Writing Recipes

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Menu Planning Writing the Menu

In planning a menu decide first on the main 1. List the foods in the order in which they are eaten.
dish, then select accompanying dishes and Not every menu will include all of the foods listed.
finally the dessert if appropriate. Appetizer
Main Dish
Starchy vegetable
A well planned menu:

Recipe &
Other vegetable
 Contains a variety of foods to meet the Bread
nutritional needs of those for whom it Dessert
is planned. (Follow the Food Guide
Pyramid to include all the food groups)
Broiled Ham
Grilled Pineapple Slices
Menu Planning
 Is attractive, with a variety of colors,
Cole Slaw
textures, and flavors
Hot Gingerbread with Applesauce
Coffee Milk
 Is suitable for the occasion/meal.
2. Use capitals for all words except articles, conjunc-
tions, and prepositions.
 Is readily prepared and easily served
with equipment on hand. 3. When an item on the menu has an accompaniment,
place the main item to the left and the accompani-
ment to the right.. Example:
 Shows wise use of money and time. Hot Gingerbread with Applesauce

 Utilizes foods in season. 4. When a food is commonly prepared in more than

one way, avoid confusion by describing the method of
cooking, such as:
Roast Turkey French Fried Potatoes

5. List each food, with the exception of butter, cream,

sugar, or salad dressing, unless it is something special.
Sour Cream Dressing
6. List the beverage last.

7. Plan the spacing and arrangement of the items on the

menu so that the written menu is symmetrical.

There are four main ways that recipes are written:
Standard Form: Action Form:
Characteristics Of A Good Recipe
1. List all ingredients first. 1. This style combines narrative action with listed ingre-
dients. 1. Accurate
A. List just what is needed to make the recipe.
B. If ingredient is modified, the exact measurement 2. Takes more space but is easy to follow. 2. Complete
is given. 3. Ingredients are described in the same way as in the 3. Simple and clear
C. Ingredients are listed in order of use. standard form. 4. It should be concise
2. The method follows in paragraphs or steps. Waffles
5. List all the ingredients in the order used.
3. This form is excellent for recipes containing many Preheat waffle iron.
ingredients. Measure and sift together in mixing bowl: 6. Give exact measurements in the easiest unit of
Waffles 1 3/4 C sifted flour measure.
1 3/4 C. sifted flour 1 1/4 C. milk 3 tsp. baking powder 7. Do not abbreviate unless necessary because of
3 tsp. baking powder 1/2 C. melted shortening 1/2 tsp. salt space limitations
1/2 tsp. salt 2 stiffly beaten egg whites Mix together:
8. Use weights for meat when helpful.
2 beaten egg yolks 2 beaten egg yolks
1 1/4 C. milk 9. Use weight or fluid measure of canned goods.
Preheat waffle iron. Sift dry ingredients. Combine egg 1/2 C. melted shortening 10. Specify type of ingredient as kind of flour, fat, etc.
yolks, milk, and shortening, combine with dry ingredi- Stir liquid ingredients into dry ingredients. 11. Use short sentences and clear, simple directions
ents. Fold in egg whites. Bake in hot waffle iron. Fold in 2 beaten egg whites.
12. Give word pictures if helpful such as foamy,
Makes 8 waffles. Bake in hot waffle iron.
syrupy, thickness, etc.
Makes 8 waffles.
13. Give methods that are accepted procedures.
Narrative Form: Descriptive Form:
1. Includes the amounts of ingredients with the meth- 1. Each ingredient is followed by the necessary modifica- 14. Specify size of pans or casseroles.
od. tion so the cook may readily see the ingredients 15. Give two tests for doneness if possible such as
2. Especially suited to short recipes or those with few needed. thermometer and a general test.
ingredients. 2. Amounts of ingredients are listed in a separate col- 16. Give total yield or number of servings of a certain
3. Hard to follow but uses least amount of space. umn. size.
3. Each step is a separate paragraph.
Waffles 4. This is a newer form and is very easy to follow.
Preheat waffle iron. Measure out 1 3/4 C. of sifted flour.
Add 3 tsp. baking powder and 1/2 tsp. Salt and sift again. Waffles
Separate the egg yolks from the whites of 2 eggs. Beat Flour, sifted 1 3/4 C. Preheat waffle iron.
the yolks slightly. Add to the yolks 1 1/4 C. milk and 1/2 Sift dry ingredients into
C. of melted shortening. Stir the liquid ingredients into Baking Powder 3 tsp. bowl
Combine egg yolks, milk &
the dry ingredients. Beat the 2 egg whites until stiff but
Salt 1/2 tsp. shortening Information compiled by :
not dry. Fold the egg whites into the batter. Bake in a Stir liquid ingredients into University of Nebraska—Lincoln Extension
hot waffle iron. Makes 8 waffles. Eggs, separated 2 dry Dakota County
Fold in egg whites which
Milk 1 1/4 C. have been beaten until stiff
but not dry.
Shortening, melted 1/2 C. Bake in hot waffle iron.

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