The movement has been traced to the first centuries of the common Korean 유식유가행파
era and seems to have developed as some yogis of the Sarvāstivāda (RR: Yusik-
and Sautrāntika traditions in north India adopted Mahayana Yugahaeng-pa)
Buddhism. [5][6] The Gandhāran brothers Asaṅga and Vasubandhu Tibetan རྣལ་འབྱོ ར་སྤྱོ ད་པ་
(both c. 4-5th century CE), are considered the classic philosophers (rnal 'byor spyod pa)
and systematizers of this school, along with the figure of Vietnamese Du-già Hành Tông
Maitreya.[7] Yogācāra was later imported to Tibet and East Asia by
Glossary of Buddhism
figures like Shantaraksita (8th century) and Xuanzang (7th-
century). Today, Yogācāra ideas and texts continue to be influential subjects of study for Tibetan Buddhism
and East Asian Buddhism.
Yogācāra philosophy is primarily meant to aid in the practice of yoga and meditation and thus it also sets
forth a systematic analysis of the Mahayana path of mental training (see five paths pañcamārga).[8]
Yogācārins made use of ideas from previous traditions, such as Prajñāpāramitā and the Sarvāstivāda
Abhidharma tradition, to develop a novel analysis of conscious experience and a corresponding schema for
Mahāyāna spiritual practice.[9][10][11] In its analysis, Yogācāra works like the Saṅdhinirmocana Sūtra,
developing various core concepts such as vijñapti-mātra, the ālaya-vijñāna (store consciousness), the
turning of the basis (āśraya-parāvṛtti), the three natures (trisvabhāva), and emptiness.[1] They form a
complex system, and each can be taken as a point of departure for understanding Yogācāra.[12]
According to Lambert Schmithausen, the earliest surviving appearance of this term is in chapter 8 of the
Saṅdhinirmocana Sūtra, which has only survived in Tibetan and Chinese translations that differ in syntax
and meaning.[16] The passage is depicted as a response by the Buddha to a question which asks "whether
the images or replicas (*pratibimba) which are the object (*gocara) of meditative concentration
(*samadhi), are different/separate (*bhinna) from the contemplating mind (*citta) or not." The Buddha says
they are not different, "Because these images are vijñapti-mātra." The text goes on to affirm that the same is
true for objects of ordinary perception.[17]
The term is sometimes used as a synonym with citta-mātra (mere citta), which is also used as a name for
the school that suggests Idealism.[7][13] Schmithausen writes that the first appearance of this term is in the
Pratyupanna samadhi sutra, which states "this (or: whatever belongs to this) triple world is nothing but
mind (or thought: *cittamatra). Why? Because however I imagine things, that is how they appear."[18]
Regarding existing Sanskrit sources, the term appears in the first verse of Vasubandhu's Vimśatikā (Twenty
Verses), which states:[19]
This [world] is vijñaptimātra, since it manifests itself as an unreal object (artha), just like the
case of those with cataracts seeing unreal hairs in the moon and the like (vijñaptimātram
evaitad asad arthāvabhāsanāt yathā taimirikasyāsat keśa candrādi darśanam).
According to Mark Siderits, what Vasubandhu means here is that we are only ever aware of mental images
or impressions which manifest themselves as external objects, but "there is actually no such thing outside
the mind."[19]
The term also appears in Asaṅga's classic work, the Mahāyānasaṃgraha (no Sanskrit original, trans. from
Interpretations of vijñapti-mātra
According to Bruce Cameron Hall, the interpretation of this doctrine as a form of subjective or absolute
idealism has been "the most common "outside" interpretation of Vijñānavāda, not only by modern writers,
but by its ancient opponents, both Hindu and Buddhist." [22] Scholars such as Jay Garfield, Saam Trivedi,
Nobuyoshi Yamabe, Paul Williams, and Sean Butler argue that Yogācāra is similar to Idealism (and they
compare it to the idealisms of Kant and Berkeley), though they note that it is its own unique form and that it
might be confusing to categorize it as such.[23][24][25][26][27]
The German scholar and philologist Lambert Schmithausen affirms that Yogacara sources teach a type of
idealism which is supposed to be a middle way between Abhidharma realism and what it often considered a
nihilistic position which only affirms emptiness as the ultimate.[28] Schmithausen notes that philological
study of Yogacara texts shows that they clearly reject the independent existence of mind and the external
world.[29] He also notes that the current trend in rejecting the idealistic interpretation might be related to the
unpopularity of idealism among Western academics.[29] Florin Delenau likewise affirms the idealist nature
of Yogācāra texts, while also underscoring how Yogācāra retains a strong orientation to a soteriology which
aims at contemplative realization of an ultimate reality that is an ‘inexpressible essence’
(nirabhilāpyasvabhāva) beyond any subject-object duality.[3]
Similarly, Jonathan Gold writes that the Yogācāra thinker Vasubandhu can be said to be an idealist (similar
to Kant), in the sense that for him, everything in experience as well as its causal support is mental, and thus
he gives causal priority to the mental. At the same time however, this is only in the conventional realm,
since "mind" is just another concept and true reality for Vasubandhu is ineffable, "an inconceivable
'thusness' (tathatā)." Indeed, the Vimśatikā states that the very idea of vijñapti-mātra must also be
understood to be itself a self-less construction and thus vijñapti-mātra is not the ultimate truth (paramārtha-
satya) in Yogācāra.[13] Thus according to Gold, while Vasubandhu's vijñapti-mātra can be said to be a
“conventionalist idealism”, it is to be seen as unique and different from Western forms, especially Hegelian
Absolute Idealism.[13]
Mere representation
The interpretation of Yogācāra as a type of idealism was standard until recently, when it began to be
challenged by scholars such as Kochumuttom, Anacker, Kalupahana,[30] Dunne, Lusthaus,[31] Powers, and
Some scholars like David Kalupahana argue that it is a mistake to conflate the terms citta-mātra (which is
sometimes seen as a different, more metaphysical position) with vijñapti-mātra (which need not be
idealist).[10][33] However, Delenau points out that Vasubandhu clearly states in his Twenty Verses and
Abhidharmakosha that vijñapti and citta are synonymous.[34] Nevertheless, different alternative translations
for vijñapti-mātra have been proposed, such as representation-only, ideation-only, impressions-only and
Alex Wayman notes that one's interpretation of Yogācāra will depend on how the qualifier mātra is to be
understood in this context, and he objects to interpretations which claim that Yogācāra rejects the external
world altogether, preferring translations such as "amounting to mind" or "mirroring mind" for citta-
mātra.[36] For Wayman, what this doctrine means is that "the mind has only a report or representation of
what the sense organ had sensed."[36] The representationalist interpretation is also supported by Stefan
