Fantasy Proneness in One's Psychological Life and Health Observational Study With Impact Analysis

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Sejfović, H., Vrcić Amar, A., & Avdović, A. (2023).

Fantasy proneness in one’s psychological life and health: Observational

study with impact analysis, SCIENCE International journal, 2(4), 101-106.
doi: 10.35120/sciencej0204101s UDK: 159.954.2-056.32


Hana Sejfović1*, Anida Vrcić Amar1, Atif Avdović2

Department of philosophy and arts, State University of Novi Pazar, Serbia, e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Department of science and mathematics, State University of Novi Pazar, Serbia, e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract: Fantasy proneness has so far been treated as a trait associated with both pathological and adaptive
mechanisms. What also seems to be the case is that both claims are evident and experimentally verified. This is an indicator
of the much greater sensitivity with which these traits should be treated. This paper examines the relationship between fantasy
proneness with selected indicators of mental health and sociodemographic characteristics with special consideration of the
corresponding role of positive and negative affect. Obtained results contribute to detecting the sensitivity traits that seem to
categorize fantasy prone individuals into the groups of those under risk for the development of mental health problems and those
who are well adapted. This has been done by performing statistical analysis on impact detection methods to achieve significant
correlation and determination of fantasy proneness via sociodemographic variables and mental health indicator variables. The
results indicate that only marital status is a significant socio-demographic predictor, while all of the mental health indicators
have significant direct or indirect impact on fantasy proneness.
Keywords: fantasy proneness, mental health, positive affect, negative affect, life satisfaction, impact analysis.
Field: General psychology, Clinical psychology, Statistics in psychology.

Fantasizing has primarily been defined as a defense mechanism (Perrotta, 2020). The concept of
fantasy proneness, as a personality trait, was introduced to science much later, by Wilson and Barber
(1982) and refers to a set of distinct and related characteristics of a small group of people they labeled
as fantasy addicts or fantasy prone personalities. A large number of studies indicate that fantasy-prone
personalities can be assigned to individuals who spend most of their time in intense and vivid fantasies
(Sánchez-Bernardos et al., 2015; Barber, 2000; Merckelbach et al., 2000a; Lynn & Rhue, 1988). The
tendency of people to imagine events beyond those that actually happened is a pervasive feature of
human thought (Byrne, 2002). It occurs across cultures, even in the absence of linguistic signs (Au, 1983)
and preschoolers can already draw conclusions about what could have happened if previous events had
been different (Harris et al., 1996). Individuals who are highly susceptible to fantasizing tend to spend
a considerable amount of time daydreaming (Schupak & Rosenthal, 2009) and to experience “deep,
thorough and long-lasting participation in fantasy and imagination” (Lynn & Rhue, 1988, p. 35). Such
individuals can have fantasies and pseudo-memories so vivid that it is difficult for them to distinguish them
from reality (Horslenberg et al., 2004; Merckelbach et al., 2000a).
A number of researches indicate that fantasy prone individuals show a greater range and level
of psychopathology compared to people who are not prone to fantasizing (Tan et al., 2019; Lynn et al.,
2018; Waldo & Meritt, 2000; Irwin, 1991; Rhue & Lynn, 1989; Lynn & Rhue, 1988). Increased prevalence
of symptoms, in fantasy prone personalities, is most evident in the following disorders: depression (Lynn
et al., 2018; Golding & Singer, 1983; Beck, 1979); person with OCD spectrum disorder (van Heugten–
van der Kloet et al., 2014; Klinger et al., 2009; Rauschenberger & Lynn, 1995); dissociative disorders
(Merckelbarch et al., 2005; Pekala et al., 2001; Merckelbach et al., 2000b) and posttraumatic stress
disorder (PTSD) (Dalenberg et al., 2012; Thomson et al., 2009; Muris et al., 2003). Also, fantasizing has
been associated with schizotyping in both adults (Merckelbach & Giesbrecht, 2006) and adolescents
(Sánchez -Bernardos & Avia, 2004).
However, fantasy proneness is also considered to be a benign trait (Merckelbach et al., 2000b).
It is argued to be a cognitive resource that contributes to problem solving (Henderson et al., 1982) and
serves important adaptive functions in everyday life, such as planning, preparing desirable responses
in advance, and assessing consequences (Mueller & Dyer, 1985). According to Klinger (1990) and
Singer (1980), fantasy and daydreaming reflect current worries, regulate mood, organize experience,
Corresponding author: [email protected]

© 2023 by the authors. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the
Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
Sejfović, H., Vrcić Amar, A., & Avdović, A. (2023). Fantasy proneness in one’s psychological life and health: Observational
study with impact analysis, SCIENCE International journal, 2(4), 101-106.
doi: 10.35120/sciencej0204101s UDK: 159.954.2-056.32

provide relevant information about oneself, facilitate learning, and stimulate decision-making. Rhue and
Lynn (1989) concluded in their research that most people prone to fantasizing are well adapted and
that fantasizing and the imaginative activities associated with it are generally adaptive. Fantasy prone
individuals are generally successful in meeting the academic requirements of studying, they recognize
and conform to social norms, and possess a rich affective and cognitive life (Rhue & Lynn, 1989). So far, it
has been proven that fantasy, daydreaming and imagination in general are adaptive and healthy aspects
of psychological functioning, that they serve to regulate and organize mood and everyday experiences
and by providing us with relevant information, encourage learning and stimulate decision making (Lynn et
al., 2018; Singer & Switzer, 1980).

