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Financial Results Q2 FY 2020

Business Canara
Debit Card Diya

Cebit Card Canara

Bhim QR

Internet Banking
Internet Banking
Canara Mobile
e-infoBook Banking

Candi Canara

NSE: CANBK BSE: 532483

Performance Highlights – Q2 FY2020 (Y-o-Y)
Total Business Gross Advances Total Deposits Operating Profit Net Profit
Rs. 1055653 cr Rs. 446217 cr Rs. 609436 cr Improved from Improved from
Rs.2327 Cr to Rs.2545 Cr Rs.300 Cr to Rs.365 Cr
7.71 4.22 10.42 9.37
% % % 21.89
% %
Key Ratios %

RoA up from RoNW up from CoD at YoA at NIM at

0.19% to 0.20% 4.93% to 5.13% 5.72 % 8.24 % 2.24 %

Capital Adequacy (Basel III)

11.12% 2.87% 13.99%

Improving Asset Quality (Q-o-Q)

Gross NPA Net NPA Provision Coverage Ratio
reduced reduced improved
from 8.77% to 8.68% from 5.35% to 5.15% from 68.62% to 70.11%

Page 2
Global Business

Amt. in Rs. Crore

Growth % Growth %
Parameters Mar’18 Sep’18 Mar’19 Jun’19 Sep’19
Q-o-Q Y-o-Y

Global Deposits 524772 551926 599033 610674 609436 (0.20) 10.42

Global Advances
400843 428158 444216 449290 446217 (0.68) 4.22

Global Business 925615 980084 1043249 1059964 1055653 (0.41) 7.71

Global C-D Ratio

76.38 77.58 74.16 73.57 73.22 -- --

Global Advances
381703 409529 427727 432768 429319 (0.80) 4.83

Year-on-year addition in Global business (Gross) - Rs. 0.75 Lakh Crore.

Page 3
Domestic & Overseas Business
Amt. in Rs. Crore
Domestic Business
Parameters Mar’18 Sep’ 18 Mar’19 Jun’19 Sep’19 Gr. % Q-o-Q Gr. % Y-o-Y
Domestic Deposits 485994 523947 565917 577439 574110 (0.58) 9.57

Domestic Advances
371205 405958 419005 423548 418555 (1.18) 3.10

Domestic Business 857199 929905 984921 1000987 992665 (0.83) 6.75

C-D Ratio(%) 76.38 77.48 74.04 73.35 72.90 -- --
Overseas Business
Parameters Mar’18 Sep’ 18 Mar’19 Jun’19 Sep’19 Gr. % Q-o-Q Gr. % Y-o-Y
Overseas Deposits 38778 27979 33116 33235 35326 6.29 26.26

Overseas Advances
29638 22200 25211 25742 27662 7.46 24.60

Overseas Business 68416 50179 58328 58977 62988 6.80 25.53

Domestic Market share* -
 Deposits Market share- 4.31% and Advances Market Share- 4.21%
*(as of 27.09.2019) Source: RBI Weekly Statistical Supplement)
Page 4
Business Mix
(Rs. in Crores)
Growth % Growth %
Parameters Mar-18 Sep-18 Mar-19 Jun-19 Sep-19
Q-o-Q Y-o-Y
Global Deposits 524772 551926 599033 610674 609436 (0.20) 10.42
Global Advances (Gross) 400843 428158 444216 449290 446217 (0.68) 4.22
Global Business 925615 980084 1043249 1059964 1055653 (0.41) 7.71
Saving Deposits 142051 146446 151535 148529 153235 3.17 4.64
Current Deposits 24984 23212 23274 21790 32499 49.14 40.01
CASA Deposits 167035 169659 174809 170319 185734 9.05 9.48
Domestic CASA Share 34.28 32.34 30.86 29.46 30.52
(as % of Domestic Deposits)
Retail Term Deposits 217298 218914 232205 236751 242174 2.29 10.63
Business per Employee 15.73 16.46 17.88 18.45 17.84 (3.29) 8.43
Operating Profit 1765 2327 2973 2440 2545 4.30 9.37
Operating Profit per
12.00 15.63 20.38 16.99 17.21 1.28 10.10
Employee (Annualised Rs. In Lakhs)

