. Hence, θ increases with m
at fixed frequency, and consequently the mode is damped more strongly. Increasing ω
while keeping m fixed has the opposite effect.
The non-uniform flow results of case II, depicted in Figures 6.16a and 6.16b, are
very similar to the uniform flow results of case I. There is a slight increase of the trans-
mission loss, which can be explained by the fact that the acoustic field that propagates
downstream is refracted towards the wall, and hence damped more strongly.
Finally, we consider case III for which both the flow and the temperature are non-
uniform. Figure 6.17 shows again that the attenuation is relatively small for low fre-
quencies. Overall the transmission loss is of the order of 10 dB higher compared to
the uniform temperature cases. It appears that the refraction of the acoustic energy
towards the lower temperature region near the wall is very beneficial for the transmis-
sion loss. The local minima are now not visible anymore. As before, only the lowest
m-values are of most interest as they are the least attenuated.
100 Chapter 6. Application to APU exhaust duct
0 0 0
−5 −5 −5
0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1
f = 2256.5475 Hz f = 2820.6843 Hz f = 3384.8212 Hz
5 5 5
0 0 0
−5 −5 −5
0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1
f = 3948.9581 Hz f = 4513.0949 Hz f = 5077.2318 Hz
5 5 5
0 0 0
−5 −5 −5
0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1
f = 5641.3687 Hz f = 6769.6424 Hz f = 7897.9161 Hz
5 5 5
0 0 0
−5 −5 −5
0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1
f = 9026.1899 Hz f = 10154.4636 Hz f = 11282.7373 Hz
5 5 5
0 0 0
−5 −5 −5
0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1
Figure 6.10: Imaginary part of dimensionless impedance versus axial location (m); the
liner depth d varies from 7 to 1 cm for all frequencies.
§ 6.4 Liner with varying depth 101
0.4 2
0.3 1.5
0.2 1
0.1 0.5
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
r r
Figure 6.11: Non-uniform mean flow and temperature profiles of (6.13) and (6.14).
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 3 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
18 6 6 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
20 7 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Figure 6.12: Number of cut-on modes for all (ω, m) combinations, uniform flow and uniform
temperature (case I).
102 Chapter 6. Application to APU exhaust duct
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 3 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 5 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
18 6 6 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
20 7 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Figure 6.13: Number of cut-on modes for all (ω, m) combinations, non-uniform flow and
uniform temperature (case II).
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
18 5 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
20 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Figure 6.14: Number of cut-on modes for all (ω, m) combinations, non-uniform temperature
and non-uniform flow (case III).
§ 6.4 Liner with varying depth 103
Transmission Loss (dB)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
90 1
80 4
Transmission Loss (dB)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Figure 6.15: Transmission loss versus Helmholtz number ω for case with uniform flow and
uniform temperature (case I).
104 Chapter 6. Application to APU exhaust duct
Transmission Loss (dB)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
100 3
Transmission Loss (dB)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Figure 6.16: Transmission loss versus Helmholtz number ω for case with non-uniform flow
and uniform temperature (case II).
§ 6.4 Liner with varying depth 105
Transmission Loss (dB)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
200 4
Transmission Loss (dB)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Figure 6.17: Transmission loss versus Helmholtz number ω for case with both non-uniform
flow and temperature (case III).
Chapter 7
Concluding remarks
In this concluding chapter we formulate some open questions which could serve as the
starting point of future work.
In Section 2.5 we presented an approximate high-frequency solution of the Pridmore-
Brown equation with non-uniform flow in the form of a WKB approximation. As
pointed out, analytical solutions of this equation are rare, which is unfortunate as
they are very useful for comparison with numerical computations and can provide ana-
lytical insight. It is suggested that next to this WKB approximation a larger collection
of asymptotic results for various flow and temperature profiles will be derived. One ex-
ample of an ‘exact’ analytical solution that could be considered is the case of cross-wise
waves in parallel flow [45]; the frequency could be chosen such that k = 0 is a solu-
tion (hence the mode is x-independent), in which case the Pridmore-Brown equation
reduces to Bessel’s equation, and the other components follow directly from a system
like (4.25). Furthermore, next to the exact solution for a linear flow velocity profile,
also the analytical solution for an exponential boundary layer [25] could be considered.
