ReportDownload 2
ReportDownload 2
ReportDownload 2
Personal Details
Mother Tongue Aadhar Card Number Differently Abled? Are you J&K Migrant
hindi 619499161642 NO NO
Do you need scribe as per the criteria given in the information Bulletin for PWD
Father/Mother/Guardian Details
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Payment Detail
1. I understand that category selected by me in the application form is the final one and non-production of requisite
category certificate at any time of admission results into ineligibility of my candidature for admission.
2. I have read the admission policy thoroughly and checked the eligibility criteria, fee structure and other relevant
details of my program before filing / submitting my application form.
3. I certify that the information submitted by me in support of this application is true to the best of knowledge and
belief. I understand that in the event of any information being found false or incorrect, my admission is liable to be
rejected / cancelled at any stage of admission. I undertake to abide by the disciplinary rules and regulations of the
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