(In numbers)
Total No of Employees 58855 59557 58350 57449 59162 2.98 (0.66)
Banking Outlet Network 6212 6308 6300 6323 6310 (0.21) 0.03
ATM Strength 9395 9207 8851 8837 8801 (0.41) (4.41)

Page 5
Credit Portfolio
(Rs. in Crores)
Growth % Growth %
Parameters (Amount O/s) Mar-18 Sep-18 Mar-19 Jun-19 Sep-19
Q-o-Q Y-o-Y
I. Priority Sector Credit
1. Agriculture Credit
(a) Retail – Agri. Credit 77120 80699 84288 86462 89456 3.46 10.85
(b) Non-Retail - Agri. Credit 5336 5808 6255 6227 6378 2.42 9.81
(c) Total Agri. Credit (a+b) 82456 86507 90543 92689 95834 3.39 10.78
2. MSME Credit
(d) Retail MSME Credit 42602 44098 44932 45311 45529 0.48 3.25
(e) Non-Retail MSME Credit 39496 44045 40236 43540 41318 (5.10) (6.19)
(f) Total MSME Credit (d+e) 82098 88143 85168 88851 86847 (2.26) (1.47)
3. Other Priority Sector (OPS)
(g) Retail – OPS Credit 18393 18490 18115 24380 24947 2.33 34.92
(h) Non-Retail– OPS Credit 366 397 1300 1450 1496 3.17 276.83
(i)Total Priority Credit (c+f+g+h) 183313 193537 195126 207370 209124 0.85 8.05
II. Non-Priority Sector Credit
(j) Retail – Non Priority 38903 47484 54950 51870 55180 6.38 16.21
(k) Corporate Credit 173854 181954 188104 183832 175519 (4.52) (3.54)
Out of which, Infrastructure 52760 55085 56798 56717 61225 7.95 11.15
(l) Staff Loans 4773 5183 6036 6218 6394 2.84 23.36
(m) Total Non-Priority (j+k+l) 217530 234621 249090 241920 237093 (2.00) 1.05
Gross Credit (i+m) 400843 428158 444216 449290 446217 (0.68) 4.22
Page 6
Credit Portfolio (Contd.)
(Rs. in Crores)

Growth Growth
Parameters Mar-18 Sep-18 Mar-19 Jun-19 Sep-19 % %
Q-o-Q Y-o-Y

a. Total Priority and Retail Credit 222216 241021 250076 259240 264304 1.95 9.66

b. Staff Loans 4773 5183 6036 6218 6394 2.84 23.36

c. Total Corporate Credit 173854 181954 188104 183832 175519 (4.52) (3.54)

Out of Corporate Credit:

Total Exposure towards PSEs* 26154 28741 32777 36654 38107 3.96 32.59
(Excluding guaranteed as under)

Exposure on Government &

28615 29845 38520 35189 37617 6.90 26.04
Guaranteed by Government

Gross Advances (a+b+c) 400843 428158 444216 449290 446217 (0.68) 4.22
* Public Sector Enterprises
Page 7
Priority Sector Credit for ANBC
(Rs. in Crores)

Growth % Growth %
Parameters Mar-18 Sep-18 Mar-19 Jun-19 Sep-19
Priority Sector Advances- ANBC

Priority Sector Advance O/s 183313 193537 195126 207370 209124 0.8 8.1

(Add) RIDF & Others 2313 2122 1886 1844 1745 (5.4) (17.8)

