Neutrophil Disorders and Their Management
Neutrophil Disorders and Their Management
Neutrophil Disorders and Their Management
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2 authors, including:
Adam Finn
University of Bristol
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8 Lakshman, Finn
Neutrophil disorders and their management 9
10 Lakshman, Finn
others, the period can be as short as 15 days or best antibody screening procedure is a combi-
as long as 35 days, but tends to stay fixed for nation of granulocyte immunofluorescence
each individual.38 Patients also have character- and agglutination techniques,45 which in com-
istic values at which they cycle, with some bination detect antineutrophil antibodies in
cycling at very low values so that they only almost all such patients. Antibody titres may be
“reach” normality briefly every month. The low and screening for granulocyte specific
bone marrow shows hypoplasia or maturation antibodies in patient’s serum may have to be
arrest during neutropenic episodes and hyper- repeated several times.41 A positive test for
plasia during recovery. granulocyte antibody can be crucial in the
diagnosis of AIN and can render bone marrow
ANTIBODY MEDIATED NEUTROPENIAS biopsy unnecessary. Bone marrow examination
These consist of two main groups, autoim- reveals a normocellular or hypercellular mar-
mune neutropenia of infancy (AIN) and the row with myeloid hyperplasia.
antibody mediated neutropenias that occur in SCN often presents with infections in the
the neonatal period. Chronic benign neutrope- first month of life, while AIN usually presents
nia in childhood (CBN) is a label usually used later. The incidence and severity of bacterial
for children whose symptoms clinically resem- infections is usually much less in AIN than in
ble those of AIN and most probably have anti- SCN. AIN may be mistaken for cyclic neutro-
body mediated neutropenia, but in whom penia because it shows day to day fluctuations
antineutrophil antibodies cannot be of neutrophil counts. The main feature diVer-
demonstrated.9 39–41 Such children may also entiating AIN from both SCN and cyclic neu-
have AIN but are probably reaching the end of tropenia is the presence of granulocyte anti-
their neutropenic period, when the antibodies bodies. Such antibodies can also be found in
disappear and neutropenia resolves. Autoim- alloimmune neonatal neutropenia (see below),
mune neutropenias and other cytopenias are but in those cases, the antibodies do not last
also seen in association with some primary beyond 6 months of age and similar antibodies
specific immunodeficiencies. are detectable in the maternal serum.
Neutrophil disorders and their management 11
12 Lakshman, Finn
and frequency of infections. Although daily matched bone marrow transplant, all children
administration of rhG-CSF increases neutro- with reticular dysgenesis would succumb to
phil counts to normal within two weeks75–77 in overwhelming infection.84
children with CBN/AIN, in association with
clinical improvement and a reduction in the Disorders of neutrophil function
frequency of new infections,8 most authorities CHRONIC GRANULOMATOUS DISEASE (CGD)
will be influenced considerably by the clinical CGD is a rare disorder characterised by absent
picture in deciding which children to treat. or reduced function of the respiratory burst,
rhG-CSF has also been used in neonatal which produces oxygen free radicals important
neutropenia of various aetiologies47 78 and in for intracellular killing.
