Cards As Weapons - Ricky Jay (1977)

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By the author of



"A h,SPC?OW,GOOFY TREAITF that ~ n i l u d we v ~ n .hinr,

t frnm a
!pt!pr aIee7n~!he k t e t a n . r ' Ikfrnee !O tthbc c b r . a p v ~ t -
. ~ l r y c p ~p' ~~. + ~u v m ? c z v c * m < * r ~*be<h a h - ~ r !
. r 7p

*,-.c 7E * % ] ~ ~ 1 i,' ' 7 * h c*P~'P+'

~ i'' r a * V .

-Chrrapn nnr!w V n t * ~

''T\.FY IT 'PC' !!-li'F YO !\TFRFcT .l;r 'ILL !Y R-ITT'iC;

C.,tRDS. Y@C"I,L q ! 11-L EYlC)) 7 1 iT5 PpOK. In a d d ~ t ~ n n thr
volume c o n t a ~ n scnnipl~tein~trtlctrrlnc-cle;~rlv~ l l u ~ t r ~ i t r d - - o n
hmv ! ~ 1~ V T T ) I . cd~rt4 !v+wr n' @ ' I . ~ P c~ ac1 ' k r . . ~\..~Fltn n
'Pxr- ~ 5 0 fT P R ' ~ + ?v.*11"' k + ~ * d e ! '' r ' ' l C p a cqpprnc r'lh?t-,
C'I~TC??S H'l9rl I V ' ~ rcrua! noncL>T~nre ' -Cirrur magazine
AS --

Ricly Jay

A T I ~ PWarner Cornoanv
A trenlise on the art of throwi~r(p,scnl-
ing, jugxlin~,boornernnging, and ma-
nipulntiv~ordinay tdnying cnrcls wifh
prticulnr mrphasis on rmyressing on&
friends nnd potlidin,q n dendlu
. .v ~ irrex-
psi.rte mmns of self-cldense.

History .................... I
A brief account of the origins o f playing
cards with some subtie speculation ns to
when t h q mere first fhrown.

- Cards and the Martial Arts .. 7

A rcflectirle Iiwk ~t fhe sfrrlrik~nnnd
I other dendly tkruwing weapons of the
- ' venerable Orientnls wiflt a lucid pnrdlel
to thc modern card assassin.

Magicians and Card-

ScaIing ................. 17
Hisforicnl ~ccorrnts of the scntinp of
cards into the jnr rmcSres of srnaIF fhm-
fen, A fen t of ski11 incllrded in tfre S I L T ~ E
shows of fnrnous rna~qicians, with par-
ticular emphasis on Hrrrmann the Great
~ n ttrr
d Arnnzin~T/turston.

Technique ................ 25
The hsics of card-throttling (illrtstmtecl);
the Hermrnnn method, the Tltrrrstoa
method, and the Jny method. Tlte lmnd,
the wrist, the grir, nnd the all-important
fol lout-t hroucph .
Advanced Technique . . . . . . 37

d How to throw a card and make if refurn
to fhe hand, a srlwulacrum of the Austra-
lian boomerang. Also: fancy one-hand
fhrews and cafchcs for the serious
student .

61 How To Practice
and Stay Fit .. .. . . . . . . . . 53

' - J'
The hows and wheres of pradice; tech-
niques to kcep ihr fingers iirnber and a
short medical study of crsrd-fhrowm's
arm and its relationship 50 tennis elbow.
surfer's knobs, and Frisbee finge:et:

71Self-Defense .. . . .. . .. .. 65
, , ,
A ~ e j u d i c e denquity into the advan-
tages of cards over more conventionnl
weaponry. Special sections on self-
defense against plastics and humans,
and pertinent discussion of cards as a
pest control. Also, an added bonus: The
secret fighting technique against multi-
ple adversaries, the Iefhal "'four-card
fist." And a second bonus: The consum-
w's guide to mechanicnl card-throwing.

Stunts To Impress
One's Friends . .. ... .. .. .
An efective battery of crowd-pleasing
demonsfrafions from the author's own
repertoire. Included are award-winning
throws such as: card over building, the
classic card through nmspaper, and the
kudo-copping card-cut s-cigarette-in-
Personal Anecdotes .. ... .. 99
9 I

I*- In which the author recounts with cIari-

ty and excessive exaggeration how he has
helped the elderlu, o k f t d :he pvlicr, and
assuaged the plight of young damsels
with She help of his trusty cards.

I 1 Afterword , . . ... .. .... .

, , 119
A sad footnote. The death by suicide of a
San Quentin inmate who blew himself to
L- -- ' a netherworld wifh a bomb fashioned
from a pack of cards. For those who
doubt the seviousness of the subject or
the tone of fhe fome.
On a pleasant, breezy day
a short while ago, a letter of
grea f significance was received
by the Secretary of Defense.
The letter is reproduced
on the following page.

The plausibility of this idea

and its importance to each and
e v e y citizen is the subj~cf
of this book.
Columbia @rbooI of QCarlrQfirobing

Ricky Jay, President

Data: 51 May 1BT6

SUBJECT Martial BojecMes

M: The Honorable S e c r e h y of Defense

The Pentagon
W ~ h i n g t o n D.C.

1. I have spent t h e l a ~ ten

t yeara actiwly engggsd In
reaeasching m d analyzing the military applications of the
ordinary pl-g card.
2. D r a m h g on McMques used hundreds of years ago by
"nlqja" asamsins, I have developed my own system of self-
defense based solely on 8 pack of cards.
3. I have aimpHfled tho techniques t o a degree where
they could be taught to our eeroieemen in a matter of weeks.
I would be wwng to go to Fort D l x m Nutley, New Jereey
to glve a demonstraUon of theae skills, My coueln Stanley
Felbar was stationed Wese some y ~ a r s&go a d when I vlsited
him I found the camp quite pleasant although m e goldenrod
dld bother my rather sensitive snifYer just a little.

4. Gurrently them i s widemread concern about our

economy; BduclaTy mattars on the tip of %nayone's tongue
I believe I have dbcovered a viable method of reduchg Lhe
national Defense budget while keeping a few a h p a ahead
of ths Russkies.
5. 1 have also given thought to W a $erious problem of
peaoetime morale and am convinced that p l w cards could do
a great deal to solace and uplift our men before an actual
Please do not mlsconsme my meaning; I of course abhor
tha evFl of gambling and the onanistic pleasma of solltalre.
I have, however, discovered that the deck of cards c a n serve
one as Bible, Prayer Book, and Almanac:
(a) The Ace mrnin& us that thm Is but one M,
the Deuce of the Father and Son; t h e Trey of
t h e Holy TrWty; the Four remind us of Matthew,
Mark, Luke and John, the Five of t h o flve wlea
arid flve foolish virgins; the Six standa for the
elx ma Fn which t h e world was made; the Seven
for t h e Beventh d q y on which He rested; Eight
reminds us of the eght good people awed from
the Flmd; the N i n e of the nlne leperA whom the
Lord cleansed; the Ten of the Ten Commandments;
the J a c k of J e c k Anderson who in t h e next world
shaPl ~ufPerthe fbta of atl Infidels; t h e Qumn
of the Queen of Sheba and hence t h e pplsdom of
Solomon, and the King 19 t h e Creator - Lhe ICmB;
of All.

(b) T h e three-hunchd-and-sfx@flve day8 of t h e

p a r am shown by me total number or spat5 fn
the deck; the f l l - t w o m i c s bp Lha Rum%?- of
cards; the four ~easomby the f o u r mi%.agd
day snd night ara represensed by the ~d snd
black CBPdti

So you see, W. Honorable SemWaq the csrds can s e m

ee Bfbls, Prayer Emk, and Almanac. thus pmvtding a deadly y e t
Pnexpemtw means of self-defense.
0. It would be u n w l ~to hrbher elucidate the mbflect
of thls missive for fear t h e information would fall into +.he
wrong hande.
7. I am awaiting your reply sa that a, mesting may be
arranged at our mutual conventence.

President and
Pastemmd mjeetLILat
A brief account of the
origins of playing cards
with some subtle
speculation as to when
they were first thrown.
o determine the inventor of the playing
card is a s difficult as determining who
ate the first lobster. And if it was a very
A ~obstrr hungry man who wrestled that bizarre crusta-

cean to his mouth, so it must have been a very
bored man who fashioned the precursor to the
card by carving symbols on a stick or stone.
Noted scholars have suggested that both
cards and chess were derived from the arrow.
In fact, divinatory systems with the arrow are
frequently cited as the basis of aIE games, as
9' well as the classification of all things. The
entire structure or order of known things, in
almost every ancient culture, was based on
Divfnatoy Avows the Four Directions expressed by crossed
arrows. All things not shown in this obvious
scheme of things were considered different,
hence magical. It seems that from the very
earliest times, the roots of cards lay in both the
mystical and martial thoughts of man.
Picture, if you will, a single card, inscribed
with a magical prayer, hurled through the air
with the speed and accuracy of the mighty
arrow. Whish! Swat! Swoosh! Thwack! And a
hated adversary stumbles, desperately clutch-
ing his furrowed brow, where that card, that
weapon, has become implanted. Watch now: a
spurt of blood, and the insidious foe crashes
thunderously to the ground! The day is won. The
city is saved. And the weapon, the use of the mighty
card, is seen as a nafural evolutiun of a process wifh
its roofs in dl antiquity!
Excuse me.
These systems of arrow divination were
integral to the peoples of ancient China,
Korea, Egypt, Persia, and the American In-
dians. At some time in the dim past arrows
gave way to gaming sticks, pebbles, and what
we now call dice. Soon thereafter symbols
Proof of the
eristmce of
ns w e n p a s
the W k i n ~
invasion of North

Further proof
Rickv J n y find Professor Cart Snfqnfl of Come!!
~tlia~rsth and Jrf Propulsion Lnt~orntories
discuss trajectory of thrown cards and the
possihilify of throu~in~y cards on ,Unrs.

were marked bv hand on strips of paper and

plaving cards were barn.
A n d if it is dificult to trace the origins of the
playing card, i t is equallv dificult to speculate
as to where or when k h k first card game was
plaved; or a t what point rnvsticisrn gave wav
to idle pleasure, mathematical diversion, ds
gambling skill.
Realizing, however, that we art. inclined to 5
EeIieve that all peoples rvho preced~dus were
qavages, w e can no doubt assume that shortly
after the first card Ramp, an enigmatic Egyp-
tian, inscrutable Oriental, or st4f-Tight~ous
Hindu picked up the pack of cards and
clouted hi^ more successful partner over the
head with them.
I t is thiq moment, difimlt to document but
cure to ~ x i c t ,about rt'hich 1r.e aw cusious.
The major docurnentan. s t u d i ~ sof ~ r ~ e a p n r ;
seem to o\~erlookcards in much the same way
our contemporaries nvtlrlook the beauty of a
rich thick fog, As thc accompanying evolu-
tionan. chart tvill S ~ C I M : plavin~,cards have
their prop" place in thr derclrlprnental qe-
quence o+ martial proiwt~les.
There i~ Fittit doubt that card5 aw one of the
earliest of impractical .rtreapon<.

The E~ol'trtimnry
Qtae o f 1t'Pnponry
A ref[ective look a t the
shuriken and other deadly
throwing weapons of the
venerable Orientals with a
lucid parallel to the
modern card assassin.
ards and the martial arts may be cou-
pled in the same fashion as many of
the most famous pairs in American
The Horsr- song and food: the horse-and-carriage, the
and-Casn'rsge ham-and-egg, the buck-and-wing.
The martial arts have always stressed spiri-
tual control based on physical and mental
accomplishments. Cards lend themselves
wonderfully well to this process. In the right
hands, cards will become a meditative tool
Ham-and-Eggs similar to the Indian mantra, and the esthetic
pleasure in holding and feeling a deck of cards
cannot be denied. One can become so relaxed
and engrossed with the cards that he may
soon be transported to anether world; such is
the special power of the pasteboards.
Dai Vernon, the dean of American rnagi-
Buck-anci- Wing cians (and, in this author's opinion, the great-
est living contributor to the magical art), has
said that cards are like living breathing human
beings and should be treated accordingly.
Tomes have been written on the divinatory
and predictive powers of the cards and from
their earliest history to the present day, many
people have made this study their life's work.
These concepts may be more readily fath-
omed by the ~astern'mind.In fact, to para-
phrase an ancient parable, he who masters his
art (be it karate, the tea ceremony or the
handling of cards), masters the art-of life.
It is, therefore, necessary to trace the origins
of cards and card-like devices used in self-
defense before a complete understanding of
our subject may be reached.
The ancient Chinese and Japanese have
documented the oridns and use of manv
classical weapons and it is best to start o&
study with these.
E.T. C. Werner, H.B.M. Consul, Foochow
(retired), Barrister-At-Law, Middle Temple, g
and Member of the Chinese Government
Historiographical Bureau in Peking, wrote the
classic English work on Chinese weaponry in
1932. Chinese Weapons, Werner's book, was
recently republished in the United States
(Ohara Publications, Los Angeles, 1972). The
book deals with the origins and use of Chi-
nese weapons. Though Mr. Werner limits in
large part his discussions of hand-thrown
weapons to spear-like devices, he makes some
observations which are relevant or at least
interesting enough to be mentioned. Werner
traces the origin of iron caltrops, devices
which look like children's jacks, but with
highly sharpened points. ~ h e s ewere thrown
in the path of pursuing foes and were an
effective deterrent, The ninja or "invisible
assassinsr' of Japan used these caltrops which
they called fetsu-bishi but Werner finds them
mentioned in the time of Emperor Wen Ti
(179-156 B.C.) and the Emperor places their
oripn at a much earlier period.
The use of the caltrop is the forerunner to a
self-defense technique called "Springing the
Cards." A deck of cards is held with thumb on
the bottom edge and all the fingers along the
top in the cupped right hand. The cards are
bent until they are under great pressure and
then are released directly at an assailant's face; Springing the
they leap out in a confusing spray giving the Cards
dealer ample time to escape.
Crossbows invented by the Chinese around
2600 B.C. came to be made in a variety of
materials and designs. Some of the earliest
wooden models used to launch arrows bear a
marked similarity to a product called Zing-It,
marketed by one R.A. Hamilton of Plainfield,
New Jersey. Mr. Hamilton is also the inventor
I0 of Whippersnapper, Zoomerang and Mr.
Molasses. We will discuss Mr. Hamilton's
product at some length in the chapter dealing
with mechanical devices, but for the moment
it will suffice to say that Zing-It is a crossbow-
like T-shaped piece of wood which propels a
playing card a considerable distance.
Werner also mentions a secret weapon
named hsien-chien "which caused death when
hurled at an enemy's forehead." To this the
author adds his awn subtle conjectures: first,
that this weapon is a rectangular piece of thin
metal very similar to a playing card; and
second, that it required hitting the enemy's
forehead to cause injury, let alone death.
Another weapon thrown by the ancient
Chinese was a large jar filled with the whites
of goose and duck eggs mixed with the oil of
the dryandra bee. This was thrown on the
deck of attacking war vessels, the combination
of the pieces of the bottle and the incredibly
slippery solution making it difficult for the
sailors to keep their footing. The solution was
flammable and when sparked by fire arrows it
caused the vessel to ignite. "Possibly," says
Mr. Werner, "this was the prototype of the
stinkpot. . , . I1

