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Pearson Learning Group
Pacemaker® Pre-Algebra Second Edition
We thank the following educators, who provided valuable comments and
suggestions during the development of the First Edition of this book:
Melissa Bartolameolli (Curth), Math Teacher, Athens High School, Troy, MI 48098
Jim Geske, Math Special Ed. Chairman, Apple Valley High School, Apple Valley, MN 55124
Lois Lanyard, Resource Center Teacher, Woodbridge High School, Woodbridge NJ 07095
Executive Editor: Eleanor Ripp; Supervising Editor: Stephanie Petron Cahill; Senior Editor: Phyllis Dunsay
Editor: Theresa McCarthy; Production Editor: Travis Bailey; Lead Designer: Susan Brorein
Market Manager: Douglas Falk; Cover Design: Susan Brorein, Jennifer Visco
Editorial, Design, and Production Services: GTS Graphics; Electronic Composition: Phyllis Rosinsky

About the Cover: Pre-algebra helps people get ready for algebra. The images on the cover
represent some of the things you will be learning about in this book. The stopwatch is for
measuring time. The line graph is for showing data visually. Balancing a scale reminds us
of how we balance an equation. The hot air balloons and snowflakes remind us of positive
negative numbers. What other images can you think of to represent pre-algebra?

Copyright © 2001 by Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Globe Fearon, an imprint of Pearson Learning Group,
299 Jefferson Road, Parsippany, NJ 07054. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted
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ISBN: 0-130-23633-0
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< Contents
A Note to the Student ix

Chapter 1 Review of Whole Numbers 2
1.1 Place Value 4
1.2 Comparing Numbers 6
1.3 Rounding 8
1.4 Addition 10
1.5 Subtraction 12
1.6 Estimating Sums and Differences 14
1.7 Multiplication 16
1.8 Using Exponents 18
1.9 Division 20
1.10 Estimating Products and Quotients 22
1.11 Calculator: Performing Operations 24
^ Math Connection: Earthquakes 25
1.12 Problem Solving: Guess, Check, and Revise 26
1.13 Application: Perimeter 28
Chapter Review 30

Chapter 2 Number Expressions, Equations, Properties 32

2.1 Number Expressions 34
2.2 Simplifying Number Expressions 36
2.3 Expressions with Parentheses 38
2.4 Equivalent Number Expressions 40
2.5 Number Equations 42
2.6 Addition Properties 44
2.7 Multiplication Properties 46
2.8 Other Properties 48
2.9 Calculator: Simplifying Expressions 50
On-the-job Math: Pharmacy Assistant 51
2.10 Problem Solving: Numbers for Words 52
2.11 Application: Area 54
► Chapter Review 56

► Unit One Review 58

Chapter 3 Variable Expressions 60
3.1 Variable Expressions 62
3.2 Like Terms 64
3.3 Combining Like Terms 66
3.4 Evaluating Variable Expressions 68
3.5 Using More Operations 70
3.6 Using More Variables 72
3.7 Calculator: Evaluating Expressions 74
► Math Connection: The Great Pyramid 75
3.8 Problem Solving: Draw a Picture 76
3.9 Application: Volume 78
► Chapter Review 80

Chapter 4 Variable Equations 82

4.1 Variable Equations 84
4.2 Equivalent Equations 86
4.3 Properties of Equality 88
4.4 Inverse Operations 90
4.5 Solving Equations by Subtracting 92
4.6 Solving Equations by Adding 94
4.7 Solving Equations by Multiplying 96
4.8 Solving Equations by Dividing 98
4.9 Using More Than One Operation 100
4.10 Calculator: Checking Solutions 102
► People in Math: Benjamin Banneker 103
4.11 Problem Solving: Number Patterns 104
4.12 Application: Solving Formulas 106
► Chapter Review 108

Chapter 5 Decimals and Algebra 110

5.1 Place Value 112
5.2 Rounding Decimals 114
5.3 Adding and Subtracting Decimals 116
5.4 Multiplying Decimals 118
5.5 Multiplying by Moving the Decimal Point 120
5.6 Dividing Decimals 122

5.7 Dividing by Moving the Decimal Point 124
5.8 Scientific Notation 126
5.9 Simplifying Expressions 128
5.10 Evaluating Expressions 130
5.11 Solving Equations with Decimals 132
5.12 Calculator: Estimating with Decimals 134
► On-the-job Math: Fashion Designer 135
5.13 Problem Solving: Working Backward 136
5.14 Application: Frequency Tables 138
► Chapter Review 140

► Unit Two Review 142


Chapter 6 Factors and Multiples 144
6.1 Factors and Divisibility 146
6.2 Common Factors 148
6.3 Miiltinlps 150
6.4 Prime and Composite Numbers 152
6.5 Prime Factorization 154
6.6 Calculator: Checking the Prime Factorization 156
► Math Connection: A Perfect Number 157
6.7 Problem Solving: Find a Pattern 158
6.8 Application: Bar Graphs 160
► Chapter Review 162

Chapter 7 Fractions and Mixed Numbers 164

7.1 Fractions 166
7.2 Mixed Numbers 168
7.3 Finding Mixed Numbers and Fractions 170
7.4 Equivalent Fractions 172
7.5 Finding Equivalent Fractions 174
7.6 Fowest Terms Fractions 176
7.7 Comparing Fractions 178
7.8 Fractions and Decimals 180
7.9 Calculator: Decimals for Fractions 182
► Math Connection: Olympic Time 183

7.10 Problem Solving: Counting 184
7.11 Application: Average 186
► Chapter Review 188

► Unit Three Review 190


Chapter 8 Adding and Subtracting Fractions 192
8.1 Adding and Subtracting Like Fractions 194
8.2 Least Common Denominators 196
8.3 Adding Unlike Fractions 198
8.4 Subtracting Unlike Fractions 200
8.5 Adding Mixed Numbers 202
8.6 Subtracting Mixed Numbers 204
8.7 Evaluating Variable Expressions 206
8.8 Solving Equations 208
8.9 Calculator: Adding and Subtracting Fractions 210
► On-the-job Math: Carpentry 211
8.10 Problem Solving: Too Much or
Too Little Information 212
8.11 Application: Mode and Median 214
Chapter Review 216

Chapter 9 Multiplying and Dividing Fractions 218

9.1 Multiplying Fractions 220
9.2 Multiplication Shortcut 222
9.3 Dividing Fractions 224
9.4 Multiplying and Dividing Mixed Numbers 226
9.5 Simplifying Expressions with Fractions for Coefficients 228
9.6 Evaluating Expressions 230
9.7 Solving Equations 232
9.8 Calculator: Multiplying and Dividing Fractions 234
► On-the-job Math: Automobile Technician 235
9.9 Problem Solving: Using a Table 236
9.10 Application: Minimum, Maximum, and Range 238
► Chapter Review 240

Chapter 10 Ratio, Proportion, and Percent 242
10.1 Ratio 244
10.2 Proportions 246
10.3 Percents 248
10.4 Percents and Decimals 250
10.5 Fractions and Percents 252
10.6 Percents and Equations 254
10.7 Find the Percent of a Number 256
10.8 Find What Percent One Number Is of Another 258
10.9 Find a Number When a Percent of It Is Known 260
10.10 Percent Increase or Decrease 262
10.11 Calculator: Percents for Fractions 264
► Math in Your Life: Picture Perfect 265
10.12 Problem Solving: Using Proportions 266
10.13 Application: Discount Prices 268
► Chapter Review 270

► Unit Four Review 272


Chapter 11 Integers 274
li.i What Is an Integer? 276
11.2 Absolute Value 278
11.3 Adding On the Number Line 280
11.4 Adding and Absolute Value 282
11.5 Subtracting Integers 284
11.6 Multiplying Integers 286
11.7 Dividing Integers 288
11.8 Calculator: Operations with Integers 290
► Math Connection: Wind Chill 291
11.9 Problem Solving: Small Groups 292
11.10 Application: Number Scales 294
► Chapter Review 296

Chapter 12 Integers and Algebra 298

12.1 Simplifying Expressions 300
12.2 Evaluating Expressions with Integers 302
12.3 Solving Equations with Integers 304
12.4 Graphing Inequalities 306

12.5 Solving Inequalities by Adding or Subtracting 308
12.6 Solving Inequalities by Multiplying or Dividing 310
12.7 Calculator: Evaluating Expressions 312
► Math Connection: Hurricane Warning! 313
12.8 Problem Solving: Using a Number Line 314
12.9 Application: Probability 316
► Chapter Review 318

Chapter 13 The Coordinate Plane 320

13.1 Coordinate Axes 322
13.2 Graphing Ordered Pairs 324
13.3 Equations and Ordered Pairs 326
13.4 Graphing Equations 328
13.5 Calculator: Finding Ordered Pairs 330
► On-the-job Math: Dr. Mae Jemison: Astronaut 331
13.6 Problem Solving: Using Line Graphs 332
13.7 Application: Slope of a Line 334
► Chapter Review 336

► Unit Five Review 338

Additional Practice Exercises 341

Glossary 355
Index 359
Photo Credits 365

A Note to the Student
Getting ready for algebra is a big step. You may think you don't know
anything about algebra, but you do. This book was made to help you
prepare for algebra.

The purpose of this book is to make your journey to algebra a success.

This journey will be comfortable and interesting. You will build new
skills based on what you know already. You will make connections
between arithmetic and important skills in algebra. As you work through
and review more topics in arithmetic, your skills in algebra will also grow.

Each lesson will present clear models and examples. The lessons will give
you a chance to try out your skills in Try These. Then, you will go on
and use the skills in Practice. From lesson to lesson, you will share what
you learned with a partner in Cooperative Learning. Margin notes are
there to give you helpful hints.

Application lessons will show you how you can apply what you know to
everyday problems. Problem Solving lessons will show you different
ways to solve all types of problems. Calculator lessons will show you
that using a calculator is another way to practice algebra skills. Math
Connections, People in Math, On-the-job Math, and Math in Your
Life are features that contain interesting information about people and
careers in math. They also give you interesting facts about math in other
subjects that you might study.

There are many other study aids in the book. At the beginning of every
chapter, you will find Learning Objectives. They will help you focus on
the important points covered in the chapter. You will also find Words to
Know. This is a look ahead at new vocabulary you will find in the
chapter. At the end of each chapter, you will find a Chapter Review.
This will give you a summary of what you have just learned, vocabulary
practice, and a quiz. A Unit Review comes after each unit.

Everyone who put this book together worked hard to make it useful,
interesting, and enjoyable. The rest is up to you.

We wish you well on your journey to algebra. Our success comes from
your success.
Unit One

Chapter 1
Review of Whole Numbers

Chapter 2
Number Expressions, Equations,

. Review of
chapter 1 who|e Numbers
.... „r....

Thousands of fans come

to a football game. Learning Objectives
Before such a big sports • Use place value.
event, people who work
at the stadium estimate • Compare whole numbers.
how large the crowd will • Round whole numbers.
be. Why do you think
they do this? • Add, subtract, multiply, and divide whole numbers.
• Estimate sums, differences, products, and quotients.
• Use exponents to find powers.
• Use a calculator to add, subtract, multiply, and
divide large numbers.
• Guess, check, and revise to solve problems.
• Apply concepts and skills to find perimeter.

2 Chapter 1 • Review of Whole Numbers

Words to Know
digit one of the ten basic numbers (0, ], 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
place value the value of a place within a number
addend number added to another number
sum the answer in addition
difference the answer in subtraction
estimate tells you about how large a sum or difference will be
factor one of the numbers being multiplied
product the answer in multiplication
base a factor; in 32, 3 is the base; it is used as a factor 2 times
exponent tells how many times the base is used as a factor
power the result of multiplying when factors are the same
divisor the number used to divide
dividend the number being divided
quotient the answer in division
remainder the number left over in division
polygon a closed figure with three or more sides
perimeter the sum of the lengths of the sides of a polygon

Population Project
How many people live in your town? How many
people live in a nearby town? Record your data in a
place-value chart. Which has the greater population?
Add to find the total population. Then round your
answer. Use a map to report your findings to the class.

Chapter 1 • Review of Whole Numbers

Whole numbers are formed from the ten digits 0, 1,2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. The place-value table below
shows the value of a digit in a number. The value of a
digit in a number has a place value. A place-value
table is based on groups of tens.

Millions-1 |— Thousands —] |-Ones

Math Fact
Commas separate millions,
thousands, and ones.

Use the place-value table above. Answer the questions.

y EXAMPLE 1 What is the value of 2 in 2,483,175?

2 is in the millions place. 2,483,175
2 has a value of 2,000,000.

W EXAMPLE 2 What is the value of 4 in 2,483,175?

4 is in the hundred-thousands place. 2,483,175
4 has a value of 400,000.

^ EXAMPLE 3 What is the value of 7 in 2,483,175?

7 is in the tens place. 2,483,175
7 has a value of 70,

4 Chapter 1 • Review of Whole Numbers

Try These
Use the place-value table to answer the questions below
about the number 9,614,503.
i-Millions-1 i— Thousands —i i-Ones

1. What is the value of 9? 2. What is the value of 1?

9 is in the place. 1 is in the a place.
9 has a value of . 1 has a value of .

3. What is the value of 5? 4. What is the value of 0?

5 is in the place. 0 is in the place.
5 has a value of . 0 has a value of .

1. What is the value of 9 in 365,791? 2. What is the value of 5 in 513,648?
What place is 6 in? What place is 4 in?
What is the value of 3? What is the value of 6?

3. What is the value of 1 in 2,497,178? 4. What is the value of 4 in 1,147,563?

What place is 2 in? What place is 3 in?
What is the value of 8? What is the value of 5?

5. What is the value of 2 in 201,030? 6. What is the value of 7 in 6,719,250?

What place is 1 in? What place is 2 in?
What is the value of 3? What is the value of 1?

Cooperative Learning
7. Write a number with seven digits. Pick out three digits from the
number. Have a partner name the place each digit is in.

8. Make up three numbers using the digits 5, 8, 3, 2, 9, and 1 in

different orders. Have a partner tell you the value of 8 in each of
the three numbers.

Chapter 1 • Review of Whole Numbers 5

1*3 Comparing Numbers

You can use place value to compare numbers.

W EXAMPLE 1 Compare 8,402 and 453.

Line up the digits by place. 8,402

8,402 has more digits than 453.

Math Facts 8,402 is greater than 453 or 453 is less than 8,402.
> means is greater than.
< means is less than. 8,402 > 453 or 453 < 8,402

^ EXAMPLE 2 Compare 5,821 and 5,921.

Line up the numbers by place. 5,821

5,821 and 5,921 have the 5,921
same number of digits.

Compare digits place by place 5,821

starting on the left. 5,921
5 and 5 are equal.

8 and 9 are different. 5,821

8 < 9 or 9 > 8
5,821 is less than 5,921 or 5,921 is greater than 5,821.

5,821 < 5,921 or 5,921 > 5,821

^ EXAMPLE 3 Compare 20,100 and 20,100.

Line up the numbers by place. 20,100

20,100 and 20,100 have the 20,100
same digits in the same places.

20,100 is equal to 20,100.

Math Fact
= means is equal to. 20,100 = 20,100

6 Chapter 1 • Review of Whole Numbers

Try These
Use >, <, or = to compare.
1. Compare 4,602 and 983.
4,602 has digit than 983. 4,602
4,602 is than 983 or 983 is than 4,602 983
> 983 or < 4,602

2. Compare 7,432 and 7,612.

7,432 and 7,612 have the same number of digits. 7,432
7,432 is than 7,612 or 7,612 is than 7,432 7,612
7,432 < or >

3. Compare 392 and 392.

392 and 392 have the same digits in the same places. 392
392 is to 392 . 392
392 392

Use >, <, or = to compare.

1. Compare 3,217 and 2,217. 2. Compare 4,999 and 2,999.

3. Compare 2,347 and 7,432. 4. Compare 3,219 and 9,003.

5. Compare 670 and 670. 6. Compare 544 and 579.

Cooperative Learning
7. Write a pair of numbers. Have a partner compare them. Check
the work.

8. Write a number with four digits. Have a partner use the same
four digits to write a number greater than the number you wrote.
Check the work.

Chapter 1 • Review of Whole Numbers 7

Rounding means changing a number to the nearest
ten, hundred, thousand, and so on. Place value is used
when rounding numbers.

<—i—i—i—i—:—i—i—i—i—i—i—► —i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—:—i—i—►
30 34 35 40 500 550 580 600

34 is closer to 30. 580 is closer to 600.

34 rounded to the nearest 10 is 30. 580 rounded to the nearest 100 is 600.

Follow the steps in these examples.

^ EXAMPLE 1 Round 2,472 to the nearest thousand.

1. Find the digit in the rounding place. 2,472

2. Look at the digit to its right. 2,472

If it is 5 or greater than 5, add 1 to 4 < 5
the digit in the rounding place.
If it is less than 5, leave the digit
in the rounding place alone. Leave 2 alone.

3. Change each digit to the right of

the rounding place to 0. 2,000
2,472 rounded to the nearest thousand is 2,000.

^ EXAMPLE 2 Round 796 to the nearest ten.

1. Find the digit in the rounding place. 796

2. Look at the digit to its right. 796
If if is 5 or greater than 5, add 1 to 6 > 5
the digit in the rounding place. Increase 9 by 1
Math Fact 3. Since 9 + 1 is 10, increase the digit
When you are rounding up to a to the left of the rounding place by 1. Increase 7 by 1
place with the digit 9, you need
to round up the place to its left. 4. Change both the digit in the
rounding place and the digit to the
right of the rounding place to 0. 800

796 rounded to the nearest 10 is 800.

8 Chapter 1 • Review of Whole Numbers

Try These
1. Round 6,231 to the nearest thousand.
Find the digit in the rounding place. 6,231
Look at the digit to its right. 6,231
If it is less than 5, leave the digit in the rounding place alone. 2 5
Leave alone.
Change each digit to the right of the rounding place to 0. 6,0
6,231 rounded to the nearest thousand is .

2. Round 14,899 to the nearest thousand.

Find the digit in the rounding place. 14,899
Look at the digit to its right. 14,899
If it is 5 or greater than 5, add 1 to the digit in the 8 > 5
rounding place. Increase by 1.
Change each digit to the right of the rounding place to 0.

14,899 rounded to the nearest thousand is .

Round to the nearest ten.

1. 84 2. 76 3. 385 4. 4,764

Round to the nearest hundred.

5. 167 6. 258 7. 6,739 8. 12,849

Round to the nearest thousand.

9. 2,675 10. 8,147 11. 9,411 12. 75,218

Round to the nearest ten thousand.

13. 18,799 14. 43,599 15. 178,699 16. 252,125

Cooperative Learning
17. Explain the rules for rounding numbers to a partner.

18. Write a number with six digits. Have a partner round the
number to different places. Check the work.

Chapter 1 • Review of Whole Numbers 9

If you have $4 and you earn $3 more, the total you
have earned is $7. In this addition example, the 4 and
the 3 are called addends. The sum of 4 and 3 is 7.

$4 addend
+ 3 — addend
$7 sum

You add larger numbers by adding the digits within

each number place by place. Start with the digits in
the ones place. If the total is ten or more, be sure
to regroup.

EXAMPLE 1 Add. 435 + 47

Add ones. Add tens. Add hundreds.


Math Fact 1 l l
You can regroup 10 ones as 4 3 5 4 3 5 4 3 5
1 ten. + 4 7 + 47 + 4 7
2 8 2 4 8 2

The sum of 435 and 47 is 482.

^ EXAMPLE 2 Add. 965 + 395

Add ones. Add tens. Add hund

Regroup. Regroup. Regroup.
Remember l i l l t
Regroup 10 ones as 1 ten.
9 6 5 9 6 5 9 6 5
Regroup 10 tens as 1 hundred. + 395 + 395 + 395
Regroup 10 hundreds as 1 0 60 1,3 6 0
The sum of 965 and 395 is 1,360.

10 Chapter 1 • Review of Whole Numbers

Try These
1. Add. 43 + 69 2. Add. 438 + 697
Add ones. Add tens. Add ones. Add tens. Add hundreds.
Regroup. Regroup. Regroup. Regroup. Regroup.

4 3 4 3 4 3 8 4 3 8 4 3 8
+ 69 + 69 + 697 + 697 + 697
1 1,
The sum of 43 and 69 is . The sum of 438 and 697 is .

1. 27 2. 26 3. 59 4. 73
+ 8 + 45 + 28 + 9

5. 38 6. 137 7. 256 8. 367

+ 83 + 48 + 34 + 264

9. 687 10. 1,745 11. 2,348 12. 17,345

+ 499 + 28 + 176 + 4,896

Cooperative Learning
13. Write an addition problem. Have a partner find the sum. Check
the work.

14. Explain to a partner how you would add 897 and 259. Write each
step as you work. Have the partner check your work.

Chapter 1 • Review of Whole Numbers 11


If you have $4 and you spend $3, then you have

$1 left. In this subtraction example, $1 is called the
difference between 4 and 3.

- 3
$1 difference

You subtract two whole numbers by subtracting the

digits place by place. Start with the digits in the ones
place. If you cannot subtract, regroup or "borrow" from
the next place. Then, continue to subtract.

^ EXAMPLE 1 Subtract. 885 - 57

Subtract ones. Subtract tens. Subtract hundreds.

7 15 7.15 7 15
Math Fact
You can regroup for more ones.
8 $$ 8 0 ft
5 7 -57 -57
Borrow 1 ten as 10 ones.
8 2 8 8 2 8

The difference of 885 and 57 is 828.

W EXAMPLE 2 Subtract. 903 - 256

Subtract ones. Subtract tens. Subtract hundreds.
Math Fact 8 9 13 8 9 13 8 9 13
You cannot borrow from 0. Wt Ht 903
Borrow 1 hundred as 10 tens. - 2 5 6 - 2 5 6 -256
Then borrow 1 ten as 10 ones.
4 7 6 4 7
The difference of 903 and 256 is 647.

12 Chapter 1 • Review of Whole Numbers

Try These
1. Subtract. Regroup. Regroup. Subtract
638 - 279 Subtract ones. Subtract tens. hundreds.
18 18 18
6 tt t ttt
The difference of 638 and - 2 7 9 - 2 7 9 - 2 79
279 is H. ■ ■mm 3

2. Subtract. Subtract Regroup. Subtract

3,042 - 271 ones. Subtract tens. hundreds,

■ ill
3,0 4 2 tftt 2
The difference of 3,042 and - 2 7 1 - 2 7 1 - 2 7 1
271 is ■. ■ ma 2,1 mm


1. 27 2. 46 3. 59 4. 83
- 6 - 25 - 28 - 38

5. 367 6. 607 7. 1,035 8. 12,007

- 264 - 499 - 967 - 3,579

Cooperative Learning
9. Write a subtraction problem. Have a partner find the difference.
Check the work.

10. Explain to a partner how you would subtract 89 from 100. Write
each step as you work. Have the partner check the work.

Chapter 1 • Review of Whole Numbers 13

Estimating Sums and

An estimate tells you about how large a sum or

difference will be. You can use rounding to help you

^ EXAMPLE 1 Estimate the difference of 856 and 278.

Math Facts Round each number to Subtract the
856 rounds to 900 because 5 the nearest hundred. rounded numbers.
in the tens place is equal to or
greater than 5.
856 —
278 rounds to 300 because 7 - 278 — - 300
in the tens place is equal to or 600
greater than 5.
The difference of 856 and 278 is about 600.

^ EXAMPLE 2 Estimate the sum 3,456 + 2,378 + 4,612.

Math Fact Round each number to Add the
3,456 rounds to 3,000 the nearest thousand. rounded addends.
because 4 < 5.
3,456 3,000
2,378 2,000
+ 4,612 + 5,000
The sum 3,456 + 2,378 + 4,612 is about 10,000.

W EXAMPLE 3 You started with $1,920. You spent $279 and $413.
Estimate how much you have left.
Remember Estimate how much $279 —►
Round each number to the you spent. + 413 + 400
nearest hundred.
You spent about $700.
Remember Estimate how much $1,920 $1,900
Round each number to the you have left. 700 - 700
nearest hundred.
You have about $1,200 left.

14 Chapter 1 • Review of Whole Numbers

Try These
1. Estimate the sum. 2. Estimate the difference.
2,556 + 4,378 + 1,712 284 - 122
Round each number to 3,000 Round each number to 00
the nearest thousand. ■ the nearest hundred. - 1
+ t

284 — 122 is about .
2,556 + 4,378 + 1,712 is
about .

Round each number to the nearest hundred. Then, estimate the sum.

1. 425 + 137 2. 656 + 238 3. 596 + 348 + 171

Round each number to the nearest hundred. Then, estimate the difference.

4. 426 - 138 5. 756 - 378 6. 856 - 128

Round each number to the nearest ten. Then, estimate the difference.

7. 54 - 18 8. 76 - 38 9. 93 - 28

Cooperative Learning
10. Write two numbers with four digits in each. Have a partner round
each to the nearest thousand. Then, estimate the sum.

11. Write two numbers with three digits in each. Have a partner
round each number to the nearest hundred. Then, estimate the
difference of the larger number and the smaller number.

Chapter 1 • Review of Whole Numbers

Multiplying is an easier way to add when the addends
are the same.

3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 12 all four addends are the same

Math Fact 4X3 = 12 4 factor
The numbers you multiply are x 3 factor
t t t
factors. The answer is the
factors product 12 product

When multiplying a larger number, multiply each

place. You may have to rename and add.

y EXAMPLE 1 Multiply. 82 X 7

Multiply the 2 ones. Multiply the 8 tens.

Rename ones. Add ten.
i l
82 82 8 tens x 7 = 56 tens
X 7 2 X 7 = 14 X 56 tens + 1 ten = 57 tens
4 574

The product of 82 and 7 is 574.

Both factors may have more than one digit.

^ EXAMPLE 2 Multiply. 57 X 36
Multiply by ones. Multiply by tens. Add.
2 2
57 57 57
X 36 x 36 X 36
342 ^ 6X 57 342 342
1,710 — 30 X 57 1,710

The product of 57 and 36 is 2,052.

16 Chapter 1 Review of Whole Numbers

Try These

1. Multiply. 43 X 29 2. Multiply. 538 X 17

Multiply by Multiply Add. Multiply by Multiply Add.
ones. by tens. ones. by tens.
Rename ones. Rename ones.
2 2 2 mm Ml ■■
43 43 43 538 538 538
X 29 X 29 X 29 X 17 X 17 X 17
7 UM7 mu 7 HI 6 6 8 6
It! 0 ■no 0 BUI 110
, a,MB
The product of 43 and 29 is if. The product of 538 and 17 is .


1. 27 2. 36 3. 59 4. 73
x 8 x 5 X 4 X 9

5. 67 6. 87 7. 78 8. 35
X 27 X 59 X 45 X 22

9. 45 10. 48 11. 169 12. 374

X 68 X 96 x 52 X 35

Cooperative Learning
13. Write a multiplication problem. Have a partner find
the product. Check the work.

14. Ask a partner to explain the steps for finding

the product of 198 and 91.

Chapter 1 • Review of Whole Numbers 17

Using Exponents

There is a shorter way to show multiplication when the

factors are the same.

3 x 3 = 32 exponent
i i
base 3 is a factor 2 times 32 = 9 - power
f base

In 32, 3 is called the base. The exponent is 2. The

exponent tells how many times the base is used as a
factor. The exponent also tells the power of the base.
9 is the second power of 3. You can use other numbers
as exponents. Here are some examples.

31 3 3 is a factor time.
32 3x3 3 is a factor times.
33 3x3x3 3 is a factor times.

EXAMPLE 1 Find the power 53.

Use 5 as a factor 3 times. 53
Remember Multiply. 5x5x5
Multiply 5x5 first.
5 x 5 = 25
Then, multiply 25 x 5. 53 = 125

A base can have more than one digit.

y EXAMPLE 2 Find the power 302.

Use 30 as a factor 2 times. 302

Multiply. 30 x 30
302= 900

18 Chapter 1 • Review of Whole Numbers

Try These

Find the power 102. 2. Find the power 63.

Use 10 as 102 Use 6 as 63
a factor times. a factor times.
Multiply. X Multiply. X X

102 = . 63 = .

Find the power.

1. 62 2. 92 3. II2 4. 602

5. 23 6. 33 7. 24 8. 34

9. 122 10. 123 11. 152 12. 502

13. 54 14. 210 15. 1002 16. 1,0002

Cooperative Learning
17. Explain to a partner how you found the power in number 7
in Practice.

18. Write a power. Have a partner find the power. Check the work.

Chapter 1 • Review of Whole Numbers 1

The numbers in a division problem have special names.
In this problem, the number 4 is the divisor. The
number 13 is the dividend. The number 3 is called the
quotient. The number 1 is the remainder.

Math Fact 3 quotient

3 times 4 is 12. The difference 4jl3 1
between 13 and 12 is 1. 1 is
- 12 3 R1 remainder
the remainder.
1 divisor —► 4)l3 dividend

When dividing by a 2-digit number, follow these steps:

W EXAMPLE Divide. 23)687

STEP 1 Decide where to place the 23)687

first quotient digit.
23 > 6, but 23 < 68.
Put the first quotient digit over 8.

STEP 2 Find the first quotient digit. 2

Check 3 is too big because 23 x 3 is 69. 23)687
23 69 is too big. Try 2.
x 2
STEP 3 Subtract 46 from 68. 2
Bring down the digit 7. 23)687
68 - 46_
- 46 227
STEP 4 Find the second quotient digit. 29
23 x 9 = 207. 207 < 227. Use 9. 23)687
Multiply. Then, subtract. - 46_
23 > 20. 227
20 is the remainder. _ 207
29 R20

20 Chapter 1 • Review of Whole Numbers

Try These

1. Divide. 42)908 2. Divide. 61)1,339

Begin by finding 2 Beain bv findina 2
the first digit of 42)9 0 8 the first digit of 6l)l,33 9
the quotient. ■■ the quotient. 12 2
8 1 1 Si
mm mm
26 ms
The quotient of 908 and 42 is , The quotient of 1,339 and 61
with remainder . is , with remainder .


1. 2)760 2. 3)679 3. 5)1,950

4. 7)3,105 5. 4)2,094 6. 34)671

7. 65)873 8. 44)284 9. 69)356

10. 58)598 11. 87)3,285 12. 92)4,314

13. 21)3,878 14. 53)8,350 15. 62)4,350

Cooperative Learning
16. Have each member of your group create a division problem.
Work each problem. Check each other's work.

17. Ask a partner to explain to you how to divide 4,069 by 128.

Chapter 1 • Review of Whole Numbers 21

When you estimate a product, round each factor and
multiply the rounded factors. The zeros in the estimate
will equal the total in the rounded factors.

EXAMPLE 1 Estimate the product of 56 and 37.

Round each number to 60
the nearest ten. x 40
Multiply the
rounded numbers. 60
2 zeros
Count zeros x 40
to help. 2400 2 zeros

The product of 56 and 37 is about 2,400.

When you estimate a quotient, round the dividend

and the divisor. Then estimate the quotient digit.

y EXAMPLE 2 Estimate. 436)2,786

Math Fact 436)2,786
In this problem, 2,786 is the
dividend. 436 is the divisor. 436 is rounded to the 400)3,000
nearest hundred.
2,786 is rounded to the
nearest thousand.

Think 4)30. 7
The quotient is 7. 400)3,000

436)2,786 is about 7.

22 Chapter 1 • Review of Whole Numbers

Try These
1. Estimate the product of 42 2. Estimate. 36)1,678
and 47.
Round 36 to 40).
Round each number 40 the nearest 10.
to the nearest ten. xjl
Round 1,678 to the
nearest thousand.
Multiply the 40
rounded factors. x■
Think 4]~. 40)
Count zeros to help.
The quotient is .

The product of 42 and 47 is 36)1/678 is about I.

about .

Round each factor to the nearest ten. Then, estimate
each product.

1. 56 X 87 2. 15 X 32 3. 51 X 29

4. 42 X 18 5. 75 X 37 6. 85 X 28

Round the dividend to the nearest thousand. Round the divisor

to the nearest ten. Then, estimate each quotient.

7. 12)mT8 8. 25)6,382 9. 34)6,328

10. 53)4425 11. 44)3,565 12. 17)6,348

Cooperative Learning
13. Write a multiplication problem. Have a partner estimate the
product. Check the work.

14. Write a division problem. Have a partner estimate the answer.

Check the work.

Chapter 1 • Review of Whole Numbers 23

Calculator: Performing Operations

You can add, subtract, multiply, and divide large whole

numbers using a calculator. Locate the (+],[-], | * I ,
Q , and (=] keys on your calculator. Review how to
turn on your calculator and how to clear the display.
Estimate your answer first. Then, you can compare
your calculator answer to your estimate as a check. A
check is helpful to be sure you pressed the correct keys.

EXAMPLE 1 Use your calculator to find the sum of 15,459 and 23,635.

Estimate. 15,000 + 24,000 = 39,000

Math Fact Enter 15,459
The display is what you will see by pressing: l 5 4 5 9 75959
on the screen of the calculator.
Then, add 23,635 _
by pressing: l+j 2 3 6 3 5 H 33635

The calculator displays 39,094. The sum is close

enough to the estimate.

EXAMPLE 2 Use your calculator to find 2,035)38,665.

Estimate. 20

Enter 38,665 Display

by pressing: |3j;8j[6| 6 {5} 38665

Then, divide by
2,035 by pressing: A- j 2! 0 3 5 3035

0 19

The calculator displays 19. This quotient is close

enough to the estimate.

24 Chapter 1 • Review of Whole Numbers

Use your calculator. Find the sum, difference, product, or quotient.

1. 2,743 2. 4,645 3. 13,259

+ 1,621 + 2,556 + 8,278

4. 73,456 5. 367,457 6. 687,371

- 9,293 - 26,493 - 19,892

7. 1,785 8. 3,993 9. 12,435

X 38 X 63 X 28

10. 237)14,457 11. 623)175,063 12. 1,827)244,818

Math Connection

An earthquake moves and cracks the earth.
Earthquakes happen when rocks deep inside
the earth shift. When this happens, energy
is released.
A scale was made to measure this energy. It is
called the Richter scale. When an earthquake
happens, scientists measure the energy. They
rate the strength of the earthquake by the
amount of energy released. The earthquake is
given a rating between 1 and 9. An earthquake
rated 1 is the weakest kind of earthquake. An
earthquake rated 2 is 10 times more powerful
than an earthquake rated 1. An earthquake rated
3 is ten times more powerful than 2, but 100
times more powerful than 1.
Even the weakest earthquake can cause damage. Sections of the earth
can rip apart. Buildings may fall. Roads may split. Bridges may crack.
Gas lines and electric lines may break. This can cause fires. Fires are the
biggest danger in an earthquake.

Chapter 1 • Review of Whole Numbers

You can guess an answer to a problem. Then check to
see if the guess is the answer. If not, revise or change
your guess to make it better.

^ EXAMPLE Ryan is two years older than Jasmine, and Jasmine is

one year older than Karlee. The sum of their ages is 34.
How old are Ryan, Jasmine, and Karlee?
READ What do you need to find out?
You need to find the ages of Ryan, Jasmine,
and Karlee.

PLAN What do you need to do?

You need to guess an age for one of the people.
Use your guess to find the other two ages. If your
guess is not correct, revise it and check again.
DO Follow the plan.
Guess for Karlee: 5.
Then Jasmine is 5 + 1 = 6.
Ryan is 6 + 2 = 8.
Check 5 + 6 + 8 = 19 Too small

Revise guess for Karlee: 9.

Jasmine is 9 + 1 = 10.
Ryan is 10 + 2 = 12.
Check 9 + 10 + 12 = 31 Too small

Revise guess for Karlee: 10.

Jasmine is 10 + 1 = 11.
Ryan is 11 + 2 = 13.
10 +11+ 13 = 34. Correct sum
CHECK Does the answer make sense?
Jasmine, 11, is one year older than Karlee,
age 10. Ryan, age 13, is two years older than
Jasmine, 11. The sum of these ages is
10 + 11 + 13 = 34. /
Karlee is 10, Jasmine is 11, and Ryan is 13.

26 Chapter 1 • Review of Whole Numbers

Try These

1. The sum of Gwen and Irving's 2. If you take Derek's jersey number
monthly earnings is $2,900. Irving and multiply it by 3 and add 14,
earns $450 more than Gwen each you will get 53. What is Derek's
month. How much does each earn? jersey number?
Guess for Gwen: $1,000 Guess for Derek's jersey number: 10
Irving earns: . Check 10 x 3 + 14 = Too small
Check $1,000 + = $2,450 Too small
Reviseguess for the jersey number: 12
Reviseguess for Gwen: $1,225. Check 12 x 3 + 14 = Too small
Then Irving earns .
Reviseguess for the jersey number:
Check $1,225 + = $2,900 Correct
Check x 3 + 14 = 53 Correct
So, Gwen earns $1,225 and Irving
So, Derek's jersey number is .
earns .

Guess, check, and revise to solve the problem.

1. Maria and Lamar are playing a game. Maria noticed that the digits
of her score could be reversed to form Lamar's score. Maria's score is
18 more than Lamar's score. Maria's score is a multiple of 5. What is
Maria's score?

2. Kim's mom is 47 years old. In 5 years her mother will be 10 years

older than twice what Kim's age will be then. How old is Kim now?

3. Denise sold 24 more dresses in January than in February and ten

fewer dresses in March than in January. In March she sold 28
dresses. How many dresses did Denise sell in February?

Cooperative Learning
4. Explain to a partner how you find Maria's score in number 1
in Practice.

5. Write a problem about the sum of the ages of two students. Make
one student three years older than the other. Ask a partner to find
the ages of the two students.

Chapter 1 • Review of Whole Numbers 27

A polygon is a closed figure with three or more sides.
The table below shows the number of sides and the
name of the polygon.

Number of Sides Name

3 Triangle
4 Quadrilateral
5 Pentagon
6 Hexagon
Math Fact 7 Heptagon
Sides are measured in inches 8 Octagon
(in.), feet (ft), yards (yd),
meters (m), and The perimeter is the sum of the lengths of the sides of
centimeters (cm). a polygon.

EXAMPLE 1 Find the perimeter.

17 in.

12 in.

19 in.

Math Fact
The answer is 48 in. The The perimeter is the sum of the lengths of the three
answer is not 48. Be sure to sides.
make in. part of your answer. 12 in. + 17 in. + 19 in. = 48 in.

EXAMPLE 2 Find the perimeter.


16 in.

Math Fact
The answer is 103 in. The
answer is not 103. Be sure to The perimeter is the sum of the lengths of the sides.
make in. part of your answer.
25 in. + 19 in. + 16 in. + 23 in. + 20 in. = 103 in.

28 Chapter 1 • Review of Whole Numbers

Try These
Find the perimeter.
2. 23 m

The perimeter is the sum of the The perimeter is the sum of the
lengths of the sides. lengths of the sides.
23 ft + 31 ft + 18 ft + 36 ft = 17 m + 23 m + 15 m +
14 m + 13 m =

Find the perimeter.

Cooperative Learning
10. Explain to a partner how you find the perimeter in number 8
in Practice.

11. Draw a figure. Label each side with a measurement. Have a

partner find the perimeter.

Chapter 1 • Review of Whole Numbers 29

Chapter 1 Review
Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are operations on whole numbers.
To round numbers to a place, look at the digit to the right of that place. If the digit is less
than five, round down. If the digit is greater than or equal to five, round up.
You can estimate sums, differences, products, and quotients.
Using exponents is a shorter way to show and solve some multiplication problems.
Guess, check, and revise is another way to solve problems.
The perimeter is the sum of the lengths of the sides.

digits Vocabulary Review

place value Complete the sentences with words from the box.

addends 1. _is the value of a place within a number.

2. The answer in addition is called the_.
3. The ten basic numbers are called_.
4. The answer in subtraction is called the_.
5. Numbers that are added together are called
6. The_is the answer in division.
7. A_is the result of multiplying when factors
power are the same.
quotient 8. The_is the answer in multiplication.
divisor 9. The sum of the lengths of the sides of a polygon is
called the_.
10. In 32, 3 is called the_.
11. The numbers being multiplied are called_.
12. An_tells how many times the base is used as
a factor.
13. _is the number used to divide.
14. The number being divided is called the_.

30 Chapter 1 • Review of Whole Numbers

Chapter Quiz
Use 456,812 to find the value of these digits.
1. The digit 4 2. The digit 6 3. The digit 1

Round the following to the nearest thousand.

4. 4,461 5. 911 6. 31,769

7. 38 8. 256 9. 2,636
+ 9 + 153 + 328

10. 25 11. 256 12. 1,735
- 7 - 167 - 378

13. 36 14. 56 15. 67
x 9 X 38 X 54

16. 3)659 17. 23)562 18. 78)2,474

Guess, check, and revise to solve the problem.

19. Cameron is three years older than Karlee. Karlee is two years
older than Denise. The sum of Cameron, Karlee, and Denise's
ages is 49. How old is each person?

Name the figure. Find its perimeter.

20. 13 m

Chapter 1 • Review of Whole Numbers 31

„ Number Expressions,
chapter Equations, Properties

When you play chess,

you learn special words Learning Objectives
like checkmate. You learn
• Recognize a number expression.
rules so players know
what to do. In math, • Simplify number expressions.
you do the same thing.
• Tell whether two number expressions are equal.
What are some special
words and rules we • Recognize a number equation.
need in math?
• Tell whether a number equation is true or false.
• Explain the properties of operations and numbers.
• Use a calculator to simplify number expressions.
• Write number equations for word statements.
• Apply concepts and skills to find area.

32 Chapter 2 • Number Expressions, Equations, Properties

Words to Know
number expression a number or numbers together with operation symbols

parentheses a pair of grouping symbols (); may also mean multiplication

simplify carry out the operations; find the value

equivalent having the same value; equal

number equation a statement that two number expressions are equal

property a fact that is true for addition and for multiplication

Commutative two numbers can be added in any order;

Properties two numbers can be multiplied in any order

Associative more than two numbers can be added or multiplied in groups of

Properties two; the way the numbers are grouped does not matter

Identity Properties adding 0 to a number does not change the number;

multiplying a number by 1 does not change the number

Zero Property a number multiplied by 0 is 0

Distributive Property to multiply a sum or difference by a number, multiply

each number of the sum or difference

Division Properties a number divided by itself is 1; a number divided by 1 is

the same number; 0 divided by any number that is not 0 is 0

area the number of squares needed to cover a closed figure

Perimeter and Area Project

Terry has 20 feet of fencing to fence in a rectangular
garden. Draw and label two possible rectangles to represent
her garden. Write a number expression to represent the
perimeter of each garden. Then find the area of each
garden. Which garden has the greater area? With your
classmates, find all the possible rectangles with a perimeter
of 20 feet. Which garden has the greatest area?

Chapter 2 • Number Expressions, Equations, Properties 33

► Number Expressions

Numbers and operation signs are used to write number

expressions. A single number is also an expression.
Here are some number expressions.

6 9+7 10 + 2 5X3 8-4

Math Fact
10 -r 2 means To find the value of a number expression, do the
10 divided by 2. operation. The value of 6 is 6.

y EXAMPLE 1 Find the value of 9 + 7.


The value of 9 + 7 is 16.

W EXAMPLE 2 Find the value of 10 + 2.

Divide. 10 + 2
Think 2)T0. 5
The value of 10 + 2 is 5.

There are other ways to show multiplication. You can

use a dot. You can also use parentheses.

5x3 -• 5*3 or 5(3) or (5)3


W EXAMPLE 3 Find the value of 5(3).

Multiply. 5x3

The value of 5(3) is 15.

34 Chapter 2 • Number Expressions, Equations, Properties

Try These

1. Find the value of 8 - 4. 2. Find the value of 5 • 3.

Subtract. 8 - Multiply. 5 x

The value of 8 - 4 is . The value of 5 « 3 is .

Find the value of each number expression.

1. 12-4 2. 9-3 3. 9 4. 2 • 6

5. 10-9 6. (8)2 7. 14 + 6 8. 5 + 1

9. 4X1 10. 12 11. 11 - 5 12. 9 X 2

13. 10 + 3 14. (7)2 15. 20 - 10 16. 30 - 10

17. 100 + 20 18. 25 19. 2(10) 20. 25 -- 5

Cooperative Learning
21. Write a number expression using addition. Have a partner find
the value of the expression. Check the work.

22. Write a number expression using parentheses to show

multiplication. Have a partner find the value of the expression.
Check the work.

23. Explain to a partner how you found the value of the expression
in number 15 in Practice.

Chapter 2 • Number Expressions, Equations, Properties 35

Simplifying Number Expressions

When you find the value of an expression, you

simplify the expression. You have already simplified
number expressions with one operation. You can also
simplify a number expression with more than one
operation. You must follow The Order of Operations:

1. Multiply and divide from left to right.

2. Then, add and subtract from left to right.

^ EXAMPLE 1 Simplify. 18 - 5 X 2

Multiply first. 18-5x2


Subtract next. 18 - 10

The value of 18 - 5 x 2 is 8.

^ EXAMPLE 2 Simplify. 2 + 12 4- 3 -- 4

Math Fact Divide first. 2 + 12-3-4

Start with 12 3.
1 i 1
Add next. 2 + 4 — 4
1 i
Subtract. 6-4

The value of 2 + 12 - 3 - 4 is 2.

y EXAMPLE 3 Simplify. 13 + 23 - 4
Math Fact 23 means 2x2x2. 13 + 23—4
Work from left to right.
Start with 23. Multiply first. 13 + 2x2x2-4
Divide next. 13 +8-4
1— ,_1
Add. 13 + 2


The value of 13 + 23 4- 4 is 15.

36 Chapter 2 • Number Expressions, Equations, Properties

Try These

1. Simplify. 5 • 4 + 18 4- 2 2. Simplify. 42 --8-5-2

Multiply first. 5*4 + 18 = 2 Multiply first. 4 X ■ - 8 = 2

Divide next. ■ + 18 = 2 Divide next. ■ - -5- 2

mi Subtract ■■ - ■i
■ ■
The value of 5 •4+ 18 = 2 = 8. The value 42 -8-2=1.



1. 7-5 + 2 2. 20+10-6 3. 10 + 3 - 6 + 2

4. 8 + 22 - 10 = 5 5. 15-5X2 6. 23:X 2 - 2X4

7. 28 + 7 • 2 8. 9 + 4X1 9. 24 - 20 - 5

10. 42 + 32 + 3 11. 27 - 5 x 2 12. 33 + 9 + 2

13. 8*4 = 2 14. 42 x 2 - 20 15. 10 -24 8

16. 9 + 15 + 15 — 10 17. 2 + 25 X 2 + 52 18. 32 + 30 - 10

Cooperative Learning
19. Work with a partner to simplify 8 • 6 - 12 - 3. Take turns doing
the steps. Check each other's work.

20. Make up a number expression using addition and multiplication.

Ask a partner to simplify it. Check the work.

Chapter 2 • Number Expressions, Equations, Properties 37

You have seen parentheses used to show
multiplication. Parentheses can also be used to
group numbers and operations in an expression.

2(4 + 9) (1 + 3)2 16 - (2 + 2)

When expressions contain parentheses, do the

operations in the parentheses first. Then follow the
special order of operations.

W EXAMPLE 1 Simplify. 24 — (6 - 3)
Do the subtraction
in parentheses first. 24 - (6 - 3)

Divide. 24-3

The value of 24 - (6 - 3) is 8.

y EXAMPLE 2 Simplify. (23 - 2) X 4 - 1

Do the operations
in parentheses first. (23 - 2) x 4 - 1

(2x2x2 -2) X4-1

(8 - 2) X 4 - 1

Multiply next. 6X4-1

Subtract. 24 - 1


The value of (23 - 2) X 4 - 1 is 23.

38 Chapter 2 • Number Expressions, Equations, Properties

Try These

1. Simplify. 20 - (6 + 5) 2. Simplify. (3 + 4)2.

Do the operation in Do the operation in
the parentheses. 20 - ( ) the parentheses. (H)2
Subtract. Multiply.

The value of 20 - (6 + 5) is The value of (3 + 4)2 is 1.


1. 2(5 - 2) 2. 8 m(2 + 2) 3. (6--4)4- 3

4. 13 - (4 + 2) 5. 18 4- (6 -5) 6. (9 + 1) -- 22

7. (33 - 3) - 3 8. (2 + 7) X 2 - 4 9. 42 -f (8--6)

10. (22 + 2) - 4 11. (5 + 1)2 12. 8 X (4 + 2)

13. (22 + 4) - 4 14. (4 + 2)2 15. (42 + 1) - 4

16. (20 + 10) ^ 5 17. (10 - 3) x 2 + 18. (45 -9) x 2

19. 22(10 - 8) 20. (5 + 8) - -3X2

Cooperative Learning
21. Simplify 3x4 + 2. Have a partner simplify 3(4 + 2). Compare
your answers. Why are they different?

22. Make up a number expression that contains parentheses to group

numbers and operations. Use multiplication and addition. Have a
partner simplify the expression. Check the work.

Chapter 2 • Number Expressions, Equations, Properties

Equivalent Number Expressions

Two number expressions are equivalent if they both

have the same value. The expressions may have
different numbers and operations. You can simplify
each expression to see if the two values are equal.

EXAMPLE 1 Tell whether 3 + 5 and 12 — 4 are equivalent.

Simplify each expression. 3 + 5 and 12-4
i-,-1 i-,-1

8 8

Check The value of 3 + 5 is 8.

8 is equal to 8. The value of 12 - 4 is 8.
3 + 5 and 12-4 are equivalent.

EXAMPLE 2 Tell whether 5(4-2) and 5 • 4 - 2 are equivalent.

Simplify each expression. 5(4 - 2) and 5*4-2
i—,—i i—,—i

5(2) 20-2

10 18

Check The value of 5(4 - 2) is 10.

10 does not equal 18. The value of 5 • 4 - 2 is 18.
5(4 - 2) and 5*4-2 are not equivalent.

EXAMPLE 3 Tell whether (9 + 1) + 6 and 9 + (1 + 6) are equivalent.

Simplify each expression. (9 + 1) + 6 and 9 + (1 + 6)

1—i—1 1—i—1
+ 6 i
9 + 7,
i -I 1

16 16
Check The value of (9 + 1) + 6 is 16.
16 is equal to 16.
The value of 9 + (1 + 6) is 16.
(9 + 1) + 6 and 9 + (1 + 6) are equivalent.

40 Chapter 2 • Number Expressions, Equations, Properties

Try These

1. Tell whether 8^8x8 and 16^2 2. Tell whether (3 X 2)4 and 3 X 2(4)
are equivalent. are equivalent.
The value of 8 4- 8 x 8 is The value of (3 x 2)4 is
The value of 16 4- 2 is 8. The value of 3 x 2(4) is +
Are 8 4- 8 X 8 and 16 4- 2 Are (3 x 2)4 and 3 X 2(4)
equivalent? equivalent?

Tell whether the expressions are equivalent. Write yes or no.

1. 27 4- 3 and 5 + 4 2. 3 • 6 and 13-5

3. 6 + 3 and 3*4 4. 4 • 2 and 16 + 2

5. 9 -■ 2 and 21 + 3 6. 6 • 4 and 11 + 13

7. (5 + 4) + 1 and 5 + (4 + 1) 8. (5-- 2) - 1 and 5 - (2 - 1)

9. 8 • 2 • 4 and 8 4 «► 2 10. 7 + 7 and 9 4-9

11. 16 4- 4 and 4 12. 20 and 20

13. (5-f 1) - 1 and 5 + (1 - 1) 14. 32 + 22 and (3 + 2)2

15. 2 • 2-e2 and 2 4- 2 • 2 16. 6 - 6 + 6 and 6 + 6 — 6

17. 0 + 9 and 32 18. (4-- I)2 and 42 - l2

Cooperative Learning
19. Explain to a partner how you are able to tell whether or not the
expressions in number 18 in Practice are equivalent.

20. Write a number expression using addition and multiplication.

Have a partner write an equivalent expression using
multiplication and division. Check the work.

Chapter 2 • Number Expressions, Equations, Properties 41

Number expressions can be used to write number
equations. A number equation is a statement that two
expressions are equivalent. You can use an equal sign
to write an equation. Here are some number equations.

7 = 7 5 + 1 1 + 5 9-3 = 3
true true true

A number equation is true if the expressions on both

sides of the equal sign have the same value. If the
two expressions have different values, you do not have
an equation.

y EXAMPLE 1 Tell whether 5 + 4 and 12-3 are equivalent.

Math Fact The value of 5 + 4 is 9. 5 + 4 = 12 - 3
5 + 4 is on the left side.
1—i—1 1—,—1
12 - 3 is on the right side. The value of 12 - 3 is 9.

5 + 4 and 12-3 are equivalent.

^ EXAMPLE 2 Tell whether 3 • 2 is equal to 20 - 5.

Math Fact The value of 3 • 2 is 6. 3 • 2 ? 20 - 5

6 is not equal to 4. ■—i—1 1 —1

± means "is not equal to." The value of 20 + 5 is 4. 6

3 • 2 A 20 + 5.

^ EXAMPLE 3 Tell whether 17-9 and 23 form an equation.

The value of 17 - 9 is 8. 17-9 ? 23

1—,—i '—.—i

The value of 23 is 8. 8 2x2x2


17 - 9 = 23. The expressions form an equation.

42 Chapter 2 • Number Expressions, Equations, Properties

Try These

Tell whether the expressions form an 2. 40 + 18-3 and 46

equation. If yes, write the equation. The value of 40 + 18 + 3 is
1. 9 + 4 and 22 - 2 The value of 46 is 46.

The value of 9 + 4 is Do 40+18-3 and 46 form

The value of 22 - 2 is an equation? .

Do 9 + 4 and 22 + 2 form an Write the equation.

equation? . 40 + 18 - 3 46

Tell whether the expressions are equivalent. Write yes or no.
If yes, write an equation.

1. 28 — 4 and 5 + 2 2. 4 • 7 and 33 - 5

3. 14 and 14 4. 2 • 9 and 24 - 5

5. 26 + 13 and 3 • 13 6. 4 • 2 and 16 - 2

7. 19 - 7 and 36 - 12 8. 42 ® 2 and 21 -f 12

9. 19 - 12 and 14-2 10. 17 + 14 and 5 • 5

11. 27 - 3 and 5 + 4 12. 5 and 5

13. 7 -- 5 and 23 - 6 14. 3 + 23 and 7 • 4

15. 7 4- 3 and (TO + 3) - 2 16. (10 + 20) — 6 and 2 + 3

17. 9 -- 2 and 32 - 2 18. 5 + 1 and 36 - 9

19. 10 and 10 20. 2 • 4 and 24 - 3

Cooperative Learning
23. Explain to a partner how you are able to tell whether the
expressions in number 16 in Practice form an equation.

24. Write an equation using addition and multiplication. Have a

partner tell whether it is true or false. Check the work.

Chapter 2 • Number Expressions, Equations, Properties 43

You can add 2 and 3 in any order. The sum is the same.
These number equations show this property of
addition. Both equations are true.

2+3=5 3+2=5

This is the Commutative Property of Addition.

There are other properties of addition. These properties

will help you perform operations quickly.

Associative Property of Addition

Sometimes you have to add more than two numbers.
The way the numbers are grouped does not matter. You
can add the numbers in groups of two.

(6 + 2) + 1 = 6 + (2 + 1)
Identity Property of Addition
Adding 0 to any number does not change the number.

3+0=3 0+5=5 9+0=9

^ EXAMPLE 1 Name the property shown by (5 + 7) + 8 = 5 + (7 + 8).

The sum of three numbers (5 + 7) + 8 = 5 + (7 + 8)

Adding the numbers in groups of two

(5 + 7) + 8 = 5 + (7 + 8) shows the Associative

Property of Addition.

y EXAMPLE 2 Use the Commutative Property of Addition to

complete. 8 + 9 = ? + 8

Adding two numbers in any order 8 + 9 = 9 + 8

9 is the missing number on the right side.

44 Chapter 2 • Number Expressions, Equations, Properties

Try These

1. Name the property shown by 2. Use a property of addition to

0 + 10 = 10. complete.
Adding to any number (2 + 8) + 4 = A + (8 + 4)
doesn't change the number.
This is the sum of three numbers.
1 Property of Addition Use the Associative Property.

is the number missing on the

right side.

Name the property shown.

1. 5 + 3 = 3 + 5 2. (6 4- 9) + 4 = 6 + (9 + 4)

3. 10 + 0 = 10 4. 8 + 1 = 1 + 8

5. (8 + 2) + 1 = 8 + (2 + 1)

6. 7 + + (7 + 2) + 3

Use a property to complete. il

7. 4 + 8 = 8 + 11 8. 7 + a = 7

9. (6 + 4) + 2 = 6 + ( +2) 10. m + il = ll

11. 6 + 15 == 1 +6 12. 2 + (3 + 1!) = (2 + 3) + 5

Cooperative Learning
13. Write a number equation that shows one of the properties of
addition. Have a partner name the property.

14. Explain to a partner how you used a property to complete

number 12 in Practice.

Chapter 2 • Number Expressions, Equations, Properties 45

1£S Multiplication Properties

You can multiply 2 and 3 in any order. The product is

the same. These equations show this property of
multiplication. Both equations are true.

2x3=6 3X2=6

This is called the Commutative Property of


There are other properties of multiplication.

Associative Property of Multiplication

When you have to multiply more than two numbers,
multiply them in groups of two. The way the numbers
are grouped does not matter.

(2 • 3) • 4 = 2 • (3 • 4)

Identity Property of Multiplication

Multiplying a number by 1 does not change the number.

3x1=3 1x5=5 9X1=9

Zero Property of Multiplication

Multiplying a number by 0 is 0.

3X0=0 0X5=0 9X0=0

^ EXAMPLE 1 Name the property shown by (5 • 7) • 8 = 5 • (7 • 8).

This is the product of three numbers. (5 * 7) • 8 = 5 • (7 • 8)

Multiplying the numbers in groups of two.

(5 • 7) • 8 = 5 • (7 • 8) shows the Associative Property

of Multiplication.

^ EXAMPLE 2 Use the Commutative Property of Multiplication to

complete 8 X 9 = ? X 8.

This shows multiplying two numbers in any order. 8 x 9 = ? x 8

9 is missing on the right side.

46 Chapter 2 • Number Expressions, Equations, Properties

Try These

1. Name the property shown by: 2. Use a property of multiplication

1X10= 10. to complete:
Multiplying any number by (2 • 8) • 4 = • (8 • 4)
does not change the number.
This is the product of three numbers.
Property of Multiplication Use the Associative Property.

is the number missing on the

right side.

Name the property shown.

1. 5 x 3 = 3 X 5 2. (6 * 9) • 4 = 6 • (

3. 10 X 0 = 0 4. 8 x 1 = 8

5. (8 • 2) • 1 = 8 • (2 • 1) 6. 4 X 10 = 10 X 4

Use a property to complete.

7. 4 x 8 = 8 X 8. 7 X = 7

9. (6 • 4) • 2 = 6 • ( • 2) 10. 1 X = 12

11. X 9 = 0 12. 5 x 9 = X 5

Cooperative Learning
13. Write a number equation that shows one of the properties of
multiplication. Have a partner name the property.

14. Explain to a partner how you used a property to complete

number 12 in Practice.

Chapter 2 • Number Expressions, Equations, Properties 47

The Distributive Property uses two operations. Here,
multiplication and addition are being used.

2(3 + 4) = 2 • 3 + 2 • 4

You distribute 2 over each number in the parentheses.

Do this by multiplying each number by 2.

The Distributive Property also uses multiplication

and subtraction.

5(7 - 2) = 5 • 7 - 5 * 2

Multiply each number in the parentheses by 5.

^ EXAMPLE 1 Use the Distributive Property to complete.

3(5 - 2) = ? - ?
Multiply 5 and 2 by 3. 3 • 5 - 3 • 2
3(5 - 2) = 3 • 5 - 3 • 2

^ EXAMPLE 2 Use the Distributive Property to complete.

2«5 + 2*6 = ?(? + ?)
5 and 6 are both multiplied by 2. 2(5 + 6)
2 • 5 + 2 • 6 = 2(5 + 6)

W EXAMPLE 3 There are three Division Properties.

A number divided by itself is 1.

3)3 — 3-3 = 1
A number divided by 1 is the same number.
1)3 — 3-1 = 3
0 divided by any number that is not 0 is 0.
3)0 — 0-3 = 0

48 Chapter 2 • Number Expressions, Equations, Properties

Try These

1. Use the Distributive Property to 2. Use the Distributive Property to

complete. complete.
2(7 +3) = 2 • + 2 • 6.5 - 6 * 4 = 6( )
Use the Division Properties to complete.

■ ■ 0
3. 5)5 —*5-^5= 4. l]7 —+ 7 + 1 = 5. 9j~ —► ; 4- 9 =
... .

Use a property to complete.

1. 5(3 - 2) = 5 • I - 5 • i 2. (3 + 1) = 7 • 3 + 7 • 1

3. 5 • 6 - 5 • 2 = 5(11 - 1 ) 4. 4 • 2 + I- * 2 = 4(2 + 2)

5. 8( - 2) = 8 • 3 - 8 • 2 6. 3*2+ • 1 = 3(2 + 1)

7. 8)0 — 0 - 8 = 8. )6 — 6-H = 6

9. 4 r — |H-4 =

Cooperative Learning
10. Explain to a partner how you used the Distributive Property to
complete number 5 in Practice.

11. Explain to a partner how you used a Division Property to

complete number 9 in Practice.

Chapter 2 • Number Expressions, Equations, Properties 49

You can use your calculator to simplify expressions.
First, decide which operation to do first. It will be
helpful to write some of your answers on paper as you
work with the calculator.

EXAMPLE 1 Use your calculator to simplify the expression

26 - 4 • 6 + 5.


Multiply first. 26 - 4 • 6 + 5

Enter 4 x 6 by pressing: 00® 0 3W

Write this on paper: 26 - 24 + 5

Clear the display.

Subtract next. 26 -24 + 5

Enter 26 - 24. 0®B@®0 C 2

Add 5. 0®0 n

The value of 26 - 4 • 6 + 5 is 7.

^ EXAMPLE 2 Use your calculator to simplify the expression 5(3 + 14).

Remember Display
Do the operation inside the Add first. 5(3 + 14)
parentheses first.
Enter 3 + 14 by pressing: 00000 “ ii ni
Write this on paper: 5(17)

Clear the display.

Multiply. 5(17)

Enter 5 x 17 by pressing: 00000 35

The value of 5(3 + 14) is 85.

50 Chapter 2 • Number Expressions, Equations, Properties

Use your calculator to simplify each expression.
1. 29 - 16 + 48-3 2. 26 + 14 + 7-15

3. 12 X: 13 - 23 4. 28 X 13 - 27

5. 368 + 4-22 6. (45 + 67) -p 7

7. 5(23 + 14) 8. (196 - 8) -p 4

9. 18 x 12-3 10. 30(15 - 3)

11. 120 + 10 + 2 12. 22 + 35 + 7

On-the-Job Math
Have you ever had a prescription filled?
If so, you probably watched a pharmacy
assistant at work.

Pharmacy assistants do many jobs. First,

they take a doctor's prescription from a
customer. They check the person's name
and address. They ask if the person is
allergic to any medicine. Many times
assistants count the pills. The doctor wants
the person to have a certain number of pills, so the count must be
exact. The pharmacist checks the work before it is given to the
customer. Then, the customer pays for the medicine. Assistants take
the money to a cash register and make change.

Pharmacy assistants keep busy all the time. Sometimes, the shelves
need to be cleaned up and large orders of medicine need to be put
away. The assistants fill out insurance forms. Sometimes, the
information is put into a computer. Pharmacy assistants have to be
very careful. Even a small mistake could be a problem for a customer.

If you like details and enjoy working with people, you might like to
work as a pharmacy assistant.

Chapter 2 • Number Expressions, Equations, Properties 51

Problem Solving:
Numbers for Words

You can write number equations for word statements.

This will be a useful tool in solving problems.

Addition is used to find the total.

Twice means 2 times as much.
How much left means subtraction.
Separate into equal amounts means division.

EXAMPLE A manufacturer shipped 72 mugs separated into 3

cases. There are 24 mugs in each case. Write a number
equation to show this.

READ What do you need to find out?

You need to find the number equation for the
word statement.
PLAN What do you need to do?
Choose the correct operation. Write an
equation. Use the symbol for the operation,
the numbers given, and the equal sign.
DO Carry out the plan.
Choose the operation. division
Divide 72 by 3. 72 4- 3
Write the equation. 72 4- 3 = 24
CHECK Does your answer make sense?
72 mugs are separated into 3 cases. This
means 72 -v 3. Each case holds 24 mugs. /

The number equation for the problem is 72 4- 3 = 24.

52 Chapter 2 • Number Expressions, Equations, Properties

Try These

Write a number equation for each.

1. 47 students went to a game. 2. Chris is 28. He is twice as old as

39 went in a bus. 8 went in a van. his cousin. His cousin is 14.
Operation: Addition Operation: Multiplication
Equation: 8 + * = Equation: ■ (■) = 28

Write a number equation for each.

1. Hector makes $50 each week at a part-time job. He just got a raise
of $5. He now makes $55 each week.

2. Rosa bought 3 pairs of shoes. Each pair cost $40. She paid $120
for all three pairs.

3. Wade had 25 packages to deliver at the start of the day. Before lunch,
he delivered 14 packages. He had 11 left to deliver after lunch.

4. Jose uses 3 pans to make 36 muffins. Each pan holds 12 muffins.

5. Margarita walks 3 miles each day. She walks 5 days each week. In
one week she walks 15 miles.

6. Jamal plans to spend 12 hours painting his apartment. He wants

to spend 3 hours a day doing the painting. It will take Jamal 4
days to paint his apartment.

7. Rita made 12 car payments last year. She paid a total of $1,200.
Her payments were $100 each month.

Cooperative Learning
8. Explain to a partner how you wrote the number equation for
number 7 in Practice.

9. Write word statements. Look at numbers 1-7 in Practice for some

ideas. Have a partner write a number equation for what you
wrote. Check the work.

Chapter 2 • Number Expressions, Equations, Properties 53

Application: Area

Area is the number of squares needed to cover a closed

figure. This rectangle is covered by 6 squares. It has an
area of 6 square meters.
3 m

2 m

You can also find the area of a rectangle by multiplying

the length by the width. The length of the rectangle is
3 meters. The width of the rectangle is 2 meters.

Area of a Rectangle = length * width

6 square meters = 3 m • 2 m

EXAMPLE Find the area of the rectangle.

17 m

12 m

Area of a Rectangle = length • width

204 square meters = 12m • 17m

The length and width of a rectangle can be in any unit

of measure. Feet, yards, inches, and centimeters are
some of the units you will see. Remember that the area
is a number of squares. So area is given in square units.
Square feet, square yards, square inches, and square
centimeters are some of the units for area.

54 Chapter 2 • Number Expressions, Equations, Properties

Try These

Find the area of the rectangles.

1. 19m 2. 20 ft

14 m 16 ft

Area = length • width Area = length * width

Multiply and 14. Multiply 20 and

The area is square The area is square

Find the area.

2. 3. 27 yd
19 m
14 yd
23 ft
11 m
5. 6.
15 mi
24 cm
19 in.
17 mi
21 cm

8. 23 mi 9. 20 yd

27 mm
10 yd
26 mi

13 mm

Cooperative Learning
10. Ask a partner to explain how to find the area in number 3 in
Practice. Check the work.

11. Explain to a partner how to find the area of the rectangle in

number 9 in Practice.
Chapter 2 • Number Expressions, Equations, Properties 55
chapter 2 Review _

Numbers and operations are used to write number expressions.

To simplify a number expression with more than one operation, multiply and divide from
left to right. Then, add and subtract from left to right.

When an expression contains parentheses, do the operations in the parentheses first.

You can simplify each expression to see if the values are equal.

An equation is true if the expressions on both sides of the equal sign have the same value.

Properties for operations and numbers will help you perform operations quickly.

Writing a number equation for a word statement is a useful problem-solving skill.

You can use multiplication to find area.

number expression Vocabulary Review

simplify Complete the sentences with words from the box.

1. When you carry out the operations you_
2. Numbers together with operation symbols form a_
3. When a number multiplied by 0 is 0, it is called
number equation
4. A fact that is true for all numbers is a_
Associative Property
5. The_is when a number divided by 1 is the
Zero Property same number.
Distributive Property 6. _are grouping symbols.
Division Property 7. The_is used to multiply a sum or difference
by a number.
8. _is the number of squares needed to cover a
closed figure.
9. More than two numbers multiplied in groups of
two is an example of an_
10. A statement that two number expressions are
equal is called a_
11. Numbers having the same value are_
56 Chapter 2 • Number Expressions, Equations, Properties
Chapter Quiz
Find the value of each number expression.


2. 30 + 11 3. 22 - 1

4. 10 X 3 5. 42 + 6 6. 18 - 1

7. 15 - 4 • 3 8. 2 • 32 9. 2(2 + 3) - 1

Tell whether the expressions are equivalent. Write yes or no.

If yes, write an equation.
10. 12 x 3 and 9 11. 27 + 9 and 3 12. 43 + 33 and (4 + 3)

13. 12 - 3 and 2 • 2 14. 3 • 6 and 23-5 15. 24 + 4 and 5 + 2

Name the property shown. \

16. 5 + 3 = 3 + 5 17. (6 • 9) • 4 = 6 • (9 • 4) 18. 11 X 0 = 0

Write a number equation for each.

19. Luisa sold 4 sweatshirts. Each sweatshirt costs $20. She sold a total of $80.

20. Ed drives 15 miles each day. He drives 7 days a week. In one week, he
drives 105 miles.

Find the area.

21. 8 yd 22. 14ft

Chapter 2 * Number Expressions, Equations, Properties 57

Unit i Review
Choose the letter for the correct answer.
Use the chart to answer Questions 1-2. 5. Which expression 2 in.
would you use
Regular Number Length of to find the area 2 in- '
polygon of Sides each side
of this square? 2 jn
triangle 3 2 in.
A. 2 in. X 2 in.
pentagon 5 5 in.
B. 2 in. + 2 in.
hexagon 6 3 in.
C. 2 in. + 2 in. + 2 in. + 2 in.
heptagon 7 1 in.
D. 2 in. X 2 in. X 2 in. X 2 in.

1. Find the perimeter of the hexagon. 6. Rosita baked 48 cookies. She put
the cookies onto 6 plates. How
A. 6 in.
many cookies are on each plate?
B. 7 in.
Which number equation solves
C. 18 in.
the problem?
D. 25 in.
A. 6 X 8 = 48
2. Which has the greatest perimeter? B. 48 - 8 = 6
A. Triangle C. 48 -r- 6 = 8
B. Pentagon D. None of the above
C. Hexagon
D. Heptagon

3. Philip is twice as old as Maria. Critical Thinking

Maria is two years younger than Jake spends 60 hours each
Pedro. The sum of their ages is 26. month practicing sports. He
How old is Pedro? spends 16 more hours practicing
A. 6 years skateboarding than playing
B. 8 years basketball. How much time does
he spend playing basketball?
C. 12 years
challenge Write a number
D. 15 years
equation to show the number of
4. Find the area of a rectangle that is hours spent each week playing
20 miles long and 5 miles wide. basketball.
A. 50 miles
B. 100 miles
C. 50 square miles
D. 100 square miles

Unit Two
pBawaeaflMMBmaBiirfi1- giHi MW I1I11IIW flMMlMITlWffiinilWIWIlTnW^

Chapter 3
Variable Expressions

Chapter 4
Variable Equations

Chapter 5
Decimals and Algebra

chapter 13 Variable Expressions

In this sound studio, the

engineer uses a mixing Learning Objectives
board to put together a
• Identify variable expressions.
song. His understanding
of math helps him give • Identify like terms.
the music its beat. What
• Simplify variable expressions.
are the symbols for the
different beats in music? • Evaluate variable expressions.
• Use a calculator to evaluate variable expressions.
• Solve problems by drawing a picture.
• Apply concepts and skills to find volume.

60 Chapter 3 • Variable Expressions

Words to Know
variable a letter that represents a number
variable expression an expression containing operations with variables or with variables
and numbers
terms parts of an expression separated by a + or - sign
constant a term that is a number
coefficient a number that multiplies a variable
like terms numbers or terms that have the same variables with the same
simplify a variable
expression combine like terms
combine like terms add or subtract the coefficients of the variables
substitute replace a variable with a number
evaluate a variable
expression find fhe value by substituting numbers for the variables
volume the number of cubes needed to fill a space

Volume Project
Bring in four small to medium-sized boxes. In your
math journal, record what you think is the volume of
each box. Then measure the length, width, and height
of each box. Round each measure to the nearest whole
number. Calculate the volume of the box. You can use
the expression l X w X h for the volume. Record the
results in your math journal. Compare your results
with your guesses to see how close each guess is to the
actual volume.

Chapter 3 • Variable Expressions 61

Variable Expressions

Here are a basketball team's final scores for its first three
games: 48, 76, 59. You can use a variable to represent
the scores. A variable is a letter that represents any
number. Use s to represent the scores. Then s means 48,
76, or 59. In the fourth game, the team scores 80
points. You can use s to mean 80 or any other score.

A variable expression contains operations, numbers,

and variables. These expressions contain addition and

4 + 7 x —y t + 4 8 - c + d

EXAMPLE 1 Name the variables in s - t + 4.

The variables are the letters. s - t + 4
s and t are the variables.

Variable expressions that contain multiplication or

division can be written in different ways.

2 X a —► 2 • a or 2a or 2(a) or (2)a
cd —>~c*d or c x d or (c)d or c(d)

^ EXAMPLE 2 Complete. 4a2 = 4 • a • ?

4 a2 = 4 • a • ?
4a2 means 4 times a times o. 4a2 = 4 • a • a

y EXAMPLE 3 Complete. abc = a ? c

abc = a • ? • c
abc means a times b times c. abc = a • b • c

W EXAMPLE 4 Complete. ~ 8
— = ? - 8

^ means 5f divided by 8. — = 5f + 8
° 8

62 Chapter 3 • Variable Expressions

Try These

Name the variable or variables in each.

1. 4(x - y) 2. 5 - 2a2 + b2
The letters are x and ■. The letters are a and ■.
The variables are x and m. The variables are a and ■.


3. xy = x • H 4. ~ = 5n^U
x/ means x times ■. 5n
— means 5n divided by H.

Name the variable or variables in each.

1. 20 - 2x 3a
2. 3. ab - c

4. c3 5. 2(1 + w) 6. 4(r + s)

8. s3 9. 2d - 4g
7- i

10. b • b 11. Iwh 12. y * y * y


13. 9y = 9 • ? 14. rs = ? • s 15. = ? - 4



16. s3 = s • s • ? 17. 18. 4x2 + l = 4»x*?+l


Cooperative Learning
19. Explain to a partner how to complete number 17 in Practice.

20. Write a variable expression using addition and multiplication.

Have a partner name the variables. Check the work.

Chapter 3 • Variable Expressions 63

The parts of an expression have special names. The
terms of an expression are the parts separated by a
+ sign or a - sign. A term that is a number is called a
constant term or constant.

2x - Sy + xy + 3

y EXAMPLE 1 Four terms are 2x, 5y, xy, and 3. The constant is 3.

Name the terms in 4x3 - 2x + 7.

Math Fact Look for the parts separated by a + or -. 4x - 2x + 7

7 is the constant.
There are three terms, 4x3, 2x, and 7

A coefficient is a number that multiplies a variable.

2 a3—►2 •a3 2 is the coefficient of a3.

s —► 1 • s 1 is the coefficient of s.
6xy —► 6 • xy 6 is the coefficient of xy.

W EXAMPLE 2 Name the coefficient in 10ab.

Look for a number 10ab = 10 • ab

times variables.

10 is the coefficient of ab.

Math Fact Like terms have the same variables or the same
2ab and Aba have the same exponent. All numbers are like terms.
variables. Aba means Aab.
Like Terms Unlike Terms
2ab and 4ba x and y
4x and 9x y3 and y2
a2 and 12a2 ab and be
5 and 7 9 and 9x

W EXAMPLE 3 Are 4x2y and 8x2y like or unlike?

Same variables with 4x2y and 8x2y

same exponents

4x2y and 8x2y are like terms.

64 Chapter 3 • Variable Expressions

Try These
1. Name the terms in 2. Name the coefficient in
x3 + y2 — x + 12. 8 xzy.
Look for the parts separated by + or -. Look for a number times variables.
The terms are x3, HI, x, 12. 8x2y = ■ • x2y
The constant is ■. ■ is the coefficient of x2y.

Are the terms like or unlike?

3. 10x2y and 2yx2 4. 5x2 and 5x

Terms have the same variables with the Variables have different exponents.
same exponents. 5x2 and 5x are H terms.
10x2y and 2yx2 are ■ terms.

Name the terms in each.

1. 2x + 7y + 8 2. -3xy + 9x 3. 12

Name the coefficient in each.

4. 3a2 5. 12w 6. ab

Are the terms like or unlike?

7. 3*3 and 3*2 8. ab and 2ab 9. 5 and 8

Cooperative Learning
10. Explain to a partner how you find the coefficient in number 6
in Practice.

11. Write a variable expression with some like terms. Have a partner
name the terms, the coefficients, and the like terms. Check the

Chapter 3 • Variable Expressions 65

Combining Like Terms

In the last chapter, you simplified number expressions

by performing the operations. You can also simplify a
variable expression by combining like terms.

x + x + x + x + xis the same as x + x + x + x + x.

1—i—1 1-1-1 1-1-1

So 2x + 3x is the same as x
because 2 + 3 is the same as 5.

Combining like terms means adding or subtracting the

coefficients of the variables. For number terms, just add
or subtract the numbers.

y EXAMPLE 1 Simplify. lOx - 2x

Think 10-2 = 8. Combine like terms. lOx - 2x



Sometimes, you need to combine more than two like

terms. Combine them two at a time.

y EXAMPLE 2 Simplify. 4a + 2a — a
Math Fact Combine like terms. 4a 4- 2a — a
a means 1 a.
6a - la


You may have to change the order of terms so that like

terms are together. Be sure move the + or - sign.

W EXAMPLE 3 Simplify. 3y + 7x - y - 2x

Math Fact Change the order. 3y - ly + 7x - 2x

y means 1 y.
Combine like terms. 2y + 5x

^ EXAMPLE 4 Simplify. a + ab + be + a2
All terms are unlike. Stop!

66 Chapter 3 • Variable Expressions

Try These


1. Zxy + 9 + 8xy - 1 2. 4a2 + a + 3 - a2 — 1

Change the Zxy + 8xy + 9 - 1 Change the 4a2 - a2 + a + 3
order. order.
Combine like II xy + M Combine like ■ a2 + a + B
terms. terms.


1. a + ci + Za 2. Sx + x + 8 - 6

3. Zx2 + Z + 9x2 4. c + Zd

5. 5 + Zy + 8 6. 6a + 7 — 5 a + 3

7. Zxy + xy 8. 3w + 7 - 7s - w

9. 5b2 - Zb + 3b2 10. 1 + Zab + 7a + 9

11. 6 + 9d - 2 12. 10 - 2 + 4x2 + y2

13. 5f + 8 - t + 2 14. r2 + s2

15. x2 - x 16. 6x + x2 + x + 3x2

Cooperative Learning
17. Explain to a partner how to simplify the expression in number 8
in Practice.

18. Write a variable expression containing + signs. Have a partner

simplify it. Check the work.

Chapter 3 • Variable Expressions

Evaluating Variable Expressions

You have already found the value of a number

expression by performing its operations. You can find
the value of a variable expression by substituting or
replacing the variable with a number. By doing this,
you will get a number expression. Then, perform the
operation in the number expression. This process is
called evaluating a variable expression.

W EXAMPLE 1 Evaluate 14 - a when a = 8.

Replace o with 8. 14 -a
Subtract. 14-8

The value of 14 - a is 6 when a = 8.

W EXAMPLE 2 Find the value of 2x when x = 10.

Math Fact 2x
2x means 2 times x. Replace x with 10. 2»x
Multiply. 2 • 10

The value of 2x is 20 when x = 10.

^ EXAMPLE 3 Find the value of b 4- 4 when b = 20.

Replace b with 20. b + 4
Divide. 20 ^ 4

The value of b 4- 4 is 5 when b = 20.

^ EXAMPLE 4 Evaluate c2 when c = 3.

Math Fact
Replace c with 3. c • c
c2 means c x c.
Multiply. 3 • 3

The value of c2 is 9 when c = 3.

68 Chapter 3 • Variable Expressions

Try These

Evaluate each variable expression. •

1. a + 9 when a = 3 2. 6y when y = 4
Replace a with 3. a + 9 Replace / with 4. 6y
Add. ■ + 9 - ■ Multiply. 6 • ■ = ■
The value of a + 9 is M when The value of 6y is ■ when y = 4.
a = 3.

3. w + 5 when w = 15 4. s3 when s = 7
Replace w with 15. w ^ 5 Rewrite s3. s • s • s
Divide. M + 5 = H Replace s with 7.
The value of w + 5 is ■ when Multiply. -
w = 15. The value of 53 is if when s = 7.

Evaluate each variable expression.

1. L + 4 when L = 10 2. 9 + t when t = 2

3. 8 — c when c = 1 4. 20 — d when <7 = 12

5. 6b when b = 4 6. 5a when a = 3

7. P 4- 4 when P = 28 8. r v 10 when r = 20

9. /z2 when /z = 9 10. z2 when z = 1

11. P3 when b = 2 12. rf3 when d = 3

Cooperative Learning
13. Pick three numbers for v. Ask a partner to evaluate v + 5 for each
of the numbers. Check the work.

14. Pick three numbers for x. Ask a partner to evaluate 4x for each of
the numbers. Check the work.

Chapter 3 • Variable Expressions 69

\> Using More Operations

You have just found the value of variable expressions

that contain one operation. Now you will find the
value of variable expressions that contain more than
one operation.

^ EXAMPLE 1 Evaluate 5a + 2 when a = 10.

Remember 5a + 2
Order of Operations Replace a with 10. 5 • a + 2
1. Multiply or divide from Perform the operations. 5 * 10 + 2
left to right.
2. Then add or subtract
50 + 2
from left to right.
The value of 5a + 2 is 52 when a = 10.

^ EXAMPLE 2 Evaluate 3x2 — x when x = 2.

3xz — x
Replace x with 2. 3 • x * x - *
Perform the operations. 3 * 2i • 2 - 2



The value of 3x2 - x is 6 when x = 2.

Variable expressions may contain parentheses. After

you replace the variable with a number, remember to
do the operations in parentheses first.

^ EXAMPLE 3 Evaluate 2(10 — y) when y = 6.

Replace /with 6. 2(10- )

Perform the operations. 2(10 - 6)
1 1

The value of 2(10 — y) is 8 when y = 6.

70 Chapter 3 • Variable Expressions

Try These
Evaluate each variable expression.

1. 4b 3 when b = 6 2. 10(3 + n2) when n = 2

4b ^ 3 10(3 + n2)
Replace b with 6. 4 • b -4- 3 Replace n with 2. 10(3 + n • n)
Perform the 4 • 6 4- 3 Perform the 10(3 + 2 • ■)
operations. ■ -3 operations. 10(3 + ■)
■ 10(H)
The value of 4b -4- 3 is Hi

when b = 6. The value of 10(3 + n2) is N
when H = 2.

Evaluate each variable expression.

1. 2d + 9 when d = 1 2. 12 4- 3* when x = 1

3. s2 -r- 2s when s = 4 4. r2 - r when r = 6

5. 8(u + 1) when a = 5 6. 6(y - 2) when y = 12

7. x(2 + x) when x = 2 8. (15 -r- a)a when a = 5

9. x2 + 2x + 1 when x = 4 10. <i3 + 2d - 1 when d - 2

11. s2 + 3s - 1 when s = 1 12. 4 + 2r + r2 when r = 5

Cooperative Learning
13. Explain to a partner how you find the value of the variable
expression in number 8 in Practice.

14. Use x to write a variable expression that contains addition,

multiplication, and exponents. Have a partner find the value of
the expression when the value of x is 2.

Chapter 3 • Variable Expressions 71

Using More Variables

A variable expression may contain more than one

variable. You can find the value of expressions with
more than one variable by replacing each variable with
a number. You will get a number expression. Perform
the operations in the number expression.

^ EXAMPLE 1 Evaluate 2x + y + 4 when x = 3 and y = 1.

2x + y + 4
Replace x with 3 and y with 1. 2 • x + y + 4
Perform the operations. 2 • _3 + 1 + 4

6+1 + 4

7 + 4
^ i


The value of 2x + y + 4 is 11 when x = 3 and y = 1.

^ EXAMPLE 2 Evaluate 10nz2 when n = 3 and z = 2.

Replace n with 3 and z with 2. 10 • w • z • z
Perform the operations. 10«_3*2»2

30- • 2 • 2

60 • 2


The value of 10nz2 is 120 when n = 3 and z = 2.

^ EXAMPLE 3 Evaluate s(8 -r- r) when s = 4 and r = 2.

Replace s with 4 and r with 2. s(8 + r)

Perform the operations. 4(8 ^ 2)


The value of 5(8 4- r) is 16 when s = 4 and r = 2.

72 Chapter 3 • Variable Expressions
Try These

Evaluate each variable expression.

8d - m when d = 6 and 777 = 8 2. y 4- (6 + 2/") when y = 20

Replace d with 6 8d - m and 2

and m with 8. 8(6) - ■ Replace y with 20 y- (6 + 2f)

Perform the operations. ■ - ■ and f with 2. m 4- (6 + 2 • 2)
S Perform the ■ - (6 + 4)
The value of 8d - m is ■ operations. H -f- H

when d = 6 and m = 8. a
The value of y -r- (6 + 2f) is Hi
when y = 20 and /r= 2.

Evaluate each variable expression.

1. 3/7 + r2 + 6 when // = 3 and r = 4 2. 4s - 8t when s = 7 and t = 2

3. 6m + 9 h- £ when m = 5 and £ = 3 4. 8 - x + 5y when x = 2 and y = 3

5. 4s + 3r2 when s = 3 and r = 2 6. (x + 3k) -T- 2 when x = 2 and k = 6

7. 2(1 + w) when / = 8 and w = 4 8. Iwh when / = 2, w = 3, and h = 5

9. a(/? - 2) when a = 10 and b - 8 10. s 3d + 5 when s = 9 and d = 2

Cooperative Learning
11. Explain to a partner how you evaluate the variable expression in
number 8 in Practice.

12. Write a variable expression with x and y. Use multiplication and

addition in the expression. Have a partner evaluate the
expression when x = 2 and y = 1. Check the work.

Chapter 3 • Variable Expressions 73

Calculator: Evaluating Expressions

You can use a calculator to evaluate an expression.

Replace variables with their values. Then, use your
calculator to perform the operations.

EXAMPLE Use your calculator to evaluate the expression

22x + 116 + 31y when x is 32 and y is 25.

Math Fact Enter 22 by pressing: EE
Remember the order of
operations when working with
your calculator. Work left to
Multiply by 32 by pressing: 0®@ BE

right. Do multiplication and

division first. Then, add and
0 10 W

Enter 31 by pressing: ®0 B i

Multiply by 25 by pressing: ®@® E5

The expression becomes 704 + 116 + 775.

Enter 704 by pressing: 0®0

Add 116 by pressing: 00 (3 S3
Add 775 by pressing: 000®
The value of 22x + 116 + 31y is 1,595 when x is 32
and y is 25.

74 Chapter 3 • Variable Expressions

Use your calculator to evaluate each expression.

1. 132/c + r + 267 when k is 13 and r is 342

2. 4/ — 8p when j is 231 and p is 57

3. 56m + 322 + g when m is 25 and g is 14

4. 148 - x - 15y when x is 67 and y is 4

5. 234s + 15r when s is 13 and r is 79

6. x + 113/c when x is 223 and k is 16

7. ——13 when u is 952

8. s - 23d + 315 when s is 469 and d is 19

Math Connection


About 4,500 years ago, the Egyptians built
pyramids. These large, triangular-shaped
buildings were tombs for kings and queens.

The Great Pyramid is one of the most famous

pyramids. It is made of more than two
million stone blocks. The blocks were cut
from stone. Workers had to drag the blocks to
the building site. The workers used ramps to place the blocks on top of
each other and to move them one at a time. When finished, the Great
Pyramid was almost 500 feet tall.
Pyramids amaze us. The Egyptians did not have modern tools. They did
not have cars or machines. They did not have computers to help design
the building. The Egyptians made pyramids with simple tools like chisels
and saws. They used about 100,000 workers. They relied on their
understanding of math to design the building. They did a good job. The
Great Pyramid and many others are still standing in Egypt today.

Chapter 3 • Variable Expressions 75

Problem Solving: Draw a Diagram

Tanya wants to put a fence around a garden. She draws

a picture to help her see what she needs.

width width


The amount of fencing Tanya needs is:

width + length + width + length

Now Tanya can write a variable expression.

Use w for width and / for length. w + / + w + /
Combine like terms. w + w + / + /
2 w + 2/

Tanya can use this expression to find the amount of

fencing she needs around the garden.

EXAMPLE Tanya wants her garden to be 6 feet wide and 10 feet

long. How much fencing does she need?

READ What do you need to find out?

The amount of fencing needed for a garden
6 feet wide and 10 feet long
PLAN What do you need to do?
Evaluate the expression 2w + 2/ for w = 6
and / = 10.

DO Follow the plan.

Replace w with 6 and / with 10. 2 • w + 2 • /
Perform the operations. 2 • 6 + 2 • 10
12 + 20
Tanya will need 32 feet of fencing.

6 ft CHECK Does the answer make sense?

Add the lengths of the sides 6 + 6 + 10+10
of the fenced-in garden. 32 /

Chapter 3 • Variable Expressions

Try These

Solve each problem.

1. How much rope does Tanya need 2. How much rope does Tanya need
if she makes the garden 5 feet if she makes the garden 10 feet
wide and 8 feet long? wide and 15 feet long?
Replace w with 5 2/ + 2w Replace w with 10 2/ + 2w
and / with 8. and / with 15.
Perform the 2 • ■ + 2 • ■ Perform the 2 • ■ + 2 • U
operations. ■ + ■ operations. ■ + ■

■ ■
Tanya needs ■ feet of rope if the Tanya needs ■ feet of rope if the
width of the garden is 5 feet and width of the garden is 10 feet and
the length is 8 feet. the length is 15 feet.

Solve each problem.

1. How much rope is needed for a garden that is 20 feet wide and 40 feet long?

2. A square is a rectangle. All of its sides have the same length. How much rope
is needed to close in a square garden with each side 20 feet long?

3. How much rope is needed to close in a square garden when each side is
15 feet long?

4. Tanya has 50 feet of rope to close in a garden. The width of the garden is
10 feet. How long is the garden?

5. Tanya can close in a square garden with 60 feet of rope. How long should she
make the length of each side?

Cooperative Learning
6. Explain to a partner how you solved the problem in number 4 in Practice.

7. Ask a partner to draw a picture of a garden. The garden will have five sides of
the same length. Then ask how much rope is needed to close in the garden,
if each side is 8 feet long. Check the work.

Chapter 3 • Variable Expressions 77

Application: Volume

Volume is the number of cubes needed to fill space.

You can find volume by counting the cubes. You can
also find volume by using multiplication.

EXAMPLE 1 Here is a box with a length of 4 inches, width of 3

inches, and height of 2 inches. To find the volume of
the box, you can find how many cubes are needed to
fill it.
How many cubes Box Count the cubes
are in the box?
xczx x. x / X
,/77 X
1 in.{0 2 in. i/4 in.
height length
1 in.
3 in.

You can count 24 cubes. The volume of the box is 24

cubes. Each cube is a cubic inch. The volume can be
written as 24 cubic inches or 24 in.3.

You can also find the volume by multiplying the

length, the width, and the height.

length x width x height


The volume is 24 in.3.

EXAMPLE 2 Find the volume of a box with a height of 3 feet, width

of 3 feet, and length of 3 feet.
Multiply to 3x3x3 XXX
find the volume. 3ft
9x3 height
i—,—i 3 ft
27 3ft
The volume is 27 cubic feet or 27ft3.

78 Chapter 3 • Variable Expressions

Try These

1. Find the volume of a box with a 2. Find the volume of a box with a
height of 4 in., width of 2 in., length of 2 m, width of 2 m, and
and length of 6 in. height of 2 m.
Multiply to 4X1X1 Multiply to lx2xi
find the volume. ■ x ■ find the volume. ■ x ■
■ »
The volume of the box is in.3. The volume of the box is m3.

Find the volume of each box.

1. 2. / / //
/ / // 7 J

2 cm j 2 cm
height /
4 in. '/ length
4 cm
height K3 in.
5 in.

3. 4.
4ft /
height 4ft
width width

6. X 7

5 in. •
2 yd height
/ in.
5 in. length
6 yd

Cooperative Learning
7. Explain to a partner how you find the volume of the box in
number 5 in Practice.

8. Write the length, width, and height of a box. Have a partner find
the volume of the box. Check the work.

Chapter 3 • Variable Expressions 79

chapter 3 Review
>■ ^

Variable expressions contain operations, numbers, and variables.

Multiplication and division can be written in different ways.

The terms of an expression are parts of a variable expression.

Combining like terms means adding or subtracting the coefficients of the same variables.

Replace the variables in an expression with numbers to evaluate expression.

Drawing a picture can help you solve problems.

You can find volume by counting cubes or by using multiplication.

variable v Vocabulary Review

variable expression Complete the sentences with words from the box.

coefficient 1. An expression containing operations with variables

or with variables and numbers is called a_
terms v
2. A_is a number that multiplies a variable.
3. A letter that represents a number is called a_
like terms v
4. _are parts of an expression separated by a
combine like terms + or - sign.
simplify v 5. A term that is a number is called a_
substitute 6. If you replace a variable with a number you_
evaluate 7. The number of cubes needed to fill a space is
volume v
8. -are terms with the same variables and the
same exponents.
9. When you add or subtract the coefficients of the
variables you_
10. When you_a variable expression you combine
like terms.
11. When you-a variable expression you find the
value by substituting numbers for the variables.
80 Chapter 3 • Variable Expressions
Chapter Quiz
Name the variable or variables in each.
1. 12a - 4y 2. 2(x + y) 3. lab + 3c

Are the terms like or unlike?

4. 2a2 and 2a4 5. Sab and 2ab 6. 12 and 18

7. 2a + 2a + 42a 8. lOy + y + 12 - 4 9. 3a2 + 3 + 9a2

Evaluate each variable expression.

10. L + 8 when L — 16 11. 12 + t when t = 3

12. 4 - c when c = 1 13. Iwh when / = 5, w = 8, and h = 8

14. a{b - 1) when a = 12 and = 4

Solve each problem.

15. How much rope is needed to close in a garden that is
100 feet wide and 60 feet long?

16. A square is a rectangle. All of its sides have the same length.
How much rope is needed to close in a square garden with
each side 40 feet long?

Chapter 3 • Variable Expressions 81

Chapter 4 Variable Equations

An equation is always in
balance. What is on one Learning Objectives
side must equal what is • Identify a variable equation.
on the other side. How
does a tightrope walker • Tell whether two equations are equivalent.
keep his balance? • Find the solution of an equation.
• Solve equations by adding, subtracting, multiplying,
and dividing.
• Solve equations using more than one operation.
• Check solutions to equations by using a calculator.
• Find number patterns.
• Apply concepts and skills to solve geometry

82 Chapter 4 • Variable Equations

Words to Know
variable equation an equation containing a variable

solution a value of the variable that makes a variable equation true

solve find the solution of an equation

equivalent equations variable equations with the same solutions

properties of equality adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing both sides of an

equation by the same number gives an equivalent equation

inverse operations operations that "undo" each other; addition and subtraction are
inverse operations, and multiplication and division are inverse

Patterns Project
Mathematical patterns follow a rule. Look for the rule
in this pattern. Then complete the pattern.

2, 5, 8, 14, 23 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23

Write an equation to show how to go from the first

number to the second number in the pattern above.
Use an inverse operation to reverse the pattern.

23, _, _, 14, _, 8, 5, 2 23, 20, 17, 14, 11, 8, 5, 2

Create your own mathematical patterns. Use different

operations. Have your classmates find the rules. See if
your patterns can be linked to any others in the class.
Make a display.

Chapter 4 • Variable Equations 83

\^z Variable Equations

Can you balance this scale? How many pounds is x?

The scale is balanced only when x is 10 lb.

Math Fact A variable equation is an equation that contains a

^ mecms is not equal to. variable. The variable equation x = 10 shows the scale
x = 10 x = 10 x = 10
8 A 10 10 = 10 true 11 A 10

The solution of x = 10 is 10. The solution is the value

of the variable that makes the equation true. To solve
an equation is to find its solution.

^ EXAMPLE 1 Solve. Then, check the solution, y = 7

Check Solution: 7
By looking, you can tell 7 is Check. Replace y with 7. y = 7
the solution of y = 7. 7 = 7 true

7 is the solution of y = 7.

A variable equation may contain many operations.

^ EXAMPLE 2 Is 5 the solution of 2x - 4 = 6?

2x - 4 = 6
Replace xwith 5. 2*5-4 = 6
Multiply. Then, subtract. io - 4 = 6

= 6 true
5 is the solution of 2x - 4 = 6.

84 Chapter 4 • Variable Equations

Try These

1. Solve. Then, check the solution. 2. Is 2 the solution of 5 + 3y = 12?

x = 4 Replace / with 2.
The solution is 5 + 3( ) = 12
Check. Replace x with . 5 + =12
A 12
a= 4
true 2 is not the solution of 5 + 3y = 12.

is the solution of x = 4.

Solve. Then, check the solution.

1. s = 15 2. m = 0 3.

4. y = 5 5. n == 12 6.

7. b = 1 8. x == 2 9.

Tell whethei• or not the number is a solution of the equation

10. 3; 20 - y = 17 11. 6; n • 7 = 56

12. 20; x = 2 = 10 13. 13; r --9 = 4

14. 0; 2x + 5 = 5 15. 2; 9 - 3d = 3

16. 3; 4(X + 1) := 16 17. 4; 8s == 24

Cooperative Learning
18. Explain to a partner how you are able to tell whether or not 2 is
the solution of the equation in number 15 in Practice.

19. Write a variable equation using addition. Then write three

numbers. Ask a partner to check each number to see if it is a
solution of your equation.

Chapter 4 • Variable Equations 85

The solution of * = 10 is easy to find. Only the variable
v is on the left side. Only the number 10 is on the right
side. The solution of x — 1 = 9 and * + 1 = 11 are not
as easy to find. They also have 10 as a solution.

* = 10 * - 1 = 9 * + 1 = 11
Solution: 10 Solution: 10 Solution: 10
Check: * = 10 Check: * - 1 = 9 Check: * + 1 = 11
10 = 10 10 - 1 = 9 10 + 1 = 11
true 9 = 9 11 = 11
true true

Equations with the same solution are equivalent

equations. These are equivalent equations:

* = 10 *-1 = 9 * + 1 = 11

^ EXAMPLE 1 Show that * = 6 and ^ = 3 are equivalent.

* = 6 - = 3
Solution: 6 — Replace x with 6. x = 2 = 3
Check: * = 6 6 = 2 = 3
6 = 6 3 = 3
true true
* = 6 and ~ = 3 are equivalent.

^ EXAMPLE 2 Show that * = 5 and 2* — 6 = 4 are equivalent.

* = 5 2* -6 = 4
Solution: 5 Replace x with 5. 2 • 5 -6 = 4
Check: * = 5 10 -6 = 4
5 = 5 4 = 4
true true
* - 5 and 2* - 6 = 4 are equivalent.

86 Chapter 4 • Variable Equations

Try These

1. Show that y = 2 and 2y = 4 are equivalent.

y = 2 2y = 4
Solution: —► Replace y with . 2 • IS = 4
Check: y = 2 1 = 4
= 2 true
y = 2 and 2y = 4 are equivalent.

2. Show that x = 1 and 3(x + 1) = 6 are equivalent.

x = 1 3(x + 1) = 6
Solution: » —► Replace x with . 3( + 1) = 6

Check: x = 1 3(B) = 6
= 1 = 6

true true
v = 1 and 3(x + 1) = 6 are equivalent.

Show that each pair of equations is equivalent.

1. y = 5 and y — 2 = 3 2. y = 8 and y = 4 = 2

3. x = 9 and x + 3 = 12 4. & = 6 and 3b = 18

5. x = 4 and 5 = 3x — 7 6. y = 4 and 4 = 2(y - 2)

7. a = 10 and 20 = a + 10 8. b = 5 and 18 = 3 4- 3b

Cooperative Learning
9 . Explain to a partner how you show that the equations in number 6
in Practice are equivalent.

10 . Write an equation that is equivalent to x = 5. Ask a partner to

show that x = 5 and your equation are equivalent.

Chapter 4 • Variable Equations 87

Properties of Equality

These three equations are equivalent. They show facts

or properties of equality. Later, you will use these facts
to solve equations.

* = 8 x 2 — 8 + 2 *-3 = 8
Solution: 8 Solution: 8 Solution: 8
Check: x = 8 Check: * + 2 = 8 + 2 Check: *-3 = 8-3
8 = 8 8 + 2 = 8 + 2 8 - 3 = 8 - 3
10 = 10 5 = 5

Adding the same number to both sides or subtracting

the same number from both sides of an equation gives
an equivalent equation.

^ EXAMPLE 1 * = 9 and * + 5 = 9 + ? are equivalent.

5 is added to left side. * + 5 = 9 + ?

Add 5 to the right side. * + 5 = 9 + 5

* = 9 and * + 5 = 9 + 5 are equivalent.

These three equivalent equations show other


* = 12 2 • * = • 12 * + 2 = 12 + 2
Solution: 12 Solution: 12 Solution: 12
Check: * = 12 Check: 2 • * = • 12 Check: * = 2 = 12 - 2
12 = 12 2 • 12 = • 12 12 + 2 = 12 + 2
24 = 6 = 6

Multiplying or dividing both sides of an equation by

the same number gives an equivalent equation.

^ EXAMPLE 2 * = 16 and * = 4 = 16 -s- ? are equivalent.

Left side divided by 4. * + 4 = 16 + ?

Divide right side by 4. * + 4 = 16 + 4

* = 16 and x 4 = 16-^4 are equivalent.

88 Chapter 4 • Variable Equations

Try These

Complete to have equivalent equations.

1. x = 5 2. y = 10
x - ■ = 5 - 2 •


x = 5 and x — B = 5 — 2 y = 10 and 1• y = 2 • 10
are equivalent. are equivalent.

Complete to have equivalent equations.

1. 7 = x 2. a = 30
7 - 2 = x - ? a - ? = 30-10

3. t = 6 4. y = 5
tX ? = 6 X 3 y + ? = 5 + 2

5. y = 20 6. x — 9
? X y = 3 X 20 x ? = 9 - 3

7. z = 12 8. w = 5
3 + z = 12 + ? ? + w = 5 + 7

9. fo = 10 10. c = 13
Z? - ? = 10 - 2 c - ? = 13 - 3

Cooperative Learning
11. Explain to a partner how you complete the equation in 6
in Practice.

12. Write an equation equivalent to a = 5. Then remove a number

from your equation. Ask a partner to fill in the missing number.

Chapter 4 • Variable Equations 89

Inverse Operations

To solve equations you will need to "undo" operations.

Try to remember what you know about addition and
subtraction to see what this means.

(5 - 2) + 2 (5 + 2) -

3 + 2 7-2
I-f-1 i _ i

5 5

Adding and subtracting the same number from 5

does not change 5. Addition "undoes" subtraction.
Subtraction "undoes" addition. Addition and
subtraction are inverse operations.

y EXAMPLE 1 Complete. (8 + 3) - ? = 8

Undo addition. (8 + 3) - ? = 8

Subtract 3. (8 + 3) - 3 = 8

(8 + 3) - 3 = 8

Multiplication undoes division. Division undoes

multiplication. Multiplication and division are inverse

(6 x 3) + 3 (6 -r 3) x 3

18 + 3 2X3
1—i— 1 1—i— 1
6 6

Multiplying and dividing by the same number does not

change 6.

^ EXAMPLE 2 Complete. (15 + 5) X ? = 15

Undo division. (15 + 5) x ? = 15

Multiply by 5. (15 + 5) x 5 = 15

(15 -r 5) X 5 = 15

90 Chapter 4 • Variable Equations

Try These

1. (10 x 4) =10 2. (20 - 10) + = 20
Undo multiplication. Undo subtraction.

Divide by I. Add .

(10 x4)t = 10 (20 - 10) + = 20


1. (9X7) = ? = 9 2. (12 + 8)-- ? == 12

3. (16- 7) + ? == 16 4. (4 - 2) X ? = 4

5. (36 = 9) X ? == 36 6. (10 x 5) -- ? == 10

7. (50 X 2) = ? == 50 8. (20 = 10) x ? = 20

9. (13 - 8) + ? == 13 10. (25 x 3) hb 7 =- 25

11. (30 - 20) + ? = 30 12. (50 + 15) _ 7 = 50

Cooperative Learning
13. Explain to a partner how to complete number 8 in Practice.

14. Write an example to show how multiplication "undoes" division.

Remove a number from your example. Ask a partner to fill in the
missing part.

Chapter 4 • Variable Equations 91

\*z Solving Equations by Subtracting

The equation x = 6 can be solved just by looking at it.

The equation x + 4 = 9 is not as easy to solve. You can
use subtraction to undo the addition. This will give an
equivalent equation that is easier to solve.

y EXAMPLE 1 Solve. Then, check the solution, x + 4 = 9

Undo addition with subtraction. x + 4 = 9

Subtract 4 from both sides. x + 4 9

Remember Simplify each side. * + 0 = 5
To simplify means to
perform the operations. x = 5
Solution: 5
Check. Replace x with 5. x + 4 = 9

5 + 4 = 9

9 = 9 true

The variable may be on the right side of the equation.

Be careful when you subtract the same number from
both sides.

^ EXAMPLE 2 Solve. Then, check the solution. 12 = 10 + t

Math Fact Undo addition with subtraction. 12 = 10 + t
Subtracting the same number
from both sides of an equation Subtract 10 from both sides. 12 - 10 = 10 - 10 + t
gives an equivalent equation.
Simplify each side. 2 = 0 + t

2 = t

Solution: 2
Check. Replace / with 2. 12 = 10 + t

12 = 10 + 2

12 = 12 true

92 Chapter 4 • Variable Equations

Try These

Solve. Then, check the solution.

13 = b + 3 2. n + 8 — 21
13 = b + 3 n + 8 = 21
Subtract H 13 - m = b + 3 - m Subtract ■ n + 8 - ■ = 21 - H
from both sides. from both sides.
Simplify m = b + ■ Simplify n + M =
each side. m = b each side. n = ■
Solution: Solution: S
Check. Replace 13 = b + 3 Check. Replace n + 8 = 21
b with ■. 13 = m + 3 n with ■. ■ + 8 = 21

13 = ■ ■ = 21
true true

Solve. Then, check the solution.

1. h + 5 = 9 2. c + 6 = 9 3. n + 4 = 15

4. 20 = s + 4 5. 10 = t + 7 6. 12 = v + 0

7. b + 15 = 17 8. 11 = x + 9 9. x + 5 = 20

10. 6 + c = 14 11. 10 = 9 + t 12. 7 =s + 4

Cooperative Learning
13. Explain to a partner how you solve the equation in number 8

in Practice.

14. Think of a number less than 10. Add this number to the left side of
x = 10. Ask a partner to solve this new equation. Check the solution.

Chapter 4 • Variable Equations 93

Solving Equations by Adding

Some equations contain subtraction. You can solve these

equations by using addition to undo subtraction. This
will give an equivalent equation that is easier to solve.

^ EXAMPLE 1 Solve. Then, check the solution, x - 5 = 8

Math Fact Undo subtraction with addition. x — 5 = 8
Adding the same number to Add 5 to both sides. x-5+5=8+5
both sides of an equation gives
Simplify each side. * + 0 = 13
an equivalent equation.
v = 13
Solution: 13
Check. Replace x with 13. x - 5 = 8
13 - 5 = 8
8 = 8 true

y EXAMPLE 2 Solve. Then, check the solution. 9 = y - 2

Undo subtraction with addition. 9 = y - 2

Add 2 to both sides. 9 + 2 = y - 2 + %
Simplify each side. 11 = y - 0
11 = y
Solution: 11
Check. Replace ywith 11. 9 = - 2
9 = 11-2
9 = 9 true

^ EXAMPLE 3 Solve. Then check the solution. x - 7 = 0

Math Fact Undo subtraction with addition. x - 7 = 0
An equation may contain 0. Add 7 to both sides. x— 7+ 7 = 0+ 7
Solve the equation just as you
Simplify each side. x + 0 = 7
do with other numbers.
x = 7
Solution: 7
Check. Replace x with 7. x - 7 = 0
7-7 = 0
0 = 0 true

94 Chapter 4 • Variable Equations

Try These

Solve. Then, check the solution.

n — 5 = 20 2. 6 = b - 3
n — 5 = 20 6 = b - 3
Add H to n - 5 + ■ = 20 + m Add ■ to 6 + = b - 3 + m
both sides. both sides.
Simplify n-m = m Simplify ■ = b - a
each side. n = M each side. ■ = b

Solution: Solution: ■

Check. Replace n - 5 = 20 Check. Replace 6 = b - 3

n with ■. 5 = 20 b with ». 6 = & - 3
m = 20 6 =
true true

Solve. Then, check the solution.

1. k - 30 = 10 2. c - 4 = 16 3. n - 8 = 22

4. 8 = s - 5 5. a — 0 = 5 6. 2 = f-2

7. b - 15 = 20 8. 40 = a — 20 9. c - 7 = 21

10. 12 = b - 24 11. 0 = v - 8 12. n - 5 = 25

Cooperative Learning
13. Explain to a partner how you solve the equation in number 7
in Practice.

14. Think of a number less than 20. Subtract that number from the left side
of y = 20. Ask a partner to solve your equation. Check the solution.

Chapter 4 • Variable Equations 95

Solving Equations by Multiplying

The equation x 4- 3 = 10 contains division. The variable

x is divided by 3. Multiplication by 3 can be used to
undo this division. This will give an equivalent equation.
The equivalent equation will be easier to solve.

y EXAMPLE 1 Solve. Then, check the solution.

Math Fact Undo division with multiplication.
Multiplying both sides of an Multiply both sides by 3. *
equation by the same number
Simplify each side.
gives an equivalent equation.
Solution: 30
Check. Replace x with 30. x ^ 3 = 10
30 - 3 = 10
10 = 10 true

-f' \
EXAMPLE 2 Solve. Then, check the solution. 9 = y^2
Cfey ^ -
Undo division with multiplication. 9 = y± 2
Multiply both sides by 2. 9*2 = 2
Simplify each side. 18 = y
Solution: 18
Check. Replace y with 18. 9 = y -r- 2

9 = 9 true

^ EXAMPLE 3 Solve. Then, check the solution.

) *0

Math Fact Undo division with multiplication.



m Multiply both sides by 5. m^5«5 = 4»5

— means m = 5.
Simplify each side. m = 20
Solution: 20
Check. Replace m with 20.

20 4- 5 = 4
4 = 4 true

96 Chapter 4 • Variable Equations

Try These

Solve. Then, check the solution.

1. rz - 6 = 5 2. 3 = b - 6
n — 6 = 5 3 = b = 6
Multiply both Multiply both 3*m=b+6*m
sides by ■. sides by ■.
Simplify n = M Simplify ■ = b
each side. each side.
Solution: ■ Solution: ■
Check. Replace « = 6 = 5 Check. Replace 3 =b- 6
n with ■. ■ -6 = 5 b with ■. 3 =■- 6
. ■= 5 3 = ■
true true

Solve. Then, check the solution.

1. x = 3 = 5 2. f = 4 = 6 3. 10 = n 4- 4

4. 2 = s - 20 5. 9 = t = 3 6. 0 = c - 10

7. ra — 5 = 4 8. 5 = y - 8 9. - 2 = 10

10. j = 2 11 f = 6
12. y = 20 = 1

Cooperative Learning
13. Explain to a partner how you solve the equation in number 11
in Practice.

14. Write an equation with x = 2 as the left side. Use any number for the
right side. Ask a partner to solve your equation. Check the solution.

Chapter 4 • Variable Equations 97

Solving Equations by Dividing

The equation x = 5 has x or 1 • x on the left side and 5

on the right side. This is why it is easy to see that x = 5
has a solution of 5. The equation 6x = 18 has 6x or
6 • x on the left side. You can undo the multiplication
so that the left side is just x. Use division to undo

^ EXAMPLE 1 Solve. Then, check. 6x = 18

Math Fact Undo multiplication with division. 6x = 18
Dividing both sides of an Divide both sides by 6. 6x 6 = 18 + 6
equation by the same number
Simplify each side. x = 3
gives an equivalent equation.
Solution: 3
Check. Replace xwith 3. 6x = 18
6 • 3 = 18
18 = 18 true

^ EXAMPLE 2 Solve. Then, check. 35 = 7y

Undo multiplication with division. 35 = 7y

Divide both sides by 7. 35 h- 7 = 7y 7
Simplify each side. 5 = y
Solution: 5
Check. Replace y with 7. 35 = 7
35 = 7 • 5
35 = 35 true

^ EXAMPLE 3 Solve. Then, check. x(9) = 36

Remember Undo multiplication with division. x{9) = 36
Parentheses in an equation can Divide both sides by 9. x(9) 4- 9 = 36 4- 9
be used to show multiplication.
Simplify each side. x = 4
Solution: 4
Check. Replace xwith 4. *(9) = 36
4(9) = 36
36 = 36 true

98 Chapter 4 • Variable Equations

Try These

Solve. Then, check the solution.

1. n • 8 = 56 2. 30 = 3b
n •8 = 56 30 = 3b
Divide both n • 8 ^ m = 56 - Divide both 30 - = 3b +
sides by . sides by IS.
Simplify n =■ Simplify = b
each side. each side.

Solution: a Solution: U
Check. Replace n• 8 = 56 Check. Replace 30 = 3b
n with 1. ■• 8 = 56 b with I. 30 = 3 •
56 30 =
true true

Solve. Then, check the solution.

1. 5* = 45 2. 4c = 52 3. 9 n = 72

4. 8s = 24 5. 81 = 16 6. 3 - 3f

7. 2 • b = 20 8. 50 = 5 • y 9. 14 = In

10. 48 = s(4) 11. 5c = 10 12. 0 = 2x

Cooperative Learning
13. Explain to a partner how to solve the equation in number 10
in Practice.

14. Write an equation with 2n on the right side. Use any even number on
the left side. Ask a partner to solve your equation. Check the solution.

Chapter 4 • Variable Equations 99

Using More Than One Operation

Some equations contain more than one operation. You

must undo more than one operation to solve these
equations. Follow a special order when you do this.
First, undo addition or subtraction. Then, undo
multiplication or division.

EXAMPLE 1 Solve. Then, check the solution. 3x - 5 = 16

Undo subtraction by addition. 3* - 5 = 16
Add 5 to both sides. 3* - 5 + 5 = 16 5
Simplify each side. 3x - 0 = 21
Undo multiplication by division. 3x = 21
Divide both sides by 3. 3x 4- 3 = 21 4- 3
Simplify each side. x - 7
Solution: 7
Check. Replace x with 7. 3x - 5 = 16
3 • 7 - 5 = 16
21 - 5 = 16
16 = 16 true

^ EXAMPLE 2 Solve. Then, check the solution. 20 = ^ + 4

20 = £ + 4
Undo addition by subtraction. 20 = y 4- 2 + 4
Subtract 4 from both sides. 20-4 = y4-2 + 4
Simplify each side. 16 = y 4- 2 + 0
Undo division with multiplication. 16 = y 4- 2
Multiply both sides by 2. 16x2 = y^2x2
32 = y
Solution: 32
Check. Replace y with 32. 2° = \ + 4
20 = y 2 + 4

20 = 32 4- 2 + 4
20 = 16 + 4
20 = 20 true

100 Chapter 4 • Variable Equations

Try These

Solve. Then, check the solution.

4z + 3 = 23 2. 2 = r -s- 3 - 4
4z + 3 = 23 2 = r -e 3 - 4
Subtract ■ 4z + 3 - B = 23 - H Add » to 2 + l = r-r3-4 + l
from both sides. both sides.
Simplify 4z + 0 = m Simplify m = r -5- 3 + 0
each side. 4z = ■ each side. M = r- 3
Divide both 4z - a = ■ - 4 Multiply both a • B = r + 3 • B
sides by ■. z = ■ sides by a. B = r

Solution: ■ Solution: B
Check. Replace 4z + 3 = 23 Check. Replace 2 = r + 3 - 4
z with fl. 4 • a + 3 = 23 r with B. 2 = B -t- 3 - 4
■ + 3 = 23 2 = B - 4
■ = 23 2 = B
true true

Solve. Then, check the solution.

1. 16 = 2x — 8 2. 18 = 2x + 6 3. c -s- 3 - 5 = 21

4. 20 = 6 + 7h 5. 4n - 11 = 17 6. w -T- 7 + 2 = 5

7. ^ + 2 = 5 v 8. 9 = 4n - 15 v 9. 2a- 4 = 132

Cooperative Learning
10. Explain to a partner how you solve the equation in number 6
in Practice.

11. Write the equation 2a = 20. Think of an even number less than 10.
Subtract it from the left side of 2a = 20. Ask a partner to solve your
equation. Check the solution.

Chapter 4 • Variable Equations 101

Calculator: Checking Solutions

Some equations have large numbers. You can check

their solutions with your calculator.

EXAMPLE 1 Check if 23 is the solution of 19* - 301 = 136.

Write the equation. 19* - 301 = 136
Replace x with 23. 19 • 23 - 301 = 136
Use your calculator to simplify the left side.

Enter 19 by pressing: (T) 9

Multiply 23 by pressing: x 2 3

Subtract 301 by pressing: Q 3 0 1

136 = 136 is true. 23 is the solution of 19* - 301 = 136.

y EXAMPLE 2 Check if 896 is the solution of 42 = 27 + —

Write the equation. 42 = 27 + —

Replace n with 896. 42 = 27 + ——-

Use your calculator to simplify the right side.

Enter 896 by pressing: 8 9 6

Divide by 56 by pressing: @ [5j 6

Enter 27 by pressing: 2 7

Add 16 by pressing: + 1 6

42 = 43 is not true. 896 is not the solution of
42 = 27 + —.

102 Chapter 4 • Variable Equations

Check whether the value of the variable is the solution of the equation.

1. 972 = 27z when z is 36

2. = 29 when * is 14,413

3. 8c - 67 = 37 when c is 12

4. 188 = 4r + 8 when r is 54

5. 37* - 111 = 1554 when * is 45

6. 35In - 351 = 702 when n is 4

People in Math

As a young boy in the early 1700s, Benjamin Banneker
became interested in math and science. Even though
he had no formal schooling, he learned as much as he
could on his own. Once, he built a clock out of wood.
He used math to help him figure out how to carve each
gear. People came from all over to see his clock.

As Banneker grew older, he wanted to study stars and

planets. He became so interested in astronomy that he
would stay awake all night writing down what he saw.
Soon, he taught himself about astronomy, too.

Banneker knew so much about math and science that he was asked to
help plan the nation's capital. He helped measure the land's shape,
size, and boundaries of what is now Washington, D.C.

Banneker also used his skills to help predict the weather for farmers
and sailors. His writing was published in almanacs and books about the
weather, the moon, the sun, and the tides. He once sent a copy of his
almanac to Thomas Jefferson. Even the future president of the United
States was impressed.

Chapter 4 • Variable Equations 103

Problem Solving:
Number Patterns

One method for solving a problem is to find a pattern.

Sometimes the pattern is a number pattern. Look to see
how numbers change or repeat to find the pattern.

EXAMPLE Find the pattern. Then, find the next two numbers.
4 7 10 13 ? ?

READ What do you need to find out?

You need to find the next two numbers in the

PLAN What do you need to do?

You need to find how you go from the first
number to the second number. Continue until
you see a pattern. Then, use it to find the next
two numbers.
DO Follow the plan.
The numbers are getting larger. UW _L_2_
4 + 3 = 7, 7 + 3 = 10,
10 + 3 = 13 + 3 +3 +3 +3 +3
Add 3 to 13 to find the 4, 7, 10, 13,16, 2
next number. 13 + 3 = 16
Add 3 to 16 to find the 4, 7, 10, 13,16,19
next number. 16 + 3 = 19
CHECK Does your answer make sense?
To check the pattern, subtract 3. Start at 19.
4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19 /

-3 -3 -3 -3 -3

The next two numbers in the pattern are 16 and 19.

104 Chapter 4 • Variable Equations

Try These

Find the pattern. Then, find the next two numbers.

1. 2, 6, 18, 54, ? . ?
The second number is ■ times the first.
The third number is ■ times the second.
The fourth number is ■ times the third.
The next number is i x 54. 2, 6. 18. 54. ■ . ?
The last number is B x B. 2, 6, 18, 54, JL ■
2, 6, 18, 54, H, ■

2. 1. 0. 3. 0. 5. 0. ? . ?
The first number is M. 0.
It is followed by
The third number is ■. It is followed by 0.
The fifth number is ■. It is followed by 0.
The seventh number is ■. 1, 0, 3, 0, 5, 0, ?
It is followed by ■. 1. 0. 3. 0. 5. 0. B . ■
1, 0, 3, 0, 5, 0, ■, ■

Find the pattern. Then, find the next two numbers.

1. 2, 4, 6, 8, 2, J_ 2. 1,4,9,16

3. 32, 16, 8, 4, J_ , J_ 4. 6, 11, 16, 21

5. 1, 0, 2, 0, 4, 0, 8, J_ , J_ 6. 6, 9, 5, 8, 4, _2_, J_

Cooperative Learning
7. Explain to a partner how to find the pattern and the next two
numbers in number 6 in Practice.

8. Write a number pattern. Ask a partner to find the next two


Chapter 4 • Variable Equations 105

► Application: Solving Formulas

You can use what you know about solving equations to

solve formulas. Here are the formulas you will need.

Perimeter of a rectangle = 2 • length + 2 • width

P = 2*/ + 2*w
Area of a rectangle = length X width
A = l x w
Volume of a box = length x width x height
V= / x w x h

W EXAMPLE 1 Find the width of a rectangle that has an area of

18 cm2 and a length of 6 cm.
Use the area formula. A = l • w
Area is 18. Length is 6. A — l • w
Use 18 for A and 6 for /. 18 = 6 • w
Now solve this equation for tv.
Divide both sides by 6. 18 + 6 = 6 • w
A = Iw 3 = w
18 = 6*3 Solution: 3
18=18 true The width of the rectangle is 3 cm.

^ EXAMPLE 2 Find the length of a rectangle with a perimeter of

14 in. and width of 3 in.

Use the perimeter formula. P = 21 + 2w

Use 14 for Pand 3 for w. P = 21 + 2w
Simplify each side. 14 = 2/ + 2 • 3
Now solve the equation for /. 14 = 21 + 6
Subtract 6 from both sides. 14 - 6 = 2/ + 6
Simplify each side. 8 = 21 + 0
8 = 2/
P=2l+2w Divide each side by 2. 8 + 2 = 2/ + 2
14 = 2*4 + 2*3 4 = /
14 = 8 + 6 Solution: 4
14 = 14 true The length of the rectangle is 4 in.

106 Chapter 4 • Variable Equations

Try These

1. Find the height of a box with a volume of 48 in.3, a length of 6 in., and a
width of 2 in.
Select the formula. V = Iwh
Replace V with ,/with , and w with 1. = • • h
Simplify the right side. = i • h
Divide both sides by = h
Solution: M
The height of the box is in.

2. Find the width of a rectangle with area of 20 cm2 and length of 5 cm.
Select the formula. A = l•w
Replace A with and / with . r = ; • iv
Divide both sides by . = w
Solution: m
The width of the rectangle is cm.

Use the formulas.

1. Find the width of a rectangle with a length of 6 yd and a perimeter of 18 yd.

2. Find the width of a rectangle with a length of 10 m and a perimeter of 30 m.

3. Find the width of a rectangle with an area of 24 cm2 and length of 8 cm.

4. Find the length of a rectangle with an area of 16 in.2 and a width of 2 in.

5. Find the height of a box with a volume of 40 in.3, a length of 5 in., and a
width of 2 in.

Cooperative Learning
6. Explain to a partner how you find the length of the rectangle in
number 4 in Practice.

7. The area of a rectangle is 100 cm2. Ask a partner to find a length

and a width for the rectangle that would give this area. Check the
numbers in the formula.

Chapter 4 • Variable Equations 107

chapter 4 W' Review
A variable equation is like a balance scale. Each side must be the same number.
Equations are equivalent when they have the same solution.
Adding the same number to both sides of an equation gives an equivalent equation.
Subtracting the same number from both sides of an equation gives an
equivalent equation.
Multiplying or dividing both sides of an equation by the same number gives an
equivalent equation.
To solve an equation you need to “undo” operations.
You can solve equations by adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing.
You must undo more than one operation to solve equations that contain more than
one operation.
Finding a pattern is one method for solving problems.
You can use what you know about solving equations to solve formulas.

variable equation Vocabulary Review

solution Complete the sentences with words from the box.

solve 1. To_an equation means to find the solution of

the equation.
equivalent equations
2. An equation containing a variable is called a_
properties ot equality

inverse operations 3. Variable equations with the same solutions are_

4. The value for the variable that makes a variable

equation true is the_

5. Operations that "undo" each other are_

6. The-let you add, subtract, multiply, or divide

both sides of an equation by the same number to
get an equivalent equation.

108 Chapter 4 • Variable Equations

Chapter Quiz
Tell whether or not the number is a solution of the equation.
1. 22; w - 11 = 11 2. 2; 2(5 + y) = 10

Show that each pair of equations is equivalent.

3. c = 3 and 8 = 20 - 4c 4. d = 40 and 4 = d +

Complete to have equivalent equations.

5. 14 — y 6. 20 = t
14 X 2 = y X ? 2 + 20 = ? + t

7. (50 + 10) X ? = 50 8. (50 X 25) + ? = 50

Solve. Then, check the solution.

9. 12 + y = 15 10. 4 = 1 + r

11. c - 40 = 10 12. 5 = t - 15

13. t + 8 = 8 14. i° = f

15. 28 = 4y 16. 16 = y(2)

17. lOt - 10 = 60 18. 50 = 20 + 3u

Find the pattern. Then, find the next two numbers.

19. 3, 1, 4, 2, 5 20. 1,3, 6, 10, 15

Use the formula.

21. Find the width of a box with a volume of 36 ft3, a length of 6 ft,
and a height of 3 ft.

Chapter 4 • Variable Equations 109

Decimals and

Think about how short a

second in time is. How Learning Objectives
would you like to win or
• Use place value in decimals.
lose a race by one
hundredth of a second? • Round decimals.

• Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals.

• Learn how to move the decimal point.
• Use scientific notation.
• Simplify expressions with decimals.
• Evaluate expressions with decimals.
• Solve equations containing decimals.
• Use a calculator for estimating with decimals.
• Work backward to make a plan and solve problems.
• Apply concepts and skills using frequency tables.

110 Chapter 5 • Decimals and Algebra

Words to Know
decimal a number written with a dot; values of places to the left of the dot
are greater than 1. Values of places to the right are less than 1.

decimal point the dot in a decimal; it separates the part greater than 1 from the
part less than 1.

scientific notation a number written as the product of two factors; the first factor is a
decimal and the second factor is a power of ten.

tally a way to keep a count

frequency table a table that shows counts of items in different groups

Decimal Project
Research newspapers and on-line for results of the
2000 Summer Olympics in Australia. Choose three
timed events. Then find the top three winners in each
event. Record their times on a place-value chart. Give
the time differences among the three in each category.
Present your results to the class.

Chapter 5 • Decimals and Algebra

You can use what you know about whole numbers and
place value to find the place value of decimals.

1 .3 .06
1.36 is read 1 and 36 hundredths.

^ EXAMPLE 1 Give the value of each digit in 1.36.

1 is in the ones place. 1 has a value of 1.
3 is in the tenths place. It has a value of .3 or 3 tenths.
6 is in the hundredths place. It has a value of .06 or
6 hundredths.
Digits to the left of the decimal point have a value of
1 or greater. Digits to the right of the decimal point
have a value less than 1.

ones tenths hundredths thousandths Read

3 0 1 7 3 and 17 thousandths
3 2 3 and 2 tenths

^ EXAMPLE 2 Compare 3.017 and 3.2.

Line up the decimal points. 3 017
Math Fact Compare digits left to right. 2 > 0
> means is greater than. So, 3.2 > 3.017.

^ EXAMPLE 3 Compare 7.2 and 7.20. This zero has no value.

Line up the decimal points. 7.2
Compare digits left to right. 2 = 2

7.2 = 7.20

112 Chapter 5 • Decimals and Algebra

Try These

1. Give the value of each digit 2. Compare 9.301 and 9.31.

in 21.45
Line up the decimal
2 is in the tens place. points. 9.301
2 has a value of 20. 9.31
1 is in the ■ place. Compare digits
left to right. 3-3
1 has a value of ■.
Compare the next
■ is in the tenths place.
digits to the right. ■ < 1
It has a value of ■ tenths.
Is 9.301 less than 9.31?
5 is in the ■ place.
Yes or no? m
It has a value of ■.
9.301 ■ 9.31

Give the value of each digit.

1. 9.5 2. 7.70 3. 15.95

4. 122.5 5. 0.11 6. 10.87

Compare the numbers.

7. 1.0 and 1.1 8. 2.3 and 2.30 9. 50.5 and 55.0

10. 33.912 and 33.902 11. 215.4 and 215.41 12. 67.4 and 67.40

Cooperative Learning
13. Write a decimal, and have a partner read it. Then, have the
partner give the value of each digit.

14. Write a pair of decimals. Have a partner compare them.

Chapter 5 • Decimals and Algebra 113

\>! Rounding Decimals

Rounding decimals means changing a decimal to the

nearest tenth, hundredth, thousandth, and so on. Place
value is used when rounding decimals. This number
line can help you round decimals.

4.9 6.12
◄—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—:—i—► <—i—i—:—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—►
4.0 4.5 5.0 6.10 6.15 6.20
4.9 is closer to 5.0. 6.12 is closer to 6.1.
4.9 rounds to 5.0. 6.12 rounds to 6.1.

Follow the steps in the examples below to round

a decimal.

^ EXAMPLE 1 Round 7.823 to the nearest hundredth.

Find the digit in the rounding place. 7.823

Look at the digit to its right. 7.823
Compare it to 5. < «

If it is 5 or more, add 1 to the digit in

the rounding place.
If it is less than 5, leave the digit in the
rounding place alone. Leave 2 alone.

7.823 rounded to the nearest hundredth is 7.82.

W EXAMPLE 2 Round 12.57 to the nearest tenth.

Find the digit in the rounding place. 12.57

Look at the digit to its right. 12.57

Compare it to 5. 7 > 5

If it is 5 or more, add 1 to the digit in

the rounding place. Increase 5 by 1.

12.57 rounded to the nearest tenth is 12.6.

114 Chapter 5 • Decimals and Algebra

Try These

1. Round 6.237 to the nearest 2. Round 7.326 to the nearest

hundredth. hundredth.
Find the digit in the Find the digit in the
rounding place. 6.237 rounding place. 7.326
Look at the digit to its right. 6.237 Look at the digit to its right. 7.326
Compare it to 5. 7 5 Compare it to 5. 6 5
If it is 5 or more, If it is 5 or more,
add 1 to the digit in Increase add 1 to the digit in Increase
the rounding place. 3byl. the rounding place. 2 by 1.
6.237 rounded to the 7.326 rounded to the
nearest hundredth is . nearest hundredth is .

Round to the nearest hundredth.

1. 0.123 2. 1.465 3. 12.897

4. 6.029 5. 7.909 6. 8.222

Round to the nearest tenth.

7. 3.211 8. 6.554 9. 19.127

10. 4.087 11. 8.99 12. 1.111

Cooperative Learning
13. As a class, write numbers with decimals. Write the name of each
place above the numbers.

14. Work with a partner. Write a decimal with place values of

hundredths and thousandths. Round to the nearest tenth. Then,
round to the nearest hundredth.

Chapter 5 • Decimals and Algebra 115

Adding and Subtracting Decimals

one place one place one place one one one

place place place

There are the same number of places in the sum as

in the decimals you are adding. There are the same
number of places in the difference as in the decimals
you are subtracting.

^ EXAMPLE 1 Add. 16.25 + 8.12

Line up 16 2 5 Add. 16 2 5
the decimal +8 12 Place the + 8.12
points. decimal point 2 4 3 7
in the sum.

^ EXAMPLE 2 Subtract. 5.29 - 1.75

4 12
Line up 5 2 9 Subtract. $ . £ 9
the decimal - i 7 5 Place the - 1 75
points. decimal point 3 5 4
in the difference.

Sometimes you have to write zeros before you add or

subtract so that all decimals will have the same
number of places.

^ EXAMPLE 3 Add. 9 + 1.05 + 20.3

Write zeros 9.00 Add. 9.00

and line up the 1.05 Place the 11.05
decimal points. + 20.30 decimal point + 20.30
in the sum.
3 0.35

116 Chapter 5 • Decimals and Algebra

Try These

1. Add. 39 + 2.13 2. Subtract. 67 - 6.92

Write zeros and line 3 9.00 Write zeros and line 6 7 . ■■
up the decimal points. +2.13 up the decimal points. -6.92
Add. Subtract. ■ ■■
Place the decimal 39.00 Place the decimal 6 7 . ■■
point in the sum. +2.13 point in the difference. -6.92
■ 1.18 sn stis
The sum of 39 and 2.13 is 11. The difference of 67 and 6.92 is H.

Add or subtract.

1. 2.7 + 8.4 2. 3.67 + 4.83 3. 1.745 + 2.8

4. 7.6 - 4.5 5. 6.87 - 4.99 6. 2.348 - 1.76

7. 5 + 2.8 8. 3.78 + 25 9. 1.639 + .967

10. 9.3 + 12 11. 10 - 8.63 12. .05 - .007

Cooperative Learning
13. Work with a partner. Use decimals to write an addition problem.
Have your partner find the sum. Check the work.

14. Work with a partner. Use decimals to write a subtraction problem.

Have your partner find the difference. Check the work.

Chapter 5 • Decimals and Algebra 117

Multiplying Decimals

24 hundredths


.3 x .8 = .24
one one two
place place places

When you multiply, the number of decimal places in

the product is equal to the sum of the decimal places
in the factors.

^ EXAMPLE 1 Multiply. 4.25 X 1.5

Multiply. Place the decimal point.

1 2 1 2
4.25 4.25 2 places
X 1 . 5 X 1 . 5 — + 1 place
2 12 5 2 12 5 3 places
4 2 5 0 4 2 5 0
6 3 7 5 6 3 7 5

4.25 X 1.5 = 6.375

Sometimes you have to write zeros in the product

before you can place the decimal point.

^ EXAMPLE 2 Multiply. .03 X 1.002

Multiply. Place the decimal point.

1.002 1.0 0 2 3 places

x .03 X .03 + 2 places
3 00 6 . 0 3 0 0 6 5 places
.03 X 1.002 = .03006

118 Chapter 5 • Decimals and Algebra

Try These

1. Multiply. 5.24 X 5.1 2. Multiply. 4 X 3.49

Multiply. Place the decimal point. Multiply. Place the decimal point.

m m m m 4.00 4.00 ■places

X 3 . 4 9 x 3.4 9 + 9 places
5.24 5.24 2 places
3 6 0 0 3 6 0 0 M places
X 5 . 1 X 5 . 1 + 1 place
1 6 000 1 6 000
5 2 4 5 2 4 places
120000 120000
2 6 2 00 2 6 2 0 0
manse mmrnrnM mmuwmu 1 3.9 6 00

The product of 5.24 and 5.1 is ■. The product of 4 and 3.49 is 6l.


1. .7 X 3.25 2. .4 X 4.57 3. 2.7 X 5.68

4. 5.6 X .25 5. 6.8 X .425 6. .48 X 23.5

7. 9 X 6.87 8. 2.1 X 4.08 9. .40 X 1.052

10. 8 X 1.25 11. 3.4 X 5.2 12. 1.75 X 10.5

Cooperative Learning
13. Explain to a partner how to find the product in number 6
in Practice.

14. Create a multiplication problem involving decimals. Ask a

partner to find the product. Check the work.

Chapter 5 • Decimals and Algebra 119

Multiplying by Moving
the Decimal Point

You can use what you know about multiplying by

10, 100, or 1,000 to learn a shortcut.

3.75 3.75 3.75

x 10 x 100 x 1,000
37.50 375.00 3,750.00

Now look at this:

3.75 X 10 = 3 7 5 = 37.5
t KJ
1 zero 1 place to the right

x 100 = 3 7 5 . = 375
t \JkJ
2 zeros 2 places to the right

x 1,000 ==3750.=3750
3 zeros 3 places to the right

To multiply by 10, 100, or 1,000, move the decimal

point to the right.

^ EXAMPLE 1 Multiply. 42.4 X 100

42.4 X 100 = 4 2 4 0 . = 4,240

f AA

2 zeros 2 places to the right

^ EXAMPLE 2 Multiply. 42.4 X 1,000

42.4 X 1,000 = 42400 = 42,400


3 zeros 3 places to the right

120 Chapter 5 • Decimals and Algebra

Try These

1. Multiply. 62.4 X 10 2. Multiply. 5.1 X 1,000

Move the decimal point to the right. Move the decimal point to the right.
How many places? How many places? ®
62.4 x 10 = . 5.1 x 1,000 = 1.

Multiply by moving the decimal point.

1. .723 X 10 2. .478 X 1,000 3. 2.79 x 10

4. 8.92 x 100 5. 9.52 X 100 6. 13.24 X 1,000

7. .743 X 100 8. .467 X 1,000 9. 2.71 X 10

10. 8.92 X 100 11. 9.52 X 1,000 12. 1.32 X 10

13. 1.4 X 100 14. 2.92 X 10 15. 3.47 x 1,000

16. .54 X 10 17. 1.87 X 100 18. 1.650 X 1,000

19. 1.5 X 100 20. .25 X 1 ,000 21. 2.95 x 1,000

Cooperative Learning
22. Explain to a partner how you find the product in number 18
in Practice.

23. Write a number. Ask a partner to move the decimal point

to multiply the number by 10, by 100, and by 1,000. Check
the work.

Chapter 5 • Decimals and Algebra 121

Dividing Decimals

When dividing decimals, you may need to divide a

decimal by a whole number.

y EXAMPLE 1 Divide. 38.1 4- 6

Place the decimal point in Divide as with whole numbers.

the quotient over the decimal You may need to place zeros in
point in the dividend. the dividend to continue.

Math Fact 6.35

The divisor is 6. 6)38.1 6)38.10
38.1 is the dividend. -36
2 1
-1 8
38.1 4- 6 = 6.35

Multiplying the divisor and the dividend by 10, 100, or

1,000 will not change the quotient.

.2 .2 .2 .2
2]A 20)4 0 200) 4 0 0 2,000) 4 0 0 0

When the divisor is a decimal, multiply the divisor and

the dividend by 10, 100, or 1,000. Then, your divisor
becomes a whole number.

EXAMPLE 2 Divide. .465 4- .15

1 5 ,JT6 . 5 15)46.5
WJ \J\J -45
1 5
-1 5
.465 4- .15 = 3.1

122 Chapter 5 • Decimals and Algebra


Try These

1. 24.3 - 9 2. .828 - .23
Place the decimal point. Multiply the divisor and dividend by .
Then, divide.
8 2.8-23.
2. cca vaj
9)24.3 3.
-18 23)82.8

.828 - .23 = 3.


1. 21.6 -5- 2.7 2. 37.2 - 3.1 3. 8.61 - .7

4. 8.92 -r .4 5. 9.52 - .17 6. 132 e- 3.3

7. 4.6 - 23 8. 30.02 - 7.9 9. 27 - 4.5

10. 47.12 - 15.2 11. 22.5 - 1.5 12. 9.63 - .3

13. 3.94 h- .4 14. 13.16 - .8 15. 6.125 - .25

Cooperative Learning
16. Explain to a partner how you divide in number 3 in Practice.

17. Create a division problem involving decimals. Ask a partner to do

the division. Check the work.

Chapter 5 • Decimals and Algebra 123

Dividing by Moving
the Decimal Point

You can use what you know about multiplying or

dividing by powers of ten to learn a shortcut.

.08 .008 .0008

10l80 100).800 1,00018000
-80 -800 -8000
0 0 0

Now look at this:

.8 4- 10 = 0 8 = .08
f W
1 zero 1 place to the left

.8 - 100 = 0 0 8 = .008
\ VA7
2 zeros 2 places to the left

.8 = 1,000 = .0008 = .0008

3 zeros 3 places to the left

To divide by 10, 100, or 1,000, move the decimal point

to the left.

\ EXAMPLE 1 Divide. 56.7 = 100

56.7 = 100 = . 5 6 7 = .567

f AA7

2 zeros 2 places to the left

^ EXAMPLE 2 Divide. 56.7 = 1,000

56.7 4- 1,000 = .0 5 6 7 = .0567

f VAA7
3 zeros 3 places to the left

124 Chapter 5 • Decimals and Algebra

Try These

1. Divide. 14.9 4- 10 2. Divide. 28.7 4 1,000

Move the decimal point to the left. Move the decimal point to the left.
How many places? ■ How many places? ii
14.9 4 io = * 28.7 4 1,000 = 8

Divide by moving the decimal point.

1. 8.32 -h 10 2. 49.8 4 1,000 3. 1.68 -- 10

4. 7.81 -r 100 5. 84.1 4 100 6. 243.5 4 1,000

7. 96.5 hi- 100 8. 3.78 4 1,000 9. 46.2 -h 10

10. 10.81 4 10 11. 7.46 4 1,000 12. 2.48 -ih 1,000

13. 252.2 14. 1.83


100 15. 2.69 - 1,000


16. .57 4 100 17. 64.2 4 100 18. 25.54 4 1,000

19. 700 4 1,000 20. 29 4 10 21. .50 4 10

Cooperative Learning
22. Explain to a partner how you find the quotient in number 16
in Practice.

23. Write a number. Have a partner move the decimal point to divide
by 10, by 100, and by 1,000. Check the work.

Chapter 5 • Decimals and Algebra 125

Scientists often use scientific notation to name
large numbers. A number in scientific notation
has two factors.

2.495 X 103

first factor second factor

a number between 1 and 10 a power of 10
3 decimal places power is 3
Math Fact You can find the large number by doing the
TO3 multiplication.
= 10x10x10
= 1,000 2.495 X 103 = 2.495 X 1,000 = 2 4 9 5 = 2,495

^ EXAMPLE 1 Find the number named by 4.19 X 102.

4.19 X 102

102 is equal to 100. 4.19x100

Move the decimal point. 4 19.

4.19 X 102 = 419

y EXAMPLE 2 Write scientific notation for 8,432.

Find the first factor. 8,432

Move the decimal point 8 4 3 2

3 places to the left.

3 places to the left means

multiply by 1,000.

Find the second factor. 103

8,432 = 8.432 X 103

126 Chapter 5 • Decimals and Algebra

Try These
1. Find the number named by 2. Write 687 in scientific notation.
3.46 X 103. Find the first factor. if,
3.46 X 103 = 3.46 X Find the second factor. 102
Move the 3 4 6 0
decimal point. kAAJ
687 = X 102

3.46 x 103 =

Find the number named by each.

1. 3.4 X 101 2. 4.6 X 102 3. 5.39 X 102

4. 2.537 X 103 5. 4.564 X 102 6. 1.364 X 104

7. 3.774 X 103 8. 2.509 X 105 9. 8.2 X 104

Write each number in scientific notation.

10. 67 11. 476 12. 6,894

13. 387 14. 49,673 15. 6,297

16. 54,972 17. 349,237 18. 25,025

Cooperative Learning
19. Use scientific notation to name a large number. Have a partner write
the number. Check the work.

20. Write a large number. Have a partner write scientific notation for
the number. Check the work.

Chapter 5 • Decimals and Algebra 127

Simplifying Expressions

When you work with whole numbers, you simplify

variable expressions by combining like terms. You do
this by adding or subtracting the numbers that are
coefficients of the variables. You do the same thing
when the coefficients are decimals. Add or subtract the
decimal coefficients.

^ EXAMPLE 1 Simplify. 1.5x + 2. lx

Remember Combine like terms. 1.5x + 2.lx
Think: 1.5 + 2.1

When you combine more than two like terms,

combine them two at a time.

^ EXAMPLE 2 Simplify. 7.4b - 3.1 b + b

Combine like terms. 7.4b -3.1 b + b


b means lb. 4.3b + lb



You may have to change the order of terms so that like

terms go together. Be sure to move the + or - sign.

^ EXAMPLE 3 Simplify. 2.25y2 + 4.5x + 1.05y2 - 2.2x

Change the order. 2.25y2 + 1.05y2 + 4.5x - 2.2x


3.30y2 + 2.3x

^ EXAMPLE 4 Simplify. 4.1c + 9.3cd -8d 4- 1.2 + 5.7

Math Fact Combine like terms. 4.1c + 93cd -8d + 1.2 + 5.7
Sometimes, only the 1-1-1

numbers can be combined. 4.1c + 93cd — 8 d + 6.9

128 Chapter 5 • Decimals and Algebra

Try These

1. 5.2ab + 6.2 + 3.1 ab - 1.1 2. 10.5*2 + 1.2* + 6.5 - *2 - 2.2
Change the order. Change the order.
5.2ab + 3.lab + 6.2 - 1.1 10.5x2 - x2 + 1.2x + 6.5 - 2.2

Combine like terms. Combine like terms.

a ab + ■. ■ x2 + i.2x + m.


1. 9.2d + d 4- 2.49 2. 10.6y + y + 9.1 — 6

3. 2.2c2 4- 5 + 8.4c2 4. * + 2.9y

5. 7.4 + 3.3c - 2.3 6. 5.2 r + 8.1 -5 r + 3.2

7. 12.5xy + xy 8. 3.2v + 6.1 - 1.5s - v

9. 4.2b2 - 1.6b + 2.4b2 10. 2.25 + Axy + .5* + 9.3

11. 5.5 + - 2 12. 15.25 - 2.5 + .5*2 - Jy

13. 10.7s + 20.5 - s + 2.3 14. .5c2 + .5 d2

Cooperative Learning
15. Explain to a partner how to simplify the expression in number 12
in Practice.

16. Write a variable expression containing a + sign. Make decimals

the coefficients of the variables. Ask a partner to simplify your
expression. Check the work.

Chapter 5 • Decimals and Algebra 129

Evaluating Expressions

You can find the value of a variable expression with

decimals just as you do with whole numbers. Replace
the variables with their decimal values. This will give
you a number expression. Then perform the operations
in the number expressions.

^ EXAMPLE 1 Evaluate 2.25 - x when x = 1.24.

Replace xwith 1.24. 2.25 - x

Subtract. 2.25 - 1.24


The value of 2.25 - x is 1.01 when x = 1.24.

y EXAMPLE 2 Evaluate b2 + 2.1 b when b = 3.1.

Math Fact b2 + 2.1 b
b2 means b times b.
Replace b with 3.1 b • b + 2.1b
Perform the operations. (3.1)(3. ) + 2.1(3. )
i-y--1 i—^-1

9.61 + 6.51


The value of b2 + 2.1 b is 16.12 when b = 3.1.

A variable expression may contain more than one

variable. Replace each variable with its value when you
evaluate the expression.

^ EXAMPLE 3 Evaluate r(s - 1) when r = 5.2 and s = 8.1.

Remember Replace r with 5.2 and r (s - 1)
Work inside parentheses first. s with 8.1. 5.2(8.1 - 1)

Perform the operations. 5.2(7.1)


The value of r(s - 1) is 36.92 when r = 5.2 and s = 8.1.

130 Chapter 5 • Decimals and Algebra

Try These
Evaluate each variable expression.
1. 4.2x + 2 when x = 2.1 2. 6c - d when c = 2.1 and d = 3.4
4.2x + 2 6c - d
Replace x with 2.1. 4.2 • x -s- 2 Replace c with 2.1 6 • c - d
and d with 3.4. 6 • 2.1 -
Perform the operations. 4.2 • v2
Perform the operations.
- 2

The value of 6c - d is when

The value of 4.2x -e 2 is
c = 2.1 and d = 3.4.
when x = 2.1.

Evaluate each variable expression.

1. 1.5)' when y = 6.3 2. 8{b + 1) when b = 2.2

3. 2a(b + 1) when a = 2.4 and b = 1.1 4. 21 + 2w when / = 5.7 and w = 2.3

5. 9.8 -T- m when m = .4 6. 4.3(x - 2) when x = 5.7

7. s2 + s when s = 2.1 8. Iw when / = 12.5 and w = 6.5

9. x + 3y + 4.5 when x = 2.5 and y = 5.5 10. a2 + b when a = .5 and b = 2.2

Cooperative Learning
11. Explain to a partner how to evaluate the variable expression in
number 10 in Practice.

12. Write a variable expression with c and d. Use addition and

multiplication in the expression. Have a partner evaluate the
expression when c = 2.5 and d = 1.25. Check the work.

Chapter 5 • Decimals and Algebra 131

Solving Equations with Decimals

You solve equations with decimals just as you solve

equations with whole numbers. Remember that
addition and subtraction undo each other.
Multiplication and division undo each other.

^ EXAMPLE 1 Solve. Then, check the solution, y - 6.2 = 7.9

Undo subtraction with addition, y - 6.2 + 6.2 = 7.9 + 6.2

Add 6.2 to both sides.

Simplify each side. y - 0 = 14.1

y = 14.1

Solution: 14.1

Check. Replace y with 14.1. y - 6.2 = 7.9

14.1 - 6.2 = 7.9
7.9 = 7.9 true

Sometimes you have to undo more than one operation

to solve an equation.

^ EXAMPLE 2 Solve. Then, check. 10.1 = 2.2* + 1.3

Math Fact Undo addition with subtraction. 10.1 - 1.3 = 2.2x + 1.3
Undo addition or subtraction
first. Then, undo multiplication
Subtract 1.3 from both sides.
or division. Simplify each side. 8.8 = 2.2x

Undo multiplication with division.

Divide both sides by 2.2. 8.8 + 2.2 = 2.2* + 2.2

4 = x
Solution: 4

Check. Replace * with 4. 10.1 = 2.2* + 1.3

10.1 = 2.2(4) + 1.3
10.1 = 8.8 + 1.3
10.1 = 10.1 true

132 Chapter 5 • Decimals and Algebra

Try These
Solve. Then, check.
1. 18.2 = 9.1 y 2. 3x - 2.1 = 4.8
Undo multiplication Undo subtraction
with division. 18.2 = 9.1 y with addition. 3x - 2.1 = 4.8
Divide both sides Add ■ to 3* - 2.1 + ■ = 4.8 + ■
by B. 18.2 + m = 9.1 y -5- ■ both sides. 3* + 0 = B

Simplify each side. M = y Undo multiplication

with division. 3* = ■
Solution: ■
Divide both
Check. sides by B. 3* - B = B 4- 3
Replace y with M . 18.2 = 9.1 y Simplify each side. x = 2.3
18.2 = 9.1(B)
Solution: B
18.2 = 61 true
Replace x
with a. 3x - 2.1 = 4.8
3(B) - 2.1 = 4.8
B - 2.1 = 4.8
M = 4.8 true

Solve. Then, check.

1.x- 2.7 = 10.1 2. 4.3 = y + 2.1

3. 2.4m = 4.8 4. 5.7 = x + .3

5. 8.25 = 4a + 1.25 6. x = 2 — 1 = 6.4

7. 5x - 10.5 = 20.5 8. f=1.4

9. 21 + .5 = 12.9 10. 5w = 50.25

Cooperative Learning
11. Explain to a partner how you solve the equation in number 10
in Practice.

12. Write the equation 2.4 = 2y. Add any whole number to both
sides. Ask a partner to solve your equation. Check the work.

Chapter 5 • Decimals and Algebra 133

Calculator: Estimating with Decimals

You may want to estimate an answer to operations with

decimals before you do the operations on a calculator.
Then, compare your estimate to the calculator answer.
This will let you check your calculator answer to be sure
you pressed the correct keys.

y EXAMPLE 1 Add. 38.92 + 10.4 + 18.9

Estimate first. Round each number to the nearest ten.

Then, add. 40 + 10 + 20 = 70
Your calculator answer should be close to 70.

Enter 38.92
by pressing: 0000(11 38.93
Then, add 10.4
by pressing: 00®0E0 49.38
Then, add 18.9
by pressing: 000000 68.83

The calculator displays 68.22. This is close to your

estimate of 70.

y EXAMPLE 2 Subtract. 1.8872 - .6423

Estimate first. Round each number to the nearest tenth.

Then, subtract. 1.9 - .6 = 1.3
Your calculator answer should be close to 1.3.

Enter 1.8872
by pressing: 00®SEE 1.8818
Then, subtract .6423
by pressing: 00000®

The calculator displays 1.2449. This is close to your

estimate of 1.3.

134 Chapter 5 • Decimals and Algebra

Round each decimal to the nearest whole number to estimate the
answer. Compare your calculator answer to your estimate.
1. 90.45 + 78.8 2. 13.547 - 11.2 3. 19.15 x 2.1

4. 15.45 - 3.3 5. 47.147 + 19.5 6. 36.7 - 10.92

Round each decimal to the nearest tenth to estimate the answer.

Compare your calculator answer to your estimate.

7. 3.426 + .1387 8. 1.756 - .3789 9. 3.456 X 2.18

10. 1.762 -f- .251 11. .6759 + .237 + .1958 12. 5.585 - 1.1289

On-the-Job Math

Do you enjoy buying new clothes? Do
you like putting new outfits together?
Can you measure carefully? If so, you
might enjoy a career as a fashion

A fashion designer designs and makes

clothing. A good understanding of
color, fabric, and sizes is needed. Using
math is very important, too.

Today, a fashion designer may use a computer to help design a piece of

clothing. The fashion designer can choose different fabrics and colors
from the computer and see the design before it is made. Then, a
pattern is drawn. The pattern is used to cut and sew the fabric.

A fashion designer must be able to estimate the amount of fabric it will

take to make a piece of clothing. A good estimate will save a lot of
fabric from being wasted. A fashion designer also has to be able to
measure carefully. If the measurements are wrong, the piece of clothing
will not fit. Then, it cannot be sold.

Chapter 5 • Decimals and Algebra 135

Problem Solving: Working Backward

You may have to make a plan to solve a problem.

Before you use your plan, you may need more
information. First, find the information. Then, go back
and use your plan.

^ EXAMPLE Inez earned $20.00. She received $10.00 as a gift.

Then she spent $8.00 for a CD. How much does she
have left?
READ What do you need to find out?
You need to find how much money Inez
has left.
PLAN What do you need to do?
You need to work backward, using the
information you already have.
DO Follow the plan.
Money left = Money in all - Money spent
? ? $8.00

Find money in all.

Money in all = Money earned + Gift
= $20.00 +$10.00
= $30.00
Now go back. Use $30.00 for money in all.
Money Left = Money in all - Money spent
$22.00 = $30.00 - $8.00
CHECK Does your answer make sense?
If Inez had $30.00 to begin with, then $22.00
left makes sense. /
Inez has $22.00 left.

136 Chapter 5 • Decimals and Algebra

Try These
1. Josh bought 4 books at $15.00 2. The Kim family traveled 550 miles
each. He also bought a bookcase on the first day of their vacation
for $150. How much did he spend and 525 miles on the second day.
in all? They must go a total of 1,500 miles
Spent in all = to reach a resort. How far do they
Cost of books + Cost of bookcase still have to go after the two days?
? = ? + Still to go = Total - Traveled so far
Cost of books = 4 • B ? = 1,500 - ?
Traveled so far = 550 +
Spent in all =
Cost of books + Cost of bookcase Still to go = Total - Traveled so far
? = B + ? = 1,500 -

Spent in all = B Still to go =

1. A store had 250 videotapes at the start of a month. The store
received a shipment of 144 tapes during the month. A total of
280 were sold during the month. How many tapes did the store
have at the end of the month?

2. Pam has 750 stamps in her collection. She bought 50 more.

Then, she sold 75 at a stamp show. How many stamps does Pam
have left?

3. The school auditorium has 550 seats. The cost of a ticket to a

concert to raise money for team uniforms is $8.00. Twenty seats
were empty during the concert. How much money was taken in
through the concert?

Cooperative Learning
4. Explain to a partner how you solve number 2 in Practice.

5. Write a problem that needs addition and multiplication to solve.

Ask a partner to solve it. Check the work.

Chapter 5 • Decimals and Algebra 137

Application: Frequency Tables

On Monday, you are taking orders for school T-shirts at

the school bookstore. You must keep a tally of how
many of each size needs to be ordered.

A frequency table is a tool you can use to show how

many of each size is ordered.

EXAMPLE 1 Make a frequency table to show Monday's orders.

Size Tally Frequency

Remember The count of each size Total of each size

Count or tally by 5. S THT 5

M THT 1 6

L 111 3

Monday's total 14

On Monday, 14 T-shirts were ordered:

5 small, 6 medium, 3 large.

EXAMPLE 2 Here is a frequency table to show Tuesday's orders.

Size Tally Frequency

The count of each size Total of each size
S T-HT 5
M 1 1 1 1 4
L 1 1

Tuesday's total 10

On Tuesday, 10 T-shirts were ordered:

5 small, 4 medium, 1 large.

138 Chapter 5 • Decimals and Algebra

Try These

1. Complete the frequency table. 2. Complete the frequency table.

Size Tally Frequency Size Tally Frequency

The count Total of The count Total of
of each size each size of each size each size
s T-HT 1 1 1 M s TUTT-HT II
M 11 m M TUT 1 t';)

L 1 1 1 m L 111 1 m

Wednesday's total Thursday's total

T-shirts were ordered: T-shirts were ordered:

small, medium, large. small, medium, large.

Took at the frequency table below. It shows the number of cars, buses,
and trucks that passed by the school during the day. Use it to answer
the questions.

Car, Truck, or Bus Tally Frequency

Cars JdTT T4TT T+TT ?
Buses JTtr 1 1 1 ?
Trucks 1 1 11 ?
total ?

1. How many cars passed by the school?

2. How many trucks passed by the school?
3. How many buses passed by the school?
4. How many cars and buses passed by the school?

Cooperative Learning
5. Pick 3 colors. Work with a partner to make a frequency table
showing how many students in your class are wearing each color.

6. Ask your classmates what their favorite sports are. Work with a
partner to make a frequency table to show this.

Chapter 5 • Decimals and Algebra 139

chapter 5 Review
Digits to the left of the decimal point have a value of 1 or greater.

Digits to the right of the decimal point have a value of less than 1.

There are the same number of places in the sum or difference as in the decimals
you are adding or subtracting.

When you multiply, the number of decimal places in the product is equal to
the sum of the decimal places in the factors.

To multiply by 10, 100, or 1,000, move the decimal point to the right.

To divide by 10, 100, or 1,000, move the decimal point to the left.

A number in scientific notation has two factors.

When coefficients are decimals, add or subtract them to simplify.

When you combine more than two like terms, combine them two at a time.

You may have to change the order of terms to simplify expressions with decimals.

When you solve equations with decimals, remember that addition and subtraction
undo each other. Multiplication and division undo each other.

Working backward and making a plan is a good way to solve problems.

You can make a frequency table to show counts.

decimals Vocabulary Review

decimal point Complete the sentences with words from the box.

scientific notation 1. The dot that separates the part greater than 1 from
the part less than 1 is called the_
2. A_is a way to keep a count.
frequency table
3. A-shows counts of items in different groups.
4. Numbers written with a dot are called_
5. A large number written as the product of two
factors is_

140 Chapter 5 • Decimals and Algebra

Chapter Quiz
Give the value of each digit.
1. 3.12 2. 25.603 3. 425.89

Compare the numbers.

4. 89.1 and 8.91 5. 177.5 and 1.775 6. 19.5 and 1.95

Round to the nearest hundredth.

7. 0.321 8. 2.564 9. 14.798

Round to the nearest tenth.

10. 2.311 11. 7.652 12. 20.215

Add or subtract.
13. 7.3 + 4 14. 8.35 - 6.693 15. 2 - 1.956

16. .7 X 1.35 17. .4 X 2.75 18. 11.5 X 2.5

Multiply or divide by moving the decimal point.

19. 25.85 x 10 20. 7.30 - 100 21. 14 - 10

Write each number in scientific notation.

22. 76 23. 240 24. 1,694

25. 32.2a:2 - 32.2* 26. 1.5* + 4.2*2 + * + .9*2

Evaluate the variable expression.

27. (a + b) - 12 when a = 7.5 and b = 6.25

Chapter 5 • Decimals and Algebra 141

unit 2 Review
Choose the letter for the correct answer.
Here is a frequency table of a survey. 4. Which is the volume of a box with
Use the table to answer Questions 1 height of 5 in., width of 3 in., and
and 2. a length of 10 in.?
A. 18 cubic inches
Favorite Colors B. 80 cubic inches
Color Tally C. 150 cubic inches
Red jdtr 111 D. 180 cubic inches
Blue xwx
5. Which is the width of a rectangle
Green J-HT dUT 1 with a length of 8 cm and an area
of 48 cm2?
1. How many people like the color
red? A. 6 cm
B. 12 cm
A. 3
C. 40 cm
B. 4
D. not given
C. 8
D. 12
6. Which are the next two numbers
in this number pattern?
2. How many people answered the
survey about favorite colors? 8, 10, 9, 11, 10, _L,

A. 8 A. 10, 11
B. 12 B. 12, 11
C. 15 C. 11, 12
D. 24 D. 10, 12

3. Bill wants to fence in a garden that Critical Thinking

is 10 ft wide and 20 ft long. Which Al has 48 ft of fencing. He wants to
expression can be used to find how enclose a rectangle with the
much fencing he needs? greatest area. What is the length
and width of this rectangle?
A. I X w
challenge Al can use the side of a
B. 2/ + 2w
barn for one side. Now what is the
C. / X w X h
length and width of the rectangle
D. 2(1 X w) with the greatest area?

Unit Three

Chapter 6
Factors and Multiples

Chapter 7
Fractions and Mixed Numbers

Factors and

A farmer plants crops in

many rows. Using this Learning Objectives
simple pattern makes it
easier to harvest. Can • Find the factors of a number.
you think of some ways • Find the greatest common factor.
this plan makes the
farmer’s job easier? • Find the multiples of a number and the least
common multiple of two numbers.
• Tell whether a number is prime or composite.
• Find the prime factorization of a number.
• Use a calculator to check the prime factorization
of a number.
• Solve problems by finding a pattern.
• Apply concepts and skills to understand a bar graph.

144 Chapter 6 • Factors and Multiples

Words to Know
factors numbers multiplied to give a product; the product divided by the
factor gives a 0 remainder.
divisible able to be divided by a number giving a 0 remainder; one number is
divisible by another.
common factor a factor of two or more different numbers
greatest common the largest common factor of two or more numbers
factor (GCF)

multiple the product of a number and a whole number

common multiple a multiple of two or more different numbers
least common the smallest common multiple of two or more numbers that is not 0

prime number a number that has only 1 and itself as factors

composite number a number that has three or more factors
prime factorization a number written as the product of its prime factors
bar graph a way of showing information by using bars
horizontal axis the line on a bar graph that goes in the left-and-right direction
vertical axis the line on a bar graph that goes in the up-and-down direction

Numbers Project
Create your own multiplication chart on poster board.
As you study the lessons, color code the chart. Use a
different color for prime numbers, composite
numbers, multiples, and common factors. Display
your chart when it is completed.

Chapter 6 • Factors and Multiples 145

Numbers you multiply are factors of the product.

1x6=6 2x3=6
6X1 = 6 3x2 = 6 Factors of 6: l, 2, 3, 6

1 is a factor of every number. Every number is a factor

of itself.

You can also find factors from division with a

remainder of 0.

6 R0 1 R0 3 R0 2 R0
l]6 6)6 2)6 3)6
^6 ^6 ^6 ^6
0 0 0 0

Look at 6 divided by 2. The remainder is 0. You can say

2 is a factor of 6. You can also say 6 is divisible by 2.
Every number is divisible by 1. Every number is
divisible by itself.

^ EXAMPLE 1 Tell whether 4 is a factor of 24.

Divide 24 by 4. 6 R0
Remainder is 0. 4)24
4 is a factor of 24. 0

^ EXAMPLE 2 Tell whether 96 is divisible by 5.

Divide 96 by 5. 19 R1
Remainder is not 0. 5)96

96 is not divisible by 5.

146 Chapter 6 • Factors and Multiples

Try These

1. Tell whether 6 is a factor of 70. 2. Tell whether 165 is divisible by 15

Divide 70 by 6. R Divide 165 by 15. R
Remainder is . 6)70 Remainder is . 15)1 6 5
Is 6 a factor of 70? Is 165 divisible by 15?

1. Tell whether 3 is a factor of 59. 2. Tell whether 7 is a factor of 84.

3. Tell whether 6 is a factor of 54. 4. Tell whether 4 is a factor of 46.

5. Tell whether 2 is a factor of 64. 6. Tell whether 5 is a factor of 75.

7. Tell whether 17 is a factor of 51. 8. Tell whether 25 is a factor of 130

9. Tell whether 96 is divisible by 8. 10. Tell whether 67 is divisible by 7.

11. Tell whether 36 is divisible by 9. 12. Tell whether 78 is divisible by 2.

13. Tell whether 84 is divisible by 3. 14. Tell whether 83 is divisible by 2.

Cooperative Learning
15. Write two numbers. Ask a partner to tell whether one of the
numbers is a factor of the other. Check the work.

16. Look at number 13 in Practice. Explain to a partner how you are

able to tell whether or not 84 is divisible by 3.

Chapter 6 • Factors and Multiples 147

\*z Common Factors

You already can tell whether one number is a factor of

another. Divide and look for a remainder of 0. Now
you will see how to find all factors of a number. Use
division. Start dividing by 2, then 3, and so on. Look
for 0 remainders.

^ EXAMPLE 1 Find all factors of 15.

Math Fact 1 and 15 are factors. Now, start dividing.
1 and 15 divide into 15 with 7 R1 5 R0 3 R3
remainder 0.
2jl5 3jl5 4jl5
1 and the number itself are
-14 -15 -12
always factors of a number.
1 0 3
Math Fact 2 and 7 are 3 and 5 are 4 is not a factor.
Dividing by 5 or greater gives not factors. factors. Stop!
factors you already know.
The factors of 15 are 1, 3, 5, and 15.
A number can be a factor of two different numbers. It
is called a common factor of the two numbers. The
largest common factor of two numbers is called the
greatest common factor (GCF).

^ EXAMPLE 2 Find all factors of 12. Then, find common factors of

12 and 15. Finally, find the greatest common factor of
12 and 15.
1 and 12 are factors of 12.
6 R0 4 R0 2 R2
2JI2 3)12 5)12
-12 -12 -10
0 0 2
2 and 6 are 3 and 4 are 5 is not a factor.
factors. factors. Stop!
The factors of 12 e 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12.
From Example 1, the factors of 15 are 1, 3, 5, and 15.
The factors of 12 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12.
Common factors: 1 and 3. Greatest common factor: 3.

148 Chapter 6 • Factors and Multiples

Try These
1. Find all factors of 20. 2. Find the common factors of 12
and 20. Then, find the greatest
■ and 20 are factors of 20. Divide to
common factor of 12 and 20.
find the others.
10 RH m Rlt ■ RB
From Example 2, the factors of 12 are
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12.
2)20 3)20 4)20
-20 -18 -20 From number 1 of Try These, the factors
■ ■ ■ of 20 are M, U, M, U, m, and 20.
Are 2 and 10 Are 3 and ■ Are 4 and The common factors of 12 and 20
factors? ■ factors? ■ M factors? H are , H, and L
The greatest common factor of 12
Stop! and 20 is ■.
The factors of 20 are 1, a, M, B,
■, and 20.

Find the factors of each number.

1. 28 2. 32 3. 36

4. 48 5. 64 6. 13

Find the common factors and greatest common factor for each two numbers.

7. 16 and 24 8. 22 and 33 9. 27 and 63

10. 7 and 35 11. 13 and 17 12. 60 and 72

Cooperative Learning
13. Work with a partner to find all the factors of 96. Take turns doing
the division. Check each other's work.

14. Find the factors of 45. Ask a partner to find the factors of 65.
Work together to find the common factors and greatest common
factor of 45 and 65.

Chapter 6 • Factors and Multiples 149

A multiple of a number is the product of the number
and a whole number. To find multiples of a number,
multiply the number by 0, 1, 2, 3, and so on. The first
four multiples of 2 are:

0X2=0 1X2=2 2X2=4 3x2=

The first four multiples of 2 are 0, 2, 4, and 6.

y EXAMPLE 1 Find the first five multiples of 3.

Math Fact Multiply 3 by the first 0x3 = 0

The first two multiples of any five whole numbers. 1x3 = 3
number are 0 and the number 2X3 = 6
itself. 3x3 = 9
4 X 3 = 12

The first five multiples of 3 are 0, 3, 6, 9, and 12.

A common multiple of two different numbers is a

multiple of both. The least common multiple is the
smallest common multiple of the two numbers that is
not 0.

^ EXAMPLE 2 Find the first three common multiples of 4 and 6.

Then, find the least common multiple of 4 and 6.

Multiples of 4: 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24

Multiples of 6: 0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36

Math Fact The first three common multiples of 4 and 6 are 0, 12,
The least common multiple is and 24.
the smallest multiple that is
not 0. The least common multiple of 4 and 6 is 12.

150 Chapter 6 • Factors and Multiples

Try These

1. Find the first five multiples of 7. 2. Find the least common multiple
0x7 = of 6 and 9.
1x7 = Multiples of 6:
0x6= 1x6=
2x7 =
1 x 6 = 12 3x6 =
x 7 = 21
Multiples of 9:
x 7 = 28 0 x 9 = I x 9 = 9 2 x

The first 5 multiples of 7 are ■, H, The common multiples of 6 and 9

1, 21, and 28. are and .
The least common multiple is not
0. The least common multiple of
6 and 9 is 1.

Find the first five multiples of each.

1. 2 2. 5 3. 10 4. 1

5. 8 6. 12 7. 11 8. 20

Find the least common multiple of each two numbers. Remember that the least
common multiple is not 0.

9. 4 and 10 10. 5 and 6 11. 4 and 8 12. 9 and 12

13. 5 and 10 14. 8 and 10 15. 10 and 15 16. 15 and 45

Cooperative Learning
17. Ask a partner to find the first five multiples of 13. Check the

18. Work with a partner to find the least common multiple of

2 and 17. Check each other's work.

Chapter 6 • Factors and Multiples 151

Prime and Composite Numbers

A prime number is a number that has only two

factors. These two factors are 1 and the number. A
prime number is divisible by only 1 and the number.
Here are some prime numbers.

2, 3, 5, 7

A composite number is a number that has more than

two factors. A composite number is divisible by more
1 than two numbers. Here are some composite numbers.

4, 6, 8, 9

The numbers 0 and 1 are neither prime nor composite.

EXAMPLE 1 Tell whether 13 is a prime or composite number.

Divide. Look for 0 remainder.

Math Fact
6 R1 3 R4 3 R1
There is no need to divide by 5 2jl3 3jl3 4jl3
or more. These would give you -12 - 9 -12
a quotient of 2 or less. We
know these numbers are not
factors. 2 and 6 are 3 and 3 are 4 and 3 are
not factors. not factors. not factors. Stop!

Since there are no 0 remainders, 13 is a prime number.

^ EXAMPLE 2 Tell whether 51 is a prime or composite number.

Divide. Look for 0 remainder.

25 R1 17 R0
2j5l 3J5T
-4 -3
11 21
-10 -21
1 0
2 and 25 are not factors. 3 and 17 are factors.

3 x 17 = 51 51 is a composite number.

152 Chapter 6 • Factors and Multiples

Try These
1. Tell whether 39 is a prime or composite number.
19 RH mr
2j39 ■}39
-2 -3
19 9
-18 - H
m ■
39 is a number.

2. Tell whether 23 is a prime or composite number.

11 m 7 RH m m 4 Rll
2I23 ■}23 4)23 5)23
-2 -21 -20 -20
3 ■ §g Stop!

23 is a number.

Tell whether each of the following numbers is prime or composite.

1. 19 2. 21 3. 14 4. 25

5. 27 6. 31 7. 91 8. 53

9. 81 10. 85 11. 47 12. 120

Cooperative Learning
13. Explain to a partner how you can tell number 7 in Practice is a
prime or composite number.

14. Work with a partner to tell whether 143 is prime or composite.

Take turns doing the division. Check each other's work.

Chapter 6 • Factors and Multiples 153

Prime Factorization
You can write any composite number as a product of
prime numbers. This is called prime factorization.

3X3 12 = 2 X 2 X 3 18 = 2X3X3

prime factors prime factors prime factors

You can use exponents to write a prime factorization.

9 = 32 12 = 22 X 3 18 = 2 x 32

To find the prime factorization of a composite number,

you can start by dividing by prime numbers. You can
also divide by any numbers you think are factors. Here
are prime numbers you may want to use.

2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37

W EXAMPLE 1 Find the prime factorization of 24

Check 2 is a factor of 24. 24 = 2 x 12
12 RO 1—i— 1
2)24 12 = 2x6 24 = 2 X 2 X 6

6 = 2x3 24 = 2X2X2X3
Write using exponents. 24 = 23 X 3

The prime factorization of 24 is 23 X 3.

^ EXAMPLE 2 Find the prime factorization of 98.

Check 7 is a factor of 98 98 = 7 x 14
14 RO i-,_i

7)98 14 = 7x2 98 = 7X7X2

Write using exponents. 98 = 72 x 2
-28 The prime factorization of 98 is 72 X 2.

154 Chapter 6 • Factors and Multiples

Try These
1. Find the prime factorization 2. Find the prime factorization
of 54. of 75.
54 75
54 = 3 X 18 75 = 5 X
54 = 3 X x 2 75 = 5 X X 3
54 = 3 x x X 2 75 = 5 X 3
54 = 3 X 2

Find the prime factorization of each number. Write your answer using exponents
whenever possible.

1. 26 2. 30 3. 45 4. 49

5. 27 6. 36 7. 72 8. 60

9. 25 10. 78 11. 48 12. 85

13. 50 14. 65 15. 90 16. 100

Cooperative Learning
17. Explain to a partner how you find the prime factorization of
number 14 in Practice.

18. Work with a partner to find the prime factorization of 620.

Check each other's work.

Chapter 6 • Factors and Multiples 155

Calculator: Check the
Prime Factorization
You can tell whether a product of prime numbers is a
prime factorization of a composite number by using a
calculator. Use the calculator to multiply. If the product
is equal to the composite number, then the product is
the prime factorization.

Here are some prime numbers that you might see in

your work.

2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, and 37

W EXAMPLE Is 22 • 33 • 7 the prime factorization of 756?

Write the prime factorization. 22 • 33 • 7

Write the powers as products. 2«2«3*3»3»7

Use your calculator to multiply.


Enter 2. 0 E
Multiply by 2 by pressing: 000 H
Multiply by 3 three times: 000 IE

000 36

000 ““/GET

Multiply by 7 by pressing: 000 756

22 • 33 • 7 is the prime factorization of 756.

156 Chapter 6 • Factors and Multiples

Use your calculator to find the products.

1. 73 • 132 2. 34 • ll3

3. ll2 • 132 4. 32 • 53 • 72

5. 22 • 33 • 72 6. 53 • 72 • ll2

Use your calculator to check each prime factorization.

7. 52 • 73 is 8,575 8. 32 • ll2 is 3,267

9. 72 • 132 is 8,281 10. 23 • 32 • 7 is 504

11. 32 • 53 • 72 is 18,375 12. 22 • 34 • 52 is 8,100

Math Connection


To a bowler, the number 300 is perfect. It means

that the person bowled a perfect game. On a
test, the number 100 is perfect. It shows that
every question was answered correctly. To a
gymnast, 10 is a perfect score. It shows that the
gymnastics were perfect.
In math, there are perfect numbers, too. About
2,000 years ago, a Greek named Euclid found
that 6 is a perfect number. Why? Euclid found
that when the factors of 6 are added, except 6,
the sum is 6. The factors of 6 are 1, 2, and 3. Euclid was a third-century
The sum of these factors is 6—perfect. Greek mathematician.

Euclid was very interested in perfect numbers. He discovered four

perfect numbers. They are 6, 28, 496, and 8,128. Since then, many
more perfect numbers have been found. 33,550,336 and 8,589,869,056
are two. With today's computers, who knows how many more we
will find.

Chapter 6 • Factors and Multiples 157

Problem Solving: Find a Pattern

You can solve a problem by finding a pattern.

^ EXAMPLE There are three square tables. Each table seats four
people. How many people can be seated at the tables if
the tables are lined up end to end?

READ What do you need to find out?

You need to find the number of people that
can sit at three tables lined up end to end.
PLAN What do you need to do?
You need to draw a diagram to find a pattern.
DO Follow the plan.

Start with 1 table. 2 + 2 = 4

One person is Seats 4 people.
at each side.

Next, use two tables 4 + 2 = 6

placed end to end. Seats 6 people.

Now use 6 + 2 = 8
three tables Seats 8 people.
placed end
to end.

CHECK Does your answer make sense?

Each additional table seats two more people.
Six people can sit at two tables. 6 + 2 = 8/

Eight people can sit at three square tables lined up

end to end.

158 Chapter 6 • Factors and Multiples

Try These

Find a pattern to solve the problem. 2. How many fence posts are needed
to build a 20 ft fence? Each
1. There are four square tables. Each
section of the fence is 5 ft wide.
table seats four people. How
There is 1 post at each end.
many people can be seated at the
tables if the tables are lined up 5ft 5 ft 5ft 5ft
end to end?

20 -4- 5 = sections
4 sections with ■ posts
+ 2 — Hi
B fence posts are needed to build
Four tables seat people. a 20 ft fence.

Find a pattern to solve the problem.

1. There are six square tables. Each table seats four people. How
many people can be seated at the tables if the tables are lined up
end to end?

2. There are seven square tables. Each table seats four people. How
many people can be seated at the tables if the tables are lined up
end to end?

3. How many fence posts are needed to build a 35 ft fence? Each

section of the fence is 5 ft wide. There is 1 post at each end.

Cooperative Learning
4. There are three rectangular tables. Each table seats six people, 2
people on each side and 1 person on each end. How many people
can be seated at the tables if the tables are lined up end to end?
Work with a partner to find out.

5. How many fence posts are needed to build a 48 ft fence? Each

section of the fence is 8 ft wide. There is 1 post at each end. Work
with a partner to find out.

Chapter 6 • Factors and Multiples 159

Application: Bar Graphs

A bar graph is used to show amounts. This bar graph

shows test scores. It also shows the number of students
receiving each score. Bars are drawn on the horizontal
axis over each test score. The horizontal axis goes in
the left to right direction. The vertical axis goes in the
up and down direction. It shows the number of
students. The height of each bar graph tells how many
students received that score.

vertical axis j
_ 5
° <2 4
| ! 3
I B 2
horizontal axis
100 90 85 80
Test scores

W EXAMPLE 1 How many students received a score of 85?

Find the bar for 85. It is the third bar to the right.

Find the height by looking The height of the 85 bar is 4.

across to the vertical axis.
4 students received a score of 85 each.

^ EXAMPLE 2 What score was received by the most students? How

many students received that score?
The highest bar stands
for the most students. The bar for 100 is the highest.

Find the height by looking The height of the 100 bar is 5.

across to the vertical axis.

A score of 100 was received by the most students.

5 students received a score of 100.

160 Chapter 6 • Factors and Multiples

Try These

Use the bar graph on test scores to

answer the questions.
1. What score was received by the 2. How many more students
fewest students? received 100 than 90?
The lowest bar stands for the fewest students received 100.
students received 90.
The lowest bar is over ■.
5 - m = m
Look at the vertical axis.
more students received 100
■ students received the lowest than 90.

Use the bar graph on letter grades to answer the questions.
1. What grade was received by the most

2. What grade was received by the fewest


3. How many more students received an A

than a C?

4. How many more students received a D

than a B?

5. How many students received a B or better?

Cooperative Learning
6. Explain to a partner how you find the difference in number 4
in Practice.

7. Write a new question about the bar graph on letter grades. Ask a
partner to answer it.

Chapter 6 • Factors and Multiples 161

6 Review
Every number is divisible by 1. Every number is divisible by itself.
You can find all the factors of a number.
1 and the number itself are always factors of a number.
You can find a multiple of a number by multiplying it by a whole number.
You can tell whether a number is prime or composite by dividing.
You can write any composite number as a product of prime factors.
An exponent can be used to write a prime factorization.
You can solve a problem by looking for a pattern.
A bar graph can be used to find amounts.

factor Vocabulary Review

divisible Complete the sentences with words from the box.

common factor 1. A number divided by a second number giving a 0

remainder is_by that number.
greatest common factor
2 The_is the largest common factor of two or
more numbers.
common multiple .
3 The smallest multiple of two or more numbers that
least common multiple is not 0 is called the_.

prime number .
4 A_is a number multiplied to give a product.

composite number 5. A factor of two different numbers is called a_.

6. A multiple of two different numbers is a_.
7. A_is the product of a number and a whole
8. A number that has only one and itself as factors is
called a_.
9 A number that has three or more factors is a_.

162 Chapter 6 • Factors and Multiples

Chapter Quiz

1 . Tell whether 168 is divisible by 12. 2. Tell whether 230 is divisible by 10.

Find the factors of each number.

3 . 44 4 . 52 5 . 72

Find the common factors and greatest common factor for each
two numbers.
6 . 24 and 32 7 . 62 and 41 8 . 35 and 71

Find the first five multiples of each number.

9 . 12 10 . 14 11 . 24

Find the least common multiple of each two numbers.

12 . 15 and 20 13 . 12 and 114 14 . 20 and 45

Tell whether each of the following numbers is prime or composite.

15. 23 16 . 36 17 . 49

Find the prime factorization of each number. Write your answer

using exponents.
18. 12 19 . 64 20 . 88

Use the bar graph on page 161 to answer the questions.

21 How many more students received an A than a B?
22. How many students received a C or better?

Chapter 6 • Factors and Multiples 163

_ Fractions and
chapter Mixed Numbers

Musicians must
understand fractions in Learning Objectives
order to read music. Do
• Explain the meaning of a fraction.
you know what the term
“three-quarters” time • Write fractions and mixed numbers.
means? What is a
• Find equivalent fractions.
“quarter note”?
• Reduce fractions to lowest terms.
• Compare like and unlike fractions.
• Write a fraction as a decimal.
• Write a decimal as a fraction.
• Use a calculator to write a fraction as a decimal.
• Use counting to solve a problem.
• Apply concepts and skills to find average.

164 Chapter 7 • Fractions and Mixed Numbers

Words to Know
fraction a number that names part of a whole or part of an object
numerator the top number of a fraction
denominator the bottom number of a fraction
proper fraction a fraction in which the numerator is less than the denominator
improper fraction a fraction in which the numerator is larger than or equal to
the denominator
mixed number a number with a whole number part and a fraction part
equivalent fractions with different numerators and denominators that name the
fractions same amount
lowest terms when the greatest common factor of the numerator and
fraction denominator is 1
like fractions fractions with the same denominators
unlike fractions fractions with different denominators
average a number that tells you something about a group of numbers

Recipe Project
Find a recipe with ingredients that are measured in
fractions and whole numbers. Then, suppose you have
only the following supplies: a ^ cup measuring cup, a |
cup measuring cup, a \ teaspoon measuring spoon,
and a tablespoon. Rewrite the recipe using only the
supplies you have.

Chapter 7 • Fractions and Mixed Numbers 165


You can write a fraction for part of an object.

EXAMPLE 1 Write a fraction for the shaded part.

~| One part is shaded. The fraction is j.
I Two equal parts in all. Read: one-half

y EXAMPLE 2 Write a fraction for the shaded parts.

——— Two parts are shaded. The fraction is J-.
Three equal parts in all. Read: two-thirds

You can also write a fraction for part of a group.

W EXAMPLE 3 Write a fraction for the shaded parts.

Three parts are shaded. The fraction is

Four equal parts in all. Read: three-fourths

The top number in a fraction is called the numerator.

The bottom number is called the denominator.

numerator —► 4
denominator —► 5
When the numerator is less than the denominator, the
fraction is a proper fraction. When the numerator is
Math Fact greater than or equal to the denominator, the fraction
2 is less than 3. is an improper fraction.
6 is greater than 5.
proper fraction: —

improper fraction:

166 Chapter 7 • Fractions and Mixed Numbers

Try These

1. Write a fraction for the shaded 2. Write a fraction for the shaded
parts. part.
parts are shaded. q One part is shaded,
Four parts in all. parts in all.

The fraction is — . □
The fraction is

Write a fraction for the shaded part.

2- OO

6. AAA

Cooperative Learning
7. Draw a group of six equal boxes. Shade in some of them. Have a
partner write a fraction for the shaded part. Check the work.

8. Write a fraction. Have a partner name the numerator and the

denominator of the fraction. Then ask if the fraction is proper
or improper.

Chapter 7 • Fractions and Mixed Numbers 167

You can write a whole number as a fraction.

| or 1 strip is shaded. | or 2 strips are shaded.

^ EXAMPLE 1 Write a fraction and a whole number for the

shaded strips.

Each strip has three equal parts.

Nine parts are shaded.

The fraction is |. The whole number is 3.

You can also write a mixed number for a fraction. A

mixed number has a whole number part and a
fraction part.

Remember Each of the strips has four equal parts. Seven parts
Read 1-| as one and are shaded.

7 3 3
j = lj 1— is a mixed number.

y EXAMPLE 2 Write a fraction and a mixed number for the

shaded strips.
Read 1^ as one and four-fifths.
Each strip has five equal parts.
Nine parts are shaded.

The fraction is The mixed number is 1-|.

168 Chapter 7 • Fractions and Mixed Numbers

Try These

1. Write a fraction and a whole 2. Write a fraction and a mixed

number for the shaded part. number for the shaded part.
—i———Each strip has four equal parts, —I—— Each strip has three equal parts.
parts are shaded. ] parts are shaded.
The fraction is -1. | The fraction is y.
The whole number is . The mixed number is II y.

Write a fraction and a whole number or a mixed number for the
shaded parts.

Cooperative Learning
7. Look at number 4 in Practice. On a separate sheet of paper
draw the same three strips but shade in different parts. Have a
partner write a fraction for the parts that are shaded. Then,
have a partner write a whole number or a mixed number for
the fraction.

Chapter 7 • Fractions and Mixed Numbers 169

Finding Mixed Numbers
and Fractions

You have seen how strips can be used to help you write
a whole number or a mixed number as a fraction. You
can also use division to do the same thing. Just divide
the numerator of the fraction by the denominator.

^ EXAMPLE 1 Find a whole number for —.
The numerator is 20.
The denominator is 5. 4
Divide 20 by 5. 5)20
20 = 4

i 7
y EXAMPLE 2 Find a mixed number for —.
The numerator is 17. _2
The denominator is 3. 5I
Divide 17 by 3. 3)17
17 _ j- 2
3 ^3 2

Here is a shortcut you can use to write an improper

fraction for a mixed number.

W EXAMPLE 3 Write an improper fraction for 3


Multiply the whole number by the

denominator of the fraction. 3 X 5 = 15
Add the numerator to this product. 4 + 15 = 19
Use this sum as the numerator. 19
The denominator stays the same. 5
o± = JL9
5 5

170 Chapter 7 • Fractions and Mixed Numbers

Try These

Write a whole number or a mixed number for each fraction.

2 . 19_
The numerator is 15. The numerator is 19.
The denominator is The denominator is 2.
Divide 15 by . V Divide by 2. 2]~
— =

Write an improper fraction for each mixed number.

4 4 2—
' 4
4X5 x 4 = .

Write a whole number or a mixed number for each.
7 12 5
3. 4.
2 5
ro O

5- 1 6- f 7.

Write an improper fraction for each.

9 5—
!0. 8— 11.
2! 12.

Cooperative Learning
13. Write three improper fractions. Have a partner write a whole
number or mixed number for each. Check the work.

14. Write three mixed numbers. Have a partner write an improper

fraction for each.

Chapter 7 • Fractions and Mixed Numbers

Equivalent Fractions

Equivalent fractions name the same amount. They

have different numerators and denominators.

Math Fact
Read as one-fourth equals
—1 2
and — are equivalent fractions.
two-eighths. 2

y EXAMPLE 1 Write a pair of equivalent fractions for the

shaded parts.

-- One part is shaded. 1

-- Two equal parts in all. 2

Math Fact —I——— Two parts are shaded.

►£. |
Read as one-half equals ———— Four equal parts in all.
Write the equivalent fractions as — =

^ EXAMPLE 2 Write a pair of equivalent fractions for the

shaded parts.

Two parts are shaded.

On | N>
Five equal parts in all.
Four parts are shaded.
Ten equal parts in all. 10

Write the equivalent fractions as J-

172 Chapter 7 • Fractions and Mixed Numbers

Try These

1. Write a pair of equivalent fractions for the shaded parts.

One part is shaded.
■ equal parts in all. ■
■ parts are shaded. m
Six equal parts in all. 6

2. Write a pair of equivalent fractions for the shaded parts.

■ parts are shaded.
Four equal parts in all. 4
Eight parts are shaded. 8_
■ equal parts in all. ■

Write a pair of equivalent fractions for the shaded parts.


Cooperative Learning
7. Tell a partner how you found the equivalent fractions in
number 3 in Practice.

8. Tell a partner how you found the equivalent fractions in

number 6 in Practice.

Chapter 7 • Fractions and Mixed Numbers 173

Finding Equivalent Fractions

You have used drawings to find equivalent fractions.

You can also find equivalent fractions by using
8 = 4x2 4
10 = 5x2 5 10 •*— 5x2

To find an equivalent fraction, multiply the numerator

and denominator by the same number.

^ EXAMPLE 1 Multiply numerator and denominator by 3 to find a

fraction equivalent to |.
Multiply numerator and denominator by 3. f-=
vj y
Write the equivalent fractions. — = —

You can write multiple fractions that are equivalent to

the same fraction.

y EXAMPLE 2 Multiply the numerator and denominator of | by 4 and

then by 5 to find two equivalent fractions.
Using 4: T
1 x 4 _ _4
Multiply numerator and denominator by 4.
2x4 8
Write the equivalent fractions. 1 = 1
2 8
Using 5: J_
Math Fact 1 x 5 _ _5_
Multiply numerator and denominator by 5.
2x5 10
and ^ are all equivalent.
Write the equivalent fractions. 1 = A
2 10
1 = ±_ _5_
2 8 10

174 Chapter 7 • Fractions and Mixed Numbers

Try These

Multiply the numerator and denominator by 2 to find an equivalent fraction.

2 —
!• ! 8
4 _ 4 X 2 _ B 5 5X2 B
5 5X2 8 8 x B
4 5
5 8
Multiply the numerator and denominator of j by 3 and then by 4 to find
two equivalent fractions.

3. — using 3 4. ~ using 4

3 _ 3 X : B 3 _ 3 X 4 s
4 4X3 4 4 X u
3 _ B 3
4 3 4

Multiply each numerator and denominator by 2 to find
an equivalent fraction.

Multiply the numerator and denominator of each fraction

by 4 and then 5 to find two equivalent fractions.
5-! 6-1 7.

9-1 10. f 11. 12.


Cooperative Learning
13. Write a fraction. Ask a partner to write two fractions equivalent
to it. Check the work.

14. Write two fractions equivalent to j. Explain your work

to a partner.

Chapter 7 • Fractions and Mixed Numbers 175

Lowest Terms Fractions

You have used multiplication to find equivalent

fractions. You can also use division to find equivalent
Check _8_
4 = 8 t 2 10
5 = 10 + 2 4

8 _ 4 ^ 8
10 5 10+2

To find an equivalent fraction, divide the numerator

and the denominator by the same number.

^ EXAMPLE 1 Find a fraction equivalent to

Math Fact
3 is a common factor of 6 Divide the numerator and denominator by 3. 6 + 3 =
and 12.
Write the equivalent fractions. = ~

You can use equivalent fractions to find the lowest

terms fraction. A fraction is in lowest terms if the
greatest common factor of the numerator and
denominator is 1.

^ EXAMPLE 2 Write as a lowest terms fraction.

Math Fact
You can also start by dividing Divide 12 and 18 by 2. 12 +2 = 6
1 18 +2 9
12 and 18 by 6.
Divide 6 and 9 by 3. 6 + 3 _ 2
9 + 33

Write the lowest terms fraction. ~

12 _ 2
18 3

176 Chapter 7 • Fractions and Mixed Numbers

Try These

Write each fraction in lowest terms.

4 - B _ 9-3
10-2 ■ 15 - ■ ■
_4_ _ 9_ = M
10 ■ 15 H

8 - ■ _ _■
= m
16 ■

Write each fraction in lowest terms.
-.8 ry 10
* 12 20 '3‘ 12 4- A

5 — 6- A 7
9 24 20 «• A
o 4
i°. ^| H. 12 25
* 24 27 24 100

13 — 14 — 15 A 16. £
36 A** 18 A5, 8 64

Cooperative Learning
17. Ask a partner to write || in lowest terms. Check the work.

18. Explain to a partner how you would write in lowest terms.

Chapter 7 • Fractions and Mixed Numbers 177

\p2 Comparing Fractions

Fractions with the same denominator are called


like fractions.

| and | are like fractions. To compare like fractions,

compare their numerators. The larger numerator makes
the larger fraction.

4 2
EXAMPLE 1 Compare. Use >, <, or = for . — —
4_ 2
5 5
Compare the numerators. 4 is greater than 2.

Cn |ls)
Compare the fractions. — is greater than

Unlike fractions have different denominators.

To compare unlike fractions, write them as like
fractions using equivalent fractions. Then compare
the like fractions.

y EXAMPLE 2 Compare. Use >, <, or = for \m~

2 3

1 x 3 _ 3
Write 1 and | as like fractions.
2x3 6
2 x 2 _ 4
3x2 6
Compare the like fractions. -- ■ -
6 6
Compare the numerator. 3 is less than 4.

Compare the fractions. ~ is less than

6 6

!< 1 So, ~ is less than

2 3

178 Chapter 7 Fractions and Mixed Numbers

Try These

1. Compare. Use >, <, or = for . 2. Compare. Use >, <, or = for .
2 1 1 4
3 3 4 8
2 > 1 3 x
2 1 4X2 8
3 3
> 4
3 4
7 8

Compare. Use >, <, or = for .

7 2- f ! 7 4-1 *!

5 —

1 10 6- ?■! ! 8-! • 7
9 A 1
4 8 10- 5 1 “• 7 7 12- A A

13-! 1 14 !: 7 15- f | 16‘ A 7

Cooperative Learning
17. Write two like fractions. Have a partner compare them.
Check the work.

18. Use 3 and 4 as denominators and write two unlike fractions.

Have a partner compare them. Check the work.

Chapter 7 • Fractions and Mixed Numbers 179

Fractions and Decimals

You can use what you know about decimals and place
value to write a fraction for a decimal and a decimal
for some fractions.

Math Fact
.3 means 3 tenths.
.3 — one place .41 two places
.41 means 41 hundredths. 41
one zero two zeros

V EXAMPLE 1 Write a fraction for .09.

Two decimal places
means hundredths.
.09 =
EXAMPLE 2 Write ^ as a decimal.
Hundredths means
two decimal places. .25
= .25

EXAMPLE 3 Write 2.7 as a mixed number.

Look at the decimal part. 2.7
One place means tenths. 2—
2.7 = 2

180 Chapter 7 • Fractions and Mixed Numbers

Try These

Write a decimal for each.

1 . 7
2 3—
^ 10
Hundredths means ■ decimal places. Tenths means ■ decimal place.
3_?_ = n
100 1310
Write a fraction or mixed number for each.

3. .21 4. 1.7
decimal places means hundredths. ■ decimal place means tenths.
.21 = 1.7 = 1-

Write a decimal for each.

2 3 3 — 4 15
1 8 100
100 * 100 10
f- 91 7 5— ft 12
5 5— 5 10 100
5 10 6* 100

Write a fraction or mixed number for each.

9. .01 10. 3.5 11. .75 12. .9

13. 2.04 14. 4.1 15. .45 16. .8

Cooperative Learning
17. Write a decimal with two places. Have a partner write a fraction
for it. Check the work.

18. Write three fractions with 10 or 100 as a denominator. Have a

partner write a decimal for each fraction. Check the work.

Chapter 7 • Fractions and Mixed Numbers 181

Calculator: Decimals for Fractions

Use your calculator to write decimals for fractions or

mixed numbers.

W EXAMPLE 1 Write | as a decimal.

j — divide 2 by 5. Display

Press: @000 I 0^1

2 nu
— = u.n

^ EXAMPLE 2 Write || as a decimal.

19 _
divide 19 by 25. Display
Press: 000000 Li. iO

29 n ->r
u. iu

Sometimes, the calculator will display many decimal

places. Round the display to the nearest hundredth.

y EXAMPLE 3 Write 300
as a decimal.
divide 200 by 300. Display
Press: 00000000 0.6665666

Rounds to
is about

^ EXAMPLE 4 Write 5as a decimal.

Work with the fraction part. 5—

K 50
— divide 17 by 50. Display

Press: 000000 03 W
Write the whole number part. 5— 5 3H

182 Chapter 7 • Fractions and Mixed Numbers

Use your calculator. Write a decimal for each fraction or mixed
number. Round the answer to the nearest hundredth.

4 2.
3. 2 7\ 2
2 3
17l 4
6. 7-
7. 2— 8. 10-
24 4
9. l~ 10.
16 64

Math Connection

The Olympic games are held every four
years. The world's greatest athletes come
together for the games. They compete in
many different events.

Most of these events are timed. People who

work at the Olympics record how long it
takes each athlete to complete an event.
The records they keep must be exact. A
second or two may not mean a lot to you,
but it does at the Olympics. A second or
two can mean the difference between first
and second place for a runner or swimmer.

For the winner, sometimes even less than

one-thousandth of a second can make a
difference. A mistake as small as a fraction of
a second can cost an athlete the gold medal.

Chapter 7 • Fractions and Mixed Numbers 183

Problem Solving: Counting

You can use a picture to help you count and

solve problems.

^ EXAMPLE Freddie can take two friends to a movie. He has

5 friends: Jose, Luis, Monica, Cheryl, and Diane. He
wants to take 1 boy and 1 girl. How many pairs of
friends can he choose from?
READ What do you need to find out?
You need to find out how many different pairs
of friends Freddie can take to the movie.

PLAN What do you need to do?

You need to draw a diagram. First, list the boys.
Then, list the girls. Make pairs and count them.

DO Follow the plan.

We could have used multiplication. There are

2 choices for boys and 3 choices for girls.

2X3 = 6
CHECK Does your answer make sense?
All possible pairs are listed in the Do step. /

Freddie can choose from 6 different pairs of friends.

184 Chapter 7 • Fractions and Mixed Numbers

Try These

1. A new car comes in 5 inside 2. Armando has 3 shirts, 2 suits,

colors and 8 outside colors. How and 5 ties. How many outfits
many choices of colors are there? can he make?
Step 1. 5 choices Step 1. choices
Step 2. choices Step 2. 2 choices
Multiply. 5 x = a Step 3. 5 choices
There are combinations Multiply. 1 x 2 x i = ■
of colors. He can make a outfits.

Find the number of choices.

1. A menu has 3 soups and 2 meats. How many different meals can
you have with 1 soup and 1 meat?

2. A store owner has 6 flavors of frozen yogurt and 3 toppings. How

many cones can the owner make using 1 flavor and 1 topping?

3. Kim has 5 sweatshirts, 4 sweatpants, and 3 headbands. How

many outfits could she make to wear jogging?

4. You can have a sandwich with your choice of 2 different kinds of

cheeses and 2 different breads. How many choices do you have?

Cooperative Learning
5. A store offers 20 different T-shirts and 8 different backpacks. Ask
a partner to explain how to find the number of choices for the
T-shirts and backpacks.

6. Look at number 2 in Practice. Ask your partner how the

answer would change if there were 4 flavors of frozen yogurt
and 2 toppings.

Chapter 7 • Fractions and Mixed Numbers 185

The average is a number that tells you something
about a group of numbers. To find the average of a
group of numbers, add first. Then, divide.

y EXAMPLE 1 Here are scores for 3 tests.

87, 75, 90
To find the average, first add the scores.

Remember Then, divide this total by the number of scores.

The total of the scores is the
sum of the scores. Add the scores. 87 + 75 + 90 = 252
Divide the total by
the number of tests.

There are 3 tests,

so divide by 3. 252 4- 3 = 84
number of tests

The average score is 84.

EXAMPLE 2 The amount of snow that falls is measured in inches.

Here are the amounts that fell in a city during five
.36, .71, .95, 2.88, and 3.85.
Find the average amount of snow that fell during the
five months.
Add the number of .36 + .71 + .95 + 2.88 + 3.85 = 8.75
inches that fell.

Divide the total by

the number of months 8.75 4- 5 = 1.75
The average amount is 1.75 inches.

186 Chapter 7 • Fractions and Mixed Numbers

Try These

1. Last week, Carla ran 2.5 miles, 1.75 miles, 2 miles, 2.25 miles, and
.75 miles. What was the average number of miles she ran in each day?
Add the number of miles. 2.5 + 1.75 + 2 + 2.25 + .75 =
Divide the total by
the number of days. m- =

The average number of miles she ran each day was .

2. Marco spent $2.65, $3.30, and $3.95 on lunches in three days.

What was the average Marco spent on lunch each day?
Add the amounts. + + = $9.90
Divide the total by
the number of days. $9.90 -f =

The average Marco spent on lunch each day was .

Find the average.

1. 10, 12, 17 2. 8, 7, 11, 6, 18 3. 120, 132, 145, 163

4. .25, .5, .60 5. 2.2, 8.6, 10.2, 7 6. .75, 1.22, 1.35, 3

7. $1.10, $1.29, $1.99 8. $3.50, $3.50, $5.30 9. $1.50, $2, $3, $4, $5

Cooperative Learning
10. Ask each member of your group how many hours a day they
spend doing homework. Together, find the average for five days.

11. Look at number 8 in Practice. Work with a partner to find the

average if the amounts were $3.50, $3.50, $5.30, and $5.30.

Chapter 7 • Fractions and Mixed Numbers 187

chapter 7 ^ Review
lillliimiliil Ilin "Ill'f ' llinmii HWi|Tiar'"ll“l~Tr-

A fraction can be written to show part of an object.

You can write a whole number as a fraction.

A mixed number has a whole number part and a fraction part.

Equivalent fractions name the same amount.

To find an equivalent fraction, multiply or divide the numerator and

denominator by the same number.

You can use equivalent fractions to find the lowest terms fraction.

To compare like fractions, compare the numerators.

To compare unlike fractions, find equivalent fractions with the same denominator.

You can write a fraction as a decimal and a decimal as a fraction.

To find an average of a group of numbers, add the numbers, then divide.

numerator Vocabulery Review

proper fraction Complete the sentences with words from the box.

mixed number
1. The_is the top number of a fraction.
2. Fractions with the same denominators are_
equivalent fractions
3. When the numerator is less than the denominator,
like fractions
it is called a_
2> - \(
unlike fractions
4. A fraction is in_when the greatest common
lowest terms factor of the numerator and denominator is 1.
average 5. A number that tells you something about a group
of numbers is called the_
6. A_is a number with a whole part and a
fraction part.
7. _are fractions with different numerators and
denominators that name the same amount.
8. Fractions with different denominators are_

188 Chapter 7 • Fractions and Mixed Numbers

Chapter Quiz
Write a fraction for the shaded part.
□ 2.

Write a fraction and a whole number or a

mixed number for the shaded strips.
4. n n n n n s.

Write a whole number or a mixed number for each fraction.

6. 7. 8.
9* 7

Multiply each numerator and denominator by 2 to find an

equivalent fraction.
K> 12
10. 11. 12. 13.
12 24 64

Write each fraction in lowest terms.

16. 11 17 —
16 25 32 A/‘ 28

Write a decimal for each fraction.

20. 10

Write a fraction or mixed number for each decimal.

22. .12 23. 7.3 24. .85 25. 1.9

Find the average.

26. 12, 12, 30 27. 90, 97, 91, 68 28. 1.9, 2.8, 1.6, 2, 2.7, 2.2

Chapter 7 • Fractions and Mixed Numbers 189

Unit 3 Review
Use the bar graph to answer 4. A restaurant has 3 sizes of pizza.
Questions 1 and 2. and 9 toppings. How many pizzas
can you order with 1 topping?
A. 11
B. 5
C. 3
D. 27

Hours Worked 5. What is the factorization of 54?

A. 2 X 33
1. What is the number of employees
B. 2 X 32
that work 25 hours?
C. 23 x 3
A. 2
D. 22 X 32
B. 4
C. 6
6. A company makes a shirt in 4
D. 8
sizes, 9 colors, and either long or
short sleeves. How many shirts
2. What is the number of hours
does the company make?
worked by most employees?
A. 54
A. 8
B. 72
B. 25
C. 15
C. 30
D. 38
D. 40

3. The rainfall for four months is Critical Thinking

2.7 in., 4.6 in., 1.8 in., and 0.9 in.
The team went to a restaurant after
What is the average rainfall?
a game. There are 10 players and 2
A. 2.25 in. coaches. They need to rearrange
B. 4.0 in. the square tables end to end so
C. 2.5 in. they can sit together. Each table
D. not given seats 4 people. How many tables
will they need?
challenge The 12 people can
choose chicken or steak and
French fries or baked potato. How
many different orders are possible?

Unit Four

Chapter 8
Adding and Subtracting Fractions

Chapter 9
Multiplying and Dividing Fractions

Chapter 10
Ratio, Proportion, and Percent
o Adding and
chapter ^ - Subtracting Fractions

Construction workers
need to understand Learning Objectives
fractions because they
• Add and subtract fractions.
cannot always measure
things in whole numbers. • Add and subtract mixed numbers.
What are some tools
• Evaluate variable expressions with fractions and
construction workers
use to help them mixed numbers.
build things? • Solve equations by adding or subtracting fractions
and mixed numbers.
• Use a calculator to add and subtract fractions.
• Solve problems with too much or too little
• Apply concepts and skills to find the median and
mode of a set of numbers.

192 Chapter 8 • Adding and Subtracting Fractions

Words to Know
denominator a common multiple of the denominators

least common
denominator the smallest common denominator

mode the number that appears the most often in a group of numbers

median the middle number in a group of numbers when the numbers are in
order from smallest to largest.

Salad Project
You are making a salad for dinner. You will need
2 lbs. of lettuce, | lb. of carrots, | lb. of red peppers, |
lb. of mushrooms, and | lb. of tomatoes. Find out how
much the salad will weigh when it is finished. In your
math journal, write the steps you need to follow in
order to complete this project.

Chapter 8 • Adding and Subtracting Fractions 193

\£3 Adding and Subtracting Like

Like fractions have the same denominators. These

fraction strips show how to add or subtract like

4 4 5

i+ l=A ±_ 2 = 2
4 4 4 5 5 5

To add or subtract like fractions, add or subtract the

numerators. Use the common denominator as the
denominator of your answer.

^ EXAMPLE 1 Add. 48 + 48
Add the numerators. 4 + — = 3 + 7 = —
Math Fact Keep the denominator.
Your answer may be an
improper fraction. Write it as a Reduce the answer to lowest terms. — = -° = — = l—
8 8^-2 4 4
mixed number.

^ EXAMPLE 2 Subtract.
- 12

Subtract the numerators.
Keep the denominator. 4
- 12
The answer is in lowest terms. 11 -
12 12
ip _ j_ = j_
12 12 12

194 Chapter 8 • Adding and Subtracting Fractions

Try These
Add or subtract. 2. —
1 1-1
* 8 8 Add the numerators.
9 +
Subtract the numerators.
8 Keep the denominator.
ii ?
Keep the denominator. = —
■ i
Write the answer in lowest terms. = — _
18 Write the improper traction
M l
3 _ 1 as a mixed number.
8 8
Write the fraction
part in lowest terms - 1 I* 2
r 2 - S i
9 13
16 16 _

Add or subtract.
1 5 2 9
1. 4 2. 8 3. 5 4. 10
2 2 3 7
+ 4 + 8 + 5 + 10
5. 4 6. | + 2 7. — + — 8. 7 + 2
6 6 6 6 12 12 4 4

9. 2. +
10. 4_
ii. 4 + 4
7 7
12. — — —
20 20

Cooperative Learning
13. Explain to a partner how to add in number 4 in Practice.

14. Write two like fractions. Ask a partner to add them. Then ask a
partner to subtract the smaller fraction from the larger fraction.
Check the work.

Chapter 8 • Adding and Subtracting Fractions 195

Least Common Denominators

Math Fact You can replace unlike fractions with equivalent

Unlike fractions have different fractions that have the same denominator. This is
denominators. called finding a common denominator. A common
denominator of two or more fractions is a common
multiple of the denominators.

y EXAMPLE 1 Find fractions with a common denominator equivalent

Look at the smaller denominator 3. 3x6 = 18

Write a fraction equivalent to 1 x 6 = —

and are equivalent to ~ and

You can always find a common denominator by

multiplying the denominators.

^ EXAMPLE 2 Find fractions with a common denominator

equivalent to y and y.

Multiply the denominators. 6 x 4 = 24

Write fractions equivalent to

1 and ~ with denominator of 24. -1 x 4 = — and - x 6 = —

6 4 6 X 4 24 4 X6

yy and yy are equivalent to y and y.

Least means smallest. The least common denominator is the least common
multiple of the denominators.

f and 1
6 4
5x4 20 , 3x6 18
Common denominator: = — and
6x4 24 4x6 24
5x2 3x3 9
Least common denominator: = — and
6x2 12 4x3 12

196 Chapter 8 • Adding and Subtracting Fractions

Try These f

Find equivalent fractions with the least common denominator.

2 X * = 6 6 x m = 18
3X1 = 1 9xl = |
1 x m l xm __
2 XU 6 6 x m is

2 x a = ii 2xi = m
3 x ■ m 9 x a a
H g
— and — are equivalent — and — are equivalent

to \ and f. to and
6 9

Find equivalent fractions with the least common denominator.

l- Aandf 2-fand! 3-landA

5. §and| 6. ^randj
4- landA 16 4

8. — and 1
7- Aand A 6 2 9- landA

10. -§■ and ^ 12. }and|

5 6 11 7and A

Cooperative Learning
13. Explain to a partner how you find equivalent fractions with the
least common denominator for number 10 in Practice.

14. Write two unlike fractions. Ask a partner to find fractions with
the least common denominator equivalent to your fractions.
Check the work.

Chapter 8 • Adding and Subtracting Fractions 197

Adding Unlike Fractions

When adding fractions with different denominators,

replace them with equivalent fractions with the least
common denominator. Then, add. Be sure your answer
is in lowest terms.

^ EXAMPLE 1 Add.
Check 12 is the least common
2x4 _ _8_
2 _8_
multiple of 3 and 12.
3x4 12 3 12
Use 12 as the least
common denominator.

8 + 7 15
12 12

Check 24 is the least common
1x4. 4 multiple of 6 and 8.
1 __ 4
6x4“ 24 6
5 x 3 15 Use 24 as the least
8x3 24 common denominator.

4 + 15 _ qy
1+a_ 19 24 24
6 8 24
Adding whole numbers and fractions is easy.

Check is the least common
2x5 _ JO multiple of 1 and 5.
1x5 5
Use 5 as the least
Remember common denominator.
A proper fraction is a fraction
with the numerator less than 10 + 4
the denominator.

To add a whole number and a proper fraction, write a

mixed number.

198 Chapter 8 • Adding and Subtracting Fractions

Try These


I +1
is the least common multiple of 3 and 5. -|

Use as the least common denominator. + —

5 m
= 1_ §1 + n

2 — + —
* 8 12
is the least common multiple of 8 and 12. —

Use as the least common denominator. + —


A + 5 - i m+m
8 12 u

2 7 3
1. 5 2. 10 3. 5 4. 5
11 3 17 3
+ 15 + 4 + 25 + 4

5_ 3 8. A +

s. |4 + 7. -
14 7 15 10 3 18 6 30

9. ^ +
11 . ~
+ 8 12. 7 +

Cooperative Learning
13. Explain to a partner how you add the fractions in number 9
in Practice.

14. Write any two unlike fractions. Ask a partner to add them.
Check the work.

Chapter 8 • Adding and Subtracting Fractions 199

Subtracting Unlike Fractions

When subtracting fractions with different

denominators, replace them with equivalent fractions
with the least common denominator. Then subtract.
Write your answer in lowest terms.

19 5
y EXAMPLE 1 Subtract.
24 ’ 8
24 is the least common
19 19
multiple of 24 and 8. —*
Check 24 24
5 x 3 _ 15 Use 24 as the least
8x3 24 5 15
common denominator. —
~ 8 24
19 - 15

8 _ 5.
y EXAMPLE 2 Subtract.
9 6
Check 18 is the least common
8 x 2 _ 16 8 16
multiple of 9 and 6.
9x2 18 9 18
5 x 3 _ 15 Use 18 as the least
6x3 18 _ 5 15
common denominator. —
" 6 ’ 18
16 - 15
18 18

When you subtract a fraction from a whole number,

replace the whole number with an equivalent fraction.

y EXAMPLE 3 Subtract.
Check 5 is the least common
3x5 _ J_5
multiple of 1 and 5.
1x5 5
Use 5 as the least
common denominator.

200 Chapter 8 • Adding and Subtracting Fractions

Try These


1. n _ 2
20 5
is the least common multiple of 20 and 5.
U_ jn
20 20
Use H as the least common denominator.
jj 2
20 5

2 . 1_1
4 3
is the least common multiple of 4 and 3.
4 12
Use as the least common denominator.
_3 1
4 3


1. 5 2. 1 3. 3 4. 4
3 3 1 3
10 8 8 4

1 1 9
e- 4- 7. ii - 8. - -
8 12 12 6 15 6 6 30

-4 5 10* \
2 ~
11. — -
12. — -
10 100

Cooperative Learning
13. Explain to a partner how to subtract the fraction in number 1
in Practice.

14. Write any two unlike fractions. Ask a partner to subtract the
smaller fraction from the larger fraction. Check the work.

Chapter 8 • Adding and Subtracting Fractions 201

Adding Mixed Numbers

Add mixed numbers by adding the fraction parts.

Then, add the whole number parts. Write your answer
in lowest terms.

EXAMPLE 1 Add. 3f + 4i
Add the fraction parts. Add the whole number parts.
3'8 3|
Math Fact + 4 + 4
8 8
4 in lowest terms is 4
8 4 6
7| = 7|
8 4

The sum of 3-4 + 4-^ is

8 8 4
Sometimes, you will need to find the least common
denominator for the fraction parts.

^ EXAMPLE 2 Add. 5| + 4^
4 3
Math Fact Add the fraction parts. Add the whole number parts.
12 is the least common
multiple of 4 and 3. 5
12 12
Use 12 as the least common jy jy
+ 4 4- 4 + 4
12 12
12 12
The sum of 54 + 4— is 9—.
4 3 12
The fraction part of the answer may be an improper
fraction. Write a mixed number for this improper fraction.
Add- 8A975

Math Fact Add the fraction parts. Add the whole number parts.
14 in lowest terms is 4.
to 5
10 8T
+ 9A
10 + ^
ui | co

10 17t! = 17! = 17 + ! = 17 + 1
The sum of 8
£ + 9To is 18f-
202 Chapter 8 • Adding and Subtracting Fractions
Try These


1. 2f + 4f 2. 2| + 6i

2-| 2- 2- 2- 2—
9 , 9 4 _^ 4 4

+ 4f +4f + 6y +6- + 6-
y y z 4
H _ 1 _ m a
T T ~ ~ 4
-4 = + 1-
44= -

9 + 4t
9 = :-r
2- + 6- =- wM
4 2 4


cm |
!• if 3. 4.
2- 7I 4i 3f

+ 2| + 8

+ 4f 6 + 2I>

lo | vo
5. 6- 6. 5^- 7. 3— 8.
4 M2 7!
+ 9-
6 + 2w + 2f + 31

9. 8l + 4i 10. + 4 11. 5-LL + iA 12.

316 8 2A + 6f

13 8i 4 4f 14 5— + 4— 15. 16. 10- + 9-

A** 310 10 2! + 7A 4 4

Cooperative Learning
17. Explain to a partner how to add the mixed numbers in number 6
in Practice.

18. Write a pair of mixed numbers. Ask a partner to add them. Check
the work.

Chapter 8 • Adding and Subtracting Fractions 203

Subtracting Mixed Numbers

Subtract mixed numbers by subtracting the fraction

parts. Then, subtract the whole number parts. You may
have to find the least common denominator for the
fraction parts.

^ EXAMPLE 1 Subtract. 21 2—
15 Z3
Subtract the fraction Subtract the whole
parts. number parts.
11 5 11
15 5 15

-2 — -
> 5
- 2—
'15 15
6 6 _ t2
15 Ts ~ 5
rH _ 9i = o2
^ 15 Z3 ^5

Sometimes, you have to regroup a mixed number so

you can subtract.

y EXAMPLE 2 Subtract. 6— - 3—
4 4

Math Fact
•7- is less than
4 4


204 Chapter 8 • Adding and Subtracting Fractions

Try These




ON | C/1
1. 7- 2. 3. 4.
4 4 4f

-4 -3f -2A -h

6. 7. 8. 10
5- 4f 10i
-46 - 8-

9. 71 “ 4!
10. 4!8 - 2
11. 9-^r - 4~
12 6
12. 4- - 2-
4 2

13. 5-2-7 14. 4- - 1— 10-V - 2#

4 4 12
16 8 8
16. 8- - 4-

Cooperative Learning
17. Explain to a partner how to subtract the mixed number in
number 12 in Practice.

18. Write two mixed numbers. Ask a partner to subtract the smaller
from the larger. Check the work.

Chapter 8 • Adding and Subtracting Fractions 205

Evaluating Variable Expressions
To evaluate a variable expression, replace the variables
with numbers. You have already done this with whole
numbers and decimals. You can also evaluate variable
expressions by replacing the variables with fractions or
mixed numbers.

W EXAMPLE 1 Find the value of x + J- when x =

Replace x with 4. x + —
5 5

3 2 4
The value of x + — is 1— when x = y.

^ EXAMPLE 2 Find the value of r - s when r 54 and s = 3-4-

6 6
Remember Replace r with 5-| and s with 3y. r - s
Subtract the fraction parts.
Then, subtract the whole
number parts.

The value of r - s is 2^ when r = 5~ and s =

o 6

You may have to find the least common denominator

of the fractions.

^ EXAMPLE 3 Find the value of a + b when a = 2— and b = —.

Math Fact Replace 0 with 2j a + b
4 is the least common
denominator of 2 and 4. and b with 2i +a
4 2 4

Use 4 as the least 24

4 + 4
common denominator.
Add. 24 = 2 + 4 = 2 + 1- 3—
44 4 4'

The value of a + b is 34 when a = 2— and h = -.

4 2 4

206 Chapter 8 • Adding and Subtracting Fractions

Try These
Evaluate these expressions.

1. 3~ + z when z = l\ . 2. c - d when c = 4 and d = —.

Replace z with . 3~ + z Replace c with 4. c-d

Add. 3| + and d with 4 -

Regroup 4. 3y -
The value of 3^- + z is when
The value of c - d is when c =
4 and d = —.

Evaluate each expression.
1 ?
1. n + 2 when n = — 2. a + b when a = 5— and b = —

3. x - y when x = — and y = — 4. 6 - x when x =


5. y — r when r = j 6. f + 48 when t = 4

7. b + c when b =
and c = 4—
8. c —
when c = 7^-

9. m — n when m = 5y and n = 2^ 10. x 4- y when x = ly and y = 2y

Cooperative Learning
11. Explain to a partner how to evaluate the expression in number 6
in Practice.

12. Write a variable expression using addition. Use fractions or mixed

numbers for the values of the variables. Ask a partner to find the
value of your variable expression. Check the work.

Chapter 8 • Adding and Subtracting Fractions 207

Solving Equations

You have already solved equations containing addition

or subtraction of whole numbers and decimals. You
solve equations with fractions and mixed numbers the
same way. Remember, addition and subtraction undo
each other.

^ EXAMPLE 1 Solve. Then, check.

Use addition to undo subtraction.
Replace x with 3-|.

Add v to both sides. x -


Simplify each side.

3 = 3 True Solution:

EXAMPLE 2 Solve. Then, check.

Replace y with 4-|.
Use subtraction to undo addition.
4 y + 2
Subtract 2-^ from both sides. 6- - 2
6f =
5 5 21 = ^ + 21 5

Simplify each side. y

6— = 4- + 2— 4
5 5 5

6 6 True Solution:
= —
5 4

Sometimes, you will have to find the least common


EXAMPLE 3 Solve. Then, check. + 1

5 10
Use subtraction to undo addition. + 1
Replace x with 5 10
~ from both sides. l
Subtract x + —
5 5 5 10 5
x+5 10
3 JS_ 2_
^L + A = Simplify each side.
10 10 10 10 10
_3 _3 J_
= True X =
10 10 10

208 Chapter 8 • Adding and Subtracting Fractions

Try These

Solve. Then, check.

i- y-3f = q Check. Replace y with .

Add ■ to both sides. y - 3y + 8 = lj- + m y-3f=ii
Simplify each side. y = u
■- 4=c
Solution: m ■ = ly True
2 ^ = v + 1 Check. Replace x with I.
3 5
Subtract from both sides. — — :i = y _|_ A - ip
3 5 X + 5 != * + f
Simplify each side. 1 = 11 + 1
15 X
- X 2 - +9
3 - +T?
Solution: m I = M True

Solve. Then, check.
1. * + i = 4 2. i = „-
5 5 3 3
3. 4.
y - 3i =4 H-
5. 6.
b + 2! = 4 3! = c -4
7. 8. y~2i
= 5

9. a + 2| = 4|
D 6
= 2f
Cooperative Learning
11. Explain to a partner how to solve the equation in number 10
in Practice.

12. Write a variable equation that uses subtraction and mixed

numbers. Ask a partner to solve your equation. Check
the solution.
Chapter 8 • Adding and Subtracting Fractions 209
Calculator: Adding and
Subtracting Fractions

Use your calculator to add and subtract fractions.

_8_ , 21
15 25
First, find a common denominator Display

Multiply 15 and 25
by pressing: 0 0 0 @ 0 0 315

Replace each fraction with an equivalent fraction.

The denominator is 375.

jy 8 X 25 —► Use a calculator to find 8 x 25.
15 15 X 25 —► You already know 15 x 25 = 375.
Multiply 8 and 25
by pressing: 8 ®®0 jnn

8 X 25 _ 200
15 X 25 375 ‘

Write: Jd _= 11 X 15
25 25 X 15
Multiply 11 and 15
by pressing: 000000

So — = 11 x 15 = 165
'25 25 X 15 375'
_8_ + 11 200 + 165
15 25 375
Just add the numerators. Use the same denominator.

Add 200 and 165

by pressing: @000

8 . 11 365

To subtract fractions, follow the same steps. Find a

common denominator. Replace each fraction with an
equivalent fraction with the common denominator.
Then, subtract the numerators. Keep the denominator.

210 Chapter 8 • Adding and Subtracting Fractions

Use your calculator to add or subtract.
1 a+3 2 — + —
* 16 7 ’ 7 + 6

3 — + — a 7 3
'89 ' 13 15

s L - A. s- 9,3
’ 8 10 6' 25 + 7

On-the-Job Math
Have you ever wanted to build something out
of wood? That is what carpenters do. In order
to be a carpenter, you need to understand
fractions. Carpenters use fractions to take exact
Carpenters work with wood. They build, finish,
and repair wooden objects and structures.
Rough carpenters assemble the framework of a
building. Finish carpenters work on the inside
of a building. Some carpenters even have
specialties, such as cabinetmaking.
You can learn carpentry in many ways. You can
attend a technical or vocational school. You can
get on-the-job-training. Or you can join an apprentice program.
No matter how you learn the skill, you need to learn how to work
with fractions.

Chapter 8 • Adding and Subtracting Fractions

Problem Solving: Too Much or Too
Little Information

Some problems have more information than you need

to solve them. Other problems do not have enough

EXAMPLE Paula has 100 stamps in her collection. Jim has 20

stamps. Paula sells 50 stamps. How many stamps does
Paula has left?

Tell whether there is too much information or too little


READ What do you need to find out?

You need to find out how many stamps
Paula has left. Is there too much or too
little information?
PLAN What do you need to do?
You need to try to solve the problem. If you are
not able to, there may be too little information.
If you are able to solve it, there may be too
much information.
DO Follow the plan.

Stamps had - Stamps traded = Stamps left

100 stamps - 50 stamps = 50 stamps

Paula has 50 stamps left.

You do not need to know that Jim has 20 stamps.

CHECK Does your answer make sense?

50 stamps is less than 100 stamps. /

There was too much information.

212 Chapter 8 • Adding and Subtracting Fractions

Try These
1. Rosa did homework for 1 hour 2. Eric rented two movies from the
after school. Later, she did video store. Each movie cost
homework again. How many $3.50 to rent. He watched the
hours in all did Rosa do movies for 2-| hours. How much
homework that day? did it cost for Eric to rent two
1 hour + hour = H hours in all movies?

Stop! 2 movies x $3.50 each = ■

You need to know ■. You do not need to know ■.

Too ■ information. Too U information.

Solve the problem if you can. Tell whether there is too much
information or too little information to do the problem.

1. Lee rented a bicycle for $5.00 an hour. He rode the bike for 3
miles. How much did Lee pay in all to rent the bike?

2. Della and Marco baked bread for the bake sale. Marco baked 3
loaves. He sold each loaf for $1.50. Della sold her loaf for $2.00.
How much did Marco make in all selling bread?

3. It takes Mario 10 minutes to walk to school each day. He walks to

school 4 days a week. On Friday, he always gets a ride. How many
minutes a week in all does Mario walk to school?

4. Anna is 16 years old. Carlos is three years older than Anna. Luisa
is the youngest. How old is Luisa?

Cooperative Learning
5. Explain to a partner how you solved number 3 in Practice. Tell
your partner what information you did not need.

6. Make up a problem that is missing information. Then, have your

partner make up what is missing. Together, solve the problem.

Chapter 8 • Adding and Subtracting Fractions 213

t8-11 Application: Mode and Median

An item that appears most often in a group is called

the mode.

y EXAMPLE 1 The grades on a recent math quiz were B, A, B, C, C, B,

A, A, B, and C. Find the mode.

Remember Write the letters in order. A, A, A, B, B, B, B, C, C, C

When you reorder a list, count Count the number of times A appears 3 times,
the items to make sure you
each letter appears. B appears 4 times, and
did not forget any.
C appears 3 times.

B appears most often. B is the mode.

When you order a group of numbers from smallest to

largest, the middle number is the median.

^ EXAMPLE 2 Find the median for 8, 7, 6, 9, 11, 5, 6.

Write the numbers in order 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11

from smallest to largest.

Find the middle number. 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11

The median is 7.

When there are two middle numbers, the median is the

average of the two middle numbers.

y EXAMPLE 3 Find the median for 10, 14, 13, 10, 11, 17.

Write the numbers in order 10, 10, 11, 13, 14, 17

from smallest to largest.

Find the middle numbers. 10, 10, 11, 13, 14, 17

Find the average of 11 and 13. -—= — = 12

2 2
The median is 12.

214 Chapter 8 • Adding and Subtracting Fractions

Try These
1. Find the mode of 4, 5, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 4.
Write the numbers in order from smallest to largest. 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5
Count the number of times each number appears. 3 appears / time.
4 appears times.
5 appears times.
The mode is .

2. Find the median for 9, 6, 4, 21, 2, 11, 18, 11.

Write the numbers in order from smallest to largest. ,,,,,,,
Find the middle numbers. 2, 4, 6, , , 11, 18, 21
Find the average of and

The median is .

Find the mode.

1. 2, 3, 2, 4, 4, 2, 4, 2, 3 2. 6, 8, 8, 9, 8, 9, 6, 7, 10

3. 5, 6, 8, 4, 7, 8, 5, 5 4. 3, 5, 7, 9, 6, 6

Find the median.

5. 2, 3, 2, 4, 4, 2, 4 6. 6, 10, 8, 9, 8, 9, 6, 7

7. 5, 6, 8, 4, 7, 8, 5 8. 3, 5, 7, 9, 6, 6

Cooperative Learning
9. Write a group of ten numbers. Have a partner find the mode.

10. Write a group of nine numbers. Have a partner find the median.

Chapter 8 • Adding and Subtracting Fractions 215

chapter 8 Review
Like fractions have the same denominators.

To add or subtract like fractions, add or subtract the numerators. Use the
denominator as the denominator of your answer.

A common denominator for two or more fractions is a common multiple

of the denominators.

One way to find a common denominator is by multiplying the denominators.

When adding fractions with different denominators, replace them with

equivalent fractions with the least common denominator.

A proper fraction is a fraction with the numerator less than the denominator.

To add a whole number and a proper fraction, write a mixed number.

When subtracting fractions with different denominators, replace them with equivalent
fractions with the least common denominator.

Add mixed numbers by adding the fraction parts. Then, add the whole number parts.

Subtract mixed numbers by subtracting the fraction parts. Then, subtract the whole
number parts.

To evaluate a variable expression, replace the variables with numbers. You can evaluate
variable expressions by replacing the variables with fractions or mixed numbers.

You solve equations with fractions and mixed numbers the same way you solve
equations with whole numbers.

A problem may have too much or too little information.

common denominator Vocabulary Review

least common denominator Complete the sentences with words from the box.

median 1. The middle number in a group of numbers is the

2. The number that appears most often in a group of
numbers is the_
3. The_is the smallest common denominator.
4. A common multiple of the denominators is a_

216 Chapter 8 • Adding and Subtracting Fractions

Chapter Quiz
Add or subtract.
1 15 5 711 + 11 11 9_
20 20 15 15
' 25 18

Find equivalent fractions with the least common denominator.

7. and 8. and |
5- land^ 6- Iand Jo 25 100
16 4

-1- + J_
25 20 i°. 46 + 4^
12. A+l
15 6

3 7 7 _19 3 n_
13. 14. 11 15.
_ _
16. 11
10 16 12 15 10 25 20

Add or subtract.

17- 1 - 4i 18- 7To ^ 41 19- ut6 +41

20. 6 + 4-

Evaluate each expression.

21. c + d when c = 2^ and d = 2 22. 10 - y when y = 2~r

Solve. Then, check.

23. b + 1-7 = 5| 24. 10 = 24 + x
4 3

Solve the problem if you can. Tell whether there is too much or
too little information.
25. Kyle rented a car for $50.00 a day. He also had to pay $15.00 for
gas. He drove 200 miles and used the car for 3 days. How much
did Kyle pay in all to use the car he rented?

Chapter 8 • Adding and Subtracting Fractions 217

_ Multiplying and
chapter a Dividing Fractions

Architects use math to

draw plans and to Learning Objectives
calculate how much • Multiply and divide fractions and mixed numbers.
material is needed in
buildings. What • Simplify variable expressions with fractions and
measurements do mixed numbers.
architects need to know?
• Evaluate equations with fractions and
mixed numbers.
• Solve equations with fractions and mixed numbers.
• Use a calculator to multiply and divide fractions.
• Solve problems by reading information from a table.
• Apply concepts and skills to find the minimum,
maximum, and range.

218 Chapter 9 • Multiplying and Dividing Fractions

Words to Know
reciprocal of a fraction the fraction you get when you exchange the numerator
and denominator

minimum the smallest number in a group of numbers

maximum the largest number in a group of numbers

range the difference between the largest and the smallest number in
a group of numbers

Stock Market Project

Choose two stocks listed on the stock market. Follow
them daily for a week, keeping a log of their progress.
Suppose you were to buy 100 shares. Note your losses
and gains. By the end of the chapter, be prepared to
give a report on your success. Tell about the stocks you
chose and how well they did. Note the daily ups and
downs on a line graph that you will use to present
your report.

Chapter 9 • Multiplying and Dividing Fractions 219

Multiplying Fractions

This picture shows a wav to multiply fractions.

From the picture, the

product of | and | is
shown by the parts where
the shading for | and the
shading for | overlap.

From the picture: \ X = J-

2 4 8
You can also use multiplication: 4 X 4
F 242x48
To multiply fractions, multiply numerators and multiply
denominators. Write the product in lowest terms.

W EXAMPLE 1 Multiply. j X -|-

4x1 = _4_ _ j.
Multiply numerators
5 x 4 20 5
and denominators.

y EXAMPLE 2 Multiply. |x5

Remember 3 x A
Replace 5 with a fraction.
4 1
When multiplying whole
numbers and fractions, replace 3X5 _ 15 _ 03
Multiply numerators
whole numbers with fractions. 4X1 4 64
and denominators.

Sometimes the product two fractions is 1. These

fractions are reciprocals each other.
2 x 3 = 2X3 = 6 =
3 2 3x2 6

| and | are reciprocals of each other. To find the

reciprocal of a fraction, exchange the numerator and
The reciprocal of is

The reciprocal of 7 is —.

220 Chapter 9 • Multiplying and Dividing Fractions

Try These

W 2. 7 X —
Multiply the numerators m
iH v
A M Write 7 as a fraction.
and denominators. 6xl
B 4
Multiply the numerators U
■ and denominators. ■ 4
30 _ m
_ 4
■ rW:

lx 3 5t
6 5 ■
7 x A = 5f
4 4
Find the reciprocal.

3. f 4.
5. 12 6.
8 8 3


1. — X — 2 .|-X8 3. 4 x 3 4. IX-
3 8 7 5 5 7
5. | X 4 6. |x|. 7. - X 8. - X -
3 5 9 8 5 4 8 7

ind the reciprocal.

9 — 10. 1
10 ”• Te 12-!

3. 10 i4. 1
1S- A 16. f

Cooperative Learning
17. Explain to a partner how you find the product in number 8
in Practice.

18. Write two fractions. Ask a partner to find their product. Check
the work.

Chapter 9 • Multiplying and Dividing Fractions 221

Multiplication Shortcut

You may want to use this shortcut for multiplying

fractions. Divide numerators and denominators by
their greatest common factors. Then, multiply.

W EXAMPLE 1 Multiply. | X ^

5 X 3
8 X 10
Check 5 is the greatest common ! $ x 3 _ 3
5 4-5 = 1 factor of 5 and 10. 8x^2 16
10 4-5 = 2
A x 3 - 3
8 10 16

V EXAMPLE 2 Multiply. — X —
F y 10 36

9 X 25
10 36
9 is the greatest common
factor of 9 and 36. 9 x 26 . 5
5 is the greatest common
factor of 10 and 25.
9 25 _ 5
10 36 8

^ EXAMPLE 3 Multiply. -y x y

9 7
Math Fact 7 is the greatest common
| and y are reciprocals of factor of 7 and 7. l1 X 01 1
each other. 9 is the greatest common i ?x'h i
factor of 9 and 9.

= i
9 7

222 Chapter 9 • Multiplying and Dividing Fractions

Try These
1. — X — 2. - X 20
12 25 4
is the greatest 1 $ X
Write 20 as a fraction.
3 X 20
2 ~x # 4X1
common factor of
:y|; is the greatest
5 and 25. is the 3 X
ISC; common factor
greatest common ^ X 1
of 4 and 20.
factor of 12 and 18.
— x 18 - 1 -
12 25 m
4x20 =


1. 4 x | 2.
3 5 7
X 3. — x -
3 5 4 18 7 6

4. 7 4 x 5.
6. 16 X

1 8 3
7. 4 x 80 8. X 9. 20 x
8 2 25 30 10
1 9
10. Axf 11. X 9 12. — X -
16 3 9 3 10
4 7_ 25
13. 30 x 4 14. X 15.
3 7 4 10 40

Cooperative Learning
16. Explain to a partner how you find the product in number 10
in Practice.

17. Write any two fractions. Ask a partner to find their product.
Check the work.

Chapter 9 • Multiplying and Dividing Fractions 223

Dividing Fractions

This picture shows a way to divide fractions. The strip

is 3 units long. Look for pieces | of a unit in length.

3 units

■ II -II II_1

3 3
4 4

From the picture: 3 -

_3 „ 4 hx4
Using multiplication:
1 ' 3 1 x 1 %
| and | are reciprocals of each other.

To divide by a fraction, multiply by the reciprocal of

the fraction.
EXAMPLE 1 Divide.
4 2
5 ' 3
Math Fact Multiply by the _4 x _3 _ x 3 _ 6. _ il
5 2 5 x ^ 5 5
\ and ~ are reciprocals of reciprocal of §.
J Z.

each other.

Be sure to replace whole numbers with fractions.

^ EXAMPLE 2 Divide. — -f- 4

Math Fact _8_ 4_

Replace 4 with
15 ‘ 1
Y and ~ are reciprocals of
Multiply by the x 1 = 2$ X 1 _ _2_
each other. 15 4 15 X 15
reciprocal of ~.

224 Chapter 9 • Multiplying and Dividing Fractions

Try These
2 9 — —
5 ' 25 4
Replace 9 with
9 ^ 3
Multiply by the 3 25
A 1 ‘ 4
reciprocal of 5 H
Multiply by the x a
3 x
reciprocal of
J ■
3 ^ 4 3 = y=■
5 ' 25 4
4 = ■
9 -f 4

^ 2
i 4
5 3
2. —

u 5

4. -7 ^ J_ 5. A* A 6. - -
8 2 16 9 4 2

7 — - 4 o 7.4
9. 5 -
2 * 8 ' 7 5

io. 4
^ 2
ii. 4 ^ 4
4 4
12. - -

^ _5_ 8
13. 4 14. 2-4 15. - -
6 24 7 5 15

Cooperative Learning
16. Explain to a partner how you divide the fractions in number 13
in Practice.

17. Write two fractions. Ask a partner to divide one by the other.
Check the work.

Chapter 9 • Multiplying and Dividing Fractions 225

0 Multiplying and Dividing
Mixed Numbers

You know that a mixed number can be written as a

fraction. To multiply or divide mixed numbers, first
replace mixed numbers with fractions. Then, multiply
or divide.

W EXAMPLE 1 Multiply. 2~ x 3|
2f x 3 3
Replace 2\ and 3| 5 v 18
2 x T
with fractions.

Multiply the fractions. = 9 = 9

it x tl 1
2~ X 3| = 9

EXAMPLE 2 Divide. 3-^ 4- 3—

8 4
58 "3!
25 15
Replace 3± and 3f
8 4
with fractions.
25 J_
Multiply by the
8 X 15
reciprocal of ^.

x 4l . 5
2$ x yi 3 6

^ EXAMPLE 3 Divide. 2f ^ 8

Remember ?2 _ ^ _8
Replace 8 with a fraction.
Remember to replace whole 3 ‘ 1
numbers with fractions. S^8
Replace 2§ with a fraction.
3 ' 1

Multiply by the reciprocal of 8. 8 x 1 = X 1 = l

3 x 3

226 Chapter 9 • Multiplying and Dividing Fractions

Try These

Multiply or divide.
1. lfx2j 2. 24 4- 1-1
4 2
5 It
Replace if and 2-| Replace 2-| and 1-1 11 ^ A
3 x T 9
with fractions. with fractions.

Multiply. 4 x4M Multiply by the — X —

reciprocal of

=i1 = = 4x2'
2 7® 3
i| x 2| =
= ”xl
24 4- 1^ = 1—
4 2

Multiply or divide.

1. 3J- — 1 2. 2f X 3.
10 5 1

4. 3I _9l 5. 6 6. 9 x 54
s!x 6
7. 31 X 8. 2 9. 6|x2
4 3 8I +

10. 11. 4I + 2I 12.

2ix4 4 Z8 2}X2I

13. 21-1
Z5 ' 5
14. 3f x 2l
Z8 15. 9I 4- 9-
2 2

Cooperative Learning
16. Explain to a partner how to multiply the mixed numbers in
number 7 in Practice.

17. Write two mixed numbers. Ask a partner to divide one by

the other.

Chapter 9 • Multiplying and Dividing Fractions 227

Simplifying Expressions with
ImBM Fractions for Coefficients

From your work with whole numbers you know that a

coefficient of a variable is a number that multiplies a
variable. A fraction can be a coefficient of a variable.

or ~x2 means y • x2. is the coefficient of x2.

y 3 means ^ or • y. is the coefficient of y.

To simplify expressions with fractions for coefficients,

do the same thing you did with whole numbers.
Combine like terms by adding their coefficients.

y EXAMPLE 1 Simplify. jrX + J-x

Remember Combine like terms.
2 2
Think: 4 + 4
5 5

W EXAMPLE 2 Simplify. |y - |y

8 is the least common

multiple of 4 and 8.

Remember Use 8 as the least common

8 Y-»Y
3 denominator.
Think: | -
Combine like terms.

^ EXAMPLE 3 Simplify. 5a + 7-b - | + |

Reorder terms. Sa - — + -b + —
3 9 9
Remember Combine like terms. 5a - — + —b + —
Think: 5 — l or 4§ — 1
3 9

4a +

228 Chapter 9 • Multiplying and Dividing Fractions

Try These

'■ir + lr 2. 2 x2 + ±y-4 + Z
7/ 2 3
Use 10 as the least Reorder terms. 2xz - ~~ + y +

, 'IF
common denominator.
*—i—> Combine 1
Combine like terms. my like terms. x + y

a + 2a t , St
1. 2.
7 7 3 6
3. x + x 4. —
9/v - -V
7 7

5. —5 + —5
6. X , X
12 12 3 6
7. a2 + b2 _ ^ 8. c2 - d2 + 4 c2
2x , 3* 3 7 , 2 ,3
9. 10.
7 7 8 3 8
11. a2 + -j b2 + a2 12. 4x2 - ~y - 2x
13. 14. y + A + A
3 9 s 2 2

15. 4x + 7y — | 16. d + h + f

17. 2d + -^-d 18. + 4 + c

Aj 4 4 -r-

Cooperative Learning
19. Explain to a partner how to simplify the expression in number 13
in Practice.

20. Write an expression with fractions for coefficients. Use only the
operation of addition in your expression. Ask a partner to
simplify it. Check the work.

Chapter 9 • Multiplying and Dividing Fractions 229

You can evaluate a variable expression by replacing the
variables with fractions or mixed numbers. Then,
perform the operations.

EXAMPLE 1 Find the value of Iw when / = 10 and w = 4y.

Replace / with 10 l • w
and w with A\. 10 X 4j
Multiply. 10 x 41 - 5^X9 - 45 -4S
1 ^2 1 xh 1
The value of Iw is 45 when / = 10 and w = 4—.

EXAMPLE 2 Find the value of A -t- w when A 48 and w = 3-~.

A 4- w
Replace A with 48
and w with 3i
48 ^ 3I
48 ^ 16_
1 ' 5
48 _5_ = X 5 = JL5
1 16 1 X }61 1

The value of A + w is 15 when 2 = 48 and w =

When there is more than one operation, be sure to

follow the order of operations.

EXAMPLE 3 Find the value of 21 + 2w when / = 5 and w = 2—.

2 + 2 vv
Check Replace / with 5 and 2*5 + 2* 21
2 „ 5 _ 12_x_5
12 1 x^
w with 2l. 2*5 + 2*-
2 2
L—i—1 1—i—1


The value of 2/ + 2w is 15 when / = 5 and w = 2—
2 '

230 Chapter 9 • Multiplying and Dividing Fractions

Try These

1. s2 when s = — 2. —a - b when a = 4 and b = 1
4 4
s2 \a-b
Replace s s •
with • i Replace a with 4 -|(P) -
4 i-T-1 and b with 3

m 4(;. i) - m
•4 [ ■
The value of s2 is when s = —. U - m
The value of —a - b is when
a = 4 and h = 1.


1. 4s when 5 = 2~ 2. a 4- £> when a = 2 and b = 4

2 2
3 1
3. ab when a = — and b = 1— 4. 2c -j- 1 when c = —
4 3 2
5. 4* when x = 2 6. 3\ + y when y — 3
7. rf when r = 40 and t = — 8. d 4- f when d = 5 and f = 4
4 2
9. 2x + 1 when x = 4^ 10. 3y _ T when y = 2
(SI | u-j

11. a + 2b when a = 1 and b = 5-^ 12. 2c - d when c = 5 and d = 3—

13. 3x — y when x = 4 and y = 1 14. 4a -r- when a = 4 and h = 4


Cooperative Learning
15. Explain to a partner how to evaluate the expression in
number 10 in Practice.

16. Write a variable expression using multiplication or division. Give

fractions or mixed numbers as values for the variables. Ask a
partner to evaluate the expression. Check the work.

Chapter 9 • Multiplying and Dividing Fractions 231

Y?2 Solving Equations

You have already solved equations using multiplication

and division in your work with whole numbers and
decimals. You solve the equations the same way
when you work with fractions and mixed numbers.
Remember, multiplication and division undo each other.

EXAMPLE 1 Solve. if* = ^

Check Undo multiplication with division.
Divide both sides by 1-4. - l3
4 10 i4
7 . 1
Simplify each side. x
7 x 21 _ J_ 10 4
24 x 5 10 V x 42
J__ 7 x
x 11
10 10


EXAMPLE 2 Solve. -£ + 1 = l4
6 3
Z + 2
1 = 1
6 3

First undo addition with subtraction. 46 1 1 1 3

+ - =

Subtract 1 from both sides.

Simplify each side. Z = 2

6 3
Check Next undo division with
multiplication. Multiply ix 6 = |x 6
o 3
f + 1=f both sides by 6.

f+, = ’! Simplify each side.

7 3X1
4 +1 = if
3 3 2X0
0 X
l2 = l2
3 3
Solution: 4

232 Chapter 9 • Multiplying and Dividing Fractions

Try These
Solve. Then, check.

!• T = f* +3
Subtract ■ from Check: Replace x with
each side.
31 = T+ 3

Divide each 3I = ‘1 X M1 + 3
side by I.
= 3— true
^2 ^2


Multiply both sides by a. j- x m x m Check: Replace y with U.

i z2 1 = JL
Simplify each side. ‘ x =- = y 5 10
ip i
1 _ ■
S = y
5 10
Solution: m l = 1
5 5

Solve. Then, check.

1. 4fra = 18 2. fa = 4 3. ff = A
2 8 12 8
c x 2
4. 25 = 2}y 6. fy = 16
9 “ 3

7. 1 = 4 m 8. 2-| = 10* 9. f* - 8 = 2

Cooperative Learning
10. Explain to a partner how to solve number 9 in Practice.

11. Write the equation x = 2. Multiply the left side by any fraction or
mixed number. Ask a partner to solve your equation. Check the

Chapter 9 • Multiplying and Dividing Fractions 233

\“2 Calculator: Multiplying and
Dividing Fractions

You can use your calculator to multiply and divide


^ EXAMPLE 1 Multiply. £xf

First multiply the numerators. Display

by pressing: 7 x 3 =

Then, multiply the


Multiply 16 and 8
by pressing: 000® 0 lEB

So: 2- x 1 = -2L
16 8 128

5_ 2
y EXAMPLE 2 Divide. — 4-
24 5
2 iv 5
24 5 24 X 2

First multiply the numerators. Display

Multiply 5 and 5
by pressing: 5x5 =j ^5

Then, multiply the


Multiply 24 and 2
by pressing: @0000

_5_ x A = 25

24 2 48


234 Chapter 9 • Multiplying and Dividing Fractions

Use your calculator to multiply or divide.
4 x 8
1. 2. 7 9
— X —
5 9 8 10

3. A v J_ 4. _9_
9 X 16 16 3
_2 8 7_
5 9
6. 11
17 8

On-the-Job Math
Automobile technicians work on
cars. They repair broken parts. They
do tune-ups to keep a car's engine
running properly. They also check
the emissions system so that the
exhaust fumes from the car do not
pollute the air we breathe. Some
automobile technicians even help
design new kinds of engines.

To be successful, an automobile
technician must understand how a
car works. The technician must have a good understanding of math
and science. Studying math, especially algebra and geometry, helps the
technician become a good problem solver. An automobile technician
uses math skills when trying to figure out just what is wrong with a car.

There are many opportunities for automobile technicians. There are

many jobs. Millions of cars are used every day. Each one of these cars
needs to be kept in good working condition. Thanks to automobile
technicians, cars and their riders are kept safe.

Chapter 9 • Multiplying and Dividing Fractions 235

Problem Solving: Using a Table

A table can provide information needed to solve

The following table provides the calorie count and
grams of protein for some foods.

Food Calories Grams Protein

1 apple 117 0.4
1 piece of bread 45 3.8

1 turkey burger 215 21.8

1 cup of yogurt 195 2.3

1 orange 65 1.1

1 portion of pasta 400 3.0

y EXAMPLE Find the number of calories in 3 pieces of bread.

READ What do you need to find out?
You need to find how many calories are in 3
pieces of bread.
PLAN What do you need to do?
You need to use the table to find the number
of calories in 1 piece of bread. Then mutiply to
find the calories in 3 pieces.
DO Follow the plan.

1 piece of bread has 45 calories.

Multiply 3 and 45. 3 x 45 = 135
CHECK Does your answer make sense?
1 piece of bread has 45 calories.
3 X 45 = 135 /

3 pieces of bread have 135 calories.

236 Chapter 9 • Multiplying and Dividing Fractions

Try These
1. Find the number of calories in 2. How many grams of protein are
2 cups of yogurt. in 6 oranges?
1 cup of yogurt has ■ calories. 1 orange has ■ grams of protein.
Multiply 2 and H. 2 x » Multiply 6 and B. 6x1
The product is ■. The product is M. m
2 cups of yogurt have 8 calories. 6 oranges have ■ grams of

Solve the problem by using the table.

1. Find the number of calories in 4 apples.

2. How many grams of protein are in 3 turkey burgers?

3. Find the number of calories in 2 turkey burgers.

4. How many grams of protein are in 3 portions of pasta?

5. Find the number of calories in 3 oranges.

6. How many grams of protein are in 4 cups of yogurt?

Cooperative Learning
7. Explain to a partner how you use the table to answer number 5
in Practice.

8. Plan a lunch. Use some of the items shown on the table. Ask a
partner to find the total number of calories in the lunch. Check
the work.

Chapter 9 • Multiplying and Dividing Fractions 237

^■10 Application: Minimum,
Maximum, and Range

The minimum is the smallest value in a group of

numbers. The maximum is the largest value.

^ EXAMPLE 1 Find the minimum.

2, 3, 7, 8, 5, 4, 1, 3, 2

Order the numbers from the

smallest to the largest. 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8

1 is the smallest value in the group of numbers.

The minimum is 1.

EXAMPLE 2 Find the maximum.

8, 1, 4, 3, 9, 7, 6

Order the numbers from the

smallest to the largest. 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9
9 is the largest value in the group of numbers.

The maximum is 9.

The range tells you how far apart the maximum and
minimum values are. To find the range, subtract the
minimum from the maximum.

EXAMPLE 3 Find the range.

7, 6, 8, 4, 2, 5, 6, 3

Order the numbers from the

smallest to the largest. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8
The minimum is 2. The maximum is 8.

Subtract 2 from 8. The difference is 6. 8-2 = 6

The range is 6.

238 Chapter 9 • Multiplying and Dividing Fractions

Try These
1. Find the minimum. 2. Find the range.

4, 5, 6, 8, 4, 9, 4, 5, 3, 7 5, 6, 3, 8, 4, 5, 3, 7

Order the numbers from the smallest to Order the numbers from the smallest to
the largest. the largest.

3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, ■ , Si 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, ,

is the smallest value in the group of The minimum is

The maximum is
The minimum is . Subtract ■ from it. ■-&•• =
The range is

Find the minimum, the maximum, and the range.

1. 1, 3, 2, 4, 5, 2, 6, 7, 3 2. 6, 2, 8, 9, 5, 3, 6, 7, 10

3. 2, 8, 4, 5, 7, 8, 6, 5 4. 3, 1, 7, 9, 4, 6

5. 5, 3, 2, 1, 4, 7, 4 6. 6, 10, 8, 9, 3, 5, 6, 7

7. 2, 8, 4, 5,7, 7, 5 8. 3, 5, 7, 9, 6, 6

Cooperative Learning
9. Explain to a partner how to find the minimum, the maximum,
and the range in number 4 in Practice.

10. Write a group of numbers. Ask a partner to find the minimum,

the maximum, and the range of the group of numbers. Check
the work.

Chapter 9 • Multiplying and Dividing Fractions 239

chapter 9 Review
To multiply fractions, multiply the numerators, and multiply the denominators.
You can find the reciprocal of a fraction by exchanging the numerator and
the denominator.
To multiply, you can divide numerators and denominators by their greatest
common factors. Then, multiply.
To divide by a fraction, multiply by the reciprocal of the fraction.
When you multiply or divide mixed numbers, first replace mixed numbers
with fractions. Then, multiply or divide.
A fraction can be a coefficient of a variable.
To simplify expressions with fractions for coefficients, combine like terms
by adding their coefficients.
You can evaluate a variable expression by replacing the variables with
fractions or mixed numbers. Then, perform the operations.
When solving equations with fractions, remember that multiplication
and division undo each other.
A table can provide information needed to solve problems.
To find the range, subtract the minimum from the maximum.

reciprocal Review Vocabulary

maximum Complete the sentences with words from the box.

minimum 1. The_is the smallest number in a group of

2. The difference between the largest and the smallest
number in a group of numbers is called the_
3. The_is the largest number in a group of
4. The-of a fraction is the fraction you get when
you exchange the numerator and the

240 Chapter 9 • Multiplying and Dividing Fractions

Chapter Quiz
1. 3 x 4 2. — X — 3. - x - 4.1x1
4 10 4 4 2 2

Find the reciprocal.

6 . 20 7. 8 . 10

Q A y 25 17 70 10
10. ~ x 4 11 — x A
’ 10 X 40 12 7 1# 20 X 15 * 100 X 70

2 . 8 _9__4_
13. 14. 15. 16. A ^ 1
13 12 7 20 ‘ 14 25 ' 5

Multiply or divide.
17. 44 - 44 18. 2| X l| 20. 5| X 2|
19, 4 -2! 3 4

21 P-
+ A
22. 2c - 4 + v
2 2
23. 1 +
24f(+ Is + f(

25. 2x + 2y when X = \>Y = \ 26. A -r- / when v4 2°, / = 4-|

Solve. Then, check.

27. 12 = A + 3
28. 1
Find the minimum, the maximum, and the range.
29. 9, 4, 7, 3, 10, 8, 5, 1 30. 7, 5, 4, 9, 8, 9, 7

31. 3, 4, 8, 5, 7, 6, 4, 7 32. 9, 6, 8, 4, 7, 9, 7, 8

Chapter 9 • Multiplying and Dividing Fractions

Ratio, Proportion,
Chapter 10 and Percent

The nautilus shell is an

example of a pattern in Learning Objectives
nature. Ratios and • Explain the meaning of ratio, proportion, and percent.
proportions also form
a pattern. What other • Write ratios, proportions, and percents.
patterns appear in nature? • Solve proportions and other equations.
• Write percents for decimals and fractions.
• Write fractions and decimals for percents.
• Find the percent of a number.
• Find what percent one number is of another.
• Find a number when a percent of it is known.
• Find percent increase or decrease.
• Use a calculator to write percents for fractions.
• Use proportions to solve problems.
• Apply concepts and skills to find discount.

242 Chapter 10 • Ratio, Proportion, and Percent

Words to Know
ratio a comparison of two numbers or quantifies

proportion a statement that two ratios are equal

cross product the product of numbers across from each other in a proportion;
ln I = 8 *he cross Proc|ucts are 3 x 8 and 6x4.

solving a proportion finding a number in a proportion when the other three numbers
are known

percent a ratio of a number to 100

percent increase the percent change when a number increases

percent decrease the percent change when a number decreases

discount the amount or percent a price is reduced

Sale Project
Look at a newspaper or a store flier to find an
advertisement for a sale. Pick three sale items and find
the regular price and the percent off. Use this
information to make a chart. Write an equation for each
savings. Then, use the equation to find how much you
save by buying each item on sale.

Item "Regular "Percent Equation Savings

Price Viscount

Shirt $15 50% ott d = .30 X 15 $H.50

Chapter 10 • Ratio, Proportion, and Percent

A ratio is a comparison of two numbers. There are
many ways to write ratios. Here are 7 squares. 3 of the
squares are shaded.

The ratio of shaded squares to all squares is 3 to 7 or

3 : 7 or |.

The order of numbers in a ratio matters.

The ratio of 3 to 7 is not the same ratio as 7 to 3.

^ EXAMPLE 1 Write the ratio of all squares to shaded squares.

There are 7 squares. 7 to 3 or

3 squares are shaded. 7 : 3 or y

^ EXAMPLE 2 Write the ratio of shaded squares to squares that are

not shaded.

There are 3 shaded squares. 3 to 4 or

There are 4 squares not shaded. 3 : 4 or ~

Ratios can compare different quantities.

^ EXAMPLE 3 A box of 144 pencils costs $5.25.

Write the ratio of the number of pencils to cost.
Math Fact 144 pencils 144 pencils to $5.25
Decimals or fractions can be
numbers in a ratio. cost $5.25. or 144 pencils : $5.25

or 144 pencils

244 Chapter 10 • Ratio, Proportion, and Percent

Try These
2. 180 miles are traveled in 4 hours.
Find the ratio of miles to travel
Find the ratio of shaded squares time.
to squares not shaded.
miles traveled.
K squares are shaded, ■ hours of time traveled.
i squares are not shaded.
B to m or 9 : Si or -
■ to ■ or 9 : m or §-


Write the ratio of shaded parts to Write the ratio of shaded parts to
all parts. parts not shaded.

Write the ratio of parts not shaded Write the ratio of all parts to
to parts shaded. shaded parts.

5. There are 91 people in 4 buses. Write the ratio of people to buses.

6. On a map, 2 inches means 15 miles. Write the ratio of inches to miles.

7. Four cans of juice cost $2.40. Write the ratio of cost to cans.

8. Two baseball games took 6~ hours. Write the ratio of hours to games.

Cooperative Learning
9. Explain to a partner how you write the ratio for number 7 in Practice.

10. Write two quantities. Ask a partner to write a ratio of the quantities.
Check the work.
Chapter 10 • Ratio, Proportion, and Percent 245
A proportion shows that two ratios are equal.
1= A
6 12
One way to check if the ratios in a proportion are equal
is to find cross products. They should be equal.

1 W -2.
6 12
The cross products are 6 X 2 and 1 X 12.
6 x 2 = 12 and 1 X 12 = 12.

You can find any number in a proportion if you know

the other three numbers. This is called solving a

^ EXAMPLE 1 Solve. |
£ = _8_
3 12
Find the cross products. x • 12 = 3 • 8
x • 12 = 24
Divide both sides by 12. x • 12 3- 12 = 24 -8 12
x = 2
Solution: 2
2_ _ _8_
3 12
Check. 2 x 12 = 3 x 8
24 = 24 true

y EXAMPLE 2 Solve. ~ = -
1.2 y
.5 _ 4
1.2 y
Find the cross products. .5 • y = 1.2 X 4
.5 • y
= 4.8
Divide both sides by .5. •5 • y 4- .5
= 4.8 4- .5
- 9.6
Solution: 9.6
.5 _ 4
1.2 9.6
Check. .5 x 9.6 = 1.2 x 4
4.8 = 4.8 true

246 Chapter 10 • Ratio, Proportion, and Percent


Try These
Solve the proportion.
i. i = a 2. — = —
y 10 9 3
Find the cross ! • = *y Find the cross 12 • = • x
products. = *y products. 7 = • X

Divide both §= y Divide both 7- = X

sides by • = y sides by . = X


9 X 12 X


4 X 10 5 X



true true

Solve the proportions.

X |hl^
_3 = 1 2 3
2. 3.


X 3 3 9

6 _ a A - 11 10 _ - ii
4. 5. 6.
10 n a 15 X 3

3 20 16 1 . _4
7. L - 8. 9.
5 15 X 20 1.5 *

12 3 n 8 1.2
11. 12.


X 1.2 3 12 5

Cooperative Learning
13. Explain to a partner how you solve the proportion in number 9
in Practice.

14. Write a proportion. Ask a partner to solve it. How do you know
the solution is correct?

Chapter 10 • Ratio, Proportion, and Percent 247

Look at the ratio of the shaded parts to all parts.

47 parts are shaded. 100 parts in

all. Ratio of shaded parts to all
parts: 47 to 100 or 47 : 100 or

Math Fact A ratio of a number to 100 is a percent.

Percent means for each = 47% Read: 47 percent
hundred. 100 r
47% of the square is shaded. A % sign means "percent."

^ EXAMPLE 1 Look at the square above. Write the percent of the

square that is not shaded.

53 parts not shaded.

100 parts in all. —► = 53%

53% of the square is not shaded.

A percent can be equal to or greater than 100%.

y EXAMPLE 2 Write a percent for the shaded part.

100 parts are shaded.

100 parts in all. TS “ 100%

100% of the square is shaded.

You can use more than one whole shaded square to

show more than 100%.

y EXAMPLE 3 Write a percent for the shaded part.

IIH whole squares shaded —► 100%

of squares shaded —» +50%

150% of the square is shaded.

248 Chapter 10 • Ratio, Proportion, and Percent

Try These

Write a percent for each ratio.

1. 9 to 100 2. 148 : 100
9 to 100 or 9- = % 148 : 100 or %
Write a percent for the shaded part.

parts shaded
100 parts in all


Write a percent for each ratio.

1. 15 to 100 2. 253 to 100 3. 1 to 100 4. 200 to 100

5. 77 to 100 6. 3 to 100 7. 95 to 100 8. 89 to 100

Write a percent for the shaded parts.

Cooperative Learning
11. Explain to a partner how you write the percent in number 9
in Practice.

12. Write the ratio of any number to 100. Ask a partner to write a percent for
your ratio. Check the work.

Chapter 10 • Ratio, Proportion, and Percent 249

Percents and Decimals

You can write a decimal for a percent

7 29
7% = .07 29% .29
too 100
275% = 2.75
There is a shortcut for writing a decimal for a percent.
7% = . 0 7 = .07 29% = . 2 9 = .29
275% = 2 . 75 = 2.75
Move the decimal point two places to the left.
Do not write the % sign.

EXAMPLE 1 Write a decimal for 78%.

Move the decimal point . 7 8
two places to the left. uu

Do not write %. .78

78% = .78

percent for a
.03 65
too = 3% .65
= 65%
9 29 _ 229
2.29 229%
too 100
There is a shortcut for writing a percent for a decimal.
•03 = 0 3 .% = 3% .65 = 6 5 .% = 65%
2.29 = 22 9.% = 229%
Move the decimal point two places to the right.
Write the % sign.

W EXAMPLE 2 Write a percent for .7.

Math Fact Move the decimal two .7
You may have to write zeros places to the right. 7 0 .%
before you write the decimal UJ
point. Write the percent sign. 70%
.7 = 70%

250 Chapter 10 • Ratio, Proportion, and Percent

Try These
Write a decimal for each percent.
1. 12% 2. 175%
Move the decimal 12% Move the decimal 175%
point places to . 1 2 point places to 1.75
the . CWJ the UJ
Do not write %. * Do not write %. m
12% = 175% =

Write a percent for each decimal.

3. .99 4. 1.25
Move the decimal .99 Move the decimal 1.25
point places to 9 9 . point places to 1 2 5.
the 1. LAJ the hWA
Write the % sign. m% Write the % sign. %
.99 = 1 % 1.25 = %

Write a decimal for each percent.

1. 45% ' 2. 97% 3. 60% • bo 4. 13%

5. 100% 6. 4% 7. 300% 0.0° 8. 10%

Write a percent for each decimal.

9. .58 10. .32 11. 1 \< 12. •8 hi,

13. .96 14. 1.5 15. .05 ■5 A 16. 2.06

Cooperative Learning
17. Explain to a partner how you write a decimal for number 10 in Practice.

18. Write a decimal. Ask a partner to write a percent for the decimal.
Check the work.
Chapter 10 • Ratio, Proportion, and Percent 251
Fractions and Percents

You can write a fraction for a percent from what you

know about percents. Remember, a percent is a ratio
of a number to 100.

y EXAMPLE 1 Write a fraction for 85%.

85 _ Y7_
100 20
You can also write a percent for fractions with
denominators of 100. Use the meaning of percent.

y EXAMPLE 2 Write a percent for

Fractions that do not have denominators of 100 can
be written as percents.

^ EXAMPLE 3 Write a percent for

Remember 5
U1 I -t*

means 4 divided by 5. Divide 4 by 5. .8

Write a percent for .8. 8 0.%
| = 80%

^ EXAMPLE 4 Write 1— as a percent.

-2- means 2 divided by 25. Divide by 25. .08
Replace with .08. 1.08
Write a percent for 1.08. 1 0 8. %
l~ = 108%

252 Chapter 10 • Ratio, Proportion, and Percent

Try These

l. Write a fraction for 6%. 72

2. Write a percent for
100 '

= m%
Write a percent for each fraction.
Divide by a. lj£ Divide by
Write a percent tor .3. 3 0. % Write a percent for .04. 0 4. %
= % = if %

Write a fraction for each percent.

1. 50% 2. 200% 3. 44% 4. 25%

5. 12% 6. 2% 7. 98% 8. 1.32%

Write a percent for each fraction or mixed number.
38 7
10. \ (
C* 0 11 120 12.
100 100 AA* 100 100
1 \Ul3 17
13 — 14. 15 — 16.
20 Aa* 25 A
t 3 5^ • A" 11
17 — 18. 19. | 20.
A/* 10 20

Cooperative Learning
21. Explain to a partner how you write a percent for number 12
in Practice.

22. Write a fraction with a denominator of 25. Use any number as a

numerator. Ask a partner to write a percent for your fraction.

Chapter 10 • Ratio, Proportion, and Percent 253

There are many facts you know about percents. You
can write number equations for these facts. Later you
will use equations to solve problems about percents.

Facts 85 of 100 are shaded.

85% of 100 is 85.

Equation .85 x 100 = 85 true

To write a number equation, use the "X" sign for "of."

Use the " = " sign for "is." Write the percent as a
decimal or fraction.

EXAMPLE 1 Write a number equation for this percent fact:

15 is 50% of 30.
Use = for "is."
Use x for "of." 15 is 50% of 30.

Remember Wrife 50% as a decimal. 15 = .5 x 30 true

50% = .50 = .5
15 is 50% of 30. -► 15 = .5 x 30

y EXAMPLE 2 Write a number equation for this percent fact:

2 is 25% of 8.

Use = for "is."

Use x for "of." 2 is 25% of 8.

Wrife 25% as a decimal. 2 = .25 x 8 true

2 is 25% of 8. 2 = .25 x 8

^ EXAMPLE 3 Write a number equation for this percent fact:

45% of 80 students is 36 students.
Use = for "is."
Use x for "of." 45% of 80 students is 36 students.
Write 45% as a decimal. .45 x 80 = 36 true

45% of 80 students is 36 students. — .45 x 80 = 36

254 Chapter 10 • Ratio, Proportion, and Percent

Try These

Write a number equation for each percent fact.

1. 3 is 60% of 5.
Use for is.
Use for of.

Write 60% as a decimal. 3 .6 5 true

3 is 60% of 5. -► 3 .6 5.

2. $150 is 75% of $200.

Use for is. $150 is 75% of $200
Use for of.

Write 75% as a decimal. 150 .75 200 true

$150 is 75% of $200. — 150 .75 200

Write a number equation for each percent fact.

1. 60% of 100 is 60. 2. 30 is 75% of 40.

3. 4 is 2% of 200. 4. 2 ft is 50% of 4 ft.

5. 28 books is 70% of 40 books. 6. 10% of 150 cars is 15 cars.

7. 15% of $200 is $30. 8. 6 hours is 25% of 24 hours.

Cooperative Learning
9. Explain to a partner how you write a number equation for number
4 in Practice.

10. Write a percent fact. Ask a partner to write a number equation for your
percent fact.

Chapter 10 • Ratio, Proportion, and Percent 255

Find the Percent of a Number

If you need to solve a problem about percents, try to

write an equation for the problem. Some numbers in
your equation may be missing. Use a variable for a
missing number.

What is 45% of 200?

i i
don't know = .45 x 200
Math Fact Use the variable y for what you don't know. Then,
Use any letter for the variable. solve the equation to find y.

y = .45 x 200
y = 90
Solution: 90
So, 90 = .45 x 200 true
90 is 45% of 200.

EXAMPLE 1 75% of 32 students is what number?

75% of 32 is what number?

Write an equation. .75 X 32 = don't know

Use n for the variable. .75 X 32 = n
Solve for n. 24 = n
Solution: 24
So, .75 X 32 = 24 true
75% of 32 is 24.

y EXAMPLE 2 What is 115% of 60 students?

What is 115% of 60 students?

Math Fact Write an equation. don't know = 1.15 x 60

115% = 1.15
Use x for the variable. * = 1.15x60
Solve for x. x = 69
Solution: 69
So, = 1.15 X 60 true
69 students is 115% of 60 students.
256 Chapter 10 • Ratio, Proportion, and Percent
Try These

1. What is 60% of 35? 2. 8% of 200 books is how many

Write an equation. books?

Use i as the variable. = x 35 Write an equation.

Solve for y. if = | Use n as a variable. .08 x = 11

So, 1 = x 35 Solve for n. = S

true So, .08 x =

is 60% of 35. true

8% of 200 is books.

Solve the percent problems.

1. 25% of 64 is what number? 2. What is 10% of 40?

3. What is 30% of 30? 4. 50% of 40 is what number?

5. 90% of 200 is what number? 6. What is 9% of 300?

7. What is 70% of 50 people? 8. What is 5% of $36?

9. 150% of 20 is what number? 10. 2% of 50 is what number?

11. What is 10% of 920 cars? 12. 65% of 120 is what number?

13. 20% of 9 is what number? 14. What is 40% of 80?

15. What is 100% of 50? 16. 55% of 600 is what number?

Cooperative Learning
17. Explain to a partner how you solve number 10 in Practice.

18. Write any number. Ask a partner to find a percent of the number.
Check the work.

Chapter 10 • Ratio, Proportion, and Percent 257

Find What Percent One
Number Is of Another

You can find what percent one number is of another.

Start by writing an equation.

6 is what percent of 15?

1 '-T-' |
6 = • don't know X 15

Use the variable y for what you don't know.

6 = y X 15
Math Facts Solve for y. 6 15 = y X 16 = 15^
6 -r 15 = .4 A = y
Solution: .4
.4 = 40% So, 6 = .4 x 15
6 is 40% of 15.

y EXAMPLE 1 What percent of 20 is 35?

What percent of 20 is 35?

Write an equation. don't know x 20 = 35

Math Facts Use n as a variable. n x 20 = 35
35 4- 20 = 1.75 Solve tor n. n x 20 -5- 20 = 35 4- 20
n = 1.75
Solution: 1.75
1.75 = 175% So, of 20 = 35 true
175% of 20 is 35.

^ EXAMPLE 2 4 schools is what percent of 16 schools?

4 is what percent of 16?

4 = don't know X 16
4 = p X 16
Math Facts 4-5- 16 = p X 16 -f- 16
4 -r 16 = .25 .25 =
Solution: .25
.25 = 25% 4 = .25 X 16 true

4 schools is 25% of 16 schools.

258 Chapter 10 • Ratio, Proportion, and Percent

Try These
1. 18 people is what percent of 45 2. What percent of 50 is 20?
Write an equation. x 50 =
Write an equation. = x 45
Use n as a variable.
Use x as the variable.
Solve for n. x 50 -f- 50 = -^50
Solve tor x. - 45 = x 45 ^ 45
So, x 50 =
So, = x 45
of 50 is 20.
18 people is of 45 people.

Solve the percent problems.

1. 12 is what percent of 40? 2. 11 is what percent of 55?

3. What percent of 20 is 7? 4. $21 is what percent of $60?

5. 14 is what percent of 56? 6. What percent of 300 is 150?

7. 13 buses is what percent of 8. What percent of 52 points is

65 buses? 13 points?

9. What percent of 165 is 33? 10. 42 is what percent of 60?

11. What percent is 45 questions 12. 15 lb is what percent

of 50 questions? of 30 lb?

13. 18 is what percent of 45? 14. What percent of 52 is 52?

Cooperative Learning
15. Explain to a partner how you find the percent in number 14
in Practice.

16. Write a number. Then write another number that is four times
your first number. Ask a partner to find what percent one number
is of another. Check the work.
Chapter 10 • Ratio, Proportion, and Percent 259
Find a Number When
a Percent of It Is Known

Sometimes, you know a percent of a number. You can

find the number. Start by writing an equation.

10 is 25% of what number?

1 i '--T-J
10 = .25 x don't know

Use the variable n for what you don't know.

10 = .25 X n
Solve for n. 10 -e .25 = .25 x n -p .25
40 = n
Solution: 40
So, 10 = .25 X 40 true
10 is 25% of 40.

^ EXAMPLE 1 35 is 50% of what number?

35 is 50% of what number?

Remember Write an equation. 35 = .5 x

50% = .50 = .5 Use y as a variable. 35= .5 x
Solve for y. 35 -4- .5= .5 x y -e .5
70= y
Solution: 70
So, 35 = .5 X 70 true
35 is 50% of 70.

^ EXAMPLE 2 $18 is 150% of how much money?

18 is 150% of what number?

Write an equation. 18 = 1.5 x don't know

Use / as a variable. 18 = 1.5 xf
Solve for /. 18 = 1.5 = 1.5 x t = 1.5
12 = t
Solution: 12
So, 18 = 1.5 X 12 true
$18 is 150% of $12.

260 Chapter 10 • Ratio, Proportion, and Percent

Try These

1. 24 is 75% of what number? 2. 80 is 25% of what number?

Write an equation. Write an equation.
Use y as Use n as 80 = x
a variable. = .75 X a variable.
Solve for y. - .75 = .75 X - .75 Solve for n. 80 = x -e

So, = .75 X true So, 80 = x true

24 is 75% of 80 is 25% of .

Solve the percent problems.
1. 16 is 40% of what number? 2. 22 is 11% of what number?

3. $20 is 80% of how much money? 4. 57 is 60% of what number?

5. 7 is 35% of what number? 6. 100 ft is 50% of how many ft?

7. 18 students is 15% of how 8. 12 tickets is 60% of how many

many students? tickets?

9. 32 is 100% of what number? 10. 15 is 150% of what number?

11. 21 is 30% of what number? 12. 16 is 5% of what number?

13. 50 is 25% of what number? 14. 10 is 40% of what number?

15. 12 is 8% of what number? 16. 7 is 5% of what number?

Cooperative Learning
17. Explain to a partner how you solve number 10 in Practice.

18. Write the percent of a number. Ask your partner to find the
number. Check the work.

Chapter 10 • Ratio, Proportion, and Percent 261

You can describe the change in a number by using a
percent. Write a fraction comparing the change to the
original number. Then, write a percent for this fraction.

Amount of Change
Percent Change
Original Number

If the original number increased, the percent of change

is a percent increase. If the original number decreased,
the percent of change is a percent decrease.

EXAMPLE 1 The population of a town went from 10,000 to 12,000.

Find the percent increase or decrease.

Amount of change: 12,000 - 10,000 = 2,000

Original population: 10,000

Amount of Change Amount of Change = 2,000 = j_ = ?()0/
= Percent Change
Original Number Original Number 10,000 5

The population went up. So, it is a 20% increase.

^ EXAMPLE 2 The cost of gasoline for the Lopez family car last year
was $1,000. This year, the family bought a new car and
the cost is $950. Find the percent increase or decrease.
Amount of change: $1,000 - $950 = $50

Original cost is: $1,000

Amount of Change 50 1
—-— — s%
Original Number 1,000 20

The cost of gasoline went down. So, it is a 5% decrease.

262 Chapter 10 • Ratio, Proportion, and Percent

Try These

1. A number changed from 12 to 15. 2. A number changed from 125 to

Find the percent increase or 100. Find the percent increase or
decrease. decrease.
Amount of change: 15 - 12 = Amount of change: 125 - 100 - M
Original number: Original number:
Amount of Change _, Amount of Change
Original Number Original Number
The number increased. So, it is a The number decreased. So, it is a
% . % S.

Find the percent increase or decrease.

1. The population of a town went from 18,000 to 17,460.

2. The cost of a television went from $350 to $315.

3. The weight of a man went from 200 lb to 176 lb.

4. A number changes from 80 to 100.

5. A number changes from 28 to 35.

6. A cost changes from $120 to $132.

7. A number changes from 200 to 100.

8. A cost changes from $200 to $250.

Cooperative Learning
9. Explain to a partner how you find the percent increase or
decrease in number 3 in Practice.

10. Write down a number. Then write a number that is two times the
first number. Ask a partner to find the percent increase or
decrease between the first number and the second number. Check
the work.

Chapter 10 • Ratio, Proportion, and Percent 263

0E1 Calculator: Percents for Fractions

You can use a calculator to write percents for fractions.

First, write a decimal for the fraction. Then, move the
decimal point two places to the right.

^ EXAMPLE 1 Write || as a percent.

Use your calculator to divide 18 by 45.


Enter 18 by pressing: 00 IS

Divide by 45 by pressing: 0(4 5 85

R 0.4

Write 0.4 as .40. 0.40

Move the decimal point 2 places to the right. 40 .

Write the percent symbol. 40%

~ = 40%
You may have to round the decimal before you move
the decimal point.

^ EXAMPLE 2 Write ~ as a percent.

Use your calculator to divide 17 by 56.


Enter 17 by pressing: 17] 11

Divide by 56 by pressing: Q 5j j6 56

0 8.80381 l 4
Round to the nearest hundredth. 0.30
Move the decimal point 2 places to the right. 030.
Write the percent symbol. 30%
~ is about 30%

264 Chapter 10 • Ratio, Proportion, and Percent

Write a percent for each fraction.

2 — 3.
'■A 9

5 6.
’ 80
- 101 « 84
' ’ 120

Math in Your Life

Taking a good picture is not easy. It
means thinking about many things.
When you look through the lens, the
camera has to be straight. You need to
make sure the most important part of
the picture is centered. If you are taking
a picture of a friend and the person is
over to one side, the picture will not
look balanced. Part of your friend may
even be cut off when the film is developed.

When you take a picture, you also have to know what kind of film to
use. Films have different speeds. The speed of the film tells you how
the film reacts to light. For example, a film with a fast speed reacts
quickly to light. So, fast-speed films are good for pictures where the
light is dim. It is also good to use when taking pictures indoors. Film
with a slow speed reacts slowly to light. This kind of film is good for
pictures in places where the light is bright. Slow-speed film is good to
use when taking pictures outside.

After you take your pictures, you have to get the film developed. You
can decide what the size of your pictures should be. You may want
4" by 5" prints. If one of your pictures turns out very well, you may
want to give it to a friend or to a family member. You can use what you
know about proportion to enlarge your 4" X 5" picture into an
8" x 10" print. What a great idea for a gift!

Chapter 10 • Ratio, Proportion, and Percent 265

Problem Solving: Using Proportions

You can use proportions to solve many problems.

W EXAMPLE If 3 pounds of asparagus cost $5, how many pounds

can you buy for $20?

READ What do you need to find out?

You need to find how many pounds of
asparagus you can buy for $20.

PLAN What do you need to do?

You need to set up a proportion to solve for
the missing amount.
DO Follow the plan.
pounds _ pounds
Set up a proportion.
dollars dollars
_3 _ pounds
3 pounds cost $5.
5 dollars

Let x stand for pounds A— x

5 “ 20
you can buy for $20.

Cross multiply. 3 • 20 = 5*

Simplify each side. 60 = Sx

Divide both sides by 5 60 - 5 = 5* - 5
Simplify each side. 12 = x
Solution: 12

CHECK Does your answer make sense?

Cross multiply to check that the ratios
are equal.
3 • 20 = 5 • 12
60 = 60 /

You can buy 12 pounds of asparagus for $20.

266 Chapter 10 • Ratio, Proportion, and Percent

Try These
Use a proportion to solve each problem.
1. Forty ounces of tomatoes cost $4. 2. You walk 5 miles in 2 hours. How
How much do 30 ounces cost? many miles can you walk in 6
Set up a proportion. hours?

Let x stand for the — = — Set up a proportion.

cost of 30 ounces. Let x stand for —
Cross multiply. 40 • * = • the number of miles
vou can walk in 6 hours.
Divide both 40* -e- = -f-
sides by . Cross multiply. 2* x= •

* = Divide both 2x + = -v
sides by
30 ounces cost $ .
* — if
You can walk miles in 6 hours.

Use a proportion to solve each problem.

1. At Buywell's store, you can buy 3 pairs of socks on sale for $8.
How many pairs of socks could you buy if you spent $24?

2. In 3 hours, Kramer can pack 48 cartons of books. How many

cartons of books can he pack in 8 hours?

3. At a nursery, you can buy 5 plants for $18. How much would you
spend if you bought 20 plants?

4. Kristen can run 15 miles in 2 hours. If she could run for 6 hours
at the same rate, how many miles would she run?

Cooperative Learning
5. Explain to a partner how you solve number 3 in Practice.

6. Write a problem that is solved by using a proportion. Ask a

partner to solve it. Check the work.

Chapter 10 • Ratio, Proportion, and Percent 267

EP* Application: Discount Prices

Discount is the amount by which a price is reduced. So

it tells you how much you save when you buy
something at a discount. You can find a discount by
finding a percent of a number. A discount of 10% is
easy to find. You can use 10% to find other discounts.

y EXAMPLE 1 A jacket costs $40.00. A store discounted it 20%. How

much money would you save?
Math Fact First, find 10% of $40.00.
To change 10% to a decimal,
move the decimal point two Change 10% to a decimal. 10% = 0.10
places to the left. UU
Then, multiply. 0.10 x 40 = 4
20% is two times 10%.
So, multiply 4 by 2. 2x4 = 8

You would save $8.00.

^ EXAMPLE 2 A $30.00 shirt is discounted 25%. How much money

would you save?

First, find 10% of $30.00.

Change 10% to a decimal. 10% = 0.10

Then, multiply. 0.10 x 30 = 3
25% is two and one half times 10%.

So, multiply 3 by 2.5. 2.5 x 3 = 7.50

You would save $7.50.

268 Chapter 10 • Ratio, Proportion, and Percent

Try These

1. Find the amount you would 2. Find the amount you would save
save on $10.00 jeans discounted on a $25.00 sweatshirt discounted
30%. 35%.
Change 10% Change 10%
to a decimal. 10% = 0.10 to a decimal. 10% = 0.10
Then, multiply. 0.10 x 8 = ■ Then, multiply. 0.10 x a=a
30% is 35% is a
times 10%. 11x1 = times 2.5. H x 2.5 = II
You would save 1. You would save M.

Solve the problems. Use what you know about finding 10% of a number
to help you.

1. Find the amount you would save on a $50.00 sweater

discounted 35%.

2. Find the amount you would save on a $60.00 outfit

discounted 30%.

3. Find the amount you would save on a $20.00 basketball

discounted 25%.

4. Find the amount you would save on an $80.00 video game

discounted 40%.

5. Find the amount you would save on a $40.00 cassette player

discounted 60%.

Cooperative Learning
6. Explain to a partner how you find the amount you would save in
number 4 in Practice.

7. Work with a partner. An item costs $90.00. Think of a percent

discount. Ask your partner to find how much would be saved
with the discount. Check the work.

Chapter 10 • Ratio, Proportion, and Percent 269

chapter 10 Review
Ratios can compare different quantities.

One way to check if the ratios in a proportion are equal is to find cross
products. They should be equal.

You can find any number in a proportion if you know the other three
numbers. Use cross products.

A percent can be less than, equal to, or greater than 100%. A percent is
a ratio of a number to 100.

To write a number equation, use the “x” sign for “of.” Use the “=” sign
for “equals.” Write the percents as a decimal or fraction.

If you need to solve a problem about percents, write an equation.

You can use a proportion to solve word problems.

You can find a discount by finding a percent of a number.

ratio Vocabulary Review

proportion Complete the sentences with words from the box.

cross product
1. A statement that two ratios are equal is a_
2. The_is the product of numbers across from
solving a proportion
each other in a proportion.
3. Finding a number in a proportion when the other
percent increase three are known is called_
percent decrease 4. The percent change when a number decreases is
discount a_
5. The_is the amount a price is reduced.
6. A comparison of two quantities is called a __
7. A_is a ratio of a number to 100.
8. The percent change when a number increases
is a_

270 Chapter 10 • Ratio, Proportion, and Percent

Chapter Quiz
Write the ratio.
1. There are 14 people in 3 vans. Write the ratio of vans to people.

Solve the proportions.

2. = _X_
12 r^
1.2 4.8 3 6 16

Write a percent for each ratio.

5. 51 to 100 6. 99 to 100 7. 10 to 100

Write a decimal for each percent.

8. 1% 9. 115% 10. 20%

Write a percent for each decimal.

11. 3.75 12. .68 13. .33

Write a fraction for each percent.

14. 40% 15. 32% 16. 9%

Write a percent for each fraction or mixed number.

17. 18. 3 19. 1
40 10

Write a number equation for each percent fact.

20. 15% of $15.00 is $2.25. 21. 90% of 150 is 135. 22. 10 is 1% of 1,000.

Solve the percent problems.

23. 1% of 100 is what number? 24. 120 is what percent of 160?

Find the percent increase or decrease.

25. A number changes from 25 to 20. 26. A number changes from 9 to 10.

Chapter 10 • Ratio, Proportion, and Percent 271

unit 4 Review
Use the table to answer 4. What is the median for these
Questions 1 and 2. numbers? 5, 3, 6, 8, 5, 9, 10, 13
A. 6
Grams B. 7
Food Calories Protein C. 8
1 cup milk 80 8 D. 9
2 ounces of tuna 60 13
5. What is the amount you would
4 ounces of chicken breast 200 15
save on a pair of shoes that cost
1 serving of raisin bran 190 4 $75, discounted 20%?
A. $60
1. Hannah ate 4 ounces of tuna for B. $15
dinner. How many calories did C. $30
she eat? D. $20
A. 240
6. What is the range of these numbers?
B. 120
3, 2, 8, 11, 9, 15, 8
C. 180
A. 2
D. 200
B. 8
2. Noah drank 32 grams of protein by C. 13
drinking milk with every meal. How D. 15
many cups of milk did he drink?
A. 4
Critical Thinking
B. 24
C. 6
Brian wants to fence in his yard for
his dog. The yard is 10 feet wide
D. 8
and 12 feet long. He can buy 4 feet
of fence for $12. How much will it
3. A number changes from 8 to 12.
cost to fence in the yard?
What is the percent of increase?
Challenge Brian buys five pieces
A. 40% of lumber that are each 4 feet wide
B. 20% and 5 feet long. The lumber costs
C. 15% $3 for 10 square feet. How much
D. 50% will Brian spend on the lumber?

Unit Five

Chapter 11

Chapter 12
Integers and Algebra

Chapter 13
The Coordinate Plane

Chapter 11 ^ Integers

F N E ° B :'\--

i-- %;4fl

Positive and negative

numbers are used to Learning Objectives
tell the temperature.
• Identify positive and negative integers.
Temperatures above
zero are positive. • Compare integers.
Temperatures below zero
• Find the opposite of an integer.
are negative. What words
do we use to describe a • Find the absolute value of an integer.
temperature below zero?
• Add, subtract, multiply, and divide integers.
• Use a calculator to add, subtract, multiply, and
divide integers.
• Solve problems by making groups.
• Apply concepts and skills to use number scales.

274 Chapter 11 • Integers

Words to Know
integers numbers such as...^, ”2, “1,0, 1, 2, 3,...

positive integers integers to the right of 0 on the number line

negative integers integers to the left of 0 on the number line

opposites two numbers that are the same distance from 0 on the number line
but are on opposite sides of 0

absolute value the distance between 0 and an integer on the number line

number scale shows numbers above and below 0

altitudes heights above and below 0

Fahrenheit a temperature scale that has the freezing point of water as 32°F and
the boiling point as 212°F

Celsius a temperature scale that has the freezing point of water as 0°C and
the boiling point as 100°C

Weather Project
Choose two places on a world map or globe that are in
different hemispheres.‘Use the Internet or a newspaper
to follow the weather in each location. Record the
temperature in each location every day for a week.
Graph these temperatures on a line graph. Find the
average high and the average low temperature during
the week. Where was the temperature higher? Where
was it lower? Report your findings to the class.

Chapter 11 • Integers 275

The integers are the numbers, such as

..."3, -2, "I, 0, 1, 2, 3,...

Positive integers are to the right of 0. Negative

integers are to the left of 0. The whole number 0 is an
integer that is not positive or negative. You can show
integers on a number line.

Math Facts negative integers positive integers

i-1-1 i-1-1
+ is a positive sign. ◄—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—►
- is a negative sign. '5 4 ~3 2 1 0 +^ +2 +3 +4 +5

Read +3 as "positive three" or "three." +3 can also be

written as 3. Read ~4 as "negative four."

You can use a number line to compare integers.

~5 4 -3 “2 ~1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5

On the number line, the integer to the left of another

integer is less than that integer.

^ EXAMPLE 1 Compare. Use >, <, or = for . “5 2

"5 is to the left of 2 on fhe number line. _5 2
Math Facts
> means is greater than. “5 is less fhan 2. “5 < 2
< means is less than.
= means is equal to. -5 < 2

On the number line, the integer to the right of another

integer is greater.

^ EXAMPLE 2 Compare. Use >, <, or = for . _1 -3

“1 is fo fhe right of _3 on the number line. “1 ■ -3

“1 is greater than _3. ~i > -3

-1 > -3

276 Chapter 11 • Integers

Try These

1. ~5 is read as " five." 2. +6 is read as "■ six" or "six."

3. is read as "negative one." 4. is read as "positive two" or

Compare. Use >, <, or = for .
5. “6 -3 6. 4i'2
4 is to the right of _2 on the number
“6 is to the left of “3 on the number
4 is greater than “2.
_6 is less than “3.

“6 _3 4I“2

Compare. Use >, <, or = for .

1. 5 ■ 0 2. “I -2 3. “3 ■ 4

4. “2 -3 5. 0 ■ “I 6. -6 ■ “6

7. 0 ■ 7 8^ -5 m -i 9. “10 ■ 9

10. “10 U -20 11. 5*5 12. “12 II 9

Cooperative Learning
13. Explain to a partner how you compare the integers in 9
in Practice.

14. Write two integers. Have a partner compare them. Check

the work.

Chapter 11 • Integers 277

Absolute Value

The integers 5 and 5 are opposites. One is positive

and one is negative.

-1-(-1 1-1 1 1-t 1-1-1 ►

“5 4 "3 2 “1 0 +1 +2 +3 "4 +5

y EXAMPLE 1 Find the opposite of "4.

_4 is negative. The opposite is positive.

The opposite of ~4 is 4.

W EXAMPLE 2 Find the opposite of 3.

3 is positive. The opposite is negative.

The opposite of 3 is “3.

Absolute value of an integer is its distance from 0.


\*-5 units-*\*-5 units-*| y

◄—i—t—t—t—i—i—t—i—i—t—t—► ' V
~5 ~4 ~3 2 1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5

The absolute value of ~5 is 5 because “5 is 5 units from

0. The absolute value of “5 is written as |~5|. So, we
can write |“5| = 5.
The absolute value of 5 is 5 because 5 is 5 units from 0.
The absolute value of 5 is written as |5|. We can write
|5| = 5.

W EXAMPLE 3 Find |~2|.

"2 is 2 units from 0.

|-2| = 2

y EXAMPLE 4 Find |0|.

0 is 0 units from 0.

|0| = 0

The absolute value of any positive or negative number

is positive. The absolute value of 0 is 0.

278 Chapter 11 • Integers

Try These
Find the opposite of each integer.
1. 7 2. 8

The opposite of a negative integer The opposite of a positive integer is

is a integer. a integer.

The opposite of ~1 is The opposite of 8 is

Find each absolute value.

3. |6| 4. ||~1|

6 is units from 0. "1 is unit from 0.

|6| = •

Find the opposite of each integer.

1. 9 2. 1 3. 10 4. "8
5. "2 6. “9 7. -11 8. 7

9. 20 10. “15 11. 25 12. “14

Find the absolute value <of each integer.

13. l"6| 14. |8| 15. 111 16. l'4|

17. l"8| 18. M 19. l"7| 20. |2|

21. |“20| 22. |io| 23. |-15| 24. |12|

Cooperative Learning
25. Explain to a partner how you find the absolute value in number 19
in Practice.

26. Write a positive integer and a negative integer. Ask a partner to

find the absolute value of each. Check the work.

Chapter 11 • Integers 279

11-3 Adding on the Number Line

You can use a number line to add integers. Move right

to add a positive integer. Move left to add a negative
integer. You can make the number line any size you
need to answer the problem.

EXAMPLE 1 Add. “3 + 4

Star! at 0. Move left 3 units.

Then move right 4 units.

Stop over 1.

“3 + 4-1

EXAMPLE 2 Add. 2 + “4

Start at 0. Move right 2 units.

Then move left 4 units.

Stop over “2.

2 + “4 = “2

EXAMPLE 3 Add. “3 + “1
left 1 left 3
Start at 0. Move left 3 units.
Then move left 1 unit. 4 3 “2 “1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4

Stop over “4.

“3 + “1 = “4

The sum of an integer and its opposite is 0.

EXAMPLE 4 Add. 3 + 3 |eft3

Start at 0. Move 3 units right. rjght 3

Then move 3 units left. H-1-h H-h

4321 0 +1 +2 +3 +4
Stop over 0.

3 + “3 = 0

280 Chapter 11 • Integers

Try These
Use this number line to add the integers.

i i i-- - 1 1 1-1------ 1 1 1 1 1 1

“8 “7 “6 5 4 -3 2 1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8

1. Add. “2 + 3 2. Add. 0 + 4

Start at 0. Start at 0.

Go left I units. Then move II units to the S.

Then go right ■ units. 0 + 4 = B.

Stop over ■.
“2 + 3 = ■.

Add. Use a number line.

1. “2 + 5 2. 3 + "7 3. 8 + 5

4. -5 + -5 5. 4 + 6 6. -7 + 7

7. 8 + -1 8. "7 + 8 9. -8+1

10. 5 + 6 11. 4 + -4 12. -4 + 8

13. 6 + 5 14. 5 + 6 15. 1 + “I

Cooperative Learning
16. Explain to a partner how you use a number line to add the
integers in number 10 in Practice.

17. Ask a partner to add two integers using a number line. Check
the work.

Chapter 11 • Integers 281

Adding and Absolute Value

In the last lesson, you added integers by using a number

line. You can also add integers by using absolute value.

To add two negative integers or two positive integers,

add their absolute values. The sum is negative if the
integers are negative. The sum is positive if the integers
are positive.

W EXAMPLE 1 Add. -10 + "12

Find the absolute value of each. |“10| = 10 | — 12| = 12
Add the absolute values. 10 + 12 = 22
“10 and “12 are both negative.
The sum is negative.
-10 + “12 = -22

To find the sum of a positive integer and a negative

integer, subtract the smaller absolute value from the
larger. Use the sign of the integer with the larger
absolute value as the sign of the sum.

^ EXAMPLE 2 Add. 17 + “22

Find the absolute value of each. |17| = 17 |“22| = 22
Subtract the smaller from the larger. 22 - 17 = 5
“22 has the larger absolute value.
The sum is negative.
“22 + 17 = “5

^ EXAMPLE 3 Add. 30 + “20

Find the absolute value of each. |30| = 30 |“20| = 20

Subtract the smaller from the larger. 30 - 20 = 10

30 has the larger absolute value.

The sum is positive.
30 + “20 = 10

282 Chapter 11 • Integers

Try These
1. “25 + 20 2. “18 + ~5
The signs are different. The signs are the same.

Find the absolute values. |“25| = M Find the absolute values. |-18| = 18
|20| = 20 |“5| =
Subtract the smaller. - 20 = Add the absolute values. 18 + ii =
_25 has the larger absolute value. ~18 and _5 are both negative.

The sum is negative. The sum is

-25 + 20 = II. “18 + 5 = 1.


1. “11 + 17 2. -13 + 6 3. 17 + 10

4. -20 + 20 5. -14 + "18 6. "16 + “12

7. 8 + “15 8. ”20 + “18 9. -32 + 20

10. “25 + 22 11. 21 + -30 12. “10 + 14

13. "16 + 20 14. 16 + -24 15. 18 + -9

Cooperative Learning
16. Explain to a partner how you add the integers in number 11
in Practice.

17. Write two integers. Ask a partner to find their sum. Check
the work.

Chapter 11 • Integers 283

Subtracting Integers

You can use a number line to see how subtracting

integers is like adding integers.

◄—i—i—i—i—i—i—h -4- —I-1 1 )-1—►

6 '5 4 "3 “2 ~1 0 + 1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6

This shows the addition: “2 + “3 = “5

This shows the subtraction: “2 - 3 = ~5
Subtracting 3 is just like adding “3.
Subtracting an integer is just like adding its opposite.
So, you can follow the rules you know for adding

^ EXAMPLE 1 Subtract. “4 - “5

Change to adding the opposite of ~5. ~4 + 5

Find the absolute values. |~4| = 4 |5| = 5

Subtract the smaller from the larger. 5-4 = 1
5 has the larger absolute value.

5 is positive, so the answer is positive.

~4 - ~5 = 1

^ EXAMPLE 2 Subtract. “7-3

Change to adding the opposite of 3. ~7 + “3

Find the absolute values. \~7\ = 7 |—3| = 3

Add the absolute values. 7 + 3 = 10

_7 and _3 are both negative.

So, the answer is negative.

~7 - 3 = -10

284 Chapter 11 • Integers

Try These
1. 5 - -10 2. -3-8
Change to adding the opposite of "10. Change to adding the opposite of 8.

5 + ii + "8
|5| = 5 || = |-3| = |-8| = 8

5 + = 3 + 8=11

5 and 10 are both positive. "3 and _8 are both negative.

So, the answer is positive. So, the answer is negative.

5 - “10 = . -3 - 8 = .


1. -2 - -3 2. 5 - "1 3. -4 -- 1

4. -3 - -4 5. -8 - -8 6. -4 -- 5

7. -9-4 8. 6 - ”2 9. -5 -- “2

10. 1 - 1 11. -10 - 14 12. -7 -- -10

13. -16 - -20 14. 10 - -20 15. 20 -- -10

Cooperative Learning
16. Explain to a partner how you subtract the integers in number 12
in Practice.

17. Write any two integers. Have a partner subtract them. Check
the work.

Chapter 11 • Integers 285

Multiplying Integers

Multiplication is a way of doing addition when the

addends are the same. This can be used to find out
how to multiply integers.

->*■ —I-1—►
6 5 "4 3 2 1 0 + 1 +2 +3

Addition: 2 + 2 + 2 = 6
Multiplication: (3)(“2) = “6
Math Fact This shows that the product of a positive integer and a
(2)(3) = (6) is another way to negative integer is negative. The product of two
write (+2)(+3) = (+6).
positive integers is positive. (2)(3) = 6

^ EXAMPLE 1 Multiply. (~5)(4)

Find the absolute values. |~5| = 5 |4| = 4
Multiply the absolute values. 5 • 4 = 20
The product of a positive integer
and a negative integer is negative. (~5)(4) = ~20

Look at these products to find out the sign of the

product of two negative integers.
(“3)(2) = ~6 C3)(l) = “3 (—3)(0) = 0
(-3)tl) = ? C3)(-2) = ?
To continue the pattern:
(~3)(~1) = +3 and (~3)(“2) = +6
The product of two negative integers is positive.

^ EXAMPLE 2 Multiply. (“2)(-8)

Find the absolute values. \~2\ = 2 |~8| = 8
Multiply the absolute values. 2*8 = 16
The product of two negative
integers is positive. (~2)(-8) = 16

286 Chapter 11 • Integers

Try These
1 . (4)(—8) 2. C6)(-l)
Find the absolute |4| = 4 I"8| = Find the absolute |-6| = |“1| = 1
value of each. value of each.
Multiply the 4 « = Multiply the • 1 =
absolute values. absolute values.
The product of a (4)("8) = The product of ( 6)(-l) =
positive integer two negative
and a negative integers is
integer is


1. ("2)(-3) 2. (3) (2) 3. ( 4)(7)

4. (6)(—3) 5. (5)(-l) 6. (-5)(“8)

7. ("6)("2) 8. (4)(7) 9. (~9)(0)

10 . (9)(“3) 11. (“5)(-3) 12 . (9)(-5)

13. (l)(-8) 14. (-1)(“8) 15. (-10)(10)

16. (-10)(-10) 17. (— 7)( 10) 18. (5)(-10)

Cooperative Learning
19. Explain to a partner how you find the product of the integers in
number 14 in Practice.

20. Write any two negative integers. Have a partner find their
product. Then, write a positive integer and a negative integer.
Have a partner find the product. Check the work.

Chapter 11 • Integers 287

Dividing Integers

From your work with whole numbers, you know that

multiplication is related to division. The factors of a
product divide the product evenly.

2x3 = 6 6 = 3 = 2
6 = 2 = 3

You can use this and what you know about multiplying
integers to divide integers.

(+2)(+3) = (+6) (+6) = (+2) = +3

(-2)(+3) = (-6) (-6) = (-2) = +3

The quotient of two positive or two negative integers is


EXAMPLE 1 Divide. “10 = “2

Find the absolute values. -10| = 10 |“2|
Divide the absolute values. 10 = 2 = 5
The quotient of two negative “10 = -2 = 5
integers is positive.

Here are products of positive and negative integers.

You can see how they relate to division.

C2)("3) = +6 6 (“3) = -2
(+2)(-3) = -6 6 (2) = “3

The quotient of a positive integer and a negative

integer is negative.

EXAMPLE 2 Divide. “18 = 2

Find the absolute values. “18| = 18 |2|

Divide the absolute values. 18 = 2 = 9
The quotient of a positive “18 = 2 = “9
integer and a negative
integer is negative.

288 Chapter 11 • Integers

Try These
1. 9 - “3 2. “14 ^ “2
Find the |9| = 9 Find the | —14| = ■
absolute values. |~3| = II absolute values. j —2| = 2
Divide the 9 v 1 = ■ Divide the Si - 2 = ■
absolute values. absolute values.
The quotient of a positive integer The quotient of two negative integers
and a negative integer is B. is m.
9 - ■ = ■ “14 - -2 = ■


1. 32 - 2 2. 16 - “8 3. “2 -h “2

4. 21 -h -3 5. -21 -- 3 6. “45 - 5

7. -15 - “5 8. 0 - 10 9. -60 - “20

10. 20 -h -4 11. “20 -- 5 12. 72 - 9

13. "48 T 8 14. “100 - 10 15. “21 - -3

16. 63 - 7 17. -32 ^- -4 18. “15 - 15

Cooperative Learning
19. Explain to a partner how you find the quotient in number 11
in Practice.

20. Use different signs for the divisor and dividend in number 14 in
Practice. Ask a partner to find the quotient. Check the work.

Chapter 11 • Integers 289

■ft: Calculator: Operations with Integers

You can use a calculator to solve problems with

negative numbers. Remember to follow the rules for
doing operations with integers.

^ EXAMPLE 1 Find the sum of 19 and +25.

The signs are different.

Find the absolute values. |~19| = 19 |25| = 25
Subtract the smaller absolute value from the larger.


Enter 25 by pressing: 2 5

Then, subtract 19 by pressing: Q 1j 9

The sign of the number with the larger absolute value
is positive.

The sum of “19 and +25 is +6.

EXAMPLE 2 Find the sum of 37 and “54.

Add the absolute values. |“37| = 37

| 54| = 54


Enter 37 by pressing: 3 7

Then, add 54 by pressing: 000

The sign of both numbers is negative, so the sum
is negative.

The sum of “37 and “54 is “91.

290 Chapter 11 • Integers

1. “89 + "13 2. 27 + “53

3. “82 + 14 4. “102 - 62

5. 28 - 33 6. (-19)(-21)

7. (11)(-13) 8. -212 -r- 4

Math Connection
Wind Chill Table
Have you ever noticed that you Wind Speed Outdoor Temperature
feel much colder outside on a (mph) (°F)
windy day than on a calm day 0 0 10 20 30 40
with the same outdoor 5 _5 6 16 27 37
temperature? The combination of
10 "22 “9 3 16 28
temperature and wind can make
15 “31 “18 “5 9 23
you feel colder than the actual
temperature reading. Wind chill is 20 “39 “24 “10 4 19
the estimate of how cold the wind 25 “44 “29 “15 1 16
makes a person feel under the
existing conditions.

The National Weather Service publishes a table for estimating wind

chill. Part of that chart is shown on this page.

It is important to understand positive and negative integers before you

can read and understand the chart. If the temperature is 10°F and the
wind speed is 15 mph, the wind chill is “18°F. This means that the
temperature outside feels like it is 18°F below zero.

It is important to consider wind chill, especially during the cold

months. Extremely cold weather is dangerous to people who are not
prepared for its effect. You need to dress warmly in such weather.

Chapter 11 • Integers 291

Problem Solving: Small Groups
You can make small groups from large groups to solve

EXAMPLE Taylor, Steve, and Lucia are working on a school fund

raiser. Two of the students must make phone calls for
the fund raiser. How many different pairs can be made
from Taylor, Steve, and Lucia?

READ What do you need to find out?

You need to find the number of different pairs
that can be made from the three people.
PLAN What do you need to do?
You need to take each person and pair him or
her with the other two.
DO Follow the plan.

Use Taylor with the other two: Taylor with Steve

Taylor with Lucia
Use Steve with the other two: Steve with Taylor
Steve with Lucia
Use Lucia with the other two: Lucia with Taylor
Lucia with Steve

There are six pairs, but some are the same.

Taylor with Steve is the same as Steve with
Taylor. There are only three different pairs:
Taylor with Steve, Taylor with Lucia, and Steve
with Lucia.

CHECK Does your answer make sense

There are six pairs.
Look back.
Cross off the pairs that are repeated.
This leaves three different pairs. /

There are three different pairs to make phone calls for

the fund raiser.

292 Chapter 11 • Integers

Try These
1. How many different groups of 2. How many different groups of 3
two letters can you make from letters can be formed from C, D,
A, B, and C? E, and F?
Use A with the other two. A B, C Start with C: CDE,CD , C E
Use B with the other two. Bi,BC Start with D: D C E, D C ,DE
Use C with the other two. C A, C Start with E: E D, E F, E C
There are 6 groups of two letters. Start with F: F C , F C i, F ■ E
groups are the same. Count There are 12 groups.
them once. The 3 different The 4 different groups that can be
groups that can be formed are: formed are:
A B, 1 C, and C D E, C D , CE I, D F.

Find the small groups from the large groups.

1. How many different groups of three people can you make from
Louis, Juan, Anita, and Harriet?

2. How many different groups of two letters can you make from
A, B, C, D, and E?

3. How many different groups of three letters can you make from
A, B, C, D, and E?

Cooperative Learning
4. Explain to a partner how you find the groups in number 2
in Practice.

5. Work with a partner. How many different groups of two letters

can you make from A, B, C, D, E, and F? Take turns writing the
pairs. Check each other's work.

Chapter 11 • Integers 293

Application: Number Scales

A number scale shows positive numbers above 0 and

negative numbers below 0. Number scales are used in
many ways. They show temperatures above and below
0. They show altitudes, or heights, above and below 0.

^ EXAMPLE 1 In the morning, the temperature on the Celsius

thermometer was ~3°C. The temperature went up to
100 ° -Water — 212°
20°C. What was the change in temperature?
80° 180° Subtract to find the change 20°C - ~3°C
150° in temperature. To subtract, 20 + 3
120 °
change to adding the |20| = 20 |3| = 3
40° opposite of _3.
20 °
60° 20°C - “3°C = 23°C
0° -Water — 32°
freezes The change in temperature is 23°C.
“20 ° 0 °

Celsius Fahrenheit

^ EXAMPLE 2 This number scale shows the heights of mountains and

other places above and below sea level. Sea level is at
Heights (in meters)
0 meters. The Dead Sea is at “340 m. This means the
6,194 m Mt. McKinley Dead Sea is 340 m lower than sea level. What is the
difference in altitude between the Dead Sea and
Mt. Whitney?
4,418 m Mt. Whitney
Subtract to find the 4,418 m - “340 m
difference. To subtract, 4,418 + 340
change to adding the |4,418| = 4,418 |340| = 340
1,917 m Mt. Washington opposite of ~340.

4,418 + 340 = 4,758

0m 4,418 m - “340 m = 4,758 m
- Sea Level
86 m
Death Valley The difference in the altitudes is 4,758 m.
'340 m
Dead Sea

294 Chapter 11 • Integers

Try These
1. What is the difference between 2. How much lower is the Dead Sea
the boiling and freezing points than Death Valley?
on the Celsius number scale?
Subtract. ~86 m - “340 m
Subtract. 100°C - °C
86 m + 340 m
100°C - °C = °C ~86 m + 340 m = m
The difference between the The Dead Sea is m lower than
boiling and freezing point is °C. Death Valley.

Look at the number scales. Then, answer the questions.

1. The temperature changed ~10°C to “2°C. What was the

temperature before the change?

2. The temperature went from 4°F to 32°F. What was the change
in temperature?

3. The temperature of hot water is 185°F. How much warmer must

the water get to boil?

4. How much higher is Mt. Whitney than Mt. Washington?

5. How much lower is Death Valley than Mt. McKinley?

6. A countdown to a race is at 3 seconds. How many seconds are

there to the start of the race?

Cooperative Learning
7. Explain to a partner how you find the time in number 6
in Practice.

8. Ask a partner a question about temperature using number scales

and subtraction. Check the work.

Chapter 11 • Integers 295

Chapter 11 Review
.. .—

You can use a number line to compare positive and negative integers.

The absolute value of any positive or negative integer is positive.

To add a positive integer, move right on a number line. Move left to add
a negative integer.

To add two negative integers or two positive integers, add their absolute values. The sum
is negative if the integers are negative. The sum is positive if the integers are positive.

To find the sum of a positive integer and a negative integer, subtract the
smaller absolute value from the larger. Use the sign of the integer with the larger
absolute value as the sign of the sum.

To subtract one integer from another, add the opposite of the integer to be subtracted.

The product of a positive integer and a negative integer is negative. The

product of two negative integers or two positive integers is positive.

The quotient of two negative integers or two positive integers is positive.

The quotient of a positive integer and a negative integer is negative.

integers Vocabulary Review

positive integers Complete the sentences with words from the box.

negative integers 1. Integers to the right of zero on a number line are

2. Numbers such as ..._3, “2, ~1, 0 1, 2, 3;... are
absolute value called_
number scale 3. _are the same whole numbers, one with a
Celsius positive sign and one with a negative sign.
4. The distance between 0 and an integer on the
number line is its_
5. -is a temperature scale that has the freezing
point of water as 0°C and the boiling point as 100°C.
6. A-shows numbers above and below zero.
7. Integers to the left of zero on a number line are
296 Chapter 11 • Integers
Chapter Quiz
Compare. Use >, <, or = for •.
1. 6 • 1 0 2. "4 • “5 3. “7 • 8

Find the opposite of each integer.

4. “18 5. 27 6. "28

Find the absolute value of each integer.

7- |-9| 8. |4| 9. |—22|

Add. Use a number line.

10. ~6 + "3 11. “3 + 2 12. -5 + 4

13. “13 + 20 14. “15 + 8 15. “12 + 10

16. 5 - 7 17. 9 - -2 18. 14 - 11

19. (-12)("3) 20. (—3)(2) 21. (“6)(10)

22. 30 - “2 23. 18 + -9 24. “3 - “3

Find the small groups from the large groups.

25. How many different groups of three letters
can you make from A, B, C, D, E, and F?

Answer the question.

26. A countdown to the launch of a space shuttle
is at “10 hours. How many hours are there
to the launch?

Chapter 11 • Integers 297

Integers and
Chapter 12.

During a thunderstorm,
the top part of a cloud Learning Objectives
has a positive electrical
• Evaluate expressions with integers.
charge. The bottom part
of the cloud has a • Simplify expressions with integers.
negative electrical
• Solve equations with integers.
charge. What is the word
for the spark that results? • Graph equations and inequalities.
• Solve inequalities.
• Use a calculator to evaluate expressions with
• Solve probability problems.
• Apply concepts and skills to graphing a range
on a number line.

298 Chapter 12 • Integers and Algebra

Words to Know
graph of a solution points on the number line that show the solution

number line shows positive numbers to the right of 0, negative numbers to the
left of 0, and 0

inequality greater than, greater than or equal to, less than, less than or equal to

probability the chance of something happening

Temperature Comparison Project

Look in a newspaper each day for a week to find the
day's predicted high and low temperatures. On two
separate number lines, graph the day's temperatures,
one for the predicted high and one for the predicted
low temperature. Then, in the evening, listen to a
weather report or surf the Net for the actual high and
low temperatures. Graph those temperatures on the
same number lines in a second color. Compare the
predicted temperatures with the actual temperatures.

P = predicted temperature
A = actual temperature

Chapter 12 • Integers and Algebra 299

Simplifying Expressions

You know that to simplify variable expressions, you

combine like terms. Combining like terms means
adding or subtracting their coefficients. When the
coefficients are integers, add or subtract carefully.

^ EXAMPLE 1 Simplify. 11a + 9a

Remember 11a + 9a
Think: “11 +9 =-2
Combine like terms. ~2 a

^ EXAMPLE 2 Simplify. ~4x - ~6x

~4x - ~6x
Think: ~4 - “6 = ~4 + +6 Rewrite as addition. ~4x + +6x
= +2 ■-1-1

Combine like terms. 2x

You may have to change the order of terms so that like

terms are together.

^ EXAMPLE 3 Simplify. 2 a — 11 — 3 a + 15

~2a - 11 - -3a + 15

Rewrite subtractions as additions. ~2a + (-11) + (+3a) + 15

Math Fact Change the order. ~2 a + (+3 a) + (“11) + 15

1-1-1 1-1-*
la can be written as a.
Combine like terms. la + 4
a + 4

^ EXAMPLE 4 Simplify. 6c ~ 9d + 2c + 4d

6c 9 d + 2c + 4d
Rewrite subtraction as addition. 6c + (+9 d) + 2 c + (“4 d)

Change the order. 6c + 2c + ( d) + (“4 d)

'-1-1 ■-.-1

Combine like terms. 8c + 5d

300 Chapter 12 • Integers and Algebra

Try These
1. 2 ub + 1 + + 4
7 cib 2. 5b + 2 + lb + 4b + 2
Change the order. ~2ab + + 1 + Change the order. ~5b + 7b + 4b + +2
Combine like terms. + Combine like terms. +


1. 3r + ~2r 2. ~3t — 2t - 5 - 4

3. 5 — 8 + 2f 4. “7 + 2h - 5 - 8h

5. 3 + 9x - x 6. 4g + 8 — 3^ + 5

7. “3a + 2a — “5a 8. ~4b + 8b — 9c + 2c

9. 5z — 4 + 2y - 8y 10. xy - 4x + 2 - 7xy

11. s - "3 + 5 - 4t - 9 12. ~2t + 4s + lOt - 7

Cooperative Learning
13. Explain to a partner how you simplify the expression in number
10 in Practice.

14. Write a variable expression with integers as coefficients. Have a

partner simplify the expression.

Chapter 12 • Integers and Algebra 301

Evaluating Expressions
with Integers

You can find the value of a variable expression by

replacing the variables with integers. This will give
you a number expression. Perform the operations
in the number expression. Be sure to follow the order
of operations.

W EXAMPLE 1 Evaluate 8 - 2x when x == “3.

Remember 8 - ~2x
Order of Operations Rewrite as addition. 8 + (+2x)
1. First, multiply and divide. Replace x with _3. 8 + (+2 • x)
2. Then, add and subtract. 8 + (+2 • ~3)

Multiply first. 8 + (J6)

1 _ j_1
Then, add. 2

The value of 8 - 2x is 2 when x = 3.

^ EXAMPLE 2 Find the value of 5y -e _3 when y = ~6.

Math Fact 5y - -3
The quotient of two negative 5 • y -e -3
integers is positive. Replace y with _6. 5("6) - -3
1. I
Multiply. “30 - -3
1 , 1

Then, divide. 10
The value of 5y v- -3 is 10 when y = "6.

^ EXAMPLE 3 Find the value of -6(r + s) when r = _4 and s = "2.

Replace r with ~4. ~6(r + 5)
Replace s with ~2. “6(-4 + ~2)
1 j
Work in parentheses first. -6(-6)
Multiply. 36

The value of 6(r + s) is 36 when r = ~4 and s = ~2.

302 Chapter 12 • Integers and Algebra

Try These

Evaluate each expression.

1. x2 + 6 when x = ~5 2. 3a + 2b when a = 2 and b = ~4
x2 + 6 3a + 2b
Replace x with ~5. ( )( ) + 6 Replace a with 2
and b with _4. (3)(2) + 2( )
Multiply first. + 6 1-r-' 1-1-1
Multiply first. 6 +
Then, add. 1—i—1

Then, add.
The value of x2 + 6 is
when x = “5. The value of 3a + 2b is
when a = 2 and b = ”4.

Evaluate each expression.

1. 5r - 6 when r = ~4 2. 5 + / -e “2 when / = 30

3. ~8x + 25 when x = 5 4. r + 3s when r = 7 and s = "1

5. a2 + 2 when a = 3 6. 4h 4- ^2 when h = ^6

7. 2x + 5y when x = ^8 and y = “8 8. + 1 when a = 9 and b = ~2

9. 8 -e q — 6r when q = ~4 and r = 11 10. 3 - y + ^8x when y = “12 and x = 1

11. 5(a + b) when a = _10 and b = 10 12. u(l + b) when a = “1 and b = ~2

Cooperative Learning
13. Explain to a partner how to find the value of the expression in
number 12 in Practice.

14. Pick three integers for w and three for v. Ask a partner to find the
value of 2w + 2v. Check the work.

Chapter 12 • Integers and Algebra 303

BF Solving Equations with Integers

You can solve equations with integers just as you do

with other numbers. Find an equivalent equation that
you can solve just by looking at it.

y EXAMPLE 1 Solve. 2x = 6

Divide both sides by “2.

Solution: -3
Check: -2("3) = 6
6 = 6 true

y EXAMPLE 2 Solve. 3y - 1 = 8
Add “1 to both sides. 3y - ~1 + -J -s +
Simplify both sides. 3y 9
Divide both sides by 3. y- 3 '9t3
iy = 3
y = 3
Solution: “3
Check: 3("3) - "I = .~8
~9 - ~1 = ~8
“8 = ~8 true

y EXAMPLE 3 Solve, la = ~8u + 10

Add 8a to both sides. 7a + 8a = ~8a + 10 + 8a

Group like terms together. 7a + 8a = ~8 a + 8a + 10
Simplify each side. la = 0 + 10
a = 10
Solution: 10
Check: -7(10) = “8(10) + 10
-70 = -80 + 10
"70 = -70 true

304 Chapter 12 • Integers and Algebra

Try These
1. = “7 2. y + 3 — 1
x + “5 = ~7 Subtract _3 from
Multiply both both sides. y + -3 —«= i —n
sides by ». x - -5(B) = -7(B) Simplify both sides. y=m
Simplify both sides. x=■ Solution: m
Solution: ■ Check: ■+ -3 = 1

V'7 = 1 true
11 = 7 true


1. “5r = 45 2. y + -9 = 13

3. m - -12 = -5 4. f = -10

5. a - 9 = “5 6. b + ~ 10 = 0






9. 2 + -3/ = 8 10. 5v - -13 = 28

Cooperative Learning
11. Explain to a partner how to solve the equation in 10
in Practice.

12. Ask a partner to solve ~2x + 7 = ~9. Check the work. Then write
a new equation. Ask a partner to solve this new equation.

Chapter 12 • Integers and Algebra 305

Graphing Inequalities

You can show a graph of a solution to an equation on

a number line. The graph shows a point for the
number that is the solution.

y EXAMPLE 1 Graph the solution of x = 2.

x = "2.
Solution: ~2
Place at dot at ~2.

You can also graph the solution of an inequality. Just

remember what the signs mean.
> means "is greater than."
< means "is less than."
> means "is greater than or equal to."
< means "is less than or equal to."

EXAMPLE 2 Graph the solution of y > 1.

y>-\ ^
0 +1 +2
y is greater than or equal to ~ 1.

Place a dot at _1 because k = “1.

"Is greater than" means go to the right.

Shade the number line to the right of ~1.

^ EXAMPLE 3 Graph the solution of * < 2.

x<2‘ ◄H—|—|—|—b-+—
x is less than 2. 3 2 l o l +2 h

Place an open dot at 2 because 2 is not part of the solution.

"Is less than" means go to the left.

Shade the number line to the left of 2.

306 Chapter 12 • Integers and Algebra

Try These

1. Graph the solution of a: > “4. 2. Graph the solution of y < 0.

x > ~4 y < 0

x is greater than _4. y is less than or equal to 0.

Place an open dot at Place a dot at .

"Is greater than" means go to the "Is less than" means go to the 8.

Shade the number line to the of Shade the number line to the of

-«-+-+ 1 I I I I I I I I > < i ii i i : i i i i + »

~5 4 “3 2 “1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 5 ~4 3 “2 “1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5

Graph each solution on a number line.

1. x < ~4 3. x >1

4. x < 3 5. x > 3 6. x > 3

7. y > 6 8. z = 3 9. a = 4

10. a < 4 11. a > 4 12. x < ~2

13. x = 8 14. x > -8 15. x < “8

Cooperative Learning
16. Explain to a partner how you graph the solution of the inequality
in number 12 in Practice.

17. Write an inequality using integers. Ask a partner to graph the

solution of the inequality. Check the work.

Chapter 12 • Integers and Algebra 307

Solving Inequalities by
Adding or Subtracting

The inequality x < 2 is easy to solve. Just by looking at

it, you know the graph of this solution is all numbers
to the left of 2 on the number line.

The inequality x + 2 < 6 is not so easy to solve. You

can solve it the way you solve equations. Add or
subtract the same number from both sides. This will
give you an inequality that is easy to solve.

^ EXAMPLE 1 Solve * + 2 < 6. Graph the solution.

x + 2 < 6

Subtract 2 from both sides. x + 2 - 2 < 6

Simplify both sides. x + 0 < 4

x < 4

* < 4 “5 “4 “2 “1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5

x is less than 4.

Place an open dot at 4.

Shade the number line to the left of 4.

^ EXAMPLE 2 Solve y — 1 > “1. Graph the solution.

y - 1 > "I
Add 1 to both sides. y - 1 + 1>~1 + 1

Simplify bofh sides. y + o > 0

y > 0

. —i—i—:—i—i—I—►
y - 0 3 “2 “1 0 +1 +2 +3

y is greater than or equal to 0.

Place a dot at 0.

Shade the number line to the right of 0.

308 Chapter 12 • Integers and Algebra

Try These
Solve each inequality. Graph each solution.
1. x + “3 > “2 2. y - 2 < 4
Subtract “3 from both sides. Add to both sides.
x + -3 - > ~2 - y-2 + ll<4 + ®
Simplify both sides. Simplify both sides.
x + > "2 + ■ y - <
x> y<

^—1—1—1—1—1—1—1—1—1—1—. —►
"3 "2 "1 0 +1 +2 +3 4 “3 ~2 “1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6

Solve each inequality. Graph each solution.

1. x - 2 <4 2. x + 1 > -3

3. y + ~2 > 1 4. X — -3 > 8

5. x + ~6 < “3 6. “2 < -

7. x + 8 > 4 8. x - 1 < 3

9. x - “5 < 3 10. X + 4 > ~2

Cooperative Learning
11. Explain to a partner how you solve the inequality in number 8
in Practice.

12. Write an inequality that contains integers. Use addition and

subtraction in the inequality. Have a partner solve the inequality.
Check the work.

Chapter 12 • Integers and Algebra 309

|12€ Solving Inequalities by
Multiplying or Dividing

You multiply or divide both sides of an equation by the

same number to solve it. You can also multiply or
divide both sides of an inequality to solve it. When
you do this, you must watch for a change in the

2 < 4 2 < 4

Multiply both sides by 3. Multiply both sides by “3.

2(3) ? 4(3) 2(“3) ? 4(“3)
6 < 12 “6 > "12
The inequality stays The inequality changes to
"is less than." "is greater than."

When you multiply both sides of an inequality by the

same negative number, the inequality changes. The
inequality also changes when you divide both sides by
the same negative number.

y EXAMPLE 1 Solve 2.

> 2
Multiply both sides by ~3 (=j) (~3) < 2 (-3)
and change the inequality. • a: 6
6 0 6

y EXAMPLE 2 Solve 4y > 12.

4 y > 12
Divide both sides by 4. 4y -r 4 > 12 -f- 4
The inequality stays the same.
\'Y> 3
Y > 3

310 Chapter 12 • Integers and Algebra

Try These
Solve each inequality. Graph each solution.
1. 4y < 20 2. ~6y < _24
Divide both sides by Divide both sides by .
The inequality stays the same. The inequality changes.
(4 • y) -r < 20 -r "6 • y -r > "24 -r .

Simplify both sides. Simplify both sides.

-yrs . —y> ■

K — • /> •

“5 4 4 4 4 +! 4 4 0 +4 +5 0 +1 +2 +3 +4

Solve each inequality. Graph each solution.

1. f < 4
2. 2y > 6

3 . 3* < -9 4 . -Y > 5

5 . Sx < -10 6 . lx < 14

7 . 2 y < "16 8 . 4y < 28

9 . i>10
10 . lOx > 100

11 . |S-5 12 . -2E < 2

Cooperative Learning
13 . Explain to a partner how you solve the inequality in number 4
in Practice.
14 . Make up an inequality with numbers. Use it to show a partner
that dividing both sides of your inequality by the same negative
number changes the inequality.

Chapter 12 • Integers and Algebra 311

■few Calculator: Evaluating Expressions

You can use a calculator to evaluate an expression with

negative numbers.

y EXAMPLE Evaluate. I2x + 16 + 21 y when x is ~3 and y is 2.

Replace x with ~3 and y with 2. 12 • _3 + 16 + 21 • 2
Remember Multiply 12 and 3 first.
Follow The Order of Operations. Enter 12 by pressing: 1 2 IE

Multiply by 3 by pressing: x 3 3

E 35

The signs are different, so the product

is negative. ~36
Now, multiply 21 and 2.
Enter 21 by pressing: \2_ Q]\ E i

Multiply by 2 by pressing: x 2 E

E Wi?

The expression becomes “36 + 16 + 42.

Math Fact Enter 36 by pressing: 3 6 35
Add. -36+16
Subtract 16 by pressing: 0 1 61 15


The sign of the number with the larger absolute value

is negative. So, subtract 20 from 42.

Enter 42 by pressing: |4 j 2 W?1

Subtract 20 by pressing: |-j i 2 i o] ED


The sign of the number with the larger absolute value

is positive.

The value of 12x + 16 + 21y is 22 when x is “3 and y is 2.

312 Chapter 12 • Integers and Algebra

Use your calculator to evaluate each expression.

1. 13k + r + 26 when k is “3 and r is 42

2. 4/ - 8p when /' is 12 and p is “5

3. 6m + 32 -T- g when m is 4 and g is “8

4. 48 - x - 15y when x is 11 and y is “2

5. 3s + 15r when s is “12 and r is 3

6. z + 9t -T- 3 when z is 15 and t is -2

7. /W 9 - 14c when fis “27 and c is 3

8. s - I6d + 31 when s is 40 and d is “3

Math Connection
A hurricane is a powerful storm. It can
cause great damage. A hurricane has
high winds and heavy rain that often
cause flooding. Many people have lost
their lives during hurricanes by
drowning in floods.

Hurricanes happen mostly in the fall

season. They sometimes strike cities
and towns along the Atlantic Ocean.
Thousands of people live where these hurricanes hit. They need to
know when a hurricane is coming so they can move to a safer place.

Who warns people that a hurricane is coming? Weather specialists at

the National Weather Service keep a close watch on the Atlantic Ocean
during hurricane season. They use weather satellites to collect
information. The satellites send pictures taken from space. This photo
shows where a hurricane is forming. Weather specialists use grids and
number scales to find the exact location of the hurricane. They issue
warnings to people to keep them safe.

Chapter 12 • Integers and Algebra 313

Problem Solving: Using a
Number Line

You can use a number line to show a range of numbers.

EXAMPLE Last winter, the coldest temperature in Eastgate was

_10°F. The warmest temperature was 45°F. Show this
range of temperatures on the number line.

READ What do you need to find out?

You need to find the temperature range.

PLAN What do you need to do?

You need to draw a number line and show
the range.

DO Follow the plan.

• 1i i' i
i ii li i
l li 11 1
1 ' i
1 ^-

-15 ^10 "5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Draw a number line.

Place a dot at “10 for the coldest temperature.

Place a dot at 45 for the warmest temperature.

Shade the number line between ~10 and 45.

The graph shows ~10°F and 45°F. It also shows

all temperatures between “10°F and 45°F.

CHECK Does your answer make sense?

The graph begins at ~10°F and ends at 45°F. /

The graph shows ~10°F and 45°F. It also shows all

temperatures between “10°F and 45°F.

314 Chapter 12 • Integers and Algebra

Try These

1. A serving of peanut butter can 2. The coldest winter temperature in

have as few as 90 calories. It can Northgate was ~5°F. The warmest
also have as many as 130 calories. was 40°F. Show the temperature
Show the range of calories. range that did not set the cold
Place a dot at H. record last winter.

Place a dot at ■. Place an open dot at ■.

Shade in the number line between » Place a dot at H.

and ■. Shade in the number line between

m and ii.

——i j—|—|—(—|—|—|—|—1 —{—>

80 100 110 120 130 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

Use a number line.

1. An adult Canada goose can be as short as 25 inches or as long as

45 inches. Show this range in length on a number line.

2. When spread, the wings of the falcon can cover as little as

36 inches or as much as 44 inches. Show this range on a
number line.

3. The lowest temperature recorded in Gateport last winter was 0°F.

The warmest temperature was 80°F. Show this temperature range
on a number line.

Cooperative Learning
4. Explain to a partner how you graph the range in number 3
in Practice.

5. Work with a partner. Ask ten students their scores on their last
math test. Show the range of scores on a number line.

Chapter 12 • Integers and Algebra 315

Application: Probability

Here is a jar. It holds five tags.

There is a letter written on each
tag. You can select a tag from the
jar. Each tag has the same chance
of being selected. 1 of the 5 tags is
marked A. There is 1 chance out of
5 of selecting an A. The probability
of selecting an A is j.

Probability is the chance that something will happen.

To find probability, divide the choice that you want by
the total number of choices.

y EXAMPLE 1 What is the probability of selecting a C?

There is 1 fag marked C in the jar. 1

There are 5 choices in all. 5

Divide. —
The probability of selecting a C is j.

W EXAMPLE 2 What is the probability

of selecting a G?

There are 2 fags marked G. 2

There are 5 choices in all. 5

Divide. —
The probability of selecting a G is

^ EXAMPLE 3 What is the probability of selecting an F?

There are 3 tags marked F. 3

There are 5 choices in all. 5

Divide. A
The probability of selecting an F is J-.

316 Chapter 12 • Integers and Algebra

Try These
Find each probability.
1. What is the probability of getting 2. What is the probability of getting
a 5 on this game spinner? an even number on this game
There are ■ spinner?
parts marked 5. if There are 5 parts marked
There are ■ with an even number.
choices in all. H There are M
Divide. choices in all.

The probability Divide. —

of spinning The probability of spinning an
a 5 is —. even number is —.

Use this jar to find the probabilities.

1. What is the probability of selecting a letter?

What is the probability of selecting an A?

3. What is the probability of selecting a number?
4. What is the probability of selecting a 7?
©@ ©@
5. What is the probability of selecting an odd number?

Cooperative Learning
6. Explain to a partner how you find the probability in number 1
in Practice.

7. Write different numbers and letters in a picture jar. Ask a

partner different probability questions about selecting a number
or a letter.

Chapter 12 • Integers and Algebra 317

chapter 12 Review
Replacing variables with integers gives you a number expression.

You can simplify variable expressions with integers by combining like terms.

You can solve equations with integers just as you do with other numbers.

A graph can show the point for the number that is the solution.

Inequalities can be solved in the same way you solve equations.

When you multiply or divide both sides of an inequality by the same

negative number, the inequality changes.

You can use a number line to show a range and group of numbers
to solve a problem.

To find probability, divide the choice that you want by the

total number of choices.

graph of a solution Vocabulary Review

number line Complete the sentences with words from the box.

inequality 1. You can show a_to an equation on a

number line.
2. The chance that something will happen is called a

3. A-shows positive numbers to the right of 0,

negative numbers to the left of 0, and 0.

4. An-is greater than, greater than or equal tor

less than, or less than or equal to.

318 Chapter 12 • Integers and Algebra

Chapter Quiz
1. a2 + 5a2 - a2 - a 2. 6/w - 9/w + w - 2w

3. cd + c — d 4. 10cd - -10cd + d2 - d2

Evaluate each expression.

5. ~6a -T- ~3b when a = “1 and £> = ~1 6. b2 - cz when b = 4 and c = ~2

7. a - b when a = ~ 1 and £> = “1 8. 9c - 5d when c = 3 and d = “2

9. -2# + "6 = 10 10. “4 = 8 + 3y

11. ^=‘12 12. 3x - ~4 = 25

Graph each solution on a number line.

13. a = -5 14. a = 5 15. 0 < -5

Solve each inequality. Graph each solution.

16. y - 2 < “2 17. x + 1 > 8

Solve each inequality. Graph each solution.

18. Sx < -16 19. 9x < 27

Chapter 12 • Integers and Algebra 319

chapter 13 The Coordinate Plane

People in many
professions use the Learning Objectives
formulas and tools of
• Give the location of a point on the coordinate plane.
mathematics to help
them solve problems. • Graph an ordered pair.
What professions can
• Find ordered pairs from equations.
you think of that use
math? • Graph equations.
• Use a calculator to find ordered pairs.
• Use information from a graph to solve problems.
• Apply skills and concepts to find the slope of a line.

320 Chapter 13 • The Coordinate Plane

Words to Know
plane a flat surface

coordinate plane a plane with coordinate axes drawn on it

coordinate axes two perpendicular number lines

horizontal left to right

vertical up and down

x-axis horizontal axis

/-axis vertical axis

origin the point where the coordinate axes cross each other

ordered pair a pair of numbers in a special order; the numbers help

locate points

graph of an ordered pair a dot that shows the location of an ordered pair

graph of an equation a line made with graphs of ordered pairs from the equation

broken-line graph a graph made up of different pieces of straight lines

slope the steepness of a straight line

rise the change between two points on a line in an

up-and-down direction

run the change between two points on a line in a

left-to-right direction

Plant Project
Place a bean seed on a damp paper towel in a clear plastic
cup. Then insert a few toothpicks into a potato and rest it
on top of another cup so half the potato is in water. Place
the cups side by side. Draw a coordinate plane, and plot
both plants' growth as a function of time (x-axis shows
growth in cm; y-axis shows time in days). Describe the
slope of each graph. What does the slope tell you?

Chapter 13 • The Coordinate Plane 321

Coordinate Axes

A plane is a flat surface.

A coordinate plane has
two perpendicular
number lines. These are
called coordinate axes.
One axis is horizontal.
It goes from left to right.
Sometimes, it is labeled
Math Fact
with an x. The other axis
Negative numbers are to the left
of the origin on the x-axis.
is vertical. It goes up
Negative numbers are below and down. Sometimes, it
the origin on the /-axis. is labeled with a y. The axes cross at the origin.
Ordered pairs are used to give the location of points.

^ EXAMPLE 1 Give the location of T

A at (2, 3).
A -
Remember Begin at the origin. Move
Move in the x direction first. right 2 units. Next, move 2-
(0, 0)-
This is right or left. Move in the up 3 units. * 1 1 1 i i 1i i?
y direction next. This is up or
J 4 A L 4 b
down. A is 2 units to the £

right of the origin. — A _

Then, up 3 units.
“6 -

^ EXAMPLE 2 Give the location of 'Y

D ~
B at (“3, 4).
B (~3, 4) • 4-
Begin at the origin. Move
3 units to the left. Next move i "

-(0, 0)
up 4 units. ^11-1-1 1l 1I l 1 l
1 1 1 1 1
"6 "4 "2 2 4 6
B is 3 units to the left —
of the origin. Then, up
4 units.

322 Chapter 13 • The Coordinate Plane

Try These

Give the location of these points.

1. A (3, 4)
units to the right of the origin.
Then up 4 units.

2. B (5, -3)
units to the right of the origin.
Then down 3 units.

3. C (“2, -2)
2 units to the ■ of the origin.
Then down U units.

4. D (0, 4)
Up units from the origin.

Practice A
Give the location of each point.
A _
1. A (4, 4) 2. B (4, 5)
n 4b o

3. C (“2, 2) 4. D (2, “2) 1 A

1 i l i i
* 1 w 1 II 1 1>
— /■
o ^ ^ 4 -/_• ‘ - 2 * 3
5. E (-5, “I) 6. F (0, 5) E -2- - ®D
►L Ur

7. G (0, -3) 8. H (2, -6) "4 -

—O _ £-T
9. I (-4,0) 10. J (“h “I)

Cooperative Learning
11. Explain to a partner how you give the location of the point in
number 7 of Practice.

12. Ask a partner to tell why K (“3, 3) and L (3, ~3) are not the same
location without looking at the points.

Chapter 13 • The Coordinate Plane 323

•few Graphing Ordered Pairs

You have just learned how to give the location of a

point by using an ordered pair. Now you will graph an
ordered pair on a coordinate plane. The graph of an
ordered pair is a point.

EXAMPLE 1 Graph point A at (2, 5).

(2, 5)
Start at the origin.
Move 2 units to the right.

Next, move 5 units up.

Draw a dot at this spot.

Label it as A (2, 5).

y EXAMPLE 2 Graph point B at ( 5, 4).

(“5, -4)
_5 means left 5 units. Start at the origin.
“4 means down 4 units. Move 5 units to the left.

Next, move 4 units down.

Draw a dot at this spot.

Label it as B (~5, ~4).

y EXAMPLE 3 Graph point C at (0, 3).

(0, 3)
0 means no units left or right. Start at the origin.
3 means 3 units up. Don't move left or right.

Next, move 3 places up.

Draw a dot at this spot.

Label it as C (0, 3).

324 Chapter 13 • The Coordinate Plane

Try These
Use graph paper. Draw coordinate axes. Graph and label each point
on the same pair of axes.
1. A at (3, -6) 2. B at ("1, 5)
Start at the origin. Start at the origin.

Move ■ units to the right. Move 1 unit to the left.

Move 6 units . Draw a dot. Move units M. Draw a dot.

Label it A (3, ~6). Label it B (_1, 5).

Use graph paper. Draw coordinate axes. Graph and label each point
on the same pair of axes.

1. A at (“3, -6) 2. B at (0, 0)

3. C at (1, -1) 4. D at (“1, 0)

5. E at (2, 2) 6. F at (“5, _5)

7. G at (~2, -3) 8. H at (0, "I)

9. I at (1, 4) 10. J at (6, 0)

11. K at (1, 8) 12. L at (~2, 6)

13. M at (8, 8) 14. N at (0, -7)

15. O at (8, 6) 16. Pat (-1, 7)

Cooperative Learning
17. Explain to a partner how you graphed the point in number 12
of Practice.

18. Write four ordered pairs. Have a partner graph each pair. Check
the work.

Chapter 13 • The Coordinate Plane 325

W>* Equations and Ordered Pairs
You can find ordered pairs from equations with two
variables. Later, you will use these ordered pairs for
graphing the equation. If the equation contains x and
y, pick any value for x. Then find the value for y. These
two numbers become the numbers of the ordered pair.
The number you picked for x is the first number in the
ordered pair. The number you find for y is the second
number in the ordered pair.

y EXAMPLE 1 Find three ordered pairs for y = x + 2.

Let x = 0. Then y = 0 + 2 = 2 — (0, 2)

Let x = “I. Then k = “1 +2 = 1 — (“1,1)

Let x = 1. Then y = 1 +2 = 3 — ( , 3)

Three ordered pairs for y = x + 2 are (0, 2), (“1, 1), and
(1, 3).
Math Fact
The first number of the ordered You can arrange
pair is on the top. The second
X 0 “1 1
these ordered pairs
is on the bottom.
in a table. y = x + 2 2 1 3

^ EXAMPLE 2 Find three ordered pairs for y = 1 - 2x.

Let x = 0. Then y=l —2*0=1 —0=1 —► (0,1)

Let x = 1. Then y = 1 - 2 (1) = 1 - 2 = ~ 1 —► (1, ~l)

Let x = ~1. Then y=l-2(~l) = l+ 2 = 3 —► ( 1,3)

Three ordered pairs for y = 1 - 2x are (0, 1), (1, ~1),

and (“1, 3).

Flere is a table
showing the three
ordered pairs.

326 Chapter 13 • The Coordinate Plane

Try These

Find three ordered pairs for each equation.

y = 4x

><! 2.


Let x = 1 Let x = 0 y = • 0 =



(L ) (0, )
Let x = 0 y= - 5 = Let x = 1 y = 4 • 1 =
( , ) ( v )
Let x = ~1 y=~ 1 - 5 = Let x = ~1 y = 4 (“I) =
("I, ) (“h

x 0 -1
y - 4x ■

Find three ordered pairs for each equation.

1. y = x + 5 2. y = 2x 3. y = 3x + 1

4. y — 2x - 3 5. y = 1 - x 6. y = 5 - 2x

Cooperative Learning
9. Explain to a partner how you find the three ordered pairs for
number 6 in Practice.

10. Write an equation containing x and y. Have a partner find three

ordered pairs for the equation. Check the work.

Chapter 13 • The Coordinate Plane 327

To graph an equation with two variables, use the
equation to find ordered pairs. Then, graph these
ordered pairs. Connect these points with a straight
line. The straight line is a graph of the equation.

y EXAMPLE 1 Graph y = 2x + 2.

First, find the ordered pairs.

Let x = 0.
Then, y = 2 » 0 + 2 = 2
Ordered pair: (0, 2)

Let x = 1.
Then, y = 2 • 1 + 2 = 4
Ordered pair: (1,4)

Let x = “1.
Then, y = 2 (~1) + 2 = 0
Ordered pair: (“1,0)
X 0 1 ~1
Graph the ordered pairs (0, 2),
(1, 4), and (“1, 0). Connect y 2 4 0
them with a straight line.

y EXAMPLE 2 Graph y = 4 - x.
Let x = 0.
Then, y = 4-0 = 4
Ordered pair: (0, 4)

Let x = 1.
Then, y = 4-1 =3
Ordered pair: (1,3)

Let x = 4.
Then, y = 4-4 = 0
Ordered pair: (4, 0)

Graph the ordered pairs (0, 4),

X 0 1 4
(1, 3) and (4, 0). Connect
them with a straight line. y 4 3 0

328 Chapter 13 • The Coordinate Plane

Try These
Graph each equation.
1. y = x + 1 2. y = 2x
X = 1 y= 1 + 1 x = 1 y = -2(1)
/= ■ — (1, S) y= m -► a®)
x= 0 K= 0 + 1 x= 0 y = -2(0)
y= 1 — (0, U) y= m (0, ■)

X = “I y= "1 + 1 X= "1 y=~ 2Ci)

y= m — CUB) y= m — rum)

Use graph paper. Graph each equation. Use the values of x: ~2, ~1, 0, 1, 2.

1. y = 3x + 1 2. y = 4 - x 3. y = x

4. y = 2* 5. y = ~3x 6. y = ~3x + 1

7. y = 5x- 3 8. y= 7 - x 9. y = 4x - 2

Cooperative Learning
10. Explain to a partner how to graph the equation in number 3
of Practice.

11. Write an equation containing x and y. Work with a partner to

graph the equation. Take turns finding ordered pairs. Check
the work.

Chapter 13 • The Coordinate Plane 329

Calculator: Finding Ordered Pairs

You can use your calculator to complete a table of

ordered pairs.

y EXAMPLE Complete the table of ordered pairs for the equation

y= 15x - 18.

X 1 2 3 4 5

y = 15x - 18 "3 12 ? ? ?

Enter 1.
Multiply by 15 by pressing: 00BB 15

Subtract 18 by pressing: □ BSB

The first ordered pair is (1, 3). Write 3 in the table
below 1.

Then use 2.

Enter 2.
Multiply by 15 by pressing: 000B
Subtract 18 by pressing:
The second ordered pair is (2, 12). Write 12 in the table
below 2.

Then use 3, 4, and 5.

330 Chapter 13 • The Coordinate Plane

Complete each table of ordered pairs.


2 .



On-the-Job Math
Mae Jemison always believed that someday
she would travel in space. As a child, she
looked up at the stars and wondered what it
would be like. Years later, her dream came
true. She was the first African-American
woman to travel in space.
Mae Jemison had to work hard to make her
dream come true. She read books about
space. She took many science and math
classes. Mae studied algebra, statistics, and
calculus. Later, she earned a degree in medicine.
After medical school, Dr. jemison joined the Peace Corps. She worked
as a doctor in West Africa. Then, she was chosen by NASA to become
an astronaut. She traveled through space on a space shuttle flight in
1991. While in space, she conducted experiments.
Mae Jemison was happy because her dream came true. She traveled in
space among the stars.

Chapter 13 • The Coordinate Plane 331

Problem Solving: Using Line Graphs

Information from graphs can be used to solve

problems. The ordered pairs may contain words and
numbers. Here is a broken-line graph showing
monthly calculator sales for January through July of
last year. 300 calculators were sold in January. This is
shown by (Jan., 300).

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July

y EXAMPLE Which month had the highest sales? How many

calculators were sold that month? Describe this with an
ordered pair.

READ What do you need to find out?

You need to find which month had the highest
sales and its ordered pair.
PLAN What do you need to do?
You need to look for the highest point on the
broken-line graph.
DO Follow the plan.
The highest point of the graph is above June.
From the origin: Move right to June. Move up to 500.

CHECK Does your answer make sense?

Look at the graph again. The highest point is
above June. /

The highest sales were in June. 500 calculators were

sold. The point is at June, 500).

332 Chapter 13 • The Coordinate Plane

Try These

Use the graph on monthly calculator sales to answer each question.

1. Did April or May have the 2. Which months had sales of 400
greater sales? Describe this calculators? Give an ordered pair
with an ordered pair. for each of these points.
April sales were 300. March had sales of 400 calculators.

May sales were ■. B had sales of 400 calculators.

■ had the greater sales. 9 had sales of 400 calculators.

The ordered pair is (H, ). The ordered pairs are (March, 400),
( I, IS), and ( , ).

Use this graph to answer the questions.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July

1. Which month had the highest sales? Describe this with an

ordered pair.

2. Did February or March have the greater sales? Describe this with
an ordered pair.

3. Which months had sales of 300? Give an ordered pair for each of
these points.

Cooperative Learning
4. Explain to a partner how you use the graph to answer number 2
in Practice.

5. Ask a partner to find the total sales for January through July.
Check the work.

Chapter 13 • The Coordinate Plane 333

Application: Slope of a Line

The slope of a line is the steepness of the line. A line

with a greater slope is more steep. You can find the
slope of a line using the rise and the run.

The rise is the change between two points of a line in

an up or down direction. The run is the change in two
points of a line from left to right. You can find the rise
by finding the difference between the y parts of the
ordered pairs. You can find the run by finding the
difference in the * parts of the ordered pairs. The ratio
of the rise to the run is the slope of the line.

^ EXAMPLE 1 Find the slope of a line that contains (4, 3) and (1, 2).
Remember Find the rise. Subtract the y parts. 3-2=1
Subtract the y parts in the same
order as you subtract the x Find ^he run< Subtract the x parts. 4 — 1 = 3

parts- Divide the rise by the run. ~

The slope of the line that contains (4, 3) and (1, 2) is

^ EXAMPLE 2 Find the slope of a line that contains (3, 2) and (5, 4).
Find the rise. Subtract the y parts. 2 - 4 = ~2

Find the run. Subtract the x parts. 3 - 5 = ~2

Divide the rise by the run. = l

The slope of the line that contains (3, 2) and (5, 4) is 1.

334 Chapter 13 • The Coordinate Plane

Try These
Find the slope of each line that contains these pairs of points.
1. (“1, 4) and (2, -2) 2. (1, “3) and (2, 2)
Find the rise. Find the rise.
Subtract the y parts. H - ("2) = 11 Subtract the y parts B — 2 = if
Find the run. Find the run.
Subtract the x parts. -i - i* = a Subtract the x parts. 1 - ■ = M
Divide the rise m Divide the rise
by the run. m by the run.

The slope of the line is H. The slope of the line is S.

Find the slope of each line that contains these pairs of points.

1. (2, 6) and (3, 4) 2. (“1, 2) and (4, 1)

3. (“2, 5) and (2, ~3) 4. (0, 3) and (8, “3)

5. (3, 2) and (5, "1) 6. ("3, 4) and (1, ~2)

7. ("4, -3) and (2, 2) 8. (7, 0) and ("5, ~5)

Cooperative Learning
9. Explain to a partner how you find the slope of the line for
number 8 in Practice.

10. Write two ordered pairs. Have a partner find the slope of the line
that contains the two points. Check the work.

Chapter 13 • The Coordinate Plane 335

Chapter 13 Review
You can use coordinate axes to find the location of ordered pairs.
Coordinate axes are used to graph the locations of ordered pairs.
You can find ordered pairs from equations with two variables.
Equations with two variables can be graphed on coordinate axes.
Line graphs can be used to solve problems.
You can apply your skills and find the slope of a line using the rise and run.

plane Vocabulary Review

coordinate axes Complete the sentences with words from the box.

coordinate plane 1. Two perpendicular number lines are called_.

horizontal 2. A flat surface is called a_
3. Left to right means_
4. Up and down means_
5. The horizontal axis is called the_
6. The_is the point where the coordinate axes
cross each other.
ordered pair
7. A_is a plane with coordinate axes drawn
graph of an ordered pair on it.
graph of an equation 8. A pair of numbers in a special order is called
9. The steepness of a straight line is the_
10. The change between two points on a line in a left
to right direction is called the_
11. A dot that shows the location of an ordered pair is
called a_
12. The vertical axis is called the_
13. A line made with graphs of ordered pairs from an
equation is the_

336 Chapter 13 • The Coordinate Plane

Chapter Quiz
Use graph paper. Draw coordinate axes. Graph and label
each point on the same pair of axes.

1. A at (6, -9) 2. B at (2, 5)

3. C at ( “8, -8) 4. D at ( ~4, 0)

Copy and complete each table.

Use graph paper. Graph each equation. Use the values of x: ~2, ~1, 0, 1, 2.

7. y = 3x — 1 8. y = 4 + x

9. y = 9 + x 10. y = 3x - 5

11. y — 10 - x 12. y = 5x - 2

Find the slope of each line containing these pairs of points.

13. (3, 7) and (2, 3) 14. ("4, 2) and (6, 3)

15. (0, “5) and (5, 3) 16. (0, 6) and (5, ~6)

Chapter 13 • The Coordinate Plane 337

unit 5 Review
Choose the letter for the correct answer.
Use the broken-line graph to answer 4. A line contains the points (-2, 1)
Questions 1 and 2. and (3, 3). What is the slope of
the line?

A. f B. 0

5. How many groups of two people

can be made from Angel, Ben,
Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Carlos, Drew, Emily?
A. 20
1. What is the greatest number of B. 10
miles Pamela ran in one month? C. 15
A. 90 B. 120 D. 5
C. 150 D. 180
6. What is the value of -2x + 3y
2. During one of these months, when x = -3 and y = -2?
Pamela was injured. She ran the A. 12
least number of miles during this B. 9
month. Which month was this? C. 0
A. April B. June D. Not given
C. July D. March

3. A jar contains 10 marbles Critical Thinking

numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, Graph the equations y — 2x - 1
10. What is the probability of and y = 2x + 3 on the same
selecting an odd number? coordinate axes. For each line,
choose any two points. Then, find
jy the slope. What do you notice
about the slopes?
D. challenge Look at the equation
2x + 1. What do you think will be
the slope of the line? Graph the
equation. Then find the slope.

Additional Practice Exercises 341
Glossary 355
Index 359
Photo Credits 365

Chapter 1: Review of Whole Numbers

Find the value of the digit in the number.

1. What is the value of 6 in 263,195? 2. What is the value of 8 in 1,862,167?

3. Compare 3,617 and 3,017. 4. Compare 210 and 2,010.

Round to the nearest hundred.

5. 429 6. 689 7. 1,201

Round to the nearest thousand.

8. 7,839 9. 6,322 10. 36,917

Add or subtract.

11. 178 12. 362 13. 23,162

- 65 + 48 + 5,314

Round each number to the hundreds place. Then,

estimate the sum or difference.

14. 682 + 319 15. 1,238 - 599 16. 1,628 + 429

Multiply or divide.
17. 72 18. 638 19. 23)4,765
X 48 X 53

Find the power.

20. 162 21. 83 22. 44

Find the perimeter.

Additional Practice 341

Chapter 2: Number Expressions, Equations, Properties

1. 18 + 3 2. 17 + 21 3. 6 • 8

4. 12-2-3 5. 8-3 + 7 6. 24-3-8

7. 13 + 6-5-7 8. 32 - 15 9. 2-7-5

10. 3(10 + 2) 11. 17 - (5 + 2) 12. (2 + 3)2-9

Tell whether the expressions are equivalent.

13. 3-8 and 4(6) 14. 23 and 32 15. 3 + (2 + 6) and
(3 + 2) + 6

Tell whether the equation is true or false.

16. 16 = 8-2 17. 15 + 30 = 3(15) 18. 82 = 8 • 2

Name the property shown.

19. 3 + 10 = 10 + 3 20. 6 • (2 • 5) = (6 • 2) • 5

21. 5(4 + 7) = 5 • 4 + 5 * 7 22. 15 • 0 = 0

Use a property to complete.

23. 8 + (5 + 3) = (8 + H) + 3 24. 13 • 6 = • 13

25. 9(3 + 7) = 9-11 + 9® 26. 16 • m = 16

Find the area.

27. 6m 28. 4 in.

8 in.

342 Additional Practice

Chapter 3: Variable Expressions
Name the variable or variables in each expression.

1. 3xy 2. 3(a + 2) 3. 4n2 - 6m

Are the terms like or unlike?

4. 2x and 5xy 5. 3a and a 6. 6xy2 and 4x2y


7. lx + \2x 8. 3a2 + 9a2 - 4a 9. 4y2 + 6y + 2y2 - 3y

Evaluate each variable expression.

10. 6n, when n = 5. 11. 16 - c, when c = 10.

12. x -e 4, when x = 32. 13. 5x - 2y, when x = 5 and y = 3.

14. 2ab, when a = 6 and b = 3. 15. t2 + 3, when 1 = 3.

16. 4x2 + 2x, when x = 3.

Solve the problem.

17. How much rope is needed to close in a garden that is
50 ft wide and 25 ft long?

Find the volume of each cube.

18. 3 m 19. 4 ft
/ 4 ft

Additional Practice 343

Chapter 4: Variable Equations
Tell whether the number is the solution to
the equation.

1. 6; 77+14 = 20 2. 4; 5a = 30

3. 4; 6x - 3 = 21 4. 10; 2(c - 6)

Solve. Then, check the solution.

5. x + 5 = 25 6. 13 = y-- 9

7. 2n - 14 8. 8 + n = 16
c _
9. 12 10. 24 = 3x
3 ~
11. y + 6 = 2 12. 3x -5 == 13

13. 13 == 2x + 7 14. n - 4 + 3 =
15. 121 - 6 = 30 16. - 15 -= 5
5 "

Find the pattern. Then, find the next two numbers.

17. 2, 7, 6, 11, 10, J_, J_ 18. 3, 0, 6, 0, 9, J_,

Use a formula to solve the problem.

19. Find the width of a rectangle with an area of 65 cm2

and a length of 13 cm.

20. Find the volume of a box with a height of 4 in.,

a width of 2 in., and a length of 10 in.

344 Additional Practice

Chapter 5: Decimals and Algebra
Give the value of each digit.

1. 21.05 2. 1.67 3. .318

Compare the numbers.

4. 3.1 and 3.01 5. 12.7 and 12.70 6. 1.167 and 1.2

Round to the nearest hundredth.

7. 19.112 8. .879 9. 1.209

Round to the nearest tenth.

10. 8.82 11. 10.097 12. .55

Add or subtract.
13. 2 + 3.87 14. 6 - 1.08 15. 6.782 + 3.41

Multiply or divide.

16. .8 X .62 17. 1.2 X 3.61 18. .9 - .15

Multiply or divide by moving the decimal point.

19. 1.38 X 10 20. 16.7 X 100 21. 12 - 100

Write each number in scientific notation.

22. 1,420 23. 304 24. 5,600

Simplify the expression.

25. .3* + 1.2x - Ax 26. 7.2a2 + 5a - 6a2 - 2.5a

Evaluate the expression.

27. 6a, when a= 1.2 28. 3n - 4.2, when n = 2.7

Additional Practice 345

Chapter 6: Factors and Multiples
1. Tell whether 4 is a factor of 96. 2. Tell whether 6 is a factor of 86.

3. Tell whether 75 is divisible by 3. 4. Tell whether 48 is divisible by 16.

Find the common factors and the greatest common

factor for each pair of numbers.

5. 18 and 27 6. 11 and 20 7. 48 and 60

8. 6 and 5 9. 3 and 12 10. 16 and 24

Find the least common multiple of each pair of

numbers. Remember that zero is not the least common
11. 3 and 6 12. 5 and 12 13. 4 and 6

14. 4 and 9 15. 8 and 12 16. 9 and 30

Find the prime factorization of each number. Write

your answer using exponents.

17. 48 18. 68 19. 84

Use the bar graph to answer the questions.

20. On which day did it rain the most?

21. On which days did it rain 2 in.?

Day of the Week

346 Additional Practice

Chapter 7: Fractions and Mixed Numbers

Write a fraction for the shaded part.

3- ooo
Write a fraction and a whole number or mixed number
for the shaded strips.

Write a whole number or mixed number for each


6. - 7. 4r- 8. ^ 9. ~

Multiply each numerator and denominator by 3 to find

an equivalent fraction.
1_ 10
12. 13.
3 9 li

Write each fraction in lowest terms.

10 _6_ 15
14. 15. 17.
12 18 25

Write a decimal for each fraction.

10 100 100

Write a fraction or mixed number for each decimal.

22. .67 23. 2.08 24. 1.4 25. .42

Find the average.

26. 5, 5, 17 27. 12, 15, 31, 36, 41 28. 2.4, 2.4, 2.5, 3.1

Additional Practice 347

Chapter 8: Adding and Subtracting Fractions

Find the equivalent fractions with the least common

1. — and —
3 10
2. ~ and
8 12
3. 42 and 48

Add or subtract.

13 13
s. M
6. jL-i
12 3

7. - + ~
7 2
8. 3^ + 2^
2 6
9. 1-4
8 + 54

10. 5 - I
11. 12-4
- 24
12. 1-1
4 8

Evaluate each expression.

13. n + l\ when n = ~ 14. r — — when r = y

4 4

15. x + y when x = 3 and

y = zi 16- a - ib when a = 54 and

Solve. Then, check.

17. c~| = 5 , 18. x + l| = 6|

19. 2A + „ = 4 20. 31 = y- 1

Solve the problem if you can. Tell whether there is too

much or too little information.

21. Stewart went to the store to buy clothes. He bought

3 pairs of socks for $2 each, a shirt for $12, and a pair
of pants for $20. How much money did he have
left over?

348 Additional Practice

Chapter 9: Multiplying and Dividing Fractions

Find the reciprocal.

i. 4
6 3. 4
4. 3

Multiply or divide.
3 x 8 ■4 ^ _4
5. | X - 6. 7. — 4- 2 8.
5 4 4 9 2 5 5

9. 3y 4- 2j 10. 6^U 1 11. 4 X 3-7 12. 1 ^ 3

5 5 4 4

-i •y
13. —
+- ^5n
54 14.
14. — 4- 2L
3 + 4

15. 4c + |c2 + |c 16. fa + y + fa

8 2 / / /

11 3 1
17. 3a: + — when x = 18. 2n - 3m when n = — and m = —
2 2 4 / i 4

19. * 4- 4 when * = 20. c3 when c = 2


Solve. Then, check.

21. 2a + 1 = 4 22. |a - 3 = 2
4 4

23. 7 = |* - 3 24. f + 7 = 10

Additional Practice 349

Chapter 10: Ratio, Proportion, and Percent

Write the ratio.

1. Cheese costs $5 for 2 pounds. Write the ratio of
pounds to cost.

Solve the proportion.

^ A _ _x_ 3 jp _ 25 m _ _8 1__ _ 70
5 “ 20 12 60 * x 4 10 x

Write a percent for each ratio.

6. 12 to 100 7. 85 to 100 8. 1 to 100

Write a decimal for each percent.

9. 8% 10. 12% 11. 204%

Write a percent for each decimal.

12. .25 13. 1.5 14. .96

Write a fraction for each percent.

15. 75% 16. 122% 17. 10%

Write a number equation for each percent fact.

18. 20% of 60 is 12 19. 56 is 80% of 70

Solve the percent problem.

20. 6 is 5% of what number? 21. 24 is what percent of 48?

22. 2% of 50 is what number? 23. 50 is what percent of 75?

Find the percent increase or decrease.

24. A number changes from 5 to 4. 25. A number changes from 4 to 5.

350 Additional Practice

Chapter 11: Integers

Compare. Use >, <, or = for •.

1. “3 • ”19 2. “11 • 0 3. 5 • “12 4. “16 • “16

Find the opposite of each integer.

5. “16 6. +23 7. “10 8. 4

Find the absolute value of an integer.

9. |“16| 10. |+8| 11. 5 12. “39

Add. Use a number line.

13. “8 + 4 14. “3 + “3 15. 3 + “7 16. “6 + 6


17. “12 + “6 18. 4 + “16 19. “10 + “11 20. “15 + 5


21. “4 - “9 22. 3-16 23. “5 - 17 24. “12 - “9

25. (+6)(“3) 26. (“4) (“7) 27. (“7) (12) 28. (+4) (+12)

29. “36 + “12 30. 49 + ”7 31. “50 + 2 32. 81 - 3

Additional Practice 351

Chapter 12: Integers and Algebra

1. “7x + “6x 2. 4a - 8a + 6a

3. Sr - 9 - 6r + 4 4. 3a£> + 6 - “4a£> - 10

Evaluate each expression.

5. ~6x, when x = “3 6. “4n, when n = “9

7. y2, when y = “4 8. 3x - Sy, when x = “7 and y = 4

9. a - £>, when a = 4 and b = ~2 10. n 4- 5, when n = “25 x


11. “2* + 4 = “10 12. 3a + “7 = 20

13. 3 = J± + 2 14. “5x - “3 - 33

Graph each solution on a number line.

15. x < “1 16. x > 5 17. x = 3

Solve each inequality. Graph each solution.

18. y + 5 > 0 19. x + 3 < “4 20. c - 7 < “5

Solve each inequality. Graph each solution.

21. 4x < “20 22. ~> “5 23. “2x < 12

352 Additional Practice

Chapter 13: The Coordinate Plane

Use graph paper. Draw coordinate axes. Graph and

label each point on the same set of axes.

1. A (3, *5) 2. B (0, “4)

3. C (“1, 2) 4. D (“4, ~3)

Copy and complete each table.

Use graph paper. Graph each equation. Use the values

of X : ~2, ~1, 0, 2.

7. y = x + 3 8. y = X

9. y = 2x - 4 10. y = ~x + 1
11. y = 3 - 2x 12. y = 3* - 2

Find the slope of each line containing these pairs

of points.

13. (5, 2) (1, 1) 14. (3, 1) (4, 2)

15. (“3, ”2) (0, 4) 16. (1,3) (”3, 2)

Additional Practice 353

absolute value the distance between composite number a number that
0 and an integer on the number line has three or more factors
addends numbers added together Commutative Properties two
numbers can be added in any order;
area the number of squares needed
two numbers can be multiplied in
to cover a closed figure
any order
altitudes height above and below 0
constant a term that is a number
Associative Property more than two
coordinate axes two perpendicular
numbers can be added or multiplied in
number lines
groups of two. The way the numbers
are grouped does not matter. coordinate plane a plane with
coordinate axes drawn on it
average a number that tells you
something about a group of numbers cross product the product of numbers
across from each other in a proportion;
bar graph a way of showing
in | = | the cross products are 3x8
information by using bars
and 6x4.
base a factor; in 32, 3 is the base;
it is used as a factor 2 times. decimal a number written with a
dot; values of places to the left of the
broken-line graph a graph made dot are greater than 1. Values of places
up of different pieces of straight lines to the right are less than 1.
Celsius a temperature scale that decimal point the dot in a decimal;
has the freezing point of water as it separates the part greater than 1 from
0°C and the boiling point as 100°C the part less than 1.
coefficient a number that multiplies denominator the bottom number of
a variable a fraction
combine like terms add or subtract difference the answer in subtraction
the coefficients of the variables
digits the ten basic numbers
common denominator a common (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 8, 9)
multiple of the denominators
discount the amount or percent a
common factor a factor of two or price is reduced
more different numbers
Distributive Property to multiply a
common multiple a multiple of two sum or difference by a number,
or more different numbers multiply each number of the sum or

Glossary 355
dividend the number being divided graph of an ordered pair a dot that
shows the location of an ordered pair
divisible able to be divided by a
number giving a 0 remainder; one graph of a solution points on the
number is divisible by another. number line that show the solution
Division Properties a number greatest common factor (GCF) the
divided by itself is 1; a number largest common factor of two or more
divided by 1 is the same number; numbers
0 divided by any number that is not
horizontal left to right
0 is 0
horizontal axis the line on a bar
divisor the number used to divide
graph that goes in the left-to-right
equivalent having the same value direction
equivalent equations variable identity properties adding 0 to a
equations with the same solutions number does not change the number;
multiplying a number by 1 does not
equivalent fractions fractions with
change the number
different numerators and denominators
that name the same amount improper fraction a fraction in
which the numerator is larger than or
estimate tells you about how large
equal to the denominator
a sum or difference will be
inequality greater than, greater than
evaluate a variable expression find
or equal to, less than, less than or
the value by substituting numbers for
equal to
the variables
exponent tells how many times the integers numbers in the set ..., “3,
base is used as a factor ~2, "I, 0, 1, 2, 3,...

factors numbers multiplied to give a inverse operations operations that

product; the product divided by the "undo" each other; addition and
factor gives a 0 remainder subtraction are inverse operations, and
multiplication and division are inverse
Fahrenheit a temperature scale that operations.
has the freezing point of water as
32°F and the boiling point as 212°F least common denominator the
smallest common denominator
fraction a number that names part
of a whole or part of an object least common multiple the smallest
common multiple of two or more
frequency table a table that shows numbers that is not 0
counts of items in different groups
like fractions fractions with the same
graph of an equation a line made denominators
with graphs of ordered pairs from
the equation

356 Glossary
like terms numbers or terms that opposites two whole numbers that
have the same variable with the same are the same distance from zero on the
exponent number line, but are on opposite sides
of zero.
lowest terms fraction when the
greatest common factor of the ordered pair a pair of numbers in a
numerator and denominator is 1 special order; the numbers help locate
maximum the largest number in a
group of numbers origin the point where the coordinate
axes cross each other
median the middle number in a
group of numbers when the numbers parentheses a pair of grouping
are in order from smallest to largest. symbols (); may also mean
minimum the smallest number in a
group of numbers percent a ratio of a number to 100
mixed number a number with a percent decrease the percent change
whole number part and a fraction part when a number decreases
mode the number that appears most percent increase the percent change
often in a group of numbers when a number increases
multiple the product of a number perimeter the sum of the lengths of
and a whole number the sides of a polygon
negative integers integers to the left place value the value of a place
of zero on the number line within a number
number line shows positive numbers plane a flat surface
to the right of 0, negative numbers to
polygon a closed figure with three or
the left of 0, and 0
more sides
number equation a statement that
positive integers integers to the right
two number expressions are equal
of zero on the number line
number expression a number or
power the result of multiplying when
numbers together with operation
factors are the same
prime factorization a number written
number property a fact that is true
as the product of its prime factors
for all numbers
prime number a number that has
number scale shows numbers above
only 1 and itself as factors
and below zero
probability the chance of something
numerator the top number of a
product the answer in multiplication

Glossary 357
proper fraction a fraction in which slope the steepness of a straight line
the numerator is less than the solution a value of the variable that
denominator makes a variable equation true
properties of equality adding, solve find the solution of an equation
subtracting, multiplying, or dividing
both sides of an equation by the same solving a proportion finding a
number gives an equivalent equation number in a proportion when the other
three numbers are known
proportion a statement that two
ratios are equal substitute replace a variable with a
quotient the answer in division
sum the answer in addition
range the difference between the
largest and smallest number in a group tally a way to keep a count
of numbers terms parts of an expression separated
ratio a comparison of two numbers by a + or - sign
or quantities unlike fractions fractions with
reciprocal of a fraction the fraction different denominators
you get when you exchange the variable a letter that represents a
numerator and denominator number
remainder the number left over in variable equation an equation
division containing a variable
revise change; change a guess when variable expression an expression
you know more information containing operations with variables
rise the change between two points or with variables and numbers
on a line in an up-and-down direction vertical up and down
run the change between two points
vertical axis the line on a bar graph
on a line in a left-to-right direction
that goes in the up-and-down direction
scientific notation a number written
volume the number of cubes needed
as the product of two factors; the first to fill a space
factor is a decimal and the second
factor is a power of ten. x-axis horizontal axis

simplify carry out the operations; y-axis vertical axis

find the value Zero Property a number multiplied
simplify a variable expression by 0 is 0
combine like terms

358 Glossary
A c
Absolute value, 275, 278, 279 Calculators
and addition, 282, 283 addition on, 24, 25
Addends, 3, 10 of fractions, 210, 211
Addition, 10, 11 checking prime factorization with,
156, 157
and absolute value, 282, 283
on calculator, 24 checking solutions with, 102, 103
division on, 24, 25
of decimals, 116, 117
of fractions, 234, 235
estimating sums in, 14, 15
estimating with decimals, 134, 135
of fractions, 198, 199
evaluating expressions with, 74, 75,
on calculator, 210, 211
312, 313
of like fractions, 194, 195
in finding ordered pairs, 330, 331
of mixed numbers, 202, 203
multiplication on, 24, 25
solving equations by, 94, 95
of fractions, 234, 235
solving inequalities with, 308, 309
operations with integers on, 290, 291
using number line in, 280, 281
in simplifying number expressions,
Addition properties, 44, 45 50, 51
associative, 44 subtraction on, 24, 25
commutative, 44 of fractions, 210, 211
distributive, 48 writing decimals for fractions on,
identity, 44 182, 183
Altitudes, 275, 294 in writing percents for fractions,
Area, 33, 54, 55 264, 265
of rectangle, 54, 106 Celsius thermometer, 275, 294
Associative property Coefficients, 61, 64
of addition, 33, 44 simplifying expressions with fractions
of multiplication, 33, 46 for, 228, 229
Automobile technician, 235 Combining like terms, 61, 66, 67
Average, 165, 186, 187 Common denominator, 193, 196, 197
Axis Common factors, 145, 148, 149
horizontal, 160, 323 Common multiple, 145, 150
vertical, 160, 323 Commutative property
of addition, 33, 44
B of multiplication, 33, 46
Banneker, Benjamin, 103 Comparison of numbers, 6, 7
Bar graphs, 145, 160, 161 Composite number, 145, 152, 153
Base, 3, 18 Constant, 61, 64
Broken-line graph, 321, 332 Coordinate axes, 321, 322, 323

Index 359
Coordinate plane, 321, 322, 323 finding mixed numbers and fractions
Counting in problem solving, 184, 185 with, 170, 171
of fractions, 224, 225
Cross products, 243
of integers, 288, 289
of mixed numbers, 226, 227
D solving equations by, 98, 99
Decimal point, 111, 112 solving inequalities by, 310, 311
division of decimals by moving, 124, 125
Division properties, 33, 48, 49
multiplication of decimals by moving,
120, 121 Divisor, 3, 20
Decimals, 111
addition of, 116, 117 E
division of, 122, 123 Earthquakes, 25
by moving decimal point, 124, 125 Equality, properties of, 88, 89
and fractions, 180, 181 Equations. See also Number equations
multiplication of, 118, 119
graphing, 328, 329
by moving decimal point, 120, 121 and ordered pairs, 326, 327
and percents, 250, 251
and percents, 254, 255
place value of, 112, 113
solving, 208, 209, 232, 233
rounding, 114, 115
by addition, 94, 95
solving equations with, 132, 133
with decimals, 132, 133
subtraction of, 116, 117
by division, 98, 99
using calculator in estimating with,
by multiplication, 96, 97
134, 135
for percents, 256, 260, 261
using calculator to write, for fractions,
by subtraction, 92, 93
182, 183
using more than one operation in,
Decrease, percent, 262, 263 100, 101
Denominator, 165, 166, 170 Equivalent, 33, 40
common, 196, 197
Equivalent equations, 83, 86, 87
Differences, 3, 12
Equivalent fractions, 165, 172, 173
estimating, 14, 15
finding, 174, 175
Digits, 3, 4, 5
Equivalent number expressions, 40, 41
Discount, 243
Estimating, 3
Discount prices, 268, 269 differences, 14, 15
Distributive property, 33, 48, 49 in problem solving, 26, 27
Dividend, 3, 20 products, 22, 23
Divisibility, 145 quotients, 22, 23
and factors, 146, 147 sums, 14, 15
Division, 20, 21 using calculator with decimals, 134, 135
on calculator, 24 Evaluating variable expressions, 61, 68, 69,
with fractions, 234, 235 74, 75, 130, 131, 206, 207, 230, 231
of decimals, 122, 123 Exponents, 3, 18, 19
by moving decimal point, 124, 125 Expressions. See Number expressions;
estimating quotients in, 22, 23 Variable expressions

360 Index
of ordered pairs, 321
Factors, 3, 16, 145 slope of line on, 334, 335
common, 148, 149 of solutions, 299, 306
and divisibility, 146, 147 Greater than, 6, 7
Fahrenheit thermometer, 275, 294 Greatest common factor (GCF), 145, 148
Fashion designer, 135 Great Pyramid, 75
Formulas, solving, 106, 107 Grouping in problem solving, 292, 293
Fractions, 165
addition of, 198, 199 H
on calculator, 210, 211 Heptagon, 28
and decimals, 180, 181 Hexagon, 28
division of, 224, 225
Horizontal axis, 145, 160, 321, 322
on calculator, 234, 235
equivalent, 172, 173 Hurricane warning, 313
finding, 174, 175
improper, 166 I
like, 178, 179 Identity property
addition of, 194, 195 of addition, 33, 44
subtraction of, 194, 195 of multiplication, 33, 46
lowest terms, 176, 177 Improper fraction, 165, 166
multiplication of, 220, 221 Increase, percent, 262, 263
on calculator, 234, 235
Inequalities, 299
and percents, 252, 253
graphing, 306, 307
proper, 166
subtraction of, on calculator, 210, 211
by addition or subtraction, 308, 309
unlike, 178, 179 by multiplication or division, 310, 311
subtraction of, 200, 201
writing decimals for Integers, 275, 276, 277
on calculator, 182, 183 division of, 288, 289
evaluating expressions with, 302, 303
writing percents for
on calculator, 264, 265 multiplication of, 286, 287
negative, 275, 276
Frequency tables, 111, 138, 139
positive, 275, 276
solving equations with, 304, 305
subtraction of, 284, 285
Graphing using calculators for operations with,
equations, 328, 329 290, 291
inequalities, 306, 307 Inverse operations, 83, 90, 91
ordered pairs, 324, 325
Graphs J
bar, 160, 161 Jefferson, Thomas, 103
broken-line, 332
Jemison, Mae, 331
of equations, 321
line, 332, 333

Index 361
distributive, 48
Least common denominator, 193, 196, 197 identity, 46
Least common multiple, 145, 150 zero, 46

Less than, 6, 7
Like fractions, 165, 178, 179
Negative integers, 275, 276
addition of, 194, 195
subtraction of, 194, 195 Number equations, 33, 42, 43
writing, for word statements, 52, 53
Like terms, 61, 64, 65
combining, 66, 67, 128, 129 Number expressions, 33, 34, 35
equivalent, 40, 41
Line, slope of, 334, 335
parentheses with, 34, 38
Line graphs in problem solving, 332, 333 simplifying, 36, 37
Lowest terms, 165 use of, to write number equations, 42, 43
Lowest terms fractions, 176, 177 using calculator in simplifying, 50, 51
Number line, 276, 278
M absolute value on the, 276, 278
Maximum, 219, 238, 239 in addition, 280, 281
Median, 193, 214, 215 in problem solving, 314, 315
in subtraction, 284, 285
Minimum, 219, 238, 239
Number patterns in problem solving,
Mixed numbers, 165, 168, 169
104, 105
addition of, 202, 203
division of, 226, 227 Number property, 33
finding, 170, 171 Number scales, 275, 294, 295
multiplication of, 226, 227 Numerator, 165, 166, 170
subtraction of, 204, 205
Mode, 193, 214, 215 o
Multiples, 145, 150, 151 Octagon, 28
Multiplication, 16, 17 Olympic time, 183
on calculator, 24, 25 Operations, using more, 70, 71
of decimals, 118, 119 Operation signs, 34
by moving decimal points, 120, 121
Opposites, 275, 278, 279
estimating products in, 22, 23
exponents in, 18 Ordered pairs, 322, 324
of fractions, 220, 221 calculators in generating, 330, 331
of integers, 286, 287 and equations, 326, 327
of mixed numbers, 226, 227 graphing, 324, 325
shortcuts in, 222, 223 Order of operations, 36, 38, 70, 302, 312
signs of operation for, 34 Origin, 321, 323
solving equations by, 96, 97
solving inequalities by, 310, 311
using calculator with fractions, 234, 235 Parentheses, expressions with, 33, 34, 38
Multiplication properties, 46, 47 Pentagon, 28
associative, 46
commutative, 46

362 Index
Percents, 243, 248, 249 Problem solving, drawing pictures in,
and decimals, 250, 251 76, 77
decrease, 243, 262, 263 Products, 3, 16
and equations, 254, 255 estimating, 22, 23
and fractions, 252, 253 Proper fraction, 165, 166
increase, 243, 262, 263
Properties of equality, 83, 88, 89
solving equations for, 256, 260, 261
Proportions, 243, 246, 247
using calculator in writing, for fractions,
264, 265 using, in problem solving, 266, 267
Perfect number, 157
Perimeter, 3, 28, 29 Q
Quadrilateral, 28
of rectangle, 106
Quotients, 3, 20
Pharmacy assistants, 51
estimating, 22, 23
Picture taking, 265
Place value, 3, 4, 5
in comparing numbers, 6, 7 Range, 219, 238, 239
of decimals, 112, 113
Ratios, 243, 244, 245
in rounding numbers, 8, 9
Reciprocals, 220
Plane, 321, 323
of fraction, 219
coordinate, 322
Polygons, 3, 28, 29
area of, 54, 55, 106
Positive integers, 275, 276 perimeter of, 106
Power, 3, 18 volume of, 106
Prices, discount, 268, 269 Remainder, 3, 20
Prime factorization, 145, 154, 155 Revise, 3, 26
finding, with calculator, 156, 157 Richter scale, 25
Prime number, 145, 152, 153 Rise, 321
Probability, 299, 316, 317 Rounding
Problem solving of decimals, 114, 115
amount of information in, 212, 213 in estimating, 14
counting in, 184, 185 of numbers, 8, 9
finding patterns in, 158, 159 Run, 321
grouping in, 292, 293
guessing, checking, and revising in,
26, 27 s
Scientific notation, 111, 126, 127
line graphs in, 332, 333
number line in, 314, 315 Simplification
number patterns in, 104, 105 of number expressions, 33, 36, 37
numbers for words in, 52, 53 of variable expressions, 61, 66, 67,
proportions in, 266, 267 128, 129
tables in, 236, 237 with calculator, 50, 51
working backward in, 136, 137 Slope of a line, 321, 334, 335

Index 363
Solutions, 83, 84 simplifying, 300, 301
checking, with calculator, 102, 103 with calculator, 50, 51
for proportions, 243, 246 by combining like terms, 66, 67,
Solve, 83, 84 128, 129
with fractions for coefficients, 228, 229
Stock, 291
using more than one operation in, 70, 71
Substituting, 61, 68
using more variables in, 72, 73
Subtraction, 12, 13
Variables, using more, in variable
on calculator, 24, 25
expressions, 72, 73
of decimals, 116, 117
Vertical axis, 145, 160, 321, 322
estimating differences in, 14, 15
of fractions, on calculator, 210, 211 Volume, 61, 78, 79
of integers, 284, 285 of rectangle, 106
of like fractions, 194, 195
of mixed numbers, 204, 205 w
solving equations by, 92, 93 Whole numbers, 2, 31
solving inequalities with, 308, 309 addition of, 10, 11
of unlike fractions, 200, 201 comparing, 6, 7
Sum, 3, 10 division of, 20, 21
estimating, 14, 15 estimating products and quotients,
22, 23
T estimating sums and differences, 14, 15
Table multiplication of, 16, 17
place-value, 4, 5 perimeters, 28, 29
in problem solving, 236, 237 place value foe, 4, 5
problem solving with, 26, 27
Tally, 111, 138
rounding of, 8, 9
Terms, 61
subtraction of, 12, 13
combining, 61, 66, 67
using calculator with, 24, 25
like, 64, 65
using exponents in, 18, 19
unlike, 64, 65
Word statements, writing number
Triangle, 28 equations for, 52, 53

u X
Unlike fractions, 165, 178, 179 x-axis, 321, 322
addition of, 198, 199
subtraction of, 200, 201
y-axis, 321, 322
Variable, 61, 62
Variable equations, 82
Zero property of multiplication, 33, 46
Variable expressions, 61, 62, 63
calculators in evaluating, 74, 75
evaluating, 130, 131, 206, 207, 230, 231
by substitution, 68, 69

364 Index
Photo Credits
p. 2: James L. Amos, Corbis
p. 25: Roger Ressmeyer, Corbis
p. 32: David Crow, PhotoEdit
p. 51: Doug Martin, Photo Researchers Inc.
p. 60: Mark Burnett, Photo Researchers Inc.
p. 75: Tibor Bognar, The Stock Market
p. 82: Kevin Fleming, Corbis
p. 103: Bettmann, Corbis
p. 110: Denis Paquin, AP Photo
p. 135: Michael Newman, PhotoEdit
p. 144: Nik Wheeler, Corbis
p. 157: The Granger Collection
p. 164: Frank Stewart
p. 183: Wally McNamee, Corbis
p. 192: Roger Ressmeyer, Corbis
p. 211: PhotoDisc, Inc.
p. 218: Michael Newman, PhotoEdit
p. 235: Tony Freeman, PhotoEdit
p. 242: Kevin Schafer, Corbis
p. 265: Jim Cummins, FPG International
p. 274: Jeff Lepore, Photo Researchers Inc.
p. 298: J. W. Myers, Stock Boston
p. 313: NASA, Science Photo Library, Photo Researchers Inc.
p. 320: Yogi, Inc., Corbis
p. 331: NASA, Roger Ressmeyer, Corbis
Hot Air Ballon: Richard Rowan, Photo Researchers, Inc.
Balance: PhotoDisc, Inc.
Snow Flakes: PhotoDisc, Inc.
Stopwatch: PhotoDisc, Inc.

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