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EasyChair Preprint 1872

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EasyChair Preprint

№ 1872

Research on the Influence of Digital Printing


Yi Wang and Yana Ai

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November 7, 2019
Research on the Influence of Digital Printing Quality

Faculty of Printing,Packaging Engineering and Digital Yana AI
Media Technology, Faculty of Printing,Packaging Engineering and Digital
Xi’an Univesity Of Technology, Xi’an,China Media Technology,
e-mail: [email protected] Xi’an Univesity Of Technology, Xi’an China
e-mail:[email protected]

Abstract— Paper performance has an important impact on Software equipment: Founder Changliu software,
the quality of printed matter. This paper mainly studies the ProfileMaker pro software, Matlab software
correlation of paper surface performance and digital printing Experimental sample: ordinary printing paper (157g/m2
quality in digital printing. The experiment selected two types of coated paper, 70g/m2 offset paper, 180g/m2 white
five kinds of paper, ordinary printing paper (coated paper, cardboard),Digital printing paper (97g/m2 digital color
offset paper, white cardboard) and digital printing special exciting paper , 200g/m2 highlight digital printing paper)
paper (digital color exciting paper, highlight digital printing Experimental printed manuscript: test version, IT8.7/3
paper). Through the measurement and control of paper standard color version
surface performance and printing quality.Discussed the
correlation effects of whiteness, gloss and smoothness
performance on the correlation of L*a*b* color gamut, solid
density and relative contrast. The mathematical model
relationship between paper performance and digital printing
quality is established. The standardization of printing quality
provides a basis for discussion.

Keywords-digital printing, surface properties, quality a ( test version) b (IT8.7/3 standard color version)
Figure 1. Experimental printed manuscript
I. INTRODUCTION B. Experimental design
The characteristics of flexible digital printing technology, Paper surface performance test: Each sample is cut into
variable reproduction and on-demand printing has become a nine 100×100mm small samples for measurement, three for
new development direction of the printing industry. Paper is whiteness, three for gloss, and three for smoothness. Each
the most used substrate in the digital printing process, and its sample was measured three times, and the measurement
own performance and quality have extremely important results were expressed as the average of all the measurement
impact on the stability of the printing process and the quality results.
of the printed matter. Printing enterprises must not only Print density and chromaticity detection: use Founder
maximize the cost savings in the printing process, reduce the Fluency software to import the test version and IT8.7/3
rejection rate of printed matter, reduce the failure of printing standard color version drawn in the early stage of the
machines, and enhance the market competitiveness of experiment.Each time corresponding to different papers,
printing enterprises, but also meet the changing personality printed by Ke Mei C1060 electrostatic digital printing
needs of customers. so ,how to ensure the continuous machine All proofs, one type of proof each time, three sheets
stability of the quality of digital printing is a very important of each type of paper.
topic of discussion. starting from the angle of paper Select the solid density color block and the 75% dot
performance , focusing on the causal relationship and density color block on the test version, and measure with the
correlation between paper performance indicators and digital X-rite exact advanced spectrophotometer (measuring the
print quality indicators, aiming to establish a mathematical light source condition as D50, 2°viewing angle), and obtain
model relationship between paper performance and digital the four-color solid density value and relative contrast. value.
printing quality factors, and providing the support basis for Use the color measurement kit X-Rite i1iO+i1Publish
research the standardization of digital printing quality. pro2 to measure the chromaticity of 928 patches in the
standard color card (measured by the light source D50,
2°viewing angle), and obtain the L*a*b* values of all the
A. Experimental conditions color patches. And generate an ICC profile, which is
Hardware equipment: PN-488 whiteness meter, PN-8ST converted into a device's L*a*b* color gamut by Profile
smoothness tester, X-rite exact advanced spectrophotometer, Maker pro software.
Konica Minolta C1060 digital press, X-Rite i1iO+i1Publish
pro2 color measurement kit
C. Data measurement
1) Paper performance measurement

