TOXOPLASMA GONDI : is a single-celled, obligate
intracellular protozoan parasite belonging to the phylum
Apicomplexa. It is one of the most common parasites infecting
humans and warm-blooded animals worldwide. It is commonly
found in cat faeces and can be transmitted through ingestion of
contaminated food or water.also it is transmitted through
food chains, mainly through carnivores and scavengers .
Features of T.gondi
Worldwide distribution
Zoonotic parasite; Toxoplasma is an opportunistic
Infects animals, cattle, birds, rodents, pigs, sheep,
and humans.
Causes the disease Toxoplasmosis.
Intracellular parasite.
Final host (Felidae family, cat)
Intermediate host (mammals )
Epidemiology of toxoplasmosis
Toxoplasmosis infection was reported in warm-blooded animals and
humans, and the distribution was reported throughout the world. It
affected almost all species, from mammals to various bird species .
In the case of humans, toxoplasmosis was reported in nearly all parts
of the world, and about one-third of human populations were
vulnerable to latent infection. The incidence of toxoplasmosis in
developing and underdeveloped nations is reported to be very high;
however, it is noted that the infections were low in developed
countries. High prevalence of toxoplasmosis was reported in Africa,
parts of south-east Asia, Middle East, parts of Central/Eastern
Europe, and Latin America. . Food preparing habits such as
thoroughly cooked foods (meat) or half-cooked were the critical
factors influencing transmission ). Eating raw mussels, clams, and
oysters have been predicted as a significant risk factor of
toxoplasmosis in various countries, including the USA ). It was
estimated that about 25–30% of human populations infected with T.
gondii . Many climatic factors that influence the survival rate of
oocysts and ruminants play a significant role in transmitting disease.
Also, seroprevalence was observed to be higher with aged people ;
however, the infection rate was largely associated with older age
adults and varied based on individuals' socio-economic conditions.
Water carries oocysts, and the consumption of unfiltered water or
water in recreation facilities contributed to disease transmission. The
socio-economic level has been an influencing factor on
toxoplasmosis infection.
Cats are the definitive host and are the only species know
complete the sexual phase of T. gondii culminating in the
3.Immune sup present people like HIV AIDS people
Toxoplasma gondii exists in three forms
.. All parasite stages are infectious
1. Tachyzoites
2. Tissue cysts (bradyzoit)
3. Oocysts
Tachyzoite stage
Bradyzoites stage
Are slow-growing stage inside the tissue cysts.
Bradyzoites mark the chronic phase of infection.
Bradyzoites are resistant to low pH and digestive
enzymes during stomach passage.
Protective cyst wall is finally dissolved and
bradyzoites infect tissue and transform into
Bradyzoites are released in the intestine and are
highly infective if ingested.
Oocyst stage
The life cycle of Toxoplasma
Cats and some felines are the definitive hosts of T. gondii . It
can develop its life cycle in the intestinal epithelium of these
animal . Once infected cats excrete their wastes (oocysts) to
the environment, it may infect any vertebrate animal that
consumes the oocysts, including humans . Ingestion and
manipulation of raw or undercooked meat, unwashed vegetables
and fruits, the consumption of the unboiled water and contact
with cats are risk factors that increase the likelihood of ingesting
oocysts and consequently the development of Toxoplasmosis. In
humans, if the infection happens during the stage of pregnancy,
the Toxoplasma gondii can be transmitted vertically to
the fetus through the tachyzoites , invade the cells and infect all
the organs of the fetus , primarily retina, brain, muscle and
Toxoplasmosis is an infection caused by the protozoan parasite
Toxoplasma gondii. It is one of the most common parasitic
infections in humans, with an estimated one-third of the world's
population infected.
Toxoplasmosis is primarily transmitted through contact with cat
feces or by ingesting raw or undercooked meat from infected
animals (e.g., pork, lamb, venison). Cats become infected by
eating rodents or other small animals that carry the parasite.
toxoplasmosis often causes no symptoms or only mild, flu-like
symptoms that may go unnoticed. However, it can be more
severe in certain populations, including:
• Pregnant women: Infection during pregnancy can lead to
congenital toxoplasmosis in the fetus, which can cause serious
birth defects or miscarriage.
