Sky Ov Crimson Flame

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Owl Knight Publishing


A 0-level Adventure
by Thorin Thompson

Cover Artist: Stefan Poag • Cartography: Jordyn Boci • Editor: Greg Gorgonmilk
Interior Artists: Jordyn Boci, Nicolò Maioli, Stefan Poag

Playtesters: Paul Barrett, Laura Bhayani, Brandon & Jordyn Boci, Clint Bohaty, Joey Crachiolo, Chad, Drake, Heather &
Kaden Dunlap, Alex Hartman, Turner Hill, Alex Perucchini, Billy Powers, Alan & Alana Thompson, Tony Tucker

Special Thanks: Jarret Crader, Reid San Filippo, Joseph Goodman, Jon Hershberger, Harley Stroh, James V. West

This product is based on the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game, published by Goodman Games. This product is published under license.
Dungeon Crawl Classics and DCC-RPG are trademarks of Goodman Games. All rights reserved.
For additional information, visit or contact [email protected].
Sky ov Crimson Flame copyright ©2017 Owl Knight Publishing, all rights reserved, visit First Printing.

Page 1
FROM THE AUTHOR Due to the length of this adventure it may take up to two
sessions to complete. Play-test games had an average death
toll for cautious parties and TPKs for the careless and fool-

hank you for purchasing Owl Knight Publishing’s
first adventure module! Much of the artwork and hardy! Most play-tests concluded with the party battling the
corresponding 1st level mini-campaign would not necromancer for good or ill though one lucky group man-
have been possible if not for the support of 420 Kickstarter aged to stop the ceremony and kill the witch before the rit-
Backers. Thanks to their contribution this adventure is a big- ual was complete!
ger, deadlier affair with a rich woven history.
The inspiration for Sky ov Crimson Flame comes from the
very first (totally off the cuff) session I ran for DCC-RPG.

undreds of years prior to the night of this adventure a
This version has been much embellished, but I think it still necromancer known as Balrothhariid took residence
holds that raw gonzo spirit of my first game night. I hope in a long forgotten and ruined keep hidden deep
you and your players enjoy running both Sky ov Crimson within the dreaded forest East of the small farming village
Flame and Blights ov the Eastern Forest as much as I‘ve en- Reed. Hidden away, the Necromancer was free to practice
joyed devising ways to kill them! his dark arts uninhibited by curious eyes and moral stan-
dards. Every blue moon or so someone from the village
INTRODUCTION would disappear never to be seen or heard from again. For
decades this patterned ensued and aways the villagers as-
ky ov Crimson Flame is a Dungeon Crawl Classics sumed some bogey or demon from the Eastern Forest had

S adventure designed for 12-16 0-level characters. Re-

member that players should have at least 3-4 char-
acters each to prepare for the inevitability of unspeakable
gobbled the poor soul up!

One cold night, when the moon showed its horns, the sky
death that surely awaits them! For larger parties, Judges became ablaze with an anomalous kaleidoscopic beam of
should raise the attack bonus and hit points of the enemies. light that rose howling out of the forest and towards the
heavens! Many of the Reed’s residents were fearful, but
A majority of this adventure finds the characters exploring there were still a few brave souls that dared ventured into
a foul and ancient keep whist battling reanimated horrors the forest for answers. They arrived at the Ancient Keep
in the hopes of unraveling the mysterious disappearance of
their fellow villagers and the lovely Belesa. At its climax this
adventure pits the characters against a newly devout witch
and, if things really go awry, a powerful resurrected necro-
mancer in the nexus between worlds!

Page 2
just as the fantastical light receded. Timidly they searched His quest for the unspeakable knowledge of the multiverse
and discovering it abandoned fled to live in blissful igno- lead to the discovery of the Other Worlds, spirit realms that
rance vowing never again to return to that dreadful place, lay just beyond the veil of space and time. It is said that one
nor speak a word of what they had seen. can only enter these Other Worlds through dreams, but Bal-
rothhariid built a means. He constructed a magical chamber
Today, most of the inhabitants of Reed remember only that would divide his soul and project the pieces across the
the vaguest legends concerning the Ancient Keep and the veil into the multiple realms of the Other Worlds. To anchor
eldritch light. As of late though strange occurrences have himself to this reality he placed one sliver of his soul in the
taking place. A young woman named Belesa recently went form of a living dagger called Atma-khanjr (see page 18).
missing and in the ensuing weeks more villagers began to
disappear until at last the children were stolen away from The other five incarnations of the Necromancer grew pow-
their beds in the dark of night! erful within the Other Worlds as they each conquered the
lands and its peoples through magic and brutality. If just one
These events have lead to the inevitable resurrection of Bal- of these incarnations were to return it would be the awak-
rothhariid. For tonight a Horned Moon shall rise; blood will ening of a new dark age where all but the mighty would fall
be spilled and the Necromancer will return anew! sway to his evil.


elesa, the raven-haired beauty from the village of

he origins of Balrothhariid are a mystery, though
some believe he hailed from the desert lands far Reed, had always been a free spirit and the men of
beyond the Crying Sea. In the end it matters little the town all hoped her jade eyes would favor them
for his soul was long ago given to Chaos and his mind most. When she was discovered missing there was quite an
bent on furthering his power. uproar throughout the village, yet try as they might they
could not locate her.

The previous night, she had gone on a secret midnight stroll

through the forest as she often did. The old tales of dread
concerning the Eastern Forest both frightened and intrigued
her. Belesa heard a mysterious calling that night which drew
her further East than she had ever dared before. She soon
stumbled upon the ruins of the Ancient Keep and inside she
found the source of that calling - the dagger Atma-khanjr.

Her will was not strong enough to oppose the Dagger’s and
it possessed her; enticing her to cut away her pretty flesh.
Each passing of the blade was like ecstasy as it implanted
archaic knowledge of occult rituals and spells into her mind.
Belesa, succumbing totally to the will of the Dagger, now
believes herself to be the next incarnation of Balrothhariid
and has set out to guide a piece of the Necromancer’s soul
back from the Other Worlds.

In the weeks following it was she who stole away villagers

and by ritualistically flaying the flesh from their bodies she
corrupted their very souls with the deathly blade. One by
one they succumbed to the will of the Dagger and became
devote disciples. This newly formed cult was quick to steal
away others from Reed who would soon become sacrific-
es for the ceremony that was to be held on the night of the
Horned Moon.

Page 3

efore her disappearance, Belesa wrote a Love Let- Area Type Encounter
ter to one of the PCs. Give Handout A to the player
whose PC has the highest Luck score. This letter can A C 6 Wretched Villagers
be used as motivation for the party, but clever players will B-1 C 1 Cherub Head-Bat
be able to compare the handwriting on the letter with the
Parchments Pieces (Handout C) found in the Library (Area 2 Adult Head-Bats
2-2), thus concluding that Belesa has become the cult’s lead- 5 Optional Cherub Head-Bats
B-2 T Falling Statues/Bridge Collapse
My Dearest, C-1 C 6 Cherub Head-Bats
2 Adult Head-Bats
I have so enjoyed our moonlit walks through the
forest and still do not understand why the Village El- C-2 C 3 Cherub Head-Bombs
ders fear the place so. Yes, the trees have grown wild, but 2-1 T Collapsed Stairwell
none-the-less lovely and the nightingales sing so beauti-
2-2/4 C Corrupted Flesh
fully, though I sometimes find their songs mournful and
strange. At least the Elders’ superstitions aid in keeping 2-4 C 2 Cherub Head-Bats
our walks secret until the time comes when we can confess 2-5 T Soul Chamber
our love openly.
3-2 C Butcher Cultist
- Forever Yours! 3-4 T Cherub Fusion
- Belesa 3-5 C Ghost of Sir Anatos
D C Shambling Flesh Mass
E-1 T Crumbling Steps
E-2 C Witch
F C Balrothhariid


Throughout Sky ov Crimson Flame you will find text box-

es highlighting tie-ins for the following 1st-level mini-cam-
paign Blights ov the Eastern Forest. These tie-ins will be
items your players can discover that can either be used as
adventure hooks or to simply aid in cleansing the forest.

If you’re using this adventure as a one night session and

don’t wish to boggle down the funnel then simply ignore
the tie-ins presented. After all, if the characters survive
they can always return to explore the Ancient Keep fur-

Page 4

nce each player has rolled up their 0-level characters
and the Love Letter (Handout A) has been given to
the character with the highest Luck score, read or
paraphrase the following:

It began with the disappearance of Belesa - the raven-haired

beauty with jade colored eyes. Then others began to van-
ish! One by one, friends, loved ones and finally the children
screamed out in the night and were lost... In vain you helped
in the search, but no trace nor track could be found.

Now as the Horned Moon rises a thunderous sound ripples

across the night sky and in its wake a Crimson Star ignites
in the East! Remembering the legends of screaming witch-
lights that blazed and dance across the sky the village elders
have determined those stolen must have been taken to the
Ancient Keep - a place of dread that lies hidden within the
dark boughs of the Eastern Forest.

You here are the only brave souls the village of Reed could If captured they babble incoherently, “witch… resurrec-
muster. It is up to you to save those who have been tak- tion… flames… Atma-khanjr… sharp… sweet... burning!”
en and stop whatever evil now dwells within that accursed
structure of yore. Together you steel yourselves as you enter Wretched Villagers (6): Init +0; Atk claw +0 melee (1d3); AC
the Eastern Forest. 10; HD 1d4+2; hp 5; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SV Fort +0, Ref +0,
Will -3; AL N.
If any players wish to proclaim some preparations their
characters may have made now is the time. Otherwise con- If this encounter was too easy for the PCs or you wish
tinue to Area A. to make their trek through the Eastern Forest even more
dreadful then choose a random encounter from the Bes-
Area A — Eastern Forest tiary for the Eastern Forest (p. 54) for the party to battle.
This encounter could help spur a further campaign by the
The pines sway eerily in the waning moonlight and from PCs to cleanse the forest of evil.
their branches hail strange bulbous shapes that whine and
flutter over the treetops in a queer fashion. Suddenly, a herd Area B-1 — The Bridge
of deer rush past you, heading in the opposite direction. So
stricken with panic were the creatures that they paid you Heading further East in the direction of the fiery Red Star
little heed! the forest soon thins out; stopping at the edge of a cliff
where two flayed forms hanged crucified at the threshold of
Have the PC with the highest Luck score roll under, if suc- a natural rock bridge. Some horridly obese bat lands on one
cessful, the party hears the scuffling of feet fast approaching of the corpses and begins to happily gnaw away at the still
from within the dense forest. Failing the roll the entire party dripping muscles.
is surprised and attacked by a band of Wretched Villagers!
The stone bridge is roughly 50ft across and leads to a rocky
Read or paraphrase the following: From between the trees mount that forms the foundation on which an Ancient Keep
emerge six staggering figures! Their bodies gleaming wet looms. Its stone walls weathered and scarred with the ero-
and black in the moonlight. sion of time. Atop its highest standing tower you spot a sil-
houetted figure dancing in the crimson light of the falling
The Wretched Villagers are some of the first poor souls sto- star. Chanting voices carry over and echo in the valley be-
len away from Reed. They have been subjected to the Dag- low.
ger’s corruption, but had just enough willpower to reject its
effects and fled from the Ancient Keep of their own accord. The “obese bat” is actually a Cherub Head-Bat that will take
Having undergone the cult’s ritualistically flaying their flesh offense and attack any PCs that try to knock it down. De-
has been cut from their bodies and they are all maddened pending on how the party is fairing the Judge may wish to
from the ordeal. At times memory of their former lives re- send out 5 more Cherub Head-Bats from the forest to attack
surface and they plead for death while uncontrollably at- the PCs.
tacking the party.
Cherub Head-Bats are severed child heads infused with dark
magic. They glide on wings constructed from stretched skin
stitched to the sides of their heads and attack by chomping
Page 5
down on a target wherever they can. Once they have suc- The rusted portcullis can only be opened by the pulley sys-
cessfully bitten a target they continue to chew on them each tem within the Courtyard (Area D).
round dealing 1d3-1 damage until thrown off (DC 8 Strength
check) or the target dies. Once the target is dead the Cherub Crumbled Section: Dwarves, stone masons or similar with
Head-Bat will be content to happily gnaw on its treat. a DC 8 Intelligence roll can determine this area of the bridge
is sound unless a great amount of weight is forced upon it.
Crucified Corpses: These were villagers that refused the Looking below the bridge will reveal a narrow ledge that
Dagger’s corruption and have instead been put on display. winds around both sides of the Keep’s rocky foundation.
If anyone disturbs the bodies the heads will shoot off into Descending carefully onto the ledge is an easy feat requiring
the air with the spine still attached and wail horribly as their no checks.
faces rip in two forming wings on which the Adult Head-
Bats fly. Keep’s Walls: The stone walls are 40ft high, requiring a DC
10 Strength check to scale. Halfway up the wall a flock of
Adult Head-Bats prefer to use their protruding half spine 6 Cherub Head-Bats and 2 Adult Head-Bats (the same that
to impale targets. On the following round after a successful might be encountered in Area C-1) will fly over the battle-
spinal attack the Adult Head-Bat will attempt to bite the im- ments and attack the climbers. Anyone bit must succeed a
paled target until ripped out (DC 10 Strength check). Any DC 10 Reflex save or fall suffering 1d6X10’ falling damage.
PCs that attempt and fail to rip out the spine suffer a per-
manent 1d3 Stamina loss from worsening the wound. If the If by some chance the party makes it over the wall they will
spine is broken (DC 10 Strength check) the Adult Head-Bat have interrupted the ceremony early. In that case, proceed
automatically dies. to Area D, but start the Ritual Countdown (p. 18) 4 rounds
after their arrival instead of 1. PCs must still face the Flesh-
Rock Bridge: The rock bridge is 50ft in length and can be ly Mass and any amount of Head-Bats from Areas C-1 and
crossed two a breast. It is structurally sound, but if any PCs C-2. The Butcher Cultist from Area 3-2 will appear in 1d3+1
are knocked off (DC 13 Reflex save) they will plummet to rounds.
the jagged rocks below, dying instantly. Any dwarves, stone
masons or similar can easily determine the bridge is sound. Area C-1 — Left Ledge
The narrow ledge leaves barely any room to walk and you
Cherub Head-Bat: Init: +0; Atk chomp +0 melee (1d3-1); AC must proceed in single file. Descending carefully around the
10; HD 1d4; hp 2; MV fly 30’; Act 1d20; SP un-dead traits, rocky edge you hear a faint whimper from above accompa-
chew; SV Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +0; AL C. nied by a fleshy flapping. Looking up you spot a swarm of
child-size heads gliding down on outstretched flaps of skin.
Adult Head-Bats (2): Init: +1; Atk bite +1 melee (1d3) or spi- Sharp teeth protruded from their slack-jawed faces. Leading
nal spear +1 melee (1d4); AC 10; HD 1d4+1; hp 4; MV fly 30’; this flock are two larger free falling heads with protruding
Act 1d20; SP un-dead traits, impale; SV Fort +1, Ref +2, Will spines whipping behind them. The heads wail horribly as
+0; AL C. their faces suddenly rip open down the middle to form hor-
rid wings and glide straight for the party!
Area B-2 — The Gate
The edges of the bridge here have crumbled away slightly. Roll for initiative!
A grand and rusted iron portcullis stands closed flanked by
40’ square towers. Beyond the portcullis is a set of massive Due to shallow footing and loose rocks, any PCs fighting
wooden doors. High on the battlements above, two large with two-handed weapons must attack rolling -1d on the
stone stag-headed beasts leer down at you with craned dice chain. PCs that fumble their rolls will fall off the ledge,
necks. From the other side of the gate rhythmic drumming but may attempt to catch the edge with a successful Luck
begins followed by bloodcurdling screams of agony and the check. PCs running along the narrow ledge or trying to
maniacal laughter of a woman. swap positions with other PCs must succeed a DC 13 Agility
check or fall to their deaths (Luck check to catch the edge).
Keep’s Gate: The iron portcullis is shut tight and no amount
of strength can open it. If any PCs come within touching dis- If the Head-Bats already attacked the party at Area B-2
tance of the gate they will hear a scraping sound and must there will be no encounter. The ledge slopes downward and
succeed a DC 10 Reflex save or be crushed by falling statues. rounds a bend where it widens into Area C-3.

Additionally, the weight and velocity of the falling statues Cherub Head-Bats (6): Init: +0; Atk chomp +0 melee (1d3-1);
will fracture the cracked bridge causing it to collapse. All AC 10; HD 1d4; hp 2; MV fly 30’; Act 1d20; SP un-dead traits,
PCs standing within 10ft of the gate must succeed a DC 12 chew; SV Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +0; AL C.
Reflex save in order to catch the ledge below (Area C-1/2)
or fall to their deaths. Any PCs looking up afterwards will Adult Head-Bats (2): Init: +1; Atk bite +1 melee (1d3) or spi-
see two flying Cherub Head-Bats giggle and flee behind the nal spear +1 melee (1d4); AC 10; HD 1d4+1; hp 4; MV fly 30’;
battlements. Act 1d20; SP un-dead traits, impale; SV Fort +1, Ref +2, Will
+0; AL C.
Page 6
Area C-2 — Right Ledge
The narrow ledge leaves barely any room to walk and you
must proceed in single file. Descending carefully around
the rocky edge you hear a fluttering sound like wet parch-
ment and the jingling of glass. Spiraling down from the sky
are three severed child heads on outstretched flaps of skin
stitched where ears should be. Tied and dangling from the
horrid things are several small bottles, each with a burning
strand of rope that feeds into them.

Roll for initiative!

Attached to these Cherub Head-Bats are small bottles filled

with an explosive black powder. The PCs have 2 rounds to
shoot the creatures down before they descend on the party.
On the 3rd round the Head-Bats will explode causing 1d10
damage (DC 13 Fort or Reflex save for half). Any PCs that
survive the explosion will find a crevasse has opened in cliff
side revealing Area 1-2.

Due to shallow footing and loose rocks, any PCs fighting

with two-handed weapons must attack rolling -1d on the
dice chain. PCs that fumble their rolls will fall off the ledge,
but may attempt to catch the edge with a successful Luck
check. PCs running along the narrow ledge or trying to
swap positions with other PCs must succeed a DC 13 Agility
check or fall to their deaths (Luck check to catch the edge).

The ledge slopes downward and rounds a bend where it

widens into Area C-3.

Cherub Head-Bomb (3): Init: +0; Atk exploding bottles

(1d10 + DC 13 Fort or Ref save for half); AC 10; HD 1d4; hp
3; MV fly 30’; SP un-dead traits, explosive; SV Fort +1, Ref
+2, Will +0; AL C.

Area C-3 — Widened Ledge

Around the bend the ledge widens. You now face the back
side of the rocky foundation; far below Ancient Keep. The
once loud and present chanting now sounds faint and dis-
tant. High in night sky, between the moon’s horns the Red
Star blazes as it falls growing ever wider. Set into the side of
the rock is a rusted iron barred grate.

Grate: The rusted grate can be pried off with a successful

DC 12 Strength check. Looking through the opening with
a proper light source will show a 6ft square stone chute de-
scending into a dungeon cell roughly 20ft below. In the cen-
ter of the cell is a single wooden chair bolted to the floor with
leather restraints attached to the arms and legs. Without a
proper light source PCs will only see stone walls falling into
darkness and have no knowledge of how deep it descends.

Climbing through the open grate and down the 20ft wall
without the aid a rope, requires a DC 10 Strength check.
Failure means a 20ft drop suffering 2d6 damage. PCs that
believe they can climb the cliff to the tower (over 100ft) are

Page 7
Area 1-1 — The Dungeon Read or paraphrase the following: Ears ringing and clothes
A shaft of moonlight barely pierces the darkness of this scorched the black smoke finally clears. The cliff side is
small cell. In the center is a single wooden chair bolted to the splattered with all manner of brains and blood. A charred
floor with leather restraints attached to the arms and legs. A skeleton slides out of a newly opened fissure, plummeting
dark brown stain circles the chair. The cell door is shut and to the valley below. Looking inside, you spot other skeletal
clinging to the center most bars is a putrid yellow film. remains lying in carved alcoves. On a stone bier in the center
lies a malformed skeleton.
The cell door is locked (DC 12 pick lock).
Exploring the catacombs will find that all the skeletal re-
Yellow Film: Long before the Necromancer inhabited this mains were once garbed in fine silks and furs that are now
place these cells were simply used for holding prisoners. rot with age. There is 25gp worth of jewelry to be found
The chair bolted to the floor was placed by Balrothhariid among the dead.
and used to strip pure flesh from his victims as well as his
own corrupted flesh. Read or paraphrase the following when the PCs inspect
the stone bier: A deformed and misshaped skeleton lies
The putrid yellow film that covers the bars is from his Cor- wrapped in what were once fine furs and is crowned with a
rupted Flesh which now haunts Areas 2-2 through 2-4. The simply forged iron crown. Its bony fingers clutch the handle
film is still wet and any PCs that touch it will find it to be of a long sword with a hilt sculpted like the antlers of a stag.
acidic suffering 1 hp damage. The acidic nature of this film Carved into the steel are a series of runes.
burns only flesh.
Sword of the King: The skeleton is that of old King Rou-
Read or paraphrase the following when looking through lreed the Just; whom met an ill fade at the hands of three
the cell door with an adequate light source: A narrow hall warlock brothers. The runes carved into the steel are of a
lined with four cell doors on either side extends for roughly long forgotten tongue. A wizard’s apprentice or similar oc-
30ft. At the end of the hall is a stout iron banded wooden cupation with a DC 13 Intelligence check can decipher the
door. About 6ft from your cell door is a melted and muti- runes as: “Silvallum, Blade of Roulreed, Slayer of the Yss’sak
lated form in tattered robes. A pool of gore and yellow film and King of the Eastern Wood.” The sword has a +1 to all
surround the slumped form. Beside it lies a dagger, a broken attacks and will glow faintly with the light of sun when near
lantern and a keyring. any chaotic aligned souls. The sword can also be used by the
Lawful to Turn Unholy (see DCC-RPG rulebook p. 30)
Keyring: Getting the keyring will require some finesse with
a long weapon or other similar item. There are four unique Silvallum, relic, +1 longsword: Int 10; AL L; bane: Chaot-
keys on the keyring: a large square cut iron key (unlocks all ic beings (+2 Atk against bane); communication: n/a; spe-
the doors in Area 1-1), a long bronze key (unlocks all the cial purpose: destroy the silver medallion; special powers:
doors in Area 2-2 through 2-4), a strange oval disc-shaped glows faintly when near chaotic beings; improved crit range
key (unlocks the false back to the wardrobe and secret door (19-20).
in Area 2-3) and a heavy thick iron key (unlocks the wooden
doors at the gate in Area D). To the back of the catacombs is a narrow passage with steps
that wind up to the backside of a secret door which exits into
Slumped Form: PCs inspecting the robes and slumped form Area 2-1.
will find the gore to be dry, but the yellow film still sticky.
PCs touching the robes, dagger, or lantern must succeed a Area 2-1 — Corridor
Luck check or suffer 1 hp of acidic damage from accidentally You enter a plain corridor constructed from smooth stone
touching the yellow film. and mortar. To the right is a pair of double doors with
bronze handles. To the left the corridor continues straight
All the remaining cell doors are unlocked and either contain disappearing into the darkness. Hanging from the walls are
skeletal remains or are empty. The stout wooden door at the several moth-eaten tapestries.
end of the hall stands ajar. Beyond the door is a stairwell that
ascends to the Area 2-1. Elves or other perceptive characters Double Doors: These doors are locked and lead into the
(Luck checks) will notice sparse droplets of yellow film (a Library (Area 2-2). The bronze key found in Area 1-1 will
couple drops every 5ft) leading from the door and up the unlock the door (DC 15 Strength to break, DC 11 pick lock).
stairs. Following the droplets will lead them into the Library
(Area 2-2). Tapestries: Many of the tapestries have been worn down
from centuries of neglect and age. Most are merely threads
Area 1-2 — Hidden Catacombs barely held together, but a few can be deciphered if studied
The description that follows assumes the PCs find this area with a keen eye. What follows are descriptions for each tap-
via the explosion at Area C-2. If the party finds the secret estry still intact:
door in Area 2-1, change the description as needed.