TABLE I. Whiteness measurement

Paper Whiteness TABLE IV. Field density measurements
one two three average
Coated paper 102.1 101.8 102.0 102.0 color C M Y K
Offset paper 95.7 95.1 96.6 95.8 Coated paper 1.6536 1.5896 0.9849 1.8436
White cardboard 100.8 100.5 100.5 100.6 Offset paper 1.2331 1.2619 0.8349 1.3907
digital color exciting paper 102.0 101.5 101.7 101.7 White cardboard 1.3587 1.3801 0.8841 1.5338
highlight digital printing paper 104.8 103.4 103.3 103.8 digital color exciting paper 1.3740 1.4110 0.8893 1.6187
highlight digital printing paper 1.6775 1.5895 0.9787 1.8193
In the whiteness surface performance, the whiteness values
of the five papers are similar, and the whiteness value of the TABLE V. Calculated relative contrast measurement
coated paper in the ordinary printing paper is higher than C M Y K
that of the digital color exciting paper in the digital printing
Coated paper 33.8% 35.3% 29.3% 34.8%
paper, but the other two ordinary printings paper whiteness Offset paper 22.5% 27.3% 23.6% 25.3%
values are lower than digital printing paper. The whiteness White cardboard 27.7% 32.1% 23.4% 30.1%
values are arranged from large to small: highlight digital digital color exciting paper 28.7% 33.6% 28.7% 32.4%
printing paper > coated paper > digital color exciting paper highlight digital printing paper 35.6% 36.3% 30.7% 39.2%
> white cardboard > offset paper.
TABLE II. Gloss measurement
Paper glossiness/85°
one two three average
Coated paper 58.4 59.7 58.2 58.77
Offset paper 2.8 3.2 2.6 2.87
White cardboard 5.6 5.4 5.7 5.67 (a) Coated paper three / two- dimensional color gamut map
digital color exciting paper 10.8 10.8 10.5 10.7 (b) Offset paper three / two-dimensional color gamut map
highlight digital printing paper 63.4 63.9 61.5 62.93

In gloss surface performance, the gloss of the coated paper

in ordinary printing paper is higher, but still lower than the
gloss of highlight digital printing paper. The gloss of digital
color exciting paper is lower, but still higher than the offset
paper and white cardboard.The glossiness values are (c) White cardboard three/two-dimensional color gamut map
arranged from large to small: highlight digital printing paper (d) Digital color exciting three/two-dimensional color gamut map
> coated paper > digital color exciting paper > white
cardboard > offset paper.
TABLE III. Smoothness measurement
Paper smoothness (s)
one two three average
Coated paper 236.5 248.0 245.8 243.4 (e) Highlight digital printing three / two-dimensional color gamut map
Offset paper 20.5 18.5 32.8 23.9 (f) Five types of paper three / two-dimensional contrast color gamut map
White cardboard 28.3 25.3 26.3 26.6 Figure 2. Comparison of L*a*b* color gamut between digital printing
digital color exciting paper 91.5 96.5 104.0 97.3 paper and ordinary printing paper
highlight digital printing paper 293.8 297.5 302.0 297.8
D. Correlation between paper properties and print
In smooth surface performance, the smoothness of coated quality parameters
paper in ordinary printing paper is higher, but lower than the
highlight digital printing paper. The smoothness of digital 1) Study on the relationship between surface
color exciting paper is lower, but higher than offset paper properties and solid density
and white cardboard in ordinary printing paper . The
The whiteness, glossiness, and smoothness of the five
smoothness values are arranged from large to small:
types of sample sheets were taken as the independent
high-gloss digital printing paper> coated paper> digital
variables x1, x2, and x3, respectively, and the measured
color laser paper> white cardboard> offset paper.
field density of the black ink is taken as dependent variable
2) Density and chromaticity measurements DK for correlation analysis.
The calculated correlation coefficient r is shown in the
following table: DY=0.002089x2+0.8555 (9)
TABLE VI. Calculated values of correlation coefficient of field
density of whiteness, gloss, smoothness and black ink
Correlation coefficient(r) x1 x2 x3
DK 0.89681 0.93497 0.94130
Since r is greater than 0 and less than 1, the whiteness,
gloss, and smoothness of the paper are all positively Figure 6. Smoothness -Cyan/Magenta/Yellow ink field density fit image
correlated with the solid density of the black ink.
After demonstrating the correlation between the whiteness, DC=0.001502x3+1.252 (10)
gloss and smoothness of the paper and the field density of
the black ink, the whiteness value, the gloss value and the DM=0.001063x3+1.3 (11)
smoothness value of the five types of sample paper were
respectively used as independent variables to measure the DY=0.0004885x3+0.8471 (12)
field density of the black ink. Density was used as the
dependent variable, and the data was fitted using Matlab 2) Study on the relationship between surface
software. The fitted image is shown in Figure 3. The fitting properties and relative contrast
equation is as follows.
TABLE VII. Calculated values of whiteness, gloss, smoothness, and
black ink relative contrast correlation coefficient
Correlation coefficient(r) x1 x2 x3
KK 0.94757 0.84023 0.82699