According to Thomas Kochumuttom, Yogācāra is a realistic pluralism which does not deny the existence of
individual beings.[10] Kochumuttom argues that Yogācāra is not idealism since it denies that absolute reality
is a consciousness, that individual beings are transformations or illusory appearances of an absolute
consciousness.[38] Thus, for Kochumuttom, vijñapti-mātra means "mere representation of consciousness,"
a view which states "that the world as it appears to the unenlightened ones is mere representation of
consciousness".[35] Furthermore, according to Kochumuttom, in Yogācāra "the absolute state is defined
simply as emptiness, namely the emptiness of subject-object distinction. Once thus defined as emptiness
(sunyata), it receives a number of synonyms, none of which betray idealism."[39]
Soterological phenomenology
According to Dan Lusthaus, the vijñapti-mātra theory is closer in some ways to Western Phenomenological
theories and Epistemological Idealism. However, it is not a form of metaphysical idealism because Yogācāra
rejects the construction of any type of metaphysical or ontological theories.[1] Moreover, Western idealism
lacks any counterpart to karma, samsara or awakening, all of which are central for Yogācāra. Regarding
vijñapti-mātra, Lusthaus translates it as "nothing but conscious construction" and states it is a kind of trick
built into consciousness which "projects and constructs a cognitive object in such a way that it disowns its
own creation - pretending the object is "out there" - in order to render that object capable of being
appropriated." This reification of cognition aids in constructing the notion of a permanent and independent
self, which is believed to appropriate and possess external 'things'. Yogācāra offers an analysis and
meditative means to negate this reification, thereby also negating the notion of a solid self. According to
Lusthaus, this analysis is not a rejection of external phenomena, and it does not grant foundational or
transcendent status to consciousness.[1] In this interpretation, instead of offering an ontological theory,
Yogācāra focuses on understanding and eliminating the underlying tendencies (anuśaya) that lead to
clinging concepts and theories, which are just cognitive projections (pratibimba, parikalpita). Thus, for
Lusthaus, the orientation of the Yogācāra school is largely consistent with the thinking of the Pāli nikāyas
and seeks to realign Mahayana with early Buddhist theory.[40]
Vasubandhu mentions three key features of experience which are supposed to be explained by matter and
refutes them:[42][43][44]
Another objection that Vasubandhu answers is that of how one person can influence another's experiences,
if everything arises from mental karmic seeds in one's mind stream. Vasubandhu argues that "impressions
can also be caused in a mental stream by the occurrence of a distinct impression in another suitably linked
mental stream."[46] As Siderits notes, this account can explain how it is possible to influence or even totally
disrupt (murder) another mind, even if there is no physical medium or object in existence, since a suitably
strong enough intention in one mind stream can have effects on another mind stream.[46] From the mind-
only position, it is easier to posit a mind to mind causation than to have to explain mind to body causation,
which the realist must do. However, Siderits then goes on to question whether Vasubandhu's position is
indeed "lighter" since he must make use of multiple interactions between different minds to take into
account an intentionally created artifact, like a pot. Since we can be aware of a pot even when we are not
"linked" to the potter's intentions (even after the potter is dead), a more complex series of mental
interactions must be posited.[47] Nevertheless, not all interpretations of Yogācāra's view of the external
world rely on multiple relations between individual minds. Some interpretations in Chinese Buddhism
defended the view of a single shared external world (bhājanaloka) which was still made of consciousness,
while some later Indian thinkers like Ratnakīrti (11th century CE) defended a type of non-dual
Causation-resemblance argument
This argument was famously defended in Dignāga's Ālambanaparīkṣā (Examination of the Object of
Consciousness) and its main target is Indian atomism, which was the main theory of matter in the 5th
century.[50] The argument is based on the premise that a perception must resemble the perceived object
(ālambana) and have been caused by the object.[50][41] According to this argument, since atoms are not
extended, they do not resemble the object of perception (which appears as spatially extended). Furthermore,
collections of atoms might resemble the object of perception, but they cannot have caused it. This is because
collections of things are unreal in classic Buddhist thought (thus it is a mereological nihilism), since they are
composites and composites made of parts do not have any causal efficacy (only individual atoms
In disproving the possibility of external objects, Vasubandhu's Vimśatikā similarly attacks Indian theories of
atomism and property particulars as incoherent on mereological grounds.[51]
According this argument, any object of consciousness, like blue, cannot be differentiated from the
conscious awareness of blue since both are always experienced as one thing. Since we never experience
blue without the experience of blue, they cannot be differentiated empirically. Furthermore, we cannot
differentiate them through an inference either, since this would need to be based on a pattern of past
experiences which included the absence or presence of the two elements.[50][41] Thus, this is a type of
epistemological argument for idealism which attempts to show there is no good reason to accept the
existence of mind-independent objects.[50]
When we wrongly imagine there to be external objects we are led to think in terms of the
duality of 'grasped and grasper', of what is 'out there' and what is ' in here' - in short, of external
world and self. Coming to see that there is no external world is a means, Vasubandhu thinks, of
overcoming a very subtle way of believing in an 'I'... once we see why physical objects can't
exist we will lose all temptation to think there is a true ' me' within. There are really just
impressions, but we superimpose on these the false constructions of object and subject. Seeing
this will free us from the false conception of an 'I'.[52]
Siderits notes how Kant had a similar notion, that is, without the idea of an objective mind independent
world, one cannot derive the concept of a subjective "I". But Kant drew the opposite conclusion to
Vasubandhu, since he held that we must believe in an enduring subject, and thus, also believe in external
Analysis of Consciousness
Yogācāra gives a detailed explanation of the workings of the mind and the way it constructs the reality we
experience. The central Yogācāra theory of mind is that of the eight consciousnesses.
