Pillar of Islam (Prayers)

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Q1 a) Write a detailed account about the second Pillar of Islam: Prayer (Salat).



 Introduction of Prayer [Pillar of Islam + as foundation of faith]

 Importance of Prayer
 Name and timing of 5 daily prayers [ref]
 Azaan
 Conditions of Prayer
 Preparation
 Wudu [ref]
 Dry ablution [ref]
 Method of Prayer in Congregation
 Benefits
 Conclusion

FOCUS: Entire second pillar. Each

event to be given equal weightage.

Prayer is the second pillar and was the first act of worship made obligatory on Muslims during
Prophet’s Miraj journey in 10AH. Allah says, “Prayer at fixed hours has been enjoined upon the
believers.” Prayer is the foundation of faith and Allah doesn’t allow anyone to forgo prayers.

The word Salat has been mentioned in the Quran 67 Times. Quran states, “Establish Prayer and pay
Zakat”. It is the external expression of a Muslims belief in Allah and a practical sign of obedience to
His command. Its sole purpose is remembrance of Allah as Allah says, “So serve Me and establish
Prayer for My remembrance.” It is obligatory for every Muslim; male or female, who have reached
the age of adolescence and are of sane mind to establish Prayer regardless of the adverse
circumstances; be it conditions of peace or war, sickness or wellness. Its importance is evident with
it being the very basis of differing between a believer and a non-believer. Prophet said, “What
stands between a man and disbelief is the abandonment of Salat.” It will thus be the first thing for
which a person will be held accountable on the Day of Judgement and it will hence determine our
final abode. Allah says, "And who pays heed to their prayers. These are the heirs who will inherit
Paradise. There they will abide."

The main prayers are offered five times a day i.e., Fajr at dawn, Zuhr at noon, Asr in the afternoon,
Maghrib at sunset and Isha at night. It hence gives structure to the day and marks it with a
spiritual stamp. Quran says, “Establish regular Prayers- at the sun's decline till the darkness of
the night- and pray in the small watches of the day."

Salat is a ritual which consists of specific statements and actions. Believers are called to prayer
through Azaan, called out thrice at the time of each prayer. It sums up the teachings of Islam and
verifies that to attain success in the world and Hereafter, salat is important. After this Muslims
prepare for Prayer keeping in mind its conditions. The person must face the Kaabah during prayer as
Allah says, “Turn your face in the direction of the scared mosque where ever you are". The
observations of Satar must also be followed i.e., the proper dress code for male and female. Males
should cover their bodies from navel to knee and Females should cover entire body except face and
hands. Muslims must face the Qiblah, offer each prayer at its stated time and make intention for
prayer in heart. Moreover, not only is it important to ensure the cleanliness of clothing and the place
of offering but the person must further also be free from impurities themselves. As Prophet said,
“Purification is the key to prayer.” This cleanliness is achieved through wudu or ghusl i.e., an Islamic
act of washing the desirable parts of body using clean water before prayer. Allah says "O you
believe when you prepare for prayer wash your faces and your hands to the elbows, rub your
hands with water and your feet to the ankles". However, in case water is unavailable Tayammum
or dry adulation may be performed. Allah says: "If you are ill or on a journey, or any of you comes
after answering the call of nature, or you have been in contact with women (i.e., sexual
intercourse), and you find no water, then perform Tayammum with clean earth and rub therewith
your faces and hands."

Prayer is offered in congregation for men as Allah says, “Prayer in congregation is better than the
prayer of a man by himself by twenty-seven times”. Conversely, it is preferable for women to offer
it alone. It begins with proclamation of the greatness of Allah and is concluded with salutations of
peace. The believer primarily makes intention of prayer. After this a person stands still and says
Takbeer. In congregation, the Imam says Takbir Tahrima in a loud voice while raising his hands till his
ears then folding them onto the navel. Then the Imam and followers recite Thana, Tawuz and
Tasmia in a low voice in the first Rakat. After this the second Rakaat is prayed in a similar manner to
first one except that Thana and Tawuz are not revered. After the second Rakaat is completed, a
person sits for Qadar and recites Tahiyyat as well as Tashahud. Tashahud is then followed by
Supplication and Salah is ended with Salaam If someone is performing Salah of four Rakat, they will
stand up after first Attahiyat and complete the next two rakats in the same manner leaving out only
the additional Surah read after Surah Fatihah. If a person misses prayer due to some reason he/she
must pray delayed prayer that is Qaza and if someone is on journey pertaining to the time limit
decided in Ijma the person must pray shortened prayer i.e., Qasr.

Prayer has many individual as well as communal benefits. The key benefit of Salah is that it
prevents us from sins as Quran states, “Surely Salah keeps one away from shameful and evil
deeds.” Other individual benefits include punctuality, attaining cleanliness, being obedient to Allah’s
commands and possessing self-discipline, self-control, piety and patience. Communally, it unites
Muslims into a single brotherhood and encourages equality. Thus, due to its many benefits, Prophet
said, “Prayer brings coolness to my eyes”

Hence prayer is an important and fundamental aspect of Islam, the performance of which is
imperative for Muslims.

Q2 a) Give an account of the conditions required for ablution, and the method for performing it.


 Intro
 Conditions:
1. Intention should be made
2. Entire ablution should be in a continuous process
3. Without a break, no part is allowed to dry before the other is washed
4. It should be done in a prescribed order
5. Washing should start from right to left
6. No part should remain dry
7. Recommended to brush teeth with miswak
 Methods:
1. Method of ablution from book

FOCUS: Conditions and method of

Wuzu [ablution]
Wuzu & the Islamic act of washing the desirable part of the body by using clean water. It is required
before offering Prayer, to purify the believer and clean himself. Prophet said. "Key to Paradise is
Prayer, Key to Prayer is Wuzu." Just as Prayer is necessary to enter paradise, wuzu is required for
the acceptance of Prayer. Allah say regarding Wuzu: "O you who believe, when you rise for prayer,
wash your faces, your hand up to elbows, lightly rub your beads and wash your feet up to the


Wuzu & the foremost requisite before prayer and the Prophet's Sunnah gives Muslims the details of
the conditions and method of Wuzu. Conditions of are addressed. If a person is in a state of Hadas-
e. Asghar, he must perform ablution, or if he takes a nap. Making the Night (intention) for Wuzu is
required. Make sure that the water is clean & pure, and that Wuzu should be in a continuous
process, without any Interval. Moreover, no part of the body should be allowed to dry before the
other is washed properly.

Furthermore, Wuzu should be performed in the prescribed order. If the order is changed, the Wuzu
is not accepted and the believer needs to repeat the correct process. It is also required for the
washing to start train the right side then the left side. While performing Wuzu, no desired part
should remain day. If it remains dry, the Wuzu is not accepted. Finally, it is recommended to brush
one's teeth or use miswak before or after Wuzu.


The method of wuzu consists of Faraiz e Wudu (that include, washing of face, hands, wiping of head
with wet hands, and washing the feet) and the Sunnah acts performed by Prophet (pbuh). Allah says
"O you believe when you prepare for prayer wash your faces and your hands to the elbows, rub
your hands with water and your feet to the ankles". However, in case water is unavailable
Tayammum or dry adulation may be performed. Allah says: "If you are ill or on a journey, or any of
you comes after answering the call of nature, or you have been in contact with women (i.e.,
sexual intercourse), and you find no water, then perform Tayammum with clean earth and rub
therewith your faces and hands."

Firstly, the Niyat (intention) of Wuzu is made: 'I intend to perform Wuzu in order to purify myself
for prayer'. Prayer It is generally considered to make the Niyat After this, first the right then the left
hand or washed properly up to the wrists hit fingers are also be passed in between each other
making sure no part remains day.Then, the mouth is rinsed thrice with water taking special care
about gargling & ensuring that water reaches the throat. Finger is rubbed on the teeth to clean
them. Some water is put in the nose using the right hand and sniffed in while the left hand is used to
clean the nose and the water is blown out thrice. Now, the whole face is washed with both hands
thrice, from the forehead to the chin and from one ear lobe to the other, making sure no portion of
the face remains day. For males, wet fingers are passed through the beard. Then, first the right then
the left arm is washed up to the elbow thrice. Females, wearing bangles or rings should take them
off so that the skin under them does not remain dry.
After this, Masah is performed i.e., the head is wiped with wet hands from front to back. Both ears
are cleansed inside and outside, the thumb are used to wipe the back of the ear and the index finger
is used for the inside, and the back of the two hands are passed on the nape of the neck. Finally, first
the right and then the left foot is washed up to the ankles.