Figure 3. Whiteness / Glossiness / Smoothness - Black ink field density

The same method, according to the above steps to analyze,
fit image whiteness, gloss, smoothness and contrast images of cyan,
magenta, yellow, black ink relative contrast are shown in
DK=0.005815x12-1.0995x1+53.35161 (1) Figures 7.8.9, the equation is calculated as follows Shown.

DK=0.005897x2+1.473 (2)

DK=0.00143x3+1.444 (3)

In the same method, the green, magenta and yellow inks Figure 7. Whiteness-Cyan/Magenta/Yellow/Black ink relative contrast
were analyzed according to the above steps, and the images fit image
were fitted to the models Figure 4 Figure 5 and Figure 6 ,
and the fitting equations are as follows. KC=0.001031x12-0.1896x1+8.931 (13)

KM=0.01121x1-0.8007 (14)

KY=0.001209x12-0.2317x1+11.34 (15)
Figure 4. Whiteness-Cyan/Magenta/Yellow ink field density fit image
KK=0.001501x12-0.2828x1+13.58 (16)
DC=0.00445x12-0.8346x1+40.34 (4)

DM=0.002504x12-0.4582x1+22.17 (5)

DY=0.001565x12-0.2936x1+14.6 (6)
Figure 8. Glossiness -Cyan/Magenta/Yellow/Black ink relative contrast
fit image

KC=0.001576x2+0.2522 (17)

KM=0.0009299x2+0.303 (18)
Figure 5. Gloss-Cyan/Magenta/Yellow ink field density fit image

KY=0.0009184x2+0.2455 (19)
DC=0.006389x2+1.279 (7)

DM=0.004481x2+1.32 (8) KK=0.001452x2+0.2827 (20)

the degree of correlation with gloss is: cyan ink>black
ink>magenta ink>yellow, the degree of correlation between
ink and smoothness is: cyan ink > black ink > yellow
ink >magenta ink.
Figure 9. Smoothness -Cyan/Magenta/Yellow/Black ink relative 2) Relationship between paper performance and print
contrast fit image color
As can be seen from the L*a*b* gamut plots plotted on the
KC=0.0003701x3+0.2456 (21)
measurement data, all types of paper have relatively similar
gamut shapes but different gamut volumes. Offset paper has
KM=0.0002259x3+0.2981 (22) the smallest color gamut and the lowest whiteness, gloss and
smoothness in all papers; high gloss digital printing paper
KY=0.0002315x3+0.2395 (23) has the highest color gamut and the highest whiteness, gloss
and smoothness in all papers; Overall, the gamut difference
KK=0.0003395x3+0.2768 (24) between the yellow space and the green space is more
obvious, and there is no significant difference in all the
E. Conclusion papers in the blue space gamut. It can be seen that in the
range of color expression (i.e. the color gamut space size),
1) Relationship between paper properties and print highlight digital printing paper > coated paper > digital
density color exciting paper > white cardboard > offset paper.
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