Eight consciousnesses
A key innovation of the Yogācāra school was the doctrine of eight consciousnesses.[1] These "eight bodies
of consciousnesses" (aṣṭa vijñānakāyāḥ) are: the five sense-consciousnesses (of seeing, hearing, smelling,
tasting and bodily sense), mentation (mano or citta), the defiled self-consciousness (kliṣṭamanovijñāna),[53]
and the storehouse or substratum consciousness (Skt: ālayavijñāna).[54][55] Traditional Buddhist
descriptions of consciousness taught just the first six vijñānas, each corresponding to a sense base (ayatana)
and having their own sense objects (sounds etc). Five are based on the five senses, while the sixth (mano-
vijñāna), was seen as the surveyor of the content of the five senses as well as of mental content like
thoughts and ideas. Standard Buddhist doctrine held that these eighteen "elements" (dhatus), i.e. six external
sense bases (smells, sounds etc.), six internal bases (sense organs like the eye, ear, etc.), and six
consciousnesses "exhaust the full extent of everything in the universe, or more accurately, the
sensorium."[1] The six consciousnesses are also not substantial entities, but a series or stream of events
(dharmas), which arise and vanish very rapidly moment by moment. This is the Abhidharma doctrine of
"momentariness" (kṣaṇavada), which Yogācāra also accepts.[56]
Yogācāra expanded the six vijñāna schema into a new system which with two new categories. The seventh
consciousness developed from the early Buddhist concept of manas, and was seen as the defiled mentation
(kliṣṭa-manas) which is obsessed with notions of "self". According to Paul Williams, this consciousness
"takes the substratum consciousness as its object and mistakenly considers the substratum consciousness to
be a true Self."[55]
The eighth consciousness, ālaya-vijñāna (storehouse or repository consciousness), was defined as the
storehouse of all karmic seeds (bīja), where they gradually matured until ripe, at which point they
manifested as karmic consequences. Because of this, it is also called the "mind which has all the seeds"
(sarvabījakam cittam), as well as the "basis consciousness" (mūla-vijñāna) and the "appropriating
consciousness" (ādānavijñāna). According to the Saṅdhinirmocana Sūtra, this kind of consciousness
underlies and supports the six types of manifest awareness, all of which occur simultaneously with the
ālaya.[57] William S. Waldron sees this "simultaneity of all the modes of cognitive awareness" as the most
significant departure of Yogācāra theory from traditional Buddhist models of vijñāna, which were "thought
to occur solely in conjunction with their respective sense bases and epistemic objects".[58]
As noted by Schmithausen, the ālaya-vijñāna, being a kind of vijñāna, has an object as well (as all vijñāna
has intentionality). That object is the sentient being's surrounding world, that is to say, the "receptable" or
"container" (bhājana) world. This is stated in the 8th chapter of the Saṅdhinirmocana Sūtra, which states
that the ādānavijñāna is characterized by "an unconscious (or not fully conscious?) steady perception (or
"representation") of the Receptacle (*asaṃvidita-sthira-bhājana-vijñapti)."[59]
The ālaya-vijñāna is also what experiences rebirth into future lives and what descents into the womb to
appropriate the fetal material. Therefore, the ālaya-vijñāna's holding on to the body's sense faculties and
"profuse imaginings" (prapañca) are the two appropriations which make up the "kindling" or "fuel" (lit.
upādāna) that samsaric existence depends upon.[57] Yogācāra thought thus holds that being unaware of the
processes going on in the ālaya-vijñāna is an important element of ignorance (avidya). The ālaya is also
individual, so that each person has their own ālaya-vijñāna, which is an ever changing process and
therefore not a permanent self.[1]
According to Williams, this consciousness "seen as a defiled form of consciousness (or perhaps sub- or
unconsciousness), is personal, individual, continually changing and yet serving to give a degree of personal
identity and to explain why it is that certain karmic results pertain to this particular individual. The seeds are
momentary, but they give rise to a perfumed series which eventually culminates in the result including, from
seeds of a particular type, the whole ‘inter-subjective’ phenomenal world."[60] Also, Asanga and
Vasubandhu write that the ālaya-vijñāna ‘ceases’ at awakening, becoming transformed into a pure
According to Waldron, while there were various similar concepts in other Buddhist Abhidharma schools
which sought to explain karmic continuity, the ālaya-vijñāna is the most comprehensive and systematic.[62]
Waldron notes that the ālaya-vijñāna concept was probably influenced by these theories, particularly the
Sautrantika theory of seeds and Vasumitra's theory of a subtle form of mind (suksma-citta).[63]
Transformations of consciousness
Yogācāra sources do not necessarily describe the eight consciousnesses as absolutely separate or substantial
phenomena. For example, Kalupahana notes that the Triṃśika describes the various forms of consciousness
as transformations and functions of a being's stream of consciousness.[64][65][b] These transformations are
threefold according to Kalupahana. The first is the ālaya and its seeds, which is the flow or stream of
consciousness, without any of the usual projections on top of it.[65] The second transformation is manana,
self-consciousness or "Self-view, self-confusion, self-esteem and self-love".[66] It is "thinking" about the
various perceptions occurring in the stream of consciousness".[67] The ālaya is defiled by this self-
interest.[66] The third transformation is visaya-vijñapti, the "concept of the object".[68] In this transformation
the concept of objects is created. By creating these concepts human beings become "susceptible to grasping
after the object" as if it were a real object (sad artha) even though it is just a conception (vijñapti).[68]
A similar perspective which emphasizes Yogācāra's continuity with early Buddhism is given by Walpola
Rahula. According to Rahula, all the elements of this theory of consciousness with its three layers of
vijñāna are already found in the Pāli Canon, corresponding to the terms viññāna (sense cognition), manas
(mental function, thinking, reasoning, conception) and citta (the deepest layer of the aggregate of
consciousness which retains karmic impressions and the defilements).[69][70]
What appears is the dependent. How it appears is the fabricated. Because of being dependent
on conditions. Because of being only fabrication. The eternal non-existence of the appearance
as it is appears: That is known to be the perfected nature, because of being always the same.
What appears there? The unreal fabrication. How does it appear? As a dual self. What is its
nonexistence? That by which the nondual reality is there.[13]
The central meaning of emptiness (śūnyatā) in Yogācāra is a twofold "absence of duality." The first element
of this is the unreality of any conceptual duality such as "physical" and "non-physical", "self" and "other".
