Unit 2 ML
Unit 2 ML
Unit 2 ML
Topics Covered (Unit 2)
REGRESSION: Linear Regression and Logistic
BAYESIAN LEARNING - Bayes theorem, Concept
learning, Bayes Optimal Classifier, Naïve Bayes classifier,
Bayesian belief networks, EM algorithm.
of support vector kernel – (Linear Kernel, Polynomial
Kernel, and Gaussian Kernel), Hyperplane – (Decision
surface), Properties of SVM, and Issues in SVM.
•Dynamic Programming
•Monte Carlo methods
Applications of these approaches
Classification Vs Regression
Regression is a statistical method used in finance,
investing, and other disciplines that attempts to determine
the strength and character of the relationship between one
dependent variable (usually denoted by Y) and a series of
other variables (known as independent variables).
Predicting a stock market.
Forecasting amount of precipitation in a region.
Projecting total sale of a company etc.
Regression: Types (Basic)
The two basic types of regression are simple linear
regression and multiple linear regression, although there
are non-linear regression methods for more complicated
data and analysis. Simple linear regression uses one
independent variable to explain or predict the outcome
of the dependent variable Y, while multiple linear
regression uses two or more independent variables to
predict the outcome.
Equations/General Form of Regression
The general form of each type of regression is:
• Simple linear regression: Y = a + bX + u
• Multiple linear regression: Y = a + b1X1 + b2X2 + b3X3 + ... +
btXt + u
• Y = the variable that you are trying to predict (dependent
• X = the variable that you are using to predict Y
(independent variable).
• a = the intercept.
• b = the slope.
• u = the regression residual.
Important Point :Regression
Regression takes a group of random variables, thought to
be predicting Y, and tries to find a mathematical
relationship between them. This relationship is typically
in the form of a straight line (linear regression) that best
approximates all the individual data points. In multiple
regression, the separate variables are differentiated by
using subscripts.
The core idea is to obtain a line that best fits the data.
The best fit line is the one for which total prediction error
(all data points) are as small as possible. Error is the
distance between the point to the regression line.
Let D be a data set that contains N observations:
Logistic regression
– A multidimensional feature space (features can be
categorical or continuous).
– Outcome is discrete, not continuous.
We’ll focus on case of two classes/categories.
– It seems plausible that a linear decision boundary
(hyperplane) will give good predictive accuracy.
Using a logistic regression model
So why not always use probability?
The problem is that probability and odds have different
properties that give odds some advantages in statistics.
For example, in logistic regression the odds ratio
represents the constant effect of a predictor X, on the
likelihood that one outcome will occur.
The key phrase here is constant effect. In regression
models, we often want a measure of the unique effect of
each X on Y. If we try to express the effect of X on the
likelihood of a categorical Y having a specific value
through probability, the effect is not constant.
So why not always use probability?
What that means is there is no way to express in one
number how X affects Y in terms of probability. The
effect of X on the probability of Y has different values
depending on the value of X.
So while we would love to use probabilities because
they’re intuitive, you’re just not going to be able to
describe that effect in a single number. So if you need
to communicate that effect to a research audience,
you’re going to have to wrap your head around odds
What about Probabilities
What you can do, and many people do, is to use the logistic
regression model to calculate predicted probabilities at specific
values of a key predictor, usually when holding all other predictors
This is a great approach to use together with odds ratios. The
odds ratio is a single summary score of the effect, and the
probabilities are more intuitive.
Presenting probabilities without the corresponding odds ratios
can be problematic, though.
First,when X, the predictor, is categorical, the effect of X can be
effectively communicated through a difference or ratio of
probabilities. The probability a person has a relapse in an
intervention condition compared to the control condition makes a
lot of sense.
What about Probabilities
But the p-value for that effect is not the p-value for the
differences in probabilities.
If you present a table of probabilities at different values of X,
most research audiences will, at least in their minds, make
those difference comparisons between the
probabilities. They do this because they’ve been trained to
do this in linear models.
These differences in probabilities don’t line up with the p-
values in logistic regression models, though. And this can get
quite confusing.
Second, when X, the predictor is continuous, the odds ratio is
constant across values of X. But probabilities aren’t.