Vaillant (2012) states that psychiatry has only begun to develop empirical approaches to
conceptualizing and assessing positive mental health in the last 40 years. Diener et al. (2009) constructed
a hierarchical model of subjective well-being according to which, at the highest level of the hierarchy, is
the very notion of subjective well-being, which represents a general assessment of a person’s life.


The research was conducted by distributing written and online questionnaires via Google Forms
in the time period from 16th to 27th of November 2022. In both cases, respondents gave informed
consent to participate in the survey with a guarantee of data anonymity. The research was conducted
in accordance with all applicable guidelines, which aim to ensure proper implementation and safety of
persons participating in scientific research.
Table 1. Research sample according to demographic variables

The sample consists of respondents aged 18 to 64 years (N=354; M=24.94, SD=5.884). Table 1
shows the demographic characteristics of the collected sample. Out of the total number, 50 (14.1%) are
male and 304 (85.9%) are female. The largest percentage of respondents are students (42.1%).
Instruments used are The Creative Experience Questionnaire (Mercklelbach et al., 2001), Life
satisfaction questionnaire (Deiner et al., 1985), Positive and Negative Affect Schedule-Expanded Form
(Watson & Clark, 1999), Resilience Scale for Adults (Friborg et al., 2003). All of these instruments are
known and verified.
Statistical analysis methods employed in this paper for obtaining results are as follows. Frequency
analysis for detailed sample description (Table 1), normality tests, e.g. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and the
Shapiro-Wilk test for validation of parametric methods implementation, correlation analysis for detecting
significant variable interdependence, univariate ANOVA or Kruskal-Wallis test for detecting the significant
discrepancies in variable scores between three or more groups and post hoc tests or Man-Whitney test for
precise determination of those discrepancies, Levene’s test for detecting significant variance differences
between several groups scores, multivariate linear regression analysis for describing the relations between
the variables and partial correlation for detecting the correspondence in variable impact relations.
Data is processed using the statistical package IBM SPSS Statistics, version 23.
Sejfović, H., Vrcić Amar, A., & Avdović, A. (2023). Fantasy proneness in one’s psychological life and health: Observational
study with impact analysis, SCIENCE International journal, 2(4), 101-106.
doi: 10.35120/sciencej0204101s UDK: 159.954.2-056.32


Table 2 shows descriptive statistic values for fantasy proneness and mental health measures.
Table 2. Descriptive data on variables

*The variable is multimodal. The smallest mode is shown.

The results of the normality tests have yielded significant discrepancy of all variables distributions
from the normal distribution (KS test: D>=0.57, p<=0.015<0.05; SW test: W<=0.986, p<=0.005<0.05).
However, this does not mean that the parametric methods’ results will not be reliable. Firstly, the power
of the normality tests is larger for large sample sizes. Namely, it has been shown (Avdović & Jevremović,
2022) that even for small sample sizes such as N=50 usually used normality tests have high power
values and, as such, identify even small discrepancies from normal distribution as significant. In our
case, N=354. Additionally, parametric methods that we ought to apply are reliable for this large samples
even when the normal distribution is not confirmed (Nikitin 2011). This is due to the sample mean being
normally distributed for large samples (Avdović & Jevremović, 2022).
Table 3. Correlation analysis of socio-demographic and mental health indicator variables with
Fantasy proneness

Based on the correlation analysis results given in Table 3, the statistically significant correlation
of socio-demographic variables with Fantasy proneness has been confirmed only for Marital status (r=-
0.122, p=0.021<0.05). We use ANOVA to describe detected relationships precisely. For other socio-
demographic variables, the correlation analysis results are as follows; Sex: r=0.037, p=0.485>0.05; Age:
r=-0.070, p=0.195>0.05; Education: r=0.000, p=0.995>0.05; Employment: r=0.054, p=0.310>0.05.
When it comes to mental health indicator variables, significant correlation with fantasy proneness
has been confirmed for all of them. As seen in table 3, the lowest, yet significant, absolute correlation
coefficient for fantasy proneness has been detected for negative affect (r=0.108, p=0.047<0.05). Fantasy
proneness correlates even better with other variables. An obtained negative association with resilience is
consistent with the increased vulnerability to the development of psychopathology found in the fantasy-
prone population (Rauchenberger & Lynn, 1995).
Table 4. Kruskal-Wallis test results for difference of Fantasy proneness scores between the Marital
status groups.

