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Lesson 13: Research Paper The introduction is very important in establishing

the cognitive setting of the research and it involves:

Research paper goes by a surprising number of
names, from ordinary critical essays to the wide- (a) discussing why there is a need to study the
ranging term paper to the more daunting thesis or problem;
(b) clarifying the important terminologies for the
•For starters, a research paper is primarily reader to easily understand what the research is
characterized by its use of data gathered from a about, and;
wide range of sources to clarify, analyze, expound
(c) establishing the degree of seriousness of the
on, discover, discuss, and debate an idea. It entails
problem which has prompted the researcher to
undertaking a scholarly endeavor and acquainting
look for solutions.
yourself with the variety of materials at your
disposal (library, various institutions, field interview,
questionnaires, the internet, and email) to support
The following questions will aid the researcher in
their claims.
formulating the introduction:
A research paper goes beyond mere reporting, as it
1. What is the rationale of the research problem?
is in both critical reading and writing.
2. What is the setting of the research problem?
The Structure of Research Paper
3. What is the basic literature foundation of the
Almost all materials on research paper writing
summarize research as a matter of completing a
series of steps. Research is systematic. This implies 4. How serious is the chosen research problem?
that research follows procedures/steps that cannot
5. What is the general objective of the research
be undertaken haphazardly but in a certain logical
and orderly sequence. The research output must
adhere to a standard that provides guidelines or 6. What is the overall purpose of the research
characteristics to achieve an optimum degree of problem?
order. These guidelines and formats were adapted
The introduction must only be short and concise. It
by the Research Development and Innovation
must be composed of about three to five pages.
Center from the American Psychological
Association 6th Edition.
1. Abstract – the abstract is the little bit of
everything. It has concise statements that contain
the summary of the contents of the paper. It should
be written in complete sentences and paragraphs. 3. Literature Review- this serves as the foundation
It should not exceed to 250 words and should not of the research for it states how and why
include formula, diagrams, or other illustrative researchers come up with the topic objectives. Like
materials. the Introduction, this is written in paragraphs with
technically correct sentences. Properly literature-
This part should include: a brief introductory
reviewed research papers could answer the
sentence, main objective, summative method,
trickiest questions of critics.
results with numerical values enclosed in
parenthesis, main conclusion, and main The Review of Related Literature
Related literature is also called conceptual
The researcher must include keywords - literature. Gathering literature related to the
terminologies that are used to retrieve the paper. research is very important to clarify the different
Keywords must be carefully decided for it is variables being studied. The related literature
essential to easily acquire the research manuscript removes any vagueness surrounding concepts
among the pool of research work. central to the study. If the review of related
literature and studies are gathered appropriately
2. Introduction- this part enables the reader
and adequately, the different research variables
understand the context or territory of the study.
and the delimitation of the study are determined.
This is where we can read the trends and issues,
objectives and main contributions of the study. A literature review is a specific type of research
These are written in paragraphs and prop citation paper that focuses on published literature on a
must be observed. given topic. It is often the first step in doing original
research, scientific or otherwise. It is more than a
The Introduction
mere summary of the literature, however, as it
presents analyses, patterns, and critiques of 9. Acknowledgement- this page mentions the
individual sources, and the body of literature as a assistance received from the advisers, professors,
whole. and others to whom the researchers wish to