Page 8
A horror roams Areas 2-2 through 2-4, the withered husk of corrupt flesh the Necromancer cut from himself for “fresh”
skin. Magically infused, the Corrupted Flesh survived and reformed. Angered at being abandoned, the thing attempted
to kill the Necromancer while he slept, but failed and was promptly locked away and the dungeon charmed against its
escape. The charm’s power faded over the long centuries, yet it remained until recently when a cultist ventured too far
and awoke it. The thing escaped, sliding through the cell bars to consume the man; hoping it would become whole once
again. Instead, the acidic fluids which it secretes (the putrid yellow film) melted flesh and bone alike until nothing was
left except a pile of slop.

Later the Corrupted Flesh attacked Belesa in the bedchamber, but because it fears the dagger Atma-khanjr she managed
to escape its grasp and ordered the stairwell (connecting Areas 2-1 and 3-5) sealed off. Now it continually wanders about,
mimicking actions the Necromancer once performed (i.e. reading a book, sitting at a desk, etc) while
leaving a subtle trail of yellow droplets wherever it goes.

When the PCs enter Area 2-2, roll 1d3 to determine the whereabouts of the Corrupted Flesh:
(1) Bedchamber, (2) Library, (3) Balcony. After every turn, roll again to see where the thing
heads next until the PCs encounter it or leave the area.

The Corrupted Flesh appears as an extremely feeble bearded old man, com-
pletely nude with lumpy deformed skin covered in dripping
sores. Being only a husk of hollow skin, it has no eyes and
cannot see nor hear, but can sense heat and therefore will
detect warm bodies or torches. It generates no heat itself
and cannot be seen with infravision. Unless the party is
intently listening for anything (Luck checks) they will not
hear the quiet shuffling of the Corrupted Flesh which will
creep upon them in a surprise attack.

During combat, the Corrupted Flesh splits itself open, revealing

insides dripping with yellow film. Upon a successful attack roll its
target is grappled and completely encased so that only their eyes
are seen beneath the husk of flesh. Each round the target is encased
they suffer 1 hp damage plus a permanent 1d3 Strength, Agility or
Stamina (player’s choice) loss as the acidic film eats away at their
muscles. The Corrupted Flesh regenerates hp equal to the agility
score damage it causes. To escape, the victim must succeed a DC
13 Strength check.

Any piercing or slashing damage dealt to the Corrupted Flesh

while a victim is encased will be split evenly between both.
Once the target dies the Flesh will split open, spilling
the unconsumed remains onto the floor as it at-
tempts to grapple another target on the follow-
ing round. If the Corrupted Flesh reaches 0
hp, it will dissolve into a disgusting pile
of gore only to regenerate in 2d4 turns.

If a PC survives being consumed

they must succeed a DC 15 Fort
save or suffer a bout of Minor

Corrupted Flesh: Init +3; Atk

consume +2 melee (see special);
AC 10; HD 2d10+10; hp 25; MV
30’; Act 1d20; SP un-dead traits,
consumption, regeneration; SV Fort
+3, Ref +1, Will +1; AL C.

Page 9
1) A portrait of a king with long locks of blonde hair like Area 2-2 — Library
the mane of a lion. His trimmed beard hangs in curls and
sitting upon his brow is a simple iron crown. The lettering The double doors creak open revealing a wide octagonal
is in an archaic script but can be read as: Roulreed, King of room. Embedded in the center of the floor is a large metal
the Eastern Wood. plate. Bookshelves on the left side of the room are arranged
in a semi-circle. The shelves appear to be filled with tightly
2) A portrait of a sad young woman with fair features. wound scrolls, dusty books, bottles of various shapes con-
Black thread has been sewn over her eyes. The fabric that taining a multitude of colorful fluids, bone fragments and
once held her name has been completely worn away. other miscellaneous items.

3) This final tapestry has three panels. The first shows the On the right side of the room stands a long table cluttered
King with three sages dressed in black robes who whisper with various items. Towards the back of the library red tint-
secret counsel to his ear. The second panel shows the King ed light filters through a set of glass doors that bang open
and his army riding off to war with the three sages. The and close as the wind whips up from the valley.
third panel shows the King surround by dead knights while
the sages cast a spell upon him that corrodes his body. Due to the shelves the PCs will not see the wooden door
leading to Area 2-3 until they further explore the room.
Other tapestries can be found throughout the Eastern For-
est. Each tapestry tells a portion of the King Roulreed’s Corrupted Flesh: If found here, the Corrupted Flesh aim-
story. Who wove the tapestries and what further prophe- lessly wanders around; picking up and replacing books or
cies they hold is for the Judge to decide. Perhaps the PCs scrolls in a mechanical fashion.
will find themselves in one such tapestry.
Metal Plate: This plate serves as a conduit for any souls
Secret Door: Located behind the third tapestry is a false wall emerging from the Soul Chamber (Area 2-5) below. Carved
that leads down to the Hidden Catacombs (Area 1-2). The on the plate is Balrothhariid’s seal: a dark sun and a ser-
mechanism to open the door is a faux brick at the bottom pent devouring itself as it swims between the rays of light.
that flips in revealing a foot petal. When the petal is pressed Dwarves, stone masons or similar will note the plate was in-
the door unlocks swinging outward to reveal narrow steps stalled long after the keep was originally constructed. If any
winding into darkness. To find the door the players must PCs decide to look at the ceiling while inspecting the metal
state that they are searching that area of the corridor and plate they will spot the exact same metal plate attached to
succeed a DC 12 Intelligence check. the ceiling, but angled towards the glass doors at the back
of the library.
Collapsed Stairwell: There was once a stairwell at the end
of the corridor leading up to Area 3-5 that is now a pile of Shelves: Most of these items are not to be used lightly (if at
rubble. Any PC that touches the pile will start an avalanche all) by simple peasants from a farming village. Regardless of
of stones, crushing anyone within 6ft (DC 13 Reflex save). how many PCs search the shelves allow only 2 rolls total on
A Dwarf, stone mason or similar occupation with a DC 10 the Library Items List (p. 12-13). After rolling twice on the
Intelligence check will surmise that moving the stones could table PCs will find the rest of the shelves contain nothing
result in them falling. of value. Scrolls and books disintegrate to the touch. Bottles
are either empty or contain nauseous potions. Judges are en-
couraged to roll for corruption or kill off any foolish PCs
that would consume such liquids or attempt to read from
these ancient tomes.

Table: Among the items described below, allow PCs only 1

roll on the Library Items List (p. 12-13) when searching the
table. Other items are as follows: a wooden box with hinged
lid, pieces of parchments written in a dark reddish-brown
ink, quill and ink (blood), scraps of leather made from hu-
man flesh, large sewing needles, twine and many other fe-
tishes of bone and feather.

Wooden Box: The box has a simple hinge and no lock. Inside
is a drying piece of flesh: a face with a scalp of raven hair still
attached. All PCs would recognize the face as belonging to
Belesa. The PC carrying the Love Letter must succeed a DC
15 Will save or permanently lose 1d3 Intelligence for such a
ghastly discovery!

Page 10
Parchment Pieces: The parchments are written in a dark Nightstand: Burnt down candles drip over the edge, but
reddish-brown ink and include several passages of interest otherwise there is nothing of interest.
(Handout B). If compared to the Love Letter (Handout A)
players will discover they are both written in Belesa’s hand. If you are planning to run Blights ov the Eastern Forest
Reading from the parchments will reveal the following: then sitting on the night stand may be a rolled up piece of
goat skin. Unrolling the skin will reveal: a weathered illus-
I became lost as I walked amongst the pines one evening, tration of an ancient map. This map highlights the Keep
vaguely aware of the sweet song that beckoned me fur- and several locations within the surrounding forest.
ther. Soon I found myself deep below a cold stone struc-
ture and it was here I discovered a power that could be Hand a copy of the Map of the Eastern Forest (p. 32) to the
quelled no longer! A blade of suffering that gifts knowl- PC who has made the discovery.
edge and release!
Wardrobe: The wardrobe houses moth-eaten robes, worn
The disciples have been chosen. Though not willing at boots and a pouch with 3d10cp and 2d6sp. Checking behind
first, Atma-khanjr showed them the folly of their ways, the robes reveals a concave metal circle with indentations
guiding them to a glorious rebirth! cut into it. Placing the disc-shaped key found in Area 1-1
and turning will open a false back revealing: two small vials,
The swine must be gathered for the time of resurrection is a pouch containing dried black lotus leaves and a scroll con-
nigh at hand! As the Horned Moon rises so will the Crim- taining a randomly determined 1st level spell.
son Star fall! Bringing with it the dawning of a new era!
Inside both vials is a coarse black powder. Any PC with the
Leather Scraps: PCs inspecting the leather discover, to their appropriate occupation (i.e. alchemist, wizard’s apprentice,
disgust, the pieces of human flesh have been sewn together etc) may with a DC 12 Intelligence check know the black
to form a “pair of pants.” Vagrants of the party may wish to powder is combustible and will deal 1d10 damage if lit.
wear the flesh pants, which will provide +1 to their AC, but
will fuse forever with their own flesh after 1 hour; resulting Hearth: The cauldron contains a solidified slop. At the back
in a permanent -3 point Personality loss and the shunning of the hearth is a carved seal: a dark sun and a serpent de-
of many folk. vouring itself as it swims between the rays of light. Dwarves,
stone masons or similar will note the plate was installed
Area 2-3 — Bedchamber long after the keep was originally constructed.
The room appears in disarray. Papers, candles and other
items are scattered about the floor. To the right is a bed with Inspecting the seal closely will note indentations in the dark
a wooden frame carved into the likeness of great antlers. A sun. Placing the disc-shaped key into the sun and turning
dark wet stain of yellow film drips from the edge of the mat- will release a hidden mechanism that slides the entire seal
tress. Hanging above the bed is a tattered tapestry. away revealing a set of steep and narrow carved steps that
spiral downward. These steps lead to the Soul Chamber
On one side of the bed is a large wooden wardrobe and on (Area 2-5).
the other side a night stand. Set into the opposite wall is a
broad stone hearth in which hangs an iron cauldron. Desk: Read or paraphrase the following: Candles, papers,
writing feathers and more are either broken or scattered
On the far wall, faint moonlight filters through a small oval about the desk and floor as if there was previously a strug-
window just above a wooden desk where a chair has been gle. An open ledger catches your eye.
knocked over. Wax remnants of burnt down candles cling to
the flat surfaces throughout. If anyone inspects the ledger show them Handout C then
read or paraphrase the following: You pick up a ledger
Corrupted Flesh: If found here, the Corrupted Flesh will bound in dark brown leather engraved with a dark sun and
be sitting on the bed “staring” at the fireplace. Yellow film a serpent devouring itself as it swims between the rays of
drips down from where it sits to pile on the stone floor. light. Inside are pages upon pages of faded notes scrawled
in a spidery hand. Flipping through you first notice the ar-
Bed: A crest carved into the head board depicts a regal stag. chaic speech; which is at first difficult to read. It is obvious
The bedding and hay are very old and a stain on the end these notes were written centuries ago.
of the mattress is soaking wet with yellow film (1 hp acidic
damage if touched). Reading from the ledger will reveal the following passages
(Handout D):
Tapestry: This tapestry is like the others found in Area 2-1. It
depicts a young man receiving a blade of shining light from A waking dream whilst under the influence of the black
a beautiful woman in flowing red robes. A slender gray tow- lotus hath revealed strange realms where the people both
er stands behind them. worshiped and feared me as their god! I know this was no
dream, but a vision! I must find a means of transcending
to these... Other Worlds.
Page 11
Have the PCs roll 1d6 to determine what item(s) is discover while searching
either the shelves or table in Area 2-2.

1. You pick up a glass decanter containing a slimy phallic thing that wriggles
slightly; stirring up bubbles amidst the noxious fluid.

If this fluid is consumed, the character’s veins will bulge as their muscles grow
into absurdity and their skin takes on a leathery grayish quality. A successful DC
15 Fort save must be made or the physical stress of the change is too much and
they continue to bloat into a hulking lifeless blob of quivering muscle and blood.

The potion increases the drinker’s Strength 1d4+1 points for 6 rounds. After the
potion wears off, the character’s body returns to normal except they’ll forever
have folds of loose gray leathery skin (-1 to Personality).

2. A gold medallion covered with strange inscriptions catches your eye. Embed-
ded in the center is a bright orange jewel that shines and flickers as if made of

This medallion is called The Eye of the E’linbub and is used to summon creatures
from the pits of Hell. If the medallion is put on before speaking the right incanta-
tion, a circle of flames will erupt around the wearer and several ossified demonic
arms will reach out to drag them down to Hell! There is no escape from this fate
and once the last of the wearer is engulfed, the portal will close, leaving only the
medallion in the center of a burnt circle.

(Note: It would take months if not years to figure out the right incantation; though
legend states there is a half-breed desert dweller whose mother was a succubus
and father a sultan who may possibly be able to decipher the piece.)

3. You pick up a book bound in black feathers clasped shut with a small silver
hinge. It shakes violently in your hands.

Opening the book will release a torrent of black crows that cause havoc for 1d4
rounds. The crows swirl around the book in a diameter of approx 20ft. Anyone
within range must succeed a DC 13 Reflex save each round or suffer 1 point of
damage from the birds tearing beaks and talons. After the last round, the birds will
return to the book and it will clasp shut on its own accord. The Wrook (p. 52) may
trade (or kill) for this book...

Page 12
4. You discover a hefty scroll bound with an unbroken wax seal imprinted with
unusual hieroglyphs. The first glyph shows a nude woman standing before a
dog-headed figure with outstretched wings. The second depicts the dog-headed
figure wrapping its wings tightly around the woman in a strong embrace.

If anyone breaks the wax seal, read or paraphrase the following:

The scroll unravels and wraps tightly around you! You scream out, but your voice
turns to a dry rasp as your life force is drained. The wrappings encase you head to
toe and you fall limp to the floor.

Unless the PC succeeds a DC 18 Fort save they will have succumbed to the effects
described and perish. Others peeling off the wrappings find them to be sticky and
upon unraveling them discover a dried mummified corpse.

If the save was successful the PC temporarily loses 1d4 Stamina points for 1 week,
however 1 point is never fully recovered.

5. A crystal ball shimmers and catches your eye. When you stare into it a vision
appears... You’re looking down upon yourself standing on a plane of endless blue
and white squares. Suddenly, a gigantic hand picks up your paralyzed form and
places you beside a ghastly beast made of stone, yet painted to appear real. There’s
a tremendous rumbling as enormous geometric shapes slam down around you!
One of the shapes reveals a single digit and a thunderous moan echoes from the
heavens. The bestial form moves knocking you prone as a blanket of darkness cov-
ers your eyes and the vision fades. Coming to you find yourself on the floor, mind
reeling, as the realization that your entire life and world are meaningless, only the
playthings of cruel omnipotent beings!

PCs must succeed a DC 15 Will save or suffer a permanent 1d4 Intelligence loss.

6. You find a plain iron lantern. Glowing from within is a continuously swirling
cloud of green gas.

The lantern produces a green-tinted light source of up to 10ft. If any curious PCs
open the lantern they will be struck with a foul stench and any character within
5ft must succeed a DC 10 Fort save or temporarily lose 1 point of Stamina and
collapse for 1d3 rounds.

After the initial escape of gas, an imp rockets out of the lantern, propelled by its
flatulence to hide amongst the shadows of the ceiling. Every couple of minutes a
demonic poot escapes accompanied by a faint glow. If the imp can be captured
and placed back into the lantern it will resume its glowing within several minutes.

Page 13
It seems I have discovered a use for those farmers in the Crystal Chunks: Inspecting the crystal chunks with a clev-
village West of here. Their flesh is not tainted and mine er eye (DC 13 Intelligence check) will find bits of bone em-
corrupt… a thing dreadful to behold. In order to continue bedded inside. It is impossible to determine their origin and
my work I must be rid of it. breaking the crystal will only shatter the bone fragments
Though I cut away the foul flesh; the horrid thing still
lives! Last night it attacked me whilst I slept and try as I Activating the Soul Chamber: Anyone who stands on the
might there appears to be no means of destroying it. Fire center platform and places their hands on both the open
does little to harm it and in time it will grow anew. There- metal palms will activate the chamber. Read or paraphrase
fore I have locked it away in the dungeons where it will the following:
must surely rot over the long centuries.
The metal fingers quickly move, digging into the tops of
The chamber below is nearly complete and my precious your hands as a magical fire erupts around the brass ring
instrument, my blade Atma-khanjr, forged of my soul, encircling the platform. The flames appear to warp the very
you will be my anchor. Soon many will know and fear the fabric of your being before crystallizing and encases you. A
name Balrothhariid! blinding kaleidoscopic beam of light flashes out from the
crystal to splash against the metal plate embedded above as
If PCs have yet to encounter the Corrupted Flesh, now a howling hurricane of screams fills the chamber. The crystal
would be an opportune moment. abruptly bursts; sending fragments flying in all directions!

Area 2-4 — Balcony Anyone in Area 2-2 above will see the same rainbow beam
The glass doors swing inward. A balcony, its stone railings exit the metal plate on the floor, bounce off the angled plate
half fallen away, looks out over the horizon and the valley on the ceiling and exit through the glass doors to bounce off
below. A large metal plate identical to the one in the library the metal plate on the balcony and finally into space. Any-
is embedded on the balcony floor and angled out towards one standing in the way of the rainbow beam must succeed
the sky. a DC 20 Fort save or instantly disintegrate. Anyone in the
room when the crystal shatters must succeed a DC 13 Reflex
A couple of startled Head-Bats take flight from the railings save or suffer 1d3 damage.
into the open night sky where the Crimson Star is a swirling
torrent of flames bathing all the land in red. Watching the The soul of the PC that activated the chamber has transcend-
Head-Bats flight you notice candlelight flickering from an ed to another realm completely and only fragments of their
open window some twenty feet above. bones embedded inside the crystal shards remain. For all in-
tensive purposes they are dead.
Corrupted Flesh: If found here, the Corrupted Flesh is
standing by the balcony railing “looking” over the horizon. Area 3-1 — Discard Room
Candles burn poorly on the window seal and as you climb
Again, players will note the plate was installed long after through your senses are assailed by the hot stagnant air of
the keep was constructed. The climb to the window is fairly death. The floor is covered in scattered bits of body parts
easy with a grappling hook and rope (DC 10 Agility check and intestines. An endless sea of flies swirl over the putrid
to secure), otherwise PCs must succeed a DC 10 Strength carnage.
check; failure means a 10ft fall taking 1d6 damage.
Across this blood soaked room is a closed wooden door
Area 2-5 — Soul Chamber and from beyond you here a muffled scream emanate, “No!
Show Handout E to the players then read or paraphrase Gods, no!” Followed by a harsher voice, “Shh... Quiet now.
the following: The narrow stairs lead into a circular shaped Enjoy your becoming. Your purpose has been set. You are to
chamber dug out of the living stone. Large chunks of trans- aid in the arrival.”
lucent rock clutter the floor. In the center two metal arms,
hands open with palms up, protrude from a raised platform. The door is bolted shut from the other side and none of the
A brass ring set into the floor encircles the arms with eight keys found in Area 1-1 will work (DC 13 Strength to break/
brass lines pointing out up the walls. Each line terminates DC 10 pick lock). Failure to open or unlock the door on the
in an arrow pointing towards a large metal plate set into the first attempt results in the Butcher Cultist swinging the door
ceiling. open and surprising the party.