In Section 3.1 we discussed the use of the collocation code COLNEW that is used
to numerically solve the boundary value problem consisting of the Pridmore-Brown
equation subject to the pertinent boundary conditions. Even though this code is very
efficient, for high order modes the computations become increasingly expensive due
to the highly oscillatory nature of the eigenfunctions. Specialized methods for highly
oscillatory ODEs exist, like Magnus methods [54, 122], which have been successfully
applied to Bessel’s and Airy’s equations. It might be interesting to investigate whether
the Pridmore-Brown equation is amenable to such methods.
In order to describe the acoustic field as a sum of eigenmodes, and use this in a
mode-matching approach, it is very important to find all relevant modes with certainty.
For simple cases of an absorbing wall combined with uniform flow and temperature
this can be achieved with the aid of a contour-integration based root-finding method,
as discussed in Section 3.3. The axial wavenumbers (eigenvalues) are the roots of an
analytic function that follows from substituting the solutions of the governing Bessel’s
equation into the wall boundary condition, hence this function is available in closed
form. For non-uniform flow and temperature we used a path-following approach, which
certainly improves certainty about finding all the modes, but it is never completely fail-
safe: the paths of two modes may come close to each other, which might result in the
path-following algorithm jumping from one mode to another, or the path may traverse
an unanticipated singular situation for a certain value of the continuation parameter.
108 Chapter 7. Concluding remarks
where Ω = ω − ku 0 , and R follows directly from the other amplitudes, for example with
2.105c. When the individual equations in (A.2) are multiplied respectively by ψ, ξ, φ
and χ and added together it follows that
110 Appendix A. Construction of bilinear map
(ρ 0 c20 V ψ + P φ) y + (ρ 0 c20 W ψ + P χ) z
£ ¤
= −i( k − k̃) ( u 0 ρ 0U + P )ξ + (ρ 0 c20U + u 0 P )ψ + ρ 0 u 0 (φV + χW ) . (A.6)
k ≡ k̃, ρ 0 c20 Ω̃ψ ≡ P̃, Ω̃φ ≡ −Ṽ , Ω̃χ ≡ −W̃, ρ 0 Ω̃2 ξ ≡ k̃ P̃. (A.7)
This explains why in Section 4.1.2 we multiply the individual equations of (4.12) with
P /ρ 0 c20 , kP /ρ 0 Ω, −V and −W respectively to obtain the bilinear map.
Appendix B
In this chapter we discuss the classical solution found by Blasius of the problem of
the development of a boundary layer along a flat plate, see for example [60]. In the
following we use a Cartesian coordinate system ( x, y) with velocity components u and
v. Consider a uniform flow U0 parallel to a semi-infinite flat plate oriented along the x
direction ( y = 0, x ∈ [0, ∞)), where y is the coordinate orthogonal to the plate. Assume
that we have a Reynolds number Re x , a boundary layer thickness δ( x) and a scaled y
coordinate η as
U0 x x y
Re x = , δ( x ) = p , η= , (B.1)
ν Re x δ ( x)
where ν is the kinematic viscosity. It can be shown that the velocity u( y) can be written
u = U0 f 0 (η), (B.2)
where the shape of boundary layer (equivalent at each x) follows from the solution f of
the following boundary value problem
1 00
f 000 + f f = 0,
2 (B.3)
f (0) = f 0 (0) = 0, f 0 (∞) = 1.
This is evidenced by Figure B.1, where we compare the numerical solution of (B.3)
with the approximation (B.4). The numerical solution of (B.3) is found with the Matlab
routine ode45 (which is based on the explicit Runge-Kutta (4,5) formula of Dormand
and Prince), where we used a relative error tolerance of 10−13 . It can be seen that the
difference with the approximation (B.4) is of the order 10−4 .
