Summer Holiday Homework CLASS 2,3,4,5
Summer Holiday Homework CLASS 2,3,4,5
Summer Holiday Homework CLASS 2,3,4,5
1. Write 5 sentences about your favourite animal or bird.
(Need to be done in English Copy)
2. Learn any 2 poems with proper action and rhythm
3. Speak about the places that you will visit during the summer break.
4. Revise all the topics done so far.
5. Do 4 pages cursive writing.
6. Choose any one picture of your choice. Take a printout or draw and colour it
on an A4 size coloured pastel sheet available at home and write few lines
about it using sketch pens or sparkle pens and decorate it.
1 – अपने परिवार के बारे में दस वाक्य लिखो ।
2- 1 से 100 तक गिनती शब्दों में लिखो |
3 – अ , आ , इ , ई , उ , ऊ की मात्राओं वाले 10 - 10 शब्द लिखो ।
4 – समाचार पत्र के मख्
ु य बिन्दओ
ु ं को लिखो ।10
5 – अपनी किताब से 5पेज सल
ु ेख लिखो ।
6 – कोई 1 कविता या गीत हाव भाव सहित याद कीजिये |
∙ Practice counting by using any things, toys or objects at your home.
● Revise reading and writing numbers and number names.
● Write down the last three digits of mobile numbers of 20 persons and write their
number names in your note book.
∙ Make a photo frame or any pen stand of any 2-D shape (Square, Circle, Rectangle,
Triangle) by using waste material and decorate it.
∙ Learn and revise tables 2-10.
∙ From newspaper/magazine/old books cut out various plane shaped pictures and write
the name of the shape. (Do it on an A4 size pastel sheet)
1 – Paste the pictures of sense organs and name them in your EVS
2 – Make a family tree and paste the photographs of your family
members .
3 – Draw a plant and name its parts .
4 – Write 10 sentences about yourself.
5- Nature Walk: Go to a garden nearby and observe plants. Also
write name of these plants. (Need to be done in EVS Copy)
1 – Write table from 2 to 20 with the help of repeated addition.
2 – Write numbers from 1 to 200 in words .
3 – Make four 2 D Shapes, colour them and write their names .
4 - Make four 3 D Shapes , colour them and write their names .
5 – Write 10 animals’ name which are heavier than a rat. Draw and
colour them .
Do all your work in a single line thin notebook.
1. Make pictures of 5 animals with dried leaves.
2. Paste pictures of any 10 birds and write about them. ( At least 5 lines
3. Make a list of 10 animals, paste their pictures and write their
4. Draw & colour five sense organs and write their functions.
5. Make a model of any one means of transport and animal homes.
6. Write down a story from ‘Panchtantra Tales’ and circle the birds and
animals name in the story.
1. Write 5 Actions that would make others happy and 5 Actions that would make
others unhappy. (Need to be done in English Copy)
2. Read newspaper and paste any three news related to any sport, famous
personality, weather. (Need to be done in English Copy)
3. Read a new story other than from your textbook & write a review about it.
(Need to be done in English Copy)
4. Write an informal letter to your friend how do you spend 10 days holidays.
(Write in your English Copy)
5. Write 10 sentences on your own using helping verbs on A-4 Size paper. Eg- am,
is, are, was, were etc. (Need to be done in English Copy)
⮚ हिन्दी के कोई 6 मह
ु ावरों से संबधि
ं त चित्र बनाइये और उन्हें लिखकर उनके अर्थ लिखिए।
⮚ किन्हीं 10 शब्दों के पर्यायवाची शब्द लिखिए।
⮚ कोई 10 विलोम शब्द लिखिए।
⮚ कोई एक कविता या गीत हाव भाव सहित याद कीजिये जो आपकी पाठ्य-पस्
ु तक में न हो।
⮚ कोई 5 सवि
ु चार लिखें।
⮚ कहानियां पढ़ें एवं किसी एक कहानी का सारांश अपने शब्दों में लिखें।
⮚ हिंदी समाचार पत्र से कोई एक अच्छा समाचार काट कर चिपकाएं।
1. Write the numbers given below-
a) 999 to 1049 b) 1499 to 1550 c) 2950 to 3010
d) 4990 to 5015 e) 5999 to 6025
2. Measure the length of following things in meters and centimetres-
Height of all family members, length of dining table,
Length of room, height of door, length of bed, length of window.
3. Write the smallest and largest 2-digit, 3-digit, 4-digit, and 5-digit numbers.
4. Draw a wall pattern with jaali, Jharokha and an arch using the basic shape of
brick and colour it.
5. Draw 3d shape of Brick and write number of faces, edges and corners.
6. The cost of thousand old bricks is Rs 2000. Madhu needs 15000 bricks for her
house construction. Find how much she has to pay?
1. Collect the pictures of famous bridges of India and World and write their name.
2. Make any one working model etc. (any one)
3. Make a list of transport used in a particular place according to the climatic
condition and paste the picture also.
4. Visit to Van Vihar / zoo, Shorya smarak, machhli ghar, Manav & Janjati Sangralaya
etc.with your parents and take some photos and write a report also.
5. Play some outdoor games.
1. कहानियां पढ़ें एवं किसी एक कहानी का सारांश अपने शब्दों में लिखें।
२. कोई 5 सवि
ु चार लिखें।
६॰ गर्मी के मौसम में होने वाली परे शानियों के बारे में लेख लिखिए |
1. Write the population of any five states of India in numbers and words.
2. Make a bill of grocery items, your family purchases.