This chamber was constructed by Balrothhariid in order The Butcher Cultist is a burly brute of a man with a chaos
to split his soul and transcend from this realm to the Oth- sigil branded into his forehead. His white robes are filthy
er Worlds. The dagger Atma-khanjr was also forged in this and blood stained, not only from the skinning of villagers,
chamber from a sliver of the Necromancer’s soul as he tran- but from his own lack of flesh. Large exposed muscles coil
scended. and bulge under his robes.

Page 14
On a successful attack with his skinning knife, the target This horrid creature seems to be a fusion of several children
suffers 1d4 damage. The Butcher Cultist then rolls 1d3 and rolled into one ghastly ball of rolling eyes and mouths that
if the result is a 3 he has also flayed a piece of flesh off the each squeal and cry and whine at once as it floats through
target who permanently loses 1 point of Stamina. the air like a buoy in water.

If successfully attacking with his bare hands, the target suf- This disgusting fusion of heads and limbs is able to attack
fers 1d3+1 damage. The Butcher Cultist then rolls 1d3 and multiple targets by rolling -1d for each target flanking it
if the result is a 3 the target suffers a permanent 1 point loss starting with 1d20. Listening to its multitude of noises is
of Strength or Agility (player’s choice) as the Butcher Cultist enough to induce temporary insanity and any PCs within
snaps their bones like twigs. earshot must succeed a DC 10 Will save or suffer madness
for 1d3 rounds. Maddened characters suffer a -1d penalty to
Butcher Cultist: Init +1, Atk skinning knife +2 melee (1d4 + their attack rolls and can only move at half their speed.
flaying) or fists +3 melee (1d3+1 + break bones); AC 12; HD
2d6+2; hp 10; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP flaying, break bones; SV When the creature is destroyed its body spontaneously
Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +1; AL C. breaks apart in magical bursts. PCs within 10ft must succeed
a DC 10 Fort save or suffer Minor Corruption (see DCC-RPG
Area 3-2 — Flaying Room rulebook p.116).
Once the engagement with the Butcher Cultist has ended,
read or paraphrase the following: Flickering candle light Cherub Fusion: Init +0, Atk bite +1 melee (1d4), AC 10; HD
dimly illuminates the macabre scene as an onslaught of flies 4d4; hp 15; MV 15’; Act 1d20; SP un-dead traits, flanking
buzz about, emphasizing the stench of the drying flesh that attacks, induces madness, death throes; SV Fort +0, Ref -2,
hangs from cords strung wall to wall. Will +0; AL C.

Chained nearby are three nude villagers. Their clothing lies Area 3-5 — South Corridor
scattered about the room. On the far wall are poorly con- The corridor is dark, the chanting faint, but the drumming...
structed tables covered in scraps of flesh, gore and twine. In The drumming echoes down the stone passages; pounding
the center of each wall is an open passageway from which against the beating of your heart. The passage splits three
chanting faintly resonates. ways.

Saving the Villagers: The key to unlock the chained villag- Heading straight leads the to the collapsed stairwell (seen
ers hangs from a leather cord tied around the Butcher Cult- from Area 2-1 below. Both the left and right passages gradu-
ist’s neck (DC 15 Strength break chains/DC 10 pick lock). ally slope upwards; eventually leading to Area D.
The villagers can be used to replenish any PCs the players
have lost in the course of this adventure. The players should Heading left, the PCs will encounter the ghostly apparition
roll up new 0-level characters per the standard rules (see of Sir Anatos, a knight who served King Roulreed until the
DCC-RPG rulebook p.16); however, the new PCs will have King’s untimely demise and thereafter swore a new vow to
no weapons, equipment or coin unless they succeed a Luck protect the King’s Tomb and his keep. The magical forces
check for each category in question (Judge’s discretion). currently surrounding the keep have brought the knight’s
spirit back into the realm of the living. Read or paraphrase
Sewing Tables: Searching the tables will find scraps of hu- the following:
man flesh sewn together, a roughly drawn diagram of how
to craft Head-Bats and 2 pairs of rusty shears that deal 1d3 As the party approaches a disembodied voice shouts, “Slay-
damage. ers! Ravagers! Begone with thee,” before the faint form of
an old knight in half plate armor, emblazoned with the crest
Area 3-3 — Cultists Quarters of a regal stag, shimmers into being. Without warning the
Piles of bloodstained hay and ragged blankets cover the ghost swings at you with a glowing blue mace!
stone floor. The rotting stench of death hangs heavy in the
air. If the PCs present Silvallum, the Sword of King Roulreed,
the knight will kneel saying, “My Liege! Forgive me! I knew
Here is where the cultists have dwelt. There is nothing of not it was you.” PCs can try to convince the knight to fight
value in this room. with them on a DC 13 Personality check, otherwise the
phantom fades away.
Area 3-4 — Witch's Chamber
PCs fleeing the ghost knight will only be chased by rebukes
A short corridor leads to a battered wooden door that bare- concerning their valor and courage.
ly hangs from the hinges. Beyond is a messy chamber with
makeshift furniture. A sweet choir of babbling baby noises Ghost of Sir Anatos: Init +2; Atk phantom mace +2 melee
comes from the open window as a grotesque thing squeezes (1d6 + 1d3 Stamina drain); AC 15; HD 2d12; hp 22; MV 30’;
itself through the hole! un-dead traits, immune to non-magical weapons; SV Fort
+1, Ref +3, Will +3.
Page 15
Area D — Courtyard
Here begins the climactic battle and a race against time! Af-
ter the 1st round has passed, the PCs have a total of 6 rounds
(see Ritual Countdown on page 18) to defeat the witch and
stop the resurrection of Balrothariid (see Stopping the Cer-
emony on page 19).

You emerge from the corridor below to the sky ablaze. A

swirling torrent of crimson flames that slowly descends to-
wards the Keep’s largest standing tower. As your eyes ad-
just, a terrible scene unfolds! Severed limbs, intestines and
mutilated body parts lay in strewn in a circle. Eight cultists,
dressed in bloodstained robes, chant and sway or pound on
drums of stretched human flesh. Their jagged blades gleam
menacingly in chaotic red light.

From atop the highest tower a figure stops. With dripping

muscles glistening she points a wavy edged blade towards
you and croaks through the sliced mouth of her human face
mask, “INFIDELS! Watch as your petty world burns! Disci-
ples! Show them the power of the flesh!”

The robed fiends turn to stare at you through macabre fac-

es masks of villagers you once knew and in unison raise
their daggers to run the blades across their own throats. As
the blood gushes from their severed jugulars they drop to
their knees and, as if magnetically pulled, slither towards
the ghastly quivering pile of body parts to form a repulsive
shambling obese shape that wobbles towards you on multi-
ple hands and feet and which lashes out at you with eight
whipping entrails!

Roll for initiative!

The Shambling Flesh Mass is a demonic fusion of whatev-

er loose body parts and organs were around at the time of
its summoning. The creature’s eight whipping entrails are
positioned around the circumference of its body and reach
roughly 30ft in all directions making it difficult to circum-
vent them.

Any target hit by one of these entrails is automatically en-

tangled; suffering a temporary 1d3 Stamina loss by stran-
gulation. The target suffers another temporary 1d3 Stamina
loss each round until either the entrails are severed (AC 10,
hp 2) or they break free (DC 12 Strength check). The entrails
can only be severed by edged weapons and will grow back
after 1 round. Any loss of entrails reduces the creature’s ac-
tion dice until it regenerates the loss (i.e. 6 entrails = 6d20, 5
entrails = 5d20, etc).

Shambling Flesh Mass: Init: -1; Atk entrails +2 melee (-1d3

Stamina) or bite -1 melee (1d6); AC 8 (body) AC 11 (entrails);
HD 4d10 (body); hp 30 (body); hp 2 (entrails); MV 10’; Act
8d20; SP regeneration of entrails, un-dead traits; SV Fort +1,
Ref -3, Will +0; AL C.

Page 16
Any target held by the entrails for 2 rounds has been slow-
ly dragged towards one of the creature’s makeshift maws
of broken and jagged bones and begins taking bite damage
(1d6). On the following round the target may attempt a DC
13 Strength check to break loose or be bitten each round un-
til the check is made, they are rescued or killed.

On the tower, the Witch (Belesa) will lob magic missiles (in
the form of fiery serpents) at the party before stepping into
the pool of blood on the following round (see Ritual Count-
down p. 18)

Area E-1 — Tower Steps

The tower is a hollow shell of crumbling mortar and stone.
Rotted wooden beams seem barely capable of holding the
structure up. Steps set into the wall spiral 60ft to the battle-
ments above. The red light of the falling star burns through
the cracks and crevasses of this decaying facade.

PCs can only ascend the steps in single file. The first PC to
make it halfway up must succeed a DC 12 Reflex save as the
brittle stone stairs crumble away. A failure indicates a fall
suffering 3d6 damage. Any PC behind the falling character
they can make a one time Luck check to successfully catch
the character by the scruff of their neck, but now must spend
the following round pulling them back to the safety of the
steps. Afterwards any PCs can easily jump the gap and con-
tinue to the tower’s top.

Area E-2 — Tower Battlements

Judges should paraphrase the following description accord-
ing to the current round via the Ritual Countdown: The
enormous red star slowly descends upon the tower! Eight
impaled villagers, the flesh torn from their bodies, squirm in
agonizing pain as their combined blood pools at the center.

The flayed woman stares with bright jade colored eyes

through the horrid mask of some poor man’s face. Wisps of
raven hair still cling to her scalped head. Grasped tightly in
her hand is a peculiar wavy blade of flesh and bone.

Roll for initiative!

Belesa, the once beautiful village girl from Reed, has been
corrupted by the power of the Necromancer’s dagger At-
ma-khanjr and believes she will become the next incarnation
of Balrothhariid when the ritual is complete.

If Belesa wins the initiative she will cast magic missile at the
first character emerging from the tower. Otherwise she will
take a defensive fighting stance with the deadly blade.

Belesa (the Witch): Init +3; Atk Atma-khanjr +2 melee, +4

melee against bane (1d4+2); AC 11; HD 3d6+2; hp 16; MV
30’; Act 1d20; SP spell +4: magic missile; SV Fort +1, Ref +2,
Will +4; AL C.

Page 17
tma-khanjr is a powerful relic, forged

n the tower, the witch (Belesa) will continue the ritual
not from steel, but from the very soul which at this point only requires her presence. It takes
of Balrothhariid. Its wavy blade of 6 rounds (starting 1 round after the PCs enter Area
bone emerges from a sleeve of flesh with D) to complete the ceremony, enables Balrothhariid’s return.
veins that pulse and quiver. It is the The descriptions below should be adjusted depending on
anchor that ties the Necromancer the events that unfold each round and according to what the
to this world. PCs see or hear at the time.

Being an extension of Bal- Round 1: The Witch (Belesa) steps into the pool of blood
rothhariid, it possesses a which begins to boil.
high intelligence and a will of
its own. Anyone wielding the Round 2: The impaled villagers begin to twitch violently
dagger other than the Necro- and scream in unison as rays of eldritch light shoot out from
mancer (or Belesa) must roll their eyes and mouths; drawing the swirling red star closer.
a Will save according to their
alignment (see table below) Round 3: The Witch (Belesa) laughs maniacally as the crim-
every 1 round + Personality son flames descend upon the tower. The roaring winds
mod or attack an ally. threaten to deafen you if they don’t blow you away first!
Pieces of the ancient structure break away to join the torrent
If there is no ally within melee of flames.
range they will harm themselves;
stripping away pieces of their flesh Round 4: The blood bubbles wildly as it crawls up her na-
(-1d4 Personality loss). On the fol- ked frame. Her laughter is echoed by a deeper and menac-
lowing round, the wielder must suc- ing masculine laugh that appears to come from within the
ceed another Will save to regain control swirling flames that slowly shrinks towards the center of the
or continue until the save succeeds. If the tower.
wielder looses half their Personality points
in this fashion they are hopelessly possessed Oppressing winds swirl around the tower! All PCs must roll
by the blade. -1d when attempting any actions and -2d for ranged weap-
ons. Any PCs that fumble are blown off the tower and land
The dagger can be used as a wand pro- in the courtyard suffering 4d6 falling damage.
viding +2 to all spell checks; however,
anyone using it thus must make a Fort Round 5: Suddenly the Witch’s (Belesa’s) composure chang-
save according to their alignment or es and she cries out in agony! Her legs smoke as the creeping
suffer a bout of Minor Corruption blood eats away at the muscles. She buckles, falling into the
(see DCC-RPG rulebook p. 116). muck!

Attacking the Necromancer with All PCs must now roll -2d when attempting any actions, -3d
the blade will deal double damage as for ranged weapons. Any PCs that fumble are blown off the
the soul within the blade desires to be tower and land in the courtyard suffering 4d6 falling dam-
whole again. If the dagger is plunged into age. Belesa’s AC is reduced to 10; she will continue to fight.
the heart of the Necromancer it will com-
pletely drain the soul, killing the incarnation. Round 6: The swirling fire dislodges the impaled villagers,
The dagger cannot be destroyed by any conven- sending them flying high into the air. The Witch (Belesa)
tional means conceived on this world. looks at you with pleading eyes as the blood slowly creeps
over her face. The menacing laughter from the red flames
Atma-khanjr, relic, +2 dagger: Int 18; AL C; bane: echoes all around.
Lawful beings (+4 Atk against bane); communica-
tion: empathy; special purpose: anchor for Baroth- All PCs must continue to roll -2d when attempting any ac-
hariid’s soul; special powers: possession (alignment tions, -3d for ranged weapons. Any PCs that fumble are
DC Will save), improved crit range (18-20), soul drain (-1d3 blown off the tower and land in the courtyard suffering 4d6
Personality on crit), increased spell check +2 (alignment DC falling damage.
Fort save or minor corruption).

Alignment Law Neutral Chaos

DC 10 12 15

Page 18

o achieve this, the PCs can either kill Belesa, drag her If the ceremony is stopped, read or paraphrase the fol-
from of the boiling pool of blood before the end of lowing: A disembodied scream of anguish echoes from the
Round 6, or show the possessed girl her own face swirling star of eldritch red flames which fizzes out com-
from the wooden box found in Area 2-2 before the start of pletely revealing a beautifully clear night sky.
Round 5.
To any PC near Belesa, read or paraphrase the following:
Dragging Belesa from the boiling pool of blood: PCs must Belesa looks at you, tears streaming down her flayed face.
succeed a contested Strength check (+3 for Belesa’s rolls) as “Where… Where am I? My... my face! Where’s [PC with
the boiling blood will cling to her body and pull against the Love Letter]?” The light fades from her jade colored eyes as
characters. Any number of PCs present can assist by adding a final breath escapes her lungs. Slipping from her grip, the
their Strength modifiers to the roll. Belesa, still possessed, strange wavy edged blade clatters on the hard stone.
will continue to lash out with the dagger.
The PCs may not have saved her life, but that saved her soul.
Showing Belesa her face from the box: Belesa must succeed Reward them with 1d4 Luck points. If PC picks up the dag-
a DC 15 Will save in order to free herself from the Dagger’s ger see Picking up the Blade on the next page.
possession. The PC presenting the face can use their positive
Personality or Luck modifiers lower the DC. If successful, If the ceremony isn’t stopped by the end of Round 6 read
this stops the ritual as there is no longer a human anchor for or paraphrase the following: Thick black blood edges
which the necromancer’s soul can be attached. Belesa will around her neck. Her cries of pain become inaudible gurgles
instantly begin to wail as the pain from her exposed muscles as the steaming fluid fills her mouth and covers her entirely.
is no longer numbed by black magic. She has no idea where She collapses, splashing into the pool. The crimson flames
she is or what has transpired. swirl faster and faster; expanding in a thunderous boom that
splits the tower asunder and sends you all flying! Brilliant
In many play-tests the players noticed the strange light pro- flashes of blinding light strobe all around and there’s sud-
jecting from the impaled villages was reeling the Crimson denly a sense of weightlessness. The last thing you hear is
Star closer and attempted to knock them down or kill those deep echoing laughter.
impaled. If this happens reward them by adding 1 more
round to the Ritual Countdown for every 2 impaled villagers
knocked away. Belesa will of course attempt to stop them.

Page 19
If the Necromancer is defeated, read or paraphrase the fol-
THE NEXUS BETWEEN lowing: The final blow opens a wound that drips with liq-
WORLDS uid fire. He staggers back erupting into a fiery whirlwind of
crimson screaming, “I WILL RETURN!”

ll the characters have been sucked into the Nexus
between their Realm and the Other Worlds that Bal- The whirlwind continues to expand as you’re flung high
rothhariid has traveled. Their presence disrupted the into the air! Lights flare before your eyes and suddenly
ritual causing a phlogiston disturbance which opened the you’re racked against cold unforgiving stone. Dawn breaks,
Nexus as well as parallel worlds and time lines that have casting warm sunlight over the rubble of the Ancient Keep,
now collided causing unforeseen events. its largest tower crumbled. A clattering breaks the silence
and just out of reach is that accursed blade of flesh and bone.
Each round, roll 1d20 on the Nexus Disturbance Table
(page 22) to discover what happens while in the Nexus. This Picking up the Blade: If any PCs handle the dagger, read or
is the characters last chance at stopping the Necromancer. paraphrase the following: A sensation runs up your arm like
fire. Emotions of lust, anger and hatred radiate like waves
Read or paraphrase the following: You’re suddenly flung through you as you feel the weapon’s craving for blood and
across a flat circular plane of stone surrounded by a swirling souls. It beckons for its true master, calling into the void and
miasma of atrocious colors. Horrified, you stare as a shape though you dread to believe it deep down you know that
emerges from the bubbling pool at the center of the plane. somewhere out there he returns the call...
The shape forms into a tall, long limbed, muscular man with
oily midnight black skin. His terrible eyes gleam with malice To be continued in... Seekers ov the Other Worlds
and demoniac exultation. Licking at his brow is a crown of
red flames.

In his hand grips the wavy edged blade you last saw the
Witch (Belesa) wield. Grinning with a deep voice filled of
hate he declares, “Slaves... Kneel before your new god, Bal-

Roll for initiative!

This incarnation of Balrothhariid is 7ft tall and attacks with

his dagger, Atma-khanjr, either by slashing or using a pow-
er called dagger missile. When using dagger missile, Bal-
rothhariid sends his dagger flying through the air, rolling
a 1d20 and a 1d3. Whichever number the d20 lands is the
AC the dagger can hit. Whichever number the d3 lands is
the number of PCs (chosen at random) hit. The dagger then
returns to the hand of its master. PCs may use their round (if
after the Necromancer’s) in an attempt to grab the dagger in
mid flight (DC 15 Agility check). Grabbing the dagger will
result in a Willpower save (see The Dagger on p. 18).

Balrothhariid can also cast the following spells with a +4

modifier: force manipulation (DCC-RPG p. 143), magic mis-
sile (DCC-RPG p. 144) and splinter souls (p. 21).

Nexus Platform: The top of the tower came into the nexus
with the characters. It is a circular stone platform rough-
ly 30’ in diameter. Anyone falling off the platform will
merge with the multicolored swirling sea of chaos that
surrounds them, never to be seen again.

Balrothhariid: Init +2; Atk Atma-khanjr +2 melee, +4

melee against bane (1d4+2) or spell; AC 13; HD 5d6+5;
hp 35; MV 30’; Act 1d20/1d14; SP spells +4: dagger mis-
sile, magic missile, splinter souls, half damage from fire;
SV Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +4; AL C.

Page 20
Splinter Souls
Level: 3 Range: Touch Duration: Varies Casting Time: 1 round Save: Will vs check

General: With an open palm touch a necromancer can splinter the soul of one target. The caster must spellburn at least 1
point when casting this spell. On a successful casting, the wizard may choose to invoke any effect of equal to or less than his
spell check, allowing a range of options with every successful casting to produce a weaker but potentially more useful re-
sult. Upon the caster’s death all temporary Personality points drained in a previous combat session will return to the victim.

Manifestation: Roll 1d4: (1) from the caster’s hands ejects a physical ripple through the fabric of reality that sends the target
flying in the opposite direction; (2) the caster’s hands take on a phantom appearance as they reach through the target’s chest
and pull out an egg of golden light which is then smashed in the caster’s palm; (3) the caster releases a siren wail of brightly
colored circular sound waves that ripple over the victim; (4) the caster raises his hands as if conducting a symphony, the
target’s soul flies from their mouth as the caster directs it to smash against a nearby hard surface.

Corruption: Roll 1d8: (1) the caster’s body withers until it has a skeletal appearance; (2) the caster’s eyes, the window of the
soul, dissolve so that only black pits remain; (3) an aura of darkness forever surrounds the caster, sucking in all light; (4-5)
minor corruption; (6-7) major corruption; (8) greater corruption.

Misfire: Roll 1d3: (1) ghostly shards erupt in front of caster causing 1d3 Personality damage; (2) the soul resists and lashes
back at the caster dealing 1d4 Personality damage; (3) the spell backfires splintering a piece of the caster’s soul causing
1d4+2 Personality damage.

1 Lost, failure, and worse! Roll 1d6: (1-2) corruption + misfire, (3-4) corruption, (5-6) misfire.

2-11 Lost. Failure.

12-13 The caster splinters an eighth of the target’s soul. The target temporarily loses -1 Personality points.

14-17 The caster splinters a sixth of the target’s soul. The target temporarily loses -1d3 Personality points.

18-19 The caster splinters a forth of the target’s soul. The target temporarily loses -1d6 Personality points and must
succeed a DC 10 Will save before they may take an action on the following round. If this results in all the target’s
Personality points being lost the target begins the next round prone.

20-23 The caster splinters half of the target’s soul. The target temporarily loses -1d8 Personality points and the target
must succeed a DC 13 Will save in order to move again. If this results in all the target’s Personality points being
lost the target begins the next round prone.