The ninja mentioned briefly a short while

ago were one of the most amazing groups of
men ever assembled. Originating in Japan
during the reign of the Empress Suiko (593-
628 A.D.), their early work was as secret
agents gathering information for civil actions.
They grew to be an incredible group of almost
superhuman spies and assassins, By the thir-
teenth century the art of ninjutsu or "stealing
in" had been developed to include proficiency
in the use of almost all t h e weapons and
martial arts of the day.
Ninja were trained from childhood in all I 1
methods of self-defense in addition to such
special skills as muscular and breath control
(especially under water), disguise, acting,
concealment, medicine and pharmacology.
According to Ninja, The Invisible Assassins
(Ohara Publications, Los Angeles, 1970) by
Andrew Adams, "The ninja was a superb
escape artist who would have made Houdini
look like a rank amateur. He could dislocate
his joints at will to slip out complicated knots.
He hid in bells, above ceilings, under floors,
remained under water by breathing through
reeds and tobacco pipes, concealed himself in
trees and wells and even disguised himself as
a rock or tree stump. In fact, this ability to
appear unobtrusive and disappear into the
surrounding scenery was what probably gave
rise to the tales that the ninja could make
himself disappear at will. It should come as no
surprise then that ninjutsu has been defined
as the 'art of invisibility'."
Here then is something for every would-be
conjurer to think about.
One of the ninja's chief weapons was the
shuriken, a flat sharp pointed object of metal
that came in a variety of shapes and sizes.
There were at least ten different types of
shuriken; the five-pointed star and four-
pointed or card-shaped were the most com-
mon. Great amounts of time were spent in
learning to throw these articles from unusual
positions and with a minimum of arm motion.
It was also important to be able to hurl the
shuriken while running at top speed. The
expert could throw them into dime-size tar-
gets at distances of up to thirty-five feet.
Though the ninja were banned by the
Tokugawa Shogunate in the seventeenth cen- Shuriken
tury, their methods have intrigued scholars
and students of the martial arts to this day.
Some martial arts supply houses carry a sort
of deck of thin rectangular shuriken which are
held in the left hand and flipped outward by a
sharp pressure of the right thumb against the
back of the metal. Care must be taken to see
that the right thumb does not hit the edge of
the metal which is extremely sharp. With the
proper stroke, an incredible repeating action
A Razor-Bladed can be mastered and a number of steel cards
Card sent flying in less than a second.
This parallels a modern card propelling
method used by the very inventive Dutch
conjurer "Flip." He places his extended right
forefinger flush against the center of the pack
which is held firmly in the left hand. By
moving the forefinger sharply forward and
creating friction against the rest of the pack,
the top card is propelled forward with surpris-
ing speed and velocity.
Many present-day scalawags have taken
ordinary playing cards and inserted razor
blades strategically around the edges. This
makeshift tool of terror can cause great harm,
but so too can a large stick in adept hands.
Unless experts are using this technique there
is little to fear.
The use of poison-coated cards is nearly as
ancient as the cards themselves. Over the
years many substances have been used to
hasten the demise of princes and peasants
alike. There is no time to explain all these
toxins but the author will discuss what is, in
his opinion, the most effective of these termi-
nal additives.
First, get a blowfish. Not just any blowfish,
but one of the pclisonous variety. The cogno-
scenti will use only the fugu fish found ptimar-
ily in the Sea of Japan. This fish possesses
a poison called fetrodofoxin which adds
verisimilitude to an otherwise bald and un-
convincing fish. This poison, like the curare
employed by the fivaro Indians of South
America, produces its deleterious effects by a
paralysis of the central nervous system (CNS),
death usually occurring by suffocation as the
respiratory apparatus gasps to a halt. This
poison may be spread on playing cards (the Jivraro Indian
specific quantity and method of application
have been omitted from this manuscript at the
request of certain Agencies) and if the flesh is
pierced death supervenes within five minutes.
Specially licensed Japanese chefs are per-
mitted to prepare the poison-tinged flesh of
the blowfish for human consumption. Only
enough poison remains to give the piscatorial
gourmet or Yakuza Sammy GIick an intoxica-
tion in his epicurean Russian roulette. A Blowfish
The use of lethal cards by modern-day hit
men has of course been hushed by the author-
Training camps for these paid assassins
exist frequently right under the noses of those
most eager to learn of them. Some have tried
to exploit the author's knowledge of such but
his Iips are sealed both by honor and constitu-
tional privilege. These highly secret installa-
tions have been in operation for years; Sun
Tzu mentions them in his essays on the art of
war (about 400 B.C.). Further information is
available in documents entrusted to the Mis-
katonic University Library in Arkham, Massa-
Mastery of multiple weapons is essential to
the modern-day mercenary and he would no
more think of overlooking cards than catgut.
Every now and then a story will appear in a
14 small-town newspaper about a sinister look-
ing outlander apprehended with his violin
case containing only cards, but in this frenetic
day and age such events go largely unnoted.
In the movie Goldfinger the character Odd-
job is able to decapitate statues and even
unapotheosized flesh with the toss of a steel-
brimmed hat.
A hat, indeed!
Ian Fleming spent years as an intelligence
officer and knew full well what the real
weapon was. (Devotees of the 007 series will
recall that James Bond was apparently done in
by the aforementioned poison of the fugu fish
in the closing pages of From Russia Wifh Love.)
It is impossible to write a chapter on the
martial arts without mentioning the Iate Bruce


In November of 1976, Ricky Jay was flown to
London to appear on the Michael Parkinson
Christmas Special for BBC-TV. At that time
Mr. Norris McWhirter, Editor of the Guinness
Book of World Records and representatives of
three London newspapers were invited to
watch Mr. Jay demonstrate his unique skills
with playing cards. That visit resulted in a
new world record and subsequent entry in the
Guiness Book of World Records.
Iny h~rrlscnriis throit,$i London d n i l i ~ s speeds rstirnnt~ri
over 90 rn.p.k. Holding the "Mail" is Norm's McW~irtcr.

Micltnei Pnrkinson and N O ~Mcl47rirlrr

~ : prepom for tlrr
brutal card onsfaught.
Jiq dmonsttates
accurnrv ) r ~
tlrrorr-~n,qc n d into
smnl? rr-indorr?at
RRC Studios.

Jay in frorrf of
BRC Studins
. . . all t n a day's
Historical accounts of the
scaling of cards into the
far reaches of small
theaters. A feat of skill
included in the stage
shows of fnmous
magicians, with particular
emphasis on H e m a n ~ lthe
Great and the Amazing
T he act of throwing cards as a demon-
stration of skill must be included in any
serious history of stage magic in this
country. Yet, with the exception of this au-
thor's interest, and his demonstration of such,
it is a skill rarely if ever seen today.
Tho of America's greatest magicians, Alex-
ander Herrrnann and Howard Thurston,
made the scaling of cards into the audience a
feature of their performances.
Alexander Herrmann, fondly remembered
by old-timers (he died in 1896) as Herrmann
the Great, was the most famous of a dynasty
of wonderful performers.
His father was Dr. Samuel Hemnann who,
in addition to his work as a surgeon, was
performing magic on the Continent for such
notables as the Sultan of Turkey and even
Napoleon. He also found time to sire sixteen
children. 'The eldest, CarI, born in 1816, left
medical school for the life of a wandering
wizard, and by all accounts was one of the
most skilled to join the profession. It is inter-
esting to note that Cari's first successes were
in the field of bird imitations.
Alexander, who was twenty-seven years
. -
younger than Carl, first joined the elder's
show for a command performance for the
Czar ~f Russia in 1853. It seems that Alexan-
der's departure was not announced to the
Doctor, who could not bear the thought of his
youngest son aIse passing up medicine for the

. A.q
1 tl sordid life of a sorcerer. He supposedly tkreat-
ened to bring kidnapping charges against Carl
unless Alexander was returned.
The threat-in fact the use of police inter-
vention to dampen the enthusiasm of would-
Alexander be conjurers-is an attempted deterrent
Hemann which is still prevalent. This author's personal
experiences, as well as those of the Seldom- 19
Seen Kid and other magic notables, will in due
course be revealed; but this is hardly the place
for such pulpy gems.
At any rate, Alexander's skll supposedly
softened the Doctor's calloused exterior and
he allowed the child to continue under Carl's
Alexander eventually presented his own
show, playing mostly in the United States,
while Carl remained on the Continent. It i s
not known exactly when Alexander intro-
duced the scaling of cards into his show, but
there is no doubt that it became one of the
features of his act. At the height of his career,
when Alexander was both the wealthiest and
best-known performer in America, he threw
thousands and thousands of thin cardboard
cards, decorated with his picture and signa-
ture, into theater galleries around the country.
A considerable portion of Alexander's great
reputation came from his impromptu per-
formances. While waking down a street or
dining in a restaurant he would take advan-
tage of any situation that would evoke laugh-
ter or garner free publicity. He would appar-
ently find gold pieces in fruit just purchased
from a street vendor or he would extract the
watch from a bystander's pocket while being
observed by a policeman. When Alexander
was dragged to the police station the watch
would be found in the policeman's pocket
rather than his own. Once, at the famous
WhitechapeI Club in Chicago, Alexander at-
tempted to throw a card into a small opening
at the juncture of the woodwork Ining and
the ceiling. He took two entire packs of cards
and threw them unsuccessfully untjl a single
card remained in his hand. Then, glancing
20 slyly about, he took the card and with a
faultless throw lodged it perfectly in the crack.
There it remained until the Club ceased to
Although Alexander was unquestionably a
great showman and skilled performer, he was
not noted for his creativity as a magician, and
many of his effectswere copied from DeKolta,
Maskelyne, and other notable performers of
his day So it was with his card-throwing;
though not original, it became his trademark.
His skill and accuracy made it a spectacular
event; he started an American magical tradi-
Howard Thurston was born in 1869. His
first significant job was as a newspaper boy on
Howard Thurston the trains that passed through Columbus,
Ohio, on their way to Akron and Pittsburgh.
Young Howard saw playbiIls advertising
H e m a n n the Great and saved his pennies
until he was able t-o buy the most inexpensive
ticket, high in the balcony, for Herrmann's
final show in Columbus. (Or so the legend
goes, and magic legends being almost as
simplistic as most magicians, who are we to
Needless to say, Howard was inspired. We
can even conjecture that Howard caught one
of the souvenir cards Herrmann threw into
the gallery and that, since the wrist action in
throwing both cards and folded newspapers is
identical, Howard soon became proficient at
throwing cards.
In any event, that inspiration soon gave
way to another, no, to the other inspiration.
Thurston soon enrolled in Mt. Hemon School
as a medical missionary After completing his
studies he decided to enroll in medical school
a t the University of Pennsylvania. It was in
the Albany, New York, train station, with 21
Howard en route from Columbus to Philadel-
phia early in 1892, that the second legend-
making incident took place. While waiting for
the connecting train Thurston saw an adver-
tisement for the Herrmann show. Remember-
ing his earlier inspiration he stayed over to see
it and was once again awestricken. It was
Herrmann's last night in Albany and, when
Howard appeared at the railway station in the
morning, the master magician and his wife
were at the ticket window inquiring about the
next train to Syracuse. For the rest of this
spine-tingling tale I must quote from Walter
Gibson's The Master Magicians (Doubleday,
New York, 1966):
"Howard heard the ticket agent say '8:20'
and as Herrrnann turned away, Howard
pushed a twenty-dollar bill through the win-
dow, saying he wanted a ticket to Philadel-
phia. Back it came, with the change, but as
Howard glanced at the ticket he saw that it
read 'Syracuse.' It was already 8:15 and an an-
nouncer was calling 'All aboard for Syracuse!'
Howard saw the Hermanns going through the
train gate; on impulse he foilowed them and
boarded it.
"That incident shaped the career of Howard
Thurston. In Syracuse he attended Herr-
mann's opening performance and was even
mere fascinated than in Albany the night
before. His mind was made up; he would
become a magician, not a missionary."
As sad as this story may be to all devoted to
spreading the Word, we may all take heart in
the fact that while few men are as successful
as those they try to emulate, Howard Thur-
ston did become the most successhl and best-
known magician in America.
22 Though known in his later years for a huge
illusion show (at one time ten railroad bag-
gage cars were needed to transport his props)
his reputation was originally made by his skill
with cards; card-throwing was a major feature
of his act. Like Herrrnann, Thurston threw
thousands of good luck cards into the out-
stretched hands of eager fans throughout the
Amazingly enough, many of magic's most
famous old-time performers threw souvenir
cards into theatre galleries.
More than a hundred years ago, Robert-
Houdin, the incredible French conjurer, wrote
about card-throwing and mentioned seeing a
Hungarian performer named Well who threw
a card and had it boomerang back to his hand.
Robert-Houdin also mentioned that card-
throwing was a useful skill because it allowed
one to distribute small books or souvenirs to
the audience via the same basic method.
"Once," he says, "1 threw one of the little
sketchbooks from my horn of plenty, tight
across the chandelier to the spectators in the
upper gallery, and gained tremendous ap-
plause for the boldness of the feat."
Early in his career Houdini, the famous
escape artist, was billed as "The King of
Cards," and he too was proficient at throwing
and boomeranging cards. Occasionally, as a
card returned to him, he would lunge forward
and with a pair of scissors cut it neatly in half.
The great French performers Felicien
Trewey and Jean Valton, both highly skilled at
card flourishes and throwing tricks, used
them to make their reputations. Mehay men-
tioned in Sachs' Sleight of Hand (18751, would
put a card on the back of his left hand and flick
it into the audience with his right forefinger.
Frederick Eugene Powell, the late Dean of the 23
Society of American Magicians, threw cards,
as did Will Rock, one of Thurston's successors.
More recently a performer named Benjamin
Franklin IV did an entire vaudeville act based
on card-throwing, and currently Flip and
Richard Ross of Holland, Finn Jon of Norway,
Christian of Vienna, and Whitey Roberts in
the United States have all included clever card
throwing techniques in their acts,
Most performers threw cards made of a
cardboard stock heavier than the ordinary
playing card and consequently easier to
throw. These cards were generally embla-
zoned with the picture and autograph of the
magician, and often bore some greeting such
as "Luck to You." These were valuable adver-
tising pieces for the performer and today ace
eagerly sought by collectors of antique mag-
Sometime during the years of the Second
World War card-throwing was withdrawn
from popular view and its secrets covetously
guarded and performed by only a chosen few.
It may well be that the American cultural
conscience found it too wily, too Oriental a
means of expression to be comfortably coun-
tenanced. Perhaps it was rationing, and all
that it entails, or the war effort itself which
left Americans with no time to develop this
specialty. StiIl another possibility was the lack
of good instructional material by highly qual-
ified teachers.
The author, fortunate enough to have ac-
quired these special skills and to have added a
few ideas of his own, is honored in being able
to continue this recondite tradition. He sin-
cerely hopes his readers will succeed him in
this formerly exclusive coterie.
The basics of card-throwing
(illustrated): the Hermnnn
method, the Thurston
method, and the Jay method.
The hand, the wrist, the
grip, and the a El-important
I t may interest the reader or-if he is a
strange fellow-excite him to learn that
this is far from the first written discussion
concerning the technique of throwing playing
cards. In the author's files are more than fifty
references to throwing, spinning, boomerang-
ing and dealing cards and the different magi-
cal effects which may be done with these
The ulk of these may be found in now-
defunct magician's periodicals and out-of-
print books. The author is well aware of the
risk he is taking by tackling this subject; his
publisher is nearly suicidal.
Magical literature, like the magical art, is
o v e m n with misinformation and redundan-
cies; there is little of practical value. In magic,
as in most ancient arts, the oraI tradition still
provides the best method for learning. Char-
acteristically, it is the unpublished material,
merely spoken of or held covetously by a
chosen few, that houses the truly great secrets
of the noble art.
The trend toward the popularization of
magic through the publication of previously
select and guarded methods will do little or
nothing to lift the art from the miasmic musk
which has surrounded it for years. Nor will it
be improved by the general availability of
magical secrets and effects pitched by former
used-car salesmen in their antiseptic glass-
enclosed cages, surrounded by guilletines and
arm-choppers and halves of ladies with fringe
and teased blonde hair, combined with the
public appearances of those persons too ill-
equipped to perform for even the most boring
family reunions.
This is merely the author's rationalization
for writing the book. After twenty years of the
pain inficted on him by witnessing poor card
tricks, a tome which explains how cards are
used to inflict pain is not only fitting but
spiritually justifiable.

Do you like card tricks? he asked.