Just like this, Wuzu (ablution) is performed completely, and the believer is now considered pure by
Allah to perform the Obligatory prayer.

Q3 a) The Prophet said, ‘Between a person and disbelief is discarding prayer.’ What benefits do
Muslims find in regular prayer (salat)? [10]


 Introduction: 2nd pillar of Islam + first act which person will be accountable for
 Importance: mentioned 67 times + compulsory in every condition
 Benefits/Teachings of Prayer:
 Punctuality, cleanliness
 Humility
 Obedience
 Discipline + control
 Pity
 Taqwa
 Patience and perseverance
 Develop points by explaining and references. Only benefits are not enough)

FOCUS: Benefits for Muslims in regular

prayer (salat).

Prayer is the second pillar and was the first act of worship made obligatory on Muslims during
Prophet’s Miraj journey in 10AH. Allah says, “Prayer at fixed hours has been enjoined upon the
believers.” Prayer is the foundation of faith and Allah doesn’t allow anyone to forgo prayers.


The word Salat has been mentioned in the Quran 67 Times. Quran states, “Establish Prayer and pay
Zakat”. It is the external expression of a Muslims belief in Allah and a practical sign of obedience to
His command. Its sole purpose is remembrance of Allah as Allah says, “So serve Me and establish
Prayer for My remembrance.” It is obligatory for every Muslim; male or female, who have reached
the age of adolescence and are of sane mind to establish Prayer regardless of the adverse
circumstances; be it conditions of peace or war, sickness or wellness. Its importance is evident with
it being the very basis of differing between a believer and a non-believer. Prophet said, “What
stands between a man and disbelief is the abandonment of Salat.” It will thus be the first thing for
which a person will be held accountable on the Day of Judgement and it will hence determine our
final abode. Allah says, "And who pays heed to their prayers. These are the heirs who will inherit
Paradise. There they will abide."

Benefits of Prayer:
Prayer promotes the link of believers as it is a shared act and teaches them brotherhood. The rush to
the Mosque at the call of Azaan and Face towards the same Qiblah, I.e., Kaabah. This reminds of
them of Muslim unity. Prayer also teaches equality as all the believers pray and bow together. Thus,
this reminds them that they are all equal in eyes of Allah. Prayer also promotes physical cleanliness.
In order to pray, the believer needs to perform ablution, and make sure his praying area and clothes
are clean. Thus, a believer who prays regularly is required to remain pure. Quran states: "Allah loves
those who make themselves pure." The Holy Prophet said: "Purification is the key to Prayer". And
"Cleanliness is half of faith."

Basically, Prayer consists of recitation of Quran and glorification of Allah. Through the postures of
prayer, believer shows his insignificance, submission and humility to Allah. He says: "Successful
indeed are the believers. Those who offer their Salah with all solemnity and full submissiveness."
During prayer, Muslim Faces Qiblah and folds his arms and hands; it is a sign of humility and defeat
front of Allah and his total dependence on Allah for everything. Prayer also strengthens the Faith of
a believer and reminds him that he needs to follow the commandments of Allah as Allah is
constantly watching his deeds. Prayer develops Taqwa (piety) and fear of Allah in him. Quran says:
"Those who believe in the unseen, are steadfast in prayer and spend out of what We have
provided for them."

Prayer keeps the conscience of a believer alive and Functioning in a proper manner. As a result, the
believer tries to refrain himself from doing evil sins and do good deeds. The Quran confirms this:
"Establish prayer, for verily Prayer restrains from shameful and unjust deeds." Prayer eradicates
the evil deeds committed in the past. Prophet said that after ablution, stands for prayer and praises
Allah, his sins would depart, leaving him as he was on the day of his birth. The Prophet also said:
"With the grace of Allah, it washes away all sins. Ablution washes out physical dirt while Prayer
washes out spiritual ones."

The greatest benefit of prayer is that it is a form of direct communication of a believer with Allah. It
is the chief reason why Prayer was dearest to Prophet (pbuh). He asked the Companions to pray as
they will standing in front of Allah. He said "You should worship Allah, as, if you see Him; if you do
not see Him, He surely sees you." Prayer is also a source of blessings for a believer which brings
solace and peace to him. By offering prayer, person becomes satisfied with his current life and finds
inner peace, stability, patience. The Quran states: "Therefore, be patient with what they say and
celebrate the praises of thy Lord before before the rising of the sun and before its setting."

Prayer keeps believer's mind in alert state and also teaches him punctuality as he has to offer Salah
during Fixed times. Allah says, "Prayer at fixed hours has been enjoined upon the believers." It also
teaches him self-control and discipline as praying under all Circumstances helps him control his
desires, become steadfast and capable at enduring hardships. It is important to bow down to Allah
five times in a day to create strong link because on the Day of Judgement prayer will be the first
thing a person will be Accountable for.

Hence prayer (salah) is an important pillar of Islam which provides the believer both, spiritual and
physical benefits.

Q4 a) Describe the particular features of Friday congregational prayers (Jum’a) and the main
features of the Friday sermon. [10]


Q4 a) Describe the particular features of congregational prayers on Fridays (jum’a). *10+


Q4 a) How do Muslims prepare themselves for Friday (Jum’a) prayers and what are the special
features of this prayer? [10]


 Community should gather together

 Women are encouraged
 Purification (highly recommended) – Ghusl + clean clothes
 Two Azaans will be recited
 Sermon is very important feature of this prayer
 Sermon is divided into two parts with a short interval
 Glorification and praise of Allah
 Confirming the aspect of Tauhid
 Praise and blessing of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬
 Reflection/reinforcement of Quranic verse
 Refer to a Hadith to demonstrate
 The Iman reminds the congregation of their duties
 He warns people of the consequences of sin

FOCUS: Preparations and features of

Jumah prayers.
Friday is the best day of week and has special importance for Muslims. Messenger of Allah said, "The
best day on which the sun rises is Friday. [On Friday] Adam was created, and on that day, he
entered paradise, and on that day, he was expelled from paradise. And the Hour will come to pass
on Friday." (Sahih Muslim). There an hour in Friday in which supplications are accepted.

Muslims are commanded to say Friday prayers in mosques! Great reward has been promised for
offering the Friday prayers, all sins of a person committed between the present and the previous
Foday are forgiven Salman al-Farsi reported, Allah's Apostle said, "Anyone who takes a bath on
Friday and cleans himself as much as he can and puts oil (on his hair) or scents himself; and then
proceeds for the prayer, and does not force his way between two persons (assembled in the
mosque for the Friday prayer), and prays as much as is written for him, and remains quiet when
the Imam delivers the Khutbah, all his sins in between the present and the previous Friday will be
forgiven." (Sahih Bukhari).

Salat ul Jumu'ah is obligatory on every free, adult, and sane Muslim who has the ability to attend
Salah and does not have a valid excuse to miss it. The one who misses it without a genuine reason is
a sinner. The Prophet said, "Whoever misses three Friday prayers in a row out of negligence will
have a seal put over his heart by Allah." (Ahmed, and Ibn Majah). The time of al-Jumu'ah is the
same as that of Dhuhr. It takes the place of Dhuhr prayer. It consists 2 Rakkahs instead of four and
there is no Qaza for this prayer. The Salat-ul Jumu'ah is valid if there are two or more people
present, since the Prophet said, "Two or more constitute a congregation." (Ibn Majah) It is highly
desirable that worshippers should cut their nails, remove unwanted hair, clean teeth, take bath and
put on their best clothes for the Jumu'ah prayers.

