LP in Earth Science M2

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Time & 7:45 am to 5:00pm

Section - St. Peter of Alcantara September 26 –
- St. Paschal Baylon Date to September
- St. Mary Frances of the Five Wounds 29, 2022

Competency 1. Describe how rocks undergo weathering.
2. Explain how the products of weathering are
carried away by erosion and deposited
Level Grade 11
elsewhere. S11/12ES-IIb-22
3. Explain how rocks and soil move downslope
due to direct action of gravity. S11/12ES-IIb-

Learning At the end of the lesson the learners will be able to…
Objectives Week No. 4
1. Describe how rocks undergo weathering
2. Explain how the products of weathering
are carried away by erosion and deposited
Monday -
3. Explain how rocks and soil move down Day
slope due to the direct action of gravity;

Topic The Geological Processes of the Earth. Duration 3 days

- Exogenous Process - Day 1
- Endogenous Process - Day 2
- Continental Drift Theory - Day 3
- Plate Tectonics Theory - Day 4

 Earth Science Second Edition

Resources  PPT4 – Earth Science Module 3

Element of
Suggested Activities
the Plan


Invite students to look at the Dynamic Planet Map. Facilitate discussion with the
following questions:

 What forces build up a mountain?

 What forces can break down Earth?
Awareness  What does erosion do to Earth's surface?
 Where do all the rivers drain?
 What role does water play in sculpting the surface of Earth?

Inform students that these are all geological processes. In order to deepening their
understanding of how these processes impact Earth's surface, invite them to play
the Geological Processes Game. Challenge them to be the one to build the biggest

1. Students will get into teams of 4 or less. Each team will need
a Gameboard, Gameboard Cards, one die (foam or other) and container
of centimeter cubes (about 120). If centimeter cubes are not available
paper, counters or another pattern blocks can be used.
2. Directions for how to play the game are on the gameboard. Remind
students they are to move in a forward (not backward) direction. Some
adaptations (if needed):

Activity o Use a timer to identify length of playing time.

o If area on gameboard is too small to build on, have students build
on a piece of paper.
o Students may need to count out their mountain pieces if a clear
winner cannot be established.
o Students might be able to work as teams if needed in order for all
students to participate.

1. After game time has ended, have students return supplies to designated
Analysis area. Initiate a group discussion about what they learned about
geological processes as they played the game.
2. In a journal or on the board, allow students to list several of their ideas
about concepts they learned from doing this activity.
3. Develop the idea that geological forces of erosion and uplift are
responsible for much of Earth's features.
4. Have students identify different types of erosion (wind, water) and
weathering (mechanical -- root pry, freezing and thawing; chemical
5. Review major concepts (volcanoes, earthquakes, uplift, weathering, and
erosion reshape Earth's surface.)

Abstraction Discuss the following to the students:

The Geological Processes of the Earth.

- Exogenous Process
- Endogenous Process
- Continental Drift Theory
- Plate Tectonics Theory

 The students will answer the following question:

- If the boundaries of tectonic plates were not discovered, what could explain
ground movements?

Assessment Multiple Choice. (See Attachments)

Prepared by: Approved by:

Mr. Fidel A. Castro Ms. Farina D. Magdaraog, MSBio

SHS Teacher SHS Principal

DIRECTIONS: Read each item

carefully. Select the letter of the best 2. What type of weathering is exhibited
answer. Write your answer in your when the rocks are fractured, cracked,
EARTH SCIENCE NOTEBOOK. and broken down into small pieces?
PS: Answer Only.
A. Chemical Weathering
B. Oxidation
1. Which of the following process does NOT C. Physical Weathering
alter the composition of material? D. Pressure Change

A. Chemical Weathering 3. Which of the following is an example of

B. Dissolution oxidation?
C. Hydrolysis
A. Rusting Of Iron
D. Mechanical Weathering
B. Halite Dissolves In Water C. Water
C. Feldspar Decomposes To Form D. Wind
D. Stalactites And Stalagmites 8. Which of the following cannot be
Formation considered as a role of gravity in erosion?
A. It Moves Glaciers Down Slope.
4. Which activity does NOT facilitate B. It Loosens The Land Materials.
erosion? C. In Mountains, It Moves Down
Large Slabs Of Rocks.
A. kaingin D. It Acts As Agents Of Mass Wasting
B. loss of plant cover Like Landslides, Fall, Mudflows,
C. planting And Avalanches.
D. steepening of slope
9. What term refers to the process wherein
5. Which diagram exhibits the most ideal rocks break down into pieces?
arrangement for exogenic processes?
A. Deposition
A. erosion – sediments – B. Erosion
weathering – transport- C. Mass Wasting
deposition D. Weathering
B. sediments – erosion –
weathering – transport 10. What process of chemical weathering is
C. sediments – transport – erosion involved when water reacts with one
– weathering mineral to form a new mineral like feldspar
D. weathering – erosion – into clay?
A. Dissolution
B. Hydrolysis
C. Oxidation
D. Pressure

11. What type of mechanical weathering

occurs when freezing of water and
6. What term refers to the removal and repeated thawing in cracks of rocks?
transport of weathered material from
A. Abrasion
one place to another?
B. Frost Wedging
A. Deposition C. Oxidation
B. Erosion D. Solution
C. Sublimation
D. Weathering

12. Which of the following does NOT

7. Which of the following is NOT an agent of cause chemical changes in the
erosion? composition of rocks?
A. Glacier A. Abrasion
B. Rocks B. Dissolution
C. Hydrolysis A. Magmatism
D. Oxidation B. Volcanism
C. Metamorphism
13. What chemical reaction takes place D. Earthquake
during rusting of iron?
19. It is the process of changing the
A. Abrasion chemical components and geologic
B. Dissolution characteristics that make up a rock.
C. Hydrolysis
D. Oxidation A. Magmatism
B. Metamorphism
14. Which of the following processes C. Volcanism
cannot be considered as exogenic? D. Weathering
A. Deposition
20. It is the original material that
B. Erosion
makes up igneous rock.
C. Eruption
D. Weathering
A. Lava
B. Magma
15. What is the process by which
C. Minerals
sediments settle down in a particular
D. Soil
A. Deformation
B. Deposition
C. Transport
D. Weathering

16. In what part of the earth does

magmatism happen?

A. Asthenosphere
B. Earth’s crust
C. Earth’s core
D. Lithosphere

17. What do you call the semi-liquid hot

molten rocks found on the surface of
earth once the volcano erupts?

A. Lava
B. Sand
C. Rocks
D. Magma

18. It is the process that usually happens

after magma is formed.

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