To define something conceptually is to divide the world into what it is and what it is not, but the world is a
causal flux that does not accord with conceptual constructs.[13] The second element of this is a perceptual
duality between the sensorium and its objects, between what is "external" and "internal", between subject
(grāhaka, literally "grasper") and object (grāhya, "grasped").[77] This is also an unreal superimposition,
since there is really no such separation of inner and outer, but an interconnected causal stream of mentality
which is falsely divided up.[13]
An important difference between the Yogācāra conception of emptiness and the Madhyamaka conception is
that in classical Yogācāra, emptiness does exist (as a real absence) and so does consciousness (which is that
which is empty, the referent of emptiness), while Madhyamaka refuses to endorse such existential
statements. The Madhyāntavibhāga for example, states "the imagination of the nonexistent [abhūta-
parikalpa] exists. In it duality does not exist. Emptiness, however, exists in it," which indicates that even
though that which is dualistically imagined (subjects and objects), is unreal and empty, their basis does exist
(i.e. the dependently arisen conscious manifestation).[78][79]
The Yogācāra school also gave special significance to the Āgama sutra called Lesser Discourse on
Emptiness (parallel to the Pali Cūḷasuññatasutta (, MN
121) and relies on this sutra in its explanations of emptiness. According to Gadjin Nagao, this sutra affirms
that "emptiness includes both being and non-being. both negation and affirmation."[80][c]
While Madhyamaka generally states that asserting the ultimate existence or non-existence of anything
(including emptiness) was inappropriate, Yogācāra treatises (like the Madhyāntavibhāga) often assert that
the dependent nature (paratantra-svabhāva) really exists and that emptiness is an actual absence that also
exists ultimately.[79] In a similar fashion, Asaṅga states "that of which it is empty does not truly exist; that
which is empty truly exists: emptiness makes sense in this way".[85] He also describes emptiness as "the
non-existence of the self, and the existence of the no-self."[78] Classical Yogācāras like Vasubandhu and
Sthiramati also affirm the reality of conscious appearance, i.e. that truly existent stream of dependent arisen
and constantly changing consciousness which projects false and illusory subjective minds and their
cognitive objects. It is this real flow of conscious transformation (vijñānapariṇāma) which is said to be
empty (of duality and conceptuality).[86] Against the radically anti-foundationalist interpretation of
Madhyamaka, the classic Yogācāra position is that there is something (the dependent nature which is mere-
consciousness) that "exists" (sat) independently of conceptual designation (prajñapti), and that it is this real
thing (vāstu) which is said to be empty of duality and yet is a basis for all dualistic conceptions.[87]
Furthermore, Yogācāra thinkers like Asaṅga and Vasubandhu critiqued those who "adhere to non-
existence" (nāstikas, vaināśkas, likely referring to certain Madhyamikas) because they saw them as straying
into metaphysical nihilism (abhāvānta, see Vimśatikā v. 10).[73][78] They held that there was really
something which could be said to "exist", that is, vijñapti, and that was what is described as being "empty"
in their system.[73] For Yogācāra, all conventional existence must be based on something which is real
(dravya).[88] Sthiramati argues that we cannot say that everything exists conventionally (saṁvṛtisat) or
nominally (prajñaptisat) and that nothing truly exists in an ultimate fashion (which would entail a global
conventionalism and nominalism without any metaphysical ground). For Sthiramati, this view is false
because "what would follow is non-existence even conventionally. That is because conventions are not
possible without something to depend upon (or, “without taking up something”—upādāna)."[89] Thus, for
Sthiramati, consciousness (vijñana) "since it is dependently arisen, exists as dravya (substance)."[89]
The Bodhisattvabhūmi likewise argues that it is only logical to speak of emptiness if there is something (i.e.
dharmatā, an ultimate nature) that is empty. The Bodhisattvabhūmi's Chapter on Reality (Tattvārthapaṭala)
states that emptiness is "wrongly grasped" by those who "do not accept that of which something is empty,
nor do they accept that which is empty".[90] This is because "emptiness holds good only as long as that of
which something is [said to be] empty does not exist, but on the other hand, that which is empty exists. If,
however, all [elements involved in this relation] were non-existent, in what respect, what would be empty,
[and] of what?" For the Bodhisattvabhūmi, the "right" way to understand emptiness is "one regards that
something is empty of that which does not exist in it and correctly comprehends that what remains there
does actually exist here".[90] That which "remains" and "actually exists" is the true reality, the thing itself
(vastumātra), the foundation (āśraya) which remains (avaśiṣṭa) after all conceptual constructs have been
Yogācārins also criticized certain Madhyamaka accounts of conventional truth, that is, the view which says
that conventional truth is merely erroneous cognitive processes (designations, expressions, and linguistic
conventions) which project an inherent nature.[92] The Yogācārabhūmi's Viniścayasaṃgrahanī states that
either Madhyamakas see conventional reality as produced by linguistic expressions and also by causal
forces, or they see it as produced merely by linguistic expressions and convention. If the former, then
Madhyamikas must accept the reality of causal efficacy, which is a kind of existence (since things which are
causally produced can be said to exist in some way). If the latter, then without any basis for linguistic
expression and convention, it makes no sense to even use these terms (for Yogācāra these conventions must
have some kind of referential basis).[93]
Yogācārins further held that if all phenomena are equally conventional and unreal in the same way this
would lead to laxity in ethics and in following the path, in other words to moral relativism.[94] The basic
idea behind this critique is that if only convention exists (as Madhyamaka claims) and there are no truths
that are independent of convention and linguistic expression, there would be no epistemic foundations for
critiquing worldly (non-buddhist) conventions and affirming other conventions as closer to the truth (like
the conventions used by Buddhists to establish their ethics and their teachings).[94]
Madhyamaka thinkers like Bhaviveka, Candrakirti and Shantideva also critiqued Yogācāra views in their
works for what they saw as an improper reification (samāropa) of mind and for a nihilistic denial of
conventional truth. The work of Xuanzang (7th century) also contains evidence for this Indian debate.[95]
The "progressive model" meanwhile can be found in the Trisvabhāvanirdeśa and in the
Mahāyānasūtrālaṃkāra and its bhāṣya. In this model, it is the perfected nature which is the primary
element of the three natures schema. Here, the perfected nature is the pure basis of reality, while the other
two natures are both impaired by ignorance.[96][97][98] As the Trisvabhāvanirdeśa states: "The imputed and
the other-dependent are to be known as having defiled characteristics. The perfected is asserted to have the
characteristic of purity."[96] In this text, the dependent nature is seen as something which must be
abandoned since it has the "appearance of duality" (dvayākāra).[96] As such, in this "progressive" model,
the dependent nature is the basis for the imagined nature, but not the basis for the perfected nature.[96][97]
The perfected nature on the other hand is a fundamentally pure true reality (which nevertheless is covered
by adventitious defilements). As the Mahāyānasūtrālaṃkāra states:
Reality - which is always without duality, is the basis of error, and is entirely inexpressible -
does not have the nature of discursivity. It is to be known, abandoned, and purified. It should
properly be thought of as naturally immaculate, since it is purified from defilements, as are
space, gold, and water.[98]
Furthermore, according to the Trisvabhāvanirdeśa (TSN 17-20), the three natures are inseparable (abhinna)
and as such non-dual. This is a key difference between this model and the pivot model, where the
dependent nature is ultimately devoid of the imagined nature.[96][97]
Another difference between these sources is that in the Triṃśikā, the main model of liberation is a radical
transformation of the basis (āśrayaparāvṛtti). The Trisvabhāvanirdeśa meanwhile claims that liberation
occurs through knowledge of the three natures as they are (in their non-duality).[97] Some scholars, like
McNamara, argue that these two models are incompatible, ontologically and soteriologically.[96] Kapstein
thinks that it is possible that the Trisvabhāvanirdeśa is attempting to reconcile them.[97] These differences
have also led some scholars (Kapstein and Thomas Wood) to question the attribution of the
Trisvabhāvanirdeśa to Vasubandhu.[96][97]
An explanation of the Buddhist doctrine of karma (action) is central to Yogācāra, and the school sought to
explain important questions such as how moral actions can have effects on individuals long after that action
was done, that is, how karmic causality works across temporal distances. Previous Abhidharma schools like
the Sautrantika had developed theories of karma based on the notion of "seeds" (bījā) in the mind stream,
which are unseen karmic habits (good and bad) which remain until they meet with the necessary conditions
to manifest. Yogācāra adopts and expanded this theory.[1] Yogācāra then posited the "storehouse
consciousness" as the container of the seeds, as the storage place for karmic latencies and as a fertile matrix
of predispositions that bring karma to a state of fruition. In the Yogācāra system, all experience without
exception is said to result from karma or mental intention (cetana), either arising from one's own subliminal
seeds or from other minds.[99]
For Yogācāra, the seemingly external or dualistic world is merely a "by-product" (adhipati-phala) of karma.