(Less) PSLC Sold 13720 15500 20674 12024 18528 54.1 19.5

Total Priority Sector for ANBC 171906 180159 176338 197190 192341 (2.5) 6.8

Agriculture Advances - ANBC

Agriculture Advances O/s 82456 86507 90543 92689 95834 3.4 10.8

(Add) RIDF & Others 1556 1440 1300 1247 1225 (1.8) (14.9)

(Less) PSLC Sold 13720 15500 20674 12024 18524 54.1 19.5

Total Agriculture for ANBC 70292 72447 71169 81912 78535 (4.1) 8.4

Page 8
Priority Sector Credit Outstanding
(Rs. in Crores)

Growth Growth Regulatory

Parameters Mar-18 Sep-18 Mar-19 Jun-19 Sep-19
%QoQ %YoY Requirement

ANBC 321749 342838 366197 374884 390894 4.3 14.0 --

Priority Sector
171906 180159 176338 197190 192341 (2.5) 6.8 --
Advances for ANBC

% of Priority Sector
53 53 48 53 49 -- -- 40
Advances to ANBC

Agriculture Advances
70292 72447 71169 81912 78535 (4.1) 8.4 --
for ANBC

% of Agriculture
22 21 19 22 20 -- -- 18
Advances to ANBC

Page 9
Retail Credit Outstanding
(Rs. in Crores)

Growth % Growth %
Parameters Mar-18 Sep-18 Mar-19 Jun-19 Sep-19
Q-o-Q Y-o-Y

(a) Housing Loans 27572 30551 33581 34888 36611 4.94 19.84

(b) Vehicle Loans 6739 7637 9446 9787 10077 2.96 31.95

(c) Education Loan 8438 8855 8859 9036 9326 3.21 5.32

(d) Other Personal Loans 14547 18931 21179 22539 24113 6.98 27.37
(e) Total Retail loans
57296 65974 73065 76250 80127 5.08 21.45
(Core) (a+b+c+d)

(f) Retail- Pool Buyout 1779 1489 1294 1242 1995 60.63 33.98

(g) Gross Retail loans 59075 67463 74359 77492 82122 5.97 21.73

Page 10
Infrastructure Credit – Sector Wise
(Rs. in Crores)

Outstanding balance % to Total

Growth % Growth %
Parameters Advances
Mar-18 Sep-18 Mar-19 Jun-19 Sep-19 Sep’19 Q-o-Q Y-o-Y

(A) Total Exposure to Power 31115 29692 30389 30172 32915 7.4 9.1 10.9
(i) Central Govt. Undertakings 2377 3463 3433 3228 4242 1.0 31.4 22.5
(ii) State Govt. Undertakings 13820 14059 15718 15808 18121 4.1 14.6 28.9
(iii) Private Sector 14918 12170 11238 11136 10552 2.4 (5.2) (13.3)
(B) Transport 12469 12843 13002 13210 14241 3.2 7.8 10.9
Of which Road Transport 7807 7558 7292 7229 7934 1.8 9.8 5.0

(C) Telecom 4711 4362 4053 4053 4052 0.9 (0.0) (7.1)
(D) Social & Commercial
1617 4076 4335 4035 4680 1.0 16.0 14.8
(E) Water & Sanitation 2848 4112 5019 5247 5338 1.2 1.7 29.8
Total (A+B+C+D+E) 52760 55085 56798 56717 61225 13.7 7.9 11.1

Page 11
Infrastructure Credit - Power
(Rs. in Crores)

Outstanding balance
Mar'18 Sep'18 Mar'19 Jun'19 Sep’19

To To To To To
Central/ To Other Central/ To Other Central/ To Other Central/ To Other Central/ To Other
State Sectors State Sectors State Sectors State Sectors State Sectors
sector sector sector sector sector