treating the neutropenia associated with GSD CGD is caused by congenital defects in the
1b and Shwachman-Diamond syndrome. Side five components of the enzyme NADPH
eVects thought to be the result of treatment oxidase (fig 1), which catalyses the respiratory
included osteoporosis/osteopenia, bone pains, burst. The mutations underlying such defects
hepatomegaly, haematuria, thrombocytopenia, are heterogenous. In about two thirds of cases,
and splenomegaly (observed radiologically but CGD occurs as an X linked recessive disease
not clinically). caused by a mutation in the glycoprotein 91
phagocyte oxidase gene (gp91 phox gene),
Intravenous immunoglobulin treatment (IVIG) which encodes a membrane bound subunit of
In those diagnosed to have antibody mediated the enzyme; the remaining one third of cases
neutropenia and suVering recurrent or serious are inherited in an autosomal recessive manner
infections, treatment measures available in- and are caused by defects in the cytosol
clude ã-globulin infusions. Although IVIG can components p47phox (25%), p67phox (5%),
be used to correct neutrophil counts, the eVect or the smaller membrane bound subunit,
is short lived and this approach is only used p22phox (5%). In general, patients with
occasionally—for example, as an adjunctive p22phox and p67phox deficiency CGD have a
approach in severe and life threatening similar clinical phenotype to those with X
infections,79–82 unless the child has an associ- linked 91phox deficiency, but patients with 47
ated disorder of antibody production. phox deficiency follow a milder course.85–88
Patients with X linked CGD can, on the basis
Granulocyte transfusions of genotypic analysis, be divided into the X910
Granulocyte or buVy coat transfusions have (complete deficiency), X91− (partial defi-
been used as an adjuvant management strategy ciency), or X91+ (stable but inactive gp91
in individuals with chronic neutropenia and phox) subgroups.89
focal bacterial or fungal infections not respon-
sive to usual treatment. Transfusion of paternal Clinical features
neutrophils that lack the sensitising antigen Most children with CGD present in the 1st
have been described in the treatment of year of life with recurrent bacterial and fungal
neonates with alloimmune neutropenia with infections.90 The most frequently encountered
sepsis. However, the safety and eVectiveness of pathogens are S aureus, Aspergillus spp, enteric
this treatment modality are unknown. Gram negative bacteria (including S marcescens
and various salmonella species), and Burkhol-
deria cepacia. Catalase negative organisms
Bone marrow transplantation (BMT)
(such as Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemo-
In patients with SCN who do not respond to
philus influenzae) are less frequent pathogens in
rhG-CSF, bone marrow transplantation re-
83 children with CGD; the hydrogen peroxide
mains an option. Without an early HLA
they produce may be converted to hypo-
X linked chorous acid by neutrophil myeloperoxidase
Autosomal recessive 2/3 of cases and used to kill the bacteria. Infections include
Chromosome 16q24 (males affected, female pneumonia, cutaneous infections (including
Rare carriers usually healthy) perirectal abscesses), lymphadenitis, liver ab-
scess, osteomyelitis, septicaemia, and otitis
media. One of the hallmarks of the condition is
the presence of granulomas caused by the
chronic inflammatory response to the patho-
p22phox gp91phox Plasma membrane gen. These can mimic Crohn’s disease or can
present with obstructive gastrointestinal or uri-
nary symptoms. Features commonly found on
Cytoplasm clinical examination include failure to thrive,
P47phox p67phox
hepatosplenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, and
p40phox Finn et al reviewed 31 patients followed up
Autosomal recessive
Autosomal recessive Rare
between 1964 and 1989; the actuarial analysis
1/4 of cases Chromosome 1q25 showed 50% survival to the 3rd decade of life.91
Chromosome 7q11.23 With newer treatment approaches, the progno-
sis may be better, particularly for those with
CGD caused by 47 phox deficiency.89
No cases described Carriers of autosomal recessive forms of
Figure 1 Components of NADPH oxidase and subgroups of chronic granulomatous CGD are asymptomatic. Approximately half
disease. of X linked carriers suVer from recurrent
Neutrophil disorders and their management 13
stomatitis and/or gingivitis and about 25% If all four subunits are detectable on western
develop discoid lupus erythematosus on sun blot in an individual with respiratory burst
exposure. A very small proportion of X linked dysfunction, the diagnosis may be a so called
CGD carriers may suVer from increased, “+variant” of CGD. These are conditions
although mild, infections. where the synthesis of the protein is normal but
the enzyme activity is lost. In such cases, cell
Investigations free oxidase assays are used to diVerentiate
The diagnosis of CGD can be made at diVerent defects in the cytosolic components from those
levels. The bacterial killing test is a comprehen- aVecting the membrane components. Some
sive screening test for defects in opsonisation, individuals have partial loss of 91 phox and
phagocytosis, or intracellular killing. It looks at proportional loss of NADPH oxidase activity;
the ability of phagocytes to kill catalase positive they are referred to as “−variants”.
