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July 07 — 08, 2023

Organized by Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang



Atoriq Nurriza, Asman Bin Mohd Tahir and Deaseptia Nirmala Kusumamawarni
Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]

Abstract: English for special purposes is a subfield of ELT that focuses on the unique
language needs of specific learners. This study examined the perceptions of 26 nursing
students and one teacher regarding the (ELC) at an institute of health sciences in Sulawesi.
The method used comparison method. Interview and questionnaire used for instrument
to collect the data. The findings showed that nursing students experienced language
difficulties, especially in terms of listening and vocabulary. To overcome these challenges,
the teacher used a combination of languages to explain content relevant to their specific
needs. In addition, e-books were used as teaching and reference materials. Students
struggled with listening, speaking, and writing, while reading was relatively easier due to
the use of e-books as references.

Keywords: ESP, Need Analysis, Nursing Students

Nowadays, English as a foreign language is increasing slightly. In some countries, the
insistence of native speakers who are learning English increases significantly (Chao, W., &
Huang, J.C. (2016). Especially in Indonesia, the English language is considered to become a
compulsory subject in the school curriculum. At the university level, English develops into an
essential subject for students that should be mastered by students. Not only for major English
students but also for students from other fields. ESP describes the teaching of certain English
to students at the university level. The practice of teaching English to different fields of science
is known as ESP or English for Specific Purposes. ESP is an approach to learning English as a
foreign language. It is referred to as applied English language teaching since the course's
objectives and content are based on the demands of a particular group of students (Nurakhir,
A. & Palupi, F. N. (2018). English for specific purposes (ESP) is defined by Paltridge, B., and
Starfield, S. (2013) as the teaching and learning of English as a second or foreign language
where the goal of the student is to utilize English in a specified field. The ESP method of teaching
languages is a response to a number of practical concerns, such as the necessity to develop
instructional materials for students who have learned general English but have to employ it in
more specialized professional situations. As stated by Celce-Murcia (2001), the ESP approach is
based on the concept that all language instruction should be customized to meet the unique
language learning and usage demands of a specific group of learners while simultaneously
being sensitive to the sociocultural environment in which these learners will use the English
ESP program is practiced by teachers to teach English in other fields. According to
Robinson (1980), ESP is the practice of teaching English to students with goals. He claims that

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Organized by Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang

those goals could include professional, academic, scientific, etc. ESP programs have their
purpose in each field and it is a concern for every teacher to teach English specifically. ESP is
different from general English in that it enhances one's knowledge of a particular topic by
providing extensively specialized vocabulary, for instance, which in turn allows students to
utilize the language in future professions (Nurakhir, A., & Palupi, F. N. (2018). The ESP course
plan was created for a curriculum with a strong task-based learning component. ESP is needed
for the field in which English is not only a subject. English can be for academic and professional
purposes. One of the fields that need English for developing their student’s English skills is a
nurse. Nurse students engage in communicative activities in English. While attention is
primarily focused on a single task, tasks are described as actions that can stand alone as
essential components and that require comprehension, production, manipulation, or greater
importance to meaning than its structure (Saragih, 2014).
One of the sub-branches of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is English for Nursing
Purposes (ENP). ENP focuses on non-English speaking student nurses who require a career-
specific language, i.e., a language that is useful for their employment-related responsibilities. It
indicates abilities and proficiency levels above those of general English (Nurakhir, A., & Palupi,
F.N. (2018). English is necessary for nurses to communicate. While a patient speaks English as
a native language or as their mother tongue, nurses can help doctors and coworkers by using
English in the workplace. Nurses might study publications and attend international conferences
or seminars to learn more about nursing (Episasi et al. (2021).
In teaching ESP, teachers should know to determine students’ needs as a basis for
enhancing ESP programs, a need analysis is then required. Need analysis is a crucial and
essential tool for course guidance and evaluation in language instruction which can assist
teachers in tracking the knowledge of the students' mastered skills and the skills they wish to
update and enhance. (Suprayogi, 2020). The importance of need analysis in developing English
skills should be a concern for teachers. Teachers could make an appropriate approach in
designing the material for nurses’ students. Needs analysis determines the qualities and
abilities of the students in general; includes their flaws and strengths based on the academic
context. According to the goal of ESP, English proficiency is improved if it is precisely matched
with the learner's fundamental abilities (Suprayogi, 2020).
The development of material is important for nursing students for their purpose. In the
field of nursing English, the English for Specific Purposes (ESP) courses primarily concentrate on
the intended sites, context, and application for health and medical workers in hospitals and
clinical contexts (Santos, 2020). The material is needed by the teacher to adjust to students’
obligations. However, teachers should know the students’ needs for English skills. There are
four skills in English such as speaking, reading, listening, and writing. All these skills are
necessary for nurse students for their goals including professional, academic, scientific, etc. The
previous study was conducted by Nurakhir, A., & Palupi, F. N. (2018), which examines the ESP
needs of undergraduate nursing students in a university in Indonesia. It showed that the
students required English for a variety of tasks, including reading journals, comprehending class
lectures, giving reports, having everyday conversations, writing research projects, and more.
The students also wanted to learn basic English courses and specific nursing English courses in
their studies. In addition, they found that limited vocabulary, bad grammar, limited speaking
ability, poor listening comprehension, and poor writing ability were rated as the most
significant challenges the students had when studying the English language by their peers.
Santos (2020), aims to investigate the motivations of learning and the learning
behaviours of nursing students in South Korea. It showed that many people said that the English
for Specific Purposes (ESP) courses may be used to adapt to the workplace. Second, their
upcoming career developments and internship prospects may also benefit from the