24-27 The caster shatters three-fourths of the target’s soul. The target temporarily loses -1d10 Personality points, begins
the next round prone and must succeed a DC 15 Will save in order to move again. Additionally, the caster gains
all the stolen Personality points which may replenish any hit points or ability points lost through spellburns.

28-29 The caster completely shatters the target’s soul. The target temporarily loses all Personality points. The caster
gains all the target’s stolen Personality points which may replenish hit points or ability points lost through spell
burns. Additionally, if the target has survived the ordeal they are now the soulless minion of the caster; who is
able to fully control the target until their death.

30-31 The caster completely shatters the target’s soul. The target permanently loses all Personality points and dies. The
caster can either use the target’s stolen Personality points to replenish hit points or ability points lost through
spellburns or form gossamer armor from the soul shards adding +3 to the caster’s AC.

32+ The caster completely shatters the target’s soul. The target permanently loses all Personality points and dies. The
caster can use the target’s lost Personality points to replenish hit points or ability points lost through spellburns or
create a phantom which the caster controls.

Soul Phantom: Init +1; Atk deathly breathe +2 ranged (1 hp + 1d4 Stamina loss); AC 14; HD 1d6; hp 6; MV 30’ fly;
Act 1d20; SV Fort +0, Ref +1, Will -1; AL N.

Page 21
Roll 1d20 each round to discover what happens while in the Nexus.

Roll Event
1-3 A bubble of lightning bursts forth with strangers clad in bizarre armor!

1d3 Purple Warrior-priests have appeared! Their appearance is the exact likeness of the PCs. The
Priests are devoted to Balrothhariid in one of the Other Worlds. They attack the PCs on the fol-
lowing round. Pick any PC(s) from the group and copy their stats for: Initiative, Attack, AC and
add +1 to each. For HD add an additional hit die. For weapons determine what type of weapon
the PC’s 0-level weapon equates to.
4 A blubbering mucus floats through the air like ink poured into water.

The PC with the lowest Luck score must succeed a DC 12 Reflex save or their head is covered in
the sticky mucus! Each round the PC suffers a temporary 1d3 Intelligence loss until the mucus is
pulled off (DC 13 Strength check).
5 10,000 abhorrent eyes open from all around the void as a clamoring of distant voices rattle from

All PCs must succeed a DC 13 Will save or suffer complete madness for 1 round. Maddened
characters can do nothing but scream!
6 The corner of a stone chamber materializes. Huddled within is a ghostly apparition of Belesa. She
giggles insanely while slowly cutting away her face with the demonic blade of Balrothhariid!

Have all the PCs make a Luck check. Failure meaning they witness the apparition and lose their
action this round. The apparition cannot be touched or harm the PCs.
7 A bright twisting ribbon of energy passes across the platform!

All PCs must succeed a DC 13 Fort save or age 1d4x10 years; lowering their Strength, Stamina
and Agility by 1 point for every 20 years aged.
8 An entire chunk of the sky turns to glass and shatters! Shards rain down in a hail storm revealing
a cosmic horror the mind of man can barely fathom!

The shards deal 1d4 damage (DC 13 Ref save for half). In addition, the hole in the sky reveals a
truth too horrible to even describe. Any PCs failing a DC 15 Will save gain some cosmic under-
standing of the greater universe, gaining 1 point to their Intelligence score, while also losing hope
in humanity’s future, suffering a permanent 2 point loss of Luck.
9 A man clad in strange garments, wearing a monstrous helm with dark eyes and an elephantine
trunk, climbs out from a trench that has suddenly appeared. He lobs a stick that produces a blast
of fire in the middle of the battle.

Everyone must succeed a DC 12 Reflex save or suffer 1d8 damage.

10-11 Roll 1d4 to determine the Shade’s color: A [color] shade in the likeness of Balrothhariid rips
through a tear in the fabric of space-time.

Shade of Balrothhariid: Init +1; Atk shade dagger +1 melee (1d3); AC 10; hp 10; MV 30’; Act
1d20; SP determined by colour; SV Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +0; AL C.

1) Sickly Yellow: If hit, the target must succeed a DC 13 Fort save or become blinded for one

2) Neon Green: If hit, the target must succeed a DC 13 Fort save or suffer an additional tempo-
rary 1d3 Stamina loss.

3) Insipid Violet: If hit, the target must succeed a DC 13 Will save or become possessed by the
Shade for 1 round. Possessed characters attack their fellow party members on the next round.

4) Heinous Blue: If hit, the target must succeed a DC 13 Ref save or is attacked a second time in
the same round (d14 attack die).

Page 22
12 A colossal black cube slides into the void as a godly voice echoes within your skull, “You must
fight on, O Sons and Daughters else your world burn and become like unto the Others!”

This voice empowers the PCs and they may add +2 to their attacks this round while Balrothhari-
id subtracts -2 to his attacks.
13 A luminescent landscape materializes, its surface pitted and dusty. On the horizon, a spiraled
cityscape sparkles as if out of a dream. A shimmering creature, like a bizarrely twisted feline
with rainbow-hued skin, leaps from the strange vista to land gracefully before you. It gazes at
you with eyes like two burning suns as a low throaty vibration quells your fear. The Cat-Thing
turns to join you in the fray!

Cat-Thing: Init +2, Atk +2 claws melee (1d3) +3 bite melee (1d4); AC 11; hp 10; MV 30’; Act 1d20;
SP phasing, calming presence; SV Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +2; AL L.

The Cat-Thing can perform a phasing move after a successful attack by rolling a d3. On a result
of 3 the Cat-Thing has phased past its target and may attack a second time that round (-1d per
phase). All PCs within the presence of the Cat-Thing gain +1 to all attacks.
14 Belesa appears before the PC carrying the Love Letter. If the PCs no longer have the letter she
appears before the PC with the highest Luck score (roll under to break ties): Belesa materializes
before you; her former beauty restored! Her gown flows as if underwater and her whole body
radiates light. She reaches out to kiss you then slowly fades into oblivion.

Have the PC roll 1d4+1 and add the total to their current hit points. Hit points may not exceed
the maximum allowed.
15 A prism of dazzling rainbow colors phases into being. The strobing light restores your vitality.

The light of the prism aids the Lawful and hinders the Chaotic. All Lawful entities increase their
action die +1d and all chaotic entities reduce their action die by -1d (including PCs). The Netural
are unaffected. The prism has 10 hp and if reduced to zero will shatter; ending its effects.
16 The ground bursts open as eight wailing impaled villagers rise from the fissure to surround the

The impaled souls cause Balrothhariid to lose his action this round.

17 Determine a PC at random: You have a strong sense of deja-vu like this has all happened before
and will again until the end of time...

The warping of time and space in the Nexus has caused a schism in the PC’s mind. For an instant
they see multiple timelines unfold and for 1 round within the next 3 rounds, at a point of their
choosing, the PC may either: re-roll an action or damage die, spend 1d6 Luck at no cost to their
own score, or re-roll for another PC.
18-19 A fetus in a bubble floats nearby and pops! The slimy thing slaps the ground in a wet mess and
rapidly begins to grow in an erratic twitching manner. In seconds it matures into a child, an ado-
lescent and finally a fully grown adult. To your surprise you recognize this person!

One of the PCs that died earlier in the adventure has returned fully restored, but with no weap-
ons or armor. This PC hails from an alternate reality and something about them isn’t quite right.
Maybe they have crusted eyelids that when peeled open shoot deadly laser beams or sneezes
that can fold space. Perhaps they only speak in bizarre guttural noises or have cat heads for feet.
Discuss with your players what the difference is or decide for them.
20 Pick a Lawful PC with the highest Luck score and read or paraphrase the following: A child
clothed entirely of light hovers down from above. The child hands you a glittering silver dagger,
saying “This is Rjnahk-amta, the Blade of Law. Foe to his brother blade.” Sunlight envelops the
child and when you open your eyes again he is gone, but the blade remains.

Both the child and dagger are from a parallel universe representing the exact opposite of Balroth-
haiird. When the two opposing blades clash there is a consecutive +10% chance each round of
Phlogiston Disturbance (see DCCRPG rulebook p. 103, Table 4-7).

Rjnahk-amta, +2 artifact: Int 18; AL L; bane: creatures of Chaos (+4 against bane); communica-
tion: empathy; special purpose: to defeat its brother blade; special powers: Beacon of hope; allies
within 30’ engaged in battle against bane gain +2 bonus to all saving throws and morale checks.

Page 23

Page 24

Page 25

Page 26

Page 27

Page 28
Page 29
Page 30
Page 31
Page 32
Owl Knight Publishing tails on p. 18) as many of the denizens of the forest may
presents desire such a powerful weapon and/or the Silvallum, the
Sword of King Roulreed (details on p. 08) as it can be used to
great effect while purging the evil from the Eastern Forest.
This adventure can of course be played without the acquisi-
tion of either weapon.

The Map of the Eastern Forest as seen here could be found

whilst exploring the Ancient Keep in Sky ov Crimson Flame,
handed to the victorious adventurers from the village elders
upon returning to Reed, or hidden from the players all to-
A 1-level Mini-Campaign
by Thorin Thompson
with Clint Bohaty

eep within the dark bowers of the Eastern Forest hor-
Interior Artists: Thomas Harkness, Jim Magnusson, Benjamin ror and chaos await in its many forms. Since before
Marra, Stefan Poag, Paige Reitterer, Karl Stjernberg the reign of King Roulreed the Just, who spent his
Cartography: Jim Magnusson, Thomas Novosel, Stefan Poag, entire life attempting to restore the balance, the forest has
Karl Stjernberg been a blighted land. Creatures and plant life alike have suc-
Editors: Cory “DM Cojo” Gahsman, Greg Gorgonmilk, cumbed to evils that hold sway here.
Will Arnold
What follows are several areas of interest as seen on the
INTRODUCTION map. While campaigning through the forest the Judge is
“There’s an evil that lies over those woods. It sours encouraged to embellish the gloomy nature within. This is
the soil so that the trees grow wild and twisted; the a land sickened by evil where the very air is choking and
animals rabid and the air plagued.” the shadows threatening. In no way should this journey be
a pleasurable tromp, but instead a grueling and miserable
- Glorflump the Goat-milker
endeavor. To further add to the danger, a table of random
encounters is provided on page 54.
lights ov the Eastern Forest is a 1st level mini-cam-

B paign designed for DCC-RPG and features several

locations of varying difficulty. Unlike other adven-
tures, there is no particular plot to follow and Judges are en-
couraged to take the material within and make it their own.

This adventure assumes the current adventuring party

has finished the previous 0-level adventure Sky ov Crim-
son Flame and carries with them either Atma-khanjr,
the dagger of the Necromancer Balrothhariid (de-

Page 33
“The Beast of the East, known in the old tongue as the Yss’sak, is more than a mere fairy tale. It is a creature older
than the forest itself that once reigned over man’s domain. I fear the evil that has befallen lately will awaken this foul
beast from its torpor.”
- Eornrad, Elder of Reed

BACKGROUND The Yss’sak is a large serpentine creature with a pelt of pur-

ple and blue stripes. Two front limbs, akin to that of bovine,
The Yss’sak is an ancient foe of mankind. As legend has it pull its slender frame forward. Peaking out from its woolly
there was a great feud between the Yss’sak and a young exterior is a perverse yellow face that appears all too hu-
warrior whom, with an enchanted sword, struck a mighty man. The deep gash that runs through a dead eye and down
blow against the beast; mortally wounding it. Having saved the length of the beast’s face is from the wound it received
the land the young warrior was crowned Roulreed the Just while battling the young warrior Roulreed. Large pointed
and spent the rest of his days as Protector and King of the ears stick out on either side of its head.
Eastern Forest.
The Yss’sak is a cunning foe and fluent in many languages
Unbeknown to the young king, the Yss’sak was not slain and of man, though its dialect be of an ancient strain. In its cur-
slunk away to bury itself in a deep cavern where it has laid rent state the beast is vulnerable and will not lash out at the
hidden in a death-like hibernation for ages. The foul events party; preferring to parlay with the hope of tricking them.
and black magic conjured recently at the Ancient Keep has However, if the Yss’sak spies Silvallum, be it by a warrior
stirred the Yss’sak from its slumber and in time it may again flaunting the sword or merely carrying it in plain sight (re-
wreak havoc on the surrounding lands. member the sword glows near chaotic creatures), the beast
will be taken by a terrible rage and attack the party until
Area A1-1 — Cavern of the Beast THE YSS’SAK’S CUNNING
The Yss’sak’s lair is a lightless, damp cavern hidden in the
Before the Yss’sak battled the young warrior Roulreed, the
Northeastern regions of the Eastern Forest. Read or para-
Wrook (see p. 52) stole the beast’s Silver Medallion. The me-
phrase the following as the PCs find and venture into the
dallion, though simple to look at, was forged by Chaos and
radiates a harsh light when worn by the Yss’sak; both pro-
tecting and strengthening the beast.
(1) Hidden amongst the unyielding shadows of dense foli-
age and behind an overgrowth of vines lies the mouth of a
When first met the Yss’sak will appear cordial and feign
cave out of which a pervasive stench lingers heavily in the
weakness (unless maddened by the sight of the Silvallum).
It will attempt to persuade the party into believing it’s an
innocent creature of nature, wrongfully accused of centu-
(2) Inside the naturally formed cavern the air is hot, stag-
ries-old crimes, and will speak of how a young warrior near-
nant and damp. A heavy, shallow breathing echoes from
ly killed it for merely existing.
beyond the darkness, but soon stops and there is a stillness
for a moment before a deep booming voice whispers, “My
The Yss’sak will plead with the party to retrieve a treasure
my… Here’s something I did not expect. Who treads into
stolen by a demon that calls itself the Wrook, “A despicable
my domain unannounced? Be these guests brave or be they
creature with eyes of gold. Always desiring what isn’t his.
foolish I wonder?”
Long ago this demon stole from me a silver medallion. A
simple thing really, but oh how I treasured it and long for its
The Yss’sak lies in the very back of the cave (60ft from the
return. If you could retrieve it for me I would be most grate-
entrance) where there is a darkness that no light, save that of
ful. I shall even leave the forest if it is what you so desire!”
magical origin, can pierce. When or if the Yss’sak slinks out
of its hiding read or paraphrase the following:
If the party refuses the Yss’sak: The beast will slink deeper
into its lair, disappearing into the darkness, and wait for the
A cyclopean eye ignites like a torch piercing the darkness as
the party to foolishly pursue it. However, if the party leaves
a great weight shifts against hard stone. Heavy hoofs echo
the lair, the Yss’sak will eventually emerge to find their trail
as something slowly approaches the party. From out of the
and stalk them, waiting for the opportune moment to strike.
shadows emerges a twisted and enlarged human face with
sickly yellow skin. A deep gash runs across the beast’s face
If the party believes the Yss’sak and returns with the Sil-
blinding one of its eyes. Large hoofed legs pull its woolly
ver Medallion: The Yss’sak will ask them to place it around
serpentine body forward.
its neck. Doing so will completely rejuvenate the beast. Read
or paraphrase the following:

Page 34
The beast rises on its hoofed forelegs. A low droning hum Along with the beast’s hypnotic sight, the power of the Sil-
drones steadily from the silver medallion; aching your very ver Medallion will radiate a bone aching presence causing
bones. Soon a harsh light like the rising sun blazes from all characters within a 50ft range to suffer a -1d3 penalty to
the medallion and the horrid eye of the creature glows as their rolls. Any PC wielding the sword Silvallum can negate
it peers down upon you. “You were foolish to trust one as this effect.
ancient as I. Now you and all your filthy kind will be slaves
of the Great Yss’sak!”
Roll for Initiative!
This silver medallion has a diameter of 8 inches, bares no
Yss’sak (destroyed medallion): Init +0; Atk hooves +3 me- markings and is quite unremarkable. Casting Detect Mag-
lee (2d6) or tail whip +3 melee (1d8 + Ref save or prone); AC ic on the medallion will reveal only that it is imbued with
13; HD 4d8; hp 30; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP spells +2: darkness some dark enchantment.
(automatically cast if in lair); SV Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +2; AL
C. The Silver Medallion is the sole property of the Great Yss’sak
and can only be used by the beast. All other earthly crea-
Yss’sak (sans medallion): Init +2; Atk hooves +3 melee (2d6) tures (excluding the Wrook) who wear the medallion must
or tail whip +3 melee (1d8 + Ref save or prone); AC 14; HD succeed a DC 15 Fort save once per day or suffer a tempo-
5d10; hp 40; MV 40’; Act 1d20 + 1d14; SP spells +2: darkness rary 1d3 Strength loss. After a 12-hour period the medallion
(automatically cast if in lair), hypnotic sight; SV Fort +3, Ref causes aching in the bones of all characters in its presence.
+2, Will +3; AL C. PCs must succeed a DC 12 Fort save or suffer -1 penalty to
all future rolls until either they are no longer in the presence
Yss’sak (with medallion): Init +3; Atk hooves +3 melee of the medallion (50ft range) or it is destroyed.
(2d6) or tail whip +3 melee (1d8 + Ref save or prone); AC 15;
HD 6d12; hp 60; MV 60’; Act 1d20 + 1d16; SP spells +3: dark- There is a magical connection between the Silver Medallion
ness (automatically cast if in lair), hypnotic sight, bone-ach- and the sword Silvallum as one cannot exist without the oth-
ing presence; SV Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4; AL C. er. Only a mighty swing from Silvallum can fully destroy
the medallion. Doing so will forever weaken the Yss’sak,
With a glowing evil eye the Yss’sak can hypnotize any forcing the beast to slink away and lay hidden in its cave.
character with similar effects as one of the following spells: With the Silver Medallion destroyed Silvallum’s
charm person (DCC-RPG p.131), sleep (DCC-RPG p.155), purpose is served and the sword reverts into
scare (DCC-RPG p.191). a non-magical weapon.
“People tweren’t always fearful of the forest, but after the Reign of the Eastern King was cut short, evil again
enveloped the land and whatever settlements once stood were lost.”
- Pinky Harefoot, Brewer of Reed


Imprisoned in a tomb, for reasons known only to the ev- Area B1-1 — Flesh Easting Forest
er-twisting minds of the Chaos Lords, Lord Urkdaakeous’ Steep hills rise before you. The forest’s sickly leaves thicken,
powerful heart continued to beat; producing pure Chaos locking out the light, until only a dull gloom remains. Here
that flows like a river. In this way he continued to serve be- the trees are encased in hard flesh; ridden with warts and
yond life. For eons the tomb drifted through the swirling pus-dripping sores. What little breeze penetrates the for-
voids of Primal Chaos. Then, by chance, following the great est is filled with whispers and sorrowful moans as fleeting
dissemination of Form the tomb was snared in the frame- shadows slide in and out of focus. Serpentine roots weave
work of this earthly realm and subsequently buried. under foot in tight clumps, as if attempting to hinder your
For eons the strange capsule lay below the surface until a
hamlet, isolated from the outside world and thriving under The sickness spawned from the Hellspring has infected the
the eaves of the forest, found itself in need of a new well- land, turning the trees sour and misshapen. While crossing
spring. The villagers dug deep into the ground until they this section of the forest have each character roll under their
hit what was first believed to be bedrock; however, upon Luck. For each character that fails the check roll 1d4 on Ta-
further investigation they found strange runes carved into ble B.1 to determine the outcome.
the rock and heard not only the familiar sound of rushing
water, but a faint pounding noise. The flesh-eating trees will not attack any PC wielding Silval-
lum who succeeds a DC 13 Personality check. The trees will
Curiously the people broke open a hole in the rock and, to completely avoid any PC in possession of Atma-khanjr as
their dismay and utter shock, a geyser of blood shot forth they sense the kindred chaotic spirit of the dagger.
from the opening; drowning the men and sending their limp
corpses flying from the hole! For three days blood rained Area B1-2 — The Hellspring
down on the hamlet and spread as a plague; transforming
the surrounding forest into an abomination of nature where Tight clusters of trees and creeping vines hide the remnants
carnivorous trees, with bark more akin to callus wart-ridden of stone foundations that at one point belonged to a set of
flesh, grew uninhibited and even move freely about. Even- meager hovels. Amongst these remains is an outcropping
tually the people perished and the hamlet was forgotten as of jagged monolithic stones that rise roughly 9ft high. Thou-
time crept by, but even now blood flows out from that seeth- sands of roots from the nearby trees creep through to drink
ing corpse that lies deep beneath the earth. from puddles of ruby liquid that dribble down the stones in
steady pulsating intervals.
Table B.1
Roll Event
1 You place a hand against one of the trees to keep your balance when a horrid maw of jagged teeth dripping with
ruby syrup opens!

The PC must succeed a DC 12 Ref save or suffer 1d4 biting damage as the tree’s maw clamps down! The tree will
continue to bite the PC each round unless the PC escapes with a DC 12 Strength check. Each round the PC does
not escape the tree will draw them in deeper and on the 3rd round the PC will be swallowed whole and chewed to
a pulp! Afterwards, the tree will stop fighting and completely and reseal as if it nothing happened. If a PC fumbles
any check while trying to escape or while attacking their limb(s) will be bitten off resulting in a permanent -1d3
Strength or Agility score loss (player’s choice).

Flesh-Eating Tree: Init -3; Atk branch pummel +1 melee (1d6); maw bite +0 melee (1d4); AC 5; HD 3d10; hp 30;
MV 5’; Act 2d20; SP half damage from bashing weapons, double damage from fire, spew syrup (DC 10 Ref save
or 1d3 acidic damage), swallow whole; SV Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +0; AL C.
2 Silent roots move to trip the PC! DC 12 Ref save or they tumble down a hill for 1d6 damage.
3 A branch swings out to pummel the unexpected PC! DC 12 Ref save or suffer 1d4+1 damage and be knocked
4 Vines reach down to strangle the PC! DC 12 Ref save or suffer a temporary 1d3 Stamina loss.