I said no.
He did five.
-W. Somerset Maughnm

Since Herrmann and Thurston were the

most famous of the card-throwers we will
commence with a discussion of their methods.
An article comparing these two gentlemen,
with accompanying illustrations, was pub-
lished in a 1936 edition of the Sphinx magic
magazine. Quoted is the part which discusses
their techniques.
"It is particularly interesting that Howard
Thurston and Alexander Herrmann did not
perform the feat in the same way. They both
used cards of much heavier stock than the
ordinary playing card. This gave the cards
added weight which permitted them to be
thrown much farther than the standard play-
ing cards could be thrown. Howard Thurston
gripped one end of the card between his first
and second fingers and threw it by a snap of
his wrist. Herrmann gripped the card about a
half-inch from the end and midway between
the sides with the tip of his second finger and
the ball of his thumb, The first finger held the
corner of the card so as to give it an added
spin when it was thrown. The actual throw-
ing, that is the little snapping flick of the wrist,
Herrmann did in the same way as Thurston."
The author doubts that the explanation
would have provided much new competition
for Messrs. Herrmann and Thurston were
they alive when it was written. To add a
l%e Thurston Grip

The H e m a n n

The H e m a n n
Grip (from
thought from the pellucid Jean-Eugene
Robert-Houdin, known to conjurers the world
over as the father of modem magic: "The
performance of the sleight (to throw a card)
depends on a certain knack by no means easy
to explain in words."
The knack of which Robert-Houdin speaks
is the wrist action as the card is released. The
better accounts of card-throwing, those of
Robert-Houdin in Les Secrets de la Presfidigifa-
tion ef de la Magie /18tj8), Professor Hoffman in
Modern Magic (18871, T. Nelson Downs in The
Art Of Magic (19091, and Jean Hugard in T Nelson Downs
Hugard's Magic Monthly (October, 1954) are all
misleading an one salient point: the knack of
releasing the card. Phrases like "jerk of the
hand," '"hot sharply forward," and "strong
reverse twist" tend to make one think he is
attacking an overall-clad clod rather than sail-
ing a piece of paper.
The author has taken much time with the
following explanation and has seen it work
wonders. He believes his crowning achieve-
m'ent was in seeing a young woman, at that
awkward age of fifteen, who in no way had
exhibited expertise in physical or digital skills
and who was not familiar with playing cards,
upon reading the instructions once, sail a card
with a perfect spiral some twenty feet to a wall
and strike a picture of the author dead center,
causing him pain and happiness simulta-
The keys to the incredible Jay method of
card-throwing are two: the Jay grip, and the
ability to relax.
The Jay Grjp

The Jay Grip

First we must assume that the card, Iike the
dixinaton. arrow mentioned earlier, can ex-
press f o i s directions. The four corners of the
card will now be designated as Northeast,
Southeast, Northwest and Southwest.
u The hand as the
card is releassd.

Pbace the Northeast comer of the card into

the fleshy part of the right index finger tip.
The right second finger is placed under the
card about one inch down from the index
fngcr along the Eastern edge of the card, The
right thumb is placed o w r the card in exactlv
the same position. The thumb and second

The Jay Gn*

The Jay Grip,

showing hand and
a m position

finger have the card pinched between them. If

the cards were not present the position of
these fingers would be identical to that used in
passing the tiniest piece of cigarette to a close
The third and fourth fingers are kept out of
the way: this is most easily done by curling
them inward to touch the palm. The Eastern
edge of the card makes contact with the hand
onlv where it is grasped bv the first hvo
finiers and thumb: the card does rlnt touch the
palm of the hand a t this time. This i s very
important. Later, when the wrist i s turned
inward, the Southeast corner of the card will
hit the base of the palm, but it does not do so
You are now ready to learn the Jay throwing
Sit comfortably Grasp surd in Jay grip and
in a chair bend at the elborrl.

The From-

Release nnd
The Jay Throwing Technique
The basic spinning motion will be discussed
first; the arm action for longer throws will be
described later.
1. Sit comfortably in a chair (not an arm-
chair). Your left hand, which holds the deck,
rests in your lap.
2. Grasp a card in your right hand in the Jay
grip. The right arm rests loosely against the
right side of the body.
3. Bend the arm at the elbow so that the
hand is now about six inches above your knee
and parallel to the floor,
4. Bend your wrist towards your body until
the Southeast corner of the card touches your
hand at the base of the palm.
5. The wrist now straightens, returning to
the otiginal position, as the fingers release the
card. The card glides out over the second
finger, spins forward for a few inches (or feet),
and falls to the floor. The motion of the wrist i s
the same as that employed in dismissing an
incompetent valet.
After you get the feel of this motion you are
ready to add arm action; this will provide
greater stability and distance.

The Jay throwing technique with

complete a m action
The entire throwing action is similar to that of
scaling a Frisbee or saucer and the motion of
the arm bending back at the elbow is like the
swing of a pendulum. This back-and-forth
action may be repeated a few times before the
release of the card as a sort of warm-up
36 exercise; this is similar to practice-stroking
before the shot in a game of billiards.
1. Resume the relaxed position in the chair.
The chair will be familiar tvith vou bv this time
and it too will be relaxed.
2. Hold the card in the Jay grip and
straighten out the arm, keeping it parallel to
the floor.
3. Keeping the arm in the same plane, k n d
the arm in at the elbow, back tr~wardyour
body, at a n angle of 90".
4. The wrist continues to move hack but the
arm remains skationarv unlil the card touches
the base of the palm exactly as in the spinning
5. The wrist and arm swing forward to the
original straight position and at this point the
card is released.
6. The fo'llotv-through:as the card is re-
leased the wrist goes farther to the right of t h e
extended straight arm and the fingers open
slightiv in a flicking motion.
How to throw u card and
make it return to the
hand, a simulucmm of the
Askstra Eian boomerang.
Also: fancy one-hand
throws and catches for the
serious s b d e n t .
Position for the
Boomerang Card

snapped forward, excessive force is not neces-

sary, In fact, a card may be thrown and
returned to the hand with a very light and
delicate toss.
A good practice exerdse is to toss the cards
very gently straight up in the air and catch
them as they return. This helps to visualize
the flight of the card. Next toss the cards out a t
a 45" angle and experiment with the wrist
movement until you are able to make the
cards return from a distance of four or five
feet. With practice it is possible to propel the
cards a distance of thirty feet or more and
have them return unerringly to the thrower%
When experimenting at the longer distances
it is important to remember that how far a
card may be boomeranged depends propor-
tionately on how high the card may be
thrown. It is best to practice in vacant au-
ditoriums or the unoccupied high-ceilinged
houses of the wealthy.
40 To catch a returning cnrd
in the deck
I t looks prettv to catch a card at the fingertips
but it is prettier stilt to see a card boomerang
through the air and return to the center of a
pack of cards. There are numerous methods of
accomplishing this.
1. The easiest method is to boomerang a
card with the right hand while holding the
remainder of the deck palm up in front of you
in the left. After the card leaves the right
hand, the right hand grabs half of the pack
from the Ieft and remains poised three or four
inches above the left hand. As the card
returns to a position between the two halves,
the hands quicklv come together and capture
the card in the center of the deck.
2. Place the deck well into the crotch of the
left hand so that the thumb extends over the
East side of the deck. The thumb curls around
enough to grab about one-half the pack along
this edge while the other fingers grab the
remaining half from underneath. This allows
the two halves to pivot open like a book and
the card may be captured between them as it
returns from the air. It is best to keep the deck
closed until the last possible moment as it
looks quite mvsterious to see the card return
to the center bf an apparently closed pack of
3. Again throw the card with the right hand
and hold the pack with the left. After the card
is thrown the right hand grabs the pack from
the left hand, the thumb on the South end and
the second, third, and fourth fingers grabbing
the North end underneath the pack. The
index finger is curled on top of the pack. The
right hand now turns the pack around and the
To catch a card
refuming to the
deck. Method 1.

Card returns.

wrist is now rotated cIockwise so that the

thumb side faces forward. Use the index
finger to press down on the top of the deck
and the second, third, and fourth fingers to
press up underneath. The cards are held
42 firmly in this position while the right thumb
riffles $own the end of the pack, opening it
near the center and pulling it back toward the
body. This leaves a hinge-like opening for the
card to enter on its return flight.

To catch la card returning to

the deck. Method 2.

To catch a card returning to

the deck. Method 3.

Card returns.
Fancy Throws and Catches 43

It- is possible with the following technique to

place the entire deck in one hand and launch
single cards forward from the top of the pack
in a continuous fashion, Cards may also be
boomeranged in this fashion and made to
return to the center of the pack.

I . The Long-Distance Spinner

This is an excellent method invented by the
late Audley Walsh and is adapted from the
explanation in the Tarbell Course In Magic
(Louis Tannen, New York, 1945).
The deck is held in the right hand with the
thumb and second joint of the second finger
holding the short ends of the deck. The index

The 1,ong-Wista~rce
4 finger is on the upper edge of the deck close to
the right side. The third and fourth fingers are
underneath the deck. The index finger presses
down and the third finger presses up causing
the cards to curve slightly because of this
pressure. The right thumb presses its tip-end
against the lower right-hand comer of the top
card of the deck. The thumb must be held taut
and straight with strong pressure. Without
bending, the thumb snaps the top card up-
wards and to the right. The forefinger, acting
as a pivot, causes the card to revolve in a
clockwise direction.
The cards may be caught in the other hand,
in a hat, ar in the center of the pack.
To catch the card in the pack, refer to
method 3 explained above. A simple madifica-
tion from the throwing position will put the
cards in the appropriate grip for the catch. As
the card is released the third finger quickly
moves from under the deck to take a position
on the end next to the second finger. This
leaves the deck held by the first finger and
pinky with the second and third fingers rnere-
ly lending support. After the card is released
the index finger again curls against the back of
the card; the hand is now turned palm up and
the thumb riffles back half the pack exactly as
explained earlier. The returning card is caught
in the space between the packets.

2. The Marfin Lewis Method

This is an exciting new technique. Hold the
deck in the left hand between the thumb and
second fingers at the Southwest and North-
west corners, respectively. The fleshy pads of
the thumb and finger are pressed into the
comers of the deck. The side of the index
T 7 r ~Martin h ~ i s

Thp Martin L m i s
: Retrrrn to Deck

finger pushes the top card down From the

Northwest corner until it buckles upward,
being pivoted against the thumb. The index
finger presses down about one-half inch,
further buckling the card, and then snaps
toward the crotch of the thumb. This frees the
corner of the card and i t now shoots forward
and awav from the thumb,
46 To catch the card as it returns to the deck
requires repositioning of the left index finger.
When the card is released the index finger
straightens out and reaches over the top of the
pack adjacent to the right side of the second
finger. From that position the index finger
pulls back about half the deck, hinging it at
the thumb. The propelled card is allowed to
fall into this space; the index finger lowers the
top half of the pack, trapping the card in the

3. One Up, Two Back

A novel effect can be created by throwing a
card into the air where it apparently splits into
two cards; these return to the thrower, one
being caught in each hand.
Of course two cards are scaled initialIy;
these are held in perfect alignment in the Jay
grip and then boomeranged out for a few feet.
The cards are held together by the centrifugal
force of the throw and its aerodynamic prop-
erties. As the cards are about to return they
suddenly separate and axe caught as de-
To make this stunt a little easier you may
experiment with bending the comers of the
cards. If the Southwest corner of the top card
is bent up and the Southwest corner of the
card beneath it bent down the cards may
separate more easily
The easiest way to separate cards in flight is
to throw them so that they leave the hand
already out of alignment. If the top card is slid
one-quarter inch to the East of the card below
it and the cards are thrown as described they
will separate easiIy at the furthest point of the
throw and return to the hands.
One up and two
back. Method 1.

4. The Double Boomerang

A pretty flourish, virtually unknown in this
country, was shown to the author by Finn Jon,
the clever Norwegian conjurer.
Boomerang a card into the air and wait for it
to return. Just prior to when the card would
usually be caught by the right hand, the right
wrist and hand turn sharply clockwise to
bring the palm upward; the card is struck by
the palm of the right hand. This imparts
additional spin which causes the card to flv
out and once again krnerang; back to the
hand. The rnotio; of the rieht h a i d and arm i s
almost identical to that used to impart back-
spin to a Ping-Pong ball when hitting it with a
It is also poqqible to achieve a similar effect
bv having the returning card hit the hurler's
e i h w or wrist and flv out and back again. In
all these variations the card ha5 a tendency to
veer toward the right on its swond flight, so
the card should hc hit toward the left to
compensate for this propensitt..

Cards may bc propelled a cnnsiderable dis-

tance bv flicking thpm with the second finger.
me caid to h dicked is held e i t h ~ rsingly in
the left hand o r protruding horiztlntallv horn
the top of the deck as it is held in a dealing
psition. The second f i n ~ e cocks
r up against
the tight thumb and then shoots fernlard
hitting the Southeast corner of the card with
the fingernail. The action i s identical to one
used by most schoolchildren in propelling 49
expectorant spheres.
Holding the card or cards in the same
position it is possible to shoot them forward
by striking them with the unaided index
finger or the back of the hand. This i s a simple
trick to accomplish but not nearly so pleasing
as the finger-flick or butterfly swirl. Many hard
objects may be used to propel the cards in a 1
simiIar manner by striking the object smartly
against the Southeast comer of the card. Ex- Propelling card
pelimentation will lead to strange and pleas- with a pencil
ing results.

The Finger-Flick
To keep the card5 in the air for a cvntinuous
juggling sequence is extremeltl difficult. ln
fact, the author knnrrrs of no Ather present-
dat?performer attempting the effect with ordi-
nan? p l a v i n ~cards.
There 'are three major difficulties in per-
forming this feat: the cards must k tosf;ed
horn both hands; there is n o lime to re-grip
the cards for each n e w throw, thtv must be
tossed irnmediatelr. on being caught; and the
cards are so liEhi a s to make it difficult to
control their flight.
Ib master the stunt i t is neceqqary to prac-
tice throws and catches without regripping
the cards. This must be done with both hands.
After t h e w exercise4 are mar;tcred vou are
ready to practice inge1in~.
The b a ~ i cpattern to & used ir called the
Cascade. Thir; con~istsof throwing the object<
to be juggled under one another trnm hand to
hand in a cnnfinuous pattern.
Place two cards in the right hand and one in
the left. Softly toss a card from the right hand
to a point in the air about one foot ovqr the left
hand and, hefore i t falls into that hand, the
card held in the left hand is thrown to a point
one foot over the right hand. Before this card
is caught in the richt hand the third card i s
now thrown uprvard to occupy the same
space pret-iousll.occupied bv the first thrown
card. If vou stili have cards ;etuminR to your
hands after a few tosses, you arc juggling.
Tt is also possible to shower-ju~~lc three
cards. Showering is a jugglin~ tcrm for a
continuous circle of iuggled obi~cts.Each card
is thrown from the rir!lt hand and caught in
the left in this exercise. Start with two cards in
the right hand and one in the left. Toss a card 51
into the air above the left hand from the right
hand and immediately throw the second card
in identical fashion. Before the first card falls
into the left hand, the third card (the one
originally in the left hand) is passed over to
the now-empty right hand. As each ensuing
card is caught in the left hand it is instantly
passed to the right to be thrown out again,

7, Throwing cards with the feet

It is possible to sail cards from between one's

The Foof Flick

The hows and wheres of
practice; techniques f o
keep the fingers limber and
a short medical study of
card-thrower's a m und i t s
rela f ionship to knnis
elbow, surfer's knobs, and
Frisbee finger.
I n any art, mastery comes only after dili-
gent practice. Great instructors have
stressed the importance of learning to
practice correctly, lest untold hours be spent
in inconsequential or even damaging exer-
cises. How one practices is more important
than how long one practices. Indeed, too
much practice may have a deleterious effect
on the student's physical and mental abilities.
Short practice sessions, not to exceed fifteen
minutes at a time, are best. Two or three of
these sessions will have a greater positive
effect than a straight hour of work.
In addition, throwing a card involves mus-
culature which is not generally used during
one's daily activities. Too much practice in the
early stages may be harmful. Caution is rec-
ommended to avoid injury.
The author refuses to take responsibility for
the eager student who purchases this book
and spends the next six or eight hours hurling
cards at a photograph of Bill Bixby. Certainly,
the author has sympathy for such excitement,
but mark this warning well: it is not a wise
It is as well to mention that the author
refuses to accept responsibility for any per-
sonal injury the student may cause to himself
or his fellow man.
Throwing cards is a potentially dangerous
undertaking and each person must take the
responsibility for his own actions. Although
the author is a concerned, sympathetic, and
emotional individual he refuses to feel guilty
about monopedis casualties whose limbs were
severed by a poorly directed toss of the card.
Once the student has passed the beginning
German Military stages he may increase the length of his
Calisthewics practice sessions, but please note that this is
not essential. Some masters of the art still use 55
the fifteen-minute plan with no regrets.
Before the cards are even touched, a period
of limbering and loosening is essential. Many
of the martial arts--dancing or yoga stretching
exercises--are excellent for this, but extra
emphasis on loosening the wrists, arms and
shoulders is important.
Masters of the exotic eastern disciplines
have frequently drawn upon animals to set
examples for human behavior. Yoga, kung fu
and karate all have exercises and forms based
on the particular movements of certain ani-
To acquire deadly accuracy with cards occa-
sionally requires one to emulate animal pos-
tures. These may be used to assume the most
advantageous position for a shot, to Iimber up
before an assignment, or to scare an enemy
into immobility before an attack.