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July 07 — 08, 2023
Organized by Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang

applications and knowledge they learn in English for Specific Purposes (ESP) classes. Third, as
the English for Specific Purposes (ESP) courses can help students get knowledge from a variety
of viewpoints, the applications, abilities, and knowledge gained from them can also be used in
other academic disciplines and courses. Saragih (2017), intends to investigate the educational
requirements of 50 nursing students and provide ESP materials for nurses by need analysis. The
various types of need analysis used in this study include target situation analysis, current
situation analysis, deficiency analysis, strategy analysis, constraint analysis, pedagogic need
analysis, and subjective need analysis. The results revealed that the course's context was largely
designed for outpatient settings, and that speaking and listening are the skills most crucial for
those positions.
Regarding the explanation above and some previous studies, this study investigates
students’ perception of difficulties learning English in ESP programs. Furthermore, this study
examines ESP teacher perception in teaching nursing students in learning English. This study
focuses on two perspectives: students and teachers in English learning. It is necessary to
conduct this study because all students have different perceptions and abilities in learning
English. Therefore, this study is essential for ESP teachers in teaching English in ESP programs.

Second-level headings should be written using Title Case. Paragraphs should be
indented as specified earlier.
Research Design
This study used a constant comparative method to collect data from the students and
the teachers’ perceptions. The method used in data collection was the constant comparison
method. This method involves collecting data from the perceptions of students and teachers
on an ongoing basis to gain a comprehensive understanding of the ESP teaching needs of
nursing students.
Population and Samples
This study was conducted at an Institute of Health Sciences in Sulawesi. The participants
in this study consisted of 26 nursing students and one teacher from the English Language
Centre (ELC) at the same institute.
Sample Collection Techniques and Instrumental Development
a. Students: Data from students were collected through individual or small group interviews,
or through questionnaires containing questions related to their experiences, needs, and
expectations in learning ESP specifically for nursing.
b. Teachers: Data from ELC teachers were collected through individual interviews or focus
group discussions. Teachers were asked to share their experiences and views on teaching
ESP to nursing students.
Data was gathered from a variety of sources, including students, teaching staff, and
professional nurses. This allowed the researchers to examine the issues under investigation
from a variety of angles and gain a deeper understanding of them (Wiersma and Jurs, 2009).
One set of questionnaires is utilized for this study, and it is given to each responder. The
questionnaire was divided down into four sections: (a) respondents' personal information; (b)
their current English proficiency strengths and weaknesses; (c) the significance of nursing skills
and activities; and (d) topics of interest to the respondent.
Data Analysis Techniques
Data collected from students and teachers were analysed separately using the constant
comparison method. This method involves continuous comparison of newly collected data with
pre-existing data to identify patterns, similarities, differences, and emerging themes.
a. Syllabus Development

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July 07 — 08, 2023
Organized by Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang

Based on the analysis of data from students' and teachers' perceptions, an ESP teaching
syllabus for nursing students was developed. This syllabus includes topics, content, learning
objectives, teaching strategies, and assessment methods that suit the needs of nursing
b. Syllabus Validation
The developed syllabus was then validated by nursing lecturers and other ELC staff to
ensure its suitability and relevance to the curriculum and nursing students' needs.
This method allowed the researcher to obtain comprehensive perceptions and
feedback on ESP teaching needs from the perspectives of students and teachers. The results of
the data analysis were then used to develop a syllabus that meets the needs of nursing students
in learning ESP.