Page 36
Bleeding Stones: These monolithic stones came jutting out Wall: The stone is imbued with pulsating chaotic symbols.
of the earth when the people of the hamlet broke open the Any character that can read Chaos or Demonic languages
burial mound. The stones are directly connected to the un- with a DC 15 Intelligence check may make out the following
derground canal, pumping the blood of the Chaos Lord up, words: “Urkdaakeous,” “Forsaken,” “Ever Flowing Well,”
poisoning and transforming the land. Consuming the blood “Gate,” or “Opening,” “Destructor.” The glowing runes
will cause 1 hp damage and Minor Corruption (DC 15 Fort are synchronized with the pumping of Urkdaakeous’ great
save to avoid, see DCC-RPG p.116). heart (see Area B2-3).

The Well: The 4ft wide hole is a vertical drop that leads Ledge: Heading 300ft in one direction from this area leads
directly into the canal below. Many roots have tangled to- to the Whirlpool of Doom (Area B2-2) while 300ft in the oth-
gether over the top of the hole, preventing any passage. It er direction leads to The Chaos Lord’s Tomb (Area B2-3).
takes 10 points of damage to chop through the thick bleed- Though the canal is primarily straight neither area is visible
ing roots. A PC in possession of the Silvallum and succeed- in the low light. The ledge’s shallow footing and slippery na-
ing a DC 13 Personality check can force the roots to subside. ture makes running difficult and PCs doing so must succeed
Chopping at the roots will bring 1d4 Flesh-Eating Trees in a DC 12 Agility check or slip into the river (Luck checks can
1d4 rounds, to attack the PCs. be made to catch the edge or have another PC catch them).

Beyond the entanglement more roots lead down the well Roots: The chaotic river of blood has mutated the trees
shaft (DC 8 Strength check to climb). Failing will result in a and the surrounding environs into the hideous perversions
plunge down the shaft suffering 1d3 damage as they bounce of nature they currently are. Only by stopping the flow of
off the sides before falling into the river of blood below blood (Area B2-3) can the forest be forever healed.
(Area B2-1).
Area B2-2 — Whirlpool of Doom
Area B2-1 — Canal of Blood The river of blood roars to life as the canal dead ends and
A ruby-tinged light radiates from the hole at the bottom quickly turns into a hellish whirlpool. Thunderous noises
of the well shaft as the sound of rushing water and a great belch from the vortex as strange flashes of light reveal the
pounding grows louder. The roots continue through the faces of damned souls, gnashing teeth and cries of eternal
hole to suckle at the churning river of blood. A canal of stone dismay before disappearing again amongst the waves.
arches from one side to the other with two shallow ledges on The Whirlpool of Doom is extremely dangerous. No living
either side that run along the canal a foot about the river’s creature that has fallen in has ever been seen again. River
surface. Archaic runes carved upon the stone walls pulsate tendrils, as described earlier, will continue their attempts to
like burning embers and in a wave of sickly tangerine light pull PCs into the canal.
that flows in the same direction as the river.
Madness: Apart from falling or being pulled into the river,
River of Blood: The river is 15ft wide and flows in one di- merely looking down the swirling vortex is enough to tem-
rection. Its current is strong enough that PCs must succeed porarily send a character into a madness wherein all life is
a DC 12 Strength check or higher to swim against it. The rendered devoid of meaning given the cosmic horror that
blood comes from the still-beating heart of Urkdaakeous the surrounds us. Players looking into the vortex must succeed
Forsaken (see Area B2-3). The blood, the stuff of pure Chaos, a DC 13 Will save or go temporarily insane. Compare insane
is semi-sentient and will reach out with tendrils to grab hold character’s intelligence score with the results on Table B.2
of any nearby PCs (DC 10 Reflex to avoid) and pull them below to determine the character’s reaction.
into the canal.
Any character who succeeds their first Will save after look-
A PC equipped with Silvallum and succeeding a DC 13 Per- ing into the vortex will have gained tremendous knowledge
sonality check can turn the tendrils for 1d3 turns. A PC car- of the struggles between Chaos, Law and the Balance. Upon
rying Atma-khanjr may do this same with a DC 13 Person- completion of this area that character gains an additional
ality, but Lawful or Neutral characters will suffer automatic 4d4 XP.
Minor Corruption (see DCC-RPG p.116).
Falling into the Whirlpool: Any characters about to be
For every 3 rounds a PC is swimming or submerged in the pulled into the whirlpool must succeed a Luck check in or-
river they will suffer Major Corruption (DC 15 Fort save for der to grasp the ledge. Failing, the PC will merge with the
Minor Corruption). Fumbling the save will result in Great- swirling blood. Party members have 1 round to intervene
er Corruption (see DCC-RPG p. 116-119). Any PCs caught before the fallen PC is sucked down, never to be seen again.
in the river’s current and unable to swim against it for six Is the whirlpool a gateway to the Chaos plane, a black hole
rounds will have been dragged to the Whirlpool of Doom that empties into nothing or a vortex in time/space? These
(Area B2-2) questions are left for the Judge to answer.

Page 37
Table B.2 “Urkdaakeous the Forsaken,
Intelligence Score Insanity Result Flowing Wellspring of the Ever Gates,
Black beats the drums of your destruction,
3-6 Dives head first into the Whirlpool Red flows the plague of your device,
of Doom (see Falling into Whirl- Black beats the wings of the Guardian,
pool below). Nearby characters Red flows the river of Apocalypse.”
may attempt Luck check to catch
insane character. Should any of the PCs strike to break the metal ribcage (DC
7-9 Based on alignment, the PC will 15 Strength check/DC 13 with Silvallum) a Guardian will
attack opposite aligned characters arrive from the whirlpool (Area B2-2) and attack the party.
for 1d3 rounds. Afterward DC 10 A new Guardian will arrive every time the ribcage is struck
Will check in order to cease fighting until it is broken open.
and regain senses.
10-12 Feels compelled to add their blood The Guardians are spawns of Chaos that appear as floating
to the swirling torrent! PCs harms red octopuses with veiny folds of skin, akin to batwings,
self losing half their weapon stretched between their four tentacles. Each tentacle ends in
damage in hp. DC 10 Will check or a razor sharp barb. Their heads are set behind their tenta-
continue to harm self. cles and appear as a wrinkled, bulging masses of flesh that
13-15 Sprint in opposite direction of sends out waves of psionic energy. These waves can scram-
Whirlpool! DC 12 Agility check (DC ble primitive minds into seizures that may trigger strokes
10 Ref save for nearby PCs) or fall/ or comas.
pushed into river. Insane PC will
not stop running until they reach Whenever a Guardian uses its brain scrambling attack,
the center of Area B2-1. a contested Willpower check must be made between the
Guardian and the target. If the Guardian wins with a higher
16-18 While mentally unhinged, the PC Willpower check consult Table B.3 to determine what the
stands immobile for 1d3 rounds. resulting effect is for every 5 points higher its roll is com-
pared to its opponent’s (rounding down). If a critical is
Area B2-3 — The Chaos Lord’s Tomb rolled the opponent’s brain explodes resulting in death (DC
The glowing sigils carved into the walls of the canal bright- 15 Fort save to collapse from a stroke followed by a perma-
en. A heavy and wet pulsating sound, like the pounding of nent 2d3 Intelligence loss.) If a tie is rolled nothing happens.
a hundred war drums, becomes ever more prevalent as you
draw closer. Soon you approach a waterfall of blood. Steps Guardian: Init +1; Atk barbed tentacles +2 melee (4d3); AC
leading to a higher level have been carved into a nearby 12; HD 2d8; hp 12; MV 60’ fly; Act 1d20; SP brain scram-
ledge. Atop the next level is a great stone bier where upon bling; SV Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +1; AL C.
the remains of some gigantic, absurd and grotesque thing
festers. Beyond the metallic tines of what you can only as- Table B.3
sume to be the creature’s ribcage beats a great, black heart. Roll Result Effect
05 or less 1 hp damage + temporary -1 INT loss
Chaos Lord: Read or paraphrase the following when the
characters inspect the remains: The mere look of this thing, +05 1d3 hp damage + temporary -1d3 INT loss
that is neither man-shaped, nor the shape of any creature +10 1d3 hp damage + stroke resulting in per-
you have before laid eyes upon, sends shivers to your very manent -1d3 INT loss and character starts
core as if you must soon look away or go completely mad. next round prone
Behind the thing’s rusted metal ribcage a blackened, pulsing
+15 1d3 hp damage + coma resulting perma-
heart beats with the heavy padding of thunder. With each
nent 2d3 INT loss + character is uncon-
pump a ridiculous amount of blood spews forth to cascade
scious for 1d3 hours
down the bier and into the canal.
The Blackened Heart: The giant heart will continue to pump
Horrified at the unearthly sight the PCs must succeed a DC
until pierced with a weapon held by a character of Lawful or
10 Will save or remain in a state of shock, unable to react
Neutral alignment. Afterwards any Guardians attacking the
until the save is passed.
party will flee back to the Whirlpool of Doom as the entire
canal begins to cave in on itself. The PCs have approximate-
Rib Cage: In order to destroy the heart and stop the cor-
ly 2d10x10 rounds to climb out of the Hellspring before its
rupting blood flow the PCs must first crack open the tight-
ultimate collapse. River tendrils will continue to lash out at
ly woven metal rib cage. Inspecting the rib cage will find
them during their escape. Once the Hellspring has collapsed
a series of inscriptions. Any character that can read Chaos
in on itself all sentient trees in the surrounding area, lacking
or Demonic languages with a successful DC 15 Intelligence
the precious blood, will wither into dried husks.
check may decipher the following:

Page 38
Page 39
“Many old tales speak of men that have been turned to beasts through foul sorcery and dealings with entities
better left be. No livin’ soul can recall what the Coo’ng actually is, nor why tis named thus.”
- Hans, Gongfarmer of Reed

BACKGROUND Hidden through expert craftsmanship and woven with

charms is a stairway that easily leads to Area C2-1. Any
The Coo’ng is a dreadful plague-ridden creature that dwells dwarves or elves searching the stones will find the hidden
in an abandoned tower which lies toward Northern edge of stair with a DC 5 Intelligence check; all other classes must
the forest. It stalks and kills any unfortunate creature or per- succeed a DC 15 Intelligence check. The stairway is narrow
son that enters into its domain. Over time and with the cur- with shallow footing and loose gravel requiring careful nav-
rent resurgence of evil throughout the land the Coo’ng has igation.
grown bold and is venturing further from its tower. It is only
a matter of time before it begins preying on the villagers of Area C2-1 — Tower Entrance
Reed. For more information on the Coo’ng refer to page 54. Upon reaching the top it becomes clear this weather-worn
tower was once opulently jacketed with white marble, but
PLAYER START has since crumbled leaving only grey stone and mortar. The
tower itself appears to lean vicariously as if a great gust of
wind might at any point force the structure toppling over.
Area C1-1 — A Desolated Region
Wooden doors hanging half open on rusty hinges partially
The forest suddenly stops at an open expanse of desolate reveal the gloomy interior beyond.
land littered with fell trees, briers and brush. Sitting at the
center of this 2 mile region, upon a slanted cropping of rocks, A balcony at the top of the tower is roughly 75ft from this
are the remains of a slender grey tower. area and leads into the Coo’ng’s nest (Area C2-4). Any brave
PCs wishing to climb the exterior of the tower in order to
The PCs have now entered the Domain of the Coo’ng. During reach the balcony must succeed several DC 10 Strength
daylight hours the Coo’ng remains inside its tower (Area checks with a maximum fall resulting in 8d6 damage.
C2-4). At night the Coo’ng takes flight; preying on any living
creature within the borders of the Eastern Forest. There is an Area C2-2 — Cluttered Chamber
80% chance that any random encounters (see p. 54) rolled
As your eyes slowly adjust to the dim light you find the
within in this region will be an attack by the Coo’ng.
chamber is choked with dust and debris. Years of accumu-
lated sand and furniture are heaped against the curving
Due to the fell trees, briers and brush that comprise the ma-
walls or scattered across the stone floor. Strands of cobwebs
jority of this area, it is extremely difficult to traverse and will
flutter in the slight breeze of the open doorway. Steps set
roughly take 2-3 hours to reach Area C1-2. For every hour of
into the wall circle up to the next level.
in-game time spent traveling the PCs must succeed a Luck
check. A failed check could indicate any one of the follow-
There is nothing of value in this room, but there is a chance
ing: a temporarily 1 point loss of Stamina from exhaustion, a
that any PCs digging through the broken furniture will
lost item, a torn coin purse resulting in -2d10gp, or any sort
cause one of the piles to topple (Luck check). If the party is
of minor inconvenience the Judge deems relevant.
exploring the tower during daylight hours and this occurs
the Coo’ng will certainly be aware of their presence leading
Though initially a bane this brush can also be used to hide
to a surprise attack in Area C2-4.
from aerial attacks by the Coo’ng. Each PC will receive a +2
advantage to successfully hide in this area.
Area C2-3 — Workshop
Area C1-2 — Rock Foundation This second chamber is in a better state of preservation than
the first. In the center is a long table covered in an assort-
After what feels like hours of scratching thorns and tangled
ments of oddly shaped glass vessels and instruments. Be-
underbrush you finally emerge before the slender tower that
yond the table is a small alcove that houses a rickety old
leers triumphantly as a testament against time. A blanket of
desk on which many dusty scrolls and leather bound books
lichen covers the mottled cropping of rocks that form the
are heaped. A foul stench wafts down from the steps that
foundation on which the tower rests.
lead to the next level.
The moss covered stones reach 40ft in height and roughly
Table: Wizards or PCs with occupations of alchemist or sim-
twice that in width. Climbing the stones requires a DC 10
ilar, with a DC 10 Intelligence check, will have some knowl-
Strength check with a fall resulting in only 2d6 damage due
edge of the nature of the oddly shaped glass vessels and
to the thick brush beneath.
instruments and may, at the Judge’s discretion, find some
needed ingredients or spell components.

Page 40
Desk: Many of the scrolls and books have already, or will
when immediately touched, disintegrate into brown pow-
der. At the Judge’s discretion, any wizards or elves search-
ing the desk with a successful Luck check may find a useful
spell amongst the clutter.

Any PC searching the desk finds a moth eaten tapestry: The

frail cloth barely remains stitched as you inspect the illustra-
tion sewn. A young warrior with a sword of radiating light
battles a strange serpentine beast with the forelegs of deer
and the yellow face of a man. The tapestry refers to the story
of Roulreed and the Yss’sak (p. 34).

Searching the Chamber: Lucky PCs may find a loose tile in

this area that houses a corked bottle of some concoction that
is in fact a Potion of Invisibility (see DCC-RPG p. 172).

Area C2-4 — Coo’ng’s Nest

The wind howls as it continually blusters through the open
balcony opposite the stairs. Here the stench of fecal matter
and death assail the senses. Bones gouged with bite marks,
decaying animal remains and clumps of hair litter the floor.

During the daylight hours the Coo’ng will be found nest-

ing in the rafters. If the party has been relatively quiet while
exploring the tower and while entering this area then the
creature will be unaware of their presence.

However, if the party has clumsily carried on, the Coo’ng

will drop down on whomever it thinks is the weakest (or
whichever PC has the lowest Luck score) in a surprise at-
tack. Read or paraphrase the following: A faint noise like
the sweet cooing of a babe is accompanied by the creaking of
wooden beams directly above you. The sweet sound grows
into a kind of purr and as you look up you spot two swirl-
ing blue eyes just before the flash of long claws reach out
towards you.

If the party has been exploring the tower by night there is

a 30% chance each turn that the Coo’ng has returned to the
tower via the balcony. Stats for the Coo’ng can be found on
p. 54.

Searching the Area: A majority of the bones and hair are an-
imal in origin, but 9 human skeletons can be accounted for.
Clinging from the rafters near the Coo’ng’s nest is a tattered
and faded red robe.

Page 41
“Dangerous & daunting, Horrendous & haunting,
Ferocious & frightening, We sing out this song,
Marching along, As gloom fills the air!
Bouncing here and there with much despair,
All adventurers best beware,
The coming of Jhumbii-Beyrs!
The doom of Jhumbii-Beyrs!”
- Gusto, Scribe & Poet to King Roulreed


Eons ago, a meteorite fell from the heavens to land in a once Area D1-1 — Jhumbii Stream
tropical forest. The impact drove the cosmic rock deep be- A serpentine stream gently trickles through a narrow val-
low the surface, where a sentient multi-colored protoplasm ley with looming hillsides. Warped roots, like the arms of
crawled out to find a host. Over the centuries this Jhum- the damned, reach out from the nearby trees to lap at the
bii-Overmind has multiplied by converting living creatures running water. Both the stream and valley gradually slope
into kindred Jhumbii beings. Each Jhumbii is sentient in its downward.
own right, but all are connected through a collective con-
sciousness with the Jhumbii-Overmind. The first human to Jhumbii-Beyr Ambush: If the PCs are traveling with cau-
see one of these creatures and survive was King Roulreed’s tion and care, allow for a Luck roll in order to determine
scribe Gusto; he was walking through the forest one evening whether or not they are surprised when the Jhumbii-Beyrs
for inspiration when he was chased out by a band of brightly attack. Read or paraphrase the following:
colored bear cubs.
Six gelatinous brain-covered blobs of varying colors ooze
The region known as Jhumbii-Beyr Glen is the spawning out from holes in the sides of the valley or drip down from
place of all the Jhumbii-Beyrs that inhabit the Eastern Forest. overhanging branches. They land with a wet splat before
There is a 75% within the Glen of all random encounters (p. instantly bouncing into the shape of 4ft tall bear cubs. Be-
54) being a band of Jhumbii-Beyrs. fore you realize what is happening, they spring into action;
bouncing off tree trunks, grassy mounds and rocks with
menacing intent!

For Jhumbii-Beyr stats refer to p. 56.

Area D1-2 — Jhumbii Tree

After following the stream a little ways through the valley,
a mammoth oak tree rises up in the distance. The winding
stream forks between the tree’s bulging roots. Its twisted
and knotted branches bear no leaves, but instead an array
of colorful slimes that drip ever so slowly to puddle on the
earthen ground or slip away further down stream. A worn
path upon the grassy knoll between the streams leads up to
a large split in the trunk.

Tree Slime: The slime which drips from the branches is

harmless to the touch and tastes extremely sweet, making it
a delight to eat. If consumed, refer to the section titled Jhum-
bii-Metamorphosis on page 57.

The Stream: The slime drips (and sometimes crawls) into the
stream from which many animals drink, eventually chang-
ing them into Jhumbii-Beyrs. Any character drinking from
the stream as it flows away from the oak tree must succeed a
DC 13 Fort save or suffer a metamorphosis of the body (see
Jhumbii-Metamorphosis on p. 57).

Page 42
Trunk Split: This opening is roughly 4ft tall by 2ft wide. Area D2-3 — Stasis Chamber
Peering inside will find a 4ft wide hole with a seemingly
endless drop. The hole is slick with slime and failing a DC 10 The crystal that forms this cavern begins to shimmer and
Strength or Agility check will cause any PCs to slip and slide glow as you enter. The cavern curves sharply, making it dif-
down the hole, landing harshly on the hard slimy surface ficult to determine how far it extends. Running along one
below (1d6 damage). side of the wall are several silhouetted figures suspended in
what appears to be a thick chunk of jelly.
Damaging the Tree: Any damage that befalls the tree will
cause the 2d4+2 Jhumbii-Beyrs from Area D2-2 to bounce Here the Jhumbii-Overmind keeps a collection of species
out and attack the PCs within 1d3 rounds. Destroying the from throughout the eons. Each has been kept alive in a sus-
tree (hp 50) will only temporarily purge the forest of Jhum- pended stasis while continually being probed and cataloged
bii-Beyrs as the true threat lies far beneath the surface. by the jelly substance which encases it. Each specimen is ut-
terly mad and will go into a frenzy if set loose. The only
Area D2-1 — Slimy Cavern exception is the human encased in Chamber 5 who may be
coaxed out of their madness.
A combination of slime and mud cover the floor of this
deep underground cavern. There is a constant flow of water To release one of the specimens, a PC may simply reach in
that trickles down the earthen walls while strings of color- and pull it out with a DC 10 Strength check. A successful DC
ful slime crawl up from the floor towards the opening high 15 Intelligence check for any character examining the cham-
above. Another slime ridden tunnel descends into the un- ber will lead to the discovery that certain crystals nearby are
known. actually controls. Manipulating the controls will melt the jel-
ly, which spills to the floor, freeing the species inside.
The tunnel must be crawled through and due to the tight
curves (designed for and by gelatinous bodies), bulky items Chamber 1: A tall form with clawed, muscular limbs and an
and long weapons (10’ poles, spears, etc) cannot pass. These elongated neck.
tunnels have a distance of roughly 20ft and lead into the
buried meteorite. Serpent-man: Init +1; Atk bite +3 melee (1d4 + poison DC
14 Fort save); AC 12; HD 1d10+2; hp 8; MV 30’; Act 1d20;
Area D2-2 — Hive Chamber SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +2; AL L.

