A Brief Overview of ChatGPT The History Status Quo and Potential Future Development

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5, MAY 2023

A Brief Overview of ChatGPT: The History, Status

Quo and Potential Future Development
Tianyu Wu , Shizhu He , Jingping Liu , Siqi Sun , Kang Liu , Qing-Long Han , Fellow, IEEE, and
Yang Tang , Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence generated con- refers to that users can use AI to create contents (e.g., images,
tent (AIGC) model developed by OpenAI, has attracted world- text, and videos) automatically according to their personal-
wide attention for its capability of dealing with challenging lan-
guage understanding and generation tasks in the form of conver- ized requirements [1]−[3]. With the iterative development of
sations. This paper briefly provides an overview on the history, AI algorithms and network structures [4], [5], significant
status quo and potential future development of ChatGPT, help- progress has been made in AIGC. Generative adversarial net-
ing to provide an entry point to think about ChatGPT. Specifi- work (GAN) [6], [7], contrastive language-image pre-training
cally, from the limited open-accessed resources, we conclude the (CLIP) [8], diffusion model [9], [10] and multimodal genera-
core techniques of ChatGPT, mainly including large-scale lan- tion [11], [12] are core technologies for various fields of
guage models, in-context learning, reinforcement learning from
human feedback and the key technical steps for developing Chat- AIGC so that contents with high quality can be generated
GPT. We further analyze the pros and cons of ChatGPT and we automatically. Moreover, with the advancement of GPU and
rethink the duality of ChatGPT in various fields. Although it has the increase in computational power, large scale deep net-
been widely acknowledged that ChatGPT brings plenty of oppor- works with huge amounts of parameters are trained so that
tunities for various fields, mankind should still treat and use more information can be learned to deal with general down-
ChatGPT properly to avoid the potential threat, e.g., academic
integrity and safety challenge. Finally, we discuss several open stream tasks with better performance [13]. Based on the above
problems as the potential development of ChatGPT. technological developments, in the year of 2022, various of
AIGC products were developed and iterated by the world’s
Index Terms—AIGC, ChatGPT, GPT-3, GPT-4, human feedback,
large language models. leading technology companies, for example DALL-E-2 of
OpenAI [14] can generate images of high-quality with giving
I. Introduction specific descriptions and Meta proposes Make-A-Video [15]
RTIFICIAL intelligence generated content (AIGC), to directly translate texts to videos. In the end of 2022, Ope-
A which is one of the most fascinating frontier technology, nAI released the public version of ChatGPT, which further
attracts worldwide attention on perfectly responding to any
Manuscript received March 25, 2023; revised April 13, 2023; accepted
April 15, 2023. This work was supported by National Key Research and
human requests described in natural language. ChatGPT has
Development Program of China (2021YFB1714300), National Natural surpassed 100 million monthly active users till the end of Jan-
Science Foundation of China (62293502, 61831022, 61976211) and Youth uary 2023, just two months after its launch, according to the
Innovation Promotion Association CAS. Recommended by Associate Editor
Xin Luo. (Tianyu Wu, Shizhu He, Jingping Liu, Siqi Sun, and Kang Liu
report of UBS1. In this paper, we carry out several in-depth
contributed equally to this work. Corresponding authors: Qing-Long Han and thoughts and discussions on ChatGPT.
Yang Tang.) ChatGPT is an intelligent chatting robot which is able to
Citation: T. Y. Wu, S. Z. He, J. P. Liu, S. Q. Sun, K. Liu, Q.-L. Han, and provide a detailed response according to an instruction in a
Y. Tang, “A brief overview of ChatGPT: The history, status quo and potential
future development,” IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 10, no. 5, pp. prompt. As a member of AIGC, ChatGPT has shown power-
1122–1136, May 2023. ful functions on various language understanding and genera-
T. Y. Wu and Y. Tang are with the Key Laboratory of Smart tion tasks such as multilingual machine translation, code
Manufacturing in Energy Chemical Process, East China University of Science
and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China (e-mail: [email protected]. debugging, stroy writing, admitting mistakes and even reject-
edu.cn; [email protected]). ing inappropriate requests according to the official statement.
J. P. Liu is with the School of Information Science and Engineering, East
China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China (e-
Unlike previous chatting robots, ChatGPT is able to remem-
mail: [email protected]). ber what the user has said earlier in the conversation which
S. Z. He and K. Liu are with the Laboratory of Cognition and Decision helps for continuous dialogue [16]. In March 2023, with the
Intelligence for Complex Systems, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy
of Sciences, Beijing 100190, and also with the School of Artificial publication of GPT-4 created by OpenAI [17], ChatGPT also
Intelligence, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, has enjoyed a strong update with further functions. Specifi-
China (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]). cally, users now can input texts and visual images in parallel,
S. Q. Sun is with the Research Institute of Intelligent Complex Systems,
Fudan University, Shanghai 200437, China (e-mail: [email protected]). thus more challenging multimodal tasks can be completed
Q.-L. Han is with the School of Science, Computing and Engineering such as image captioning, chart reasoning, paper summariz-
Technologies, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne VIC 3122,
Australia (e-mail: [email protected]).
ing2 (as shown in Fig. 1).
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. 1 https://archive.is/XRl0R
2 https://openai.com/research/gpt-4
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JAS.2023.123618

Authorized licensed use limited to: Vietnam National University. Downloaded on February 10,2024 at 12:19:57 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Multimodal generation ChatGPT (OpenAl)

to T5

Visual Text/Image input

to Text output
text A large brown bear laying 一个戴着帽子的人站在
on top of grass. 白雪皑皑的森林里。 Visual tasks:
Paper summary

Image description
Atari images
Language tasks:
I’m going to London and discrete actions
modal Question answering
… Code debugging

Fig. 1. Strong function of AIGC, including text-to-text generation, visual-to-text generation and further multimodal generation. For ChatGPT of OpenAI,
which combines text and visual images as input, can handle various of language and visual tasks. Cases are adapted from [1], [3], [11], [17].

Comparative Analysis of GPT-1, GPT-2, GPT-3 and GPT-4
Released date June 2018 February 2019 May 2020 March 2023
117 million 12 layers 1.5 billion 48 layers 175 billion 96 layers
Model parameters Unpublished
768 dimensions 1600 dimensions 12 888 dimensions
Context window 512 tokens 1024 tokens 2048 tokens 8195 tokens
Pre-training data size About 5 GB 40 GB 45 TB Unpublished
Source of data BooksCorpus, Wikipedia WebText Common Crawl, etc. Unpublished
Learning target Unsupervised learning Multi-task learning In-context learning Multimodal learning