Loosening Up
Start with an old-fashioned finger pull. Com-
mencing with your favorite finger, pull it back
and forth several times; gently at first and
then with rigor. Repeat this process until all
the fingers have been pulled.
To loosen the wrist, arm and shoulder
simultaneously, one must adopt the attitude
of a young frigate bird.
Begin by letting the arms hang limply by
your sides. Start to slowly shake the arms,
wrists and hands. Raise the arms out, per-
pendicular to the elbows and continue the
shaking. Now lift the arms up high and shake
the shoulders, neck and head in a forward
and backward motion, Continue to do this
Ire Finger Full

T H E M E W F O R K T I M E S . TUESDAY: Y A Y I, I973

Tilt of the Heron's Neck Is Explained

b y J 0 I w ~ L . E ~ ketch d head-tilBn# h a m csfmpa mute. If Ik.t Is b u e
~und'inn ~n the c m u l *urn n r & the cover of me heron* nhwld omkt mt II&
o!+rll~ws,~ t heldr hnd neck jwmd moat ofttn u r m d m ~ t l ybe-
Dulmg the MU* of m low Ulrlr lilted hcad-hlch
t l l t M A t B lhrrp U&, the m y of the t c d b n ~khauror the zoolog~Stsaard IV not the
p a t blue heron lppeur to or the g m t blue hems dong case.
bc IIrten~n~to the wrnd m Cht P l c ~ l l ccoart of Canada keond. tlw coydcrad a
merely 1lstbn~tor want of l a c summer. Prolcsrrcr Krrbs "glare hypothulr If one
mnflrne bctter to do wtth m mnd Mr PKVldge, n student stands ln Lht W a W Imcurg
neck ao long as5tslant. obsewed the blrd'n the S u n At an mglt. l h t 6 u n
Actually, the ppge I¶ nM chat4ctrr1s.b~w a t m . c r r l t c s a "patch d glam" on
Mle. hnd two Clndian fhc lml-l tggcd kma, the wnier surface ~n IU o m
&wish now k H w c they whtch rt4nds rrrt dlnctlo" BY moumg [hear
hmvt 11plr.d out t h t primary tall snd 1s o l t m mlshktnl kmds, the shlftcd Ihe
mmmn why herons and some c a t j d 1 crane, wa. -n hod[ Elaw p'k' Out thebr
other lvmdnt birds d t t n i r l t in* I[s long Of "Is1mwithout l!+avlnJ3 1
at an rngbs
therr necks whlte stmnd~wor for mvlutrs at a ~ m Then, t pmmlsloE rrshlng
w ~ l k i n * .lowly through the suddenly turnbng lu head. It Frofern K r c b m d Mr.
It tr nol slmply B way d
would stnk: nt a !I*
Thr head-tnltlng o t c u d
PANI~RC tested this rnmry
by mtnirr(F 4 han&.ra~*sd
mnmge k wmttn tor flsh. far mow ofren on runny heron to hunt for i ~ mh mn
B e muchum comluded, or days, the t o o l w ~ s t r n o t d , Indoor ml PLC "run" war
d estrmarlng dlstlwes bc- and only when lht heron wls n 500-wn~t floodlbghl, the
tween thew ahmrppolntcd Iac~bgat In m g l t t o Lht sun onty sarrcc d light In the
b~Hg and the dan~nuprey. -that it, not duecily toward r m .
The tlltrd neck would In- vmh ''-'Y"''mr
Ot wg ffcm tl. I h.0-N- T h e htrOTl ttlted It# keld
10 r b r htron'r Hmd- en mrtd ~ ~ mhtronr t I- the dlnctlwl 01 the M-
ovemMunB a prnblem fmll- I*)
on m cloudy dmy .nd "almolt lnvulrbly tllttd h i r I~ghths the hght war movcd.
14to any swlmrntr on A (b) WI a s w y dmy. 1. h t d l W n r d the run." the hrmtr moved IU head
aunl#t rcnrcrd the (b) the bird fu Ultw TWO wssible rxplanfithfl MoMln~lY.
wmtcts surface IP htnd '0*4* ths rUa Trus Id ~ e K w hs ~
to Wold ~lmrt.
VC!&y'?sh may nn to tnd Mr. P a n n d ~ cto the can-
avmd pxlmton by r w ~ m r n l t y tluslon, as rcpoRcd I n Na-
mrm R n n tht C w a out 01 thr b d s shmdow a d im. thnl head.[~luns s lnr
'The d b c w e w wu A- b m n h n n d g c of the Unl- rwrsrd the sun. ' h u a , over m nlatrd to dmrc mnd "pmsum
pond In the npnl zh IS- v m l t y of Brrt~skColumbia's rime, hrronr mmy have rblv enhnnctr the hunrlng
sue d N4lm. a Bnllsh lour- Lnat~tutaof Antrnnr Acrouree lrhrntd to Iemn out toward ttfnc~enry"of h c r ~ rn
s swnl
nol. by John R. Krrbs md Emlogy ~n Vancouver. A the aun mnd Cut aR Ihc w~alhcr
rapidly making sure the wrists, hands, arms 57
and shoulders are limp and shaking loosely.
Rigorous loosening-up exercises are a deter-
rent to muscle-constrictions, cramps and sore-
ness. Please do not let the fact that you feel
like a ridiculous oversized chicken dissuade
you from doing these exercises. In your heart
you will know you're on the way to mastering
the difficult aspect of the piratical frigate b i d d .
Next I will ask you to practice a particular
swoop of the neck called the "Heron's tilt."
(See Times article, p. 56.) This is a difficult
procedure but necessary to avoid the direct
rays of the sun which could ruin an important
shot. The head and neck must be angled
sharply to one side without changing the
alignment of the throwing arm. The heron is
able to keep this difficult position for minutes
at a time, and with proper practice, human
mastery of it is possible. This posture is
especially helpful in avoiding glare on the sur-
face of the water. The famous card-fishermen
of Micronesia are particularly adept at this
practice, and to watch them, sans sunglasses,
pierce flying fish on a bright day in the Pacific
is a joy to behold,
Once the body (yours) is warm and loose it
is time to pick up the cards.

Practice Techniques
Set up a large hatbox in the center of the room
and sit in a chair about five feet away. Hold
the cards in your left hand and feed them one
at a M e into the right hand as you begin to
throw. It is best to toss the cards lightly over
the box so they will float gently down kside. A Hatbox
58 This requires a subtle control which will be
useful later in more difficult shots.
Once the student is proficient at this drill he
should move the chair so that it is ten feet
away, and throw cards into the hat instead of
the box. I suggest a collapsible opera or top
hat which may be carried easily, allowing the
student to practice almost anywhere.
To throw cards into a hat requires a different
knack than that used for t a r ~ ethrows
t but it is
a good stunt to practice fortwo reasons: first,
it *ves one a feeling of subtle control when it
is mastered (note in the illustration how the
wrist gently moves upward for the release of
the card); and second, in the vernacular of the
street, it allows one to "'hustle a buck." True,
the days when Rajah Raboid hustled the
hatboys in the millinery shops on Broadway
are gone, but a clever fellow can always get up
a bet for cards-in-the-hat a t the local barber
shop or billiard parlor. If you're looking for an
edge, if sheer skill isn't enough, then the
following anecdote may be heartening.

The Eleven-Foot Shot

When I was just a tyke and card-in-the-hat
and balkline billiards were big games, Ellis
Stanyen was the Card-In-The-Hat champion
of the British Isles. I was a cocky kid and not a
bad hat man myself. I wangled a trip to
England and set out to find the lirney with the
weird monicker. In those days, and things
haven't changed much, the regulation hat
pitch w a s ten feet. I found Stanyon's home
i court and cased it. Then I found Stanyon a t
Hats the local pub and let him "hustle me" into a
game. The old-timers were trying hard not to 59
laugh at me, the little Yank they called me,
and one of the nicer ones told me to hold onto
my geetus and go home. I promptly told the
dude I'd go fifty pounds on the side: he took it
and so did a dozen other eggs,
To shorten the saw, me and the limey put
up a thousand apiece for a one-deck toss, best
out of thrrty-two (that's all the cards they
used, those days) on his home court. We went
out back and old Ellis had just about the worst
day he ever had. First he tossed too short,
then too long, and by the time he was on I was
ahead to stay. I only nailed him by two cards
but that was just to make it look good.
Quicker than a flash I was back in Brooklyn.
Stanyon never did find out why he threw so
bad that day but here's the 'GC;"' on the joint:
before I ever laid eyes on the dude I found the
guy who set up the joint and I greased him
heavy to move the hat back to eleven feet.
I always thought I could beat the limey
straight, but I worked for a year on the eleven-
foot shot just to make sure. The mark never
knew what hit him.

Target Practice
These next drills are designed to have the
student strike a specific area with a card. First
find an old barn. Next find i t s broad side.
Stand six feet away and throw cards until you
can hit the side of the barn on every throw.
Mastery of this drill will enable the student to
win many a bet early in his career.
Now buy an easel and on it place a poster-
sized blowup made from a snapshot of some- An Easel
60 one you dislike. Stand back ten feet and
commence firing, After a few weeks, as when
you are able to stick cards in the pockmark of
VOW choice, move back a few feet and trv
Though not a serious student of the occult
the author is aware that it is thought possible
to do bodily harm to an individual by hitting
or pricking his photograph. This phenome-
non would come under the heading of svm-
pathetic magic as expressed by Frazer i n - ~ h e
Golden Rorlgh. It has also been called rnirnicrv
or imitative magic, and although most weli-
known with pins and dolls, modern-day sor-
cerers have been known to use photographs
in these rituals. Indeed, manv primitives still
refuse to be photographed for this very rea-
Great care should be taken in this target
exercise. It is not a joking matter; after all, this
is a book on self-defense.

Long-Distance Practice
To throw a card lung distances requires prac-
tice of a more direct and simple nature than
the preceding acctfracv drills. Distance throw-
ing should proceed ai the student's own sate
and he should m a k e sure he devotes a t least
one fifteen-minute time period to its mastery
each day.
Starting indoors, you should threw cards
with all vour might until you can hit the
farthest walls in vovr house. You then should
move outside. ~ b t i c ehow much more difficult
the scaling becomes. It is a good practice to
match yourself against the elements when
becoming a little too impressed with your own 61
Careful attention must be given to the wind
and to the pockets of air formed by the
structure of the buildings where you practice.
Change positions frequently until you can
master the different airflow situations. Even-
tually you should be able to throw cards onto
or over the roofs of small buildings. This is a
sure sign of progress.

Medical Considera fiosts

Long-distance throwing places a heavy strain
on the arm, shoulder and elbow. Particular
care must be taken to avoid injury or a
condition known as tennis elbow is likely to
occur. This phenomenon, called teno-synovitis
by the knowledgeable, is aIso common to
baseball pitchers. It occurs when there is an
undue strain on the musculature in a specific
area. The best defense against this discomfort
and pain is warming up properly and careful
attention to one's daily practice habits. If this
condition should occur, the best possible way
62 to alleviate the pain is an application of the
oriental panacea sahe called Tiger Balm. It is
available commerciallv in this cnuntnr but 1
recommend a visit tn the beautiful ~ i ~ Balm
@ r
Gardens in Hong Kong. An inferior American
substitute called Cloverine Brand Salve may
be found advertised on the backs nf old comic
books. One could turn a handsome profit or
win a bicvcle bv selling this stuff to friends.
~ u r i n the
i -exercise called "drop and
shoot," YOU start in a standing position; quick-
lv drop-to vour knees and hurI a card. This
p! technique i; a must in the card thrower's bag

of tricks and a vital defense against p v p y
assassins. The sudden dropping to the floor
mav cause a bumpy lump to appear on the
knees. This phenomenon, called osseorts cnll~rs
;$ bv the knowledgeable, is called "surfer's

>v knobs" bv the beach-blanket-Bingo set. It can

be avoided by practicing on a rubber mat or

wearing knee pads (see the advertisement for
the speciaI lav model). If injuy does occus Z
again recommend the application of the orien-
tar panacea salve called Tiger Balm.
Repetitive card-throwing may cause a
scraping of the skin between the first and
second fingers; this is likelv to occur if the
student uses the Thurston card throwing
method. This scraping of the flesh produces a
disturbance which i s called "Frisbee finger"
bv the knowledgeable. The beach-blanket-
Bingo set is not familiar with this term, and it
matf he used as a shibboleth to separate the
men horn the boys. If this condition does
occur, it may be best to sl~roudthe fingers
with a clever western invention called the
Band-Aid. Eventuallv a callus is built up on
the sore spot. switching to the Jav method of
card-throwing, you're surer and-safer.
techniques w i n g cards for fhe incision.
E m e ~ op~rnting.
A prejudiced enquiry into the
advantages of cards over more
conventional weapony.Specia E
sections on self-defense against
plastics and humans, and a
pertinent discussion of cards as
a pest control. Also, an added
bonus: the secret fighting
technique against multiple
adversaries, the lethal "four card
fist." And a second bonus: the
consumer's guide to mechanical
w hv defend oneself with playing
cards? Indeed, why not? These are
perilous, even parlous, times. It is
no more plausible to go &rough life without
thinking about defense than it is to forget
one's morning ablutions. Yet, for most of us,
the thought of striking another person-ven
to defend ourselves, our loved ones or our
horneeis anathema.
In the light of this, let us discuss some of the
important advantages of cards a s a means of
They are easy to carry, they are designed to
fit comfortabIy in the hand, they are inexpen-
sive, and they may provide countless hours of
amusement before the actual encounter (if the
student is a competent gamesman he may
even acquire considerable fortune from his
meager investment).
In addition, in these times when outraged
citizens shout at police brutality and the
restriction of constitutional rights, it is com-
forting to realize there are no recorded busts
of persons carrying cards as concealed
Perhaps the greatest advantage of the card
as a weapon is that it may be used primarily as
a deterrent to crime and only in extreme cases
used to maim and kill.
During the author's college days he worked
as a disc jockey in a rather rowdy dance
parlor. From his vantage point on a raised
platform inscribed with the words "R.J. plays
the tunes you wanna hear," the author had an
excellent view of the entire bar and dance
floor. Many times he saw an argument about
to be transmuted into violence; as soon as a
fist was raised to strike a blow, the author
would hurl a card and strike the belligerent
Emmylou Harris
defends herself
agoins t
members of the
Fourth Estate
by firing a card
from her guitar.

bozo squarely on the ear. The attacker, star-

tled, would wheel around in search of the
culprit. If his eyes did meet those of the
author all he would see was the benign and
innocent look described in the chapter on
Advanced Techniques.
In this and many other situations the author
has reduced a bellicose bonehead into a whin-
ing wimp with a perfectly accurate toss of the
card. This invariably dissuaded such an ogre
from his evil intentions. Some may argue that
this is playing God or meddling where only
divine intervention seems appropriate. While
the author respects these feelings, his defense
is that after years of study and the mastery of
an art, one also acquires a sense of discretion
applicable to most worldly situations.
A further moral note is appropriate. In
carrying out: self-defense techniques it is best
to assume that one is locked in a life-and-
death struggle even when practicing. Al-
though human targets are the best practice
S;s material, thev dv not r e a d tvell to cuch play-
acting. Consvuentlv the s t u d ~ n tmav ~ r i to ~ h
provide hirnsrlf with human ~ f f i ~ i in i s the
t o m of rnan~kincOT doll<, or a bt-\T of to\'
nnirnaiq to s e w e as the otrlects of his-attacks.
(For information to how this pracSEc~may
be turned to more ominous purposes, see the
diccussion of s~mpatheticm a ~ i cin the chap-
f ~ on r )-low T; Practice and 5nav Fit.) If the
student feels it i~important to F & t ~ ~the t on-
~Tauchtof pfa~ticc,chmcinc a plactic crbiwt
for 2 Lamet ~ ~ ' C I him
I V ~a <u5t!e r w u d i a t i o n crf
ctxieh-c poIvethvlene p r o p n ~ i t i r c Xl
. tficlueh
i t i~ & ~ t to S ~ P nC a~~ h C-IT rnalt~volentcrea-
tures for this \votk, the aurhnr's favorite
practice partner is a qeerninglv mild-
mannered plastic duck. On an otht-nrise un-
~~entfu l
carnival nrcht in Rio thrs venl duck
took a piece of the tvriter'~left buttock in i t s
h a k and paraded i t triumphan tlv through the
f~stivestreets with mallard panacl~p.