bacteria, such as S aureus, in vitro. However, it Further tests can be done to identify the
is technically diYcult and time consuming to defect at the DNA level by mutation analysis;
perform. The phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) for autosomal recessive forms, this is the best
nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) slide test is an way to identify carrier status. Mutations may
extremely easy and reliable screening test for involve deletions, insertions, splice site muta-
disorders of oxidative metabolism. It detects all tions, missense mutations, or nonsense muta-
but the most mild X linked CGD carriers and tions. Prenatal diagnosis of CGD can be made
variants.92 Neutrophils are exposed to a stimu- by the analysis of DNA from chorionic villous
lus, such as PMA, incubated with NBT, and sampling or amniotic fluid cells if the specific
staining assessed by counting 100 neutrophils mutation in the family has previously been
on a smear. After stimulation, more than 95% identified.94
of neutrophils from healthy individuals stain
positive, with a blue black precipitate of forma-
zan granules, whereas < 5% of neutrophils are Management
stained in individuals with CGD. Carriers of X Management involves measures to reduce the
linked CGD usually show 30–70% positive frequency of infections and to ensure their
cells. However, the test may give falsely prompt recognition and treatment. Avoidance
positive/normal results in certain mild forms of of BCG vaccination is advocated; children
CGD. More sensitive quantitative tests to must receive all other routine immunisations
measure respiratory burst activity in stimulated and a yearly influenza vaccine. Oral and
neutrophils using flow cytometric analysis are perianal hygiene are important and regular
now available.93 Neutrophils are stimulated in dental care, including antibacterial mouth
vitro using reagents such as PMA and the washes, can help prevent gingivitis and peri-
superoxide or hydrogen peroxide generated is odontitis. Injuries must be washed well and
measured. In one assay, hydrogen peroxide rinsed with antiseptic solutions. Regular
generated by stimulated neutrophils converts prophylaxis with cotrimoxazole can reduce
dihydrorhodamine to rhodamine and this is bacterial infections.58 The evidence is less clear
detected using a fluorescent detector. Other about antifungal prophylaxis,95 96 but itracona-
methods, generally used in research rather than zole is often used in severe cases or where inva-
clinical diagnosis, involve the measurement of sive fungal infection has occurred previously.
oxygen consumption using an oxygen elec- Gallin et al showed that prophylactic treatment
trode, or estimating superoxide generation by with ã interferon (IFN-ã) can reduce infection
the reduction of ferricytochrome c, or by rates in patients with CGD.85 97 98 However, the
hydrogen peroxide production by oxidation of infection rates in the placebo control group in
homovanillic acid. Chemiluminescence with that study were higher than those generally
luminol can also be used as a sensitive test of seen in the UK where daily antimicrobial (cot-
NADPH oxidase activity. rimoxazole) prophylaxis is routine. Accord-
The diagnosis of suboptimal respiratory ingly, in most UK centres IFN-ã prophylaxis is
burst dysfunction leads to further investiga- oVered only in selected cases. IFN-ã does not
tions to identify the subgroup of CGD. correct the defective metabolism in CGD but
Western blot analysis using antibodies against
may work by augmenting nitric oxide produc-
each of the four NADPH oxidase components
tion in neutrophils.99 Once infection occurs,
can show whether one of the components is
this must be treated with appropriate
missing. The absence of 47 phox protein and
67 phox protein is indicative of a gene parenteral antibiotics in suYcient dosage and
mutation; however, for the membrane bound duration to eradicate the organism; often
components, if one (either the 91 kDa or the abscess formation will need surgical measures.
22 kDa phox protein) is missing the other will Although corticosteroids should be generally
be absent too because all the subunits are avoided in CGD, they are useful in low doses in
needed for stabilisation and full expression. In the management of symptomatic complica-
such cases, it is useful to confirm or refute car- tions of granuloma formation at diVerent
rier status in the mother using the NBT slide sites.100 101 Results of bone marrow transplanta-
test or dihydrorhodamine flow cytometry assay. tion have been much better in the past decade
However, failure to find that the mother is an X (using matched siblings as donors), although
linked carrier does not completely rule out X numbers are still limited, and there are reports
linked CGD; such defects can occur as new of successful outcomes even in the most
mutations. severely infected patients.102
14 Lakshman, Finn
Neutrophil disorders and their management 15
16 Lakshman, Finn
Neutrophil disorders and their management 17
18 Lakshman, Finn
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