ChatGPT, with so many strong functions, is an integration better follow and align with the user’s intent. Finally, when it
of multiple technologies such as deep learning, unsupervised comes to GPT-4, a large multimodal model with accepting
learning, instruction fine-tuning, multi-task learning, in-con- image and text inputs and emitting text outputs, ChatGPT
text learning and reinforcement learning. It is built upon the exhibits human-level performance on arious professional and
initial GPT (Generative pre-trained Transformer) model, academic benchmarks [17].
which has been iteratively updated from GPT-1 to GPT-4 (as In addition to the quick update on techniques, the enlarge-
shown in Table I ). GPT-1 [18], developed in 2018, is firstly ment of model capacity and the number of data for pre-train-
dedicated to train a generative language model based on a ing further helps the model to better understand the meaning
Transformer framework via unsupervised learning [19]–[21], and intent behind a given piece of text. The parameters and
and the pretrained model is further fine-tuned on downstream the data of GPT-1 only reach 117 million and 5 GB, respec-
tasks. GPT-2, developed in 2019 [22], mainly introduces the tively, while in GPT-3 the number increases to 175 billion and
idea of multi-task learning [23] with more network parame- 45 TB. Even if the details of GPT-4 have not been publicly
ters and data than GPT for training, so that the pretrained gen- released, it is expected that the parameters and data may still
erative language model can be generalized to most of the have a huge increase. In this way, the success of ChatGPT
supervised subtasks without further fine-tuning. To further relies on multi aspects of supports such as financial backing,
improve the model performance on few-shot or zero-shot [24] computational power, data resources. Till now, ChatGPT/GPT-
settings, GPT-3 [25] combines meta-learning [26], [27] with 4 has shown promising performance as a general purpose mul-
in-context learning [28] so that the generalization ability of timodal task-solver [30], which has been widely used in the
the model has been greatly improved with surpassing most of field of we-media, data analysis, etc. However, the strong cre-
the existing methods on various downstream tasks. Moreover, ativity of ChatGPT is a double-edged sword, especially in the
the parameter scale of GPT-3 has increased by 100 times than filed of education and science [31], [32]. How to prevent the
GPT-2 and it is the first language model to surpass a parame- cheating or plagiarism and how to avoid the abuse of strong
ter scale of 100 billion. When it comes to the pilot version of ChatGPT are still important topics for further discussion.
ChatGPT (InstructGPT, also known as one of the derivative The aim of this paper is to provide a brief overview on the
version of GPT3.5 series models), the researchers use rein- history, status quo and potential future development of Chat-
forcement learning with human feedback (RLHF) to incre- GPT, helping to provide an entry point to think about Chat-
mentally train the GPT-3 model [29] so that the model can GPT. Main contributions are as follows:

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1) Core techniques of ChatGPT, mainly including pre- driven researchers to model complex natural language and
trained large-scale language models, in-context learning, rein- multiple tasks [36], [37] with a wide range of deep neural net-
forcement learning from human feedback and the key techni- work structures such as multilayer perceptron (MLP), convo-
cal steps for developing ChatGPT are specified. lutional neural network (CNN) and recurrent neural network
2) The pros and cons of ChatGPT and the duality of Chat- (RNN), and thus formed representative static language mod-
GPT in various field are provided. els such as word2vec [38], [39] and RNNLM [40], [41]. NLM
3) Several open problems on potential research trends of utilizes low-dimensional embedding to represent words and
ChatGPT are discussed. their composition, and realizes the prediction of conditional
In Section II, we delve into the core techniques of ChatGPT. probability through the calculation of neural network.
In Section III, we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Since 2018, the pre-trained language models (PLM), which
the ChapGPT. In Section IV, we present the potential impact utilize self-supervised learning over raw large-scale texts,
of ChatGPT across various social fields. In Section V, we con- have received more and more attention [42]. And it promotes
sider the future research trends of ChatGPT. Finally, a simple the birth and development of the two-stage learning paradigm
conclusion is conducted in Section VI. of pre-training and fine-tuning. For example, the relevant
models of ELMo [43], BERT [44] and GPT-3 [25] have won
II. Important Technologies Behind the ChatGPT the best paper award of NAACL 2018, NAACL 2019 and
Although the technical details (including architecture, hard- NeurIPS 2020, respectively. PLM learns general language
ware, dataset construction and training method, or similar) of models on large-scale texts based on self-learning tasks such
GPT-4 has not been shared, the main techniques of GPT-4 are as masked word prediction [44], sequence recognition of sen-
still similar to GPT-3/GPT-3.5 [17]. In this way, we can only tences, text filling in the blank [45], and text generation [2]. It
analyze it based on the public information and its twin model, not only improves the semantic description of words from
InstructGPT [29]. First, we introduce the pre-trained language static representation to context-aware dynamic representation,
model, which is the foundation technology of ChatGPT. Then, but also provides a unified modeling framework for NLP
we introduce the in-context learning that models general tasks tasks.
with a self-learning paradigm, we also append the novel tech- At present, there are three typical model structures of PLM,
nologies of chain-of-thought prompting and instruction fine- autoregressive LM, autoencoding LM, and hybrid LM (as
tuning into this subsection. Next, we introduce the reinforce- shown in Fig. 2 ). Their representative models are GPT [18],
ment learning from human feedback, which can continuously BERT [44] and T5 [1], respectively. Autoregressive LM is a
optimize the dialogue model. Finally, we introduce the three standard language model, which adopts decoder-only manner
main steps in the implementation of ChatGPT/InstructGPT of language modeling with one-way language encoding-
with public information: supervised fine-tuning (SFT), reward decoding and token-by-token prediction of words. Autoencod-
modeling (RM) and dialogue-oriented RLHF. ing LM randomly masks the words in the sentence, and utiliz-
ing bidirectional encoding, and then predicts the masked
A. Pre-Trained Language Model words based on the context encoding information (e.g., take
Language models are statistical models that describe the the input “[CLS] x1 x2[M] x3 x4[M]” and predict the words “ x3 ”
probability distribution of natural language [33]. It is dedi- and “ x5 ” on the masked position marked by “[M]” ). Hybrid
cated to estimating the probability of a given sentence (e.g., LM combines the two methods above. After randomly mask-
P(S ) = P(w1 , w2 , . . . , wn ) used to compute the probability of ing the words in the sentence and bidirectional encoding, input
the sentence S containing n words), or the probability of gen- the previous text in one direction and predict the subsequent
erating other contents given a part of the sentence (e.g., words step by step (e.g., take the input “[CLS]x1 x2[M] x3 x4[M]”
P(wi , ..wn |w1 , . . . , wi−1 ) used to compute the probability of pre- and “[CLS] x1 x2 x3 x4 x5” and gradually output “ x1 x2 x3 x4 x5
dicting the content of the next part given the content of the [SEP]”). Since BERT released by Google has refreshed the
best record of 11 NLP tasks at the beginning, and GPT-2’s
previous part of the sentence), which is the core task of natu-
performance on typical NLP tasks is not better than BERT,
ral language processing and can be used on almost all down-
BERT and its autoencoding pre-training methods have been
stream NLP tasks.
followed by the vast majority of academia and industry
Different modeling methods of statistical language models
denote the technical level of natural language processing. In
Comparatively, with the use of the best neural network
the early n-gram language model (N-gram LM), the condi-
structure Transformer [53] at present, OpenAI still adheres to
tional probability is estimated by the frequency statistics of n-
C(w ,...,wi−(n−1) ) the autoregressive method and continues to release GPT-1
grams P(wi |wi−1 , . . . , wi−(n−1) ) = C(wi−1i−1,...,wi−(n−1) ,wi ) . It can only [18], GPT-2 [22], GPT-3 [25] and GPT-4 [17] (as shown in
consider a fixed length (window size) of word sequences Table I). GPT-1 first learns a general language model on unla-
based on the Markov assumption, and the probability estima- beled raw texts, and then fine-tunes it according to specific
tion of language model is inaccurate due to the cures of tasks. Although GPT-1 has some effect on NLP tasks that
dimensionality with symbol combinations. N-gram LM drives have not been fine-tuned, its generalization ability is far lower
the development of information retrieval technology based on than fine-tuned models on supervised tasks. GPT-2 does not
keyword search and document relevance computation. The carry out different model framework with GPT-1 but uses
neural language model (NLM) [34], [35] started in 2010 has larger network parameters and learned on more datasets. GPT-