8301 14123 9800 11457 10258 10525 9743 10395 11201 9923

1226 -- 1167 -- 1551 -- 1568 -- 2191 --

6669 795 6556 713 7342 714 7725 741 8971 629

TOTAL 16197 14918 17522 12170 19150 11239 19036 11136 22363 10552

Page 12
(Rs. in Crores)
Category Mar-18 Sep-18 Mar-19 Jun-19 Sep-19
HTM 100086 95301 88627 87286 101555
AFS 42463 54448 61611 64332 57433
HFT 204 123 222 123 148
AFS 142753 149872 150460 151741 159136
HFT 36.09% (Domestic)

Modified Duration (Sep-19)

AFS 2.31

Entire Portfolio 4.71

Page 13
Income & Expenditure
(Rs. in Crores)

Outstanding balance - Quarterly Qrtrly Growth Half Yearly

Q4 Q2 Q4 Q1 Q2 H1 H1 Growth
% q.o.q % y.o.y
FY2018 FY2019 FY2019 FY2020 FY2020 FY2019 FY2020 % y.o.y

Total Interest Income 10223 11124 12138 12201 12392 1.57 11.40 22483 24593 9.4

Total interest
7236 7842 8638 8960 9262 3.37 18.11 15319 18222 18.9

Net Interest Income 2988 3281 3500 3241 3130 (3.43) (4.60) 7164 6370 (11.1)

Total Income 11555 12679 14000 14062 14462 2.84 14.06 25872 28524 10.3

Total Expenditure 9790 10352 11027 11622 11917 2.54 15.12 20611 23540 14.2

Operating Profit 1765 2327 2973 2440 2545 4.30 9.37 5260 4985 (5.2)

Net Profit -4860 300 -552 329 365 10.90 21.89 581 694 19.4

Page 14
Interest & Non-Interest Income
(Rs. in Crores)

Quarterly Half year

Parameters Q4 Q2 Q4 Q1 Q2 Growth Growth H1 H1 Growth
FY2018 FY2019 FY2019 FY2020 FY2020 % q.o.q % y.o.y FY2019 FY2020 % y.o.y
Interest Income
Interest on Advances 7252 8201 8630 9099 9185 0.95 12.00 16527 18284 10.63
Interest on Investments 2552 2720 2819 2793 2788 (0.14) 2.50 5338 5580 4.53
Other Interest 419 203 689 309 420 35.92 106.90 618 729 17.96
Total Interest income 10223 11124 12138 12201 12392 1.57 11.40 22483 24593 9.38
Non-Interest income
Treasury Trading Profit 67 7 242 156 259 66.03 3600.00 68 415 510.3
Recovery in TWO A/cs 183 489 111 327 338 3.36 (30.88) 989 665 (32.8)
Commission, Exchange &
243 310 296 413 305 (26.15) (1.61) 656 718 9.5
Profit on
141 159 204 241 320 32.78 101.26 258 561 117.4
Foreign Exchange
681 556 996 618 818 32.36 47.12 1279 1435 12.2
(PC, Service Charges etc.)

Others 17 34 13 106 30 (71.70) (11.76) 138 137 (0.7)

1332 1555 1862 1861 2070 11.17 33.12 3388 3931 16.0
Non-Interest Income
Total Income 11555 12679 14000 14062 14462 2.84 14.06 25872 28524 10.3
Page 15
(Rs. in Crores)

Quarterly Half Year

Q4 Q2 Q4 Q1 Q2 Growth % Growth % H1 H1 Growth %
FY2018 FY2019 FY2019 FY2020 FY2020 q.o.q y.o.y FY2019 FY2020 y.o.y
Interest Expenses
(i) Interest Paid on
6716 7348 8075 8406 8604 2.36 17.09 14329 17009 18.7
(ii) Other Interests 520 494 563 554 659 18.95 33.40 990 1213 22.5
(1) Total interest
7236 7842 8638 8960 9262 3.37 18.11 15319 18222 19.0
Expenses (i+ii)
Operating Expenses

