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Catalog D 21.

1 • 2005

Vector Control Drive System


5+0#/+%5) D 11.1 SIZER speeds up and simplifies the configuration of

Converter Chassis Units 5+0#/+%5)5+0#/+%5)5+0#/+%5)
0.12 kW (0.16 HP) to
3 kW (4 HP) 5+0#/+%555+0#/+%55 and
Order No.: /+%41/#56'4 drives.
German: E86060-K5511-A111-A1
English: E86060-K5511-A111-A1-7600 The tool will support you during the technical configuration
of all components required to complete a drive task. SIZER
5+0#/+%5) D 11 will guide you through all stages of the configuration pro-
Converter Chassis Units cess, from the line supply through the drive components
5+0#/+%5) and beyond to the motors.
Converter Cabinet Units
Order No.: Motors are configured by means of standardized load cha-
German: E86060-K5511-A111-A2 racteristics, cyclic drives or free duty cycles. The drive com-
English: E86060-K5511-A111-A2-7600
ponents required (e.g. power modules, power supplies) are
5+0#/+%55 D 21.2 calculated. The configuration completes the drive system
Servo Control Drive System by adding the supplementary components (e.g. sensor
modules, terminal expansion modules, cables, reactors,
Order No.: filters).
German: E86060-K5521-A121-A1
English: E86060-K5521-A121-A1-7600

5+0#/+%55 D 21.3
Converter Cabinet Units
75 kW (100 HP) to
1200 kW (1609 HP)
Order No.:
German: E86060-K5521-A131-A1
English: E86060-K5521-A131-A1-7600

5+/16+10 PM 10
Motion Control System

Order No.:
German: E86060-K4910-A101-A4
English: E86060-K4910-A101-A4-7600

5+/#6+% ST 70
Components for
Totally Integrated Automation
and Micro Automation
Order No.:
German: E86060-K4910-A111-A9
Englisch: E86060-K4910-A111-A9-7600
Menu driven configuration makes it easier for beginners to
5+64#+0Training for Automation ITC use the tool. Status information keeps you continually infor-
and Industrial Solutions med of the progress of the configuration process. The
Order No.:
Paper: E86060-K6850-A101-B5 (Germ.) online help provides support during configuration. In addi-
Paper: E86060-K6850-A101-B5-7600 (Engl.) tion to the data calculated, characteristics are also dis-
CD-ROM: E86060-D6850-A100-C2-7400 (Germ.) played to assist optimization and highlight reserves.
CD-ROM: E86060-D6850-A100-C2-7600 (Engl.)
The export function can be used to forward the parts list to
%CVCNQI%# CA 01 the SAP-VSR ordering system where available.
The Offline Mall of Automation and Drives
Order No.:
CD-ROM: E86060-D4001-A100-C3 (Germ.) PG or PC with PentiumTM II 400 MHz (NT, 2000),
CD-ROM: E86060-D4001-A100-C3-7600 (Engl.)
DVD: E86060-D4001-A500-C3 (Germ.) PentiumTM III 500 MHz (XP) 256 MB RAM
DVD: E86060-D4001-A500-C3-7600 (Engl.) At least 600 MB of free hard disk space
An additional 100 MB of free hard disk space on Windows
#&/CNN system drive
Monitor resolution 1024x768 pixels
Internet: WindowsTM NT 4.0 SP5, 2000 SP2, XP SP1 Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 SP2
The SINAMICS MICROMASTER SIZER can be used free of
charge. A minimal fee is charged for processing CD-deli-
6TCFGOCTMU The user interface is available in English and German.
All product designations may be trademarks or product can be ordered from your Siemens representative under
names of Siemens AG or supplier companies whose use Order No. 5.###).
by third parties for their own purposes could violate the
rights of the owners. Seite 1 Dienstag, 16. August 2005 1:42 13

SINAMICS S120 Introduction Welcome to

Automation and Drives

Vector Control Totally Integrated


Drive System SINAMICS


Catalog D 21.1 · 2005

SINAMICS S120 Technical system data
Vector Control Line-side components
Line/Motor Modules
DC link components 2
Load-side components
© Siemens AG 2005 Control Units
Encoder connection system

AC motors Asynchronous
(induction) motors


Cables Connection system MOTION-CONNECT

Configuration Selection guides

Configuration example 5
The products and sys-
tems described in this
catalog are produced/
distributed in accordan-
Additional information

ce with the requirements

of a quality manage- Services and Applications
ment system which has documentation Training
been certified to Service & Support
(Certificate Registration
No. 001258 QM) and
Documentation 6
DIN EN ISO 14001
(Certificate Registration
No. 081342 UM).The
certificates are recogni-
zed in all IQNet coun- Appendix Glossary
tries. Siemens contacts worlwide
A&D Online Services
Index of order numbers 7
Subject index
Terms and conditions of sale
and delivery

Export regulations
Welcome to
Automation and Drives

We would like to welcome you to Automation and

Drives and our comprehensive range of products,

systems, solutions and services for production and

process automation and building technology


With Totally Integrated Automation and Totally

Integrated Power, we deliver solution platforms based

on standards that offer you a considerable savings


Discover the world of our technology now. If you need

more detailed information, please contact one of your

regional Siemens partners.

They will be glad to assist you.

1/2 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 1/3
Totally Integrated Automation –
innovations for more productivity

With the launch of Totally Integrated Automation, we were

the first ones on the market to consistently implement the
trend from equipment to an integrated automation solution,
and have continuously improved the system ever since.
Whether your industry is process- and production-oriented or
a hybrid, Totally Integrated Automation is a unique "common
solution" platform that covers all the sectors.
Totally Integrated Automation is an integrated platform for the
entire production line - from receiving to technical processing

Planning Ethernet

Production Material
MES Order Management
Execution Ethernet
Systems Production


Control Industrial System Software

Machine Vision


Ethernet Industrial Wireless
Safety Integrated Communication/


PC-based Automation

GAMMA instabus and ECOFAST IP65
Actuator-Sensor Distributed
Interface Level Automation System

1/4 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

and production areas to shipping. Thanks to the system-oriented
engineering environment, integrated, open communications
as well as intelligent diagnostics options, your plant now
benefits in every phase of the life cycle.
In fact, to this day we are the only company worldwide that
can offer a control system based on an integrated platform
for both the production and process industry.

Plant Product Specification

Information Management System
SIMATIC IT Framework
Production Modeler
Detailed Laboratory Information
Production Management System


Controller/ Numeric Motion Control SIMATIC HMI
Automation Control System Human Machine
System Interface


Circuit- Distributed Process Control
Breakers I/O System

tation and

SIMOCODE pro Technology
Motor Manage-
ment System Drive Systems/

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 1/5 Seite 6 Montag, 25. Juli 2005 12:40 12

SINAMICS drive family


Extrusion Forming/Shaping


Printing Machines


Conveyor Systems Rolling Mills
Machine Tools

Applications of the SINAMICS drive family

Applications Platform Concept and Totally Integrated Automation

SINAMICS is the new family of Siemens drives designed for All SINAMICS versions are based on a platform concept. Joint
machine and plant engineering applications. SINAMICS offers hardware and software components, as well as standardized
solutions for all drive tasks: tools for design, configuration and commissioning tasks, ensure
7 Simple pump and fan applications in the process industry. high-level integration across all components. SINAMICS hand-
les a wide variety of drive tasks with no system gaps. The diffe-
7 Complex individual drives in centrifuges, presses, extruders, rent SINAMICS versions can be easily combined with each
elevators, as well as conveyor and transport systems. other.
7 Drive line-ups in textile, plastic film and paper machines, as
well as in rolling mill plants. SINAMICS is a part of the Siemens "Totally Integrated Automa-
tion" concept. Integrated SINAMICS systems covering configu-
7 Highly dynamic servo drives for machine tools, as well as ration, data storage and communication at automation level,
packaging and printing machines. ensure low-maintenance solutions with SIMATIC, SIMOTION
Versions and SINUMERIK.

Depending on the application, the SINAMICS range offers the

ideal version for any drive task.
7 SINAMICS G is designed for standard applications with asyn-
chronous (induction) motors. These applications have less
stringent requirements regarding the dynamics and accuracy
of the motor speed.
7 SINAMICS S handles complex drive tasks with synchro-
nous/asynchronous (induction) motors and fulfills stringent
requirements regarding:
- dynamics and accuracy
- integration of extensive technological functions in the drive
control system

1/6 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 Seite 7 Montag, 25. Juli 2005 12:40 12

SINAMICS drive family

Automation Systems

Asynchronous Motors Synchronous Motors

SINAMICS as part of the Siemens modular automation system

Quality to DIN EN ISO 9001

SINAMICS conforms with the most exacting quality require-
ments. Comprehensive quality assurance measures in all deve-
lopment and production processes ensure a consistently high
level of quality.
Of course, our quality assurance system is certified by an inde-
pendent authority to DIN EN ISO 9001.
Suitable for use anywhere in the world
SINAMICS meets the requirements of relevant international stan-
dards and regulations – from the EN standards through IEC stan-
dards to UL and cULus regulations.

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 1/7 Seite 8 Montag, 25. Juli 2005 12:40 12

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control drive system

PC tools

SITOP Type Booksize SITOP Type Chassis

24 V DC
24 V DC

3 4 5 1 2 3 4 4 4
Option Module
Boards 6

power Option

Line reactor Incoming

Line filter
Power/signal line

1 Control Unit
2 Active Interface Module
3 Active Line Module
4 Single Motor Module Motors Motors with Motors with Motors Motors with Motors with
5 Double Motor Module without integrated standard without integrated standard
6 Sensor Module encoder DRIVE-CLiQ encoder encoder DRIVE-CLiQ encoder
interface interface
System overview of SINAMICS S120 Vector Control

1/8 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 Seite 9 Montag, 25. Juli 2005 12:40 12

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control drive system
Modular system for demanding drive tasks DRIVE-CLiQ – the digital interface between all components
SINAMICS S120 solves demanding drive tasks for a wide range All SINAMICS S120 components, including the motors and en-
of industrial applications and is, therefore, designed as a modu- coders, are interconnected via a joint serial interface called
lar system. Users can choose from many different harmonized DRIVE-CLiQ. The standardized cables and connectors reduce
components and functions to create a solution that best meets the variety of different parts and cut inventory costs.
their requirements. SIZER, a high-performance configuration
tool, makes it easier to choose and determine the optimum drive Converter boards (sensor modules) for converting standard en-
configuration. coder signals to DRIVE-CLiQ are available for third-party motors
or retrofit applications.
SINAMICS S120 is enhanced by a wide range of motors.
Whether synchronous or asynchronous (induction), all motor Electronic rating plate in all components
types are supported by SINAMICS S120. All SINAMICS S120 components with a DRIVE-CLiQ interface
Particularly suitable for multi-axis applications have an electronic rating plate that contains all the relevant data
about that particular component. In the motors, for example, this
Coordinated drives that carry out drive tasks together are used data includes the parameters of the electric equivalent circuit
in many mechanical and plant engineering applications, inclu- diagram and characteristic values for the built-in motor encoder.
ding running gears in gantry cranes, stretching systems in the The Control Unit records this data automatically via DRIVE-CLiQ
textile industry, or paper machines and rolling mills. Drives with so that it does not need to be entered during commissioning or
coupled DC links are required for this purpose, as they support when the equipment is replaced.
economic energy exchange between braking and driving axes.
SINAMICS S120 boasts line supplies (Line Modules) and inver- In addition to the technical data, the rating plate includes logis-
ters (Motor Modules) covering a wide power range, which, ha- tical data (manufacturer ID, order number, and globally unique
ving been designed for seamless integration, pave the way for ID). Since this data can be called up electronically on site or re-
compact multi-axis drive configurations. motely, all the components used in a machine can always be in-
dividually identified, which helps simplify servicing.
New system architecture with a central Control Unit
Electronically coordinated individual drives work together to per-
form their drive tasks. Higher-level controllers operate the drives
to achieve the required coordinated movement. This requires cy-
clic data exchange between the controller and all the drives.
This exchange usually took place via a field bus, which required
a great deal of time and effort for installation and configuration.
SINAMICS S120 takes a different approach. A central control
unit controls the drives for all connected axes and also establi-
shes the technological links between the drives and/or axes.
Since all the required data is stored in the central Control Unit, it
does not need to be transferred. Inter-axis connections can be
established within a Control Unit and easily configured in the
STARTER commissioning tool using a mouse.
Simple technological tasks can be carried out automatically by
the SINAMICS S120 Control Unit. For complex numerical or mo-
tion-control tasks, high-performance SIMOTION D modules are
used instead.

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 1/9 Seite 10 Montag, 25. Juli 2005 12:40 12


1/10 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

Vector Control

2/2 System Data 2/61 DC link components

2/2 General technical data 2/61 Braking Modules in booksize format
2/5 Derating characteristic curves 2/63 Braking Modules in chassis format
2/66 Braking resistors in booksize format
2/7 Line Modules
2/67 Braking resistors in chassis format
and line-side components
2/69 Capacitor Module
2/7 Overview
2/70 Control Supply Module
2/8 Basic Line Modules in chassis format 2/72 DC link supply adapter
2/12 Line reactors
2/13 Line filters 2/73 Load-side
2/15 Recommended line-side components power components
2/16 Smart Line Modules in booksize format 2/73 Sinusoidal filter
2/74 Motor reactors
2/20 Line reactors
2/21 Line filters 2/77 Control Units
2/22 Recommended line-side components 2/77 CU320 Control Unit
2/23 Active Line Modules in booksize format 2/80 CompactFlash card
2/26 Line reactors 2/81 Supplementary
2/27 Line filters system components
2/29 Recommended line-side components 2/81 CBC10 Communication Board
2/30 Active Line Modules in chassis format 2/82 TB30 Terminal Board
2/35 Active Interface Modules 2/84 TM31 Terminal Module
2/41 Recommended line-side components 2/86 TM15 Terminal Module
2/42 Motor Modules 2/88 Encoder system connection
2/42 Single Motor Modules in booksize format 2/89 SMC10 Sensor Module Cabinet-Mounted
2/48 Single Motor Modules in chassis format 2/90 SMC20 Sensor Module Cabinet-Mounted
2/58 Double Motor Modules in booksize format 2/91 SMC30 Sensor Module Cabinet-Mounted

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
System Data
General technical data

■ Technical data
Ambient conditions
Degree of protection IP00 or IP20 to EN 60529
Protection class Class I (with protective conduc-

2 tor system) and class III (PELV)

to EN 61800-5-1
Cooling method Internal ventilator, power sec-
tions with increased air cooling
by in-built fans
Permissible ambient and coolant 0 °C (+32 °F) to +40 °C
temperature (air) during operation (+104 °F) without derating,
for line-side components, Line > 40 °C (+104 °F) to +55 °C
Modules and Motor Modules (+131 °F) see derating
Permissible ambient and coolant 0 °C (+32 °F) to +55 °C
temperature (air) during operation (+131 °F)
for Control Units, additional system Up to 2000 m (6563 ft) above
components, DC link components sea level
and Sensor Modules
Climatic ambient conditions
• Storage 1) Class 1K3 to EN 60721-3-1
Temperature -40 °C (-40 °F) to
+70 °C (+158 °F)
• Transport 1) Class 2K4 to EN 60721-3-2
Temperature -40 °C (-40 °F) to
+70 °C (+158 °F)
Max. air humidity 95% at 40 °C
SINAMICS S120 booksize and chassis formats (+104 °F)
Unless explicitly specified otherwise, the following technical • Operation Class 3K3 to EN 60721-3-3
specifications are valid for all the following components of the Condensation, splashwater and
ice formation are not permitted
SINAMICS S120 drive system. (EN 60204, Part 1)
Environmental class/harmful
Electrical data chemical substances
Line connection voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC ±10% • Storage 1) Class 1C2 to EN 60721-3-1
(-15% < 1 min) or
• Transport 1) Class 2C2 to EN 60721-3-2
660 V to 690 V 3 AC ±10%
(-15% < 1 min) • Operation Class 3C2 to EN 60721-3-3
Power frequency 47 Hz to 63 Hz Organic/biological influences
Output voltage 0 V to line connection voltage, • Storage 1) Class 1B1 to EN 60721-3-1
depending on the infeed type
• Transport 1) Class 2B1 to EN 60721-3-2
Output frequency 0 Hz to 300 Hz
• Operation Class 3B1 to EN 60721-3-3
Electronics power supply 24 V DC, -15/+20%
Pollution degree 2 to EN 61800-5-1
Radio interference suppression
Installation altitude
• Booksize format units
• Booksize format units Up to 1000 m (3282 ft) above
- Standard No radio interference suppression sea level without derating,
> 1000 m (3282 ft) to 5000 m
- With line filter Class A1 to EN 55011 and
(16408 ft) above sea level
Category C2 to EN 61800-3
see derating characteristics
• Chassis format units
• Chassis format units Up to 2000 m (6563 ft) above
- Standard Category C3 to EN 61800-3 sea level without derating,
> 2000 m (6563 ft) to 4000 m
- With line filter Category C2 to EN 61800-3 (13126 ft) above sea level
Overvoltage category Class III to EN 60664-1 see derating characteristics
Mechanical data Certificates
Vibratory load Conformity CE (low-voltage and EMC
• Transport 1)
Approvals cULus (File Nos.: E192450,
- Booksize format units Class 2M3 to EN 60721-3-2 (for 380 V to 480 V SINAMICS E164110 and E70122)
- Chassis format units Class 2M2 to EN 60721-3-2 modules)

• Operation Class 3M4 to EN 60721-3-3 Certification Safety Integrity Level 2 (SIL 2)

(certification for chassis format to IEC 61508,
Shock stressing units available soon) Control category 3 to EN 954-1
for Safety Integrated – safe
• Transport 1) standstill (SH) and safe brake
- Booksize format units Class 2M3 to EN 60721-3-2 control (SBC)
- Chassis format units Class 2M2 to EN 60721-3-2
• Operation Class 3M4 to EN 60721-3-3 1) In transport packaging

2/2 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
System Data
General technical data

■ Technical data (continued)

Overload capability
Line Modules in booksize format Motor Modules in booksize format




0.2 s 0.25 s

t t
10 s 10 s

Load cycle with preloading Load cycle with preloading

Pmax max

PS6 S6


0.7 x rated
4 min 4 min
0.4 x Prated

t t
10 min 10 min

S6 duty cycle with preloading S6 duty cycle with preloading

Pmax max


rated G_D212_en_00068a
10 s 0.7 x 10 s
0.4 x Prated

t t
60 s 60 s

S6 duty cycle with preloading S6 duty cycle with preloading

Line Modules in chassis format

max_DC max

1.5 x H_DC


rated_DC 2.65 s
5s t
60 s 10 s
300 s

G_D211_EN_00036 t
Load cycle without preloading
High overload

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 2/3

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
System Data
General technical data

■ Technical data (continued)

Motor Modules in booksize format Motor Modules in chassis format
Converter current The base load current IL is based on a load cycle of 110% for
60 s or 150% for 10 s with a load cycle period of 300 s.

2 1.5 x H Converter current

Base load current H

rated Short-time current
60 s Rated current (permanent)
1.1 x L
300 s Base load current L for small overload

t 60 s
300 s
Load cycle with 60 s overload with a load cycle period of 300 s

Converter current G_D213_EN_00007

Low overload
1.76 x H

The base load current IH is based on a load cycle of 150% for

Base load current H 60 s or 160% for 10 s with a load cycle period of 300 s.

30 s Converter current
300 s Short-time current

1.5 x H
G_D211_EN_00002 t
Rated current (permanent)
Base load current H for high overload
Load cycle with 30 s overload with a load cycle period of 300 s

H 60 s
300 s


High overload

2/4 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
System Data
General technical data

■ Characteristic curves
Derating characteristics for Line Modules in booksize format Derating characteristics for Motor Modules in booksize format


% %

Permissible output current

Permissible output power

90 90

80 80

70 70

60 60
55 55
30 35 40 45 50 °C 55 30 35 40 45 50 °C 55
(86) (95) (104) (113) (122) (°F) (131) (86) (95) (104) (113 (122) (°F) (131)
Ambient temperature Ambient temperature

Output power as a function of ambient temperature Output current as a function of ambient temperature

100 100


95 %
Permissible output current

Permissible output power

85 85
80 80
75 75
70 70
65 65
60 60
55 55
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 m 5000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 m 5000
(3282) (6563) (9845) (13126) (ft) (16408) (3282) (6563) (9845) (13126) (ft) (16408)
Installation altitude above sea level Installation altitude above sea level

Output power as a function of installation altitude Output current as a function of installation altitude

Correction factors for increased ambient temperatures and

installation altitudes
If the Line and Motor Modules are operated at ambient tempera-
tures of > 40 °C (104 °F) and installation altitudes of > 1000 m
(3282 ft), both derating characteristics must be taken into
account for the permissible output power/output current.
A Motor Module is to operate at an ambient temperature of 55 °C
(131 °F) (60% permissible output current) and an installation al-
titude of 3000 m (9845 ft) (75% permissible output current). The
permissible output current in this case is 100 x (0.60 x 0.75) =

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 2/5

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
System Data
General technical data

■ Characteristic curves (continued)

Derating characteristics for Line/Motor Modules in chassis Example 1
A drive system comprising Line and Motor Modules is to be ope-
rated at an altitude of 2500 m (8204 ft) at a maximum ambient

temperature of 30 °C (86 °F).
Since the ambient temperature is below 40 °C (104 °F), a com-
1.2 pensation calculation (installation altitude/ambient temperature)
Correction factor k T

can be carried out.

1.0 If the units are operated at installation altitudes between 2000 m
(6563 ft) and 4000 m (13126 ft), the air density and thus also the
0.9 cooling capacity of the forced-cooled devices decreases. How-
ever, since the ambient temperatures at the installation site are
0.8 often lower, a compensation calculation can be applied. The re-
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 °C 55
(68) (77) (86) (95) (104) (113) (122) (°F) (131) duction in current can be balanced by correction factor kT. If the
Ambient temperature result of multiplying correction factor kT by correction factor kI is
greater than 1, the rated current can be used in the calculation.
Current correction factor as a function of ambient temperature If the result is < 1, the rated current must be multiplied by this va-
lue to yield the maximum permissible continuous current.

100 1.00
Installation altitude: 2500 m (8204 ft)
0,95 (correction factor kI = 0.965, kU = 0.94)
Correction factor k

Max. ambient temperature: 30 °C (86 °F)

Permissible continuous current in %

(correction factor kT = 1.133)


95 The following formula is used: I ≤ IUN × kI × kT
I = permissible continuous current
IUN = rated current
of rated current

90 0.90 I ≤ IUN × 0.965 × 1.133

I ≤ IUN × 1.094
Result: The current need not be reduced as the result produces
85 0.85 a factor of > 1.
0 1000 2000 3000 m 4000
(3282) (6563) (9845) (ft) (13126) However, a voltage reduction is required to comply with
Installation altitude above sea level IEC 60664-1.
The units in voltage range 380 V to 480 V can be operated up to
Current correction factor as a function of installation altitude a maximum voltage of 480 V x 0.94 = 451 V, and the units in vol-
tage range 660 V to 690 V up to 690 V × 0.94 = 648 V.

100 1.0 Example 2

When a drive line-up is configured, a Motor Module with the or-
Permissible input voltage in %

Correction factor k U

der number 6SL3320-1TE32-1AA0 is selected. The drive line-up

is to be operated at an altitude of 3000 m (9845 ft) where am-
90 0.9 bient temperatures could reach 35 °C (95 °F) as a result of the
installation conditions.
of rated voltage

Installation altitude: 3000 m (9845 ft)

(correction factor kI = 0.925, kU = 0.88)
80 0.8 Max. ambient temperature: 35 °C (95 °F)
(correction factor kT = 1.066)
Motor Module: Output voltage 380 V to 480 V, 110 kW, 210 A

70 0.7 The following formula is used: I ≤ IUN × kI × kT

0 1000 2000 3000 m 4000 I = permissible continuous current
(3282) (6563) (9845) (ft) (13126)
Installation altitude above sea level IUN = rated current
Voltage correction factor as a function of installation altitude I ≤ IUN × 0.925 × 1.066
Correction factors for increased ambient temperatures and I ≤ IUN × 0.987
installation altitudes
Result: The current needs to be reduced as the result produces
If the Line and Motor Modules are operated at ambient tempera- a factor of < 1. The maximum continuous current of the Motor
tures of > 40 °C (104 °F) and installation altitudes of > 2000 m Module is 210 A × 0.987 = 207 A.
(6563 ft), both derating characteristics must be taken into ac-
count for the permissible output power/output current. A voltage A voltage reduction is required to comply with IEC 60664-1.
reduction kU must also be taken into account at installation alti- The selected unit can be operated up to a voltage of 480 V x 0.88
tudes of > 2000 m (6563 ft) in accordance with IEC 60664-1. = 422 V, i.e. a 400 V asychronous motor can be operated without
Due to their narrow voltage range, units with a voltage range be- restriction in this example. Due to the installation altitude, how-
tween 660 V and 690 V cannot be used at altitudes of 3500 m ever, derating must be taken into account for the asynchronous
(11485 ft) above sea level or higher. motor.

2/6 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Line Modules and line-side components
Line Modules and line-side power components

■ Overview
Line Modules generate a DC voltage from the line voltage and Active Line Modules
supply Motor Modules with energy via the voltage-source DC
link. Line Modules are designed for connection to grounded (TN, Active Line Modules can supply energy and return regenerative
TT) and non-grounded (IT) supply systems. A line filter for limi- energy to the supply system. A Braking Module and braking re-

ting interference emission can be installed only if the module is sistor are required only if the drives need to be decelerated in a
connected to a TN system. controlled manner after a power failure (i.e. when energy cannot
be recovered to the supply). In contrast to Basic Line Modules
Basic Line Modules and Smart Line Modules, however, Active Line Modules gene-
rate a regulated DC voltage which remains constant despite
Basic Line Modules are designed only for infeed operation, i.e. fluctuations in the line voltage. In this case, the line voltage must
they are not capable of recovering regenerative energy to the remain within the permissible tolerance range. Active Line
supply system. If regenerative energy is produced, e.g. when Modules draw a virtually sinusoidal current from the supply and
drives brake, it must be converted to heat by means of a Braking do not cause any harmful harmonics.
Module and a braking resistor. When a Basic Line Module is
used as the infeed, the matching line reactor must be installed. Active Line Modules in booksize format
A line filter can be installed optionally to restrict conducted inter- When an Active Line Module is used as the infeed, the matching
ference to Class C2 limits (EN 61800-3). line reactor must be installed. To minimize interference emission,
the Active Line Module should always be operated with a com-
bination of line filter and line reactor.

Switch disconnector
and fuses or Line Basic Line
circuit-breaker Line filter reactor Module
Switch disconnector Line filter package
and fuses Active Line
... Module
Line filter reactor
Main = Motor
Module G_D211_EN_00034
Main = Motor


Smart Line Modules

Smart Line Modules can supply energy and return regenerative
energy to the supply system. A Braking Module and braking re- Active Line Modules in chassis format
sistor are required only if the drives need to be decelerated in a All the infeed components to operate an Active Line Module are
controlled manner after a power failure (i.e. when energy cannot integrated in the Active Interface Module. For frame sizes HX
be recovered to the supply). When a Smart Line Module is used and JX a buffer protection external to the AIM is required.
as the infeed, the matching line reactor must be installed. A line
filter can be installed optionally to restrict conducted interfe-
rence to Class C2 limits (EN 61800-3).
Switch disconnector
and fuses or Active Interface Active Line
circuit-breaker Module Module

Switch disconnector Line Smart Line

and fuses Line filter reactor Module ...

... Buffer = Motor
Main = Motor


Please refer to the Engineering Information for more information

about designing a drive system with SINAMICS S120.

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 2/7

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Line Modules and line-side components
Basic Line Modules in chassis format

■ Overview ■ Design
The Basic Line Modules in chassis format feature the following
interfaces as standard:
• 1 x power connection

• 1 x connection for the 24 V DC electronics power supply
• 1 x DC link connection
• 3 x DRIVE-CLiQ sockets
The status of the Basic Line Module is indicated via two multi-
color LEDs.
The scope of supply of the Basic Line Modules includes:
• 0.6 m (1.97 ft) DRIVE-CLiQ cable for connection to the CU320
Control Unit
• 1.45 m (4.76 ft) DRIVE-CLiQ cable for connection between the
CU320 Control Unit and first Motor Module

■ Selection and ordering data

Infeed power Chassis format
Basic Line Module
Order No.
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC
200 kW (300 HP) 6SL3330-1TE34-2AA0
250 kW (400 HP) 6SL3330-1TE35-3AA0
A Basic Line Module converts an AC source into an unregulated 400 kW (600 HP) 6SL3330-1TE38-2AA0
DC supply. Basic Line Modules are used for applications in 560 kW (800 HP) 6SL3330-1TE41-2AA0
which no energy is returned to the supply or where the energy
exchange between motor and generator axes takes place in the 710 kW (1000 HP) 6SL3330-1TE41-5AA0
DC link. The connected Motor Modules are precharged via the Line voltage 660 V to 690 V 3 AC
thyristor gate control which supplies a DC voltage equal to 1.35 250 kW 6SL3330-1TH33-0AA0
x the line voltage.
355 kW 6SL3330-1TH34-3AA0
560 kW 6SL3330-1TH36-8AA0
900 kW 6SL3330-1TH41-1AA0
1100 kW 6SL3330-1TH41-4AA0

Warning signs in foreign languages

Warning signs in other languages can be placed on top of the
standard warning signs in German or English.
The following signs are supplied with chassis format units:
Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, Greek, Italian,
Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish,
Swedish and Turkish.

2/8 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Line Modules and line-side components
Basic Line Modules in chassis format

■ Integration
The Basic Line Module communicates with the CU320 Control
Unit via DRIVE-CLiQ.

X400 X401 X402 2



DRIVE-CLiQ socket

DRIVE-CLiQ socket

DRIVE-CLiQ socket

Main switch/ DC link current

circuit-breaker DCP

X9 Basic Line Module DCN

+ 1 P24 V
2 M
24 V
Activation of
6 main contactor

Main contactor

Line filter

Line reactor H200

H201 G_D211_EN_00010a


Input current

Wiring diagram for Basic Line Module

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 2/9 Seite 10 Dienstag, 16. August 2005 1:50 13

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control

Line Modules and line-side components
Basic Line Modules in chassis format

■ Technical data
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC Basic Line Modules in chassis format
6SL3330-1TE34- 6SL3330-1TE35- 6SL3330-1TE38- 6SL3330-1TE41- 6SL3330-1TE41-
2AA0 3AA0 2AA0 2AA0 5AA0

Infeed power Pn
with 400 V 3 AC kW 200 250 400 560 710
with 460 V 3 AC 2) (HP) (300) (400) (600) (800) (1000)
Infeed power kW On request
for S6 duty (40%) PS6
Max. infeed power Pmax kW 300 375 600 840 1065
DC link voltage 1) V 1.35 x line voltage
Rated DC link A 420 530 820 1200 1500
current In_DC
DC link current IH_DC A 328 413 640 936 1170
Max. DC link A 630 795 1230 1800 2250
current Imax_DC
Input current A 365 460 710 1010 1265
at Uline = 400 V
Max. input current A 547 690 1065 1515 1897
at Uline = 400 V
Max. current requirement A 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
24 V DC electronics power
DC link capacitance µF 7200 9600 14600 23200 29000
Max. DC link capacitance of µF 57600 76800 116800 185600 232000
drive group
Efficiency η 0.991 0.992 0.992 0.992 0.992
Power loss kW 1.9 2.1 3.2 4.6 5.5
Cooling air requirement m3/s 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.36 0.36
(ft3/s) (6) (6) (6) (12.71) (12.71)
Sound pressure level 50/60 Hz dB (A) < 67/68 < 67/68 < 67/68 < 72/73 < 72/73
Power connection Flange connection with M10 screw, Flange connection with M12 screw,
U1, V1, W1 max. cross section 2 × 185 mm2 max. cross section 6 × 240 mm2
DC link connection Flange connection with M10 screw, Flange connection with M12 screw,
DCP, DCN max. cross section 2 × 185 mm2 max. cross-section 2 × 240 mm2
PE connection On housing with M10 screw, On housing with M10 screw,
max. cross section 2 × 185 mm2 max. cross section 2 × 240 mm2
Degree of protection IP00 IP00 IP00 IP00 IP00
Width mm 305 305 305 305 305
(inch) (12) (12) (12) (12) (12)
Height mm 1160 1160 1160 1650 1650
(inch) (45.67) (45.67) (45.67) (64.96) (64.96)
Depth mm 351 351 351 550 550
(inch) (13.82) (13.82) (13.82) (21.65) (21.65)
Weight, approx. kg 86 86 86 214 214
(lb) (190) (190) (190) (472) (472)
1) The DC link voltage is unregulated and load-dependent. See
Engineering Information for further information.
2) Nominal HP ratings are provided for ease of assigning components
only. The Line Module outputs are dependent on the Motor Module
loading and are to be dimensioned accordingly.

2/10 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 Seite 11 Dienstag, 16. August 2005 1:50 13

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control

Line Modules and line-side components
Basic Line Modules in chassis format

■ Technical data (continued)

Line voltage 660 V to 690 V 3 AC Basic Line Modules in chassis format
6SL3330-1TH33- 6SL3330-1TH34- 6SL3330-1TH36- 6SL3330-1TH41- 6SL3330-1TH41-
0AA0 3AA0 8AA0 1AA0 4AA0

Infeed power Pn kW 250 355 560 900 1100
(with 690 V 3 AC)
Infeed power kW On request
for S6 duty (40%) PS6
Max. infeed power Pmax kW 375 532.5 840 1350 1650
DC link voltage 1) V 1.35 x line voltage
Rated DC link A 300 430 680 1100 1400
current In_DC
DC link current IH_DC A 234 335 530 858 1092
Max. DC link A 450 645 1020 1650 2100
current Imax_DC
Input current A 260 375 575 925 1180
at Uline = 690 V
Max. input current A 390 562.5 862.5 1387.5 1770
at Uline = 690 V
Max. current requirement A 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
24 V DC electronics power
DC link capacitance µF 3200 4800 7300 11600 15470
Max. DC link capacitance of µF 25600 38400 58400 92800 123760
drive group
Efficiency η 0.994 0.994 0.995 0.994 0.995
Power loss kW 1.5 2.1 3.0 5.4 5.8
Cooling air requirement m3/s 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.36 0.36
(ft3/s) (6) (6) (6) (12.71) (12.71)
Sound pressure level 50/60 Hz dB (A) < 67/68 < 67/68 < 67/68 < 72/73 < 72/73
Power connection Flange connection with M10 screw, Flange connection for busbar connection
U1, V1, W1 max. cross section 2 × 185 mm2 with M12 screw or with adapter max.
with adapter max. cross section 3 x 240 mm2 cross section 6 × 240 mm2
DC link connection Flange connection with M10 screw, Flange connection for busbar connection
DCP, DCN max. cross section 2 × 185 mm2 with M12 screw or with adapter max.
with adapter max. cross section 3 x 240 mm2 cross section 6 × 240 mm2
PE connection On housing with M10 screw, On housing with M12 screw,
max. cross section 2 × 185 mm2 max. cross section 4 × 240 mm2
Degree of protection IP00 IP00 IP00 IP00 IP00
Width mm 305 305 305 305 305
(inch) (12) (12) (12) (12) (12)
Height mm 1160 1160 1160 1650 1650
(inch) (45.67) (45.67) (45.67) (64.96) (64.96)
Depth mm 351 351 351 550 550
(inch) (13.82) (13.82) (13.82) (21.65) (21.65)
Weight, approx. kg 86 86 86 214 214
(lb) (190) (190) (190) (472) (472)
1) The DC link voltage is unregulated and load-dependent. See
Engineering Information for further information.

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 2/11

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Line Modules and line-side components
Basic Line Modules in chassis format
Line reactors

■ Overview Line reactors reduce harmonic currents on the supply system

and limit commutating dips in the Basic Line Module. For this
reason, line reactors should always be used.

■ Selection and ordering data

Infeed power of the Suitable for Line reactor
Basic Line Module Basic Line Module Order No.
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC
200 kW (300 HP) 6SL3330-1TE34-2AA0 6SL3000-0CE35-1AA0
250 kW (400 HP) 6SL3330-1TE35-3AA0 6SL3000-0CE35-1AA0
400 kW (600 HP) 6SL3330-1TE38-2AA0 6SL3000-0CE37-7AA0
560 kW (800 HP) 6SL3330-1TE41-2AA0 6SL3000-0CE41-0AA0
710 kW (1000 HP) 6SL3330-1TE41-5AA0 6SL3000-0CE41-5AA0
Line voltage 660 V to 690 V 3 AC
250 kW 6SL3330-1TH33-0AA0 6SL3000-0CH32-7AA0
355 kW 6SL3330-1TH34-3AA0 6SL3000-0CH34-8AA0
560 kW 6SL3330-1TH36-8AA0 6SL3000-0CH36-0AA0
900 kW 6SL3330-1TH41-1AA0 6SL3000-0CH41-2AA0
1100 kW 6SL3330-1TH41-4AA0 6SL3000-0CH41-2AA0

■ Technical data
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC Line reactor
6SL3000-0CE35-1AA0 6SL3000-0CE37- 6SL3000-0CE41- 6SL3000-0CE41-
7AA0 0AA0 5AA0
Suitable for Type 6SL3330-1TE34- 6SL3330-1TE35- 6SL3330-1TE38- 6SL3330-1TE41- 6SL3330-1TE41-
Basic Line Module 2AA0 3AA0 2AA0 2AA0 5AA0
Infeed power of the kW 200 250 400 560 710
Basic Line Module (HP) (300) (400) (600) (800) (1000)
Max. thermal current Ith max A 508 508 773 1022 1485
Power loss 50 Hz/60 Hz kW 0.292/0.328 0.323/0.365 0.310/0.351 0.441/0.498 0.687/0.776
Line/load connection Connection lugs Connection lugs Connection lugs Connection lugs Connection lugs
M12 M12 M12 M12 M12
Degree of protection IP00 IP00 IP00 IP00 IP00
Width mm (inch) 300 (11.81) 300 (11.81) 300 (11.81) 350 (13.78) 460 (18.11)
Height mm (inch) 269 (10.59) 269 (10.59) 269 (10.59) 321 (12.64) 435 (17.13)
Depth mm (inch) 212.5 (8.37) 212.5 (8.37) 212.5 (8.37) 211.5 (8.33) 235 (9.25)
Weight, approx. kg (lb) 38.0 (84) 38.0 (84) 51.3 (113) 69.6 (154) 118 (260)

Line voltage 660 V to 690 V 3 AC Line reactor

6SL3000-0CH32- 6SL3000-0CH34- 6SL3000-0CH36- 6SL3000-0CH41-2AA0
7AA0 8AA0 0AA0
Suitable for Type 6SL3330-1TH33- 6SL3330-1TH34- 6SL3330-1TH36- 6SL3330-1TH41- 6SL3330-1TH41-
Basic Line Module 0AA0 3AA0 8AA0 1AA0 4AA0
Infeed power of the kW 250 355 560 900 1100
Basic Line Module
Max. thermal current Ith max A 270 482 597 1167 1167
Power loss 50 Hz/60 Hz kW 0.245/0.277 0.424/0.478 0.430/0.485 0.620/0.697 0.693/0.783
Line/load connection Connection lugs Connection lugs Connection lugs Connection lugs Connection lugs
M10 M12 M12 M12 M12
Degree of protection IP00 IP00 IP00 IP00 IP00
Width mm (inch) 270 (10.63) 350 (13.78) 350 (13.78) 460 (18.11) 460 (18.11)
Height mm (inch) 248 (9.76) 321 (12.64) 321 (12.64) 435 (17.13) 435 (17.13)
Depth mm (inch) 200 (7.87) 232.5 (9.15) 232.5 (9.15) 235 (9.25) 235 (9.25)
Weight, approx. kg (lb) 27.9 (62) 55.6 (123) 63.8 (141) 147 (324) 147 (324)

2/12 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Line Modules and line-side components
Basic Line Modules in chassis format
Line filters

■ Overview ■ Selection and ordering data

Infeed power of the Suitable for Line filter
Basic Line Module Basic Line Module Order No.
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC

200 kW (300 HP) 6SL3330-1TE34-2AA0 6SL3000-0BE34-4AA0
250 kW (400 HP) 6SL3330-1TE35-3AA0 6SL3000-0BE36-0AA0
400 kW (600 HP) 6SL3330-1TE38-2AA0 6SL3000-0BE41-2AA0
560 kW (800 HP) 6SL3330-1TE41-2AA0 6SL3000-0BE41-2AA0
710 kW (1000 HP) 6SL3330-1TE41-5AA0 6SL3000-0BE41-6AA0
Line voltage 660 V to 690 V 3 AC
250 kW 6SL3330-1TH33-0AA0 6SL3000-0BG34-4AA0
355 kW 6SL3330-1TH34-3AA0 6SL3000-0BG34-4AA0
560 kW 6SL3330-1TH36-8AA0 6SL3000-0BG36-0AA0
900 kW 6SL3330-1TH41-1AA0 6SL3000-0BG41-2AA0
1100 kW 6SL3330-1TH41-4AA0 6SL3000-0BG41-2AA0

In plants with strict EMC reguirements, line filters work together

with line reactors to restrict the conducted interference emana-
ting from the power modules to the limit values of Category C2
as defined in EN 61800-3. Line filters are suited only for direct
connection to TN (grounded) systems.

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 2/13

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Line Modules and line-side components
Basic Line Modules in chassis format
Line filters

■ Technical data
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC Line filters
6SL3000-0BE34- 6SL3000-0BE36- 6SL3000-0BE41-2AA0 6SL3000-0BE41-
4AA0 0AA0 6AA0

Suitable for Type 6SL3330-1TE34- 6SL3330-1TE35- 6SL3330-1TE38- 6SL3330-1TE41- 6SL3330-1TE41-
Basic Line Module 2AA0 3AA0 2AA0 2AA0 5AA0
Infeed power Pn of the kW 200 250 400 560 710
Basic Line Module (HP) (300) (400) (600) (800) (1000)
Rated current A 440 600 1200 1200 1600
Power loss kW 0.049 0.055 0.137 0.137 0.182
Line/power connection Connection lugs Connection lugs Connection lugs Connection lugs Connection lugs
L1, L2, L3 / L1’, L2’, L3’ M10 M10 M12 M12 M12
PE connection On housing with On housing with On housing with On housing with On housing with
M8 bolt M10 bolt M10 bolt M10 bolt M10 bolt
Degree of protection IP00 IP00 IP00 IP00 IP00
Width mm 360 400 425 425 505
(inch) (14.17) (15.75) (16.73) (16.73) (19.88)
Height mm 240 265 265 265 265
(inch) (9.45) (10.43) (10.43) (10.43) (10.43)
Depth mm 116 140 145 145 145
(inch) (4.57) (5.51) (5.71) (5.71) (5.71)
Weight, approx. kg 12.3 19.0 25.2 25.2 28.8
(lb) (27) (42) (56) (56) (64)

Line voltage 660 V to 690 V 3 AC Line filters

6SL3000-0BG34-4AA0 6SL3000-0BG36- 6SL3000-0BG41-2AA0
Suitable for Type 6SL3330-1TH33- 6SL3330-1TH34- 6SL3330-1TH36- 6SL3330-1TH41- 6SL3330-1TH41-
Basic Line Module 0AA0 3AA0 8AA0 1AA0 4AA0
Infeed power Pn of the kW 250 355 560 900 1100
Basic Line Module
Rated current A 440 440 600 1200 1200
Power loss kW 0.049 0.049 0.055 0.137 0.137
Line/power connection Connection lugs Connection lugs Connection lugs Connection lugs Connection lugs
L1, L2, L3 / L1’, L2’, L3’ M10 M10 M10 M12 M12
PE connection On housing with On housing with On housing with On housing with On housing with
M8 bolt M8 bolt M10 bolt M10 bolt M10 bolt
Degree of protection IP00 IP00 IP00 IP00 IP00
Width mm 360 360 360 425 425
(inch) (14.17) (14.17) (14.17) (16.73) (16.73)
Height mm 240 240 240 265 265
(inch) (9.45) (9.45) (9.45) (10.43) (10.43)
Depth mm 116 116 116 145 145
(inch) (4.57) (4.57) (4.57) (5.71) (5.71)
Weight, approx. kg 12.3 12.3 19.0 25.2 25.2
(lb) (27) (27) (42) (56) (56)

2/14 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Line Modules and line-side components
Basic Line Modules in chassis format
Recommended line-side components

■ Overview
Suitable line-side power components are assigned depending Further information about the main contactors, switch discon-
on the power rating of the Basic Line Module. nectors, fuses and circuit-breakers specified in the tables can
be found in Catalogs LV 10 and LV 30. 1)
The tables below list recommended components.

Assignment of line-side power components to Basic Line Modules

Infeed Input Assignment to Main contactor Fixed-mounted Switch disconnector Switch disconnector
power current Basic Line circuit-breaker without handle and with handle and shaft
Module shaft
kW (HP) A Type Order No. Order No. Order No. Order No.
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC
200 (300) 365 1TE34-2AA0 3RT1476-6AP36 – 3KL6130-1AB02 3KL6130-1EB02
250 (400) 460 1TE35-3AA0 3RT1476-6AP36 – 3KL6130-1AB02 3KL6130-1EB02
400 (600) 710 1TE38-2AA0 3RT1466-6AP36 – 3KL6230-1AB02 3KL6230-1EB02
(3 pcs.)
560 (800) 1010 1TE41-2AA0 – 3WL1112-2BB34-4AN2-Z – –
710 (1000) 1265 1TE41-5AA0 – 3WL1116-2BB34-4AN2-Z – –
Line voltage 660 V to 690 V 3 AC
250 260 1TH33-0AA0 3RT1466-6AP36 – 3KL5730-1AB01 3KL5730-1EB01
355 375 1TH34-3AA0 3RT1476-6AP36 – 3KL6130-1AB02 3KL6130-1EB02
560 575 1TH36-8AA0 3RT1476-6AP36 – 3KL6130-1AB02 3KL6130-1EB02
900 925 1TH41-1AA0 – 3WL1210-4BB34-4AN2-Z – –
1100 1180 1TH41-4AA0 – 3WL1212-4BB34-4AN2-Z – –

Infeed Input Assignment to Cable protection fuse Cable protection fuse incl. semiconductor
power current Basic Line protection
kW (HP) A Type Order No. Rated current Order No. Rated current
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC
200 (300) 365 1TE34-2AA0 3NA3365 500 A 3NE1334-2 500 A
250 (400) 460 1TE35-3AA0 3NA3372 630 A 3NE1436-2 630 A
400 (600) 710 1TE38-2AA0 3NA3475 800 A 3NE1448-2 850 A
560 (800) 1010 1TE41-2AA0 3NA3482 1250 A 2 × 3NE1436-2 2 × 630 A
710 (1000) 1265 1TE41-5AA0 2 × 3NA3475 2 × 800 A 2 × 3NE1448-2 2 × 850 A
Line voltage 660 V to 690 V 3 AC
250 260 1TH33-0AA0 3NA3252-6 315 A 3NE1331-2 350 A
355 375 1TH34-3AA0 3NA3365-6 500 A 3NE1334-2 500 A
560 575 1TH36-8AA0 2 × 3NA3252-6 2 × 315 A 3NE1438-2 800 A
900 925 1TH41-1AA0 2 × 3NA3365-6 2 × 500 A 2 × 3NE1436-2 2 × 630 A
1100 1180 1TH41-4AA0 3 × 3NA3365-6 3 × 500 A 2 × 3NE1448-2 2 × 850 A
1) Component selections are per IEC standards and not necessarily in
accordance with UL or NEC requirements. For NEMA components
please see North American Industrial Products Catalog and Speedfax

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 2/15

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Line Modules and line-side components
Smart Line Modules in booksize format

■ Overview ■ Selection and ordering data

Rated infeed power Booksize format
Smart Line Module
Order No.
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC

2 5 kW (5 HP)
10 kW (10 HP)
16 kW (18 HP) 6SL3130-6TE21-6AB0
36 kW (40 HP) 6SL3130-6TE23-6AB0

■ Accessories
Description Order No.
Shield attachment plate 6SL3162-1AF00-0AA0
for Line/Motor Modules in booksize format
with a width of 150 mm (5.91 in)
DC link supply adapter 6SL3162-2BD00-0AA0
for direct infeed of DC link voltage
Screw-type terminals 0.5 mm2 to 10 mm2
for Line Modules and Motor Modules in
booksize format with a width of 50 mm
(1.97 in) or 100 mm (3.94 in)
DC link supply adapter 6SL3162-2BM00-0AA0
for direct infeed of DC link voltage
Smart Line Modules are non-regulated feed/feedback units (di- Screw-type terminals 35 mm2 to 95 mm2
ode bridge for incoming supply; line-commutated feedback via
IGBTs) with 100% regenerative feedback power. The regenera- for Line Modules and Motor Modules in
booksize format with a width of 150 mm
tive feedback capability of the modules can be deactivated by (5.91 in), 200 mm (7.87 in) and 300 mm
means of a digital input. (11.81 in)
DC link adapters (2 pieces) 6SL3162-2BM01-0AA0
■ Design for multi-tier configuration
The Smart Line Modules in booksize format feature the following Screw-type terminals 35 mm2 to 95 mm2
interfaces as standard: for all Line Modules and Motor Modules in
• 1 x power connection via screw-type terminals booksize format
• 1 x connection for the 24 V DC electronics power supply via 24 V terminal adapter 6SL3162-2AA00-0AA0
the 24 V terminal adapter included in the scope of supply for all Line Modules and Motor Modules in
• 1 x DC link connection via integrated DC link busbars booksize format
• 2 x PE (protective earth) connections 24 V jumper 6SL3162-2AA01-0AA0
• 2 x digital inputs (5 kW (5 HP) and 10 kW (10 HP) Smart Line for connection of the 24 V busbars
(for booksize format)
Modules only)
• 1 x digital output (5 kW (5 HP) and 10 kW (10 HP) Smart Line Warning signs in foreign languages 6SL3166-3AB00-0AA0
Modules only) This set of foreign language warning signs
can be placed on top of the standard
• 3 x DRIVE-CLiQ sockets (16 kW (18 HP) and 36 kW (40 HP) German or English signs.
Smart Line Modules only) One sign in each of the following languages
is provided in each set:
The status of the Smart Line Modules is indicated via two multi- Chinese, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French,
color LEDs. Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean,
The signal cable shield can be connected to the Line Module by Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish.
means of a shield connection terminal, e.g. type KLBÜ 3-8 SC
by Weidmüller.
The scope of supply of the Smart Line Modules includes:
• DRIVE-CLiQ cable for connection to the CU320 Control Unit
(with 16 kW (18 HP) and 36 kW (40 HP) Smart Line Modules
• DRIVE-CLiQ cable (length depends on module width) to con-
nect Smart Line Modules to adjacent Motor Module
• Jumper for connecting the 24 V DC busbar to the adjacent
Motor Module
• 24 V terminal adapter

2/16 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Line Modules and line-side components
Smart Line Modules in booksize format

■ Integration

L2 ext.

L3 24 V
+ M

+ M

Main switch

M 24 V DC busbars


DO Smart Line Module DCN
DC link current

24V CU 2)
+24 V
3) 4)
1 DO, Ready +24 V
DI 2 DO, Warning M
2) CU contactor 3 EP +24 V
4 EP M M


2) 5)
Line filter DC LINK
CU 1 + 24 V
2 DI, Disable
3 DI, Reset M
4 M1
6) M

Line reactor


Input current

1) Leading NC contact t >10 ms, 24 V DC and ground must be connected for operation.
2) Digital input (DI) or digital output (DO) controlled by the Control Unit.
3) No additional load permitted downstream of the main contactor.
4) The current capacity of the digital output (DO) must be taken into account;
an output interface element may have to be used.
5) Digital output (DO) = High means: feedback deactivated
(a jumper can be inserted between X22 pins 1 and 2 for permanent deactivation).
6) X22 pin 4 must be connected to ground (ext. 24 V).

Wiring diagram for 5 kW (5 HP) and 10 kW (10 HP) Smart Line Modules

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 2/17

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Line Modules and line-side components
Smart Line Modules in booksize format

■ Integration (continued)


L2 ext.
L3 24 V
+ M

Main switch
+ M

M 24 V DC busbars
Fuses 2
3 EP +24 V DCP DC link current

1) DO
DC 24 V
Smart Line Module
Main contactor DRIVE-CLiQ socket 0 X200

DI 1)
DRIVE-CLiQ socket 1 X201
Line filter
DRIVE-CLiQ socket 2 X202



Line reactor

Input current

1) Digital input (DI) or digital output (DO) controlled by the Control Unit.
2) No additional load permitted downstream of the main contactor.
3) The current capacity of the digital output (DO) must be taken into account;
an output interface element may have to be used.

Wiring diagram for 16 kW (18 HP) and 36 kW (40 HP) Smart Line Modules

2/18 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Line Modules and line-side components
Smart Line Modules in booksize format

■ Technical data
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC Smart Line Modules in booksize format
6SL3130-6AE15-0AA0 6SL3130-6AE21-0AA0 6SL3130-6TE21-6AB0 6SL3130-6TE23-6AB0
Rated feed/feedback power Pn

with 380 V 3 AC kW 5 10 16 36
with 460 V 3 AC 2) (HP) (5) (10) (18) (40)
Feed/feedback power for S6 duty kW 6.5 13 21 47
(40%) PS6
Max. feed/feedback power Pmax kW 10 20 35 70
DC link voltage 1) V 1.35 x line voltage
DC link current A 8.3 16.6 27 60
with 600 V DC
DC link current A 11 22 35 79
for S6 duty (40%)
Max. DC link current A 16.6 33.2 59 117
Rated input current A 12 24 26 58
with 380 V 3 AC
Input current A 15.6 31.2 35 79
for S6 duty (40%)
Max. input current A 22 44 59 117
Max. current requirement A 1.0 1.3 1.1 1.5
24 V DC electronics power supply
24 V DC busbar current capacity A 20 20 20 20
DC link capacitance µF 220 330 710 1410
Max. DC link capacitance of drive µF 6000 6000 20000 20000
DC link busbar current capacity A 100 100 100 100
Efficiency η 0.98 0.98 0.99 0.99
Power loss kW 0.09 0.17 0.17 0.37
Cooling air requirement m3/s 0.008 0.008 0.016 0.031
(ft3/s) (0.283) (0.283) (0.565) (1.095)
Sound pressure level dB (A) < 60 < 60 < 60 < 60
Power connection Screw-type terminals Screw-type terminals Screw-type terminals M6 screw studs for ring
U1, V1, W1 2.5-6 mm2 (X1) 2.5-6 mm2 (X1) 2.5-10 mm2 (X1) terminal ends,
2.5-50 mm2 (X1)
PE connection On housing with M5 On housing with M5 On housing with M5 On housing with M6
screw screw screw screw
Max. cable length m 350 (1150) (shielded)
(total of all motor power cables (ft) 560 (1838) (unshielded)
and DC link)
Degree of protection IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20
Width mm 50 50 100 150
(inch) (1.97) (1.97) (3.94) (5.91)
Height mm 380 380 380 380
(inch) (14.96) (14.96) (14.96) (14.96)
Depth mm 270 270 270 270
(inch) (10.63) (10.63) (10.63) (10.63)
Weight, approx. kg 4.7 4.8 7 10.3
(lb) (10) (11) (15) (23)
1) The DC link voltage is unregulated and load-dependent. See
Engineering Information for further information.
2) Nominal HP ratings are provided for ease of assigning components
only. The Line Module outputs are dependent on the Motor Module
loading and are to be dimensioned accordingly.

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 2/19

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Line Modules and line-side components
Smart Line Modules in booksize format
Line reactors

■ Overview A line reactor is required for Smart Line Modules.

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated infeed power Suitable for Line reactor
of the Smart Line Smart Line Module

Module Order No.
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC
5 kW (5 HP) 6SL3130-6AE15-0AA0 6SL3000-0CE15-0AA0
10 kW (10 HP) 6SL3130-6AE21-0AA0 6SL3000-0CE21-0AA0
16 kW (18 HP) 6SL3130-6TE21-6AB0 6SL3000-0CE21-6AA0
36 kW (40 HP) 6SL3130-6TE23-6AB0 6SL3000-0CE23-6AA0

■ Technical data
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC Line reactor
6SL3000-0CE15- 6SL3000-0CE21- 6SL3000-0CE21- 6SL3000-0CE23-
0AA0 0AA0 6AA0 6AA0
Suitable for Type 6SL3130-6AE15- 6SL3130-6AE21- 6SL3130-6TE21- 6SL3130-6TE23-
Smart Line Module 0AA0 0AA0 6AB0 6AB0
Rated infeed power of the kW 5 10 16 36
Smart Line Module (HP) (5) (10) (18) (40)
Rated current A 14 28 35 69
Power loss kW 0.062 0.116 0.11 0.17
Line/power connection 4 mm2 screw-type 10 mm2 screw-type 10 mm2 screw-type 16 mm2 screw-type
1U1, 1V1, 1W1 / terminals terminals terminals terminals
1U2, 1V2, 1W2
PE connection 4 mm2 screw-type 10 mm2 screw-type 10 mm2 screw-type 16 mm2 screw-type
terminals terminals terminals terminals
Degree of protection IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20
Width mm 150 177 219 228
(inch) (5.91) (6.97) (8.62) (8.98)
Height mm 175 196 180 235
(inch) (6.89) (7.72) (7.09) (9.25)
Depth mm 90 110 144 224
(inch) (3.54) (4.33) (5.67) (8.82)
Weight, approx. kg 3.7 7.5 9.5 17
(lb) (8) (17) (21) (38)

2/20 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Line Modules and line-side components
Smart Line Modules in booksize format
Line filters

■ Overview In plants with strict EMC requirements, line filters work together
with line reactors to restrict the conducted interference emana-
ting from the power modules to the limit values of Class A1 as
defined in EN 55011 and Category C2 as defined in EN 61800-3.
Line filters are suited only for direct connection to TN (grounded)

■ Selection and ordering data 2

Rated infeed power Suitable for Line filter
of the Smart Line Smart Line Module
Module Order No.
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC
5 kW (5 HP) 6SL3130-6AE15-0AA0 6SL3000-0HE15-0AA0
10 kW (10 HP) 6SL3130-6AE21-0AA0 6SL3000-0HE21-0AA0
16 kW (18 HP) 6SL3130-6TE21-6AB0 6SL3000-0BE21-6DA0
36 kW (40 HP) 6SL3130-6TE23-6AB0 6SL3000-0BE23-6DA0

■ Technical data
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC Line filters
6SL3000-0HE15- 6SL3000-0HE21- 6SL3000-0BE21- 6SL3000-0BE23-
0AA0 0AA0 6DA0 6DA0
Suitable for Type 6SL3130-6AE15- 6SL3130-6AE21- 6SL3130-6TE21- 6SL3130-6TE23-
Smart Line Module 0AA0 0AA0 6AB0 6AB0
Rated infeed power of the kW 5 10 16 36
Smart Line Module (HP) (5) (10) (18) (40)
Rated current A 16 25 36 65
Power loss W 20 20 16 28
Line/power connection 10 mm2 screw-type 10 mm2 screw-type 10 mm2 screw-type 35 mm2 screw-type
L1, L2, L3 / U, V, W terminals terminals terminals terminals
PE connection On housing with M6 bolts On housing with M6 bolts On housing with M6 bolts On housing with M6 bolts
Degree of protection IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20
Width mm 60 60 50 75
(inch) (2.36) (2.36) (1.97) (2.95)
Height mm 285 285 420 420
(inch) (11.22) (11.22) (16.54) (16.54)
Depth mm 122 122 226 226
(inch) (4.8) (4.8) (8.9) (8.9)
Weight, approx. kg 3.8 5.7 5.0 6.5
(lb) (8) (13) (11) (14)

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 2/21

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Line Modules and line-side components
Smart Line Modules in booksize format
Recommended line-side components

■ Overview
Suitable line-side power components are assigned depending Further information about the main contactors, switch discon-
on the power rating of the Smart Line Module. nectors, fuses and circuit-breakers specified in the tables can
be found in Catalogs LV 10 and LV 30. 1)
The tables below list recommended components.

2 Assignment of line-side power components to Smart Line Modules

Rated infeed Assignment to Main contactor Circuit-breaker Main switch Fuse switch
power Smart Line Module disconnector
kW (HP) Type 6SL3130-... Order No. Order No. Order No. Order No.
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC
5 (5) 6AE15-0AA0 3RT1023-1BB40 3RV1031-4BA10 3LD2003-0TK51 3NP4010-0CH01
10 (10) 6AE21-0AA0 3RT1026-1BB40 3RV1031-4FA10 3LD2203-0TK51 3NP4010-0CH01
16 (18) 6AE21-6AB0 3RT1035-1AC24 3RV1031-4FA10 3LD2504-0TK51 3NP4010-0CH01
36 (40) 6AE23-6AB0 3RT1045-1AP04 3RV1041-4LA10 3LD2704-0TK51 3NP4010-0CH01

Rated infeed Assignment to Switch disconnector NH fuse (gL/gG)

power Smart Line Module with fuse holders
kW Type 6SL3130-... Order No. Order No. Rated current Size
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC
5 (5) 6AE15-0AA0 3KL5030-1EB01 3NA3805 16 A 000
10 (10) 6AE21-0AA0 3KL5030-1EB01 3NA3814 35 A 000
16 (18) 6AE21-6AB0 3KL5030-1EB01 3NA3814 35 A 000
36 (40) 6AE23-6AB0 3KL5230-1EB01 3NA3824 80 A 000
1) Component selections are per IEC standards and not necessarily in
accordance with UL or NEC requirements. For NEMA components
please see North American Industrial Products Catalog or Speedfax

2/22 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Line Modules and line-side components
Active Line Modules in booksize format

■ Overview ■ Selection and ordering data

Rated infeed power Booksize format
Active Line Module
Order No.
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC
16 kW (18 HP)
36 kW (40 HP)
55 kW (60 HP) 6SL3130-7TE25-5AA2
80 kW (100 HP) 6SL3130-7TE28-0AA1
120 kW (150 HP) 6SL3130-7TE31-2AA1

■ Accessories
Description Order No.
Shield terminal plates
• for Line/Motor Modules in booksize format 6SL3162-1AF00-0AA1
with a width of 150 mm (5.91 in)
• for Line/Motor Modules in booksize format 6SL3162-1AH01-0AA0
with a width of 200 mm (7.87 in)
• for Line/Motor Modules in booksize format 6SL3162-1AH00-0AA0
with a width of 300 mm (11.81 in)
DC link supply adapter 6SL3162-2BD00-0AA0
for direct infeed of DC link voltage
The self-commutated feed/feedback units (with IGBTs in infeed
and regenerative feedback directions) generate a regulated DC Screw-type terminals 0.5 mm2 to 10 mm2
link voltage. This means that the connected Motor Modules are for Line Modules and Motor Modules in
decoupled from the line voltage. Line voltage fluctuations within booksize format with a width of 50 mm
the permissible supply tolerances have no effect on the motor (1.97 in) and 100 mm (3.94 in)
voltage. DC link supply adapter 6SL3162-2BM00-0AA0
for direct infeed of DC link voltage
■ Design Screw-type terminals 35 mm2 to 95 mm2
The Active Line Modules in booksize format feature the following for Line Modules and Motor Modules in
booksize format with a width of 150 mm (5.91
interfaces as standard: in), 200 mm (7.87 in) and 300 mm (11.81 in)
• 1 x power connection via screw-type terminals DC link adapters (2 pieces) 6SL3162-2BM01-0AA0
• 1 x connection for the 24 V DC electronics power supply via for multi-tier configuration
the 24 V terminal adapter included in the scope of supply
Screw-type terminals 35 mm2 to 95 mm2
• 1 x DC link connection via integrated DC link busbars for all Line Modules and Motor Modules in
• 3 x DRIVE-CLiQ sockets booksize format
• 2 x PE (protective earth) connections 24 V terminal adapter 6SL3162-2AA00-0AA0
The status of the Active Line Module is indicated via two multi- for all Line Modules and Motor Modules in
color LEDs. booksize format
24 V jumper 6SL3162-2AA01-0AA0
On the 100 mm (3.94 in) wide Active Line Module, the shield for
the power supply cable can be connected to the integrated for connection of the 24 V busbars
shield connection plate via a shield connection terminal or tube (for booksize format)
clip, e.g., Weidmüller type KLBÜ CO 4. The shield connection Warning signs in foreign languages 6SL3166-3AB00-0AA0
terminal must not be used for strain relief. Shield connection pla- This set of foreign language warning signs
tes are available for the 150 mm (5.91 in), 200 mm (7.87 in) and can be placed on top of the standard
300 mm (11.81 in) wide modules. German or English signs.
One sign in each of the following languages
The signal cable shield can be connected to the Line Module by is provided in each set:
means of a shield connection terminal, e.g. type KLBÜ 3-8 SC Chinese, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French,
by Weidmüller. Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean,
Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish.
The scope of supply of the Active Line Modules includes:
• DRIVE-CLiQ cable for connection to the CU320 Control Unit
• DRIVE-CLiQ cable (length depends on module width) to con-
nect Active Line Module to adjacent Motor Module
• Jumper for connecting the 24 DC V busbar to the adjacent
Motor Module
• 24 V terminal adapter

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 2/23

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Line Modules and line-side components
Active Line Modules in booksize format

■ Integration
The Active Line Module communicates with the CU320 Control
Unit via DRIVE-CLiQ.

2 L1
L2 ext.
L3 24 V
+ M

Main switch
+ M


M 24 V DC busbars
1) 1
Fuses 2
3 EP +24 V DCP DC Link current

2) DO
24 V DC
Active Line Module
Main contactor DRIVE-CLiQ socket 0 X200
3) 4)

DI 2)
DRIVE-CLiQ socket 1 X201
Line filter
DRIVE-CLiQ socket 2 X202



Line reactor

Incoming power

1) Leading NC contact t > 10 ms, 24 V DC and ground must be connected for operation.
2) Digital Input (DI) or digital output (DO) controlled by the Control Unit.
3) No additional load permitted downstream of the main contactor.
4) The curent capacity of the digital output (DO) must be taken into account;
an output interface element may have to be used.

Wiring diagram for booksize format Active Line Module

2/24 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Line Modules and line-side components
Active Line Modules in booksize format

■ Technical data
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC Active Line Modules in booksize format
6SL3130-7TE21- 6SL3130-7TE23- 6SL3130-7TE25- 6SL3130-7TE28- 6SL3130-7TE31-
6AA1 6AA1 5AA2 0AA1 2AA1

Rated feed/feedback
power Pn
with 380 V 3 AC kW 16 36 55 80 120
with 460 V 3 AC 3) (HP) (18) (40) (60) (100) (150)
Feed/feedback power for S6 kW 21 47 71 106 158
duty (40%) PS6
Max. feed/feedback kW 35 70 91 131 175
power Pmax
DC link voltage 1) V 1.5 x line voltage
DC link current A 27 60 92 134 200
with 600 V DC
DC link current for A 35 79 121 176 244
S6 duty (40%)
Max. DC link A 59 117 152 195 292
Rated input current A 26 58 88 128 192
with 380 V 3 AC
Input current for S6 duty A 35 79 121 176 244
Max. input current A 59 117 152 195 292
Max. current requirement A 1.1 1.5 1.9 2.0 2.5
24 V DC electronics power
24 V DC busbar current A 20 20 20 20 20
DC link capacitance µF 710 1410 1880 2820 3760
Max. DC link capacitance of µF 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000
drive group
DC link busbar current A 100 100 200 200 200
Efficiency η 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98
Power loss kW 0.26 0.63 0.90 1.35 2.20
Cooling air requirement m3/s 0.016 0.031 0.044 0.144 0.144
(ft3/s) (0.565) (1.095) (1.554) (5.085) (5.085)
Sound pressure level dB (A) < 60 < 65 < 60 < 75 < 75
Power connection Screw-type termi- M6 screw studs for M8 screw studs for M8 screw studs for M8 screw studs for
U1, V1, W1 nals ring terminal ends ring terminal ends ring terminal ends ring terminal ends
2.5-10 mm2 2.5-50 mm2 2.5-95 mm2, 2.5-120 mm2, 2.5-120 mm2,
(X1) (X1) 2 × 35 mm2 2 × 50 mm2 2 × 50 mm2
(X1) (X1) (X1)
Shield connection Cable shield con- see Accessories see Accessories see Accessories see Accessories
nection plate inte-
grated into the
PE connection On housing with On housing with On housing with On housing with On housing with
M5 screw M6 screw M6 screw M8 screw M8 screw
Max. cable length m (ft) 350 (1150) (shielded)
(total of all motor power 560 (1840) (unshielded)
cables and DC link)
Degree of protection IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20
Width mm (inch) 100 (3.94) 150 (5.91) 200 (7.87) 300 (11.81) 300 (11.81)
Height mm (inch) 380 (14.96) 380 (14.96) 380 (14.96) 380 (14.96), 380 (14.96),
with fan 2): 629 with fan 2): 629
Depth mm (inch) 270 (10.63) 270 (10.63) 270 (10.63) 270 (10.63) 270 (10.63)
Weight, approx. kg (lb) 7 (15) 10.3 (23) 17 (38) 23 (51) 23 (51)
1) The DC link voltage is regulated and adjustable. 3) Nominal HP ratings are provided for ease of assigning components
Factory setting: DC link voltage = 1.5 x line voltage. only. The Line Module outputs are dependent on the Motor Module
2) The fan is supplied with the Active Line Module and must be installed loading and are to be dimensioned accordingly.
before the Active Line Module is commissioned.

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 2/25 Seite 26 Montag, 8. August 2005 10:05 10

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control

Line Modules and line-side components
Active Line Modules in booksize format
Line reactors

■ Overview A line reactor is required for Active Line Modules.