The Kruskal-Wallis test results have shown there is a significant difference in fantasy proneness
scores between the Marital status groups (H=8.517, p=0.036<0.05). To locate between which pairs of
groups significant differences occur, we use the Man-Whitney test. Significant difference of 1.645 (with
95% CI from -0.16 to 3.47) occurs only between Single and Married respondents (U=2784, p=0.023<0.05).
These results are consistent with the expected and usual results due to these categories being the
imperiled ones when certain negative impact is analyzed (Rauschenberger & Lynn, 2003).
Sejfović, H., Vrcić Amar, A., & Avdović, A. (2023). Fantasy proneness in one’s psychological life and health: Observational
study with impact analysis, SCIENCE International journal, 2(4), 101-106.
doi: 10.35120/sciencej0204101s UDK: 159.954.2-056.32

Table 5. Multivariate linear regression results for predicting the Fantasy proneness scores

The optimal regression model for predicting Fantasy proneness via mental health indicators
contains only Negative affect and Positive affect as predictors. Namely, the prediction of the model is
statistically significant (F=8.769, p=0.000<0.05), and 10.3% (R2=0.103) of the Fantasy proneness scores
variability has been determined by changes in the linear model values. The increase of (only) Negative
affect score by 1, causes the significant (t=3.979, p=0.000<0.05) increase of the Fantasy proneness
score by 0.131, whilst the increase of (only) Positive affect score by 1, causes the significant (t=2.946,
p=0.003<0.05) increase of the Fantasy proneness score by 0.138.
Life satisfaction and Resiliency scores have not shown to have a significant independent impact
on Fantasy proneness scores (LS: t=-0.018, p=0.985>0.05; R: t=-1.357, p=0.176>0.05). To precisely
determine the correct causality model, we shall first perform the partial correlation analysis, where we shall
determine how well does life satisfaction and Resiliency correlate to Fantasy proneness when Negative
and Positive affect impact are controlled. In other words, we shall determine the correlation between these
variables when we eliminate the correlation manifested by negative and positive affect.
Table 6. Partial correlation analysis of metal health indicators and Fantasy proneness

Since the partial correlation of both life satisfaction and resiliency with fantasy proneness, when
Negative affect is controlled, is not significant (LS: r=0.031, p=0.587>0.05; R: r=-0.002, p=0.966>0.05),
we conclude that the correlation of these variables is manifested almost entirely through Negative affect
as a mediator variable. Rhue and Lynn (1989), as well as Wilson and Barber (1982) have indicated this
result claiming that conditions where aversive life experiences cannot be avoided and must be lived.
Fanaticizing has proven to be a very adaptive overcoming mechanism. The features of fantasies that
are disruptive to mental health are their disturbing content, repetitive character, and being accompanied
by negative emotions (Beck, 1979). Therefore, such fantasies can be understood as a reflection of a
person’s current mental state, as a channel through which negative influences, obtained from elsewhere
and in some other way, are expressed. That is why negative affect is a mediator in this relationship.
The partial correlation of the same variables, when positive affect is controlled, remains significant
(LS: r=-0.137, p=0.015<0.05; R: r=-0.205, p=0.000<0.05) but is improved. Thus, there is no correspondence
achieved through positive affect.
Similar studies have found that negative affectivity mediates the relationship between fantasy
and current Axis I disorders according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
(Rauschenberger & Lynn, 2003). Fantasizing in the context of a negative mood can significantly reduce
life satisfaction and an individual’s overall resilience to negative life experiences. And the use of imaginary
scenarios paired with positive emotions increases one’s willingness to adapt to future life situations. With
all of this in mind, we can argue that one of the most important determinants of whether an individual’s
tendency to fantasize is classified as well adjusted or as a sign of impaired mental health is precisely
whether the content and activity of fantasizing is associated with a positive or negative affect.
Sejfović, H., Vrcić Amar, A., & Avdović, A. (2023). Fantasy proneness in one’s psychological life and health: Observational
study with impact analysis, SCIENCE International journal, 2(4), 101-106.
doi: 10.35120/sciencej0204101s UDK: 159.954.2-056.32

This study examined the direct and indirect relationship of fantasy proneness with selected mental
health indicators. For two of the three examined indicators, a significantly negative relationship was
found, which justifies the previous labeling of fantasy proneness as a risk factor for the development
of psychopathology. However, by eliminating the influence of the negative affect with which fantasy
proneness positively correlates, this connection is lost, indicating that the impact of life satisfaction and
resiliency is mostly manifested indirectly by negative affect. When it comes to a positive affect, it improves
that impact. One can hereby conclude that fantasizing alone does not have the power to impair our mental
health, but that it is necessary to develop more adequate and effective strategies for regulating negative
emotions in the population of fantasy-prone personalities. This could be done via our future work and
research includes life satisfaction improvement (as much as possible) advice, therapies and technics for
increasing resiliency, and thus positive emotions for which the direct treatment is welcome as well. One
could also hypothesize and examine improving the effect through institutional involvement and actions.

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