Water is a basic resource for our life and one of the most essential
components of our planet Earth. It is used for drinking, cleaning,
transportation, electricity generation, and industries. It is a cyclic
resource and has an abundant supply, approximately, 71% surface of
our planet is covered by water, but the portion of freshwater is only 3
percent of the total water. Also, water is distributed in such a way that
only a small fraction of total freshwater available on the earth is useful for
human consumption. Around 2.45% of the world’s surface area is in India
whereas 4% of the world’s water resource is for India’s population. With
the rapid growth in industrialization, modernization, urbanization, growing
population, and agriculture the demand for water has been pushed up
manifolds but the freshwater resources are in a limited quantity.
With the receding supply of fresh water and enhancing demand for
water, there is a need to conserve and manage water for sustainable
development. Water conservation and management include the
policies, framework, and strategies to manage water effectively and
efficiently. The importance of water conservation and management is
that the basic ecological and life-sustaining system will function properly,
drought effects will reduce, food production enhanced, sanitation
improves, water conservation saves money, helps in maintaining global
peace and geopolitical stability, promote recreational purposes, and many
Sources of Water Generation:
One of the strategies in water conservation is rain water harvesting.[8] Digging ponds,
lakes, canals, expanding the water reservoir, and installing rain
water catching ducts and filtration systems on homes are different
methods of harvesting rain water. Many people in many countries
keep clean containers so they can boil it and drink it, which is useful
to supply water to the needy.[8] Harvested and filtered rain water can
be used for toilets, home gardening, lawn irrigation, and small scale