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31 October 1856


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Below you will �nd the calculated numerology chart of Ashika, born 31 October 1856. (now 167 years

Name Cons Vocal

Ashika 10/1 3
Ashika ( 13/4) 10/1 3
Ashika was born October 31 - 1856 (167 years old)
Ashika is currently in destiny period 3. This destiny period last 8 year(s). 2024 is year 1 out of 8 in
this period. This year is a destiny year for Ashika.

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10/1 3 20/2
5 25/7 6

5 6

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Number explanation
In the following pages we will explain the numbers in some of the important positions in your
numeroscope. IMPORTANT: In the explanation, every number is seen isolated. There is also additional
interpretation between numbers next to eachother that will tell if a number is balanced or unbalanced.
These are not part of the free calculator. To get an enhanced enterpretation see the report in TOOLS or
get the full details in a live reading session.

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The numbers in the Higher self

Base vibration: 31/4

The nerd or the genius

CHALDEAN TABLETS: This number is very similar to the preceding one, except that the person it
represents is even more self-contacted, lonely, and isolated from his fellows. It is not a fortunate
number from a worldly or material standpoint.

MEANING: The compound number of 31/4 is associated with autism, OCD, Asperger’s, ADHD and other
similar mental disorders.
People who are represented by the compound number of 31/4 are perceived as the black sheep, and
they often have a feeling of loneliness – even when they are with big groups of people.
People who are represented by the compound number of 31/4 sometimes have genius tendencies, but
this often comes with the expense of social problems and strange behavior.

Minor destiny number: 7

BALANCED: Strong intuition – Wisdom – Being on the right spot at the right time – Social magnetism –
Popularity – Deep insight in life’s big mysteries – Psychic abilities – Strong creativity – Truth seeking.

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UNBALANCED: Lack of grounding – Sick beliefs and stand points – Anxiety – In�uenced by demonic
astral beings – Too open spiritual channels – Demonic behavior – Life feels like a nightmare –
Depression – Religious.

The number 7 is represented by planet Neptune.

The number 7 stands for insight, seeking deeper meaning in everything, and therefore people who are
represented by the number 7 have many profound thoughts within their mind. They seek a deeper
meaning in everything, and they try to understand a deeper meaning – even where one might say –
there is none.
People who are represented by the number 7 are good at understanding people’s intentions behind their
actions and they have a very developed gut feeling. Hower, people who are represented by the number 7
are afraid to appear weak. . Therefore many male criminals are represented by the number 7 because
they are afraid to be weak.

Major destiny number: 25/7

BALANCED: What doesn't kill me makes me stronger! – Talented and able to get smart – Learns quickly
– Strong intuition/gut feeling – Appears wise – Good at making right decisions – Good at
understanding people – Good at being at the right spot on the right time – Good judgment.

UNBALANCED: Many tough lessons – Endless hardship – Tough childhood – Many failures to learn
from – Many disappointments to overcome.

CHALDEAN TABLETS: This is a number denoting strength gained through experience, and bene�ts
obtained through observation of people and things. It is not deemed exactly lucky, as its success is
given through strife and trials in an earlier life. It is favorable when it appears in regard to the future.

MEANING: The compound number of 25/7 has a motto: What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger!
This is the case because the essence of the compound number of 25/7 is that one gradually learns and
grows stronger from experience. Especially from tough experience.
Furthermore, people who are represented by the compound number of 25/7 have strong creativity and a
good gut feeling.

Lifeview: 21/3

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BALANCED: Total breakthrough - Unstoppable and ultimate success - Extremely smart - Always miles
ahead of rivals - Good sense of humor - Strong charisma - Outsmarts rivals - Strategic genius - Great

UNBALANCED: Lot of lessons/ failures - Ongoing hope of the ultimaite success that keeps getting
delayed - Lots of hardship - Stubborn - Lone wolf - Acting superior and arrogant - judgemental behavior.

CHALDEAN TABLETS: This number is symbolized by the picture of “the Universe”, and it is also called
“the Crown of the Magi”. It is a number of advancement, honors, elevation in life and general success. It
means victory after a long initiation and tests of determination. It is a fortunate number of promises if it
appears in any connection with future events.