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x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 [SEP] x3 x5 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 [SEP]

[CLS] x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 [CLS] x1 x2 [M] x4 [M] [CLS] x1 x2 [M] x4 [M] [CLS] x1 x2 x3 x4 x5

Autoregressive LM Autoencoder LM Hybrid LM

Autoregressive LM Autoencoder LM Hybrid LM

Encoding/Decoding Unidirectional encoder Bidirectional encoder
Sequence to sequence
strategy + step-by-step decoding + masked based decoding
[CLS]x1x2[M]x4[M] +
[CLS]x1x2x3x4x5 [CLS]x1x2[M]x4[M]
Input-output example [CLS]x1x2x3x4x5
→ x1x2x3x4x5[SEP] → x3x5
→ x1x2x3x4x5[SEP]
Learning paradigm Pre-training (zero-shot) Pre-training + Fine-tuning Pre-training + Fine-tuning
Support tasks NLU + NLG NLU NLU + NLG
Representative model GPT BERT BERT/T5

Fig. 2. There three typical types of PLM: autoregressive LM, autoencoder LM and hybrid LM. Their working mechanisms are listed and compared in this

3 follows the structure of GPT-2, but has made great improve- B. In-Context Learning
ment in model capacity. Surprisingly, the GPT-3 shows excel- GPT-3 and the following GPT-3.5 serial models are the
lent performance in many text generation tasks such as foundation of many powerful capabilities of ChatGPT.
machine translation, question answering, dialogue, reading Among them, the in-context learning (ICL) introduced by
comprehension and story generation. In fact, it is difficult to GPT-3 plays a crucial role. As a meta-learning method that
distinguish the text generated by GPT-3 and written by contains an internal loop, ICL can model more context infor-
humans. Moreover, GPT-3 easily supports zero-shot and few- mation to solve specific tasks, which can not only improve the
shot learning scenarios [54]. Since then, the pre-trained model effects of various tasks, but also better deal with zero-shot and
has entered the era of large-scale parameters (also known as few-shot learning scenarios. With the support of ICL, GPT-
large language model [55] or foundation model [56]). Build- 3.5 series models can achieve good results without any train-
ing on the success of GPT-3, OpenAI has continued to ing and fine-tuning of NLP tasks, and even achieved very
develop multiple GPT-3.5 series models such as Code- shocking results in some logical and creative tasks such as
davinci-001, Text-davinci-001, Code-davinci-002, and Text- article generation and code writing. Next, we will provide a
davinci-002 through technical improvements such as code- detailed introduction to ICL and the technologies of chain-of-
based pre-training, instruction fine-tuning, and reinforcement thought and instruction fine-tuning that promote the success of
learning from human feedback3. OpenAI provides Play- large models.
ground and APIs for users to use these advanced models. Till 1) In-Context Learning: ICL has become a new paradigm of
now, when it comes to GPT-4 [17], which is a large multi- natural language processing (NLP) [28]. ICL can append a
modal model as the latest milestone in OpenAI’s effort in few exemplars to the context, which allows the model to learn
scaling up deep learning, GPT-4 shows stronger capability to and complete tasks by imitation. For example, as shown in
handle much more nuanced instructions than GPT-3 based Fig. 3 (left part), in order to translate the English phrase
models. “cheese” into French, the task description and related exem-
The development of artificial intelligence technology shows plars are concatenated and input into the PLM as the context,
that large models can learn more complex and higher-order and the model is allowed to generate the France phrase
features/patterns from raw data (texts for large language mod- autonomously. ICL estimates the likelihood of potential
els, text-image for large multimodal models), so as to exhibit answers over a trained language model. The core idea of ICL
stronger capabilities in understanding and generating data. By is to learning to complete tasks with analogies. Supervised
learning all kinds of abstract knowledge from the raw data, learning or fine-tuning requires the use of backward gradients
large-scale pre-trained language models have better general- to update model parameters in the training phase. Unlike this,
ity and generalization. In addition, to better support general ICL does not need parameter updates, it directly performs ana-
task processing capabilities (realizing the general artificial logical learning and task predictions over pre-trained lan-
intelligence), the autoregressive language model adopted by guage models. ICL expects to learn the hidden patterns in the
GPT-3 and its subsequent GPT3.5 series models has more demonstrations and make correct predictions. By adapting
advantages, and it can directly utilize natural language to ICL, the zero-shot and few-shot learning capabilities are
describe different tasks in different fields. Furthermore, formed by directly describing the task or appending a small
researchers are looking forward to the transparency of GPT-4. number of exemplars into the content as prompts.
2) Chain-of-Thought: Recently, chain-of-thought (CoT)
3 https://yaofu.notion.site/GPT-3-5-360081d91ec245f29029d37b54573756 prompting is proposed to further improve the ability to solve

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• Zero-shot learning • Chain-of-thought • Instruction fine-tuning

A chain of thought is a series of intermediate reasoning steps. Instruction fine-tuning refers to fine-tuning a
The model predicts the answer given only a Input language model on a dataset described by
natural language description of the task. No Q: Roger has 5 tennis balls. He buys 2 more cans of tennis balls. Each can
gradient updates are performed. has 3 tennis balls. How many tennis balls does he have now?
A: Roger started with 5 balls. 2 cans of 3 tennis balls each is 6 tennis balls. Input
5 + 6 = 11. The answer is 11. Q: Please answer the following question.
Q: The cafeteria had 23 apples. If they used 20 to make lunch and bought What is the boiling point of Nitrogen?
Task 6 more, how many apples do they have?
Translate English to French: Output
description Output
A: The cafeteria had 23 apples originally. They used 20 to make A: −320.4F.
cheese => Prompt lunch. So they had 23 − 20 = 3. They bought 6 more apples, so they
have 3 + 6 = 9. The answer is 9.

Instruction finetuning
• Few-shot learning
Please answer the following question.
In addition to the task description, the model What is the boiling point of Nitrogen?
utilizes a few examples in addressing the task. −320.4F
No gradient updates are performed. Chain-of-thought finetuning
Answer the following question by
The cafeteria had 23 apples
reasoning step-by-step.
Task originally. They used 20 to
1 Translate English to French: The cafeteria had 23 apples. If they
description used 20 for lunch and bought 6 more,
make lunch. So they had 23 −
20 = 3. They bought 6 more
2 sea otter => loutre de mer how many apples do they have? Language apples, so they have 3 + 6 = 9.
3 peppermint => menthe poivrée Exemplars Multi-task instruction finetuning (1.8K tasks)
4 plush girafe => girafe peluche Inference: generalization to unseen tasks
Geoffrey Hinton is a British-Canadian
5 cheese => Prompt computer scientist born in 1947. George
Q: Can Geoffrey Hinton have a Washington died in 1799. Thus, they
conversation with George Washington? could not have had a conversation
Give the rationale before answering. together. So the answer is “no”.