Crawling through the slippery tunnel, you soon emerge into Chamber 2: A short, stout form covered entirely in fur.
a crystal-laden cave that instantly illuminates. The glowing
Primate: Init +1; Atk bite +3 melee (1d4+3) or slam +4 me-
crystal walls appear formed rather than cut into honeycomb
lee (1d6+3); AC 13; HD 2d8; hp 6; MV 20’ or climb 30’; Act
shaped cavities that rise in a dome like fashion towards the
1d20; SV Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +1; AL N.
10ft high ceiling. A majority of these cavities houses a quiv-
ering brain suspended in a jelly-like substance of a seem- Chamber 3: A brutish man-shaped form of shorter stature.
ingly random hue. Carved into the center of the floor is a
bizarre circular pattern. Neanderthal: Init +2; Atk fists +2 melee (1d4+1); AC 12;
HD 2d12; hp 10; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SV Fort +3, Ref +2, Will
Jhumbii-Brains: There are at least 2d4+2 brains current- +0; AL N.
ly suspended in separate honeycombs. All the brains will
spring into Jhumbii-Beyrs and attack if damaged or dis- Chamber 4: A round and hairy bestial form.
turbed. If that occurs, read or paraphrase the following: Bear Cub: Init +0; Atk bite +3 melee (1d4+2) or claw +2
melee (1d3); AC 12; HD 2d8; hp 6; MV 20’ or climb 10’; Act
The brains convulse violently before plopping out of their 1d20; SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +1; AL N.
honeycombs to bounce about the cavern, instantly trans-
forming into gelatinous bear-like forms! Chamber 5: A human-shaped form of average build.
Human: Init +0; Atk fists -1 melee (1d4-1); AC 9; HD 1d4;
For Jhumbii-Beyr stats refer to p. 56. hp 3; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SV Fort -1, Ref -2, Will -1; AL N.

Circular Pattern: This hatch can be opened by tracing a Inside this chamber is a human from the village of Reed. It
hand along the carved pattern. Hissing, the hatch will bloom is possible that this could be a long lost relative of one of
inwards revealing another tunnel that leads to Area D2-3. the PC’s who disappeared some 40 years prior! With a DC
12 Personality check, a PC can calm the person from their
Secret Tunnel: Once emptied of jelly brains, a tunnel is re- stasis madness. Once their wits have returned they may join
vealed in one of the lower honeycombs. The tunnel is cov- the party as a 0-level character (see DCC-RPG rulebook p.
ered in slime and slopes downward towards Area D2-4. 16). Otherwise, they will remain maddened and attack until

Chamber 6: This chamber is empty.

Page 43
Area D2-4 — Navigation Chamber Like its Jhumbii-Beyr spawn, the Jhumbii-Overmind can
bounce away from an attack without penalty (if it has not
The crystalline spires, all aimed towards the center of this acted during the current combat round). Each of the 6 in-
cave, come alive and pulse with light. A liquid substance carnations present are 1 of the 6 color variants (see Jhum-
begins floating at the apex of the spires to form spherical bii-Beyr Colors p. 57 for more details).
shapes of varying sizes - several smaller liquid spheres orbit
a larger and brighter sphere. If one of its humanoid forms is reduced to 0 hp, it will dis-
solve into a sticky puddle of jelly and reform 3 rounds later.
Any characters with the occupation of Astrologer, Sage or To permanently destroy the Jhumbii-Overmind, PCs must
Wizard’s Apprentice and a DC 15 Intelligence check may ac- destroy its brain (see below).
curately surmise they are viewing some sort of constellation
or planets. After a moment the image changes: Accelerated Jhumbii-Metamorphosis: Unlike the metamor-
phosis from the consumption of Jhumbii-Beyrs, the Jhum-
The brightest sphere flares up in a shock wave that destroys bii-Overmind is a concentrated pure strain which causes
the smaller spheres, creating a chaotic scene and leaving in physical metamorphosis within minutes. Each round the PC
its wake only a scattering of floating debris. The glowing fails a DC 15 Fort save, a part of their flesh turns to slime
spires die out, leaving the room in complete darkness. Af- (permanent -1d3 STR, AGI and STA loss). On the 3rd failed
ter a moment, the crystals pulse back to life as a dim glow Fort save, the majority of their bones and organs (except the
fills the cavern. On the opposite side, standing in a newly brain) begin to dissolve and a new humanoid form of the
opened passageway, is a slim figure who quickly disappears Jhumbii-Overmind is formed.
before you can react.
Only a magical healing of three dice or more (see DCC-RPG
The figure was that of the Jhumbii-Overmind. The charac- p. 30-31) can stop the change. Lastly, it is possible during the
ters will not be able to catch up to it before it changes form final stage of transformation (3rd failed Fort save) that the
and disappears in Area D2-5. The new passageway starts as victim can attempt one last DC 20 Will save in an attempt
a narrow 4ft high passage, but soon shrinks into a 2ft wide to keep control of their mind. If successful, they have taken
tunnel the PCs must crawl through in order to continue. over their new Jhumbii body and will have all the knowl-
edge of the Jhumbii-Overmind, including how to unlock the
Area D2-5 — Crystal Control Room crystal compartment containing the Overmind’s brain and
Shimmying through the tight passage, you emerge into a the proper self-destruct sequence.
greater cavern where thick, ankle-deep muck stretches from
one end to the other. In the center is a spherical rock with Crystal Control Center: The cylindrical crystals at the center
several cylinder-shaped crystals jutting from it. Waves of of the cavern can be manipulated like dials or levers. En-
electrical static of various hues constantly shift between the cased in a hidden compartment beneath the crystals is the
crystal cylinders. Something buried within the crystal quiv- brain of the Jhumbii-Overmind. Finding the compartment
ers violently! will require a Luck check or 25 points of damage to the crys-
tals. Any PC manipulating the crystals has a 50% chance
The Liquid: Like its spawn, the Jhumbii-Overmind is pri- (25% chance if breaking with a weapon) of accidentally set-
marily made of a strange protoplasm. It will lay in wait, ting off a self destruct sequence.
studying the PCs, until they get close enough to the crystal
control center and then take shape: Self-Destruct Sequence: Read or paraphrase the following
if the sequence is activated: The crystals hum and pulse a
The liquid beneath your feet pulls away towards the edges bright red as a repetitive chiming echoes from all around!
of the cavern and forms into six vaguely humanoid shapes.
In a bubbling voice the six speak in unison, almost as if their The PCs have 10 rounds to escape the Glen before the mete-
voices rattle inside your very skull, “I have been awaiting orite buried beneath explodes; leveling the area and killing
ones such as yourselves. You will be the vessels upon which everything. The Jhumbii-Overmind in its multiple forms
I shape this primitive world. Now assimilate and become will attempt to stop the sequence. If not stopped within 3
more than yourselves.” rounds the Jhumbii-Overmind goes berserk:

The Jhumbii-Overmind will attempt to assimilate each of The multiple entities scream in unison and rapidly change
the PCs by first covering and immobilizing them with its forms as if they no longer have control of themselves. They
gelatinous body (DC Reflex save vs +2 Atk roll). On the soon merge into a tidal wave of jiggling liquid that reaches
following the round, if successful, the Jhumbii-Overmind to the cavern ceiling where it finally forms into one gigantic
will attempt to overpower the PC using opposing Will- bear shape of swirling colors!
power checks. Failing the check, the PC will go through an
Accelerated Jhumbii-Metamorphosis (see below). If the PC Unable to fathom how such primitive beings will ultimately
succeeds, their power of mind over matter causes the Jhum- end its existence, this enormous bear-shaped entity has cho-
bii-Overmind to melt away as if its hp were reduced to 0. sen fight over flight. With huge sticky paws it sweeps over
the cavern in a violent tidal wave. Any PC hit suffers dam-
Page 44
age and must swim against the current (DC
13 Ref save) or become submerged and begin
drowning (-1d3 Stamina).

Death Throes: Upon its death the Jhum-

bii-Overmind will explode in a tidal wave of
liquid jelly. Any PCs in the cavern or attached
to the Overmind will be washed up in the
wave and thrown against the walls, suffering
1d6 damage (DC 12 Ref save for half).

Jhumbii-Overmind (Humanoid Form) (6):

Init: +1; Atk jelly pummel +2 melee/ranged
(-1hp & knocked prone); AC 12; HD 1d8+2;
hp 8; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP assimilate, bounce,
half damage from slashing and piercing
weapons, color variants; SV Fort +3, Ref +2,
Will +4; AL N.

Overmind (Final Form): Init -3; Atk sweep-

ing paw +5 melee (1d8 + DC 13 Ref save or
-1d3 STA); AC 5; HD 3d10; hp 25; MV 10’; Act
2d20; SP sticky, half damage from slashing
and piercing weapons, death throes; SV Fort
+4, Ref -3, Will +5; AL N.

Page 45
“To stifle rumors that his love for Margaret went beyond that of a sister, King Roulreed the Just had her banished to
the Eastern Forest. It was a decision he regretted and at the end of his life, fever dreams of his sister haunted even his
waking hours. We applied damp cloths to his forehead, holding them on as he screamed for Margaret and confessed
to a weakness of the heart.”
- Dillard Swoon, Royal Courier from Histories of the Eastern Realm


In the beginning of his reign, King Roulreed was often scru- Area E1-1 — Statue of Margaret Roulreed
tinized for the close relationship held with his older sister
Margaret. Margaret, who was blinded as a child during
Damp lichen and brittle cobblestones crack underfoot as
swordplay with Roulreed, was always at the King’s arm for
you come upon a towering statue of a robed woman who
physical guidance. In turn, the King, with deep affection for
stands as if blessing your approach. The black canopy breaks
his sister, sought her calm wisdom on stately matters. Look-
around her crown; bathing the lifeless forest floor at her base
ing back, many historians hold Margaret’s sound advice re-
in purpled tinged light. Chained to the legs of the statue is
sponsible for the decades of peace under Roulreed’s reign.
a knight and his squire; both in rusted armor and tattered
clothes. At its base is an open entryway with a twisted iron
It is speculated that his guilt for her injury is what made
their relationship so strong. Unfounded, but delicious ru-
Statue: The statue is 65’ tall and constructed from white
mors spread throughout court that the King took advantage
of his sister’s blindness by appearing late at night to her
marble. Its face is young, but carries a sadden expression.
chambers as an unnamed gentleman admirer. These rumors
Two black gemstones, with centers glowing white, are sock-
led to friction within the walls of the keep and cracks for
eted in the statue’s eyes.
those wishing to topple the King. To put end to the gossip
The statue is built in the likeness of King Roulreed’s sister
The King had his sister banished from the kingdom and into
Margaret. In paintings and tapestries Margaret is always
surrounding forest where she and her six most loyal hand-
depicted with black eyes to symbolize her blindness. Any
maidens set up an encampment.
PC who inspects the statue and has a knack for history can
identify her; otherwise PC’s must make a DC 18 Intelligence
Over time their camp became a destination for injured trav-
check to recognize the forgotten figure. Alternatively, if the
elers and men-of-war, but not once did the King visit his
PCs have encountered the Forlorn Spirit, they will instantly
exiled sister. A permanent sanctuary was being constructed
recognize the face, but may not know the name.
when Margaret became suddenly ill and was taken by the
Gods. Named a Saint, her body was entombed in the new
Statue’s Eyes: The statue’s black eyes are Uthorite gem-
stones - a rare type of stone whose alchemical value lies in
its unique ability to radiate cold when applied to heat. Often
The Sightless Sisters, as they were later known, gained fame
times Uthorite stones are dropped into boiling potions to re-
for performing cleansings and surgeries under mandatory
duce their heat in an instant, causing the stone to flash white
blindness, as Margaret felt it improper for an unwed maiden
from the heat. Behind the socketed gemstones are two pipes
to view the nakedness and sin of man. Her six handmaidens
blowing flames and adding to the illusion of pulsing white
were required to wear eye-caps, while any apprentices or
centers. Any thief who removes the stones (DC 10 Strength
devotes underwent permanent blindness in a bonding ritual
check for each) must make a DC 16 Reflex save or else suffer
to the sanctuary.
3d6 damage as a searing blast of heat hits their face. The
thief must also make an DC 8 Agility check or suffer 6d6
The neutral position of the sanctuary eventually lead to its
falling damage.
downfall when three Warlock Brothers, serving the whims
of Chaos, attacked! Together the Warlocks slaughtered all,
Knight & Squire: Read or paraphrase the following: Bound
apprentices and soldiers alike, except the Sightless Sisters
who chose to take their own lives by cutting their throats
to the statue by the wrappings of a silver chain are the
before these servants of Chaos could have their way. It was
near-lifeless bodies of a knight and his young squire. On
this fateful attack that marked the beginning of the corrup-
their tunics is a crest depicting a stag. The bodies are per-
tion that spread through all the Eastern Forest. The Sanctu-
fectly preserved as if they only began dying moments ago
ary, forever cursed by the evil perpetuated within its walls,
- even though their armor is obviously ancient and rusted.
has sat abandoned in ruin for centuries.
The chain rattles slowly as they draw belated breaths. Small
runic symbols are carved upon each link of the silver chain.

Any PC who previously survived the Ancient Keep may

recognize the crest as that of King Roulreed the Just. Inspect-
ing the bodies reveals several sword wounds and ancient
Page 46
blood staining the statue’s surface. Although not un-dead, Cray-creepers that quickly reel their entangled prey into the
the Knight and his Squire are bound to the moment of their shallow water to drown.
deaths as an eternal torture by the Warlock Brothers.
The Eastern Cray-creepers have hook-shaped bodies cov-
To grant them the gift of death, the enchanted chain that ered with a thick yellowed carapace where thirty-seven eyes
binds them must be broken. In a hoarse breath, the Knight gleam from bulbous black patches on either side of their
whispers in an archaic common (DC 10 Intelligence check head. They creep about on eight legs, two of which work
to interrupt), “Only the King’s blade will break the curse,” as both mandibles and spinnerets. The creature’s silk gland
hinting that the chain can only be broken with the sword that produces their gossamer webbing is found near the
Silvallum (DC 13 Strength check). hinge of their jaw. Their mouths are filled with bile, four
short tongues and rows of barbed teeth.
As soon as the chain is released, the bodies fall free, rapidly
decaying until only a plume of dust strikes the earthen floor. At any point, the Eastern Cray-creeper can spit out a strand
The PC responsible for their release gains 1d3 Luck as ghost- of gossamer webbing (DC 13 Ref save to avoid) with the
ly apparitions levitate towards the heavens saying, “Thank same potency as casting the 2nd level wizard spell spider
thee my Lord King!” web with a spellcheck of 15 (DCC-RPG p. 196).

Breaking the chain by any other means (i.e. a Knock spell Removing the golden shield from the center of the pool re-
with a spellcheck of 13+ or using the dagger Atma-khanjr) veals a small cache of rubies, gemstones and valueless shiny
will transform the Knight into a Reverent Knight (stats on objects (total worth of 1d20sp) which the Eastern Cray-creep-
p. 58) while the Squire’s flesh quickly rots away until only a ers have buried into a mud nest. Also within the nest are 1d4
walking Skeleton remains (DCC-RPG p. 426) eggs worth 1d100sp each to any royal or nobleman cook.

Doorway: The entryway to the sanctuary is partially blocked The golden shield depicts a large bird feeding and nestling
by a twisted iron door. To enter, the PCs will have to crawl the struggling body of a man. The shield holds a value of
upon their hands and knees in single file. Halflings may 2d8gp in its current condition. The shield’s value is doubled
enter as normal. Inspecting the door reveals that its hinges if the players can find a collector who knows its ill-fated his-
were once broken, but time and rust have seized them shut tory.
(DC 15 Strength check to break). Failing a Strength check
results in the stonework around the entryway toppling. Any Eastern Cray-creepers (4): Init -2; Atk mandibles +2 melee
PCs directly in front of the entryway must succeed a DC 13 (1d4+2) or bite +1 melee (1d6 + DC 12 Fort save or suffer 1d3
Reflex save or suffer 1d8 damage from falling stones. If col- acidic damage from bile); AC 15; HD 2d8+2; hp 15; MV 20’
lapsed, the entryway allows for normal passage. or climb 10’; Act 1d20; SP 25% chance to surprise, entangling
silk web; SV Fort +2, Ref -1, Will -3; AL N.
Pool: Read or paraphrase the following if PCs explore be-
hind the statue: The statue’s gown flows away from the base Area E2-1a — Healing Ward
creating a shallow pool of murky water roughly 10ft long, You descend into a high ceilinged chamber whose putrid
6ft wide and 3ft deep. Scattered within the eerily motionless smell of rotting flesh crawls into your nostrils as the air stirs
pool are discarded sets of rusted armor and weapons. Sus- again for the first time in ages. Strewn across the blood-
pended on the surface, as if held immobile by the water’s stained floor are splintered wooden cots, scraps of bloody
tension, are fallen branches and dry leaves. A trickle of wa- linens and piles of rotting human corpses. Four pillars, each
ter quietly runs from somewhere. decorated by dozens of shields depicting noble crests, stand
at each corner of the room. On the western wall are two open
Any PC who visually inspects the pool with a DC 16 Intel- archways leading into a smaller room. On the eastern wall is
ligence check will discover a fine layer of barbed webbing a closed wooden door. Framing the northeast corner of the
suspended slightly above the water’s surface. A DC 10 Intel- room is a stairwell which leads deeper into the sanctuary.
ligence check or higher will spot a large golden shield in the
water at the pools center. Suddenly your ears are pierced by the agonized screams of
pain heaved forth from a hundred dry mouths. The corpses
The only safe way to clear the webbing is by setting it aflame. raise into five large mounds that push towards you!
Once ablaze, the webbing will quickly dissipate - making
the water safer to enter. Any PC who tries to clear the web- When the Warlock Brothers stormed the sanctuary they
bing by brushing it away with a weapon, pole, or branch slaughtered all of the injured troops and piled their corpses
will lose the object as it is reeled into the water. The PC must into five massive piles. As a curse against all those willing to
make a DC 10 Reflex save to avoid being thrown off-balance set aside allegiance for self, especially those once in league
and falling into the pool. with Chaos, they infused necromantic life into each of the
masses, ensuring that any future men who entered the sanc-
Any PC who steps or falls into the pool without first clear- tuary for healing would be killed and added to the atrocious
ing the webbing will become entangled. Crawling from un- mass. Over time, the Rotting Flesh Golems have grown to
der the discarded armor appears four goat-sized Eastern such size that they are quite slow and unable to leave the
Page 47
healing ward. Ranged weapons, except critical hits, have no hp. PCs will also discover a pair of strange, crabapple-sized,
effect on the golems. platinum, round cups. The circular edges of the hallowed
cups are extremely sharp and both sides are dimpled. These
Any player who wears the eye-caps found in Area E2-3 will are a replacement pair of eye-gouging scoops used in the
not be attacked by the golems, as the dead of which they are blindness ritual (see Area E3-1).
comprised have a lingering affection for the Sightless Sisters
who tried to heal them. Any PC attacking while wearing the Area E2-2 — Dormitory of the Blind Daughters
eye-caps must roll with a -2d penalty to hit. This barren room was the dormitory for the blinded daugh-
ters and contains only six simple, now decrepit, bunk beds.
Any PC killed by one of the golems will be swept up into Three small mummified corpses wearing plain ceremonial
the pile, adding 1 HD to the creatures current total based off gowns lay collapsed upon or next to the bunks. Towards the
the PC’s HD. Afterwards, if defeated, the fallen PC can still eastern wall is a stairwell descending to a lower level.
be rolled over as per Recovering the Body rules (DCC-RPG
p. 93). Sinful noblemen who wished to restore their standing with
the gods would exchange the lives of their virginal daugh-
At the center of each golem is a single “control” heart. An ters to the sanctuary for favorable standing in death. The
ingredient valued by wizards, when fed into the mouth daughters were first required to pass a test of faith by will-
of a dead character, it will temporarily increase their luck ingly blinding themselves before being accepted as appren-
score by +3 for the purpose of recovering the body. Every tices to the sanctuary.
few days afterwards, the character will experience haunting
visions of the Warlock Brothers responsible for the golems Searching the mummified corpses reveals gouged out eyes
and must permanently lower their Intelligence score by -1pt and torn holes in their gowns from multiple stab wounds.
until they succeed a DC 15 Will save. Any PC with the occupation of healer (or similar) or a PC
succeeding a DC 13 Intelligence check will note that their
Golems of Rotting Flesh (5): Init -6; Atk bashing body-parts missing eyes were from an older wound than the stabbings.
+3 melee (1d8+2) or rotting breath +1 ranged (special, see
below); AC 8; HD 4d6; hp 18; MV 5’; Act 1d20; SP un-dead Area E2-3— Dormitory of the Sightless Sisters
traits, immune to sleep, charm, paralysis spells, negates
damage from ranged weapons; Fort +5, Ref -6, Will +2; AL You enter a circular chamber with six alcoves. In each alcove
C. is a full-sized four-poster bed with torn silk canopies. Laying
cross-armed upon each bed is the dry and leathery corpse of
The Shielded Pillars: Soldiers who sought healing from the a woman dressed in a gold embroidered ceremonial gown.
Sightless Sisters were required to set-aside their allegiances
while they recovered from their wounds. In a symbolic ritu- Sightless Sisters: Upon closer inspection of the corpses,
al of peace, they hung their shields upon the pillars during the PCs will find that each of them wears a pair of goggles
their recovery. The shields of those who passed while in with black translucent gemstones cut in the shape of star-
the ward’s care were left up as sign of eternal peace. Those ing eyes. These translucent goggles were the symbolic sac-
who did recover often willingly cast aside their armor and rifice of their vision since the sisters retained their sight to
shields into the pool above (Area E1-1) in a vow to never perform complex surgeries. Each goggle is worth 50gp. The
raise arms again. skin around their throats has been cut. If PCs think to check
around the bed, they will find a dagger near each. Branded
Any player who searches through the shields mounted above each of their bosoms is a unique rune of unknown
upon the pillars will find one that is loose. Removing it will origin.
reveal a dented copper flask and a wooden tablet. Whatever
was once in the flask has sat for so long that it is considered Waking the Sisters: Though the Six Sisters are dead, their
poisonous. Drinking from the flask will cause no harm to the lives may be restored if a PC willingly sacrifices their sight
PC initially, but whenever they attempt an action of any sort in the Ceremonial Chamber (see Area E3-2).
that requires a roll, they immediately feel weakened and
must roll with a -2d penalty until they have had a week’s Area E3-1 — Chapel of Patrons
worth of rest or magical healing. Carved into the wooden You descend the slick stairs, entering a dimly lit chamber
tablet is the immodest image of a buxom dwarf. echoing with the sound of cascading liquid. At the center is
a stone sarcophagus surrounded on all four sides by a cur-
Area E2-1b — Healing Supply Closet tain of falling water. On the eastern and western walls are
This disheveled small room contains collapsed shelves of eight shallow alcoves wherein sit a different statue and of-
crusted medicine jars and ruined gauze wrappings. In an fering bowl. On the far wall is an entryway that leads into a
open wooden box upon the floor are a dozen white linen smaller chamber.
The dim light filling the chamber comes from the flames
PCs searching the closet will find 1d4 jars of salve that have leaking out of gaps in the small pipes lining the ceiling and
not been contaminated. Each jar has one use and heals 1d8 is related to the waterfall trap defending Margaret’s Tomb.
Page 48
Statues: Read or paraphrase the following: There are eight human scale. Two small black Uthorite stones are socketed
small statues in total; each dedicated to a different patron. in the eyes of the relief.
One statue is carved from stone and depicts a large toad
whose tongue strangles a snake held within its maw. The The tomb’s lid is sealed shut by a contraption made up of
second statue is carved of blackwood and depicts a minia- many iron bolts and cogs. The only way to properly open
ture oak tree in magnificent detail; the veins of the finger- the tomb is to use the baptismal fount found in Area E3-2.
nail-sized leaves are gilded in gold. A third statue of bone When a pair of fresh eyes have been drawn by the fount,
depicts an insect with sixteen pincers capped by small rubies the lid of Margaret’s Tomb will shift downward, allowing a
and its chitin forms the shape of a grinning horned demon. glimpse of Margaret for two minutes. In times of yore, the
nobleman that sacrificed his daughter’s eyes would take this
While the entry chamber was dedicated to healing the time to pray to the saintly body, but it was also customary to
wounds of the body, this lower level was designated for add a coin to her tomb for good luck.
healing the weaknesses of the spirit. Those in the process
of healing would descend the stairs each morning to place Waterfall Trap: Breaking open the lid of the tomb requires
an offering of coin, blood or oath before the statue of their a DC 28 Strength check (any number of PCs may add their
chosen patron. This gesture not only brought comfort, but at Strength modifier to the roll) or a DC 22 Pick Lock check.
times was met with miraculous recovery! Failing either or attempting to keep the lid open when it
shuts will result in the tomb sinking a half inch into the
The remaining five statues are of equal or higher quality. If ground while the pipes in the ceiling release jets of fire. The
any PC is specifically searching for their patron, they will waterfall instantly changes to scalding steam, burning all
discover a dedicated statue. Depending on the patron and those standing under it or passing through it for 1d8 dam-
their rituals, proper offerings from the PCs will be accepted age.
and rewarded. Those who make an offering in full respect
can roll a d6 and compare their result on Table E.1. Those outside or inside the canopy are momentarily safe
from the damage. Those who stay within the canopy for an
Within each of the offering bowls can be found 5d10gp. Any additional round will take 1d4 damage with the damage die
PC who removes the coins of an offering bowl has a 50% increasing +1d each round thereafter. On the fourth round,
chance of suffering that patron’s corruption. This same pun- the damage will begin affecting anyone within the cham-
ishment can be applied to those who break a given oath. Un- ber beginning again with 1d4 damage before increasing +1d
like normal patron corruption, this will heal slowly over the each round after.
course of a 1d4 weeks. If whole statues are taken the PC(s)
may find themselves accosted by minions of the patron(s) in Disabling the steam trap requires a thief to succeed a DC 25
question or cursed. Disable Traps check. Alternatively, the PCs can wait 1d10+5
rounds for the steam trap to run out of water. Triggering the
Waterfall: Surrounding the tomb on all four sides is a thin steam trap and allowing it to fully run its course will boil
waterfall emitting from a series of pipes and channels on the Table E.1
ceiling. Upon inspection, a thief or dwarf with a successful
DC 10 Intelligence check will determine the water is being Roll Effect
drawn down from the pool above (Area E1-1), through the 1-2 No effect.
four pillars in Area E2-1a and finally spread out by a series 3-4 A feeling of comfort passes over them as if they
of channels into this room. Shallow iron grates surround the sat before a fire on a cold night. The PC gains a +2
tomb where the water disappears underground and is slow- bonus to their next Will check or save.
ly pumped back into the pool. Casting Detect Evil on the
5 A feeling of great rejuvenation trickles through-
water will generate a dark aura.
out their body as if gently dipped into a icy cold
pond toes first and slowly pulled back out. The
Tomb of Margaret: The PCs view of the tomb will be ob-
PC heals 1d4 hp.
scured by the waterfall unless it is crossed or the trap is
triggered and the water runs out. Read or paraphrase the 6 For a brief second, the PC catches a voyeuristic
following: glimpse of their patron as they conduct duties
beyond the understanding of mortals. At the last
This stone sarcophagus is of the finest dwarven craftsman- moment before the vision dissipates, the patron
ship and is decorated by silver filigree. A plate in old com- looks directly through the PC. The PC is stunned
mon reads: Saint Margaret Roulreed. Scenes along the sides momentarily, but otherwise unchanged.
depict milestones of Margaret’s life: teaching her young
brother the kindness of kings, her banishment from the FOR THE JUDGE: The next time the PC engag-
Keep, setting up camp in the Eastern Forest and healing her es in combat, the Judge should secretly select a
first lost and injured soldier. spell from the PC’s patron spells list. Along with
the PC’s planned attack, they are assisted by the
The carved lid of the sarcophagus is identical to the Mar- rolled spell. The PC must use the spell at that mo-
garet statue standing at the sanctuary’s entrance, but it is ment or lose it for the rest of the day.