MEANING: The compound number of 21/3 means that one wants to crack the code into gaining
ultimate success that will be ever ongoing throughout one’s enter life.
However, if it’s unbalanced, one will have the feeling of often being close to the total success, but the
success seems further away than initially anticipated.
Therefore if it’s unbalanced, one’s life might feel like walking through a tunnel of a constant learning

The numbers in the Human self

First name: 13/4

BALANCED: Innovative skills - Good at thinking outside the box - Doing the unexpected - Creating
change - Seeing opportunities everywhere - Logical mind - Talents of maths and physics - Rational mind.

UNBALANCED: OCD - Autism - Asperger's syndrome - Black sheep - Confused - Nitpicker - Treacharous -
Opportunist - Likes to be in opposition - Provocative behavior.

CHALDEAN TABLETS: This is a number indicating a change of plans, place, and such-like and it’s not
unfortunate as it’s generally supposed. In some of the ancient writings, it’s said: “He who understands
the number 13/4 will be given power and dominion”. It’s symbolized by the picture of “The grim reaper”
with a scythe reaping down men in a �eld of new-grown grass where young faces and heads appear
cropping up on every side. It’s a number of upheaval and destruction. It’s a symbol of power which if it’s
wrongly used will wreak destruction upon oneself. It’s a number of warning of the unknown or
unexpected if it becomes a compound number in one’s calculations.

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MEANING: In the Chaldean tables, the compound number of 13/4 is associated with the Grim Reaper.
The symbol of death. The symbol of death is a metaphor for removing something that is there and
replacing it with something new.
This could, for example, have to do with removing old and outdated traditions and concepts and
replacing them with new ideas – for example science and other similar things. The compound number
of 13/4 is the number of innovation, science, and everything that can be proven and documented.
Innovation is something that changes old habits and traditions.
The compound number of 13/4 is basically about change.
Therefore people who are represented by the compound number of 13/4 are also people who often
change their mind – to great frustration to their fellows.
People who are represented by the compound number of 13/4 often suffer from ADHD, autism,
Asperger’s syndrome, OCD, and other similar spectrum sufferings.

Last name: 13/4

BALANCED: Innovative skills - Good at thinking outside the box - Doing the unexpected - Creating
change - Seeing opportunities everywhere - Logical mind - Talents of maths and physics - Rational mind.

UNBALANCED: OCD - Autism - Asperger's syndrome - Black sheep - Confused - Nitpicker - Treacharous -
Opportunist - Likes to be in opposition - Provocative behavior.

CHALDEAN TABLETS: This is a number indicating a change of plans, place, and such-like and it’s not
unfortunate as it’s generally supposed. In some of the ancient writings, it’s said: “He who understands
the number 13/4 will be given power and dominion”. It’s symbolized by the picture of “The grim reaper”
with a scythe reaping down men in a �eld of new-grown grass where young faces and heads appear
cropping up on every side. It’s a number of upheaval and destruction. It’s a symbol of power which if it’s
wrongly used will wreak destruction upon oneself. It’s a number of warning of the unknown or
unexpected if it becomes a compound number in one’s calculations.

MEANING: In the Chaldean tables, the compound number of 13/4 is associated with the Grim Reaper.
The symbol of death. The symbol of death is a metaphor for removing something that is there and
replacing it with something new.
This could, for example, have to do with removing old and outdated traditions and concepts and
replacing them with new ideas – for example science and other similar things. The compound number
of 13/4 is the number of innovation, science, and everything that can be proven and documented.

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Innovation is something that changes old habits and traditions.

The compound number of 13/4 is basically about change.
Therefore people who are represented by the compound number of 13/4 are also people who often
change their mind – to great frustration to their fellows.
People who are represented by the compound number of 13/4 often suffer from ADHD, autism,
Asperger’s syndrome, OCD, and other similar spectrum sufferings.

Life theme: 8

BALANCED: Tough – Pragmatic – Progressive – Makes results – Gets things done – Keeps the
overview – Good at taking responsibility – Calm under pressure – Professional – Creates long lasting
changes – Hard to defeat – Strong and able to withstand lot of hardship – Steady – Good at looking
through people’s true intentions – Likelihood of great �nancial wealth – Natural born CEO or head of

UNBALANCED: Very tough life – Constant hardship – Very little pleasure in life – Cold and cynical –
Grumpy – Bitter – Psychopathic – Lack of compassion – Uses people as ponds – Crashes of career –
Bankruptcy - Stubborn.

The number 8 is represented by planet Saturn.