Tt is with m a t pride that thc author in-

troduces th~qepochal svstem.
Ctre wil! start with a discussion of the four
haw throw-inc twhniauec ~ D Twlf-defenqe.

7. nrf Flick
This throw is used for its distracting effect and
it ic not meant to cause harm or do h d i l v
~ & ?and d thmw the card as explained in the
charter cln tec'lnroue. relcasinc +P c a d wf*lv
Rnsir Affack as v ~ l udid tn t h e practice thrrnr-. 5hcluld this
*; tnncr c a d hit 5nre flrsh i t tvilF cause crnlt. minor
annoyance but will serve as a warning and let 69
the enemy know you're Out There.

2. The Butferfly Swirl

This has a bit more bite than the preceding
throw. The pip is the same but the card
should be held with a lighter and gentler
touch. The index finger cocks against the
Northeast corner of the card and creates
enough resistance to create additional spin as
the card is released. The card will now travel
with more revolutions per second (rps) and
this produces greater impact as a surface is
struck. In the pain-tolerance tests conducted
at Duke University many people described the
reaction to the Butterfly Swirl with the word
aculeus which is defined as the bite of an
insect, hence the slogan "Float like a butterfly,
sting like a bee."

3. The Sea-Urchin Spin

The conventional grip is used but the card
must be thrown with added force which is
provided by the arm and shoulder. The arm
should be raised to an angle of almost 45" as it
crosses in front of the body prior to release.
When the hand releases the card there should
be a noticeable downward snap. The hand
and body must move together to make this
throw effective. When this technique is mas-
tered this throw can produce a stinging,
pinching sensation, even against the Levi-clad
posterior of an adversary, and blood may be
drawn if bare flesh is struck. The pain inflicted
by this throw is likened to stepping on the
articulated spines of the edible sea-urchin
70 echinzls e s c u l ~ n f s ~found
s in the sublittoral
zones of the British Isles.
This throw is critical in the mastery of self-
defense. Though not lethal it can +be very
damaging around the eyes, throat and geni-
tals, bothersome to the point of true annoy-
ance at the mouth and ears.

4 , The Dolphin Dart

The power of this throw has its analogue in
the great driving force of the ttdrsiops tr~ncdlzks
or common bottlenosed dolphin. The dolphin
rams its opponent, the shark, at speeds in
excess of thirty knots causing great internal
injury to that predator. Using this technique, a
card may be thrown with great speed and
have a comparable effect on one's enemies.
For this throw the hand is almost straight
overhead and the card held firmly in the
standard grip. The right foot points straight
ahead and the am straightens in a forward
direction snapping the card out at neck level
in the same vertical plane as the extended
foot. The card's flight should be such that a
whirring sound is heard. This shot is very
difficult and early attempts may cause the card
to flutter to the ground at the thrower's feet.
The release and snap must be timed correctly
and the arm must move smoothly, though
powerfully, at all times.
The Dolphin Dart is currently gaining popu-
larjty in t h s country, but for vears was the
favorite of japan's Yakuza hit men. It is precise
and reliable and should be used only in life-
and-death struggles. In addition to the areas
mentioned in the Sea-Urchin Spin, the Dol-
phin Dart is also effective at the temples, heart
and kneecaps, and can paralyze a victim if it
hits any vital pressure points (see chart) at Vital Pressure
close range.

Special Techniques

I , The Children? Cudgel

The entire deck is used to jab and strike an
opponent a t close range in this exercise. With
the right hand assume the familiar hitchhik-
er's posture, thumb extended and fingers
curled in a loose fist. Place the deck into the
hand so the fingers curl around the East side
of the deck. Move the thumb down to the top
of the deck and turn the wrist to the right so
you are now looking at the back of your hand;

The Children's
Cudgel Tke Cudgel Grip
72 if vour 'hand i~'large it mav be irnposqihle to
5& the card4 from t h i ~+sition. This a
distinct ad\-antageand Ewes vou the aclclition-
a l advantace ot t h e el~rnent'ofsurpnqe. Thr
car& ~.houldbc gripped tightlv and the IrF(lw
mav l x delivered b v %hmtinl:t h e arm qtifflv tn
therieht for a dictancr of nt. more than f i ~ or . ~
six inc3es. I t tyct ! r l direct the card5 araln<t
the knuckles, solar pl~.ruq,p i n or head vf an
clypcln~nt.T h i s ?trhn!quefind< its gene+ in a
sadiqtic childs~n'qgame called "Knuckq."

This fulf-d~cktwhniqrre h t h tine^ and con-

fuses t h e encmt.. Hold the deck in dealing
position in the left hand, which qhouPd bi*
relaxed. \%'hen vou < e w e a n enemy a?tack
evtend \*ourrir(ht hand in t h e familiar hand-
shake &ode and s ~ n e p ~ i t i o uIorver
~ l v the k i t
hand. Qu~ckIvbrine ?hr left hand fonrtard,
hurling the entirc dvck a t the face of vnur
assailant, thuq Itrrfuddtine; him.

This is the author's o u n defense against

multiple advcrsariec, 11 waq devetcyed in
New J'ork but ha+ a dictinctl~Orientat flavor
and ma\. k ustd in mmt peclwaphical areas.
~ a c e ' ac a d k t w w n t!w and second
s the ripht hand, using the T h u ~ t o n
f i n ~ e of
Gnp explained In the chapter {In Techniques.
Sext, place a card ht.r\*ten the second and
third finces and then one b h r ' e n t h e third
and fnurth fincem; final!\+ a card i~ placed on
top of t % ~~ n d ~finect x and s ~ w bsd t h ~
gentle pses5urr of tht= thumb pressing down
, ,

against the top of the card. All the cards are

held in the same relative position; looking
down from above, one should see only the top
card and not the three beneath it.
To fire, bring the right arm across the body
and then extend it forward, releasing all four
cards a t once.
The cards will spread sIightly on release; the
top card goes to the left, the bottom card to
the right. The two center cards will travel the
farthest. With practice, one can strike four
individuals simultaneously.
This technique is particularly useful in gang
warfare and most effective when the user can
throw with both hands. A skilled helper is
required to load cards between the empty
fingers of the person throwing. In this way
two men can hold off a small army of foes.

Special Cards
Although the author uses ordinary playing
cards for self-defense he has been questioned
frequently about the effectiveness of poi-
soned, steel or razor-bladed cards. He has
Self-drf~nseto profecf against a zr~ould-he
mrt<q,qerandtor rapist.

kept abreast of these developments in the field

but i s reluctant to make anv recommendation.
There are, of course, certain advantages in
the use of such products, but manv difficulties
may be encountered. First, one loses the
disarming effect of simple paper. Second, the
cost and acquisition of these specialized arti-
cles mav be prohibitive. Third, the additional
weight bf these cards will affect the h a jectonp
of the throw; the path of the card will de
altered. It is possible to compensate for these
disadvantages, b u t these a r e f i e n d i s h
weapons which should be avoided by all hut
small children and those infirm of mind.
Terrible tales could be told of one who prac-
ticed these deadly techniques and then inad-
vertently used the boomerang throw. . . .
Classes at
Columbia School
of Card Throwing
CIasses at Famous
Cnrd Throu~ers'

Self-D@nse for Women

Although the basic techniques and practice
exercises for men and women are the same,
there are several advantages for wemen who
become proficient in the use of cards as
Protection from the potential rapist or mug-
ger is an essential in this societv and no matter
how unpleasant or distasteful ;his subject rnav
be, every woman would be wise to at least
consider the possibilities of such a n uninvited
In my women's classes at the Columbia
School of Card Throwing, various attack situa-
tions ate suggested and discussed. The prob-
lems are annlvzed and the correct parries are
provided. T I I more
~ advanced students enjnv
irnprotising responses and some novel anh
effective techniques have been found in this
The Children's Cudgel (previously dis-
cussed on page 71) is a particularlv exciting
defense against the movie masher as it may be
administered at close range and while seated.
It is an effective blow delivered on the back of
the hand, or, in response to more serious
attacks, on the ear or under the bridge of the
Many single card techniques are particular-
ly useful against a masher or in situations
where it would be awkward, clumsy or social-
ly unacceptable to carry an entire deck. A
single card jab to the neck or between the eye
and cheek would be very effective, and yet not
permanently damaging unless applied with
unusual strength. A single card rolled up and
thrust into a movie masher's nostril can be a
fairly persuasive way of saying "no."
If you are accosted by a man who places
his hand on your upper torso you may place
one of your hands on top of his. When he
relaxes, assuming this to be an encouraging
response, you lock his hand against your
body and use your free hand to push a single
card under one of his fingernails and thrust
firmly forward. This, embellished with appro-
priate verbal accompaniment, should make
your attitude clear.
In mere serious attacks where rape or even
109s of life are at stake, blows should be
administered with full force and directed to
areas where they can do the most damage. It
would be helpful to memorize the pressure
point chart on page 71.
It is a wise habit to always carry cards in
your pocket andlor purse, place them under
the pillow at night or within easy reach at all
In the self-defense classes a t my Famous
Card Thrower's School, I may teach the mdi-
ments of magic techniques which make it
7s prw\iEle roncral card.; from tfict\,.The frr~nt
nil hack palm i~ O R C S I I C ~P Y P ~ C ~ S PThiq
. niav
t f !he attacker 1s atv~lrecf tht.
prvf'p r,~l~t.i!-4t
IIGP t d C . ? T ~ ~ G ~ \ . r a p v n c . The r,~rdkrn;llt. \u
hrcldt~n w . ! ~ ~ line tht. pretended ctv-nplt,ince
~ t a t : r < ntrtvd a ! ~ w ~"irn, ; when Iraqt a>\-
p t ! r d , thtmv ctln 'IT rttnrl-t-d a n d t1.t-d irjr ,In
r1ttt-ctlvt- l-l(wv.

e t h EZdcrItr
e l f - D ~ f r n _ cfor
Advanced geriafric

Self-Dqense Class
80 Cards are among the lightest of weapons
and should add very little burden to the
shopping bag; or pocket, and, of course, single
card techniques are possible bv all but the
most infirm. An old person shduld never be
without a card.
And just think of the social advantages of
such a defense svstern. Upon being ap-
proached for anv reason, the senior citizen
can analvze the ;ccoster and, if realizing he is
a grandihild or othenvise harmless person,
ofler to play a little gin with him. Of course, it
is always advisable to keep a joker at hand in
case the newcomer is a poor loser, relative or

The Drop and Attack

This is an effective deterrent to robbery. If
attacked, the old person should produce
monev on demand, securing a packet ofcards
secreiv behind the bills. He kindlv proffers
the caids to the thief but at the last minute lets
the bills fall to the ground. In deference to the
elderly, the thief bends down to pick them up
and the old person comes down sharplv on
the attacker's neck with the packet of cards in
the Children's Cudgel position. If this tech-
nique is accompanied by the distinctive
scream of the elderly, the thief-if he is able to
move-will surely run awav.
If an outdoor, non-contact prophylactic i s
needed, tnr this: At the approach of anv
unscernlv &aractet, our senior citizen s h o u ~ d
nonchalantly throw cards a t a nearby bee,
making them land firmly in the bark. He or
she should then leer at the stranger who wit1
huwy bv or reverse direction.
~ e r i a k ccases should not overlook "Cards
from Mouth" (the technique discussed on 81
page 87, as it is a favorite of octogenarians.

Curds as a Pest Cont~ol

Ever since the publication of Rachel Carson's
The Silenf Spring, an alternative to chemical
pesticides has been sought. Much attention
has been given to protecting the environment
and controlling industrial waste, yet the pesky
fly remains a problem and the cockroach may Chopsticks
outlast us all. In these times of Ban-the-Bomb
and Back-to-Nature a personal combat ap-
proach may be the answer. If each of us slew
his own weight in personal pests, we would
solve the problem and simultaneously do
ourselves honor en the field of batde.
There are, of course, some disadvantages in
attacking insects with cards but this is to be
expected of any solution. It really does require A Bug
skill to strike all but the most lassitudinous
specimens: this accounts for the wonderful
feeling of accomplishment when the mission
has been successfully completed. Further-
more, cards do cost money and if the edges
crack or split upon contact with a hard surface
such as the chitinous shells of an adversary,
the cards become damaged and may not be
used again. It may be far more practical to
pluck flies from the air with chopsticks as
Toshiro Mifune does in the Samurai Trilogy, as
the chopsticks may be used over and over
again. However, such a skill, though over-
whelmingly impressive, is not likely to be
readily mastered by Westerners.
It is best to start by attacking large crawling Toshiro Mifine
bugs, and then after considerable practice,
82 progressing by stages to small flying insects.
You must pay careful attention to the moving
target drills cited earlier; still, i t is unlikely thai
you will have great success with anirnalcuIar
samples. After all, this is not offered as a
panacea for g;em warfare,
Please keep in mind geographical distinc-
tion as well. Manv a highly talented West
Coast fly killer will swagger East to take on a
New York City slicker and go back to Califor-
nia a bitter and broken man, finding the New
York flv a much tougher character than his
lethargic Wst Coast brother.
A final thought for the conscientious home-
maker: take some cards and coat them with
cinnamon mixed with four drops of rose
water. The cards may then be strung crea-
tivelv to form eye-pleasing mobiles and hung
a h i t the house. These are far more aestheti-
callv ef6cacious than industrial pest stripsand
are-environmentallysound; they are a n effec-
tive deterrent to flving pests.