Flan-T5 [64] finetune various language models on 1.8K tasks phrased

as instructions.

Fig. 3. Examples of different types in ICL, mainly including zero/few-shot learning, chain-of-thought and instruction fine-tuning (adapted from [64]).

complex tasks such as answering arithmetic, commonsense, tions “ Please answer the following question.” in front of the
and logical reasoning questions [57]. CoT is dedicated to con- question “What is the boiling point of Nitrogen?”. IFT unifies
structing a series of intermediate steps to simulate the think- almost all tasks into the same text-to-text form based on the
ing process of humans in completing complex tasks [58]. With generative pre-training model. For example, as a representa-
CoT, LLM such as GPT-3 can be used to generate the reason- tive model of the IFT model, FLAN [66] uses 137B parame-
ing steps and answers at the same time. For example, as ters to continually train the pre-trained language model, and
shown in Fig. 3 (middle part), in order to answer the question adjusts model parameters on more than 60 NLP datasets
“The cafeteria had 23 apples. If they used 20 to make lunch through natural language instructions. Flan-T5 [64] greatly
and bought 6 more, how many apples do they have?”, CoT is improves the performance of the large language model on spe-
driven to imitate the previous example (the output “Roger cific NLP tasks and the generalization ability for new tasks.
started with 5 balls. 2 cans of 3 tennis balls each is 6 tennis
balls. 5+6 = 11. The answer is 11.” for the input “Roger has 5 C. Reinforcement Learning From Human Feedback
tennis balls. He buys 2 more cans of tennis balls. Each can Reinforcement learning (RL) mainly focuses on learning the
have 3 tennis balls. How many tennis balls does he have optimal policy to maximize the desired reward or reach spe-
now?”) and generate a description of the reasoning process cific targets through the interactions between the agent and the
“The cafeteria had 23 apples originally. They used 20 to make environment [67]. Reinforcement learning has shown strong
lunch. So they had 23–20 = 3.They bought 6 more apples, so capacities on tasks with large action spaces, e.g., gaming
they have 3+6 = 9.” and the answer description “The answer is [68]–[70], robotics control [71]–[73], molecular optimization
9.” in the following. Subsequently, researchers began to [74], [75] and other fields [76], [77]. The general paradigm of
improve the reasoning of large language models from multi- reinforcement learning is a Markov decision process (MDP).
ple different research perspectives, such as automatically gen- An MDP can be defined as a tuple M = (S , A, R, T, p), where S
erating CoT prompts (zero-shot reasoner) [59], generating is the state space, A is the set of actions, R : S × A → R is the
multiple associated simple sub-tasks to complete a complex reward function, T (st+1 |st , at ) is the transition probability from
task [60], [61], building multiple reasoning chains to com- state st to state st+1 when taking action at , p(s0 ) is the initial
plete target tasks in combination with consistent learning [62], state distribution. Moreover, a policy π(a|s) is a function
and select a better answer by self-verification [63].
which computes the corresponding conditional probability. In
3) Instruction Fine-Tuning: Moreover, in order to improve
this way, the goal of MDP is to learn a optimal policy π∗ and
the task generalization ability of the large language model and
the cumulative reward is maximized within an episode of
deal with new tasks, researchers began to explore instruction
length L:
fine-tuning (IFT) [64], [65]. That is, IFT describes all NLP
tasks using natural language instructions and fine-tune large π∗ = arg max

E s∼p(s0 ) [R(s)] (1)
language models, so as to achieve the general ability of under- π∈

standing and processing instructions. For example, as shown where is the set of all policies, and the return of the state
in Fig. 3 (right part), IFT places the natural language instruc- R(s) can be calculated as

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(a) Human feedback reinforcement learning (b) RLHF in NLP



Predicted feedback Large language Reward
model model
Reward Ranked





Observation Large language Human


Fig. 4. Schematic illustration of (a) reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) and (b) reinforcement learning from human feedback in NLP.

applying RLHF as a low-tax alignment technique, language
R(s) = Eat ∼π(at |st ),st+1 ∼T (st+1 |st ,at ) [ R(st , at , st+1 )]. (2) models become much more robust to handle real-world varia-
tions and nuances in that language. However, there still exist
Up to now, various RL algorithms have been developed for limitations and challenges deserve to be addressed, including
different situations [78], e.g., TRPO [79], SAC [80], PPO the demand for high-quality human feedback, the time and
[81], TD3 [82], and REDQ [83]. cost required to obtain this feedback, and the effectiveness of
One crucial factor for training a successful reinforcement reinforcement learning algorithms.
learning agent is a well-specified reward function. However,
for tasks (e.g., table cleaning or clothes folding) of which D. Key Technical Steps for Developing ChatGPT/InstructGPT
goals are complex and poorly-defined, it is difficult to con- The technical details of ChatGPT and GPT-4 have not been
struct a precise reward function to evaluate whether the task is shared, and the official4 states that its implementation is simi-
well finished with limited sensor information [84]. In this lar to InstructGPT [29], which is a sibling model to ChatGPT,
way, to further avoid the misalignment between human prefer- yet distinguished by the data collection and the pre-trained
ences and the objectives of RL agents, and to accelerate the backbone. Hence, we next describe the technical steps of
efficiency when learning from scratch, human intuition or InstructGPT, mainly including supervised fine-tuning (SFT),
human expertise are further considered for knowledge trans- reward modeling (RM), and reinforcement learning (RL), as
ferring [85]. With the quick development of deep reinforce- depicted in Fig. 5.
ment learning, this technique has attracted lots of attention 1) SFT Model: In InstructGPT, this is a supervised policy
[86], [87] and can be concluded as reinforcement learning model that is fine-tuned on GPT-3 [25]. The prompt is the
with human feedback (RLHF) [29] (as shown in Fig. 4(a)), input, and the response is the output. Note that the backbone
which has also been applied in ChatGPT. of ChatGPT is a pre-trained model from the GPT-3.5 series.
In fact, using human feedback directly when training the Since SFT is a supervised model, it requires labeled data for
agent is quite expensive since massive amount of experience training. Data is gathered from two different sources. First,
is needed to be evaluated manually. Hence, a reward model is some of the data is sampled from the OpenAI API of the ear-
trained to replace such works and rewards of human prefer- lier InstructGPT version, which was trained with a subset of
ences can be provided in an economical way with offering demonstration data. Second, others are provided by labeler,
several human data for training [84]. which includes three types of prompts: plain (any arbitrary
The process of training the reward model can be mainly task), few-shot (an instruction with multiple query/response
divided into three steps: 1) the agent interacts with the envi- pairs), and user-based prompts (specific use cases that were
ronment under the current policy π to collect a series of trajec- requested for application in OpenAI). For each natural lan-
tories of states, actions and rewards {s1 , a1 , r1 , . . . , st , at , rt }, 2) guage prompt, the task is accompanied directly by an instruc-
pairs of segments are selected from the trajectories generated tion (e.g., “Tell me about...”), but also indirectly through few-
in step 1, and thees segments are sent to humans for compari- shot examples (e.g., giving two examples of a story, and
son and evaluation, 3) the parameters of the reward model is prompting the model to write another story about the same
updated via supervised learning to fit human preferences. In topic) or implicit continuation (e.g., giving the start of a story,
this way, RLHF can be applied for more complex or cus- and asking the model to finish it). As a result, the SFT dataset
tomized tasks with a well-specified reward model. has about 13k training prompts.
In the natural language process, aligning the pre-trained 2) RM Model: This is a reward model that takes a pair of
large-scale language models (LMs) with human preference is prompt and response as the input and produces a scalar reward
greatly decided whether the models can generate truly “good” as the output. The model is a 6B GPT-3 in InstructGPT, ini-
texts. Thus, RLHF has been positively applied to fine-tuning tialized by SFT with the final unembedding layer removed.
language models in most domains in natural language process Since RM model is also a supervised model, labeled data is
(NLP) such as dialogue [88], [89], translation [90], [91], story required for training. To this end, prompts are obtained
generation [92], evidence extraction [93], [94], and semantic through both the OpenAI API and manual annotation, and the
parsing [95]. Note that in GPT-4, an additional safety reward SFT model generates 4 to 9 responses for each prompt. Since
signal has been incorporated to reduce harmful outputs, help-
ing to judging the safety boundaries for risk relieving. With 4 https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt/

