Jurnal Kelompok 9
Jurnal Kelompok 9
Jurnal Kelompok 9
Lailatul Masruroh1, Febriana Kartika Putri2, Winjayanti Melda Pratiwi3, Ani Anggraini4
UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung1, UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung2, UIN
Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung3, UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung4
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected]
Leadership is critical at all levels of an organization. The method used in this writing is the
literature study method. Primary data was obtained from various books and journals. In the
initial stage the author attempted to collect several materials and various existing books and
journals and then compiled them in the form of a text manuscript that was ready to be
published on a wider scale. Leadership is an effort to influence people to act as expected so
that goals can be achieved. Transformational leadership is the ability to change the
environment, motivation, work patterns and values of subordinates. Collegial collective
leadership is leadership based on bonds and interactions carried out like colleagues.
Keywords: leadership, leader, strategic management
Kepemimpinan sangat penting pada semua tingkat organisasi. Metode yang
digunakan dalam penulisan ini adalah metode studi kepustakaan. Data primer
diperoleh dari berbagai buku dan jurnal. Pada tahap awal penulis berupaya
mengumpulkan beberapa materi dan berbagai buku dan jurnal yang ada kemudian
disusun dalam bentuk naskah teks yang siap dipublikasikan dalam skala lebih luas.
Kepemimpinan adalah usaha untuk memengaruhi orang untuk bertindak seperti yang
diharapkan agar tujuan dapat tercapai. Kepemimpinan transformasional adalah
kemampuan mengubah lingkungan, motivasi, pola dan nilai-nilai kerja kepada
bawahannya. Kepemimpinan kolektif kolegial adalah kepemimpinan berlandaskan
ikatan dan interaksi yang dilakukan layaknya teman sejawat.
Kata Kunci: kepemimpinan, pemimpin, manajemen startegik
Corresponding Author;
Leadership is critical at all levels of an organization. Leadership is the moral and
intellectual ability to visualize and do what is best for the company. Leadership is a key
effective element in strategic management. Leaders focus their organizations on strategic
direction. They create an agenda for strategic change. Organizational leaders maintain the
organization's progress toward the strategic vision.
A visionary is a leader who has far-sightedness. To approach and get what we “see” in
front of us, there is no other way except to take a step forward, then reach for it. The possibility
of various risks on the trip is a challenge. Set the right vision, because the truth of the vision will
guide us to approach, move and achieve it in the right ways. A visionary leader must be able to
be a direction setter, company agent, spokesperson, and coach or teacher. To become a
visionary requires knowledge and skills, learn from those who are successful as true visionaries.
The essence of leadership is a process of activities to influence other people to carry out
activities, so there are many variations of opinion about the functional activities carried out by a
Jurnal Multidisiplin Indonesia
leader to influence followers or employees. Leadership always involves the efforts of a person
(leader) to influence the behavior of a follower or followers in a situation (Widya
In order to achieve the expected results, leaders and employees must have a
commitment to the strategic planning that has been made and give full attention to the
implementation of the goals and objectives. Apart from that, in its implementation, good
communication is needed between leaders and employees so that harmonization occurs and
avoids miscommunication at work. So this journal was prepared with the aim of making us
better understand the material regarding “Leadership and Strategic Management”.
The method used in this writing is the literature study method. Primary data was obtained
from various books and journals. In the initial stage the author attempted to collect several
materials and various existing books and journals and then compiled them in the form of a text
manuscript that was ready to be published on a wider scale.
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B. Transformational Leadership
1. Understanding
It has been said that a leader in bringing an organization to achieve its goals
must have a charismatic and central role and strategy. This is the definition of
transformational leadership. Transformational leadership itself leads to the process
of building a commitment towards organizational goals and giving followers
confidence to achieve these goals. Transformational leadership theory is studying
how leaders change organizational culture and organize organizational structures
and carry out management strategies to achieve organizational goals. A
transformation leader is also referred to as someone who helps companies and
employees in making positive changes in their activities, these changes can occur on
a large scale. The characteristics of a transformational leader are those who always
embrace all obstacles and barriers that exist in the organization, such as:
a. A leader who likes to share his power with his subordinates and followers.
b. Advise and provide opportunities for organizational progress.
c. Try to prepare everything necessary for progress and the willingness of
subordinates and followers to be more responsible.
A transformational leader is also referred to as someone who helps companies
and employees make positive changes in their activities, these changes can occur on
a large scale. Transformational leadership is defined as a leader's ability to change
the work environment, work motivation, work patterns and work values applied to
his subordinates so that employees can improve and optimize their work
performance to achieve the goals of an organization.
In line with this commitment, Islam views that human existence on this earth
has been given a decree by the Khaliq to become a leader, or a caliph. As Allah
SWT says in Qs. Al-Baqarah verse 30:
َ ُض َخهِيفَتً ۖ قَانُىا أَتَجْ َع ُم فِي َها َم ْه يُ ْف ِسدُ فِي َها َويَ ْس ِفلُ ان ِدّ َما َء َووَحْ هُ و
س ِبّ ُح ِ َو ِإ ْذ قَا َل َزبُّلَ ن ِْه َم ََلئِ َك ِت ِإوِّي َجا ِع ٌم فِي ْاْل َ ْز
َِس نَلَ ۖ قَا َل إِوِّي أ َ ْعهَ ُم َما ََل ت َ ْعهَ ُمىن
ُ ّبِ َح ْمدِكَ َووُقَد
Meaning: “Remember when your Lord said to the angels: “Indeed, I will make
a caliph on earth." They said: “Why do you want to make (caliph) on earth someone
who will cause damage to it and shed blood, even though we always glorify you by
praising you and purifying you?” God Says: “Indeed I know what you do not know”
(Qs. Al-Baqarah: 30) (Religius Departement,2006)
Jurnal Multidisiplin Indonesia
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Jurnal Multidisiplin Indonesia
Judul Artikel
Nama Penulis
Leadership is generally defined as a close relationship between a person and a group of
people because they have the same interests. So what is meant by leadership is an effort to
influence people or groups to act and behave as expected so that goals can be achieved
effectively and efficiently.
Transformational leadership is defined as a leader's ability to change the work
environment, work motivation, work patterns and work values applied to his subordinates so
that employees can improve and optimize their work performance to achieve the goals of an
Jurnal Multidisiplin Indonesia
organization. The weaknesses of this leadership are that it does not have conceptual clarity, and
this leadership has the potential to be misused. Meanwhile, the advantages are increasing
employee motivation and engagement, increasing team performance and productivity,
increasing innovation and creativity, increasing employee satisfaction and retention, as well as
developing future leaders.
Collegial collective leadership is a leadership style that is based on bonds and interactions
carried out simultaneously like colleagues. From this understanding, it can be said that collegial
collective leadership is a general term that refers to a leadership system that involves several
leaders in issuing decisions or policies using certain mechanisms, which are achieved through
deliberation to reach consensus or voting by prioritizing the spirit of togetherness. In this
leadership, all members need to be given the same space to realize the vision and mission of the
institution that has been determined.
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