A Consrrmer's Griide to
Mechanical Card-Throwi~g
There are no doubt some people who despite
every good intention, frequent practice, and
careful attention to detail, are too dysfunction-
al to master the Jav method of seIf-defense.
This poses a serious problem. Can we alIow
these unfortunates to be abused trv the hostile
rowdies who inhabit our streets, and those
who break into our homes? In all goad con-
science, we cannot.
For such people there are mechanical aids
which, with a minimum of practice, mav give
a person a means of conquering fear and 83
living a healthy and well-adjusted life.
A crossbow-like item called Zing-It, in-
vented and marketed by R.A. Hamilton of
New Jersey, is just such a device. The Zing-It
consists of a Tshaped piece of wood about
eleven inches long and five-and-a-quarter
inches across at the bar of the T. A groove
about one-quarter of an inch wide runs from
front to rear in the exact center of the devise.
A dowel of wood which is connected to a #64
industrial rubber band runs in the groove. The
dowel is about an inch longer than the groove
and has a projecting lug at its foremost end.
The card is placed along the crossbar at the T
where there are four pins to steady the card at
the best angle for the shot. After placing the
card in position, the dowel and consequently
the elastic (which is connected to the under-
side of the crossbar) is pulled back with the
right hand. The left hand steadies the ma-
chine, aim is taken, and the dowel is released;
the lug hits the card, propelling it sharply
With practice, one can become proficient at
loading and firing with great accuracy and
may reasonably expect to achieve thirty aimed
shots per minute (spm).

84 As a last resort, the solid construction of the
device enables it to be used to bludgeon
attackers at close range.
Zing-It may also be used for fun. It is
possible to do the boomerang stunt with the
device and also to launch paper airplanes. Mr.
Hamilton's address is 978 Madison Avenue,
Plainfield, New jersev 07060.
An absolutelv fiendish device used to pro-
pel plaving car& was brought to the author's
attention by Bradley Efron, the chairman of
the statistics department of Stanford Universi-
ty. Professor Efron may have k e n the first
person to experiment with the use of a regula-
tion hunting slingshot to sail cards.

3 The Wham-0 Slingshot is recommended
and available commercially at a reasonable
price, but almost any brand will work. It is
Card-Propelling best to hold the slingshot with the left hand
Slitrgs ho t and the card with the right. The lower end of
the card should be inserted in the pouch and
held with the thumb ancl index finger. The left
hand aims and the right hand pulls back and
releases. The height, distance and speed of
the cards propelled in this manner will exceed
those thrown bv hand bv all hut the most
expert practitioners,
A strange device was used almost a hun-
dred years ago by a well-known French con-
jurer named ~ u a t i e rDeKolta. H e housed a
spring-loaded device in a bouquet of flowers;
when a card was placed on the bouquet and
the catch released the card was propelled a
great distance. Using this remarkable contrap-
tion, DeKolta actuaHv sent a card over the
Flatiron Building in New York Citv. Though
the actual details of its consrructi&n remain
unpublished, those persons of mechanical
aptitude are urged to experiment. Particular

Card roomer an^



----- --
* -


---. - ---
- - '7
1~ RubbmFnger aid
to p r o p ~ l l i ncards

thought should he given to the engineering of

card guns. (Please feel free to engage the
author in correspondence if your efforts are
A strange device in the card-thrower's arse-
nal is mentioned in a 1949 issue of nre Pho~nix
( a conjurer's periodical) by Audlev Walsh . The
product is a n ~ b h ~finger,
t- a device sold in
stationerv stores and used for the sorking of
bills and-papers and as a prophylactic for the
first phalange of the emploved dipt.
Incques Cotrstenrt pmctfcfn~tlre Jny grip in pwpnmtion for
undenuntrr s~lf-defmse.

The device can be used for techniques

which call for a card to be shot off the deck
under pressure (such as the Long-Distance
Spinner mentioned in the chapter on Ad-
vanced Techniques). Place the rubber piece on
the thumb or first finger (whichever propels
the card in the method being used). You will
notice that without anv change in technique it
is possible to spin the cards a much greater
distance and with less effort. The device is
also a great aid in fancy one-hand dealing.
Though shunned by the purist, this tool i s
worthy of investigation by the curious novice.
Underwater self-defense

FOP the C~nscientiotisObjector

For those who would do no physical harm to
others even though it might mean the loss of
life or property to them, 1 suggest the vener-
able technique of "Cards from Mouth." The
pacifist, sensing danger, should secrete a
bunch of cards in the buccal cavity of the
mouth. When the attack is imminent and all
other options denied, he should quickly pull
the cards from the facial orifice. This will cause
the prospective assailant to gasp in horror and
run away. (Tests have shown the most un-
sightly combination to be one composed of a
mixture of court cards and jokers.)
An effective batte y of
crowd-p leasing
demonstrations from the
author's own repertoire.
Included are
award-winning throws
such as: curd over
building, the classic card
through newspaper, nlzd the
kudo-copping c a d -
M- av T sav right a t the outcet that a
common failing in nlmozt anr prrr
fewon a n d most certainly an;- art i5
a s ' r ~ d e ~ teacemess
's to prop1 h~rnself for-
rcard a t a rate of speed that i~rniurious to his
ultimate ad~rancernent. 1 realize that manr
people have purchased this h o k with nb
other intent than to receive the tumuItuous
applause and jubilant congratulations of the
multitudes after neatlv severing the cigarette
in a loved one's mouth or some other equally
spectacular feat. However, I must hasten to
rvam that such things do not happen easilv.
There is nothing wrong in picturing voursikf
being carried oft on the shoulders, of wildlv
cheering crowd after setting a new world's
distance mark. Indeed, i t 1s thoughts like
these which inspire greatness, but let me add
that in anrr sport there can be onlv olne
champion. it took me a long time lo get &ere.
Nevertheless, considering sttch things with a
sense of the art and trernenclclus personal
sacrifice, it no longer seems sporting of me to
keep all the ammunition in mv arsenal exclu-
sivelv to mvself. In a profeqqir;n as hazardous
as &ne, there is no telling when or where
tragedv mav strike. To compound the trapdl7
of rnv-own' death with the death of an a r t - l
have worked a lifetime to advance ~vouldbe
more than anvone could reascrnablv k ex-
pected to k a s .
Consequ~ntlc1 am ~ r i ! l i nto~ release some
of my p t secrets. come ot the miraculous,
oriqnal stunts that have k e n se~ponsib?efor
my international tame and p r s o n a l fortune.
Reader, though manv of these remarkable
achierernents wrll s e e k impossible, do not h
discouraged. F assure vou that with diligent
practice each and eve?, one of them may he
Jay throws a card
over Hollywood's
Magic Castle for a
prestigious panel
of prestidigrtators.

Receiving the
plaudits of the

realized. This will not happen in weeks,

perhaps not in months, possibly not in years,
but with the proper work and attitude, it can
and will happen.
Needless to say, this chapter is not for the
tyro or dilettante: and if they are wise, they
will read it no longer. Such dabblers may skip
over to a chapter stippled with funny pictures,
and be amused. 1 hope I have not been
unsuccessful in my attempt to give a little
something for everyone. Serious students, are
you with me? Good! Then I shall begin.
Almost all of the effects in this chapter are
based on the acquisition of one particular skill:
to toss a playing card with incredible accuracy.
This may best be acquired with a daily routine
of physical exercise and practice. I have out-
lined much of this ritual in the chapter How
To Practice and Stay Fit. I suggest that if you
have only glossed over its contents you return
to and reread it at once.
Ricky Jay and Ms.
X, shown
practicing at an
early age

The specific technique for accuracy can, in

its most mundane sense, be labeled target
practice. I shall assume by now you have
become proficient in the general areas out-
lined in the above-mentioned chapter and can
success.Ebtlly hurI cards through a swinging
inner tube and toss cards into the designated
cut of beef in the mock-up Jersey heifer.
The two new practice tricks which I am
about to divulge for the first time should spur
the student on to the mastery of some of the
most difficult accemplishments in the act.
Both of these techniques should be practiced
with a trusted confidant or partner. For years
the author practiced with a now-famous polit-
ical figure noted for his blind ambition, who
must unfortunately remain anonymous, but
this is the perfect opportunity for the author
to express publicly his heartfelt gratitude and
thanks for the many unselfish hours that "Mr.
X gave of himself for the advancement of the
These two new practice drills can be divided 93
into the areas of stationary and moving tar-

For this stationary target drill, first purchase a

goodly quantity of a product called in this
country "string cheese." This comes in a cigar-
shaped stick and, once the protective covering
has been removed, the cheese may be pulled
apart in thin string-like strips. I particularly
recommend the rnozzareEla as its consistency
is best suited to our work. The Bordon brand
with my picture on the package has been
produced under the personal supervision of
my staff and is consistently excellent for the
Have your partner stand in the center of a
spacious room which has been first cleared
of encumbering furniture. You should new
stand six feet away from him. There should be
indirect lighting both behind him and in front
of you. This is important. Have your friend
hold the cheese stick on his left hand and pull Bordon Braprd of
down the individual strips with his right. String Cheese
Each time he pulls down a strip he should
fully extend his right hand away from his
body and stop all movement.
You should stand in a relaxed manner, legs
comfortabIy wide apart with the right foot
pointed directly at his extended right arm
(this, of course, if you are right-handed). The
deck of cards is in your left hand and the cards
are fed one at a h e into your right after each
release. You and your partner should estab-
lish a rhythm immediately. As he pulls the
string cheese you simultaneously load the
94 card from left to right hand. He extends his
right arm, and about one second Iater you fire.
It is best to aim directly for the center of the
strip of cheese as this allows the most favor-
able latitude for your throw. The cheese pull-
ing and throwing should be repeated rhyth-
mically on every fourth beat for a series of
thirteen repetitions. It is best to practice this
for four sets with a minute pause in between.
After the four sets stop to regroup the cards,
get a new cheese, and repeat the process in its
entirety. I suggest practicing to musical ac-
companiment, particularly something pleas-
ing to the ear, yet with a monotonous beat.
This exercise can of course be made more
difficult by the pulling of thinner strips of
cheese, and with a greater distance between
the partners. I suggest Y24th of an inch of
cheese and one foot back every week until at a
distance of fifteen feet a gossamer-like thread
of cheese can be hit easily. The exercise must
be practiced twice through, two or three times
a day for maximum results.

Moving Targets
To hit a moving target requires considerably
more skill than hitting a stationary object.
There are, I suppose, some exceptions to the
rule. Hitting a large stuffed toy panda which
has been thrown into the air may be easier
than splitting a piece of string cheese, but
enough of humor and on to the business at
In the past it has been difficult to find a
target-propelling device which has more con-
sistency than the human hand, but which
could also be regulated for height and speed. 95
A new product will solve this problem: the
revolutionary Ping-Pong gun. This is an air
rifle which shoots Ping-Pong balls easily and
effortlessly into the air where they can be shot
down by a well-delivered throw from the
student. While the Eve1 Knievel RemCo mod-
el is satisfactory I must, with no undue
modesty, recommend the Jay Autograph
Model Pong Missile Gun marketed by Ideallic.
The Jay model has a hand-controlled trajec-
tory and comes with a set of Iuminous bans for
night work. It is a truly advanced product.
This is just a suggestion, and the cost of this
professiona1 model may seem prohibitive to
some less fortunate readers. I do suggest,
however, that you look at the colorful adver-
tisement, currently appearing in several na-
tional periodicals, before thinking about set-
tling for a cheap, second-best affair.

Once you have purchased your pang rifle,

have your partner stand seven feet away from
you in a playground or yard. Do not-I
repeat, do not-attempt the practice exercise
indoors, as the popping sound of the ball
being released from the gun in an enclosed
area can cause permanent damage to the ear.
It is a good rule always to be careful when
using guns. Have your partner about seven
feet away from you and about six feet to your
left. He should hoist the rifle to his shoulder
combination of
human and
pasteboard foms

and fire shots first at about a 30" trajectory

(setting # 2 on the Jay Model), until he has
released a round of balIs. He should then
increase the angle and, as in the previous
exercise, as the student becomes proficient at
hitting the target the distance as well may be
The student should stand directly in front of
the area where the bail is to be shot. He
should have his feet parallel and pointing
forward: his hands (deck in the left, individual
cards in the right) down by his sides in the
quick-draw position. He should then relax
and give the command, "Pull," when ready.
As his partner next to him fires the ball he 97
should quickly sight the object and toss the
card. It is most important that the student
avoid thinking or speaking during this proce-
dure. The sound of the gun firing may at first
seem like a distraction, but it is in fact a great
aid to concentration. Once the student is able
to block this earthshaking din from his con-
scious mind, he will no longer be troubled by
street noises or loud and obnoxious people
during actual test conditions.
The student should practice at least forty
rounds during the day and another twenty at
night. He should eat carrots and avoid tempu-
ra vegetables. Once he has mastered moving
target work he should get the Jay Mirror-Arm
Attachment. This is a device similar to the
side-view mirror on a 1958 T-Bird; the Jay
Model has special adapters which hook onto
the student's left shoulder. When the partner
shoots a ball the student, facing the opposite
direction of the shot, eyes the celluloid sphere
in the mirror and fires a card back over his
right side to intercept the ball in midair-+
difficult but impressive stunt.
One final word of advice: in practicing these
very difficuIt techniques it is important to
remember that the release of the card must be
precise and smooth. There should be no
jerking or pulling of the hand, but rather an
effortless and graceful spinning of the card. To
borrow an example from our Eastern friends:
one holds the card firmly, yet gently like a
baby might hold the finger of an adult. One
releases the card like the baby might release
the adulfs finger when suddenIy distracted by
something else. If this convoluted Oriental
parable is dif6cult to follow, may I suggest a
practical Western experiment? Have a baby
98 hold your finger and then have your partner
sneak up behind the child and fire the air rifle
next to his ear. Notice how the baby impul-
sively, effortlessly, drops your finger and turns
his head, his face grimacing in pain. This is
precisely the way in which the card must be
In which the author
recounts with clarity and
excessive exaggerafion how
he has helped the elderly,
abetted the police, and
assuaged the plight of
young damsels with the
help of his trusty cards.
I t was a damp chiIly morning in late
September. The click of the digital AMlFM
clock radio and the alarming sounds of a
big baritone sax had whipped me into sensi-
bility. I hate coffee. Venice Beach in September
is like a frightened woman.
I put on my floor-length terry cloth robe. It
cost big bucks. I was thankful for the chill in
the air which allowed me to use it. Smiling
into the mirror, I washed my face and brushed
my teeth. I looked silly with that toothpaste in
my mouth but it put me in a good mood. I
went outside to check the mail. There was
none. Two pigeons were squabbling over a
single piece of corn just in front of my door. I
took a card from the secret marsupial pocket
of my robe and maneuvered it into the Jay
grip. It felt good. The first card of the morning
always does. In a flash I fired the card in the
direction of the startled birds. For an instant
they fluttered their wings in confusion, but
quickly settled down, each dancing posses-
sively over a half of the kernel which the card
had neatly severed. I took a big whiff of the
ocean air and walked slowly back to the
house, I was awake now.
Back inside, I plopped down in an over-
stuffed green chair. I put my legs up on the tea
table; I hate coffee. I reached over to grab a
book. It was a slim volume, W.E. Robinson's
Spirit Slafe Wrifing and Kindred Phenomena. I
didn't understand much of it, but I loved the
I was reading about a dame who received
supposedly psychic messages 'cause she had
a teIegraph key concealed in her hair. They
had a pickre of her. She was a doll. She had
this telegraph key in her hair and a thread ran
from the key to an overhead chandelier and
me Jay trophy room after a recent safari
featuring the prize waterbok he felled with a
single perfectly placed shot.
102 then down to an assistant who was hidden
behind a curtain. By pulling on the thread the
assistant could tap out messages to her. Sud-
denly the door bell rang. It scared the shit out
of me.
I opened the door.
"'You Mr. Jay?" a crater-faced kid in a
Western Union bowIer asked.
"No, I'mMr. L," I said; I can really Iay it on
when someone scares me.
"Well," he said, "I got this telegram for a
Mr. Jay."
"Give me the goods melon-head, I'm Jay."
I reached into my pocket to toke the bozo
but I didn't have any change, I was stiIl in my
"Wait a minute," I said. I stepped inside
and found a fourbit piece. 1 tossed it to him
and closed the door.
Damn kids.
1 tare open the envelope and began to read:


