1 Business Activity
1 Business Activity
1 Business Activity
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Knockout .Economics-No.1 Economics and Business Studies Tutors
Private class, Small Course, Online course :@Knockout.economics
1. Economic Problem
Economic problem : resources are scarce and want is unlimited want. This makes
people have to choose and therefore opportunity cost occurs.
Need: goods and services that are essential for living such as water, medicine.
Want: goods and services that people desire to have such as watch, cars.
Resources: are factors of production including land, labour, capital and enterprise
2. Opportunity Cost
: Cost of an alternative that must be forgiven in order to pursue certain action.
3. Specialization
: People concentrate on what they are best at.
E.g. A man does only one process of production, he specializes in.
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Knockout .Economics-No.1 Economics and Business Studies Tutors
Private class, Small Course, Online course :@Knockout.economics
4. Division of labour
: Production process is split up into di erent tasks and each worker performs one
of these tasks.
Advantages Disadvantages
6. Value added
: Selling price - Material price
Knockout tip: It is not the pro t, need to concern other expenses eg. labour cost,
operation cost etc.
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