The number 8 is known as the major destiny number and it represents the symbol of eternity. This
means that people who are represented by the number 8 are born to create a major change in the world,
and to create something that will last forever. People who are represented by the number 8 want to build
things up slowly and thoroughly.
They often appear cynical and pragmatic. They are also very practical in their approach to life in general.
However many people who are represented by the number 8 have a very tough life. This is meant to
harden them so they can deal with a major responsibility. Therefore many CEOs are represented by the
number 8.

Heart center: 16/7

UNBLANCED: Many losses in close relations (often fatalities) - Life is a struggle of survival - Ignoring
that life is tough - Ignoring the warning signs of the body - Fights too hard on expense of one's physical
and emotional health - Stubborn - Ruled by fear.

CHALDEAN TABLETS: This number has a most peculiar occult symbolism. It’s pictured by a tower

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struck by a lightning from which a man is falling with a crown on his head. It’s also called “the shattered
citadel”. It gives warning of some strange fatalities awaiting one, also danger of accidents and defeat of
one’s plans. If it appears as a compound number relating to the future, it’s a warning sign that one
should be very careful.

MEANING: The compound number of 16/7 is a number of fatalities or/ and metaphorical fatalities in
one’s closest relations. People who are represented by the compound number of 16/7 have lost a lot of
loved ones in their lives, and people who are represented by the compound number of 16/7 will live long
so they will outlive all their loved ones and thereby they will experience even more fatalities in their near
People who are represented by the compound number of 16/7 don’t feel themselves much. They are in
a constant stage of anesthesia. For example, if they break their hand, they ignore their pain, and they
just keep on doing what they used to do.

Solar plexus center: 6

BALANCED: Great love life – Strong sexual attraction – Strong family values - Charisma – Loved by
many – Magic abilities – Strong – Grounded – Practical – Homely – Strong fertility – Honest – Modest
- Loyalty.

UNBALANCED: Terrible love life – Problems and �ghts in family – Stubborn – Mocking – Security
addict – Hates changes – Stuck – Depression – Creature of habit – Jealous - Hate successful people –
Making other people feel bad about themselves.

The number 6 is represented by planet Venus.

The number 6 stands for comfort, homeliness and therefore people who are represented by the number
6 are slow movers and they are very stubborn. On the contrary, people who are represented by the
number 6 are very charming, and they appear trustworthy. They are people who give a �rm hand shake,
and they give you an impression that a deal is a deal.
However, people who are represented by the number 6 are very skilled in manipulation and in using their
charm for personal gain.

Spine number: 12/3

UNBALANCED: Anxiety - Victimhood - Paranoia - Irrational fear - Mind racing - Self-destructive behavior -

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Powerlessness - Good at theory - Interested in self-development - Want to take responsibility, but unable
to do it properly.

CHALDEAN TABLETS: The symbolism of this number is suffering and anxiety of mind. It is also
indicated as the sacri�ce or the victim and generally, it foreshadows one being sacri�ced for the plans
and intrigues of others.

MEANING: It’s mentioned in the Chaldean tablets that the number 12/3 is the number of victimhood.
This happens in the way that one does everything according to the book, and other people mess up, and
one becomes the victim to other people’s mistakes and incompetence. Therefore if one is represented
by the compound number of 12/3, one will often experience victimhood and hopelessness. One tries to
evolve from it, and one works a lot with oneself, but one keeps falling back into the same mistakes over
and over. Therefore with the compound number of 12/3, one is paranoid and overthinks things. One is
afraid that the danger is around every corner. Therefore one gets a great deal of anxiety. From this
comes addictions and self-destructive and/or abusive behavior.

Vitality number: 13/4

BALANCED: Innovative skills - Good at thinking outside the box - Doing the unexpected - Creating
change - Seeing opportunities everywhere - Logical mind - Talents of maths and physics - Rational mind.

UNBALANCED: OCD - Autism - Asperger's syndrome - Black sheep - Confused - Nitpicker - Treacharous -
Opportunist - Likes to be in opposition - Provocative behavior.

CHALDEAN TABLETS: This is a number indicating a change of plans, place, and such-like and it’s not
unfortunate as it’s generally supposed. In some of the ancient writings, it’s said: “He who understands
the number 13/4 will be given power and dominion”. It’s symbolized by the picture of “The grim reaper”
with a scythe reaping down men in a �eld of new-grown grass where young faces and heads appear
cropping up on every side. It’s a number of upheaval and destruction. It’s a symbol of power which if it’s
wrongly used will wreak destruction upon oneself. It’s a number of warning of the unknown or
unexpected if it becomes a compound number in one’s calculations.

