A Detailed Study of The Impact of Employee Engagement On Performance and Satisfaction Level of Employees at Bajaj Allianz PVT Ltd. Alisha Zaidi
A Detailed Study of The Impact of Employee Engagement On Performance and Satisfaction Level of Employees at Bajaj Allianz PVT Ltd. Alisha Zaidi
A Detailed Study of The Impact of Employee Engagement On Performance and Satisfaction Level of Employees at Bajaj Allianz PVT Ltd. Alisha Zaidi
Employee engagement is crucial for the well-being of any organization as its leads to strong organizational
performance. It is concerned with the issues of dedication of an employee, job satisfaction and organizational
behavior. Plaining performance management isn’t always easy. It is a dynamic process that is influenced by
current trends and new developments in this field. If performance management is not done properly, it can
affect the employee’s performance, productivity, motivation and engagement among the employees of an
organization. It can also cause a lot of disruptions and problems for the managers. Unfortunately, many
organizations don’t prioritize employee performance management and therefore, they are not experiencing the
rich benefits and positive impact that they can have on their organization. When the employees are engaged,
they are aware of the organizational goals, and altogether they work toward achieving the same organizational
goal that the organization has set for them and ultimately, this benefits the organizations to achieve their
longterm and short-term goals. In such cases employees hold a positive emotional connection towards their
work and organization. There are factors that suggests how an uninvolved employee can be turned into an
involved employee. This study is concerned with identifying the positive factors that contributes toward
making an employee as an engaged employee. The key variables describing employee engagement also
contributes towards improving the performance of the employees. Employee performance are the achievement
and accomplishments made at work. Employee engagement is getting attention as a key determinants of
employee performance. Studies suggests that higher level of employee engagement at organization leads to
higher quality with regards to employee performance.
This study is concerned with identifying the impact that the engagement of employees with an organization
makes to the overall performance of employees at work. Several variables are used to understand the impact
of engagement on performance. Assumption is that employee’s engagement provides encouragement to
employees in order to improve organizational performance also to lower turnover ratio and better health also
brings positivity towards work.
One of the most significant considerations is that employee’s engagement has sparked the widespread over the
interest. It can bring the connect of employees with organization, which can help in identifying and conveying
expectations for each other and ultimately it will lead towards the clarity in communicating and definitely it
will provide a clear vision as well as it will build the trust and cooperation within the members of the team and
in the organization. Also, in such cases employees strives for the good reputation of the company.
However, these elements explain very well how employee engagement can impact the performance of the
employees within the organization.
Thakur (2014) “A research paper on the Effect of Employee Engagement on Job Satisfaction in IT sector”
carried on a study to determine the effect of employee engagement on job satisfaction and to study in detail
about the employee engagement in IT sector. Primary data collected through questionnaire and secondary data
are collected through journals, research papers, and books. Cronbach’s Alpha test, correlation analysis,
regression analysis was used to analyze the data. She concluded that there is positive relationship between
employee engagement and job satisfaction in IT sector. Anitha (2014) “Antecedents of Employee
Engagement and Their Impact on Employee Performance” Carried on a study to identifying key factors that
contribute to employee engagement through a wide literature survey and to find the strength of relationship
between employee engagement and employee performance. Questionnaire was used to collect the data.
Regression analysis was used to validate the model and to find the impact of environment in all its aspects
including physical and emotional environment, effective leadership, co-worker relationship results in
employee having a healthy engagement with their work and because of this their performance also increases.
Vasani (2019) “To Study on Employee Engagement and Their Impact on Employee Performance” the
objectives of this research report were to study the impact of employee engagement on employee performance.
To study the factors affecting employee engagement. To study the job satisfaction of employee under the
context of employee engagement. Questionnaire was used to collect the data. At last, they concluded that
employees are fully satisfied with the overall performance of the company. Employees get the information
needed to perform the job. All the factors of Employees engagement are affecting the employee performance
in the positive way at the organization. All employees are satisfied with the overall compensation of the
organization. Organization can provide the training to all the employees; clearly communicate the goals,
strategies, policies to the employees. Sarangi (2016) “Employee Engagement and Its Impact on
Organizational Success- A Study in Manufacturing Company, India” carry on a study to identifying the current
level of employee engagement and the work-related aspects which need to be improved for the purpose of
employee engagement. Questionnaire is used as the tool for data collection descriptive statistics techniques
used to analyze the data. At last, they concluded that the current level of employee engagement and the
workrelated aspects need to be improved for the purpose of effective employee engagement. Dajani (2015)
“The Impact of Employee Engagement on Job Performance and Organizational Commitment in the Egyptian
Banking Sector” carried on a study to identify the key delivers of employee of employee engagement within
the Egyptian context. A survey questionnaire was developed for collecting the data. Correlation Matrix,
regression analysis was used for data analysis. He concluded that organization should actively look forward
to fulfill employee’s expectation and thus create an important point on the performance of employee which
directly affects the organizational performance.
• To find the Employees’ Engagement status in Bajaj Allianz and the improvements required for
improving the already implemented policies.