Using a logistic regression model
Can interpret prediction from a logistic regression model
A probability of class membership
A class assignment, by applying threshold to probability
*threshold represents decision boundary in feature
Training a logistic regression model
Need to optimize β so the model gives the best possible
reproduction of training set labels
Usually done by numerical approximation of maximum
On really large datasets, may use stochastic gradient
Logistic regression in one
Pros and Cons
– Makes no assumptions about distributions of classes in feature
Easily extended to multiple classes (multinomial regression)
Natural probabilistic view of class predictions
Quick to train
Very fast at classifying unknown records
Good accuracy for many simple data sets
Resistant to overfitting
Can interpret model coefficients as indicators of feature importance
Linear decision boundary
Difference between Linear & Logistic Regression
Difference between Linear & Logistic Regression
P ( A, B ) = P ( A | B ) P ( B ) = P ( B | A) P ( A)
•Sum Rule: probability of a disjunction of two events A and B:
P ( A + B ) = P ( A) + P ( B ) − P ( AB )
•Theorem of Total Probability : if events A1, …., An are mutually exclusive with P( A ) = 1
i =1
P ( B ) = P ( B | Ai ) P ( Ai )
i =1
Some Notations
•D: the training data
•h: a hypothesis h ϵ H
•P(h): the prior probability of h: the initial probability that hypothesis h holds,
before we have observed the training data
•P(D | h): the probability of observing data D given some world in which h holds
•P(x | y): the probability of x occurring given that y has been observed
•P(h | D): the posterior probability of h given D: the probability that h holds given
the observed training data D
2. Bayes’ Rule
Understanding Bayes' rule
d = data
h = hypothesis
Proof. Just rearrange :
P ( D | h) P ( h)
P(h | D) = p ( h | d ) P ( d ) = P ( d | h) P ( h)
P( D) P ( d , h) = P ( d , h)
the same joint probability
on both sides
• If we know P(X,Y), then the so-called marginal probability P(X) can be computed
as P( X ) = P( X , Y )
• Probabilities sum to 1. Conditional probabilities sum to 1 provided that their
conditions are the same.
Choosing Hypotheses
• Maximum Likelihood (ML)
hypothesis: hML = arg max P (d | h)
MAP estimation algorithms do not compute the posterior probability of each hypothesis
to decide which is the most probable hypothesis. Assuming that our hypothesis space is
continuous (i.e. fairness of the coin encoded as probability of observing heads,
coefficient of a regression model, etc.), where endless possible hypotheses are present
even in the smallest range that the human mind can think of, or for even a discrete
hypothesis space with a large number of possible outcomes for an event, we do not need
to find the posterior of each hypothesis in order to decide which is the most probable
hypothesis. Therefore, the practical implementation of MAP estimation algorithms uses
approximation techniques, which are capable of finding the most probable hypothesis
without computing posteriors or only by computing some of them.
Using the Bayesian theorem, we can now
incorporate our belief as the prior probability,
which was not possible when we
used frequentist statistics. However, we still
have the problem of deciding a sufficiently
large number of trials or attaching a
confidence to the concluded hypothesis. This is
because the above example was solely
designed to introduce the Bayesian theorem
and each of its terms. Let us now gain a better
understanding of Bayesian learning to learn
about the full potential of Bayes' theorem.
An example: Does patient have cancer
or not?
• A patient takes a lab test and the result comes back positive. It is known that the
test returns a correct positive result in only 98% of the cases and a correct
negative result in only 97% of the cases. Furthermore, only 0.008 of the entire
population has this disease.
Suppose we now observe a new patient for whom the lab test returns a positive
result. Should we diagnose the patient as having cancer or not? The maximum a
posteriori hypothesis can be found using hMAP
while the posterior probability of cancer is significantly higher than its prior probability, the
most probable hypothesis is still that the patient does not have cancer i.e.
3.Baye’s Theorem and Concept Learning
The set of items/objects over which the concept is defined is called the set of
instances and denoted by X. The concept or function to be learned is called the
target concept and denoted by c. It can be seen as a boolean valued function defined
over X and can be represented as c: X -> {0, 1}.
If we have a set of training examples with specific features of target concept C, the
problem faced by the learner is to estimate C that can be defined on training data.
H is used to denote the set of all possible hypotheses that the learner may consider
regarding the identity of the target concept. The goal of a learner is to find a
hypothesis H that can identify all the objects in X so that h(x) = c(x) for all x in X.