(a) Staff Cost 1307 1552 1040 1560 1521 (2.50) (2.00) 3069 3080 0.4

(b) Other Operating

1248 957 1349 1102 1134 2.90 18.50 2223 2237 0.6

(2) Total Operating

2555 2509 2389 2662 2655 (0.26) 5.82 5292 5317 0.5
Expenses (a+b)

Total Expenses (1+2) 9790 10352 11027 11622 11917 2.54 15.12 20611 23540 14.2

Page 16
Key Ratios (%)

Mar-18 Sep-18 Mar-19 Jun-19 Sep-19

Quarterly Cumulative Quarterly Cumulative Quarterly Cumulative Quarterly Cumulative Quarterly Cumulative

Cost of Funds 5.11 5.17 5.22 5.13 5.60 5.24 5.28 5.28 5.25 5.25

Cost of Deposits 5.42 5.60 5.54 5.52 6.07 5.66 5.75 5.75 5.69 5.72

Yield on Funds 7.22 7.34 7.40 7.52 7.87 7.59 7.19 7.19 7.03 7.08

Yield on Advances 8.03 8.12 8.22 8.33 8.44 8.39 8.16 8.16 8.34 8.24

Yield on Investments -- 7.63 -- 7.63 -- 7.62 -- 7.54 -- 7.49

NIM 2.37 2.42 2.57 2.53 2.76 2.63 2.29 2.29 2.21 2.24

RoA -3.43 -0.75 0.20 0.19 -0.36 0.06 0.19 0.19 0.21 0.20

Return on Net-worth -76.45 -16.74 5.06 4.93 -8.88 1.40 4.94 4.94 5.36 5.13

Cost to Income 59.14 50.03 51.88 50.15 44.55 49.69 52.18 52.18 51.06 51.61

CD Ratio -- 76.38 -- 77.58 -- 74.16 -- 73.57 -- 73.22

EPS (Annualized) -80.35 -70.47 4.08 7.92 -7.49 4.71 17.48 17.48 19.38 18.42

Book Value 314.84 314.84 318.08 318.08 347.56 347.56 356.08 356.08 330.28 330.28

Page 17
Asset Quality
(Rs. in Crores)

Parameters Mar-18 Sep-18 Mar-19 Jun-19 Sep-19

Gross NPA 47468 45233 39224 39399 38711

Gross NPA (%) 11.84 10.56 8.83 8.77 8.68

Net NPA 28542 26778 22955 23150 22090

Net NPA (%) 7.48 6.54 5.37 5.35 5.15

Provision Coverage
58.06 61.39 68.13 68.62 70.11
Ratio (%)
Credit Cost (%) 3.59 2.28 2.92 2.14 2.06

Slippage Ratio (%) 7.73 2.24 4.38 0.91 0.63

Page 18
NPA Movement
(Rs. in Crores)

2018-19 FY 2018- 2019-20

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 19 Q1 Q2

Opening Balance 47468 44660 45233 44621 47468 39224 39399

Additions 4205 3697 5109 2469 15480 3676 2602

Reductions 7013 3124 5721 7866 23724 3501 3290

Cash Recovery-
2535 938 1944 966 6383 1228 1297
Ledger Balance

Upgradation 1673 745 674 -18 3074 335 707

Technical Write-Off
(Prudential and 2805 1441 3103 6918 14267 1938 1286
General w/o)
Gross NPA 44660 45233 44621 39224 39224 39399 38711
Page 19
Sector Wise Classification of NPAs (Rs. in Crores)