• Immunocompromised individuals: People with weakened
immune systems are at risk of developing severe toxoplasmosis,
which can affect the brain, eyes, or other organs.
Ocular toxoplasmosis is a common manifestation of
toxoplasmosis, characterized by inflammation and scarring of
the eye's retina. It can lead to vision impairment or even
pathogenic than others, and some strains may have specific
tissue affinities, such as a tendency to cause ocular disease in
cats. If a poor immune response is mounted after primary
infection, overwhelming tachyzoite replication that results in
tissue necrosis is the major cause of disease. Eosinophilic
fibrosing gastritis was recently described in a T. gondii–
infected cat.
Fatal extra intestinal toxoplasmosis in cats can develop from
overwhelming intracellular replication of tachyzoites following
primary infection; hepatic, pulmonary, CNS, and pancreatic
tissues are commonly involved.Kittens infected by the
transplacental or transmammary routes develop the most
severe signs of extra intestinal toxoplasmosis and generally
die of pulmonary or hepatic disease. Common clinical signs
in cats with disseminated toxoplasmosis include lethargy,
anorexia, and respiratory distress.
Transmission of Toxoplasmosis
Transmission of the disease reported to occur mainly through
water, from contaminated food, ingestion of the tissue cysts,
congenital transmission, or ingestion of oocyts. However, this
disease's transmission varied widely among populations, mainly
based on food habits and culture. The infection can get through
unpasteurized milk and contamination of blood products by
tachyzoite. Tissue cysts are located in the brain and muscle of
most of the intermediate hosts. Cats reported to acquire
toxoplasmosis through contaminated prey such as birds or
rodents and act as hosts to continue sexual reproduction,
enteroepithelial cycle, and oocyst production . Carnivorous
animals from wild habitats such as skunks, raccoon, fox, bears
also acquire toxoplasmosis through the ingestion of cysts from
Human beings acquire toxoplasmosis by consuming half-
cooked contaminated meat, such as lamb or pork . The
ingested tissue cyst is digested by the action of various
proteolytic enzyme activities in the stomach of the host
organism and release the parasite in the form of bradyzoites.
The parasite is observed to be highly resistant to protease
and survive in the host organism's small intestine. A report
estimated more than 10 million cyst removal through fecal
materials in cats within two weeks of ingestion. The released
oocyst sporulates within five days of release in the
environment. In the soil sample, the sporulated organism
remains alive for about one year .
Contaminated water or food by oocysts
Ingestion of tachyzoites and bradyzoites
(cysts) in flesh of infected host.
Undercooked meat.
Mother to fetus.
Organ transplant (rare).
Blood transfusion (rare)
Pathogenesis of toxoplasmosis
The virulence factors of the parasite and immune defenses of the
host might drive the species-dependent susceptibility to
toxoplasmosis Obviously, the immune status of the host also
influences the development of the disease. It considered the most
frequent opportunistic pathogen in AIDS patients and there are
numerous reports of infections after immunosuppressive.
Toxoplasma infection, with the infection usually being in
apparent or producing only transient mild symptoms during the
acute phase, although the host remains chronically infected for
its lifetime .
The diagnosis of T. gondii infection is crucial for the
surveillance, prevention and control of toxoplasmosis .
Microscopic diagnosis
These techniques imply the detection of the parasite based on
light microscopy. Despite having been traditionally used, they
have a low sensitivity and require skilled personnel to obtain
reliable detection results . Oocysts could be identified on faecal
(felids), water, soil, or food (i.e., susceptible to T. gondii
presence like vegetables or fruit) samples, and even in aerosols,
after filtration and centrifugation processes .
Bioassay: Cats are the most sensitive bioassay model for the
detection of T. gondii in meat because an animal can be fed with
much larger volumes of tissues (500 g or more) and can excrete
millions of oocysts after ingesting only one bradyzoite .