The following section outlines the results from questionnaire, which is divided into
thirteen questions. Nursing students should answer the question with choices answer such as;
strongly agree, agree, disagree, and strongly disagree.
Results from the Questionnaire
Table 1. Shows the students' Perception Based on The Questionnaires
No Question SA A D SD
Freq % Freq % Freq % Freq %
1 I am satisfied with the 1 3,8% 23 88,5% 1 3,8% 1 3,8%
current English
2 I am ready to use 9 34,6% 15 57,7% 2 7.7% - -
English in my future
3 The total hours for 3 11,5% 15 57,7% 8 30,8% - -
this present English
course is enough
4 The current English 3 11,5% 21 80,8% 2 7,7%
course is interesting
5 The oral presentation 1 3,8% 15 57,7% 10 38,5%
is relayed to our area
of specialization
6 The essay writing is 1 3,8% 14 53,8% 11 42,3%
related to our area of
7 The listening skill 2 7,7% 13 50% 11 42,3%
activities are related
to our area
8 The reading 4 15,4% 11 42,3% 10 38,5% 1 3,8%
passages are from
the topics which are
related to our area

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Organized by Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang

9 The material in this 2 7,7% 14 53,8% 9 34,6% 1 3,8%

English course is
relevant to the study
of nursing
10 Peer discussions are 1 3,8% 22 84,6% 2 7,7% 1 3.8%
applied in this course
11 Productive skills 13 50% 12 46,2% - - 1 3,8%
(speaking and
writing) are stressed
in this course
12 Receptive skills 12 46,2% 11 42,3% 3 11,5% - -
(listening and
reading) are stressed
in this course
13 Games, puzzle, and 6 23,1% 20 76,9% - - - -
riddles in language
are included in
classroom activity
Table 1 provide the result of questionnaire form nursing students. The result showed
that the most strongly agree is productive skills (speaking and writing) are stressed in this
course. Students agree that they are satisfied with the current English course. However, nursing
students disagree with question the essay writing is related to our area of specialization. They
choose disagree in the listening skill, that it is related to nursing area specialization.
The following section outlines the result of analysis of students’ English level. It divided
into several mastery level such as; high mastery, mastery. Approaching mastery, and not yet
mastered. It would be showed in table 2 and table 3.
Table 2. The Analysis of Students’ English Level
Mastery Level Listening Reading Speaking Writing
Freq Freq Freq Freq
High mastery 5 5 4 4
Mastery 7 16 6 9
Approaching mastery 4 3 14 11
Not yet Mastered 10 2 2 2

Table 3. The Analysis of The Importance of English Language Skills

Mastery Level Listening Reading Speaking Writing
Freq Freq Freq Freq
Not important at all - - - -
Of some importance 1 - 1 3
Important 3 8 12 8
Very important 22 18 13 15
The following section outlines the results from the interview. Nine questions provided
to interview the teacher. It used open ended question related to the topic. It would be showed
in table 4.

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Organized by Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang

Table 4. Teacher’s Perception Based on Interview

1 Do your students have language Yes, they have problems learning English. They struggle with
problems? listening skill; they have limited vocabulary and lack confidence
in speaking practice.
2 Do you use languages other than Sometimes, I must speak Bahasa Indonesia to make easier my
English in the class to explain the students understand. Not all of students understand with
material? English. I prefer to used mix language.
3 What types of language problems They lack of vocabulary and confidence in speaking English.
do they have?
4 How do you deal these problems? I am trying to approach my students by give the material
description with daily activity context.
5 Do you find that students improve Yes, they improved their English ability in the end of semester.
by the end of semester? The material is relevant to the study of nursing. So, the students
improve their anility during the end of semester.
6 Do you think they are improving By reading English, it makes them better in understanding the
due to English material. Reading skill is one of favourite English skill they most
7 How are the students (listening, Most of them are still in basic level in listening. Compared to
reading, writing, speaking) level? other skills such as speaking, reading, and writing. Listening is the
difficult skills for students.
8 What is the most important skill All English skills are needed by nursing students.
that is needed in your students’
9 Do you hold syllabus and modules Yes, I used a lesson plan for material development when I taught
which contents are relevant to in class with the standard of a lesson plan in nursing department.
their major specialist?
Table 4 shows the result of teachers’ perception from interview. The finding showed
that teacher
In this section, it would be showed the result of constant comparative. The
combination between interview and questionnaire are compare. The result would be showed
in the following table.
Table 5. Showed the result of constant comparative
No. Teacher Perception Students Perception Results
1 Students have Not yet mastered: According to teachers’ perceptions, students
language problems listening skills experience language problems in limited vocabulary
knowledge and lack of confidence in speaking
practice. However, in the questionnaire data
regarding the analysis of the level of English language
skills. It is written that listening and speaking skills are
the most important skills for nursing students. This
data concludes that there is a communication error
between teachers and students. This should be
something that teachers should pay more attention
to find solutions to increase students’ confidence in
speaking, teachers also should find solutions to
improve their listening skills.