An algorithm that supports concept learning requires:
1.Training data (past experiences to train our models)
2.Target concept (hypothesis to identify data objects)
3.Actual data objects (for testing the models)
Inductive Learning
As we discussed earlier, the ultimate goal of concept learning is to identify a
hypothesis H identical to target concept C over data set X with the only available
information about C being its value over X. Our algorithm can guarantee that it best
fits the training data. In other words:
With the training data, we have with two data objects as positive samples and
one as negative:
1.x1: <true, true, false, false> : +ve
2.x2: <true, false, false, true> : +ve
3.x3:<true, false, false, true> : -ve
Hypothesis Notations
Each of the data objects represents a concept and hypotheses. Considering a
hypothesis <true, true, false, false> is more specific because it can cover
only one sample. Generally, we can add some notations into this hypothesis.
We have the following notations:
1.ⵁ (represents a hypothesis that rejects all)
2.< ? , ? , ? , ? > (accepts all)
3.<true, false, ? , ? > (accepts some)
The hypothesis ⵁ will reject all the data samples. The hypothesis <? , ? , ? , ?
> will accept all the data samples. The ? notation indicates that the values of
this specific feature do not affect the result.
The total number of the possible hypothesis is (3 * 3 * 3 * 3) + 1 — 3 because
one feature can have either true, false, or ? and one hypothesis for rejects all
General to Specific
Many machine learning algorithms rely on the concept of general-to-
specific ordering of hypothesis.
1.h1 = < true, true, ?, ? >
2.h2 = < true, ? , ? , ? >
Any instance classified by h1 will also be classified by h2. We can say
that h2 is more general than h1. Using this concept, we can find a
general hypothesis that can be defined over the entire dataset X.
To find a single hypothesis defined on X, we can use the concept of being
more general than partial ordering. One way to do this is start with the
most specific hypothesis from H and generalize this hypothesis each
time it fails to classify and observe positive training data object as
General to Specific
1.The first step in the Find-S algorithm is to start with the most specific hypothesis,
which can be denoted by h <- <ⵁ, ⵁ, ⵁ, ⵁ>.
2.This step involves picking up next training sample and applying Step 3 on the
3.The next step involves observing the data sample. If the sample is negative, the
hypothesis remains unchanged and we pick the next training sample by processing
Step 2 again. Otherwise, we process Step 4.
4.If the sample is positive and we find that our initial hypothesis is too specific
because it does not cover the current training sample, then we need to update our
current hypothesis. This can be done by the pairwise conjunction
(logical and operation) of the current hypothesis and training sample.
5.If the next training sample is <true, true, false, false> and the current hypothesis
is <ⵁ, ⵁ, ⵁ, ⵁ>, then we can directly replace our existing hypothesis with the new
General to Specific
If the next positive training sample is <true, true, false, true> and current
hypothesis is <true, true, false, false>, then we can perform a pairwise
conjunctive. With the current hypothesis and next training sample, we can find
a new hypothesis by putting ? in the place where the result of conjunction is
<true, true, false, true> ⴷ <true, true, false, false> = <true, true, false, ?>
Now, we can replace our existing hypothesis with the new one: h <-<true,
true, false, ?>
5. This step involves repetition of Step 2 until we have more training samples.
6. Once there are no training samples, the current hypothesis is the one we
wanted to find. We can use the final hypothesis to classify the real objects.
Limitations of the Find-S
The Find-S algorithm for concept learning is one of the most basic algorithms
of machine learning, though it has some limitation and disadvantages like:
1.There's no way to determine if the only final hypothesis (found by Find-S) is
consistent with the data or there are more hypotheses that are consistent
with data.
2.Inconsistent sets of training examples can mislead the Find-S algorithm, as
it ignores negative data samples. An algorithm that can detect inconsistency
of training data is better.
3.A good concept learning algorithm should be able to backtrack the choice of
hypothesis found so that the resulting hypothesis can be improved over time.
Unfortunately, Find-S provides no such method.
More Terminology
Brute-Force Bayes Concept Learning
Evolution of posterior probabilities
What we want:
Gradient ascent:
6. Minimum Description Length
Terminology used:
Minimum Description Length Principle:
Naïve Bayes Classifier
Review:Prior and Posterior Probabilities
P(A) and P(B) are called prior probabilities X Y
P(A|B), P(B|A) are called posterior probabilities
𝑥1 A
Example 8.6:Prior versus Posterior Probabilities 𝑥2 A
This table shows that the event Y has two outcomes
namely A and B, which is dependent on another event X 𝑥3 B
with various outcomes like 𝑥1 , 𝑥2 and 𝑥3 . 𝑥3 A
Case1: Suppose, we don’t have any information of the
event A. Then, from the given sample space, we can 𝑥2 B
calculate P(Y = A) = 10 = 0.5 𝑥1 A
𝑥1 B
Case2: Now, suppose, we want to calculate P(X =
𝑥2 |Y =A) = 5= 0.4 . 𝑥3 B
𝑥2 B
The later is the conditional or posterior probability, where
as the former is the prior probability. 𝑥2 A
Naïve Bayesian Classifier
Suppose, Y is a class variable and X = 𝑋1, 𝑋2 , … . . , 𝑋𝑛 is a set of attributes,
with instance of Y.