Sectors Mar-18 Sep-18 Mar-19 Jun-19 Sep-19 Gross % to Gross
Advance Adv
NPA under Priority Sector
(A) Retail Agri. Credit 3457 3784 4516 4818 5015 89456 5.61
(B) Non-Retail Agri. Credit 394 449 432 443 491 6378 7.70
(C)Total Agriculture Credit 3851 4233 4948 5261 5506 95834 5.75
(D) Retail MSME Credit 4703 4695 4808 5290 5150 45529 11.31
(E) Non-Retail MSME Credit 3427 3892 3391 3437 3621 41318 8.76
(F) Total MSME Credit 8129 8587 8199 8727 8770 86847 10.10
Other Priority Sector (OPS) Credit
(G) Retail OPS Credit 617 642 532 476 459 24947 1.84
(H) Non-Retail OPS Credit 0 72 0 0 0 1496 0.00
(I) Total NPA under Priority Sector (C+F+G+H) 12597 13534 13679 14464 14735 209124 7.05
NPA under Non-Priority Sector
(J) Retail Non-Priority Credit 579 693 709 795 815 55180 1.48
(K) Corporate Credit 34292 31006 24836 24140 23153 175519 13.19
Out of which NPA under Infra. Credit 10278 9846 7859 8801 7251 61225 12.82
(L) Staff Loans 0 0 0 0 8 6394 0.12
(M) Total NPA under Non-Priority Sector
34871 31699 25545 24935 23977 237093 10.11
Total NPA (I+M) 47468 45233 39224 39399 38711 446217 8.68
Gross Advances 400843 428158 444216 449290 446217
Page 20
NPAs under Corporate Sector- Industry Wise Classification
(Rs. in Crores)

Advance O/s
Sector/Scheme Mar-18 Sep-18 Mar-19 Jun-19 Sep-19

Iron & Steel 11397 8936 5698 5132 5143 13963

Engineering 1149 23 22 65 57 8966
Textile 1972 1404 873 907 916 10614
Infra -Energy 5698 4399 3667 3689 3853 32915
Infra-Transport 1580 1943 2838 2711 2346 14241
Infra-Others 3000 3503 1353 2401 1052 14070
Gems and Jewellery 110 96 77 57 76 2366
Food Processing 1828 2009 1647 1463 1492 8985
Wood Product 109 110 112 127 113 923
Others 7450 8583 8548 7588 8105 68476
(Chemicals, Cement, Leather, etc)

Total 34292 31006 24836 24140 23153 175519

Page 21
NBFC Exposure & NPA
(Rs. in Crores)

Mar’18 Sep’18 Mar’19 Jun’19 Sep’19

Total Fund Based exposure

Total NBFC (Fund Based) 37676 46302 52943 53320 51830

Out of which :

HFCs 13508 18553 21635 20211 20510

Private 19122 21235 21189 21851 20159

Public 5046 6514 10119 11258 11161

Gross NPA

Total NBFC NPA 118 124 251 234 248

Page 22
Accounts referred to NCLT

No. of Book Liab. Provisions made Provision

Parameters coverage
Accounts (Amt in Cr) (Amt in Cr) (for NCLT A/cs)

1st List of RBI 12 8847 6954 78.6%

2nd List of RBI 16 4794 3906 81.5%

Others 234 22052 17136 77.7%

Total 262 35693 27996 78.4%

NCLT Resolution Status

Recovery so far as at Amt

30/09/2019 (in Rs. cr)

Recovery through Resolution 2578

Recovery under Liquidation 26
Total Recovery under NCLT 2604
Page 23
Capital Funds (Basel III)
(Rs. in Crores)

Particulars Mar-18 Sep-18 Mar-19 Jun-19 Sep-19

Common Equity Tier-1 (CET-I) 33455 33608 29300 29759 36523
Additional Tier - 1 2769 2776 2551 2601 2716
Tier – II 10280 10188 10082 10102 10093
Capital 46504 46572 41933 42463 49332

Total Risk Weighted Assets 351698 369098 352455 363053 352749

Gross Advances 400843 428158 444216 449290 446217 Min.
RWA to Gross Advances (%) 87.74 86.21 79.34 80.81 79.05 requirement

CET-I Ratio (%) 9.51 9.11 8.31 8.20 10.35 7.375

Tier I CRAR (%) 10.3 9.86 9.04 8.91 11.12 8.875
Tier II CRAR (%) 2.92 2.76 2.86 2.79 2.87 --
Total CRAR (%) 13.22 12.62 11.90 11.70 13.99 10.875