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Organized by Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang

2 Teachers use other 23 (88.5%) Students Based on the results of teachers’ and students’
languages in responded that they perceptions, it can be concluded that the English
teaching: Indonesian are satisfied with the course was already good enough. The teacher used
current English class the method of mixing Indonesian and English in the
teaching process so that students could better
understand the material presented.
3 Listening, reading, 22 students voted Based on the results of the perceptions of teachers
speaking, and writing “very important” on and students, it can be concluded that listening,
are important skills listening skills, 18 on reading, speaking, and writing skills each have an
for nursing majors. reading skills, 13 on important value to be able to support students’
speaking skills, and 15 knowledge and help them to be ready for their future
on writing skills. careers.
4 Students improved 14 (53,8%) Students According to teachers’ perceptions, students
their English ability at responded that they improved their English ability at the end of the
the end of the improved their semester. 14 students choose at the end of the
semester. English ability at the semester they improve their English ability, The
end of the semester material is relevant to the study of nursing.
because the material
given by the teacher
was relevant to the
study of nursing.
5 Students improve 16 students Based on teacher perception that students improve
their English ability responded that their English ability with reading skills. In line with
with reading skills. reading skill is the students’ responses, 16 students responded that
highest mastery in reading skill is the highest mastery in learning English.
learning English. It concluded that reading is the highest skill mastery
by students.
6 Students have a basic 10 students Based on the results of teachers’ perception that
level of listening skills. responded that they students have a basic level of listening skills, it can be
are not yet mastered concluded that 10 students also responded that they
listening skills. are not yet mastered listening skills. Listening skill is
the most difficult English skill compared to other skills
such as speaking, writing, and reading.
7 All English skills are Most of the students Both the teacher and students consider all English
needed by students. responded that skills are needed. Most students choose English as
English is very very important. Listening is the highest skill that is
important. chosen by students.
8 The teacher provided 20 (76,9%) students The lesson plan is important for the teacher to
the lesson plan to responded that develop their classroom activity. Based on the results
teach the students. games, puzzles, and of the questionnaire, students agree that games,
riddles in languages puzzles, and riddles in language are included.
are included in
classroom activities.
Based on the table above, it can be concluded that teachers teach English in the nursing
department without using modules. Without using modules, there may not be a clear structure
of what students must learn or in what order. This can leave students confused about what
they should learn and when. In addition, this also causes an increase in the burden on the
teacher's work. Teachers need to spend more time and effort developing materials and

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Organized by Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang

designing curricula. Students also have different levels of English proficiency; therefore, it is
difficult to teach the same method to all students.

Nursing students have different perspectives and abilities in learning English in ESP. it
showed that speaking and writing are stressed in this course. Listening and reading are
following the stressed one in ESP programs. Listening is the most difficult skill for students
which are not mastered. Furthermore, reading is highest skill which is mastered for nursing
students. The analysis of the table reveals some key findings regarding the teaching of English
in the nursing department without the use of modules. First, the absence of modules leads to
a lack of clear structure in the curriculum, thus causing confusion among students about what
they should learn and when. In addition, this approach increased the workload for teachers as
they had to invest additional time and effort in developing materials and designing the
In addition, students exhibit varying levels of English proficiency, making it difficult to
use uniform teaching methods for all students. The data shows that students face language
difficulties, especially in listening skills and limited vocabulary knowledge. This highlights the
communication gap between teachers and students, requiring greater attention from teachers
to increase students' confidence in speaking and improve their listening skills.
Despite the challenges, the use of a bilingual approach that combines Indonesian and
English in the teaching process seems to have yielded positive results. The students expressed
satisfaction with the current English classes, as this facilitated their understanding of the
material presented. Data also shows that students have improved their English language skills
by the end of the semester. The relevant and nursing-specific materials provided by the
teachers contributed to this improvement. Reading skills emerged as an area where students
showed the highest mastery in learning English. In conclusion, although there are some areas
for improvement, such as addressing communication gaps and focusing on listening skills, the
overall perception is that the current English course in the nursing department is effective. The
program provides students with essential skills and supports their development toward a
successful career in nursing.
To address the language difficulties faced by nursing students and improve their English
learning experience, the following suggestions are recommended. First, prioritize targeted
listening and vocabulary activities to improve students' comprehension ability and expand their
word knowledge. Second, provide additional support for speaking and writing through activities
such as group discussions, role plays, and regular writing assignments. Incorporating authentic
materials related to nursing will help students connect their learning to real-life contexts.
Creating a language-rich environment by promoting the use of English inside and outside the
classroom is essential. In addition, offering additional resources, tutoring sessions, and
language support classes can provide extra help to students. Regular assessments should be
conducted to monitor progress and adjust teaching. Finally, encouraging self-reflection and
independent learning will empower students to take over responsibility for their language
development. By implementing these suggestions, educators can create a more effective and
supportive English learning environment for nursing students

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Organized by Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang

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