Naïve Bayesian Classifier
Naïve Bayesian classifier calculate this posterior probability using Bayes’ theorem, which is
as follows.
From Bayes’ theorem on conditional probability, we have
𝑃(𝑋|𝑌) ∙ 𝑃(𝑌)
𝑃 𝑌𝑋 =
𝑃(𝑋|𝑌) ∙ 𝑃(𝑌)
𝑃 𝑋 𝑌 = 𝑦1 ∙ 𝑃 𝑌 = 𝑦1 + ⋯ + 𝑃 𝑋 𝑌 = 𝑦𝑘 ∙ 𝑃 𝑌 = 𝑦𝑘
𝑃 𝑋 = σ𝑘𝑖=1 𝑃(𝑋|𝑌 = 𝑦𝑖 ) ∙ 𝑃(Y = 𝑦𝑖 )
▪ 𝑃 𝑋 is called the evidence (also the total probability) and it is a constant.
▪ The probability P(Y|X) (also called class conditional probability) is therefore
proportional to P(X|Y)∙ 𝑃(𝑌).
Naïve Bayesian Classifier
Suppose, for a given instance of X (say x = (𝑋1 = 𝑥1 ) and ….. (𝑋𝑛 = 𝑥𝑛 )).
There are any two class conditional probabilities namely P(Y= 𝑦𝑖 |X=x) and
P(Y= 𝑦𝑗 | X=x).
If P(Y= 𝑦𝑖 | X=x) >P(Y= 𝑦𝑗 | X=x), then we say that 𝑦𝑖 is more stronger than
𝑦𝑗 for the instance X = x.
Naïve Bayesian Classifier
Example: With reference to the Air Traffic Dataset mentioned earlier, let us
tabulate all the posterior and prior probabilities as shown below.
Attribute On Time Late Very Late Cancelled
Weekday 9/14 = 0.64 ½ = 0.5 3/3 = 1 0/1 = 0
Saturday 2/14 = 0.14 ½ = 0.5 0/3 = 0 1/1 = 1
Attribute On Time Late Very Late Cancelled
None 5/14 = 0.36 0/2 = 0 0/3 = 0 0/1 = 0
Naïve Bayesian Classifier
Case3: Class = Very Late : 0.15 × 1.0 × 0.67 × 0.33 × 0.67 = 0.0222
Naïve Bayesian Classifier
Algorithm: Naïve Bayesian Classification
Example. ‘Play Tennis’ data
Day Outlook Temperature Humidity Wind Play
= arg max P (h) P (Outlook = sunny | h) P (Temp = cool | h) P ( Humidity = high | h) P (Wind = strong | h)
h[ yes , no ]
• Working:
P ( PlayTennis = yes) = 9 / 14 = 0.64
P ( PlayTennis = no) = 5 / 14 = 0.36
P (Wind = strong | PlayTennis = yes) = 3 / 9 = 0.33
P (Wind = strong | PlayTennis = no) = 3 / 5 = 0.60
P ( yes) P ( sunny | yes) P (cool | yes) P (high | yes) P ( strong | yes) = 0.0053
P (no) P ( sunny | no) P (cool | no) P (high | no) P ( strong | no) = 0.0206
answer : PlayTennis ( x) = no
Naïve Bayesian Classifier
Pros and Cons
The Naïve Bayes’ approach is a very popular one, which often works well.
Naïve Bayesian Classifier
Approach to overcome the limitations in Naïve Bayesian Classification
Estimating the posterior probabilities for continuous attributes
In real life situation, all attributes are not necessarily be categorical, In fact, there is a mix of
both categorical and continuous attributes.
In the following, we discuss the schemes to deal with continuous attributes in Bayesian
1. We can discretize each continuous attributes and then replace the continuous values
with its corresponding discrete intervals.
2. We can assume a certain form of probability distribution for the continuous variable and
estimate the parameters of the distribution using the training data. A Gaussian distribution is
usually chosen to represent the posterior probabilities for continuous attributes. A general
form of Gaussian distribution will look like
1 x−μ
P x: μ, σ2 = e−
2πσ 2σ2
where, μ and σ denote mean and variance, respectively.