Page 49
the Eastern Cray-creepers in Area E1-1, creating a delicious Baptismal Fount: Carved into the stone fount is an archaic
seafood feast. brand of the common tongue, which if translated (DC 10 In-
telligence check) reads: In the wisdom of St. Margaret and
Inside the Tomb: With the clanking of metal rods and the the Sisters Six, you that serve the sect must sacrifice thy sight
grinding of gears, the stone lid hisses open revealing the to the Gods. Only then can thee heal the sins of men.
sanctified remains of Margaret Roulreed. Though obviously
ancient, the mummified remains still hold some of the beau- The bowl of the fount is stained copper from blood, but is
ty portrayed on the exterior of her tomb. Her lavish robes otherwise empty. Within is a hidden mechanism (DC 15
are embroidered with a rainbow of gems. A bedding of cop- Find Traps) that, when pressed by the forehead of the sac-
per, silver and gold coins surrounds her body. On her head rificed, quickly releases two sharp metal scoops that take
is a simple silver circlet and in the hollows of her eyes sit two out the victims eyes in a bloody, yet meticulously surgical,
sparkling sky-blue jewels shaped like eyeballs. fashion. Afterwards, the victim’s bloody eyes will magically
appear in the eye-sockets of one of the stone skulls.
Raiding the tomb will recover: 158cp, 143sp, 76gp, jewels
and gemstones worth 150gp, a silver circlet worth 100sp, If one of the PCs willingly sacrifices their vision, the curse
eye jewels worth 150gp each and a scroll of Blessing. Taking upon the Six Sisters lifts and the forest area surrounding
any of the items and performing the Sacrifice of Blindness the sanctuary is restored. The newly awakened Sisters will
in Area E3-2 will result in the Six Sisters rising as wights to gift the blind PC with the sky-blue jewels from Margaret’s
enact revenge. Tomb. If the jewels are placed in the PC’s empty sockets, the
PC’s vision will be restored ten fold. They will now have in-
Area E3-2 — Ceremonial Chamber fravision up to 100ft as well as the ability to Detect Evil with
You enter a small semi-circular stone room where six stone sight alone equivalent to a spellcheck roll of 12-13 (DCC-
skulls are displayed on the far wall, each with a different RPG p.255). The restored Six Sisters can Lay on Hands as a
rune carved into its forehead. In the eye-sockets of five of 3rd level cleric (DCC-RPG p30).
the six skulls is a pair of dried human eyes. On a raised dais
at the center of the room is what appears to be a baptismal If the PCs force an unwilling victim to sacrifice their vision
fount. or steal from the Six Sisters or Margaret’s Tomb, the Six will
rise as wights to attack the party. Read or paraphrase the
When Margaret died it was said that she came to each of following: Six pale, whithered figures hover down the steps.
her handmaidens in their sleep with words of comfort and Their hair and tattered gowns billow about their horrid
direction. For their loyalty they were promised eternal life forms.
as long as they fulfilled two requirements. The first was that
the sanctuary must stay open to all those seeking aid. The In life the Six Sisters were healers, but as the un-dead they
second was that at least one who serves the sanctuary must only have the ability to bring death. Whenever a Sister
be physically blinded as a reminder of mortality and virtue. Wight attacks she invokes a power that is the exact opposite
The sisters all agreed and, after constructing the wondrous of a Cleric’s Lay on Hands ability: opening old wounds and
exterior statue and water-canopied Tomb of Margaret Rou- scars until the target in question bleeds out and dies.
lreed, they quickly spread word of an apprenticeship pro-
gram which promised a favorable afterlife to any nobleman For each attack consult Table E.2 below comparing the PC’s
who offered his virginal daughter to the sanctuary. alignment with the attack roll to determine the amount of
damage inflicted on the PC. For PCs that succeed a Fort save
In this chamber, the noblemen would bind their daughters against the attack roll the damage is halved (rounding up).
to the sanctuary in exchange for a favorable afterlife and a
glimpse of Saint Margaret’s body. The Binding Ceremony Any PCs slain by a Sister Wight will rise as a Ghoul (see.
was quite involved, but always ended with the daughter DCC-RPG p. 414) in 1d4 rounds and begin attacking its for-
permanently losing her eyesight. mer companions.

Unknown to all except the Six Sisters, the binding ritual Sister Wights (6): Init +1; Atk lay on wounds +3 melee (see
forced upon the apprentices had a more sinister function below); AC 13; HD 3d6; hp 10; MV 30’ flight; Act 1d20; SP
beyond proving loyalty. Each blood sacrifice breathed a lit- un-dead traits; SV Fort +1, Ref +2; Will +3; AL C.
tle more life into the aging women and aided them in con-
tinuing their pietist efforts no matter the moral cost. Now Table E.2
in death, the Six Sisters await one of pure heart to redeem Attack Roll Law Neutral Chaos
their souls. 10+ 2 dice 1 die 1 die
11-15 2 dice 2 dice 1 die
Six Stone Skulls: The skulls are magically bound in ritual to
each of the Six Sisters. A different rune carved into the fore- 16-19 3 dice 2 dice 2 dice
head of each skull matches one of the brands found upon the 20+ 4 dice 3 dice 3 dice
bosoms of the Six Sisters.

Page 50
Page 51
“My grandfather once told me to never trust the word of a crow. They are mischievous deceivers and servants of the
Wrook of the Woods. In all my younger wanderings I never once crossed paths with this being, but I was told that it
desires two things from this world: gold or a man’s soul…”
- Eornrad, Elder of Reed

BACKGROUND While continuing to make a ruckus, the crows will now at-
tack any PC that steps foot in the clearing, swooping down
From where the Wrook originally hailed or what exactly he from the branches to tear at their flesh or gouge out their
is none with any certainty can say. Many surmise he is an eyes!
exiled demon trapped within the forest’s perimeter. Others
say he was once a hermit and turned vile by the sickness Any critical hits rolled will result in the loss of the target’s
of the forest. In any case, this demonic creature with mid- eye and possibly a permanent ability score loss (Judge’s dis-
night black skin and two golden orbs for eyes claims the cretion). There is an infinite amount of crows present and no
entirety of Eastern Forest as his domain. Trespassers, as he way, save that of Divine Intervention, that could possibly
calls them, should they be unlucky enough to cross his path, kill them all.
must pay a steep toll in precious metals, jewels, or anything
else the old fiend desires at that particular moment. Fail to The hut is roughly 60ft away from the edge of the tree line
pay his toll and he will make certain to take that which you and the crows will not follow the party into the hut. If the
cherish most... Your soul! Wrook is currently home, he will emerge to attack the tres-
passers and prevent them from entering.
Whether the PCs stumble across or are searching out the
Wrook’s Hut, he will be most displeased with the inconve- Murder of Crows: Init +3; Atk pecking beaks +1 melee
nience. (1d3+1); AC 10; HD 2d8; hp 12; MV fly 40’; SP half damage
from non-area attacks, gouge eyes; SV Fort +0, Ref +8, Will
+0; AL C.
Area F2-1 — Den
Area F1-1 — Feathered Fiends
Inside, the hut has a diameter of roughly 20ft. In the center,
Here, the leaves seem to shift strangely under the dark a fire pit dug into the earth smolders and sends up black
shadows of the heavy foliage and soon enough you become smoke that exits through the hole in the roof. Piled around
aware of thousands of beady black eyes gleaming from hun- the edges and half buried in the soil are various treasures
dreds of large crows nesting in the branches above. Silently, of gold and silver. Cups, jewelry and other fine items are
these fiendish birds watch your every move and wait. haphazardly tossed about the otherwise dank and grubby
lodging. Opposite the front entrance hangs the hide of some
The Wrook has command over all the crows that nest in the beast, beyond which is another room.
Eastern Forest. They are his servants and guardians. The
crows form a circumference around the Wrook’s hut start- Treasures: The loot piled around is everything the Wrook
ing from 500ft away. For the first 250ft, the crows will mere- has confiscated from those unfortunate travelers that
ly watch the approaching party with a silent menace. As the crossed his path. If the characters had something taken from
party continues closer to the hut, the branches become ever them by the Wrook during the course of the campaign there
more crowded with crows who begin to squawk erratically is a good chance of it being recovered now.
or swoop to intimidate the PCs.
This treasure hoard is worth 300gp and will certainly require
When the party reaches a halfway point, the murder of many mules or a wagon in order to carry the entire load. It is
crows forms a noisome choir warning the Wrook of their left up to Judge to determine exactly what the PCs will find.
approach. There is a 50% chance the Wrook will be in his There is a 10% chance per PC of finding an exception piece
hut. If not, it will take him 1d3 turns to return after the crows of treasure, be it a magical item or something to further the
sound their alarm. campaign through the Eastern Forest. For instance if the PCs
never found Silvallum, the Sword of Roulreed in the An-
Area F1-2 — Hut Exterior cient Keep (see p. 08), then perhaps it is buried amongst the
The noisy crows continue their constant cawing as you spot Wrook’s hoard.
a clearing beyond the trees. In the center of this clearing is a
simple hut formed of banded wood and mud caked walls. Arrival of the Wrook: If the Wrook returns when the PCs
Plumes of smoke rise from a hole in the thatched roof. Leath- are raiding the hut, read or paraphrase the following:
er drapes hang loose before an open doorway.

Page 52
A black cloud of feathers and smoke swirls down through second most precious item, the Silver Medallion. However,
the hole in the roof, gathering momentum as it continues to if not slain and randomly encountered later, he will attempt
circle round and round. For an instant, you think the entire to kill the party, taking his treasure back along with their
hut may collapse on top of you before this torrent morphs souls.
into a bizarre and hideous creature with midnight black
skin. Set wide on its elongated face are two golden orbs that Soul Eggs: Like its namesake, each egg contains the poor
it must use for eyes. It sports a long leather coat and an over- soul of a lost traveler who could not pay the Wrook’s toll.
ly large silver medallion which swings low from its neck. Each egg is roughly 2ft tall, 3ft wide and weighs 150 pounds.
The thing hops around on large bird legs, squawking with Looking into the dark translucent shell, a PC may glimpse a
its terribly wide mouth, “Intruders! Vagrants! Thieves!” tormented face swimming amidst the churning black smoke.
Breaking the eggs will release what remains of the tortured
Whether the party has had dealings with the Wrook in the souls: A black yoke that slowly spills out of the egg and lev-
past or not, he no longer cares. His only goal now is to de- itates up through the air.
fend his roost!
If unhindered, the black yoke will continue to rise, squeez-
For the Wrook’s stats refer to p. 60. ing through the smallest cracks in the roof and disappearing
into the sky. It is possible to collect the yoke in a glass con-
Area F2-2 — Wrook’s Nest tainer in the hopes of healing the soul, which itself is a quest
The floor is covered in feathers, twigs and straw forming a the Judge must devise. The “yoke”could also be used as a
large nest that completely fills this area. Thirteen smoky and spell component that would definitely cause a wizard, or elf
translucent black eggs, each roughly 2ft in height, sit nestled of low moral standards, to suffer instant corruption.
throughout. At random, each egg quivers momentarily, as
something inside swirls in the murkiness. If a PC’s soul has been stolen and laid in the nest, the party
must first find the right egg, crack the shell and then attempt
Here in his nest are the Wrook’s most prized possessions: to spoon the “yoke” into the husk of the soulless PC. Once
the Soul Eggs. The Wrook will begrudgingly barter with the revived the PC will be forever hindered in the form of a per-
PCs if he feels his eggs are threatened, perhaps giving up his manent -2d3 Personality loss.

Page 53

or those brave souls willing to travel under the dark
eves of the Eastern Forest, they are bound to find no Roll Encounter
shortage of loathsome creatures and dreadful entities 1-2 Olde Applehead
wishing for nothing more than to feast on the sweet flesh 3-5 Reverent Knights of Roulreed
and juicy innards of their soft and frail bodies. However,
6-7 Cherub Spider Horror
not all encounters within the forest are purely malevolent,
as some are merely wayward souls eternally searching for 8-10 The Coo’ng
sweet release from the bonds of this world, while others are 11-12 No Encounter
the by-products of an environment turned sour. 13 Eastern Hare
14-15 Gno-Mads
The Eastern Forest is a large and vastly uncharted territory.
The creatures presented in this bestiary are by no means the 16-17 Pygies
only entities to be encountered. As stated previously, Judges 18 Whisperer in the Flame
are encouraged to take the material presented and make it 19 The Forlorn Spirit
their own.
20 Hound O’the Wood
For every hex traveled during the day, there is a 1 in 6 chance
of a random encounter. At night, that chance increases to 2 10ft in all directions and effectively covering the area in gore
in 6. Whenever an encounter happens, roll 1d20 on the table (DC 15 Ref save to avoid). If hit, the stench on the PCs will
provided or pick an encounter at random. cause the next living creature encountered to go into a fren-
zy, effectively doubling their attack.
If the PCs failed to recover Silvallum from the Ancient Keep
Cherub Spider Horror: Init +3; Atk bite +1 melee (1d4) or
(p. 08) and choose to return to the structure they will surely
trample +2 melee (2d6); AC 11; HD 3d8; hp 20; MV 40’;
find it inhabited by the Cherub Spider Horror. It will stalk
Act 3d20; SP 50% chance to surprise, intestinal web, spider
the PCs in the dark; picking them off one by one and tak-
climb, un-dead traits, death throes; SV Fort +1, Ref +2, Will
ing them back to its lair (Area 1-1). Many areas of the Keep
+1; AL C.
will now be cover in sticky intestinal strains of webbing that
must be hacked through in order to progress.
The escaped by-product from the short lived cultists of
the Ancient Keep, this abomination treads
the upper canopies of the forest on eight COO’NG, THE
spindly limbs composed of sever-
al human arms fashioned together Coo’ng, The: Init +4; Atk claws +3 me-
through black magic and twine. Its lee (2d4 + DC 12 Fort save or diseased)
body is a patchwork of swollen bel- or fangs +2 melee (1d6 + DC 12 Fort
lies sewn together, while its head is save or diseased); AC 13; HD 4d12; hp
that of an adorable baby with sharp 40; MV 30’ or fly 30’; Act 1d20; SP back
venomous fangs. stab +2, spells +3 charm person, 50% to
resistance to spells; SV Fort +3, Ref +1,
When attacking, the Cherub Spider Will +3; AL C.
Horror will either bite or trample
a target. From a sphincter on its Once a sorceress of some renown,
backside the monster can spew it is said she had a hand in the mak-
a writhing strand of sticky in- ing of King Roulreed; her name
testines (DC 13 Ref save to avoid) has long been lost in the folds of
that will drag a target into melee time as her body slowly, but even-
range. Alternatively, a spewed strand tually, succumbed to the corrupt-
can lay a target prone (DC 13 Ref save to ing effects of magick. Soon after,
avoid/DC 13 Strength to break). her mind slipped until she became
Upon the horror’s demise, its swollen body nothing more than the stalking preda-
will burst, spewing its belly of sticky intestines tory beast known today as the Coo’ng.
Page 54
Her appearance is that of humanoid shaped creature with the hare will not run, but begins breathing erratically. Once
a hide of thick pale skin and mottled patches of fur that be- its prey is within 5ft, 1d6+2 locks of dark hair spring out
comes luminescent in the moonlight. Long black claws pro- from the aberrations, eye sockets and mouth of the creature
trude from her hands and with nimble, powerful muscles, to quickly wrap around any near by prey. At the same time,
she strikes down prey with one swift attack from behind. a swarm of insects spills out of the hare to bite and sting
The Coo’ng flies with dual sets of wings that grow from its anything within a 10ft radius for 1hp per round.
back, resembling an unholy union between the moth and
the bat. Below an antennae brow, saucer-shaped eyes shim- A grappled target will either be bashed against a hard object
mer an iridescent blue; two sharp fangs protrude from hu- or strangled as thick strands of hair slowly inch down their
man lips. throat. In order to break free, the target must succeed a con-
tested Strength check (+2 for the Eastern Hare). Each lock of
Her claws and fangs are diseased-ridden and any PC hit hair can be hacked through with 2 points worth of damage.
must succeed a DC 12 Fort save or suffer the effects of a tem- On the following round, 2 more strands of hair will spring
porary -1d6 Stamina loss. out of the creature to attack. This will continue every time a
strand is cut, until the Eastern Hare is slain or turned by a
The Coo’ng is named because of the sweet natured tune it Cleric.
makes when lulling its prey into a state of ease. The coo-
ing sound combined with the creature’s glowing blue eyes FORLORN SPIRIT, THE
allow it to hypnotize any creature of its choosing, akin to
the 1st level Wizard’s spell Charm Person (see DCC-RPG This visage of King Roulreed’s sister Margaret appears be-
rulebook p. 131). fore daunted or wounded souls that travel the Eastern For-
est. When first spotted from afar many may believe her to
If encountered randomly in the forest, the Coo’ng fights un- be a mirage or some foul trick of the forest, for to many she
til it hypnotizes a character, then attempts to flee with its appears quite angelic, like sunlight reflecting off the early
prize, flying straight back to her Tower (Area C). morning dew. Although she is indeed a spectre, for all ap-
pearances she is completely opaque.