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Step 1 : Collect demonstrate data and train a supervised policy

Demonstrated Fine-tune on
Given a prompt Response SFT model
by a labeler a GPT-3.5
Step 2: Collect comparison data and train a reward model
Input into K responses Ranked from best to Train
Given a prompt D>C>A=B RM model
SFT Model (A, B, C, D, ...) worst by a labeler

Step 3 : Optimize policy by reinforcement learning algorithm PPO

Input Output Input Output
Given a prompt PPO model Response RM model Reward

Fig. 5. The training process of InstructGPT, which is a sibling model to ChatGPT, including the SFT model, RM model, and RL model.

it is difficult to form a unified scoring standard among annota- III. Capability Analysis of ChatGPT
tors, they tend to rank these responses to build the RM dataset, By trying the ChatGPT system5, we can easily appreciate its
where the rankings are the labels. The dataset includes 33k powerful capabilities, and at the same time, we can also find
training prompts. To train the RM model on this dataset, the its shortcomings in various aspects. This section will conduct
rankings are converted to scalars since they cannot be directly a tantalising glimpses capability analysis of ChatGPT based
used as rewards. For example, for the sorting D > C > A = B , on use experiences and OpenAI’s public information [17],
they assign scores of 7, 6, 4, and 4, respectively. [29].
Formally, the loss function of the RM model is defined as
follows: A. Advantage Analysis and Strengths of ChatGPT
Presently, ChatGPT is initially based on GPT-3.5 and now
1 utilizes GPT-4 of large-scale pre-trained model, and is a gen-
L(θ) = − (K ) E(x,yh ,yl )∼D [log(σ(rθ (x, yh ) − rθ (x, yl )))] (3)
2 eral-purpose human-computer conversation system obtained
by combining human-labeled data and reinforcement learning
where rθ (x, y) is a scalar produced by the RM model for the
training for various dialogue tasks according to the multi-
given prompt x and response y , yh ranks higher than yl for the modal inputs of texts and images. It can understand various
prompt x, D is the RM dataset, and θ is a set of parameters in instructions of human beings and can complete tasks such as
the model. text generation, code writing and modification, image caption-
3) RL Model: Following the previous work [96], this model ing, chart reasoning and paper summarizing etc. The specific
is fine-tuned on SFT with the proximal policy optimization analysis of the outstanding capabilities demonstrated by Chat-
(PPO) algorithm, where the input is a prompt and the output is GPT is as follows:
a response. PPO serves as the agent in the RL model and is 1) Multimodal (Language and Image) Understanding and
initialized with the SFT model from the first step. The envi- Text Generation: The most intuitive feeling of using Chat-
ronment is a prompt generator that produces a random input GPT is that it can accurately understand the user’s intention
prompt and expects a response to the prompt. Rewards are with prompts of texts (up to 2.5 million tokes) and images
derived from the RM model for scoring the pair of prompt and (still in further research), and generate various types of texts
response. Formally, the RL model’s objective is to maximize in the interactive process of dialogue. It first requires a strong
the following function: multimodal understanding ability which needs to accurately
understand the dialogue context and the image input. Chat-
RL(ϕ) = E(x,y)∼DRL
[rθ (x, y) − β log(πRL
ϕ (y|x)/π
(y|x))] GPT can not only deal with typical NLP task instructions such
as classification, matching, translation, re-writing (relevant
+ γE x∼D pretrain [log(πRL
ϕ (x))] (4) data has been processed during model training), but also deal
where πRL ϕ and π
are the policy model and trained model, with new tasks, which require accurate intent understanding or
D pretrain is the pre-training distribution. β and γ are used to visual understanding, for example, organizing outputs in the
control the KL penalty and pre-training gradients. The above form of lists and image captioning [17].
equation consists of three parts: a scoring function, Kullback- Moreover, ChatGPT has reached or exceeded human-level
Leibler (KL) divergence, and a pre-training target of GPT-3. performance in several text generation tasks such as answer-
ing questions, providing suggestions, summarizing and polish-
First, the RM model scores a prompt-response pair, with a
ing texts [97]. For example, when answering a question, it will
higher score indicating a better response. Second, KL diver-
not only give an accurate answer, and the generated response
gence is used to measure the distance between the distribu-
text will reveal the thought process involved in answering the
tions of responses generated by the PPO and SFT models. A question, and even continuously adjust and correct the answer
smaller distance is preferable in this step since the SFT model according to the user’s guidance. We believe that ChatGPT
is trained on manually labeled data, and over-optimizing it may have two reasons for this advantage: 1) the large lan-
could lead to inaccurate evaluations of the responses. Finally, guage model trained on massive data of various forms and
this part is used to calculate the probability that the RL model tasks has fully grasped language laws, and is able to under-
generates the prompt x. Note that this part contains 31k train-
ing prompts. 5 https://chat.openai.com/chat