The term vāsanā ("perfuming") is also used when explaining karma. Yogācārins were divided on the issue
of whether vāsāna and bija were essentially the same, whether the seeds were the effect of the perfuming, or
whether the perfuming simply affected the seeds.[100] The type, quantity, quality and strength of the seeds
determine where and how a sentient being will be reborn: one's race, sex, social status, proclivities, bodily
appearance and so forth. The conditioning of the mind resulting from karma is called saṃskāra.[101]
Vasubandhu's Treatise on Action (Karmasiddhiprakaraṇa), treats the subject of karma in detail from the
Yogācāra perspective.[102]
Overturning the Basis turns the five sense consciousnesses into immediate cognitions that
accomplish what needs to be done (kṛtyānuṣṭhāna-jñāna). The sixth consciousness becomes
immediate cognitive mastery (pratyavekṣaṇa-jñāna), in which the general and particular
characteristics of things are discerned just as they are. This discernment is considered
nonconceptual (nirvikalpa-jñāna). Manas becomes the immediate cognition of equality
(samatā-jñāna), equalizing self and other. When the Warehouse Consciousness finally ceases it
is replaced by the Great Mirror Cognition (Mahādarśa-jñāna) that sees and reflects things just
as they are, impartially, without exclusion, prejudice, anticipation, attachment, or distortion.
The grasper-grasped relation has ceased. ..."purified" cognitions all engage the world in
immediate and effective ways by removing the self-bias, prejudice, and obstructions that had
prevented one previously from perceiving beyond one's own narcissistic consciousness. When
consciousness ends, true knowledge begins. Since enlightened cognition is nonconceptual its
objects cannot be described.[1]
1. Beings whose innate seeds gave them the capacity to practice the bodhisattva path and
achieve full Buddhahood
2. Beings whose innate seeds gave them the capacity to achieve the state of a pratyekabuddha
(private Buddha)
3. Beings whose innate seeds gave them the capacity to achieve the state of an arhat
4. Beings whose innate seeds had an indeterminate nature, and could potentially be any of the
5. Beings whose innate seeds were incapable of achieving enlightenment ever because they
lacked any wholesome seeds
The fifth class of beings, the icchantika, were described in various Mahayana sutras as being incapable of
achieving enlightenment, unless in some cases through the aid of a Buddha or Bodhisattva. Nevertheless,
the notion was highly criticized by later Mahayanists who supported the universalist doctrine of ekayana.
This tension is important in East Asian Buddhist history and later East Asian Yogācārins attempted to
resolve the dispute by softening their stance on the five categories.[105][106]
Although Yogācāras in general do not accept the existence of an external material world,
according to Satyākāravāda its appearances or “aspects” (rnam pa, ākāra) reflected in
consciousness have a real existence, because they are of one nature with the really existent
consciousness, their creator. According to Alikākāravāda, neither external phenomena nor their
appearances and/in the minds that reflect them really exist. What exists in reality is only
primordial mind (ye shes, jñāna), described as self-cognition (rang rig, svasamvedana/
svasamvitti) or individually self-cognizing primordial mind (so so(r) rang gis rig pa’i ye
Davey K. Tomlinson describes the difference (with reference to later Yogacara scholars from Vikramashila)
as follows:
On one hand is the Nirākāravāda, typified by Ratnākaraśānti (ca. 970–1045); on the other, the
Sākāravāda, articulated by his colleague and critic Jñānaśrīmitra (ca. 980–1040). The
Nirākāravādin argues that all appearances do not really exist. They are ersatz or false (alīka).
Ephemeral forms appear to us but are the erroneous construction of ignorance, which
fundamentally characterizes our existence as suffering beings in saṃsāra. In the ultimately real
experience of an awakened buddha, no appearances show up at all. Pure experience, unstained
by false appearance (which is nirākāra, “without appearance”), is possible. The Sākāravādin,
on the other hand, defends the view that all conscious experience is necessarily the experience
of a manifest appearance (consciousness is sākāra, or constitutively “has appearance”).