MEANING: In the Chaldean tables, the compound number of 13/4 is associated with the Grim Reaper.
The symbol of death. The symbol of death is a metaphor for removing something that is there and
replacing it with something new.
This could, for example, have to do with removing old and outdated traditions and concepts and

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replacing them with new ideas – for example science and other similar things. The compound number
of 13/4 is the number of innovation, science, and everything that can be proven and documented.
Innovation is something that changes old habits and traditions.
The compound number of 13/4 is basically about change.
Therefore people who are represented by the compound number of 13/4 are also people who often
change their mind – to great frustration to their fellows.
People who are represented by the compound number of 13/4 often suffer from ADHD, autism,
Asperger’s syndrome, OCD, and other similar spectrum sufferings.

Appearance number: 42/6

BALANCED: Building things up with a steady hand – Avoiding to burn out – Good at patience – Success
comes in the midlife period – Family oriented – Compassionate.

UNBALANCED: Many frustrating changes in life – Extra bills – Life gets out of control – Black sheep.

A person who is represented by the compound number 42/6 has a natural-born charm and charisma.
Therefore this person is liked by most people as he/ she has a strong social magnetism.

Column number: 25/7

BALANCED: What doesn't kill me makes me stronger! – Talented and able to get smart – Learns quickly
– Strong intuition/gut feeling – Appears wise – Good at making right decisions – Good at
understanding people – Good at being at the right spot on the right time – Good judgment.

UNBALANCED: Many tough lessons – Endless hardship – Tough childhood – Many failures to learn
from – Many disappointments to overcome.

CHALDEAN TABLETS: This is a number denoting strength gained through experience, and bene�ts
obtained through observation of people and things. It is not deemed exactly lucky, as its success is
given through strife and trials in an earlier life. It is favorable when it appears in regard to the future.

MEANING: The compound number of 25/7 has a motto: What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger!
This is the case because the essence of the compound number of 25/7 is that one gradually learns and
grows stronger from experience. Especially from tough experience.
Furthermore, people who are represented by the compound number of 25/7 have strong creativity and a

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good gut feeling.

Life theme: 3

BALANCED: Good strategist - Never gives up - Turns dreams into plans - Being structured - Perfectionist
- Strong will - Always on the forefront - Patient - Enjoying the jurney to success - Making projects expand
- Good sense of humor - Ambitious - Determined.

UNBALANCED: Acting superior - Stubborn - Lone wolf - Arrogant - All or nothing attitude - Judgmental -
Cruel - Black and white view upon life - Lots of hardship - Control freak - Problems in family - Rough
childhood - Refuses to concede defeat when defeated – Negatively pragmatic.

The number 3 is represented by planet Jupiter.

The number 3 is the �rst number of the Heavenly Triad of 3, 6 and 9. It’s the number of expansion,
growth and the “male winner mentality”. It’s a number of theories, knowledge, and advancement.
People who are represented by the number 3 have a strong talent at being strategic and keeping an
overview. Unlike people who are represented by the “feminine winner mentality” (number 1) who like to
outsource, people who are represented by the number 3 want to do everything themselves. Therefore
they often appear as a “one-man army”.
This is the case because people who are represented by the number 3 want to be in control in order to
be sure that everything is done well enough.

Heart center: 11/2

UNBALANCED: Low self-esteem - Social pleaser - Inferior complexes - Feels he/ she has a lot to prove -
Neglected in childhood - Wants recognition from other people - Touchy - Narcissist tendencies - Afraid
to say no - Compromises self-integrity in order to please others.

CHALDEAN TABLETS: This is an ominous number to occultists. It gives warning of hidden dangers,
trials, and treachery from others. It has a symbol of a clenched hand and a lion muzzled. It represents a
person who will have great di�culties to contend against.

MEANING: The symbolism of a lion muzzled means that one has a great deal of inner strength, but it all
drowns in self-doubt, low self-esteem and mind racing.

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Therefore the number 11/2 is the number of stress, low energy, and low self-esteem. It’s a number of
caring too much about other people’s opinions and it’s a number of inferior complexes. Therefore
addictions come with the compound number of 11/2.

