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Tenughat Dam (Hindi: तेनूघाट बाां ध) is an earthfill dam with composite

masonry cum concrete spillway across the Damodar River at Tenughat
in Petarwar block of Bokaro district in the Indian state of
Jharkhand.The Damodar River Valley Project on the Damodar River
and its principal tributary, the Barakar River, is located in eastern
India. The four main multipurpose dams located at Tilaiya, Konar,
Maithon and Panchet were commissioned during 1953-1959. In
addition, a single purpose reservoir on the main stream, the Damodar,
at Tenughat (with live storage 224 million m3 and without provision
for flood storage) was constructed later in 1974. While the four earlier
dams are controlled by Damodar Valley Corporation, Tenughat Dam
is controlled by the Government of Jharkhand.The 5 kilometres (3.1
mi) long, 55 metres (180 ft) high earthfill dam with composite masonry
cum concrete spillway and undersluice structures, concrete
diaphragm cut-off wall, rock excavation in foundation, diversion
channel, coffer dam and appurtenant works at Tenughat was built for
supply of water to Bokaro Steel Plant and the Bokaro industrial area.
The Damodar River Valley Project on the Damodar River and its principal
tributary, the Barakar River, is located in eastern India. The four main
multipurpose dams located at Tilaiya, Konar, Maithon and Panchet were
commissioned during 1953–1959. In addition, a single purpose reservoir
on the main stream, the Damodar, at Tenughat (with live storage 224
million m3 and without provision for flood storage) was constructed later in
1974.[1] While the four earlier dams are controlled by Damodar Valley
Corporation, Tenughat Dam is controlled by the Government of
Jharkhand.[2The 6 kilometres (3.7 mi) long, 55 metres (180 ft) high earthfill
embankment dam with composite masonry cum concrete spillway and
undersluice structures, concrete diaphragm cut-off wall, rock excavation
in foundation, diversion channel, coffer dam and appurtenant works at
Tenughat was built for supply of water to Bokaro Steel Plant and the
Bokaro industrial area
Importance of Water Conservation and Management

Water is a basic resource for our life and one of the most essential
components of our planet Earth. It is used for drinking, cleaning,
transportation, electricity generation, and industries. It is a cyclic
resource and has an abundant supply, approximately, 71% surface of
our planet is covered by water, but the portion of freshwater is only 3
percent of the total water. Also, water is distributed in such a way that
only a small fraction of total freshwater available on the earth is useful for
human consumption. Around 2.45% of the world’s surface area is in India
whereas 4% of the world’s water resource is for India’s population. With
the rapid growth in industrialization, modernization, urbanization, growing
population, and agriculture the demand for water has been pushed up
manifolds but the freshwater resources are in a limited quantity.
With the receding supply of fresh water and enhancing demand for
water, there is a need to conserve and manage water for sustainable
development. Water conservation and management include the
policies, framework, and strategies to manage water effectively and
efficiently. The importance of water conservation and management is
that the basic ecological and life-sustaining system will function properly,
drought effects will reduce, food production enhanced, sanitation
improves, water conservation saves money, helps in maintaining global
peace and geopolitical stability, promote recreational purposes, and many
Sources of Water Generation:

Water has different sources of generation and rainfall is the most

important source of fresh water. India receives 4000km3 rainfall water in
which South West Monsoon accounts for 3000km3, but the major problem
is that a large part of freshwater is lost in process of evaporation and

Due to the differences in topographical features and uneven distribution,

the total water availability for humans is very less. According to
the Central Water Commission, the total availability of fresh water
from surface water and groundwater is about 1,869 cubic km and out of
which only 60% i.e. 1,122 cubic km (691bcm surface water + 431bcm
groundwater) can be used for beneficial purposes.
Water Usage:
Irrigation consumes maximum water usage which is around 78% of the
total water reserve of India. It is followed by the domestic sector which
utilizes around 6% and the third-largest consumer is the industrial sector
which uses 5% as per Press Information Bureau. According to National
Commission on Integrated Water Resources Development
(NCIWRD), the irrigation sector will need additional water of 71bcm by
2025 as compared to the demands of 2010.
Ground Water fulfills the total demand of 45% of total irrigation and 80%
of domestic water. It is the primary source of drinking water in cities as
well as villages.
Water Shortage And Scarcity:
As per the 2011 census, per capita, water availability was 1567 cum year.
But it is estimated that by 2050, with a population of 1.6 billion, the water
availability will be reduced to 1140 cum.

In states like Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, and Tamilnadu