We now switch to cylindrical coordinates and make everything dimensionless. Based
on the approximation of B.4 we choose the mean flow profile M ( r ) at a given axial loca-
112 Appendix B. Approximate Blasius solution
x 10
1 2
0.8 1
0.4 ode45
0.2 tanh
0 −2
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
η η
114 Bibliography
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122 Index
quantization condition, 35
temperature gradient, 3
total energy, 13
transmission loss, 7, 97
turbofan, 3
uniform flow, 3
axial, 24
azimuthal, 24
circumferential, 24
WKB method, 33, 75, 77
work, 11
124 Summary
126 Samenvatting
benaderingen met de resultaten van mode-matching en laten zien dat voor de meeste
APU-uitlaatkanalen, waarvoor geldt dat de impedantie niet langzaam varieert als ge-
volg van resonanties in de wand, deze asymptotische benaderingen niet toepasbaar
Ten slotte worden de ontwikkelde methodes toegepast om enkele afbuigingseffecten
te illustreren die het gevolg zijn van niet-uniforme stroming en temperatuur, en bespre-
ken we hoe dit de geluidsdemping beïnvloedt. Daarnaast presenteren we een aanpak
om bij transmissieverliesberekeningen het brongeluid te modelleren als de exacte mo-
dale verdeling hiervan niet bekend is (wat meestal het geval is in de praktijk). Op
basis van deze aanpak beschouwen we het transmissieverlies voor drie testgevallen
die representatief zijn voor een realistische configuratie van een APU uitlaatkanaal.
We concluderen dat in het bijzonder de niet-uniformiteit van de temperatuur een erg
gunstige invloed heeft op de demping, en dat modes met een laag omtreksgolfgetal
het meest relevant zijn voor ontwerpberekeningen aangezien deze het minst worden
Curriculum Vitae
Martien Oppeneer was born on the 28th of May 1982 in Axel, The Netherlands. Af-
ter finishing his pre-university education (VWO) in 2000 at the Zeldenrustcollege in
Terneuzen he began his studies in Electrical Engineering at the TU Eindhoven. As
part of his Master’s education he did internships at the Netherlands Organisation for
Applied Scientific Research (TNO) on the topic of radio wave propagation of cellular
networks, and at the Electromagnetics department of the TU Eindhoven on the topic
of thin-wire antennas.
In 2008 he conducted his Master’s thesis research under the supervision of prof.dr.
A.C. Cangellaris at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) where he
worked on numerical models for multi-terminal resistance extraction of the power dis-
tribution network of microchips, using algebraic multigrid based on element interpola-
tion (AMGe) and stochastic collocation techniques. He graduated on this topic within
the Elecromagnetics (EM) group of prof.dr. A.G. Tijhuis at the Department of Electrical
Engineering of the TU Eindhoven in 2010. During his studies he has been an active
member of the student organization VGSEi, of which he was president from October
2003 to October 2004.
From September 2009 he was employed as a PhD student at the Dutch National
Aerospace Laboratory (Nationaal Lucht- en Ruimtevaartlaboratorium—NLR), where
he worked on a PhD project in cooperation with the Center for Analysis, Scientific
Computing and Applications (CASA) under the supervision of prof.dr. R.M.M. Mattheij,
dr. S.W. Rienstra, and dr. P. Sijtsma (NLR); the results are presented in this disserta-
tion. As a part of this project he did a short internship in 2012 at the Acoustics and
Environment Department of Airbus in Toulouse, France.
Since March 2014 he is employed as a Scientific Software Engineer at VORtech
Computing in Delft.
Dankwoord /
Binnen de antropologie wordt wel de term rite de passage gebruikt om een overgangs-
ritueel aan te duiden dat de verandering van iemands sociale status markeert, zoals
bijvoorbeeld een huwelijk. Een rite de passage gaat vaak gepaard met beproevingen
en veel symboliek. De promotieplechtigheid kan wellicht ook als een voorbeeld hiervan
worden gezien, een soort coming of age in wetenschappelijke zin. Het volbrengen en
afronden van het promotietraject dat zijn weerslag gevonden heeft in dit proefschrift is
voor mij op sommige momenten werkelijk een beproeving geweest. Hoewel een doctors-
titel een bewijs is van wetenschappelijke zelfstandigheid, is de hulp en het getoonde
vertrouwen van anderen op sommige momenten voor mij onontbeerlijk geweest, zowel
op inhoudelijk als op persoonlijk vlak.
Voor dit project ben ik in dienst geweest bij de afdeling AVHA van het Nationaal
Lucht- en Ruimtevaartlaboratorium (NLR) en heb ik een aanzienlijk deel van mijn
tijd doorgebracht bij het Centre for Analysis, Scientific computing and Applications
(CASA) van de faculteit Wiskunde en Informatica van de TU Eindhoven. Allereerst
dank ik het NLR voor het financieel mogelijk maken van dit project en CASA voor
het bieden van een interessante multi-disciplinaire wetenschappelijke omgeving. Ik
heb het waardevol gevonden om deel uit te maken van zowel de meer bedrijfsmatige
omgeving van het NLR, waar een sterke link is met de experimentele wereld, als de
wetenschappelijke en meer theoretische omgeving van de TU.