Naïve Bayesian Classifier
For each class Ci, the posterior probabilities for attribute Aj(it is the numeric
attribute) can be calculated following Gaussian normal distribution as follows.
1 aj − μij 2
P Aj = aj|Ci = e−
2πσij 2σij2
Here, the parameter μijcan be calculated based on the sample mean of attribute
value of Aj for the training records that belong to the class Ci.
Similarly, σij2 can be estimated from the calculation of variance of such training
Naïve Bayesian Classifier
M-estimate of Conditional Probability
The M-estimation is to deal with the potential problem of Naïve Bayesian Classifier
when training data size is too poor.
If the posterior probability for one of the attribute is zero, then the overall class-
conditional probability for the class vanishes.
In other words, if training data do not cover many of the attribute values, then we may
not be able to classify some of the test records.
M-estimate Approach
M-estimate approach can be stated as follows
𝑛𝑐𝑖 + 𝑚𝑝
P Aj = aj|Ci =
where, n = total number of instances from class C𝑖
𝑛𝑐𝑖 = number of training examples from class C𝑖 that take the value Aj =aj
m = it is a parameter known as the equivalent sample size, and
p = is a user specified parameter.
If n = 0, that is, if there is no training set available, then 𝑃 ai|C𝑖 = p,
so, this is a different value, in absence of sample value.
A Practice Example
age income studentcredit_rating
Example 1: <=30 high no fair no
<=30 high no excellent no
Class: 31…40 high no fair yes
C1:buys_computer = ‘yes’
>40 medium no fair yes
C2:buys_computer = ‘no’
>40 low yes fair yes
>40 low yes excellent no
Data instance
31…40 low yes excellent yes
X = (age <=30,
<=30 medium no fair no
Income = medium,
<=30 low yes fair yes
Student = yes
>40 medium yes fair yes
Credit_rating = fair)
<=30 medium yes excellent yes
31…40 medium no excellent yes
31…40 high yes fair yes
>40 medium no excellent no
A Practice Example
P(Ci): P(buys_computer = “yes”) = 9/14 = 0.643
P(buys_computer = “no”) = 5/14= 0.357
Bayesian belief network
We wish to infer the probability distribution for some
variable given observed values for (a subset of) the other
Exact (and sometimes approximate) inference of
probabilities for an arbitrary BN is NP-hard
There are numerous methods for probabilistic inference in
BN (for instance, Monte Carlo), which have been shown
to be useful in many cases
Bayesian belief network
Learning Bayesian Belief Networks
Task: Devising effective algorithms for learning BBN
from training data
Focus of much current research interest
For given network structure, gradient ascent can be
used to learn the entries of conditional probability tables
Learning the structure of BBN is much more difficult,
although there are successful approaches for some
particular problems
EM Algorithm
“A widely used approach to learning in the presence of unobserved
variables. The EM algorithm can be used even for variables whose value is
never directly observed, provided the general form of the probability
distribution governing these variables is known.
The EM algorithm has been used to train Bayesian belief networks as well
as radial basis function networks.
EM Algorithm
Estimating Means of k Gaussians
The easiest way to introduce the EM algorithm is via an example. Consider a problem in
which the data D is a set of instances generated by a probability distribution that is a
mixture of k distinct Normal distributions. This problem setting is illustrated in Figure 6.4
for the case where k = 2 and where the instances are the points shown along the x axis.
Each instance is generated using a two-step process. First, one of the k Normal
distributions is selected at random. Second, a single random instance xi is generated
according to this selected distribution.
This process is repeated to generate a set of data points as shown in the figure.
EM Algorithm
We would like to find a maximum likelihood hypothesis for these means; that is, a
hypothesis h that maximizes p(D | h).
In this case:
EM Algorithm
Let X = {xl , . . . , xm} denote the observed data in a set of m independently drawn
instances, let Z = {zl , . . . , zm} denote the unobserved data in these same instances,
and let Y = X U Z denote the full data.
We use h to denote the current hypothesized values of the parameters ϴ, and h'
to denote the revised hypothesis that is estimated on each iteration of the EM
The EM algorithm searches for the maximum likelihood hypothesis h' by seeking
the h' that maximizes E[ln P(Y |h')].