Later that day I selected my boutonniere

from Treppel's Florists and at 8:45 I hopped
into my '57 Ford Sunliner and cruised down
Pacific to Rco. The car was one of those
wonderful old-timers, a dash-proof convert-
ible with a retractable hard-top which lifted up
like a yawning flamingo and then settled
down into a cavernous trunk when you mere-
ly pushed a button on the dashboard. They
only made them from '57 to '59, They were
great. You could drive down the highway and
wait for a couple of rubes to pull up behind TO3
you. Hit the button and the trunk flies open
and the top peels off and you scare the hell out
of them. Just great. A guy named Louis takes
care of the machine. Does a fine job. He used
to work on BentIeys before the war. The old
Sunliner was in pretty rough shape when I got
it to him, but now it was great. Cherry.
Just before Lincoln I hung a Ralph into a
narrow parking lot and strolled into Chez
Puce. It was nine on the button. The place was
packed. I worked my way through the crowd
and waved to Puce. She ignored me. I had no
time to be insulted.
"Nice looking flower," said a dink in a pea
green suit. "Care to join me?'
I had to think twice. It isn't often you see a
dude suited up in this part of town in duds
only Chuck Berry could get away with, but it
was the crew-cut that really threw me, bad for
the image; mine. He Iooked like a two-toned
tortoise, but I could take a joke.
'"Colonel Marki, I presume," I said as I took
his hand.
It was his turn to gawk.
"How did you know?" he said in a thick
voice accented with what a mooch would call
German but which my professionally tuned
ear recognized as High Dutch.
"The telegram,'" said, "Karmi Noell Co.,
an anagram lor you, Colonel Marki."
"I am impressed, Mr. Jay," the foreigner
beady-eyed me. "I had no idea your expertise
extended to these matters. "
I could have told Marki that I grew up in the
stuff. My grandfather was the cipher editor of
G-Man Magazine for 14 years and I had ac-
cumulated an extensive library of crypto-
graphic materials. I could have told him, but I
I04 didn't. I preferred inscrutability. My silence
made him uncomfortable.
StilI he paused, expecting me to say some-
thing. I watched the twitching of his lower lip.
Eventually he interpreted my silence as mean-
ing your move, Marki.
He took the bait.
"Listen Jay this is a matter of international
urgency and complete discretion is required.
Officially, I am in Afrfca at this very moment.'"
I nodded, instantly catching his drift. He
continued, "As you have no doubt heard my
country is having certain problems with some
of its neighbors who fall loosely into the
category of 'emerging nations'."
"HoId on, Marki," I interrupted, '%st
crPpes, then conversation."
Puce made great ratatouille crepes and fine
French garlic pizza. 1 had toyed with the
phrase, "First pizza, then palaver," but I had
discarded it as inappropriate for the time and
place. I Bed it away for later use with a broad
named Peggy who went in for that sort of
I hailed a pretty redhead wielding the tray
that was the badge of her profession and
ordered the ratatouille. Marki ordered one of
those outlandish dessert crepes with ice-
cream, chocolate and almond syrup.
"Bring this immediately," he said abruptly
and in a tone that stopped the girl in her
"Puce is not an octo-puce," I said, quoting
by heart the aphorism printed in the menu.
"Take your time, my hiend."
The g r l smiled her thanks and I patted her
rear end as she trotted off. I thought of trying
the "pizza, then palaver" line on her but
quickly decided against it.
"As I was saving, Mr. Jav." Marki seemed 105
irritated and franklv I eni&red his discomfi-
ture. He had a reputation- for ruthtessness
which I found appalling, but he was a very
influential man, and I was tap city. The
divorce had cost me a fortune.
"As I was saying, Mr. Jay, a picket fence
does not always exclude a neighbor."
I complimented him on his use of the
American idiom and let him continue.
"Three davs from now there will be a
clandestine meeting which shall be attended
bv verv high-ranking, representatives of the
phnci&l nations and another countrv which
is peripherally involved. The tightest s e c u r i ~
measures will be taken and weapons a k
expressly forbidden. Nevertheless, it is my
nature to expect the unexpected, and you, Mr.
Jay, are likelv to be the onlv person who could
gain adrnitiance to rneeiinR rooms after a
thorough frisking and still he fuIlv armed and
readv 20 deal with whatever p r ~ b k mmav ~
arise Your senice-" Hr stopped abrupt&
as the auburn-haired honev returned with our
As she stooped down to serve the crepe she
exposed her proud young breasts which
strained against her scoop-necked jersey like
kittens trving to crawl out of a paper bag. As
she straiihtened up, my hand, which I had
c!everIv allowed to hang limply just below the
surface of the table, was treated to a ride along
her smooth, pear shaped posterior.
"WiII there be anvthing else?" she said,
hving to hide the smile that her pouting lips
could not conceal.
"Later, baby, later."
K a m i resumed in a half whisper, "Your
services and your complete discretion are
106 required. The terms are generous. Here is
vour plane ticket and a healthful advance."
He dropped his napkin and as his hand
reached under the table he proffered me a
small package.
I had an incredible urge to pinch his knee
and tell him Ii loved him but the divorce had
reallv wiped me out. I put the gelt in my
and congratulated myself for having
such control.
"Thanks for the meal, K a m i , 1'11 see ya in a
couple of days." I got up quickly and started
ta leave. The redhead and 1 bumped into each
other a few strides in front of the door.
I whispered mv address and she nodded
"Mv name's Valerie," she said.
"I'm ... ,I

She stopped me abmpdv. "Oh, everyone

knows you, Mr. Jay."
'Tm Ricky," I said, "just Ricky."
Valerie and I had a swell time.

Thursdav night at 11:00 1 eased rnv Sunlinet

out of the sand and headed for LAX. M v mind
wandered; I was thinking about the beach one
second, and the lilting tones of Prez on the car
radio the next.
At Lincoln and Centinella I stopped for the
red and looked out into the darkness. It
always gave me the creeps that no one ever
hung out on the streets in L.A. A night like
this in the Big Apple would be buzzing with
electricitv. Here . . . nothing. The light
seemed to last forever and the window of the
school across the street stared at me like the
eyes of a dying wino. 1 stepped on the gas.
L. A. International is a sprawling complex of
sheetmetal and aluminum. The eleventh most 107
unsafe airport in the world.
I pulled 'up to the Japan Air Lines counter. I
was booked on JALs midnight flight to Lon-
don and from there on a 17-hour British run to
the end of the dark continent.
I had two bags. I checked one and canied
the other confidently past the security guards
to the X-ray machine. No troubIe. I boarded
the plane and took my seat.
I opened the suitcase and was greeted by
the strange smiles of a gross of Tally-Ho
number 9's from the W. S. Playing Card Com-
pany in Cincinnati. Private stock. A little
thicker than usual. Precision cut edges. The
real work.
I checked the lining of the suitcase 1 had
specially designed to withstand the changing
pressure on airplanes which so frequently
causes cards to warp or bristle with a horrible
cracking sound that drives me crazy. No
problem now. I snapped the suitcase shut and
placed it carefully under my seat.
I ordered a martini, very dry, from the
kimono-clad cutie working first class. If she'd
had tits, I'd have married her.
I looked around the lounge of the 747 and
my eyes met those of a striking, stern-faced
Oriental. We nodded to each other in silent
recognition. Haruo Shirnada, head of a notori-
ous Yakuza clan, had been my employer for
one of the most amazing exploits of my life
some seven years earlier. For a moment my
mind reeled with a pastiche of ceremonial
swords, whirring cards, severed fingers,
horned helmets, and pidgin English, but as
my lips touched the chilled martini glass lnrlh vLu ltlr
I eased into somnolence and before long
108 nodded into a well-needed and thought-free
When I awoke to the cot\*-likebleat in^ of
the loudspeaker, Shimada was gone, and the
tail feather of a snow white dore was in his
chair- I r;huddered with pleawre and remorse
at the secret Yakuza s i p .
The plane was on descent and in a few
minutes we landed in London's Heathrow
As I walked past a caravan of luggage filled
pushcarts on mv wav to the British ilinrravs
counter, I heard fodtfalls which seemed to
parodv mv own. AutomaZicallv F moved rnv
right hanh to mr inside jacket pocket and
rased a card into t h e ~ a lgrip
* w*lthoutbr~akinq
mv stride. Roldlt: Glckl\: irnpulsiveF~: I
wheeled around on one knee and fired the
card a t a blurred figure ten feet a w a c V i d ~ c a v
hetween us the card hit another caid cornink
from the oppo~itedirection and both fluttered
to the floor.
I looked up into the smiling face of Cv
Endfield who ran forward and embraced me
"Justchecking, Rick\:" he grinned with the
sli~htlvwarped glee of a mad scientist, and I
found-mvself laughing heartily. "I still can't
tell which of ur; bred first."'
Endfield rrqas t h e onlv other man in the
world capablc of such a stunt, Though Ameri-
can, he had lived in London for vears. It had
been almost a decade since our k t m e t i n g
but he appeared unchanged. He could pass
for a man of for&-five though he musf have
k e n sixtv w a r s old.
After a-recent succes with the invention of
an interlwkin~chess set, Endfield had de-
voted himself to 5ome qmct electronic5 and
computer stuff bur his life was crammed full of 109
unusual professions and incredible ideas that
spanned a half century.
I had asked him to meet me for two reasons.
Some years ago he had directed a wonderful
film on the Zulus and was an expert in African
miti tary movements and weaponry. Secondly,
as a pioneer card hurler he developed a theorv
that cards could be thrown with such veloci&
that at the correct number of revolutions p&
second thev would emit a high-pitched hum-
ming noise that could kill a bird merelv bv
passing in front of it.
For years Endfield and I had corresponded
en this and other topics and I was anxious to
share his most recent discoveries. We spent
the two hour lavover period in animated con-
versation interrupted onlv bv peals of laugh-
ter. Finallv, as I strode d o 1 4 the rvalkwav to
the ~ f r i c &bound jet, the wind snaked aciass
the tarmac and tugged at my trousers Eike an
insistent dwarf hooker. I turned to say goad-
bye and thought I detected a tear on Endfield's
cheek. I wondered if I'd ever see him again.
I ordered a martini, verv drv, from the
short-skirted cutie working krst class. If her
legs wese longer I'd have married her.
I l o o k 4 around the Iounge of the 747; I
recognized no one. For a brief moment my
mind reeled with a phantasmagoria of para-
noiac fears of the unknown but as my lips
touched the chilled martini glass I eased into
sclmnoIence and before long nodded into a
well-needed and thought-free sleep.
I was awakened bv the cow-like bleating of
the loudspeaker anddismayed to find we had
gone anEg as far as the Canary Islands. We
wese herded from the plane like a bovine
conclave in search of nourishment. I might
110 have swooned with delight watching bikini-
clad maidens on sparkling sandv beaches in
the hot sun, but at 4:00 AM- the airport
emplovees, embittered hy years of insignifi-
cant service, did little to lift me from my
somnambulistic stupor.
I was relieved to return to the plane. Sink-
ing into mv seat, E stared out the port and
seemed to see in the plexiglass-shielded dark-
ness the atavistic images of Mzilikazi and
ShakaZulu conjured up by Endfield only a few
hours before.
Little did those rnightv warriors dream as
thev traversed the ~ransvaal, tollo~vingthe
spdor of kudu and sprinpbok, that soon their
bones would lie beneath the windswept tar-
mac of Jan Smuts Airport, serving Johannes-
burg, the largest citv in the southern hemi-
T h e airport was a twisted maze of queues
and oficials. I filled out my white and green
sheets and got my passport and yellow health
book readv and felt Iike a spiny lobster rnarch-
ing to the sea as I inched mv way forward to
the immigration and customs officers.
I thought of the unsettling television image
of animated stick figures calling me '"Alien" in
squeaky voices, ure;ing m e to register at the
post ofice everv Januarv or suffer a fate worse
than death.
I had done mv best to 100k like a tourist bv
wearing berrnuda shorts and knee socks, and
a thirtv-five millimeter camera hung from mv
neck with the great moral weight of a sorority
girl's lavaliere.
It worked. I was stopped onlv for an in-
"Are you carrying anv books or periodi-
cals?" I was asked bv a rosv-cheeked boy of
twenty-five, all too proud of his sparkling I l l
clean white uniform.
"Not rnv. stvle,
. chief." I saluted and walked
on with not so much as a cursory glance to
halt mv progress.
I took a taxi to downtown Jo-Burg. The
climate was pleasant, similar to L.A. but
wjthout the smog; the buildings looked down
on me somowfullv like lugubrious bushveld
farmers trying to explain their presence. If the
neon signs had read Hartford or Prudential
instead of African Life I codd have been in
Newark, or Columbus, or any of a hundred
big, boring American cities.
I checked into the totally pretentious Charl-
ton Hotel where 1 was nearly attacked by a
swarm of brown-uniformed, brown-skinned
bellboys who seemed like a box of chocolate
babies come to life.
"This way, master," said a middle-aged
Bantu with a slight paunch.
"None of this master stuff with me," I said.
And he nodded with no show of emotion.
I gave him a couple of rand, worth a bit
more than a buck apiece, and I got to feeling
like I was J.P. Morgan from the look in his eve.
"Put up the 'Donot disturb' sign when you
leave, will ya?"
He nodded again and left without a word.
I took off all clothes, slid a fresh pack of
cards under the pillow, turned on the color
television and began to read my cornplimen-
tary copy of the Rand D ~ i l yMail. On the TV,
thev were talking in ~ ~ r i h a n s though I
couldn't understand a word I found their
jabhering relaxing in an cldd sort of wav. I
thumbed past the front pages full sf rnilihrv
movements and war casualties without p u i -
ing for a moment. The newspaper ritual was
112 similar to that of the television, the eves
scanning the pages but making no attempt to
analvze or even register what thev saw. I had
loni ago given up reading the sordid bash
most people call "news." I stopped briefly
on the entertainment pages and noted that
Stephan Grappelli-the great jazz violinist-
was in town, along with the Chinese Circus
Revue of Taiwan and a Magic Spectacular at
the Coliseum.
A knock on the door startled me. It's the
same all over the world. You put a "Do not
disturb" sign on the door and a minute later
thev're pounding on it.
"Who is it?" I growled.
"Special messenger, sir, sonv sir, verv im-
portant, very sorrv."
I opened the door a little way and ex-
changed a rand note for the enve-
The jerk was still saving sorry as I closed the
The envelopes contained my instructions
from Colonel Marki, once again signed ~ l t h
the name Karmi Nwll Co. N o fiddle, acrobats

or rabbits for me; I had exactlv ninetv minutes
to g ~ back
t a
to the airport and on flight to
Victoria Falls.
I hopped in the shower and let the water
bounce off my back like hailstones off a
win-- pane. I to we^^ and got cir-sed in
a three-piece leisure suit, open collared silk
print shirt, and some high step demi-boots
from GuccE. I had the vest especiallv tailored
1 with card holsters in the side vents (an idea P
I adapted from the exploits of lohn Weslev
Hardin). I carefully opened hsTonew packs df