Ik dank mijn eerste promotor Bob Mattheij voor het geschonken vertrouwen vanaf
het begin, de vele inhoudelijke discussies gedurende het project en het op vriendelijke
en tegelijkertijd resolute wijze bewaken van de voortgang tijdens de afrondende fase.
Ook dank ik Pieter Sijtsma en Sjoerd Rienstra, de geestelijke vaders van dit project.
Ik dank Pieter, niet alleen voor het feit dat ik met ‘zijn’ BAHAMAS een uitstekend
beginpunt voor mijn eigen onderzoek had en voor het trekken van mijn project binnen
het NLR, maar ook voor het laten zien hoe je geavanceerde wiskunde in kunt zetten
voor concrete technische toepassingen. Ik ben ook zeer veel dank verschuldigd aan
Sjoerd; voor zijn fundamentele inzichten en diepgaande kennis op het gebied van aero-
akoestiek, voor de inspirerende discussies en creatieve ideeën, voor het demonstreren
van het belang van goed modelleren, en voor het regelmatig (soms wat uitgebreid) uit-
wijden over een onderwerp, al dan niet wetenschappelijk van aard. Ik dank Barry
Koren voor zijn bereidwilligheid om als tweede promotor te fungeren en voor zijn be-
trokkenheid gedurende de afrondende fase van het project. I would also like to thank
the professors Schröder, Hoeijmakers and Slot for carefully evaluating my thesis, and
professor Aarts for being the chairman during the defense ceremony.
132 Dankwoord / Acknowledgments
Ik heb mij binnen de afdeling AVHA van het NLR goed thuis gevoeld; ik wil mijn
huidige chef Joost Hakkaart en zijn voorganger Christophe Hermans hartelijk danken
voor de ondersteuning en prettige samenwerking. Ook mijn overige (oud-)afdelings-
genoten uit de Noordoostpolder en de andere collega’s bij het NLR dank ik hartelijk
voor de goede sfeer. De therapeutische boswandelingen hebben daaraan zeker bijge-
Also at the CASA department I very much enjoyed the friendly and open atmosp-
here. I would like to thank the current and former PhD students, postdocs and staff
members for that. In het bijzonder dank ik Werner Lazeroms voor de prettige samen-
werking v.w.b. de WKB-oplossingen die beschreven zijn in Hoofdstuk 5. At CASA an
atmosphere is fostered in which it is easy to cross the gaps between people from very
different backgrounds, both scientifically as well as culturally, which is very valuable.
This PhD project was motivated by the practical problem of noise coming from an
APU exhaust duct, a problem that is studied extensively at Airbus. For this reason I
spent some time in Toulouse during the fall of 2012. This has been a great learning
experience, and also in other respects very enjoyable due to the friendly people, the
nice climate and the good food. Je remercie Maud Lavieille pour l’avoir rendu possible.
Ten slotte wil ik mijn familie en schoonfamilie en vrienden bedanken voor hun
niet aflatende interesse in mijn voortgang, naast de morele en praktische ondersteu-
ning, met name in periodes van grote drukte en stress. Geertje verdient een speciale
vermelding; hartelijk dank voor het ontwerpen van de omslag van dit proefschrift. Pa-
ranimfen Joep en broer Daan, bedankt dat jullie bereid zijn om mijn ‘bruidjonkers’ te
zijn tijdens mijn huwelijk met de wetenschap.
Marjan en Karlijn, jullie geven mijn leven zoveel meer kleur, bedankt daarvoor.
Inderdaad Marjan, het was niet makkelijk om allebei ongeveer gelijktijdig een proef-
schrift af te ronden, van baan te wisselen en de zorg voor onze prachtige dochter Karlijn
te delen, terwijl je zwanger bent van onze zoon, die het daglicht zal zien vlak voor of na
het verschijnen van dit proefschrift. Ik dank je voor je ondersteuning, zorg en liefde.
Marjan, ik draag dit proefschrift op aan jou.