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated input power Suitable for Line reactor
of the Active Line Active Line Module

Module Order No.
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC
16 kW (18 HP) 6SL3130-7TE21-6AA1 6SN1111-0AA00-0BA1
36 kW (40 HP) 6SL3130-7TE23-6AA1 6SN1111-0AA00-0CA1
55 kW (60 HP) 6SL3130-7TE25-5AA2 6SN1111-0AA00-0DA1
80 kW (100 HP) 6SL3130-7TE28-0AA1 6SN1111-0AA00-1EA0
120 kW (150 HP) 6SL3130-7TE31-2AA1 6SL3000-0DE31-2BA0

■ Technical data
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC Line reactor
6SN1111-0AA00- 6SN1111-0AA00- 6SN1111-0AA00- 6SN1111-0AA00- 6SL3000-0DE31-
0BA1 0CA1 0DA2 1EA1 2BA1
Suitable for Type 6SL3130-7TE21- 6SL3130-7TE23- 6SL3130-7TE25- 6SL3130-7TE28- 6SL3130-7TE31-
Active Line Module 6AA1 6AA1 5AA2 0AA1 2AA1
Rated input power of the kW 16 36 55 80 120
Active Line Module (HP) (18) (40) (60) (100) (150)
Rated current A 30 67 103 150 225
Power loss kW 0.17 0.25 0.35 0.45 0.59
Line/power connection 16 mm2 screw-type 35 mm2 screw-type 70 mm2 screw-type Connection lugs Connection lugs
1U1, 1V1, 1W1 / 1U2, 1V2, 1W2 terminals terminals terminals M10 M10
PE connection 16 mm2 screw-type 35 mm2 screw-type 70 mm2 screw-type Connection lugs Connection lugs
terminals terminals terminals M10 M10
Degree of protection IP20 IP20 IP20 IP00 IP00
Width mm 150 150 150 225 225
(inch) (5.91) (5.91) (5.91) (8.86) (8.86)
Height mm 330 330 330 380 490
(inch) (12.99) (12.99) (12.99) (14.96) (19.29)
Depth mm 145 230 280 220 250
(inch) (5.71) (9.05) (11.02) (8.66) (9.84)
Weight, approx. kg 8.5 13 18 40 64
(lb) (19) (29) (40) (88) (141)

2/26 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 Seite 27 Dienstag, 16. August 2005 1:52 13

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control

Line Modules and line-side components
Active Line Modules in booksize format
Line filters

■ Overview In plants with strict EMC requirements, line filters work together
with line reactors to restrict the conducted interference emana-
ting from the power modules to the limit values of Class A1 as
defined in EN 55011 and Category C2 as defined in EN 61800-3.
Line filters are suited only for direct connection to TN (grounded)

■ Selection and ordering data 2

Line filters for Active Line Modules in booksize format are avai-
lable only in combination with the relevant line reactor as a line
filter package. The order number of the line filter package inclu-
des the line filter and the line reactor.

Rated input power Suitable for Line filter package

of the Active Line Active Line Module (line filter and line
Module reactor)
Order No.
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC
16 kW (18 HP) 6SL3130-7TE21-6AA1 6SL3000-0FE21-6AA0
36 kW (40 HP) 6SL3130-7TE23-6AA1 6SL3000-0FE23-6AA0
55 kW (60 HP) 6SL3130-7TE25-5AA2 6SL3000-0FE25-5AA0
80 kW (100 HP) 6SL3130-7TE28-0AA1 6SL3000-0FE28-0AA0
120 kW (150 HP) 6SL3130-7TE31-2AA1 6SL3000-0FE31-2AA1

■ Technical data
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC Line filter (included in the relevant line filter package)
Suitable for Type 6SL3130-7TE21- 6SL3130-7TE23- 6SL3130-7TE25- 6SL3130-7TE28- 6SL3130-7TE31-
Active Line Module 6AA1 6AA1 5AA2 0AA1 2AA1
Rated input power of the kW 16 36 55 80 120
Active Line Module (HP) (18) (40) (60) (100) (150)
Rated current A 30 67 103 150 225
Power loss kW 0.07 0.09 0.11 0.15 0.20
Line/power connection 10 mm2screw-type 50 mm2
screw-type 50 mm2
screw-type 95 mm2
screw-type Connection lugs
L1, L2, L3 / U, V, W terminals terminals terminals terminals M10
PE connection On housing with On housing with On housing with On housing with On housing with
M5 bolts M8 bolt M8 bolt M8 bolt M8 bolt
Degree of protection IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP00
Width mm 130 130 130 200 300
(inch) (5.12) (5.12) (5.12) (7.87) (11.81)
Height mm 480 480 480 480 480
(inch) (18.9) (18.9) (18.9) (18.9) (18.9)
Depth mm 150 245 260 260 260
(inch) (5.91) (9.65) (10.24) (10.24) (10.24)
Weight, approx. kg 9 16 19 22 32
(lb) (20) (35) (42) (49) (71)

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 2/27

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Line Modules and line-side components
Active Line Modules in booksize format
Line filters

■ Accessories

Line filter package assembled with an adapter set

The adapter sets for booksize format units are designed for very
compact mounting. They enable line filters and line reactors to
be installed compactly one above the other in the control cabi-

Line filter package Active Line Module Adapter set

power output Order No.
6SL3000-0FE21-6AA0 16 kW (18 HP) 6SL3060-1FE21-6AA0
6SL3000-0FE23-6AA0 36 kW (40 HP) 6SN1162-0GA00-0CA0

2/28 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Line Modules and line-side components
Active Line Modules in booksize format
Recommended line-side components

■ Overview
Suitable line-side power components are assigned depending Further information about the main contactors, switch discon-
on the power rating of the Active Line Modules. nectors, fuses and circuit-breakers specified in the tables can
be found in Catalogs LV 10 and LV 30. 1)
The tables below list recommended components.

Assignment of line-side power components to Active Line Modules

Rated Assignment Main contactor Output interface for main Main switch Leading auxiliary circuit
infeed to Active Line contactor switch for main switch
power Module
kW (HP) Type Order No. Order No. Order No. Order No.
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC
16 (18) 7TE21-6AA1 3RT1035-1AC24 3TX7004-1LB00 3LD2504-0TK51 3LD9250-3B
36 (40) 7TE23-6AA1 3RT1045-1AP04 3TX7004-1LB00 3LD2704-0TK51 3LD9250-3B
55 (60) 7TE25-5AA2 3RT1054-1AP36 3TX7004-1LB00 3KA5330-1EE01 3KX3552-3EA01
80 (100) 7TE28-0AA1 3RT1056-6AP36 3TX7004-1LB00 3KA5330-1EE01 3KX3552-3EA01
120 (150) 7TE31-2AA1 3RT1065-6AP36 3TX7004-1LB00 3KA5730-1EE01 3KX3552-3EA01

Rated Assignment Circuit-breaker Fuse switch disconnector Switch disconnector with Leading auxiliary switch
infeed to Active Line fuse holders for switch disconnector
power Module with fuse holders
kW (HP) Type Order No. Order No. Order No. Order No.
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC
16 (18) 7TE21-6AA1 3RV1031-4FA10 3NP4010-0CH01 3KL5030-1EB01 3KX3552-3EA01
36 (40) 7TE23-6AA1 3RV1041-4LA10 3NP4010-0CH01 3KL5230-1EB01 3KX3552-3EA01
55 (60) 7TE25-5AA2 3VF3211-3FU41-0AA0 3NP4270-0CA01 3KL5530-1EB01 3KX3552-3EA01
80 (100) 7TE28-0AA1 3VF3211-3FW41-0AA0 3NP4270-0CA01 3KL5530-1EB01 3KX3552-3EA01
120 (150) 7TE31-2AA1 3VF4211-3DM41-0AA0 3NP5360-0CA00 3KL5730-1EB01 3KX3552-3EA01

Rated Assignment NEOZED fuse DIAZED fuse NH fuse UL/CSA fuse, Class J
infeed to Active Line (gL/gG) (gL/gG) (gL/gG) Available from:
power Module Ferraz Shawmut
kW (HP) Type Order Rated Size Order Rated Size Order Rated Size Refe- Rated Size
6SL3130-... No. current No. current No. current rence current
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC
16 (18) 7TE21-6AA1 5SE2335 35 A D02 5SB411 35 A DIII 3NA3814 35 A 000 AJT35 35 A 27 × 60
36 (40) 7TE23-6AA1 5SC211 80 A DIVH 3NA3824 80 A 000 AJT80 80 A 29 × 117
55 (60) 7TE25-5AA2 3NA3132 125 A 1 AJT125 125 A 41 × 146
80 (100) 7TE28-0AA1 3NA3136 160 A 1 AJT175 175 A 41 × 146
120 (150) 7TE31-2AA1 3NA3144 250 A 1 AJT250 250 A 54 × 181
1) Component selections are per IEC standards and not necessarily in
accordance with UL or NEC requirements. For NEMA components
please see North American Industrial Products Catalog and Speedfax

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 2/29

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Line Modules and line-side components
Active Line Modules in chassis format

■ Overview ■ Selection and ordering data

Infeed power Chassis format
Active Line Module
Order No.
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC

2 132 kW (200 HP)

160 kW (225 HP)
235 kW (350 HP) 6SL3330-7TE33-8AA0
300 kW (450 HP) 6SL3330-7TE35-0AA0
380 kW (550 HP) 6SL3330-7TE36-1AA0
500 kW (700 HP) 6SL3330-7TE38-4AA0
630 kW (800 HP) 6SL3330-7TE41-0AA0
900 kW (1150 HP) 6SL3330-7TE41-4AA0
Line voltage 660 V to 690 V 3 AC
560 kW 6SL3330-7TH35-8AA0
800 kW 6SL3330-7TH37-4AA0
1100 kW 6SL3330-7TH41-0AA0
1400 kW 6SL3330-7TH41-3AA0

Warning signs in foreign languages

Warning signs in other languages can be placed on top of the
standard warning signs in German or English.
The self-commutated feed/feedback units (with IGBTs in infeed
The following signs are supplied with chassis format units:
and regenerative feedback directions) generate a regulated DC
Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, Greek, Italian,
link voltage. This means that the connected Motor Modules are
Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish,
decoupled from the line voltage. Line voltage fluctuations within
Swedish and Turkish.
the permissible supply tolerances have no effect on the motor
If required, the Active Line Modules in chassis format can also
provide reactive power compensation.

■ Design
The Active Line Modules in chassis format feature the following
interfaces as standard:
• 1 x power connection
• 1 x connection for the 24 V DC electronics power supply
• 1 x DC link connection
• 3 x DRIVE-CLiQ sockets
• 2 x PE (protective earth) connections
The status of the Active Line Module is indicated via two multi-
color LEDs.
The scope of supply of the Active Line Modules includes:
• Types FX and GX:
- 0.60 m (1.97 ft) DRIVE-CLiQ cable for connection to the
CU320 Control Unit
• Types HX and JX
- 0.35 m (1.15 ft) DRIVE-CLiQ cable for connection to the
CU320 Control Unit
- 2.10 m (6.89 ft) DRIVE-CLiQ cable for connection to the first
Motor Module

2/30 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Line Modules and line-side components
Active Line Modules in chassis format

■ Integration
The Active Line Module communicates with the CU320 Control
Unit via DRIVE-CLiQ.

X400 X401 X402

DRIVE-CLiQ socket
DRIVE-CLiQ socket

DRIVE-CLiQ socket
1 +Temp
2 -Temp
3 EP +24 V
44 EP M1
M DC link current

X9 Active Line Module
1 P24 V
24 V 2 M
DCPA Braking Module
DCNA Terminal
4 Activation of buffer protection
to Active Interface Module Activation of
H200 (Ready)

6 precharging contactor
-F10 H201 (DC Link)
Fan supply terminal L1
for frame sizes HX and JX L2
380 to 480 V AC / 660 to 690 V AC -F11

Fan supply terminal -F10

for frame sizes FX and GX
directly on fuse holder
380 to 480 V AC / 660 to 690 V AC -F11
Fan G_D211_EN_00009a

Input current

from Active
Interface Module

Wiring diagram for Active Line Module in chassis format

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 2/31

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Line Modules and line-side components
Active Line Modules in chassis format

■ Technical data
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC Active Line Modules in chassis format
6SL3330-7TE32-1AA0 6SL3330-7TE32-6AA0 6SL3330-7TE33-8AA0 6SL3330-7TE35-0AA0
Feed/feedback power Pn

with 400 V 3 AC kW 132 160 235 300
with 460 V 3 AC 3) (HP) (200) (225) (350) (450)
Feed/feedback power kW On request
for S6 duty (40%) PS6
Max. feed/feedback kW 198 240 352.5 450
power Pmax
DC link voltage 1) V 1.5 x line voltage
Rated DC link A 235 291 425 549
current In_DC
DC link current IH_DC A 209 259 378 489
Max. DC link A 352 436 637 823
current Imax_DC
Input current for 400 V 3 AC A 210 260 380 490
Input current A On request
for S6 duty (40%)
Max. input current A 315 390 570 735
Max. current requirement A 1.1 1.1 1.35 1.35
24 V DC electronics power
DC link capacitance µF 4200 5200 7800 9600
Max. DC link capacitance of µF 20800 20800 31200 38400
drive group
Max. current requirements A 0.63 2.0 2.6 2.6
(fan supply) at 400 V 2 AC
Efficiency η 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98
Power loss kW 2.2 2.7 3.9 4.8
Cooling air requirement m3/s 0.17 0.23 0.36 0.36
(ft3/s) (6) (8.12) (12.71) (12.71)
Sound pressure level2) dB (A) 74/76 75/77 76/78 76/78
50 Hz/60 Hz
Power connection Flange connection with M10 screw,
U1, V1, W1 max. cross section 2 × 185 mm2
DC link connection Flange connection with M10 screw,
DCP, DCN max. cross section 2 × 185 mm2
PE connection On housing with M10 screw,
max. cross section
PE1/GND 1 × 185 mm2
PE2/GND 2 × 185 mm2
Degree of protection IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20
Width mm 326 326 326 326
(inch) (12.83) (12.83) (12.83) (12.83)
Height mm 1400 1400 1533 1533
(inch) (55.12) (55.12) (60.35) (60.35)
Depth mm 356 356 543 543
(inch) (14.02) (14.02) (21.38) (21.38)
Weight, approx. kg 98 98 132 132
(lb) (216) (216) (291) (291)
1) The DC link voltage is regulated and adjustable.
Factory setting: DC link voltage = 1.5 x line voltage.
2) Sound pressure level of Active Interface Module and Active Line
3) Nominal HP ratings are provided for ease of assigning components
only. The Line Module outputs are dependent on the Motor Module
loading and are to be dimensioned accordingly.

2/32 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Line Modules and line-side components
Active Line Modules in chassis format

■ Technical data (continued)

Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC Active Line Modules in chassis format
6SL3330-7TE36-1AA0 6SL3330-7TE38-4AA0 6SL3330-7TE41-0AA0 6SL3330-7TE41-4AA0
Feed/feedback power Pn

with 400 V 3 AC kW 380 500 630 900
with 460 V 3 AC 3) (HP) (550) (700) (800) (1150)
Feed/feedback power kW On request
for S6 duty (40%) PS6
Max. feed/feedback power kW 570 750 945 1350
DC link voltage 1) V 1.5 x line voltage
Rated DC link A 678 940 1103 1574
current In_DC
DC link current A 603 837 982 1401
Max. DC link A 1017 1410 1654 2361
current Imax_DC
Input current A 605 840 985 1405
for 400 V 3 AC
Input current A On request
for S6 duty (40%)
Max. input current A 907 1260 1477 2107
Max. current requirement A 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.7
24 V DC electronics power
DC link capacitance µF 12600 16800 18900 28800
Max. DC link capacitance of µF 67200 67200 115200 115200
drive group
Max. current requirements A 5.2 5.2 7.8 7.8
(fan supply) at 400 V 2 AC
Efficiency η 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98
Power loss kW 6.2 7.7 10.1 13.3
Cooling air requirement m3/s 0.78 0.78 1.08 1.08
(ft3/s) (27.55) (27.55) (38.14) (38.14)
Sound pressure level 2) dB (A) 78/80 78/80 78/80 78/80
50 Hz/60 Hz
Power connection Flange connection with M12 screw, Flange connection with M12 screw,
U1, V1, W1 max. cross-section 4 × 240 mm2 max. cross-section 6 × 240 mm2
DC link connection Flange connection for busbar connection
PE connection On housing with M12 screw,
max. cross section
PE1/GND 1 × 240 mm2
PE2/GND 2 × 240 mm2
Degree of protection IP00 IP00 IP00 IP00
Width mm 503 503 704 704
(inch) (19.8) (19.8) (27.72) (27.72)
Height mm 1475 1475 1475 1475
(inch) (58.07) (58.07) (58.07) (58.07)
Depth mm 540 540 540 540
(inch) (21.26) (21.26) (21.26) (21.26)
Weight, approx. kg 290 290 450 450
(lb) (640) (640) (992) (992)
1) The DC link voltage is regulated and adjustable.
Factory setting: DC link voltage = 1.5 x line voltage.
2) Sound pressure level of Active Interface Module and Active Line
3) Nominal HP ratings are provided for ease of assigning components
only. The Line Module outputs are dependent on the Motor Module
loading and are to be dimensioned accordingly.

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 2/33

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Line Modules and line-side components
Active Line Modules in chassis format

■ Technical data (continued)

Line voltage 660 V to 690 V 3 AC Active Line Modules in chassis format
6SL3330-7TH35-8AA0 6SL3330-7TH37-4AA0 6SL3330-7TH41-0AA0 6SL3330-7TH41-3AA0
Feed/feedback power kW 560 800 1100 1400

Pn with 690 V 3 AC
Feed/feedback power kW On request
for S6 duty (40%) PS6
Max. feed/feedback power kW 840 1200 1650 2100
DC link voltage 1) V 1.5 x line voltage
Rated DC link A 644 823 1148 1422
current In_DC
DC link current A 573 732 1022 1266
Max. DC link A 966 1234 1722 2133
current Imax_DC
Input current A 575 735 1025 1270
for 690 V 3 AC
Input current A On request
for S6 duty (40%)
Max. input current A 862 1102 1537 1905
Max. current requirement A 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.7
24 V DC electronics power
DC link capacitance µF 7400 11100 14400 19200
Max. DC link capacitance of µF 29600 44400 76800 76800
drive group
Max. current requirements A 3 4.5 4.5 4.5
(fan supply) at 690 V 2 AC
Efficiency η 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.988
Power loss kW 6.8 10.2 13.6 16.5
Cooling air requirement m3/s 0.78 1.1 1.1 1.1
(ft3/s) (27.55) (38.85) (38.85) (38.85)
Sound pressure level 2) dB (A) 78/80 78/80 78/80 78/80
50 Hz/60 Hz
Power connection Flange connection with Flange connection with M12 screw,
U1, V1, W1 M12 screw, max. cross-section 6 × 240 mm2
max. cross-section
4 × 240 mm2
DC link connection Flange connection for busbar connection
PE connection On housing with M12 screw,
max. cross section
PE1/GND 1 × 240 mm2
PE2/GND 2 × 240 mm2
Degree of protection IP00 IP00 IP00 IP00
Width mm 503 704 704 704
(inch) (19.8) (27.72) (27.72) (27.72)
Height mm 1475 1475 1475 1475
(inch) (58.07) (58.07) (58.07) (58.07)
Depth mm 540 540 540 540
(inch) (21.26) (21.26) (21.26) (21.26)
Weight, approx. kg 290 450 450 450
(lb) (640) (992) (992) (992)
1) The DC link voltage is regulated and adjustable.
Factory setting: DC link voltage = 1.5 x line voltage.
2) Sound pressure level of Active Interface Module and Active Line

2/34 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Line Modules and line-side components
Active Line Modules in chassis format
Active Interface Modules

■ Overview ■ Selection and ordering data

Infeed power Suitable for Active Interface
Active Line Module Active Line Module Module
Order No.
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC
132 kW (200 HP)
160 kW (225 HP)
235 kW (350 HP) 6SL3330-7TE33-8AA0 6SL3300-7TE33-8AA0
300 kW (450 HP) 6SL3330-7TE35-0AA0 6SL3300-7TE35-0AA0
380 kW (550 HP) 6SL3330-7TE36-1AA0 6SL3300-7TE38-4AA0
500 kW (700 HP) 6SL3330-7TE38-4AA0 6SL3300-7TE38-4AA0
630 kW (800 HP) 6SL3330-7TE41-0AA0 6SL3300-7TE41-4AA0
900 kW (1150 HP) 6SL3330-7TE41-4AA0 6SL3300-7TE41-4AA0
Line voltage 660 V to 690 V 3 AC
560 kW 6SL3330-7TH35-8AA0 6SL3300-7TH35-8AA0
800 kW 6SL3330-7TH37-4AA0 6SL3300-7TH37-4AA0
1100 kW 6SL3330-7TH41-0AA0 6SL3300-7TH41-3AA0
1400 kW 6SL3330-7TH41-3AA0 6SL3300-7TH41-3AA0

Active Interface Modules are used in combination with Active

Line Modules in chassis format. Active Interface Modules con-
tain a clean power filter with basic RI suppression, the pre-char-
ging circuit for the Active Line Module, the line voltage sensing
circuit and monitoring sensors. The buffer protection is an inte-
gral component in frame sizes FI and GI, thereby making the mo-
dule very compact. The buffer protection must be provided se-
parately for frame sizes HI and JI.
The vast majority of line harmonics are suppressed by the clean
power filter.
The scope of supply of the Active Interface Modules includes:
• Type FI:
- 0.60 m (1.97 ft) DRIVE-CLiQ cable for connection between
Active Interface Module and Active Line Module
- 1.45 m (4.76 ft) DRIVE-CLiQ cable for connection between
the CU320 Control Unit and first Motor Module
• Type GI:
- 0.95 m (3.12 ft) DRIVE-CLiQ cable for connection between
Active Interface Module and Active Line Module
- 1.45 m (4.76 ft) DRIVE-CLiQ cable for connection between
the CU320 Control Unit and first Motor Module
• Types HI and JI:
- 2.40 m (7.88 ft) DRIVE-CLiQ cable for connection between
Active Interface Module and Active Line Module

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 2/35

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Line Modules and line-side components
Active Line Modules in chassis format
Active Interface Modules

■ Integration

Active Interface Module

2 X609
PE X500
+ 1

ext. 2
24 V DC 3
L 5 Fan
ext. 6
230 V AC 7 -F102
N 8 Pre- Voltage
Activation of charging Sensing Module
1) 9 contactor
contactor 10
1) 11
Activation of
buffer protection 12 Buffer protection
Contactors open 14

L1 X1 X2 U2
L2 V2 Active
Line L3 W2 Line
PE PE Module


1) Activation by Active Line Module.

Typical connection of Active Interface Module with integrated buffer protection (frame sizes FI and GI)

2/36 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Line Modules and line-side components
Active Line Modules in chassis format
Active Interface Modules

■ Integration (continued)

Active Interface Module 2
PE X500
+ 1

DRIVE-CLiQ socket
ext. 2
24 V DC 3
L 5 -F101
ext. 6
230 V AC 7 -F102
N 8 Voltage
Precharging Sensing Module
Activation of 1) 9 contactor
precharging 10
1) 11
Activation of
buffer protection/fan 12
Contactors open

L1 X1 X2 U2
L2 V2 Active
Line L3 W2 Line
PE PE Module


1) Activation by Active Line Module.

Typical connection of Active Interface Module with externally mounted buffer protection (frame sizes HI and JI)

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 2/37

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Line Modules and line-side components
Active Line Modules in chassis format
Active Interface Modules

■ Technical data
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC Active Interface Modules in chassis format
6SL3300-7TE32-6AA0 6SL3300-7TE33-8AA0 6SL3300-7TE35-0AA0
Suitable for Type 6SL3330-7TE32-1AA0 6SL3330-7TE32-6AA0 6SL3330-7TE33-8AA0 6SL3330-7TE35-0AA0

Active Line Module
Active Line Module infeed kW 132 160 235 300
power 2) (HP) (200) (225) (350) (450)
Rated current A 210 260 380 490
Buffer protection included included included included
Max. current requirement A 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17
24 V DC electronics power
Max. current requirements A 0.6 0.6 1.2 1.2
230 V AC
Power loss kW 2.1 2.2 3.0 3.9
Cooling air requirement m3/s 0.24 0.24 0.47 0.47
(ft3/s) (8.48) (8.48) (16.6) (16.6)
Sound pressure level 1) dB (A) 74/76 75/77 76/78 76/78
50 Hz/60 Hz
Line/power connection Flange connection with Flange connection with Flange connection with Flange connection with
L1, L2, L3 / U2, V2, W2 M10 screws M10 screws M10 screws M10 screws
Max. conductor cross section 2 × 185 mm2 per 2 × 185 mm2 per 2 × 185 mm2 per 2 × 185 mm2 per
connection connection connection connection
PE connection M10 screw M10 screw M10 screw M10 screw
Max. conductor cross section 2 × 185 mm2 2 × 185 mm2 2 × 185 mm2 2 × 185 mm2
Degree of protection IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20
Width mm 325 325 325 325
(inch) (12.8) (12.8) (12.8) (12.8)
Height mm 1400 1400 1533 1533
(inch) (55.12) (55.12) (60.35) (60.35)
Depth mm 355 355 544 544
(inch) (13.98) (13.98) (21.42) (21.42)
Weight, approx. kg 135 135 190 190
(lb) (298) (298) (419) (419)
1) Sound pressure level of Active Interface Module and Active Line
2) Nominal HP ratings are provided for ease of assigning components

2/38 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Line Modules and line-side components
Active Line Modules in chassis format
Active Interface Modules

■ Technical data (continued)

Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC Active Interface Modules in chassis format
6SL3300-7TE38-4AA0 6SL3300-7TE41-4AA0
Suitable for Type 6SL3330-7TE36-1AA0 6SL3330-7TE38-4AA0 6SL3330-7TE41-0AA0 6SL3330-7TE41-4AA0

Active Line Module
Active Line Module infeed kW 380 500 630 900
power 2) (HP) (550) (700) (800) (1150)
Rated current A 605 840 985 1405
Buffer protection 3RT1476-6AP36 3WL1110-2BB34-4AN2-Z 3WL1112-2BB34-4AN2-Z 3WL2226-2BB34-4AN2-Z
Z=C22 Z=C22 Z=C22
Max. current requirement A 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17
24 V DC electronics power
Max. current requirements A 4.6 4.6 4.9 4.9
230 V AC
Power loss kW 5.5 6.1 7.5 8.5
Cooling air requirement m3/s 0.40 0.4 0.4 0.4
(ft3/s) (14.13) (14.13) (14.13) (14.13)
Sound pressure level 1) dB (A) 78/80 78/80 78/80 78/80
50 Hz/60 Hz
Line/power connection Flange connection with Flange connection with Flange connection with Flange connection with
L1, L2, L3 / U2, V2, W2 M12 screws M12 screws M12 screws M12 screws
Max. conductor cross section 4 × 240 mm2 per 4 × 240 mm2 per 6 × 240 mm2 per 6 × 240 mm2 per
connection connection connection connection
PE connection M12 screw M12 screw M12 screw M12 screw
Max. conductor cross section 2 × 240 mm2 2 × 240 mm2 4 × 240 mm2 4 × 240 mm2
Degree of protection IP00 IP00 IP00 IP00
Width mm 305 305 505 505
(inch) (12) (12) (19.88) (19.88)
Height mm 1750 1750 1750 1750
(inch) (68.9) (68.9) (68.9) (68.9)
Depth mm 545 545 545 545
(inch) (21.46) (21.46) (21.46) (21.46)
Weight, approx. kg 390 390 620 620
(lb) (860) (860) (1367) (1367)
1) Sound pressure level of Active Interface Module and Active Line
2) Nominal HP ratings are provided for ease of assigning components

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 2/39

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Line Modules and line-side components
Active Line Modules in chassis format
Active Interface Modules

■ Technical data (continued)

Line voltage 660 V to 690 V 3 AC Active Interface Modules in chassis format
6SL3300-7TH35-8AA0 6SL3300-7TH37-4AA0 6SL3300-7TH41-3AA0
Suitable for Type 6SL3330-7TH35-8AA0 6SL3330-7TH37-4AA0 6SL3330-7TH41-0AA0 6SL3330-7TH41-3AA0

Active Line Module
Active Line Module infeed kW 560 800 1100 1400
Rated current A 575 735 1025 1270
Buffer protection 3RT1476-6AP36 3RT1466-6AP36 3WL1212-4BB34-4AN2-Z 3WL1216-4BB34-4AN2-Z
(3 x) Z=C22 Z=C22
Max. current requirement A 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17
24 V DC electronics power
Max. current requirements A 4.6 4.9 4.9 4.9
230 V AC
Power loss kW 6.8 9.0 9.6 9.6
Cooling air requirement m3/s 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
(ft3/s) (14.13) (14.13) (14.13) (14.13)
Sound pressure level 1) dB (A) 78/80 78/80 78/80 78/80
50 Hz/60 Hz
Line/power connection Flange connection with Flange connection with Flange connection with Flange connection with
L1, L2, L3 / U2, V2, W2 M12 screws M12 screws M12 screws M12 screws
Max. conductor cross section 4 × 240 mm2 per 6 × 240 mm2 per 6 × 240 mm2 per 6 × 240 mm2 per
connection connection connection connection
PE connection M10 fixing screw M10 fixing screw M10 fixing screw M10 fixing screw
Max. conductor cross section 2 × 240 mm2 4 × 240 mm2 4 × 240 mm2 4 × 240 mm2
Degree of protection IP00 IP00 IP00 IP00
Width mm 305 505 505 505
(inch) (12) (19.88) (19.88) (19.88)
Height mm 1750 1750 1750 1750
(inch) (68.9) (68.9) (68.9) (68.9)
Depth mm 545 545 545 545
(inch) (21.46) (21.46) (21.46) (21.46)
Weight, approx. kg 390 620 620 620
(lb) (860) (1367) (1367) (1367)
1) Sound pressure level of Active Interface Module and Active Line

2/40 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Line Modules and line-side components
Active Line Modules in chassis format
Recommended line-side components

■ Overview
Suitable line-side power components are assigned depending Further information about the main contactors, switch discon-
on the power rating of the Active Line Modules. nectors, fuses and circuit-breakers specified in the tables can
be found in Catalogs LV 10 and LV 30. 1)
The tables below list recommended components.
Assignment of line-side power components to Active Line Modules
Infeed power Input current Assignment Assignment Buffer protection Main contactor Fixed-mounted
to Active to Active circuit-breaker
Interface Line Module
kW (HP) A Typ Type Order No. Order No. Order No.
6SL3300-... 6SL3330-...
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC
132 (200) 210 7TE32-6AA0 7TE32-1AA0 included in Active Interface 3RT1456-6AP36 –
160 (225) 260 7TE32-6AA0 7TE32-6AA0 included in Active Interface 3RT1466-6AP36 –
235 (350) 380 7TE33-8AA0 7TE33-8AA0 included in Active Interface 3RT1466-6AP36 –
300 (450) 490 7TE35-0AA0 7TE35-0AA0 included in Active Interface 3RT1476-6AP36 –
380 (550) 605 7TE38-4AA0 1TE36-1AA0 3RT1476-6AP36 3RT1476-6AP36 –
500 (700) 840 7TE38-4AA0 1TE38-4AA0 3WL1110-2BB34-4AN2 – 3WL1110-2BB34-4AN2-Z
630 (800) 985 7TE41-4AA0 1TE41-0AA0 3WL1112-2BB34-4AN2 – 3WL1112-2BB34-4AN2-Z
900 (1150) 1405 7TE41-4AA0 1TE41-4AA0 3WL1116-2BB34-4AN2 – 3WL1116-2BB34-4AN2-Z
Line voltage 660 V to 690 V 3 AC
560 575 7TH35-8AA0 7TH35-8AA0 3RT1476-6AP36 3RT1476-6AP36 –
800 735 7TH37-4AA0 7TH37-4AA0 3WL1210-4BB34-4AN2 – 3WL1210-4BB34-4AN2-Z
1100 1025 7TH41-3AA0 7TH41-0AA0 3WL1212-4BB34-4AN2 – 3WL1212-4BB34-4AN2-Z
1400 1270 7TH41-3AA0 7TH41-3AA0 3WL1216-4BB34-4AN2 – 3WL1216-4BB34-4AN2-Z

Infeed Input Assignment to Switch disconnec- Switch disconnec- Cable protection fuse Cable protection fuse incl.
power current Active Inter- tor without handle tor with handle semiconductor protection
face Module and shaft and shaft
kW (HP) A Typ Order No. Order No. Order No. Rated Order No. Rated
6SL3300-... current current
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC
132 (200) 210 7TE32-6AA0 3KL5530-1AB01 3KL5530-1EB01 3NA3242 224 A 3NE1230-2 315 A
160 (225) 260 7TE32-6AA0 3KL5730-1AB01 3KL5730-1EB01 3NA3250 300 A 3NE1331-2 350 A
235 (350) 380 7TE33-8AA0 3KL5730-1AB01 3KL5730-1EB01 3NA3260 400 A 3NE1334-2 500 A
300 (450) 490 7TE35-0AA0 3KL6130-1AB02 3KL6130-1EB02 3NA3365 500 A 3NE1436-2 630 A
380 (550) 605 7TE38-4AA0 3KL6230-1AB02 3KL6230-1EB02 3NA3372 630 A 3NE1437-2 710 A
500 (700) 840 7TE38-4AA0 – – 2 × 3NA3362 2 × 425 A 2 × 3NE1334-2 2 × 500 A
630 (800) 985 7TE41-4AA0 – – 2 × 3NA3365 2 × 500 A 2 × 3NE1436-2 2 × 630 A
900 (1150) 1405 7TE41-4AA0 – – 3 × 3NA3365 3 × 500 A 3 × 3NE1448-2 2 × 850 A
Line voltage 660 V to 690 V 3 AC
560 575 7TH35-8AA0 3KL6130-1AB02 3KL6130-1EB02 2 × 3NA3352-6 2 × 315 A 3NE1447-2 670 A
800 735 7TH37-4AA0 3KL6230-1AB02 3KL6230-1EB02 2 × 3NA3360-6 2 × 400 A 3NE1448-2 850 A
1100 1025 7TH41-3AA0 – – 3 × 3NA3354-6 3 × 355 A 2 × 3NE1436-2 2 × 630 A
1400 1270 7TH41-3AA0 – – 3 × 3NA3365-6 3 × 500 A 2 × 3NE1438-2 2 × 800 A
1) Component selections are per IEC standards and not necessarily in
accordance with UL or NEC requirements. For NEMA components see
North American Industrial Products Catalog and Speedfax Catalog.

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 2/41

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Motor Modules
Motor Modules

■ Overview
A wide range of single-axis and two-axis Motor Modules with In principle, all Single Motor and Double Motor Modules can be
graded current/power ratings can be supplied: operated on Basic Line Modules, Smart Line Modules or Active
• Single Motor Modules: Single-axis variant Line Modules.
- Booksize format with rated output currents of 3 A to 200 A
2 - Chassis format with rated output currents of 210 A to 1405 A
at 400 V or 85 A to 1270 A at 690 V
• Double Motor Modules: Two-axis variant
- Booksize format with rated output currents of 3 A to 18 A.

Single Motor Modules in booksize format

■ Design
The status of the Motor Modules is indicated via two multi-color
The motor cable shield is inside the connector on 50 mm
(1.97 in) and 100 mm (3.94 in) width modules. A shield connec-
tion plate can be supplied for 150 mm (5.91 in), 200 mm
(7.87 in) and 300 mm (11.81 in) wide modules. On these modu-
les, the motor cable shield can be connected using a tube clip.
The signal cable shield can be connected to the Motor Module
by means of a shield connection terminal, e.g. type KLBÜ
3-8 SC by Weidmüller.
The scope of supply of the Motor Modules includes:
• DRIVE-CLiQ cable (length depends on module width) to
connect Motor Module to adjacent Motor Module
• Jumper for connecting the 24 V DC busbar to the adjacent
Motor Module

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated output Rated power Single Motor Module
current Order No.
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC
3A 1.6 kW (1.5 HP) 6SL3120-1TE13-0AA0
5A 2.7 kW (3 HP) 6SL3120-1TE15-0AA0
The Single Motor Modules in booksize format feature the follo- 9A 4.8 kW (5 HP) 6SL3120-1TE21-0AA1
wing interfaces as standard:
18 A 9.7 kW (10 HP) 6SL3120-1TE21-8AA1
• 2 x DC link connections via integrated DC link busbars
30 A 16 kW (20 HP) 6SL3120-1TE23-0AA1
• 1 x electronics power supply connection via integrated
24 V DC bars 45 A 24 kW (30 HP) 6SL3120-1TE24-5AA1
• 3 x DRIVE-CLiQ sockets 60 A 32 kW (40 HP) 6SL3120-1TE26-0AA1
• 1 x motor connection, plug-in (not included in scope of 85 A 46 kW (60 HP) 6SL3120-1TE28-5AA1
supply) or screw-stud depending on rated output current 132 A 71 kW (100 HP) 6SL3120-1TE31-3AA0
• 1 x safe standstill input (enable pulses) 200 A 107 kW (150 HP) 6SL3120-1TE32-0AA0
• 1 x safe motor brake control
• 1 x temperature sensor input (KTY84-130)
• 2 x PE (protective earth) connections

2/42 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Motor Modules
Single Motor Modules in booksize format

■ Accessories ■ Characteristic curves

Description Order No. Derating characteristic for Motor Modules in booksize format
Power connector (X1/X2) 6SL3162-2MA00-0AA0
At Motor Module end, with screw-type
terminals 1.5-10mm2,
for Motor Modules with a rated output current
100 2

of 3 A to 30 A %
Shield terminal plates

Permissible output current

• for Line/Motor Modules in booksize format 6SL3162-1AF00-0AA1 70
with a width of 150 mm (5.91 in) 60
• for Line/Motor Modules in booksize format 6SL3162-1AH01-0AA0 50
with a width of 200 mm (7.87 in) 40
• for Line/Motor Modules in booksize format 6SL3162-1AH00-0AA0 30
with a width of 300 mm (11.81 in) 20
DC link supply adapter 6SL3162-2BD00-0AA0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 kHz 20
for direct infeed of DC link voltage Pulse frequency
Screw-type terminals 0.5-10 mm2
for Line/Motor Modules in booksize format
with a width of 50 mm (1.97 in) and 100 mm
(3.94 in) Output current as a function of pulse frequency
DC link supply adapter 6SL3162-2BM00-0AA0
for direct infeed of DC link voltage
Screw-type terminals 35-95 mm2
for Line/Motor Modules in booksize format
with a width of 150 mm (5.91 in), 200 mm
(7.87 in) and 300 mm (11.81 in)
DC link adapters (2 pieces) 6SL3162-2BM01-0AA0
for multi-tier configuration
Screw-type terminals 35-95 mm2
for all Line Modules/Motor Modules
in booksize format
24 V terminal adapter 6SL3162-2AA00-0AA0
for all Line Modules/Motor Modules
in booksize format
24 V jumper 6SL3162-2AA01-0AA0
for connection of the 24 V busbars
(for booksize format)
Warning signs in foreign languages 6SL3166-3AB00-0AA0
This set of foreign language warning signs
can be placed on top of the standard
German or English signs.
One sign in each of the following languages
is provided in each set:
Chinese, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French,
Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean,
Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish.
Plug-in motor brake connector for booksize Item No.:
format Motor Modules with a rated output 231-102/037-000
current of 45 A to 200 A (Wago)

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 2/43

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Motor Modules
Single Motor Modules in booksize format

■ Integration
The Single Motor Module communicates with the CU320 Control
Unit via DRIVE-CLiQ.

X200 X201

DRIVE-CLiQ socket

DRIVE-CLiQ socket
Single Motor Module

+ +
M M 24 V DC busbars

DCN DCN DC link busbars


DRIVE-CLiQ socket 2

X21 E
1 +Temp X1
2) 2 -Temp
3 EP +24 V W2 3
4 EP M1 M
1) BR+



1) Required for Safety.

2) Temperature sensor terminal for motors without DRIVE-CLiQ interface.

Wiring diagram for Single Motor Modules in booksize format 3 A to 30 A

2/44 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Motor Modules
Single Motor Modules in booksize format

■ Integration (continued)

X200 X201

DRIVE-CLiQ socket 0

DRIVE-CLiQ socket 1
Single Motor Module

+ +
M M 24 V DC busbars

DCN DCN DC link busbars

+Temp X202
3) DRIVE-CLiQ socket 2
2 -Temp

3 EP +24 V E
4 EP M1 M
W2 3
2) X12 X11
1 BR+ 1

2 BR-


1) Required for Safety.

2) Fan subassembly for 132 A and 200 A Single Motor Modules.
3) Temperature sensor terminal for motors without DRIVE-CLiQ interface.

Wiring diagram for Single Motor Modules in booksize format 45 A to 200 A

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 2/45

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Motor Modules
Single Motor Modules in booksize format

■ Technical data
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC Single Motor Modules in booksize format
6SL3120-1TE13- 6SL3120-1TE15- 6SL3120-1TE21- 6SL3120-1TE21- 6SL3120-1TE23-
0AA0 0AA0 0AA1 8AA1 0AA1

Max. output voltage, line-to-line 0.67 × DC link 0.67 × DC link 0.67 × DC link 0.67 × DC link 0.67 × DC link
(fundamental-wave RMS value) voltage voltage voltage voltage voltage
Rated output current In A 3 5 9 18 30
Base load current IH A 2.6 4.3 7.7 15.3 25.5
Output current A 3.5 6 10 24 40
for S6 duty (40%) IS6
Max. output current Imax A 6 10 18 36 56
Rated power kW 1.6 2.7 4.8 9.7 16.0
for 600 V DC DC link voltage (HP) (1.5) (3) (5) (10) (20)
Rated power kW 1.4 2.3 4.1 8.2 13.7
based on IH (HP) (1) (2.5) (5) (10) (18)
Rated pulse frequency kHz 4 4 4 4 4
DC link voltage range V 510 to 750 510 to 750 510 to 750 510 to 750 510 to 750
DC link current Id A 3.6 6 11 22 36
DC link busbar current capacity A 100 100 100 100 100
DC link capacitance µF 110 110 110 220 710
Max. current A 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.9
requirements at 24 V DC
24 V DC busbar current A 20 20 20 20 20
If, due to a number of Line and Motor Modules being mounted side-by-side, the current carrying capacity
exceeds 20 A, an additional 24 V DC connection using a 24 V terminal adapter is required (max. cross-
section 6 mm2, max. fuse protection 20 A).
Efficiency η 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97
Power loss kW 0.035 0.055 0.080 0.165 0.290
Cooling air requirement m3/s 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.016
(ft3/s) (0.283) (0.283) (0.283) (0.283) (0.565)
Sound pressure level dB (A) < 60 < 60 < 60 < 60 < 60
Motor connection Plug-in connector Plug-in connector Plug-in connector Plug-in connector Plug-in connector
U2, V2, W2 (X1), max. 30 A (X1), max. 30 A (X1), max. 30 A (X1), max. 30 A (X1), max. 30 A
(not included in (not included in (not included in (not included in (not included in
scope of supply, scope of supply, scope of supply, scope of supply, scope of supply,
see Accessories) see Accessories) see Accessories) see Accessories) see Accessories)
Shield connection integrated in integrated in integrated in integrated in integrated in
connector (X1) connector (X1) connector (X1) connector (X1) connector (X1)
PE connection On housing with On housing with On housing with On housing with On housing with
M5 screw M5 screw M5 screw M5 screw M5 screw
Motor brake connection Integrated into the Integrated into the Integrated into the Integrated into the Integrated into the
plug-in motor con- plug-in motor con- plug-in motor con- plug-in motor con- plug-in motor con-
nector (X1), nector (X1), nector (X1), nector (X1), nector (X1),
24 V DC, 2 A 24 V DC, 2 A 24 V DC, 2 A 24 V DC, 2 A 24 V DC, 2 A
Max. motor cable length m (ft) 50 (164) 50 (164) 50 (164) 70 (230) 100 (164)
(shielded) (shielded) (shielded) (shielded) (shielded)
75 (246) 75 (246) 75 (246) 100 (164) 150 (246)
(unshielded) (unshielded) (unshielded) (unshielded) (unshielded)
Degree of protection IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20
Width mm 50 50 50 50 100
(inch) (1.97) (1.97) (1.97) (1.97) (3.94)
Height mm 380 380 380 380 380
(inch) (14.98) (14.98) (14.98) (14.98) (14.98)
Depth mm 270 270 270 270 270
(inch) (10.63) (10.63) (10.63) (10.63) (10.63)
Weight, approx. kg 5.1 5.1 5.0 5.0 6.9
(lb) (11) (11) (11) (11) (15)

2/46 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 Seite 47 Dienstag, 16. August 2005 1:56 13

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control

Motor Modules
Single Motor Modules in booksize format

■ Technical data (continued)

Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC Single Motor Modules in booksize format
6SL3120-1TE24- 6SL3120-1TE26- 6SL3120-1TE28- 6SL3120-1TE31- 6SL3120-1TE32-
5AA1 0AA1 5AA1 3AA0 0AA0

Max. output voltage, line-to-line 0.67 × DC link 0.67 × DC link 0.67 × DC link 0.67 × DC link 0.67 × DC link
(fundamental-wave RMS value) voltage voltage voltage voltage voltage
Rated output current In A 45 60 85 132 200
Base load current IH A 38 51 68 105 141
Output current A 60 80 110 150 250
for S6 duty (40%) IS6
Max. output current Imax A 85 113 141 210 282
Rated pulse frequency kHz 4 4 4 4 4
Rated power kW 24 32 46 71 107
for 600 V DC DC link voltage (HP) (30) (40) (60) (100) (150)
Rated power kW 21 28 37 57 76
based on IH (HP) (25) (40) (50) (75) (100)
DC link voltage range V 510 to 750 510 to 750 510 to 750 510 to 750 510 to 750
DC-link current Id A 54 72 102 158 200
DC link busbar current capacity A 100 100 200 200 200
DC link capacitance µF 1175 1410 1880 2820 3995
Max. current A 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.5
requirements at 24 V DC
24 V DC busbar current A 20 20 20 20 20
If, due to a number of Line and Motor Modules being mounted side-by-side, the current carrying capacity
exceeds 20 A, an additional 24 V DC connection using a 24 V terminal adapter is required (max. cross
section 6 mm2, max. fuse protection 20 A).
Efficiency η 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97
Power loss kW 0.43 0.59 0.75 1.25 2.05
Cooling air requirement m3/s 0.031 0.031 0.044 0.144 0.144
(ft3/s) (1.095) (1.095) (1.554 (1.554) (1.554)
Sound pressure level dB (A) < 65 < 65 < 60 < 73 < 73
Motor connection M6 screw studs, M6 screw studs, M8 screw studs, M8 screw studs, M8 screw studs,
U2, V2, W2 2.5-50 mm2 2.5-50 mm2 2.5-95 mm2, 2.5-120 mm2, 2.5-120 mm2,
(X1) (X1) 2 × 35 mm2 2 × 50 mm2 2 × 50 mm2
(X1) (X1) (X1)
Shield connection see Accessories see Accessories see Accessories see Accessories see Accessories
PE connection On housing with M6 On housing with M6 On housing with M6 On housing with M8 On housing with M8
screw screw screw screw screw
Motor brake connection Plug-in connector Plug-in connector Plug-in connector Plug-in connector Plug-in connector
(X11), 24 V DC, 2 A (X11), 24 V DC, 2 A (X11), 24 V DC, 2 A (X11), 24 V DC, 2 A (X11), 24 V DC, 2 A
Max. motor cable length m (ft) 100 (328) 100 (328) 100 (328) 100 (328) 100 (328)
(shielded) (shielded) (shielded) (shielded) (shielded)
150 (492) 150 (492) 150 (492) 150 (492) 150 (492)
(unshielded) (unshielded) (unshielded) (unshielded) (unshielded)
Degree of protection IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20
Width mm 150 150 200 300 300
(inch) (5.91) (5.91) (7.87) (11.81) (11.81)
Height mm 380 380 380 380 (14.96), 380 (14.96),
(inch) (14.96) (14.96) (14.96) with fan 1): 629 with fan 1): 629
Depth mm 270 270 270 270 270
(inch) (10.63) (10.63) (10.63) (10.63) (10.63)
Weight, approx. kg 9 9 15 21 21
(lb) (20) (20) (33) (46) (46)
1) The fan is supplied with the Motor Module and must be installed
before the Motor Module is commissioned.

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 2/47

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Motor Modules
Single Motor Modules in chassis format

■ Design ■ Selection and ordering data

Rated output current Rated power Single Motor Module
Order No.
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC

210 A 110 kW (150 HP) 6SL3320-1TE32-1AA0
260 A 132 kW (200 HP) 6SL3320-1TE32-6AA0
310 A 160 kW (250 HP) 6SL3320-1TE33-1AA0
380 A 200 kW (300 HP) 6SL3320-1TE33-8AA0
490 A 250 kW (400 HP) 6SL3320-1TE35-0AA0
605 A 315 kW (500 HP) 6SL3320-1TE36-1AA0
745 A 400 kW (600 HP) 6SL3320-1TE37-5AA0
840 A 450 kW (700 HP) 6SL3320-1TE38-4AA0
985 A 560 kW (800 HP) 6SL3320-1TE41-0AA0
1260 A 710 kW (1000 HP) 6SL3320-1TE41-2AA0
1405 A 800 kW (1150 HP) 6SL3320-1TE41-4AA0
Line voltage 660 V to 690 V 3 AC
85 A 75 kW 6SL3320-1TH28-5AA0
100 A 90 kW 6SL3320-1TH31-0AA0
120 A 110 kW 6SL3320-1TH31-2AA0
150 A 132 kW 6SL3320-1TH31-5AA0
The Single Motor Modules in chassis format feature the following 175 A 160 kW 6SL3320-1TH31-8AA0
interfaces as standard:
215 A 200 kW 6SL3320-1TH32-2AA0
• 1 x DC link connection
260 A 250 kW 6SL3320-1TH32-6AA0
• 1 x electronics power supply connection
330 A 315 kW 6SL3320-1TH33-3AA0
• 3 x DRIVE-CLiQ sockets
• 1 x motor connection 410 A 400 kW 6SL3320-1TH34-1AA0

• 1 x safe standstill input (enable pulses) 465 A 450 kW 6SL3320-1TH34-7AA0

• 1 x temperature sensor input (KTY84-130) 575 A 560 kW 6SL3320-1TH35-8AA0
• 1 x PE (protective earth) connection 735 A 710 kW 6SL3320-1TH37-4AA0

The status of the Motor Modules is indicated via two multi-color 810 A 800 kW 6SL3320-1TH38-1AA0
LEDs. 910 A 900 kW 6SL3320-1TH38-8AA0
The scope of supply of the Motor Modules includes: 1025 A 1000 kW 6SL3320-1TH41-0AA0
• Types FX and GX: 1270 A 1200 kW 6SL3320-1TH41-3AA0
- 0.60 m (1.97 ft) DRIVE-CLiQ cable for connection to the
adjacent Motor Module
• Types HX and JX: Warning signs in foreign languages
- 0.35 m (1.15 ft) DRIVE-CLiQ cable for connection to the Warning signs in other languages can be placed on top of the
CU320 Control Unit standard warning signs in German or English.
- 2.10 m (6.89 ft) DRIVE-CLiQ cable for connection to the
adjacent Motor Module The following signs are supplied with chassis format units:
Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, Greek, Italian,
Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish,
Swedish and Turkish.

2/48 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Motor Modules
Single Motor Modules in chassis format

■ Integration
The Single Motor Module communicates with the CU320 Control
Unit via DRIVE-CLiQ.

X400 X401

Single Motor

DRIVE-CLiQ socket

DRIVE-CLiQ socket
DC link busbars DCN

Braking Module Terminal DCNA =

Dv/dt filter terminal DCNS

X9 X402
1 P24_1
DRIVE-CLiQ socket 2
2 M_1
3 VL_1
4 VL_2
5 HS1
6 HS2 V1 M
-F10 W1 3
Fan supply terminal for L2
frame sizes HX and JX -F11
380 to 480 V AC / 660 to 690 V AC Fan

Fan supply terminal for -F10

frame sizes FX and GX

directly on fuse holder

380 to 480 V AC / 660 to 690 V AC -F11
Fan H201

1 +Temp
2 -Temp
3 EP +24 V
44 EP M1

P24 V
7 M
6 U24 V
5 U0 V


Typical connection of Single Motor Modules in chassis format

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 2/49

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Motor Modules
Single Motor Modules in chassis format

■ Technical data
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC Single Motor Modules in chassis format
6SL3320-1TE32- 6SL3320-1TE32- 6SL3320-1TE33- 6SL3320-1TE33- 6SL3320-1TE35-
1AA0 6AA0 1AA0 8AA0 0AA0

Max. output voltage, line-to-line 0.72 × DC link 0.72 × DC link 0.72 × DC link 0.72 × DC link 0.72 × DC link
(fundamental-wave RMS value) voltage voltage voltage voltage voltage
Rated output current In A 210 260 310 380 490
Base load current IL A 205 250 302 370 477
Base load current IH A 178 233 277 340 438
Max. output current Imax A 307 375 453 555 715
Rated power kW 110 132 160 200 250
(HP) (150) (200) (250) (300) (400)
Power based on IH kW 90 110 132 160 200
(HP) (125) (150) (200) (250) (350)
Rated pulse frequency kHz 2 2 2 2 2
DC link voltage range V 510 to 750 510 to 750 510 to 750 510 to 750 510 to 750
DC link current Id A 252 312 372 456 588
DC link capacitance µF 4200 5200 6300 7800 9600
Max. current A 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9
requirements at 24 V DC
Max. current requirements A 0.6 1.2 1.6 1.6 1.6
(fan supply) at 400 V 2 AC
Efficiency η 0.986 0.986 0.986 0.986 0.986
Power loss kW 1.86 2.50 2.96 3.67 4.28
Cooling air requirement m3/s 0.17 0.23 0.36 0.36 0.36
(ft3/s) (6) (8.12) (12.71) (12.71) (12.71)
Sound pressure level 50/60 Hz dB (A) < 66/67 < 68/72 < 68/72 < 68/72 < 68/72
DC link connection Flange connection Flange connection Flange connection Flange connection Flange connection
DCP, DCN with M10 screw, with M10 screw, with M10 screw, with M10 screw, with M10 screw,
max. cross section max. cross section max. cross section max. cross section max. cross section
2 × 185 mm2 2 × 185 mm2 2 × 185 mm2 2 × 185 mm2 2 × 185 mm2
Motor connection Flange connection Flange connection Flange connection Flange connection Flange connection
U2, V2, W2 with M10 screw, with M10 screw, with M10 screw, with M10 screw, with M10 screw,
max. cross section max. cross section max. cross section max. cross section max. cross section
2 × 185 mm2 2 × 185 mm2 2 × 185 mm2 2 × 185 mm2 2 × 185 mm2
PE connection Flange connection Flange connection Flange connection Flange connection Flange connection
with M10 screw, with M10 screw, with M10 screw, with M10 screw, with M10 screw,
max. cross section max. cross section max. cross section max. cross section max. cross section
2 × 185 mm2 2 × 185 mm2 2 × 185 mm2 2 × 185 mm2 2 × 185 mm2
Motor brake connection – – – – –
Max. motor cable length m (ft) 300 (984) 300 (984) 300 (984) 300 (984) 300 (984)
(without external options) (shielded) (shielded) (shielded) (shielded) (shielded)
450 (1477) 450 (1477) 450 (1477) 450 (1477) 450 (1477)
(unshielded) (unshielded) (unshielded) (unshielded) (unshielded)
Degree of protection IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20
Width mm 326 326 326 326 326
(inch) (12.83) (12.83) (12.83) (12.83) (12.83)
Height mm 1400 1400 1533 1533 1533
(inch) (55.12) (55.12) (60.35) (60.35) (60.35)
Depth mm 356 356 545 545 545
(inch) (14.02) (14.02) (21.46) (21.46) (21.46)
Weight, approx. kg 95 95 136 136 136
(lb) (210) (210) (300) (300) (300)

2/50 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Motor Modules
Single Motor Modules in chassis format

■ Technical data (continued)

Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC Single Motor Modules in chassis format
6SL3320-1TE36-1AA0 6SL3320-1TE37-5AA0 6SL3320-1TE38-4AA0
Max. output voltage, line-to-line 0.72 × DC link voltage 0.72 × DC link voltage 0.72 × DC link voltage

(fundamental-wave RMS value)
Rated output current In A 605 745 840
Base load current IL A 590 725 820
Base load current IH A 460 570 700
Max. output current Imax A 885 1087 1230
Rated power kW 315 400 450
(HP) (500) (600) (700)
Power based on IH kW 250 315 400
(HP) (350) (450) (500)
Rated pulse frequency kHz 1.25 1.25 1.25
DC link voltage range V 510 to 750 510 to 750 510 to 750
DC link current Id A 726 894 1008
DC link capacitance µF 12600 15600 16800
Max. current A 1.0 1.0 1.0
requirements at 24 V DC
Max. current requirements A 3.2 3.2 3.2
(fan supply) at 400 V 2 AC
Efficiency η 0.986 0.986 0.986
Power loss kW 5.84 6.68 7.15
Cooling air requirement m3/s 0.78 0.78 0.78
(ft3/s) (27.55) (27.55) (27.55)
Sound pressure level 50/60 Hz dB (A) < 69/72 < 69/72 < 69/72
DC link connection Flange connection for busbar Flange connection for busbar Flange connection for busbar
DCP, DCN connection connection connection
Motor connection Flange connection with M12 Flange connection with M12 Flange connection with M12
U2, V2, W2 screw, screw, screw,
max. cross section 4 × 240 mm2 max. cross section 4 × 240 mm2 max. cross section 4 × 240 mm2
PE connection On housing with M12 screw, On housing with M12 screw, On housing with M12 screw,
max. cross section max. cross section max. cross section
PE1/GND 1 × 240 mm2 PE1/GND 1 × 240 mm2 PE1/GND 1 × 240 mm2
PE2/GND 2 × 240 mm2 PE2/GND 2 × 240 mm2 PE2/GND 2 × 240 mm2
Motor brake connection – – –
Max. motor cable length m (ft) 300 (984) (shielded) 300 (984) (shielded) 300 (984) (shielded)
(without external options) 450 (1477) (unshielded) 450 (1477) (unshielded) 450 (1477) (unshielded)
Degree of protection IP00 IP00 IP00
Width mm 503 503 503
(inch) (19.8) (19.8) (19.8)
Height mm 1475 1475 1475
(inch) (58.07) (58.07) (58.07)
Depth mm 540 540 540
(inch) (21.26) (21.26) (21.26)
Weight, approx. kg 290 290 290
(lb) (640) (640) (640)

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 2/51

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Motor Modules
Single Motor Modules in chassis format

■ Technical data (continued)

Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC Single Motor Modules in chassis format
6SL3320-1TE41-0AA0 6SL3320-1TE41-2AA0 6SL3320-1TE41-4AA0
Max. output voltage, line-to-line 0.72 × DC link voltage 0.72 × DC link voltage 0.72 × DC link voltage

(fundamental-wave RMS value)
Rated output current In A 985 1260 1405
Base load current IL A 960 1230 1370
Base load current IH A 860 1127 1257
Max. output current Imax A 1440 1845 2055
Rated power kW 560 710 800
(HP) (800) (1000) (1150)
Power based on IH kW 450 560 710
(HP) (700) (900) (1000)
Rated pulse frequency kHz 1.25 1.25 1.25
DC link voltage range V 510 to 750 510 to 750 510 to 750
DC link current Id A 1182 1512 1686
DC link capacitance µF 18900 26100 28800
Max. current A 1.25 1.40 1.40
requirements at 24 V DC
Max. current requirements A 4.7 4.7 4.7
(fan supply) at 400 V 2 AC
Efficiency η 0.986 0.986 0.986
Power loss kW 9.5 11.1 12.0
Cooling air requirement m3/s 1.1 1.1 1.1
(ft3/s) (38.85) (38.85) (38.85)
Sound pressure level 50/60 Hz dB (A) < 71/72 < 71/72 < 71/72
DC link connection Flange connection for busbar Flange connection for busbar Flange connection for busbar
DCP, DCN connection connection connection
Motor connection Flange connection with M12 Flange connection with M12 Flange connection with M12
U2, V2, W2 screw, screw, screw,
max. cross section 6 × 240 mm2 max. cross section 6 × 240 mm2 max. cross section 6 × 240 mm2
PE connection On housing with M12 screw, On housing with M12 screw, On housing with M12 screw,
max. cross section max. cross section max. cross section
PE1/GND 1 × 240 mm2 PE1/GND 1 × 240 mm2 PE1/GND 1 × 240 mm2
PE2/GND 2 × 240 mm2 PE2/GND 2 × 240 mm2 PE2/GND 2 × 240 mm2
Motor brake connection – – –
Max. motor cable length m (ft) 300 (984) (shielded) 300 (984) (shielded) 300 (984) (shielded)
(without external options) 450 (1477) (unshielded) 450 (1477) (unshielded) 450 (1477) (unshielded)
Degree of protection IP00 IP00 IP00
Width mm 704 704 704
(inch) (27.72) (27.72) (27.72)
Height mm 1475 1475 1475
(inch) (58.07) (58.07) (58.07)
Depth mm 540 540 540
(inch) (21.26) (21.26) (21.26)
Weight, approx. kg 450 450 450
(lb) (992) (992) (992)

2/52 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Motor Modules
Single Motor Modules in chassis format

■ Technical data (continued)

Line voltage 660 V to 690 V 3 AC Single Motor Modules in chassis format
6SL3320-1TH28-5AA0 6SL3320-1TH31-0AA0 6SL3320-1TH31-2AA0 6SL3320-1TH31-5AA0
Max. output voltage, line-to-line 0.72 × DC link voltage 0.72 × DC link voltage 0.72 × DC link voltage 0.72 × DC link voltage

(fundamental-wave RMS value)
Rated output current In A 85 100 120 150
Base load current IL A 80 95 115 142
Base load current IH A 76 89 107 134
Max. output current Imax A 120 142 172 213
Rated power kW 75 90 110 132
Power based on IH kW 55 75 90 110
Rated pulse frequency kHz 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25
DC link voltage range V 890 to 1035 890 to 1035 890 to 1035 890 to 1035
DC link current Id A 102 120 144 180
DC link capacitance µF 1200 1200 1600 2800
Max. current A 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
requirements at 24 V DC
Max. current requirements A 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
(fan supply) at 400 V 2 AC
Efficiency η 0.988 0.988 0.986 0.989
Power loss kW 1.17 1.43 1.89 1.80
Cooling air requirement m3/s 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17
(ft3/s) (6) (6) (6) (6)
Sound pressure level 50/60 Hz dB (A) < 66/67 < 66/67 < 66/67 < 66/67
DC link connection Flange connection with Flange connection with Flange connection with Flange connection with
DCP, DCN M10 screw, M10 screw, M10 screw, M10 screw,
max. cross section max. cross section max. cross section max. cross section
2 × 185 mm2 2 × 185 mm2 2 × 185 mm2 2 × 185 mm2
Motor connection Flange connection with Flange connection with Flange connection with Flange connection with
U2, V2, W2 M10 screw, M10 screw, M10 screw, M10 screw,
max. cross section max. cross section max. cross section max. cross section
2 × 185 mm2 2 × 185 mm2 2 × 185 mm2 2 × 185 mm2
PE connection Flange connection with Flange connection with Flange connection with Flange connection with
M12 screw, M12 screw, M12 screw, M12 screw,
max. cross section max. cross section max. cross section max. cross section
PE1/GND 2 × 185 mm2 PE1/GND 2 × 185 mm2 PE1/GND 2 × 185 mm2 PE1/GND 2 × 185 mm2
PE2/GND 2 × 185 mm2 PE2/GND 2 × 185 mm2 PE2/GND 2 × 185 mm2 PE2/GND 2 × 185 mm2
Motor brake connection – – – –
Max. motor cable length m 300 (984) (shielded) 300 (984) (shielded) 300 (984) (shielded) 300 (984) (shielded)
(without external options) (ft) 450 (1477) (unshielded) 450 (1477) (unshielded) 450 (1477) (unshielded) 450 (1477) (unshielded)
Degree of protection IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20
Width mm 326 326 326 326
(inch) (12.83) (12.83) (12.83) (12.83)
Height mm 1400 1400 1400 1400
(inch) (55.12) (55.12) (55.12) (55.12)
Depth mm 356 356 356 356
(inch) (14.02) (14.02) (14.02) (14.02)
Weight, approx. kg 95 95 95 95
(lb) (210) (210) (210) (210)

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 2/53

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Motor Modules
Single Motor Modules in chassis format

■ Technical data (continued)

Line voltage 660 V to 690 V 3 AC Single Motor Modules in chassis format
6SL3320-1TH31-8AA0 6SL3320-1TH32-2AA0 6SL3320-1TH32-6AA0 6SL3320-1TH33-3AA0
Max. output voltage, line-to-line 0.72 × DC link voltage 0.72 × DC link voltage 0.72 × DC link voltage 0.72 × DC link voltage

(fundamental-wave RMS value)
Rated output current In A 175 215 260 330
Base load current IL A 170 208 250 320
Base load current IH A 157 192 233 280
Max. output current Imax A 255 312 375 480
Rated power kW 160 200 250 315
Power based on IH kW 132 160 200 250
Rated pulse frequency kHz 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25
DC link voltage range V 890 to 1035 890 to 1035 890 to 1035 890 to 1035
DC link current Id A 210 258 312 396
DC link capacitance µF 2800 2800 3900 4200
Max. current A 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9
requirements at 24 V DC
Max. current requirements A 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94
(fan supply) at 690 V 2 AC
Efficiency η 0.987 0.988 0.988 0.987
Power loss kW 2.67 3.09 3.62 4.34
Cooling air requirement m3/s 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36
(ft3/s) (12.71) (12.71) (12.71) (12.71)
Sound pressure level 50/60 Hz dB (A) < 68/72 < 68/72 < 68/72 < 68/72
DC link connection Flange connection with Flange connection with Flange connection with Flange connection with
DCP, DCN M10 screw, M10 screw, M10 screw, M10 screw,
max. cross section max. cross section max. cross section max. cross section
2 × 185 mm2 2 × 185 mm2 2 × 185 mm2 2 × 185 mm2
Motor connection Flange connection with Flange connection with Flange connection with Flange connection with
U2, V2, W2 M10 screw, M10 screw, M10 screw, M10 screw,
max. cross section max. cross section max. cross section max. cross section
2 × 185 mm2 2 × 185 mm2 2 × 185 mm2 2 × 185 mm2
PE connection Flange connection with Flange connection with Flange connection with Flange connection with
M12 screw, M12 screw, M12 screw, M12 screw,
max. cross section max. cross section max. cross section max. cross section
PE1/GND 2 × 185 mm2 PE1/GND 2 × 185 mm2 PE1/GND 2 × 185 mm2 PE1/GND 2 × 185 mm2
PE2/GND 2 × 185 mm2 PE2/GND 2 × 185 mm2 PE2/GND 2 × 185 mm2 PE2/GND 2 × 185 mm2
Motor brake connection – – – –
Max. motor cable length m 300 (984) (shielded) 300 (984) (shielded) 300 (984) (shielded) 300 (984) (shielded)
(without external options) (ft) 450 (1477) (unshielded) 450 (1477) (unshielded) 450 (1477) (unshielded) 450 (1477) (unshielded)
Degree of protection IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20
Width mm 326 326 326 326
(inch) (12.83) (12.83) (12.83) (12.83)
Height mm 1533 1533 1533 1533
(inch) (60.35) (60.35) (60.35) (60.35)
Depth mm 545 545 545 545
(inch) (21.46) (21.46) (21.46) (21.46)
Weight, approx. kg 136 136 136 136
(lb) (300) (300) (300) (300)

2/54 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Motor Modules
Single Motor Modules in chassis format

■ Technical data (continued)

Line voltage 660 V to 690 V 3 AC Single Motor Modules in chassis format
6SL3320-1TH34-1AA0 6SL3320-1TH34-7AA0 6SL3320-1TH35-8AA0 6SL3320-1TH37-4AA0
Max. output voltage, line-to-line 0.72 × DC link voltage 0.72 × DC link voltage 0.72 × DC link voltage 0.72 × DC link voltage

(fundamental-wave RMS value)
Rated output current In A 410 465 575 735
Base load current IL A 400 452 560 710
Base load current IH A 367 416 514 675
Max. output current Imax A 600 678 840 1065
Rated power kW 400 450 560 710
Power based on IH kW 315 400 450 630
Rated pulse frequency kHz 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25
DC link voltage range V 890 to 1035 890 to 1035 890 to 1035 890 to 1035
DC link current Id A 492 558 690 882
DC link capacitance µF 7400 7400 7400 11100
Max. current A 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.25
requirements at 24 V DC
Max. current requirements A 1.84 1.84 2.74 2.74
(fan supply) at 690 V 2 AC
Efficiency η 0.987 0.985 0.988 0.988
Power loss kW 6.13 6.80 10.3 10.9
Cooling air requirement m3/s 0.78 0.78 0.78 1.474
(ft3/s) (27.55) (27.55) (27.55) (52.05)
Sound pressure level 50/60 Hz dB (A) < 69/72 < 69/72 < 69/72 < 69/72
DC link connection Flange connection for Flange connection for Flange connection for Flange connection for
DCP, DCN busbar connection busbar connection busbar connection busbar connection
Motor connection Flange connection with Flange connection with Flange connection with Flange connection with
U2, V2, W2 M12 screw, M12 screw, M12 screw, M12 screw,
max. cross section max. cross section max. cross section max. cross section
4 × 240 mm2 4 × 240 mm2 4 × 240 mm2 4 × 240 mm2
PE connection Flange connection with Flange connection with Flange connection with Flange connection with
M12 screw, M12 screw, M12 screw, M12 screw,
max. cross section max. cross section max. cross section max. cross section
PE1/GND 1 × 240 mm2 PE1/GND 1 × 240 mm2 PE1/GND 1 × 240 mm2 PE1/GND 1 × 240 mm2
PE2/GND 2 × 240 mm2 PE2/GND 2 × 240 mm2 PE2/GND 2 × 240 mm2 PE2/GND 2 × 240 mm2
Motor brake connection – – – –
Max. motor cable length m 300 (984) (shielded) 300 (984) (shielded) 300 (984) (shielded) 300 (984) (shielded)
(without external options) (ft) 450 (1477) (unshielded) 450 (1477) (unshielded) 450 (1477) (unshielded) 450 (1477) (unshielded)
Degree of protection IP00 IP00 IP00 IP00
Width mm 503 503 503 704
(inch) (19.8) (19.8) (19.8) (27.72)
Height mm 1475 1475 1475 1475
(inch) (58.07) (58.07) (58.07) (58.07)
Depth mm 540 540 540 540
(inch) (21.26) (21.26) (21.26) (21.26)
Weight, approx. kg 290 290 290 450
(lb) (640) (640) (640) (992)

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 2/55

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Motor Modules
Single Motor Modules in chassis format

■ Technical data (continued)

Line voltage 660 V to 690 V 3 AC Single Motor Modules in chassis format
6SL3320-1TH38-1AA0 6SL3320-1TH38-8AA0 6SL3320-1TH41-0AA0 6SL3320-1TH41-3AA0
Max. output voltage, line-to-line 0.72 × DC link voltage 0.72 × DC link voltage 0.72 × DC link voltage 0.72 × DC link voltage

(fundamental-wave RMS value)
Rated output current In A 810 910 1025 1270
Base load current IL A 790 880 1000 1230
Base load current IH A 724 814 917 1136
Max. output current Imax A 1185 1320 1500 1845
Rated power kW 800 900 1000 1200
Power based on IH kW 710 800 900 1000
Rated pulse frequency kHz 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25
DC link voltage range V 890 to 1035 890 to 1035 890 to 1035 890 to 1035
DC link current Id A 972 1092 1230 1524
DC link capacitance µF 11100 14400 14400 19200
Max. current A 1.25 1.4 1.4 1.4
requirements at 24 V DC
Max. current requirements A 2.74 2.74 2.74 2.74
(fan supply) at 690 V 2 AC
Efficiency η 0.988 0.989 0.989 0.989
Power loss kW 11.5 11.7 13.2 16.0
Cooling air requirement m3/s 1.474 1.474 1.474 1.474
(ft3/s) (52.05) (52.05) (52.05) (52.05)
Sound pressure level 50/60 Hz dB (A) < 71/72 < 71/72 < 71/72 < 71/72
DC link connection Flange connection for Flange connection for Flange connection for Flange connection for
DCP, DCN busbar connection busbar connection busbar connection busbar connection
Motor connection Flange connection with Flange connection with Flange connection with Flange connection with
U2, V2, W2 M12 screw, M12 screw, M12 screw, M12 screw,
max. cross section max. cross section max. cross section max. cross section
4 × 240 mm2 4 × 240 mm2 4 × 240 mm2 6 × 240 mm2
PE connection Flange connection with Flange connection with Flange connection with Flange connection with
M12 screw, M12 screw, M12 screw, M12 screw,
max. cross section max. cross section max. cross section max. cross section
PE1/GND 1 × 240 mm2 PE1/GND 1 × 240 mm2 PE1/GND 1 × 240 mm2 PE1/GND 1 × 240 mm2
PE2/GND 2 × 240 mm2 PE2/GND 2 × 240 mm2 PE2/GND 2 × 240 mm2 PE2/GND 2 × 240 mm2
Motor brake connection – – – –
Max. motor cable length m 300 (984) (shielded) 300 (984) (shielded) 300 (984) (shielded) 300 (984) (shielded)
(without external options) (ft) 450 (1477) (unshielded) 450 (1477) (unshielded) 450 (1477) (unshielded) 450 (1477) (unshielded)
Degree of protection IP00 IP00 IP00 IP00
Width mm 704 704 704 704
(inch) (27.72) (27.72) (27.72) (27.72)
Height mm 1475 1475 1475 1475
(inch) (58.07) (58.07) (58.07) (58.07)
Depth mm 540 540 540 540
(inch) (21.26) (21.26) (21.26) (21.26)
Weight, approx. kg 450 450 450 450
(lb) (992) (992) (992) (992)

2/56 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Motor Modules
Single Motor Modules in chassis format

■ Characteristic curves
When the pulse frequency is increased, the derating factor of the Derating factor of the output current as a function of the
output current must be taken into account. pulse frequency for devices with a rated pulse frequency of
1.25 kHz
This derating factor must be applied to the currents specified in

the technical data. Motor Module Output Output current Derating factor
type at pulse at pulse
Derating factor of the output current as a function of the frequency of frequency of
pulse frequency for devices with a rated pulse frequency of 1.25 kHz 2.5 kHz
2 kHz 6SL3320- ... kW (HP) A
Motor Module Output Output current Derating factor Supply voltage 510 V to 750 V DC
type at pulse fre- at pulse fre-
quency of 2 kHz quency of 4 kHz 1TE36-1AA0 315 (500) 605 72%
6SL3320- ... kW (HP) A 1TE37-5AA0 400 (600) 745 72%
Supply voltage 510 V to 750 V DC 1TE38-4AA0 450 (700) 840 79%
1TE32-1AA0 110 (150) 210 82% 1TE41-0AA0 560 (800) 985 87%
1TE32-6AA0 132 (200) 260 83% 1TE41-2AA0 710 (1000) 1260 87%
1TE33-1AA0 160 (250) 310 88% 1TE41-4AA0 800 (1150) 1405 95%
1TE33-8AA0 200 (300) 380 87% Supply voltage 890 V to 1035 V DC
1TE33-0AA0 250 (400) 490 78% 1TH28-5AA0 75 85 89%
1TH31-0AA0 90 100 88%
1TH31-2AA0 110 120 88%
1TH31-5AA0 132 150 84%
1TH31-8AA0 160 175 87%
1TH32-2AA0 200 215 87%
1TH32-6AA0 250 260 88%
1TH33-3AA0 315 330 82%
1TH34-1AA0 400 410 82%
1TH34-7AA0 450 465 87%
1TH35-8AA0 560 575 85%
1TH37-4AA0 710 735 79%
1TH38-1AA0 800 810 95%
1TH38-8AA0 900 910 87%
1TH41-0AA0 1000 1025 86%
1TH41-3AA0 1200 1270 79%

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 2/57

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Motor Modules
Double Motor Modules in booksize format

■ Design ■ Accessories
Description Order No.
Power connector (X1/X2) 6SL3162-2MA00-0AA0
At Motor Module end, with screw-type
terminals 1.5-10mm2,
2 for Motor Modules with a rated output current
of 3 A to 30 A
DC link supply adapter 6SL3162-2BD00-0AA0
for direct infeed of DC link voltage
Screw-type terminals 0.5-10 mm2
for Line/Motor Modules in booksize format
with a width of 50 mm (1.97 in) and100 mm
(3.94 in)
DC link supply adapter 6SL3162-2BM00-0AA0
for direct infeed of DC link voltage
Screw-type terminals 35-95 mm2
for Line/Motor Modules in booksize format
with a width of 150 mm (5.91 in), 200 mm
(7.87 in) and 300 mm (11.81 in)
DC link adapters (2 pieces) 6SL3162-2BM01-0AA0
for multi-tier configuration
Screw-type terminals 35-95 mm2
for all Line Modules/Motor Modules
in booksize format
Double Motor Modules feature the following interfaces as stan- 24 V terminal adapter 6SL3162-2AA00-0AA0
dard: for all Line Modules/Motor Modules in
• 2 x DC link connections via integrated DC link busbars booksize-format
• 2 x electronics power supply connections via integrated 24 V jumper 6SL3162-2AA01-0AA0
24 V DC bars for connection of the 24 V busbars
(for booksize format)
• 4 x DRIVE-CLiQ sockets
• 2 x plug-in motor connections (not included in scope of Warning signs in foreign languages 6SL3166-3AB00-0AA0
supply) This set of foreign language warning signs
can be placed on top of the standard
• 2 x safe standstill inputs (1 input per axis) German or English signs.
• 2 x safe motor brake control One sign in each of the following languages
is provided in each set:
• 2 x temperature sensor inputs (KTY84-130) Chinese, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French,
• 3 x PE (protective earth) connections Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean,
Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish.
The status of the Motor Modules is indicated via two multi-color
Plug-in connector for motor brake Item No.:
LEDs. Wago 231-102/037-000
On Double Motor Modules, the motor cable shield can be con- (Wago)
nected in the connector.
The signal cable shield can be connected to the Motor Module ■ Characteristic curves
by means of a shield connection terminal, e.g. type
KLBÜ 3-8 SC by Weidmüller. Derating characteristic for Motor Modules in booksize format

The scope of supply of the Motor Modules includes:

• DRIVE-CLiQ cable (length depends on module width) to
connect Motor Module to adjacent module

• Jumper for connecting the 24 DC V busbar to the adjacent %

Motor Module 90
Permissible output current


■ Selection and ordering data

Rated output Rated power Double Motor Module 50
current Order No. 40
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC
2×3A 2 × 1.6 kW (2 × 1.5 HP) 6SL3120-2TE13-0AA0 10
2×5A 2 × 2.7 kW (2 × 3 HP) 6SL3120-2TE15-0AA0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 kHz 20
Pulse frequency
2×9A 2 × 4.8 kW (2 × 5 HP) 6SL3120-2TE21-0AA0
2 × 18 A 2 × 9.7 kW (2 × 10 HP) 6SL3120-2TE21-8AA0

Output current as a function of pulse frequency

2/58 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Motor Modules
Double Motor Modules in booksize format

■ Integration
The Double Motor Module communicates with the CU320
Control Unit via DRIVE-CLiQ.