The EM algorithm uses its current hypothesis h in place of the actual
parameters ϴ to estimate the distribution governing Y. Let us define a function
Q(h' |h) that gives E[ln P(Y |h')] as a function of h', under the
assumption that ϴ = h and given the observed portion X of the full data Y.
EM Algorithm
In its general form, the EM algorithm repeats the following two steps until convergence:
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What is a classication problem?
How can it be thought as a prediction problem?
Support Vector Machine (SVM) as classication technique,
Received considerable attention
SVM has its roots in Statistical learning theory,
Shown promising results in many practical applications.
For examples:
Handwritten digit recognition,
Text categorization,
SVM works very well with
High-dimensional data,
Avoids the curse of dimensionality problem.
Another unique aspect of this approach is that
it represents the decision boundary using a subset of the
training examples, known as the support vectors.
Goal of the SVM
To find the optimal separating hyperplane
which maximizes the margin of training data.
Hyper plane
Decision boundary
Decided by Maximum Margin
Maximum Margin Hyperplanes
Maximum Margin
denotes +1
denotes -1
Support Vectors
are those
datapoints that the
margin pushes up
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Rationale for Maximum Margin
Linear SVM: Separable Case
x – Vector (x1-x2)
w (or wT)– Normal
Vector to hyper
b – Scale Value
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Estimate the Margin
denotes +1
denotes -1 x
wx +b = 0
X – Vector
W – Normal Vector
b – Scale Value
Class 2
Class 1
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Learning a Linear SVM Model
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Learning a Linear SVM Model: Example
Linear SVM: Nonseparable Case
When it is not possible to separate the training data
SVM to construct a linear decision boundary even in
Where the classes are not linearly separable.
Non-Linear SVM’s
Non-linear transformation is to make a dataset higher-dimensional space (Mapping a
higher dimension). And it is also the fundamental of a non-linear system. The below
graph reveals a non-linear dataset and how it can not be used Linear kernel rather than
the Gaussian kernel.
In geometry, a hyperplane is a subspace whose dimension is one less than that of
its ambient space. If space is 3-dimensional then its hyperplanes are the 2-dimensional
planes, while if space is 2-dimensional, its hyperplanes are the 1-dimensional lines. This
notion can be used in any general space in which the concept of the dimension of a
subspace is defined.
0 x
Extension to Non-linear Decision
So far, we have only considered large-margin classifier with
a linear decision boundary
How to generalize it to become nonlinear?
Key idea: transform xi to a higher dimensional space to
“make life easier”
Input space: the space the point xi are located
Feature space: the space of f(xi) after transformation
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Non-linear SVMs: Feature spaces
◼ General idea: the original input space can always be mapped
to some higher-dimensional feature space where the training
set is separable:
Φ: x → φ(x)
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Types of Kernels
SVM algorithms use a set of mathematical functions
that are defined as the kernel. The function of kernel
is to take data as input and transform it into the
required form. Different SVM algorithms use
different types of kernel functions. These functions
can be different types.
For example linear, nonlinear, polynomial, radial basis
function (RBF), and sigmoid.
Introduce Kernel functions for sequence data,
graphs, text, images, as well as vectors. The most
used type of kernel function is RBF. Because it has
localized and finite response along the entire x-axis.
The kernel functions return the inner product
between two points in a suitable feature space. Thus
by defining a notion of similarity, with little
computational cost even in very high-dimensional
Polynomial kernel
K ( x a , x b ) = f ( x a ) .f ( x b )
f (xa )
Letting the doing the scalar f ( xb )
kernel do product in the
the work obvious way
An Example for f(.) and K(.,.)
Suppose f(.) is given as follows
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◼ Mercer’s theorem:
Every semi-positive definite symmetric function is a kernel
◼ Semi-positive definite symmetric functions correspond
to a semi-positive definite symmetric Gram matrix:
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Suppose we have 5 one-dimensional data points
x1=1, x2=2, x3=4, x4=5, x5=6, with 1, 2, 6 as class 1 and 4, 5 as
class 2 y1=1, y2=1, y3=-1, y4=-1, y5=1
We use the polynomial kernel of degree 2
K(x,y) = (xy+1)2
C is set to 100
We first find ai (i=1, …, 5) by
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By using a QP solver, we get
a1=0, a2=2.5, a3=0, a4=7.333, a5=4.833
Note that the constraints are indeed satisfied
The support vectors are {x2=2, x4=5, x5=6}
The discriminant function is
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Characteristics of SVM
SVM has many desirable qualities that make it one of the most widely
usedclassication algorithms. Following is a summary of the general
characteristics of SVM: