Daikin Refrigeration Malaysia AHU IOM
Daikin Refrigeration Malaysia AHU IOM
Daikin Refrigeration Malaysia AHU IOM
VER: O-AHU01-4-Aug-23
The design and construction are subject to change without any notice for future improvement.
Table of Contents
1. General ........................................................................................................................ 1
2. Shipment ...................................................................................................................... 1
3. Handling / Rigging ........................................................................................................ 2
4. Storage ........................................................................................................................ 2
5. Assembly and Installation .............................................................................................. 2
6. Commissioning and Operation ...................................................................................... 13
7. Maintenance ............................................................................................................... 16
8. Storage ...................................................................................................................... 21
9. Trouble Shooting......................................................................................................... 21
10. Appendix .................................................................................................................. 23
10.1 Assembly of heat wheel ........................................................................................ 23
10.2 AHU Water Quality ............................................................................................... 23
10.3 AHU Commissioning Check Sheet .......................................................................... 23
factory. Rough handling can cause Transportation on the building site should
misalignment or sprung shaft. Therefore, be done using forklift truck or a crane
blower fan and shaft should be carefully (See Figure 2). The forks must only be
checked before commissioning to avoid applied under the unit base frame and not
more damage cause by unbalance fan. against the panel. In case when fork of
Screws, bolts, nuts, etc. for assembly of the forklift is too short then suitable
sections are supplied in a bag attached to extensions should be used.
each section. All necessary gaskets are
fixed in the factory.
3. Handling / Rigging
Air handling units can be delivered as
separate section or completely assembled.
To prevent damage to unit cabinet, a
specific lifting method for offloading the
units is recommended as shown in Figure
1. The spreader bars must be in position
Figure 2 - Transportation by forklift truck
to prevent straps or cables from rubbing
the frame panel. Ensure stability and 4. Storage
balance when lifting the units and avoid
twisting or uneven lifting. Uneven lifting For external storage prior to installation,
may lead to accident or fatality which is the units must be protected from dust,
out of factory responsibility. Care should rain, constant sun exposure and rodents.
be taken to prevent coil connections, drain Although covered in shrink-wrapped
pan connection, damper operators and plastic sheeting, this is not intended for
accessory section from damage. long-term storage and should be remove
Do not push hard on the unit it self of on as soon as it is offloaded. Unit therefore
the metal base. Use large wooden beam should be more protected by tarpaulins or
to evenly distribute the force. Dropping similar. Avoid exposed the units for coil
the units will result in permanently connection damages by transient load.
damage of ball bearing, fan shaft or The fan impeller or motor drive must be
loosen coil from the mounting. rotated once every month. Should the
units be stored for a period of exceeding 6
months, then it is recommended that the
drive belts be removed and store
AHU with metal base
5.1 General
The system design and installation should
follow accepted industrial practice, such as
AHU with wooden base
described in the ASHRAE Handbook.
Figure 1 - Lifting method when offloading units
These units are not designed to be
weatherproof (unless equipped with
canopy) and therefore should not be
installed outdoors. Flexible connections
should be used on the outlet and inlet
duct connections for all units. A minimal
amount of air leakage is normal on the
Figure 4 – Air handling unit Plinth Foundation
cabinet and it will not affect unit
performance. The air handling units are 5.3 Section Joint
not design to be suspended from the top
of the unit. Therefore, when the unit is Units that shipped in sections must be
ceiling hung, make sure unit is supported carefully assembled to desired unit
with a base rail of channel. arrangement. The air handling units are
design to use section joint brackets to
5.1.1 Sealant combine two sections. Section joints for
cabinet and base frame are shown in
During installation, due care and diligence
Figure 5 and Figure 6. (provided when
should be exercised to ensure that any
cabinets are joined by intermediate-post
possible gaps or joints are sealed up with
to intermediate-post arrangement)
sealant. Cabinet section joints, ducting
joints and any holes in the AHU for pipes,
cables or wires should be properly sealed
to minimize leakages.
5.2 Foundation
Figure 5 – Cabinet Section Joint
Adequate space should be left around the
unit for coils & drainage piping, filter
replacement, and maintenance. (See
Figure 3). If site access space for coil is
not follow recommendation, AHU need to
dismantle for coil replacement. The unit is
installed at a height that allows the Figure 6 – Base Frame Section Joint
installation of condensate drain trap.
The section joints are pre-installed on
cabinets and base frames as shown in
Figure 7 (For AHU combination of 2
sections and above). The joint for side will
located outside of AHU, joint for top
bottom will be located inside of AHU.
To join two sections, install and level the connected, then only followed by internal
first section in position, then push the section joints. Make sure all joint brackets
second section close to the first section provided are tighten with bolt and nut as
after the alignment is correct as shown in shown in Figure 10. All the bolts and nuts
Figure 8. for the joining are provided and packed
with the unit.
Figure 13 – Spring Isolator Adjustment
Standard Air Series VRV AHU 5.6 Coil Installation/ Pipe Connection
5.6.1 General
The coil will perform as per rating only if
the airflow is uniformly pass-through the
coil surface.
Figure 16 - Standard Air Series VRV AHU Unit
External pipe-work must be adequately
1. Outdoor unit supported to ensure load-free towards coil
2. Control box connections. Swing joints or flexible
3. Air Handling unit fittings are to be provided in all piping
4. Field piping (field supply) connections, particularly those adjacent to
5. Expansion valve kit heating source, to absorb expansion and
6. Outdoor unit power supply contraction strains. Failure to comply will
7. Control box wiring result in damage to the coils & headers.
8. Air handling unit thermistors
9. Power supply and control wiring IMPORTANT
for air handling unit and controller
10. Air thermistor control for AHU
11. Remote controller
Outdoor Air Series VRV AHU
1. Outdoor unit
2. Control box
3. Air Handling unit
4. Microtech III
5. Field piping (field supply)
6. Expansion valve kit
7. Outdoor unit power supply
8. Control box wiring
9. Air handling unit thermistors
10. Control wiring for control box and
Microtech III Figure 19– Bulb orientation and position
11. Power supply and control wiring
for air handling unit and controller Figure 19 shows the correct mounting
12. Remote controller method and the position of TXV sensing
bulb according to the piping size.
the suction piping must be installed in
IMPORTANT such a way that refrigerant from one coil
WRAP WET CLOTH AROUND PIPE BEFORE suction header cannot reach another coil
PERFORM BRAZING TO PREVENT OVERHEAT suction header. The bulb for the control
PIPE AND DAMAGE COMPONENT AT PIPING. valve must be attached to the header or
(Figure 20) the coil or section of coil fed by valve and
not to a common header. When two or
more coils are connected to a common
suction line, never place the bulb on the
common line.
Thermostatic expansion valve is to be
equipped with external equalizer tubes
Figure 20 – wrap wet cloth before brazing
that are field connected to the suction line.
The valve should be in accordance to the
AFTER PIPE-WORK DONE, SITE INSTALLER manufacturer recommendations, allowing
MUST WRAP THE PIPE CONNECTION WITH approximately 35-psi pressure drop
INSULATION AND SEAL THE HOLES BETWEEN through the coil and distributor at full load.
PIPE CONNECTIONS AND PANEL. Do not oversize the valve, proper
expansion valve operation is necessary in
5.6.2 Water Coil
order to realize the rated coil capacity.
Water supply, water return, drains and
vents connections are extending through
the end panel of the coil section. All IMPORTANT
connections are labeled on the end panel. CAREFULLY READ THROUGH
recommendations from the manufacturer ANTI-FREEZE SOLUTION. SOME PRODUCTS
regarding the types, sizing and installation WILL HAVE DIFFERENT FREEZING POINT IN ITS
of equipment. Hot water coils are not NATURAL STATE WHEN MIXED WITH WATER.
recommended to be used with entering air COIL FREEZE-UP IS NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY
below 40oF (4.4oC). Refer appendix 9.2 for OF MANUFACTURER
water quality.
It is not recommended to operate DX coil
5.6.3 Winterizing Water Coils for air-conditioning purpose at below
freezing suction temperature, 0oC which
Coil freeze-up may occur due to air
will result frost build-up at fins surface. If
stratification, failure of outdoor air
the full load operating point for the coil is
dampers and/or preheat controls. Routine
selected at a “safe” temperature, a system
draining of water coils for winter shutdown
analysis is required to check for the lowest
cannot guarantee zero freeze-up incidents,
probable suction temperature at light load
which may result in coil damage. It is
recommended to completely drain the coil
and treated with anti-freeze solution. 5.6.5 Piping Diagram (VRV AHU)
Fill each coil independently with an anti-
freeze solution by using a small circulating For piping diagram of VRV AHU model,
pump follow by complete draining. Check please refer to the VRV ED or refer to
the freezing point of anti-freeze before manufacturer for advices.
proceed in each coil. Diluted effect
normally occurred due to a small amount 5.6.6 Steam Coil
of water always remaining in each coil. All field brazing and welding should be
Therefore, ensure sufficient amount of performed using high quality materials and
anti-freeze solution be remained in coil to an inert gas purge, such as nitrogen, to
prevent freeze-up. reduce oxidation of the internal surface of
the coil. All piping must be fully supported
5.6.4 Direct Expansion Coils
at locations other than the coil. The piping
For each coil, individual expansion devices should be flexible enough to provide no
must be provided for header suction forces on the coils due to thermal
connection. If the air flow through two or expansion. Do not support piping from coil
more coils in parallel or stacked coil bank,
or headers. Vent each coil at its highest CAN CAUSE SERIOUS BODY INJURY THAT MAY
location to ensure the exit of gases and to RESULT IN DEAD.
promote proper drainage. Piping should be
the same size as the inlet and outlet 5.6.7 Drain Pan Trap
connections. For threaded pipe Drain pipes and traps must be at least
connections, use only good quality fittings same diameter as the drain pan
with tapered threads. Use of liquid Teflon connection. Drain pan must be level to
pipe joint compound is recommended. permit condensation from coil drain freely
Threaded piping hook-ups should always for the recommended depth and distance
be made using two wrenches. Manual of drain trap installation. (See Figure 22)
service valves should be installed to isolate Drain pan are not designed to be walked
the coil for servicing. on.
The flange or union is located to facilitate
coil removal. Flash trap may be used if
pressure differential between steam and
condensate return exceeds 5 psi. Dirt leg
may be replaced with a strainer. If so, tee
in drop can be replaced by a reducing
elbow. The petcock is not necessary with
a bucket trap or any trap which has
provision for passing air. The great
majority of high or medium pressure
returns end in hot wells or deaerators
which vent air. All coils in a system should
be piped separately. It is not
recommended to put multiple coils on a
common trap. Vacuum breakers and air
vents should be piped to a drain or other
suitable location where discharged steam Figure 22– Drain Trap Arrangement
cannot lead to personal injury.
Steam piping and related components
must be installed in accordance with all 5.7 Electrical Installation
national and local codes, and in
accordance with the local authorities Electrical wiring design and installation on
having jurisdiction. the unit are based on factory standard
practice. All installation and management
activities must be carried out by qualified
personnel, and shall ensure compliant with
relevant local laws and regulations
Refer to the specific wiring diagram and
electrical component manual are attached
with the product before electrical
installation. Site contractor shall do
termination at site for wiring connection
between components that located at
different AHU sections and delivered
Figure 21 – Standard steam pipe layout for horizontal
The electric supply to the motor must
correspond to the rated voltage stated in
motor nameplate and be in conformance
with the National and Local Electric Code
and Regulations. Motor supplied able to
operate within 10% tolerance from the
nameplate voltage. Motor connection
details are contained in the cover of the
motor terminal box. (See Figure 23). The
fan section metal frame must be grounded.
Suitable electrical protection isolator Figure 24 – Motor Cabling
should be installed to protect the motor
and other electrical equipment.
Flexible conduit must be used when wiring 5.8 Drive Belt & Sheave
up fan motors to allow the fan motor to
move freely on its anti-vibration mounts. Improper sheave alignment and belt
Cables passing through panels must be tension can cause excessive vibration,
made with gland or grommet. premature failure of belts and bearings.
Recommendation from factory, motor of See Figure 25 for correct motor sheave
4kW and below using Direct On Line (DOL) and fan sheave alignment.
while motor of 5.5kW and above using Tensioning of the drive belt is achieved by
Star-Delta (SD). moving the motor in relation to the fan
For inverter control, refer to the VFD (See Figure 26). When inserting new belts,
manual for wire size and requirements. do not force belts over grooves, Loosen
the adjusting screw at motor base until
belt can slide smoothly over the grooves.
When all belts are in position, proceed to
adjust belt tension using the adjusting
screw and nuts on the motor base.
Use recognized belt tension gauge to
check the belt tension by apply a force
large enough at the center of the belt to
deflect the belt by 16mm per meter (See
Figure 27). The deflection force for any
belt should be within the minimum and
maximum force shown in table 1. Readjust
the tension to maximum value when it
drops to min. value. The deflection force
of factory setting is based on “Initial
Fitting”, re-tensioning as “Retension” after
the unit has run for 24 hours.
Figure 26 – Belt tensioning Figure 27 – Belt deflection distance
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5.9 Accessory Items and clean AHU units, please ensure that
any sealant used do not pose a
5.9.1 Filter microbiological risk as according to the
Air handling units can be supplied with flat VDI 6022 standard)
filters and/or bag filters. There are 2 types Refer to assembly of heat wheel baffle
of filter frame, sliding frame or universal plates at Appendix 9.1 when the heat
clip. Insert the filter into the frame by wheel section not able to ship in complete
following airflow arrow indicated. build up.
Fresh air and return air dampers can be After installation of Heat Pipe with refers
linked together and drives by the same to manufacturer recommendations, site
actuator if both are same size. Care must installer to install heat pipe baffle plates at
be taken to ensure dampers are in open site, this is to avoid air bypass heat
position while the fan is running whether pipe/main cooling coil from top and side.
they are integral with central plant control (If applicable)
or associated ductwork under negative
pressure condition. 5.9.6 Electric Heater
Power supply to electric heater and
5.9.3 Variable Pitch Pulley electric connection is in accordance with
Modifications of the pulley diameter must wiring diagram in terminal box of electric
be done when stationery by moving the heater.
adjustable flange. Each complete rotation The rated voltage of electric heater is
of one of the two disks results in a 240V, single phase.
variation of the pulley diameter. (See
Table 2 & Figure 28) When the required
diameter is obtained, adjustable flange is IMPORTANT
locked by tighten the four clamp screws. IT IS ADVICED TO INTERLOCK ELECTRICAL
To get the same diameter in the two HEATER WITH BLOWER TO ENSURE HEATER IS
grooves of pulleys, screw the two mobile NOT ENERGIZED WHEN THERE IS NO AIR
flanges on the central flange. Then FLOW.
unscrew the two mobile flanges by the
same number of turnings to get the 5.10. Ductwork
required diameter.
Note that the belt centre line shifts when Connections to unit cabinet are made by
diameter changes. Driven pulley may need site drilling into the frame on the unit inlet
realignment. or fan discharge collar. This should be
load-free toward cabinet collar when initial
Compliance with the Codes of Practice in
duct assembly and acoustic layout are
necessary to ensure the best possible
performance of the unit whilst avoiding
excessive pressure loss in the duct system
and minimize undue air stream noise. Duct
connections to and from units should allow
straight, smooth airflow. Sharp turns in
the fan discharge should be avoided,
particularly turns opposed to wheel
Figure 28 – Variable Pitch Pulley rotation. Turning vanes should be used.
Discharge plenums or any abrupt change
in duct should be avoided.
5.9.4 Heat Wheel
Follow Heat Wheel manufacturer
recommendations for proper installation
procedure. Apply silicone to air leak spots
at baffle plates. (If applicable. For hygienic
- 11 -
Figure 31 – All edge to be seal by site if the flange
was sent separately / unit is CKD
Formula 1 - Duct Equivalent Diameter Figure 32 – Front view of Return duct to be large
enough to cover exposed area
All duct joints, edges, opening area of top
roof (example: top discharge, top damper
and top roof with opening), must have
skirting and fully sealed to avoid leakage
and rain water seepage into the unit (if
unit is placed outdoor).
Figure 33 – Side view of Return duct to be large
enough to cover exposed area
Top roof are not intended for people to
step on.
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Replacement The complete air handling unit and all
accessory components should be
5.12.1 Panel Removal thoroughly cleaned and all dust & debris
To remove side or top panel, simply completely removed.
unscrew the fasteners located along the Make sure that all transport brackets and
aluminum clip on the frame of Air packing have been removed.
Handling unit cabinet. Once the aluminum Ensure all screws, bolts and nuts on AHU
clips are removed, lift the panel off. are secured tightly (not loose during AHU
transportation or handling).
Ensure all panel and belt drive settings are
5.12.2 Fan / Motor secured due to change during shipment or
The fan shaft, motor and drive installation.
components can be removed and replace In case additional equipment is installed at
through the access door opening or side site, ensure air leaking spots are being
panel removal if additional access required. seal with additional baffle plates or seal
For fan replacement, the entire fan with silicone to prevent air bypassing. For
assembly can be pulled out from side or Hygienic and clean AHU, please ensure
front (for top discharge) of the cabinet. that any sealant used do not pose a
Dismantle the intermediate fan supports microbiological risk as according to the
and canvas follow by loosening bolts & VDI 6022 standard.
nuts at motor and drive belts. Then The lamination films stick on the PU panel
remove the belts and nuts from Fan act as protection film for PU panel. It is
mounting frame. Take out the fan and normal that the films torn or dirt from the
replace with new fan with care. Re- protection purpose. Peel off the lamination
connect the shaft and bearings and fan film when the unit is in position.
5.12.3 Coil
The coil can be pulled out from side or top ENERGY SOURCE AND PADLOCK THE SWITCH
of cabinet. The coil is fastened with bolts BEFORE SERVICING THE FANS AND MOTORS.
and nuts on the coil support bracket at the
end plate and baffle plate. Before removal
of coil, ensure the piping connections at 6.1.2 Fan / Motor
header are disconnected. In case where
two coils are stacking, remove the drip Make sure the fan impeller can rotate
pan and join brackets which holding the freely by hand. Check the tension and
two coils together. alignment of the belt drive.
For DX coils, it is advisable that the Check motor connections and make sure
refrigerant is to be pumped into the correct voltage is supplied. If standby
condenser. If this is not possible, motor is available, make sure only one
refrigerant shall be purged out. motor to power source.
Seal end of fan motor conduit (if
applicable) and the motor terminal box
WARNING with silicon sealant. For Hygienic and clean
DO NOT HEAT ANY PART ON DX COIL IF AHU, please ensure that any sealant used
REFRIGERANT STILL IN THE SYSTEM. HEATING do not pose a microbiological risk as
UP WILL CAUSE DANGER OF HIGH PRESSURE according to the VDI 6022 standard.
VFD/Frequency Inverter for TEFC motor
can only vary the frequency within 30 to
6. Commissioning and Operation 60 Hz in order to control the motor
rotation speed. For VFD setup, make sure
6.1 Pre-run Check the VFD settings according to
6.1.1 Preparation recommendations at VFD manual.
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When multiple fan with multiple VFDs, spring isolator should be approximately
fans must set up to always start 10-20mm.
simultaneously and with same speed.
6.1.5 Coils
It is recommended that the fan speed
does not exceed the speed specified in the Check the pipe-work to coil is correctly
technical report. If ramp up fan speed connected and the fins are free from
beyond specification, make sure it does foreign matter or damage.
not cause any issues such as water carry Check that the condensate drain is trap.
over. Ensure good sealing of silicon around the
coil headers and drain pipe.
6.1.3 Fan Array Make sure operating pressure is within
design limits.
Fan array is available for EC plug fan.
Ensure all fans are control to run 6.1.6 Steam Coils
simultaneously and with same speed.
Fans running at unequal speeds can result Proper air distribution is vital to coil
uneven airflow that cause performance, performance. Air velocity anywhere on the
sound, vibration problems that lead to coil should not vary by more than 15%
failure. from the average velocity. Air velocities
In case one of the fan is down, blank off should be maintained between 200 and
plate shall be temporarily installed on the 1500 feet per minute. Operating pressures
nonfunctional fan to prevent air re- must be at or below the maximum
circulation while waiting fan replacement operating pressure for the coil at steam
(See Figure 34). If present of differential temperature. Pressure and temperature
pressure controller, ensure the pressure limitations can be referred to COC of
tube of nonfunctional fan is capped and vendor provide.
amend the setting of controller accordingly.
6.1.7 Damper & Filters
Check all dampers are operating correctly
as per design.
Make sure all filter media are installed in
correct airflow direction.
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running current should not more than
motor nominal current. For Hygienic and Clean AHUs, ensure that
the water in the humidifier is clean
according to standards of the Drinking
6.5 Installation of VRV AHU Control Water Ordinance (TrinkwV) and the
Box (EKEQ) requirements of VDI 3803 Part 1, Table B1.
For installation VRV AHU Control Box,
6.9 View Port Cover Commissioning
please refer to the Installation And
After AHU has been placed on desired
Operation Manual in VRV ED or refer to
location, remove the 2 screws at the
manufacturer for advices.
bottom of view port cover so that view
6.6 MicroTech III Commissioning port cover is able to be swing open or be
MicroTech III is an option. For
commissioning of MicroTech III, please
refer to the MicroTech III Commissioning
Manual in VRV ED or refer to
manufacturer for advices.
During system standstills, blow dry the Belts that are split or have frayed edges or
drain pan by turning on the fan but any other sign of damage (rubber shred
keeping the humidifier turned off. on floor) must be replaced in full set.
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as well as inspection of condensate traps,
IMPORTANT vacuum breakers, air vents, and valves.
DURING MAINTENANCE AND SERVICING, UNIT Boiler water analysis should also be
MUST BE COMPLETELY ISOLATED AND performed on a regular basis. To
PRECAUTIONS TAKEN TO PREVENT ACCIDENT continually deliver full heating capacity,
FROM HAPPENING. both the external and internal heat
transfer surfaces must be maintained as
Check the belt tension and alignment, re- clean and corrosion free as possible. The
tension and re-align if necessary. Refer to finned surface can be maintained by the
Section 5.7 for belt tensioning procedure. use and constant inspection of pre-filters.
New belt drive must be re-tensioned after The filters should be replaced as needed.
the first 48 hours of operation. Should the finned surface become fouled,
For replacement of belts, remove the belt the coil can be cleaned using commercially
guard before starting work. To change the available coil cleaning fluids. Caution
belts, first loosen the adjusting screw and should be exercised in selecting the
move the motor towards the fan to enable cleaning solution as well as the cleaning
old belts to be taken off and put on of equipment. Improper selection can result
new belts. (Matched belts must be used) in damage to the coil and health hazards.
Tension the belts by following instruction Be sure to carefully read and follow the
at Section 5.7. cleaner manufacturer’s recommendations
before using any cleaning fluid. Clean the
7.3 Coil Section coil from the leaving airside so that foreign
Periodic cleaning of coils is required. Dirty material will be washed out of the coil
coils have tendency to increase airside rather than pushed further in. Internal coil
pressure drops and reduce cooling/heating maintenance consists primarily of
efficiency. Dry cleaning is done by using a preventing scale and corrosion. This is
powerful vacuum cleaner on the dust- accomplished through aggressive boiler
accumulated side. If coil is very dirty, coils water treatment, removal of dissolved
need to be removed for wet cleaning by oxygen, and the removal or non-
trained personnel. Ensure coil fins are not condensable gasses such as carbon
damage when performing dry/wet dioxide.
cleaning. In the event that fin edges have
been bent, treat with aid of a coil comb. 7.5 Filter Section
Check that frost protection is working
During system start up, filters are likely to
before starting of each winter season.
become rapidly blocked.
Ensure the frost sensor is correctly
installed and working within desired Disposable filters and bag filters must be
temperature range. replaced each time when pressure drop
For direct expansion coils, do not use hot reaches the indicated dirty condition by
water or steam to clean these coils. During D.M. Manometer. Washable filters must be
normal operation, the fin block must not cleaned periodically.
be ice up. If this occurs, check the
refrigeration system. 7.6 Dampers
Check that drain pan and drain trap are
Check for dirt accumulation, damage and
free from blockage and water
sign of corrosion. Clean with cloth or high
accumulation at pan.
pressure air. Check damper blade turning
7.4 Steam Coil Section
manually or central control for smooth
Scheduled plant maintenance should operation.
include the draining and flushing of the
condensate drip legs and sediment traps
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Table 3 - Recommended Maintenance intervals (based on 12 hours operating time per day)
Maintenance interval
Component Description Action
Weekly Monthly 3 Monthly 6 Monthly Yearly
1 3 6 12 24
Outdoor - air
inlets and Check for any signs of damage,
exhaust-air corrosion or contamination
Clean / Repair ●
Unit casings Check for contamination, damage and
corrosion on air-side
Clean / Repair ●
Check for condensation Clean ●
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Check casing for contamination,
damage and corrosion
Clean / Repair ●
Check condition of condensate trays
and drains
Clean / Repair ●
Air Check if there is any contamination,
humidifiers damage, microbial growth and Clean / Repair ●
- 19 -
Heaters: Check for contamination,
damage, corrosion and tightness
Clean / Repair. Replace if required ●
Coolers: Check tube bundle, moisture
eliminator and condensate tray for
contamination, corrosion, damage and
Clean / Repair ●
Function-check drain and drain trap Clean / Repair ●
7.7 Electric Heater that the heat wheel media is not damaged.
Finally, for firmly attached dirt in the rotor,
Check for dirt accumulation and clean if
use hot water and a mild detergent to
necessary with a soft brush. Check the
remove the dirt. The mild detergent may
safety control, cables and connections
be removed with high pressure water
cleaner with the nozzle 300mm from the
heat wheel. For disinfection, please use an
isopropanol based substance such as LIV
2.0 m/s. For Hygienic and Clean AHU plate heat
exchangers, please use a brush to clean
the inlets and the outlets for normal
ventilation applications. Otherwise, use
7.8 Heat Wheel, Heat Pipe & Plate
compressed air or high-pressure water
Heat Exchanger
cleaning and disinfection.
The unit should be maintained in line with
the manufacturer recommendation. Please Please note that when using high pressure
refer installation and maintenance manual cleaning, do not spray the nozzle directly
for details. against the plates and pressure must be
kept below 100bar. This is to ensure the
For Hygienic and Clean AHU, the face of plates do not deform when removing the
the heat wheel should be inspected dirt.
regularly for dust and dirt to check if the
self-cleaning due to counter flow and When disinfecting, the detergent
rotation of the heat wheel is insufficient. recommended is Yes/Fairy detergent. This
For small amount of dirt, use a vacuum can be diluted with up to 75% water.
cleaner to clear off the dirt. For more Alternatively, you can use a LIV +45 for
stubborn dirt, use a compressed air to disinfection.
dislodge the dirt but handle with care so
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AHU with tarps and additional packaging
as necessary to protect them from
gives recommended maintenance contamination in harsh conditions.
intervals for the AHU unit (Guideline only).
Table 4 gives recommended maintenance Spare filters should be stored in a clean
intervals for Hygienic and Clean AHU units dry place that is protected from
(Guideline only). contamination and weather
Intervals are based upon normal running
conditions, in a moderate climate and 9. Trouble Shooting
assuming 12-hour running. Units operating
outside these guidelines may require Use Table to assist in trouble-shoot the
shorter or longer maintenance intervals. malfunction in Air Handling Unit operation.
8. Storage
Please store the AHU in a dry place
protected from the weather. Cover the
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c) Pressure drop by filter above b) Ensure system correctly balance & set.
recommended level. c) Change filters – (complete bank).
Excessive motor noise a) Motor mounting bolt loosen. a) Tighten motor mounting bolt.
b) Worn motor bearing. b) Replace bearing and seals.
Excessive noise from a) Worn fan or motor bearing. a) Replace bearing and seals.
unit b) Fan impeller rubbing on inlet cone or b) Check clearance or remove for repair.
cover. c) Check tension.
c) Incorrect drive belts tension.
Excessive vibration a) Fan impeller out of balance. a) Consult manufacturer.
b) Transport bracket not remove. b) Remove transport bracket.
c) Improper pulley alignment. c) Check pulley alignment.
d) Over-tensioned belts. d) Re-tension belts.
e) Vibration isolator damaged. e) Replace vibration isolator.
f) Motor shaft bend. f) Send the motor for repair.
g) Bad bearings. g) Replace bearing and seals.
h) Loosen bearing hold down bolt h) Tighten hold down bolt.
i) Fan & motor section not evenly i) Re-adjust and tighten.
supported on foundation. j) Conducts dynamic balancing.
j) Fan assembly’s tolerance is out of
Bearing excessively hot a) Over-tensioned belts. a) Re-tension belts.
b) No lubricant. b) Apply lubricant
c) Over-lubricant. c) Purge and clean surface.
d) Misaligned bearing. d) Check & re-align shaft.
Water present in cooling a) Drain trap clog. a) Clean & clear clog.
coil drain pan or overflow b) Incorrect hydraulic trapping. b) Resize trap and check air break
Premature drive belts a) Improper tension or alignment. a) Check tension and alignment.
failure b) Incorrect belt being fitted. b) Replace with full set.
c) Dirt or grease on belts. c) Clean belt & pulley, check for grease
d) Belt rubbing. leak.
e) Worn sheaves. d) Remove obstruction.
e) Replace sheaves.
Belt swelling or softening a) Excessive contamination by oil, certain a) Replace with full set. Isolate the source
cutting fluids or rubber solvent. of contaminate.
Belt whipping during a) Incorrect tensioning. a) Re-tension belts.
Filter collapsing a) Filter block with dirt. a) Replace at advised dirty condition.
b) Air velocity too high. b) Check unit running conditions.
Note: The table is intended as a diagnostic aid.
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10. Appendix
Water quality requirements: Water softening treatment must be given in advance to prevent
scaling in the heat exchanger which may affect heat exchange effect. Moreover, water
without softening treatment may form scale in the pipe to increase water resistance which
will affect water flow and pump work efficiency.
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AHU Commissioning Check Sheet
General Information
Project :
Unit Name :
Unit Model :
Unit Serial Number :
Installation Date :
Commissioning Date :
A) Fan Section
6. Rotate fan wheel whether it can rotate freely and without abnormal noise.
Answer: Yes No
12. Correct duct turning elbow direction and sufficient effective duct length.
Answer: Yes No
*Please attach duct layout from reference.
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B) Coil Section
4. Ensure good sealing around the coil header and drain pipe externally.
Answer: Yes No
C) Others
1. Make sure all dampers in AHU or ducting (if applicable) are in open position.
Answer: Yes No
Start Up Checking
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