X200 X201

DRIVE-CLiQ socket 0

DRIVE-CLiQ socket 1
Double Motor Module

+ +
M M 24 V DC busbars

DCN DCN DC link busbars


DRIVE-CLiQ socket 2

1 +Temp
2 -Temp U2
3 EP +24 V 3
4 EP M1 M

1 +Temp
DRIVE-CLiQ socket 3
2 -Temp

3 EP +24 V E
4 EP M1 M U2
1) V2




1) Required for Safety.

2) Temperature sensor terminal for motors without DRIVE-CLiQ interface.

Wiring diagram for Double Motor Modules 2x3 A to 2x18 A

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 2/59

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Motor Modules
Double Motor Modules in booksize format

■ Technical data
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC Double Motor Module
6SL3120-2TE13-0AA0 6SL3120-2TE15-0AA0 6SL3120-2TE21-0AA0 6SL3120-2TE21-8AA0
Rated output current In A 2×3 2×5 2×9 2 × 18

2 Output current
for S6 duty (40%) IS6
A 2 × 3.5 2×6 2 × 10 2 × 24

Base load current IH A 2 × 2.6 2 × 4.3 2 × 7.7 2 × 15.3

Max. output current Imax A 2×6 2 × 10 2 × 18 2 × 36
Rated power kW 2 × 1.6 2 × 2.7 2 × 4.8 2 × 9.7
for 600 V DC DC link voltage (HP) (2 × 1.5) (2 × 3) (2 × 5) (2 × 10)
Rated power kW 2 × 1.4 2 × 2.3 2 × 4.1 2 × 8.2
based on IH (HP) (2 × 1) (2 × 2.5) (2 × 5) (2 × 10)
DC link voltage range V 510 to 750 510 to 750 510 to 750 510 to 750
DC link current Id A 7.2 12 22 43
DC link busbar current capacity A 100 100 100 100
DC link capacitance µF 110 220 220 710
Max. current A 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
requirements at 24 V DC
24 V DC busbar current capacity A 20 20 20 20
If, due to a number of Line and Motor Modules being mounted side-by-side, the current carrying
capacity exceeds 20 A, an additional 24 V DC connection using a 24 V terminal adapter is
required (max. cross section 6 mm2, max. fuse protection 20 A).
Efficiency η 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97
Power loss kW 0.07 0.11 0.16 0.32
Cooling air requirement m3/s 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.016
(ft3/s) (0.283) (0.283) (0.283) (0.565)
Sound pressure level dB (A) < 60 < 60 < 60 < 60
Motor connection 2 x plug-in connectors 2 x plug-in connectors 2 x plug-in connectors 2 x plug-in connectors
U2, V2, W2 (X1, X2), max. 30 A (X1, X2), max. 30 A (X1, X2), max. 30 A (X1, X2), max. 30 A
(not included in scope (not included in scope (not included in scope (not included in scope
of supply, of supply, of supply, of supply,
see Accessories) see Accessories) see Accessories) see Accessories)
Shield connection integrated in connec- integrated in connec- integrated in connec- integrated in connec-
tor (X1, X2) tor (X1, X2) tor (X1, X2) tor (X1, X2)
PE connection On housing with On housing with On housing with On housing with
M5 screw M5 screw M5 screw M5 screw
Motor brake connection Integrated into the Integrated into the Integrated into the Integrated into the
plug-in motor connec- plug-in motor connec- plug-in motor connec- plug-in motor connec-
tor (X1, X2), 24 V DC, tor (X1, X2), 24 V DC, tor (X1, X2), 24 V DC, tor (X1, X2), 24 V DC,
2A 2A 2A 2A
Max. motor cable length m 50 (164) (shielded) 50 (164) (shielded) 50 (164) (shielded) 50 (164) (shielded)
(ft) 75 (246) (unshielded) 75 (246) (unshielded) 75 (246) (unshielded) 75 (246) (unshielded)
Degree of protection IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20
Width mm 50 50 50 100
(inch) (1.97) (1.97) (1.97) (3.94)
Height mm 380 380 380 380
(inch) (14.96) (14.96) (14.96) (14.96)
Depth mm 270 270 270 270
(inch) (10.63) (10.63) (10.63) (10.63)
Weight, approx. kg 5.3 5.3 5.3 6.8
(lb) (12) (12) (12) (15)

2/60 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
DC link components
Braking Modules in booksize format

■ Overview ■ Selection and ordering data

Description Braking Module
Order No.
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC

Braking Module in booksize format 6SL3100-1AE31-0AA0
1.5 kW/100 kW

■ Accessories
Description Order No.
Warning signs in foreign 6SL3166-3AB00-0AA0
This set of foreign language warning signs
can be placed on top of the standard Ger-
man or English signs.
One sign in each of the following languages
is provided in each set:
Chinese, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French,
Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean,
Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish.

■ Technical data
Line voltage Booksize format
380 V to 480 V 3 AC Braking Module
Rated power PDB 1.5 kW
A Braking Module and the matching external braking resistor are Peak power Pmax 100 kW
required to bring drives to a controlled standstill in the event of a
power failure (e.g. emergency retraction or EMERGENCY OFF Max. permissible cable length to 10 m (32.8 ft)
category 1) or limit the DC link voltage during regeneration for a braking resistor
short period of time, e.g. when the regenerative feedback capa- DC link capacitance 110 µF
bility of the Line Module is deactivated. The Braking Module
Max. current requirements at 0.5 A
houses the power electronics and the associated control circuit. 24 V DC
During operation, the DC link energy is converted to heat loss in
an external braking resistor. Braking Modules function autono- Digital inputs
mously. A number of Braking Modules can be operated in paral- • Voltage -3 V to +30 V
lel. In this case, each Braking Module must have its own braking
resistor. • Low level (an open digital input -3 V to +5 V
is interpreted as "low")
Braking Modules in booksize format can also be used for rapid • High level 15 V to 30 V
discharge of the DC link.
• Current consumption (at 24 V DC) 10 mA
■ Design • Max. connectable cross section 1.5 mm2
Digital outputs (continued-short-circuit-proof)
The Braking Module in booksize format features the following in-
terfaces as standard: • Voltage 24 V DC
• 2 x DC link connections via integrated DC link busbars • Max. load current per digital 100 mA
• 2 x electronics power supply connections via integrated
24 V DC bars • Max. connectable cross section 1.5 mm2
• Terminals for connecting the braking resistor 24 V DC busbar current capacity 20 A
• 2 x digital inputs (disable Braking Module/acknowledge faults DC link busbar current capacity 100 A
and rapid discharge of DC link)
PE connection On housing with M5 screw
• 2 x digital outputs (Braking Module disabled and prewarning
Width 50 mm (1.97 in)
– I×t monitoring)
• 2 x PE (protective earth) connections Height 380 mm (14.96 in)
Depth, with spacer 270 mm (10.63 in)
The status of the Braking Module is indicated via two 2-color (included in scope of supply)
Weight, approx. 4.1 kg (9 lb)

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 2/61

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
DC link components
Braking Modules in booksize format

■ Integration

Braking Module
2 + +
M M 24 V DC busbars

DCN DCN DC link busbars

Max. cable length: 10 m (32.8 ft)

X21 X1
1 R1 1
DI, inhibit Braking Module
2 R2 2
DI, DC link fast discharge
3 DO, “0 V" = prewarning l * t shutdown
4 DO, "0 V" = Fault/Braking Module inhibited Braking resistor
5 M


Wiring diagram for Braking Module in booksize format

2/62 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
DC link components
Braking Modules in chassis format

■ Overview ■ Design
The Braking Modules in chassis format feature the following in-
terfaces as standard:
• 1 x DC link connection

• 1 x braking resistor connection
• 1 x digital input (inhibit Braking Module/acknowledge error)
• 1 x digital output (Braking Module inhibited)
• 1 x DIP switch for adjusting activation threshold.

■ Selection and ordering data

Description Braking Module
Order No.
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC
Braking Module in chassis format, 6SL3300-1AE31-3AA0
size FX, 25 kW/125 kW
Braking Module in chassis format , 6SL3300-1AE32-5AA0
size GX, 50 kW/250 kW
Braking Module in chassis format, 6SL3300-1AE32-5BA0
A Braking Module and the matching external braking resistor are sizes HX and JX, 50 kW/250 kW
required to bring drives to a controlled standstill in the event of a
power failure (e.g. emergency retraction or EMERGENCY OFF Line voltage 660 V to 690 V 3 AC
category 1) or limit the DC link voltage during regeneration for a Braking Module in chassis format, 6SL3300-1AH31-3AA0
short period of time, e.g. when the regenerative feedback capa- size FX, 25 kW/125 kW
bility of the Line Module is deactivated. The Braking Module
Braking Module in chassis format, 6SL3300-1AH32-5AA0
houses the power electronics and the associated control circuit. size GX, 50 kW/250 kW
During operation, the DC link energy is converted to heat loss in
an external braking resistor. Braking Modules function autono- Braking Module in chassis format, 6SL3300-1AH32-5BA0
mously. A number of Braking Modules can be operated in paral- sizes HX and JX, 50 kW/250 kW
lel. In this case, each Braking Module must have its own braking
Warning signs in foreign languages
The Braking Module in chassis format is inserted in a mounting
location inside the Motor Module or Active Line Module, the fan Warning signs in other languages can be placed on top of the
of which ensures forced cooling. The supply voltage for the elec- standard warning signs in German or English.
tronics is drawn from the DC link. The Braking Module is connec- The following signs are supplied with chassis format units:
ted to the DC link by means of the busbar sets and flexible Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, Greek, Italian,
cables, which are supplied as standard. Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish,
The activation threshold of the Braking Module can be adjusted Swedish and Turkish.
by means of a DIP switch. The braking power values specified
in the technical data apply to the upper activation threshold.

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 2/63

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
DC link components
Braking Modules in chassis format

■ Integration

2 Braking Module

+24 V

Fault output
21.5 Fault


Inhibit input

Braking resistor


DC link
connection terminals

Typical connection of Braking Module in chassis format

2/64 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
DC link components
Braking Modules in chassis format

■ Technical data
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC Braking Module in chassis format
6SL3300-1AE31-3AA0 6SL3300-1AE32-5AA0 6SL3300-1AE32-5BA0
Suitable for installation in Motor Module/ FX GX HX/JX

Active Line Module size
PDB rated power kW 25 50 50
P15 peak power kW 125 250 250
P20 power kW 100 200 200
P40 power kW 50 100 100
Activation thresholds V 774 (factory setting)
(adjustable via DIP switch) or 673
Max. permissible cable length to m (ft) 50 (164) 50 (164) 50 (164)
braking resistor
Digital inputs
• Voltage V –3 to +30 –3 to +30 –3 to +30
• Low level (an open digital input is V –3 to +5 –3 to +5 –3 to +5
interpreted as "low")
• High level V 15 to 30 15 to 30 15 to 30
• Current consumption (at 24 V DC) mA 10 10 10
• Max. connectable cross section mm2 1.5 1.5 1.5
Digital outputs (continued-short-circuit-proof)
• Voltage V 24 DC 24 DC 24 DC
• Max. load current per digital output mA 500 500 500
• Max. connectable cross section mm2 1.5 1.5 1.5
Terminal/screw R1/R2 M8 M8 M8
Max. connectable cross section R1/R2 mm2 35 50 50
Weight, approx. kg (lb) 3.6 (8) 7.3 (16) 7.5 (17)

Line voltage 660 V to 690 V 3 AC Braking Module in chassis format

6SL3300-1AH31-3AA0 6SL3300-1AH32-5AA0 6SL3300-1AH32-5BA0
Suitable for installation in Motor Module/ FX GX HX/JX
Active Line Module size
PDB rated power kW 25 50 50
P15 peak power kW 125 250 250
P20 power kW 100 200 200
P40 power kW 50 100 100
Activation thresholds V 1153 (factory setting)
(adjustable via DIP switch) or 1070
Max. permissible cable length to m (ft) 50 (164) 50 (164) 50 (164)
braking resistor
Digital inputs
• Voltage V –3 to +30 –3 to +30 –3 to +30
• Low level (an open digital input is V –3 to +5 –3 to +5 –3 to +5
interpreted as "low")
• High level V 15 to 30 15 to 30 15 to 30
• Current consumption (at 24 V DC) mA 10 10 10
• Max. connectable cross section mm2 1.5 1.5 1.5
Digital outputs (continued-short-circuit-proof)
• Voltage V 24 DC 24 DC 24 DC
• Max. load current per digital output mA 500 500 500
• Max. connectable cross section mm2 1.5 1.5 1.5
Terminal/screw R1/R2 M8 M8 M8
Max. connectable cross section R1/R2 mm2 35 50 50
Weight, approx. kg (lb) 3.6 (8) 7.3 (16) 7.5 (16)

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 2/65

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
DC link components
Braking resistors in booksize format

■ Overview ■ Selection and ordering data

Description Suitable for Braking resistor
Braking Module in
booksize format Order No.
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V3 AC

2 Braking resistor
0.3 kW/25 kW
6SL3100-1AE31-0AA0 6SN1113-1AA00-0DA0

Braking resistor 6SL3100-1AE31-0AA0 6SL3100-1BE31-0AA0

1.5 kW/100 kW

■ Characteristic curves



Excess power in the DC link is dissipated via the braking resistor. Ta t

The braking resistor is connected to a Braking Module. The
braking resistor should be positioned outside the cabinet or
switchgear room. This enables the resulting heat loss to be dis-
sipated efficiently, thereby allowing a corresponding reduction in Load diagram for Braking Module in booksize format and braking resistor
the level of air conditioning required.
2 braking resistors with different rated and peak power values
are available for booksize format units.

■ Technical data
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC Braking resistors for Braking Module in booksize format
6SN1113-1AA00-0DA0 6SL3100-1BE31-0AA0
Rated power PDB kW 0.3 1.5
Peak power Pmax kW 25 100
In-service period for peak power ta s 0.1 0.4 1 2
Period duration of braking duty s 11.5 210 68 460
cycle t
Degree of protection IP54 IP20
Braking resistor with connected 1.5 mm2
cable (shielded), 3 m (9.84 ft) long
Width mm 80 193
(inch) (3.15) (7.6)
Height mm 210 410
(inch) (8.27) (16.14)
Depth mm 53 240
(inch) (2.09) (9.45)
Weight, approx. kg 3.4 5.6
(lb) (8) (12)

2/66 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
DC link components
Braking resistors in chassis format

■ Overview ■ Selection and ordering data

Description Suitable for Braking resistor
Braking Module in
chassis format Order No.
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC
Braking resistor
25 kW/125 kW
6SL3300-1AE31-3AA0 6SL3000-1BE31-3AA0
Braking resistor 6SL3300-1AE32-5 . A0 6SL3000-1BE32-5AA0
50 kW/250 kW
Line voltage 660 V to 690 V 3 AC
Braking resistor 6SL3300-1AH31-3AA0 6SL3000-1BH31-3AA0
25 kW/125 kW
Braking resistor 6SL3300-1AH32-5 . A0 6SL3000-1BH32-5AA0
50 kW/250 kW

■ Characteristic curves

Excess power in the DC link is dissipated via the braking resistor.
The braking resistor is connected to a Braking Module. The
braking resistor should be positioned outside the cabinet or 1.50
switchgear room. This enables the resulting heat loss to be dis- 1.25 P 15
sipated efficiently, thereby allowing a corresponding reduction in
the level of air conditioning required.

1.00 P 20

2 braking resistors with different rated and peak power values 0.75
are available for chassis format units.
0.50 P 40

10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 s 100 t

P DB = Permanent braking power

P 15 = 5 x P DB = Output which is permissible every 90 s for 15 s
P 20 = 4 x P DB = Output which is permissible every 90 s for 20 s
P 40 = 2 x P DB = Output which is permissible every 90 s for 40 s

Load diagram for Braking Module in chassis format and braking resistor

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 2/67

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
DC link components
Braking resistors in chassis format

■ Technical data
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC Braking resistors for Braking Modules in chassis format
6SL3000-1BE31-3AA0 6SL3000-1BE32-5AA0
Rated power PDB kW 25 50

2 Peak power Pmax

In-service period for peak power
Period duration of braking duty s 90 90
cycle t
Max. current A 189 378
Cable gland Via cable gland M50 Via cable gland M50
Power connection Via stud terminal M10 Via stud terminal M10
Max. connectable cross section mm2 50 70
Degree of protection IP20 IP20
Width mm 740 810
(inch) (29.13) (31.89)
Height mm 605 1325
(inch) (23.82) (52.17)
Depth mm 485 485
(inch) (19.09) (19.09)
Weight, approx. kg 50 120
(lb) (110) (265)

Line voltage 660 V to 690 V 3 AC Braking resistors for Braking Modules in chassis format
6SL3000-1BH31-3AA0 6SL3000-1BH32-5AA0
Rated power PDB kW 25 50
Peak power Pmax kW 125 250
In-service period for peak power s 15 15
Period duration of braking duty s 90 90
cycle t
Max. current A 125 255
Cable gland Via cable gland M50 Via cable gland M50
Power connection Via stud terminal M10 Via stud terminal M10
Max. connectable cross section mm2 50 70
Degree of protection IP20 IP20
Width mm 740 810
(inch) (29.13) (31.89)
Height mm 605 1325
(inch) (23.82) (52.17)
Depth mm 485 485
(inch) (19.09) (19.09)
Weight, approx. kg 50 120
(lb) (110) (265)

2/68 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
DC link components
Capacitor Module

■ Overview ■ Selection and ordering data

Description Order No.
Capacitor Module 6SL3100-1CE14-0AA0

■ Accessories
Description Order No.
Warning signs in foreign languages 6SL3166-3AB00-0AA0
This set of foreign language warning signs
can be placed on top of the standard
German or English signs.
One sign in each of the following languages
is provided in each set:
Chinese, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French,
Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean,
Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish.

■ Technical data
Capacitor Module
Capacitance 4000 µF
24 V DC busbar current capacity 20 A
DC link busbar current capacity 100 A
PE connection On housing with M5

Capacitor Modules are used to increase the DC link capacitance Width 100 mm (3.94 in)
to bridge momentary power losses. Height 380 mm (14.96 in)
Capacitor Modules are connected to the DC link voltage via the Depth, with spacer 270 mm (10.63 in)
integrated DC link busbars. Capacitor Modules function autono- (included in scope of supply)
mously. Weight, approx. 7.2 kg (16 lb)
Several Capacitor Modules can be operated in parallel.

■ Design
Capacitor Modules feature the following interfaces as standard:
• 2 x DC link connections via integrated DC link busbars
• 2 x PE (protective earth) connections

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 2/69

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
DC link components
Control Supply Module

■ Overview ■ Design
Control Supply Modules feature the following interfaces as
• 1 x power connection

• 2 x DC link connections via integrated DC link busbars
• 2 x electronics power supply connections via integrated
24 V DC bars
• 1 x connection for the electronics power supply for Control
Units, Terminal Modules, Sensor Modules, etc., via the 24 V
terminal adapter provided in the scope of supply (max. cross
section 6 mm2, max. fuse protection 20 A)
• 2 x PE (protective earth) connections
The status of the Control Supply Modules is indicated via two
multi-color LEDs.

■ Selection and ordering data

Description Order No.
Control Supply Module 6SL3100-1DE22-0AA0

■ Accessories
Description Order No.
Warning signs in foreign 6SL3166-3AB00-0AA0
The Control Supply Module provides a 24 V DC power supply via
This set of foreign language warning signs
the line or DC link. This makes it possible, for example, to make can be placed on top of the standard
emergency retraction movements in the event of failure of the German or English signs.
line supply, as long as the DC link voltage becomes available. One sign in each of the following languages
is provided in each set:
Chinese, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French,
Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Por-
tuguese, Spanish and Swedish.

2/70 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
DC link components
Control Supply Module

■ Integration

Control Supply =

L1 =
L3 =

+ +
M M 24 V DC busbars


Wiring diagram of the Control Supply Module

■ Technical data
Control Supply Module
Rated input current
• at 400 V 3 AC 2.2 A
• at 600 V DC 1.1 A
Radio interference suppression Class A1 to EN 55011
Rated output voltage 26 V DC
Rated output current 20 A
24 V DC busbar current capacity 20 A
DC link busbar current capacity 100 A
Power connection L1, L2, L3 (X1) Screw-type terminals
0.2 mm2 to 4.0 mm2
PE connection On housing with M5 screw
Width 50 mm (1.97 in)
Height 380 mm (14.96 in)
Depth, with spacer 270 mm (10.63 in)
(included in scope of supply)
Weight, approx. 4.8 kg (11 lb)

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 2/71

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
DC link components
DC link supply adapter

■ Overview ■ Selection and ordering data

Description Order No.
DC link supply adapter 6SL3162-2BD00-0AA0
for direct infeed of DC link voltage

for Line Modules and Motor Modules in
booksize format with a width of 50 mm
(1.97 in) and 100 mm (3.94 in)
DC link supply adapter 6SL3162-2BM00-0AA0
for direct infeed of DC link voltage
for Line Modules and Motor Modules in
booksize format with a width of 150 mm
(5.91 in), 200 mm (7.87 in) and 300 mm
(11.81 in)
DC link adapters (2 pieces) 6SL3162-2BM01-0AA0
for multi-tier configuration
for all Line Modules and Motor Modules in
booksize format

■ Technical data
If the internal Motor Module DC link busbars are not to be used,
DC link supply 6SL3162- 6SL3162- 6SL3162-
the DC link voltage can be provided externally via a DC link po- adapter 2BD00- 2BM00- 2BM01-
wer supply adapter. Two versions are available depending on 0AA0 0AA0 0AA0
cable cross section. The DC link power supply adapter is moun-
ted on the DC link busbars of the Motor Module. The DC link ca- Connec- mm2 0.5 to 10 35 to 95 35 to 95
bles are routed from above. table cross
If a multi-tier Motor Module configuration is used, a DC link po- (screw-type
wer supply adapter set can be provided for linking the DC links terminals)
of two drive groups. The DC link power supply adapters are Current car- A 36 240 240
mounted on the DC link busbars of the Motor Modules to the far rying capa-
right of each group. The DC link cables are routed from behind. city
Weight, kg 0.06 0.48 0.76
approx. (lb) (0.1) (1.1) (1.7)

2/72 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Load-side power components
Sinusoidal filter

■ Overview If a sinusoidal filter is connected at the Motor Module output, the

voltage between the motor terminals is virtually sinusoidal. This
reduces the stress on the motor windings and prevents motor
noise induced by the pulse frequency.
The pulse frequency of the Motor Modules must be set to 4 kHz
for the sinusoidal filters.
With chassis format units, this reduces the maximum possible
output current and the maximum achievable output voltage (see
characteristics for "Single Motor Modules in chassis format " and
section "Configuration“).
The sinusoidal filter should be installed as close as possible to
the Motor Module.

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated power of Suitable for Sinusoidal filter
Motor Module Motor Module Order No.
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC
110 kW (150 HP) 6SL3320-1TE32-1AA0 6SL3000-2CE32-3AA0
132 kW (200 HP) 6SL3320-1TE32-6AA0 6SL3000-2CE32-3AA0
160 kW (250 HP) 6SL3320-1TE33-1AA0 6SL3000-2CE32-8AA0
200 kW (300 HP) 6SL3320-1TE33-8AA0 6SL3000-2CE33-3AA0
250 kW (400 HP) 6SL3320-1TE35-0AA0 6SL3000-2CE34-1AA0

■ Technical data
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC Sinusoidal filter
6SL3000-2CE32-3AA0 6SL3000-2CE32- 6SL3000-2CE33- 6SL3000-2CE34-
8AA0 3AA0 1AA0
Suitable for Type 6SL3320-1TE32- 6SL3320-1TE32- 6SL3320-1TE33- 6SL3320-1TE33- 6SL3320-1TE35-
Single Motor Module 1AA0 6AA0 1AA0 8AA0 0AA0
chassis format
Rated power Pn of Motor kW 110 132 160 200 250
Module with 4 kHz pulse (HP) (150) (200) (250) (300) (400)
frequency setting
Rated current A 225 225 276 333 408
Power loss 50 Hz/60 Hz kW 0.35/0.6 0.35/0.6 0.4/0.69 0.245/0.53 0.38/0.7
Line/load connection Connection lugs Connection lugs Connection lugs Connection lugs Connection lugs
M10 M10 M10 M10 M10
PE connection Connection lugs Connection lugs Connection lugs Connection lugs Connection lugs
M10 M10 M10 M10 M10
Max. permissible cable length m (ft) 300 (984) 300 (984) 300 (984) 300 (984) 300 (984)
between sinusoidal filter and (shielded) (shielded) (shielded) (shielded) (shielded)
motor 450 (1477) 450 (1477) 450 (1477) 450 (1477) 450 (1477)
(unshielded) (unshielded) (unshielded) (unshielded) (unshielded)
Degree of protection IP00 IP00 IP00 IP00 IP00
Width mm 620 620 620 620 620
(inch) (24.4) (24.4) (24.4) (24.4) (24.4)
Height mm 300 300 300 370 370
(inch) (11.81) (11.81) (11.81) (14.57) (14.57)
Depth mm 320 320 320 360 360
(inch) (12.6) (12.6) (12.6) (14.17) (14.17)
Weight, approx. kg 124 124 127 136 198
(lb) (273) (273) (280) (300) (437)

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 2/73

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Load-side power components
Motor reactors

■ Overview ■ Selection and ordering data

Rated power of Suitable for Motor reactor
Motor Module Motor Module Order No.
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC

110 kW (150 HP) 6SL3320-1TE32-1AA0 6SL3000-2BE32-1AA0
132 kW (200 HP) 6SL3320-1TE32-6AA0 6SL3000-2BE32-6AA0
160 kW (250 HP) 6SL3320-1TE33-1AA0 6SL3000-2BE33-2AA0
200 kW (300 HP) 6SL3320-1TE33-8AA0 6SL3000-2BE33-8AA0
250 kW (400 HP) 6SL3320-1TE35-0AA0 6SL3000-2BE35-0AA0
315 kW (500 HP) 6SL3320-1TE36-1AA0 6SL3000-2AE36-1AA0
400 kW (600 HP) 6SL3320-1TE37-5AA0 6SL3000-2AE38-4AA0
450 kW (700 HP) 6SL3320-1TE38-4AA0 6SL3000-2AE38-4AA0
560 kW (800 HP) 6SL3320-1TE41-0AA0 6SL3000-2AE41-0AA0
710 kW (1000 HP) 6SL3320-1TE41-2AA0 6SL3000-2AE41-4AA0
800 kW (1150 HP) 6SL3320-1TE41-4AA0 6SL3000-2AE41-4AA0
Line voltage 660 V to 690 V 3 AC
75 kW 6SL3320-1TH28-5AA0 6SL3000-2AH31-0AA0
90 kW 6SL3320-1TH31-0AA0 6SL3000-2AH31-0AA0
110 kW 6SL3320-1TH31-2AA0 6SL3000-2AH31-5AA0
132 kW 6SL3320-1TH31-5AA0 6SL3000-2AH31-5AA0
160 kW 6SL3320-1TH31-8AA0 6SL3000-2AH31-8AA0
Motor reactors reduce the stress on the motor windings by redu-
cing the voltage gradients on the motor terminals. At the same 200 kW 6SL3320-1TH32-2AA0 6SL3000-2AH32-4AA0
time, the capacitive charge/discharge currents that occur at the 250 kW 6SL3320-1TH32-6AA0 6SL3000-2AH32-6AA0
converter output when long motor cables are used are reduced.
The maximum permissible output frequency when a motor reac- 315 kW 6SL3320-1TH33-3AA0 6SL3000-2AH33-6AA0
tor is used is 150 Hz. 400 kW 6SL3320-1TH34-1AA0 6SL3000-2AH34-5AA0
The motor reactor should be installed as close as possible to the 450 kW 6SL3320-1TH34-7AA0 6SL3000-2AH34-7AA0
Motor Module. 560 kW 6SL3320-1TH35-8AA0 6SL3000-2AH35-8AA0
710 kW 6SL3320-1TH37-4AA0 6SL3000-2AH38-1AA0
800 kW 6SL3320-1TH38-1AA0 6SL3000-2AH38-1AA0
900 kW 6SL3320-1TH38-8AA0 6SL3000-2AH41-0AA0
1000 kW 6SL3320-1TH41-0AA0 6SL3000-2AH41-1AA0
1200 kW 6SL3320-1TH41-3AA0 6SL3000-2AH41-3AA0

2/74 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Load-side power components
Motor reactors

■ Technical data
Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC Motor reactor (for pulse frequencies of 2.5 kHz and 1.25 kHz)
6SL3000- 6SL3000- 6SL3000- 6SL3000- 6SL3000- 6SL3000-
2BE32-1AA0 2BE32-6AA0 2BE33-2AA0 2BE33-8AA0 2BE35-0AA0 2AE36-1AA0

Suitable for Type 6SL3320- 6SL3320- 6SL3320- 6SL3320- 6SL3320- 6SL3320-
Motor Module 1TE32-1AA0 1TE32-6AA0 1TE33-1AA0 1TE33-8AA0 1TE35-0AA0 1TE36-1AA0
Rated power of Motor kW 110 132 160 200 250 315
Module (HP) (150) (200) (250) (300) (400) (500)
Rated current A 210 260 310 380 490 605
Power loss kW 0.486 0.5 0.47 0.5 0.5 0.9
Line/load connection M10 M10 M10 M10 M12 M12
PE connection M8 M8 M8 M8 M8 M8
Max. permissible cable m (ft) 300 (984) (shielded)
length between motor 450 (1477) (unshielded)
reactor and motor
Width mm 300 300 300 300 300 410
(inch) (11.81) (11.81) (11.81) (11.81) (11.81) (16.14)
Height mm 285 315 285 285 365 392
(inch) (11.22) (12.4) (11.22) (11.2) 2) (14.37) (15.43)
Depth mm 257 277 257 277 277 292
(inch) (10.12) (10.9) (10.12) (10.9) (10.9) (11.5)
Degree of protection IP00 IP00 IP00 IP00 IP00 IP00
Weight, approx. kg 60 66 62 73 100 130
(lb) (132) (146) (137) (161) (221) (287)

Line voltage 380 V to 480 V 3 AC Motor reactor (for pulse frequencies of 2.5 kHz and 1.25 kHz)
6SL3000- 6SL3000- 6SL3000- 6SL3000- 6SL3000-
2AE38-4AA0 2AE38-4AA0 2AE41-0AA0 2AE41-4AA0 2AE41-4AA0
Suitable for Type 6SL3320- 6SL3320- 6SL3320- 6SL3320- 6SL3320-
Motor Module 1TE37-5AA0 1TE38-4AA0 1TE41-0AA0 1TE41-2AA0 1TE41-4AA0
Rated power of Motor kW 400 450 560 710 800
Module (HP) (600) (700) (800) (1000) (1150)
Rated current A 745 840 985 1260 1405
Power loss kW 0.83 0.943 1.062 0.962 1.054
Line/load connection M12 M12 M12 2 x M12 2 x M12
PE connection M10 M10 M10 M10 M10
Max. permissible cable m (ft) 300 (984) (shielded)
length between motor 450 (1477) (unshielded)
reactor and motor
Width mm 410 410 410 460 460
(inch) (16.14) (16.14) (16.14) (18.11) (18.11)
Height mm 392 392 392 392 392
(inch) (15.43) (15.43) (15.43) (15.43) (15.43)
Depth mm 292 292 302 326 326
(inch) (11.5) (11.5) (11.89) (12.83) (12.83)
Degree of protection IP00 IP00 IP00 IP00 IP00
Weight, approx. kg 140 140 146 179 179
(lb) (309) (309) (322) (395) (395)

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 2/75

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Load-side power components
Motor reactors

■ Technical data (continued)

Line voltage 660 V to 690 V 3 AC Motor reactor (for pulse frequencies of 2.5 kHz and 1.25 kHz)
6SL3000- 6SL3000- 6SL3000- 6SL3000- 6SL3000- 6SL3000-
2AH31-0AA0 2AH31-0AA0 2AH31-5AA0 2AH31-5AA0 2AH31-8AA0 2AH32-4AA0

Suitable for Type 6SL3320- 6SL3320- 6SL3320- 6SL3320- 6SL3320- 6SL3320-
Motor Module 1TH28-5AA0 1TH31-0AA0 1TH31-2AA0 1TH31-5AA0 1TH31-8AA0 1TH32-2AA0
Rated power of Motor Module kW 75 90 110 132 160 200
Rated current A 85 100 120 150 175 215
Power loss kW 0.257 0.3 0.318 0.335 0.4 0.425
Line/load connection M10 M10 M10 M10 M10 M10
PE connection M6 M6 M6 M6 M6 M6
Max. permissible cable length m (ft) 200 (656) (shielded)
between motor reactor and motor 300 (984) (unshielded)
Width mm (inch) 270 (10.63) 270 (10.63) 270 (10.63) 270 (10.63) 300 (11.81) 300 (11.81)
Height mm (inch) 248 (9.76) 248 (9.76) 248 (9.76) 248 (9.76) 285 (11.22) 285 (11.22)
Depth mm (inch) 200 (7.87) 200 (7.87) 200 (7.87) 200 (7.87) 212 (8.35) 212 (8.35)
Degree of protection IP00 IP00 IP00 IP00 IP00 IP00
Weight, approx. kg (lb) 25 (55) 25 (55) 25 (55) 25 (55) 33 (73) 35 (77)

Line voltage 660 V to 690 V 3 AC Motor reactor (for pulse frequencies of 2.5 kHz and 1.25 kHz)
6SL3000- 6SL3000- 6SL3000- 66SL3000- 6SL3000- 6SL3000-
2AH32-6AA0 2AH33-6AA0 2AH34-5AA0 2AH34-7AA0 2AH35-8AA0 2AH38-1AA0
Suitable for Type 6SL3320- 6SL3320- 6SL3320- 6SL3320- 6SL3320- 6SL3320-
Motor Module 1TH32-6AA0 1TH33-3AA0 1TH34-1AA0 1TH34-7AA0 1TH35-8AA0 1TH37-4AA0
Rated power of Motor Module kW 250 315 400) 450 560 710
Rated current A 260 330 410 465 575 735
Power loss kW 0.44 0.45 0.545 0.62 0.8 0.96
Line/load connection M10 M10 M12 M12 M12 M12
PE connection M6 M6 M8 M8 M8 M8
Max. permissible cable length m (ft) 200 (656) (shielded)
between motor reactor and motor 300 (984) (unshielded)
Width mm (inch) 300 (11.81) 300 (11.81) 350 (13.78) 410 (16.14) 410 (16.14) 410 (16.14)
Height mm (inch) 285 (11.22) 285 (11.22) 330 (12.99) 392 (15.43) 392 (15.43) 392 (15.43)
Depth mm (inch) 212 (8.35) 212 (8.35) 215 (8.46) 292 (11.5) 292 (11.5) 279 (10.98)
Degree of protection IP00 IP00 IP00 IP00 IP00 IP00
Weight, approx. kg (lb) 40 (88) 43 (95) 56 (124) 80 (176) 80 (176) 146 (322)

Line voltage 660 V to 690 V 3 AC Motor reactor (for pulse frequencies of 2.5 kHz and 1.25 kHz)
6SL3000- 6SL3000- 6SL3000- 6SL3000-
2AH38-1AA0 2AH41-0AA0 2AH41-1AA0 2AH41-3AA0
Suitable for Type 6SL3320- 6SL3320- 6SL3320- 6SL3320-
Motor Module 1TH38-1AA0 1TH38-8AA0 1TH41-0AA0 1TH41-3AA0
Rated power of Motor Module kW 800 900 1000 1200
Rated current A 810 910 1025 1270
Power loss kW 1.0 0.97 1.05 0.95
Line/load connection M12 M12 M12 M12
PE connection M8 M8 M8 M8
Max. permissible cable length m (ft) 200 (656) (shielded)
between motor reactor and motor 300 (984) (unshielded)
Width mm (inch) 410 (16.14) 410 (16.14) 410 (16.14) 460 (18.11)
Height mm (inch) 392 (15.43) 392 (15.43) 392 (15.43) 392 (15.43)
Depth mm (inch) 279 (10.98) 279 (10.98) 317 (12.48) 296 (11.65)
Degree of protection IP00 IP00 IP00 IP00
Weight, approx. kg (lb) 146 (322) 150 (331) 163 (360) 166 (366)

2/76 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Control Units
CU320 Control Unit

■ Overview CU320 Control Units feature the following interfaces as stan-

• 4 x DRIVE-CLiQ sockets for communication with other
DRIVE-CLiQ devices, e.g., Motor Modules, Active Line
Modules, Sensor Modules, Terminal Modules
• 1 x PROFIBUS interface
• 8 x parameterizable digital inputs (floating)
8 x parameterizable bidirectional digital inputs/digital outputs
(not floating), of which 6 are high-speed digital inputs
• 1 x serial RS232 interface
• 1 x option slot
• 3 x test sockets and one reference ground for installation and
start-up support
• 1 x connection for the electronics power supply via the
24 V DC power supply connector
• 1 x PE (protective earth) connection
• 1 x ground connection
A shield connection for the signal cable shield on the option mo-
dule is located on the CU320 Control Unit.
The available option slot is used to expand the interfaces, for
example, to include additional terminals or for communication
The status of the CU320 Control Unit is indicated via multi-color
The communication, open-loop and closed-loop control func- As the firmware and parameter settings are stored on a plug-in
tions for one or more Motor Modules and Active Line Modules CompactFlash card, the Control Unit can be changed without
run in a CU320 Control Unit. The CU320 Control Unit is designed the need for tools.
for multi-axis operation.
The CU320 Control Unit can be mounted on the side of the Line
■ Design Module in booksize format via brackets integrated in a Line
Module. The CU320 Control Unit can also be fixed to the wall of
the control cabinet using the integrated fixing lugs. As the
CU320 Control Unit is not as deep as the Line Modules, suitable
spacers are available to increase the depth of the CU320 Control
Unit to 270mm (10.63 in).

■ Integration
DRIVE-CLiQ components, for example, Motor Modules and
Active Line Modules, can be connected to a CU320 Control Unit.
The number of modules depends on the performance required,
including duty type and additional functions.
Communication between a CU320 Control Unit and the connec-
ted components takes place via DRIVE-CLiQ.
If an application requires more than one Control Unit, the number
can be increased accordingly. The Control Units are then inter-
connected, for example, via PROFIBUS on a higher-level con-

CU320 Control Unit, without guard cover

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 2/77

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Control Units
CU320 Control Unit

■ Integration (continued)

2 ext.
24 V

X100 X101 X102 X103

+ M X124

+ 24 V

DRIVE-CLiQ socket

DRIVE-CLiQ socket

DRIVE-CLiQ socket

DRIVE-CLiQ socket


1 DI 0
2 DI 1 M
3 DI 2 M
4 DI 3
2) M

Option board
DI/DO 9 1)
DI/DO 10 1)
Control Unit
DI/DO 11 1) CU320

1 DI 4
2 DI 5 M

3 DI 6 M
4 DI 7
2) 6 M
DI/DO 12
DI/DO 13 1)
DI/DO 14 1)
DI/DO 15 1)



1) Fast inputs (must be shielded). X140


2) Jumper open, isolation for digital inputs (DI).

3) Can be parameterized individually as input/output. serial interface

Wiring diagram for CU320 Control Unit

2/78 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Control Units
CU320 Control Unit

■ Technical data ■ Selection and ordering data


CU320 Control Unit Description Order No.

Max. current requirements 0.8 A CU320 Control Unit 6SL3040-0MA00-0AA1
(at 24 V DC) (without CompactFlash card)
without taking account of digital
outputs, option slot expansion
Max. connectable cross section 2.5 mm2
■ Accessories 2
Description Order No.
Max. fuse protection 20 A
PROFIBUS connector 6ES7972-0BA41-0XA0
Digital inputs 8 x floating digital inputs
without PG/PC connection
8 x bidirectional non-floating
digital inputs/digital outputs PROFIBUS connector 6ES7972-0BB41-0XA0
with PG/PC connection
• Voltage -3 V to 30 V
Spacers (2 pieces), 6SL3064-1BB00-0AA0
• Low level (an open digital input is -3 V to 5 V for increasing the depth of the CU320 Control
interpreted as "low") Unit to 270 mm (10.63 in) (if the brackets on
• High level 15 V to 30 V the side are not to be used but the depth still
has to be 270 mm (10.63 in)).
• Current consumption (at 24 V DC) 10 mA
• Signal propagation delays for L → H: approx. 50 µs
digital inputs H → L: approx. 100 µs
• Signal propagation delays for L → H: approx. 5 µs
high-speed digital inputs (high- H → L: approx. 50 µs
speed digital inputs can be used
for position detection)
• Max. connectable cross section 0.5 mm2
Digital outputs (continued-short- 8 x bidirectional non-floating
circuit-proof) digital outputs/digital inputs
• Voltage 24 V DC
• Max. load current per digital 500 mA
• Max. connectable cross section 0.5 mm2
Power loss 20 W
PE connection On housing with M5 screw
Ground connection On housing with M5 screw
Width 50 mm (1.97 in)
Height 270 mm (10.63 in)
Depth 226 mm (8.9 in)
Weight, approx. 1.5 kg (3.3 lb)

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 2/79

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Control Units
CompactFlash card

■ Overview ■ Selection and ordering data

Description Order No.
CompactFlash card 6SL3054-0AA00-1AA0
with current firmware version including certifi-
cate of license

2 without performance extension

CompactFlash card 6SL3054-0AA01-1AA0
with current firmware version including certifi-
cate of license
with performance extension 1 firmware
Firmware license 6SL3074-0AA01-0AA0
Performance extension 1 firmware option for
CompactFlash card including certificate of
The firmware and parameter settings are stored on the license
CompactFlash card, which is plugged into the CU320 Control
Unit. ■ Further information
■ Design Firmware version
A CU320 Control Unit can perform the communication, open- The firmware version is encoded in the order number of the
loop and closed-loop control functions for several Motor CompactFlash card supplied. The most recent firmware version
Modules. The computing capacity requirement increases in is always installed on shipped CompactFlash cards, i.e. the or-
proportion to the number of connected Motor Modules and der number on the shipped CompactFlash card need not neces-
system components and in relation to the dynamic response sarily match the number of the ordered card.
required. The full computing capacity of the CU320 Control Unit The firmware version is encoded as follows in the order number:
is available only on systems with perfomance extension 1.
Order No.: 6SL3054- 0 7 7 0 7 -1AA0
The use of performance extension will double the computing
power over the standard performance. Firmware version
1 B
The computing capacity requirement and utilization of the
2 C
CU320 Control Unit can be calculated with the SIZER configura-
tion tool. The firmware options are supplied in license form, 3 D
which are written to the CompactFlash card in the factory as 4 E
license codes. Version
The firmware options can also be enabled on-site, for example, .1 B
if the performance extensions required are not known at the time .2 C
of placing the order. You will need the serial number of the Com- .3 D
pactFlash card and the order number of the firmware option to
be enabled. With this information, you can purchase the .4 E
associated license code from a license database and enable
the firmware option. The license code is only valid for the without performance extension 0
CompactFlash card declared and cannot be transferred to other
CompactFlash cards. with performance extension 1 1

Example: A CompactFlash card with order number

6SL3054-0AA00-1AA0 is ordered (as specified in the catalog).
The CompactFlash card with the most recent firmware version is
confirmed and shipped, e.g. order number
6SL3054-0CB00-1AA0 for firmware version 2.1. In this way, it is
possible to specify a specific firmware version or the most recent
firmware version in a replacement part order.

2/80 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Supplementary system components
CBC10 Communication Board

■ Overview ■ Design
The CBC10 Communication Board plugs into the option slot on
the CU320 Control Unit. The CBC10 has two CAN interfaces.

■ Selection and ordering data

Description Order No. 2
CBC10 Communication Board 6SL3055-0AA00-2CA0

■ Accessories
Description Order No.
SUB-D connector, 9-pin, female (3 pieces) 6FC9341-2AE
SUB-D connector, 9-pin, male (3 pieces) 6FC9341-2AF
The CBC10 Communication Board is used to interface the
CU320 Control Unit and therefore the drives to the CAN (Con-
troller Area Network) protocol. The board’s driver software fulfils ■ Technical data
the standards of the following CANopen specification of the CiA CBC10 Communication Board
organization (CAN in Automation):
Max. current requirement (at 24 V DC) 0.05 A
• Communication profiles in accordance with DS 301 via CU320 Control Unit
• Drive profile in accordance with DSP 402 Power loss < 10 W
(in this case Profile Velocity Mode)
Weight, approx. 0.1 kg (0.2 lb)
• EDS (Electronic Data Sheet)
in accordance with DSP 306
• Operational status signaling in accordance with DSP 305

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 2/81

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Supplementary system components
TB30 Terminal Board

■ Overview ■ Technical data

TB30 Terminal Board
Max. current requirement (at 24 V 0.05 A
DC) via CU320 Control Unit without
taking account of digital outputs

2 Max. connectable cross section

Max. fuse protection
2.5 mm2
20 A
Digital inputs
• Voltage -3 V to +30 V
• Low level (an open digital input -3 V to +5 V
is interpreted as "low")
• High level 15 V to 30 V

The TB30 Terminal Board expands the number of digital in- • Current consumption (at 24 V DC) Typ. 10 mA
puts/digital outputs and analog inputs/analog outputs of the • Signal propagation delays for L → H: approx. 50 µs
CU320 Control Unit. digital inputs H → L: approx. 100 µs

■ Design • Max. connectable cross section 0.5 mm2

Digital outputs (continued-short-circuit-proof)
The following are located on the TB30 Terminal Board:
• Voltage 24 V DC
• Power supply for digital inputs/digital outputs
• Max. load current per digital 500 mA
• 4 x digital inputs output
• 4 x digital outputs • Max. connectable cross section 0.5 mm2
• 2 x analog inputs Analog inputs (difference)
• 2 x analog outputs • Voltage range (an open analog -10 V to +10 V
The TB30 Terminal Board plugs into the option slot on the CU320 input is interpreted as 0 V)
Control Unit. • Internal resistance Ri 65 kΩ
A shield connection for the signal cable shield is located on the • Resolution 13 bit, + sign
CU320 Control Unit. • Max. connectable cross section 0.5 mm2

■ Selection and ordering data Analog outputs (continued-short-circuit-proof)

• Voltage range -10 V to +10 V
Description Order No.
• Max. load current -3 mA to +3 mA
TB30 Terminal Board 6SL3055-0AA00-2TA0
• Resolution 11 bit, + sign
• Max. connectable cross section 0.5 mm2
Power loss <3W
Weight, approx. 0.1 kg (0.2 lb)

2/82 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Supplementary system components
TB30 Terminal Board

■ Integration

ext. M
24 V

+ M

+ 24 V Terminal Board


1 1
DI 0
DI 1
DI 2
DI 3
DO 0
DO 1
DO 2
8 8
DO 3

1 1
AI 0+
± 10 V
AI 0-
AI 1+
AI 1-
V AO 0+
AO 0-
V AO 1+

8 8
AO 1-

Wiring diagram for TB30 Terminal Board

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 2/83

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Supplementary system components
TM31 Terminal Module

■ Overview ■ Technical data

TM31 Terminal Module
Max. current requirements (at 24 V 0,5 A
DC), not taking into account digital

2 Max. connectable cross section

Max. fuse protection
2.5 mm2
20 A
Digital inputs
• Voltage -3 V to +30 V
• Low level (an open digital input -3 V to +5 V
is interpreted as "low")
• High level 15 V to 30 V
• Current consumption (at 24 V DC) Typ. 10 mA
• Signal propagation delays for L → H: approx. 50 µs
digital inputs H → L: approx. 100 µs
• Max. connectable cross section 1.5 mm2
Digital outputs (continued-short-circuit-proof)
With the TM31 Terminal Module, the number of available digital • Voltage 24 V DC
inputs and outputs and the number of analog input and outputs • Max. load current per digital 100 mA
within a drive can be expanded. output

■ Design • Max. total current of digital outputs 400 mA

• Max. connectable cross section 1.5 mm2
The following are located on the TM31 Terminal Module: Analog inputs (a switch is used to toggle between voltage and current
• 8 x digital inputs input)
• 4 x bidirectional digital inputs/digital outputs • As voltage input
• 2 x relay outputs with changeover contact - Voltage range -10 V to +10 V
• 2 x analog inputs - Internal resistance Ri 100 kΩ
• 2 x analog outputs • As current input
• 1 x temperature sensor input (KTY84-130 or PTC) - Current range 4 mA to 20 mA/-20 mA to
• 2 x DRIVE-CLiQ sockets +20 mA/0 mA to 20 mA
• 1 x connection for the electronics power supply via the - Internal resistance Ri 250 Ω
24 V DC power supply connector - Resolution 11 bit + sign
• 1 x PE (protective earth) connection • Max. connectable cross section 1.5 mm2
The TM31 Terminal Module can be snapped onto a 35×15/7.5 Analog outputs (continued-short-circuit-proof)
(1.4x0.6/0.3) DIN rail to EN 50022.
• Voltage range -10 V to +10 V
The signal cable shield can be connected to the TM31 Terminal
• Max. load current -3 mA to +3 mA
Module via a shield connection terminal, e.g., Phoenix Contact
type SK8 or Weidmüller type KLBÜ CO 1. The shield connection • Current range 4 mA to 20 mA, -20 mA to
terminal must not be used for strain relief. +20 mA, 0 mA to 20 mA

The status of the TM31 terminal module is indicated via a multi- • Max. load resistance 500 Ω for outputs in the range -
20 mA to +20 mA
color LED.
• Resolution 11 bit + sign
■ Selection and ordering data • Max. connectable cross section 1.5 mm2
Description Order No. Relay outputs (change-over contacts)
TM31 Terminal Module 6SL3055-0AA00-3AA0 • Max. load current 8A
(without DRIVE-CLiQ cable) • Max. switching voltage 250 V AC, 30 V DC
• Max. switching power 2000 VA (cos phi = 1)
(at 250 V AC) 750 VA (cos phi = 0.4)
• Max. switching power (at 30 V DC) 240 W (ohmic load)
• Required minimum current 100 mA
• Max. connectable cross section 2.5 mm2
Power loss < 10 W
PE connection On housing with M4 screw
Width 50 mm (1.97 in)
Height 150 mm (5.91 in)
Depth 111 mm (4.37 in)
Weight, approx. 0.87 kg (2 lb)

2/84 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Supplementary system components
TM31 Terminal Module

■ Integration
The TM31 Terminal Module communicates with the CU320 Control Unit via DRIVE-CLiQ.

+ +

24 V M M

X500 X501

+ 1
AI 0+

DRIVE-CLiQ socket

DRIVE-CLiQ socket
+ 24 V
+ 2
AI 0-
M 3
M AI 1+
M 4
M AI 1-

P10 5

Terminal Module N10

M 8
TM 31
1 DI 0 X522
2 DI 1 M 1
AO 0V+ V
3 DI 2 2
M AO 0-
4 DI 3 AO 0C+ 3
M 2)
5 AO 1V+ 4
1) 6 M 5
M AO 1-
AO 1C+ A
1 -Temp
+ 24 V
+ 24 V
3 X541
+ 24 V 1
+ 3)
+ 24 V 2
+ 24 V 3
6 + 24 V 4
DI/DO 10
+ 24 V 5
DI/DO 11
+ 24 V 6

X530 X542
1 DI 4 1

2 DI 5 M 2
DO 0
3 DI 6 M 3

4 DI 7 4
5 DO 1 5
1) M
6 6

1) The jumpers must be inserted

in this example.
2) Can be parameterized individually G_D212_EN_00029b

as current source.
3) Can be parameterized individually as output.

Wiring diagram for TM31 Terminal Module

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 2/85

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Supplementary system components
TM15 Terminal Module

■ Overview ■ Technical data

TM15 Terminal Module
Max. current requirement (at 24 V 0.15 A
DC) without load
2.5 mm2
Max. connectable cross section
Max. fuse protection 20 A
Number of DRIVE-CLiQ sockets 2
• Digital inputs/digital outputs Channelwise as DI or DO,
• Number of digital inputs/digital 24
• Isolation Yes, in groups of 8
• Connection system Plug-in screw-type terminals
Digital inputs
• Voltage -30 V to +30 V
• Low level (an open digital input -30 V to +5 V
With the Terminal Module TM15, the number of available digital is interpreted as "low")
inputs and outputs within a drive can be expanded. • High level 15 V to 30 V

■ Design • Current consumption (at 24 V DC)

• Signal propagation delays for
5 mA to 11 mA
L → H: 50 µs
The following are located on the TM15 Terminal Module: digital inputs, typical H → L: 100 µs
• 24 x bidirectional digital inputs/digital outputs (isolation in 3 • Max. connectable cross section 1.5 mm2
groups with 8 channels each) Digital outputs (continued-short-circuit-proof)
• 24 x green status LEDs for indicating the logical signal status
• Voltage 24 V DC
of the relevant terminal
• Max. load current per digital 0.5 A
• 2 x DRIVE-CLiQ sockets
• 1 x connection for the electronics power supply via the
• Output delay (ohmic load)
24 V DC power supply connector
• 1 x PE (protective earth) connection - Standard L → H: 50 µs
H → L: 150 µs
The TM15 Terminal Module can be snapped onto a 35×15/7.5 - Maximum L → H: 100 µs
(1.4x0.6/0.3) DIN rail to EN 50022. H → L: 225 µs
The signal cable shield can be connected to the TM15 Terminal • Max. total current of outputs
Module via a shield connection terminal, e.g., Phoenix Contact (per group)
type SK8 or Weidmüller type KLBÜ CO 1. The shield connection - Up to 60 °C (140 °F) 2A
terminal must not be used for strain relief.
- Up to 50 °C (122 °F) 3A
The status of the TM15 Terminal Module is indicated via a multi-
color LED. - Up to 40 °C (104 °F) 4A
• Max. connectable cross section 1.5 mm2
■ Selection and ordering data Power loss <3W
Description Order No. PE connection On housing with M4 screw
TM15 Terminal Module 6SL3055-0AA00-3FA0 Width 50 mm (1.97 in)
(without DRIVE-CLiQ cable) Height 150 mm (5.91 in)
Depth 111 mm (4.37 in)
Weight, approx. 0.86 kg (2 lb)

2/86 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Supplementary system components
TM15 Terminal Module

■ Integration
The TM15 Terminal Module communicates with the CU320 Control Unit via DRIVE-CLiQ.

+ +
24 V M M 2
X500 X501
X524 X520

+ L1+ L1+

DRIVE-CLiQ socket

DRIVE-CLiQ socket
+ 24 V
+ DI/DO 0 M1
M 6
DI/DO 4 1)

Terminal Module
TM 15 X521
L2+ L2+
DI/DO 8 M2
DI/DO 10
DI/DO 11
M 6
DI/DO 12 1)
DI/DO 13
DI/DO 14
DI/DO 15

L3+ L3+
DI/DO 16 M3
DI/DO 17
DI/DO 18
DI/DO 19
M 6
DI/DO 20 1)
DI/DO 21
DI/DO 22
DI/DO 23


1) Can be parameterized individually as input or output.

Wiring diagram for TM15 Terminal Module

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 2/87

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Encoder system connection
Encoder system connection

■ Overview
DRIVE-CLiQ is the preferred method for connecting the encoder Motors without DRIVE-CLiQ interface
system to SINAMICS S120.
The encoder and temperature signals of motors without DRIVE-
Motors with DRIVE-CLiQ interfaces can be ordered for this pur- CLiQ interfaces, as well as those of external encoders, must

pose, for example 1FK7 and 1FT6 synchronous motors and be connected via Sensor Modules. Sensor Modules Cabinet-
1PH7 asynchronous motors. Each of these motors can be sup- Mounted with IP20 degree of protection are currently available
plied as standard with one DRIVE CLiQ interface. for direct installation in control cabinets.
These motors with DRIVE-CLiQ interfaces can be connected Only one encoder can be connected to each Sensor
to the corresponding Motor Module directly via the MOTION- Module Cabinet-Mounted.
CONNECT DRIVE-CLiQ cables available. This connection route
is used to transmit motor encoder and temperature signals as
well as electronic rating plate data such as unique ID numbers,
rated data (voltage, current, torque) directly to the Control Unit.
These motors make start-up and diagnostics much easier, as the
motor and encoder type can be identified automatically.

■ Technical data
Motors with DRIVE-CLiQ interface Motors with DRIVE-CLiQ interface and incre-
and resolver mental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp, absolute enco-
(2-pole/multi-pole) der EnDat (512 pulses/revolution, 2048
pulses/revolution) or single absolute encoder
Max. current requirement at 24 V DC (via 500 mA 500 mA
Motor Module and MOTION-CONNECT
DRIVE-CLiQ cable)
Max. DRIVE-CLiQ cable length between • 100 m (328 ft) when using MOTION-CONNECT 500 DRIVE-CLiQ cables
motor and Motor Modules • 50 m (164 ft) when using MOTION-CONNECT 800 DRIVE-CLiQ cables
Note: Shorter cable lengths apply for certain encoders (see connection system)

■ Further information
If possible, motor encoder and temperature signals should be
connected to the corresponding Motor Module and external
encoders to the Control Unit.

2/88 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Encoder system connection
SMC10 Sensor Module Cabinet-Mounted

■ Overview ■ Selection and ordering data

Description Order No.
SMC10 Sensor Module Cabinet-Mounted 6SL3055-0AA00-5AA0
(without DRIVE-CLiQ cable)

■ Integration 2
The SMC10 Sensor Module Cabinet-Mounted communicates
with the CU320 Control Unit via DRIVE-CLiQ.

■ Technical data
SMC10 Sensor Module Cabinet-Mounted
Max. current requirement (at 24 V 0.3 A
DC) not taking encoder into
Max. connectable cross section 2.5 mm2
Max. fuse protection 20 A
Power loss < 10 W
SMC10 Sensor Modules Cabinet-Mounted are required when a PE connection On housing with M4 screw
motor with a DRIVE-CLiQ interface is not available and when ex-
Width 50 mm (1.97 in)
ternal encoders are required in addition to the motor encoder.
Height 150 mm (5.91 in)
The following encoder signals can be evaluated:
Depth 111 mm (4.37 in)
• 2-pole resolver
Weight, approx. 0.8 kg (2 lb)
• Multi-pole resolver

■ Design
The SMC20 Sensor Module Cabinet-Mounted features the follo-
wing interfaces as standard:
• 1 x DRIVE CLiQ interface
• 1 x encoder connection including motor temperature detec-
tion (KTY84-130) via SUB-D connector
• 1 x connection for the electronics power supply via the
24 V DC power supply connector
• 1 x PE (protective earth) connection
The status of the SMC10 Sensor Module Cabinet-Mounted is in-
dicated via a multi-color LED.
SMC10 Sensor Modules Cabinet-Mounted can be snapped onto
a 35×15/7.5 (1.4x0.6/0.3) DIN rail to EN 50022.
The maximum encoder cable length between SMC10 modules
and encoders is:
• For 2-pole resolvers: 130 m (427 ft)
• For multi-pole resolvers: 50 m (164 ft).

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 2/89

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Encoder system connection
SMC20 Sensor Module Cabinet-Mounted

■ Overview ■ Selection and ordering data

Description Order No.
SMC20 Sensor Module Cabinet-Mounted 6SL3055-0AA00-5BA1
(without DRIVE-CLiQ cable)

2 ■ Integration
The SMC20 Sensor Module Cabinet-Mounted communicates
with the CU320 Control Unit via DRIVE-CLiQ.