Her appearance is that of a young woman with a melan-

choly disposition and bright blue eyes. The PCs may believe
the girl to be lost, but her formal manner and tone will prove
otherwise. She will tell them of a refuge not far from their
current location where they can find peace and heal both
their bodies, minds and souls. If any of the PCs carries Sil-
vallum, the Sword of Roulreed, the girl will act as if that
character is her brother who, “must finally be weary from
battling all these long years...”

If the PCs agree, she will lead them through the forest, which
soon becomes shrouded in thick mist. After a while, the mist
recedes and they will have arrived near Area E - The Sanc-
tuary of the Sightless Sisters (see the Map of the Eastern For-
est p. 32) which takes no more than an hour of travel from
wherever in the forest the PCs were.

Once they arrive at Area E, the girl turns, revealing empty

eye sockets and says, “Here is the Sanctuary of the Sightless
Sisters. I’m sure you’ll find peace here [Brother/Sister] in
this Elysium with others such as yourself.” Turning, the girl
walks behind a tree and disappears.
EASTERN HARE If the PCs ever become violent, the spirit will instantly fade
away, but will remember nothing of the incident if met
Eastern Hare: Init +2; Atk grapple +1 melee (bashing 1d6 or
again. Completing Area E and restoring the sanctuary will
strangulation 1d3 Stamina loss); AC 10; HD 1d8+2; hp 8; MV
bring the spirit to rest and she will no longer roam the for-
30’; Act 2d20; SP festering insects, un-dead traits; SV Fort +2,
est. Any rolls on the random encounters table for the spirit
Ref +2, Will +1; AL N.
thereafter will result in no encounters.
When first encountered, the Eastern Hare appears as an over-
ly large, wounded rabbit with matted, blood-stained fur and
deep aberrant cuts in its sides. When its prey approaches
Page 55
Gno-mads (6 per character): Init +2; Atk tiny weapons +1
melee (1hp each); AC 12; HD n/a; hp 2 each; MV 5’ or fly 40’;
Act 1d20; SP 80% chance to hide, color spray; SV Fort +0, Ref
+2, Will +1; AL C.

Gno-mads are a tribe of malevolent, tiny fey people that ride

on the backs of birds, never settling as they travel from one
end of the forest to next. Roughly 8 inches tall, these ruffians
want nothing more than to steal food and cause some trou-
ble. In short, they’re jerks!

A PC carrying rations and successfully attacked by 5 or

more Gno-mads will find the little buggers have swiped 1
day’s worth. After stealing the rations, that particular group
of Gno-mads will fly away with the goods.

Gno-mads as a combined effort can use their action to cast

the spell color spray (DCC-RPG p.135). For each Gno-mad
(up to 6) that aids in casting, add +1 to the spellcheck.

When randomly encountered, there is a 1 in 12 chance the

PCs have stumbled upon a rather large Gno-mad tribe that
consists of 50. In such large numbers the Gno-mads feel an
instinctive rage to protect what is there’s and will bitterly
fight to the death until only 10 are left and, after failing a
morale check, the Gno-mads ride off.
HOUND O'THE WOOD Jhumbii-Beyrs (1d5+1): Init +2; Atk crystal spears +1 me-
lee (1d6) or bounce & pin +2 melee (see below); AC 13; HD
Hound O’the Wood: Init always surprises; Atk bite +3 me- 2d6; hp 10; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP 50% chance to surprise, half
lee (1d4); AC 12; HD 2d6; hp 8; MV 40’; Act 1d20; SP vanish damage from slashing and piercing weapons, color variants;
at will or when hp reaches zero; SV Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +2; SV Fort +2, Ref +3, Will+2; AL C.
Many believe Jhumbii-Beyrs to be mere legends used to
When encountered, read or paraphrase the following: In the scare children and keep them from entering the Eastern For-
distance, lying amidst shallow roots and dead leaves, is a est. In truth, these creatures roam from one end of the forest
great wolf with a stark white pelt and red flame-tipped ears. to the other, hunting animals for assimilation.
Whimpering and growling, the wild beast bares its long
fangs, but makes no motion to move and you soon discover Jhumbii-Beyrs are translucent, gelatinous entities that come
that it is caught in a thicket of sharp thorns. in a variety of colors (see below) and usually take the form
of bear cubs no more than 3 to 4 feet in height. Sometimes,
If the PCs are brave enough to approach the growling ani- skeletal remains or organs of previously assimilated crea-
mal and help it out of its current predicament, the wolf, once tures float around in their jelly bodies, but there is always a
freed, will stand to stare at them with icy blue eyes before brain and spinal cord intact.
running off and disappearing. Chasing after the creature is
an impossible feat as it seems to simply vanish into thin air. Jhumbii-Beyrs lie in wait inside the hollows of trees or in
Some time later, when the PCs are in dire need the Hound high branches; when a victim crosses their path, they spring
O’the Wood will return to aid them. out to attack with primitive crystal-tipped spears or by
bouncing and pinning the target to the ground (opposing
If the PCs attempt to harm the wolf, it will simply vanish Strength check to break free). If its target remains pinned on
in a puff of white smoke as a chilling howl echoes from all the following round, the Jhumbii-Beyr will attempt to force
around. The entire party will then suffer a loss of 1 Luck its sweet tasting form down the target’s gullet. To resist, the
point while the ones who intended to harm the animal suffer target must succeed on an opposing Strength check. Fail-
-1d3+1 Luck point loss. Afterwards, whenever the Hound ing that, the target will have consumed some of the Jhum-
O’the Wood is encountered, it will attack the party until it bii-Beyr, which is so sweet they must now succeed a DC
reaches 0 hp and vanishes, only to be found later, healthy 13 Will save in order to resist eating more. Every time the
and bloodthirsty again. Jhumbii-Beyr is fed to a target, it looses 1d3 hp. If over half

Page 56
its hp is consumed, the target will be infected (see Jhum- will turn to slime while the majority of bones and organs
bii-Metamorphosis below). (except the brain) dissolve (permanent 1d4 STR, AGI and
STA loss, player’s choice, per week of transformation). Only
Jhumbii-Beyrs can choose to bounce away from an attack a Clerical/Magical healing of three dice or more (see DCC-
without penalty (if it has yet to act during the current com- RPG p. 30-31) can stop the change. Lastly, after the trans-
bat round). formation time has ended, the slime then takes command
of the brain and a new Jhumbii-Beyr is formed unless the
Jhumbii-Beyr Colors: Along with their regular abilities, victim can succeed at one final DC 20 Will save in an attempt
each color variant has a unique power. Roll 1d5 for each to keep control of their mind. If successful and with prac-
Jhumbii-Beyr encountered to determine its color. tice, the PC is able to form into a humanoid shape not unlike
their original body. Until then, well… their fellow kinsmen
Roll Color may need to carry the PC’s jelly-covered brain in a jar.
1 Green: Attacks cause Minor Corruption (DC 8 Fort Jhumbii-Brains: Wizards, Alchemists, Shamans or similar
save). occupations that succeed a DC 15 Intelligence check will
2 Orange: Acidic touch, additional 1d3 damage plus know there is a gland (1 in 10 chance) within the brain of a
50% chance of weapon or armor melting. Jhumbii-Beyr that, if concocted into a potion, will provide
3 Red: Blob Lobber +2 ranged (Reflex save vs Atk roll unlimited Strength (STR 18) for a limited time (6 rounds).
or stuck). DC 10 Strength to break free. PCs succumbing to the urge of consuming an entire Jhum-
4 Blue: Swallow whole +1 melee (Suffocation equal- bii-Beyr will suffer diabetes, death and approximately
ing 1d3 Stamina loss). DC 10 Strength to break out. 28,235 calories.

5 Purple: Resists up to 50% damage from all magical

6 Yellow: Brutish, Dual welding crystal spears +2
Olde Applehead: Init +0; Atk projectile heads +2 ranged
melee (2d6); Act 1d16/1d16.
(1hp + DC 13 Ref save or knocked prone) or swallow whole
+ 5 melee (1d4 per round); AC 16; HD 4d10; hp 35; MV 50’;
Jhumbii-Metamorphosis: If the essence of a Jhumbii-Beyr is Act 3d20; SP induce fear, swallow whole; SV Fort +3, Ref -3,
consumed it will, over the span of 1d4 weeks, cause a meta- Will +1; AL C.
morphosis of the body (DC 18 Fort save each week). Flesh

Page 57
Olde Applehead is an unstoppable chaotic force of brutal
strength that rampages from one end of the forest to the
other. Its body is one gigantic ugly head mounted on four
squat, vein-bulging muscular legs. Sprouting from stalks
on the sides of its mass are several smaller human heads
that constantly weep or scream in agony. The creature will
launch these heads in an attempt to knock fleeing targets
prone. New heads are continually birthed from the stalks.
Olde Applehead can launch up to 3 heads per round. When
within range, Olde Applehead will attempt to swallow one
target whole. If successful, the swallowed target will slowly
be digested, suffering 1d4 damage each round.

Olde Applehead and its many stalk heads will loosen a

frightening battle cry that can induce fear in even the might-
iest of warriors. Whenever a PC spots Olde Applehead for
the first time or hears its battle cry, they must succeed a DC magical healing the Stamina loss will continue. Further-
13 Will save or stand petrified with fear for the next round. more, while diseased, no food consumed can be kept down
and no hit points will heal naturally.
The monster can never attempt a surprise attack, as its wail-
ing heads and trampling feet can be heard over a great dis- In addition to their repulsive nature, the Pygsies will, once
tances. Wise characters will immediately look for a hiding per turn, expel their combustible bowels, with a 10% chance
place, as Olde Applehead hardly stops to survey its sur- per Pygsie of landing on an open flame and producing a
roundings. Attempting to out maneuver the monster will small blast. This blast can harm any target within a 10 foot
call for a contested Agility check (+5 for Olde Applehead). radius for 1d6 fire damage.

If the PCs slay Olde Applehead, read or paraphrase the fol-

lowing: In its final death spasm, layer after layer of shrived
skin peels away from the grotesque head, revealing a slimy, OF ROULREED
clear sack wherein a dull light pulsates and soon swells
bright and burning. The sack melts away as spectres made Reverent Knights (1d3): Init: -1; Atk rusty weapons +1 me-
of pure light fly forth to dance about the scene before taking lee (1d6); AC 10 (9 against PCs wielding Silvallum); HD
to the sky in a fit of laughter. 1d12; hp 10; MV 20’; Act 1d20 (1d14 against PCs wielding
Silvallum); SP un-dead traits, immune to sleep, charm, pa-
All the wayward souls Olde Applehead consumed over the ralysis spells, crit on 19-20, 1d3 Luck drain on crit; SV Fort
many years have been released. Reward the PCs with ample +1, Ref -1, Will +2; AL C.
XP and 3 points of Luck each.
Reverent Champion (1): Init: +0; Atk enchanted weapon
(see below); AC 10 (9 against PCs wielding Silvallum); HD
PYGSIES 2d12; hp 18; MV 20’; Act 1d20 (1d16 against PCs wielding
Silvallum); SP un-dead traits, immune to sleep, charm, pa-
Pygsies (1d4+1): Init +1; Atk tearing tusks +2 (1d4+1); AC
ralysis spells, crit on 18-20, 1d3 Luck drain on crit; SV Fort
11; HD 1d8; hp 6; MV 30’ fly; Act 1d20; SP combustible feces,
+2, Ref +0, Will +2; AL C.
diseased saliva; SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +0; AL N.
Once some of the best knights in King Roulreed’s court, these
Your mother may have weaved bedtime stories of happy
unfortunate men met an ill fate on the day their King fought
exhibitionist fey folk that pranced gaily through the forest,
against three Warlock Brothers. As the tale goes, Roulreed
helping lost travelers find their way. Well friend, these were
was in mad pursuit of these fiends for seven days and nights
just tall tales to keep you from the truly horrible fey-beasts
,while the Warlocks used their magic to hinder his passage
known as Pygsies. These unclean, diseased-ridden, flying
through the forest. Finally, weary and tired from their pur-
swine-things are atrocities that gleefully attack travelers on
suit, the King and his men rested only to be ambushed by
the Brothers, now magically multiplied into many!
Flying into battle on tiny gossamer wings that defy any ra-
During the battle, many knights were slain and the King suf-
tional physics, the Pygsies will attempt diving maneuvers
fered a strange illness from the Warlocks’ cursed blades that
in order to rip apart their targets with brutally sharp tusks.
mutated his very bones. Suffering wounds themselves, the
Since they are constantly salivating, there is a 30% chance
Brothers fled never to be heard from again. However, not all
that on a successful attack the target may have contracted
those that perished that day remained dead and the forest
some type of disease, resulting in a daily 1 point loss of
has been as a tomb they are cursed to forever wander.
Stamina. Unless the disease is treated using some form of

Page 58
For every hex entered by a PC carrying Silvallum, the Sword These sentient bubbles cling to the bones of the deceased,
of Roulreed, there is a 25% chance that a group of Reverent traveling through the forest in shambling packs of varying
Knights, along with one Reverent Champion, will sense the shapes and sizes. These packs attack any living creature in
King’s sword and come searching for him. Though loyal in order to multiply their numbers. On a successful attack, a
life, these un-dead knights have been completely twisted Skubbler’s outer shell of bubbles pop, burning away the
from the evil that envelops the forest. flesh of its victim.

In life, the Reverent Champions were the bravest warriors in While in melee combat, a Skubbler can also invade any ori-
Roulreed’s court. Now un-dead, their weapons are infused fice of a target (DC 12 Reflex save to avoid). If successful, the
with chaotic energies. When first encountered, roll a 1d12 on target will suffer 1d10 damage (DC 15 Fort save for half) as
the table below to determine the type of weapon a Reverent the bubbles worm through, burning away the victim’s flesh
Champion wields and, on any critical hits, add the weapon’s and organs from within. Each Skubbler can attempt this feat
effect to the damage. If defeated the will weapons revert to twice before burning itself out completely. If the target is
the rusted relics they truly are. slain, they raise the next round as a new Skubbler.


1-2 Spear of Minor Corruption - (1d8) The target
suffers a bout of Minor Corruption (DCC-RPG p. Have you ever heard a strange voice whisper your name in
116), no save. the dark of the night and wake only to find the flickering
flames of your campfire? What did this voice say or more
3-4 Blade of Necrotizing Fasciitis - (1d6) Failing a
importantly what did it promise? Do you still believe it was
DC 15 Fort save, the target acquires a flesh-eating
just a figment of your imagination?
disease which permanently eats -1pt of STR, AGI,
or STA (player’s choice) each day until magically
The Whisperer in the Flame is a sinister spirit that only
manifests within the borders of the Eastern Forest and can
5-6 Bow of Chaos - (1d6) The target suffers a spasm only communicate with the material plane through fire. The
of pain that courses through their veins like Whisperer takes on no outward appearance and will usually
molten serpents. The target remains prone for 1d4 only speak with one person at a time, preferring that person
rounds. to have a lower Willpower so as to easily manipulate them.
7-8 Axe of Solace - (1d10) Failing a DC 13 Will save, The Whisperer will attach itself to torch flame, lamp light,
the target is filled with an emptiness like none or camp fire and then proceed to implant its ill will upon its
other. The will to live has been drained from their chosen victim. The victim must succeed an opposing Will-
soul and they kneel before the Reverent Champi- power check with the Whisperer having a +4 modifier to
on in the hope of Death’s sweet embrace. The PC the roll (alternatively the Whisperer may roll a d24). If the
must make a DC 13 Will save the next round in
order to regain their senses.
9-10 Flail of Fleeing - (1d6) The flail appears to extend
beyond the reach of its chain and knocks the
target prone 15’ away on a failed DC 13 Fort save.
Any other PCs in the direct path of the target will
be knocked prone if they fail a DC 10 Ref save. On
the following round, the target must succeed a
morale check or flee from combat.
11-12 Warhammer of Wraith - (1d8) The ground
beneath the target’s feet splits open. If they fail
a DC 12 Ref save, they tumble into the newly
blazing hellfire for an additional 1d6 damage (DC
10 Strength check to climb from fissure).

If destroyed by Silvallum, the soul of a Reverent Knight is

released from its wicked bondage and finds redemption at
long last. The player wielding the sword gains 1 Luck point.

Skubblers (2d6): Init +0; Atk acidic touch +1 melee (1d3);
AC 8; HD 1d4; hp 2; MV 15’; Act 1d20; SP orifice invasion;
SV Fort -1, Ref +1, Will +0; AL N.

Page 59
Whisperer is successful, the victim will inherently believe When encountered, the Wrook will demand a steep toll
whatever is said and will attempt to keep whatever flame from ‘trespassers’ wandering through his forest. This could
the Whisperer spoke through burning, attacking friends and be anything from gold pieces (10 time the number of PCs) to
foes alike who attempt to snuff it out. No other Willpower a single magic item.
saves can be attempted while the victim is under the sway of
the Whisperer until the flame is out. Combat: Though the Wrook prefers not to engage in com-
bat, he will fight the PCs if pushed, using his talons or dis-
Here are a few examples of the Whisperer’s manipulations: gusting ability to lay Chicken Spawn. When laying Chicken
Spawn, the Wrook will use his action to hop away from the
• The Whisperer convinces its victim that if they head in PCs. Each time he hops away (1d3+1), he squats and lays a
a certain direction a great hoard of treasure can be found.
Doing so will either lead the party into great danger or sim- golden egg that instantly hatches into a terrible, headless,
ply astray. molting chicken thing, with a gaping flopping neck hole
filled with gnashing teeth and dripping bile.
• The Whisperer convinces its victim that they should be
in possession of an item one of the other characters carry. Chicken Spawn (1d3+1): Init +3, Atk gnashing neck hole +1
melee (1d3), AC 9, HD 1d4, hp 3, MV 15ft, Act 1d20, SV Fort
• The Whisperer convinces its victim of betrayal within -1, Ref +0, Will -2, AL C.
the party and that one or all of the characters are secretly
against them. The victim will then see things as the Whis-
perer chooses, as if they were under the effects of a Charm Soul Stealing: PCs trying to leave the forest without pay-
Person spell (DCC-RPG p. 131). ing the ‘toll’ are instantly met by the Wrook in the form
of a murder of crows. With a great sucking breath, he will
What the Whisperer ultimately tells its victim is up to the attempt to draw out the PC’s soul (DC 18 Will save), later
Judge. laying a black soul egg in his nest (Area F2-2). The soulless
WROOK, THE PC will be a mere husk, unable to move until their soul is
returned. If the Wrook is slain before the egg is laid, the PC’s
Wrook, The: Init: +3; Atk talons +2 melee (2d6); AC 15; soul is forever lost.
HD 6d10; hp 50; MV 15’ or fly 60’; Act 1d20; SP lay chicken
spawn, summon or transform into murder of crows, death Death Throes: If the Wrook is defeated, his body liquefies
throes; SV Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4; AL C. into a gory mass of black tar and feathers, leaving behind
the two golden orbs that once served as his eyes. Each orb
The Wrook is a demonic creature with midnight black skin, is inscribed with archaic runes of an unknown origin. Do
crow’s legs and a freakishly wide mouth always curled into these orbs hold the key to the Wrook’s power? Are the orbs
a smile. His most prominent feature (aside from his feet) are cursed and will any in possession of them become akin to
his bright golden orb eyes set wide in his face. He wears the Wrook? Or are they puzzle boxes to be opened where
a long leather jacket and an overly large silver medallion further treasure or hellish torment awaits? The decision is
which swings low around his neck. The Wrook gets around up to the Judge. Each orb is worth 200gp to the right buyer.
by hopping on his bird legs, but can also transform into a
murder of crows that disperses in all directions.

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ranscribed from the tattered pages of Sir Hooticus’ tome comes a new tale of ad-
Tventure, sorcery and death! Our story unfolds with the sudden disappearance of
the raven-haired beauty Belesa and soon turns to hysteria as others vanish from the
small farming village of Reed. One by one, friends, loved ones and finally the children
scream out in the dark of the night and are lost…
Now, as the Horned Moon rises, a thunderous sound ripples across the night sky and
in its wake a falling Crimson Star ignites in the East! The village elders suspect the
kidnapped have been taken to an ancient and vile Keep that lies hidden within the
dreaded Eastern Forest, for they alone remember the old tales of screaming witch-
lights that blazed and dance across the sky in times of yore!
Even now strange ululations cry out as fleeting shadows ride the wind. Who among
you will brave the bowels of that foul Keep, where unspeakable horrors must surely
await, in an attempt to save those that have been taken?

hat is it that turns a land sour? What evil breeds and lurks under the dark boughs
Wof the Eastern Forest, that has for generations cast a shadow of dread over the vil-
lage of Reed. Is it possible a band adventurers, stout of heart, body and mind can put
an end once and for all to the corruption that dwells there?
Blights ov the Eastern Forest sends your adventurers on a dangerous mission to cleanse
the evil that spawns from the very roots of the woods and weaves a rich history that
ties in the previous adventure with a map, six new areas to explore and a bestiary of
horrors to encounter! Walking into the forest is easy. It’s getting out alive that’s hard!

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