A hypothesis in a scientific context, is a testable statement about the relationship between two or more variables
or a proposed explanation for some observed phenomenon. In a scientific experiment or study, the hypothesis
is a brief summation of the researcher's prediction of the study's findings, which may be supported or not by
the outcome. Hypothesis testing is the core of the scientific method.
• Hypothesis 1 (Ho): There is no significant relationship between employee engagement and employee
performance and satisfaction.
• Alternate hypothesis 1 (H1): There is a significant relationship between employee engagement and
employee performance and satisfaction.
Research methodology is a way to systematically show the research problem. It may be understood as a science
of studying how research is done scientifically. It is necessary for the researcher to know not only the research
methods but also the methodology.
This Section includes the methodology which includes. The research design, objectives of study, scope of
study along with research methodology and limitations of study etc.
Sampling refers to the method of selecting a sample from a given universe with a view to draw conclusions
about that universe. A sample is a representative of the universe selected for study.
Large sample gives reliable result than small sample. However, it is not feasible to target entire population or
even a substantial portion to achieve a reliable result. Sample size is the number of items to be selected from
population to constitute the sample for the research.
• The study has been conducted at Bajaj Allianz, Noida with a sample size of 50 Employees of Bajaj
Stratified random sampling technique is used in the survey conducted.
Stratified Random Sampling is a method of sampling from a population which can be partitioned into
subpopulations. In statistics surveys, when subpopulations within an overall population vary, it could be
advantageous to sample each subpopulation independently.
Data has been presented with the help of bar graph, pie charts, line graphs etc.
Tables were used for the analysis of the collected data. The data is also neatly presented with the help of
statistical tools such as graphs and pie charts. Percentages and averages have also been used to represent data
clearly and effectively.
Basically, the data can be classified into two categories i.e.,
A. Primary Data
B. Secondary Data
The primary data are those which are collective a fresh and for the first time, these data are of the original
character. These can be collected by
a) Questionnaire.
b) Interview.
c) Observation.
d) Schedules.
This method of data collection is most popular and particularly useful in case of big universe. In this method
questionnaire is send to the concerned person through mail, with respect to answer and return. It consists of
definite number of questions printed in specific order.
The inherited merits of the system are comparatively lower cost and freedom from interviewer’s bias.
This method of data collection is very similar to questionnaire, with little difference which lies in the fact that
schedule (Performa containing set of questions) is filled by researcher, through this method the drawbacks of
the questionnaire in form of non-awareness etc. were removed. This method has a benefit of cross examination
to find out the truth.
The interview method of collecting data involves presentation of oral, verbal, stimuli; and reply in terms of
oral, verbal responses. This is done personally by the researcher for conducting intensive study. In this
structured and non-structured interview were are conducted as per needs and desires of the situation.
Types of interviews:
• Personal interview –
In the personal interview process the interviewer needs to put pre-planned questions and has to record
responses obtained. This interview technique is done at personal level (face-to-face) and is expensive.
An example of personal interview is the one taken in case of recruiting or hiring personnel in various
• Telephone interview –
The telephonic interview is done when less information is needed. It is conducted in place of personal
interview. It is an economic method. It is suitable to use telephone interview, when there is a need to
know about the telecast of information shortly after release in radio or television mediums.
• Mail Interview –
In mail interview structured questionnaire is sent through a mail with set of instructions attached to it,
where the respondents are free to fill it as per their comfort and free time. this interview is more flexible
than any other kind of interview. Here, the structuring, pre-testing and compiling of questionnaire of
such interviews has to be done with more care as compared of the personal interview.
• Panel Interview –
As the name suggests, a panel job interview is where a candidate is interviewed by a group of
interviewers. In most cases, they have been on their own with the panel, particularly if it's for a senior
position, but in other scenarios there could be several candidates and interviewers all in the room at
Another technique for gathering primary data is observation. When the researcher records information about
a person, organization, or situation, without making any personal contact, it is known as “observation method”.
In this the researcher or the field executive observes the activity of the concerned person or organization, to
draw a pattern of behaviour or response to a particular incident. Sometimes, an artificial environment is created
to collect the actual responses of the participants.
Secondary data are those which have already been collected by someone else, and which have already been
passes through statistical processes. Those data are collectedly printed reports, journals, personnel reports,
organizational data’s, letters, diaries, bibliography, autobiography, newspapers, internet, articles etc.
• Textbooks
• Journals
• Newspapers
• Internet/websites
• Questionnaire method
• Personal interview technique.
0% 0% 0%
11% disagree
Neither agree
nor disagree
100% of employees aware of their role in BAJAJ ALLIANZ. It means every employee of BAJAJ ALLIANZ
aware about their job what they have to do actually.
2) Does the mission/purpose of your company make you feel that your job is important?
Aware Percentage
Strongly Disagree 0%
Disagree 0%
Neither Agree nor Disagree 0%
Agree 18%
Strongly Agree 82%
Total 100%
0% 0%
Neither agree
nor disagree
100% of employees feel that according to mission and purpose of the company, their job is important for the
company as well as for themselves.