■ Technical data
SMC20 Sensor Module Cabinet-Mounted
Max. current requirement (at 24 V 0.4 A
DC) not taking encoder into
Max. connectable cross section 2.5 mm2
Max. fuse protection 20 A
Power loss < 10 W
SMC20 Sensor Modules Cabinet-Mounted are required when a PE connection On housing with M4 screw
motor with a DRIVE-CLiQ interface is not available and when ex-
Width 50 mm (1.97 in)
ternal sensors are required for direct position measurement in
addition to the motor encoder. Height 150 mm (5.91 in)
The following encoder signals can be evaluated: Depth 111 mm (4.37 in)
• Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp Weight, approx. 0.8 kg (2 lb)
• Absolute encoder EnDat
The motor temperature can also be detected using KTY84-130
PTC thermistors.

■ Design
The SMC20 Sensor Module Cabinet-Mounted features the follo-
wing interfaces as standard:
• 1 x DRIVE CLiQ interface
• 1 x encoder connection including motor temperature detec-
tion (KTY84-130) via SUB-D connector
• 1 x connection for the electronics power supply via the
24 V DC power supply connector
• 1 x PE (protective earth) connection
The status of the SMC20 Sensor Module Cabinet-Mounted is in-
dicated via a multi-color LED.
SMC20 Sensor Modules Cabinet-Mounted can be snapped onto
a 35×15/7.5 (1.4x0.6/0.3) DIN rail to EN 50022.
The maximum encoder cable length between SMC20 modules
and encoders is 100 m (328 ft).

2/90 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
Encoder system connection
SMC30 Sensor Module Cabinet-Mounted

■ Overview ■ Selection and ordering data

Description Order No.
SMC30 Sensor Module Cabinet-Mounted 6SL3055-0AA00-5CA0
(without DRIVE-CLiQ cable)

■ Integration 2
The SMC30 Sensor Module Cabinet-Mounted communicates
with the CU320 Control Unit via DRIVE-CLiQ.

■ Technical data
SMC30 Sensor Module Cabinet-Mounted
Max. current requirement (at 24 V 0.6 A
DC) not taking encoder into
Max. connectable cross section 2.5 mm2
Max. fuse protection 20 A
Power loss < 10 W
SMC30 Sensor Modules Cabinet-Mounted are required when a PE connection On housing with M4 screw
motor with a DRIVE-CLiQ interface is not available and when ex-
Width 50 mm (1.97 in)
ternal encoders are required in addition to the motor encoder.
Height 150 mm (5.91 in)
TTL/HTL incremental encoders with and without open-circuit de-
tection are supported. Depth 111 mm (4.37 in)

The motor temperature can also be detected using KTY84-130 Weight, approx. 0.8 kg (2 lb)
PTC thermistors.

■ Design
The SMC30 Sensor Module Cabinet-Mounted features the follo-
wing interfaces as standard:
• 1 x DRIVE CLiQ interface
• 1 x encoder connection including motor temperature detec-
tion (KTY84-130) via SUB-D connector or terminals
• 1 x connection for the electronics power supply via the
24 V DC power supply connector
• 1 x PE (protective earth) connection
The status of the SMC30 Sensor Module Cabinet-Mounted is in-
dicated via a multi-color LED.
SMC30 Sensor Modules Cabinet-Mounted can be snapped onto
a 35×15/7.5 (1.4x0.6/0.3) DIN rail to EN 50022.
The maximum encoder cable length between SMC30 modules
and encoders is 100 m (328 ft). For HTL encoders, this length
can be increased to 300 m (985 ft) if signals A+/A- and B+/B- are
evaluated and the power supply cable has a minimum cross
section of 0.75 mm2.
The signal cable shield can be connected to the SMC30 Sensor
Module Cabinet-Mounted via a shield connection terminal, e.g.,
Phoenix Contact type SK8 or Weidmüller type KLBÜ CO 1.

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 2/91 Seite 92 Dienstag, 16. August 2005 1:58 13

SINAMICS S120 Vector Control


2/92 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

AC motors

3/2 Overview

3/3 Asynchronous
(induction) motors
3/3 1PH7 motors
degree of protection IP55
3/28 1PL6 motors
degree of protection IP23

3/42 Selection guides

3/42 Additional data
for 1PH7 and 1PL6 motors

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

AC motors

■ Overview
Asynchronous (induction) motors
• 1PH7 and 1PL6 motors
The full capability of the SINAMICS S120 Vector Control can
be utilized when the drive system is combined with motors of
this type. The Control Unit evaluates the electronic rating plate
via the DRIVE-CLiQ interface as well as the motor-integrated
encoder signals. This means that motor and encoder data do
not need to be parameterized when the system is started up
or serviced.
1PH7 and 1PL6 motors are designed for converter operation
and are characterized by their high power density and wide
speed range. These motors are available in a variety of
construction types and models for a wide scope of drive

3 • 1LA, 1LG, 1MA and 1MJ motors

These motors are designed for direct connection to the three-
phase supply system, but they can also operate with the
SINAMICS drive system. For technical data and engineering
information, please refer to Catalog M 11.
1LA and 1LG motors
• 1PQ motors
As these motors are forced-ventilated, no derating or only re-
latively minor derating (depending on their speed range) is re-
quired for constant-torque applications and wide speed ran-
Synchronous motors
• 1FU8 motors
1FU8 permanent-magnet-excited SIEMOSYN synchronous
motors can be operated in the "V/f control" mode. These mo-
tors are employed as stand-alone or sectional drives for appli-
cations demanding high speeds, excellent speed accuracy
and absolute synchronous operation. They are used primarily
in the man-made fiber industry. For detailed motor selection,
refer to Catalog DA 48.
Non-Siemens motors
Standard asynchronous (induction) motors supplied by other
manufacturers can operate on the SINAMICS S120 drive system
provided they are designed for converter operation with high-
speed IGBT power unit. Motors without a DRIVE-CLiQ interface
1LA8 motors can easily be integrated into a SINAMICS drive system through
the use of SMC modules.

3/2 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

AC motors
Asynchronous (induction) motors
1PH7 motors

■ Overview ■ Benefits
• High power density with small motor dimensions
• High degree of protection
• Wide speed control ranges
• Speed down to zero without reducing the torque
• Robustness
• Essentially maintenance-free
• High cantilever force loading
• High smooth running characteristics, even at the lowest
• Integrated encoder system to sense the motor speed,
connected using a connector or DRIVE-CLiQ
1PH7 AC motors, shaft heights 100 to 160
• Terminal box to connect up power cables

The motor temperature is monitored using a KTY 84
Variable cooling versions
• Basic external cooling using a pipe connection
• Optional bearing designs with re-lubrication device and
insulated bearings (NDE)

■ Application
Mounted in dry inside areas (no aggressive atmosphere).
Crane systems:
• Hoisting gears and closing gears for cranes
1PH7 AC motors, shaft heights 180 and 225
• Hoisting and traversing gears for high-bay racking vehicles
Printing industry:
• Single and main drives for printing machines
Manufacture of rubber, plastic, wire and glass:
• Drives for extruders, calenders, rubber injection machines, foil
machines, fleece plants
• Wire-drawing machines, wire-stranding machines, etc.
General applications such as coiler and winder drives.

1PH7 AC motors, shaft height 280

The 1PH7 AC motors are compact, forced-ventilated squirrel-

cage asynchronous (induction) motors with degree of protection
IP55. The motors are ventilated, as standard, using a built-on se-
parately-driven fan unit.
The motor can be ordered either with the air flow from the motor
drive shaft end (DE) to the motor non-drive shaft end (NDE) - or
vice versa.
They have been designed specifically for use in conjunction with
converters. Depending on the control requirements, the appro-
priate encoder systems are available for the motors. These en-
coders are used to sense the motor speed and indirect position.

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 3/3

AC motors
Asynchronous (induction) motors
1PH7 motors

■ Technical data ■ Characteristic curves

Insulation of the stator winding Temperature class F for a coolant inlet
in accordance with EN 60034-1 temperature of up to +40 °C (+104 °F) S6-25%
(IEC 60034-1) P
S6-40% Voltage
Fan supply voltage 400 V 3 AC/50 Hz/60 Hz Constant
torque range limiting characteristic
(see selection guides for 480 V 3 AC/60 Hz S6-60%
technical data)
Type in accordance with IM B3 PN
EN 60034-7 (IEC 60034-7)
Constant power range
Degree of protection IP55 (fan IP54) (field weakening operation)
in accordance with EN 60034-5
(IEC 60034-5)

Cooling Forced ventilation
in accordance with EN 60034-6 SH 100 to SH 225: Fan axial
(IEC 60034-6) mounted NDE

3 Temperature monitoring
SH 280: Fan radial mounted NDE
KTY 84 temperature sensor in stator
nN n2 n
SH 280: Additional KTY 84 as reserve
Power/speed characteristic
Paint finish SH 100 to SH 160: Without paint
Standard paint finish, anthracite
RAL 7016
SH 180 to SH 280: with primer,
Standard paint finish, anthracite
RAL 7016
Shaft end on the drive end with key, half-key balancing
in accordance with 748-3
(IEC 60072-1)
Shaft and flange accuracy SH 100 to SH 160: Tolerance R
in accordance with DIN 42955 (reduced)
(IEC 60072-1) SH 180 to SH 280: Tolerance N
Vibration severity level SH 100 to SH 225: Grade R
in accordance with (reduced)
EN 60034-14 (IEC 60034-14) SH 280: Grade N (normal)
Sound pressure level Sound pressure level as a function
in accordance with of air-flow direction
DIN EN ISO 1680 see selection guides
tolerance +3 dB
Bearing versions and see selection guides
maximum speeds
Encoder system, built-in, – Incremental encoder HTL
for motors with/without 1024 pulses/revolution
DRIVE-CLiQ interface – Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp,
2048 pulses/revolution
– Absolute encoder EnDat 2048
– 2-pole resolver
Connection Signal connectors
(mating connector is not included in
the scope of supply)
Terminal box for power
SH 160 to SH 225: Terminal box top
SH 280: Terminal box NDE right
Options See selection and ordering data
and Chapter "Options“

3/4 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

AC motors
Asynchronous (induction) motors
1PH7 motors

■ Options
Order Option description For use with 1PH7 asynchronous
code motors with shaft height
SH 100 SH 180 SH 280
to 160 SH 225
Normal paint finish in another 4 1) 7 2) 7 2)
color, RAL ...
Special paint finish in another 4 7 3) 7 3)
color, RAL ...
C30 Winding version 690 V – – 7
G14 Fan unit with air filter – 4 7
G80 POG10 pulse encoder, – – 7
mounting prepared
K08 Encoder connector mounted – – 7

Second standard shaft end – – 7
(possible only without enco-
K31 2nd rating plate supplied Standard 7 7
separately in terminal box
K40 Re-lubrication devices, DE – 7 Standard
and NDE
K45 230 V anti-condensation – – 7
K55 Cable entry plate, terminal – 7 7
box customer-specific
(plain text is required)
K83 Terminal box rotated through – – 7
+90 degrees
K84 Terminal box rotated through – – 7
-90 degrees
K85 Terminal box rotated through – – 7
180 degrees
L27 NDE bearing, insulated – 7 Standard
M03 Version for potentially explo- 7 – –
sive atmospheres, zone 2
(in accordance with
EN 50021/IEC 60079-15)
M39 Version for potentially explo- 7 7 7
sive atmospheres, zone 22
(in accordance with
EN 50281/IEC 61241)
M83 Additional thread for a set- – – 7
ting screw at the motor feet
Y55 Non-standard shaft end DE 4 4 4
Y80 Different rating plate data 4 4 4
(plain text is required)
Y82 Supplementary plate with the 4 4 4
orderer’s data
7 Option possible
4 On request
– Not available

1) Order using a code (without plain text), e.g.:

X01: RAL 9005 (flat black)
X02: RAL 9001 (cream)
X03: RAL 6011 (reseda green)
X04: RAL 7032 (pebble grey)
X05: RAL 5015 (sky blue)
X06: RAL 1015 (light ivory)
2) Order with code R1Y
(it is necessary to specify the RAL color in plain text).
3) Order with code R2Y
(it is necessary to specify the RAL color in plain text).

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 3/5

AC motors
Asynchronous (induction) motors
1PH7 motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Shaft Rated Rated torque Rated Rated Field- Max. permis- Max. 1PH7 asynchronous motor
speed height power current voltage weakening sible conti- speed
SH speed 1) nuous speed 2) 3)
nrated Prated Mrated Irated Vrated n2 nS1 nmax
rpm kW Nm A V rpm rpm rpm Order No.
(HP) (lbf -ft)
Supply voltage 400 V 3 AC
400 160 9.5 227 30 274 2000 2000 2000 1PH7163 – 7 7 B 7 7 – 7 . . .
(12.7) (167.4)
13.0 310 37 294 2000 2000 2000 1PH7167 – 7 7 B 7 7 – 7 . . .
(17.4) (228.7)
1150 100 4.3 36 10 391 2200 5500 5750 1PH7103 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 7 . . .
(5.8) (26.6)
1PH7107 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 7 . . .
7.2 60 17.5 360 4200 5500 5750
(9.7) (44.3)
132 13.5 112 29 381 3000 4500 5750 1PH7133 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 7 . . .
(18.1) (82.6)
19.5 162 43 367 3800 4500 5750 1PH7137 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 7 . . .
(26.1) (119.5)
160 25 208 55 364 3500 3700 5750 1PH7163 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 7 . . .
(33.5) (153.4)
31 257 70 357 4800 3700 5750 1PH7167 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 7 . . .
(41.6) (189.6)
1750 100 4.3 24 10 398 6000 5500 8750 1PH7101 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 7 . . .
(5.8) (17.7)
6.25 34 13 398 3500 5500 8750 1PH7103 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 7 . . .
(8.4) (25.1)
8 44 17.5 398 5800 5500 8750 1PH7105 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 7 . . .
(10.7) (32.5)
10 55 23 381 4500 5500 8750 1PH7107 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 7 . . .
(13.4) (40.6)
Fans: External fan unit and PG cable entry in terminal box 2
Without external fan unit, for pipe connection, PG cable entry in terminal box 6
External fan unit and metric cable entry in terminal box 7
Without external fan unit, for pipe connection, metric cable entry in terminal box 8
Encoder systems Without encoder A
for motors without Absolute encoder EnDat 2048 pulses/revolution E
DRIVE-CLiQ interface: Incremental encoder HTL 1024 pulses/revolution H
Incremental encoder HTL 2048 pulses/revolution J
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp with C and D track M
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp no C or D track N
2-pole resolver R
Encoder systems Absolute encoder EnDat 2048 pulses/revolution F
for motors with Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp with C and D track D
DRIVE-CLiQ interface: Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp no C or D track Q
2-pole resolver P
Terminal box/cable entry top/from right 0
(view onto DE): top/from NDE 2
top/from left 3
Type of construction: IM B3 (IM V5, IM V6) 0
IM B5 (IM V1, IM V3) compatible only with SH 100 and SH 132 2
IM B35 (IM V15, IM V36) 3
Holding brake with Emergency without brake 0
Stop function 4)
Brake supply with brake 1
voltage 230 V 1 AC, 50/60 Hz with brake (brake has microswitch) 2
with brake (brake has manual release function) 3
with brake (brake has manual release function and microswitch) 4
Brake supply voltage 24 V DC with brake 5
with brake (brake has microswitch) 6
with brake (brake has manual release function) 7
with brake (brake has manual release function and microswitch) 8
For further order number supplements (14th to 16th data position of the order number) see next page.

3/6 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

AC motors
Asynchronous (induction) motors
1PH7 motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Power factor Magnetizing Effi- Rated Moment of Weight 1PH7 asynchronous motor SINAMICS S120 Motor Module
current ciency frequency inertia approx. Rated output current

Iµ ηrated frated J Irated

cos ϕ A Hz kgm2 kg Order No. A Order No.
(lbf-in-s²) (lb)
Supply voltage 400 V 3 AC
0.88 11.5 0.809 14.3 0.185 175 1PH7163 – . . B . . – . 7 7 7 30 6SL3120 – 1 TE23 – 0AA 1
(1.64) (386)
0.88 14.0 0.814 14.3 0.228 210 1PH7167 – . . B . . – . 7 7 7 45 6SL3120 – 1 TE24 – 5AA 1
(2.02) (463)
0.81 5.0 0.813 40.6 0.017 40 1PH7103 – . . D . . – . 7 7 7 9 6SL3120 – 7 TE21 – 0AA 7
(0.15) (88)
1PH7107 – . . D . . – . 7 7 7 6SL3120 – 7 TE21 – 8AA 7
0.81 8.8 0.838 40.3 0.029 65 18
(0.26) (143)
0.85 13 0.877 39.7 0.076 90 1PH7133 – . . D . . – . 7 7 7 30 6SL3120 – 1 TE23 – 0AA 1
(0.67) (198)
0.86 19 0.887 39.6 0.109 150 1PH7137 – . . D . . – . 7 7 7 45 6SL3120 – 1 TE24 – 5AA 1
(0.96) (331)
0.84 25 0.904 39.2 0.185 175 1PH7163 – . . D . . – . 7 7 7 60 6SL3120 – 1 TE26 – 0AA 1
(1.64) (386)
0.83 34 0.909 39.1 0.228 210 1PH7167 – . . D . . – . 7 7 7 85 6SL3120 – 1 TE28 – 5AA 1
(2.02) (463)
0.75 5.7 0.855 60.0 0.017 40 1PH7101 – . . F . . – . 7 7 7 9 8) 6SL3120 – 7 TE21 – 0AA 7
(0.15) (88)
0.84 5.3 0.849 61.0 0.017 40 1PH7103 – . . F . . – . 7 7 7 18 6SL3120 – 7 TE21 – 8AA 7
(0.15) (88)
0.77 9.3 0.875 60.0 0.029 65 1PH7105 – . . F . . – . 7 7 7 18 6SL3120 – 7 TE21 – 8AA 7
(0.26) (143)
0.80 10.6 0.870 60.3 0.029 65 1PH7107 – . . F . . – . 7 7 7 30 6SL3120 – 1 TE23 – 0AA 1
(0.26) (143)
Output type: Vibration severity grade: Shaft and flange accuracy:
Coupling/belt R R B
Coupling/belt S R C
Coupling/belt SR R D
Coupling/belt N N (with brake mounting) K
Increased maximum speed 5) SR R L
Drive end shaft extension (DE): Balancing: Direction of air flow (fan):
Fitted key Half-key DE → NDE A
Fitted key Half-key NDE → DE 7) B
Fitted key Full-key DE → NDE C
Fitted key Full-key NDE → DE 7) D
Plain shaft — DE → NDE J
Plain shaft — NDE → DE 7) K
Seal: Color:
— without 0
Flange and shaft sealing ring 6) without 2
— Anthracite (RAL 7016), standard paint finish 3
Flange and shaft sealing ring 6) Anthracite (RAL 7016), standard paint finish 5
— Anthracite (RAL 7016), special paint finish 6
Flange and shaft sealing ring 6) Anthracite (RAL 7016), special paint finish 8
Special versions: Specify suppl. order code plain text if applicable (see Options). –Z
Motor Module: Single Motor Module 1 1
Double Motor Module 2 0

1) n2: Max. permissible thermal speed at constant output or speed, which is 4) Version with brake is compatible if:
at the voltage limit when P = Prated. 12th data position "2" or "3"
Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases. 14th data position "K"
The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor rated 15th data position "A", "B", "J" or "K"
frequency. 16th data position "0", "3" or "6"
2) nS1: The maximum permissible speed that is continuously permitted 5) Max. possible speed (see also selection guides):
without speed duty cycles. SH 100: 12000 rpm, SH 132: 10000 rpm,
Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases. SH 160: 8000 rpm, with plain shaft only (15th data position "J" or "K" and
The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor rated 16th data position "0", "3" or "6").
frequency. 6) Purposeful only if oil spray or mist occasionally greases the sealing ring.
3) nmax: Maximum speed which must not be exceeded. A sealing ring cannot be mounted on type of construction IM B3 (IM V5,
Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases. IM V6) or on version with increased maximum speed.
The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor rated 7) Preferred air-flow direction in polluted environment.
frequency. 8) The rated output current of the Motor Module is lower than the motor rated

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 3/7 Seite 8 Dienstag, 16. August 2005 2:26 14

AC motors
Asynchronous (induction) motors
1PH7 motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Shaft Rated Rated torque Rated Rated Field- Max. permis- Max. 1PH7 asynchronous motor
speed height power current voltage weakening sible conti- speed
SH speed 1) nuous speed 2) 3)
nrated Prated Mrated Irated Vrated n2 nS1 nmax
rpm kW Nm A V rpm rpm rpm Order No.
(HP) (lbf -ft)
Supply voltage 400 V 3 AC
1750 132 13 71 24 398 4800 4500 8000 1PH7131 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 7 . . .
(17.4) (52.4)
17.5 96 34 398 5000 4500 8000 1PH7133 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 7 . . .
(23.5) (70.8)
21.5 117 42 398 5500 4500 8000 1PH7135 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 7 . . .
(28.8) (86.3)
1PH7137 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 7 . . .
25 136 56 357 4000 4500 8000
(33.5) (100.3)
160 34 186 72 364 4000 3700 6500 1PH7163 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 7 . . .
(45.6) (137.2)
41 224 79 398 2800 3700 6500 1PH7167 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 7 . . .
(54.9) (165.2)
2300 100 7.5 31 17 388 6000 5500 9000 1PH7103 – 7 7 G 7 7 – 7 . . .
(10.1) (22.9)
12 50 26 400 6000 5500 9000 1PH7107 – 7 7 G 7 7 – 7 . . .
(16.1) (36.9)
132 22.5 93 45 398 4000 4500 8000 1PH7133 – 7 7 G 7 7 – 7 . . .
(30.2) (68.6)
29 120 56 398 4000 4500 8000 1PH7137 – 7 7 G 7 7 – 7 . . .
(38.9) (88.5)
160 38 158 80 374 3000 3700 6500 1PH7163 – 7 7 G 7 7 – 7 . . .
(50.9) (116.5)
44 183 85 398 3000 3700 6500 1PH7167 – 7 7 G 7 7 – 7 . . .
(58.9) (135)
Fans: External fan unit and PG cable entry in terminal box 2
Without external fan unit, for pipe connection, PG cable entry in terminal box 6
External fan unit and metric cable entry in terminal box 7
Without external fan unit, for pipe connection, metric cable entry in terminal box 8
Encoder systems Without encoder A
for motors without Absolute encoder EnDat 2048 pulses/revolution E
DRIVE-CLiQ interface: Incremental encoder HTL 1024 pulses/revolution H
Incremental encoder HTL 2048 pulses/revolution J
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp with C and D track M
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp no C or D track N
2-pole resolver R
Encoder systems Absolute encoder EnDat 2048 pulses/revolution F
for motors with Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp with C and D track D
DRIVE-CLiQ interface: Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp no C or D track Q
2-pole resolver P
Terminal box/cable entry top/from right 0
(view onto DE): top/from NDE 2
top/from left 3
Type of construction: IM B3 (IM V5, IM V6) 0
IM B5 (IM V1, IM V3) compatible only with SH 100 and SH 132 2
IM B35 (IM V15, IM V36) 3
Holding brake with Emergency without brake 0
Stop function 4)
Brake supply with brake 1
voltage 230 V 1 AC, 50/60 Hz with brake (brake has microswitch) 2
with brake (brake has manual release function) 3
with brake (brake has manual release function and microswitch) 4
Brake supply voltage 24 V DC with brake 5
with brake (brake has microswitch) 6
with brake (brake has manual release function) 7
with brake (brake has manual release function and microswitch) 8
For further order number supplements (14th to 16th data position of the order number) see next page.

3/8 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

AC motors
Asynchronous (induction) motors
1PH7 motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Power factor Magnetizing Efficiency Rated Moment of Weight 1PH7 asynchronous motor SINAMICS S120 Motor Module
current frequency inertia approx. Rated output current

Iµ ηrated frated J Irated

cos ϕ A Hz kgm2 kg Order No. A Order No.
(lbf-in-s²) (lb)
Supply voltage 400 V 3 AC
0.88 8.1 0.902 59.7 0.076 90 1PH7131 – . . F . . – . 7 7 7 30 6SL3120 – 1 TE23-0AA 1
(0.67) (198)
0.85 14 0.900 59.7 0.076 90 1PH7133 – . . F . . – . 7 7 7 45 6SL3120 – 1 TE24-5AA 1
(0.67) (198)
0.86 16 0.906 59.5 0.109 150 1PH7135 – . . F . . – . 7 7 7 45 6SL3120 – 1 TE24-5AA 1
(0.96) (331)
1PH7137 – . . F . . – . 7 7 7 6SL3120 – 1 TE26-0AA 1
0.85 23 0.902 59.5 0.109 150 60
(0.96) (331)
0.86 28 0.915 59.2 0.185 175 1PH7163 – . . F . . – . 7 7 7 85 6SL3120 – 1 TE28-5AA 1
(1.64) (386)
0.86 30 0.920 59.2 0.228 210 1PH7167 – . . F . . – . 7 7 7 85 6SL3120 – 1 TE28-5AA 1
(2.02) (463)
0.79 8.2 0.866 78.8 0.017 40 1PH7103 – . . G . . – . 7 7 7 18 6SL3120 – 7 TE21-8AA 7
(0.15) (88)
0.80 12 0.878 78.7 0.029 65 1PH7107 – . . G . . – . 7 7 7 30 6SL3120 – 1 TE23-0AA 1
(0.26) (143)
0.86 17 0.900 78.0 0.076 90 1PH7133 – . . G . . – . 7 7 7 45 6SL3120 – 1 TE24-5AA 1
(0.67) (198)
0.87 21 0.903 77.8 0.109 150 1PH7137 – . . G . . – . 7 7 7 60 6SL3120 – 1 TE26-0AA 1
(0.96) (331)
0.83 36 0.900 77.3 0.185 175 1PH7163 – . . G . . – . 7 7 7 85 6SL3120 – 1 TE28-5AA 1
(1.64) (386)
0.84 40 0.911 77.4 0.228 210 1PH7167 – . . G . . – . 7 7 7 85 6SL3120 – 1 TE28-5AA 1
(2.02) (463)
Output type: Vibration severity grade: Shaft and flange accuracy:
Coupling/belt R R B
Coupling/belt S R C
Coupling/belt SR R D
Coupling/belt N N (with brake mounting) K
Increased maximum speed 5) SR R L
Drive end shaft extension (DE): Balancing: Direction of air flow (fan):
Fitted key Half-key DE → NDE A
Fitted key Half-key NDE → DE 7) B
Fitted key Full-key DE → NDE C
Fitted key Full-key NDE → DE 7) D
Plain shaft — DE → NDE J
Plain shaft — NDE → DE 7) K
Seal: Color:
— without 0
Flange and shaft sealing ring 6) without 2
— Anthracite (RAL 7016), standard paint finish 3
Flange and shaft sealing ring 6) Anthracite (RAL 7016), standard paint finish 5
— Anthracite (RAL 7016), special paint finish 6
Flange and shaft sealing ring 6) Anthracite (RAL 7016), special paint finish 8
Special versions: Specify suppl. order code plain text if applicable (see Options). –Z
Motor Module: Single Motor Module 1 1
Double Motor Module 2 0

1) n2: Max. permissible thermal speed at constant output or speed, which is 4) Version with brake is compatible if:
at the voltage limit when P = Prated. 12th data position "2" or "3"
Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases. 14th data position "K"
The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor rated 15th data position "A", "B", "J" or "K"
frequency. 16th data position "0", "3" or "6"
2) nS1: The maximum permissible speed that is continuously permitted 5) Max. possible speed (see also selection guides):
without speed duty cycles. SH 100: 12000 rpm, SH 132: 10000 rpm,
Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases. SH 160: 8000 rpm, with plain shaft only (15th data position "J" or "K" and
The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor rated 16th data position "0", "3" or "6").
frequency. 6) Purposeful only if oil spray or mist occasionally greases the sealing ring.
3) nmax: Maximum speed which must not be exceeded. A sealing ring cannot be mounted on type of construction IM B3 (IM V5,
Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases. IM V6) or on version with increased maximum speed.
The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor rated 7) Preferred air-flow direction in polluted environment.
frequency. 8) The rated output current of the Motor Module is lower than the motor rated

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 3/9

AC motors
Asynchronous (induction) motors
1PH7 motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Shaft Rated Rated torque Rated Rated Field- Max. permis- Max. 1PH7 asynchronous motor
speed height power current voltage weakening sible continuous speed 3)
SH speed 1) speed 2)
nrated Prated Mrated Irated Vrated n2 nS1 nmax
rpm kW Nm A V rpm rpm rpm Order No.
(HP) (lbf -ft)
Supply voltage 400 V 3 AC
400 180 16.3 390 51 271 2000 2000 2000 1PH7184 – 7 7 B 7 7 – 7 . . .
(21.8) (287.7)
21.2 505 67 268 2000 2000 2000 1PH7186 – 7 7 B 7 7 – 7 . . .
(28.4) (372.5)
225 30.4 725 88 268 2000 2000 2000 1PH7224 – 7 7 B 7 7 – 7 . . .
(40.7) (534.8)

3 39.2





1PH7226 – 7 7 B 7 7 – 7 . . .

1PH7228 – 7 7 B 7 7 – 7 . . .
(64.3) (844.6)
1150 180 44 366 89 383 4200 3500 4) 5000 1PH7184 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 7 . . .
(58.9) (270)
58 482 116 390 4400 3500 4) 5000 1PH7186 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 7 . . .
(77.7) (355.5)
225 81 670 160 385 2900 3100 4) 4500 1PH7224 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 7 . . .
(108.6) (494.2)
105 870 197 390 2900 3100 4) 4500 1PH7226 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 7 . . .
(140.7) (641.7)
129 1070 238 390 2900 3100 4) 4500 4) 1PH7228 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 7 . . .
(172.9) (789.2)
Fans: External fan unit and PG cable entry in terminal box 2
Without external fan unit, for pipe connection, PG cable entry in terminal box 6
External fan unit and metric cable entry in terminal box 7
Without external fan unit, for pipe connection, metric cable entry in terminal box 8
Encoder systems Without encoder A
for motors without Absolute encoder EnDat 2048 pulses/revolution E
DRIVE-CLiQ Incremental encoder HTL 1024 pulses/revolution H
interface: Incremental encoder HTL 2048 pulses/revolution J
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp with C and D track 10) M
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp without C and D track 10) N
2-pole resolver R
Encoder systems Absolute encoder EnDat 2048 pulses/revolution F
for motors with Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp with C and D track 10) D
DRIVE-CLiQ Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp without C and D track 10) Q
interface: 2-pole resolver P
Terminal box/cable top/from right 0
entry (view onto top/from DE 1
DE): top/from NDE 2
top/from left 3

Type of IM B3 0
construction: IM B3 Hoisting system for different construction types 1
(IM B6, IM B7, IM B8, IM V5, IM V6)
IM B35 (only for 1PH7184 with flange A 400, 3
1PH7186 with flange A 450,
1PH722. with flange A 550)
IM B35 (only for 1PH7184 with flange A 450) 4

IM B35 (only for 1PH7184 with flange A 400, Hoisting system for different construction types 5
1PH7186 with flange A 450, (IM V15, IM V36)
1PH722. with flange A 550)
IM B35 (only for1PH7184 with flange A 450) Hoisting system for different construction types 6
(IM V15, IM V36)
Holding brake with without brake 0
Emergency Stop with brake (brake has emergency release screws and microswitch) 2
function (suitable with brake (brake has manual release function and microswitch) 4
for coupling output
in construction type
IM B3) 5):
For further order number supplements (14th to 16th data position of the order number) see next page.

3/10 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 Seite 11 Dienstag, 16. August 2005 2:28 14

AC motors
Asynchronous (induction) motors
1PH7 motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Power factor Magnetizing Efficiency Rated Moment of Weight 1PH7 asynchronous motor SINAMICS S120 Motor Module
current frequency inertia approx. Rated output current

Iµ ηrated frated J Irated

cos ϕ A Hz kgm2 kg Order No. A Order No.
(lbf-in-s²) (lb)
Supply voltage 400 V 3 AC
0.84 26 0.830 14.2 0.503 370 1PH7184 – . . B . . – . 7 7 7 60 6SL3120 –1T E26– 0AA1
(4.45) (816)
0.81 38.5 0.845 14.0 0.666 440 1PH7186 – . . B . . – . 7 7 7 85 6SL3120 –1T E28 – 5AA1
(5.89) (970)
0.87 36.5 0.864 14.0 1.479 630 1PH7224 – . . B . . – . 7 7 7 85 6SL3120 –1T E28 – 5AA1
(13.10) (1389)

0.86 49 0.880 14.0 1.930 750 1PH7226 – . . B . . – . 7 7 7 132 6SL3120 –1T E31 – 3AA0
(17.08) (1654)
0.85 60.5 0.888 13.9 2.326 860 1PH7228 – . . B . . – . 7 7 7 132 6SL3120 –1T E31 – 3AA0
(20.58) (1896)
0.82 42 0.920 39.2 0.503 370 1PH7184 – . . D . . – . 7 7 7 85 6SL3120 –1T E28 – 5AA1
(4.45) (816)
0.81 58 0.925 39.1 0.666 440 1PH7186 – . . D . . – . 7 7 7 132 6SL3120 –1T E31 – 3AA0
(5.89) (970)
0.81 79 0.938 38.9 1.479 630 1PH7224 – . . D . . – . 7 7 7 200 6SL3120 –1T E32 – 0AA0
(13.10) (1389)
0.84 87.5 0.941 38.9 1.930 750 1PH7226 – . . D . . – . 7 7 7 200 6SL3120 –1 T E32 – 0AA0
(17.08) (1654)
0.85 98 0.943 38.9 2.326 860 1PH7228 – . . D . . – . 7 7 7 260 6SL3320 –1 T E32 – 6AA0
(20.58) (1896)
Output type: Vibrat. severity grade: Shaft and flange accuracy:
Coupling R N A
Coupling R R B
Coupling S R C
Coupling SR R D
Belt R N E
Belt R R F
Increased cantilever forces R N G
Increased cantilever forces R R H
Increased maximum speed 6) S R J
Drive end shaft extension (DE): Balanching: Direction of air flow (fan):
Fitted key Half-key DE → NDE A
Fitted key Half-key NDE → DE 8) B
Fitted key Full-key DE → NDE C
Fitted key Full-key NDE → DE 8) D
Plain shaft – DE → NDE J
Plain shaft – NDE → DE 8) K
Seal: Color:
– primed 0
Flange and shaft sealing ring 7) primed 2
– Anthracite (RAL 7016), standard paint finish 3
Flange and shaft sealing ring 7) Anthracite (RAL 7016), standard paint finish 5
– Anthracite (RAL 7016), special paint finish 6
Flange and shaft sealing ring 7) Anthracite (RAL 7016), special paint finish 8
Special versions: Specify supplemenhtary order code and plain text if applicable (see Options). –Z

1) n2: Max. permissible thermal speed at constant output or speed, which is 5) Version with brake is compatible if:
at the voltage limit when P = Prated. 12th data position "0"
Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases. 14th data position "A"
The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor rated 15th data position "A" or "B"
frequency. 16th data position "0", "3" or "6"
2) nS1: The maximum permissible speed that is continuously permitted 6) For SH 180 nmax = 7000 rpm, 1PH7224 nmax = 5500 rpm, only coupling
without speed duty cycles. output possible and 16th data position "0", "3" or "6".
Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases. 7) Purposeful only if oil spray or mist occasionally greases the sealing ring.
The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor rated A sealing ring cannot be mounted on type of construction IM B3 (IM V5,
frequency. IM V6), on version with increased maximum speed, on version for belt out-
3) nmax: Maximum speed which must not be exceeded. put or increased cantilever forces.
Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases. 8) Preferred air-flow direction in polluted environment.
The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor rated
frequency. 9) The rated output current of the Motor Module is lower than the motor rated
4) Speed is reduced with increased cantilever forces; see selection guides.
10) Only in conjunction with option M84 (insulated version of encoder).

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 3/11

AC motors
Asynchronous (induction) motors
1PH7 motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Shaft Rated Rated torque Rated Rated Field- Max. permis- Max. 1PH7 asynchronous motor
speed height power current voltage weakening sible conti- speed
SH speed 1) nuous speed 2) 3)
nrated Prated Mrated Irated Vrated n2 nS1 nmax
rpm kW Nm A V rpm rpm rpm Order No.
(HP) (lbf -ft)
Supply voltage 400 V 3 AC
1750 180 60 327 120 388 5000 3500 4) 5000 1PH7184 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 7 . . .
(80.4) (241.2)
85 465 169 385 5000 3500 4) 5000 1PH7186 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 7 . . .
(113.9) (343)
225 110 600 203 395 2900 3100 4) 4500 1PH7224 – 7 7 U 7 7 – 7 . . .
(147.4) (442.6)

135 737 254 395 2900 3100 4) 4500 1PH7226 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 7 . . .
(180.9) (543.6)
179 975 342 395 2900 3100 4) 4500 4) 1PH7228 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 7 . . .
(239.9) (719.2)
2900 180 81 265 158 395 5000 3500 4) 5000 1PH7184 – 7 7 L 7 7 – 7 . . .
(108.6) (195.5)
101 333 206 385 5000 3500 4) 5000 1PH7186 – 7 7 L 7 7 – 7 . . .
(135.4) (245.6)
225 149 490 274 395 3500 3100 4) 4500 1PH7224 – 7 7 L 7 7 – 7 . . .
(199.7) (361.4)
185 610 348 390 3500 3100 4) 4500 1PH7226 – 7 7 L 7 7 – 7 . . .
(247.9) (450)
215 708 402 395 3500 3100 4) 4500 4) 1PH7228 – 7 7 L 7 7 – 7 . . .
(288.2) (522.2)
Fans: External fan unit and PG cable entry in terminal box 2
Without external fan unit, for pipe connection, PG cable entry in terminal box 6
External fan unit and metric cable entry in terminal box 7
Without external fan unit, for pipe connection, metric cable entry in terminal box 8
Encoder systems Without encoder A
for motors without Absolute encoder EnDat 2048 pulses/revolution E
DRIVE-CLiQ Incremental encoder HTL 1024 pulses/revolution H
interface: Incremental encoder HTL 2048 pulses/revolution J
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp with C and D track 10) M
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp without C and D track 10) N
2-pole resolver R
Encoder systems Absolute encoder EnDat 2048 pulses/revolution F
for motors with Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp with C and D track 10) D
DRIVE-CLiQ Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp without C and D track 10) Q
interface: 2-pole resolver P
Terminal box/cable top/from right 0
entry (view onto top/from DE 1
DE): top/from NDE 2
top/from left 3

Type of IM B3 0
construction: IM B3 Hoisting system for different construction types 1
(IM B6, IM B7, IM B8, IM V5, IM V6)
IM B35 (only for 1PH7184 with flange A 400, 3
1PH7186 with flange A 450,
1PH722. with flange A 550)
IM B35 (only for 1PH7184 with flange A 450) 4
IM B35 (only for 1PH7184 with flange A 400, Hoisting system for different construction types 5
1PH7186 with flange A 450, (IM V15, IM V36)
1PH722. with flange A 550)
IM B35 (only for1PH7184 with flange A 450) Hoisting system for different construction types 6
(IM V15, IM V36)
Holding brake with without brake 0
Emergency Stop with brake (brake has emergency release screws and microswitch) 2
function (suitable with brake (brake has manual release function and microswitch) 4
for coupling output
in construction type
IM B3) 5):
For further order number supplements (14th to 16th data position of the order number) see next page.

3/12 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

AC motors
Asynchronous (induction) motors
1PH7 motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Power factor Magnetizing Efficiency Rated Moment of Weight 1PH7 asynchronous motor SINAMICS S120 Motor Module
current frequency inertia approx. Rated output current

Iµ ηrated frated J Irated

cos ϕ A Hz kgm2 kg Order No. A Order No.
(lbf-in-s²) (lb)
Supply voltage 400 V 3 AC
0.78 64 0.934 59.0 0.503 370 1PH7184 – . . F . . – . 7 7 7 132 6SL3120 – 1 TE31 – 3AA0
(4.45) (816)
0.80 84 0.940 59.0 0.666 440 1PH7186 – . . F . . – . 7 7 7 200 6SL3120 – 1 TE32 – 0AA0
(5.89) (970)
0.84 88 0.944 58.9 1.479 630 1PH7224 – . . U . . – . 7 7 7 200 9) 6SL3120 –1 TE32 – 0AA0
(13.10) (1389)

0.82 120 0.947 58.9 1.930 750 1PH7226 – . . F . . – . 7 7 7 260 6SL3320 –1 TE32 – 6AA0
(17.08) (1654)
0.81 169 0.948 58.8 2.326 860 1PH7228 – . . F . . – . 7 7 7 380 6SL3320 –1 TE33 – 8AA0
(20.58) (1896)
0.80 77 0.934 97.4 0.503 370 1PH7184 – . . L . . – . 7 7 7 200 6SL3120 –1 TE32 – 0AA0
(4.45) (816)
0.78 107 0.936 97.3 0.666 440 1PH7186 – . . L . . – . 7 7 7 200 9) 6SL3120 –1 TE32 – 0AA0
(5.89) (970)
0.84 115 0.946 97.3 1.479 630 1PH7224 – . . L . . – . 7 7 7 310 6SL3320 –1 TE33 – 1AA0
(13.10) (1389)
0.83 154 0.946 97.2 1.930 750 1PH7226 – . . L . . – . 7 7 7 380 6SL3320 –1 TE33 – 8AA0
(17.08) (1654)
0.82 186 0.946 97.2 2.326 860 1PH7228 – . . L . . – . 7 7 7 490 6SL3320 –1 TE35 – 0AA0
(20.58) (1896)
Output type: Vibrat. severity Shaft and flange accuracy:
Coupling grade: N A
Coupling R R B
Coupling R R C
Coupling S R D
Belt SR N E
Belt R R F
Increased cantilever forces R N G
Increased cantilever forces R R H
Increased maximum speed 6) R R J
Drive end shaft extension (DE): Balanching: Direction of air flow (fan):
Fitted key Half-key DE → NDE A
Fitted key Half-key NDE → DE 8) B
Fitted key Full-key DE → NDE C
Fitted key Full-key NDE → DE 8) D
Plain shaft – DE → NDE J
Plain shaft – NDE → DE 8) K

Seal: Color:
– primed 0
Flange and shaft sealing ring 7) primed 2
– Anthracite (RAL 7016), standard paint finish 3
Flange and shaft sealing ring 7) Anthracite (RAL 7016), standard paint finish 5
– Anthracite (RAL 7016), special paint finish 6
Flange and shaft sealing ring 7) Anthracite (RAL 7016), special paint finish 8
Special versions: Specify supplemenhtary order code and plain text if applicable (see Options). –Z

1) n2: Max. permissible thermal speed at constant output or speed, which is 5) Version with brake is compatible if:
at the voltage limit when P = Prated. 12th data position "0"
Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases. 14th data position "A"
The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor rated 15th data position "A" or "B"
frequency. 16th data position "0", "3" or "6"
2) nS1: The maximum permissible speed that is continuously permitted 6) For SH 180 nmax = 7000 rpm, 1PH7224 nmax = 5500 rpm, only coupling
without speed duty cycles. output possible and 16th data position "0", "3" or "6".
Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases. 7) Purposeful only if oil spray or mist occasionally greases the sealing ring.
The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor rated A sealing ring cannot be mounted on type of construction IM B3 (IM V5,
frequency. IM V6), on version with increased maximum speed, on version for belt out-
3) nmax: Maximum speed which must not be exceeded. put or increased cantilever forces.
Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases. 8) Preferred air-flow direction in polluted environment.
The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor rated 9) The rated output current of the Motor Module is lower than the motor rated
frequency. current.
4) Speed is reduced with increased cantilever forces; see selection guides. 10) Only in conjunction with option M84 (insulated version of encoder).

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 3/13

AC motors
Asynchronous (induction) motors
1PH7 motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Shaft Rated power Rated Rated Rated Field- Max. permis- Max. 1PH7 asynchronous motor
speed height torque current voltage weakening sible conti- speed
SH speed 1) nuous speed 2) 3)
nrated Prated Mrated Irated Vrated n2 nS1 nmax
rpm kW Nm A V rpm rpm rpm Order No.
(HP) (lbf -ft)
Supply voltage 400 V 3 AC
500 280 80 1529 144 400 1700 2200 2500 1PH7 284 – 7 7 B 7 7 – 0 . . .
(107.2) (1127.8)
100 1909 180 400 1800 2200 2500 1PH7 286 – 7 7 B 7 7 – 0 . . .
(134.1) (1408.1)
130 2481 233 400 1800 2200 2500 1PH7 288 – 7 7 B 7 7 – 0 . . .
(174.3) (1830)

800 280 125 1492 220 400 2200 2200 3300 1PH7 284 – 7 7 C 7 7 – 0 . . .
(167.6) (1100.5)
155 1850 285 385 2200 2200 3300 1PH7 286 – 7 7 C 7 7 – 0 . . .
(207.8) (1364.6)
190 2268 365 370 2200 2200 3300 1PH7 288 – 7 7 C 7 7 – 0 . . .
(254.7) (1672.9)
1150 280 170 1414 314 400 2200 2200 3300 1PH7 284 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 0 . . .
(227.9) (1043)
210 1745 414 380 2200 2200 3300 1PH7 286 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 0 . . .
(281.5) (1287.1)
260 2160 497 385 2200 2200 3300 1PH7 288 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 0 . . .
(348.5) (1593.2)
1750 280 225 1228 393 400 2200 2200 3300 1PH7 284 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 0 . . .
(301.6) (905.8)
270 1474 466 400 2200 2200 3300 1PH7 286 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 0 . . .
(361.9) (1087.2)
340 1856 586 400 2200 2200 3300 1PH7 288 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 0 . . .
(455.8) (1369)
Fans 4): External fan unit, NDE top, air-flow direction NDE to DE 0
External fan unit, NDE right, air-flow direction NDE to DE 1
External fan unit, NDE left, air-flow direction NDE to DE 2
External fan unit, DE top, air-flow direction DE to NDE 3
External fan unit, DE right, air-flow direction DE to NDE 4
External fan unit, DE left, air-flow direction DE to NDE 5
Without external fan unit, for single pipe connection at NDE right 6
Encoder systems Without encoder A
for motors without Absolute encoder EnDat 2048 pulses/revolution E
DRIVE-CLiQ interface: Incremental encoder HTL 1024 pulses/revolution H
Incremental encoder HTL 2048 pulses/revolution J
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp with C and D track 6) M
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp without C and D track 6) N
Resolver on request
Encoder systems Absolute encoder EnDat 2048 pulses/revolution F
for motors with Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp with C and D track 6) D
DRIVE-CLiQ interface: Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp without C and D track 6) Q
Resolver on request
Terminal box/cable NDE right/from below/encoder connector DE 0
entry (view onto DE) 4): NDE left/from below/encoder connector DE 1
NDE top/from right/encoder connector DE 2
DE top/from right/encoder connector NDE 5
Type of construction 4): IM B3 0
IM V5 (subsequent modification to IM V6 possible) 1
IM B35 (with flange A 660) 3
IM B35 (with flange A 660, subsequent modification to IM V6 possible) 5
For further order number supplements (14th to 16th data position of the order number) see next page.

3/14 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

AC motors
Asynchronous (induction) motors
1PH7 motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Power factor Magnetizing Efficiency Rated Moment of Weight 1PH7 asynchronous motor SINAMICS S120 Motor Module
current frequency inertia approx. Rated output current

Iµ ηrated frated J Irated

cos ϕ A Hz kgm2 kg Order No. A Order No.
(lbf-in-s²) (lb)
Supply voltage 400 V 3 AC
0.87 60 0.922 17 4.2 1300 1PH7284 – . . B . . – 0 7 7 7 200 6SL3120 – 1T E32 – 0AA0
(37.17) (2866)
0.86 78 0.930 17 5.2 1500 1PH7286 – . . B . . – 0 7 7 7 200 6SL3120 – 1T E32 – 0AA0
(46.02) (3307)
0.87 100 0.933 17 6.3 1700 1PH7288 – . . B . . – 0 7 7 7 260 6SL3320 – 1T E32 – 6AA0
(55.75) (3748)

0.86 95 0.944 27 4.2 1300 1PH7284 – . . C . . – 0 7 7 7 260 6SL3320 – 1T E32 – 6AA0
(37.17) (2866)
0.85 135 0.948 27 5.2 1500 1PH7286 – . . C . . – 0 7 7 7 310 6SL3320 – 1T E33 – 1AA0
(46.02) (3307)
0.84 170 0.951 27 6.3 1700 1PH7288 – . . C . . – 0 7 7 7 380 6SL3320 – 1T E33 – 8AA0
(55.75) (3748)
0.82 158 0.956 38.6 4.2 1300 1PH7284 – . . D . . – 0 7 7 7 310 5) 6SL3320 – 1T E33 – 1AA0
(37.17) (2866)
0.81 218 0.958 38.6 5.2 1500 1PH7286 – . . D . . – 0 7 7 7 490 6SL3320 – 1T E35 – 0AA0
(46.02) (3307)
0.82 252 0.960 38.6 6.3 1700 1PH7288 – . . D . . – 0 7 7 7 490 5) 6SL3320 – 1T E35 – 0AA0
(55.75) (3748)
0.86 163 0.962 58.7 4.2 1300 1PH7284 – . . F . . – 0 7 7 7 490 6SL3320 – 1T E35 – 0AA0
(37.17) (2866)
0.87 184 0.963 58.7 5.2 1500 1PH7286 – . . F . . – 0 7 7 7 490 6SL3320 – 1T E35 – 0AA0
(46.02) (3307)
0.87 234 0.965 58.7 6.3 1700 1PH7288 – . . F . . – 0 7 7 7 605 6SL3320 – 1T E36 – 1AA0
(55.75) (3748)
Output type 4): Vibration severity grade: Shaft and flange accuracy:
Coupling N N A
Coupling R R B
Belt/increased N N E
cantilever forces
Belt/increased R R F
cantilever forces
Drive end shaft Balancing:
extension (DE):
Fitted key Half-key A
Fitted key Full-key C
Plain shaft – J
primed 0
Anthracite (RAL 7016), standard paint finish 3
Anthracite (RAL 7016), special paint finish 6
Special versions: Specify supplementary order code and plain text if applicable (see Options). –Z

1) n2: Max. permissible thermal speed at constant output or speed, which is 3) nmax: Maximum speed which must not be exceeded.
at the voltage limit when P = Prated. Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases.
Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases. The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor rated
The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor rated frequency.
frequency. 4) See Table "Permissible combinations of mechanical constructions".
2) nS1: The maximum permissible speed that is continuously permitted 5) The rated output current of the Motor Module is lower than the motor rated
without speed duty cycles. current.
Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases.
The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor rated 6) Only in conjunction with option M84 (insulated version of encoder).

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 3/15

AC motors
Asynchronous (induction) motors
1PH7 motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Shaft Rated Rated torque Rated Rated Field- Max. permis- Max. 1PH7 asynchronous motor
speed height power current voltage weakening sible conti- speed
SH speed 1) nuous speed 2) 3)
nrated Prated Mrated Irated Vrated n2 nS1 nmax
rpm kW Nm A V rpm rpm rpm Order No.
(HP) (lbf -ft)
Supply voltage 480 V 3 AC
500 160 12 230 30 340 2500 2500 2500 1PH7163 – 7 7 B 7 7 – 7 . . .
(16.1) (169.6)
16 306 35 350 2300 2500 2500 1PH7167 – 7 7 B 7 7 – 7 . . .
(21.4) (225.7)
1350 100 4.7 33 9.5 433 3500 5500 6750 1PH7103 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 7 . . .
(6.3) (24.3)

8 57 17 405 5100 5500 6750 1PH7107 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 7 . . .
(10.7) (42)
132 15 106 30 433 3500 4500 6750 1PH7133 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 7 . . .
(20.1) (78.19)
22 156 42 416 4600 4500 6750 1PH7137 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 7 . . .
(29.5) (115.1)
160 28 198 53 413 4100 3700 6500 1PH7163 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 7 . . .
(37.5) (146)
34 241 67 400 5700 3700 6500 1PH7167 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 7 . . .
(45.6) (177.8)
2000 100 4.7 22 10 459 7400 5500 9000 1PH7101 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 7 . . .
(6.3) (16.2)
7 33 13 459 3400 5500 9000 1PH7103 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 7 . . .
(9.4) (24.3)
9 43 17.5 450 7000 5500 9000 1PH7105 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 7 . . .
(12.1) (31.7)
11 53 23 433 5300 5500 9000 1PH7107 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 7 . . .
(14.7) (39.1)
Fans: External fan unit and PG cable entry in terminal box 2
Without external fan unit, for pipe connection, PG cable entry in terminal box 6
External fan unit and metric cable entry in terminal box 7
Without external fan unit, for pipe connection, metric cable entry in terminal box 8
Encoder systems Without encoder A
for motors without Absolute encoder EnDat 2048 pulses/revolution E
DRIVE-CLiQ interface: Incremental encoder HTL 1024 pulses/revolution H
Incremental encoder HTL 2048 pulses/revolution J
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp with C and D track M
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp no C or D track N
2-pole resolver R
Encoder systems Absolute encoder EnDat 2048 pulses/revolution F
for motors with Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp with C and D track D
DRIVE-CLiQ interface: Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp no C or D track Q
2-pole resolver P
Terminal box/ top/from right 0
cable entry top/from NDE 2
(view onto DE): top/from left 3
Type to construction: IM B3 (IM V5, IM V6) 0
IM B5 (IM V1, IM V3) compatible only with SH 100 and SH 132 2
IM B35 (IM V15, IM V36) 3
Holding brake with without brake 0
Emergency Stop function 4)
Brake supply voltage with brake 1
230 V 1 AC, 50/60 Hz with brake (brake has microswitch) 2
with brake (brake has manual release function) 3
with brake (brake has manual release function and microswitch) 4
Brake supply voltage with brake 5
24 V DC with brake (brake has microswitch) 6
with brake (brake has manual release function) 7
with brake (brake has manual release function and microswitch) 8
For further order number supplements (14th to 16th data position of the order number) see next page.

3/16 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

AC motors
Asynchronous (induction) motors
1PH7 motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Power factor Magnetizing Efficiency Rated Moment of Weight 1PH7 asynchronous motor SINAMICS S120 Motor Module
current frequency inertia approx. Rated output current

Iµ ηrated frated J Irated

cos ϕ A Hz kgm2 kg Order No. A Order No.
(lbf-in-s²) (lb)
Supply voltage 480 V 3 AC
0.86 13 0.841 17.6 0.185 175 1PH7163 – . . B . . – . 7 7 7 30 6SL3120 – 1 TE23 – 0AA 1
(1.64) (385.9)
0.89 13 0.836 17.7 0.228 210 1PH7167 – . . B . . – . 7 7 7 45 6SL3120 – 1 TE24 – 5AA 1
(2.02) (463.1)
0.81 4.5 0.830 47.1 0.017 40 1PH7103 – . . D . . – . 7 7 7 18 6SL3120 – 7 TE21 – 8AA 7
(0.15) (88.2)
1PH7107 – . . D . . – . 7 7 7 6SL3120 – 7 TE21 – 8AA 7
0.80 8.1 0.853 47.0 0.029 65 18
(0.26) (143.3)
0.84 12 0.887 46.4 0.076 90 1PH7133 – . . D . . – . 7 7 7 30 6SL3120 – 1 TE23 – 0AA 1
(0.67) (198.5)
0.85 17 0.895 46.3 0.109 150 1PH7137 – . . D . . – . 7 7 7 45 6SL3120 – 1 TE24 – 5AA 1
(0.96) (330.8)
0.83 24 0.911 45.8 0.185 175 1PH7163 – . . D . . – . 7 7 7 60 6SL3120 – 1 TE26 – 0AA 1
(1.64) (385.9)
0.83 34 0.910 45.8 0.228 210 1PH7167 – . . D . . – . 7 7 7 85 6SL3120 – 1 TE28 – 5AA 1
(2.02) (463.1)
0.72 6.0 0.862 68.2 0.017 40 1PH7101 – . . F . . – . 7 7 7 18 6SL3120 – 7 TE21 – 8AA 7
(0.15) (88.2)
0.82 5.6 0.860 69.1 0.017 40 1PH7103 – . . F . . – . 7 7 7 18 6SL3120 – 7 TE21 – 8AA 7
(0.15) (88.2)
0.78 9.3 0.878 68.3 0.029 65 1PH7105 – . . F . . – . 7 7 7 18 6SL3120 – 7 TE21 – 8AA 7
(0.26) (143.3)
0.79 10.8 0.876 68.6 0.029 65 1PH7107 – . . F . . – . 7 7 7 30 6SL3120 – 1 TE23 – 0AA 1
(0.26) (143.3)
Out-drive type: Vibration severity grade: Shaft and flange accuracy:
Coupling/belt R R B
Coupling/belt S R C
Coupling/belt SR R D
Coupling/belt N N (with brake mounting) K
Increased maxim. speed 5) SR R L
Drive end shaft ext. (DE): Balancing: Direction of air flow (fan):
Fitted key Half-key DE → NDE A
Fitted key Half-key NDE → DE 7) B
Fitted key Full-key DE → NDE C
Fitted key Full-key NDE → DE 7) D
Plain shaft – DE → NDE J
Plain shaft – NDE → DE 7) K
Seal: Color:
– without 0
Flange & shaft sealing ring 6) without 2
– Anthracite (RAL 7016), standard paint finish 3
Flange & shaft sealing ring 6) Anthracite (RAL 7016), standard paint finish 5
– Anthracite (RAL 7016), special paint finish 6
Flange & shaft sealing ring 6) Anthracite (RAL 7016), special paint finish 8
Special versions: Specify supplementary order code and plain text if applicable (see Options). –Z
Motor Module: Single Motor Module 1 1
Double Motor Module 2 0

1) n2: Max. permissible thermal speed at constant output or speed, which is 4) Version with brake is compatible if:
at the voltage limit when P = Prated. 12th data position "2" or "3"
Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases. 14th data position "K"
The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor rated 15th data position "A", "B", "J" or "K"
frequency. 16th data position "0", "3" or "6"
2) nS1: The maximum permissible speed that is continuously permitted 5) Max. possible speed (see also selection guides):
without speed duty cycles. SH 100: 12000 rpm, SH 132: 10000 rpm,
Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases. SH 160: 8000 rpm, with smooth shaft only (15th data position "J" or "K" and
The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor rated 16th data position "0", "3" or "6").
frequency. 6) Purposeful only if oil spray or mist occasionally greases the sealing ring.
3) nmax: Maximum speed which must not be exceeded. A sealing ring cannot be mounted on type of construction IM B3 (IM V5,
Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases. IM V6) or on version with increased maximum speed.
The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor rated 7) Preferred air-flow direction in polluted environment.
frequency. 8) The rated output current of the Motor Module is lower than the motor rated

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 3/17

AC motors
Asynchronous (induction) motors
1PH7 motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Shaft Rated Rated torque Rated Rated Field- Max. permis- Max. 1PH7 asynchronous motor
speed height power current voltage weakening sible conti- speed
SH speed 1) nuous speed 2) 3)
nrated Prated Mrated Irated Vrated n2 nS1 nmax
rpm kW Nm A V rpm rpm rpm Order No.
(HP) (lbf -ft)
Supply voltage 480 V 3 AC
2000 132 15 72 25 459 5500 4500 8000 1PH7131 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 7 . . .
(20.1) (53.1)
20 96 34 459 5800 4500 8000 1PH7133 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 7 . . .
(26.8) (70.8)
24 115 42 459 6600 4500 8000 1PH7135 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 7 . . .
(32.2) (84.8)

28 134 55 402 4000 4500 8000 1PH7137 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 7 . . .
(37.5) (98.8)
160 37 177 70 412 4000 3700 6500 1PH7163 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 7 . . .
(49.6) (130.6)
45 215 76 459 3300 3700 6500 1PH7167 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 7 . . .
(60.3) (158.6)
2650 100 8 29 16.5 440 7400 5500 9000 1PH7103 – 7 7 G 7 7 – 7 . . .
(10.7) (21.4)
13 47 24.5 459 7400 5500 9000 1PH7107 – 7 7 G 7 7 – 7 . . .
(17.4) (34.7)
132 24 87 42 450 4000 4500 8000 1PH7133 – 7 7 G 7 7 – 7 . . .
(32.2) (64.2)
30 108 52 450 4200 4500 8000 1PH7137 – 7 7 G 7 7 – 7 . . .
(40.2) (79.7)
160 40 144 76 433 3500 3700 6500 1PH7163 – 7 7 G 7 7 – 7 . . .
(53.6) (106.2)
44 159 77 459 3300 3700 6500 1PH7167 – 7 7 G 7 7 – 7 . . .
(58.9) (117.3)
Fans: External fan unit and PG cable entry in terminal box 2
Without external fan unit, for pipe connection, PG cable entry in terminal box 6
External fan unit and metric cable entry in terminal box 7
Without external fan unit, for pipe connection, metric cable entry in terminal box 8
Encoder systems Without encoder A
for motors without Absolute encoder EnDat 2048 pulses/revolution E
DRIVE-CLiQ interface: Incremental encoder HTL 1024 pulses/revolution H
Incremental encoder HTL 2048 pulses/revolution J
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp with C and D track M
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp no C or D track N
2-pole resolver R
Encoder systems Absolute encoder EnDat 2048 pulses/revolution F
for motors with Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp with C and D track D
DRIVE-CLiQ interface: Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp no C or D track Q
2-pole resolver P
Terminal box/ top/from right 0
cable entry top/from NDE 2
(view onto DE): top/from left 3
Type to construction: IM B3 (IM V5, IM V6) 0
IM B5 (IM V1, IM V3) compatible only with SH 100 and SH 132 2
IM B35 (IM V15, IM V36) 3
Holding brake with without brake 0
Emergency Stop function 4)
Brake supply voltage with brake 1
230 V 1 AC, 50/60 Hz with brake (brake has microswitch) 2
with brake (brake has manual release function) 3
with brake (brake has manual release function and microswitch) 4
Brake supply voltage with brake 5
24 V DC with brake (brake has microswitch) 6
with brake (brake has manual release function) 7
with brake (brake has manual release function and microswitch) 8
For further order number supplements (14th to 16th data position of the order number) see next page.

3/18 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

AC motors
Asynchronous (induction) motors
1PH7 motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Power factor Magnetizing Efficiency Rated Moment of Weight 1PH7 asynchronous motor SINAMICS S120 Motor Module
current frequency inertia approx. Rated output current

Iµ ηrated frated J Irated

cos ϕ A Hz kgm2 kg Order No. A Order No.
(lbf-in-s²) (lb)
Supply voltage 480 V 3 AC
0.88 8.5 0.903 68.0 0.076 90 1PH7131 – . . F . . – . 7 7 7 30 6SL3120 – 1 TE23 – 0AA 1
(0.67) (198)
0.84 15 0.900 68.0 0.076 90 1PH7133 – . . F . . – . 7 7 7 45 6SL3120 – 1 TE24 – 5AA 1
(0.67) (198)
0.85 17 0.905 67.8 0.109 150 1PH7135 – . . F . . – . 7 7 7 45 6SL3120 – 1 TE24 – 5AA 1
(0.96) (331)
1PH7137 – . . F . . – . 7 7 7 6SL3120 – 1 TE26 – 0AA 1
0.85 23 0.900 67.9 0.109 150 60
(0.96) (331)
0.85 29 0.912 67.5 0.185 175 1PH7163 – . . F . . – . 7 7 7 85 6SL3120 – 1 TE28 – 5AA 1
(1.64) (386)
0.84 32 0.916 67.4 0.228 210 1PH7167 – . . F . . – . 7 7 7 85 6SL3120 – 1 TE28 – 5AA 1
(2.02) (463)
0.78 8.2 0.871 90.3 0.017 40 1PH7103 – . . G . . – . 7 7 7 18 6SL3120 – 7 TE21 – 8AA 7
(0.15) (88)
0.78 12 0.887 90.2 0.029 65 1PH7107 – . . G . . – . 7 7 7 30 6SL3120 – 1 TE23 – 0AA 1
(0.26) (143)
0.85 17 0.898 89.6 0.076 90 1PH7133 – . . G . . – . 7 7 7 45 6SL3120 – 1 TE24 – 5AA 1
(0.67) (198)
0.84 21 0.894 89.4 0.109 150 1PH7137 – . . G . . – . 7 7 7 60 6SL3120 – 1 TE26 – 0AA 1
(0.96) (331)
0.82 37 0.895 89.0 0.185 175 1PH7163 – . . G . . – . 7 7 7 85 6SL3120 – 1 TE28 – 5AA 1
(1.64) (386)
0.80 40 0.911 89.0 0.228 210 1PH7167 – . . G . . – . 7 7 7 85 6SL3120 – 1 TE28 – 5AA 1
(2.02) (463)
Out-drive type: Vibration severity grade: Shaft and flange accuracy:
Coupling/belt R R B
Coupling/belt S R C
Coupling/belt SR R D
Coupling/belt N N (with brake mounting) K
Increased maxim. speed 5) SR R L
Drive end shaft ext. (DE): Balancing: Direction of air flow (fan):
Fitted key Half-key DE → NDE A
Fitted key Half-key NDE → DE 7) B
Fitted key Full-key DE → NDE C
Fitted key Full-key NDE → DE 7) D
Plain shaft – DE → NDE J
Plain shaft – NDE → DE 7) K
Seal: Color:
– without 0
Flange & shaft sealing ring 6) without 2
– Anthracite (RAL 7016), standard paint finish 3
Flange & shaft sealing ring 6) Anthracite (RAL 7016), standard paint finish 5
– Anthracite (RAL 7016), special paint finish 6
Flange & shaft sealing ring 6) Anthracite (RAL 7016), special paint finish 8
Special versions: Specify supplementary order code and plain text if applicable (see Options). –Z
Motor Module: Single Motor Module 1 1
Double Motor Module 2 0

1) n2: Max. permissible thermal speed at constant output or speed, which is 4) Version with brake is compatible if:
at the voltage limit when P = Prated. 12th data position "2" or "3"
Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases. 14th data position "K"
The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor rated 15th data position "A", "B", "J" or "K"
frequency. 16th data position "0", "3" or "6"
2) nS1: The maximum permissible speed that is continuously permitted 5) Max. possible speed (see also selection guides):
without speed duty cycles. SH 100: 12000 rpm, SH 132: 10000 rpm,
Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases. SH 160: 8000 rpm, with smooth shaft only (15th data position "J" or "K" and
The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor rated 16th data position "0", "3" or "6").
frequency. 6) Purposeful only if oil spray or mist occasionally greases the sealing ring.
3) nmax: Maximum speed which must not be exceeded. A sealing ring cannot be mounted on type of construction IM B3 (IM V5,
Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases. IM V6) or on version with increased maximum speed.
The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor rated 7) Preferred air-flow direction in polluted environment.
frequency. 8) The rated output current of the Motor Module is lower than the motor rated

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 3/19

AC motors
Asynchronous (induction) motors
1PH7 motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Shaft Rated Rated torque Rated Rated Field- Max. permis- Max. 1PH7 asynchronous motor
speed height power current voltage weakening sible conti- speed
SH speed 1) nuous speed 2) 3)
nrated Prated Mrated Irated Vrated n2 nS1 nmax
rpm kW Nm A V rpm rpm rpm Order No.
(HP) (lbf -ft)
Supply voltage 480 V 3 AC
500 180 20.5 392 51 335 2500 2500 2500 1PH7184 – 7 7 B 7 7 – 7 . . .
(27.5) (289.1)
26.5 506 67 335 2500 2500 2500 1PH7186 – 7 7 B 7 7 – 7 . . .
(35.5) (373.2)
225 38 725 86 335 2200 2500 2500 1PH7224 – 7 7 B 7 7 – 7 . . .
(50.9) (534.8)
1PH7226 – 7 7 B 7 7 – 7 . . .
49 935 112 330 2500 2500 2500
(65.7) (689.7)
60 1145 135 340 2500 2500 2500 1PH7228 – 7 7 B 7 7 – 7 . . .
(80.4) (844.6)
1350 180 50 355 86 450 5000 3500 4) 5000 1PH7184 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 7 . . .
(67.0) (261.8)
67 475 114 460 5000 3500 4) 5000 1PH7186 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 7 . . .
(89.8) (350.4)
225 92 650 156 450 2900 3100 4) 4500 1PH7224 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 7 . . .
(123.3) (479.4)
120 847 193 460 2900 3100 4) 4500 1PH7226 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 7 . . .
(160.9) (624.7)
147 1043 232 460 2900 3100 4) 4500 4) 1PH7228 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 7 . . .
(197.1) (769.3)
Fans: External fan unit and PG cable entry in terminal box 2
Without external fan unit, for pipe connection, PG cable entry in terminal box 6
External fan unit and metric cable entry in terminal box 7
Without external fan unit, for pipe connection, metric cable entry in terminal box 8
Encoder systems Without encoder A
for motors without Absolute encoder EnDat 2048 pulses/revolution E
DRIVE-CLiQ Incremental encoder HTL 1024 pulses/revolution H
interface: Incremental encoder HTL 2048 pulses/revolution J
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp with C and D track 10) M
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp without C and D track 10) N
2-pole resolver R
Encoder systems Absolute encoder EnDat 2048 pulses/revolution F
for motors with Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp with C and D track 10) D
DRIVE-CLiQ Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp without C and D track 10) Q
interface: 2-pole resolver P
Terminal box/cable top/from right 0
entry top/from DE 1
(view onto DE): top/from NDE 2
top/from left 3

Type of IM B3 0
construction: IM B3 Hoisting system for different construction types 1
(IM B6, IM B7, IM B8, IM V5, IM V6)
IM B35 3
(only for 1PH7184 with flange A 400,
1PH7186 with flange A 450,
1PH722. with flange A 550)
IM B35 4
(only for 1PH7184 with flange A 450)
IM B35 Hoisting system for different construction types 5
(only for 1PH7184 with flange A 400, (IM V15, IM V36)
1PH7186 with flange A 450,
1PH722. with flange A 550)
IM B35 Hoisting system for different construction types 6
(only for1PH7184 with flange A 450) (IM V15, IM V36)
Holding brake with without brake 0
Emergency Stop with brake (brake has emergency release screws and microswitch) 2
function (suitable with brake (brake has manual release function and microswitch) 4
for coupling output
in construction type
IM B3) 5):
For further order number supplements (14th to 16th data position of the order number) see next page.