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stand and generate language well; 2) it has learned universal ther usage.
task solving ability through IFT on diverse tasks.
2) Strong Reasoning Ability and Rich Creativity: ChatGPT B. Disadvantage Analysis and Limitations of ChatGPT
has good reasoning ability, especially in answering scientific Although ChatGPT has powerful abilities in handling vari-
questions, knowledge related questions and complex logic ous tasks and aligning with human instructions, ChatGPT still
questions [30]. For example, ChatGPT can give the proof of a has the following limitations.
certain theorem, and perform multi-hop reasoning according 1) Factual Errors and Hallucination Results: Although
to the logical chain. ChatGPT/GPT-4 can also analyze a pic- ChatGPT can integrate multiple kinds of resources to gener-
ture, such as ChatGPT/GPT-4 can answer the question “What ate fluent replies, the replies generated often have factual
can you make according to the materials in the picture?” errors (often called “ hallucination problem”). Those factual
Moreover, ChatGPT can complete various tasks in accor- errors may be due to errors and noise in the training data
dance with the logical chain specified by the user. Moreover, [100], [101]. At the same time, the internal logic and mecha-
ChatGPT has rich creativity and it can generate, edit, and iter- nism of data-driven deep learning model is still a black box
atively collaborate with users on creative and technical writ- for humans, so the speculation as to why the current answer
ing tasks such as composing music, writing scripts, or learn- was generated can neither be proven nor falsified. For some
ing the user’s writing style. We believe that ChatGPT may application scenarios with high accuracy requirements, such
have two reasons for this advantage: 1) the model trained on as medical consultation, the randomness of ChatGPT answers
code data can better perform task decomposition and logical may lead to serious consequences. In addition, the ability of
thinking; 2) models with large-scale parameters may have ChatGPT to align with human instructions comes from manu-
formed the ability to emerge. ally labeled data. ChatGPT does not have the ability to clarify
3) Knowledge Modeling and Planning: ChatGPT can com- and confirm fuzzy queries beyond the human annotations,
plete almost all kinds of information consulting tasks very which also brings untrustworthy obstacles to the use of Chat-
well, and can also achieve good results in some areas requir- GPT in real scenarios. It should be noted that currently pro-
ing professional knowledge such as medical, judicial, and posed technologies such as Toolformer [102] and Plugin7 can
financial. For example, passing the American Medical Exami- partially alleviate the problem of factual errors, and a large
nation [98], and the test in the Chinese environment is also amount of work has been proposed [103]−[105]. However,
good6. This is due to the knowledge modeling ability of Chat- their effectiveness in various tasks and industries still needs to
GPT and its basic pre-trained large model. Meanwhile, experi- be continuously observed and explored.
ments have shown that GPT-4 performs at a level comparable 2) Insufficient Modeling of Explicit Knowledge: Although a
to human performance on a variety of specialized tests and large amount of data and hundreds of billions of parameters
academic benchmarks. For example, it passed a simulated bar are used, the GPT series models still only use the simplest
exam with a score in the top 10% of test takers, whereas GPT- information processing method in human wisdom, i.e., pre-
3.5 scored in the bottom 10%. On this basis, ChatGPT has dicting the next possible word of a sentence. ChatGPT lacks
preliminary intelligent planning capabilities. For example, it the ability to produce and model accurate information. For
can show the step-by-step solution ability when answering example, there are often wrong facts and complex mathemati-
complex questions, it can show the planning ability when cal operations can not be performed. In fact, the advanced
writing, and it can reflect the order of task execution and logi- intelligence of human beings such as cognition and decision-
cal relationship when providing suggestions. It also has the making are very dependent on knowledge accumulated by
ability to even provide missing details in planning goals social civilization for a long time. However, the GPT series
autonomously using commonsense knowledge and reasoning models including ChatGPT have never considered the
[99]. We believe that knowledge modeling and acquisition is retrieval and utilization of such explicit knowledge (e.g.,
the key to the success of artificial intelligence systems. Com- knowledge graphs), nor have any knowledge extracting,
pared with traditional knowledge engineering such as knowl- updating, and reusing modules.
edge graph, which describes the limited knowledge content of 3) Research and Development Costs are High: Achieving
a fixed schema in a symbolic way, large language model stable training of large models and obtaining excellent perfor-
obtain model parameters and their operation processes mance requires extremely high computing costs and engineer-
through end-to-end self-learning, which can implicitly model ing experience. OpenAI owns and utilizes the complete
richer and more comprehensive knowledge content. Microsoft Azure cloud platform to perform stable and persis-
In brief, ChatGPT/GPT-4 has excellent language and image tent model training. For example, the training of the basic
understanding and generation abilities, certain reasoning and large model GPT-3 costs 12 million US dollars. In fact, the
creating abilities, and powerful knowledge modeling abilities. instability of large-scale data and large model training requires
Moreover, ChatGPT also has many other advantages and continuous data, code, and engineering tuning, which requires
strengths, such as general task processing, machine transla- long-time technical accumulation and rich experience in sys-
tion for vast majority of languages, and embodied interaction, tem optimization.
etc. To further make full use of ChatGPT, scientist can try to In brief, the current ChatGPT has some limitations in terms
use it with multiple tools to solve more complex tasks for fur- of reliability, explicit knowledge modeling, and high research

6 https://k.sina.com.cn/article_6208490735_1720e0cef01901d0sb.html 7 https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt-plugins

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and development costs that need to be further improved. tries, it may also bring certain risks and challenges. Several
Moreover, there still exist other limitations that have not been examples of these challenges are as follows:
deeply discussed in this manuscript such as data bias in politi- 1) Intellectual Property Protection: The answer provided by
cal, ideological, and other area, and a lack of planning in arith- ChatGPT is generated automatically, making it difficult to
metic/reasoning questions or long text generation [106]. Sci- verify the source of the data. ChatGPT is trained on a wide
entist are making more efforts to improve these aspects. range of data, including poetry, legal documents, natural con-
versations, blogs, and emails. These data inevitably contain
IV. The Impact of ChatGPT Across Different Fields copyrighted information. Consequently, ChatGPT’s responses
ChatGPT has emerged as a popular topic of discussion may over-reference other people’s work or articles, poten-
across various industries [107]−[109]. As of the end of Jan- tially leading to infringement disputes.
uary 2023, ChatGPT boasted over 100 million monthly active 2) Safety Aspects: ChatGPT is easily to be used to generate
users, making it the fastest-growing application in history. misleading information or phishing emails for cyber scams at
Hence, we next discuss the impact of ChatGPT on society scale. At the same time, it can also help criminals find secu-
from multiple aspects and analyze the key challenges for rity holes in websites and generate network attack scripts
application. faster and easier. In other words, generative AI will undoubt-
From an academic perspective, ChatGPT is an important edly greatly reduce the threshold of cyber attacks, because it
milestone in the field of AI, revealing the potential for achiev- not only expands the number of potential threats, but also
ing artificial general intelligence. In the past, AI research has empowers novices to participate in security attacks.
mainly focused on the analytical capabilities of models. That 3) Ethics and Integrity: Due to ChatGPT’s high efficiency
is, by analyzing a given set of data, the model aims to dis- and high quality of response, it surpasses most of the existing
cover the features and patterns used in practical tasks. Unlike problem-solving software. However, its diverse responses to
past AI technologies, ChatGPT is a large-scale generative lan- the same question make it difficult to detect plagiarism or
guage model, and with the publication of GPT-4 image inputs cheating. This could lead to students and researchers using the
has also been allowed, proving the feasibility of multimodal tool to cheat, which could have adverse consequences for
generation. ChatGPT assists humans in a range of tasks by teaching and academic integrity. Furthermore, abusing
learning and understanding human intent to generate content ChapGPT may cause more social ethics problems (e.g., gener-
in a conversational manner. The emergence of ChatGPT signi- ating harmful contents) without proper mitigation measures.
fies the transformation of artificial intelligence from data 4) Environmental Impact: Since ChatGPT involves a huge
understanding to data generation, achieving a leap from amount of parameters and pre-training data, it consumes a sig-
machine perception to machine creation. Due to its powerful nificant amount of hardware resources during training. Provid-
text generation capabilities, ChatGPT has the strong ability to ing ChatGPT services to millions of users every day also gen-
produce large-scale synthetic data at a low cost. This over- erates carbon emissions, which accumulate daily and are chal-
comes the data limitation in the process of AI tasks and fur- lenging to estimate.
ther prompts the wider application of AI technology. Hence, to develop generative AI technology responsibly,
From an industry perspective, ChatGPT has shown to be a safely, and controllably, one should prioritize the following
valuable tool in a wide range of industries (e.g., IT, customer concepts for achieving high-quality, healthy, and sustainable
service, film and television, education, and medical care development. First, transparency and accountability are cru-
industries) that rely on human knowledge creation in an effi- cial. The application and development of ChatGPT need to be
cient, high-quality, and low-cost manner. With the develop- open and transparent to ensure that society and relevant stake-
ment of generative AI technology, the model may assist or holders understand its use and potential risks. Moreover, one
even completely replace humans to achieve most of the con- should establish accountability mechanisms to ensure that
tent creation work in the future. In essence, ChatGPT is a tool ChatGPT users and developers are responsible for its use and
for quickly building materials. It enables low-cost or even application. Second, one should follow moral and legal princi-
zero-cost automated content creation, revolutionizing the con- ples. The development and use of ChatGPT must align with
tent production paradigm across various industries. For ethical and legal principles. One needs to ensure that its appli-
instance, in the financial industry, ChatGPT can generate cation does not violate ethical and legal regulations, such as
financial texts like investment and analysis reports to enhance those related to fraud, invasion of privacy, discrimination, and
work efficiency and quality. In the media industry, ChatGPT other undesirable purposes. Third, one needs to focus on envi-
can enable intelligent writing, such as the automatic creation ronmental protection and sustainability. The use of ChatGPT
of news reports and articles, for creators to refine and process, can consume significant computing resources and energy,
significantly reducing the creative cycle. In summary, Chat- leading to substantial carbon emissions. Therefore, one should
GPT has a vast range of potential applications and can play a pay attention to environmental protection and sustainability,
crucial role in almost any field that requires processing and reduce the impact on the environment as much as possible,
understanding natural language. As technology continues to and apply the technology in a more sustainable way.
develop and innovate, ChatGPT’s influence and application
will continue to expand and deepen. V. The Potential Future Development
However, every technology is a “ double-edged sword”. Trends of ChatGPT
While ChatGPT is showing great promise in related indus- Even GPT-4 brings significant improvements for ChatGPT,