Page 24
Shareholding Pattern
As on Sep 30th, 2019*

Before Infusion of Capital by GoI After Infusion of Capital by GoI

Others Others
8.68% FIIs/FPIs 6.34%
FIIs/FPIs 3.29%
4.50% Insurance &
Insurance & 11.85%


* Govt. of India (GoI) has infused capital amounting to Rs. 6571 cr, in two tranches on 27/09/2019 (Rs. 1806 cr) & 30/09/2019 (Rs. 4765 cr), which
is proposed to be issued as preferential allotment of 27,69,88,576 fresh equity shares to GoI at Rs. 237.23 per equity share.

Page 25
Enhancing Digital Footprints
No. of Credit cards (Lakhs) Card Spend (Rs crore) No. of Debit cards (Crore) Card Spend (Rs Billion)
4.48 4.52 4.58
3.97 386
3.69 352 351
3.38 319 332 317
2.98 575
531 2.81
2.24 498 2.09
478 1.90


Jun-18 Sep-18 Dec-18 Mar-19 Jun-19 Sep-19 Jun-18 Sep-18 Dec-18 Mar-19 Jun-19 Sep-19

Mobile Banking Transactions UPI Transactions

61% y-o-y 1545
10 10 10 243% y-o-y

6 847

Sep-18 Dec-18 Mar-19 Jun-19 Sep-19 Sep-18 Dec-18 Mar-19 Jun-19 Sep-19
Transaction Volume (Lakh) Transaction Volume (Lakh)

Page 26
Customer-friendly Technology Initiatives in Q2FY2020
 Internet Banking OMNI Channel WEB version released for customers.
 OMNI Channel Version Mobile Banking Application released for iOS Customers.
 Additional facilities introduced in Mobile Banking during the quarter
 ASBA issuer module integrated with UPI application.
 Biometric login.
 Credit Card (Canara Saathi) & Debit Card (m-Serve) applications integrated.
 Integrated platform for customers to raise complaints
 SMS alert registration.
 Loan against Deposits and TDS Certificate generation facility introduced in Internet
 Chatbot (‘Saathi’) for customers to obtain reply to queries on Banking products, Services
and Basic transactional activities integrated with our corporate website.
 Customer Feedback Portal – facility for feedback from the customers for branch
 Payment of Credit card dues through NEFT – Enabled now to account instantly.
 Additional facilities introduced through Fixed Point – BC Channels:
 E-KYC based instant account opening
 Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS)
 Additional facilities implemented through ATM Switch.
 Inter-operable cash deposit-issuer module.
 Acceptance of Rupay card in Bhutan.
 Aaadhar Status Inquiry through ATMs extended to RRB ATMs.
 OTP for Debit Card Cash Withdrawals more than 10000/- per day (Cumulative) in our
ATMs for our customers.
Page 27
Expanding the Reach
6305 Domestic Banking Population group Sep’18 Mar’ 19 Sep’19 % to total
(of Regular Banking Outlets)
Rural 1780 1821 1824 28.93
5 overseas branches at Semi-Urban 1953 2003 2002 31.75

Rural + Semi-urban 3733 3824 3826 60.68

New York, London, Hong Urban 1144 1204 1207 19.14
Kong & Dubai
Metro 1234 1282 1272 20.17

Total Domestic 6111 6310 6305 100.00

E-Lounges 182

Other Channels Sep’18 Mar’ 19 Sep’19

ATM Strength 9207 8851 8801

Debit Cards (In Lakh) 381 282 209

Bank has also engaged 3650 Business Correspondent Agents (BCAs)

since Nov 2018 as additional customer touch points.
Page 28
Expanded Clientele Base

(In Lakhs)

Y-o-Y Y-o-Y
Sep’ 18 Mar’ 19 Sep’19
Increase Growth (%)

Clientele 848 873 899 51 6.01

Clientele No. of Deposit A/cs 758 780 802 44 5.80

No. of Borrowal A/cs 90 93 97 7 7.78

51 lakh Clientele accounts added y-o-y.