3/20 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

AC motors
Asynchronous (induction) motors
1PH7 motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Power factor Magnetizing Efficiency Rated Moment of Weight 1PH7 asynchronous motor SINAMICS S120 Motor Module
current frequency inertia approx. Rated output current

Iµ ηrated frated J Irated

cos ϕ A Hz kgm2 kg Order No. A Order No.
(lbf-in-s²) (lb)
Supply voltage 480 V 3 AC
0.83 26 0.858 17.5 0.503 370 1PH7184 – . . B . . – . 7 7 7 60 6SL3120 – 1T E26 – 0AA1
(4.45) (816)
0.79 39.5 0.870 17.3 0.666 440 1PH7186 – . . B . . – . 7 7 7 85 6SL3120 – 1T E28 – 5AA1
(5.89) (970)
0.85 37.5 0.888 17.3 1.479 630 1PH7224 – . . B . . – . 7 7 7 85 6SL3120 – 1T E28 – 5AA1
(13.09) (1389)
0.85 50 0.900 17.3 1.930
1PH7226 – . . B . . – . 7 7 7 132 6SL3120 – 1T E31 – 3AA0
0.84 61.5 0.907 17.2 2.326 860 1PH7228 – . . B . . – . 7 7 7 132 9) 6SL3120 – 1T E31 – 3AA0
(20.58) (1896)
0.81 42 0.928 45.8 0.503 370 1PH7184 – . . D . . – . 7 7 7 85 6SL3120 – 1T E28 – 5AA1
(4.45) (816)
0.79 59.5 0.930 45.7 0.666 440 1PH7186 – . . D . . – . 7 7 7 132 6SL3120 – 1T E31 – 3AA0
(5.89) (970)
0.80 78.5 0.942 45.6 1.479 630 1PH7224 – . . D . . – . 7 7 7 200 6SL3120 – 1T E32 – 0AA0
(13.09) (1389)
0.82 88.5 0.945 45.6 1.930 750 1PH7226 – . . D . . – . 7 7 7 200 6SL3120 – 1T E32 – 0AA0
(17.08) (1654)
0.84 99.5 0.947 45.6 2.326 860 1PH7228 – . . D . . – . 7 7 7 260 6SL3320 – 1T E32 – 6AA0
(20.58) (1896)
Out-drive type: Vibrat. severity grade: Shaft and flange accuracy:
Coupling R N A
Coupling R R B
Coupling S R C
Coupling SR R D
Belt R N E
Belt R R F
Increased cantilever forces R N G
Increased cantilever forces R R H
Increased maxim. speed 6) S R J
Drive end shaft extension Balanching: Direction of air flow (fan):
Fitted key Half-key DE → NDE A
Fitted key Half-key NDE → DE 8) B
Fitted key Full-key DE → NDE C
Fitted key Full-key NDE → DE 8) D
Plain shaft – DE → NDE J
Plain shaft – NDE → DE 8) K
Seal: Color:
– primed 0
Flange & shaft sealing ring 7) primed 2
– Anthracite (RAL 7016), standard paint finish 3
Flange & shaft sealing ring 7) Anthracite (RAL 7016), standard paint finish 5
– Anthracite (RAL 7016), special paint finish 6
Flange & shaft sealing ring 7) Anthracite (RAL 7016), special paint finish 8
Special versions: Specify supplementary order code and plain text if applicable (see Options). –Z

1) n2: Max. permissible thermal speed at constant output or speed, which is 5) Version with brake is compatible if:
at the voltage limit when P = Prated. 12th data position "0"
Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases. 14th data position "A"
The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor rated 15th data position "A" or "B"
frequency. 16th data position "0", "3" or "6"
2) nS1: The maximum permissible speed that is continuously permitted 6) For SH 180 nmax = 7000 rpm, 1PH7224 nmax = 5500 rpm, only coupling
without speed duty cycles. output possible and 16th data position "0", "3" or "6"
Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases. 7) Purposeful only if oil spray or mist occasionally greases the sealing ring.
The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor rated A sealing ring cannot be mounted on type of construction IM B3 (IM V5,
frequency. IM V6), on version with increased maximum speed, on version for belt out-
3) nmax: Maximum speed which must not be exceeded. put or increased cantilever forces.
Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases. 8) Preferred air-flow direction in polluted environment.
The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor rated 9) The rated output current of the Motor Module is lower than the motor rated
frequency. current.
4) Speed is reduced with increased cantilever forces; see selection guides. 10) Only in conjunction with option M84 (insulated version of encoder).

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 3/21

AC motors
Asynchronous (induction) motors
1PH7 motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Shaft Rated Rated torque Rated Rated Field- Max. permis- Max. 1PH7 asynchronous motor
speed height power current voltage weakening sible conti- speed
SH speed 1) nuous speed 2) 3)
nrated Prated Mrated Irated Vrated n2 nS1 nmax
rpm kW Nm A V rpm rpm rpm Order No.
(HP) (lbf -ft)
Supply voltage 480 V 3 AC
2000 180 68 325 120 450 5000 3500 4) 5000 1PH7184 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 7 . . .
(91.1) (239.7)
94 450 165 445 5000 3500 5000 1PH7186 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 7 . . .
(126.0) (331.9)
225 124 590 200 460 2900 3100 4) 4500 1PH7224 – 7 7 U 7 7 – 7 . . .
(166.2) (435.2)
4) 1PH7226 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 7 . . .
153 730 254 450 2900 3100 4500
(205.1) (538.5)
196 936 332 450 3000 3100 4) 4500 4) 1PH7228 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 7 . . .
(262.7) (690.4)
2900 180 81 267 158 395 5000 3500 5000 1PH7184 – 7 7 L 7 7 – 7 . . .
(108.6) (196.9)
101 333 206 385 5000 3500 5000 1PH7186 – 7 7 L 7 7 – 7 . . .
(135.4) (245.6)
225 149 490 274 395 3500 3100 4) 4500 1PH7224 – 7 7 L 7 7 – 7 . . .
(199.7) (361.4)
185 610 348 390 3500 3100 4) 4500 1PH7226 – 7 7 L 7 7 – 7 . . .
(247.9) (449.9)
215 708 402 395 3500 3100 4) 4500 4) 1PH7228 – 7 7 L 7 7 – 7 . . .
(288.2) (522.2)
Fans: External fan unit and PG cable entry in terminal box 2
Without external fan unit, for pipe connection, PG cable entry in terminal box 6
External fan unit and metric cable entry in terminal box 7
Without external fan unit, for pipe connection, metric cable entry in terminal box 8
Encoder systems Without encoder A
for motors without Absolute encoder EnDat 2048 pulses/revolution E
DRIVE-CLiQ Incremental encoder HTL 1024 pulses/revolution H
interface: Incremental encoder HTL 2048 pulses/revolution J
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp with C and D track 10) M
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp without C and D track 10) N
2-pole resolver R
Encoder systems Absolute encoder EnDat 2048 pulses/revolution F
for motors with Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp with C and D track 10) D
DRIVE-CLiQ Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp without C and D track 10) Q
interface: 2-pole resolver P
Terminal box/cable top/from right 0
entry (view onto top/from DE 1
DE): top/from NDE 2
top/from left 3

Type of IM B3 0
construction: IM B3 Hoisting system for different construction types 1
(IM B6, IM B7, IM B8, IM V5, IM V6)
IM B35 3
(only for 1PH7184 with flange A 400,
1PH7186 with flange A 450,
1PH722. with flange A 550)
IM B35 4
(only for 1PH7184 with flange A 450)
IM B35 Hoisting system for different construction types 5
(only for 1PH7184 with flange A 400, (IM V15, IM V36)
1PH7186 with flange A 450,
1PH722. with flange A 550)
IM B35 Hoisting system for different construction types 6
(only for1PH7184 with flange A 450) (IM V15, IM V36)
Holding brake with without brake 0
Emergency Stop with brake (brake has emergency release screws and microswitch) 2
function (suitable with brake (brake has manual release function and microswitch) 4
for coupling output
in construction type
IM B3) 5):
For further order number supplements (14th to 16th data position of the order number) see next page.

3/22 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

AC motors
Asynchronous (induction) motors
1PH7 motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Power factor Magnetizing Efficiency Rated Moment of Weight 1PH7 asynchronous motor SINAMICS S120 Motor Module
current frequency inertia approx. Rated output current

Iµ ηrated frated J Irated

cos ϕ A Hz kgm2 kg Order No. A Order No.
(lbf-in-s²) (lb)
Supply voltage 480 V 3 AC
0.78 66 0.935 67.3 0.503 370 1PH7184 – . . F . . – . 7 7 7 132 6SL3120 – 1T E31 – 3AA0
(4.45) (816)
0.78 87 0.941 67.3 0.666 440 1PH7186 – . . F . . – . 7 7 7 200 6SL3120 – 1T E32 – 0AA0
(5.89) (970)
0.82 91 0.944 67.2 1.479 630 1PH7224 – . . U . . – . 7 7 7 200 6SL3120 – 1T E32 – 0AA0
(13.09) (1389)
1PH7226 – . . F . . – . 7 7 7 6SL3320 – 1T E32 – 6AA0
0.82 119 0.948 67.2 1.930 750 260
(17.08) (1654)
0.79 168 0.950 67.1 2.326 860 1PH7228 – . . F . . – . 7 7 7 380 6SL3320 – 1T E33 – 8AA0
(20.58) (1896)
0.80 77 0.934 97.4 0.503 370 1PH7184 – . . L . . – . 7 7 7 200 6SL3120 – 1T E32 – 0AA0
(4.45) (816)
0.78 107 0.936 97.3 0.666 440 1PH7186 – . . L . . – . 7 7 7 210 6SL3320 – 1T E32 – 1AA0
(5.89) (970)
0.84 115 0.946 97.3 1.479 630 1PH7224 – . . L . . – . 7 7 7 310 6SL3320 – 1T E33– 1AA0
(13.09) (1389)
0.83 154 0.946 97.2 1.930 750 1PH7226 – . . L . . – . 7 7 7 380 6SL3320 – 1T E33 – 8AA0
(17.08) (1654)
0.82 188 0.954 97.2 2.326 860 1PH7228 – . . L . . – . 7 7 7 490 6SL3320 – 1T E35– 0AA0
(20.58) (1896)
Out-drive type: Vibrat. severity grade: Shaft and flange accuracy:
Coupling R N A
Coupling R R B
Coupling S R C
Coupling SR R D
Belt R N E
Belt R R F
Increased cantilever forces R N G
Increased cantilever forces R R H
Increased maxim. speed 6) S R J
Drive end shaft extension Balanching: Luftrichtung (Lüfter):
Fitted key Half-key DE → NDE A
Fitted key Half-key NDE → DE 8) B
Fitted key Full-key DE → NDE C
Fitted key Full-key NDE → DE 8) D
Plain shaft – DE → NDE J
Plain shaft – NDE → DE 8) K
Seal: Color:
– primed 0
Flange & shaft sealing ring 7) primed 2
– Anthracite (RAL 7016), standard paint finish 3
Flange & shaft sealing ring 7) Anthracite (RAL 7016), standard paint finish 5
– Anthracite (RAL 7016), special paint finish 6
Flange & shaft sealing ring 7) Anthracite (RAL 7016), special paint finish 8
Special versions: Specify supplementary order code and plain text if applicable (see Options). –Z

1) n2: Max. permissible thermal speed at constant output or speed, which is 5) Version with brake is compatible if:
at the voltage limit when P = Prated. 12th data position "0"
Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases. 14th data position "A"
The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor rated 15th data position "A" or "B"
frequency. 16th data position "0", "3" or "6"
2) nS1: The maximum permissible speed that is continuously permitted 6) For SH 180 nmax = 7000 rpm, 1PH7224 nmax = 5500 rpm, only coupling
without speed duty cycles. output possible and 16th data position "0", "3" or "6"
Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases. 7) Purposeful only if oil spray or mist occasionally greases the sealing ring.
The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor rated A sealing ring cannot be mounted on type of construction IM B3 (IM V5,
frequency. IM V6), on version with increased maximum speed, on version for belt out-
3) nmax: Maximum speed which must not be exceeded. put or increased cantilever forces.
Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases. 8) Preferred air-flow direction in polluted environment.
The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor rated 9) The rated output current of the Motor Module is lower than the motor rated
frequency. current.
4) Speed is reduced with increased cantilever forces; see selection guides. 10) Only in conjunction with option M84 (insulated version of encoder).

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 3/23

AC motors
Asynchronous (induction) motors
1PH7 motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Shaft Rated Rated torque Rated Rated Field- Max. permis- Max. 1PH7 asynchronous motor
speed height power current voltage weakening sible conti- speed
SH speed 1) nuous speed 2) 3)
nrated Prated Mrated Irated Vrated n2 nS1 nmax
rpm kW Nm A V rpm rpm rpm Order No.
(HP) (lbf -ft)
Supply voltage 480 V 3 AC
600 280 95 1519 144 480 2200 2200 3000 1PH7284 – 7 7 B 7 7 – 0 . . .
(127.3) (1120.4)
120 1916 180 480 2200 2200 3000 1PH7286 – 7 7 B 7 7 – 0 . . .
(160.9) (1413.2)
155 2467 233 480 2200 2200 3000 1PH7288 – 7 7 B 7 7 – 0 . . .
(207.8) (1819.7)

1000 280 150 1433 220 480 2200 2200 3300 1PH7284 – 7 7 C 7 7 – 0 . . .
(201.1) (1057)
185 1767 285 480 2200 2200 3300 1PH7286 – 7 7 C 7 7 – 0 . . .
(247.9) (1303.3)
230 2197 365 460 2200 2200 3300 1PH7288 – 7 7 C 7 7 – 0 . . .
(308.3) (1620.5)
1350 280 200 1416 314 470 2200 2200 3300 1PH7284 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 0 . . .
(268.1) (1044.4)
245 1733 414 445 2200 2200 3300 1PH7286 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 0 . . .
(328.4) (1278.3)
305 2158 497 450 2200 2200 3300 1PH7288 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 0 . . .
(408.8) (1591.7)
2000 280 255 1218 393 455 2200 2200 3300 1PH7284 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 0 . . .
(341.8) (898.4)
310 1481 466 455 2200 2200 3300 1PH7286 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 0 . . .
(415.5) (1092.4)
385 1838 586 455 2200 2200 3300 1PH7288 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 0 . . .
(516.1) (1355.7)
Fans 4): External fan unit, NDE top, air-flow direction NDE to DE 0
External fan unit, NDE right, air-flow direction NDE to DE 1
External fan unit, NDE left, air-flow direction NDE to DE 2
External fan unit, DE top, air-flow direction DE to NDE 3
External fan unit, DE right, air-flow direction DE to NDE 4
External fan unit, DE left, air-flow direction DE to NDE 5
Without external fan unit, for single pipe connection at NDE right 6
Encoder systems Without encoder A
for motors without Absolute encoder EnDat 2048 pulses/revolution E
DRIVE-CLiQ interface: Incremental encoder HTL 1024 pulses/revolution H
Incremental encoder HTL 2048 pulses/revolution J
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp with C and D track 6) M
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp without C and D track 6) N
Resolver on request
Encoder systems Absolute encoder EnDat 2048 pulses/revolution F
for motors with Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp with C and D track 6) D
DRIVE-CLiQ interface: Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp without C and D track 6) Q
Resolver on request
Terminal box/cable NDE right/from below/encoder connector DE 0
entry (view onto DE) 4): NDE left/from below/encoder connector DE 1
NDE top/from right/encoder connector DE 2
DE top/from right/encoder connector NDE 5
Type of construction 4): IM B3 0
IM V5 (subsequent modification to IM V6 possible) 1
IM B35 (with flange A 660) 3
IM B35 (with flange A 660, subsequent modification to IM V6 possible) 5
For further order number supplements (14th to 16th data position of the order number) see next page.

3/24 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

AC motors
Asynchronous (induction) motors
1PH7 motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Power factor Magnetizing Efficiency Rated Moment of Weight 1PH7 asynchronous motor SINAMICS S120 Motor Module
current frequency inertia approx. Rated output current

Iµ ηrated frated J Irated

cos ϕ A Hz kgm2 kg Order No. A Order No.
(lbf-in-s²) (lb)
Supply voltage 480 V 3 AC
0.86 61 0.932 20.3 4.2 1300 1PH7284 – . . B . . – 0 7 7 7 200 6SL3120 –1TE32 – 0AA0
(37.17) (2866)
0.86 80 0.939 20.3 5.2 1500 1PH7286 – . . B . . – 0 7 7 7 200 6SL3120 –1TE32 – 0AA0
(46.02) (3307)
0.86 102 0.941 20.3 6.3 1700 1PH7288 – . . B . . – 0 7 7 7 260 6SL3320 –1TE32 – 6AA0
(55.75) (3748)

0.86 90 0.950 34 4.2 1300 1PH7284 – . . C . . – 0 7 7 7 260 6SL3320 –1TE32 – 6AA0
(37.17) (2866)
0.84 135 0.954 34 5.2 1500 1PH7286 – . . C . . – 0 7 7 7 310 6SL3320 –1TE33 – 1AA0
(46.02) (3307)
0.84 170 0.956 34 6.3 1700 1PH7288 – . . C . . – 0 7 7 7 380 6SL3320 –1TE33 – 8AA0
(55.75) (3748)
0.82 159 0.958 45.3 4.2 1300 1PH7284 – . . D . . – 0 7 7 7 310 5) 6SL3320 –1TE33 – 1AA0
(37.17) (2866)
0.80 217 0.960 45.3 5.2 1500 1PH7286 – . . D . . – 0 7 7 7 490 6SL3320 –1TE35 – 0AA0
(46.02) (3307)
0.82 250 0.962 45.3 6.3 1700 1PH7288 – . . D . . – 0 7 7 7 490 5) 6SL3320 –1TE35 – 0AA0
(55.75) (3748)
0.86 162 0.962 67 4.2 1300 1PH7284 – . . F . . – 0 7 7 7 490 6SL3320 –1TE35 – 0AA0
(37.17) (2866)
0.87 182 0.964 67 5.2 1500 1PH7286 – . . F . . – 0 7 7 7 490 6SL3320 –1TE35 – 0AA0
(46.02) (3307)
0.87 232 0.965 67 6.3 1700 1PH7288 – . . F . . – 0 7 7 7 605 6SL3320 –1TE36 – 1AA0
(55.75) (3748)
Output type 4): Vibration sev. grade: Shaft and flange accuracy:
Coupling N N A
Coupling R R B
Belt/increased N N E
cantilever forces
Belt/increased R R F
cantilever forces
Drive end shaft Balancing:
extension (DE):
Fitted key Half-key A
Fitted key Full-key C
Plain shaft – J
primed 0
Anthracite (RAL 7016), standard paint finish 3
Anthracite (RAL 7016), special paint finish 6
Special versions: Specify supplementary order code and plain text if applicable (see Options). –Z

1) n2: Max. permissible thermal speed at constant output or speed, which is 3) nmax: Maximum speed which must not be exceeded.
at the voltage limit when P = Prated. Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases.
Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases. The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor rated
The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor rated frequency.
frequency. 4) See Table "Permissible combinations of mechanical constructions".
2) nS1: The maximum permissible speed that is continuously permitted 5) The rated output current of the Motor Module is lower than the motor rated
without speed duty cycles. current.
Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases.
The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor rated 6) Only in conjunction with option M84 (insulated version of encoder).

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 3/25

AC motors
Asynchronous (induction) motors
1PH7 motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Shaft Rated Rated torque Rated Rated Field- Max. permis- Max. 1PH7 asynchronous motor
speed height power current voltage weakening sible conti- speed
SH speed 1) nuous speed 2) 3)

nrated Prated Mrated Irated Vrated n2 nS1 nmax

rpm kW (HP) Nm (lbf -ft) A V rpm rpm rpm Order No.
Supply voltage 690 V 3 AC
500 280 77 1471 80 690 1700 2200 2500 1PH7284 – 7 7 B 7 7 – 0 . . .
(103.2) (1085)
96 1834 101 690 1800 2200 2500 1PH7286 – 7 7 B 7 7 – 0 . . .
(128.7) (1352.8)
125 2388 130 690 1900 2200 2500 1PH7288 – 7 7 B 7 7 – 0 . . .
(167.6) (1761.4)

800 280 115 1373 120 690 2200 2200 3300 1PH7284 – 7 7 C 7 7 – 0 . . .
(154.2) (1012.7)
145 1731 160 665 2200 2200 3300 1PH7286 – 7 7 C 7 7 – 0 . . .
(184.4) (1276.8)
185 2208 210 640 2200 2200 3300 1PH7288 – 7 7 C 7 7 – 0 . . .
(247.9) (1628.6)
1150 280 164 1362 176 690 2200 2200 3300 1PH7284 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 0 . . .
(219.8) (1004.6)
203 1686 233 655 2200 2200 3300 1PH7286 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 0 . . .
(272.1) (1243.6)
251 2084 280 665 2200 2200 3300 1PH7288 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 0 . . .
(336.5) (1537.2)
1750 280 217 1184 221 690 2200 2200 3300 1PH7284 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 0 . . .
(290.9) (873.3)
261 1424 262 690 2200 2200 3300 1PH7286 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 0 . . .
(349.9) (1050.3)
329 1795 330 690 2200 2200 3300 1PH7288 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 0 . . .
(441.0) (1323.9)
Fans 4): External fan unit, NDE top, air-flow direction NDE to DE 0
External fan unit, NDE right, air-flow direction NDE to DE 1
External fan unit, NDE left, air-flow direction NDE to DE 2
External fan unit, DE top, air-flow direction DE to NDE 3
External fan unit, DE right, air-flow direction DE to NDE 4
External fan unit, DE left, air-flow direction DE to NDE 5
Without external fan unit, for single pipe connection at NDE right 6
Encoder systems Without encoder A
for motors without Absolute encoder EnDat 2048 pulses/revolution E
DRIVE-CLiQ interface: Incremental encoder HTL 1024 pulses/revolution H
Incremental encoder HTL 2048 pulses/revolution J
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp with C and D track 6) M
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp without C and D track 6) N
Resolver on request
Encoder systems Absolute encoder EnDat 2048 pulses/revolution F
for motors with Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp with C and D track 6) D
DRIVE-CLiQ interface: Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp without C and D track 6) Q
Resolver on request
Terminal box/cable NDE right/from below/encoder connector DE 0
entry (view onto DE) 4): NDE left/from below/encoder connector DE 1
NDE top/from right/encoder connector DE 2
DE top/from right/encoder connector NDE 5
Type of construction 4): IM B3 0
IM V5 (subsequent modification to IM V6 possible) 1
IM B35 (with flange A 660) 3
IM B35 (with flange A 660, subsequent modification to IM V6 possible) 5
For further order number supplements (14th to 16th data position of the order number) see next page.

3/26 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

AC motors
Asynchronous (induction) motors
1PH7 motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Power factor Magnetizing Efficiency Rated Moment of Weight 1PH7 asynchronous motor SINAMICS S120 Motor Module
current frequency inertia approx. Rated output current

Iµ ηrated frated J Irated

cos ϕ A Hz kgm2 kg Order No. A Order No.
(lbf-in-s²) (lb)
Supply voltage 690 V 3 AC
0.87 34 0.923 17 4.2 1300 1PH7284 – . . B . . – 0 7 7 7 85 6SL3320 –1TH28 – 5AA0
(37.17) (2866)
0.86 45 0.927 17 5.2 1500 1PH7286 – . . B . . – 0 7 7 7 100 5) 6SL3320 –1TH31 – 0AA0
(46.02) (3307)
0.86 57 0.930 17 6.3 1700 1PH7288 – . . B . . – 0 7 7 7 150 6SL3320 –1TH31 – 5AA0
(55.75) (3748)

0.85 55 0.943 27 4.2 1300 1PH7284 – . . C . . – 0 7 7 7 120 6SL3320 –1TH31 – 2AA0
(37.17) (2866)
0.84 80 0.947 27 5.2 1500 1PH7286 – . . C . . – 0 7 7 7 175 6SL3320 –1TH31 – 8AA0
(46.02) (3307)
0.84 100 0.950 27 6.3 1700 1PH7288 – . . C . . – 0 7 7 7 215 6SL3320 –1TH32 – 2AA0
(55.75) (3748)
0.81 91 0.955 38.6 4.2 1300 1PH7284 – . . D . . – 0 7 7 7 175 5) 6SL3320 –1TH31 – 8AA0
(37.17) (2866)
0.80 125 0.957 38.6 5.2 1500 1PH7286 – . . D . . – 0 7 7 7 260 6SL3320 –1TH32 – 6AA0
(46.02) (3307)
0.81 145 0.959 38.6 6.3 1700 1PH7288 – . . D . . – 0 7 7 7 330 6SL3320 –1TH33 – 3AA0
(55.75) (3748)
0.86 94 0.961 58.7 4.2 1300 1PH7284 – . . F . . – 0 7 7 7 260 6SL3320 –1TH32 – 6AA0
(37.17) (2866)
0.87 105 0.963 58.7 5.2 1500 1PH7286 – . . F . . – 0 7 7 7 260 5) 6SL3320 –1TH32– 6AA0
(46.02) (3307)
0.86 134 0.964 58.7 6.3 1700 1PH7288 – . . F . . – 0 7 7 7 330 6SL3320 –1TH33 – 3AA0
(55.75) (3748)
Output type 4): Vibration severity grade: Shaft and flange accuracy:
Coupling N N A
Coupling R R B
Belt/increased N N E
cantilever forces
Belt/increased R R F
cantilever forces
Drive end shaft Balancing:
extension (DE):
Fitted key Half-key A
Fitted key Full-key C
Plain shaft – J
primed 0
Anthracite (RAL 7016), standard paint finish 3
Anthracite (RAL 7016), special paint finish 6
Special versions: Specify supplementary order code and plain text if applicable (see Options). –Z

1) n2: Max. permissible thermal speed at constant output or speed, which is 3) nmax: Maximum speed which must not be exceeded.
at the voltage limit when P = Prated. Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases.
Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases. The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor rated
The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor rated frequency.
frequency. 4) See Table "Permissible combinations of mechanical constructions".
2) nS1: The maximum permissible speed that is continuously permitted 5) The rated output current of the Motor Module is lower than the motor rated
without speed duty cycles. current.
Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases.
The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor rated 6) Only in conjunction with option M84 (insulated version of encoder).
frequency. .

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 3/27

AC motors
Asynchronous (induction) motors
1PH7 motors, shaft height 280

■ Selection and ordering data

Permissible combinations of mechanical models
1PH7 28 . motors Permissible combinations of mechanical models
shaft height 280
Position in Separately driven fan
Order No. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 8th Position in Order No.
1PH7 28 . – 7 . . 7 7 – . 7 . . 1PH7 28 . – 7 . . . . – . . . .

Order No. Supplement

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
NDE NDE NDE DE DE DE Simple pipe
Top Right Left Top Right Left connection
NDE --> NDE --> NDE --> DE --> DE --> DE --> NDE Right
converted to

3 1PH7 28 . – . . . . 0 – . . . . Type of construction IM B3

NDE left)

1PH7 28 . – . . . . 1 – . . . . Type of construction IM V5

(Can be converted later to
IM V6)

1PH7 28 . – . . . . 3 – . . . . Type of construction IM B35

1PH7 28 . – . . . . 5 – . . . . Type of construction IM V15

(Can be converted later to
IM V36)

Option codes
R1Y Standard finish RAL ...
R2Y Special finish RAL ...
G14 With air filter
K08 Encoder connector attachment, facing
K55 Customer-specific entry plate for terminal box1)
K83 Terminal box rotation by +90 degrees
K84 Terminal box rotation by -90 degrees
K85 Terminal box rotation by 180 degrees
K16 Additional normal shaft end (only available with no encoder)
K31 Additional rating plate
K45 230 V standstill heating
C30 690 V model
Y55 Atypical shaft end DE
Y80 Different rating plate data1)
Y82 Additional plate with customer information1)
M83 Additional pulling thread on motor feet
Standard model
1) Plain text required Approved supplemental types

3/28 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

AC motors
Asynchronous (induction) motors
1PH7 motors, shaft height 280

Terminal box Construction type Drive type

11th position in Order No. 12th position in Order No. 14th position in Order No.
1PH7 28 . – . . . 7 . – . . . . 1PH7 28 . – . . . . 7 – . . . . 1PH7 28 . – . . . . . – . 7 . .

Order No. supplement Order No. supplement Order No. supplement

0 1 2 5 0 1 3 5 A B E F
NDE NDE NDE DE Construc- Construc- Construc- Construc- Coupling Coupling Belt/ Belt/
Right Left Top Top tion type tion type tion type tion type N/N R/R increased increased
Cable Cable Cable Cable IM B3 IM V5 IM B35 IM V15 cantile- cantile-
entry entry entry on entry on (IM V6) (IM V36) ver forces ver forces
below, DE below, DE right, DE right, NDE N/N R/R
enc. conn. enc. conn. enc. conn. enc. conn.

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 3/29

AC motors
Asynchronous (induction) motors
1PL6 motors

■ Overview ■ Benefits
• Extremely high power density with compact dimensions (50 to
60% higher output as compared to 1PH7 in degree of protec-
tion IP55)
• Speed down to zero without reducing the torque
• Robustness
• Essentially maintenance-free
• High cantilever force loading
• High smooth running characteristics, even at the lowest
• Integrated encoder system to sense the motor speed,
connected using a connector or DRIVE-CLiQ
1PL6 AC motors, shaft heights 180 to 225 • Terminal box to connect up power cables
• The motor temperature is monitored using a KTY 84
3 • Variable cooling versions
• Basic external cooling using a pipe connection
• Optional bearing designs with re-lubrication device and
insulated bearings (NDE)

■ Application
Mounted in dry inside areas (no aggressive atmosphere).
Crane systems:
• Hoisting gears and closing gears for cranes
1PL6 AC motors, shaft height 280 Printing industry:
• Main drives for printing machines
The 1PL6 AC motors are compact, forced-ventilated and also Manufacture of rubber, plastic and wire:
enclosed-ventilated squirrel-cage asynchronous (induction)
motors with degree of protection IP23. The motors are ventilated, • Drives for extruders, calenders, rubber injection machines, foil
as standard, using a built-on separately-driven fan unit. machines, fleece plants
• Wire-drawing machines, wire-stranding machines, etc.
The motor can be ordered either with the air flow from the motor
drive shaft end (DE) to the motor non-drive shaft end (NDE) - or General applications such as coiler and winder drives.
vice versa.
Depending on the control requirements, the appropriate enco-
der systems are available for the motors. These encoders are
used to sense the motor speed and indirect position.
The motors comply with DIN standards and have degree of pro-
tection IP23 in accordance with EN 60034-5 (or IEC 60034-5).
With this degree of protection, the motors are not suitable for
operation in aggressive atmospheres or for installation outdoors.

3/30 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

AC motors
Asynchronous (induction) motors
1PL6 motors

■ Technical data ■ Options

Insulation of the stator winding Temperature class F for a coolant inlet Order Option description For use with 1PL6 asyn-
in accordance with EN 60034-1 temperature of up to +40 °C (+104 °F) code chronous motors with
(IEC 60034-1) shaft height
Fan supply voltage (see selec- 400 V 3 AC/50 Hz/60 Hz SH 180 SH 280
tion guides for technical data) 480 V 3 AC/60 Hz SH 225
Type in accordance with IM B3 R1Y Normal paint finish in another color, 7 7
EN 60034-7 (IEC 60034-7) RAL ... (plain text description required)
Degree of protection in IP23 R2Y Special paint finish in another color, 7 7
accordance with EN 60034-5 RAL ... (plain text description required)
(IEC 60034-5)
C30 Winding version 690 V – 7
Cooling in accordance with Forced ventilation and open-circuit
EN 60034-6 (IEC 60034-6) ventilation G14 Fan unit with air filter 4 7
SH 180 and 225: Fan axial
mounted NDE
G80 POG10 pulse encoder, mounting – 7
SH 280: Fan radial mounted NDE
Temperature monitoring KTY 84 temperature sensor in stator
Encoder connector mounted opposite
Second standard shaft end

SH 280: Additional KTY 84 as reserve (possible only without encoder)
Paint finish with primer, standard paint finish, K31 2nd rating plate supplied separately in 7 7
anthracite RAL 7016 terminal box
Shaft end on the drive end with key, half-key balancing K40 Re-lubrication devices, DE and NDE 7 Standard
in accordance with 748-3
(IEC 60072-1) K45 230 V anti-condensation heating – 7
Shaft and flange accuracy in Tolerance N (normal) K55 Cable entry plate, terminal box 7 7
accordance with DIN 42955 customer-specific
(IEC 60072-1) (plain text is required)
Vibration severity level SH 180 and 225: Grade R (reduced) K83 Terminal box rotated through – 7
in accordance with EN 60034-14 SH 280: Grade N (normal) +90 degrees
(IEC 60034-14)
K84 Terminal box rotated through – 7
Sound pressure level Sound pressure level as a function of -90 degrees
in accordance with DIN EN ISO air-flow direction see selection guides
1680 tolerance +3 dB K85 Terminal box rotated through – 7
180 degrees
Bearing versions and maximum see selection guides
speeds L27 NDE bearing, insulated version 7 Standard
Encoder system, built-in, – Incremental encoder HTL M83 Additional thread for a setting screw at – 7
for motors with/without 1024 pulses/revolution the motor feet
DRIVE-CLiQ interface – Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp,
2048 pulses/revolution Y55 Non-standard shaft end DE 4 4
– Absolute encoder EnDat 2048 Y80 Different rating plate data 4 4
pulses/revolution (plain text is required)
– 2-pole resolver
Y82 Supplementary plate with the orderer’s 4 4
Connection Signal connectors (mating connector data
is not included in the scope of supply)
Terminal box for power 7 Option possible
SH 180 and 225: Terminal box top 4 On request
SH 280: Terminal box NDE right
– not available
Options See selection and ordering data
and Chapter "Options“

■ Characteristic curves
Constant S6-40% Voltage
torque range limiting characteristic

Constant power range
(field weakening operation)

nN n2 n

Power/speed characteristic

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 3/31

AC motors
Asynchronous (induction) motors
1PL6 motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Shaft Rated Rated torque Rated Rated Field-weake- Max. permis- Max. 1PL6 asynchronous motor
speed height power current voltage ning speed 1) sible conti- speed
2) 3)
SH nuous speed
nrated Prated Mrated Irated Vrated n2 nS1 nmax
rpm kW Nm A V rpm rpm rpm Order No.
(HP) (lbf-ft)
Supply voltage 400 V 3 AC
400 180 24,5 585 69 300 1700 2000 2000 1PL6184 – 7 7 B 7 7 – 0 . . .
(32.8) (431.5)
31,5 752 90 290 1900 2000 2000 1PL6186 – 7 7 B 7 7 – 0 . . .
(42.2) (554.7)
225 45 1074 117 300 1600 2000 2000 1PL6224 – 7 7 B 7 7 – 0 . . .
(60.3) (792.2)

57 1361 145 305 1800 2000 2000 1PL6226 – 7 7 B 7 7 – 0 . . .
(76.4) (1003.9)
72 1719 181 305 1800 2000 2000 1PL6228 – 7 7 B 7 7 – 0 . . .
(96.5) (1267.9)
1150 180 65 540 121 400 2500 3500 4) 5000 1PL6184 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 0 . . .
(87.1) (398.3)
85 706 158 400 2700 3500 4) 5000 1PL6186 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 0 . . .
(113.9) (520.7)
225 120 997 218 400 2800 3100 4) 4500 1PL6224 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 0 . . .
(160.9) (735.4)
155 1287 275 400 2600 3100 4) 4500 1PL6226 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 0 . . .
(207.8) (949.3)
190 1578 334 400 2500 3100 4) 4500 4) 1PL6228 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 0 . . .
(254.7) (1161.7)
Fans: External fan unit and PG cable entry in terminal box 4
Without external fan unit, for pipe connection, PG cable entry in terminal box 6
External fan unit and metric cable entry in terminal box 7
Without external fan unit, for pipe connection, metric cable entry in terminal box 8
Encoder systems for motors Without encoder A
without DRIVE-CLiQ interface: Absolute encoder EnDat 2048 pulses/revolution E
Incremental encoder HTL 1024 pulses/revolution H
Incremental encoder HTL 2048 pulses/revolution J
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp with C and D track 7) M
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp without C and D track 7) N
2-pole resolver R
Encoder systems for motors Absolute encoder EnDat 2048• pulses/revolution F
with DRIVE-CLiQ interface: Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp with C and D track 7) D
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp without C and D track 7) Q
2-pole resolver P
Terminal box/cable top/from right 0
entry (view onto DE): top/from DE 1
top/from NDE 2
top/from left 3
Type of construction: IM B3 0
IM B3 Hoisting system for different construction types 1
(IM B6, IM B7, IM B8, IM V5, IM V6)
IM B35 (SH 450: with flange A 450, 3
SH 225: with flange A 550)
IM B35 (SH 450: with flange A 450, Hoisting system for different construction types 5
SH 225: with flange A 550) (IM V15, IM V36)

For further order number supplements (14th to 16th data position of the order number) see next page.

3/32 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

AC motors
Asynchronous (induction) motors
1PL6 motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Power Magneti- Efficiency Rated Moment of Weight 1PL6 asynchronous motor SINAMICS S120 Motor Module
factor zing frequency inertia approx. Rated output current
Iµ ηrated frated J Irated
cos ϕ A Hz kgm2 kg Order No. A Order No.
(lbf-in-s²) (lb)
Supply voltage 400 V 3 AC
0.86 33 0.800 14.4 0.503 370 1PL6184 – . . B . . – 0 7 7 7 85 6SL3120 –1TE28 – 5AA1
(0.45) (816)
0.85 47 0.814 14.3 0.666 440 1PL6186 – . . B . . – 0 7 7 7 85 6SL3120 –1TE28 – 5AA1
(5.89) (970)
0.87 45 0.844 14.2 1.479 630 1PL6224 – . . B . . – 0 7 7 7 132 6SL3120 –1TE31 – 3AA0
(13.09) (1389)

0.85 67 0.868 14.0 1.930 750 1PL6226 – . . B . . – 0 7 7 7 200 6SL3120 –1TE32 – 0AA0
(17.08) (1654)
0.86 77 0.871 14.0 2.326 860 1PL6228 – . . B . . – 0 7 7 7 200 6SL3120 –1TE32 – 0AA0
20.58) (1896)
0.86 46 0.906 39.4 0.503 370 1PL6184 – . . D . . – 0 7 7 7 132 6SL3120 –1TE31 – 3AA0
(4.45) (815)
0.86 62 0.910 39.4 0.666 440 1PL6186 – . . D . . – 0 7 7 7 200 6SL3120 –1TE32 – 0AA0
(5.89) (970)
0.85 86 0.930 39.1 1.479 630 1PL6224 – . . D . . – 0 7 7 7 260 6SL3320 –1TE32 – 6AA0
(13.09) (1389)
0.87 92 0.930 39.2 1.930 750 1PL6226 – . . D . . – 0 7 7 7 310 6SL3320 –1TE33 – 1AA0
(17.08) (1654)
0.88 102 0.931 39.2 2.326 860 1PL6228 – . . D . . – 0 7 7 7 380 6SL3320 –1TE33 – 8AA0
(20.58) (1896)
Out-drive type: Vibration severity Shaft and flange accuracy:
Coupling R N A
Coupling R R B
Coupling S R C
Coupling SR R D
Belt R N E
Belt R R F
Increased cantilever R N G
Increased cantilever R R H
Drive end shaft exten- Balancing: Direction of air flow (fan):
sion (DE):
Fitted key Half-key DE → NDE A
Fitted key Half-key NDE → DE 5) B
Fitted key Full-key DE → NDE C
Fitted key Full-key NDE → DE 5) D
Plain shaft — DE → NDE J
Plain shaft — NDE → DE 5) K

primed 0
Anthracite (RAL 7016), standard paint finish 3
Anthracite (RAL 7016), special paint finish 6
Special versions: Specify supplementary order code and plain text if applicable (see Options). –Z

1) n2: Max. permissible thermal speed at constant output or speed, which 3) nmax: Maximum speed which must not be exceeded.
is at the voltage limit when P = Prated. Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases.
Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases. The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor
The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor rated frequency.
rated frequency. 4) Speed is reduced with increased cantilever forces; see selection
2) nS1: The maximum permissible speed that is continuously permitted guides.
without speed duty cycles. 5) Preferred air-flow direction in polluted environment.
Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases.
6) The rated output current of the Motor Module is lower than the motor
The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor
rated current.
rated frequency.
7) Only in conjunction with option M84 (insulated version of encoder).

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 3/33

AC motors
Asynchronous (induction) motors
1PL6 motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Shaft Rated Rated torque Rated Rated Field- Max. permis- Max. 1PL6 asynchronous motor
speed height power current voltage weakening sible conti- speed
SH speed 1) nuous speed 2) 3)

nrated Prated Mrated Irated Vrated n2 nS1 nmax

rpm kW Nm A V rpm rpm rpm Order No.
(HP) (lbf-ft)
Supply voltage 400 V 3 AC
1750 180 89 486 166 400 4500 3500 4) 5000 1PL6184 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 0 . . .
(119.3) (358.5)
125 682 231 400 4500 3500 4) 5000 1PL6186 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 0 . . .
(167.6) (503)
225 165 900 292 400 2900 3100 4) 4500 1PL6224 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 0 . . .
(221.2) (663.8)

200 1091 350 400 2900 3100 4) 4500 1PL6226 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 0 . . .
(268.1) (804.7)
265 1446 470 400 2900 3100 4) 4500 4) 1PL6228 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 0 . . .
(355.2) (1066.6)
2900 180 113 372 209 400 5000 3500 4) 5000 1PL6184 – 7 7 L 7 7 – 0 . . .
(151.5) (274.4)
150 494 280 390 5000 3500 4) 5000 1PL6186 – 7 7 L 7 7 – 0 . . .
(201.1) (364.4)
225 205 675 365 400 3500 3100 4) 4500 1PL6224 – 7 7 L 7 7 – 0 . . .
(274.8) (479.9)
270 889 470 400 3500 3100 4) 4500 1PL6226 – 7 7 L 7 7 – 0 . . .
(361.9) (655.7)
300 988 530 400 3500 3100 4) 4500 4) 1PL6228 – 7 7 L 7 7 – 0 . . .
(402.1) (728.7)
Fans: External fan unit and PG cable entry in terminal box 4
Without external fan unit, for pipe connection, PG cable entry in terminal box 6
External fan unit and metric cable entry in terminal box 7
Without external fan unit, for pipe connection, metric cable entry in terminal box 8
Encoder systems for motors Without encoder A
without DRIVE-CLiQ interface: Absolute encoder EnDat 2048 pulses/revolution E
Incremental encoder HTL 1024 pulses/revolution H
Incremental encoder HTL 2048 pulses/revolution J
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp with C and D track 7) M
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp without C and D track 7) N
2-pole resolver R
Encoder systems for motors Absolute encoder EnDat 2048• pulses/revolution F
with DRIVE-CLiQ interface: Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp with C and D track 7) D
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp without C and D track 7) Q
2-pole resolver P
Terminal box/cable top/from right 0
entry (view onto DE): top/from DE 1
top/from NDE 2
top/from left 3
Type of construction: IM B3 0
IM B3 Hoisting system for different construction types 1
(IM B6, IM B7, IM B8, IM V5, IM V6)
IM B35 (SH 450: with flange A 450, 3
SH 225: with flange A 550)
IM B35 (SH 450: with flange A 450, Hoisting system for different construction types 5
SH 225: with flange A 550) (IM V15, IM V36)
For further order number supplements (14th to 16th data position of the order number) see next page.

3/34 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

AC motors
Asynchronous (induction) motors
1PL6 motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Power Magneti- Efficiency Rated fre- Moment of Weight 1PL6 asynchronous motor SINAMICS S120 Motor Module
factor zing quency inertia approx. Rated output current
Iµ ηrated frated J Irated
cos ϕ A Hz kgm2 kg Order No. A Order No.
(lbf-in-s²) (lb)
Supply voltage 400 V 3 AC
0.84 68 0.921 59.3 0.503 370 1PL6184 – . . F . . – 0 7 7 7 200 6SL3120 –1TE32 – 0AA0
(4.45) (816)
0.84 92 0.935 59.3 0.666 440 1PL6186 – . . F . . – 0 7 7 7 260 6SL3320 –1TE32 – 6AA0
(5.89) (970)
0.87 90 0.942 59.2 1.479 630 1PL6224 – . . F . . – 0 7 7 7 310 6SL3320 –1TE33 – 1AA0
(13.09) (1389)

0.87 122 0.942 59.1 1.930 750 1PL6226 – . . F . . – 0 7 7 7 380 6SL3320 –1TE33 – 8AA0
(17.08) (1654)
0.86 174 0.948 59.0 2.326 860 1PL6228 – . . F . . – 0 7 7 7 490 6SL3320 –1TE35 – 0AA0
(20.58) (1896)
0.85 79 0.938 97.6 0.503 370 1PL6184 – . . L . . – 0 7 7 7 210 6SL3320 –1TE32 – 1AA0
(4.45) (816)
0.84 110 0.943 97.5 0.666 440 1PL6186 – . . L . . – 0 7 7 7 310 6SL3320 –1TE33 – 1AA0
(5.89) (970)
0.86 118 0.950 97.5 1.479 630 1PL6224 – . . L . . – 0 7 7 7 380 6SL3320 –1TE33 – 8AA0
(13.09) (1389)
0.87 160 0.952 97.4 1.930 750 1PL6226 – . . L . . – 0 7 7 7 490 6SL3320 –1TE35 – 0AA0
(17.08) (1654)
0.86 188 0.952 97.3 2.326 860 1PL6228 – . . L . . – 0 7 7 7 605 6SL3320 –1TE36– 1AA0
(20.58) (1896)
Out-drive type: Vibration severity Shaft and flange accuracy:
Coupling R N A
Coupling R R B
Coupling S R C
Coupling SR R D
Belt R N E
Belt R R F
Increased cantilever R N G
Increased cantilever R R H
Drive end shaft exten- Balancing: Direction of air flow (fan):
sion (DE):
Fitted key Half-key DE → NDE A
Fitted key Half-key NDE → DE 5) B
Fitted key Full-key DE → NDE C
Fitted key Full-key NDE → DE 5) D
Plain shaft — DE → NDE J
Plain shaft — NDE → DE 5) K
primed 0
Anthracite (RAL 7016), standard paint finish 3
Anthracite (RAL 7016), special paint finish 6
Special versions: Specify supplementary order code and plain text if applicable (see Options). –Z

1) n2: Max. permissible thermal speed at constant output or speed, which 3) nmax: Maximum speed which must not be exceeded.
is at the voltage limit when P = Prated. Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases.
Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases. The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor
The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor rated frequency.
rated frequency. 4) Speed is reduced with increased cantilever forces; see selection
2) nS1: The maximum permissible speed that is continuously permitted guides.
without speed duty cycles. 5) Preferred air-flow direction in polluted environment.
Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases.
6) The rated output current of the Motor Module is lower than the motor
The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor
rated current.
rated frequency.
7) Only in conjunction with option M84 (insulated version of encoder).

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 3/35

AC motors
Asynchronous (induction) motors
1PL6 motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Shaft Rated Rated torque Rated Rated Field- Max. permis- Max. 1PL6 asynchronous motor
speed height power current voltage weakening sible conti- speed
SH speed 1) nuous speed 2) 3)

nrated Prated Mrated Irated Vrated n2 nS1 nmax

rpm kW Nm A V rpm rpm rpm Order No.
(HP) (lbf-ft)
Supply voltage 400 V 3 AC
800 280 195 2328 335 400 1700 2200 3300 1PL6284 – 7 7 C 7 7 – 0 . . .
(261.4) (1717.1)
250 2984 440 385 1900 2200 3300 1PL6286 – 7 7 C 7 7 – 0 . . .
(335.1) (2201)
310 3701 570 370 2200 2200 3300 1PL6288 – 7 7 C 7 7 – 0 . . .
(415.5) (2729.9)
1150 280 280 2325 478 400 2200 2200 3300 1PL6284 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 0 . . .
3 (375.3)
2944 637 380 2200 2200 3300 1PL6286 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 0 . . .
(475.9) (2171.5)
435 3607 765 385 2200 2200 3300 1PL6288 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 0 . . .
(538.1) (2660.5)
1750 280 370 2019 616 400 2200 2200 3300 1PL6284 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 0 . . .
(495.9) (1489.2)
445 2429 736 400 2200 2200 3300 1PL6286 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 0 . . .
(596.5) (1791.6)
560 3055 924 400 2200 2200 3300 1PL6288 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 0 . . .
(750.7) (2253.4)
Fans 4): External fan unit, NDE top, air-flow direction NDE to DE 0
External fan unit, NDE right, air-flow direction NDE to DE 1
External fan unit, NDE left, air-flow direction NDE to DE 2
External fan unit, DE top, air-flow direction DE to NDE 3
External fan unit, DE right, air-flow direction DE to NDE 4
External fan unit, DE left, air-flow direction DE to NDE 5
Without external fan unit, for single pipe connection at NDE right 6
Encoder systems for motors Without encoder A
without DRIVE-CLiQ interface: Absolute encoder EnDat 2048 pulses/revolution E
Incremental encoder HTL 1024 pulses/revolution H
Incremental encoder HTL 2048 pulses/revolution J
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp with C and D track 6) M
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp without C and D track 6) N
Resolver on request
Encoder systems for motors Absolute encoder EnDat 2048 pulses/revolution F
with DRIVE-CLiQ interface: Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp with C and D track 6) D
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp without C and D track 6) Q
Resolver on request
Terminal box/cable entry (view NDE right/from below/encoder connector DE 0
onto DE) 4): NDE left/from below/encoder connector DE 1
NDE top/from right/encoder connector DE 2
DE top/from right/encoder connector NDE 5
Type of construction 4): IM B3 0
IM V5 (subsequent modification to IM V6 possible) 1
IM B35 (with flange A 660) 3
IM V15 (with flange A 660, subsequent modification to IM V36 possible) 5
For further order number supplements (14th to 16th data position of the order number) see next page.

3/36 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

AC motors
Asynchronous (induction) motors
1PL6 motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Power factor Magnetizing Efficiency Rated Moment of Weight 1PL6 asynchronous motor SINAMICS S120 Motor Module
current frequency inertia approx. Rated output current

Iµ ηrated frated J Irated

cos ϕ A Hz kgm2 kg Order No. A Order No.
(lbf-in-s²) (lb)
Supply voltage 400 V 3 AC
0.90 95 0.929 27.3 4.2 1300 1PL6284 – . . C . . – 0 7 7 7 380 6SL3320 –1TE33 – 8AA0
(37.17) (2866)
0.90 135 0.934 27.3 5.2 1500 1PL6286 – . . C . . – 0 7 7 7 490 6SL3320 –1TE35 – 0AA0
(46.02) (3307)
0.90 170 0.939 27.3 6.3 1700 1PL6288 – . . C . . – 0 7 7 7 605 6SL3320 –1TE36 – 1AA0
(55.75) (3748)

0.89 156 0.950 38.9 4.2 1300 1PL6284 – . . D . . – 0 7 7 7 490 6SL3320 –1TE35 – 0AA0
(37.17) (2866)
0.89 214 0.953 38.9 5.2 1500 1PL6286 – . . D . . – 0 7 7 7 745 6SL3320 –1TE37 – 5AA0
(46.02) (3307)
0.89 248 0.955 38.9 6.3 1700 1PL6288 – . . D . . – 0 7 7 7 840 6SL3320 –1TE38 – 4AA0
(55.75) (3748)
0.90 162 0.959 59.0 4.2 1300 1PL6284 – . . F . . – 0 7 7 7 605 6SL3320 –1TE36 – 1AA0
(37.17) (2866)
0.91 182 0.960 59.0 5.2 1500 1PL6286 – . . F . . – 0 7 7 7 745 6SL3320 –1TE37 – 5AA0
(46.02) (3307)
0.91 232 0.962 59.0 6.3 1700 1PL6288 – . . F . . – 0 7 7 7 985 6SL3320 –1TE41 – 0AA0
(55.75) (3748)
Output type 4): Vibration severity Shaft and flange accuracy:
Coupling N N A
Coupling R R B
Belt/increased N N E
cantilever forces
Belt/increased R R F
cantilever forces
Drive end shaft extension Balancing:
Fitted key Half-key A
Fitted key Full-key C
Plain shaft – J
primed 0
Anthracite (RAL 7016), standard paint finish 3
Anthracite (RAL 7016), special paint finish 6
Special versions: Specify supplementary order code and plain text if applicable (see Options). –Z

1) n2: Max. permissible thermal speed at constant output or speed, which 3) nmax: Maximum speed which must not be exceeded.
is at the voltage limit when P = Prated. Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases.
Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases. The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor
The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor rated frequency.
rated frequency. 4) See Table "Permissible combinations of mechanical constructions".
2) nS1: The maximum permissible speed that is continuously permitted 5) The rated output current of the Motor Module is lower than the motor
without speed duty cycles. rated current.
Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases.
6) Only in conjunction with option M84 (insulated version of encoder).
The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor
rated frequency.

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 3/37

AC motors
Asynchronous (induction) motors
1PL6 motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Shaft Rated Rated torque Rated Rated Field- Max. permis- Max. 1PL6 asynchronous motor
speed height power current voltage weakening sible conti- speed
SH speed 1) nuous speed 2) 3)
nrated Prated Mrated Irated Vrated n2 nS1 nmax
rpm kW (HP) Nm (lbf-ft) A V rpm rpm rpm Order No.
Supply voltage 480 V 3 AC
500 180 30 573 66 370 1900 2500 2500 1PL6184 – 7 7 B 7 7 – 0 . . .
(40.2) (422.6)
40 764 91 355 2000 2500 2500 1PL6186 – 7 7 B 7 7 – 0 . . .
(53.6) (563.5)
225 55 1050 114 370 1800 2500 2500 1PL6224 – 7 7 B 7 7 – 0 . . .
(73.7) (774.5)
72 1375 147 375 2000 2500 2500 1PL6226 – 7 7 B 7 7 – 0 . . .

(96.5) (1014.2)
90 1719 180 380 1900 2500 2500 1PL6228 – 7 7 B 7 7 – 0 . . .
(120.6) (1267.9)
1350 180 74 523 119 460 3000 3500 4) 5000 1PL6184 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 0 . . .
(99.2) (385.8)
98 693 156 460 3100 3500 4) 5000 1PL6186 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 0 . . .
(131.4) (511.2)
225 137 969 215 460 3300 3100 4) 4500 1PL6224 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 0 . . .
(183.6) (714.7)
172 1217 265 460 3200 3100 4) 4500 1PL6226 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 0 . . .
(230.6) (897.7)
218 1542 332 460 2900 3100 4) 4500 4) 1PL6228 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 0 . . .
(292.2) (1137.4)
Fans: External fan unit and PG cable entry in terminal box 4
Without external fan unit, for pipe connection, PG cable entry in terminal box 6
External fan unit and metric cable entry in terminal box 7
Without external fan unit, for pipe connection, metric cable entry in terminal box 8
Encoder systems for motors Without encoder A
without DRIVE-CLiQ interface: Absolute encoder EnDat 2048 pulses/revolution E
Incremental encoder HTL 1024 pulses/revolution H
Incremental encoder HTL 2048 pulses/revolution J
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vppwith C and D track 7) M
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp without C and D track 7) N
2-pole resolver R
Encoder systems for motors Absolute encoder EnDat 2048 pulses/revolution F
with DRIVE-CLiQ interface: Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp with C and D track 7) D
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp without C and D track 7) Q
2-pole resolver P
Terminal box/cable entry (view top/from right 0
onto DE): top/from DE 1
top/from NDE 2
top/from left 3
Type of construction: IM B3 0
IM B3 Hoisting system for different construction types 1
(IM B6, IM B7, IM B8, IM V5, IM V6)
IM B35 (SH 450: with flange A 450, 3
SH 225: with flange A 550)
IM B35 (SH 450: with flange A 450, Hoisting system for different construction types 5
SH 225: with flange A 550) (IM V15, IM V36)
For further order number supplements (14th to 16th data position of the order number) see next page.

3/38 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

AC motors
Asynchronous (induction) motors
1PL6 motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Power Magnetizing Efficiency Rated Moment of Weight 1PL6 asynchronous motor SINAMICS S120 Motor Module
factor current frequency inertia approx. Rated output current

Iµ ηrated frated J Irated

cos ϕ A Hz kgm2 kg Order No. A Order No.
(lbf-ins²) (lb)
Supply voltage 480 V 3 AC
0.84 34 0.844 17.6 0.503 370 1PL6184 – . . B . . – 0 7 7 7 85 6SL3120 –1T E28 – 5AA1
(4.45) (816)
0.84 46 0.845 17.6 0.666 440 1PL6186 – . . B . . – 0 7 7 7 132 6SL3120 –1T E31– 3AA0
(5.89) (970)
0.86 46 0.875 17.5 1.479 630 1PL6224 – . . B . . – 0 7 7 7 132 6SL3120 –1T E31 – 3AA0
(13.09) (1389)

0.85 66 0.887 17.4 1.930 750 1PL6226 – . . B . . – 0 7 7 7 200 6SL3120 –1T E32 – 0AA0
(17.08) (1654)
0.85 79 0.894 17.4 2.326 860 1PL6228 – . . B . . – 0 7 7 7 200 6SL3120 –1T E32 – 0AA0
(20.58) (1896)
0.86 44 0.918 46.1 0.503 370 1PL6184 – . . D . . – 0 7 7 7 132 6SL3120 –1T E31 – 3AA0
(4.45) (816)
0.85 60 0.920 46.0 0.666 440 1PL6186 – . . D . . – 0 7 7 7 200 6SL3120 –1T E32– 0AA0
(5.89) (970)
0.85 82 0.940 45.8 1.479 630 1PL6224 – . . D . . – 0 7 7 7 210 6SL3320 –1T E32– 1AA0
(13.09) (1389)
0.87 88 0.940 45.8 1.930 750 1PL6226 – . . D . . – 0 7 7 7 260 6SL3320 –1T E32– 6AA0
(17.08) (1654)
0.88 100 0.938 45.8 2.326 860 1PL6228 – . . D . . – 0 7 7 7 380 6SL3320 –1T E33 – 8AA0
(20.58) (1896)
Out-drive type: Vibration severity Shaft and flange accuracy:
Coupling R N A
Coupling R R B
Coupling S R C
Coupling SR R D
Belt R N E
Belt R R F
Increased cantilever R N G
Increased cantilever R R H
Drive end shaft exten- Balancing: Direction of air flow (fan):
sion (DE):
Fitted key Half-key DE → NDE A
Fitted key Half-key NDE → DE 5) B
Fitted key Full-key DE → NDE C
Fitted key Full-key NDE → DE 5) D
Plain shaft – DE → NDE J
Plain shaft – NDE → DE 5) K
primed 0
Anthracite (RAL 7016), standard paint finish 3
Anthracite (RAL 7016), special paint finish 6
Special versions: Specify supplementary order code and plain text if applicable (see Options). –Z

1) n2: Max. permissible thermal speed at constant output or speed, which 3) nmax: Maximum speed which must not be exceeded.
is at the voltage limit when P = Prated. Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases.
Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases. The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor
The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor rated frequency.
rated frequency. 4) Speed is reduced with increased cantilever forces; see selection
2) nS1: The maximum permissible speed that is continuously permitted guides.
without speed duty cycles. 5) Preferred air-flow direction in polluted environment.
Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases.
6) The rated output current of the Motor Module is lower than the motor
The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor
rated current.
rated frequency.
7) Only in conjunction with option M84 (insulated version of encoder).

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 3/39

AC motors
Asynchronous (induction) motors
1PL6 motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Shaft Rated Rated torque Rated Rated Field- Max. permis- Max. 1PL6 asynchronous motor
speed height power current voltage weakening sible conti- speed
SH speed 1) nuous speed 2) 3)
nrated Prated Mrated Irated Vrated n2 nS1 nmax
rpm kW (HP) Nm (lbf-ft) A V rpm rpm rpm Order No.
Supply voltage 480 V 3 AC
2000 180 98 468 161 460 5000 3500 4) 5000 1PL6184 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 0 . . .
(131.4) (345.2)
135 645 220 460 5000 3500 4) 5000 1PL6186 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 0 . . .
(180.9) (475.8)
225 178 850 275 460 2900 3100 4) 4500 1PL6224 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 0 . . .
(238.6) (627)
220 1050 342 460 2900 3100 4) 4500 1PL6226 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 0 . . .

(294.9) (774.5)
288 1375 450 460 2900 3100 4) 4500 4) 1PL6228 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 0 . . .
(386.1) (1014.2)
2900 180 113 372 209 400 5000 3500 4) 5000 1PL6184 – 7 7 L 7 7 – 0 . . .
(151.5) (274.4)
150 494 280 390 5000 3500 4) 5000 1PL6186 – 7 7 L 7 7 – 0 . . .
(201.1) (364.4)
225 205 675 365 400 3500 3100 4) 4500 1PL6224 – 7 7 L 7 7 – 0 . . .
(274.8) (497.9)
270 889 470 395 3500 3100 4) 4500 1PL6226 – 7 7 L 7 7 – 0 . . .
(361.9) (655.7)
300 988 530 400 3500 3100 4) 4500 4) 1PL6228 – 7 7 L 7 7 – 0 . . .
(402.1) (728.7)
Fans: External fan unit and PG cable entry in terminal box 4
Without external fan unit, for pipe connection, PG cable entry in terminal box 6
External fan unit and metric cable entry in terminal box 7
Without external fan unit, for pipe connection, metric cable entry in terminal box 8
Encoder systems for motors Without encoder A
without DRIVE-CLiQ interface: Absolute encoder EnDat 2048 pulses/revolution E
Incremental encoder HTL 1024 pulses/revolution H
Incremental encoder HTL 2048 pulses/revolution J
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp with C and D track 7) M
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp without C and D track 7) N
2-pole resolver R
Encoder systems for motors Absolute encoder EnDat 2048 pulses/revolution F
with DRIVE-CLiQ interface: Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp with C and D track 7) D
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp without C and D track 7) Q
2-pole resolver P
Terminal box/cable entry (view top/from right 0
onto DE): top/from DE 1
top/from NDE 2
top/from left 3
Type of construction: IM B3 0
IM B3 Hoisting system for different construction types 1
(IM B6, IM B7, IM B8, IM V5, IM V6)
IM B35 (SH 450: with flange A 450, 3
SH 225: with flange A 550)
IM B35 (SH 450: with flange A 450, Hoisting system for different construction types 5
SH 225: with flange A 550) (IM V15, IM V36)

For further order number supplements (14th to 16th data position of the order number) see next page.

3/40 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

AC motors
Asynchronous (induction) motors
1PL6 motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Power Magnetizing Efficiency Rated Moment of Weight 1PL6 asynchronous motor SINAMICS S120 Motor Module
factor current frequency inertia approx. Rated output current

Iµ ηrated frated J Irated

cos ϕ A Hz kgm2 kg Order No. A Order No.
(lbf-ins²) (lb)
Supply voltage 480 V 3 AC
0.83 70 0.934 67.5 0.503 370 1PL6184 – . . F . . – 0 7 7 7 200 6SL3120 –1T E32– 0AA0
(4.45) (816)
0.83 94 0.940 67.5 0.666 440 1PL6186 – . . F . . – 0 7 7 7 260 6SL3320 –1T E32– 6AA0
(5.89) (970)
0.86 91 0.944 67.5 1.479 630 1PL6224 – . . F . . – 0 7 7 7 310 6SL3320 –1T E33– 1AA0
(13.09) (1389)

0.86 124 0.948 67.5 1.930 750 1PL6226 – . . F . . – 0 7 7 7 380 6SL3320 –1T E33– 8AA0
(17.08) (1654)
0.85 176 0.948 67.3 2.326 860 1PL6228 – . . F . . – 0 7 7 7 490 6SL3320 –1T E35– 0AA0
(20.58) (1896)
0.85 79 0.938 97.6 0.503 370 1PL6184 – . . L . . – 0 7 7 7 210 6SL3320 –1T E32 – 1AA0
(4.45) (816)
0.84 110 0.943 97.5 0.666 440 1PL6186 – . . L . . – 0 7 7 7 310 6SL3320 –1T E33 – 1AA0
(5.89) (970)
0.86 118 0.950 97.5 1.479 630 1PL6224 – . . L . . – 0 7 7 7 380 6SL3320 –1TE33– 8AA0
(13.09) (1389)
0.87 160 0.952 97.4 1.930 750 1PL6 226 – . . L . . – 0 7 7 7 490 6SL3320 –1TE35 – 0AA0
(17.08) (1654)
0.86 188 0.952 97.3 2.326 860 1PL6228 – . . L . . – 0 7 7 7 605 6SL3320 –1TE36 – 1AA0
(20.58) (1896)
Out-drive type: Vibration severity Shaft and flange accuracy:
Coupling R N A
Coupling R R B
Coupling S R C
Coupling SR R D
Belt R N E
Belt R R F
Increased cantilever R N G
Increased cantilever R R H
Drive end shaft exten- Balancing: Direction of air flow (fan):
sion (DE):
Fitted key Half-key DE → NDE A
Fitted key Half-key NDE → DE 5) B
Fitted key Full-key DE → NDE C
Fitted key Full-key NDE → DE 5) D
Plain shaft – DE → NDE J
Plain shaft – NDE → DE 5) K
primed 0
Anthracite (RAL 7016), standard paint finish 3
Anthracite (RAL 7016), special paint finish 6
Special versions: Specify supplementary order code and plain text if applicable (see Options). –Z

1) n2: Max. permissible thermal speed at constant output or speed, which 3) nmax: Maximum speed which must not be exceeded.
is at the voltage limit when P = Prated. Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases.
Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases. The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor
The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor rated frequency.
rated frequency. 4) Speed is reduced with increased cantilever forces; see selection
2) nS1: The maximum permissible speed that is continuously permitted guides.
without speed duty cycles. 5) Preferred air-flow direction in polluted environment.
Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases.
6) The rated output current of the Motor Module is lower than the motor
The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor
rated current.
rated frequency.
7) Only in conjunction with option M84 (insulated version of encoder).

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 3/41

AC motors
Asynchronous (induction) motors
1PL6 motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Shaft Rated Rated torque Rated Rated Field- Max. permis- Max. 1PL6 asynchronous motor
speed height power current voltage weakening sible conti- speed 3)
SH speed 1) nuous speed 2)
nrated Prated Mrated Irated Vrated n2 nS1 nmax
rpm kW Nm A V rpm rpm rpm Order No.
(HP) (lbf-ft)
Supply voltage 480 V 3 AC
1000 280 235 2244 335 480 2200 2200 3300 1PL6284 – 7 7 C 7 7 – 0 . . .
(315.0) (1655.2)
310 2961 440 480 2200 2200 3300 1PL6286 – 7 7 C 7 7 – 0 . . .
(415.5) (2184)
385 3677 570 460 2200 2200 3300 1PL6288 – 7 7 C 7 7 – 0 . . .
(516.1) (2712.2)

1350 280 325 2299 478 470 2200 2200 3300 1PL6284 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 0 . . .
(435.7) (1695.7)
410 2901 637 445 2200 2200 3300 1PL6286 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 0 . . .
(549.6) (2139.8)
505 3573 765 450 2200 2200 3300 1PL6288 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 0 . . .
(676.9) (2635.4)
2000 280 415 1981 616 455 2200 2200 3300 1PL6284 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 0 . . .
(556.3) (1461.2)
500 2387 736 455 2200 2200 3300 1PL6286 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 0 . . .
(670.2) (1760.7)
630 3009 924 455 2200 2200 3300 1PL6288 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 0 . . .
(844.5) (2219.4)
Fans 4): External fan unit, NDE top, air-flow direction NDE to DE 0
External fan unit, NDE right, air-flow direction NDE to DE 1
External fan unit, NDE left, air-flow direction NDE to DE 2
External fan unit, DE top, air-flow direction DE to NDE 3
External fan unit, DE right, air-flow direction DE to NDE 4
External fan unit, DE left, air-flow direction DE to NDE 5
Without external fan unit, for single pipe connection at NDE right 6
Encoder systems for motors Without encoder A
without DRIVE-CLiQ interface: Absolute encoder EnDat 2048 pulses/revolution E
Incremental encoder HTL 1024 pulses/revolution H
Incremental encoder HTL 2048 pulses/revolution J
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp with C and D track 6) M
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp without C and D track 6) N
Resolver on request
Encoder systems for motors Absolute encoder EnDat 2048 pulses/revolution F
with DRIVE-CLiQ interface: Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp with C and D track 6) D
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp without C and D track 6) Q
Resolver on request
Terminal box/cable entry NDE right/from below/encoder connector DE 0
(view onto DE) 4): NDE left/from below/encoder connector DE 1
NDE top/from right/encoder connector DE 2
DE top/from right/encoder connector NDE 5
Type of construction 4): IM B3 0
IM V5 (subsequent modification to IM V6 possible) 1
IM B35 (with flange A 660) 3
IM V15 (with flange A 660, subsequent modification to IM V36 possible) 5
For further order number supplements (14th to 16th data position of the order number) see next page.