Serological assays
The serologic tests for demonstration of specific antibody to T.
gondii are the initial and primary method of diagnosis. Based on
specific antibodies detection (indirect diagnosis) to determine
the time point of infection (recent/chronic), a valuable
alternative is the detection of circulating antigens in serum
(direct diagnosis) in ELISA has been designed .A combination
of serologic tests is required to measure different antibodies that
possess unique patterns of rise and fall with time after infection .
Toxoplasma l Profile (TSP), ELISA and AC/HS tests are used to
determine infection acquired in the recent or more distant past .
Treatment of toxoplasmosis
Intensive supportive treatment may be necessary in animals
with disseminated disease. Clinical cases are treated with
antibiotics. Only certain drugs, such as clindamycin and
azithromycin used alone or in various combinations, are
effective. The most effective treatment of toxoplasmosis is a
combination of the oral antibiotic drugs pyrimethamine and
sulfadiazine plus the B vitamin folinic acid. Corticosteroids may
be administered concurrently in ocular disease to reduce
inflammation. While antibiotics can suppress actively dividing
parasites, they cannot destroy tissue cysts and are unlikely to
completely eliminate T. gondii from the body .
the access of felids to abortion-derived tissues. Basic
measurements are: avoiding cat access to farm areas, especially
to those housing pregnant ruminants, troughs food warehouses
and water supplies; promptly removing any abortion-derived
tissue as well as appropriately disposing of animal carcasses
[109] and establishing rodent control. In humans, consumption
habits, preventing to eat raw or undercooked meat in which
possible tissue cysts remain viable or washing vegetables and
fruit before consumption, as well as to the way we handle
domestic c
Babesia :also called Nuttallia and
an apicomplexan parasite that infects red blood cells and
is transmitted by ticks. Originally discovered by the
Romanian bacteriologist Victor Babeș in 1888, over 100
species of Babesia have since been identified.
Babesia comprises more than 100 species of tick-borne
parasites that infect erythrocytes (red blood cells) in many
vertebrate hosts.
Babesia species infect livestock worldwide, wild and
domestic vertebrate animals, and occasionally humans,
where they cause the disease babesiosis.
B. microti is the most common strain of the few which
have been documented to cause disease in humans and
Phylum: Apicomplexa
Class: Sporozoa
Order: Piroplasmida
Family: babesidae
Genus : Babesia
Babesia species are classified into four major clades
based on their genetic characteristics:
Clade I:
• Babesia divergens
• Babesia odocoilei
• Babesia venatorum
Clade II:
• Babesia bovis
• Babesia bigemina
• Babesia caballi
Clade III:
• Babesia duncani
• Babesia gibsoni
• Babesia microti
Clade IV:
• Babesia canis
• Babesia felis
• Babesia vogeli
Additional species:
• Babesia lengau
• Babesia ovata
• Babesia starlingi
Clade IV: Babesia species are primarily found in
Africa and infect dogs and cats. Babesia canis is the most
common Babesia species that infects dogs and can cause
severe and even fatal infections.
Distribution in Ethiopia
Ethiopia has the largest livestock population in
The presence of diseases caused by haemoparasites
is broadly related to the presence and distribution
of their vectors.Arthropod transmitted
haemoparasitic disease of cattle is caused by the
trypanosome,babesia,theileria and anaplasma species
In Ethiopia, now days no adequate emphasis has been
given to livestock disease, particularly, to Bovine
Babesiosis, despite of its devastating effect on
cattle and other livestocks.Bovine Babesiosis is one
of the most important diseases in the country
because it occurs sometimes in acute forms with
serious recognized clinical manifestations yet
lowering the productive performance of the affected
animals.Generally bovine babesiosis is one of the
most important diseases that seriously hinder cattle
production in Ethiopia and other part of the world.