Manifest appearances, properly understood, are really real. A buddha's experience has
appearances, and there is nothing about this fact that makes a buddha's experience
A key early source for the yogic practices of Indian Yogācāra is the
encyclopedic Yogācārabhūmi-Śāstra (YBh, Treatise on the
Foundation for Yoga Practitioners). The YBh presents a structured
exposition of the Mahāyāna Buddhist path of yoga (here referring
to spiritual practice in general) from a Yogācāra perspective and
relies in both Āgama/Nikāya texts and Mahāyāna sūtras while also
being influenced by Vaibhāṣika Abhidharma.[113] According to
some scholars, this text can be traced to communities of yogācāras,
which initially referred not to a philosophical school, but to groups
of meditation specialists whose main focus was Buddhist yoga.[114]
Other Yogācāra texts which also discuss meditation and spiritual
practice (and show some relationship with the YBh) include the
Saṃdhinirmocanasūtra, the Madhyāntavibhāga,
Mahāyānasūtrālaṃkāra, Dharmadharmatāvibhāga and Asanga's
The YBh discusses various topics relevant to the bodhisattva Maitreya meditating, 2nd century CE,
practice, including: the eight different forms of dhyāna (meditative Loriyan Tangai, Indian Museum,
absorptions), the three samādhis, different types of liberation Kolkata
(vimokṣa), meditative attainments (samāpatti) such as
nirodhasamāpatti, the five hindrances (nivaraṇa), the various types
of foci (ālambana) or 'images' (nimitta) used in meditation, the various types contemplative antidotes
(pratipakṣa) against the afflictions (like contemplating death, unattractiveness, impermanence, and
suffering), the practice of śamatha through "the nine aspects of resting the mind" (navākārā cittasthitiḥ),
the practice of insight (vipaśyanā), mindfulness of breathing (ānāpānasmṛti), how to understand the four
noble truths, the thirty-seven factors of Awakening (saptatriṃśad bodhipakṣyā dharmāḥ), the four
immeasurables (apramāṇa), and how to practice the six perfections (pāramitā).[116]
Bodhisattva path
Yogācāra sources like the Abhidharmasamuccaya, the Chéng Wéishì Lùn and the commentaries to the
Mahāyānasaṃgraha and the Mahāyānasūtrālamkāra also contain various descriptions of the main stages
of the bodhisattva path.[117][118] These Yogācāra sources integrate the Mahayana teaching of the ten
bodhisattva stages (bhūmis) with the earlier Abhidharma outline of the path called the "five paths"
(pañcamārga), to produce a Mahayanist version of "five stages" (pañcāvasthā).[118][119] In classic
Yogācāra, this bodhisattva path is said to last for three incaculable eons (asaṃkhyeya kalpas), i.e. millions
upon millions of years.[120][119]
Bodhisattva practice
The Bodhisattvabhūmi discusses the Yogācāra school's specifically Mahāyāna forms of practice which are
tailored to bodhisattvas.[129] The aim of the bodhisattva's practice in the Bodhisattvabhūmi is the wisdom
(prajñā) which realizes of the inexpressible Ultimate Reality (tathata) or the 'thing-in-itself (vastumatra),
which is essenceless and beyond the duality (advaya) of existence (bhāva) and non-existence
The Bodhisattvabhūmi outlines several practices of bodhisattvas, including the six perfections (pāramitā),
the thirty-seven factors of Awakening, and the four immeasurables. Two key practices which are unique to
bodhisattvas in this text are the four investigations and the four correct cognitions or "the four kinds of
understanding in accordance with true reality".[132][133] These two sets of four practices and cognitions are
also taught in the Abhidharmasamuccaya and its commentaries.[133]
The four investigations and the corresponding four correct cognitions (which are said to arise out of the
investiations) are:[135][136]
1. The investigation of the names [of things] (nāmaparyeṣaṇā), leads to correct cognition
resulting from the investigation of names just for what they are, which is "just names"
(nāmamātra), i.e. arbitrary linguistic signs.
2. The investigation of things (vastuparyeṣaṇā), leads to correct cognition resulting from the
investigation of things. One sees things just for what they are, namely a mere presence or a
thing-in-itself (vastumātra). One understands that this is apart from all labels and is
inexpressible (nirabhilāpya).
3. The investigation of verbal designations suggesting and portraying an intrinsic nature
(svabhāva-prajñapti-paryeṣaṇā), leads to correct cognition resulting from the investigation of
such designations. One sees the designations just for what they are, namely as mere
designations (prajñaptimātratā). Thus, one sees the idea of intrinsic nature to be illusory like
a hallucination or a dream.
4. The investigation of verbal designations expressing individuation and differences
(viśeṣaprajñaptiparyeṣaṇā), leads to correct cognition resulting from the investigation of
such designations. One sees the designations just for what they are, namely as mere
designations. For example, a thing may be designated as existing or non-existing, but such
designations do not apply to true reality or the thing-in-itself.
The practice which leads to the realization of the true nature of things is based on the elimination of all
conceptual proliferations (prapañca) and ideations (saṃjñā) that one superimposes on true reality.[137] The
YBh states that the yogin must "repeatedly remove any ideation conducive to the proliferation directed at all
phenomena and should consistently dwell on the thing-in-itself by a non-conceptualizing mental state which
is focused on grasping only the object perceived without any characteristics".[138]
Four prayogas
Various Yogācāra sources provide a four step process of realization leading to the path of seeing, these four
are the four yogic practices (prayogas):[139]
As the "school of yoga practitioners", meditative practice is discussed in various Yogācāra sources. The
sixth chapter (the Maitreya Chapter) of the Saṃdhinirmocanasūtra focuses entirely on meditation. It
extensively discusses the meditative aspects of ‘calm’ (śamatha) and ‘insight’ (vipaśyanā) from unique
perspectives.[145] Success in both of these is based on pure ethics and on pure views based on listening and
reflecting (viśuddhaṃ śrutamayacintāmayadarśanam).[145] Insight is paired with "objects consisting in
images accompanied by reflection" (savikalpaṃ pratibimbaṃ) while tranquility is seen as based on objects
consisting in images unaccompanied by reflection (nirvikalpaṃ pratibimbaṃ).[145] Thus, insight
meditation is based on the uninterrupted contemplation of mental images, while calming meditation is
simply focusing on "the continuous flow of mind with uninterrupted attention".[146] The
Saṃdhinirmocana also states that the teachings themselves are an important object of meditative
contemplation. This includes the Yogācāra teaching of consciousness-only, the teachings on the twofold
emptiness (of self and phenomena), and the schematic analysis of the subject and its objects of
While insight meditation is initially based on conceptual reflection, these are gradually abandoned at later
stages until the yogin lets go of all concepts, teachings, and mental images.[147] Furthermore, at the higher
stages of meditation, the calm and insight meditations must ultimately be blended or yoked together
(yuganaddha) in a single state of one-pointedness of mind (cittaikāgratā).[146] This unified state is described
as that state in which the yogin: "realises that these images (pratibimba) which are the domain of
concentration (samādhigocara) are nothing but representation (vijñaptimātra), and having realised this, he
contemplates (manasikaroti) Suchness (tathatā)."[146]
Yogācāra, along with Madhyamaka (Middle Way), is one of the two principal philosophical schools of
Indian Mahāyāna Buddhism,[148] though the related movement of Tathāgatagarbha-thought was also
influential.[149][note 1]
One of the earliest texts of the Mahāyāna Yogācāra tradition proper is the Saṃdhinirmocana Sūtra
(Unraveling the Profound Intent) which might be as early as the first or second century CE.[151] It includes
new theories such as the basis-consciousness (ālaya-vijñāna), the doctrine of vijñapti-mātra and the "three
natures" (trisvabhāva). However, these theories were not completely new, as they have predecessors in
older theories held by previous Buddhist schools, such as the Sautrāntika theory of seeds (bīja) and the
Sthavira theory of the bhavanga.[152] Philosophically speaking, Richard King notes that Sautrāntikas
defended a kind of representationalism, in which the mind only perceives an image (akara) or representation
(vijñapti) of an external object (never the object itself). Mahayana Yogācāras adopted a similar model but
removed the need for any external object which acts as a cause for the image.[153] As the doctrinal
trailblazer of the Yogācāra, the Saṃdhinirmocana also introduced
the paradigm of the Three Turnings of the Wheel of Dharma, with
its own teachings being placed into the final and definitive teaching
(which supersedes those of the Prajñaparamita sutras).[148]
Asaṅga went on to write many of the key Yogācāra treatises such as the Mahāyānasaṃgraha and the
Abhidharma-samuccaya.[160] Asaṅga also went on to convert his brother Vasubandhu to Yogācāra.