Feel Percentage
Strongly Disagree 0
Disagree 0
Neither Agree nor Disagree 0
Agree 3
Strongly Agree 97
Neither Agree
nor Disagree
100% of employees feel that organization’s problem as their own. This shows that every employee of this
organization is fully dedicated and loyal to the company.
Disagree 10
Neither Agree nor Disagree 20
Agree 0
Strongly Agree 80
0% 0%
20% Disagree
Nither Agree
nor Disagree
INTERPRETATION: - 100% of employees think that they have opportunities at work to learn and grow. It
means company help their employees to learn and grow in future for self-development.
95% No
INTERPRERATION: - 70% of employees feel that company treat equally to all employees. Whereas = 20%
of employees feel that company do biasness among skilled and non-skilled employees. And treat good to those
employees who are concern with union.
Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree nor Agree
95% of employees feel that their colleagues are supportive and 5% are neither agree nor disagree.
INTERPRETATION: - 80% of employees feel that managers are helpful and 10% of employees feel that
managers are not helpful. It means maximum employees have healthy relationship with managers.
Work Percentage
Strongly Disagree 0
Disagree 10
Neither Agree nor Disagree 0
Agree 20
Strongly Agree 80
Disagree, 0% Neither
Agree nor
Disgree, 20%
Agree, 80%
INTERPRETATION: 80% of employees feel that their supervisors or superiors guide them when they
needed. And 10% of employees feel that they are not good guide. They can work with their own mind. They
don’t need any help from supervisors and superiors.
9) DO you enjoy small group activities (SGA) carried out in the organisation?
Feel Percentage
Yes 70%
No 30%
INTERPRETATION: - About 70% of employees enjoy Small Group Activity (SGA) whereas 30% are
disagree to it. It means 30% of employees do not enjoy or take part in small group activity carried out in the
10) How many improvements in Bajaj Allianz are contributed by you yearly?
Feel Percentage
2-4 5%
4-6 10%
6-8 25%
More than 8 10%
Nil 30%
2 to 4 4 to 6 6 to 8 More than Nil
Column1 these
INTERPRETATION: - 5% of employees give 2-4 suggestions yearly. 20% gives 4-6, 25% gives 6-8, 20%
gives more than 8 suggestions, and 30% gives no idea. It means 70% of employees are of creative mind and
rest 30% are busy in their job not any extra activity.
Feel Percentage
Strongly Disagree 0
Disagree 0
Agree 15
Strongly Agree 80
0% Disagree
20% Disagree
Neither Agree
5% nor Disagree
Strongly Agree
INTERPRETATION: About 15% of employees don’t think that the company is a part of involvement. And
65% think it is the part of involvement. It means 80% of employees give importance to involvement whereas
rest 20% think it is unnecessary thing.
12) Do you think quality circle tools are problem solving tools?
Feel Percentage
Strongly Disagree 0
Disagree 0
Neither Agree nor Disagree 5
Agree 15
Strongly Agree 80
Strongly Agree
INTERPRETATION: - About 80% of employees think quality circle tools are problem solving tools where
as 5% of employees neither agree nor disagree. 85% wants their workplace good.
Supervisors and Managers should meet at regular intervals with the employees to discuss about the
improvement in the company, at work place and in their living of standard, family problems etc.
Gap between managers and the employees should be reduced by raising the level of engagement. For
example: by conducting extra co-curricular activities like social and cultural programs.
Very few employees feel that their ideas or work aren’t being recognized / appreciated. So, they can
be encouraged by giving importance to their ideas.
Create good and healthy environment at work place by increasing interactions, credibility, confidence
Some of the employees find their job boring and monotonous. Encourage them to take part in the job
rotation, job enrichment and other activities being carried out in the organization.
Conduct more of employee engagement activities like mentorship programs, collaborations, cross
trainings, fun work day etc.
• According to the analysis of data on employee engagement activities, it is concluded that there is a
significant relationship between employee engagement and employee performance and satisfaction.
Most of the employees working in Bajaj Allianz agree to the fact that employee engagement activities
should be done from time to time.
• By participating in various engagement activities, they are able to form a connection with the
organization that makes them feel an important part of it and makes them feel satisfied.
• Employees in the organization not only actively show participation in the on-ground activities but also
participate in the online contests that happen through company’s intranet.
• Through the coffee sessions with the leaders in the organization are very knowledgeable and interactive
and helps them knowing their organization better, however most of the employees feel that they should
happen on a large scale so that each and every employee gets a chance to attend them.
• When talked about the company’s intranet, it was observed that the majority wanted to have an open
blog like Facebook where they could connect with the employees in the organization and
simultaneously form groups and share their personal experiences.
• Through the activities done in the organization employees are encouraged to work with greater
efficiency and obtain maximum satisfaction that motivates them to continue with the organization.
1. Thakur P. A research paper on the effect on the employee engagement on job satisfaction in IT sector,
Journal of Business Management & Social Sciences Research.2014; 3(5):31-39.
4. Dr. Pratima Sarangi Employee Engagement and Its Impact on Organizational Success- A Study in
Manufacturing Company, India. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 2016;18(4):52-57