overexploitation and overutilization of groundwater lead to water scarcity
while in states like Rajasthan, Maharashtra semi-arid climatic conditions
lead to water-stressed conditions. However, in Andhra Pradesh,
Karnataka, and Tamilnadu poor aquifer properties lead to water scarcity.
Importance of Water Conservation and Management:
• Water as a resource: Freshwater is only three percent of the
Earth’s water supply and only half a per cent of this 3% is available
for human consumption according to UNICEF. Therefore we
have a very limited supply of usable water. This supply comes
from lakes, rivers, snow, and groundwater. Ocean Saltwater
cannot be consumed, it needs desalination and which is a costly
process. Hence, water conservation and management is the best
available option that humans have, otherwise, we all have to face
water shortage and crisis.
• Water conservation and management reduce drought and its
effects: Arid areas experience drought regularly, as these regions
are prone to water crises. If these regions have sufficient water
and soil moisture, then the arid regions face fewer droughts.
Water Conservation and management will alleviate the effects of
droughts in these regions particularly. Check dams, contours and
boulder bunds are some of the water conservation measures.
• Water Saves Money: As we know water is a limited and one of the
most valuable resources on earth. It is required almost in all
activities of daily life like cooking and washing. Water shortage
makes the cost of water very high and which affects all sections
of society. Through water conservation and management, excess
spending on water can be saved. Educating the children regarding
the judicious use of water is very essential for a better future.
• Water conservation and management help in environmental
preservation: Water is a critical component almost in
all biogeochemical processes. It maintains the ecological balance
and provides the sustenance of life to different levels of organisms
such as primary organisms, secondary organisms, etc. Failure of
biogeochemical cycles fails the survival of organisms. As
per United Nations, water utilization has been increasing with
more than 200% the rate of population growth in the last 100year.
Around 1.8 billion people will be in water-scarce regions by 2025,
whereas two-thirds population of the world will be in water-
stressed areas.
• Water conservation makes water available for recreational
purposes: Freshwater resources help in beautifying our
ambience. Water lawns, gardens, trees, swimming pools, flowers,
golf courses, and public fountains add not only aesthetic value but
are also good for tourism. According to Oxford Economics and
WTTC, one job out of four jobs in the world is created in the Travel
& Tourism sector i.e. about 10% of all global jobs (334 million)
which accounts for around 10% of global GDP.
• Agriculture production: Agricultural production needs water
consumption in huge amounts. To feed billion of population and
also livestock, require millions of gallons of water every day.
According to Central Water Commission, around Eighty-five per
cent of total freshwater water in India was utilized by the
agricultural sector in 2000, as water is required in almost every
stage of food preparation. For future food security, water must be
conserved and managed properly. Through efficient use of water
in agriculture, water conservation and management practices will
• Water conservation and management help in achieving the UN-
SDG goal of Sanitation: Water is crucial for sanitation, hygiene,
and waste management. Still, water is considered the most cost-
effective component for the maintenance of hygiene and
sanitation. According to UN-SDG, around 2.4 billion
humans across the globe don’t have access to basic sanitation
facilities like toilets/latrines. Through water conservation and
management, sanitation facilities can be spread to people all over
the world.
• For global peace and geopolitical stability: It is said that if there
will be 3rd world war, it would be due to the water crisis, as no
country can compromise on water shortage and as most of the
rivers and lakes have multi-country flowage, there would be high
chances for water-induced war. If every country and person
conserves and manages water properly, then this situation can be
handled properly.
• Water usage requires other resources: For in-house water
supply, desalination for seawater, and cleaning of water require
high inputs of energy. Production of this energy not only pollutes
the environment but also creates energy shortages. Through
water conservation and management, energy can be saved, the
environment can be protected and global warming can be

five methods of water conservation?

1. Having a regular checkup for leaks in pipes and faucets to
avoid water waste
2. Instead of leaving the faucet turned on when brushing teeth,
using a glass of water saves water
3. Filling the washing machine with the right amount of water
based on the load
4. Reducing the length of showers
5. Putting an object in a toilet tank to reduce the amount of water
used when flushing

One of the strategies in water conservation is rain water harvesting.[8] Digging ponds,
lakes, canals, expanding the water reservoir, and installing rain
water catching ducts and filtration systems on homes are different
methods of harvesting rain water. Many people in many countries
keep clean containers so they can boil it and drink it, which is useful
to supply water to the needy.[8] Harvested and filtered rain water can
be used for toilets, home gardening, lawn irrigation, and small scale

Another strategy in water conservation is

protecting groundwater resources. When precipitation occurs,
some infiltrates the soil and goes underground.[9] Water in this
saturation zone is called groundwater.[9] Contamination of
groundwater causes the groundwater water supply to not be able to
be used as a resource of fresh drinking water and the natural
regeneration of contaminated groundwater can take years to
replenish.[10] Some examples of potential sources of groundwater
contamination include storage tanks, septic systems,
uncontrolled hazardous waste, landfills, atmospheric contaminants,
chemicals, and road salts.[10] Contamination of groundwater
decreases the replenishment of available freshwater so taking
preventative measures by protecting groundwater resources from
contamination is an important aspect of water conservation

An additional strategy to water conservation is practicing

sustainable methods of utilizing groundwater
resources. Groundwater flows due to gravity and eventually
discharges into streams.[9] Excess pumping of groundwater leads to
a decrease in groundwater levels and if continued it can exhaust the
resource.[8] Ground and surface waters are connected and overuse
of groundwater can reduce and, in extreme examples, diminish the
water supply of lakes, rivers, and streams.[10] In coastal regions,
over pumping groundwater can increase saltwater intrusion which
results in the contamination of groundwater water
supply. Sustainable use of groundwater is essential in water

A fundamental component to water conservation strategy is

communication and education outreach of different water
programs.[11] Developing communication that educates science to
land managers, policy makers, farmers, and the general public is
another important strategy utilized in water
conservation. Communication of the science of how water
systems work is an important aspect when creating a management
plan to conserve that system and is often used for ensuring the right
management plan to be put into action.[

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