Vasubandhu was a top scholar of Vaibhāṣika and Sautrāntika Abhidharma thought, and the
Abhidharmakośakārikā is his main work which discusses the doctrines of these traditions.[164] Vasubandhu
also went on to write important Yogācāra works like the Twenty Verses and the Thirty Verses on
Thus, the three main branches of the Yogācāra movement which developed during the so called middle
period are:[1][165]
The doctrines of the exegetical tradition sometimes came under attack by other Buddhists, especially the
notion of ālaya-vijñāna, which was seen as close to the Hindu ideas of ātman and prakṛti. It was perhaps
due to this that the logical tradition shifted over time to using the term citta-santāna instead, since it was
easier to defend a "stream" (santāna) of thoughts as a doctrine that did not contradict not-self. By the end of
the eighth century, the scholastic tradition had mostly become eclipsed by the pramāṇa tradition as well as
by a new hybrid school that "combined basic Yogācāra doctrines with Tathāgatagarbha thought."[1]
The influential Pramāṇavāda tradition led by Dignāga and Dharmakīrti defined the main epistemological
method for Indian Buddhism. Modern scholars see this school as having ushered in an "epistemological
turn" for all Indian philosophy.[167] The pramāṇa tradition continued to thrive in Magadha (especially at
Nalanda) as well as in Kashmir well into the 11th century. One of the most important late figures of this
tradition was Śaṅkaranandana (fl. c. 9th or 10th century), "the second Dharmakīrti".[168]
Yogācāra-tathāgatagarbha synthesis
According to Lusthaus, the synthetic Yogācāra-tathāgatagarbha
school accepted the definition of tathāgatagarbha (the buddha-
womb, buddha-source, or "buddha-within") as "permanent,
pleasurable, self, and pure" (nitya, sukha, ātman, śuddha) which is
found in various tathāgatagarbha sutras.[1] This hybrid school
eventually went on to link the tathāgatagarbha with the ālaya-
vijñāna doctrine. Some key sources of this tendency are the Panorama of the site of Vikramaśīla
Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra, Ratnagotravibhāga (Uttaratantra), and in university (Bhagalpur district, Bihar).
China the Awakening of Faith.[1] Vikramaśīla was an important center
for late Indian Yogacara scholars,
The synthesis of Yogācāra and Tathāgatagarbha thought became including the great panditas like
extremely influential in both East Asia and Tibet. During the sixth Jñānaśrīmitra and Ratnākaraśānti.
and seventh centuries, various forms of competing Yogācāra
systems were popular in Chinese Buddhism. The translator
Bodhiruci (6th century CE) for example, took a more "classical" approach while Ratnamati was attracted to
Tathāgatagarbha thought and sought to translate texts like the Dasabhumika commentary accordingly. Their
disagreement on this issue led to the end of their collaboration as co-translators.[169] The translator
Paramārtha is another example of a hybrid thinker. He promoted the theory of a "stainless consciousness"
(amala-vijñāna, a pure wisdom within all beings, i.e. the tathāgatagarbha), which is revealed once the
ālaya-vijñāna is purified.[170]
According to Lusthaus, Xuanzang's travels to India and his translation work was an attempt to return to a
more "orthodox" and "authentic" Indian Yogācāra, and thus put to rest the debates and confusions in the
Chinese Yogācāra of his time. The Cheng Weishi Lun returns to the use of the theory of seeds instead of the
tathāgatagarbha to explain how some beings can reach Buddhahood.[171] However, by the eighth century,
the Yogācāra-tathāgatagarbha synthesis became the dominant interpretation of Yogācāra in East Asian
Buddhism.[1] Later Chinese thinkers like Fa-Tsang would thus criticize Xuanzang for failing to teach the
Karl Brunnhölzl notes that this syncretic tendency also existed in Indian Yogācāra scholasticism, but that it
only became widespread during the later tantric era (when Vajrayana became prominent) with the work of
thinkers like Jñānaśrīmitra, Ratnākaraśānti, and Maitripa.[172] Kashmir also became an important center for
this tradition, as can be seen in the works of Kashmiri Yogacarins Sajjana and Mahājana.[173]
The harmonizing tendency can be seen in the work of philosophers like Kambala (5-6th century, author of
the Ālokamālā), Jñānagarbha (8th century), his student Śāntarakṣita (8th century) and Ratnākaraśānti (c.
1000).[174] Śāntarakṣita (8th century), whose view was later called "Yogācāra-Svatantrika-Madhyamaka"
by the Tibetan tradition, saw the Mādhyamika position as ultimately true and at the same time saw the
Yogācāra view as a useful way to relate to conventional truth (which leads one to the ultimate).[177]
Ratnākaraśānti on the other hand saw Nagarjuna as agreeing with the intent of Yogācāra texts, while
criticizing the interpretations of later Madhyamikas like Bhaviveka. Later Tibetan Buddhist thinkers like
Shakya Chokden would also work to show the compatibility of the alikākāravāda sub-school with
Madhyamaka, arguing that it is in fact a form of Madhyamaka.[178] Likewise, the Seventh Karmapa
Chödrak Gyamtso has a similar view which holds that the "profound important points and intents" of the
two systems are one.[179] Ju Mipham is also another Tibetan philosopher whose project is aimed as
showing the harmony between Yogacara and Madhyamaka, arguing that there is only a very subtle
difference between them, being a subtle clinging by Yogacaras to the existence of an "inexpressible,
naturally luminous cognition" (rig pa rang bzhin gyis ’od gsal ba).[180]
Xuanzang's student Kuiji continued this tradition, writing several important commentaries. However,
another student of Xuanzang, the Korean monk Wŏnch’ŭk, defended some of the doctrines of the Shelun
school of Paramārtha, for which he was criticized by the followers of Kuiji. Wŏnch’ŭk's teachings were
influential on the Yogācāra (Beopsang) of Silla Korea. Both of
these competing Yogācāra sub-sects were then imported to Japan
where they became the two sub-sects (the northern and southern
temple lineages) of the Hossō school.[189] Xuanzang's school later
came under criticism from later Chinese masters like Fazang and it
became less influential as the fortunes of other native Chinese
schools rose. Nevertheless, Yogācāra studies continued to be
important at different times throughout Chinese history, including
during the modern revival of Yogācāra in the 20th century.[190]
Yogācāra in Tibet
Yogācāra is studied in all schools of Tibetan Buddhism, though it
receives different emphasis in each of these. Yogācāra thought is an
Kuījī (632–682), a student of
integral part of the history of Tibetan Buddhism. It was first
transmitted to Tibet by figures like Śāntarakṣita, Kamalaśīla and
Virtually all contemporary schools of Mahāyāna Buddhism are influenced by Yogācāra to some extent. This
includes modern East Asian Buddhist traditions (like Zen and Pure Land) and Tibetan Buddhism.[197] Zen
was heavily influenced by Yogācāra sources, especially the Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra.[197] In Tibetan Buddhism,
Yogācāra sources are still widely studied and several are part of the monastic education curriculum in
various traditions.[198] Some influential Yogācāra texts in Tibetan Buddhism include: Asanga's
Abhidharma-samuccaya, and the "Five Treatises of Maitreya" including the Mahayanasutralankara, and
the Ratnagotravibhāga.[198]
Hindu philosophers such as Vācaspati Miśra, Utpaladeva, Abhinavagupta, and Śrīharṣa were also
influenced by Yogacara ideas and responded to their theories in their own works.[199][200]
Textual corpus
The Saṃdhinirmocana Sūtra (Sūtra of the Explanation of the
Profound Secrets; 2nd century CE), is a key early Yogācāra sutra
which is considered to be the foundational sutra for the Yogācāra
tradition.[201] There are two Indian commentaries to this, one by
Asanga and one by Jñanagarbha.[202] The Avataṃsaka Sūtra
(which includes the Daśabhūmikasūtra) also contains numerous A wall painting depicting Xuanzang's
teachings on mind-only and is very influential for East Asian travels and his translation work,
Xuanzang Memorial Hall, modern
Buddhism.[203] Vasubandhu's Commentary on the
[204][205] Nalanda
Daśabhūmikasūtra is an important commentary to this.