express appreciation. This provides the opportunity
to thank and recognize who have assisted or
4. Research Method- this will help to systematize contributed to the study but are not named as co-
the research by forcing you to identify what kind of authors. This section must be written in no more
data you will need for your paper and what is the than three (3) sentences.
best way to go about getting it. The main purpose
10. References- this section should begin on a new
of this portion is to provide enough details for a
page with the title bold and left indented. The
competent reader to replicate the study and
references should strictly follow the American
reproduce results. The researchers should consider
Psychological Association (APA) 6th Edition, and
the Research Design, Research Locale, Population
written in 1.5 inch hanging indent. All reference
and Sampling, Research Ethics, Research
types (journal, book, internet, etc) are integrated
Instruments, Data Collection, and Data Analysis.
and arranged alphabetically.
❏ Research Design
❏ Respondents of the Study Objectives
❏ Instrument of the Study At the end of this chapter, students are able to:
❏ Establishing and Validating •Determine the different types of speeches
Reliability according to purpose
•Identify the different types of speeches according
❏ Statistical Treatment
to delivery
How do the researchers answer the questions
•Write and deliver a speech
stated in Chapter I?
•Recognize the parts of a research paper
5. Results- this present the findings which are
clearly and simply stated. This should be brief and •Discern the importance of research paper
direct. More so, when describing the results from a
table or a figure, make sure to introduce the table
or figure number and title on the first statement for •What is the importance of identifying the
easier location of table or figure involved. purpose/s of a speaker?
6. Discussion- this is where results should be - Expressing the purpose of our speech or
communicated. presentation in one sentence or writing down a
statement of purpose provides clarity. Generally, a
What principles have been established or
speech or presentation is made to inform, persuade
or entertain. If our purpose changes, so does our
What generalizations can be drawn? content. Hence, it is a vital step in the planning
How do the findings compare to the findings of
others or to expectations based on previous work? • The purpose of a speech is to communicate an
idea from the speaker to the listener so that the
Are there any theoretical implications of the
same idea is understood by both speaker and
- When these questions re addressed, it is crucial
• Sadly, this is not always the case. The speaker
that the discussion rests firmly on the evidence
may not pronounce the words correctly. The
presented in the results section. This should be
grammar used may not be correct. The body
interpretative not just a restatement of the results.
language may not match the sentiment of the idea.
7. Conclusion- this section enumerates the principal
•The listener may not have sufficient vocabulary to
findings of the research.
understand the words used by the speaker. The
- This answers the objectives of the study. listener may be looking for alternative
interpretations of the words used. The listener may
8. Recommendation- in paragraph form, this
not like the speaker and endeavor to disregard
section presents where the results of the study are
anything said.
•Traditionally, the purpose of a speech has been to
inform, persuade, or entertain. But if the above
factors are missing, the speech will fail to achieve
the purpose intended -‘communication’.
3. Persuasive speech
A persuasive speech seeks to provide the audience
Lesson14: Types of Speeches with favorable or acceptable ideas that can
influence their own ideas and decisions. The
Types of Speech According to Purpose
campaign speeches of the running candidates for
Types of Speech According to Delivery government posts are the best examples of this
3. Persuasive
A. Types of Speeches According to Purpose
– A persuasive speech works to convince people to
The four basic types of speeches are: to inform, to
change in some way: they think, the way they do
instruct, to entertain, and to persuade. These are
something, or to start doing something that they
not mutually exclusive of one another. You may
are not currently doing.
have several purposes in mind when giving your
presentation. Some examples of persuasive speeches:

1. Informative Speech Become an organ donor

2. Entertainment Speech Improve your health through better eating

3. Persuasive Speech Television violence is negatively influencing our

Become a volunteer and change the world
1. Informative speech
An informative speech provides the audience with
a clear understanding of a concept or idea. The 4. Entertainment speech
lectures of your teachers are the best examples of
An entertainment speech amuses the audience.
this type.
The humorous speeches of comedians and
1. Informative – This speech serves to provide performers are the best examples of this type.
interesting and useful information to your
4. Entertaining —The after-dinner speech is a
typical example of an entertaining speech. The
Some examples of informative speeches: speaker provides pleasure and enjoyment that
make the audience laugh or identify with anecdotal
A teacher telling students about earthquakes
A student talking about her research
Some examples of entertaining speeches:
A travelogue about the Tower of London
Excuses for any occasion
A computer programmer speaking about new
Explaining cricket to an American
Things you wouldn’t know without the movie

2. Demonstrative speech
A demonstrative speech also teaches you
something. The main difference lies in including a
demonstration of how to do the thing you’re
2. Demonstrative – This has many similarities with
an informative speech.
Some examples of demonstrative speeches:
How to start your own blog
How to bake a cake
How to write a speech
How to… just about anything
B. Types of Speeches According to Delivery Remember to speak clearly and naturally -strive for
a conversational tone. It shouldn’t sound read -
Speeches can be categorized into four (4) broad
even if you are reading. Also, remember to speak
areas depending on the amount of preparation that
slowly; there is a natural tendency to speed up
is undertaken, depending upon the nature of the
when we speak in public.
occasion and on the way it was delivered.
Spend your time developing your outline,
The four types of speeches are manuscript,
organizing your ideas, and determining where you
memorized, extemporaneous, and impromptu.
can best insert your supports. Then practice using
the outline while speaking.

The focus of most college courses in public

speaking is the extemporaneous speech. This is
because this is the type of speech used most in
business, education, preaching, and political affairs. There is nothing wrong with memorization. But if
Simply stated, an extemporaneous speech is one you try to memorize a speech, you risk forgetting
where you will have time for preparation and what you planned to say and coming across as
practice but will not be expected to read from a completely unprepared. Memorizing your speech is
manuscript or to have the speech memorized. To even worse than reading it. All the objections that
appear to be speaking off the cuff, and to do it well, apply to the read speech also apply to the
you must prepare thoroughly and practice to memorized speech. Spontaneity is gone. The
perfection, at least three (3) week. When you speak speech can sound stilted. Often, delivery is too
extemporaneously, it means you’ve had ample time rapid. Concentration is on the words, not the ideas.
to prepare and research and that you have Sometimes the speech sounds too formal, like a
rehearsed your speech using an outline or notes to written essay.
remind you of the progression of ideas you wish to
Components of a Speech
I. Introduction
There will come a time for all of us when we are
asked to “say a few words” without much Attention getter, Speaker’s credibility (telling why
preparation. You haven’t prepared any notes, you you are the right person to talk about the subject),
haven’t practiced what you’ll say. While this may Relevance of the topic to the audience (stating
seem incredibly scary, impromptu presentations are what’s in it for the audience), Thesis Statement
the most common type of public speaking.
II. Body
Main idea (at least 3) duly reinforced by supporting
When you listen to the President deliver the SONA, III. Conclusion
you listen to a well-crafted speech being read from
Closure (letting the audience know that you are
a teleprompter. The speech has been polished by a
about to end the speech), Summary, Call to Action,
staff of speechwriters and has been practiced many
Powerful closing statement.
times. This form of speaking is used when the exact
words matter and when much time and energy is
expended on getting everything just right. There
Power Tips in Beginning and Ending a Speech
are times when people who are not leaders of
countries deliver manuscript speeches as well. Your speech opening and closing should be related.
The following are some helpful tips in beginning
~ If you were given this type of assignment, you
and ending a speech.
would have to read your manuscript speech from
printed notes. In that case, you would want to 1. Technique- Analogy
ensure that you had prepared your manuscript
Example (Opening)
carefully, using large fonts so you could read it
easily without burying your nose in the pages. Think of your life as driving a car. You must always
Reading the speech does not allow you to skimp on keep your attention on the road and focus on
the preparation. Practice the speech many times. where you are heading too. At times, you need to
This allows you to make changes, if needed, and to look behind but you have to keep looking ahead
select the best words to communicate your exact because life has to go on.
Example (Closing)
Drive your car safely, so you will have a happy life. ✓Recognize the importance of job interviews in the
job application process;
2. Technique- Anecdote
Opening ✓Demonstrate communication skills in a mock job
I was 20 years old when I experienced depression.
It was the time when a series of unfortunate events
occurred simultaneously. I barely slept and also lost • Before getting employed, one undergoes an
my appetite. application process that involves the
Closing communication skills you have been practicing in
the previous lessons/years.
I would have not overcome my depression of not
for the people who value me. Now, I live normal The application process usually begins with a job
life, and it’s my chance to pay forward what those advertisement that is made available through
great people did to me. various forms such as newspapers, advertisements,
radio and/or television broadcasts, and social
3. Technique- Humor media posts, as well as through job placement
Opening offices in business and educational institutions.