There are two Azaans for this prayer. When the first adhan is proclaimed, Muslims are required to
leave every kind of business and hurry to the mosque. They may resume their business after the
prayers. Allah says: "O you who believe! When the call is proclaimed to prayer on Friday (the Day
of Assembly) hasten earnestly to the Remembrance of Allah and leave off business (and traffic);
that is the best for you if you but knew. And when the Prayer is finished then may you disperse
through the land, and seek of the Bounty of Allah." The sermon (Khutbah) of Friday is obligatory,
and listening to it is Wajib, the second adhan is delivered when the imam ascends the pulpit. After
adhan, Imam delivers sermon facing the congregation. The sermon is divided into two parts with a
brief interval of about one minute duration in the two parts which can be distinguished by a brief
sitting of the Imam.

Friday sermon includes praises of Allah, the Exalted, blessings upon the Prophet admonitions, and
Qur'anic recitations. Allah's Apostle said, "The Friday khutbah that does not contain the testimony
("There is no God except Allah, and Muhammad is His Messenger) is like the defective hand."
(Musnad Ahmed) The Imam reminds congregation about their duties towards Allah and towards
their fellow beings. He exhorts people to do good deeds, and warns them against the consequences
of evil actions. He also reminds them of the Hereafter, and prays for the welfare of community.
While sermon is being delivered, it is prohibited to make conversation or even to recite the Qur'an
Abu Hurairah reported, Allah's Apostle said, "When the Imam is delivering the Khutbah, and you
ask your Companion to keep quiet and listen, then no doubt you have done an evil act."(Sahih
Bukhari) After the sermon is over, Iqamah is proclaimed, rows are straightened, and worshippers
stand shoulder to shoulder.

Friday prayer is like any other congregational prayer; however, it is Sunnah to recite aloud in two
rakkahs of Friday congregation prayer and only Farz rakat are prayed in congregation. All make
Intention, the imam says Takbir Tahrimah in a loud voice, and then the imam and the followers
recite thana, tawuz, and tasmiah in a low voice in the first rakk'ah. After this, the imam recites Surah
Fatihah and some other Surahs aloud both in the first and the second Rakkahs, followers listen to
him attentively. When the imam says: "Wa laddalin" at the end of Surah al-Fatihah, the followers
say Ameen in a low voice. When the imam bows, the congregation also bows, when the Imam says,
'Sami'a-llahu Liman hamida', the followers say, 'Rabbana-lakal hamd' in a low voice. The
congregation follows the Imam in all actions, it does not go ahead of Imam in standing, bowing or
prostrating. When the imam makes Tasleem, all make Tasleem.

It is Sunnah to read surah Al-A'la in the first Rakk'a and Sura Al-Gashia in the second Rakkah. It is
also a Sunnah to pray four rakk'ahs or two rakkahs of sunnah after al-Jumu'ah prayer.

Q5 a) Describe the particular features of congregational prayers, both daily and on Fridays (Jum’a
prayers). [10]


 Farz to be said in congregation

 Mosque
 If a third person joins the prayer, Imam moves forward
 Before congregation, rows are straightened and gaps are filled
 Quran hafiz can lead the prayers
 Shoulder to shoulder
 Iqamah
 Sequence of Prayer
 Intention
 Features of Friday prayers

FOCUS: Features of Friday and daily

congregation prayers.


Muslims are commanded to pray congregation prayers in mosque. Only Fard are to be said in
congregation. The other prayers (rakk'ahs) are said individually. Women are allowed to join
congregation but it is better for them to pray in their home. Men are excused from congregation
only in case of rain, extreme weather, or illness. Congregational prayer has a great reward, the
Messenger of Allah said. "Prayer in congregation is better than the prayer of a man by himself by
twenty-seven times."(Agreed)

One person with Imam constitute congregation even if he is a child or a woman. The Man who leads
congregation is called Imam. In case the congregation consist of two people, the follower will be on
the right side of imam, Ibn 'Abbas said, "I stayed with my Aunt Maimunah and the Prophet got up
to pray during the night. I got up to pray with him and stood on his left and the Prophet took me
by my hand and put me on his right side." (Agreed). If a third person joins the prayer, the Imam
moves forward or the Muqdadi (the follower) moves backwards. If females join congregation, they
form back row, and they should leave the congregation before men leave. They should not use
perfumes. The best person fit for Imamah is the one who has good understanding of the Qur'an and

Before the congregation starts, rows are straightened, and gaps are filled. Worshippers stand
shoulder to shoulder, the elder and the pious occupy the front row, then children and then women.
Someone standing close to the imam says Iqamah in a low voice. All make intention and say Takbir
Tahrimah, the Imam and the congregation recite thania, ta'awuz and tasmiah. When the Imam reads
loudly, the followers listen to him. But if the Imam recites Fatihah within himself, the followers too
read Fatihah in silence, when the imam says, wa-laddalin at the end of Sura al-Fatihah, the followers
say Ameen, the Prophet said "When the Imam recites,'... Those whose portion is not wrath and
who go not astray, you should say 'Ameen. If this corresponds to when the angels say it, he will
have all of his previous sins forgiven." (Sahih Bukhari)

When imam bows, they all bow, when he says, 'Sami'a-l-lahu Liman hamida' they say "Rabbana-
lakal hamd". The congregation follow Imam in all actions. They do not go ahead of him in standing,
bowing or prostrating, the Prophet said, "The Imam is (appointed) to be followed. So do not differ
from him..." (Sahih Bukhari) If anyone joins the congregation after prayer has begun and advanced,
he must follow imam in the stage in which the Imam is at that time, and will complete his prayers
after Imam closes prayers with tasleem. He who gets the last Rakk'ah, gets the whole prayers,
anybody who over takes the prostration shall count the number of the Rakk'ah, and he shall have to
pray from the following Rakk'ah (bowing). The imam recites loudly in Fajr, Maghrib and Isha prayers,
while he recites silently in Dhuhr and Asr prayers.


Muslims are commanded to say Friday prayers in mosques! Great reward has been promised for
offering the Friday prayers, all sins of a person committed between the present and the previous
Foday are forgiven Salman al-Farsi reported, Allah's Apostle said, "Anyone who takes a bath on
Friday and cleans himself as much as he can and puts oil (on his hair) or scents himself; and then
proceeds for the prayer, and does not force his way between two persons (assembled in the
mosque for the Friday prayer), and prays as much as is written for him, and remains quiet when
the Imam delivers the Khutbah, all his sins in between the present and the previous Friday will be
forgiven." (Sahih Bukhari).

Salat ul Jumu'ah is obligatory on every free, adult, and sane Muslim who has the ability to attend
Salah and does not have a valid excuse to miss it. The one who misses it without a genuine reason is
a sinner. The Prophet said, "Whoever misses three Friday prayers in a row out of negligence will
have a seal put over his heart by Allah." (Ahmed, and Ibn Majah). The time of al-Jumu'ah is the
same as that of Dhuhr. It takes the place of Dhuhr prayer. It consists 2 Rakkahs instead of four and
there is no Qaza for this prayer. The Salat-ul Jumu'ah is valid if there are two or more people
present, since the Prophet said, "Two or more constitute a congregation." (Ibn Majah) It is highly
desirable that worshippers should cut their nails, remove unwanted hair, clean teeth, take bath and
put on their best clothes for the Jumu'ah prayers. There are two Azaans for this prayer. When the
first adhan is proclaimed, Muslims are required to leave every kind of business and hurry to the
mosque. They may resume their business after the prayers. Allah says: "O you who believe! When
the call is proclaimed to prayer on Friday (the Day of Assembly) hasten earnestly to the
Remembrance of Allah and leave off business (and traffic); that is the best for you if you but knew.
And when the Prayer is finished then may you disperse through the land, and seek of the Bounty
of Allah." The sermon (Khutbah) of Friday is obligatory, and listening to it is Wajib, the second adhan
is delivered when the imam ascends the pulpit. After adhan, Imam delivers sermon facing the
congregation. The sermon is divided into two parts with a brief interval of about one minute
duration in the two parts which can be distinguished by a brief sitting of the Imam.

Friday sermon includes praises of Allah, the Exalted, blessings upon the Prophet admonitions, and
Qur'anic recitations. Allah's Apostle said, "The Friday khutbah that does not contain the testimony
("There is no God except Allah, and Muhammad is His Messenger) is like the defective hand."
(Musnad Ahmed) The Imam reminds congregation about their duties towards Allah and towards
their fellow beings. He exhorts people to do good deeds, and warns them against the consequences
of evil actions. He also reminds them of the Hereafter, and prays for the welfare of community.
While sermon is being delivered, it is prohibited to make conversation or even to recite the Qur'an
Abu Hurairah reported, Allah's Apostle said, "When the Imam is delivering the Khutbah, and you
ask your Companion to keep quiet and listen, then no doubt you have done an evil act."(Sahih
Bukhari) After the sermon is over, Iqamah is proclaimed, rows are straightened, and worshippers
stand shoulder to shoulder.

Friday prayer is like any other congregational prayer; however, it is Sunnah to recite aloud in two
rakkahs of Friday congregation prayer and only Farz rakat are prayed in congregation. All make
Intention, the imam says Takbir Tahrimah in a loud voice, and then the imam and the followers
recite thana, tawuz, and tasmiah in a low voice in the first rakk'ah. After this, the imam recites Surah
Fatihah and some other Surahs aloud both in the first and the second Rakkahs, followers listen to
him attentively. When the imam says: "Wa laddalin" at the end of Surah al-Fatihah, the followers
say Ameen in a low voice. When the imam bows, the congregation also bows, when the Imam says,
'Sami'a-llahu Liman hamida', the followers say, 'Rabbana-lakal hamd' in a low voice. The
congregation follows the Imam in all actions, it does not go ahead of Imam in standing, bowing or
prostrating. When the imam makes Tasleem, all make Tasleem. It is Sunnah to read surah Al-A'la in
the first Rakk'a and Sura Al-Gashia in the second Rakkah. It is also a Sunnah to pray four rakk'ahs or
two rakkahs of sunnah after al-Jumu'ah prayer.
Q5 a) What is the purpose of prayers in congregation? [10]


 Brotherhood and Equality/Unity

 Level social differences
 Unifying the Ummah
 Promotes healthy social relations
 Some benefits of Mosque
 Blessed 27 times
 Blessings about Friday and Eid prayers
 Punctuality
 Follow practice of Prophet, under leadership of Imam

FOCUS: Purpose of congregational


Muslims are instructed to perform Congregational Prayer. Performing prayer in Congregation is

Wajib or Sunnah Muakkaddah. Only Farz Prayer are to be prayed in Congregation. While Nafil and
Sunnah are offered individually. Muslims are excused from congregational prayers only in case of
extreme weather or harsh illness. Women are allowed to pray in congregation but praying in home is
preferred for them. The Holy Prophet said: "Prayer in Congregation is twenty-seven times superior
to a prayer performed individually. "

One of the purposes of Congregation is to provide social benefits. Congregational Prayers level social
differences and promote atmosphere of Brotherhood and Equality. All believers of highest and
lowest ranks assemble together behind the Imam 5 times a day, face the Qiblah, bow down to the
Lord and Say Salam together at the same time. This leads to the realization that all of them are equal
in the eyes of Allah, regardless of their status and wealth.

Secondly, Prayer in Congregation is a story unifying force to & unite the entire Islamic Ummah
together. The gathering of all people/believers living in a locality five times a day in a mosque and
praying together in harmony help in the establishment of healthy social relations between different
sections of the society. Another purpose of praying in Congregation is to teach punctuality as
Congregational Prayer keeps a believer's mind in an alert state and ensures him that he joins the
other believers to offer Salah at fixed time during the day, thus, making him punctual.

Muslims are Instructed to Pray Congregation in Mosques, as the purpose of it is to keep the Islamic
spirit alive and active and to Sustain and create and the feeling of brotherhood and bind the
Muslims together. Prophet declared mosque is the best place in the world as it is the centre of
worship to congregation. Even during his last Illness, the Prophet Came help of out of his house with
the two men, dragged his feet on the ground and joined the congregation in the Mosque. For Prayer
in mosques, He said: "The person whose heart remains inclined to the Masjid, will be provided
with a place right under the shade of the Divine Throne."

The purpose of Congregational Prayers is to follow the practise of Prophet who laid special stress on
prayers being read in Congregation under the Leadership of an Imam. He prayed in Congregation
even during his last illness under the Imamat of Hz Abu Bakr (RA). Prophet said: "The reward of the
prayer in Congregation is twenty-five times greater than that of prayer offered in one's house or in
the market (alone)." This means merit of Prayer in Congregational exceeds the reward of praying at
home as after ablution, each step the believer takes to the Mosque, he is upgraded one degree and
Angels pray for Allah's blessings and forgiveness on him. Prophet also said: "If there are three men
in a village and Prayer is not established among them, then Shaitan takes mastery over them. So
be with Congregation since wolf devours the remote sheep."

Eid and Friday prayers are also Congregational Prayers. The Friday Prayer, the Imam delivers Khutba
in two parts, first part is based or Quran explanation while the second part focuses on general affairs
of Muslims. In khutba of Eid-ul-Fitr, Imam revises payment of Sadaqat-ul-Fitr and the khutba of Eid ul
Azha addresses commandment on sacrifice of animals. Thus, the purpose of these Congregational
prayers is to listen to khutba which is a Sunnah and earn blessings as Prophet said: "If one washes
himself and goes to Friday Prayer, it is considered as if he donated a camel for the sake of Allah."

Thus, the purpose of Congregational Prayer is to earn Allah's blessing, Communal benefits, and
follow practices of Prophet.

Q5 a) Give a detailed account of how Muslims prepare for prayer. [10]


 Intro
 Timing
 Purity
 Purity of body, clothes and place
 Sattar (covering the Awrah)
 Facing Qiblah
 Intention

FOCUS: Conditions of prayer. Equal

weightage given to all.

Salah is the second pillar of Islam hence it is obligatory upon Muslims. It was made obligatory when
Prophet (PBUH) experienced a miraculous journey called Al-Isra Wal Miraj (The Ascent) with the
following words: “Establish regular prayer at the sun's decline till the darkness of the night and the
morning prayer and reading: for the prayer and reading in the morning carry their testimony."
(17:78) Al-Isra. Therefore, offering prayer is one of the chief duties of a Muslim. It is obligatory on
every sane adult Muslim. Before offering prayers, its basic conditions must be fulfilled. These
conditions are:
We should offer our prayers at its stated time. The main prayers are offered five times a day i.e., Fajr
at dawn, Zuhr at noon, Asr in the afternoon, Maghrib at sunset and Isha at night. It hence gives
structure to the day and marks it with a spiritual stamp. Quran says, “Establish regular Prayers- at
the sun's decline till the darkness of the night- and pray in the small watches of the day." We must
not delay it, and should perform our other work later.
Before praying, our body should be pure from any kind of major or minor impurities. For minor
impurities such as urination and defaecation, a believer should perform Wuzu (ablution). Allah says:
"O you who believe, when you rise for. prayer, wash your faces, your hand up to elbows, lightly
rub your beads and wash your feet up to the ankles..." A person should follow the proper steps of
Wuzu with intention for him to become pure.
To get purification from major impurities such as ejaculation or menstruation, a person should
perform Ghusl. Allah says: "O you who believe! Don’t approach prayers... in a state of ceremonial
impurity (except while travelling) until after washing your whole body." In case of insufficient
water for Wuzu or Ghusl or in case of illness, a person can perform Tayammum, which is defined as
the use of pure earth to wipe over hands and face.
A person also requires purity of the clothes and place in order to pray. The clothes must be clean
and pure. Filth is semen, flowing blood, pus, swine and wine etc. If clothes get impure by any of
these, they must be washed three times and squeezed each time. Moreover, the place where a
Muslim is going to offer prayer is clean. Any place that is free from impurity and filth is suitable for
After purification, the second step for the preparation of Salah (prayer) is the concern of clothes
he/she is wearing. The clothes a Muslim is wearing must be able to cover his/her Sattar. Sattar is
covering the prescribed area of the body. The Sattar of man is from navel till knee and Sattar of
woman is the whole body except face, hands and feet. Thus, Sattar of a Muslim has to be completely
covered for prayer. Quran states: "O children of Adam, take your adornment (by wearing proper
clothing) at every Masjid."
After these steps, a Muslim faces Qiblah in the direction to Makkah i.e., towards Ka'bah. Prayer is
not valid in any other direction therefore it is a must for a Muslim to face Qiblah. Facing Qiblah also
gives mental orientation towards Allah as well as a sense of unity and uniformity among the
Muslims. Allah says: “Direct your face to the Masjid al Haram. Wherever you may be, turn your
faces to it."
Finally, a Muslim should make Niyah (intention). After attaining purity of body, place and clothes and
having mental and physical direction towards Allah finally a Muslim makes Niyah (intention) and can
begin his/her prayer. We should not say it aloud as it is a state of the heart. The Prophet and his
Companions always made Niyah in their heart as: "Actions are judged by intentions."

Q5 a) Write about the preparations made for the two ‘Id prayers and say how the prayers are


 Intro [dates and reasons]

 Preparations for both Eid Prayers
 Method of Eid prayers

FOCUS: preparation and

performance of both eid prayers.

Both 'Eid-ul-Fitr and 'Eid-ul-Adha are Muslim festivals. 'Eid-ul-Fitr takes place on the first of Shawaal
after completion of fasts of Ramadan, while 'Eid-al-Adha is celebrated on 10th of Dhul Hajj. Both
'Eids are practical example of brotherhood in which all men irrespective of caste and colours
participate. Anas reported, "When the Prophets came to Madinah, they had two days of sport and
amusement. The Prophet said, "Allah, the Exalted, has exchanged these days for two days better
than them, the day of breaking the fast and the day of sacrifice." Eid-ul-Adha is celebrated in the
memory of great Sacrifice of prophets Ibrahim and Ismael while Eid ul Fitr is a gift from Allah to his
believers for their continuous fasting for a month.


The prayers of two 'Eids were prescribed in the first year after migration to Madinah. It is Sunnah
Mu'akkadah as the Prophet always performed these prayers and he ordered all men and women to
go out to attend them. It is preferred to take bath, perfume one's self and put on one's best clothes
on the occasions of both 'Eids. It is Sunnah for both men and woman to pronounce takbeerat (plural
of takbir) on Eid al-Fitr. "Allah is Great, Allah is Great, Allah is Great, there is no god, but Allah.
Allah is Great, Allah is Great, Allah is Great. All the praise belong to Allah." Men should say them
out loud, while women should say them silently. The time for these begin when the sun sets on the
night of Eid (when the new moon of Shawwal has been sighted). And it ends when the prayer begins.

It is a Sunnah to eat an odd number of dates before going for 'Eid al-Fitr prayer, while for 'Eid ul
Adha eating is delayed until a person returns from prayers and then he may eat of his sacrifice, if he
has sacrificed an animal. Anas reports, "The Prophet would not go out on the festival of breaking
the fast until he had eaten an odd number of dates." Eid prayers can be performed in mosques;
however, it is preferred to perform it in a place outside city unless there is rain and storm etc. The
Prophet always offered Eid prayers in the out-skirts of Madinah; he only once offered it in the
mosque as it was raining. Both Eids are the days of rejoicing and celebration. The Prophet said, "The
days of Tashriq (i.e.., the days in which the 'Eid is celebrated) are days of eating and drinking
[non- alcoholic drinks) and of remembering Allah, the Exalted."

Recreation, amusement and singing are allowed within moral boundaries of Shariah. It is desirable
to congratulate one another other on Eid, Jabir ibn Nafir reported, "When the Companions of the
Prophet met each other on the day of 'id, they would say to each other, 'taqabbal minna wa
minka [May Allah] accept it from us and you." The time for 'Eid prayer begins when the sun is three
meters above the horizon and ends when the sun reaches its meridian. It is Sunnah to pray Salat ul
Adha Eid early in order to allow more time to people to perform sacrifice, and Salat-ul Fitr Eid, a
little late in order to give them time to pay Sadaqah- tul-Fitr. No Adhan or Iqamah is required.


The method of prayer for Eid-ul-Fur and ul-Azha is the same. The prayer consists of two Rakaat.
When the Imam recites Takbeer-e-Tahrima loud voice, the Muqtadis (followers) should also say the
Takbeer in a low voice, and fold their hands below their navel as in other prayers. Both the Imam
and the Muqtadis now recite the Sana in a low vice After reciting Sana, the Imam raises both hands
up to the ears and says the Takbeer in a loud voice. The Muqtadis also raise their hands up to the
ears and say the Takbeer in a low voice. The Imam and the Muqtadis should then lower their hands
and keep them hanging by their sides. They should repeat saying of Takbeer and raising and
lowering of hands twice. After the third Takbeer, the hands are to be folded in the usual manner.
The Imam shall now recite Tasmiya, Surah-Al-Fatihah and some other Surah. The Muqtadis should
attentively and not recite anything. They should only say Aameen in a low voice after Surah Al
Fatihah. After this, the first Rak'at should be completed in the usual manner.

In the second Rak at, the Imam recites Tasmiya, Surah Al-Fatihah and some other Surah. The
Muqtadis should only listen attentively and just say Aameen after Surah-Al-Fatihah Aber this, the
Imam raises his hands and recites the Takbeer in a loud voice. The Muqtadis also raise their hands
and say the Takbeer in a low voice. They should now bring their hands down and keep them hanging
by their sides. The hands should be raised and lowered and the Takbeer is said two more times. Both
the Imam and the Muqtadis now say one more Takbeer without raising their hands and bow down
for Raku. The second Rakat should be completed in the same manner. However, some schools of
thought stipulate the number of Takbir at 12.

After the two Rak'aat of prayer are over, the Imam delivers the Khutba in two parts, with a short
break in between. Khutbah after Eid prayer is Sunnah and so is listening to it. Abu Sa'id said, "On the
Eid of breaking the fast and of the sacrifice, the Prophet would go to the musalla (prayer place)
and begin with the Salah and when he finished, he would face people, while the People were
sitting in rows, and he would admonish them, advise them, and exhort them to do good deeds]."
In the Khutba of Eid-ul-Fitr, the Imam revises the payment of Sadaqat-ul-Fitr, and in the Khuths of
Eid-ul-Azha he explains the commandments about be sacrifice of animals. The Khutba is Sunnah and
should be listened to attentively. It is a sin to omit the Eid prayer without any valid reason, as it is
Wajib (compulsory).

Q5 a) (i) Outline the main teachings in the Qur’an and Prophetic Hadiths about prayer (salat) as
the foundation of Islam.

(ii) Describe how Muslims prepare themselves for prayer.


 Intro
 Quranic Teaching about Salat
 Prophetic Hadith
 Timing
 Purity
 Purity of body, clothes and place
 Sattar (covering the Awrah)
 Facing Qiblah
 Intention

FOCUS: Main teachings about salat being

the foundation of Islam and how
Muslims prepared for salat.


Prayer is the second pillar of Islam. Prayer was the first act of worship that was made obligatory for
the Muslims. It was made obligatory during Miraj in the 10th year of Prophethood, Anas reported,
"The prayers were made obligatory on the Prophet in the night of his ascension to heaven. At first,
they were fifty in number, but were reduced several times until they were five. Then it was
proclaimed, 'O Muhammad, the order is not changed. These five are (equivalent) to the fifty."


The word Salat occurs 67 times in the Qur'an. Allah says: "Establish prayer and pay Zakah." In this
particular verse, Allah has ordered strictly to perform the dutiful obligations of Salat (Prayer) and
Zakat. This verse highlights that establishing prayer is necessary. Secondly, Salat It is obligatory on
every adult, sane Muslim males or females whether he is at home or travelling, in peace or war,
healthy or sick, safe or in fear. Quran says: "Be guardians of your prayers, and of the mid-most
prayer, and stand up with devotion to Allah and if you go in fear, then (pray) standing or on
horseback. When you are safe, remember Allah, as He has taught you that which (heretofore) you
knew not." However, women are exempted from offering Salat during the menstruation period. This
verse evidently highlights the significance of praying regularly and strictly under all circumstances.
This verse has discussed that guarding prayers is compulsory on both men and women alike.

The Quran also says: "And who pay heed to their prayers. These are the heirs who will inherit
Paradise. There will they abide." This verse explains that if Muslims want the entrance to paradise,
the establishment of prayers is compulsory. There are many Prophetic hadith which focus on
performing Salat. The Prophet said, "The pact between us and them is prayer. Whoever, abandons
it is a disbeliever." This explains that Prophet has set the criterion of prayer as the dividing line
between the believer and disbeliever; thus, it signifies the importance of prayer.

Salah is the first act that a person will be held accountable for on the Day of Judgement, the
Messenger of Allah said, "The first act that the slave will be accountable for on the Day of
Judgment will be the prayer. If it is good, then the rest of his acts will be good. And if it is evil,
then the rest of his acts will be evil." It verifies that on the Day of Judgement, a person will firstly be
questioned about establishment of prayer. If the person prayed 5 times a day each and every day,
he will be awarded paradise. It is the last thing that the Prophet said to the Muslims before he died,
saying. "Prayer, prayer and what your right hand possesses." This means that praying regularly is
the only way a Muslim will be handed over his record of deeds in his right hand on the Day of


Before offering prayers, its basic conditions must be fulfilled. We should offer our prayers at its
stated time. The main prayers are offered five times a day i.e., Fajr at dawn, Zuhr at noon, Asr in the
afternoon, Maghrib at sunset and Isha at night. It hence gives structure to the day and marks it with
a spiritual stamp. Quran says, “Establish regular Prayers- at the sun's decline till the darkness of
the night- and pray in the small watches of the day." We must not delay it, and should perform our
other work later. Before praying, our body should be pure from any kind of major or minor
impurities. For minor impurities such as urination and defaecation, a believer should perform Wuzu
(ablution). Allah says: "O you who believe, when you rise for. prayer, wash your faces, your hand
up to elbows, lightly rub your beads and wash your feet up to the ankles..." A person should follow
the proper steps of Wuzu with intention for him to become pure.
To get purification from major impurities such as ejaculation or menstruation, a person should
perform Ghusl. Allah says: "O you who believe! Don’t approach prayers... in a state of ceremonial
impurity (except while travelling) until after washing your whole body." In case of insufficient
water for Wuzu or Ghusl or in case of illness, a person can perform Tayammum, which is defined as
the use of pure earth to wipe over hands and face. A person also requires purity of the clothes and
place in order to pray. The clothes must be clean and pure. Filth is semen, flowing blood, pus, swine
and wine etc. If clothes get impure by any of these, they must be washed three times and squeezed
each time. Moreover, the place where a Muslim is going to offer prayer is clean. Any place that is
free from impurity and filth is suitable for prayer.
Arter purification, the clothes a Muslim is wearing must be able to cover his/her Sattar. Sattar is
covering the prescribed area of the body. The Sattar of man is from navel till knee and Sattar of
woman is the whole body except face, hands and feet. Thus, Sattar of a Muslim has to be completely
covered for prayer. Quran states: "O children of Adam, take your adornment (by wearing proper
clothing) at every Masjid. After these steps, a Muslim faces Qiblah in the direction to Makkah i.e.,
towards Ka'bah. Prayer is not valid in any other direction therefore it is a must for a Muslim to face
Qiblah. Allah says: “Direct your face to the Masjid al Haram. Wherever you may be, turn your faces
to it." Finally, a Muslim should make Niyah (intention). After attaining purity of body, place and
clothes and having mental and physical direction towards Allah finally a Muslim makes Niyah
(intention) and can begin his/her prayer. We should not say it aloud as it is a state of the heart. The
Prophet and his Companions always made Niyah in their heart as: "Actions are judged by

Q5 a) Write about the following:

• the conditions that should be met before Muslims start prayer (salat), and

• the importance of prayer (salat) in the life of Muslims. [10]


 Intro
 Conditions of Prayer
 Importance/Benefits of Prayer

FOCUS: conditions that should be met

before prayer, and the importance of


Prayer is the second pillar of Islam. Prayer was the first act of worship that was made obligatory for
the Muslims. It was made obligatory during Miraj in the 10th year of Prophethood, Anas reported,
"The prayers were made obligatory on the Prophet in the night of his ascension to heaven. At first,
they were fifty in number, but were reduced several times until they were five. Then it was
proclaimed, 'O Muhammad, the order is not changed. These five are (equivalent) to the fifty."


Before offering prayers, its basic conditions must be fulfilled. We should offer our prayers at its
stated time. The main prayers are offered five times a day i.e., Fajr at dawn, Zuhr at noon, Asr in the
afternoon, Maghrib at sunset and Isha at night. It hence gives structure to the day and marks it with
a spiritual stamp. Quran says, “Establish regular Prayers- at the sun's decline till the darkness of
the night- and pray in the small watches of the day." We must not delay it, and should perform our
other work later. Before praying, our body should be pure from any kind of major or minor
impurities. For minor impurities such as urination and defaecation, a believer should perform Wuzu
(ablution). Allah says: "O you who believe, when you rise for. prayer, wash your faces, your hand
up to elbows, lightly rub your beads and wash your feet up to the ankles..." A person should follow
the proper steps of Wuzu with intention for him to become pure.
To get purification from major impurities such as ejaculation or menstruation, a person should
perform Ghusl. Allah says: "O you who believe! Don’t approach prayers... in a state of ceremonial
impurity (except while travelling) until after washing your whole body." In case of insufficient
water for Wuzu or Ghusl or in case of illness, a person can perform Tayammum, which is defined as
the use of pure earth to wipe over hands and face. A person also requires purity of the clothes and
place in order to pray. The clothes must be clean and pure. Filth is semen, flowing blood, pus, swine
and wine etc. If clothes get impure by any of these, they must be washed three times and squeezed
each time. Moreover, the place where a Muslim is going to offer prayer is clean. Any place that is
free from impurity and filth is suitable for prayer.
Arter purification, the clothes a Muslim is wearing must be able to cover his/her Sattar. Sattar is
covering the prescribed area of the body. The Sattar of man is from navel till knee and Sattar of
woman is the whole body except face, hands and feet. Thus, Sattar of a Muslim has to be completely
covered for prayer. Quran states: "O children of Adam, take your adornment (by wearing proper
clothing) at every Masjid. After these steps, a Muslim faces Qiblah in the direction to Makkah i.e.,
towards Ka'bah. Prayer is not valid in any other direction therefore it is a must for a Muslim to face
Qiblah. Allah says: “Direct your face to the Masjid al Haram. Wherever you may be, turn your faces
to it." Finally, a Muslim should make Niyah (intention). After attaining purity of body, place and
clothes and having mental and physical direction towards Allah finally a Muslim makes Niyah
(intention) and can begin his/her prayer. We should not say it aloud as it is a state of the heart. The
Prophet and his Companions always made Niyah in their heart as: "Actions are judged by

Basically, Prayer consists of recitation of Quran and glorification of Allah. Through the postures of
prayer, believer shows his insignificance, submission and humility to Allah. He says: "Successful
indeed are the believers. Those who offer their Salah with all solemnity and full submissiveness."
During prayer, Muslim Faces Qiblah and folds his arms and hands; it is a sign of humility and defeat
front of Allah and his total dependence on Allah for everything. Prayer also strengthens the Faith of
a believer and reminds him that he needs to follow the commandments of Allah as Allah is
constantly watching his deeds. Prayer develops Taqwa (piety) and fear of Allah in him. Quran says:
"Those who believe in the unseen, are steadfast in prayer and spend out of what We have
provided for them."

Prayer keeps the conscience of a believer alive and Functioning in a proper manner. As a result, the
believer tries to refrain himself from doing evil sins and do good deeds. The Quran confirms this:
"Establish prayer, for verily Prayer restrains from shameful and unjust deeds." Prayer eradicates
the evil deeds committed in the past. Prophet said that after ablution, stands for prayer and praises
Allah, his sins would depart, leaving him as he was on the day of his birth. The Prophet also said:
"With the grace of Allah, it washes away all sins. Ablution washes out physical dirt while Prayer
washes out spiritual ones."

The greatest benefit of prayer is that it is a form of direct communication of a believer with Allah. It
is the chief reason why Prayer was dearest to Prophet (pbuh). He asked the Companions to pray as
they will standing in front of Allah. He said "You should worship Allah, as, if you see Him; if you do
not see Him, He surely sees you." Prayer is also a source of blessings for a believer which brings
solace and peace to him. By offering prayer, person becomes satisfied with his current life and finds
inner peace, stability, patience. The Quran states: "Therefore, be patient with what they say and
celebrate the praises of thy Lord before the rising of the sun and before its setting."

Q5 a) Write about the following:

• The benefits of private prayer (du’a) in a Muslim’s life.

• The times when God is thought most likely to accept du’a.


 Intro
 Benefits of Dua
 Times of acceptance of Dua

FOCUS: Benefits and acceptance

of Dua.


Prayer is the second pillar of Islam. Prayer was the first act of worship that was made obligatory for
the Muslims. It was made obligatory during Miraj in the 10th year of Prophethood, Anas reported,
"The prayers were made obligatory on the Prophet in the night of his ascension to heaven. At first,
they were fifty in number, but were reduced several times until they were five. Then it was
proclaimed, 'O Muhammad, the order is not changed. These five are (equivalent) to the fifty."

A person should observe certain etiquettes while making supplication. He should supplicate in
opportune moments; face Qiblah; raise his hands above his shoulders; ask Allah for forgiveness
before making supplication, and glorify Him by reciting Tasbih, Tahlil, and Tahmid and send Salah on
the Prophet and he should be humble. He should supplicate with complete faith that his prayers
will be answered. He should supplicate with attentive mind as Allah does not answer supplications
that comes from careless and inattentive heart. He should supplicate repeatedly "Abdullah bin
Mas'ud reported that the Prophet, loved to repeat his supplication three times, and pray for
forgiveness three times." (Abu Dawood)


Private prayer contains many benefits for a Muslim. Du’a is the act of remembering God and calling
upon Him. Through du’a Muslims call upon God for forgiveness, guidance, strength and protection.
Allah says: "Invoke Me, and ask Me for. I will respond to your invocation." Du’a can be made to
seek help from God in a believer’s personal matters or to protect, guide or bless a relative.
Whenever a person in difficulty, realizes his helpless and he prays to Allah to help him to over
comes difficulties. Allah says: "And He gives you of all that you ask for." Numan bin Bashir reported
that the Prophet said, "Verily supplication is worship." Then he recited the Qur'anic verse, "And
your Lord says, "Call on Me, I will answer your prayer but those who are too arrogant to serve me
will surely find themselves humiliated in Hell!"
Allah commands people to pray to Him and He responds to those who ask Him "When My servant
asked you about Me, say that certainly I am very near, I respond to the invocation of an invoker
when he calls Me, so let them invoke Me and put in Me that they may find the right way." Abu
Hurairah reported, the Prophet said, "Nothing is dearer to Allah than one's supplication to Him."
Nothing can change predestination except supplication, Salman Al-Farisi reported, the Prophet said.
"Nothing can avert the decree of Allah except supplication, and nothing increases life except
virtuous deeds." In another tradition, Aishah reported. The Prophet said, "Precautions are of no
avail against the decree of Allah, but supplication benefits in case of a calamity that strikes or is
about to strike. And when a calamity descends the supplication intercepts it and holds it at bay
until the Day of Resurrection." Dua is the weapon of a believer as Prophet said: "Nothing is dearer
to Allah than one's supplication to Him."

Best Times to Offer Supplication:

Supplications can be made in any language and at any time of the day, however, there are some
occasions and timings which are the most opportune moments for their acceptance. These
moments should be always availed. These are, the day of 'Arafah, month of Ramadan, after Friday
prayers, after every Farz prayer, at the time of breaking a fast, while travelling, at the time of rainfall,
between Adhan and Iqamah, at the time of encounter of armies, at times of panic, at dawn, the last
part of the night, and during prostration. Allah's Apostle said, "When it is the last third of the night,
our Lord, the Blessed, the Superior, descends every night to the heaven of the world and says, 'Is
there anyone who invokes Me (demand anything from Me), that I may respond to his invocation;
there anyone who asks Me for something that I may give (it to) him; is there anyone who My
forgiveness that may forgive him?". He also reported, the Prophet said "The servant is nearest to
his Lord when he is prostrating to Him, so make application in this state."(Sahih Muslim) A person
should pray to Allah in time of ease and happiness so that He may accept his prayer in times of
difficulty. Abu Hurairah reported, the Prophet said, "Whoever wants Allah to answer his prayers
during difficult times, should supplicate to Him more and more in times of ease."

Supplications are generally accepted and the hands raised up towards Allah in prayers generally are
not returned empty, the Prophet said, "Your lord is the Ever-living, the generous. He is ashamed to
turn away the hands of His servants when they raise them up before Him." (Tirmidhi, Abu
Dawood) However, supplications of some people are especially accepted more readily, supplication
of a father a traveller, the one who is wronged; parent's for their children, pilgrim in the course of
his journey, warrior fighting in the way of Allah, a person who is ill or grief stricken, prayer of a
person for another person in his absence, a person who is fasting, a person who is oppressed against
his oppressor and prayers of a just ruler. The Prophet said, "The supplications of three persons are
not rejected; the supplication of a fasting person at the time of breaking fast, of a just ruler, and of
a person who is wronged. Allah causes their supplications to rise above the clouds, and gates of
heaven are opened for them, and God says. "By My Majesty, I will help you, even it be after a

Q5 a) Describe how and why Muslims celebrate Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. [10]


 Intro
 Reasons for celebration of both Eids
 How the eid is celebrated

FOCUS: How and why both eids are



Both 'Eid-ul-Fitr and 'Eid-ul-Adha are Muslim festivals. 'Eid-ul-Fitr takes place on the first of
Shawaal after completion of fasts of Ramadan, while 'Eid-al-Adha is celebrated on 10th of Dhul
Hajj. Both 'Eids are practical example of brotherhood in which all men irrespective of caste and
colours participate. Both eids are referred to in the Quran and are part of the Muslim calendar. Anas
reported, "When the Prophets came to Madinah, they had two days of sport and amusement. The
Prophet said, "Allah, the Exalted, has exchanged these days for two days better than them, the
day of breaking the fast and the day of sacrifice."


Eid ul Fitr is a gift from Allah to his believers for their continuous fasting for a month. It marks the
end of the Holy month of Ramadan and is the day of celebrations gifted by Allah. Eid al Adha is also
known as Yawm-al-Nahr (The Day of Sacrifice), as it is on this day that Muslims all over the world
offer an animal sacrifice to remember the great sacrifice Ibrahim and Ismaeel was willing to make for
the Almighty. Ibrahim had a dream in which Allah commanded him to sacrifice his son. He told the
dream to his son. Ismael readily agreed to submit to the Will of Allah. Allah was pleased with them.
When Ibrahim was slaughtering his son, Allah replaced Ismael with a sheep. Hence, Muslims sacrifice
animals for the remembrance of an immeasurable act performed by Prophet Ibrahim and his son


The prayers of two 'Eids were prescribed in the first year after migration to Madinah. It is Sunnah
Mu'akkadah as the Prophet always performed these prayers and he ordered all men and women to
go out to attend them. It is preferred to take bath, perfume one's self and put on one's best clothes
on the occasions of both 'Eids. It is Sunnah for both men and woman to pronounce takbeerat (plural
of takbir) on Eid al-Fitr. "Allah is Great, Allah is Great, Allah is Great, there is no god, but Allah.
Allah is Great, Allah is Great, Allah is Great. All the praise belong to Allah." It is a Sunnah to eat an
odd number of dates before going for 'Eid al-Fitr prayer, while for 'Eid ul Adha eating is delayed until
a person returns from prayers and then he may eat of his sacrifice, if he has sacrificed an animal.
Anas reports, "The Prophet would not go out on the festival of breaking the fast until he had eaten
an odd number of dates." Eid prayers can be performed in mosques; however, it is preferred to
perform it in a place outside city unless there is rain and storm etc.