Another text, the Mahāyānābhidharmasūtra is often quoted in
Yogācāra works and is assumed to also be an early Yogācāra sutra.[206]
The Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra also later assumed considerable importance in East Asia, and portions of this text
were considered by Étienne Lamotte as being contemporaneous with the Saṃdhinirmocana.[207][208] This
text equates the Yogācāra theory of ālayavijñāna with the tathāgatagarbha (buddha-nature) and thus seems
to be part of the tradition which sought to merge Yogācāra with tathāgatagarbha thought.[209] Another
sutra which contains similar themes to the Laṅkāvatāra is the Ghanavyūha Sūtra.[210][211]
All these five sutras are listed by Kuiji as key sutras for the Yogācāra school in his Commentary on the
Cheng weishi lun ( 成唯識 論述記 ; Taishō no. 1830).[212][213] Another lesser known sutra which was
important in East Asian Yogācāra is the Buddha Land Sutra (Buddhabhūmi-sūtra; Taishō vol. 16, no. 680)
which along with its commentary (Buddhabhūmyupadeśa), teaches that the pure land is not a physical
place, but a symbol for wisdom.[214]
There are also various Indian, Chinese and Tibetan commentaries to these various Mahayana sutras.
Furthermore, the Prajñaparamita sutras are also important sources in Yogācāra, even though most do not
cover specifically "Yogācāra" doctrines. This is shown by the fact that various Yogācāra commentaries were
written on Prajñaparamita sutras, including commentaries by Asanga (Vajracchedikākāvyākhyā),
Vasubandhu, Dignāga, Daṃṣṭrasena (Bṛhaṭṭīkā), Ratnākaraśānti (various), and the
Yogācāra authors wrote numerous scholastic and philosophical treatises
(śāstra) and commentaries (ṭīkā, bhāṣya, vyākhyāna, etc). The following is
a list in historical order and only includes specifically Yogācāra-
Vijñānavāda figures and works:[217][218]
a. Alex Wayman, A Defense of Yogacara Buddhism. Philosophy East and West, Volume 46,
Number 4, October 1996, pages 447-476: "Of course, the Yogacara put its trust in the
subjective search for truth by way of a samadhi. This rendered the external world not less
real, but less valuable as the way of finding truth. The tide of misinformation on this, or on
any other topic of Indian lore comes about because authors frequently read just a few verses
or paragraphs of a text, then go to secondary sources, or to treatises by rivals, and presume
to speak authoritatively. Only after doing genuine research on such a topic can one begin to
answer the question: why were those texts and why do the moderns write the way they do?"
b. Kalupahana: "The above explanation of alaya-vijnana makes it very different from that found
in the Lankavatara. The latter assumes alaya to be the eight consciousness, giving the
impression that it represents a totally distinct category. Vasubandhu does not refer to it as the
eight, even though his later disciples like Sthiramati and Hsuan Tsang constantly refer to it
as such".[65]
c. Majhima Nikaya 121: Cula-suññata Sutta [81]
1. Lusthaus, Dan (2018). What is and isn't Yogacara (
intro.html), Yogācāra Buddhism Research Association.
2. Makransky, John (1997). Buddhahood Embodied: Sources of Controversy in India and Tibet
( SUNY Press. p. 211.
ISBN 978-0-7914-3431-4.
3. Delenau, Florin. Mind Only and Beyond: History of Yogacara Meditation (
ctures_2010_), 2010, Lectures Series (Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies).
4. Jones, Lindsay (Ed. in Chief) (2005). Encyclopedia of Religion. (2nd Ed.) Volume 14:
p.9897. USA: Macmillan Reference. ISBN 0-02-865983-X (v.14)
5. Deleanu, F. (Ed.). (2006). The Chapter on the Mundane Path (Laukikamārga): A Trilingual
Edition(Sanskrit, Tibetan, Chinese), Annotated Translation and Introductory Study (2 vol), p.
162. Tokyo:International Institute for Buddhist Studies.
6. Kragh, U.T. (editor), The Foundation for Yoga Practitioners: The Buddhist Yogācārabhūmi
Treatise and Its Adaptation in India, East Asia, and Tibet, Volume 1, pp. 30-31. Harvard
University, Department of South Asian studies, 2013.
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External links
Uncompromising Idealism or the School of Vijñānavāda Buddhism (
rg/hinduism/book/a-history-of-indian-philosophy-volume-1/d/doc209754.html), Surendranath
Dasgupta, 1940
"Early Yogaacaara and Its Relationship with the Madhyamaka School" (
w/FULLTEXT/JR-ADM/king.htm), Richard King, Philosophy East & West, vol. 44 no. 4,
October 1994, pp. 659–683
"The mind-only teaching of Ching-ying Hui-Yuan" (
=1#page_scan_tab_contents) (subtitle) "An early interpretation of Yogaacaara thought in
China", Ming-Wood Liu, Philosophy East & West, vol. 35 no. 4, October 1985, pp. 351–375
Yogacara Buddhism Research Association (; articles,
bibliographies, and links to other relevant sites.