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several core problems are also still not been solved yet. Thus, cations.
this section analyzes the future development of ChatGPT.
First we discuss the hallucination problem, existing in most of B. Model Compression for LLM
the large-scale models, including ChatGPT. Then, consider- Researchers have shown that the capabilities of transformer-
ing the huge cost and the large-scale hardware requirements, based language models grow log-linearly with the number of
we discuss how to reduce the size of language models for parameters [113], [114], and some promising abilities such as
model compression. Finally, we propose several other trends in-context learning [25] and chain-of-thoughts [57] emerge
in future, and the overview diagram is shown in Fig. 6. when the model size exceeds certain thresholds. Equipped
with the scaling law [114], today’s modern large language
Current problems Solutions models have revolutionized natural language processing with
Hallucination their remarkable performance on various language tasks.
• Generation of erroneous • Incorporating external However, these models come with a significant cost. They
information knowledge
• Poor performance in • Developing retrieval- usually contain over 100 billion parameters, which presents
knowledge-extensive fields augmented language challenges for practical usage, including increased costs for
• Ethical concerns model
storage, distribution, and deployment in real-world applica-
Model compression
tions. As a result, researchers need to develop new approaches
• Enormous parameters • Distillation-based methods
• Costly to store, distribute,
for model compression and optimization to make these mod-
• Pruning-based methods
and deploy • Quantization-based els more practical and accessible for real-world use cases.
methods Reducing the size of language models while maintaining
Other future trends their performance on downstream tasks has been a long-stand-
… CC(=O)OC1=CC
ing challenge in the field, and researchers have proposed mul-
New New
message 1 … message N Compound SMILES notation tiple approaches to tackle this problem. Distillation-based
Lifelong learning Complex reasoning Cross-disciplinary approaches, such as those proposed in [49], [115]−[117],
• Training seamlessly from • Introducing more advanced • Incorporating other involve training a smaller student model using extra training
new data instead of knowledge representation systems, such as
retraining from scratch and reasoning techniques chemical language data or soft labels generated by a larger teacher model (LLM
or ChatGPT). Teacher model by hundreds or even thousands
Fig. 6. The future trends of ChatGPT for hallucination, model compression of times while maintaining the emerging properties remains an
and other important trends. Image materials are adapted from the Internet8. open problem that requires further research. Pruning-based
approaches [118], [119] aim to reduce the size of the model by
A. Solving the Hallucination Problem of ChatGPT removing a number of unimportant weights, while achieving
Recent advances in large-scale language models (LLM), similar performance to the original model. Quantization-based
have enabled the generation of seemingly high-quality lan- approaches [120], [121] use 8-bit or even binary numbers to
guage from appropriately formulated prompts. However, these store the model weights, thereby reducing the model size com-
models are known to generate “hallucinated” facts, which can pared to 32-bit storage. Although these approaches success-
lead to misleading conclusions. The potential for generating fully reduce the model size, special hardware design is often
erroneous information remains a significant concern in the use required to accelerate model inference speed, which can limit
of such models, which limits their applicability in knowledge- their usage. Please refer to [122] for a more comprehensive
extensive fields such as finance, legal advisement and medi- survey of the field.
cal suggestions. In response to this problem, some researchers
have proposed incorporating external knowledge sources to C. Other Future Trends
mitigate “hallucination” and the “ retrieval-augmented lan- ChatGPT has a vast potential for potential future develop-
guage” model has emerged as a popular approach [110]− ment from both research and practical perspectives, and it is
[112]. Typically, these systems retrieve relevant knowledge impossible to list them all in this paper. As discussed in the
from a large knowledge base such as Wikipedia or other web previous section, we have provided a few examples to illus-
texts, given a prompt, and generate a response by leveraging trate the wide range of possibilities for the model’s future
the retrieved knowledge. By incorporating external knowl- direction.
edge sources, such as named entities or specific facts, these 1) Lifelong Learning Incorporation: Experiments have
systems can improve their accuracy and reduce the potential proved that ChatGPT published in January 2023 can solve
for generating misleading or incorrect information. 70% theory of mind (ToM) tasks, which is comparable with
However, the use of external knowledge sources also poses that of seven-year-old children [123]. However, this does
challenges, such as the need for effective retrieval methods mean that ChatGPT has mind as humans and it is just the
and the possibility of introducing bias into the models. There- results of strong capability of the language models. Message
fore, further research is needed to improve the effectiveness of of current affairs may forever not be learned by ChapGPT if
these approaches and to address potential ethical concerns we stop updating the model. To adapt to such changes, one
when deploying large-scale language models in various appli- possible approach is to incorporate lifelong learning [124] into
the ChatGPT model. By doing so, the model can seamlessly
incorporate new data without requiring retraining from
graph scratch. This is particularly advantageous for large-scale lan-