Page 29
Profit after tax of Subsidiaries, Associates & JVs
(Rs. in Crores)
Q2 Q4 Q1 Q2
Sl. No Profit after tax (Quarterly) Interest as on
FY2019 FY2019 FY2020 FY2020
1 Canbank Financial Services Ltd 100% -0.10 -0.31 -0.11 -0.40
2 Canbank Venture Capital Fund Ltd 100% 1.48 1.79 1.80 0.90
3 Canbank Factors Ltd 70% -0.34 7.65 2.30 0.42
4 Canara Robeco Asset Management Company Ltd 51% 5.28 5.90 6.11 6.51
5 Canbank Computer Services Ltd. 69.14% 0.49 -0.19 0.57 0.39
6 Canara Bank Securities Ltd 100% 2.70 2.81 2.81 2.79
7 Canara HSBC OBC Life Insurance Company Ltd 51% 30.70 6.50 26.10 32.14
8 Canara Bank (Tanzania) Ltd 100% 1.33 3.04 1.15 0.67
Associates & JVs
1 Can Fin Homes Ltd 30% 74.69 86.00 80.98 97.58
2 Kerala Gramin Bank 35% 28.47 -59.21 -52.41 55.70
Karnataka Gramin Bank
3 35% 52.49 -18.16 56.75 22.18
(erstwhile Pragathi Krishna Gramin Bank)
4 Commercial Indo Bank LLC (JV with SBI) 40% 0.18 -6.64 10.21 -7.11
The financial statements of Commonwealth Trust (India) Ltd, an associate in which the Bank has 30% holding, are available only upto 31.03.2017 and its financials are unsubstantial.

Recent Developments
Govt. of India has infused capital of Rs. 6571 Crores under GOI
Recapitalisation plan in two tranches on 27/09/2019 (Rs. 1806 cr) & on
Capital 30/09/2019 (Rs. 4765 cr) thereby increasing the GoI shareholding from
infusion by 70.62% to 78.52%.
GoI 27,69,88,576 fresh equity shares are proposed to be issued and
allotted on preferential allotment basis to GoI at Rs.237.23 per equity

Alternative Mechanism (AM) set up by Govt. Of India has conveyed, on

30th Aug. 2019, its decision to amalgamate Syndicate Bank into Canara
Amalgamation The amalgamation process is progressing smoothly, with the
amalgamated entity expected to commence operations w.e.f 1st April

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Amalgamation of Syndicate Bank into Canara Bank

Alternative Mechanism (AM) set up by Govt. Of India has conveyed its decision on
30th Aug. 2019 to amalgamate Syndicate Bank into Canara Bank
Board of Directors of the Bank in its meeting dated 13th Sept’ 2019
 Considered the decision of the AM regarding amalgamation of Syndicate Bank
into Canara Bank and
 Accorded its ‘in-principle’ approval to the proposal of amalgamation of the
Syndicate Bank into Canara Bank subject to applicable approvals.
The outcome of the above Board meeting was informed to the Department of
Financial Services (DFS), Govt. of India along with the Board’s assessment and
recommendations on the proposal.
The Amalgamated Bank is expected to commence operations with unified
products, processes and services with effect from 1st April 2020.

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Focus Areas - FY 2019-20

Augmenting core operating profits from operations

Accelerated NPA resolution
Improving the Provision Coverage Ratio
Balanced growth in advances with proper mix of Retail & Corporate Credit
Thrust on Retail Business, Asset Quality & Efficiency
 Improving the CASA & Retail deposit ratios
 Improving operational financial ratios
 NIM, RoA, RoE and Cost-to-Income.
Continued focus on digitization for better services and cost minimization

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Thank You

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