RPP EAC Group 2

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Name : Khoirunnisa Nur Ishmatillah 2103046125

: Indah Apriliyani 2203046028

RPP (Learning Implementation Plan)

Learning Objectives :

1. Students are be able to know how to teach with language demands of mathematics
2. Students are able to engange actively with mathematical meaning-making
3. Students are able to connect math instructions to their lives
4. Students are be able to mention new words or vocabulary in the language demands of

Teaching Method : I-Care Method

Time allocation : 2 x 50

Learning Material : The Language Demands of Mathemactics

Sources : Big Ideas for Expanding Minds, Jim Cummins, Margaret Early

Stages Activity Instruction Time

Preactivity  Greetings and doing prayer  Assalamualaikum wr. Wb 10
Introduction  Teacher checking attendance  Good morning students! minutes
 Teacher starts the lesson How are you today?
with a brief discussion about  Lets we start our meeting
student’s experiences in by reciting basmallah
attending mathematic together!
lessons  Is everybody absent
 Teacher explain a brief story today?
about matheatic challenging  Alright! What do you
in te past know about language
 Teacher asks questions demands of
related to the learning mathematics? Do you
material have any experiences
about it?
Main  Teacher explain the concepts  You can take a look on 30
activity and technical vocabulary of the screen there are minutes
Connection mathematics clncepts and technical
 Teacher give explanations vocabulary of math, you
about the characteristics of can write on your book
mathematicallanguage  And then, we’re gonna
 Teacher shows the discuss about vocabulary
knowledge framework of and text structure as
math on the screen characteristics of math
 Teacher give explanation the For example:
connesctions we can make numerations,
both to students’ experiences measurement, geometry,
and interests spatial sense and etc.
This vocabulary falls into
2 major cathegories; a.
specialized terms and b.
technical terms
 Now write your
experience related to the
learning mathematic

Main  Teacher devided students  I will devide you into 40

activuty into several g roups several groups, please minutes
Application  Students ordered to take a make 4 people in a group
note and discuss what are  Please discuss and
they learned connect math to our lives!
 Teacher asks students to
present their result of their  Do the task 1
 The teacher gives
opportunity to other group to
provide responses to the
 The teacher gives the
individual assignment
Reflection  The teacher asks students  Is there any questions? 10
what things are still unclear minutes
or confusing, then reviews
the material that has been
Extention  Teacher inivites the students  Is there anything that can 5 mintes
to summarize together be improved for the next
 Before ending the learning meeting? (mention at
activity, the teacher gives the least 2 points)
information about homework  Please study at home
to students about what we have
learnt today
Closing  The teacher saying thank you  Oke all of you, I think this 5 minutes
activity and then doing prayer is enough, thanks for your
attantion, before we close
our meeting today, let’s
say hamdallah together!
 Wassalamualaikum wr wb
Assesment :

 Formative assesment is what we have learnt?

 Summative assesment is from the materials we have presented.
 https://forms.gle/Co7sSNkmVn86hWU4A (task 1)

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