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guage models such as ChatGPT, as it saves computing emergence in large language models to understand how the
resources and enables more efficient and effective perfor- emergence appears and what kind of abilities does it may
mance. Additionally, lifelong learning can enable the model to have. This could be important in creating stronger AIGC mod-
evolve in real-time, leading to more personalized and relevant els.
results. This is particularly beneficial in ChatGPT, where user Currently, more and more companies and research groups
interactions are constantly evolving, and up-to-date informa- are following OpenAI’s lead in developing their own Chat-
tion is critical. Overall, incorporating lifelong learning into GPT-like products or AIGC products. For example, Microsoft
ChatGPT can lead to improved performance and more accu- has combined ChatGPT with their search engine Bing to
rate results, benefiting both researchers and users alike. improve the quality of the search results, Baidu has published
2) Complex Reasoning Abilities Enhancement: While Chat- their ChatGPT aliked robot called ERNIE Bot, which can gen-
GPT already has impressive reasoning abilities, there is erate images based on text descriptions, and Sensetime has
always room for improvement to tackle even more complex developed their SenseChat robot, which can generate figures,
problems. Further research can focus on enhancing the reason- videos, and 3D contents. ChatGPT-related technologies have
ing capabilities of the model by incorporating advanced attracted worldwide attention and it becomes a major force in
knowledge representation and reasoning techniques, such as computer science.
knowledge graphs [125], [126] and logical reasoning [127]. In brief, the essence of ChatGPT-like products is still a kind
These improvements help the model better understand and of AIGC instead of reaching artificial super intelligence
reason over complex structures and relationships between dif- (ASI). In this way, people should further focus the side-effects
ferent concepts. By advancing the reasoning abilities of Chat- of technology products, such as the reliability and validity of
GPT, the model can become even more powerful and versa- the answers by artificial intelligence and the potential for
tile in its applications. cheating to occur. Overall, when people are looking forward
3) Cross-Disciplinary Integration: The significant language to more powerful artificial intelligence, consensus on ethical
processing performance of ChapGPT also has the potential to and responsible usage are also required to be carefully consid-
be fused with chemical system. Simplified molecular input ered.
linear entry system (SMILES) [128] is composed of specific
ASCII symbols which is used to define chemical, represent- References
ing the compositions and structure for molecules. SMILES
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[122] Y. Cheng, D. Wang, P. Zhou, and T. Zhang, “ A survey of model Kang Liu received the Ph.D. degree in pattern
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Qing-Long Han (Fellow, IEEE) received the B.Sc.
Feb. 2022.
degree in mathematics from Shandong Normal Uni-
[126] Y. Y. Lan, S. Z. He, K. Liu, and J. Zhao, “ Knowledge reasoning via versity in 1983, and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in
jointly modeling knowledge graphs and soft rules,” arXiv preprint control engineering from East China University of
arXiv: 2301.02781, 2023. Science and Technology, in 1992 and 1997, respec-
[127] Y. J. Bang, S. Cahyawijaya, N. Lee, W. L. Dai, D. Su, B. Wilie, H. tively.
Lovenia, Z. W. Ji, T. Z. Yu, W. Chung, Q. V. Do, Y. Xu, and P. Fung, Professor Han is Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research
“A multitask, multilingual, multimodal evaluation of ChatGPT on Quality) and a Distinguished Professor at Swinburne
reasoning, hallucination, and interactivity,” arXiv preprint arXiv: University of Technology, Australia. He held vari-
2302.04023, 2023. ous academic and management positions at Griffith
University and Central Queensland University, Australia. His research inter-
[128] D. Weininger, “SMILEs, a chemical language and information system.
ests include networked control systems, multi-agent systems, time-delay sys-
1. Introduction to methodology and encoding rules,” J. Chem. Inf.
tems, smart grids, unmanned surface vehicles, and neural networks.
Comput. Sci., vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 31–36, 1988.
Professor Han was awarded The 2021 Norbert Wiener Award (the Highest
Award in systems science and engineering, and cybernetics) and The 2021 M.
Tianyu Wu received the B.S. degree in automation A. Sargent Medal (the Highest Award of the Electrical College Board of
from East China University of Science and Technol- Engineers Australia). He was the recipient of The 2022 IEEE SMC Society
ogy in 2020, where he is currently pursuing the Ph.D. Andrew P. Sage Best Transactions Paper Award, The 2021 IEEE/CAA Jour-
degree with control science and engineering. His nal of Automatica Sinica Norbert Wiener Review Award, The 2020 IEEE
fields of interests include molecular representation Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society Andrew P. Sage Best Transactions
learning, reinforcement learning, and natural lan- Paper Award, The 2020 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics Out-
guage processing. standing Paper Award, and The 2019 IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
Society Society Andrew P. Sage Best Transactions Paper Award.
Professor Han is a Member of the Academia Europaea (The Academy of
Europe). He is a Fellow of The International Federation of Automatic Con-
trol (IFAC), a Fellow of The Institution of Engineers Australia (IEAust) and a
Fellow of Chinese Association of Automation (CAA). He is a Highly Cited
Shizhu He received the Ph.D. degree in pattern Researcher in both Engineering and Computer Science (Clarivate). He has
recognition and intelligent system from Institute of served as an AdCom Member of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES), a
Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, in 2016. Member of IEEE IES Fellows Committee, and Chair of IEEE IES Technical
Currently, he is an Associate Researcher in Institute Committee on Networked Control.
of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences. His
research interests focus on question answering, deep
learning, and natural language processing. Yang Tang (Senior Member, IEEE) received the
B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from
Donghua University, in 2006 and 2010, respectively.
From 2008 to 2010, he was a Research Associate
with The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong
Kong, China. From 2011 to 2015, he was a Post-
Jingping Liu received the Ph.D. degree from the Doctoral Researcher with the Humboldt University
School of Computer Science, Fudan University, in of Berlin, Germany, and with the Potsdam Institute
2021. He now is a Lecturer at the School of Informa- for Climate Impact Research, Germany. He is now a
tion Science and Engineering, East China University Professor with the East China University of Science
of Science and Technology. His research interests and Technology. His current research interests include distributed
include pre-trained language model, knowledge estimation/control/optimization, cyber-physical systems, hybrid dynamical
graph, and data mining. systems, computer vision, reinforcement learning and their applications.
Prof. Tang was a recipient of the Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship and
has been the ISI Highly Cited Researchers Award by Clarivate Analytics from
2017. He is a Senior Board Member of Scientific Reports, an Associate Edi-
tor of IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, IEEE
Transactions on Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,
Siqi Sun received the Ph.D. degree in computer sci- IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular Papers, IEEE Trans-
ence at the Toyota Technological Institute in actions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, IEEE Transactions on
Chicago, USA. He now holds a position as a Young Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, IEEE Systems Journal, Engi-
Investigator at the Research Institute of Intelligent neering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IFAC Journal) and Science
Complex Systems at Fudan University. His primary China Information Sciences, etc. He is a (leading) Guest Editor for several
research interests include AI for science and natural special issues focusing on autonomous systems, robotics, and industrial intel-
language processing. ligence in IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and
Developmental Systems, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computa-
tional Intelligence.

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