Solar plexus center: 9

BALANCED: Honor – Justice – Integrity – Frankness – Righteousness – Seeing the big picture –
Fairness – Speaking one’s mind – Standing up for oneself – Speaking the truth – A deal is a deal –
Credibility – True wisdom - Authoritative behavior.

UNBALANCED: Querulous behavior – Always looking for a �ght – Unnecessarily tough – Self righteous
– Often complaining and ranting - Tough life – Tough childhood – Many �ghts and struggles –
Authoritarian behavior.

The number 9 is represented by planet Mars.

People who are represented by the number 9 are focused on justice, integrity, and honor. Therefore they
are very frank and they speak their mind without a �lter.
The number 9 is the �nal number of the Heavenly Triad of 3, 6 and 9. It’s also considered to be a divine
number because it’s the highest number there is. The number 9 is considered as the number of literally
everything. Therefore the number 9 is the shadow number of number 0. The number 0 is the number of
nothing and the number 9 is the number of everything. According to ancient Chaldean philosophy,
everything is nothing, and nothing is everything. Therefore people who are represented by the number 9
are meant to be the enforcers of Karma and justice.
Nearly all people who are represented by the number 9 have had a tough childhood.
People who are represented by the number 9 are meant to see the big picture of life.

Vitality number: 11/2

UNBALANCED: Low self-esteem - Social pleaser - Inferior complexes - Feels he/ she has a lot to prove -
Neglected in childhood - Wants recognition from other people - Touchy - Narcissist tendencies - Afraid
to say no - Compromises self-integrity in order to please others.

CHALDEAN TABLETS: This is an ominous number to occultists. It gives warning of hidden dangers,
trials, and treachery from others. It has a symbol of a clenched hand and a lion muzzled. It represents a
person who will have great di�culties to contend against.

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MEANING: The symbolism of a lion muzzled means that one has a great deal of inner strength, but it all
drowns in self-doubt, low self-esteem and mind racing.

Therefore the number 11/2 is the number of stress, low energy, and low self-esteem. It’s a number of
caring too much about other people’s opinions and it’s a number of inferior complexes. Therefore
addictions come with the compound number of 11/2.

Column number: 18/9

KEYWORDS: A deal is a deal! - Focused on justice, but sometimes acts self righteously - Works hard -
Focus on materialism - Appears as if he/ she is in control, but lots of anger is turned inwards - Wants to
stand up for him/herself.

CHALDEAN TABLETS: This number has a di�cult symbolism to translate. It’s pictured as a rayed moon
from which drops of blood are falling. A wolf and a hungry dog are seen below catching the falling drops
of blood in their opened mouths, while still lower down a crap is seen hastening to join them. It’s a
symbol of materialism striving to destroy the spiritual side of nature. It’s generally associated with a
person who has bitter quarrels in the family. It’s a number of war, upheavals, revolutions and in some
cases, it indicates making money and position through wars. It’s, however, a number of treachery,
deception by others, also danger from the elements such as storms, danger from water, �res, and

MEANING: The compound number of 18/9 is a number of working hard and getting things done. The
prime motivation is materialism, status, and achievements.
People who are represented by the compound number of 18/9 are strictly focused on justice. However,
they have a lot of frustrations within. Therefore their sense of justice often gets polluted by self-
righteous behavior, and their strife for justice becomes injustice. Furthermore, people who are
represented by the compound number of 18/9 tend to prioritize status before the environment.
People who are represented by the compound number of 18/9 always have many problems in family
because they have very low patience with bullshit.

Spine number: 7

BALANCED: Strong intuition – Wisdom – Being on the right spot at the right time – Social magnetism –
Popularity – Deep insight in life’s big mysteries – Psychic abilities – Strong creativity – Truth seeking.

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UNBALANCED: Lack of grounding – Sick beliefs and stand points – Anxiety – In�uenced by demonic
astral beings – Too open spiritual channels – Demonic behavior – Life feels like a nightmare –
Depression – Religious.

The number 7 is represented by planet Neptune.

The number 7 stands for insight, seeking deeper meaning in everything, and therefore people who are
represented by the number 7 have many profound thoughts within their mind. They seek a deeper
meaning in everything, and they try to understand a deeper meaning – even where one might say –
there is none.
People who are represented by the number 7 are good at understanding people’s intentions behind their
actions and they have a very developed gut feeling. Hower, people who are represented by the number 7
are afraid to appear weak. . Therefore many male criminals are represented by the number 7 because
they are afraid to be weak.

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