Python Details PDF
Python Details PDF
Python Details PDF
Here's a brief explana on of how you can use `sqlite3` to interact with an SQLite database in Python:
1. **Connec ng to a Database:**
To connect to an SQLite database, you use the `connect()` func on from the `sqlite3` module,
specifying the path to the database file. If the file does not exist, it will be created.
import sqlite3
connec on = sqlite3.connect('example.db')
2. **Crea ng a Cursor:**
Once connected, you need to create a cursor object using the `cursor()` method of the connec on
object. The cursor is used to execute SQL commands and manage the results.
You can execute SQL commands using the `execute()` method of the cursor object. You can execute
commands like crea ng tables, inser ng data, upda ng data, dele ng data, etc.
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# Create a table
LastName VARCHAR(50),
FirstName VARCHAR(50),
Department VARCHAR(50)
connec on.commit()
4. **Fetching Data:**
You can fetch data from the database using methods like `fetchone()`, `fetchall()`, or by itera ng
over the cursor object.
rows = cursor.fetchall()
Once you're done working with the database, it's important to close the connec on to release the
database resources.
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# Close the connec on
connec on.close()
This is a basic overview of using `sqlite3` in Python. Depending on the library you choose, the syntax
and methods may vary slightly, but the underlying principles remain similar.
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