Transmission and life cycle
Babesia species are transmitted to humans and other
animals through the bite of an infected tick. Ticks become
infected with Babesia parasites when they feed on an
infected animal. The parasites then multiply in the tick's
gut and salivary glands. When the tick bites a new host,
the parasites are transmitted through the tick's saliva.
• Babesia gibsoni is transmitted by the dog tick
(Rhipicephalus sanguineus) in Asia and Africa.
• Babesia canis is transmitted by the brown dog tick
(Rhipicephalus sanguineus) in Africa.
Life Cycle
The Babesia life cycle involves two hosts, which includes a rodent,
primarily the white-footed mouse, Peromyscus leucopus, and a tick in the
genus, Ixodes. During a blood meal, a Babesia-infected tick introduces
sporozoites into the mouse host . Sporozoites enter erythrocytes and
undergo asexual reproduction (budding) . In the blood, some parasites
differentiate into male and female gametes although these cannot be
distinguished at the light microscope level . The definitive host is the tick.
Once ingested by an appropriate tick , gametes unite and undergo a
sporogonic cycle resulting in sporozoites .
Humans enter the cycle when bitten by infected ticks. During a blood meal,
a Babesia-infected tick introduces sporozoites into the human host .
Sporozoites enter erythrocytes and undergo asexual replication (budding) .
Multiplication of the blood stage parasites is responsible for the clinical
manifestations of the disease. Humans are, for all practical purposes, dead-
end hosts and there is probably little, if any, subsequent transmission that
occurs from ticks feeding on infected persons. However, human to human
transmission is well recognized to occur through blood transfusions .
Pathogenesis of Babesia
Babesia parasites invade red blood cells and
multiply within the cells. The parasites consume the
hemoglobin in the red blood cells, which can lead to
hemolytic anemia, a condition in which red blood
cells are destroyed.
• Fatigue
• Weakness
• Shortness of breath
• Pale skin
• Jaundice
• Dark urine
In humans, the most common Babesia species that
cause infection are:
• Babesia divergens
• Babesia microti
• Babesia duncani
Diagnosis for Babesia Species
Babesia infection is diagnosed with a blood test
that detects the parasites or antibodies against the
Microscopic examination of blood smears:
• Blood smears can be examined under a microscope to
look for Babesia parasites inside red blood cells.
• This method is relatively simple and inexpensive,
but it is not as sensitive as other diagnostic
PCR (polymerase chain reaction):
• PCR is a molecular diagnostic test that detects
the DNA of Babesia parasites in the blood.
• PCR is a very sensitive and specific test, but it
is more expensive than microscopic examination of
blood smears.
• Serology tests detect antibodies against Babesia
parasites in the blood.
• Serology tests are less sensitive than PCR, but
they can be used to diagnose Babesia infection in
people who have recently been infected or who have
low levels of parasites in their blood.
Other diagnostic tests:
• Rapid diagnostic tests: Rapid diagnostic tests are
available that can detect Babesia parasites or
antibodies against the parasites in the blood.
• These tests are less sensitive than PCR, but they
are faster and less expensive.
These antibiotics are typically taken for 7-10 days.
In severe cases of babesiosis, blood transfusions
may be necessary to correct anemia.
Treatment for Babesia infection is usually
effective, but it is important to start treatment as
early as possible to prevent serious complications.
Prevention and control of
Babesia species
• Avoid areas where ticks are known to be present.
• Wear long sleeves and pants when in areas where
ticks are known to be present.
• Check for ticks after being in areas where ticks
are known to be present.
• Remove ticks promptly and properly.
• Reduce tick populations by clearing brush and
debris from around homes and yards.
• Use tick control products on pets.
• Vaccinate pets against Babesia infection.
It is important to note that there is no vaccine
to prevent babesiosis in humans. However, the
preventive measures listed above can help to reduce
the risk of infection.
If you are bitten by a tick, it is important to
remove the tick promptly and properly. To remove a
tick, grasp the tick with tweezers as close to the
skin as possible and pull it straight up. Do not
twist or crush the tick. After removing the tick,
clean the bite area with soap and water.