1 cards, honed the edges to razor sharpness,
and inserted them in the special vest holders.
I placed a few cards into each of my remaining 113
jacket and pants pockets and then one card
each into the two special clips inside the jacket
at the armpits. With only a precise flick of the
shoulder the cards would drop into the coat
sleeves and down the arm into the hand.
I thought of taking the card crossbow which
I could assemble from the sideflaps of my
shoebox, but quickly decided against it. 1 also
nixed the idea of steel-plated cards for fear of
their clicking in the X-ray machines. It was
just me and the pasteboards, but, I thought, it
had been just me and the pasteboards many
times before.
I took one last lingering Iook in the mirror;
the three-piece leisure suit was a stroke of
Two palookas were waiting for me in the
lobby. Marki's b q s , I thought, but I wasn't
taking any chances. J drew a pack from my
holster and tapped them on the table as if they
were cigarettes. The two hoods approached.
"I'm Krull," said the shorter of the two, a
little guy with pinched delicate features and a
small pointed head. "Hers Gerrada."
Gerrada looked like a cross between Ramon
Novarro and Chester Morris. He was tall and
reasonably built but not imposing in stature.
He had a large nose and patent leather hair
slicked back with some greasy pomade.
"Wekre from the Karmi Noell Co, and we'll
be taking you to the airport."
"Thanks, boys," I said, giving the once-over
to the Pinhead and Foodini team before re-
turning the deck to my pocket. I wondered
idly if I could see the future in the polished
surface of Krull's skull.
The drive to the airport was uneventful. I
peered out the window like some sap looking
214 for lions or something but I had better odds of
finding wildlife at the Polo Grounds.
We got on the Air-Rhodesia flight and the
palookas told me M a r k would be joining us a t
Bulawayo, about halfway between Jo-Burg
and the Falls.
Marki boarded on schedule. He might have
been entered in a Buster Crabbe lookalike
contest-in his safari suit he seemed like an
overgrown tyke in shorty pajamas.
Marki sat down across the aisle from me;
the two paIeokas were a row behind us. A
couple of mugs and a middle-aged woman got
on, and we were off.
After a brief ascent the seat belt signs
switched off and b u l l lucked the back of my
chair on his way to the john. As he returned,
my neck twitched with that same uncomfort-
able feeling which accompanies the early
stages of an hallucinogenic high or ergot
poisoning. I turned. It was a second too late.
Gerrada had jumped to the front of the
plane wielding a menacing Luger and I felt the
cold hard steel of KrulI's shiv kissing my neck.
"Nobody moves," shouted Gerrada who
was facing the passengers in front of the cabin
door. "WeJremaking a little trip you didn't
count on.'"
Men grumbled and women shrieked like a
chorus of the Johnny Mann singers at the
Hollywood Bowl. The cabin door opened and
Gerrada smacked the emerging co-pilot with-
out even turning to look at him, These two
clowns were pros all right!
My mind was working overtime but the
blade in my neck cramped my style; I decided
to bide my time.
"Shut up, all of you," growled Gerrada.
"You," he shouted at the stewardess near-
est the cockpit, 'Yell the captain of this rig to 115
head for Uganda and don't try nothin' tricky."
The passengers had calmed down con-
siderably and the plane started to wing on to
its new course.
Krull had risen from behind me and worked
his way into the aisle. Marki glared at him in a
way that sent a shiver down my pant leg; for a
moment I thought M a r k was V n g to put the
whammy on Krull with those cold Arctic blue
"You don't scare me, Colonel," Krull said in
a sibilant squeak.
"Why, you perverted little fool, you can't
get away with this," Marki cried as he lunged
for the palooka's throat with his massive
M a r k had Krull by the scrag as the little guy
tried to penetrate his thick Dutch hide with
the point of the shiv.
"Gerrada, help," the pinhead gasped even
as his blade cut through Marki's flesh.
Gerrada aimed the Luger at Marki and
started to squeeze the trigger. In a split second
I made my move. I twitched my shoulder and
my eagerly awaiting hands received the
prized projectiles of my profession. I fired the
cards simultaneously. The ri~ht-handcard
met the plump flesh of ~errada'sneck with a
muted thwack and a thin almost impercept-
ible line of blood appeared. The left-hand card
hit the wrist but a fraction of a second too late.
The gun blared out its awful din before falling
to the floor only a moment before Gerrada
The deflected bullet flew past its intended
victim and cracked the window beside the
still-entwined and struggling bodies of Krull
and Marki.
1% As the glass cracked it was as if the entire
world swept into the @ant tornado that t m k
Domthv from Kansas to O t . The om7gen
masks dmp@ out of their awrhead holders
like victim5 a t a mass execution. The ~vindnwq
covered with mist and the hot African sun
faded from view. Coffee cups, serving carts,
pillows, knives, spoons and magazines
bounced around like popcorn on a stove.
Then, in a maze of arms and legs and screams,
Marki and h l l were drawn to the open
window. Thev struggled together with a unitv
so characteris-ticof the human species in time;
of stress. I watched them p o p and trrrist and
grasp for footing like cats on a pane of glass,
but to no avail; with a giant woosh and a
horrible harmonious groan thev were sucked
throunh the window into the giant vacuum
cleaner of the sky.
The pilot msh-dove to e i ~ h thousand
t feet
to get breathable air as the frightened passen-
gers heaved and coughed and cried and
fainted in their seats. The stewardecws were
clinpnp, to the steel handles in the sening
sections for dear life and Gerrada was saved
from the horrible flving fate of his partner onlv
because his bleeding hulk was jammed into
the passagewav &Ween the cockpit and
The hurricane was d v i n ~down now and
the pilot was announcing a landing in a
clearing a few minutes awav. I cupped my
ears with mv hands to drown out the fri~hk-
ening: cacophony of the human v o i c ~in fear;
I as I looked h& the plane 1 ulr a huge hodr
- - of zebras and wildekest scatter in a kaleidn-

1 scopic whirl a s the plane, like an injured red

hornbill, approached the savannah that was
to he its final resting place. As the jet hit the
Stanley, Livi~~gstone,
and the Victoria Falls

ground and thumped along like a @ant jug-

gler's mistake, I lost consciousness.
Victoria Falls. MOSl OR TUNYA. The smoke
that fhunders. 38,430 cubic feef of water per
second. Dr Livingstone I presume. What's the
question? Gertrude Stein. Spencer Tracy. Richard
Burton. Alan Moorehead.
118 I dreamt a storm ofmagnificent proportions
and when I awoke P still heard thunder
though the sky was cloudless and bright. As I
wiped my eyes and turned towards the noise I
saw a strange smokey mist swirl beneath a
magnificent crowning rainbow. I kicked out
the exit door on the wing and crawled
towards what I realized was Victoria Falls,
driven bv some impulse kindled in recesses
far beneath mtr conscious mind. In the dis-
tance I heard tLe sirens of the rescue vehicles
but t didn't even stop to turn around. I
plodded along on my strange mission like a
lemming on his way to the cliffs. Sure, I got to
the Falls.
But that is another story.
A sad footnote. The death
by suicide of a San
Quentin inmate who blew
himself t o n netheworld
with a bomb fashioned
from a pack of cards. For
those who doubt the
seriousness of the subject
or the tone of the tome.
I t seems appropriate to end this docu-
mented account of cards a s weapons with
a stow that has been deemed ~ r o r t h vof
en try in the legendary Ripl~y'sflcli~rlr1, Or
The author has wended his wav thro~lgkl
reels of mjcrnfilm of 1930's newspapers
(enough to know the names of the '"human
notabIes" present a t the funeral of I'iggs the
famous actorlchampansee) in an attempt to
6nd the original article. This proved a futile
l i a q ~ sthe endea~or.The onlv other reference to this
Actor' Zlrimpnrtzw remarkable annmafv appeared in the April
1938 issue of a long-defunct magic periodical
called The Jinx.
Tlie Jinxwas edited bv the arnazin~:wunder-
kind of mental magic,-~heodorcAnnemann.
This is his account:
"In San Quentin a supposedlv ignorant
prisoner blew himself to hits with a pack of
ordinan. plaving cards. Cards a r e madc of
cellulose from which a powerful explosive, tri-
nitro-cellulose, is made. The condemned man
scraped onlv the r ~ dspots from the pack,
soaked the pieces Ithoroughlv, and crammed
them into a hollow pipe taken from his cot.
Heated over a small oil lamp the crude bomb
exploded and tote the prisoner to shreds.''
Mr. Annemannrs sagacious advice to the
mapjc fratemit-v was, "Rrother, don't drop
that deck!"

A Sad Footnote to a Sad Footnote

Annemann was considered a strange figure in
magic and, bv all but a f e i he
~ ~ ivas thought a
genius in thi methods of duplicating psychic
or mental phenomena; he was a creative


thinker but always a reluctant and nervous

performer. It was big news when advertise-
ments for his full evening show appeared in
the New York press. Annemann was to ap-
pear at "The Little Theatre in the Sky" atop
the Chanin Building on New York's 42nd
Street on January 26th and 27th, 1942.
The feature of the show was to be the
famous Bullet-Catching Trick. A committee
purchased, examined and marked a bullet
which was then loaded into a rifle belonging
to a spectator, a marksman, who had never
met the performer. The marksman hoisted the
rifle to his shoulder and took aim at the mouth
of the performer who stood blindfolded on
the opposite side of the stage with his hands
behind his back. The commands, "Ready-
Aim-Fire?" were given. A shot rang out and
the performer dropped to his knees; there was
a trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth
and then miraculousEy the marked bullet was
seen to emerge from between his lips.
Over the years twelve magicians had lost
their lives presenting this spectacular effect,
and the magic fraternity spoke of the upcom-
122 ing Annemann attempt with strained antici-
It is easy to speculate that Annemann, too,
felt the strain, not only of this trick and this
show but of the other confused pieces of his
life. He did not do the performance. On
January Path, a few miles away from the
theatre, he locked himself in his room and
committed suicide.
My grandfather was to be the producer of
the Annemann show.
1 mention this in case Kurt Vonnept is
planning another novel.

A Strange Footnote to a Sad

Recently, while reposing in the Las Vegas
home of The Great Tomsoni, Poland's entry
into the world of sophisticated sorcery and the
star of the Folies-BergPre revue a t the Tropica-
na Hotel, 1 happened upon a copy of Irving
Wallace's The Fan Club.
I read the back cover blurb:

"The Plan: to capture her and teach her

the realities of love.
The Act: a bold kidnaping of the world's
Number One sex symbol.
The Climax: the American dream of per-
fect love turns into a shattering night-
mare of lust and terrot'"
("Possibly the best thing he's done yet"-
New York Times Syndicnte)*

This seems rather severe rntitism.

Tke Great Tomsoni

My mood was such that I devoured the

book greedily, drooling over the abduction
and subsequent ill-use of the sultry movie
star. I could not help thinking that if the lovely
damsel had only a deck of cards and had read
this book how easily she could have delivered
herself from the hands of her savage captors
by using the "Lethal Four-Card Fist" de-
scribed on page 72.
But such was not the case. The heroine was
incarcerated by the cruel coterie and there
seemed to be no way out. To quote Mr.
"Yes, she was caged, trapped, with as much
chance of escape as a prisoner locked in
solitary confinement inside San Quentin.
"San Quentin? What had made her think of
that one-time high security California peniten-
What? What indeed!
114 Quickly we find out:
"She had dotal recall, and recall had brought
it back to her."
We can presume that total recall is a com-
mon enough attribute of sex-svmbol movie
And now, with the ease of Marlin Perkins
sliding from the protection a mother sloth
gives her young to the protection you can
receive from Mutual of Omaha, Wallace se-
gues to the suicide of a San Quentin inmate
with a deck of cards,
And so it is here, in this Inring Wallace
classic, that I find the missing pieces of the
puzzle and the end to my strange tale.
The man's name is William Kogut. He is a
lumbejack. Sentenced to death for murdering
a woman, he vows that h e will never be put to
death bv the state.
As his final dav draws near he conceives his
devious plan. H e scrapes and soaks the red
pips of the cards and stuffs them into the leg
of his cot with a broom handle; the broom
handle is left in the tubing to make it airtight.
He holds the makeshift bomb over the flame
of the oil lamp all night and finallv, aas morning
arrives and the gas pressure builds up suffi-
ciently, Kogut's efforts are rewarded with
translation to a more tolerable plane of exis-
Facts, names, rnotives--aIl clearlv before
me in cold print; and then, one ~ n a lgem.
Mr. Wallace mentions-and J applaud his
restraint and subtletv-Mr. Wallace men lions,
in no uncertain terns, that this man who blew
himself to bits with the ultimate pasteboard
pyrotechnic, was Polish.
Gun In

With this book comes a long line of fsiends

who have offered the author a helping appen-
dage, typewriter or money and who should be
acknowledged publicly no matter how much
this mav jeopardize their individual careers.
First, 'to TA. Waters, good friend, prolific
author, and eminent psvchologicjan, who
spent so much time and energv on this project
it almost seemed he was livi& in my house.
There is Iittle doubt I would have been unable
to finish this book without his help. His
penchant for philogistic phraseoIogy has been
a constant inspiration.
To Dennis Plehn and Bruce Ayres for shoot-
ing and organizing the many photographs
and to those splendid souls who arranged for
or appeared as subjects in them: SVendy
Summers, BBC-TV, John Fisher, Michael Par-
kinson and staff, Ernmvlou Harris, the Getz-
Tichner Organization, john Zehnder, Norris
Mchrhirter, Carl Sagan, Andrew Solt, Dai
Vernon, Joe Cossari, Don Lawton and the
exciting Los Angeles-based theatre company,
the Groundlings.
To John Dean, my kinky friend, for sugges-
tions which greatly enhanced this volume, to
Mo for the chicken wings, and Ron Popeil for
the intro.
To Charles and Regina Reynolds for their
elan and for introducing me to my publisher
Jack Rennert, who, along with his faithful
collleapes Jane Wagner and Helen Garfinkie
and Darien House staff members Stu Solnw
and Valerie Beale, provided me with a most
unusual experience and a wonderful time in
New York.
TO the staff and members of the Magic 129
Castle for permitbng me to enter their haf-
lowed halls and make use of their excellent
library. To the Library of Congress and special
co!lections curakor Leonard Beck for gracious
help in mv research. To Jav Manhall, that
~ i d w e s t e mmaster of miih, mystery and
minutia, for the use of the rare left-handed
magicians' throwing cards from his collection.
To Milbourne Christopher, well-known magic
historian and the onlv Caucasian member of
the All-India Magic ~ d c i e tfor
~ , information on
Buatier de Kotta; though long since dead,
vitallv important to this book. TO Matfin
~ e w i s Finn
, Jon, and Flip for allowing me to
include previously unpublished original mate-
To Stuart Gordon for barrist~ring,bantering
and bargaining on mv behalf.
To Deborah Baron for unsolicited testimony
bevend the call of guilt or friendship.
To Karen Mirzig for advice in heatv times,
to Candace Lake for her candor and kudu.
To Chuck Fayne-if you need anything call
him. 3 did, frequently.
To Lindlev R. Armitage, a fascinating gen-
tleman, fo; his important advice on hod!
To Charles Miller, Dai Vernon, Pete Biro, Pat
Page, Bruce Cenron, Michael Perovich, Cv
Endfield, Haruo Shimada, Bill Liles, ~ c o k
York, John Thompson and Derek Dingle, for
being sounding boards, suggesters, and too
good to be called magicians.
To Steve Freeman, mon frhe Isola for his
elegant touch.
To Professor Dr. Well, for yet another possi-
iSty . . .
To VaIerie Famum, Tracy N e w m a n , Alex
130 Lange, Spencer Troy and McCaGes Guitar
Shop for less specific but no less important
To Itto Ogami for the seagull wave slash
Special thanks to Gary Cooley far his abso-
lutely wonderful cover art. Border art is by
Michael Gregory. Production was under the
capable supewision of Andrew Merson, Gant
Feller and Dave MiIler.
Unless otherwise credited, all photographs
were metidouslv taken by Dennis Plehn.
Maving cards were photographed by Robert
~ o = h .Photos taken at BBC-TV Center in
London, reproduced on pages 15-16 are by
Dave Edwards and used by kind permission
of BBC. The article on page 56 is reproduced
from The New York Times and f s copvright 1973
by The New York Times ~ o r n ~ a nThe
v . Card
Boomerang featured on page 85 is manufac-
tured bv the Wham-0 Mfg. Co., San Gabriel,
California. The Craw Horse Saloon in Malibu,
California and the' Israel Levin Center in
Venice, California protided hospitaIity to the
author. To all these people and companies, my
sincere thanks.
And, finally, but I hope not, to Bozo.

-Ricky Jay
Venice, California
Mnrclr 2977

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