My seven- year- old nephew told me to avoid giving • After all the requirements are collected and
advice in my speech. That is because I may be like submitted to the employers, depending on the
Socrates who according to him, after walking nature of the job, paper and pen tests may be
around and giving advice to people, he died scheduled. Finally, a job interview is arranged.
because the same people poisoned him.
I’m sure after my speech you won’t poison me
because you know in your heart that you learn
something significant today. > The job interview is a vital component of the job
application process. Documentary requirements
4. Provocative Rhetorical Question which are written components of the job
Why are some people able to achieve things that application, do not give a complete picture of the
seem impossible? applicant. Test results are not totally reliable in
providing all the information employer’s needs.
So, why do some people achieve things that seem Thus, job interviews are done to determine
impossible? whether or not the applicant possess the qualities
 That’s because of hard work and right attitude. expected by the company or organization. Each job
interview is different from the other, so it is
5. Quotation important that applicants prepare themselves well.
I have decided to live by Abraham Lincoln’s words:
“Most people are about as happy as they make
their minds up to be.” Tips before the interview:

Lincoln’s words are such an uplifting phrase. 1. Start by researching the company and your
6. Statistics
Understanding key information about the company
One out of every three children in the Philippines you’re interviewing with can help you go into your
suffers from human trafficking. interview with confidence. Using the company’s
website, social media posts and recent press
We can no longer afford to let more children to
releases will provide a solid understanding of the
suffer from human trafficking, it’s about time to put
company’s goals and how your background makes
a stop to this horror.
you a great fit.

The Job Interview

2. Practice your answers to common interview
Objectives: questions.
✓Identify the steps involved in the job application Prepare your answer to the common question: “Tell
process; me about yourself, and why are you interested in
this role with our company?” The idea is to quickly
communicate who you are and what value you will
bring to the company.
3. Plan your schedule so that you can arrive 10–15
minutes early.
3. Reread the job description. Map out your route to the interview location so you
can be sure to arrive on time. Consider doing a
You may want to print it out and begin underlining
practice run. If you’re taking public transportation,
specific skills the employer is looking for. Think
identify a backup plan if there are delays or
about examples from your past and current work
that align with these requirements.

4. Make a great first impression.

4. Prepare a list of references.
Don’t forget the little things—shine your shoes,
Your interviewers might require you to submit a list
make sure your nails are clean and tidy, and check
of references before or after your interview. Having
your clothes for holes, stains, pet hair and loose
a reference list prepared ahead of time can help
threads. Display confident body language and a
you quickly complete this step to move forward in
smile throughout.
the hiring process.
5. Treat everyone you encounter with respect.
This includes people on the road and in the parking
5. Be prepared with examples of your work.
lot, security personnel and front desk staff. Treat
During the interview, you will likely be asked about everyone you don’t know as though they’re the
specific work you’ve completed in relation to the hiring manager. Even if they aren’t, your potential
position. After reviewing the job description, think employer might ask for their feedback.
of work you’ve done in past that show you have
6. Practice good manners and body language.
experience and success doing the work they
require. Practice confident, accessible body language from
the moment you enter the building. Sit or stand tall
with your shoulders back. Before the interview,
6. Prepare smart questions for your interviewers. take a deep breath and exhale slowly to manage
feelings of anxiety and encourage self-confidence.
Interviews are a two-way street. Employers expect
The interviewer should extend their hand first to
you to ask questions: they want to know that
initiate a handshake. Stand, look the person in the
you’re thinking seriously about what it would be
eye and smile. A good handshake should be firm
like to work there.
but not crush the other person’s fingers.
7. Win them over with your authenticity and
Tips during the interview: positivity.