3/42 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

AC motors
Asynchronous (induction) motors
1PL6 motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Power Magnetizing Efficiency Rated Moment of Weight 1PL6 asynchronous motor SINAMICS S120 Motor Module
factor current frequency inertia approx. Rated output current

Iµ ηrated frated J Irated

cos ϕ A Hz kgm2 kg Order No. A Order No.
(lbf-ins²) (lb)
Supply voltage 480 V 3 AC
0.90 90 0.939 34.0 4.2 1300 1PL6284 – . . C . . – 0 7 7 7 380 6SL3320 – 1TE33 – 8AA0
(37.17) (2866)
0.90 135 0.945 34.0 5.2 1500 1PL6286 – . . C . . – 0 7 7 7 490 6SL3320 – 1TE35 – 0AA0
(46.02) (3307)
0.90 170 0.948 34.0 6.3 1700 1PL6288 – . . C . . – 0 7 7 7 605 6SL3320 – 1TE36 – 1AA0
(55.75) (3748)

0.89 157 0.955 45.5 4.2 1300 1PL6284 – . . D . . – 0 7 7 7 490 6SL3320 – 1TE35 – 0AA0
(37.17) (2866)
0.89 215 0.957 45.5 5.2 1500 1PL6286 – . . D . . – 0 7 7 7 745 6SL3320 – 1TE37 – 5AA0
(46.02) (3307)
0.89 248 0.959 45.5 6.3 1700 1PL6288 – . . D . . – 0 7 7 7 840 6SL3320 – 1TE38 – 4AA0
(55.75) (3748)
0.90 161 0.961 67.3 4.2 1300 1PL6284 – . . F . . – 0 7 7 7 745 6SL3320 – 1TE37 – 5AA0
(37.17) (2866)
0.91 181 0.963 67.3 5.2 1500 1PL6286 – . . F . . – 0 7 7 7 745 6SL3320 – 1TE37 – 5AA0
(46.02) (3307)
0.91 231 0.965 67.3 6.3 1700 1PL6288 – . . F . . – 0 7 7 7 985 6SL3320 – 1TE41 – 0AA0
(55.75) (3748)
Output type 4): Vibration severity grade: Shaft and flange accuracy:
Coupling N N A
Coupling R R B
Belt/increased cantilever N N E
Belt/increased cantilever R R F
Drive end shaft Balancing:
extension (DE):
Fitted key Half-key A
Fitted key Full-key C
Plain shaft — J
primed 0
Anthracite (RAL 7016), standard paint finish 3
Anthracite (RAL 7016), special paint finish 6
Special versions: Specify supplementary order code and plain text if applicable (see Options). –Z

1) n2: Max. permissible thermal speed at constant output or speed, which 3) nmax: Maximum speed which must not be exceeded.
is at the voltage limit when P = Prated. Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases.
Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases. The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor
The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor rated frequency.
rated frequency. 4) See Table "Permissible combinations of mechanical constructions".
2) nS1: The maximum permissible speed that is continuously permitted 5) The rated output current of the Motor Module is lower than the motor
without speed duty cycles. rated current.
Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases.
6) Only in conjunction with option M84 (insulated version of encoder).
The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor
rated frequency.

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 3/43

AC motors
Asynchronous (induction) motors
1PL6 motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Rated Shaft Rated Rated Rated Rated Field- Max. permis- Max. 1PL6 asynchronous motor
speed height SH power torque current voltage weakening sible conti- speed
speed 1) nuous speed 2) 3)
nrated Prated Mrated Irated Vrated n2 nS1 n max
rpm kW Nm A V rpm rpm rpm Order-no.
(HP) (lbf-ft)
Supply voltage 690 V 3 AC
800 280 185 2208 185 690 2000 2200 3300 1PL6284 – 7 7 C 7 7 – 0 . . .
(247.9) (1628.6)
240 2865 250 665 2100 2200 3300 1PL6286 – 7 7 C 7 7 – 0 . . .
(321.7) (2113.2)
300 3581 320 640 2200 2200 3300 1PL6288 – 7 7 C 7 7 – 0 . . .
(402.1) (2641.3)

1150 280 272 2259 270 690 2200 2200 3300 1PL6284 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 0 . . .
(364.6) (1666.2)
344 2857 359 655 2200 2200 3300 1PL6286 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 0 . . .
(461.1) (2107.3)
422 3504 431 665 2200 2200 3300 1PL6288 – 7 7 D 7 7 – 0 . . .
(565.7) (2584.6)
1750 280 359 1959 347 690 2200 2200 3300 1PL6284 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 0 . . .
(481.2) (1445)
432 2357 415 690 2200 2200 3300 1PL6286 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 0 . . .
(579.1) (1738.5)
543 2963 520 690 2200 2200 3300 1PL6288 – 7 7 F 7 7 – 0 . . .
(727.9) (2963.5)
Fans 5): External fan unit, NDE top, air-flow direction NDE to DE 0
External fan unit, NDE right, air-flow direction NDE to DE 1
External fan unit, NDE left, air-flow direction NDE to DE 2
External fan unit, DE top, air-flow direction DE to NDE 3
External fan unit, DE right, air-flow direction DE to NDE 4
External fan unit, DE left, air-flow direction DE to NDE 5
Without external fan unit, for single pipe connection at NDE right 6
Encoder systems Without encoder A
for motors without Absolute encoder EnDat 2048 pulses/revolution E
DRIVE-CLiQ interface: Incremental encoder HTL 1024 pulses/revolution H
Incremental encoder HTL 2048 pulses/revolution J
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp with C and D track 6) M
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp without C and D track 6) N
Resolver on request
Encoder systems Absolute encoder EnDat 2048 pulses/revolution F
for motors with Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp with C and D track 6) D
DRIVE-CLiQ interface: Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp without C and D track 6) Q
Resolver on request
Terminal box/cable entry NDE right/from below/encoder connector DE 0
(view onto DE) 5): NDE left/from below/encoder connector DE 1
NDE top/from right/encoder connector DE 2
DE top/from right/encoder connector NDE 5
Type of construction 5): IM B3 0
IM V5 (subsequent modification to IM V6 possible) 1
IM B35 (with flange A 660) 3
IM V15 (with flange A 660, subsequent modification to IM V36 possible) 5
For further order number supplements (14th to 16th data position of the order number) see next page.

3/44 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

AC motors
Asynchronous (induction) motors
1PL6 motors

■ Selection and ordering data

Power Magnetizing Efficiency Rated Moment of Weight 1PL6 asynchronous motor SINAMICS S120 Motor Module
factor current frequency inertia approx. Rated output current

Iµ ηrated frated J Irated

cos ϕ A Hz kgm2 kg Order No. A Order No.
(lbf-ins²) (lb)
Supply voltage 690 V 3 AC
0.90 55 0.928 27 4.2 1300 1PL6284 – . . C . . – 0 7 7 7 215 6SL3320 –1TH32 –2AA0
(37.17) (2866)
0.90 80 0.934 27 5.2 1500 1PL6286 – . . C . . – 0 7 7 7 260 6SL3320 –1TH32 –6AA0
(46.02) (3307)
0.90 100 0.938 27 6.3 1700 1PL6288 – . . C . . – 0 7 7 7 330 6SL3320 –1TH33–3AA0
(55.75) (3748)

0.89 89 0.949 38.9 4.2 1300 1PL6284 – . . D . . – 0 7 7 7 330 6SL3320 –1TH33 –3AA0
(37.17) (2866)
0.89 123 0.953 38.9 5.2 1500 1PL6286 – . . D . . – 0 7 7 7 410 6SL3320 –1TH34 –1AA0
(46.02) (3307)
0.89 143 0.955 38.9 6.3 1700 1PL6288 – . . D . . – 0 7 7 7 465 6SL3320 –1TH34–7AA0
(55.75) (3748)
0.90 93 0.958 59 4.2 1300 1PL6284 – . . F . . – 0 7 7 7 410 6SL3320 –1TH34 –1AA0
(37.17) (2866)
0.91 105 0.960 59 5.2 1500 1PL6286 – . . F . . – 0 7 7 7 410 4) 6SL3320 –1TH34 –1AA0
(46.02) (3307)
0.91 133 0.962 59 6.3 1700 1PL6288 – . . F . . – 0 7 7 7 575 6SL3320 –1TH35 –8AA0
(55.75) (3748)
Output type 5): Vibration severity grade: Shaft and flange accuracy:
Coupling N N A
Coupling R R B
Belt/increased N N E
cantilever forces
Belt/increased R R F
cantilever forces
Drive end shaft Balancing:
extension (DE):
Fitted key Half-key A
Fitted key Full-key C
Plain shaft — J
primed 0
Anthracite (RAL 7016), standard paint finish 3
Anthracite (RAL 7016), special paint finish 6
Special versions: Specify supplementary order code and plain text if applicable (see Options). –Z

1) n2: Max. permissible thermal speed at constant output or speed, which 3) nmax: Maximum speed which must not be exceeded.
is at the voltage limit when P = Prated. Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases.
Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases. The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor
The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor rated frequency.
rated frequency. 4) See Table "Permissible combinations of mechanical constructions".
2) nS1: The maximum permissible speed that is continuously permitted 5) The rated output current of the Motor Module is lower than the motor
without speed duty cycles. rated current.
Notice: The speed is limited to lower values in some cases.
6) Only in conjunction with option M84 (insulated version of encoder).
The following restriction applies: Max. output frequency < 5 × motor
rated frequency.

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 3/45

AC motors
Asynchronous (induction) motors
1PL6 motors, shaft height 280

■ Selection and ordering data

Permissible combinations of mechanical models
1PL6 28 . motors Permissible combinations of mechanical models
shaft height 280
Position in Separately driven fan
Order No. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 8th position in Order No.
1PL6 28 . – 7 . . 7 7 – . 7 . . 1PL6 28 . – 7 . . . . – . . . .

Order No. supplement

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
NDE NDE NDE DE DE DE Simple pipe
Top Right Left Top Right Left connection
NDE --> NDE --> NDE --> DE --> DE --> DE --> NDE
DE DE DE NDE NDE NDE Right (can be
converted to

3 1PL6 28 . – . . . . 0 – . . . . Type of construction IM B3

NDE left)

1PL6 28 . – . . . . 1 – . . . . Type of construction IM V5

(Can be converted later to
IM V6)

1PL6 28 . – . . . . 3 – . . . . Type of construction IM B35

1PL6 28 . – . . . . 5 – . . . . Type of contruction IM V15

(Can be converted later to
IM V36)

Option codes
R1Y Standard finish RAL ...
R2Y Special finish RAL ...
G14 With air filter
K08 Encoder connector attachment, facing
K55 Customer-specific entry plate for terminal box 1)
K83 Terminal box rotation by +90 degrees
K84 Terminal box rotation by -90 degrees
K85 Terminal box rotation by 180 degrees
K16 Additional normal shaft end (only available with no encoder)
K31 Additional rating plate
K45 230 V standstill heating
C30 690 V model
Y55 Atypical shaft end DE
Y80 Different rating plate data 1)
Y82 Additional plate with customer information 1)
M83 Additional pulling thread on motor feet
Standard model
1) Plain text required Approved supplemental types

3/46 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

AC motors
Asynchronous (induction) motors
1PL6 motors, shaft height 280

Terminal box Construction type Drive type

11th position in Order No. 12th position in Order No. 14th position in Order No.
1PL6 28 . – . . . 7 . – . . . . 1PL6 28 . – . . . . 7 – . . . . 1PL6 28 . – . . . . . – . 7 . .

Order No. supplement Order No. supplement Order No. supplement
0 1 2 5 0 1 3 5 A B E F
NDE NDE NDE DE Construc- Construc- Construc- Construc- Coupling Coupling Belt/ Belt/
Right Left Top Top tion type tion type tion type tion type N/N R/R increased increased
Cable Cable Cable Cable IM B3 IM V5 IM B35 IM V15 cantile- cantile-
entry entry entry on entry on (IM V6) (IM V36) ver forces ver forces
below, DE below, DE right, DE right, NDE N/N R/R

enc. conn. enc. conn. enc. conn. enc. conn.

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 3/47

AC motors
Selection guides
Additional data for 1PH7 and PL6 motors

■ Ventilation data and sound pressure level

Shaft height SH Fan motor: Direction of air Sound pressure level Air flow rate at
Current consumption at flow LpA

400 V/50 Hz 400 V/60 Hz 480 V/60 Hz Motor and external fan 50 Hz
(±10%) (±10%) (+5%, -10%) rated load, 50 Hz approx.
tolerance +3 dB
A A A 1 dB (A) m3/s (ft³/s)
1PH7 motors
100 0.19 0.13 0.18 NDE → DE 70 0.04 (1.41)
0.20 0.13 0.20 DE → NDE 70 0.04 (1.41)
132 0.35 0.24 0.32 NDE → DE 70 0.10 (3.53)
0.37 0.24 0.33 DE → NDE 70 0.10 (3.53)
160 0.29 0.31 0.33 NDE → DE 72 0.15 (5.3)

0.3 0.33 0.34 DE → NDE 75 0.15 (5.3)
180 0.8 1.1 1.1 NDE → DE, 73 0.19 (6.71)
225 1.9 2.2 2.2 NDE → DE 74 0.36 (12.71)
2.8 2.8 2.8 DE → NDE 76 0.36 (12.71)
280 2.55 2.6 2.6 NDE → DE, 74 0.42 (14.83)
1PL6 motors
180 0.8 1.1 1.1 NDE → DE, 73 1) 0.27 (9.54)
225 1.9 2.2 2.2 NDE → DE 74 1) 0.38 (13.42)
2.8 2.8 2.8 AS → NDE 76 1) 0.38 (13.42)
280 2.55 2.6 2.6 NDE → DE, 74 1) 0.52 (18.36)

1) Speed range 0 to 2000 rpm.

3/48 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

AC motors
Selection guides
Additional data for 1PH7 and PL6 motors

■ Bearing version, drive type and maximum speeds

Shaft Bearing type/ Bearing Max. continuous speed Max. speed limit 1)
height/ drive type type for S1 duty
ns1 ns1 2) nmax. nmax. 2)
Motor side Bearing designation rpm rpm rpm rpm
100 Deep-groove ball bearings for DE 6308 C4 5500 10000 9000 12000
coupling or belt output NDE 6208 C4
132 Deep-groove ball bearings for DE 6310 C4 4500 8500 8000 10000
coupling or belt output NDE 6210 C4
160 Deep-groove ball bearings for DE 6312 C4 3700 7000 6500 8000
coupling or belt output NDE 6212 C4
180 Deep-groove ball bearings for DE 6214 C3 3500 4500 5000 7000
coupling output NDE 6214 C3
Cylindrical roller bearings for
belt output
NU22 14E
6214 C3
3500 – 5000 –
Cylindrical roller bearings for DE NU22 14E 3000 – 5000 –
increased cantilever forces NDE 6214 C3
225 Deep-groove ball bearings for DE 6216 C3 3100 3600 4500 5500
increased cantilever forces NDE 6216 C3 (for 1PH7224) (for 1PH7224)
Cylindrical roller bearings for DE NU22 16E 3100 4500 –
belt output NDE 6216 C3
Type 224, Cylindrical roller bearings for DE NU22 16E 2700 – 4500 –
226 increased cantilever forces NDE 6216 C3
Type 228 Cylindrical roller bearings for DE NU22 16E 2500 – 4000 –
increased cantilever forces NDE 6216 C3
280 Deep-groove ball bearings for DE 6220 C3 2200 – 3300 –
coupling output NDE 6220 C3
Cylindrical roller bearings for DE NU22 0E 2200 – 3300 –
belt output NDE 6220 C3

■ Bearing lifetime
The bearing lifetime is limited by material fatigue (fatigue life- Permanent lubrication
time) or if the lubrication fails (grease lifetime).
For permanent lubrication, the bearing grease lifetime is harmo-
The fatigue lifetime (static bearing lifetime L10h) is primarily de- nized with the bearing lifetime.
pendent on the mechanical load. This correlation can be seen in
the cantilever force/axial force diagrams. The values are deter- In the basic version, the motors up to and including shaft height
mined according to DIN/ISO 281. 225 have permanent lubrication.

The grease lifetime is mainly dependent on the bearing size, Re-greasing

speed, temperature as well as the vibrational load. For motors which can be re-greased at defined re-greasing in-
The grease lifetime can be extended by especially favorable tervals, the bearing lifetime can be extended and/or unfavorable
operating conditions (low average speed, low bearing tempera- factors such as mounting conditions, speed, bearing size and
ture, cantilever force or vibration load). mechanical load can be compensated.
A reduction can be expected for difficult operating conditions A nipple for regreasing is provided as standard on motors with
and when motors are mounted vertically. SH 280.

Further information can be found in the Planning Guides. A nipple for re-greasing can be ordered as an optional extra for
motors with SH 180 and 225, order code K40.

1) For continuous operation (with 30% nmax, 2) Version for increased maximum speed,
60% 2/3 nmax, 10% standstill) for a duty see selection and ordering data for 1PH7.
cycle duration of 10 min.

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 3/49

AC motors
Selection guides
Additional data for 1PH7 and PL6 motors

■ Cantilever force diagrams

Permissible cantilever N G _ D A 6 5 _ E N _ 0 0 0 8 8 Permissible cantilever 5000 G_DA65_EN_00089
forces 3 0 0 0 forces N
1PH7 motors Q A S
1PH7 motors QAS
shaft height 100 L h 1 8 0 0 0 h shaft height 132

h 2 1 2 0 0 0 h 8000 h
2 0 0 0
x F3QAS x
h2 12000 h
1,5x 3000
h 3 1 6 0 0 0 h

2 0 0 0 0 h h3 16000 h
h 4
h4 20000 h

A65-5255 1 0 0 0 DA65-5256 2000

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 rp m 9 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 rpm 7 8

x 1 0 3 x103
x = 40 mm (1.57 in) x = 55 mm (2.17 in)
F1QAS = 0.9 FQAS F1QAS = max. 2.000 N (450 lbf)
F2QAS = 1.1 FQAS F2QAS = 1.1 FQAS
100 F3QAS = max. 2.500 N (560 lbf)
Lh1, Lh2, Lh3, Lh4 = Estimated L10htot =
q1 q2 q q 100
lifetime for varying + + 3 + 4 Lh1, Lh2, Lh3, Lh4 = Estimated L10htot =
operating conditions Lh1 Lh2 Lh3 Lh4 lifetime for varying q1 q2 q q
+ + 3 + 4
(FQAS; n) operating conditions Lh1 Lh2 Lh3 Lh4
q = residual effect [%] at (FQAS; n)
constant conditions q = residual effect [%] at
constant conditions

Permissible cantilever N G_DA65_EN_00090 Permissible cantilever kN G_DA65_EN_00091

forces 8000 forces
1PH7 motors QAS
motors 1PH718 . FQ 6
shaft height 160 8000 h
and 1PL618 .
shaft height 180 5
1000 rpm
for coupling drive
F1QAS FQAS F2QAS FQ 2000 rpm
x h2 12000 h x 4

3000 rpm
h3 16000 h 3
4000 rpm
h4 20000 h
5000 rpm
DA65-5257 1 2 3 4 5 rpm 7 DA65-5261 40 80 120 mm 160
x103 x
x = 55 mm (2.17 in)
F1QAS = 0.9 FQAS
F2QAS = 1.1 FQAS L10h = 20.000 h
Lh1, Lh2, Lh3, Lh4 = Estimated L10htot =
lifetime for varying q1 q2 q q
operating conditions
+ + 3 + 4
Lh1 Lh2 Lh3 Lh4
(FQAS; n)
q = residual effect [%] at
constant conditions

Permissible cantilever kN G_DA65_EN_00092 Permissible cantilever G_DA65_EN_00093

forces forces 15

motors 1PH722 . FQ 6 motors 1PH718 . FQ

1000 rpm
and 1PL622 . and 1PL618 . 13
1000 rpm
shaft height 225 5 shaft height 180
for coupling drive for belt drive 11 2000 rpm

4 2000 rpm 3000 rpm

x 3000 rpm x 4000 rpm
4500 rpm 5000 rpm

40 80 120 mm 160 40 80 120 mm 160

x x
DA65-5261 DA65-5261

L10h = 20.000 h Minimum cantilever force L10h = 12.000 h

3 kN (675 lbf)

No-load operation of the roller bearings used here can damage the bearings.
Note the specified minimum cantilever forces!

3/50 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

AC motors
Selection guides
Additional data for 1PH7 and PL6 motors

■ Cantilever force diagrams

Permissible cantilever G_DA65_EN_00094 Permissible cantilever G_DA65_EN_00095

forces 16 forces 17 1000 rpm

1000 rpm
motors 1PH722 . FQ
kN motors 1PH718 . FQ
1P.. 186
and 1PL622 . 14 and 1PL618 . 15 1500 rpm
shaft height 225 shaft height 180
for belt drive 12
2000 rpm for belt drive 13
3000 rpm 1P.. 184
with Increased canti-
3000 rpm lever force 4000 rpm
10 11
FQ 4500 rpm FQ
x x 5000 rpm
8 9

40 80 120 mm 160 40 80 120 mm 160

x x
L10h = 12.000 h L10h = 12.000 h
DA65-5261 DA65-5261

Minimum cantilever force 4 kN (900 lbf) Minimum cantilever force 4 kN (900 lbf)

Permissible cantilever kN G_DA65_EN_00096 Permissible cantilever kN

forces 20 1000 rpm
forces 500 rpm

motors 1PH722 . FQ motors 1PH728 . FQ 11

and 1PL622 . 18
1500 rpm
and 1PL628 .
shaft height 225 shaft height 280 9 1000 rpm
3000 rpm
for belt drive 16 for coupling drive
with increased canti- 7
1500 rpm
lever force 4500 rpm 2000 rpm

12 x 5


40 80 120 mm 160 40 80 120 160 mm 200

x x
L10h = 12.000 h
L10h > 20.000 h with relubrication

Minimum cantilever force 5 kN (1125 lbf)

Permissible cantilever kN
34 500 rpm G_DA65_EN_00097

motors 1PH728 . FQ

and 1PL628 . 30
shaft height 280
for belt drive 1000 rpm
with increased cantilever 26
force 24 1500 rpm
x 22 2000 rpm


40 80 120 160 mm 200

L10h > 12.000 h with relubrication

Minimum cantilever force 9 kN (2025 lbf)

No-load operation of the roller bearings used here can damage the bearings.
Note the specified minimum cantilever forces!

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 3/51

AC motors
Selection guides
Additional data for 1PH7 and 1PL6 motors

■ Terminal box assignment, max. connectable cross section per terminal

Shaft Motor type Terminal Cable gland Max. poss. Cable gland Max. poss. Number of main Max. con- Max. poss.
height box type cable outer cable outer terminals nectable current per
SH diameter diameter 2) cross sec- terminal 1)
tion per ter-
Valid for the 8th position of the Valid for the 8th position of the
Order No. "2", "4" or "6" 3) Order No. "7" or "8"

mm (in) mm (in) mm2 A

1PH7 motors
100 1PH710 . – . . . integriert PG 29 28 (1.1) M 32 x 1.5 21 (0.83) 6xM5 25 84
132 1PH713 . – . . . integriert PG 36 34 (1.34) M 40 x 1.5 28 (1.1) 6xM6 35 104
160 1PH716 . – . . . integriert PG 42 40 (1.57) M 50 x 1.5 38 (1.5) 6xM6 50 123
180 1PH7184– . . . 1XB7322 2 x PG 42 40 (1.57) 2 x M 50 x 1.5 38 (1.5) 3 x M 12 2 x 50 191
3 1PH7186– . . B 1XB7322
1PH7186– . . D 1XB7322
2 x PG 42
2 x PG 42
40 (1.57)
40 (1.57)
2 x M 50 x 1.5 38 (1.5)
2 x M 50 x 1.5 38 (1.5)
3 x M 12
3 x M 12
2 x 50
2 x 50
1PH7186– . . F 1XB7422 2 x M 72 x 2 56 (2.2) 2 x M 63 x 1.5 53 (2.09) 3 x M 12 2 x 70 242
1PH7186– . . L 1XB7422 2 x M 72 x 2 56 (2.2) 2 x M 63 x 1.5 53 (2.09) 3 x M 12 2 x 70 242
225 1PH7224– . . B 1XB7322 2 x PG 42 40 (1.57) 2 x M 50 x 1.5 38 (1.5) 3 x M 12 2 x 50 191
1PH7224– . . D 1XB7322 2 x PG 42 40 (1.57) 2 x M 50 x 1.5 38 (1.5) 3 x M 12 2 x 50 191
1PH7224– . . U 1XB7422 2 x M 72 x 2 56 (2.2) 2 x M 63 x 1.5 53 (2.09) 3 x M 12 2 x 70 242
1PH7224– . . L 1XB7700 3 x M 72 x 2 56 (2.2) 3 x M 75 x 1.5 68 (2.68) 3 x 2 x M 12 3 x 150 583
1PH7226– . . B 1XB7322 2 x PG 42 40 (1.57) 2 x M 50 x 1.5 38 (1.5) 3 x M 12 2 x 50 191
1PH7226– . . D 1XB7422 2 x M 72 x 2 56 (2.2) 2 x M 63 x 1.5 53 (2.09) 3 x M 12 2 x 70 242
1PH7226– . . F 1XB7700 3 x M 72 x 2 56 (2.2) 3 x M 75 x 1.5 68 (2.68) 3 x 2 x M 12 3 x 150 583
1PH7226– . . L 1XB7700 3 x M 72 x 2 56 (2.2) 3 x M 75 x 1.5 68 (2.68) 3 x 2 x M 12 3 x 150 583
1PH7228– . . B 1XB7322 2 x PG 42 40 (1.57) 2 x M 50 x 1.5 38 (1.5) 3 x M 12 2 x 50 191
1PH7228– . . D 1XB7700 3 x M 72 x 2 56 (2.2) 3 x M 75 x 1.5 68 (2.68) 3 x 2 x M 12 3 x 150 583
1PH7228– . . F 1XB7700 3 x M 72 x 2 56 (2.2) 3 x M 75 x 1.5 68 (2.68) 3 x 2 x M 12 3 x 150 583
1PH7228– . . L 1XB7700 3 x M 72 x 2 56 (2.2) 3 x M 75 x 1.5 68 (2.68) 3 x 2 x M 12 3 x 150 583
280 1PH728 .– . . B 1XB7712 3 x M 63 x 1.5 53 (2.09) – – (3+1) 4) x 3 x M 16 3 x 95 450
1PH7284– . . D
1PH7286– . . D 1XB7712 3 x M 75 x 1.5 68 (2.68) – – (3+1) 4) x 3 x M 16 3 x 185 710
1PH7288– . . D
1PH728 .– . . F

1) Current load capability based on 3) Not for SH 280.

IEC 60204-1, routing type C. 4) Including grounding terminal.
2) Dependent on the design of the metric cable

3/52 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

AC motors
Selection guides
Additional data for 1PH7 and 1PL6 motors

■ Terminal box assignment, max. connectable cross section per terminal

Shaft Motor type Terminal Cable gland Max. poss. Cable gland Max. poss. Number of main Max. connec- Max. poss.
height box type cable outer cable outer terminals table cross current per
SH diameter diameter 2) section per terminal 1)
Valid for the 8th position of the Valid for the 8th position of the
Order No. "2", "4" or "6" 3) Order No. "7" or "8"

mm (in) mm (in) mm2 A

1PL6 motors
180 1PL6184– . . B 1XB7322 2 x PG 42 40 (1.57) 2 x M 50 x 1.5 38 (1.5) 3 x M 12 2 x 50 191
1PL6184– . . D 1XB7322 2 x PG 42 40 (1.57) 2 x M 50 x 1.5 38 (1.5) 3 x M 12 2 x 50 191
1PL6184– . . F 1XB7322 2 x PG 42 40 (1.57) 2 x M 50 x 1.5 38 (1.5) 3 x M 12 2 x 50 191
1PL6184– . . L 1XB7422 2 x M 72 x 2 56 (2.2) 2 x M 63 x 1.5 53 (2.09) 3 x M 12 2 x 70 242

1PL6186– . . B 1XB7322 2 x PG 42 40 (1.57) 2 x M 50 x 1.5 38 (1.5) 3 x M 12 2 x 50 191
1PL6186– . . D 1XB7322 2 x PG 42 40 (1.57) 2 x M 50 x 1.5 38 (1.5) 3 x M 12 2 x 50 191
1PL6186– . . F 1XB7422 2 x M 72 x 2 56 (2.2) 2 x M 63 x 1.5 53 (2.09) 3 x M 12 2 x 70 242
1PL6186– . . L 1XB7700 3 x M 72 x 2 56 (2.2) 3 x M 75 x 1.5 68 (2.68) 3 x 2 x M 12 3 x 150 583
225 1PL6224– . . B 1XB7322 2 x PG 42 40 (1.57) 2 x M 50 x 1.5 38 (1.5) 3 x M 12 2 x 50 191
1PL6224– . . D 1XB7422 2 x M 72 x 2 56 (2.2) 2 x M 63 x 1.5 53 (2.09) 3 x M 12 2 x 70 242
1PL6224– . . F 1XB7700 3 x M 72 x 2 56 (2.2) 3 x M 75 x 1.5 68 (2.68) 3 x 2 x M 12 3 x 150 583
1PL6224– . . L 1XB7700 3 x M 72 x 2 56 (2.2) 3 x M 75 x 1.5 68 (2.68) 3 x 2 x M 12 3 x 150 583
1PL6226– . . B 1XB7322 2 x PG 42 40 (1.57) 2 x M 50 x 1.5 38 (1.5) 3 x M 12 2 x 50 191
1PL6226– . . D 1XB7700 3 x M 72 x 2 56 (2.2) 3 x M 75 x 1.5 68 (2.68) 3 x 2 x M 12 3 x 150 583
1PL6226– . . F 1XB7700 3 x M 72 x 2 56 (2.2) 3 x M 75 x 1.5 68 (2.68) 3 x 2 x M 12 3 x 150 583
1PL6226– . . L 1XB7700 3 x M 72 x 2 56 (2.2) 3 x M 75 x 1.5 68 (2.68) 3 x 2 x M 12 3 x 150 583
1PL6228– . . B 1XB7322 2 x PG 42 40 (1.57) 2 x M 50 x 1.5 38 (1.5) 3 x M 12 2 x 50 191
1PL6228– . . D 1XB7700 3 x M 72 x 2 56 (2.2) 3 x M 75 x 1.5 68 (2.68) 3 x 2 x M 12 3 x 150 583
1PL6228– . . F 1XB7700 3 x M 72 x 2 56 (2.2) 3 x M 75 x 1.5 68 (2.68) 3 x 2 x M 12 3 x 150 583
1PL6228– . . L 1XB7700 3 x M 72 x 2 56 (2.2) 3 x M 75 x 1.5 68 (2.68) 3 x 2 x M 12 3 x 150 583
280 1PL628 . 1XB7712 4 x M 75 x 1.5 68 (2.68) – – (3+1) 4) x 4 x M 16 4 x 185 925

1) Current load capability based on 3) Not for SH 280.

IEC 60204-1, routing type C. 4) Including grounding terminal.
2) Dependent on the design of the metric cable

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 3/53

AC motors
Selection guides
Additional data for 1PH7 and 1PL6 motors

■ Overview of available construction types

Motors 1PH7 and 1PL6 are
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112
available in construction types 1PH7 . . . – . . . . 7
IM B3 (standard model), Type of construction Type of construction 1PL6 . . . – . . . . 7
IM B5, and IM B35. Other
construction types (IM V15,
IM V36, IM B6, IM B7, IM B8 Foot Mounting
etc.) are also available. When Type
(q IM B 3)
ordering the motors with shaft
heights 180 and 225 from the
factory, the correct number of
lifting lugs for the intended
mounting position should be IM B 6
specified (position 12 in the 1
IM B 3

motor order number). For 0
motors with shaft heights 100
to 160, the internal lifting lugs
can be converted for other
mounting schemes.
Note: There are no conden-
sate drain holes in the motors.
IM B 7 IM B 8

IM V 6 IM V 5
Mounting Type
(q IM B 35)

IM V 36 1) IM V 15 1)

IM B 35 1)
Flange Mount-
ing Type
(q IM B 5)

IM B 5 IM V 3 IM V 1

3/54 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 Seite 1 Dienstag, 26. Juli 2005 9:39 09

Connection system

4/2 General information

4/5 Power cables

4/9 Accessories for power cables
4/9 Flange and HF clamp
4/9 Power connector

4/10 Signal cables

4/14 Accessories for signal cables
4/14 Flange and HF clamp
4/15 DRIVE-CLiQ conduit/coupler

4/16 Length code

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 Seite 2 Dienstag, 16. August 2005 2:37 14

Connection system
General information

■ Overview ■ Application
MOTION-CONNECT cables are suitable for use on all types of The degree of protection of the prefabricated power and signal
machine tools and production machines. cables and their extensions outside the control cabinet when
closed and connected is IP67.
Power, signal and DRIVE-CLiQ cables can be ordered as prefa-
bricated cables.
MOTION-CONNECT comprises the following types of cable:
7 MOTION-CONNECT 500, the solution for mainly fixed routing
7 MOTION-CONNECT 800 meets all requirements for use in
cable carriers on machine tools and production machines.

■ Benefits
The use of prefabricated MOTION-CONNECT cables will pro-
vide you with high quality and system-tested problem-free ope-
ration. The cables can be supplied to the meter. Intermediate
lengths are also available on request.

■ Technical data
500 3)
500 800
Type 6FX2...-1DC..-.... 6FX5...-.DC..-.... 6FX8...-.DC..-.... 6FX500.-.....-.... 6FX800.-.....-....
• Power/signal cables
- VDE 1) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
- cUL or UL/CSA UL STYLE 2502/CSA- UL STYLE 2502/CSA- UL STYLE 2502/CSA- UL758-CSA-C22.2- UL758-CSA-C22.2-
N.210.2-M90 N.210.2-M90 N.210.2-M90 N.210.2-M90 N.210.2-M90
- UL-CSA File No. 2) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Electrical data to DIN VDE 0472
Rated voltage
• Power cables V0/V
- Supply cores – – – 600 V/1000 V 600 V/1000 V
- Signal cores – – – 24 V (VDE) 1000 V 24 V (VDE) 1000 V
• Signal cables 30 V 30 V 30 V 30 V 30 V
Test voltage (eff)
• Power cables
- Supply cores – – – 4 kV 4 kV
- Signal cores – – – 2 kV 2 kV
• Signal cables 500 V 500 V 500 V 500 V 500 V
Operating temperature
On the surface
- Fixed installation –20 °C to +80 °C –20 °C to +80 °C –50 °C to +80 °C –20 °C to +80 °C –50 °C to +80 °C
(-4 °F to +176 °F) (-4 °F to +176 °F) (-58 °F to +176 °F) (-4 °F to +176 °F) (-58 °F to +176 °F)
- Flexible installation - 0 °C to +60 °C –20 °C to +60 °C 0 °C to +60 °C –20 °C to +60 °C
(+32 °F to +140 °F) (-4 °F to +140 °F) (+32 °F to +140 °F) (-4 °F to +140 °F)

1) The respective registration number is printed on the cable shield (only

valid for power cables).
2) The File Number is printed on the cable shield.
3) MOTION-CONNECT 500 cables can also be used for motors with a
rated voltage of 690 V.

4/2 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 Seite 3 Dienstag, 16. August 2005 2:37 14

Connection system
General information


500 800
Type 6FX2...-1DC..-.... 6FX5...-.DC..-.... 6FX8...-.DC..-.... 6FX500.-.....-.... 6FX800.-.....-....
Mechanical data
Max. tensile stress on power/signal cables
- Fixed installation 45 N/mm2 50 N/mm2 50 N/mm2 50 N/mm2 50 N/mm2
(6527 lbf/in2) (7252 lbf/in2) (7252 lbf/in2) (7252 lbf/in2) (7252 lbf/in2)
- Flexible installation – 20 N/mm2 20 N/mm2 20 N/mm2 20 N/mm2
(2900 lbf/in2) (2900 lbf/in2) (2900 lbf/in2) (2900 lbf/in2)
Minimum permissible bending radius
• Power cables
- Fixed installation – – – 5 × Dmax 6 × Dmax
- Flexible installation – – – See "Power cables" See "Power cables"
• Signal cables
- Fixed installation 50 mm (2 in) 35 mm (1.4 in) 60 mm (2.4 in) 60 mm (2.4 in) 60 mm (2.4 in)
- Flexible installation – 125 mm (4.9 in) 100 mm (3.9 in) 100 mm (3.9 in) 100 mm (3.9 in)
Torsional stress – Absolute 30°/m Absolute 30°/m Absolute 30°/m Absolute 30°/m
• Power cables
- 1.5 mm2 to 6 mm2 – – 10 million 100.000 10 million
- 10 mm2 to 185 mm2
– – 3 million 100.000 3 million
• Signal cables – 100.000 10 million 2 million 10 million
Traversing velocity
• Power cables
- 1.5 mm2 to 6 mm2 – – – 30 m/min (98 ft/min) 180 m/min (591 ft/min)
- 10 mm2 to 50 mm2 – – – 30 m/min (98 ft/min) 100 m/min (328 ft/min)
• Signal cables – 30 m/min (98 ft/min) 180 m/min (591 ft/min) 180 m/min (591 ft/min) 180 m/min (591 ft/min)
• Power cables – – – 2 m/s2 (6.6 ft/s2) 5 m/s2 (16.4 ft/s2)
(5 m (16.4 ft));
10 m/s2 (32.8 ft/s2)
(2.5 m (8.2 ft))
• Signal cables – 2 m/s2 (6.6 ft/s2) 5 m/s2 (16.4 ft/s2) 5 m/s2 (16.4 ft/s2) 5 m/s2 (16.4 ft/s2)
(5 m (16.4 ft)); (5 m (16.4 ft));
10 m/s2 (32.8 ft/s2) 10 m/s2 (32.8 ft/s2)
(2.5 m (8.2 ft)) (2.5 m (8.2 ft))
Chemical data
Insulation material FCKW/silicon-free FCKW/silicon-free FCKW/halogen/ FCKW/silicon-free FCKW/halogen/
silicon-free silicon-free
DIN 472815/ DIN 472815/
IEC 60754-1 IEC 60754-1
Oil resistance DIN EN 60811-1-1/-2-1 DIN EN 60811-1-1/-2-1 VDE 0472, Part 803 VDE 0472, Part 803 VDE 0472, Part 803
Test mode B Test mode B Test mode B
(mineral oils only)
Outer shield PVC PVC PUR, DIN VDE 0282, PVC PUR, DIN VDE 0282,
Part 10 Part 10
• Power cables – – DESINA color orange DESINA color orange DESINA color orange
RAL 2003 RAL 2003 RAL 2003
• Signal cables Gray RAL 7032 DESINA color green DESINA color green DESINA color green DESINA color green
RAL 6018 RAL 6018 RAL 6018 RAL 6018
Flame-retardant IEC 60332.1 IEC 60332.1 IEC 60332.1 IEC 60332.1 IEC 60332.1

The technical data for these cables apply only for simple bends
with horizontal traverse path up to 5 m (16.4 ft).

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 4/3 Seite 4 Dienstag, 26. Juli 2005 1:28 13

Connection system
General information

■ Function


The cables must be removed from the drum without twisting, i.e. MOTION-CONNECT cables are tested in a cable carrier. During
the cables must be unwound and must never be lifted over the testing, a strain-relief assembly is attached to one end of the
drum flange while still wound in loops. cable at the moving ends of the cable carrier. Strain relief is
applied to a wide area of the peripheral surface without crushing
the cable assembly.
When installing cables, you must always observe the information
in the Installation Guide provided by the cable carrier manufac-
turer as appropriate for the way in which the system has been
If, for example, prefabricated cables are installed in a cable

carrier in such a way that the connector would inhibit assembly,
prefabricated cables without assembled connectors can also be
G_NC01_XX_00291 supplied (signal and power cables). On these cables, the con-
tacts are crimped and the connector housing is supplied sepa-
To maximize the service life of the cable carrier and cables, rately packed. Once the cables have been installed, the custo-
cables in the carrier made from different materials must be in- mer assembles the connector housing.
stalled in the cable carrier with spacers. The spacers must be in- When installing cables, you must always observe the information
stalled uniformly to ensure that the position of the cables does provided by the cable carrier manufacturer.
not change during operation. The cables should be distributed
as symmetrically as possible on the basis of their weight and di-
MOTION-CONNECT cables are approved for a horizontal
mensions. Cables with very different outer diameters should be
traverse path of up to 5 m (16.4 ft).
separated by spacers.
When installing prefabricated cables in the cable carrier, do not In the event of vibrational loads and if horizontal or vertical cable
pull on the connector, as this may damage the strain relief or entries are used, we always recommend the use of an additional
cable clamping. cable fixing, if part of the cable hangs loose or is not guided in
between the strain relief on the cable carrier and the connection
The cables must not be fixed in the cable carrier. They must be on the motor. To prevent machine vibrations being transmitted to
freely movable. the connectors, the cable fixing on the moving part should be
connected in the same place as the motor.


The cables must be able to move unrestricted in particular in the

radii of curvature of the carrier. The prescribed minimum ben-
ding radii must not be undershot.
The cable fixings must be attached at both ends at an appro-
priate distance away from the end points of the moving parts in
a "dead" zone.

4/4 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 Seite 5 Dienstag, 26. Juli 2005 1:28 13

Connection system
Power cables

■ Overview ■ Technical Data

Current carrying capacity
The current carrying capacity (Iz) of PVC insulated cables
corresponds to IEC 60204-1 for type of routing C under conti-
nuous operating conditions and is indicated in the table based
on an ambient air temperature of +40 °C (+104 °F). For other am-
bient temperatures, the user must calculate the values using the
"correction factors" in the table. PUR cables must also meet the
requirements of this standard.
Cross- Current-carrying capacity in A
section to IEC 60204-1 dated 1997 + corrigendum 1998
for type of routing (see standard, Table C1.2)
mm2 B1 B2 C E
0.75 7.6 - - -
1.0 10.4 9.6 11.7 11.5
1.5 13.5 12.2 15.2 16.1
2.5 18.3 16.5 21 22
4 25 23 28 30
6 32 29 36 37
10 44 40 50 52
16 60 53 66 70
25 77 67 84 88
MOTION-CONNECT power cables can be used to connect
synchronous and asynchronous motors with Motor Modules.
35 97 83 104 114 4
50 - - 123 123
70 - - 155 155
95 - - 192 192
120 - - 221 221
150 - - 234 262
185 - - 267 300
Electronics (pairs)
0.2 - - 4.0 4.0
0.3 - - 5.0 5.0
0.5 - - 7.1 7.1
0.75 - - 9.1 9.1

Correction factors
Ambient air temperature Correction factor
°C (°F) to IEC 60364-5-523, Table 52-D1
30 (86) 1.15
35 (95) 1.08
40 (104) 1.00
45 (113) 0.91
50 (122) 0.82
55 (131) 0.71
60 (140) 0.58

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 4/5 Seite 6 Dienstag, 26. Juli 2005 1:28 13

Connection system
Power cables

■ Selection and ordering data

MOTION-CONNECT power cables without brake cores
Connec- No. of cores Con- Prefabricated cable for D max Cable (sold by meter) 1) Weight Smallest perm.
tion x cross sec- nector 1FT/1FK motors for 1PH7/1PH4 motors (without bending radius 2)
method, tion size, connector)
Motor motor
Module side
6FX5 6FX8 6FX5 6FX8 6FX5 6FX8
mm2 Order No. mm (in) mm (in) Order No. kg/m (lb/ft) kg/m (lb/ft) mm (in) mm (in)
Connector 4×1.5 1 6FX7002-5CS01-7 7 70 8.4 (0.33) 10.4 (0.41) 6FX7008-1BB11-7 7 A0 0.18 (0.12) 0.16 (0.11) 155 (6.1) 100 (3.94)
1.5 6FX7002-5CS21-7 7 70
o. A. 3) 6FX5002-5CS02-7 7 70
Connector 4×2.5 1 6FX7002-5CS11-7 7 70 10 (0.39) 12.1 (0.48) 6FX7008-1BB21-7 7 A0 0.24 (0.16) 0.24 (0.16) 180 (7.09) 120 (4.72)
1.5 6FX7002-5CS31-7 7 70
o. A. 3) 6FX5002-5CS12-7 7 70
Connector 4×4 1.5 6FX7002-5CS41-7 7 70 11.4 (0.45) 13.2 (0.52) 6FX7008-1BB31- 7 7 70 0.27 (0.18) 0.31 (0.21) 210 (8.27) 130 (5.12)
o. A. 3) 6FX5002-5CS42-7 7 70
Connector 4×6 1.5 6FX7002-5CS51-7 7 70 13.6 (0.54) 16 (0.63) 6FX7008-1BB41-7 7 70 0.46 (0.31) 0.43 (0.29) 245 (9.65) 170 (6.69)
o. A. 3) 6FX5002-5CS52-7 7 70
Connector 4×10 1.5 6FX7002-5CS61-7 7 70 20 (0.79) 19.4 (0.76) 6FX7008-1BB51-7 7 70 0.73 (0.49) 0.63 (0.42) 360 (14.17) 210 (8.27)

3 6FX7002-5CS13-7 7 70
o. A. 3) 6FX5002-5CS62-7 7 70
Ring 4×6 1.5 6FX7002-5CS54-7 7 70 15.6 (0.61) 16 (0.63) 6FX7008-1BB41-7 7 70 0.46 (0.31) 0.43 (0.29) 285 (11.22) 170 (6.69)
ends 4×10 1.5 6FX7002-5CS64-7 7 70 20 (0.79) 19.4 (0.76) 6FX7008-1BB51-7 7 70 0.73 (0.49) 0.63 (0.42) 360 (14.17) 210 (8.27)
4×16 3 6FX7002-5CS23-7 7 70 24.2 (0.95) 23.6 (0.93) 6FX7008-1BB61-7 7 70 1.1 (0.74) 0.95 (0.64) 440 (17.32) 260 (10.24)
4×25 – – 28 (1.1) 6FX7008-1BB25-7 7 70 1.42 (0.95) 505 (19.88)
4×35 – – 31.5 (1.24) 6FX7008-1BB35-7 7 70 1.87 (1.26) 570 (22.44)
4×50 – – 38 (1.5) 6FX7008-1BB50-7 7 70 3.42 (2.3) 685 (26.97)
4×70 – – 42.6 (1.68) 6FX7008-1BB70-7 7 70 4.12 (2.77) 770 (30.31)
4×95 – – 51.7 (2.04) 6FX7008-1BB05-7 7 70 4.48 (3.01) 935 (36.81)
4×120 – – 56 (2.2) 6FX7008-1BB12-7 7 70 6.11 (4.11) 1010 (39.76)
4×150 – – 63 (2.48) 6FX7008-1BB15-7 7 70 7.75 (5.21) 1135 (44.69)
4×185 – – 66.2 (2.61) 6FX7008-1BB18-7 7 70 9.45 (6.35) 1195 (47.05)


Length code . . . . . .

1) Power cables ≤ 2.5 mm2 are supplied in coils or on disposable drums

in lengths of 50 m (164 ft), 100 m (328 ft), 200 m (656 ft) and 500 m
(1641 ft). Power cables ≥ 4 mm2 can be ordered to the meter in
lengths of up to 100 m (328 ft) (see length code).
2) Valid for installation in cable carrier.
3) o. A. = Open core ends; suitable for motors with terminal box, e.g.

4/6 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 Seite 7 Dienstag, 16. August 2005 2:39 14

Connection system
Power cables

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

MOTION-CONNECT power cables with brake cores
Connec- No. of cores Con- Prefabricated cable for D max Cable (sold by meter) 1) Weight Smallest perm.
tion x cross sec- nector 1FT/1FK motors for 1PH7/1PH4 motors (without bending radius 2)
method, tion size, connector)
Motor motor
Module side
6FX5 6FX8 6FX5 6FX8 6FX5 6FX8
mm2 Order No. mm (in) mm (in) Order No. kg/m (lb/ft) kg/m (lb/ft) mm (in) mm (in)
Connector 4×1.5+2×1.5 1 6FX7002-5DS01-7 7 7 0 10.8 (0.43) 12.9 (0.51) 6FX7008-1BA11-7 7 A 0 0.22 (0.15) 0.25 (0.17) 195 (7.68) 125 (4.92)
1.5 6FX7002-5DS21-7 7 7 0
Connector 4×2.5+2×1.5 1 6FX7002-5DS11-7 7 7 0 12.4 (0.49) 14.2 (0.56) 6FX7008-1BA21-7 7 A 0 0.28 (0.19) 0.31 (0.21) 225 (8.86) 140 (5.51)
1.5 6FX7002-5DS31-7 7 7 0
Connector 4×4+2×1.5 1.5 6FX7002-5DS41-7 7 7 0 14 (0.55) 15.3 (0.6) 6FX7008-1BA31-7 7 7 0 0.36 (0.24) 0.4 (0.27) 255 (10.04) 150 (5.91)
Connector 4×6+2×1.5 1.5 6FX7002-5DS51-7 7 7 0 16.1 (0.63) 17.8 (0.7) 6FX7008-1BA41-7 7 7 0 0.54 (0.36) 0.53 (0.36) 290 (11.42) 195 (7.68)
Connector 4×10+2×1.5 1.5 6FX7002-5DS61-7 7 7 0 21.7 (0.85) 20.8 (0.82) 6FX7008-1BA51-7 7 7 0 0.75 (0.5) 0.74 (0.5) 395 (15.55) 230 (9.06)
3 6FX7002-5DS13-7 7 7 0
Ring 4×6+2×1.5 1.5 6FX7002-5DS54-7 7 7 0 16.1 (0.63) 17.8 (0.7) 6FX7008-1BA41-7 7 7 0 0.54 (0.36) 0.53 (0.36) 290 (11.42) 195 (7.68)
ends 4×10+2×1.5 1.5 6FX7002-5DS64-7 7 7 0 21.7 (0.85) 20.8 (0.82) 6FX7008-1BA51-7 7 7 0 0.75 (0.5) 0.74 (0.5) 395 (15.55) 230 (9.06)
4×16+2×1.5 3 6FX5002-5DS23-7 7 7 0 25 (0.98) 24.7 (0.97) 6FX7008-1BA61-7 7 7 0 1.1 (0.74) 1.1 (0.74) 450 (17.72) 275 (10.83)

4×25+2×1.5 3 6FX5002-5DS33-7 7 7 0 29.4 (1.16) 27.9 (1.1) 6FX7008-1BA25-7 7 7 0 1.56 (1.05) 1.46 (0.98) 530 (20.87) 325 (12.8)
4×35+2×1.5 3 6FX5002-5DS43-7 7 7v 0 32.6 (1.28) 32 (1.26) 6FX7008-1BA35-7 7 7 0 2.01 (1.35) 2.1 (1.41) 590 (23.23) 380 (14.96)
4×50+2×1.5 3 6FX5002-5DS53-7 7 7 0 38 (1.5) 35.8 (1.41) 6FX7008-1BA50-7 7 7 0 3.3 (2.22) 2.75 (1.85) 685 (26.97) 420 (16.54)


Length code . . . . . .

Pre-assembled MOTION-CONNECT power cables for 1PH7 motors

Motor Conduit thread No. of cores x Pre-assembled cable for Weight Smallest perm. bending
cross section 1PH7 motors (without connector) radius 2)
Type 6FX5 6FX8 6FX5 6FX8
mm2 Order No. kg/m (lb/ft) kg/m (lb/ft) mm (in) mm (in)
1PH710 PG29 4×10 6FX7002-5CB10-7 7 7 0 0.73 (0.49) 0.63 (0.42) 20 (0.79) 19.4 (0.76)
4×16 6FX7002-5CB16-7 7 7 0 1.10 (0.74) 0.95 (0.64) 24.2 (0.95) 23.6 (0.93)
1PH713 PG36 4×16 6FX7002-5CC16-7 7 7 0 1.10 (0.74) 0.95 (0.64) 24.2 (0.95) 23.6 (0.93)
4×25 6FX5002-5CC25-7 7 7 0 1.42 (0.95) – 28.0 (1.1) –
4×25 6FX8002-5DC25-7 7 7 0 – 1.46 (0.98) – 27.9 (1.1)
4×35 6FX5002-5CC35-7 7 7 0 1.87 (1.26) – 31.5 (1.24) –
4×35 6FX8002-5DC35-7 7 7 0 – 2.10 (1.41) – 32.0 (1.26)
1PH716 PG42 4×25 6FX5002-5CD25-7 7 7 0 1.42 (0.95) – 28.0 (1.1) –
4×25 6FX8002-5DD25-7 7 7 0 – 1.46 (0.98) – 27.9 (1.1)
4×35 6FX5002-5CD35-7 7 7 0 1.87 (1.26) – 31.5 (1.24) –
4×35 6FX8002-5DD35-7 7 7 0 – 2.10 (1.41) – 32.0 (1.26)


Length code . . .

1PH7 motors have no brake as standard and do not therefore re- 1) Power cables ≤ 2.5 mm2 are supplied in coils or on disposable drums
in lengths of 50 m (164 ft), 100 m (328 ft), 200 m (656 ft) and 500 m
quire power cables with brake cores. (1641 ft). Power cables ≥ 4 mm2 can be ordered to the meter in
If a brake is used, it must be supplied through a separate cable lengths of up to 100 m (328 ft) (see length code).
via the terminal box. 2) Valid for installation in cable carrier.

MOTION-CONNECT 800 power cables in lengths 25 mm2 and

35 mm2 are only available with brake cores.

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 4/7 Seite 8 Dienstag, 26. Juli 2005 1:28 13

Connection system
Power cables

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Power cable extensions
No. of cores x cross Basic cable for 1FT/1FK motors Connector size Extension Connector size
mm2 Type Order No.
4×1.5 6FX . 002-5 . S01- . . . 0 1 6FX7002-57A05-7 7 7 0 1
4×2.5 6FX . 002-5 . S11- . . . 0 1 6FX7002-57A15-7 7 7 0 1
4×1.5 6FX . 002-5 . S21- . . . 0 1.5 6FX7002-57A28-7 7 7 0 1.5
4×2.5 6FX . 002-5 . S31- . . . 0 1.5 6FX7002-57A38-7 7 7 0 1.5
4×4 6FX . 002-5 . S41- . . . 0 1.5 6FX7002-57A48-7 7 7 0 1.5
4×6 6FX . 002-5 . S51- . . . 0 1.5 6FX7002-57A58-7 7 7 0 1.5
4×10 6FX . 002-5 . S61- . . . 0 1.5 6FX7002-57A68-7 7 7 0 1.5
4×10 6FX . 002-5 . S13- . . . 0 3 6FX7002-57X18-7 7 7 0 3
4×16 6FX . 002-5 . S23- . . . 0 3 6FX7002-57X28-7 7 7 0 3
4×25 6FX . 002-5DS33- . . . 0 3 6FX7002-5DX38-7 7 7 0 3


Without brake cores C

With brake cores D

Length code . . .
4 The combinations of power cable extensions shown are only provided by way of example.

4/8 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 Seite 9 Dienstag, 26. Juli 2005 1:28 13

Connection system
Accessories for power cables Accessories for power cables
Flange and HF clamp Power connector

■ Overview ■ Overview
Flange Power connector
Flanges are used to route or fix connectors, for example, in con-
trol cabinets. With the exception of right-angle plugs, a flange
can be mounted post-assembly on connectors with union nuts or
connectors with external threads.
HF (high-frequency) clamp
To permit correct "grounding" on the cable duct or cabinet wall,
a ground clamp can be ordered as an accessory together with
the flanges for large-area discharging of high-frequency interfe-

■ Selection and ordering data

Designation Order No.
Flange for
• Connector size 1 6FX2003-7BX00
• Connector size 1.5 6FX2003-7CX00
• Connector size 3 6FX2003-7AX00
Power connector with screw-type terminal
HF clamp for
3 A to 30 A Motor Modules in booksize format are shipped
• Power connector, Size 1 6FX2003-7FX00 without power connector as this is already connected to the
• Power connector, Size 1.5 6FX2003-7GX00 MOTION-CONNECT power cables.
• Power connector, Size 3 Not required Power connectors can also be ordered separately, e.g. for appli-
cations where routing of the motor cable would be difficult if a 4
■ Dimensional drawings power connector were attached. Power connectors with crimp or
screw-type terminal are available.

Mounting holes Dimension ■ Selection and ordering data

for flange drawing of flange
Designation Order No.
Power connector 6SL3162-2MA00-0AA0

for Motor Modules 3 A to 30 A

a e booksize format


with screw-type terminal

(casing, insulator, 2 coding pins,
screw terminals; motor: 1.5 mm2 to
c h 10 mm2, brake: 1.5 mm2)
d g
Power connector 6FX2003-1SA00
without pin contacts
for Motor Modules 3 A to 30 A
Dimensions in mm (inches) booksize format
Connector size 1 Connector size 1.5 Connector size 3 suitable for pin contacts with
crimp terminal
a ∅ 27.8 (1.09) ∅ 46 (1.81) ∅ 65 (2.56) (casing, insulator, 2 coding pins)
b 28.3 (1.11) 42.4 (1.67) 75 (2.95) Pin contacts for power connector
c M3 (4×) M4 (4×) M4 (4×) (25 contacts per pack)

d 28.3 (1.11) 42.4 (1.67) 75 (2.95) - 1.5 mm2 (power and brake) 6FX2003-8PS10

e ∅ 40 (1.57) ∅ 60 (2.36) ∅ 63 (2.48) - 2.5 mm2 (power) 6FX2003-8PS20

f 35 (1.38) 55 (2.17) 85 (3.35) - 4 mm2 (power) 6FX2003-8PS30

g 28.3 (1.11) 42.4 (1.67) 75 (2.95) - 6 mm2 (power) 6FX2003-8PS40

h ∅ 3.2 (0.13) ∅ 4.4 (0.17) ∅ 4.5 (0.18) - 10 mm2 (power) 6FX2003-8PS50

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 4/9 Seite 10 Dienstag, 26. Juli 2005 1:31 13

Connection system
Signal cables

■ Overview The following different types of cable are available:

• DRIVE-CLiQ cables
• MOTION-CONNECT prefabricated cables

■ Application
DRIVE-CLiQ cables
are used to connect components with DRIVE-CLiQ connections,
which have a separate or external 24 V DC power supply.
DRIVE-CLiQ cables for connecting Line/Motor Modules with a
Control Unit are part of the scope of supply of the relevant
Line/Motor Modules.
are used whenever components with DRIVE-CLiQ connections
must meet high requirements such as mechanical stress and oil
resistance, e.g. in the event of a connection outside the cabinet
• Motor Modules and Sensor Modules
• Motor Modules and motors with DRIVE-CLiQ interface
MOTION-CONNECT DRIVE-CLiQ cables feature 24 V DC cores.
MOTION-CONNECT prefabricated cables

MOTION-CONNECT DRIVE-CLiQ cables are used whenever motor encoders on motors without
DRIVE-CLiQ interface are connected to Sensor Modules.
Signal cables are prefabricated and are sold by the meter for the
connection of a variety of components.

■ Integration
Overview of connections for CU320 Control Unit

Control Pr e -a s s e mb le d s ig n a l c a b le s
CU320 Pre-assembled signal cables Unit
Control CU320 Active Basic
Unit X100- 6SL3060-4A 0-0AA0 X400- Line
Active or X400- Line
X100- 6SL3060-4A 0-0AA0 X200- Line X103 or X402 Module X402 Module
X103 or X202 Module 6FX2002-1DC00-1 . . 0
6FX2002-1DC00-1 . . 0 < 70 m (2 3 0 ft)
< 70 m (230 ft) 6SL3060-4A 0-0AA0
or Active
X500 Interface
6FX2002-1DC00-1 . . 0

X100- 6SL3060-4A 0-0AA0 X200- Motor

X103 or X203 Module
6FX2002-1DC00-1 . . 0 X100- 6SL3060-4A 0-0AA0 X400- Motor
< 70 m (230 ft) X103 or X403 Module
6FX2002-1DC00-1 . . 0
< 70 m (2 3 0 ft)
X100- 6SL3060-4A 0-0AA0 X500- Terminal
Module X500-
X103 or X501 TM31 X100- 6SL3060-4A 0-0AA0 Module
X103 or X501
6FX2002-1DC00-1 . . 0 TM31
< 70 m (230 ft) 6FX2002-1DC00-1 . . 0
< 70 m (2 3 0 ft)

PROFIBUS connector PROFIBUS connector


X126 6ES7972-0BA41-0XA0 (without PG connection) 6ES7972-0BA41-0XA0 (without PG-connector)

or X126 or
6ES7972-0BB41-0XA0 (with PG connection) 6ES7972-0BB41-0XA0 (with PG connector)

X140 PC/PG
X140 PC/PG 6FX8002-1AA01-1AF0

Overview of connections for CU320 Control Unit, booksize format Overview of connections for CU320 Control Unit, chassis format

4/10 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 Seite 11 Dienstag, 26. Juli 2005 1:32 13

Connection system
Signal cables

■ Integration (continued)
Overview of connections for booksize format Line Modules and Motor Modules
The DRIVE-CLiQ cables type 6SL3060-4A7 70-0AA0 required the Line Modules and Motor Modules. In this case, the modules
for the standard configuration are part of the scope of supply of should be mounted directly adjacent to one another in a row.

Motor Module Pre-assembled signal cables Smart Line

Type X202 Module

X200- Active Line

X202 Module
X200- 6SL3060-4A 0-0AA0
X203 6FX2002-1DC00-1 . . 0
X100- Control Unit
70 m (230 ft) X103 CU320

X200- Motor
X203 Module

X200- 6SL3060-4A 0-0AA0 X200-
X203 6FX2002-1DC00-1 . . 0 X203
70 m (230 ft)
X500 SMC10 X520 6FX 002-2CF02-. . .0 Resolver in 1FT6/1FK/
50 m (164 ft) (multi-pole resolver) 1PH7/1PL6 motor
130 m (427 ft) (2-pole resolver)
Motor encoder
Incremental encoder
6FX 002-2CA31-. . .0 sin/cos 1Vpp in
via SMC

100 m (3 28 ft) 1FT6/1FK/1PH7/1PH4/
(Sensor Module
1PM/1PL6 motor
for motors X500 SMC20 X520
Incremental encoder
without 6FX 002-2CG00-1. .0 sin/cos 1Vpp
DRIVE-CLiQ 50 m (1 6 4 ft)
Adapter Direct linear absolute
cable 5) encoder sin/cos 1Vpp
LS 186(C)/LF 183(C)
310128.. LB 382(C)
X200- 6SL3060-4A 310123.. LS 486(C)/LF 481(C)
6FX2002-1DC00-1. . 0 Single/absolute encoder
70 m (230 ft) 6FX 002-2EQ10-. . .0 with EnDat in
100 m (3 2 8 ft) 1FT6/1FK/1PH7/1PH4/
Adapter 1PL6 motor
cable 5)
Direct linear absolute
369124.. encoder EnDat LC 181
369129.. LC481
6FX 002-2CH00-1. .0 Absolute encoder with
100 m (3 2 8 ft) EnDat 6FX2001-5.E.

Incremental encoder
6FX 002-2CD01-1. . 0
35 m (115 ft) with 5 V DC (TTL) RS 422 (5V)
X500 SMC30 X520
Incremental encoder
6FX 002-2CD24-1. . 0
(TTL) RS 422 (24V)
35 m (115 ft) with 24 V 6FX2001-2...

X521 6FX 002-2AH00-. . . 0 Incremental encoder

Motor encoder
X531 300 m (98 4 ft) 1) TTL /HTL in 1PH7/
1PH4/1PL6 motor
for motors 6SX7002-0AN00-. . . 0 2)
with 3) Incremental encoder HTL
X521 6SX7002-0AL00-. . . 0
DRIVE-CLiQ Typ 1XP on 1LA motor
X531 300 m (98 4 ft) 1)
interface 4)
6SX7002-0AN10-. . . 0
6FX5002- 2 DC 0-. . . 0 Motor encoder for
X200- 100 m (328 ft) motors with
X203 DRIVE-CLiQ interface
6FX8002- 2 DC 1-. . . 0

50 m (164 ft)

Motor U2 Pre-assembled power cables, see power cables for motors

V2 Motors
connection (max. cable length, see technical data of Motor Modules)

1) With evaluation of signals A+/A- and B+/B-, otherwise 100 m. 4) With right-angled connector.
2) Tracks A, B, N and A*, B*, N*. 5) Cable available from measuring system manufacturer.
3) Tracks A, B.

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 4/11 Seite 12 Dienstag, 26. Juli 2005 1:34 13

Connection system
Signal cables

■ Integration (continued)
Overview of connections for chassis format Line Modules and Motor Modules
The DRIVE-CLiQ cables type 6SL3060-4A7 70-0AA0 required the Line Modules and Motor Modules. In this case, the modules
for the standard configuration are part of the scope of supply of should be mounted directly adjacent to one another in a row.

Motor Module Pre-assembled signal cable s X400- 6SL3060-4A 0-0AA0 Active

Active Line
Type X402 Module X500 Interface
Chassis 6FX2002-1DC00-1 . . 0 Module

X400- Basic Line

X402 Module
X400- 6SL3060-4A 0-0AA0
X402 6FX2002-1DC00-1 . . 0
X100- Control Unit
< 70 m (230 ft) X103 CU320

X400- Motor
X402 Module

X400- 6SL3060-4A 0-0AA0 X400-
X402 6FX2002-1DC00-1 . . 0 X402
< 70 m (230 ft) Modules
X500 SMC10 X520 6FX 002-2CF02-. . .0 Resolver in1FT6/1FK/
< 50 m (164 ft) (multi-pole resolver) 1PH7/1PL6 motor
< 130 m (427 ft) (2-pole resolver)
Motor encoder
Incremental encoder
interface via
6FX 002-2CA31-. . .0 sin/cos 1Vpp in
< 100 m (3 2 8 ft) 1FT6/1FK/1PH7/1PH4/

(Sensor Module
1PM/1PL6 motor
for motors X500 SMC20 X520
Incremental encoder
without 6FX 002-2CG00-1. .0
< 50 m (1 6 4 ft) sin/cos 1Vpp
Adapter Direct linear absolute
cable 5) encoder sin/cos 1Vpp
LS 186(C)/LF 183(C)
310128.. LB 382(C)
310123.. LS 486(C)/LF 481(C)
X400- 6SL3060-4A 0-0AA0
6FX2002-1DC00-1. . 0 Single/absolute encoder
< 70 m (230 ft) 6FX 002-2EQ10-. . .0 with EnDat in
< 100 m (3 2 8 ft)
Adapter 1PL6 motor
cable 5)
Direct linear absolute
369124.. encoder EnDat LC 181
369129.. LC481

6FX 002-2CH00-1 . .0 Absolute encoder with

< 100 m (3 2 8 ft) EnDat 6FX2001-5.E.

Incremental encoder
6FX 002-2CD01-1. . 0
< 35 m (115 ft) wi th 5 V DC (TTL) RS 422 (5V)
X500 SMC30 X520
Incremental encoder
6FX 002-2CD24-1. . 0
(TTL) RS 422 (24V)
< 35 m (115 ft) with 24 V 6FX2001-2...

X521 6FX 002-2AH00-. . . 0 Incremental encoder

Motor encoder TTL /HTL in
interface X531 < 300 m (98 4 ft) 1)
1PH7/1PH4/1PL6 motor
for motors 6SX7002-0AN00-. . . 0 2)
with 6SX7002-0AL00-. . . 0 3) Incremental encoder HTL
DRIVE-CLiQ < 300 m (98 4 ft) 1) Typ 1XP on 1LA motor
interface 4)
6SX7002-0AN10-. . . 0
6FX5002- 2 DC 0-. . . 0 Motor encoder for motors
X400- 100 m (328 ft) with DRIVE-CLiQ
X402 interface
6FX8002- 2 DC 1-. . . 0

50 m (164 ft)

Motor U2 Pre-assembled power cables, see power cables for motors

V2 Motors
connection (max. cable length, see technical data of Motor Modules)

1) With evaluation of signals A+/A- and B+/B-, otherwise < 100 m (328 ft). 4) With right-angled connector.
2) Tracks A, B, N and A*, B*, N*. 5) Cable available from measuring system manufacturer.
3) Tracks A, B.