The time for 'Eid prayer is between Fajr till noon but it is preferred to pray them early. No Adhan or
Iqamah is required. The method of prayer for Eid-ul-Fur and ul-Azha is the same. The prayer consists
of two Rakaat. Three takbirs are pronounced after the opening takbir and before the recitation of
Qur'an in the first rakk'ah. While in second rakk'ah, three takbirs are pronounced after the recitation
of Qur'an before Ruku. According to other schools of thought, number of Takbirs are 12. After the
two Rak'aat of prayer are over, the Imam delivers the Khutba in two parts, with a short break in
between. Khutbah after Eid prayer is Sunnah and so is listening to it. In the Khutba of Eid-ul-Fitr, the
Imam revises the payment of Sadaqat-ul-Fitr, and in the Khuths of Eid-ul-Azha he explains the
commandments about be sacrifice of animals. The Khutba is Sunnah and should be listened to
attentively. It is a sin to omit the Eid prayer without any valid reason, as it is Wajib (compulsory).

The Prophet said, "The days of Tashriq (i.e.., the days in which the 'Eid is celebrated) are days of
eating and drinking [non-alcoholic drinks) and of remembering Allah, the Exalted." Recreation,
amusement and singing are allowed within moral boundaries of Shariah. It is desirable to
congratulate one another other on Eid, Jabir ibn Nafir reported, "When the Companions of the
Prophet met each other on the day of 'id, they would say to each other, 'taqabbal minna wa
minka [May Allah] accept it from us and you." In Eid al Fitr, the entire Muslim ummah celebrates by
gathering family and friends and hosts parties for their fellow brothers. Eidi (money) is given to little
children and they wear beautiful dresses, as Eid al Fitr is considered as the eid for children.

Eid al Adha corresponds with the completion of the Hajj I.e., Pilgrimage. After the Fajr of 10th Dhul
Hajj at Muzdhalifa, the pilgrims leave for Mina. In Mina the stoning of the first pillar Jamarat ul
Uqba is done with seven of the collected pebbles. This is called Rami, stoning of the three pillars
(Jamarat) in memory of Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S). The 10th of Dhu al-Hijja is known as Yawm-al-Nahr
(The Day of Sacrifice), as it is on this day that Muslims all over the world offer an animal sacrifice to
remember the great sacrifice Ibrahim was willing to make for the almighty and celebrate the festival
of Eid al-Adha. After Rami, the pilgrims offer their sacrifice . After sacrifice of animal, all male
pilgrims shave their heads while females cut a lock of their hair. This is to mark the removal of
Ihram as following this all pilgrims are free from the obligations and restrictions of Ihram and now,
they can wear normal clothes. Talbiyah is also stopped after this. The Hajjis now perform Tawaf al
Ifada. After eid prayer, the men spend the day in making and supervising the sacrifice of the animals
they bought, be it goats, sheep or cows. The meat finely chopped and divided into equal packages
to be distributed in between the needy and the poor and family and friends etc. The day is spent in
meeting family and friends and hosting parties with the meat of the sacrificial animal as Eid is a day
of celebration gifted by Allah to his creation. The sacrifices continue for the following two days I.e.,
11th and 12th Zul Hajj but most prefer to carry out their obligations on the first day.
Q5 a) Describe the particular features of Friday congregational prayers (Jum’a) and the main
features of the Friday sermon. [10]


Q5 a) Describe the particular features of congregational prayers on Fridays (jum’a). [10]


Q5 a) How do Muslims prepare themselves for Friday (Jum’a) prayers and what are the special
features of this prayer? [10]


 Community should gather together

 Women are encouraged
 Purification (highly recommended) – Ghusl + clean clothes
 Two Azaans will be recited
 Sermon is very important feature of this prayer
 Sermon is divided into two parts with a short interval
 Glorification and praise of Allah
 Confirming the aspect of Tauhid
 Praise and blessing of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬
 Reflection/reinforcement of Quranic verse
 Refer to a Hadith to demonstrate
 The Iman reminds the congregation of their duties
 He warns people of the consequences of sin

FOCUS: Preparations and features of

Jumah prayers.
Friday is the best day of week and has special importance for Muslims. Messenger of Allah said, "The
best day on which the sun rises is Friday. [On Friday] Adam was created, and on that day, he
entered paradise, and on that day, he was expelled from paradise. And the Hour will come to pass
on Friday." (Sahih Muslim). There an hour in Friday in which supplications are accepted.

Muslims are commanded to say Friday prayers in mosques! Great reward has been promised for
offering the Friday prayers, all sins of a person committed between the present and the previous
Foday are forgiven Salman al-Farsi reported, Allah's Apostle said, "Anyone who takes a bath on
Friday and cleans himself as much as he can and puts oil (on his hair) or scents himself; and then
proceeds for the prayer, and does not force his way between two persons (assembled in the
mosque for the Friday prayer), and prays as much as is written for him, and remains quiet when
the Imam delivers the Khutbah, all his sins in between the present and the previous Friday will be
forgiven." (Sahih Bukhari).

Salat ul Jumu'ah is obligatory on every free, adult, and sane Muslim who has the ability to attend
Salah and does not have a valid excuse to miss it. The one who misses it without a genuine reason is
a sinner. The Prophet said, "Whoever misses three Friday prayers in a row out of negligence will
have a seal put over his heart by Allah." (Ahmed, and Ibn Majah). The time of al-Jumu'ah is the
same as that of Dhuhr. It takes the place of Dhuhr prayer. It consists 2 Rakkahs instead of four and
there is no Qaza for this prayer. The Salat-ul Jumu'ah is valid if there are two or more people
present, since the Prophet said, "Two or more constitute a congregation." (Ibn Majah) It is highly
desirable that worshippers should cut their nails, remove unwanted hair, clean teeth, take bath and
put on their best clothes for the Jumu'ah prayers.

There are two Azaans for this prayer. When the first adhan is proclaimed, Muslims are required to
leave every kind of business and hurry to the mosque. They may resume their business after the
prayers. Allah says: "O you who believe! When the call is proclaimed to prayer on Friday (the Day
of Assembly) hasten earnestly to the Remembrance of Allah and leave off business (and traffic);
that is the best for you if you but knew. And when the Prayer is finished then may you disperse
through the land, and seek of the Bounty of Allah." The sermon (Khutbah) of Friday is obligatory,
and listening to it is Wajib, the second adhan is delivered when the imam ascends the pulpit. After
adhan, Imam delivers sermon facing the congregation. The sermon is divided into two parts with a
brief interval of about one minute duration in the two parts which can be distinguished by a brief
sitting of the Imam.

Friday sermon includes praises of Allah, the Exalted, blessings upon the Prophet admonitions, and
Qur'anic recitations. Allah's Apostle said, "The Friday khutbah that does not contain the testimony
("There is no God except Allah, and Muhammad is His Messenger) is like the defective hand."
(Musnad Ahmed) The Imam reminds congregation about their duties towards Allah and towards
their fellow beings. He exhorts people to do good deeds, and warns them against the consequences
of evil actions. He also reminds them of the Hereafter, and prays for the welfare of community.
While sermon is being delivered, it is prohibited to make conversation or even to recite the Qur'an
Abu Hurairah reported, Allah's Apostle said, "When the Imam is delivering the Khutbah, and you
ask your Companion to keep quiet and listen, then no doubt you have done an evil act."(Sahih
Bukhari) After the sermon is over, Iqamah is proclaimed, rows are straightened, and worshippers
stand shoulder to shoulder.

Friday prayer is like any other congregational prayer; however, it is Sunnah to recite aloud in two
rakkahs of Friday congregation prayer and only Farz rakat are prayed in congregation. All make
Intention, the imam says Takbir Tahrimah in a loud voice, and then the imam and the followers
recite thana, tawuz, and tasmiah in a low voice in the first rakk'ah. After this, the imam recites Surah
Fatihah and some other Surahs aloud both in the first and the second Rakkahs, followers listen to
him attentively. When the imam says: "Wa laddalin" at the end of Surah al-Fatihah, the followers
say Ameen in a low voice. When the imam bows, the congregation also bows, when the Imam says,
'Sami'a-llahu Liman hamida', the followers say, 'Rabbana-lakal hamd' in a low voice. The
congregation follows the Imam in all actions, it does not go ahead of Imam in standing, bowing or
prostrating. When the imam makes Tasleem, all make Tasleem.

It is Sunnah to read surah Al-A'la in the first Rakk'a and Sura Al-Gashia in the second Rakkah. It is
also a Sunnah to pray four rakk'ahs or two rakkahs of sunnah after al-Jumu'ah prayer.

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