1. Plan your interview attire the night before. Being genuine during interview conversations can
help employers easily relate to you. Showing
If you’re speaking to a recruiter before the
positivity with a smile and upbeat body language
interview, you can ask them about the dress code in
can help keep the interview light and constructive.
the workplace and choose your outfit accordingly.
Usually a semi –formal attire is worn for job 8. Respond truthfully to the questions asked.
While it can seem tempting to embellish on your
skills and accomplishments, interviewers find
honesty refreshing and respectable. Focus on your
2. Bring copies of your resume, a notebook and
key strengths and why your background makes you
uniquely qualified for the position.
Take at least five copies of your printed resume on
9. Tie your answers back to your skills and
clean paper in case of multiple interviewers.
Highlight specific accomplishments on your copy
that you can easily refer to and discuss. Bring a pen With any question you answer, it is important that
and a small notebook. Prepare to take notes, but you tie your background to the job by providing
not on your smartphone or another electronic examples of solutions and results you’ve achieved.
device. Use every opportunity to address the requirements
listed in the job description.
10. Keep your answers concise and focused.
Your time with each interviewer is limited so be portfolio and learning about your values, I knew I
mindful of rambling. Practicing your answers had to apply.”
beforehand can help keep you focused.
What Prompted You to Apply?
11. Do not speak negatively about your previous
•This position aligns with your career goals.
•Your previous experience makes perfect sense for
Companies want to hire problem solvers who
this role.
overcome tough situations. If you’re feeling
discouraged about your current job, focus on •The company will clearly benefit from your
talking about what you’ve gained from that knowledge and expertise, etc.
experience and what you want to do next.
“This is an opportunity for me to “marry” my love
Tips after the interview: for tech and my desire to create great products,
ultimately. I’ve been working as a software
1. Ask about next steps.
developer for over 5 years before deciding to
After your interview, it is appropriate to ask either transition into the product owner role. Due to my
your interviewer, hiring manager or recruiter about strong technical background, I know exactly how to
what you should expect next. This will likely be a steer the client’s expectations toward what’s
follow-up email with results from your interview, actually doable. The benefits are two-fold: the
additional requirements like an assignment or customer’s needs are met without burdening the
reference list or another interview. team with unmanageable tasks. ”
Send a personalized thank you letter after How Do You Handle Pressure/Stress?
the interview. Ask for the business card of each • The reason for this common interview question is
person you speak with during the interview process quite obvious: many studies prove that stress can
so that you can follow up individually with a significantly decrease an employee's engagement,
separate thank you email. If you were interviewed performance, and overall job satisfaction. If the job
in the morning, send your follow-up emails the is deemed high-pressure (and let’s be honest, many
same day. If you were interviewed in the afternoon, jobs today are like that), the recruiter will want to
the next morning is fine. Make certain that each make sure you’re able to manage that stress
email is distinct from the others, using the notes efficiently.
you took during the conversations.
• However, it’s also the employer’s responsibility to
create reasonable working conditions, so you can
(and should) definitely ask what could potentially
contribute to the level of stress at this position:
Commonly asked in a Job Interview:
Where Did You Hear About This Position?
“I have experienced burnout before, which led me
• Show that you know someone in the company if to reassess my time management and work-life
you got a referral (which means somebody who balance approach. Now I’m confident that I can
knows the company well thought you’d be a great deal with stress well, noticing the early signs and
fit). tackling them before they have a chance to affect
my work.”
• Share that you’ve learned about the company
through research (you came prepared and know
what you want).
Are You More of a Team Player or an Independent
• Express your genuine interest (maybe you’ve Individual?
been keeping an eye on the company for a while,
To answer this well, think of the expectations tied
which means you’re familiar with their
to the position. If you’re applying to be head of the
operations/values/messaging, etc.)
department but say you’re “better off working on
Respond: your own,” it may be a red flag. Still, don’t pretend
you’re the “life of the party” when you’d much
“My goal was to work for a top marketing agency,
rather talk to your dog than other people.
so while I was doing my research via LinkedIn, I
came across the job ad from Off Brand. I was Respond:
immediately attracted by your one-of-a-kind tone
“I like working in sync with others—I think the best
of voice and amazing visuals. After looking at your
ideas are born out of collaboration! However, I can
be a self-starter, too. I’m able to work
independently and develop a game plan for myself,
executing it effectively and taking responsibility for
its outcome.”

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