4/12 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 Seite 13 Dienstag, 26. Juli 2005 1:35 13

Connection system
Signal cables

■ Selection and ordering data

Signal cable Length Degree of protection Order No.
DRIVE-CLiQ prefabricated cables (without 24 V DC cores)
In specific lengths 0.11 m (0.4 ft) IP20/IP20 6SL3060-4AB00-0AA0
0.16 m (0.5 ft) 6SL3060-4AD00-0AA0
0.21 m (0.7 ft) 6SL3060-4AF00-0AA0
0.26 m (0.9 ft) 6SL3060-4AH00-0AA0
0.31 m (1.1 ft) 6SL3060-4AK00-0AA0
0.36 m (1.2 ft) 6SL3060-4AM00-0AA0
0.60 m (2 ft) 6SL3060-4AU00-0AA0
0.95 m (3.1 ft) 6SL3060-4AA10-0AA0
1.20 m (4 ft) 6SL3060-4AW00-0AA0
1.45 m (4.8 ft) 6SL3060-4AF10-0AA0
2.80 m (9.2 ft) 6SL3060-4AJ20-0AA0
5.00 m (16.4 ft) 6SL3060-4AA50-0AA0
By the meter 70 m max. (230 ft) IP20/IP20 6FX2002-1DC00-1 7 7 0
70 m max. (230 ft) IP67/IP67 6FX2002-1DC20-1 7 7 0
MOTION-CONNECT 500 DRIVE-CLiQ cables (with 24 V DC cores)
By the meter 100 m max. (328 ft) IP20/IP20 6FX5002-2DC00- 7 7 7 0
100 m max. (328 ft) IP20/IP67 6FX5002-2DC10- 7 7 7 0
100 m max. (328 ft) IP67/IP67 6FX5002-2DC20- 7 7 7 0
MOTION-CONNECT 800 DRIVE-CLiQ cables (with 24 V DC cores)
By the meter 50 m max. (164 ft) IP20/IP20 6FX8002-2DC00-1 7 7 0
50 m max. (164 ft) IP20/IP67 6FX8002-2DC10-1 7 7 0
50 m max. (164 ft) IP67/IP67 6FX8002-2DC20-1 7 7 0
MOTION-CONNECT prefabricated cables
Resolver in 1FT6/1FK/1PH7 motor (for SMC10) IP20/IP67 6FX7002-2CF02- 7 7 7 0
• Multi-pole 50 m max. (164 ft)
• 2-pole 130 m max. (427 ft)
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp in 100 m max. (328 ft) IP20/IP67 6FX7002-2CA31-7 7 7 0
1FT6/1FK/1PH7/1PH4/1PM/1PL6 motor (for SMC20)
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp 50 m max. (164 ft) IP20/IP67 6FX7002-2CG00-1 7 7 0
6FX2001-3... (for SMC20)
Single/Absolute encoder with EnDat in 100 m max. (328 ft) IP20/IP67 6FX7002-2EQ10- 7 7 7 0
1FT6/1FK/1PH7/1PH4/1PL6 motor (for SMC20)
Absolute encoder with EnDat 6FX2001-5.E. 50 m max. (328 ft) IP20/IP67 6FX7002-2CH00- 1 7 7 0
(for SMC20)
Incremental encoder (TTL) RS 422 (5 V) 35 m max. (115 ft) IP20/IP67 6FX7002-2CD01- 1 7 7 0
6FX2001-2... (for SMC30)
Incremental encoder (TTL) RS 422 (24 V) 35 m max. (115 ft) IP20/IP67 6FX7002-2CD24- 1 7 7 0
6FX2001-2... (for SMC30)
Incremental encoder in IP20/IP67 6FX7002-2AH00-7 7 7 0
1PH7/1PH4/1PL6 motor (for SMC30)
• TTL encoders 100 m max. (328 ft)
• HTL encoders 300 m max. (924 ft)
Incremental encoder HTL type 1XP
on motor 1LA (for SMC30)
• Track A, track B 100 m max. (328 ft) IP20/IP67 6SX7002-0AL00- 7 7 7 0
• Track A, B, N and A*, B*, N* 300 m max. (924 ft) IP20/IP67 6SX7002-0AN00-7 7 7 0
• Track A, B, N and A*, B*, N* 300 m max. (924 ft) IP20/IP67 6SX7002-0AN10-7 7 7 0
with right-angled connector


Length code . . .

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 4/13 Seite 14 Dienstag, 26. Juli 2005 1:35 13

Connection system
Signal cables

■ Selection and ordering data (continued)

Signal cable extensions
Basic cable Extension
Type Order No.
6FX . 002-2AH00- . . . . 6FX 7 002-2AH04- 7 7 7 0
6FX . 002-2CA31- . . . . 6FX 7 002-2CA34- 7 7 7 0
6FX . 002-2CD01- . . . . 6FX 7 002-2CB54- 7 7 7 0
6FX . 002-2CD24- . . . . 6FX 7 002-2CB54- 7 7 7 0
6FX . 002-2CF02- . . . . 6FX 7 002-2CF04- 7 7 7 0
6FX . 002-2CG00- . . . . 6FX 7 002-2CB54- 7 7 7 0
6FX . 002-2CH00- . . . . 6FX 7 002-2AD04- 7 7 7 0
6FX . 002-2EQ10- . . . . 6FX 7 002-2EQ14- 7 7 7 0


Length code . . .

The combinations of signal cable extensions shown are only provided by way of example

Accessories for signal cables

Flange and HF clamp
■ Overview ■ Dimensional drawings
Mounting holes Dimension drawing
Flanges are used to route or fix connectors, for example, in con- for flange for flange
trol cabinets. With the exception of right-angle plugs, a flange
can be mounted post-assembly on connectors with union nuts or

connectors with external threads. 27 40


28.3 (1.57)

HF (high-frequency) clamp
To permit correct "grounding" on the cable duct or cabinet wall,
a ground clamp can be ordered as an accessory together with M3 (4x) 3.2
the flanges for large-area discharging of high-frequency interfe- 28.3 28.3 (0.13)
(1.11) (1.11)
Dimensions in mm (inches)
■ Selection and ordering data
Designation Order No.
Flange for all signal connectors 6FX2003-7DX00
HF clamp for all signal connectors 6FX2003-7FX00

4/14 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 Seite 15 Dienstag, 26. Juli 2005 1:36 13

Connection system
Accessories for signal cables
DRIVE-CLiQ conduit/coupler

■ Overview ■ Selection and ordering data

DRIVE-CLiQ cabinet conduit Designation Order No.
DRIVE-CLiQ cabinet conduit 6SL3066-2DA00-0AA0
DRIVE-CLiQ coupler 6SL3066-2DA00-0AB0

■ Dimensional drawings
Cabinet opening for DRIVE-CLiQ cabinet cable conduit

54 (2.13)
40 (1.57)


Dimensions in mm (inches)
The DRIVE-CLiQ cable conduit provides a high degree of pro-
tection for MOTION-CONNECT DRIVE-CLiQ cables routed
through openings in control cabinets. The DRIVE-CLiQ cabinet
conduit offers degree of protection IP67 outside the cabinet, and
IP20 inside the cabinet.
DRIVE-CLiQ coupler

The DRIVE-CLiQ coupler makes it possible to join two MOTION-

CONNECT DRIVE-CLiQ cables with degree of protection IP67.

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 4/15 Seite 16 Dienstag, 26. Juli 2005 1:38 13

Connection system
Length code

■ Overview
Length code for prefabricated cables and power cables with min. Length code for cable sold by
cross section 4 mm², sold by meter up to 100 m (328.2 ft) meter on coils or disposable drums
6FX....-.....- 7 7 7 0 6FX . 008-.....- 7 7 A 0
6SX....-.....- 7 7 7 0
0 m (0 ft) 1 50 m (164.1 ft) 1 F
100 m (328.2 ft) 2 100 m (328.2 ft) 2 A
200 m (656.3 ft) 3 200 m (984.4 ft) 3 A
300 m (984.4 ft) 4 500 m (1640.8 ft) 6 A
0 m (0 ft) A
10 m (32.8 ft) B
20 m (65.6 ft) C
30 m (98.4 ft) D
40 m (131.3 ft) E
50 m (164.1 ft) F
60 m (196.9 ft) G
70 m (229.7 ft) H
80 m (262.5 ft) J
90 m (295.3 ft) K
0 m (0 ft) A
1 m (3.3 ft) B
2 m (6.6 ft) C

4 3 m (9.8 ft)
4 m (13.1 ft)
5 m (16.4 ft) F
6 m (19.7 ft) G
7 m (23 ft) H
8 m (26.3 ft) J
9 m (29.5 ft) K
Examples: 1.0 m (3.3 ft): 1 A B 0
2.0 m (6.6 ft): 1 A C 0
8.0 m (26.3 ft): 1 A J 0
299.0 m (981.2 ft): 3 K K 0

Length definition for prefabricated cables

L = Length in m (ft)
• Tolerance up to 10 m (32.8 ft) cable length: ± 2%
• Tolerance up to 10 m (32.8 ft) cable length: ± 1%

4/16 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005


5/2 Selection guides

5/2 SIZER configuration tool
5/3 STARTER drive/commissioning
5/4 Drive ES engineering system

5/5 Planning

5/6 Dimensioning
5/6 1. Clarification of type of drive
5/6 2. Definition of boundary condi-
tions and integration into auto-
mated system
5/6 3. Definition of loading case, cal-
culation of max. load torque,
definition of motor
5/11 4. Definition of the Motor
5/11 5. Repetition of steps 3 and 4 for
additional axes
5/12 6. Calculation of the required DC
link power and definition of the
SINAMICS S120 Line Module
5/13 7. Specification of the required
control performance and se-
lection of the Control Unit, defi-
nition of component cabling
5/16 8. Specification of the line-side
options (main switch, fuses,
line filters, etc.)
5/17 9. Definition of additional system
5/18 10. Calculation of the current re-
quirement for the 24 V DC
supply for the components and
specification of power supplies
(SITOP devices, Control
Supply Modules)
5/19 11. Specification of components
for connection system
5/19 12. Configuration of drive group
5/20 13. Required cable cross sections
for power supply and motor
5/21 14. Mandatory minimum installa-
tion clearances
5/23 15. Control properties

5/24 Configuration example

5/24 Test stand

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

Additional information
SIZER configuration tool

■ Overview
The drive configuration is saved in a project. In the project, the
components and functions used are displayed in a hierarchical
tree structure.
The project view supports:
• the configuration of a number of drive devices
• the copying/pasting/editing of existing drives that have
already been configured
The configuration process produces the following results:
• a parts list of the components required
• technical data
• characteristics
• location diagram and dimension drawings
These results are displayed in a results tree and can be printed
out for documentation purposes.
User support is provided by the technological online help menu,
which provides the following information:
• detailed technical data
The SIZER PC tool provides an easy-to-use means of configu- • information about the drives and their components
ring the SINAMICS and MICROMASTER 4 drive family. It pro- • decision-making criteria for the selection of components
vides technical support when sizing the hardware and firmware
components required for a drive task. SIZER supports the Minimum hardware and software requirements
complete configuration of the drive system, from simple indivi-
PG or PC with Pentium™ II 400 MHz (Windows™ NT/2000),
dual drives to complex multi-axis applications.
Pentium™ III 500 MHz (Windows™ XP)
SIZER supports all stages of the configuration in the form of a
256 MB RAM
workflow, which comprises the following stages:
• selection of the line supply At least 600 MB of free hard disk space
• dimensioning of the motor(s) An additional 100 MB of free hard disk space on Windows
• calculation of the drive components system drive
• selecting the required accessories Monitor resolution 1024 × 768 pixels
• selection of the line-side and motor-side power options Windows™ NT 4.0 SP5, 2000 SP2, XP Professional SP1

5 When SIZER was being developed, particular importance was

placed on high usability and a universal, function-based
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 SP2

approach to the drive task. The extensive user guidance makes

using the tool easy. Status information keeps you continually in-
■ Selection and ordering data
formed about the progress of the configuration process. Order No.
The SIZER user interface is available in English and German. SINAMICS MICROMASTER SIZER 6SL3070-0AA00-0AG0
configuration tool

5/2 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

Additional information
STARTER drive/commissioning software

■ Overview
Experts can gain rapid access to the individual parameters via
the Expert List and do not have to navigate dialogs.
In addition, the following functions are available for optimization
• self-optimization
• trace
Diagnostics functions provide information about:
• control/status words
• parameter status
• operating conditions
• communication states
• Easy to use: only a small number of settings need to be made
for successful first commissioning: axis turning.
• Solution-based dialog-based user guidance simplifies
• Self-optimization functions reduce manual effort for optimiza-
The easy-to-use STARTER drive/commissioning software can be tion.
used to • The built-in trace function provides optimum support during
• start up, commissioning, optimization and troubleshooting.
• optimize and Minimum hardware and software requirements
• diagnose. PG or PC with Pentium™ II 400 MHz (Windows™ NT/2000)
This software can be operated either as a stand-alone PC appli- Pentium™ III 500 MHz (Windows™ XP)
cation or can be integrated into the SCOUT engineering system 256 MB RAM
(SIMOTION). The basic functions and handling are the same in
both cases. Monitor resolution 1024 × 768 pixels
In addition to the SINAMICS drives, the current version of Windows™ NT 4.0 SP6, 2000 SP3, XP Professional SP1
STARTER also supports MICROMASTER 4 drives and frequency
converters for the decentralized SIMATIC ET 200S FC periphery. Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01

The project wizards can be used to create the drives within the For the communication between PG/PC and the Control Unit

structure of the project tree. CU320 a PROFIBUS communication module and a connection
cable are required.
First-time users are supported by a solution-based dialog menu,
with a standard graphics-based display maximizing clarity when E. g. PROFIBUS communication module CP 5512 (PCMCIA
setting the drive parameters. card, type 2 + adapter with 9-pole SUB-D socket for connection
to PROFIBUS. For MS Windows 2000/XP Professional and
First commissioning is guided by wizards, which make all the PCMCIA 32)
basic settings in the drive. This enables a drive to be up and Order No.: 6GK1551-2AA00
running after only setting a small number of parameters within
the drive configuration process. and connection cable between CP 5512 and PROFIBUS
Order No.: 6ES7901-4BD00-0XA0
The individual settings required are made using graphics-based
parameterization screenforms, which also display the mode of
■ Selection and ordering data
Order No.
Examples of individual settings that can be made include:
STARTER commissioning tool 6SL3072-0AA00-0AG0
• terminals for SINAMICS and MICROMASTER
• bus interface English/German
• setpoint channel (e.g. fixed setpoints)
• speed control (e.g. ramp-function generator, limits)
• BICO interconnections
• diagnostics

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 5/3

Additional information
Drive ES engineering system

■ Overview ■ Selection and ordering data

Order No.
Communication Configuration/Commissioning
Drive ES Basic V 5.3
Drive ES Drive ES • Configuration software for the integration of
drives into Totally Integrated Automation
• Requirement: STEP 7 V 5.1 and higher, SP 3
• Supply format: CD-ROM
Ger., Eng., Fr., Sp., It.
with electronic documentation
Single-user license 6SW1700-5JA00-3AA0
Multi-user license, 60 pieces 6SW1700-5JA00-3AA1
Update service for single-user license 6SW1700-0JA00-0AB2

Update service for multi-user license 6SW1700-0JA00-1AB2

Upgrade from V 5.x to V 5.3 6SW1700-5JA00-3AA4
Drive ES is the engineering system used to integrate Siemens
drive technology into the SIMATIC automation world easily, effi- Drive ES SIMATIC V 5.3
ciently and cost-effectively in terms of communication, configu- • Function block library for SIMATIC for the
ration and data management. The STEP 7 Manager user inter- parameterization of communication with
face provides the basis for this procedure. the drives
• Requirement: STEP 7 V 5.1 and higher, SP 3
Various software packages are available for SINAMICS S:
• Supply format: CD-ROM
• Drive ES Basic Ger., Eng., Fr., Sp., It.
for first-time users to the world of Totally Integrated Automation with electronic documentation
and the option for routing beyond network limits and the use Single-user license incl. 1 x runtime license 6SW1700-5JC00-3AA0
of the SIMATIC teleservice.
Drive ES Basic is the basic software program for setting the Runtime license 6SW1700-5JC00-1AC0
parameters of all drives online and offline. Update service for single-user license 6SW1700-0JC00-0AB2
Drive ES Basic enables both the automation system and the
drives to be handled via the SIMATIC Manager user interface. Upgrade from V 5.x to V 5.3 6SW1700-5JC00-3AA4
Drive ES Basic is the starting point for common data archiving Drive ES PCS 7 V 6.0
complete projects and for extending the use of the SIMATIC • Function block library for PCS 7 for the
teleservice to drives. Drive ES Basic provides the configura- integration of drives
tion tools for the new motion control functions slave-to-slave • Requirement: PCS 7 V 6.0 and higher
communication, equidistance and isochronous operation with
PROFIBUS DP. • Supply format: CD-ROM
Ger., Eng., Fr., Sp., It.
with electronic documentation
simple parameterization of the STEP 7 communication instead Single-user license incl. 1 x runtime license 6SW1700-6JD00-0AA0
of programming.
In order to use Drive ES SIMATIC, STEP 7 must be installed. It Runtime license 6SW1700-5JD00-1AC0
features a SIMATIC function block library, making the pro- Update service for single-user license 6SW1700-0JD00-0AB2
gramming of the PROFIBUS interface in the SIMATIC-CPU for
the drives easy and secure. There is no need for separate, Upgrade from V 5.x to V 6.x 6SW1700-6JD00-0AA4
time-consuming programming of the data exchange between
the SIMATIC-CPU and the drive.
All Drive ES users need to remember is:
Copy – Modify – Download – Ready.
Customized, fully-developed function blocks are copied
from the library into user-specific projects.
Frequently-used functions are set to run in program format:
- Read out complete diagnostics buffer automatically from the
- Download complete parameter set automatically from the
SIMATIC CPU to the drive, e.g. in the event of a device being
- Load part parameter sets (e.g. in the event of a recipe or pro-
duct replacement) automatically from the SIMATIC-CPU
- Read back, i.e. update, complete parameterization or part
parameter sets from the drive to the SIMATIC CPU
• Drive ES PCS 7
integrates drives with the PROFIBUS interface into the
SIMATIC PCS 7 process control system.
Drive ES PCS 7 can only be used with SIMATIC PCS 7 version
5.0 and higher. Drive ES PCS 7 provides a function block li-
brary with function blocks for the drives and the correspon-
ding faceplates for the operator station, which enables the
drives to be operated from the PCS 7 process control system.
For further information please visit us on the Internet at:

5/4 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

Additional information

■ Overview
SINAMICS S120 is a modular drive system for demanding drive Voltage and power ranges
tasks in OEM machinery and industrial projects. Coordinated
Voltage range Power range
drives that carry out drive tasks together are used in many me-
chanical and plant engineering applications, including running 380 V to 480 V 3 AC 1.6 kW (2HP) to 110 kW (147 HP) to
gears in gantry cranes, stretching systems in the textile industry, 120 kW (160 HP): 800 kW (1072 HP):
paper machines or rolling mills. These require drives with a booksize format chassis format
common DC bus, which allows cost-saving energy balancing 660 V to 690 V 3 AC 75 kW (100 HP) to
between braking and driving axes. The central CU320 Control 1200 kW (1609 HP):
Unit controls the drive for all connected axes and also esta- chassis format
blishes the technological links between the drives and/or axes.
With chassis format units, Line Modules and Motor Modules can
General configuration sequence be connected in parallel to obtain higher outputs (on request).
The function description of the machine provides the basis for
the configuration. The definition of the components is based on
physical dependencies and is usually carried out as follows:
Step Description of configuration activity
1. Clarification of type of drive
2. Definition of boundary conditions and integration into automa-
ted system
3. Definition of load cycle, calculation of max. load torque,
definition of motor
4. Definition of the Motor Module
5. Repetition of steps 3 and 4 for additional axes
6. Calculation of the required DC link power and definition of the
SINAMICS S120 Line Module
7. Specification of the required control performance and selec-
tion of the Control Unit, definition of component cabling
8. Specification of the line-side options (main switch, fuses, line
filters, etc.)
9. Definition of additional system components
10. Calculation of the current requirement for the 24 V DC supply
for the components and specification of power supplies
(SITOP devices, Control Supply Modules)
Specification of components for connection system
Configuration of drive group components
13. Required cable cross-sections for power supply and motor
14. Mandatory minimum installation clearances
15. Control properties

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 5/5

Additional information

■ Configuration
1. Clarification of type of drive 3. Definition of loading case, calculation of max. load torque,
definition of motor
The motor is selected on the basis of the required torque, which
is defined by the application, e.g. traveling drives, hoisting The motor-specific limiting characteristics provide the basis for
drives, test stands, centrifuges paper and rolling mill drives, defining the motors.
feed drives or main spindle drives. Gear units for movement con-
version or for adapting the motor speed and motor torque to the These curves describe the torque or power characteristic over
load conditions must also be considered. the speed and take account of the limits of the motor based on
the line voltage and function of the power supply (Basic Line
As well as the load torque, which is determined by the applica- Modules, Smart Line Modules or Active Line Modules).
tion, the following mechanical data are among those required to
calculate the torque to be provided by the motor:
• masses to be moved S6-25%
• diameter of the drive wheel/diameter Constant S6-40% Voltage
torque range limiting characteristic
• leadscrew pitch, gear ratios S6-60%
• frictional resistance data S1
• mechanical efficiency PN
Constant power range
• traverse paths
(field weakening operation)
• maximum velocity

• maximum acceleration and maximum deceleration
• cycle time
2. Definition of boundary conditions and integration into
automated system
You must decide whether synchronous or asynchronous motors
nN n2 n
are to be used.
Synchronous motors should be selected for compact construc- Limiting characteristics for asynchronous motors (example)
tion volume, low rotor moment of inertia and therefore maximum
dynamic response.
In this context, suitable motors would be the 1FT and 1FK which
can operate in "Servo" control mode.
Asynchronous motors can be used to increase maximum 60

speeds in the field weakening range. Asynchronous motors for

Mmax governed by converter/motor
Torque in Nm

higher powers are also available.

In this context, suitable motors would be the 1PL, 1PH, 1LA and
1LG which can operate in "Vector" control mode. 40
S3 - 25% (2)
You should also specify whether the drives are to be operated as S3 - 40%
single-axis drives or in a group as multi-axis drives. S3 - 60%

The following factors are of prime importance during configura- 20

M0 (100 K) S1 - 100 K
• the type of line supply, when using specific types of motor 10 S1 - 60 K
and/or line filters on IT systems (non-grounded systems)
• utilization of the motor according to rated values for winding 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
temperature 60 K or 100 K or insulation class B (coolant tem- Motor speed in rpm
perature +80 K) or F (coolant temperature +105 K)
(1) Voltage limit curve for Smart Line Module
• the ambient temperatures and the installation altitude of the (governed by DC link voltage)
motors and drive components (2) Voltage limit curve for Active Line Module
(governed by DC link voltage)
Other boundary conditions apply when integrating the drives
into an automation environment such as SIMATIC or SIMOTION.
For motion control and technology functions (e.g. positioning),
as well as for synchronous functions, the corresponding automa- Limiting characteristics for synchronous motors (example)
tion system, e.g. SIMOTION D, is used.
The drives are interfaced with the higher-level automation sys-
tem via PROFIBUS.

5/6 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

Additional information
The motor is defined on the basis of the loading case, which is In summary, the dimensioning is as follows:
prescribed by the application. Different characteristics must be
used for different loading cases. The following operating
scenarios have been defined: 60

• duty cycles with constant ON period Mmax governed by converter/motor

Torque in Nm
• duty cycles with varying ON period (1)
• free duty cycle 40
The aim is to identify characteristic torque and speed operating M = const. (overload)
points, on the basis of which the motor can be defined as
appropriate for each loading case.
Once the operating scenario has been defined and specified, M0 (100 K) S1
the maximum motor torque is calculated. In general, this takes 10 M = const. (basic load)
place during the acceleration phase. The load torque and the
torque required to accelerate the motor are added together. 0
The maximum motor torque is then verified with the limiting 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Motor speed in rpm
characteristics of the motors.
(1) Voltage limit curve for Smart Line Module
The following applies to 1PL and 1PH asynchronous motors: (governed by DC link voltage)
Maximum motor torque = 2 × rated torque. (2) Voltage limit curve for Active Line Module
(governed by DC link voltage)
The following criteria must be taken into account when defining
the motor:
• The dynamic limits must be observed, i.e. all speed-torque Selection of motors for duty cycles with constant ON period (example)
points of the load must lie below the relevant limiting
characteristic. Duty cycles with varying ON period
• The thermal limits must be observed, i.e. for synchronous As well as continuous duty (S1), standardized periodic duty
motors, the rms motor torque at the average motor speed re- types (S3) are also defined for duty cycles with varying ON pe-
sulting from the duty cycle must lie below the S1 characteristic riods. S3 duty is operation which comprises a sequence of simi-
(continuous duty). On asynchronous motors, the rms value of lar cycles, each of which comprises a time with constant load
the motor current within a duty cycle must be less than the and a break.
rated motor current.
• It should be noted that the maximum permissible motor torque
on synchronous motors at higher speeds is reduced as a P
result of the voltage limiting characteristic. In addition, a
clearance of 10% from the voltage limiting characteristic
should be observed to safeguard against voltage fluctuations.

• When using asynchronous motors, the permissible motor
torque in the field weakening range is restricted by the voltage Pv
limiting characteristic (stability limit). A clearance of 30%
should be observed. t

• When using an absolute encoder, the rated torque of the motor

is reduced by 10% due to the thermal limits of the encoder. max

Duty cycles with constant ON period

Duty cycles with constant ON period place specific require- G_D212_xx_00008 t
ments on the torque characteristic as a function of the speed,
e.g. M = constant, M ~ n2, M ~ n or P = constant.
S1 duty (continuous operation)
These drives typically work at a stationary operating point. Base
load dimensioning is applied. The base load torque must lie
below the S1 characteristic.
In the event of transient overloads (e.g. when accelerating) an P tL tB
overload has to be taken into consideration. The peak torque
must lie below the voltage limiting characteristic on synchronous
motors or below the stability limit on asynchronous motors.



tr =
tB + tL
G_D212_xx_00009 t

S3 duty (periodic duty without affecting the start-up procedure)

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 5/7

Additional information
Fixed variables are usually used for the relative ON period: Motor selection
• S3 – 60% Variation means that it is now possible to locate a motor that
• S3 – 40% exactly matches operating conditions.
• S3 – 25% In a second step, a check is made as to whether the thermal li-
Corresponding motor characteristics are provided for these mits are maintained. For this purpose, the motor current at base
specifications. The load torque must lie below the correspon- load must be calculated. For configuration based on duty cycle
ding thermal limiting characteristic of the motor. Overload di- with constant ON period with overload, the overload current
mensioning is taken into account for duty cycles with varying ON based on the required overload torque must be calculated. The
periods. calculation rules for this purpose depend on the type of motor
used (synchronous motor, asynchronous motor) and the opera-
Free duty cycle ting scenario (duty cycles with constant ON period, duty cycles
with varying ON period, free duty cycle).
A duty cycle defines the progress of the motor speed and torque
over time. Finally, the other characteristics of the motor must be defined.
This is done by configuring the motor options (see motor
Drives with quadratic load torque

Speed n
Drives with a quadratic load torque (M~n2), such as drives for
pumps and ventilators, require the full torque at the rated speed.
Increased starting torques or high load surges do not usually
occur. It is therefore unnecessary to provide a higher overload
capability for the Motor Module.
t1 T ti-1 ti
Torque M The following applies to selection of a suitable Motor Module for
drives with a quadratic load torque: The rated current of the

Motor Module must be at least as large as the motor current at

full torque in the required load point.
When using standard 1LG and 1LA motors, these motors can
also be loaded with the full rated power even in converter mode.
They are then utilized to full advantage according to temperature
class F. However, if the motors may only be used to full advan-
tage according to temperature class B, the power for the motors
must be reduced by 10%.
A load torque is set for each time period. In addition to the load
torque, the average load moment of inertia and motor moment of Selection of suitable motors and Motor Modules for a specific
inertia must be taken into account for acceleration. A friction application is supported by the SIZER configuration tool.
torque, which works in opposition to the direction of movement,
may be required.
5 The gear ratio and gear efficiency must be taken into account
when calculating the load and/or acceleration torque to be pro-
vided by the motor. A higher gear ratio increases positioning Constant flux Field weakening
accuracy in terms of encoder resolution. At the given motor en- range range
M /M n
coder resolution, as the gear ratio increases, so should the
resolution of the machine position to be detected. With forced ventilation

For more information about the importance of gear units, see the
motor descriptions.
The effective torque Meff must lie below the S1 characteristic. 90

The maximum torque Mmax is reached during the acceleration 80

process and must lie below the voltage limiting characteristic on
synchronous motors and below the stability limit on asynchro- Utilization according to

nous motors. temperature class F

60 Utilization according to
temperature class B

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Hz f

Typical response of the permissible torque with self-cooled motors (e.g.

1LG/1LA) with a rated frequency of 50 Hz

5/8 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

Additional information
Drives with constant load torque Motors
The 1LG and 1LA self-cooled motors cannot provide their full ra- 1LA and 1LG standard motors are recommended for applica-
ted torques throughout the complete speed range in continuous tions with no special mechanical requirements.
operation. The continuous permissible torque decreases as the
speed decreases because of the reduced cooling effect (see With regard to the voltage stress, the standard insulation of the
diagram). motors is designed such that operation on the converter is
possible without limitation at voltages U ≤ 500 V.
Depending on the speed range, the torque - and thus the power
- must be reduced for the self-cooled motors. For detailed data about motor types 1LG4/1LG6 and 1LA8,
please refer to Catalog M 11.
In the case of 1PL, 1PH and 1PQ forced-ventilated motors, no
derating or only relatively minor derating (depending on their Self-cooled motors with IP55 degree of protection (1LG4/1LG6
speed range) is required. and 1LA8)

In the case of frequencies above the rated frequency fn, the

motors are operated in the field weakening range. The usable
torque is reduced in this case by approx. fn/f, and the power
remains constant. Especially in the control modes with V/f cha-
racteristic, a sufficient interval of ≥ 30% from the breakdown
torque must be observed, which is reduced by (fn/f)2.
The basic load current of the Motor Module should be selected
at least as large as the motor current at full torque in the required
load point.
Selection of suitable motors and Motor Modules for a specific
application is supported by the SIZER configuration tool.
Rated current – permissible and non-permissible motor/
converter combinations
• Motor rated current higher than rated output current of the
Motor Module:
In cases where a motor with a higher rated current than the ra-
ted output current of the Motor Module is to be connected, the
motor will only be able to operate under partial load.The follo- 1LG4/1LG6 motors
wing limit applies:
The short-time current (=1.5 × base load current IH) should be
higher or equal to the rated current of the connected motor.
Adhering to this dimensioning rule is important because the
low leakage inductance of large motors causes current peaks
which may result in drive system shutdown or in continuous
output limiting by the internal protective electronic circuitry.
• Motor rated current significantly lower than rated output 5
current of the Motor Module:
With the sensorless vector control system used, the motor ra-
ted current must equal at least ¼ of the rated output current of
the Motor Module. With smaller motor currents, operation
using the V/f control mode is possible.

1LA8 motors

The 1LG4/1LG6 and 1LA8 motors are self-cooled motors with

IP55 degree of protection.
Both the internal and external fans (which are fitted in each mo-
tor) have a fixed connection to the shaft.
The cooling effect is therefore directly dependent on the motor

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 5/9

Additional information
The full capability of the SINAMICS S120 Vector Control can be Bearing currents
utilized when the drive system is combined with motors of type
1PH7 and 1PL6. The Control Unit evaluates the electronic rating In order to apply currents to the motor which are sinusoidal as far
plate via the DRIVE-CLiQ interface as well as the motor-integra- as possible (smooth running, oscillation torques, stray losses), a
ted encoder signals. This means that motor and encoder data high clock frequency is required for the output voltage. The
do not need to be parameterized when the system is started up steep voltage pulses generated at this frequency cause
or serviced. 1PH7 and 1PL6 motors are recommended for the charge/discharge currents in the motor winding capacitance,
following application requirements: which in turn generate circular magnetic flux in the motor. This
physical effect is particularly evident with larger motors. As a re-
• Large speed range with high maximum speeds sult, the circuit can close via the two motor bearings, resulting in
• Limited installation conditions dangerous bearing currents. To eliminate the risk of these so-
called circular currents, it is recommendable with the converter-
1PH7/1PL6 motors with the same rated power are on average 1 fed motors to insulate the bearings on the ND end of the motor.
to 2 shaft heights smaller than comparable standard asynchro-
nous motors. The insulated bearing is standard for all 1LA8 motors which are
identified for converter operation.
Supply voltages > 500 V for 1LA/1LG motors
With the 1LG4/1LG6 motors of size 280 and above, an insulated
The standard insulation of the 1LA and 1LG motors is designed bearing is available on the ND end as an option (Order code
such that operation without limitation is only possible on the L27). With the 1PH7 and 1PL6 motors of size 180 and above, an
Motor Module at supply voltages of 500 V +10%. With higher insulated bearing is available on the ND end as an option (Order
voltages, a higher insulation resistance of the motors is required. code L27).
1LA8, 1PQ8, 1LG6, 1PH7 and 1PL6 motors with shaft height 280 Grounding deficiencies can cause so-called rotor ground
are also available with a higher winding insulation resistance for currents to flow from the motor shaft to the connected load. To
operation on the Motor Module with voltages up to 690 V, and do prevent this type of bearing current, it is essential to ground
not require a filter. the motor casing effectively, e.g. by means of a shielded motor
With the reinforced insulation system, there is less slot space for cable. The motor casing and housing of the Motor Module must
the same number of winding turns as compared to normal insu- be coupled with the lowest possible resistance for the high-
lation; this means that the rated output of these motors is slightly frequency charge/discharge currents.
lower. For this purpose, it is advisable to use a symmetrical, shielded
For higher torque requirements, self-cooled motors 1LA4 or three-core motor cable in which the PE conductor is arranged
forced-ventilated motors 1PQ4 (IP55 degree of protection) from symmetrically around the conductors.
the H-compact II series are available for the higher power range. Motor reactors are also a suitable means of reducing the types
Motor protection of bearing current described above.
A motor protection function can be implemented using the I2t Operation of motors with type of protection "d"
detection present in the Motor Module software. Siemens 1MJ asynchronous motors can be connected as explo-
If required, more precise motor protection can be afforded by sion-proof motors with "flameproof enclosure" EEx de IIC both to
direct temperature measurement using KTY84-sensors or the power supply and the Motor Module.
5 PTC-thermistors in the motor winding.
When using the KTY84-sensor, the motor option A23 must be
In accordance with the test directives, the 1MJ motors must be
equipped with PTC thermistors.
specified when ordering the 1LA8 and 1LG4/1LG6 motors. With If 1MJ motors are connected to Motor Modules, their maximum
1PH7 and 1PL6 motors, the sensors are fitted as standard. permissible torque must be reduced, as for the 1LA motors of
If PTC thermistors are required, the motor option A11 or A12 the same power, and according to the load characteristic, when
must be specified when ordering the 1LG4/1LG6 motors. With utilized according to temperature class B.
1LA8/1PQ8 motors, the sensors are fitted as standard. 1MJ motors have a terminal box with "increased safety" EEx e II
The KTY84-sensor can be connected to the Motor Module for as standard.
evaluation. For detailed information about motors, please refer to Catalog
M 11.

5/10 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

Additional information
4. Definition of the Motor Module The precise calculation is supported by SIZER.
The Motor Module is assigned initially on the basis of standstill Using pulse width modulation, the Motor Modules generate an
current I0 100 K (rated current for winding temperature 100 K) for AC voltage to feed the connected motor from the DC voltage of
synchronous motors and the rated current Irated for asynchro- the DC link. The magnitude of the DC link voltage is determined
nous motors, and is listed in the motor description. Dynamic by the Line Module used and thus the maximum possible output
overloads, e.g. during acceleration, must be taken into account voltage (see component description). The speed and loading of
by duty cycles and may demand a more powerful Motor Module. the connected motor defines the required motor voltage. The
In this context, it is also important to remember that the output maximum possible output voltage must be ≥ the required motor
current of the Motor Module decreases as a function of installa- voltage, it may be necessary to select a motor with a different
tion altitude, ambient temperature and pulse frequency setting winding.
(see component description).
It is not possible to utilize all modes of pulse width modulation
For an optimum configuration, the rms motor current calculated when a sinusoidal filter is connected. The output voltage (rms
from the duty cycle is mapped on the motor module. The value) with sinusoidal filter is reduced to approximately 0.64 x
following must apply: DC link voltage.
Irated, Motor Module ≥ Iload Capacitive leakage currents are generated in clocked operation
and these limit the permissible length of the motor cable. The
An increased output current may be discharged by the motor maximum motor cable length is specified for each Motor Module
modules for a specific period of time. In the event of an overload in the component description. Where a long motor cable is re-
configuration, the following must apply: quired, a higher rating of Motor Module must be selected or the
Irated, Motor Module × overload factor < Ioverload permissible continuous output current Icontinuous must be re-
duced in relation to the rated output current In. The configuring
Overload factor = Ratio Imax/Irated, taking into account the data for booksize format Motor Modules are given in the follo-
switching cycles (see component descriptions). wing table:

Motor Module Length of motor cable (shielded)

Rated output current In > 50 m (164 ft) to 100 m (328 ft) > 100 m (328 ft) to 150 m (492 ft) > 150 m (492 ft) to 200 m (656 ft) > 200 m (656 ft)
3 A/5 A Use Motor Module 9 A Use Motor Module 9 A not permissible not permissible
9A Use Motor Module 18 A Use Motor Module 18 A not permissible not permissible
18 A Use Motor Module 30 A or Use Motor Module 30 A not permissible not permissible
Imax ≤ 1.5 × In
Icontinuous ≤ 0.95 × In
30 A permissible I max ≤ 1.35 × In I max ≤ 1.1 × In not permissible
Icontinuous ≤ 0.9 × In Icontinuous ≤ 0.85 × In
45 A/60 A permissible I max ≤ 1.75 × In I max ≤ 1.5 × In not permissible
Icontinuous ≤ 0.9 × In Icontinuous ≤ 0.85 × In
85 A/132 A permissible I max ≤ 1.35 × In
Icontinuous ≤ 0.95 × In
I max ≤ 1.1 × In
Icontinuous ≤ 0.9 × In
not permissible
200 A permissible I max ≤ 1.25 × In I max ≤ 1.1 × In not permissible
Icontinuous ≤ 0.95 × In Icontinuous ≤ 0.9 × In

5. Repetition of steps 3 and 4 for additional axes

The motors and motor modules must be calculated for all axes.

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 5/11

Additional information
6. Calculation of the required DC link power and definition of These classes can be used as a basis for dimensioning the Line
the SINAMICS S120 Line Module Module in accordance with the following procedure:
In multi-axis drive applications, a number of Motor Modules are
operated on a common DC link, which is supplied with power by
a Line Module.
You must now define whether a Basic Line Module, Smart Line
Module or an Active Line Module is to be used. This depends, Axes categorized
on the one hand, on the available power ranges of the Line according to output class
Module and, on the other, whether the line feed/feedback can be
unregulated and therefore independent of the line voltage
(Smart Line Module) or must be regulated (Active Line Module)
to a constant DC link voltage. Required DC link power determined for each
axis (taking into account the speed ratio,
The chassis format units are available in the 380 V to 480 V vol-
if required)
tage range but also include devices in the 660 V to 690 V range.
Basic Line Modules are designed for infeed operation only.
Active Line Modules have regulated infeeds which feature a
step-up function. This means that the DC link voltage is defined
by a factor of 1.5 x line voltage in the default setting. Simultaneity factor used for each output
class and the required DC link power
The DC link voltage Vd of the Basic Line Modules and Smart Line determined for each output class
Modules is load-neutral. Under no-load conditions, the DC link is
charged to the line voltage crest value VL, i.e. Vd = √ 2 × VL
Under load conditions, the DC link voltage reaches the average
value of the rectified line voltage applied to the terminals. This Total required DC link power determined
average value is determined by the line voltage x factor 1.35.
Owing to the voltage drop across the line reactor and in the line

cable, the DC link voltage under full load conditions is slightly
lower than the theoretical value. In practice, the range of the DC
link voltage Vd is as follows: Selection of Line Module taking into account
the supply voltage and ambient conditions
1.41 × VL > Vd > 1.32 × VL (no load → full load)
The powers required for each axis are taken into account when
defining the Line Module.
In order to calculate the required DC link power and select the
correct Line Module, it is important to analyse the entire opera-
ting sequence of the drive group connected to the DC link. Fac-
tors such as partial load, redundancies, duty cycles, coinci-
5 dence factors and the operating mode (motor/generator mode)
must be taken into account.
The rated infeed power of the Line Module refers to a line voltage
of 380 V, 400 V or 690 V (690 V applies only to chassis format
Line Modules). Fluctuations in line voltage can affect the output
power of the Line Modules. However, the maximum possible out-
put corresponds to the rated power of the relevant type size.
Depending on the ambient conditions (installation altitude, am-
bient temperature), the rated incoming power supply of the line
modules may need to be reduced (see component description).
The coincidence factor takes into account the temporal charac-
teristic of the torque for each individual axis.

5/12 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 Seite 13 Dienstag, 16. August 2005 3:57 15

Additional information
The following factors must also be taken into account when di- 7. Specification of the required control performance and
mensioning the DC link: selection of the Control Unit, definition of component
7 Braking operation cabling

As device losses are important in motor-driven operation, the di- The CU320 Control Unit has been designed to control multiple
mensioning for motor-driven operation is also relevant for rege- drives. It provides the control functions for the drives (Motor
neration. Regarding the braking operation of the motors, check Modules, Line Module) and system components. The load on
that the energy fed back into the DC link does not exceed the the Control Unit will vary depending on the number of and re-
permissible peak load capability of the Line Module. quired control mode for the individual drives.

In the event of greater energy regeneration ratings and to control The SIZER configuration tool calculates the utilization of the
the "line failure" operating scenario, a Braking Module must be CU320 Control Unit capacity for a configured drive system,
provided or the Smart or Active Line Module must be overdimen- taking into account the dependencies specified above. Perfor-
sioned or the energy regeneration reduced by longer braking mance expansion 1 will be required for capacity utilization of
times. 55% or higher.
For the configuration of the "EMERGENCY STOP" operating sce- Depending on the format and number of Motor Modules used,
nario, the Line Module must either be overdimensioned or an the following Motor Module combinations can be operated on a
additional Braking Module must be used, in order that the DC CU320 Control Unit:
link energy can be dissipated as quickly as possible.
7 Checking DC link capacitance

During power-up, the line modules limit the load current for the
DC link capacitors. Due to the limits imposed by the precharging
circuit, it is essential to observe the maximum permissible DC
link capacitance values for the drive group specified in the tech-
nical data.
7 DC link precharging frequency

The precharging frequency of the DC link via a booksize format

Line Module is calculated using the following formula:

Max. permissible DC link capacitance

infeed module in µF
Number of precharges =
within 8 min DC-link capacitance of configured
drive line-up in µF

For chassis format Line Modules, the maximum permissible DC

link precharing interval is 3 minutes.
7 Special considerations for operation on Basic or Smart
Line Module
Basic Line Modules and Smart Line Modules provide a lower DC
link voltage than Active Line Modules. This results in the follo-
wing supplementary conditions:
• When operating asynchronous motors, a lower maximum mo-
tor power is available at high speeds at the same line voltage.
• On synchronous motors, a reduction in the dynamic drive cha-
racteristics must be calculated at high speeds.
• On synchronous motors, when overload is required, the rated
motor speed is not utilized to as great an extent.

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 5/13

Additional information

Booksize format Current Adjustable pulse frequencies Performance extension 1

control clock required
without current with current derating
derating (default)
µs kHz kHz kHz kHz
Active line Module 250 8 – – –
1 × Vector Control 250 4 8 12 16 No
2 × Vector Control 250 4 8 12 16 Yes
3 × Vector Control 400 2.5 5 7.5 10 Yes
4 × Vector Control 400 2.5 5 7.5 10 Yes
1 × V/f Control 250 4 8 12 16 No
2 × V/f Control 250 4 8 12 16 No
3 × V/f Control 250 4 8 12 16 Yes
4 × V/f Control 250 4 8 12 16 Yes
5 × V/f Control 400 2.5 5 7.5 10 Yes
6 × V/f Control 400 2.5 5 7.5 10 Yes

Chassis format Current Adjustable pulse frequencies Performance extension 1

control clock required
Types F, G without current with current derating
510 V to 720 V DC, derating (default)
380 V to 480 V 3 AC
µs kHz kHz kHz kHz
Active line Module 250 4 – – –
1 × Vector Control 250 2 4 6 8 No
2 × Vector Control 250 2 4 6 8 Yes
3 × Vector Control 400 1.25 2.5 5 – Yes
4 × Vector Control 400 1.25 2.5 5 – Yes
1 × V/f Control 250 2 4 6 8 No
2 × V/f Control 250 2 4 6 8 No
5 3 × V/f Control
4 × V/f Control
5 × V/f Control 400 1.25 2.5 5 – Yes
6 × V/f Control 400 1.25 2.5 5 – Yes

Chassis format Current Adjustable pulse frequencies Performance extension 1

control clock required
Types H, J without current with current derating
510 V to 720 V DC, derating (default)
380 V to 480 V 3 AC
Types F, G, H, J
890 V to 1035 V DC,
660 V to 690 V 3 AC
µs kHz kHz kHz kHz
Active Line Module, 250 4 – – –
types F, G
Active Line Module, 400 2.5 – – –
types H, J
1 × Vector Control 400 1.25 2.5 5 – No
2 × Vector Control 400 1.25 2.5 5 – No
3 × Vector Control 400 1.25 2.5 5 – Yes
4 × Vector Control 400 1.25 2.5 5 – Yes
1 × V/f Control 400 1.25 2.5 5 – No
2 × V/f Control 400 1.25 2.5 5 – No
3 × V/f Control 400 1.25 2.5 5 – No
4 × V/f Control 400 1.25 2.5 5 – Yes
5 × V/f Control 400 1.25 2.5 5 – Yes
6 × V/f Control 400 1.25 2.5 5 – Yes

5/14 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

Additional information
Component cabling with DRIVE-CLiQ Only one current controller clock cycle can be set for modules
connected via DRIVE-CLiQ. For this reason, only combinations
The components communicate with one another via the stan- of modules with the same current controller clock cycle (see
dard DRIVE-CLiQ interface. This interface connects a Control table "Clock cycles") can be operated on a DRIVE-CLiQ connec-
Unit with the power components, encoders and other system tion. To simplify the configuration process, it is advisable to sup-
components, e.g. Terminal Modules. Setpoints and actual va- ply the Line Module and Motor Modules via separate
lues, control commands, status messages, and rating plate data DRIVE-CLiQ connections.
for the components are transferred via DRIVE-CLiQ.
The following rules apply to the wiring of components with
Infeed Control Drive 1 Drive 2 Drive 3 Drive 4
• A maximum of 16 nodes can be connected to a DRIVE-CLiQ
socket on the CU320 Control Unit. X200 X100 X200 X200 X200
X201 X101 X201 X201 X201
• Up to eight nodes can be connected in a line. A line is always X102

seen from the perspective of the Control Unit. X103

Active Single Single Double
• Maximum 6 Motor Modules in a line. Line Motor Motor Motor
Module CU320 Module Module Module
• Ring wiring is not permitted.
X202 X202 X202 X202 X203
• Components must not be double-wired.
In addition, the motor encoder should be connected to the asso- Sensor Sensor
Sensor Sensor X500
ciated Motor Module. Module

CU320 M M M M
3~ 3~ 3~ 3~

X 103

X 102 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
X 101 Preferred wiring of DRIVE-CLiQ connections illustrated by example of
X 100
8 11 14 16 booksize format
No ring wiring Active Line Module: Current controller clock cycle 250 µs.
Motor Modules: 4 × Vector Control = current controller clock cycle 400 µs
9 12 15

No double wiring
10 13 Infeed Control Drive 1 Drive 2

Wiring DRIVE-CLiQ components X400 X100 X400 X400

X401 X101 X401 X401

The following examples illustrate the flexibility of the DRIVE-CLiQ X103

Active Single Single
wiring. Motor Motor

Module CU320 Module Module

X402 X402 X402

Sensor X500 Sensor X500

Motor with SMC Sensing
Module Module
CU320 Line Motor Motor
Module Module Module M M
3~ 3~
Type Chassis F, G Type Chassis H, J
G_D212_EN_00014a Current controller Current controller
External clock cycle = 250 µs clock cycle = 400 µs
system Wiring illustrated by example of chassis format with different current
controller clock cycles
Example of a line topology for standard solutions
The power components are supplied with the required
DRIVE-CLiQ connecting cable for connection to the adjacent
DRIVE-CLiQ node in the axis grouping (line topology). Prefabri-
cated DRIVE-CLiQ cables in various lengths up to 100 m (328 ft)
TM31 TM31
are available for connecting motor encoders, direct measuring
encoders, Terminal Modules, etc.
Motor with SMC The DRIVE-CLiQ cable connections inside the control cabinet
interface must not exceed 70 m (230 ft) in length, e.g. connection bet-
CU320 Line Motor Motor ween the CU320 and the first Motor Module or between Motor
Module Module Module
SMC Modules. The maximum permissible length of DRIVE-CLiQ
MOTION-CONNECT cables to external components is 100 m
(328 ft).
measuring system
For information about selecting DRIVE-CLiQ connecting cables,
see para. 11.
Example of a tree topology for high-performance solutions, e.g. high-
dynamic axes in direct motion control group, selective access to indivi-
dual axes/axis groupings for maintenance operation, etc.

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 5/15

Additional information
8. Specification of the line-side options
(main switch, fuses, line filters, etc.)
The following line-side options are recommended for the drive PE
U1 / L1
U1 / L2
Main switch
U1 / L3 Line fuses
Main contactor
Line fuses Main switch

Line Module
Precharging contactor
Line filter

Line reactor

Line Module Module

The main switch may take various formats:
• main and EMERGENCY STOP switch + fuse switch discon-
nector (with leading signal via auxiliary contact for trip mode)
Block diagram of an Active Infeed comprising an Active Interface Module
• load interruptor with fuses and an Active Line Module
• circuit-breaker
To protect the units against line-side overvoltages, it is advisable Depending on the performance required, a fuse switch dis-

5 to install overvoltage protection directly at the infeed point (up- connector combined with a contactor or a circuit-breaker can be
circuit of main switch). For examples of suitable surge voltage provided as the main switch.
arresters, go to A line contactor can be used, for example, if the drive has to be disconnected from the line supply in the event of a fault or for re-
mote tripping. Follow the instructions in the SINAMICS S120
Planning Guides to lock the line contactor in the context of safety
A line filter should be used on TN (grounded) systems to reduce
line reactions.

5/16 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

Additional information
9. Definition of additional system components Note: Only booksize format modules that are directly connected
to each other via the DC link busbar can be included in the total
Sensor Modules capacitance.
Signal conditioning for the various encoders (incremental enco- If the DC link capacitance is not sufficient for the operation of a
der sin/cos 1 Vpp, absolute encoder, resolver) takes place remo- number of Braking Modules, Capacitor Modules can be used to
tely, i.e. in the vicinity of the encoder, with customized Sensor increase the DC link capacitance. The max. permissible DC link
Modules. Depending on the measurement system, SMC10, capacitance of a drive group on a Line Module must be taken
SMC20 or SMC30 Sensor Modules will be used. The Sensor into account. The max. DC link capacitances to be taken into
Modules are designed to be mounted on DIN rails. They are also account for precharging current limiting on the Line Modules are
used for the signal conditioning of external (machine) encoders. listed in the technical data for the Line Modules.
On some types of motor, encoder evaluation is integrated as The braking resistor discharges the excess energy from the DC
standard in the motors. These motors are wired directly with link:
DRIVE-CLiQ (in addition to the power connection). Conventional
signal conditioning is no longer required; neither does the
Sensor Module have to be assembled.
Expansion modules P (kW)

Even the standard version of the CU320 Control Unit features G_D212_EN_00018
interfaces and terminals for communication. SINAMICS S120
offers the following expansion modules:
• TB30 Terminal Board (terminal expansion for plugging into the
option slot on the CU320 Control Unit)
0 kW 0 kW
• TM31 Terminal Module (terminal expansion for connection via
DRIVE-CLiQ) A A t (s)
The following criteria must be taken into account if you are using
the expansion modules: t Period of braking duty cycle in s
A Load duration in s
• Only one option board can be plugged into the option slot on Prated Continuous power of braking resistor in kW
Pmax Peak power of braking resistor in kW
the CU320 Control Unit.
• A maximum of 8 Terminal Modules may be operated in a drive
Braking Module Duty cycle for braking resistors
Braking units are used when
Braking Modules with a braking power of 25 kW (for type FX) and
• regenerative energy occurs occasionally and briefly, for 50 kW (for types GX, HX and JX) are available with matching bra-
example when stopping the motor (emergency stop) and the king resistors for chassis format units. Braking units can be con-
drive has no regenerative feedback capability nected in parallel to obtain higher braking powers. In this case,
• the drive features regenerative feedback units, but cannot re-
turn the energy fast enough to the supply on an "EMERGENCY
the units can be installed at the Active Line Module end or Motor
Module end. 5
Size Rated power Peak power P15 Max. possible mounting
• the motor modules need to dissipate power after a power PDB power locations for Braking
failure Module
The braking units comprise a Braking Module and a load resis- FX 25 kW 125 kW 1
tor, which must be attached externally. GX 50 kW 250 kW 1
A number of Braking Modules can be connected in parallel to in- HX 50 kW 250 kW 2
crease the braking power.
JX 50 kW 250 kW 3
To operate booksize format Braking Modules, a minimum capa-
citance is required in the DC link. This capacitance is deter- The Braking Module can be monitored via a specially integrated
mined by the braking resistor used. electronics interface (X21). This can be linked into the Motor
Module control system.
Braking resistor 0.3 kW/25 kW → DC link capacitance 220 µF
The braking resistor housing contains a thermocontact for resis-
Braking resistor 1.5 kW/100 kW → DC link capacitance 330 µF tor monitoring which can be integrated in the warning or trip
The capacitance of the booksize format Braking Module of circuit of the Motor Module.
110 µF is included in the total capacitance value.
When booksize format Braking Modules are connected in pa-
rallel, the minimum capacitance specified above must be avai-
lable for each Braking Module.

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 5/17

Additional information
Calculation of braking unit and braking resistor require- Booksize format Capacitor Module
The Capacitor Module is used to increase the DC link capaci-
• For periodic duty cycles with a cycle duration of ≤ 90 s, the tance to bridge momentary power losses. If the DC link capaci-
average value of the braking power must be defined within tance is not sufficient for the use of one or a number of Braking
this duty cycle. The relevant cycle duration must be applied as Modules, each Capacitor Module used can increase this by
the time base. 4mF.
• For periodic duty cycles with a cycle duration of ≥ 90 s or for Booksize format Control Supply Module
sporadic braking operations, a time interval of 90 s in which
the highest average value occurs must be selected. The 90 s The Control Supply Module provides a 24 V DC power supply via
period must be applied as the time base. the line or DC link, in order to maintain the electronics power
supply for the components in the event of a line failure. This
Apart from the average braking power, the required peak bra- makes it possible, for example, to make emergency retraction
king power must also be taken into account when braking units movements in the event of the failure of the line supply.
are selected (Braking Module and braking resistor).
Basic data 10. Calculation of the current requirement for the 24 V DC
supply for the components and specification of power
supplies (SITOP devices, Control Supply Modules)
Line Power range Braking Braking Braking Braking
voltage Motor Module Module Module Module Line Modules, Motor Modules, Option Modules and other system
Modules Conti- Power Power Peak components must be provided with a 24 V DC voltage via an
nuous P40 P20 power electronics power supply made available externally or with
power P15
Control Supply Modules. Line Modules and Motor Modules have
integrated 24 V DC busbars for the 24 V DC voltage, and other
380 V to 110 kW to 25 kW 50 kW 100 kW 125 kW components have connection terminals.
480 V 132 kW
SITOP devices, which are available as a modular solution, are
160 kW to 50 kW 100 kW 200 kW 250 kW
800 kW
provided as the external 24 V DC electronics power supply.
660 V to 75 kW to 25 kW 50 kW 100 kW 125 kW The calculation is made using the following formula:
690 V 132 kW
160 kW to 50 kW 100 kW 200 kW 250 kW
Σ [CU320 + TB30 + CBC10 + Line Module +
1200 kW Σ (Motor Modules + SMCxx + motor braking signal)]
The other system components (e.g. line contactor) must also be
taken into account.
The power consumption of individual components can be found
P/P 20 in the relevant technical data.
Limit values for the configuration:
1.50 • The current-carrying capacity of the integrated 24 V DC

5 1.25 P 15
busbar (features only in booksize format) is max. 20 A.
• In the event of higher current requirements, a number of 24 V

1.00 P 20 DC power supplies must be provided in one drive group. The

other infeeds are implemented by means of 24 V terminal
0.75 adapters (booksize format only).
0.50 P 40 • Cable cross sections of up to 2.5 mm² may be connected to
P DB the Control Unit, Terminal Boards, Terminal Modules and
0.25 Sensor Modules.
• Cable cross sections of up to 6 mm² may be connected to the
10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 s 100 t 24 V terminal adapters (booksize format only) for the Line
Modules and Motor Modules.
• The external 24 V DC power supply should only be used for
P DB = Permanent braking power
the SINAMICS components and the direct loads.
P 15 = 5 x P DB = Output which is permissible every 90 s for 15 s
P 20 = 4 x P DB = Output which is permissible every 90 s for 20 s
P 40 = 2 x P DB = Output which is permissible every 90 s for 40 s

Load diagram

5/18 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

Additional information
11. Specification of components for connection system 12. Configuration of drive group components
To complete the drive system, components such as motors and A SINAMICS S drive group comprises a Line Module, Motor
encoders must be connected to it via cables. Modules, DC link components, a Control Unit, and the optional
expansion modules.
On motors with DRIVE-CLiQ interface, the 24 V DC power supply
is provided via the DRIVE-CLiQ cables. On all other Sensor The following criteria must be taken into account when a drive
Modules, a separate 24 V DC power supply must be provided. group of booksize format units is configured:
• The Line Module must always be located on the left as the first
(1) module.
• Only one Line Module is permitted in each drive group.

• A number of drive groups must be configured for power
Motor with SMC
DRIVE-CLiQ supplies which cannot be provided by the highest rating.
• The Motor Modules must be located next to the Line Module
CU320 Line Motor Motor
Module Module Module in descending rated current order from left to right (highest
(3) rated current on the left, lowest rated current on the right). Due
to the increased currents, Motor Modules with 300 mm (11.81
in) width housings have DC link busbars with increased cross
section. Within the drive group, it must be ensured that the DC
link busbars meet the current-carrying capacity requirements
for the connected Motor Modules.
Drive system connection system
• DC link adapters can be used for surface mounting a number
of components.
Legend Cable Description
• The drive groups should be configured so that the total length
(1) DRIVE-CLiQ cables Standard cables for cabinet-internal of all power cables for the motor cables and the line cable in
configuration without 24 V cores
each individual group, which should preferably be shielded, is
(2) DRIVE-CLiQ MOTION-CONNECT 500 shielded ≤ 350 m (1149 ft).
MOTION-CONNECT cables with 24 V cores for fixed
500/800 cables installation (e.g. in the cable duct), Additional criteria for the use of the Braking Module:
and MOTION-CONNECT 800 for • The Braking Module is usually located on the right, next to the
flexible installation (e.g. in cable smallest Motor Module. This is particularly important in cases
in which the drive group comprises a number of very similar
(3) MOTION-CONNECT Suitable for the measuring system in Motor Modules.
500/800 signal question; in versions MOTION-
cables CONNECT 500 shielded cables for • In the event of imbalanced power distribution, e.g. if high-
fixed installation (e.g. in the cable power Motor Modules are being used in conjunction with low-
duct), power Motor Modules, the Braking Module must be installed
and MOTION-CONNECT 800 for between the Motor Modules whose power ratings differ the
flexible installation (e.g. in cable most, as the cross sections of the DC link busbars will vary in

carriers) terms of dimensions due to the current-carrying capacity of
(4) MOTION-CONNECT MOTION-CONNECT 500 shielded the integrated DC link busbars.
500/800 power motor cables for fixed installation
cables (e.g. in the cable duct),
and MOTION-CONNECT 800 for Line Motor Modules Braking Capacitor Control Supply
flexible installation (e.g. in cable Module Module Module Module

DRIVE-CLiQ cables are available in various designs and lengths

(see connection system).

The required bending radii apply particularly to short cables. In

addition to the distance between the two DRIVE-CLiQ sockets to
be connected by the cable, a cable length of at least 60 mm
(2.36 in) must be allowed for the bending radii.
Unused DRIVE-CLiQ sockets can be protected with a blanking
plug. Suitable blanking plugs are available, e.g. from YAMAICHI,
order no.: Y-ConAS-13,
High Low
power power

Power-oriented arrangement of booksize format Motor Modules

• The Control Unit configuration is flexible. The following confi-

guration options are possible:
- "docking" on the left-hand side of the Line Module
- direct mounting next to the drive group on a mounting plate
- mounting in other cabinet areas, taking the permissible
DRIVE-CLiQ cable lengths into account

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 5/19

Additional information
The following criteria must be taken into account when a 13. Required cable cross sections for power supply and
drive group of chassis format units is configured: motor connections
• Depending on the required Motor Modules, the Line Module The use of three-wire three-phase cables is always recommen-
must be positioned centrally. ded, and parallel connection of such cables if necessary. There
• Only one Line Module can be used in a drive group. are two main reasons for this:
• The Motor Modules must be positioned to the left or right of the • It is only possible to achieve the high IP54 degree of protec-
Line Module with decreasing rated currents (i.e. the Motor tion and better for the motor terminal box without problem in
Module with the highest rated current is positioned next to the this manner since the cable inlet to the terminal box is via
Line Module on the left or right, while the Motor Module with screwed glands and the number of screwed glands possible
the lowest rated current is at the end). When laying the cables is limited by the geometry of the terminal box. Single cables
or busbar for the DC link, you must ensure that the cable/ are less appropriate for this.
busbar is compatible with the current-carrying capacity of all • In the case of three-phase cables, the total electric loading via
the connected Motor Modules. the cable outer diameter is zero, and they can be routed
without any problem in (conducting) cable ducts or racks
without the generation of any induced currents (earth or lea-
DC interface kage currents) worth mentioning in these conducting connec-
tions. The danger of induced leakage currents and thus in-
creased cable sheath losses is greater with single conduc-
The required cable cross section depends on the current to be

transmitted in the cable. The permissible current loading of

cables is defined e.g. in DIN VDE 0298 Part 2/DIN VDE 0276-
1000. It depends on ambient conditions such as the tempera-
ture, but also on the type of routing.
Active Active
Motor Motor Infeed Interface Line Motor Motor Motor Individual routing of cables guarantees relatively good cooling.
Module Module Module Module Module Module Module When routing several cables together, it should be remembered
that these can heat each other up and that the ventilation is
therefore much poorer. Reference should be made to the
Low High High Low corresponding reduction factors for such conditions as speci-
power power power power fied in DIN VDE 0298 Part 2/DIN VDE 0276-1000. With an am-
bient temperature of 40 °C (104 °F), the cross sections of cop-
per cables can be based on the following table.
Current loading according to DIN VDE 0298 Part 2 at 40 °C (104 °F)
Cross section of With individual With several cables on
3-wire cables routing a common cable rack
mm2 A A
5 50 138 95
70 176 121
95 212 146
120 245 169
150 282 194
185 323 222
240 380 261
300 418 289

With higher currents, cables must be connected in parallel.

5/20 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

Additional information
14. Mandatory minimum installation clearances Ventilation clearances for chassis format components


Mounting surface

(9.84 in)
250 mm
Used air

(3.15 in)
80 mm
Used air

Cool air
(3.15 in)
80 mm

Cool air

(5.91 in)
150 mm
Cool air

Ventilation clearances for booksize format components Basic Line Modules

Mounting surface
(1.97 in)
50 mm

Used air

(1.97 in)
50 mm

Cool air

Ventilation clearances for Sensor Modules and Terminal Modules

• When mounted on the wall, line reactors and line filters require
a ventilation space of 100 mm (3.94 in) above and below re-

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 5/21

Additional information

G_D211_EN_00024 G_D211_EN_00026

250 mm
(9.84 in)
Used air Used air

(9.84 in)
250 mm
Used air

Cool air Cool air

(5.91 in)

(5.91 in)
150 mm

150 mm
Cool air Cool air

Active Interface Modules types FI and GI Active Line Modules types FX and GX

G_D211_EN_00025 G_D211_EN_00027

250 mm
(9.84 in)
Used air
(9.84 in)
250 mm

Used air

Cool air

Cool air
150 mm
(5.9 in)

Cool air

Active Interface Modules types HI and JI Active Line Modules types HI and JI
Motor Modules types HX and JX

5/22 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 Seite 23 Montag, 8. August 2005 10:08 10

Additional information
15. Control properties
Typical control properties
The percentage figures refer to the rated speed or rated torque
of the motor.
The values have been calculated on the basis of Siemens 1PH7
and 1PL6 motors with optimized controller setting and active
pre-control function (sensorless operation).
The values apply for a current controller clock cycle of
250 µs/speed controller clock cycle of 1000 µs.

Operating mode
V/f characteristic Vector Control Speed control Torque control
(sensorless) (with encoder) (with and without
Maximum output frequency 300 Hz 300 Hz or 5 × motor rated 300 Hz or 5 × motor rated 300 Hz or 5 × motor rated
(frequency resolution 0.001 Hz) frequency frequency frequency
Speed precision determined purely by
(10 s average) accuracy of encoder. Pre-
cision for HTL/TTL pulse
• when n < 2% fslip fslip encoder with 1024 S/R: typ.
• when n > 10% 0,2 × fslip1) 0,05 × fslip2) 0.001%
Speed rise time approx. 25 ms 11 ms to 15 ms 3)
Speed controller limit frequency 120 Hz 4)
Torque linearity when n > 10% < 1%
• in constant flux range < 3% < 3% < 3%
• in field-weakening range < 5% < 5% < 5%
to 2 × motor rated frequency
Torque rise time approx. 1 ms approx. 1 ms approx. 1 ms

The selected pulse frequency determines the maximum per-

missible output frequency. Remember that certain system com-
Typical slip values fslip of standard asynchronous motors: ponents such as sinusoidal filters and motor reactors determine
Motor output fslip the pulse frequency or maximum possible output frequency.
kW (HP) % Pulse frequency Max. output frequency
1 (1.3)
10 (13)
30 (40) 2 2 160
100 (134) 1 2,5 200
> 500 (670) 0,5 4 300
5 300
6 300
8 300
12 300
16 300

Pulse frequency always 4 kHz with sinusoidal filter.

Max. output frequency 150 Hz with motor reactor.

1) With active slip compensation and following motor identification run.

2) Applies only to motors with integrated temperature sensor (KTY84)
and active temperature evaluation.
3) Speed rise time 2.1 ms with internal acceleration pre-control.
4) Speed controller limit frequency 240 Hz with internal acceleration

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 5/23

Additional information
Configuration example

■ Test stand
The intended application is a test stand for the development of Since the acceleration time range is < 60 s, the infeed need only
manually shifted transmissions and differentials in the automo- be dimensioned for the drive and test specimen losses
tive industry. While the combustion engine is substituted by a 130 kW × (1– (0.9 × 0.95)) = 18.85 kW. However, since a maxi-
drive operating in motor mode, the load on the drive axes is si- mum of 45 kW of regenerative enery can be recovered to the
mulated by two electric machines operating as generators. supply when a descent is simulated, the regenerative power is a
factor in the design of the infeed.
Load machine For this reason, an Active Line Module with order number
(right front wheel) 6SL3130-7TE25-5AA1 must be selected as the infeed unit.
Outputs of 130 kW (combustion engine) and 120 kW per drive
(load simulation) are needed for the three electric drives.
Three Motor Modules of 132 kW each are selected:
Combustion The application is implemented by a combination of booksize
engine Differential and chassis units. A DC link adapter is therefore required.
Gear unit


Load machine
(left front wheel)

The operating principle of the test stand is best served by a

multi-axis drive system. While the electric drive for the combus- Control Active Motor Motor Motor
Unit Line Module Module Module
tion engine operates only in motor mode, the two load machines

work predominantly as generators, i.e. energy is exchanged via CU320
the shared DC link which means that the line side need only
supply the drive losses and the additional current required for TM31
acceleration. The maximum motor output required to simulate
the combustion engine is 130 kW. The efficiency of the electric
drives is 90% in total. Allowance must also be made for about SMC30 SMC30 SMC30
95% losses in the manually shifted transmissions and differenti-
als. An output of about 35 kW must be calculated for accelera-
tion processes in the range of maximum 30 s. If a descent is Wiring of DRIVE-CLiQ components

5 simulated, then up to 45 kW of electrical energy can be regene-

rated to the supply system. The fact that the locking and spin-
ning of wheels on slippery road surfaces will be simulated must
be taken into account in the design of the load machines. To
meet these requirements, the rated output of the load machines
must be selected as 120 kW per machine.

5/24 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005

Additional information
Configuration example
The following SINAMICS S120 components are used:
Description Comments Quantity Order No.
CU320 Control Unit The CU320 performs the control functions for the Active Line Module 1 6SL3040-0MA00-0AA1
without CompactFlash card and the three connected asynchronous machines. The communication
link to the test stand personnel is provided by an additional interface
CompactFlash card with The performance required has already been determined. An alternative 1 6SL3054-0AA01-1AA0
performance extension 1 would be the CompactFlash card without firmware options
firmware option (6SL3054-0AA00-1AA0) and the license firmware option performance
extension 1 (6SL3074-0AA01-0AA0).
Line filter and line reactor The line filter works with the line reactor to limit the conducted interfe- 1 6SL3000-0FE25-5AA0
for Active Line Modules rence emanating from the power modules to the values permissible for
industrial environments. The line reactor also stores the energy required
by the Active Line Module in step-up converter mode (600 V DC
DC link).
Active Line Module 55 kW The Active Line Module allows the test stand to operate in four-quadrant 1 6SL3130-7TE25-5AA1
mode which means that the drives can operate as either motors or
DC link supply adapter An additional adapter is required to link the booksize format Active Line 1 6SL3162-2BM00-0AA0
Module to the chassis format Motor Modules.
Single Motor Module An electric motor supplied by the Motor Module will simulate the com- 1 6SL3320-1TE32-6AA0
bustion engine. In this case, the Motor Module will always operate in
motor mode except in very rare cases.
Single Motor Module In order to load the transmission under realistic road traffic conditions, 2 6SL3320-1TE32-6AA0
the road is simulated by an electric motor. The electric motor is supplied
by the Motor Module. In this case, the Motor Module operates primarily
in generator mode.
SMC30 Sensor Module In order to acquire exact data about the transmission and coupled diffe- 3 6SL3055-0AA0-5CA0
Cabinet-Mounted rential, the motors are equipped with pulse encoders and the speed
(without DRIVE-CLiQ cable) measured via the SMC30.
TM31 Terminal Module The transmission test stand is operated locally by means of an operator 1 6SL3055-0AA00-3AA0
(without DRIVE-CLiQ cable) panel. The communication link is provided by the TM31 Terminal
Pre-assembled DRIVE-CLiQ cable Communication link between the CU320 and the Active Line Module: 1 6SL3060-4AW00-0AA0
1.2 m (3.94 ft). The link between the Active Line Module and the Single
Motor Modules is provided by the DRIVE-CLiQ cables supplied with the
Motor Modules.

Pre-assembled DRIVE-CLiQ cable Communication link between the CU320 and the TM31 Terminal 1 6SL3060-4AA10-0AA0
Module: 0.95 m (3.12 ft).
Pre-assembled DRIVE-CLiQ cable Communication link between the Single Motor Module and the SMC30 3 6SL3060-4AA10-0AA0
Sensor Module Cabinet-Mounted: 0.95 m (3.12 ft).
SITOP 20 A power supply The total power required (24 V DC) by the SINAMICS components 1 6EP1436-3BA00
amounts to 7.8 A. Individual requirements are as follows:
CU320: 0.8 A
Active Line Module 55 kW: 1.9 A
3 × Motor Module 132 kW: 3 × 0.8 A
TM31 Terminal Module including load on digital outputs: 0.9 A
3 × SMC30 Sensor Module Cabinet-Mounted: 3 × 0.6 A.

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 5/25

Additional information

5/26 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 Seite 1 Dienstag, 16. August 2005 2:54 14

and documentation

6/2 Applications
6/2 Application centers
6/2 Application advice and
6/2 On-site application training

6/3 Training
6/4 Training package for the SINAMICS
S120 drive system
6/5 SINAMICS S120 training
6/7 Training case
6/7 SINAMICS S120 training case
6/8 ASM asynchronous motor training

6/9 Service & Support

6/10 Documentation

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 Seite 2 Dienstag, 16. August 2005 2:56 14

Additional information
Services and documentation

■ Overview
Application advice and implementation
In order to help you work out the optimum solution for the
SIMOTION/SINAMICS application you wish to implement, we
offer a variety of consultancy services:
As part of our quotation service, we
• clarify technical questions
• discuss machine designs and customized solutions
• help you select the appropriate technology
• work out proposals for implementing the application
A technical feasibility study is performed at the outset. In this
way, we can identify any "glitches" at an early stage and elimi-
nate them. If you wish, we can configure and implement your
application as a complete system (including control cubicle)
from one source.
Reference can be made to a host of proven standards at the
implementation stage, helping to cut engineering costs.
At your request, commissioning support can be provided by ex-
perienced, competent personnel, helping to save your time and
We can provide you with servicing assistance on site or via a
teleservice line. For further information about servicing, please
Our understanding of an application is the customer-specific so- look under "Service and Support".
lution of a motion control task based on standard hardware and
On-site application training
software components. In this respect, our industry knowledge
and technological expertise are just as important as expert Training courses on the implemented applications can be orga-
knowledge about how our products and systems work. We are nized and held on site. This training is not limited to teaching ma-
setting ourselves this challenge with more than 120 application chine manufacturers and their customers about individual pro-
engineers at 12 locations in 7 countries in various parts of the ducts, but focuses on the hardware and software of the system
world. as a whole (e.g. automation, drives and visualization).
Application centers From initial concept to successfully commissioned system: We
will support you all the way with your SIMOTION/SINAMICS pro-
We currently have application centers in: duct! Please contact your local Siemens representative.
• Germany: Chemnitz, Erlangen, Cologne, Mannheim, Stuttgart
For further information, please go to:
• Italy: Bologna, Milan
• USA: Atlanta
• China: Beijing
• France: Paris
• Turkey: Istanbul
• India: Mumbai
Further application centers are coming soon.

6 These application centers specialize in the use of SIMOTION/

SINAMICS. They can provide skilled motion control specialists to
help you set up successful concepts. By involving your person-
nel at an early stage in the process, we can provide a solid basis
for rapid knowledge transfer, maintenance and further develop-
ment of your motion control solution.

6/2 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 Seite 3 Freitag, 5. August 2005 8:19 08

Additional information
Services and documentation
The ideal combination: Blended learning
■ Overview
Blended learning combines a variety of teaching media and se-
quences. For example, a participant-based course in a training
center can be ideally combined with self-teach programs prior
to or following completion. SITRAIN also uses moderated online
learning to provide training live on the Internet at agreed times.
The combination is the key, because blended learning is
able to communicate complex subjects and transfer know-
ledge on a networked basis. Additional benefit: Travel ex-
penses and downtimes are reduced as training is no longer
restricted to a specific time and place.
The international learning portal
Additional information is available on the Internet under:
All your learning options at a glance! Take your time to browse
our international training package, call up all course dates
online, use the available places indicator (updated daily) - and
apply directly.
Alternatively, contact us directly for personal advice:
Training Office, Infoline Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 18 05 23- 56 11
Fax: +49 (0) 18 05 23 – 56 12
Training Office, US
Because training is the key to your success Phone: +1 800 241 4453
[email protected]
SITRAIN ® – Siemens training for automation and industrial so-
lutions – will be constantly by your side to help you find solutions ... and request a copy of our latest training catalog:
for your tasks. Language Order No.
With training provided by the market leader in automation, plant ITC Catalog German E86060-K6850-A101-B5
installation and support, you can have complete confidence in (paper version)
any decisions you make, in particular concerning the optimum
List of dates and prices German E86060-P6850-A101-C9
use of products and the efficient running of systems. You can including CD-ROM
rectify deficits in existing systems and rule out expensive
planning errors right from the start. Interactive training infor- English/ E86060-D6850-A100-C2-7400
mation system SITRAIN German
All in all, this is a massive plus for your company, as you will on CD-ROM
benefit in terms of shorter start-up times, optimized plant
Overview of training English/ E86060-K6899-A101-B4-7400
sections, faster troubleshooting and reduced downtimes. worldwide German
The result? Profits go up and costs come down.
7 Top trainers

Our trainers are skilled specialists with extensive experience of

training provision. The designers of our courses are directly in-
volved in product development and forward their knowledge di-
rectly to our trainers.
7 A firm basis in practice
As our trainers have direct experience of practical applications,
they are able to render their theoretical knowledge with real plau-
sibility. However, as we all know that any theory has its gray
areas, we prioritize practical exercises, and allocate up to half of
the course program to them. This means that you can apply what
you have learned immediately in everyday activities. We use
state-of-the-art customized training equipment. Once you have
completed your training with us, you will feel ready for anything.
7 Training variety
With a total of some 300 participant-based courses, we can pro-
vide training for the entire range of products and a large number
of system solutions. Remote learning services, self-teach soft-
ware and moderated online seminars complement our traditional
training offer.
7 Customer proximity

We are never very far away. We have approximately 60 locations

in Germany and a presence in 62 countries all over the world.
Would you prefer individual training to taking part in one of our
300 courses? Our solution: We can customize our program to
meet your personal requirements. Training takes place in our
training centers or on your site.

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 6/3 Seite 4 Dienstag, 26. Juli 2005 11:46 11

Additional information
Services and documentation

■ Design
Training package for the SINAMICS S120 drive system The planning course provides all the information you need to set
up the drive system.
This provides an overview of the training available for the
SINAMICS S120 drive system. The basic and follow-up courses are sure to provide all the tech-
nical knowledge service engineers will need for servicing/star-
The courses are modular in design and are intended for a variety ting up motion control applications, communication and cabinet-
of target groups as well as individual customer requirements. mounted units.
The system overview will acquaint decision-makers and sales All modules contain as many practical exercises as possible, in
personnel with the system very quickly. order to enable intensive and direct training on the drive system.

Title Target group Duration Course code

Decision- Project mana- Engineers, Start-up engi- Service Maintenance
makers, sales gers, mem- programmers neers, confi- engineers personnel
personnel bers of guring
project teams engineers
Basic courses
System overview
Service and commissioning
Motion Control
Follow-up course

6/4 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 Seite 5 Dienstag, 26. Juli 2005 11:46 11

Additional information
Services and documentation

■ Design (continued)
SINAMICS S120 training

Knowledge of electrical engineering; recommended: Drive Engineering for Beginners CD: SM-ANTREIN


Configuration System overview
DR-SNS-PRJ 5 days DR-SN-UEB 2 days
Basic courses

(1) (2)

Basic knowledge of SIMOTION
Basic knowledge of SIMATIC S7


Service, commissioning on SIMOTION and CPU 317T
DR-SNS-SI 5 days DR-SNS-MC 3 days

Prerequisite: Knowledge of
Advanced Curses

SINAMICS commissioning

For information on further For information on further
SINAMICS courses, see SITRAIN catalog courses, see SITRAIN catalog
Communication SINAMICS cabinet units SIMOTION: MC1

(1) For stand-alone applications with (2) For motion control solutions with
STARTER stand alone SIMATIC Technology with STARTER DriveES and T-Config

■ Function
SINAMICS system overview DR-SN-UEB Target group
(2 days)
Decision-makers and sales personnel
Description/Training objective
This course has been designed specifically for sales personnel
and decision-makers, who wish to obtain a streamlined overview
• SINAMICS system overview 6
of the SINAMICS drive concept as well as find out how it fits into • Integration into existing drive systems
the existing Siemens drive structure. • Fundamentals of converter technology and motors
The system overview is supplemented by basic information • SIZER configuration tool
about the motor and converter technology. • STARTER commissioning tool
The SIZER configuration tool and the STARTER commissioning • Simple commissioning of a drive
tool are presented and demonstrated using brief exercises. • Practical exercises on the training case

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 6/5 Seite 6 Dienstag, 26. Juli 2005 11:46 11

Additional information
Services and documentation

■ Function (continued)
SINAMICS S120 configuration course DR-SNS-PRJ SINAMICS S120 motion control DR-SNS-MC
(5 days) (3 days)
Description/Training objective Description/Training objective
The course is designed for design engineers, planning engi- The course is designed for users of SINAMICS S120 drives in
neers and sales personnel responsible for the configuration and conjunction with SIMOTION and/or SIMATIC T-CPU motion con-
planning of drive systems with SINAMICS S120. trol systems.
Building on the SINAMICS system overview, the fundamental in- The course starts with an introduction to the SIMOTION and
terrelationships for setting up a drive system are outlined. The SIMATIC T-CPU controllers and an overview of the
self-explanatory SIZER configuration tool is used to calculate va- SINAMICS S120 drive system in terms of hardware and docu-
rious applications of SINAMICS S120 and demonstrate them in mentation before describing the software functions, parameter
more detail by means of PC-based exercises. The technical do- structure and function charts for motion control applications. It
cumentation provides an overview of the parameter structure provides the technical knowledge required for commissioning,
and essential software functions. parameterization and troubleshooting.
The STARTER commissioning tool is used to demonstrate a Even more detailed information is provided in the form of practi-
simple commissioning application on the SINAMICS S120 trai- cal exercises on the training cases and the SCOUT, T-Config and
ning case. "STARTER integrated" commissioning tools.
Target group Target group
Configuring engineers, design engineers Start-up engineers and service engineers for motion control
• SINAMICS system overview Content
• Brief introduction to SIMOTION and SIMATIC T-CPU motion
• Range of motors for SINAMICS S120 control controllers using two examples
• Configuration of the SINAMICS S120 drive system and funda- • Overview of the SINAMICS S120 drive system
mentals • Starting up and parameterizing SINAMICS drives with the
• SIZER configuration tool with example layouts SCOUT and T-Config tools
• Description of the SINAMICS control structure for motion con-
• Technical documentation: Catalogs, Planning Guides, trol applications with DSC (dynamic servo control)
Operating Instructions • Parameterization, optimization and diagnostics with the inte-
• Overview of functions and parameters grated STARTER functions
• Simple commissioning with the STARTER commissioning tool • Practical exercises on the SIMOTION D, SINAMICS S120 and
SIMATIC training cases with T-CPU
SINAMICS S120 service/commissioning course
DR-SNS-SI (5 days) SINAMICS communication DR-SN-COM
(3 days)
Description/Training objective
Description/Training objective
This course provides basic training for the SINAMICS S120 drive
system. The course is designed for programmers and service engineers
who, having completed course DR-SNS-SI, required more ex-
It provides the technical knowledge required for commissioning, tensive knowledge about the PROFIBUS, RS232 for STARTER
parameterization and troubleshooting. and AOP30 communication interfaces as well as I/O terminals.
Starting with an overview of the drive system in terms of hard- The focal point of the course is PROFIBUS in the PROFIDrive V3
ware and documentation, the course progresses with extensive profile with routing, teleservice and the functions for equidistant
information about the software functions, parameter structure bus cycle, isochronous operation in servo applications and OP
and function charts for servo and vector control applications. direct access. The Drive ES SIMATIC libraries for cyclic and
6 Even more detailed information is provided in the form of practi-
cal exercises on the training cases and the STARTER commis-
acyclic data exchange are also described.
Even more detailed information is provided by means of practi-
sioning tool. cal exercises on the SINAMICS and SIMATIC S7 training cases
Target group with CPU 315-2 DP.

Start-up engineers and service engineers for general applica- Target group
tions Programmers, start-up engineers and service engineers
Content Content
• Structure of the drive system with brief basics • Overview of the PROFIBUS DP, RS232-PPI, CAN interfaces
• Overview of documentation and I/O terminals: function, topology, parameterization
• HW structure, cabling, user interfaces, EMC • Fundamentals of PROFIBUS in the PROFIDrive V3 profile
• Commissioning and parameterization with the STARTER • Basic functions on PROFIBUS: routing, teleservice and direct
commissioning tool access
• Open-loop and closed-loop control methods, as well as soft- • PROFIBUS for motion control with: equidistant bus cycle and
ware functions isochronous operation for servo control
• Parameter structure and function charts • Cyclic and acyclic data exchange with Drive ES SIMATIC
• Diagnostics and troubleshooting
• Fault diagnostics of the drive via the bus system
• Practical exercises on the training case
• Practical exercises on the SINAMICS S120 and SIMATIC S7
training cases with CPU 315-2 DP

6/6 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 Seite 7 Dienstag, 26. Juli 2005 11:46 11

Additional information
Services and documentation
SINAMICS S120 training case

■ Application ■ Technical data

SINAMICS S120 training case
Input voltages 230 V 1 AC
Degree of protection to IP00
DIN VDE 0470
Part 1/EN 60529/IEC 529
Dimensions (WxHxD) 320×650×330 mm
(12.6x25.59x12.99 in)
Weight, approx. 30 kg (66.2 lb)

■ Selection and ordering data

Order No.
SINAMICS S120 training case
with CU320, demo project on
CompactFlash card and
control box
• Single-axis version 6ZB2480-0AA00
with 1FK7 motor
• 2-axis version 6ZB2480-0BA00
with 1FK7 motors
Line adapter 6AG1064-1AA02-0AA0
115 V 1 AC/230 V 1 AC
Control box SINAMICS 6AG1064-1AA01-0AA0
The training case is used for training and acquisition of the (if ordered separately)
SINAMICS S120 drive system.
It can also be used for test purposes in the laboratory and as a ■ Further information
drive for the SIMOTION motion control system. The SIMOTION
D435 upgrade kit can be used to convert the SINAMICS S120 The SINAMICS S120 training case can be expanded by the
training case to a SIMOTION D training case. asynchronous motor training case as well as the
SIMOTION D435 upgrade kit (see Catalog PM 10).
■ Design
• Case optimized in terms of weight and volume
• Set up complete with transport wheels and ready for
• Supply voltage 230 V 1 AC or via line adapter 115 V 1 AC
• Regenerative feedback not possible
• Drive system comprising:
- CU320 Control Unit with TB30 Terminal Board
- Smart Line Module 5 kW (6.7 HP)
- Single/Double Motor Module 3 A
- 1 synchronous motor 1FK7022-5AK71-1AG3 with incremen-
tal encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp via Sensor Module Cabinet
- 1 synchronous motor 1FK7022-5AK71-1LG3 with 6
DRIVE-CLiQ interface: Absolute encoder EnDat 512 pul-
- Reference loops for position monitoring
• Control box for setpoint/actual-value linkage via terminals
• Prefabricated connection option for an external motor, e.g.,
asynchronous motor
The training case is supplied ready-to-use with a demo project
on the CompactFlash card and documentation.

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 6/7 Seite 8 Dienstag, 16. August 2005 3:07 15

Additional information
Services and documentation
ASM asynchronous motor training case

■ Application ■ Design
• Standard asynchronous motor 1LA7060-2AA10 with KTY tem-
perature sensor and HTL incremental encoder
• Sensor Module Cabinet-Mounted SMC30 for encoder connec-
tion via DRIVE-CLiQ
• 24 V DC connecting cable for SMC30
• External torque by means of controllable mechanical brake

■ Technical data
ASM training case
Input voltages 24 V DC
Degree of protection to IP00
DIN VDE 0470
Part 1/EN 60529/IEC 529
Dimensions (WxHxD) 377×210×277 mm
(14.84x8.27x10.91 in)
Weight, approx. 12 kg (26.5 lb)

■ Selection and ordering data

Order No.
ASM training case 6ZB2480-0CB00

The ASM training case is available as an add-on unit to the

SINAMICS S120 training case for applications with asynchro-
nous motors. Both training cases are used in combination for
training and acquisition of the SINAMICS S120 Vector Control
drive system and in conjunction with the AOP30 for simulation of
SINAMICS cabinet units.
It is also suitable for use for test purposes in the laboratory.

6/8 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 Seite 9 Dienstag, 26. Juli 2005 11:46 11

Additional information
Services and documentation
Service & Support

■ Technical Consulting
Support in the planning and ting on product and system
designing of your project from questions right to the creation
detailed actual-state analysis, of the automation solution. 1)
target definition and consul-

■ Optimization and Upgrading

To enhance productivity and offer high-quality services in
save costs in your project we optimization and upgrading. 1)

■ Configuration and Software Engineering

Support in configuring and de-
veloping with customer-oriented
services from actual configura-
In the face of harsh competition you need optimum conditions to
tion to implementation of the au-
keep ahead all the time:
tomation project. 1)
A strong starting position, asophisticated strategy and team for
the necessary support - in every phase.
Service & Support from Siemens provides this support with a
complete range of different services for automation and drives.
In every phase: from planning and startup to maintenance and
Our specialists know when and where to act to keep the produc-
tivity and cost-effectiveness of your system running in top form.
■ Service On Site
With Service On Site we offer
services for startup and mainte-
■ Online Support nance, essential for ensuring
The comprehensive information system availability.
system available round the
In Germany
clock via Internet ranging from
Phone: 0180 50 50 444 1)
Product Support and Service &
Support services to Support In the United States, call
Tools in the Shop. toll-free: Phone: +1 800 333 7421
In Canada, call:
Phone: +1 888 303 3353

■ Technical Support ■ Repairs and Spare Parts

In the operating phase of a ma-
Competent consulting in techni- chine or automation system we
cal questions covering a wide provide a comprehensive repair
range of customer-oriented ser- and spare parts service ensur-
vices for all our products and ing the highest degree of oper-
systems. ating safety and reliability.
Phone: +49 (0)180 50 50 222 In Germany
Fax: +49 (0)180 50 50 223 Phone: 0180 50 50 448 1)

[email protected] In the United States, call
Phone: +1 800 241 4453
In the United States, call
toll-free: In Canada, call:
Phone: +1 800 333 7421, Phone: +1 888 303 3353
Fax: +1 423 262 2200
■ SPARESonWeb - Online spare parts catalog
SPARESonWeb is a web-based
In Canada, call:
tool for selecting the spare parts
Phone: +1 888 303 3353
available for the SINAMICS sys-
E-Mail: [email protected]
tem. After you have registered
In Asia: and entered the serial number
Phone: +86 10 6475 7575, and order number, the spare
Fax: +86 10 6474 7474 parts available for the relevant
E-Mail: unit are displayed.
[email protected]
The delivery state for specific or-
ders can be displayed for all
shipped SINAMICS products.
1) For country-specific telephone numbers go to our Internet site at:

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 6/9 Seite 10 Dienstag, 26. Juli 2005 11:46 11

Additional information
Services and documentation

■ Overview
The documentation is clearly divided into a number of manuals. • List Manual
The manuals must be ordered separately (in the required lan- containing all parameters, function charts, and faults/war-
guage and quantities) from the actual equipment. nings for the product/system as well as their meanings and
setting options. It contains parameter data, descriptions of
Information is available in the following formats: faults/warnings and how they affect functions.
• Paper version, printed copy The List Manual is intended for use during the following pha-
• PDF file available on Internet as DOConWEB – application ses: commissioning of components that have already been
with ’search all documents’ function connected, configuration of system functions, fault cause/ diagnosis.
• Getting Started
The following manuals are available: providing information about getting started for the first-time
user as well as references to additional information. It contains
• Equipment Manual/Planning Guide information about the basic steps to be taken during commis-
containing all necessary information about the intended use of sioning. For more advanced operations, see the information in
the components of a system, e.g., technical data, interfaces, other documentation.
dimension drawings, characteristics and possible applica- Getting Started is intended for use during the following pha-
tions. ses: commissioning of components that have already been
The Equipment Manual/Planning Guide is intended for use du- connected.
ring the following phases: Cabinet configuration/setup, circuit
diagram configuration/drawing. • Function Manual Drive Functions
containing all the relevant information about individual drive
• Commissioning Manual functions: Description, commissioning and integration in the
containing all information relevant to commissioning after in- drive system.
stallation and wiring. It also contains all safety and warning The Function Manual is intended for use during the following
notices relevant to commissioning in addition to overview dra- phases: commissioning of components that have already
wings. been connected, configuration of system functions.
The Commissioning Manual is intended for use during the
following phases: commissioning of components that have al- • DOConCD
ready been connected, configuration of system functions. DOConCD is a CD-ROM containing manufacturer and service
documentation for the SINAMICS motors and drive systems.
For further information about the availability of publications, go
to and select pages
→ Support → Technical Documentation → Publications-

■ Selection and ordering data

Ordering data Order No.
German edition English edition
Equipment Manual for Control Units and Additional System 6SL3097-2AH00-0AP1 6SL3097-2AH00-0BP1
Equipment Manual for Booksize Power Sections 6SL3097-2AC00-0AP1 6SL3097-2AC00-0BP1
Equipment Manual for Chassis Power Sections 6SL3097-2AE00-0AP0 6SL3097-2AE00-0BP0
Installation and Start-Up Manual 6SL3097-2AF00-0AP2 6SL3097-2AF00-0BP2
SINAMICS S List Manual 6SL3097-2AP00-0AP2 6SL3097-2AP00-0BP2

6 Getting Started
Function Manual Drive Functions
DOConCD, The SINAMICS System (German/English) 6SL3097-2CA00-0YG1
Planning Guide for 1PH7 Motors 6SN1197-0AC65-0AP1 6SN1197-0AC65-0BP1
Planning Guide for 1PL6 Motors 6SN1197-0AC67-0AP0 6SN1197-0AC67-0BP0
The SINAMICS S List Manual and the Motor Planning Guides are also available
in the following languages:
French: ...-0DP.
Italian: ...-0CP.
Spanish: ...-0EP.
Replace the third-last letter in the order number with the corresponding letter.

6/10 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 Seite 1 Freitag, 29. Juli 2005 10:17 10


7/2 Glossary

7/8 Siemens contacts worlwide

7/9 A&D Online Services

7/9 A&D in the WWW
7/9 Product Selection using the
Interactive Catalog
7/9 Easy Shopping with the A&D Mall

7/10 Index of order numbers

7/12 Subject index

7/13 Conversion tables

7/15 Terms and conditions of sale

and delivery

7/15 Export regulations

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 Seite 2 Donnerstag, 4. August 2005 11:19 11

Additional information
Absolute encoder Automatic restart
After switching on the power supply voltage, this position en- Upon power recovery after a mains failure, the "automatic re-
coder immediately provides the position of the drives as an ab- start" function switches a converter automatically ON without re-
solute actual value. For single-turn encoders, the detection quiring an acknowledgement of the power failure error. The au-
range is one turn, whereas multi-turn encoders have a detection tomatic restart function e. g. minimizes drive standstill times and
range of several turns (a typical number is e. g. 4096 turns). If an production failures.
absolute encoder is used as position encoder, no homing proce-
dure is required after the switch-on and the reference switch However, operators must be aware of the danger situation which
(e. g. BERO) which could normally be required is not necessary can occur when a drive recovers automatically after a longer
in this case. power failure period without any operator action. If required, safe
behavior in such a danger situation must be ensured by external
There are rotary and linear absolute encoders. control actions (e. g. withdrawal of the ON command).
Example of an absolute encoder: Typical applications of the automatic restart: Pump/fan/com-
pressor drives working as single drives and often do not provide
1FK and 1FT6 motors can be delivered with integrated multi-turn local control options.The automatic restart function is not used
absolute encoders with 2048 sinusoidal/cosinusoidal signals for coordinated drives for continuous material webs and motion
per turn, 4096 turns absolute and → "EnDat protocol". control.
The following variants of this function can be set by means of pa-
Active Infeed rameters for SINAMICS:
Overall functionality of an infeed with → "Active Line Module" in- • restart after a power failure if the 24 V electronic suppply does
cluding the required additional components (filters, switching not yet exist
devices, computing power portion of a → "Control Unit", voltage
detection, etc.). • restart after a failure of the 24 V electronic supply
• restart after any shut down on fault
For cabinet-mounted units, a → "Motor Module" can be used in-
stead of the → "Active Line Module". The following actions can be specified via parameters:
• only acknowledgement of the mains failure message (e. g. for
Active Interface Module multi-motor drives, DC compound)
• ON command upon expiry of the parameterized delay time
This module includes the line-side components required for
an → "Active Line Module" like for example the pre-charging cir- • ON command with flying restart
cuit (pre-charging contactors and buffer protection). The number of possible restart trials within a parameterizable
time can be specified.
Active Line Module It is also possible to activate the → "flying restart" function in ad-
This controlled, self-commutating feed/feedback unit (with IGBTs dition to the automatic restart function to ensure a bumpless
infeed/feedback device) supplies a constant DC link voltage for switching to a motor which perhaps still rotates.
the → "Motor Modules". The Active Line Module co-operates with
the → "line reactor" as a step-up converter. Basic Line Module
Unregulated line infeed unit (diode bridge or thyristor bridge,
Asynchronous (induction) motor without power feedback to the line) for rectifying the line voltage
The asynchronous (induction) motor is an AC motor whose of the → "DC link".
speed runs "behind" the synchronous speed. Asynchronous mo-
tors can be connected to the three-phase system either directly Booksize
in a star or delta connection or via a converter. In combination
with a converter, the asynchronous motor becomes a "variable- Book-shape construction type of the components of a drive
speed drive system". group appropriate for back-mounting. Designed primarily for
multi-motor operation.
Further, generally used terms: Squirrel-cage induction motor,
squirrel-cage motor.
Braking control
See → "synchronous motor"
Software function specifying the instant when an existing me-
chanical holding brake or operational brake hass to be applied,
either within the framework of a load cycle in the case of a mo-
mentary standstill in the case of a fault.

7/2 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 Seite 3 Freitag, 5. August 2005 8:23 08

Additional information
Braking Module Control Supply Module
Electronic switch or chopper (brake chopper) which connects a 24 V power supply module for the electronic circuitry of compo-
→ "braking resistor" with a specific pulse/pause ratio to the DC nents in a SINAMICS drive line-up.
link voltage to convert regenerative (braking) energy to heat
energy and to finally restrict the DC link voltage to permissible The Control Supply Module is supplied via two inputs: the inco-
values. For SINAMICS, no braking resistor is incorporated in the ming supply and the → "DC link". The DC link connection ensu-
braking module, but must be mounted outside the braking res that the electronics power supply is buffered in the event of
module. a power failure or voltage dip, thereby enabling emergency re-
traction and kinetic buffering.

Braking power
Control Unit
Regenerative power injected into the → "DC link" by one or
several → "Motor Modules", e. g. when lowering a load or dece- Central control module: The feedforward and feedback control
lerating a motor. functions for several SINAMICS → "Line Modules"
and/or → "Motor Modules" are implemented in this module.
See → "braking resistor"
DC link
Braking resistor
The component of the converter (or converter system) that con-
Resistor which reduces the excess energy in the → "DC link". nects the input converter (rectifier) and the output converter
The resistor is connected to a → "Braking Module". In this way, (one or more converters).
the resulting thermal loss is displaced outside the cabinet.
With voltage source DC link converters like SINAMICS, a con-
See → "braking power" stant DC voltage is present in the DC link (rectified line voltage).

CAN bus Direct position sensing system

The acronym CAN stands for "Controller Area Network". CAN is Position encoder which is directly connected to the moved ma-
a serial bus system in accordance with ISO 11898. CAN was chine component ( → "external encoder") and the correspon-
originally developed for applications in automotive engineering ding evaluation electronics. In the case of linear axes, it is also
(ISO 11519-1) but has established itself in other fields, e. g. in possible to use linear scales for this purpose.
applications on textile and film machinery. A range of device pro-
files was defined in → "CANopen" for CAN applications in indus- In many cases, a direct position sensing system must be used
trial automation, in order to standardize communication at appli- because the → "motor encoder" for position sensing and con-
cation level. trolling does not suit this purpose, e. g. as the elasticities and
backlash in the drive are too important.

Double Motor Module
CANopen is an expansion of the → "CAN bus" for standardized
communication for various types of automation devices at appli- Two motors (two axis) can be connected to and operated with a
cation level. Double Motor Module.
See → "Motor Module", → "Single Motor Module"
Chassis can be incorporated in a cabinet. DRIVE-CLiQ
Abbreviation of "Drive Component Link with IQ".
Command data set Communication system for connecting the various components
Parameter data set consisting of the binary inputs (e. g. for con- of a SINAMICS drive system, such as the → "Control Unit",
trol commands) and the connector inputs (e. g. for setpoints). the → "Line Modules", the → "Motor Modules", the → "motors"
and the speed/position encoders.
The individual data sets are represented as indexed parameters.
The changeover is performed via input signals. The DRIVE-CLiQ hardware is based on the Industrial Ethernet
standard and uses twisted-pair lines. The DRIVE-CLiQ line pro-
The appropriate parameterization of several command data sets vides the transmit and receive signals and also the +24 V power
and the changeover of the data sets allows to optionally operate supply.
the drive with different preconfigured signal sources.
Drive system
CompactFlash card
A drive system includes all components of a family of products
Memory card for non-volatile storing of the drive software and of (e. g. SINAMICS) belonging to a drive. A drive system includes
the corresponding parameters. The memory card can be components such as → "Line Modules", → "Motor
plugged in the → "Control Unit" from outside. Modules", → "encoders", → "motors", → "Terminal Modules" and
→ "Sensor Modules" as well as complementary components 7
such as reactors, filters or lines.

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 7/3 Seite 4 Freitag, 5. August 2005 8:23 08

Additional information
Droop EnDat protocol
Droop involves making the speed controller artificially "soft" by Serial transmission protocol for transmitting position/angular ac-
entering an adjustable percentage of the speed controller output tual values from an → "absolute encoder" to the drive or positio-
signal with negative sign at the speed controller input. This ning control. The EnDat protocol also allows parameterization
means that the speed is slightly reduced at higher load torques. and diagnostics of the encoder.
The droop function is used to reduce the response to load
surges and for certain variations of load sharing control for
drives which are coupled with one another through a continuous External encoder
material web. The I component or the summed output signal can Position encoder that is not built into or mounted on
be used as speed output signal. The droop can be switched-in the → "motor", but is built on externally via a mechanical trans-
and switched-out using a control command. mission element or a mechanical intermediate element. The ex-
ternal encoder is used for direct position detection.
Dynamic Servo Control
Dynamic Servo Control (DSC) allows the position actual value to Fault buffer
be evaluated in a fast speed control clock cycle directly in the Once a fault has occurred, the drive enters it in a fault buffer. The
drive. The position reference value (position setpoint) is entered fault buffer can be read out via parameters.
in the position controller clock cycle from the higher-level control
via the isochronous → "PROFIBUS" with → "PROFIdrive" tele-
grams. Field weakening

Using DSC, optimum dynamic response of the position control The term field weakening designates the reduction of the mag-
loop can be achieved with low associated impact on the bus netizing current of an electric motor to further increase the speed
bandwidth. This is achieved by using sophisticated signal filte- upon reaching the rated current.
ring and pre-control.
DSC allows high control gains to be achieved and therefore a Flexible response
high level of stiffness - for instance to quickly compensate and With this function, the converter can be operated even in case of
correct load-related track/path deviations. a voltage dip up to a minimum DC link voltage of approx. 50 %
of the rated value (or of the parameterized line supply voltage
Edge modulation value). In case of a voltage dip, the maximum output power of
the converter decreases analogous to the current supply vol-
Type of modulation for a drive converter gating unit, where the tage.
pulses "chopped" from the DC link voltage, do not appear in a
fixed time grid. The edges of the output voltage which is gene- In contrast to the → "kinetic buffering", a significant speed de-
rated is formed by several short pulses in the surrounding of the crease can be avoided as long as the remaining power is suffi-
zero crossing - while a wide pulse is generated at the center of cient for operating the drive with the required torque.
every half wave. This allows a high output voltage roughly ap-
proximating to 100% of the line supply voltage and therefore en- Flying measurement
suring good motor utilization.
When a hardware signal is received, the instantaneous position
actual value is saved and, for example, is made available via
Electronic rating plate PROFIBUS. The hardware signal can, for instance, be received
Each component of the SINAMICS drive systems which is con- from a measuring probe or a print index sensor (mechanical
nected via → "DRIVE-CLiQ" has an electronic rating plate. switch, BERO proximity switch or optical sensor). The active
edge of the hardware signal can be parameterized (rising,
This plate can be read out via the → "STARTER" commissioning falling, or both).
tool and provides the following information: Type, order number,
version, manufacturer, serial number and rated technical data.
Flying restart
Encoder After power on, the flying restart function starts automatically a
converter into the perhaps coasting motor. For the connection to
An encoder is a measuring system capturing actual values for the rotating motor, a magnetizing has to be performed first if an
the speed and/or angular/position values and provides them for → "asynchronous (induction) motor" is used. For drives without
electronic processing. Depending on the mechanical construc- encoders, an additional speed search of the current speed is
tion, encoders can be incorporated in the → "motors" (→ "motor performed. Afterwards, the momentary speed setpoint in the
encoder") or mounted on the external mechanics (→ "external ramp-function generator is set to the actual speed setpoint. The
encoder"). Depending on the individual type of movement, we ramp-up to the definitive speed setpoint is performed from this
distinguish between rotary encoders and translatory encoders value. The flying restart function can help to shorten the ramp-up
(e. g. linear encoder). In terms of measured-value provision, we process after power on - a restart is already possible while the
distinguish between → "absolute encoders" (code sensors) and motor with the load is still coasting down.
→ "incremental encoders".
7 See → "incremental encoder TTL/HTL" → "incremental encoder
sin/cos 1 Vpp" → "resolver"
Application example:
By means of the flying restart function, a fan drive can be recon-
nected to the rotating fan wheel as soon as possible after a
power failure.
See → "automatic restart"

7/4 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 Seite 5 Donnerstag, 4. August 2005 11:19 11

Additional information
Incremental encoder Line filter
Incremental position and speed encoder. In contrast to Line filters are filters in the converter input which protect the
the → "absolute encoder", this encoder does not output an ac- incoming supply from harmonic loads and/or interference volt-
tual position value signal corresponding to the absolute position, ages created in the converter.
but outputs incremental "delta position or angular signals" in-
stead. Line filters can be passive or active filters, for the lower-fre-
quency harmonics (designated with the term line feedback) with
The following three types of incremental encoders 5, 7, 11, 13, etc. times the line frequency, and also filters for high-
exist → "incremental encoder TTL/HTL", → "incremental en- frequency interference voltages from 10 kHz onward (i. e. RFI
coder sin/cos 1 Vpp" and → "resolver". suppression filters).
With SINAMICS, the term line filter only designates passive RFI
Incremental encoder TTL/HTL suppression filters.
Incremental position and speed measuring encoder
( → "incremental encoder"). In most cases, it outputs two pulse Line Module
chains (tracks) displaced by 90 degrees with rectangular output
signals and often additionally one zero pulse per revolution, re- A line module is a power component which creates the DC link
spectively. The output signals have got TTL levels (in most cases voltage for one or several → "Motor Modules", from a three-
+5 V RS422 differential signals; TTL = Transistor-Transistor phase mains voltage.
Logic) or HTL levels (+15 or +24 V logic level; HTL = High Level The following three line module types are used for SINAMICS:
Transistor Logic).
→ "Basic Line Module", → "Smart Line Module" and → "Active
Line Module".
Incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp
An incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp is defined as a high-re- Line reactor
solution optical sine/cosine encoder which can, for example, be
incorporated in 1FK motors as a → "motor encoder". Line reactors are used for reducing the line-side harmonic cur-
rents and harmonic effects.
As a rule, the following signals are output:
With the → "Active Line Modules", line reactors are used as an
• Two signals displaced by 90 degrees, with respectively 2048 additional energy storage.
sinusoidal signal periods per revolution as differential signals
with a 1 Vpp amplitude ("A/B sinusoidal encoder tracks").
• A reference signal (zero pulse) per revolution as a differential Line-side power components
signal with a 0.5 Vpp amplitude. Power components arranged between the incoming supply and
• For some types, additionally two sinusoidal signal periods dis- the converter unit, such as line reactors, network filters, line con-
placed by 90 degrees as differential signals with a 1 Vpp am- tactors, etc.
plitude ("C/D track").
For determining the actual position or angular value, the zero Load-side power components
crossings of the sinusoidal encoder tracks are evaluated first Power components arranged between the converter unit and the
(rough evaluation, e. g. totally 4 x 2048 = 8192 zero crossings motor, e. g. output filters, output reactors, etc.
per revolution).
In addition to this, a fine evaluation can be performed by means Motor
of an analog detection of the amplitude. By combining the rough
and fine evaluation, resolutions of more than 1,000,000 incre- For the electric motors which can be driven by SINAMICS, a
ments can be achieved per encoder revolution. principle distinction is made between rotary and linear motors
with regard to their moving direction and between synchronous
Examples of typical sin/cos encoders: ERN1387, ERN1381 and asynchronous (induction) motors with regard to their elec-
tromagnetic operating principle. For SINAMICS, the motors are
Kinetic buffering connected to a → "Motor Module".
The kinetic buffering function (KIP) is a software function which See → "synchronous motor" → "asynchronous (induction)
can be used to buffer brief power failures (up to approx. 1 s or motor" → "motor encoder"
as long as the drive is still rotating. As a rule, kinetic buffering is
only used for drives which are predominantly in the motoring Motor encoder
mode. The prerequisite is that the driven load must have a suffi-
ciently high moment of inertia, i. e. have sufficient kinetic energy. An → "encoder" integrated in the motor or built on the motor,
During the power failure, the KIP function initiates a motor e. g. → "resolver", → "incremental encoder TTL/HTL"
switchover to the no-load operation or slightly regenerative or → "incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp".
operation (in order to cover the low losses of the motor and in- The encoder detects the motor speed and, in the case of syn-
verter). After the resumption of power supply, the drive system
chronous motors, also the rotor position angle (of the commuta-
switches immediately back to normal motoring operation. tion angle for the motor currents).
If kinetic buffering is to be used, it is important that the process For drives without an additional → "direct position measuring
can tolerate that the motor coasts down or decelerates during system", it is also used as position encoder for position control-
the power failure. For some applications involving multi-motor ling.
drives (sectional drives) during the kinetic buffering phase, the
speed relationships between the individual drives should be
maintained so that the material web neither breaks nor is dam-
aged. For cases such as these, it is only permissible to activate
the kinetic buffering for one drive - normally the main drive. The
reduced speed setpoints must be fed into the complete setpoint

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 7/5 Seite 6 Donnerstag, 4. August 2005 11:19 11

Additional information
Motor Module
A motor module is a power unit (DC-AC inverter) ensuring the Safe braking control
power supply for the connected motor.
Function associated with → "Safety Integrated".
Power is supplied through the → "DC link" of the drive group.
For SINAMICS → "booksize units" the motor holding brake is
A motor module must be connected to a → "Control Unit" controlled through two channels each with an electronic switch
via → "DRIVE-CLiQ". The open-loop and closed-loop control in the +24 V channel and in the ground channel. Both of these
functions of the motor module are stored in the control unit. channels are monitored. If one of the two channels fails, then this
is detected and signaled. For the booksize drive units, the bra-
There are → "Single Motor Modules" and → "Double Motor king wires are integrated in the power cable.
See → "braking control"
Motor potentiometer
Safe standstill
This function is used to simulate an electromechanical motor po-
tentiometer for setpoint input. The setpoint is adjusted via one Function of → "Safety Integrated"
control command for "higher" and one for "lower".
In case of an error or in combination with a machine function, this
function is used to safely disconnect the torque-generating
Optimized pulse patterns energy flow to the motor. This procedure is executed drive-
specific and contactless.
Sophisticated modulation procedure of a converter gating unit
where the voltage pulses are arranged in such a way that the See → "Safety Integrated
output current has a sinusoidal curve at an optimum approxima-
tion. This is of primary importance for achieving a high gate fac-
tor and a particularly slow torque ripple. Safety Integrated
These safety functions are integrated into the products and en-
Output reactor sure efficient personal and machine protection in accordance
with the EC 98/37/EG machinery directive.
Reactor (inductivity) in the converter or inverter output for redu-
cing the capacitive charge/discharge currents of long power ca- By means of the integrated safety functions, the requirements of
bles. safety class 3 in accordance with EN 954-1 can be met in a sim-
ple and efficient way.

Power supply unit

Sensor Module
This component provides electric energy for electric and elec-
tronic components. Hardware module for evaluating speed/position encoder sig-
For SINAMICS, all components are internally connected via 24 V
terminals or rails.
Single Motor Module
The power supply can be ensured by a conventional power sup-
ply unit available on the market (e. g. SITOP power) or via A single motor module is a → "Motor Module" to which one
a → "Control Supply Module". single motor can be connected and operated.
See → "Double Motor Module"
Field bus in accordance with the IEC 61158 standard, section 2 SIZER
to 6. SIZER is a tool for configuring the SINAMICS and MICROMASTER
drive systems. SIZER assists with the correct technical specifica-
PROFIdrive tions for the drive systems and selection of the drive components
required for the system.
This PROFIBUS profile was specified for speed- and position-
controlled drives by the PROFIBUS under organization (PNO). See → "STARTER"

The PROFIdrive V3 profile is the latest version.

Skip frequency band

Resolver A skip frequency band is a range of the speed or frequency set-

point where the drive may not be operated. The upper and lower
Mechanically and electrically very robust and cost- limits of the skip frequency band can be parameterized. If a sig-
efficient → "motor encoder" which does not require any incorpo- nal value is entered from an external or internal setpoint source,
rated electronics and which operates according to a fully elec- which is located in the skip frequency band, then this is replaced
tromagnetic principle: One sine and cosine signal, respectively, by one of the skip frequency limits. This function allows undesi-
7 are induced in two coils displaced by 90 degrees. The resolver
delivers all signals required for speed-controlled operation of the
rable mechanical resonant oscillations to be suppressed by
suppressing those speeds which could possibly excite these
converter or for position control. The number of sine and cosine resonant oscillations.
periods per revolution is equal to the number of pole pairs of the
resolver. In the case of a double-pole resolver, the evaluation
electronics may output an additional zero pulse per encoder re- Smart Line Module
volution. This zero pulse ensures a unique assignment of the po- Unregulated line rectifier/regenerative unit with a diode bridge
sition information in relation to an encoder revolution. A double- for feeding; stall-protected, line-commutated feedback via
pole resolver can be used as single-turn encoder. IGBTs (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors).
2-pole resolvers are suitable for motors with any pole number. In The Smart Line Module provides the DC link voltage for
the case of multi-pole resolvers, the pole pair numbers of the mo- the → "Motor Modules".
tor and of the resolver are always identical. For this reason, multi-
pole resolvers ensure a higher resolution than 2-pole resolvers.

7/6 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 Seite 7 Donnerstag, 4. August 2005 11:19 11

Additional information
STARTER Terminal Module
A STARTER commisioning tool is used to commission and to pa- Terminal extension module for snapping on the installation rail,
rameterize drive units. Moreover, diagnostic functions required for installation in the control cabinet.
for service tasks (e. g. PROFIBUS diagnostics, function genera-
tor, trace) can be executed. With SINAMICS, there is, for example, the Terminal Module TM31
with analog and digital I/O terminals.
See → "SIZER"
Third-party motor
Synchronous motor
A motor is designated as a third-party motor if its motor data are
Synchronous motors run at the same frequency with which they not known to the drive group, but can be identified by means of
are operated. They do not have a slip (like → "asynchronous (in- the corresponding order number.
duction) motors"). Synchronous motors require different feedfor-
ward and feedback control concepts depending on their design The motor data of an external motor are required for commis-
to ensure that they can be operated with converters. sioning. They must be manually entered in the corresponding
Synchronous motors are distinguished by the following features:
• permanent-field/separately excited Topology
• with/without damping cage Describes the structure of a drive system with → "Control Unit",
• with/without position encoder → "Motor Modules", → "motors", → "encoders", → "Terminal
Synchronous motors are used for different reasons: Modules" including the connection system.
• high drive dynamic response (→ "synchronous servo motors")
Travel to a fixed stop
• high overload capability
• high speed accuracy with exactly specified frequency With this function, a motor can be travelled to a fixed stop with a
(SIEMOSYN motors) defined moment, without any fault message. As soon as the
fixed stop is reached, the moment defined via parameters is built
up and persists.
Synchronous servo motor
Synchronous servo motors (e. g. 1FK, 1FT) are permanent-field Vector control
→ "synchronous motors" with position encoders such as
an → "absolute encoder". As the moments of self-inertia are low, The vector control (field-oriented control) is a high-performance
the drive is extremely dynamic. E. g. because there are no power control type for induction machines. It is based on an exact
losses due to the electric resistance of copper in the rotor, a high model calculation of the motor and of two current components
power density is achieved with a low construction volume. which control the flow and the torque by means of software algo-
rithms. In this way, the predefined speeds and torques can be
Synchronous servo motors can only be operated in combination respected and limited precisely with a good dynamic.
with converters.
There are two vector control types:
Due to the servo control required for this purpose, the motor cur- • frequency control (sensorless vector control)
rent is moment-dependent. The momentary phase relation of the
motor current is derived from the (mechanical) rotor position de- • speed-torque control with speed feedback (→ "encoder")
tected by the position encoder.

Terminal Board
Terminal extension module for plugging into a → "Control Unit".
With SINAMICS, there is, for example, the Terminal Board TB30
with analog and digital I/O terminals.

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 7/7 Seite 8 Mittwoch, 27. Juli 2005 7:50 07

Additional information
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7/8 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 Seite 9 Dienstag, 16. August 2005 3:13 15

Additional information
A & D Online Services

■ A&D in the WWW

A detailed knowledge of the range of products and services
available is essential when planning and configuring automation
systems. It goes without saying that this information must always
be fully up-to-date.
The Siemens Automation and Drives Group (A&D) has therefore
built up a comprehensive range of information in the World Wide
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Under the address
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■ Product Selection Using the Interactive Catalog

Detailed information together with convenient interactive func-
The interactive catalog CA 01 covers more than 80,000 products
and thus provides a full summary of the Siemens Automation
and Drives product base.
Here you will find everything that you need to solve tasks in the
fields of automation, switchgear, installation and drives.
All information is linked into a user interface which is easy to
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Data transfer via EDIFACT allows the whole procedure from se-
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Numerous functions are available to support you.
For example, powerful search functions make it easy to find the
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lability. Customer-specific discounts and preparation of quotes 7
can be carried out online as well as order tracking and tracing.
Please visit the A&D Mall on the Internet at

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 7/9 Seite 10 Mittwoch, 27. Juli 2005 7:51 07

Additional information
Index of order numbers

■ Index of order numbers

Part/Page Part/Page
1PH7 Asynchronous motors 3/3 to 3/27, 6SL3000-0BE2 Line filters for booksize 2/21
3/42 to 3/48 format Smart Line Modules
1PL6 Asynchronous motors 3/28 to 3/48
6SL3000-0BE3 Line filters for chassis 2/13
3KA5 Main switch 2/29 6SL3000-0BE4 format Basic Line Modules
3KL5 Switch disconnector with 2/22, 2/29 6SL3000-0BG
fuse holders 6SL3000-0CE1 Line reactors for booksize 2/20
3KL Switch disconnector 2/15, 2/41 6SL3000-0CE2 format Smart Line Modules
3KX3552-3EA01 Leading auxiliary circuit 2/29
switch 6SL3000-0CE3 Line reactors for chassis 2/12
6SL3000-0CE4 format Basic Line Modules
3LD2 Main switch 2/22, 2/29 6SL3000-0CH
3LD9250-3B Leading auxiliary circuit 2/29 6SL3000-0DE Line reactor for booksize 2/26
switch format Active Line Modules
3NA3 Cable protection fuse 2/15, 2/41 6SL3000-0FE Line filter package for 2/27
3NA3 NH fuse (gL/gG) 2/22, 2/29 booksize format Active
Line Modules
3NE1 Cable protection fuse incl. 2/15, 2/41
semiconductor protection 6SL3000-0HE Line filters for booksize 2/21
format Smart Line Modules
3NP Fuse switch disconnector 2/22, 2/29
3RT1 Main contactor 2/15, 2/22, 2/29, 2/41 6SL3000-1B Chassis format breaking 2/67
3RT1476-6AP36 Bypass contactor 2/41 resistor
3RV10 Circuit-breaker 2/22, 2/29 6SL3000-2A Motor reactors 2/74
6SL3000-2B Motor reactors 2/74
3TX7004-1LB00 Output interface for main 2/29 6SL3000-2C Sinusoidal filters 2/73
6SL3040-0MA00-0AA1 CU320 Control Unit 2/79
3VF Circuit-breaker 2/29 6SL3054 CompactFlash cards 2/80
3WL Bypass contactor 2/41 6SL3055-0AA00-2CA0 CBC10 2/81
3WL Fixed-mounted 2/15, 2/41 6SL3055-0AA00-2TA0 TB30 2/82
circuit-breaker 6SL3055-0AA00-3AA0 TM31 2/84
5SB411 DIAZED fuse 2/29 6SL3055-0AA00-3FA0 TM15 2/86
(gL/gG) 6SL3055-0AA00-5AA0 SMC10 2/89
5SC211 DIAZED fuse 2/29 6SL3055-0AA00-5BA1 SMC20 2/90
(gL/gG) 6SL3055-0AA00-5CA0 SMC30 2/91
5SE2335 NEOZED fuse 2/29 6SL3060-1FE21-6AA0 Adapter set 2/28
(gL/gG) 6SL3060-4A Signal cables 4/13
6AG1064-1AA01 Control box SINAMICS 6/7 6SL3064-1BB00-0AA0 Spacer 2/79
6AG1064-1AA02 Line adapter 6/7 6SL3066-2DA00-0AA0 DRIVE-CLiQ cabinet 4/15
6ES7972-0BA41 PROFIBUS connector 2/79 6SL3066-2DA00-0AB0 DRIVE-CLiQ coupler 4/15
without PG/PC connection
6ES7972-0BB41 PROFIBUS connector 2/79 6SL3070-0AA00-0AG0 SIZER 5/2
with PG/PC connection 6SL3072-0AA00-0AG0 STARTER 5/3
6SL3074-0AA01-0AA0 Firmware license for 2/80
6FC9341-2AE SUB-D connector 2/81 CompactFlash card
6FC9341-2AF SUB-D connector 2/81
6SL3097 SINAMICS Documentation 6/10
6FX Connection system 4
6FX2003-1SA00 Power connector 4/9 6SL3100-1AE31-0AA0 Booksize format 2/61
6FX2003-8PS Pin contacts for power 4/9 Braking Module
connector 6SL3100-1BE31-0AA0 Booksize format 2/66
braking resistor
6SL3100-1CE14-0AA0 Capacitor Module 2/69
6SL3100-1DE22-0AA0 Control Supply Module 2/70
6SL3120-1TE Booksize format 2/42
Single Motor Modules
6SL3120-2TE Booksize format 2/58
Double Motor Modules

7/10 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 Seite 11 Mittwoch, 27. Juli 2005 7:51 07

Additional information
Index of order numbers

■ Index of order numbers (continued)

6SL3130-6 Booksize format 2/16
Smart Line Modules
6SL3130-7TE Booksize format 2/23
Active Line Modules
6SL3162-1AF Shield terminal plates 2/16, 2/23, 2/43
6SL3162-1AH Shield terminal plates 2/23, 2/43
6SL3162-2AA00 24 V terminal adapter 2/16, 2/23, 2/43, 2/58
6SL3162-2AA01 24 V jumper 2/16, 2/23, 2/43, 2/58
6SL3162-2BD DC link supply adapter 2/16, 2/23, 2/43,
2/58, 2/72
6SL3162-2BM DC link adapters 2/16, 2/23, 2/43,
2/58, 2/72
6SL3162-2MA00-0AA0 Power connector 2/43, 2/58, 4/9
6SL3166-3AB00-0AA0 Warning signs in foreign 2/16, 2/23, 2/43, 2/58,
languages 2/61, 2/69, 2/70
6SL3300-1A Chassis format 2/63
Braking Modules
6SL3300-7T Active Interface Modules 2/35
6SL3320-1T Chassis format 2/48
Single Motor Modules
6SL3330-1T Chassis format 2/8
Basic Line Modules
6SL3330-7T Chassis format 2/30
Active Line Modules
6SN1111 Line reactors for book- 2/26
size format Active Line
6SN1113 Booksize format 2/66
braking resistor
6SN1162 Adapter set 2/28
6SN1197 Documentation motors 6/10
6SW1700 Drive ES 5/4
6SX7002-0A Incremental encoder 4/13
6ZB2480 Training case 6/7, 6/8
E86060 Training 6/3

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 7/11 Seite 12 Mittwoch, 27. Juli 2005 7:51 07

Additional information
Subject index

■ Subject index
Part/Page Part/Page
AC motors 3 Modular system 1/9
Active Interface Modules 2/35 MOTION-CONNECT 4
Active Line Modules - booksize format 2/23 Motor Modules 2/42
Active Line Modules - chassis format 2/30 Motor reactors 2/74
Applications 6/2 Motors 3
Asynchronous motors 3
B Online spare parts catalog 6/9
Basic Line Modules - chassis format 2/8 Overload capability 2/3
Braking Modules - booksize format 2/61
Braking Modules - chassis format 2/63 P
Braking resistors - booksize format 2/66 Power cables 4/5
Braking resistors - chassis format 2/67 Power components, load-side 2/73

Capacitor Module 2/69 Recommended line-side components 2/15, 2/22,
CBC10 Communication Board 2/81 2/29, 2/41
CompactFlash card 2/80
Components, overview 1/10 S
Configuration 5 Selection guides (tools) 5/2
Configuration example 5/24 Selection guides for motors 3/42
Configuration sequence 5/5 Service & Support 6/9
Connection system 4 Services and documentation 6
Control Supply Module 2/70 Signal cables 4/10
Correction factors 2/5, 2/6 SINAMICS S120 Vector Control 2
CU320 Control Unit 2/77 SINAMICS, introduction 1/6
Single Motor Modules 2/42 to 2/57
D Single Motor Modules - booksize format 2/42
DC link components 2/61 Single Motor Modules - chassis format 2/48
DC link supply adapter 2/72 Sinusoidal filter 2/73
Derating data 2/5 SIZER 5/2
Dimensioning (configuration) 5/6 SIZER configuration tool 5/2
Documentation 6/10 Smart Line Modules - booksize format 2/16
Double Motor Modules - booksize format 2/58 SMC... Sensor Modules 2/89 to 2/91
DRIVE-CLiQ 4 SPARESonWeb - spare parts catalog 6/9
Drive ES 5/4 STARTER 5/3
Drive ES engineering tool 5/4 STARTER drive/commissioning software 5/3
System data, SINAMICS general data 2/2
Encoder system connection 2/88 T
TB30 Terminal Board 2/82
G Technical data, SINAMICS general data 2/2
General technical data (SINAMICS S120) 2/2 TM15 Terminal Module 2/86
Glossary 7/2 TM31 Terminal Module 2/84
Totally Integrated Automation 1/4
I Training 6/3
Introduction 1 Training case 6/7
Training package 6/4
Length code for cables 4/16 V
Line filters 2/13, 2/21, Vector Control drive system 1/8
Line Modules 2/7
Line reactors 2/12, 2/20,
Line-side components 2/7, 2/15,
2/22, 2/29,

7 Load-side power components


7/12 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 Seite 13 Dienstag, 16. August 2005 3:20 15

Additional information
Conversion tables

■ Rotary inertia (to convert from A to B, multiply by entry in table)

B lb-in2 lb-ft2 lb-in-s2 lb-ft-s2 kg-cm2 kg-cm-s2 gm-cm2 gm-cm-s2 oz-in2 oz-in-s2
A slug-ft2
lb-in2 1 6.94 × 10–3 2.59 × 10–3 2.15 × 10–4 2.926 2.98 × 10–3 2.92 × 103 2.984 16 4.14 × 10–2
lb-ft2 144 1 0.3729 3.10 × 10–2 421.40 0.4297 4.21 × 105 429.71 2304 5.967
lb-in-s 386.08 2.681 1 8.33 × 10–2 1.129 × 103 1.152 1.129 × 106 1.152 × 103 6.177 × 103 16
lb-ft-s2 4.63 × 103 32.17 12 1 1.35 × 10–4 13.825 1.355 × 107 1.38 × 104 7.41 × 10–4 192
kg-cm2 0.3417 2.37 × 10–3 8.85 × 10–4 7.37 × 10–5 1 1.019 × 10–3 1000 1.019 5.46 1.42 × 10–2
kg-cm-s2 335.1 2.327 0.8679 7.23 × 10–2 980.66 1 9.8 × 105 1000 5.36 × 103 13.887
gm-cm2 3.417 × 10–4 2.37 × 10–6 8.85 × 10–7 7.37 × 10–8 1 × 10–3 1.01 × 10–6 1 1.01 × 10–3 5.46 × 10–3 1.41 × 10–5
gm-cm-s2 0.335 2.32 × 10–3 8.67 × 10–4 7.23 × 10–5 0.9806 1 × 10–3 980.6 1 5.36 1.38 × 10–2
oz-in2 0.0625 4.34 × 10–4 1.61 × 10–4 1.34 × 10–5 0.182 1.86 × 10–4 182.9 0.186 1 2.59 × 10–3
oz-in-s2 24.13 0.1675 6.25 × 10–2 5.20 × 10–3 70.615 7.20 × 10–2 7.09 × 104 72.0 386.08 1

■ Torque (to convert from A to B, multiply by entry in table)

B lb-in lb-ft oz-in N-m kg-cm kg-m gm-cm dyne-cm
lb-in 1 8.333 × 10–2 16 0.113 1.152 1.152 × 10–2 1.152 × 103 1.129 × 106
lb-ft 12 1 192 1.355 13.825 0.138 1.382 × 104 1.355 × 107
oz-in 6.25 × 10–2 5.208 × 10–3 1 7.061 × 10–3 7.200 × 10–2 7.200 × 10–4 72.007 7.061 × 107
N-m 8.850 0.737 141.612 1 10.197 0.102 1.019 × 104 1 × 107
kg-cm 0.8679 7.233 × 10–2 13.877 9.806 × 10–2 1 10–2 1000 9.806 × 105
kg-m 86.796 7.233 1.388 × 103 9.806 100 1 1 × 105 9.806 × 107
gm-cm 8.679 × 10–4 7.233 × 10–5 1.388 × 10–2 9.806 × 10–5 1 × 10–3 1 × 10–5 1 980.665
dyne-cm 8.850 × 10–7 7.375 × 10–8 1.416 × 10–5 10–7 1.0197 × 10–6 1.019 × 10–8 1.019 × 10–3 1

■ Length (to convert from A to B, multiply by entry in table) ■ Force (to convert from A to B, multiply by entry in table)
B inches feet cm yd mm m B lb oz gm dyne N
inches 1 0.0833 2.54 0.028 25.4 0.0254 lb 1 16 453.6 4.448 × 10–5 4.4482
feet 12 1 30.48 0.333 304.8 0.3048 oz 0.0625 1 28.35 2.780 × 10–4 0.27801
cm 0.3937 0.03281 1 1.09 × 10 10 0.01 gm 2.205 × 10–3 0.03527 1 1.02 × 10–3 N.A.
yd 36 3 91.44 1 914.4 0.914 dyne 2.248 × 10 3.59 × 10–5 890.7 1 0.00001
mm 0.03937 0.00328 0.1 1.09 × 10–3 1 0.001 N 0.22481 3.5967 N.A. 100.000 1
m 39.37 3.281 100 1.09 1000 1
■ Mass (to convert from A to B, multiply by entry in table)
■ Power (to convert from A to B, multiply by entry in table) B lb oz gm slug
B HP Watts
A lb 1 16 453.6 0.0311
HP (English) 1 745.7 oz 6.25 × 10 1 28.35 1.93 × 10–3
(lb-in)(deg./sec) 2.645 × 10–6 1.972 × 10–3 gm 2.205 × 10–3 3.527 × 10–3 1 6.852 × 10–5
(lb-in)(rpm) 1.587 × 10–5 1.183 × 10–2 slug 32.17 514.8 1.459 × 104 1
(lb-ft)(deg./sec) 3.173 × 10–5 2.366 × 10–2
(lb-ft)(rpm) 1.904 × 10–4 0.1420 ■ Rotation (to convert from A to B, multiply by entry in table)
Watts 1.341 × 10–3 1
B rpm rad/sec. degrees/sec.
rpm 1 0.105 6.0
rad/sec. 9.55 1 57.30
degrees/sec. 0.167 1.745 × 10–2 1

Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 7/13 Seite 14 Dienstag, 16. August 2005 3:20 15

Additional information
Conversion tables

■ Temperature conversion ■ Material densities

°F °C °C °F Material lb-in3 gm-cm3
0 –17.8 –10 14 Aluminium 0.096 2.66
32 0 0 32 Brass 0.299 8.30
50 10 10 50 Bronze 0.295 8.17
70 21.1 20 68 Copper 0.322 8.91
90 32.2 30 86 Hard Wood 0.029 0.80
98.4 37 37 98.4 Soft Wood 0.018 0.48
212 100 100 212 Plastic 0.040 1.11
subtract 32 and multiply by 5/9 multiply by 9/5 and add 32 Glass 0.079–0.090 2.2–2.5
Titanium 0.163 4.51
■ Mechanism efficiencies Paper 0.025–0.043 0.7–1.2
Acme-screw with brass nut ~0.35–0.65 Polyvinyl chloride 0.047–0.050 1.3–1.4
Acme-screw with plastic nut ~0.50–0.85 Rubber 0.033–0.036 0.92–0.99
Ball-screw ~0.85–0.95 Silicone rubber, without filler 0.043 1.2
Chain and Sprocket ~0.95–0.98 Cast iron, grey 0.274 7.6
Preloaded Ball-screw ~0.75–0.85 Steel 0.280 7.75
Spur or Bevel-gears ~0.90
Timing Belts ~0.96–0.98 ■ Wire gauges 1)
Worm Gears ~0.45–0.85 Cross-Section Standard Wire American Wire
mm2 Gauge (SWG) Gauge (AWG)
Helical Gear (1 reduction) ~0.92
0.2 25 24
■ Friction coefficients 0.3 23 22
0.5 21 20
Materials µ
0.75 20 19
Steel on Steel (greased) ~0.15
1.0 19 18
Plastic on Steel ~0.15–0.25
1.5 17 16
Copper on Steel ~0.30
2.5 15 13
Brass on Steel ~0.35
4 13 11
Aluminium on Steel ~0.45
6 12 9
Steel on Steel ~0.58
10 9 7
Mechanism µ 16 7 6
Ball Bushings <0.001 25 5 3
Linear Bearings <0.001 35 3 2
Dove-tail slides ~0.2++ 50 0 1/0
Gibb Ways ~0.5++ 70 000 2/0
95 00000 3/0
120 0000000 4/0
150 – 6/0
185 – 7/0

1) Table shows approximate SWG/AWG sizes nearest to standard metric

sizes; the cross-sections do not match exactly.

7/14 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 Seite 15 Dienstag, 16. August 2005 3:22 15

Additional information
Terms and conditions of sale and delivery
Export regulations

■ Terms and conditions of sale and delivery ■ Export regulations

By using this catalog you can acquire hardware and software The products listed in this catalog may be subject to
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following terms. Please note! The scope, the quality and the con- Therefore, any export requiring a license is subject to approval
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For customers with a seat or registered office in Germany AL Number of the German Export List
The „General Terms of Payment“ as well as the „General Condi- Products marked other than “N“ require an export
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For software products, the „General License Conditions for Soft- signations of the relevant data medium must also
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For software products, the „General License Conditions for Soft- designations of the relevant data medium must
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The prices are in € (Euro) ex works, exclusive packaging.
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respective limits of the notes are exceeded. Errors excepted and subject to change without prior notice.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. We will debit A&D/VuL/En 17.03.05
the prices valid at the time of delivery.
The dimensions are in mm. Illustrations are not binding.
Insofar as there are no remarks on the corresponding pages,
- especially with regard to data, dimensions and weights given -
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Comprehensive Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery are
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Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 7/15 Seite 16 Freitag, 19. August 2005 7:32 07

Additional information

Siemens AG Order No.

Automation and Drives E86060-K5521-A111-A1-7600
Motion Control Sytems KG 0905 8.0 BD 224 En/P 522016
Printed in Germany

7/16 Siemens D 21.1 · 2005 Seite 2 Freitag, 5. August 2005 9:36 09

Catalogs of the
Automation and Drives Group (A&D)
Further information can be obtained from our branch offices listed
in the appendix or at
Automation and Drives Catalog Low-Voltage Controls and Distribution Catalog
Interactive catalog on CD-ROM Low-Voltage Switchgear – Controlgear for Industry LV 10
• The Offline Mall of Automation and Drives CA 01 Power Distribution – Products and Systems LV 30
for Low-Voltage Power Distribution
Automation Systems for Machine Tools SIDAC reactors and filters LV 60
SINUMERIK & SIMODRIVE NC 60 SIVACON 8PS Busbar trunking systems LV 70
CD, BD01, BD2 up to 1250 A
Drive Systems Low-Voltage Controlgear, Switchgear and Systems LV 90
Variable-Speed Drives
SINAMICS G130 Drive Converter Chassis Units, D 11 Motion Control System SIMOTION PM 10
SINAMICS G150 Drive Converter Cabinet Units
SINAMICS G110 Inverter Chassis Units D 11.1
SINAMICS S120 Servo Control Drive System D 21.2 Process Instrumentation and Analytics
SINAMICS S150 Drive Converter Cabinet Units D 21.3 Field Instruments for Process Automation FI 01
DC Motors DA 12 Measuring Instruments for Pressure,
Differential Pressure, Flow, Level and Temperature,
SIMOREG DC MASTER 6RA70 Digital Chassis DA 21.1 Positioners and Liquid Meters
PDF: Indicators for panel mounting MP 12
SIMOREG K 6RA22 Analog Chassis Converters DA 21.2
SIREC Recorders and Accessories MP 20
SIMOREG DC MASTER 6RM70 Digital Converter DA 22
Cabinet Units SIPART, Controllers and Software MP 31
SIMOVERT PM Modular Converter Systems DA 45 SIWAREX Weighing Systems WT 01
SIEMOSYN Motors DA 48 Continuous Weighing and Process Protection WT 02
MICROMASTER 410/420/430/440 Inverters DA 51.2 Gas Analysis Equipment for the Process Industry PA 10
MICROMASTER 411/COMBIMASTER 411 DA 51.3 PDF: Process Analytics, PA 11
Components for the System Integration
SIMOVERT MV Medium-Voltage Drives DA 63
SIPAN Liquid Analysis PA 20
Synchronous and asynchronous servomotors for DA 65.3 SIMATIC Industrial Automation Systems
SIMODRIVE 611 universal and POSMO DA 65.4 PDF: SIMATIC S5/505 Automation Systems ST 50
Low-Voltage Three-Phase-Motors Products for Totally Integrated Automation and ST 70
Squirrel-Cage Motors, Totally Enclosed, Fan-Cooled M 11 Micro Automation

Automation Systems for Machine Tools SIMODRIVE NC 60 SIMATIC PCS 7 Process Control System ST PCS 7

• Main Spindle Motors PDF: Add-ons for the SIMATIC PCS 7 ST PCS 7.A
Process Control System
• Feed Motors
pc-based Automation ST PC
• Converter Systems SIMODRIVE 611/POSMO
SIMATIC Control Systems ST DA
Drive and Control Components for Hoisting Equipment HE 1

Electrical Installation Technology SIPOS Electric Actuators

ALPHA Small Distribution Boards and ET A1 Electric Rotary, Linear and Part-turn Actuators MP 35
Distribution Boards Electric Rotary Actuators for Nuclear Plants MP 35.1/.2
PDF: ALPHA 8HP Molded-Plastic Distribution System ET A3
ALPHA FIX Terminal Blocks ET A5
Systems Engineering
BETA Modular Installation Devices ET B1
Power supplies SITOP power KT 10.1
DELTA Switches and Outlets ET D1
System cabling SIMATIC TOP connect KT 10.2
GAMMA Building Management Systems ET G1

Factory Automation Sensors FS 10 System Solutions

Applications and Products for Industry are part of the
interactive catalog CA 01
Human Machine Interface Systems SIMATIC HMI ST 80

Industrial Communication for IK PI TELEPERM M Process Control System

Automation and Drives PDF: AS 488/TM automation systems PLT 112

PDF: These catalogs are only available as pdf files.

A&D/3U/En 02.03.05
The information provided in this catalog contains descriptions
or characteristics of performance which in case of actual use
do not always apply as described or which may change as a
result of further development of the products. An obligation
to provide the respective characteristics shall only exist if
expressly agreed in the terms of contract. Availability and
technical specifications are subject to change without notice. Token fee € 5,-/$ 5,-

Siemens AG

Automation and Drives

Motion Control Systems Order No. E86060-K5521-A111-A1-7600

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